#gold-teal sign
theextendedzodiacas · 7 months
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The Extended Zodiac as Moodboards: Gemsci ♥️/♠️ Lipia with punk rock
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beansprean · 2 months
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(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: Colored doodle dump of Guillermo. 1. Guillermo sitting on his bed in his slayer fit sans trenchcoat, reacting to some threat offscreen and automatically reaching down toward the stakes inside his open mini fridge. Red splatter background. 2. Hips up of Guillermo posing with his arms crossed, looking embarrassed and shy while trying to hold a steady expression. He is wearing a cream and gold turtleneck with a faint diamond pattern and dark blue chinos held up by brown suspenders. Mottled dove-gray background. 3. Full body of Guillermo in boots, chinos, and a cardigan, perched on the edge of a seat. He is smirking mischievously at the viewer, one hand braced on his thigh and the other hanging down near his crotch, thumb and forefinger curled into an OK symbol. Gotcha! Green background with draping tree branches full of leaves. 4. Shoulders up of Guillermo from the Pride episode, wearing a dark sweater and a rainbow scarf. He is winking and grinning, tongue caught playfully between his teeth, and flashing a peace sign at the viewer. He has a sparkly pink heart sticker on his forehead, an infinity sticker in the trans colors that says 'trans is beautiful' on his right cheek, and a splatter style pride flag temporary tattoo under his left eye. Background is dark purple with bokeh lighting. 5. Full body of Guillermo wearing nothing but ratty jean short shorts, knee length black socks, and sneakers as he leans casually against a wooden pole. There is a light blue bandanna draped around his neck and his head is turned in profile, sucking on the lollypop in his other hand. He is sweaty and reddened from heat. Background is pale green grass and blue sky. 6. Waist up of Guillermo wearing a pink tank top that says 'boys' in bold purple and teal font. He looks embarrassed and defensive, hands half up to try to both cover himself and wave the viewer away. Background is mottled pinkish purple. /end ID
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flavorcountry · 4 months
I got a cold and watched that Jenny Nicholson video about the Star Wars hotel (it's very good) and fully lost my mind: even after experiencing a comprehensive four-hour deconstruction of why it didn't work for Star Wars, I still think a version of this would absolutely work for Star Trek. Take my hand and walk with me on my journey into madness, where I have infinite money, talent, and team to make it all happen!!
Overall vibe
If you want to make a hotel/resort experience that takes place inside a fake spaceship, I still think Star Trek is the way to go: so much of Star Trek takes place on ships, and we've seen the rooms are pretty nice!! Like the Star Wars one, my Star Trek hotel is also a simulated starship, but with better rooms and more fun stuff to do.
Are you ready for this shit
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Can you tell I drew this myself
You'll arrive at Farpoint Station,* where the concierge checks you in and your luggage gets whisked away by station staff. Gift shop's also here. When you're checked in and ready to head to your room, you're brought to one of several transporter rooms. If you never went to the Star Trek Experience at the Vegas Hilton when it was active, I am truly sorry for you, because they had a ride whose boarding process included getting beamed away: you and your pals were herded into a zone where you were clearly meant to board a run-of-the-mill 20th-century simulator ride, and then there were jets of mist and a sound and suddenly you were in a transporter room on board the goddamn USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D. It was fucking magical and I never, ever want it explained to me. Anyway, that's what happens to you at my Star Trek hotel: you step onto a transporter pad and get beamed from Farpoint to a Galaxy-class Federation starship. Exit the transporter room and walk down the ship's corridor to take the turbolifts to Cargo Bay 1, where a "temporary muster point" has been set up (this is where the guest services desks will be), or just follow the lit-up companel signs to your cabin. Yes, it will look like guest quarters aboard the Enterprise-D, more or less — maybe a little smaller — but it'll have the carpet, the plant, the glass coffee table, and most importantly a window that looks out into space.
Or!!! If you booked the resort, keep heading down the hallway and take another turbolift to a different section of the ship where the holodeck entrances are. The holodecks, naturally, are running a Risa program, so you walk through the doors and under the arch and suddenly you're outdoors looking at a beautiful landscape with a pool and whatnot, plus the resort accommodations where the more conventional fancy rooms are, and also the restaurants and entertainment venues, all themed. There's a Quark's. There's a Klingon bar and grill. A Bolian salon/spa. Talaxian arcade?? Nausicaan axe-throwing pit?!?! Come on!!!!!!!!!
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Here, have a floor plan
Key learnings
Two things stuck out to me that the Star Wars hotel fucked up that I think the Star Trek version can do better:
🤷‍♀️ LARP too complicated: Give 'em credit where it's due, the Star Wars hotel fucking swung for the fences trying to make a multi-hero story guests could integrate with, but it just didn't work. Technical failures! Possible conceptual flaws! Too much stuff packed into the schedule!
The fix: Just make it mostly a hotel most of the time. One or two weekends a month, there's a two-day fully-immersive LARP adventure that people explicitly book separately, and it's more expensive (more on that later). But at all times, hotel staff will be in uniform with division colors that make sense: concierge and guest relations in red, support and janitorial in gold, teal for any medical personnel. I think that means the people working in food services have to wear that plaid/vest combo the Ten-Forward staff have on, but there are certainly worse outfits.
🌴 No resort: The food at the Star Wars hotel was good, but there was no pool and no other luxury resort type stuff to do. It didn't sound relaxing.
The fix: Putting an actual resort in the Star Trek hotel under the guise of a permanently-running Risan holodeck program. The sheer elegance of it!! When the weather is bad, hotel staff in gold uniforms can make apologetic comments about how the sim's malfunctioning.
Roleplay though
People are going to want to stay onboard the ship. That's good! The thing about the ship cabins is you can build them in maybe two semicircular layers (the rooms will need to be curved because these are quarters onboard the saucer section, naturally) and just bury them underground. They don't need real windows — you're putting screens in that'll show a space view, especially when the ship goes to warp and you can see those rainbow trails. Inside the semicircle there's a lot of space where you can put the other, bigger sets: the bridge, main engineering, Ten-Forward, etc. None of those have real windows either, and also I don't think it matters where you put them physically: just stick a pretend turbolift in front of all the entrances and make guests take those whenever they need to go there! One thing we're also doing is putting little hidden speakers everywhere that put out a small amount of shipboard white noise; it may not even be noticeable on a conscious level, but it'll be there and it'll be soothing. This speaker network is also a great way to make an actual announcement if there's a real park emergency.
During most of the month, I think the bridge and main engineering are mostly just photo ops — maybe you have to book a timeslot? Just so you're guaranteed some time with just you and your buddies? But I also think there should be opportunities for what I'm going to call mini-LARPing: you and your pals can book an hour-long session and the staff trains and then runs you through a short scenario. If you've ever played Artemis or the actual Star Trek VR bridge crew game they put out a while ago, you know where I'm going with this: for however long, you and your friends are now the crew of a genuine-ass Federation starship trying to survive a battle! It's fuckin' Kobayashi Maru time, motherfuckers!! Everyone gets their own station! Lights flicker! Mist shoots out of stuff! The whole bridge shakes! There might be a warp core problem — better call down to main engineering! Whoever's down there gets escape room-style minigames and puzzles to work out and help their shipmates. At some point — and this will happen in every run of every scenario — there'll be a very mist-forward "coolant leak" near the warp core that forces whoever's in the room to duck and roll beneath a descending garage-style blast door before heading up to the bridge to activate their station up there; bonus points if the player can work in a "We lost a lot of good people down there, Captain." Maybe there's an actor in makeup who menaces the crew on the main viewer from time to time (pick beforehand from a list of villains! want to fight Klingons? Romulans? a rogue Borg tactical sphere? etc). Can you see it? I can see it, and it fucking rules.
I must at this point mention that in my world, you can buy an add-on where a camera crew joins you, and they cut up the footage afterward to make you and your pals your very own mini-episode. Yes the editing and post-production are expensive and time-consuming; I'm creating jobs here!!!! Maybe …… okay, hear me out: there's an array of hidden fixed cameras and microphones built discreetly into the set, and also players are issued a combadge with an individual RFID tracker that pings the cams and mics, so they only save footage when a player comes close. After the players are done, a machine algorithm uses the data gathered to assemble a rough timeline of each player's material and create a draft movie that a human editor can pick up and fine-tune. Yeah?? When you check out, you get handed a USB drive that looks like an isolinear chip with your mini movie on it, and maybe another one with all the raw footage just in case you're feeling ambitious!!!!
For one or two other weekends during every month, there's a heavily advertised, much more involved, and way spendier LARP for people who really want to get into it. It takes place over two days. There are lots more actors portraying characters necessary for the plot/gameplay. Don't bother packing for the daytime: all players are issued a uniform they get to keep afterward. Do I have any details on the scenario or RP? I do not. But I fully believe it's possible to construct something you could run over the course of a weekend that would keep a hundred paying guests occupied, amused, and delighted, provided you have a truly ridiculous amount of money and people, which I do because this is utter fantasyland.
Also it probably won't cost six grand. Probably??
Let's gooooooooooooo
The rest of the time — and I cannot stress this enough — the Star Trek hotel is just a very heavily and specifically themed all-inclusive resort that has nice, fancy rooms and luxury amenities plus bookable ship cabins and opportunities for photo shoots or quick one-shot roleplay adventures for the real heads. You don't ever have to enter those latter parts if you don't want to! You can just hang out at the resort and have fun with all the themed entertainment, which I must stress is going to be both in-universe plausible and great, with something for everybody. Yes, there'll be a daycare, and yes, Flotter will be there in some capacity to entertain the kids. The food hall is my favorite part by far; I could pitch you Trek restaurant concepts all day. Romulan gourmet soup stand. Gummi candy store staffed by Ferengi where all the offerings are shaped like alien bugs. A vending machine where you can get a jumja stick or a three-pack of those nutrient pucks Picard and his new friends kept getting in "Allegiance." There will be an entire plant-based food vendor with a wide variety of delicious options for all meals, and it will be run by Vulcans.
A word on the gift shop
Question for you: have you ever watched a Star Trek show and seen a Starfleet officer pull on a jacket or shoulder a duffel bag that had the words "STAR TREK" on it? If so, then friend, I want to know where you get your hallucinogens because I want to experience this exactly once. All of the gift shops on my hotel grounds sell responsibly sourced, highly thought-out, well-made items that would be in-world plausible and have no obvious branding. Of course you can get a hand-carved horga'hn, but let's go bigger. Why not a light-up Tox Uthat for your nightstand? Ressikan flute for you, queen? How about a whole-ass knife store that's nothing but various kinds of Klingon cutlery? There will absolutely be an entire tailor's shop whose whole job is to put you in the Starfleet uniform of your choice; there may or may not be a Cardassian managing the place who's got a 50/50 cheerful/menacing vibe going on. There'll be not one but two stores that sell little models of ships: the regular ones and the gold ones. Don't tell me you can't picture it!!!!!
I think that's about it
Thank you for coming along with me on this bespoke journey into 100% insanity; now can somebody put me in touch with the Star Trek licensing people and also give me a billion dollars to build all this? Okay, thanks a lot!!
For timeline purposes and because it's fun, I'm positing a version of Farpoint that got built after the events of the TNG premiere where the Denebians got their act together and just built a normal surface base without suborning an interstellar lifeform.
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llumimoon · 11 months
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making an AU based off a show based off a doll line means I go WAY TOO HARD on trying to figure out the fits.
here are the designs for the Ever After High AU !!! :D the story this time around is like. WAY too complicated to explain in one post but like the super duper summarized version is this:
For generations the citizens of Ever After have been following the tradition of signing a magical contract in the Storybook of Legends promising to relive their parents' fairytales to keep the stories alive. But there's a bit of an uproar when the newest Evil Queen in ages refuses to follow her destiny and things start to get a little complicated as the students at Ever After High realize that maybe not everything has been played by the book in the past. When Normal breaks a magic mirror he REALLY wasn't supposed to find, his life and story are thrown into chaos. Add in some wildcard Wonderlandians and now nothing's going according to the script. Is a happily ever after really possible?
The AU doesn't follow the show to an exact T, we mostly borrowed some elements and the initial Raven and Apple conflict so there's quite a lot of surprises in store :3c
(EAH AU made by @rindomness, @kaseyskat, and I!! <3 :])
Edit: more designs
image description under the cut
[ID: Four Images of dndads season 2 characters in an Ever After High AU, the first two images being design pages and the last two being doodle pages.
Image 1: A character line up of three designs, from left to right Scary Marlowe, Normal Oak, and Hermie Unworthy. They are each labeled with the fairytale characters they represent, from left to right Evil Queen, Snow White, and Mad Hatter. Hermie has a speech bubble that says "Hello ~ Audience! (yes you looking here)". On the far left Scary stands with her left hand on her hip and her right hand resting palm up with swirlfs of magenta and purple magic coming up from it. She has a serious look on her face and is wearing black mascara and purple eyeshadow. Her hair is various shades of purple to pink and is put up in a side ponytail with a spiky silver hair accessory along with a silver chain around her forehead. She is wearing a black cape with a magenta underside and a sleeveless ankle length dress and long fishnet gloves. The dress has a fishnet neckline and a purple jewel with silver wings on her chest that connects to the hood of her cape. There are chains that connect on he bottom of the jewl to loop around her back. She is wearing a black corset with silver lacing and the bottom of the corset is embellished with silver feathers and a stylized silver crow head. The skirt has a slit down the right leg that is connected with a silver chain and has a dark purple mesh layer on the top half of it. She is wearing black leggings underneath and platform ankle boots that are also decorated with mesh, chains, and lace. She has spiky silver bracelets and fingerless gloves on the back of her hand that connect to a silver ring with a purple gem on her middle finger. To her right stands Normal who is at shoulder length height to Scary and stands up to Hermie's eyes on his left. Normal stands with his right hand up holding a red apple and his left hand playfully posed out by his side. He is smiling cheerfully with an open mouth and has one green and one brown eye. He is wearinf a small tilted red and gold heart shaped crown with a teal bow on the bottom. He has short curly brown hair. He is wearing a white high collared shirt with long sleeves, lace details, and puffy teal shoulders. He has a short red cape attached to a big red bow with gold trip on his chest and a gold apple brooch in the center. He has a brown belt with a gold buckle and gold chains connected to the belt loops. He has puffy teal shorts with three red slits on each side and a white lace trim. He has sheer white tights with white vertical strips and red and white boots with gold detailing and a brown heel. To his left stands Hermie who has his right hand holding a teacup filled with tea at his stomach and his right hand is up to wave at the viewer. He is smirking and has teal hair with various turquoise and pink highlights. He is wearing a purple and magenta striped hat wirh a teal polkadot bow. He also is wearing teal glasses with a circle and square frame with purple and pink lenses and a rose gold glasses chain. He has a striped teal vest that has a long coat tail with pink and purple detailing on the underside. He has a rose gold pocket watch in his vest pocket and a purple and magenta bow on his chest. The collared shirt underneath is a light striped pink and lavender with puffy sleeves that turn into big circle sleeves with a lace trim. He has pink and purple gloves with a magenta ribbon around his wrists. His skirt is mid thigh length and has three layers, the top layer is magenta and has teal and purple polkadots, the second layer is vertically striped with pink and lavender, and the bottom layer is lavender lace, and the whole skirt has rose gold detailing. He has thigh high horizontally striped socks with lace trim and teal, pink, and purple heel boots with purple bows and laces.
Image 2: A character lineup of two designs, zoomed in so that the lower legs are cut off. Link is on the left labeled Prince Charming while Taylor is on the right labeled Queen of Hearts. Taylor has a mischievous smile on his face and his fist in the air as he shouts "Off with their heads!" while Link has one hand up to stifle a laugh and a fond expression and the other hand rests on the hilt of his sword on his belt. Link is dressed in white and gold princely attire that matches Normal's color scheme and a similar but longer red cape and a teal belt sash. He has gold shoulder tassels and a simple golden crown. Taylor has red streaks in his hair and two heart shaped space buns. He also has a golden crown with red heart shaped gems on them, a heart card earring, and a red collar with a heart lock charm. His dress has a high white neck collar that goes around the back of his head and connects to a short jacket with puffy red and black striped sleeves and a white lace trim and golden heart lapel pins connected by a chain. The dress has a sweetheart neckline and is split down to his waist in a V shape in order to mimics the appearance of a white heart on his top. The dress then flares out into a big poofy skirt that has frills at the bottom and has big red and black stripes on it. A sheer top skirt has a white and gold checkered diamond pattern on it. He also has white and red striped tights and black mary janes with a red heel and a golden heart clasp. He's also holding a golden staff with a red heart jewl at the top.
Image 3: A dark grey doodle page on a light grey background. Normal is standing with an exasperated expression on his face and is squatting with his arms out shouting "Am I the only one who cares about following our destinies!?". In the bottom left corner Link os holding Taylor in a princess carry, the both of them grinning with their eyes closed. An arrow is pointing at Link that is labeled 'was supposed to be Norm's prince'. Scary is in the bottom right turned toward Normal with her tongue sticking out and her middle finger up. Her bangs obscure her face. Hermie is in the top right looking at the viewer with his hand cupped toward his face saying "Don't worry, he'll figure it out" with a knowing smile. His eyes are obscured by his glasses.
Image 4: A dark grey doodle page on a light grey background with a sequence of events that go from left to right down the page. Normal is looking desperately up at Scary and clutching an injured arm while Scary looks concernedly down at Normal with her hands hovering. Behind her stands Hermie who's in a intense thinking pose with a hand on his chin. Scary says "Norm what-" and is interrupted by Normal saying "I need your help. I didn't know where else to go." Hermie has a thought bubble above his head that says "Is this im the script?" The next section has Hermie snapping with his eyes closed saying "I'll make it a comedy then, that'll fix it." The next section shows a loud bang on the door behind Normal who looks surprised and the section after has someone outside the door say "Oh thank GOD," while Normal sighs in relief. The last section has Scary with a frustrated look on her face and her hands up with magic energy coming up saying in all caps "Ok what the fuck is going on." /end ID]
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"'The words are in the elven-tongue of the West of Middle-earth in the Elder Days,' answered Gandalf. 'But they do not say anything of importance to us. They say only: The Doors of Durin, Lord of Moria. Speak, friend, and enter. And underneath small and faint is written: I, Narvi, made them. Celebrimbor of Hollin drew these signs.'" - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring, "A Journey in the Dark"
@tolkienofcolourweek day 3: friendship + love || NARVI & CELEBRIMBOR
[ID: a picspam comprised of 18 images, fading in a gradient from blue, to teal, to green.
1: a close-up of Raul Samuel, a black plus-size model with dark skin who leans his head on his hands thoughtfully, looking down. He has a small mustache and beard, and wears a silver necklace and rings / 2: Blue fireworks at night / 3: A street of closely set blue houses, with lamps strung between them / 4: Blue text with a white shadow on a black background reads "narvi" in all caps, and below it, in a smaller blue font, "craftsman of khazad-dûm" / 5: An intricate necklace of blue gems and silvery metal / 6: Blue mineral deposits on pale rock / 7: An array of metal filigreed lamps / 8: The Doors of Dúrin, as seen in the Peter Jackson adaptation / 9: Teal text on a black background reads "for a friendship arose between Dwarves and Elves, such as has never elsewhere been, to the enrichment of both those peoples." / 10: Misty mountains covered with conifers / 11: Leather-bound books on green shelves, with a green ladder leaning against them / 12: A necklace of gold and green stones / 13: A close-up of a person making a ring / 14: A green jacquard coat with a green rope tied around the waist / 15: A cloister streaked with green lichen / 16: Same format as Image 4, but the text is green and reads "celebrimbor" and "lord of ost-in-edhil" / 17: Branches of holly, replete with red berries / 18: Marsella Rea, a mexican model with tan skin and dark hair cropped to her chin. She wears a white shirt with a tie in the back and looks over her shoulder at the viewer, her face partially hidden by her hair //End ID]
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age-of-greta · 3 months
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The Sun
The Sun presents a feeling of optimism and fulfillment. It represents the dawn which follows the darkest of nights.
Author’s note: wow hi!!! It’s been a minute! Life has been busy, but I have been thinking of this fic for a while. This one is entirely spontaneous and will have no posting schedule. Just as soon and I can get it written it will be out. I hope you guys enjoy :)
Pairing: Josh x reader and Jake x reader
Warnings: cursing, angst, adult themes, alcoholic consumption, smoking
Word count: 10.1 k
“I can’t fucking stand you! Matter of fact, I hate you!” You scream, your voice raw with emotion.
He lets out a laugh. “Yeah, right back at you Sugar.”
You’re boiling inside. Filled with rage, sadness, and anger. You can’t decide which emotion is the most prominent at the moment. You blink away the hot tears that have formed in your eyes. You feel the sting of them rolling down your cheeks.
“I’m fucking done. We are done. It’s over.” You say, with still a hint of anger, but at least you weren’t screaming this time.
He stares at you for a moment. Blank expression, impossible to read. You think maybe for 0.1 seconds you see a hint of sorrow in his eyes, but with him that would be impossible.
Eventually he scoffs at you. “Fine by me.”
He stays for a few moments with his eyes lingering on you.
“Get the fuck out!” You shout, while tears spill down your face.
Then he’s out the door as fast as it started. Leaving you there in a puddle of your own tears and rage.
Nothing had ever made you feel this way before. You were unsure how you would ever feel normal again. But there was one thing that you were entirely sure of- you fucking hated Jake Kiszka.
Teal is so tacky. It’s one of the tackiest colors to exist, you had decided. That's what you were doing at this very moment staring at a teal handbag that you would like to set on fire. It was sitting on a bar next to an equally tacky girl. You realized how insane you felt, but you needed to do something to distract your mind from the truth. Tonight was your third date with a guy named Aiden. He was fine, there was nothing wrong with him. He was attractive, ambitious, successful, and nice. But a part of you knew you were already so bored with him. You never knew how to pick a good guy. Which is why you tried your best to give Aiden a fair shake. Nonetheless, here you were sitting at a booth only thinking of a teal purse. You had decided to meet for drinks after work. You wore a hot pink blazer with a white tank turtleneck and a matching hot pink skirt, that might have been a little too short for work. You wore white tall boots, with gold jewelry. Your hair was done in loose curls and you had on a full face of makeup. This wasn’t your normal attire to work, but you knew you had a date tonight. Out of the corner of your eye you see Aiden pop in. You breathe in and prepare yourself. He’s in a nice gray suit. He always looks nice.
“Hey! So sorry I’m late. Traffic was awful.” Aiden says, reaching down to hug you.
You hug him back. “Oh no you’re fine! I just got here myself. How was your day?”
He smiles at you. “It was great actually. I had a really big pitch that I think went well for me. But I’m happier now that I’m here with you. How was your day?”
You make sure to smile at that, even if it did make you cringe a little. “Well that’s great. My day was good. Rather mundane I suppose, but work feels like that everyday.”
He chuckles. “You’re right about that. Ready for some drinks? A martini right?”
You nod your head. “Yes please.”
“Great. I’ll be right back. You look beautiful by the way.” He says with a smile before he heads over to the bar.
You take a moment to breathe in a little. Aiden was so nice. You had already decided that you would go on another date with him when he would inevitably ask later. You picked at your nails while you waited for your date and drink. You eyed the door constantly, that wasn’t a good sign. It was somewhat stuffy inside, but maybe that was in your head. You were just finding something to complain about. You had been like that for a while. Anytime a man would show interest you bounced. The truth is you were looking for someone to set your soul on fire. You craved a love so deep, that even the ocean would be jealous.
Instead you got guys like Aiden. Again, nothing wrong with him. But he didn’t ignite you. You knew who was to blame, but you hated to even think of him. So you chose to do this same routine over and over. Dating- then never speaking again. It’s not like you necessarily needed a man in your life, you were perfectly content with your life as is. But you wanted excitement again. Maybe if you gave Aiden a chance he could be that for you. Though you doubted it. You continued to eye the door. It wasn’t really busy, but every now and then someone would walk in. Mostly people in suits off to commence nefarious activities, then wake up and do it all again tomorrow. That life never spoke to you, but here you were smack dab in the middle of it. Funny how life works.
You fiddled around with your nails some more, damn you needed to get them done. You glanced up and thought your eyes were playing tricks on you.
Then he spoke.
Immediately you felt chills run down your spine. There’s a voice you hadn’t heard in years. There’s no way. You creep your head around the corner and see four very familiar faces. Your blood runs cold and your face becomes incredibly pale. Holy shit.
You whip your head back into your booth trying to stay out of their line of sight. What were they doing here? Why were they here? What?
Just then Aiden returns and hands you your martini. He frowns at you when he sees your face. “Hey, is everything okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
You blink a few times and nod your head. “I’m um- I’m fine.”
He sits back down across from you and takes your hand. “Are you sure?”
Just then that voice rings from right behind you. Now it’s closer.
“Oh shit. Well hey Sugar.”
You turn around and Jake is standing over you with a shit eating grin plastered on his face. You’re absolutely shocked and horrified. You try to speak but nothing comes out.
“I thought I heard your voice.” He flicks his eyes over to Aiden and extends his hand. “Hi. Jake Kiszka.”
Aiden gives him a strange look, but eventually extends his hand and says “Aiden.”
Finally you are able to muster up the courage to speak. “Jake.” You say calmly. “What are you doing here?”
He smirks at you. “I could ask you the same thing, Sugar. We were out scouting bars. We just moved here and I’ve got to say, you were the last person I was expecting to see tonight.”
You furrowed your brows while your voice goes up an octave higher. “What? You just moved here? Like from Michigan?”
Then the rest of them make their way over. You see Sam, Danny, and your old friend Josh.
Aiden clears his throat, clearly sensing your tension. “How do you guys know each other?”
Jake flicks his eyes to you and gives a wide smile. “Old friends.”
Aiden huffs a little at that. “Okay. Well looks like you have some catching up to do, with your old friends. I’ll call you tomorrow? I’d love to plan something if you’re free Saturday.”
You look back over at Aiden and nod your head.
He excuses himself and slides out of the booth.
“Bye Aiden! Lovely meeting you!” Jake yells out.
The other three are now approaching the table.
“Holy shit!” Sam exclaims when he sees you.
“Oh, hi Sam.”
Then you’re standing up and Sam hugs you, then Danny’s hugging you. Then you see Josh.
“Hi.” He says, standing there with his arms around his back. “Long time no see.”
You are unsure of what to say to that. “Hi Josh.”
“So, can we join you or what?” Jake asks.
You let out a breath and then motion your hand for them to all sit in your booth.
Jake scoots in right next to you. Immediately you feel the need to down your whole martini so you do.
“Whew. Damn Sugar. You okay?” Jake asks, nudging you.
You nod. “Yeah. Just wasn’t expecting such a-“ You pause. “Reunion.”
Josh smiles at you. “I can tell. Well don’t fret if it’s unpleasant for you. It’s just temporary. We are here with a new label working on an album. They decided to rent a house out to us for the next few months.”
You feel bad all of a sudden. You loved Josh. You and he had been friends for years. That was until you started dating Jake. You see, you and Josh had been friends after meeting in a coffee shop in Detroit. You had grown close with all of them, but Josh was your best friend. You two were practically inseparable. You pretty much did everything together. Then, one night you and Jake hooked up and the rest was history. It was hard on Josh. But you were too enamored by Jake to quit. You both had fallen fast and hard. Taking things way too fast, but it felt euphoric. Jake was like a drug. The highs were so high. But the lows were so low. You and Jake were only together for around 10 months. It was a toxic and crazy relationship. The only thing you and Jake were ever good at was sex. To this day no one made you come as hard as he had. But Jake acted like a selfish child. You two spent more time arguing than anything else. When you had broken up you had cut off all contact with all of them. You couldn’t bear it any longer. Josh had tried to reach out to you, but you ignored it. You wanted to forget Jake had ever existed- and that meant cutting off all people who reminded you of him. Then, you had moved to Nashville and gone on with life. You hadn’t seen or spoken to any of them since the break up.
“No it’s not that it’s unpleasant at all. Just unexpected. I never pegged you guys to settle down in… Nashville.” You said, trying to give a convincing smile.
Jake chimes in. “Settle down? We aren’t necessarily doing that. It’s temporary. I fear domesticity.”
You scoff. “Yep. I know.”
Jake laughs at you. “Good one.”
Josh changes the subject. “So what are you up to these days?”
You shift your gaze to Josh. “Well nothing as exciting as you guys. I work at a marketing firm and I have a Beta fish.”
Josh smiles at you. “That does sound exciting. Marketing huh? I can totally see it.”
You nod. “Congratulations to you all by the way on your success.”
“Thank you! We’ve been trying. It’s been a while since the garage band days.” Sam says.
“Yeah. It seems as if we’ve all grown up.” You say, still trying to push back negative feelings.
“Sam, Josh, you guys wanna go get drinks?” Danny asks, obviously trying to give you and Jake a moment to speak.
They both agree and follow Danny to the bar.
“I’ll take a whiskey on the rocks!” Jake yells to them and Sam gives him a thumbs up.
Then it’s just you two alone again. You turn around to face Jake. He’s still wearing that same smirk.
“You know Sugar, I’m digging the pink. You look good.”
You try not to let those words affect you. “Thanks.” You reply flatly.
“So, Aiden?” Jake asks.
You take a sip of the other martini on the table. “What about him?”
Jake hums. “Doesn’t really scream to me your type.”
“Oh yeah? Well what is my type?” You poke.
“Me.” Jake says and grins ear to ear.
You swig the martini again. “Funny.”
“C’mon Sugar. Lighten up. We’re just two old friends catching up.”
You pinch your face up and look at him. “Oh is that what we are?”
Jake smirks at you. “Okay well you know- ex lovers, future lovers. It’s all the same.”
You roll your eyes at him. He was always so full of charm which drove you crazy.
The other three returned with drinks in hand.
“So what are we getting up to tonight? It feels just like old times now.” Sam says with a bright smile.
You start to shut that down. “Count me out unfortunately. I have to work in the morning.”
It gets a little quiet.
“Well what are you doing this weekend?” Josh asks.
“I have pilates, but other than that I guess I’m free.” You reply.
“Does Aiden know that?” Jake teases.
You roll your eyes again.
“We have a show we’re doing this weekend. Would love if you could come and see us play after all this time.” Josh adds.
You pause for a minute, contemplating your options. But you didn’t want to seem so abrasive to Josh, you really did feel bad for ghosting him the way that you did. “Yeah, that sounds fun. I’ll be there.”
Josh smiles at you. “Great.”
“We can have a pass up front for you. Then I guess maybe uh Jake could text you the details?” Sam says cautiously.
Jake chuckles. “I’m blocked.”
Sam falls quiet, fearing maybe he had stirred something up between the two of you.
You try to lighten the situation. “Oh yeah? How do you know that?”
Jake shrugged. “I’ve reached out here and there. It’s never gone through.”
You clear your throat. “Josh? Do you still have my number? If not I can text you.”
“I’ve still got it.” Josh says lightly.
You half smile. “Great. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to slip out of here. It was truly great seeing you guys.”
“Care if I walk you out?” Josh asks.
You weren’t really expecting that.
“Oh yeah sure.” You reply.
You smile and nod everyone else off and Jake has that same smirk on his face.
“See ya soon Sugar.” Jake says, eyeing you up and down.
“Jake.” Is all you say with a nod.
Then you and Josh are walking out of the bar. It’s definitely awkward and there’s so much to be said, but you’re so unsure where to start.
“I’m just right here.” You say motioning over towards your car. “Thank you for walking me.”
Josh gives you a small smile. “So if I text you are you actually going to respond?”
“Josh I-“ You start.
He holds his hand up to you. “I’m only teasing. I know it was a weird situation.”
There was the sweet and understanding Josh he had always been. “It was. But there was still no excuse for me to do what I did to you.”
Josh shakes his head. “Consider it water under the bridge.”
You give a small sigh of relief. “Thank you.”
“I’ll see you Saturday?” Josh questions.
You nod. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
Josh smiles. “Good.”
“Hug?” You say extending your arms out.
Josh obliged and stepped in and hugged you. It felt like comfort. You smiled into his shirt. When you both let each other go. Josh was reciprocating that smile.
“I’m glad I ran into you tonight. Get home safe.”
“Me too. Bye Josh.”
Then he stood outside and watched you pull out, waving you off.
Your head was running a million miles an hour. What just happened? You felt like you wanted to vomit, half bile, half rainbows. All you knew was that now you had to prepare for a Saturday with your ex-boyfriend, old best friend, and their band.
Saturday had rolled around quicker than you had anticipated. You huffed as you threw your pilates bag into your car. In a way you were ready to work out all of the anxiousness and frustration you felt. Your pilates studio wasn’t too far from your townhouse. It was in an upscale little plaza next to a smoothie shop, which you would definitely be taking advantage of after. Once you arrived you checked into your class and rolled out your mat. You took a few deep breaths and adjusted your attire. You wore a rather loud pair of green leggings that fit you like tights, and a white sports bra top. You unlaced your white sneakers, letting your bare feet hit the mat. You felt grounded, drained of negative energy. Pilates was always an outlet for your stress, better that than alcohol.
After an intense session you felt reborn. You rolled up your mat and hit the locker room, splashing cold water on your face. You took your hair down and watched it cascade down your shoulders, it had gotten so long. You dried your face with a clean towel and wiped the sweat from your hairline. You rolled on some deodorant and you were vibrating with excitement at the thought of the peanut butter banana protein smoothie you were about to inhale. After dropping off your items in your car you walked with some pep in your step to the entrance of the smoothie cafe only to be met with confusion.
He saw you through the door as soon as you saw him, his face lighting up with a smile as he got up to meet you at the door.
“Hey Sug. What a pleasant surprise.” He greeted, as you stepped in.
“Are you stalking me?” You ask, half serious.
He lets out a chuckle. “You wish. No, Josh and I are here meeting with our social media manager. She wanted smoothies, but I’ve got to say I was hoping this pilates studio next door was the one you frequented.”
You glance around him and see Josh at the table giving you a wave while a blonde girl scrolled through a laptop.
“So why this smoothie place? Did you search for one closest to a pilates studio?” You ask in an accusatory tone.
“You overestimate me Sug. This was just the closest one to our house.” He replies coolly.
“Closest?” You ask with pinched brows.
“Yeah. Our house is somewhat secluded I guess. It’s a few miles behind that block of townhomes.”
“Motherfucker.” You whisper.
Jake looks at you strangely. “What?”
”Nothing.” You say dismissively.
He cracks that annoyingly perfect smile at you. “Don’t tell me you live close to there?”
You glance up at him, always finding it hard to lie to him “I do.”
”Well I’ll be damned. What does fate have in store for us Sug?” He asks through a smirk.
You scoff at him. He was ridiculous.
“Let me at least buy you a smoothie and you can come join us.” Jake offers.
You make a face at him. “I don’t need you to buy my smoothie Jake.”
He cracks a smile at you and places his hand on your lower back ushering you towards the ordering station. “I know you don’t need me to. But I want to. Y’know good karma and all.”
You scoff. “It would take a lot more than a smoothie to give you good karma.”
He lets out a small laugh. “You’re right.”
You two order and stand by the counter while you’re waiting on all of the smoothies. He had ordered one for him, Josh, and the laptop girl too.
You try to tune Jake out but you can feel his eyes burning into you.
“What?” You ask, looking over at him.
“Ah nothing. I thought pink was your color, but it might be green.” He suggests with a smirk, while nodding his head towards your tight green leggings that are practically painted on you.
You roll your eyes but feel your face flushing red. Thankfully, they call your order number up and you grab your smoothie and Josh’s while Jake waits for whatever else he ordered. You walk towards the booth and are greeted with a smiley Josh. You decide to slide in next to him, the blonde girl barely looks up from her computer.
“Ah I thought that was you. I didn’t know you would be joining us this morning?” Josh questions, almost as if he would believe that you and Jake had planned this.
You lightly laughed at that notion. “Yeah me either. My pilates studio is next door. I come here religiously for these protein shakes.”
“Pilates and protein? What happened to my beer and mac & cheese girl?” He teases with a bright smile.
You huff a laugh, but before you can respond Jake comes buzzing over to the table. “Here ya go Dev.” Jake says, sliding over to the blonde girl who was so wrapped up in her computer. However, that’s not the case anymore.
She flashes a smile to Jake. “Oh thank you Jake.” She says, her voice thick with sweetness.
Oh she likes him. You can tell by the way her eyes light up when she sees him. You get it, you really do. But why is it bothering you?
Josh clears his throat. “Okay, well maybe proper introductions are in order here? Devan this is y/n. We all go way back.”
Jake snickers at that. “Yeah, way back.”
You flick a brief look of judgment at Jake, but you notice your heart rate quicken.
“Yes… and this is Devan, she is our newly hired social media coordinator. She’s brilliant. I figured you two might have some common ground with your marketing career?” Josh offers.
Devan meets your eyes. She’s pretty. Moderately short dirty blonde hair with platinum highlights, blue eyes lined perfectly with black eyeliner and encased in black rimmed large eye glasses. You weren’t sure if they were for seeing or fashion, but they looked great on her. She was trendy in a business casual way. Very much a Nashville girl.
You flashed her a smile. “It’s nice to meet you, Devan.”
She offers you a tight lipped smile before averting her eyes back to her computer. “Mhm likewise.”
Oh. You would completely understand her demeanor had she behaved like this the whole time. Work is work. However, she lit up like a Christmas tree for Jake. So you were led to believe that you and her would not be making each other friendship bracelets anytime soon.
“Jake, can you tell me what you think of this filter?” Devan asks in that sickeningly sweet voice again.
Jake glances up at you slightly with a grin and scoots closer to Devan. He brushes his hand with hers as he scrolls on the mousepad and you see her cheeks dust with pink. “Oh wow. Devan this is beautiful. We really are so lucky to have hired you.” He says nudging her shoulder. “Josh, look at this.”
Jake spins the computer around and you glance at the photo. It’s a fucking black and white picture with grain. You now know Jake is trying to put on an act since you’re here.
Josh purses his lips. “Yeah… absolutely. Looks great.”
He has always been so kind.
Your attention is diverted when your phone starts to vibrate on the table.
Aiden Rodgers flashes upon your screen and Jake sees it before you do.
“Sorry guys. I’m going to get out of here and take this call.” You look over directly to Josh. “I’ll see you later?”
Josh gives you a polite smile. “Yeah of course.”
You grab your phone that’s still lighting up the table and glance up at Jake before shuffling out of the booth.
“See you tonight. Do feel free to bring Aiden, Sug.” Jake says with a sly smile.
You make a face at him. Why did he always manage to get under your skin? As you walked off you took a deep breath and answered your phone.
Lunch with Aiden went perfectly well. You had fibbed a little and said that you had a family thing come up for the evening, so Aiden offered lunch. He took you to a cute little patio restaurant where you indulged in a salmon and goat cheese salad with a lemon blueberry mojito. He was funny and charming. But you couldn’t help but let your mind drift elsewhere while he was speaking. You sent Aiden off with a hug and a promise to call him soon. Now you sat in your living room nursing a wine cooler contemplating what you would even wear tonight. What is the attire for attending your rockstar ex-boyfriend’s concert? Part of you wanted to bail on the whole night and not even go, but you couldn’t do that to Josh. Despite all of the shit with Jake, Josh was always there for you. It was about time you showed some reciprocation after all this time.
You groaned and peeled yourself off of your couch. There was a laundry list of things that needed to be done before tonight and you had better get started. Your phone buzzed whilst you were in the middle of an everything shower. When you climbed out you check it immediately to see a text from Josh:
After party tonight at our house. Would love for you to come and you’re more than welcome to stay. Pack a swimsuit!
You felt a swirl of emotions hit you. You missed them and you knew going would be fun. But were you ready to be around Jake for longer than 10 minutes? You dried off and tried to do anything but contemplate how the night might play out. Once you had completed all of your skincare, you threw your hair up to dry in a turban towel and picked through your closet. You fingered through your dresses, business casual blouses, and blazers. Nothing spoke to you. Then, it hit you.
Jake had said he loved you in pink and green, but you still remember the way he trembled when you wore black. You tried to reason with yourself that the sole reason you were choosing your outfit was not based on him, but you were drawing blanks.
Once you applied sultry makeup and put bouncing curls in your hair you were ready to get dressed. You picked up your lingerie-esk black see through cami adorned with lace. It was entirely sheer except for the front. You decided to pair it with a longer silk black skirt with a high slit and black strappy heels. Once, you were dressed, you accessorized and sprayed yourself with a perfume that made you smell like a walking dessert. You might have taken a liquid shot of courage before you got into your Uber to head to the venue.
There was a line of fans outside and you smiled to yourself knowing that their dream was coming to fruition. You clicked your heels on the pavement up towards the box office, carrying your small duffle bag and gave them your name. You were given a lanyard and entrance to the side door where a rather muscular man led you down empty hallways. He smiled and attempted to strike a flirty conversation with you while taking your bag to carry it, but you were already bored of him as he droned on about how important he was. Finally you had made it to a lounge area where you saw Danny rummaging through the fridge with Sam hot on his heels. You laughed to yourself at a memory that had come to mind seeing the scene before you. Josh had always called them tweedle dee and tweedle dumb in the most endearing way. Where there was one the other surely would be in tow.
“Y/n! Hey! You look hot!” Sam yelled, rather loudly as soon as he noticed your presence.
“I believe this is where I leave you ma’am.” Muscles said, sitting your bag down on a chair. “If you require my assistance later or need help getting to your seat, here’s my number.”
You politely accepted his small slip of paper and tried to pretend like you didn’t see his wink.
“You made it!” Josh stated enthusiastically heading your way.
You wrapped him in a warm embrace. “I’m done dodging you.”
He smiled at those words. “Promise?”
”Pinky.” You said, extending your finger out towards him.
This was something you and Josh had done in the past. The most serious of vows, your pinky promises.
You saw his heart swell at your action, happy to have his best friend back. That was short lived when you felt a cloud come into the room. You could sense his eyes on you.
“Want a drink?” Josh asked, nodding towards the small wet bar.
“Just a vodka soda please.”
As one twin left you, another approached. Jake didn’t say a word as he took you in with his eyes. Scanning you up and down no doubtably undressing you with his eyes. You tried not to let that affect you.
He nodded towards you. “Sugar. You look… just wow. Takes me back to a different time.”
Your face slightly reddens at his admission. You expected more of a sleazy conversation from Jake rather than an unintentional trip down memory lane.
The mood shifts entirely when Josh comes back with a vodka soda and two limes.
“You remembered.” You say to Josh with a smile, gesturing towards the extra lime.
“Of course. How could I forget?” He replies with a grin.
Jake clears his throat. “Well glad you could make it. We have a hell of a show tonight and I assume you’ll be at our house later of course for the party?”
You give a quick glance to Josh, who is looking at you hopefully. “Yep. I’ll be there.”
Jake flashes you a mischievous grin. “Excellent. Enjoy yourself tonight Sug.” Then he heads off to converse with one of his technicians.
“Rather brooding isn’t he?” Josh jabs.
You snicker at that. “I’ll say.”
Josh turns towards you and places a hand on your back. “I’m glad you’re here. I’ve missed you.”
A wave of guilt mixed with sentimentality rushes through your veins. You loved Josh. No matter what happened with Jake, he was still that beautiful shining beacon of light for you. It was then you had decided to focus on him rather than concern yourself with whatever Jake may do. “I missed you too Josh, so much.”
“Alright everyone! Openers are about to go on. I need you all dressed and ready to shoot some social media content in ten!”
You glance across the room and see Devan with an iPad in hand. She was wearing a similar stylish business casual outfit like she had previously worn. When she finally looked up from her screen she noticed you immediately and gave a harsh face. It was brief, but you had caught it.
“Devan can we push this back a little? Y/n just got here and I’d like to show her around.” Josh asks.
Devan makes a face a Josh before tapping furiously on her tablet. “Eh sorry no can do Josh. The best I could do is an additional fifteen minutes but that will cut into Danny’s tik tok later. Besides, we need to make sure we are staying somewhat confidential with our filming so that nothing gets leaked.”
You felt a pit form in your stomach. She didn’t want you around and you were intruding on their work.
“Uh Devan she’s basically family.” Sam chimes in. “She wouldn’t dare leak anything.”
“No, it’s fine!” You try to say as nonchalant as possible. “I wanted to catch some of the opening act anyway. You guys go and get dressed and do your thing.”
Josh gives you a sad look, but eventually nods on.
“I’ll call that security guard to come fetch you. Oh! Jake! I need your feedback on something.” Devan says, hurrying over towards Jake who looks at you with raised brows.
“One sec Dev. Gonna walk y/n to her seat.” He says, shuffling past her.
He walks up to you with a pleased smile and sticks his arm out. “Shall we?”
You give him a pointed look and huff before grabbing his arm. “Break a leg.” You say to Josh with a smile.
He gives you a half hearted smile back and nods. You wondered why his mood had seemed to change, but Jake’s voice quickly snapped you out of your thoughts.
You hum. “I supposed. Eager to see how much you’ve all changed.”
Jake chews on his cheeks before he speaks. “I guess we all have… changed quite a bit. Grew up a little.”
You laugh. “Oh, have you? That seems far-fetched for some of you.”
He huffs a laugh back. “You’re talking about Sam right?”
“Oh most definitely.” You snicker, but can’t hide the smile that creeps out. “You didn’t have to walk me, you know. I can manage.”
“And leave that meathead to try and sweep you off your feet? No way Sugar, I’m the only one who can do that. Besides, these halls can be empty. No one around. Private really.” He retorts with a shit eating grin.
There he is. You roll your eyes. “Oh Jake, you really always have been ever so charming.”
“You flatter me. But in all honesty it can be difficult to navigate around backstage. When we first started playing at bigger venues I would get lost just trying to find somewhere to smoke a fucking cigarette.”
“Cigarettes? That’s a nasty little habit.” You say with faux disapproval.
He turns towards you and sets his eyes on yours. “Quite. Sometimes the things that can hurt you the most are what you want more than anything. You crave it.”
You feel your heartbeat quicken at that statement. Your chest starts to blaze with an indescribable feeling, but before you can respond you’re interrupted.
“VIP guest? I’ll usher her over to side stage.” A crew member says approaching you and Jake.
Jake clears his throat and nods at the man. “Yep, thank you.”
Then he turns away and heads in the opposite direction without looking back at you. You felt your brain spinning as you blinked to come back to reality. You were taken to your seat where you were surprisingly close to the stage. You weren’t necessarily in seats, but had a foldout chair side stage on the floor. Your mind drifted to what they might play and if Jake played with as much passion as he used to. When you two had dated you were mesmerized watching him play. His dedication, his intensity, the way his body swayed around that guitar, the facial expressions, the sweat, his…hands. Stop. You couldn’t think that way. That time was over. You have moved on. You were over Jake. Right? You hated him. Didn’t you? You massaged your temples and requested a drink from a crew member. When it arrived you nursed the burning liquid in attempt to suppress whatever in the hell your psyche was feeling. You tried to concentrate on the openers, but before you knew it their set was over and you were left thinking what the next setlist might be. Since you went no contact, you did not go out of your way to search for them or their music. You only know the early days. The early days. Would they play it? Your song? They used to play it all the time. A catchy song written drunkenly by Jake and Josh one night when they were younger, but you were the driven force behind its publication. They played it all the time. It was a great jam song, but no one knew Jake had dedicated it to you. Anxiousness swirled in your stomach as you anticipated the mere minutes before they would take to the stage. You had to admit there was quite a turn out. They had fans and not just casual ones either. A part of you felt proud while another solem that you had missed the build up to this moment.
The lights dimmed and cheering ensued. Then you heard those familiar chords billow through the speaker. It couldn’t be. Your song? They started with your song? Josh’s wailing fills the venue and Jake’s fingers move at lightning speed to match his twin. Highway Tune. Your song.
So sweet. So fine. So nice. Oh my.
Jake used to jokingly say this to you all the time. Your body betrayed you as you swayed to that ever so familiar sound, the build up to the catchiest little riff that has haunted you for years. For a moment Jake’s eyes meet yours and a bright smile appears on his face followed by a wink. He knew what he was doing. The song comes to a close and you hold your breath in anticipation to see if they do it. Danny beats the skin off of his drums, Sam plucks wildly at his bass, Jake strums and struts, you see Josh take a breath and then look at you before the close out.
You were reeling after the last two hours of whatever that was. A rush of conflicting emotions assaults all of your senses as you make your way backstage. Starting off with your song and then you heard a song that made a pit form in your stomach. You’re The One. Was that about you? Timeline wise it would make sense. You wouldn’t dare ask in fear of being embarrassed if it wasn’t about you. But you had a gut feeling that it was.
All of a sudden they all rush back into the green room high off adrenaline.
“So, what did you think?” Danny asks, grabbing a towel to wipe the sweat from his chest.
“You guys were phenomenal. Seriously, I was blown away.”
Danny smiles, clearly pleased with your answer while Sam pulls you into his side for a hug.
“Feels so nostalgic in here huh?”
You let out a small laugh. “Sure does Sammy.”
“Nostalgia for sure Sug.” Jake says, pressing a freshly poured glass of some dark liquid to his lips. His eyes are intense as they study you, trying to see if there’s any falter behind you.
You breath out when you see Josh and take the opportunity to get you out of this weird eye contact that you have with Jake. “Josh! Oh my god, your voice! You were absolutely amazing. So grown up now.”
He smiles sweetly at you. “You’re too kind. It’s been a work in progress for a while.”
“I can tell. I always knew you were talented but I just- wow.”
He blushes slightly at that.
“Yeah yeah enough of the love fest. Can we please go home and start drinking?” Sam says in a faux annoyed tone while sending you a wink.
“Don’t have to ask me twice. Wanna ride with me Sug?” Jake asks looking towards you with raised eyebrows
You swallow thickly at that. “I’ll hang back with Josh. Gotta find my bags anyway.”
“Suit yourself.”
“Josh!” You say in a fit of giggles as he matches your laughs.
“What? It’s true! He absolutely looked like he was snorting steroids.”
You and Josh had left the venue and were headed back to the house. You thought you would be anxious, but neither you nor Josh had shut up or quit laughing. It all felt so natural, just like it once did.
“We’re just around this corner here.” He says, whipping his jeep to the left.
“Josh.” You start. “I have a confession.”
He raises his eyebrows at you. “Yeah?”
“See those trees back there? Just to the right of that little park?”
He quints and nods.
“I live back there.”
His mouth falls open. “No shit?”
You laugh and nod. “I’m so serious! I live in one of those townhomes. That’s why I was so weirded out when I ran into you guys at the smoothie cafe.”
Josh grins and taps the steering wheel. “Hell. Small world. Who would have thought?”
“It’s the universe bringing us back together Joshy.” You say playfully giving his arm a light tap.
His grin turns into a full on smile at that. “I’ll hold you to that.”
When you arrived Josh grabbed your bag and ushered you inside. The house was quite big, definitely bigger than your townhome. There was loud music blasting inside and a slew of bodies which didn’t look familiar to you.
“Wanna take this to my room?” Josh yells over the music.
You nod and grab his hand as he leads you up the stairs.
“Shit it’s loud down there. I’m going to fix that when we get back there. I don’t wear earpieces to protect my ears on stage only to have it ruined at a shitty house party.” Josh says, as he shuts his door.
His room is so very Josh. There’s a white plush king bed in the center, perfectly made. A John Denver poster hangs on a blank wall with a few plants scattered around. But your favorite feature is a small reading nook that Josh has made out of his relatively small windowsill.
“Josh, this is so cute.” You say, running your fingers through his books. You two had always been avid readers and you were delighted to see his new found fame hadn’t changed him.
He gives you a bashful grin. “I guess. I just need a space that’s just for me. Somewhere to escape from the normal insanity that is my life.”
You shrug at him. “Understandable. The reason I chose the townhome I’m in is solely because of a clawfoot tub in my bathroom. I will sit in that thing for hours after a long day at work.”
“You still stay in there long enough to be a mermaid?”
You nod and smile. Josh use to always call you a mermaid because of your extensive baths.
“Ready to head down? I’ve got to kill this music before we get the damn cops called on us.”
You agree and follow him down the stairs. He introduces you to a few dozen people who you couldn’t possibly remember before taking two tequila shots. He throws you a seltzers and a leaves you with a promise to return as soon as he gets the music turned down. You sip on your drink as you can feel the two shots of tequila already working it’s way into your system. You took the time to walk around the house and explore. Careful to avoid any unwanted interactions. You finally found yourself in a small corner of the living room observing some vinyl that was hanging. It seems their collection had almost doubled since you last saw it.
You weren’t alone for long when you felt his presence near you. It was magnetic the way you two had always gravitated towards one another and you knew he was fighting that pull just as much as you had.
“Enjoying yourself Sugar?” Jake asks, leaning in closer than necessary so you can hear him. Immediately you can smell the booze on him. Was he trying to drink away the feelings he felt just like you were?
“Having a splendid time Jacob. Thank you.” You reply, cordially.
He laughs and presses his back up to the wall, observing the party with you. “Why do I always find you in a corner by yourself? You should be out there mingling and mixing.” He teases.
You scoff. “We all aren’t social butterflies like you I suppose.”
Jake turns back and leans in closer to you. “Don’t play coy with me Sug. Don’t forget, I know you. You are very personable. Dare I say charming even?”
You take this opportunity to poke back at him. “Charming? I think I use my charm a little bit differently than you.”
He clicks his tongue and brings his glass up to his lips. “Whatever do you mean?”
“I use my charm simply in a way that any human would; for the purpose of social interaction. Right? You use your charm to try and get panties to drop. So why are you lecturing me? You need to get out there and mix and mingle instead of standing in this corner.”
Jake studies you as you speak and takes a step even closer. He stares directly in your eyes, his slightly red and half-lidded. “Fair, but there’s only one person here that I want to try that charm out with.”
You tried not to flinch at his words, but that hit you like a bullet train. “Yeah?”
He leaned down, bracing himself on the wall. “Yeah.” He whispers into your neck. His hot breath fanning on a sweet spot that caused goosebumps to form everywhere. “And I can only get to her in this corner. Unless of course she would like to accompany me upstairs? We could do a lot of mixing and mingling up there.”
You feel a rush in your chest as Jake’s eyes bounce from your eyes to your lips.
Oh but his lips.
Slightly wet from nursing his drink, but so perfectly plump and pink. You tried to remember how they felt when they used to graze every inch of your skin. That thought alone sent shivers down your spine. You felt frozen in time as your heart was thudding. Maybe it was the alcohol in your system or maybe it was the burning sensation of lust coursing through your veins, but you were going to kiss him. No you were going to fuck him. You didn’t care, all of your inhibitions had long flown out the window. You stared back at him intently and fluttered your eyes tilting your head forward. He leaned in slowly and parted his lips. You followed suit. His nose brushed yours and electricity shot down your spine. This was it.
You both spun around to see Josh heading your way. Jake huffed a few curse words under his breath as you instinctively took a step back.
Josh makes his way over to you and runs his fingers through his hair. “Thank god I found you. That redhead is looking for you. She’s been following me around for the last few minutes. Something about plans you had?”
Your stomach sinks slightly at that and you feel embarrassed that it did. Of course he has little flings or hell even multiple girlfriends.
Jake cocks his head at his twin and narrows his eyes at him. Almost like he cannot believe what he just said. There’s a long pause of silence between the two of them, neither breaking eye contact from the other.
Finally, Jake lets out a huff and glances back at you before walking off.
You were now beyond grateful that Josh cockblocked you.
“Such a sour puss. You ready to go swimming?” Josh asks you with a grin.
You match his. “Absolutely.”
You stared at yourself in the mirror feeling a little self conscious as you took in your body in the black bikini. Jake hadn’t seen your body in a while. Not since you had become more womanly and of course the months of pilates classes. You knew you looked attractive, sure but you still had those voices inside your head criticizing every imperfection. You massaged your temples to get out of your own head and threw on a large Nirvana t-shirt with some leather flip flops before leaving Josh’s bathroom.
“Ready?” He asked you, sitting patiently in his windowsill. “I got us towels.”
You let out a small laugh. “Thank you. Yes, let's go.”
You and Josh descend the stairs and head outside. There’s a decent amount of people there. You don’t scan around looking for Jake, instead keeping your eyes on Josh as he plops your towels down on a chair. He’s wearing light orange swim trunks that match his tan perfectly. It’s just now that you realize how fit he looks. He has really filled out since you last saw him.
You take off your t-shirt and slide off your flip flops, placing them all on the chair. When you glance up your eyes meet Jake’s. He’s staring at you, mouth slightly agape. He’s in the pool, with a fair skinned girl with red hair laughing and straddling him. Her arms are on his shoulders and instantly jealousy creeps down your spine. Why were you jealous? You couldn’t say, but you were. You peeled your eyes away from Jake and headed towards Josh, who was at the cooler fetching you drinks.
“Hot tub?” You ask him walking up behind him.
“Oh yeah sure-“ He turns around and his eyes scan your body. He’s not being nonchalant about it and when he catches himself his face dusts red and he clears his throat. “Yeah hot tub it is.”
You and Josh pad your way to the hot tub, opposite to where Jake and the red head were. You see Sam sitting in there animatedly speaking to Danny. You giggle because you can tell he’s intoxicated.
“Wow wow wow!” Sam whistles wildly at you two approaching. “Josh, you look incredible!”
Josh laughs at his brothers antics while taking your hand to help you climb into the hot tub. The warm water goes from slightly uncomfortable to pleasant the more you sink down in it. You crack your watermelon tequila seltzer and cheers with Josh as you get settled, opting to share a jet together.
“Sammy boy, how much have you had to drink tonight?” Josh pokes.
He throws his hand up at you two. “I lost count. I’m just trying to celebrate! Enjoy the lovely night with lovely people!”
Danny groaned at the end of that sentence and handed Sam a bottle of water. “Drink this.”
“Ah! The gang’s all back together. Where’s Jake? I’m surprised he peeled himself away from you.” Sam giggles. “He was eye fucking you all night on that stage.”
It got quiet.
“He’s in the pool.” Danny offers, bluntly.
Sam cranes his head around to look for his older brother. “Oh. Shit. Is that one Holly or Katie?”
“Holly.” Josh interjects. “Katie is the other one.”
Other one.
Sam sucks in his cheeks and turns towards you. “Sorry. I know that might be awkward for you. It’s nothing serious.”
You let out a laugh. “It’s okay Sam. It doesn't bother me.” You lie. “That was a long time ago.”
“Sam, no one was thinking that. You’re the one making things weird.” Danny says through a laugh.
Sam lets out a breath. “Pshhhhhh. Nope. Come on we all remember how they used to-“
“Sam!” Josh snaps, somewhat abruptly. “Let it be. Can we not traumatize her again?”
You play it off. “It’s fine I promise. But tell me about this house? It’s insane! You guys are living here for how long?”
Josh faces you. “It is. I’m very grateful they gave us such a big place to write this album. We used to go in the smallest cabins in the woods and hold up for weeks. But I think we should be here for at least a good six to nine months.”
You swallow at that. How would you be around them or him for that long? “Wow. Sounds like you guys will be busy then.”
Danny rolls his eyes. “We would be if we could stay on topic.”
You smile at that. “Not much has changed, has it?”
Sam sips his water. “Not even a little bit.”
Eventually the party had died down and the crowd began to disperse. Danny and Sam were on cleanup duty while you and Josh both quickly took a rinse shower and put dry clothes back on. You were done first, so you decided to head back down wearing gray sweat shorts with a white cropped tank. Your hair was slightly damp and had curled up significantly.
“Need any help?” You ask Sam as you see him throwing cups on a trash bag.
“That would be great.” He offers with a big smile.
You get to work and grab a bottle of cleaning solution with paper towels and being spraying and wiping down the sticky surfaces, while Sam finishes picking up trash and begins to sweep.
“You’re too sweet, you know that? I’ve always thought so.”
You giggle at his drunk confessional. “Thank you Sammy. So are you.”
He shrugs. “I guess. I’m sorry if I made you upset earlier. I’m just glad to see that you don’t have an achy Jakey heart.”
You can’t help but laugh at that one. “It’s okay, really. I’m a big girl.”
Sam grins at you. “I know you are. But for what it’s worth, he hasn’t really been the same since- you know. Despite how he acts it really fucked him up. He never said a word to indicate it, but we could all tell. I’m sure you heard that song tonight. He would absolutely kill me for saying all of this to you right now, but I feel like you should know it. If for nothing but closure. Fuck, I know I’m drunk and I’m oversharing here.”
You feel like the wind has been sucked out of you. A pool of emotions you absolutely cannot identify swirl in you. Does Jake have feelings for you? After all this time? That song? Were you right?
You’re interrupted abruptly by Josh climbing down the stairs. “Sammy, why do you have our guest working?”
Sam clears his throat, trying to drop all of the conversation that had just occurred between you two. “She volunteered because she is kind. Unlike a certain diva I know.”
“Please. Jake and I have the next clean up- that was the agreement.”
Sam rolls his eyes. “Yeah yeah. Help me take this trash out.”
Josh gives you a head nod as he grabs two bags of trash and walks with Sam towards the door.
Then you’re left in your own thoughts, absentmindedly putting away things that you have no idea where they go.
“So who are you?”
You whip your head around to see redhead approaching you. She’s still in her neon pink bikini tracking pools of water on the floors Sam had just cleaned.
You try not to narrow your eyes at her as you tell her your name. “Old friend of theirs.”
She takes in what you say. “Hm, old friend? I don’t think I’ve ever heard them talk about you.”
You’re a bit taken back by her nastiness. “And you are?”
“Holly.” She says with a smile. “Jake’s good friend. Thank you for helping clean up and all, but the party’s over. I think we’ll get it from here.”
Okay now you narrow your eyes at her. She doesn’t know you and you have a good inkling she doesn’t know how much of good friends you and Jake used to be. “Appreciate your tip and all, but I’m staying here tonight.”
She makes a face at you. “What are you taking the couch or something?”
“No.” Josh’s voice peaks from behind you. “Not that’s it’s any of your concern, but she’s staying with me.”
She drops a considerable amount of attitude with Josh in the room. “Oh! No, yeah I just didn’t know.”
She heads back outside as Josh scoffs. “Don’t worry about her.”
You flash him a smile. “What? She seems so friendly.”
He nudges your shoulder. “You have no idea.”
You and Josh had decided to go outside to make sure everything else was done before you had retired to bed. You found Jake sitting in a chair with redhead practically on top of him. His eyes found yours when you stepped outside, but you looked away quickly and refused to look back.
“Is Sam making a fucking fire?” Josh asks through a laugh.
Danny walks by and places his hand on Josh’s shoulder. “Indeed he is. Something about old times sake and a card game?”
A smile spreads across your face. “Rummy? That’s what we used to all play when we were high out of our minds.”
“Bingo!” Sam yells from a distance. “And you’re in luck baby because look what I have!” He holds up a sandwich bag full of joints.
You shake your head and smile at Josh. “Oh my god.”
He throws his arm around you. “Are you up for this?”
You think about it for a second. Contemplating being around Jake and redhead even longer. You didn’t want to be a buzzkill though, so you bit your lip and nodded your head.
You all eventually gathered around the table. You seated yourself next to Josh and Sam, trying to steer away from Jake. It was to no use when he sat down directly in front of you. His eyes bore into yours, but again you wouldn’t look at him.
“Wanna shuffle Sug?” Jake asks you, attempting to hand the cards in your direction.
You can see redhead squish her face up at the pet name.
“Sure.” You take the cards and begin to shuffle them around before dealing.
Sam lights up and starts to pass the joints around. You collect your cards and take a joint from Josh, watching him take a drag. You bring the joint to your lips and take a small hit, not wanting to do too much for the night. The smoke fills your lungs and you feel that light sensation rush to your head. You close your eyes and exhale, deciding to take another puff before passing it back to Sam. It’s not long until all of you are red eyed and smiley. The first few games were won by you and Danny, then the cards got tossed to the side stories began to flow. At this point the cotton mouth began to set it.
“Gonna go grab a bottle of water. Want one?” You turn to Josh.
He gives you a smile. “Please.”
You head towards the house and go to the bathroom first, relieving your bladder. You wash your hands and stare at the mirror, trying to fix the slight black smudge under your eyes. You were tired and ready to call it a night. Once you headed back into the kitchen you were startled by a body standing there.
“Fuck! Jake, you scared me.”
He laughs. “Sorry Sugar. Just wanted to come and check on you.”
“I’m fine.”
“You are.” His voice was like velvet. He was always somehow more attractive when he was stoned.
“Careful Jake. Don’t want your friend out there to hear.” You say nonchalantly, grabbing two bottles of water.
Jake gives you a devilish grin and steps closer. Backing you up into the countertops. “Oh come on now Sugar. Just say the words and she’s gone.”
You look up at him, studying that beautiful face. “I’m good actually.”
You shimmy out from underneath him heading back outside to Josh. You let out a deep breath before returning to the group.
“Thanks love.” Josh says, taking the bottle from you.
Jake returns to the group not uttering a word.
“I’m tired.” You announce to Josh.
“Yeah me too.” Redhead states. “Jake can we go to bed babe?”
You glance up at him. He looks at you with raised eyebrows, almost asking you. You avoid his glance and he mutters a “yeah” towards her. It sort of felt like a stab to your gut, but you wouldn’t give it any attention.
“Good night guys!” Redhead yells, toting Jake’s arm all the way inside.
You and Josh helped put the fire out before heading back inside.
“What a damn day.” Josh jokes, handing you toothpaste to put on your toothbrush.
You huff a laugh. “Tell me about it. Also I’m freezing, why is it so cold in here?”
“Daniel insists we keep the house at a crisp 68. Michigan blood isn’t used to this Tennessee heat.”
You snicker. “You would all boil if you came to my place.”
“You’ve adapted well I see.”
You shrug. “I’ve always preferred to be closer to The Sun I guess. Makes me happy.”
Josh smiles at you. “I know what you mean.”
You both brush your teeth side by side. A part of it felt so domestic, like it was something that you two had done every night forever. You chalk it off to being high and climb into bed with your once best friend.
You snuggled down into his plush sheets and both crack a few jokes before drifting off to sleep. Somehow, Josh’s arm found it’s way wrapped around you. You were no longer freezing; you were now warm.
Both inside and out.
Thank you for reading :)
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ineffableigh · 7 months
Today in "shit that's weird about Maggie's note"
She signs it "Maggie (in the record shop next door)"
Maggie why did you think Aziraphale would forget who you are rofl
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And as others have surely pointed out already, the wording is so strange. "Something about which I need to speak with you on a matter of some ugrency."
Forget the spelling, the rest is just so odd and clunky. Probably just her trying to be formal in requesting a meeting about the rent, but HMM.
DID she put the note in the door??? Maybe someone else did it with some of her stationery?
Oh my god you know who talks like that?
MUTT. Mutt who is covered in the teal and gold colors of Heaven and Hell, yes?
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S02E05: "Under no circumstances can I there be for tonight - it is my wedding anniversary and I am taking my beloved spouse out to dinner."
Again, PROBABLY nothing. But it does stand out, yes? I'll get on a re-watch and listen for any other strange, clunky phrasings...
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suzteel · 9 months
I've been meaning to talk about the change in Tankhun's wardrobe over the course of the series for a while, and this gifset crossing my dash again ended up being the motivation I needed. So here we go!
As highlighted by at gifset, green lighting and backdrops are often used to indicate danger in the show. It is also a color heavily associated with the Minor Family and some great meta has been written about the use and significance of the color on the show and especially about Porsche's final green suit. Green is the color of greed, of danger, of corruption. But green can have more positive associations with it as well: it can represent hope, growth, renewal, rebirth...
But what does this have to do with Tankhun? Well it's all in the wardrobe.
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When we are first introduced to Tankhun on the show, he’s hard to miss in his fuchsia robe. It's a color we see a lot of when it comes to Tankhun. For the first half of the season he’s awash in pink and color, wearing fuchsias, reds, golds, and the occasional blue-tinted metallic or sky blue. And his character is much like the colors he wears—loud and attention-seeking and distracting.
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But then as we approach mid-season, we start to see a switch occur in the colors he chooses to wear. The bright reds and fuchsias fade and we start to see more subdued colors—solid whites, greens, and blacks (all fabulously and loudly styled of course because he’s still Tankhun). In fact, Tankhun’s primary wardrobe color across SIX different outfits in the last two episodes is black. For Tankhun, it’s a flashing neon sign of his state of mind as the dangerous and perilousness of the events happening around him increases. Now is not the time for bright colors, now is the time to be serious.
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But I’m not here to talk about the black, I’m here to talk about the green.
While green is not entirely absent from Tankhun's wardrobe in the first half of the season (very few colors are), the first time it takes a dominant role is in episode 10 when Gun presents Ken’s head to the Main Family. As noted up top, green is a color associated with both danger and with the Minor Family, so it's not a surprise to see green appear in this scene. Both Korn and Gun actually have hints of green in their wardrobe (Korn in his tie; Gun in his cravat). But it is notable that Tankhun is not only wearing it, his entire outfit is green.
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On a character level, it's a tantalizing choice. While Tankhun isn't in any more danger here than anyone else, but he's dressed as if he is. And while we do see him respond to guns being drawn with more fear and distress than any other point on the show, there's something bigger going on here as well—Tankhun is playing a role.
Let's look at the dynamic of the scene.
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Korn is at the head of the table, with Gun at his left and Kinn and Tankhun on his right. Tankhun, specifically, is sitting on Kinn's right—he's performing the role of Kinn's right hand man. And he's wearing green, a color predominantly associated with the Minor Family. Sitting opposite Korn and Gun, Kinn and Tankhun reflect their dynamic in a way that foreshadows the changes to come. That foreshadowing is pretty blatant when you note the blue suit Kinn is wearing. After all where else do we see this same blue/green color dynamic?
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And from this point on, Tankhun continues to wearing green in moments specifically connected to his relationship with Kinn (and Porsche). When Kinn confessed his love for Porsche and Tankhun voices his support, he's again wearing green. When Arm and Tankhun save KinnPorsche in the finale, the collar of his jacket is teal-green. And for his last appearance on the show, the green hue of his jacket exactly matches the green of Porsche’s suit.
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It's again notable that when the day is won and the danger has supposedly passed that Tankhun does not return to his brightly colored clothing of the beginning of the season, but remains in his darker clothing. The choice works on multiple levels: it indicates the danger has not, in fact, passed; it points to a more permanent shift in Tankhun; and with the presence of the matching green, it links both the danger and that shift with Porsche.
There's definitely been a lot of meta about Porsche's green suit already, and I'm not going to rehash it because we're mostly talking about Tankhun here, but I am going to point out the similarities between Tankhun and Porsche at the end of the series. Both of them are eldest sons—both failed to be what their parents wanted of them, both failed to truly protect their younger siblings from this world, and both of them have found themselves prisoners in a gilded cage of Korn's making. And neither of them are truly safe there.
But speaking of eldest sons wearing green, it's interesting that despite green representing the Minor Family, the only one who actually wears it is Macau. Vegas is awash in green lighting and green decor, but black and red are his personal colors. He never wears green. Until, of course, he does—when he and Porsche genuinely cooperate for a common cause.
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Just some food for thought.
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starcrossedxwriter · 1 year
Wicked Fantasies Part 5 (MBJ x OC)
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Warnings: Slow burn, NSWF… All the past warnings and series warnings apply lol this is just pure filth lol not gonna lie.
“Bonjour Mademoiselle Turner. Welcome to Le Hotel Shangri-La Paris. We hope you had a pleasant travel experience? I know you must be tired.” 
As if her body wanted to respond to the concierge who was leading her through the hotel, her only response was a deep yawn that made him hum in agreement. 
“Sorry… the jet lag is rough.” She had been so anxious on the flight that she had barely slept. She had thought of a million random things… the dangers of traveling alone, even though she was meeting someone else, how much time Michael would actually have to spend with her, if it was even safe to travel halfway around the world with a man she met a little over a month ago, how she knew precious little about what even they were going to do for a week. She had just boarded a flight and asked little to no questions. Once she was on the flight, it dawned on her that if something went wrong, she knew nothing and no one there. Just Michael. But still, despite those practical concerns, she did not regret the decision. She was hopeful that it was going to be as amazing as she imagined it would be as she prepared all week.
She took a sip of the glass of champagne they gave her upon arrival. She could now fully understand why the wealthy were so determined to remain so if this was how they lived. This was high living, high cotton as her grandma used to say. From the moment she stepped out of her apartment building to right now, she had not had to use her brain to think of a single thing. Everything was taken care of. She had not even touched a single piece of her luggage since she left the apartment. When she landed in Paris, she had a moment of panic as she realized she did not know how to get to her hotel. She was about to make a beeline toward a taxi when she spotted a burly driver holding a sign up with her name who took her straight to the hotel. 
The hotel was something plucked straight out of every novel she had ever read about kings and queens, a converted palace drenched in finery and elegance. The marble hallways gilded in gold, tall ceilings donned with crystal chandeliers. It was as if she had stepped back in time and was headed to a ball. And it had all been thoughtfully arranged by a certain prince. 
“Well, Mr. Jordan ensured your suite would be ready when you arrived so you can rest. Though I tend to recommend remaining awake if you can. We are in a fantastic location. There is much to see and do and we have a car here for you. Monsieur Martin, the gentleman who picked you up from Charles de Gaulle? He will be your driver during your stay. He can take you anywhere you’d like.” 
“Thank you.” 
“This,” the man opened the door to her suite. “Is our suite Chaillot.” He pushed open the door and held it so Raven could enter first, her eyes widening as she took in the suite. 
She stood in the living room, sitting her backpack on the couch as she scanned the space. The entire room felt serene, designed in shades of taupe and teal that made the space feel extremely homey for a hotel. Her hand rubbed the soft velvet fabric of the couch as she glanced around, her eyes landing on the French doors that led to her terrace. 
“Ah the best part, in my opinion,” he smiled as he watched her take a step toward the terrace. He walked over to the double doors that led to the wraparound terrace and pushed them open. 
Raven followed him outside, her eyes landing on the Eiffel Tower in the distance. She was shocked at how close it was, just over the river. 
“A perfect view of our crown jewel. Mr. Jordan’s suite and this one have my favorite views in the hotel. Some would argue that Bonaparte’s apartment has the best view but I must disagree.”
“That is spectacular,” she muttered as she leaned against the concrete railing. Paris had always been on her bucket list, one of those cities and destinations that everyone went to and raved about. She wondered if it would live up to the hype and it was already exceeding it. 
“Would you like us to set up breakfast out here for you in the morning? 9 a.m.?”
“Yes, please.” 
“Excellent. I will leave you to rest.” A knock at the door interrupted him. “Oh there are your bags. Please call down to the concierge if you would like the car brought around for you or if you need anything else. Mr. Jordan asked me to give you this,” he handed her a card from his pocket. “I hope you enjoy your stay with us and your time in Paris.”
He opened the door and helped the men place her two suitcases into the bedroom before giving her a nod and closing the door behind him. She had likely gone overboard packing but she wanted options. 
Raven stared at the door for a few moments before turning to get a 360 view of the suite. She tapped the card on her palm as she walked to the bedroom. She kicked off her sneakers and promptly flopped down onto the bed with a content giggle. 
“What the fuck is my life right now?” She whispered. 
She opened the envelope and smiled as she read his writing. 
Welcome to Paris. Kept me on my toes wondering if you were gonna come, not gonna lie. Figured you’d want the day to rest and I have press and events until late tonight. I set up treatments for you at the spa starting at 4 and got you a day pass so you can relax by the pool there. Enjoy the night and I’ll come by when I get back if you’re still awake.
Raven let out the most childish squeal of her life before letting her arm fall onto the bed. She had made an agreement with herself on the plane that she was going to indulge in all the luxuries Michael offered and she could afford to. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and, she knew, the only one she would get with Michael before they broke up. She was determined to enjoy every second of it. And she appreciated that he seemed to know a day of pampering was exactly what she needed. 
She glanced around, realizing she still had almost six hours until her spa treatments. She quickly grabbed another athleisure set from her bag and hopped in the shower. After a quick but still luxurious shower, she felt slightly more awake and refreshed and slid back on her shoes to go on a walk. She grabbed her wallet and AirPods before heading to the lobby. 
“Mademoiselle, would you like me to have the car brought around?” The concierge asked as she walked through the lobby. 
However, she quickly shook her head. “No, I think I’ll just walk. Thanks!” 
She would certainly get plenty of use out of the car while she was there but today, she just wanted to roam. She wanted to see the shops and people watch and just enjoy being in a new city. She put in her headphones and slid on her sunglasses before venturing down a random side street. Naturally, her feet gravitated toward the Eiffel Tower. She spent over two hours roaming the expansive parks surrounding it, getting a million pictures of the tower and selfies by the river. She knew she was giving strong tourist vibes but she could not hope to care.
She stopped for lunch at this small sandwich shop and bought a crepe from a street vendor for her walk back. By the time she returned, it was almost time for her spa evening. Not only was she thankful for the manicure, pedicure, facial, and massage, she was grateful Michael once again arranged everything for her. She was far too tired to use her brain for anything useful. She knew she was beyond exhausted when she laid down on the massage table and was asleep before the man even truly started. She only remembered him touching her shoulders before he had to wake her up and tell her the two hours were done. But every muscle in her body felt 10x more relaxed than when she first laid down so she knew it had been a success. 
She almost forewent dinner but was able to stay awake long enough to order and wait for room service. However, as soon as she finished eating, she settled into the couch and dozed off. She did not take the extra steps to get in the bed or put her phone on sleep mode because she did not want to miss Michael knocking on her door when he was back. Though she knew he would happily wait until tomorrow to see her just so he did not wake her up, she did not want that. She wanted to see him… tonight. 
And she was not disappointed when a loud knock jolted her out of her sleep. She quickly jumped up and wiped her mouth, feeling a bit of drool from her deep sleep. 
“Gross,” she muttered as her body protested getting up. 
She ran her fingers through her hair, which she had gotten blown out and pressed before the trip, knowing she had messed it up slightly by forgetting to wrap it before falling asleep. She almost tripped over her backpack to get to the door and swing it open. 
“Hi,” she offered with a smile, attempting to hide some of the excitement she felt at seeing him. 
“Didn’t mean to wake you… know it’s late.” 
She stepped aside so he could enter. “Don’t worry about it. You invited me, seems like I could stay awake long enough to say hi. This suite is insane. You could’ve just put me up in a regular room in a hotel that doesn’t cost thousands a night, you know?” 
She gave him a quick once over as he walked into the suite and perched on the arm of the couch. He was in a gorgeous red suit, perfectly tailored to his form as if it was his own skin. He looked sexy as fuck. But she could tell he was just as, if not more, exhausted than her. His usual perfect posture lacked a bit, his shoulders hunched over as if he could not hold them up any longer. His lips were tugged down in a frown and his nose was scrunched up a bit, which he typically only did when something was wrong. 
He merely shrugged and winked at her. “Maybe a regular nigga woulda done that. But that ain’t me. Have a good flight and everythin’?” 
She yawned. “Yea, didn’t sleep much but first class was…” she did the motion to say chef’s kiss causing Michael to grin brightly. 
It had only been a week but he missed her. Getting to see her this week had been the light at the end of this hellish tunnel of a press tour. He loved his job, he was living his dream and he was beyond blessed to do so. But the grind was exhausting. He had been working nonstop for almost a decade, between projects and press tours, he went and never stopped. Perhaps because he was on the most important run of his career, the pressure, the exhaustion, the weight of it all felt like tons on his back this time around. But with Raven here, he would have a reprieve, however brief each day. He could be whoever he needed to be with her and that was the rest he did not know he needed until he stood in her presence. 
“Walked around for a couple hours. Got a crepe just on the side of the road… which I’m gonna gain like 100 pounds this week between that and the pastries. The spa treatments were amazing… well, at least the ones I was awake for,” they both laughed. “Thank you for this. Seriously. Haven’t had a vacation in a while..”
“Good, I’m glad. And I know, that’s why I invited you. Glad you’re here. Oh I wanted to give you this,” he pulled out his wallet and slid out his Black card and put it in her hand. 
The mere weight of the card in her hand let her know the limit on it did not exist. 
She held it up between two of her fingers. “What’s this for?” 
“A couple things. I got a photoshoot tomorrow. Got one surprise for you in the morning but then it’s all you until the late afternoon. Then I got reservations for us for dinner. Whatever you wanna do, charge it to that card. Day after, my stylist is gonna take you shopping. All his favorite shops, they’ll pull pieces. He is instructed to ensure you buy anything you like. Don’t argue. In fact…” He glanced around for a moment and eyed her wallet on the dining table before grabbing it. 
“Hey!” She rushed forward and started grabbing at it but he held it over his head, knowing she was too short to take it from him. He held it up and rifled inside it, finding every card that could be used as currency and the cash she brought to convert. He held those in a tight grip in his fist while putting his card in it and handing her the striped wallet that now only had his card and her ID. “Give those backkk.” 
“Not a chance. I invited you so I’m payin’ for everything. The only card you touch till you land back in LA is that one. And you’ll get these back when we get home. Understood?” 
“I can’t accept that! I will happily pay for whatever I want to do when we aren’t together.” 
“You can and will accept it. I order you to,” his hand grabbed her chin to force her eyes to his. 
“I’m not on my knees… who says you can give orders right now?” She smirked at the way his eyes seemed to light up at her sass, her bratty attitude. 
He chuckled. “I see someone already forgot they have a punishment waitin’ huh? You wanna add to it?” 
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” she offered with a innocent smile. 
Michael tucked that away for later. Once she got over that little jet lag, he was going to tear that ass up. 
“Besides, the stores he’s takin’ you to… well, they ain’t all just for you. There’s one store where he’ll wait outside. A lingerie boutique. The staff is under specific instructions not to let you leave without, at least, one set for every night of the week. Figured I should get somethin’ out of this shopping spree.” 
Raven’s lips turned into a playful grin. “Well that does only seem fair, I suppose. Any special requests for that particular store?” 
“One set needs to be black and gold. Otherwise, it’s all you.” 
She raised an eyebrow as she realized why he wanted her in black and gold. Visions of Erik Killmonger immediately flooded her mind and a couple of visions that she knew she could never breathe out loud. Her mental break must have been obvious because Michael waved his hand to get her attention. 
“What was that?” 
“Oh nothing, nothing,” she immediately lied and cleared her throat. 
“Nahh, none of that. Tell me or I’ll double your punishment.” 
Raven wondered if she should see how far she could take it. However, she quickly remembered that he never said exactly what the punishment was going to be so she could be playing with fire. 
“I just… maybe thought about how it’s a shame you couldn’t keep your suit… from the movie,” her eyes got quiet with embarrassment. 
Michael let out a barking laugh that made her cover her face with her hands in embarrassment. 
“Baby girl, if you wanna role play, just say so.” 
She shrugged. “Eh without the hair,” she gestured up at his freshly cut fade. “It’s not the same.” 
“Really, it’s the hair?” he asked. 
She shrugged. “I mean no, it’s 100% the abs and your face. Like no one’s getting wet just cause of the hair,” she chuckled. “But the hair is the difference between you fuckin’ me as you and you sellin’ the fantasy that Erik is fuckin’ me. Otherwise it’ll just be you with a deeper voice and ruder tone,” she waved her hand dismissively. “But just… remember me for Black Panther 3 when you gotta grow the hair out again. Won’t even charge you for that date, promise.”  
He bit down the retort that he could never forget her. 
“Deal.” They stared into each other’s eyes for a moment before he cleared his throat. “Um. Friday through Sunday is all us. Do some research, let me know if there’s anything you wanna do. Figured we could hit all the big tourist things and shit. But it’s up to you. Never asked you - you been here before?” 
Raven shook her head. “Nah, went to Amsterdam after I got my MFA to celebrate but my passport hasn’t seen much love since,” she admitted. 
“Masters in Fine Arts. That’s when I wrote my manuscript for my book.”
“Learn somethin’ new about you every day.”  
“I’ll do some googling, talk to my driver and see what he thinks we should do.” 
“Aight. Sounds like a plan. I’m gonna let you go to bed.” He stood up again and started to walk toward the door. 
Though she desperately needed sleep, she could not help the way her face fell at the idea of him leaving. “We aren’t gonna…” 
The disappointment on her face, those perfect puppy eyes she gave him, likely with no conscious thought on her end, made him want to amend his statement. This girl? She would be the end of him but a glorious end indeed. However, he knew he shouldn’t and that she deserved a night to actually get sleep this week. 
“Oh I plan on fuckin’ you on every surface in this room and mine for the next week. Don’t worry. But not tryin’ to have you fall asleep on me. Take tonight, get situated and get over the jet lag.” 
He leaned on the door handle for a moment before turning to her. “Don’t fall asleep on the couch again,” he warned. “Get in bed… bad for your back. And you’re gonna need all your limbs workin’at their best this week. See you tomorrow.” 
She merely giggled as he opened her door and left. However, before the door slammed shut, she ran forward and stuck her head in the hall searching for him. 
“Hey!” She called after him, causing him to turn around at the end of the hallway. “Thank you again… for all of this.” 
“Don’t mention it.” He threw her his boyish grin before disappearing into the elevator. 
“A bit early for a summons, don’t you think?” Raven moaned playfully as she walked out onto Michael’s terrace. The sun sat high in the sky, a slight breeze making the late fall morning a bit frigid. 
He merely laughed and gestured toward the empty seat across from him, the table outside heavy laden with breakfast foods. 
“Have a late start today, figured we could eat breakfast. How’d you sleep? Feelin’ alright?” She could hear the cockiness in his voice. 
Raven’s eyes narrowed. “Like a baby… never felt better. Thanks for asking.”
While that was not necessarily true, she would not let him know that. He had done a number on her last night in all the best ways. Even as she sat there smiling at him innocently, she had to avoid shifting uncomfortably to ease the discomfort of her sore ass. Her punishment had been long and severe, her body draped over his lap as he spanked her 50 times. He had dragged it out, the spankings split up by his finger teasing her entrance but never letting her cum. That is until she was in a pool of tears with a bruised ass begging for mercy. After that, he let her cum more times than she could remember or count. It was the first time he left her with actual bruises but she did not mind, it was a punishment she would endure over and over again for those results. 
“Good to know for next time. I was goin’ easy on you. Besides, you were such a good girl last night, I have a treat for you.” 
Raven’s eyes twinkled. “The shopping spree I’m about to go on isn’t the treat?” His stylist, Brian, had sent her a list of all the stores they were going to today and Raven could not wait. She was not one to care much for labels, after all there were more important things. However, it was clear that she had free reign to shop until her heart dropped. Such a rare opportunity she knew she could not waste. 
“Nope. This one… well I think you’ll enjoy it.” 
Raven smiled as she took a sip from her cup of hot chocolate. Michael handed her a plate, piled high with fruit and pastries, which she devoured as they sat in silence. 
“How was the library yesterday?” Michael asked as he continued eating. 
Thus far, her experience had been something straight out of a novel. She could not have written a more perfect fairytale herself. She had woken up yesterday to a similar spread on her own terrace, complete with a mimosa. She listened to R&B music as she sat out there in her nightgown for over an hour. The only thing that broke her out of the peace trance was a call from the concierge letting her know her car would be ready at 11 for a surprise. 
She tried her hardest to guess what the surprise could be or coax it out of her driver but there was too much to see and do to pinpoint what Michael had set up. She had started a list of things she wanted to see when he finally had time off but she had fallen asleep with her phone in her hand. 
She still was not sure why he was going to such lengths for her. The cost of her hotel alone was more than most people made in a year. She knew the price, to him, was comparable to putting her up in a four star hotel for a regular man. However, she still struggled with accepting such extravagance, and could not stop the intrusive thoughts that questioned whether she was worth so much money and effort. After all, they were going to break up in a few months. She tried not to allow that to disappoint her every time her brain reminded her heart of that simple fact. That was what she signed up for: a relationship with a firm expiration date. Her brain knew that. Her heart though? It did not care about the practicalities of what she signed up for. It only cared for how he made her feel: wanted, appreciated, cared for. 
And that was rare air. 
Still, she could not help but wonder why he even invited her there in the first place. He mentioned no events he needed her to attend with him, no public appearances in which he needed a woman on his arm. Yesterday and today, she was on her own. He had essentially paid an exorbitant amount to give her a vacation for a week. She was itching to get to the later half of the week when they would actually be able to spend time together. When it was just the two of them, Michael became the singular space in this world where no one wanted anything from her. She could just be. Sometimes she had everything to give and sometimes, like her birthday, she had nothing. And he seemed to accept either without judgment or question. And she needed that. 
Yesterday, his surprise was a guided tour of the oldest public library in Paris, Le Bibliothèque Mazarine. Raven had a ball as she took in the insanely beautiful architecture and special collections the curator showed her. She simultaneously loved and despised him for it, for his thoughtfulness and how in tune he was with her. 
“It was gorgeous… the architecture?? God, there are so many gorgeous libraries in the world. This was certainly one of them. Can’t wait till I can afford a house and build out a giant library in the basement,” she mused. “That’s the dream.” 
Michael silently put that knowledge away for later. 
“I’m glad you enjoyed it. Figured, you know, given your day job, it might be cool.” 
“It was. And it’s not just… my day job. I’ve always loved libraries. You know I used to spend hours at the library down the street from us? Holed up in a corner with a stack of books or my homework. Knew every person who worked there by name. They’d have to kick me out at closing,” she chuckled as she wiped the flakes of her chocolate croissant from her lips. “I had a favorite corner, by this window that overlooked the park across the street. You could hear the kids playing. If I wasn’t at school or at home, I was in that spot.” 
“No one ever cared that you weren’t home?” 
She scoffed, holding her mug tightly in her hands as she cozied up in her chair, one leg coming to her chest. Michael loved how relaxed she looked. She had not gotten fully ready for the day yet, no make up, her hair in a high ponytail. She was dressed in a casual dress with a slouchy oversized sweatshirt that hung off one shoulder. Her back was to the Eiffel Tower and somehow one of the most beautiful structures in the world was still eclipsed by her natural beauty. He could not take his eyes off her. 
“After my grandmother passed? Nope. And by high school, I preferred to just be out of the house anyway. Everyone just pretended like I wasn’t there so it hurt less… to just not be there. Spent time at friends’ houses or at the library or I was at school but that was really it. But it was good. When all you do is read and study, you tend to do well in school.” 
“No parties? No fun?” Michael asked, part of him not believing she engaged in nothing fun or reckless as a kid.. 
She laughed. “No, not really. I don’t think I even drank until I was in college. I was so boring back then, which is why my first career choice… well anyone who knew me would’ve thought it was an odd one.”
“Why’d you pick stripping? Plenty of ways to make money.” 
“Needed something I could do at night, after classes and my work study job. Doesn’t require past experience and the owner liked that I looked young, had the whole innocent girl doe-eyed thing going for me. I picked up on the dancing and tricks pretty quickly too. It was fun… in its own way.”
“Who taught you your moves?” 
“Monique… best dancer I ever saw. Taught me every trick in the book. She had been dancing for like 5 years when I started. Took me under her wing, I guess.” 
“Really? That’s a long time.” 
Raven shrugged, leaning on the table as she reminisced on a time that felt like eons ago. “Everyone does it for a different reason. Some don’t have much of a choice, some are working their way through something else, like I did. And some girls really liked it. Monique was a girl who really liked it. And it showed. She was saving up to open her own burlesque club, which I think she did a couple years ago.” 
“Did you like it?” 
She stared off into space for a moment before answering. “I guess it was nice to be the center of attention… the spotlight for once. I was a wallflower 20 hours a day but during my shift, I was more. Men wanted me, some of the girls wanted to be me. I didn’t hate it. I don’t miss it… but I miss who I was on that stage. The confidence, the power… it was something. Could never quite get it to translate to regular life though. Certainly couldn’t get it to translate to being a working girl,” she grimaced. “It��s just not the same though.” 
“And you never felt exploited by it? Or scared?” 
She shook her head. “Not any more than cat calling on the street makes me feel scared. First thing Monique told me when I met her - Sex is power, one of the few powers that women inherently have that men don’t. Always has been and always will be. And it's the one power that, try as they might, they can’t take away. Everyone sees it and their place in it differently. But I always remembered that they were there to see me, spend money on me. And whether they had a good night or not, whether they went home satisfied and happy, that was all my decision. And I liked that.” He liked the sparkle in her eyes as she talked about that time. “I dunno if stripping is proper breakfast conversation.” 
“It ain’t but I like it anyway. One last question… tell me your name?” At her confused expression, he clarified. “The one you used at the club.” 
“Give me my treat and I’ll tell you.” 
Michael gestured for her to stand up. “Come here.” 
She walked over to him and stood between his legs. His hands took free reign, running up her toned legs beneath her dress, tightly gripping her ass, which made her hiss in pain.
“I thought you never felt better?” 
“Shut up,” she mumbled with a small huff. 
He shifted a few of the dishes out of the way before pulling her sweatshirt and dress off, leaving her in nothing but her panties. He pushed her gently, a silent but clear instruction to lay down. 
She glanced behind her at the pastries and food. “Someone’s gonna have to clean all this up if they fall.” 
“Guess you’ll have to be careful then.” At her continued hesitation, he smiled. “I’ll leave a bigger tip for the staff, aight? Now lay tf down.” 
At his command and assurance that the staff would be compensated for their games, she gently laid back, cringing as she heard one plate crash down onto the stone floor as Michael pulled off her panties. He draped her legs over his shoulders and leaned forward in his seat, his face eye level with her prize. 
“W-what are you doing?” She asked quietly, the anticipation getting to her as he merely stared at her. She squirmed uncomfortably under his gaze.  
“About to finish breakfast,” he muttered as if it was obvious. “This is better than anything else on this table.” 
And with that, he slid a finger inside her, Raven’s back immediately arching off the table. She bit down on her lip hard to stop a moan from escaping her as he wrapped his lips around her clit. He glanced up at her and stopped. 
“I wanna hear you. And I want everyone in this hotel to hear you.” 
And with that, he devoured her. Michael loved any chance he got to taste her and find himself nestled between her thighs with her pleasure completely at his mercy. However, today was particularly special. This was the most relaxed he had ever seen her, the most at peace she had been since he met her. And it did not hurt that the backdrop for his favorite meal was the best view of his favorite city. 
One hand kept her firmly in place as she writhed on the table while the other, in sync with his tongue, did nothing short of the Lord’s work. 
Her hips rolled to meet every thrust of his fingers. 
“You like that, baby girl?” He moaned as he slid another finger inside her, both of them curling into her g-spot at a quick speed.
“F-Fuck! Yes, yes! I l-love it!” She cried out loudly, knowing her voice most certainly would carry to their neighbors. But with the promise of an orgasm at the end of this, she could not hope to care. 
Michael certainly had pushed her limitations farther than she would have expected since they started “dating.” Everything he tried, she loved. Every limit he pressed against, she yielded and every time? It exceeded her wildest dreams and fantasies. Public sex was one of those lines she always wanted to cross but knew it was too wild to do so. And yet, Michael seemed to know all her fantasies, even the ones she felt were too wild and wicked to speak out loud. 
Michael reached over and grabbed a piece of ice from the ice bucket that held a bottle of champagne. He could tell she was so consumed by his fingers that she did not even notice. But she would. 
He put the ice in his mouth while he continued to fuck her, sucking on it for a few moments before diving back in. The moment his cold lips and tongue touched her sensitive bud, she came. Fast and hard as if someone had pushed her off a cliff without warning. She could not control the loud slew of expletives that escaped her lips as he sucked, the cold temperature sending shivers of pleasure through her whole body. 
“That’s it. Scream for daddy,” he muttered as he talked her through her orgasm. However, he was far from done and far from letting her tap out as he put another cube in his mouth and pressed it directly against her clit. 
“I-It’s too m-much!” She clamped her legs around his head, her entire body nearly seizing up from the pressure and pleasure the cold provided. She tried to shy away from it, moving hastily, causing another dish to crash around them. But his firm palm on her stomach stopped her from getting away. 
“Nah, you said you were better than ever. You can take this shit. Open your fuckin’ eyes.”
She forced her eyes open as tears spilled out, “M-Michael… I-I’m g-gonna cu-cum…” 
“Let ‘em hear you. Whose pussy is this?” He demanded, lifting his head as he added another finger and hammered into her. “Look at me!” He ordered, towering over her body with such dominance that, even without him touching her, she could’ve cum on the spot. 
She locked eyes with him as he added another finger, four in total and pressed roughly into her spot. She could see her juices glistening in the sun on the hairs of his beard. She hoped he would give her a taste, she loved it when he had her to taste herself.  
“It’s yours!” She cried out loudly, louder than she would’ve liked, as she came all over his hand again. 
“That’s right. Good girl,” he talked her through her orgasm before pulling out of her. 
He held his fingers up to her face, all four completely covered in her juices. “Suck.” 
She opened her mouth immediately and propped herself up, sucking with earnestness as she enjoyed the taste of herself. 
“You like the way you taste, baby?” He asked, enjoying the feeling of her warm mouth on his fingers. 
She merely hummed her response and showed him how much by continuing to suck on his fingers. When she was satisfied she cleaned them to the best of her ability, she released them with a pop and a smile that made Michael want to fall to his knees and start over again. 
“That’s my good girl,” he whispered before leaning over and kissing her softly. 
She let out a sharp exhale before collapsing back against the table with a chuckle. 
“That was… fucking amazing,” she muttered as she laid there, completely naked, contemplating the meaning of life. “You wanna do that every morning this week?” 
“Sounds like a good ass time to me.” She started to move off the table when a strong hand gripped her thigh, halting her movements. “I didn’t tell your ass to move. Lay there till I’m done.” He picked back up his coffee mug and his phone before grabbing his previously discarded plate. 
She wanted to protest but instead she merely laid back down as instructed. From that moment until the end of his breakfast, he treated her like a mere centerpiece of the table. Something to gaze upon and fondle but nothing more. He disappeared into his bedroom once, returning a few moments later. He said nothing and offered her no explanation as he held out nipple clamps, both connected with a chain. He worked in silence as he put both of them on her erect buds before settling down to resume his coffee. Her eyes twisted up for a moment at the sharp pain before it settled down to a dull ache. With the clamps, everything felt 10 times more sensitive, even the cool breeze made her want to touch her aching boobs. But she had been scolded once already for moving so she merely laid there.
Her eyes followed his frame as he sauntered around the terrace with his coffee cup, lazily refilling it as he scrolled on his phone. His joggers sat low on his hips, showcasing that perfect V that led to one of her favorite parts of him. She licked her lips, wishing he had allowed her to taste him as he had her. Lust curled in her belly as she watched his muscles flex as he moved around. Here she was, laying on a table in the middle of Paris like a human flower arrangement, and all she could think about was how sexy he was. A God among men. 
Every so often, he would return to her and tug on the chain connecting the clamps, sending jolts of pleasurable pain right to her core. And after, he’d give her a bite of whatever pastry he was continuing to eat. She appreciated him remembering that the rest of her breakfast had been a sacrificial lamb to their activities. 
This continued until his manager called him. Michael reminded her that good girls keep quiet before he answered, putting the phone on speaker to incentivize her. She had to stifle a laugh as she heard him say he was just “enjoying a lazy morning on the terrace” before heading to an event. She listened as they talked about the film and numbers and his schedule, while he trailed pieces of ice around her nipples and under her breasts and down the soft panes of her stomach. That made her eyes roll back into her head. 
She loved nipple play. She had heard of women orgasming from that alone but she had never experienced it herself. However, as Michael talked about business, he seemed determined to get her there with that alone. The clamps increased the pleasure of every touch as he fondled her.
She thought she would draw blood as she bit down on her lip to stop the moans from escaping her as he played, contrasting the warmth of his mouth with the coldness of the ice when he had to talk. 
“Yea once we settle all this shit with the Coach deal, we’ll be set,” Alex remarked as Michael sat the phone down on Raven’s stomach so he could give each of her boobs the attention they deserved. When he bit down on the swell of her breast, she let out a groan that she prayed was barely audible. It reached his ears, she knew, but the oblivious woman on the other end did not even skip a beat. “How’s Raven enjoying Paris?” 
Michael threw her a smirk and pressed a finger to his lip as he continued doing what he was doing, Raven trying her hardest to quiet the pants of pleasure that wanted to escape. 
“Oh I think she’s enjoyin’ it just fine.” 
“I’m glad. Post something of the two of you while you’re there. Doesn’t have to be much but let’s make sure we’re getting something out of these extra four days you’re spending there instead of continuing to promote your movie.” 
Despite the fog of pleasure, Alex’s words stuck out to Raven, settling into her brain. She did not have the capacity to contemplate them too hard right then but she tucked them away for later. 
“Yes ma’am. I’ll make sure we all get somethin’ out of it. Anything else for me?” he assured her as he pulled the clamps off roughly, causing Raven to clamp her hand over her mouth to muffle the scream as the blood rushed back to her breasts. To top it off, he clamped his mouth around one of them while his fingers pinched the other, causing her whole body to convulse with her third orgasm of the day. And it was not even 10 am yet. 
“Nope, that is it. Have fun today and don’t forget to get something for your favorite manager while you’re there,” Alex continued. 
Raven felt her entire vision go white as she focused all of her attention on muffling the screams of pain and pleasure that were boiling over.
“Sounds good. Listen, I gotta go. Someone here needs my attention. Let’s talk tonight.”  
He signed off quickly, pulling Raven’s hands from her mouth so he could hear the sounds of her pleasure, which were music to his ears. He gave her a few moments to calm down before he leaned over and kissed her. 
“Now you can get up and finish your breakfast. Take your time.” 
“You’re… a menace. I hope you… know that,” she whispered, her hand pressing into her chest as she tried to calm herself down. “It’s not even lunchtime and you’re trying to kill me.” 
“Let’s not pretend like that wouldn’t be a better way to go.” He winked at her before pulling on her arm to help her sit up and disappearing inside to change into his own clothes. 
Raven took a deep breath, her hand massaging one of her aching breasts as she sat there for a moment. She finally forced herself off the table, her legs almost giving out beneath her before she collapsed into his chair. She grabbed a few pieces of fruit and a danish as she sat there, contemplating how he continued to manage to surprise her. 
She took a moment and gathered her thoughts before she slid her clothes back on just as Michael emerged back onto the terraces in a burnt orange sweater and slacks. 
“You good? Enjoyed your treat?” 
“Yea… yea I did. Can’t tell if it was more for you or me though.” 
“First part was for you, second was for me. Now you’re relaxed and can go spend all my money. Brian’ll be waiting for you downstairs in an hour. Don’t forget… black and gold.” 
“I’ll see what I can do.” She winked at him before walking past him to head back to her suite. 
Raven could not believe how quickly the week seemed to pass her by. She could not help but be sad that it was already almost over. Their flight home was tomorrow and despite having a week there, it did not feel like enough. She had enjoyed every single second of it, particularly the last three days with Michael. They spent those days hitting everything they could think of, the major tourist attractions and some off the beaten path. 
Michael had clearly forgone his diet for this particular trip and the pair ate any and everything that looked remotely good, particularly anything with carbs. She savored this long stretch of uninterrupted time the pair had together. At home, they just saw each other for dates and talked on the phone at night. But the last three days, they were together from breakfast until the moment he finished and she slid out of his bed to return to her own. It made her sad to leave in the middle of the night, to end their private time together, but she knew she had to. They took tons of pictures, the least curated ones they had ever taken. Neither of them cared to pretend these were for the masses and tabloids when they were just for them, their opportunity to capture those moments together. 
By the time they returned to the hotel Sunday afternoon, Raven could not hide her melancholy attitude about having to leave. 
“You good?” Michael asked as he escorted her back to her suite.
“Yea, yea,” she smiled sadly. “Just sad to be leaving. Not gonna get another experience like this for a long while,” she shrugged. “But once-in-a-lifetime experiences aren’t called that for nothing, I guess.” She leaned on the door frame of her suite. 
“Well… surprises ain’t over yet. Couple things waiting for you in there. Get some rest, make up and hair will be here at 7. Be dressed and downstairs at 8.” 
“That’s all you’re gonna give me??” 
“Wouldn’t be a surprise if I gave you anythin’ else. See you at 8.” And with that, he turned to head back to his own suite. 
Raven quickly entered her own room, racing to the bedroom to find the black and gold lingerie set she bought laying out on the bed. Next to it lay a jewelry box set and hanging on her closet door was black dress that was fit for someone heading to a ball. She opened the box to find diamond earrings and a diamond choker necklace waiting for her. 
“God I love him,” she whispered to herself as she took everything in. And she did, she loved him. She could never say it or admit it to anyone but God and herself but she did. And it was not the material things, it was his thoughtfulness… that he would even think to arrange something like this for them. That’s what she loved. And that is what she would miss when it was all said and done. 
Raven did not get any rest as Michael instructed. She merely laid in bed, scrolling on tik tok and counting down the minutes until she could get dressed. Around 6:30, she got up and got in the shower, taking her time before Michael’s team arrived. 
They worked quickly but efficiently and had her dressed and ready to go by 7:50. She spent five minutes just staring at herself in the mirror. She spun around a couple of times, examining the dramatic dress Michael had chosen for her. It was unlike anything she would have gravitated toward herself but she loved it. It was a showstopping, head turning dress. She always felt like a million bucks when she and Michael went out. But tonight? Tonight, she felt like billions. 
Brian took a couple photos of her on the terrace since the sun was setting before she left her room to meet Michael. As promised, he was waiting in the foyer for her in a black tux. It was simple but he looked gorgeous. And as she got closer, she realized the detailing on his jacket matched that of the bodice of her dress. 
She stretched her arms out as if to ask what he thought, the actor completely silent as he took her in. 
Raven bit her painted lip, fear gripping her as she mistook his silence for displeasure. “D-do you not like it?” However, before he could give her an answer, she answered for him. “It’s not what you wanted is it? Fuck. I’m sorry… I t-thought the dress was a little tight but Brian assured me it wasn’t and I knew I shouldn’t have eaten all those damn pastries and crepes this week. But I’m a slave to a crepe,” she moaned pitifully. “Not an ounce of self control. And I didn’t have good enough spanx for this type of dress. I s-should’ve known it didn’t look right. You got me this beautiful dress and I probably look like a fucking whale o-or a busted can of biscuits or something horrible. I’m sorry, I can go change?” she offered, already turning away from him to race upstairs and hide under the covers. 
However, before she made it more than two steps, a force grabbed her and pulled her back. She quickly found herself in his arms, Michael holding her flush to his chest. He kissed her deeply, silencing any more rants, concerns, or criticisms that could have fallen from her lips. He did not want to hear any of them. He pulled back to look at her, his finger on her chin to keep her eyes on his. 
“You gotta let me answer before you start spiraling, baby girl. You are exactly what I wanted and exceeded my expectations. I was speechless because I didn’t think I had the right words to describe how fuckin’ gorgeous you look.” 
“Really?” she asked quietly. 
“Really. One thing I’d never do is lie to you, hope you know that by now. You ready?” 
She nodded and allowed him to lead her out of the hotel and into their limo. They spent most of the car ride recapping the last three days and their favorite parts of the trip. 
Soon they pulled up to a restaurant and Michael led her into the elevator. It went straight up to a rooftop, one that overlooked the entire city. Paris was beautiful any time of day but night time eclipsed all the others in her opinion. 
“Bonjour Mr. Jordan,” a waiter approached them as they stepped off of the elevator. 
He led them to their table, which offered a perfect view of the city. There was a dance floor in the middle of the roof and a small stage that held a string quartet that was softly playing music. The railings were covered in string lights. 
“This place is amazing… how is it so empty?” Raven muttered to Michael as he held out her chair for her to sit. 
“Bought it out just for us.” 
Raven shook her head in disbelief. “No way…” At his completely serious face, she gasped. “Wait, you’re serious? How much did that cost??” 
“Didn’t matter. Wanted to come here and have the place and that view to ourselves.” 
Raven laughed. “That’s wild. Not mad at it though. This view probably makes it worth every penny.” Raven let out a content sigh as she stared off into the depths of Paris, not realizing that the city was not the view Michael was admiring as he muttered. 
“Yea, it does.” 
They settled into content silence as the waiter brought them a bottle of wine and let them know they would be enjoying the chef’s signature tasting menu. Slowly, course after course made its way to them as they talked and enjoyed the evening. By the time they reached dessert, Raven felt as if she was floating on a cloud that she never wanted to come down from. 
The familiar refrain from the string quartet filled her ears. “Oh I love this song,” she muttered more to herself than the man across from her. 
“You recognize it?” 
She nodded. “La Vie en Rose… I know the Louis Armstrong version but pretty sure he covered it in English from a French artist.” 
“Don’t know if I’ve heard that one before. My French is trash,” he chuckled. “What does that phrase mean?”  
“Means to see the world in pink, you know with rose colored glasses essentially. It’s a beautiful song, the lyrics are so romantic.” She paused. “Hold me close and hold me fast. This magic spell you cast… this is la vie en rose. When you kiss me, heaven sighs and though I close my eyes, I see la vie en rose. When you press me to your heart, I’m in a world apart… a world where roses bloom. And when you speak, angels sing from above… everyday words seem to turn into love songs. Give your heart and soul to me and life will always be la vie en rose.” 
The two merely stared at each other as the words settled into the space between them. Raven felt every word of that song with him. But every time she wanted to sink into that feeling, melt into him, her brain stopped her. She merely cleared her throat and chuckled, breaking the trance both of them were in. 
“Don’t ask me to sing it though,” she joked. “I’m dreadful.” She took a long, awkward sip of her wine before Michael stood up and held out his hand. 
“Dance with me.” Since it was only them in the restaurant, the dance floor was wide open and available. 
She glanced at the string quartet as the song transitioned to XO by Beyonce. She hesitated for a moment before sliding her hand into his. He pulled her to the center of the dance floor, their bodies flushed against each other. 
The entire night had been perfect, filled with romance and magic Raven never thought she would have herself. She knew it was for show but she could not deny that there was an intimacy to it that felt… real. Felt like they were truly connecting with each other at a deeper level. When he looked at her, sometimes, she swore she saw it. A twinkle of something too deep… too paralyzing to be mere friendship. But every time, she felt like she imagined it. Maybe even hoped she imagined it because that would be easier. She knew it would not be her but as she looked at him, she could not help but think he enjoyed this. The romance, going above and beyond to show someone you love them. And now he just needed someone, a real someone, to do it with.
She stared at him for a few moments as they swayed in each other’s arms. “Tell me about her.” 
Michael did not need her to elaborate on who she meant. Michael shook his head. He had the perfect woman in his arms, there was not a single woman in his past worth talking about right then.
“Why does she matter?” 
Raven shrugged. “Because she’s gone and you’re still shutting yourself off from things I think… you’re too afraid to admit you really want. You want this,” she gestured between them. “Not with me, obviously,” she chuckled. “But this, this connection with someone who you love and loves you back. Does she really still have so much power that she can take this away from you forever?” 
Michael wished he could grab her shoulders and shake her. So beautiful and so smart yet so oblivious to the hints he was throwing out left and right. He did want those things but not with anyone but her. He had hoped the last week would paint the picture for her. He knew he should just come out and say it himself but he was not brave enough… not yet anyway to admit that he was head over heels for someone again. Because Raven did have that much power. She controlled his heart and very being. And if he said those words to her and she rejected him or broke his heart? She would be the last woman he ever said them to again. 
“Not that interestin’ of a story to be honest. But she was… an actor too. Not super well known but you know, steady workin’ and everythin’. Met on the set of a show I was workin’ on. We hit it of.. She was the first woman to really understand me? Understood my dreams and my ambition. I understood hers, I had been in the industry longer so I helped her out, making connections and all that. We dated for almost three years. First relationship that I saw a real future in, even bought a ring.” He sighed as he glanced down at Raven, their bodies swaying to the music. “But all she cared about was using me to get to the next thing. Saw a text on her phone one night, she was cheating on me with another nigga. Had been for most of the time we were together. Left me for someone with more money, bigger name. We broke up and she acted like it was nothin’... as if three years of living life together hadn’t mattered at all. Felt stupid for not seein’ it, for thinkin’ there was a future there… but also for believin’ she loved me for me. Went on a binge afterward… lots of partyin’, drinkin’, fuckin’ every woman I could see. Decided that if that was all everyone was gonna see or care about, the money and all that… then that’s all I would give.” 
“I’m sorry. No one deserves that. She’s dumb. Too stupid to realize what she had.” She paused. “You can’t give up though… gotta keep trying to find the right girl. Keep reaching out your hand until it happens.”  
“Not all of us have your annoyingly relentless hope and optimism. More worried about my hand getting ripped off.” 
“It might,” she admitted. “But I dunno, I’ve always believed heartbreak is the price we pay for love. At the end of the day, we’re all standing on a giant cliff and when you take that leap with someone, you can’t see the bottom. You just hold hands and you jump and you experience the fall that is living life together until you crash into the water. Whether you’ll enjoy the fall, whether rocks or an oasis are waiting for you, whether your fall is long or short. We have no idea, which is why jumping is so scary. But the only thing that’s certain is the crash at the end because all of it ends. Whether you get the greatest love story that goes on until the end of your life or a tragedy that gets cut short because other shit gets in the way. All of it ends. That’s the price, the fall isn’t forever. But when it ends and that heartache comes, the hope is that you look back on it all and see the life you lived and that it was all worth it. And so you’re willing to pick yourself up, dry yourself off, and go back up to the cliff and do it all over again. If you’re avoiding the crash, you aren’t jumping and that means you aren’t living. And there’s a woman out there somewhere who pulled herself out of the water and 's willing and waiting for you to be ready to take the leap with her. Who knows you’re the person they want to free fall with and who will make it worth it.” She ran her hand over the material of his tuxedo jacket. “It’s a shame because while you’re avoiding the cliff altogether, people don’t get to see how amazing you are.” 
“You really are a writer,” he mused, causing her eyes to crinkle at the corners and her whole body glow. “Only someone who writes love stories can think of some shit like that. But I hear you. I dunno though, most people can see how amazing my life is. I don’t think that’s the problem.” 
Raven scoffed and shook her head. “Your money, the things you can buy?” she gestured around them. “Those are the least interesting things about you,” she remarked flatly. “You’re funny. I would’ve never guessed you were as funny as you are. You’re thoughtful, you see through people, through the bullshit and facades and the walls. You see them, the one they hide from the rest of the world. You’re smart and engaging and so clearly care about every person in your life. Every woman I know wants that. Hell I want that,” she laughed, not noticing the joy that sparked in his eyes at those words. “And all of this is lovely and amazing but most of us can be happy without it. She told you that all you’re worth to people is money and clout and things. But the version of you I see right now is more than enough. And there’s someone out there who knows that too.” 
Her hand cupped his cheek as she spoke, Michael learning in and kissing her softly. She had kissed him many times but there was something different about this one, something that made her want to profess her love for him right then and there. 
She leaned back and studied him for a moment. “I hope… I hope when this ends, that we can still be friends? This was all really special. You made me feel like a real princess this week. Made me feel wanted and cared for in a way most people don’t. I was in… not the best of places when we met. Seeing a lot of darkness and no light at the end of the tunnel. But all of this, I dunno, reaffirms that annoyingly relentless hope and optimism. Things do turn around eventually. And this’ll all end but I’ll never forget the things you’ve done for me since we met.” 
He spun her around for a moment before bringing her close again. 
“I didn’t do anything,” he muttered in her ear. “Just gave you the space to be you. You’re far from a wallflower or sidekick or however you described yourself to me on our first date. You’re powerful, smart, beautiful… promise me you’ll take this version of you, the real you… the main character version of you back to the real world tomorrow. You do that and I’ll work on takin’ your advice,” his hand played with the curls in her hair as he spoke. “And then… what’s that line from Casablanca? We’ll always have Paris.”  
“Seems like we both need to work on seeing ourselves how the other sees us.”
“Well we got plenty of time to work on it.” 
“Yea… guess we got a few more months before I gotta let you go.” She could not hide the sadness in her words. She was resigned, knew their fate but that did not make it hurt any less. 
His heart screamed at him to tell her she didn’t have to let him go. They didn’t have to end just because of some agreement they made under stress. They could try it out for real, love each other for real. But the words felt lodged in his throat. His fears, now top of mind since their conversation, were massive blockages that would not allow it out. He wanted her, it hurt how badly he wanted her. But that terrified him. 
They danced for a few more minutes before the song, which she recognized as All of Me by John Legend, came to an end. 
“Let’s go back to my suite. Got one more surprise.”
Though she did not want the romantic part of the evening to end, she could not deny she was looking forward to the other part of the night. Michael had kept true to his promise and fucked her on every surface in his suite and hers. Her favorite, though, had been that morning on the terrace. She’d never forget that. 
So she put up no argument when he led her back to their limo and whisked her away to the hotel. She hated the time in between the end of their date and the start of their more private moments. Time seemed to inch forward as slowly as possible, the anticipation always felt like torture. She was practically bouncing out of her skin when they finally made it to his suite. 
However, instead of opening the door, he stopped her.
“Close your eyes.” 
The game was starting early, she thought to herself, which signaled she was in for a long and wild night. The romantic Michael was about to disappear and the dominant one would stand in his place. She rolled her eyes and pouted like a brat before following his instructions. However, she could not let the moment pass without a warning. “If you lead me into a door, I’m gonna kill you.” 
“I don’t think French prisons are that nice so wouldn’t recommend that. Trust me, you know I’d never hurt you.” 
She snorted as he led her into his room, her feet taking extremely small tentative steps that made Michael chuckle to himself. After a few steps, he stopped her. 
“Ok open.” 
She blinked a couple times before gasping, her eyes taking in the chrome stripper pole in the middle of his living room. His couch had been pushed away and a singular armchair was in front of the pole like a throne in front of a stage. 
Michael walked into his bedroom and came back with a wad of cash. “Figured you could give me a private show? Besides you forgot to tell me your name the other morning.”  
Raven ran her thumb over the cash, fanning it out lightly. All she saw were hundreds. She stepped around him and walked over to the pole, her manicured nails tapping on the chrome as she strutted around it in her dress. The elegant gown now seemed out of place in a room with a stripper pole. But the lingerie number she had on underneath would fit in perfectly. 
“How much?” 
“What?” He asked as he went over to the decanter in his room and poured two glasses of whiskey. He handed her one, Raven downing it immediately. She needed the extra liquid courage to do what he was requesting.
“Did it cost to convince them to let you pressure mount this into the ceiling?” 
Michael turned off the lights and strode over the chair and sat down, his face and body illuminated by the moonlight and lights from the Eiffel Tower through the giant windows. Raven licked her lips as she took in his power, his body slouched back and his legs spread wide. A king on his throne waiting to be entertained. 
“I’m sure you’ll make it worth every penny.”
She chuckled. “You are something else,” she muttered. “I went by Nova… Name of a character in a book I was reading at the time.” 
He chuckled. “Definitely thought you were gonna say somethin’ a little more out… stereotypical,” he admitted.
Raven snorted. “The market was oversaturated with Candys. Besides, I like to be different.” 
“So tell me, Nova, how often did the niggas you danced for throw benjamins at that fine ass?” He took a sip of his drink. 
“Not often enough.” 
“I imagine you’ll enjoy the experience then. Dance for me.” 
Raven could not help the way her legs clenched together at the demand, the juxtaposition of how he asked her to dance with him a mere hour ago. He turned on the speakers, sultry music filling the room. She had not danced in so long, it was true. She felt like part of her should have been nervous but she was not. It was like riding a bike, a skill she knew she’d never truly lose. And though she may not have the strength to do any tricks anymore, she guessed Michael knew and did not care much about that.
She reached behind her to unzip her dress, allowing it to fall to the floor. She quickly threw it on a chair so it did not get wrinkled on the ground. She kept on her heels, though they were not tall enough to give the effect she wanted. The gold accents of her black lingerie glittered in the moonlight as she approached his chair. Her hips swayed with the music, her hands roamed her own body as she went, her eyes trained on him. 
Once she was in arm’s length, he immediately lifted his hands to grab for her but she stopped and held herself just out of his grasp. She shook her finger at him with a teasing smile. 
“No touching… club rules.” 
Michael letting out a menacing chuckle. “You’re gonna regret that later, baby girl.”
“I don’t think I am, daddy. Rules are rules. You like the lingerie I got for you?” She asked as she turned and leaned back on him, her ass grinding on his lap. She could feel him growing hard beneath her, loved how his hands curled into fists as he physically stopped himself from touching her. 
“Fuckin’ perfect. Think it’ll look better on the floor though…” 
“I dunno, I like it better like this.” 
She knew he was realizing just how out of control he truly was. This was her stage and she had all the power. The power to entice, to tease, to give, and to take away. 
She slid onto her knees beneath him, crawling away from him and back to her pole. She could feel his eyes trained on her ass as she moved. She knew it looked absolutely perfect, it was the main reason she purchased this particular set. She looked like a goddess and she felt like one too. 
For the next 15 minutes, she put on the best show of her life as Michael rained bills on her as if he could not get enough. She allowed the music to flow through her and thought of nothing other than pleasing him. Every movement tailored to his reaction, the spark in his eyes when she spread her legs, the way he bit his lip as she fondled her breasts, how he so clearly resisted undoing his tuxedo pants to pleasure himself when she finally stripped her bra off. She threw it at him, his hand catching it with ease and precision. She allowed herself to get lost in it, lost in the spotlight and the feeling of his eyes laser focused on her. All those things Michael said she was? In that moment, she felt it… like a queen. 
Meanwhile, Michael was beyond mesmerized. He could have watched her dance for hours and hours and it would not have felt like long enough. She moved as if born for a stage of some sort. This was a side of her he had never seen, a woman who knew her power and proudly stood in it. He wished he could punch any and everyone who diminished this version of her, who chipped away at this person and made her think she had such little power that scraps were all she deserved. She deserved so much more than that. 
“Come here,” he whispered, barely audible over the music. But she heard him and immediately finished her dance move and sank to her knees to crawl to him. 
Once she was before his chair, she slid into the position he always made her wait in, on her knees and head bowed. 
“What do you want?” 
“W-what?” Michael never asked her what she wanted when they had sex. That was the whole point, it was not about what she wanted. 
“What do you want? How do you want me to fuck you? Tonight, I do what you say.”
“Anything I say?” she asked, a twinge of a playful tone in her voice that made him shake his head. 
“Don’t get too excited. I still own that ass. But you put on a good show for me, feelin’ generous. What do you want?” 
She stared at him for a moment before answering. “I want to taste you and then I want to fuck you. And then… I want you to fuck me so hard I can’t move tomorrow.”
He let out a barking laugh before standing to strip, his member standing at attention. Her mouth watered as she took in the pre cum already leaking from his head. She wanted to groan at how slowly he was moving. He leaned over her and wrapped his hand in her hair, pulling her head back. “Your wish is my command. If that’s what you want, ain’t no tappin’ out tonight.” 
“When have I ever tapped out?” she challenged. 
Michael grinned like a Cheshire cat. He loved that she had some fire in her. But she was not wrong. She never tapped out.
“We’ll see then.” He let her hair go and settled back into his seat. 
Raven immediately launched herself at his dick, not bothering to waste another second. She kept her eyes trained on his face as she spat on his dick, licking his head like it was her favorite treat. In some ways, it was. She continued her teasing, after all, it was still her show and she was still in control. She licked the underside of his shaft, along a vein that made him groan every time. She grinned as the deep, guttural sound escaped him. He did not even need to touch her, his mere voice and the sounds he made made a mess between her legs all on their own. 
“Don’t like… to be teased, baby girl,” he mumbled as his head fell back in pleasure, feeling particularly tortured by her warm mouth and her hand as she spread her spit along his shaft. 
She paused, her hand continuing to pump him. She decided that she was going to egg him on. She wanted him to take her to another realm when he fucked her tonight. She wanted all of him, all of his strength, all of his dominance, all of it until she could not take a single inch more. And she knew the best way to get that was to rile him up a bit. 
 “Shouldn’t have asked me what I wanted, daddy. Cause right now, I’m in a teasing mood.” 
He let out a low whistle. “Gonna tear that ass up in a minute.” 
She winked at him before enveloping his dick in her mouth. She moaned around him, enjoying how his hips bucked into her face at the vibrations, sending his dick farther into her throat. One of his hands rested on his stomach while the other tangled itself in her pressed hair. However, he did not stop her from controlling the pace as she sucked him. He just enjoyed the feeling of her head bobbing up and down on him, her hand massaging the base of his dick that she couldn’t fit into her mouth fully. She was responsive to his groans and moans, and had learned over the last month what he liked. 
And the one thing he liked was sloppy. She took breaks to spit on him and make a mess of her drool on his lap and the chair beneath him. They could add it to his tab, he decided as she deep throated him. Usually, when she did this, it was just him fucking her throat without a care. However, this time she was in control and she took her time, allowing him to feel every inch of him as she took him down her throat. 
“Fuckkkkkk… love your mouth, you filthy slut. That’s it. Take this dick.” 
Her jaw hurt, the dangly thing in the back of her throat ached every time she pushed her head back down on him. But all she heard was his praise and that spurred her on. Faster, sloppier. Whatever she could do to feel him explode in her… on her. On her… that stuck out as she felt his hips start to move faster in rhythm with her mouth. Michael had a thing for cumming on her ass when he fucked her from behind, which she loved. However, a particularly wicked idea came to her mind as she wondered where else she would like him to cum. She could not imagine he would say no… most men dreamed of that right? 
“I’m about to cum, don’t stop!” He called out. 
However, she did stop, letting him fall from her mouth but continued giving him a hand job. 
Her breathing was labored as she tried to catch her breath. “Cum on my face, daddy,” she begged, her voice filled with need and pleas that made Michael forget that he should be mad at her for stopping when he told her not to. 
She did not give him a chance to respond or check to ensure that was truly what she wanted before she took him into her mouth again. Knowing where she wanted him to release himself, Michael did not let her control the pace any longer. He wrapped her hair in his hands and fucked her mouth with abandon. Raven did not even care that she lost control, the sounds of his moans and grunts, the disgustingly lewd and sloppy noises of her mouth, her gagging were a perfect symphony to her ears. 
“I’m gonna cum!” he warned before using one hand to keep her hand in place while he aimed his dick right at her cheek and lips. 
Both of them were panting as he finished unloading on her face. She stayed there beneath him as he wiped his dick off on her other cheek. She licked her lips, enjoying the taste of his cum but she left the rest on as she rose to her feet and straddled him. Usually she did not move until he told her to move. However, she had made what she wanted clear and she was taking it. And then he could take her. 
She kissed him deeply, her hand massaging him until he was fully erect again. She wasted no time sliding down on his throbbing dick, both of them groaning as he filled her. 
“Wish you could see yourself… bouncing on my dick, covered in my cum. Such a good whore for me, baby. Did you like me cummin’ on that pretty face?” Michael asked as she rode him. He loved how disheveled she looked. Her face covered in his seed, her mascara running from her tears after he fucked her mouth. The picture of submission and that made him want to fuck the daylights out of her. However, he knew he had to practice patience. After all, he had given her control, he had to let her enjoy it… at least for a time. 
He buried his face in the valley between her boobs as she cried out. “Yes! Yes! I l-loved it!” He wished he had the nipple clamps to tug on while she rode him, an activity for later he decided as he sucked on her nipples. Everything he did to one, he did to the other as that was only right and fair as she switched between his favorite slow grind on his lap and bouncing on him. 
He could tell her legs were starting to grow tired as they slowed down a bit. However, he did not mind, that was perfect actually. It meant he could take over. 
“You had your turn. You read for daddy to take over again? Give you what you need?” he asked in her ear, his hand wrapped around her throat. She gasped as he squeezed lightly, the action sending her tumbling over the edge of her first orgasm. 
“Y-Yes, p-please.” 
“What do you want? Say it.” 
“Fuck me like a whore,” she whispered, desperate to feel all he had to offer. 
His hands grabbed her beneath her thighs and hoisted her up in the air. She let out a shocked cry at the sudden change and clung to him tighter. The whole time, their bodies never separated as he walked with her until she was backed against one of the French doors. He let her legs fall to the ground and turned her around roughly. 
“Spread your legs,” he demanded, his voice leaving no room for arguments, not that she had a single one. 
He pressed her cheek into the glass panel, her eyes trained on the glittering lights of the Eiffel in the distance as he wrapped his hand in her hair once again. He held the head of his dick at her entrance, sliding it against her clit and making her body convulse slightly. 
He slammed into her, causing Raven to scream out with pleasure. His thrusts pinned her entire body to the door as he fucked her like a man possessed. 
Her high pitched screams were incoherent words that Michael could not make out as he fucked her roughly against the door. She loved every moment of it. It was painful, her breasts and body pushed up against the door like that with every thrust but she loved it and never wanted it to end. 
“You still in a teasing mood??” he asked, Raven immediately shaking her head. She tried to answer verbally but the words would not form. He pulled her head back, her sweet perfume hitting his nose as he bit into her neck. He did not do it hard enough to leave a mark but he knew she felt it. “I asked you a fuckin’ question!” 
“No! N-no! I-I’m s-sorry,” she blubbered as she felt another orgasm building. She had asked for this and he was not going to disappoint. “F-Fuck… you f-feel so good. I-I love it!”  
He let go of her hair and slid out of her, Raven groaning at the sudden feeling of emptiness. He gripped her arm and pulled her into the bedroom.  
“Get your ass on the bed. Face down toward the window, ass up.” 
He disappeared into the bathroom for a moment while Raven assumed her favorite position. However, when he returned, she glanced at him and found a small black bullet in his hand. He turned it on, the powerful and loud vibration filling the bedroom. She knew exactly what he wanted her to do as he climbed onto the bed behind her and slid it into her hand. She immediately tried to shy away from him but he stopped her. 
“The fuck I say about tappin’ out? You’re gonna hold that to your clit and aren’t gonna take it off. Drop it, I spank you twenty times, turn it down, I spank you fifty times, turn it off… you won’t sit for a fuckin’ week. We’re gonna see how many times you can cum before I do.” 
With that, Raven braced her body up one one forearm before reaching beneath her to put the vibrator on her clit. She immediately shuddered as it sent spasms through her body. This was torture. 
“You tortured me. Now, I get to return the favor,” Michael offered as he roughly thrusted into her. 
She had never used a toy during sex in this way and torture was the right word, delicious, mindnumbing torture. With Michael’s dick curving into her g-spot with every thrust and the vibrator stationed on her clit, she came in record time, couldn’t have been more than 30 seconds. Keeping it on while she came was even harder. Every instinct wanted to end the pleasure so she could calm down but she couldn’t.
“I-I c-can’t,” she whimpered as she felt her orgasm start to build again. It was too fast, too much too soon.
“Yes, you can and you will. You wouldn’t want to disappoint daddy, would you?” A loud smack filled the air as he spanked her. “But I’ll help you.” 
He reached around and wrapped his hand in hers, forcing her to keep the vibrator there. Michael had to slow his movements down a bit to hold onto her hand but it was worth it to feel her pussy snapping around him with every orgasm. She came and she came and she came. She begged and screamed for reprieve and mercy and rest but he gave her none of it. He ignored all of it. By orgasm number 4, she was a quivering mess. Her arm had completely gone slack, her upper body pushed into the bed and he wondered if he was pushing her too far. But no safe word had crossed her lips, just a lot of curse words. 
“I’m close, baby… How many more you got in you? I think you got two more. Don’t fuckin’ run from me, baby girl. This shit’s what you wanted isn’t it?” He slammed into her with a particularly rough thrust. “Isn’t it??” 
“Y-Yes…” she choked out. But now she did not know what she wanted because her brain was utter mush. She wanted less, she wanted more, she wanted him to slow down, she wanted him to speed up. She wanted to stop and she wanted to give him those last two orgasms he believed she was capable of. It might kill her but so be it. 
“Yes what?” He spanked her again with all his might. 
“Yes sir!” 
She fell off the cliff again, a breathless scream escaping her as she came again. It was still pleasurable, a tinge of pain accompanying it that she had not expected but enjoyed. Her body was covered in a layer of tacky sweat, she was exhausted. And yet, she knew she had one more. She could feel all the signs that he was close and after all he had done for her this week, she desperately wanted to give him one more, to hear him praise her for doing so. 
She used her last bit of energy to fuck him back, using her arms as leverage to bounce back on his dick. She took the vibrator from him, pressing it into her clit. 
“That’s it, baby girl. Cum with me, baby. Take this dick and cum with me.” 
Just as he shot his load deep inside her, Raven felt everything in her explode with untold pleasure. She collapsed forward, the vibrator falling out of her hand as she rode the waves of the most intense orgasm of her life. She felt as if he had just restructured her very brain chemistry. Everything faded in and out as she laid there for only God knew how long, paralyzed and exhausted. Michael’s presence and movements felt like a ghost hovering around her. She did not move, stuck and frozen in that position until she felt Michael help her flip onto her back. 
She let out a whimper of pain and tried to close her legs as she felt a warm washcloth touch her too sensitive clit. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, his voice returning to his usual gentle baritone. “Just tryin’ to clean you up a bit. We made a mess.” 
Once he was done, he reached over to the phone and called down for new sheets and a comforter before picking her up in his arms. He loved how her body immediately curled into his chest as he carried her into the bathroom and settled both of them into the tub. He held her up until he could get her hair in a high enough ponytail to ensure it did not get wet. He knew enough black women to know she would not appreciate that when she finally came to.
Raven moaned, the water was heavenly. They sat in silence, Michael massaging and rubbing her aching limbs while she just laid there with her eyes closed. 
“I hurt you?” he asked. It felt good in the moment, it was so easy to get lost in it with her. But now he worried he had pushed her too far past her limit. And more so, he felt worried that she had not felt safe enough to say so.
She shook her head, her words coming out as a raspy sigh, her voice half gone from screaming. “Not in any way I didn’t want you too. You gave me exactly what I asked for.” 
He kissed her shoulder. “You sure?” 
“Positive. It was… amazing. I promise.” 
“Never made you squirt before… I liked it. Maybe I’ll do it more often.” 
She chuckled. “That’s what happened at the end? If that’s how it feels, I’ll gladly do it again.” 
They stayed in the tub for a while, Michael lazily helping her work out the soreness and kinks she felt in her legs and back. She appreciated how gentle and attentive he was afterward. Something about the end of their playtime made her feel vulnerable and exposed, made her wonder what he truly thought of her after the things she willingly did. However, every time, he took the time to care for her and ensure she was ok, he checked in and asked questions about how she felt and let her rest in his arms before he left. She appreciated and needed that. 
When they finally got out, her legs felt like jello but she imagined it was better than it would have been. He helped her dry off before giving her a robe to put on. He settled on the edge of the bed, which had already been remade with fresh bed clothes as she walked out of the room and returned with her dress. She started to slide the bodice up her nude body. 
“Tonight was fun… perfect ending to a great week. Thank you.” She gestured toward the door. “I s-should head to my suite.” 
She turned to leave when his hand grabbed hers to stop her. 
“Stay.” The request was simple and though it was not phrased as a question, she knew it was one. 
She could not help the way her face twisted up in shock. She never stayed the night, they never actually slept beside each other. It was an unspoken rule between them. She bit her lip as she studied him. She could list a hundred reasons this was a terrible idea but none of them seemed reason enough to say no. So she settled for, “You sure that’s a good idea?” her voice was filled with her own hesitation and desperation to say yes. 
“Nah, I’m not,” he admitted, his hand cupping her cheek. “But I’m willing to take the risk if you are?” 
That was all she needed to hear. She unzipped the dress and let it fall back to the floor, this time too tired to care about discarding it on the ground. She followed him and let him help her into bed before falling asleep on his chest, his arms wrapped tightly around her. 
“So what’d you think?” Michael asked as he helped her down the steps of the private plane. “First private jet experience? Worth it or nah?” 
“Totally worth it. No security lines? No screaming babies? No annoying adults? Insane amounts of leg room? True bliss.” And it was. Raven had slept most of the ride home, mainly due to still being sore and exhausted from the night before. She had asked Michael to introduce her to the mile high club but he told her she needed to rest. And he was not wrong, her pussy definitely needed a break. So she spent most of the flight curled up on his shoulder asleep while he worked and listened to music. 
By the time they landed at LAX, she had not even realized the whole flight had passed her by. The pair noticed a few paparazzi lurking on the other side of the gate as they walked to the car where Alex and Allen waited patiently for them.  
“Welcome home,” Alex offered as the two approached Michael’s car, Allen immediately greeting them both as well before grabbing their bags. “Have fun?” 
The couple nodded enthusiastically. 
“I’m so glad. That means you two are relaxed and can get back to it. Cause we got a problem.” She handed Michael her phone, his relaxed face immediately scrunching up in frustration. 
“What’s wrong?” Raven asked, confused as to what could have happened in the span of a flight. All was well when they took off this morning. 
“Well let’s just say… I am so glad I’m an only child,” Alex answered flatly as Michael handed Raven her phone so she could see ‘the problem,’ a giant TMZ headline staring back at her that featured a quote from her very own sister. 
Tag List: @readinghere2023 @blackerthings @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @physicxal @purplehairgawdess @miyuhpapayuh @rueruesclues @geemamii @certifiedlesbianbaddie @pipsqueak-98 @nyifly22 @destinio1 @twocentaur @gopaperless @musicisme333 @roguekiki @majesticbrownjawn @taurusqueen83 @mysteryuz @miamormilan @itsknor-thedeep @naj-ay444 @mads-grace4 @nayaesworld @kholdkill @msniaimani @nccu-rnc @apenasumlug4r
A/N: I hope Paris was as magical for you as it was for me lol And our not-so favorite sister is backkkk. Drop a comment and let me know all your thoughts or if you want to be tagged! Thanks for reading!
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blackholemojis · 7 months
Emojis from this ask, which I’m including separate from the actual ask since it also deals with dark topics, which I want to respond to without making the post too long
The emojis are for dyspraxia, autism, C-PTSD, and another one for PTSD since I thought I might as well. The “lightning” for the C-PTSD and PTSD emojis is teal, since the symbol for PTSD awareness is teal
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Dyspraxia: a person looking at a compass, which is pointing one direction, but the person is pointing another direction.
Autism (gold): a person with a flat, neutral expression but with happy “rays” around them, and a red infinity sign in front of them.
Autism (red) a person with a flat, neutral expression but with happy “rays” around them, and a gold infinity sign in front of them.
C-PTSD: a person with a distressed expression hugging themselves. There’s a large cloud over their head, and many small teal lightning doodles are around them.
PTSD: a person with a distressed expression hugging themselves. There’s two smaller clouds over their head, and one big teal drawing of lightning behind them. /End ID]
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nqmonarch · 4 months
Dream AU Part 2
Characters: Lynx, Serval, and momentary appearance by Gepard (a very short guest appearance)
Part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/nqmonarch/746989980179660800/dream-au-brainrot?source=share
Night began to fall on Jarilo-VI and you had lost feeling in all of your body. You figured if you could die in your dreams then you'd already be dead, but you'd been wandering for what seemed like forever... Until you finally saw another sign of human life, fire. You walked toward the fire like it was your last hope, yet couldn't help but freeze when you saw the figure by it.
Lynx was bundled up nicely, blonde hair peaking out of her hat, and food in her hand. From what you know Lynx she was rather introverted, and although you were sure that she was kind you couldn't help but feel some trepidation in approaching her. As if that one action would lead to her despising you forever.
The snow crunched under your feet as you approached, "Excuse me?" You called out and you noticed her slowly turn over to her, she was languid in her movements.
She looked at you quizzically, "...Can I help you?"
You perked up at her words, nodding, as you took a few steps closer, "I was wondering if I could stay warm by your fire? I've been wandering out here for a while."
"Hm...? Yeah, sure," She then turned her head away from you and turned back to staring at the sky.
As you sat next to the fire, basking in the warmth of it you followed her line of sight and, an aurora, how beautiful. You didn't bother to make conversation, knowing it wasn't something Lynx typically did with people, and instead admired the lights. The warmth was nice but it felt burning against your frozen skin. Lynx at times snuck glances at you, curious about exactly what kind of person would be outside of Belobog seemingly unprepared for its cold and harsh climate.
You raised your hand to the sky, tracing the patterns the aurora left behind. The gleaming lights resembled a whale, and the moment you thought that they shifted a bit and filled out the form of the whale you were imagining.
"What are you doing out here?" Lynx's words were blunt and quick to the point, not wanting to spend any time doing small talk.
You let out a small hum, "This and that, it just happened. Y'know?" She looked at you a bit exasperated but didn't push any further.
The silence between you two was comfortable and as stars began to take the sky, she began to point of some constellations. Despite your odd appearance you felt strangely familiar leaving Lynx to feel at ease with you, to the point of offering you a place to sleep which you gladly accepted. You'd slept before in dreams, it was always an interesting sensation, oftentimes you'd experience memories of previous dreams.
That night though you just dreamed of staring at at many teal pools with marble looking stone as their outline. Trees with leaves of gold and amber watched over the pools, and you were dimly aware of a presence behind you. It was better to reminisce upon the good times of that place than the bad ones, so you remained there spending hours just watching how the water moves.
You woke up still in the chilly landscape of Jarilo-VI. Lynx had offered to return back to Belobog and give you an impromptu tour. It was partially out of her worry for the strange person that appeared in the snow and partially out of curiosity. She was even willing to reach out to her brother to see if he knew who you were.
The city was warmer than you expected, the heaters keeping it the temperature of a warm spring day. The type of spring day that was best suited by the occasional breeze, and a sky with a few clouds. Belobog though was no stranger to such winds, except each gust of wind that hit you brought in cold air from the outside immediately removing any concern you had of how warm the town was.
Lynx had, first, deciding to bring you over to Serval's workshop as she had to catch up with Serval anyway. Neverwinter workshop was a quaint place, whose only sound was that of clocks ticking. Their were small trinkets laid upon the counter when you walked in and their were so many different inventions being showcased you couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. Until your intention was drawn to the woman in the middle.
Long blonde hair with a blue streak and an outfit like a rockstar. "Serval!" You called out almost instinctively smiling.
"You know her?" Lynx asked, of course most people in Belobog did but given your strange behavior, outfit, and where you'd appeared Lynx thought you may've been one of those people who were rumored to come from the sky. Although, she supposed that must just be a myth, she had hoped it was true.
"Who doesn't?" You replied. Serval was a character that didn't get enough screentime or love in your humble opinion. She was a kickass older sister who was willing to stand up for what she believed to be right! And she was also just... so cool!
Even though it was a dream it couldn't hurt to get her autograph right? You skipped over to the rockstar and now, at a closer distance, were truly able to admire her teal blue eyes which were framed perfectly by her long lashes. She was simply breath taking. You were more than lucky to have already met such beautiful characters! Nanook, Lynx, and now Serval! It was a shame your memories of their looks would become slightly blurry once you woke up, the game didn't give them their full justice.
"Can I have your autograph?" You practically begged, excitement seeping into your voice and making it higher. The only problem was you didn't have any paper.
Serval smiled at you-- she smiled at you! You could die happy now. "Of course," and she said yes, you truly were beyond blessed man you'd have to hear her sing another time but... you probably had to wake up soon it felt like you'd been dreaming for a while. Serval cocked her head toward Lynx, "You make a new friend Lynxy?"
Lynx stepped forward to the two of you, some snow on her jacket still melting, "Not really, it's... complicated." She looked at you, as if expecting you to explain.
You perked up about to begin explaining the story of how the two of you met, but then the door opened and a cool low voice called out, "Serval, you need to-- Lynx?" The third and final Landau walked through the door, Gepard was even more beautiful in person as well.
Man, you got to meet all three of the Landaus! Wasn't that lucky? Due to their different jobs they didn't meet together all that much, you remembered. A sharp piercing noise, your alarm, split through your brain, talk about bad timing. Just when you got to meet Gepard, plus you didn't even get your autograph yet!
"Sorry, I have to head out now," You quickly interrupted thinking it would be impolite to leave, even if they were just part of your dream, without saying goodbye. And with that you returned to the waking, much more warm, world. Your blankets were pretty comfortable, you really didn't want to leave them.
Lynx had turned over to look at you, confused at your words and whether or not you were a wanted criminal, but when she did so all she saw was nothing. And when Serval and Gepard also saw the person in front of them disappear in the blink of their eye they were both stumped.
ugh I wanna write more Nanook they're so like babygirl in this AU will prob mention them in part 3 but it'll be like their POV not them and reader meeting again
I love that Serval, Lynx, and Gepard are all like cat related names lol
sorry for the wait i wanna start writing this one original book i have so i can put it into a competition so i've been focusing on that
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theextendedzodiacas · 8 months
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The Extended Zodiac as Moodboards: Gemga boy ♦️ androgynous Licer with arts and crafts
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gwyn-nesta-emerie · 6 months
The Valkyries Friendship Bracelets
I love this scene of The Valkyries making friendship bracelets & choosing the colors for each other because of the wholesomeness in it, as well as the possible foreshadowing:
Gwyn choose for Emerie: Green, Purple, and Gold
Nesta choose for Gwyn: Blue, White, and Teal
Emerie choose for Nesta: Navy Blue, Crimson, and Silver.
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If these colors truly mean anything remains to be seen. But the Gold, Blue, and Crimson colors stand out to me given we have:
Mor who Emerie blushed about and who is associated with Gold, imo, because of her hair color and Gold just seems to fit with Mor given who her character is.
Azriel who we have after this scene Nesta saying was the new ribbon for Gwyn, & who is associated with Blue because of his Siphons. Actually, they both are associated with Blue given the Invoking Stone the priestesses use that is also a parallel in a way to the Illyrian Siphons. Equals am I right?
Cassian who is mates with Nesta, and his Siphons are red/sapphire in color.
We still have that "three" symmetry with Mor, Cassian, and Azriel getting with Emerie, Nesta, and Gwyn. And with two of those pairings (Mor and Emerie & Azriel and Gwyn) we can finally have the proper closure over the whole Mor and Azriel thing, without Cassian being a buffer anymore, while they get with their respective partners. It's a nice bowtie to that little bit of plotline still left unresolved given Rhysand question to Azriel in his bonus scene.
The foreshadowing is there for us to see. Nesta and Cassian were endgame. It's only plausible to come to the conclusion that Gwyn and Azriel & Emerie and Mor will be endgame as well given the signs.
Which of course only leaves Elain and Lucien to be together in the end given Sarah loves her happy ending for her characters and loves to pair her characters up (just look at her TOG series where a whole group finds their person pretty much from each other friends/acquaintances)
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huramuna · 3 months
helaena targaryen - headcanons
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my collection of helaena headcanons, ft. a drawing of her eyes & an excerpt of her claiming dreamfyre, under the cut! remember, these are just my personal headcanons and nothing here is fact. i just really love helaena and expanding on her character on how i see her is very fun.
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Modern Helaena is an entomologist who also has an etsy where she sells elaborate taxidermied insect scenes.
Modern Helaena is a huge fan of the monsterverse and loves Mothra. 
Helaena is autistic. She is mostly touch averse with others but enjoys holding her children, they are her safe place and safety blanket.
Helaena and Aegon are mostly divorced in their everyday lives. They don't dine together nor sleep in the same chambers but there is one time in their lives where they enjoy being together. They enjoy taking the children flying with them on Dreamfyre and Sunfyre respectively. They don’t interact with each other much when they are flying, but being adjacent to one another on their dragons is enough.
Her crown that her mother presented to her in the Dragonpit coronation is inlaid with opals. She likes to look at it but doesn’t like wearing it.
Besides live bugs, she loves pinning dead bugs, putting them in display cases all around her room. 
She has a glass tank ‘vevarium’ in her solar with Armadillidae, aka isopods, aka pillbugs, aka rolly pollies. She requested Aemond’s assistance with making it as he has studied some of the sciences from citadel around insect environments. 
She has sectoral heterochromia. It is not noticed upon first look, but up close, a flecked segment of brown is integrated with the periwinkle iris in her left eye. it is a personification of her dreaming, the crack into her psyche, as well as one of the only things in her appearance she inherited from her mother, Alicent.
Her favorite bug is a Giant Jeweled beetle, which has a blue and teal iridescent sheen to it. It reminds her of Dreamfyre. 
Dreamfyre’s saddle was modified to have the image of a dragonfly on the front.
Helaena claimed and was claimed by Dreamfyre at age eight, although not riding until age twelve, whilst in the Dragonpit, likely following Aegon to go see Sunfyre. 
Dreamfyre rumbled from her nest, grumbling low as a warning. The dragon peeked her head out of the cave as Helaena and Aegon passed by. Her breaths ruffled the hem of the princess’ skirt, which was ironically, a teal-tinted blue and slightly reflective material.  Helaena turned her head and stopped in her tracks, as Aegon muddled on through the caves to where Sunfyre nested– he hadn’t even noticed his sister wasn’t behind him any longer.  “Hello,” Helaena murmured towards the rumbling mass. It was a sound of caution to others, a sign to stay away from the broody dragon. But to the princess, it was a soft and lilting song.  The cerulean dragon puffed a cloud of smoke, as if to gently deter the tiny interloper. But Helaena was, surprisingly, unphased in front of the beast. Pale periwinkle eyes roved over Dreamfyre’s scales, the ambient light of the torches casting opalescent sheens from within them.  “Oh, you’re like a beetle,” the princess whispered, tilting her head in unison with the dragon, who was inspecting her as she spoke. “You hold all of the colors… it only takes light to see them. Red, green, gold…”  Dreamfyre gave a small cooing noise— a different inflection than her previous warnings. It was notably more light and rhythmic, as if she were communicating with a baby dragon. Helaena, in turn, tried to mimic the noises, offering her hand.  As skin met scale, they both relaxed under one another’s touch; an ancient bond snapping into place.  “You are my favorite color… I love blue.” 
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nb-n0v4 · 4 months
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remembered I like homestuck and I'm making it everyone's problem
(classpecting notes under the cut)
Sign class - Violet
Zodiac - Aquicorn (The Tempest)
Lunar sway - Prospit
Classpect - Rogue of Rage
Fetch Modus - Lock
Strife Specubus - railgunkind
Sea dweller
Sign class - Gold
Zodiac - Gemrius (The Perceptive)
Lunar sway - Derse
Classpect - Knight of Hope
Fetch Modus - Predestination Portal
Strife Specubus - N/A
Land dweller
Sign class - Purple
Zodiac - Capriga (The Surveyor)
Lunar sway - Derse
Classpect - Bard of Space
Fetch Modus - Riddle
Strife Specubus- Bladekind
Land dweller
Sign class - Indigo
Zodiac - Sagirist (The Rebel)
Lunar sway - Prospit
Classpect - Seer of Time
Fetch Modus - Cipher
Strife Specubus - guitarkind
Land dweller
Sign class - Fuschia
Zodiac - Pilo (The Spirited)
Lunar sway - Prospit
Classpect - Maid of Heart
Fetch Modus - Color
Strife Specubus - spearkind
Sea dweller
Sign Class: Gold
Zodiac: Gemries (The Savvy)
Lunar Sway: Derse
Classpect: Knight of Time
Fetch Modus: random draw
Strife Specubus: N/A
Land dweller
Sign class: Teal
Zodiac: Libsci (The Absolver)
Lunar sway: Prospit
Classpect: Witch of Life
Fetch Modus: string theory
Strife Specubus: tbd
Land dweller
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shorlinesorrows · 9 months
Percabeth after the first war, who haven’t really gotten to be teenagers, who feel both too old and too young for their skin. Who are so so glad that the war is over, but also feel surprisingly lost, because fighting the war has been their future, their purpose, their job for as long as they can really remember
Annabeth and Percy, who do what all adrift teens do when everything is overwhelming and painful and exciting and when it feels like you don’t have a purpose any more:
they make a bucket list.
it starts small. They go clothes shopping together, close enough to Sally’s house that they can get home quick if they need too. They start to develop their own senses of style. They go to a farmers market. They make graffiti at one point and nearly get caught but the entire time they’re giggling through their fingers.
then comes the hair.
it was just a random item on the bucket list: hair dye.
and they were going to get crazy colors, Percy was going to dye his bright teal blue, no hesitation. He was decided. But then they’re standing in the shopping aisle, looking at the colorful boxes, and Percy’s eyes catch on a model, and they have long dark hair that’s just the same shade as Annabeth’s.
and he scans the aisle, and there’s another one, a bright sandy gold, and he turns to Annabeth, who is debating between silver and purple with all the intensity of a teenage war veteran, and says “I have a stupid idea”
they grab a boxed bleach on their way out.
they dye their hair together, and it’s a mess and the dye gets everywhere and it’s not quite even and both of them get a little light headed from the fumes but it’s so much fun
and they refuse to let anyone in the bathroom until their hair is dyed, rinsed and blow dried even though it takes forever because bleaching is a much longer process
when they finally emerge, Sally gasps and then starts to laugh and then Paul joins in and then they’re all laughing.
Percy’s hair is black, Annabeth’s hair is blond.
They’ve switched hair colors. And it’s silly, but it’s also a constant reminder that they’re not alone.
It’s being able to wake up from a nightmare and seeing blond hair on your pillow instead of black and thinking “Percy”. It’s having a bad day where you can’t seem to keep your mind from slipping away from you, then seeing black hair in the corner of your vision and thinking “Annabeth”. It’s a tangible sign that they are connected, that they are alive, and that there is someone who understands. A physical reminder of love.
When their roots grow out, they look at their inverted hair and smile. Like always, they match.
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