#god fuck Whatever about my health lmao like. i'm here for a good time not a long one !!!!
gender-euphowrya · 2 months
they should invent a my grandma who understands other people not being like her
#like. objectively i should go on walks. it would benefit me & my health#but in fucking practice I HATE IT. i don't like it. i don't enjoy it. it fucking sucks. i don't want to do it.#forcing myself to do it is fucking terrible. it makes my body hurt. it feels like a waste of time.#it requires an amount of prep work that i just Don't have the energy for on most days#and i just am 0% motivated to do it because I Do Not Like Walking. if it's walking to go somewhere then. fine.#walking just for the sake of walking ? with no destination ? pure fucking bullshit. boring. pointless. awful.#how am i supposed to be motivated for it when there's no end goal ?#if i go outside to idk get groceries then that's what keeps me going. i need to get groceries#if i'm outside and the only goal i have is one i set up myself which is just a nebulous ''go around the block a few times''#which i am in no way obligated to do Or interested in doing and that i can just. decide Not to do without consequences#then i won't have the fucking drive to do it ! man i can just walk back into my home right now#SO ANYWAY grandma is like the exact opposite of that. bitch loves walking. walks Everywhere. can walk miles. will walk in any weather#and she just... doesn't get that we feel very different ways gkfjdjd#''oooh you should walk and walk everyday It's Good For Youuuu'' and she acts like i don't walk because I Don't Understand That It's Good#sis i'm not fucking stupid i know the health benefits & everything I DONT ENJOY IT THOUGH#same way i know the health benefits of eating veggies but i still Don't do that because i can't stand them !!!!#god fuck Whatever about my health lmao like. i'm here for a good time not a long one !!!!#do you think when i'm old and dying i'm gonna be like ''aaah i'm glad i spent so much time doing things i hated so i could live longer''#nah mate i'm gonna think ''well this was a GOOD one i got to do all the stuff i loved yippee'' and croak
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queercatessays · 7 months
For nearly 20 years I didn't realise I had a personality disorder
As a teenager, I knew it wasn't normal to think the entire world was your enemy. I knew it wasn't normal to feel utterly empty inside, to feel like the whole world was behind glass, out of reach. I never knew who I was, or what I wanted. I wanted whatever my favourite person wanted. I existed through others, like a shadow.
I had empathy, but no morals. If it didn't affect me, it didn't matter. I was never violent, but inside I was always angry, so I got good at lying. I'd say for a long time nearly every word out of my mouth was a lie in some way. If I told the truth, it was only to shock people, or to hide something that REALLY made me vulnerable. But normally I was quiet, and because I was quiet, no one really noticed me, till my emptiness became so absolute I finally saw a psychiatrist. You'd think a psychiatrist would immediately recognise the problem. They didn't. I saw 10 experts at the youth mental health center, none of whom could diagnose me with anything. In the end they settled on autism, which is true but not the whole picture. I went on with my life, hating everyone around me, feeling like I must be the only person on earth who feels this way. I felt like an alien, barely human, but at the same time I felt like I was a god, better than everyone around me. I was everything and nothing. I saw counsellor after counsellor for my mental health issues, but they were all terrible listeners, and I was belligerent patient. I never did get any help for my problems, which included all manner of self-destructive behaviour, including eating disorders. But, somehow, over time, through finding people who could accept the mess of a person I am, I was able to heal. I'm not normal, nor will I ever be - or want to be. I still have black and white thinking - friend or enemy, no in-between. I still get suspicious of people and even as I write this I'm full of paranoia (another thing I've had for 20 years), and honestly, I might always feel like an alien. But I'm not alone anymore, and I'm not full of pain 24/7. And it's been a lot easier to deal with all this since I met a friend who happens to have BPD and ASPD. They were talking to me about their experiences, and I tell you now I related to every word. It shocked me, cos I imagined people with personality disorders were violent abusers, which of course I wasn't (despite wishing murder on the entire planet back in the day lmao). The propaganda had got into my head. But when they talked me through things, I realised yeah, I definitely have something. Probably BPD with ASPD traits, or the other way round, but I've not got a diagnosis and honestly, with the way I've been treated, I have no interest in getting one. It's enough for me to be on here reading people's posts and knowing that hey, there are people like me out there. That's why I'm writing this, too. In case someone out there needs to hear it. If you're relating to all these personality disorder posts, then trust yourself. And if you're having an awful time, wondering if there can ever be a way forward, then trust me: there is. I believe in you. My brain is completely and utterly fucked, but I'm still here, and I don't intend on leaving any time soon. All my love to everyone struggling with these stigmatised conditions. We've got this <3
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
I just read a very funny fic 'Much ado about nothing' by Fire_lily and Violet_20 on AO3 and I was wondering... how do you think Sanji (and by the other guys) would behave when the girls are on their periods?
Okay, yeah, it was really funny. I often think about this, honestly, ngl. And you know how much I tend to write because I'm a menace to society, so I'll try to keep it brief. Btw, assume all the guys here are cis men (which hurts, because I'd rather die than say Usopp, Luffy and Zoro have dicks. But okay. Let's say they do) and that Nami is the only one in her period (because I think Robin is trans and also she has been dealing with pain so much on her own that even if she had her period, the crew wouldn't even notice. Nami, Franky, Jinbe, and Brook would be the only ones knowing).
Chopper is the one explaining what a period is, by the way, because these idiots know the basics but not much and I think they could use some health classes? Like, seriously, it'd be nice.
Luffy: Doesn't understand what the fuck is a period (Makino explained it. His ass didn't listen). If Nami is bleeding, can't Chopper cure her? Oh, he can't? Is she sick? Is she going to die? No? She's fine, then? But she needs them to give her a break because even if she isn't sick, she's still not going through the best time. It's uncomfortable and she feels bad and sensitive. I think Luffy would have a lot of questions and he would ask shamelessly about them. And he would also try to be considerate and share his food with Nami and cause less trouble. I know he's chaotic but he's always really nice when a crewmate is in pain, and if Nami (his navigator. His Nami!!!) is feeling bad, he'll do whatever he can to help her. If she has cramps he'll probably stay beside her and sleep with her and cuddle. He's actually worried sick even if she tells him she's fine.
Zoro: He doesn't really give a fuck. Kuina explained what periods were to him and how unfair it was and he agreed. It is unfair. It is fucked up. They shouldn't go through that. He respects Nami a lot for being able to work and yell and live normally while she's bleeding and cramping (I mean, that's HIS normal state, but Nami isn't like him). So he just supports her from a distance and if she needs anything he'll just try to help and that's it. He's like?? He's normal about it. Just a thing the body does. Everyone thinks it's such a big deal, but it's not.
Usopp: He grew up with Kaya. I don't need to say anything else. He's always complaining about Nami being louder than usual or oversensitive and saying that she doesn't need to blame them for being in pain, but he only says it because they're best friends, lmao. "Girl, I know you're in pain but it's not my fault. Chill. Do you want a chocolate bar?" and he's pretty much the only one allowed to keep her company when she's stressed and too angry to deal with the others. Bestie privileges. He knows how to make her happy. The perks of having a childhood sweetheart and taking care of her when she was on her period (she was just emotional, though, not like Nami who is a ticking time bomb depending on the month). He always has pads, pills, and distractions ready for Nami. He's just there and normal about it and helping her out.
Sanji: Fucking dramatic. I can't stand him. I'm gonna throw bricks at him. I love him, but he's either the most respectful gentleman on earth or the weirdest guy ever about this. He's probably both at the same time. He's SO annoying, oh my god. He keeps wanting to do everything for Nami, and okay, the food, tea, and extra snacks are fine. But it's just too much. He's the one crying all the time like "WHY DID GOD CURSE OUR MELLORINES WITH SUCH PAIN?????????? OH NAMI-SWAN IF I COULD TAKE YOUR SUFFERING I WOULD!!!!!! YOU ARE SO BRAVE FOR THIS!!!!!" and Usopp is the one actually throwing stuff at him and kicking him out of the girl's room when he comes to bring some snacks and won't shut up. He's,, Overly helpful. He has good intentions, really, but Nami is just on her period. She can still move and do her own things, thank you very much. I think he learns to be more normal about it with time, though. And he's just this way with Nami, probably (I say this bc I'm writing a Sanuso fic with Trans Usopp on his period and I swear Sanji is normal about it).
Chopper: I mean. It's the doctor. He keeps an eye on Nami and takes care of her. He's gentle and always tries to bring her painkillers if it's too much. Reminds her to drink a lot of water and eat properly but never too much because she could get sick! He's the cutest, gentlest thing ever.
Franky: Another dramatic man. He's just like Sanji, except that instead of crying because Nami has to go through this, he keeps saying she's SUPEERRRRR COOL AND STRONG FOR DEALING WITH THIS. But it's only for a few seconds and then he's just acting like a dad. Which includes helping if needed but then asking the weirdest questions to see if Nami is alright.
Brook: He would be the sweetest thing ever. But also, we gotta admit that he's still a perv and would ask to see Nami's underwear anyway. But leaving that aside, yeah, he's sweet. He offers tea and gentle music while she works and tries to be a gentleman. He makes a few jokes here and there, Nami hits him, the usual stuff. But he's a sweet grandpa so he's just there being nice. But, y'know, Brook is always nice to be around. He just offers his help more and often asks Nami if she's feeling okay.
Jinbe: He doesn't quite understand what he's supposed to do, but he just doesn't get in Nami's way if she's mad, and if she's sensitive he'll try to make the crew shut up for a while. Gentle older man. He always tries to make peace around the place, but pretty much like Brook and he also tries not to overstep. He asks Zoro if he should be doing something, and Zoro just shrugs and says to let Nami do her own thing.
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been a minute since i've answered yall asks, sorry about that. been having health issues again. sighs.
tw / tags: monster fucking, snake anatomy, breeding mentions
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Do you have any thoughts about slime-like monsters? I personally find monsters with… unstable??? body structure quite interesting cuz of their potential lol. Like, even of they're slow and trembling like jittery jelly, once they have grip on you – you gone, whoops. Struggling r useless, u will only get urself deeper and you can't even do a lot to escape. And bonus points if they're kinda dumb, so by acting silly and goofy they're practically gaslighting lmao —anonymous
i actually have a musing in the work about that one!! its...been in my draft forever...whoops....i'll work on that in just a bit then.
but yes!! theyre also super versatile too! imagine if you have one as a pet...its going to make a pet out of you, oho rip darling.
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I wonder how the 6 arms snake god eat. Does he just shallow his prey whole? chew them? Tear them apart then eat them piece by piece? I wonder what is his favorite part of his prey, and his less favorite. I imagine that some times, he eat messy, so reader clean the blood around his mouth with a clean napkin. —anonymous
i actually kinda imagine him opening his mouth like a snake would since he's no longer a human (w a pic below). but in the beginning, when he's still merging with the snake god, he'd probably start tearing his, ah, meals apart, yeah. i actually don't think his transformation was actually completed by the time he started his initial rampage + he wouldn't have any arm when he first started out too.
oh geez i can see him being super clumsy and floppy trying to learn how to move his new body. poor thing.
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his mouth would be like this, maybe with bigger fangs tho. that said, i cant find the original source now :( so if any of you know who this may be by, lmk so i can link the artist!!
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Hey-hey! Have you read Mieruko-chan by any chance? Maybe it's only me, but i find designs for ghosts from here rlly cool and some chapters can give some pretty cool concepts/ideas.
Gl on ur day! ✨ —anonymous
i actually have been keeping up with it! poor mc, she's trying her best...I'm crushing on the yandere tentacled head lady atm lol
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☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favourite blogs. It's time to spread positivity! 💖 — @berrychan03
dawwww <3 thank you!!! i'll be sure to spread them around~!
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Your Jaguar Trube story is really good! I like it. Are you going to make the part 2 for it? —anonymous
im actually kinda stumped on how to continue this one mainly because of the breeding kink being the primary focus and the reader initially being gn. i feel iffy doing this to my fellow gn readers as well, as i don't wish to exclude them and i don't think im that good of a writer to pull off a gn smut.
i could just do two versions tbh because its a little different between if the reader is afab and if they're amab.
if afab, theyre actually kinda in for some bad time because there's so many males around, possibly around 30 to even 50, and there's a lot of dp to go around because they're sharing them.
if amab, there's not many females around at all, maybe around 4 young adult ones (with the rest being old ladies), though that's not to say the males wouldn't touch them because they def would though lol but i kinda imagined that being amab they wouldn't be in too high of demand and would be given breaks. plus, they don't have to worry about getting pregnant.
i'll take feedback regarding this matter though, so lmk your thoughts on how i should proceed!
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anyhoo, gonna try and work on couple overdue commissions i got, but in the meanwhile, feel free to send in whatever (that is currently open lol) love ya bunches!
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yoonstudios · 1 year
Indefinite Hiatus
god i haven't made a hiatus post for what seems like a year now lol.
anyway! yeah so about like 2 weeks ago i thought of just deleting this account because i don't feel much of a reason to come on here anymore lmao. but i didn't want to make an impulse decision, so i'm gonna keep it up. there are some personal reasons as to why i don't really have much motivation to post on this blog anymore, which i'll leave below, but it's mostly because of self-care reasons and just having other priorities in general.
i'll probably come back and be literally active, but it's gonna be quite a while, like several months or maybe even years, idk. i'm just doing myself a favor and taking a break from a lot of things right now for the sake of my own mental well-being.
any of my mutuals or followers can contact me on discord! i'm softangelics :)
(just shoot me a dm so i know who you are, if you would!)
as i said above, most of this is just to take a break from things and to focus on my own mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health just a little bit more. over the last few years or so, i've realized that my home isn't really a mentally and emotionally healthy environment, so i think it's a good idea for me to prioritize myself to keep myself sane, lmao.
i've realized recently that i've completely lost my dad to conspiracy theories and general unhealthy behavior and that he's not a healthy father figure; i need time to come to terms with that. it doesn't help that my mom is also following him down the rabbit hole, even if her beliefs are more watered-down. my parents have a very unhealthy relationship, anyway.
bts hasn't really been my first priority (as they shouldn't be, i don't think; if i said this on army twitter i'd be dead lol). so it's not in a "i've left the magic shop 😔" kinda way, lmao. it's just lately i've been wanting to focus on caring for myself, connecting deeper with my faith, figuring out what i really want and need in life, etc. so that's kinda why i'm dropping this blog for either a little while, or forever! who knows! and i do miss them together as seven a fuck ton, don't think i don't ;)
but yeah, lately i've just being feeling this weird kind of apathy and emptiness that i haven't felt in a really long time, and i think it's time i heal (?) from whatever i need to heal from. i don't really know how exactly i'm gonna go about that, but that's exactly why i need this break! if i do come back, i hope i come back as a wiser and generally healthier person <3
i love all of you so much! as i said, you can contact me whenever you want :)
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bellafragolina · 2 years
Me dealing with Arceus spiriting away my beloved husband Ingo. Me trying to keep myself, plus everyone else who loved him held together as hope dies and bearing the trauma of losing the love of my life and him possibly being dead. Me being spirited away to Hisui and dealing with the shock that he's amnesic. Me being there as he slowly remembers everything he lost, all the pain his loved ones are going through without him and holding him while his heart breaks. Me promising that I'm not angry with him as he remembers who I am and why I've been so worried about him. Us falling back in love, maybe more than ever, and it's our only comfort. Me getting pregnant in Hisui without modern medicine, with triplets no less, and effectively being sidelined from being able to get us home. Me and my three babies managing to survive birth against all odds. Our children somehow surviving without modern medicine and much needed vaccines, plus wild fucking pokemon. A child who looks just like our own, just like Ingo, appears and they're in a modern, gear station themed onsie. They're just a little younger than our babies. Us realizing this has to be Emmett's child. Where's Emmet? Is he here? Is he ok? Is he amnesiac like Ingo was? Oh no what if he's dead? Where's the mother? Oh god we have to reunite them, Emmett can't keep losing his family to the rifts. Akari gets Ingo, Emmet's baby and I home, but where are our fucking children? Arceus where the fuck are they? What do you mean they don't belong in our time? Emmet finds us. His baby! His brother! His in-law! He's overjoyed until he realizes his has a niece and nephew that are uncoupled by God himself. Emmett wondering why God hates him and his family; they've always been good people and just wanted to be happy. Emmet and his S/O trying to keep Ingo and I together while we hunt down our children and find out fuck all whatever.
All of us standing before Arceus in a bid to reunite our entire family once and for all; Listen here Arceus you worthless, homewrecking giraffe, you better give me back my children perfect health and keep us all together, so we can spend the rest of our lives in bliss, or I will gut you. Then hang your corpse from the moon before give your divine throne to some random fucking bidoof. And you best hope I find a bidoof fast, because otherwise, I'll let Volo be God. I'm sure he'd agree to it in exchange for my family's happiness.
Me crying when my children manifest into mine and Ingo's arms; ok, but I'm still going to be a devout atheist.
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You grabbing god by the throat: where the fuck are my kids you better give them back right now before I rip you apart
And Emmet and Ingo are in the background ready to rumble
Also, yeah! Be an atheist! If Arceus is snatching people and stealing kids, what right does it have to be recognized or worshiped as a god??
But poor Emmet! Your baby just getting swiped like that, and then your brother and in-law are returned, but the niblings are gone! What did he do to piss off Arceus so much?? Why does he suffer??
God I love all of this! Bravo!! Beautiful angst! And a happy ending! Lol imagine telling god to his face that you’re an atheist despite coming and kicking his ass lmao
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hustleformuscle · 2 years
Hey there,
I know you've been struggling lately amd I'm really sorry about that. I just wanna say that you're a huge inspiration of mine and have been for a while now, and that seeing you back on my dashboard has genuinely made me so happy. I'm no professional/competitive weightlifter, just Some Person who is trying to get fitter and stronger in my early 20s after spending my childhood dealing with...less than ideal financial/ parental situations, shall we say, that lead to some unhealthy habits.
I really struggle with motivation/mental health myself, so the Fitness Accounts™©® that push the "THE ONLY PROBLEM IS YOU" and "THERE'S NO EXCUSE GET EXERCISING" mentality .. don't really help lol. Your account HAS helped a lot, it's been really refreshing to see someone who's genuinely passionate about weightlifting whilst also acknowledging that It's Fucking Tough Sometimes, instead of the over-the-top faux-passionate shit that some accounts are on.
Idk. I'm rambling a bit now. Point is, I know it's tough getting back in the swing of it after a break, whether that break was illness or motivation or anything else. GOD I know how frustrating that feels. But there's at least 1 person out here both rooting for you and being inspired/motivated by you, so I hope that whatever happens - whether you decide you don't want to compete any more or decide you wanna Compete Till You Die - I hope you keep weightlifting in some capacity, and I hope you know that you're absolutely not alone in struggling with it sometimes. Or all the time. God motivation is hard lmao, but you've got this. In fact fuck it, WE'VE got this.
Good luck, whatever you decide.
Hi! Thanks so much for reaching out and for your kind and understanding message.
I’ve never been a fan of blogs or influencers or whatever who don’t acknowledge how difficult reaching a goal like losing weight or building muscle really is. If it was easy, everyone would do it, I reckon. And I’m sorry about your difficult childhood. It definitely sounds like you’ve got your head screwed on right and you’re on an upward trajectory.
We have got this in the bag for sure! Thank you so much for your ongoing support. It means so much to me.
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eluminium · 4 months
"dramatization of Skizz's final death in Secret Life" hhhhh that one should already have way more fic written for it tHAT WAS SUCH A GOOD MOMENT ITS CAUSED ME SO MUCH BRAINROT and it deserves all the dramatization skjhsdafkhd "Character study of both Skizz and BigB in Secret Life after BigBs "Betrayal"" something something about bigbs 'curse' in the life series being about betraying his closest allies and losing them and skizz aggressively counteracting that i am so normal abt this "Skizz is a newly ascended God" objectively terrifying concept but also. immediate paladin impulse brainrot hitting here hehh "TangSkizz Plateup Smut" call that a health code violation lmao (i actually have a plot bunny written down somewhere that i'll probably never write that is based on the skizz/tango/jimmy plateup streams that focuses ranchers BUT there is a blatant b-plot of GIGGS crew hunting actual real ghosts in the background that both tango and jimmy remain hilariously oblivious to)
the things his death in secret life did to me, dude. Man died whilst impaled on dripstone. And it's the only death Skizz has had where he hasn't gone out on his own terms, and he also DIED REGRETFUL!!! HE GAVE UP!!!! SKIZZLEMAN GAVE UP IN THE FACE OF DEATH FOR THE FIRST TIME!!!! it makes me so insane still. that and whatever the fuck Scar was doing to him before his death. Anyone who says Scar wasn't a full-on villain clearly never saw him quite literally wanting to torture Skizz, and then actually torturing Skizz. we moved on from that fact too fast as a fandom I'm ngl
Also just. BigB and Skizz. I need to shake them like maracas. my fucking god.
The Skizz Godhood idea thing is actually supposed to be a kind of a slightly dark comedic slice-of-life thing. Like Skizz is still Skizz despite ascending to Godhood. And hw has to build up his worship together with his best friend and and very miffed new priest Impulse. Like these idiots have to figure out how to create a cult and convince people to join it, and the public speaker of the two is the one currently stuck in Divine Mode whilst the nervous wreck has to do all the speaking.
Also don't worry about the TangSkizz health code violation. The juicey only happens AFTER closing. They're responsible owners!
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tolerateit · 9 months
Put this down as the fastest this government has agreed on anything. It only took a day, and they agreed to change the laws to get off easy despite cancer patients dying from the shit they've been pulling. It's basically a two party system but both parties are two sides of the same coin, so they gotta protect each other at the expense of the rest of the country and its citizens.
Anyway, I'm so so so sick of this and all the other updates I've shared with you so I'm just gonna say it, this is MK. In a European shithole that's been trying to join the EU for like two decades now. Funny, right? The EU has laws and regulations and shit like this will (hopefully?) not fly. I think changing this law might be the last straw, so they can make the last necessary changes to the constitution next year after elections and we can finally join. Hundreds of thousands have been migrating away in the last decade because it's such a shithole. The moment we join, this place will pretty much empty out and honestly, it's what these politicians deserve. Not to have anyone even picking up their shit. Literally. Should hopefully happen in a few more years although at this rate, everyone might leave even before then.
TO THINK I used to dream about working in politics and diplomacy and fixing this country up! And pursuing world fucking peace?! You know what I had back then? The audacity lmao
I grew up and realized I don't wanna ass kiss any one of these rotten walnuts for brains to do anything in life, and I certainly don't want to take part in their various criminal activities (which are mandatory if you do join, and joining is mandatory to get pretty much any job here. Or even open up your own business, because they'll find a way to shut you down if you don't help them out in whatever way they see fit).
Like, can you even grasp that I only have digestive issues with the dairy products here, but I'm perfectly fine whenever I consume any of them outside of the country? I certainly can't, like what's the difference? what are they putting in it here that's making me ill? God knows what's in the rest of the food at this point.
I made a meme a few years ago, we had our own situation of a model on stage saying the country's name in a funny way like that girl did with France. I saved a screenshot of it and captioned it with the name and everything because it was funny. I've now been using it as a reaction pic on a daily basis. Any time anyone tells me anything negative, I'm like, you know what, yes that sucks, but you know what else? That's just how things are here and nothing and no one can change them, and then show them the meme. At least it gets a smile in any shitty situation.
I was wondering why it's this specific event that's triggered me so much and I found out after hearing the news about the law. My husband's been having health issues all year. It took over 30 doctors and exams and god knows what else just to get an official diagnosis. A bunch of devices for exams haven't been working for months, all across the country no less, so you gotta pay out of pocket at a private clinic that has a working one. All this because most of the good doctors have already left. And you also gotta pay out of pocket at those private clinics to talk to doctors now too, because if there are any good ones left, they're working there because it's less stressful and operates better post covid. And pays a bit more, but mostly it functions better. Thank god we've been able to afford it (freelance ftw!) There were three good ones in that process: the one that recommended the last one, an unrelated one that said your issues aren't from this organ, you can be 100% sure of that, and that last one that gave the diagnosis. And we know it's correct because I haven't seen a single complaint about that doctor on any forum. I don't think all the others we went to really even have brains, someone must have finished their schools for them given what they said and recommended. And I know that much with my degree in English. But imagine being so horrible that you literally let patients die so you can make more money?! When most of them are already poor so they resort to selling everything they own just for the chance to spend more time with their loved ones?! And you're already in one of the highest paid fields here?! On top of everything, people can't even speak up or out about it because corruption and politics run so deep they immediately threaten job loss for you and your family too. I wanna set this place on [redacted] and watch the aftermath calmly as they did to a makeshift covid hospital a couple of years ago. And I mean that literally. That's a whole other story where "no one is at fault" because they can play it that way.
God I hope this is the last time I send you one of these. But I already read some superficial reports earlier today of new fucked up issues being uncovered so I guess no dice. I hope someone protects the journalists, if this keeps going on they'll have it worse because evidence shows these politicians aren't above literal murder to get their way.
sorry for clogging up your ask box with all this, and as I always appreciate you for listening <3
you don't have to apologize at all, it is of course infuriating that these things continue to happen all across the world but it is so important that people stay angry about them! And talk about them!!! Health especially is such an important domain to navigate because it puts SO MANY lives at risk I hate that this is happening
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playyinwithfire · 1 year
Lmao. Straight from the sad Boi desk. Yall get front row.
I want to have a kid. High key. None of this low key shit anymore. I just feel like it is impossible. Not only that, but who I am currently, it would be impossible.... just... that feels like a blow through my heart. I've never felt this way before? Or thought I would be the kind of person who would want kids. And yet. Here we are. Were I want a kid. Not just maybe. Desperately. And most dreams and goals I have seem achievable and reachable. This just, doesn't. It feels impossible. For so many reasons. So let's list them. (I would also like to say I wouldn't want kids until I'm at least 30. So I have some time. But no time is too early to begin planning for a small human)
(1)idk if my partner would want kids. Maybe. But maybe not. I'm just guessing at this point. (This is the same partner who forgot my birthday. So. Who the fuck knows if I could trust them with wanting to raise another human being together. So really good thoughts there.... nothing harmful or problematic) 🤗
(2)as of right now, Financials are a huge concern. Obvi. As they usually always are. I've considered the two big financial issues and have solutions. One, college (start a trust or savings that would have contributions from me, +1, and grandparents. I know my parents would probably willingly want to contribute and be super happy about it) and two being which parent would stay at home. And the fun fun answer is neither. We would probably both work. But I'd probably work less. And be the primary stay at home parent. My current jobs and work is flexible enough where I could choose certain days. I'd be forced to work weekends. 🙄 but whatever. Nothing new.
(3)I want to be near my parents when I bring small human into my life. And I want small human to be part of my parents life. I want to plan to have a kid in the winter. I'd have the most time off, most ability to rest, ect. But I could also go to my parents and spend significant time with them. That would be fantastic. I want them to be able to support me emotionally and spend time with tiny human. Also please God let me sleep as they can watch the small human for a little bit. 😭
(4) being alive is hard. And just.... little human won't stay little forever. They will become an adult. And they will feel pain. And probably battle mental health issues I can't shield them from. And id probablymake mistakes. Big ones. And id hurt them, without meaning too. And.... id do things that would tramatize them. And scar them.... (I do feel equipped to get them help. Have them see a therapist, take them to specialist, make it so they don't suffer more than they need to and feel supported) and this world sucks. Fucking sucks. And bringing a child into this world? Seems so selfish. So selfish. And that's a big reason. Do I only want a kid for me? (Yeah?) Is that wrong? Idk. Good thing I don't have a kid yet.
And obviously, no kid yet, or any in the near future.... but fuck. The thought of not having a kid is almost so painful it breaks my heart. And it feels like I'm right at the tip of the depression chasm and any thought that I let slip through into my consciousness concerning this will send me over the edge. Which is scary. So I'm trying not to think about it. Which isn't great either. Because I think about it more. Any kids I see laugh or smile. Or even crying. Jesus. Sends me right to that depression chasm. I'm not okah. And maybe that's okah.
God I can rant when I really get typing.
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wovenstarlight · 2 years
is your "send me a character and i’ll list:" meme still open?? if so, han yoojin (canon or yours, your pick)?
(send me a character and i'll list...)
i love the way you phrased this. he's my poor little meow meow too. shared custody with geunseo. jokes aside i'll pick canon because i have a bunch of hyjs with all slightly different flavors of weird depending on the AU so let's go the simple route
favorite thing about them
god he is so fucking mentally ill. i'm being funnee but quite honestly i love how all over the place his emotional state is. someone will be like Hey, i think you're a decent dude! :) and he'll be like "i'm going to jump out of this moving car right now. never speak to me again. never look at me again." he's straight up having a panic attack and yoohyun will call him and he'll be like Actually i'm fine by way of i don't give a shit anymore. [fond voice] what the fuck, dude
least favorite thing about them
god he is so fucking mentally ill. i dare him to tell the whole truth ONE time in his life. you'd think after yoohyun burned down a whole forest and was ready to fake hyj's death for him he'd have gotten better but hyj is olympic athlete at the sport of Running Away From Healthy Communication and Healthy Coping Mechanisms. i don't begrudge him for having trauma but i hate the way he chooses to deal with it despite everyone around him straight up going "here's how you can deal with this better". i know it makes him an interesting protag. i hate it though. be less interesting it's good for your health. who give a fuck.
favorite line
i'd answer this except i don't have one LMFAO i don't retain any memory of the text past when it's literally in front of me. my favorite line is whatever i most recently read. ok i got one, the ebook edits i was going over recently extended the scene where hyj first gets kidnapped and now there's like 3 new paragraphs of him commentating like a sports announcer just how shitty his kidnappers are at their job. he's like LMFAO look at this stupid loser. loser got kicked by a weak shit F-rank. stupid weak shit kidnapper. it had me in tears laughing
myeongwoo yoojin myeongwoo yoojin myeongwoo yoojin they are bros they are besties they are ride or dies i want childhood friends myeongwoo yoojin content at all times i have a medical deficiency
[fond smile] jinjae. taejin. taejinjae. stw and shj have such fucking compelling relationships with hyj it makes me want to put a bowl over my head whenever i think about them too long
eeurgh..... i dunno.... i don't really have....... notps with hyj? past, like. the obvious. with yoohyun or yerim. oh maybe noah i know some people ship noah and yoojin but i just can't see it. that's his little boy v2.0
random headcanon
he's really good at rhythm games... he likes the simplicity of it. yerim got him into them and then realized he was just fucking better at it than her and now she outsources 90% of her actual playtime to hyj who just accepts it bemused
unpopular opinion
what opinions are popular LMAO idk i don't associate with the actual fandom enough to know what opinions are un/popular
song i associate with them
GAH i'm gonna say. atlas two by sleeping at last. i assign this song to every one of my knovel male protags but unfortunately the fact is that i have a type. WAIT also nobody by mitski that one can be attributed to zmur
favorite picture of them
oh fuck oh shit the same problem as fave line. here have this from latest webtoon update
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constant hyj mood. constant hyj lover mood. i'm simultaneously all three of the people in this image and also the wrecked room in the background
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hyaesia · 3 years
Hii!! Been thinking a lot about impostor factory and very specifically the like. Bestest detectives leimotif or whatever that appears in the Second Song you hear. Thats soo crazy to me. I also hear it during the first scene where neil is like, looking in to the simulation! (The light scene during the fucked loop specifically, idk if it appears every other time the light comes). I dont really have anything cool to say here i just think a lot abt how bestest detectives is All Over This Game
when i heard it for the first time in that opening scene i had to like. take a walk i was so overwhelmed LMAO
ALSO THE VINYL RECORD VERSION OF BESTEST DETECTIVES. THE ONE FROM THE SCENE YOU MENTIONED WITH NEIL'S LIGHT. that was another one of the points i had to go and just take a walk around my house because it was So much for me to handle. that was the one time that version was used too, which is a shame because it's such a hauntingly gorgeous rendition
also the hints of bestest detectives in quincy's theme. or in heartbeat. or path of a life. or any of those other songs even slightly related to tobi or neil oh my god !!! the way the theme's barely present in act 2 and then just slowly evolves more and more into the bestest detectives we know, until it's right in your face during act 3 after faye explains what's really going on. it's just so damn good
ALSO??? THE MUSIC BOX??? LULLABY FROM A STAR??? the fact that. bestest detectives was originally a lullaby lynri sung to neil as a baby is so horrible for my mental health. if this game hasn't destroyed me already, that sure will
this is. very random but i also love how that remix of neil's machine was incorporated after lynri started compiling the simulation. i was pretty sure all of the game was a simulation in neil's machine since the start, but that moment just kinda Confirmed it for me
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pirateboy · 3 years
Would love to hear you talk about any/all of Josh, Donna and Toby that you feel like for the characters questions!
Hi! Thanks for this, I'm gonna do all three of them because I can and they're all my faves :^)
First impressions: umm my actual first impression was probably just lmao that hairline tho. Sorry. I wouldn't say he was immediately my favourite? Because I was determined to hate the show having been forced to watch it by my parents. But definitely I respected him more in the first episode cos of his plot with the Christians. I thought that was cool.
Impressions now: Hot. Also I'm rlly obsessed with him. But also I want to be him? I love him a lot. He's rlly just an anxious bby at heart. He cares about his friends so much, and is probably too loyal, they're the absolute most important thing to him. He's dealing with a lot but he's trying his best and he needs a hug.
Favourite moment: Hmm. I feel like this is cheating since it's not actually something he does, but just everything that happens in Noel. Its very relatable to me and I appreciate it so much. Honourable mention would be simply the line 'can we have a civilisation?'. Honourable honourable mention anytime we get to see him be good at his job.
Story idea: Josh's mental health!!! Literally anything exploring Josh's mental health. Whether that be his ptsd (still mad about the fact he was magically cured after Noel ig), his suicidal thoughts (again, they just dropped that in there and never mentioned it again??), whatever the deal with first Stanley is, Joanie or anxiety. I want to write about all of it. I don't rlly have any fully formed ideas yet, but definitely a fic about his ptsd recovery is in the works.
Unpopular opinion: This isn't solely about josh ig but I'm still gonna put it in here cos I can't rlly think of stuff. I think his friendship with sam is the least interesting of his relationships. In a few episodes I rlly like it but it's like half the time they forget that they're supposed to be best friends. I dunno if it's just something I'm missing tho cos ik lots of people like samjosh.
Favourite relationship: and to the surprise of absolutely no one, it's josh/donna/toby. Unless this means romantically, in which case it's josh/donna, but josh/toby is fucking as well i've gotta be honest. But platonically they are the ultimate trio I love them sm.
Favourite headcanon: oh god I've got so many. I think I'm gonna have to go with adhd josh, it just makes so much sense. Oh also josh plays a musical instrument. I tend to lean towards piano or violin but I did read a fic where he played the trumpet which was interesting. But yh anything linking josh and music.
First impression: I don't know if I had much of an opinion about her character on her own? I do remember thinking oh god she has a crush on her boss they're gonna be in a relationship this is gonna be problematic. But also that this was a ship I could fall into v quickly if I wasn't careful.
Impression now: she's my absolute favourite, she makes the show what it is. Her character arc is so interesting, and not only does she grow sm throughout the series she's so funny and entertaining as well. I think she struggles with putting her needs before others and feeling like she's not important enough to matter. She doesn't feel safe on her own so constantly latches onto other people and ignores her needs till it reaches a breaking point. She's one of the smartest people in the whole series. She can be kind of ditzy tho and has a sort of subdued chaos.
Favourite moment: 'I wouldn't stop for red lights' has to be here it's iconic. I also love everything she does in 20 hours in America and when the president makes a call to Mrs. Morello. Ooh also when the Toby tells her about the ms.
Story idea: I'm rlly obsessed with Donna's family so anything involving that. I'm currently working on a post-series fic about aro josh and donna trying to navigate their relationship while in Madison for Donna's brother's wedding. Also anything pre-series, maybe about Dr. Freeride.
Unpopular opinion: not sure this is unpopular? But I rlly love late seasons donna. I agree that she loses some of her personality but I feel like this is realistic, especially after Gaza. The only thing is I wish we had gotten to see her come to more of a middle ground between the 2 donnas as it were as she starts to heal. Also because I feel like she was done dirty by the writers in s*rkin-era. A lot of her storylines revolved around her messing things up and it felt like she was in this weird in between state of we want to make her a bigger character but also being slightly stuck in comic relief assistant mode. Plus y'know just general misogyny.
Favourite relationship: Donna and Toby, Donna and Toby!!!! So underrated, I'm so sad we hardly got to see any of them interacting, I genuinely feel like they're best friends. I feel like their relationship would be so interesting. Also I love Donna and Jed too they're just trivia nerds lmao
Favourite headcanon: I have quite a few for Donna as well, but I'd have to say Donna moss for president. I'm absolutely convinced that Donna would become president, I feel like she would be so good? She cares in a way that's so pure, she never forgets about the actual people that they're working for and she's just rlly nice tbh. Also josh as first gentleman lmao. Oh also Donna listens to vocaloid I said what I said.
First impression: I honestly don't remember hmm. I think I thought that he was scary, I kind of felt that I wasn't allowed to have hcs or think about him for a while. But also I remember in the first episode him calling out some people for antisemitism and I liked him for that.
Impression now: not scary any more lol but still kind of feels like I'm not allowed to talk about him a bit, he kind of feels like an authority figure. I rlly love him tho, I think he cares so deeply and loves so much and he has such a genuine passion for change. He's also awkward and a romantic and just as loyal as any of them if not more.
Favourite moment: Toby meeting his kids for the first time. I dunno bro it's just such a nice moment. Also Toby hugging ginger. And when he goes to the protest. And that episode with Tabitha Fortis. Probably a lot more as well. Also just any moment where Toby is genuinely happy.
Story idea: Toby going to help josh with the Santos campaign. I just need to not feel sad about what happened to him sometimes and would this not be epic? Also a story about him and donna because I am truly obsessed with this relationship. Also his and cj's relationship is rlly interesting I could write about that. Also maybe just a fic about loneliness.
Unpopular opinion: sometimes I don't hate what they did to Toby? I think the problem for me comes in because he got an objectively way worse ending than the other characters and he didn't deserve to have that. But if the later seasons had gone all in with the degredation of relationships and losing faith in authority figures and rlly just made the whole thing fall apart I genuinely would have enjoyed that probably. But instead everyone else only gets little tastes of that and they take it all out on poor Toby.
Favourite relationship: his children. Listen to me Toby is a good father don't accept their lies. Also Donna and Josh but I've already talked about them lol. Hmm actually I didn't talk about josh that much their relationship is so good. They provide perfect foils for each other. In some ways their rlly different in how they go about things and their life experiences but in other fundamental ways they're the same? Also adhd autistic solidarity. And ace aro solidarity.
Favourite headcanon: umm i mentioned before not being able to hc him well so I don't have a lot. Communist Toby is kind of a joke one but I think it's funny. Also ace Toby but that's just vibes. Autistic Toby I'm still figuring out but I like it. Can't give many reasons other than I relate. Donna and Toby being besties ig counts? Cos again I rlly love it. Oh oh oh Toby writes poetry. He does bro u can't convince me otherwise.
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gunmetal-ring · 2 years
11x15 stream of consciouness
Mmmm... gross. Dead as hell. Something about Daryl in this long sleeve shirt is sending me like yum.
Lol Aaron and Gabe like. Mhm. Nothing to see here. Why is he asking Daryl like obviously Daryl will be on their side. Hm I wonder if Lance backed off bc he's like "if they lie about this then that means they don't trust the commonwealth which means they might help me overthrow it" Oh wait no it's bc he's gonna fuck w em. Oo daryls annoyed... oo... it's bc he's SICK OF FIGHTING AND JUST WANTS TO GET ON THE ROAD AND GO!!
Oh SHIT Mercer is so fuckin hot. YES princess GET IT. Lol. Mercer is jelly. Shit princess is a babe g.d sign me tf up. Although I rly wish she wasn't uncrazy I miss her being crazy now she's just like. Socially quirky. Who is saying she can't listen?! Mercer don't be a dick.
I love this sleuthing reporting sister dream team.
Awww aunt carol!! And theater kid zeke is back yes!! Aw Carol and her self esteem 🥺 aww zeke is so in love still its heartbreaking. Reminds me of @waynedunlaptheorgandonor recent drabble 😏
Tch Lance. God he's such a good villain. Yeah they CAN fuckin handle themselves!! OH! DARYL! HA! and here w are I guess at the six month time jump? Fuckin annoying.
Oh... more yumikos brother... gr8 so glad that he's got an extra storyline... gahh I'm so annoyed at the ongoing bloated cast but at least Carol and lydia are getting some screentime. Also is this friend a lie to see how outside the system the brother will go or are we rly gonna have an appendectomy girl show up?
Lol young psychopath. Michael Mercer idk if we knew that but Michael is not what I was expecting. Feel like it doesn't rly fit
I love this mean Maggie tbh especially when it's not abt negan bc I am over it. I rly can't believe its been 6 months that's so annoying ugh but I'm not gonna do that rant again
I feel like John Mercer would have been cool bc it's like oh he's just another soldier not gonna ruffle feathers nameless faceless fall in line and then BOOM he rebels against his name and subverts our expectations! But whatever. Lol they look up to you literally bc hebis on a poster but also he is big and orange. Bro I rly like him
OK I guess there is a surprise appendectomy?
Lol Lance I cannot believe how much I love him!! I've gotten so used to the dick measuring male villains this is awesome. Wonder why the truck didn't start? Clearly Daryl and maggie expected it to
Carol's old man I love learning more about her!! Lol love zeke w the black market health care I fuckin love him. It's the hope that kills you. Hm. Feel like that's alluding to Ed and how she stayed hoping for it to be better etc etc etc
Princess ilu but also you did not use a special sense to tell that Mercer wasn't OK like he is pretty shitty at hiding his emotions lol. Aw but I love that he's rly confiding in her but also maybe don't do it in the hallway? Do it in the apartment w privacy instead? Mercer is tired of the fighting too. I bet he's gonna be on the caryl spinoff. Told you it was platonic. I'm joking don't kill me
AW! AW HERSHEL!!! AT GLENNS GRAVE!! AWW!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg lance.. I'm surprised Maggie isn't guarding hershel. Uh hershel isn't a fuckin snitch Lance. Stranger danger and all that too. Oh no!! Glenn's hat!! Lance good detective work but like its a hat not a glass slipper a hat will fit plenty of ppl. Elijah yes! Whoa f bomb! Damn! Also when did Daryl lose the uniform?
Ugh I guess Leah and Carol probably won't meet... unless she pulls another spidey sense that daryls in trouble or something. But I think Daryl is probably gonna kill Leah to earn back trust at the commonwealth. Blugh. Telling myself it's good writing and makes sense.
Aw Carol my heart keeps breaking. OMFG CAROL JUST REJECTING ZEKE POINT BLANK LMAO. I guess they're making antibiotics still hm.
Ik the love story is a Big Deal but I gotta say I am just fully uninterested. Hope fake Stephanie doesn't return bc that love triangle would be so un-compelling.
My guess is that Leah is like 30 feet away from daryl or something. Maybe they take her to commonwealth and put her in jail? And then she and Carol can meet? Bc Lance asks Carol to interrogate her or something? Ugh stop it don't let the hope take over. Damn she's such a babe. Oh SHIT YES SHES GOING TO COMMONWEALTH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ugh fuck goddammit Maggie is gonna be the reason Daryl kills her God fucking dammit jfc this is so fucking stupid and annoying and terrible fucking writing. Ok end rant I gotta stop this train in its tracks.
Overall decent episode. One of the better ones of the season. Idk. Im rly looking forward to Leah's arc being over so that I can stop hoping for her to meet Carol. Anyway. I guess yumikos brother is gonna play a big part in overthrowing the commonwealth. It's a shame that honestly at this point I'm kind of waiting for the show to be over bc I'm so unimpressed but oh well.
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wavebiders · 3 years
Operation: "Ignore the Shitty Live Action Winx Show and Just Rewatch the Cartoon for the First Time in Almost a Decade" part 43:
How About Them Character Flaws
Ooooh they're gonna make witches and fairies play nice with each other. This should be good
Mirta my girl! Congrats on finally getting a speaking part again
That was a Wizard of Oz refference right? That line's gotta be "and your little Piff too" in English
Oh hey theyre actually showing long term effects from that one episode! Im glad. That was horrible for Musa she deserves to be upset about it
I love that they're bragging about their creepy tower as if the Winx didn't break into it on multiple occasions while they were first-years
Griffin: no teamwork
The Winx: no- NO TEAMWORK!?
pls that's their whole thing😂😭 They're down to try dark magic but only if they can do it in groups
Lucy and Mirta just seem like they went through a bad break-up
Stella did that on purpose lmao
"Normally fairies have a hard time calling on negative emotions like that" "I had a rough week" typing it out makes it seem like a funny line but that was the saddest little voice I Am Concerned
1. Maybe someone check on her mental health? Same for all the girls for that matter they've been pretty vocal about feeling too much pressure now that I'm thinking about it
2. This is absolutely foreshadowing the part where she gets turned evil for a bit and hey I always appreciate foreshadowing
What is up with Lucy's VOICE Girl have a cough drop
Lucy: Rumor has it Bloom just gave them what they wanted
Stella: how dare you say that!
Tecna: Technically it's true
Stella: who's side are you on?
Jfc Tecna I mean I assume this is about the ring thing. Tecna was the most vocally against Bloom's choice there and I do like long term consequences but but
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But she looks so sad😭 so good on Stella for being ready to cut a bitch
Flora being the first to support Mirta! I'll take whatever crumbs I can get over here
The way they're all more afraid of upsetting their teachers than the Trix... fucking nerds
Lucy and Mirta are so cute🥺
Call them out Mirta!!!
Nonono don't wait for them at their destination you'll lea- oh wow one of them actually thought of that. Guess there's perks to having an earthling who's genre savy on the team
The girls are fightingggg
Well if I didn't know Tecna wasn't the smart one before...
God damn it Bloom! You're the one with fire powers you should be thawing Tecna out and really how well has facing the Trix by your lonesome worked out for you in the past?
Meanwhile, Musa and Aisha are just picking fights with witches because that's productive🙄 and Stella just ducked out for a drink
Normally at least one of them is holding the idiot ball but they're playing fucking tug of war with it this episode, while Flora hangs on to their one braincell for dear life
Oh no I've reached the cliffhanger part of the season again😭
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Lux & Dash
Lux: Good pilgrim, praytell Lux: is your hair just like that or do you have a routine Lux: I must know Dash: what's yours naturally trying to hang like? I'll hit you with what's outta this world 🐤 Lux: full samara, senpai Lux: turn off the tube QUICK 🙄 Dash: 🤣 bummer Dash: 🥥 oil is far out on all hair types even 🔪🔪🔪 Dash: aloe vera will make her 💪 Dash: lemme 🤔🤔.... Dash: do you fuck with 🐣?? Lux 🙇 down at your feet, oh lord is the most high place! 🙌 Lux: the chooks here lay too many for us non-strict-vegans to get through Lux: save my hair AND cut down on our foodwaste? Lux: I will be ♕ and you will be ♚ Dash: 2 🥄 🥑 oil, same of 🥥 & aloe vera gel Dash: 2 raw 🥚 Dash: heat it & leave that baby on for time Dash: 30 mins ++++ Dash: 🚿 with whoever Lux: the CP of my hair is gonna rival Rapunzels Lux: 💃💃💃 Lux: I promise to never ever clock you with a 🍳 Dash: 💛👼👑 Dash: you'd be choice with her 🌺🌺🌺  look Lux: 😘 plant 🌱 for every 🌺 and compliment you gimme then we can talk about april showers coming earlier than anticipated☔️ Dash: right on Lux: Is your full name Dashiell/ can I call you that anyway Lux: because its really fitting and if you care to know I shall tell you for why Dash: it's not but if you're down I can be down too Lux: SO; here was my thought 🚄 climb aboard and ride the rails with me for a sec here Lux: Dash ➼ Dashiell ➼ meaning page boy ➼ page boy = ring bearer ➼ ring bearers of the One Ring ➼ Samwise Gamgee = you AM I RIGHT OR AM I RIGHT Dash: 🤯🤯👍 Lux: I know, allow me to scoop up the remainder your 🧠 from the ceiling and put it into a handwoven jute tote for you to take home Lux: I been knew you love food as much as him, its like 1845-49 up in here after you've come around 🥔💀 Dash: tight gestures like those 👐 gotta keep you in the groove here 🥰 Dash: trust you to pick up on a royal appetite Lux: I'm the holy daughter returned, boy Lux: only eating manna from heaven, though if anyone in this place could make a 😋 cake like back home, I'd let them eat it Dash: set to call you that when I fall in with my 🎺 but do you go by anything shorter on top? Lux: Hebrews 13:2!!! Lux: so that explains where you come from Lux: more in a cloud of smoke than holy light but they could only get so many details dead on in the good book Lux: I'm Lux, of course, X if the mood takes you but I can't make it any easier for you Dash: here to make us 👀 the light, yeah? righteous 👼 Lux: The mission of making my parents proud of me again is not one I am currently embarked upon but service to God and all his creations was always their jam Lux: supposedly Lux: but if you're here to get me to renounce my sex, along with the devil and all his works (duh), oh angelic messenger, I still have to decline Dash: aere perennius is the vibe I'm picking up from you, Lux Dash: it'd be a heavy mission Lux: You owe the world a forest for that one because words like that evoke so many cardinal sins within me Dash: do you know about 🎋? Lux: Tell me Dash: it's a tanabata tree, for wishes Dash: they set the bamboo afloat on the river or on 🔥 after the festival Lux: We must participate here Lux: and one day I will go to where the festival is meant to be and you must come because you introduced me to the magic Dash: we can go to Japan, Sao Paolo or LA, they all have 'em Lux: Of course Lux: I seem to have traveled in the wrong direction Lux: to the wrong coast and onwards Dash: at least you ain't separated from your lover by a 🌌 Dash: that's the legend that goes with the festival Lux: oh Lux: how heartbreakingly beautiful Dash: but they are allowed to meet once a year on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month Dash: it's not a total downer Lux: so young Dashiell believes it is better to taste heaven but the once than to never know it at all Lux: good Lux: I like you Dash: I try & get my kicks tasting as much as I can as often as I can Dash: though yeah, once over never Lux: can't take on the 🌌 Lux: though perhaps you can, with a name like a superhero Dash: no sweat 💪 Dash: if I don't ✂ my hair off 😏 Lux: 😱 Lux: I do have weak ankles! Lux: you avoid barbers and I'll avoid heels that are taller than... Lux: five Lux: no six inches Dash: 👌👌 Dash: if you avoid any heel I'll be able to reach you way out though Dash: no 🛹 jumps 💫 Lux: YET Lux: until you remember where you parked your chariot of fire, you give me reason to kick off my heels, and I'll happily do it Dash: 💃? Lux: Both in worn levis, both in torn T-shirts Lux: of course, that's the only way Dash: there's a tanabata song, I could sing it for you Dash: the translation at least Lux: 😻🙏 Dash: it'll be a blast Lux: 🚀🌠 Dash: have you 👀🎸? Dash: mine's MIA Lux: you can borrow my girl Lux: for one song Dash: I won't hog her like a flake, digging the trust too much Lux: you can abuse my trust just go easy on Dolores Lux: she's a folksy kinda gal, if you kick it punk rock she'll 😳😩 Dash: she'll stay 🍒💖 I'm about a gentle touch Dash: what kind are you? the words are the festival's but I don't know the 🎶 Dash: I'll make it yours, like Lux: as angelic as you look Lux: a sinner can only but hope not Lux: how about you sing it for me but play it like its yours Dash: cool with me Lux: then the song can be ours Dash: I think you're unreal Dash: the most Lux: Oh, because I am Lux: and you are perfect because you know that's a compliment Dash: this fly by of yours is gonna last some time, yeah? Lux: though not compelled by God or a power higher than my own Lux: this is where I'm meant to be Dash: me too Lux: I know Lux: I divined you out of 🌟✨☀️🌌 Dash: we planting that forest to grow together or on opposite sides? Lux: one 🌎 one 💓 Dash: roots are gonna get tangled if you keep laying down your 💓 next to mine Lux: I can grow anywhere Lux: you don't need to worry about me Dash: 🌻 Dash: you're gonna make this place better, I feel it Lux: you have family here? Lux: in the commune Dash: yeah Lux: do you like it here Dash: I love it Lux: I do too Lux: its Lux: loving Dash: when did you come through? have you met every 🐤 & 🐈? cos you should meet everyone Dash: feel all the love Lux: I've been in Dublin about... a month, two Lux: feels like forever Lux: but here I'm a total 🍒 Lux: I met Hazel completely by fate at a women's health drop-in she was running a few weeks ago, told her my story and here I am Dash: farm tour 1st 🍀 tour 2nd Lux: Coming Lux: 🎸 in tow Dash: safe Lux: and sound Lux: I'm just tryna catch a mirror moment Lux: not enough, if I had any complaints but 🤫 Dash: which room's yours? I'll make space to hang another one near Dash: then the 🌙 Lux: we'll end the tour there Lux: my contribution Dash: now that's sound Lux: Do you know about me? Dash: what about you? Lux: That I don't have girl parts Lux: I won't be accused of that kind of trickery Dash: I won't accuse you of any Lux: ☺ Dash: you set the pace, I'm in it Lux: You're keeping up spectacularly Lux: now, where does my tour start? Dash: orchard Lux: 🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍇🍈🍒🍑🥭 Dash: there's the best 🍏🍎 tree, easy to climb whatever shoes you're wearing Dash: you can see the whole farm from the top Lux: [Show up honey] Dash: [😍 at her we all know] Lux: [dressed hyper-femme as always and way more dressy than most here we know, doing a curtsey like 🤭] Dash: [holds out a 🍎 like he's the 🐍 & she's Eve, looking cute and tempting] Lux: [obviously taking it and taking a sassy bite] Dash: [into it obviously hand holding through this orchard tour for Winnie's sake] Lux: [gonna climb this tree] Dash: [do it kids] Lux: [gonna have to help her even though she's left the heels behind] Dash: [thankfully he's not that much of a dick that he won't, imagine just like byeeee] Lux: [😂 no one needs anyone falling out of a tree rn] Dash: [we aren't killing either of you off so just enjoy the view] Lux: ['it looks so big from up here, when you're in it, it feels...close'] Dash: ['it's big but the fam's bigger' gives her a look like you'll see, genuinely buzzing cos does love it here] Lux: [the biggest smile 'why don't you live here?'] Dash: ['my mum & dad don't, & that's their biggest drag, they ain't hip but they ain't real hassle' casually don't mention that Cosmo exists okay then] Lux: [nods 'everyone should get as much family as they can'] Dash: ['you can meet 'em too, it's cool'] Lux: [excited puppy look like really?!] Dash: ['my mum used to be a rad skater & now she sits around bench racing at her own bone yard, it's a good space to hang loose'] Lux: [just listening like no way! 'what about your dad?'] Dash: ['he's more easily bugged, we don't always vibe, but shit stays chill'] Lux: ['yeah but what did he used to be? before he got old and boring too'] Dash: ['he played football' with a shrug cos so uninterested we know] Lux: ['ooh, was he famous?'] Dash: ['not really'] Lux: ['bummer'] Dash: ['you wanna be famous?'] Lux: [is thinking like hmm 'I don't NOT want it but its not my number one all-time dream...not even top ten'] Dash: ['what is?'] Lux: [puts her index fingers to the corners of his mouth to make him smile] Dash: [laughs] Lux: ['you?'] Dash: ['I'm thinking we should start a band' shout out to Ali your lowkey grandma] Lux: [a look like um yes, how have you not and putting three fingers up to let him know its made the list] Dash: [starts to climb down like come on, so much to see] Lux: ['don't ditch me!' and running after him] Dash: [takes her all around the vegetable patches next, introducing her to any peeps they come across] Lux: [living laughing loving honestly we can skip] Dash: [imagine all the cute animals they would have, I hope none of them die in the fire I'll cry] Lux: [lmao animals usually bolt when fire so they should be fine, unless they then get hit by cars or some shit] Dash: [I'm saying they are all A okay bitch] Dash: [post tour skip] Dash: gotta hit home Dash: later? Lux: Undoubtedly 😊 Dash: we'll jam Dash: 🤔 band names Lux: I'll throw it out there Lux: I wonder if anyone can drum drum Lux: not just drum circle Lux: I'll ask that too Dash: I'm jazzed Lux: 🎺 Dash: you play the harp 👼? Lux: ☺😋💕 Lux: If only Lux: there are bass' and banjos and plenty of acoustics Lux: I'll go thrifting and see if I can find one Dash: wait for me Lux: we should see how many wild instruments we can find Lux: one for everyone Dash: your 🧠⚙️ is far out Lux: but not far enough you can't reach me Dash: 🌌 can't stop me, yeah? Lux: nope Lux: not as long as you got that hair Dash: [selfie like it's still there] Lux: Thank God Lux: don't need to 😢 today Dash: you don't need to cry any day baby Lux: Keep me smiling Dash: I've got you Dash: we all have Lux: 💕 Lux: I really thought I knew family and community before this, you know Lux: but I was wrong then and this is better Dash: right on Lux: You're adorable Dash: I've got 👀 for you too Lux: I know Lux: your 👀 are like Lux: coffee Dash: 🧠⚙💖 Dash: yours are like jumping into a river Dash: they get bluer the deeper you go Lux: oh Lux: I think I want you back here now Lux: where did you go again Dash: 🛹🗲 Dash: my parents place Dash: you wanna meet me there? Lux: I'm not in the mood to meet your parents right this second, forgive me Lux: but by the time I've finished dinner here and 🚲 over Lux: sounds good Dash: idk if they're there cos I'm not yet Lux: so we can be alone alone Lux: that'd be novel Dash: yeah Dash: it feels like so much empty space Dash: for the number of bodies who live in it Lux: do you feel lonely there Dash: nah, it's got a good feel Dash: I grew up in it Lux: That's a feel you can't buy Dash: I'll show you my 👶📸 Dash: they're wild Lux: you musta been so cute Lux: your face is still 👶 now Dash: no ✂ then either Lux: so mowgli Dash: oh no, is this a trippy topic for you? Dash: I didn't think Lux: it's okay, I like hearing about happy kids Lux: its a sin to be envious of or covet other people's happiness Dash: Lux Lux: 😊? Dash: I don't think I believe in sin Dash: so if you wanna harsh on my good vibes, you know, I won't be 😡 Lux: Oh, sin is very real, its just whether you believe you'll be punished for the sins that are written about Lux: I appreciate you but I've got nothing to be 😡 about either Lux: 🤞 Dash: you can hit me with a shut up any time Dash: I'll still dig you Lux: I enjoy our conversations Dash: yeah? Lux: absolutely Lux: you're a beautiful 🐺 boy Dash: you're the most beautiful 🦊 Lux: never stone cold Dash: nah, the hottest Lux: I feel it Dash: 👍 it's the mood you gotta stay in Lux: with you around, that shouldn't be a problem Dash: we'll keep vibing Lux: did you like it Dash: you want me to say what I know you could tell Dash: I'll write you a 🎶 Lux: First hit for the band? Lux: I'll be famous after-all Dash: I've been listening Dash: I understand what you want Lux: and you're gonna give it to me Dash: that's my action for sure Lux: roll 20 please Dash: come be alone with me Lux: dash dash dash Lux: you're so pretty and fun and cool and I want you again Dash: [sends her the deets to where his house is] Lux: so far Lux: I must like you huh 😏 Dash: yeah it's a drag where I live Dash: but it's new heights that you like me Dash: 🚀💕 Lux: why wouldn't I? Dash: idk Dash: do you know about me? Lux: I know enough to like you Lux: what do you think would make me unlike you Lux: let's compare Dash: it's not all laid back the shit that other girls say Lux: you're a 💔 Dash: I'm not out here making a game of it like that Dash: but it's happened for real Lux: Oh dear Dashiell Lux: my heart was broken long before I got here Lux: and I've had to severe and untangle roots so much deeper than yours could ever be Lux: I told you, there's no need to worry about me, you can't hurt me Dash: that's fucked up Lux: Perhaps Dash: can I make it any better? Lux: no Lux: but that's okay Lux: now is better, there's no need to fix what's been Dash: I wasn't being plastic before, you're home now Lux: I feel it Lux: I have no choice but to give up my old definition but I'm less scared and 😢 at the prospect of the redefinition now, forced though it was Dash: it'll be okay Dash: we'll make it happen that it's only that Dash: or like better Lux: you're not a bad person Lux: I can tell Dash: if I'm someone you like, I'm cool with it Lux: good Lux: I need people right now, you know Dash: everyone at the farm, they'll be what you need Dash: they are for me Lux: what do you need them for? Dash: a blast Dash: my other fam want me to change some shit I do Lux: 🚀👌 Lux: I get that Lux: is it stuff you can't change or don't wanna Dash: idk if I recognise the difference Lux: sounds like a can't, then Dash: stepping into new 👟 feels like a bad scene Dash: I fuck with the ones I've worn in Lux: That's up to you Lux: I like new shoes Lux: maybe they're just worried your feet are getting all scrunched outta place Dash: yours are groovy though Dash: not handed down Dash: they fit you Lux: I had to steal 'em though Lux: and when my dad found 'em they sent me away Dash: a 🦊 like I said Lux: have you seen the fox and the hound? Dash: nah Dash: it's disney yeah? Lux: Yep Lux: I'm gonna make you watch it Dash: I'm about netflix & chill Lux: We'll chill first Lux: its real sad Lux: 😭 Dash: I be trying to chill with you nonstop though Dash: how bad do you want me to 👀 at things other than you Lux: 🤭 Lux: maybe your cinematic education can wait Lux: if we're truly to make the most of alone alone time Dash: lay it on me that I'm an ugly crier another day Dash: we're making beautiful things happen Lux: you're Lux: just like Lux: seraphic Dash: around you, I gotta be Lux: nu-uh Lux: I can't tell Lux: I fell out of God's favour like a long time ago Dash: you can tell Dash: you're still 👼 Dash: the fallen ones were the most beautiful anyway, yeah? Dash: god's a jealous 🐈 Lux: All angels are beautifulc Lux: and genderless actually, like God Lux: beyond our limited understanding, better Dash: cool Lux: for them Lux: its self-idolatry if you want it for yourself Lux: 🚫 Dash: if I want you for myself, what sin is that? Lux: you actually wanna know? 'cos I've always thought this particular subset of sins sounds unintentionally hot Dash: I'm listening intently Lux: peccata clamantia Lux: The sins that cry to Heaven for Vengeance 🤤 Lux: they're the ones that God will deliver his justice upon, lots of people only know about the seven deadly Lux: but they're the least serious, actually Dash: shit Lux: guess that's why it feels so good Lux: shall we? Dash: 🌌 & god trying to stop us but I'm 💪 Lux: you want me Dash: yeah Lux: then you can have me Dash: show up Lux: I am Lux: ⏲ Dash: right now though Lux: if only my bike had wings Dash: that can be your festival wish Dash: mine too cos I've waited fucked up amounts of time for you Lux: 💡 Lux: your mind, boy Lux: though patience is evidently not your virtue, I'm not mad about it Lux: at all Dash: idc about virtues if you're a sin Lux: you're making me all pink Dash: it's a beautiful colour for you Lux: you're the loveliest 🐺 I've ever known Dash: I wanna be Lux: you are baby Dash: you're like a song I can't get out of my head Dash: & it's the most Dash: I'm so connected to every word Lux: You make me feel really...high but it that warm, soft focus way where there's no bad thoughts or feelings at all, no doubt or regret or shame creeping in, just the good washing over you again and again, like that split-second after you cum but Lux: prolonged Lux: its crazy, you're crazy Dash: we can live in it Lux: lets Dash: I'm in Lux: 🎡🎢🎠 Dash: 🎪🤹 Lux: 🤡 Dash: 🦁🐯 Lux: 🐘 Dash: 🍿 Lux: 🥜 Dash: 🐿️ Lux: 😱 Lux: how could you Mr Squirell Dash: he's gotta eat Lux: He could've just asked Dash: he don't know you like that Dash: thought you'd say nah Dash: I tried to persuade him he wasn't right on & you're 👍 but I must not 🗨🐿 Lux: 😂 Lux: he's more than likely from my homeland, I'll speak to him Lux: can't understand your accent Dash: gabh mo leithscéal Lux: 🤗 what did you say?! Dash: pardon me Dash: is 🗨🍀 on your list? Lux: I've always wanted to Lux: no one at my father's church really spoke it Lux: or would teach me if they did Lux: will you? Dash: my mum taught me Dash: hers never spoke it either Dash: your turn to bring me an 🍎 Dash: but yeah Lux: 😣 damn Lux: someone else here might, I've heard loads of languages flying about Dash: eu também sei português Dash: also from that side of the fam Lux: I 👀 that Dash: Arlo & his brother & sisters are my cousins Lux: Ahh Lux: that's cool Lux: they're so cute Dash: there's many more but they don't live at the farm Dash: you have to catch 'em when they fly by Lux: I'll be sure to do that Lux: do they all have lots of kids, how are there so many Lux: no offense Dash: started with 11 Dash: & most of 'em had 👶s Lux: ELEVEN Lux: 🤔💡 Lux: are you mormons? Dash: 🌼 children ☮ Dash: it was a big-ish fam before that though 👵 had 8 Dash: & she's no hippie Lux: why are you an only-child? Dash: I'm not Dash: I've got an older brother Lux: oh, me too! Lux: he's 13 years older Lux: I was a miracle mistake baby Lux: where's yours Dash: at ⚽ training I think Dash: that's his bag Lux: oh he's not 👴 Lux: you didn't mention him before Dash: he's 18 months + on me Dash: but we're in different 🌌 Lux: I feel you Lux: it musta been nice when you were kids though Lux: I loved when there were kids in the congregation but people always moved on, from God or physically Dash: nah, it's been hassle from the jump Dash: he's 🏆🥇💪 Dash: I'm 💫🚀👀 Lux: you don't like him huh Dash: he's a drag Dash: we're usually jiving 🥊 there's no ☮ & 💓 Dash: messes with my equilibrium Lux: You gotta protect yourself Lux: I get it Dash: I knew you would Lux: 'course Lux: its the same with my brother and my mom Lux: they still 💓 me but they can't see me Dash: do you 💓 'em? Lux: oh of course Lux: they're my family Dash: do you wish you could see 'em? Lux: I wish I still lived with them Lux: but I understand why I can't Dash: do you get to 🗨? Lux: no Dash: can't you? if your dad didn't find out? Lux: No Lux: not unless I'm going to make efforts, make changes Lux: and I can't and that's two eternal sins Lux: at least Lux: could make a case for 3 Lux: so they have to turn away, you see Lux: they all love me but there's nothing they can do until I do Dash: I'm sorry Dash: that everything's so heavy for you Lux: you don't need to be sorry Lux: not your transgressions Dash: but I don't want you to change Dash: & idc if it's a sin Lux: you're sweet Lux: they just want to save me from hell Dash: we're gonna have to live forever Dash: to save you Lux: We better find the philosopher's stone Lux: or the fountain of youth Dash: the 🐿 will help Dash: he digs you now Lux: he's a wizard Lux: knew it 😏 Dash: most animals have magic Lux: true facts Dash: 🦊s who are unreal 👼s especially Lux: you're such a flirt Lux: 😋 Dash: yeah 😏 Dash: that's my magic 😍💖 Lux: I can't disagree Dash: 💭😘 Lux: you can dream 'til I get there Dash: I'm 👀 for your 🚲 Lux: I'm meant to be up on the balcony, not you Lux: love some role reversal Dash: yo don't be on the rebound, Romeo 💔 Lux: awh you jealous Dash: 🤣 Dash: of someone you forget at the start of the play as soon as you 🕰 me? nah baby Dash: but it's salty to the other 💘 Lux: It saves her life Lux: she's fine, honestly, thriving Dash: okay then yeah, I am jealous Dash: of her thrive Lux: poor boy Dash: it's no bummer, like Dash: she ain't gonna be immortal, that's me & you Dash: our fam Lux: there's only so much magic to go around Dash: however much there is, we gotta use it right Lux: 🎺 that's holy decree Dash: & royal 👑 Lux: okay sweet prince Lux: 🤭 Dash: if I go solo from the band, there's an outta sight name Lux: you could do so many covers 💜 Dash: it'd be groovy Dash: but I ain't leaving the group Lux: not before its started Lux: have some loyalty, boy Dash: yo not ever Lux: we gonna do a blood oath Dash: use your hair as a 🔪 before the 🥑 & 🥥 hits Dash: or the ✂ I don't Lux: 😂 you're horrible Lux: and its far too limp for that Dash: nah your hair is 💣 Lux: ☺ Lux: really Dash: yeah Lux: it grew quite fast Dash: 🔮✨ Lux: I'm gonna grow it as long as I can Dash: there might be a better recipe Dash: I'll 🗨 to every 🐤 on the farm Lux: I wish I had curls like them too Lux: most of them Lux: alas Dash: you can borrow mine Lux: you're the bestest friend in the whole 🌌 Dash: 🤞🤝👐 Lux: let down your long hair then Lux: I think I've arrived Dash: [let her in and give her a house tour boy] Lux: [we clearly need Cosmo to come back like Dash did in that convo jussayin] Dash: [payback tbh so yeah we do] Lux: [she'd just be chatting up a storm, awks] Dash: [casually steer her to your room as fast as you can like] Lux: [just being like wanna come watch fox and the hound lmao] Dash: [she's so cute bye] Lux: [at least Cosmo won't be rude to you, even if he is like umm] Dash: [just thinks she's high probably] Lux: [most likely] Dash: [rude but fair] Lux: [when is your brother not as far as you're concerned] Dash: [exactly dr phil] Lux: [anything else we wanna though?] Dash: [we know what's up I think we can post it]
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