jepretanjanet · 2 years
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GOGON4D game unggulan hari ini dan tingkatkan peluang Anda untuk jackpot besar. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan menang besar sekarang juga
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gogon4d-garansi · 3 months
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GOGON4D | GOGON 4D Segera Main Disini Kamu Pasti WD Hanya dengan Modal Receh 10.000 Menjadi Jutawan! Dengan Winrate Kemenangan 99,99%.
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sandwip · 2 years
সুমাইয়াকে নিয়ে গগন সাকিবের গান || Sunaya Lover Gogon Sakib new Song #vi...
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frogaroundandfindout · 2 months
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Dick Grayson receives news from Oracle that something is going down in Gotham involving Batman and Wonder woman. Dick goes to get Donna’s help but finds her running away from a villain with her eyes covered. Dick calls out Donna’s name in confusion and upon hearing his voice Donna tells dick to aim for her attackers head. Dick does so without hesitation and beheads the villain with a wingding. Dick freaks out about what he did, so Donna reveals it was a Greek monster called a gorgon that dick killed, not a human. Donna later asks dick to pick up the bag with the gogons head in it and hold her hand. Dick agrees and Donna says that she loves him for this. Dick says the feeling is mutual and steps toward the window where Donna opens a portal (Wonder Woman #165)
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metmuseum · 5 months
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Illustrated “Anthology of Tang-Dynasty Poems” in Five-Syllable Lines (Tōshisen ehon gogon ritsu hairitsu) 画本唐詩選五言律排律. 1836 (Tenpō 7). Credit line: Purchase, Mary and James G. Wallach Foundation Gift, 2013 https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/78802
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fleur-de-violette · 4 months
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I am super late to the party but here is the cover the wonderful @they-reap-what-we-sow made for my fic Gogon's eyes
Thank you a lot Krow !
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saucylobster · 10 months
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Nightjars have a lot of cool names related to the old myth that they sucked the milk from sleeping goats and made them sick. Could make for an interesting take on the chupacabra for anyone that wanted to follow that thread (I already had this guy and a chupacabra so I didn't). Jarpy are nocturnal birds that hunt for insects in the dark. Their keen senses and incredible agility in the air mean this is no problem and despite their small stature, are popular with battlers for this reason. Old legends paint them in a negative light and attribute malicious abilities to them, all untrue and ultimately out of fashion. Mazemauz have an impeccable memory and powers of deduction, allowing them to deduce their way through anything and never getting lost. A well developed brain grants them powerful psychic powers which they would rather use inquisitively than aggressively. Gogone are the ghosts of a bird once eaten to extinction and despite being hunted to death, maintain a joyful and carefree attitude. If taken unawares and startled they can literally fall to pieces but will quickly put themselves back together to run away. --Attack Info-- --Ability Info--
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sludgewarden · 1 year
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v91233312il · 1 year
I fell asleep to a half life lore video and I had a dream I was gogon freeman
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sitposting · 2 months
Got the same feature
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Waktu kecil, Lugas miripnya ke amak haha ini waktu Lugas 6 bulan. Rambutnya kaya rambut gogon wkwk. Itu fotoku waktu kecil haha idungnya sih pleketiplek ya sama Lugas
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ohabeeeeeee · 3 months
I’M THE MARIO eat your arms and then again GO ON GOGON GOGA DO THE MARIO I am god and then you know COME ON IT’S TIME TO GO EAT THE DARIO doodle-oo doot doo d-d blsjfkhjk J-JUUUUST LIIIIKE THAAAAAT
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tostawafle · 4 months
are there any other common enemies in briandead besides the púca?(i hope i spelled that right) it’s the only one i recognize immediately as “one of the little guys you fight”
well, theres púcas grannas delerios and deleriomo, then intrusives in the late first area, gogons in the second area, and ms. fortune in the late first and early second, and theres a basic miniboss called olc ion in the first few areas
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444namesplus · 4 months
Adfylfe Adre Adsydge Aifaihe Aine Aisashape Aivoluxir Aixydhun Aixygomeve Algane Alpe Angeluddonbouie Anme Anzoshene Arlore Armobe Arvode Aupire Aurouigalxas Authobone Auwe Auxerlure Bamoque Bayosyeroue Bilsaye Bique Biquyde Bithuzye Bopire Bufepede Buhilishane Buquufuvane Bybusroye Bydsile Dadisupuryi Dafothoslyve Dathe Dautunitode Dedau Dedhuxene Defivirer Deihurerthede Deke Derdurlusouie Dese Deser Deshyd Dilalkibe Dilthe Disvyrte Dodefibyue Dodwiquure Doge Dortorre Doze Dultobuque Dulynage Dyrebe Edbuse Edthixope Edxoke Eire Eisylire Elquiyeue Enfe Enzoue Ersose Esfezule Esre Eswe Eyelyxie Fake Felkone Fenke Foife Fonuse Funlasshunolhaue Furmawiboie Fybeue Fythoye Fyve Gauter Geze Gidshe Gigose Ginfer Giquorze Gogineque Gogon Gouvor Gulwe Gupyrye Guryvaxodpe Gushavile Gyique Gyre Hadbole Haye Hedhe Hekinge Heraneyee Herhile Heszyie Heve Heze Hidse Hilxe Hirquoke Hisrotewe Hize Hoquese Houifukule Hoxe Hudyshe Hutewade Hynesharere Idseue Idvidthe Irheshane Irpypal Irtane Irthe Ispeware Isveue Ivouie Kale Kauruvozydyie Kawilmi Kese Kesyanyume Keyeune Kimilde Kipalbydsaie Kisfe Kisyon Koufyhenque Kouse Kunfyue Kuzose Kydyn Kymyzive Kype Kyrishe Kyrsel Kyzyl Lafe Lanperlothuke Lanque Lare Lartanlud Lasgele Lathuduthuque Lenyepe Lenyus Leswe Liked Lithyduspe Loke Lokufehidpyle Lonyie Lorbyl Losude Loye Lurhe Lydul Lydzurwil Lyishe Lytasgue Lyte Lytileie Maizysme Maltuzude Maxeyowille Mayod Menzore Meve Muhe Mullodaxe Mushyde Mynzunquane Nashe Nathe Nazylhyique Nerfayase Nerthosbyhoie Nexe Nezyue Nibe Nibikodfeyee Nikete Nilmone Nipemisoie Nithe Nityue Nustau Nutomure Nykoge Nylzismure Nynade Oive Oldoi Olvurhile Olweie Onte Onzebowas Orshe Osthuse Osxir Ouibone Ouihoue Ouixothole Ouxulhouthated Padpar Pake Panale Pasyevuvyze Pefude Pehe Pesaie Pife Pihare Pisde Pishyvaze Pive Piyade Piyel Poge Pouise Pubid Pyhile Pylsus Pysou Quare Quemad Quige Quirzyixohanyne Quizyre Quohe Quorthizyde Quosmaivele Quouisasukou Quunmeyee Quuse Quutouie Quuve Radsis Rahoze Ranpele Ranzifeie Rarile Rasme Rathide Rave Raxipafoiwe Rebin Relvowefe Renile Rerne Retyu Risixese Risoryd Ritahe Ronyluye Rukundile Runpes Ryre Rywyr Sadaxete Saryre Sennue Sequeyete Sethule Sezeserge Shafeze Sharshole Shartoue Shawe Shedrawayese Sherde Shifidwabul Shipeyeye Shive Shodde Shothure Shouibouitilhe Shuquore Shyhyuneye Shype Shyquabe Shyshilve Shyurizehuye Sibeslosdygi Siquohe Situve Siyare Sureube Sylne Sylude Synve Syzir Taipe Tenhe Teyekise Thadtone Tharewyde Tharyiver Thashel Theiquazyle Thertexylxyie Theurume Thewidye Thilpe Thiye Thoishe Thufide Thunofe Thutywor Thynydde Thyshotheze Thythe Tifarhyme Tigyve Tithethe Tothusheloie Totyuhe Tovasothesse Tudme Tyiloslus Ude Udgose Udse Udwexei Udyuse Uluve Unuwulouie Urfe Urne Urxothydze Usheu Usme Usxase Utange Utul Uve Vake Vasde Vekanvanquure Vequuhe Vinquoi Vinquoryie Vipe Vofe Voishune Vone Voshe Vovune Vugese Vule Vuliwol Vuloshe Vyele Vyshode Wafynnaude Wedvade Welde Wexe Winthase Wivule Wopon Woshethuhape Wudude Wuquixe Wurkelle Wuryde Wuxothe Wyhihe Wyngybale Wyshe Wythude Xadwerval Xaitheye Xalazede Xalfe Xawadne Xebukie Xelyveue Xemyge Xendoltise Xetythalle Xexe Xilthothorthele Xisyde Xode Xodye Xounadythe Xoxohode Xuredxe Xuwe Xygiwagowe Xymeie Xyve Yarbyltyu Yase Ydsyruweyee Yefuthuwade Yeneuyue Yeslyme Yevareie Yigouie Ylpyuve Ynsadwuyune Ynxe Yobe Yonshe Yoxe Yrbe Yrthykyne Yrvapyhudped Yrxergade Yudwe Yufuhegupe Yuke Yuzatokise Yuze Zafide Zayaquosze Zedibe Zelele Zeseyaven Zeszesnixolxe Zeyebe Zirbe Zisve Zomatil Zonhose Zope Zopele Zudsod Zugilar Zunongese Zurle Zusmynkuyiltere Zyswewekosse
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01994912497 · 5 months
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nocturnalys · 5 months
Dragons dogma 2 update, non proprio spoilers. In verità vi consiglio di sbattervene e leggerlo comunque:
Sappiamo tutti che questo gioco prende qualche figura della mitologia greca. Voglio dire, c’è una gogone praticamente nel gameplay e un titano nel trailer. Quindi no surprise se parlo di Sfingi. Daje che anche loro si sono viste nel trailer non famo i pudici.
La grandissima stronza. Perché solo così si può chiamare. Ti fa fare vari indovinelli e nsomma se li fai tutti e dieci giusti trofeo oro e platino easy poi.
Il problema è che uno di sti infami di indovinelli è “vai nel posto dove hai trovato la tua prima pietra del cercatore e prendila di nuovo”.
E magari anche tutto okay
Se non fosse che porco dio
Ci sono 300 posti di ste pietre di merda
Ho ristretto il campo a quelle early game, e nello specifico a una su una torre di melve che ricordo di aver scalato e pensato “oh guarda tipico che c’era qualcosa in cima ma cosa sarà mai sto gettone boh lo scopriró oro poi”
Comunque porto sto gettone alla gran puttana di sfinge. E nada. Non me lo da consegnare. Nel frattempo countdown, cinque giorni.
Okay. Magari ricordo male. Cerchiamo tutti quelli in zona early. Sono, quanti sono? 6. Vai. Li porto. Nada di nuovo.
Okay. Ampliamo di poco il raggio, mettiamo pure un quarto di strada per Vermont. Nada.
Ora. A Vermont ancora non ho provato. Ma io vi dico che quel primo gettone 100% era quello sulla torre e nada. Quindi come è possibile? E la mi so ricordata.
Che nell’inventatio avevo anche un altro gettone trovato in giro mentre andavo dalla sfinge. Vuoi vedere che droppando il gettone nuovo questo comunque venendo stackato con il vecchio l’ha buggato?
Perché altrimenti non si spiega Dio cane.
E niente, gioco di merda
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