#god i love this class
waitineedaname · 1 year
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I simply don't think that's true eBooks.com but thank you anyway
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amberluvsbugs · 26 days
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March is (was) here so you know what that means!! Annual Assassination Classroom rewatch time! And what better way than to watch it with Sun and Moon this year :D
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fxcknxzis · 1 year
I love working with children it's so much fun I love them ahhhh
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wolfziedraws · 4 months
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Good Gorgug Hunting
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normally-blue · 3 months
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Marcille im lov you <333
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cryptid-quill · 3 months
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new colorfes cards made me rise from the dead, I give art of gay people as offerings
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egophiliac · 2 months
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hashtag just class B things 🤷
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garlic-sauc3 · 4 months
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I love them
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crownedcupcake17 · 4 months
Grabs you by the arms
Did you know? Did you know Hector, with his handsome face and brow clutched his son? Did you know that he removed his great helm to press kisses to the boys crown? Did you know Hector told his lovely Andromache, go to your handmaidens and do your weaving, leave all men to their fate at the call of the war, me especially? Did you know she mourned him as he walked the great streets of troy for his fate was sung long ago, to die for the city he so loved? Did you know he gazed into the eyes of his foe, godlike Achilles, and asked only for his body to be returned to his high father Priam to be buried? Did you know he faced the best of the Greeks bravely even when he swore his skin would serve as feed for his dogs? Did you?? Did yo-
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todayisafridaynight · 4 months
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[sketch reward]
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yumedoca · 2 months
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Shinobu drawing that ostrich with shojo anime girl eyes is just fucking hilarious to me..
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uravitypng · 18 days
coworker ranpo knows exactly how you feel about him even though you try your best to hide it from him and the ada
coworker ranpo constantly shows of in front of you, prideful of his intelligence and his newest achievements
coworker ranpo wants your attention all the time.
coworker ranpo who's too lazy to do any paperwork so he spends his time talking to you instead. you need to focus on your work but you can't bring yourself to stop talking to ranpo, especially when he initiates the conversations
coworker ranpo likes bringing you along to his cases so he can show off to you
coworker ranpo who always knows when you've had a bad day, instead of trying to cheer you up with words he'll offer to share his snacks with you. everybody who overheard in the office immediately stopped what they were doing, shocked and in disbelief, when they heard his offer
coworker ranpo who will seriously craves kissing your lips after you've eaten something sweet. that lollipop you were just sucking was one of favourites and he can't find any others in his snack pile, he's sure you'd make it even sweeter.
coworker ranpo rests his head on your shoulder while he sleeps. you don't know if he's really asleep or if it's just a front to not do any paperwork
coworker ranpo misses you when you suddenly don't turn up to work for a couple of days
coworker ranpo who does like teasing you and messing with you, whenever you make mistakes or you don't know something he'll be there but his comments never seem harsh when directed at you.
coworker ranpo who likes getting a reaction out of you every time he stands too close to you or praises you. he likes watching a shiver run down your spine and a bashful smile on your face which you try and hide it by looking away.
coworker ranpo will invite himself to places you're going and tag along. "you're going shopping? let's go now because i need more snacks."
coworker ranpo doesn't seem that bothered when he starts getting your hopes up that feelings might be mutual. that just means you try to find ways to spend even more time with him than usual and he enjoys your company
coworker ranpo thinks you're smart enough to realise they're not mutual and that hope you have is only fleeting
coworker ranpo has a sweet spot for you
coworker ranpo has no intention of changing the current dynamic you share. you're his favourite coworker.
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akai-anna · 29 days
today i finally managed not fainting straight to bed and decided to work on this personal project, and while looking for references i encountered this freakishly, utterly, ABSO-FCKIN-LUTELY ADORABLE PAGE
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and got reminded how much personality and charm Olde DetCo has, and god, i miss it
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t00thpasteface · 3 months
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this meme is about catfish evolution, catching catfish, eating catfish, invasive catfish, and catfish cannibalism
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asharaks · 2 months
i get the gentle healer trope completely like i understand the appeal fo a character who drains themself for the sake of others of a character who is self sacrificing to the nth degree who dedicates their life to saving people, often at their own expense.
but also clerics are fucking crazy man especially clerics of death and the grave and stuff. i love clerics who cause more damage than they heal who can't touch without harming clerics whose blood runs necrotic and whose gods gifts are acid and poison and violence - not even evil clerics. people who are sworn to the dark and distasteful aspects of service, who perform their tasks with filthy hands, bloodstained faith.
people who are so devoted to their god they take on the things no one else is willing to do, who sacrifice their own innocence and their own peace in the name of faith.
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somethingwickedarts · 4 months
“Well... I like night orchids and can't swim. Is that the sort of thing you meant?”
“Really? You’ve spent decades training to become an elite assassin but never learned to swim?…. Perhaps one day I’ll teach you.”
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Just two clerics of selune in looove.
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