fxcknxzis · 1 year
I love working with children it's so much fun I love them ahhhh
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aita for avoiding my husband on purpose, like, all the time? my husband (m36) and i (f34) have been married for almost 10 years (anniversary in a few months). we have 3 kids (m10, f8, f1) and he works full time while i stay at home. even before we got married i didnt really have friends other than him, and i always had a hard time finding excuses to get out of the house. frequently, he gets to hang out with his buddies who he also works with, and ever since we had kids he's always going out and leaving me home alone even when hes not at work just to idk. hang out at bars and pretend we don't exist. well lately ive been making time for myself to go out when the kids are at school (my youngest is pretty well behaved so i just take her with me instead of paying a babysitter) and i had managed to get kinda friendly with some of the wives of my husbands coworkers (theyre all members of the same union, so we see each other at those functions every once in awhile). i thought it was all going well and i was having fun and enjoying getting to be social for once, but about 2 weeks ago, the whole family was invited out for lunch (a picnic type thing) with his buddies from work's families. all was going well and for the most part even the kids were having fun, but then my husband got absolutely fucking trashed for no reason. none of the other guys were acting like that, and we've had conversations about him not doing that sort of thing, but he NEVER listens. he's always acting like this, but usually i dont have to see when its in public. well he embarrassed me so fucking much. he was trying to start fights, messing up his clothes, and wouldn't listen to me at all. just in his own world as always. i should've known because its been a decade of this, but i could have sworn it wasn't this bad before. he wasn't like this when we dated you know? so we got home and i was just. grossed out and annoyed. i slept on the couch and pretty much ever since then, i haven't been talking to him. i got a text from one of the ladies saying that a wednesday hangout thing i had been invited to had been canceled, but i pretty much KNOW 100% that it wasn't, and that they just don't want to be associated with me now. the kids don't really seem bothered by the tension around the house (i think its sort of normal to them since hes frequently not around anyways). i wouldn't be near as annoyed if there wasn't a part of my brain telling me "he did it on purpose". i know that's just how he acts but i could SWEAR its almost like he just doesnt want me to have friends. he doesn't want to hear about it, he just wants me THERE at home, watching the kids and existing solely for his convenience. i used to consider divorce, before we had our youngest. but i haven't had a job since high school, and i couldnt put the burden of asking for help on my sisters. they hate him, but i couldnt ask them for that support. and i dont even know what the kids would think, i cant do that to them. but yesterday, my husband brought it up (cornered me in our room pretty much) and asked why i was ignoring him. what if he really didnt know why? i TOLD him, but its like he forgot or just expects me to be "over it" by now. all i wanted was just this one thing, to HAVE FRIENDS, have that time away from being just "mom" and do what i want. he gets to do that so why cant i? or AT LEAST he could put some more effort into being around and doing things as a family? but i still wonder if im being the asshole, for giving him the cold shoulder for this long. he didnt have a happy childhood or good examples for parents so maybe he just thinks this is normal? i never asked because i assumed he knew it wasn't. and he does seem like, disappointed that i wont come to bed. maybe ive been driving him off and that's why he doesnt like to come home? idk at this point, im at a loss. aita?
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thedevilsoftruth · 7 days
Y'all saw this coming. Strap in your seat belts, you sexy people. Daddies back in action. Im sorry if this comes as a shock to people who follow me and dont enjoy NSFW content. It's just what i do here. This is the first nsfw post of Shane on here. Im also sorry to my Moon Knight girlies, Marc will be back again in a while. And remember, if you don't like it...
... don't read it. :))
Nsfw Shane Hcs for the soul ♡
He's a nervous little guy when you ask him for it. He just gets all flustered and will bottom out on you halfway through.
When he's the one asking for it... oh boy.
He's 100% not pressuring about it. He beats around the bush a lot. " I don't know, am I trying to get into your pants? Oh geez, why would I ever want to do that.... " As he's hugging from behind, pushing you into the counter and attacking your neck with sloppy kisses.
He'll deny his intentions on clearly trying to have sex with you as a way to tease you, and then when he gets in bed with you... well... the rest is history.
He runs out of stamina easily, so he likes to start off with foreplay or oral as a way to, as he says, " get the juices flowing " but really just to make sure you're comfortable, and he doesn't hurt you when he actually bangs you.
Horrible, terrible, down bad, filthy, outrageous, uncontrollable breeding kink. Always uses protection, but when the question is brought up of having kids, Lord have mercy, that man is ON HIS KNEES. His ears are PERKED up like a cartoon character. He likes finishing in you, but the idea of raising children with you is something he's always thought about. It's the least thing he can do to contribute to his family; keep the bloodline going.
Not the best performance when he's drunk. Towards the end, he'll get a bit faster, but he will be bottomed out half the time.
I know I'm talking about him bottoming out a lot, but he is a classic, slow, vanilla, missonary kinda guy. Bdsm freaks him the fuck out.
He just really doesn't want to hurt you. He's down for something rougher if that's what you want, but it's only if that what you want. He will always put YOU and YOUR safety before his.
" Am I hurting you? " He will slow down in the middle of your session to check up on you and make sure you're okay and comfortable. " Do you need me to stop? " etc.
And he's funny too. That man is hilarious in bed. He his making references to old movies in bed with you, he's singing songs, he's just being a dork. " You could say I'm rather.. cocky " as he's whipping it out. Really, bad, bad, horrible jokes, but that's the point of it. He just wants to make it more light-hearted for you so that you're happy and content with him.
Sometimes he'll play music. Marvin Gaye is a go-to.
And when he's done, he always gives you a nice massage and cleans you up. On his good days, he'll give you a bath. But his favorite thing is giving you a massage. He's experienced, too, with massaging the cows.
He lets you sleep on his chest when you're both done for the night. The next morning, he feels so. Fucking. Guilty.
" Baby, are you sore? Is there anything I can do? " is all he's able to ask you. He cares about you a lot, and he doesn't want to hurt you. He knows your hips have to hurt, especially with having to do your farm work in the morning. He'll ask you to stay in bed with him, and if you refuse, he'll make you dinner and then watch a movie with you and give you another massage.
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Heyy! I would like to request a few headcanons of alhaitham, scaramouche and xiao (separately) with a reader who is like, very nice and sweet but also super impulsive, so they're pretty much always dragging them into dumb shit (kinda like yoimiya but like more chaotic i suppose) if you end up writing this, thanks, and even if you dont, thanks anyway!
Hello my dear, yes I can! Thank you for submitting this cute request. :)
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Alhaitham ╔══ஓ๑♡๑ஓ══╗╔══ஓ๑♡๑ஓ══╗╔══ஓ๑♡๑ஓ══╗
At first he would find it annoying or just tiring. He would also nag at you about it and protest. Despite this, it's always your sweet and soft nature he would sign and give in. "A Sumeru Festival? Why? H-Hey wai-"
He would sometimes tell you that he is busy, or have things to do. If you were to get distracted and leave him mid way, he would leave and do his own thing or find a nearby area to sit and read.
Overtime, he would start finding it endearing and cute.
He would do little small experience to see what distracts you and what gets your attention and maybe even use it to his own advantage if needed.
If you were to come back to him with the things you got distracted by, he would sit patiently and listen and even look at the thing you got as you tell him about it. Whether he knows what it is or not, he would let you explain it to him.
"Ah, let me guess, did that stand with food catch your attention by any chance? I thought so. Well, I bought some of their food ahead of time, so here you go."
Eventually he would beat you at your own game, as he can see a pattern on what distracts you or makes you chaotic. Once he understands you and sees why these things catch your attention, he would actually enjoy watching you get distracted.
He will start finding it cute, as you always seem to get so excited and worked up over things.
Overall, he became a sucker for you and will NEVER admit it to you.
Scaramouche╔═.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.═╗╔═.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.═╗╔═.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.═╗
Ah yes
This asshole
He would 100% nag at you, and call you annoying. He might even put a leash on you, so you can drag him as he is flying in the sky when you run around. Haha, nah I'm kidding. Unless...?
He would often call you out on it. "Why are you always going off when I look away for 2 SECONDS?"
However, your kind and loving personality makes him care for you, and worry for you when you go off on your own.
He is in denial of this of course.
At first, he would scold you for being annoying for it. Even leave you behind. However...over time
He would start scolding me by always saying. "Something could have happened to you, and I wouldn’t be able to protect you!"
If you kept doing it, he would stop scolding you and keep holding your hand, so if you went off, you would take him with you. Or he would use his flying powers to search for you.
If he knows some things will trigger your chaoticness, he would inform you about it since your nature grew on him and...
it's pretty nice to see someone so excited about everything in life when he lost that a long time ago. He starts becoming soft and loving to you because of that.
Maybe even spoiling you, and who knows. You might make him enter a new age of himself where he becomes chaotic and kind about everything around him.
Xiao ┌──❀̥˚───❀̥˚─┐┌──❀̥˚───❀̥˚─┐┌──❀̥˚───❀̥˚
He is totally cool with it. He truly does not mind it. In fact, you would catch him flashing a small smile at you as he watches you let your chaotic energy go.
You would often say his name when you go off on your own, so he knows where you are, as he would appear every time you chant his name excitedingly.
He enjoys your sweet and loving nature. As someone who had a rough life, it is very nice to see someone who seems to find interest and happiness in things.
He would often inform you about things that excite you, and would always accompany you to banquets, restaurants, festivals, and even doing quests with you.
It is just refreshing and nice to have someone like you by his side, you have truly become a soft spot for him.
You are someone who he is fiercely over-protective with and would protect you from anything that would crush your excited and chaotic nature.
Overall, he spoils you and makes your chaotic nature 10 times worse.
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nylwnder · 5 months
lake house
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a/n: HELLO SWEETIES!!!!! welcome to my first 2024 fic n series! i started it off with ryan cause if you know me, you know he was everything to me for the 4 months we had him. also, HUGE SHOUTOUT to @shoot-the-puck for in a way co-writing this and the others with me i love you so much scoob thank you for being my asylum roomie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyways, enjoy and dont forget to tune in to the other drops <3 mwah!
pairing: ryan o’reilly x fem!reader
warnings: SMUT, its giving soft sex (unprotected), lowkey body worship, lowkey exhibitionism, childhood friends to lovers, use of “snook” and ryan being such husband material. gawdamn.
word count: 1.9k
taglist: @11livpangburn , @domi-max , @boqvistsbabe , @sweetiet , @p1tstop , @occasionallyaurora , @laurenairay, @fallinallincurls
series masterpost
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the drive to the lake house was as calming as ever. although it was a couple hours, it was a trip you knew all too well. one you were dying to take every june the minute the last bell rang for summer break.
sometimes it was just you, your parents and your brother. most times, it was you and the o’reilly family. a lot of kids shared between two vans, snacking on chips and freezies from the coolers at the back of the cars.
the tradition never stopped when the lot grew older. you escaped to the house every time your winter term ended, then after your internship finished, and then when you could use up all your saved vacation time from your new job. ryan always followed when his nhl duties came to an end. both respective families coming in to stay in between.
that being said, this was the first time you drove to the lake house with ryan in the driver's seat and with you in the passenger's seat. it was the first summer since he came back home to toronto. but more so, to you. officially.
he was sick of waiting until your usual shared break, and you were very much sick of coming home to a cold bed.
before any headline could find you, ryan called you that night. and it was as if the 100 ton weight was being lifted off of your desperate shoulders. because it was. after ten years of long and needy facetimes, one-night lustful visits, and the best stanley cup celebration you two could possibly have imagined, you were going to have him, at your full disposal, “whenever you fucking want” as ryan had told you.
ryan put the car in park and you couldn’t help but smile about the fact that this would be the first time you’d be stepping into that house, as a proud pair. the “finally” ’s already shed by your parents who were following in behind the two of you.
the first night was spent with take out, laughs, pjs and movies and it always makes you grateful for growing up with a group with such a tight knit bond. your heart was full when you heard inside jokes from circa. 2006 running through the house — which are still ever so applicable, presently.
the next day, you didn’t wake until you heard the cars drive off in the late afternoon. it had been a while since you had the time to sleep in, so it seemed your body pranced at the chance. after heading to the bathroom, you couldn’t find ryan in the rooms or common areas. he always made sure you get as much sleep as you need, not only because he knows how grumpy you get if you don’t, but also because he always wants the best for you.
as you made your way to the kitchen, you looked out the windows casing the large lake. you saw the large figure of the man sitting at the edge of the dock and didn’t do anything else but make the walk over to him.
you sat beside him as he turned to face you with a toothless smile. you smiled at it, you always told him he looked cute like that, and he started listening to you. “sleep good, sweetheart?” he asks as he looks down to cut the leaf caps off the pack of strawberries between his legs. “wonderful” you emphasised before you reached for the strawberry he handed you. “i’m glad. you deserve it.”
you took a bite out of the soft strawberry, the juices from the flesh spilling into your mouth. you couldn’t help but let out a little innocent moan. the first time you tried these, they were immediately the best strawberries you have ever had in your entire life. and they just so happen to be locally farmed near the lakehouse.
ryan giggled, “had to stop by the market and buy you a few packs during my run. wouldn’t be a lake house summer without these guys right here.”
“this is why i love you. thank you.”
he only responded by handing you the bigger piece between the two in his hand. you put your head on his shoulder as you two looked out in front of you. the sun was bright but not exhausting, as the wind from the water dismissed the heat.
“the folks went to gather some things for this week's meal plan.”
you hummed a response. but it got you thinking. and so you didn't waste time.
you turned yourself around in order to lay your upper body on ryan’s lap. he placed the knife and strawberries safely aside as he smiled. you gave him a small smile before shutting your eyes for a bit.
you reached for ryan’s hands from his sides. you played with his big and thick fingers for a bit, before taking his hand and placing it on top of your shirt. then you moved his hand under the hem. as you began to move it further up, the material of your shirt wrinkled with your movements and began to expose your skin.
ryan kept his hand in your grip and his eyes firm on you. you kept moving it up, reaching the curves of your boobs. “take it off” you mumbled as he obliged. taking off the tshirt and throwing it on top of the other items he had set aside.
you didn't reach for his hands again. he knows what to do. he always knows, ever since your first kiss.
the sun shined on your supple flesh. his calloused hands moved back to your curves. pushing down your pants a tad, in order to squeeze your love handles. later, his fingers lightly trace up the soft line marks found upon your hips, and the ones on the sides of your breasts.
your cheeks begin to mimic the berry blush as you open your eyes to look at ryan. you loved how comfortable you are to be vulnerable around him. you always felt adored, and safe.
he pulled you up swiftly, allowing your legs to straddle him. your arms naturally wrap around his broad shoulders. you look into his gentle eyes, “i love you, snook.” you lean in for a tender kiss but his hands push your body tight into his. “i love you more, sweetness.” his lips finally meet yours and he envelopes you perfectly. “always have. always will.” he whispers.
his lips meet your cheek as he leaves wet kisses on your jaw and neck. you let soft moans escape your parted lips, your body melting into his figure. ryan often joked that his body was made for you specifically, with the way you fit against him so perfectly.
“gorgeous.” he whispers into your ear as his beard scrapes against you. you bite your lip at his words. one he's been telling you since you grew butterflies in your stomach every time you saw him. “want you snook” you plead, your pussy twitching as his hands squeeze your bust. you grind down on him, and he huffs outs. “just had you yesterday morning, honey.”
“dont play with me, ry. you know i always need you.”
he hums in response. “thats true. i can never say no to my girl.”
he lifts you once again, getting to lay you down on the thin throw ryan had brought out with him. your eyes close again as the sun hits your face, but you feel kisses pressed all over your skin. ryan’s lips trace from your lips to your cheeks down along your jaw, and onto your neck once more. he sheds a few soft nips while he makes sure your panties and shorts are discarded.
its not long before he nips on your nipples, noises escaping your exposed body. your fingers pull down his own shorts and you feel his cock against your skin.
two digits slip smoothly into your damp cunt as ryan cups your face. you bite up a cry. but before you know it, he’s lined up at your entrance and you're pleading for him to move.
you let out a lewd moan as he pushes in. ryan followed with a low groan and you clenched around him immediately, “that’s my sweet girl. so divine.” he says as he gives kisses on the edges of your collarbone.
his thrusts are a blend of slow, long and quick, hard movements. his hands held your hips as he didn't let his lips leave your body. his hair tickles your chin as he gives your breasts some love once again. you felt yourself reaching the goal closer and closer. the all too familiar feeling of your wet walls stretching around ryan’s thick length driving him crazy.
your effect on him was always so strong. right from when you both were young. the minute you got hurt, it broke ryan to see you cry. it was his dire mission to help clean you up or provide you with the necessary pick me up. oftentimes that was bringing you your favourite snack or sometimes a kiss on your cheek was all you needed. when you laughed, ryan laughed. and even when it seemed like ryan and your brother were picking on you, he always made sure to give you a hug later on. he would never hurt you. and he'd never let anyone hurt you. that was for sure.
you were pleased that there were laughs, screams and talk from the surrounding residents that can help drown out your shared sounds. at the same time you couldn't possibly care if they heard either. your mind was far too fuzzy.
“make me cum snook. make me cum all over your cock” you were desperate and needy, i think that was already established. ry smiled at your words, pulling your body up into him once again.
your arms were so tight around him, you stuck to his body like gum on a shoe. he pumped into you as you also began riding his length. the way your body swayed with your hips helped bring ryan even closer to his climax.
your head fell back as you felt the wave of pleasure overcome you. ryan continued your movements for you until your whines dyed down. once you both finished you kept yourself on his lap “don't move, ry. still need you there.” you mumbled.
“till they come back?”
a smile appeared on both of your faces. droplets of sweat trickled down his chest and you crushed them with your finger as your head laid on his shoulder. his hands rubbed the sides of your body as his face was cuddled on top of your head. his nose tucked into your thick hair. your smell, your weight, your breathing and your warmth calmed him. his mind never wandered off. he was the most present, the most grounded with you, like this.
“why is it that every time we have sex you’re so quiet?” you asked ryan as you looked up at him. it was a thought you had often so you figured you’d ask. “sometimes you used to make me feel as if i did something wrong…” you said with a little titter.
he scoffed, “no honey, you could never.” you smiled. “you just take the breath out of my lungs”
you both start laughing. “you’re a pro hockey player and i’m the one who can kill you? i’ll take it.”
ryan lets out a chuckle again. “all i know is words cannot express how i feel when i’m with you, but i want to experience it till my dying days.”
your heart warmed. you grab his face and eagerly kiss him. “and so you will.”
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joviepog · 8 months
EEE HI JOVIE again i love love your writing and im so glad youve been enjoying my stuff!! anyway, sweet and simple request-- wilbur and reader having an at home dinner night :)) (if u wanna make it silly tommy could be their "waiter" LMAO)
much love !!
Lovely night
Who: Wilbur x f!reader
Warnings: i dont think there is anything but if there is just let me know!
Pronouns: She / they
Word count: I have no clue
Requests: @poraphia
Anything’s else: I actually liked how this turned out! thanks for the idea lovely requester!
This story is NOT proofread
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Listen to this while you read! <3
Both you and Wilbur aren’t the richest people around. For you, this was absolutely fine. But for Wilbur?
Well, Wilbur is just a bit disappointed about not being able to spoil you as much as he wants. Since you both have met, he’s been obsessed with getting you little gifts and taking you to cute dates. But what he really wants to do is to be able to take you to the fancy restaurant down the street from your guy’s apartment.
He’s told you about this little problem of his and you cant help but giggle every time he mentions it. The conversation always ends with a kiss on the cheek and the same six words. “Wil, i dont need all that!” But lately he wont stop talking about it. He’s been daydreaming about you in a fancy dress and him in a fancy tux. Not the old cheep one he has for all those dumb occasions. No, he wants to be able to give you a bouquet of roses and a ring that means forever. But most of all, he wants to make you happy.
You’ve noticed that this was starting to get to him. Every time you got home he would give you a kiss and a hug -per usual- then he would start talking about this dress he saw on twitter and how beautiful it would look on you. “And that dress would be perfect for that restaurant!” And every time you say that you dont need all that, he looks like a kid being rejected of a puppy.
And so, you set up a plan. While he was gone on tour, you saved up, took cooking classes, and learned how to do your best makeup possible. You called him up one night, “Hi Wil! Are you busy?” There was a slight pause and he spoke quietly, “No, i just have to be quiet.” You gave a soft laugh and spoke quietly. “I just wanted to make sure i have the right day for when your coming back.” He raised an eyebrow and smirked, “Why?” You pouted, “Why? What, I can’t miss my boyfriend?”
He apologized at least 100 times before he woke Joe up. You said hi to Joe and hung up. “I love you Wil. See you soon?” You asked with a smile. “See you soon.” You hung up and silence fell on the room. You had 1 more week. You bought the dress he had mentioned 1,000 times, you made sure Tommy was free, and you made sure the house was clean. You were ready.
“I’m two hours away.” he spoke and you could hear the boys in the back teasing him.
you fake sighed, “I guess i’ll just wait here. all alone, and sad, and-“
he stopped you, “Yeah i’ll try to hurry up.”
“No take your time, darling.”
he sighed, “All i want to do is get home and hug you.”
“Aweeee.” you put another fake eyelash on, “I miss you too baby.”
“Wilbur! The taxy is here!”
you laughed and he scoffed, “I’ll see you soon darling.”
“See you soon.” you hung up and looked at yourself in the mirror. you looked amazing. you hair was fixed, and the dress fit nicely just like wilbur said it would. everything was perfect.
2 hours: Tommy got there with a suit and a tie that was ties badly
1 hour 30 minutes: You and tommy set the table and clean the house. you fail to figure out how to tie tommy’s tie
1 hour: you start dinner and Tommy calls phil to help him tie his tie.
30 mins: you finish up dinner and you get out wilbur’s favorite wine
20 mins: you double check everything for 10 minutes
10 mins: you wake up Tommy from his nap and cehck to make sure you look good.
5 mins: you triple check that you look okay and you serve the food.
1 minute: You light the candles
0 mins: You hear a knock.
“Is that him?!?” you say with a cheerful smile. Tommy smiles, “No it’s the mailman.” he jokes. you roll your eyes and open the door. Wilbur has the biggest smile on his face and he’s holding flowers. You close the door behind you, not wanting to ruin the surprise, and jump into his arms. he gives you small kisses all around your face and neck; your giggling at his touch. he finally lets you go and you were so excited to see his reaction.
His eyes widen at the sight of you in the dress and he begins to ask questions. “YN? Where did you-“ you stopped him and grabbed his arm, interlocking your arm in his. you yelled out to tommy, ��Ready!” tommy opens the door and the smell of delicious food swept through the door.
The sight of warm lighting and wine glasses were shows on the small table. Warm jazz music was playing and you couldn’t help but giggle at the sight of Wilbur. His mouth was agape and his eyes completely widened. He turned to look at Tommy, who had his hair slicked back and a napkin on his arm (still holding the door open he cleared his throat.) “Welcome Mr. Gold and Ms. LN. I have your table ready right over there. He nudged his head towards the table and you and Wilbur walked in. Tommy quickly close the door and pulled out the chairs for both you and Wilbur.
Wilbur sat down, still in shock, and looked at his plate. Tommy spoke up, “You see, we already served you food because your girlfriend here, preordered. Wilbur laughed and Tommy grabbed the wine glass. “Tell me when to stop.” He started to pour the wine and Wilbur told him to stop about halfway, you did the same.
“Anything else?” Tommy asked.
“That’ll be all. Thank you.” Tommy winked at you and nodded his head. As he walked away you turned back to Wilbur. “So?” His mouth is still slightly open but soon enough, his cheeky smile appeared back on his face.
“Well, i feel like I’m a bit underdressed.” You both laughed and spent the rest of the night talking while Tommy took photos of both of you.
What a lovely night.
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jmdbjk · 4 months
Yep, its time for...
The Weekly Bangtan Report. It will be a short one.
Hobi and Hope on the Streets (HOTS)!!!
So there are these QR codes showing up all over Seoul:
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One enterprising investigator Army visited one of the locations and was told by the cafe owner that yep, they were contacted and told a pop-up event would happen this month!
And I keep forgetting, we're not only getting a mini album of songs but we're getting a documentary series at the end of the month!
Hobi looks so happy in this and I can't wait to watch!
Ok, moving on...
For a minute there, SimInvest had us going, am I right?
The tease was "V's bestest friend who's name begins with a "J" will be joining him." This was their website:
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Cue the solos, mantis and anyone else being stupid... and it ends up being Jackie Chan!
Not Jimin, not Jungkook. Sorry Vmin-ers and cultists.
But can I tell you I fell off the couch laughing my ass off?
Not I.
I know, they are probably besties only for this promotion but whatever. It's funny as shit.
I had always thought Tae's deal with this investment company was an interesting choice for him. This company's target market would skew to older males who have money to invest. It is also based in Indonesia. With Tae involved, he might attract a younger demographic as well as female clientele.
When I first learned of this partnership it made me strongly believe he is creating an awareness in this demographic for the purpose of already being a familiar name when he returns from MS and starts doing TV drama acting gigs. That's my best guess. I dont' know though, the fact it is based in Indonesia ... anyway.
Next up: Jungkookie! makes a brief appearance in The Kid Laroi's documentary... which of course probably means The Kid will be in JK's documentary along with everyone else JK's worked with since 2022 or 2023.
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And Namjoon actually being in the military band has been more or less confirmed by him because of the pic he posted on his Instagram stories of he and his fellow soldiers. He tagged them and if you look at their accounts, they are indeed involved in the military band. I need Joon to explain to us what other music instruments he can play.
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In other news, Lee Soo Man, former CEO of SM Entertainment has stated he will or has sold his remaining SM stock to Hybe giving Hybe an over 12.5% stake in SM Entertainment. That reality K-drama is ongoing.
All that other total motherfuckery going on at the former bird app can just die and go to hell including that bogus top 100 kpop artists ranking from Billoboard.
I will leave you with this closing thought:
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t3ag3rs · 2 months
g e n s o - 0 8.
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you wipe the sweat of your lip, looking at the villian in front of you..
"kurogiri...? how could you let these brats get the best out of you?" questions the blue haired male. you look down at bakugou as he starts to rant again.
"you got careless you dumbass... it wasnt hard to figure you out." he pauses before starting again, "only certain parts of you turn into that smoky warp gate- you use that mist to hide your actual body- kinda like a distraction, thinking that makes you safe." he moves his face lower to the villian, "thats why we missed... but if you didnt have a body you wouldnt be wearing this neck armor right? you arent immune to physical attacks if theyre well aimed.." 
the villian grunts and you snort, geez who wouldve known hes such a nerd... he sends an explosion through his palm as kurogiri attempts to move. "you try anything funny and ill blow your ass up right now... you hear me?" he grins menacingly.
you turn your attention back to the blue haired male standing in front of you all, "you all escaped unharmed and captured my two biggest weapons... you kids these days make us seem like animals..." he rasps.
"maybe cause you guys dont think things all that through ey..?" u retort, before you see the inhuman monster break through todorokis ice. you gasp as it starts regenerating the limbs it lost. 
"what is that?" all might questions standing, "i thought he only had one quirk...?"
"i never said that... nomu was designed to be able to take you on.. even with 100% of your power..!" chuckles the blue haired male; shigakari. "but first we need to free our way of escape.." you widen your eyes as you register what he means.
you use your wind to pull bakugou to you right before the nomu reached him. you let out a loud gasp as the nomus punch sends you and everyone else flying. looking over, you see all might on the other side of you, "he mustve moved to save you as well.." u mutter to bakugou.
"you didnt even hold back with the kids...!" all might grunts, as he struggles to get back up. 
"theyre no angels... that plain looking one right there tried to kill me with his punch..!" shigakari points, "thats quite unfair isnt it? just because you all label it as a heroic thing, everyone says its fine, but when someone else does it its automatically considered wrong..!" he pauses, "your just labeled as the 'symbol of peace' but you still use violence... and violence breeds into violence... ill make sure everyone knows that once your dead..!" he chuckles.
"villians like you always try to color their actions as noble.. but the truth is you just enjoy it..! isnt that right..?" all might yells.
"we've outnumbered them.." mutters todoroki as he readies himself along with the others. you get into a fighting stance until all might stops you, but before all might could respond todoroki speaks again, "you wouldve been in trouble before if we didnt help, remember..? you need our help."
"i thank you for your assistance, but this is different..." he pauses and looks back, "its gonna be all right... just sit back and watch a pro at work..!"
you frown, "but your injured... your bleeding..!" you plead not wanting all might to further injure himself. he gives you a thumbs up and you hold your breath as all might readies himself.
suddenly the nomu runs at all might and meets him with a punch that sends everyone flying back. you grunt as you try to hold yourself in place as they both brawl, almost perfectly mimicking each other. you widen your eyes as you realize every punch that follows the other is slightly stronger than before, he was going beyond 100% of his power.
the nomu goes flying back and all might goes after it, "a real hero..." he pauses as he grabs the arm of the nomu, "will always find a way to get justice to prevail..!" he finishes as he throws him down. you shut your eyes tightly as you fight against the tremors, "now i know youve heard these words before... but ill show you what they really mean.." he winds his arm back as the nomu runs at him.
"go beyond- PLUS ULTRA!" he yells as he sends a punch right into the nomus torso, sending it flying out the USJ. 
you stand up gasping, "he beat the shock absorption right outta him!" praises kirishima, "ive never seen a shot like that before..!"
"imagine having power like that..! he mustve been punching him so fast he didnt have time to regenerate..." praises bakugou as he scowls.
you turn to find all might and rush towards him, "surrender... we all want to get this over with.." he speaks to shigakari. you stare as shigakari starts itching his neck out of frustration.
hes not giving up..! but all might cant stand in this form any longer...! you think as you look at all might struggling to keep up his form. suddenly, you see deku in the air with his arm winded back about to punch shigakari. you gasp as you see shigakaris hand being raised toward dekus face, but before you could react you hear a gunshot and see deku fall on the other side.
you turn and see that the back up finally came. "about damn time.." u grunt pulling all might back. u see multiple shots being fired, but kurogiri warps himself around shigakari.
the next thing you knew, thirteen was trying to suck up kurogiri, but sadly her attempts came to a fail as they teleported away.
you turn to all might and look at the injury near his stomach, "i can try to somewhat heal it right now..." you mutter out, rushing to get the water. "let me see the injury-" you ramble.
"nono.. its alright..." rasps all might placing his hand on your shoulder, attempting to reassure you. you shake your head urgently, "no..! its not! please just let me attempt too..!" u plead frustratingly. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
after a couple of minutes, all might was taken back to ua privately so no one could see his real identity. you frown as you get bandaged for the minor injury you received on your arm.
"hey y/n..!" kirishima runs up to you, "are you alright..?" he asks worriedly, checking you for any other injuries.
you chuckle nodding, "im fine.. just frustrated i couldnt help all that much... i couldve tried and somewhat heal all might, but he didnt accept no matter how hard i tried.." u respond dejectedly.
he puts his hand on your shoulder smiling softly, "hey there.. dont be sad.. at least you tried right..? its the thought that counts!" he grins, "besides you were badass when we were dealing with those villians alongside bakugou!" 
you nod smiling, "thanks kiri..." 
"all right everyone..! we're heading back to ua now..!" exclaims iida, "get in the same spots you came to the USJ in!" 
you groan silently as you walk inside realizing you would have to sit next to bakugou again. geez i helped save that boys life more than once, yet he still hasnt thanked me.. you frown.
you look out the window frowning before you hear bakugou sit next to you. "thanks..." he mumbles looking away.
you widen your eyes realizing what he said, "what..?" u gasp.
he groans, "i said thanks genso, god you deaf now too..?!" he seethes. you gulp scooting away a bit.
"my bad... but uh- your welcome...?" u mumble hesitantly.
he looks away not responding and you turn away not wanting to pester him anymore, you didnt wanna get on his bad side on the way back after what had happened. you close your eyes as the bus starts softly and starts to drive back.
god todays been a long day...
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previous parts: pt. 0 0 / pt. 0 1 / pt. 02 / pt. 03 / pt. 04 / pt. 05 / pt. 06 / pt. 07 next parts: pt. 09 / pt. 10 / pt. 11 / pt. 12 / pt. 13
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whole-circus · 11 months
Hey! I have recently been obsessing over your works I love your writing and you ARE SUCH A LOVELY PERSON 😭 i love reading your kind words to others and how you write in such a creative way!!
Could you possibly do a fem!reader who looks masc and constantly gets misgendered with jeff, Ben, Toby, hoodie or clockwork!
(I would be happy with any of them)
Thank you <3
Creepypastas with fem.reader that looks masc!
➥ with Jeff the Killer, BEN Drowned, 'Ticci' Toby, and Clockwork
I will cry you are the sweetest!! Fr you feed my self esteem!!🫶<3 Im sorry that you waited so much!! And I apologize for not putting Hoodie here!! Have amazing day and take care of yourself!!! i love your nick btw 😭
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˚  ✦   . ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚.    ✦  ˚
Jeff the Killer
Thats it, he is propably one of the people that misgendered you on purpose (and he is proud of himself because he is little shit like that..). But of course Jeff can do that once you both are in relationship, he has to have some privilege yk? Being meanie is just his love language. Even if he is still mean sometimes, then at the end of day he is here to beat people who do that - no matter if they did it in in mean manner or not, Jeff doesnt care he just want blood and chaos (and your happiness)! Besides all that, he finds you cute and pretty anyway, doesnt matter what you really look like. Jeff isnt the best person to talk about appearance and he knows that. So you can wear anything, be more "feminine" or "musculine" and he is still cool with that!
BEN Drowned
Boy will literally bark at people who misgender you 😭 No, just kidding, but he dont stand people being like this and will automatically correct them! Gets the fact that you are tired because of that and want to do everything in his power to make you feel better! Even if someone is not doing it on purpose then you have full right to feel uncomfy! So you will recieve a lot of worship and sweet words from Ben overall. Okay but you cant tell me that he wouldnt dress in dresses and skirts to fuck up with people (plus he want to feel pretty (he is a pretty boy anyway, lets be honest))! Loves making them even more confused. Ben is pretty open-minded so doesnt care what you look like or how you dress you are his queen and he treats you like one!!
"Ticci" Toby
I will start with something a bit out of request but..Toby would 100% want to wear matching clotheswith you! Dont get me wrong, he definitely loves you and drool at you no matter you wear (you could wear anything, even garbage bag), but loves showing you off! He is so so grateful that he is your boyfriend and he wants to brag about it to everyone. Definitely thinks in his head that someone would look at you and be like 'omg they are a couple what a cuties'...we love his energy. If you feel upset about people constantly misgendering you, Toby is right here to make it all better and give you a lot of praises! He enjoyes pampering you, when you feel especially down..he is always content to make you both small things like face masks, painting eachother nails or even do eachother makeup for fun (Toby suck at it but he got the right spirit)!
Clockwork doesnt really believe in things like "too musculine" or "too feminine", clothes should be functional - doesnt matter what you wear, but rather how you feel in them - and people are just diffrent when it comes to look. Thats why i think she would be even more angry, she gets that people can make mistakes but if they do it on purpose just to mess with you, then she wont stay calm. What a protective gf she is! Its nice if you dont care about this constant iccidents, becasue they happen - but if you start worry even in the slightest? She will be your sholder to cry on and your number one support girl! Natalie will assure you that you are fine just the way you are, and you can look however you want - its nobody case - she likes you for you! .. Just dont tell anybody about this, she would rather keep it as a secret.
˚  ✦   . ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚.    ✦  ˚
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tealmaskmybeloved · 4 months
Ive been wondering, what is Dokutaro's ultimate plan with using Kieran ?? Why him, specifically. And why does Doku want a new subject, is it a plan that requires specifically a human or something the original loyal 3 couldnt do? Or, if you dont want to spoil it, maybe a small hint? :3
Also, does Kieran ever feel at least a teeny bit of regret for giving himself up to Dokuatro? Does he ever remember Carmine and feels lonely, or is he completely content with leaving everybody he knew behind? And how do Carmine, the MC, and his grandparents feel about him? what do they know about his situation?
Buttload of questions, but I just really wanna know more about ur AU's story XD
Me answering this ask:
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Jokes aside, boy do I have a lot to say!
Okay so, Dokutaro's desire is to control everything and everyone in the world of Pokémon. He believes that free will is irrelevant and that world is meant to serve him.
However, he's willing to help those who help him, an exchange if you will. Dokutaro believes that if people and Pokémon are willing to do anything to achieve their desires, then losing their free will is a perfect price. And if they can't beat their foes with the power Dokutaro has given them, then it's not his problem. Besides, there's always more Pokémon who'll want to give in to their desires.
Dokutaro is kinda like a monkey's paw situation. You get what you want, but you lose your free will and become one of Dokutaro's Chained.
Dokutaro had only chained Pokémon before, as Pokémon are more susceptible to giving in to their desires and wants than people.
As for Kieran, he is merely a test for Dokutaro, to see if controlling people is actually possible, and Kieran takes a lot of effort to use. With Pokémon, they're more willing to give in to their desires and such, but people are more complex.
Dokutaro can give people and Pokémon one of his Toxic Chains and those give the user what they desire but also chain them to his will.
Dokutaro can also give people and Pokémon its mochi, but those given the mochi are less coherent than the others and are more used as mindless fodder than anything.
So why did Dokutaro choose Kieran specifically?
Kieran had just been "betrayed" by Ogerpon, Carmine, and the protagonists. He no longer looked up to Ogerpon and only saw her as a reminder of his weakness. Dokutaro realized that Kieran wouldn't be siding with Ogerpon anytime soon, so it was the perfect opportunity to have Kieran on his side.
Kieran's own self hatred and anger made himself be easily manipulated. He wanted power, he wanted to get stronger. Dokutaro would make sure that Kieran's wish would be granted.
And since controlling people takes a lot of effort, Dokutaro decided to just have Kieran be its main host and have its other victims mochified (that's a word I decided)
Those who are mochified by Kieran handing out the mochi like rice cakes are technically under Kieran's control as well, although since Dokutaro is manipulating him, they're technically under Dokutaro's control.
While possessing Kieran, who ends up as the BB Leauge Champion, it gives Dokutaro a great amount of power over the school. Kieran is Champion, people listen to him, and people probably won't question him, exactly what Dokutaro wanted. While the Blueberry Academy isn't the most ideal place for Dokutaro to spread its control, it's a good start for world domination.
As for Kieran, he does feel some regret from time to time. He sometimes wishes he could go home and just hang out with Carmine again and live a normal life, but Dokutaro is usually there to remind Kieran that this is totally worth it. (it's not. Don't get controlled by an evil peach, kids) The Loyal 3 do their best to make Kieran feel less alone and have him adjust to his new life.
Carmine hates herself for lying to Kieran, and she 100% knows that Kieran is up to something with that mysterious "plush" that disappeared from Peach'ys. Carmine does a lot of digging because she realizes that "Hey this might be a problem" and she's been researching everything about the Loyal 3 and Ogerpon to figure out what Dokutaro is (its a bit of an issue when all the history books contain the fabricated version of events)
His grandparents feel guilty as they believe that it was their fault that Kieran left. They wish that they told Kieran the truth before all this happened.
Florian and Juliana (they're twins in this AU) have some mixed feelings on Kieran. Florian believes that Kieran should have Ogerpon, but Juliana believes that Ogerpon gets to choose who she stays with. The two blame the other for what happened to Kieran, and they constantly argue about who's fault it is.
Carmine knows that Kieran has been receiving "help" from a Pokémon, but she can't find any info on it. She does know that Dokutaro is connected to the Loyal 3 and that they have beef with Ogerpon, but that's it.
The grandparents assume that Kieran hates them, and they don't know of Dokutaro's meddling.
Florian and Juliana do their own research on what's been helping Kieran, but they often help out Carmine and the group brainstorm together. Ogerpon is there for support and to make sure that Dokutaro gets punted to the sun for what he did.
OKAY I think that's everything you asked about. There's a whole bunch of other stuff I'd want to talk about but I'd have to make a new post because this one is so long. (Which I don't mind. I love receiving asks about my AU)
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alcorian · 1 year
thinkgni about transformers agere…
earthspark bumblebee who regresses in secret to cope with the stress of suddenly being a co-parent to 7 children when he barely feels like an adult himself
when the kids are out for the day, he sits in the barn and regresses. acting like a sparkling, playing with the little human tools, drawing in the dirt, fluttering his wings in ways that are natural but that he was eventually taught was rude/distracting, and chewing on scrap metal (i hc that sparklings eat a lot of metal, and adult cybertronians still can, its just not necessary to eat as much) (dottie wonders why there are tin sheets with bite marks in them on their property. is one of the terrans alien-teething or something?)
bee being found by alex while regressed and panicking because he thinks alex is gonna judge him, especially because alex looks up to him and primus there are so many people who look up to him all of a sudden--
he's trying to become big again but he cant do it super suddenly, so he just starts to cry, the sparkling in his mind getting overwhelmed. hides his helm in his hands and rotates his wings down to look small, a subconscious "please dont be mad at me" in his body language
and alex isnt 100% sure what's happening but what he does know is that he doesnt want bee to be upset, so he starts trying to calm him down. he picks up on his childlike state and starts using methods that used to calm his kids down when they were smaller. he uses his softest voice, gives him a gentle pat on the knee (because he cant reach his shoulder, even when bee is trying to be small) and helps him take deep breaths. maybe he has a funny little routine he used to do to distract the kids from whatever was making them hurt, or a uniquely terrible dad joke that always made the kids snort and giggle through their tears.
once bee is a little more present, no longer crying, and somewhere in between big and little, alex asks him whats going on and bumblebee tries to explain but some of his big-kid words are still difficult so he starts and stops a couple times trying to find the words. he finally says "acting like a sparkling helps me. when im sad. please dont be mad. i dont do it around the kids."
he's worried that alex will think he's being irresponsible, or weird, or weird and irresponsible. but alex just listens to him ramble about why it helps and what he does when he's little. he slowly starts to use bigger and more "mature" words until he's finally out of littlespace entirely.
alex assures him that he doesnt have a problem with bumblebee doing this, and he's sure dottie wont either, and its actually a really creative way to deal with stress. and he says he doesnt have to hide out here in the barn, he can always hang out with alex while little. alex "what's one more kid, i already have seven" malto
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musubiki · 8 months
I always wondered how the gang reacts when mochi comes back!!! I bet lime would be on her side at all times to make sure she doesn't disappear again, watching her sleep, following her around the house, then mochi has to go to the bathroom and he's anxiously waiting lmao
strangely the first person to know shes back is taffy!!! when she decides to hunt down the guild again, she goes to sulluvan to find out their approximate location. her plan was to find the others first, and lime last, so she could (hopefully) get from them a little temperature check on how lime would feel about all of it
(by that i mean she was very worried about whether or not he would want to see her. she realizes what she did was a very jerk move, and if he was moved on and happy without her (married with a kid or something) then she didnt want to interfere with that, even by just showing up. so she wanted to check with oscar and coco if theyd kept in contact with him, and how hes been/if looking for him is a good idea)
sulluvan gives her the locations of taffy/coco/oscar, but tells her to hold off on lime if shes not going straight to him first. "That boy moves around quite a bit. Unless you're going to see him right now, he'd be somewhere else entirely by the time you got around to him," he tells her.
taffy is the first to see her. she went to coco and taffy first, and while she was standing outside their apartment building thinking about what she wants to say, taffy comes home. he is the MOST calm out of all of them. (granted knew her the shortest and therefore wasnt as close to her as the others). when he brings her upstairs to their apartment and coco sees her, she tackles her to the floor and straight up starts weeping. (and then grabs pom and manhandles her as well)
oscar had a similar reaction. the kind you would have after a chance encounter with a friend after a long time. a lot of "Oh my god!!!!" and tight hugs!! obviously all of them are thrilled to get back into guild work, they were getting bored of their current lives (oscar timeskip story currently pending)
when she asks them about lime, oscar and coco just kinda give each other a knowing look, take a moment to reflect about his down bad ass and what hes been doing for the last 3 years, before finally going "Yeah I honestly think he'd be down to rejoin." "Yeah echoing that. Hes not doing anything useful." (they both know about his m34th work. coco whispers to oscar "Should we tell her?" and he replies "Isn't it more entertaining if she finds out organically?")
when they find lime, hes in the middle of a mission. doing something something i dont know, its combat though. fighting the giant tree monsters on the far edge of the giants thicket since they were terrorizing the farmers in the area. at first he didnt even realize it was her, it just seemed like some npc pedestrian caught up in the fight. doesnt even turn to look at her, just yells something generic like "Get back to the village, I can handle this!!"
and at first mochi didnt even register what the hell he was wearing, but she knew his voice and stature and the unmistakeable hair color. shocked at that response (i think she knew he didnt know it was her), she probably yells something at him to get his attention
and he recognizes her voice as soon at it comes out. it takes him a couple seconds to even process what he just heard enough to turn around, and honestly when he sees her, he thinks hes hallucinating. "...I'm losing my fucking mind, apparently." he thinks. "Illusion spell? No, what the fuck? That doesn't work on me. Maybe I didn't get enough sleep last night? I've never hallucinated like that before though. Maybe its some shape shifter something. Can those also mimic voices?--" just a sample of the 100 different thoughts he has in about 1 second.
but when he hears her again, a soft little "H...Hi Lime-!" that is barely even audible over the current atmosphere, he doesnt care. it could be some trick, who knows? I dont, he thinks, thats mochi.
let me tell you this boy SPRINTS to her. the amount of force in his embrace is honestly a little terrifying. mochi started sobbing instantly. No words even said, beyond a soft "Hi mochi." he mumbles into her neck. but her tears soak into his shoulder and they stay like that for god knows how long. It takes coco zipping back like "Uhhh hey sorry to interrupt soft moment but we've been holding off the tree monsters for a few minutes and oscar is getting whacked like a ragdoll soooo--"
(even then it takes lime a bit to let her go LMFAO!!! mochi is like "Oh no! Poor oscar!" and when she tries to let go lime is just LOCKED on her. "No. Not yet. He'll be fine." his voice muffles out as hes squeezing her against him. it takes a few whacks to his arm and a lot of "LIME BE SERIOUS!!" for him to very begrudgingly let her go)
but youre right hes definitely a bit clingy afterwards. maybe not in the most direct way, but he constantly has an eye on her/is standing close/wont let her go somewhere by herself kind of thing (which mochi is very happy with because she misses him like crazy. honestly shes a little nervous talking to him because shes worried they wont be like they used to, but the more they converse the more shes like "Oh hes the same as always....good.")
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mcytshippystuff · 10 months
Do you have more on Missa and Forever's relationship? What caused them to chill with each other?
(as always, /rp, not irl) Also go here for more hcs on Missa, Phil, and Forever's relationship this ask is referencing!
Honestly? It mostly has to do with q!Missa surprisingly enough.
Here's the thing, q!Missa doesn't really know q!Forever, like at all. Their first meeting was Forever basically claiming he was gonna steal q!Philza, his husband and secret crush, away from him. Which Missa didn't take well understandably lol.
Everything else he knew about the man, in the brief break between reluctant trips, was from the other islanders and Phil, mostly when the winged man was especially annoyed or amused with the other blond. So that's to say Missa didn't like what he heard.
(More under the cut!)
"I'm gonna lock you in a cage until you love me" was not something Missa ever wanted to hear about anyone, let alone Phil. Fuck that Yandere-esk bullshit!
But when Missa finally asks about that, to his bafflement, Phil just laughs and looks amused. But he must of seen something in Missa's expression becuase he spoke. "Like he could," Phil snorted, confidence and amusement oozing from him, and yeah fair. "And its not like he means it."
That has Missa stopping short, blinking in surprise. Becuase there's trust and belief there, conviction. Philza 100% trust and believes in not only that fact, but he believes in, trust Forever too.
In fact, Phil never seems upset at any of the things Forever said like that, he only ever seemed upset at the fact that Forever claimed to love him at all, knowing Forever only loved him becuase of how he reminded him of his ex. A replacement.
Missa doesn't have much time to figure that out before he has to go again, but that's all he knows of Forever. Then months later he's home again and settling back in, Phil isn't angry or mad, just, welcome's him home and its great.
Then Forever comes by and shatters all of Missa's perceptions of Forever becuase he apologizes and says he's done pursuing Philza. And Missa believes it but what stops him short is the fact the blond looks so utterly heartbroken, but there's still a look of love there when he stares at Phil. And as time stretches a bit, and Missa comes know and interact with Forever a bit more, watch as Forever and Philza interact, well-
Missa thinks Philza might of been wrong.
He's not saying Forever hasn't messed up or said messed up things, he defiantly has and has hurt Phil, or that maybe Forever's infatuation really did start out as a replacement for his ex, but Missa realizes that Forever truly did love Philza for who he was, still does despite how he's trying to give Phil space. Just as Forever could see that Missa loved Phil too, hence why he felt so threatened by Missa in the first place over it.
And if anything, Missa understands being in love with Philza. So he cant blame the man, cant be mad at the fact Forever loves him too, if anything he respects that Forever recognized he was in the wrong and was trying to do right by it even if it means not getting Phil's love.
And even moreso Missa can understand not being able to stop loving Phil either, so if one day he see's Forever in the distance as they wander by, watching, pinning sadly, and he breaks off from Phil to offer him a olive branch, a drink, and a quiet conversation as they both watch the man they love leave, well, its nobodies business but their own. They dont discuses it, but they both know. Instead they share news and talk of their kids and a small kinda friendship builds on understanding of it.
And one day, Missa will tell quietly tell Phil that he thinks Phil might be wrong and that will be the cascading domino for both their relationships with Phil, believe it or not, but for now they just sit and chat.
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mothpile · 10 months
mes's webcomic recommendations
do YOU like webcomics or want to read some ? here are some i think are good NO im not gonna put my own here even if i think its good. -_-
starting with . i Think these ones are popular and well known..?
Paranatural - A story about paranormal ghosts and stuff. It's a real fun time, and the story is really good. The author's art progression is really impressive, truly skilled with paneling and such. It does eventually shift into a webnovel format with drawings as the author couldn't keep up with doing pages like before, and the quality of goodness of the story stays strong 👍👍
Tiger, Tiger - Story about the importance of sea sponges. Also a fun time, sea faring adventure about, again, sea sponges and how important they are nothing else OK? promise. (liar) PHENOMENAL artwork, very pretty to look at.... 👍👍
The Property of Hate - I need to reread it because i forgetted a lot but its such a cool looking comic and sooo interesting OK?! i swear. It's about a kid being a hero.
Vainglorious - a fun comic about a dragon facing Hubris Consequences. The main trio is real fun, the world is cool, all in all fun comic okie !!
Sakana - Slice-of-life comic about some folks working at a fish stall in a fish market. Real fun. Been on hiatus for four years, but is gonna make a comeback soon (author is working on building up buffer pages And then... ! ) But yeah! real fun.
Witchy - ... one i have to reread, it's been on hiatus since forever as the author was working on another comic (thatllbe out... in a while?), though i assume when that's done they'll come back to this...? Anyhow, I remember it being a very gripping story, and beautifully drawn... Also it's about witches. if. you . couldnt tell by the.. title...
NOW, onto ones that ... i dont Think are super well known ... ?
EcopportunityX - An interactive stick figure limited color palette comic about a facility where bad shit has happened ! uhoh! What the hell happened here! Follow the protagonist on their journey of learning what happened, and escaping the facility. Also, space pinball and ball pit beast is there. 👍👍👍
Eye in the Sky - And it only feels right to bring it up as well, but this is a fancomic of ecopportunityX ! ... Contains eox spoilers, so perhaps read the original first! This one features original characters and takes place a bit before eox, it's nice ok i like it :]
Gold Scissors - One of my all time favourites TBH. The art is nice, I love the story, the world is so cool i love it a lot... do yourself a favor and read it...
Midnight Connection - Finished! by the author of Gold Scissors, it's a short comic that takes place in the same universe, you can get through it in one sitting!! sniffles.
Brainchild - Comic about girl seeing weeeeeird stuff. Ghosts?! who knows. Tis a cool one OK read it...
Fairmeadow - "i hate being on the hippee comune they are always telling me Peace and Love on planet earth , orc lady, Peace and Love, and they do not leave me alone" - true real 100% words said. you can read it and youll see. Very pretty looking, ...
Holly & Macy and Everyone Else - comic about two teens learning about HOMOSEXUALITY and being a witch and its a very sweet .. i like it ok? it's also on tumblr @/ hollymacycomic
Falling to Far - i thiiink? its kinda just getting started, its about two star kids that just arrived to the planet of Far, and they are just checking how things are here rn. okie! its nice ITS ON TUMBLR! my fellow tumblr-hosted webcomicers lets gooooo
Daisy in DREAMLAND - ........ not a .. webcomic. Tis more a webnovel, i believe. It has pictures. Very cool looking guys, love the style, someone drench this cat in a bucket of water.
Needleminder - because fuck it we put webnovels here too I GUESS. it has pictures sometimes. haven't caught up with it recently tho BUT it's Very interesting and gets weird with it in cool ways...
Star Impact - comic about boxing! fighting! and people have gloves that give them a gimmick power tis pretty fuckin cool!
Kitty Corner - Comic about someone who sees ghosts. this ones kiiinda just getting started i think..? put its been promising so far, i like it ANOTHER TUMBLRHOSTED WEBCOMIC LETS GO BABY!
PISS HOLE - The greatest comic ever drawn with a broken trackpad.
Going Home - a comicabout a kid who has t *red dot appears on forehead* *sweats**starts to go get the link to the comic* *snipers pull the t
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winterspiderpurrs · 1 year
Part 1 listed in the link above!
Part 2:
Sighing as Tony hung up the phone in his office. Widow just confirmed that Winter and her were almost here to hand over the information he requested. Though they wanted to question Peter first. Which irritated Tony, but if it will help solve the mystery of who knocked up Peter, he would allow it. Anything to help protect his family.
It's been a few hours since Stephen showed up, the equipment delivered, ultrasound down, images printed. 100% confirmed that his little bambino was pregnant. Atleast Peter was almost done with getting his doctorate and this won't hinder his career. As if Stephen would allow that. If he could start going into labor while operating its sure as he'll that Peter could keep up with his lab work. [As long as extra safety precautions were made cause of the pregnancy]
Walking up the stairs to Peter's old bedroom, he thinks of how this is so similar to how he found out he was going to be a father the first time. At a charity event for the local hospital all those years ago. Ego met ego when he met Stephen. He never met an omega that was so Alpha like. They carried on their tic for tac into a heated night that lasted til morning. It was 4 months later when Stephen showed up at the restaurant where he hosts meetings at times for reality of that night comes rushing back. Tony had already had the business set up for Harley to take over. While he still acts young, Tony knows at some point he would be too old to keep going. He never thought he would have a family of his own. He rushed to make sure that even if Stephen didn't want to raise the baby, he would take care of anything. Moved him in and doing his best to woo the Omega. It was a year after Peter was born that they officially became a bonded pair.
They set it up where Peter's address and "guardianship" would be under his god mothers ' Aunt May' to help alleviate attention that he was Tony Starks omega son. He went to the best private school in Queens, distancing him for the Manhattan area as best as he could. Safety was the biggest priority that Stephen stressed for his pups. Yes, pups. Surprise, surprise, when Peter was 16, Stephen ended up pregnant, again shocking the family. Miss Morgan Strange was born. Peter absolutely dotted on his alpha little sister.
Sighing one more time before opening the door to the bedroom, Tony paused before smiling. At the center of the bed was Peter snuggling up to Stephen on the bed. Stephen gently combing his fingers through his hair. They were whispering to each other, " and if they are fools and don't want anything to do with them. We will always take care of you and the pups. Family is important." Stephen stopped talking, looking over at Tony in the doorway. Tony cleared his throat. " Pete... I'm sorry for... reacting how I did. I was just worried... Widow and Winter are headed over with information for us. They want to talk to you first if you won't mind meeting them down in the study. "
Peter's eyes widen, he has met Natasha, and she was practically an older sister/aunt to him. He has only heard of rumors about Winter.
Stephen and Peter untangle from each other before getting out of bed to head downstairs following behind Tony. Once downstairs, Peter goes into the study while Stephen stays out in the hallway with Tony. Not long after, Natasha shows up with Winter, aka James 'Bucky' Barnes, and shockingly Steve Rogers. Tony frowning. " Winter, I know you know that I tolerate your... choice in mate. But we really dont need goody twoshoes getting involved in this... private matter. " Steve frowns before opening his mouth, but Bucky beats him in addressing Tony." Don't worry, Stark, Steve here has recon in the area... once we confirm a few details, things will get sorted. In the study, Natalia said?" Bucky nods toward the door of the study.
Tony says and waves his hand. " Yeah, yeah. Go easy on him. No unnecessary stress. Nat introduce?" Natasha nods and goes to the study, opening the door and smiles " Oh my little spider, I have some friends here that need to talk with you" she waves Bucky and Steve over and the men enter the room but Natasha does not enter and closes the door. Tony frowns and stares at her. " Why you let Winter bring his Alpha with him? Do you want to stress Peter out more? Also lack luster introductions- he has never met Winter. Only heard of him and not even a warning? And why are you looking at me like that, Stephen?"
Eyebrow raised as Stephen stared at Tony, eyes flickering toward the door and then back at Tony. Blinking Tony looks at the door and then back at Stephen. Stephen tilts his head and looks at the door before back at Tony again. Frowning, he looks at Natasha, who's blocking the door. Then it clicks. Two Alphas. Natasha could have just brought him the names. There's no need to bring Winter over here.
He started to stutter in disbelief before the anger rolled back in. He growled loud and rushed the door. Thankfully, Natasha moved to side, but she had a unbuckled the gun from her holster. " Don't do anything stupid Tony. You have to think of Peter." Blinded be rage at the audacity that these two Alphas picked HIS child to fuck with? Tony rips the door open and off its hinge. " The fuck is the meaning of this!?" But Tony deflates at the scene infront of him.
Inside of the study on the couch was Steve with Peter on his lap, looking at the sonogram photo, a dopey smile on his lips, arm wrapped around him. Bucky was kneeling on the ground in front of the pair, nuzzling up again Peter's stomach, gentle rumbles coming from him with his arms wrapped around them.
Well shit.
So.... it's been a month since I typed up Part 1 and it's not where I want it to be. But kept thinking about it and just had to get it out.
Hopefully you like it @professional-benaddict and @no-name-for-me since yall said ya wouldn't mind a part 2!
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sunpinktulip · 8 months
okay you said sent bkdk ideas & BET
1. The climax of she-ra w/ catra’s “dont you get it? I love you, i always have! So please, just this once, STAY!” speech and I actually can’t decide if it’s katsuki begging an unconscious deku to wake up or izuku begging an unconscious kacchan to wake up. But either way.
2. Bakusquad singing She’s In Love from the little mermaid stage show — again can’t decide if it’s about katsuki or deku (with the other one as flounder who is Most Upset about Ariel being in love w someone) (only this time it’s themself that is the love interest) (I have both sets of lyrics divided up and available upon request)
3. Say the Word from the mad ones (sorry yes I’m a theatre kid mb). That’s all. I’m tentatively working on an animatic but I can’t draw
4. Bksquad singing fixer upper from frozen. Bakugou is Kristoff & Deku is Anna obviously. I haven’t thought any further at all so just spitballing here but kirishima sven todoroki Elsa (obviously) aaaaand idk for hans. I feel like shindo yo would be the popular pick for a fake love interest?
5. Bakugou singing Granger Danger from a very potter musical.
6. Okay this is actually kiribaku but you by dodie, bkdk were fwb but deku caught feelings & bakugou starts dating kirishima
7. Atalanta (Greek myth) au — bk was raised by wolves/bears/dragons probably, then gets hunted by a king (mitsuki) who recognises him as his (her) son and takes him back to be prince. Tells him he has to get married, he says okay but Only someone who can beat me in a fight (in the myth it’s a foot race) and if they lose they die. Deku gets help from all might and wins (in the myth aphrodite gives the winner golden apples which distract atalanta, not sure how this would play out in this ver)
8. Howl’s Moving Castle au (book ver). Controversially, I have deku as howl, katsuki as Sophie & sentient OFA as calcifer. I can and Will back this up. (Kaminari as Martha/youngest sister who wants to marry rich and be a mom) & Uraraka as Lettie (middle sister who wants to be rich off her own hard work) (I actually have the whole cast planned out)
9. I’m currently writing a Carrie au. Deku is Carrie obvs. Katsuki is both Sue and Tommy, w Kiri coming in for some of Tommy’s advice giving moments. Decided Toga can be Chris and originally I had aged down!Dabi as Billy at a friend’s request but not 100% sure. Considered switching to mustard but like. We know nothing about him.
10. Barely fleshed out but I’ve seen a bunch of parallel universe swapping quirk fics where fantasy!bkdk or future!bkdk get swapped to the canon verse, including at least one w pregnant izuku and. Pregnant katsuki gets swapped to the canon verse because I think it’s WAY funnier
Okay I’m done now sorry
These were A LOT and as a uni student I don't have the time to do all/organise all in one post (but I will draw if more people insist on the asks (please submit your ideas separetly, it's a lot easier for my little pea brain)
BUT, i will give my piece about the songs, since I included them in my BKDK playlist
2. She's in Love - I see it as bkdk friends talking about Deku's (Ariel) clear crush while an oblivious Bakugou (Flounder) has barely been able to tell Izuku is in love and it's annoyed about it because he thinks it's not him (it is tho)
3. Say the Word - This is such a Katsuki-coded song about his feelings, it actually hurts me inside
4. Fixer Upper - Submitter's suggestion is good, BUT HAVE YOU CONSIDERED: Fantasy AU BKDK, where Kiri is the weredragon and Shouto is a prince and I would suggest Toga Himiko (my daughter) for Hans (would change some more of the story tbh, but that's the OG plan)
5. Granger Danger - COUNTERPOINT: Fem!BKDK in a ball, bkg is Draco, dk is Ron and they're talking about each other
6. What if She from Dodie but it's Izuku's POV cause he is enamoured by Katsuki buthas no clue what the other feels
Anyway, feel free to send more asks now !! I'll promise I'll get back to them, I just took a long break because of personal shit, but I'm back stronger than ever
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