#god I love this himbo soooo much :3
POV it’s after midnight, you’re an artist and you realize you haven’t drawn your favorite character for some time…enjoy
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rainpelt25 · 2 months
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Okay so what if I told you I did a really silly thing and made a Star Trek tos medival fantasy AU.......
More info under the cut smirk
OKAY SOOOO 😍 basically I had this image of kirk in a suit of armor but that kind of half armor where the other half is a dress and thag kinda spawned everything else
The AU doesn't exactly stick to the typical medival fantasy world, I had an idea about vulcan/elves and humans not coexisting very well. And vulcans can do the typical magic spells so humans have to make manmade magic (ie. That big thing on scottys back and all of mcoy and chapels potions)
ANZYWAY here are some facts about them in the order they are presenteddd bc ik it's kind of a random set to start with lol I'll post more later
A knight from a kingdom (starfleet) that worships stars (?) Hes a captain and got separated from his troops. He looks a little grumpy in the image hes very sweet very himbo I was just concentrating on his outfit drawing that so I didn't think of the pose lol. Also! The way I og imagined him was with those two painted on dots, it could be a religious thing from the kingdom or something idk but I just rlly wanted them to stick so yeah!!
A blacksmith and all around inventor!! He specializes in man made magic, something very powerful and dangerous in the wrong hands but he just finds it useful to power his machines while he's on the go :) so of course he just pretty much PERFECTS IT IMMEDIETLY because he's scotty!! This probably got him attention from the wrong crowd and his moving from place to place life style becomes more of a on-the-run thing. Oops!
OK I KNOW THIS IS A LITTLE WIERD IN A FANTASY but this was around the time I was leaning more medival than fantasy (because I love history) and was thinking- what did medival doctors do? Medival times was kind of the plague era.....riiiiighhttt..?? Anywaayy there's some magical plague going around in the background probably more near where Chapel and Mccoy are from. He travels the lands in search for people to help! He specializes in potions- thought not his favorite medicine but the only thing that can combat the sickness. He's just a very tired old man that wants to help people <3
OK SO UM THIS ONES VERY MEDIVAL BUT WHATEVER WERE ALREADY DOING IT!! Chapel lived in the same area as Mccoy, living as a nun (secrets out I don't care about history I just love nuns) Among the many nun things her favorite was helping the local doctor out as a nurse. She grew very knowledgeable about medicine, and with her previous knowledge of magic as a nun they both came up with a (sort of) cure to the plague. But oops! Blasfamy! As the church decided the plague was actually an act of God! So with the help from the doctor they both ran away, searching for people that needed (more like wanted) their help!
It's a little wierd but I hope atleast somone found this intresting!! It's all I could think about for days lol😭 if anyone wants to talk about it or just their own ST AUs I would be SO open for that PLS
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merakiui · 1 year
VNSJSCJSKKGKSKWKF PUNK JADE????? as a jade stan i am CLAWING my walls istg
seriously still kicking my legs at that tag omg the thought of punk jade fkkfjsjjc like those stereotypical wattpad bad boys but somehow he's a little more charming and... tolerable (to an extent), i guess...
he leans on lockers, probably rides a motorcycle his rich ass mafia father gifted him, and is definitely brooding and mysterious, but oh my god is it so attractive... you don't mind and it's as if you were put into a spell; especially after you realize you're tangled up in the sheets of his bed, your mind hazy and memories hardly legible <3 you realize he's just as bad as his brother but then again, he's soooo much better in bed, you don't mind in the slightest anymore !!! <33333
fjsjjfjdkrjv i'm just spilling my brain worms now jade has affected me once again
— (a new-ish follower named star hehe <3)
orz punk Jade is so fine omg,,,,,, he has so many piercings, a few very intricate tattoos here and there, and in my heart he kills it on the electric guitar. <3 he rizzes you up with just a few chords and you know his fingers do more than skillfully play chords. Omg omg and he has a split tongue!!!!!!! He always wears his hair in messy styles, uses hair gel to keep it spiky when he wants it to be, and maybe he smokes on occasion; perhaps even coerces you into smoking. >:) getting high with him is an experience omg,,,,,,, maybe you hotboxed with him in Floyd's van once and the two of you kissed a few times and you learned that he's so good at kissing???? So much better than Floyd, and you have to wonder how he's leagues better when Floyd's so social, loved (and feared) by all, popular enough to be with anyone he wants. Jade's just so alluring in a way that his twin isn't. Whereas Floyd's all broad shoulders and bulk and muscle, Jade's all lean muscle and willowy and agile.
You don't trust him to take you for an innocent ride on his motorcycle, so Jade suggests using Floyd's van for stuff. Floyd doesn't really care because he's so busy with sports; his van is already messy enough (he draws the line at cum stains, though. At least, cum stains that don't belong to Floyd himself lol). It's a little unfair that Jade's really good at sex because you want to experience all of this technique with Floyd (who has yet to make you cum with his dick, mind you). Jade just knows what tips you over the edge. He wrings orgasms out of you like he's trying to prove something, and maybe he is. You never really paid much mind to him because he was the "quiet twin," the one who, despite his notable fashion and style, didn't really draw your eye.
Jade just loves showing up in your life when you're trying to avoid him and his bad influence. He teases you about that all the time, playfully calls you good girl/boy/goody-goody when you insist you're only visiting his apartment to see Floyd. He has the stickiest, sleaziest smile on his face when he lets you in, speaking in that mocking drawl of his, "You know Floyd has practice at this time, right?" And god you want to punch him, kick him in his dick, tear his hair out. But you don't because you can't. Because he's addicting. Because he's good at fucking you and talking to you and being your friend and making sure you're safe and sound when you have a bad trip and asking if it feels good when he lays you down in Floyd's van and ruts into you like he has all the time in the world. You hate him, but then you don't because he's so much better than Floyd. And of course you still like Floyd, but he doesn't hit in the way Jade does.
You wake up in his bed more times than you can count, twisted up in the sheets or, more recently, in his arms, and Jade has such a fun time teasing you for it. But then he's so tender in the mornings, so soft and gentle, caressing your cheek or pressing kisses over the marks he left the night prior. The two of you are way more than friends, but neither of you say anything to make it official and so you're stuck in a situationship that feels so comfortable and enjoyable.
Omg and when he plays the guitar for you....... orz Jade is the worst thing to ever happen to you (or so you adamantly claim), but he's also the best because if it weren't for him you'd never form such a genuine connection with him. <3 also, he opened your third eye. You shouldn't settle for bad, sloppy sex with his brother when he can fuck you six ways from Sunday and leave you satisfied each time. He takes immense pride in this, too. Annoying, but you love him. You really, truly, honestly do.
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11queensupreme11 · 2 months
First of all: Long Live the Queen! Hope you're doing great, your stories are a real delicacy... I first discovered your Tsunami fic when I was in my jjk era, but your Arsenic Blues woke up my inner pjo fan. So eager to see how this all unfold.
But for now, time for the Rankings!
My personnal RoR favorites based on the manga only:
1) Shiva--> Not in the harem, but I had to place him somehow. Was searching for a Shiva fic in the first place. Love the himbo energy. At least it's good to see he's one of the "sane" one in your story.
2) Anubis--> Same, feral himbo doggo energy, can we ask for more?
3) Beelzebub--> Noo don't unalive yourself Bb love u so pretty haha🥺
4) Hadès--> All Hail to the King, here for the BigBro energy
5) Poseidon--> Mytho/Pjo fan here, of course he's one of my favorite gods, but I'm not a fan of his RoR portrayal. He's pretty tho.
6) Apollon--> Too effeminate for my taste, I was rooting for Leonidas anyway.
7) Loki--> U ugly ass, stinky ass, nasty ass bi***
Now, the interesting part, the Ranking based on [Arsenic Blues], as for now, until chapter 31:
1) Beelie Bestie 🤗! It seems you will soon give us reasons to hate him, but for now he's my personal favorite. Hope he will overcome his current difficulties. Fun fact: I tried to translate "Beelie" in my language, tried to find an equivalent nickname, I found "Bébou" (pronounced beeboo, another way to say "baby"). That’s so cute!
2) Loki--> I know it's unlikely but... is this bad that I really want him to take Percy's virginity 😳? Your writing is soooo good, it made me root for him of all people. Everyone loves a good outsider, and since he doesn't want to kill Percy anymore, he climbs up the ranking.
3) Anubis--> Favorite from the manga, I was sooo happy to see that u included the doggo. Didn't appear yet, but I have really high hopes for him. Beware the Allmighty Knot!
4) Poseidon--> This is a dark fic, I understand the appeal, the taboo of the incestual relationship, but since he's already her father, her family, the one who has authority over her, I think he has an unfair advantage compared to the others. This is the reason he's kinda low ranked, but I really loved the relationship he built with our best girl. Embrace Fatherhood (but not too much😰)
5) Hadès--> Same here, too much authority over her, doesn't have the appeal of the gradually evolving relationship. Creepy old  uncle, hope your non-existent liver bursts. For now, he's the one who had the most "action" with Percy, so it seems unlikely that he will have her virginity as well.
6) Apollon--> Well, at least he's funny 😅. I'm sorry, but based on his pathetic simpy behavior, I have to give him the stamp of the "Whiny Little Bitch" of this story. Don't worry tho, there always have to be one in a fic, and he's not as bad as his Tsunami counterpart (Yuuta you nasty motherfucker I had faith in you-).
7) The Seventh--> Seeing the results of the poll, it seems I'm one of the only weirdos who voted for Ahura Mazda. Raa would be awesome too, but I have to say I was disturbed when I first saw that angry buff dude in the spin-off. For me, Raa was still that muscle mommy from the webtoon/manhwa Ennead (read Ennead. Ennead is good for your health). I just want the 7th to not be Cu Chulainn. I know I would still love it if you include him (cause ur writing is golden) but that's just a preference of mine.
I hope I'm understood. That's a big ass message, my thoughts are all over the place and my home country is known for having a shit level in english.
If you're interested I could do the same kind of ranking for Tsunami/Bloodflood. Have a great day, Peace!
the anime did him sooooo good, he's so hot there, i'm glad they didn't fuck him up like LOOK AT HIM
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also, YES PLEASE you're free to give me your own bloodflood/tsunami rankings too!!!
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derelictheretic · 1 year
Tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton @strangefae and @detectivelokis !! Ty 💕💕💕
Not quite sure whose done this since i've been. absent. so i'mma send tags out to @deputyash @bluemojave @adelaidedrubman @bl-beater @jollybone @clicheantagonist @florbelles @unholymilf @henbased @ishwaris @megraen @shellibisshe @trashcatsnark @v0idbuggy @wewillryesagain No pressure as always !!
Favourite OC
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Currently I would say Lola is holding that spot, she's fun to draw and write for and I just spin her in my brain like a rotisserie chicken all day she brings me so much joy to think about. She's also my first transfem OC so she,,,,, is so special 2 me <3
My consistent faves of all time tho are my boy Damien (my half demon half vamp man), my girl Lucy (She is a unicorn shifter and I Adore she sooooo much) and ofc my creacher Dean uvu
Oldest OC
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Damien!! He's from my first original story I ever made and I've had him for 7 to 8 years!! He rotates in my head forever even tho I barely talk about him 👉👈 His story has changed a few times but his design has stayed pretty consistent! He means the world to me and so does his story and one day I will bring it to life ashsjsjs
Newest OC
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That would be Lola!!!! I'd been wanting another unhinged lady to play around with and felt like having a pink murder lady as well and thus Lola was born 🥺 She brings serotonin and I love playing around with her relationships with the other characters!
Meanest OC
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Hmmm this is a tough one but it's probably Heather! Heather is actively mean on purpose and loves her passive aggression and tearing people down through her words. She smiles while pointing out all ur insecurities and faults and will laugh if u cry <3 bestest worstie wife ever <333
I have a few other mean OC's like Rilo (Demon lord) but he's on a much bigger scale of wanting to commit genocide against all supernatural creatures soooo he's just like evil less so just mean. Very smile in ur face while he obliterates ur very atoms kinda vibe,, hate him so <3
Softest OC
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This is impossible I have too many softies,, But probably Lucy! She's a pacifist and just has the biggest heart, she's very empathetic and always wants to help people even if there is nothing she can do in a situation. She also is just very soft in nature like she has a gentle touch and soft voice and sweet eyes that will make u cry and tell her all ur problems while she holds u.
Most aloof/standoffish
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I have a few of these too lol I'd say it's a tie between Michael, Silas (Eldritch horror slasher) or Pheonix (Marvel OC besties with Wade). Silas probably wins because he doesn't tolerate talking to humans in any circumstance and just seeing him tends to send people running. Silent, brooding, grumpy eldritch horror man my beloved.
Smartest OC
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I have a sentient AI OC called HEXX and he has knowledge from all across the galaxy (being an AI for a spaceship he needs it lol) so I'd say that'd be him! Ask him anything and he has the answer, just don't ask him about love bc he will have his 1010th identity crisis and the ship will suffer it's 1010th failing and emergency landing :)
Dumbest (affectionate) OC
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Hmmm i'm gonna say my baby boy Ky bc he's my literal himbo lmao He has zero thoughts in his pretty little head!! Only loving friends and having fun!!!! Golden retriever boy only know eat hot food and love everyone!!!!! No but he genuinely is so,, so stupid,,, the one thing he can somehow do on his own is cook, baking is off limits he will burn down the kitchen......
OC's I'd be friends with irl
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I have a few I think it'd get along with so I'll narrow it down to three!
Piper; We would vibe in a makeshift tree house and play video games and I'd listen to her gush over women (Faith) for hours and she'd judge my horrid taste in men <3 She'd probably also beat me in poker and steal all my money.
Fredrick; my genderfluid god would take me to so many concerts and drag me across the country to get something they bought off of eBay and I would have a blast.
My lil tech nerd Keiden; he likes coding and games, I can kind of code and like games, it just makes sense. We'd play raft and Minecraft and make epic structures and talk about what we would do different with the game mechanics.
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hoohoobeanie · 10 months
Hi Kit!! So much brain rot I had to share -
-So many thoughts about spourtney (and hello whatever we’re calling tommy/courtney/spencer really, I love their collective friendship and individual dynamics). They’re so cute together and that spourtney video got me. I truly am a Spencer simp
- new EIOYI dropped, tommy is looking so good in that video!
-also, you are a 5sos fan! I went to the 5sos show this summer it was so incredible!!! I love them
helloooo!! love to indulge in brain rot, lets go!
as a spence, court AND tommy stan, spourtommy (as i have named them) is literally THE dynamic to me. they all have such great dynamics between them its so, "court: this is my boyfriend spencer, and this is his boyfriend tommy. and tommy is my best friend" i also feel like im a good mix of courtney and tommy, and my bf is veryyyy spencer so its a perfect reflection if u ask me
oh my god, yes i watched the eioyi and tommy is giving HIMBO !! and his hair looked so good, he is just SOOOO yeah. tommy bowe supremacy forever and ever
yes omg i love 5sos, i watched them this summer too!! best night of my life truly <3 so glad to know other smoshies like 5sos too, this is amazing
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sighonaraa · 1 year
Ted Lasso for the fandom asks ❤️
the character i least understand: ooh this is a hard one!! i genuinely feel that most of the characters are so fleshed out and fascinating that i can understand them to some extent. maybe i'll have to go with james tartt sr. bc i have no interest in attempting to understand him.
interactions i enjoyed the most: soooo many!! keeley and rebecca is a perennial fave bc i see so much of my real-life friendships in theirs, and then of course jamie and roy is a genuine delight whether i choose to interpret them platonically or romantically. specific interactions i loved were ted's "be a goldfish" advice to sam, the whole team fixing sam's restaurant, any background jamie & sam moment, the jamie teaching roy to ride a bike scene, the Boot Room Breakdown, and any Team Himbo moment. also jamie and his mum (& simon!) is, probably, one of the unexpected absolute HIGHLIGHTS of season 3. give me more of them now.
the character who scares me the most: james tartt sr. i don't think this needs to be explained. rupert doesn't really scare me, but the general type of person that his character is based on, and how often those people in real life are allowed to get away with the behaviors he exhibits in the show, certainly does.
the character who is mostly like me: oh gosh! this is a tricky one. i think i have a bit of various characters in me -- i am very much like ted in that i use humor/positivity as a shield against, um. worse emotions. i also deeply relate to keeley in regards to her specific brand of agency; she's powerful yet silly and that's so important to me bc that IS me. and then sam, my beloved. i see a lot of my own general outlook on life in him, and i also get him so hard in the scenes where he doesn't handle his emotions too well and just. breaks down. soooo relatable ! (ditto for jamie's boot room breakdown).
hottest looks character: is this a contest? if so, keeley and jamie are WINNING. the competition does not even EXIST.
one thing i dislike about my fave character: jamie my love, the you of s1 will forever and always be a twat. i adore that boy but good god, his early behavior was horrible, particularly towards sam. insert lookhowfartheyvecome.png.
one thing i like about my hated character: technically my most hated character is james tartt sr. but i have nothing good to say about him so. rupert: your darth vader pinterest inspo board will always be fascinating to me.
a quote or scene that haunts me: "jesus. must've been traumatizing." "no, she loved it. oh, for me -- sorry, me, you mean. no. i don't know. i don't remember." // the wembley locker room scene // "thank you. and fuck you." // "you're not lost, my sexy little baby. you just aren't sure what direction you're going in. yet."
a death that left me indifferent: thankfully this is not that kind of show! i guess rebecca's dad's death didn't really affect me bc we didn't ever know him -- but god, rebecca herself destroyed me in that ep.
a character i wish died but didn’t: james tartt sr. i maintain that it would have been fascinating if jamie had received news his dad had died just before they played man city, kicking off his mental spiral bc do i have to plan a funeral for him? does he deserve that? do i deserve that? and essentially grappling with the fact that he isn't sure exactly what he should feel in regards to his father's death. ofc this would have ended with a rejection of the 'forgive him <3' mentality and allowed jamie to fully and truly just. let go of his dad. forever. without guilt. (@ ted lasso writers room: LET ME IN!!! LET ME INNNNN!!!!!!)
my ship that never sailed: honestly? i know this fandom is very tied to its ships, and i get that -- i was truly rooting for keeley and roy to get back together, and i can see the appeal of royjamie or royjamiekeeley. HOWEVER. i am, in the end, grateful that the show prioritized its platonic relationships over its romantic ones. for me, platonic friendships/queerplatonic relationships are never given the attention or respect they deserve and i adore them. they're so much more fascinating to me! i appreciate that the show left most of its romantic/potentially romantic relationships ambiguously defined bc it gives us, as fans, the ability to interpret the characters and their dynamics how we choose.
thank you for the ask! 💗💗💗
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kagejima · 2 years
rae! how do you like the quarry? i've been watching my friend stream it and i think it's soooo good 🥺
laura! okay so i am biased bc i REALLY loved until dawn, but so far i think it's great too!!
im only up to chapter... five now? but I've really been enjoying the pacing of it! like they're giving juuuust enough to make you go "WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING" all the time 😂
the graphics are a little wonky at times, but i expected that going into it. i saw someone complaining too about "8 characters is too many" but like... if you're playing a game where the main focus is to have everyone survive, they can't just make 3 characters 💀💀💀 i also dont really care for how there isnt a dedicated run button bc it takes forever to get somewhere fndjjfnd
but anyways OH GOD the way they set up the first chapter was phenomenal. I was like "OH SHIT 👀👀" also i LOVE how they set it up how your choices are like the little VHS tapes!!!!!
I think the brenda song character is my favorite because she kicks ass so hard and she's so funny, i love her so much 🥰 also the himbo jock boy is obviously a favorite too, im gonna try my best to have him make it all the way through 😭😭
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sneezydarliing · 11 months
HI. hypmic anon im back hello. Sorry in advance for the long ass scroll of text DHDHSB. I dont think you can even begin to understand how RABID your reply made me im giggling kicking my feet rn. Its canon TO ME!!!!! ALL OF IT!!! (well almost all of it bc i dont think ramuda would keep the gifts especially if they would get in his way bc hes a dick. And i love him for it. Fake ass bastard <3) no fr he "has to be in control" are you trying to kill me genuinely. Genuine question
scenarios are. Oh gosh okay i love. Control. I want to crush him like a bug i NEED to see him crack so i dont really care too much about the cause but GOSH having to power through a shitty (emotionally and physically) day WITH the added pressure of a whole ass fake persona on top of everything else. Soooo delicious to me. Anything with him just being surrounded by people especially FANS and having to keep up the /everything/ while just wanting to be anywhere else...... im SO sick of this guy i hate him
Also also okay listen dont judge me TOO much here but i. Am coming. From the anime adaptation i KNOWWW I KNOW thats like a cardinal sin or whatever but listen i dont know enough jp to go beyond like, the first few cd dramas and i DEFINITELY dont know enough to tackle the drb game (can we have a localization im actually on my knees begging) and i did catch up on a few of the cd dramas but i never got to dh and bat.... But the anime did just get to them. Dh seem very. They seem very. (<- a person who got into hypmic bc they saw art of sasara and thought they would like him)
ANYWAYS. That is to say i might not know them too well YET but I WILL STILL!! CONSUME ANY AND ALL HYPMIC CONTENT!!! So rest assured there is an audience (albeit small) and also im gonna shout out the anime adaptation omw out bc listen that shit is so fucking bad its so funny. Who greenlit them for a second season im crying
To finish this word dump off, i will offer up another little scenario for matenro which im gonna assume are the mtr in your tags (and sorry in advance if its a typo and you meant mtc and im just being dumb) specifically some domestic hifudo bc i still CANNOT believe they canonically live together like are you kidding me. Anyways im putting peak himbo hifumi out of commission bc of some virus that has been going around in his workplace. And doppo is fucking fighting for his life bc hifumi always does all the housework and cooking (CANONICALLY. im never getting over these two) and 'oh my god what does a sick person even need like are you joking ive never taken a sick day in my life and you expect me to take care of another person????' Ft jakurai on doppos speed dial trying to calm him down bc its really not that bad
HELLO AGAIN!!!!!!!! holding this so dear omg...
You are so right in all of it !!!! Admitidly I like DH bc they're very silly. Thr anime id so bad but i hold it so dear bc so is the game. Hypmic at its essence is just. Lovably terrible.I was lucky enough to be able to read a lot of the manga when slug still had it up so I do know a lot more more than the anime puts out !!! The anime is silly though love it
I really wish they'd come out with an arb eng but bcuz there's not many western fans my hopes aren't high 😔
ALSO I love that scenario so much... domestic hifudo is so dear to me I love them so much. Hifu being taken care of for once instead of bring the one that always takes care of others they make me emotional
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husbandhoshi · 2 years
hello hello !! i read ur bestfriend!seokmin mini(?) series and i just want to tell you that it’s the most captivating characterization of him i’ve read here so far!! the banter, the chemistry, the smut *chef’s kiss* it deserves so much more notes and engagement. it’s so rare to see filthy smut paired with characters who are soooo blissfully in love w each other so thank you sm for doing god’s work 🫶 watch me devour the rest of ur content while i’m here 🫡
hiiii im so glad you liked it!! i loved writing it especially bc they were just soooo in love 🥺🥺🥺 and we <3 himbo puppy seokmin
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miiracleboys · 2 years
oikawa and/or ushijima for the ask game?
character bingo!!!
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checked off:
they are soooooo cool looking/why do they look like that: pretty boy fucker with the idol hair and the stupid turn-up-the-charm smile. i love him so much (anger).
if they were real i’d be afraid of them: oikawa canonically puts kyoutani on edge and all i’m saying is that it makes sense
they’re like a blorbo to me: if i think about him too hard i start having a Totally Regular emotional reaction and i do not go on a reblogging spree and smash out half-incoherent analyses about worthless pride and letting talent bloom and instinct be polished and Plant Metaphors and argentina. i’m soooo normal about him all the time i swear.
they got done DIRTY by fans: hate fanon oikawa with a burning passion. he’s complex! he’s an antagonist! he’s sympathetic! he’s an ally! he’s a rival! he’s flawed and has development and deep and interesting relationships with the people around him! and if i see one more person flattening him into either Some Dude With An Inferiority Complex or a whiny twink i’m going to commit a prosecutable felony!
i want to carry them in a handbag like a tiny dog
also this is going to get kind of long so ushijima under the cut!
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checked off:
everyone but me is wrong about them <3: is this hypocritical to say? probably yes but i carry the burden of having every correct opinion in the world. also he’s not a himbo because he’s not nice enough.
they’re like a blorbo to me: being able to watch him grow and have fun and branch out is just. it’s so. TTATT. his dad and his friends cheer for him. he’s popular with children. he’s cool! he’s kind of a loser but people think he’s cool! he’s found a path for himself and he allows exactly Nothing to stop him!! he’s fully aware of his own talents and GOD is he awkward and it can Cause Problems but it’s also funny. i also love that he’s just. super weird. a little bit of a freak, a little too into volleyball, but that’s just how he is!! and that does not detract from his skills or how the people around him value him!!!
they’re deeper than they seem: he’s absolutely a formidable antagonist but he’s not just a cannon or another rival. one of the nice things about this series is that almost no character is introduced as a rival and isn’t given anything more—he’s a rival, he’s a foil, he’s a parallel, he’s a what-could-be to other characters, but he’s also a character in his own right! he has his own arc and seeing him steady himself and find challenges and not be a lone figure at the top is so nice. haikyuu’s about connection and he is not exempt from this!!
i like them enough to project my own issues onto them: my own social ineptitude and personal experiences with autism be upon ye!
they got done DIRTY by fans: for some reason people tend to think he’s like. obsessed with oikawa for some reason even though that’s straight-up not true? the whole “you should have come to shiratorizawa” thing shows the differences in their characters, in their outlooks, and in their playing styles—ushijima knows he’s good because he’s not blind and he genuinely respects oikawa as a rival and this is his (horribly phrased) way of saying that and how he thinks oikawa isn’t reaching his potential but could have if they’d been on the same team. that’s how shiratorizawa works! it’s structured to make the strong even stronger but it’s built off of support rather than actual equal-ground teamwork like aoba johsai is, and that’s one of the biggest discrepancies in their outlooks. also he’s heavily autistic-coded and a lot of jokes and interpretations i see can come off as uh. very ableist.
i want to carry them in a handbag like a tiny dog: for comfort. emotional support Guy.
they work better as a part of a dynamic (forgot to check off): listen this ties in HUGE to shiratorizawa as a whole. i’ve talked about it before—including in this post— but ushijima’s set up to be the ace because of his strength, but he wouldn’t have gotten this far without the others, both in volleyball and in life. yes he’s strong enough to stand on his own but i doubt he would’ve been this attached to volleyball in the first place if not for his dad or been this successful without his teammates! i love his relationship with both the adlers and shiratorizawa, especially because it helps humanize him. he’s put on a bit of a pedestal by some people, sure, but he’s not untouchable. he has friends that bring him down to earth. he’s just a guy! a very talented guy but a guy nonetheless. and i love him dearly.
wow…they are LITERALLY me: i see a character who has a hard time socializing and expressing themselves and is as a result often misunderstood and has been a little bit of a misfit for their whole lives and i go Wow Same Hat and latch onto them like a leech. also bonus points for both of us being left-handed.
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intotherumiverse · 3 years
ship your moots !!
I got everyone of my mooties in clutch <3 p = platonic
Edit = this is so long I can’t. I have everyone that are my mooties (or I think that are my mooties) and I hope y’all like ‘em. They took so MF long
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@katsumiiii + aomine daiki — cocky girlfriend with even cockier boyfriend. They’re playful banter is god-teir and for what? Daiki tries so hard for mira and she just plays it off. @katsukissy + bakugou katsuki — it’s >:) + >:/ moxie is such a menace to society and Bakugou is just taking it. plus they’d be such a power couple I can’t @koishiguro / @lvrgrlkoi + kise ryota — but like whipped boyfriend + “I don’t give two shits ‘bout your little fan club” girlfriend. kise tries so fucking hard for koi’s attention it’s funny. and she’s just 🤨 you done the entire time. @artof-apollo + p! denki kamanari — they the 2 pretty best friend. They are also crackhead x crackhea, with rare smart boy moments <3 @spike-this-ass + gojo satoru — dumb himbo boyfriend with secret smart partner <3. They’re the 🙄 +🤨. Gojo getting into the dumbest shit ever and Sunni’s just like “okayyyy? Tf you want me to do about it?” @myhoodacademia + power — cocky gf + cocky gf. Dee’s just like “I know you love me and power refuses to acknowledge the hint of the fact. But anyone else look at dee, she’s drop kicking someone
@lilsparkyswife + armin arlert — himbo + bf who tries to keep himbo safe. Von’s getting into the dumbest shit ever and armin’s just there like “ 🤨 didn’t I tell you fighting eren is never a good idea?” @katsuflossy + shiggy — I mean I guess he loves her. With them puppy dog eyes he makes everytime he want sum it has to be love. Ni on the other hand is just like 😐 tf you want now?
@noirstoxin + p! itadori — “yo ita. Try feeding sukuna hot sauce and see what happens” enough said.
@solar3lunar + megumi — quiet kids in the library vibes (even though nova isn’t really quiet per say) but megumi loves he and her antics. Would take on cafe date
@minruko + mirio togata — them nigh as would be so loud together I can hear it from here. Mini’s just daring Mirio the stupidest shit and Mirio’s like “okay!! I’ll do it for you <3”
@combat-wombatus + kirishima ejiro — soft gf + even softer bf <3. They are so sweet to everyone around them it’s crazy. Also parent couple me thinks!
@yuujisbby + itadori yuuji — dumb bf + smart gf. Ita’s doing the dumbest shit to impress Sasha and sash is trying to not let himself get himself killed by not letting him do the dumb shit
@bubblime + sukuna — it’s just overexcited gf + tired bf. Bubs is always down for anything and sukuna is the tried boyfriend telling her to come take a nap with him
@silkylious + shoto todoroki — analyst couple ; y’all can’t do anything around them unless you want to be roasted in the most blunt way. Just “is that why you make your daddy issues your whole personality? 😐”
@mypimpademia + taiga kagami — OKAY HEAR ME OUT BUT juice and taiga would make sense. Over excited bf with bf who’s seen it all. Will hit him if he over worked himself. also matching necklaces??? Yes.
@kunikida-kun + keigo tamaki — show off bf + ion care gf. He tries soooo mf hard just for rei to give him a blank stare and continue on with her day. @whipped-cream-writings + bokuto. Softest couple ever. Matching jersey hoodie and cafe dates before practice. @dragonsdreamoffire + shinra (fire force) — himbo + soft girl <3. Shinra loves dream with his soul and never leaves a mission without giving her a kiss @fatgumshoneybun + joker (fire force) — cocky bf with confused/shy partner. He tries so hard with princess and they’re either too confused or sleepy to make head or tails about it. They have the most amazing cuddle seshs though.
@tobi-momo + kageyama tobio — they’d be perfect together. Do doubt. kags always a stuttering mess when momo is in a 5 mile radius of him and it’s so cute I can’t
@angiebug101 + kirishima ejiro — himbo +even bigger himbo. They sound like they‘re on drugs half the time but they love each other. Always taking photos together.
@xetou + aki (chainsaw man) — she broke through him and now he’s stuck with her for life. He doesn’t even know how or when they got together in the first place. Xetou just popped up
@vilbabywritess + bakugou — angry boy with angrier girl. Vil will not hesitate to fuck Bakugou up but they in love I guess.
@lvvrboy + denji (chainsaw man) — seven will fuck over Denji so much he has to fall in love with him. The himbo is so clingy for him is terrifying
@sanemiya + sanemi — angry boy + soft girl. They are legit the “I hate everyone but you” trope and it’s so cute. Miya the only one he listens too with no doubt
@moonlit-xio + p! Denki — it’s the way he’d bully her with love for me. But they would scrap in the streets for some griot no doubt
@kazescartier + genos (opm) — confused bf with chaotic gf. With kaze’s high paced energy she needs someone to mellow her tf out. Genos <3 @myamuraaa + Shindou (Bnha) —flustered sim is the only way to go and shindou has no restraints with that. Also they would come through with the matching fits . @sassi-sunflower + p! Mina — the most chaotic pair ever and I’d love it so much <3
@mads-fairy + kenma — loud gf + quiet bf. Kenma is always so confused on how Maddie has so much energy while after talking to one person he’s drained. But he knows how to settle maddie down
@oikawaplssteponme + hanta sero — they are so flirty and lovey to each other it’s disgusting. They’re are always touching in some way shape or form and kisses are frequent with them
@sobaluvr / @katsupremacy + hitoshi Shinsou — :| + >:) Shinsou is so tired of theo’s antics it hilarious. But like the banter and funny quips? Hand them over to me now!
@fuckasslesbian + p! Bakugou — they’re are menaces to societ when put together. Enough said
@reject-human-return-to-elefante + tenya iida — >:) + :^). They’re a really good match, the right mix of chaos and sameness?? Tenya is so calming for Bat it’s insane. @tododekukisses / @tomiokariceballs + Metal bat — angy couple. They fits? Immaculate ✨✨✨. Will fuck up anyone and everyone. @hvnlymha + shoto todoroki — soft couple ever. They are so cute with each other. Soft kisses and rain shower dates
@miashimaa + denki — the most chaotic, off the hinge, high as fuck couple ever. It‘s a walking dumpster fire and they love it. @vodrea + Reo Mikage — Drea is a clingy mess and Reo loves it. They are so cute together and it’s full of loving looks and kisses @cloudytamaki + tamaki (Bnha) — soft nervous couple. Picnic dates, and late night star watching for them <3 @izukulus + izuku midoriya — match made in heaven. the cottagecore vibes in this are amazing, and they’re so MF cute I can’t @kozumeslove / @kozu-zumi + kenma — soft gf and soft boy >:3. Cat cafe and roller skating dates galore <3 @morosis-haze + neito monoma — asshole + snarky gf. They’d be at each others throat’s 25/8 and it’s so funny to watch it @cubbluv + Mirio — he’s so softtt??? And for what??? Sorry but they’d be a top tier couple @r0manz + yui (Bnha ; class 1b) — it’s legit 😩 + 😐. Roman simps so hard and yui doesn’t know how to react to it. She’s really soft and hate when Roman flirts with anyone else @izukxnnie + Tamaki amajiki — they’d be so cute together. Love letter in lockers and holding pinkies in the hallways omg @rosetheshapeshifter + Bakugou — rose is drop kicking this MF ever, punting him across the fields and having a smaller the entire time @ickyjiki + dabi — the “I hate everyone but you“ trope on clutch with them two. His gaze is softer around Juno and she loves it <3 @ryuvanaka  + denki — friends to lovers trope? Denki is so whipped for yves I can’t. Denki just fizzled out whenever they’re near it’s crazy. @shotos-noodles / @kuroos-ramen + kuroo — the science flirt jokes he would use to try and bag zay. And she’s laughing at his nerdy self. Best couple I say @asaincy + Shoji — Shoji is so nervous around quincy it’s insane. He tries to flirt but it’s so funny. But quincy is so head over heels for him it doesn’t matter. @dollops-of-delusion  + Izuku — Analyst power couple. Delusion knows so much it’s insane and paired with Izu? Off the walls
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harveyscape · 3 years
IM BORED. my top three farscape eps from each season::::::: looking at these i think season two has the best EPISODE concepts (it was hard choosing faves from that season bc i love so many) but season 4 is my favorite for just,,,,,,, the hecking Yearning + domestication in each episode but i dont particularly favor the episodes themselves 
Season 1:
through the looking glass - i always saw this ep as being the first completely filler ep that really felt like farscape with the crew all working together and having a VERY CUTE little laugh about it at the end. i love the vagueness of it, it’s not annoying or cliche??? and i’m particularly fond of the yellow moya scenes like rygel’s like “shall i disrobe so it will be memorable” is one of my fave lines from him.
a human reaction - mY TRASH. MYYYY TRASH. just one of those farscape eps that are so Abstract in concept, they are just Default Faves for me like Always haha. so many good little j/a crumbs, the kiss in this ep is one of my BIG FAVES, i love everything about that scene and the ones leading up to it. LOVE THE RAIN SCENE. it’s probably the very first time john is like ‘maybe Earth bad’ and,,, ‘maybe space girl Good’ and i love that thruline of the show. this ep stands soooooo far apart from the majority of season 1 for me.
nerve: the hidden memory - “THE RADIANT AERYN SUN.” stark isn’t unbearable in his debut episodes woah! i like him as a sad boy who isnt a plot device! love gilina, love her death (rip), love seeing how far john and aeryn have come since they’d last seen her, love aeryn and crais’s interaction in this episode like YES GIRL SLAY, love whenever aeryn has to juggle with feeling WEAK and having to put her big girl pants on to save her himbo, love any interaction between d’argo and aeryn LOVE THAT.
Season 2:
crackers don't matter - the DIALOGUE in this episode is Insane and i LOVE IT i think there are so many line deliveries in this ep that are so memorable and Iconic they all just live in my mind rent FREE. i wish the commentary for this episode wasn’t about the more practical aspects of it because UUUHUUH i genuinely would love to just Absorb the mindset behind it. GOD TIER FILLER. 
out of their minds - i am such a whore for body swap tropes it’s humiliating. another ep with a lot of iconic line deliveries! i love cb playing as john! love that for her! bb as rygel too is amazing i love all their stupid accent switching SO MUCH. love the skeksis love that they joke about them looking like skeksis because it’s jim henson and they can DO THAT. 
won't get fooled again - any time i think about this ep im like man how Opened Third Eye was it to have john just immediately be like “haha ok this is fake lmao” like it’s so SUBVERSIVE in what it does pretty much right off the bat in introducing the moya crew as “normal” humans. eps like these are just ALWAYS my faves in tv series because of how crazy they can get and this one does and i love it so much for that.
Season 3: 
scratch n' sniff - any time i get the moya crew on a pleasure planet or at a rave im like HELLO. :) I LOVE RAXIL she’s such a funky little freak. describing this ep is so weird its like Oh Yeah The Boob Juice Sucking One. JUST JOHN AND D’ARGO BEING BACHELORS, WHAT BLISS. i wish i got more john + d’argo shenanigans in this show ‘cause they are like such a fave together dynamically mwah mwah mwah. <3 
into the lion's den: wolf in sheep's clothing - its a little crazy how much i Hate the first half of this two-parter which is super PANDERY AND BAD and then the last half is like so Insane and such a good close for the season. EVERYONE’S SO MISERABLE. the scorp shots with the imploding ship and the water UGHGUGHUGH <33333 love aeryn in this love her trying to save the Peacekeepers, love JOHN, love the little scientist nerd who works under Scorp i forget his name WHOOPS he has a nice design. THE CRAIS + TALYN DEATH IS SO GOOD;;;; LOVE THAT FOR THEM;;;;; <3333
 dog with two bones - i think the fact that literally no other tv show has pulled THIS MESS off really speaks to the uniqueness of farscape and its ABILITY TO TELL ROMANCE??? theres so much in this that is just like WOWOWOWOW THIS EP IS SO GOOD. the part where they kill the rogue leviathan and rygel is celebrating on the comms and it transitions to aeryn Going Insane in her prowler over everything that’s happening. FIRE. the dog with two bones analogy UGHGUGHGUGH <333333 I LOVE THE AERYN > EARTH THRULINE WITH JOHN SO MUCH ITS JUST AT ITS PEAK HERE WHICH MAKES IT GREAT BY DEFAULT. the coin scene is SOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOD THE ENDING SCENE OF THIS EPISODE IS SOOOO GOOOOOD.
Season 4: 
john quixote - MY FAVE EP OF THE SERIES LOL. love the COSTUMING love the POP CULTURE REFERENCES love that its SEASON 4 love that we GET A ZHAAN CRAIS JOOL AND STARK CAMEO. another conceptually abstract episode so of course i love it lol. love the scene in the end with john and zhaan where he’s kinda a sad boy!!!!! actually funny story about this ep the first time i watched this i was in elementary school still, i grew up on this show this is my Nostalgia Baby series, and did not know what the word “porn” was so like for a very concerning amount of time i always assumed “porn” was an Alien Word and not a real word. BECAUSE LIKE, in context you see chiana holding up a Gooey Boy and going “and this? porn!” and that was all i had to go by the end.
crichton kicks - I LOOOOVE SAD JOHN. I LOVE HIM. I love the character beats we get out of a john that CHOSE THE GIRL over his home and instead of GETTING HER he is punished for it, losing his chance at BOTH OUTCOMES like mentioned in “dog with two bones” despite him having chosen One of the options and not both. love the introduction to 1812 whenever john gets a named thing i am like Yes. :~) my boy, my little man. he’s a little crazy and a little sad.
terra firma - the YEARNING in this ep man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this ep waters my CROPS one of my Biggest Fave scenes is when Aeryn and Jack are in her prowler talking about john and he’s like Do You Wish You Were Human and she doesnt answer and im like LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! more of that John Not Vibing With Earth Anymore trope which I LOVE. literally all fics surrounding this episode i will SNORT LIKE CRACK. 
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ficsforeren · 3 years
when i saw this tiktok i was like bro the last song JAJAJJAJA
i also get super happy when i see you on my notifications, you dont have any idea how excited i was when i saw that chapter 2 was out!! i was really waiting for it for my mental health JAJAJAJAJA
im super invested in the series like im loving it soooo much AND DONT SAY SORRY ABOUT THE LENGHT LIKE.... I WANT THAT JAJAJAJAJ these days ive been struggling with fics that are less than 10k idk i need story JAJAJAJJAA AND THIS CHAPTER HAD STORY SO MUCH GOING ON I LOVE IT!!
like you are a genius you made them kiss in a good moment when the chemistry between them is already amazing like god i love you AND AGAIN YOU ARE A GENIUS (idk how to explain this sorry if it doesnt make sense) do they like each other bcs they are the only people there or they actually like each other? this are my thoughts at the begging when i was reading it and then you put that on the fic and after that you explaint that they actually like each other bcs they like each other for real AND YOUR TIMING ON THE WRITTING IS SUPER WITTY I LOVE WHEN THAT HAPPENS, when im watching a movie or reading something and im like asking something and then the next moment they explain that idk JAJAJAJJAA LIKE EREN ASKED HIMSELF THAT ON THE FIC I WAS like yeah bro i know and then he said his reasons on why he likes her i and was like dead JAJAJAJ
i love the main story, the sister thing :((( i almost cry lol
and im finding this fic super cute but 5 chapters i dont expect any happy ending JAJAJAJAJJAAJJJAJA FUCK
well as always thanks for sharing this wonderful stories here! im so happy kashdksd love youuuuuuuuu
super excited about the restkajhsdk
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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING!!! and this review ohmygod i don't deserve your compliments omg 😭😭😭and i'm so relieved to know that you like long chapters because the next part is 20k long 💀but there would be a lot of fluffy and smutty scenes so i hope you'll like it too hehe
tbh i enjoy writing NLMG better than TLS (cause i'm a hardcore himbo stan) but, like, this whole concept of them living in such a cruel world where they have to constantly deal with their traumas and death that chases after their tails, ugh i just love it. and i'm so glad that you liked it too! and in a way, i get to learn a lot of new things. there are some actions scenes that i've written for chapter 4 and 5 and dude when i tell you that i'm straying so far from my comfort zone, it stresses me out lmaooo but i hope i can be a better writer by the time this story ends
AND THE TIKTOK? YES THE GLOW UP!! Imagine kid armin stuttering in sixth grade and then BAM he's a model like damn well done puberty
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bastardtetsu · 4 years
haikyuu + musical theatre boys
hq characters & what they’d be like as musical theatre boys - what they’re good at, what kind of shows they book, how they are to work with, roles they’d play, etc. | starring: sugawara, oikawa, bokuto, kuroo, tendou (+ tsukishima, kenma, akaashi)
for weeks my head has been full of hq!MT boys, inspired by over a decade of being a theatre kid, and @karasimpno has only enabled my debauchery. these are just a few of my faves, but i have more theatre boys where this came from so if this doesn’t flop maybe i will post more hehe
tw swearing, musical theatre references, oikawa slander
SUGAWARA [tenor] this bitch is SO talented it should be illegal and he books like crazy. nothing like a pretty soft boi with the voice of an angel in musical theatre <3 not really a dancer but moves very well, also can act the house down like you think he’s this basic MT boy but then it turns out this mf has range and is not afraid to use it. will go from playing the sweetest, most charming leading man to a complex, terrifying villain, and the whiplash will make you fall in love with him. a dream to work with, obviously. very strong with classical text as well. his ability is frankly terrifying and far too powerful. the type of boy you cold read with once at a callback and never see again, but playing opposite him for those 2 minutes is enough to make you think about him for the rest of your life
lucas in the addams family, anthony in sweeney todd, the princeton/rod or nicky/trekkie/bad idea bear track in avenue Q, the emcee in cabaret PLS
OIKAWA [tenor] let’s be real oikawa already has an MT personality and it’s the worst kind. he thinks he’s rachel berry but really he’s kurt. he still books though bc he’s pretty and sings like an angel~ he can move really well and his jazz/MT style dancing is very strong, can also tap a little but it’s like barely enough to get by. his acting is kinda mediocre but his stage presence is out of this world and he’s hot so it doesn’t rlly matter, he stays booking leading men & disney princes left and right. truly is very talented at what he does, he’s just so annoying about it and constantly fronting all these skills he does not have, like he keeps trying to put leading lady songs in his book in their original key which is just.... not what those pipes are built for girl. bringing a whole new meaning to the nickname “flattykawa”
fiyero in wicked, pippin in pippin, conrad in bye bye birdie, aaron samuels in mean girls, joseph in joseph & the amazing technicolor dreamcoat, just all the basic mt boy shit
BOKUTO [baritone, tenor, everything in between, HIS RANGE] an absolute star. all-around amazing dancer (those muscles aren’t just for show babyyy) but especially tap and partnering (imagine him just lifting u.. god) powerhouse vocals across the board, his diaphragm is insane. he’s the type of MT who is always yelling even when they aren’t on stage, not even aware of it he’s just loud asf. always spitting everywhere too. no one is safe. acting is probably his weakest point just bc he doesn’t have a lot of versatility style-wise, but in no way is he bad at it i meannnnn have u seen how expressive and energetic that man is?? he does literally any golden age musical comedy leading man soooo well and is a blast to work with, such posi vibes & the character choices his himbo brain comes up with are so silly they’re genius
don lockwood in singin in the rain, gabey in on the town, bobby in crazy for you, jimmy in nice work if you can get it, robert in drowsy chaperone, will in oklahoma!
KUROO [baritenor] one of those fuckers who started doing theatre by accident, and immediately started booking out the wazoo with no training because he’s naturally talented and hot. i hate him so much. has that “idgaf i don’t have to try” aura about him, but his work ethic is actually?? really good??? once he starts learning more he really does put the work in. has that feeling of ease in his stage presence & good instincts that make up for his lack of training, plus his vocals have no right sounding that good on their own wtf. fucker thinks he’s frank sinatra, and honestly, it’s criminal how good he is at golden age material when most of what he books is contemporary bc of his dumb hair he’s not exactly a dancer but like…. bitch can move. plus he’s got body so that helps him a lot. mostly books leads anyway because that’s just how it goes when ur a hotboy with charm and talent. also he can fieRCE classical text??!?? (hint: it’s bc he’s a nerd) just stop being talented already jesus
melchior in spring awakening, sky masterson in guys & dolls, demetrius in midsummer, BENEDICK IN MUCH ADO PLS I NEED IT FOR MY HEALTH
TENDOU [countertenor] kicks ass at everything like he’s so talented and so versatile. vocals are insane, he has mad range and can do any number of character voices/impressions/dialects/what have you. his falsetto is unmatched (nice try flattykawa). we been knew his instincts are killer - character acting, comedy, improv, clown, mime, devised/alt theatre, contemporary MT, golden age MT, classical text you name it he can slay it all. his resume is so chaotic. he can body a super intense scene too, i feel like he trained in meisner & got traumatized from it and for a while he had an issue with getting too into character & doing crazy shit bc it was “method,” but eventually learned better<3 excellent mover, used to be a trina ballerina so his technique always shocks people even though he’s been out of practice for a long time (the dance world can be toxic and he was over it, so he yeeted all the way out of there a while ago). all around a wild human being with the ability to transform into numerous other wild human beings, creatures, abstract concepts, etc.
beetlejuice in beetlejuice, almost any track in cats but especially mungojerrie, mary sunshine in chicago, the porter in macbeth, CALIBAN IN THE TEMPEST PLEASEPLEASRPKEASE
characters who have zero MT energy but still fit elsewhere in the theatre world:
TSUKKI is a sound tech who is mean to performers esp during sound check, has a particular vitriol against MTs (except yamaguchi)
KENMA is an ASM who rarely gives a fuck, also does lighting & projection design. doesn’t hate MTs like tsukki, but their energy is usually a lot for him so he tends to avoid
AKAASHI is a playwright & dramaturg, but he used to act and can recite shakespeare on a dime, sonnets, soliloquys, whatever ur heart desires <3 may also play an instrument and sometimes writes lil songs but he doesn’t flex them bc he’s shy bby
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mattoyaki · 4 years
⚔️ Pokémon Sword Nuzlocke (Part 5) ⚔️
Took a few days off from playing because depression
Part 4 is here.
Let’s move forward, getting down to the nitty gritty!
Route 9
Very well designed Route I like how it branches off into different parts and it’s part water/part land.
I already caught a Mareanie here in part 4 so just gonna plow through some trainer battles.
That was pretty easy, now on to my least favorite part for the entire game - Spikemuth.
Marnie is easy but god dammit her stupid Morpeko always gets flinches with Bite and it’s annoying as hell. Then she lands a crit with bite and nearly knocks out GurrenLagann, and flinches a forth time in a row 🤬. Luckily I hyper potioned that turn so it didn’t knock me out. I switched to SpicyNoodle and one shotted her ass with Bug bite.
Spikemuth is literally a hallway. I hate it. It’s so uninspired and I can tell the developers were running out of time when making it. Would it kill them to delay the next generation of games? I mean really, we’ll all wait if it means a finished product..
Team Yell isn’t even a villain “team” they’re literally just obnoxious gym trainers.....so much wasted potential. And they’re not even like funny obnoxious like Team Skull, they’re just straight up cringe. Also what’s with the Kantonian Mr. Mime? Feels very out of place...
Gym Challenge 7 - Piers
Piers has a cool design I guess. I definitely wasn’t prepared to lose Witch Bitch this battle though. Malamar used Foul Play got a critical hit and one shotted her....I don’t wanna talk about it 😭
Death aside, I now have the Dark Badge.
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Route 9
Back on route 9 a somewhat interesting development in the plot...only to be told to ignore it and let the champion handle it off screen. 🙃
Gotta continue the gym challenge, it’s the most important thing!
More cutscenes about the world ending, but don’t worry the gym challenge is the most important thing!! They really rushed the end of this story line....
I trained up a bit in the Wild Area and now it’s time for the final Gym Challenge.
Gym Challenge 8 - Raihan
I like the double battle format, it’s a nice switch up and doubles are my preferred format. It’s odd to me it’s not the official battle format in the games given that it’s used in VGC...
Pretty easy battle. I now own the Dragon Badge.
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Some more cutscenes about the world ending but don’t worry - the championship is the most important thing!
Heading back to the wild area to catch Pokémon from the last two areas I haven’t been.
Wild Area - Lake of Outrage
My first encounter was a Braviary but I had no choice but to kill it as it was doing too much damage to waste time catching it.
Wild Area - Axew’s Eye
While I’ve been to this area before to get a Tart Apple for Wormy, I didn’t try to catch a Pokémon as I thought they were too high level. I was wrong. My first encounter was a Diggersby 😅
Himbo - (Diggersby) Lv. 37!
Naughty Nature; Alert to sounds!
Now that I’ve trained up some and completed catching in the wild area it’s time to head north for a Wyndon.
Route 10
Petition to bring back victory road please? Route 10 is at least better than Mt. Lanakila in Moon, but still.
Mr. Mime is my first encounter here, and a female Mr. Mime at that. Perfect as a psychic will help me out in the battle with Eternatus later. RIP Witch Bitch. 😭 Welcome to the team Trans Rights!
I do some more training throughout the route and the wild area to level up Trans Rights, he evolves!
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After some more training in the wild area I’ve finally reached Wyndon and the league matches.
First battle is Marnie. Turns out Mr. Rime is a great counter to her team despite being mostly dark types. I demolish Marnie and move on to the next round.
Hop is as easy as he always is...
So, the whole “omg Leon is gonna miss our dinner” plot point is soooo lame like...we’re really gonna storm a building cause he’s late for dinner? Hop is extra af 😂. And Oleana is like “no one can disturb my boss but I’m giving the key to this guy...you’ll never find him.” Uhm????
So now I gotta battle this guy like 3 times for a key to a storm a building....cause Leon is late for dinner? Wtf is the point of this part??? The bad writing would be easier to overlook if I wasn’t battling in a white void the whole time cause backgrounds are too hard to make for a AAA home console game..
I’m sorry but like how does Leon missing a dinner affect the championship the next day in anyway??? This part is so stupid 😂😭
Okay but really what was the point of that entire part? We get to the top of the tower and Leon is just like “oh yeah, let’s go get dinner” like who even wrote this??
I’m calling it a night after that. I remember the story being really bad but wow....that was awful and I can think of so many other ways to actually develop Chairman Rose into a villain. I know this is a kids game so I’m not expecting much here. The story in Sun and Moon was pretty solid imo, and i wish I could say “well they did so much more with this game” to justify the bad story but like....where? Ooof, I don’t wanna rant on this right now.
Part 5 Recap
Current Team:
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Sombra (Inteleon) Lv. 61; SpicyNoodle (Centiskorch)Lv. 59; Wormy (Flapple) Lv. 60; Stuff’n (Bewear) Lv. 57; Trans Rights (Mr. Rime) Lv. 58 ; GurrenLagann (Golurk) Lv. 57
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TootieFruity (Steenee); Witch Bitch (Hatterene)
Final Notes:
While the game is getting a little more challenging, it’s honestly depressing how obviously rushed this game is and I hate what capitalism has done to the gaming industry as a whole. I hate being so negative about this game because I love Pokémon so much...
Until next time
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