#god sorry it's so long!!!
wild-houseplant · 2 years
It is a ridiculously quiet day today, so the upside of that is that I have finally (FINALLY!! :D :D) got the time to send those asks for cousin Tank and their squad of loved people. If that's too many people (which I conpletely understand), I am most interested in Tank and Isabela, but feel free to pick loved ones as you'd like. Long story short, these are my questions:
8. What are their most prominent memories of each other?
24. Is their any moment that happens between them that you know happens and just makes you melt? 
31. Share anything you would like about the couple!
As always, take as long as you'd like and feel free to skip questions ^^ Hope you are having an absolutely spectacular day! :D :D
HEYOOOOOOOO HI! 8D 8D 8D Ooh I had to think a bit for ol' Cousin Tank- not as fleshed out as they could be, poor sod, but we're getting there! Also, sorry for the delay, but now I have answers for you! Tank and Isabela, coming right up! Under the cut, naturally, because I do tend to waffle.
I'll start with 31, sharing anything I'd like about the couple, because this may be pertinent given the nature of this particular ask game: Isabela, in my world state, is aromantic, and her flavour of aromanticism is total apathy to it, maybe a little 'good for you!' if it's someone she likes. So Tank's and her relationship is very much a 'kiss kiss, fall in friendship' sort of dynamic. But when I say fall I mean fall hard. The longer they spend in each other's company, the more certain they are that they're one hell of a good pair. Peas in a pod, two halves of a whole, all that good stuff. Isabela (and Tank, too) are the happiest they've ever been in the Kirkwall polycule. Isabela's surrounded by people she cares about and naturally enjoys herself with, and so is Tank. Everything (rather, everyone) they could have wanted for themselves is living in the Amell mansion, and by golly they're happy as clams in high tide about it. Now for 8, their most prominent memories of each other. For Isabela, it was... well, a bit of a wall incoming for this one, I think. I'm going to say, for safety's sake, that I find the DA2 timeline a bit... messy. I've rearranged it to suit myself, so if anything seems too rushed or out of order on my part, it absolutely is. x) With that disclaimer out of the way, on we go. To set the scene: we're a few months after All That Remains. I hc that Leandra survives (Tank intercepted the vivisection bit and used a lot of horrific blood magic in the process of restoring Leandra’s body into something liveable, before it could completely expire). After receiving Tank’s letter informing them of what happened, Leandra's cousin (Rhod's mother) Revka, along with Aurelio and four of the offspring, break their vow to never return to Kirkwall. They make for the hellhole (affectionate & derogatory) with all due urgency to both support the family and magically assist in any further healing where possible (Evander, younger of the twins, has proven himself to be quite a prolific healer mage, and having had five kids, Aurelio’s not too shabby, himself).
A day or two after their arrival, Rhodri has finished Warden-Commander duties and done the most unceremonious dump-and-run since the Tevinters ditched Ferelden. She's now in Kirkwall, too, stopping only because exhaustion from constant travel forced her to. By the luckiest hap, Tank has Rhodri come along with them and co. after Nuncio puts in an order for a certain Antivan to be delivered into his hands, so we can imagine how that turns out.
That afternoon, a celebration takes place with this cluster of traumatised, overjoyed people who simply cannot believe their luck, all held at the (other) Amell estate where Revka’s branch of the family lived. 
The thing with Isabela is that with all the romantic affections Tank gets from Fenris and Varric, she feels terribly (unduly) worried that somehow her own love for them isn’t enough to sustain any long-term interest in a very intimate sense. She doesn’t really get a chance to see much of the platonic kind, because friends are few and far between (or they end up Tank’s partners), and their immediate family is inclined to be rather toxic at times.
But here, at this ecstatic, careworn party, she gets to see the people who Tank grew up with, all revelling in them. Revka mellows Leandra out a lot, so the toxic criticism falls away and it's nothing but praise, praise, praise. Carver's smiling (genuinely!) and slinging an arm around Tank as Auntie Revka talks about Tank spending hours making little Rube-Goldberg contraptions for him that dispensed his favourite snacks. Uncle Aurelio laughs himself to tears recalling how his delightful niece accidentally blew up a hill. The youngest cousin, Bethann, who doesn't do well at parties and is frequently leaving the room to decompress, signs "I love you" to Tank every time she passes them on the way in and out. Other cousins (and sibling! Bethany's alive and kickin'!) are falling over themselves to snare some of Tank's time and attention. (And of course, Rhodri is praising and adoring her cousin to high heaven, amid light hosting duties and trying not to lose her shit about getting Zevran back and seeing her family.) 
Isabela watches on with her heart fit to bursting as Tank drinks all this in like a sponge, positively exulting in it-- especially the affection coming from the relatives who were consistently good to them (mostly the aunt/uncle side of the family). Naturally, it’s not quite the same sort of love as Isabela’s (they’re sleeping together, after all). It’s familial platonic. All the same, sitting there and watching this is the wake-up call Isabela needs to see the way Tank is just as moved, just as fulfilled, just as deeply involved in a love that isn’t romantic in nature. By the time the party’s over, Isabela’s been adoring Tank as much as anyone else, and has been adored back twofold. That’s happiness and true love right there. Now, after that enormous wall, for Tank: I have to say, for Tanky Wanky, it’s not so much one single memory of Isabela that stands out for them, but rather a cluster of them that revolve around doing one thing together repeatedly.  Tank is a dab hand at mechanics. Inventing, fixing, pulling apart and putting back together for shiggles, high-tech pranks: they’re the one you want to see about it. They’re pretty good at magic, especially blood magic (much to their chagrin), but their true interest and talent lies in building things. 
When the money from the Deep Roads exploration came in and Tank was able to buy back the main Amell estate, they immediately installed a workshop out the back so they could fiddle and faddle to their heart’s content. 
Like Rhodri, Tank loves company, but nobody ever wanted to come to the workshop with them. Leandra and the siblings weren’t interested, Fenris got uneasy around too many sharp tools ( ;_; ) and Varric couldn’t stand to be around that kind of stuff after Bianca. Nobody wanted to be there.
Except Isabela.
She was happy to sit in there with a bottle of plonk between them until all hours, making conversation with Tank while they worked away. She knew a bit about the art from carrying out basic repairs on her own ship, and was curious enough to ask a few questions here and there. Sometimes she was a spare pair of hands, or a rubber ducky like programmers have, but most of the time she was good company. 
It ended up happening so frequently that Tank built a special, comfortable recliner for her that took up half the free space in that cramped little box of a workshop. It’s their little Thing They Do. They still do it. Well, that was another wall.  But we made it to 28! Is there any moment that happens between them that you know happens and just makes you melt? Ugh their friendship makes me into a puddle on the reg, I have to say. They’re meant for each other in a way I can’t quite describe, aside from that very hackneyed ‘on the same wavelength’ claim. But it’s the same wave, at the same point in the wave. Just a perfect match, with just enough differences to keep it interesting.  They were meandering past a bakery in Lowtown a couple months into the FWB scheme, still long before either of them had much money to their name. Both of them having a sweet tooth, they looked at the window display. “Those cream puffs look a bit of all right, don’t they?” breathes Tank. Isabela nods. “They do, don’t they? I’m quite partial to those, myself.”
Because of course they both like the same confectionery.
They share a shrug and make for the Hanged Man, where they eat dinner and sleep the night in Isabela’s room. In the morning, Isabela wakes first and slips out with her money bag in hand, making for the bakery to buy as many cream puffs for Tank as her funds will allow. 
Tank wakes not long after Isabela leaves, and slips out with their money bag in hand, ALSO making for the bakery to buy as many cream puffs for Isabela as their funds will allow.
Isabela returns to the Hanged Man victorious and penniless, clutching a small box with three cream puffs. She makes her way to her room only to find it empty, but Tank’s things are still in there. After checking the facilities and finding them empty, she’s about to leave on a search-and-rescue mission when she catches Tank creeping into her room, victorious and penniless and-- you guessed it-- clutching a box with three cream puffs inside.
A lot of pointing and exclaiming follows, after which the boxes are exchanged, and the cream puffs are devoured with relish and silent adoration.
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jestarcana · 2 months
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🎶 Oh, what a night 🎶
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chubbychiquita · 7 months
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anastacialy · 2 months
guys, i think the hermits are going to accidentally start a prank war again. because just like last time, a game of telephone has begun. first, false made iskall's build into ''false beans,'' her shop from the previous season. however, to give herself plausible deniability, she signs it with "love, Joel. x" due to his username, smallishbeans.
next, iskall sees this, and completely believes it. he thinks it was joel who pranked him, and as he says to pearl while showing off the sign, which he kept even after tearing the prank down, "joel gave me a kiss." in his most recent video, he pranks joel by sending him loads of anonymous messages in order to completely spam and fill his inbox, preventing him from getting any more mail, with notes such as "thinking about you. x"
of course, joel is going to have absolutely no context for this, because he didn't make the initial prank. so who is joel going to assume sent him all those messages while he was away on holiday? well, i have a guess.
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egophiliac · 2 months
Serious question.
Do you think we’ll see the parents/family of each of the guys???
Like, We’ve been TEASED with Ace’s brother, that I’m starting to think it’s just a reference to that Alice in Wonderland park character in Japan and nothing else….
Jack’s family, Ruggie’s grandma, Falena, Maleficia, Ms.Rosehearts, Just now Vil’s dad is in the picture which I am really happy but now I’m wondering about his mom, and so Deuce’s mom.
I mean, some HAVE a silhouette!! It could mean they do have a design in the making/ready to show. They could’ve shown us Falena in the Tamashina (hope I said that correctly) event, but didn’t (prolly to make Leona not so σ(▼□▼メ) and it’s understandable)
Anyhow, any idea/headcannon about this? Who do you want to see first?
I'm wondering if everyone might eventually get a travel event? like they've now introduced with Vil's that it doesn't have to be specifically hometowns, so that opens things up a lot! (especially if they have to figure out how to do three separate Coral Sea visits) (how would that even work otherwise)
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but yeah, I hope everyone gets a chance! there's a lot of backstory characters I would LOVE to meet. :D :D :D though I do think some of them don't really suit the more light-hearted tone of the events (pretty sure you're right about that being why Falena wasn't in Tamashina-Mina, that would've just been. too much for Leona.) so like...we're probably not ever going to meet the Rosehearts. or Maleficia (although I maintain that this would be THE funniest possible way to introduce her outside of the main story, and actually I would love this a lot, can we please Twst) (I need to see her to put Malleus in a froofy little outfit and tell him what a handsome boy he is). but they've sprung surprises like Kifaji on us, and honestly anyone who shows up and tells embarrassing stories about characters' childhoods is good in my book!
characters off the top of my head who I most want to meet: literally any of the Zigvolts, Azul's mom, Ace's brother, Che'nya's grandfather (<- I think he would be a good one for Riddle) (please just any non-terrible adult in his life), any member of Rook's family because I need to see how they managed to produce him, and...really just whoever they can come up with for Silver.
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suiheisen · 2 months
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you think YOU had a bad day at work?
bonus: sid shrieking "no!!!! NO!!!!!" loud enough to be heard in the stands and on camera
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samglyph · 4 months
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Careful boys, you’ve got a tail.
Commissions and Tip Jar
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amiracleilluminated · 6 months
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Herald of Darkness Performance at The Game Awards 2023
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katabay · 11 months
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Perceval, de Troyes (trans. Burton Raffel)
ALRIGHT alright. so previously I did an illustration that explained the premise of all this, that it's inspired by the narrative choices that Bresson made in his film Lancelot du Lac etc
to dive in more into it (because this is something like derivative fiction. I'm putting concepts into a blender and seeing what comes out of it): the setting is haunted by the previously existing narratives that started cannibalizing each other until it regurgitates itself into the more well known narrative beats, and something else about the invasive rot of christianity and empire mythmaking into settings. it's an intertextual haunting, if you will! and this scene takes place during the grail quest narrative, but the temptation of Perceval plays out differently.
in both Chretien (and Wolfram's) Perceval narratives, what 'wakes' Perceval up (in more ways than one. desire and self actualization in one go!) is seeing knights, something his mother tried hard to keep him from. so instead of the temptation of lust & etc in the Morte narrative taking the form of a lady, it takes the form of a knight. the temptation to renounce one's faith to serve something else remains.
so Perceval still stabs himself, but instead of continuing on the grail quest in the shadow of Galahad, he becomes the narrative's Fisher King because his earlier state of being as a the grail quest hero is creeping back into his marrow. it was waiting for an opening, and stabbing yourself in the thigh is one hell of a parallel!!!
that wound isn't going to heal buddy, and the state of the setting will now be reflected on your body. sure hope that Arthur hasn't like. corrupted the justice of the land or anything. that sure would suck for your overall health.
all the red in this sequence is because in de Troyes' Perceval, Perceval takes the armor of the Red Knight and becomes known as the Knight in Red.
and now for the citations, which I will try to order in a way that makes sense!
Seeing Knights For The First Time
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Perceval, de Troyes (trans. Burton Raffel)
The Temptation of Perceval
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Le Morte Darthur, Mallory (modernized by Baines)
The Fisher King, and Perceval The Unfortunate
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Perceval, de Troyes (trans. Burton Raffel)
On Perceval and Gender, etc.
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Clothes Make The Man: Parzival Dressed and Undressed, Michael D. Amey
On Wounds
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Wounded Masculinity: Injury and Gender in Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte Darthur, Kenneth Hodges
The Red Knight
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Perceval, de Troyes (trans. Burton Raffel)
On Arthur and the Corruption of Justice
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The Failure of Justice, the Failure of Arthur, L.K. Bedwell
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choccy-milky · 6 months
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sebastian when he's in danger: 😒🥱 sebastian when MC's in danger:😱😱❗❗❓😰😱😱 ((from the newest chap of my fic, which you can read here!))
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aceshusky · 1 year
this was too funny not to draw
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og pic here !!
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ezlo-x · 1 year
Link getting evicted because I went back to my house and now it’s Zelda’s 😭😭
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solcarow · 2 months
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Look Back by Tatsuki Fujimoto // Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint by Sing Shong
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dykealloy · 7 months
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adpndrgn · 3 months
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give her a spin
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215-luv · 1 year
OIKAWA: “aww~ oh my god” he coos, walking closer to the mattress where you’re already laid down on as his eyes were quick to find their way upon your figure. he lays next to you, arms immediately finding place around your waist as he softly nuzzles his nose against yours with a grin on his face. “tell me why didn’t i get the idea of draping you in my clothes? this is absolutely adorable.”
AKAASHI: as soon as your boyfriend opens the door to your shared bedroom he swears he almost falls to his knees. he stands by the door bewildered for a moment, and then a soft chuckle escapes from his lips, shaking his head as he slowly makes his way to your side of the bed with light footsteps, making sure not to wake you up. the bed dips when he sits next to you, a loving smile appearing over his features as his eyes find themselves gazing upon the fabric of his hoodie that you’re currently wearing. “this is what i come home to? i’m absolutely not complaining.”
KUROO: “my god.” he breathes out, giving himself a few moments to compose himself because he swears he saw glimpse of his hoodie on your body. his steps on the floor were on a fast pace and he’s immediately standing next to the bed to confirm his sight. and when he does confirm them right, he couldn’t stop the huge smile forming over his face as he heaves a low chuckle, looking down at your sleeping figure, “you really have me speechless over here pretty. it’s unfair.”
KAGEYAMA: he only realizes it after he lays down next to your sleeping figure on bed, sprawling the sheets over him and you as his arms immediately find place around you, and wait—why is this fabric so familiar? is this- oh my god. it’s his sweater! and he freezes, immediately looking down through the sheets just to make sure he’s not assuming anything. and yet there it is flawlessly showing itself right infront of his eyes. his own sweater, on you. oh my god, he thinks. oh my god oh my god oh my god, he rambles in his mind. he didn’t know what to do, however his only option was to sleep, but how could he when you’re like this? he didn’t get a good night’s sleep at all, all that’s in his mind was how extremely adorable you were in his hoodie that he beats himself up for not realizing it much sooner. he simply can’t control himself when it comes to you.
SAKUSA: it has been a long day, the only thing he’s been wanting to do as he gets home is to melt in your arms & forget about everything in the world. when he does get a glimpse of your figure the moment he enters the bedroom, he swears he could feel the hard thump on his chest as his eyes basically zooms in on his hoodie draped over your figure—all the more desperation that gives him as he stands there taking in the sight, then slowly making his way towards you, his stare never faltering away as if he’s praying in his head that this isn’t one of his delusions. but then again, when he does slowly, but surely, takes his place next to you, fingers carefully stroking itself against the fabric of his hoodie while he admires all of you in your glory—he just couldn’t stop himself around you, trapping you tightly in his arms as he nuzzles his nose against the side of your head. he lets out the deepest exhale, and finally, here he is, basking upon your presence, completely forgetting about everything in the world.
ATSUMU: the man is extremely, disgustingly in love with you. as soon as his eyes fall over the hoodie you’re currently wearing, he recognizes it faster than the speed of light and he swears he nearly drops down the floor. he curses out a “shit” in a whisper while sitting on the bedside with wide eyes. he couldn’t believe this is happening, and he probably thinks this has been the best sight he’s seen his whole life—better than seeing osamu upset over a loss or whatever. despite his heart banging against his ribcage that he could practically feel it from his ears, his gentle hands runs against the sides of your body while he pulls you impossibly closer to him so that his large figure is all over you. and god, he’s obsessed with the way you look in his hoodie.
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