#good game expo 2018
magicalkit · 10 months
Weekly Animecore/Webcore and Otaku!
hello againnnn! if you've been here before, good to see you again! if you're new, hello!!! (⌒‿⌒) also i decided to change what i'm calling this a little, cuz i decided that i don't wanna be confined to only posting one genre of stuff! that's no fun!! i hope you'll forgive me (ノ_<。)
week (三, three)
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Vocaloid Mobile Games!
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Hatsune Miku Colorful Stage (Project Sekai). Hatsune Miku Colorful stage, often abbreviated PJSK, is a rhythm game released in 2020 that continues to be one of the most popular Vocaloid affiliated games on the market now!
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2. Hatsune Miku Tycoon. Hatsune Miku Tycoon is a game released in 2021 that features the Cryptonloids playing cards.
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3. Hatsune Miku Amiguru Train. Hatsune Miku Amiguru Train is a game released in 2020. It's similar to Subway Surfers in gameplay, and you can unlock outfits for the Vocaloid characters.
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4. Hatsune Miku Dreamy Vocal. Hatsune Miku Dreamy Vocal is a discontinued rhythm game released in 2018 after being demoed during the HATSUNE MIKU EXPO 2016 CHINA TOUR. It was discontinued in 2020.
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5. Miku Flick. Miku Flick one and two are Project Diva spinoffs released in April and August of 2012. The games were somewhat well-received but rarely talked about anymore.
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gamergirljournalist · 2 months
How video game journalism kickstart my media career
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On July 8, 2024, it was announced that Kotaku Australia and many other third-party brands will be shut down by Nine Entertainment/Pedestrian Group. When the news broke, many journalists who lost their jobs mourned. The same can be said for other journalists and Australian media members, who emphasized that this is another blow in Australian media. This was somewhat expected as the Nine Network announced that it would lay off multiple staff members due to budget cuts as the Australian media giants could not renew a deal with Meta under the media bargaining code.
As someone who has worked professionally in journalism since 2018, I feel for these people. At the same time, it's a shock to see how the gaming and tech news space is slowly dwindling. I know this first-hand as my old place of employment was the first to stumble, which led to many of my co-workers losing their jobs, just days before Christmas.
So as part of my "Australian Gaming Journalism" Eulogy, here is my take on the whole situation, how gaming journalism is important and how it kickstarted my career.
Where it all began
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Video game journalism played a huge role in my career as it was where people noticed my potential to play a role in this industry before I realized it was my calling.
In 2012, my dad was approached by a convention attendee, asking if I was his daughter because my Q&A question during the EBGames Expo was "really good" for someone my age. My question addressed mental health in video games, and whether it made things better or worse.
The next was in 2016. My first year journalism class had this non-graded assignment, where we were tasked to listen to the people we passed by and pitch something the next day. This was supposed to teach us that "a story can be found anywhere, even in everyday conversation." My first pitch was "I witnessed Opal ticket officers playing Pokemon GO using the same device to check our tickets. while on the job" My lecturer got excited for a second and told me to write a full report, like actually report on it. I was still a first year university student, and I had no idea what just happened.
Sadly, I didn't get the chance to do so due to a variety of reasons, one of them being I didn't have media law training yet to report on something that involved Opal and NSW Transport. But this first pitch made my lecturer see something in me that I have yet to discover. I did make up for it by covering the Phil Spencer's keynote address for the student newspaper.
TLDR - Video games made people notice that I have the potential to become a journalist.
There is more to video game journalism than just reviews
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Video game journalism is more than just "video game reviews" or talking about the next game release. It's about reporting on the latest happenings in the industry, the shifts game devs are making, and how this billion-dollar industry is impacting society.
And it's not just my personal stories. There were other events in this field worth talking about. There are video game influencers raising funds for charity, indie companies making strides and making innovations, how accessibility and representation became a form of discussion, video game preservation, media adaptations, and in some cases, how video games are being utilized by the government (looking at you City of Melbourne).
Video Games shaped my journalism career
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For those saying "video game journalism is a waste of resources," think again. My career started with video game journalism. People saw potential in a young girl who had no idea what she was doing. She just pitch and ask questions in a topic that was very familiar to her. All of this shaped my career and I'm truly grateful for it.
Not only did this journalism genre shape my career, but it also got me recognized in the Australian journalism space. It also gave me the opportunity to expand my passion and consider entertainment and pop culture reporting. Meanwhile, other reporters who started in video game journalism expanded towards science, tech and IT, and business reporting. I know someone who's trying to get a PHD because of it. This niche genre is a launchpad for so many reporters and other professionals and it's a shame that it's completely underfunded.
This is a niche in journalism that needs respect and recognition as it gives up-and-rising writers a platform to get published and write something they're passionate about. It's not a waste of time, it's a valuable resource with untapped potential.
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This day in history
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Going to Defcon this weekend? I'm giving a keynote, "An Audacious Plan to Halt the Internet's Enshittification and Throw it Into Reverse," on Saturday at 12:30pm, followed by a book signing at the No Starch Press booth at 2:30pm!
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#10yrsago Lavabit competitor Silent Circle shuts down its secure email service, destroys servers https://silentcircle.wordpress.com/2013/08/09/to-our-customers/
#10yrsago Bikram “Yoga” Choudhury accused of rape, sexual harassment, racism, homophobia, and unsafe practices related to the color green https://jezebel.com/bikram-yoga-founder-hates-sluts-and-fatties-loves-talk-1068127138
#10yrsago More on the NSA’s weird, deceptive, indefensible definition of “targeted surveillance” https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2013/07/what-it-means-be-target-or-why-we-once-again-stopped-believing-government-and-once
#10yrsago Assault on Equestria: My Little Pony themed D&D game with a young kid! http://www.chippewavalleygeek.com/2013/07/assault-on-equestria.html
#10yrsago Court finds for man who rewrote the credit-card fine-print to give himself unlimited, interest-free credit https://consumerist.com/2013/08/09/man-tries-to-beat-bank-at-its-own-game-with-fine-print-that-gives-him-unlimited-credit/
#10yrsago NSA leak: US can spy on Americans, despite direct statements of President, Congress, top spooks https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/aug/09/nsa-loophole-warrantless-searches-email-calls
#10yrsago Animatronic Hatbox Ghost https://insidethemagic.net/2013/08/haunted-mansion-hatbox-ghost-reanimated-at-2013-d23-expo-as-disney-imagineers-demonstrate-audio-animatronics/
#5yrsago My closing keynote from the second Decentralized Web Summit https://archive.org/details/decentralizedwebsummitmedia-2018-courtyard-2?start=475
#5yrsago Bad infrastructure means pacemakers can be compromised before they leave the factory https://www.wired.com/story/pacemaker-hack-malware-black-hat/
#5yrsago Florida’s prisons change tech providers, wipe out $11.2m worth of music purchased by prisoners https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2018/08/captive-audience-how-floridas-prisons-and-drm-made-113m-worth-prisoners-music
#5yrsago Kill sticky headers: a bookmarklet to get rid of the web’s static blobs https://alisdair.mcdiarmid.org/kill-sticky-headers/
#5yrsago Defective Comcast security exposes 26.5m customers’ partial Social Security Numbers and addresses https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/nicolenguyen/a-comcast-security-flaw-exposed-millions-of-customers
#5yrsago State of Georgia goes to court to defend voting machines that recorded 243% voter turnouts https://www.mcclatchydc.com/latest-news/article216056560.html
#5yrsago Everybody hates their cable company, unless the company is Google, or the city, or a tiny mom-and-pop https://www.consumerreports.org/electronics-computers/telecom-services/best-and-worst-home-internet-providers-a2853390170/
#5yrsago What should go in an IoT safety-rating sticker? https://memex.craphound.com/2018/08/09/what-should-go-in-an-iot-safety-rating-sticker/
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I'm kickstarting the audiobook for "The Internet Con: How To Seize the Means of Computation," a Big Tech disassembly manual to disenshittify the web and bring back the old, good internet. It's a DRM-free book, which means Audible won't carry it, so this crowdfunder is essential. Back now to get the audio, Verso hardcover and ebook:
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squeemcsquee · 1 year
Illinois Game Con, 2023
On June 24, @lechevaliermalfet​ and I went to Illinois Game Con at the Interstate Center. We’ve been to this event before. We both went in 2018, when it was the Bloomington Normal Video Game Convention, @lechevaliermalfet​ went solo in 2019, and then 2020, we went when they paired with Sixty-Six Games Expo. 
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Entry was cash-only. And they were back to hand stamps for admission this year, instead of a physical ticket. Now, hand stamps are nice and cheap....but they wash off easy. Both @lechevaliermalfet​ and myself had to get our stamps re-done at least once.
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As you can probably tell from the schedule in the above photo, this isn’t a con for panels. Nope, this is a con for spending money, playing old games, watching some character wrestling, and maybe trying your hand in a tournament. This is also a con that you won’t see too many cosplayers at - I think I saw maybe 5 over the course of the day, and we were there from about 1030-1530.
The venue isn’t a new one for the con, but it was new for us as we haven’t attended for a couple of years. It has its pros and cons. On the pro side, this had a good amount of space for the con to spread out and separate the retro gaming, tournament and artist area, vendors hall, and wrestling space into their own rooms. 
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The retro game room held most of the console systems you could think of. It was nice to see young gaming fans get to try their hands at a TurboGraphx-16, a ColecoVision, or just a standard NES. There were some classic cabinets on hand as well, like Donkey Kong. Posters advertising nostalgic games were also posted on the walls around the rooms. 
From the retro game room, you passed through a doorway and into the tournament and artist alley. I call it the artist alley, because the majority of the vendors in this room were the crafty type vendors, though not all. 
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The area was laid out decently well. But this is where one of the cons of the space was clear - the acoustics. Every announcement made for the tournaments was very loud and overpowering. It could easily drown out any conversation you were having with a vendor or artist. 
From the artist space, you went through a tunnel into the dealer hall. This is also where food was located. And that is another con to the building: if you did not want the food on-site...you were gonna be in for about a 10 minute drive. But! The food on-site was reasonably priced and tasty.
The dealer’s hall is also where we ran into the biggest issue with the building: the lack of signal. Most vendors were cash-only, because the Wi-Fi signal is so poor. One vendor accepted our payment via Venmo, but I had to step out of the building in order to have signal to send the payment, and then had to show that the transaction had cleared, before we could have our merch, Which, I mean, fair, I’d want to make sure I had my money too. Another vendor was able to complete a transaction with us only after about 10 minutes of fiddling with his electronics.  I totally get why many vendors went cash-only. But since this was a Saturday event and I suspect many attendees weren’t expecting to find so many cash-only vendors, the ATMs ran low very quickly. And banks in the area close at 1. We could overhear people exchanging info on where the next closest ATM was to the Interstate Center.
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Illinois Game Con also had character wrestling on-site. This side event actually required it’s own separate admission price and hand stamp. I can’t say if they have partnered with this wrestling troupe before, since we missed the 2021 and 2022 events. It was fun, though it sort of sucked to have to pay another fee. But I would go see their show again.
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All in all, it was a good day. If we’re able to attend in the future, we probably will. 
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rbhcom55 · 2 years
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madeforjapancosplay · 6 years
Here is ahri star guardian (casual) dance in my performative💃💃💃 /Yams
Hoodie by: Guame http://gumae.tumblr.com/post/164455796663/star-guardian-hoodie-get-the-nsfw-if-you
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trcelyneart · 3 years
OBAN Star Racers 15th Anniversary
Hi fellow Oban fans!
As I said in a previous post, today was the celebration of Oban’s 15th anniversary, which was held in Paris in a little cinema. It was obviously hosted by Savin Yeatman-Eiffel himself, as well as Stanislas Brunet who worked on the mecha and background designs.
So it went like this: Savin made a presentation about the series in itself, how the idea came to be, the first sketches made by himself and his friends, and all the struggles he and Sav! The World studios faced during the production. The hardest part was finding funds to produce the series, since making a single episode can cost up to half a millions euros.
The French VAs of Molly and Aikka were there too, and they redubbed one of the scenes live! The funniest part was that the guy who did Aikka’s voice is a tall, bearded, burly guy with the kind of voice you’d expect from a dude with that build; and yet when he did Aikka’s part I was speechless!!! Then Savin invited two people in stage to redo the dub for fun. The girl who did it had a voice that strangely sounded like Molly’s, but the poor guy who did Aikka’s part probably didn’t remember the passage well despite the subtitles and stammered a lot. But it was nice!
Savin had planned to talk about The Two Queens movie but he didn’t have the time. I asked him about the project afterwards, and he told me that he still wanted to do it, but like Oban, he had troubles funding it. By the time he pitched it, Netflix was not into funding indie projects yet. He also started working on other projects with several studios so The Two Queens had to unfortunately be put on stand-by.
And then. OH THEN. He talked about the thing we ALL wanted to know:
The Sequel
Savin explicitly asked us to not film or take pictures, so I won’t talk about it in detail. But basically there is not one, but THREE project ideas:
1) A sequel based on the picture released back in 2017 with a brand-new plot but still related to the Oban lore. He doesn’t know if the girl would be Molly or Molly’s descendant.
2) An Aikka spin-off prequel. I WAS SO HYPED.
3) A sequel where Molly takes up on Aikka’s offer to visit his planet.
He tested the waters to see which project seemed to please us the most, which was project 1 - I told him, to quote my own words “I’m team Aikka, so my hype for the second project is HELLA BIG, but I honestly won’t care I’m willing to pull out the chekbook as long as it’s Oban related” - and project 2 was rather popular but we suggested he switched media (like making a comic).
I asked him the same question I asked Thomas Romain when I met him at the Japan Expo Sud back in 2018: could we help funding it through Kickstarter for example? Unfortunately, like the original series, we’re talking about millions of euros here so we can’t help that much.
Then we moved on to the next part: VIDEO GAMES. There was a Nintendo DS game originally planned but the studio let him down at the last minute. He showed us some footage of the game which looked quite good (mid-2000s DS game relatively speaking).
He also officially announced that today was released an Oban fangame via Playstation Dreams called Oban Star Racers Dreams by Sky Isle Studios.
There’s also another game - still in its project phase - for PC which would hopefully be released in a few years.
Last but not least: if you guys follow Savin Yeatman-Eiffel on twitter, you might know that he got back the rights of Oban and has been gradually collecting the dubs that had been made (apparently the Brazilian release stopped at ep 18, which means they never got the end!!) to re-release the series as blu-ray. The said blu-ray collection will be up on Kickstarter in Frebruary 2022, with several stretch goals and packs - from the complete OST digital release to packs with original drawings and figurines - so stay tuned!
Although he knows the fandom never died, Savin hopes that we can gather new people and touch a larger public. I suggested for example to release the show on Netflix, because it will find some new public!
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On Spinning a Good Yarn
by Benjamin Burns Ten days ago, Steve asked me, in the kind of oddly-specific-yet-simultaneously-open way that only Steve can, to write an article about my journey to becoming a good storyteller. To be honest, my immediate thought was that I’m not really that good of a storyteller. I can think of a dozen STs who have a better grasp of the rules than me. Certainly, if you read any of the comments on the No Rolls Barred Plays Blood on the Clocktower videos, you’ll learn that I am instead an incompetent, evil lizard-man from outer space, who is here to steal the sun.
So I spent the next week mulling it over, gathering all of the handy tips and tricks I’ve learned over the years. I was preparing to talk about how you should always double-check your grimoire at the end of the night phase, to ensure you haven’t missed anything. Or perhaps explore how certain combinations of characters can leave avenues of bluffing open for the evil team. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that simply knowing the rules and having a bunch of strategies in your mind is not what makes a good storyteller. So here’s the story of how I became a ‘good’ storyteller.
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I first came into contact with Blood on the Clocktower in the summer of 2018. At the time, I was working as a freelance games journalist, trying to get my writing career off the ground, whilst also managing a board game cafe in the English city of Derby. One of our favorite things to do at that cafe was to wait until closing time, and invite anyone who was still there to join us for a lock-in. Then we’d grab a few beers and play social deduction games. Classics like Werewolf, Avalon, and even Cosmic Encounter would regularly see the table during those beer and bluff fueled evenings.
When the owners of the cafe announced we’d be going to the UK Games Expo, I decided to check out what cool stuff would be there and that’s when I saw this video on the UKGE’s website. I was utterly blown away. A social deduction game, like Werewolf, with no elimination, in which evil characters can cause good characters to get false information. Seeing it was like having some sort of switch flipped in my brain and I found myself wondering how I could ever go back to enjoying Werewolf again, now that this clearly superior set of mechanics existed. ‘It must be horrendously unbalanced or something’ I thought to myself. ‘There’s no way you can run a game like this without elimination.’
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So we rocked up to the UKGE and I immediately made my way to this tiny trestle table that housed Blood on the Clocktower’s little corner of the con. Sat behind it were two Aussies, who I’d later come to know as Evin and Sarah. I immediately started gushing to them about how cool I thought their game was, and how I couldn’t wait to check it out. In my excitement, it hadn’t actually crossed my mind that this game might be a very small, completely unreleased indie venture, by a bunch of total game-producing noobs. I just assumed it was an already established product that had passed me by somehow. Consequently, when I started fan-boying over them, they were completely taken aback and probably a bit terrified! Nevertheless, I came back to the booth over and over again during the weekend to keep trying out the game. By the end of the con, I was utterly converted and asked if I could get involved somehow. They were so delighted by how enthusiastic I was that they offered to send me a prototype copy. Thus began my journey from chubby, hairy nerd to chubby, hairy nerd who is also a storyteller.
In the following months I would run a bunch of games, mostly at our board game cafe. It quickly became apparent to me that I couldn’t treat Blood on the Clocktower as though it were Werewolf. By which I mean that I couldn’t simply be a referee or an adjudicator of some kind, disconnected from the activities of the players. Because the game requires input and mechanical decision-making from the GM, it can’t be run like a team sport or a competitive tabletop game, it needs to be a narrative, role-playing experience.
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It was generally the same group of people that played each week, so I began to focus almost exclusively on the social dynamics of that group. When announcing a death I wouldn’t simply say “Lydia died in the night”. I’d instead say something like “you’re all going to be shocked to hear this, but it looks like Lydia might not be on the evil team for the first time this month, because she somehow perished in the night.” I’d flap about like an idiot, waving my arms around as I spoke, raising and lowering my tone in a ham-fisted attempt at dramatic expression. And do you know what happened? Everyone had a good time…even when the game itself was crap, usually due to me screwing things up. I came to understand that, unlike every other game I was running, the role-playing experience in Blood on the Clocktower came not from playing the role which the game assigned you, but from the role which the group’s meta assigned you. Always-evil Lydia, through no decision of her own, had become the group’s megalomaniacal, evil genius. When she died in the night, it was our group’s micro-version of Darth Vader’s “I am your father” or (spoiler alert) Ned Stark’s execution. It surprised people.
I’ve often asked myself why that group always had such fun, particularly when so many other social deduction games have a reputation for being toxic and unwelcoming. I think it’s ultimately because my players were enjoying one another’s company at least as much as they were enjoying the game. They were humanized in each other’s eyes and that meant that, no matter how good or bad the game was, they were always going to have a good time. In much the same way that when you go out on a weekend, you’re not there just to drink beer, you’re not there just to listen to the music in the bar, and you’re not there exclusively to have a conversation with friends. It’s the combination of all of these things that you’re enjoying. So when the tunes are crap and the beer tastes like piss, you can still have a good time.
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By April of 2019, the game had experienced an insane Kickstarter campaign, having achieved almost 1000% of its funding goal. I felt like I could be more than just an enthusiastic fan, so I spoke to Steve about becoming a more permanent part of the team. Sure enough, I was welcomed in and started regularly running games at conventions.
Now it’s easy to ensure your players have fun when everyone knows one another. But at a convention you’ve got nine total strangers, all with different ideas about what makes a fun game, probably all with massively divergent expectations of the kind of social conduct they’re comfortable with. Yet you’ve somehow got to ensure they all have fun whilst arguing with one another and accusing each other of being deceitful liars. I don’t think many people appreciate just how truly difficult it is to be a GM at a convention.
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So I applied what I’d learned from my time running for friends. These people were not a group of familiar pals with a meta and an idea of each other’s personalities, so I simply decided to make them into that over the course of the game. “Good morning everybody” I’d say, as I pointed to Dave with his Metallica t-shirt on. “I’m afraid we’ve now learned for whom the bell tolls. It looks like it wasn’t the sandman who visited Dave last night!”
Now this might seem like a shit Metallica pun, from a circus clown, with an overrated sense of his own comedic genius. And that certainly is what it was (har har). But it served an important purpose. To the other attendees in my game, Dave was no longer just some stranger at a convention who happened to be playing with them. He had become Dave, the fan of heavy metal, the guy whose death made us all laugh. As for Dave, who sadly died first, something which could easily make someone with a less charitable personality upset. He now associated his death with a joke, with everyone smiling, and with the GM showing that he too enjoys a bit of thrash metal.
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Over the course of that game and many others I ensured that when I spoke to the players, it wasn’t about what was mechanically happening behind the grimoire, but on what was physically happening in the town square. I’d compliment people for boisterous and impassioned accusations, or logical and well-articulated defenses. I’d pull random players aside from time to time, to ask them if they were enjoying the game or if they had a theory on who the demon might be. To put it bluntly, I spent my energy on letting them know that I was having fun and that I wanted them to have as much fun as me. From my time touring in bands, I’d learned that in 99% of situations, if the band were clearly having fun, the audience would too. I’ve seen bands that could barely play their instruments, utterly captivate an audience, all because they were visibly having a blast. I’ve also seen absolute maestros totally tank on stage, because they were clearly not into what they were doing.
And therein lies the essence of good storytelling, or at least my peculiar version of it. It isn’t about knowing the rules, although that certainly helps. The main ingredient of good storytelling is right there in the name of the role. Spin a yarn, make your players feel invested in each other and in you. It doesn’t matter how you achieve this, and you’ll certainly find a way that works for you. My buddy Edd, for example, has created a Spotify playlist full of songs that relate to the game’s characters, such as ‘Poison’ by Alice Cooper and ‘Moonchild’ by Iron Maiden. He uses it to cover up the sound of him moving around during the night phase. Whenever I close my eyes and hear some cheesy song that is tangentially related to BOTC, blaring out, I’m reminded that this guy is having so much fun playing Clocktower that he sat down and created a 100 song playlist, exclusively for use during a 90-second portion of the game.
So…have fun, enjoy your players, and most of all, don’t worry. If you’re enjoying yourself and if they’re enjoying themselves, you’re doing absolutely fine!
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jibrillenyan · 3 years
Eldarya Come-Back
[Disponibile in Italiano qui]
Eldarya EU servers are back up. For people out of the loop, a fire destroyed both the servers and the backups of Eldarya. It's not beemoov's fault.
BR and US servers, stored somewhere else, are perfectly ok.
The FR server accounts were lost, but the story retrieved.
All the others (IT HU PL DE ES RU) have both the accounts and the story wiped out. ANE has been re-translated/Recovered, but origins is currently only playable in english.
Only the first 2 episodes of ANE have been translated so far. Errata corrige: PL, RU, ES haven't released any ANE episodes yet. DE IT and HU have the first 2 available in english. DE and HU appear to be broken.
Level 7 and episode 6 of origins (completed) are needed to access the market.
BUG REPORT: Currently there is a bug where if you change the name of your companion for the first time after evolving it you lose 100gc. please take care.
BUG REPORT: If you already have a companion and you play episode 3 of Origins you won't be able to hatch the companion Kero gives you and you might get stuck right after "Objective: Go to Kero’s room to complete the Companion Questionnaire" 
Accounts must be recreated. You have to create a new account and, if you ever bought maana or gold coins, follow the instructions below.
FAQ of sort under the cut, original here. Italian translation will be here starting tomorrow. warning: it’s long XD
Everyone gets 1000 maanas, 100 gold coins and 350.000 ancient coins upon creating an account. You will also get 5 big exp potions, 10 small, 5 big energy potions, 10 small, 1 evolution potion and 3 incubators. You will also get the companion Sogiluv... it's not very good. You can retrieve some (most?) of the currency you bought by contacting the support (see below), you will be credited maana/ancient coins depending on your purchases; once you get the money back the 3 spin-offs will automatically unlock, along with the bank outfits.
The first companion to hatch will require no incubation time.
BR and US Server got 10.000 AC for their troubles too, but no maana or GC or items.
Please check this page. Re-doing the 3rd episode of Origins WON'T help.
If you want to know how to get the guy you like AND have the room decorated by him, or other questions along these lines check this link
Since you can now get any companion you like if you want to get the "best" one in terms of energy/luck ratio you should consider these:
PLESE NOTE: Hatching an adult companion (Chiromagnus, Blobbiathan) has the advantage of giving you an adult companion AND saving the evolution potion. This could be nice to have, for example, during a map event, you can use all the energy of your companion after midnight, then hatch another egg, use all the energy of the baby, evolve with the potion, use all the energy of the adult. If well played , with a baby companion, it means potentially 400-500 energy to use on the map
"Best" Companion, bought food (36 maana): Blobbiathan Energy 170 (already an adult when hatched) Luck 360 - 400
"Best" Companion, bought food (30 maana or less):
1. Chiromagnus Energy 160 (already an adult when hatched) Luck 340-390
2. Zarali Energy 90-160 Luck 350-380
3. Ocemas Energy 100-150 Luck 310-360
4. Ciralak Energy 110-160 Luck 300-350
4. Rawist Energy 110-160 Luck 300-350
"Best" Companion, farmed food (in exploration):
1. Alfeli: Energy 80-150 Fortuna 320 -370
2. Gallytrot: Energy 110-150 Fortuna 320-370
I consider the Alfeli "better" because its food, elven grapes, comes from a 20energy/30 min area, Mont sizhe, compared to the food for the gallytrot, gallyflore, from the Cave (35 energy/60 min).
There is a special ancient coins shop (Until May 9th) with ALL the items ever released in the game. I do not advise using them for Origins illustrations but I suggest you grab some of the rarest items at least. It's among the boutiques.
BANK ITEMS WILL ONLY APPEAR AFTER RETRIEVING THE PURCHASED CURRENCY (? Im not sure about this, some are there from the beginning and I'm still waiting on the email I sent for the currency)
May 9th
Go to "your account" by clicking on your name (top right). There is a button to retrieve the credit, for many payment options there is a simple form to fill.
However, if you paid by credit card or paypal you have to send an email to the support (you can get the adress by clicking on "other"). In the mail you should include:
Credit card:
- Old/New Username (if they aren't the same) - The email address associated to the accounts - The date and the amount in €/$ of a recent transaction (max 12 months old, the most recent, the better). - Last 4 digits of the credit card you used. - I'm not sure what happens if you you used more than a credit card, I'd suggest sending one transaction per credit card and telling them about this issue.
- Old/New Username (if they aren't the same) - The email address associated to the accounts - If it's not the same email address, the email address/username of the paypal account. - The date and the transaction ID* of a recent transaction (max 12 months old, the most recent, the better).
* Transaction ID's can be found in the confirmation email you get when you make a payment or on the paypal website, in the payment history section.
One ID should suffice, they can retrieve them all from there.
On a general note, do not buy things that can be found at all times, like explorations items, other than that, anything you like, but I'd at least consider to buy/play the following:
*** PLEASE NOTE: I've heard rumors that during each event, you will be able to find things in explorations from the previous events of that kind, so easter should have the other easter events' outfits on the map. I'd wait a bit to spend the coins to see if we get any confirmation, the store will be open until May 9th.
Wiki. Or This wonderful site. Or the wikinyan (c'est moi!), I don't mind answering specific messages, I'll update this post with any question I get. If you don't know the french name you can find it out in the French shop.
Other than the event companions that you like you should probably consider...
Minaloo and Draflayel. These only comes from the purro'swap. Once the store closes, if you're unlucky, you'll never see them again.
Calunko and Bunraku. They're 2 of the japan expo rewards and with the merchandise boutique closed, they're incredibly hard to obtain, you need a physical code.
Chiromagnus, while you can get this from explorations, the scroll for it is extremely rare, and 2000 AC is stealing it.
The Seryphon , Poulpatata (both of them) and the chestok. These can be found on AH but require Gold coins to get in exploration. Personally I won't get them, but it's personal preference.
All the normal explorations companions, no matter how rare. They'll start popping up at the market soon enough
This is clearly completely at your own discretion, Events and ranking rewards should be considered. However there are some times never released before, like the fireflies so...
Fireflies. A beta-tester reward item, they were never made available to purchase before.
Steam girl set (Total: 1594 AC). It's the japan expo 2017 reward, 9 pieces
Maana demon and its other 3 colorations is a skin never seen in the game, previously reserved for admins. It could however be added to explorations, like other items of this kind.
Frency French was once an inside joke for ChiNoMiko, has not been made available to the public before, you can buy the skin, the hairstyle (it's a special jackson), Frency French Top, etc it's just a joke, but it's still something you won't see again, if you like it.
Depending how much you hate alchemy, you can consider some alchemy stuff.
Some rare Skins like Nan'vi, that could be hard to find in explorations
Rainbow and Pearly hair colours, if you like them, they can be rare/offered only in rare circumstances.
Crylasm set (526 AC), top, socks, hat. It was a special Christmas outfit released one piece at a time during Christmas events of 2016, 2017, 2018
Healer support Set (400 AC), made of 7 pieces, it was a special gift given at the beginning of the 2020 pandemic)
Rainbow Spirit (1594 AC), released for the 2020 Pride month (sorta)
Guard ranking rewards, the total il 11.980 AC (thanks Desdhi ♥)
Anything normally on the shop, or from (normal) map explorations.
Possibly the event ones you like the best, there should be 42 event illustrations for a total of 105.000 ac
If you have the time to farm, the episodes' ones. They're way cheaper with replay, with a few exceptions (see below).
There are a few episodes where it's cheaper to buy the other illustrations than replay, I'll make a list below.
As "one time" I mean it's either now or never, so exclusive items or event items, unless they come back with their event.
No Explorations is events + rare +the stuff  that you would pay gc to get the bait for
All the eggs: 222.400,
One-time + rare ones: Chiromagnus, Minaloo Draflayel: 164.500
one-time: 158.000
No explorations (+GC/rare ones): 180.700
All: why do you hate yourself? don't. it should be around 5660
Events only: 2460
Event Illustrations are 2500 each, Episodes' 2000
It's generally cheaper to play the episode to unlock illustrations. Coins won't disappear, so if you can slowly make your way up you will end up saving A LOT of Ancient Coins. During episodes, each dialogue is 2 AC
(cost is rounded up) (!) = Replaying is not worth it, money wise (*) = more expensive than 1 illustration, but still worth it in the grand scheme of things
(how much it costs playing Origins VS how much it costs at the shop)
Episode 1 - Free - 1 Illustration, play once (FREE vs 2000) Episode 2 - Free - 3 Illustrations, play twice (FREE vs 6000) Episode 3 - Free - 1 Illustrations, play once (FREE vs 2000) Episode 4 - Free - 2 Illustrations, play once (FREE vs 4000) Episode 5 - Around 1200 maana - 3 illustrations, play 3 times (3600 vs 6000) Episode 6 - Around 1500 maana - 2 illustrations, play once (1500 vs 4000) Episode 7 - 1200maana ca - 4 Illustrations, play 4 times (4800 vs 8000) Episode 8 - 1700maaana ca - 4 Illustrations, play 3 times (5100 vs 8000) Episode 9 - 2000 maana ca - 1 Illustration, play once (2000 vs 2000) Episode 10 - 1500 maana ca - 3 Illustrations, play 3 times (4500 vs 6000) Episode 11 - 1900 maana ca - 2 illustrations, play once (1900 vs 4000) Episode 12 - 1500 maana ca - 3 illustrations, play 3 times (4500 vs 6000) Episode 13 - 1500 maana ca - 3 illustrations, play 3 times (4500 vs 6000) Episode 14 - 1500 maana ca - 2 illustrations, play once (1500 vs 4000) (!) Episode 15 - 2500 maana ca - 3 illustrations, play 3 times (7500 vs 6000, it's better to buy the other 2!) (!) Episode 16 - 2150 maana ca - 1 illustration, play once (2150 vs 2000 it's still worth to play the episode) (*) Episode 17 - 2450 maana ca - 3 illustrations, play ONCE (2450 vs 6000) Episode 18 - 1900 maana ca - 6 illustrations, play 3 times (5700 vs 12000) Episode 19 - 1700 maana ca - 4 illustrations, play 4 times (6800 vs 8000) Episode 20 - 1800 maana ca - 5 illustrations, play 4 times (7200 vs 10000) Episode 21 - 1800 maana ca - 3 illustrations, play once (1800 vs 6000) Episode 22 - 1700 maana ca - 4 illustrations, play 3 times (6800 vs 8000) (!) Episode 23 - 2100 maana ca - 4 illustrations, play 4 times (8400 vs 8000, it's better to buy the other 3!) Episode 24 - 2000 maana ca - 2 Illustrations, play once (2000 vs 4000) (!) Episode 25 - 2500 maana ca - 3 illustrations, play once (2500 vs 6000) (!) Episode 26 - 2200 maana ca - 4 Illustrations, play three times (6600 vs 8000, it's better to play once for 2 illustrations then buy the other 2!) Episode 27 - 1800 maana ca - 4 Illustrations, play 3 times (5400 vs 8000) Episode 28 - 1700 maana ca - 5 illustrations, play 3 times (5100 vs 10000) (!) Episode 29 - 3250 maana ca - 4 illustrations, play 4 times (13000 vs 8000 it's a huge ac loss to replay) (!) Episode 30 - 2400 maana ca - 4 illustrations, play 4 times. (9600 vs 8000 it's better to play once and buy the other 3)
Grand total so far: 93 Illustrations, 71 playthroughs, 58 suggested.  Extimated maana/Ancient coins: 129.000 replay eveything vs  186.000 buying everything. Optimal:  122.750
IF you play everything once then buy the rest you should spend around 146000
* Optimal means buying the illustrations where needed before May 9th, then play all the episodes at your leisure.  The episodes where you'd have to buy illustrations are: 15, 23, 26, 29, 30.
Please remember that if you buy the illustrations then you decide to play the game you will ended up paying not only 186.000 ac for the illustrations, but also roughly 60.000 to play all the episodes. The only case where my racommendation is to buy the illustrations is if you really don't care about origins or you only want a few illustrations
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gaminggambler956 · 4 years
What intel core is best for gaming
Leading ten Gaming Enjoy Stories
Twitter is exactly where game publishers, the gaming media, well known game streamers and entertainers, esports leagues, teams, players and commentators interact with their most engaged fans and with a single yet another. Some like it wireless. Some favor to go old-college with wires. If you occur to belong to the latter group, you may want to give the Havit HV -MS672 Wired Mouse It may well not have a very remarkable optical sensor that can run in the 16,000s, but its maximum of 3,200 DPI should be adequate to supply you with an exceptional gaming expertise. Its DPI settings can also be adjusted to three other levels with the lowest at 800 DPI. The Havit Mouse also comes with breathing LED light effects like 7 circular LED light effects to set the mood in your game.
Your gaming weblog requires a kick ass theme to aid it stand out from the thousands of other blogs online. Loads of theme alternatives, on line store compatibility, mobile-prepared layout and tons of other goodies await each Respawn user. Kick points off now and you will have a gaming web page up swiftly. For all items Indie game and geeky, land your self on this web site that is dedicated to giving the most current news updates, indie game development, gaming functions, and best picks review. IndieWatch is the website to find out about indie game characteristics from across the globe.
Avantura has 1 of the greatest constructing blocks we've seen for constructing a gaming web-site, it supports exclusive color categories ( a will have to for any significant gaming magazine), can be combined with well known widgets, can be color customized per web page, has a number of alternatives for the header and footer and it has an incredible good looking blog post design. Also, it has a pretty good about the author module and some nice next and previous article hooks. On leading of it all, it supports a good mega menu with photos.
Just how To Avert Money with MATCHING?
Comics Gaming Magazine is an on the internet gaming neighborhood magazine that publishes articles and editorials on on-line gaming. The web-site also reviews the most current games and sells gaming merchandise. Subscribe to their magazines to get the most current details on major games. Azreal Llywen or Azzy for brief is a particular person of contradictions getting brainy and a total idiot at the identical time. She is a geek by heart usually amazed at science but despairs at the sight of math. That is why her locations of expertise in gaming are puzzle solving, fighting and flat kind games.
Kongregate are a video game studio, bringing a huge array of games to the table. Their devblog and forums give invaluable insights into the gaming globe, searching behind the scenes and permitting you to ask these burning inquiries in an environment full of experts. I applied on the net. The procedure took a week. I interviewed at Green Man Gaming (London, England) in June 2018.
Android gamers represent 78% of the global mobile gaming industry and can be worth eight times far more than iOS players in the country. The Gimars Memory Foam Set in fact comes with two pads: one for every single wrist. Considering that gamers ordinarily use each keyboard and mouse when gaming, we propose this set. Sssniperwolf is a single of the world's most significant female gaming influencers, and certainly a single to watch out for in 2018. Her channel is full of terrific video game content, like her Get in touch with of Duty videos, which are specifically well-known among viewers.
For really some time now, Dell has had its own popular brand of gaming PCs, Alienware, which is properly-identified for its high-finish platforms. This permits them to focus on releasing more practical computers through the Inspiron brand, such as the 5675 model. Equipped with a couple of elements that let you to play on a 1080p monitor devoid of too numerous compromises, it's a excellent machine, despite the fact that not exceptional. But thanks to the intense versatility of Dell goods, updating the peripherals won't be a dilemma more than time.
Getting a excellent gaming magazine is no simple job, getting to create quite a few articles a day is a will have to for it to be capable to rank properly on Google and stay up to date with all the news but what about when you want to create your personal critiques or make up rankings. In imot9pa.site gaming news sites this report we are going to examine the greatest themes on the market from easily accessible with fewer functions up to the finest themes full of options. The write-up will cover the very good, the incredibly fantastic and the really finest gaming WordPress themes available, orderer by options and ranking.
If you were born in the late 70s, possibilities are you have played one of the most iconic gaming console systems in the period. In fact, the Nintendo Entertainment Technique (NES) Classic Edition has paved the way to how families can love a excellent computer system game together. Now, you can bring back these old glory days and re-play your favored NES games of the 80s and 90s such as the Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, Donkey kong, Mega Man, Pac-Man, Final Fantasy and a entire lot additional. The modern day version of the NES Classic is more streamlined and comes with HDMI connectivity.
With the cost of video gaming already substantially greater than mobile gaming in most aspects, from game price to hardware, the mobile gaming sector appears stronger than ever. Not only do most persons currently own a gaming-capable smartphone currently, but mobile applications are generally compatible on most devices. Combine this compatibility with the huge range of mobile games on offer you and you are particular to locate a game for you on any device, regardless of make or model.
They even host an RSS feed of the most up-to-date jobs from prominent gaming studios. Resources like Gamasutra are invaluable for maintaining your self abreast of the most up-to-date happenings in the sector, no matter if that is disputes more than developer spend, the hottest reveals from gaming expos, or just the most current point that EA has performed to annoy persons.
Some of the most viewed web sites for gaming-related content are YouTube and Twitch, each of which are streaming sites that boast hours of videos. The quantity of video content material that has been accessed on a regular basis over the past couple of years have steadily elevated, making video content an invaluable portion of any Search engine optimization or social media campaign.
So, you've got the game created, folks are taking notice, and members of the technologies and gaming press want to know far more. This is exactly where presskit() comes in. Most of the news and testimonials have been categorized in accordance with their gaming consoles on a reader-friendly interface. And when you're tired of reading the news and testimonials, head over to the Message Board for a laid-back chat with members of the Siliconera community.
Most computer gamers don't mind working with an ordinary mouse pad for their many gameplay requirements. Having said that, for the serious fans of well-liked games, only the Corsair Gaming Mouse Pad will do (a single of the best gaming gifts on offer you). The MM300 is not like any other mouse pad you're familiar with. First, its dimensions are way longer than traditional pads, supplying you a complete 93-centimeter lengthy mouse pad that is large enough to accommodate even your typical gaming keyboard. Its textile-weaved surface allows computer system gamers (along with gifts for gamers) to practical experience superior control in their gameplays, giving them exceptional accuracy. The edges are stitch-reinforced to assistance avoid peeling, guaranteeing this gaming mouse pad stays with you for a long time.
From Indie games to PlayStation, Video Chums have got all the critiques of your preferred weekend picks. Read by means of their gaming articles, gaming console critiques and participate in contests to win giveaways. Associated Posts: Allow the connected posts and they will seem at the bottom of each weblog post suggesting three (or extra) connected articles to read subsequent. Make sure the quite layout is enabled in your web-sites settings due to the fact this is a lot additional enticing for gaming blogs.
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cosplayinamerica · 4 years
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Going to gaming conventions like GenCon, it wasn’t unusual to see medieval costumes and Klingons. It wasn’t until I went to an anime convention called Anime Central in 2001 in Chicago that I saw cosplays of anime characters; they were more numerous and varied than gaming cons and renaissance fairs. For many years, I didn’t have the urge to dress up as a character. I guess I hadn’t seen a particular character I really liked enough to cosplay until I saw Vampire Hunter D. I forget how long I spent on it, but at Anime Expo 2006 I debuted my Vampire Hunter D cosplay.
Vampire Hunter D was pretty well received, going by the number of times I was stopped for pictures, the number of simultaneous photographers, and the times I heard some fan yell to get my attention and come running at me. The next year was even better because the manga adaptation of the novels had been announced. I ended up being stuck posing in front of the booth display for 30 minutes. It might have been pretty good at the time, especially for a first cosplay, but in hindsight some of the pictures were cringe-worthy! Bad makeup, something about the costume that needed adjusting, unflattering poses – all things that have been improved since then.
When I got into cosplay, there weren’t a lot of good resources. Besides a copy of Vogue Sewing, most of what I found was less about costuming and more about historical recreation. So I stuck with that path, learning pattern drafting, historical fashion, fit and tailoring. I get a kick out of making my cosplays well-constructed and functional, with pockets and proper closures. This often means redesigning costumes, too. I’ve only done armor for cosplay three times and even though it involves mostly foam and hot glue, patterning and making mock-ups helped immensely. Armor and props are still very much part of a costume, rather than functional recreations like my tailored work.
Each project was only partly about the character, and partly about trying new techniques and learning new skills. Then the next project would be a little easier because I would have had experience with some technique but introduce new challenges. This is how I planned out long- term goals, knowing that costumes that were too difficult would at some point be manageable.
I really wanted to show that I could be good at sewing, not limited to armor and props. Early on I was still learning, working towards that goal, and figured I wasn’t good enough for masquerade competitions. By the time I felt I was good enough, I didn’t have an interest in competing anymore. It felt better to just walk the halls, get stopped for pictures, and have people ask me how I made everything. When I used to post regularly to my Facebook cosplay page, most of my posts were work-in-progress pictures, rather than finished costumes and nice photo shoots. That became my goal, rather than competition, to share what I learned with others.
(Top : 2018 / bottom : 2009)
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squeemcsquee · 4 years
Convention/Event Review Master List
Because now that I can, I am definitely going to gather these all in one place. It’s a good excuse to go back and edit things. I’ll be adding reviews as I find them in my archives or as I add them in the future. 
Anime Central 2017
SoyCon 2017
Anime Zap 2018
UChi-Con 2018
Free Comic Book Day 2018
Anime Central 2018
Cogs & Corsets: A Steampunk Happening 2018
Bloomington Normal Video Game Convention 2018
HPLD Nerd Con 2018
Olde English Faire 2018
Anime Midwest 2018
Peoria Geekfest 2018
Ignite Peoria 2018
Springfield Micro Con 2018
Peoria Comic Book Convention October 2018
TFCon Chicago 2018
Anime Zap 2019
UChi-Con 2019
PeoriaCon 2019
QuadCon Peoria Spring 2019
Anime Central 2019
Anime Expo 2019 (Virtual Attendance)
Anime Iowa 2019
Springfield Comic Expo 2019
QuadCon Peoria Halloween 2019
Anime Zap 2020
Sixty-Six Games Expo/BN Video Game Convention 2020
Peoria Comic Book Convention Jan 2020
UChi-Con 2020
PeoriaCon 2020
Cogs & Corsets: A Steampunk Happening 2021
QuadCon Peoria, June 2021
Anime Iowa 2021
Anime Magic 2021
QuadCon Peoria, September 2021
PeoriaCon 2021
QuadCon Peoria, December 2021
Anime Zap 2022
PeoriaCon 2022
Anime Central 2022
Cogs & Corsets A Steampunk Happening 2022
Anime Iowa 2022
Anime Magic 2022
TFCon Chicago 2022
PeoriaCon 2023
Anime Central 2023
Illinois Game Con 2023
Game On Peoria High School Gaming Expo 2023
Otakon 2023
Anime Magic 2023
QuadCon Peoria November 2023
PeoriaCon 2024
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gamesgotta922 · 4 years
How to use a pc gaming headset on xbox 360
Leading 20 Gaming Blogs You Need to Be Following
Twitter is where game publishers, the gaming media, well-known game streamers and entertainers, esports leagues, teams, players and commentators interact with their most engaged fans and with one one more. Some like it wireless. Some favor to go old-college with wires. If you come about to belong to the latter group, you may want to give the Havit HV -MS672 Wired Mouse It could not have a really exceptional optical sensor that can run in the 16,000s, but its maximum of 3,200 DPI need to be sufficient to present you with an exceptional gaming expertise. Its DPI settings can also be adjusted to three other levels with the lowest at 800 DPI. The Havit Mouse also comes with breathing LED light effects which includes 7 circular LED light effects to set the mood in your game.
In this short article I asked 300 gamers what they wanted for birthday and Christmas so I could show anyone interested in acquiring a present for a gamer what the gamer seriously wanted. Right here, on the other hand - pun intended - I speak about how I solve my issues with wrist discomfort right after lengthy gaming and function sessions. It's not considerably of a list if the colossi of gaming news aren't integrated. This very first tier is solely for the gaming community's elder statesmen—the eight internet sites that are normally abreast on what is hot in gaming and are recognized by gamers worldwide to be a trusted source of info in the sector.
PushSquare revolves about the Queen of video gaming, PlayStation. Locate every single news update, information and facts, game evaluations and videos relating to PlayStation in this well-liked gaming neighborhood site. These veteran gamers know how to cook the ideal stew of quirky original content to fulfill your RPG gaming news cravings. The video gaming trend is accelerating its pace leaving behind films and tv. As the Newzoo market place report asserts, the international games earnings will climb to $137.9 billion in 2018 and attain $180 billion in 2021.
These 5 Simple GAMING Strategy Can Pump Up Your Sales Almost Instantly
Comics Gaming Magazine is an on the internet gaming neighborhood magazine that publishes articles and editorials on on the internet gaming. The web page also reviews the most current games and sells gaming merchandise. Subscribe to their magazines to get the most recent details on top rated games. Azreal Llywen or Azzy for brief is a individual of contradictions being brainy and a total idiot at the same time. She is a geek by heart often amazed at science but despairs at the sight of math. That is why her places of experience in gaming are puzzle solving, fighting and flat type games.
May possibly 17, 2016 • Since its founding only six years ago, Green Man Gaming has turn out to be one particular of the best known digital distributor of computer games. The exposure came from offering titles at very reasonable rates. At 1st this was achieved through a distinctive digital trade-back service in which Computer games could be resold at a discounted price tag, but in much more recent years the on-line retailer has also gotten into the organization of promoting genuine keys to digitally distributed Pc games - in some cases obtained contractually with the original publisher, and occasionally with keys sourced from https://elvitra.online/ third-parties, as was the high-profile case final year with The Witcher III.
It will list on the London Stock Exchange sub-industry AIM and is understood to be planning to use the funds to develop its games publishing small business and expand across profitable gaming markets like China and the Middle East. On line video games retailer Green Man Gaming is set to go public with a £100 million float as it eyes expansion in Asia and the Middle East.
For quite some time now, Dell has had its personal well-liked brand of gaming PCs, Alienware, which is properly-known for its high-finish platforms. This enables them to concentrate on releasing more sensible computer systems by means of the Inspiron brand, such as the 5675 model. Equipped with a handful of elements that permit you to play on a 1080p monitor devoid of as well several compromises, it really is a top quality machine, although not exceptional. But thanks to the extreme versatility of Dell solutions, updating the peripherals will not be a trouble over time.
Technological advancements have led the gaming market towards cloud gaming, which includes ubiquitous and hassle-free real time streaming of the game. To encounter this, there are a couple of mandatory requirements - Online access with a guaranteed throughput not much less than 25 Mbps and latency not exceeding 20-30 ms to the cloud. The whole hosting, rendering, saving and restoration of the gaming character is processed on the remote infrastructure.
How do firms fight back although keeping their customers happy? We chatted with Danièle Thillmann, Senior VP of Fraud and Payments at Green Man Gaming. Danièle reveals how organizations can confront the special challenges of a digital vertical. Armed with years of experience in the gaming globe, Danièle shares how gaming providers make a difficult and essential choice: which fraud prevention answer to use.
Did you know that Mobile games now account for 51% of international revenues in the gaming industry followed by Console games (25%) and Computer Games (24%) 62% of smartphone owners install a game inside a week of having their phones and Mobile Games now account for much more than 43% of total time spent on smartphone. Check out our infographic on The State of Mobile Gaming Industry” for newest mobile gaming statistics and trends.
They even host an RSS feed of the most up-to-date jobs from prominent gaming studios. Sources like Gamasutra are invaluable for keeping oneself abreast of the most current happenings in the business, irrespective of whether that's disputes more than developer spend, the hottest reveals from gaming expos, or just the most up-to-date thing that EA has performed to annoy individuals.
These are some of the greatest sites to grab hot-selling updates about your preferred on the web games. Now that you know your way to the gaming paradise, do not wait any longer to pay a stop by to these gripping gaming content material websites. Fextralife is an intriguing site committed to giving articles and reviews on games, fan fiction, guides, strategies and a lot more. Now you know which gaming forum to pay a visit to this weekend with your gaming pals.
Brought to you by the firm accountable for the Planet Electronic Sports Games, Planet Gaming is a fantastic location to get all your esports news. The Globe Electronic Sports Games is one particular of the most prestigious esports events in the globe, and World Gaming brings that similar level of production worth to their blog. Planet Gaming has coverage of a wide variety of esports outdoors the most well-liked games, as nicely as general esports news. The forum is also a good spot to engage and go over esports with other gamers and fans.
Whilst PUBG has discovered a all-natural property in Japan, it is also a international achievement story. It has achieved higher percentages of players in several smaller sized territories, grabbing the focus of 22.5% of Pc gaming enthusiasts in Norway, 21.9% in Australia, and 17.1% in New Zealand. In April 2017, Green Man Gaming appointed former Take-Two CEO, 35 Paul Eibeler, to its Board as an Advisor and hired Sam Bennett, ex-Sony Entertainment, EA and Activision Community Manager and Customer Engagement Head, as EVP to lead its newly formed Buyer Knowledge and Communications team.
Paraxe is a free of charge WordPress Gaming theme that sports a modern day and sleek style, customized web elements, remarkable drop down menu customizations and WooCommerce support. Impress your viewers with a very functional slider that can be enabled on each and every webpage. The WordPress theme also enables you to location a social bar on your header with a wide range of supported sites.
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brokingyoking364 · 4 years
How to connect a gaming router to a modem
Major 20 Gaming Blogs You Should really Be Following
Online Gambling Websites covers the complete industry of gaming more than the World wide web. 1 of the key issues of spending as well substantially time in front of computers, tablets, or even smartphones is that you get exposed to the eye-damaging effects of higher energy blue light. This can lead to the formation of cataracts, the development of macular degeneration, and even permanent harm to the retina. With the Gunnar Optiks Intercept Pc Gaming Glasses , you can effectively block as significantly as 65 percent of this damaging light although also defending you against UV rays. The Intercept is specially made for incredibly active computer gamers, permitting them to sleep improved as this gaming glasses can support decrease eye strain.
In this post I asked 300 gamers what they wanted for birthday and Christmas so I could show anybody interested in purchasing a present for a gamer what the gamer seriously wanted. Here, on the other hand - pun intended - I speak about how I solve my difficulties with wrist pain right after lengthy gaming and operate sessions. It is not substantially of a list if the colossi of gaming news aren't integrated. This very first tier is solely for the gaming community's elder statesmen—the eight internet sites that are normally abreast on what's hot in gaming and are recognized by gamers worldwide to be a trustworthy source of information in the business.
PushSquare revolves about the Queen of video gaming, PlayStation. Obtain every news update, data, game reviews and videos relating to PlayStation in this well-known gaming neighborhood site. These veteran gamers know how to cook the perfect stew of quirky original content to fulfill your RPG gaming news cravings. The video gaming trend is accelerating its pace leaving behind movies and television. As the Newzoo industry report asserts, the international games earnings will climb to $137.9 billion in 2018 and reach $180 billion in 2021.
How To Make Your GAMING Look Surprising In 5 Days
NeonGame is a quickly and reliable no cost WordPress theme that is specially developed for reading. This theme involves a layout that adapts fluidly to all screen sizes to boost usability. With the aid of this theme, you can simply make a web page to sell your games, gaming plugins, applications, and add-ons with its Ecwid and WooCommerce support. And also it is fantastic for weblog and magazine web-sites. The theme is translation ready and Seo optimized design and style that aid to rank on the prime of Google and translate your internet site the way you like.
Kongregate are a video game studio, bringing a huge array of games to the table. Their devblog and forums give invaluable insights into the gaming world, hunting behind the scenes and allowing you to ask those burning inquiries in an atmosphere full of authorities. I applied on line. The course of action took a week. I interviewed at Green Man Gaming (London, England) in June 2018.
So you want to start off a gaming weblog? Very good for you! Gaming is a great subject to write a blog about, with a lot of people out there interested in this niche. No matter if you want to start out a blog as a hobby or you're hunting to make a bit of cash from blogging, the following tips can support you get began.
Ask a Game Dev is a Tumblr blog committed to hosting a wealth of answers to any questions that arise about the world of building video games. The blog has been operating for several years and has amassed a huge archive in that time, but the creator nevertheless answers new questions on an ongoing basis. Gaining the type of insight that only an sector insider can present is a superb tool for these aspiring to break into game improvement, and the concerns answered can be particularly topical during significant gaming events such as E3.
Obtaining a very good gaming magazine is no quick activity, getting to create numerous articles a day is a have to for it to be capable to rank appropriately on Google and keep up to date with all the news but what about when you want to create your personal evaluations or make up rankings. In this short article we are going to examine the ideal themes on the market from easily accessible with fewer capabilities up to the ideal themes complete of characteristics. The post will cover the superior, the quite great and the really greatest gaming WordPress themes readily available, orderer by characteristics and ranking.
If you were born in the late 70s, chances are you have played a single of the most iconic gaming console systems in the period. In truth, the Nintendo Entertainment Technique (NES) Classic Edition has paved the way to how families can delight in a great personal computer game together. Now, you can bring back these old glory days and re-play your favourite NES games of the 80s and 90s such as the Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, Donkey kong, Mega Man, Pac-Man, Final Fantasy and a complete lot a lot more. The modern day version of the NES Classic is far more streamlined and comes with HDMI connectivity.
If the initially tier is gaming's prime-time news applications, the subsequent bunch is the hobby journalists, the functioning-class heroes, the passionate gamers who are authorities in their own ideal, specializing in one or two aspects of the sector. Sea Nanners has a great reputation among gamers on social media, generating him one more of our major gaming influencers to watch out for in 2018.
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Green males gaming holiday sale games, very low-priced for a great game. Sonic the Hedgehog” gave this Japanese multinational enterprise immense achievement each in terms of revenues and reputation. Sega did knowledge main losses immediately after its selection to discontinue its hardware enterprise and concentrate on third celebration software program improvement. Having said that, given that 2005, Sega has been going robust in the gaming market.
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Animal Crossing, Crunch, and Executive Bonuses
The Animal Crossing series is made by Nintendo, with the team responsible for it, Nintendo EPD (Entertainment, Planning, and Development) Group number 5, also being the team in charge of its Splatoon and Wii Sports series. For the rest of this blog entry, I will be focusing specifically on Animal Crossing: New Horizons, the latest title in the series. It was originally announced in a Nintendo Direct video on September 13th of 2018. Nintendo Directs are videos, either live or prerecorded, by Nintendo to announce content like new games, downloadable content, and even consoles. In this Nintendo Direct, the company announced that the game would be released some time in 2019. However, in a trailer at the Electronic Entertainment Expo, otherwise known as E3, in June of 2019, Yoshiaki Koizumi, the Deputy General Manager of Nintendo's EPD division, said that "to ensure the game is the best it can be, we must ask that you wait a little longer than we thought". The company decided to push the game back to March 20th of this year. Nintendo of America's president Doug Bowser explained that this was in an effort to avoid "crunch" and keep Nintendo's employees with a healthy work-life balance. After this announcement, the company saw a 3.5% loss in its stock market value, translating to a loss of nearly US$1 billion in value.
The crunch Bowser was referring to is when video game companies "encourage" (read: force) their employees to work long hours to meet deadlines. Crunch is an ever increasing problem in the video game industry. Many companies, such as Electronic Arts, known as EA, Rockstar Games, and BioWare have been accused of excessive crunch by critics such as Jim Sterling, but the majority of these companies see these periods of crunch as good for achieving milestones, which are incredibly difficult to predict in the video game industry, with BioWare even having a term within its studios to say that no matter how "tough" its games' production periods may be, everything will "come together" in the end: "BioWare Magic". Meanwhile, while its team worked on a game called Anthem, many team members either took several month long breaks or left the company altogether due to stress casualties as a result of the crunch.
In the same vein, many of these companies will have frequent layoffs of staff while their executives see major bonuses following releases. Activision Blizzard's CEO Bobby Kotick reported 2019 as a record year for the company before laying off about 800 employees, all the while giving the company's CFO a US$15 million bonus and saying the stockholders received a 9% increase in their values. Similarly, Gearbox's CEO Randy Pitchford told employees not to expect much in terms of bonuses after the wildly successful Borderlands 3. In comparison, when development started on the game, Pitchford took a US$12 million bonus.
This is the kind of environment that Nintendo seeks to avoid. Nintendo will delay its games to make sure that developers get the time they need to make a game in a healthy way, and its higher ups will take pay cuts to retain its employees. Nintendo's past president, the now deceased Satoru Iwata, had taken two 50% pay cuts, once after the markdown of the Nintendo 3DS and again after the Wii U saw disappointing sales numbers. Other executives had taken 20-30% cuts during these incidents. These executives recognize that the employees beneath them are not to blame for their mistakes and did the right thing. They frequently show empathy to their employees through their management choices, even when it does not go well for their investors.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons went on this past March to sell an estimated 5 million digital copies worldwide, as well as 3.3 million physical copies since April in Japan alone.
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voicedheadcannons · 5 years
True and very cool trivia about My Hero Academia that is all 100% true, or your money back!
My Hero Academia is based on the 1987 cult classic anime “Hero High,” and while not a true remake of the original, due to differences in storytelling in manga format, there remains many similarities.
Many people know about the prototype for My Hero Academia, which was more true to the original media, featuring an edgier Midoriya known as “Yamikumo,” and a bubblier and more upbeat Kacchan.
However, other changes that many people are not aware of can be seen in characters such as Iida Tenya. The original Iida was known as “Iiya,” a pun based on the Japanese word “iya,” meaning ’whatever’. Iida’s character was that of a delinquent, but was changed for My Hero Academia because of Kacchan filling the role instead
Another change is that Tsuyu was supposed to be based on a toad instead of a frog, but the creator of My Hero Academia, Kouhei Horikoshi, thought that a toad girl wouldn’t be cute enough, so he settled for a frog.
All Might’s canon age was never revealed in the anime, but to lucky fans who witnessed the My Hero Academia movie release at Anime Expo Los Angeles 2018, the ticket stubs for pre-ordered seats came with cards featuring character bios, revealing All Might to be 23 years old.
There have only been four deaths to characters on the ‘good’ side of My Hero Academia. However, only one of these has been a female, Midoriya Inko.
My Hero Academia has an official spin-off game called “My Hero Academia: Disco Fever Nights,” released for the Playstation Vita in 2018. If you’re lucky enough to have a console that’s region locked for Japan, this game allows you to make all your favorite characters dance. However, there is no planned western release at the time of posting.
My Hero Academia was originally cancelled after Season 3 due to massive fan backlash caused by the excessive amount of screen time given to Mineta. With the confirmation of Season 4 came the news that Mineta would be killed off allowing for the anime to deviate from the manga for the sake of preserving the shows television status.
The My Hero Academia stageplay will be touring in North America in the fall of 2019, but due to visa issues several members of the cast have been replaced. This includes Kaminari’s stage play actor being replaced with Danny DeVito
In the subtitled version of My Hero Academia, Uraraka Ochako says her motivations for becoming a hero were to help get money for her family. This was a mistranslation, as in the manga, she says “Fuck bitches, get money.”
In an unreleased OVA, Todoroki, Kacchan, Deku, Kirishima and Shinsou form a boy band called “Hero+,” in a plot-line revolving around the bands original name, “5ero+,” with Sero Hanta as their lead vocalist. The gang decided that they needed a cool, mysterious and sexy aura to their band, and replaced Sero with Shinsou.
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