#god i'm so excited the FANCY PART is coming up soon which is good that i just learned how the camera works then!!!!
wispurring-moss · 5 months
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......keese~ 💋✨
also guess who finally learned how the camera function works mwuahahaha >:3c
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shelikesrainydays · 2 months
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// August 7th, 2024
Welp, there goes July. It's interesting to see how actually setting a time to do things and monitor the progress somehow (in my case, with Forest) my study habit improved monstrously. Instead of doing it sporadically (particularly, those days in which I feel extremely anxious about my career) I try to sit down everyday and do something. The "2 minutes rule" that James Clear mentioned in Atomic Habits in my case is the 25 minutes of a single study session. Weirdly enough, I found myself wanting to keep going on for two or three sessions more. I'm not kidding when I say that this has been a life changer for me: I don't dread studying anymore. Sure, there are days where I don't fancy the idea of coming back from work and keep my mind busy for 2 extra hours, but it's not the majority of days, and that's what is surprising me. Like... guys, these are 18 solid hours of focused time🤯 And do you know what is the best part? I find myself being able to focus better on other things as well. I still have a lot of room for improvement, but comparing this to my past self, it certainly is a HUGE change. I'm excited to see how this will keep evolving 🙌 On another note, since I haven't been able to keep this blog active during these past few weeks (apart from the occasional reblog):
✦ I started watching How I met your Mother with bf (he says that knowing me, he's absolutely sure I'm gonna love it). Yeah, I'm not very good at keeping up with series, specially those that have more than 3 seasons; so it won't surprise me if anyone who reads this thinks "Girl, how's it even possible you haven't watched it?!". Sorry not sorry, I spend my little free time daydreaming about stuff okay? ✦ We also watched the whole season 6 of Mystery of Aaravos, a.k.a as The Dragon Prince. My GOD, sh*t just started getting real. We even set the time to make Hamantaschen, those Jewish jelly pastries in a shape of a triangle! Even though they looked hideous they were surprisingly tasty 😋⭐
✦ I bought myself a new Kindle! My previous one was okay, but I thought it was time for an update and I took it as a treat for being able to focus better on my studies. I ordered a few stickers as well, I will decorate it as soon as they arrive. ✦ We also got tickets for a symphony concert at one of our local theaters today, to listen to Harry Potter, Jurassic Park, Star Wars and other iconic movie pieces 🎻. It's my first time attending to this kind of events so I'm pretty excited about it as well! I've always wanted to go to a Hans Zimmer concert, but I think this will have to suffice for the time being. I'm sure it will be great anyways. ✦ I'm a little stuck with my japanese. Even when I still do my Doulingo sessions, I feel like I need to start practicing more my kanjis. And I reached the point where not knowing katakana has become an obstacle. So yeah, if I want to keep at it, I need to stop ignoring the writing practice. It's just, so hard keeping with everything up. And the new kanjis keep accumulating... 🫠
Phew, that was a lot to write! But I'm not sure when I'll have the time to do this again so I wanted to create a meaningful post.
Cambio y fuera.
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sga-owns-my-soul · 1 year
WIP WEDNESDAYYYYYYYY have a selection of the most arcane runes, dealer’s choice on the titles:
i didn't realize how hard this interpretation part would be 😂
for 🎢 - i haven't written the scene yet so i'll just tell u about it but in McKay Takes The Team To WEM rodney takes them to an amusement park and john makes them go on all the Fun Rides (the ones that are super sketchy and rodney is sure they'll die on (there's one rollercoaster they're gonna ride where people actually did die in real life and rodney is only going to find out after john makes him ride it)(i promise they'll be okay tho this fic is pure fluff)) and it's gonna be super cute
for 🔧- John wasted no time in finding out what was really going on. He called Lorne to his office. Evan was a good second in command, and always put the well being of the base and personnel above all else. He had been just as angry with John as everyone else, but thankfully he didn’t let it interfere with work.
“Colonel,” Evan said shortly as he entered his office. John made a gesture for him to sit down.
“Okay, I’m just going to come straight out and say this. I did not cheat on Rodney. Grace has apparently been spreading around rumours that her and I are having an affair. This is unequivocally false, and I would like you to sit in on my meeting with her as an unbiased third party to help me get to the bottom of this.” (from Rodney Hears A Rumour)(this one has so much angst but it's also cute)
for 🪩- also haven't written this part but there's a scene in McKay Takes The Team To WEM where he takes them to a really fancy bar/club place for dinner and they're all gonna dress up and there's gonna be some light dancing (ronon and teyla are gonna get excited by the lights and music and drag john and rodney to the dance floor) it's gonna be cute
for 🆘- "Rodney, something's wrong," Teyla gasped as she pushed Torren the rest of the way out, and Rodney was so focused on the beautiful crying baby in front of him, it took him a second to realize there was way more blood than there should be.
"Oh god, okay that can't be goood, oh god, okay, okay we just have to... uhh..." Rodney was desperately trying to think up anything he could, anything to fix this situation, but he was so far outside his skill set.
"Rodney, please," she groaned, grabbing his arm and squeezing it.
"Teyla, I'm sorry, I don't know what's wrong, I don't know how to stop the bleeding," Rodney said, the fear and desperation dripping off his words. His hands were covered in blood, and he couldn't see anyway for him to stop internal bleeding that he couldn't even see the cause of. (this is from Rodney Raises Torren and it's super angsty whoops)
for 🔜- "Thanks, I guess, but this would've been helpful to know years ago!" Rodney tried to jump out of bed, and John and Radek both tried to keep him where he was.
"Woah, Rodney, Beckett will have my head if he sees you out of bed so soon, you gotta rest still," John tried but Rodney just glared at him.
"We just found out that not only is the city sentient, Sheppard, but she is also capable of much more than any of us realized. Do you have any idea what this means? Do you have any idea how important this discovery could be? I mean, just think what we could learn from her!" (from Team Is Everything which is gonna be the first of a series)
these ended up being a lot longer than i intended lmao whoops but thank you for the ask!!! this is actually a lot of fun more people should do this!!
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happysparkledance · 11 months
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i've been really into reading old style rookie posts and stuff like that lately and i thought... maybe it's time to try making my own style blog/diary! so here we are!
this photo is not very good quality :-( but i was like...... i can't let that stop me!
pictured is me wearing a black dress i've had for ages, and over it is this awesome linen-y long coat thing that my older sibling gave me. it has this big tag inside that says bergdorf goodman which... I don't know why that's on the inside but... it makes me feel fancy! the scarf my mom gave me and i think the brand is called hickey lol. my shoes are my fav rn hiking shoes from merrell but one of the soles is coming off which is tragic!! so i think i will have to re-glue it soon.
i think the statement of the outfit is this red pipe cleaner/ orange utility rope combo that i tied in my hair. i was like.. this is kind of wild!!
otherwise it is like all black like... cool... style. I think everything is from the bins except for the hair accessories which are from ace hardware and the supply closet in the art therapy department of my school lol. i'm headed home to bins paradise soon for thanksgiving and i'm really excited to see my family and relax but also... part of me wants to do some closet refreshing while i go!! like consumerist urge lol... but also SOMEONE DROVE A CAR THROUGH THE FRONT (of the bins) so maybe someone was cosmically trying to tell me not to go... we shall see if it's open....
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also pictured are some things from my adventure today (on which the outfit was worn!) i'm also gonna meet with my RA which i'm really excited for and drink root beers with my friend tonight. also hopefully watch veronica mars because i'm obsessed lately again! veronica is like... i don't even know she's like god or something. the whole show is like written in witty one liners lol, i think if i was a character i would disrupt everything!! or like be one of the villains because they are often the ones that can't keep up with the banter in the show lmfao.
i think my song of the day is cat power's cover of i can't get no satisfaction.
lots of love, -me
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mywritingonlyfans · 3 years
A fic about sucking / Smut with Damiano David
warnings: it's what the anon said, it's smut! like just smut!
a/n: i hope you don't mind but i'm taking some stuff you guys send and writing and yeah, i'm back. oh, and it's small, 1,378 words of pure smut
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It was similar to sucking his energy to yourself.
He would come off stage all agitated, let you jump into his arms, lifting you and spinning you around. The air would come out of your lungs, because he was irresistible like that, so he would kiss your cheek, your neck, marking the spot with his teeth so that you squirmed in his arms, and as a calling, soon he would be getting rid of the others to be pulled by you to some quieter place. It was always like that after their concert when you were present, no exceptions, and today would be no different.
“Did you like the gig? What did you think?” He asked, knowing the answer well; just wanting to have his ego fueled by you as he closed the door behind his half naked body.
Catching your lower lip between your teeth, you placed your hands on his chest, pressing him against the door, looking straight into his eyes from the tip of your toes. “It was good, I kinda fancy the shirtless man throwing himself at people who made the best facial expressions when singing. Quiet hot I might add.”
“And what are you gonna do about it?” His voice thickened, making you shiver.
He held the collar of your shirt, guiding you closer to him until his mouth was inches away from yours, before thousands of exchange of glances, you got on top of his feet and kissed him.
"Dami,” you whispered into his mouth, letting your breath take him as your fingers delved into his damp hair, pulling some locks for yourself.
“Huh,” he pulled his lip to himself, pulling a quiet moan out of you. When you opened your eyes you had a flushed Damiano, already impatient in front of you.
You sighed between giggles at his restless behavior, rubbing your knee between his thighs to feel how excited he was for you; as expected he was in his half solid state coming from your little touches. “I wanna praise you properly for tonight,” you added strength to his bulge, digging your nails through the hair on his chest and working your way down to the bottom of his shorts. “Can I have a taste of you pretty boy?” Your finger slipped inside the hem of his underwear, causing his stomach to contract and you to smile even more.
“Sure, go ahead, babe,” He didn’t hesitate, holding on to your shoulders for you to kneel before him; you didn’t blame him, in any other circumstance at this time he would be the one pounding into you or diving into your juices because it was always you who didn’t control yourself and needed him to put you in your place.
Doing as he expected, you tucked your hair behind your ear, getting your locks out of sight, and propped yourself up on his thighs, your hands right below Jesus. “Unbutton yourself, babe!” You instructed him, placing a gentle but wet kiss on his tattoo’s nose.
Obeying you, with his eyes still fixed on your face and swollen lips from his previous actions, he pulled his shorts off along with his underwear, revealing what you wanted so badly; your smile was priceless under his gaze. “Do you like what you see, angel?” He sounded softly, both knew it wouldn’t last long until your character dropped. In minutes he would be the one to shut you up by being in charge, not you; it was a fact.
“Yeep,” You said excitedly, holding him in your hands, following for a few pumps, making him let out sighs that filled the room you were in. “Are you excited about it, pretty boy? Imagining when you have my mouth?” With that being said, and his hip thrusted into your hand, you leaned in, watching him look at you intently, and licked his slit, gathering his sweetness for yourself.
“C’mon, angel,” he said already breathless, holding your hair and putting it around his fist, before that you had your lips pressed against him.
“Wait, it was my time to shine!” You whined, not sounding annoyed at all; even because you weren’t.
“You shine when you’re not being a tease, baby doll,” he said simply, guiding his tip between his lips. “Now be good and take what you want, huh?”
You nodded, gathering saliva to accommodate him, opening your mouth wide with your tongue ready for him, letting him fill you. He held on to the back of your neck, making you close your eyes and concentrate on sucking his entire length into your warmth. You went on like this, having him lost in front of such a scene until he realized that he needed more. “Look at me, angel,” he pulled you by the hair so he could pull him out of your mouth, resulting in a pleasant ‘pop’ noise to sound in his ears as he admired your saliva running down the corners of your lips.
“What’s wrong?” You said quietly, wiping yourself off with the back of your hand.
“Nothing angel, I just need more,” he paused, swallowing hard; a simple act, but enough for you to understand what he wanted. You were never one to want to be in control when it came to him anyway. “More of you for myself.”
You smiled enthusiastically, assuring him that it was what you needed. “Yes, babe, please,” you whispered, leaning properly on his thighs, parting your lips again for him.
Silencing you with his weight, he held tight to your hair, guiding you the way he wanted you to be positioned. His eyes roamed over your face, only to receive a nod assuring him that you were okay with that and with your throat appropriately relaxed for taking him. Following the signals, he thrust his hips into you, filling your mouth with him and pulling up to the tip just to fill your throat right after. His movements were repeated until his noises were way too loud inside the small room and your eyes were melting into tears. If there was someone outside, they would clearly know what you were doing.
“God, yes,” he groaned, his raspy voice making you want to touch yourself as he eased into you. “You’re taking me so well, fitting me just right into your mouth, angel. I bet your velvety mouth was made for this, right? Just to take me like that.” He ran his thumb down your cheek, wiping away a tear of black makeup as he violently went at you.
You agreed, feeling drool on your chin as a few drops trickled down your arm. Lost in your senses, you watched him, taking note of his makeup-smudged eye; which was certainly better than yours right now and the veins in his neck that were tight in between his silent moans, within minutes your throat was being filled with his hot liquid as you swallowed every drop of it; or at least tried.
“Fuck,” he lamented, needing to get you out of him because it was becoming too much.
You took a few last licks at him, coughing a little as you felt your throat scratch for the lack of him as you tried to push away your blurred vision with your wrists.
“C’mere here, sweetheart,” his sweet voice welcomed you as he knelt in front of you, grabbing you in your arms and kissing your forehead, wiping your mouth with his hands. His arms tightened around you, pulling your face towards him, showering you with kisses, cheek, nose and then your mouth in an act so gentle that made the previous moment seem banal for both of you. “You’re such a lovely mess right now, love, but you did so great for me, I’m very proud of you.” He pecked your forehead, still trying to clean up more of the mess that was the makeup under your eyes.
“Proud enough that I can be repaid?!” You asked, giving him your best puppy eyes while holding his chin so he could be looking you right in the eye.
He bent over you, leaning your back gently on the icy ground, running his teeth over the sensitive skin of your neck and cheering you up. “Always babe, always.”
tagging: @pingpongchamps @oro-e-diamanti @marriedwithmarktuan @its-afucking-mess
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wendystales · 3 years
Memories - lrh (Chapter Thirteen)
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Memories (also on Wattpad)
Chapter Twelve ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ Chapter Fourteen
I position myself in the center of the panel, making the 104th pose that morning. Brandon guides me from one shot to the next, making everything easier.
Six makeups. Six hairstyles. Six changes of clothes, even though the focus was on my face. Why did I get into this?
The photo shoot was for a cosmetics brand, for which I was the cover girl. It wasn't a 7-headed bug, as I had been thinking all night, which resulted in an irritating insomnia. And even though I arrived shy and lost, when I saw my look all produced, I felt like a great hottie, which gave me the confidence to go to that studio and rock.
I was having fun, as Leah advised me. I threw my hair, made faces and danced. I shifted my attention between Brandon's camera and my cell phone, where Nico, one of the helpers, was filming behind the scenes and stirring up my social medias.
It's fun, but after the fourth change of clothes, I was exhausted. After all, that spotlight doesn't leave me and the light gets too hot.
“For you.” Nico hands me a pink lilies bouquet. I open a smile, confused.
The team that was with me today, the agency, the brand and my parents had already sent me some bouquets earlier today, congratulating me and celebrating my return to the fashion world. So whose would it be?
I hunt for the card, opening it in a rush. Nico rested his head on my shoulder, wanting to read along with me. The handwriting didn't make me doubt, they were Luke's.
“To make your day more beautiful.
Congratulations on your return.
Love, Hemmo.”
I open a smile completely shaken by that. I burst out laughing when I see under his name “and the rest of 5sos” written in a different hand.
I ask Nico to take a picture of me with the flowers and send it to him, who quickly responds with a Petunia figure with heart eyes. I know I need to drop the bouquet and go back to the photos, but it feels so difficult.
Finally, I leave the flowers to the dressing room and I focus myself. Brandon praises my goofy smile and begs me to keep it up.
I knew everyone wanted to come today and watch the photo shoot, but I begged so hard not to. If without anyone I was already terrified of, seeing everyone there, staring at me, I wouldn't leave the dressing room.
Leah and Kiki were at my house, getting ready for Ashton's birthday, and of course, to gossip. They were both super curious to know how my first shoot was and how I was feeling.
besides telling about work, I comment about Luke's flowers and, finally, I tell about yesterday's dreams that still haven't left my head, taking root in my mind, blooming when I least expect it and leaving me out of breath.
“Oh, you naughty one!” Hastings tosses me the pillow. "Are you going to tell him?" she sits up in bed.
“No! How do I tell this?” I question, not understanding.
“Luke, I remembered when we were like two pervert rabbits and we were always having sex in the corners. Simple.” Kiki shrugs, going back to making up her eyes.
“Kiki!" I reprimand her. I hide my face, laughing embarrassed. "We weren't like that…I think…were we?" I look quickly at both of them.
Kiki looks at Leah, holding back her laughter. The brunette stares at me in disbelief. Oh my God, we were! It takes time to sink in, because with Stephen, I avoided sex at all costs. It was so cold and awkward, that most of the time I was bruised and, in all cases, unfulfilled.
I remember the touch of the dream and how it felt so soft and intense, and so good. However, I still find it hard for me to have been so turned on that I started having sex everywhere.
“Are you sure?” I ask suspiciously.
"Oh, honey! I will have to tell you about my dad's birthday, have I?" Leah hugs me, making Kiki laugh.
"What about your father's birthday?" the same way I was feared of Luke when he started telling me about the day I threw up at his feet, I get with Leah.
“Well, it was my dad's 50th birthday. A big, big party and of course I invited all of you. We had just got back from Milan, you were away from Luke for a couple of weeks, so you’re kinda getting crazy by missing him.
"Make it crazy." Kiki comments.
“The plan was for us to arrive in the morning, you'd have time to see each other, and then in the evening we would go to the party. But our flight was delayed and you didn't have that time. So you decided to open the bathroom.” Leah gives a fake smile.
I took a few seconds to understand, and then I widen my eyes, wanting to sink into the ground. I can't believe we did this.
“Calm down! She didn’t told the best part”. Kiki leaves the bathroom, joining us.
“Oh, that's cool, is there a better part?” I look at them both desperately.
"Of course, there is a best part. Leah escorting you guys out of the bathroom" Kiki throws herself on the bed, laughing. “Oh God! Your faces were the best.”
“Was after that our friendship beat all the limits and you know, we got really close.” Leah smiles to me.
What was my problem? Oh Lord, I never, ever, in my all life, thought I'd give one of those. If anyone asked me, who would be most likely to do this, I would definitely say Leah, Kiki, and even Bethany, but I would never say my name.
What did Luke do to me?!
I look at my friends, shocked. They both start laughing, amused by my reaction. A few seconds later, I give up, starting to laugh too.
"Is there any other similar situation that I should know about?" I inquire with fear.
"Yes, but we don't have time right now." Kiki gets up from the bed, slapping my foot, asking me to get ready.
We turned on the music and continued to get ready. Leah goes down to the kitchen, returning with three beers. The subject changes and we start to gossip.
After hours of producing us, I come down wearing my silver sequin jacket, finding Leah with another beer in her hand.
“Well? Good? Great?” I take a stroll, showing off the leather pants and black tank top that valued my tattoo.
"I definitely would ask for your number!" she replies, making me smile.
"Do you think people will like it? I mean, isn’t that much?” I stop in a few poses while she watches me.
“Rephrase the question.” she leans against the table. I stare at her without understanding. “What you want to know is whether Luke will like it." I open my mouth a few times.
“Perhaps.” I answer softly. Hastings snorts, hiding her face.
“You two should pay for my therapy. Because it's not easy to take it.” she takes a deep breath.
I give a guilty smile. I head to the bar, grabbing a shot of tequila and flipping it quickly. I would find Luke in a few minutes and I still don't know how to face him. I close my eyes, letting the alcohol burn my throat and warm my body, along with the memories. The flashes come back to my mind, clear as water. I can hear the girls' voices again, telling them about Mr. Hastings' 50th birthday.
“Let's go?” Kiki's scream brings me back. Standing near the door, they wait for me to down another shot of tequila before we go.
Along the way, we took several photos, already moving our social medias. At the door of the restaurant, the swarm of paparazzi was already in place and as soon as we got off the car, they surrounded us. Hands and arms linked, the three of us entered, being saved by the huge walls that didn't let them see anything that happened inside.
We went to the back of the restaurant, in a more reserved space, where a long table took up half the back wall. Right away I spot Luke, laughing as he chats with Jack and another guy I don't recognize. I analyze your look, social pants and a black t-shirt.
How can someone look so beautiful, so simple?
I swallow hard when he notices our approach and looks directly at me. I look away, unable to hold on; the images screamed in my mind.
Irwin approaches, already quite excited, trying to hug the three of us at the same time. When Leah and Kiki go to greet the other guests, I calmly hug my best friend, congratulating him once more.
“Make yourself comfortable and behave” he leaves a kiss on my forehead, going to welcome other guests who have just arrived.
I turn in time to see Hemmings approaching, one glass in his hand and the other in his pants pocket. How? I hold my breath, giving a terrified smile. He opens his smile even more.
“Hey!” he says excitedly, close enough for me to hear. Those lips… what have they done… I close my eyes quickly, shutting my mind.
“Hey!” I answer awkwardly.
“How are you doing?” he hugged me, pressing a kiss to the corner of my mouth. I close my eyes again, feeling it radiate with amazing speed throughout my body. I let out a breath in a sigh. I manage to catch his eyes as he walks away, hiding a more mischievous smile.
“Well!” my cheeks catch fire and the jacket starts to bother me. "Thanks for the flowers earlier today." I thank, while Luke leads me to the bar. His hand firmly on my waist reminds me of that hotel room. I bite my lip, holding back the urge to bang my head on the counter. "A shot of tequila." I ask desperately.
Luke raises his eyebrows in surprise but says nothing. I turn it over without a single thought, asking for another one, just in case. The heat that spreads through my body is the result of three doses ingested. I take off my jacket and, through the bar mirrors, I see Luke shamelessly sweep my body.
“It was nothing!” he says after clearing his throat. "I'm glad you liked it. So, how was your first shoot?” he leans his elbow on the counter, propping his head on his hand, visually interested.
The effect of the alcohol starts to kick in, and so I feel lighter in his presence, not bothering with the memories between the two of us, nor the fanciful situations that my mind starts to create. I tell about the rehearsal and how fun it really was to do it. In the middle of the answer, I get enthusiastic, telling everything in minute detail. Luke looks at me smiling and interested, without interrupting me.
“I’m sorry!” I cover my eyes, laughing. “I'm talking too much.”
A few more people had already arrived, but the two of us were still there, sitting at the bar. The most interesting thing was, everyone who arrived didn't dare come here and interrupt us.
“No! I love hearing you talk.” he smiles before taking another sip of gin. I lower my gaze, totally ashamed.
"I think we'd better go sit down." I comment, seeing everyone settling into their chairs.
“Let's go?” he offers his hand, helping me off the stool. I hold into his arm, walking to the table. "Should I keep an eye on you today?" he laughs. I repress the urge to say yes, but that's not the answer to his question.
“No! I won't drink that much.” I press my lips together in a thin line, embarrassed by Ash's party.
We sat next to each other, with Calum and Noah in front of us. Luke leans his arm on the back of my chair and I'm not shy about getting close to him, even with everyone in our group staring at us curiously. We embarked on a lively conversation with everyone around us.
Michael rushes in and apologizes for being late, taking his seat next to Hemmings.
"Was she with her?" I hear Luke ask, taking my full attention.
“Yep!” Mike gives a shy smile.
“Who she?” I almost walk through the body of the australian beside me, wanting to get close to Mike.
“Nobody special.” he shrugs.
“Yeah! Go for it.” Hemmo lets go, laughing. Michael slaps him on the head.
“It's nobody special. Just a friend. I swear!" he closes the matter, but he doesn't convince me.
"I can't believe you didn't tell me about it." I whisper, complaining to the blonde at my side.
“Sorry, there was no time. Also, I didn't even know it could lead to anything.” he shrugs. I stare Luke, waiting him to continue, but he is easily distracted by the napkin holder. I slap his head like Mike. “Ouch! What was it?” he looks at me shocked.
“Tell me!” Luke turns to face me, rolling his eyes.
“Her name is Sophie. They met at a Fortnite stream. She beat him and he went to congratulate her on the match, so they started talking and apparently it’s hitting something.” Luke shrugs, finishing the story.
“This is so cute. I hope it works!” I see Michael laughing over Luke's shoulder. “Is she pretty?” I question.
“This is a dangerous question.” I look back at him, confused. "Is there a chance you slap me?" I laugh.
"No." I don't get why I would hit him for finding someone pretty.
“She is pretty!" I hit him. “Hey! You said I wouldn't be hitten.” he accuses me.
“Sorry, it's just funny.” I defend myself by laughing. Luke turns forward, annoyed. I wrap my arm around his, which were on the table and come closer, placing a kiss on his cheek. "Are you going to be mad at me?" I question laughing.
"And I can do it?" he turns to me. His eyes drop to my lips and mine to yours. It would be a perfect time for a kiss, but I don't feel comfortable with all these looks on us.
Hemmo seems to understand my internal battle and just leaves a kiss on my forehead. I open a grateful smile and once again guide my attention to the conversation between Noah and Brian.
After a couple of hours of eating and drinking. We started to spread out through space, forming several conversation circles. I was having a blast with everyone. We sing, dance and record videos that we'll definitely regret later.
After starting to eat, I stopped drinking alcohol, after all, trauma still reigns inside me. So I wouldn't feel like the only sober one at the party, Hemmings decided to join me, stopping drinking too.
Relieved, of course, is the word to describe this night with him. I thought it would be hard to look at it with everything I remembered, but it was so light and fun, I admit I freaked out over nothing. As usual!
All through dinner, I try not to pay too much attention to everyone's eyes on us. We simply could not do anything that someone just needed to die of love. Luke was amused, while I just wanted to sink into the ground.
Yes, I may have had a clue as to how much I feel about Luke, but I still want to take it easy. I want to be sure, and for that, I need to stop being afraid. I know he's been realizing how I've changed and I'm letting him get closer and closer.
Our kisses, touches and smiles. Everything is falling into place and the fact that he doesn't put pressure on me helps me a lot. I already totally trust him, it just makes stronger.
Considering it was easy to stay close to him, without letting the shame take me, I didn't pull him away for a second, because most of the time he pulled me along and I liked that. I like being close to him.
“One round. Just one round.” Jack pleads, hands clasped under his chest.
“No! I've had too much today.” Luke denies it again, making his friend fake a dramatic cry.
"You drank when you arrived. A beer and a shot of gin. That's nothing.”
“I'll drive later and I'm keeping Marnie company.” he squeezes me tighter to his chest.
"Can't you drink?" Jack looks at me confused.
“Of course I can, I just don't want to, you know, make a scene. Or something like that.” I shrug. Jack rolls his eyes, turning back to Luke.
“One round.” he begs, making me laugh.
The boys were preparing a round of Answer or Drink with 10 different types of drink. So, they played and still got drunk.
“No!” Luke responds with a laugh.
For a few seconds, I leave the two of them arguing and go to the table to get my coat. With the lack of alcohol, I start to feel the cold of the air conditioning. On my way to the table, a voice stops me.
“Look what a wonderful surprise.” I turn quickly, feeling all the blood freeze through my body. "What a coincidence, isn't it?" I watch his smirk, knowing what his presence there would do.
“What are you doing here, Stephen?” I take a breath deep, controlling the urge to fly at him. Just like I did with Pam.
It's the first time we've seen each other since the diary report and I couldn't feel more disgust and loathing.
“It's a public place, Lizzie, and don't worry, I didn't come chasing you. I'm with friends.” he points to a table. “I just came to say hello.”
“Don't call me Lizzie, you know I hate it and why don't you take your fake education and stick it in your…”
“What are you doing here?” Luke walks past me, coming face to face with Stephen. "I already told you to stay away from her."
Soon, all the boys approach, ready to intervene. I grab his arm, trying to keep him close to me.
“Let him.” I beg, not wanting it to explode in the middle of the restaurant.
“Calm down, Hemmings.” the name comes out acid and full of poison. “I just came to say hello to Lizzie.” he laughs, hands in his pockets. "Don't worry, I'm not kissing her."
I close my eyes, feeling that hit both of us. That's low, very low. Luke steps forward, taking me with him. Noah and Jack are already starting to put their hands between them. Ash, Mike and Calum begin to put their hands on their friend's shoulders, pulling him along.
“Do not worry. I'm not going to spend my time punching him. But I'll just say one thing, Stephen.” he uses the same acid tone to say his name. "In case you're still dumb enough not to understand. It’s over! What you and Marnie had is over! So stop coming after her, because she doesn't want anything to do with you. She is with me.”
His tone of voice and body postureme impress. I've never seen Luke like this, so nervous, holding back so he doesn't explode, the veins in his neck bulging, proving how much he's controlling himself. I tighten your arm more tightly around my body. I bring my hand down until it's entwined with his, deceptively hoping that it will calm him down and bring him back to me.
“Funny. Cause from what I heard, you guys broke up, didn't you? What? You couldn’t stood the cheat?” he laughs, like he's made a great joke.
I don't know if he intended to hit Luke again, but without realizing it the words hit me. My blood boils and the words written in my diary take shape in my mind. Damn imagination.
I let go of my hand, putting myself in front of Stephen, who takes a step back. His gaze, full of curiosity and mockery, fixes on me.
“That’s enough, Stephen! I don't care about you. Pretend I never called you, just like I was before the accident and disappear from my life. I know you cheated on me and I don't want this torment in my life anymore. Go away.” I let go of everything contained, trying not to fly off his neck.
"Are you really going to believe their bullshit?" Stephen crosses his arms.
“Nobody had to tell me. I remembered." I see his eyes lose their mocking sparkle and he lose confidence. It's a lie, but he don't need to know. “There are at least twenty people here and they all want to hit you, including me, who wouldn't mind breaking my cast on your head. So if you don't want to get out of here on a stretcher, get out!”
I take a step back, feeling my heart pound and trying my best to keep myself from crying. Luke's agitated breath pulses against my spine. I lean against him, feeling his hand intertwine with mine, squeezing it delicately. Amazing how I feel safer, just with that touch.
Stephen passes his eyes around everyone and walks away without saying anything else. When his body pulls away, I release all the air I didn't even know I was holding. The boys start telling us to go back to the table.
I turn, pulling Luke, who is still standing there, facing my ex, who is sitting at the table with a group of friends. He turns around, pulling me easily into his arms. His hands tighten around my waist and I feel him exhale against my neck, giving me goose bumps. I stroke the back of his neck, trying to calm him down and show him that everything is fine.
We walked back to the table, striving for the mood from before. Ashton orders his birthday cake and we ourselves lull into the music, excited, mocking Irwin. While we devoured the cake, no one broaches the subject and I thanks for that. I know Hemmings and I will probably talk about it, but I don't want to involve the guys in this.
Gossip reigns at the table again. The entire group is engaged in conversation about the most disastrous trips ever made, minus the blonde and me. I watch him with his jaw still set and his gaze filled with rage, fixed directly on Stephen, who is across the room, staring at me.
It's a cycle: Luke stares at Stephen, who stares at me, while I stare at Luke.
I feel terrible for making him go through all of this. My amnesia, our breakup, my ex's return. Lucas doesn't deserve any of this. I need to reward him, but how?
“Hey!” I whisper, resting my chin on his bicep, but he doesn't hear me. "I want to leave, will you take me?" I question, hoping to gain any sign of him.
He looks at me nonchalantly, then blinks back to reality. Luke stares at the bleached on the other side, wanting to see if he's still trying something. I drop a small kiss on his shoulder, gaining his attention again.
“Of course! Let's go?” I nod, getting up.
Nobody is opposed to our leaving, I believe as much because of what happened as because it was the two of us. We walked across the room hand in hand, and with me clutching his arm, just to make sure he didn't fly into someone.
But I need to remember that Luke is just as classy as I am. Not just for the fame or the spectacle it would be, but because he was brought up that way. Educated not to go into violence, even if there was someone on the other side who deserved to be slapped.
I'm scared by the frantic flashes that start to pop when they notice the two of us. I cling closer to Luke, who makes room for his car. The delay for the questions to start is just for them to reason that it was the two of us there, together, after announcing our break up.
I keep my head down, focused on his thumb moving up and down, stroking my skin. Luke opens the car door and I settle in, still feeling the flashbulbs burst above us.
With great difficulty, we got out of that sea of ​​people. We remained silent until we reached the intersection of the main lane that led to my house.
“Do you want to go home?” he asks, softly.
I can't identify any feelings in your voice. He is neutral, indifferent. Apart from the isolated fact, this night has been amazing and I don't want it to end, not in this mood.
“No!” I turn in the seat, facing him. "Isn't there anywhere I'd love to go? Or that we both went a lot?” for the first time, I see a glint run through his eyes.
“Yeah! In fact, there are two.” he cracks a smile, causing me to smile too.
Luke takes the other path, heading to some place I couldn't even imagine. The subject comes up between us and so the mood softens. As we talk, I list a number of places I've always liked in Los Angeles, wanting to guess where it would take me.
We turn onto Wilshire Boulevard and I guess where we're going. Hemmo parks his car near the Urban Light and I look forward to getting out of the car.
Before we exit the vehicle, he pulls two caps from the glove compartment, giving me a dark gray one. I look at that accessory, wondering if it was always mine, if we always wore it when we went out.
“Why am I not impressed that this would be the first place?” I question, holding his hand.
By the time, the sculpture was a little empty, with only a few couples taking pictures. Luke and I went unnoticed, walking between those huge poles.
We walked around, with me admiring those lighted poles. I've always liked this sculpture, I've always found it romantic because so many people are proposed here, and I love the lighting.
“Oh no!” I push Luke, finding your phone pointed at me.
"This one got blurry." he laments, pointing again.
“Luke!” I exclaim laughing. I try not to scream so as not to draw attention to both of us.
“Sorry about my behavior at the restaurant.” Hemmings says after a while, surprising me. I lean against a pole, watching him.
“Why are you apologizing?” I frown. Luke leans against the same post, shrugging.
"I didn't mean to spoil your night." he answers.
“You didn't! If there is one responsible, it is him! Stephen knows he shouldn't have shown up there.” I comfort him.
His blue eyes meet mine. I take a step toward him, standing on tiptoe, reaching for his lips, leaving a simple kiss there. Without pulling away completely, I see a goofy smile appear on his face, which also appears on mine.
"What's our second place?" I whisper, next to him.
“My bed.” he lets go.
“Lucas!” I push him away, laughing again. His laugh is contagious. If he knew about the memories…
“Just kidding." Uh-hm… "Ready to get full of sand?" he asks, holding out his hand.
“Always!” I grabbed, leaning my head on his arm as we made our way to the car.
Follow me on Twitter: aquela_wendy
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cosmicfurby · 3 years
okay gang it's that time of the day
oh yeah
it's time for a ✨fic update✨
i decided this afternoon that i really needed to finish writing the first chapter and so the gods delivered, because HABEMUS FIRST CHAPTER! i am going fully insane, this is the first time I've ever felt this good about something I've written, let alone a fic. it's around five pages long, full of typos and i love it with my soul because I'm writing for FUN and not for anyone's approval and it's GOOD on my book which is all that matters
so this may very well be the last update before the fic is actually published, which is exciting! the chapter is already written, all i have to do is add a couple details and improve the writing before it's ready to go out into the world. you know, what i call "polishing" the text. hopefully the final product is acceptable to my beloved audience *like three people clap*
as i have established before, the first episode is basically trucy and kay looking around in their attic and finding things related to ryuunosuke + the letter from kazuma i shared a post or two ago. basically, I'm setting the scene for the "now" part of the fanfic, which will take up much less than the "then part". i am still debating whether to put kazuma's letter before or after the actual episode, but I'm pretty sure it'll go before. still unsure about that though, I'll figure it out
if i actually get to work and manage to edit it well enough first try i might publish it tomorrow?? EXCITING TIMES i have to choose a good time of the day tho lmao time zones are A Mess
the main problems, or rather, questions to solve i have as of right now are as follows:
1. make sure the characterization of trucy isn't off and is more upbeat because i tend to make my narrators a bit stern and calm and trucy is not exactly like that
2. be careful with kay's characterization (i have not in fact played the investigations games but i hope i can do a decent job, she doesn't appear much but i do think she's a key player and it would suck for her to be a bore)
3. add a few elements i absolutely forgot and only remembered like. hours after I'd closed the document dw these things happen it'll be alright, i think narratively I've said everything i wanted to say on that episode
4. maybe, just maybe, i will add a bit of narration by ryunosuke in the end. i think it will be useful to help establish the three main narrative stages i have set up –letters, the now and the then– and it will be a good exercise on narrative tones. if i get fancy i might alternate between trucy and ryunosuke, though that might be a little whiplash-ey of me. i don't know, still thinking about that one
also! i may or may not have gone absolutely overboard and crafted a Spotify playlist with the music i listen to while i write 👉🏻👈🏻 i am just a little nerd with my little nerd soundtracks
as i said it's mostly soundtracks and instrumentals that have the right vibes ✨ this playlist has single handedly destroyed any semblance of normality my Spotify wrapped could've had but anyway you win some you lose some
that's all we've got for today's fic progress update! hopefully I can start publish as soon as possible this story has been with me for more than a month now and i can't wait to put everything into words. so that would be all ^^
"It was a collar pin in the shape of a spark.
unless you want a sneak peek.
do you want a sneak peeeeek? come on i know you do don't run away take the sneak peek take it take-
"It was a collar pin, shaped in the form of a little spark.
And spark something it did."
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Ocean Eyes - Part 10
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A/N- Another update??? What is going on??! hope you all enjoy this part 💕 Please like/share/reblog.
Within days of being back home from our weekend at Chris's the lockdown was announced and I spent a day packing up some of mine and Masons belongings that we might need while staying with Chris. While i was feeling very nervous about having to spend this time with Chris, Mason was over the moon! He was so excited that we had to go stay with Chris and Dodger.
Chris arrived early with Scott and they loaded our things into Chris's car.
"This is gonna be so much fun!" Scott said happily.
"Are you staying at Chris's too?"
"I am!"
"Oh god that means you're gonna be trying to get me drunk!"
"Well duh!" He laughed shrugging like it should have been a given.
"God help me you two are gonna be trouble" Chris said shaking his head as he helped Mason into his carseat.
"You knew what you were getting yourself into".
While Chris and Scott started bickering i turned and saw Brian coming out of his house, he stood and watched us and then started to walk towards us.
"Oh shit.... quick lets go, Brians coming over!"
"This guy!" Chris said through gritted teeth shaking his head and looking a little pissed off.
"Morning neighbour!" Brian called out, i turned and gave a quick wave.
"You and Mason leaving?"
"Yep, we're gonna ride this out with family" i nodded and felt Chris wrap his arm around my waist and pull me closer to him.
"Come on sweetheart we should go"
"Yeah sure, take care Brian"
"Wait, you look so familiar...." Brian suddenly said looking more closely at Chris "where have i seen you before?"
"I just have one of those faces, i get that a lot" Chris shrugged casually opening my door for me.
"Yeah maybe..... hey Y/N, i was thinking after this lockdown is over maybe you and i can get dinner...."
Was he serious right now??
"Dude really??!....." Chris snapped looking at Brian shaking his head.
Chris closed my door and stood towering over Brian as they exchanged words i could no longer hear. Chris was soon strutting round to the driver side of the car while Brian stood there looking pissed. I turned to look at Chris as he got into the car, he was fuming. He started the car and pulled away onto the road, his grip on the steering wheel so tight his knuckles went white.
"Hey, you okay?" I asked him quietly.
"I will be knowing you and Mason are away from that creep"
"What did you say to him?"
"We'll talk about it later, i don't want Mace to hear"
"Okay, but can you please try and calm down....."
"Im Fine"
"Tell your face that, plus you're kinda white knuckling the steering wheel there....."
"Sorry.... sorry. Im fine really...." he loosened his grip and gave me a tight lipped smile.
"Always so protective" Scott chuckled from the back seat earning him a glare in the rear view mirror.
"Scott i swear to god...."
"Come on boys behave, this lockdown hasn't even started yet and you're bickering"
"You sure you don't wanna go stay with Ma....." Chris muttered at Scott making us all laugh.
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The first week of lockdown quickly passed, there was no news on when the lockdown would let up so we were all just enjoying our time together.....It was just like old times. I called my mom and Hannah everyday just to check in and have some female conversation but other than that it was just me and the Evan's boys in our little quarantine bubble.
I was in the kitchen making breakfast when Chris walked in sporting a new haircut..... the buzzcut was back!
"Wow...... you've shaved your hair...."
"Yeah" he run his hand over his head blushing a little "fancied a change, its been a long time since i can just cut my hair when i want"
"Right, Marvel owned it before"
"You know i'm right" i shrugged "i always did like the buzzcut look though"
"Yeah i remember....." he smirked.
"Morning family!" Scott said loudly walking into the kitchen "What happened to your hair??"
"Fancied a change, plus now i haven't gotta worry about my hair everyday"
"You know that actually sounds kinda smart..... have you seen my bed head??"
"Kinda hard to miss Scotty" i snickered behind my hand looking at his hair that was sticking up left, right and centre.
"Maybe i should do it too"
"And me!" Mason said smiling big at us "i want hair like dads too!"
"Oh my god Chris what have you started..."
"No its fine, its only hair. It'll grow back right.... i guess now is as good a time as any for a haircut".
After breakfast Chris took Mason for his hair cut while i showered and dressed for the day. The next time i saw them all three were sporting buzzcuts and i had to admit it was very cute!
"Let me get a photo of you three, this is just too cute to pass up" i smiled grabbing my phone. I snapped a few photo's and forwarded them to Chris and Scott before setting one as my lock screen and slipping my phone back into my pocket.
"Oh my god i love this.... i'm gonna get this blown up and framed on my wall" Chris smiled looking at the photo.
"Let me get one of you three" Scott jumped up and pulled me towards the sofa where Chris and Mason still sat.
"Oh.... we dont have to do that....."
"Come on, it'll be nice to have at least one photo of the three of us" Chris said looking up at me with those damn ocean eyes of his that always made me week.
"Okay, sure" i nodded taking the seat next to Mason.
"Move in a bit closer....." Scott said trying to get us all in frame, we both leaned in closer to Mason and smiled while Scott took the photo.
"Oh i'm good..... this is great you guys" Scott said before both our phones were receiving photo's from Scott. I couldn't help the smile on my face when i saw how lovely the photo had come out.
"Okay you did good, i love this"
"This ones going up too by the way" Chris looked at me with a huge smile.
"You don't have to do that...."
"You kidding me? I want to"
"Fair enough, its your house. I just don't think your girlfriend will appreciate it much".
"Okay..... who wants lunch??" Scott asked loudly interrupting, it had suddenly got a bit awkward at the mention of Lindsey so i just got up quickly and followed Scott into the kitchen.
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Once Mason was in bed for the night the alcohol came out. We watched some old movie (that Chris found hilarious) played some card games which somehow led to childish drinking games and before we knew it we were all pretty wasted!
"Right you guys i'm going to bed, i physically can not drink anymore" Scott said getting to his feet and stumbling making Chris and I laugh.
"Dude you're such a lightweight" Chris rolled his eyes at his brother.
"Shut up. Goodnight.... love you both"
"Night Scotty, love you" i smiled up at him from where i was laying on sofa.
"Night bro, love ya".
Chris and I sat in silence for a few minutes, just the sounds on the TV playing in the background.
"You want another beer?" He asked getting up from the armchair he had been occupying all night.
"Sure, i'll have one more before bed".
While Chris went to grab the beers i sat and reached for my phone to make sure i hadn't missed any messages from my mom or Hannah. There was a photo from Hannah that made me laugh just as Chris walked back in with the beers.
"Hannah just sent me this photo..." i said to him turning my phone to show him a photo of Lucas who now had a buzzcut.
"Haha! Oh god i really started something didn't i?" He laughed looking a bit guilty.
"I sent her a photo of Mason's new haircut earlier, she said Lucas wouldn't shut up about wanting the same.... looks like he got his way"
"You gotta admit it looks cute though?"
"Yeah okay i'll give you that. Mason is like your little mini me, even more so than usual"
"He’s just missing the beard"
"I think we've still got some time until that happens" i laughed "you definitely have strong genes Evans.....that boy literally inherited none of my looks"
"No but he's got your attitude and sass"
"Im kidding.... mostly"
"Ass" i muttered shaking my head at him before taking a mouthful of my beer.
"He might look like me but his personality is all you sweetheart... he's an amazing kid"
"Yeah he is, id be lost without him"
"I kinda love having you both here" Chris added avoiding eye contact with me.
"Its been nice, just remember its not permanent...."
"I know, i know" he nodded quickly "you know when i came in and saw you laughing at your phone, my first thought was that it might've been Derek.... i hate that guy and i don't even know him" he scoffed "how sad is that?"
"I know, its none of my business who you date or whatever"
"You're right it is none of your business. But just for the record, there's nothing going on with Derek, we were gonna go for dinner before this lockdown stuff but i haven't spoken to him since"
"Can i ask you something?" I turned to face him, he looked up and nodded finally looking at me.
"Why isn't Lindsey here?"
"Why isn't Lindsey staying with you? I mean you guys are obviously serious if you came looking for that divorce but she isn't here....."
Chris looked away again coughing to clear his throat.... was he nervous??
"Lindsey isn't here because i ended it"
"What?... when?"
"When i found out i had a son. When i saw you again and realised anything i thought i felt for her was a lie"
"Are you fucking with me right now?"
"No. Im just being honest. Y/N, i know i fucked up when i ended things with us.... it was the biggest mistake of my life and i regret it everyday.... but i never stopped loving you. Not for one god damn second...."
I suddenly felt very sober, my heart pounding in my chest.
“You’re just saying this because you’ve had too much to drink...” i muttered shaking my head.
“You’re probably right, doesn’t mean its not true. Ive just been keeping it to myself” Chris suddenly got up and came to sit next me taking hold of my hand “i know my timings sucks but i just needed you to know..... and i just need to know if there is any chance at all that you’d give me another chance.....”
“Chris i really don’t think now is a good time to talk about this.... we’ve both had too much to drink..... if you’re serious about this i think we need to have this conversation sober”
“But you’re willing to have that conversation?”
“We’ll talk about it tomorrow” i nodded pulling my hand free and standing up “i’m gonna go to bed.... goodnight”.
I had to put some distance between us before i did something id regret in the morning.
It was safe to say i wouldn’t be getting much sleep tonight.
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit @rynabarnesrogers-reading @rainbowkisses31 @rororo06 @supernaturalwintersoldier @fairlightswiftly @hiddelstannerbarnes
Ocean eyes: @supraveng @michelehansel @melissaglenn5 @denisemarieangelina
@mrsjeffwittek @mery-be @marvelfansworld @cmalass @capstopavenger @fallenoutofrose @kelbabyblue @biebsmylife95 @loser-alert @traceyaudette @w3lissax @jennmurawski13 @ford66steal @saiyanprincessswanie @christocrave
@jakiki94 @torntaltos @buchanansebba
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remywrites5 · 5 years
Hey there! I really love your fics, and ficlets, they brighten my day every time I read or re- read one! I'm sort of having a rough day, and I went through all your wolfstar, because wolfstar is one of my favourites, and then I really got into spideypool, but it seems I can't find that many good fics out there! Is there any chance you could write something where peter gets kidnapped because he photographed something he shouldn't? Only if you have free time of course!
I’m sorry you were having a tough day! Again this ask is from forever ago but I hope all is well. Thanks for you prompt! 
 This was just…well…humiliating was the word that came to mind. Peter had been kidnapped –or abducted seemed more appropriate because he wasn’t a child no matter what Mr. Stark said. It wasn’t his fault that these big, muscle-y guys had jumped him as Peter. He couldn’t exactly fight them off without giving away his secret identity. It’s not like mild-mannered Peter Parker could fight off five guys.
           He had a feeling he knew exactly what this was about too. He’d been snooping around Oscorp and had taken some pictures of them doing human testing for some new kind of drug that appeared to be some kind aggression hormone based on the way the subjects freaked out. That was all the world needed, more Hulks. He’d hadn’t had a chance to sell the pictures to the Daily Bugle yet because Jamison was a grade A asshole who had chosen to haggle with Peter over the price.
           Now he was chained to a chair and he probably could have busted out of them if he’d given it his whole strength but again Peter Parker can’t break out of chains. So Peter sat stewing in a ball of frustration when he heard gunshots. His eyes widened and he wondered if he was going to have to blow his secret identity just to not get shot in the fucking head by whoever was coming.
           He was just about to break the chains when the door swung open and in strolled Deadpool. “You coulda had a bad bitch! Noncommittal!”
           Peter groaned and shook his head. If the Avengers found out he was rescued by Deadpool, of all people, he would never live it down. The only saving grace was that Deadpool didn’t know Peter’s secret identity.
           “Oooh!” Wade said, holstering his guns. “I must have walked into the pantry because I just found me a snack!”
           Peter rolled his eyes. “A little help, please?”
           Wade cocked his head to the side. “Say, aren’t you the guy who takes pictures of Spider-man? Do you know him? Can you get me an autograph?”
           “Why would I know him just because I take pictures of him?” Peter asked, shuffling uncomfortably in his seat. “Do you think everyone that works for US Weekly knows Taylor Swift?”
           “You’re my looooover!” Wade sang out.
           “Can we focus?” Peter asked impatiently. Although he knew Deadpool had a thing for leaving a stack of bodies in his wake, he didn’t want to chance that someone might come along.
           “Right, right, more helping, less talking,” Wade said, going over and inspecting the chains. “I need a key. Hold on, I think I killed a guy with some down the hallway. Don’t go anywhere, sexy!”
           “Where am I meant to go?” Peter growled after him in frustration.
           He sat there with Taylor Swift stuck in his head while he waited for Wade to return and rescue him. This pretending to be helpless thing was the worst. He was about to just break the chains and claim a rat ate them when Deadpool reappeared. “Fancy meeting you here!”
           “What are you even doing here, anyway?” Peter asked as Wade unlocked the chains. “I doubt you came here just to save me.”
           “I mean, if I had known a cutie like you was in peril I would have done this job pro-bono, but Justin Hammer paid me a lot of dineros to sneak in here and steal some science-y information, and also kill a bunch of people. But, since you’re here and I’m here and I’m about to be filthy rich, why don’t you and I do dinner?”
           Peter shot Wade an absolutely baffled expression. “Does this really seem like the time to be asking me out?”
           “No time like the present, baby boy,” Wade said with a shrug. “I don’t wanna wait for our lives to be over!”
           “Please for the love of god, stop singing,” Peter begged, looking up and down the hallway to try and figure out where his camera might be stashed. He supposed he would just have to go room by room, which would be much quicker if he could lose Deadpool and go about it as Spider-man.
           “Not a fan of the creek, huh?” Wade asked, following Peter as he took a left and began opening doors one after the other. “How do you feel about Golden Girls?”
           “Wade,” Peter said, walking over and putting his hand over Wade’s mouth. “Is there anyone alive left on this ship?”
           Wade shook his head no.
           Peter groaned. “Shit! This is going to take forever to find my camera.”
           “I saw a camera!” Wade said as soon as Peter removed his hand and began his search again. “Come with me!”
           Wade grabbed Peter and hauled him over his shoulder, carrying him like a sack of potatoes. “I can walk you know!” Peter said, huffing indignantly.
           “I know,” Wade said with a grin that stretched his mask. “I just wanted a close up look at that ass. Do you do yoga? Pilates? It’s fairly toned for such a nerd.”
           “Wade?” Peter said as evenly as he could.
           “Get your hand off my ass.”
           Once he got back to his apartment, Peter posted the pictures on the internet for free, not wanting the hassle of fighting with Jamison over them. At least the word would get out about what Oscorp was doing. More than anything, Peter just wanted to put the whole ordeal behind him.
           Which was extremely difficult to do considering Deadpool was currently breaking into his apartment through the window, and making a fuck ton of noise while he was at it.
           ‘Hey Petey!” Wade said, tumbling into Peter’s bedroom.
           Peter watched Wade scramble to his feet. “So you found out my name, huh?”
           “Yup!” Wade said, strutting around the room like he was proud of himself. He wasn’t in his full Deadpool gear, just sweatpants and a hoodie with his Deadpool mask.
           “And you’re here because��” Peter gestured for Wade to fill in the blanks because Peter really had no clue.
           “I’m your new bodyguard!” Wade said, puffing up his chest. “And don’t worry, I know you’re a struggling college kid, so you’ll only have to pay me in food. Or kisses. Whichever one you prefer.”
           “Why do I need a bodyguard?” Peter asked, watching Wade walk about his room and rifle through his stuff.
           “Word on the street is that Norman Osborne is pissed about the pictures you took and posted online,” Wade explained, holding up a pair of Peter’s underwear that had Cap’s shield on them. Peter jumped up and shoved them back in the drawer before closing it forcefully. “So I’m here to offer my services.”
           Peter chewed his bottom lip thoughtfully. If Osborne was gunning for him then it might not be a bad idea to have some backup. Getting abducted had been really stupid and at least with Deadpool around the chances of that happening were significantly decreased.
           “Fine,” Peter said, holding his hand out to Wade. “You’re hired.”
           “Oh Petey!” Wade said, ignoring his hand and pulling him into a bear hug. “You won’t regret this!”
           Peter doubted that very much.
           It had been three weeks of round the clock Deadpool and nothing had happened. No attacks, no retribution, no nothing. The worst part of all was that Peter was kind of starting to…like Wade? Having him around wasn’t quite as annoying as he had thought. It was actually nice to have some company for once and despite what he had said, Wade was the one who provided the food most of the time. He did mention the kissing more than a few times but it obviously never amounted to anything.
           Which is why Peter really hated what he was about to do. “There was no threat against my life, was there?” he asked, already having a feeling about the answer.
           Wade looked around for a moment to avoid answering the question and then slumped down. “No,” he grumbled.
           Peter huffed and crossed his arms over his chest. “Well, I mean, I’m relieved but why did you lie?”
           Wade shrugged. “I wanted a reason to see you again.”
           Peter laughed. “We could have just hung out, Wade, you didn’t have to make me fear for my life.”
           “People don’t really hang out with me if they can help it,” Wade informed him unhappily.
           Peter figured that was probably true. He thought about all the times he had blown Wade off as Spider-man, declining his offers of epic team ups. Maybe Wade had a point and it was kind of hard for Peter to stay mad at him.
           “Hey Wade,” Peter said, scooting closer to him. “You can come over whenever you want. Just no more busting in on me in the shower, okay?”
           “I had to make sure you were safe!”
           “We just established that I wasn’t in danger!”
           “Better safe than sorry, Petey.”
           Peter was a little offended when Deadpool kissed Spider-man, which made no fucking sense because he was Spider-man. But Wade didn’t know that and something about that hurt. Like Wade was cheating on him with him, and the whole thing made Peter’s head hurt.
           Peter had texted Deadpool for help patrolling the city one night, wanting to see Wade and figuring he could make up excuses to see him. It only seemed fair. They’d stopped a bodega from getting robbed and a purse snatcher. It hadn’t been the most exciting night but it had been fun. When they sat down on a roof to eat their hard earned tacos, Wade had pounced the moment Peter had rolled his mask up.
           Peter found himself flat on his back on the roof with Wade’s tongue slipping into his mouth. He would have enjoyed it if he hadn’t been so offended on behalf of his alter-ego.
           “Mm, Petey,” Wade murmured, sucking on Peter’s lower lip.
           “Wait,” Peter said, shoving Wade off of him. “You know?”
           “Puh-lease,” Wade said, rolling his eyes. “Like I wouldn’t recognize that Spider-man and the guy I’ve been spending all my time with lately are the same? Not to mention that ass.”
           “Oh,” Peter said dumbly, propping himself up on his elbows. “Well, that’s okay then.”
           “So we can go back to the kissing part, then?” Wade asked, crawling back over Peter. “I mean you do owe me for three weeks of service.”
           “You didn’t do anything!”
           “I protected your sweet ass, Petey,” Wade said, nipping at Peter’s chin. “Made sure it wasn’t violated by nefarious persons unknown.”
           “The only nefarious person my ass was in danger from was you,” Peter quipped, capturing Wade’s lips again.
           “Mm,” Wade hummed, cupping Peter’s face in his hands. “I’ll violate that ass any time, baby boy.”
           “If I let you do that I’m pretty sure that makes me a prostitute,” Peter said, laughing softly. “Selling my body for good and services.”
           “It worked for Julia Roberts.”
           “Are you going to scale a fire escape with some flowers and profess your love to me?”
           “Any time, any place, you just name the day, Petey.”
           “White limo too, or it doesn’t count,” Peter teased, wrapping his legs around Wade.
           “Obviously,” Wade said, kissing Peter breathless. After several moments he pulled back. “Although I think our story is more like The Bodyguard.”
           Peter laughed. “I’ve never seen it.”
           “What??” Wade shook his head. “Whitney Huston? Kevin Costner. And I-I-I will always loooove youuuu.”
           Peter grinned. “Wanna go home and not watch it while we make-out on my couch?”
           Wade matched his smile and then stole Peter’s breath away with another kiss. “I fucking love you.”
           “Love you too,” Peter said, pressing kisses against Wade’s scarred cheek. “I don’t know if I ever said it but thanks for rescuing me.”
           “And you rescued me right back.”
           “Nice Pretty Woman call back.”
           “It’s what I do, Petey.”
           Peter gently pushed Wade off of him and grabbed the bag of tacos. He put his arm around Wade’s waist and held him close. “Come on, let’s go home.” Peter shot out a web to the building across the street and took of swinging in the direction of his apartment with Wade signing “Rewrite the Stars from the Greatest Showman in his ear the entire time.
           Peter couldn’t even find it in him to mind it all that much.
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onebangtanstan · 4 years
Power Style - Chapter Seven : The shooting
I wake up before my alarm. I'm way too excited for today. The hard work I put in these last few days is finally going to come to life before my eyes.
I have quite some time before I have to be at the shoot, so I lay in bed for a bit, scrolling on my phone. I go through social media and I obviously see pictures of BTS. It's weird to think that I know them now.
As I head to my kitchen, my phone rings. It's too early for this but I pick up anyway.
« Hello? » I ask, not knowing the number that's calling.
« Hiiii! I'm so excited for today, I couldn't sleep so I figured I'd call you! Fancy some coffee? »
I recognize Hoseok's voice, and it made me realize I completely forgot to add their numbers to my contact list.
« Um.. sure why not! I'm not ready though »
« No problem! I'll give you some time to get ready, and pick you up in.. let's see.. half an hour? »
« Perfect! I'll send you my address »
We hang up and I immediately type in my address while walking to my bathroom. I hop in the shower, and enjoy the hot water waking up my body. I head to my wardrobe, leaving a trail of wet footprints on the floor.
I make my mind up about my outfit rather quickly. I'm going to be standing up all day, so flats for sure. I go for a simple jeans and t-shirt, which is probably what I'll be wearing all week.
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I head back to the bathroom, put on just a bit of makeup to look fresh. While I'm finishing up, Hoseok sends me a text. « Here in 5 »
Just enough time to put my coat on and head out the door.
He jumps in my arms as I get to him. I really love his energy. He's dressed very casually, no makeup on, he obviously knows how today is going to go.
We get in the car, and he talks about how happy he is to do this collaboration. He loves fashion (and it shows) but he really enjoys partnerships, shootings and all that goes with it.
We head to Starbucks, not wanting to think too much about what to drink.
I have a simple latte, so does he.
We sit down for a bit and he asks me about the ideas behind the shoot.
« I love it! It's gonna be so cool! »
I'm glad he likes it! I hope the others feel the same way too.
We head back to the car that drives straight to the shoot.
As soon as we get there, I get into Director mode.
« Ok, Hoseok, let's get your makeup done, we'll then get you dressed and we can start the shoot.»
He gets very professional too, simply nodding at what I say and heads to the makeup station.
I take the opportunity to fix last minute details regarding the visual.
About an hour later everyone is ready to start shooting. We take a few pictures with the first look, and do a part of the video. He changes to his second look and we keep going.
We're all getting hungry at this point, but he stays extremely professional. I can tell thats he's getting tired but he keeps going. He moves the way he's told to, and does what he has to do.
It's 1 pm and we're about to stop for the day. Hoseok is now messing around with the collection, kind of done being serious.
He's walking around with a shoe on his head. It actually looks good.
« Hoseok, could you go back to the set? I wanna try one last thing »
He obeys and starts being serious again.
« No, keep going, put the shoe back on your head. » I indicate to him.
He does as I say, and I tell the photographer to shoot. It looks amazing.
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« Thanks Hoseok, I think we have everything we need. Thanks everyone, let's call it a day! »
I let everyone one go for today, afternoons will be meant for editing the day's pictures. It's the only way we can work this out.
Hoseok is back in his normal clothes now, with a packet of doritos in his hands. He comes towards.
« How did I do? » He asks
« You were amazing Hoseok, thank you for being so professional »
« Please call me Hobi, we're past first-names. »
« Hobi » I smile at him.
« Wanna go for lunch? » He asks enthusiastically
« Yeah sure! I just need to wrap a few things up here. »
I go to my team to give them instructions for the rest of the day. They're meant to send me everything as soon as it's edited.
Hobi and I spend the rest of the day together. We go for lunch then shopping, and we really have a fun time together.
I decide to go home, knowing I still have work to do, and need to rest for tomorrow. We set up a dinner date for after the shooting is over.
I get home and look at the results of today's work. It's perfect. I work for a couple of hours, before going to bed.
While I'm starting to fall asleep, I get a text from Hobi. « By the way! Have fun with Jin tomorrow! 😉 »
I can't help but smile.
I wake up in a hurry. I can't wait for this to be over, I'm exhausted already.
I rush to the set, grabbing some coffee on the way. Jin there already, getting his makeup done. Thank God my team knows what to do.
He sees me walk in, and immediately says
« There she is! WorldWide Cutie Girl! »
« Hi Jin! » I say back, lightly blushing.
« You look beautiful today! »
I thank him with a head bow and get to work.
Everything is already set up from yesterday, we just need to adjust a few lightings.
We start the shoot, and Jin looks very good. I mean, VERY good. The way he looks on picture is so far from his personnality, but I like it. He brings his spark to the shoot as well, joking around and being goofy, but getting the job done nonetheless.
We get through the shoot seamlessly, the different looks all looking great on him.
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I start packing my things up and getting ready to leave when Jin walks towards me.
« Are you leaving? »
« Yes, I have to get home and keep working on the campaign.. We have so much to do in such little time. »
« I see. » His energy is completely different. I feel intimated by him right now. He's taller than me and is standing very close to me. I have to look up to see him. « Could I at least offer you a ride home? » He's looking at me with a look that I can't describe. I think I see anticipation, and maybe lust?
I swallow before answering, feeling a tingling in my stomach « Sure, thank you. »
We sit in the car in silence. I don't get why I'm feeling this way. There's a clear tension in the car, and neither of us can figure out how to break it.
We arrive at my place, I thank him again and head up to my apartment.
I start working again and lose track of time. My intercom rings, bringing me back to the real world. I look at the time. Shit 8pm! Where did the day go? I realize I haven't eaten anything while I walk to my door.
« Who is it? » As I say that, the video turns on, and I see Jin.
« Pizza delivery » he answers.
I'm kind of surprised but I'm not sure if it's in a good or a bad way. I let him up anyway.
I open my door as he comes out of the elevator.
« I hope you don't mind, I figured you were very busy and would enjoy some food. I can give it to you and leave if you want. »
I'm touched by the reason he's here.
« Please don't be silly, come on in. » I move to the side to let him in.
I feel very conscious of my home as he walks in. Tae mentioned that he lives in the fancy part of Seoul, and given BTS's success, his home is probably as luxurious as Tae and Yoongi's.
He walks in and looks around him, setting the pizzas down on the kitchen counter. I don't know how to act. He looks so small in here.
I live in a 50 m2 apartment. The kitchen and living room are both in the same room, but unlike at Tae and Yoongi's place, there's no separation between them. The couch is almost in the kitchen, and I most definitely don't have space for a dining table. I still feel very comfortable in this apartment. It's the first one I've owned by myself, and I've made it my own safe space.
"Your home is lovely" Jin says "It ressembles you" He's now looking at me with a smile.
I can't help but look at the ground. I mumble a "Thank you". I feel ashamed in front of this huge megastar. I'm standing in my little home, wearing my pyjamas. I feel like a little girl, not the Director of his next partnership.
He notices my discomfort. "Are you hungry?" He heads to the kitchen as he speaks, and looks for plates. I go to help him, I'm not sure I want him opening every cabinet.
We head to the couch and start eating. We opened a bottle of wine I had stored in the fridge. We're just siting and talking about a lot of things but nothing personal. I think he feels like I don't want to go there.
As I'm laughing at one of his jokes, I feel his glare on me. My giggling stops slowly as I look down to my almost empty glass. He brushes off a loose strand of hair from my face.
"You are beautiful, Gina" I look up at him as he says those words. He has the same look in his eyes as he did today. I sense the lust now, I'm sure of it.
My stomach starts tightening up, while I keep looking him in the eyes. The only thing I notice right now is the way he's looking at me right now, and our knees barely touching.
He breaks the gaze and stutters "Um..I..um" He clears his throat before going on "I'd better get going, you have a long today tomorrow again"
"Uh yeah sure" I'm still shaken about what just happened. "Thank you for the pizza." I start to stand up as I speak
"My pleasure. No, please stay where you are. I'll let myself out" He takes my hand and kisses it goodbye "You have a good night, Gina"
He's gone. I'm left with my thoughts about this evening. I'm not sure if it's the wine or Jin, but I feel very light.
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johnmarstoned · 5 years
Request for shameless smut but fluff with Arthur and a fem!reader? Like she comes back to camp after a mission and he just takes her away so he can have full privacy and do whatever they want? I'm a thirsty bitch sorry 😅
My blog is a safe space for thirsty bitches, trust me. 
(and jesus christ i’m sorry i’m allergic to being like… brief… i always get carried away)
There’s nothing like riding back into camp with a sack full of money on the back of your horse, getting cheered by the camp and a pat on the head from Dutch.
It had been my mission, hitting a caravan of a few coaches heading from Saint Denis to Rhodes and carrying a bunch of rich folk in them, and it had gone smooth as can be. I’m red faced, excited and still pumping with adrenaline when I arrive back with Lenny, Sean and John, still surprised we’d made such a good team, being the young ones of the group. It had been quite a take, and no one had got too badly hurt, either.
But it had meant a few days away from camp, staking out the route and the people they’d be robbing, spending a little time in Saint Denis and a little camped out in the Bayou (which I truly hated and will not do again for a million dollars).
So we ride back into Clemens Point that evening triumphant and pleased with ourselves.
“That is what I like to see.” Dutch claps my back when I drop off his share of the cash at his tent, and I smile and appreciate the kudos I get from the rest of the gang too. “Calls for a celebration, don’t you think? Mr Pearson! Hand round some bottles of whiskey, would you?”
“Of course!” He calls.
“Molly, put a record on, my dear.” He instructs, and my eyes are already scanning the group for the only person whose attention I really want, not spotting him.
“You gotta bring me along next time.” Karen catches me by the arm and presses a bottle into my hands. “Sounds like fun, and I lord knows I wouldn’t mind that kinda cash.”
“Sure, Karen, have you seen-”
“Did you see that fuckin’ toff try and get me mouth when I told him to empty his pockets?” Sean puts his arm over my shoulder, still hyped up, and guides me over to the fire with him where people are already singing and chugging. “Gave him a right ol’ bust lip, I did.”
“I saw it, Sean.” I say, slightly impatient, because why hasn’t he come to see me yet? I stand on my tiptoes and try to look over to his tent.
“Arthur’s up the way a bit fishin’.” Abigail holds my elbow to catch my attention, and I sigh and smile gratefully at her knowing expression.
“Thank you.” I say and squeeze her arm. “Was starting to think he’d lost interest.”
“Oh, never.” Abigail chuckles. “He won’t be best happy he wasn’t here to welcome you back.”
Relieved, I slip away from the merriment to where I know he’ll be, just outside of camp down by the shore. It’s best to fish at this time of the evening, and I know he does it when I’m out on the job, keeps him calm, he says.
I spot him just ahead of me quickly, back to me, broad shouldered and tall, horse beside him, and I take a little breath, because it’s always so sweet to come back to him.
“Caught anything?” I ask, and sidle up to him, he turns when he hears my voice, and I see his chest fall in a breath that looks like relief.
“Someone was supposed to come get me when you got back.” He says, and spools up his fishing rod, closing it and replacing it in his pack.
“Well, I’m back.” I shrug as he approaches me, and he puts his hands on my shoulders before he’ll hold me properly, giving me a once over.
“It all go okay?” He asks.
“Anyone die?”
“You hurt?”
“Not a scratch.”
It’s the same conversation, the same routine every time I get done with a mission.
“There’s blood on ya.” He swipes his thumb across my chin, and I remember I had felt a little fleck there before.
“Not mine.” I shrug. “Mouthy bastard didn’t wanna part with his pocket watch.”
He smiles at me a little then, his eyes crinkle with it, and he takes my waist and kisses me good and thorough, and I sigh into his mouth and hold his arms. “That’s my girl.” He murmurs against my lips.
I never get tired of hearing him say that.
“Missed you.” I tell him, holding him tight as he loops his arms around my waist and pulls me to him so he can bury his face in my neck and press little kisses there. He’s soft, for one so big and tough, and I can’t help but smile knowing I’m the only one that gets to see that.
“Missed you too, sweetheart, somethin’ awful.”
I can’t help but tease him. “That why I can feel something other than your cattleman poking at me?”
He huffs out a little chuckle against my neck and pulls back to look at me.
“S’been a while, for us, anyway.”
“I know, trust me.” And it has, I’m already feeling starved of his body on me and in me. “Let’s go back to my tent, there’s a party but we can be quiet.” I take his hand and tug him away from the shore, but he doesn’t move, pulling me back.
“Don’t wanna be quiet.” He says simply, looking at me in that way that makes me shiver.
“Me neither, but we don’t have much of a choice.”
He looks at me for a moment like he’s considering something, then up at his horse.
“You got another ride in you?”
I cock my head, wondering what he’s getting at.
“Depends where to.”
“Saint Denis.” He says, and pulls me a little closer to him again. “That fancy ol’ room above the saloon with proper silk sheets, specifically.”
I shudder to think of it, four walls and a roof, a locked door, a big bed, with Arthur.
“Oh, I’m sure I can manage that ride.”
And he wastes no time getting up on his horse and helping me on behind him, and I giggle at the fast pace he sets, booking it through the more unsettling parts of the swamps given that it’s getting dark. I just hold onto his sides, and let myself feel hot with anticipation at what’s about to happen.
It’s completely night by the time we get into the city and inside the saloon, so it’s busy, lively, and boozy, and nobody really looks twice at me in my dirty trousers and battered shirt, sweating a little from the journey and eagerly waiting for Arthur to pay for the room.
Soon as that door closes, he has me up against it, kissing me deep and with tongue, this time, catching me round the backside to hitch my legs around his waist, so I can feel his erection pressing insistently against me.
Usually, I’d want a wash first, but it feels about right for me to be still a little dirty and sweaty, like I’m celebrating my victory in this post primal way I can, like some kind of warrior returning from battle.
Arthur’s strength never fails to turn me on so incredibly, holding me there with his thighs like I weigh nothing to him, and ripping open my shirt so buttons spray across the room so he can kiss and lick at my breasts like he hasn’t seen them so many times before. All I can do is moan delightedly, feeling a pulse between my legs, and hold onto his head.
“Goddamn beautiful.” He mumbles, and sets me down on my feet, to untuck my ruined shirt the rest of the way and get it off my arms. I take the initiative when he does, pulling off his neckerchief and unfastening his shirt buttons with haste so I can feel the skin of his stomach and chest. All thick muscle and boundless strength.
And I’m getting excited, and breathless, so I don’t bother pushing his shirt off, instead unsnapping the clips of his suspenders, and working on getting his trousers open so I can finally get my hand around that cock I’ve been thinking about for days. He hisses a breath through his teeth when I stroke him, and I watch is face close, tongue between my teeth, when I move my hand up and down on him.
“You might wanna stop that.” He says, voice rough as he gently catches my wrist and moves it away. “Ain’t gonna last long with you lookin’ at me like that.”
I smile to myself, ears humming already with excitement, and push his shoulder a little to get him to sit down on the bed. He smiles up at me from there, hands flexing on his knees, he watches me peel off my saddle pants, and my underthings, until I’m naked in front of him.
“You’re somethin’…” He says, and his hands round my ass and pull me to stand right in front of him. He presses kisses down my stomach and bends to kiss the hair between my legs too.
“I’m ready for you, Arthur.” I say, breathy, and he smirks up at me just a little, eyes sparkling in the candlelight, and reaches his hands between my legs to feel for himself, slipping a finger between my folds and finding me slick.
“God, that for me?” He asks it with a tone half teasing, half in genuine disbelief. I’ve never met a man more blind to his own beauty in my life.
“Always.” I bend down to pull off his boots for him, his hands running over my body wherever they can reach, and then his pants follow, which I drop on the ground with the rest of our clothes. When he’s finally naked, I sit on his broad thighs and kiss him again, never wanting to detach from his mouth.
He lays me down on the bed, head on the pillow, and I can’t believe how soft and luscious the sheets feel against my skin, especially compared to the wools and furs we usually sleep under.
“I missed you on top of me.” I sigh and hitch a leg around his hip. “Wish you could be inside of me all the time.”
“Christ.” Arthur groans at that, and positions the tip of his cock at my entrance. I can feel it slick and weeping already, and he plants his elbows under my armpits and lets me hold onto his thick biceps before he pushes inside me, all the way to the hilt.
“Ah! Mmm, yes, Arthur.” I whimper, feeling so hot and fulfilled and relieved to have him fill me up.
It makes me reconsider everything, when we do this, when he moans aloud and furrows his brow as he pushes in and out of me, makes me think I could be a wife and a mother, and take care of a homestead, as long as I had him coming home and doing this to me every night, as long as I had him smiling at me and calling me his girl.
My fingers dig into his skin as he fucks me, both vocalising our enjoyment as much as we want without fear of one of the gang wolf-whistling and shaking the canvas. The bed is creaking under the motion, the sound of skin hitting skin cuts through the room, and my noises of pleasure reach a fever pitch when he puts a hand on the headboard and cants my hips up further so he can pound into me as hard as he can.
“Ohhh, goddamn, Arthur.” My eyes shut, and I hear him make a grunt of effort.
“You feel like a dream.” He murmurs, his voice rumbles through me. “Feel like nothin’ else, sweetheart.”
I can’t vocalise a response, because one of his hands holding my hips moves down so he can thumb my clit as he moves inside of me, and that’s it, I’m done. With an almost shout, my back bows and my orgasm rattles through me suddenly, electrifyingly, making my heel dig into his thigh and my nails scratch his arm.
“Arthur…” I whimper, riding it out, and wriggling while his hands hold me still and he doesn’t let up his pace, sounding like he’s enjoying it as much as I am.
“Yes, just like that, girl.” And that term of endearment shakes me again, gasping as I open my eyes to watch him duck his head, that expression on his face that tells me he’s going to come soon.
“Give it to me, Arthur.” I hold his face and pull him down to kiss me, pushing my tongue into his mouth. “I love you so much.”
And that does it, he makes a rough noise that comes from his chest, and pushes inside me deep when he comes. He kisses me desperately, and his hips move just a little as he gives me everything he has and the muscles of his stomach jump with it. I hold him tight to me through it, feeling the bone deep desire to have him fill me with his spend, knowing it’s foolish when we live like we do.
“Shit.” He curses when it’s finally over, panting against me and dropping his weight onto me a little. And lord, he’s heavy.
It’s nice though, the press of his sweaty skin against mine and even the feel of him softening inside me before he pulls out with a hitched breath and drops onto his back.
Bones feeling like jelly, I finally close my knees and curl up to his side, resting my chin on his chest. He pulls me up to him and holds my lower back, fingers drawing little circles there. I’m still pulsing with aftershocks between my legs, and I can’t help but look at his cock, big and thick, half hard, resting on his stomach. He is something else. 
“We don’t have to go back to camp yet, do we?” I ask, and peck his skin.
“Paid for the night.” He says, still stroking me languidly. “Plan to get our money’s worth.”
“Good.” I smile, and reluctantly slip away from him. “I’m gonna have to ask one of the working girls to draw me a bath though, before I do anything else.”
He nods, and watches me slip off the bed and stretch out my arms, taking in my body.
“Love you too, by the way.” He refers back to me saying it before, hand resting across his stomach and looking like he should be painted. “You know that.”
“I do.” I tell him, because he never lets me doubt it for a second.
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x-useobwa-x · 6 years
༄ Swipe, baby! | Part 10 - TihGib Entertainment
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Idol!Taehyung x Reader sm/au
< Previous | Next >
➺ Word count: 1,5k
Genre: Crack humor, Romance/Fluff
╰ You both swiped right on each others tinder profile with no pictures of yourselves.
You keep the details on the low; no names, no nothing, only your ages. To keep the interest until the meeting, you started talking casually, but little did you know that the guy that's trying to get into your pants is no one else than Kim Taehyung, Singer of BTS, and little does he know, that you are completely whipped for the man, an army by heart since day 1.
Start reading!
⇣ ⇣ ⇣ ⇣ ⇣ ⇣
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Everyone would probably wonder how you ended up in this situation, well- you certainly do. Here you are, sitting in a very fancy restaurant, having dinner with a stranger from Tinder. Except for the fact that the stranger was Kim Taehyung. And that he is now drenched in a combination of water and your saliva. You certainly know how to make a first impression.
„I... I should probably..“ Taehyung says, as he gestures circles around his face with one hand and points to towards the bathroom with the other.
„Yes... you- you probably should..“ you say with a nervous laughter as you watch him get up and walk away. Jesus christ. You really did not mean to spit a mouth full of water right into his face when he sat down and you first saw him.
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You're nervously sipping on your drink as you watch Taehyung making his way back to your table.
„Should I wait until you're done drinking before I sit down this time?“ he says jokingly.
„No... no it's fine. I'm sorry, just- just sit down,“ you say as you exhale in embarrassment.
„Alright“ is all he says as he lowers himself onto his chair with a little laughter.
„I'm sorry that I spat my drink all over you it's just... I'm not used to going on a blind date with a handsome... stranger.“
You notice how Taehyungs eyebrows twitch for a second as the word ‚stranger‘ reaches his ears.
„Stranger? You don't know who I am?“ he says cocky.
„Well, I don't know anything, not even your name, all I do know that your dick really needs to bust a nut, but other than that...“ you say, a playful smirk dancing on your lips.
„I... uhm, wo-would you excuse me again for a short second?“ Taehyung rambles as he gets up from his seat, hitting his knee on the table, causing his glass to fall over.
„Oh my god I'm so sorry.“ The embarrassment is evident on his face as he awkwardly tries to pick up his glass. You have to hold back a very big grin, and you just wave your hand to signalize him that it's okay if he leaves again. You watch as he leaves while he mumbles a couple more sorry's towards you, and then take one of the napkins to dry the mess as soon as his silhouette disappears behind the bathroom door.
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When Taehyung comes walking back, he suddenly radiates an unreal amount of confidence. Pulling his chair back a bit too rough, he sits down nonchalantly with a shit-eating grin on his face.
„So, shall we finally introduce ourselves?“ he says, pouring some wine for the both of you. „By the way, do not worry about the menu, it's already been ordered and paid for.“ he adds, smiling ever so widely.
„Well, wow? I guess? You seem to have a lot of money considering the fact that the food is already taken care of and no one else is in here,“ you say, eyeing your wine as you give it a good swirl.
„Huh, not to brag but- I rented it out so we could have some privacy. By the way, did I ever mention I am the Co-CEO of a famous company?“
„Oh is that so? Which company is that supposed to be?“ you ask cocking an eyebrow.
„TihGib Entertainment. We're casting... well, entertainers.“
You almost snort a laughter as you take a sip of your wine as he answers. This is the best date of your life. Never would you have expected to sit in front of V, but what you really would have never expected, was that you both would play each other.
„Ahh I see, I'm sorry, what was your name again?“ you say as you hold back a smirk that's dangerously tugging on the corners of your mouth.
„Choi Taehyung.“
„Taehyung, okay, got it. Hi. I'm y/n,“ you respond, a warm tone coating your voice.
He's placing his hand on yours as he smiles and this is it. You're choking on your wine. As you're coughing and gasping for air, he's getting up to pat your back in attempt to help you breathe.
„Are you okay?“
„Y-Yes,“ you cough out. „Yes totally okay. I'm fine, really, I'm great, the best I've ever been.“
You're not okay. How could you? You're on a date, with Kim Taehyung, who just happens to be your bias, and he just touched you. Never in a billion dreams would you ever have expected that to happen one day. But as it seems ‚one day‘ is in fact today, and the fact that you started a game you did not expect to take these turns has you, well, nervous- to say the least. On the other hand, it has you just as excited because you are well aware of what's going on while he really is not.
„Well, enough about myself. How about you tell me something about you?“ Taehyungs eyes are piercing through your soul, a very curious expression on his face as he rests his chin on his folded hands.
„Well, I'm a barista, working for a fairly popular coffee-chain. Starbucks, you might have heard from them,“ you say as you giggle with an evil hint. „Well, some of my customers are very pushy. Especially one. He always wants me to call him... daddy.“ you add, paying a lot of attention to what kind of reaction it spurs on his face. You're pleased when you see his tongue poking out, wetting his lip and continues with dragging his teeth across his lower lip in the most subtle way. He's swallowing hard and the way his adams apple bobs in his throat tells you just how intrigued he is.
„Do you like that?“ he asks.
You know exactly what he's talking about, but you can't find it in yourself to stop playing around.
„Do I like what?
„Do you like calling people that? Daddy?“ he asks again, a hint of unpatience evident in his voice as he's fidgeting with the hem of his sleeve.
„Well, I don't know, you tell me... daddy,“ you say with a sly smirk.
That's it. That's the moment a low growl leaves Taehyungs throat and you'd be so sure that he'd be ready to jump your bones right in this moment if it wasn't for the waiter that's interrupting you, presenting the dish as he's proudly placing it on the table. Taehyung catches himself again and politely thanks the waiter for his service.
As an Army, you know exactly how to push Taehyungs buttons, you know exactly what kinda game you have to play, the fun part is, that he doesn't. You're pretty torn between behaving like you usually would, or going all out, I mean, this'll probably be your only chance to ever get things going with the Kim Taehyung, so you really don't know. Should you seduce him like you would with any other guy? Should you play into his cards and be exactly what he desires? Not that you're only interested in his dick per se, no not at all, but if you're realistic, that's most likely all you'll ever get and if the chance is served to you on a silver plate, you might as well just take the offer. In the end, thats exactly what you signed up for in the first place.
Therefore, your mind is pretty much made up. You're going for the simple way- you're playing with his primal instincts.
You take your knife and fork and cut a tiny piece of your steak and slowly bring your hand towards your lips and you, just as slowly, take the piece into your mouth. As you begin to chew, you let out a moan.
„This is so good..“ you breathe as you eye Taehyung, who's sitting there, heavy lidded as he locks eyes with you.
„That is such a good... piece... of meat...“ you say seductively and you see Taehyung holding his bottom lip between his teeth and averting his gaze towards his crotch for a short moment. He's painfully pressing his eyes shut and furrowing his eyebrows as he now faces the ceiling, speaking silent prayers to whomever.
‚Almost there.‘
You're smiling to yourself. Men are just so easy. All you need is to give him the final blow.
„Don't you want to eat?“ you ask him with the sweetest of voices.
„Oh yeah. Yeah I do.“ Just as he picks up the cutlery, your foot meets his shin softly, and you lock eyes with him as you gently drag your foot up towards his inner thigh, taking a sip of your glass of wine.
That's the second Taehyung lets go of the good silver and slams his hands on the table, standing up abruptly.
„Excuse me,“ he calls out to the waiter. „Could we have the food to-go?“
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a/n: wow what the actual fUCK? Ooof this chapter had me: in t e a r s. I laughed SO much as I wrote it, I can't put it into words. This was one of the most fun and crackhead writing sessions I've ever had and oh my god, tomorrow the second part will drop for y'all! Brace yourselves, you're in for a ride. 🤪
@foreverconfused-foreverlost @depressed-philosophers-daughter @hobisbeech @torrentmgc @rjsmochii @xxqueenwxtchxx @messedupfangirl05 @xosetsuna @babyboyjiminn @stray-kids-in-your-area @thefooolonthehill @yeosinlana @sippinpeachtea @stbangtan @kpopkermit @d-noona @sarahleslie123 @sociallyawkwardforever @oodlespadoodle
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xxkellsvixen19xx · 6 years
Addicted Michael Langdon (Rock Star AU) x Reader
Warnings: drug use, overdose, death, smut
A/N: I don't remember right off hand exactly which blog in this fandom started the rockstar Michael concept but decided to give this type of an idea a shot. Note that yes there is drug use and overdose involved resulting in death because of an action taken on reader. This could be triggering to some, might want tissues handy cause it is sad boy hours on this one folks. As always send feedback much love and thanks for reading my fics guys! Note the lyrics used are from Learning To Fly by Pink Floyd.
//Into the distance a ribbon of black
Stretched to the point of no turning back
A flight of fancy on a windswept field
Standing alone my senses reeled
A fatal attraction is holding me fast how
How can I escape this irresistible grasp?//
Y/N looked on in mute horror. Horror was something she had not felt before in her life. There he was, almost catatonic, a look of aloof disinterest on his otherwise flawless and beautiful face. In his left hand a small bottle was loosely clutched, open, contents scattered upon the ground below. His hair was dishevelled, his upper body unclothed, a trail of saliva dripping from his slightly-parted mouth onto his chest. His unblinking gaze stared at something beyond focus, something only he was seeing.
What what happened? She asked in a cautious whisper. She gently plucked the small bottle out of his hand, realising he had overdosed. Purposely overdosed. What could have happened to drive Michael to such reckless, illogical behaviour? What drove this normally calm and deliberate person to such an abrupt, impromptu act? What demanded such drastic and permanent release?
It was too late. She knew it was too late. Not knowing what to do for such circumstances normally, Y/N only looked on helplessly, slowly crouching down by his side. She tentatively reached out and touched his bare shoulder.
Cold  both her fingertips and his skin. The two of them were both abnormally cool-blooded, he had penetrating and yet distant blue eyes,  fair skin and fine features. And yet he was colder than was normal for the two of them.He gave her no response, didn’t register her presence.
Taking a firmer grip, she shook him gently, knowing he wouldn’t respond. He lost the balance from his precarious position, haphazardly propped against a fallen chair. His right arm, previously draped across a side of the chair, smacked the ground with a sickeningly final thud. She caught his head against her chest, his head lolling down and to the side as if he wanted to suck on her breast. He was heavier than she remembered. She couldn’t think of why this could be.
She cradled him, rocking back and forth slightly. A tightness grew in her stomach and throat, a cold shiver ran down her spine. Her breath was suddenly shaky and her mouth grew dry. A tear froze as it formed at the corner of her eye, falling and shattering upon impacting against the colder-still floor. “Michael… please please wake up,” she stated desperately.
She closed her mind thinking back to the first time they had met, both of them were junkies it seemed to be one of the few things that kept them together asides from the sex. They may have a toxic relationship but like a moth to a flame she was drawn to him and she kept coming back for more.
2 years ago...
‘I need it so badly, and I need to see him, be near him.’
I want to find another dealer, but I can't bring myself to look. I just keep coming back.
I love him. I don't know if he knows it, but I do. With all of my heart.
I took my first fix to impress him. I don't care that I’m an addict; it gives me an excuse to see him.
And I do see him. Almost every day.
I let myself fall into the delusion that he loved me too, at first. When we met, in a bar, he gave me some crack. I liked it, of course, and he told me where I could see him and get more.
At first he just scared me, but gradually I started to look forward to going to see him to see him, as well as to get my fix.
I was a virgin. One night I gave that to him, and it was the best thing that ever happened to me. But when I woke up the next morning, he handed me about three weeks worth and told me I’d earned it all. I slapped him, but he just laughed and said he’d see me soon.
I held off the stuff for about a week, and then I couldn't do it anymore. It was even better than it had been the first time around.
When I ran out I went back to him, same as I always had before, with my money in my backpack.
He smirked, and told me I didn't need to give him any money, looking my body over knowingly. I was so tempted to do it. “Are you brave Y/N?” He asked me not taking his eyes off of mine. I looked at him nervously “why do you ask?” My stomach was tied in knots an excited feeling rushed through my veins.
“You want some of this?" He held up the small baggie to my eyes, which contained a fairly sized black hunk of something. I didn't have to ask him to know what it was.He had the sexiest face when he was offering you drugs, a straight, poker face, with a little smirk that just screamed "Come on, you know you want to,". I chewed at my bottom lip contemplating it for a moment. "Come on, it's the greatest feeling ever. I'll shoot it for you and everything, I guarantee you won't be able to move for the next hour, I swear. It's the best, no lie." Michael urged me.
I hesitated slightly, my heart thundering against my ribs. Everything in my brain was screaming 'NO! You idiot! Remember health class?' "Awh hell, off to the races!" I said, laughing, and instantly feeling a rush of anxiety. Michael laughed, "Yeah, you want this," and then he pulled out a spoon from his pocket, breaking off a chunk of the black tar heroin and setting it in the spoon to melt it down. He was always so cocky, but it suited his personality.
My stomach was starting to feel funny from all the adrenaline pumping though my body as he patiently turned the black mass into a liquid; I hadn't felt this antsy since the last time we were tweaking out on shards. I couldn't believe I was about to do this; one hit and I could be addicted.
Before I knew it, Michael had taken a hold of my left wrist and was holding my arm out straight, tapping against the main vein in my elbow until it was raised and throbbing.
"You're gonna want to look away for this," he said, as he held up a small syringe he'd filled with the drug. "This is gonna be like nothing you've ever felt before."
I smiled, and said "Hell yes," before I looked up into his eyes. He met my gaze, his blue eyes distracting me from where the needle was going. I felt the pinch, and winced slightly.
“You're ok, you will be ok Y/N," he said, he smiled, still staring into my eyes. "Eyes right here."
I stared back, smiled, and felt the needle being withdrawn from my arm. I exhaled slowly, wondering when it was supposed to take effect--
The rush of euphoria you get from shooting up heroin is unlike anything else. You could be going through horrible withdrawals, but after you see that red cloud of blood erupt in the syringe, you’ll feel like you're on top of the world in seconds. You feel weightless, and warm, and safe.
“How you feeling Y/N?" Michael asked, getting down to my level to look me in the eye, his smirk setting my nerve endings on fire. ‘fuck why is it that his smirk damn near destroys me?’ I thought to myself. I tried to speak, but my mouth wasn't working with my brain...or, my brain wasn't working with my mouth. Actually, I don't think my brain was working at this point at all, it was all just too slow. Even my tongue felt heavy.
It seemed like a long time passed, I heard Michael opening up the small baggie once again, heard the lighter click to life, closed my eyes and felt my breathing, watching the colors dance past my eyes as I heard him hiss from the needle, heard the THUMP as he hit the floor.
A few moments had passed then I saw Michael get up from the floor, and plop down onto the end of the bed, smiling and looking down at me. I looked back up at him, and in my mind a vague feeling was starting to swim around, to spark to roaring life amidst the haze that I was feeling everywhere else.
“You feelin' good?" He asked, tilting his head and grinning at me in the way he always did after witnessing me getting fucked up in some way or another. A grin that said, 'Now that's what I'm talking about', before always asking the same question; You feeling good?
I tried to wrap my mind around how I was feeling, to grasp at how hot it was starting to feel between my legs, how when I arched my back upward I wanted something to be there, to be in the space between my legs, in the heat and the wet, to fill me up, make me moan.
And without really meaning to, I did moan. I let out a low, hungry growl, closing my eyes and allowing my head to fall backward.
Michael chuckled, a low, almost animalistic sound. “Y/N...you want to fuck don't you?" I didn't respond, merely laid there, eyes still closed, feeling my head fall to the side, my nose against my right bicep. It was so hot, I could hear myself panting, feel it in my breasts as they rose and fell with my breath.
"Yeeeeeaaaaahh, you wanna fuck," I heard Michael  say, his words long and drawn out. "You're so horny right now it's driving you out of your Goddamn mind, isn't it?"
I heard myself moan again, still unable to think my way out of the warm cloud that had settled over my body. All I knew was that I wanted a dick, a hard, long, thick dick, shoved into my pussy, and I wanted it now. I gave a small growl of frustration, arching my back upward again.
Michael takes hold of my wrist all of a sudden, forcing me to still. Then he lowers my arm, meeting my stare in the dimness of lamplight shining from a table. “You look like you have somethin’ you wanna say, Miss Y/N.” I bite the inside of my cheek. “Do I?” “Yeah. Do you?” “I – I.” I was unable to formulate a complete sentence. God he’s beautiful. I’m mesmerized. Enthralled. Captivated. Whatever this emotion of want is.
Long, blonde hair dusts him all over. Glazed in a sheen of sweat.“Oh…” I’m at a loss for words, so awestruck. He begins undressing himself,His hands are on his belt, undoing the buckle. His trousers sag some, slipping down his waist.I close the distance between us, pushing aside his trembling hands to use mine. I undo his belt then unfasten the button of his trousers, letting them fall around his ankles.
Michael looks at me he holds my face in his big, calloused hands. “You can’t be real.” “No?” “No. You have to just be some illusion I’ve thought of. You’ll disappear soon.” “I don’t think I’m leaving, Michael,” I confess, voice breathless. His touch is like fire, letting me feel that more than I desire.
I flush with heat, taking in the truth that he’s naked now. Naked. In front of me.“You wanna join, darlin’?” “J – Join?” He gently traces his fingertips across my arm I can't help but shiver “yeah you look cold  guess even angels need warmth, huh?” he narrowed his gaze on me, he stretches out an arm to grab my wrist. He pulls me into him, sitting up to hold me in his strong arms. Heat blooms all over my skin as he embraces me from behind, sensations I had thought I lost or maybe never realized I had.
He makes it seem like I have nothing to be afraid of. Nothing to do but relent, to surrender and release the tension I’ve been holding in. His breath warms my ear, tousling strands of hair. He moves closer, pinning me to the wall. I hold in all the breath I can as his scent overwhelms me, musk and oil and smoke. He has one arm over my head, bracing his position over me. His other hand rests near my abdomen, hovering over his shirt that I have on. His blue gaze doesn’t leave mine. “Can I touch you?” I blink, dark lashes fanning out tears. “I – I’ve never been touched like this.” “Never?” “No.” 'sure we had had sex before but this moment seemed different electrified. This was the first time he even really touched me at least like this… so soft, so sensual.
“You – You don’t have to.” I managed to stutter out awkwardly. “I can. You look like you want me to. You have for a while. It doesn’t have to be more than this, and I don’t mind doin’ it for you.” His touch is like fire, as before. That tingling that I hunger for. The licks of heat over my skin sets my nerve endings on fire. His rough fingers slither over my slit, forcing me to let out a muffled noise as I shudder. “Want me to stop?” “No. No. More… do more.”
He pushes closer, leaving no space amid us. His teeth sink into my throat, biting sensitive areas I didn’t know I wanted to be bitten. I arch my back, bending a little as he presses a knee between my thighs.He rubs, for a few minutes. Stroking. Caressing.He nibbles my neck, the muscle that runs down to my shoulder. His shirt falls off of me some, slipping off the shoulder his mouth is on. I rest my palms on his chest, nails scratching over his skin. He hisses then sucks beneath my ear, licking his tongue back and forth. “Oh, Michael,” I moan my breath becoming more rapid making me almost dizzy.
He parts me with his fingers, rubbing the warm slick that’s dripping out of me. “God, Y/N. You moan like an angel.” He pushes one thick digit into me, then another. Stretching me, he thrusts in and out at a slow pace. I fall into a haze of bliss, drowned in the blazing sensations that wash over me. I move my hips in time with his hand, finding a tempo with him. A blinding crescendo rises and rises. Hotter. Brighter. ”I’m so close, so close –”  Then the flat of his thumb circles over my clit and I scream, coming undone.
This was an all new heightened sensation, and throughout our relationship it seemed the more we experimented with different drugs the more the sexual connection we had seemed to get more and more intense. Hell we were just as addicted to the sex as much as the drugs. To be honest I think we tried just about everything, Crystal meth, shrooms, coke, mollies you name it then most likely we had tried it. But it seemed like nothing was enough, another fix needed to keep the euphoric rush going. Each time more and more it seemed like he needed, like a junkie he couldn't seem to get enough. But it seemed heroin was always his vice, his ultimate fix of choice.
Being on heroin is akin to being in a toxic relationship. You start off knowing you're playing with fire, but you tell yourself it’ll be casual and you have more will power than to let yourself fall into addiction. Unfortunately, the pull of heroin is stronger than you, and by the time you realize you’ve lost control, you already lost it a long time ago. This kind of end was not for the likes of him. In one long continuous movement she eased him to the ground, laying him on his back and lovingly straddled him. She had one hand pressed against his cold chest, the other gripping the handle of the blade. Her hand wavered a little as it hovered above his chest. She glanced away, eyes a little misted by tears that were unaccustomed to forming, and thus shy of coming out.
Die by the blade, she whispered barely audibly. He never was much of a fighter she was the warrior of unparalleled potential of the two of them and yet she believed, she knew, that he wouldn't want it any other way either.
With one efficient movement, she plunged the blade neatly into his heart. She opened her eyes with a start, sharply glancing down at him as she felt a tensing beneath her and the slightest of hitched gasps. His eyes, free of the madness, clear of the haze, looked back at her with such a whirlpool of emotions and questions she nearly choked on a gasp of her own. She felt a new horror. A new kind of chill. She couldn't find her voice, and wouldn't have known what to say anyway. She looked back into his eyes, silently pleading.
“Michael Langdon?”
Questioning turned to acceptant understanding, forgiveness, and finally to a slightly guilty apology. The corner of his lips twitched into the briefest of smiles, as if trying to reassure her that everything would be fine.
His eyes glazed over again. This time he wouldn’t be waking up for her again. The crimson trickled over his skin and stained her sleeves and her skirts. Never had she made such a costly error of judgement.
Michael Langdon died of an overdose. A plaque in his memory was put up, reading, “There is no substitute” Unfortunately for music fans, as well as the family and friends of the victims, too many singers have died before their time either directly or indirectly because of drug use and abuse.
Michael Langdon
The raspy voiced rocker died at the age of 27,  from a heroin overdose. Born Michael Reese Langdon, but known as “Mick” to his friends and family, Joplin is famous for some of his hit singles such as “Tear Me To Pieces,”Come Undone With Me” “Cry,” “ Asphixiate, “Bring Me To My Knees,” and his personal  favorite, “Sex Goddess.” In 2017, Rolling Stone magazine ranked him #46 on their list of the 100 Greatest Artists of All Time.
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alchemisland · 6 years
The Moors Mutt - I
Part II coming on Tuesday!
I. Old Stone
The beast I knew only in folkloric snippets. Hedge whispers perverting history to arcana through time immemorial. Perhaps too I had known it in nightmares, shapeless until named, becoming then familiar as a bedchamber.
It was grim autumn when that fateful letter arrived, setting in motion a chain of events both strange and unlikely. In retrospect, that a series of vignettes so bizarre could start with the simple act of a posted letter seemed comical.
The letter landed with a thud, dubbing me sole executor of the late Lady Renton Sizemore's last will, a grim charge requiring a trip to her wicked home, listed in the Briarscombe country house register as the third most bloodstained holding in England.
Dislike isn't the word. Lady Sizemore and I got on famously when last we spoke, thirty years ago. I wasn't the doting schoolboy turned dribbling manchild spending Saturday nights at bingo. Neither was she the elderly relation procuring coins from behind ears to the delight of the youngers.
We were not eachother's keeper. Why I was suddenly favoured for this sensitive task that required more mental finesse than anyone in the family gave me credit for out loud, puzzled me greatly. Somebody must have annoyed her at one of her events. Sandwich gala on the Pringle Estate destroyed by careless nephew's untucked shirt. In true family style, whatever infuriated her she took to the grave.
Once the money was apportioned, I was to ensure no stone went unturned, apt phrasing given its namesake. Cairn Cottage stood oppressively atop the mound some two hundred winters, a plundered megalith shielding against the bracing gales.
Up there the flowers bloomed blighted, grass grew sideways and only the sturdiest roots survived. Without the megalith's girth, perhaps those winds might have toppled the twisted demesne, but she held firm now as old.
Mystics, druids and spiritualists alike extolled the house's phantasmic virtues. Fringe groups scrambled to reserve exclusive use of the land for Candlemas ceremonies. Lady Sizemore didn't care, provided she was soundly remunerated.
Rumours abounded of hauntings, anomalies occurring on the land by midnight's trickery.
Upon receipt of instruction, I spurred my carriage toward Cairn Cottage, the house in whose shadow no local walked without rosaries.
Although my visit was primarily administrative, there was another matter pertinent to my interests. One muttering which above all others inspired fear. A cautionary tale warning children from the grounds by night. And sometimes, on cold and lonely nights, a brave man wandering alone might see fit to take the longer road home.
Worse than druids, they said a beast lived on the Moor. A hulking creature, whose snarling teeth bared in fullness of dark glowed like spears of starlight, whose stark brightness was dulled only by the gleaming viscera of previous engagements clinging in ragged flaps.
However the rumour started, it long sprouted legs of its own, more exciting with each recounting.
No smoke without fire. I intended to find the single primal ember, the lone truthful element, stripped of frill and frock, fancy and folly, bereft of myth, or loyalty to tradition. Was there something in the fields by night? Was it dangerous?
First came Sperrin, a grizzly hamlet outside the estate's confines. For a penny, a local lad promised to find a suitable nook for the trap. I visited the sole watering hole, a squalid cellar named Lar's. The tavern itself was not charmless, offering average vintage for below average prices, warmth, music, rustic flattery and inimitably, whispers of the beast.
The tavern's proprietor Lar was a man out of time. With his arms folded across his simian chest and those big lugs like trophy handles either side of his substantial forehead, he could have easily passed for a saxon chieftain. He stood astride the bar against a backdrop of coloured bottles. Immediately upon entering his eyes set upon me with great intensity. Unlike the merry keep of fireside tales, he offered no warmth in greeting. That you were found fit to sit his barstool was kindness enough.
Inebriates remained nursing drams, glowering at their respective lecterns. Occasionally I'd catch one staring at me, then turn away as I waved. After a while sitting and sipping, making a game of catching their nosy glances, I signalled Lar's attention. 'This is probably going to sound strange. Probably because it is. Hear me out though. Have you ever heard or seen anything strange out on the moor?'
Widened like an owl, Lar's right eye scanned me once, twice, three times before he moved a muscle. 'Have in fact. Not now though. Too many around. Later.' His lips barely moved. I tipped my nose.
Nearer closing, he poured a cup and sat, remaining on the business side of the bar.
'The beast, you say?' He leaned in close, one eyebrow raised, its shape the arching rod of a hooked line. 'I could tell you a thing or two about the beast alright.'
'Prithee speak, my curiosity is burning. I won't rest a wink until it's satiated. Tourist talk aside, do you believe, as men do God, a beast prowls these forests?' I inched forward, as if by closer proximity, the truths would be truer.
'Regular Theseus, eh? Monster hunters, we have had plenty. Lovers of darkness too. Students of forbidden arts. All are served here. Kings and paupers alike. Did you come all this way to hear me say that?' Lar spoke with great confidence. The manner of his prattling meant the tales he told were true, or this was practiced.
'No.' I replied, 'I have business in the cottage. My heart though, she belongs to this creature. I am not a quack, nor a holder of séances. I am not a man of low learning on the hunt for falsehoods. I am a lover of stories. Pray, continue your captivating narrative.'
He continued, 'Let it be said I was coaxed. You wanted this.'
In this ominous portent he let slip a mask of deft craft. There was artifice in his smile, a cheshire grin that touched either cheekbone. A whispered suggestion of hidden intent.
Everything made sense. Was I seeing clearly? More than ever. I saw his ruse; city boy down for the day, take him for a ride, tell him the usual stories. A pal of his will burst in at just the right time, scare me half to death, then they'll take me to the supposed hot-spot for the low price of everything I've got. Lar took me for a lettuce. Something in his warning tipped me. A little over-arch. If his performance was not theatre, then Shakespeare never wrote.
Doubtless once finished, Lar would proffer some overpriced talisman no fellwalker could risk refusing.
'Enough pussyfooting. Spill it. I'll need all the advice I can get.' Like a drill tip, I pressed my index finger into the bar.
'No matter what image I conjure in your mind's eye, the beast is yet more ferocious and terrible in the flesh. It's the great unreality of it.' He tapped his forehead. 'Your mind doubts what it's seeing, unable to comprehend its stimulus. Brave men are made mice in its shadow.'
'What evidence have you of such a creature?' I asked, draining my tankard. He did the same, then wiped the amber residue on the back of his hand. He looked me over once, as if to ask who I was to question. I returned a withering gaze, maneuvering my features to convey a similar message. For a moment the air felt charged with kinetic possibility. As when two pugilists circle to begin a contest, lead hands pawing. Neither of us wished to be responsible for qualms.
He broke the armistice. 'Evidence? If you didn't think it weren't here, you wouldn't have come. If you believed in your heart this week you'd be contending with a monster, you'd have stayed at home in your jams.'
'Nonsense, man! You forget I am summoned, not here of my own volition.'
'We, each of us, tell ourselves sweet little lies to justify how our limited time is spent. I have a right mind to think if the lady yet lived, you and I might still have met. On a yawning stretch such as this, arriving as you have: alone and curious. If there's one thing I can't respect, it's a self hating believer. Swanning around with all the cynicism of a non-believer, clad in the robes of an adherent, so that when the hobby is proved spurious you can point to your skepticism. You'd be first to the papers tomorrow if scientists verified the beast's existence, how you had journeyed and studied on your own dime to further the science.' Lar pursed his lips, knowing he'd cut me to the quick, vanished was his earlier reticence.
I hated how right he was. I was exactly this sort. Insulting people who believed the same things as me. First to refuse to enter a haunted house for fear a demon might take my soul.
I'd never concede his point though. I riposted, 'Few are more loathed than the opinionated barman. You speak much too readily. Do so again, I'll see your manners are checked for the next weary traveler willing to pay good coin.'
Lar's eyes lit, bulging with imagined riches. 'Let me fill your drink, sir. I meant no offence. We speak freely here. Manners soften. Soon one finds truths cannot be digested unperfumed. Here in the wilds, it's a duty to voice quarrel. Far from crown and court, unaired anger festers.' Lar gladly dispensed his pearls of rural wisdom as if they were sweets from a bulging striped bag.
'Really, man. Every idea can be made ridiculous if extrapolated to that degree. Manners take the edge off. I'm not offended by your candor. I intend to find the creature, if such exists. Have you no doubt about that.' I watched him pull another drink.
The returned tankard was too full to raise without spilling. I slurped loudly, head bowed. Like a pulled plug, half the liquid gone in a single gulp.
'What evidence is sufficient? Look around you.' Lar held aloft his hands, urging me toward his empty business, still cast in a sickly light from the last flickering sentinels.
He pointed toward the empty seats. A single patron remained hidden in the shadows. A local by his boots.
'We did a roaring trade before that bloody woman inherited the place. Once she came, the trade died. When I was a lad, that land was free to roam. No walls. She had them built to spite us. Worse rumours too and all, that she built those walls to house it.'
'It?' I asked
'It. The beast.' Lar's voice lowered to a whisper. 'A cage for a pet beyond control. That's your sort all over. Dabbling where you shouldn't.'
'Her sort.' I corrected, 'I'm not aristocratic. You're a presumptuous sort, you know.'
'Believe you're not the first to say. Her sort, whatever pleases. I don't subscribe to this theory. Me personally, I think it came from hell. One thing's for certain, it got worse when they shifted the cairn.'
'You say you have seen it?' Part of me thought I was the one stringing him along, but another more gullible me firmly believed, or wanted to believe, that he had seen something. Hoping not to seem needy, I drew myself close to him, the bar still between us, 'With your own eyes if you saw it, you must swear it now. Did you see it as I see you now, or as one sees the distant stars and erroneously assumes knowledge.'
'As I stand before you.' Lar gestured to his stained apron, which he then removed and hung on a hook overhead. He nodded to the barfly, who stumbled from his seat and shot the bolt across the lock, an angry black mechanism like a bas-relief, which clanked against the timber as he let it fall. 'That's Fergus.'
Fergus lurched over. One leg trailed behind him. I couldn't help imagining him as a gothic manservant, dragging corpses to the laboratory in pursuit of higher knowledge. He came to stand beside me. There were giants on the earth is those days. Though our eyes observed the same setpieces, his countenance betrayed little comprehension. He had the chiseled jaw of a marble bust in profile, but his mouth hung open permanently, moist lips pursed like a fish.
He placed an enormous hand on my shoulder. Such space was permitted between his splayed fingers that ten legions abreast might find passage unmolested. His knuckles protruded unnaturally, evidence of labour, something harder than masonry or smithcraft. Mayhaps soldiering overseas.
I stared at his hand. He never looked at me. I coughed, first mannerly, then more harshly, thinking to approach cautiously lest my assumption prove provident, that he had lost his sound during foreign campaigns, of whose spoils we all were beneficiaries.
'Don't mind him.' Lar said. He spoke softly in the presence of his friend, observing his movements closely, ready to interject with a steadying hand or a warning to the cruelly curious. I wondered were they brothers. They bore little resemblance, though stranger things I had heard. Lar took Fergus' wrist and pressed gently, disturbing the folds of his motheaten jacket. They shared a moment I could but observe, radiating warmth and glad tidings in a wordless wave.
'I mean not to speak boldly, and lash me with spite if I transgress overmuch, but I must know or I should forever wonder, are you kin?'
Fergus shared Lar's laugh with the same look of bemused ignorance.
'You hear that? Fancy man reckons we're brothers. Probly thinks we're all related down this end, and not in a godly way.' Lar laughed, a viking bellow.
Lar released his grip and the folds of Fergus' sleeve righted themselves. He spoke several octaves lower, miming offence at my observation. I started to explain I intended no hidden subtext, but Lar waved to indicate all was taken as delivered.
'We are not brothers. Close friends. Known Fergus here forever.' He gently tapped the giant's hand, slapped on the bar like some enormous muddy bird print. 'Used to be a keen cookie too, once upon a forever ago. Loved languages, Welsh mostly. Pugilism he loved more. One passion consumed the other. Anything burning so intensely inevitably cannibalises itself. Took one knock too many, stole his wits in an instant. A left hook across the bar sent him erstwhile. Twenty five minutes he was on the shores of night, learning the landscape of the dreamworlds, while we fanned his rigid form, wet his brow and whispered familiar names in his ear. When at last he woke a part of him was left forever in that place. I like to think, boyishly perhaps, it awaits him upon leaving this plain of lousy strife, like the belongings awaiting a homeward jailbird. The cloak of a lost lifetime. Not for him. He'll slide right into it, fit like a tailored piece, and all of eternity to speak. Not here though.'
Tears welled in his eyes. I took the reins, 'Think nothing of your emotions, man. We each have them. Doubtless I will shed a tear up in the old witch's place. Another life awaits, that much is sure. Grander than this. I'm sure he made, and makes, a fine man. Built like a gladiator. I am sorry to have dredged unpleasantness. I meant only to satisfy my own selfish curiosity. Forgive me. Please, continue.'
'I will at that.'
'It were one night, three years ago. Ferg was there. We'd been called out on account of strange noises near the workers' cottage. They wouldn't work until the evil was killed or driven away. We came down from the high road proper and saw it between the trees ahead. Like a horse it stood, with clumsy stilts supporting an ursine bulk that swayed as it shambled. It drank shadows to conceal its dread presence. Blackness it took for robe. In walking its front paws propelled its cumbersome form, while the rear set, less lengthy, dredged channels in the dirt. In motion it arched to reveal a belly spun of lighter felt, ashen in the scant moonlight. Bundled, it became an orb of shadow, nothingness.'
'Unbeknownst we watched it watching, green eyes like blazing protostars probing for movement. Well it knew to choose this site, one of only two wells being located nearby. In a flash then it was gone, satin-shoed away into the night.'
The tale Lar knew was a scorcher paused. He beamed, an actor awaiting applause. I gathered my jaw from the floor, brushed it and set it back properly.
Each word drew me closer, which Fergus mirrored, until we three sat as witches about the bubbling lip of their cauldron, a coven of pallid specters.
Lar paused to sip and nodded we join.
I wondered had my hobby, in a blink, become too dangerous to justify. It was well telling my employers of ghost hunts, but a wild beast - my insurance wouldn't have it! If it turns out some menagerie escapee, what then was it? Quest for wonder or recklesss folly? Weiss, Wellie and Wardun insurance, even in their most obscure policies, don't pay out for fools. That's why I chose them!
Lar went on, a fresh cigarette painting the air blue in his articulation, 'Each new, shifting moon we came to that spot and watched. We took it upon ourselves to rid the land of danger.'
'Fergus knows a bit about a bit, that's what's left to him, God bless. What he knows is knots. Army training dictates every officer have at least passing knowledge of ten or more useful fastenings.'
'Me? I know about animals. We make a fierce duo. We inquired in advance about a reward, to which the estate responded agreeably, so we set off with lengths of rope overshoulder and the angriest looking traps the furmen could spare, determined to snare it. We planted snares all about its presumed domain.'
'Nothing came. Not a rat. Not a wisp. Not never again. It's the mystery disturbs me most. I'd die happy knowing.'
In his voice a single note of longing rang, dispelling the subterfuge of his intentions and, in the length of a breath, his beings and inner machinations were laid bare. Far from the sinister goldlust and murderous intention I had silently attributed to him, he seemed eager in an earnest fashion, willing in the name of a job done.
I observed Lar, powerful and straight. 'Do I sense an unfinished quest?'
'Aye. Not too subtle, mind.' Lar flashed a toothy smile, the sort a condemned man spits at his executioner. 'You seem a serious man. I didn't know when you first came in parading your manners like fancy knickers. You can't be too sure about a man who gives too many pleases. You're not that sort and have proved such twice over.' Lar imagined that was a compliment from the look he gave me. Expectant almost, between child submitting scribbles for display and cat batting dead mouse onto pillow.
Well, of course I had something to say about that. Cats were hissing. A donnybrook of claws and torn fur not even a hearty stock of iodine could salve. 'And I might say also that I too had cast aspersions on your character, maintaining you were of sinister country stock. As you claim to have been rapturously convinced otherwise, as have I.'
'Once the lady's estate is divided and bequeathed I'll receive my own. I mean to inherit a substantial bursar. I will pay to you a fair sum. In exchange, you will guide me to the hotpots, generally ensuring nothing eats me. When we find it, you're in charge until it's bound.' If he came, it would be on my terms.
'Find it? Slow down. We've seen it once in a hundred times. I'll take you gladly all the same.'
Wordless, we shook hands and drained our horns.
'Tomorrow?' Lar asked. He drew my gaze to an unopened whiskey bottle, which I declined.
'Not so, good man. Tomorrow I will tend my affairs. In the evening, if all is ordered, I will return to discuss further a plan of action. Have you a room I might rent?'
'Not for everyone mind, so don't go saying. There's one in the back. I'll light the fire.'
'Please do.'
I left a generous tip. Before following the publican to the warm hollow, I shook Fergus' hand, assuming he too would be part of our fortean friendship.
While I slumbered, the nightmare broke free her paddock, thundering across the veil of my somnambulant phantasmagoria, its clanging hooves ringing shrill terror.
I saw spined creatures oozing pus, many-eyed. Edgeless orbs hissing like flying snakes from one black abyss to another.
Cats with human faces screamed. A hairless man with a tail curled upwards like a scorpions noxious pike disemboweled himself with a broken mirror.
Last came the bestial form, not unlike that which Lar had described, striding evilly. Two venom coated fangs, uncontained by its snarling mouth, curved inward toward its breast. Catlike claws glinted menacingly. Turning my third eye downwards as if to look upon my feet, I found I was formless, yet the beast circled knowingly around the space my corporeal form should occupy.
I knew instinctively this reverie was more tangible than the others. That if the beast should strike I would die or wake screaming with a crimson pool spreading below me. It sniffed the air, pawing closer.
I woke to my beastless chamber. Sodden, I sought a candle and in its gloam chronicled my nightmare. That night sleep ne'er returned, making groggy my morning plod toward Cairn Cottage.
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Ali & Ro
Ali: Soooooo Ali: How'd your date go? Ro: I'm not sure who you meant to send this too, but perhaps try again? Ro: You can't mean me Ali: Coy, that's how you're playing it, I see Ali: Solid choice 😉 Ali: You and Drew musta been agonising over coffee options then Ro: What are you talking about, Ali? Ro: It was just a coffee stop for everyone, rehearsal fuel Ro: You know full well I've never been on a date Ali: I know full well that was just a ploy for some alone time with you Ali: and not yet but it is so clearly on the cards! Ali: I'd start dropping hints now, otherwise who knows where you'll end up Ro: Don't be ridiculous? Drew isn't remotely interested in me like that Ro: Why would he be? He has his pick of girls at school, and beyond the gates, too I'm sure Ali: Because you're you and he should be so lucky Ali: A bombshell with brains to boot Ali: Yeah, he's got a rep but he's being uncharacteristically sweet with you so, taking him at face value Ali: Anyway Ali: What do YOU think of him? More importantly Ro: Oh no no, this isn't a transformation story whereby I take off my glasses or get my braces taken off finally and am suddenly considered good enough for the protagonist Ro: Besides, I'm not even smart, just a hard worker Ro: Most importantly, he's always sweet with Meena so it's hardly uncharacteristic Ro: Other than knowing him as her kind older brother and Caleb's friend I really don't, know him that is Ali: Oh hush ignoring the fact that art is always a poor imitation of life and not the other way 'round Ali: He's love interest #1 at best, potential to be more if he sticks to his lines Ali: You're the loveable protagonist, silly Ali: Hmpf, fine. Would you like to know him better then? Ro: Of course, like I said, he's kind and sweet and Caleb's proven himself to be a good judge of character Ro: I just fail to see why he'd be interested in getting to know me, beyond being civil to me for the aforementioned reasons of mutual connections with important people Ro: He's Drew Goldsmith and I'm me Ro: We're incompatible given even the little we are both aware of concerning each other Ali: Well, I dunno about that, I think he's a fool and my evil plan is working 😏😂 Ali: Because he fancies you Ali: Potentially Ali: This stuff can defy usual logic, for better or worse, opposites CAN attract or repel in the case of humans Ali: But he wants to find out, I know this practically for a fact (of course, I haven't asked, don't worry) so its up to you to decide if you do too Ro: I have no idea what you believe you possess in terms of knowledge about his attractions or intentions but I highly doubt you're right in so far as him fancying me Ro: Sorry to say Ro: He may look like Connla of the Golden Hair but I am by no means a fairy maiden Ro: If only I could be noble born, never grow old or indeed never die Ali: Have you forgotten what happened to the last person to question my omniscience, sister? 🤔🍄💀😉 Ali: And have you also forgotten who and what you are, 'just because they told us too Ali: Cannot believe what I'm hearing here, I refuse to! Ro: of course I haven't Ro: but perhaps I should try and grow up, or at least be more realistic, when it comes to this Ali: Never! We do live in those green and pleasant hills after-all Ali: Won't stroke his ego as hard as to say UNLIMITED pleasures await but Ali: Everyone is positively like a silly child when it comes to love Ro: It isn't love though and therein lies the issue Ro: Simply a silly crush on my part and polite interest on his Ali: It rarely is at first sight Ali: and there's nothing polite about how keen he is Ali: See where it takes you, that's all Ali: he's clearly going to be hanging 'round jam seshs' and the like as long as you're about so whatever it will be, its inevitable Ro: I thought it would be, the whole charade of fireworks when our eyes collide and butterflies in my stomach. Everything clear and definite Ro: I'm afraid of whatever this is Ali: That's just horniness Ali: You just have better restraint than romance novel writers, is all Ali: Its aright to be afraid, its new and unknown Ali: Here be monsters Ro: Well that is comforting, especially if it ensures I won't fall as hard and fast as those heroines do Ro: particularly if I'm destined to do so alone Ro: Okay...but what if the monster is revealed to be me, in his eyes anyway, what if he gets to know me and doesn't like what he discovers Ali: Sure it was the corsets, poor girls could barely breathe, makes swooning all the more likely, those dastardly dandies! Ali: Then he's as bad, and ignorant (and MORE scared of the unknown than you feel right now), as every explorer who wrote natives off as savages Ali: You are far from a monster in every sensible definition Ali: Misunderstanding maketh monsters Ali: So that'd be on him, can't control other's perceptions but he isn't going to think you are, there's just no reason to Ro: I know you're right but Ro: I just suppose I wish I could control something Ali: I know Ali: Well, one thing you can control is your yay or nay to whatever he's offering up Ali: Not suggesting you have to make the first move, or put it all out on the line, 'cos he definitely will Ali: #gentleman Ro: That much is definite Ro: We should call another rehearsal, allow you to guide my vision to where yours currently reside so I'm not blindsided Ro: because I'm just not seeing what he wants with me Ali: Absolutely Ali: I'm really feeling the whole band thing too Ali: Are you enjoying it? Ro: Unexpectedly so, yes Ali: Right? I think everyone is Ali: Its something Ro: I've never played in front of that many people outside of a recital setting, I thought I'd mess up but it wasn't like that at all Ro: And everyone there seemed really into it Ro: Who knew there was so much respective talent surrounding us? Ali: Mess ups are more than welcome but you're flawless Ali: Me me me! 😊 Ali: Toying around with the idea of doing some local performances Ro: Flawless was you and Caleb Ro: I've never heard your voice so complimentary in a duet before, don't tell Marlene Ro: Oh? I think the others would be into that Ali: 💕 Ali: Might get her so raging she'd have to join us to prove you wrong Ali: I know it probably sounds a bit soon but like you said, performances are so different to practice and whatnot Ali: People would vibe Ali: There's all the places I've done solo, they'd be chill, and you know Suggs? Left School this year gone Ali: He's having a big Bday party for his gf and he's asked if I could do something Ro: Terrifying as it'd be to make a possible enemy of her, she's a very good bassist Ro: Very true, and too much practice can make it sound too rehearsed which clearly isn't what you're going for with this Ro: I heard Caleb talking to Drew about potentially performing at the restaurant so he'd be excited for sure Ro: Hm...I'm not certain I know who you mean but a gig's a gig Ro: Would he be alright with you bowing out as a soloist? Ali: She is Ali: She's gonna come around on her own tho, I know her Ali: She's just pouting Ali: Understandably, I'm not being as glib as I sound, just, we weren't right Ali: Exactly! That would be chill, you've gotta come thru with me just to get food, it's delicious and its beautiful Ali: Yeah, of course, one person can only rock out so hard solo Ali: Even if that one person is me Ali: Like, Bowie had a band, ya feel? Ro: I trust you and your intuition Ro: When's the party? Ro: I need to mentally prepare Ali: ✌ Ali: we've got 2 weeks to prep, assuming he doesn't get his arse dumped Ali: awkies, want us to play you out honey? 😂 Ro: Funeral march for his ego Ro: If the stars are good to me I'll make 2 weeks of wishes Ro: Should suffice Ali: Brilliant Ali: I'll check our charts Ali: Pull out some eyelashes if necessary Ali: The stars will fall and align for us Ro: I have faith Ro: Have you told the others yet? Ali: I haven't actually, I'll drop it in the group chat later Ali: Seeing Caleb tonight so I'll discuss the finer points with him then Ro: Good idea Ro: Oh yes, I'd forgotten it's your date night! Ali: As long as he hasn't we'll be fine 😋 Ro: Have you done his chart? If not he has perfect eyelashes to steal Ali: Not yet Ali: Been getting quizzed myself by his Ma Ali: Fair 'nuff but no time to sneak in so hey Ms Cavante, where was Caleb born and at what time exactly? #witchgirlproblems Ro: How very unfair Ro: Tonight could be the night Ro: I've already got the cards out here, questioning myself Ro: The spread's favorable for the party to go well for us as performers Ro: [Sends her a picture of the tarot] Ali: Knew we'd ace it but with the fates on our side we CANNOT fail Ali: are you asking about the Drew sitch? Ro: Perhaps Ali: I got you Ali: Keep it between you and the universe 💖 Ro: OH what are we going to wear for our first performance? Ali: THE BEST BIT Ali: We need to plan! Ali: Maybe shop! Ali: I think the party is a masquerade ball (how sweet for a hapless stoner, right?) Ali: We could run with that Ro: Well now I'm enthused Ro: Pencil me into your diary please Ali: Absolutely Ali: I think we could make better masks than we could ever find Ali: or makeup looks Ali: we will workshop this Ro: Agreed, you could create something amazing overnight Ali: We could go out and forage fresh flowers for it Ali: that would look beautiful Ro: Yes! Oh my god, we have to Ali: Perfection Ali: I'll see what the others want too Ali: Maybe we could go a galaxy glitter/paint moment on the guys but I feel like Meena would fosho want in on this floral faerie moment Ro: If you need me to start pressing any of the flowers let me know Ro: I'll make time Ali: You're an 👼 Ali: We can do it over lunch Ali: in between practicing Ali: Such busy 🐝s Ro: I don't mind I like to stay busy Ro: Do you think Drew will come to the party? Ali: Same tbh Ali: I bet he will Ali: And not to show off his musical prowess, bless him Ro: Do we need a name to perform under if we don't just want to be called 'Ali's band' by the host? Ali: Fantastic point, I don't want to be THAT lead singer Ali: So much to think on, oosh! We'll have to put the feelers out in the group chat Ali: should be something we all vibe Ro: I bet the boys will have some interesting ideas Ro: You should speak to Tommy as well, he's learn so much stage stuff at school Ro: If we're going to do this might as well make it look professional I think Ali: Agreed Ali: As long as he doesn't want to choreograph a whole girl group dance routine for us Ro: Imagine! Ro: I'd have to hide behind the piano Ali: Shy yet sultry keyboard girl prerogative Ali: I'll crowd surf my way outta there Ro: How long of a set are we going to play? Ro: There's so many potential covers not to mention the originals you and Caleb both have written Ali: Oh man Ali: we could do 20 like an opener but we are the main act, as it were, but its not that hardcore Ali: I think we could put together a 60 Ro: I hope we can all agree between us Ali: we will Ali: oh, could you cover for me with Ma tonight? Ali: she's not my bestie rn Ro: Of course Ro: I have a rare night free of any babysitting duties so it'll be simple Ali: Good, you deserve a break from the little demons Ali: I hope a book and a bubble bath are on the cards after you calm down the dragon Ro: They are indeed Ro: Perhaps I can suggest the same for her Ali: Perhaps I'm just giving myself away as twisted but that is a hilarious mental image Ali: Her grumpy face peeking out of a bubble beard Ro: Ali don't that's going to stay with me when I do get in the tub Ro: Oh no Ali: 🙊🙈 Ali: I can only apologize Ro: Cleansing that from my thoughts immediately Ro: Are you coming home at all or just straight out to see Caleb? Ali: If I do, catch me creeping up the stairs Ali: She's not been this pissy since Lachlan Ali: She's so SURE Caleb is like that and its just Ali: hilarious Ali: imagine Ro: Once she gets to know him better she'll change her mind Ro: She has to Ali: She SHOULD but will she? Ali: Stubborn old goat 😂 Ali: He's not going anywhere any time soon so if she wants to pine for Marlene that's on her but Ali: 🤷 Ro: I'll start counting cars to wish on just for her (and you), hold my breath, dig out my baby teeth, everything Ro: She just doesn't want to be a grandmother yet is all, it's no slight on Caleb personally I don't believe Ali: My vagina my choice, Mama Ali: Bless her Ali: It'd be fine if she threw out the same level of concern at...oh, idk Ali: Bea and Fraze Ali: 🙄 Ro: If she could secure us all same sex relationships she would, undoubtedly Ro: Likewise, if there was any feasible way to show Bea concern that she'd allow it'd be done Ali: When your kids don't have the good grace to be gay #gutted Ali: Yeah Ali: I need lessons on how to be a bad bitch, clearly Ro: Please don't take any lessons from Bea Ali: Its okay, I don't think she'd be willing to teach me Ro: Very true Ali: Best kept secrets and all that Ro: Speaking of, I've just received a text and must go Ali: Say no more Ali: run baby run 💚 Ro: Have fun tonight Ro: Bluebeard and I will try not to miss you too much Ali: Aww, I'll be home for snuggles lads Ali: wouldn't wanna get pregnant Ali: Laterz Ro: See you soon xx
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h8ani · 8 years
Anon Requested:  I'm the one that requested for Jin BTS 37, 73, 76. Ok, you just can use 73 and 76 :))) Thank you!
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Pairing: Seokjin x Reader
Warnings: No warnings
Word Count: 719
“Show me what’s behind your back.”
“Kiss me.”
Valentine’s Day is so frickin' dumb it almost melts my mind. I know, let’s have a holiday to mis-teach young people what love is. Really, it's a great idea, we'll sell more crap they never needed; think of the economy. All those cards, chocolates, sweat-shop lingerie items in chemical dyed tissue."
It's Valentines and every time I check social media someone is showing off their flowers, their hotel bookings, and their "surprise" vacation. There are pictures of their fancy dinners and sickly sweet public messages of affection. Not that I'm jealous. I’m really not, I’ve had plenty of Valentine’s Day dates and surprises that I know it’s only your counter parts way of giving you attention for a day. They give you their undivided attention then the next day they turn back into the real jackass they’ve always been. Like I said, I’m not jealous, just sick and tired of this stupid ‘holiday.’
Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not this negative self-hating person, I’m actually very nice it’s just when it comes to this particular day I can only be happy when I’m with my friends, my best friend to be exact. Kim Seokjin, my best friend and savior of me ending up drunk texting all of my scummy ex boyfriends. Honestly thank god him and his girlfriend broke up last month because if he was still together with her I was sure I’d be down half a bottle of Malibu by now. He was on his way here right now actually, I’m actually very excited because one, I haven’t seen him in a few weeks, two, I bought a boat load of chocolate and three, its movie night!
I threw the covers on my bed and just got out the bags of chocolate when there was a knock on the door. I knew it was Jin, he’s the only one who was supposed to come by today. I made sure to grab a bag of chocolate before I rushed down to my living room door opening it up wide and hiding the bag of chocolate behind my back. “What’re you hiding?” Jin instantly asks walking in causing me to walk backwards and smile up at him. “Oh nothing.”
“Show me what’s behind your back.” He says laughing while closing the door. I bring my hands back in front of me to reveal the big bag of chocolate I had. “Kisses!”
“I thought we weren’t getting each other gifts?” He frowns down at the bag. “Don’t you dare look at chocolate like that again Seokjin, this isn’t a gift I just bought lots and lots of chocolate for tonight. I picked out all of your favorite movies, let’s go!” I grab onto his wrist dragging him into my room which surprisingly wasn’t as messy as I usually have it and he snorted noticing it as well. “I see you cleaned up a bit.”
“Shut up.” I rolled my eyes pouring the rest of the chocolate into the bowl I had in my room. “What movie did you want to watch?”
“What movie do we always watch?” I rolled my eyes again at his choice of movie. “You know because of you I know every song to this movie.”
Nearing the end of the movie the chocolate wasn’t even halfway finished, the bowl resting in my lap while I let my hand dive back in the bowl while continuing to focus on the movie. It was the end of the wedding scene and I brought my hand back down reaching for a chocolate when it had grabbed Jin’s instead. I quickly let go looking down at the chocolate bowl and grabbed another wrapped piece soon unraveling it and popping it into my mouth.
“Kiss me.” Jin’s voice came through my ears and I coughed nearly choking on the small piece of candy before swallowing. He couldn’t have just said that, it must’ve been one of the actors in the movie because I’m positive I had just heard wrong. Turning my head slowly to look at him his lips had already reached mine, the bowl of chocolate was removed from my lap and his hand easily slid behind my lower back pulling me closer to him as he deepened the kiss.
Maybe Valentine’s Day wasn’t so bad after all.
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