#goddess of luck and *halflings*
halflingkima · 2 years
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the most fae of decisions
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dujour13 · 4 months
OC Kiss Week - day 1
For @offsidekineticist 💜 Your OCs live in my heart and the buddy cop AU lives in my head
CW: claustrophobia, disposal of disposable NPCs, non-consensual smooch, homicidal ideation
“Gil?” Siavash is crouched in the halfling-sized holding cell with his knees around his ears. “Gil! You came back for me!”
“Keep it down. Only because I know you, and you don’t do torture. A hot instrument gets within ten feet of the face and you’ll be singing like a lark. The name, address, date of birth and favorite fucking flavor of ice cream of every Bellflower in Cheliax’ll be on their list.” He finishes picking the lock and throws open the bars.
The moment his long half-elven limbs are free Siavash stretches them happily, grabs Giliys by both cheeks and kisses him square on the crown of the head. “I love you.”
“Ugh, cut that out.”
“You didn’t kill the guards did you? Would you believe one of them plays prismati? We got to chatting and—oh.”
Giliys did kill the guards. Siavash steps over the carnage, tearful eyes trained on the heavens.
“If you hadn’t spared that magistrate we wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place,” grumbles Giliys, grabbing his ridiculous scarf and pulling him down behind the barrier so he can scan the hill beyond to make sure his planned escape route is still clear.
It isn’t. Even from here he can make out the glow of approaching torches: the Hellknights coming to collect this latest roundup of troublemakers.
“We’re trapped.”
“It’ll be fine.”
Giliys’ fingers twitch around the hilt of his dagger. He opens his mouth but a whisper from behind them cuts him off.
“Psst. Over here.”
It’s the magistrate, the one Siavash talked him into letting go, and who apparently turned right around and led the authorities to them. But now she’s had some kind of existential crisis and looks like she’s been crying. She unlocks the door to the storage barn. “Take the back door. I’ll distract the Hellknights.”
Siavash beams. “Thanks.”
There’s no reason to trust her, but there aren’t any other options, so Giliys grits his teeth and follows.
Later, traveling cross country in a heavy downpour but free at last, they pause to rest only a few miles from the Andoren border.
“Told you so,” says Siavash.
If Giliys’ eyes were daggers his partner would be in front of Pharasma now.
Siavash seems unfazed. “You know, if you really wanted to stop me from spilling all our secrets you didn’t have to let me out. You could have just killed me.”
Giliys raises a finger. “Don’t fucking tempt me.” But even as he says it he realizes he probably wouldn’t, even after that obnoxious and invasive display of affection, because a glib Andoren who has the favor of the goddess of luck can come in handy sometimes.
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marlowethelibrarian · 20 days
Writeblr intro!
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Hi, I'm Marlowe, they/them, late 20's, not white, not straight, not cis. But I am a magical wizard. (also i have an MLIS degree though im not currently working in a library)
I've been writing this n that for a long time now, but I'm starting this blog now bc I wanted a place to aggregate and post some of my stuff as I continue to work on my writing. I usually write adult fantasy or scifi, though I guess it might play to a YA audience. I like to look at themes of trauma and scarcity and what that does to a person.
I also like to analyze and liveblog about stuff that I am reading/watching and pick apart writing decisions, so that's going to go here too.
Latest thing I watched that I enjoyed: The Fall of the House of Usher
Latest thing I read that I enjoyed: The Boneshard Daughter. Also Dungeon meshi has fucking got me right now.
Favorite book series: The Locked Tomb, like c'mon it's so good.
The Summer Leagues OCT
Status: Waiting for Round 1 results
Word Count: Approx 30k words
Warnings for: Disease, eye trauma
Project Tag | Character Tag | Worldbuilding Tag | Snippet Tag
My contribution to the storytelling competition, the Summer Leagues Original Character Tournament.
Ravi, the genius halfling alchemist and unrepentant drug dealer has been sacrificed to seal the plague goddess Irra. However, they get the opportunity to enter an interdimensional tournament with a blanket wish as a prize. Is it their opportunity to escape or are they simply providing Irra an opportunity to escape?
Available to read here:
Round 1 vs Scythe
Project: Cannibalism
Status: In the planning stages
Word Count: N/A
Genre: Queer Fantasy, Political intrigue
Warnings for: Cannibalism
Project Tag | Character Tag | Worldbuilding Tag | Snippet Tag
Currently a collection of worldbuilding in characters- working on outlining the plot
The story for Project Cannibalism centers on a pair of identical twins, separated by birth. One raised in the temple of Suyo as a talented priestess, the other a genius alchemist that has run out of luck and time and realizes they have an uncanny resemblance to the up and coming priestess…. However, they find themself with more than they can chew, as the aging queen priestess and her heir are at odds with each other, and their twin is being groomed to possibly replace the crown priestess.
Project: Void City
Status: Draft 2
Word Count: 4k
Genre: Supernatural Urban Fantasy
Warnings for: Gore
Project Tag | Character Tag | Worldbuilding Tag | Snippet Tag
An old short story, How to Break a Vampire’s Heart with some potential to rework
Adrian, supernatural cop with an unusual super power faces down a real vampire at the vampire costume contest
Project: Wolf
Status: Reworking
Genre: Xianxia
Warnings for: Transphobia, sexism
Project Tag | Character Tag | Worldbuilding Tag | Snippet Tag
Another short story, that definitely needs a rework
Agender cultivator with a wolf thing going on.
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vigilskeep · 9 months
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i will not apologise for introducing another character look at my princess and her beautiful nose right now. she’s theeeee survivor’s guilt posterchild. she would like to unionise against her goddess. she’s experiencing stages of grief previously unknown to man or halfling. she is the worldly manifestation of the divine concept of good luck and she is happening to you whether you like it or not. and she is, most importantly, babygirl
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cerothenull · 1 month
Hm I have an obnoxiously long list of ttrpg characters I've played over the years.
Zaldur: undead Redemption Paladin, once a cruel mercenary in life, now incredibly guilty for his past life and current undeath. VERY complicated story since he's my only character I played all the way to lvl 20.
Isaac: Spore Druid in a Bloodborne 5E thing. Scientist infected by the Beast Blood mutated parasitic fungus that is killing him. Mad scientist who loved experimenting with seeing what kind of strange fungus would grow from the beastly corpses. Ended up reincarnated as the first mushroom-person after dying in the final boss.
Isaac Cuil: Monster of the Week character. A corporate Agent supernatural investigator that was once accidentally killed then revived by a "Goddess". Works for an evil corporation and became a mole against it, eventually forming a counter organization to research and protect supernatural creatures from his bosses unknowingly. Eventually a disciple of the Goddess who killed him.
Rustbeard: Rust (spore) Druid Junkion in a Transformers game. Reformatted old man. Sort of a healer but also a (retired) mad scientist
Vask: Aberrant Sorcerer that was the guinea pig of a mad mage, sole survivor of the experiments that made him into an aberration-blooded psion. An experienced adventurer of some renown.
Joggin: Fathomless Warlock Halfling, Frostmaiden game. Once a petty thief in Neverwinter that was captured in a heist gone wrong. Shipped off to a prison in Icewind Dale but managed to escape and nearly drown, meeting his surprisingly benevolent Patron. (backstory predated the D&D movie by a few years)
Tham Loto: Psi-Warrior Fighter, Shadar-Kai, agender. Only used in oneshots but backstory of exile from Shadowfell and a desire to explore due to not having a home to return to.
Chimeratron: Beast Barbarian Transformer from same setting as Rustbeard, an amalgam of multiple beastformers, very happy being a monster but still seeking revenge against the mad scientist that made them
Fisher of Men: OCT character, a crabman from a once lush ocean world that has been reduced to a Mad Max wasteland as the oceans were stolen, forced to become a bounty hunter. Tried to join a fighting tournament between fighters from many worlds for the hope of a God's Wish to bring back his worlds oceans
Slochini: Air Genasi Bard, former noble exiled after playing a haunted song in a performance that killed and traumatized many in attendance. Drawn to seek out the source of the song that came to them in dreams.
Kirim: Lizardfolk Ranger, celebrity chef. Raised by Dwarven monster hunters. Got a recipe/autobiography book deal thanks to a God of Stories he whipped in the face. Has a feathered velociraptor animal companion that he dotes on.
Slrrp: Plasmoid Artificer, Spelljammer. Merchant's child who decided they wanted to explore the many different worlds they heard about from traders coming to their slime-covered planet
Mezeve: Plantoid Necromancer Wizard. Once in a Stellaris setting they're now in a weird world filled with the extinct or near extinct. Doesnt bother them since their species has been reduced to a single seed or sapling before
Boulder: Warforged Ancients Paladin. Former warbot that was killed in an ancient battle but was dug up by druids revitalizing the area (source of his name, they thought he was a big rock) and learned to love and appreciate nature and decided to protect. DEFINITELY predates Bastion Overwatch
Charles: Minotaur in a Fabula Ultima game. A simple farmer who got lost, sent on a mission by a prophetic sphinx (who he ends up marrying in the post game)
Duck: New Fabula Ultima character. A goblin exiled from Fairy Land who is quite literally cursed with bad luck. A veteran of some Fairy Land wars.
Carnigore: Oh where to start. Originally a Beast Barbarian in a weird 5E "hack" where she was a biotech Mech. Then a Monster Hunter. Most recently the threat in my Monster of the Week campaign where she's an artificially created creature called a Homunculus that was the "sister" of the were-thylacine player
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Deity Drop 4: Chaldira
When you close your eyes and imagine a halfling deity, what comes to mind? Perhaps a down to earth agricultural deity? Some goddess of hearth and hospitality, perhaps? Or maybe you go with the stereotype that fantasy gaming gave them as soon as someone read enough of the Hobbit to know that Bilbo’s profession is “burglar”, imagining a halfling deity of stealth, thievery, and skullduggery.
Chaldira Zuraristan is none of those things. Well, alright, she does appreciate good-natured mischief, but also the value of community, but what she’s best known for is being an embodiment of halfling luck, and the confidence and fearlessness that comes with it.
Indeed, Chaldira and her followers think nothing of diving headfirst into danger with a bloody-knuckled fist, ready to punch a tyrant or villain in the face. This often gets her into trouble, but she is always confident in both her luck and the help of her friends to get her out of any jam. To her, the best case scenario is catching evil off-guard and winning the day, but even in the worst case, at least she would go out spitting in evil’s eye.
But again, she’s not about fighting all the time. Chaldira is also a community builder and a lightener of hearts, her faithful planning harmless pranks well in advance for both random occasions and major holidays alike.
Chaldira typically appears as a curly-haired and freckled member of the halfling ancestry, wearing a patchwork red and green coat held together primarily by countless buttons, though there is some variance based on different communities.
While not a true divine realm, Chaldira maintains two homes, one being the Hearth-Grown House in the Aktun district (Abadar’s divine realm) of the plane of Axis, a roving mass of restaurants, gambling halls, and shops as well as Chaldira’s personal domicile. This realm, while too lawful for her tastes normally, is a perfect place to keep an eye on her rival Thamyr Gixx, the other half of the halfling pantheon. Her other home is a guest house in Desna realm of Cynosure, where she often goes to visit with Desna, offering to go on adventures with her and cheer her up with the butterfly goddess is feeling down.
The faithful of The Calamitous Turn style themselves as merry role models within their community, taking part in good-natured pranks, while also being generous and kind to all within their lands. They try to make friends with everyone in a community that they are in, to the point of being seen as gossips by others. Still, there are fewer more inclined to help build community and fight for the people.
Chaldira is friend to all goodly divinities, especially Desna, though her focus on community also endears her to Erastil and Abadar, despite the way her free spirit throws chaos into the mix. She is a passionate enemy against all evil divinities, to the point that Desna has had to help her out of bad spots before, but that does not stop her from trying. Her worst foe is Thamyr Gixx, who represents the mischief and cleverness of halflings turned to wicked ends.
Despite being seen as a minor divinity, Chaldira has many allies she can count on. Her herald is a massive rag doll called the Button Man, who is well-known as a brawler against evil, but also a source of comfort to those in need. She also followed by a swashbuckling vulpinal agathion called Angravva, and a mighty celestial dragonfly called Frogslayer. Beyond those three, as a neutral good goddess, she has a following of Agathions, particularly vulpinals and other small variants.
Her domains are Good, Luck, Trickery, and War, with the Agathion, Fate, Friendship, and Tactics subdomains, reflecting her being a goddess that delights in being lucky and mischievous, leveraging both against evil as well.
In second edition, her domains are confidence, luck, trickery, and zeal, blending in flavors to better represent her daring and her uncompromising attitude.
Chaldira’s obedience reflects her love of luck, mischief, and charity. The faithful must steal a coin or button from someone who will not miss it, balance it on the edge of a weapon and flip it, calling it in midair. If called correctly, they must give it away as a gift, citing it’s luckiness. If incorrect, they must leave it somewhere where someone might find it and consider themselves lucky for finding it. Either way, the weapon type used to flip the coin becomes especially accurate and deadly in their hands, more so if they called right.
For evangelists, the blessings of obedience are a mix of luck and mischief. They gain spells for feeding themselves with enchanted berries, hiding as a bush, and speaking to plants. They also gain the ability to bend minor luck to their favor with gambling games like coin tosses or dice rolls. However, they must use this for the betterment of others, lest they lose their blessings and have to atone. Finally, they gain a blessing which allows them to redirect misses into accurate strikes, looking to observers as if they stumbled into a strike rather than are being guided by divine providence.
The exalted instead focus primarily on luck, gaining spells that bolster the luck and fortune of the recipient. Furthermore, their luck-based magic becomes even more potent and more likely to succeed. Finally, when doom seems at hand, they can call out Chaldira to protect them, becoming resistant to the incoming injury, seeming like the worst of the blast passed them by.
Sentinels tend to favor her more warlike aspects, leaping into battle without a thought to their safety. They are rewarded with spells that blur their appearance or even shift them between dimension to make them harder to strike. They also gain a similar luckiness that the exalted do, but only to luck magic they receive, rather than cast. Finally, while others may fear being struck down as they traverse the battlefield, the blessings of The Calamitous Turn ward them from such strikes as long as they are moving closer to a foe they aim to strike down.
Chaldira is one of the few  deities outside of the core group that has been mentioned in Starfinder, where she remains the patron of the halfling people, and retains her ideology of encouraging others to rise up and face wickedness head on rather than stand idly and let more wrongdoing occur. As such, she is often the patron of unions and exploited people whom tyrants and corporations seek to take advantage of.
 Well, that’s another week of deities down, and there are still many to go. That will do for now, though. Tune in next week for more archetypes and options!
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wildlymish · 10 months
The Disciple of Waters
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Lady Eldath, the Quiet One guides me, and I, Nolee, am her loyal follower. But it had not always been so. I was foolish to be lead astray when I was younger, and I fell to betrayal and heartbreak. Divine blessing, and perhaps luck, brought me back to my Goddess. I spent years afterwards dedicating myself for Eldath’s peace... but I felt nothing. Eventually I left my monastery, hoping my lady will show me the way. To bring answers to my questions. To bring peace in my heart. To discover who I am. May Eldath guide me and may I stay steadfast in my worship.
Age: 30
Gender: Cisgender woman (she/her)
Race: Human, with some water Genasi blood in her
Class: Monk
Subclass: Way of the Four Elements
Sexuality: Demisexual Biromantic
Voice headcanon: Katie Leung (Caitlyn Kirriman from Arcane)
Love Interest: Halsin (canon)
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Background: Acolyte
Trigger warning: Mentions of emotional abuse and manipulation, imprisonment, death, injury and disability
Due to an accident that resulted in her father’s death and her mother having her leg badly injured, Nolee’s mother, a Baldurian, sent her infant daughter away to the  only monastery for the Disciples of the Yielding Way, dedicated to the Goddess Eldath. 
Growing up, she was among the more mischievous initiates, causing trouble with the friends she made in the monastery; Yesna, a half elf, Brendan and Kai, both humans, Erras, a halfling and the eldest of the group, Arias, also human. Nolee struggled a lot with combat training at first, but with Arias’s aid, she eventually started picking up on skills and became a more prominent fighter in the monastery’s standards
Nolee developed something of a crush for Arias in her teen years, but was unaware he did not reciprocate her feelings, only pretending to so that he could use her. Their so called relationship was not healthy, as he would often manipulate and pressure her. The relationship, however, never got much further than soft touches and honeyed words exchanged between the two.
When Nolee was around fifteen, her friends, including Arias, convinced her to sneak away from the monastery and travel to Baldur’s Gate. While the group got into typical teenage mischief, there was also talks about leaving the monastery. Nolee, however, was not keen on the idea and protested against it, resulting in a heated argument amongst the group. Especially between her and Arias.
Once the group calmed down, they suddenly stumbled upon the corpse of a dead noble. Stunned and confused, Nolee did not expect Arias to turn her in to save the rest of the group, resulting in a burn on her wrist. She was left to rot in a damp and cold prison cell. Were it not for the help of a rogue whom she never saw again, she would have never escaped back to her monastery. Due to how late her wrist was treated, the wound developed into a scar which has faded over time.
She spent almost 15 years dedicating herself to her faith. Her dedication and hard work led to her becoming a master who would help train the younger initiates. She also made friends with newcomers Edelweiss and her brother Manuel. She started becoming mildly involved in assisting missions in her monastery, including assistance for the Harpers in the Shadow Cursed lands, though she never left the monastery itself.
She was happy there. At least, that is what she believed. Despite Nolee’s dedication to her faith, she still struggled with what happened to her fifteen years ago, with Arias. She found herself troubled, unable to find peace. So, she set off on a journey to try and rediscover herself, all while trying to understand her faith.
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sheep-magik · 1 year
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Two more characters I designed for the campaign The first of the two, is Elizabeth, halfling hailing from a harsh desert land far far away, known well for her doll-like appearance, heroic deeds and her comically awful luck. She is the lord of a small mining hamlet where my players first arrived on session 1 and where the fight against the previous characters took place. Her hamlet is settled on the border between two nations, near a massive fissure known locally as the "Soul Scar", serving as a small trading hub between both nations. Unlike the carefree of her kin, Elizabeth is ambitious, cunning, and iron-willed, but still retains a bit of the wonderlust and humor that halflings are known for deep down her cold and nearly emotionless expression. Little is known about her past, beyond that she has a some sort of link to a goddess of misfortune, who she frequently pays tribute to on her temple, not so far from her hamlet. The second one is a Lilly Bunnette, a cowardly and humble beastfolk ex-noble merchant who lives in the little hamlet after her fort was sieged and conquered years ago. She was originally gonna help the party in few quest to help them find the bbeg, but the campaign fell apart shortly after her introduction.
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whetstonefires · 2 years
So a cool thing happened in my weekly Pathfinder game. Our Rogue has had bad luck the entire campaign, and regularly rolls a 1 or sub-5 when he's attacking, and very rarely gets a chance to crit. This past session, however, he rolls six attacks and _proceeds to crit the three strongest ones_, taking a very powerful enemy on the board from full health to like a stab away from dying. It was very cool, and the DM allowed him to narrate how his character finally got over his bad luck by praying to the goddess of Halflings and getting the strength to basically gut a dude.
Hah! Nice, nice, I love both the spontaneous energy imparted by being reliant on the dice and when something game-mechanical gets integrated into roleplay like that.
I also like that it was Pathfinder specifically, I've actually played way more of that than D&D proper, and more recently. I'd like to be in a ttrpg campaign again but one of the reasons I haven't sought one out is I'd probably have to learn 5e as I went, and I'm sure I'd annoy everyone in the party horribly by having all the wrong ideas and needing corrected about what my character could actually do.
It's been six days I bet you had another session already. 😂 Did his improved luck stick around?
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Guide to my DND OCs
Because I might talk about them a bit much and context is nice
Jasper S'adapte -- Her solution to never fitting in? Lay on the charm while studying how to manipulate minds. Her priorities are 1. Keep those she unfortunately cares about safe, 2. Figure out her place in the battlefield and the world, probably by attempting to control it, 3. Burn down the town that’s keeping her mother hostage. Is she a little controlling? Yep. Is she a bit snarky? Yes. A complete nerd who tries to hide it? Absolutely. Would she save the world for those she loves? Yep. Would she burn whoever tries to stop her. Undoubtedly.
Saraphina Leagallow -- Grew up as a street rat, then became a thief in a dungeon crawl… and died. Woke up in another world and is pissed about it. She’s ready to fight at least 2 gods if it means getting back. But now she's got other idiots (affectionate) to take care of. While she’s trying to find her way back to a world that doesn’t exist, she’s gonna protect her friends, prevent some lich lord from ruining the world, and maybe find a way to planewalk. With a penchant for befriending the underdogs, climbing the tallest thing around, and helping people who need it; this halfling rogue is ready to ride or die for her friends (again)
Odessa of mytros -- Started as a peasant from a farming town outside of the capitol, but she was always on the heels of finding a new adventure. But when she saw started seeing the future and predicted the death of nobles, she was recognized as a seer. The queen of Mytros and goddess of wisdom may have put in a word with the oracle and Odessa was sent to train her powers. 5 years later, after learning both how to manipulate the future and guard the oracle, she has to show she's ready to stop the apocalypse and become a dragon lord along the way. She's a wholesome naïve 18 year old with gifted kid syndrome, a god that no one else believes in, and an ability to knock your lights out. Human Cleric of Prophecy specific to Odyssey of the Dragonlords setting. (unfortunately that campaign is dead though)
Morna of the Blackened Forest -- Last of her line, destined to lead, but… watched her people die from the pollution leaking off the barrowmaze. So she worked with the first group of misfits she met to put the god of death back into line. And has been working on healing her land since. Blessed by one of the old gods, Morna the Firbolg Moon Druid has saved her bit of the world. And her questions of "where do I fit?" and "how do I talk about emotions?" got answered. Mostly.
Nova dusk-rider blackburn -- Nova lived her life being a wildchild, seeking her adventure and fame. Until she met her first party and fell in love with the wildfire druid. After she saved her parents from their burning house and she confessed her love before dying… But forgot the druid had revivify. After faking unconsciousness and running away into the night, she changed her name, changed her class, and embraced her inner fire to burn it down and start over. This angsty fire genasi wildfire druid of an idiot wants to find whatever the fuck happened to her dad, because some nasty bandits are using his inventions. And although she tries to be a noir western film, but really just needs a hug and someone to talk sense into her.
Vesper Fog -- after realizing her life was a complete lie, she broke out of her “home”, killed a few guards on the way, and has been on the run from “the scientist”. Joining the circus helped her get a some grip on her abilities, and Ves became Vesper Fog. Though try as she might, all of her shifts have pupils the same shape as the lunar phase. The party sees a half elf sorcerer with weird pupils and a weirder past, so this lunar sorcerer changeling is stuck in hiding. She’s got 2 goals: 1. Find the circus leader to figure out what in the hells broke out and 2. Kill the scientist
Pariah of nowhere -- runt of the litter, cursed with bad luck, and kicked out so often they’re “the outcast of now-here”. They are a little black tabaxi divination wizard cursed with visions, and are always lost in their head or in books. They will have a cat army because the god of cats sighed and took pity on them. Although Pariah envisions it as high-fiving the goddess in the hall, it's more of pity in passing
Jenmythe -- lvl 20 harengon feywild ranger built for holiday shenanigans. These games are 99% improv. So far we've established she's 4'9" including the ears, lives in a treehouse, has 11 siblings, has amnesia so she doesn't remember any of their names, collects rocks she likes (not necessarily precious ones), is a snarky little bitch, and her fur is like an artic hare. Which also means that she was shedding during st. Patrick's day.
Clip of Leapyear -- lvl 20 tabxi way of the shadow monk who main goal is to be a detective. But she and her partner are mediocre at best. They got thrown into the past while on a case and are now trying to clear an ancient lich's tower
- Snapped pacifist bladesinger - currently building for a new campaign. Lvl 1 wizard, race TBD. Previously was a pacifist in life, focusing on divining the future, protecting people, and reducing harm. From a not-so-rural-but-definitely-reclusive city, they had some sway there. And when they warned of a dragon attack, the city officials believed them. However the larger kingdom brushed the city's officials off. Told the city "not to worry", "it won't be that serious", etc. So they didn't. And most of their city burned to the ground. Afterwards, the kingdom blamed the city, and the quiet fury this character had felt at all the injustice snapped. Now they've got a Vendetta, an agenda, and a kill list. But they know that changing their specialty will be A Time, they lack the experience needed to kill dragons and officials, and they cannot fulfill their goals without help. So now: a quirky nerd is learning how to be "proactive" in their solutions, how to be a vigilante, and how to cope with the outside world
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latelylavellan · 3 months
👀♦️✨ for Pock!
Thank you, I owe you my life 😌
👀: Describe their physical appearance in as much detail as possible. Facial features, colors, height, build, etc.
Pock is a Halfling with a short diamond shaped face, and tanned skin with warm undertones. They have dark green upturned eyes that betray their cunning despite their friendly demeanor and easy charisma. Their face is framed by curtain bangs in a dark mocha brown and hair that ends just above their shoulders, typically worn in a half-up, half-down style. Bowed lips and an upturned nose paired with gentle stubble leave them straddling a line between handsome and pretty. Though they’re relatively tall for a Halfling, they’re one of the shorter members of the party, standing at about 3’3”. Overall they’re small and sneaky with the lean muscle of someone who spends most of their time sneaking around and running away.
♦️: Are there any motifs you associate with them? What do those motifs represent thematically?
Prophecies and running. Pock started having visions they didn’t understand (think of the visions Shepard has on Eden Prime from the beacon, jumbled and scary) after taking a coin from a decrepit temple. They spent years drinking and running away from these visions, both metaphorically and physically. My wonderful DM allowed me to use the Destiny’s Plaything mechanics even though we’re playing 5e and as weird things have happened to them, they’ve been able to understand more and more so lately they’re running with instead of away from the visions. Visions given to them by the nearly dead goddess of luck, Tymora.
✨: Are they a magic user? If so, how did they come to learn it (born with it, studied, acquired, etc.)? What does their magic look like when cast? If not, what is their attitude towards magic?
They are not! Their visions, talking to Tymora, and seeing ghosts are the closest to magic they get. It’s funny, the dangerous miasma covering pretty much the entire world is attracted to magic but every other party member is a caster of some sort. Pock appreciates its uses but knows that when you’re going into the miasma you’re better off without any magic.
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cloud-monki · 8 months
My cool ass dnd characters
Character #14: Xander Stoneback
Class: Fighter
Subclass: The Eldritch Knight Archetype
Species: Stout Halfling
Alignment: True Good
Personality: Silent, stoic, but kind, friendly and humble. Very typical "hero" archetype.
Appearance: A typical halfling with white skin, silver eyes and blond hair. He wears medium armor and always has like a friendly but straight face.
Strength: Above Average
Dexterity: High
Constitution: Above Average
Intelligence: Above Average
Wisdom: Medium
Charisma: Medium
Age: 21
Where did you get your powers? A goddess blessed me after seeing my abilities.
Gender/Pronouns: Demiboy. He/Him
Sexuality: Gay
Backstory: He was from a humble from a small town, although gifted with exeptional fighting abilities, he was nothing more but a mere boy. That was until he found out he was chosen by Yondalla and now must venture off.
Roles: Frontliner, Striker, Bit of a Blaster
Conclusion: I originally created Xander as my most "Basic bitch" charcter, being heavily inspired by jrpg protags, especially Dragon Quest protags. But i added a few things, like him being a Dex fighter and a hafling, which really worked out since the Halfling goddess works really well and the fact that Halflings are really lucky and well being blessed with luck is really good.
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tumbly-s · 10 months
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I realised i never posted this on its own!
I present to you: Maiv Tully, my character in a dnd campaign i play with some friends. She’s a halfling wild magic sorcerer, a devout follower of Tymora, Goddess of luck. Born into a family of simple commoners in a farming village, she spent her whole life working the fields and volunteering at the local temple to Tymora. It was a simple and sheltered life, that ended on the day her wild magic powers started manifesting themselves in obvious and sometimes dangerous ways. That was when the priests, unable to help her, sent her out into the world, to seek out someone who can either help her control this magic, or get rid of it alltogether.
When designing her, i took a bit of inspiration from medieval Irish clothing i was able to find on the yee ole internet :)
If you’d like to have your OC drawn too, here are my commissions info!
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halflingkima · 2 years
Character Superlatives
Since I put my OC page together, I’ve wanted to snag these questions and just chat OCs. This post got REAL long so I doubt anyone will read, but if anything reminds you of your own, feel free to drop a line!
I’ve played all of these characters to such varying levels, I’ve tried to clarify what I mean if the question calls for it. If it’s a technical/mechanical question, I might include the character level in parentheses.
1. Which have the highest and the lowest strength score?
Bree (7), Sophie (5), and Erin (5) are tied for the highest at 16, though belt of hill giant strength pushes Erin to 21 in the future. Hope (6) and goblin girl (9) – and I think Kavi (1), but I don’t have her sheet – are tied for lowest at 10.
I refuse to have a negative strength score. this is MY fantasy world lol
2. Which have the highest and the lowest dexterity score?
Goblin girl (9) hits 20 nearly immediately lol. Erin (5), Jo (3), and Sophie (5) are all tied for lowest at 14. I generally favor DEX for the AC boost lol
3. Which have the highest and the lowest constitution score?
Like the goblin, Erin (5) maxes out her CON very quickly, and is highest at 20. In an unfortunate spin, Lily (5) is the lowest with 8.
After cutting my teeth on barbarians, I pay a lot of attention to CON (for spellcasters as well for concentration saves) and most have at least 12. But I did my stats weird for Lily because she’s a cleric of a luck goddess, so it was truly just. Bad luck that she ended up practically sickly lol.
4. Which have the highest and the lowest intelligence score?
By sheer luck and narrative irony, Erin (5) has the highest at 16. (She also had the highest in the party and was the one who fell victim to an Intellect Devourer for a short while lmao). And naturally, as a tank main, INT is usually my dump stat, so the rest are all quite low. The unfortunate Lily (5) again taking the crown with a 6.
5. Which have the highest and the lowest wisdom score?
Another of my usual dumps because I think possession and other control magicks is spicy :)) Lily (5) is a cleric, so she’s my highest at 16. The rest average 12 or lower, but I believe Jo (3) wins for lowest at 7. (Her passive perception is. abysmal :) )
6. Which have the highest and the lowest charisma score?
To paraphrase the immortal wisdom of brennan lee mulligan, all PCs wanna be strong, hot and dumb and I do indeed favor CHA for no reason except “I must be the hottest half-orc in this tavern.”
Warlock Hope (6) easily takes the cake at 20. Most of the others average around 16, which means Tommie (7), Bree (5), and Erin (5) are tied for lowest at 12.
7. Who is the fastest?
Sophie (5) is the fastest, with her barbarian boost + her feat boost giving her 45ft. Erin (5) is the next with her barb boost at 40ft, and she unequivocally wins the contest after she multiclasses into monk lol.
Lily would be the slowest with her heavy armor and regular halfling running speed of 25ft. (Bree gets her barb boost.)
8. Who is the tallest? Who is the shortest?
Jo the half-orc is easily the tallest at 6′3″.
Lily the halfling beats out the goblin and rabbitfolk and other halfling (by a literal inch) for shortest, at 3′1″.
For someone who consistently wants to be Big and Strong™, I favor quite small races. Hm.
9. Who is the oldest? Who is the youngest?
Most of them are somewhere in their mid-late 20s (or the equivalent for their races), but I have Sophie’s age listed as “c. 200 idk” so she is very likely the oldest, whatever her exact age may be.
The goblin girl is literally 14, which I mathed out as 23 for her race, which makes Jo (half-orc) technically the youngest at her 22.
10. Who is the hottest?
All of them obviously?? But it’s like. subjective, right? I’ve got faceclaims listed on the oc page, so uhh take your pick.
To me?? personally?? Tommie.
11. Who is the biggest flirt, or has had the most romantic stuff going on?
Biggest flirt in the most traditional sense is Tommie. She’s a lesbian pirate and partakes in all the typical pirate activities: brawling, rum, and women. Goblin girl is a flirt to a similar degree, but mostly in the vein of getting what she wants. She’ll flirt with anything that moves with the slightest of reasons, though.
That being said, neither of them really have ~romantic stuff~ going on – their sessions didn’t quite lend themselves to such RP scenes. And while the others aren’t flirty by any means, a couple have some romance in their backstory. Bree essentially had a secret boyfriend who went missing, and Lily has a complicated relationship with her ex.
And I might have some hopes for Hope in her current campaign, but... god willing and the creek don’t rise.
12. Who is the best singer?
Jo may not be the best in terms of training/technicality, but she is the only one with singing explicitly written into her backstory and skills, so very likely her. But Hope’s performance rolls so far also suggest she’s got a decent voice.
13. The best dancer?
Going off dexterity scores, very likely the goblin girl. I can so easily picture her doing that gymnast/dance around pressure plates and/or lasers while breaking into a vault or whatever. Just that movement and muscle control likely makes her the best by default.
14. Who lies the most?
Goblin girl absoLUTELY lies the most. She lies about her name. She lies that she has a twin sister and pretends to be said twin sister. She’ll lie about what she had for breakfast that morning, who gives a shit. AND. she’s exceptional at it :)
15. Who lies the least?
Most of my good/lawful good/moral characters just. Don’t lie. A lot are good liars, but let the others – usually better liars – take care of it if needed.
Erin doesn’t lie because she thinks it’s wrong. For similar reasons, Hope would rather not lie, but she’ll back up her friends if they do. Lily doesn’t lie simply because she’s too stupid to realize when it would help, but if she wasn’t, she’d probably still avoid lying.
16. Who has the most scars?
Probably Bree, because I used her scars to build her backstory. She’s got a tiger bit on her left shoulder and she’s been run through by a longsword. She’s also got a number of scars on her hands and forearms from learning to juggle swords/knives.
My other tanks like Tommie, Jo, and Erin also have plenty of scars, but I guess I made them good healers? Like, their scars probably last a year or two at most – Like me, I scar very easily but the scar will actually heal completely in time.
17. Who has killed the most?
Assuming we’re going with outside of gameplay – Erin was a soldier and Tommie was a pirate. Erin wasn’t enlisted during wartime, so Tommie likely has a higher body count. Jo might be somewhere in the mix, but her kills are more one-on-one than in battle, so she probably hasn’t racked up the numbers into Tommie’s sphere.
18. Who needs the most therapy?
Who doesn’t, eh? It’s dnd isn’t it? Ironically, most of my backstories are base-level fine; it’s more like they’re doing the best with things that have happened *to* them, rather than working through trauma. Fittingly the ones who I’d say need it at all are my campaign pcs.
So, in ascending order:
Erin has falsely taken on the responsibility of freeing her wrongfully imprisoned mother, and her closest friends died in battle a few years ago. She also harbors resentment for being forced to grow up so fast and help her father around the house/with her younger brother. However, she’s dealt with a lot of this pre-campaign. Her resentment manifested in her rage ability, and it’s a healthy outlet for that emotion. She was in a serious faith-based depression after her friends’ deaths, but she met the current party cleric who helped Erin find her faith again and heal from the grief. So her main lingering issue is her obsession over getting justice and freedom for her mother, which stems largely from a flavor of abandonment trauma, I suppose.
Then there’s Hope, who’s stoically bearing a huge burden of guilt. She essentially believes she’s the reason her sister turned evil – or at least sought the power of something or someone evil. Though the guilt is largely misguided, she never speaks of it, and therefore no one has had the chance to help her unpack the actual events. She has been searching for her sister for the last six years with the blind optimism that once they’re reunited everything will be fine. Hope beats out Erin simply due to the level of her repression/avoidance.
And finally, the newest baby, Jo. [smacks her on the shoulder cuz that’s as high as i can reach] this baby can fit so much trauma in her. I don’t wanna deep dive in the event other party members stumble into this, but she is far and away the most in need of therapy. Firstly, she was orphaned in a very sudden and traumatizing manner. She was a street urchin for a bit (so, treated very poorly), then recruited into a child fighting ring that she’s escaped only a few years ago. Also being the youngest of my characters, she’s had the least time to unpack and heal.
19. Who would be the best therapist?
Hope, for sure (tying into the empathy question later). She’s inspired largely by Ted Lasso, so while she’s got her own problems that she’s optimistically repressing/avoiding, she’s always ready to help someone else work through theirs. She a sunshiney optimist in general, but she’s had her dose of realism that gives her the empathy to slow down and unpack things with others instead of pushing them to move on.
20. Who has the most siblings?
On paper, Tommie has “the most siblings” in that I said she has “a bunch of full-orc half-brothers.” Everyone else has 0-3 siblings. Except for Sophie, but I’m not counting her because I don’t actually know how many siblings she has, and only one is with her in the Material Plane, so for now it’s one lmao.
21. Who is the best cook?
They all can cook, given that most of them are used to roughing it in the forest and whatnot, but I think Kavira’s the only one who would actually know how to cook anything decent. She was raised in a tavern/brewery, which isn’t a restaurant, but it’s the closest to one out of the rest of the gang.
22. Who would be the best to get a beer with?
Probably Jo. A lot of them would be fun – Bree and Tommie and the goblin are always down to drink. Erin can rly throw drinks back. But “get a beer with” is more Jo’s speed. She’d love to just chill at a pub and make a new friend. She’s a great listener and won’t get distracted by random tavern drama. But she also goes ride or die in like 0.2 seconds, so she’d be great to have on your side if a pub brawl does kick off.
23. Who is the most likely to start a fight?
Tommie’s an ex-pirate with the tavern brawler feat and gray morality, so very likely her. The others generally won’t start a fight, but they’ll finish it.
24. Who would win a battle royale with all the others?
By mechanics alone, Erin at level 14 (8 barb/6 monk) could take out probably all of them at once. Tommie (7) miiight give her a run for her money, though. Using their base levels gets a little more interesting.
Right out the gate, Kavi’s gonna be out as a lvl 1 warlock to everyone’s average lvl 5. Followed by Lily (cleric 5) due to her tragic HP and Jo (barb 2/fighter 1) as a low multiclass without her subclass benefits yet. Then Bree (barb 5) would be out, as she’s more of a team build that isn’t strongest on her own.
Likewise Hope (warlock 6) has a lot of boosts, but they’re best for a team, and she couldn’t hold her own when it comes to action economy. Sophie also wouldn’t be able to maximize her action economy, she’d just cause a bunch of chaos before she went down.
That brings us to Erin (5), Tommie (7), and goblin girl (9), and Tommie’s battle master maneuvers and goblin’s sneak attack would knock out Erin’s extra divine damage pretty quickly. Then, given that Tommie’s maneuver DCs are trash, and the goblin swashbuckler truly excels in one-on-one (constant sneak attack, no opportunity attacks), the goblin takes the crown, with or without her higher level.
25. Who is the most likely to charge right into battle?
I tend to favor button-pushers, partially because I’m so anxious in real life, so most of them probably would under the right circumstances. Erin actually got the chance to do so in-game, when she heard someone scream down a hall and didn’t wait to discuss what they should do.
charge in if an innocent is in trouble: Erin, Lily
charge in if they think they can handle it: Bree, Jo
charge ahead if a friend is in danger: Hope
hang back until more information: Kavi, Tommie, goblin, Sophie
26. Who takes the most risks?
Lily, point blank. She has literally zero risk assessment, and when she does comprehend a risk, she assumes the outcome is Avandra’s will or... whatever. Like what happens is what’s meant to happen. Bree and Sophie are practically the same, but to a lesser degree.
On the other hand, I’d say Jo might take the most conscious risks. She has more situational awareness, but low self-preservation and a yearning to help people. Erin is similar, but she has more self-preservation and is more likely to approach with strategy.
27. Who is the most careful?
I’m gonna say Hope, because she’s the closest the group has to a healer, so she keeps a close eye on her heals and HP, and stays aware of all formations and distances on the battlefield, so she can keep her friends up. She’s also rather squishy, and is a ranged fighter, so she tends to avoid getting right up on traps or enemies.
28. Who is the most competitive?
Most are not competitive, ranging from very purposefully not competitive to just impassive. A few are different flavors of competitive: Erin’s competitive with battle stats, which comes from her time in the navy; Sophie’s competitive about the stupidest stuff for the sake of driving other people crazy; Tommie’s not as competitive as a rule, but she did grow up with like eight brothers so she’s somewhere in between the other two.
29. Who is the most girlboss?
The goblin, absolutely. In like a.. “god forbid women do anything” way. She is. a criminal. And she’s real damn good at it. And also she’s hot.
30. Who is the biggest jock?
I’d say Erin is the biggest jock, intentionally. Like she’s very fit and into sport for the sake of... being fit and into sport. Also to kick ass but she is very textbook jock. However, Jo is a literal jock, having been a street fighter/mma/boxer-type for nearly ten years. But she has less of a jock attitude if that makes sense, and her fitness is much more out of necessity/survival.
31. Who has the most theatre kid energy?
The goblin girl, I suppose. She does have the Actor™ feat. But in general, I do tend to favor the entertainer background and twist it into unconventional backstories – like Bree, a barbarian, was in the circus. So not a lotta my characters can sing/dance/act, but they can command a crowd.
Bree, Jo, Sophie, and maybe Lily all have a degree of theatre kid energy, but the goblin definitely has the most.
32. Who is the most likely to be a twitch streamer?
uhh I have no clue. what are twitch streamer stereotypes uhh
As I mentioned before, Tommie’s considerably competitive because she has a bunch of brothers, so she’d probably have the drive and determination (and countenance) to be a Gamer Girl™.
Sophie’s haphazard energy could probably also carry a twitch channel? She’d play bonkers indie games and scream at them or something.
33. Who is the most likely to be an instagram influencer?
This may be wrong because I dont use instagram, but in my mind, instagrammers are generally femme? Hope and Bree are probably my most traditionally feminine characters but I’m not sure either of them would care enough to become an influencer? Like they’d have flawless instagrams, but (I hope) they wouldn’t pay enough attention to the engagement patterns to monetize them.
The goblin on the other hand (as with the girlboss answer) would absolutely Get That Coin. Her go-to move is using her Feminine Wiles, so weaponizing them for instagram would be old hat for her.
34. WHo would have the most fun playing a ttrpg?
Um. None of them cuz they’re not NERDS lol. Actually Kavira might enjoy it, as a quiet loner kid who reads books in corners. She’s got kinda... Anastasia vibes, so she’d likely enjoy roleplaying different lives and stuff.
35. Who is the funniest?
In practice, my stupidest characters are the funniest because they’re easy and fun for me to roleplay, especially if I can lean into bad rolls. But that wasnt necessarily built into their character, if that makes sense.
I think Sophie is overall funniest bc thus far in practice I’ve translated “from the feywild” into a cross between “im so random xd” and giselle from enchanted. So it’s not like, intentional humor, but it’s intentional absurdity in her character build. Other than that, Bree I think does have a good sense of humor coming from the circus, and I would be remiss to overlook Lily’s blind faith (and stupidity) translating into just the most bonkers situations.
36. Who is the most empathetic?
Hope, absolutely. She has the presence of mind and insight to recognize when someone is going through something, and she’s very ready to sit with them in it. All of the others are either obtuse or oblivious or occupied by their own stuff.
37. Who takes the least shit?
Again I’m not entirely sure what this terminology is suggesting. In the driest sense, Erin probably has the least sense of humor? And is most protective or has the quickest trigger finger.
Tommie has a great sense of humor, but once someone crosses the line she shuts things down. As an ex-pirate, she’s big on reputation, and her friends reflect on her, so she’ll step in to shut something down.
38. Who is the best with kids?
I think most of them would be at least passable with children. Like, all of them like them and would take care of them sufficiently. In this case, I think the question is who would kids like, and it’s still pretty hard bc I think kids would enjoy a lotta the gang’s weird talents lol.
I think Bree would come out on top because of her acumen with animals (kids love animals) and her circus tricks. She’s also bright and bubbly and charismatic, so it makes sense kids would flock to her. Sophie would probably also be a hit among kids because she herself is very juvenile/young at heart, and she’s literally a bunny. Hope would also be a runner up with her high charisma and compassion.
So in summary: Bree is a children’s performer, Sophie’s a bunny, and Hope is a daycare worker.
39. Who is the best with animals?
Probably Bree with her totem warrior skills. She was built in tandem with a pc ranger sister, so a lotta thought went into make them complement each other, and Bree getting along well with her sister’s animal companion.
40. Who is the best at making Hard Decisions?
It depends on what decisions are considered difficult. Essentially I build the characters on the foundation of what choices they’d make in hard situations, so in my mind, the decisions aren’t that difficult because I, the player, planned how the characters would react.
So part of why I’m unsure how to answer this is because of the different characters’ perceptions of what is “hard.” So the goblin, for instance, would do anything out of self preservation. Crash a bus full of kids to save her own life? No problem. But it wouldn’t be a hard choice for her.
If it’s a question of what the character consider’s tough, Erin is probably the best at making those choices. There are certain lines she’s drawn that she will not cross, but she’s aware of what she’s giving up to do so. Her belief system is strictly in service to the “greater good” – so she would absolutely kill one of her friends to save a bus of children. But unlike a lot of the others, she’d be aware of the damage she was causing in doing so.
41. Who is the best leader?
I depends on what you’d consider “best.” Erin would probably be the best in the traditional sense – she’s intelligent and trained in strategy. Her issue is usually getting others to follow, bc she’s not very charismatic. Vibes-wise, she’s like the human equivalent of resting bitchface lol
Hope is a good leader because she encourages teamwork. She’s more like the heart of an operation than the brain, but she’s very good with people and good at keeping focus. Jo would be a good leader in a similar way – she’s not very observant or book-smart, but she’s good at delegation and big-picture strategy. And unlike Erin, they’re both quite charismatic.
42. Who is the worst leader?
Lily by a landslide, but she’s an awful follower, too. She just kinda. Does whatever and assumes things will work out. So she ends up the de facto leader because otherwise she’ll get herself killed, but she also likely frustrates everyone else.
Sophie gives her a run for her money though, because she’s pure wild magic/feywild chaos which is possibly THE worst trait in a leader lmao
43. Who would you most like to be friends with?
I mean, all of them in one way or another, because when I make them I do hope to be spending a lot of time with them. The only ones I might find obnoxious at times are Sophie, Lily, and the goblin. I’d pretty much love to hang out with the rest of them.
Tommie and Jo I think might be a little too cool for me. Maybe even Hope, too. Erin could be a bummer, but conversely I think Bree’s friends with everyone. I think I’d most like to befriend Kavira though, because she’s very quiet and lonely in her story right now. I think she could benefit from some friends outside of her “imaginary” (fey) ones.
44. Who is the most like you?
Sorta branching from the previous answer, Kavi’s quiet and shy and reads books in secluded corners. She canonically stays up late reading her spellbook under the covers lol. She does a lotta the manual work around her family’s pub/brewery but she’s also the most fanciful, in that she spends a lot of her... let’s say mental time thinking about fey and the feywild and what life might’ve been with her birth family etc etc. So she’s a shy bookworm and manual worker with an active imagination. So... yeah, the most like me.
45. Who is the least like you?
I’m gonna say the goblin because she lies about everything and is constantly pretending to be someone else. Not only can I not lie, but I already have identity crises about just being myself. She’s also incredibly independent and self sufficient and I cannot decide what t-shirt to wear without consulting someone else.
46. Who would you most like to trade places with?
Lily, probably. Head empty with a chill goddess personally watching over me? Go with the flow and taking no responsibility? Score.
I might also enjoy being in Tommie’s shoes. Sophie and the goblin would be in the running too, but I’m worried I’d be lonely with their lifestyles.
47. Who would you least like to trade places with?
Erin probably takes this one. She lost her mom, grew up poor, was in the navy, her 3 best friends died, and she hasn’t yet found a new place to belong. She was also ill-suited to the campaign she was in, so she has a very fish out of water vibe to her that I am not about. Runner up would be Jo, just bc of all the shit she’s been through and hasn’t had the opportunity to unpack lmao
48. Who do you consider the most stereotypical/classic example of their class?
Either Lily or the goblin. Lily is textbook cleric to a T, but she’s also just. So bumbling. And her worship is... unconventional, I suppose? Lily was an acolyte raised in a temple, and is trained well in medicine and healing skills but her manner of worship is entirely intentionally incidental (i.e. que sera sera), as opposed to my conception of clerics who worship with straightforward intention, if that makes sense.
On the other hand, while the goblin isn’t a stick-to-the-shadows assassin, and is a rather show swashbuckler, her fighting style, skills, and espionage techniques all really suit the empirical concept of a rogue.
49. Who is or was your favorite to roleplay?
Given how their playtime varies severely, I’ve yet to really hit my groove for so many of them. Hope and Jo are both in current campaigns and I’m really enjoying finding the nuances in their decisions, as well as poking around with their character voice.
But ultimately I think Lily or Sophie was the most fun to roleplay. Playing a character that is just. obscenely stupid is exceptionally fun. Lily in particular got to run with that and the group she was with allowed space for that stupidity and tripping into fortune with her luck goddess, so she was probably my favorite overall.
50. Who is or was your favorite to play in combat?
They all have their pros and cons and for the most part I really enjoy them all, as I built them. I have gotten to play some far more than others though. I think I’m really getting the hang of Hope, whom I play most consistently at the moment. She’s a pact of the blade warlock, and having that balance between spells and weapons helps me feel like both are useful. I have problems balancing the action economy of the rest of them because I simply haven’t gotten to play them enough.
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beetlethebug · 3 years
me: haha what if penny was a halfling goddess and ostentatia started worshipping her because she was tired of her deity not talking to her me: ahaha yeah, that’d be so funny *starts furiously writing a fic about the concept*
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Any bakery related ideas? I just really like bread.
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Ally: Matilda Hallowhill
" Just hold on there sweetie, there's no rushing love, food, nor perfection, and this delicious flakey bastard needs a few more minutes in the oven."
Setup: A baker from a family of bakers, this halfing miracleworker operates out of an unassuming shop in a pastry scented corner of the party's primary settlement. A dedicate of the goddess Yondalla, her patron's preview over fire, food, hearth, and hospitality, has ensured that Matilda has taken to baking the way that an alchemist takes to chemistry: as a physical art that serves as the focus for a lifetime of spiritual enlightenment
Humble to the extreme, Matilda works wonders into dough every morning and donates her dayolds to the hungry each night, resolute in her faith that a good meal and an act of kindness will hold off the dark.
Adventure Hooks:
While Exploring the town's market, or (simply looking for a bite to eat), the party discovers Matilda's shop: Hallowhill's , and are there introduced the wonders of her baking. While she has confections in abundance, Matilda's art allows her to instill magic into her morsels, creating everything from bread that fills your belly in just a few bites, to lucky cookies, to little cakes that charm anyone who takes a bite out of them. Perhaps the greatest of The Hallowhill bakery's boons is the legendary "Prismataberry Pie", a delicacy that Matilda can only create with fresh ingredients from the feywild. Delivered in a container that keeps it magically fresh and mouthmeltingly warm, this miraculous pie grants the effect of a hero's feast to anyone who receives a slice.
The mill that primarily supplies Matilda's flour has run into a bit of a crisis, leaving the halfling in a bind. To make matters worse, Splendor, the elemental spirit bound to her hearth is growing restless at the lack of work (beings of primordial fire are like that) and has begun burning things out of boredom. Tarrying to solve the situation at the mill may see the elemental escape to commit a bit of nerve soothing arson around town, necessitating recapture.
Aiding and patronizing Matilda may earn the party the attention of the hearth goddess herself, who may in turn bless them with warm campfires and full bellies during hard times. Should one of the heroes have a spiritual or magical calling towards luck or fire, Matilda will be there to mentor them, and should the party need to feed a lot of people in a crisis, she'll be there in a heartbeat, taking care of the common folk so they can worry about saving the world.
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