#god save sevika please
sevikaspillowprincess · 6 months
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I didn’t think it’d be possible but I reckon S2 is gonna emotionally fuck us up more then S1 🥲
Like this is about to be on a whole other level 🫣
I’ll be perfectly fine as long as my baby Sevika is fine 😌
(Also Warwick is totally Vander, I’m sticking to my guns with that theory)
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lullabyes22-blog · 2 months
Silco Reads Thirst Tweets
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Based on this ask<3
Sevika: Sir, please. It's not too late to call this off.
Silco: Nonsense, Sevika. How better to have a finger on the pulse of the city than through their daily thoughts?
Sevika: … It's not their pulse you'd be fingering, sir.
tw: explicit language
Silco: I can think of a hundred better uses for my time. But if this is what Zaunites want…
Sevika: Sir, please. It's not too late to call this off.
Silco: Nonsense, Sevika. How better to have a finger on the pulse of the city than through their daily thoughts?
Sevika: … It's not their pulse you'd be fingering, sir.
Silco: Don't be crass.
Sevika: Only warning you, sir. There's filth on there that'd make a streetwalker drop dead.
Silco: Then it shall be educational for all involved.
Sevika: Sweet Janna…
Silco: Let's begin. First off: Twitter user @c0ckw00d.
Sevika: Oh gods, it's even worse than I thought.
Silco: It says here, "Silco, I'm soaking wet for you right now." Well, Twitter user C0ckw00d, you'll be happy to hear that our new water filtration systems are due to be deployed across the Lanes within the week. So if you're soaking wet, at least it's not from your contaminated shower.
Sevika: …
Silco: Next one: @DaddysDirtyGirl. "Silco, I want you to choke me with that big cock of yours." Well, Twitter user DaddysDirtyGirl. If by "choke" you mean "strangle", then you will find that my hands are better suited to improving your quality of life than any other part of my anatomy.
Sevika: Sir, don't encourage them.
Silco: That was a threat, not an encouragement. Next up: @PiltoverPr0nz.
Sevika: No. Don't read that one, sir.
Silco: @PiltoverPr0nz. What a creative handle. Though I have to say, the pornographic content from Piltover is of rather poor quality. Here in Zaun, it would barely qualify as softcore.
Sevika: Sir, stop.
Silco: Our Piltover friend says: "Silco, you can shove your boot up my ass and make me sing soprano." Well, Twitter user Piltoverpr0nz, while I am a proponent of vocal enrichment, I believe a voice coach would be more appropriate than a steel-capped boot.
Sevika: Just stop.
Silco: Come now. It's been remarkably tame so far.
Sevika: It's gonna get worse. Mark my words.
Silco: Ah, a tweet from @Jinx4Prez. I like that handle.
Sevika: Of course you do.
Silco: Jinx's ardent lobbyist has written: "Silco, just letting you know, I'm masturbating to your latest speech and coming my brains out over my keyboard."
Sevika: And there it is.
Silco: While I'm flattered by my speeches having an uplifting effect on our youth, I will remind you, Twitter user Jinx4Prez, that a sticky keyboard will be an impediment to future productivity.
Sevika: This is only going to get worse.
Silco: Next: @Daddys_Little_Monster.
Sevika: Oh gods…
Silco: A lot of Daddy references in these tweets. Interesting. "Silco, I'd ride your cock like I stole it." Well, Twitter user Daddys_Little_Monster, if you'd stolen it, then you'd risk getting arrested for grand larceny. Which, as you know, is a serious offense, and now comes with a heavy penalty under the new criminal code.
Sevika: Grand larceny implies your cock's insured for at least a half million...
Silco: I'd planned to mention that during the next budget proposal.
Sevika: Sir...
Silco: Ah, this next one isn't so bad. Twitter user @SilcosBitch has written: "Silco, if you were a god, my ass would be your shrine."
Sevika: How is this an improvement?
Silco: It's the religious overtones. I enjoy a little sacrilege now and then.
Sevika: ...
Silco: Oh, this next one's quite droll. From Twitter user @Pentaharmy: "I want Silco to spell out my name with his cum."
Sevika: ...
Silco: Not an admirer of modern art, Sevika?
Sevika: It's like some sick form of word association.
Silco: Hmm. This next tweet is a little more poignant. From Twitter user @ShimmerSluzz. They say: "I'm a virgin, and I'm saving myself for you, Silco. I'll never let another man touch me."
Sevika: That's fucked up.
Silco: Now, now. They're young, impressionable, and likely a victim of childhood trauma. You should empathise.
Sevika: They're probably a serial killer in the making.
Silco: Well, if they murder any Councilors, it'll be because I've inspired them to greatness. Next: @HornyForTheIndustrialist.
Sevika: This just gets worse and worse.
Silco: "Silco, I want you to come up with a new drug so I can get addicted and then suck you off to pay for my next hit." Well, Twitter user HornyForTheIndustrialist. If you wish to seek addiction counselling, then I'd be happy to offer a bursary. We've recently begun a government-sponsored rehabilitation program.
Sevika: ...
Silco: Oh, and the same user has written: "Silco's so sexy when he's frothing at the mouth."
Sevika: Obviously they've never heard you ranting on the warpath.
Silco: Like all good illusions, it's about maintaining a mystique.
Sevika: Uh-huh.
Silco: Here's a more interesting one. From Twitter user @DickInProgress: "Silco, I want you to bend me over and fuck me so hard that the Lanes feel it." Well, Twitter user Dickinprogress, if the Lanes feel anything, it's a severe case of infrastructural neglect. But if you're willing to contribute to the restoration effort, I will happily accept.
Sevika: You're enjoying this, aren't you?
Silco: Why should I not? Zaunites are a creative lot. I applaud their efforts.
Sevika: I've seen what some of 'em draw. I guarantee you wouldn't applaud that.
Silco: Hmm. Next is from @SexGatewayChemist. They write: "Silco, I wish I was the Shimmer you shoot into your veins."
Sevika: You see what I'm talking about now?
Silco: A little morbid, yes. But I understand their sentiment.
Sevika: You do?
Silco: Being injected into the veins is the most surefire means of persuasion.
Sevika: That's not what they meant, sir.
Silco: Next up. Hm. @VandersAFurry.
Sevika: Do NOT read that one, sir.
Silco: What is a Furry, Sevika?
Sevika: Please don't make me explain.
Silco: VandersAFurry writes: "Silco, I fantasize about your beautiful eyes watching me while I ride your fat cock."
Sevika: Sweet fucking Janna.
Silco: "Your hands wrapped around my throat as you fuck me so hard that I pass out. Then you'd wake me up by choking me again."
Sevika: Gods damnit.
Silco: "I'd love for you to come all over my face while calling me a filthy little bitch."
Sevika: Fucking-
Silco: "Then, if I was good, you'd make me lick it all off."
Sevika: That does it. Game over. Gimme your phone.
Silco: This is an impressive level of degeneracy. And here was I, thinking I'd hit the nadir of human perversion.
Sevika: It's a bottomless well, sir.
Silco: Well said. Fortunately, I've seen worse.
Sevika: You have?
Silco: Why, yes. Just last night, in fact.
Sevika: Wait. Last night?
Silco: That's right.
Sevika: So when you said you had dirty business to take care of, that was a euphemism?
Silco: A necessary omission.
Sevika: What, you've got a side piece?
Silco: More of an outlet.
Sevika: Well, I'm glad you told me.
Silco: Of course. There should be no secrets between us. And I hope you'll forgive me for not inviting you along. I just assumed that you'd rather not be involved in that sort of thing.
Sevika: Not really my scene, sir.
Silco: Fair enough. Now, as to this Twitter business. What did you call it again? Thirst Tweets?
Sevika: Yes, sir.
Silco: Well, I believe that Zaun's Twitterscape requires a stern, authoritative hand.
Sevika: What, are you gonna start censoring these people?
Silco: Censorship is an outdated and ineffective form of government intervention. No, we will simply use the tweets as a targeted form of recruitment.
Sevika: You... want to hire an army of perverts?
Silco: A force of nature cannot be controlled. But it can be harnessed.
Sevika: So you're gonna put 'em to work.
Silco: Precisely.
Sevika: So they don't have the time to spend all day tweeting.
Silco: Indeed. And in doing so, we will gain a much-needed workforce.
Sevika: I can get behind that.
Silco: Very good. Because I will need you to lead this recruitment effort.
Sevika: Wait, what?!
Silco: Your expertise will be invaluable.
Sevika: Fuck no. There's no way I'm spending my days wading through the cesspool of horny degeneracy on Twitter.
Silco: I'll see you bright and early tomorrow morning.
Sevika: ...
Silco: Oh, and one more thing.
Sevika: Yeah?
Silco: If any of these recruits try to touch you, you have my full permission to break their hands.
Sevika: With pleasure.
Silco: Good. Now get some sleep. You've got a busy day ahead of you.
Sevika: ...Yes, sir...
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archangeldyke-all · 5 months
Sevika and reader’s daughter is getting ready to go prom and sevika gives her date a hard time
I absolutely love your work 💓💓💓💓💓
this is so fucking cute. UGH
men and minors dni
sevika cries the night before little fucker's prom. not in front of her, just in your arms that night, silently soaking your pajama shirt as she cries about your daughter growing up.
"she was a baby just yesterday!" she whines. you giggle and press a kiss to her head.
"she's growing up, honey." you say, tearing up too. sevika sniffles.
"oh god, what if she has sex tomorrow night?" she asks. you laugh.
"oh please, like you weren't juggling three girls by the time you were eighteen." you tease her. sevika groans.
"i know, i'm worried she's got my slutty tendencies!" you burst into laughter.
"she'll be fine. at least she can't get pregnant with her little girlfriend." you tease. sevika groans again.
"god, i don't trust that girl one bit." she mumbles. you laugh.
"sev, she's a sweet kid. she obviously adores our girl, you saw her promposal."
your daughter's date to the prom is a sweet, quiet girl, who 'promposed' to her with a big bouquet of her favorite flowers, a bag of her favorite fast food, and tickets to a movie she's been dying to see. she's got your stamp of approval. sevika's is gonna be a bit harder to earn.
sevika gasps in your arms suddenly.
"what?" you ask, panicked.
"fuck, babe, in five years we could be grandmas." she groans. you laugh.
"oh please, you'd love having another baby around."
"not yet!" she cries. "we're too young! she's too young!"
"she might not even want kids, sev."
sevika's silent for a minute, considering this. then, "she fucking better. if she doesn't have one soon, i'm getting you pregnant again. i want another baby." she says. you burst into laughter.
"i don't think that'll work babe, but you can try all you want." you offer, opening your legs around your wife. she grins, her tears gone, and she shoots up to kiss you.
the next day, sevika cries on and off from the moment she wakes up.
as you help little fucker do her makeup, sevika stands in the corner sobbing.
as she helps little fucker curl her hair, sevika's tears keep falling onto her head.
when she slips into her suit-- sevika breaks down.
"oh fuck!" she cries, wrapping her arms around your daughter. she groans.
"ma, get her off of me! she's gonna ruin my suit!" your girl wails as she tries to wiggle out of sevika's grip. sevika doesn't let go, not until you pull her away by her ear.
"just wait until your wedding day, kid." you tease your girl. she rolls her eyes, and sevika whimpers.
"why would you say that?" sevika wails, a fresh round of tears bubbling up in her eyes. you laugh and kiss her tears away, and beside you, your little girl gags.
when her date arrives, all of sevika's tears disappear, a glare taking over her features.
the girl pulls up in a car and walks to the door with a bouquet of flowers in her shaky hands.
your daughter is vibrating with excitement as she answers the door and lets her girlfriend in, and it makes you a little emotional. they're so fucking cute.
her girlfriend tries her best. sevika doesn't make it easy.
"i'm so excited to finally meet you mrs. and m--"
"save it." sevika grunts. you elbow her and sevika elbows you back.
your daughter facepalms. "mom--"
"what're your intentions with my daughter tonight?" sevika asks. you bite your lip to keep from laughing at the cringes on your daughter and her girl's face.
"i-- uh-- d-dancing?" she asks. "w-we've got reservations at an italian place after, and there's an afterparty at--"
"afterparty!?" sevika exclaims. you snort and elbow her again.
"i already told you mom!" your daughter whines. "at robby's house-- you know, nerdy robby? robotics club captain?"
sevika's glare lessens, but doesn't dissappear. "nerds can get into just as much trouble as any--"
"sev." you cut her off, shooting her a glance. quit embarrassing our poor kid. you telepathically tell her. she glares at you.
it's my job to embarrass her, it gives her character. sevika's glare responds. you roll your eyes.
"can i get a few pictures of you kids before you go? you look so cute in your matching suit and dress." you say, distracting the teenagers from your wife's glare. your daughter's new beau nods so hard you think her head might fall off her neck. you laugh and guide them outside to pose in front of the flowers in the front garden.
as you snap pictures, sevika hovers over your shoulder the entire time.
your daughter grabs her girlfriends hand, and you can physically feel the way sevika cringes. when her girlfriend rests her hands around your daughter's waist, sevika has to look away. and when they kiss, sevika groans.
"okay! fuck, save it until you're married." she says. you snort.
"when did you become such a prude?" your daughter asks, glaring at sevika. sevika glares back.
"i've always been a prude. i've never had sex in my life. and you shouldn't either." she says. you laugh.
"i heard you and ma going at it this morning in the shower!" your daughter exclaims. you watch in amusement as her date blushes red as a tomato.
"okay!" you interrupt before the poor girl has a heart attack. "you two should get going." you say, walking your daughter and her date toward her car on the street.
her date sprints to the driver's side, slamming the door behind her, sufficiently terrified of sevika, and trying to get away as fast as possible. it makes you laugh.
you and sevika wrap your little fucker up in a big, tight hug before she can slip in the passenger's seat, pressing kiss after kiss to her hair. she giggles between the two of you.
"you guys are horrible." she complains. you laugh.
"hey, that's all mom. i've been a perfectly normal parent all evening--" you try to defend yourself. you're met with twin glares from your wife and daughter.
"you wanted me to!" sevika accuses.
"you barely stopped her!" your daughter shouts.
you laugh. "both of those statements are false!"
your kid groans, and sevika kisses her forehead again.
"call us if you need a ride. i don't care what time it is or where you are-- we'll come get you. and your little girlfriend too." she says.
"i know, mom." little fucker groans.
"and don't drink anything you didn't make yourself!" you say. she rolls her eyes.
"there's not even gonna be alc--"
"here." sevika interrupts her, shoving a dental dam, mini bottle of lube, and a condom into her suit's breast pocket. your daughter scoffs.
"oh, so you're suddenly all 'sex positive' again." she says. sevika shrugs.
"i don't want you having any sex until i'm dead and buried, but if you're gonna do it while i'm still alive, make sure it's safe." she says. your kid groans.
"i know, i know." she grumbles.
"take this." you say, handing her a folded wad of cash. "pay for her dinner tonight-- as an apology for our behavior."
your kid grins. "thanks, ma."
you hug her again, pressing kiss after kiss to her head. you're so distracted by loving on your daughter, that neither of you notice when sevika disentangles herself from your group hug to walk around the car and tap on the driver's side window.
"y-yes miss?" your daughter's date asks wearily as she rolls the window down. sevika glares down at her.
"you take care of her." she says. your daughter looks up from where she'd buried her face against your shoulder to watch their interaction in horror.
"yes ma'am."
"drive the limit. if you drink, or smoke, or do anything-- don't you dare get behind the wheel, you hear me?" she asks. the poor girl nods again.
"take this." sevika says, handing the girl another dental dam, condom, and mini bottle of lube. you chuckle, your daughter groans, and her girlfriend's eyes nearly pop out of her head.
"this is so humiliating." your kid mumbles. you giggle.
"hey-- if she sticks around after this, then you know she's a keeper." you tease. your girl snorts.
"mom leave her alone!" she calls.
"you gotta pen?" sevika asks. you watch as the girl scrambles for a pen and paper, handing it to your wife. sevika scrawls something onto the paper, then hands it back. "my number. call if you need anything." she says. the girl gulps and nods.
"oh my god." your kid groans. "she's gonna dump me after this."
you laugh. "no she's not." you say. "when she wasn't cowering in fear 'cause of your mom, the only thing she was looking at this entire time was you. i think you've got her hooked, honey." you say. little fucker melts, a shy smile creeping up her face.
"yeah." she says dreamily. you press a solid kiss to her head, and hug her one more time.
"be safe. but have some fun, yeah?" you ask. she nods at you. "and tell your girl we're really sorry. mom won't always be like this-- it's just how she shows she cares."
"i know."
sevika comes back to wrap your girl in a hug, kissing her again.
"love you, kid." she says.
"love you too." she says, squished between the two of you.
when she finally worms her way out of your arms, she hops into the car and leans over the console to press a kiss to her girlfriend's cheek. you grin at the way the girl's look of horror quickly melts, a shy smile taking its place.
"bye!" you call as the car starts up, waving at the girls.
as soon as the car turns the corner, sevika's crying again.
"fuck! she's gonna be in college soon-- what are we gonna do without her annoying ass bothering us all the time?" she asks, crying into your shoulder. you laugh, pressing a kiss to her scalp.
"i've got a few ideas." you say, trailing your hands down to grab your wife's ass. her crying ceases, and she looks up from your shoulder with a cocky smirk.
"oh yeah?" she asks. you giggle and shrug.
"when's the last time we fucked on the couch? or the counter?" you ask. sevika grins, then ducks down to hoist you over her shoulder, running back into the house.
you squeal and laugh the entire way.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki
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moodywyrm · 1 year
Hi Moony! I’m the anon who asked for the vi and ankle kisses and I just wanted to let you know that I really liked what you did with it! I didn’t even think of subby vi but my god my mouth is watering!
Soooo, ill give you another subby vi idea! She’s so whiny and needy and I just wanna strap her down until she’s babbling<3
mmmmm yeah I want this one. also if yall happen to have any Grayson sevika or ambessa thoughts ,,,,, I want the milfs, ,,,, Biblically.
Vi is fucking beautiful, her face smushed into the mattress as she moans out your name. she's basically laying on her tummy, one leg hiked up to give you access to her needy cunt.
you're behind her, a strap the same shade of pink as here hair attached to your hips. you'd been teasing her with your hands, thumbing at her clit and fingers slowly dipping in and out of her until they were coated her sticky sweet slick. she was in tears, whimpering and begging you in that pretty, whiny voice of hers.
"Fu-fuck, pumpkin, please fuck me, been so good for you," She babbles, turning her head to the side to get a look at you. It takes everything in her to not moan at the sight, her girlfriend covered in sweat, completely naked save for her favorite strap. She's desperate, needy, unbearably horny and ready to cum.
You giggle, running a hand down her back and admiring the dark ink decorating her muscles. It was always one of your favorite things to admire when you had her like this, or when she was eating you out, or when she was working out, or whenever you could, really.
"Mhm, you've been so good Vi," You coo, smoothing your hands down to her hips and helping her up onto her knees, "think you deserve a reward."
She whines, arching her back and pushing backwards. This position only exposes her more, her soaked cunt framed by her delicious thighs. You massage her hips, moving your hands to spread her ass apart, only making her whine more.
"Please, baby," She cries, flushing an even deeper red when she feels her pussy spread open under your thumbs and a dribble of slick slide down her inner thigh. You hum, watching her clench around nothing before inching forward.
You grab your shaft, dragging the tip up and down Vi's cunt, making sure to coat it in her copious slick before positioning it at her hole. You push in, slow and steady until your hips are pressed flushed against Vi's ass.
Vi feels her head go fuzzy, hyper-focused on the stretch, the delicious fucking stretch of the strap inside her, nudging up against that perfect little spot. She moans out a slurred "Oh fuck", drool sliding down her cheek as she arches impossibly more.
"Aw, that feel good honey?" You hum, smoothing a hand up her back, over the tattoo and back down to her ass, kneading at her. She nods, a weak, affirming whimper escaping from her swollen, spit slicked lips.
You giggle at her demeanor, usually so strong and prickly, now completely submissive under your touch. With a buck of your hips, you pull out to the tip and slowly push in. Vi whines, loving the feeling of being fucked by you but needing it harder, faster, anything to give her more.
Knowing you've teased her enough, withheld her orgasm long enough, you start fucking her in earnest. With both hands on her ass, spreading it apart and giving you a good look at the hot pink silicone plunging into her pussy, you fuck Vi just how she needs it.
It's loud, the slick, sloppy sounds of her pussy making Vi flush even deeper. As much as you want to look at her back, her face, her fucked out writhing, you can't rip your eyes away from her cunt. Sticky strings of slick stick to the silicone, making a mess of your hips and her ass.
"Fuck, ya hear that baby? Pretty girl, making a mess for me," You groan, and – god – you swear she leaks out more slick at the praise.
"Mhm, 'm your pretty girl– fuck," She whines, starting to buck back into you, grip on the blankets tightening until her knuckles turn white. The muscles of her back ripple as she presses her front down into the bed, moving the ink of her upper back and mesmerizing you even more.
It's so fucking hot, you feel heat flush your entire body as you buck into her harder. She's a sight, absolutely beautiful under you, fucking back onto the strap as hard as she needs. You let her, knowing she's getting close by the shake of her thick thighs and the dribbles of slick consistently leaking out onto the strap.
"God, you're close baby? Wanna see my baby cum for me," You huff, dragging one hand around her hip to toy at her clit. The press and rub of your fingertips on the sensitive little bud makes her cry, her knees almost giving out. She slows her pace, barely grinding back into you and needing you to take over for you.
She doesn't even need to speak, because it always goes this way. She takes and takes until she can't take anymore, needing you to take care of her. And when she's this submissive, you're always ready to take care of her. She deserves it, your sweet girl.
You grip her hip with the hand that isn't circling her swollen clit and press in to the hilt, grinding and grinding and grinding until Vi yelps into her pillow. It's muffled and wet and definitely involves drool, and it's the prettiest noise she makes, every single time.
"Ohhh fuck pumpkin – shit– ah," She whines as she presses back into you as hard as possible, her pretty cunt convulsing around the strap as she cums. And when Vi cums, she gushes, leaking slick all over the pink toy and leaving a pretty ring of cum for you to gawk at. She's trembling, shaking under you and barely holding herself up.
As her orgasm rips through her, her knees give out, leaving her barely held up by your hands. You feel her clit throb against your fingertips, pulsing under your touch. She's beautiful, pure art, in need of praise. "That's it, let it out baby. Doing so good, you look fucking beautiful, always the prettiest when you cum for me."
It makes her cry, tears slipping down her face as the remainders of her orgasm fizzle out, leaving her shaky and sated. You watch as her muscles relax, her entire body slumping down onto the bed. You massage her hips, easing the toy out of her and unclipping the harness before laying down next to her.
Vi's face down, trying to steady her breathing after you fucked her boneless. You slip down next to her, laying your side and trailing on hand up and down her back, trying to soothe her.
"You okay baby?" Voice soft, you scoot in a little closer, pressing a kiss to the spot behind her ear.
Vi hums, finally calming down enough to look at you. "I'm perfect, pumpkin. That was ... wow."
She huffs, smiling as she shifts onto her side and looks at you. She looks so soft, even as she's sweaty and flushed and clearly fucked out. Her voice is gentle when she says "Thank you."
You hum, pressing a sweet kiss to her lips, smoothing your hands over her body. "Anything for my sweet girl."
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nochi-quinn · 1 year
campaign 3 episode 52: it's bad were running
(that's not bad grammar it's a PUN)
omar going after travis' coffee
oh they were serious about no sponsors, I thought sam was gonna jump in at the end
split party SPLIT PARTY
critrole scent collection when
…don't let sam do it tho
imogen turns into a snake
just dunk chet in a snowbank it's fine
chetney pockopea the snow nomad
laura's raspy voice is still attractive, sorry laura
something something the last of us joke
"this is getting weird"
pls contact my boy
(they will not contact my boy)
so just completely incommunicado
I don't know why ashley's quiet little "still dogshit" made me giggle but it did
time to make a snow pit
NOT A SHOEBILL creepy muppet motherfuckers
"they're cute in the way sun bears are cute"
[aabria voice] hate it. hate to have learned it.
chetney what
that's flora, travis, fauna is animals
too big, disapprove
white eyes blue lizard
oh no letters
Shield of Help
panic zaps
"baby is tired!"
It's Bad We're Running
(It's Bad, Were Running)
and then the cave collapsed in on them
"I've seen this mistake made before" YEAH
pause game for hugs
slayer's take style!!
I like aabria's braids, the blue is cute
not the ✌️ selfie
help I'm attracted
I have had them for fifteen seconds and if anything happens to them
sam why
"roll better!"
"why didn't I fight for that last campaign?" "it's the only thing you didn't fight for!"
"I would not assume all automatons know each other, that would be bad" "we have a handshake"
"can I be laerryn?"
"shut up, CERRIT"
I wasn't looking at the subs, I assume that's the spelling
"I'm going to fly - " "- away"
it IS deanna
aabria just divorcing every player
erika's gonna kiss every player, aabria's gonna divorce them
it's an ACRONYM
frida tripleclass??
that's too many, put some back
travis just CRACKING
we're not talking about the flesh tongue
"I've never heard him so quiet. Thank you."
zombie ex??
"I was brutally killed! I got better."
midsommar festival
aabria's coming for me again, I didn't consent to this
"he kept a promise"
"I have stew!" my roommate playing red dead online
laughter recordings?? that's either cute or creepy I can't tell yet
"I will never let you die :D"
"you're the main character"
"aabria is available on twitter"
"you should save it for someone who needs it" "I did" T_T
fcg no
oh, they're a scout
roll to remove face
natural 1: face comes off but it's not supposed to
I'm just picturing sevika from arcane and her knife arm
"no attention on me right now please"
"I. Am. Freaking. Out. 😎"
that's some forceful recruitment
"why do you believe a god gives you purpose?" fearne: YEAH
letters istg
"we understand time"
"I don't put much credence in what a god wants"
again, not sure if the laughter thing is creepy or cute
laura eating at the table, just like old times
"I cursed him!"
not the tony stark hologram
"do I need to roll high or low? I need to tell my dice"
"we'll teach you how to use dice sometime"
"those aren't numbers" "that's my handwriting!"
that's an extremely cool way to do a psychic knock-knock, I'm disappointed there's no chance it was ever gonna work
wait when were people trying to give themselves electrical scars, stop that
No Thoughts Only Stew
"I have fallen a lot today" "it's because you're behind me and can't concentrate"
death ward jealously
I don't know how I feel about a mango bundt cake
mango frosting mb
"what's a mango?" [miguel roadtoeldorado voice] and where was he keeping it?!
there's a pocket plane inside his chest with a full michelin-starred kitchen
"you can dream?!" "you can bake!"
"I've never dreamt with anyone before" gay
"I am the night"
rogues are whatever
oh fuck that guy
the music is murdering me
"I left on bad terms" "why?" he murdered santa
"why the kneecap?" "it was at eye level"
knees are the worst, I want them patched out in the next update
gonna fight aabria in a parking lot while sobbing uncontrollably
"it's been like ten years for me, I still got it"
"please don't make me roll for heart attack"
roll for titties
"does he grow?" "ALL over" "that's not necessary"
"I smirk in monsterfucker"
"getting the five rows in tetris"
"we've had this fight a lot so you can be a part of it now"
"I have never believed in anything more than I believe in you" lays in the floor with my tenrose feelings
lays in the floor with my the silt verses feelings
someone inverted imogen's y-axis dslkfjsl
"y'all just keep saying neW SHIT"
this feels ungood
[stargate voice] the giant aliens
I don't know if they're giant, it's just what pops in my head every time
"this is bad but I know you're not" oh I enjoy that a lot
oh calming down from tactile
"chet you got deep faked!"
werewolf vs robot, this summer on syfy
emotional damage :(
"I'll get him out the old-fashioned way!"
I zoned out for the whole last fifteen minutes
werebot? WEREBOT??
the way ashley yeeted mister and matt just caught him dslsldkfs
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perfect-fourth · 1 year
(From Sevika, or Jinx, your choice) ☠
The Last Drop had almost emptied out, as it was nearly 6AM-- save for one lone man who had clearly had a little bit too much during his eventful evening at the bar.
He'd passed out beneath a table in a puddle of his own sick, wearing a distinct lack of clothing save for his undergarments, a tasteful maroon silk. When he awoke, it was not by the presence of 1, but 2 likely judgemental women, to whom he would squint up at with blurry, spinning vision. He was still somewhat drunk from hours earlier.
"Please don't kill me, I know I promise I'll finish the job just give me -- gods -- please stop spinning around--" he spoke in his native dialect of Zhyun. Whether either of them understood a lick of it, he did not know. He didn't care either-- he seemed to believe them to be someone else.
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queerofzaun · 3 years
so i've been thinking about vi x fem!reader..
where reader is with jinx because she want to be able to keep her sane and not lost her sanity because of what happened to mylo, vander, and claggor. since back then she promised vi to take care of powder which she does, she even joined silco and sevika taught her how to fight with a bow since she's someone who already know the basics. along with that, jinx also tweak her arrows and put some kind of strong poison at the end of the arrow. and of course she asked singed to make an antidote just in case she accidentally shot someone and then vi came back with caitlyn, and chaos ensues .
please please please feed my heart my favorite person 😭❤
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𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 : vi x fem!reader
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 : angst, light violence, fluff
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 : before vi leaves, she makes reader to take care of jinx. one night, reader & jinx have a mission from silco to take out some group of bandits but run into someone unexpected
𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 : 1.9K
𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔 : i deleted this draft three times lmfao, but here we gooo
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Many years had passed since you last saw your girlfriend. Ex girlfriend. The thought of her would usually keep you up till early hours of the mornings. Wondering if she was alive or dead, where she could possibly be. The last thing she said to you before she disappeared was to take care of Powder. Which you did. Though, you knew her better as Jinx now. Once Vi left, Silco became a father to her and she changed. The blue haired bomber was the not same girl she was all those years ago.
As much as you wanted to leave Zaun behind and forget everything, couldn’t break your promise. So you stayed, and helped Jinx. Thank god you did, because you were her only voice of reason. The only one who could really get through to her, who would genuinely listen to what she had to say. She loved Silco, but he didn’t like her talking about what happened that day. You were her person. Someone she had found comfort in. To your surprise, you actually ended up bonding with Silco. Even his right hand man, Sevika.
Sevika taught you how to use a bow, something you quickly became skilled at. For years, you practiced every day. You were a perfect shot now. You never missed a target. She also helped you learn to fight and defend yourself. You became a much stronger person because of her so you had an appreciation for her. Sometimes her dislike for Jinx got under your skin though. You had become very protective over her, you didn’t like anyone messing with her.
Jinx had been through a lot, you had too. Maybe that’s why you always felt so protective over her. You understood her pain to an extent. She was currently working on your arrows, tweaking them with some poisonous tincture Singed had made for her. Little did she know though, you had had actually made him prepare an antidote. The last thing you needed was Jinx going off the rails and causing someone to get hurt. It was just.. for precaution.
The two of you were planning on taking care of some group of bandits for Silco, as they had been causing trouble for quite some time now. You weren’t really looking forward to it, all you wanted to do was stay in the for night and relax. The past week you had spent nearly all day training with Sevika and saving Jinx’s ass from trouble. You were exhausted. But, you knew better than piss Silco off, it never ended well for anybody. Plus, it would be kind of nice to kick some ass before hitting the hay.
“Annnnd.. Done.” Jinx exclaimed with a grin as she held up the poisoned arrows.
You sighed, “I can’t believe you’re making me use those.”
Jinx pouted at your statement, “Y/n, the arrows you use are boring. They needed a little fix, now you can really kick some ass!”
You watched as her pout quickly turned into a grin, as she pushed the arrows to your chest. Taking them from you, you shook your head as your slid them into your quiver. You took the bow that was leaning against the couch, “Are we ready?”
Jinx let out a quick ‘mhm’ as she grabbed her pistol and mini gun. Once she had her thighs, the two you left the bar. The cool air nipped your skin, but it felt much better than the hot air from inside the last drop. The air was much better to breathe in as well. Despite it being filled with toxins, it still felt much more fresh compared to the smoke filled bar. Jinx followed behind you as the two of you made your way to the location Sevika had given you earlier. It was near Jerichos booth. Which worked out for you, a meal would be needed after this job.
“I can’t wait to see the look on their stupid little faces once they realize your arrows are poisonous.” Jinx chucked from behind you.
“That’s if you don’t start blasting first.” You teased.
She giggled in response, “Good point.”
It wasn’t long until you were close to approaching the location, Jerichos finally coming into view. You kept walking until you heard Jinx stop in her tracks. Stopping, you turned to look back at her over your shoulder with furrowed brows. Her blue eyes were widened, seeming to be in a state of shock. Her lips were slightly parted, her hands limp at her sides as her breathing grew heavier. You followed her gaze until you saw two girls at the food booth. One girl on the girls had a hood pulled over her head, tall and thin. The other had wild pink hair, with an all too familiar undercut. Your breath caught stuck in your throat as you stared at the two women. It couldn’t be her. It couldn’t. She wouldn’t be in Zaun without trying to find you and Jinx first. She wouldn’t do that to you
Jinx stepped closer after a few moments until she was behind them, “Vi?..”
The pink haired girl slowly turned to her head, her face coming into view. It was her. You tried to process everything as you watched her embrace Jinx. Your brain was running a million miles per minute. Had she been here this whole time? Was she seriously eating when she could’ve been looking for you? And who the girl that was with her? Your fists clenched as you felt the hurt, anger, and betrayal kicking into overdrive. Before you could think twice, you had pulled your bow and arrow out, taking aim quickly at the strange woman beside Vi as tears began to brim your e/c eyes.
The woman noticed your aim, eyes widening before taking a small back until her back hit the the counter. It wasn’t too long before she had swiftly took out her sniper, taking aim at you as well. It caused Jinx and Vi to break their hug, the blue haired girl staring at you and Vi checked on that woman. That only made the anger grow stronger, your fingers pulling back on the string just a bit as you stared at the two of them with baneful eyes.
“Y/n..” Vi finally spoke to you, making aim the bow in the direction.
“Who the fuck is that.” You spat, “She doesn’t look like she belongs here. Is she a fucking topsider?”
That immediately caused Jinx to shift demeanors, now growing pissed alongside with you. She stepped back from Vi, until she was standing next to you with her gun aimed at the other girl. “No. No, tell me she’s lying.” Jinx’s voice cracked.
You could tell she was about to have an episode. She was holding her head and talking to herself, most likely having hallucinations. “No! She wouldn’t do that!” Jinx cried out to herself.
“My name is Caitlyn. I’m here with Vi, I’m doing an investigation. There’s been an attack in Piltover and i’m trying to get answers.” Caitlyn introduced, still keeping her gun aimed in your direction.
“Get the fuck out of my city.” You yelled at her, your fingers tightening their grip against the string.
“Y/n. She’s not your enemy. She br-” Vi started but you cut her off by laughing dryly.
“Don’t. You disappear for years and suddenly you’re back eating a meal with a fucking enforcer. And you’re helping her with an investigation? That matters more to you than us?” You spat, tilting your head towards Jinx.
“Wh- No, that’s no-” Vi started, but you cut her off by releasing the drawstring of your bow.
The arrow whipped through the air before penetrating Caitlyn’s shoulder. She dropped her gun, falling to the ground with a gasp. As hurt as you were, you couldn’t help but feel guilty after watching how upset it made Vi. You were angry, but you could never hate her. Even if you wanted. You watched as she helped the enforcer, yanking the arrow out. Caitlyn’s face began to grow pale as sweat started to bead on forehead.
Her breath grew ragged and slow. “What did you do to me?” She breathed, her voice weak.
“I added a few.. special touches to the arrows.” Jinx answered, clasping her hands together with a wicked grin.
“What did you do?” Vi asked, glancing between the two of you.
You held back your tears as you walked up to the enforcer, kneeling down in front of her. It took everything in you to push back the selfish desire to let her die right there. You reached into your pocket, grabbing the antidote. You grabbed her jaw roughly, pouring the green concoction in her mouth. She tried to spit it out, but you shut her jaw before she could. Once you saw her throat gulp the medicine, you rose back to your feet.
“What was that?” Caitlyn asked, glaring up at you.
“The arrows were poisoned. I just gave you the cure.” You replied dryly.
With that, you turned and walked off from them. Jinx stood behind, probably to stay with Vi. You didn’t blame her though, she had missed her sister and you were still happy for Jinx. But, you just wanted to get away from the girls. More than anything, you just wanted to be alone. You heard Vi call after you, but you ignored her. Tears were brimming your eyes as you ignored her. All it would take was one look with those beautiful slate eyes, and that would be enough to make you feel weak.
A hand was on your shoulder, making you stop in your tracks. You didn’t bother to turn around. You knew who it was. The tears threatened to spill just from the simple touch. It had been so many years since she had last touched you. She walked in front of you, taking your face in her hands. Then you finally broke down. Tears began to pour as you felt the warmth of her hands against your cheeks. Your eyes met her slate ones.
“Baby.. I’m sorry. I got arrested, and Caitlyn got me out under the condition that I help her. I swear, I didn’t forget about you or Pow. I thought about you every fucking day.” She rambled.
“But you were eating with her? It didn’t seem like much of an investigation.” You muttered, breaking her gaze.
She let out a soft chuckle, “I haven’t had a real meal in many years, cupcake. She didn’t even want to be there. There’s no reason to be jealous, you know? I still love you.” 
Blush dusted your cheeks as you kept your gaze anywhere but on her, “I.. I’m not jealous.” 
Her arms pulled you into her chest before wrapping them around you tightly. You softened under her embrace, bringing your arms up to her back as you hugged back. She smelled the same which took you by surprise. It was comforting, knowing that she hadn’t completely changed in the time she had been gone. Her appearance was different, though. Piercings, tattoos, shorter hair. 
Vi pulled back, cupping your face again to press her lips to yours. You kissed back, bringing a hand to the back of her neck. Her lips moved against yours gently. All the anger and pain slowly faded. There was nothing left but the love you had for her. You missed her kiss more than you had realized. She pulled away before resting her forehead against yours, “I love you.”
“I love you too, Vi.” You smiled softly, “Now let’s go make sure your sister hasn’t killed your enforcer friend.”
She chuckled, “Good idea.”
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friskarm · 2 years
man being vi in arcane sucks so bad
its really easy to look at what happened to jinx and think holy fuck that sucks. bc it does! but vi went through as much shit. god.
the first thing is how she’s kinda parentified a bit by vander. he means well, and shit he’s doing a lot better for these kids than leaving them out on the street, but in act 1 vi is still a kid too! you can see what vander was trying to communicate with that "it's on you" convo but he left the complete wrong message. sometimes it's not on you, actually.
then her entire family barring her sister is blown up. by her sister. she forces herself to be an adult after realising she's losing it and makes the incredibly mature decision to walk away to cool down and process, but fate interferes in the worst way. she's thrown in prison.
im not going to get into how awful prison is but let's agree throwing someone into prison is just. one of the worst ways to ruin people. vi was subject to constant beatings and isolation. the fact that she's as stable as she is coming out of it is kind of a miracle.
by caitlyn comes in and busts her out. and vi is admittedly taking her for a bit of a ride to begin with. i don't think vi necessarily doesn't want to help her but finding powder >>>>>> getting this piltie chick dirt on silco.
and all she hears from silco's goons is that oh, jinx works for silco. she's like his daughter. they're family. which must be such a horrifying thing to learn when your last memory of the dude is him kidnapping your adoptive dad and ruining your life.
and then she finally finds powder and it's good, and things are almost working out, but caitlyn shows up, and aggresses her a bit, and she almost manages to regain control of the situation but then ekko runs in and ruins everything.
and vi is so pleased to see ekko but how much must it have hurt to see one of her only allies down in the undercity tell her that her whole reason for living -- to get powder back -- is pointless? vi talks so much about how the thought of getting back to powder was her only motivation for getting through each day in prison.
and vi doesn't give up. but she never gets any real agency to change things with powder after that. she has to chose between confronting powder or helping caitlyn get the gem back (to presumably save caitlyn's life and prevent all-out war between piltover and zaun). and vi is learning to see the big picture! she doesn't want to leave powder behind, not at all. but she's starting to believe in what people have been telling her, just a bit.
then nothing fucking works in piltover, because why would it? it all goes to shit and she heads back to zaun in despair. at least she wins vs sevika in round 2? but it's a fight full of misery.
and then there's the whole dinner party scene. vi just has not had a proper chance to sit down with powder in a situation where they can talk. so vi never gets the chance to understand what her sister is saying. she's trying -- she's doing her best -- and i really do believe that given the opportunity, vi would be able to understand. but she's never given that chance. it's out of her hands.
and then jinx fires fishbones.
vi spends so much of her time just. trying to catch up. trying to do the right thing. but she never gets the opportunities she needs to. really know what she needs to do.
but she tries so, so hard.
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leslie-red · 2 years
Dark Beauty chapter 8
Are you real ?
Beauty is a woman or a man , beauty is a aquatic creature , beauty is color blue , beauty is the sound of the rain . Everything is about beauty .
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Silco feels her body move slightly against him and he lowers his head to look at her carefully. He sees in her eyes all her fatigue, and tries not to let her down, as if he was holding something fragile. She breathes more slowly and normally.
"I'm fine..." She whispers to him.  "I just..need some water please... ."
Silco doesn't wait and slowly tries to get her up. He doesn't let go for a second, though, feeling her sway. He would be ready to carry her but he sees that she regains some strength. My God, he doesn't want her to fall. He glued her to him, putting the blanket back on her shoulders.
"Bring a chair."  He gently orders no one in particular, but only Singed brings what is needed. Silco helps Leslie to sit down and puts a hand on her face, still pale and cold. Singed returns with a glass of water.
Sevika, Brut and the rest of the group are stunned by the image, to see Silco suddenly taking care of Leslie like the apple of his eyes. Leslie drinks slowly and Silco kneels down in front of her and gently caresses her cheek with his thumb, never leaving her sight. He admires this beauty and has always been aware of its existence but has never accepted it. Leslie struggles to speak, struggles to see, but feels this hand on her face that keeps her awake. She tries to focus on one person: Silco. Only him, in the moment, keeps her from falling asleep. That look... A new look. Until now he was cold, scornful, indifferent... This time she sees only love... If she dares to think this way. Why should she wonder why he saved her, why does he look at her that way? What is sure is that she is better. She feels calmer. No more pain. Just water and this tender gesture on her face. A gesture she hasn't received in years. Silco continues to caress her face and finally puts his other hand on her other cheek to look at her. To see the treasure that he has in front of him.
" You have to sleep...And nothing and nobody will wake you up. " He gives her a small smile, still feeling Leslie's face rather cold. Instinctively Leslie looks towards the basement. This amuses Silco enough. He strokes her hair and asks her:
"You really think you're going back in there ? "
"No." She murmurs and gives him a small mocking smile :
"You wouldn't dare send me back in there.
"Of course not. It's not your place anymore. Come on... "He gently stands up, taking her against him and helping her to her feet.
He takes her gently to her dormitory. He feels that she is getting cold again. He massages her arm strongly to warm her up.
Singed and Sevika remain side by side totally silent. They can't say a word about what is happening. In a few hours, everything has changed. Sevika feels frustrated, while Singed is worried...Even if the young woman is alive...Thanks to Silco.
"So what now ? "Brut asks totally lost. "What is he going to do to her ?"
"I dare not imagine..." Replies Sevika. "I don't feel it... A few hours ago he wanted to kill her, and now he's brooding over her? "Her arm hurts again but she tries to deal with the pain. "You saw what she did to me..."
"Yes Sevika...I know that...But you know that we don't question Silco's decisions. " Singed says softly. "I know it's...very strange...even confusing to see him act like this...but it's okay...he won't do anything to her.."
Sevika retorts, moving quickly towards the alchemist :
"That's not the point..."
"Sevika...Please...We are all exhausted...Calm down..Just calm down."
Silco opens the door to his dortir slowly letting Leslie in.
"Here we go... Come on, lie down." He tells her in the softest possible tone. A thunderstorm begins to brew. He slowly raises his head to the ceiling and hears raindrops.
Leslie looks at the bed for a moment...A single bed...A rather dark and blue dormitory..A bedside table and desk..With a syringe filled with purple shimmer. He notices that she is worried about the object and cautiously moves towards her taking the syringe:
"No, no, no. This is for me. Look.." He then shows her how he injects the shimmer into his infected eye in one quick shot. He feels the pain..But he is not alone anymore. She is there with him. It's best not to worry about her right now.
Leslie just looks at Silco, totally overwhelmed by him and tired, and gently takes the object in her hands, delicately touching Silco's hand.
"How long have you been using it ? " She asks in a small voice.
"Years... It keeps the infection from getting worse... I wouldn't risk losing my vision with it. "
Leslie gently raises her hand, trying to touch Silco's scarred side, but doesn't dare. He understands and smiles slightly, gently pushing her down onto the bed.
"Go ahead, it won't hurt. " She then gently touches that face for the first time, her hand trembling and it's like a revelation for her. This hard skin, damaged, wounded but so fragile, this face becomes so precious to her. The basis of everything. Of everything that happened to her, horrible and wonderful. The horror of seeing Jeff kidnapped, dying, the torture she endured, to be saved and feel her heart beat against the one who is responsible for it all.
Beautiful..He's beautiful.
" I don't see this kind of face every day..It's unimaginable..I'm not talking about..The scar..Or your eye..Everything about you Silco is unimaginable..And I can finally see it and touch it. "  Tears begin to well up in her eyes, a sign of fatigue and emotion.
"Close your eyes..." He puts his hands over her eyes to help her settle down. "Listen to me carefully. You're going to rest now, like I said, no one's going to wake you up. This is my place. "He moves closer to her face and whispers in her ear, "The door will be locked. But if you want to get out... you can open the lock... do you want to get out ? "
He hopes not. With all his heart, with all his soul, he wants her to stay.
"No, I don't. I'm staying here. This is my place too now. .... "Silco smiles softly . He sees that she is finally falling asleep peacefully.
"Sleep well, beautiful. He murmurs, gently caressing her hair and looking at her for a few more minutes.
He got up slowly so as not to wake her up and left the room, making sure to lock the door. As he walked down the hallway he saw Singed preoccupied.
"So ?"
"So she's fine. " Silco simply replies, "She's asleep."
Singed's insistent gaze annoyed him directly as they moved away from the door:
"Come on, would you rather we put her back in the cell ?
"Not at all but...Maybe I should examine her...Keep a good eye on her condition. "
For a second, Silco's instinct would have been to say no, he wanted to keep her for himself at all costs, not to let anyone touch her... But he tried to remain reasonable, thinking first of all of her condition.
"I had no choice but to give her the sedative...she would have been dead..." He says darkly as he looks out over the beautiful water view, something seems different...something is missing...but all he can think of is the young woman lying safely on her bed. "You didn't want her dead. "
"Of course not..But it was a risk..."
"I took that risk...I took that chance. And she's here... alive. And..I may have saved her, but she fought to the end. That's what I planned from the beginning. "
"Yes..." Singed finally smiled, looking at Silco, who stood straight up, hands behind his back. "You gave her that chance. "
Silco said nothing, his eyes fixed on the view, trying not to pay attention to all those hints and that annoying smile.
"But she did fight for you. She showed you that. "With that, Silco takes a deep breath, controlling his emotion.
That anyone would fight for him is beyond him. It's impossible.
"But she was amazing, wasn't she? "
Silco thinks about it and remembers all those days and nights when she was constantly fighting physically and psychologically until the last second, and he feels the most painful heat in his heart:
"She was. "He is so unaccustomed to feeling this way that he would like to remove this horrible sensation from his body. From his chest... From all those limbs.
"And what happens next ?  "Silco frowns and looks at Singed suspiciously:
"What do you mean ? "
"I'm examining her..Let's say she's okay...Maybe she'll want to go back.."
Silco approaches Singed dangerously, really annoyed by all this talk:
"She doesn't want to go back. Remember...she has no place to live. She refuses to be alone. Do you want her to leave? "
Singed knows what Silco is referring to, too, but he prefers to think of all the precautions.
"What I want doesn't matter. Especially to you. " Silco tilts his head mockingly, not denying this total evidence. "But think of Vander and maybe the enforcers..."
"No." Silco's tone was dry and sharp, his eyes filled with anger.
"They might want to find her..."  Silco continued to deny the possibility.
"They will have forgotten about her. " To his despair, Singed persisted:
"But if they try to find her, they might want to let you go free... alive."
"If they try to find her, I'll stop them. It's true that to be free... to aim higher with all the shimmer we have... to find my place was all I wanted... to find Vander. But things are changing. Beauty won't go away. "
For him it was simple and final, irrevocably. Beauty... It suits her so well.
"Yes...But be careful Silco. Life is hanging by a thread..." Silco closes his eyes again, wanting so badly for that damn scientist to shut up... Until he sees what has really changed...
The oldest of the creatures is no longer there. Singed noticed it too.
"He must have run away before he died... Something tells me... he was dead just when you saved her..."
Silco remains silent, hypnotized by this clear blue view where no creature passes.
"I'm tired..." He mumbles then wanting at all costs to go and find her. He is more upset than ever knowing that this creature is no more.
For Singed it is the cycle of life. For Silco it's a fight for life that eventually ends. Life... He wants to find life. For this... he returns to her. He gives a last look to Singed, something he rarely does. They are both rather saddened by the creature's disappearance. Silco loves and admires them as much as Singed does .
Leslie woke up slowly, hearing the rain, and everything came back to her mind immediately, and her first thought was of Silco. Her heart began to beat rapidly, thinking of him, remembering his existence. She clutched the blanket tightly to her...Yes she was in bed. He should come back at some point. It's going to be okay...the nights can be hard for her...but this time she'll hold on knowing that she's not alone. Other people are there... He is there. She hears those voices... Especially his own. She recognizes it immediately as if she has heard it all her life. Her nights...her waking hours are different now. She is no longer alone in her thoughts and emotions.
I'm fine..I'm fine ..
Silco goes back to his dormitory and lightly turns the key in the lock. He opens the door and hears the rain again. Everything is dark. But he sees a form lying on the bed. He gently closes the door and immediately feels another pain in his eye. To hell..He has to make sure she's okay. Even if it means sleeping on the floor. He approaches the bed not seeing her face but she breathes slowly. She's breathing slowly. He was about to get up when he felt a hand take him strongly on the forearm. He was surprised. She is awake.
" Leslie...what's wrong? " That's it. He calls her by her name, showing how much she means to him. Her eyes become darker, he can see that. . The black shimmer is having an effect on her, a psychological effect, and she is clutching his arm tighter and tighter.
"It's okay..easy.." He says in an amused tone.
"Are you real ? " She asks shakily, looking straight into his eyes as the shimmer begins to dissipate. Silco says nothing, staring at her worriedly, and she begins to pull him gently towards her. He settles against her, his chest behind her back and wraps his arms around her. Leslie clings to him, clutching his hands tightly, and immediately calms down, trying not to cry with emotion. He stares at her all night long...he can't sleep knowing she's against him...he admires the splendor. The boy was not wrong ....
Don't worry boy...I take good care of her...like you said she is worth it.
As much as Silco's presence reassures Leslie, her presence upsets him. To have someone in his arms like he's supposed to protect her...help her. He does so, resting his chin on her head and caressing her hands, assuring her that he is there.
Moon and rain accompanies them all night long.
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lullabyes22-blog · 1 year
I’m about to give these people more existential crises. The godling hears their “prayers” and comes back. Cue everyone trying to kill the flesh form to only watch as the muscles melts and regrows on pristine bones.
And then it won’t. Leave.
It becomes a constant in their lives, sometimes a whisper in their mind, sometimes a dream or a shadow or a feeling. But if they’re super unlucky it’ll just take a physical form and harass them. Whispers the secretes of the universe only for them to be forgotten moments later. Creating inconveniences or showing them false realities that send them into spiraling panic.
then one day it fucks off. They think it got board until they receive a message. Over and over. Everywhere they look, the message is spelled out in blood stains, tricks of the light, dust, whispered on the wind and appearing in scripture randomly.
the same message relayed over and over: Greetings you’re under new dominion. Appraise the old ones, for you are saved! Please do not resist.
Oh sweet god.
The whole business was amusing to Silco at first, largely because the first whispers of it occurring were Topside, and the idea of a powerful deity harassing the Pilties for sport appealed to his cruel streak. But now the madness has spread belowground, and Zaunites are reporting traumatic encounters with the Old One. Then comes news of the ominous messages of 'Under New Management.'
"You are saved. Please do not resist."
That has him seeing red. Don't resist? Fat chance. Saved? How in Kindred's name are they saved?
Seems more like they've traded a landlord for an overlord - and he's never much cared for those. Cue him biting down his bile and summoning his crew to start digging beyond their borders for information on how to take this beastling down - if it can even be taken down. At some point he'll have to collaborate with Piltover, for a wider net of reconnaissance, which will sting his pride to no end.
Meanwhile Sevika, Jinx and Vi are in the grip of a slow-motion existential crisis in different ways. Plus side, it actually brings the two sisters together in their horror. Everything is fraught and confusing but at least they've found each other. Down side, Sevika wonders in a moment of drunken horror if Silco is somehow responsible for this mess, and this is Janna's wrath on her and the others for being complicit in the atrocities?
Sweet goddess, what was it all for?
At some point, she may lose faith enough to try to kill him. Cue Julius Caesar style civil war...
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