#gone but not forgotten AU
endermen-impasta · 1 year
Hello guys 👋
I haven't updated my book I'm writing so I think I should before there's a billion chapters to read. So I reintroduce my Gone but Never Forgotten AU from rottmnt. It starts at the beginning of the movie and moves on from there.
Chapter One:
Anywho, I changed the title and picture from last time and in this AU we have a lot of people. So it has all four turtles with three extra future kids and extra siblings. Venus de Milo, Jennika, and Usagi (who actually have a show/appeared) are siblings (which yes I know Usagi isn't related to them but I do have an explanation on that) I have a oc named Dandelion and one more turtle, Lisa, from one of the comics. (Lisa is taken care of by Jennika) Now, here's some pictures for you guys.
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I have lots of pictures of them, anyways I have chapter thirteen up right now so go check it out on wattpad. :)
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mayashesfly · 6 months
Suddenly thinking about an AU where Vox erased his memories about Alastor and how that might affect the show's timeline.
Though to be honest I just want to think about how Alastor is going to react and feel about waiting for Vox to eventually find out about his return...
Only to find out in the Overlord meeting that Vox completely forgot about him as he smiled at him and offered his hand with a practiced professional air.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Vox from Voxtek, the Leader of the Vees. Are you new around here?"
In this AU, Episode 2 changes drastically. There was never a "Stayed Gone" segment nor was Sir Pentious sent to the Hazbin Hotel to spy on them. Which means that a lot would've changed in this timeline since the First Redeemed would be mostly out of the picture.
And Vox not giving Alastor the time of day means that if Alastor launched his radio show again, he has to slowly win back his viewership instead of having free advertising in the shape of a tv-headed obsessed fool.
Honestly, with how Vox's obsession on Alastor gives him a reliable source of attention and entertainment, he would be rather upset that the TV Overlord wouldn't give him the time of day. Not only that but he completely forgot about him! New? What do you mean new? He has been an Overlord far longer than he had! He is The Radio Demon. And he dares to ask him if HE is new?
What the hell happened to Vox? Why doesn't he remember him? Is this the reason why Vox never gave him the attention he knew he would give him once he realized he returned? What was he supposed to do now?
His feelings are hurt. His ego was bruised.
Vox was never like this.
And he'll be damned if Vox stays that way.
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retrovrt · 11 months
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HEY GUESS WHAT IM BACK. Art block and mental health stuff have been killing me but I'm back for Halloween. Take Jonathan and Jervis being sweet in their Morticia and Gomez costumes
Also I know Origins Jonathan doesn't look too different from current Jonathan just less scarred I might make his hair long for when he worked at Arkham later I've been nitpicking at these for too long though
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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It's the 6 month anniversary of this blog! Check out these cool bugs I found.
(EDIT: Check out this amazing fanart by thecornermushroom!)
Part 2 - Part 3
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bambiraptorx · 7 months
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[I.D. Digital drawing of Donnie, Raph, Leo, Mikey, and Draxum from ROTTMNT. Donnie and Raph are in the foreground. Donnie lays on the ground and takes a selfie, the hand not holding the phone propping up his face. He lifts an eyebrow and grins at th phone, two yellow sparkles floating by his head. Raph sits with his legs crossed behind him, holding up his hand in a peace sign that falls just behind Donnie's head. He also grins widely, his eyes shut, and one of his mask tails hangs over his shoulder. Behind them are Leo and Draxum. Draxum holds the strap that goes over Leo's shoulder in an attempt to stop him from running away, his mouth open in a yell, and balances precariously on one leg as though he's been jerked out of position by Leo. Leo is also balanced on one leg and leaning backwards, his other leg pulled up and his arms swinging. He smiles widely with excitement. Behind the two of them is Mikey, who is wandering off happily. Mikey has his arms flung wide and one leg lifted high in an exaggerated walk. End I.D.]
I finished my poster for @tmntaucompetition a while ago but them forgot to post it lmao. Anyway, this is actually a redraw of a piece that I made about a year ago here. It's kinda wild seeing the difference in my art between now and then.
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dragonpyre · 1 year
What’s Bruce’s reaction to Tim saying he’s in a poly relationship with Superboy and Red Robin in ur secret Robin au?
His siblings would crack lots of jokes abt self love lol
Tim: we're... actually... in a *gulp* poly...cule Bruce: oh. um. that's, nice. Bruce (awkward pat) Tim: (sweating bullets)
Dick and Jason will never let him live it down. it's in their speeches at his wedding. they recite it at family gatherings. not a Christmas goes by where one of the batkids doesn't roast tim over his two person polycule
it's still not the stupidest excuse one of the Robins has made
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manderleyfire · 3 months
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– What's keeping us apart ain't even real, your daddy, his religion, it's got nothing to do with us. – It's not just his, it's mine too. I've got the same spirit in me, why don't you see that?
Alice Englert and Walton Goggins in Them That Follow (2019), dir. Dan Madison Savage & Brittany Poulton
#them that follow#them that follow 2019#alice englert#film stills#walton goggins#film frames#film lovers#screencaps#cinephile#i'm still so salty about this film i needed to make an edit out of it lol#shitty things i do for love#they really tricked me into thinking it's gonna be 'the ballad of jack and rose' but make it *more* cultish american gothic#but in fact it's just a boring mediocre piece of nothing#you CAN'T you're not ALLOWED to cast my favorite people to play fatherhusband daughterwife cult leaders#and then chicken out at the last minute because you're not bold enough to sink your teeth into thought provoking topics#it's just ... sad and wrong and sad#it could have been it SHOULD HAVE BEEN such a poetic tragic metaphor for a child x parent indispensable separation#especially considering an absence of a mother and how the main character feels proud to take her place as the lady of the house#that is obvioisly delicious and semi unhinged but at the same time absolutely expected#because of her religious beliefs and her dad's behaviour????#or they could have gone with the dark fairy tale elements and make it 'the marsh king's daughter' au or whatever#'freedom! sunshine! to the father! i remembered my own father in the sunlit land of my home! my life and my love!' you know#BUT NO. what a waste of walton goggins and alice englert brilliance#fathers and daughters man fathers and daughters#a love of the rack and the screw and i said i do i do#the rejects the eccentrics the loners the lost and forgotten cinema club
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dolyx · 5 months
((yan!)forgotten au sydney can cannibalize me idc but if he's not a little insane about it then what's the point.
the day his favorite, most trusted, most beloved lamb left his flock is one of the worst days of his life right after sirris's death. sydney begins to starve himself since then. unable to eat, sleep, or do anything. he still does his duties as the leader of his faction, but anything other than that is spent thinking about you. worrying about you. mulling over what to do with you should you come back begging for his graces. when your loss is too much for him to bear, he starts to hunt you down. you can't leave him like this, beloved. you're just lost - his beloved lamb who strayed from their path. it's his duty as shepherd to seek you out and make you come back to him. and when you do come back to him - well, you have to be punished still. you turned your back on him, after all. but don't worry, he assures. sydney will make it quick, will make it painless. you may have betrayed him, but you don't deserve the same fate as those wretched rats. you're his most prized lamb. you should be more than just sustenance for his flock. surrounded by his priests, sydney takes your life into his own hands. gently caresses your cheek as he tears at your skin. savoring the texture, the flavor of your flesh as he devours you. weeks of fasting has led to this moment, after all. he makes a ritual out of it, all bated breath and lust-crazed eyes as he consumes you, careful not to leave a single part of you forgotten. unlike the rats, he doesn't share you with his flock. you're his. sydney is your lord, your shepherd. your soul, your flesh, your body, should only be served to him. bound to him. anyone who opposes is a traitor to his faith.
but of course, your penitence does not end there. what you did was blasphemous, straying from the rest of the flock like that. your union through his consumption of your flesh and blood is not enough. you should serve him still, even in death. therefore, he must make you an icon. a symbol. either as a reminder to his people of what happens to those who stray from his path, or of your sacrifice, your act loyalty to this faith that prevailed despite your sacrilegious act of leaving him.)
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cinnaminsvga · 8 months
alright i opened my google doc! time to write something good and be productive!
me: opens a fic draft from last night that i wrote drunk
the fic:
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phoenixmetaphor · 11 months
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welcome to the Resident Evil/Star Trek fusion literally nobody asked for. sorry for the handwritten notes; i really cannot be bothered to typeset on the ipad.
but i really like orions, okay guys. and this one has his clothes on so maybe tumblr won’t delete him.
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just-bendy · 1 year
I just realized, we haven't seen any Butcher Gang members in a long time, I hope the clones are safe from them
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Well, those mutated ones have been quite docile fer a while. I don't think we have ta worry about them.
As fer those three, well if they start actin' up, then I'm gonna have ta do somethin' about 'em.
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syb-la-tortue · 2 years
if you see this, you might be a little lost
hello, Syb here, haven’t logged into this account in years, but I’ve noticed this account still get new followers regularly? somehow? how did you even find this place?? XD
my active account on tumblr is SybLaTortue, and yes, it is sadly permanently flagged and I can’t get my cute turtle icon over there and the blog is unsearchable and I have to censor the sexy stuff and it sucks, but I’m not gonna move blog and start posting here unless SybLaTortue gets truly deleted
so like sure, in case of disaster you might find me here, but if you wanna see my art and send me asks on tumblr, SybLaTortue (without the dashes!) is where you’ll find that!
I am also on twitter, where art is posted without censoring (when I post a cropped art on tumblr I’ll always put a link to the twitter mirror) and patreon if you want to support me and see some art months before I post it on here~
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hellfiremunsonn · 2 years
Part Two: Apple
Gone But Not Forgotten.
Eddie Munson x Reader
Part Two of five > Masterlist for it >
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(Special thanks to @syddsatyrn​ for being my beta reader, love u so much)
Wordcount:3000 Warnings: fem!reader, mom!reader
Panic. Panic was the best word you could describe how you were feeling, maybe a little nauseous, also nervous? How else were you supposed to be feeling right now? Flitting around your apartment from room to room trying to tidy everything, and organize things in preparation for Eddie to come over for dinner.
Robin sat on the kitchen counter, feet swinging back and forth, stopping softly each time to prevent her heels from hitting the cabinet door. She watched Elora from her spot, keeping an eye while she babbled to herself quietly, playing with her toys in the gated off living room, safe from anything that could cause her harm, other than herself. She was clumsy just like her dad.
You smiled at your daughter, lost in her own world before returning your attention to the task at hand, which was for some reason organizing under the kitchen sink. You frowned looking at the two different cleaners in your hands.
"Why are you cleaning places he won't even see?" Robin asked, as if reading your thoughts.
You shrugged. "I don't know, but I'm panicking Robin" you said looking up at her.
"Yeah I know," She laughed lightly. "You've been basically vibrating for over an hour already"
Your shoulders slumped slightly and you put the two bottles back under the sink, locking it with the child proof lock and standing back up facing Robin.
"It's just Eddie babe" Robin said softly. "You know he doesn't care about all that stuff"
Rubbing a hand over your tired face you sighed, taking a quick glance at your daughter. "I know Robs I just" You trailed off. "I feel like I have to pretend I have my life together, that I've been doing this so easily on my own, like I have to prove something to him? I know it's not his fault he got hurt, or that he was afraid to come back, but it still really hurt, and my kid has been growing up without her dad when he was just a touch out of reach this whole time" tears welled up in your eyes and you rubbed them away quickly, annoyed for getting emotional about it.
"He'll understand I promise, this is probably killing him more than he'll show, and you just know, that he still loves you, you were his world" she said coming over to you, wrapping her arms around you in a hug. You buried your face into her shoulder slightly, hugging her back. You could practically feel her love for you pouring into every part of your body, and it warmed you almost instantly.
"Thank you" you whispered.
"Ahh please, it's what I'm here for" Robin said laughing, quickly being interrupted by Elora, babbling passionately towards you, her hands holding onto the bars of the baby fence. "Mama!" she said with a small bounce of her feet.
You and Robin broke your hug apart so you could turn your attention to your sweet little girl. Walking the short distance from the kitchen to the living room, reaching down over the fence and under her armpits to lift her up onto your hip. "What's up buttercup?" You asked, pushing her dark curls away from her face, trying to tuck most of them behind her tiny ears. "Nack?" she said with a tilt of her head.
"You want a snack? Mama will get you a snack princess" You said bringing her with you towards the fridge. Reaching inside while still holding her tight on your hip you brought out a green apple, some cheese, and figured you'd give her a couple of crackers as well. Smiling at robin as you moved around your apartment, dragging the borrowed highchair from Mrs. Wheeler, loudly into the kitchen before buckling in the tiny child. Her feet moved wildly in excitement, uncharacteristically unfazed about being buckled in. You squinted at her briefly with a smile. "You are being so good today baby, what's your angle huh?" You said poking her cheeks, fingers wiggling just under her ear as you tickled her until she laughed. "You waiting for Eddie to get here before you start being bad? Gunna save a tantrum for him?" you teased her for a little longer until she was a happy mess of giggles and drool. Swiping your finger across her chin to catch the wet mess of her mouth, wiping it on your jeans as you returned to your snack duty.
"You're so good with her" Robin said smiling, resuming her position on the counter, only closer to Elora this time.
"I kinda have to be" I said, glancing over at the two of them fondly.
"I dunno, I know some pretty shitty parents" She faked a cough. "The Harringtons" Another cough.
I frowned. "Poor guy. Least he has us I guess?" You said scrunching your nose with a smile. You went back to facing the counter, peeling the skin off before cutting up half of the apple into tiny pieces, small enough that you knew Elora wouldn't choke on them. Cutting the cheese into the same small size, and chucking a few tiny baby wafers into a small bowl and placing it on the tray in front of her, knowing she would just end up pouring everything out onto the tray anyway.
"Can you say Thank you mama?" You asked, wiping your hands onto your jeans.
"Thank'ew mama" She munched away on them happily, leaning over to offer every few pieces to Robin, who took them with the same enthusiasm.
"Can't forget about my lovely parents" You said, forcing an excited voice for your daughter who was beaming back at you.
"Don't remind me" Robin groaned. "That's kind of how you and Eddie became friends isn't it?"
You laughed a little at the memory. "Yeah, shit I forgot about that"
Endless nights of your parents fighting, sometimes about you, sometimes about each other, but always about something. You tried stepping in, but it never ended well when you did, resulting in many bruised arms from quick aggressive hands that grabbed at you, and cheeks a little too rosy from a swift back handed slap, once leaving you with a thin cut from your mothers wedding ring she still wore.
On many nights Eddie had found you sitting on the table of the picnic bench, knees tucked up to your chest with your chin resting on them, arms wrapped tightly around your legs. Sometimes your face was tearstained, lines of mascara and eyeliner smudged everywhere, and on a few occasions mixed with the blood from your cheek. It took every ounce of control Eddie had to not stomp over to your trailer across the street and give them a piece of his mind, not to mention how badly he wanted to beat the shit out of your father. Instead he put his focus onto you, helping in any way that he could, and for a while it wasn't much.
He would sit quietly next to you, his shoulder leaning against your knee from where he sat on the bench, chain smoking until he physically couldn't take it anymore. The two of you would sit for hours if that's how long it took for your parents to stop screaming at each other, and when the house was finally quiet, you would thank Eddie with a kiss to his cheek and hurry back inside, to get as much sleep as you could before having to wake up for school and start the whole cycle again.
Eventually it led to you falling asleep on Eddies couch, tucked up into the armrest until Eddie would gently wake you, sometimes to walk you back home, or to lead you to his bed depending on how tired you were. You stopped fighting him on sleeping over after only a few times, finding that you slept better with him in your vicinity than in the comfort of your own bed.
In the short few months of your life continuing like this, the minute you turned eighteen Eddie convinced Steve to let you stay in one of his spare rooms, even offering to pay him or his parents rent. He would have offered for you to stay with him, but the two of you weren't dating, let alone even remotely close to that and for you to share the only bedroom in the trailer it wasn't very ideal.
So you stayed with Steve for a while and he helped you get a part time job at family video to get you some extra cash in your pocket, and some sense of stability other than relying on your friends, no matter how many times they reassured you it was fine. Eventually leaving family video to work at a record store alongside Eddie, the two of you became inseparable, and you worked well together, bouncing off of each others energy.
When the two of you finally started dating no one was surprised, although you both thought you had kept your crushes for each other hidden well, everyone else had a bet going on about how long it would take for it to happen. (Robin won, she observed the two of you the most, logging every interacting into a notebook built into her head)
Then a few years later, once again, Hawkins turned to shit. For the others, this wasn't the first time they basically had to save the world but for you and Eddie it was, bringing the two of you even closer together. All of that happened while you were in the early stages of your pregnancy, completely unaware, and scared shitless of the state of your small town, but Eddie did everything he could to comfort you. Despite maybe even being more afraid than he let on, you were his priority, and he was going to keep you safe no matter what because he promised you that.
He kept that promise, he kept it so well that for the last two years you thought he was dead, and almost all of your friends did as well. He kept himself away from you for so long, that you had a baby, his baby, your baby. A tiny bundle of joy that looked at you with the same brown eyes as Eddie. Although at first it was hard to look at her, seeing so much of him in her, you knew that what you did was the right thing, and that if Eddie had been around the two of you would have been amazing parents, but for now you'd do it alone, and you did and you do. Thankful for your friends, and their families, bringing you into their homes and lives. Giving you that sense of comfort, knowing you and your little girl were always going to be safe with these people, and that they were her family just as much as they were yours.
Shaking your head from the memories, Robin looked at you with a knowing smile.
"I guess I'll head out and leave you to it yeah?" She said softly while hopping off of the counter.
"I mean you could stay and we can all-" she cut you off before you could finish.
"Nope! I've got places to go and people to see'' She said while skipping over to grab her bag and shove her feet clumsily into her shoes before coming back to leave a wet kiss on Eloras cheek.
"Call me later!" She yelled running out the door.
Looking back from the door to your daughter she had the same look on her face you assumed you did. "Aunty Robin is a weirdo isn't she?"
"Yeah" She said back as if she understood what you said, continuing to munch on her crackers.
You were able to get almost a full hour of cleaning in before Elora wanted you to give her more attention, getting extra whiny when you said "Just one more minute babe promise" you said scrubbing down the counter for a final time.
Looking at the clock, you noticed you had a good amount of time to get yourself and your child ready for Eddie.
Thankful for your past self that convinced you to wash your hair last night, because it was much easier to manage today as you ran your fingers through it to get it decent looking. Elora sat in the middle of your bed, TV remote in hand babbling away to it, holding it up against her ear the wrong way pretending to be on the phone. You decided to dress yourself first, knowing that a toddlers outfit would only stay clean for so long so you figured you'd dress Elora at the last minute
Staring at yourself in your full length mirror you sighed. Not much about you had changed since Eddie last saw you all those years ago, but the butterflies in your stomach were making you feel like this was your first date all over again. A pair of black jeans hugged to your hips, and a simple red t-shirt over top, it was only dinner in your apartment so you didn't dress up too much. Added a simple pair of earrings, and the guitar pick necklace you adored so much before getting Elora dressed. Not wanting to fight your toddler and those quick legs when frustrated you dressed her in a pair of black leggings, and a pink love sleeve shirt with tiny cartoon frogs all over it, one of her favorites. A knock on your door made you jump just as you were tugging up one of her frilly socks.
"Wanna go see who's at the door?" You asked excitedly, reaching for your daughter, hands under her armpits to lift her up onto your hip.
When you opened the door, your breath hitched. There stood Eddie, almost timid looking, dressed in a white t-shirt and a pair of jeans, not a single rip in the knees, and a bouquet of flowers in his arms.
"Hi" He blushed, eyes flickering to Elora briefly, who held onto you tightly, eyes quizzical as she looked at Eddie.
"Well don't you clean up nice" you teased "Wanna come in?" You asked, moving away from the door to give him space. "I didn't expect you to be here on time" You said with a laugh, which he returned.
"Me either, but I just kept staring at the clock"
"Oh here, you can put those on the counter, let me put her down and I'll find a vase" you said walking towards the living room, placing Elora on the other side of the baby gate, picking up the closest toy you could reach and handing it to her to prevent any whining. It worked, she took the toy happily and stumbled her way over to the middle of the carpet before plopping down on her butt.
You skipped back to Eddie, looking between him and the flowers. Unsure of whether to hug him or not. Should you kiss him? maybe on the cheek? Questions racing through your mind while you busied yourself searching through one of the locked cabinets for the only vase you knew you had. "Ah ha!" You exclaimed, bringing the vase out and onto the counter. "Thank you, by the way" You said quickly, embarrassed that you forgot to give your thanks.
"Of course" he said with a shrug and a small smile.
You shoved the flowers into the vase as best as you could, cutting stems where needed and rearranging them until they looked perfect. Leaning back against the counter you crossed your arms over your chest, looking at Eddie with a smug look. "Cat got your tongue Munson?"
He was leaning up against the fridge, hands shoved deep into his pockets while he watched Elora play in the distance.
"That's my kid" he said in disbelief. "Our kid" he corrected.
"Yeah" You said, turning to glance at her quickly.
"Does she... Um" he trailed off, one hand coming to scratch at the back of his head.
"You can ask about her Eddie, she's your daughter as much as she is mine" You said hopping up onto the counter, hands landing in your lap.
"Does she know who I am?" he asked finally.
Your heart ached. "Of course she knows who you are Eddie"
"I just... Didn't know what you would have told her, I know she's too young to understand some stuff" he looked down.
You sighed, sliding off of the counter and over to him, tugging his hand out of his pocket and holding on it, pulling him along with you towards the living room. Unlocking the baby gate and re-locking it behind the two of you.
Leading him to the couch you sat down, tucking your legs up under you, patting the spot next to you encouraging Eddie to sit with you. Elora noticed the two of you had come to join her, standing up on wobbly legs and running full speed into the side of the couch, looking up at you with big mischievous eyes and a giggle.
"What's that look for, little miss?" you asked, poking her cheek and she giggled more.
"Up?" she asked. "Please?"
Unable to ever say no to her, you lifted her up and onto your lap. "Thank you for asking so nicely" she crawled up you, feet digging into your thighs as she leaned her chest against yours, pulling out your necklace to fiddle with. "Mommy?" she whispered, suddenly shy as she glanced between you and Eddie, who watched her fondly. "Um" her brows furrowed, trying to think of the words she knew to ask you the question she wanted.
"What's up baby?" you said tightening one of her pigtails, tilting your head down slightly to see her better.
"Daddy?" she said even quieter, pointing very quickly towards Eddie before bringing her hands back to your necklace.
You heard Eddie almost choke on his inhale and when you looked up at him, his eyes were as watery as yours. You smiled at him before looking back down, Elora already looking up at you. "Yeah baby, that's your daddy"
*** TAGLIST: @tayhar811​ @hazydespair​ @bubblebuttwade​ @bimbobaggins69​ @livslifeonline​ @babywinter​ ***
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saym0-0 · 5 months
longish post so im shoving most of it under the cut sowry
angsty genderfeels au where rabbit was made a girl the first time round, but because she was given weapons for the weekend war the us army wanted her for ww1 but for sexism reasons they didn't want a woman fighting, so they made col walter make her a whole new chassis.
upgrade is also there but she was built maybe after the weekend war? so she doesn't have the same weaponry and was enlisted as a nurse instead. after the war ends rabbit was put back into her original chassis but in ww2 the same thing happened over again :/ except peter walter i died during the war, and ii and iii were worried about messing up her core and potentially killing her so couldn't put her back in her original chassis. alternatively, during the whole kidnapping debacle her original chassis was ruined beyond what the walters thought they could fix, and so they shoved her in her male one to save her life (maybe she feels guilty about hating her male body bc she knows it saved her life?) idk im spitballing here man. im just having Emotions about rabbit again as normal
god i wish i could write im having so many ideas for scenes for a fic im going to die
i cant!! get them out of my brain!!
upgrade specifically bringing a second dress that can be loosened to fit rabbit but pretending its jyst if she ruins her own,,
rabbit at first straight up telling everyone she meets that shes a girl but then slowly retreating back and letting them call her a dude bc its 'easier' ,, to the point where she doesn't argue when they come back and she cant be put into her original chassis just internally cries bc she doesn't think she'll ever be herself again,, grah im making myself sad :(( where is this gender angst coming from idek
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feralmoonlight · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Five Nights at Freddy's Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Daycare Attendant (Five Nights at Freddy's)/Reader, Sun (Five Nights at Freddy's) & Reader, Sun (Five Nights at Freddy's)/Reader Characters: Sun (Five Nights at Freddy's), Reader Additional Tags: PTSD, implied PTSD, Hand injury, robotic hand injury, abandoned daycare, Unhinged Sun, maybe some horror elements Series: Part 2 of Little Stories and Tidbits With Nowhere Else To Go Summary:
Set later down the line in Forgotten But Not Gone, the Daycare Attendant has been left behind after a freestanding Fazbear Daycare has been closed down following an incident they couldn't quite cover up. Ten years prior. The Reader, a former daycare kid turned young adult, has made contact with the animatronic and at this point built some kind of trust-bond with them, but in an attempt to examine some damage they've taken over the years, conversations turns to what the future might bring.
Including leaving the daycare behind, or even just going outside.
Their reaction is... Interesting.
Enjoy~ @muzzlemouths Mmmmm, I had to cut this off shorter than I wanted it to be cause IF I GOT INTO IT MORE this would have S P I R A L E D so hard into long shit.. Also I need to nail down two or three things before committing them to canon XD
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starbuck · 3 months
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this one still gets me
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