#goblin tribes
hoztthespunkieball · 3 months
Just got my first Warhammer set!
So long story short, I was interested in Warhammer for a while now and few days ago while in the city I happened to walk past the Warhammer store. I couldn't help myself and went in. The guys working there were very sweet and helped me with choosing my first friction, The Goblin Tribe (from The Age of Sigmar).
They also gave me a quick miniature painting tutorial and were overal very thoughtful. Not gonna lie, this warmed my heart. I remember getting MTG cards back in the day and guys(players) acting hostile and borderline misogynistic.
All in all I'm very excited to build and paint my very first army. I'll be posting updates here.
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archivist-the-knight · 3 months
also a good way to go into fantasy society worldbuilding or just worldbuilding in general is just to remember "no animal is inheritly evil, no human is inheritly cruel and deserving of punishment for being alive, and no species is deserving of a death penalty simply for how they look. no matter what."
like. if you have a species that say. is being ruled by an evil overlord and as such rules under a very violent society. however if person of that species is taken outside of this society, they can become a better person and learn from their misdeeds. if a member of the species isn't raised inside the walls of this violent society, they'll turn out just how their parents raise them, not how the society expects them to act.
but if you have a society where the species inside of it is "inheritly" seen as evil or stupid, where even raising a child out of this environment they are still mean no matter what. stop. that does not make sense. that gives off a very weird message. it's way more compelling and thoughtful if you state that its an upbringing, or a society, that makes someone who they are, not that its "inherit." holds up hands. back away from the stage a little. no one is inherently evil no matter what even if you dont like them. and especially even if you dont find them pretty or "cool."
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nizar-dreams · 11 months
As amazing as Fantastic Beast is with all of the interesting creatures and additional lore, I loathe the take on the American Magical World. And not because American pride (‘Merica🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅) but because that might work in New York, but that social structure sure as fuck don’t work the farther west you get.
Each state is different, it gives them their charms, and each state also has… drumroll please 🥁🥁🥁🥁
NATIVE AMERICANS!!! Yes the people who’ve been on these lands since before the first of the 13 colonies even existed!!!
Can you imagine Magical America? The creatures who lived alongside tribes? The giant forests? Hell, the other sentient beings like the centaurs, goblins, elves, etc.? Imagine:
The great Rivers and Lakes guarded by the merfolk and swimming with the great salmons, occasionally assisting the tribes along their borders so they all may share what the waters have to offer them
The great Plains and Forests with centaur tribes being mighty and powerful, guardians of the lands and occasionally allying with the human tribes
Elves that are still short but mighty and healthy and who get mistaken for native children when they live alongside human tribes
Goblins living deep in the caves of mountains, living happily with little human interaction besides for trading for safe passages and materials.
Imagine the werewolves loving their inner wolves and having their own tribes and living peacefully in their homes.
Imagine that, for thousands, and hundreds of years they lived in peace, occasionally waring against themselves but things happen of course but they way the magic and earth had never been so healthy as it was. Gods imagine Yellowstone or the Grand Canyon? Or the Mojave Desert? The great basins, the plateaus…
And then, when the Europeans started claiming the land that the magical beings fought to protect the lands they have lived on for centuries, the creatures of the forest hiding the remnants of their great lands from human eyes and hands, protecting the magic that slowly dies as the land gets destroyed and the magical beings who called those lands home started to die and could no longer protect the land.
That they tried to cling and hide and fight for their homes with whatever they could, but when the magical Europeans got involved it just went to hell for the magical beings.
The Native Reservations, National Parks/Lands, and deep into the mountains, are some of the few places that magical creatures can live in relative peace. The centaurs are not as many, and the elves either live on the reservations or the forests. The goblins are not like their European kin, but they are not the same as they were, now instead of trade for safe passage it is trade for protection of human materials or trading for goblin creations. The merfolk have perished in most lakes and rivers where humans have polluted or hunted their food to extinction. The magical creatures who once lived on the land are either hunted down for sport or for being declared born of hell.
Now imagine Ilvermorny, created by a mother who wanted her children to learn magic, and turned into a way for tribes to take shelter and teach their ways as well as learn other ways for magic. The school cropping up in the midst of Magical Americas downfall becomes a place that the few tribes not driven out of their home learn different form of magic while creating a foundation for Native American magic to survive and be taught in the school. Imagine multiple sister schools (because America is too big for there ti be only one school) to the original Ilvermorny being created to teach, to embrace and preserve a culture they refuse to let be erased.
Years later and it is a core course that gets taught, and keeps a part of a culture alive that was on the bring of complete erasure.
Imagine that when African slaves started appearing and become enslave, those who escaped and found themselves at Ilvermorny schools, they started teaching their magics as well. Then as more minorities started to appear in America, so did the lessons in certain Ilvermorny schools where these minorities were prevalent.
America is a cauldron full of magical cultures being mixed, and Ilvermorny is the first to openly teach different magical cultures. The southern schools involve more Mexican, Spaniard, some French, and African magical courses, while the north is more French. The east coast is more influenced by British magics, while the west coast is influenced by the Spaniard, Chinese, and Russian.
They all had their own mix and all have the main course shared by the people who lived their first, but magical america is sooo much more more fascinating and so young still! There is still so much that I can’t possibly cover without a month of research! And we haven’t even reached the southern hemisphere!
Fantastic Beast is great, but it’s missing the uniqueness and complexity of America. And I can only dip a finger into the endless possibilities of the magical American world.
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greatfunkystatic · 8 months
This new keynote from FFXIV was unintentionally made just for me.
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miirshroom-art · 2 years
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Dirge Rukkzeuge - tengu cleric
My spooky gal played during the Malevolence module for Pathfinder 2e. Fun times haunted house adventure with a wacky crew of ghost exterminators.
Dirge collects bones from victims of murder and hauntings and dyes them rainbow colours. It’s her odd way of providing tribute to the goddess of art who she follows and honoring the memory of the victims. She has also been in the habit of bleaching the feathers around her face in a lighter colour over time.
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mischiefwife · 7 months
Sharp-Eye Sluck should be a full BG3 companions and here's why.
I'm continuing my mission to find out how many short race characters should be companions to fight back against all the talls and the 5 different kinds of elves! My reasons below the cut.
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donutcleric · 8 months
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Are devil fruits really worth it? the goblin is our captain @knockoffgoblin ! I'll have to finish drawing the ship soon.
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linuxealcipher · 2 years
I definitely didn’t post this to the wrong blog originally
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A little doddle of the RainWing group!
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kiwork · 2 years
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The Clow clan are relentless, brutal and bloodthirsty. Their sheer stubbornness to fight until the last goblin has won them many battles but it has also driven their clan to the point of extinction many times.
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dmcheatsheet · 7 days
minor human Tribes:
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Cute corpsey couple. From Hags Teeth, trapped in a city when they meet you. Necromancer witch girl and revenant paladin boy 'Can I make it any more obvious'.
The last pic is a hot barbie gladiator who rules over a village of goblins who all have the hots for him. He is a bandit chief and celerity. Who 'is only into short stacks' but if Party has a PC taller than the Human he will try to subtly ask them out and can be revealed this way.
_Love Quest_
Lady love appears befor you in cloak of reds and pink, shear fabrics flow like wind and scent of flowers strong as you've ever experienced fills the little shrine. "Knight of Love, tell me... how tall are you?? 😗". "I heard a prayer from a passing traveler in the west. He/She was concerned after passing through a village. Polyamory is fine by me, poly people people can be very romantic, but... In this case, an isolated village is suddenly ALL poly, that is a cause for concern. I was told other details, but I'll not share them for fear of biasing you with a single sided account. You task will be to investigate the village and break the bones of any heart breaker you find there. Pray to me when it is done.
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hoztthespunkieball · 3 months
Army update #2: Ed, Edd & Eddy joined the chat
Today on my way to work I kept thinking about the colour pallet for my army. When I was getting myself some lunch I noticed an interesting soda can. (You probably know where this is going).
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Those colours are EXACTLY what I was looking for. Gentle tint of mint was the missing piece I needed. Now I know how to proceed.
After work I swung by the War Store and got myself propper clippers. They were kind of pricey, but it's okay. I don't mind spending a bit more money on something I'll be using regularly.
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I also picked up the figurine I started painting the last time. When you buy your first set you get one for free. I still haven't finished painting this lil guy, but will do that in a free moment.
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Then I finally finished the base on Uno. He still got a long way to go, but ita a start. After adding some more highlights he'll be a beautiful boi.
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After that I took some pics of the bigger bois I partly put together the last time. They're not done yet because I was too scared to proceed with regular scissors and damaging the arms.
Ed: the one with one paw on a rock.
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Edd: the one with cool as skull on his side.
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And Eddy: the one with small, cute bone attached to his hip.
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Tumblr doesn't allow me to put more that 10 pictures, but it's okay. I'll upload more pictures of the bois once they're all built and covered in base. All you have to know now is that their asses are showing and I love them for it. Healthy kings embracing body positivity. Just take my word for it.
That's it for now. I'll keep y'all posted :)
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zahnffxiv · 2 years
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hrothtober day 24: tribe if you mean… i don't think i— oh!! i'm pretty close with the gobbies of idyllshire!!
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welldrawnfish · 6 months
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Comic idea about a Knight who is the personal guard and lover to the kingdoms princess, attempts to stop an assassination and is turned into a lil goblin girl, scourge of the nation.
Chased from the castle as the suspected assassin she is brought into a nearby tribe of goblins, she must infiltrate the kingdom, and get to the princess, before the next attempt on her life.
The goblin tribe names her twig.
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goblinthegoblin · 2 years
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infernalwitxhcraft · 2 years
All About: House Spirits
Well, it's about time I brought them up once again, in their own post. This guide may be on the lengthy side, but it's here to explain what they are and how to begin working with them.
What the hell is a house spirit?
House spirits come from all different cultures and folklore. Known as, you guessed it, guardians of the home. They protect the house itself, the land around it (they get along with the land spirit(s) most of the time), and they also protect the family if treated right. A home certainly doesn't feel like one without these presiding spirits helping. In fact it gives the home a life of it's own.
What do they look like? Are there types?
Across many cultures, there are these spirits and the folklore varies for each. In my tribe, we consider them to usually be little dwarves or goblins that must be appeased, otherwise they will cause bad luck or even resort to curses. Regular offerings are required. Then there are the land spirits, which is a whole other topic. If given regular offerings and respect, we believe that they will not only generate good luck and events for us, but protect us and help with our daily lives. For the witches of the tribe, they will often assist in rituals and spells. That all being said, this has carried over into my personal beliefs. Many cultures describe house spirits assisting with the same things and if they are displeased, bad occurrences following. As far as looks go, it depends on the folklore surrounding your area and your cultural background(s). You may believe in one or two types or an entire spectrum of house spirits from the realm of the fair folk. You could have one house spirit or twelve. It's entirely up to your home. In some cultures, there are door spirits (yes, that guard the doors) and ones that work in the kitchen, among others for different functions of the home.
Okay so, I live in an apartment building. Can I still work with them?
Yes. When I used to live in apartments, I found it was an either/or situation regarding how many were there. Some buildings have only a few that roam around, sometimes only one that protects the entire building, or there may be multiple hanging out in one apartment. Most complexes have multiple however. And then for the lucky buildings that have one for each apartment...those are nice. I've included a short offering ritual at the end of this post, which you can use to ask questions about whatever you wish to know, including how many there are in the building.
What kind of offerings do they like?
Milk, honey, bread, and herbs are a safe bet. They especially like bread baked by you, as they see it as a labor of love and that your energy is in there. Taking time to tend to the garden and taking care of your property & home in general are things they like to see. Don't leave the house a huge mess, as many prefer a tidy atmosphere. Not an offering per say, but important to mention nonetheless.
What should I put on their altar?
I keep my altar for them in the kitchen, as it is in a place that is undisturbed and can't be torn up by my land shark (aka, my dog). I also feel that most of the house spirits I have worked with in my life enjoy hanging out in this area of the home. They seem to like assisting in kitchen magic and cooking in general and the warmth of the stove. You may also want to include a small area near the front door if you believe that there are separate spirits for there. I'd recommend a shelf, as it won't take up as much space in the entryway.
Okay, back on track. Plants (if the space gets enough light), a cauldron, candles, offering bowls, a chalice, glass, or mug of some sort. A special spoon to stir the drinks or potions with. Decorative pieces from nature. Things you craft by hand.
How can I begin working with them?
Anytime, in reality. However, you do have to develop an actual relationship with them. This can take time and the more you speak to them, give offerings, and invite them in as you cook or clean, the more they will be willing to help with your spellwork, wards, and healing. Try the introduction ritual I've included. See what happens. Document it. Try again another time the following week. And just...keep going. Make sure that they know you haven't forgotten about them by leaving a small nightly glass of milk out before you head to bed. It doesn't have to be filled to the rim (hey, cost of living is ridiculous right now). It can be a splash with a squirt of honey added. Or a sprinkle of herbs on their bowl. Or maybe a small helping of what you whipped up for dinner. Point is to show them that you acknowledge and respect their presence. That will be the biggest component. Do the ritual once a week until you start seeing signs of contact. Once you do, make your own ritual with them. Incorporate them into your daily life. Ask them to help with blessing your cooking. Ask them to make sure your wards are in tact. Ask the door spirit to purify the energy of anyone that walks in & make bad people resist coming by. Start seeing if they'd like to sit in on a ritual, if you feel comfortable with that idea. Ask for a blessing when you clean the house & to assist you in removing all the bad energy.
Brief introductory ritual
To introduce yourself to your house spirits, I recommend sitting in your kitchen. If you consider your hearth to be the living room, you can choose to do it there. Make sure to bring offerings with that you feel will be applicable. Freshly baked bread (from your own hands) and some milk with honey stirred in would make a wonderful first treat. I usually introduce myself in a new home by bringing these treats to the location of choice, and start by speaking my intention aloud which goes something like:
"Spirits of the home,
Guardians and Protectors of this dwelling,
Please come sit with me and enjoy these offerings.
I wish to have a working relationship where we can honor, respect, and help each other."
I usually spend about ten-twenty minutes meditating after this is spoken aloud. Sometimes you will feel a strong presence. This is the time I take to set up my kitchen altar as well. If there is a place that I am able to create a mini-altar by the front door, I do so there for the door spirits. The land spirits get their own little thing out in the backyard. I've found in the many places I've lived, they almost always work together and some house spirits spend quite some time out there too!
From here on out, you'll develop your relationship with regular offerings and take it from there!
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whereserpentswalk · 5 months
To any faries reading this *please* do not keep humans as pets. We may be weaker and shorter lived than you, but we don't make good pets.
You cannot have a domesticated humans. No, a human whose thumbs you cut off or whose voice box you removed isn't a domesticated human, just like how declawing a wild cat doesn't make it domesticated. These can be incredibly traumatic for humans, and while it stops "wild" behavior such as making and using tools or screaming and trying to contact other humans for help, it's not worth hurting your exotic pet.
And even if you encounter humans in the wild, please don't mistreat them. Seeing interdimensional beings, especially large insectoids like most faries are, is frightening to most humans. Screaming is actually a fear response in humans, even if you think it's cute. There are also clear signs that a human wants to mate with you, and you should probably do a lot of research before attempting to pleasure them that way, it's not the same as just petting them and if very culturally important, also depending on your elemental nature it could seriously harm them.
If you want a humanoid pet, please consider getting a goblin. They've been domesticated by creatures like faries for almost 5 million years, and they can be quite sweet and freindly. A lot of planes have tribes of stray goblins, and theyre considered invasive within the corpse of Ymir (where about 60% of humans are live) so adopting them is doing a major service.
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