#god why is stuart so fucking sexy
foundfam2754 · 2 months
S17e8 live reactions!
- lol I could not see anything in that first scene
- is he…Stuart?
- GS-1??
- okay gruesome scene but soundtrack killing it
- lol Luke’s face ‘I’m not getting close to that’
- luke, come on, you know that in the BAU universe, ‘friends’ really means ‘lovers’
- damn this is so fucking funny
- “oh, yeah” / “sorry…no?” HAHA that’s so fucking funny
- Aw is Rossi crying? :(
- “I could never get it right with anybody” :(
- lol wouldn’t the team have seen this animosity at Gideon’s funeral? they were both there, I assume?
- “his office” lmao I love these lil Tyler moments
- bff and boyf moments!!
- I said it once and I’ll say it again - S17 is really impressing me with the mystery
- Tyler’s getting paid??
- aww, it’s Kai!
- pen’s outfits this season are killing it!
- why ….. don’t they bring the files back to the BAU?? Is a he not safer there?
- Luke’s outfit is 💯 💯
- Luke’s the one that made it sexy though…right?? Right?
- Tyler’s so fucking hot man
- I love this duo!
- I LOVE this duo.
- Jill is the only one who has light in her house
- was she wearing leather boots without socks?? girl, no
- okay I know they’re gonna kiss bc I have seen the posts / scrolled thru tumblr but god damn I really don’t want to see it - why does it feel like it’s gonna happen soon
- WHAT? He didn’t go to the funeral??
- aw man they’re gonna make out aren’t they
- damn, girl JUMPED on him
- Penelope knows that when JJ and Luke go somewhere they’re in danger - she’s one of us
- why did they not give her protective custody god damn
- emily when she has to deal with her employees kissing witnesses/consultants to huge cases 🤬
- dang, Jill is smart as fuck
- she kinda reminds me of Maura Isles
- she convinced him of something he’s believed for so long in like…5 mins??
- never thought I’d say this, but poor poor damian :(
- oh god is he going to die??
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outlander-babes · 3 years
Dragonfly In Amber thoughts*
*spoilers obviously
List of absolute babies who deserve the world: Louise, Alex Randall, Mary Hawkins, Fergus
I would die for Fergus btw
Claire be nicer to Louise challenge
Master Raymond and Mother Hildegard are very valid
The French are just Like That™️ I guess
I’m a slut for lore so Diana Gabaldon tell me more about Master Raymond 2k21
I love how the first time Claire meets Charles Stuart he literally climbs through their bedroom window soaking wet at like 1 am
Very belated but Roger taking one look at Brianna and going “oh fuck imma marry her” is honestly what I do every time I see a pretty woman so...valid
That boy is so fuckin whipped lmao
Claire: hmm Roger has a nice ass you should tap that
Idiots all of them
The part where Jamie had to beat Fergus had me in TEARS
Master Raymond being absolutely fucking terrified of Jamie is my aesthetic
Claire being like “DONT LET THIS FUCKING QUACK TOUCH ME” when she’s been poisoned is me every time my mom tells me to stop slouching
The dinner party scene is so tragic. Alex is trying to help Mary but she so scared. Ugh my poor babies
Ok but why is Claire and Jamie being like “I lust for you but also want to hold you gently and keep you safe” so TENDER??? Y’all I’m in tears
*to the tune of the country boy vine* Alex Randall I love youuuu....ugg
I would DIE for Fergus ok?
M. Forez gives me the heebee jeebees
Like I KNOW Claire doesn’t want Frank to “die” but what kinda idiot goes to a dual in the middle of an unsafe pregnancy
Jamie and Claire really do be drinking that dumbass juice
Claire/Jamie is just the embodiment of “no thoughts head empty”
I want to hold baby Fergus is that too much to ask
Louis is Gross™️
Once again Mother Hildegarde and Master Raymond to the rescue
Is the Comte St Germaine really dead? WE’LL NEVER KNOOOOOW
That was about him forging Jamie’s signature btw
Oh small baby John grey how I love you
Claire being fed up with highlander housewives in her makeshift hospital is SO FUNNY
Oh Colum MacKenzie you deserved so much better
Alex is of course baby
Literally fuck Jamie’s Fraser relatives
I do love how Jamie’s just like “yeah my wife’s a fuckin witch and she’ll shrivel your balls if you touch her”
Rupert nooooo
Murtagh killing the Duke of Sandringham was really fun fresh and sexy of him
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again Mary and Alex are BABIES
Roger’s so fucking dumb I’m in love with him
Honestly if my mom told me what Claire told Brianna I wouldn’t believe her either
Wooow Geillis Duncan sucks who would’ve guessed *sarcasm*
Of course Jamie isn’t dead there’s 6 more books lmao
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thedreadvampy · 3 years
taken from @totopopopo
Why did you choose your URL? I legit could not tell you that with any precision, I've been using it so long. Vampy was a nickname I took on at like. 13 in like 2006 on an old roleplay forum bc my friends used to mock me for being awake at the point friends in the Western US were going to bed late. TheDread...I mean it's a Princess Bride reference for sure, it definitely went 'there's no Vampy username available on X platform so let's try TheDreadPirateVampy' but idk when or how I lost the 'pirate'
Any side blogs? A few! Obviously there's my art blog @ongoingart, but there are a bunch of weird and abandoned ones uhhhhh there's @rotefashion which is where I collated visual inspo for my MA, there's my Trauma Blog which I only give the URL out by request and my Sexy Stuff blog which NOBODY gets the URL for, there's @transexclusionaryradferengi which I largely made to keep Arguing With TERFs off my main, there's some I made at uni in like 2013 (@invisibleladycock started as a NSFW art blog but ended up just being me and my pal shooting the shit, @whatasillyoutfit was a daily outfit blog I quickly abandoned, and then @hellacollective and @chooseyourownsmut were collaborative projects with uni pals) and so on.
like I never delete things and I've been on here for like 10 years so. BUT. ongoingart and very occasionally rotefashion are the only ones I've used in years.
How long have you been on Tumblr? Too Bloody Long
Do you have a queue tag? I never learnt to queue and I'm not starting now you will get flurries of uncurated Content and you'll damn will like it.
Why did you start your blog in the first place? God I really don't know stop asking me to remember things
Why did you choose your icon? I did Pride makeup for like the first time in my adult life and I really liked it. also my old photo was me at like 16 and very steampunk and it kinda. no longer represented my vibe. idk why my icon has always been a photo of me, I'm just That Vain ig.
Why did you choose your header image? It is one of the paintings I'm proudest of and I just. I really leveled up on light and atmosphere in that one. again. vain. (also until last year I was mostly Robin Hobblogging on here so 🤷‍♀️)
What's your post with the most notes? Extremely the Blobbyland one it has literally like. 28k. then the Piggate one which has like 10k. basically my notes always have a few people in them saying 'WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ENGLAND'
How many mutuals do you have? How all I meant to know this? (and honestly given how much my social circles have changed while I've been on here I can't keep track of who's still active anyway)
How many followers do you have? 1541 because you bitches can't follow instructions and keep me at an even 1500. also that's Too Many Followers and simultaneously like is it idk what classes as a lot.
How many people are you following? Like 430 I pretty much only ever unfollow people of they make me actively angry to see them and even then I often don't like. I barely use my dash so 🤷‍♀️
Have you ever made a shitpost? I will direct you to my 3rd and 5th most popular posts which I call the Ragging On Toryboy Elias diptych. is that shitposting? what qualifies as shitposting?
Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? CHRIST have I like I swear I don't go out of my way to start shit but I seem to be everyone's Discourse Mutual all the same. anyway I mean obviously there's the Stuart Semple thing the TMA discourse the Pride discourse etc but tbh mostly I get anons so idk. which blogs I'm beefing with or how many of them there are.
How do you feel about the 'you need to reblog this' posts? Fuck off no I don't performative bullshitttttt
Do you like tag games? YES I CRAVE ALL INTERACTIVE CONTENT but in practise all my tags are boring
Do you like ask games? I LOVE TO BE TALKED TO
Which of your Tumblr mutuals do you think is famous? idk like all my art mutuals are more popular than me. also probably @alientoastt and @milfkarlmarx on pure mechsfandom clout
Do you have a crush on a mutual? no half my active mutuals are Children no offence. and also I don't do a lot of crushes and them I do have I save for irl pals 🥰
tagging @milfkarlmarx @silly-slacker-person @trisshawkeye
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citrucentric · 4 years
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Number one. They’re from southeast Asia, particularly Thailand. So outrageously divine in taste and mouth feel that they are reportedly known as the “Queen of Fruits”, which just makes me want a fruit dating sim more than I already did. Number two, they were banned in the United States up until 2007 out of fear that they’d contain fruit flies, and now they have to be yawn yawn yawn who gives a shit.
Okay. So here’s the thing. Everyone who’s talked to me about this fruit or written about it drones on and on about how good it tastes and how amazing it is. And, like, cool. Okay. But does that do anything for me if I can’t eat the thing? No. We have manufactured a scenario in which I am Queen Victoria desperately pleading my subjects to bring me this foreign delicacy and you all are sadly shaking your heads at me and going “That’s not going to happen, sorry. But man, you are hardcore missing out.”
So I’m executing you all.
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If all I can do is look at it, then I’m going to god damn look. So let’s discuss. Does this look like the fruit of the gods, so devastatingly good it makes royals weep tears of yearning? No. It looks like a chunk of garlic shoved into a rotten plum. This is garlic. You are selling me garlic and telling me it’s ambrosia.
Is garlic good? You know it fucking is. But you know what it’s not? A fruit. So let’s see if we can get this roller coaster ride back on track. You know who loves garlic? Vampires. Right? Right. That’s why they’re all so edgy and depressed, because they too are Queen Victoria kept away from their single solace by virtue of the natural shelf life of a fruit and also deathly allergies.
I don’t think I talk nearly enough about vampires for how much I get paid (nothing). I know the whole Twilight craze made a lot of people sour on them for a while, but honestly go fuck yourselves if you think vampires aren’t still the hottest shit ever created. What, you’re telling me you don’t want a Victorian corpse man to corner you in a dark alley and talk about his existential angst at length before draining you of your life force and leaving you in a crumpled heap to resurrected again as a sexy immortal? You don’t even want to be a sexy immortal? God. Couldn’t be me.
There are a lot of good vampires. There are also a lot of stupid and annoying vampires. Honestly, it’d probably be more fun to talk about those, but my “top ten worst vampires of all time” list will have to wait because I’m already two images in and I could write three pages on my visceral hatred for Edward Cullen specifically. So here’s my top five.
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1. Lestat de Lioncourt is unmistakably the sexiest fictional character of all time. Now, let’s not get this confused; this isn’t about any actor, be it Tom Cruise or whoever the fuck -- and it definitely isn’t about Stuart Townsend. Lestat as a character could make any actor attractive. It’s simply in his nature. I mean, he’s referred to as “The Brat Prince”. So straight out of the gate, anyone who knows me has suddenly figured out where I got the 45% of my personality they weren’t quite sure about. I am not ashamed. Moving on.
2. Damon Salvatore from Vampire Diaries. The books, not the show. Let’s avoid that topic. Damon is, regrettably, fantastic. For a stereotypical YA love triangle bad boy character, Damon’s personality is surprisingly well rounded. He’s a genuine bastard, but as the series goes on you realize there’s more good in him than he’s willing to admit, which is always an excellent setup. Also, daddy issues? In my vampires? It’s more likely than you think.
3. Now, I’m hesitant to put the same movie on this list twice and reveal just a little bit too much about my mental backdrop. But Claudia from Interview with the Vampire is just an altogether fantastically written character. She’s so compelling, tragic, and real. She’s the quintessential child vampire. You can’t write or talk about immortal babies without remembering her. Her problems really resonated with me as a child (though I personally would have been fine with staying young forever) and her death seriously affects me to this day. Really, she should be number one on this list. But she’s not, because I have problems.
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4. Moving on to less high value vampire media. Is Blush Blush a good game? No. Is Stirling a good character? Maybe, if literally anyone else created him. But he is an ice skating vampire with a sparkly cape and tight pants, and I have a thing for scales.
5. Julius from Fire Emblem 4 Genealogy of the Holy War. Did you know Julius Fire Emblem is canonically a vampire? Well, for as 'canon' as a random novelization not even listed on the wiki is. I’m a little hesitant about this one cause the single piece of material containing this bizarre trait also sexualized him a lot more than I’m comfortable with considering his age (the proper amount would be zero, if you’re curious) but I just think it’s neat that the weird gremlin prince who’s 96% evil dragon also happens to eat people.
And that’s all the time we have for today. Don’t think I’ve forgotten what this article was about, of course. This smelly bulb of garlic needs a rating. And yet, I feel we are no closer to unlocking its secrets.
Vampires: 10/10 Mangosteen: 2/10 do better next time
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polygamyff · 4 years
56. Part 5
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“I was thinking this AirBnB about to be run down, ma’am you have an apartment looking down the damn beach, good morning” hugging Isla “I never said the state of it now, I am not complaining. I am claiming this back from the company so there is that” I chuckled “I don’t expect anything less, I am impressed. This is good, I told you I am awake early. But I was thinking we have breakfast at the hotel, it’s less stressful, and I also called it in, we got a table” walking into her apartment “I don’t mind it, whatever you want to go and do. I have actually some of my other colleagues arriving today, so I don’t need to annoy you all day now” I like this place “how much is this again? And I don’t mind, whatever you want” sitting on the couch “I am just going to finish my hair, I will be with you” nodding my head, I am tired as shit on a real. I didn’t really sleep because I mean how can I sleep, it’s not my place and they was playing music all night so I just stayed awake, Robyn text me like come to the house, sure I will. I gave her the address to Diddy’ home so she can come to the house there, I ain’t about to go there for her to just be an ass about what I did, fuck that “Ally” I answered so quick, I was already playing on my phone “that was too quick, erm. Well, I have some demands from your dad, you need to go to the ballroom. So, he can address some things. Today, and then he said he will meet you for breakfast actually, I don’t know he found out. He’s Marquis, he finds anything out. That is all, also why the hell is your hotel fully booked?” I like to know the same thing “I think, I think anyways. Dad is using it to keep guests in there, I don’t think they are paying, I am going there anyways so I will investigate this, but knowing dad he would have done that” freebies as always “that is fine, I have a room so I don’t care” I laughed “with Jay? Have fun, tell that nigga stop thinking it’s a damn holiday, go to his own house” he ain’t shit “mhmm shut up, bye” she disconnected the call, I am sleepy and I left my medication at Robyn’ home.
Getting out of car, passing my key to the parking attendant “good morning sir” he said, why is there paparazzi outside my damn hotel “come” I waved over Isla “is it true that Beyoncé is attending your wedding?” I think Jay is in this hotel then, now I know why “come, ignore them” walking towards my hotel, they are saying so much shit I can’t keep up “Maurice” Jay walked out finally “come, I was waiting for you” side eyeing him “sure you were” walking into my hotel, it is busy in here “bit late, paparazzi just talking shit out there. You good?” dapping him “yeah, where is Robyn?” rubbing my head laughing “she is at her home, are you joining us for breakfast or going back up?” I mean he can’t have just come down for me “yes, the table waiting on you and Isla, I am Jay” look at Jay introducing himself “I am Maurice’ bodyguard, well Robyn’ sometimes. I don’t know, Maurice changes his mind where he wants me” seeing my executive director “you’re here early, oh wow. Is this little Stuart? He has grown” his son has grown “yes, I came early. Give them all a break away, family holiday. Stuart this is Maurice, remember that picture of you and that guy, he says that guy but this is him” Stuart got his hand out “you taught him well, how old are you now?” shaking his hand “I am ten now” I gasped “oh wow, that is a long time. I held you as a baby, good seeing you and you” waving at his mom, I guess they all out here in Cali.
My dad got up from his seat “my boy is here, where is angel?” hugging my dad “she is at home” of course my mom is here “oh wow, ok. I wanted to see her, but you are here. I have Nalah and you, sit down. And Isla, come here come on” moving out of the way, I thought this breakfast was going to be quiet but not really, it is like everyone found out. Sitting next to Nalah “if it isn’t the little gossip” Nalah said, I laughed “my bad, everything worked out well besides Shawn” Nalah rolled her eyes “don’t get me started, he called me. Said can we talk, I said not really, I have family events happening. Then he’s like is Maurice not speaking to me, so I goes call him” letting out an oh “I see why he called me then, ok I see why now. I ain’t pick up, I have other shit going on” looking around me “so I stayed with Quincy” Nalah pointed at me “oh my god, I saw. How is he? He is so sexy” I laughed shaking my head “anyways!” she is here changing the subject “well Robyn and I had a disagreement, so I went there. I can’t be bothered to tell you because you will side with her” I know it, there is no real reason to tell her “try me” she said, I know my sister. I know what she is like, she will say I am in the wrong when I did nothing wrong “Isla” looking over at her “sit with us” waving her over “who is that?” Nalah asked “she is family, to me. But I went to see Robyn’ extended family with her, they live in a whole different part to us, like I was scared. I didn’t want to be there with Reign. They had guns and stuff. I went inside, her grandparents and uncle and aunt, they nice. I sat there with Reign, then the extended of their family were there, they was just like the Latin mob you see on the news” Nalah put her hand up “why are you seeing Latin people?” she asked “Robyn’ dad Thomas is not her dad but we found out from Terry who her real family is, she is Latin or whatever so we went there, and it’s just shit Nalah. They are poor, but then some guy asked me about my car, started what I think was threatening me that if I don’t treat Robyn right, you know what will happen, they barely know Robyn it’s like they have clouded her fucking mind, so we left. I refused to eat there, I didn’t want to be there, and I said it, I don’t want to go back there. Robyn had a face on with me anyways when we left, she said I was wrong for not eating there, but like if I don’t think the food there is legit, nah. I ain’t going to eat there” Nalah shushed me, furrowing my eyebrows at her in confusion “the table can hear, stop getting worked up. Go on” I sighed out “so she is calling me rich boy or whatever, that I am stuck up. I didn’t do anything wrong; I didn’t think I was safe. We argued then she bought up about the time I was giving Reign away because I made remark about her mom’ home trying to prove I ain’t that bad, just they are bad. So, I just left, she was so quick to bring it up, like you care now” sitting back in the chair.
Shaking my head in annoyance “I don’t think Robyn and I will make it to be married, how can she live that life and be with me? It’s not going to work or mix unless she accepts that they are not good” Nalah frowned at me “don’t say that it’s a difference of opinion that clashed. It’s like rich meets poor, it’s not like in the movies as they say. You had the highs upon highs, and I am for the people, we are siblings but raised differently. Remember when you wanted a pet lion? The next day a lion cub was in our home and I was scared. You got what you wanted, you are spoilt, and she was bought up being real in the real world but somehow your worlds have come together. You wanted a real woman you got a real woman, but you can’t just jump and say that. You need to talk and discuss but if honestly both of you don’t agree to disagree or come together on it don’t get married Maurice” rubbing my face, I am sad “why get married when you both can’t understand each other, tell me?” nodding my head “you’re right, but it’s sad. I can’t be what she wants me to be. I don’t understand what she wants from me. She is going to live the life I live” Nalah touched my arm “you’re not in touch with reality and that is not a bad thing Maurice, because that is how you was bought up, I was bought up with sense of reality. I was left with mom, so you know how that went about. I think you both can calmly speak” Maybe Nalah is right, maybe we can’t see eye to eye on this and the best thing is not get married.
I mean of course my dad is talking about business, that doesn’t shock me, but I just don’t even want to think of business right now “Maurice!” Rich shouted, looking up from my plate “can we all look over here thank you” here he is with the camera “who is that?” Isla asked “he is my photographer my lovely dad got, don’t ask” I laughed “he wants the business to be professional as it can be I guess” nodding my head “thank you” Rich said, he made his way around the table “so” pushing my chair back “I will be posting this to your Instagram, we want the people to be involved with this. Watch you go to the next stage” looking at the picture “ok, that is fine and where you been? You left your stuff at the home and never came back?” Rich laughed “I was just helping one of my friends with a music video, so I was away for a few nights but I am back” nodding my head “cool, yeah post it” pushing my chair back in “how do you feel son? About everything?” my dad asked “how do I feel? Erm, I don’t know but if we are speaking business then I am excited” I don’t even know, looking over at Nalah “why the long face?” Nalah said in a whisper “I don’t want to lose my daughter, I know I made that mistake of letting her go but I don’t want to lose her” getting up from the seat “I have some business somewhere else, I will be back later” I need some air and some thinking time on my own, I can’t back track what I said because I mean it.
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I guess he is having a good time “you can clearly see there was women there at that home, just because he wasn’t in the pictures. There is girls there” my mom passed my phone back to me “but you can’t just pick up on that issue, he is not in any of those pictures at all” shaking my head “but it’s the same background he was with him, he is there mom!” I shouted “I don’t know what you want me to say? He left the home and went there, he gave you the address go there” I scoffed as I refreshed my Instagram timeline “he’s with his family, just came up. Family brunch?” looking up at my mom “you go to the address he gave you; I can’t tell you what to do or what you want. Follow your heart please, do not do things in the moment. I wanted better for you, always did because you are my only baby I will have” locking my phone “is that why I never met Daphne and Wesley? I like them, if my dad was here we would have known them” my mom nodded her head “but Rell and I argued a lot at the things he did, I didn’t like it but yet I ended up there. I had you Robyn, I didn’t want that for you. And I sure as hell don’t want the trouble now for my grandchild, please listen to me when I say follow your heart” pulling a face at my mom “but that is my family, it actually upsets me that I never knew them. They love me, they can’t get enough of me, you let me miss out on that and let me just call some random man dad!” I shouted “because I did what I thought was the best for you, you’re an adult now. Do as you please, you are my child, so I did the best for you. The best was to keep you away from that, look how you were raised Robbie! Look how we live, in peace! And we, I mean Thomas too we gave you good, so please listen to me when I said I made that decision” my mom pointed at herself “but now, if you want to see them, you want them. I can’t stop you” I am annoyed that my mom kept it away from me “but why? They not that bad, you’re just like him” my mom laughed “Rell died and East Los Angeles was in war! I didn’t want you, my child, my baby to be caught up in that. If I exposed such a thing, I might as well moved in with them. I saw it, I was there, I witnessed it. Don’t look at me like that and judge me, because if that was Reign you told me you would kill Maurice if he tried to take her away from you, same with you! Wesley is not innocent, he is a good guy and tried to break it up but not before he got his revenge, it is not the life you needed. Thomas did treat you well, I said did. You don’t know the real Latino gangs, I do” my mom turned away from me “I gave you the best life, I showed you love. And they would have showed you violence. They are all the same, Rell. He was caught up in it and I blame them as much as him” putting my head down.
“Do you hate me?” my mom asked “just a lot to think about but if I didn’t have Reign then I wouldn’t have understood, but I do” I mumbled “but what are you going to do Robbie, what are you going to do for your future. Let’s take what I did out of the equation because this is important, just like you moving to New York was, this part is now important for you. Maurice is now entering the big boys club, he will now be the owner of Davenport hotels and the other enterprises he has, and as he continues to go through to that, he will get bigger and bigger, can you take that? Can you take that Robbie? Can you take what Maurice is? I have, you bought to me a rich man, Thomas said. What does this rich boy want with Robyn? I am not shocked he was not happy with poor, hell. I was shocked the time he helped us with the youth that time, this is your future Robbie. What decision you make now will follow you. So tell me, how are you feeling?” my mom is being strict with me now, she knows I am between a lot and thinking ever so much on my future “I am annoyed he said for me to go there to him, he could come here. Is he that stuck up his own ass” my mom laughed “he is, I knew that when I stepped on a yacht for the first time and saw Versace pillows, I knew. It was a matter of time where it clashes, I see that maybe he can be talked into things if you take the lead, what have I told you about this? This childish behaviour of shouting and ranting, it never works. I remember he told me he pauses and thinks on what Robyn does, you are losing control, you seem to have come to Cali, you have let this new found love of family change that, please don’t let it blind you” this is hard to even think about “I just want love, I want to be accepted by a family and I was but I have this, I have my own little family and I love it, I love it in the morning and seeing Reign there, Maurice there, and I am pregnant. I am happy but to feel family love, to be wanted. He just offended me, acting like this home was not good enough for him, that annoyed me too. You know, what should I do?.”
My mom knows more then me clearly “I have always told you to take control of things, when Maurice was acting the way he did, you felt awkward, upset, a little ashamed you said for him to not eat there. If that was me, and I did this with Thomas. I did this behind closed doors, in the bedroom. And I bought the situation up and discussed. I am a very calm woman, you get this passionate anger from your Latin side, clearly” my mom said which made me laugh “I guess so, you are way too calm then me” I sighed out “and the women in that home, don’t go all guns blazing. Just step back, talk to him. There will always be women around him, you just need to pick your fight, this one is not it and not worth losing what you both got” why am I not like my mom, she has sense “I just think things can be resolved and if not then, you need to be civil in this situation but it’s something that can be fixed, talk about your displeasure in his behaviour not take shots on him being stuck up, everybody stops listening. Men start to get chauvinistic and start trying to lay the law down because it’s not going their way and they see that the woman is saying how he should feel, you need to show you care for his feelings but also this is what will happen, baby. I got it all, I will help you. You just need to go back to what you were doing, but first of all you need to show him you were sorry for what you said and then he should follow on to apologise for his behaviour, men are men” my mom winked at me “you just got to play with their emotions, you know it” my mom walked over to me “you will be ok, you going to do ok. You are loved so much” my mom hugged me while kissing the top of my head, she is my queen “I love you mom” she is the best.
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Hostile au
N/A: I never meet a Brian that wrong me. So, fuck canon and throw it to the sun.
@djinmer4 @sailorstar9 @dannybagpipesarecalling @discordsworld @look-ma-no-hands336 @bamfoftheundead
Brian Braddock is using his power to rebuild the lighting house, while is true the lighting house is cover with magic, the structure still may suffer damages as any other lighting house would.
Using his super strength makes the job of caring heavy logs easier, however, it does make Brian sweet thanks to that. One flying and shining Meggan shows up. Giggling just like she does.
Brian can feel her hands ghostly touching the top of his mask. An amused grin born into his face. " Meggan, are you flying around?"
"That joke is lame, but, is ok, I still love you," she said brightly "you know, me, Kitty and Ray were talking about your mask right now!"
"Oh no, when you girls talk about my outfits it means trouble" Brian jokes putting the logs down and looking at Meggan.
"Don´t be like that, it was one time things, anyway, they were wondering if your mask is indeed a mask or is attached to the outfit," Meggan said looking at Brian who is looking at his right where one Kitty Pryde and one Ray Grey are giggling and waving at him.
"And? What´s the result?" Brian eagerly asked.
"As your girlfriend I said I know the mystery of your mask and as I know you, I didn´t reveal the secret"
"My dear Meggan, I´m very much thankful," he says in a mock of pompous thanks and makes Meggan laughs, now, his tone is more genuine "Have I told you I love you?"
"For keeping your secret mask as a secret? No, not really"
"Then can I show you?"
This is due to Brian and Meggan start to kiss. Kitty and Ray make jokes about the level of hetero in the Excalibur as no one looks at Nightcrawler. Who is supposed to help Alistaire but is looking envious to where Brian is.
One stormy night, Excalibur can hear Meggan and Brian arguing strongly about the current subject, thanks to Rachel´s power, she captures a signal of Psylocke or is what Brian wants to believe, Rachel does not know for sure if is really her and Meggan wants to be cautious.
"Is my sister, Meggan, I know is she," Brian said with urgency in his voice.
"You said the same thing last time and ended up being a trap, Brian, you often jump to conclusions, what if this is another trap?" and then she asks "why can´t you accept that Betsy may be gone for good?"
"Because, unlike you, I have a sister, Meggan...she is my only family and I refuse to believe she is dead...If you won´t help me, I´ll do it myself" and Brian flies away leaving one angry and sad Meggan behinds.
She looks the man she loves to fly in the vain hope to finally be reunited with his sister.
Meggan has no news of Brian, Rachel, once again using her powers, said he is fine, well, no one is going to say that Brian won´t find his beloved sister today.
Meggan is only waiting and thinking. She has no sister, that´s true, but, Brian is too stubborn to believe Betsy is dead and gone? (Well, Kitty said the X-men don´t die easily and if they die, they just ressurect...should she blame Kitty? or maybe Betsy will really come back?)
"Meggan?" Kurt said and the woman takes long breathing to pretend to be nice with her least favourite person in the team. "I just want to say that Brian is an idiot for leaving you"
Meggan has her eyes closed and fists too.
"You´re beautiful and no man should ever take that for grant" Kurt reaches her and Meggan can feel lust and envy and she almost throws up, almost.
"Are you fucking serious?" she opens her eyes and Kurt is no longer seeing beautiful Meggan but a downright monster that is not happy with him. "My boyfriend leaves to find his sister and sure enough won´t find her and you are trying to hit on me? How low of man are you?"
Meggan grows in size and stalks Kurt who is no longer feeling lust. "What? thought I would be blue and melting into your arms? Please, take a hard look at yourself before, Nightcrawler" and she adds "you´re ugly"
Kurt is taken back by this and Meggan can sense he is thinking she has a problem with his looks as if everything else Kurt just did was completely fine.
Meggan takes him by his collar and is ready to throw him out of the window. " No, Kurt Wagner, your looks are never the problem, and let me rectify, a monster has more class than you...you´re just a boring straight sexist, chauvinist man" and throws him out of the window.
Of course, that didn´t kill him. And after this Kurt notices how Meggan is being openly hostile with him.
"Very brave of you to wear this not being in the circus anymore"
"Good, you´re wearing pants for once, congratulations"
She only stops when Brian comes back saying that his sister is alive but lost in the dimension along with the other X-men. Rachel uses her powers and Kitty uses her gadgets and now, for once in his life since he lost his sister, there´s a concrete chance of really saving her.
No one bothers to check what Kurt is doing or thinking.
"Leave him be if he wants to act like an entitled white man, let him be," Meggan said as Kitty is working to locate the X-men, only she is worried for his well being and wonders why he is not here, after all, they have a chance of saving the X-men. ____________________________________________
Thanks to Kitty, Rachel, Meggan, Brian and even Nightcrawler. All the X-men are back. Brian finally sees his sister again and hugs her and introduces her to Meggan. Kitty hugs Ororo("Is really you, Ororo?" "Should I ask this? Kitten you are older now") and Rachel is with her parents ("Mom?" "I...will take a while to get used to this, but, is good to see you again, Rachel")
Rogue is there with Nightcrawler and as being the best sister in the world, she asked. "Are you alright?"
"You asked me this? You were the one lost in a different dimension"
"I was fine, I´m Rogue, but you´re Kurt and I can sense you and your new Teammates aren´t getting along...you didn´t do the manslut thing again, right?"
Kurt said nothing and Rogue shake her head at this. " Kurt, what I have to say for you to start to respect a woman?"
"I do respect woman"
"You think you, but, in reality, you are just an intitled white man"
Everyone else is having a great reunion but Kurt.
Excalibur continues with Meggan being hostile with Kurt or ignoring his existence, in one moment, she used Kurt as an improvised weapon against the enemy, well, it was a great tactic that Kurt is not fond.
Kurt can see he is not going to get any friendship with Meggan, who is openly hostile with him, however, why he thought Rachel, of all people, would be more friendly is beyond logic(only the Outer Gods can understand)
"Don´t touch me!" Rachel said as Kurt put his hands on her shoulder far too intimate, in his defence, maybe it was harmless ...for him, but, to Rachel, it wasn´t.
"I was trying to be friendly, you know, you would be prettier if you smile more," he said thinking that is a compliment.
In fact, this really makes the red hair seething. And she calls Meggan to have a chat about one certain Nightcrawler.
"He needs to be taught a lesson!" Rachel said and Meggan agrees. They are a woman and deserve respect.
Kurt opens his eyes and all he sees is darkness. Except, he knows he is not alone as voices start to talk with him. "Why don´t you smile? You would be so pretty smiling!"
And suddenly, Kurt is among a huge crowd of people, men, leering at him. Kurt is dressed but the eyes are practically undressing him. "Hey, cutie, where is your boyfriend?" "He does not deserve you, you are too pretty" "Hey, sexy lady, you need a real man in your life"
And Kurt is scared as the eyes, the voices are coming closer and he can only cover himself. Saying to the voices leaving him alone. "Why? this is a compliment, you are so beautiful Kurt Wagner" and Kurt recognizes this voice.
Is Margalia´s voice.
"Think of this way, you are the most handsome man out there, no need to ever want a real personality or flaws, you are pretty, now, come on, smile for me and ...give me a kiss"
"Now...is not so fun being on the receiving end of your ''flirt''"  Rachel asked lighting the place.
"What is this?"
"Your mind and a lesson we give to you," Meggan said appearing in full power "we are not toys for you to seek validation"
And now Kurt takes control of himself and see he is on the centre of the room. Brian and Alistaire are there looking at him and the women, Kurt realizes they aren´t really friends if they let them torture him.
Alysande Stuart and her brother look at the scene and Kitty is there as well.
"You felt uncomfortable there?" Meggan said and Kurt confirms not using nice words.
"Guess what, fuzzy, that´s how you made us feel every time the flirtzilla strikes, we are not objects, we are heroes and we deserve as much respect as you do"
"But..." he wants to say he is a gentleman and that he truly respects a woman when that villain mistreated Meggan he hush to her defence(even though Meggan could defeat the villain herself and his words didn´t hurt her in the slightest, in the end, Kurt just wanted to be a hero and this lead to them being captured)
He looks at Kitty and asks. "Do you think I don´t respect a woman?"
Kitty looks at him for a long and silent minute, until, she takes Alysande´s hand saying she wants to try that sushi now. Kurt watches Katzchen, of all people, leave him.
This really makes him think about his past actions.
Does Kurt want to be the mediocre sexist white man?
Meanwhile, Alysande asks if Kitty is alright. "No, not really, the only thing worse than being harassed by Flirtzila is to like flirtzilla and he never notices it"
Alysande is understanding as she changes the subject of the conversation.
Kurt Wagner is now realizing the problem was never his looks, but, what is inside.
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mf-despair-queen · 6 years
Fake Dates - Stuart Twombly
Author: @mf-despair-queen
Characters: Stuart Twombly/Reader
Word Count: 17,921
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Unprotected Sex, Protected Sex, Drunk Sex, Kinda Jealous Sex, Oral (both receiving), Face Riding, 69, Reverse Cowgirl, Side Sex, Sexy Finger Sucking, Making Out, Multiple Orgasms, Dirty Talk, Cowgirl, Kinda Romantic Sex, Mentions of Alcohol, Mentions of Drunk Driving (please don’t do that, it’s bad)
Notes: I will actually admit that I really liked this. That says a LOT for me! As always, if the mobile app screws with you, I’m sorry. All I can say is try opening it in the web browser if you need to, even a mobile web browser SHOULD work. Thanks to @malia--stilinski and @savage-stilinski for lurking while I wrote and editing for me because I can’t spell LOL.
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“Lunch time!” You were hollering the second the clock on your desk struck noon. You barely were able to push in your chair before you grabbed your laptop, sliding it in your bag, throwing said bag over your shoulder as you moved from your spot. Bouncing towards your friend, you linked arms with her, draggin neha towards the exit and down to the cafe-coffee shop combo. Neha laughed at your excitement, joking about your love for food.
You broke away from her once you walked in, picking up a salad from the cooler and tucking it under your arm to head to the coffee counter. You ordered your two normal coffees - a tall with hazelnut cream and sugar and a tall caramel macchiato -  and shuffled towards the exit where Neha was already waiting with her own salad.
“Either you got me a coffee without telling me, you really need caffeine today, or,” she paused, nudging your side lightly so the coffee didn’t spill as you walked through the packed Google corridors, “we are expecting a third party for lunch today.”
“I hate ordering your coffee,” you smugly stated, sticking your tongue at her. “You always get something super complicated. Some… grande low-fat Italian Roast coffee with 2% milk and extra espresso and exactly two sugars, no more. Whip cream and caramel flavor and… No. Too much to remember.”
“It’s delicious though,” she hummed.
“Right,” you returned. “We know I’m not allowed more than one cup of coffee every few hours. So, yes. Stuart is joining us for lunch. He texted me about a half hour that he was on his way over. He had his optometrist appointment earlier and is just coming in for the afternoon. He said he would join us for lunch before we head back to the office.”
“Are you sure you want me there then?” She asked with an eyebrow raised. “I don’t want to interfere with you and your boy.”
“My little Stu Boo?” You laughed, Neha smirking at you. “Don’t give me that look. It’s just a nickname. You know that. There is absolutely nothing going on between us.”
“Right,” she drew out skeptically.
“What’s that supposed to mean? We are just friends, Neha! Nothing more, nothing less. He is my best friend and has been since the internship. I do not, and I repeat, do not have feelings for Stuart Twombly.”
She hummed under her breath, sounding unconvinced at your words. Instead of arguing further, you dropped it, changing the topic until you hit the lounge you normally ate in. The room was filled already, but your spot in the back corner was reserved by the sweater-wearing dumb dork that was your best friend. He pushed his glasses further up the bridge of his nose, slumped backwards in the plush cushions of the couch he was sat upon. His nose was buried in his phone as always, not bothering to look up when you pushed the door open with some struggle. You smiled, seeing he had forgone his beanie for once. His brownish colored sweater hung open lazily, a white button up under it, his black undershirt poking through the top unbuttoned buttons. His hair stuck up in a stylish quiff, the dark chocolate color looking fluffy on his head.
“I see a Mr. Twombly in our midst,” you hummed, holding out the caramel macchiato. It was taken without looking, Stuart simply waving in acknowledgement. You sneered at him playfully, placing your coffee and salad on the table, purposefully pushing past him to take the seat to his right. “Excuse me,” you joked, tucking your skirt under you, dropping onto the couch next to him. Your flip flops slid off your feet, your legs curled under your form where you were planted.
“That’s rude,” he deadpanned, sipping his coffee. He glanced at Neha, who shook her head. “How do you put up with her?”
“I should ask you the same thing,” Neha laughed, suggestively glancing between you both. “She’s your best friend.”
“I regret that decision every day.”
“I regret it too,” you snapped back at him. “Because your rude ass got tacos on your way here from the eye doctor and you didn’t even bring me some? It’s from Jose’s too. That’s the best tacos in town, dude. You left me to get some shitty salad from the cafe. Friendship officially ruined.”
“Right,” he flatly replied, opening the bag of food he had on the table. He pulled out his platter, two loose tacos wrapped neatly on top of it. You squealed in delight, taking the tacos. “I know you and tacos, Y/N. I would have been disowned if I didn’t get you the carne asada tacos.”
“I love you,” you cheered, kissing his cheek. Wiping his cheek in disgust, the man grimaced and turned away, unamused.
“What about me?” Neha complained.
“Get your own damn tacos,” came Stuart’s blunt reply.
You pulled out your laptop, browsing the internet and your calendar as you sat in silence. The only sound between your trio was the crunching of food and the slurping of drinks, joined by occasional typing of your keyboards. Three laptops covered the table, joined by the scattered cups and food wrappers. It wasn’t unusual for your group to not interact. It was the peace of being with each other that gave you solace during lunch. No words needed to be shared unless there was something that needed to be discussed.
But, seeing as you saw their faces five days a week for nine to ten hours, if not more, you were able to have plenty of conversations to pass the work time.
You leaned back in your seat, watching some stupid video on Youtube your friend shared. Neha was typing furiously on her laptop, her smile curling occasionally - probably flirting with some tech guy again. Stuart was nose deep in his phone once more, his fingers skillfully swiping at the keyboard. He was hunched forward with his elbows on his knees, letting you run your fingers along his back absentmindedly, It helped him relax; it helped you relax. Only you were allowed to touch him like that. He always said he liked your light touch.
Perks of best friendship.
“Hey, Y/N,” Stuart called. You glanced over at him in confusion, Stuart’s phone held up in selfie mode. Your head cocked to the side, unable to smile before he snapped the photo. You blinked once, scooting closer to his side to look at the photo.
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“Stu, I look horrible in that!” you cried sadly. Stuart held a cute dorky, lopsided smile in the photo and you? You looked like a deer in headlights, confused why the nerd specimen beside you was calling out for you. You eyes were wide and your lips were slightly parted, head cocked ever so slightly.
“Not possible,” he said quickly, typing away on his phone. You leaned your chin on his shoulder, watching what he was doing. He had sent the photo in a chat it seemed. “I know, I should have asked first, but my friends wanted to see you.”
“You have friends?”
“Very funny,” he snapped. “They’re my best friends from home. They didn’t believe me when I said I you were my friend. They couldn’t believe that I, Stuart Twombly, had a girl friend. So, they wanted proof!”
You blinked, looking at him. “Girl… friend?”
“Yeah. A girl that is a friend,” he said, his head turning towards you. His eyes narrowed on your blank face. “What?”
“Your friends asked about you having a friend that is a girl?” He nodded slowly. “Because you told them you have a girl… friend.”
“Yeah,” he said, almost matter-of-fact.
“You didn’t think to tell them you have a female friend?” You continued.
“What’s the difference?” he asked, not understanding what you were trying to say. “Female, girl. Same thing in the end.”
“Alright, let me try saying it like this,” you tried. “Stuart has a female friend.”
“Or,” you breathed. “Stuart has a girl friend.” He blinked. “Oh my God, Stu. Girlfriend! They think you have a girlfriend! As in romantically. As in you are dating! As in you just sent them a picture of us so they think I am your girl.”
“You are my girl though.”
“Not like that!” You cried. “They think you kiss me. And we hold hands. And probably other perverted things because guys are fucking horn dogs and only think with the cocks.”
“Hey,” he sighed, almost offended.
“You can’t say you don’t,” you glared. “Need I remind you about the strip club? Or that time I walked into your dorm and you were-”
“We don’t talk about that!” he blushed, cutting you off before Neha could hear. “We agreed never to bring that up again.”
“Porn is normal,” you whispered under your breath for him to hear. “Masturbating is normal.”
“But you seeing me jerk off isn’t,” he seethed. “But, you’re wrong. These guys have known me for years. They are the only people I was able to talk to in high school. They know me and they know that I don’t mean girlfriend. Just wait and see when they reply.”
“Ten bucks says they think we’re dating,” you huffed, grabbing your phone from your bag. You stayed pressed to his side, arms wrapped around his bicep, hugging him close. Stuart didn’t protest, just resumed what he was doing before his group chat popped up you assumed. You smiled at the lock screen, a group photo of your team when you went out for dinner your first day on the job. Everyone was drunk and acting silly, but it was a night to remember.
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You quickly unlocked your phone, giggling at the home screen. It was of you and Stuart, his goofy smile present on his face. He wasn’t wearing his glasses, having taken them off while you were studying in his room that day. You were pressed to his side, similar to how you were now, licking his face playfully. His words replayed in your mind, him scolding you for such a thing. “Don’t fucking slobber on me, your punk. I will lick you back!” He never followed through, but his reaction made you laugh and fall off his bed.
“Stu,” you said in a sing-song voice. “Let’s selfie!”
“Pretty please?”
“I will lick you again.”
You grinned, Stuart turning to your camera, allowing you to take multiple selfies of you both making silly faces. You added a few Snapchat filters for fun, laughing between each photo. The final one was using this flower filter, flowers hover above both your heads and he leaned over, placing a firm kiss to your cheek. It was something Stuart did occasionally before hugging you close to him, constantly thanking you for being there for him. It was his subtle way of showing affection for his best friend and never once did you feel like it was something more. The butterflies in your stomach arose just by being by his side, the friendship between you both making your mood lift easily.
You didn’t like him romantically. It was just friendship.
Stuart stared at the final result, scowling. His tongue clicked against the roof of his mouth, shaking you off his arm to elan back. “Send that to me,” he whispered lowly, biting at his cheek. “It’s cute.”
“Never say that again,” you giggled, leaning back against the couch with him. You did as he asked regardless, tucking your phone away. “The word cute does not fit coming from your mouth.”
“Fuck you.”
“That’s better,” you smiled.
His phone chimed before he could retort, his lips tugging into a smirk. “Time to prove you wrong,” he grinned, opening the chat he had with his friends, effectively titled “404! Group Name Does Not Exist”, which made you giggle. The chat bubbles were popping up quickly, responding the Stuart’s crappy photo of you and him.
[Not a Disney Prince: Omfg Stu has a girlfriend. And she is hot as balls!]
[Memester: He wasn’t joking. This isn’t a drill guys! Stuart Twombly is dating the most beautiful girl in the world]
[Bananas Aren’t Just For Eating: What if he just conned some girl into posing with him?]
[Bananas Aren’t Just For Eating: How can we be sure he’s not playing us?]
[Memester: I’m so proud. Our boi’s getting action finally. Did you fuck her yet?]
[Memester: Like… was she good?]
[Memester: Don’t hold out on us, dude. Deets.]
[Not a Disney Prince: He’s a prude. He’s probably still a virgin LOL]
[Memester: I just want what is best for him! I want him happy, healthy and laid by his hot gf because come on. Stu needs to be laid. And with her? I approve of him losing her virginity finally.]
[Bananas Aren’t Just For Eating: Guys, he’s not a virgin. He lost it in college, remember?]
[Memester: …]
[Not a Disney Prince: Were we drunk when he told us?]
[Bananas Aren’t Just For Eating: Hammered.]
That’s there the chat ended. The phone slipped from Stuart’s hand, his eyes wide with disbelief. His lips parted, ragged breaths escaping. It felt like he was on the verge of a panic attack, his hands shaking. “No, no, no,” he panted, his hands knotted in his hair. The man tugged anxiously at his locks, mumbling to himself, “This can’t be happening. Fuck, no. This can not be happening.”
“Stu, it’s fine,” you whispered, picking up from phone from the ground. You held it out for him, Stuart making no move to take the device from you. “Why not just tell them it’s a misunderstanding? Accidents like this happen. It’s just a miscommunication. Just tell them we aren’t dating. We are just friends.”
“No,” he replied shortly, shaking his head. “I can’t.”
“Can’t? Why not?”
“I can’t,” he breathed, clammy hands rubbing to his jeans. “You just don’t get it. I can’t tell them that. They’re my best friends…”
“Stuart, that doesn’t make sense. Why can’t you tell them?” You pried lightly. You placed your hands on his, his having clasped together in his fit of anxiety.
“I can’t,” he cried quietly. “I can’t lose them.”
“I’ve never had many friends, Y/N. These are the only friends I have outside of you guys. And I’ve always been the… the nerd of the group. And I can’t imagine what they will say if I tell them I’m still single. It’s just… They’ll unfriend me because I’m just lame. I’m not cool. I’m not manly. I don’t fit in. I’m turning twenty-three soon and I’ve never had a girlfriend while they’ve had plenty. They joke enough that I’ll end up alone but if I tell them they’re wrong, they’ll leave me forever. I just want to fit in with these guys. I want them to know that I can have a beautiful girl too. That I’m capable to dating, not just computer shit. I don’t want them to look down on me because of this. I can’t…”
You frowned, sympathizing with the man. Even if it was a horrible decision, you understood why he was acting this way. You had your fair share of friends leave you for stupid things, especially when it came to not fulfilling their expectations. And Stuart had the extra pressure of being ‘manly’ to them, even if you thought it didn’t matter. Guys were complex and had this need to stand up to their friends views, showing how cool they could be. Stuart wasn’t the most manly man around, but he wanted to fit in with his friends as much as you would want to with friends back home. He was scared of losing the people closest to him, the fear of them making fun of him and leaving him for good for something as stupid as a miscommunication hanging over his head, and you couldn’t argue with that alone.
You sighed, giving him a small hug. Stuart sunk into your hold, massaging his face. “What do I do?”
“I don’t know,” you sighed.  
His phone chimed again, both of you staring at the messages that popped up.
[Memester: Isn’t Stu coming home in like… a week?]
[Not a Disney Prince: Oh yeah! HE IS.]
[Bananas Aren’t Just For Eating: So, why doesn’t he bring his girl with him? I’d love to meet her. Any girl that can win Stu’s heart must be awesome.]
[Memester: Greg, as always, makes the best suggestion in the world. I wanna meet her too! We need to meet this girl and find out why she is dating someone so far out of her league!]
[Not a Disney Prince: Hey! That’s our friend, Joe. We are supposed to be happy that he found a girl that is obviously smart, beautiful, and can stand his sarcastic ass for more than five minutes.]
[Memester: I am happy! It’s just… did you see her? Maybe she is a Stuart clone and we don’t know it though? That’s why he got such an awesome girl finally. He held off until he found a perfect female specimen!]
[Bananas Aren’t Just For Eating: Why all caps?]
[Not a Disney Prince: Emphasis.]
Stuart pursed his lips, staring at his phone in thought. His head turned to you, leaving you to melt in his orbs. He looked almost like a lost puppy, the liquid caramel color dripping over you. His glasses always made them darker - the color more like honey without them - but they were beautiful. Your heart broke slightly at the lost look he held, a spark of something unknown hiding in his slightly dilated pupils. His tongue ran over his lips, wetting them. He ruffled his hair, the ends sticking up more than before. He wanted to speak, his mouth opening and closing multiple times in an attempt to mold his scattered thoughts into coherent strings of words.
“I think I have an idea,” he finally choked out. “But, you have full right to decline.”
“What is it?” you asked hi, blinking slowly. He laced his fingers together, his foot tapping rapidly to the floor. You could see beads of sweat building on his forehead, a clear sign of his nervousness. You hesitated briefly before reaching forward, taking his hands in yours. “Stuart, you can ask me anything. I’m here to help.”
“Go on a date with me.”
His words were so fast, you were caught off guard. Your mouth opened, closing when nothing but a short croak came out. Stuart cast you a short glance, his eyes pleading with you with inaudible words. Your hands around his tightened subconsciously, letting out a shaky breath. “C-come again?”
“Maybe I should clarify,” he whispered. “Go on a fake date with me. I’m going home in a week. I haven’t seen these guys in months. Y-you can come with me as my… as my fake girlfriend just to show them that they are right. Then, we get back, we can fake break up because we thought it was better to stay friends. Then they won’t pick up on the lie. Everyone’s happy! I just… I’m scared of them finding out the truth and they leave me. So just one small, fake little date, appease my friends, and we can go on with our lives.”
“Why me?” you asked him. His eyes fell to the carpet, pondering for a second before he spoke.
“Because you’re my best friend and I trust you to do this with me. You know me better than anyone and I can’t do this without you.”
You stayed quiet, biting your lip. Something swirled in your gut, the feeling wrenching from side to side. I felt wrong to lie but, at the same time, it felt right to agree. It would just be one night. What harm could it do, right? He was your best friend and he made you happier than ever. Why not make him happy for once?
“Alright,” you finally squeaked, Stuart turning to look at you. “Anything for you, Stu. You are my best friend. You are one of a kind. Besides, how can I say no to a hot nerd like you?” Stuart chuckled, shaking his head. “Tell your friends I’m in. And… come by tonight. We will come up with a game plan for this fake date.”
“You,” he breathed, pulling you into a rare but tight hug. His arms looped around you with ease, crushing you to his chest. “You are a literal angel. What did I do to deserve you?”
“You got stuck with me during the internship and I wouldn’t leave you alone,” you laughed. “We just click, Stu.”
“Yeah,” he said, a small smile on his phone. “I’ll be over around seven tonight, We have a week to prepare. We need to know everything about each other. No holes. My friends will pick up on them and they’re going to want to make sure you are ‘right’ for me.”
“So,” you hummed, nuzzling into his cheek. “Studying!”
“Yeah,” he grimaced, poking at his ear. “Assuming I’m not deaf.”
“Get over it,” you laughed, kissing his cheek. “I’m gonna head back to work. Don’t forget. Studying, tonight, seven sharp. Bring pizza!”
Stuart waved you off, whipping out his phone to reply to his friends. You caught a short glance at his words as you packed your bag, gathering your garbage.
[Tech Lord: She’ll be coming with me because of you losers. Just… don’t scare her away please. She’s too good to lose.]
You smiled to yourself, tossing your stuff and rushing from the room, skirt flowing behind you.
Over the next week, you spent ever waking spare second of the day curled up on your bed in your tiny apartment, boxes of chinese or pizza lining the floor, crumbs covering your sheets from your constant snacking. You had your share of laughs and cries, nose buried in books and notes, practicing until things were perfect.
The first night, Stuart had shown up at seven sharp as promised. His arms were full of books and albums, the man stumbling into your apartment before they fell to the floor. He was determined to have you learn every bit of his life, forming you into the perfect ‘girlfriend’ his friends would approve of. You, too, had gathered materials from your past, wanting to make sure that every base was covered when you confronted his friends that weekend. Your answers needed to match perfectly because one slight slip up would tip them off.
Every night, you would be tested on your knowledge of the other. Likes, dislikes, music taste, college degree, relatives, first pets, allergies. Hell, even awkward things like puberty and first times came up. In those few days, you realized something. In the time you had known Stuart Twombly, the glasses wearing nerd becoming your closest friend in all of San Francisco, you never realized how eerily similar you were. You had similar pasts - bullies, choice of college, family drama. You had the exact same tastes, be it music, food or even movies. You would turn to blasting your favorite songs until your neighbors were banging at the door, letting the tunes relax you while you took turns on flash cards of the others past.
By day four or five, you weren’t sure at this point, Stuart had the bright idea to practice actual relationship gestures. If you were to be his fake girlfriend, you had to show it. His friends knew Stuart wasn’t the type for a lot of PDA, but they would want to see some sort of affection towards your respective other. If you sat stoic side by side in front of them, they would call you out for sure.
Hugs were easy. Stuart didn’t seem like it, but he was a giant teddy bear to you. He liked to cuddle during your movie nights. He hugged you good morning and good night as a normal greeting and goodbye wherever you were. His arm casually found its way around your shoulders when you were sat on the same couch, his nose not buried in his phone and his fingers not typing away on his laptop rapidly. He was used to you in his arms; it was your normal position and everyone knew it. Nick and Billy were always jealous too because Stuart nearly punches them in the gut every time they try to touch him.
The hand holding felt weird at first. It took a while to figure out how to hold his hand properly. One way was too uncomfortable while another would be sweaty. One wasn’t super romantic while one looked like he was ready to drag you to a hotel and ravish your body. When your fingers laced together, fingers tingling from the feeling of his soft skin, things felt right. Your hand fit in his exactly, the lines of your palms matching flawlessly. It surprised you how seamlessly your hands melded together - it’s like they were meant to be clasped together in a tight hold.
The most nerve wracking was practicing kisses. You were used to kissing his cheek playfully but that was it. The thought of kissing your best friend made a shiver run up your spine, your nerves through the roof. And no matter how many times he reassured you that it wouldn’t ever be big kisses - that short, chaste kisses would suffice - you would remain freaking out internally and externally. During practice, you backed out a few times whenever he got close, a wave of panic setting in before his lips could touch yours. A few times, he would be leaning in and his hand slipped from under him, landing in your lap instead of your lips that lead to a round of laughter that lasted ten minutes at a time. When you finally got a kiss out, it was like fireworks explode, your limbs giving away even though you were sitting on the bed. It was beyond perfect, and got better with each short kiss to follow.
The night before your trip to Oakland where Stuart was from, he was staying with you. You were deep in thought as he wandered your apartment in nothing but his usual sweats, making sure everything was ready for the short drive. The entire week, you were debating with yourself. You were feeling odd with the entire situation, and it wasn’t because of the lie you were partaking in.
It was Stuart himself.
Whenever you looked at him, your heart would race. Whenever he did something, your body would heat up. The look in his eyes made you melt inside. But you shook it away regardless. There was no way you were feeling anything for him. Stuart had been your friend since the early days of the Google internship. He was the only person you could bring yourself to talk to due to shyness and you were the only person he could stand to talk to reasonably. He was your best friend and there was no way it was more than that.
This isn’t a crush, you tried to convince yourself, pushing the butterflies in your stomach out forcibly, shoveling the feelings into a grave to never see the light again. But no matter what you did, a small sliver would slip through again, making you question what was going on. And as you watched the shirtless man walk out of your bathroom, a gentle look in his honey eyes that weren’t shielded by thick black frames for once, you felt your crack once more, a small ounce of fear settled deep inside you, rooted at your core.
He gave you a tender kiss to the forehead before retreating to the living room, collapsing on the couch. The lights went out around you, your mind too preoccupied to let you sleep. You spent hours staring at the wall until you let yourself drift off, asking yourself quietly if you liked Stuart. Stuart was barely able to sleep himself. He stared at the ceiling, his fingers grazing his lips, the touch of yours still lingering more than twenty-four hours later, your last practice kiss being the prior day. His mind raced with thoughts, the man unable to clear them to find the answer he sought.
Neither of you would admit that things were deeper than you thought.   
“Hey! Guys!” Stuart yelled to the three guys that were standing in front of the restaurant. Stuart left your side to run towards them, the three guys cheering and meeting the Googler halfway. They were tackled into a tight hug, the foursome letting out incoherent words at each other.
You were running late, the original plan of Stuart hanging with his high school buddies delayed by multiple things. The car wouldn’t start so you left later than you wanted. Stuart had to make a stop by his parents house, leaving you in the car for over and hour before you snuck out, wandering down the street to a local park. His parents didn’t know about this fake dating fiasco and he wanted to keep it that way. It was bad enough lying to his friends. He didn’t want to lie to his parents too just for you to supposedly break up days later.
By the time you were able to meet with his friends, the sky had grown dark, the time nearing seven. Your stomach was growling when you climbed into his car, yet you were elated when he mentioned you would be joining his friends for dinner at this fancy Italian restaurant in town. You were there shortly after, his friends already waiting for your imminent arrival. And the second Stuart was parked, he was running through the parking lot.
Stuart pulled from his hug when you were slowly walking over, shaking his friends off to grab your hand. Your fingers laced together as practiced, Stuart tugging you towards the group of boys. “Y/N, I want to introduce you to my best friends. Joe, Flynn and Greg.” The three guys waves in unison, you returning with your own shortwave. “Guys, this is Y/N. My girlfriend.”
Your smile fell slightly, catching the short stutter in his voice at announcing that, but his friends didn’t seem to catch his short hiccup. They all greeted you happily, pulling you from Stuarts hold to give you tight hugs. Stuart held a sour look on his face, disliking the closeness of his friends on you. The first chance he got, you were tugged back to his side, his arm securely wrapped around his waist. You fidgeted slightly in his hold, nestling closer to him regardless.
“I hate to be the one to ask,” you chimed in, all four sets of eyes turning to you. A red hot blush filled your face, making you nervous. “C-Can we eat now? I’m starving.”
“I like her,” Flynn said, pointing at you. “Get you a girl that can eat.”
“We haven’t even seen her eat,” Greg pointed out, walking towards the restaurant with Flynn by his side. “What is all she eats is salad?”
“Naw. I can tell. She’s a pasta loving girl,” Flynn reassured. “I have this food sense!”
“Sorry about them,” Joe laughed, walking with you and Stuart inside. “They’re stupid.”
“No, they’re nice,” you giggled, Stuart smiling to himself. “But, I really am starving. Don’t expect me to share any breadsticks.”
Joe laughed, nudging Stuart. “She’s a keeper, dude.”
Dinner was slightly awkward. You were able to maintain a proper conversation with the three new en in your life, Stuart chiming in occasionally to back up your words on something. But that was the easy part. Just like Stuart, you got along with his friends easily, understanding why Stuart was as close as he was with them. But it was, once again, Stuart that made your heart rate skyrocket. Your foot tapped against the ground, Stuart’s hand placed on your knee for some unknown reason. The guys couldn’t see it, so it wasn’t necessary. But the familiar heat of his touch bled into your bare knee, making you antsy.
“I don’t get how you can put up with this nerd,” Flynn laughed, handing the waiter his card for payment. You tried to protest, Stuart’s comrades repeating their desire to cover dinner since you had come out to visit. Stuart had moved his hand behind your chair, leaned back as he listened to the conversation. His eyes were glued to the side of you face, watching you laugh at Flynn’s remark.
“I dunno,” you hummed. “We just click I guess.”
“Same,” Joe laughed. “We were the fantastic four in high school, even if no one knew us. We didn’t seem like we fit together, but we were the best of friends. We had all agreed to stick together through thick and thin. Then this fool up and left us.”
“Hey, you can’t blame me!” Stuart protested.
“What happened?” you asked.
“This fool,” Flynn started, pointing a leftover breadstick at Stuart, “decided he was gonna abandon our plan to all go to Stanford because he wanted to go to Berkeley. He had full ride and everything and he gave it up.”
“Really?” you asked. You glanced at Stuart, his face a pale pink. “You gave up Standford for Berkeley? Why would you do that?”
“Better computer science program,” he said with ease. “Not like it mattered anyway. You all ended up at different schools anyway.”
“True,” Greg laughed. “Trust me, none of us were mad that he changed his path. We get it. You go where your heart tells you. We all kept in touch regardless. And we’re glad Stu was able to get where he is now. Google was always his dream after all.”
“You know,” you hummed, looking at Stuart. “I went to Stanford.”
“Oh my God!” Flynn yelled. “You squandered meeting her earlier because of your college choice? I am salty now.”
“It’s just a few years,” Stuart clarified. “Besides, I have her now, guys. That’s all I need.” He placed a kiss to your cheek, making you blush.
“You guys are sickening,” Joe fake gagged, everyone laughing. “But seriously. It’s been nice having you home, even if it’s just for dinner, Stu. We miss you around here.”
“I know, guys. It’s just hard to get away with everything back in San Fran,” he sighed. “Always busy with something.”
“Something. Or someone?” Flynn laughed, giving you both a wink. Stuart flipped him off, your head buried in his shoulder to hide your embarrassment.
“We get it, bro,” Greg reassured. “We’re just glad you’re happy. You have a great job and a great girl to share your life with. It’s nice to see you smile.”
Stuart gave a half-hearted smile, the weight of the lie on his shoulders. Your own frown was hidden, feeling his tense and knowing what he was thinking. I just lied my ass off to my best friends.
Your party headed out to the parking lot, Stuart twirling his keys. “I hate to cut the night early, but we are heading home. It’s been a long day and we have to drive home tomorrow.”
“Aw, come on Stu,” Flynn whined. “We barely get to see you. And it’s barely eight! We have time still!”
“We should hit the bar!” Joe offered. “The Dutch Pot guys? Best drinks in town?”
“Hell yeah!” Flynn and Greg cheered. Stuart frowned.
“I don’t know guys…”
“Come on, Stuart,” the guys pleaded.
“You are barely ever in town. Just a few more hours. That’s all we ask.”
“We just want to spend a little more time with you before you go back to your fancy Google life.”
“Just one drink. Please?”
Stuart looked down at you his eyes asking what his mouth didn’t. You nodded, squeezing his hand that was clasped in yours. “One drink won’t hurt, Stu.”
The man sighed, ruffling his hair. “Fine. One drink.
“One drink!” the guys cheered.
One drink didn’t happen.
It started with a round of shots. The one turned into two. Two turned to four. The four turned into a bottle each, the guys being kind enough to order a margarita since you didn’t care for the taste of their beer. And before you knew it, your small group was beyond buzzed, laughing and chatting happily amongst each other.
You spent time playing random drinking games, drinks being downed left and right. You were even dragged to the dance floor, your body ending up pressed firmly to Stuarts. Your hips grinded against each other, the slight blur pushing all of your skeptical emotions away. His arms were wrapped firmly around you, pulling you taut to him, your sweaty bodies moving in sync. You had unbuttoned his shirt, leaving it flopping open to reveal his dark undershirt, hands running up his torso to his neck. His hands pushed against the small of your back, shirt hiked up around your waist. The skirt you decided to wear rode up whenever you pushed your ass into him, Stuart groaning in your ear.
When the current song ended, you stumbled back to the table, the three guys sitting there with bottles in their hands.
“Have fun?” Greg asked, sipping his drink with a lazy smile. “You looked like you were.”
“It was a lot of fun,” you told him, sitting in your seat. Stuart flopped next to you, pulling you against him.
“You know. It’s weird,” Joe hummed aloud. “The entire night, we haven’t even seen you guys kiss.”
“Are you the non-PDA kind of couple?” Flynn asked.
“I guess you could say that,” you chimed when Stuart didn’t respond.
“Well, break your little code just for once. Give us a kiss guys!” Flynn cheered. You and Stuart shared a glance, shrugging in unison. You leaned forward, placing a short kiss to his lips, the touch tingling. Feel accomplished that you were able to do it so easily, you smiled at him, Stuart returning it. But when you sat back, his friends seemed unimpressed.
“Lame!” Joe whined. “That’s not a kiss!”
“What?” Stuart grumbled. “Of course it was. Maybe you’re facing drunk blindness or something.”
“I can see perfectly!” Joe claimed.
“It was lame,” Greg hiccuped. “Give her a better one!”
“A nice, sloppy, juicy lucy!”
“That’s a sandwich,” you deadpanned.
“You know what I mean!” Flynn cried. “The sloppiest, wettest, most passionate kiss in the world! Do it, guys!”
The guys started chanting ‘do it, do it” repeatedly, the words getting louder every time it circled around. The words kept hitting your ears over and over again, making you nervous. Stuart rubbed your shoulder to calm you, only making it worse. He tried to protest, but the guys weren’t having it.
“Alright!” he finally cut them off. You said nothing, turning in your seat to face Stuart completely. You felt your palms sweat, shifting uncomfortably against the leather booth. Stuart licked his lips slowly, leaning in slowly. Your heart was hammering to your chest, your only thought being Fuck, we didn’t practice this. What if I suck?
But when his lips hit yours, you instantly melted into it, arms moving around his neck. His arms moved to your waist, pulling you closer to him. Your heads tilted in opposite directions, allowing you to get closer. His lips tasted of the bitter liquid he had been consuming, but you didn’t mind. They were still soft, enveloping yours completely in a passionate connection. He didn’t push to go further, but from what you were already doing, the world around you didn’t exist. All that mattered was him and the way he was making you feel. The kiss made your stomach knot and your skin burn.
You craved more.
He pulled away slowly, licking his lips once more. Your eyes fluttered open, your mind racing to figure out when they closed. Your hands were shaking slightly, layers of bewilderment running through your veins. You stared at his face, noting how pink lips that were slightly puckered still, swollen from the single kiss. His eyes were closed, his eyelids fluttering with the movement of his orbs behind them. Your body heated up, ready to lean in again.
Your heart nearly stopped before you did though. You were holding your best friend in such an intimate way, the shrill wolf whistles of his friends cutting through the muffled sounds in your ears, blood flowing quickly in them. You had kissed him and you found yourself wanting more. You admired the way he looked, admitting how handsome he looked. It felt good to have him pressed against you, and it wasn’t in a friendship sense.
It was like the alcohol was gone in a snap, your mind sobered. I think I like Stuart, you told yourself. Maybe it was the alcohol, but the feelings that lingered weren’t the friendship you always told yourself it was. And it scared you.
“Excuse me,” you whispered, not caring that you straddled Stuart to slip from the booth, your chest hitting his face and knocking his glasses into a lopsided position. Stuart finally opened his eyes, going to stand to join you, ready to say something. But you were gone, quick steps caring you towards the bathrooms. Stuart frowned, sitting back in his seat. He was handed a beer, Stuart not hesitating in drinking.
“That was hot,” Flynn grinned, Stuart glaring.
“Fuck off.”
Inside the bathroom, you were hunched over the sink, ignoring the looks of random strangers behind you. Your ragged breathing came out in wispy gasps, tears threatening to spill over the rims of your eyes. You quickly turned on the cold water, ignoring your hours worth of makeup to splash the droplets to your skin.
“Stuart is just my friend,” you tried to tell yourself over and over again. My insane handsome, funny, smart, sarcastic best friend. I kissed my best friend. I can’t like him more than that. It’s just friendship.” You paused, glancing at yourself in the mirror. Your lips still tingled from him, the memory replaying in your mind without end. The more it replayed, the more your heart sped up, your body burning with intensity. “No, no, no. This isn’t happening. He’s Stuart. I-I can’t…”
You thought back on the years of knowing him, from the second you met in the hall for the internship to the days sent in your apartment studying every aspect of your lives. You remembered the joy you felt from him, bewilderment raining over you as you learned everything you had in common. You thought about how comfortable he made you; cuddling in his arms randomly, hanging out and watching tv, hugging him multiple times a day, and even the rare tears he would wipe away from failed dates. He was always there for you, yet the giddy feeling you felt every time was overlooked, written off as the extreme friendship you had instead of romantic emotions. Now that you looked back on it all, you were sure you were wrong, having lied to yourself since the first time he pulled you into his arms willingly for a hug.
“I have a crush on my best friend. Fuck!”
You stayed leaning against the sink for a few more minutes, allowing your breathing to regulate slightly and the tears to cease. You splashed water to your face again, drying it before attempting to apply a quick layer of makeup to hide the redness from your crying. Once you were satisfied, you dropped them back into the bag that hung on your side, taking one more deep breath. You pouted at yourself before shaking your head, slow steps carrying you towards the door. You hand met the handle, one thought crossing your mind. This fake date was the worst decision ever.
You made it back into the center of the bar, spotting the table the guys were at. Not eager to return to the drunken idiots, you wandered towards the bar, thinking to wash down your sorrows in alcohol. Sliding into the empty bar seat, the bartender sent you a smile.
“What’ll it be, sweet cheeks?” he asked.
“Something strong,” you pleaded. The bartender, whose name tag read ‘Thomas’ , nodded, turning to make what you requested. You didn’t watch what he put in it, opting to smile when it was placed in front of you. “How much?”
“On me,” he chuckled. You sent him an odd look, Thomas giving a small smile. “I know boy trouble when I see it.”
“I saw you run off not too long ago,” he said. You gave him an odd look. “I’ve worked here for a long time, sweetheart. You get used to paying attention to everything.”
“Care to talk about it?”
You hesitated, sipping the drink in front of you. Your face puckered at the bitter taste, shaking it to rid yourself of the strong taste. Thomas chuckled, leaning on the bar. You finally caved after another sip. “I have a crush on my best friend.”
“I don’t see the problem then,” Thomas hummed thoughtfully. “Relationships are best when it’s with your best friend. My mom always told me to be friends first then lovers.”
“But, he’s my best friend. I can’t love my best friend.”
“Well, you seemed pretty loving earlier,” he quipped. “Dancing, kissing, holding hands?”
“Yeah, well, it’s not real,” you pouted. “Its all fake. I agreed to be his fake girlfriend just to show his friends that he was capable of having one. One stupid picture and wrong words made them think that we are dating. It was all a misunderstanding but here I am, pining over my nerdy best friend because he’s just… perfect. He’s so cute. He’s handsome and funny and smart. He’s sarcastic to boot. But we work so well together and I can’t picture myself without him. And it hurts because after tonight, we will go back to being friends. But I don’t know if I want that. How can I possibly go back to how things were after tonight? We were so worried about his friends accepting me and for Stuart to fit in like he wanted, for Stuart to not lose his friends, we didn’t even think about what would happen!”
You weren’t sure why you spilled your guts to him, your heart on your sleeve to this unknown man, but he smiled at your words, taking you hand. “Sweetheart, it’s fine. Things like this happen. And it happens when you least expect it. Sure, this is fake now, but who says that next week it won’t be real?”
“Because he doesn’t like me like that.”
“I doubt that. He looked pretty upset when you ran off,” Thomas claimed. “And it wasn’t the kind of look that says his best friend ran off. It was the kind of look that says the girl he liked ran off.”
“Yeah, right.”
“I guarantee it,” he laughed. “You just can’t give up. Because something good will come from this. Who knows, maybe this isn’t as fake as you think.”
“I doubt that,” you sighed. “But how are you so good at giving relationship advice?”
“Because I was in a similar situation once with my boyfriend, Isaac,” Thomas admitted. “We were ‘dating’ girls so no one would know that we were into each other. But it made us stronger because we realized how good we are for each other. And that was five years ago. We’re still going strong. The fakeness around our relationship made our relationship something we can’t forget.”
“That’s actually really sweet,” you laughed, Thomas smiling. “Thank you. I really needed that.”
“Anytime, sweetheart. You guys are cute together, so I’m rooting for you. I hope you have soe success after this little fake date. Don’t let your feelings be fake, either.”
“Oh, witty, ain’t ya?” you joked, Thomas grinning.
“Isaac loves it.”
You didn’t notice Stuart’s eyes glued to your from from his seat the man slouched deep in the leather booth with his hands in his pockets. His teeth gnawed at his bottom lip, his eyes narrowing when the bartender took your hand in his. He couldn’t hear what you were saying to each other, but his gut wrenched in discomfort from the short action. It twisted even more when he picked up on the faint echo of your laugh over the music, Stuart bouncing unhappily.
You were his fake date for the night. Sure, his friends were drunk off their asses, but that didn’t give you any right to flirt with the bartender, especially in front of him. Watching you smile and laugh hurt, his heart aching. He was pissed, but he was also sad. His fake girlfriend wasn’t by his side. His best friend wasn’t by his side.
He wasn’t going to have it. He stood from the booth quickly, pushing past people quickly. His hand wrapped around you upper arm, your eyes wide as you turned to him. “Can we talk?” he insisted harshly through gritted teeth. You frowned slightly, opening your mouth only to shut it quickly. “Please. Like, right now? It’s important.”
“Stuart, I don’t know,” you started, Stuart tugging you off the seat.
“Just come on,” he growled, tugging you away. Thomas sent you a sad look, giving you a wave. Your drink was left half finished, your body dragged through the crowd by your nerd of a crush. You stumbled behind him, arm beginning to hurt from his hold. His long legs carried him forward quickly, your own strides having difficulting keeping up with him.
“Stu, can you slow down?” you asked, Stuart not answering. “Stu, answer me.” Still nothing. His lack of response made you plant your feet, ripping your arm from his grasp. “Stuart, will you just stop?!”
He turned to you instantly, eyes flaring. Neither of you cared that you were in the middle of the dance floor, drunken idiots dancing around you. “What gave you any right to do that?” he snapped.
“Do what?” you snapped back, not backing down. “Get a drink at the bar?”
“No!” he yelled over the music. “What gave you any right to flirt with the bartender? Especially in front of me!”
“Flirt with the bartender?”
“Yes!” he practically screamed.
“Even if that were true, Stu, you seem to forget that this is a fake date. I’m not your girlfriend. This entire thing is not real!”
“I don’t care!” he hollered. “I can’t sit around watching you do that. It hurts too much to see you flirting with him. I care about you too much to watch it. I watched you run off, worried that I did something wrong, and then this? I can’t stop feeling like… like I’m losing you. I don’t care that this is a fake date! You are my girlfriend and I can’t stand seeing you talking to him. My heart hurts.”
He rubbed his lips together, massaging his jaw. “I can’t stop thinking like this, alright? I can’t stop this twisting inside me knowing that you weren’t by my side. You should have been flirting with me. I can’t watch you flirt with someone else when those words should be for me.”
You watched the man, surprise written all over your face. He just admitted that he wanted you to flirt with him instead of the bartender, even if you didn’t do what he thought. Your heart raced, slamming against your chest. Your eyes landed on his lips, admiring how perfectly plump and pink they were. His anger from before seemed to have subsided already, and now he was antsy, shifting between his feet like he wasn’t sure what to do next.
You launched forward, the fakeness of your date no longer weighing on your mind. The only thing you could think about was him. Your lips pressed his, arms wrapping around his neck to hold him close. Stuart didn’t wait to respond, his arms wrapping around your waist. He returned the kiss with the same amount of vigor, enveloping your lips with his. The sound of your lips pulling apart noisily and reconnected was washed out by the pounding music in the air. Your noses brushed together, teeth somewhat clashing whenever you leaned it. Sparks flew everytime you kissed him, your body smoldering hot in his arms. They weren’t fast kisses, but the passion level was out of this world. The taste of the alcohol on his lips mixed with his natural taste made you smile, giving him a flavor all his own. You mind was blank, nothing but him running through it.
The world around you seemed to vanish. The people dancing didn’t exist. The music was silent. The warm air was only because of your connected bodies. In that moment, with your hands on his cheeks and his moving down to grip your ass, nothing else mattered. Just the two of you in the middle of the bar, kissing like your life depended on it.
You stumbled together through the door, Stuart pushing you through the halls towards his room. It was a small apartment his parents continued to pay for for him so when he returned home, he had a place to stay without needed to be with his parents. They occasionally rented out the spare room in the apartment, but currently, it was unoccupied.
In retrospect, you should be glad you were in his apartment now. Alive, at that. You made the worst decision in the world, your common sense dulled by the alcohol allowing Stuart to drive you both home while intoxicated. Not the smartest decision, but your hormones were a bit haywire. He had broken a few speed limits on the way. It was also impressive that he was able to keep the wheel straight in his blurred, drunken vision, your lips pressed to his cheek and your hands running along his body. You tried to give him road head a few times, only managing to get his pants unbuttoned before he would do a sharp turn, your body flung from his lap. He was definitely antsy though with the teasing he got, jittering in his seat as he drove, overly anxious to get home - hence the speeding. You were glad, and surprised, that you weren’t pulled over with the number of traffic laws he had broken in the attempt to get home, and right now, you weren’t regretting the decision.
Tomorrow, you would though. When the hangover sets in and you remembered how you got there, you would probably vow to never drink and drive again.
Right now, your burning body was ready for more, Stuart’s touch making your blood pressure spike with desire. You were backed into the bedroom, your hands attempting to remove each others clothes. You struggled to walk and undress tripping over your own feet when you tried to pull his shirt over his head or he tried to pull and unhook your bra, your shirt left dangling on the doorknob of his bathroom. His pants were sliding down his hips, your skirt left in a heap in the hallway. Your heels clacked as you walked, Stuart bouncing to kicked his own shoes off.
Your kisses had grown messier in the tie between the dance floor and his room, strings of saliva connecting you together whenever he pulled away for air. Your tongues tangled together, his controlling for the most part, wandering your cheeks to memorize the shape and taste. His hands roamed your body as he kissed you, tugging your lip with his teeth. They were swollen from the intensity, the furious kissing making your lips hurt with want.
You bodies spun in an attempt to continue undressing. You were pushing his pants and boxers down eagerly, Stuart finally achieving his goal of unhooking your bra. But the second he pulled it free from your body, he fell back, his pants around his ankles making it hard to move. He let out a noise of surprise, falling back on the bed.
You smiled at him, dipping down to pull his pants from his legs. They were tossed behind you, breaking a lamp on the way, but you weren’t concerned with that. Your eyes narrowed on his exposed cock, licking your lips slowly at it. It was huge - larger than you were used to - with a swollen red tip. It twitched against his stomach, a string of precum connecting the tip to the happy trail of dark hair along his toned stomach. Stuart laid bare on his bed, crooked glasses on his nose as he propped himself up to watch you. He was definitely more handsome than you ever would have admitted, seeing him nude making your arousal rise. He was handsome; a toned stomach and chest, arms flexing under his weight, his giant cock twitching and ready for you, and his face staring down at you, moles lining his cheeks and his honey-caramel eyes turned a dark black. Your panties were soaked, your pussy throbbing and crying for attention.
“Fuck,” Stuart mumbled, watching you back away in nothing back your underwear and heels. You stood carefully, body wobbling from left to right uneasily to remove the heels. Your round breasts bounced with your movements, Stuart letting out raspy heaves. Your nipples were hard and taut, his mouth watering and his fingers itching to wrap around him, tugging at them. He watched you slowly shimmy from the wet panties, you ass exposed to him and your core dripping, juices running down the insides of your legs. “So hot.”
You said nothing to him, straddling him as you climbed atop him, pressing your lips to his in a steamy connection. Your tongues twisted together, swirling in circles, enjoying the taste that came from the other. Your bodies moved so you were properly laying on the bed, your nude bodies flesh against one another. His hands roamed yours as they had been since the kiss at the bar, yours tangling in his hair. Your groins rubbed against each other viciously, making your body shudder with arousal. Your core was throbbing more than before, yelling at you to do something to it.
Your lips left his, dragging down and tugging his lips with it. You kissed along his chest, flicking your tongue against his nipples to make him squirm. His breathing picked up, his eyes watching as red marks were left littering his chest. You continued down his body, licking his ab lines to his cock. You kissed it once before moving back up his body completely, connecting your lips in a sloppy, fast kiss. Your body slid up as you kissed his jawline until your lips left his skin completely, your core hovering over his face.
“Woah,” he breathed, inhaling your scent, his nose nuzzling into your clit. You mewled slightly, your nails clawing at the paint on his walls. His tongue ran through your folds, dipping into your core once before retracting. He let out a content sigh, his hands finding home on your ass. “It smells delicious. You taste even better than you smell. Fuck, I’m drooling, baby. I’m so hungry for you and your delicious pussy. Let me taste you, baby.”
“Please, Stu,” you whimpered, sinking further onto his face. He grunted happily, a low slurping coming from under you. His tongue rant through your folds repeatedly, lapping at your juices constantly. He would dip into your core, swirling circles inside you. He traced your walls, the tip smoothing over the sensitive nerves. It tapped at your g-spot, making you moan loudly. The buzz in your ears got louder, the alcohol that you had consumed making the pleasure even sweeter than normal. Or, maybe that was just him?
He made you feel amazing. He groaned against you, letting out low pants when he licked you harder and faster. He swapped between your core and your clit, spelling his name on the engorged nub and flicking it rapidly. His lips wrapped around your clit, sucking at it vigorously, tugging it with his lips. You moaned louder with each passing second, head falling back as he ravished your lady parts, loving them with extreme intensity. He ripped the moans from your throat, grinning against you.
You looked down at him, his eyes piercing into you. You couldn’t see below his eyes, but they remained unblinking, only closing occasionally to savor your fluids on his tongue. He watched your face contort happily, your breasts bouncing with the subtle thrusts of your hips. Your body shifted against his lips, pressing deeper onto him.
“Stu,” you whined. You could feel his body shuffling under you, your head turning to glance over your shoulder. His hand was wrapped around his cock, jerking it quickly, matching the pace of his mouth and tongue. The precum was smeared over the tip, his fingers wrapped tightly around his shaft as he stroked it. Your body heated up just at the sight, a trail of saliva dripping down your chin that you shamelessly wiped away with your hand. Watching him masturbate while eating you out was a dream you regretted never having because it was beyond sexy to see. “Fuck, Stu.”
You lifted off of him only to spin around, leaning over his body. Your core still pressed to his lips while your own lips replaced his hand. You bobbed along his length, Stuart ceasing his licks long to let out a long grunt. You moaned around him, the noise vibrating his cock. His licks resumed to match your bobs, your bodies moving in sync to please each other. Your nose was buried in the dark hairs at the base of his cock, the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat. Stuart’s tongue moved to your clit, licking it rigidly until you were a quivering mess.
“I’m gonna cum,” he grunted against your core, sucking at the nub harder than before. You return the favor, tongue running along the vein on the underside of him, sucking his length harshly. His breathing quicken, your own nostrils flaring with increasing breaths. Your core knotted, unraveling quickly in a sea of fire. You were shaking violently, Stuart’s cock twitching against your cheeks. “Fuck, baby. I’m gonna cum.”
You sped up, urging him nonverbally to do as he wished. He let out a straggled grunt, his body convulsing under you. Streams of white, hot cum spilled from the tip, washing down your throat in waves. You swallowed every drop with difficulty, your own body quivering with your orgasm. Stuart let out a pleased nise the second your juices hit his tongue, the man selfishly lapping at every drop you released. He swallowed every last drop, same as you, savoring every second of it.
You pulled away, licking your lips clean of the droplets that escaped. Stuart was panting, his warm breath fanning over your core. Your desire spiked once more, your pussy contracting with want. You licked his tip teasingly, the shaft hardening from the simple action.
“Baby,” he whined, nuzzling his nose into your core. “You’re so wet still. God, you’re so wet. You must still be horny.”
“I am,” you let out in a raspy, seductive voice. You sat up from his cock, your body sliding down until you were situated on his pelvis. Your hips rolled against his, wet core making his shaft more slick than just with your saliva. Stuart grunted. Peering with dark eyes at your backside. “I want more.”
“Ride me,” he said in a husky tone. “Fuck me, baby.”
You smiled, though he couldn’t see it, lifting off his body to align him with your core, sliding down on his cock with a loud moan. Stuart groaned, letting his eyes close, relaxing under the pleasure of your tight pussy around him. You felt goosebumps run up your spine, stilling for a second to feel the pulsating of his cock against your walls, making your blood pump harder.
You circled your hips for a second before shifting forward, his cock sliding free from inside you. He was buried back instantly when you sat back, repeating the process steadily. Stuart moaned this time, his eyes cracking open to watch your ass move against him. Your body moved like a pro, rocking against him expertly. His cock emerged from your pussy soaked to the hilt, disappearing back in your tight hole with ease. Your ass jiggled timely with your motions, Stuart appreciating the way you looked as you rode him.
“You’re so hot, baby,” he gasped out, reaching forward to fondle your ass cheek. He gave it a gentle smack, making you squeal and shift against him. You moved against him faster, leaning farther forward. He coughed slightly at the new feeling, the feeling constricting around him more. “Oh, shit. So tight. You’re so tight.”
“You’re so big,” you whimpered loudly, head falling back, your hair whipping in different directions. Your sped up, Stuart thrusting up to meet your movements. “Oh God, Stuart.”
His fingers traced up your spine, his stomach tightening to keep himself upright. They tangled in your locks, tugging lightly at them. You moaned loudly, letting your head fall back more, Stuart’s tugs getting harder the faster you moved. You were on the verge of screaming, arching more from his touch.
He let go of your hair, arms wrapping around your waist. He sat up completely, your body halting. Stuart kissed along your shoulder blades until he hit your shoulder, sucking and nipping at your neck. You relaxed against him, mindlessly rubbing at your clit to please yourself. Your walls clung around him, making him bite and kiss harder at your neck. His hands moved to your chest, fondling them in the palms. He tweaked the nipples between the tips, tugging at them until they were stiff.
“What, baby?” he breathed. “Do you like this? You like me playing with your nipples? Or do you wish I was sucking them?” He kissed your neck once, a smile on his face. “God, I do love your tits, baby. So round, so firm. I bet you would moan loudly when I suck on them.” One hand moved down to yours, helping to rub your clit. “Such a dirty girl you are, Y/N.”
He pulled you back with him, his back colliding with the bed. You were rolled onto your sides, Stuart’s slithering down your body to lift your leg, slinging it over his waist. His hips snapped into your backside, his arm winding around your waist to keep you close to him. You moaned loudly, head falling back against his shoulder, allowing him to thrust as much as he wanted into you.
His cock hit your g-spot with ease, the arm that had ended up under your head, gripping your breast tightly. His hips bucked against your ass, the slapping sound filling the small apartment bedroom. His cock slid in and out of you without problem, shoving into you relentlessly and rubbing along your walls. You were a moan mess against him, the ecstasy you felt from his powerful, godly thrusts making your stomach coil.
“Stuart,” you whimpered, pushing back against him harder. His thrusts sped up, his head buried into your neck as he pounded into you. His cock pistoned in and out of you quickly, making your body shake with happiness. Your leg bounced against his waist, heel kicking against his ass. His hand squeezed at your breast harder, Stuart never once slowing down.
“Y/N,” he growled, pushing his head into the back of yours. His thrusts were getting sloppier already, his second orgasm obviously approaching fast. “Shit.”
“Stuart, baby,” you gasped out. You took his hand from your chest, bringing it up to your mouth. Two fingers were wrapped by your lips, Stuart’s grunting getting louder. You moaned around the two digits, sucking at them sensually, tongue lavishly circling them. His chest heaved, his sloppy thrusts hitting your backside.
“I’m cumming,” he rasped. “I’m cumming. Fuck, I’m cumming!”
His cock twitched inside you, a loud moan in your ear ringing before he was spilling himself into you. Streams of his seed spewed from the tip into you, his thrusts slowing. The warmth of his orgasm and his seed filling you completely burned the coil that had been building inside you. You moaned around his fingers, your juices washing over him, splattering your walls. His thrusts slowed to ride out your highs, your bodies close together in a thick layer of sweat, heat, arousal and passion.
He pulled out of you slowly, rolling from the bed to stumble on uneasy feet to the bathroom. You heard the rippled of water as you laid in the bed, signalling that he was urinating before cleaning himself off. You ignore the sticky feeling between your legs, bundling in the sheets. Stuart made his way back to the bed, not bothering to get under the covers as he curled into your side.
“I love you,” he mumbled in a slurred voice, the alcohol mixing with his exhaustion. He was out seconds later, a low snore escaping his lips.
You frowned. At this point, you had sobered up, fully aware of everything that had happened between you both. You turned to look at the sleeping man, his eyes fluttering against his cheeks as he slept quietly. Your frown deepened, your heart falling. You wondered if he would remember in the morning what happened and if he would still feel the way he claimed. You wondered if things would remain this way when you returned home, or if they would be awkward, attempting to go back to the way they were.
You knew there was no going back though.
You moved his arm from your waist, sliding out of the bed. You slowly dressed yourself, taking a pillow and blanket to the couch. You sat on it, glancing at the clock before sighing, your head buried in your hand with silent tears.
“I love my best friend. But, this is all fake.”
Things were awkward like you had feared when you returned home.
The drive home was silent the next day, neither of you saying anything about the events in Oakland. You weren’t sure if he remembered, but he never questioned. You assumed he knew, that his words meant nothing; it was the once time that drunken words did not represent sober thoughts. So, you let it go, never once choosing to talk about it.
Your office was filled with an unusual tension, words hardly shared. You didn’t embrace each other like normal and tried to remain on different tasks that didn’t overlap to keep from interaction. You sat on opposite sides of the room, no matter where you were. You couldn’t even spare him a glance without your heart clenching, a wave of sorrow raining over you. Your heart yearned for him, but he wouldn’t return the gesture, no matter how much you hoped.
Neha tried to ask, but you changed the topic every time. You just tried to put up a front, only allowing yourself to cry in solitude at home. You loved him - an unrequited love. You wished he would remember, telling you the same three words as that night. You wished you could forget that night at the same time you wished to remember; the pleasure you felt with him was beyond you, never something you had felt before with any other guy. You had shared the perfect moment but the fake date ruined it.
It was never meant to happen.
You were sure you had ruined your friendship with Stuart Twombly because of a misunderstanding, an agreement, a fake relationship, alcohol and your personal feelings that had developed. The mixture sent your life down a spiral in the toilet, letting it plummet to the ground.
Two weeks had passed since the unspoken night with Stuart, and you had yet to share two words with him. You sat outside alone for lunch, munching on a sandwich as you typed on your laptop in an attempt to finish your current assignment. Your headphones were in, letting the music block out your surroundings.
You heard the seat across from you scratch against the concrete through the music, your eyes darting up to see who it was. You had to double take when you noticed Stuart sitting in the chair, anxiously tapping his foot. He was fidgeting in the seat, obviously nervous and uncomfortable. Carefully removing the earbuds, you cleared your throat, knowing it was dry.
“C-Can I help you, Stuart?”
The man frowned, obviously saddened by the lack of nickname he was used to. His mouth opened to answer, closing when nothing came out. He tried a few times before clearing his throat as well, licking his lips. “I can’t do this anymore.”
“You’ve been avoiding me,” he said flatly.
“What? No-”
“You’ve been avoiding me because we had sex.” Your face fell, the tears already forming in your eyes. “I’m sorry. We were drunk and I was mad. I-it was emotional and…”
“Just stop, please.”
“No!” he yelled, lowering his voice before speaking again. “I can’t. I’m sorry. But I can’t go on like this anymore. I…” he rubbed his lips together, scratching his chin. “I don’t regret it, alright? It was the best night of my life. And yes, I was drunk. But I remember everything so clearly that happened between us. Up until I… I came in you, I remember everything.”
“Oh,” you said shortly.
“I’m sorry though, alright. The fake date shit should have never happened. I ruined us because of my stupid ego with my friends. And I can’t stand what we have become from it. You’ve been avoiding me because whatever happened between us - it changed us. I feel like I hurt you because of what we did. And I want us to go back.”
“I can’t stand this anymore,” he cried, ruffling his hair until it was messy. “I can’t stand not having my best friend in my life.
You frowned. Ouch, was I just friendzoned?
Stuart rubbed his lips together, wetting them often. His mouth was dry and he was struggling to form words. “I-I can’t stand this awkward tension that has formed between us. I can’t stand not having her in my arms all the time, hugging her day in and day out. I can’t stand not being able to call her just because I want to. I can’t stand us not hanging out, watching movies or tv shows and throwing popcorn at each other. I can’t stand not hearing her beautiful voice, whether it’s happy or sad or confused or intrigued. I can’t stand…” he paused slightly, biting his lip. “I can’t stand that I can’t call her mine every day.”
“I can’t stand just being friends.” He stopped talking, leaning forward on the table. His hands were together in tight fists, pressed to his lips. His eyes were red and glossy, trying to hold back tears. That made you heart wrench, your own tears ready to spill. He ruffled his hair again, staring at the table instead of at you. “I can’t stand withholding these feelings - my feelings - because I know they won’t be reciprocated.”
You blinked once, taking in his words. You were confused slightly, taking a moment to understand what he was telling you. Your gut bubbled with delight, your body seeming to understand before your mind. You stared at him, Stuart glancing up when he got no response. When it finally clicked, you stood abruptly, leaning forward to kiss him.
But your heads bumped together painfully.
You fell back in the seat, both of you grunting in pain. You rubbed the spot on your forehead, watching Stuart do the same. His eyes met yours, a small laugh finally escaping both of you. The laugh gradually built until you were laughing loudly together, using the table for support.
“So um,” he started, leaning on the table. “All that practice we did kind of went down the drain, eh?”
“Oh, shut it,” you grumbled, kicking him playfully. He grinned, moving to your side of the table, taking your hand.
“Let me at least do this properly then,” he whispered, leaning forward to press his lips to yours. You smiled into the kiss, turning to wrap your arms around his neck. He pulled you closer by the waist, his lips enveloping yours. You felt a familiar spark, your body physically melting into his hold. It wasn’t a steamy connection - just a passionate, slow on, your feelings conveyed with every ounce of will you had. Your lips moved together, heads tilting to let the connection speak for itself.
When he finally pulled away, he smiled, caressing your cheeks with his hands. Your foreheads rested against one another, low breaths escaping your lips.
“I’m sorry,” he repeated. “The fake date was the worst.”
“It really was,” you giggled.
“But, it showed me how much I like my best friend as more than a best friend.” He smiled, kissing your lips again softly. “It showed me how bad I have it for her because she is the most amazing girl in the world. And I want to prove it by taking her out.”
“Wait, what?” you asked, backing away.
Stuart chuckled, rushing to his bag and pulling out a bag of food labeled ‘Jose’s’. “I had meant to use this as a peace offering to get you to forgive me for what happened. But, I guess now it’ll be my proposal to you.”
“Not like that!” he sputtered. “I meant like…”
“Y/N, I want to take you out on a date,” he said full of confidence, holding the bag of tacos out. “I want to take you out on a real date this time, not a fake one. Because I have a crush on my best friend and I want to take her out for a good time to show her how much she means to me.”
You blinked, staring up at him. His face faltered, scared you were about to deny him when you nodded, taking the tacos.
“You have yourself a date, Stuart Twombly,” you told him, standing up. You kissed his lips before grabbing your stuff, slinging your bag over your shoulder. “A real date.” You walked off, leaving the man to silently cheer, fist pumping the air.
Stuart shoved his finger into the doorbell the following Saturday night. He tugged at the collar of his button up, sweating profusely from nervousness. He glanced up at the light above your door, bouncing on the balls of his feet. He took a second to sniff himself, wondering if he smell alright with the new cologne he was wearing. Following up, he pulled out his phone to check his slightly spiked hair and glasses, checking himself over. He prayed he wasn’t overly dressed in a simple button up and dark jeans. He let out shaky breaths, the long wait playing at the back of his mind.
Finally, he heard the lock click, the door tugged open. “Sorry. I was finishing getting ready,” you told him, leaning on the doorframe to slip on your shoes. Stuart didn’t reply, his jaw slack as he stared. “What?”
“You…” he tried to say, swallowing thickly. His Adam’s Apple bobbed up and down, his eyes roaming your body. You were in a black dress that hugged you perfectly with some black flats. You glanced down at yourself, almost worried.
“Do I look bad? Am I overdressed? Should I go change?” You rapidly asked. Stuart shook his head vigorously in response.
“No!” he almost squeaked, his voice cracking. He blushed at the sound, clearing his throat. “You look amazing. Like… beyond beautiful. I was just shocked because you look so good. I mean, you always look good but… I can’t believe I’m going out with you. And I think I’m underdressed now compared to you. We’re just going to dinner at Romano’s so it’s not fancy, but you look spectacular compared to me.”
“Stu,” you cut him off, pushing up on your toes to kiss him softly. “You look fine. Now, let’s go. I’ve been waiting all day for this.”
“Alright,” he chuckled. You shut your door, locking it and dropping your keys in your purse. Stuart held his arm out for you, yours linking through it as he walked you down to his car. He opened the car door for you, allowing you to slide in and get situated before shutting it for you, shuffling to the driver’s seat quickly. The ignition came to life, roaring with a slight hum. “You know, this is going to be hard.”
“What do you mean?” you questioned.
“It’s going to be hard to focus on this date because I can’t keep my eyes off you,” he whispered, tilting his head towards you with a bright smile that was uncommon for him. It was contagious, you own smile spreading on your cheeks. You leaned over the center console, pressing a kiss to his lips that he returned without hesitation. His lips remained puckered as you pulled away, smiling like the goofball he is.
“Now, date please?”
The date had been the best thing you had been on in all your years of dating. He had taken you out for dinner at your favorite restaurant, the two of you chatting like normal throughout the meal. You had agreed on no alcohol, considering what had happened with alcohol last time, opting for water instead. He paid for the meal despite your protests, saying how it was only right for the man to treat his girl to a god meal. That just made you blush.
Following the dinner, he took you to an aquarium on Pier 39. He was shy at first, your hands brushing as you walked through the glass tanks. When he finally gathered the courage to take you hand in his, your fingers lacing like they did when you practiced many weeks ago, you felt at home, nuzzling closer to him as you wandered through the building. Your hands even stayed connected when you stopped to pet the baby sharks and manta rays, Stuart recording the oy on your face with his phone.
On your way back to the car, you dragged him into a photo booth, Stuart almost reluctant at first. The pictures went fast, most being silly photos you would normally do with your selfies together. But you were able to catch him off guard on the last photo, turning him towards you so you could kiss him fully, the man melting into your touch and returning it before the click was heard. You each got a strip, your heart thumping rapidly at the smile he held looking at them.
The final stop was the same hill your team ventured to during your internship after the crazy night at the strip club. You sat at the same table you were at before, Stuart’s arm around your shoulders to keep you close. You head rested on his shoulder, his on top of your head, the two of you in silence as you stared at the night sky and the twinkling lights of San Francisco. After what seemed like forever, he called your name softly, making you look at him. He smiled softly, leaning in until he was kissing you, no words shared.
Just soft kisses in the moonlight to end the night.
The clock hit midnight as he parked in front of your apartment, killing the engine. He turned to you, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel before speaking, “Can I walk you to your door?”
“Do you have to ask?” you giggled. Stuart cracked a ghost of a smile, sliding out of the car to run around the front, opening your door for you. He took you hand, the two of you taking slow steps towards the door. Your hands swung in unison, a silence having formed between you both.
He stopped once you got to the door, both of you turning to face each other. You opened your mouth at the same time he did, neither of you managing to get words out before you started laughing. He rubbing his hand along your arm soothingly, playing with your fingers. “You first.”
“I just wanted to say,” you started, digging your toe into the ground, looking away awkwardly. “Thank you. Thank you for such a wonderful night. I’ve been on a lot of dates through college and even here, and nothing has compared to tonight. This was… this was perfect, Stu. Thank you.”
He chuckled, making you look at him. “You know, you took the words out of my mouth,” he mused. “I was going to thank you for letting me take you out. For giving me a chance after… after the whole fake girlfriend fiasco. I didn’t think I would get a chance like this because my dumbass proposed that whole thing. Then we had sex and I loved it but we fell apart after and I didn’t know how to talk to you about it. So I thought that This crush that had developed would be unrequited. But, when you agreed, I… I was elated, baby.” You blushed at the nickname, Stuart flushing also. “S-sorry. Slipped.”
“You know, you called me that a lot when we had sex.”
“I know,” he hummed. “I liked it a lot.”
You grinned, wrapping your arms around his neck, drawing him closer. “Well, I like hearing you call me baby.”
“You do?” he smirked, pulling you closer by the hips. “Maybe I will have to call you baby more often then.”
“I’d like that,” you whispered, pressing your lips to his. Your eyes closed, his following suit. It was a tender kiss, lips pressing against each other firmly but barely at all at the same time. His lips were soft, slowly dragging along yours as he pulled away. The low smack of your lips disconnecting filled the air, Stuart pressing his lips to yours again. Your fingers tangled in the hair at the base of his neck, making him shiver amidst the kiss.
He pulled away, licking his lips to relish the taste of you, backing away slightly, keeping his hands on your waist. “I should go,” he mumbled. “It’s late.”
“Oh, right,” you replied shortly. “Late, yeah.”
“Thank you again,” he whispered, pecking your lips and pushing your hair behind your ear before pulling away. His hands tucked into his pockets as he backed away down the walkway, give one final smile before he turned to leave.
You tapped your foot for a second, going to unlock your door. You cracked it open, turning back to your date before he made it to the car. “Stu, wait!”
He whipped around, his thick black frames almost flinging off his face from the speed he turned. His eyes lit up, the caramel color making you melt on your feet. His hair billowed softly in the light wind, a toothy smile growing on his cheeks. “Yeah, Y/N?”
“I know it’s late and all, but I was thinking,” you hummed, hugging the jacket he leant you earlier that night closer around your body. “Maybe you’d like to come in for some coffee or tea? You don’t need to rush off just yet.”
Stuart smiled, clicking the lock button on his car so it beeped, signally the alarm was set. He didn’t want to seem too eager as he bounced back up the path towards you. “I’d like that actually.”
You pushed the door open for him, both of you stepping in. The door clicked shut, Stuart helping you take off your jacket. He turned for a single second to hang it up, finding your lips on his when he went to face you again. He returned it instantly, his hands cupping your cheeks, yours back around his neck. The kiss was infinitely messier than the one minutes ago, tongues greedily battling for dominance that he easily won. The smacking sound was louder and more consistent through the entryway to your apartment, Stuart pulling away for small bursts of air before he dipped back in. He easily controlled the kiss, your teeth clashing and your noses brushing even though your heads tilted to give you the best access to his luscious lips.
He pulled away with a short gasp of air, kicking off his shoes as he talked. “Maybe we should take this elsewhere.”
“I know the perfect place,” you told him, taking the front of his shirt in your hands, slipping your flats off before backing into the house towards your bedroom.
You both fell onto your bed, laying on your sides facing each other, engaged in a heated make out session. You played with his hair, moving down to mess with the buttons on his shirt, moaning into the kiss he gave you. His hand had settled on your thigh, playing with the bottom of your dress, flipping it up your waist so he could rub your ass through your underwear. He let out a few breathy moans in the middle of the kiss, shifting to help you push off the button up, leaving him in just a white undershirt. Your legs were tangled together in a heap atop the blankets, keeping you close.
Your hand moved next to the button on his pants, popping them easily and tugging the zipper down right after. Your hand slid into the front of his pants, his breath hitching when your fingers wrapped around his shaft, stroking it slowly. He pulled away to get some air, connecting his lips to yours again, shoving his tongue down your throat, tracing your cheeks to memorize the layout. His hand pushed into the front of your panties, drawing circles to your clit. You squirmed under his touch, your moans vibrating his throat and tongue in your mouth.
He pulled away from the kiss, tugging your hand from his pants after his was pulled from your panties. He sat up, pulling you with him, tugging off his shirt the second he had a chance. Your dress followed, your arms raised so he could lift the black material off your skin. Your breasts fell free, Stuart pushing up on his knees to hover over you as he kissed you for the umpteeth time that night. You were pushing at his pants as he kissed you, his hands finding your chest rather fascinating.
He struggled to kick off his jeans, letting them off over the edge of the bed when they finally hit his ankles. You were both just left in your underwear, Stuart moving to lay you back to the bed. He broke the kiss, his eyes locking with yours before he spoke. “Are you sure?”
“Absolutely,” you breathed, scratching from his shoulders to the back of his head. “And this time, we are both absolutely sober enough to say that.”
“I never thought I’d say it, but thank God for no alcohol in my system,” he chuckled, pulling his glasses off the bridge of his nose, placing them neatly on the side table so they didn’t get damaged while you were getting frisky. The frames were apparently crooked last time. He leaned back on his heels, shuffling from side to side as he pushed his boxers off, allowing his cock to spring free. It slapped his stomach gracefully in all its glory, standing long, hard and proud at attention. It stood straight out for you, your panties growing moist at the sight. “So um…”
“What?” you asked, playing with the tip of his cock. He grunted, feeling it twitch under your touch, throbbing anxiously.
“D-Do we need a condom or anything?”
“I mean,” you blushed, turning to your table. “I have some if you prefer to be extra cautious. But I’m on the pill. And we weren’t that cautious when we had sex in Oakland.”
“W-well that… that was not the best,” he claimed. “We were drunk and I was horny a-and you were hot.”
“I know, Stu. You don’t have to justify it,” you joked. “Just make the decision. Rubber or no rubber?”
“Well, as much as I would prefer without because it feels way better, we should probably be proper adults and use it,” he huffed almost sadly. “We can work our way back into no condoms.”
“Oh. So, we’re going to have sex more than once?” you jabbed at him.
“Well, if I’m any good, you will always want me to sex you,” he laughed, leaving you to slap his chest. “I know, I know. I’m sorry. But, I would like to. You’re just that good and I don’t want to stop anytime soon.”
“Sounds like a good plan to me,” you told him, leaning over to grab the condom. You swear you heard him let out a sigh of relief, glad you had agreed. “What size? Regular? XL? XXL?”
“Do I want to know why you have that many?” he hummed, leaning down to kiss your stomach, working his way to your chest. You moaned at him, finding it hard to concentrate on the boxes in the drawer.
“I’ve had sex with guys before, Stu. And it never hurts to be prepared. But when every guy you meet is different, you have to have something for every occasion.”
“Well,” he said, sucking at your nipple harshly, tugging it with his lips to hear you moan. “Do me a favor,” he continued, sucking red marks to your breast, repeatedly kissing the stiff peak to prolong his words. You were a moaning mess, Stuart’s head nestled between your arms, your arms still outstretched to grab him a rubber package. “Toss those regular and XL ones and buy two more of the XXL because baby, you’re gonna need them with how much I’m going to fuck you.”
“Holy shit, Stu,” you whimpered, falling back on the bed, unable to fulfill the task. He was ravishly attacking your round mounds, licking and sucking at them vehemently. He was happily nipping at the buds, making them taut under his lips. He let out a throaty groan as he kissed at them, swapping between each one with a loud pop.
“I thought I told you to toss those boxes,” he joked, pulling from your chest, leaving you feeling empty. He grabbed the boxes of regular and XL condoms, physically tossing them behind him, making you break out into a fit of laughter. He pulled out the XXL box smirking at you. “Unopened?”
“No one has ever… fit my expectations for them.” Stuart rolled his eyes at your pun, opening the box and pulling out the square packet.
“Never say that again,” he scolded, placing the package between his teeth, he kept it there as he moved down, pulling your panties free from your legs. You spread your legs, two fingers running through your folds. The condom ended up falling onto the bed, his jaw slack. “Fuck, baby. You’re soaked. Are you ready for me?”
“I’ve been ready.”
“What do you want?” he asked seductively, his voice dropping an octave into a husky tone. The two fingers slid into your core, your moan loud.
“You want me?” he asked, your head nodding in agreement. “What do you want? You want my cock in you? You want me to please you while I tell you how beautiful you are?” His lips met your clit, lapping at the swollen nub. You back arched, scratching at his scalp with your nails. “You want me to fuck you, baby? You want me to pound you into your mattress until you scream my name? You want me to hold you while I show you just how perfect you are? I’m gonna make you cum, baby. Cum so hard you won’t remember your own name.”
His fingers had curled at this point, your body quivering at his words and touch.. He was able to hit you sweet spot without trying, his trimmed nails scratching along your sensitive walls. His mouth to your clit never slowed down, the man lavishly ravishing it, spelling his name over it like you remembered. He was determined to full the promise making you scream his name, the only thought racing through your mind being his name on replay. As much as you wanted his thick cock inside you tiny pussy, you were loving the way his fingers made you feel. And you knew after tonight, you would have a hard time being around him, the sight of his veiny names reminding you of what he can do.
You might get in trouble a few times because you would probably drag him off to the copy room for a little foreplay. AKA, his fingers and tongue so far up your pussy, you’d be seeing stars the rest of the day. And occasionally his cock, most likely.
“Stuart,” you gasped, aching against your sheets. His free hand reached up your body, fondling your breast firmly, giving it a squeeze to enhance your pleasure. “Oh, God, baby. I’m going to cum. Oh God, I’m going to cum!”
“Cum, baby,” he whispered against your clit, giving it a sloppy kiss. His fingers sped up, the noisy sloshing of your wet core around the digits mixing with your moans and gasps. “I want to taste your sweet juices.”
“Holy shit,” you gasps again. You body spasmed, walls clenching. “Oh, fuck! I’m cumming! Oh, God, I’m cumming! Stuart!” You screamed, violent shakes running through your form. Your juices spilled down his fingers, the digits soaked for a second before they were pulled from you, his tongue replacing them. He slurped at your pussy, drinking every last drop of liquid that you secreted, making sounds of satisfaction as he swallowed.
He pulled away, licking his lips before his arm wiped them dry, the man taking a moment to lick his fingers clean. “You taste delicious,” he quipped happily. He moved to stroke his still hard cock, the precum oozing more. “But, I think I need to be inside your tight little cunt, baby.”
“Fuck, me, Stu,” you pleaded.
You watched with half-lidded eyes as he scrambled to find the condom on the bed, having lost it when he realized how wet you were before. He cursed under his breath, finally cheering when he found it under your leg. He ripped it open with his teeth, rolling the rubber down his length expertly.
He nestled between your legs, leaning down to kiss you, his face softer than earlier. “If I hurt you, tell me to stop.”
“You could never hurt me,” you reassured him, kissing him lightly.
“I know. Just…” he sighed. “I don’t want to risk anything.”
You took his hands in yours, his body almost collapsing on top of you so you could link your fingers together with his. “I trust you and you aren’t risking a thing. I want this, Stu,” you told him.
He smiled softly, taking one hand from yours to align himself with your core, returning it to your hold when he slid in easily. You both moaned simultaneously, Stuart stilling to allow you to adjust. He laid soft kisses to your cheeks, forehead and jawline, finally kissing your lips passionately. Your tongues sensually rubbed against each other, slowly moving your lips together.
His hips shifted back, pulling himself from inside you only to snap back strongly, your moan caught in your throat. His thrusts became steady, speeding up gradually until he was wildly pounding into you. Your hands tightened around his, the hold on his hands keeping you grounded. He pulled from the kiss, his head buried in your neck instead, light kisses applied to it. Your nose buried in the side of his head, kissing at his temple and moaning into his ear.
His hips bucked anxiously, the tip skimming your g-spot with every thrust your legs wound around him, trying to tug him closer, wanting to feel him as go as deep as he could. You could hear his low grunt, feeling him piston himself in you quickly.
“Stuart,” you moaned into his ear, your hips circling against him. He grunting, telling you he was listening, a smile forming on your face. “I want to ride you.”
“Oh fuck,” you heard him rasp, rolling you both over instantly. You sat up against him, Stuart’s eye a dark shade at this point, shielded with layers of lust. “I love you riding me. You’re so hot when my cock is shoved into you, your body bouncing against my cock. Fuck, me baby. Fuck me hard.”
“Maybe I don’t wanna go hard,” you teased, rocking against him slowly. The way his cock slid out of you was slow, the slide back in even more agonizing. He groaned in dissatisfaction, bucking upwards into you. “Want do you wanna do, baby? You want me to go faster? You want me to ride you like a pro again?”
“No,” he let out. His hands found your waist, stopping you from moving. “I’m going to fuck you still.”
His hips bucked upwards quickly, rapidly shoving himself into you. A scream came from your throat, head falling back in pleasure. He hit better angles than before, hitting your g-spot full on. His movements were sloppy and fast, but they were beyond pleasurable, the level of ecstasy you felt through the roof. His cock pistoned into you core without remorse, your bodies colliding in deafening slaps. The sound of skin on skin filled the room, reverberating off the walls of the small bedroom.
“Fuck, Stuart!” you screamed, the man drooling at the sight of you over him. Your breasts bounced with each thrust, his fingers itching to touch them and his mouth watering to taste them. Your eyes were clenched, lips parted for your many moans. His cock was dripping when it slid free from you, the rubber glistening in your juices before sliding back in with ease. It was harder for him to feel aroused due to the condom, but he felt his heart racing and his stomach clenching, his cock pulsing and twitching as he neared his end. It was taking longer than he thought and hoped, but watching your pleased face made him happy and definitely was getting him closer to the orgasm he sought.
His thrusts slowed to a stop, his body pushed up until he was chest to chest with you. Your eyes cracked open, staring at his beautiful orbs, feeling him move your legs around his waist. Your arms moves around him, under his arms so he could keep you upright against him, his hips bucking into you. It wasn’t the hard, powerful thrusts as before. This was more sensual - more connected. He still could hit your sweet spots without trying, your body shaking against him.
“Stu,” you cried, nails raking down his back. Red marks lined his muscled skin, his nails digging into your hips. His steady thrusts into you made your stomach clench, eyes squeezing shut. “Oh god. I’m so close. Faster, baby.”
“Fuck,” he groaned, thrusting a bit faster than before, hips rocking into yours rhythmically. His eyes closed, lips puckering as he began chasing his orgasm, shoving into you as fast and hard as he could muster. He kissed and nipped at your collarbone, finding it harder to concentrate. Your walls were hugging him tightly, the pulsing in his shaft translating to your body. Your hearts beat together, sloppy thrusts an indication of his inevitable orgasm. “I’m cumming baby. Are you cumming?”
“Yes,” you cried shortly, out of breath. “Stuart, baby. I’m cumming,” you whimpered.
“Fuck,” he gasped, moving to kiss you instead. “I love you.”
You were taken aback, barely managing a short, “I love you too” before you were quivering in his arms, pressing your lips to his in a passionate connection. Your juices splattered around him in powerful waves, dripping down the latex around his length. Your toes curled into his back, nails clawing at him harder. Stuart’s body grew warm, the moisture and warmth of your core making his stomach clench. Even through the condom, he felt everything, his cock twitching sporadically. His seed spilled from the tip in squirts of white, filling the small air gap at the end. His groan was muffled by your lips, the knot inside both of you disintegrating. His thrusts slowed to ride out your orgasms, careful not to rip the condom before he pulled out completely.
He lifted you off the bed, still deep inside you, lying you on the bed so he could pull out. He waddled to the bathroom, supporting his condom-covered cock, stripping himself of the rubbed. It was tied off and discarded, Stuart using the bathroom before cleaning himself He returned with a warm, wet cloth, cleaning your thighs and core or your juices and sweat, giving it a light kiss when he was done.
He draped the blankets over you before curling up next to you, his head resting on your chest. Normally after sex, you would want to cuddle into the guy, but this felt more comfortable for some reason. Your hand ran through his soft hair, playing with the ends happily. You always loved his hair, the locks insanely pleasing to run your fingers through. And maybe it was just having his body pressed against yours, holding you securely, that made you comfortable.
You also knew that at some point during the night, you would adjust so you were resting on him instead. It always happens when you cuddled, falling asleep on your bed or his bed during a movie. You find yourself sleeping on his chest, his arms holding you tight.
“You know,” he mumbled sleepily. You glanced at the clock, realizing how late it had gotten. Two hours of sex later, here you were. “I can’t really sleep without my pillow.”
“I know.”
“But,” he continued, nuzzling your chest, kissing the side of your breast. “You make a better pillow I think.”
“You’re such a dork,” you laughed, continuing to pet his head. You knew he was falling asleep quickly, the man able to sleep with ease after sex it seemed. He must have been exhausted from all those thrusts he did. You pussy still aches just thinking about it. “Get some sleep, Stu Boo.”
He mumbled something incoherently, probably acknowledging what your said, He shifted against you, kissing your chest again before saying, “Be my actual girlfriend, Y/N,” he said, voice laced with sleep. “My real girlfriend, not my fake one. I can’t stand the fake shit.”
“Alright. Anything for you, Stu. You are my best friend and you are one of a kind,” you whispered. He turned to look at you, his eyes glazed with sleep. “Besides, how can I say no to a hot nerd like you.”
“I’m your hot nerd,” he whispered back, curling back against you, falling asleep. You smiled at his sleeping face, letting yourself relax on the bed.
“It’s not fake this time,” you told yourself through a yawn. “I fell in love with my best friend. And I don’t regret it.”
As a a subnote, the chat names are KIND OF inspired by friends in my real life. My friend, Joe, is the fucking memelord of our group. And my friend Greg (RIP) had once wired an audrino board to place Stepmania with bananas. It was the best thing to see while in college. 
Errthang Tag 2.0: @catcrown21; @parislight; @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone; @savage-stilinski; @honeymoonmuke; @rumoured-whispers; @youshiverwhenyouhearmyname; @caitsymichelle13; @addicttotw; @fox-lau; @xmadwonderland; @kaelyn-lobrutto24; @lobrien; @kal-pal; @espermirror; @nowthisiswaar; @belleknows; @ashpie97; @mixedupsammy; @dylobrienlover; @newtosaur250; @bandsweyhey; @crystals-marie; @livinginadreamersparadise; @tommyswolves; @veronicarapp; @bilesbilinskix; @danathewitchywoman; @thisismexxo; @you-all-have-guns; @soulaura-canavel; @bojabee; @obrienswxlf; @feelingsareharddd; @xoitsjustmexo; @supernaturaltakeover; @suggsmate; @cassiee867; @malia--stilinski; @barryallenplease; @flirtstiles; @bottleoffirewhisky; @jadalecki-jackles; @evansesdust; @everythingthatisrandom; @puppiesarehappiness; @ixlovexpeterxparker; @onlyalittleteenwolfobsessed; @tenseoyong; @jadav5 
Want to be tagged? Send as ask! - Bold accounts are ones I cannot tag.    
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5 years ago.
2D was walking down the streets of Miami, as he looked around he saw a small sign that said opened, he shrugged, walk down few concrete steps, opened the door.
It was a small bar, the place was empty say for a few people who were sitting at the edge of the bar.
2D walked over the other of the bar, and took a seat.
Man: Hey there.
2D: (looks at him)
See a Man with dark brown hair with a few gray strands, a little scruff on chin, and light green eyes, giving a friendly smile.
2D: 😳... H-Hello... Can I have a shot of whiskey please?
Man: Certainly. (the man walked away grabbing a shot glass and A bottle of whiskey and pord some in) Here ya go.
2D: Thanks, mate. (downs the glass) Whoa! That's... some strong stuff.
Man: Yep it is. And home made by one of our local breweries.
2D: It's good. Can I 'ave another?
Man: Here ya go. But take it easy. This can stuff can knock ya on ya ass.
2D: Heh. I'm... Stuart.
Man: Kanze. Or Kaz
2D: Kazen? I've never 'read that name before.
Kazen: I think its Greek. At least that's I was told.
2D: It's a nice name.
Kazen: Thank you, Stuart.
2D took a few another shot of whiskey, and then let the alcohol settle in.
A few hours later.
2D: So, Murdoc, fuckin arshole yells at me, and... Y-Ya wanna know I did next...?
Kazen: Um, I'm not sure...
2D: I-I 'it 'im... right in 'is stomach... Then Murdoc started pounding me in the face, and Russ 'ad to pull us apart and that when left...
Kazen: ... Wow. This Murdoc Guy sounds like a real asshole.
2D: Yeah. He is...
Kazen: So, if you don't like the way he treats you, why don't leave?
2D: I tried, twice. And he always kidnaps me.
Kazen: ... 😐... (keeps putting weight glasses)
Just then Russell shows up.
Russell: Stuart! There you are! (walks over)
2D: H-Hello, Russ, H-How's my bestiat... Bestist.. My best m-Mate...Hi~!
Russell:Oh, god... How much did you have to drink?
2D: I donno. Kaz took a the bottle away. ... So, no bloody idea.
Kazen: You took 5 shots. I told you take it easy!
2D: P-Party pooper... Pfff... I said poop~ I'm tweeting that...! (pulls out his phone)
Russell: Give me that! (take the phone) We're trying to stay obscure, you dumbass. And Noodle has been in tears after you stormed off like that, she was worried that you might never come back. So how dear you make for making her worry about your stupid ass.
2D: ... ... (let's down at the floor) Fucking 'ell. Alright alright, I'm a wanker. Okay?
Russell: Damn right. Now your drunk ass in gear and let's get goin'.
2D: Oh, alright, alright. I'm comin'... I'm think about to ... Yeah, gonna be sick... (run to the bathroom)
Kazen: ... Man can't hold his liquor.
Russell: (shakes his head) And he's careless. (looks at Kazen) I'm sorry if 2D, I mean, Stuart has been a problem.
Kazen: Not all. And don't worry, I didn't tell anyone who he really is or you for that matter. And here. (Hands over $300) He... overtip.
Noodle: (Runs) Stuart?! Where is the where is he?! Is Stuart alright?!
Russell: He's fine, baby girl. Have a little bit too much to drink, and he's in the bathroom.
Noodle: Well aren't you in there with him!?
Russell: ... (blushes) He... Ran to the ladies room...
Noodle: ... (Rolls eyes and walks into the women's bathroom)
After a while Noodle walks out with 2D.
2D: I appreciate ya, but that's the men's toilet. You're a girl...
Noodle: Yep sure. C'mon. Let's head home.
Kazen: Enjoy the rest of evening.
2D: (grins at him) Y-You too, mate. (looks at Noodle) A great Chap... And a great ars... Fuckin' sexy ars...
Kazen: ... ... (blushes)
Russell: (Facepalm) Idiot...
Noodle: Okay, this too awkward.
And three of them leave.
Kazen: ... Heheh. Well, they're a very lovely people. I like'em.
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We are the only masters of our destinies.
I am the kind of person waiting for an event, a sign or a person to change everything. In my life, I mean. I sometimes hope that my daily life becomes as exciting as that of the heroines in the books. That one day, an incredibly beautiful and seductive guy arrives in my neighborhood to make me live the great adventure. I imagine that we would cross the country on his bike, or while he would make me discover a fantastic world in wich he would be a werewolf, an angel or something super cool of the kind, and that I would have hidden and mysterious powers. No, I’m not crazy, just a little too imaginative. 
Over time, and over the years, my hopes in this regard have gone up slightly. Even if I have to admit that every Halloween, or Christmas (there’s always something going on in movies, series, and books at that time), my heart sinks and hope returns. Unfortunately, my wardrobe does not lead to Narnia, and my neighbor is certainly not a sexy guy like Sam Heughan or Stuart Reardon. 
Sometimes, I want to run away. To take off and disappear a moment. To become a mystery, a mystery that could not be solved, and of wich only I would know the secret. But, in real life, things are not so simple. My mother would call the cops, and I’d probably have to go home on a TV search. 
I’ve been thinking about it for a long time. To my desires for escape, and thrilling life. After all, why do I still hope something will change ? That my life will suddenly take on an incongruous and incredible meaning that will push me to live extraordinary things ? Why am I unable to content myself with what I have there right now ? I concluded that : human beings are born, and will remain unsatisfied creatures. 
We are never happy with what we have. We want more and more. Be more beautiful, be thinner, be richer, etc, etc... Wanting more does not make us happy. It makes us frustrated, and sometimes even unhappy. We hope that something, when in fact, it would be enough to kick the back and change everything ourselves. Why wait for someone to do things for us ? A stranger, a distant relative, God(s). I’m sick and tired of feeling his hint of disappointment at the end of Halloween, or Christmas, while, lying in my sheets, I fix myself my ceiling by becoming aware that tomorrow will be no different. I annoy the disappointment. I decided to take my destiny in hand, because basically, we are the only ones who can do it. 
Something we dislike in our life ? So let’s eliminate this thing from our daily lives. A person pisses you off ? Then box him ass, you will feel more free. All our life, we will be forced to make choices. Choices that will concern us most of the time. It’s up to us to be happy, and to make our lives incredible. I do not need sexy neighbor possibly werewolf or vampire. I do not need a magic wardrobe (although, between us, it would be really cool). I believe it is time to accept ourselves as we are, and to live our lives for ourselves, not for others. People’s eyes do not count, what others think does not count, what others think does not count. Why worry about what others think ? You want fries, and not a salad, take your damn fries ! Want to go far and live your dreams ? Do it ! The countdown to begin. Even if it’s rather morbid to think like that, as soon as we get out of the belly of our respective mothers, the time starts to run. We’re all going to die one day, and fucking, it would be a shame to deprive ourselves of this or that because a jerk could stare at us in the street. Do you want blue, pink, two-tone hair ? So go to your hairdresser. 
For my part, I think I do not intend to worry about the opinion of complete strangers. This trend has already pushed me to become a person that I did not want to become, I do not want it to start again. Do what it takes to be happy, and annoy the idiots who could oppose your happiness. I think that’s basically the key. What do you think ? 
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sippin-on-red-wine · 7 years
High Tide | Chapter 6: Let Me Explain
Title: High Tide, Chapter 6 |  Author: @sippin-on-red-wine Rating: 17+, Mature (Sexy times) Word Count:  5,847 Author’s Note: Sorry in advance?
It’s been a while, so just as a refresher, our last chapter ended with Kendra missing Ed terribly after he had been gone for a couple of days. She had written him a little poem, sending it off in an e-mail in the middle of the night. The only response back was an automated e-mail from British Airways, with a one-way ticket to London, leaving that same day.
I put the last of the clean dishes away and dried my hands on a kitchen towel. Stuart said he was off to nip a quick shower so I walked back out to the lounge room to check on the girls. Libby was posted up on the big, cherry-toned leather couch, working on a knitting project. The tube was turned on, but neither of them seemed to be paying attention to it. Kendra’s messy bun peeked over the back of the oversized chair she sat in, her legs extended out in front of her over the matching ottoman. Her head was thrown back against the head of the chair and I realized she was asleep.
“What did you do to my girl?” I asked, jabbing a fake punch into Lib’s shoulder.
“She was knackered I guess, Arthur climbed up into her lap and she was giving him pets and then just… passed out.”
“I’m surprised she made it this long, I suppose. She wasn’t able to get any sleep on the plane, rocky flight I guess, so I think she’d been up for like, 28 hours or something.”
Lib hit me with her clump of yarn and knitting needles. “And you made her come ‘round here for dinner? You twit.”
I had mentioned to Kendra that we had an open invitation, but that we could skip out if she was too exhausted. She genuinely insisted that we come.
“D’you mind if we stay a while?” I asked, looking up at the clock. It was already a little past ten p.m. “I don’t want to wake her, and we hadn’t really decided where we were going to stay yet, anyway.”
I crossed around the couch and plunked down next to Libby, kicking my feet up on the coffee table.
“What’s that all about? You’ve got a house, yeah?” She asked.
“Eh, yeah, but it’s just… it’s not home. I stayed there last night and I slept on the couch myself. I’m not even comfortable there, can’t imagine how she would feel, you know, being there and knowing about everything.”
“Shit, Ed, I hadn’t really thought of that. You’ve booked a hotel or something, then?”
“Well, not yet. I brought her round the house earlier and we talked a bit about it. Told her I was thinking about selling it, and why.”
“I really like her, Ed.”
“Yeah, Lib, me too.”
“You seem… good. You’re acting like yourself around her, which is good. I’m surprised you asked her to come out here though, I thought you were only staying a few days?”
“Eh, just.. missed her,” I said, waving my hands nonchalantly.
“Oh my God, Ed, really? Couldn’t last a few days on your own? Is she that special or are you just… I don’t know, paranoid?”
“Really laying into me, aren’t you Lib?” I half-joked.
“Sorry, love, just being real with you.”
“It’s ok. No, it’s not that. I just… ‘S different, with her.”
Libby reached out and ruffled my hair. “You’re a softie, Ed. I’m gonna turn in. You know where the extra pillows and blankets are. Stay the night, if you’d like.”
“'Night, Lib,” I grinned at her.
I got up after her, heading to the linen closet to pull down a couple of pillows and an extra throw blanket. I stopped into the kitchen and fixed myself another whiskey and Coke, and grabbed my iPad from my rucksack. My sleeping schedule was definitely messed up, too, and I wasn’t too tired yet.
I set my things down on the coffee table and leaned over Kendra, brushing a soft kiss onto the side of her face. Sweet girl…
My eyelids felt like lead, as I slowly came to. I didn’t even remember falling asleep, exactly, and I had no idea how long I had been passed out. I opened my right eye just a stitch, and the room seemed dark. That was a good sign. I opened them slowly and the room came into focus, lit by the dull embers burning out in the fireplace.
Shit. It was coming back to me now, we had just finished up dinner, Stuart and Ed offered to clean up. Libby had asked if I wanted another glass of wine, which I agreed to, knowing it was a bad idea for how exhausted I was. The last thing I remembered was petting their little dog in my lap and then apparently I had passed out.
I had no idea what time it was, everything was quiet. Did they leave me here alone? I sat upright in the chair, pushing the ottoman away with my feet.
Ed popped up on the couch then, apparently woken by the sound of the cushy ottoman scraping across the floor. He wiped the sleep from his eyes. “Hi, sleepyhead.”
I crept up out of the chair, feeling about 99 years old. I was fucking beat, still. Ed pushed back the blanket and patted the couch next to him, motioning for me to come over.
I sidled in close to him on the sofa, facing toward him. I ran my hand up his side as he covered me up with the blanket. “Sorry, Ed, I didn’t mean to fall asleep…” I yawned.
“I feel like that is a recurring theme, love,” he laughed. “But you had a good reason.” He pressed a kiss into my forehead as I snuggled in tighter to his body.
“Did Stuart and Libby go to bed? I feel bad.”
“Hours ago, love. It’s okay, I told them you didn’t get a chance to sleep on the plane at all.”
I yawned again, nuzzling into Ed’s chest when my mouth finally closed.
His hands absentmindedly stroked my hair, brushing it off my face into a neat little pile.
“It’s okay, baby, you can go back to sleep,” he whispered.
“Here?” I asked.
“You know I used to live on this sofa, right, love? You’re good. I got you. Sweet dreams, Kenny,” he whispered.
Don’t mind if I do. I couldn’t believe I was here, half a world away, with Ed. In his world. His life. His people. Just yesterday (day before? Who knows) I was moping around my house, organizing and cooking and working out, trying to pass the time while Ed was away. And now I’m here.
The flight had been absolutely horrible. I was a bit of a nervous flyer – once we were in the air, it usually didn’t bother me much. But the flight had been a little rough & bumpy which freaked me the hell out. I hadn’t slept a wink. It had been such a relief when I had gotten through security & customs to see Ed standing there, looking sleepy in his sweatpants and slippers, a hat covering his fluffy mop of hair. A taller, scruffy-looking man was with him (must be Kevin? I guess airports can be a bit dodgy as far as crowds). Ed had slung off my backpack and wrapped me up in the biggest hug ever as soon as he got to me. A huge grin cast across his face as he pulled on my backpack, taking us over to the baggage carousel where we retrieved my bags. He insisted on carrying all of my things himself, declining offers from both Kev & I. He still somehow managed to clasp his hand in mine. The boy had been on Cloud 9 to see me. It made me feel really good about my decision to come here.
What would the next few days bring? I hoped to see Lauren and the rest of the gang that had come out to New England. Would Ed want me to meet his parents? I wasn’t sure I was ready for that. And what about his house? It had felt so… sterile. After Ed had picked me up from the airport, he took me back to his house. Flat cardboard boxes and packaging tape were littered everywhere. I didn’t know if that was from him, or from when his ex moved out.
He told me he was thinking of selling the house. That it didn’t feel like his home - it never had. He hadn’t been here to make it feel that way, just randomly spending an odd week here and there while his ex lived here full-time. Apparently banging other dudes. I honestly didn’t blame Ed for not wanting to be there, but it was a beautiful house. I told him to change some things up, paint, pick out a few new furniture pieces, see if that helped. He had seemed a little bit hopeful at the thought, but still asked if I wanted to book a hotel room for our time here.
Okay I guess I’m wide awake now. I turned over onto my other side, trying to get comfortable. Nope, that’s worse. I flipped back over to face him, Ed’s own sleepy eyes opening slowly now.
“Love? “‘S matter?” He asked, groggily.
“Wide awake.” I grumped, silently cursing my body.
“C’mere,” he said, rolling onto his back while his strong hands helped shift me onto his chest. My legs wrapped around either side of him, my pelvis pressed against his. I could feel his cock, semi-solid beneath me.
“Mmm, I think someone missed me,” I teased, trying to keep my voice to a whisper. My hips rolled over him in waves, acting of their own accord. His cock was hardening quickly, easy to sense through just the thin layer of my leggings against his faded old sweats. I let my clit roll over his head, feeling him grow right under me. I could feel myself getting wet already.
Ed kissed my neck, the wetness from his lips cooling quickly when he moved on, leaving a slight chill on my skin.
“I need you…” his voice trailed off. Those three simple words had made all my blood rush to my skin and I forgot about the stupid flight, the exhaustion, the unknown, and all I wanted was to be connected to him again.
“But, Teddy.. here?” I almost didn’t care that we were on his manager’s couch, maybe 50 feet from where he & his girl were asleep in their bedroom. Too late, his hands were already pushing at the waistband of my leggings, tugging them down off my hips.
“It’s okay, we’ll be quiet…”
I lifted my hips, allowing Ed to push my leggings down and away, bringing one leg at a time forward so he could peel them all the way off. I wanted to see him, his skin, the rainbow designs that covered his chest, but there was no time to figure out the logistics of getting his t-shirt off. I needed him now.
I tugged down his sweatpants & boxers, lifting my pelvis up so I could shimmy them down to the tops of his thighs. His cock sprung free, bobbing lazily up towards his belly until I grasped it, rubbing my thumb over the slit, spreading the little bit of wetness over his head.
His big blue eyes looked up at mine. I held his gaze while I worked myself upward a bit, his cock firmly in hand, and I lined myself up with his head.
I hadn’t had enough foreplay, so him entering me was definitely slow-going. I let my body slide down, taking him in little by little, savoring each moment. His thumb was on my clit, rubbing down over the top of it. I stifled a moan and exhaled, letting him inside me just a bit deeper.
I pulled up at the hem of my shirt so I could watch him work, biting at my bottom lip as a reminder to keep quiet. His hand wrapped around my hip, fingers digging into my soft flesh, while his perfect thumb applied a delicious pressure to my clit.
He was fully buried in me, now, the plump head of his cock touching my back wall. But I was so distracted by the way his thumb was massaging me, I wasn’t riding him properly, just sort of… rolling my hips in a lazy figure-eights, trying to remember to keep hushed.
I stole a glance at him and caught his eyes on my face, watching as my brows dipped down and my mouth fell open. His rock-hard shaft standing tall inside of me, filling every millimeter of space I had.
He knew exactly what I liked, what my body needed in order to get there. The perfect circles floating over my little pink bundle of nerves were the perfect rhythm, the perfect tempo, a true symphony of sensations from the calloused pad of just one of his skilled fingers.
I inhaled, drawing in a sharp breath and held it there, feeling that familiar tension building.
The glow from the dying embers lit the room just enough for me to see every line of Ed’s face as he lovingly attended to my needs before his own. His eyes were trained on me, the way my sex wrapped around his erection, the pad of his thumb rubbing over the top of my slit. My body had responded quickly, wettening as he stimulated me, my soft fluids building up a little around where my entrance met his soft curls down there.
Ed glanced up at me and I gave him a quick little nod to tell him I was close. I tried to hold back the little whimpering sounds that spilled from my lips as I was right on the precipice, trying to hold out, maintain that amazing sensation caught right between the before & after of an orgasm. “Shhh,” Ed reminded me, and I brought my hand up to my mouth, sinking my teeth into my own wrist to stifle my little noises.
He thrust upward into me and that was all I needed. I doubled over, burying my face into the crook of his neck, grateful for his soft t-shirt as I ground my face into it, delighting in the friction.
“Love it when you come apart on my cock like that, you’re so beautiful, baby,��� He whispered in my ear, barely audible. His hips moved up into me, slowly, and I mewled back at him to show my approval.
“I missed this so much, Teddy,” I breathed.
“Lookit me, love.”
I pressed my hands to his chest and raised my body back up to my original upright straddle position, tucking my hair behind my ear, feeling his gaze land on my face. My hands dragged down his torso and I leaned forward on them, using the leverage to ride his cock in the soft, dim light of the room. Our bodies moved in sync; my hips meeting each thrust, taking him deeper into my body.
It wasn’t long before I heard his breath hitch and felt his body tense up beneath me. I tightened my walls around his cock and actually felt him twitch inside me as he reached his climax, his seed spilling into me as he rasped out my name in a hushed cry.
I leaned forward again, seeking out his pillow-soft lips.
“I’m so glad you’re here, Kenn,” he said softly. His hands cupped my face and our lips connected.
“Ed, where’s the bathroom?” I asked, suddenly remembering that I was pantsless, on the couch in someone else’s home, and had the unfortunate predicament of being full of Ed’s fluids.
“Oh, shit, it’s all the way down the hall… oh, I’m sorry babe.” He looked at the coffee table. “Here, let me help you.” He reached out and snagged a couple of tissues from the little box on the table.
I tilted back upright and slowly raised myself off of him, fixing my stare down there. Ed watched too, as the shiny, plump head of his cock reappeared, his sticky fluids spilling back out over his tip. He caught it quickly with the tissue, folding it and tenderly running the length of my slit to catch any excess. I’m pretty sure I blushed, and silently thanked the heavens above that the room was fairly dark. It wasn’t the first time Ed had been generous in helping me “clean up” after sex, and he was the first partner I’d had who had done so.
“Thank you…” I muttered, swinging a leg over Ed’s body and un-mounting him.
I padded down the hallway, leggings in tow, fingers crossed that Stuart and Libby would be sound asleep in their bed. I used the toilet, cleaned up a bit and splashed my face with water before donning the tight black leggings again.
By the time I made it back to the sofa, Ed had cleaned up, disposing of the little ball of wet tissue, and was fully clothed again. I climbed back onto the thick cushions of the couch, facing him, our legs intertwined. He fluffed the throw blanket over us, then smoothed the hair off my forehead.
“Have I mentioned how happy I am that you’re here?” He chuffed.
I chuckled. “Yeah, just once or twice today.”
“I can’t help it… I wasn’t sure you’d come.”
I thought back to that night, the e-mail notification coming through. The feeling of my heart jumping out of my throat as it dawned on me that the e-mail was in fact, a plane ticket. My gut reaction had been No, sorry, no way. His family, his career, they come first - better get used to it now. I argued back and forth with myself for about an hour before the “Fuck it, just go.” side won out.
“I wasn’t totally sure I would, either.” I admitted. His face fell a little, so I explained. “I knew you were here to spend time with family & friends, I didn’t want to get in the way of that…”
“Kendra.” His voice was strong. “You will never be 'in the way’ of anything. You know how I feel about you.”
I didn’t know how to respond, so I deflected by kissing him.
“I mean it.” He insists.
Another kiss.
“Kenny, I want you to meet them.”
Um… what.
“Who?” I asked, probably sounding like a huge idiot.
“My family.”
“Like, your parents?”
He chuckled softly. “I’ve freaked you out, haven’t I?”
I counted the weeks backwards in my head, trying to figure out when Ed and I had even first met. It couldn’t have been more than… what… a month, six weeks?
“They want to meet you, too,” He was at it again, light-hearted, watching my face for a reaction.
“Me?” He nodded. “Your parents?”
“You daft, gorgeous creature - yes. They want to meet you.”
“How do they even know about me?”
“You don’t give me much credit, do you, love? I told them about you weeks ago.”
“You did?”
“You ask a lot of questions, you know.”
“Sorry, I just, I didn’t know you did that.”
Am I okay with that? With this? Isn’t it too soon? By whose standards?
“It’s fast, I know, Kenny. If you’re not ready–”
“No.” my voice was hushed as I stared up into his beautiful blue eyes, all framed by blonde lashes. “I want to.”
It had been a whirlwind couple of days, even by my standards. But in the best way. Having Kenn here was so perfect, she fit into my life so easily. We had just left my parent’s house where we had visited for supper and a couple of cocktails before heading out.
Kendra had been nervous on the drive over there, her palm a bit sweaty as it was tucked up into my hand. But if her nerves lasted much past the first introductions, it didn’t show a bit. I was actually surprised how well she hit it off with my Dad. He had asked about her tour boat company and that turned into a heated, passionate tangent on all things watercraft. My Dad had taken her back to his office to show her this oil painting of some old wooden boat, and Kenn had flipped; apparently her Grandfather had owned one just like it and they had worked together on restoring it when she was a bit younger. Small world, right?
After dinner, I helped my Mom clean up in the kitchen while Dad took Kendra outside to show her his prized Chris Craft, stored away for the season in the large shed in the backyard. They burst back into the house laughing, their conversation a bit louder than your typical post-dinner talk (probably thanks to the bourbon). It was really lovely.
We were back in the car now, heading back to London, Kendra snuggled up in the passenger seat beside me. But her body was angled away, toward the car door, and she was awfully quiet all of a sudden.
“Tired, love?” I asked. We had planned to go to a birthday celebration for one of my school mates later that evening, but I wondered if she would be up for it. I knew better than most what a bitch jet-lag could be.
“No, I’m alright.” she responded, her voice sounding a bit small. “It’s just, your family is really great, Ed.”
“They really liked you, I can tell, babe.”
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be ‘off’. It’s just, not… what I’m used to. But it’s good. I liked them too. You’re really lucky, Ed.”
She wasn’t wrong. It was sometimes easy to forget that not everyone had been fortunate enough to have the same upbringing that I did. I hadn’t even considered how it must feel to see something like that for the first time. Prat.
“So!” she said, clearly changing the subject. “Where is it that we’re going tonight?”
“Oh, this new-er club downtown. I forget the name, to be honest.”
She shifted her body, angling it back towards me, which for some reason gave me a sense of relief. “So it’s not, like, a pub?” She asked, trying out the lingo. I couldn’t help but chuckle.
“No, it’s a proper nightclub.”
“Oh.. I didn’t really plan for that, Ed. All I’ve got with me are jeans and a couple sweaters?”
I didn’t care what she wore, of course, but I didn’t want her to feel underdressed. Kendra was quite a natural beauty and I loved her casual style. But figured most of the other women there would be decked out to the nines, per usual.
“One of my mates owns a clothing boutique – we could swing by there and pick something up for you?” I offered.
“Sure, Teddy. That sounds good.”
I smiled, clasping her hand in mine. I could really get used to this.
The driver stepped out to open the sliding door for us, Ed hopping out into what looked like a skeezy alley way to me. But I took his hand and let him help me down out of the van, I was a little unsteady in my high-heeled booties.
Ed had taken me over to his friend’s clothing boutique and waited so patiently as I tried on at least 10 different things. I finally settled on this tight-as-hell bodycon dress in a dark navy color. It was short and showed a LOT of leg, but Ed seemed to really love it on me. He tried to pay for it, and when I immediately shot him down, he retaliated by secretly picking out a pair of stupid expensive heeled boots to go with my dress. It seemed very unlike him to be interested in stuff like that, but the lusty look on his face when I had tried that dress on erased that from my mind pretty quickly.
He kept my hand clasped in his and let me a little ways down to a big steel set of double-doors. He knocked, and one door swung open. A gruff-looking guy in all black appeared, looking Ed up & down. He nodded a gruff approval and let us in. Ed must have been here before because he knew exactly which dark hallway to walk down to get into the main interior room of the club.
It was actually really beautiful, all art deco & speakeasy type vibes. Classic London-style lampposts littered the great expanse of the club, dim lightbulbs casting a yellow glow through the glass lanterns. The center of the room featured a marbled black-and-white checkered floor, it was clear of furniture and filled with patrons dancing. There was a long, full bar up against the wall, and a dramatic curved staircase that looked to lead up to a big loft. Ed pulled me toward the staircase, which was roped off with two security guys watching over it. They spotted Ed & I coming and unhooked the rope, allowing us entry. We climbed the staircase up into the VIP lounge section, which was actually a lot more spacious than I originally thought.
There was a smaller version of the downstairs bar up here, manned by two bartenders dressed in black button-down shirts & white vests. There were a few swanky, quilted booths and pub-height cocktail tables. I saw a billiards table and dartboard set up in the corner. We must have been fairly early, there were only about ten or fifteen people here so far.
“Mate!” A petite, sandy-haired guy spotted Ed and was making his way over with open arms.
Ed greeted with an enthusiastic hug & kiss on the cheek. “Happy Birthday, mate!” He said, breaking away. “Chris, this is Kendra, Kendra - Chris.”
I extended my hand, but Chris pulled me into a hug. “Nice to meet you, Kendra. Welcome! Let me introduce you to everyone!”
I laughed, thinking the birthday boy had already had plenty of celebration booze. But I went along with it, watching as Ed stalked over to the corner to say some more Hellos while Chris whisked me the opposite way, interrupting everyone’s conversations to introduce me. Everyone was really lovely, and they didn’t ask me a ton of questions or make me feel weird, I was just kind of…absorbed into their conversations. It was really nice. I spent quite a bit of time with a small group of three guys, posted up at the bar, talking about our favorite comedians - Jim Jefferies in particular. It wasn’t an intellectual conversation, by any means, we mostly tried (and failed) to imitate his thick Australian accent while reciting memorable bits from his shows.
Every once in awhile, I would catch Ed glancing over at me, and I’d give him a small smile or head nod to let him know I was having a good time. He had a pint of beer in his hand, which seemed to be a problem for him, since he talked with his hands so much. I saw the amber-colored ale he was drinking slosh out over the sides on more than one occasion.
Another group of six or seven appeared at the top of the stairs, and I saw Pete was among them. I caught his eye right away and waved him over, giving him a big hug.
“Hey, man, great to see you again!” It was nice to see him, but the vodka-soda’s I’d been downing were making me appear more enthusiastic than normal.
“You too, Kenn! I had no idea you were in London??”
“Yeah, last minute, unplanned kinda thing. Hey, is Lauren around? I feel bad, I haven’t gotten a chance to see her yet since I got in.”
“She should be here any time now. Say, I’m gonna go catch Chris and tell him Happy Birthday before I get sloshed and forget. Catch up with you later!” and he was gone.
I turned back to the bar and ordered another cocktail when I felt a pair of hands on my backside. I whipped my head around and, luckily, it was Ed. “You shithead,” I faux-scolded. “Scared me.”
“And good thing, too, love - you can’t trust any of these skeezers up here,” he chuckled, planting a kiss on the side of my cheek. He sidled on into the bar beside me, his right hand cupping my ass.
He was awfully touchy-feely all of a sudden, was it the alcohol? I was starting to feel a bit …needy… myself. Ordinarily I wouldn’t have cared, but I couldn’t help but notice a few people watching as his hands were on me, his mouth on my neck, there in the middle of the lounge. A girl in a silver-y sequined skirt stole more than a few glances before Ed overheard a story someone was telling two barstools down and got distracted, peeling himself away from me for a bit.
Ed excused himself to “take a leak” as he so eloquently put it. I swiveled around on my barstool and spotted Lauren chatting with a couple girls near the top of the stairs. I saw her glance my way and threw up a hand, waving at her.
I watched as she excused herself and made her way over to the bar, wrapping me up in a big hug. “Kendra?! I didn’t even recognize you – Holy shit, girl, you look phenomenal.”
“Ohmygod, YOU look great! So good to see you, Lo,”
“Wait, what the hell are you doing here?” she asked, incredulous.
“I know, I’m sorry I haven’t called yet since I got in, it’s been a crazy couple of days – I’m here, with Ed.”
“Like, here with Ed?” Her eyes were doing a shifty thing. “Where is he?”
“Bathroom…. Why… Lauren, you’re being weird?”
“Kendra, don’t freak out. But his Ex is here. She’s in the silver skirt behind me.” My eyes darted over her shoulder, recognizing the girl that had been stealing glances this way for the last hour or so.
Wait… she’s been here that long… surely, Ed noticed her? Why didn’t he say anything?
“Kenn, look at me, are you freaking out? It’s the same group of friends from high school, everyone knew she was going to be here for Chris’ birthday. Ed didn’t tell you?”
And suddenly it clicked. The special shopping trip, Ed insisting I get this dress that clung so desperately to my curves and showed far more thigh than I was used to. The $2,000 Louboutin booties he insisted I needed, citing the club dress code. His sudden interest in PDA; grabbing ass and kissing my neck, the first time he’d even been in the same half of the lounge as me all night.
All because she was here.
Lauren was holding both of my shoulders, giving me a little shake, breaking my trance.
“Kendra? Say something.” Her voice was alarmed. Rightfully so.
I took a deep breath, holding the oxygen in my lungs until it burned, then exhaled. “I just need a few minutes by myself, please, Lo. I’ll be right back.” I lied, grabbing my little clutch off the bar and strode over to the staircase with every intention of leaving the bar and getting an Uber straight to the fucking airport.
I couldn’t believe it, I’d been duped. I had never felt so humiliated in my life. Here I was, the lost little puppy who jumped on a plane and flew across the world on 12 hours notice, for Ed. Met his fucking parents for Christ’s Sake. I replayed all of the sweet, intimate moments of assurance he had laid on so thick. This isn’t just sex. You’re my girl. You’re not a rebound. You know how I feel about you.
And for what? So he could USE me to make his cheating whore of an ex-girlfriend jealous?
I was closing in on the bottom of the stairs when I heard Ed shout my name from the landing at the top. His voice shot right through my bloodstream, I knew without a doubt it was him, and I could hear the panic in his voice. I didn’t even turn back to look.
I silently urged the dumb security guys to unhook the rope faster, and thrust myself across the barrier the second I was able to. My feet, adorned in the ridiculous high-heeled booties, carried me swiftly across the black-and-white checked floor and toward the bar, where I spotted the main entrance. Ed was shouting my name behind me, which only urged me to press on faster.
I slipped out the large glass doors of the main entrance and spilled out onto the sidewalks of London. I had no idea where I was, or where I was going, I just knew I needed to get out of there, fast.
I kept expecting white-hot tears to come, to tumble out of my eyes like a hot spring, but my eyes stayed dry. Anger, furious anger, was growing in my chest, instead. It started out small, a little pebble lodged there. But the more I thought about him, his words, his hands on me just now in the bar - the bigger my pebble grew. It grew and grew until I couldn’t help but scream. I screamed but nothing came out, my chest was so tight, I couldn’t even catch my breath.
A hand grasped the back of my arm and I whirled around to see Ed, out of breath, having chased me down the sidewalk. “Kenny, – please, jus’, please just let – let me explain!” He pled. His strong hands held both of my elbows as I tried to catch my breath.
I swung my arms out, breaking our connection, and this action seemed to puncture and re-inflate my lungs.
“DON’T touch me!”
“Baby, I’m so sorry, please let’s just go home, please, I need to –”
“Leave me alone,” I hissed, turning back around, determined to put as much space between us as I could. I just felt so blindsided and the last thing I wanted in the world was his touch.
But he was after me again, his hand grabbing my bicep to try to turn me around. I whisked around and slapped him clean across the face, the flat of my palm making perfect contact with his scruffy cheek.
“Fuck off! Usually people just *use* me for my money, Ed, but I guess there’s a first time for fucking EVERYTHING.” I shouted, in hysterics. He touched a palm to his cheek, flushed pink from where I had struck him. His eyes were glassy, a single tear rolling down his cheek. “You know what, I’d rather be used for my money than whatever the fuck THAT was,” I shrieked, pointing back at the club.
“Kendra, please. I’m s-so so-sorry,” There were no sounds of sobs but tears were streaming steadily from both of his ocean-blue eyes.
But in the moment, I didn’t care. I was so furious. I felt like I had been lulled into a fake sense of security, only to be woken by a bucket of ice water being dumped on me.
My voice was a bit steadier now. “I’m gone, Ed. Find another warm body to empty yourself into and parade around for people.”
The universe was looking out for me in that moment, as a cab was slowly driving by, and I hailed them down and swiftly got in, slamming the door shut behind me.
I watched through the tinted window of the backseat as the vehicle carried me away from Ed.
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surprise me (jane/kurt fanfic + #bspromptchallenge)
project: @blindspothiatusproject 30 day gif/fanfic prompt challenge
day 11. humor/comedy/laughs
    surprise me
  There was a soft knock on the bathroom door and Jane looked up from her spot on the floor beside the bathtub.
  “Jane, honey...please open the door,” Kurt’s muffled voice came through from the other side.
  He’d been trying to coax her out of the bathroom ever since she had run in there twenty minutes earlier.
Jane sighed and looked down at the bathmat she was sitting on, picking at a loose thread in the corner.
  “I’m just going to stay in here a little longer,” she called softly.
  “Honey, please come out,” he pleaded again and she could picture him leaning against the door on the other side. “You came all this way, I want to see you.”
  There was a short pause then before she heard him shuffling outside the door.
  “I know you hit your shoulder pretty hard, I got you some ice,” he said, and she glanced down, getting a glimpse of the bruise that was forming there. “And I ordered you a bourbon.”
  Jane sat quietly for a moment before she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, standing up and pulling at the towel she held around her body.
  She walked over to the door and slowly opened it, greeted by his warm gaze and a small smile.
  “You should have led with the bourbon,” she mumbled as she stepped forward and leaned against his chest, closing her eyes as his arms wrapped tightly around her.
  He chuckled, leaning down and pressing a kiss to the top of her head before his hands came up to cup her face and he tilted her head back.
  “Hi,” he murmured, pressing a slow, soft kiss to her lips. “Are you OK?” he asked, his fingers brushing against her shoulder.
  She sighed and nodded as she stepped out of his arms and walked slowly over to the bed.
  “My ego is way more bruised than my shoulder,” she said as she flopped down on the foot of the bed and put her head in her hands. “I’m so embarrassed,” she muttered.
  “It’s really not that bad,” he said as he walked over to join her, picking up the glass of bourbon from the dresser on the way. “Here,” he said, extending it to her.
  She lifted her head and took it from him, taking sip as she shook her head and narrowed her eyes at him.
   “I think I’m going to need more bourbon,” she muttered as he sat beside her on the bed with a chuckle.
  It had all been part of her plan to surprise Kurt for his birthday.
  He was in LA for a few days, having first accompanied Patterson and Stuart to a high-tech security conference and then staying on to take some additional meetings with some firms who were hoping to sell their technology to the Bureau.
  Jane had flown out on the last day and arrived at the hotel as they were in their last meeting. She picked up the key that Kurt’s assistant, Brianna, had arranged for her and scurried up to his room, wanting to be there waiting for him when he got back..
  She’d quickly wheeled her suitcase in, tucking it into the closet by the door. She glanced around the room, looking for a good spot to surprise him, at first sitting in the armchair by the window. But as she looked over at the bed, she suddenly felt adventurous and quickly stripped off her clothes and lay down on top of the bed to wait for him.
  A few minutes later, she heard a keycard in the door and folded her arms behind her head, ready to greet him when...
  “I’ll just grab my charger and we can—OH MY GOD!”
  Patterson jumped back, throwing her arm over her eyes as she stumbled back towards the door.
  “Jane?! What the hell are you doing here?” she yelled.
   Jane scrambled to find something to cover herself, grabbing onto a pillow as her own limbs tangled with each other and she fell off the bed, banging her shoulder on the nightstand in the process.
  “Ow! FUCK,” she swore, as she grabbed onto the end of the bedspread and held it in front of herself as she crouched by the side of the bed.
  “What am I doing here? What are you doing in Kurt’s room?!” Jane shrieked, trying to pull more of the bedspread in front of her.
  “What?! No! This is my room!” Patterson yelled, backing up further towards the door, pushing Stuart back as well. “Kurt’s is across the...Stuart, move back!” she yelled, poking him in the chest.
  Stuart stood frozen, both hands covering his entire face as he turned to face the wall.
  “I didn’t see anything, I swear!” he yelled.
  “What the hell is...Jane?” Kurt, hearing the yelling from across the hall, pushed past Stuart and Patterson to see what the commotion was about, freezing in place as he saw Jane on the floor.
  Jane stared up at him from her spot beside the bed, holding her injured shoulder with one hand and the pillow and bedspread with the other.
  “Surprise?” she whispered, all of a sudden wishing that the floor would open up and swallow her whole.
  “So, it seems there has been a little mix-up,” Patterson said loudly, as she and Stuart both faced the wall with their backs to Jane and Kurt. “No problem...” she continued as she reached up and pushed Stuart’s shoulder.
  “We’ll just give you two a few minutes to sort things out...” she trailed off as they disappeared into the hall , leaving Jane and Kurt staring at each other.
  “I’m going to die,” Jane moaned, covering her face with her hand. “Hand me that towel, please,” she said, nodding towards the dresser beside Kurt.
  He reached for the towel and held it out to her but before he could say anything, she had wrapped it around herself and run past him, into his room across the hall. She disappeared into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her.
  Now, they sat on the end of the bed together as he held a bag of ice against her shoulder and she nursed her ego with the bourbon he’d ordered her.
  “I think you’re forgetting that Patterson’s seen you naked before,” he reminded her, leaning over and pressing his lips to her shoulder.
  “Not like that,” she mumbled, finishing the last sip of bourbon before setting it on the floor at their feet. “And oh my god, Stuart...” she trailed off, dropping her head into her hands again.
  Kurt chuckled and adjusted the ice as he tucked her hair behind her ear.
  “Stuart swears up and down that he didn’t see anything. Honey, really it’s OK...” he tried to reassure her.
  “I just feel like I embarrassed you,” she mumbled, shaking her head in her hands.
  “I’m not embarrassed,” he said quickly. “Hey, look at me,” he nudged at her knee gently and she lifted her head to meet his eyes.
  “Why would I be embarrassed? My beautiful and incredibly sexy girlfriend, who hates to fly, flew by herself to the other side of the country to surprise me for my birthday.”
  He set the ice bag down beside him and cupped her cheek with his hand, leaning in to kiss her.
  “I’m pretty damn lucky. And I’m good with everyone knowing it.”
  She smiled, leaning her head against his chest as he wrapped his arms around her.
  “Maybe we can just keep this little surprise between us,” she said quietly. “And Patterson and Stuart,” she added with a sigh.
  He laughed and nodded, brushing her hair out of her face as she looked up at him.
  “Whatever you want, honey,” he leaned down and kissed her again. “Love you...so much,” he murmured.
  “I love you,” she said as she rested her head against his chest again.
  He held her for a while, running his fingers through her hair, before turning to reach for the ice bag he’d set down. As he turned back towards her, Jane reached out and gently pushed him back so he was lying down on the bed.
  He looked up at her quizzically as she stood up at the foot of the bed. She grinned at him and dropped her towel at her feet before crawling over top of him, sitting on his hips.
  “You may have missed the first part of your surprise,” she said, leaning down and pressing her lips to his chin. “But I think I can still find a few ways to surprise you.”
  He laughed and rested his hands on her waist as her fingers worked on unbuttoning his shirt. He leaned up to capture her lips with his, grinning at her as they pulled apart.
“You are my favorite surprise ever.”
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emulateharry · 7 years
From the Dining Table
Listening to the song inspired me. Thank you to my wonderful friends @niallandharrymakemestrong, @melissas173, and @whoopsharrystyles. They make what I write presentable.
Hope you like it. If you do, would you click the like or even, gasp, reblog?
“You’re leaving?  I don’t understand! I thought we were happy…” Confusion was giving way to panic.
“For a world traveler you are a naïve little thing Harry.  It was a novelty at first but I find that I am less amused by it now.”
“You love me! You tell me all the time.  I love you.  We’re good together!”
Her derisive laughter answered him.  “Oh, there’s that precious naiveté again.  Harry, what is said in the throes of passion is hardly ever the truth.  That you believe in love at all is just so childish.  Dealing with your constant fairy tale view of the world has become so tiresome.”
“What has happened to you? Why are you acting like this?”
“Darling, this is not an act; this is the real me.  It’s been exhausting trying to be someone else just for a fuck. To be fair, you are a great fuck, but even that is not enough to compensate for all this loving kindness bullshit. Oh my god, and your insecurities.  ‘What if they don’t like me? What if I can’t sell tickets on my own?’  Who the fuck cares? I am just done.”
“I don’t understand.  I love you.  Please…” desperation making his voice crack.
“Then I’ll use small words for you.  I am leaving.  It has been fun, but it is time to call it a day.”  Moving to pat him on the cheek like a child,  she added, “Take care, darling.”
Turning on her heel she strode from the room as Harry stood stunned and unable to move.
“Wait!  Please!” He called out, running after her.
He got outside just as her car was pulling away from the curb. He ran a few steps after her but knew that it was futile.  Woodenly he went back inside and closed the door behind him.  He went to the bedroom and lay on the bed.  Grasping the pillow that still bore her scent, he began to sob.
Harry was roused from his sleep by cold water hitting him square in the chest.
Spluttering he sat up looking around wildly until his eyes landed on Mitch standing there with an empty glass.
“Get up,” Mitch’s soft voice held a note of command.
“What the hell?  What is wrong with you?”
“The real question is ‘What is wrong with you?’  We’ve been here for almost a month, and you’ve been wasting all this time feeling sorry for yourself and sleeping.  You can do that in London.  This is Jamaica.  It’s been over three months since she left.  Build a bridge and get over it already.  You have a job to do. Now get the fuck up and get your ass to the studio.”
“Fuck you! I can’t just get up and go!  She ripped my fucking heart out.  I have nothing left to give.”
“Bullshit, Harry!  I love you man, but this is enough.  Get your ass up, or I will drag you to the studio myself.  You are better than this!”
Harry glared at him for several moments before climbing out of the bed.  Going to the bathroom he splashed water on his face and stared at himself in the mirror.   His eyes were shadowed and his skin blotchy and sallow.  Mitch was right.  He needed to get on with it.  He walked out of the bathroom, grabbing a towel on the way, and headed out the door towards the beach.  Mitch followed him silently.  Reaching the water, Harry stripped down to his boxers and dove in.  He swam out until he could feel the burn in his muscles then floated on his back for a while, feeling the sun on his face.  
He heard some splashing and looked around.  Mitch had paddled out on a surfboard, dragging another behind.  Harry grabbed ahold and climbed up.  Reclining on the board, he and Mitch floated together on the soft waves.  Harry put his hands over his eyes to shield them and looked over at his friend.
“I’m sorry. I know I’ve been a dickhead lately.  I’ve just been so empty.  Nothing is the same.  Food tastes different; the notes sound different; I can’t feel anything.  It’s all so boring,” Harry said quietly.
“You know, maybe it’s time to talk to someone.  A professional.”
“Maybe.  Maybe when I get back to London,” he replied thoughtfully.  “Let’s eat some lunch and then head to the studio.  There has got to be a song in this fuckin’ mess somewhere.  And Mitch?  Thanks for being here.”
Mitch smiled, and nodded before rolling over to paddle back to shore.  
Exiting Heathrow, Harry saw that London was its usual cold and rainy self.  He managed to get to the hired car without being noticed.   Sitting in the back with his eyes closed, he was startled by the ringing of his phone.  It was Nick inviting him to a party the next evening.  Harry almost declined, but Nick insisted.  What the hell?  It might be fun.
The party was in full swing when Harry and Nick arrived.  They had shared most of a bottle of tequila on the way and were feeling no pain.  Shouts of greeting went up as they entered the room.  There was karaoke in the corner and someone was currently butchering Ed Sheeran’s latest number one. Harry and Nick mingled with the other guests, chatting aimlessly.  There were lots of acquisitive looks from women he didn’t know; their appraising glances making him uncomfortable and a little angry.
Harry was talking to a group of friends when he saw her in the mirror over the bar.   She was not facing him but he recognized the sway of her hips and the curve of her back.  His breath caught in his throat, and he felt paralyzed.  Nick was off flirting with someone in the corner and wasn’t there to discourage his next move.  He ordered a shot at the bar, downing it quickly; then, before he could talk himself out of it, he walked over to her.  Her back was still to him, but the girl she was talking to looked up and stared, mouth slightly agape, as he approached.
Just as he reached her he said, “Fancy seeing you here…”
He was about to say her name when she turned, and he saw that it was someone else.  Someone who bore an uncanny resemblance to her and who was now looking at him curiously.
Trying to recover, he smiled and said “Hi.  I’m Harry,” cringing internally at the awkwardness.
The girl with the long chestnut hair and stunning blue eyes smiled broadly at him, and his heart skipped a beat.
“Hi, Harry.  I’m Alexis.  Lexi for short.  This is my friend Janet.”
Her voice was smooth and mellow, and his pulse quickened.  He caught a whiff of her perfume and was surprised that it was Victoria’s Secret not Tom Ford Black Orchid.  But this was Lexi, not her.  He mentally shook himself.
“What brings you lovely ladies here tonight?” he asked in what he hoped was not a smarmy stalker tone.
Lexi smiled again and replied, “It’s my birthday.  We thought we would celebrate in style.”
“We should sing Happy Birthday to you!  Hang on, I’ll get the crowd’s attention and—”
“NO!  Oh my gosh, no.  It’s not my party.  It would be rude to try and hijack the night.”
Harry looked at her appraisingly.  She would have demanded the attention regardless of whose party it was.  She always expected to be the center of attention and usually got her way.  This woman was content to just enjoy the company at hand.  Lexi was still looking at him so he leaned close to her and began softly “Happy Birthday to You…”
Her swift intake of breath spoke volumes to him and he smiled as he finished “Happy Birthday dear Lexi, Happy birthday to you.”
She was a little flushed and smiling rather dreamily at him.  Harry’s heart nearly exploded with longing.  He had missed her so much, and this woman could be her twin.  He decided he had to have her—it had been such a long time.  So he dialed up the charm and set about seducing this woman that he had literally just met.  It wouldn’t be the first time he had done that but he had never before been so desperate to succeed.  
Lexi was freaking out— on the inside.  Harry Effing Styles was chatting her up.  He was absolutely gorgeous and sexy and funny and charming.  And he smelled good, and she was pretty sure he tasted good as well…the scent of the tequila wafted her way when he leaned in close to say something.  Outwardly she was flirting right back at him and appeared to be calm and collected.   If you looked closely, and Harry did, you would notice that she sipped her wine a little too quickly, and her eyes were a little too dilated.  She was not in the habit of indulging in casual sex (lately she hadn’t been having any sex, casual or otherwise) but she understood what Harry wanted.  And heaven help her, she wanted this man no matter what the terms were.  
Harry had just told her a ridiculous pun, making her laugh, when Nick wandered over to see what he was up to.   Nick glanced over at Lexi before turning to Harry.  His eyes grew wide, and he immediately looked at her again more closely.  Lexi giggled at his expression, the several glasses of wine and Harry’s constant attention making her giddy.  Nick looked back to Harry who colored just a bit at his friend’s scrutiny.  
“Lexi, this is my friend Nick Grimshaw.  Nick, this is Lexi…um. I don’t know your last name,” Harry said sheepishly.
“Stuart.  Alexis Stuart but you can call me Lexi.”
“S’Nice to meet you, Lexi,” Nick replied, still staring at her.  
Harry managed to surreptitiously elbow him in the ribs.  Nick grunted and then turned to give Harry a meaningful look which he chose to ignore.  Lexi just giggled at the two of them.  Harry gave her his patented full wattage grin which made Nick stare at him harder.  
“Well, Lexi, I know a nice place that is much quieter than this one and far more comfortable.  Would you come with me?” Harry’s voice was seductive and his slight emphasis on the word ‘come’ made Lexi shiver.  
“My friend, Janet…” she began before she realized that Janet was nowhere to be seen.  Looking around for her , she became concerned.  Pulling out her phone, she saw a text from Janet that she had missed.  Her friend had quickly tired of watching Lexi and Harry flirt with one another and had left an hour earlier.  Feeling a bit guilty she mumbled, “Oh, I’m gonna pay for this,” before looking at Harry and answering his invitation with a “That sounds like a great idea.”
Harry turned to Nick and clapped his friend on the shoulder, telling him that he would see him in the morning before placing his hand at the small of Lexi’s back and guiding her to the door. He texted the driver as he walked out of the party with Lexi, they arrived outside just as the car pulled up.  Harry assisted Lexi into the backseat before climbing in himself.   The driver, having been given the destination in the text, pulled the car away from the curb as Harry turned to Lexi.  Putting one arm around her shoulders and the other hand on her knee, he leaned over and kissed her.  Lexi couldn’t remember ever being kissed quite so thoroughly and her body responded immediately.  Harry continued his assault on her senses, his kisses becoming deeper and more insistent, as his hand slowly moved up the inside of her thigh.  Lexi was almost breathless with desire, desperate to have his hands on her.  Just as his fingers reached the apex of her thighs, the car slowed to a stop.  They had reached their destination.
Harry helped Lexi out of the car and to the entrance of his house.  He opened the door and held it for her as she walked inside.  Closing it behind him, he pulled her into his arms and began kissing her again, this time running his hands up and down her body as she threaded her fingers into his hair.  He pulled her skirt up and whispered “Jump”, which she did, wrapping her legs around him as he caught her and pressed her to him.  Harry carried her to the stairs and up to his bedroom where he deposited her onto his bed.  Lexi was so love drunk she whimpered at the separation.  
Harry slowly removed his shirt, staring at Lexi as he did.  He shimmied out of his skinny jeans leaving the boxer briefs on as Lexi lay back on the bed practically panting in anticipation.  He was almost painfully hard as he made short work of her dress.  Lingering on her lacy lingerie, he traced the outlines with his finger before undoing the front closure and freeing her breasts.  He took one in his mouth, the other in his hand, ministering to her nipples until she was moaning and rolling her hips.  Pulling back he reached to slide her panties down her legs and tossed them to the floor.  Quickly taking off his boxers, he stood and looked at her.  She was laying there, legs and lips slightly parted, looking at him with desire.    
Grabbing a condom and rolling it on, he nudged her legs apart then rubbed the tip of his cock up and down her, marvelling at the wetness.   He lined himself up then leaned forward to look into her eyes.
From the moment he saw Lexi, thinking that it was her, he had planned to bring her home with him and fuck her senseless.  He had planned to exorcise some pain and longing using his cock.  But when he looked at her face, her beautiful face with it’s softness and blue eyes so full of desire for him, he couldn’t.   Instead of plunging in with no warning, he bent to kiss her.  He entered her gently, allowing her to adjust to him as he slowly buried himself inside her.  She gasped around his tongue as he filled her, a groan rumbling from her chest.  Harry shivered at the sound and, pulling back, he looked at her with wonder.  
Lexi felt it when Harry’s whole manner changed.  Instead of the serious fucking that she had anticipated from his relentless seduction, Harry made love to her.  He made love to her thoroughly and expertly.  There was passion, but it was tempered with gentleness.  His tender kisses and soft caresses made her melt into him.
Harry maintained eye contact with her, fascinated by her expressions and the sweetness of her face.  She felt so good around and beneath him.  He noticed everything about her;  the taste of her skin, the delicate firmness of her body, her scent beneath her perfume.  He was pulling out almost completely before thrusting into her deeply, treating himself to the feel of her along his entire length.  He began to increase his speed and intensity as he felt his orgasm building.  When he saw the tension creep into her face, he pulled her knees up and plunged even deeper.  Lexi was grunting and moaning in time with each stroke of his cock, her hands clinging to his back.   After one particularly deep thrust he felt Lexi clench every muscle as her orgasm overtook her.  Harry was right behind her, eyes closed he was groaning her name as his body contracted in waves of pleasure.  Catching his breath at last, he opened his eyes and looked down to see her looking up at him with a small smile.  He leaned down to kiss her before rolling over and pulling her to him.  They lay there together, Harry placing kisses on her hair, until they fell asleep.
Harry was up early the next morning.  He climbed out of bed carefully so that he didn’t wake Lexi.  He stood at the foot and looked at her.  In sleep she was serene and beautiful, her creamy skin framed by the lustrous chestnut waves.  He felt a heaviness in his groin just looking at her.  She was generous with her body, a selfless lover.  But, she wasn’t her.
Harry padded into the bathroom, closing the door quietly.  He showered quickly and dressed in some joggers and a t-shirt before brushing his teeth.  He looked at himself in the mirror but looked away quickly.  He dried his hands and then opened the door to the bedroom.  She was still sleeping.  He walked over to the bed and sat gingerly on the edge,  reaching out to run his fingers over her arm lightly.  She stirred and blinked before turning to look at him.
“Good morning….” he paused awkwardly before adding “Lexi.”
Dammit.  He had almost called her the wrong name.
Lexi felt her heart drop and her cheeks heat up.  He hadn’t remembered her name.  She had thought there was a connection with him last night but, in the garish light of day, she realized that she must have imagined it.  He was already dressed.  Great, she would have to get up and gather her clothes while he was there watching.  Could she feel any more vulnerable?  She was working up her courage to hop out of bed and get dressed in front of him when he leaned down and kissed her softly.   
“Would you, um, like to spend the day with me?” he was tentative.
Lexi couldn’t help the tiny frown that creased her forehead then disappeared.  That was not what she expected.   He looked so hopeful; she couldn’t help but smile.  
“That sounds like fun.  There’s just one small issue.  I have no clothes other than the dress I wore last night.”
“We could just forego clothes altogether…” he suggested with a slight leer.
“Hmm.  We could do that…” she smiled at him as she leaned forward to kiss him.
Lexi spent the next two days at Harry’s house with him.  They didn’t just have sex, though there was an awful lot of it.  They watched movies, cooked together, laughed and got to know one another.   Lexi noticed, though, that Harry always seemed to be holding back.  She would look up and he would be staring at her with an intense expression.  When she asked what he was thinking, he always gave her some flippant answer or told her that she was beautiful.  He thought it distracted her, and she did not correct him.
Monday was fast approaching and Lexi had to get ready for the workweek.  Harry drove her to her flat and kissed her thoroughly before watching her walk to her door.  She turned to wave at him once the door was open, but he was already pulling away from the curb.  She sighed and watched him drive away.
It had been a fantasy weekend and she refused to be sad.  She knew going into it that it was only a one-time deal.  That knowledge didn’t quite make it to her heart.  She was falling for Harry Styles, of all people.
Lexi had just sat down at her desk and put her purse into a drawer when a colleague brought her a problem to solve.  As the senior HIS Analyst, she often got problems her coworkers could not fix.  Sometimes she wondered if they really tried or if they just handed off when it wasn’t an obvious solution.
“Lexi, this order keeps failing.  They’ve put it in five times and it won’t cross the interface.   I can’t find anything wrong with it.  Would you try?”
“Is this the only one, Brad?  Are there any other failures?”
“There are about three more.  From different patients and wards but the same physician.”
“That will help.  Would you bring those to me too?” Lexi asked.
Brad went off to his cubicle to get the other orders and brought them to Lexi.  She pored over the HL7 messages, carefully examining each segment to find an error.  There wasn’t one as far as she could see.
She went over each record several times, segment by segment.  Nothing.  Finally she saw it.  Right in the physician ID segment, at the end of the doctor’s code was a blank space.  She checked the other failed orders and the space was there too.  Someone had hit the spacebar after entering the code when setting up the table.  She called Brad back over and explained the issue.  He looked at her like she was a genius, which obviously she was.  Her cell phone trilled as Brad walked away.
“Alexis Stuart,” she answered in her professional voice.
“Hello Alexis Stuart.  This is Harry Styles.”
Lexi’s breath caught in her throat, making it difficult to respond.
“Hello there, Harry.  This is a surprise,” she managed.
“Really? Shouldn’t be.  Do you have any plans for the weekend?”
“Hmmm, let me check my calendar.  You’re in luck.  Skiing in Gstaad was canceled due to the lack of interest so it looks like I’m free.  Why?”
“I thought maybe you could come spend some time with me.  Starting with dinner and a movie on Friday at my place?”  his voice sounded hopeful.
“That sounds like a plan.”
“Great.  I’ll pick you up at your place at say, 6:30?”
“That sounds perfect,” Lexi said.
“Oh, and Lexi, you might want to bring a change of clothes unless you want to be naked all weekend,” he practically purred.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” she said, feeling suddenly too warm.  They rang off and Lexi sat staring at her computer screen.  “No fucking way,” she whispered to herself.  
It got to be a routine.  Every weekend that Harry was in town, he picked Lexi up after work and they spent the days together.  They rarely went out, usually opting for a movie and cooking together.   They played board games, listened to music and had rousing conversations.   They found that they generally agreed on most things, except when a discussion of love songs touched off a debate.  
“Love songs are sappy.  Meant to coax a tear from your eye and a couple of pounds from your pocket,” Harry declared, his derision evident.
“Even yours?” Lexi shot back.
“Especially mine.”
“Oh, come on Harry.  Something Great?  Happily? The yearning and desire for love are universal.  That’s what makes them resonate with people,” Lexi replied.
“Not fair.  I was a kid when I wrote those.”
“Okay, what about that Charlie Puth song ‘One Call Away’?  Nothing sappy there–more like friendship on steroids.  Or ‘Hero’?  The one by Enrique Iglesias?  Just knowing someone cares enough to stand by you is powerful.”
“So you need a man to save you?  You have a hero complex?  What kind of anti-feminist bullshit is this?” he sneered.
Lexi looked at him then looked down sadly.   “No, I don’t have a hero complex.  No, I don’t need a man to save me.  I can save myself, thank you very much.  Being a feminist does not mean being anti-man.  It’s okay to be in love.  It’s okay to, despite the state of affairs today, fall passionately and giddily in love with someone. How many times have you  encouraged people to love at your concerts?  And depending on someone else is not wrong either.   It would be nice to know that you don’t always have to be the strong one, that occasionally you can let someone else shoulder the burden for you.  This world breaks even the strong people, Harry.  Having someone who loves you and is willing to put you back together makes it not so frightening or lonely.”
Harry was staring at her.  She saw right through him.  She had yanked away the curtain and looked at the little man standing behind it.  Yet she wasn’t running away.  
“You are right.  I’m sorry,” he said, leaning down to kiss her forehead.
Lexi stroked his cheek and kissed his nose.   Internally she was trying to calm herself.  Who had done this to him?  Turned him into such a cynic? She hoped to find that person one day and…run over them with a lorry.
One Saturday evening they were settling on the sofa with pizza and wine to watch Jerry Maguire.  Lexi had never seen it and laughed and cringed at some of the more awkward scenes.  As the end credits rolled, Harry complained that it was unfair to Jerry Maguire.
“He had her at Hello! But she still made him go through a big long speech.  She was punishing him.”
“What?  Did we just watch the same movie?  She falls in love with him, does everything he asks, and he can’t admit that he loves her.  He broke her heart because he was a thick-headed coward.  He definitely needed to grovel.”
“You sound like a cold-hearted bitch.  Do you get revenge on all your former lovers?” Harry’s voice was filled with more anger than he had intended as he snatched up the dirty plates and glasses.
Lexi was taken aback at his words and his vehemence.  “I don’t have all that many to be honest.   And no, I don’t seek revenge.  That’s a horrible way to live.  I try to be grateful for the time we had together and hope that I have learned something from it.  If I’m lucky, I have happy memories to keep,” she said quietly.  
Harry stood in the doorway looking at her before turning into the kitchen.  Damn.  For a second, she had reminded him of her, and he had lashed out.  Closing the door to the dishwasher after filling it, he turned back to the lounge.  Lexi had walked over to the window and was looking out at the courtyard.  Harry walked up behind her and put his arms around her, nuzzling her neck.
“I’m sorry.  Sometimes I’m a jerk,” he murmured.
“Only sometimes?” she sniffled a little.
“Heeeyy… I’m not that bad, am I?” he asked, placing soft kisses to her temple and gently turning her around to face him.
“No, you aren’t.  You are altogether too wonderful,” she whispered as she angled her face up to meet his lips.
Later, as she listened to Harry’s soft breathing, she reflected on their relationship.  He really was wonderful, or she suspected that he would be if she could ever actually get close to him.  She felt like she was dating Harry Lite;  all the flavor but ⅓ less relationship.  Every time an opportunity for him to open up presented itself, he would distract her with sex or food or a joke.  When she let herself think about it, she invariably got depressed.  Mentally shaking herself, she decided that she would take what he was willing to offer.  Maybe one day he would trust her enough to let her in.  The odds against that happening were too high to be a comfort and she lay in the dark thinking for a long time before falling into a fitful sleep.
When she awoke the next morning, Harry was not there.  She heard the shower running and got up, pulling on some yoga pants and a t-shirt.  As it was Sunday, she gathered up her things and put them into her bag to save time later.  Walking to Harry’s side of the bed, she saw his journal lying open on the side table.  She glanced at it when a phrase caught her attention.  Picking it up, she read all of the what appeared to be lyrics.  It was a lament to a former love, missing her call, missing her.  One line leapt out at her.
‘Woke up the girl who looks just like you.  I almost said your name.’
Harry walked back into the room while she was staring at the journal.  He stopped and held his breath.
“This… This is me! I’m the girl who looks just like someone else.  I remember that! You said good morning, and I thought you forgot my name but then you said it.  That's​ why Nick gave me the double take.  Oh my god. I should have…. That’s why you’re so distant! You refuse to let me in because I’m not her! I just…”
Harry watched as she struggled to find words.
“Oh, I fell for it. And you. I knew you were hurting, but I never…”
She opened her mouth to speak several times but no words would come. Harry watched her, guilt and shame competing for dominance.  
At last she gained a modicum of composure. With most of the emotion wiped from her face she said, in a soft voice, “Well done, Harry.  I think that is the cruelest thing anyone has ever done to me.”
Turning around, she grabbed her purse and bag and walked out the door, closing it gently behind her.
Harry stood alone in the bedroom staring at the door she had exited.  
Harry had trouble sleeping, his mind too active to let him drift away.  He dozed a couple of times only to dream about Lexi. He awoke to his phone ringing with Nick’s tone.
“What the hell have you done now, Harold?” his friend demanded.
“What do you mean? About what?” he croaked.
“I saw Lexi at Starbucks this morning. She looked like hell. I asked her if she was alright and she said ‘apparently not.’ When I asked what she meant she said to ask you.”
“She left me.  She found out that she looks like… Anyway.  She’s gone.”
“You mean she found out you were using her as a substitute for another woman? I can’t imagine why she would leave.  Did she, by chance, slap you on the way out?”
“Whose side are you on anyway?”
“In this case?  Hers. I like her. A lot. Much more than that other one that you still sulk about. The one who treated you like shit and made you think she was doing you a favor by gracing you with her presence.”
“Where has this come from?  I loved her.  I still do.”
“Then what the hell were you playing at with Lexi? She is crazy about you; any fool could see that.  I’m disappointed.  This is not who you are, my friend.  You aren’t the kind of man who uses women like that.”
Harry was sat in his car in the parking area of the old house-turned-office.  His appointment was in 5 minutes and he was trying to talk himself into going inside.  He wished Mitch or Gemma were here with him to push him, but he had opted not to tell them about it.  Finally, with a shake of his head, he opened the car door and climbed out.  
Entering the house he found a pleasant reception area with flowers, comfortable furniture and a friendly young woman at a desk.  She offered him a beverage and he chose water.  At precisely 9 AM a tall, willowy woman of about 40 walked out to greet him and lead him back to her office.
Dr. Melisande Smythe was graceful in her movement and manners, pointing Harry to a chair as she walked to her own.
“You decided to come in,” she remarked with a smile after they had introduced themselves.
“You saw that?” Harry asked, a bit embarrassed.  
“Yes.  Looked like a mighty debate.  I’m glad you decided to join me.  Here’s how this works.  First, call me Melisande, Dr. Smythe was my mother. When you are here, you can tell me whatever you need to, whatever is bothering you. I never share with anyone else. Okay?”
“Okay,” Harry answered with a half smile.
“So, Harry, what’s going on?” she asked gently.
Harry took a sip of his water and made the decision to trust her.  He told her everything.  He didn’t gloss over his part or try to defend her. He talked about Lexi and how they met, how he seduced her and then managed to keep her around.  He told how she saw the song lyrics.  And he talked about how he was not coping well now that she was gone.  When he finished he was hesitant to look at her face, afraid to see condemnation there.  What he saw, instead, was kindness.
“You have been thinking about this for some time.  Have you come to any conclusions?”
“Hearing it all out loud…I…” he hesitated before finishing. “I’ve been such an idiot.”
“Why do you say that?”
“She was a user but she fooled me, and I am usually a good judge of character.  I thought she was quirky and strong, but she isn’t.  She’s hard and bitter.  I thought I loved her,”  he finished quietly, a frown puckering his forehead.
Melisande was quiet for a moment.  “I think it’s human nature to see the best in those that we love, at least at the first blush.”
“I guess so,” he replied uncertainly.
“Well, Harry, what do you plan to do about it?”
Lexi was running late for work again.  She walked more briskly than usual to the tube station though it was difficult to find the energy.  She had been so tired, probably because she wasn’t sleeping well still.  She had done everything she could think of to make a complete break from Harry–staying with a friend instead of going back to her flat, deleting her social media accounts, new phone with a new number—but it didn’t help her stop missing him.  Or loving him.  She could feel herself starting to spiral down into despair and mentally shook herself.  She didn’t have time for that today.   
Keeping her head down so as not to make eye contact with anyone as she sat on the train, she didn’t see the advert over the window on the wall across from her until she was ready to exit.  She looked up and gasped.  In large black letters on a white background was the sentence “Superman got nothing on me.”  She blinked, sure that she was imagining it.  No, it was still there.  How odd.
Climbing the stairs to the pavement she was shocked to see the wall lined with the same style of advertisement but with the caption “I can be your hero, baby”.  Reaching the daylight, she was waiting to cross the street when a bus passed by bearing a full advert on the side with the message “C’mon baby be with me so happily.”  Was she losing her mind?
She made it to the office in the nick of time and settled down to work at her desk.  She was finding it difficult to concentrate, however, and after about an hour she went into the staff lounge to make a strong cup of tea.  While the tea was steeping, she heard the newsreader on the telly behind her begin a story about the mysterious signs popping up all over London.  ‘Who had placed the adverts and why’ were the questions on many minds.
Surely it wasn't… He wouldn’t go to this extreme… Why would he care?
She made her way back to her office but could not calm her mind.  After another hour of trying she gave up and went to see her boss.  Freida took one look at Lexi’s face, declared it too green to be out and about in public and sent her​ home.  
On the way she saw at least a dozen more of the adverts.  Lexi was almost in tears when she reached Janet’s flat.  She let herself in, then went straight to the room she had been staying in for the last three weeks.
Sitting on the bed in her room, she stared at her phone.  Should she call him?  Were the ads meant for her? What if it was a terrible joke? But what if it wasn’t?
Scrolling through her contacts she tapped on the one she wanted.  “Hi, it’s Lexi.  Can I come see you?  I need to talk.”
Lexi had a plan, that alone helped calm her…but only a little bit.  She had plotted responses for every possible scenario but that didn’t stop the tremor in her hands.  Dammit, she was no coward.  She made sure the call id blocker was on and then tapped the number with her thumb and held the phone to her ear.
“Hello?” Harry’s voice was deep on the other end.  
Lexi was frozen.  As the seconds ticked by she got more panicky.  He was going to think she was an idiot.
“Lexi?  Is that you?” excitement edging in.
Swallowing hard she said “Hi.”
“Oh thank god.  I knew you’d figure it out!  How are you?”
“I’m okay,” she lied.
“Lexi, please, I would like to talk to you.  I owe you an explanation.”
“I don’t know, Harry.  I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”
“Please, Lexi.  I just want…I need to see you.  Please.”
Could she do it?  Could she survive being in the same room as him only to leave alone again? Be brave, Lexi.  Be brave.  
“Um, okay, Harry.  On one condition: we meet where I say and I have someone there with me.”
Harry considered her request.  It broke his heart that she didn’t trust him, but he knew he would accede to anything she asked in order to see her.  He only hoped that the someone wasn’t a new man in her life, but it didn’t matter really.  He would say his piece in front of an audience if he had to.
“Okay.  Just tell me when and where,” he said softly.
“I’ll text you the details.  Bye, Harry,” she said quickly before hanging up.  
She was going to see him again.  She ran to the bathroom and threw up.
Harry drove to the address that Lexi had texted him, anxiety climbing.  He was already very familiar with the place.  As he entered the building, the receptionist greeted him with a smile and motioned for him to go on back.  He walked down the hall slowly, trying to compose himself.  He only had one shot at this. Reaching the door, he pushed it open and walked into the office behind it.  Lexi was sitting in a chair with her hands clasped tightly in her lap.  He looked at the other woman in the room and nodded to her before swallowing hard.
“Hello, Lexi,” he managed at last.
She stared at him with wide eyes, her lips pressed together.  Clearing her throat she looked at him and, in a shaky voice, began an introduction.
“Harry, this is…”
“Hello Melisande,” Harry said at the same time.
Lexi looked at both of them, confused.  “You know each other?”
Melisande stood calmly, leaning on her desk, not speaking
“Melisande has been seeing me for the past month…” Harry trailed off.
“You…you never told me…” Lexi was searching Melisande’s face.
“I never discuss my clients with anyone.  Particularly not other clients,” she answered in a gentle tone.
Lexi nodded and then turned to Harry who was pinching his lower lip.  He took a deep breath and began.
“I was in a relationship with…someone else… before I met you.  It was not a good thing for me and when she left, my head was in a bad place.  It took me months to be able to function normally.  I had just returned from Jamaica when I saw you at the party.  I thought that you were her.  You could almost be twins the resemblance is so great.  I walked up to you and when you turned around I realized my mistake.  But I was still mourning the loss and I couldn’t resist talking to you, being near you.  I desperately wanted to have you, so I set about seducing you.”
Harry grimaced as tears formed in Lexi’s eyes and spilled over, running down her cheeks.  
“I got you to my house and had planned to just…I’m so sorry…fuck you to get it out of my system.  But then I looked at you and you were so soft and beautiful and you had been so funny and sweet all night, I wanted to be with you.  It was amazing and we fell asleep together.   That was the best night’s sleep I’d had in months. When I woke you the next day, I almost called you by her name.  I panicked.  I thought you were going to leave and I would never find you again.  But you stayed.  And you agreed to see me again.   While I was being a moron and still pining over her, you were slowly healing me.  I began to feel things again, to actually enjoy things again. I got to a point that I wanted to lay that terrible time to rest.  So I wrote the song.  I put all my anger and fear and sadness into it.  And I let it go.  But you found it and…what can I say?”
Tears were now streaming down Harry’s face and his voice was husky.
“I spent so much time pretending that you were her, but you aren’t her.  She is everything that you are not.”
Lexi almost choked on a sob.  Harry sank to his knees in front of her.
“She is hard and bitter and cynical and selfish.  She is beautiful, yes.  But you are far more beautiful than she will ever be.  You are kind and gracious and selfless and generous and soft and…good.  You are also sassy and sarcastic and you keep me on my toes. Alexis Stuart, I love you and I am in love with you.  I don’t deserve it but I hope that you will forgive me and give me a chance to prove it to you.  Please Lexi, please let me love you.”
Lexi was staring at him, her mouth slightly open in surprise, tears still rolling down her cheeks.  She looked as if she were going to say something when she buried her face in her hands and bent her head down.  Harry could see her shoulders shaking and his heart filled with dread as he waited for her decision.  He willed himself to wait for her to say it, to tell him that she never wanted to see him again.  He knelt stoically, his hands trembling slightly.  When she raised her face to his, she was smiling through her tears.  He looked at her in surprise.
“I’m sorry.  All I could think of to say was ‘You had me at Hello’,” she said softly, giggling nervously.
It took Harry a moment to realize what she had said.  The resulting grin was huge and as he reached for her hands he said “We’ve had this discussion before, Lexi.  Turns out you were right.”
She smiled and shook her head slightly.  “Oh, I love you, Harry Styles.”
He drew her into his arms, kissing her face and her hair and anything he could reach.  As he drew her close and held her tight, he heard her whisper “Please don’t hurt me again, Harry.”
He pulled back to look at her and said “I can’t guarantee that I won’t screw up and hurt you.  But I promise that I will do my best to make you happy and to be worthy of your love.  I love you Lexi.
Melisande smiled as they held each other, whispering to one another. 
Two birds, one stone.
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vintage-story-time · 3 years
SPYING ON MOM by Donna Allen
The next day Pat couldn't get her mind off what had happened. She couldn't concentrate on anything. All she could think about was Stuart and the passionate time they'd had together.
After lunch, she returned to her office and masturbated. She was too much on edge to work and she thought it might help. With the office door locked, she had all the privacy she needed. It wasn't the first time, but it didn't happen that
frequently. The office was a dull place to finger herself off, but she had to have it. It took only a few moments. She sat behind her desk with her skirt pulled back, her pantyhose down at her knees and her fingers at her pussy. After it was finished, she wiped herself with some Kleenex and put her clothes in order again. It's not enough, she thought. She didn't want her fingers, she wanted Stuart.
Late in the afternoon, she rushed home. She usually didn't end her work-day that early, but she was too eager to see him again. Take it easy, she thought, he's not going anywhere. She tried calming herself down. By the time she walked into the house, some control had been restored.
Stuart was already there. One look at him and she could tell he was waiting for her. She could see it in his eyes.
"Are you home for the day?"
He nodded, "I thought I might do some schoolwork."
But he didn't do any schoolwork. Five minutes later, in the kitchen, they fell into each other's arms. Pat kissed him, a long deep kiss with her tongue in his mouth. "I thought about you all day," she said.
"Me too, Mom."
"Come upstairs and stay with me while I change."
It was like having a new lover. She told herself that's what he was, a new lover. He stretched out on her bed and watched her while she peeled away her clothes. How exciting that was! She was aware he was watching every movement she made. The hunger he had for her turned her on.
She talked to ease the tension between them, to make him feel comfortable with her. She asked him about clothes. Did he like the outfit she'd worn? Did he like the way she dressed? What about her underthings? Did he find them sexy? Was he turned on by feminine lingerie? She had to drag it out of him, but he finally loosened up enough to talk. He said he liked to see her dressed and undressed. He said sexy underwear always turned him on. She said she would buy some new things.
"Lace and frills," she said. "I'll find some things to knock your eyes out."
When she unhooked her bra, she went over to him and offered her tits. "Just a quick kiss on each one," she said. "Just to say hello."
The quick kiss turned into some deliberate sucking. She stroked his head as he filled his mouth with her titflesh. Her nipples seemed more sensitive with him than with other men.
He had such a lovely mouth.
After that she finished undressing. She slipped into a pair of high-heeled mules. She deliberately paraded around the room wearing nothing but the heels. She knew how sexy she looked. She knew all about what her ass and long legs did to a man.
After she finished repairing her make-up, she turned and looked at him. The state he was in was obvious. She teased him about it. "I think you like seeing me like this. It's made you hard, hasn't it?"
"You're beautiful, Mom."
"I admit I'm not bad for my age. Everyone thinks I'm ten years younger. As long as you like the way I look, I'm happy."
"I love it."
She made him strip. She tickled him and made him giggle as she helped him get his clothes off. Lie was soon as naked as she was, his cock swollen and erect, sticking out like a pole in front of him. She fondled his balls. She tickled the underside of his cock and then bent her head to kiss his cock-knob.
"Let's go downstairs," she said. "You can fix me a drink while I get some food out of the freezer."
When she had her drink, Stuart opened a can
of beer and they relaxed in the living room. After a while she went down on his cock. That succulent fuck-knob looked too good to resist. She briefly sucked his prick and then she told him they could do each other at the same time.
"I'll get on top," she said.
She slipped the mules off. Stuart stretched out on his back on the sofa and she climbed over him facing his feet. Straddling his body she lowered her crotch to his face and then leaned forward to take his cock in her mouth.
They sucked each other awhile. Sixty-nine wasn't her favorite position because she liked to concentrate on either sucking or getting sucked. But it was fun to do it with Stuart, because they were home and they had all the time in the world,
She liked the way his hands fondled her ass as he sucked her pussy. At times his mouth wasn't there, and she knew he was just looking at her. She knew what he saw. Her cunt and asshole. When he sucked her pussy in this position, he couldn't help getting his nose near her asshole. "Do you like my ass, honey?"
When he spoke she could hear the excitement in his voice. "I love it, Mom."
"I like it when you play with my ass. Your hands feel marvelous. You don't think I'm too
big back there?"
He insisted he liked her just the way she was. She knew her ass wasn't on the small side. It was fun and round, and she had to be careful about wearing tight shorts. But she had a sleek athletic body and if anything, her ass was a match for her tits. She moved her hips back and forth, waving her ass in Stuart's face as she sucked his cock head.
Soon after that, she said maybe it was time they fucked. She said she wanted to have his first load in her pussy. "You can do it to me from behind," she said. "I like it best that
She took charge of things. She chose one of the large ottomans and she knelt in front of it. Resting her elbows on the ottoman, she arched her back to raise her ass.
"Go on, honey. If you'll kneel behind me, I think you'll find it's just right."
It was fun to teach him. She wanted to make a perfect lover out of him. It would be best for her and best for him. The nicest thing of all was that they were getting so relaxed with each other.
Stuart went down on his knees behind her. The whole thing was like a dream to him. First yesterday and now today. He had to keep reminding himself it was real. This was really
her ass in front of him. He could see everything she had. He had never fucked any of his girlfriends like this. It made him wild with lust. His mother's gorgeous ass. He could see the pink lips of her cunt pouting at him, and then above that the puckered ring of her asshole. She had fine tendrils of blonde hair between her asshole and her cunt-silt. Then the hair became thicker along her cuntlips. He could see how wet she was. The juices glistened in her cuntlips.
"Come on," Pat said. Reaching underneath, she opened her cunt with her fingers. She poked a finger inside her cunt-hole to get some juice, and then she rubbed the cunt-syrup over her clit.
Stuart put his hands on the lower part of her ass and opened her up. He had a good long look at her cunt-hole. He could see partway inside. He had never looked at a cunt like this before. He loved it. He felt like diving into it. Instead, he hefted his cock in his hand and rubbed his cockhead between her hairy cuntlips. When he found her curt-hole, he pushed forward. Pat groaned as his fuckmeat stretched her pussy.
"Fuck me, baby. Stick it all the way. He buried his cock in her cunt. The excitement he felt made him shudder. When he had the whole length of his cock inside, he ground himself against her ass. Pat crooned her
approval. She grabbed his balls and rolled his nuts against her clit.
"In and out, honey. Don't be afraid to fuck me hard. In this position a girl likes it when the fucking is hard."
He went to work on her. It was wonderful because it was so obvious how much she was enjoying it. But even more than that was the pleasure he had in being able to see everything. His hard cock sliding in and out of her stretched cunt-hole. He had a white froth of cunt-juice on his cockshaft now. He used his thumb to rub some of it across the skin between her pussyslit and her assbud. Then he yielded to the impulse and rubbed the ball of his thumb over the crinkled star of her asshole. She made a grunting sound and suddenly her asshole opened like a tiny mouth under his thumb.
"Stick it in," she said. "Stick your finger in. my ass!"
A few moments later they both came. Pat went off first, her asshole contracting around his thumb and her cunt-channel contracting around his sliding cock. The squeezing of his cock pushed Stuart over the edge and his balls erupted. With a deep moan, he slammed hard against her and dumped his load in her cunt.
Pat left him dozing on the sofa. She went upstairs to the bathroom to freshen up. She felt wonderful. A solid fuck like that always made her feel vibrant. She felt as though she could come a dozen more times. She hoped they would have a long evening together.
She thought about how crazy she was about him. She'd heard about mothers who doted on their sons and ruined them by dominating their lives. She didn't want to do that to Stuart. What they had between them now was passionate sex, not some neurotic entanglement. God, how she loved fucking him!
She repaired her make-up. She was still naked. She lifted her tits in her hands and wondered how long her body would last. Maybe another ten years and she would start to show signs of age. Enjoy it while you can, she thought. She turned her nipples with her fingers and then dropped her hands. Never mind playing with herself. She had a perfectly capable lover waiting downstairs.
Inside her bedroom, she put a black negligee on and changed her mules to a black pair to match it. She dabbed some perfume on her throat and between her tits. She was eager to
be with Stuart again. Then she had a sudden idea and she smiled. Why not? she thought. They would get to it sooner or later. She slipped out of the negligee and walked into the bathroom naked. She found the jar of Vaseline in the medicine cabinet and scooped some out with her middle finger. With a quiver of pleasure, she reached between her asscheeks and worked the jelly inside the ring of her asshole. My glory hole, she thought. His cock was so thick around, she'd have to caution him when he did it. When she finished with the Vaseline, she returned to the bedroom and put the negligee on again.
You're a serious girl, she thought. When a woman went to a man with a greased asshole, the woman meant business. Only this time the man was her own son.
Stuart was awake when she walked into the living room. He whistled his approval of the negligee. "You look smashing, Mom."
Pat smiled. "Smashing enough to have you make me another drink?"
It was only her second. As she sipped the Bloody Mary, she stroked his cock with her fingertips. They stood near the stereo. Stuart kissed her and played with her tit. He had the negligee pulled to the side to expose her tits.
She smiled at him. "Next time I'll wear a garter belt and black nylons under this. You'll see how sexy that looks."
"You look sexy this way, too." "Is that why you're so hard?" "That's right."
"Hold my drink. I want this cock in my mouth."
She crouched to take his prick between her lips. She nursed on his cockhead a moment, and then pushed forward to take his full length. When his prick-knob jabbed at the back of her throat, she relaxed her throat muscles and pushed forward again. She gave him a full second of hot throat around his cockhead and then she pulled back.
"Jesus!" he said.
She rose up and took her drink. "Nice?"
"You had me all the way in there."
"I can't do it for more than a moment or two."
"It's feels great."
"Want to try something different?" "Like what?"
"How about fucking my ass?"
"Oh boy!"
"Have you ever done it before? Tell the truth?"
"Would you like to?"
"Sure, but what about you? I don't want to hurt you."
She chuckled. "Don't worry about that. Just do it the way I want you to and you won't hurt me. As a matter of fact. I like it. Most women do, you know. You might as well learn how to do it."
She had fun teaching him. She told him she had already greased her asshole. She said girls his own age might not be experienced enough to do that, and he had to make sure to do it for them.
"Otherwise you'll hurt them and they'll be afraid to try it again," Pat said. "And when a girl is just beginning, it's a good idea to use your fingers in there. Be gentle with her and later it'll be nicer for you, too. A young girl has to have her asshole stretched a bit before she can take a man. You don't have to stretch mine, though. I've done it a lot and I can take you as long as you don't get too hasty."
"I love you, Mom."
"We can use that chair. I think it'll work if I bend over while I'm standing and you stand behind me." A young stud she'd picked up once had
fucked her ass while she was standing like that and she remembered having loved it.
She slipped out of her negligee. She bent over the chair, supporting her weight with her hands and moving her legs apart. Stuart came behind her. He reached down to squeeze her hanging tits. Then he squeezed her ass, railing her asscheeks with his hands.
"I love your ass, Mom."
"Go in easy at first. Just do everything I tell you to do."
She coached him through it. In a moment she felt the tip of his prick pushing against her asshole. She had no doubt about being able to take him. She opened her skitter, relaxed her muscles completely and forced her ass-ring to open to his cock. When she told him to push forward, his cockhead popped right in without any trouble.
"Oh Jesus!" he said.
"Keep going, honey."
"It's going in, Mom."
"Keep going until it's all in.
She loved the feel of a cock when it went in. All that hot fuckmeat pushing inside her shitter. She could feel more of a cock with her ass than with her cunt. Stuart had such a lovely thick prick. As he pushed in inch after inch, she
mewled with pleasure.
Finally she had all of him. His cock was like a red-hot poker up her shiner. She took hold of his balls and rubbed his ball-bag against her cunt.
"Just keep it there a moment," she said. "Do you like it?"
He snickered. "Are you kidding?" "Nice, huh?"
"It's fantastic."
"Now pull out slowly. Not all the way. Leave your cockhead inside. That's it. Slowly, baby. Now in again. That's it. Shove it up my ass, darling."
He grunted with pleasure. The hot grip of her shit-tube around his cock made him wild. His eyes were glued to his cock. The way his cockshaft stretched her asshole into a big, round mouth. When he pulled out again, it looked like her asshole was sucking on his prick. The sight of that was enough to blow his mind.
He began fucking her. She told him it was all right. She was ready for it now. She wanted his cock moving in and out. In the beginning she liked to have a prick sit still awhile, but then later she needed to be fucked.
"Fuck my ass," she said with a groan. "Just let yourself go."
He bucked his hips, fucking his prick deep inside her ass. He was like an animal now. He knew this was a high point of his sexual life. His first assfuck. And his mother, too. His mother's hot asshole. What a sexy bitch she was! That hot little asshole was now stretched so big. The way it sucked on his cock drove him crazy. He watched his cockshaft slide in and out of her ass and he realized he loved her more than ever.
He came soon after that. He called out to warn her, and then a moment later his load blasted out of his pisshole. Pat felt it. She felt his jism spurting like a hot enema inside her shit tube. She didn't always feel it when a man came in her ass, but this time she felt it. She clamped her asshole around his cock to milk him. When Stuart felt the constriction of her ass around his cock, he cried out and gave her another spurt of jism.
"Oh Jesus, Mom!"
"Hold on, baby. Let me squeeze you!"
She squeezed his cock with her ass a few more times, and then finally she told him it was all right for him to pull out.
"Easy, honey,"
His cock popped out of her asshole. Her assring was stretched, and he could see some of his
jism beginning to leak out. Even as he watched it, her stretched ass hole slowly closed and returned to its normal size.
When Pat finally straightened up, she kissed his mouth and told him he had done it exactly right. "Was it good for you, baby?"
"The best, Mom."
Later they talked about it. He wanted to know how come it didn't hurt. She told him about the muscles, about how important it was to relax.
"And the man must be careful," she said. "If you're careful, there's never anything but pleasure."
They sat beside each other on the sofa and kissed. He fondled her tits and then her cunt. She told him to play with her asshole. "Go inside," she said. "I'll show you what I mean about relaxing."
Hewed his middle finger in her ass. She purred with pleasure as she opened her asshole to him. "You see?"
"You're wide-open"
"That's right. But a young girl might not know enough to do that. You've got to be careful or you'll hurt her."
"I'll remember, Mom."
His cock was stiff again. She played with it.
She ran her fingers over his balls and his cockshaft. She tickled his knob and squeezed some of his cock-juice out.
"I think you're ready for some fucking again. What would you like?"
He blushed. "Can I go in your ass again?" She smiled. "I was hoping you'd say that. I could use some of that myself. But maybe you'd better go up to my bathroom and get the Vaseline."
While he was gone, she fingered her asshole. The ring was nice and loose, much softer than usual because she'd recently been fucked. She ran her fingertip around the soft rim and then pushed it inside. After a while she added a second finger. When Stuart returned to the living room with the Vaseline, he found her sliding two fingers in and out of her ass.
"You started without me," he teased.
"I'm getting it ready for you. Why don't you grease your cock, honey? Do it all the way down to your balls."
She continued fingerfucking her asshole as she watched him spread the Vaseline up and down the length of his hard prick. It turned her on to watch him handle himself.
"I'd like to watch you jerk off sometime," she said. "It's exciting for a woman to watch
"Sure, Mom."
"Maybe we could do it together."
"I'd like that."
His cock was greased now. She said they would use a different position this time. She would lie on her back and he would come into her in the missionary position.
"What I do is pull my knees way back and you can get at my whole without any trouble."
She could see the excitement in his eyes. Stretched out on the sofa, she pulled her knees all the way back to her tits and rolled her ass up to expose her asshole. Stuart curled his fingers around his cock and rubbed his cockhead up and down her asscrack. Then he centered his fuck-knob on her whole.
"That's good, honey. Now just keep pushing and I'll let you in."
"Like this?"
"That's it. There it h. Oh yes, that's nice! All the way, baby. Give me all of it."
For some reason, when she took a cock in her ass this way, it always felt as tough it were in her cunt instead, but as big as a log. There was no way to get that tremendous pressure from a cock in her cunt. When she had all of Stuart's cock, it felt like it was all the way up in her chest.
"Do you like it, baby?"
"I love it, Mom.
This was a more leisurely fuck. The special first-time frenzy was no longer there. Now they concentrated on each instant of pleasure. He was a marvelous lover, even much better than she expected. When he finally shot his load, she had him stay in there a full minute before she told him to pull out. She kept her legs pulled back so he could watch his jism ooze out of her asshole.
"Why don't you eat my pussy now," she said. "I could use a little more loving and that would do it for me."
He went down on her cunt eagerly. She ran her fingers through his hair and told herself she had to be the happiest woman in the world.
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thesassybooskter · 7 years
RESURRECTION by Katie Reus: Review, Excerpt & Giveaway
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Resurrection by Katie Reus Series: Redemption Harbor #1 Published by KR Press LLC Publication Date: July 11th 2017 Genres: Romantic Suspense Pages: 250 Source: Publisher Format: eARC Goodreads Buy Online: Amazon ♥ Barnes & Noble ♥ Kobo ♥ iBooks
I received this book for free from the Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
From USA Today bestselling author Katie Reus comes the ALL NEW Redemption Harbor series where sparks fly and so do bullets…
She faked her own death…
Skye Arévalo left the CIA and faked her death to protect Colt Stuart, the only man she ever loved. Months later, a brutal kidnapping draws her to quietly infiltrate a dangerous cartel. Just when she thinks she’s home free, things go horribly wrong and she escapes with bloodthirsty enemies on her heels…only to find herself face to face with a bewildered and angry Colt.
He’ll cross every line to save her…
When Colt, a former Marine, finds out the woman he loved betrayed him, he’s shocked and hurt, but it doesn’t stop him from breaking every law on the books to keep her alive. Unfortunately, it might not be enough to stop a powerful enemy who will do anything to see the world burn and Skye dead.
It’s been a while since I read a book by Katie Reus and starting a new series is the perfect way to go. If you are in the mood for fast action and suspense, sizzling hot chemistry and unconditional friendship, then this is a really good book to read and a really great start to Ms. Reus’s new series.
RESURRECTION is an easy read, with less action and suspense than I expected, but the appeal of the story lies in the unqualified love the characters have for each other as shown in the bond of friendship between Colt Stuart and his childhood friends, a bond that would have him risking everything to find his friend’s wife in hostile territory on a vague tip, which in turn reunites him with the love of his life. It’s also obvious in the choice Skye Arévalo made to fake her own death to avoid being used to hurt Colt. 
Skye was a really great character – smart, sassy and very capable, something of a legend in fact with an interesting upbringing, and perfect for Colt. Colt is very devoted to those he loves and every action he takes in this book only highlights that devotion. While he lives in a grey area due to his career choice, he is something of a white knight, ready to fight for justice for those who cannot.
The author has laid a solid foundation for the rest of the series with this book and the introduction of the cast of characters, each with a skill set that will come in handy for the task they have undertaken. One of the most fun parts of this book for me was reading Mercer and Mary Grace’s story and I can’t wait for the rest of the series to get to know the other guys better.
Colt banged his fist against the door, fear and the smallest bit of hope punching through him. “Answer the fucking door,” he snarled. “Open, or I kick it in.”
“Maybe you should take it down a notch.” Next to him, Brooks shoved an agitated hand through his hair, his Stetson held loosely at his side.
“And maybe you should be freaking out more.” One of their best friends had been holed up in his home for weeks, refusing to talk to anyone, to see anyone. Colt didn’t know exactly what his friend was going through, but he’d lost a lot of damn friends in the sandbox and the only woman he’d ever loved had died too. Something he couldn’t think about right now. He couldn’t focus on his own pain when he could help his friend, when he had a damn purpose.
Mercer had recently lost his wife, and the man wasn’t handling it. The guy had been in love with Mary Grace since he was fifteen. They’d been each other’s world. And two months ago she’d been killed in Mexico, a victim of cartel violence. Allegedly.
Colt hadn’t been in love with Skye since he was a kid, but eight months with her sure felt like a lifetime. Hell, when she died it felt like he’d lost part of himself. The only part that mattered. He had to force himself out of bed every day, to shove back the emptiness. So on one level, he understood how Mercer felt. He shoved that thought right back inside where it belonged and ignored it. He couldn’t fix his own problem, but he could help out Mercer.
Panic swelled through Colt as the seconds ticked by without any response from inside—until he heard cursing on the other side of the door. Good. If his friend was cursing, he was alive. A solid minute later the lock snicked loudly as it twisted open.
Colt grabbed the handle and shoved it open, pushing past his best friend in case he tried to slam the door closed in his face.
Mercer, wearing boxers and nothing else, had grown a full black beard and his dark eyes were glassy. “What the hell are you doing here this early?”
“First, it’s two o’clock in the afternoon. Second…” Colt hauled off and punched him right in the nose. He needed to wake Mercer the hell up. Violence was pretty much the only way to do that now.
“Ah, hell,” Brooks muttered as Mercer flew back and fell on his ass with a grunt.
He held a hand to his nose, looking more alert than he had in two months as he glared up at Colt and Brooks. “What the hell, man?” His voice was muffled as he tried to stop the bleeding.
“I believe this is called an intervention,” Colt said, stepping into the foyer, cringing at the stench. “God, it smells like old pizza and cow crap in here. Mary Grace would kick your ass if she saw you living like this.”
“Don’t say her name!” Mercer shoved to his feet, letting his hand drop. Blood dripped down his face as he snarled at Colt. His teeth were toothpaste commercial white against his dark brown skin. Right now he looked like a rabid wolf baring his teeth at them.
“I’ll say her name if I want.” Yeah, he knew he was being harsh, but this was what Mercer needed. He needed to feel something, to wake the hell up. And making Mercer angry was the only way Colt knew how. Because the guy sure wasn’t going to talk about his fucking feelings. He needed to get out of this rabbit hole he’d let himself fall into. “We all lost her. Every single one of us.”
Most days Colt couldn’t believe she was gone. They’d all grown up together, and in his case, he’d been friends with Mary Grace since they were five years old. She was like a sister to Colt. Hell, he was still holding on to the hope that she wasn’t actually gone. It was why he was about to get on a plane in two hours and see if the tip he’d received was right. But first he had to make sure one of his best friends didn’t do something stupid while he was gone.
“Mary Grace.”
“Ah, hell,” Brooks said again, clearly not going to intervene. Just muttering his standard curse.
“Fuck you,” Mercer snapped, taking a step toward Colt.
That was it. Get angry, he silently willed his childhood friend. Mercer needed anger to replace the grief. God, or at least mute it. Just for a week. That was all Colt needed. Because if Mary Grace was alive, he was bringing her home to his best friend. He just couldn’t give Mercer the hope she was alive. Because if he did and it turned out she wasn’t… It would destroy him. “Mary. Grace.”
Mercer rushed at him like a bull.
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About Katie Reus
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Katie Reus is the New York Times, USA Today, & IndieReader bestselling author of the Red Stone Security series, the Moon Shifter series and the Deadly Ops series. She fell in love with romance at a young age thanks to books she pilfered from her mom's stash. Years later she loves reading romance almost as much as she loves writing it. However, she didn't always know she wanted to be a writer. After changing majors many times, she finally graduated with a degree in psychology. Not long after that she discovered a new love. Writing. She now spends her days writing dark paranormal romance and sexy romantic suspense.
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RESURRECTION by Katie Reus: Review, Excerpt & Giveaway was originally published on The Sassy Bookster
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