#gonna make more of these since there seems to be a demand haha
woolydemon · 1 year
not gonna lie some of u ppl rlly dont know how to treat internet artists as people with lives and not just a souless vessel for content u like
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karasukarei · 19 days
Wind Breaker Drama CD vol. 2 - Oedo-style Fuurin Tale (Part 1)
(t/n: I originally translated this is "Oedo-style Fuurin Story", but I think "Tale" sounds more cool)
Translation masterpost here!
Do note that the audio track for this currently isn't publicly available online. This is also longer than the first drama CD, so I might need a bit more time to finish this (and probably a few more parts...)
Note: As with the beach story, I took some liberties with translations this time to make it read more smoothly. As always, if there’s any mistakes, feel free to let me know!
Special thanks to @orewing!
Shorthand because some names are really long:
Sakura – Sakura
Nirei – Nirei
Suo – Suo
Sugishita – Sugi
Kiryuu – Kiryuu
Tsugeura – Tsuge
Hiiragi – Hiiragi
Umemiya – Ume
Scene 0 – 0:06~0:27
Nirei the narrator: It is the Bakumatsu period. In a town in Edo. At the entrance to this town, there’s a noticeboard. It’s a noticeboard erected by the strong. This is the beginning of the story of the samurai who took on the role of protecting this town in Edo. (t/n: For reference, the Bakumatsu is the time period when the Shinsengumi were active. Edo was the old name for Tokyo during the Bakumatsu)
Scene 1 – 0:28~1:49
*insert sound of wind chimes prettily sounding as the wind blows*
Sakura: Is this the town that the Fuurin-gumi is said to be in…? It does seem peaceful. I guess oden will do… (t/n: couldn’t really catch this last phrase) *stomach rumbles sadly* I’m so hungry…
Sakura: *sniffs air like a dog* This smell… Is it from that dango shop?! *swallows hungrily* The yakidango looks really tasty… *counts coins* It’s not enough… *stomach growls sadly*
Umemiya 💙: Hey! You over there! (t/n: OMG IT’S UMEMIYAAAAAAA)
Sakura: *sighs very sadly*
Umemiya: Heeey! The guy with half white hair!
Sakura: Huh? Me? (t/n: he sounds like a lost kitten here lmao)
Umemiya: Yes you! Do you wanna eat dango together? (t/n: I’LL EAT WITH YOU)
Sakura: Huh?
Umemiya: You’re hungry aren’t you? Hehe, your stomach was rumbling so loudly I could hear it from here.
Sakura: *blushing very loudly* Hrnghk-!!! I-It’s none of your business!
Umemiya: What’s with that? It’ll be my treat!
Sakura: *blushing even more loudly* *chokes on his words* There’s no reason to give me a treat out of nowhere!
Umemiya: If you want a reason, there is one. Rather than eating dango alone, it’s much more delicious if you eat it with someone else!
Sakura: What’s with that reason? Just leave me alone-
Umemiya: Huuh? But then-
 *Sakura’s stomach demands not to be left alone*
Umemiya: Nah? (t/n: with the same energy as “gotcha”)
Sakura: Kuuu- *blushes so hard he’s about to catch on fire*
Scene 2 – 1:50~2:55
Sakura: Mmm delicious!!! 
Umemiya: Right?? The dango here is one of my favourites. And Sakura, is it? You said you came from out of town? What did you come to this town for?
Sakura: Since you’re from this town you should at least know their name right? The notorious samurai group Fuurin-gumi. The group is filled with ruffians, but I came here to become the top of the Fuurin-gumi. (t/n: you’re gonna regret saying this Sakura)
Umemiya: Ohhh… You sure do have confidence in your strength.
Sakura: Till now, I’ve been storming dojos across various towns to hone my fist. *eats hungrily* (t/n: He’s referring to dojoyaburi / dojo breaking, when you go pick a fight with another dojo to show who’s superior. The losing dojo often loses both prestige and standing, and its students often leave for the winning school.)
Umemiya: You…
Sakura: *with a mouth full of dango* At any rate, you too-
Umemiya: Isn’t that great?! The top!
Sakura: Eh?
Umemiya: I see, the top, haha! *smacks Sakura very happily on the back* Yes, I see!
Sakura: That hurts! And don’t hit me when I’m eating dango, that’s dangerous. (t/n: people literally die every year from choking on dango)
Umemiya: Hahahaha, my bad my bad. 
Sakura: What a weirdo…
Scene 3 – 2:56~5:16
*insert sound of wind chimes prettily sounding as the wind blows*
Sakura: Yosh. *getting ready to leave*
Umemiya: What. you’re already leaving?
Sakura: Yup, I’ve already eaten the dango. *takes a few steps and walks*
Umemiya: Hm? What is it?
Sakura: *blushing enough to be heard through the speaker* I don’t think we’ll meet again, but… thanks for the food.
Umemiya: Uoh! It was fun eating dango with you too! Tilil we meet again!
Sakura: *grumbling under his breath as he walks away* I already said we likely won’t meet again, why’d he still say “till we meet again”... And anyway, what kind of person buys dango for a person they don’t even know?! And why am I so mad about it?! (t/n: he sounds like a really grumpy old man here www) *sighs* Someone like him… is probably from a different kind of world from me…
*Sakura walks some more*
Sakura: I heard that the barracks for Fuurin-gumi is supposed to be around here… is it that?
Nirei: E-excuse me, is this the barracks for Fuurin-gumi…?
Sugi: *grunts*
Nirei: It is right, it’s obvious! It’s nicely written here right?
Sugi: *more grunting*
Nirei: U-um, could you perhaps be from Sugishita-san from Tamonshuu’s First Squad?
Sugi: *gasps of suspicion* You, could you be-!?
Nirei: Heeeeeee!!! I’m sorry I swear I’m not a suspicious figure!! I am Nirei, and I’d like to join-
Sugi: Coming to join Fuurin-gumi, you sure have some guts! *draws sword*
Nirei: A-ah, I’m being you please don’t cut me down!!
Sakura: Oi! Stop it!
Nirei: Eh?
Sugi: Huh?
Sakura: If you can draw your sword at a guy like him, then Fuurin-gumi really is as the rumours say- it’s where all the messed up people gather. Oi, you.
Nirei: Y-Yes!
Sakura: You stand down. I’ll be this guy’s opponent. *gets ready to draw sword*
Sugi: Are you this guy’s friend?
Nirei: You… Why are you saving me?
Sakura: Friend? Save? Don’t get me wrong. I’m just interested in strong people. *draws sword*
Nirei: Wh-what do I do?!
Tsuge: Oiii Sugishita-kun, it’s time to switch shifts! What’re you doing?
Nirei: Uwah! Fuurin-gumi member!
Tsuge: I don’t know what’s going on, but you guys look real macho. (t/n: unfortunately Tsuge speaks with some sort of dialect and I cannot figure out the last part of this sentence. If you know what he’s saying, do feel free to let me know!
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Okay okay so a few years back when I was very much into the NATM fandom (almost embarrassingly so), I was obsessed with Al Capone.
Imagine Al Capone meeting the fish mafia and either loving their whole vibe (especially the lounge) or not trusting them one bit and just pulling Daley!Yuu (a.k.a his pseudo-child, much to Larry's annoyance) to the side like 'I'd be careful o' these fellas - they seem like trouble'
(Cut to Larry like - You and your gang tried to teach them tax evasion last week!)
No but he would meet Deuce and would it would be like instant respect because one gangster recognises another (even though Deuce is trying to reform)
Imagine if he and Vargas had shooting competitions
Valid, Jon Bernthal as Al Capone was too powerful, he is a beautiful man♡
Tumblr media
- YEAH, NO, UNCLE AL SOMEHOW APPEARING IN RAMSHACKLE (maybe various NATM characters appear in your room, so like one day it's Rexy, the other its Teddy, and so on and so forth) and maybe Battle At the Smithsonian happened when you were pretty small and Al and his Crew had to hold you hostage but ended up adoring you instead.
- Essentially, Al and the boys are confused but SO HAPPY WHEN THEY SEE YOU AGAIN. You walk downstairs to Ramshackle and see them standing in your living room only to lighten up when they see you♡
- They attend the school as if they're your bodyguards, like Ace and Deuce getting scared when these random monochrome men grab them and demand who they are but once you tell them that they're your friends, they're letting them go and fixing up their uniforms.
- Right off the bat, Al prefers Deuce more than Ace. This is shown when he tells Ace: "See, if you were alive in my time, that obnoxious mouth of yours would be filled with lead." and then he moves onto Deuce and he's all: "But this kid here has a look to 'im. There might be a place for you-"/ "ALPHONSE, NO."/ "What's with the government name, kiddo? M'just saying!"
- While he does find some elements of Twisted Wonderland odd and different, he absolutely knows mafia when he sees it and he immediately clocks the Tweels. Like, he walks into class with you and he's all: "Oh, those two are definetly mafia or whatever they got here in Disneyville." and the Tweels instantly look at him which only seems to confirm what he said.
"Prefect~ Whose this? Another friend from your world?"
"Haha, hope he can swim, Shrimpy!~"
- Al isn't very intimidated by these two and once you explain who he is, or, well, who he represents, then the Tweels are much more calm. They're not gonna outright tell you they're mafia but you hate how well they get along with Al after you told him who he was.
- NOW, Al might play wingman here. If you've got your eyes set on someone, good! His boys will either intimidate or black mail them into asking you out or, if Al decides he doesn't want to scold them, he'll be nice and try to gently nudge them in your direction (aka, just tell them that you like them and to shoot their shot).
- If you DON'T have someone you like, he might push you in the direction of Deuce, Floyd, or Jade.
- Preferably Deuce. He's got a good heart and a fair amount of muscle to protect you and from what he's heard, and he seems to want to keep you safe. A nice kid whose got a good head on his shoulders.
- However the reason why he considers Jade/Floyd is only if YOU like one of them and make the mistake of telling him or he finds out. First of all, he teases you about it and is all: "Wanna follow in your old man's footsteps, eh?" and you roll your eyes and Larry doesn't know why but his dad sense is tingling.
- But seriously, he will most definetly support it since you're very capable of handling yourself, he's seen you grow up into the troublemaking teenager you are but he also knows you have a tendency to land yourself in danger so he'd feel at ease if someone like Jade or Floyd had your back.
- But also, watch him be all: "But just so you know, there might be mistresses in the picture. If they're decent guys, obviously they won't have any but just keep an eye out and keep that in mind-"
- Jade and Floyd just being offended when he puts that idea into your head and assuring you that none of that will be happening-
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sister-lucifer · 1 year
are you gonna do more ticci toby x male reader? i really really juzt adore your writingz with him- and honeztly, the x male reader haz really helped me cope with feelingz and dyzphoria, zince i juzt dizcovered that i'll never be able to tranzition medically
it'z totally alright if you're not going to do more toby with male reader! i don't mean to prezzure you; they honeztly juzt make me zmile during a zeriouzly tough time.
Toby Cures Your Dysphoria REAL NOT CLICKBAIT 
Ticci Toby x Trans Masc Reader 
Genre: Fluff 
Summary: Toby reminds you that you are in fact a handsome boy:) 
Content/Warnings: I guess implied reader dysphoria if that’s a warning? but like…Omg…guys…i think this is my first ever Toby fic to not have any real warnings. holy shit. oh my god. what the fuck 
Like my writing? I take requests! NSFW or SFW for any fandoms in my bio (request rules + masterlist in pinned post)!
Also, please reblog! it’s free, takes two seconds, and really helps me out 
Feedback is encouraged and appreciated:)
Not fully proofread! Let me know if you see any errors!
A/N: Although I don’t normally write fem reader, i’d actually be very happy to write a trans fem version of this for all my trans sisters out there:) especially since pride month is coming up. maybe i could do an enby version too! 
also, i see and love you fellow trans anon. id like to see you in my inbox more often if you have any requests. i’ll even assign you an anon emoji if you’ll let me:)
“C’mon, s-say it! Say it!” Toby pleaded, a crooked smile spread wide across his face. His fingers were interlaced with yours, pushing you back and forth playfully. 
“Haha, no!” You replied with a giggle, “That sounds dumb!” 
“But you h-have to! You haaaave toooo!” 
“No way!” 
Toby sighed dramatically, blowing a strand of messy brown hair out of his face. For a moment you thought he was going to give up, but since when did you know Toby to be anything but a stubborn hardass? 
He pulled you in to his chest, taking you to the ground with him with a rather jarring thump.
“Ow, you dummy!” You yelped, wincing slightly from the impact, though you couldn’t help but return Toby’s ever-present grin. 
“Eheh…Sorry! But it h-had to be done!” 
He wrapped you into a tight bear hug, possibly using a bit more strength that he meant to, but it did the trick. 
“I-I’m not letting you go until you s-say it!” Toby declared matter-of-factly. You quirked a brow at this, immediately attempting to free yourself. This proved less than pointless, and you were even a bit surprised at how strong such a lanky boy could be. 
You huffed in frustration, resting your chin on his chest as you glared at him, though you both knew you could never really be mad at him. It seems it was time to admit defeat. 
“Fiiiiine,” You groaned, “But you have to promise to let me go.” 
“Cross my heart, h-hope to die.” Toby replied without missing a beat. 
You were silent for a few moments, possibly debating all the life choices that brought you to this before you spoke: 
“I’m…a handsome and capable young man.” 
“Yes you are!” Toby added happily, squeezing you one last time before releasing you from his iron grip. You sat up quickly, crossing your arms while looking down at him with a feigned scowl. 
“Whaaaat?” He drawled, “N-No lies were told!”
“What’s with you?” You demanded, “You’ve been all over me all day; telling me how handsome I am, how I’m ‘such a perfect boy’…Not that I’m complaining, but it came out of nowhere. What’s up?” 
It was then that you saw Toby show the slightest hint of embarrassment for the first time. He looked away from you and toyed nervously with the sleeve of his sweatshirt. 
“Here…g-get off me so I can sit up, then I’ll t-tell you.”
You complied, watching him closely as you tried to figure out what could possibly be going through his head. He took your hands once he was sitting across from you, careful not to squeeze too hard. He didn’t say anything for a few seconds as he tried to find the right words to explain his thoughts. 
“I just…I d-don’t want you to be too hard on yourself,” He began, pausing and allowing you to absorb his words before continuing. “You are a v-very handsome, capable young man, and I-I don’t want you to forget it. E-Even on the days when nothing in your closet m-makes you feel good or…or y-you have to cover your bedroom mirror with a-a blanket…” 
Your gaze softened as he spoke, your hand floating up on its own to stroke his cheek. Not only had Toby been listening to you when you lamented about your struggles, he’d been observing you during them. As laid back and childish as Toby could be, he caught on to a lot more than he let show. It was moments like these that reminded you that underneath the unkempt hair and stained hoodie and scraped knees he was hiding some real emotional intelligence, especially when it came to you. 
When he cared about something his instinct was to learn everything about it that he could. It just so happened that he cared about you the most, and there’s a lot of learning to be done about the feelings and thoughts another person. 
You ruffled his hair with a soft smile which he quickly returned. There was no denying the hint of a blush that dusted his pale cheeks. 
“Toby…” You called softly, “That…that means a lot. Thank you.” 
He immediately lit up, pulling you into another tight hug. You hugged him back this time. He mumbled something behind your back, almost as if he was unsure if he wanted you to hear. 
“What was that?” You asked, pulling away.
“I-I said…I love you, dummy.” His words were still a bit slurred, his eyes avoiding your gaze. 
You pressed a soft kiss to his cheek and gave it a gentle pat. 
“I love you too, dummy.” 
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suzukiblu · 3 months
Hi! I have a funny lil question for you. Did you ever end up continuing your AO3 story “To The Victor Goes The Spoils”? If you didn’t, do you ever plan to? I know it’s literally almost been ten years LOL but it’s SO good so I had to ask lol. If no to that too, could you at least share how you think it would’ve ended? So my imagination can be sated haha. Thanks :)
oh mannnnn, how did I forget to go back for Viktor and his dragon and write them a part three?? hOW, self???? I LOVE that story, it's just been so long. Though I think it's only been four or five years, I haven't QUITE managed to pull another "yes it's been roughly a decade since this fic updated, now have 20k of complicated feelings about abuse and trauma and codependency via an ATLA/Animorphs fusion fic".
( . . . yet. 👀 )
I haven't written another installment/sequel for it, alas, but I DID have designs on doing one more update, and I do have a lil' bit of it started. So like, for that reason I'd prefer not to share exactly what I was planning for it in the hopes that I'll eventually get my brain to go back to it.
Buuuuut since you're asking and I'm easily influenced, lemme toss up the first scene behind a cut for you in offering to your imagination and thanks for your interest, haha.
( also, gonna include a link to the original human/dragon fantasy omegaverse story, for anyone who's currently reading this post and wondering which of the two HUNDRED things I've got on AO3 we're actually talking about right now, haha )
My treasure, the dragon rumbled. Viktor didn’t look up from weeding the garden. He was dealing with a particularly stubborn taproot. 
“What is it?” he asked distractedly. 
I have learned things, the dragon said, leaning into his line of sight. Viktor eyed them, then ripped out the taproot. 
“I still haven’t forgiven you, you realize,” he said as he tossed the root aside with the other weeds. 
You ASKED to be bred, the dragon grumbled sullenly. 
“You don’t even know if it’ll have claws,” Viktor said. 
All dragons have claws, the dragon said. 
“And that seemed like a good idea to you?!” Viktor demanded. “That seemed like it would work out?!” 
You ASKED, the dragon repeated, visibly put-out. 
“So you just did it without thinking and now we don’t know what’s going to happen,” Viktor said. 
I know what will happen, the dragon said. There will be a hatchling.
“But what kind of hatchling?” Viktor said. “Will I even be able to carry it?” 
Yes, the dragon said. If you wish to.
“It wasn’t a wish,” Viktor said, ignoring the way that thought made his heart clench. He’d been stupid with lust and heat and the dragon had fucked him so overwhelmingly and he’d just . . . 
It hadn’t been a wish. 
I know what a wish sounds like, my Victor, the dragon said. Viktor bristled. 
“And I know when I’m making one!” he snapped at them, getting to his feet and abandoning the weeding. The damn weeding could wait. This was at least the fourth fight they’d had since he’d realized what the dragon had done, and he didn’t want to have it. He didn’t want to fight at all. 
It was just hard not to, under the circumstances.
He just wasn’t this kind of omega.
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hi, lately I have been thinking how long MLQC is gonna be on air, like, will I feel empty if suddenly my time, money and effort goes into nothing? makes me feels like I'm in nonstop running. what are your thoughts about it, the game will still last some years?
hello! you and i both know i don’t have an absolute/ definite answer to your question haha, so whatever i say in response, please do take it with a grain of salt :>
firstly, the answer will vary depending on which server you’re playing on. regarding the CN i.e., the og server, looking at all the events that are already on the calendar, it’s safe to say lovepro will definitely keep updating for a long time. even if papergames decides to end the main story at some point, they can still continue with the dating verse content, given that there’s been more than enough elements and foundations put in place in the past six years + paper has the money to keep the game running for as long as there’s demand in their market (just look at their crazy marketing for Love and Deepspace, the game’s not even been out for a month yet LOL). and the demand for lovepro will surely run for a couple more years down the road. after all, it’s no small feat being in the market for 6+ years and still having a secured spot in the CN big 4 otome games despite all the shiny new contenders that are constantly being released.
as for the global server aka MLQC, i won’t sugar-coat things. and honestly, the continuous revenue drop does worry me sometimes (coming from someone who logs into her global account only during events due to completionist complex lmao). it’s absolutely crazy to think how the global server lost its players almost overnight due to that fiasco. it’s really a shame, though, b/c despite as much grudge as i have against Elex, i must admit they seem to be trying pretty hard recently and unfortunately the efforts do go unnoticed. also that’s why i encourage people to spend on the game within their comfort limit, however little it may be.
and as for if you’d feel empty if it all suddenly goes into nothing — of course, i can’t tell you how to feel/ react. as for my personal feelings on the matter, while i do plan out my spending habits since i’m still a student and i’m not gonna gacha all my hard-earned money away LOL, but i don’t consider spending (or investing time for that matter) on something that’s made me happy or something i enjoyed a waste. think of it as something similar to buying movie tickets (which only have one time usage) or guilty midnight snack takeouts (a spur of the moment thing) – as long as you know your limits and have made peace with yourself, it’s easier to have the load off of your mind haha~ (⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠*⁠)💕
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cainluvr69 · 9 months
Surely, We Can Make Miracles Chapter 22
Previous Chapter
Arthur: Shylock…!
Shylock: Very well done, Murr, Prince Arthur.
Arthur: I'm glad you're not hurt…! Now we just need to remove these restraints…
Murr: Wait!
Shylock: …ugh…!
Arthur: …! I'm so sorry!
Murr: Looks like the restraints are designed to damage their captive if anything is done to them. Balthazar is pretty infatuated with you, so I don't think it'll hurt you enough to kill you. Plus, we're low on time. Good thing you're great at putting up with this kind of stuff, right?
Shylock: Could you have a few more reservations about this, perhaps?
Arthur: I can't let your dear friend Murr do this to you. I'll do it.
Shylock: Prince Arthur…
Murr: Aww, you're such a good kid.
Arthur: I apologize in advance, Shylock. <Pernoctant…>
???: Stop…!
Arthur: …?!
Shylock: …It's you…
Borda Island Youth: Everything's going great, Miss Natalie! There's a mob on the castle's doorstep, and it's too big to be ignored. There's no way they'll keep on letting the wizards have their market now. Thank goodness those weird incidents kept happening, with a dragon showing up, too. The seafood crackers we got that wizard from the Town of Foam to make did great work, too…
Natalie: You're being too loud. Just leave it at that. Kick up too much of a fuss, and the powers that be are going to start cracking down on things. We won't be able to buy the land we'd be able to otherwise.
Borda Island Youth: S-sorry.
Natalie: For crying out loud… We already have arrangements with several nobles to use that land for their island villas. But that meddling little lord just had to butt in… If the wizards' market is allowed to become permanent, all the land and residencies we've worked so hard to acquire will be rendered pointless. I want another order of this.
Borda Island Youth: Miss Natalie, aren't you eating a little too much?
Natalie: It's fine. It's not like I can drink right now.
Borda Island Youth: Not even a single glass? I know this little bar with a great view.
Natalie: Don't be stupid. No one will trust the flattery of a woman who smells of alcohol.
Borda Island Youth: I mean, I would. You're a real beauty, Miss Natalie.
Natalie: Fufu.
Borda Island Youth: If our plan works out, we're gonna get hitched and buy a house somewhere, right?
Natalie: Yeah, sure.
Borda Island Youth: Hehe! Then I'll work hard! Since I'm thinking about it, though, I wonder why that dragon showed up.
Natalie: No clue. If we could make sure it wouldn't actually come close to the island, it'd make for a good tourist attraction. Well, I'm stuffed. Time to get back to work.
Borda Island Youth: You sure are a hard worker.
Natalie: This is nothing more than me valuing the prep work. It's all so that when dawn breaks tomorrow, no one on the island will ever want to see another wizard's face ever again.
Borda Island Youth: Should I go with you?
Natalie: No, no need. You drank some alcohol, didn't you?
Borda Island Youth: Haha… You caught me.
Natalie: I'll be off, then.
Borda Island Resident: What is it? What's going on?
Natalie: Oh, things are terrible. What can we do?
Borda Island Resident: Do you know what's going on, lady?
Natalie: There's a group of adults outside the castle, demanding the lord think of the island's children and put a stop to the wickedness of the wizards around here.
Borda Island Resident: That's pretty big… Did something happen?
Natalie: Wizards in the market distributed poisoned snacks and summoned a dragon to the outskirts of the island.
Borda Island Resident: A dragon?! Damn, I wish I could've seen that… Could you see it from here?
Natalie: Yes. It seems like they were planning on kidnapping children in the uproar.
Borda Island Resident: Holy shit!
Natalie: Right? And yet our wizard-loving lord isn't doing a thing about it…
Borda Island Resident: She's not doing anything but screwing us all over!
Natalie: Things just can't stay the way they are right now. Someone needs to do something. Maybe even someone as reliable as you…?
Borda Island Resident: Y…you're right! I'm gonna try to get the guys to hear me out about this one.
Natalie: Good luck. … Hehe…
Owen: Wow.
Natalie: …!
Owen: Looks like a pretty fun game.
Natalie: A game? Whose children are you talking about, playing this late?
Owen: I'm talking about you.
Natalie: …
Owen: I think it's fun, too. Let's talk. I'm sure we can get along.
Natalie: It's quite nice hearing that from someone as lovely as you…
Owen: I know, right.
Natalie: Do you want something from me?
Owen: Sure. What do you think it is? I could feel your intentions all over town. You know that everyone's just pretending to go along with you while laughing at you behind your back, right? So I'm here to watch you make a fool of yourself.
Natalie: … …What are you talking about?
Owen: I said, I'm talking about you. You're the one telling them the right way to jump into Hell. You know what I'm talking about, right?
Natalie: …If you want to talk with me, we should do it over drinks. Everyone's in such a tizzy this evening, the bars should be nice and empty. My boyfriend just broke up with me, so maybe you can help me feel a little less lonely…? (Heh… It should be easy enough to win over a young man like this…) (You just can't get enough of how vulnerable I look, can you?) (And his two-colored eyes are so beautiful, too…) (I think I met another young man with the same color eyes earlier this afternoon, didn't I…?) (I need to look up and make sure he's not the same man. I think I've got him wrapped around my finger enough by now…) …?!
Natalie?: …
Natalie: …Huh?! What?! You're…me?! There's another me…?!
Natalie?: Hey, don't you want to talk to me?
Natalie: What are you talking about…?! Who are you?!
Natalie?: If you don't want to talk to me, I guess I'll just have to find someone else to have fun with instead.
Natalie: …?! You're floating?! Are you a wizard…?!
Natalie?: Heeeey, listen! I was the one who was handing out the magic snacks in the market today. It was so much fun watching you all run around like idiots!
Borda Island Resident: What's going on?! There's a woman floating in the air…!
Borda Island Resident: Wait, I've seen that lady before. I thought she was human, but she was really a witch?
Borda Island Resident: Even if she is a witch, she's not one from our island! I've never seen her before!
Natalie: Wait…! Stop it…! I'm not going to be able to keep working like this!
Natalie?: Ahaha! Come on, panic more! I want to see more and more chaos!
Natalie: I said knock it off…!
Borda Island Youth: Miss Natalie, what's going on?!
Natalie: Tch…! We need to go! We can't do any more business here!
Borda Island Youth: Huh?!
Borda Island Resident: Hey now. Just what did you mean by that?!
Natalie: Shut up! Get out of my way…!
Mitile: Look over there! There's a bunch of people!
Riquet: Ah…! The person in the middle of them all is the woman I talked to earlier!
Mitile: The one who was making everyone panic more, right?
Riquet: Yes! …But something seems a bit odd here… There seems to be…two of her…?
Mitile: Huh… The crowd of people looks like it's starting to break up…? The whole fuss looks like it's starting to calm down…
Riquet: You're right…
Mitile: Thank goodness! I'm glad no one will have to call the guards about it. If things aren't going to get any more worked up than this here in the market, then… That means the crowd at the castle gate won't get bigger, either.
Riquet: You're right… Let's go back and tell Nero and Dr. Figaro.
Mitile: Yeah!
Riquet: (Something really does feel different about her from earlier, though…)
Mithra: <Arthim>
Mitile & Riquet: Wah…!
Mithra: Oh, good. I can collect you both at the same time. Where's Rutile?
Mitile: He went down to the bottom of the sea to save Leno…
Mithra: The bottom of the sea?!
Mitile: Yeah, so that they could defeat the Northern wizard Balthazar…
Mithra: Defeat a Northern wizard?! I think I feel faint…
Riquet: Are you alright? I can rub your head for you.
Mithra: I need to bring him back… Oh, but first, I need to make sure Mitile is tucked away somewhere safe…
Mitile: Wa--wait a second! The Sage gave me a favor to ask you!
Mithra: A favor for the Sage…?
Mitile: Yes! After we finish baking torta di cocco, you need to bring it with you!
Mithra: I do…? Do I…need to bake it, too? Because let me tell you, no one's ever asked me to do that before. I mean, I'll do it, but.
Riquet: The first time you bake something, it might not rise properly. That happened to me when I tried.
Mithra: Huh? I can rise just fine.
Mitile: Ah, wait, sorry! No, you don't have to bake anything! You just need to wait for it to finish baking.
Mithra: What? But that's so easy. Anyway, let us return to the castle. <Arthim>
Akira: Figaro…!
Figaro: Master Sage, Oz…!
Akira: We have the cintamani stone! You can save Snow and White with this, right?!
Figaro: Yes…! Thank you so much, Master Sage, Oz.
Oz: Will you succeed?
Figaro: Just who do you think you're asking? They'll be fine. I'll save them.
Oz: …
Akira: Oz?
Oz: … …I cannot feel White's presence…
Figaro: …Remember, that's Lord Snow's job. Just believe in him.
Oz: Yes. Figaro. Take some of my blood.
Figaro: …You sure?
Oz: Yes.
Figaro: Thanks, that's a real help.
Oz: I am trusting the twins will be safe in your care.
Figaro: And I'm trusting the Sage will be safe in yours. Master Sage, are you planning on meeting with the sea dragon?
Akira: …That's the plan, yeah.
Figaro: Alright. If that dragon finds out that I'm planning on saving the twins and comes here to do something about it, I'm going to kill it. I'm not going to ask you to forgive me for that. But… I did want to apologize in advance, Master Sage. I'm sorry I couldn't only do kind things for you.
Akira: … No… I'm sorry too, Figaro…I'm putting everyone through so much trouble…
Figaro: …Master Sage…
Oz: …
Figaro: …What's that face for? I'm not trying to make them cry or anything. I'm always doing my best to keep from hurting them, but things end up like this anyways.
Oz: I know you are. Do your best.
Figaro: "Do your best"?
Oz: We are leaving, Sage.
Akira: …Okay…
Oz: <Vox Nox>
Figaro: … Thank goodness, Lord Snow… I will be able to save you… I can make an antidote with the stone…
Mithra: <Arthim> Where's the torta di cocco?
Mitile: Dr. Figaro! We found Mithra!
Riquet: Things seem to be okay in town, too!
Figaro: Welcome back. You just missed the Sage, sadly.
Mithra & Mitile & Riquet: Huh?
Figaro: Look. They brought me the cintamani stone.
Natalie?: I thought the people of this island would lose their cool and kick up a fuss, and what do you know? They did. You all look so stupid.
Borda Island Resident: Shut up!
Natalie?: You shut up.
Borda Island Resident: Excuse me?! …Damn, you're a cruel bitch! You think we'll let you mess with us?!
Natalie?: Hmph… …It's a good thing I gathered up the rest of those seafood crackers in the market and found their real source. What a pain. It would've been easier to just tear everything here down instead. It was pretty great forcing Bradley to eat a ton of them, though. Hehe… That was fun. … Cain's eye… …What's he doing right now? …I can sense other wizards, and… …And a sea dragon…? Tch… For crying out loud…
Borda Island Resident: Woah… The woman who was just standing here suddenly disappeared! Was she a wizard…?
Nero: It's gonna be fine, Dianne. Y'just gotta show your face and talk to 'em, and the mob outside the castle gates will start settlin' down.
Castle Servant: Your Highness, ah, err, your Lordship, we will all protect you with our lives…
Dianne: I fear neither blade nor arrow!
Castle Servant: O-of course, my apologies.
Nero: Hey, simmer down a little. Can y'tell me what you are scared of?
Dianne: E… Everything…
Nero: Well, I feel ya there. Tellin' lies like that is a good way to support yourself, though. How about I say I'm actin' as your substitute, and…
Dianne: Absolutely not! As the lord of this castle, I must be the one who carries out my duties…
Nero: Then sorry, but I gotta make you go out 'n do 'em.
Dianne: …But I'm scared…
Nero: Man, there's no end to this.
Dianne: …sniff…
Nero: Ah, sorry… I went too far…
Dianne: …wahhhh…!
Castle Servant: Your Highness…! Your Highness…!!
Nero: See, it's gonna be fine, like I keep sayin'! You've got amazing charisma!
Castle Guard: Your Lordship, we have a problem! The castle gates are on the verge of breaking…!
Nero: What?! Didn't you guys tell us the crowd was gettin' smaller?
Castle Guard: W-well, all of a sudden, they've started acting like a well-trained army… It seems like someone capable of directing them has appeared. They seem to have outstanding leadership capabilities…
Nero: (Did a higher up from the merchants' guild show up?) Gotcha. I'll go check things out.
Dianne: Nero…
Nero: Don't worry. I'll be back in just a sec.
Bradley: Hell yeah, brothers! Keep it up! You're all doin' great!
Borda Island Residents: Yeahhhh…!
Borda Island Resident: Mister Bradley! We've got more logs!
Bradley: Sick. Let's get 'em passed to the head of the crowd and break those gates down. Y'guys hear that?! We're gonna count down and all work together now! We're just gonna go one, two, three, got it? Let's go!
Borda Island Residents: Yeahhhh…!
Bradley: One, two, three…!
Borda Island Residents: Uwoooghhh…!
Bradley: Hell yeah! One more time! One, two, three…!
Borda Island Residents: Uwoooghhh…!
Bradley: Damn, you guys rock! One, two, three…!
Nero: …
Bradley: Yo, Nero! I was feelin' pissed off and wanderin' around the island when I heard people were attackin' the castle! Figured I'd give 'em a hand. By the time the sun rises, that castle's gonna be mine, baby! Hey, once it's mine, you should make me somethin' tasty to eat. How's that sound? Wanna help out?
Nero: Boss, can I have a sec?
Bradley: Huh?! Uh, yeah, sure…
Nero: Sorry, comin' through.
Borda Island Resident: Mister Bradley?!
Bradley: Keep goin'! We got a good thing going here!
Borda Island Residents: Yessir…!
Nero: 'Kay, just need you to stand here…
Bradley: Like this?
Nero: I want you to do some work on this side, too.
Bradley: This side? You tellin' me I should be protectin' the castle instead?
Nero: Yep.
Bradley: C'mon, man. You really think I'm gonna help the establishment instead of tearin' it down?
Nero: Man, shut up. Things are already complicated enough as it is without you shovin' your face in them. The local lord's already plannin' on comin' out and givin' a public apology to everyone so we can wrap things up lickety-split.
Bradley: So why ain't she standin' here and doin' that, then? This is the best place for lookin' over the castle gate and below, ain't it? So where is she?
Nero: She's terrified, that's why. She's brand new to the whole role, so of course she is.
Bradley: Hell, of course a newbie's gonna get scared. Ain't she got anyone to kick her ass into gear?
Nero: Well…
Bradley: If there's no one, I can do it.
Nero: Hey…
Bradley: Just leave it to me, partner.
Nero: Hey, wait! Brad! You're gonna come on way too strong for her! Dammit, listen to me, Brad…!
Nero: Uh, lemme introduce you… This is my…friend, Brad…ley…
Dianne: …
Bradley: Yo.
Dianne: Who is he…?
Nero: He's another of the Sage's wizards…
Bradley: I'm a Northern wizard and convict.
Dianne: …A convict…
Bradley: Thanks for the food this afternoon. Can't say it was any good, though. Sayin' that made Nero really throw a fit, though.
Dianne: Ah… I… Please let me apologize for that… I was the reason that happened. I was the one who threw the castle staff into chaos, and they were simply trying to move according to my whims.
Nero: Dianne…
Bradley: Heh. You've got a better look on your face than you did this afternoon. C'mon. Walk with me.
Dianne: Wh-where to…?
Nero: Hey, Brad…
Bradley: We're just gonna be throwin' some shit out.
Dianne: Such as? What are we throwing out? I-I… All I can do is keep asking you things. Do I seem stupid to you?
Bradley: Why would you? The ones who actually ask people about what they don't know are the smart ones. Brave, too.
Dianne: …
Bradley: We're gonna go toss that fear of yours in the trash. I'll teach you how.
Dianne: …O…okay…
Nero: Brad!
Bradley: Yo.
Nero: I'm countin' on you. Don't let me down.
Bradley: Yeah.
Nero: Hey, Dianne, if he tries to pull anything, just use some pepper…
Dianne: Pepper?
Bradley: Man, don't listen to him.
Nero: …Jeez… But, well… He's always been reliable at times like this.
Riquet: Nero! The torta di cocco is almost done!
Nero: Gotcha! Mithra's here too, right? I'll come to the kitchen right now.
Riquet: Where's Dianne?
Nero: She'll be okay. I had to go through a pretty similar rite of passage m'self.
Riquet: Huh?
Nero: Oh, uh… What about you, are you okay? Are you scared?
Riquet: No. I'm feeling just fine!
Nero: Good t' hear. Why's that?
Riquet: Because I have you and so many others watching over me.
Nero: …
Riquet: Let's go, Nero!
Nero: Yeah!
Figaro: Now, to make the antidote… <Possideo> … Lord Snow… Lord White… … The antidote's been properly refined… I only need to collect as much as Lord Snow needs to drink… And then I'll save him. So please, just hold on until then, Lord Snow…
Lennox?: …
Faust: What's wrong…? He stopped moving all of a sudden…
Lennox?: …!
Faust: …?!
Heathcliff: How is he doing…?! He looks just like the mermaids under Balthazar's control right now.
Shino: Heath! Focus on the circle!
Heathcliff: S-sorry!
Lennox?: …!
Faust: (What's going on?! His eyes are hollow, and he's attacking in a pattern.) (And he's not saying anything…) (Has Balthazar's control over Leno weakened?) …Leno…! Leno, it's me…!
Lennox?: …
Faust: (He stopped!) Le…
Lennox?: …!
Faust: …ghh…!
Heathcliff: …Mr. Faust…!
Shino: He stabbed Leno's key into Faust's shoulder…!
Faust: …gh, I'm fine…! Focus on the circle…
Heathcliff: Understood!
Faust: …gh… (Lennox…)
Lennox?: …
Shylock: It's you…
Balthazar: …
Arthur: …A wizard that's only a head…?
Murr: No… Not just a head… His skull's wrapped up in crystal. He's connected to a huge piece of abyssal jade. It's pretty rare. I've never seen this much in one place. It can only do so much, but abyssal jade can give eternal life. It's amazing seeing it get used like this…
Balthazar: Don't touch me!
Murr: Hey, did you make this?
Balthazar: …Haha… You really think I'd make something in such poor taste as this? You think I'd tie myself to these rocks, forced to live in such a wretched state…
Murr: Hey, those "rocks" are precious gemstones! Abyssal jade is super valuable. Someone's lovingly keeping you alive. It's probably that dragon, huh?
Balthazar: …You're right.
Murr: He must like you a whoooole lot!
Shylock: Balthazar… …So you did turn to stone when you sank Adams Island. Or rather, you should have.
Arthur: You mean, that dragon saved him…?
Balthazar: …That's correct… I was kept alive without my knowledge after the island sank. According to Hwylryn, I slept for a very, very long time. But… I felt <the Great Calamity's> power, and my eyes opened again on a night illuminated by moonlight.
Shylock: …So you awoke because <the Great Calamity> drew close…
Balthazar: And yet, I was still only half awake… What finally woke me up was the sensation of Oz and another Northern wizard and the intense anger I felt from them. I swore an oath. I would acquire a body that would let me move freely, and I would have my revenge on Oz.
Arthur: So that's why you've been capturing people and beheading them…
Balthazar: Correct. But though I could join my head to their bodies with magic, it was never long before they…stopped working. But this latest one was so excellent…
Murr: Hey, Balthazar. This is just a suggestion, but. I can make a body for you. So can you let Shylock and Lennox go?
Balthazar: …You will make my body?
Murr: Sure. And then you can get up to all the vengeance you want.
Arthur: …
Balthazar: Can you really do such a thing? Shylock. Who is this person?
Shylock: …
Balthazar: Shylock.
Murr: I'm Murr!
Balthazar: …Murr… Murr…?!
Arthur: Wh-why are you getting angry?!
Murr: Shyyyylock! What did you tell him about me?!
Shylock: I spoke nothing but the truth.
Balthazar: I'll turn all of you to stone here and now! <Mare Praeda>!
Arthur: Murr, back me up! <Pernoctant Nixzo>!
Murr: <Eanul Lambru>!
Balthazar: … Get out of my sight, you worms!
Arthur: …That didn't work at all!
Murr: That's a Northern wizard for you.
Arthur: We need to hurry, or else Cain and the others will…
Balthazar: <Mare Praeda>!
Arthur & Murr: …!
Shylock: Watch out…!
Murr: …We're not going to be able to get close to Shylock like this!
Arthur: I'll draw his attention! You take care of Shylock!
Murr: Arthur?!
Arthur: Balthazar! I am Arthur Granvelle! Disciple of the Great Wizard Oz!
Balthazar: … Oz's disciple, you say…? Fascinating! I'll eat your stone and tell Oz how it tastes!
Arthur: Oh, but can you? Lord Oz's lightning is much faster than you are. Just try and catch me!
Balthazar: Hold still…!
Shylock & Murr: …
Murr: Let's hurry.
Shylock: Yes, let's. Should anything happen to Prince Arthur, Oz will turn us both to stone. Please pay no mind to my agony while you break these restraints.
Murr: Gotcha! Count down from three!
Shylock: Three…
Murr: <Eanul Lambru>!
Shylock: …gh!
Murr: Aaaand they're off! How was it? Did you pass out?
Shylock: …Why… Why didn't you wait until I'd finished counting down?
Murr: There's a theory that catching someone off guard with something icky causes less mental strain than letting them anticipate something.
Shylock: And who came up with this theory?
Murr: Me.
Shylock: Please record in your paper that I solemnly disagree. Let us be off.
Murr: Okay!
Next Chapter
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greentrickster · 2 years
Oh gods, for the Hopeful Hybrid’s Househusbanding System, Tianlang-jun sleeping outside and on roofs while he’s at Cang Qiong, outwardly to be annoying, truthfully because #trauma from being horribly stuck under a mountain for so long, confined spaces bad, waking up in the dark bad, waking up in dark room with cultivator qi all around very bad. Buuuuuut he made a bargain with his son, and with this sect in particular, and they did actually follow through on their agreement to dig his original body up and get it healthy again while he runs around in a Sun and Moon Dew Flower body, so he can behave. For a given value of ‘behave.’
And also sleep on the roof of Yue Qingyuan’s leisure house more often than anywhere else in the sect, because petty, guilt trip, and also ‘haha guess who’s on top of who now ya bastard.’
Yue Qingyuan’s takeaway from all this: Tianlang-jun is in a body that’s technically a plant right now, exposure to lots of sunlight and fresh air is probably important to keep it healthy, especially since it’s supposedly not designed to have demonic qi in it. Also, we kinda seriously owe this guy, especially me, so unless he’s doing something dangerous to himself or others, just let the guy sleep. If he is doing something dangerous, please notify me, Luo Binghe, or Shen Qingqiu and we’ll ask him to stop.
...okay he’s getting lots of fresh air and sunlight, and moonlight, but is he getting enough water? Plants need water. Also nutrients. Is he getting proper nutrients? Shang-shidi, you’re the one who found out about how to make the plant bodies and grew this one, what kind of nutrients does it need? Hm, yes, okay. (goes off to find foods that also have these nutrients in them)
Tianlang-jun: (the fourth day he climbs onto Yue Qingyuan’s roof to find a pitcher of water and tray of nice food waiting for him under a cloth with a preservation talisman on it) Okay, what the heck, sect leader why do you keep leaving your meals up here?
Yue Qingyuan: (not commenting on how Tianlang-jun is asking this by dangling half-off the roof and staring through his office window) They are not for me, they are for you.
Tianlang-jun: ...what, why? I can get my own meals.
Yue Qingyuan: (explains about the taking care of the plant body thing)
Tianlang-jun: (narrowed suspicious eyes) ...are you trying to buy me off about sealing me under a mountain?
Yue Qingyuan: (shocked) Of course not! Such a debt cannot be paid off, never mind so cheaply. As ones who have so greatly wronged you, and in the face of your magnitude in regards to seeking vengeance for our wrong-doings, ensuring your comfort and well-being while in our care is the most basic of our tasks.
Tianlang-jun: ...are you for real?
Yue Qingyuan: ...I don’t understand the question?
Then Tianlang-jun goes and demands Shang Qinghua tell him what’s up, since he seems to be the guy who knows stuff around here, and gets informed that the sect leader is kind of a walking guilt complex with more issues layered on top of that, not that I can go into details, my lord, not because I don’t want to, I just don’t know them-!!!
Tianlang-jun: ...okay, you’re probably lying about that last part, but I get what you’re saying. (stares into the distance) Dangit, I guess I’m gonna have to fix him.
Shang Qinghua: ...I beg your pardon, my lord?
Tianlang-jun: It’s no fun bullying him right now, not satisfying at all. So I need to fix him up first if I want to get any satisfaction out of this.
Shang Qinghua: ...as you say my lord. (makes plans to go lie face down on Mobei-jun’s chest asap, because he shouldn’t have to deal with this crap but since the universe is making him do it anyway he at least deserves to have nice things in the process.)
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twilightmalachite · 1 year
Machina - Deus ex... 2
Author: Kino Seitaro (with Akira)
Characters: Shu, Natsume, Sora
Translator: Mika Enstars
"What are these incantations? Speak Japanese, please!"
Season: Winter
Location: Cafe
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Sora: Hello, it’s Sora! Is now a good time?
Yes, it’s about the Test World~! Actually, so there’s this and that and—
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Shu: The little one has started to make calls…
What on earth did he mean by all this all no longer concerning just Kagehira?
Natsume: I’m still trying to figure that part out myseLF. Sora’s the one in charge of the Test World.
He’s likely calling one of our partners related to the Test World right now. Probably someone from the game company in charge of developing Test World?
Shu: Kagehira doesn’t need anyone’s permission to quit the Test World, though. There’s no reason to go that far, if you tell Kagehira, he should understand, no?
Natsume: HmM. But like I saID, Sora’s the one in charge of thIS.
Switch has always been treating Sora like a child, and it’s a reflection on thAT. I can’t continue being overprotective like you aRE, Shu-niisan.
Shu: Who are you calling overprotective…!
Hmph. So the boy you are has begun acting like a full-fledged adult. Growing up sounds like a good thing, but I don’t think it’s good to intentionally ignore the advice of your predecessors.
You know what, cryptocurrency is—
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Sora: —Yes! Thank you very much! Sora and the others are waiting at the cafe! Later~! ♪
Natsume: OoPS, so sorRY, Shu-niisan, but it looks like Sora’s call has endED.
How did it gO? Were you talking with someone from the game compaNY?
Sora: Yes. It is risky right now for Mika-chan-san to leave the Test World.
So someone from the game company will come over to the cafe to help organize an escape plan—
Shu: Now wait just a moment. Just what is risky regarding Kagehira?
Sora: Hm~, it’s a little difficult to explain well, but…
Mika-chan-san has put up a lot of art for auction in the Test World.
That, and it caught a lot of attention. Mika-chan-san is highly respected as a top creator of the Test World…
So right now, the VL$, the cryptocurrency in the Test World, has a super high value~?
If Mika-chan-san says that he’ll be leaving the Test World, the value of the VL$ will crash. Worst case scenario, some people may go bankrupt.
Shu: ……
I’m going dizzy. The art market is said to be speculative in nature, but combined with cryptocurrencies, it seems that there is no limit. This truly is a diabolical situation.
Is there a solution, little one?
Sora: HaHa~, well, the person from the game company had enthusiastically said, “leave it to me! ☆”
Shu: Why such a frivolous attitude? Now I feel even more worried.
Natsume: HowevER, now that it’s come to thIS, I think it’d be best for Mika-kun to stay put for a whiLE. We’ll have to borrow that adult’s help to bring him somewhere saFE.
Let’s just have the adults in charge take responsibiliTY…♪
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Sora: Ah, it’s the person from the game company! That took no time at all!
So what should Sora and the others do regarding the Test World situation?
Shu: …Hm? You want us to utilize Dues Ex Machina?
I don’t understand. Elaborate in a clearer sense.
I still think you lot who developed SSVRS are shady, first off. So you better be sure you’re using your words properly.
If you adults had not created something as risky as the Test World, then Kagehira wouldn’t have gotten involved in this cryptocurrency trouble.
…Using the mechanical god model you have available for a Test World raid boss, we can use it to balance the currency values as a Deus Ex Machina…?
Sora: Ooh, we’re gonna finally get to use the raid battle from the β version!
Shu: What are these incantations? Speak Japanese, please!
Sora: Raid bosses are bosses that appear in raid battles~!
So this means that the battle-loving players in SSVRS will drop a bunch of money on stuff like weapons and armor, through selling items!
Natsume: In other worDS, since the economy is predominantly player-driven, stimulating demand on a large scale will dilute the value of the cryptocurrency.
Much like how the central bank controls the value of banknotES. You understand that muCH, don’t yOU, Shu-niisan?
Shu: I only care to understand what’ll happen to Kagehira. In terms of that, what are you going to do?
If you are finding fun in confusing me, it is in poor taste. Tell me how Kagehira is going to be removed from the Test World in a way I can understand!
Natsume: Don’t worRY, you’ll understand what’s about to happen soON. All you need to think about is how to bring Mika-kun baCK, Shu-niisan. ♪
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lovedistrict · 11 months
this is a follow-up ask. i was the one who lashed out at her boyfriend and told him "i hate you" out of anger and then regretted it. this is an update here.
so, we talked for a while, i apologized again in person, as sincerely as i could. he said he would forgive me, under 4 conditons:
i promise to never do that again (done)
go see a therapist about why i get angry easily (doing that, have an appointment booked for next week)
prove through my actions that i meant my apology (doing that, will try my best to do it)
get him a FUCK TON of noodles from that restaurant he likes (will hopefully do some time soon)
but, i still can't help but think: i fucking hate myself for it. i should be happy with the fact that he's even forgiven me (i'd expect someone like him to break up w/ me and then block my phone number, given his past experiences).
but i constantly feel like i ruined our relationship and broke his trust. someone said you always remember the bad things over the good ones.
i could say sorry to him 10 more times, i could tell him "i love you" every day, but he'd still probably remember that day. and he'd think "no, she's just pretending. she secretly hates me". but i really don't. not at all. he's the best fucking thing that happened to me. i've still been sad about it. ik there's people who have done worse than me to their partner, but i feel like the worst person on earth even now.
Ok. My opinion on this is firstly that he shouldn’t demand anything in order to forgive you. The only thing that one should actually demand (if so) it’s for the other one to be actually sorry for his/her actions. And ask for forgiveness. Even though sometimes we have to forgive people who don’t recognize their mistakes in order to free ourselves from them. But that’s not the case.
So let’s work on you. You did say I’m sorry a couple of times now. He’s made all these demands which you’re willing to do and you are already doing. The noodle part seemed like a joke, but even that one, you’re willing to make. What else does he want from you? Sorry but you’re being to hard on yourself. It was a mistake, I know, but that’s what we do. Sometimes we fuck things up and to be in a relationship you have to be resilient in a lot of ways. He’s probably frustrated because it reminded him of his last relationships so that shows that he also needs to work on that.
You can’t live your life afraid to messing up again. I’m sure he also messes up things sometimes because no one’s perfect.
And no. We shouldn’t remember the bad things over good ones. That’s such a shitty way of living haha.
So if I was in your shoes I’d have a conversation with him and ask him if he’s truly able to forgive me because I do feel bad about it but I don’t want to live my life as if I’m always on debt with him. You know? When we truly forgive someone, the pain should also be set free and disappear from our hearts. And we shouldn’t hold grudges. Especially in your case which wasn’t a life or death situation or anything really truly serious. So I’d figure out if he’s willing to forgive me or not. And if he wasn’t, I’d have to walk away.
That’s what I’d do.
Maybe this whole situation happened to help you guys. So the both of you can work on yourselves. Do therapy. Maybe since he’s been so hurt in the past, he cant deal with the fact that everybody’s gonna hurt us sometimes. So he pushes away and overreacts.
But that’s just the truth. Intentionally or not. That’s just life.
Hope I was able to help you!
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actualbird · 2 years
//cn spoilers
hey zak!
the new pv had my friends & i looking at everything to try and figure out what the au might be about. we've pegged it down to a 1920s Mafia AU (and i hope it's true). But if it's really set in 1920s China err... Stellis, this AU is going to be chaotic. For the sake of my sanity I'm only gonna cover the shit that happens in Shanghai because it involves a gang so I can insert Marius in there xD.
First, 1920s was at the turning point that marks the end of 青帮 (green gang) rule over Shanghai (and yes, they were like the unofficial rulers in place of a real government).
Second, there was the two political parties, Nationalists vs Communists, fighting for control over the country. (temporarily forming an alliance against the other factions)
Third, a bunch of foreigners essentially split Shanghai after China lost the Opium Wars, so the French, the British, Japanese, and Americans all had a mini colony within the area (French Concessions, International Settlement), and they were basically colonizing the area, though it wasn't ever "official".
Finally, as the rotten cherry on top of this long-melted sundae nobody wants, due to the awful working conditions and shit wages that didn't even let you feed yourself, labor unions were standing up against foreigners and gangsters. there were hundreds of strikes with hundreds of thousands of workers alone in Shanghai in one year, demanding fair treatment.
No matter what year of the 1920s it's set in, shit is going down fast due to the aforementioned issues. Of course, if they get closer to 1930s, even more shit happens cause Communists and Nationalists stop being allies and turn against each other, and they'll recruit whoever they can to dispose of the other party.
With all that history said (HELP I DIDN'T REALIZE IT WAS THAT LONG), I'd be really interested in seeing one of the boys represent each of the factions.
Luke as a political spy
Marius as head of the Pax Gang
Vyn as a foreigner
Artem as someone related to the workers (factory worker artem is a weird concept)
Rosa as someone close to the four, being different in every card ofc xD
irt the new cn server teaser
oh mANNNNN, pls first off i really appreciate the long rundown of history because aside from vaguely being familiar 1920s shanghai Look (from old movies and the like), i did not know anything about the legitimate history behind it. so, tot aside, this was a really interesting read :DDD
but taking it into consideration WITH tot, you are SO RIGHT THAT THE FACTIONS OF EACH BOY WILL BE INTERESTING!!
given that this will be adapted to stellis (maybe? idk, i didnt spoil myself on the actual plots of the bakerlon event, which also was a regional-historical au, did they just say it was london? or did they make a tot world version like uh.....lobdon..HVKSDJHFVSJDH), thatd be really cool cuz since im an insane person who constantly reads Big Data Lab entries, im aware that stellis city has a pretty interesting history.
orchidshine district was the city's birthplace, but it's not mentioned just how far back it had Begun. but by the 1930s, stellis city went through a Lot of development and was participating in international trade via stellis harbor (now called the airport district, because theres an airport there now. thanks for the creativity, stellis city govt jhvjhVKJH), which ended up turning into the hub for all commerce. by the 1970s, the fancier districts like hemingway heights and long beach are getting spruced up further
BUT WHILE ALL THAT IS HAPPENING. THERES A PLAGUE. in the 1930s, the trading via stellis harbor brought in the NXX gene which cause "a pandemic of an unprecedented scale" and all the consequences that come with a shitshow widescale pandemic
ANYWAY i bring that all up just cuz the 1930s seems like a perilous time in stellis' canon history, with many opportunities but also a lot of danger too. it'd be cool if they delved into that while incorporating some of the actual history of 1920s shanghai
also, your assignments for the boys are SO SPOT ON and im excited to see how this event's au plays out and how it will look like in the full card cgs and full event pv :DDD
(.....tho i most probably wont be spoiling myself for the actual stories HAHA, i quite like the experience of playing it on my own firsthand without knowing any spoilers beforehand. though ive broken this rule many times cuz a card just looked SO DAMN COMPELLING JHVKJVKJH)
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minmin-pal · 1 year
ahh aighto, so following the guide list and watching part 1 n 2 in close succession, 3 then 4 then rohan ova, then 5 and 6. on the liveaction one, ngl i wouldn't really have much complaints about the fact it's not art, always fun to experience a fandom in its entirety like all the cool different mediums and stuff like that, especially for how long jjba's been going on for, there's so much to explore :D
okay not gonna lie, i may have desperately needed that warning about no characters being safe lol i get way too invested and attached to them so the head's up is appreciated ;; (/gen) i don't know why i'm kind of very curious about that though now, i haven't seen any author ever just straight up kill of characters (well i have but ya know?) especially main ones? got me on the edge of my seat now ngl. i'm also wondering whether i should just stave off the manga for now till after i finish the anime and that jazz, dunno to be able to binge the manga and feel it properly tbh
and ohh alright, i was reading another guide just now and it linked the "Stone Ocean OP / Opening" from yt and i see what you mean by cgi, i dunno how they do that so i'll assume it's like 3d models, the way the 3d bits fit the 2d animation style looked so cool and aaa the expressions are just so uniquely styled and all from what i've seen of a 1 minute clip lol but glad u were still able to enjoy the season tho tbh (/pos)
and oh!! there's tarot connections? aa i'm so excited to see how they do that, it's always super fun to see those small little references and u can giggle since your like "yay i got that ref :D" (/lh/hj) might have to grab some kind of bingo to see how many refs i catch haha (/j) but alrighty, noted, no research on kira will be committed, i mean aside from me searching for his design yesterday lol (/lh)
i don't know if it classifies as spoilers much but from the guide i read it said that around part 3 they switched to entities called strands with random powers? that was basically the gist of what i got before i stopped reading so is that one of the differences that separate part 1/2? but oh wait what? why would they say to skip :(? isn't it just more fun in general to start from the very, very start? and oh! joseph! i believe you've mentioned him before but i never heard of jonathan before, his hair looks super cool tho omg and no cause fr :( the uniqueness is part of the appeal isn't it? jjba already has the reputation of being: funky, unique and just being so alive, i don't get how someone would start watching an anime with a rep like that and not watch the first 2 seasons just cause ;; (/lh) awh help i'm getting attached to joseph now, he sounds so sweet tbh (/pos)
and yooo i get why you said "they really did that just cause they could" now" tbh that's a tad more impressive as opposed to just doing the special effects to big scenes, kinda feels like a flex about the artistic control they got over the season tbh (ya know, since like- creators don't really often get that much artistic autonomy with their shows anymore?) i really like that bit now actually ill be honest (/gen) 
and yes rohan is for real representing all side-characters doomed to only appearing for like 5 minutes or having no voice lines lol (/joke/lh) but ahh i'm actually interested in his character development now, the sillyness of him being the only one that could publish manwha properly whilst everyone else couldn't has piqued my interest xD (/lh) oh wait no, your point does actually make a lot of sense though if people demand utter copies from canon then it wouldn't really be as fun tho i dunno, creative liberties are very cool and ngl i could see it somewhat bombing if they did make it irl anime type ya know? idk but seems like the kind of thing twt would poke fun at :') (/lh) i'm glad about how it seemed to turn out though, poster looks super cool too 
and oHH you like aot? yay :D! i haven't watched in a while but unfortunately, i may have spoiled myself- kind of? i've seen the designs and new art style but the lore lost me even before i last watched a couple of years ago, have you caught up with the manga? what's your thoughts on the story and just general stuff like that if you don't mind me asking? feel free to not censor spoilers for this one, my brain's already pieced together bits of lore whenever aot would go trending on social media lol (/lh/nf) but yay hope you had fun with your brother while you watched it! (/gen)
i dunno why i always imagined that motion to be like a croak-type 'laugh' lol, but yeah denji's character definitely seems very funny haha tho course there's the serious story bits, not sure why but he actually somewhat reminds me of mineta? albeit of course denji's a lot more fleshed out and established (i'm not really caught up with the bnha manga so i dunno how mineta is currently, though tbh the similarities kind of end with their primary motivations centering women? (i dunno if i phrased that right, i hope the idea got thru tho ;; /lh)
wait oh noo, i've seen the anime already but this clip compilation is actually so sweet omg ;; i love yor but for some reason the first few episodes of loid being practically a single dad has my heart in a vice grip lol, they really did do the family dynamic between them so well (/gen) and ohh what are your thoughts on uhm- what's his name? yuri briar? yeah that's his name, the uncle and niece dynamic between him and anya was adorable to see lol
i finally found an proper working site with the english trans for the comic lol, i myt finish it in abt a day so i can ask some indepth questions about that when i do :D (if you don't mind ofc!) ngl being able to relate to a character however flawed really shows how well the writing was done (/pos) and wait that frame actually looks so pretty omg?? the artstyle is to be adored tbf, there's so many details and you can almost tell the emotions even without the text woah. and ohh! wait his been your layouts? i saw the holding knife banner but i didn't recognize the artstyle till you pointed it out (/lh) 
help naur,  disliking sm that you don't remember his name is very cool lmao(/hj/lh) but oof, i already don't like him from this one frame i see,  ah- i'm kind of excited to see this dude that comes before him now lol. and yeah the 'brown haired boy' archetype is definitely a hit or miss, have you ever watched 'a silent voice' by any chance? i can see your fond of found family/slice of life and genres like 'killer in love' (assuming you read from the genre /lh, eng is failing me rn im srry) what are your feelings or thoughts on other genres? maybe like- time travel/romance/reincarntion (is that just isekai actually?)/comedy/action maybe? i heard shield hero was pretty popular, do you like that? 
honestly, i get how you feel about one piece ngl:') i've watched a ton of analysis videos on that but it's always a whiplash to see the diversity in the male characters then see the female characters, coming from a vid i watched they said "It's like there's no middle ground, your either made into the standard body type (the girls in the images:') ya attached ) or your made 'grotesque' (the video cues a photo of big mama)" tbf i don't actually know big mama's character and there isn't really anything wrong with being that weight but i do get the gist of the idea the vid was talking about (artstyle side ofc), 
and oh, i''m gonna be honest i've never actually understood the whole highlight thing, i always assumed they were all sweating when i saw the shine if that makes sense (/hj/lh) but yeah, i can get how it's p much  a redflag or at least can makes someone uncomfy (/gen) 
and yay, ty for clarifying on that, i don't realize how much the text piles up till i send the ask ngl, and oh wait- i never really noticed the ideas might have felt disconnected tbh, flowed p fine for me though i may just not have noticed it /lh)
and oh, i don't really mind it lmao, feel free to call me mikey or custard (it actually sounds silly in a /lh way lmao haha /pos/lh) feel free to choose whichever, i don't really mind tbh
last bit- omg min (r you alright with me calling u that btw?/nf) did jjba s1 outro make the "we'll be right back" meme sound?? i'm questioning everything i know rn (/j/lh)
happy morning (very long response)
(also poorly formatted. every line break is answering its corresponding one in ur ask) (in most cases im so sorry :sob:) mhm!! theres a whole lot of extra stuff to read aswell-- like after part 4 araki didnt just make the rohan ova, he also made "dead man's questions" which you probably should also read (not watch as theres no anime version) after part 4-- it follows a character who dies in part 4 which is why i wont say ANYTHING about it. i heeaaavily advise you to not even search it up- like at all its mc is a MAJOR character spoiler like not until youve finished part 4 okay
also, despite no character being safe, i wholeheartedly push you to still love and care about every character your heart Will. shatter atleast once, but thats the fun in it really? i started jjba after watching the original naruto, so the first time a main character, like a *main* died i was just shellshocked the entire time i was waiting for them to bring the person back cause it was like You can't be serious? i REALLY dont wanna gas it up but the ending to part 1 was genuinely wild aswell W series
for the stone ocean cgi i didnt really mean the into but in animation itself for some scenes they used like 3d models and such for the powers and effects, and it sometimes might not be noticable, but when you see it. you see it and its like theyre really doing that and its genuinely so cool
the tarot connections are mainly part 3's thing- the way they names most abilities at least my favorite being death (13) mainly because the episode had me SO intrigued- honestly my favorite jojo episode other than this episode in part 4 (will not disclose [spoilers] but its the "bites the dust" episode- youll know it when you get there) hearing the ability names; it was always great to go "hey i know that band!" but i must say if youre watching the anime with subtitles, or in dub, what you read is not the stands name (or hear if dub) the stand name in most cases, will not be the same as it was originally, as well, copyright purposes really, so in western versions the name the person says (for sub) will not line up with the subtitles man in the mirror for example in the subtitles is reffered to as "mirror man" , so if you get to the part with stands, just know you might not be able to like get some references unless you listen to the japanese name not that it matters it just popped into head lol
and yes thats the big change really, the reason people say to fully skip part 1 and 2 the lack of stands which is so childish.. like really? you dont like the main fundamental parts of the series cuz they dont have big punchy monster powers? i assume youve met johnathan by now, judging byyour comment on the ending music YOU WILL (PROBABLY) LOVE HIM hes just a sweetheart like a mary sue mc but in a not mary sue way
yayaya :DD the team behind jojo REALLY can take the liberties they want and thats probably because the manga/araki is weird as hell like think. uh. spy family you just couldnt do the stuff you do in jojo there, not even story wise but art wise everything is so "polished" and set? like i dont wanna say polished, because jojo is *very* sleek looking but like you get what i mean
where was i.... honestly, jojo side characters (unless theyre like minor antags that get beat in one episode) are really prevalent as the seasons go on and one thing i can REALLY applaud araki (as if i havent been applauding him for EVERYTHING) is that he doesnt forget characters if you meet a side character that isnt evil, you Will. meet them again at least once something i like in part 4 (can you tell its my favorite part?) is that all the characters sort of have their own episode (even the sidest of side characters) when you watch it itll make more sense, but like the side characters arent just plot devices i guess youll see them roaming the street and the characters'll walk past the same bg characters multiple times, and that bg character genuinely wont matter i think it goes hand in hand with the whole everyone knows everyone small town theme but it's still super cool and yes!!! i get so dissapointed when i see irl anime reboots and they are literally just cosplaying the characters nooooo!! the point is that its in real life!!! make the story your own!!! yeah i loved aot :D its not a favorite of mine but its top on my lest i should do like a tier list or something of all the mangas/animes i can remember ive watched ive watched a whole lot actually theres not a lot else to do when youre a shut-in :sob: im all caught up with the aot manga the ending. had me shellshocked genuinely had me blinking like.. thats not okay where was my happy ending??? my overall overall thoughts are is that.. well.. i really love when mangakas just through your expectations out the window and thenh grabs them back and spits on them and throws them out another window just to mess with you so i loved aot; the lore behind the titans and everything? confusing but once i got it they had me rolling over in my bed sorry if ive been getting off topic alot by the way . _ .
croak type laugh is what i meant thanks for giving me a solid term :pray: and !! what i like about csm is actually something i saw in a rant on reddit and i have this issue where i repeat what ive read or heard verbatim solike. what im saying next is not only my thoughts but csm isnt really.... about the lore it isnt about the backgrounds and the world building its about denji and his personal growth and!! the growth of the people around him too https://www.reddit.com/r/ChainsawMan/comments/103xnqk/rant_i_hate_how_people_misunderstand_the_point_of/ ^says it much better than i ever can also... i think the biggest difference between mineta and denji is that denji knows what consent is also that denji is a person, whilst mineta is sorta just his character trait (one was made to be disliked, one made to be liked aswell) i am So glad youve seen sxf its just so charming honestly like,... i love happy slice of lifes sm nichijou, lucky star, shows like that and spy is just such a good show, its heartwarming whilst also definitely being about a spy trying to safe the country by adopting a kid and getting married the family dynamic is just c: -- i dont really love or hate yuri him and anya are cute together but... ive never really liked the obsessive brother trope and that Is yuri's entire character mainly so idrk how to feel about him hes not a bad character though i will say
and yES!! when u finish it i'd love to hear your thoughts and questions :pray: and!! being able to like characters that r super bad people is such a major sign of good writing and having bad characters that causes your reader physical pain is also a sign of good writing
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i genuinely love this artstyle it feels full of color. and is in black and white :kneel:
nameless white haired guy is just really insufferable from what i remember hes just gassed up too much by the people that surround him so his ego is the size of the lotte world tower the dude that comes before him comes into the manga EARLY like EARLY- chapter three i think theres another person just like him, more like him than the guy i was referencing, "arata" hes bad too but not.. as bad. the guy i was referencing assuming youve read to atleast chap 3 is the hooded weird guy with black hair I can't remember his name either. :grin: i love him though his name is just not said other than one time i think; (sorry this is so..... discombobulated- m reading ur ask then directly responding here. i need to start using transitional phrases) i have watched + read a silence voice, i loved it but i watched and read it in like the same 2 days so i cant tell you small stuff i liked its like cramming studies before a test. you absorb it for a day but afterwards youre only left with how you felt- in this case i remember crying at the end- and the ending but i dont remember specifics or like the traits i loved minus.. nijimiya? i think? was a sweetheart. genuinely adorable i loved her and her little sister as well as shoto (i think is his names) character development. kids are assholes; he was an asshole kid and he grew up and was Not an asshole kid whats not to love for other types of genres... i like horror but i dont like horror mangas/animes that are 'scare' horror idk how to describe scare horror but like.. if stuff r creepy just to be creepy its just not enthralling i love psychological horrors though things like oyasumi punpun or junji ito's stuff (notably uzumaki) i like dramas aswell but like. neon genesis type i think you could sum up my taste as things that are depressing at their core... minus slice of lifes. and like every other romance
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i think those would fall into the isekai category for comedy and action though i dont mind it honestly all depends on the thing itself-- i dont like sports mangas but i watched blue lock since it looked cool to me and i didnt hate it not a favorite, but its not under like c tier i havent heard of shield hero honestly-- but i did check it out the designs are nice but i dont think ill watch it
the ONE reason i wont watch one piece is the femals character designs i know its like a 1000+ chapter manga, made by a male mangaka which is a bad sign because to make manga, you must like manga people who like manga enough to write it probably do not see people of the preferred sex at all, so like yeah hes never met a woman other than his mother so he cant draw them but come one you mentioned her so i have to bring her up
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come on man. is this really it? just like you said, its either they fit the mangakas beauty standard for women or they are grotesque theres no in between at all and the men designs are so different and unique and vibrant!! he could make more unique female designs he just doesnt :sob:
for the highlights on skin type thing. i have exactly one example in mind- now as a preface peni parker (the girl) is fifteen miles morales (boy) is seventeen im not insinuating anything being illegal here, and if you think that it wouldnt be my point, so ihave to make a point here that that is not what my problem is as a second preface, miles morales looks like this
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i sound silly as hell right now. "of course miles looks like that- whats your point? arent we talking about art highlights??" (art is not mine. of course it isnt its.,... look at it...)
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I'm not going to comment on the bulge. I won't comment on his lips. I won't even comment on the fact that this is ship fanart, for a ship that... if you've watched itsv or atsv just feels wrong the one thing i immediately picked up on was how they highlighted that line on peni's thighs theres alot of stuff you can just tell by an artstyle the person who drew that i can honestly say is not a good person even if they didnt draw miles like... that... i wouldnt trust them around children highlights alone my point originally wasnt that i didnt like how they look, it was more that you can tell alot about people by the way thy draw just like how you can tell a bit about someone based of their vocabulary the person who drew that Is a pedophile i can just feel it things like that
I DONT MIND THE TEXT PILING UP :pray: IT MAKESME RLLY HAPPY TOI RECIEVE THESE I AM DELIGHTED THE FLOW IS ALSO FINE!! :thumbsup: u can call me whatever (min, minjae, minmin, minpal, 8, 8pal, palpal... i dont think theres any other names associated with this acc)
and last but not least the end IS the meme i had the same realization youre not alone
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mayhemproduces · 5 months
Eric Taylor and Mikey Montgomery roll into the ring to raise Dyln's hand, making a point of very visually standing with the new, undisputed leader of GenZ, especially since kicking Lilith Brookes out of the group a week ago... However, in their very public display of standing with their friend, all three men seem to forget to check behind them, and before they know it, there's a dark hooded figure standing in the ring behind them. The figure removes their hood, revealing blue hair, and down the figure's sleeve slides a baseball bat, Lilith Brookes is here! Mikey is the first to turn around, and unfortunately for him, that means he's the first to catch a baseball bat to the jaw! Eric turns around too, and tries to charge Lilith, only to eat a baseball bat to the gut! Lilith tries to swing the bat at Dyln, but Dyln bails before she has the chance!
Dyln backs away from the ring, as Lilith Brookes demands the mic from Steve Guy, taking it as she paces around the ring, looking straight into Dyln's soul. "Dyln, I'm gonna make this quick, because frankly, everyone already knows exactly why I'm out here. You, me, Darkness Falls, don't bother trying to argue, I've already told Heyman and he already gave it to me... Look, kid. I didn't want it to come to this, genuinely. I meant every god damn word I said last week. And I get it, haha, Lilith Brookes, the lady who turns on all her friends, finally gets hers. The irony isn't lost on me, Dyln, I promise you... But you know why I kept finding new allies? It's not because of my winning personally, I promise you. It's the same reason I used to run this place with an iron fist. Dyln-... It looks like I'm only going to get the chance to teach you one more thing, so at Darkness Falls, I'm gonna make sure I get my lesson across. If you only remember one thing I teach you, let it be this, and I promise you, after Darkness Falls, you'll never forget it... You. Don't. Fuck. With. Lilith. Brookes." Lilith throws down the mic, and it appears it's official! Dyln vs Lilith, Mentee vs Mentor, Darkness Falls!
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emphistic · 5 months
i’m afraid i’m not too specific, i just read your pucker up, buttercup and that seems like what happened before they started dating
i honestly don’t know if you’re writing a multi chapter series about this specific sukuna bf or it’s different from each one, but can you do something like his friend hitting sukuna with the “can i like your friend?” about reader so sukuna becomes jealous and claimed reader
if not, it’s alright, looking forward to reading more of your works :))
A/N: hi! just to clear up some confusion, my General Masterlist is full of works that are stand-alones (not in any series) — but i guess some of them could be read as works from the same universe. on the other hand, all works part of my Boy Nextdoor Series Masterlist are in the same universe/au and the same timeline.
anywho, here’s your request
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Sukuna used his jersey to wipe the sweat off his face. The gymnasium was still full of shouts by angry fans, hollers by exuberant fans, and sweaty basketball players — of course including himself.
His team had just won another of their games and all Sukuna wanted to do was to take a quick shower, change, and spend the rest of the evening relaxing, with you. But alas, the duties of a team captain were far from tranquil.
For, he soon heard the squeaking of shoes approaching him. Sukuna didn't turn around, wholeheartedly expecting it to be just another person trying to shoot their shot and get his number. But he was wrong; it was actually quite opposite.
"Yo, Captain! You're close with Y/N, right? Could you maybe hook me up with her? I think she might be the one for me," Jacob — a friend of Sukuna — spoke, in a loud and obnoxiously masculine voice.
Gojo — another of Sukuna's teammates — spits out his water, laughing in the background. "He's gonna be an Adam 2.0*, I'm calling it," Gojo nudged his friend Geto — another of Sukuna's teammates — with his elbow.
*allusion to Oblivion
Sukuna huffed, turning around and raising a brow at the younger man, "Hell no," before walking away to the locker room. Jacob let out an audible 'huh?' before he turned to look at Gojo. "What's his problem?"
"Haha, you seriously don't know, man? Aren't you and Sukuna friends or something?" Gojo continued to laugh.
Geto frowned at his friend's behavior towards Jacob, "Don't worry about it, dude. There's plenty of other fish in the sea . . . just try not to get eaten by shark."
This made Jacob go 'huh?' again.
All the while, Sukuna went to finish up his shower and change, before exiting the locker room and searching for you. He walked up and down the court, waited outside the women's restrooms, looked under the bleachers (in case you had fallen through), but you were no where to be found.
Sukuna was completely and utterly puzzled. Where could you possibly be?
He didn't even get the chance to kiss you after his game; Sukuna's lips contorted into a pout.
Defeated, Sukuna resorted to just going to the parking lot and waiting for you by the car. When he neared the said car and saw your figure already sitting in the passenger seat on your phone, Sukuna started to pick up his pace.
"Hi, baby. Congratulations on your win," you placed your phone onto your lap when Sukuna entered the driver's seat. Sukuna frowned, making you ask, "What?"
"Tch. Nothing," Sukuna crossed his arms.
"You're so demanding," you giggle, pulling Sukuna in by the collar and meeting his lips with yours.
Sukuna smiled against your lips, humming in content.
You pulled away, "Why'd you take so long?"
"Was lookin' for you. But I guess you were already waiting f'me in the car."
"Ah, my bad. Anyways, what should we have for dinner? Or would you rather prefer eating out, since you won your game. It'll be on me," you laced your fingers with Sukuna's on the car's console.
"Let's eat out. And — I appreciate the offer, baby, I really do, but we all know I'm never letting you pay."
The next time you go to another of Sukuna's basketball games, Jacob finally grows the balls to talk to you himself — albeit, he was still confused from last week about why Sukuna wouldn't give him your number.
You mindlessly tap on your phone, waiting for Sukuna to meet you at the bottom of the bleachers — where you currently stand.
Out of the blue, you feel two arms wrap themselves around the curve of your waist before their owner pulls you in for a kiss. Sukuna, you think, as you kiss him back.
"Congrats, baby!" You pull Sukuna closer into a hug.
"Uh huh," that was all Sukuna could say, as he focused on making sure Jacob saw that you were wearing the jersey that he had forced you to wear. His jersey. His last name on your back. His team number.
All the while, Jacob stood with his mouth agape. From that day on, he never tried to approach you, much less looked in your direction ever again, in fear of his captain kicking him off the team.
A/N: Sukuna is such a baby, but he's my baby — this wasn't beta read btw, sorry; i cringe while reading my own writing
Taglist: @starlets-things @sad-darksoul @mochimoee @r0ckst4rjk @lillycore @deepchromatose @yinyinyinyinyinyin @fivehoneyharg @desihopelessromantic @lich1 @hannas16 @acroso
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fasterthanmydemons · 7 months
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[ Speedster of the Galaxy ]
Rocket and Mantis could tell Pietro was still hungry, since they knew him a little better after speaking with him. Rocket crossed his arms and approached Pietro as the Guardians started getting ready for the day, though after nearly getting swallowed alive by a Flerken, they already felt they were ready for anything.
“Hey. Y'know you can grab somethin’ more to eat if you’re still hungry, right? Bug has nine stomachs, so we’re not gonna judge ya. Don’t be shy. Anyway, how’s the turtle you rescued?” Rocket asked with a not-so-subtle wink after Pietro said he was going to look for supplies for Mr. Dibbles. Even though Mr. Dibbles seemed to dislike Rocket, he still didn’t regret ‘stealing’ the turtle from Earth. From being stuck in the mud to floating in space. Rocket thought that was an improvement.
Mantis approached the two of them with a beaming smile on her face. “I am so glad you chose to have breakfast with us, Pietro. Groot thinks you are so much fun to be around,” she told him. She knew a part of Pietro just wanted to be alone, but it was easy to tell the other part of him wanted to belong. She looked down at Rocket. “I hope you are being nice.”
“Yup. You know me, don’t ya? I’m the nicest asshole you’ll ever meet,” he replied with a shrug, his arms still crossed. After hearing Rocket’s words, Mantis erupted in a fit of giggles. Before he could escape, she had picked him up to hug him again and point out how adorable she thought he was. “Put me down. Put me down!” Rocket demanded before she did as he said. Cringing as he walked away, it was as if Rocket tried to shake the affection off him. “Great, now I need another drink. Hope you’re happy, bug!”
(Or maybe Pietro understands the Guardians thanks to his bond with Wanda/his intuition? Groot’s language is so ancient it’s not even in the universal translators, so maybe at some point Pietro will need a translator implant and Mantis could make it not hurt or something.)
{ We could go with something like that, sure. Wanda can learn pretty much any language she wants by connecting with people mentally, so maybe Pietro has a little dribble of those powers too and doesn’t even realize it? Maybe he just has to hear someone speak for a bit to get a sense of it, and then it just starts coming to him? And yeah, I think with Mantis’ reassurance, he might be persuaded to get the implant. He knows Mantis isn’t going to recommend something to him that’s bad, or at least he trusts her not to. Making it painless would also help. He’s a bit jumpy and doesn’t have all that high of a pain threshold, considering he likes to get into fights and punch things a lot, haha. }
As Rocket bothered to come over and let him know that it was acceptable to take more food, Pietro glanced back at the breakfast leftovers. “Wait, really? You don’t mind? I didn’t want to be rude and um... deplete resources or anything,” he said. “I figured everyone had a certain amount they could eat so nobody got too selfish...” There he was, overthinking everything again. The mention of Mantis’ nine stomachs, however, had him animated and grinning once more, though. “Oh! Yes, I know! She told me about her many stomachs. It is so cool, isn’t it? I can’t imagine having more than one. Mine gives me enough trouble as it is.” He glanced at the food again. “Well... if you are sure is okay...” he said, grabbing his plate and going back for more.
Pietro shot Rocket a knowing glance regarding him saving the turtle. “He is doing well, I think. Just hungry. But he likes to play in the bathtub, and run around my room. I want to get him some things to make a little enclosure in the corner or something, you know? A place for him to be when I am not around so he doesn’t get hurt. And I want to get him more food. Mantis gave him dandelions, and he went nuts for them. It was very cute and it made her smile,” he said, smiling himself at the memory.
When Mantis joined them, Pietro’s smile grew a bit. “Thank you, am glad I did myself,” he said sincerely. It had gone pretty well. At least no one seemed to take offense at something he said, or had gotten mad at him for something. At the relayed compliment from Groot, Pietro chuckled. “I like Groot a lot. He is very cute. He has big energy for being such a tiny little plant person.” As the conversation then turned to Rocket, Pietro then nodded, offering his own comment as if he were a witness giving truthful testimony at a trial. “He is. Is true, he is being the nicest possible asshole he can be. His own special brand.” He looked at Rocket. “I think... you should get it patented. Is very unique.” He was joking around, of course, but... also not? Rocket had a unique style about him that Pietro liked, even if he could see that some of it was borne of emotional defensiveness. He had his own habits and personality quirks like that too, so he certainly wasn’t about to fault Rocket for them.
Pietro couldn’t help but laugh as Rocket was all but force-hugged by Mantis. He loved the way she let everyone know how much she cared, in her own way, unafraid to be herself. In fact, he envied her for that. “Maybe,” Pietro said as Rocket complained that Mantis made him need another drink with her little hugging stunt, “but there are worse things to drink about than being hugged by someone who really values you, you have to admit.”
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doctorguilty · 2 years
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