#god im a mess
smowyashe · 2 days
legit crying real tears oml
i cant-
happy gays get me every time
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transgirltrish · 3 months
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teknikolor-walters · 4 months
Its too damn early in the day to be crying
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jay-berd · 8 months
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dteamain · 2 years
Also Tommy just casually talking about his gay jokes makes me sad for Dream and how he's still dragged over the coals for it
Weird how only queer people seem to get called queerbaiters
So sorry for the late reply, I had to wait until I was at my computer bc I felt this ask required a much more nuanced take than I could give from mobile.
The fact that without a doubt tommy's gay jokes will be weaponized against queer people, dream in particular, is so disgusting and vile. I feel this in such personal way as a queer person who doesn't use/like labels.
Please read under the cut if you want an explanation.
I'll start off by saying none of this is Tommy's fault, yes I am one of those queer people who think it is perfectly fine for straight people to make gay jokes.
My journey as a queer person has been so paralleled with dreams it's kind of funny. For a very long time I considered myself straight, I have much more hands on experience with men. It was never a doubt in my mind that I liked men. That's what ASAB (assumed straight at birth) does to you. society makes it super easy for you to determine if you like the opposite sex. In fact I was so determined to be straight that for about 9 years everyone around me (friends, family, co-workers, strangers for fucks sake) would assume me and my best friend were dating and I couldn't figure out why. I told them I was straight, so clearly I couldn't be dating my best friend right?!
Anyway long story short, no I wasn't straight and yes I had a crush on my best friend.
Back to the matter on hand. Queer people, particularly ones who don't use a label are constantly stuck trying to prove that they are queer enough. Society does this weird thing where they demand an explanation, even when they don't need one. People demand dream to explain his sexuality for no reason other than to satisfy their definition of queer. Its gross, and I hate it.
People don't realize that putting a strict box around queerness puts up a huge barrier for people trying to explore. If we don't let people explore and test the waters, if we force them into an all or nothing label, we are going to have a ton of queer people to afraid to join the community. We are actively limiting who can be considered as queer, and that is homophobic.
The first step to feeling included within a community is joining in on the humour of it. However if we create this box where only queer people can make jokes about queerness, it immediately creates this line where people have to label themselves to be involved within the community. Unlike race, anyone can decide they are queer at any point in their life. So while we might limit jokes on race to those within the community, we cannot do that for queerness.
I also have a personal believe that it is great to include straight people in queer culture, it allows them to see us in our true colors and understand us way more. It also helps bring us closer to a society where sexual orientation does not matter. So yes straight people can make gay jokes, and pretend to be with their queer friends as a fun little bit, and join pride, and kiss the homies. All these things allow unlabelled people, and people just starting their queer journey to explore in a much safer environment, where they don't need to explain if they are straight or not.
But because we don't live in a society where people think straight people can make gay jokes. When they see tommy (a straight person) making these jokes they will weaponize it to invalidate dream's queerness. and I will hate them so deeply for that.
I don't want tommy to stop though, I want him to keep going, to prove that yes both he and dream can make gay jokes even though he is straight and dream is queer. they can make the same jokes.
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just remembered that i like
blacked out at 11 last night for no reason
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merinate · 4 months
tw vent
am i really not trustworthy? like, thsi whole situation made me think if i really make people that uncomfortable that even my best friend doesnt want to tell me anything but then goes to one of the group chats im a part of and tells her e v e r y t h i n g, every single detail and then i read it and im like what the fuck, it makes me so fucking heartbroken, is this why people dont like me? because i make them uncomfortable and they feel like they cant talk to me? i always wanted to be the person people come to when they need to vent or just simply talk but turns out no one trusts me and i cant ans dont blame anyone but myself, i turned out to be the worst version of myself, the one ive never wanted to be
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mcdennis · 6 months
you know i get it. i get why i'm a david girlie (gnc). i have an ex fiance (no i'm not divorced but close enough). my ex fiance once convinced me to sign up for a nordic track bike and put it under my name and ssn (just like david's condo situation). i wear a lot of flannel and checkered shirts. i have a silly mustache. i have a very high pitched voice that only gets higher when i get nervous. i love me a man who could kill me (my fiance). i try to command respect but i never do. at one point i did need a whole bottle of wine and a xanax to sleep. i was also an only child and it was a very lonely existence. we are the same.
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saphhosonic · 7 months
It's been a year. What a year it has been. I've changed so much. Grown, maybe? Hope you have, too.
I still think about you. When I hear that song you recommended to me. When I see that painting you inspired me to make. I hear myself echoing some thing you used to say. I still feel it. Sparks of joy and specks of sadness.
It's been a year, and what a year it's been. You left my life so long ago, but when will you really leave?
Lingering in loss, fascinated by fate and drowning in delusions,
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heartthroblopez · 8 months
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The way he’s seriously discussing his video sponsor here, meanwhile all I can think about is how good he looks and how badly I want him to put his fingers in my mouth 😩🫠
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maxieverstappen · 8 months
roronoa zoro has officially been added to The List
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bloominglegumes · 5 months
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i love normal guys doomed by the narrative
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hinamie · 2 months
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domain expansion
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verflares · 7 months
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say, what do you think ever happened to that boy from the forest? you think he ever found what he was looking for?
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bootwither · 2 years
it kinda sucks looking back and realising you think you might be that friend nobody actually wanted around.
sad thing is, i kinda get why, too. i dunno, i just feel like i wish i fit in more, but i don’t even seem to fit in with the friends i have now, and they’re a pretty varied load of people. i don’t think they mean to make me feel like this, i think it’s probably just me overthinking things, but it doesn’t make things any easier.
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chongoblog · 2 months
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I remember a while ago I did a thing where I tried to draw in the 50 US States from memory, and now I'm going to try it with Europe. As an American, I'm sure I'm gonna do great
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