#good ep. thank god. THANK god 💕💕💕💕💕
lady-margaret · 1 month
bridgerton season 3 episode 2 screaming thoughts (unedited)
guys is it wise to watch bridgerton in public (like while playing bingo 😭) i had to leave the dorm for the event and therefore had to cut my watching time short 😔😔😔😔
also it completely escaped my mind that it was only 4 eps until next month this SUCKSSSS i wanted to binge til early morning
i fck with the mondrich storyline kinda slay
DAMN pen looks good in that dress
OUF AJSJJSHDSJDHSJDH if only u knew colin
hyacinth is my queen
i rly feel like kate will step up and take over francesca’s debut situation
COLIN???????????????????? anthony season 1 vibes
i rly thought it was ben before my eyes focused 🙃🙃🙃
he chugged that water LMAO
did she… enter the wrong room HEY DONT BE CREEPY
OH MY GOD ITS THE DIARY SCENE im glad i reread the book before watching
colin’s pen game is also 🔥🔥🔥🔥 theyre meant to be
for a good sec i thought shed catch kathony being themselves again
i predicted that eloise would ask about her lmao
HAHAHAHAH the curtsy-off is funny asf
prudence and philippa’s husbands are funny asf too like? such losers but so cute
“and YOU are penelope featherington” 🥺🥺
PEN MADE HIM CRY 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 WTAFFSGSGA
eloise………….. why would you tell her that
eloise is so charming
DYNAMITE ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
oh! remington is pretty handsome tbh
HES SO CUTE HAHAHHA this whole interaction is so cute
okay tbf to cressida, eloise like did not hold unto that secret at ALLLL she wasnt even discrete about telling mere seconds after being told not to say anything jeeeeez
SLAY FRANNY !!!!!!!!!!!!! the queen sure does loves her pianoforte
EYYYY ITS THE KISS SCENE!!! FROM THE BOOK!!!!!!!!!! *insert the captain america “i understood that reference” gif*
EYYYYYYSHSJSHSJS THEY KISSED 😔💕🫵🫵🫵🫵🫵🫵 colin i know u felt a spark buddy !!!!!!!!
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neeeeeoposts · 1 month
Ohhhh, your FoulWilt art is so adorable! Do you have any headcanons for them, either as individuals or as a couple?
YOU BET I FUCKNG DO😈😈😈😈 also thank you sm 💕💕
but i'll do individual hc first before couple hc 💁‍♀️
also these hcs are most closer to my human au (see some of my doodles for their designs :P) so some headcanons may be inaccurate to a more canon version of them
just a warning; this is really freaking long so just saying-
• one of the episodes already portrayed this (S2E3: Where There's a Wilt There's a Way) but Wilt has this like rlly bad mentality where he must help anyone and everyone he can, takes everyones health and wellbeing before his own type of thing
• willing to give up his kidney if you asked him to
• sleeps in some of the most impossible positions known to man (Coco found him asleep in the closet once)
• either has flexiable as hell or has some stiff ass limbs, no in between
• can't sing well, but dances extremely good (from what he could learn from Frankie's computer)
• wilt helps Eduardo w his insomnia sometimes (I HC THAT ED HAS INSOMNIA STFU I THINK ITS CUTE)
• on the same topic on the last one, wilt also sews any of eduardo's broken plushies together when he's not around
• cooks like a god (pastries, not so much tho)
• probably forgot his birthday once or twice
• pansexual (he had to fight for his life to explain that he DOES NOT KISS THE COOKING PANS to Bloo)
alr larry's turn 🤭🤭
• didn't actually know HE was the reason for wilt's broken arm and eye, so when he found out, he was like- spending the whole month trying to both make it up to Wilt (despite the fact wilt repeated that he forgave larry) and was extremely guilt-ridden that he was basically isolating himself
• cant cook for shit, its almost sad
• probably the one to teach wilt how to say no and every cuss word known to man
• closeted hamilton fan (or just musicals in general), but he mostly enjoys dubstep or just VERY LOUD songs in general
• flower enthusiast, daisies are his favorite
• probably shaved his head once because he thought he'd look good but never again
• i think he smells like peaches ☝️😲
• bisexual (has dated before, sometime pre-Good Wilt Hunting ep then broke up lmao)
couple hcs🤭🤭🤭
• before dating they would actively avoid each other while also desperately trying to see each other too
• larry is touch starved and wilt is overly affectionate (via touch and words) so it works out basically
• i think they live on opposite sides of the house, so they make up for it by giving each other gifts and letters either whenever they see each other or some magical delivery system
• when they have sleepovers wilt has the life changing moment of what it feels like to actually sleep in a bed
• on that note, wilt is a massive cuddle person and will hang onto larry like a koala while asleep (trying to pry him off is nearly impossible)
• Frankie and Coco write fanfics about them, you cant tell me otherwise
• Their relationship developed from really long glances to the other from across the room to just holding hands in public and that was enough for Frankie to realize theyre dating
• i think i saw this in a fic once but the two would basically give very back-handed 'compliments' every time they saw each other, which developed into "dont you EVER FUCKING say that to him" when the other is insulted
• Rarely play basketball against each other, but when they do Larry is extremely fucking careful that wilt gets upset because he "isnt giving his best efforts" (Larry loses on purpose anyways for Wilt's sake)
• is there a term for when both partners in a relationship have massive problems and go to the other for advice and comfort? because i think thats them
• wilt has no knowledge of relationships whatsoever so trying to explain what a "pussy" is to him is very difficult ("like a cat?" "...no.")
• larry, with the help of nearly everyone in the whole house because theyre all broke as shit, bought wilt a prosthetic arm for his birthday and wilt sobbed on larry for a whole hour
• larry likes to throw wilt over his shoulder very often bc hes light as a feather and its just funny to him
• i think i just really like the "tall skinny guy" x "even taller and built guy w man boobas"
• wilt rarely swears unless needed to while larry says at least once per sentence
• both are awkward af so asking each other out is like a mental battle to the death
• mac, goo and bloo will spend hours trying to analyze a corkboard if they're in a relationship or not (when they do they will place traps for wilt and larry like a mistletoe)
• larry draws REALLY FREAKIGN good and when wilt found out he begged larry to post it somewhere (it blew up) and now every letter larry writes to wilt has a small doodle of something on the back or in the corner as per his request
• wilt gets flustered very very very easily and its really funny to larry
• watch movies together and either larry falls asleep on wilt or wilt goes to get more popcorn then never comes back because everyone needed a favor from him
• Jackie Khones is a certified detective on trying to figure out on what the actual hell is going on between the two (probably worked w Mac again in order to figure that out)
• Wilt is a dog person but Larry is a car person, that is one of the main (and probably only) arguments between them
• i already said wilt was a good cook so he'll always make larry small snacks (because Herriman forbids people making their own meals for some reason) and larry will silently cry of happiness for a moment bc "wilt's too good for him"
• wilt blinks like a frog when he zones out and larry also finds it funny
• but on the opposite note, wilt found out that larry will sway side to side when idly standing or zoning out and likes to point it out whenever he does it (wilt finds it funny and cute at the same time)
• they save the corny nicknames for when theyre alone, but publicly will call each other stuff like "shorty" and "carebear" (wilt likes to call larry carebear because he's somehow more caring than anyone hes ever known and is nearly as tall as a bear)
• Wilt scheduled times designated to shit-talking Duchess with eduardo, coco, bloo, mac and frankie (Larry had no idea who Duchess even was but when he met her for the first time he never wanted to punch someone so bad)
• Wilt fish-kisses (looks like a 3) and Larry kisses w tongue
• madame foster now hosts 'pride parties' in june which was inspired by the couple so that residents of the house could feel comfortable while living there (and she got all the tea about them from Frankie)
ok tahts all bye
thanks so much for requesting <3
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mblue-art · 1 year
Lust burst through the door without hesitation, nearly knocking it off the hinges if Cross didn't steady it immediately after.
"Lust, you don't need to shout-" Cross tried to get him to calm down, but the Lust Sans was on a mission.
"Now hold it just a minute-" Lust pulled away from Cross as soon as he got a glimpse of you. "M! I heard that someone was denying you of the obvious compliments that you deserve." He chuckled as if someone had said something amusing. "- and that someone was you." He quickly took your face into his hands, pulling it close to his, barely inches away as he looked into your eyes with a smoldering intensity. "But that can't be true, right? You? You? My amazing, stunning, and absolutely wholesome koala bear? Anything less than a compliment of perfection isn't allowed - especially not someone denying it, right?" He looked over his shoulder at Cross. "Right?" There uh... was a little bit of a threat behind that 'question'.
Although, it wasn't as if Cross would have denied it. "M-mhm." He replied, nodding bashfully as he crossed his arms and looked off to the side with a blush he tried to beat down. "Of course... she's talented, kind, and..." His blush deepened, as he fruitlessly grasped at his shoulder as if he wanted to pull his hood up to hide his embarrassment. "and beautiful." He whispered.
"I'm sorry, what was what?" Lust teased him, wanting him to clearly state his affection for her. "Speak up, Crossy~!"
"Beautiful! Okay?? She's blinding and - and yes, cool! Alright?!" He huffed, finally pulling his hood over his head to hide his blush. "I... wouldn't trade her for the world. She's... special." He admitted with a softer tone.
Lust simply nodded, turning his attention back to M. "Exactly. So, the next time someone calls you 'cool' or any other compliment you don't feel comfortable agreeing with so eagerly because you're far too humble, direct them to us, and we'll help agree with them for you, my dazzling gem." He placed an affectionate kiss to your cheek and even nuzzled it for emphasis. "Now come on! We're already here, we may as well get into a cuddle pile!"
live mblue reaction (lots of screaming) under the cut (very much littered with cussing, tread carefully /lh)
I am going insane /j (HELP. L BUSTING THRU THE DOOR IM 😳😳😳 he is. . Strong 😳) (L and C interacting,, , oughf the dynamics, ,, ///////// my purble idiots i love them so)
oh Ly you are fucking killing me
WAAAA KOALA BEAR?!?!!?!?? ////////// (so true i would,, cling,,,)
I am hiding my stupid smile under my shirt collar ohmygoddddd
LMAO CCCCCC god god god i love them i love my skeleton bfs what the hell
(c crossing hsi arms the pose THE POSE AAAA/////////)
(aha aheh eyyy i was about to say smt abt 'beautiful' but uh 🧍 LMAO)
(oh hes such a tsundere oh no oh no 💘💘💘) (your honor this is so funny we're both dumb tsunderes in love... i forget that hes a tsundere sometimes)
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(hood up cross my fucming beloved ive only recently appreciated that adorable visual more about a month ago after rereading the xtale comic and rewatching the xtale eps with simp eyes i am <333)
(ough L is so good..., ,L is so good i- he has my heart- BOTH OF THEM HAVE MY HEART-)
AGH!!!! WAILS thank you sm ly i feel,,, ,so loved,, ,im love,,, , my porble skeleboyfrwends,,, , /)/////(\;;
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xxe123spiderfreakxx · 6 months
hi hello! sonic prime 3 episode spoilers!!
watch on youtube- link!
Anyway! spoilers and thoughts under the cut!!!
heehee hello welcome ^.^
i have SOOOOOO many thoughts!
firstly, always like in the first ep or couple eps we get a heavy sonadow episode!! this is that my guys!! and it's perfect in general bc it's a good balance of sonadow interactions, action, WORKING TOGETHER GOD I COULD DIEEEE, nine and his plans (i love seeing tails be the bad guy it's so fucking kickass dude yes), and VERY. LITTLE. EGG FAMILY CONTENT. THANK FUCk
so. if the rest of the season is anything like this, including some more good sonic having fits/breakdowns about the betrayal/loss of his friends, i think it'll be a fucking dope season. i hate how little they can show sonic crying, but they never said he couldnt have a panic attack and be comforted....>:) would love some shadow tears too
i love this episode being an episode of sonadow working together, but it showing shadow having to support sonic again and now be his rock throughout. not just pushing him out of the way, talking him down and also bolstering him, but showing them visually during combat being in sync (shadow mostly leading) and them escaping with shadow pushing sonic ahead, launching him closer to the rift with his own body and coming to his rescue throughout combat....THEN SAVING HIM BY SHOOTING HIM INTO SPACE SO NINE CANT FUCKING SUCK HIM DRY OF HIS PRISM ENERGY???
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gay ppl can never be normal in love, etc
throws u cuz i love u throws u cuz i love u throws u cuz i love u throws u cuz i love u throws u cuz i love u throws u cuz i love u throws u cuz i love u throws u cuz i love u throws u cuz i love u
im living im there im winning nothing has ever been wrong ever party rockers in the house tonight ✊️😤💕💕✨️
brb lemme do pt 2 cuz tumblr wants to bitch about an image limit
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townofcrosshollow · 7 months
#currently in my whore pop era
i would unironically love to know more about this
My god I have too many songs that fit this description.
It started with the new Dorian Electra album, which has some great tracks that are to varying degrees about sex:
And then while I was busy relistening to that over and over again, Lynks released a new track which is also very About Sex but in a different (more relatable) way. Namely about being a gay man and feeling like you're wasting your twenties by not constantly hooking up with dudes. It also goes very hard:
And then I started relistening to this Full Tac song that I put on a playlist for my partner as a joke and since have realized is actually fucking great:
And so I went looking seriously at Lil Mariko's EP cause her vocals are very charming and she was on ANOTHER Dorian Electra track back in the day which also fits this description:
And it turns out that album is actually really fucking funny and like deserves a whole essay about its themes and shit. These are my faves off that EP:
So yeah my brain is officially rotting. But at least the soundtrack is good
Some other songs I'd recommend that are like. Roughly the same vibe...
Thank you anon for letting me infect your brain with my shitty music, now please come join me in my slut era 💕
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milkovichrules · 8 months
tag wednesday!! thank you for the tag lovely people @heymrspatel @transmickey @abetterdaaye 🖤🖤🖤
🔤Name: river ✌️
🗺️Where in the world are you? north england
🛀do you have a favorite towel? yes I do its grey and very soft ☺️
🪨can you skip rocks? probably not lol I can barely just regularly throw things
🤔tell me about a weird slang term from your area: big innit fan over here. also just the way we will shorten words like dint (didn't) owt (anything) nowt (nothing) we're busy up here we don't have time for syllables
🍞favorite toast topping? butter or nutella but never together!! my fiance puts butter before she puts other things on the same slice as like bread lube (her term) and babe no
🍮thoughts on bread pudding? I have never tried it and been told it's not great but it always looks good when people on cooking shows make it so idk
🌆City or country living? city for sure, love to be able to go places n do things
😸How do you cheer yourself up after a bad day? been rewatching queer as folk and my god is it like a big hug...thats my family fr 🥹 watched the ep last night where debbie says to justin 'gay kids are everywhere!! only they're not all like you, cuz they're afraid to show their faces' n it made me tear up a lil I love her sm she raised me
🌗Are you a pessimist or an optimist? bit of both I guess?? usually I say well things are bad but I can't do anything about it so might as well just vibe lmao
🏷️can i tag you in random stuff? sure 🖤🖤
tagging (if you wanna, and if you've already done it ignore me lol): @jrooc @depressedstressedlemonzest @golden28s @lupeloto @m4ndysk4nkovich @softmick @miilkoviich @takeyourpillsbitchh 💕💕
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rosie-b · 7 months
I binged all of True Blue today and oh my god. How do I even put the feelings into words?? It’s such a wildly great concept, and the reformatted love square is b e a u t i f u l. The dramatic irony is on point. Nathalie? Queen. When Marinette collapsed in front of Golden Bug??? Ough. Seeing her fall right into Gabriel’s hand? Foaming at the MOUTH. The punning Adrien scene reminiscent of the Kagami portrait ep??? Oh poor baby- she does like your puns, let her get used to them! Adrien being such a dork (kissing the medal) oh my god Marinette, could you be any more oblivious? I love it so much
Ohh my goodness thank you!!! I feel honored that you’re enjoying my story so much. This has been one of my favorite stories to write and I’ve had a lot of fun making all the pieces fit together. Of course, one of my favorite things is getting comments like this one—your words mean a lot to me! 💕💕
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distant-screaming · 1 year
For the ask game: Sound - 8, 13, 18, 26, 29
Have a great day! 💕
Hello beloved mutual <3 thank you for the ask(s)!
8 - your favourite outfit of them
Okay I'm ashamed to say I retain very little of characters' outfits (unless it's like. Tankhun) so I'm going to skim through MSP real quick. Honestly though Satang makes everything look good <3
OH MY GOD? I'M LOSING MY MARBLES HOLD ON I need to create a separate post for this
13 - your favourite friendship they have
Sound and Tinn! Their dynamic is really really funny (the whole rivalry but they're both dumb about it) and they're the same genre of 'is incredibly stupid but looks put together enough for people to assume they know what they're doing'. Also, I think once they become proper friends they just constantly talk about their partners to each other. Whipped4whipped friendship
18 - how do you think they were as a kid?
I think Sound was the type of kid who constantly ran around and caused chaos but the moment a guest came over he'd sit in a corner and stare at them until he decided they were okay to hang out with, after which he'd go right back to being chaotic
26 - when do you think they were being 'themselves' the most?
Oh, the beach ep for sure! Up until then I think Sound is trying pretty hard to keep up his image and seem cool and suave and responsible. On the beach, though, he acts like a high school boy with a crush - he's defensive and soft and angry and just - it's so good. Plus Win and Gun and the others let him relax and be himself and if I think too long about it I'll cry!! I love them!
29 - how do you think they would be as a parent?
OH MAN I think once Sound is older he'd be a great parent in theory - strict but understanding, kinda embarrassing, spoils the hell out of his kid. BUT I say theory because he's an actor/musician which are very time consuming jobs that require a lot of travel and weird work schedules etc etc so. (Also it's canon that he and Win adopt a kid once they've settled down permanently. I don't make the rules except yes I do)
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showtoonzfan · 2 years
THANK YOU!! No seriously, thank you for being brave enough to state your opinions as is about this ass writing of a show, and to fans who don't wanna hear the truth! I have literally been wanting to follow you for quite sometime and so I finally logged back in after months of not doing so at all just to support you!! I absolutely love your critiques and critical thinking! It's amazing how you can easily analyze all of the things most of this damn god forsaken fandom simply can't do (mainly because they just don't give a shit about the ass writing or atrocious character development) and I love that! I've read all your posts talking about the good and mainly THE BAD in this show so imma catch up and throw up a like! I also love how you tackled LOONA and her "CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT" OMG!!! As much as the fandom really seems to "Like" her she's absolutely atrociously abysmally horrendous as a character with the least development! Millie and Moxxie got it bad too but LOONA!!??! FUCK, I can't even begin with this character and the writing for her... The only thing I like about her is her design and that's it! I can easily take inspiration off her design but man holy shit everything else is awful. SEEING STARS should've focused on her and Octavia but NO! Viv made a "AhAHha JUST KIDDING FUCK YOU" Moment AGAIN!!! The audacity of the thumbnail doe... And the EP isn't about our severely undeveloped gals?? WTF!!?? Sorry for the rant but WOW, I wanted to get it out!!
It’s okay, also thanks a lot, really! But yeah this episode fucking sucked and the fans can stay mad. 😜💕
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im-a-goddamn-cat · 7 months
⚠️ spoilers for the final two eps of fear the walking dead ⚠️
i'm actually shocked that madison killed troy, i really thought they were gonna go the route of giving him a second chance. 🤯 well, they were, but madison didn't trust him lol. but it actually makes sense and i like seeing madison going crazy so. i kinda feel bad for troy tho LMAO. i wonder if he was serious about changing. i think he was but who knows. THANK FUCKING GOD tracy wasn't actually alicia's kid. i was annoyed when they were faking us out at first with troy claiming she was lmao. also they scared me thinking madison died again, stoppp. 😭 i'm so glad she lived! and i love that she saved everyone! and alicia and madison reuniting!!! 🥹 i love that they were back together and taking care of tracy, and going back to la to help ppl. i loved the endings for the other characters too. i love that they changed it to Madre bc of madison and were trying to keep her legacy alive. 💕 also the flowers, the ones that nick saw. 😭 i love that madison left one for strand. also skidmark, my baby came back! 🥺💕 also dwight and sherry going back to fix up the sanctuary. 👀 also not that important but i thought strand's husband and/or kid was gonna die lol that's good they didn't. umm yeah. it wasn't perfect but i liked it, great final eps! 👏 oh also, i loved that the intro for the final ep had every single character in it. 😍
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fairyysoup · 2 years
i‘ve been trying to get into ghost for years but idk where to start pls help -ts anon
*cracks knuckles* i am so glad you asked bestie
I would honestly start by focusing on the music because they are, after all, a band. i think a lot of people tend to get either confused or intimidated by the lore surrounding the members and the storylines that go on from one album release to the next, so it's easiest to start with the roots of it and worry about the rest later (i think). but once you pick apart the themes of the different albums themselves, i think you kind of naturally fall into the lore of the band by default. so when in doubt, start with the music
i started off with meliora, which i think is their most popular album?? (but i'm not sure it could have changed since tbh). it's a good mix of heavy metal and more pop rock, and most people at least know the song square hammer from it. the story of the album is about religious apathy when there is no presence of a god, and the band introduce themselves as a guiding hand of hope in those kind of bleak times. which is why i think it's good as an introduction to the band- you have a band with lore where the members are supposed to be a satanic church, so here's an album introducing them as exactly that, an anti-church.
from there you can do what I did and backtrack through their first two albums, which are heavier and deal with themes of the antichrist. or you can go on to their fourth album, and my absolute favorite, prequelle. it's a concept about the apocalypse, equating it to the times of the black death, and it's quite honestly a no-skips album for me. it has two of thee best instrumental numbers i've ever heard in my entire life, and it'll also have you shaking your ass to the words "while you sleep in earthly delight someone's flesh is rotting tonight" so that's fun.
then there's their most recent album, impera, which includes the song from the halloween kills soundtrack (hunter's moon), and i would describe its theme as being like a post-apocalyptic steampunk future after the fall of an empire?? i have to be honest i haven't deep dived into it yet, that's just what i gathered from listening to it lol
i'll also admit that for as much as a fan as I am, I have no IDEA what we are calling the nameless ghouls anymore or how to differentiate them. like i know they're identified based on their instruments and occasionally their uniforms (meliora era had only four of them if i remember correctly and they each had a different symbol highlighted on their costume but idk what we're going with anymore there's so much). i tend to focus mostly on papa emeritus (number whichever) in any era for the most crucial bits of lore info. there used to be a post floating around with a crash course on the different papas, but idk where it is now rip
and, if you're interested in that one song everyone knows from tiktok, mary on a cross, that is from their ep seven inches of satanic panic. it was basically them going "lmao what if papas 1, 2, and 3's dad was papa 0 and started the band ghost in the 1960s and this was their first single, how sick would that be." that's why both songs off of it sound very heavily influenced by bands like the doors and donovan, it's basically meant to be from the late 60s.
that's it that's what i got. thanks for coming to my ted talk 💕 happy rabbit-holing
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rrxnjun · 1 year
it does fit him kinda but i also just can't imagine him just teaching someone maybe i just don't know awsten enough🫡WAIT HOW HAVE I NEVER HEARD ABOUT THAT???? but this is my new fav fact about them wow🥹 wahhh tommy does deserve everything he is a savior for real🫡 my minecraft addiction is unhealthy istg i don't think i will ever be able to get out of the phase at this point it's a lifestyle ngl 🤣🥲but i'm glad to hear that u also had a minecraft phase it's just such a fun game!! ohhh i never really got into sideman but they seem very funny that's for sure!!! tbh the first time i ever heard of alex will and memeulous was through probs wilbur but i listend to their podcast in quarantine and they were very funny tbh so i understand the chokehold!!!
I DID SEE SO MANY CLIPS FROM IT IM AO EXCITED FOR THE ALBUM I CANT WAIT!!! NINGNINGS SOLO WAS SO GOOD SHE IS JUST SO AMAZING EVERYTHING WISE ITS CRAZYYY and i'm going to be very upset if the solo songs do not make it to the album they will hear from my lawyers for sure!
take ur time with it u have the all the time in the world to listen to her! my fav song from her is definitely you're here that's the thing, it's like the cutest song ever but i also really love apple cider those two would probably be my favs and also sunny day as well!!!
WE LITERALLY ARE 🫢 it has never really happened to me before as well so i'm very surprised! I LOVE THE DIRVER ERA DUDEEE🥹 SO SAME LOVE THE MAN SO MUCH i will always be thankful for austin and ally for introducing me to the amazing man ross lynch is🫡 i listened to wallows and they are pretty good definitely will listen to them more however nothing dethroned scrawny for me so i'm staying with my basic as hell fav song🫡 BAEKHYUN HOWEVER I FOUND ONE OF MY NEW FAV ARISTS I THINK!!! amusement park is just so me core i love it so much!! claiming it as my song hihi! but the whole ep was🤌🤌🤌(i still believe in u beating him one day!!!)
lovely neighbor!!! hi!!🤭i think i knew that u were slovak but i kinda forgot:( HOWEVER I MIGHT ACTUALLY VISIT SLOVAKIA IN LIKE 2 WEEKS OR SO!! VERY EXCITED TO SEE THE COUNTRY!🥳(or more like the one city we will be visiting)
LMAO probably most likely it would be similar but i actually want to see them and like properly throw jisung up in the air like i still think about that every time i see jisung!! u portrayed it so well my lord!!!! oh my the renjun bathtub pics inspiring it just makes it even more perfect my god!!! THE LAST SCENE IS JUST SO SUPER GREAT IM VERY GLAD UR INNER JOHN GREEN PULLED THROUGH XD I LOVE IT WHEN MEN ARE SIMPS ITS SO RARE BUT I LOVE IIIT🫡 i wrote it right after i read it and my emotions were all over the place it showed very much i think xd AND THAT IS CRAZY WHAT ARE THE CHANCES OF THAT PLAYINGGGG (liebestraum anon💕💕)
no thats so valid i couldnt imagine him being a guitar teacher either LMAO. and tommy deserves the world for that song alone AHAH also i understand the minecraft lifestyle the other day i wanted to download it too but it didnt work and i am not paying for that game so i just gave up after a while lmaoo. sidemen are funny sometimes but sometimes they also miss w their humor so take it as you will AHAHA. i didnt listen to the eboys podcast if u mean that one!! i am not a podcast girlie tbh i dont enjoy listening to people talk jfkdals but their videos were honestly my favs. also i sometimes still watch george memelous drinking vids where they watch terrible movies because i just think that is peak comedy
MY GIRLFRIEND NINGNING DID SO WELL the solo is stuck in my brain i NEED A STUDIO VERSION ASAP. i honestly never really stanned any girlgroups but aespa have such a chokehold on me istg- my friend said its only bc theyre the girl version of nct sound-wise and i was like :D ok then.
no bc when austin and ally aired i was fundamentaly changed as a human. everything about ross lynch was just- DFJKA i even watched the teen beach movie like three times because i had such a crush on him LMAO. i wasnt really ever big on r5 (however i still have some of their songs in my playlist) but the driver era are sososo good. scrawny is so good!!! i think my fav from wallows (at least atm) is definitely wish me luck. it has such a good sound and the lyrics are honestly sososo good ugh. YES CLAIM AMUSEMENT PARK!!! ITS ONE OF MY FAV SONGS EVER AHHH i personally claim bambi because it's my nickname irl and when he came out w the song i lost my shit so hard i made it my whole entire personality. (thank u for believing in me. rather than beating hyuck i now fantasize about us going to a baekhyun concert together in my dreams<3)
THANK U TO INTRODUCING ME TO HUNGARIAN MUSIC!! i really have nothing against trying songs in diff languages if thats what you were afraid of!! i really enjoyed all of the songs they were so vibey<33 your music taste>>> AHAHA ITS OKAY IF U FORGOT IM SLOVAK i mean i dont really talk abt it here as much?? on my main tho,,, i dont shut up about the fact i even shitpost in slovak sometimes bc i just can. slovak music recs are hard for me to give bc i dont listen to slovak music much?? and the ones i do listen to i would get clowned for in slovakia bc they are just objectively not good songs but theyre my guilty pleasure AHAHA but if you really do wanna listen to some i recommend my by yael (it was in my top 10 on spotify wrapped last year LMAO), vďaka ti by yael and puerto (which is a badbunny cover lmao but listen to the ver on youtube and not spotify bc the spotify one sucks ass), valeriya by samey (THIS is a guilty pleasure for sure. the rap is weird but the lyrics are beautiful), staré časy by medial banana, káva by medial banana, záverečná by iné kafe, nad prahou by zoči voči and včera som miloval by fishing strip (for some good slovak punk rock<3) ALSO WHICH CITY ARE U VISITING (if u wanna tell me ofc)
the renjun bathtub pics....altered my brain chemistry so much iykwim. like i knew my man was hot but i didnt know he could get THIS hot. AHAHA MEN BEING SIMPS IS RARE BUT SO FUCKING GOOD thats why i even started my series in the first place the original title was the simp diaries bc its all about men being simps AHAHAHA
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bunnywan · 2 years
I started reading through your fic over on ao3 because I needed to read something after seeing the first five eps of Kenobi and oh god i adore your writing and characterisation. I haven't gone through everything yet because time but holy shit you write them so well - i am in love! I was feeling down today and read your 5+1 Obi is kinky thing and hrgh i had to stop reading a few times since i'd have chucked my phone through the room because it's so good!
Thank you so much for writing and sharing all those wonderful stories 💕 i hope you're having a lovely day <3
me reading this:
Tumblr media
🥺🥺🥺💘💘💘 thank you so much!!! sometimes i’m like can i do more than write porn ?? so i love to hear people enjoy my actual characterization of obi-wan and anakin. especially my kinky obi-wan.
and !!! to hear i got someone to throw their phone across the room. that is the best feeling when reading a fic. thank u thank u thank u ! you’ve made my day <3
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am3mb3r123 · 2 months
4/28 TBB Rewatch Notes
✨ i'm trying to rewatch all of The Bad Batch, including the four Clone Wars episodes, before the finale airs. wish me luck!! ✨
Episodes watched: 11
Today's runtime watched: 351 mins
Total runtime left: 1,099 mins (nice)
Can I finish it? maybe, i'm optimistic! though depending on tomorrow's numbers i might cut back to the end of season 2
rambling below the cut
Anakin: hold on, we can talk to them! Hunter: WHY
there are ice crystals on Echo's skin how have i never noticed that before??
also the eye contact and the expressions of the clones are on point this season, Jesse and Kix sharing a moment of "what the fuck have we gotten ourselves into", Rex searching for something in Echo he lost, i'm physically deceased
i was trying to remember if we've seen Echo's ears since the Citadel and so far we have not. his ears in the last episode had me kicking my feet like a lovesick kid
update: we see his ears in season 7, ep. 4. still kicking my feet
"was there ever any doubt" Echo i love you
DBB doesn't do Crosshair's voice as raspy in the Clone Wars episodes and it's kind of messing with me cause i can't tell who's who by just their voices and my eyes aren't glued to the screen
Rex trying to make Echo more comfortable with the idea of going with CF99 is so soft
hearing adult Kanan's voice coming out of young Caleb's body makes me laugh out loud every time
i still can't believe i had to watch Order 66 being carried out on Depa and Caleb
her screams?? Rebels era me is quaking in their boots
god the lighting in tbb proper's animation is so good, i can't get over it
i'm struck by the fact that we've still never gotten confirmation on why Crosshair's chip activated so suddenly
rip to Soup Clone, you would have loved Gregor's cooking
"kid's aren't our area of expertise" CROSSHAIR YES THEY ARE YOU ARE THE DADBATCH
Wrecker diffusing tense situations my heart 💕
i don't think i've ever noticed how panicked Hunter is when they take Crosshair out of the cell
is 0219 Omega's number? or just a prisoner number
Cross stripped his armor?? i have watched this episode at LEAST 6 times how am i still noticing new things
i did cry when omega went through hyperspace for the first time, thank you for asking
just reworked my math and i have to get part way through s1e6 to stay on track what have i done
wrecker and tech not knowing how to bribe someone is fucking hilarious bc who did they have do that before? this cannot be the first time the batch's needed to bribe someone to not scan in their ship
getting a "go to bed" notification during this thing was hilarious
gotta love Echo's droid outfit. it's loving Echo hours over here
things we were robbed of: more Rafa and Hunter interactions
i'm always surprised at how soon we see evidence of Wrecker's chip activating
hunter helping trace get omega is giving Barbie Rapunzel iykyk
sobbing at Rex's shoulders under the cloak
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pugs-cats-bb-8 · 1 year
Persona 2 Eternal Punishment
I watched a playthrough that I thought was the PSP ver but turned out to be the PS2 ver. 🤷‍♀️
You walk pretty fast for back then.
Graphics hold up. Then again, I grew up on old games. Sometimes, older graphics are better.
Oh, I see this is the PS 2 ver. Still has good graphics. I wondered why everybody was all "We got a localized P2EP". I honestly thought that the video I had was in Japanese. Then, I find out that the PSP ver was never localized till recently.
Those rooms turn way too fast for me. (Motion Sickness)
Maya beats down the door, only to find a dead guy. 🤣🤣🤣
Why does everyone have to walk across the room to see the dead guy? Is the sofa that big that it blocks the dude from view?
I like the cute Slime 💕💕 it says squish. It could give Jack Frost a run for his cuteness money. And the Slime runs away. 😢😢
How do the demons know about the Velvet Room?
Too many personalities😵😵 thank God they simplified it.
Those winged serpents remind me of Yu-Gi-Oh.
Nice jumpsuit. Is it a jumpsuit? It might be a tracksuit.
Baofu looks like John Lennon. I call him Baffy. Why does he look like he came from the 70s? Is he a time traveller?
I forgot Maya's a slob.
I take it Katsuya's a neat freak?
"Grab your asses and get to the roof". 🤣🤣
"Your police hero is here". 👀 I'm listening.
That blimp is giant. It looks like a missile.
🤣🤣 Tatsuya remembers not to let Maya drive.
Whoever did Sudou's voice made him really creepy.
"We're losing altitude fast," Jun says when he's nowhere near the wheel. No wonder we're falling.
Tatsuya's been working out. How long has he been wanting to do that? Damn, Tatsuya, just push everybody out the blimp, why don't you?
Good to know Maya can die and the game continues.
Why is there a Nekomata in the bathroom, who looks like an Espeon?
Damn, this plot's dark.
Isn't guido Spanish for white or something? Oh, it means guy.
I don't remember the original names.
Are they not allowed to say hell?
Never noticed it in IS, but Tatsuya's cute. I think it's the new portrait.
Why does Baffy sound like he knows Tatsuya?
Is Nanjo going to wear that helmet for the whole game?
My man just jumps off the stage🤣🤣🤣🤣. I love the animation for it.
100km=62.1371 miles.
I thought Baffy would turn out to be a time traveller, not an agent. Still cool, but less than I expected.
You only have a Learner's Permit". 🤣🤣
I knew something was up with that cat.
Is the cat a ghost?
Now is not the time to get excited Elly.
The cat talks and they are not fazed at all by it.
If that's IS Tatsuya. Where's EP Tatsuya at?
It looks like there's a coffin nailed to the top of the sub.
200km=124.274 miles.
I liked Ulala more as the game went on.
Baffy's pretty cool. I still think a better story would've been that he's a time traveller from the 70s.
He does wear that damn helmet the entire game.
I'm guessing Eikichi, Lisa and Jun don't get Personas in this game.
I like Katsuya. I guess I just have a thing for detectives. Now, if I could only find one with curly hair and glasses. 🤭
I prefer IS Tatsuya to EP Tatsuya. I don't like moopy, moody boys. Some mopiness is fine but not too much.
Atlus has a weird thing with crediting VAs one game but not the next. Sometimes it's Eng/JP and sometimes it's just JP.
EP>IS (EP over IS).
IS gets a bit boring at the end.
I like Maya.
I like Ulala and Baffy partnering up.
I'll take Ulala and Baffy over Eikichi and Lisa.
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wooahaes · 2 years
it's okay!!!
i haven't been to his house yet so i have asked my mum for some photos <3
the mafia ones i mentioned are from the don't lie eps :))) though i'm pretty sure there is a mafia one from the TTT ones where kwannie tries to attack hoshi LMAO
i think hoshi has got into the bias list, he beat jihoon so easily. all i had to do was watch a compilation of him and now it's over for me 💕 dino's laugh makes me laugh SO MUCH it's just so funny
there's nothing funnier than when you're laughing silently, and you have to just take a minute to get ur breath back and stop hurting so you can laugh again 😭😭😭
i need taemin to come back like rn i miss him aaa
i would just take them all to a cat cafe with me, bc svt + cats? best day EVER 💙 i would just take so many pictures and then after that, hide and seek pls (idc that i'm 28 I LOVE HIDE AND SEEK AND I WANNA PLAY)
i will!!!! it was one of my cat's birthday yesterday!!! toffee is now TWO 🍓🥰🍓🥰 she's a beautiful baby :3
hiii lovely <3
aaa pls dont worry about it if you can't get them! i'd absolutely love to see but you don't need to go out of your way for me or anything!!
oooh ok! i still need to just... binge through the rest of gose at some point. the ttt one is def the one im thinking about where he's ready to just throw down w hosh dsfkhsf i love seungkwan
incredibly valid of u <3 i love my horanghae man... he's just so funny but he's so dedicated n sweet :( i love him
true but also the pain kshfdkh my stomach always hurts so bad like let me catch my breath!! thank u!! skfhsdhfk
also same :( hasn't he served enough w his music career... please deposit him safely into my arms along w ms kkoongie. im just hoping for a shinee comeback sometime after he gets back (hopefully not super soon??? but like. i do want to see my guys again <3)
ooo svt cat cafe would be so fun. it would absolutely end up just being me n wonwoo n vernon sitting on the floor and playing w cats more than anyone else, but the entire group in a cat cafe seems fun <3
also omg happy belated birthday toffee!! thats such a cute name for a kitty too aw <3
also the trsr comeback... i love them so much. i wasn't sure how the group was gonna do w yedam and mashi both on hiatus still but they killed it. im so proud of them <3 also volkno... even tho yosh didnt get a huge part in the song (i look at the lyrics n its mainly hyunsuk n haruto which is great!! but also what abt my man....)
but also god... just looking at how much they contributed to the lyrics n stuff. im so proud of them <3
also also.... asahi's song w haruto + the fact asahi worked on clap! reminded me why i love orange so much. i rly hope to see more from him in the future. ugh this comeback was just so GOOD i feel bad i havent really been able to appreciate it as much as i've wanted to. i literally made gifs of yoshi and that was it sdkfhsf i am just so in luv w him...
a mutual once said that i like tiger boys and between yosh and hosh and mark nct... yeah i do sfdkhdsf
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