#gnosis think he run this place!!!
fatuismooches · 9 months
fabulam diu oblitus - postlude.
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synopsis: The tale of the raven and the sparrow has long been forgotten by most, but some will always remember.
includes: dottore w/ gn! reader
notes: This is the fourth part of this fic, please read the other parts first! It seems that the fairy tale of you and Dottore comes to an end. Follows some of Sumeru's storyline. Warning for death. Angst. Thank you to my mootie @kaixserzz and my all of my dear anons (🎐, 🐓 <3) who kept me inspired to keep writing this fic :3
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prelude. first interlude. second interlude. postlude. sequel.
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“The raven and butterfly’s happiness continued for much longer. But of course, every creature is aware that nothing lasts forever, and even the lightning in the sky would agree with that statement. All fairytales must come to an end. That was no different for the raven and the butterfly.”
There had been a buzz around the lab lately. Some of the segments had been ordered to leave for a Fatui mission. Which, would have been a normal occurrence, were it not for the place they were headed to this time.
“Sumeru? You’re going to Sumeru?” Your home country had instantly gotten your attention, not only because you haven’t been back in centuries, but also because the segments were never usually dispatched there, instead causing their usual chaos in other nations.
“Indeed. We will see if the Balladeer is able to become the God he so desires to be,” Omega hummed, moving a hand underneath your shirt to record your heartbeat. Ah, that was right. The puppet had stolen the Electro Gnosis to use as his ascension into godhood… and Dottore would be there to see how his experiment plays out. Well, you already had a feeling about how that would turn out. 
Moving on to a different subject, although Sumeru was the home you and Zandik were chased out of, you still held fond memories of it. Many happy things happened there for you, so the thought of it made you smile.
“You have to bring back lots of stories for me! And souvenirs! Oh, I would love to see how much Sumeru has changed from all those years ago,” you dreamily smiled. Yeah, your favorite cafe was probably gone by now… but you’d love to see what replaced it!
“Of course. I expect there will be much to say with the God of Wisdom and the Traveler intervening as well,” Omega chuckled, scribbling down something on his clipboard after glancing at the monitor, before fixing your shirt back.
“Your vitals have been better lately,” the segment commented and patted your head, which you happily indulged in. It wasn’t too noticeable, but it seemed like your body was getting even a little bit better. Not much, a little. But that was good anyway. “But run along now. There is much preparation to be done regarding the trip to Sumeru.”
“Okayyyy,” you stretched your words a bit disappointedly, not wanting to leave the segment, but you knew he had a lot of work to do. So instead you settled with pecking him on the cheek which he of course returned tenfold before you went off on your way. You had quite a few segments to say goodbye to, after all! You’d miss them a lot, but, you still had the other segments here with you. And your lover of course.
Surely, they would be back in the blink of an eye. Yes, surely, they’d return just as they always did. You had no reason to think otherwise. And so for the next few days, everything was normal. Time passed regularly. You got through the days as you did with any other.
But one day was different.
You were in your room by yourself, enjoying your alone time. Because as much as you loved being around the segments, you still liked being by yourself too. But all of a sudden, your tranquility was interrupted by literally a bang on your door, which made you jump.
The knock on your door was frantic and loud. Immediately you hopped out of bed to see what could possibly be so important that your door was getting pounded, but when you opened the door there was no one there. You were very confused… how was that possible? This was a pretty long hallway. Even with the segments’ abilities, there was no way they could just disappear into thin air like that. 
A bad feeling began to creep up on you, your stomach twisting and turning. You don’t know why, but it just did. But surely you were overreacting. Perhaps… perhaps… actually, you didn’t have any valid reasoning you could think of right now. Maybe though, maybe you should go and check on them. Just in case. You know that they’ll be there, in the lab doing their experiments or perhaps bickering with each other as usual, but there was nothing wrong with double-checking. And then you’ll calm yourself with a nice hug from one of them. It would all be okay. 
But you found that your steps were quicker and longer than usual, your breathing heavier than usual. As you got closer to the main lab’s doors, you strained your ears for their voices, anything, something, but heard nothing. You licked and bit your lip that had gone dry, weak legs walking even faster if that was possible, before you swung open the doors, hoping to see those blue mops of hair you so desired to see.
Nothing. The room was empty.
Your footsteps slowed, walking into the room cautiously. It was strange because it looked as if there were people in here just a few minutes ago. Notes that were left unfinished halfway. Beakers that had broken on the floor, with some mysterious liquids soaking the floor. Strange, very strange. And yet no trace of any segments remained.
The bad feeling had grown into something much worse now. Where else? Where else could they be? 
Their rooms. You should check their rooms. They were usually there if they weren’t in the lab, doing their own respective work (because their office and rooms doubled as one since they didn’t need to sleep.) So despite how your chest burned, and your legs ached, it didn’t matter if it meant your heart would be soothed and relieved.
You ran as fast as you could, more like you tried to because your illness had really kicked in since your mind was stressing out a great amount. As you clung to the walls, catching your breath, you paid no mind to the random agents who were looking at you funny, nor did you manage to catch their words of “Omega” or “erased” or “gone.”
It took longer than it should have taken you, but at last, you made it to the corridor with the segments’ rooms. You didn’t bother to knock, swinging open the door to Alpha’s room.
Beta’s room.
Every single room was empty. Fuck, even Zandy’s room was empty. And he was always in there if he wasn’t with you. Your head was throbbing with unease now, your heavy, troubled breathing sounding throughout the whole hallway. Where? Where? Where did they go…?!
“[Name].” A voice sounded from behind you. Spinning around, it was Dottore. Your Dottore! Okay, at least he was still here!
“Dottore,” you breathed a sigh of relief. He would have an explanation for this. “Dottore, where are all the segments? I-I can’t find them anywhere. I mean, I know the lab is really big, but it’s strange for them not to be in these areas,” you placed a hand on your rapidly beating heart, trying to calm it, not noticing your husband’s expression.
“...” The scientist was unsure of how to break the news to you because he knew of the bond you shared with the segments.
“Dottore? Why aren’t you answering me?” He opened his mouth to respond, but paused, seemingly trying to determine the best way to phrase his words. That only worried you more, because he was never one to sugarcoat his words. Your nervousness had returned once more, burning heat from fear creeping up your shoulders. “Zandik, answer me.”
“They’re gone, [Name].” The words took a few moments to settle in, silence overtaking the area for a little bit. But only for a little bit, as your nervous laughter rang out interrupting it.
“Gone?” You repeated. “What do you mean gone? They just can’t be gone. Right? Right, Dottore?” The nervous smile that had etched its way onto your face hurt badly, the laughter mixed with wheezing was painful, but it was all you could do to convince yourself this was a lie.
“Omega has… deleted them in exchange for the Electro Gnosis.” You looked at him blankly, the former emotion on your face gone.
“Deleted? Deleted from this world? From existence?” Your tone got higher and higher as you continued speaking. You didn’t even know Omega had the ability to do that. Or that the segments could be erased in the first place. Dottore just nodded in response. 
“But- but why? Surely t-there was another way?” Your voice was on the verge of breaking into tears.
“He wanted to show respect to the God of-”
“Respect? To a God, of all people?” You hissed, bubbles of anger surfacing now through your agony. “He’s a Harbinger, is he not? And he’s stronger than that God! He- he could have easily found another way! He didn’t have to DELETE the segments! Another method HAD to have been possible! Did he even try to negotiate?!” Hot tears ran down your cheeks as you raised your voice at him. It took everything it had in you not to fully scream. You began to pace back and forth, hand covering your already tear-streaked face, whole body shaking. Your husband could only watch.
Dottore wasn’t thrilled with Omega deleting all his segments either, with the endless resources that went into creating them, but what’s done was done. And both the Electro and Dendro Gnoses were acquired. But you? You were on the verge of hysterics. He had never, not once, seen you like this. 
You had come to a stop, head buried into your arm as you braced against the wall. Oh, the segments were gone forever. They were never coming back. You could only imagine how they must have been in their last moments. That they only had a few more moments to live. You couldn’t bring yourself to think about what Zandy must have thought in his last few seconds.
And what’s more, the segments had disappeared into… nothingness. There was no trace, no remains of their bodies whatsoever. And although seeing their bodies on the floor would have certainly destroyed you, perhaps this was even a worse fate. Because it was as if they never existed at all. You couldn’t even hold their bodies one last time, or give them a proper farewell. They were just… gone. Oh, how you wished you could have at least been there in their last moments, to provide some comfort, some love, some sense of peace. The more you thought about it, the countless memories with them flowing through your mind, the weaker your violently shaking body became as you struggled to hold yourself up. Dottore instantly noticed and, worrying about your frail condition, walked up to you before you spat out at him.
“Do not come near me.” Out of all the centuries Zandik has spent with you, he has never been on the receiving end of much anger from you. Rather, it was you who dealt with that from him. But this wasn’t just anger. It felt like venom.
“Why…” You pulled yourself up once again before glaring at him with teary eyes. “Why didn’t you stop him, Zandik? You could have, couldn’t you? They didn’t have to die…!”
There was only one answer the Harbinger could provide, even though he knew you would not like it. “It was necessary to obtain the Electro and Dendro Gnoses for the Fatui.” To this, you could only laugh again once more before digging your nails into your palms so hard it hurt.
“I see. I see…” You mumbled brokenly before stepping off to the side, your steps still unsteady and wobbly as you nearly tripped. Dottore once again tensed up, body wanting to move to support you, but the look on your face made him decide against it. You then walked past him, not sparing another look at him before exiting the corridor, tears still silently running down your face. He could only watch you as you left him standing, wondering about many things yet nothing at all.
“From that day, there was a drastic shift in the butterfly and raven’s relationship. The butterfly was indescribably hurt by the loss of the other ravens, and could not bear the pain. It was the first time the raven had ever been subjected to such cold treatment by his lover. Usually, it was the other way around. And it seemed like fixing this would not be easy.”
Dottore thought that if he gave you some space, you’d cool off soon enough.
He thought wrong.
You had flat-out been ignoring Dottore since the day the segments were erased. And not just refusing to talk to him. You didn’t even want to be in the same space as him. If he came into your room, you would just leave. As soon as he opened his mouth, you were gone. In order to give you your meds, he had to wait until you were sleeping to slip in, because of the way you were acting. When it was time to eat, he had to leave the meal outside your door, otherwise, you wouldn’t eat. That is if you even took it. The grief made it hard for you to do a lot of things, which made it imperative for him to help, but you didn’t want it. You were distraught, but you were angry too. Why? 
Because you truly loved the segments.
Dottore did not. He did not feel the same connection as you did. So he was at a loss. He didn’t know what to do to resolve this. Apologize? No, he suspected even if he did, it wouldn’t mean anything, because you’d know he didn’t fully mean it, and it wouldn’t bring the segments back anyway. Comfort you? You wouldn’t allow him to hold you or talk to you. Il Dottore did not know what should be done.
Omega received similar treatment when finally returned from Sumeru, the Gnoses in hand. Normally, you would be waiting at the entrance whenever he returned from expeditions. This time, however, you were not, which he supposed he should have expected. You didn’t want his stories. His gifts. No, all you needed to know was that he deleted the segments. They were gone because of him, and you didn’t want to see him right now.
Omega was not a human. He was a segment. Though, that didn’t mean that he couldn’t feel emotions. He did - when it came to you. But Omega was a selfish segment. Selfish when it came to a lot of things, you included. And selfishness and emotions do not bode very well, as it becomes… a convoluted mixture.
The segment thinks of himself as a patient man. He knows how to wait, and wait, and wait until it pays off. He can do that for you, too. Wait for you to come back to your senses. After all, they were just segments, right? And the superior one, the best one of them all was still here - him. So surely you won’t be like this for too long.
Just like his creator, he was proven wrong. He learned the depth of your anger a day he tried reaching out to you, wanting to put this whole situation behind. But you certainly didn’t share the same sentiment. It was like any other day, him talking to you and you walking away, but this time he reached out for you. The segment unconsciously longed for your touch, your affection, that was once so commonplace.
But as soon as you felt his fingers brush yours, you slapped Omega’s hand away with a scowl. You didn’t need to say anything. That one action spoke everything you wanted to.
You would never view him the same ever again.
“And so the butterfly found themselves drowning and suffocating in grief. Their whole life had been changed, the creatures who helped them through so much were now gone. But that would not be the last of the butterfly’s sorrow.”
You had been giving the cold shoulder to Zandik and Omega for a long time. Considering how clingy and affectionate you were before, they didn’t even know you had it in you. But now, it was as different as night and day. However, it wasn’t as much as it was before, because you still had to rely on them in order to live. Despite how much you didn’t want to, without them, you’d be dead. They were the ones who had to administer your medicine and give you check-ups so your condition wouldn’t get worse (although it already happened after the segments were deleted.) It was funny how easily progress could be reversed. How one thing, one random day, could change everything.
So eventually you had to let them in a bit. Most of the time you just ignored them and rarely spoke. Even during the checkups and shots, you had your head turned the other way the whole time. They would still attempt to talk to you, in hopes you would even grace them with a “yes” or “no” rather than the rare nod of your head. But it wasn’t very fruitful. 
Another habit of yours now was that if you weren’t in your room, you were most likely in a segment’s room crying. Especially Zandy’s. Clutching his plushies. Or maybe Alpha’s. Trying to fix up the parts he left lying on his desk. Or Beta’s. Going into his closet to wear his coat. Dottore knew better than to clean out their rooms because you would most likely snap at him again.
You didn’t have much energy to do anything else but lay in your room, blankly staring at the ceiling all day, your head a foggy, grief-filled mess. It did not feel good… you hated the feeling… but what else should you do…? You just wished you could feel the warmth of your segments… the seemingly annoyed but secretly delighted posture of Alpha as you held him from behind. The bitey nature of Beta that didn’t let you go once you were in his clutches. The small, clingy body of Zandy as he cuddled into your body, sweet dreams blessing him instead of the nightmares. But you could only dream about those things now.
Even the regular Fatui agents had noticed this development. The lovey-dovey nature of Il Dottore’s spouse was now reduced to this. You heard them speak about it.
“Have you noticed? Lord Dottore has been far more irritable lately.”
“Oh yeah, both Omega and Prime! I feel bad for those who have to work directly with them…. At least my job is just standing at this door all day.”
“I know. They always were terrifying, but it seems even worse now. Ugh, and now there’s even more work for us since all the segments are gone.”
“Do you know why? Has Lord Pantalone decreased his budget again?”
“Yeah, it’s kind of obvious…” The agent lowered his voice to a whisper. “His spouse, [Name], has been giving them the silent treatment for ages now. Don’t tell anyone this but, I believe that our great Harbinger, Lord Il Dottore… is feeling the effects of this. I’ve never seen them act like this!”
“Is that so? Speaking of, I don’t think I’ve seen them around here very much.”
“Well yes… if you were here for as long as I have been, you’d normally see them all over the lab but, they tend to stay locked up in their room nowadays. And Lord Dottore as well, he doesn’t leave his office much either. Omega seems to take care of much of the outward responsibilities.”
So that was what it was like. You got your answer to if Dottore missed you. You wondered how many people accidentally became his test subjects due to his rising temper because of you. But though it may not have looked like it, not speaking to your husband was hurting you tremendously as well. Because at the end of the day… he was your love, your life. He was your Zandik, the one who meant everything to you. The one who went through everything and anything with you. He was the only one you had… you still loved him, terribly so. Maybe that was a bigger weakness than your illness.
But that didn’t mean you were any less mad at him.
Omega, on the other hand… ah, you didn’t even know what to think anymore… you were so conflicted, it was so hard to even think… when you said you loved all the segments, that included him too. But he deleted all of them… you hated him… but did you love him too? No, you should continue to hate him, he was the selfish one… Zandy was gone because of him… you couldn’t forgive him! So you didn’t forgive him. The days continued the same as always. 
Until one fateful day.
Omega was set to head out on a mission. Which was quite unusual nowadays, because ever since the clones were deleted, he couldn’t afford to leave Snezhnaya with all the work that had to be done. All you had heard was that the blonde-haired traveler would be there too, from all the whispering around the lab.
But what did it matter to you? Whether the segment was here or not, it was the same to you. His whereabouts were surely not of concern to you, so you had no feelings on this. Though the night before he was set to leave, he knocked on your door anyway. You immediately pulled the blankets over your face and curled to the side of the bed so you wouldn’t see Omega. The door shut with a click and his boots sounded against the floor.
“Hello, [Name]. I’m sure you’ve heard by now that I am leaving soon. It is another critical mission for the Fatui, and I suspect the Traveler will be there once again.” He didn’t receive a response from you, which he expected. “But I’m sure this is of no interest to you, anyway.” He guessed right, you thought, you didn’t care. However, even after saying what he had to say, he did not leave. A silence overtook the room as neither of you moved or spoke. But then Omega called your name, with another short silence coming after it before he spoke once more.
“I will not ask for your forgiveness, because I know I will not receive it, nor will I apologize, because I believe I took the right course of action. But…” Omega paused, “I still hold you fondly. I still…” He reached his hand out to your covered body but drew it back before his fingertips could brush you.
“I hope we will be able to talk more once I return.” He seemed to wait a few more seconds, perhaps hoping you would stay something, hoping he could at least see your face before he left, but to no avail. All you heard was the retreating footsteps and the click of your door shutting once more. You pulled the blankets off so you could breathe properly again, as you thought about his words.
What should you do? You didn’t know. The segments had passed quite a while ago, and the pain was still fresh in your heart, but Omega… ugh… perhaps, maybe, just maybe, you could try talking to him once more. Only an attempt. If you didn’t like how it felt, you’d stop. And he wasn’t returning from the mission for a few months, so you had ample time to make your decision anyway.
But Omega never returned.
The next few months flew by quickly, and though Omega had not returned yet, you thought nothing of it. Something must have come up that delayed his return. It’s happened before, it probably happened again. That was until you noticed groups of Fatui huddled together murmuring in the lab. As soon as they saw you, they went back to work and shut up their little gossip quickly, which was very strange. Now you really needed to know what was going on, so you decided to silently eavesdrop on the next pair you found. But you would have never thought of the words you heard next.
Omega had been killed by the Traveler. 
Omega was dead.
Omega wasn’t coming back.
You would never see him ever again. The realization made your body weak as you stumbled back, having to cling to the wall for support. He was gone… the tears immediately sprang to your eyes, as you covered your mouth to keep your sobs down. Omega killed the other segments. Maybe a part of you should feel glad. But no, all you felt was red-hot grief and pain, as you crashed into the nearest random room, and cried, and cried, and cried.
If you knew that was the last time you would see him, you wouldn’t have acted like that…
You wonder why things had to turn out like this.
“The butterfly never truly recovered from their loss, but as they say, time heals all wounds.”
After Omega died, you didn’t have the energy to be mad anymore. You were just tired. Tired of everything. Everything felt like a chore. Though you saw your husband more often now. Since there were no more segments, and Dottore obviously wouldn’t trust even the best Fatui doctors with you, he was the one who did all the usual medical stuff for you now.
Admittedly, his touch felt nice. It felt good. It felt like exactly what you needed right now. Comfort. So you gave in. When he had finished the usual procedure, as he turned his back on you, you reached out and wouldn’t let go of his hand. Dottore stiffened from the contact - it had been a while since you’d touched him so intimately - but you didn’t let go, and only weakly tugged him closer, which he complied to. You couldn’t bring your eyes to meet his, instead blankly staring at his shoes, but he seemed to get the message anyway. Tentatively, he wrapped his arms around you to gauge your reaction, and when he saw no resistance, he pulled you into his chest and held you. You missed this feeling. You missed Zandik.
And maybe you were scared he would leave you too.
Things continued like that for a while. You’d seek your husband out for his touch. His presence. His voice. Anything that would bring you some peace. Though you still remained mostly silent during these times. You just didn’t know what to say. Sometimes you wondered if he was mad at you. Annoyed. Disappointed. You didn’t want to know though. You were content with the fact that Zandik would hold you in his lap even at the wildest hours of the night.
But now, it had been some time since Omega’s death and even longer since the other segments were erased.
You weren’t quite ready to move on, no, not yet, but it was inevitable. Or perhaps you would never truly move on, instead, they would always be a part of you. You’d always carry them with you. But regardless, you needed to try, at least for Zandy. You think he’d want you to try and smile more often. You were speaking a bit more to your Harbinger friends again, and finding some enjoyment in your hobbies. Not to mention your relationship with Zandik was becoming better again. He had still been there, even when your illness and grief had you at your worst, with no complaints. Even though he had nothing to gain from this relationship. Even though you had become someone different. He had always loved you.
But there was still a rift caused by everything that had happened, that you wanted to fix. Because at the end of the day, in this world, you two only had each other. So you decided to talk to him about it. You had a habit of this, just waltzing into his office without knocking, and came upon Dottore who had a small box in his hand, appearing to gaze at whatever was in it, before he quickly snapped it shut at your sudden arrival. You recognized that box. It was the one where he kept his wedding ring in. So he still had it like that after all these years. You pretended like you didn’t see it as he swiftly put it away.
“Zandik. Are you busy right now?”
“No.” Both of you knew that was a lie. The Second Harbinger was always busy. You knew for a fact he was stretched thin, especially since he wasted so much time taking care of you along with his Fatui duties, which piled up quickly with no more segments.
“Alright… can we talk?”
“Of course.” Zandik had been especially attentive to your words lately. Perhaps because he missed the times you would talk his ear off.
“I want to make something clear.” Zandik looked at you curiously as you took a deep breath. Many possibilities raced through his head.
“I still love you, Zandik.”
Well, he certainly wasn’t expecting that, and you could tell, even though his expression did not betray his thoughts.
“You already know the reason I’m…” Your voice trailed off, not wanting to say the words aloud, but you continued. “But I… appreciate you for staying by me. For all these centuries, through everything. It’s been a… very long time. And although things are different now, I want us to be… happy again. It might not be immediately but… it’s because I love you, Zandik.” You swallowed, at the end, your voice growing a bit softer. Ah, you hoped that wasn’t too sentimental. Zandik’s expression was blank so you couldn’t tell what he was thinking.
“So yeah, that’s all… I guess.” All of a sudden, the silence that followed made you embarrassed, and you wanted to leave there as quickly as possible. “Okay, I-I’ll let you do your work now.” And then you hastily made your exit and left the Harbinger alone, before he started chuckling to himself. He’d expect nothing less from you, his dear, darling spouse.
Though he wonders if you realize time is irrelevant for him. He’ll wait for you as long as it takes.
“One thing about the raven and the butterfly that would never change was that they were wholly intertwined with each other. Their fates were one. So even if they happened to go their separate ways, they would inevitably return to one another again.”
It was actually quite scary how fast time flew. From the time you woke up, to marrying Dottore, to the segments passing, to right now… it felt like a blur. You guess, now that your life span was no longer that of a regular human’s, time was starting to skew a bit for you. Well, you were just excited to spend decades more, even centuries with him.
Throughout all the years that had passed since that day, you found yourself falling more and more in love with Zandik again. You suppose that should be normal for a married couple but, it never ceased to amaze you how one man could make you feel like this.
Something that had become somewhat of a habit for the two of you was dancing. Yes, dancing. It had come up during one of your wedding anniversaries. To be honest, neither of you really did or planned anything special for the day. Perhaps there was a bit more kissing along with other affectionate activities, but you two didn’t look at it as something that big. First, because you didn’t want to waste his already precious time, but also because you knew from the beginning the wedding anniversaries would be countless. So every anniversary was more of something you expected, so it was nothing too big to celebrate, especially as people who lived this long… if that made sense. And Dottore… was Dottore after all. Never one to care much for dates.
But on one anniversary you were reminded of how you two danced during the wedding. Your clumsy steps as Dottore guided you through it all, and you wanted to relive that, so he indulged you. And funnily enough, you were a lot better! Your steps weren’t as unsteady and your body didn’t ache as much. Dottore’s feet didn’t get assaulted by yours too much. Even Dottore was pleasantly surprised. It probably had to do with the fact that although you weren’t cured yet, your health had been up on an upward curve. Of course, never the best but, much better than you first were. You were proud of yourself for making it this far.
So now, when you had time, you found yourself rehearsing your steps with him and your husband twirling you around. Perhaps one day you could reach his level.
You found that there were days that reminded you of the Akademiya. Where you could help him with his notes and research like a real assistant would. Obviously, it still wasn’t the best but it was something, and you could see that Dottore liked it. These days often came with you teasing him with embarrassing memories from the Akademiya.
“I still remember when you got motion sickness from piloting that ruin golem, Zandik.”
“For the last time, I did not get motion sickness, [Name].”
“Mhm, sure. If I didn’t drag you out, you would have-”
“That is enough from you.”
You found that there were more days he would take you out into the Snezhnayan winters (you were bundled up to the max) so you could finally see the snow. You found yourself attending your first balls at the Tsaritsa’s palace, as Dottore was now forced to attend himself rather than his segments. He didn’t want to leave you by yourself in the dreary lab so… you were often his plus one, where you spent the evening poking fun at him with Columbina. (You also were the one who publicly took sweets to-go from the parties for him so he wouldn’t get judged.)
And perhaps your favorite memory was when he took you back to Sumeru - yes, to another country - so you could witness the Akademiya Extravaganza festival. He, of course, had no interest in it, but you being you and loving fun things absolutely did. Many things happened, including meeting the Traveler… but that story was for another day.
All in all, you always knew this but, you found that no matter how many years passed, no matter what Il Dottore has done, no matter the amount of sins and wrongfulness he has committed… you were hopelessly in love with him. From the time he was that perpetually irritated but in love student from the Akademiya to his current self, the Harbinger that was a stark contrast to his former self but still possessed you for himself.
Sure, it was a bit lonely at times compared to before, but all the tender moments throughout the years made you happy to have Zandik in your life. Which is why you foolishly thought these times would last forever.
When Dottore told you he was leaving Snezhnaya, and therefore the lab, and therefore you, it jolted you right up from your sleepy daze on his lap.
“What?!” The word came out as a half yell, half-whisper. “What do you mean you’re leaving Snezhnaya?”
“It means I’m leaving Snezhnaya, dear,” he continued on his paperwork (which never seemed to end) as if this was common knowledge. “The mission needs a Harbinger to oversee it, and the task falls to me this time.” 
You were devastated. There were times when Dottore only had to leave the lab for a few days to attend to matters in different parts of Snezhnaya. (You spent the time at Columbina’s mansion because oddly enough, she always seemed to be there… how did she manage to shirk her duties so often?) But this was completely different. He would be so far out of reach, for a long time probably too. Foreign missions always took a while. You remember how long you had to wait for the segments to return from them.
“Okay, then I’ll come with you!”
“No, you’re not,” he immediately shut down your proposition. “Missions are still far too dangerous with your current state. You will stay in Snezhnaya, and wait for me to come back.” You knew when he used that tone, things were final, and you hung your head low, all sleepiness gone at the fact you wouldn’t be seeing him for months. Sure, you would be staying with Bina as usual but, you had a feeling it’d be hard to replace the rush of emotions Dottore gave you on a daily basis. 
Dottore noticed your dour expression, which he obviously expected, and sighed, setting down his pen. At this point, it was a sort of routine that he had memorized, comforting you and all. Although comfort would never be something he was adept in, years of doing it had let him become somewhat proficient. 
“[Name],” he moved his hand to guide your chin up so you could look at him. You were pouting. “These few months, or even less, depending on how quickly the work gets done, will only be a blink of an eye in the grand scheme of things. I’ll be back before you know it,” he hummed. Although he certainly was not pleased about leaving you by yourself for so long, such was the life of a Fatui Harbinger. It was at times like these he missed his segments. (Did that sound selfish? Well, he was a selfish man when it came to you.)
A drop in eternity, huh? Well, when he puts it like that, then maybe it would be just a bit bearable. And, when you think about it, he’s waited over four hundred years for you, all alone. So this little challenge couldn’t be too hard, right?
“Alright… I’ll wait for you, Zandik.”
“Good,” he chuckled at how easy it was to win you over sometimes and stroked your cheek. “In the meantime, you can work on the recipe you’ve been vehemently hiding from me and show me when I’m back.” You immediately brightened at that.
“Oh yeah! I promise you’re going to like these sweets better than the ones at the bakery!” You proudly declared.
“Oh? Now that’s a high standard you’ve set yourself to, dear. Are you sure you’re going to be able to live up to it?”
“Hmph, don’t underestimate me. My baking skills have improved over the years!”
The banter always made you two feel like regular humans, despite what you two really were.
“The days went by peacefully for the lonely butterfly, but soon that feeling was shattered when they learned of a golden comet’s presence near their raven.”
The days in Columbina’s mansion went by rather uneventfully. Surprisingly enough, she wasn’t home as often as usual. It seemed like the Fatui were really stepping up their business now. You’d have to ask Dottore about that. Maybe the day Celestia is defeated was closer than you thought. But today was a day Bina had some time to indulge in cakes and conversation with you. The chit-chat was mundane but brought a sense of comfort until the conversation somehow ended up with Dottore as the topic. Your friend always liked teasing you about him. Everything was lighthearted and sweet until she idly mentioned his mission.
“I wonder how your Doctor is doing on the mission~”
“Well, I’m sure he’ll be fine. He’s Dottore after all.”
“Mhm, that’s right. I do wonder how he plans to deal with the Traveler though.” The mention of the blonde’s name nearly made you drop your teacup.
“W-What?” Your voice cracked as you implored your friend to tell you more. You were now realizing that you neglected to ask Dottore what the mission exactly was, and he did not reveal the contents as well, probably because he knew you’d freak even more if you knew he was most likely going to confront the Traveler. Columbina looked confused.
“Dear, did he not tell you?”
“No! I- ah, he only told me he has a mission in another nation, I guess it slipped my mind to ask him the details!” You now had your hand clutched to your head and another one trying to soothe your now rapidly beating heart. A naive and very stupid part of you thought it wouldn’t have to come to this, but it already did, so quickly too. 
Why were you so particularly scared? It was because all you could think of was Omega’s death by the Traveler’s hand, as well as your fellow colleagues. You knew that Dottore was far stronger than any of them but… you were in a panic. All the worst possible scenarios began invading your mind relentlessly.
“[Name], calm down. Dottore is strong. We do not even know if it will end in a battle or not, but regardless of the outcome, he is smart enough to-” Bina attempted to comfort you before you interrupted her and abruptly stood up.
“I need to go.”
“Go? Go to Dottore, dear?”
“Yes. Yes, I need to see him. I need-” Your words were becoming a jumbled mess from the anxiety this piece of news caused. “I need to see him in person if he’s okay.”
“You do not think you should think about this some more? I suspect the Doctor will not be happy if he sees you there, even if it’s you of all people.”
“It doesn’t matter. If I stay here, all I’ll be able to think about is him.” You could already see yourself losing sleep and appetite over this. “But as long as I can see him okay… even if he’s angry, I can deal with it. Anything is better than being over here helpless!” Columbina watched you silently.
“Alright. Be ready in a few days.” You looked at her in surprise.
“Bina? You’re helping me? You’re not going to… stop me?”
“Dear [Name], I will not get in the way of a decision you’ve made for yourself. If this is what you’ve decided, then it is my duty as your friend to assist you as I’ve done in the past. And perhaps this will teach the Doctor a lesson to stop withholding information from you,” the Harbinger sighed.
“…Thank you, Columbina.” You’d have to repay her sometime later.
“The raven and the butterfly found themselves reunited again at long last, and would stay together like that forever.”
It was funny you found yourself back here, your home country. It seems like you two were always drawn back here, despite no longer being welcomed. But that didn’t really matter too much, because as soon as the boat you were on pulled into the port, it was clear that today was not a normal day in Sumeru City.
You were too late. 
The fight had clearly already begun, probably only recently too, by the chaotic state of Sumeru. Obviously, it’d be out of order if there were two immensely powerful beings in battle with each other. Maybe, if you were just a bit sooner… but you already had your mind set. Although the Fatui agent entrusted with your safety was ready to head back already, his orders to not let you come to any danger, you just tranquilized him. (It was a courtesy device from Dottore in case he wasn’t near.)
And you ran. Was that a good idea considering your illness? Absolutely not, but desperate times called for desperate measures. Was it a good idea to walk into the middle of a battle? Also no, but you couldn’t shake the bad feeling you had this whole time. 
Although it was far away, it was easy to spot the place, as for one there were Fatui swarming the area and also regular citizens running in the opposite direction. Though your lungs were absolutely burning, your knees weak and scraped from tripping, tired from bumping into others, illness flaring up even worse from the added stress and exertion, you continued ahead with only one goal. To see your husband.
Throughout your haggard walking, you thought of the future. You thought of how great it would be to see Teyvat change in the next four hundred years just as he did. And this time, Dottore would not have to witness it by himself. He would have you. It would be amazing, just thinking of all the variety of new inventions and such that would be created! You two would surely dissect them and put them back together for fun. You two would do a lot of things, you think, as you finally made it to the door of the grand building the fight was in. It was already rather damaged, but the door managed to remain mostly intact, so you pushed it open.
Just in time to see the Traveler land the final fatal hit to Zandik, his body landing on the floor with a painful thud.
Your worst nightmare had become reality. But… Zandik told you he’d return to you in no time…
Suddenly, all the will you had before was gone in an instant. You didn’t have the energy or focus to call out his name. All you could do was blankly stare at his defeated body while taking some hesitant steps forward, all while mumbling something incoherent under your breath. The Traveler, despite their exhaustion, noticed you and immediately readied their sword again. But, they soon realized that there was no need for that from the exceedingly dull look in your eyes and the way you tripped over yourself again, landing on the floor, reaching out your hand towards the Doctor. You had to make it to him.
You pathetically dragged your body closer to Zandik, every part of it screaming out in part for you to stop. But you didn’t care. You could take it. After all, you knew the pain would soon be over. The Traveler merely watched you, still a bit on edge for what you could do, but you didn’t care. You didn’t care about anything besides Zandik, so you continued inching your body to your husband before you finally reached him. His body was practically motionless, his face revealed as his mask was destroyed to the side somewhere. When you came into view, a flicker of surprise came across his face but it quickly morphed into one of acceptance.
“You’re not supposed to be here.” You half-laughed at that.
“I could say the same to you…” Your voice had dropped to a soft, defeated one. Huffing and panting, you used your last remaining strength to pull yourself up and kneel, tenderly bringing your husband’s head onto your lap. He did not resist. It wasn’t like he had the strength to anyway. “You didn’t tell me you were going to be here, either.”
“It was not necessary… at the time,” Zandik said, looking right at you the whole time with those red eyes of his. “But I suppose I should have expected this. You never do as you are told, do you?”
“Of course not. But you should remember that whenever I break the rules, things turn out fine for us.” You smiled, and you had a feeling both of you were thinking of the same memories. That time you helped him break into the Akademiya’s library when it was closed, or the time you threw a book at someone for him, or the time you two helped each other on what was supposed to be solo assignments. Or the times you ran away from his needles and medicine, or the times you went behind his back and befriended the others. Those times ended out okay, so this time would be okay too.
Then, the building began to rumble, most likely about to collapse. The battle must have been quite fierce. Although the Traveler felt no remorse for the two of you, their kind heart still couldn’t help but feel the slightest twinge of pity. After all, the blonde had read the notes the two of you left scattered around Sumeru. To think that a relationship could last so long, especially one with the mad Doctor… You noticed their expression before you rasped out a mixture of a plea and demand.
“Why are you still here? Leave us now. I want to be alone with him.” Your words were empty of emotion towards them. There was no point in any hostility anymore, not when you had to treasure the last moments with your beloved. The Traveler didn’t seem surprised by your words, as they nodded and threw the bloodied Harbinger one last glance, before running away with the little fairy. It seemed they knew… you’d rather die here along with him than live without him.
You looked back at Zandik’s face, his once brightly colored red eyes now a darkened hue.
“I’ve failed you, [Name].” Since it was the end of the line now, even a genius scholar such as him had to admit defeat. Dottore thought back to all the times he swore to cure you. He swore he would do it so that you could be who you used to be once more. But he failed. He let you lose centuries of your life and left you in pain for your conscious ones. But you didn’t seem to share the sentiment.
“Failed me?” You couldn’t help but laugh at that, despite the tears that began to run down your cheeks. “Oh darling, you have never failed me. Not once in over four hundred years.” Zandik continued to stare at you because that was all the strength he had to do, so you reached for his hand and brought it to your cheek.
“You’ve loved me continuously for so many centuries, haven’t you? How could that ever be a failure?” You nuzzled into his hand, his own blood beginning to smear on your face, but you didn’t care. 
“Your love has changed so much over time. From your prickly and thorny yet beautiful love from the Akademiya. To your smooth and unabashed love now. But your love was unfaltering, to me at least. Perhaps I may be delusional, and I overthink how much you love me. But I think it was real, even though you may never admit it, that is what matters to me. So if you’re thinking about the cure, forget it.” Your hands were shaking and struggling to hold his to your cheek for this long, energy spent, but you continued anyway, even as a piece of the infrastructure suddenly caved in and collapsed on the opposite side of the room with a loud crash. “The cure isn’t what mattered. It was you.”
Zandik thinks you are the only person who has forgiven him. Not even he has. He knows he does not deserve it, but he shouldn’t say that to you now. But he thinks, even at this moment, perhaps it may seem sick or morbid, your beauty still manages to surpass that of any other being in Teyvat.
You thought about the Tsaritsa, who had shown you much love and kindness. You hoped she would finally achieve her goals. You thought about the other Harbingers, the ones who were still alive at least. You would miss them. You looked at your wedding ring. It was still intact. How lovely. Lastly, you thought about Zandik as you looked at him, and he seemed to realize something.
“[Name], reach into my pocket.” You were confused but you complied, wincing in pain a bit but successfully reached it and pulled out a box. It was the box he kept his wedding wing in. Popping it open, you were correct, and still couldn’t help but be a bit incredulous.
“You brought it with you?” You were surprised because a part of you still believed he thought the whole thing was a bit dumb.
“I normally do not but, with the length of the mission, I believed it would be a simple and easy way to be reminded of you.” That was cute.
“Sorry. I guess the good luck charm didn’t work,” you smiled apologetically as you slipped the band onto his finger, to which Zandik scoffed.
“You know very well I do not believe in luck.” You only laughed, though it was mostly drowned out by multiple crashes and rocks falling all around you. Being buried was a fitting end, to be honest. No one else needed to know about the two of you. No one else needed to know your stories. It would be best if the two of you ended up forgotten, lost to time. Then, no one would be able to misunderstand or twist your relationship.
Despite all of the pains that had befallen you, the suffering and hardships, you could happily say you lived a good life. You were happy, so happy, thanks to Zandik. Zandik was what made this life worth living… so this was okay. You would have loved to have been cured and lived out many more happy memories with him but… this was alright. But the time was limited, so this conversation needed to be wrapped up in a way that would satisfy you.
“I love you, Zandik.” You don’t expect any response back because of your husband’s poor track record with saying those words. 
The times Zandik has said the words ‘I love you’ have admittedly been scarce and in-between despite the centuries he’s spent with you. It was a grand total of… two times. And both had been said when he thought you were sleeping. 
The first time had been in the Akademiya. It had been a while since you two were a couple, and he had yet to say it. You expected that obviously. But one random night, when you two were cuddling and drifting off into dreamland, you heard the three words mumbled into the crook of your neck. It took everything in you not to react.
The second time had been when you had recently woken up from your coma. Dottore was around you constantly, taking so many tests that it made your head spin, and you had to take naps more often than not. And once again, as you were just about to slip off into slumber, you heard the three words whispered as he gently bit your ear.
Surprisingly enough, the third time would be now. Perhaps because he had nothing to lose anymore, as it was the end.
“I love you as well, [Name].” Your eyes go wide for a few seconds before you grin widely one last time, and you give him a look that says ‘I know.’ Zandik watched your eyes flutter shut as you leaned down to his face, and he let himself be enveloped in your final kiss, neither of you paying attention to the shadows cast by the multitude of broken architecture about to fall on top of you.
Let the fairy tale come to a close.
“In his last moments, the raven was taken back to a memory from centuries ago. It was a memory where he was truly happy with his lovely sparrow.”
Zandik awoke to a blue sky and a gentle breeze. He blinked, immediately trying to gauge where he was. But then the sound of a familiar voice flooded his senses.
“And you know what this professor had the audacity to say to me, Zandik? ‘Figure it out!’ Like, you’re supposed to be helping me, not writing me off! You’re getting paid for this!” You were lying down on the grass next to him, hands folded as you huffed. “At least I have you, Zandik. Way better than any damn professor.” He blinks at you. 
Zandik remembers this moment. It was the day when exams and classes were finally over, and you wanted to relax before helping him with his experiments. And you also thought it was the perfect time to rant about all the professors you had to deal with over the last few months. But soon, you just started bringing up random things that occurred over the term. Zandik couldn’t remember the last time he saw you like this. Donning the Akademiya uniform, so happy and carefree… healthy, strong, like nothing in the world bothered you.
He found himself slightly smiling at how stupidly happy you looked, before reaching out to you. But as soon as merely his fingernails came into contact with you, you began to dissolve right in front of his eyes. Immediately, he stiffened and sat up, again trying to take hold of you but you were no longer there. Zandik’s hands began to shake, and that’s when he realized his surroundings were changing.
The blue sky was now fading away, becoming pitch black along with everything else that was chipping away, ready to swallow him whole into the darkness.
Ah, he understood now.
This was the end.
“Finally, the twisted raven met his fate.”
Or so he thought. Zandik woke up once more. Everything seemed normal at first, the blue sky was once again there and the Sumerian breeze caressed his hair. Until he realized there was a sticky substance coated all over his hands.
This wasn’t an unfamiliar occurrence for him, after all, he would usually get hands-on with his experiments, but he had an… odd feeling about this. Zandik blinked and all of a sudden, there you were lying on the ground in front of him.
Dead. Coated with blood.
Did he… kill you?
All too quickly, before he could reach out to hold your body or begin to process what happened, he was suddenly somewhere else. The desert.
Zandik laid eyes upon you. What he would usually see was you complaining about the heat while you dug through the ruins. What he saw instead was an Eremite plunging a sword through you.
And again. This time he awoke to you being completely cold and limp in his arms. And again. It didn’t take his brain long for him to understand what was happening.
His victims and test subjects could torture him for eternity, yet Dottore would not feel bothered or a shred of remorse. It would be a useless endeavor. But this? This was the perfect punishment. 
His beloved being killed in front of him, by the world, by other people, by natural forces, by his own hands. And for all of the power and knowledge he once had, he was powerless to do anything yet again.
… How ironic, Zandik thought.
At last, the tiny Archon closed the storybook.
It had been ages since the events in this tale had taken place. The Fatui were no more, Celestia was gone, the Traveler had long left this world, and Teyvat was at peace. So much time, that the Outcast’s name no longer floated around the Akademiya, now long forgotten. The God of Wisdom herself had gained a tremendous amount of knowledge from all the years that had flown by. And even still, she has not forgotten this story.
Yet, in all of her wisdom, she still cannot hope to fully understand the raven and the sparrow. The Dendro Archon found herself coming back to this tale, trying to comprehend their actions and thoughts. She reads it aloud to herself, draws pictures, and crafts the tale with her own words, yet it only leaves her more lost. Perhaps one day she will understand. But perhaps she won’t. Perhaps no one ever will.
After all, there were only two people who would ever truly understand the bond between the raven and the sparrow. 
Zandik and [Name]. 
An unfriendly and cold scholar and a sweet and caring one.
An immoral villain and an accomplice.
A violator of this world’s laws and a supporter.
A Harbinger and an assistant.
Regardless of those titles, perhaps at the end of the day, they only saw themselves as one thing to each other.
Two people who loved each other as if nothing else mattered.
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sh1-n0bu · 1 year
hey hey!! new anon here,,
not sure how to write this but I'll try
could we get a scara x amab reader, with praise, overstimulation, and if you're comfortable body worship? (for scara ofc) i wanna make him cry 🛐
also !! can i be 🍷 anon?? <3
♡︎ 𝙮𝙤𝙪, 𝙢𝙮 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩 ♡︎
characters: sub!scaramouche x dom!AMAB!reader
warnings: praise, overstimulation, body worship, dacryphillia, overall very soft and fluffy
notes: of course you can be 🍷anon! slowly but surely clearing out my inbox and thinking on holding a 3k followers event. if you guys have any ideas, lemme know!
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wanderer — formerly known as scaramouche, balladeer and the sixth of the eleven fatui harbingers — has always been a shut in type of person. always preferring his own space, solitude and of course, a bitter tea to go along with everything. so when you, his assistant since day one, had suddenly proposed your affections for the angry gremlin he rejected at first.
but that never deterred you. you would try over and over again. asking him out on dates, offering him some help, cuddles if he was being restless and stressed, holding his hand while he undergoes the painful weekly tortures of il dottore — you did it all for him.
and one day, scaramouche did indeed cave in and decided to accept your nth suggestion for a date. it wasn’t like he had liked you or anything, he just wanted to make you shut up quickly. he’s lying, he loved you way longer than you did him.
since then, going out on “dates” had become a usual thing between you two. you two would meet up in certain places, hang out for some time, talk for a bit, hold hands if scaramouche is feeling gutsy enough and say your goodbyes.
it had continued on for so long until it suddenly came to a stop when scaramouche had to go to sumeru with il dottore to take buer’s gnosis. of course the plan worked and the second harbinger came back with the gnosis but no scaramouche.
for some time after that, you seriously thought you were tripping absolute bonkers. everyone kept saying the sixth seat of the harbingers had been vacant and the name scaramouche or balladeer doesn’t ring a bell. you even held an audience with her majesty, the tsaritsa as well and yet she said she doesn’t remember!
that was until you decided to desert the fatui and go to sumeru yourself to find out just what the fuck was going on. it took incredibly long time — sumeru’s rainforest and desert aren’t the most hospitable places for someone so used to the cold like you — but after a whole half a year of searching, you managed to see him again.
him. the one who stole your heart. the one who caused you to desert the fatui despite knowing the punishment would be death. the one that cradled your heart gently in his hand since you’ve been assigned to be his assistant.
and by the archons was it worth the whole thing. to be chased down by the people who were once your comrades. to suffer heatstrokes in the hot desert of sumeru. to continuously get pelted by the rain and thunder in the rainforests of sumeru. by the archons was it all worth it when the moment you two locked eyes. it was as if your first meeting all over again.
by the archons was it worth it when he recognized you, dropping the scrolls in his arms as he runs up to you. it was worth it when he came to a stop in front of you — hesitating. waiting. wondering. before finally muttering “fuck it” and getting on his tip toes to plant a kiss on your lips. it was worth it all — even as you gently broke him down and rebuilt him again a whole new in your arms in the comfort of your now shared home.
scaramouche has always been a shut in type of person. always preferring his own space, solitude and of course, a bitter tea to go along with everything.
but wanderer was a bit different. he preferred to be alone, alone with you. a bitter tea and your voice going “yuck!” whenever he made you take a sip, lying and promising he put sugar in it this time. a shy stolen glance at each other and a peck or two followed by the silence of each other’s presence. “lonely together” you once called your relationship. he couldn’t agree more.
even as his first time is taken by you — the doll couldn’t be happier.
even as he whimpers and whines whenever you praise him, planting kisses on his skin as he blushed a beet red. weakly thrusting his hips back to meet yours under the dim lights of the lit candles. desperately reaching back, tangling your hair in his hand to tug you down for a sloppy kiss to try and hide his moans when you called him your “good boy”, “pretty doll” and your “one and only”.
a weak sob and sniffles resounding in your shared home as wanderer comes on your cock for the nth time. how many times had he cum by now? he’s too hazy and lust ridden to even keep up count.
tears kept falling down his face as he unconsciously grind back into your cock, wanting more. a cacophony of keens and moans and shrill sound resembling a squeal coming out of him as he feels your tip hit his prostate again. archons, he wanted to feel that again and again. feel himself get broken down by your hands, by your lips, by the soft praises coming out of your mouth, by your dick just fucking into him so good to the point his mind becomes a mush.
when you gently put him back together again — wiping away the sweat and cum staining his skin, when you cradle him gently as you two share a quick bath together, when you wrap your arms around him and hug him close to yourself — the pupet couldn’t help but smile.
a genuine, unadulterated smile of happiness spreading on his face as he hears your words of affirmation. in soft moments like this, the puppet couldn’t help but whisper out weakly in a hoarse voice.
“you, [name], my heart…” before slipping off into a dreamless state.
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iridescentdove · 1 year
If it is not too much trouble, may I please request a Yandere? Platonic! BSD x Arlecchino! Reader, let's say that the reader has played an important role in almost everybody's life.
For example, she took Kouyou under her wing when she failed to escape the Mafia, advised and convinced Fukuzawa to save Yosano, treated and viewed (15) Dazai as only a child and not the demon prodigy, never once used or placed Chuuya as the second choice, etc. Things like that, but the reader is still in the Fatui and does run the House of the Hearth and looks after orphans while also training them to be enlisted in the Fatui. So, they probably view reader as a parent figure and someone dear to their hearts and don’t want anything bad to happen to them.
Yandere!Platonic!BSD x Arlecchino!Reader
A/N: I immediately worked on this request on seeing it omg anon you guys do not know how much I love Arlecchino ... also for here I use "Father", but that's only because in the game Lyney & Lynette call Arlecchino that. Feel free to pretend it's mother or something else!
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You're the second whole of their hearts.
They'll do anything for you ...
It's not a coincidence. To take one for an example. KOUYOU, that poor little girl who did nothing wrong. She was such a sweet kid, someone nice ... and yet she was there in the Port Mafia. Taken away and unable to live her life like a child should.
In an attempt to leave the mafia with a man she liked, it was rather unfornature enough – both were caught red handed.
And that man? He was killed.
KOUYOU was desperately holding on, wanting him to open his eyes, to survive and still find a way. And yet deep down, she knew that it would be impossible.
Good things never last.
She began to see the light as something meaningless. That the moment a flower born in darkness is exposed to light, it will wilt and burn away to nothingness. She can't escape. Not anymore. But that also wishful thinking.
That was until you came along and helped her up.
It was like a moment's heartbeat, the moment she looked up. You were right there – holding your hand out.
Even if you weren't expressive as to be expected out of sympathy for what happened, she can tell that you were no ill-intentioned person. So what did she do? She took it. Your hand. And gave you a smile ... one that faintly shined of hope.
Of course, she never left the mafia. But she had you to take care of her ... and treat her like a true daughter.
She was ecstatic to have family of her own.
You even gifted her a little plushie. Of course, of the the most fine and exquisite type of material. Your rich ass is flexing without even saying it out loud. slay
And you never treated her as a second choice.
Just like CHUUYA. As the time passed, he too joined the Port Mafia by boss orders. Honestly – you probably didn't give much of a shit, but that obviously changed.
Even now, your fatherish figure still remains after years. And that may as well never change.
He takes some great pride on his abilities, and he's rather smug about it himself. Although – sometimes he does question himself, and his humanity. Due to basically being merged and being Arahabaki's vessel.
But no, fuck that. You treated him as your own child, and although had more better things to do in the Fatui – this kid was insecure as hell and needed a parental figure.
CHUUYA adores you from the bottom of his heart. You showed him what it was to be human. To be alive. You gave him good reason and even let him visit the orphanage you looked after. Since he was merged with basically a God, you found it curious as well.
Well Arahabaki doesn't have a Gnosis so he's luckily safe
And then also, boom. Your attention extended towards his partner! DAZAI himself, of his young age. And from that time on, you already knew something was up with him.
Honestly – it can't be doubted. He was destined to live in the darkness forever. Nothing in the world can compel that deep etched loneliness in his heart; and even his late friend ODASAKU had acknowledged that.
Even after their unfortunate deaths, you were right there.
He was almost weirded the fuck out at first. You're not treating him like a monster. Or a demon. Not even his position and affiliation. You straight out threw those ourt the trash and instead? You treated him like your son.
It comforted him a little. To know he finally had someone to call his own. At first – just like anyone, he thought he'd lose you.
But you proved him wrong in various ways.
No matter how hard he tried, you kept him his side. Trained with him and succeeded in his defeat (much to his surprise), and gave him a few fatherly hugs and gifts that he would need and like. And DAZAI couldn't help it either.
He wanted you to be his real father quite badly. You were always there, and his eternal loneliness?
What's that again?
No. Even with that in mind, you never stopped to pursue and keep going with the mafioso. You'd go as much as to take him and meet with the rest of the harbingers, maybe taking CHUUYA and other executives from time to time.
Of course, avoiding The Doctor because it might as well just give back DAZAI his trauma.
And when he keft the mafia? You came along with him. Words cannot express how happy and relieved he was. He didn't want to loose his only comfort, his family. And if any9ne ever tries to threaten your familial bond?
He's gonna pull out the fucking demon prodigy card and show them how demonic he can be
In any case, same is due to everyone else. Like the fact you just always seemed to be there in the right place, at the right time. Like when YOSANO was being forced into healing soldier after soldier in the war.
The poor girl. Safe to assume the Fatui didn't really care about such and didn't participate in the war.
Much unless the Tsaritsa commands them to stop it, they may as well do that. But as of now they didn't really care. But that was only an 11 year old child ...
A child. You just had to take her in, didn't you?
And if not – in any case, you went ahead and got FUKUZAWA to save her. You reasoned with him, quite the good convincer yourself. You were a woman of a hundred, if not a thousand faces that could easily fool others.
So he took her in to the agency.
Although YOSANO was never told about what had happened in the sidelines, the moment she saw you walking away from the both of them – she just had that feeling.
She wants to thank you, if it's the last thing she did.
From the time that came on, you continued to do what you did and appeared, woving yourself into the hearts of everyone. At first, it was obviously never easy. But that wasn't a reason to give up. And you're you, would you seriously give up from that?
Many of them expresses gratitude in multiple ways, sometimes a bit unhinged – which you were yourself. There's not a sane bone in your body.
At least, that's what people like to think.
You've come this far into giving others a new life, being a father figure that everyone cherishes dearly and adores. Oh, and if anyone try to tear away that dream or hurt you – even a single scratch on that body of yours ...
There will be hell to pay.
You'd think they got very protective of their father. They can all quite collectively agree that they need no other familial figure in their lives other than you. Dearest you, who saved them from their shameful lives and gave them a future.
Even one who isn't supposedly a kid like SIGMA – he came from a book. He doesn't have a family. But correction, he does.
And it's you.
Or anyone else from multiple affiliations across. The Decay of the Angels, the Hunting Dogs, supposedly those that caught your eye in these several factions.
Suppose the easily jealous ones of seeing you paying attention to kids more in the orphanage, or giving a certain triplets more of time can get them boiling with anger quite enough. Even if it was wrong, it just seemed so right.
And so? They try to steal more of your attention away. This is one of the time they truly act like children once more.
CHUUYA would most likely not want anyone even gazing at your direction. Must they make things worse? You're around kids almost 24/7 and taking care of them yes, but you should only be taking care of him!
DAZAI acts like a child throwing a tantrum. No! No! No one can be with his father other than himself! How dare those kids call you their father?! He's livid, and tries to hide his anger and jealousy, yet he was visibly so eerie and tense.
KOUYOU can bet it was saddening to see you paying attention to work at the Fatui. Come on now, can you blame her? If you took her under your wing, you better be responsible. So she tries to invite you to her own missions and do fun together, just like when she was little. She wants your care.
YOSANO can tolerate it mostly, although at some point she comes with a breaking point as well. She's normally kind and likes hang around you and feel protected and loved, but oh, when you're not looking? Let's see ... pulls out chainsaw
So if a child or two goes missing in the orphanage?
Let's just say it wasn't anyone's fault, dear father :)
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Fontaine Characters Headcanons/Theories
Some of this info is known cause the siblings info got released but still:
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Really only in it for entertainment (she’s just….kinda a loser 💀💀💀😭😭😭)
Hot-headed, a little childish, gives Neuvillette a hard time (yeeeah)
Would give up her Gnosis in a heartbeat if it was needed to place a bet
But would fight tooth and nail to get it back if she lost the bet
Hydro Archon (confirmed)
Hydro (confirmed, duh) /Sword (confirmed based on her Statue of the Seven)
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Fourth of the Fatui Harbingers
The Knave
Used to be an actress
Method actress, used methods so outlandish she was kicked from theater
From Fontaine originally (HAH I WAS RIGHT)
Used to be an orphan
Runs an orphanage called House of the Hearth, uses it to recruit Fatui agents (!!!!!)
Those aren't gloves on her hands, she bears a curse or she's been turned into a non human entity
Pyro vision/Sword (leaks confirm she’s a Polearm!)
Cryo Delusion
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Stone cold serious type (he’s literally the sweetest I love him????)
Huge proponent of justice (yup!)
Chief Justice of Fontaine
Puts up with Focalors’s attitude (Pretty much 😭)
Loyal to Archon (or is he)
Waiting for Wriothesley to slip up so he can put him in the slammer once and for all (political rival mayhaps idk)
His name deconstructed means "new city": mayhaps he's awaiting a moment to dethrone the archon and reconstruct Fontaine?
Hydro/Sword (apparently he's a Catalyst user,,,,missed the opportunity to give him a fencing sword as a weapon but whatever ig)
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Assistant to Neuvillette
Bodyguard (yeeeah)
Prosecutor of Fontiane
Detail oriented, nothing gets past her
Vicious and Merciless (literally kinda the opposite but kinda not)
Eventually goes up against Arlecchino
Navia is her arch nemesis, seems as though Goldilocks is the only one having fun with their game of cat & mouse (the way I was off)
Electro (confirmed) /new weapon: Gun (Sword!)
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Super protective of Lynette (rightfully so holy shit) 
Loves the chase
Cunning (eeeeh)
Very street smart (I mean kinda yeah)
You can’t tell whether he’s putting up a front, actually enjoys his web of lies, or a little bit of both
This man's gonna get used while thinking he's using the person that's using him at some point (oh Arlecchino I swear to god you better not)
Pyro (confirmed)/Bow (confirmed)
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Something has happened to her in the past (…..well that was dark)
She’s not temperamental at all (yup)
She doesn’t smile too easily (mhm)
Strongest bond with Lyney (they twins lesgo)
Perceptive and agile (very!)
Lynette escapes her brother’s net of safety to save the traveler at some point (not so likely)
Anemo (confirmed) /Sword (confirmed)
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Youngest sibling (yup)
introverted/enjoys personal space and quiet (lmfao I knew it)
Love for the water
Renowned Diver of the Court of Fontaine (confirmed)
Silent protector of both his older siblings (idrk)
Highkey that smartest book-wise out of the siblings (again idk)
Cryo (confirmed) /Claymore (confirmed)
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Provides treatment for Wriothesley’s visual impairment
If not treatment, then she prefers sweet tasting drinks and Wriothesley prefers bitter but she still tries to get him on her new concoctions
Sibling dynamic/found family w/ Wriothesley
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May or may not be somewhat visually impaired
If so, not particularly compliant with treatment
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If not treatment, then he prefers bitter tasting drinks and sometimes humors Sigewinne by trying her new concoctions, mostly just pretends he’s converted to sweet and then goes for coffee or tea anyways
Likes to tease Sigewinne
Sibling dynamic/found family w/ Sigewinne
Investigator for Fontaine justice system (woeful news, he's a police officer. like not even a detective dude?)
Seems pretty chilled out, strategic, could be leading the organized crime w/Navia in secret
if he is secretly running robinhood-esque crimes with navia, then...Neuvillette sniffs something suspicious but never has the evidence to back it oop
Pyro/Claymore (He’s a Cryo Catalyst but his fists go boom boom like Heizou)
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Gives off Focalors vibes (was very wrong)
Playful (yeah I mean yeah)
Career Thief OR
Notorious organized criminal in Fontaine (literally what was I on)
Robin Hood of the sewers (I mean I was kinda sorta a tiny bit right)
Crafty, craftsman (ummm I guess her mind is?)
Super sweet, wonderful character (loved her so yes)
Loves messing with Clordine by making her think she's got her but escaping right in the nick of time (….needless to say I was way off)
Geo (confirmed)/Catalyst (claymore actually)
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phoenixblaze1412 · 9 months
A part 2 was requested for this. But instead of the segments being destroyed, it's something else^^
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You were happily clinging onto Omega as the two of you made your way back to the palace. In your hands were the electro and dendro gnosis that Omega obtained from negotiating with the dendro archon.
Omega could only sigh in exhaustion, he thought he would only be dealing with the Balladeer's attitude but he didn't expect himself to be chasing you around Sumeru.
How you managed to interact with the traveler, he has no clue. How the traveler protected you from everything, even him, annoyed him. How dare the traveler called him a bad person in front of you when they don't even know you're his guardian.
But he was glad you came along, you were able to give him the information he needed to help him keep track of the traveler and their whereabouts.
Now that the two of you are back in the Zapolyarny Palace, he will be now able to report the successful mission to Prime and let the other segments take care of you.
"Do tell me if you still feel like you're about to pass out. I can't believe you would just eat a strange mushroom you saw in the forest, (Y/n)."
"It was pretty and colorful, Omega! And I saw that fox forest ranger eat one raw so I thought I can eat one too."
Ah yes, Omega still remembers how he was panicking over your unconscious figure. The pyro agent that was guarding over you from a distance saw how you ate a Rukkhashava Mushroom and started getting sick before passing out.
Omega was so close to pulling his hair out at how your curious mind is close to killing you. He was debating if he should just send you back home immediately but you were also helping him in his tasks that he can't lose a valuable child like you. It was decided that you stay close to his side whenever you are not spying on the traveler.
"Do you think the others will be happy to see us again, Omega?"
"Mostly you, yes they will. You did got them worried when you left them without notice."
Omega opened the door to the lab, his other arm still holding you as he made his way inside.
Your eyes widened in surprise to see how dark the laboratory was, the creepy atmosphere sending shivers down your spine as you held onto Omega. Your eyes wandered around the room to see lots of shattered glass everywhere, probably the test tubes and beakers.
You were only gone for a week and the lab looked like it hasn't been cleaned for months. You turned your gaze to Omega who only looked back at you with the same confused look.
Omega turned on the lights to the laboratory, your eyes narrowed when you see the segments huddled up in the corner of the room, kneeling down and crying in front of a picture of... you?
You were told by Pantalone that people would cry in front of a photo of someone they love only if they died...
"I'm dead?!?!?!"
Your shout was heard throughout the lab as the segments quickly turned their heads to look at you, their eyes widening in surprise before running their way towards you and Omega.
You let out a squeak of surprise when you were taken out of Omega's grasp and being immediately engulfed in a hug by Theta and Beta.
"Don't ever do that again! Do you have any idea how worried we were you clumsy mutt?!"
You whined when Iota pinched your cheeks with a grin.
You were placed down to the ground as you came face to face, shoes since you're on the short size, with your father.
"Papa! Omega and I got the chess things!" you happily chirped as you ran up to Dottore, who kneeled down at your level and picked you up in his arms as you showed him the two gnosis in your hands.
"Isn't that marvellous news? I'm sure the Jester would be satisfied with two more gnosis in our hold. But do make sure not to run off to another nation without telling me, little one."
"I have made sure that they would return home without any injuries nor sickness, Lord Harbinger. Aside from the trouble they brought me, they did managed to help me keep track of the traveler and the Balladeer."
"Excellent. I expect a report of everything that happened in Sumeru, Omega. You may take a small break before going back to work."
You happily clung to your father, humming a small tune you learned from the Nilou girl's dance whom you encountered with the traveler back in Sumeru before letting out a small yawn.
"Come, little one. Let's get you to bed, I'm sure the other segments would be happy to spend time with you once you have woken up."
You tiredly nodded in reply, handing Omega the gnosis in your hand before laying your head onto your father's shoulder and slowly drifting off to sleep.
Dottore hummed as he left the laboratory with you before carrying you to your room, he looked around the hallways and let out a sigh of relief when he knows it's only him and you.
"Don't leave again without saying anything, pet.. you sure are a little troublemake. I thought I would have lost someone as precious as you."
Dottore placed his hand on top of your head before gently rubbing your head.
"Welcome home, (Y/n)."
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zhongrin · 6 months
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yk i just noticed how i took that pic on such a perfect timing bc neuv looks like he's eyeing zhongli's icon on the top like
"hm. that man. no. that dragon. there's something about him... *squints* 🤔"
some nonsensical ramblings utc
this makes me think. would neuvillette be able to recognize zhongli as the ex geo archon in the first place? i mean i'm pretty sure neuv will know immediately that zl is a fellow dragon, but technically zhongli doesn't have the gnosis anymore so??? and if my crack theory is right and zl is secretly the geo dragon sovereign then wouldn't neuv default to being sympathizing bc he knows how it feels like running at half the power? wouldn't that be so funny hauhasjdhjasd
and like. how would neuv 'judge' him in this case? fellow brethren he thought he must avenge turned out to be the 'usurper' he must put on trial - except he's not really a usurper he's just a silly man playing 5d chess. and yes he definitely has blood on his hand but then you could also say he was just trying to get his power back from being stolen by hp in the archon war? ogh. honestly, that would be suuuuuch a fun topic to explore….. hyv please. hyv take my big brain theory and make it canon i beg- /silly
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trashcanwithsprinkles · 4 months
You ever wonder why only sheznaya seems to have any kind of diplomatic core? Like we rarely see or hear of any of the other governments interacting in any official capacity. At least that I've heard of.
that is a good question actually
from a lore presepective? i think this stems mostly from the fact all nations have wildly different types of governance. snezhnaya seems to run under the different fatui harbingers, who all answer to the tsaritsa. they have bankers and mayors in their group, and they live in a difficult environment (plus they have traditional non-morally-white organization Goals, and so need to have Reach on all nations), so it would make sense for them to reach out and seek cooperation. assuming you want to buy the idea that they have intentions beyond Fatui Plans for having diplomats, of course. it's also perfectly likely for it all to be a poorly-disguised cover for the gnosis hunt lore-wise as well.
liyue is the closest to them i think, in that it runs under the qixing which used to run under (or parallel to?) rex lapis. now that it's just the qixing, and they're the trade center for teyvat, it makes sense why you'd see relatively prosperous diplomatic relationships with snezhnaya there - but also since they're a bountiful land, they've no need to send out diplomats. besides, there's the fact that the only seemingly functional land trading road in the game is between liyue and mondstadt, who,
are currently without their de jure leader, and jean is mostly just holding the fort till vakra returns. the knights can barely keep monstadt in check so it wouldn't make sense for them to need foreign relations when all they probably need can be obtained from World Trade Hub next door (liyue). this might change with dornman port tho
fontaine also seems to funcition like a more recognizable government, but they also seem so self-suficient (and self-absorbed) to have any need for diplomats. again, they also have a very clear trade route with sumeru in place (speaking of, who the fuck runs sumeru? the akademiya?) sumeru also has clearly established trade routes, and if they are run by the akademiya, are probably too absorbed with research to bother with foreign relationships. everyone comes to study there anyway, diplomats or no, and they send their researchers out to all nations.
inazuma was literally closed until less than a year ago. allegedly. inazuma is, also, the only other one you'll see trying for foreign relationships and diplomatic plays. that's the whole reason why ayaka and ayato were there on the fontinalia festival. so i guess, at the end of the day, the only reason why inazuma doesn't have a diplomatic core the same way snezhnaya does is bc they were literally closed until very recently.
and natlan seems to be closed as well, so we'll have to see.
also, were there any fatui diplomats in fontaine and sumeru? as in, under that pretense? bc we know the ones in mondstadt were there to sus out barbatos, the ones in liyue were there to sus out morax, and the ones in inazuma (which i wouldn't even know if they counted as diplomats) were there to give watatsumi delusions (and yoink the gnosis. i can't remember how signora came into all of this tbh). as far as i recall, there were no 'diplomats' in sumeru, i don't think dottore arrived under that pretense. if he did, we know it was to get scara. and in fontaine- all fatui in fontaine were just house of the hearth members, whom i don't think qualify as diplomats. there might've been 'diplomats' in other world quests, but i can't remember right now. i also can't remember why tf childe was in fontaine to begin with ngl
TL;DR: from a lore perspective, i don't have an answer and it's an interesting question and whatever ideas i have are long as fuck. from a non-lore perspective, this is probably just bc the fatui are the scheeming antagonists out on a hunt for one specific gizmo present in each nation, and so they need spies and information networks and subterfuge n shit. like i'm fairly certain that's the only reason why they seem to be the only ones with a diplomatic core.
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satoruin · 1 year
i understand why traveler is still friends with childe even though he’s fatui and why traveler doesn’t trust lyney and lynette so here’s my rant about it + some speculation about what is to come:
in liyue’s archon quest both the traveler and childe are used to set the stage for morax’s death and felt fooled by the contract signora and zhongli had in place. (reason i personally don’t like or trust zhongli) that mutual feeling of being used neutralized a lot animosity that came out of childe’s actions imo. because yeah he was trying to destroy liyue but he also had done it while being heavily influenced.
and childe never considers the traveler as an enemy. he saves them at the beginning of the quest, helps them reach the adepti (though with ulterior motives), and considers them a friend after his boss fight.
his story quest shows him as just a guy which really helps to soothe the rest of the one-sided tension and dislike the traveler has for him. teucer was the brownie points of his quest that showed his familial love and really turned the relationship into a friendship. traveler knows by the end that childe likes his family and fighting, and while he serves the tsaritsa he values those two things a lot.
he sort of just wedges his way into the traveler’s heart by being a himbo honestly and doesn’t really give them a choice but to be friends with him.
with lyney and lynette, it felt almost intentional that they were at the port (just speculating bc they knew who the traveler was before hand so it’s possible they received information and instruction). and while i do think they were genuine with their interactions i think traveler knows that the bonds can and will be manipulated by arlecchino, because the other harbingers are nothing like childe.
the other harbingers have been cutthroat and are trying to destroy nations of their own machinations and not by being manipulated (save for scaramouche).
so traveler kind of cutting ties with lyney and lynette seems to be preventative as well as not trusting their intentions which is smart and learned behavior.
and there is the matter that they didn’t disclose that they were from the fatui in the first place. though i do understand them in this situation because when are you supposed to say “hey i’m actually from an orphanage run by the fatui” BUT they should have disclosed investigating the justice machine from the beginning. which then lying about that just seems to make the whole omitting fatui part worse i think.
of course after the gnosis is gone or falls into the fatui’s hands (which has been inevitable thus far) the traveler may choose to try being friends with the siblings but as of right now the traveler understands that they are a potential and likely threat.
i am curious to see how the gnosis will be handled in the upcoming archon quest though, since we know arlecchino’s plan is to use the power herself to fix fontaine and then hand it over to the tsaritsa.
players have speculated that celestia might be bad, but i don’t think in-game traveler has connected those dots yet as to why archons seem to hand over their gnoses so casually. because arlecchino’s goal is to save fontaine (well according to lyney anyways) and it doesn’t sound bad but who knows.
and of course dansleif should come to fontaine as well and maybe we’ll getmore lore, a divine nail, and maybe answers for why celestia is moving closer to teyvat.
idk just felt very passionate about this and have seen a lot of stuff float around on the subject so i’m putting in my two cents. feel free to chat about it with me !
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cyber-night · 2 years
Gnosis sex with Scaramouche.
Content warnings SMUT!, Sub Scaramouche x Dom Reader, Not Betad, Fisting, Incorrect usage of the electro Gnosis, multiple orgasms, Scara is referred to as Doll and puppet like once, consensual!, safe and sane if you squint and look past the fact that it's Scaramouche smut and that he is decidedly Not those things, that's all I can think to put but if I missed something tell me!
And as promised @dottcre from -🫀
Ever since Scaramouche had acquired the gnosis he hadn't been paying you much attention. You understood how important this was to him but it had been over a week of him working non-stop to figure out how to put the gnosis in his chest where his heart should be and frankly it was starting to frustrate you.
After yet another day of being ignored in favour of the gnosis, you were fed up with him. You didn't need to search for him to know where he was he was in the room he had made into a makeshift lab. He's surrounded by papers and books with a book in his lap and the gnosis in his hand being rolled back and forth between his fingers "Scaramouche?" You asked tentatively figuring it was best to see what his mood was before proceeding. "Not now I'm busy," He says without looking up from the book he's reading. You clicked your tongue before walking over to him. "Any way I can help?" You ask watching him to figure out where his head is at "have you considered leaving me alone" is his cold response. Rolling your eyes you respond "Scara it's been days. You need to take a break. Sitting here for hours isn't going to help."
He sighs finally looking up at you he looks exhausted even for a puppet "and how do you suggest I take a break?" You smiled before kissing him hard you reached over and snatched the gnosis from his hand before pulling away "I have a couple of ideas" you said as you pulled back. He trys to snatch the gnosis from your hand but you moved even further back. "Humour me Doll I think I can help you relax" He tsks before finally relenting and leaning in to kiss you again and again as you plop down next to him.
He climbs into your lap as you wrap your arms around his waist still holding his gnosis. You had planned on being gentle with him today since he'd been working so hard but it seemed he had other ideas as he sank his teeth into your lower lip hard enough for you to taste the metallic tang of blood. Your hand snapped up to rest at his throat, an empty threat really as he doesn't breathe but a good reminder of who he belongs to. You push him back to look into his eyes. "Since you want to be a brat go ahead and strip for me. You think you can do that for me my pretty doll?" He glares at you but pushes himself back out of your lap and starts to take his clothes off while you fiddle with the gnosis.
He climbs back into your lap once he's completely naked but he can't meet your eyes as he now realizes he's the only one naked. Before he can complain you start pressing kisses to his neck and collarbone before biting and sucking marks into them. You set the gnosis aside so your hands can roam up and down his sides. One hand snakes its way to run through the hair at the nape of his neck pausing at where you know the electro sigil is placed pressing against it almost reverently. He always despises when you show the mark any affection hating its origin with a passion. Your other hand trails down to completely engulf his already hard and leaking cock not stroking it but squeezing it and running your thumb over the tip. He pulls back "If you're going to fuck me hurry up and do it then" you can tell he's trying to sound demanding but it comes out more as a whine.
You roll your eyes and shuffle back towards the unused bed roll that is spread out to one side. He follows you onto the soft mattress and you pushed him down onto it before settling between his legs and trailing kisses up his abs. You try to remember if there was any lube anywhere close by before realizing your hand was already soaked in his precum from squeezing his cocklet earlier. You shove two of your fingers all the way into him and watch him wince at the suddenness of it. You run your hand up and down his hip as you give him a moment to recover. "Is that better? Hmm?" His teeth are clenched and his breathing is uneven as he hisses out "good, your finally doing something about the mess you started." You roll your eyes "Scara, is it possible for you to go one day without being an insufferable brat?" You ask as you start to pull your fingers out and roughly shove them back in. It takes him a few minutes to respond, already starting to lose himself to pleasure. His eyes roll back as he bites out a Fuck you to which you respond by adding another finger alongside your previous two. He chokes out a moan.
An idea pops into your head and a wicked grin spreads across your face as you stop moving your fingers so he pays attention. He opens his mouth to complain before you beat him to it "Doll, do you think your pathetic little hole can fit my entire fist?" His eyes widen and his dick twitches at the idea as he flushes bright red, after a moment of silence from him you ask "Can I try?" He nods his head slowly while looking away too embarrassed to look at you. You could just accept that but he's been such a pain in the ass you decide to make him say it "I need words Doll, you gotta tell me what you want me to do to you." He shoots you a glare that is made significantly less effective by the way his cock is practically pouring out precum. "Yes, you can" He bites out. You tilt your head playing dumb "I can what? What is it you want Doll? Use your words." He huffs and waits expecting you to just get on with it and when you don't he gives you a desperate look before caving "I want you to fuck me with your fist . . . Please" he looks away in shame. "There's a good Doll, see that wasn't so hard was it?" You say as you add yet another finger and start ruthlessly thrusting them in and out of his hole abusing his prostate.
After a few more minutes of just teasing him you pull out and reach behind you to grab something from earlier and set it off to the side before press your fingers against his waiting hole again. "You ready, Doll?" He nods, he looks like a mess already tears stain his cheeks and precum stains his abdomen. You slowly press your hand into him watching it get swallowed by his greedy fuck-hole once your in up to your wrist you reach up and take his hand and guide it down to feel. He groans and his eyes roll back in his head as he cums for the first time that night. He instantly starts babbling about how good it feels and to please move, he needs you to move and other desperate nonsense. You indulge him and spread your hand a bit letting your fingers trail over his walls and start to pull out only to push back in you set a good pace if fucking him with your fist. You reach up and wrap your hand around his dick and start to jerk him off in time with the thrusts from your other hand.
"Please I need your cock I took your whole hand! Can I take your cock now? P-please?" he begs. You pause the thrusting of your hand and tilt your head pretending to consider for a moment before responding "Hmm I suppose you have been good but first there's something I want to do" He struggles to push himself up onto his elbows and looks at you in confusion. You hold the gnosis up for him to see and watch as the realization dawns on him and maybe if he wasn't so desperate he would have objected but as it stood he could only whine and let his head fall back. You chuckle darkly as you tapped it against his lips he got the message and opened his mouth sticking out his tongue which you also tapped with the gnosis before shoving it down his throat causing him to gag but him being the good slut he was he took it never looking away from you as you fuck his throat with the very item that's supposed to give him his power. Once you think he's done a good enough job you pull it from his mouth and trail it down his chest letting it graze by his dick to rest against his empty hole. You rest a hand on his stomach before pushing the gnosis and your whole hand inside of him. You nestle it right against his prostate and pull your hand out leaving the gnosis behind.
His reaction is instant. He jolts collapsing back onto the bed and lets out a high-pitched whine. He's drooling and crying as he tries to get out words "O-oh fuck I can . . . I can feel the elemental energy pulsing from, from it fuck" you tilt your head and out of curiosity push your hand back into him causing him to whimper and rest your fingers over the gnosis. He's right, you realize, you can feel small electro pulses emitting from it. You can't help but laugh. "Maybe it doesn't belong in your chest then Doll. Maybe it should be in your ass, right against your prostate, forever." He opens his mouth to argue the logic of that but you feel a stronger electro-pulse release from the gnosis cutting him off and causing his whole body to twitch. You pull your hand out again and lean back on your hands leaving him to the mercy and whims of the gnosis. You can tell the pulses are getting stronger and more frequent by the way his body is shaking. His back arches on a particularly strong pulse. You reach your other hand over and press down on his stomach wondering if you can feel the electro pulse through his body. You quickly discover that you can and reach up to untangle one of his hands that has the sheets in a vice grip and put it over his tummy saying "Feel" He lets out a sob as he cums again. It takes a moment but you can see that he's still hard and leaking "P-please more" He begs.
You smile as you reach into his waiting hole again and take the gnosis by the base and start to thrust it in and out of him never completely removing it from him. You eventually start roughly fucking him with it and letting him become a crying, drooling, moaning mess. "Please I need you in me please fuck" He struggles to get out in-between moans. You decide to have mercy on the pathetic puppet and line your cock up with his well-stretched hole letting it rest against it for a moment before stuffing it into him in one go. Your dick hits the electro gnosis and pushes it into his prostate he practically screams as his back arches. You figured the electro pulses would be just as strong for you as they are for him but they feel more like pleasant tingles than what are clearly strong shocks for Scara. He starts fucking himself back on your cock before you even have a chance to move and for a moment you let him content to watch him writhe on your dick. Growing bored you grab his waist to stop him from moving and start fucking him, truly fucking him, your cock pushing the gnosis against his prostate again and again. He's gone practically limp at this point nothing more than a fuck Doll, a toy, for you to use as you please. You can feel your own orgasm getting closer and you can tell that he's also on the brink of cumming once again. It's not long before you're both cumming him first and you seconds later.
You collapse to the side of him so you don't crush him and when you check on him you see that he's passed out. Maybe you two should experiment more with the gnosis later. For now, your main focus is making sure your darling brat is okay.
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yonaioana · 2 years
Genshin characters with a Gn! teapot god s/o
I will use mainly the characters I have in my teapot for this or characters that I want to have.
Characters: Gorou; Tighnari; Kazuha; Thoma; Scaramouche; Xiao; Cyno
I imagine this being during the vision hunt decree. Basically everything he needs in the teapot. I think mostly his s/o would work as a healer for the troops,a hideout or as a food suplier. Even if his s/o would understand the importance of a quick heal on the battle-field or a hiding place in case of a retreat, Gorou would feel very bad about using his s/o godly powers. He needs a lot of reasuring that you are ok. He's too embarrassed to recive kisses and head pats from his gigant s/o, especially in front of his soldiers. Due to your size hugs are a bit of a problem, but he loves sitting in your hand placing small kisses on the corner of your mouth or cheek. He also loves when the two of you float above the clouds where his soldiers cant see their general being soft & lovey dovey.
He would use the teapot for reaserch purposess the walls of the main building being plastered with reaserch papers and jurnal pages of his findings. He is overjoyed with the ideea of experimenting with the teapot plants without affecting the wild life of Sumeru. Imagine him managing to find a better alternative for some medicine and running out of his lab to show you, eyes full of excitement, basically glowing. His s/o gently masaging his head behind his ear when he decides to study outside. He would most definetly want to invite Cyno and Collei to meet his s/o. He will never let anyone from the Akademya aproach the teapot, since he is very very afraid they will take you away from him. Azar once took interest in the pot asking Tighnari how it works and he hissed at him.
The teapot would be extremly usefull on his travels, when the storm comes in he can just enter the teapot to dry his clothes and get a kiss. The moment he enters the teapot he gets picked up and taken to the hotspring. His clothes out on a drying rack and Kazuha chilling in your hands while being wrapped in the thickest blankets. He loves laying on his s/o's chest while the two of you gently float above the clouds. While he does enjoy the winds some are so cold it gets instantly chilly, he feels the best when he's cuddled up to you in a warm embrace. He would bring little souvenires from his travels and hang them up since you do most of the decor.
He would feel a little weirded out at the fact that he's not the one doing the house chores anymore. His love language is acts of service so rpegardless of the fact that he doesnt have to do anything he does take up on all the cooking. One day while you were looking at furniture blueprints he noticed one that looked like a bowl. You were suspicious at first but you bought it anyway at your lovers pleads. The two of you usually slept toghether above the clouds but for some reason that night he asked if it was ok if he slept into the main house. As you retreated for the night Thoma began to work for the bigest hotpot he ever made. Only did he not realise that you were the god of this teapot, you didnt necesarely need sleep instead staying there above the clouds admiring your lover puting so much work into your bowl of food. As morning rolled in Thoma was now trying to keep the food hot so you could still eat it warm. You had to act as if you just woke up and so surprised ready to enjoy his cooking. He's never been more proud of himself.
Scaramouche would ask you to turn the teapot to look like some evil lair where only he is allowed to live. He has a hard time keeping the teapot safe since his colleagues keep trying to get their hands on it. After he got defeated Nahida brought him to you for healing. When he woke up he just broke down crying. Babbling about how he lost the gnosis while hugging your wrist. He tired himself to sleep crying whie you were kissing his head. Even though he doesnt need food to survive he does feel beter after eating something. He would talk to you about the whole becoming a god thing while you were holding his hand.
Xiao is an angsty yaksha but he does like to impress his "dad" which was the first reason why he accepted the gift from granny Ruoxin. He put the teapot on a cupboard on the upper floor of the Wangshu Inn and didnt think much of it until granny asked him if he liked the inside of the teapot. He met you a little while after he teleported in the pot. He felt very bashful at first and avoided you a lot but he started being more comfortable around you. He ended up confessing after pretending to not understand his constant blush and the tsundere behaviour. He will not let you pick him up at first cause it makes him feel small but he quickly realises that you leaning over to kiss him is even more embarrassing.
He will keep the teapot a secret. You remodeled the enviorment in a way that is refreshing and cooling since he spends most of his time in the desert. It was a pleasant surprise when you started growing mist flowers around the water. He will bring his friends over in the hotter days and you really took a liking to them. You also installed a few floating islands since he likes looking you in the eyes or braiding your hair. He likes to brush and braid your hair when the sages get on his nerves in order to calm down and keep and keep a cool head while telling you his jokes as practice. If you do laugh at any of them his heart would melt and fall in love all over again (he doesn't show it though). He brings you cactus flowers so you can plant some around the waters. There were a few times when he was so tired from work and fell asleep in the spring only to be quickly scooped out and wrapped in a blanket. He woke up a few hours later after what he felt like the best nap of his life.
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m1d-45 · 1 year
okokok cool bc we know now that the gnoses are essentially the stolen power from the dragon sovereigns right
imo in the context of sagau, this further validates the concept of celestia booting the creator when they initially invaded/being able to convincingly place an imposter in teyvat and then something something most people don't recognize the true creator
and also neuvi is confirmed the incarnation of the hydro dragon so i imagine bc he doesn't have the full dragon powers that's the reason he'd be unable to recognize the creator
AND THEN ALSO furina is now confirmed to not have the hydro gnosis so even more running theory is that we may be having another akasha situation here where the oratrice is powered by the gnosis so what if because of that...reader is put on trial and the final verdict is instead guilty because of the gnosis and its connection to celestia?
ooh the imposter!au crumbs are delicious
i'll think of something for the fortress of meropide later
someone help me orz
- death loop anon
alright so admittedly my opinion about the sagau version of genshin lore has changed pretty dramatically, and it all centers around celestia. speculations below the cut. be warned this is mostly stream of consciousness.
oh, and here’s my previous post for some ground knowledge.
alright so it’s like… literally all but spelled out that the “primordial one” is celestia. they came, took over the world from the dragon sovereigns, and… the ‘second who came,’…. my mind says it could be intended to be the abyssal twin and or the travellers together, but that’s a problem for later when it’s actually confirmed. for now, the second is us, the creator.
this changes the timeline quite significantly, so here’s a new one. you create teyvat and it’s realms, as well as the seven sovereigns. you’re satisfied with your world. you move on to somewhere else, promising to visit as you do with all your worlds, or at least the ones with sentient life.
for the sake of everything, we’ll assume “the primordial one” (because it’s unclear if it’s the Sustainer (it probably is) or the body of celestia as a whole (unlikely)) was one of your prior creations. how they got to teyvat is unclear, but the point is that they Did, and overruled the sovereigns. whether or not this is when gnoses are created is blurry in canon, but for our purposes we’ll say it is.
(note, minor: celestia taking the authority of the dragons likely weakened them, making them more susceptible to things like forbidden knowledge or Dying. i say this because there’s no way one (?) guy could just topple 7 elite gods with the power of the world at their claws.)
blah blah lore. why celestia did this we don’t know. call it greed. istaroth happens and i still don’t know why. when you come back, horrified by what teyvat has become, you try to fight back. whether weakened from exhaustion caused elsewhere or overwhelmed by grief, you lose, and celestia solidifies their place as the head of teyvat. off you go to your ‘earth’ to rest.
from now on, everything that goes wrong is celestia’s fault. the forbidden knowledge, the abyss, the archon war and the fatui—all of it stems from their lack of understanding as to how to rule a world. they tried to cheat by handing out the gnoses, but they were poorly made, eroding the archons they gift them to. the greater lord’s death, the cursing of dvalin, the entirety of khaenri’ah, all of that can be blamed on celestia.
in canon, characters—even and especially archons—express negative emotions toward celestia. zhongli said that his gnosis was a fair trade for the tsaritsa, who is now vindicated. she leads the nation of love, and out of love for her god, she will not allow celestia to rule any longer.
this swings quite nicely into an imposter au as well. people can Tell celestia is incapable, so they make their own god, one to rule the people while celestia rules the world.
lore over, addressing your ask now.
re: your point about neuvi not recognizing the creator: i see that as very unlikely. though he doesn’t have his full authority, he still can sense the waves in the water, and was able to tell when the primordial sea sluice was about to break.
(the primordial sea itself is a talk for another time. maybe when fontaine is finished i’ll address it again?)
re: your point about the oratrice: this one could go either way. on one hand, in my version as i’ve written it here (which is always open for changes or other opinions) gnoses are essentially bottles. the power inside is the sovereigns, and hence loyal, while the bottle itself is made by celestia, and is hence disloyal. depends on your variety of sagau, i suppose.
finally, none of this is set in stone. i’m partial to the archons having memories of the creator—arguably could be from their gnoses, but that’s an angst for another time—as well as a few other tropes that don’t entirely align with this version of lore. this is… say, the “official” version i have in my head, and my fics are small alterations to this “official” version. additionally, just because its my “official” doesn’t mean it has to be yours, and i’m open to any suggestions or feedback.
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hulhudhonado · 2 years
The Clone Thesis
Note: Somehow I cannot imagine Dottore in a sweet loving relationship but I did want to write about this guy without writing him as abusive. I think he would have patience with the one he loves but no one else. What do you guys think? I apologise if this one isn't up to standards, just a stupid concept I had in my mind when I found out Dottore made clones of himself. Also we all are going to pretend Dottore is Zandik in this ok, I am not sure if it's confirmed or not but it is in my little story universe.
CW: Angst, clones, experiments
HC: Reader is gender-neutral, does not have a vision. Clones go by it pronouns.
Characters: Dottore, Dottore Clones, Mentions of Balladeer
From the laboratory, you looked out the window.You noticed the sun peeking over the horizon.It was the next day while you stayed up all night organizing the shelves of the place. You breath out, seeing the wisps of cold air form into smoke in front of you. The cold weather did not bother you; you couldn't even feel it. However, what bothered you was the clone that Dottore had left to watch you closely as you continued organizing the rest of the equipment left.
You could feel it's gaze on you, burning holes into the back of your head, and you tried to act unbothered by it, but there was a limit to how much you could handle being watched like a hawk. It felt like it was waiting for you to make one wrong move, enough to report back to Dottore at least. You could feel the anxiety piling up, especially since you had been watched since yesterday.
You gripped the notes that you planned to organize in your hand. You could feel them crumple in your grasp. You finally broke the silence. "Do you not have anything better to do?" You asked, turning to look at it square in the eyes. It had the same red eyes as him. You tried to ignore that thought. You scanned it to see if it would reply. It blinked its eyes at you before shrugging. "I was assigned to watch you until he got back. If I could, I would definitely be doing something a lot more productive. "
It leaned forward from the chair in which it sat, placing its head in its hands whilst still looking at your standing form. You glared at it. Its face remained blank. Both of you didn't want to do this, but it seems the doctor has other plans. "Are you not tired? You have been watching me all night. "
It looked at you as if you were an idiot to even ask it that. "You have been up all night too. You don't seem tired either." It retorted. You huffed, turning away from it to go back to organizing the notes. "I can't believe he makes things like you." You say it back to it. It didn't reply, but you knew it was smirking behind you. It acted just like him, and it made you want to throw up.
Because it wasn't him. It wasn't the man you were in love with.
By the time you had finished organizing everything, you could hear the clatter of footsteps outside the laboratory. You could feel yourself light up. 'Is he back?' You thought You rushed towards the entrance, pulling the door slightly ajar to peak outside. You were not allowed to leave the laboratory unless he was with you. He didn't even let you roam around with his clones, so you spent most of the time locked inside the lab, waiting for him to return.
'A peak wouldn't hurt' You think to yourself. He never got mad at you for peaking outside of the door, even though he had told you multiple times not to do so. You tried to see if he was there in sight, and you caught a glimpse of his fatui uniform. You could feel a smile forming on your face, a jitter running through your body. He was back! You watched as he talked to another Fatui member. You couldn't see their faces clearly as their mask obstructed their faces and their figure was facing away from him. However, you could hear parts of the conversations.
Your smile turned into a frown. You couldn't figure out most of the words they were saying, but it seemed that Dottore was not going to be sticking around for long again. You slid back inside, closing the door silently. You turned to look at the clone, who continued to look at you with an unbothered expression. You glared at it.
"You know, he is going to go away again." It said, mockingly. It sat back in its chair, stretching itself. You frowned at it. "Why would you say that?" It looked at you, the same unenthusiastic expression on its face but with a hint of mocking energy in its eyes, almost as if it was toying with you.
"He's the 2nd Harbringer. He has better and more important things to do than play house husband with you. You already knew that, so why ask me? " If only looks could kill. You wished his clone would die just by your gaze. You didn't want believe it was right but you knew better. Dottore had a status to uphold, and whatever he was doing in the fatui had nothing to do with you.
You heard the door behind you creak open. You look behind and Dottore is stood right at the door, frowning at you. You gulped, turning to face him properly. "Were you looking out the door again?" He asked, and you gave a gingerly nod. He sighed, and just as always, he ushered you away from the door, closing it behind him.
He looked at his clone, signaling it to speak. "They just organized some documents and equipment. Nothing else. " It answered robotically. You sighed in relief, knowing you didn't make any mistakes that might have disappointed him. He gave a nod to the clone. "You can leave for now. You've got some work to do with the Balladeer. Go meet him at the right wing of the palace."
In an instant, the clone stood up from the chair, stepping out the door, leaving both you and Dottore behind in the lab. You smiled in victory. 'Finally that thing is gone.' You thought, before looking at Dottore with a smile.
Dottore sighed at you, moving away before slumping in a chair near the window. You frowned. "Is something wrong?" You asked, gently moving towards him. You dropped down to your knees and placed your head on his lap, sitting on the cold tiled floor next to the chair.
He shook his head, taking the mask off his face. You could see his eyes, pure red. His clones looked exactly like him, but you knew even if he pretended to be a clone, you could always tell them apart. He had light bags under his eyes, moles scattered across his face almost like stars, and you could see wrinkles forming at the edge of his mouth and corner of his eyes. He looked human, they did not.
"Are you sure?" You asked again, doubling down. He looked down at you, placing his hand on your face, caressing it ever so gently. You wondered how these same hands did all those horrible things that people would whisper about.
Experiments. Murder. You almost didn't believe it until he confirmed it himself. "You must have had your reasons." You said, still trying to defend him after he had confirmed every bad thing he had done. He didn't reply, so you just never brought it up again. However, you still had some hope that he did those heinous acts for some purpose.
His hand gently moved its way to your head, patting it softly. "I need to go again." He whispered. Your head immediately shot up, staring at him in disbelief. "But you just got back!" You complained. You gripped onto his uniform tightly, looking into his eyes, trying to see if he had any guilt left in him when he said that to you. However, all you were rewarded with was one of the same blank stares that the clones would give you. Your throat closed up, and a sick feeling entered your stomach. Loneliness swirled inside you.
"It's an important matter. It might take a while, but the clones will keep you company until I get back. " You stood up in an instant, and you could feel your eyes watering while you stared at him in defeat.
"It's not the same! Those things are not you! I want to be with you! Not those things that pretend to be you! " You felt the screaming in your throat when you yelled at him.
He sat in the chair and watched as you wailed in sorrow. You tried to pour your heart out but it was only rewarded with silence from him. His lack of reaction did not help in this case. Unsure of what else to do to get a reaction, you dashed for the shelves, tearing down the contents within them. Your hands smashed the pipettes, burettes, and other equipment from their stands onto the floor. You stamped on the books and documents that were scattered on the floor covered in glass.
You looked at him for a sign of worry or guilt but he remained almost stoic. You played this game before and it seemed he was patient enough to wait till you were done with your little tantrum.
Your little rampage and crying left you tired and sweaty. You could feel your heart palpating and your breathing was still unsteady. Tiredly, you slid down onto the floor, sitting against the broken shelf on the glass and ripping documents. You could feel glass pieces pierce your legs through your clothes, but you didn't care. You pull your knees up to your chest and bury your face in them, continuing to sob both in shame and disappointment.
Dottore watched you breakdown, sighing once again. He stood up from his seat before making his way to you. He dropped to one knee up to your level before brushing your hair away from your face. "You're right I apologize. The clones can't replace the time you and I had. Forgive me. " He gently placed a kiss on your head while you continued to try and halt your sobbing.
"Let's get you cleaned up. I'll let one of the clones clean this place up. "
Dottore remembered the past, back when he was a scholar and didn't go by the name 'The Doctor'. He considered those days his most embarrassing memories as a scholar, which he wanted to forget, however the most painful memories tend to be the ones to stick around.
"Zandik!" A voice called out to him. Dottore sighed in annoyance, turning to face the direction of the voice. You waved him down, beckoning him to come closer to you.
He frowned, making his way towards you. You were an unusual person. He couldn't figure out what was going on inside your head most of the time. Most scholars and scribes kept their distance from him, calling him insane whenever he would bring up his theories and discoveries. However, you, on the other hand, would chuckle whenever you heard him go on his tangents. "I can't wait for you to take over the world." You would say, applauding about his theories whenever he would rant about them. He wondered if the other scholars thought you were insane just like he was.
You pushed a bundle of papers towards him. He raised an eyebrow at you before looking down at the paper. "Cloning?" He read the title. You gave an excited nod, beaming at him. "Wouldn't that be so cool? I haven't been able to put it into practice, but I wrote down some possible ways that it might work. I just need some kind of funding to do this and I will be set! "
Dottore scoffed, turning to read what you had written down. The stack of papers was as thick as a log. "You're telling me this isn't done?" He asked, motioning towards the thickness of the paper stack. You huffed. "Of course it's not done! It's just the theory! I still need all the necessary equipment to be able to conduct this experiment! You wouldn't believe it but the Akademiya said they wouldn't fund it! Now I have to find a third party which can outsource this project now! Unbelievable! "You blabbed on while Dottore continued to flip through the pages.
"What would you clone anyway?" You tilted your head to the side, smirking at him. "Myself, of course." Dottore looked up from the paper and back at you, while you continued to grin at him like an idiot.
"Look look, you've got to hear me out!" You said, as Dottore looked at your questionably. "There won't be any ethical issues since I am the one who is going to be cloned! Also, if it's an exact clone of me, then my life would be so much easier! It could be attending all these boring lectures while at the same time I conduct my experiment! We wouldn't be wasting anytime and my thesis could be approved quicker than any paper that has been published the last decade! " You jabbered on, trying to convince him of your exciting new plan.
Dottore sighed, handing the report stack back to you. "But it's a clone, it's not going to be 'exactly' you." You gave him a pout. "Of course it's not going to be exactly me! A clone could never replace me! " You grinned at him.
You were right, of course. A clone was never able to replace what you had left in him. He could feel another sigh escape his lips,as he looked down at the 'You', who was crying on the floor in front of him. You died years ago, back when you were still in the Akademiya. It was quite a sudden death and Dottore didn't even have the time to respond to it properly since he had been scouted by the Fatui at that point.
Dottore's first plan was to bring you back to life. He kept you preserved in a cryo chamber, however as time went on and one, he couldn't seem to get any successful results. Your body was not lasting and he needed to find another way to preserve you.
During that time, he had come across your thesis paper once again, something that you were unable to finish before your unforgiving passing. He read the paper thoroughly, almost learning it by heart. Which resulted in his next idea. Using his funding from the Fatui, he decided the next best option was to clone you an entirely new body and bring back your memories through your clone. However, it was far from a success.
The 'you' he cloned was nothing like you. 'You' didn't have the same witty remarks or the incredible mind that he had once witnessed. At the start, 'you' were closed off, shy and wouldn't even speak up until you were told to do so. 'You' listened to every word he said, almost like a puppet.
He planned to scrap you and try again. That was until 'you' had confessed your feelings for him. He didn't realize the feelings he had back then and the clone's confession made it click in to place. The desperation he felt to bring you back and the way he would read your final thesis almost like sacred religious text, it all made sense to him
The confession left him with a hollow feeling in his stomach. For the first time in his life he felt so sick. 'If only you were the real one.' He thought bitterly as he looked down at your clone, who smiled at him ever so gently. As if he was the world to it. He knew this thing he had created was not you and he would probably never get to see the same person who would brightly tell him every single day 'Take over the world for me!'. It had your face but it was not you.
In the end, he couldn't scrap what he had created. Maybe he was an idiot, but the thought of getting rid of something that looked like you made it feel like he was losing you once again. So no matter how many tantrums or trashing your clone did to his laboratory, he would always gently hold "you" in his arms over and over again. It was the only bittersweet way he could tell you how much he loved you.
Even though he knew the clone would never replace you, he hoped that he could slowly shape it back to how it was.
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monards · 7 months
(why and how) The Heart of Naberius is Rhinedottir's plan to absolve herself 
( a slight crack theory brought to you, by yours truly !!!!! )
  I think that it’s sort of just a general fact that the amount of motives rhine could have to taking the heart of naberius are as plenty as there are theories on who and what paimon is ,,, but after a long and hard night of thinking (chugging three bottles of water and listening to the silver thread soundtrack) I came to the very indecisive conclusion that may or may not be using it for the purpose of absolving her sins.
   As far as we know (and can assume) ; the Heart of Naberius is some adjacent to a gnosis, mostly due to the idea of ‘hearts’ and it holding some inordinate amount of power –  whether that be because it IS a gnosis, or is some sort of primitive/alternate version for another level of power in celestia’s hierarchy is debatable, but it still stands that it more or less likely holds a similar purpose and power as the gnosis the archons have.   In the Fontaine archon quest; it is very much drilled into us that a gnosis has a WHOLE lot of meaning besides just being a communication gateway between both archon and celestia. We find out not only that, hey!! those are actually the third descenders’ corpse!! lolsies!!! – but also that they have SOME association with the sovereign’s power, whether that be on their own or through their respective god/archon. Since, by Neuvillette acquiring it after Focalor’s death, he - for the most part- properly gains back his abilities and powers as the Hydro Sovereign
 And obviously, that's all fine and dandy!!! Woohoo for gnosis lore!! But in the case of looking at Rhinedottir; that adds a WHOLE lot of weight onto her possible plan with the Heart of Naberius.
  Beginning at just the cataclysm, there’s a clear connection between Rhinedottir and ‘Dragons’; > Two of her most prevalent creations are both Durin & Elynas ; and a common thread between the two is their CONTINUOUS description of being ‘otherworldly’ or ‘disfigured’ in some manner   ^ This is incredibly important because it directly aligns with what would be expected of the Dragon Sovereign. They lived in a Teyvat which is noted to be much, much harsher and different from the modern-day; And so, that would imply that, evolutionary, they would’ve evolved to be built for far, far more rugged and tough landscape then what Teyvat is today– we even see this fact in comparing Apep to just Dvalin & Azdaha ; she’s notably larger, and far, far more intimidating and ‘otherworldly’ to put it simply.   ^ This is important because, quite evidently, both Elynas and Durin in no way appear to be ‘made’ for Teyvat. Both, when compared to other draconic-creatures, are out of place; Being excessive in size, notably different physical appearances (think difference between how Durin is described “black skeletal dragon with glowing red eyes. His wings have long veins running along the folds.” VS Dvalin who’s described as “that bejeweled, lovely dragon”) Both of their appearances directly align with the line of thinking you’d have with the sovereign; and even more, it’s clear from comparing just Apep & Elynas– Both have serpentine like forms, which are excessive in size, which can also harbour life in them. Which, I REALLY doubt is a coincidence .   ^ Plys, even more, Just their abilities alone clearly surpass some of the more powerful entities we’ve met. As is seen in Durin and Dvalin’s battle during the cataclysm; where Durin (to put it very very kindly) almost completely wiped the floor, and probably would have, if he hadn’t become aware of WHAT he was doing. This fact alone already establishes that all of the dragons Rhinedottir has created have in no way aligned with the standards of Teyvat as it is today, because even in fighting an archon and celestial dragon– these abilities are FAR excessive in strength and power. Meaning that, more or less likely; they were intended for survival in a far, far harsher environment– one akin to Teyvat prior to the primordial one.   ^ Also, although it’s a bit more crude of an idea; this can explain why subject two was not killed after being essentially fed to Durin ; as it can imply that there was some trait in his anatomy that fostered his growth while in dvalin’s belly, rather than digesting and ACTUALLY killing him. And the only known dragons, and notable creatures, to have that ability IS Apep; one of the Dragon Sovereign. > All of this would imply that, as of that point, there’d already been an attempt to resurrect/recreate the sovereign for one reason or another.  
  And, even more, by just looking at the real mythological Naberius himself, he “restores lost dignities and honors,” ; which aligns terribly well with the narrative of Rhinedottir attempting to restore her dignity and honor as a scientist, and someone who was clearly working to provide food and resources to the people of Khaneriah, by erasing her title as a ‘sinner’, let alone The Great Sinner 
// This is maybe where I go a little more off the rails by throwing Albedo into this mess. Everything beyond this point is babbling. 
Albedo’s involvement;
  We know that Albedo was, obviously, born after the cataclysm; and this isn’t all to consequential until you remember a certain Iudex who was brought into power 400~ years ago, meaning that, as of the point Albedo was created; Rhinedottir would’ve been be fully aware of Neuvillete’s existence ,, which implies a WHOLE lot of things.
   If the gnosis truly does hold the power of the dragon sovereign; this could explain Albedo’s purpose.       At that point in time; Rhinedottir would be formally aware that The Dragon Sovereign can, and are, as far as Neuvillette goes, reincarnated as humans. Meaning that she didn’t have to keep making dragon after dragon, to fulfill her goal; and instead, just had to make a human.   //  Just looking at them alone; both Neuvillete and Albedo hold PLENTY of similarities in their stories that can imply that, in some way, Albedo’s creation and story/fate may or may not take major inspiration from Neuvillette himself // Both feel as if, in some way, they’re ‘separate’ from the rest of humanity;   They’re both notoriously unfamiliar with a plenty of things, which if you squint a bit at; have the same base concept and ideas. They’re both actively learning to understand humanity through another person, too >  Neuvillette, through Furina and her continuous insistence, learns all about humanity; their sorrows, their ambitions, their sacrifice, etc… – and, it can very easily be assumed the one reason he’s not a total and complete recluse is DUE to her pushing and prodding for him to get out, and experience humanity as it is. > Albedo shares a similar point of learning through Klee,, with her acting as his line between his research, and the people of Mondstadt– and just as Furina does Neuvillete- she acts as his reason to connect and learn about humanity, as through her, he takes break from his continuous work and research in dragonspine, to come to Mondstadt!! (this probably isn’t a very good explanation of klee & albedo’s lore,, but one of my loveliest mutuals @haidengjiehas a ton of very very very amazing explanations on their blog that explains their relationship in a lot more depth and thought if you want to understand them more !!!!!!!!  )
  // They also both share a common theme of wanting to learn of, or acquiring some ‘truth’ – and even though this is a common plot device in most of the characters in genshin– i think it’s very important with these two especially; because, more often than not, this truth is derived from humanity itself; >   Neuvillete, prior to coming to Fontaine, was likely horribly similar to Apep in thought and perspective.   We even see so in his character stories, and lack of understanding around humanity as a whole; that he had no initial understanding of humans, or modern Teyvat, prior to being Iudex.   However, it’s established that as of after Fontaine's archon quest; he has officially learned what's essentially the ‘truth’ to him; that humans aren’t what he has made them out to be, all this time; that, instead, they’re dynamic. They experience both joy and sorrow, selfishness and sacrifice– and that above all, they’re not in any way the seemingly despicable entities he likely initially thought them to be for many, many years ( think his “He would never admit that he himself had become quite fascinated with the joys and sorrows of humanity.” line in his 5th character story) >   Albedo also shares this common thread of narrative !!!   Albedo, prior to becoming chief alchemist of the KOF, likely had little to no understanding of humans outside of Rhinedottir, which would imply it definitely wasn’t the.. best of opinions, if she was all he was going based off of.   But, in becoming Chief Alchemist; he was put into a position where he was now exposed to all sorts of people. He was exposed to warmth and love , ambition and determination, and the way many people cope with the adversities in their life.   ^ And, even though we haven’t seen him come to his ‘truth’ yet, we can very well anticipate that this truth is meant to be obtained through this exact manner as Neuvillete’s. In his 5th character story, we see him note "I hope this isn't just wishful thinking, but... when parents speak to their children about 'the meaning of this world'... surely they just mean the pursuit of a happy life?" which, given his very, very clear intelligence and better understanding of the world and humanity now; it’s cleary implied that he’s likely already surmised in some way that Rhinedottir had this intention in sending him out into the world (Thinking back to my Rhinedottir knowing she could never provide Albedo a real example of humanity post,) ; similarly to how Neuvillette  had– she wished for him to acquire this truth through understanding and experiencing humanity.
 Roping this all back into this purpose; this could very well entail that, similarly to how Neuvillette is to the Fontanians and their sins, Albedo’s purpose is to act as salvation for Rhinedottir, (or even khaneri’ah as a whole, if you wanna get REALLY into it)   The gnosis, after Neuvillete's acquisition of it, allowed for him to regain his authority; and forgive the ‘sins’ of the people of Fontaine. The event during which he forgives these sins, prior to what happens, is very, very much similarly referred to as whatever event albedo is to ‘lose control’ during.
  // Both of these events have inherently negative connotations. Obviously, the flooding of Fontaine was implied to result in the death of every single Fontanian; However, it ended up being the opposite– As, after Neuvillete finally realized ‘truth’ he chose to save them, rather than fulfill his original intent to not do anything to save them, which would’ve had them all killed (Think the fact he came to fontaine with a similar mindset as Apep towards  humanity and modern Teyvat.)   ^ As of now; whatever Albedo has been referring to has had VERY similar treatment. In almost every instance of Albedo mentioning it, he almost always implies it isn’t gonna end well; and by law of assumption, that leaves us thinking Mondstadt going bye-bye.   ^ The issue with this, though, is his acquisition of truth. He has, as of yet, not found out what ‘the truth of this world’ really is; mostly due to him not fully understanding where to begin with it. He has the idea, obviously; we see the budding of those thoughts in him thinking that maybe Rhinedottir really had just wanted him to live a happy life to achieve the truth– and, if that were the case- that would mean the exact mirroring of Neuvillete’s story; which could very well imply that whatever this event of him ‘losing control’ is, can be controlled and prevented in a roundabout way.
  ///   We can also very well assume that, similar to Neuvillette, in Albedo ‘losing control’ ; he’s bound to gain some abilities which would shoot his power scaling up. T >  This power is very likely going to come from the Heart of Naberius; as it’s a recurring theme in almost every one of rhine’s creations, that there power and entire being is derived from their heart (hence why they’re such important elements in their stories) and being as right now, out of all her “miraculous creations” , he has yet to gain a real and monumental demonstration of a physical heart ; and there’s no other painstakingly obvious source for this newfound power THEN the Heart of Naberius.   ^ Upon obtaining this power, he would be made to make the choice between fulfilling what he believes was his intent to gaining that power; or the opposite, and saving Mondstadt instead– which is more or less likely to be the case; which if you wanted to get symbolistic with it, could really show him obtaining a ‘heart’– as hearts are mostly commonly utilized to represent love and compassion.
//  >  And, if we’re still assuming that some portion of the dragon sovereign’s authority is held within the gnosis, and the Heart of Naberius IS a gnosis of some kind; this would then align him in under the same logic of how Neuvillete describes himself, “he is one strong enough to equal and rival "the human realm," and logic would dictate that he need not subscribe to this system known as "fate."” This explanation would also explain Mona’s lack of note on his constellation in her voiceline around him.   ^ The importance of Mona's voiceline is that it’s the EXACT same thing that happened in Fontaine. The Traveler & Paimon were at a point of understanding that Fontaine was destined to be destroyed, with everyone being bound to turning back into oceanids   ^ However, Nicole (and what we can assume is the rest of Hexenzirkel) are aware this is not the case. And although Nicole does not fully disclose it to us, she in no way insinuates that what we know is the full truth.  // This aligns with Mona’s reaction, as it shows her neither confirming or denying Albedo’s fate in discussing his constellation; she instead steers around the topic, and merely spends her voiceline about him talking about him as whole– not his constellation, or anything pertaining to it and his fate– only who he is. She would know we’re aware of what we believe is bound to happen to Albedo; because we’re REPEATEDLY established as being some of those closest to him, so it’s not as if she’s hiding it for his safety, or privacy – instead she’s vehemently avoiding the topic, implying she knows something we don't; and that she can’t tell us, as if we were to know– it’s very likely we could in some way throw off fate; Think how we, as a descender, have the power to change Teyvat’s fate. And in us knowing what is fated to happen, we could in some way act abnormally due to that knowledge, and change what was originally bound to happen– which would alter the course of destiny, which could very well then lead to all hell for Albedo.   // ^ this can also explain what we assume is her ignorance towards Rhinedottir.   In knowing Albedo’s fate is not what it really is, and stated to be– and is instead far, far better than it; she would be aware Rhinedottir does not have wholly bad intentions, and neither is a monster sending her son to slaughter, hence her not lambasting her at any point– and even indirectly saying she’d wish would’ve rather not had Barbeloth as her master, while discussing the way Albedo had turned out, while RAISED by Rhinedottir ; which very, very much implies she finds some good qualities in her, to warrant that opinion (Because, as much as Mona may not like Barbeloth; I’d doubt she’d prefer a supposed homicidal maniac who has fated literally every one of her children to death, had that been the case.)
     // Obviously; there’s also the point and situation that the gnosese themselves don’t hold the Sovereign's power; but even then, there’s a very clear way to escape that paradox of a problem.   If we follow the alternative theory that the archon/god in relation to a gnosis needs to be killed, resulting in the destruction of their ‘throne’ and release of the sovereign authority; then Rhinedottir’s obviously capable of making that happen.   We see VERY clearly that Rhinedottir has knowledge and ability that can kill god, as if Durin was able to do all that to Venti & Dvalin; it’s been over 500 years since she created him, and if there’s anything to be established about Rhinedottir– it’s that she’s HIGHLY ambitious. So it’s right of assumption that at some point over the past few centuries, she’s definitely acquired enough of the knowledge/ability and power required to create an entity, or strategy, to dispose of whatever god is directly connected to the heart of Naberius.   ^ This is even established by her following the Shade Of Life’s steps; She would, and does, clearly have the plan to gain some authority/power in equivalence to celestia, and it can be a possibility that she’s mirroring the Shade Of Life as her example to achieve such status. (Since shades are direct fragments of the primordial one; it can be assumed they’re some of the most powerful entities in Teyvat; which would explain why Rhinedottir would mirror one.)   ^ This would then explain her absence. Similarly to both Focalors and Neuvillette; Neuvillete functions just as he does with no idea of Focalors’ plan, and Focalors works behind the scenes to orchestrate everything so that it all plays out as she intends it. 
Does this imply Rhinedottir may or may not self sacrifice? Maybe. Can this also imply another Focalors & Furina parallel being established between Rhinedottir and a new “Miraculous Creation” she may have made over the past 400-ish years since albedo? Maybe. Does this also maybe-possibly mean that Rhinedottir smoked multiple pipes using the leaves of irminsul tree to obtain this absurd amount of knowledge? Perhaps. Am I gonna elaborate? Absolutely not bbecause oh my GOD are my fingers burning with how much i’ve had to type.
(big, big, BIG creds to @mchib for reading this and letting me know how insane i sounded. you are so lovely and i appreciate you very much. (can you guys tell what the verdict was.))
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hearts4renaa · 2 years
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SUMMARY; falling in love with scaramouche included many things; betrayals, unanswered questions, and battles. in fact, so many battles that could be compiled together into a war.
PAIRING; scaramouche x fem!reader
WARNINGS; spoilers for inazuma and sumeru arc, mentions of scaras real name
GENRE; angst but not rlly angst, happy ending dw, songfic kinda
WC: 2.3k
A/N: bye i just got inspired for some reason...this took my 3 hrs to write and no its not proofread! my first contribution to the genshin fanfic community...ofc inspired by "the great war" by queen taylor
Battles weren’t uncommon in this world. In fact, Y/N and Scaramouche fought many of them. Be it physical battles, mental battles, or emotional ones, they’ve fought their fair share. But none of them will ever come close to the battle between them; nothing will ever come close to that war.
Always remember, uh huh, tears on the letter.
I vowed not to cry anymore, if we survive the Great War.
THE FIRST BATTLE started one lonely night in Inazuma, right after Y/N and the Traveler had their run-in with the Balladeer. Y/N clutched a letter in her hand, tears flowing freely onto the paper. The letter wasn’t signed with a name, but rather a small drawing of a flower. Despite the lack of signature, she knew. She knew it was from him. How could he do this? First, he leaves without a trace for years. Then, once she had finally come to terms with the situation, he sends a letter describing how he never wants to see her again. All right after he nearly destroyed their home country.
Y/N stood up from her position on the floor, as a newfound determination fueled by rage filled her body. She made their way out of the room, and made her way to the fireplace in the kitchen. The flames were mesmerizing, the motions moving gracefully to the tune of the soft wind outside. Before she knew it, she was thinking of him again. But not the current him, no, but the past between the two of them. She remembered it all, the flowers he would place in her hair, the midnight walks, the tea they shared. But most of all, she remembered how she cried for him. She remembered how she cried for days on end, begging to know if he was okay. In the end, she was left with years of no closure until he returned to Inazuma. But he didn’t return for her. He returned for the Gnosis.
She remembers walking in the streets and catching a glimpse of purple amongst the crowds. She remembers accompanying Aether throughout the journey, shielding him from the Vision Hunt Decree. She remembers walking into that domain only to be met with his cold gaze. She remembers passing out, only to be awoken by Lady Yae, the one who gave his letter to her. And standing here in front of the fire, it felt like she was reliving it all. I can’t do this anymore.
The tears returned, salt streams coating her cheeks. Her hand tightened around the letter as she held it above the fire. Let go, she thought to herself. You can let go. The letter fluttered into the flames, burning at the first touch. Mere seconds later, the letter was gone. But even with that, she just couldn't let go of him. She loved him far too much, which was both a blessing and a curse.
I won’t cry anymore. She told herself. If we are really meant to be, it’ll fall into place on its own. I won’t cry.
“You want to come with us to Sumeru?” Aether sounded shocked.
“Yes!” Y/N nodded enthusiastically. “I need a change of scenery, and well…you’re very capable. I could learn a lot from you.”
“Are you sure?” Aether questioned. “It’ll be a long journey, and a hard one too.” He looked over at Paimon, who was more than happy to have her join the pair. Paimon gave Aether puppy eyes. “But,” He starts. “If you’re absolutely willing, then we’d love to have you.” He sees Paimon float around in excitement.
Y/N smiled wide. “Oh, Aether, thank you! I promise I won’t hold you down.”
Aether laughs. “We both know you’re a good fighter. Glad to be travel partners, Y/N!”
Always remember, uh huh, the burning embers.
I vowed not to fight anymore, if we survived the Great War.
THE SECOND BATTLE began when Scaramouche realized who Aether was traveling with. What the hell was she doing here, so far from home? A small part of Scaramouche thought that maybe she had come looking for him, despite his letter. He quickly shaked the thought out of his mind. He never told her where he would be, so there’s almost no way she had any idea that he was here beforehand. Scaramouche had never been one to believe in fate, but a tiny part in the back of his mind hoped that maybe, they were destined to cross paths again. Perhaps that’s why he decided to observe the Traveler. After all, it lets him observe her without getting too close. Despite the letter he wrote to her, he still finds himself wishing to be in her presence again. What on Earth has she done to him?
He snaps out of it when he notices the Traveler walk up to Haypasia. Smirking to himself, he gives him a scare. “So, you think this is over?” He speaks, smirking when he sees the Traveler jolt in surprise. The two go back and forth for a bit, talking about how Scaramouche was soon to be a God. A true God, just like he had always wanted. Nothing could stop him now.
“And what do you think Y/N would say about that?” Aether says.
For just a moment, the facade drops and Scaramouche feels his eyes widen. As quickly as it came, it disappeared just as fast. A scowl makes its way onto his face. “Why would I care about what Y/N thinks? She’s just as weak as the rest of you.” That’s not true. Y/N’s one of the strongest people he’s known, both physically and emotionally.
“Maybe because you used to care about her.” Aether gives him a look. Whether it was anger or pity, he couldn’t tell. “Maybe, you still do.”
“Oh really? And what makes you think that?”
“Lady Yae. She told us everything before we left for Sumeru.”
That damned fox lady.
“Maybe I used to, but that’s all in the past now.” Scaramouche put up the best front he possibly could. “I couldn’t care less what she has to say about any of this. She’ll never understand. She’s too weak.” His eyes, and his resolve, hardened. He can’t allow himself to become weak again. He can’t allow himself to care about her.
The Traveler turned away from him, looking out the windows to see Y/N fighting alongside the others. “I think she still cares about you too, you know. It’s not too late to fix things with her. I think she’d be grateful to see you again.”
Scaramouche clenched his fist, so much so that crescent shapes from his nails dug into his skin. Anger bubbled up inside of him. “Enough!” He yelled, a large crack of thunder reaching everyone’s ears. “A word of advice, Traveler…” He floats above them, still keeping eye contact. “Learn to mind your own business.” The thunder is almost deafening, and the lightning strikes leave no area untouched. Scaramouche disappears from sight.
Later in the night, Scaramouche finds himself alone with his thoughts. Is it possible that she could still care about him? Even after the treatment he put her through? What could she possibly see in him? He was a Fatui Harbinger for crying out loud. He left her without a trace, tormented her home country. And yet, Aether thinks she cares about him? How stupid have people gotten?
If he went back to her…if she still cared about him…was it worth isolating himself? Would she want to see him practically destroying any humanity he had left? If fate did exist…if the God’s decided to give him a single blessing in the form of her, why was he fighting? Why was he so against her affection, so against letting her see him again. He wanted to see her, but he was so afraid of her betraying him, just like everyone else.
He’d been betrayed three times already, he doesn’t want her to be the fourth. But maybe, just maybe, if fate were to allow them to be together…
Maybe fighting wasn’t worth it at all.
It turned into something bigger. Somewhere in the haze, got a sense I’d been betrayed…
…That was the night I nearly lost you. I really thought I lost you.
THE FINAL BATTLE started when Nahida, the Traveler, and Y/N finally came face to face with Scaramouche. The sight of him made Y/N sick. This wasn’t the Scaramouche you knew. This wasn’t the Kunikuzushi you loved. Scaramouche’s laugh rang throughout the room in a haunting way. “Oh, Traveler. She cares about me, you say?” Scaramouche’s eyes were so cold. “Yet here she is, to fight against me. Traitor.”
Y/N gripped her sword tighter, looking over at Aether. “Aether, what did you tell him?”
Before Aether even has the chance to respond, Scaramouche cuts him off. “Why, that you cared about me, of course! Did you not hear what I just said?” Scaramouche’s gaze was menacing, staring down at the group with anger evident in his eyes. “But obviously, that��s not true. I’m glad the feelings are mutual, dearest Y/N.” Hurt flashed across Y/N’s eyes, but it disappeared quickly as Scaramouche descended further into this spiral of madness.
The fighting felt endless. Aether’s breathing became heavy, and his arms were so, so tired. Y/N was holding up only slightly better, but she could feel her strength giving out. Scaramouche taunted her. “C’mon Y/N, you can do better than that, can’t you? I expected better from you.” Scaramouche stopped in front of her, all his attention on her. Y/N had an idea pop into her head, and as much as it hurt to execute, it was for the better…right?
Y/N slowly straightened her posture. “Kunikuzushi…” Scaramouche froze in shock at his real name. She said his name like a prayer, and for that moment, time felt like it had stopped. She couldn’t see any of his expressions, but she could tell that he was caught off guard. “I’m sorry.” She whispered, more to herself than to him. “Aether, now!” She yelled out.
Aether rushed, giving the final blow. Scaramouche fell to his knees. For Scaramouche, the world went quiet. Nahida floated up, slowly taking away the Gnosis from his grasp. “No!” He screamed. “Wait, please!” His pleading hurt Y/N’s heart. “Anything but the Gnosis! That’s mine, don’t even try!” She winced at the pain in voice.
“I'll never go back!”
Scaramouche reached out, unable to touch the Gnosis. His eyes found Y/N’s, and whispered her name like a plea. “Y/N…” Scaramouche began to plummet towards the ground.
Her eyes widened, and she immediately dropped her sword, running as fast as she could to try and catch him. She barely made it before he hit the ground, knees scratching against the ground. Scaramouche landed in her arms, unconscious. “No, please no.” She muttered, frantically checking for a pulse. She let out the biggest sigh of relief upon feeling a little heartbeat. It was slow, but it was there. And in that moment, there was nothing else she was more grateful for.
We can plant a memory garden. Say a solemn prayer, place a poppy in my hair. There’s no morning glory, it was war, it wasn’t fair.
Days passed, and Scaramouche still had yet to wake up. Every single day was spent with Y/N by his side, only leaving to grab food, use the washroom, or bathe. Other than that, Y/N stayed with him the entire time. At that point, Aether and Paimon were beginning to get worried.
“Y/N?” Paimon called as the pair entered the room. Y/N shot up in her seat, despite being in her sleep deprived state. She waved with as much energy she could muster.
“Oh, hello you two!” She says with faux energy.
“Y/N, are you okay?” Aether asks.
“I’m fine. Did you two need something?”
“Um..” Paimon looked at Aether with a ‘what do I do’ look. “Y/N, don’t you think maybe…you should go home?” Paimon suggested.
Y/N shook her head. “No, I’m okay! I’ll stay here in case he wakes up.”
Aether sighed. “Y/N, you need to rest. You’ve been here for days.”
She looks at Scaramouche in his comatose state sadly. “But, I need to stay here. If he wakes up, I need to apologize to him.” Her eyes are sad.
“Please.” She cuts him off. “Just let me stay. I’ll eat and sleep after. Just a little longer.”
Paimon and Aether share a look. “Okay.” Aether finally spoke after a period of silence. “Just remember to take care of yourself, okay?” The two left the room.
“Finally, they’re gone.”
Y/N’s head snaps towards the direction of the voice. There he was, slowly sitting up in his bed and rubbing his eyes. “I hate that Paimon thingy, her voice sounds like squeaks.” Scaramouche complained, crossing his arms. He looked at Y/N, who was wide eyed with her jaw dropped. He scoffed at her. “Are you seriously this shocked to see me awake?” He asked with a teasing tone in his voice.
The tears welled up in Y/N’s eyes, and she immediately lurched forward to hug him. He was taken aback by the affection, but he returned it nonetheless. “I’m so glad you’re okay.” She muttered. “I haven’t hugged you like this in so long. I missed you.” Her tears wet his shoulder, but he didn’t mind as much as he thought he would.
“I’m sorry I left so abruptly,” He started. “I was-”
“Shh.” She cut him off. “We’ll talk about it later. Just let me make up for everything we missed out on. I missed you so bad. I know we were apart but…my heart has always been yours.”
Scaramouche’s eyes widened at the blossoming feeling in his chest. Years of being apart, years of being in a constant war of feelings. All of it led to this. All of it led to them being in eachothers arms, here to stay. They wouldn’t have to be separated again.
Always remember, uh huh, we’re burned for better. I vowed I would always be yours, ‘cause we survived the Great War.
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gold-rhine · 6 months
Before the archon war trial arc begins we should get an event where all the archons and Neuvillette are present and you get to watch everyone's wherabouts like in that akademia tournament event, and Neuvillette keeps barely missing all the archons, like a Scooby doo bit.
Venti and Zhongli are actively avoiding him and coming up with dumb explainations for why they're chilling on the roof or fully left the premises(old man yaoi bait too)
Ei doesn't care she's ready to duel a dragon again but she's with Miko who DOES care and is leading Ei all over the place avoiding Neuvi
Nahida wants to have a civil conversation with him but she keeps missing him by chance because now Neuvi's running all over the place...
btw what do you mean, "ready to duel a dragon again"? i dont think raiden ever dueled a sovereign, the initial war between dragons and celesta happened waaaaay too long ago, and its during that war that sovereigns lost power. archon war when makoto came to power happened like, thousands of years later. so even if raiden murdered an electro dragon, which we didnt see mentions of tho, unless it happened at the very invasion of teyvat, the dragon would not be at full power. but thats like. zhongli territory old at least, i dont think raiden is that old. orobashi was most likely not a vishap, just a snake god, bc in enka they did experiments and torture on vishaps under his command and like. if he was a dragon, he'd know all vishaps are intelligent without tests.
the timeline is like. dragons rule and control the elements via authorities ->celestia invades ->war with dragons, celesta wins, most sovereigns are dead, all their authorities taken, BUT NO ARCHONS. celestia is powerful enough to keep elements under control by itself ->thousands of years pass, this is time of unified civilization and celestia being in close touch with ppl via heavenly envoys and sometimes nail-bombing->2 new descenders show up (we dont know if at the same time or not but im not sure), celestia has war with at least one of them, mb both, this drains their resources ->one of the descenders dead, the other makes truce with celestia, bc elements are getting from under control of celestia, i.e. risk of dragons regaining authorities ->celesta and descender create gnosis and give it to archons, this is done specifically to keep elements under control
sorry for digressing, yeah itd be funny. i think he should actually meet nahida, bc he already sounds sympathetic to her, she has rock solid alibi (being kept in a baby jail from birth for 500 years) and then one of the first things she did when she was out is to help healing dendro dragon. i just think nahida is under so much responsibility of always being the wise one and everyone else, and shes still a baby in a lot of ways, she needs someone older to look after her. honorary melusine
btw i dont think we'll ever get actual trials, i think we'll be confronting celestia before it can come to that
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skaldish · 9 months
Is it okay that sometimes I want my Gods to be what They aren't? Like, I want sometimes Them to have some aspects that I like, but not to worship other Deity with that aspects, because I was never interested in Them. I know that everyone's worship and devotion looks different and there is UPG, but still.
It depends. Everyone experiences the gods a little bit differently, and can experience them doing things they may not be traditionally known for, but this is different from assigning aspects to deities simply because we like the idea of it.
Loki has definitely told me when my interpretations of him weren't accurate. He wasn't insulted by it, but he was interesting in making sure I understood him the way he was trying to show me, rather than the way my own thoughts and feelings wanted to interpret him.
UPG is also not the same as having a headcanon. UPG means "unverified personal gnosis," and it's information we gain based on a direct personal experience we had with a deity.
None of this is a dig at you or anything; I'm just giving you points of disambiguation. I know there's a lot of misinformation out there and my goal is to always give people information that will serve them well in the long run.
Sometimes it's hard for us to think of gods as real deities, and we may default to viewing them archetypes or characters just out of habit. They're not offended by it—they know this can be a helluva paradigm shift—but I know they appreciate be understood as they really are.
I guess the real question to ask yourself then, is why you'd like them to be different in the first place, and what the impetus is behind that.
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