#golf shirts girls sleeveless
roosterforme · 1 year
Playing From the Rough | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley agrees to play in a charitable golf tournament as long as you tag along. When he tells off a professional golfer for being rude and then beats him at his own game, Bradley braces himself for the consequences. But it's you the professional decides to take it out on. Guess he didn't get the memo: don't mess with the Bradshaws.
Warnings: Fluff, swearing, mentions of smut, mentions of blood, non consensual touching
Length: 3800 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
This was written to accompany my series Is It Working For You? along with a bunch of my one-shots and other series, but it can be read on its own! Check my masterlist for the reading order. Beautiful banner by @mak-32
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"Come on, Rooster. We need a fourth golfer," Bob coaxed, handing Bradley another beer at the Hard Deck. "It's a foursome, not a threesome. And it's for charity."
Bradley sipped the drink and thought about how he'd have to spend a whole weekend day away from you, and he really just wasn't feeling it. The two of you were enjoying that newlywed bubble you'd been living in. Recently, Saturdays had been reserved for sleeping in late, walking the dog, and fucking. 
"Wow, I guess Bradshaw just hates charitable events for children's hospitals," Jake drawled, sipping on his glass of bourbon. "Come on. Be a sport. Payback and Fanboy are deployed. We need one more to make a team."
Bradley sighed. "Let me check with my wife."
"Bring her," Coyote said, lining up a shot at the pool table. "We get two extra tickets. She can drive a golf cart and drink beers all day if she wants."
Bradley cocked his head to the side before he turned to look at you and Nat taking shots up at the bar. "Who else would come?" he asked the guys. "With the other extra ticket?"
But Coyote had followed his gaze. "Give it to Nat. They'd have fun."
"They can be our cheerleaders," Jake said with a smirk.
Bradley snorted. "Don't hold your breath. I think drinking, heckling, and hitting us with the golf carts would be more their speed."
Bradley woke up to you pushing your fingers back through his hair, and he groaned. It was just before six in the morning, and you were rubbing yourself against his leg and kissing his neck. He realized he had an erection before he could even remember what day it was, and then he groaned louder.
You and he had to be at the gold course for the charitable fundraiser in about an hour. Bradley wrapped his hands around your waist. "We need to get up, Baby Girl."
"No," you whispered. "You need to fuck me. I'm so horny."
"Shit," he sighed, glancing at the time on his phone. "We can't. We'll be late."
"Roo!" you whined, thoroughly unaccustomed to being told no when it came to anything, but especially when it was something you wanted in bed. Bradley was weak for you in that way.
"I'll make it up to you later, after I'm all sweaty and you've had even more time to get wound up," he promised, squeezing your ass. 
You moaned softly next to his ear. "You better. I want it twice."
"Three times," he replied with a smirk as he got out of bed. He watched you get dressed in a little tropical print pleated skirt and a sleeveless white golf shirt. And nothing else. "Are you planning on wearing any underwear?" he asked, following you into the bathroom.
"No," you told him casually, bending over at the sink to wash your face. He could see your bare pussy. You were doing this intentionally to mess with him. This is what he got for telling you no sex. "Fuck."
When he came up behind you, clearly having a change of heart, you stepped away from him and said, "We don't want to be late." He watched you walk back into the bedroom with your chin in the air. Oh, he'd get you good later.
Once you were holding two travel mugs of coffee and Bradley had his golf bag, he followed you out to the Bronco. He tossed his clubs in the back and then buckled your seatbelt. He let his palm rest on your thigh as he leaned in to kiss you. 
"You're going to look so pretty sitting in the golf cart and cheering for me," he said, trying not to laugh. 
"If anything, you're my trophy husband," you replied with a laugh as you kissed his scarred cheek. 
"I love you," he promised before closing the passenger door and heading out. 
The weather was perfect, the sky was blue, and when you and Bradley arrived at the golf course, the others were already there. The four of them were wearing matching golf shirts emblazoned with Top Gun on the back along with white pants. Bradley wasn't the best golfer by any stretch of the imagination. He usually just tagged along because it was fun, and today was no different. They were raising money for a local children's hospital, and some of the kids were present. 
Bradley smiled at the children who were waving to them after they got checked in. "They'd probably love some pictures with you guys," you whispered, running your hand up Bradley's bicep. 
"Nah," Bradley replied. "There are some TV stars and musicians here. I don't think they care about us."
But you pushed him and Jake toward the kids, and their little faces lit up. Soon Bob was handing out some pins with wings that said Top Gun, and you took pictures while the kids asked questions about aviation.
Bradley ended up sitting with a little girl named Abigail who asked him a million questions about his Super Hornet, but he didn't mind. He loved kids. But it was almost time to get started, so he stood and gave her a high five. And he posed for one more photo that you took before he headed to one of the golf carts. 
"That was sweet of you to pose for pictures with the kids," you told him as you slipped into the driver's seat. 
"It was sweet of you to take all the photos," he replied, sitting next to you and kissing your cheek. 
"Ready?" Coyote asked, taking a seat in the back. Bradley watched Nat tear off in the other cart with Bob and Jake barely hanging on. You followed them to the first tee at a much slower pace, and Bradley was happy to see that there were more kids among the spectators. 
He played the first few holes pretty well. Surprisingly, he was keeping up with Javy and Jake. You and Nat were half watching and half laughing with some drinks in your hands, but Bradley just wanted you to have a good time. 
And you were definitely making sure he was having a good time. Whenever he met your gaze, you ran your fingers up your bare thigh or licked your lips. He was probably playing so well because he knew what was in store for him later. Probably a blowjob to start, but you'd definitely let him finish in your pussy. When he checked the time on his phone, he saw a text from you.
Baby Girl Bradshaw: I'm really horny.
He groaned. You were hot for him and texting him from twenty feet away. He texted you back before tucking his phone away so he could tee off.
Behave, or I'll spank you.
Bradley thought he could hear you moan from the golf cart. But that sweet sound was soon drowned out by someone else.
"Jesus Christ. I told him to fuck off! He doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. And his golf swing looks like a piece of shit, too." 
It was a guy about his age, swearing up a storm in front of all the kids. Bradley clenched and unclenched his fist in his glove. Sure, he could appreciate the subtle art of the f-word, but not in front of families with kids representing the charity! There was a time and a place. Like bullshitting at the bar or whispering dirty stuff in your wife's ear.
"Rooster, you're up," Javy called, and Bradley rolled his shoulders and walked away.
But this prick was still running his mouth at the next hole. Bradley didn't know how he got unlucky enough to have to play next to this idiot, but he couldn't take much more. And when he looked up and saw Abigail and her parents, he decided that was enough. 
"Hey man, do you mind?" Bradley asked him, and then he was met with cold, gray eyes. 
"I'm sorry, but who the fuck are you?" the prick responded, sizing Bradley up.
"Someone who's sick of listening to your mouth," Bradley replied without hesitation. This guy was handsome and smug, and Bradley couldn't stand him. "This is an event for children. There are kids everywhere. Cut it out with the foul language."
Bradley turned and walked back toward the golf cart where you were laughing with Nat when Jake jogged up next to him. "Dude, what did you just say to Hunter King?"
"You were just talking to Hunter King. He's a super famous pro golfer!"
Bradley turned back to see that he was still being glared at. "I told him to shut his mouth and stop swearing in front of all the kids," he told Jake.
"But that's Hunter King," Jake insisted with wide eyes. 
Bradley shrugged and said, "I don't care who he is. He's being rude." Then he took a quick sip of the beer you were holding before handing it back to you with a kiss to your forehead. 
"Ready to go to the next hole?" you asked, brushing the hem of your skirt a little higher. 
"I'm ready to take you home," Bradley replied, squeezing your perfect thigh. 
"Gross," Nat complained, climbing out of the cart and heading to the other one. You and she drove the four of them to the next hole, and Bradley saw that Hunter King was right there as well. 
"Go get a hole in one, Roo," you told him, rubbing high up on his thigh and brushing his cock. 
"Baby Girl, I'm gonna teach you a lesson later."
"Ohh," you crooned. "Will you teach me how to hold your club?"
"If you're good," he replied, climbing out of the cart with a shake of his head. Bradley watched Hunter King play par on the hole, and then it was his turn. Bradley drove the ball with a nearly perfect swing, and the ball landed on the green.
You and Nat were both cheering for him, and the kids in the area all looked delighted as well. Nat drove Bradley over to the green to putt while you waited with Bob and Jake. And to Bradley's surprise, he came in at one stroke under par for the hole. He just did better than a professional golfer. And now Hunter King looked even more pissed off.
"Good," Bradley muttered to himself, bending to get his ball out of the hole. "That's what you get."
And then Bradley beat him on the next hole. And the one after that. 
"Wow, Rooster," Nat said, rubbing his shoulder. "I had no idea you'd be this good. Jake tells everyone how terrible you are."
Bradley rolled his eyes as you walked over and wrapped your arms around his waist. "You're doing better than Javy, Bob and Jake," you informed him, clearly impressed. 
"It doesn't matter," he replied. "It's just for charity." But he was still shocked when he finished in third place overall. Hunter King finished in fourth. 
Bradley went over to congratulate the first and second place finishers, but he was cut off by Hunter. "Good game," Bradley managed through clenched teeth, holding out his hand. But the other man didn't shake it. Instead he smiled in such a way that made Bradley feel very uneasy. 
"Are you married?" Hunter asked him.
Bradley's brow scrunched up. "Yeah," he replied.
"Which one's your wife?" Hunter was nodding to where you and Nat were standing in the sunlight. You looked beautiful, the golden glow illuminating your skin as you shifted weight from one foot to the other. With one hand planted on your hip you tossed your head back and laughed. You were his wife. His perfect wife. 
"You know what?" Hunter replied. "It doesn't matter. I'll take real good care of both of them."
"What?" Bradley asked, but as soon as Hunter headed your way, someone was trying to pull him aside for a photo with the other winners. When he turned back, all he saw was you and Nat being led away with Hunter's hand on your lower back.
You looked up into a pair of soft, gray eyes and were met with a brilliant smile. "My name's Hunter, and I'd love to take you on a tour of the VIP tent."
"Sounds swanky," Nat replied, smiling at him.
"Oh. It is. I promise," he said with another charming smile. "Let's go."
You looked back to see that Bradley was absorbed with a photography crew and some of the kids associated with the charity. You tried to wave to get his attention, but you supposed it didn't really matter. You wouldn't be gone long enough to even need to grab you phone from the golf cart. 
Then Hunter's hand came to rest just above the swell of your butt, and you thought your eyes were going to bug out. As he nodded at the security guard watching the entrance to the VIP tent, you slipped out of his grasp. 
"Welcome, Mr. King," the guard said with a smirk. "Two guests with you?"
"That's right," he replied with a laugh. He was annoying, but the inside of the tent was incredible. It looked more like a small arena inside. There were people checking out golf simulators and waiters walking around with drinks. You watched Hunter grab two bottles of champagne from a large ice bucket. 
"This way, ladies," he said, and you took Nat by the hand before she could wander over to the simulators. Hunter looked at your joined hands as you both followed him, and he muttered, "That works for me, too."
You pulled Nat a little closer as the three of you ended up in a secluded area. After he popped the first bottle of champagne, he handed it to Nat. "A whole bottle?" she asked. "Thanks, Hunter."
Then he popped the second one and gave it to you. "Drink up."
His fingers lingered on yours as you said, "I love pink champagne. My husband buys it for me all the time."
Hunter's eyes appraised you, lingering on your lips and chest. You were suddenly very aware of your lack of underwear and peaked nipples. "Oh, you're married?" he asked casually. "Was he the one who finished in the top three?"
"Yes! He placed third," you told him before taking a sip of the expensive champagne. It was delicious, and Nat had already finished half of her bottle. You kind of wanted to share your bottle with Bradley, but you also kind of wanted to ditch it and leave. 
"You like to play golf?" Hunter asked, completely focused on you now. 
You shrugged. "I haven't played much. I usually just hang out in the golf cart when I go."
"Your husband won't let you play?"
You rolled your eyes. "I can assure you that I do whatever I want."
"I love to hear that," he laughed with a smile. "And I think you want to try out one of the simulators." 
You noticed that Nat had already wandered away to one of the booths. "Just for a minute," you agreed.
Then you listened to him explain how the simulator worked. It was a small booth, and you would wear a virtual reality mask. It looked just like you were really on a golf course. 
"Let me close the door for you," Hunter murmured next to your ear. "So you can get started."
He closed the booth, and it took you a few seconds to realize he was still in there with you. Because when you bent a little at the waist, you bumped into him with your butt. 
"You need a little help with your posture?" he asked, wrapping his hands around your hips from behind. In an instant, you knew you were rubbing against the zipper of his pants, and his left hand was skimming over your skirt right where your little rooster tattoo was covered by the thin fabric. 
You gasped when his hands slid a little lower. You had no underwear on, because your main goal of the day had been to tease Bradley. But now Hunter was the one almost touching your bare skin. 
"What the hell?" you shouted in the small space, whipping off the mask covering your eyes and spinning around. "What the hell is your problem?" You watched his face as you pulled your right hand back. He looked alarmed, eyes wide and hands held up in surrender as your palm made contact with his face.
"Ow! Fuck!" he screamed. Somehow you managed to slap his cheek and also hit his nose with the heel of your hand at the same time. It started gushing blood onto his pale blue shirt, and he tried to pinch the bridge of his nose to get it to slow down. 
"I'm married, and you're creepy!" you informed him loudly, shoving past him to get out of the simulation booth. "Come on, Nat," you called, taking her hand again.
"Why are we leaving? I didn't finish my champagne!" she complained. So when you walked back past the ice bucket, you gabbed a new bottle for her and a second one for yourself.
"Hunter is a creep," you informed her as you made your way to the tent exit. But Hunter was hot on your heels and reaching out for you.
Bradley saw you go inside the VIP area, but he got pulled aside for some group photos. He knew the kids, including Abigail, were waiting for more photos as well, but he quickly excused himself to head after you.
"That son of a bitch," he muttered to himself as he approached the security guard. Hunter King was mad that he told him to shut his mouth, and beating a professional at his own game really hadn't helped Bradley's cause. And he just knew Hunter was going to try to take it out on you and Nat. 
He started sweating. You were all horny and wound up, and you had skipped underwear to mess with him. And now the guy who was pissed off at Bradley was probably inside pawing at you. And you weren't answering your phone. 
"Whoa, hang on," the guard said, sliding into place in front of the entrance just as Bradley got there. "This area is off limits for you."
Bradley grunted. "My wife is in there."
"Good for her," he replied with a shrug of his enormous shoulders. 
"You don't understand. She's with Hunter King."
The guard had the audacity to smirk at him. "One of those two attractive women? I'm sure she's having a great time with Mr. King."
What was that supposed to mean? Bradley had to close his eyes and silently count to ten. "I just need to pop in there, and then I'll be right back out."
"Absolutely not."
Bradley ground his molars together before he managed a very insincere sounding, "Please?"
Then the security guard laughed at him, and Bradley contemplated trying to shove this guy out of his way. He had about a hundred pounds and four inches on Bradley, but it would be worth the pounding to make sure you and Nat were okay. Just as he was working himself up to do it, he caught sight of you heading his way, dragging Nat along. You emerged from the tent looking unscathed.
"Hi, Roo," you said sweetly, gripping a bottle of pink champagne for some reason. You wrapped your arms around him, the cold condensation from the bottle pressing to the back of his neck. 
"What's going on, Baby Girl?" he asked, still completely bewildered as you kissed him. "Where's Hunter King?" He was pulling you a little closer, waiting for some sort of explanation. 
But Nat started laughing. "You don't need to worry about your wife. Cheers," she said, holding up a second bottle of champagne before popping the cork.
You whispered, "I love you," against Bradley's lips just as he saw Hunter come storming to the tent entrance with blood all over his shirt.
Bradley took your face in his hands. "What happened? Why is he covered in blood? Did he try to hurt you? Or Nat? This is all my fault for telling him to stop swearing and then beating his score." Bradley could feel his pulse quicken, feel his brow crease in concern, but you were smiling.
"He's a creep. I told him I was married, and he still tried to touch me, but I'm pretty sure I broke his nose."
Bradley shoved you gently away from him, ready to beat the ever living shit out of both the security guard and Hunter King. He watched Hunter's eye grow wide as he clenched both hands into fists, but then you were in front of him again. 
"Roo! It's okay!" you promised, pressing the champagne bottle to his chest and pushing him back. 
"It is not okay," he growled, letting you push him a little further away from the tent. "I'll rip him in half."
"Roo! Right before I saw you, he tried to grab me again. I told him I'd call the cops if he didn't match the donation that was being made to the children's hospital." 
"Match the donation? That's like four hundred thousand dollars," he replied, looking at you with surprise. "You just got Hunter King to make a personal donation of four hundred thousand dollars?"
"Yep!" you replied, pressing yourself to the front of him. "I sure did. And I got him to say it in front of one of the charity's coordinators. I also insinuated to that coordinator that perhaps Mr. King shouldn't be allowed to spend any time alone with women in the VIP tents in the future. And that maybe he should be removed from the circuit. Now let's go home, pop this delicious bottle of pink champagne, and celebrate your third place victory!"
Bradley was still gaping at you before he scooped you up into his arms. He was careful to keep your butt covered with one big hand as you kissed his face while he glared past you at Hunter King until the other man slinked back into the shadows where he belonged. 
"You're such a badass," he told you suddenly. "I'm so impressed by you all the time, Sweetheart. You don't even need me."
"No, I don't," you agreed with him, kissing his cheek and trailing your lips back to his ear. "But I really, really want you."
"Let's go home," he grunted, carrying you to one of the golf carts. "I just want my bed, my wife, and the expensive champagne she stole from the VIP tent."
Don't mess with the Bradshaws! Thanks to @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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missmielyhoran · 2 years
dad's best friend!! Sorry it wasn't supposed to be so confusing 😭😭😭😭
It wasn't! I'm just an indecisive person in general😭. Thanks for requesting♡
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First of all can we talk about this suit? Why haven't I seen this? He looks so fucking good😩
(dbf!harry or gangleader!harry and plussize!reader)
Harry- 40, Y/N- 22
[Warning- Smut, mentions of Mafia and gangs, 18 years age gap, dad's best friend, mirror sex, teasing, choking, fingering, edging, orgasm denials, fluff in the end and angst if you squint enough to close your eyes]
You knew teasing Harry was like poking sleeping bear with stick but you couldn't help it.
It was one of the monthly dinner party hosted by your parents. All of your dad's colleagues and friends were at his house dressed to nine. The hall was filled with people in designer suits and dresses.
It was a colour theme party so most of them were in shades of red and black. You were in a short dark coloured off shoulder dress with statement sleeves matching with the long dark red satin dress of your mom and the red shirt of your dad.
Harry hugged his best friend, your dad first thing when he arrived then your mom and then he stood in front of you. He was wearing a dark red suit which fitted him nicely and you already thought of taking pics together later.
"Hello Mr. Styles" You said teasingly being the minx you were. He laughed and hugged you, your face tucked into his chest while his hands subtly slid down to pull you closer to him discreetly so, no one can see.
"Hello princess" He greeted back and pulled from hug. His signature smirk adorning his lips and you were surely red in face, flustered by his deep voice.
"Styles c'mon lets get some drinks" Your dad called Harry. He gave him a nod and shot you a subtle look.
Your parents didn't knew, no one did about you and Harry cause you couldn't even think of what would happen if they got to know that their only daughter was in a relationship with their good friend.
Harry and you met at golf club. It was one of the rare days you decided to join your dad to his golf game and you praise yourself everyday for doing that cause that's how you met him.
You still remember the yellow polo he was wearing. It snugged around his biceps and broad shoulder, the blue pants showing off his fine ass. You felt guilty for thinking he was hot and feeling yourself being turned on. If he was your dad's friend it meant he was closer to his age. He might have a partner or be married.
So, you subtly brought him up in conversation on your way back home and your dad told everything about him. He was your dad's boss some kind. He never goes into details about who or what he works for and you never asked.
Harry was 39 then much younger than your dad who was in his late 40s and drumrolls please....he was single!
Although for a while it didn't change anything but it made you feel less guilty when you touched yourself thinking about him.
Harry was same on the other hand. He shouldn't have been thinking about one of his main hand and best friend's daughter that way but fuck you were something else. The crop white sleeveless polo tshirt you were wearing that day made your boobs bounce everytime you walked and especially when you hugged him and he felt them rub against his chest. Jesus Christ!
He had to excuse himself so he could run to washroom and collect himself (by that he means wank).
Time went by, you stayed in Harry's mind and he in yours. It was your apartment move in party that you met him again. Your dad bought apartment for you cause you were itching to move out and he couldn't let you live in some small, cheap and filthy apartment. You were always daddy's girl considering you were the only child, he spoiled you a lot.
He invited everyone including Harry. Whole time during party both of you made eyes for each other and when party ended Harry stayed after to "clean up" and he sure did clean up.
At first everything from his side was strictly sexual but you were already falling for him after sleeping for second time. You confessing led to a big argument but it went fine as now, a year later you both have been in relationship for 8 months after hooking up for 4 months.
A hour later you were wine tipsy enough to have your cheeks flushed but also be aware of your surroundings. You were searching for Harry not seen him for quite some time.
You walked out in backyard seeing people mingling together. You politely smiled at some of your dad's coworkers your eyes frantically searching for a mop of curly hair.
When you did find him, he was with Sharon. Her manicured hand on his bicep as she laughed way too loudly on something he said. You rolled your eyes feeling jealous, even a blind person could see she had eyes for Harry. Your dad joked about it a lot to Harry in front of you not his fault, he didn't know his daughter was digging nails in her palm so, she wouldn't cry or get angry.
Harry always told your dad he wasn't interested in her and to Sharon also but to everyone he was single. So, your dad kept teasing him about settling down constantly telling him about possible dates. It made you sad but Harry always comforted you telling he doesn't want anyone but you.
You believed him and trust him with your everything but that doesn't stop you from wanting to pluck those flirty eyes out of Sharon's head any less.
Few people walked past them making them shift from their position. Now, Sharon's back was to you and Harry in front of her. You smiked brewing plan in your head. You walked towards them sipping your wine, Harry eyes found yours and he knew something was going on in your brain. He straightened up seeing you walk towards him.
"Mr. Sty-" You cut yourself off and pretended to trip over the stone in front of you. The wine splashed on Harry's black shirt and some on his pants and you "accidentally" collided with Sharon making her fall into the pool. Harry caught you in his arms even though he knew you were safe, it was like a reflex for him.
Sharon screamed sounded followed by splash of water. You bit your lips trying not to laugh as she came above he surface of water looking like a wet dog.
"Are you okay?" Harry asked for confirmation, your eyes softened looking up at his. You gave him nod and then a cheeky smile.
He shook his head and moved towards Sharon to help her get out but before she could touch him you called the guards and made them help her out.
"I'm soo sorry Ms. Sharon. Are you hurt?" You asked her faking innocence. Harry rolled his eyes internally and wanted to laugh at your jealous antics but refrained himself.
Her hardened eyes snapped at yours but she couldn't say anything cause you were her boss's daughter and one wrong word she would have been fired.
She gave you the best fake smile, "No ma'am it's fine mistakes happen"
"I know next time don't stand beside dangerous places. I'm a bit clumsy you know, who knows where you might end up falling" You pouted and passed her towel brought by one of servants. Her smile faltered and she excused herself.
"You want you clean that up Mr. Styles?" You asked him pointing towards his shirt and pants. You looked up at him with doe eyes batting your eyelashes as if you didn't just pulled a stunt.
"You're a brat you know that?" He whispered darkly, his voice getting deep. You kept your eyes on his, "Your brat though" You pouted making him laugh.
"C'mon princess help me get this stain off" He said walking inside. The music was playing loudly now as dinner was served and people were drunk dancing their asses off. You saw your dad chatting with few men so, he didn't see you. Just as you were to slide inside the guest bathroom with him your mom saw you.
"What happened?" She asked looking in between you two. You panicked thinking she caught you but Harry saved your ass.
"Oh nothing Mrs. Y/L/N, little miss here accidentally spilled wine on my shirt. I told her I could get it off myself but she said she felt guilty." He said waving off and pretending to walk inside the bathroom.
"No no. She will help you. ¡Cuántas veces te he dicho que no bebas tanto!" (how many times I have told you not to drink so much!) she said her spanish accent thinking as she got mad.
"Sorry ma I will help him" You said and you really felt like a child getting scolded. You mom hummed and walked back towards the party.
You quickly pulled Harry inside and locked the door. His back was against the door as you started to kiss him. You were a starved woman not being able to kiss your boyfriend for so long.
Harry smiled at your eagerness, his hands sliding down to your ass groping it, pulling them apart then letting them go. He started walking and pushed your back towards the sink pulling you up and sitting down.
He pulled apart to breathe. Both of your lips red, glistening and swollen, your red lipstick smudged around your lips making his heart skip.
"You look so good baby" Harry cooed at his girlfriend. Your cheeks heated up but you kept the eye contact playing with his curls at the nap of his neck.
"You don't look bad yourself Mr. Styles" You teased giggling. He shook his head at your childishness but that's the thing he loved about you most. You were serious, a strong headed woman but also playful, brat and full of life.
Harry leaned down just inches away from your face, "Is that how we're going today? Mr. Styles?" He asked running his nose along your jaw. You closed your eyes and tilted you head to the side as his breath tickled your skin.
"We don't have much time-" You got cut off by a whimper as he started to leave wet kissed down your neck, "People might get suspicious" You said fully losing control of your body to him.
"Mhm I will be quick" He said as his fingers slid down your silky dress to your lace thong barely covering anything. "You're in for it when I get my hands on you later" he groans moving down to your cleavage biting and sucking on them.
"Harry please" You moaned desperately wanting for him to relieve the pain. He stopped moving his fingers but before you could whine in disapproval you earned a sharp slap to your clit. Even though it was covered his rings were enough to have you doubling over.
"Try again sweetheart" he said resuming the slow assault on your clit. Your head was tucked into his chest and only thing you could do was whimper.
"Please Mr. Styles" You begged making him hum in appreciation. He started rubbing your clit faster the thin fabric getting soaked in your arousal. You let out a loud moan getting closer to your climax. Your noises were getting louder and if anyone to pass by the door would know what's going on.
"Shh sweetheart don't want anyone to know you're in here making a mess do you?" He tsked tilting his head. You shook your head not being able to say anything or comprehend. Even if someone did heard you both you couldn't care.
"But I think you would also love for someone to hear you getting of just by me rubbing my fingers on you" He chuckled, "Such a pathetic baby"
You pouted at his words even though his words were making you more wet.
"Don't pout. How would your dad react when he gets to know you pushed that poor woman in pool cause you were jealous" He taunted his fingers still making tight and slow circle on your clothed clit making your hips buck up from time to time.
"Please! Please! Please!" You whined for more. You were incredibly wet and it was aching, you just wanted your release but it never came.
Harry removed his fingers from your clothes pussy making your eyes snap open. You looked up at him frustated and confused while he just smirked.
"You think I would let you cum after you've been a brat" He asked bringing his hands near your shoulders. In one go he flips you around, your back to his chest and his hands over your stomach keeping you against him firmly.
"What you're soo mad I pushed your side chick in pool?" You mocked rolling your eyes at him, starting to get frustrated. So what if you pushed her in pool she had it coming.
"Don't give me that attitude princess" He spanked your ass hard making you moan loudly in return, "It's my duty to remind you of manners you have seem to forget" He pinched your butt then leaving another slap.
Then he pushes him away from you all together, the sudden loss of contact had your body in shivers from cold air.
"Now how this will go princess is I will go is I will fuck this tight warm pussy of yours, get my orgasm" He said his hands roaming all over your body as if he was memorizing every curve.
"What about me?" Your voice faltered as his hands found your boobs. Harry loved your boobs although you told him many times you felt insecure about them he was obsessed. Always holding them, sucking on them like his personal stress ball.
"What about you hm? All you're to me right now is a fuck toy baby" He said his lips sucking on the spot near your neck which can be hidden by hair.
His words should have hurt you but only thing hurting was your cunt for his dick.
He pushed you down your forehead resting on cold mirror as he fumbled with his belt and pants. Once his pants were down his knees he pushed your dress up. Both of your holes were in full display in front of him and he wanted to ruin you right there but they didn't have time.
he pushed your panties to the side and slid inside you without a waning. You moaned loudly from the intrusion, he was so big stretching you out filling you up.
Harry brought his hand to your mouth and covered it. "As much as I would love to hear your maons babygirl, I don't think your father will appreciate it" he spoke in your ears his breath tickling your skin, "What would he think if he finds out his daughter fucking his best friend huh?" He taunted you.
Your brain felt like mush and all you could do was nod. "Such a dumb baby" He spoke and then started pounding in you. Your hips were constantly hitting the sink and you knew you will have bruises there.
You were so close to getting off when you heard the knock on the door. Harry stopped for a second confirming someone was indeed knocking and it wasn't something his brain made up.
"Mr. Styles? Y/N? Who's inside and why is it locked?" You mom asked trying to open the door. Your whole body was rigid and for a second you thought you might get caught. You looked up and found Harry's eyes in mirror and he gave you a shrug and started moving again slower but deeper.
"Go on reply to her" he whispered in her ear.
"Helloo" You mom called out again. You whimpered slightly but got yoursf together.
"It's me mom" You said and bit down on your lip as Harry hit the right spot inside you.
"Y/N? What happened are you okay?" She asked concerned from hearing your weak voice.
"Yeah Yeah just threw up a bit. You know me and-" fuck "wine" You said stumbling over your words.
"Where is Mr. Styles?" She asked. "uh I think he went outside I don't know" You said that in one go amd brought your up so you could moan.
You don't know if she brought it or not but she left after telling you to call her if you need anything. Harry pulled you up by your hair your head falling back on his shoulder.
His pace was flattering but still firm, his hand either groaping your ass or your boobs.
"I'm close Harry can I come please" You begged but he didn't listen.
"No. On knees now" he said and pulled out. You fell on your knees in second, you hand holding his thighs for support. He brought his cock near you lips smearing the precum and your juices on your lips and then pushed inside.
You sucked like your life depends on it. You were a pleaser with no doubt and Harry loved it.
"Yes fuck keep going baby" He said, one hand gripping the sink and other your hair. He was fucking your mouth with same intensity as yiur cunt. You swirled your tongue around him and brought your hands up to massage his balls. He let out another moan and a curse.
"Such a good girl" he moaned out andgripped your head more tightly. "I'm going to cum" he announced and soon you felt him shooting warm thick ropes down your throat. You sucked and cleaned him off until he went soft inside you.
Harry brought you back up and sat on the counter. His lips back on yours tasting himself.
"I'm going to leave and you will leave behind me. 20 minutes I want you in my bed" Ge said and pecked all over your face making you giggle.
"Did so good going to reward my baby" With a wink he opened the window and jumped out landing in front of shed. He fixed his suit and went like nothing happened.
I'm thinking of making this a trope. Gang leader dbf, sounds fun lol.
You can request more here♡
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pvffinsdaisies · 2 years
No no no you don’t understand I can picture it SO clearly. Scotland is taking Norway out on a golfing date, but Scotland is dressed like an old man in his sleeveless jumper and a short sleeve shirt under it with a flat cap and his golfer gloves to complete the look whilst Norway looks like a tiktok alt girl in his ripped baggy jeans and his black woollen crop top that laces up at the front and a black belt with silver eyelet holes punched in for decoration and black fingerless cotton gloves that reach up to his eyebrows and they don’t look like they belong together AT ALL. But Scotland can’t stop smiling the entire time bc he loves golf and he loves Norway. And Norway is kinda shit at golf so Scotland has to demonstrate until Norway finally takes a shot which is decent but nowhere near as good as Scotland’s but Norway wins the whole thing regardless because he cheated when Scotland wasn’t looking and Scotland believes him but is a little bit suspicious but also the date’s been so good he doesn’t rlly care that Norway cheated. He’ll get his revenge later on 😌
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backtousa1 · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Garb Girls Large 9 10 Polo Shirt Sleeveless White Golf Tennis Athletic Good Cond.
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hilohi · 1 year
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jimmydemaret · 4 years
adidas Men's 3-Stripes Club Polo Shirt
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deal4india · 3 years
PGA TOUR Women's Airflux Sleeveless Golf Polo Shirt
PGA TOUR Women’s Airflux Sleeveless Golf Polo Shirt
Price: (as of – Details) Stay cool and stylish on the golf course in this PGA Tour women’s sleeveless golf shirt. Made from lightweight innovative mesh fabric with Airflux technology, the ladies golf shirt is designed to maximize airflow to keep you comfortable on hot days on the course. Moisture-wicking provides a dry fit by moving perspiration away from your skin. Built-in sun protection…
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puppyluver256 · 2 years
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[Image Description: Millie Coulro and Dr. Boris Habit from Smile For Me, along with a woman that resembles an older Millie, implied to be her mother. Millie is a young girl with light blue freckled skin, shoulder-length red hair, and violet eyes. She is wearing a teal and yellow baseball cap with a blue brim and P logo, a striped sleeveless shirt, and striped teal pants. She has her hands behind her back and looks uncomfortable. Millie's mother has light blue freckled skin and violet eyes, and her red hair is in a ponytail. She is wearing a dark teal t-shirt with a graphic of a golf hole and green (including a flag, a club, and a ball) and light grey pants. She is looking up at Boris with her arms crossed. Boris is a tall man with green skin, long curly red hair in a ponytail, and red eyes with orange sclera. He is wearing a pink t-shirt and blue pants. He is nervously scratching his head. They are all standing outside an outdoor hotel room, with the sun setting and two large bushes in the background. End ID.]
“Please, Ms. Coulro, just...just call me Boris, alright?” He sighed, still appearing apologetic. “Im sorry, even if some Good came out of that...place, it was not run in the best way. I was Not in the best men-tall state when I’d set that up, and ev’ry one suffered in some way as a result...inn fact, it was another resident who helped Everyone Else, including Me, doing my job for me...” Boris frowned. “I dont expect forgiveness for my actions, but I am still very sorrey to everyone whose weeks at the Habitat were...not up to expect-ayshons...”
Kim sighed as well. “At least you’re taking some responsibility for what went on there,” she said.
“Oh belief me, I am takeing many responsibilities for All That.”
More 101 Smiles! Millie's mom found out about the Habitat and she's not happy about it :S Looks like she's cooled off a bit at this point at least...
💖🐶 Check out my pinned post for ways to support my artwork, among other things! 🐶💖
~If you like, please reblog to show your friends! Likes are appreciated, but reblogs let more people see my content! If you have something to say, feel free to give feedback in tags/comments/replies as well!~
Millie Coulro, Dr. Boris Habit, and other Smile For Me concepts © LimboLane Kimberly Coulro and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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peachy-wolfhard · 3 years
Dating Sam Larusso
Note: my wife just wanna kiss her, trying out a new format thing, wlw Sam is the best Sam Warnings: gay, kinda enemies to lovers bc im that type of gay, bro its looooong u can tell how much I love Sam, mentions of horror video games, mentions of it getting a lil spicy
Sobs why isn't she real
So you're in Cobra Kai
We all know how Sam feels about Cobra Kai
She saw you around school and whenever you would hang out with the rest of the cobras and never thought anything about you ((srry bestie))
But when she saw you at the all valley
She said: 👀
Something ab the sleeveless black gi
Sam staring at you until she left
Aisha notices her staring but doesn't say anything about it during the tournament
After she tells you about it, you think she hates you
((bestie shes ✨in love✨))
She tries to work up the courage to talk to you for mONths
Sam decided to talk to you when your alone
But whenever you were alone you looked busy and she didn't want to interrupt whatever you were doing
You didn't fight during the school fight
((which made Hawk mad))
Immediately after the fight you left Cobra Kai, but still remained friends with them
You went to see Miguel in the hospital when Hawk went
When Sam showed up she asked for your number
((girl- ur friend is in the hospital n ur trying to get pussy))
For awhile you two went on not dates
Roller Skating, Golf N’ Stuff, swimming, etc
After your last non date at McDonalds you asked if she wanted to be your girlfriend
Sneaking into each others house at night
She 100% has a switch and animal crossing
((she got the animal crossing switch))
Buying her stickers to put on her switch dock because it looked bland
Playing animal crossing together all the time
((fuck it ill make an entire hc ab that))
Sleepover!! Sleepover!! Sleepover!!
Sleepover movie nights
Building a big blanket fort in her room and watching movies on her laptop
Watching horror movies and having to “protect” Sam
Which is just a lie because we all know she’s NOT a baby
Spa sleepovers are a MUST
Meeting her parents was awkward because they thought she hated you and they only know you from Cobra Kai
Amanda fully trusts that you aren't like the others in Cobra Kai
Daniel however doesn't really trust you because of the stuff from the 80’s and the stuff the new Cobra Kai has done *cough cough* Hawk
Anthony thinks your cool
Mainly because you play video games with him and showing him good horror games that make him scared to go to bed
((hey now I thought u wanted Daniel to like you, u aren’t getting in his good book like that))
Sam makes you two match everything such as, phone cases, stuffed animals,clothes, scrunchies, pajamas
Keeping your relationship a secret so that your friends at Cobra Kai don't start anymore fights
Your friends eventually catch on because both of you can't do anything subtly
They saw you and Sam acting overly flirty and came to
When Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang combine you give karate another chance, hoping that you friends join
Being surprised when Hawk joins given how dedicated he was to Kreese
Sparring together gets a lil heated
Having to come up with a good excuse of why your shirt is inside out
Getting in arguments with Sam because she can be so hot headed
Realizing whatever you were arguing about was dumb and making up quickly
Having “date night” every friday
“Date night” being something new every week
Having a very nice and sweet relationship
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rukia-writes · 3 years
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Eren K. X (Fem) reader
Setting: modern au
Storyline: Kruger’s daughter introduces her sexy friend from college to her father and the summer gets hotter.
Warnings: sex, dirty thoughts, sex, no minors 🔞
Chapter 2
“I can’t believe you didn’t want to be at the beach.”
“Oh come on, you’re not having fun?”
“Golfing is so boring, (Name).”
The two college girls were playing golf at one the most exclusive golf courses, access was granted by Kruger. Kruger’s daughter wasn’t much for golf but the course itself was beautiful with the mountains, ponds and green grass. They were now currently vacationing on the beach at Kruger’s summer home. Both women were wearing the dress code for women that the golf course had, mini skirt and a shirt. Both women looked like models out on the golf course which didn’t go unnoticed by the other golfers, especially the men.
(Name) stood behind the ball getting ready to swing when she heard her best friend say “I wish dad would stop looking over here..he’s so overprotective.” (Name)’s heart skipped a beat knowing her summer love was looking in her direction and perhaps at her. In any case, she actually managed to hit the ball pretty far.
“Good hit, (Name).”
Quickly looking over her shoulder she glanced over where Kruger was which was a bit far but the two girls could still see him playing golf with his friends. A pout came to (Name)’s lips as Kruger wasn’t looking her way now.
“You said your dad was looking over here?”
“Yeah, he’s a worry wart sometimes. There’s no guys out here except old rich men, rich married men, and engaged men.”
Kruger’s daughter sighed as she started swing her golf club next, smiling at the joke (Name) teased her best friend a bit.
“Erwin isn’t married.”
“Oh my god, I know! And he’s so handsome! But I know he has a girlfriend how could he not? He’s like a-“
(Name) listened to her best friend practically thirst over Erwin for a few seconds before getting mad at her father for saying that Erwin Smith was off limits a long time ago. That didn’t stop her from flirting a bit.
“Okay, Erwin or Mike. Who would you have a summer fling with-“
“Come on, don’t be shy. Who would you chose?”
It was her turn to tease now as she asked (Name) over and over who would she choose turning her into bashful mess. Both were handsome men and both men were on the same golf course as the two women.
“I’ll have to pass.”
“Pass? Come on...oh..you like Zeke. It’s the beard isn’t?”
“What? No-“
Zeke was also on the golf course and he too was one of Kruger’s friends. The women talked and teased each other and continued playing golf while Kruger was playing golf with his friends. Sometimes, he would look over and check to see how his daughter and his summer love was doing. Kindly wishing (Name) was a bit closer to him on the golf course so he could look at her outfit on her a bit more.
Seeing (Name) in her mini skirt definitely made his pulse race, even if he knew there were shorts underneath he still wanted to look some more. Already imagining the endless possibilities of doing some rather dirty things with her tonight at his beach home. Once he saw his daughter stick her tongue out him however he knew was looking a bit too long and stopped. Kruger didn’t want his daughter to pick up on any clues that he was having a summer passion with her best friend.
The two so far had managed to keep their relationship a secret from everyone, and that was the plan.
Once the two girls managed to catch up with them Kruger did his absolute best to keep his dirty thoughts at bay and so did (Name), after all Kruger looked handsome in anything he wore. However, both kept their thoughts to themselves and played it cool.
Later that evening everyone returned to the beach home, the two young women had to change out of their outfits so they could go out in town and have some fun. It took (Name) a much longer time to get dressed and Kruger was to blame as he had managed to sneak in (Name)’s room while she was changing out of her uniform that made Kruger hot and bothered on the golf course earlier. Before (Name) left Kruger told her not to be late.
Of course, time went by and the women didn’t return until late. Kruger’s daughter went to sleep first as she crashed on her bed and (Name) close her door, (Name) was tired herself but she had something else she had to do first.
Right down the hall was Kruger’s bedroom from (Name)’s bedroom, knocking on the door she hoped Kruger was still awake and when the door opened to see him a smile came to her face.
“Hey, we are back safe and sound.”
“Good, I was getting worried.”
The two talked in Kruger’s door way for a minute or so until Kruger heard her say “Aren’t you going let me in?” It sounded innocent but he knew what she wanted and he wasn’t going to deny her. More like he couldn’t deny her as his cock was ready for another round.
That night was a long night for (Name) but it was also a passionate night for her as well. While Kruger was rough he was also sure not to be too rough. Also, whispering sweet things in her ear while his cock was buried deep inside her. Making her whimper on his cock wasn’t hard but he wanted more from her and it seemed as though he was getting just that.
When the summer ended he didn’t want their relationship to end.
While this thought came to him as he fucked her on his bed his pace never faltered but his heart seemed to skip a beat as he watched her moan a loud saying his name or wanting more. Kruger never wanted the summer to end as he fucked her through the night. No other thought came to him except wanting to maker her his and how great she felt on his cock.
In the morning, (Name) was the first to awaken even though was she was quite sore and decided to make breakfast. It wasn’t until later that Kruger joined (Name) in the kitchen after checking on his daughter who was still asleep. Once in the kitchen Kruger had a nice view of (Name) was wearing sexy short with a sleeveless shirt on, the shorts fit perfectly and really hugged her. It didn’t take long for Kruger to walk up behind her as she was cooking and make her gasp from feeling his cock on her ass and have both his hands on her breasts. Rubbing them in a circular motion listening to her moans only making his cock harder for her. Whispering in her ear (Name) could feel her clit getting excited just from Kruger whispering.
“Is this what you college girls wear?”
“S-some girls do-“
Another moan escaped the sexy college student as Kruger had snaked his hands underneath her shirt and as luck would have it she wasn’t wearing a bra. Kissing her neck he kept massaging her breasts and would moan himself when she would lightly grind her ass on his cock. If it wasn’t for someone ringing the doorbell Kruger would have fucked (Name) in the kitchen, whispering in her ear “we will finish this later” he kissed her on the cheek and slapped her ass once making her moan a “Wait” as she didn’t want him to leave just yet.
But Kruger did as he said and opened the door to only to catch a designer purse as his sister walked in to his home admiring the beautiful beach home, Kruger was not expecting to see his sister.
“Good morning, brother. Your new beach home looks amazing.”
“How did you find this place?”
“My niece of course. Can’t believe you didn’t invite me? Your own sister.”
“Shouldn’t you be at work?”
“Um, it’s the summer and I am not working in a office all day. Are you crazy?”
Kruger had a look of look of surprise but also that of annoyance because of being interrupted. That’s when he became nervous when his sister asked “Who was cooking breakfast?” while walking towards the kitchen with a smile on her face. Kruger did his best to get his sister to not go in the kitchen, however his attempts were futile as his sister made it to the kitchen only to look surprised now to see this sexy young woman making breakfast in shorts and sleeveless shirt. Kruger’s sister looked at her then back to Kruger only to say,
“Wait until dad hears about this.”
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surveysonfleek · 6 years
I.. [ ] am tall [ ] am in between [ ] am short [ ] am a blonde [ ] am redheaded [ ] am a brunette [ ] have black hair [ ] have blue eyes [ ] have brown eyes [ ] have green eyes [ ] have hazel eyes [ ] have grey eyes [ ] and wear glasses [ ] and wear contacts
[ ] have braces [ ] have freckles [ ] have piercings [ ] have a tattoo [ ] have long hair [ ] have short hair [ ] have mid-length hair
My nationality includes: [ ] chinese [ ] indian [ ] taiwanese [ ] japanese [ ] hispanic [ ] nicoya [ ] puerto rican [ ] chicana [ ] italian [ ] scottish [ ] filipino [ ] dutch [ ] english [ ] french [ ] german [ ] irish [ ] greek [ ] portuguese [ ] polish [ ] korean [ ] jamaican [ ] canadian [ ] lithuanian [ ] native american [ ] russian [ ] british [ ] danish [ ] african [ ] hungarian [ ] scandanavian [ ] armenian [ ] finnish [ ] other [ ] I don’t know
My favorite color(s) is(are): [ ] red [ ] pink [ ] yellow [ ] black [ ] green [ ] blue [ ] white [ ] silver [ ] purple [ ] brown [ ] orange
Some things I’ve done/played include: [ ] soccer [ ] cheerleading [ ] dancing [ ] lacrosse [ ] field hockey [ ] hockey [ ] football [ ] softball [ ] wrestling [ ] gymnastics [ ] track/cross country [ ] basketball [ ] baseball [ ] golf [ ] minigolf [ ] playing in the mud [ ] playing music [ ] hiking [ ] kayaking [ ] camping [ ] horseback riding
I am sometimes: [ ] annoying [ ] talkative [ ] shy [ ] funny [ ] serious [ ] bubbly [ ] spazzy [ ] fun-loving [ ] laid back [ ] strict [ ] hyper [ ] weird
I like _____ music: [ ] rap [ ] rock [ ] pop [ ] country [ ] hip hop [ ] r&b [ ] slow jams [ ] Christian [ ] classical [ ] techno [ ] oldies [ ] the 80s [ ] punk [ ] Metal [ ] reggae [ ] Goth [ ] Latin [ ] 90’s grunge [ ] musicals
The pet(s) I have is (are) a: [ ] cat [ ] dog [ ] lizard [ ] rat [ ] ferret [ ] rabbit [ ] fish [ ] bird [ ] tortoise/turtle [ ] snakes [ ] other
Clothes I like to wear are: [ ] plain t-shirts [ ] sweatshirts [ ] stockings [ ] high heels [ ] boots [ ] sneakers [ ] jeans [ ] pj pants [ ] dresses [ ] mini skirts [ ] long skirts [ ] watches [ ] necklace [ ] hoop earrings [ ] toe socks [ ] flip flops [ ] halter tops [ ] stilettos [ ] shorts [ ] sleeveless shirts
I like to wear my hair (in a): [ ] down [ ] ponytail [ ] pigtails [ ] messy bun [ ] half ponytail [ ] scrunched/curly [ ] bun [ ] crimped [ ] with a bandana [ ] French braids [ ] lots of little braids [ ] Gel [ ] hat [ ] messy hot guy hair [ ] fauxhawk
I am mostly labeled as: [ ] goth [ ] emo [ ] prep [ ] punk [ ] surfer [ ] athletic [ ] hippie [ ] nerd [ ] gangster [ ] ditzy [ ] hyper [ ] happy [ ] I have no idea
I eat/drink: [ ] dessert every night [ ] no meat [ ] diet stuff [ ] healthy foods [ ] junk foods [ ] a lot of carbs [ ] lots of meat [ ] salad [ ] seafood
A typical friday night: [ ] mall with your friends [ ] partying [ ] at a show/venue [ ] watching movies [ ] going to the club [ ] staying home [ ] babysitting [ ] hanging out with your friends [ ] hanging out with your boyfriend/girlfriend [ ] working while your friends are out having fun [ ] i don’t plan out my weekends
Currently I am: [ ] in a relationship [ ] single and loving it [ ] crushing [ ] single and looking for someone [ ] single and whatever happens, happens
Online, I use: [ ] lol [ ] sup [ ] =D [ ] lmao [ ] stfu [ ] ty [ ] jk [ ] ttyl [ ] g2g [ ] ^^ [ ] T_T [ ] x_x [ ] ^_^ [ ] o.o [ ] <3 [ ] “LOLZOHEMGEE” [ ] knai [ ] omg
I have: [ ] lied to my best friend [ ] dyed my hair [ ] dressed punk [ ] kissed a girl on the cheek [ ] lied to my parents [ ] cried in front of lots of people [ ] went barefoot in the snow [ ] played hockey [ ] made my own clothes
In the last 24 hours, I: [ ] got in a fight [ ] took a shower [ ] gave a dirty look to someone [ ] cried [ ] went to school [ ] shopped [ ] danced [ ] got sick [ ] did something I regret [ ] ate something gross [ ] discovered something new
At school I: [ ] run to class because I’m always late [ ] hide in the bathroom [ ] am smart [ ] am hyper [ ] am a nerd [ ] am somewhat popular [ ] don’t know
Right now I am: [ ] in my pjs [ ] drinking [ ] listening to music [ ] watching a movie [ ] IMing someone [ ] talking on the phone [ ] eating
Have you ever…. [ ] Ridden a skateboard? [ ] Played a piano? [ ] Been to New York? [ ] Seen the movie “Thirteen”? [ ] Ridden in an ambulance? [ ] Broken a bone? [ ] Broken somebody else’s bone? [ ] Been to sleepaway camp? [ ] Gone to another state without your parents? [ ] Babysat? [ ] Cried for no apparent reason? [ ] Laughed for no apparent reason? [ ] Shoplifted? [ ] Heard “The Tide” by The Spill Canvas? [ ] Been nothing for Halloween? [ ] Killed a bug with your bare hand? [ ] Met a celebrity? [ ] Moved? [ ] Played on a soccer team? [ ] Made a MySpace? [ ] Talked on the phone for over an hour? [ ] Got detention? [ ] Got suspended? [ ] Played pool?
16 notes · View notes
gr8female-blog · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Girl’s Adidas Sleeveless Tank Top Shirt Tennis Golf Large L Pink Spring Summer.
0 notes
itakesurveys · 6 years
Survey 252
Reblog | Bold what applies to you; 
[ ] am tall [ ] am in between [ ] am short [ ] am a blonde [ ] am redheaded [ ] am a brunette [ ] have black hair [ ] have blue eyes [ ] have brown eyes [ ] have green eyes [ ] have hazel eyes [ ] have grey eyes [ ] and wear glasses [ ] and wear contacts [ ] have braces [ ] have freckles [ ] have piercings [ ] have a tattoo [ ] have long hair [ ] have short hair [ ] have mid-length hair
My nationality includes: [ ] chinese [ ] indian [ ] taiwanese [ ] japanese [ ] hispanic [ ] nicoya [ ] puerto rican [ ] chicana [ ] italian [ ] scottish [ ] filipino [ ] dutch [ ] english [ ] french [ ] german [ ] irish [ ] greek [ ] portuguese [ ] polish [ ] korean [ ] jamaican [ ] canadian [ ] lithuanian [ ] native american [ ] russian [ ] british [ ] danish [ ] african [ ] hungarian [ ] scandanavian [ ] armenian [ ] finnish [ ] other [ ] I don’t know
My favorite color(s) is(are): [ ] red [ ] pink [ ] yellow [ ] black [ ] green [ ] blue [ ] white [ ] silver [ ] purple [ ] brown [ ] orange
Some things I’ve done/played include: [ ] soccer [ ] cheerleading [ ] dancing [ ] lacrosse [ ] field hockey [ ] hockey [ ] football [ ] softball [ ] wrestling [ ] gymnastics [ ] track/cross country [ ] basketball [ ] baseball [ ] golf [ ] minigolf [ ] playing in the mud [ ] playing music [ ] hiking [ ] kayaking [ ] camping [ ] horseback riding
I am sometimes: [ ] annoying [ ] talkative [ ] shy [ ] funny [ ] serious [ ] bubbly [ ] spazzy [ ] fun-loving [ ] laid back [ ] strict [ ] hyper [ ] weird
I like _____ music: [ ] rap [ ] rock [ ] pop [ ] country [ ] hip hop [ ] r&b [ ] slow jams [ ] Christian [ ] classical [ ] techno [ ] oldies [ ] the 80s [ ] punk [ ] Metal [ ] reggae [ ] Goth [ ] Latin [ ] 90’s grunge [ ] musicals
The pet(s) I have is (are) a: [ ] cat [ ] dog [ ] lizard [ ] rat [ ] ferret [ ] rabbit [ ] fish [ ] bird [ ] tortoise/turtle [ ] snakes [ ] other
Clothes I like to wear are: [ ] plain t-shirts [ ] sweatshirts [ ] stockings [ ] high heels [ ] boots [ ] sneakers [ ] jeans [ ] pj pants [ ] dresses [ ] mini skirts [ ] long skirts [ ] watches [ ] necklace [ ] hoop earrings [ ] toe socks [ ] flip flops [ ] halter tops [ ] stilettos [ ] shorts [ ] sleeveless shirts
I like to wear my hair (in a): [ ] down [ ] ponytail [ ] pigtails [ ] messy bun [ ] half ponytail [ ] scrunched/curly [ ] bun [ ] crimped [ ] with a bandana [ ] French braids [ ] lots of little braids [ ] Gel [ ] hat [ ] messy hot guy hair [ ] fauxhawk
I am mostly labeled as: [ ] goth [ ] emo [ ] prep [ ] punk [ ] surfer [ ] athletic [ ] hippie [ ] nerd [ ] gangster [ ] ditzy [ ] hyper [ ] happy [ ] I have no idea
I eat/drink: [ ] dessert every night [ ] no meat [ ] diet stuff [ ] healthy foods [ ] junk foods [ ] a lot of carbs [ ] lots of meat [ ] salad [ ] seafood
A typical friday night: [ ] mall with your friends [ ] partying [ ] at a show/venue [ ] watching movies [ ] going to the club [ ] staying home [ ] babysitting [ ] hanging out with your friends [ ] hanging out with your boyfriend/girlfriend [ ] working while your friends are out having fun [ ] i don’t plan out my weekends
Currently I am: [ ] in a relationship [ ] single and loving it [ ] crushing [ ] single and looking for someone [ ] single and whatever happens, happens
Online, I use: [ ] lol [ ] sup [ ] =D [ ] lmao [ ] stfu [ ] ty [ ] jk [ ] ttyl [ ] g2g [ ] ^^ [ ] T_T [ ] x_x [ ] ^_^ [ ] o.o [ ] <3 [ ] “LOLZOHEMGEE” [ ] knai [ ] omg
I have: [ ] lied to my best friend [ ] dyed my hair [ ] dressed punk [ ] kissed a girl on the cheek [ ] lied to my parents [ ] cried in front of lots of people [ ] went barefoot in the snow [ ] played hockey [ ] made my own clothes
In the last 24 hours, I: [ ] got in a fight [ ] took a shower [ ] gave a dirty look to someone [ ] cried [ ] went to school [ ] shopped [ ] danced [ ] got sick [ ] did something I regret [ ] ate something gross [ ] discovered something new
At school I: [ ] run to class because I’m always late [ ] hide in the bathroom [ ] am smart [ ] am hyper [ ] am a nerd [ ] am somewhat popular [ ] don’t know
Right now I am: [ ] in my pjs [ ] drinking [ ] listening to music [ ] watching a movie [ ] IMing someone [ ] talking on the phone [ ] eating
Have you ever…. [ ] Ridden a skateboard? [ ] Played a piano? [ ] Been to New York? [ ] Seen the movie “Thirteen”? [ ] Ridden in an ambulance? [ ] Broken a bone? [ ] Broken somebody else’s bone? [ ] Been to sleepaway camp? [ ] Gone to another state without your parents? [ ] Babysat? [ ] Cried for no apparent reason? [ ] Laughed for no apparent reason? [ ] Shoplifted? [ ] Heard “The Tide” by The Spill Canvas? [ ] Been nothing for Halloween? [ ] Killed a bug with your bare hand? [ ] Met a celebrity? [ ] Moved? [ ] Played on a soccer team? [ ] Made a MySpace? [ ] Talked on the phone for over an hour? [ ] Got detention? [ ] Got suspended? [ ] Played pool?
12 notes · View notes