#gold silver latest price
rightnewshindi · 3 days
Gold Silver Price Today: दो दिनों में सस्ता हुआ सोना, चांदी में आई 2000 रुपए की गिरावट; जानें आज के ताजा भाव
Gold Silver Price Today: दो दिनों में सस्ता हुआ सोना, चांदी में आई 2000 रुपए की गिरावट; जानें आज के ताजा भाव #news #viral #trending #update #newspaper #breakingnews #currentaffairs #dailynews #newsletter #newspapers #newsupdate #People #Media #info
Gold Silver Price Today 18 September 2024: पिछले सप्ताह 3000 रुपये तक प्रति किलोग्राम चांदी की कीमत में गिरावट देखने को मिली, जिसके बाद सोमवार को चांदी के रेट में बढ़ोतरी हुई लेकिन कल और आज दो दिनों में सोना और चांदी सस्ता हो गया है। सोने और चांदी की कीमत में लगातार दूसरे दिन कमी देखने को मिल रही है। प्रति 10 ग्राम सोना और 1 किलोग्राम चांदी के रेट कम हो गए हैं। पिछले दो दिनों में सोने और चांदी…
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political-depth · 10 months
The Factors Driving the Gold Price to New Highs: An Analysis
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mighzalalarab · 2 years
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best24news · 2 years
Gold Price Today: दीव��ली पर्व पर Gold के दाम देख उड़े होश, जानिए लेटेस्ट रेट
Gold Price Today: दीवाली पर्व पर Gold के दाम देख उड़े होश, जानिए लेटेस्ट रेट
दिल्ली: दिपावली पर्व पर खरीददारी की जा रही है। दीपावली पर्व पर धनतेरस के लिए सोना खरीदना शुभ माना जाता है। लेकिन धनतेरस के दिन पर ही सोने की कीमतों ने जबर्दस्त तेजी दर्ज की गई। आज दिल्ली के बाजार में सोने के भाव 850 रुपये तक चढ़ गए। वहीं चांदी की कीमतों में प्रति किलो 1550 रुपये की तेजी दर्ज की गई है। दिपावली से पहले ही Delhi NCR की हवा’ हुई जहरीली’ , जानिए कब लगी थी आतिशबाजी पर रोक जानिए लेटेस्ट…
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dimity-lawn · 4 months
I went to an antique store today and, in addition to a book on medieval and renaissance miniatures and a simple and dainty but sturdy handkerchief, I got a couple of other neat finds.
One of these was a question mark stickpin! Long have I loved the late Victorian-Edwardian trend of question mark pins, and now I have one! Of course it’s not one of the super fancy gold and diamond ones, but it’s certainly enough for me, and I’ve never seen one for such a low price ($5).
The last thing I got is just *chef’s kiss*. It’s a tiny little silver* mesh coin purse to keep on a chatelaine. No, even smaller than that. No, even smaller. Smaller. Think ridiculously and amusingly wee. The purse itself is ever so slightly shorter than my index finger. The ring to connect it to the chatelaine is subtly decorated (I absolutely adore the subtle decorations on so many Victorian-1910s things, including glasses frames) on either side, the outer rim, and even the inner rim(!). At the center of the elongated hexagonal frame is a circular lid, approximately the size of a quarter, to open the purse. Upon opening it, you will see that the lid isn’t just a flat surface, but is one of those spring coin dispensers. This can hold about 3 coins, and can accommodate dimes, although they are a little tricky, as they are almost too small to fit, pennies, and nickles (which are on the large side). Quarters cannot fit into the dispenser, but can be held in the purse. I’m usually not personally one for tassels (at least on my own items), but I kinda like the chain tassle on this. Despite how it appears in the photo, the chains are not a tangled mess. The mesh is surprisingly heavy, but it’s super cool. The mesh moves with unexpected fluidity and drapes quite nicely. It sorely wants polishing, but that’s not that big of a deal. I can’t help thinking of dwarfish micromail from Discworld.**
*Well, presumably silver at the ring and at the frame. I’m not sure about the mesh. **Seriously, you hold this thing and suddenly you’re a fashionable dwarf lady. Didn’t you see Jools wearing a similar one in the latest issue of Bu-Bubble?
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karmavongrim · 8 months
Hero's Rise fanfic idea
Not much of an idea but an actual story about Danny's new life in the Pokémon world.
Chapter 1
All anybody needs is a second chance
Why is the world so unfair? It wasn’t fair! All it took was just one simple mistake. A mistake that any teenager could’ve made and yet when he does it, the entire world is put in peril. A mistake that his family had to pay the ultimate price for.
These are the thoughts of an injured teen kneeling in a crater of his latest fight with the most terrifying foe he has ever met. That day had started like any other, a teen worrying about an important exam that could effect his future. He’d thought of even just winging the whole test since he never got enough time to study thanks to his secret hero duties keeping him occupied even at nighttime, if not for the test answers he had picked up from the ground that was accidentally left behind by his English teacher. If only he would’ve known that his decision to cheat would cause for the literal apocalypse to happen then he would have never even considered doing such a thing.
No, that wasn’t true, he knew that this would be the outcome yet he still did it thanks to his stupid teen impulses. The master and lord of time himself had warned him personally of this but he still didn’t listen. And now he has nothing.
The scrawny fourteen year old stares blackly at the hellish inferno that had consumed all the ones he cared about along with a fast food restaurant they had been held captive in by his evil future self. His glazed eyes turn to a silver thermos that now housed said monster. He can’t bring himself to care that his baggy t-shirt and jeans are in shreds, and covered in blood and dirt. Nothing mattered to him anymore.
In a distance the blaring sound of multiple sirens can be heard even through the sound of roaring fire around him. So lost in thoughts he’s that he didn’t notice the world around him going deathly still and quit, nor the wisp of gold air escaping past his pale split lips. Not until a familiar, deep voice gently calls out to him.
Danny blinks for what feels like the first time in a good while as he’s trying to process what was said to him and by whom. He didn’t move from his spot on the ground when a blue-skinned ghost moves in front of him, his purple cloak flowing along. His form ever shifting between that of a child, an adult and an old man, never staying as one for long. Seeing the ghost he can’t stop tears from rolling down his face as he demands.
“Why didn’t you stop this Clockwork?”
When the ever age shifting ghost says nothing he becomes angry.
“You are the master of time aren’t you? Can’t you just turn back time and let me fix my mistake?”
Clockwork regards the distraught boy silently for a moment.
“I won’t nor can do that Daniel, for multitude of reasons. You also seem to have misunderstood some things regarding me. I do not rule over time, I manage it. My duty is to take care of it, not to bend it to my will and do whatever I please with it. If I were to meddle more than I already have the consequences could be catastrophic. This was the most optimal outcome.” He calmly explains. The ageless being truly wishes that it wouldn’t have come to this, but he had no other choice. He had his limits and rules in place for a reason. This of course doesn’t sit well with the boy.
“O-Optimal outcome? Optimal outcome!” He screams with his hoarse voice. Danny was absolutely livid hearing that. He lets go of the thermos shaped capture device and wobbly lifts himself up.
“You are saying all this like it’s nothing! Like we are nothing more then pieces on a game board that can be thrown away!” He screams more as he unsteadily lunges himself at the ancient ghost who does nothing to stop the weak assault.
“Why did they have to pay the price for my stupid decision? Just take me instead!” He begs but Clockwork’s unmoved, so Danny continues to throw punches, ignoring how heavy and in pain his arms feel.
“You are the master of time! Just turn back time and let me fix this!” He begs again and still only silence greets him, so he doesn’t stop.
“Please! If they are taken away from me I’ll have nothing left worth living for. If you can’t bring them back then take me as well!” Third time he begs and bargains, and again nothing.
Danny collapses on to the elder who wraps his gloved arms to keep him from falling while being careful with his clock staff. With no more rage, all that is left was absolute sorrow and misery belonging to an orphaned child.
“P-Please bring them back. Please. I-I beg you, I’ll do anything.” He tries to beg feebly one last time as he lifts his head to look into Clockwork’s solid red eyes.
“I’m sorry.” Was the resolute answer he gets that shattering any illusions of this all being just a messed up dream or a sick joke.
That’s it then, he’s lost everything and there’s nothing he can do about it. Maybe his parents were right about Danny Phantom being a monster, they weren’t that far from truth looking at the destruction that Dan had caused… It would be better for everybody if he were to just-
“Don’t.” Clockwork’s stern voice rouses him from his spiraling dark thoughts, who’s looking at him with equally stern gaze.
“Do not think that taking your own life would atone anything. You must keep on living Daniel, for your family’s sake at least if not yours. Stay alive so that their memories may live on as well with you. They would want that and you know this too deep inside.”
Even though his speech ends in softer note it still stings a lot. He’s the cause of all of this so it would be only fair that he pays the price as well. But there seemes to be no way fighting the powerful ghost of time on this, no matter how hard he tries. Danny slumps further into Clockwork’s firm embrace as if it would help him somehow to escape the cruel reality.
Clockwork would let the boy get his bearings but this isn’t the place nor time for it. He shifts his free hand to soothe the messy black mop of hair as he continues.
“Unfortunately I can’t let you stay here. The future only holds terrible things for all if you do.”
Danny squeezes his eyes shut as he grits his teeth; even if Clockwork didn’t say it outright he knows what he means. What is he suppose to do then? There’s no going back and fixing this, nor is he apparently allowed to end his own misery. The only thing he can think of is to ask the one who knows everything.
“…What should I do?”
Clockwork lifts his staff as he suggests.
“Come with me and you’ll find out.”
Danny doesn’t think too long since he has nothing else to do or place to go. If he stays then he would be just put in foster care or adoption since he’s still a minor, and would end up with Vlad one way or another. Once felt connection to this town seemed to have shatter into pieces when his loved ones perished. He has nothing left to keep him there, so at a complete loss he agrees.
“A-Alright.” He mutters and takes the offered hand.
At his consent they are both along with the thermos transported away with a single wave of a staff, never to been seen by that world ever again.
Danny only opens his eyes when the feeling of momentary weightlessness ceases and he’s gently pried off by the older ghost. He is led to a purple bed of what seem to be a guest room from lack of personal touches in it. Once he’s made comfortable Clockwork doesn’t waste time in explaining.
“Like I said before, you can’t stay here. But there’s another way. I happen to have acquaintances who would be willing to foster you, the only catch being that they live very far, far away.” Danny’s getting a sinking feeling about where this is going so he has to ask.
“How far exactly?”
Clockwork stops, seemingly to give the boy a second to prepare himself before answering.
“In another world, in another reality.” He tells him truthfully. This gets a reaction out of the teen.
“What! W-Why so far away? What about my-” He stops himself from finishing that sentence. Tears once again start to gather and fall with earnest. What about his family. They are gone for good and he wouldn’t be able to live in Amity Park without constantly being reminded of his failures. Clockwork places a firm hand on the skinny shoulder to draw his attention away from his spiraling thoughts again. He hates the soft look directed at him. He doesn’t deserve it.
“This is why you can’t stay and why I’m offering you this opportunity, to heal and give you a second change at life, to move on.”
Danny shook his head violently. No, he doesn’t deserve any of this.
“H-how can I just move on from this!? From them! There’s no way- It’s just not right!”
He doesn’t deserve help. He doesn’t want it! He can’t continue on with his life when the others lost theirs. It wasn’t right. It wasn’t fair.
“I didn’t say that you should forget about them, but to accept that this is the unfortunate reality. The pain never goes away, it merely becomes easier to deal with in due time if you let yourself heal by at least attempting to forgive yourself. What do you think your loved ones would say to you right now? Samantha, Tucker and Jasmine? Your parents? Would they want to see you in this state?”
Danny winces and glares hard at the elder. He has no business to use his family against him like that! But now that the idea’s been planted, he wasn’t able to think anything else. What would they say?
He can definitely see Jazz and Sam scolding him for being an idiot, for ever thinking that they’d blame him, that they knew what they were getting themselves into. Tucker would reassure him that he wouldn’t forget them even if he found a new meaning to his life. Hell, he would even offer some ridiculous ideas to try out in the new world, like pick up some alien girls. He liked to think that his parents would wish the best of luck and happiness, to show the world what Fentons are made of.
He let his tears fall freely. The last thing he wants to do was to dishonor the ones he loved the most. He won’t do it, he’ll make sure their memories would live on, brighter than ever. He doesn’t want to disappoint them no matter what, even if it still left a sour taste on his tongue. Was he really allowed to move on with out them?
Clockwork decides it would be a good time to leave the boy to mourn in peace, yet he can’t help but lament quietly as he floats out of the bedroom.
“Oh Daniel, you think that you still have to pay for what had happened. Those who have passed have no need for tears, you’ll only end up drowning yourself in them. I truly hope that this will help you find peace of mind someday.”
The Observants have always told him that he cares to much for the young halfa, and every time he denies them even though he knows that they are correct much to his dismay. He’s cared for the boy even before he was born. He can see all of time: past, present, and future. All of it’s endless twists and turns. And out of all of them he enjoyed Danny’s the most. The person who said that time doesn’t have favorites was a liar.
Clockwork glides through the finding halls and corridors of his clock tower till he arrives at his destination. His viewing room, filled with screens, mirrors and cogs that hold within images of old and new, as well as those yet to come to pass or never will. He moves deeper and deeper till he came to a simple silver mirror, so unassuming and hidden away from any unwanted eyes.
Lifting his staff he gently taps it’s surface. It ripples like a calm lake disturbed and white figure manifestes in it.
A white equine like creature accented with gold, radiated majesty and power. Emerald crusted ring of gold attached to its abdomen outshines any crown a king could wear. It’s red and green eyes seem to glow when it notices the time master who has contacted it. And with a mighty voice they spoke.
“Clockwork, it has been ages since we hast last spoken. How hast thou been, those Eyeballs still causing trouble for thee?”
Clockwork lets himself chuckle, trust his friend to take a stab at his ‘coworkers’ just to make him laugh. Not that he’s any better.
“Well met Arceus, my old friend. As nice as it would’ve been for me to have only called you for pleasantries, we’re here to discuss some business.”
He leans on his staff as his friend could only sigh.
“We had a feeling this was so. Thou rarely contact us for any reason other.” Arceus laments and bores a tired glare at the cloaked man who in turn shrugs rather unapologetically.
“What is’t, now that thou summon us?” He asks in almost bored tone.
“I’m calling for the old dept.”
Clockwork states simply. Or it would have sounded simple to anyone else, but Arceus stills as their eyes blow wide open before they narrow in suspicion.
“What hast thou gotten into for thou to arriveth and claim due.” They demand and watch when with a wave of a staff, a hand mirror appears on the other’s unoccupied hand. They lean in for a closer look as a visage of an adolescent boy with midnight black hair becomes visable. This was not what they had expected.
“We fail to understand what thou crave us to try, other than it most like hath to try with thy human child.” They inquire in hesitant interest. This was Clockwork they were dealing with and should never be underestimated.
“He’s a child who’s been dealt an unnecessarily cruel hand in both life and death. He just a moment ago witnessed the loss of his friend and loved ones in the hands of his ultimate enemy.” He tells this as he looks at the image.
“E’en if that is the case, why hie so far for this one single being? There are many others whom suffer the like fate as him, if not worse. Time favors none, doth it not?” Arceus keeps questioning. It doesn’t make sense since they’ve seen countless beings succumb to many fates both good, bad and horrid. What is so different about this one?
“This world holds nothing but sadness and pain for him. In another timeline things would have gone so much more differently and he would have had his happy ending, but this timeline is unfortunately not it. He will never truly recover if he stays here were everything reminds him of his ‘failure’; he’ll keep dwelling deeper in his misery till it drives him over the edge. A change of scenery is what he desperately needs, so I’m finally asking for the favor that you own me. My request is that you take this child and allow him to build a new life for himself in your world.”
They hear and see the clear care their old friend holds for the child but they needs to remind him of the weight of what he’s asking of them.
“This is no bawbling crave Clockwork.” They press.
Clockwork fiddles idle with the clock that is embedded on top of his trusty staff as he conversationally mentions.
“Just like it wasn’t a small act I committed back then for you.”
He lifts his red eyes back at them, challenging the other to try and back down. Arceus knows a losing battle when they see one, besides they do own him big time. There’s nothing else for him to do than continue onward in valiant defeat.
“What is the name of this child?” They ask as they turn back to look at their future charge. The victorious smugness emanating from the other side of the mirror nearly causes them to roll their eyes.
“His name is Daniel Fenton but goes by his moniker Danny or Phantom depending on his current form. A bright young lad when given the chance, even if his grades might have taken a plunge due to his hero work.” Clockwork informs them.
Arceus watches in keen interest as they’re shown many of the boy’s ventures through the small looking-glass. They can’t help but laugh when he realizes how Clockwork sounds like when he talks about the boy, causing said ghost to raise his brown at him.
“And hither we thought thee were suppose to be impartial to all’s… Regarding the favor, all preparations shall be done ‘i no time.” They both discreetly snorted at the pun.
“We are content to receive him whenever seen meetest.”
Clockwork’s shoulders slump ever so slightly as he gives a grateful smile, which quickly turns to his usual smirk.
“Excellent, I won’t be holding you any longer then. Besides I need to prepare young Daniel for his departure, as well as some ‘guests’ to entertain when they finally decide to arrive.” He purrs but before the call was ends Arceus gives a final warning to their old friend.
“We hope that this doth not end poorly. If it doth, thy shall bear the consequence.”
At this threat the ghost only laughs.
“No need for worry. Knowing my Daniel he will do more good then harm. But then again, I know everything.” And with that final farewell the mirror returns back to its unassuming state. Clockwork creates a duplicate of himself and sends him away while making his way back to Danny.
Arriving at the bedroom door he knocks out of courtesy on it before entering to see the poor boy lying face down on the bed. Softly floating to the bedside he tentatively begins to pet his grimy hair. Danny stirs slightly but made no move to get away or to stop the hand on his head. Instead he starts to hiccup and tries to smother his sobs on the duvet.
“I’ll never see them again.” He cries.
Clockwork continues his petting as he lets the boy release his emotions.
“They’re never coming back.” He cries more and all the elder can do at the moment was to offer comfort.
“I’m sorry.” He says as sincerely as he can. He would’ve felt regret over the whole situation if he didn’t know that this needed to happen. It still doesn’t stop his core from breaking a little when he hears him say in such a small voice.
“I don’t want to be alone.”
Lifting his hand from the dirty hair he moves to shift it away from the boy’s face to reveal pair of red puffy eyes looking at him in complete loss.
“You won’t be for long. Here, lets get you cleaned up a bit and you can go back to rest a little while longer.”
Not having energy to argue he’s helped up from the soft bed and into a Victorian style bathroom. Clockwork helps him all through out the whole process of undressing and bathing since Danny doesn’t want to do much of anything in his current state. Being gentle with all the injuries, he’s placed into a tub and washed till water comes out clean. Helping Danny up once again he ignores the grimy rags that were the boy’s old clothes laying on the floor as he moves them both back to the bedroom where a set of new identical looking garments rest on the bed along with a black and white duffel back with Phantom’s logo on it. Danny, who’s bundled up in light purple towel, shows only slight interest in the assorted items before going back to being docile dead weight. He doesn’t react much either to being once again manhandled and laid back down to rest on the soft mattress. His eyes already closing shut when he was being tucked in.
Clockwork takes a second to look at the now peaceful form slumbering away, he deems him well enough to be left alone for the time being. After shutting the lights and closing the bedroom door behind him, he leaves to continue his many tasks still left unfinished.
It takes a good while for Danny to wake up and when he does, he’s feeling completely sore and tired. He looks around to see the familiar room and tears began to fall again.
It wasn’t just a nightmare then. They were really gone forever now. His talk with Clockwork plays around in his head, about how he should keep on living. But he doesn’t think he deserves a new chance, not that he had been given any other choice. He was going to be dragged towards a “new life” kicking and screaming anyway so what’s the point in even trying to fight back. What was there to fight back for?
Rolling his head to its side he was faced with the duffel bag he vaguely remembers seeing before going to sleep. And since it has his logo on it he could only assume that it was meant for him. He rolls to his other side and tries to ignores it to best of his ability. Few moments pass as he tosses around in frustration before he lets his curiosity win.
“Whatever.” He sighs and moves to sit and drags the full bag in closer to him.
Hesitating for a second, he grips the pull tightly and opens it. He only sees a glimpse of what’s inside but it’s enough for his world to come to a complete stop again. His hands start to shake uncontrollably as he carefully, oh so carefully pushed the opening wider to see if his mind was playing tricks on him. Only when his trembling fingers caress the items revealed inside does he believe them to be real and there with him.
Inside are meticulously placed items belonging to all his lost loved ones. He reverently takes them all out and spreads them neatly in front of him.
His mom’s red goggles glisten along with his dad’s favorite fudge spoon which sit right next to a giant pair of black gloves also belonging to his dad. To the right is his sister’s well loved teddy bear nicknamed Bearbert Einstein, which thankfully hasn’t gained anymore tears. Even his little lab coat was still on. Next is Sam’s much sought-after combat boots she swore to wear when she’d grown enough to wear them properly and beside them are Tucker’s trusted PDA and signature red beret which he owned multiple of. There are even two of his own favorite items from his room; a red toy model rocket from his childhood and vintage collector’s poster of Apollo 13. All the other irrelevant items such as the Fenton thermos, wrist ray, Fenton phones, Boo-merang and Fenton rod, some extra clothes and a memory stick he left inside the bag.
He places both of his hands to his mouth as he tried fruitlessly stifle a sob. Clockwork must have gathered all of them for him, and he would be forever grateful for it.
He takes his dad’s oversized gloves and fastened them on his much smaller hands. Mom’s goggles now hanged around his neck as he situates Tucker’s beret backwards on his head, and after putting on Sam’s boots he gently lifts Mr. Bearbert to look into his one remaining little eye. Hugging the bear tightly, he curls into a ball and he manages to catch a whiff of a painfully familiar sweet scent. It still smells like Jazz’s cheap candy perfume. He no longer hold back on his cries as he’s surrounded by the only things he still has left of his shattered life.
He didn’t know how long he had cried before he felt a hand landing on his shoulder. He only looked up at the new arrival when then hand squeezed in lieu of trying to get his attention. It’s Clockwork who’s gazing down softly at him.
“I thought you might appreciate to have some mementos of them to take with you.” He explains. Danny can only nod in utmost thanks, not trusting his voice to work at the moment.
He can feel his eyes starting to moisten up again but no more tears are left for him to cry. The hand on his shoulder continues to sooth him as he gathers himself up to sit, still clutching on to his sister’s bear for support. He’s offered a napkin to dry of his now wet face.
“I suggest that you pack your bag back up; it is time to leave.” The ghost encourages him and moves to stand by the bed’s side.
“Already?” He asks and winces at how his voice comes out. Clockwork nods.
“Unfortunately. Now come, I’ll help you if you need me to.” He says and gestures at the bag. Danny didn’t want to put away the items just yet and seeing how he’s hesitating the ghost continues to reason.
“The road to you destination is a turbulent one, it will be much safer to put them away for the time being and you can always take them out afterwards.”
He thinks about it only a second before caving in; he doesn’t want to loose any more things dear to him just because of his stubbornness. Carefully, one by one he takes the precious items and puts them away to safety of his duffel before zipping it up. Clockwork opens the door and gestures for him to follow which he dutifully does along with his bag.
Their walk is silent for the most part, not that he minds too much, it leaves him time to look at all the cogs, clocks and other glowing green metallic structures that litter the place. Makes sense considering who the owner is.
It’s probably because of Clockworks own influence or because their destination was that close by that they arrived to their stop faster than he thought it would take, and to his surprise and dread the room they enter was the viewing room he and his friends had broken into. The guilt that immediately starts to twist his guts make him look down at the ground and keeping his eyes only on the end of his guider’s cloak. He’s so focused on not seeing anything on the screens and mirrors that he pumps into Clockwork when he stops them at the very end of the cluttered room. Finally daring to look up he sees in front of them on it’s lonesome, is a person sized clouded mirror with ornate frame hanging on the wall, with stone steps leading up to it.
Clockwork turns to him and speaks as he gestures it.
“This gateway will take you to your the new world which hopefully you’ll learn to love and call home one day. There are things in that world that are similar to ours, but also things that you’ve never even imagined. Don’t worry, your new caretakers will share more information with you once there.”
He places his hand on his back and guides the hesitant teen up the stairs to his uncertain future. He pauses in front of the mirror and now that he stands so close to it, he can see that the glass isn’t exactly clouded but seems to have actual moving clouds trapped on the other side of it. He thoughtfully looks at it then at Clockwork.
“Will I ever see you again?” He asks after a moment of hesitation. The elder tilts his head to the side as if thinking before smiling enigmatically.
“Only time will tell young Daniel.” He simply states which almost makes Danny snort, but his slightly better mood is snuffed out when a promising grin takes over his aging face.
“Good luck.”
With this he pushes the fumbling teen into the mirror who embraces for collision but is shocked when he passes through the glass and keeps on falling. He screams.
Clockwork watches impassively as his short time charge leaves this world and into a new one. He glances at nearby mirror to see Fenton Works blow up to smithereens, leaving nothing to the unscrupulous vultures that would have used this tragedy to their advantage. Someone must’ve forgotten to change the Ecto-Filtrator, how unfortunate.
He silently counts down till the door to his work room slams open and three very loud creatures whom have once again barged into his domain uninvited, decide to make tier unhappiness known.
“You must have thought it really funny to leave us in a time loop at your front door!”
His lips twitch minutely as he regards them dully.
“Who knows, and did you really need to take out your frustration on my poor door.”
The trio float closer, all of them wearing identical white robes and black collard cloaks decorated with gold. Their heads were nothing more then a giant eyeball with no necks. Middle one closes in and points its sharp-nailed finger at him as it narrows its one eye.
“Were not here to play games, Time Keeper. Were here because of that hybrid you seem to favor.”
He raises an eyebrow and tightens his hold on the staff. The being notices this and wisely moves back to stand with his peers. Satisfied he turnes to look back at the many screens that kept switching from view to view.
“You won’t have to worry about him. He’s long gone.” He provides, which certainly caught their interest.
“He is? For good?” Third one askes, sounding a bit too exited.
“And he won’t be a problem in the future?” Second one askes more apprehensively.
“Yes. I trust you are satisfied now.” He near spits at the unwanted company standing behind him. Dressed in fine robes they look more like noblemen than officials, which irks Clockwork to no end. So high and mighty, it made him want to defenestrate a good few of them if it weren’t for the fact that they were needed in this anarchist paradise of a dimention.
“Where did you send him anyway Clockwork?” Pries one of them. He merely shrugs in response.
“That is none of your concern since he won’t be coming back. Now, care to observe the door. And don’t let it hit you on your way out.” He motions carelessly behind him at the exit.
As they turn to leave with indignant huffs, they do not notice the mysterious smile stretching on the time ghost’s face.
31 notes · View notes
lamaisongaga · 7 months
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Lady Gaga turned heads at Maxfield in Malibu with a fierce black biker-inspired ensemble. From leather jacket to statement accessories, her shopping trip was a masterclass in edgy sophistication.
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Lady Gaga's latest fashion indulgence has tongues wagging—she's been spotted rocking the Linor biker jacket from the Acne Studios Fall/Winter 2023 collection.
Crafted from crinkled black leather and boasting distressed silver-tone hardware, this oversized statement piece is comes at a price, a hefty $2,150 price tag.
Gaga proves that when it comes to style, she's always willing to make a bold statement, no matter the cost.
Acne Studios "Linor" Jacket ($2,150.00)
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Gaga elevated her look with a pair of Alexander McQueen's Floating Skull oversized mask sunglasses ($580). True to their name, these sunglasses boast a unique design feature—a floating skull set embedded on the arms of the frame.
Alexander McQueen "Floating Skull" Sunglasses ($580.00)
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She also carried her signature Hermés Kelly black calf leatherpurse featuring gold-tone hardware and a top handle (she got it at Resurrection Vintage).
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But the pièce de résistance were her Eytys Spring/Summer 2023 Vertigo black paneled patent leather platform booties with diagonally-placed rubberized logo zipper ($431).
Eytys “Vertigo” Boots ($431.00)
8 notes · View notes
thats-how-i-role · 10 months
Secrets And Spies (1)
A/N: Okay so first, I am cheating. This isn't all of it but I still have like 2000 words to go and not a lot of time to do it. Second, this is a combined day for Tuesday and Wednesday so it features a lot of Jem, and a lot of Faye, and of course a lot of side characters
P.S. If you want to be added to the document lmk but I promise I will post the rest of the story before New Year's I'm just running out of time this week.
Word Count: 7,116
Friday September 14th, 20:34
The hunt. For many it’s about a calm before the storm, or the spike in adrenaline when you’re closing in on the prey. But tonight, their focus is on the subtleties of conversation. Finding the best opportunity when to strike without blowing their cover. If they falter the slightest, then law and order will never prevail. 
Faint classical music echoes throughout the dining hall of highclass gentlemen. Conversations were being shared over the round tables, with red, floor length tablecloths. The room was bright from the high-priced chandeliers hanging from the ceilings, and the sconces scattered equidistantly across the walls. Many of the words exchanged are similar to the next. Either business arrangements or the latest gossip within their social circles, often interjected by the sound of glasses clinking together. 
On the far right side of the room was the bar that stretched across most of the wall. Glasses and pricey alcohol bottles were hung on the wall behind the counter. The bartenders all shared the same black and white vest suit, and bow tie combinations. They talked up their clients as much as possible, praying the idle chit chat could get them a tip. 
But there was one person that no one seemed to be able to break for more than a few words. A tall, lean person with a neatly styled, black undercut and fair skin. Underneath the carefully placed makeup were deep scars from the years they have spent in the agency. They dressed in a tailored, three piece suit with a silver tie, and nursed a glass of red wine. 
The calmness and grace across their features contrasted to their racing heartbeat. The only reason they haven’t spoken much is because they feared their voice would waver before the mission even started. Every little thing had them on edge. 
Maybe I should mingle? 
If I leave the bar I may miss the target coming in. 
What if I’ve already been made? 
A voice coming in through their earpiece startled them out of their thoughts. “Jesus Christ J, you’ve somehow managed to look constipated and like you’ve shit yourself all at once.” Amalthea, the sometimes crass, always blunt, redhead heckled.
Jem took their glass and hovered it in front of their mouth, to block any onlookers from seeing them talk to themselves. “I cannot stress how much I didn’t want to be here. And believe it or not the comms aren’t meant for your cheeky commentary.”
“You love my cheeky commentary.” She giggled, and Jem could almost picture the mischief in her brown eyes. Her tone switched instantly from humorous to supportive, “Stick to the plan. She knows you as Caspian Vanderbelt, you run a successful stock trading company and have been known to dabble in insider trading from time to time.”
“Jem Morale?” The mere mention of their real name sent ice through their veins. Jem’s face remained neutral, but every muscle in their being stilled. 
Amalthea took a pause before rushing out, “Don’t respond,” unfortunately she didn’t manage to speak before Jem turned around to find the source of the voice, “Don’t even turn around. Completely igno- me. Ignore me apparently.” 
Standing not even three feet away from them was Jem’s mark. Clad in a bright red cocktail dress that hugged her curves and stayed up via two thin straps was Sol. Also known as the Co-Captain of The Crimson Talons. Her long, white hair was done up in a braided bun, a few loose hairs hung stratgeticaly to frame her face. Her neck and fingers were adorned with sparkling, gold jewellery embedded with rubies. And everything was tied together with a striking red lip. 
Jem’s first thought at the sight of her, I should’ve never been here. 
Thursday September 13th, 16:22
The dings of the bakery’s front door had been chiming continuously throughout the day. Jem, wearing their favourite apron over a blue flannel, the sleeves rolled up. Lillian had been chosen to help Jem in the kitchen that day, preparing for the morning breakfast rush, and the slower yet always interesting four o’clock coffee rush. Elgar manned the front counter, being the friendliest and most patient of the agency. 
The kitchen was spacious, all of the appliances and surfaces made of kitchen-safe stainless steel. Four ovens were stacked in the corner, each set to certain temps for certain baked goods. There’s a warmer pressed up right next to them, keeping the products as fresh as possible. The three part sink was across the room, a table for all the dirty dishes that were cleaned and reused throughout the day just to the left of it. Two tables laid in the center of the room making enough space for multiple people in the mornings to roll dough, line trays, etc. And many of the utensils and pans layed on the shelf beneath the tables for easy access. 
As Jem had prepared to serve up another apple pie for the front counter, Thorne entered from the laundry room in the basement of the building. He stood well over six feet tall, his shaggy caramel brown hair was just long enough to hang over his crystal blue eyes. His face and arms covered in scars ranging from light to the most severe laying hidden beneath his black t-shirt. He had the strongest muscular build of the agency, tending towards working out instead of socializing more often than not. 
He took the nearest apron off the hook, wrapping it around his waist, “Morale, I’ll take over here. You need to head to the library.” 
“Last time I checked, I don’t take orders from you.” Despite Jem’s words, their tone was playful as they handed the pie over. 
As Thorne took the pie over an oven mitt, he used his other hand to grip Jem’s shoulder firmly. They looked up and saw the serious look on Thorne’s face, sympathy just barely registering over his eyes, “Jem, Alveyn’s gone.” 
The feeling that washed over them could only be described as sickening shock. It shook them to the very core and their vision blurred. For a second they thought they were about to collapse if Thorne’s grip didn’t help ground them to reality. They weren't sure how much time passed until they took their next breath, but even the exhale felt like acid seeping through their airways. 
They nodded, grabbing Thorne’s hand and squeezing it for some light emotional support before leaving. They didn’t even remove their apron, and despite the normal fifteen minute walk between agencies, Jem hardly registered the fact they had reached the library until the polite, blonde receptionist, Ophelia interrupted their trance.
“Hello there, is there any way I can assist you today?” Her lilted tone, typically so sweet to anyone who could hear it, was grating to Jem. 
She sat still behind her desk, her eyes lighting up towards them, and waited patiently for a response. Jem knew she was waiting for the code to let them into The Remnants. But the shock let the phrase escape them. Jem could only blink, dropping eye contact as they tried to fight the haze of their mind to find the code. But the only thing that appeared in their mind’s eye was flashes of the last time Alveyn and them spoke. 
“Jem.” A monotone, yet familiar voice interrupted their panic. Mercy, who had been tucked behind Ophelia’s desk with her, rose to her feet. She came around, and put her tanned arm around their shoulders. Her blue-black hair had been finely french braided down, courtesy of her girlfriend. 
“I’m here.” Jem replied with a half-hearted smile, their voice a little shaky. 
Mercy nodded, leading them back behind the counter. “I’ll be back in a second.” 
As soon as the door to the back room closed Jem asked, “What happened to Alveyn?”
She was slightly taken aback by the harshness of their tone, and Jem wanted to kick themselves for being rude to someone who was genuinely trying to help. They took a deep breath, closing their eyes on the inhale. “I mean, how did it happen?” 
“That’s what we wanted to know from you.” Mercy replied, pressing the wall to release a hidden compartment from within. She pressed her ring into the curved indent as one of the bookshelves unlatched itself from the wall. Revealing a hidden staircase leading to a second floor hidden from the masses. 
Jem’s eyebrows furrowed, “I wasn’t there. If I was, Alveyn wouldn’t be the one lying on a slab in some morgue.” 
Mercy turned on her heel, halfway up the stairs. “Jem, Alveyn’s not dead. He left the agency in the middle of the night.”
That significantly lifted the concrete weight from their shoulders, but the haze in their mind was replaced by confusion and barely contained anger. They slipped past Mercy into The Remnants agency, where Romy, Lewellyn, and Quinn stood around a circular table. 
The common room was quite devoid of decorations that weren’t useful in one way or another. Hanging above were long rows of fluorescent lights to illuminate the whole room. The room with bare, charcoal grey walls was no bigger than Jem’s kitchen at the bakery. It had a few round tables spread across the room, which fit considering The Remnants had the largest crew in all the agencies. Nearby each table were whiteboards and cork-boards with information and evidence from the latest case. Each board is accompanied with strings connecting certain theories and timelines. 
Lewellyn was the first one to look up from the table, her deep blue eyes widened in surprise at Jem’s rushed pace. Although being only a supervising agent, Lewellyn was Romy’s (the captain of the agency) right hand man. She rose to her feet, grabbing Romy’s arm to get his attention towards the situation. 
“Alveyn wouldn’t just leave, there has to be something wrong.” Jem exclaimed, reaching the table and leaning forward with their hands splayed on the flat surface. 
Romy’s face tried to remain firm, as he put his hands up in surrender, “Which is why we called you first. To see if he had left you any sign or note of his motives.” 
“No, nothing.” Jem shot back, with very little thought. “How do you know he left? What if he’s been taken?” 
Romy rose to his full height, around six feet. If he wasn’t so lean in stature he might be seen as more intimidating to others. But from what Jem has seen, it wouldn’t be too smart to underestimate him. “He put both his badge and ring in my mailbox last night. No note, nothing to indicate if he was being forced to do this, or if it was of his own free will. Please, think carefully, has he ever said anything about leaving.” 
They let out a frustrated sigh, dropping themselves into the nearest seat. Jem dug the palms of their hands into their eyes before sincerely answering, “Yeah, but he was never serious. Him and I joked about it all the time. How we’d run away, change our names to something ridiculous like Augustus or Benedict and live out our lives in the mountains.” The longer Jem went on, the more their voice relaxed, reaching an almost dreamy state. 
They were able to snap out of it before they went on for too long, “But most of those were when we were drunk, and joking around. Even if Alveyn was serious for a second, he would’ve asked me to come with. Those fantasies always involved the two of us, together. But they were just fantasies.” 
Lewellyn had been listening intently the entire time, chewing on her inner cheek whenever she wanted to interject but thought better of it, “When did you see him last?” 
Leaning back in their seat, Jem’s gaze remained pinned on the table in front of them, “Two nights ago, he invited me out for a drink. And naturally a drink turned into three, and then we lost count.” 
“And he didn’t tell you goodbye, not once throughout the night?” Lewellyn questioned again. 
Digging through the foggy memories of that night, Jem did in fact recall some words that were out of the ordinary for the two. That night, Alveyn didn’t have as much to drink as Jem did. Therefore he had to drag Jem back home, and pass them over to Amalthea to be taken care of. But as Alveyn laid them across the couch, he spoke under his breath. 
“Even though we often drink to forget Bandit, these are the nights I pray I remember the fondest.” 
That was the last thing Jem remembered from that night. And anyone who heard it would say it was part of a goodbye, perhaps the whole night out was. But Jem refused to believe this was still of Alveyn’s own accord. If he was tired of this life everyone chose for themselves then they believe he would’ve said something. Alveyn didn’t, not once. 
So Jem, taking the moment to truly ponder their own selfish motives, they answered, “No, he didn’t. I promise, there’s something wrong here.” 
Both Romy and Lewellyn shared a look, seemingly satisfied with their answer. The captain nodded before he spoke, “Then we will search for him. We’ll spread word throughout our partners and see if anything pops up. Thank you for your help.” 
“Do you think it was the Talons?” Lewellyn asked with frustration bleeding through her tone and actions as she began taking down pins from the cork board behind her. 
“The Crimson Talons?” Jem questioned, slightly taken aback by the mention of one of deadliest agencies in the state. 
Romy gave Lewellyn a sharp look which went unnoticed by her as he came up with a soft spoken answer, “Yes, we’ve been setting up a mission over the past few weeks to try and shed some light on them. Alveyn was supposed to be our way in, but now that’s scratched.” He turned his attention towards Lewellyn’s question as he continued, “We haven’t made enough progress on the mission to tip them off yet. There wouldn’t be any reason for them to target Jones.” 
“They could’ve tracked the emails exchanged, it's just suspicious is all.” She deadpanned, dropping the documents of evidence on the table, and resting her hands on her hips. “The date was set for tomorrow night, and now Alveyn’s gone.” 
Quinn, the tall, tan woman with long brown hair had been sitting the entire exchange, boring into Jem with her eyes. Her head tilted ever so slightly in intrigue, and it had gone unnoticed by Jem until now since they had calmed down. They stared right back at her, confusion slowly forming across their features. 
As Lewellyn went to take down what looked like a timeline of events, Quinn grabbed her wrist and stopped her. “I never noticed until now, but Jem and Alveyn have similar eyes. Don’t you think so?”
Lewellyn stared back at Jem, shrugging it off, “Kind of?”
“And black hair.” Quinn added, rising from the table to stand behind Jem. They went to stand up, kind of uncomfortable with the sudden attention on their looks. That was until Quinn ran her hands through their hair. “Think about it, with just trimming the sides a bit and style down their curls, they could almost be like brothers.” 
Jem slipped out of her grasp, escaping via sliding under the table and away from her touch. They rolled outwards and rose to their feet, “Wh-what’re you doing?” 
“Are you any good at espionage, Jem?” Quinn responded, eyeing them up. 
“That’s not an answer.” They awkwardly chuckled as panic began to show behind their eyes. 
Lewellyn turned on her heel towards Quinn, “Seriously, what are you doing?” 
She only sighed in response, “Listen, we’ve spent five weeks worth of resources and time to take down the Talons. I’m sorry but I don’t want to let that go without a fight.” She explained, her face softening before speaking towards Jem. “If the Talons did manage to get their hands on Alveyn, then if we continue down this path with Jem instead then we may be able to find him faster.” 
Lewellyn shook her head in defiance, “If the Talons do have Alveyn, then there’s no way they’ll come to the meet up tomorrow. There’d be no point.” 
Quinn nodded, as if they were on the same page, “Exactly. If they don’t show up, we know exactly who has Alveyn. If they do, then we haven’t been made and we can continue with the plan anyways. It’s a win - win scenario.” 
“Except,” Jem interjected, sounding exasperated but a part of their mind was beginning to agree with her, “I don’t do undercover. The Last Stand specializes in operating within the shadows. We deal with break ins, hacking, and other back door tactics to close cases. This is new.” 
“We’ll be there every step of the way,” Quinn offered, “and if it helps you relax, we can bring our teams together on this. So you have your people on your back.” 
“Quinn, pause. You aren’t a high enough rank to make that call.” Romy finally spoke up, raising a patient hand. The room fell silent as Romy’s eyes flitted back and forth in thought. He eventually rounded on Jem with the gentle facade he typically puts up when he’s extending an olive branch. “Though she does make a very good point. If you’re comfortable with it, it’ll not only help us but it inevitably helps Jones to come home.” 
Jem shook their head, anger boiling under their skin but they remained calm. “Stop using Alveyn as some sort of bargaining chip. He deserves more than that.” Despite their own protests, they had to admit it was working quite well. With one last breath of defiance, Jem ran their fingers through their locks, “Do I have to get a haircut?” 
Lewellyn gave them a stiff pat on the back, “It’ll help sell the ruse.” 
“Cool, cool.” They quipped, approaching the board with the case details pinned to it. They helped Lewellyn and Romy set up the evidence once again, noticing a photo with a large red circle around it. It was a woman, fair skin and white haired, walking down the street. 
They nodded towards it, “Who’s that?” 
Lewellyn unpinned the photo and handed it over to Jem. “Our target, that’s Sol. Her brother, Umbra, isn’t pictured anywhere as far as we could tell. That’s who the real goal is. If we put Sol behind bars, then that’ll bring Umbra out of the woodwork. He’ll get sloppy, make mistakes.” 
“Isn’t that dangerous?” Jem replied. “Umbra’s the lead assassin, it sounds like we’re counting on collateral damage.” 
Romy snatched the photo from Jem, putting it back where it belonged with oddly steeled nerves. His face was not giving any emotion one way or another. Which matched his next, bleak words, “What you call damage is a means to an end.” 
Friday September 14th, 20:36
The spy and assassin stared at each other, blinking for a moment. The woman known as Sol had her mouth agape as she held her phone to her ear. She seemed to be mid-conversation as she looked equally surprised at their appearance. 
Trying desperately to recover, Jem finally spoke up, “I’m so sorry, do I know you?” 
“One second,” Sol put up her finger before speaking into the phone, “I’m gonna have to let you go. I’m at the restaurant.” She nodded before hanging up. 
With a regretful expression she turned her attention solely on Jem. “I’m so sorry for the intrusion, I just recognized you from the shop on main street. You own ‘That’s How I Roll’, right? Your photo hangs in the restaurant.” 
Over the comms Lewellyn, who was partnered in the van with Amalthea, spoke up with agitation in her words, “Your photo is hanging in the bakery?” 
Amalthea replied with an equal amount of fire, “You’ve never been to our bakery?”
Jem tried their best to think past the panic and the voices in their ear. “I do, I just didn’t know anybody paid that much attention.” 
“Well not to freak you out or anything, but I go there every morning.” Sol replied, her tone growing softer in the middle of the statement. “Your croissants are the fluffiest I’ve ever had. Paired with your lattes, I couldn’t imagine going anywhere else.” 
Jem tried to hide their smile behind their hand, whether it was from pride in their work or the humour of this entire situation they weren’t sure of. “Well thank you. We don’t get too many in person reviews, so this means a lot.” 
Sol tilted her head sideways with a joking aura behind it, “Does it mean enough to you for me to get a coupon?” The two shared a laugh, while Jem tried to hide the genuine blush appearing on their cheeks. After the moment passed Sol peered around the room saying, “Am I keeping you? Are you waiting for someone?” 
Jem shook their head, “No, I just finished having a couple drinks with some advertisers. Trying to get the word out so people will shop local. You?” 
 She peered around the room, “I am looking for someone. Doesn’t look like they’ve shown up yet.” Her eyelashes fluttered back towards them. “I could keep you company for a little bit, if you’d like.” 
They contemplated it for a second. As far as they could tell she was genuine, and hadn’t clued in to who they were. And as long as she believed their intentions were true, then Jem would be able to continue with this ruse. Which is the same identity they wear every single day. 
Jem nodded to the seat next to them, leaning against the bar countertop as they did. “As long as it doesn’t hold you up.” 
Sol climbed onto the tall bar stool, placing her bag on the floor next to her feet. “I’m Faye, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” 
“Jem- you knew that, sorry.” They chuckled, taking a drink from their wine glass. Faye - or Sol - giggled as well, her softened eyes focussing on them. After letting out a relaxed sigh Jem asked, “What’re you drinking tonight?” 
 She gestured her head to the wine glass in their hand, “Whatever you’re having.” Jem ordered her a glass of red (specifically a higher priced merlot than what Jem got for themselves) and slid it towards her with a sharp sound against the countertop. Thanking them first, Faye continued, “I have a question for you that’s been bugging me for the longest time.” 
Jem put their finger up in contest, “Afraid not, darlin’. You know way too much about me already. It’s your turn. What do you do for a living?” 
This was the first time she paused, tucking her bottom lip into her teeth before answering. Jem wasn’t sure if it was out of habit or to draw their gaze to her mouth. If it was the latter, she would’ve noticed how their gaze lingered. 
Her eyes dropped to the rings on her finger as she toyed with them before finally speaking, “This is a test. If you’re a dick this will help me figure it out.” Jem didn’t waver, trying to catch her eyes with theirs again. When she peered upwards from beneath her lashes, she visibly relaxed at their curiosity about her life. “I own a club on the west side of the city. I don’t know if you’ve heard of it but the lower level is a nightclub called, ‘Ruin.’ My brother runs that solo, while I run the upper level called, ‘Eurydice.’” 
Jem’s eyes did glow in recognition, but they didn’t lose face. Mostly because the Remnants could fact check it, and maybe their agencies would be able to figure out if this was their front. “You run the strip club?” 
“You’ve been?” She shot back, a mischevious grin spreading across her face. 
Jem shook their head, “My roommate keeps asking me to go with him. I keep finding excuses not to go.” 
“Why’s that?” Her tone shifted, slightly accusatory. 
Jem could tell she took pride in her work. Whether or not it was a front, it seemingly made no difference to her. And honestly Jem knew the feeling, as her earlier compliments about their passion for their bakery did warm their heart. 
Jem did think about their words carefully, speaking slowly so as to not let it come across the wrong way, “intimacy is different for me than it is for a lot of people. The feeling of comfort and trust I need is not something that can be bought.” A slight flush appeared across her cheeks before they continued, “So since I’ve heard of your club, you must be doing incredibly well for yourself. Do you perform as well or just run the place?” 
Her shoulders straightened out, her smile growing twice as wide, “I dance sometimes, but only for select clientele. Typically only those who sweet-talk me in a lovely accent.” Faye’s right hand fell from the table and was subtly placed on Jem’s knee, her fingers gently caressing against their skin.
Jem had to suppress the shiver down their spine, their eyes falling to their glass which they decided to quickly finish off to remove some of their nerves. They made eye contact with the bartender and waved her over. When she arrived Jem simply asked, “Can I get a whiskey? Make it a double, please and thank you.” 
The bartender nodded, looking over to Faye if she needed anything as well. Her eyes stayed fixed on Jem’s face as she agreed, “Whiskey, make it a double.” Jem finally turned back to her with surprise written across their faces. She only shrugged, completely carefree, “I did say, whatever you’re having. Right?” 
The night continued like that. Hours of ordering the same drinks and chit chat among the two. Jem made sure to slow down, careful to not get messy because this was a mission. But they did forget about the two women over the wire a number of times. Somewhere between them explaining that the name of their bakery isn’t that bad when you compare it to Thorne’s suggestion of “Command-dough”, and her detailing her encounter of how she got the necklace she was wearing. Although ambiguous, she seems to have a lot of things in her possession she obtained in less than legal ways. 
The little inbetween conversations were what made Jem forget they were having drinks with a murderer. Someone whose name Jem might not even know for sure; and if she knew who they really were Jem doubts she would even flinch before slicing a blade across their throat. She’s a criminal. A mastermind. 
Their empathy was their downfall, even when it came to their marks. Which is why Jem chooses to operate from a distance. Personalizing themselves with a target never benefits their line of work. It actually makes it harder to look at themselves in the mirror. 
The only thing convincing Jem that building a case against her is the right thing is Jem doubts this is really her. These aren’t her stories, or her personality. It’s all a facade that she set up for Alveyn prior to tonight. And yet the way her red eyes lit up at every joke and interest made Jem second guess anything they knew.
Eventually, the bartender let the two know it was their last call. Jem paid their building tab with the agency’s card and walked Faye out with her on their arm. The wind stirred in the late night, rushing between the fine strands of Faye’s hair as the two approached the sidewalk of the steadily trafficked street. 
 “Thank you for tonight, I’m sorry your friend didn’t make it.” Jem lied, but from the way their grin stretched from ear to ear, Faye thought they lied for a different reason. 
Faye shrugged, turning towards them and pulling Jem closer by the lapel of their coat. Hey eyes bored into theirs, her smile matching, “Can’t say I share the sentiment.” Leaning forward on her toes, her scarlet lips relaxing as she closed the distance between them. 
Jem tried their best to remain calm as the pair kissed under the glowing street light. Their hands slid up her sides and stilled against the backside of her ribs. They pulled her closer, focussing on the subtle movements of their lips and nearly got lost in the softness of her skin. 
Faye was the one to pull away, placing a gentle kiss on their cheek and beneath their ear before whispering, “You seem tense, Jem. Wanna come back to my place to relax a little? A hot tub, another glass of wine, whatever you like.” 
The tension in their shoulders screamed at them to agree, and the haze from the alcohol and the smell of her perfume convinced them even more. Yet they still managed to mutter out “I’m- I’m sorry. I can’t.” Pulling back just enough to get back some control over themselves, Jem continued, “I got to be up early for work, and I think you being next to me will be the best kind of wrench in my plans.” 
Faye stepped back, but didn’t drop her hands from their suit. She took a minute to think as Jem waved down a cab for her. With their head turned, Faye grabbed a pen from the chest pocket of their coat and began writing on the exposed flesh of their neck. 
Jem flinched, but her grip on them was surprisingly strong. “Hold still, nerd.” 
“It’s ticklish,” Jem breathed out a laugh, but let her finish in spite of it. She pressed the pen into their hand as they quipped, “Done marking me up, darlin’?” 
“It’s my number.” She stepped forward once more, not to make a move yet it still made Jem’s breath hitch. “Call me so we can set up a night where you don’t work the next morning, yeah?” 
Jem’s eyes widened, a dopey smile growing on their face. They opened the cab door for her and replied when she tucked herself into her seat. “I’ll reach out when I can. Have a great night, Faye.” 
She closed the door, blowing them a tantalizing kiss as the cab took off. Jem watched the car until it turned out of sight. Maybe they lingered under the night’s sky for a bit longer, still kind of amazed all of that happened. Until reality set in, and the transparency of the moment fell onto their shoulders. 
Faye was a killer. And they were going to arrest her, come hell or high water. 
That was the mantra they said to themselves as they walked a block down to a shadowed parking lot. A couple stray cars remained in the dead of night. The black van with two side windows was what Jem had been looking for. They knocked on the back door in a practiced code. A moment afterwards, the door swung open with a very unamused Lewellyn on the other side. 
Inside the back of the van was a small three screen computer set up on a wall shelf with two chairs pulled up to it. Acting as a sort of desk, that would be inconspicuous enough in the city. Amalthea was sitting right up next to it, a lined paper notebook in her lap. In contrast to Lewellyn, she was having trouble hiding her smug grin. 
And Amalthea inevitably failed as she asked, “How was your date?” 
Jem shook their head in aggravation, “It wasn’t a date.” 
“Well that didn’t seem like a mission either.” Lewellyn commented, falling back into her chair. Taking a deep breath she reasoned, “If you offered to take her back to your place, then we could’ve taken her in.” 
“And leave you guys here? Or were you guys planning on tailing us in the shadiest vehicle of the century?” Jem countered, leaning both of their arms against the entrance to the van. “We can set up another meeting, I got her number.” 
“Which wasn’t even your idea. You almost walked away empty handed.” She flipped through the notebook on her lap, chewing her lip. “Okay, not completely. We ran a quick background check on the clubs she mentioned. They are run by a Faye and Malakai Perish. It appears to be the Crimson Talons front. Which means we can put some agents out there to find any other agents connected to Talons. We could get names for everyone involved, and take them all down at once.” For the first time she made eye contact with them, giving Jem a half-hearted smile, “Good job.” 
She turned to Amalthea, “What notes do you have?” 
Amalthea shrugged, “Only one.” Flipping the notebook around, in big bold letters was a message, Welcome back, slut. 
Jem caught their laugh with their hand as Lewellyn tore the notebook from Amalthea and smacked her arms with them playfully. The excuses Amalthea attempted to make were muffled as Jem shut the door and went around to climb into the passenger seat of the van. 
Thorne sat in the driver’s seat, his eyes lifting from his copy of, “The Song Of Achilles.” He placed it down gently, using a receipt as a bookmark and started up the engine. He was seemingly uninterested in how the night went down until he pulled out of the parking lot, speaking into the silence, “So, how was your date?”
This exact conversation was brought up continuously through the rest of the night.
Saturday September 15th, 00:14
Faye waited until the taxi had turned out of sight before pulling out her phone. Her shoulders finally relaxed and she slumped into her seat as the dial tone echoed in her ear. It only took one ring for her brother to pick up on the other end, “Faye?” His tone was panicked, anger resonating behind his words. She only rolled her eyes in response.
Malakai had always been protective of her since they realized just how broken of a home they were raised in. Working as assassins had only made his shroud more difficult to shake. Mal was always looking out for the enemies that lie in wait for them to make a simple mistake, and rip out everything the twins built from underneath them. 
But Faye wasn’t stupid, nor was she reckless when it came to her work. She hoped he would’ve learned that by now, and yet she was still questioned everytime she walked out the door. 
“The one and only.” Was her response as she examined her nails. 
“What happened? You ran into Morale?” He asked as he shuffled around some papers on the other side of the line. 
They knew very little about Jem in comparison to the real target tonight. The twins discovered that Jem was close with Alveyn Jones, current Remnants member and former agent for The Hangmen. His old gang had been named in connection to the youngest Perish sibling’s disappearance. So the twins needed to get Alveyn tonight, if only for more information. 
And yet Jones never showed. 
Instead, his best friend and closest confidant stood in his place. Which shocked Faye to the core at the sight of them. But she had to keep up the facade. Nothing had gone to plan which ended with Faye revealing too much about herself during her ruse. But Jem didn’t seem to mind, it actually seemed to draw them in to her more. 
Like Icarus to the sun. 
“It’s fine, they didn’t notice any red flags. Jones never showed, though.” She explained. “I think maybe they were looking for him too, or possibly were covering for him.” 
Mal was silent for a moment in thought. “Are they with you now?” 
Faye shook her head despite Malakai not being able to see her, “I tried to bring Jem home so we could discuss some things,” Faye chose her words very carefully so as to not alarm the taxi driver, “but they refused. I did give them my number though so we could try again another day.” 
“You think something happened to Jones?” He continued to question her, trying to get the full picture before she arrived so they could focus on planning when she got there in person. 
“I’m not sure, I think the best we can do for now is wait for Jem’s call. They have to know more than they’re saying.” As Faye noticed the clubs’ lights coming into view, she reached into her bag and counted out the change needed for her fare. She was incredibly careful not to tip over ten percent. 
“What angle are you playing?” 
Faye bit her smile, “Charming city girl, who saw a handsome person at a bar and just had to approach them. I wore a pretty dress and ordered pricey drinks. What I really learned about them tonight is that they’re not against an expensive date.” 
“Something that’s clearly going to be relevant, I’m sure.” He quipped. 
She handed the money to the driver, climbed out of the car, and closed the door gently. The line of people was half a block long, waiting to descend into Ruin. As some people were arguing with the bouncer to be let in, the tall muscular man stepped aside for Faye without a word. 
Her heels clicked against the stairs leading into the dimly lit club. The music bounced off the walls, overbearing to the point where you couldn’t hear the person next to you no matter how hard you tried. Although with the amount of people grinding to music, the vibe of the club wasn’t about conversation. 
Faye ducked into the back room behind one of the bars, and the music became muffled when the door shut behind her. Jim and Janette were sitting amongst some of the storage, counting cash and filling out forms. 
Janette looked up in surprise, a smile beaming across her face, “Umbra was looking for you, you should go see him right away.” 
Faye smiled tightly and squinted, she pointed at her phone trying to communicate that she’s been in contact with him, “Thanks Janette.” 
 On a pivoting floor board, Faye pushed a stack of boxes out of the way, and pushed in. The door ejected from its spot and she entered, using the handle on the inside to pull it shut again. Their communal room was finely decorated, the center of the room having the floor sunken in with seats and a small table in the center. There were stairs on either side to descend into the seating area, and ascend towards the large screen hung on the wall. The furniture -down to the wood of the table- stayed within the colour palette of reds and golds. 
The table in the center had a touchscreen that connected to the large one on the wall. Whatever you move, click, or write will appear on the large screen. It made debriefs and planning much simpler in a group. 
How the twins got the money to pay for everything, nobody needed to know. 
Umbra was leaning forward, elbow on his knee as he leaned forwards to reach the table. He looked up at Faye’s entrance, hanging up the phone and said, “Fucking Janette.” 
“Fucking Janette.” Faye murmured in agreement. She tucked her phone into her back pocket before taking a seat next to her brother. 
Umbra reached out towards the table and pulled up the most recent photos of their target: Alveyn Jones. They were a series of candid photos expanded as multiple angles were shown. Leaving the library, entering the bar. Leaving the bar with their surprise guest of the evening, Jemon Morale, under his arm. 
And the last photo taken on the thirteenth, two days prior. The last known sighting of Caspian Vanderbelt. 
He was entering a black car in the dead of night with one bag hanging off his shoulder. The only identifying mark being the rims on the car being engraved to match the look of a pirate ship’s wheel. Everyone had a symbol of their status in their respective agencies. This one was for the Hangmen crew. 
Umbra began the debrief, “Jones had spent his final day seemingly running errands. Visiting his bank, his property manager. If anyone looked at it, as Jim had, Alveyn was simply paying rent. Upon further investigation since you were interrupted tonight, Alveyn drained his accounts and ended his lease. No notice.” 
“Hence why Jim’s on stock duty, I get it.” Faye replied. 
Umbra gave a short chuckle before continuing, “He’s completely off the grid. But I believe he’s still in the city since we haven’t found any plane, train, or bus tickets under any known aliases from the Hangmen.” 
“The Last Stand and The Remnants must know that he’s missing. It’s the only reason Jem would’ve been there.” She added. “But how much do they know?” 
“What are our options?” 
After a brief moment of staring at the screens, Faye began, “They could’ve sent Alveyn in as a double agent but his wire has gone dead.” 
Umbra countered, “Maybe Alveyn mentioned something to Morale about the dinner and they went on their own to try and find them. I mean the only person who doesn’t know about Jones’s commitment issues is Jemon.” 
She hummed in agreement, “Or it’s a complete coincidence they were there tonight and he and Jem are still writing love letters to each other.” 
Umbra was taken aback, letting out a sound of approval. “To keep a cover, not alert any spy agencies to his shifting loyalty.” 
The twins shared a look like they cracked something. Or at least came up with the most entertaining narrative like how they gossiped in their youth. It was the most expressive Umbra had ever gotten in their later years. Even in the hardest of times the sun knew how to brighten the moon. 
“It does however,” Umbra continued, “mean we’re back to square one. No lead on Tobias, or Jones, or mother.” 
Faye let out a deep breath, trying to come up with a game plan. But even after minutes of flipping through notes she could only come up with one solution. “Oddities?” 
Umbra groaned, throwing his feet up on the table, “We can’t go back there. I swear, Reward’s out to get me.” 
Faye shoved Umbra’s feet off the surface, “It’s our best chance of getting information. Trivia knows everything, you’ll barely have to engage with the guy. It’s not for us, you know that.” 
Another sigh left through his lips as a resolute, “For Serena,” followed.
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trader-sg112 · 3 months
Gold and Precious Metals Update: Prices Rise Amidst Market Volatility
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In the ever-fluctuating landscape of global markets, precious metals have been a focal point of attention, with gold leading the charge to a 10-day high. As of the latest updates, spot gold has risen by 0.1% to reach $2,359.56 per ounce, marking a significant uptick from its earlier levels this week. Meanwhile, futures contracts expiring in August have seen a slight decline, resting at $2,367.15 per ounce, showcasing the nuanced movements within the market.
While gold has captured headlines, platinum futures have also displayed resilience, recording a notable increase of 0.7% to $1,019.40 per ounce. In contrast, silver futures have experienced a modest setback, falling by 0.5% to $30.70 per ounce. Despite this recent dip, silver has notably outperformed gold over the past twelve months, underscoring its distinct position in the precious metals arena.
Beyond the precious metals spectrum, copper futures have exhibited their dynamics. Benchmark copper futures on the London Metal Exchange have slightly declined by 0.2% to settle at $9,849.0 per ton, while one-month copper futures have seen a marginal decrease of 0.1% to $4.5255 per pound. These movements reflect the broader trends in industrial commodities amid ongoing market uncertainties and global economic shifts.
The current market environment underscores the importance of staying informed and agile in navigating investments in precious metals. Investors and analysts alike are closely monitoring these developments, assessing how geopolitical events, economic data releases, and monetary policy decisions may impact future price movements.
As we continue to observe these market dynamics, the resilience of precious metals like gold, silver, platinum, and copper remains a key focal point. Each metal plays a unique role in investment portfolios, offering diversification benefits and serving as a hedge against inflation and currency fluctuations.
In conclusion, the recent uptick in gold prices amidst varying performances across precious metals underscores the resilience and volatility inherent in global markets. Whether you're an investor, analyst, or simply curious about economic trends, staying updated on these developments is crucial for making informed decisions in an ever-evolving financial landscape.
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rightnewshindi · 11 days
आज गोल्ड ने मारी 600 रुपए की छलांग, चांदी की कीमतें भी बढ़ी; जानें आज के ताजा भाव
आज गोल्ड ने मारी 600 रुपए की छलांग, चांदी की कीमतें भी बढ़ी; #जानें आज के ताजा भाव Gold #Silver #Market #News #RightNewsIndia #RightNews
Gold Silver Price Today: आभूषण विक्रेताओं की ताजा खरीदारी के चलते मंगलवार को राष्ट्रीय राजधानी में सोने की कीमत 600 रुपये बढ़कर 74,100 रुपये प्रति 10 ग्राम हो गई। पिछले सत्र में 99.9 प्रतिशत शुद्धता वाली कीमती धातु सोमवार को 73,500 रुपये प्रति 10 ग्राम पर बंद हुई थी। अखिल भारतीय सर्राफा संघ के अनुसार, चांदी की कीमत भी पिछले बंद के 83,800 रुपये प्रति किलोग्राम से 700 रुपये बढ़कर 84,500 रुपये…
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egittae · 5 months
let's hope anodyne isn't behind this | lambert & duessel (axe +1)
It was straightforward, very much so.
This one house of Leicester, who Lambert managed to somehow remember the name of- Riegan, the same same from that house leader kid of the Golden Deer, had been boasting about its latest findings: a mine that somehow hadn’t been spotted until now, apparently rich with minerals and that could definitely offer a powerful boost to the territory’s commerce. It seemed almost too good to be true in Lambert’s eyes- he may have weak memory, but he does have enough knowledge to be aware that mines don’t just show up like that- but anyway. Good for them, right?
Until Lambert was given the information that for whatever reason, that mine seemed rather dangerous. There was no explanation on why exactly, with everything being fairly vague. And now he, alongside another teacher, had been given the task to approach the area for some recon- both to check if the reports about the mine were indeed real, and also have a better idea of why it was considered so dangerous.
“I can only hope that there are no monsters inside that thing. Mostly because fighting a monster inside a cramped, dark cave sounds like the recipe for disaster.” Lambert spoke out loud, standing just before the perimeter tape set by Riegan authorities to keep onlookers from getting too close. He couldn’t see much of the mine from there- just forest and rocks, but he could identify a path that would most definitely lead to its entrance.
It felt strange, how natural that felt to him. Faerghus has many mines too, doesn’t it?
Why was he so familiar with those aspects? Wasn’t he just a soldier?
Breaking into a sigh, he rested one hand on his hip- covered in armor, before facing his companion. A big, strong guy a little older than him who seemed like quite the battle veteran. He was a teacher of the Golden Deer, and Lambert needed him to tag along because as an Ashen Wolves teacher he didn’t have clearance to come by himself. He wouldn’t protest, though! A partner is always welcome for recons. “Did you get anything from those guards, Duessel? Any information on what is in there or is it a true case of look around and find out?”
Not that Lambert was against it, no. Even more if it meant ensuring the miners’ safety- which was his priority at this point. Resources were cool and all, but Lambert didn’t quite agree with the idea of them coming at the price of the miners’ safety.
“What could be in there to even justify all of this…I expect to see literal walls of gold and silver at this point.” He frowned. He couldn’t help but wonder if the authorities were hiding something from the public.
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kateperkins23 · 1 year
Artificial Jewellery: Your Ultimate Online Shopping Destination
In an era characterized by rapid digital transformation, the way we shop for jewelry has undergone a significant evolution. Gone are the days when you had to visit multiple stores, sift through countless options, and haggle over prices to find that perfect piece of jewelry. Today, the world of best artificial jewellery online has emerged as a game-changer, offering a vast array of stylish, affordable, and trendy options. Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear, a leading online shopping destination, has carved its niche as the ultimate hub for artificial jewelry. 
In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve deep into the world of artificial jewelry, explore the offerings at Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear, and understand why it has become the go-to platform for jewelry enthusiasts.
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The Rise of Artificial Jewelry
A Brief History of Artificial Jewelry
Artificial jewelry, also known as imitation or fashion jewelry, has a long and fascinating history that dates back centuries. The concept of replicating precious jewelry with less expensive materials has been a part of human culture for generations. Historically, artificial jewelry was made from materials like glass, enamel, and base metals to mimic the appearance of gold, silver, and gemstones. Over time, advancements in craftsmanship and technology have elevated artificial jewelry to a whole new level.
Why Choose Artificial Jewelry?
The allure of artificial jewelry lies in its versatility and affordability. Here are some compelling reasons why people are increasingly opting for artificial jewelry:
1. Affordability
Precious metals and gemstones come with hefty price tags. Artificial jewelry, on the other hand, offers the same aesthetic appeal at a fraction of the cost, making it accessible to a wider audience.
2. Trendy Designs
Artificial jewelry designers continuously innovate, staying on top of fashion trends. This means you can easily find pieces that reflect the latest styles and designs without breaking the bank.
3. Variety
Artificial jewelry comes in a staggering variety of designs, colors, and styles. Whether you're looking for traditional Indian pieces or contemporary designs, you'll find something that suits your taste.
4. Everyday Wear
Artificial jewelry is perfect for everyday wear. You can enjoy accessorizing your outfits without worrying about the risk of losing expensive pieces.
Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear - Your One-Stop Shop for Artificial Jewelry
In the realm of artificial jewelry, Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear has emerged as a trusted and go-to online destination. Let's take a closer look at why this platform has gained such popularity.
A Wide Range of Choices
Traditional Elegance
Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear offers a stunning collection of traditional artificial jewelry that perfectly complements Indian attire. From intricately designed Kundan sets to beautiful Meenakari pieces, you'll find the ideal accessories to complete your ethnic look.
Contemporary Chic
If you're more inclined toward contemporary fashion, Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear has you covered. Explore their extensive range of modern and trendy artificial jewelry that effortlessly enhances your Western or fusion ensembles.
Quality and Craftsmanship
Impeccable Craftsmanship
One of the hallmarks of Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear is its commitment to craftsmanship. Each piece of artificial jewelry is meticulously crafted by skilled artisans, ensuring that you receive jewelry that not only looks stunning but also lasts for a long time.
Premium Materials
Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear uses high-quality materials to create their artificial jewelry. From premium alloys to carefully selected stones and beads, the attention to detail is evident in every piece.
Affordability and Value
Competitive Pricing
At Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear, affordability is a priority. You can enjoy the luxury of wearing beautiful jewelry without burning a hole in your pocket. Their competitive pricing ensures that you get exceptional value for your money.
Discounts and Offers
Keep an eye out for regular discounts and special offers on Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear. They frequently run promotions that allow you to snag your favorite jewelry pieces at even more attractive prices.
Convenience and Trustworthiness
User-Friendly Website
Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear's website is designed with the user in mind. It's easy to navigate, ensuring a seamless shopping experience from browsing to checkout.
Customer Reviews
The platform boasts an impressive collection of positive customer reviews and testimonials, showcasing the satisfaction of countless shoppers who have found their perfect jewelry pieces at Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear.
The Saheli Experience: From Selection to Delivery
Finding Your Perfect Jewelry
Browsing through the extensive collection of Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear is a delightful experience. The website offers multiple filters and search options, making it simple to find the jewelry piece that resonates with your style.
Hassle-Free Checkout
Once you've selected your desired items, the checkout process is straightforward and secure. Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear offers multiple payment options, including credit/debit cards and online wallets, for your convenience.
Prompt Delivery
Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear prides itself on timely delivery. Your chosen jewelry pieces will reach your doorstep in pristine condition, ready to adorn your outfits.
Caring for Your Artificial Jewelry
Maintenance Tips
To ensure the longevity of your artificial jewelry, it's essential to care for it properly. Here are some maintenance tips:
1. Store Properly
Keep your jewelry in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to prevent discoloration.
2. Avoid Contact with Water
Remove your jewelry before swimming or bathing to prevent tarnishing.
3. Clean Gently
Clean your artificial jewelry with a soft, damp cloth to remove dust and sweat. Avoid harsh chemicals or abrasive materials.
4. Rotate Usage
Rotate your jewelry pieces to prevent excessive wear on any single item.
The Saheli Promise: Beyond Jewelry
At Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear, the commitment to customer satisfaction extends beyond the exquisite jewelry collection. Here are some additional reasons why Saheli has become the ultimate online shopping destination:
Customization Options
Personalized Touch
For those who desire a unique touch to their jewelry, Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear offers customization options. You can work with their team to create bespoke pieces that align perfectly with your style and preferences. Whether it's a custom engraving or a specific design, Saheli is dedicated to bringing your vision to life.
Customer Support
Expert Assistance
Navigating the world of jewelry can be overwhelming, especially if you're a first-time buyer. Saheli's customer support team is readily available to answer your queries, offer styling advice, and guide you through the selection process. Their friendly and knowledgeable staff ensures that your shopping experience is seamless and enjoyable.
Ethical Practices
Responsible Sourcing
Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear is committed to responsible and ethical sourcing of materials. They take steps to ensure that the materials used in their jewelry are ethically obtained, aligning with global sustainability and ethical standards.
Saheli Blog: A Treasure Trove of Fashion Insights
Fashion Trends and Tips
Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear's website features a blog section that is a treasure trove of fashion insights. Here, you can explore articles on the latest fashion trends, styling tips, and guides on how to accessorize effectively. Whether you're a fashion novice or a seasoned style icon, the Saheli blog has something for everyone.
Customer Stories and Reviews
The blog also showcases real customer stories and reviews, providing you with a glimpse into the experiences of individuals who have found their perfect jewelry at Saheli. Reading about others' journeys can help you make informed decisions and build trust in the brand.
Community Engagement
Supporting Artisans
Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear actively engages with and supports local artisans and craftsmen. By choosing Saheli, you contribute to the livelihoods of these talented individuals, fostering a sense of community and empowerment.
Exclusive Offers and Loyalty Rewards
Saheli VIP Club
For frequent shoppers, Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear offers a VIP Club membership. As a member, you gain access to exclusive discounts, early product launches, and special promotions. It's their way of expressing gratitude to their loyal customers.
Global Reach
International Shipping
Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear caters to a global audience. No matter where you are in the world, you can enjoy the beauty of Indian jewelry through their efficient international shipping services. Saheli brings the essence of Indian culture to your doorstep.
A Saheli for Every Occasion
Bridal Jewelry
For brides-to-be, Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear offers an enchanting collection of bridal jewelry. From statement pieces for the wedding day to elegant sets for pre-wedding functions, Saheli ensures that you shine on your special day.
Festive Collections
Indian festivals are known for their vibrant celebrations, and what's a celebration without stunning jewelry? Explore Saheli's festive collections to find the perfect adornments for occasions like Diwali, Eid, Navratri, and more.
Stay Updated with Saheli
Social Media Presence
Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear maintains an active presence on various social media platforms. Follow them on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest to stay updated on their latest arrivals, promotions, and styling ideas. Their social media channels are a source of inspiration for fashion enthusiasts.
Conclusion: Elevate Your Style with Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear
In the world of the best artificial jewelry, Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear stands out as a reliable, stylish, and affordable online shopping destination. Whether you're looking for traditional Indian jewelry or contemporary chic pieces, Saheli has something for everyone. With a commitment to quality, craftsmanship, and customer satisfaction, Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear has earned its reputation as the ultimate online shopping destination for artificial jewelry enthusiasts.
Embrace the world of artificial jewelry, explore the exquisite collections at Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear, and elevate your style with stunning accessories that won't break the bank. Shop with confidence, knowing that you're choosing jewelry that combines affordability, quality, and fashion-forward designs.
Visit Saheli Ethnic Indian Wear today and experience the joy of accessorizing like never before!
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best24news · 2 years
Gold and Silver Latest Prices : नवरात्रो पर ओर भी गिरे सोने चांदी के भाव, खरीददारी का सुनहरा मोका
Gold and Silver Latest Prices : नवरात्रो पर ओर भी गिरे सोने चांदी के भाव, खरीददारी का सुनहरा मोका
दिल्ली: कई दिनो से सोने व चांदी के भावो मे उतार चढाव हो रहा है। MCX बाजार में तो सोना- चांदी हरे न‍िशान के साथ कारोबार करते नजर आए हैं लेक‍िन सर्राफा बाजार में इन दोनों धातुओं के Rate में ग‍िरावट देखी गई। Haryana News: आढतियो की Strike व अनशन खत्म, इन मांगो पर बनी सहमति जैसा कि आप सब को पता है पिछले कुछ दिनों से सोने- चांदी की कीमत में से उठा- पटक चल रही ह।. सोना का Record न‍िचले स्‍तर पर चल रहा…
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inveslo · 2 years
How to Trade Gold and Silver Online as Spot Metals?
The spot gold and silver online in the markets are vast and filled with unpredictability. There’s also been a lot of volatility over the past few years, which makes it all the more important to be able to make informed trades on a daily basis. You can trade digital or physical metals as an investment piece or as a means of purchasing precious metals from sellers in person.
Here we take a look at how you can trade gold and silver online as spot metals. Buying and selling precious metals is one of the oldest ways humans have of making money. It’s also one of the most misunderstood ways of doing business. The latest currency war has only amplified this problem, with both sides seeing affected territories cede their market dominance — gold has become more prone to manipulation than any time in recent memory, while silver prices have spiked during periods of stress.
In this article, we take you through the basics of trading gold and silver online as spot metals in case you feel like it’s missing something. Keep reading to discover everything you ever wanted to know about buying and selling precious metals.
What are spot metals?
Spot metals are precious metals that are traded on the global market. The most popular spot metals are gold and silver, but other metals like platinum and palladium are also traded. All spot metals can be bought and sold online through forex brokers.
When you trade spot metals, you are buying or selling the actual metal itself. The price of each metal is based on supply and demand, as well as global economic conditions. Gold is often seen as a safe haven asset, so its price tends to rise when there is economic uncertainty. Silver is used in many industrial applications, so its price can be more volatile than gold.
You can trade spot metals with leverage, which means you only need to put down a small amount of money to open a trade. Leverage can help you make more profit from your trades, but it can also magnify your losses if the market moves against you. That’s why it’s important to use risk management tools like stop-loss orders when trading spot metals.
Benefits of trading spot gold and spot silver
You can buy and sell spot metals as an investment piece. This means you can purchase the coins and tokens at the price you want to pay for them. This can range from $50 for a single copy of coins on a website to $1,000 for a vehicle right on the trade page. You can also trade stocks or commodities as an investment piece. This means you can purchase stocks that have a specific market price, like gold, that has a corresponding market exchange rate. You can also purchase commodities like oil or agricultural products as an investment piece.
How to trade gold and silver online as spot metals
There are many ways to buy and sell gold and silver online. You can purchase the coins or tokens on exchanges like change.org or bitwise. You can also buy the coins or tokens in person at a physical store where the owner is willing to sell them to you. You can also buy and sell gold and silver privately in some places like Japan, South Korea, and China, where such transactions are not record-keeping.
What are the best trading platforms for gold and silver online?
Most trading platforms work with a variety of different platforms. You can use these platforms to purchase gold and silver from different online brokers. You can also use these platforms to store your trades and view your trades in real-time. To use a trading platform, you need to: – Make a trade. – View your trades. – Get your feedback.
How can I get started learning about trading gold and silver online?
You can begin by purchasing a few coins at a time at a physical store or marketplace. You can also purchase gold or silver tokens online. Once you have the coins or tokens, you can start trading.
There are many ways to buy and sell gold and silver online. You can purchase the coins or tokens in person at a physical store where the owner is willing to sell them to you. You can also buy the coins or tokens in person at a brokerage firm where the trading platform works with multiple brokerages. You can also check out respected online wreckage-tornados.com for bad investment news and reviews.
Originally Published on Shortkro
Source: https://shortkro.com/how-to-trade-gold-and-silver-online-as-spot-metals/
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sanamshetty · 2 years
AGS Thangamaaligai is a leading online jewellery store in India that offers an exquisite collection of gold and diamond jewellery at amazing prices. Shop for necklaces, pendants, bangles, earrings, rings and more. Check out the latest designs and offers
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darlagold-mysore · 1 day
Shop for Gorgeous Jewelry at Darla Gold, the Best Jewelry Shop in Mysore – Send Us a WhatsApp Message Today!
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Visit Darla Gold Jewelry Shop in Mysore Today!!
Today’s Gold Price in Mysore.
When it comes to finding the perfect piece of jewelry that speaks to your style and personality, it’s all about choosing the right place to shop. I’ve had my fair share of experiences browsing through different stores, but nothing quite compares to the selection and quality at Darla Gold, the best Jewellery Shop in Mysore. Whether you're looking for something traditional or a modern, trendy piece, this is where you need to be.
If you’re in the market for stunning gold and silver jewelry, let me tell you why Darla Gold has become my go-to destination—and why it should be yours too! Plus, you can easily reach out to them on WhatsApp to inquire about your next favorite piece. How convenient is that?
A Jewelry Lover's Paradise at Darla Gold
I’ve always loved the beauty of handcrafted jewelry, and at Darla Gold, every piece feels like a work of art. Whether I’m shopping for myself or searching for a special gift, I know that I’ll find something unique here. They have everything, from intricate gold bangles to delicate silver necklaces that add just the right touch to any outfit.
The moment I walked into their Jewellery Store in Mysore, I was struck by the sheer variety of pieces they offer. It’s hard to find a store that balances quality, craftsmanship, and affordability, but Darla Gold does just that.
Why Darla Gold Stands Out as the Best Jewellery Shop in Mysore
What makes Darla Gold the best Jewellery Shop in Mysore? For me, it’s all about the experience. Every time I step into the store, the staff makes me feel welcomed. They're always ready to answer my questions, show me the latest designs, and offer expert advice on what would look great for different occasions.
They aren’t pushy like some other stores I’ve visited. Instead, they genuinely want to help me find the piece that’s just right for me. And believe me, that makes all the difference when you’re shopping for something as personal as jewelry.
An Impressive Selection of Gold and Silver Jewelry
If you’re like me, you probably have a soft spot for both gold and silver pieces. Luckily, Darla Gold has an extensive collection of both, making it one of the top gold and silver jewelry shops in Mysore.
When I’m in the mood for something timeless, their gold collection always delivers. From elegant gold rings to beautifully crafted gold earrings, I never leave the store without feeling completely satisfied with my purchase. And if you prefer silver, you’ll find everything from statement necklaces to chic silver bracelets that add a touch of elegance to your everyday look.
It’s amazing how versatile their collection is. Whether I’m looking for something traditional for a family function or a contemporary piece to wear on a night out, Darla Gold has it all.
Shopping Made Easy – Reach Out to Darla Gold on WhatsApp
Here’s one of the things I love most about shopping at Darla Gold—they make everything so easy! You don’t even have to leave the comfort of your home to start browsing their collection. Simply send them a WhatsApp message, and they’ll respond quickly with photos, details, and pricing information.
I’ve used this feature several times, especially when I didn’t have time to visit the store in person. It’s great for when you’re looking for a specific item or want to know if they have something in stock. You can browse their selection, ask questions, and even finalize your purchase all through WhatsApp.
It’s convenient, fast, and so much easier than scrolling through endless websites. Plus, you get that personalized touch you just can’t find with online shopping.
Find Timeless Treasures at the Best Jewellery Store in Mysore
When I’m in search of something classic and timeless, Darla Gold never disappoints. Their gold jewelry is stunning, and the quality is evident in every piece. Whether I’m buying a gift for a loved one or treating myself to something special, I know I’m getting the best craftsmanship in town.
The attention to detail is what really sets them apart. Every item feels like it was made with care and precision. Whether it’s a delicate gold pendant or a bold silver statement ring, you can see the artistry in every design.
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Why I Keep Coming Back to Darla Gold
I’ve shopped at plenty of places, but Darla Gold is where I keep coming back to. It’s not just about the jewelry (although that’s a huge part of it). It’s also about the trust I’ve built with the staff. They’ve gotten to know my style and preferences, and they always seem to know exactly what I’m looking for before I even ask.
The fact that they’re one of the most reputable Jewellery Stores in Mysore means that I never have to worry about the quality or authenticity of my purchases. I’ve always felt confident that I’m getting the best value for my money.
Perfect for Special Occasions and Everyday Elegance
One of the things I love about Darla Gold is their versatility. Whether I’m looking for a bold piece to wear to a wedding or a subtle bracelet for everyday elegance, I know I’ll find it here.
For special occasions, their stunning gold and silver jewelry is unmatched. I’ve found some truly breathtaking pieces that have turned heads at family functions and celebrations. And for everyday wear, they offer a range of chic, understated items that are perfect for adding a touch of elegance to any outfit.
Gold and Silver – A Combination of Elegance
Let’s be honest—some days call for the richness of gold, and others require the simplicity of silver. That’s why I love that Darla Gold offers both. They make it easy for me to switch up my look depending on the occasion.
Their selection of gold jewelry includes everything from delicate chains to bold statement pieces, and their silver jewelry is just as impressive. Whether I’m mixing and matching or sticking with one metal, I know I’ll always look stylish.
The Perfect Gift Awaits at Darla Gold
I’ve always believed that jewelry makes the perfect gift. It’s personal, timeless, and always appreciated. Whenever I need a thoughtful gift, I head to Darla Gold, knowing I’ll find something special.
They’ve got something for everyone—from elegant necklaces to personalized rings and bracelets. And if you’re not sure what to choose, their staff is always ready to offer suggestions based on the occasion and your budget.
If you’re in Mysore and looking for high-quality, gorgeous jewelry, I can’t recommend Darla Gold enough. Their beautiful selection of gold and silver jewelry, coupled with their excellent customer service, makes every shopping experience enjoyable.
Whether you’re looking for a classic gold necklace, a unique silver bracelet, or something custom-made, Darla Gold is the Jewellery Store in Mysore that has it all. And remember, you can even shop from the comfort of your home by sending them a message on WhatsApp.
Trust me, once you experience the personalized service and stunning selection at Darla Gold, you’ll never want to shop anywhere else for your jewelry needs.
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