#goddess Rán
Another song for the Rán playlist
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dark-e-arts · 4 months
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Rána and The Angler
Exploring some art of a TTRPG character I designed a few years ago but haven't had the opportunity to play. Rána is a monster hunting merfolk from a lineage of manta, mako and orca origin. Tall, wiry and tough, she's able to wield her whale-bone hook weapons using a combination of brute strength and substantial finesse - both underwater and on land. She harbors a fascination of the strange world outside her home in the depths, but also a distaste for freshwater
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poeticnorth · 1 year
Wrote a Hymn to Rán (Well, I've written three so far, but this is the one I'm sharing as part of an ongoing project)
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imprvdente · 2 years
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An eerie vision stepped out of the cold waves, long blue hair trickling down her back. Water flowed against her skin to return to the Ocean, leaving little droplets behind. Rán looked ageless, wild, and most importantly... angry. 
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“You have been trying very hard to catch my attention,” she told the hooded silhouette standing on the beach, “well, now you have it.” Her voice was menacing, like a storm brewing on the horizon. Calm and yet implacable. 
“It is not very wise, to anger a Goddess. Speak before I decide to punish you for the mayhem you have caused.”
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sol-saga · 1 year
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Aegir - God of The Ocean Ægir, Hlér or Gymir is the Norse God of The Sea and Ocean. He is associated with the tumultuous and unpredictable nature of the water and the brewing of ale. He is a gracious and hospitable host though he is formidable when crossed. Aegir is considered jötnar (giant) but is still associated with the gods and invited to feasts. His wife is Rán, Goddess of the Sea. They share nine daughters; the nine waves.
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randomtheidiot · 3 months
What the Norse gods probably smell like.
This is a comprehensive list of what I think all the Norse gods smell like. Do not ask me why I wrote this down, why I wanted to post this on the internet or why I even asked the question in the first place. Everything can be explained by mental illness and sleep deprivation.
If your favorite deity isn’t on here, it’s because they suck.
-Óðinn (Odin): A mix of beer, sausage and that old man sweater smell.
-Þórr (Thor): Alcohol, body odor and an inordinate amount of Worcestershire sauce. The smell is strong enough to knock small birds straight out of the air.
-Loki: Fireplace soot and the kind of mulling spices you’d use in apple cider. You’d think it’d smell good, but the sooty smell kind of ruins it. A bath would definitely help.
-Frigg: Some sort of strong perfume, along with cheap wine and potpourri. She just kinda does, I don’t know why.
-Freyja: She has that cat scent. I don’t know if any of you know what I’m talking about, but she smells like a cat.
-Freyr: Apple scented shampoo. This is a conscious choice on his part.
-Baldr: Flowers. Real ones, too. Not the fake perfume shit. I suppose now he smells like a corpse that was burnt on a pyre, but when he was alive, he smelled like flowers.
-Höðr: Wintergreen mouthwash… for some reason.
-Nanna: Fruit preserves like jam and shit.
-Hœnir: He smells like a dad. Whatever you think a dad smells like is what Hœnir smells like. He smells fatherly.
-Skaði: Pine sap. She is covered in pine sap and if you look closely, she probably has some pine needles glued to her hair.
-Sif: The bread aisle in a grocery store.
-Iðunn: Apple based food products. She’s not exactly running low on apples.
-Sigyn: Olive Garden. She smells like the inside of an Olive Garden. Do not question me on this.
-Mímir: Very strong incense to cover up the corpse smell. It is nearly impossible to breathe around him.
-Týr: Go up to a man. Any man, doesn’t have to be a specific kind of man. Now smell him. That is it. Týr smells like a man.
-Heimdallr: Piss and vinegar from all the hate in his soul. There’s a million goddamn signs of Ragnarök and his dad still has him keeping watch like he’s a fucking security robot. That horn ain’t gonna do shit and he knows it.
-Njördr: He smells bad, but it’s not really clear what’s on him. It could be anything from tacky deodorant to motor oil and judging by his general weirdness, I’m not sure I wanna find out.
-Ægir: Alcohol. He practically wears Heineken as a cologne and it smells fucking terrible. Add on his natural ocean smell and it’s just fucking unpleasant to be around him.
-Rán: Fish, and not for the reason you might be thinking!
-Jörð: She’s a fucking earth goddess. Stick your face in the dirt. That’s what she smells like. Don’t ask me this again. Fuck you.
-Laufey: Tree. :)
-Njörðr’s unnamed sister-wife: The nursing home.
-Lofn: Shitty rose flavored Turkish delight that I got from one of those generic ass Marshall’s stores that white moms really seem to like. It was only slightly better than the lemon one.
-Forseti: That incense they use at Catholic Churches. I don’t know why, he just does.
-Hermóðr: Sweat and various other body fluids, as well as traces of whatever menial task Óðinn last assigned to him.
-Ullr: Tobacco. On his breath. Staining his beard. It’s horrible.
-Sól: Orange juice and sunscreen.
-Máni: Grape scented for unclear reasons. Probably nefarious ones.
-Bragi: Bragi smells like a disappointment of a child. His siblings are Þórr, Baldr and Týr and he’s just there with his stupid poetry and shit. He smells like those stupid Yankee Candle candles that never actually smell like what’s on the label. When I see “tropical seabreeze” on a label, I don’t expect it to smell like dishwashing liquid, but it always does. Bragi is tropical seabreeze candles. Bragi is dishwashing liquid.
-Angrboða: Plums.
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sarenth · 7 months
Hail to the Gods of the Waters
Hail Njörðr! Hail Rán! Hail Ægir! Hail to the Nine Undine Goddesses! Thank you for the bounty of the sea, of life that swims and strains Thank you for the sweat of fishermen, the strong meat of the oceans That raise up from the depths and nourish us Thank you, Holy Ones. Hail to the Gods of the Seas, the Oceans, the Rivers, the Lakes, and the Streams! Hail to the Gods of the Waters,…
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sparkiekong · 25 days
Sometimes dreams feel like windows into a multiverse. The worst one is this recurring dream where I'm this Cuban woman. I live a modest but great life as a hotel cleaner and on my way back to my meager one room apartment over looking a dock that's full of cruise ships and seaside beach. I'm incredibly happy until I notice the ocean receding back out of sight, like something sucked up the ocean with a straw. It takes a brief millisecond or two before my brain realizes that the only thing that draws the ocean away is a tsunami. I look up into the sky and watched in horror as the sky became a giant wave that was eating clouds. I run towards the top of my building yelling at people and trying to get children up the stairs as the wave comes in, but I'm already too late. I'm already dead and then I just stop and the waves take me.
Today, the dream was an ancient one, I was a Norse woman waiting alongside the sea for my man to return from plundering. Vikings are and have always been pirates, this was the way of life then. I'm picking shells off the coast waiting for him to return when the ocean disappears away from the coast. In this one, I realize that I'm the Cuban woman from my other dream and I am this Viking woman and I show no fear, I stand there quietly waiting for , Rán a goddess of the sea to cast the net and lift me up to Valhalla.
meanwhile the me who lives in this universe wakes up shaking and shivering, looking like a crazy cat lady going... wtf. I had no idea who Rán is. The viking was seeing the future, the cuban was seeing her present and I'm viewing both as dreams that feel like past life events.
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experimentjr · 10 months
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The Valkyrie known as "the purest" and "the pacifist" was finally redesigned!!! Known as the goddess of healing and has a seat in the hall of Vingólf.
She now finally looks like a norse healer!
In her living days, Eir had always been a care and kind soul, always treating with compassion even the most dangerous of creatures, befriending everyone that she crossed path with, and that reflrected on her village, filled with the most of amazing people. From the littlelest of elves to the largest of ogres and she managed to not only make peace among the villagers, but also between other villages and kingdoms, which evolved into such a gigantic kingdom of peace, it was used as reference for other villages and kingdoms inside AND outside Midgard. The news of Eir "The Pacifist" spread like fire, but one person did not like all this mixing of races and species, and that was Eir's supposedly best friend and right hand.
The man couldn't for his life accept any non humans and his so called "best friend" title was nothing more than a way to raise into power. His plan of assassinating Eir took place in her own room, at the dead of night and the culprit was none other than the monsters she wholeheartedly let inside her kingdom, or so the villagers heard from the right hand man. That led into an all out war against the magical creatures and the banning of them, making it a human-only kingdom.
As for Eir, she couldn't go to Valhalla neither Fólkvangr due to the way she died, but the gods were so impressed with her work in life, they gifted her the most incredible items in her journey to Helheim. Through the cold desert of Helheim, she never ever doubt her friend's trust, but instead, blamed herself for making him hate her and knew she would spent eternity with the guilt of losing her most closest friend, but her good heart and kindness led her to be welcomed to Helheim with utmost honors by not only Helgeisten, but Rán and Gefjon, deities of the dead, that gifted her with the eyes of the deities, able to go and see through all realms and inbetweens.
After finalling being able to return to Midgard, now as a Valkyrie, she wanted to see her friend and apologize for being such a bad friend to him, but upon witnessing her friend's true intentions, she cried rivers, blaming herself for not noticing her friend in his dark path, and flooded the surroundings of the kingdom, protecting the creatures from townspeople and creating a lake around her old kingdom. After the demise of the kingdom and death of the king in battle, she herself took him to Valhalla.
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perotovar · 2 months
I’d love to do Marcus Moreno or Jack! Both sound so fun!
yessss the jack/aegir matchup is one of my favorites! thank you for taking part!
God of the sea and brewing ale. A Jotun (which translates to “devour” or “consume”, despite being connected to “giant” more often), suggesting that he would devour or consume the ships that would sink into the sea, and his wife, Rán (the death goddess of the sea), would consume the men upon the ships.
“The brother of air and fire”. Father of 9 daughters, who themselves are the waves. Not only represents the sea, but also personifies it. Symbolizes the strength and power of the ocean, so many view him as a great warrior.
Framed as a terrible and devouring Jotun, he’s also a welcoming host. It’s said that Thor and Tyr would visit to have some of Ægir’s ale, and every winter, the gods would come to feast in his hall. This makes him a great match for Rán, the caretaker of those who died at sea, as his hospitality would be extended to them through Rán. This could be seen one of two ways: that either the dead would reside in their hall, or that they would rest there until they were ready to move on.
The sea was seen as a source of great wealth, since sailors would find treasure through industry, trade or plunder. Gold itself was referred to as “Ægir’s Fire”, because he “lights his hall with gold in his hearth”. He’s wealthy, but he shares that wealth as he entertains his guests.
However, he sort of wanted to get out of being the gods’ host. He said he’d do it on the condition that they find a big enough cauldron to account for the amount of ale he’d have to make, since the gods liked to party so much.
To follow Ægir is to be hospitable to those who enter your hold seeking comfort.
Offerings: Ocean/water iconography. Gold. Fire/flames. Ale/alcohol.
your moodboard:
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drowningwitchdreams · 7 months
Rán gets a mention in D'aulaire's Book of Norse Myths (yes, they have a Norse one as well). It refers to her as an "evil witch," which I am not a fan of, but I was surprised she got a mention at all.
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cipher-the-sidhe · 1 year
Training Challenge 1: introduce your rider - Welcome to Thisby!
Branwen McCurley has always known that, one day, she would drown.
Stormy green-grey eyes had looked out to the cold, haunted sea of the Galway coastline and had dreamed of manes mixing with the foam capped waves. The sound of equine screams sang to her from the water, whispering of monsters that her own island tried its best to forget lurked in the deep. The water horses were there, but they would not come up on Galway’s shores. Not now.
Thisby island was known for its capaill usice, and for the blood soaked beaches it celebrated in November. As soon as she was old enough, Bran took her savings from working at her uncle’s pub and boarded a one-way boat to the island, eyes fixed on the water. She arrived in September. By the end of October she had a blue-roan capaill of her own. The water horse had come to her as if she’d been waiting for Bran to arrive, trudging up onto the shore on a far corner early in the morning and putting up no fight at all when Bran had slipped a rope over her and led her further ashore to her tiny, modest barn on the cliffs.
They had an understanding. Never once did Bran think of her capaill as a horse. She couldn’t see her as anything other than what she was, and in those sea-silver eyes there was the same understanding that Bran had brought with her: one day, Bran would drown, and it’d be the capaill that brought her to it. So the girl had named her Rán, for the goddess of the dead at sea, and that was that.
Six years later, the lass and the capaill emerge from their cliff side isolation to join the Scorpio Races. Will this first race be the one where Rán pulls her into the Scorpio sea for good? The way Bran sees it, this can only end one of two ways: either they win, or she dies.
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poeticnorth · 1 year
Oops, more psychopomps.
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imprvdente · 1 year
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@theresastargirl​​ sent: kissing your lover under the night sky while stargazing . from:  ↪     𝑲𝑰𝑺𝑺  ﹠ ᵀᴱᴸᴸ .  
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The night sky always looked more impressive at sea. It was the sky Ràn knew best, the one she had seen all her life. Dark as ink, twirling strangely into the water as if the earth and the sky was only one. The stars were reflected in the waves, like little lights floating in the depth. 
She always had a soft spot for pirates, and she had the softest spot for Captain Redd. Maybe that was why she cupped her chin in her hand, and pressed a kiss on her lips. Sailors were strange creatures, they loved her despite her anger and her violence, they kept returning through storms and whirlpool. How strange indeed, but how beautiful too. The kind of devotion only a Goddess could truly appreciate, and reward with a rare, precious gift like this. 
A simple kiss.
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brynnmclean · 2 months
💬 but also ❤️
I really liked this paragraph from that video game fic-
A woman is singing in a language he cannot comprehend, the notes fading in and out—coming to him from a great distance in one breath and then brushing as close as a lover’s breath in his ear with the next.  Each note thrums with a thread of light, wrapping around his body like arms—no, a net—he is caught, but the bonds don’t cut.  He reaches out into the tangle of it and finds a steady drumbeat in his blood, strength enough to grasp the threads—light, life—it is a rope cast down into the cavern he has fallen into.
Oh!!!!! Thank you, I'm so happy to hear you like that section of the Hellblade II WIP! There was a lot of thought that went into that little part...
I was thinking of songs of healing (the Tolkien fandom idea, for one, but also Heilung's Nesso which, iirc, is meant to be a healing song), Senua holding Thórgestr while he's feverish (she's there in a lot of that first chapter, though Thórgestr doesn't remember or register events clearly), the Norse sea goddess Rán, often associated with nets dragging sailors (the beginning of the game involves a storm at sea, and Thórgestr's narration directly references the goddess: I nearly drowned, pulled into Rán’s net, but I struggled free and made for the shore), AND along with all that, I was also thinking of tapestry threads of Fate. He isn't fated to die, so he takes those threads in hand and climbs out of death. Many thoughts!!!
💬 I suppose I'll keep going with in the core of everything drums a beat since I'm on a roll with it! This is my personal favorite bit from that first chapter:
He is in the eye of a terrible storm, floating in dark water. Every so often, his head slips under the surface and he chokes on strange sea-water, thick and metallic on his tongue. He comes back up and turns his head to vomit up Áleifr’s poison. There is no strength in his limbs, only shadow and pain. Senua’s voice reaches him, close in his ear—soft murmurs telling him to hold onto her, she won’t let him go again. But fear is ice in his veins, heavy as stone. I’ll drag you under, he weeps, I’ll drown you. She won’t hear him, her hands cradling his face, sword-strong grip lifting him up. And he has no will to struggle against her, grieved and grateful.
(Someone in the next chapter tells him he nearly drowned in his own blood that first night after his injury, which is what I was thinking of with the first paragraph!)
All right!!! For the ❤️, I'll go with your Eluréd/Original Male Character fic, I Want to Hold Your Hand, this opening from chapter 4:
Rivendell was just as lovely as Nen had imagined. The valley was ringed with lush, green pine trees, and tall ash and birch trees decorated the valley floor, a breathtaking sea of gold, red, and orange leaves. The strong scene of pine needles and soil permeated the air that left him feeling cool and refreshed despite the long journey behind them. Joyful Elvish songs reverberated through the valley. At first they mostly harmonized with the birdsong, but then they got longer and more complex as their horses navigated the switchbacks towards the valley floor. “I taught them that song,” Eluréd said. “The elves, or the birds?” Celebrían asked. “Both.” Eluréd smiled warmly.
First off, beautiful description of Rivendell. Secondly, I love how this AU series associates Eluréd with birds-- that earlier part of him shapeshifting into a hawk to save Nen!!!! I adore when there is shapeshifting and bird associations with the line of Lúthien! This fic is lovely.
Thank you, my friend!
[ask me about fic quotes!]
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hatigave · 13 days
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send ❔ and i’ll list a couple muses that i’d like to throw at yours! @stygicniron
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once again these are 100% focused on vibes - no thoughts, just vague concepts. Also my terminal affliction is not knowing anything about PJO so I'm genuinely coasting on vibes here. I'm avoiding the obvious here because.... well, it's too on the nose.
Rán. He probably doesn't need a violent water goddess mother ..... but he could get one. He could.
Credence and / or Dennis. Traumatized boys who turned violent in their grief and anger ? could be vibes. Only one of them will actively try and maim him and it wouldn't be the one who's basically a murder cloud.
Gilderoy. There is nothing that I love more than Gil adopting muses. Does he need a credit card without a spending limit ? Well, he's got one now !
James. Listen...... I think a no-nonsense older-brother dynamic could be fun. Also James has seen some weird stuff he isn't bothered at this point he's truly the embodiment of the stressed smoking meme.
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