#go slow and be educated
tozettastone · 2 months
hi tozette! Hope you're well. Been reading the posts about YA, but it's not very clear what you actually study? Is it YA lit?
Hey there! I did my undergrad degree in literary studies and criminology like a decade ago (that is: an arts degree, with a double major). Criminology isn't like law or forensic science or anything, which is a point of confusion for many people. It's basically the sociology of crime.
A year ago I went back to uni (a different uni) to study more literary studies and writing. My recent YA posts are just about a children's lit unit I'm doing which requires drawing conclusions from children's lit that's actually been published in the last few years and not, like, The Hobbit or The Wind In The Willows or whatever. So I don't actually study YA literature specifically, but it's the area of children's lit I've elected to focus on for this unit.
This is my last unit for this qualification, so in theory I graduate (again (??)) in June or July or something. I will probably ask them to post me my certificate and then maybe apply to study more. At the same uni? At a different one? A third institution, for fun? We just don't know.
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diteach · 18 days
Usually, the office behind mine is empty, and I can read Berserk in piece, but now that someone's temporarily occupying it, I need to read something without images during slow days since 1) Berserk is maybe too much anyway and 2) at least it looks like I'm reading a document
I started reading Moby Dick since I had to do it in preparation for when I buy my next book, and the only thing I can think about is that post that goes something like "reading Moby Dick is like when you're queuing at the store and someone suddenly starts telling you that, well, everyone's been gay at least once in their life"
Like, I get it now.
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When one of your assignments is to watch youtube videos your professor picked out for you to watch while she was sick and then write a short summary of them it's all fine and good
Until one of the videos has such garbled audio even the captions can't understand what's being said
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albonium · 1 year
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i tried to take a nice pic but he didn't cooperate
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downydig · 2 years
I would have graduated this spring if I hadn’t changed my major
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cainpdf · 9 months
so I picked up the piano again after not touching it for a couple of years. I never properly learned music theory – I know a couple of basics, but not nearly enough – and I've made up my mind to properly learn the basics and maybe more. I know I might not need deep knowledge of music theory to learn a couple of songs on the piano but I am unable to half ass things lmao and also I want to properly do this, I think it's a beautiful instrument and it's worth the mental effort lol. but as with learning anything through the internet I'm preparing myself for a lot of confusion before it all becomes clear
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angerofangels · 9 months
Largely because of my inability to read quickly I went from honors and college level english classes to being in the english class with all the football players which I am still kinda upset about in terms of academic pride because reading and writing are always things I've been good at but I think its been very healing to me to now have read a lot of English literature on my own, usually through audiobooks.
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bear-of-varley · 11 months
I'm finally done with my university studies like all I have to do is submit some journal entries and my final and that's it. Forever. I never have to do a master's degree ever again and you'll never make me.
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moononastring · 2 years
Had two cups of coffee already and am still ready to fall asleep 😴
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chytilovian-daisy · 1 year
it is very strange to hear the education of someone who was brought up in fundamentalist circles and its like... actually this is the same stuff we’re told in american public school education
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fayriequeene · 2 years
Postpartum depression is VERY treatable even without medication
I encourage you to research this. I’m not trying to be mean, but it seems like the education system failed and didn’t give you correct information about mental health.
Please talk to a professional. As a therapist myself, I promise there are dozens of ways to help depression without medication.
I live in area with 0 private healthcare options which leaves me relying on the NHS.
At my only postpartum appointment at 8 weeks they just ticked 5 boxes and signed me off maternity care and told me I was likely fine and should wait and see if it gets better (about my active bleeding and mental health) So either I am completely fine or there isn’t much I can do about it either way 🙃 That’s forced socialised healthcare for you
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zablionsea · 3 months
I've been putting it off for too long, but I'm going to make my advising appointment to put dropping out of college into motion (I'm quitting after this semester but before next).
It will suck and be a very embarrassing video call to make, but I can't put it off too long. I'm moving states soon, and I have to withdraw with that fact in mind.
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kentucky-daisey · 4 months
Feeling a weird sense of calm and clarity lately.
A bunch of stuff has happened over the last few months and, after a long couple of years of not knowing what I want, I can comfortably see the direction I want my life to take. Still working on the how, but am very confident in the end goal.
For all the people in my life who said I'd figure things out/be happier in my thirties, you were absolutely right.
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irrepressible-miracle · 5 months
It fucking sucks that I have to take some stupid test to see if I can English good enough if I want to go abroad
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kingkaizen · 1 month
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∘ desc: studying is always best when you're getting your pussy played with <3
∘ ft: nanami
∘ a/n: for all of my loves approaching finals week, hope this helps <3
∘ includes: fingering, pussy slaps, choking, overstimulation
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“Focus for me, sweetheart.”
Nanami’s calloused fingertips hovering just slightly over your soaked cunt was the only thing your clouded brain could focus on. Sitting with your back against his chest, legs spread and notebook in hand, he wasn’t referring to you to focus on him. No, he wants you to try your hardest to absorb as much information from that notebook as you could. With your finals coming up, it’s incredibly important to make sure you’re effectively studying in order to get the best grade possible. Nanami thinks that your education is important, and he will do everything he can to make sure that you pass all of your classes.
“You’re always so wet for me.” Nanami mutters to himself, always in awe by how beautiful you look all spread out for him. “Go ahead, read the next paragraph honey.” Your eyes search on the white page for what you read last, finding your place before reading out loud.
“This n-next section illustrates -fuck- the essentials for…” You trail off, brain fogged over at the feeling of him finally making contact with your throbbing clit. He circles around it slowly before applying just the right amount of pleasure, causing you to throw your head back onto his chest. His fingers leave your body just as fast as they got there, making you groan in frustration.
“Kento, I can’t do this anymore. Please just touch me already.” You’re growing increasingly frustrated at this point. Fuck your exam, you just want him inside of you. Nanami has other plans, however, shaking his head no at your request.
“You know I can’t do that, love. This test is more important than whatever this pretty little pussy of yours wants.” Nanami gives your cunt two quick slaps, making you jump in surprise at the sudden contact. “Finish reading this page and I’ll reward you, come on.” You could feel Nanami’s warm breath tickling your ear as his fingers made their way back, teasing you so much that it’s driving you insane. You’re growing more and more desperate by the second, hands shaking in anticipation as you continue reading. The further you get down the page, the more Nanami is willing to give you. 
“...and with that, c-concludes the end of this chapter.” As soon as you get that last sentence out, Nanami plunges two thick fingers into you, curving them ever so slightly to hit that gummy spot that causes you to cry out in delight. You’re gripping his biceps with so much force, trying anything to keep you grounded as he shows you no mercy. He’s putting his forearm to work, tiring his wrist out to push in and out of you as his other hand grips your neck to push your head back against his chest. The eye contact is so intense, hand wrapping around your throat making you clench around his fingers.
“So greedy.” Nanami chuckles, watching the way your eyes flutter closed in your pathetic attempts to keep them open. “Gonna cum all over my fingers? C’mon baby, let it all out for me.” Nanami’s words made your heart pound even harder, legs shaking as that feeling deep in your tummy starts to overwhelm you. Your eyes roll to the back of your head, thighs closing around his hand as you gush all over him. He groans at the sight, fingers slowing down inside of you as he works you through your high. He kisses all over the side of your face and neck, each touch of his lips feeling like sparks of electricity over your skin. Sensing that you’re finally coming back down, his fingers make slow movements inside once more. You whimper at the feeling, pleasure coursing through your veins once more. 
“Too much, Kento!” You cry out, hands gripping his wrist in a weak attempt to pry his large hand away from your warmth. He doesn’t move an inch, instead adjusting the hand on his neck to slowly move down over your collarbones, fingers twisting over one of your nipples.
“I’m sure you could take it. You’ve been such a good girl for me, let me give you a treat for all of your hard work.”
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© kingkaizen | do not copy, steal, or duplicate!
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Just off the top of my head, here's some setting assumptions D&D makes thats not even universal to high fantasy, let alone dark/low fantasy, historical settings, urban fantasy, or scifi;
Magic is something anyone can access with proper education and time
There is a pantheon of very real deities who each have different purviews and distribute magic
Combat is generally slow and grindy, and your average player character or enemy can take multiple strikes from a sword and keep fighting.
Characters will get physically stronger and more martially competent as they continue to adventure, to the point of being able to fight enemies like dragons and giant demons.
Magic takes the form of a specific list of flashy and powerful effects, most of which can be performed in the span of seconds and are oriented around combat.
There is an afterlife and people can be revived
Generally speaking a character is going to have to choose between martial prowess, magical capability, and a sort of "everything else" bucket. In particular, a character specialized for combat is going to have little to do outside of it.
Some of these assumptions (leveling up, grindy combat, characters specializing in combat/magic/noncombat) are both very restrictive in the kinds of stories you can tell, and fundamental to how Dungeons and Dragons works to the point that you lose the benefit of familiarity if you try to remove it. (Good luck selling "We're playing 5e but we're not leveling up" or creating an entirely different suite of classes)
I saw someone compare D&D to Star Wars, which is more or less the most popular "scifi with magic" media; Jedi just don't fit into D&D classes; they're the biggest source of player-side magic, and their powers are a small toolkit of subtle, new-age-mysticism tricks; pretty far from wizards, clerics, and warlocks.
I know 5e-Only types will mostly not care but for the sake of my sanity I need this written down.
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