#good luck and godspeed anon
nomstellations · 5 months
say i was following you before you stated you were an 18+ blog and im a minor; should I unfollow??? i don't want to be breaking any boundaries :(
for your sake, you probably should. i can't personally clean my followers list since i have over a thousand of you guys around, but for your safety/my comfort you should stick w your peers!
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horrorlesbians · 1 year
Hiiiii Helena 💖💖💖. I'm a lesbian and I'm having a horror movie sleepover with a girl I really like this Friday and I don't know what to watch 😭. I really wanted to see Talk to Me but it's not streaming anywhere. What do you recommend that's good but maybe not too abstract?
talk to me is here if you would like, you could also scroll tubi together and watch the first horrible-looking low-budget horror possible. it could be hilarious
if you want a horror romance
interview with a vampire
bones and all
if you want something funny
serial mom
tucker and dale vs evil
cabin in the woods
bodies bodies bodies
april fools day
death becomes her
something with lesbian undertones/overtones
black swan
the perfection
tragedy girls
saint maud
the thing
the ring
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kitkatpancakestack · 4 months
wait wait there‘s drama?????
Nope, no drama, nothing happening here, keep doing what you're doing, keep living your life, you're obviously the only one doing it right LMAO
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ziptiesnfries · 3 months
I’m bequeathing this random question unto you because you’re the only whomp blog I follow:
from what you’ve seen, would minors generally be allowed in whump communities? I (teen) enjoy the content and might want to try my hand at writing some (non-sexual) content for the community but I’m not sure what attitudes toward that would be
short answer: there's no age minimum for enjoying whump, and there are definitely minors in the community! as long as you're not interacting with people who specifically don't want minors following them/interacting with their content, you should be good!
long answer: listen i've been writing torture scenes and angst since i was like 9 years old (and enjoying "whumpy content" for even longer than that), so the idea that minors shouldn't be interacting with the whump community is kinda silly to me. personally, i discovered the community when i was 16-ish but i didn't feel like making a blog until i was over 18, but that's just the way things panned out for me. i know there are plenty of adults in the community, and some of them don't want minors following them. but as long as everyone's interacting in safe/comfortable/respectful ways, age shouldn't be an issue.
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moth--knight · 1 year
tumblr glitched and was only displaying the posts “i had jury duty yesterday” and “sorry to my bayonetta oofms” and “it’s tdick tuesday” on repeat i had to scroll past those same three posts about five trillion times i felt like you had picked me up by the back of my neck and was shaking me back and forth like a mii (tumblr has unglitched now but it was a tremendously funny five minutes and i hope your jury duty was easy!)
well. happy tdick tuesday dear anon. from me and tumblr's very well functioning gui to you :)
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sharktoraptor · 2 years
what is homestuck about and how would I go about reading it
I... anon are you sure???
The answer to your second question is the "unofficial" homestuck collection, which is the definitive way to read the comic since Flash going down nerfed the actual website tragically.
The answer to your first question is one scholars have been pondering for over a decade and my best answer is... frogs????
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's the mika again n m BORED do ya got anythin good ya do when yer understimulated.... mostly 've been makin my noises but that's not doin much fer me -🪴
i have a few fidget toys i mess with??? also i just do like 7 things at once (i have my TV on playing an episode of How It's Made, i'm watching YouTube videos, and i have my phone auto-playing Fire Emblem Heroes maps so i can try and get a chrom alt i want... and i'm debating grabbing my switch to play Tears of the Kingdom...)
but otherwise no i just kinda scribble on mspaint or meow at myself or try to wake sonata up in the headspace to entertain me (success rate: 35%)
i would recommend finding a thing to mess around with !! like a lil fidget toy or just smth mindless on a device (i color or play gardenscapes on my phone usually... or auto in a game so i can watch things happen without needing to click buttons) maybe !! find a fun youtube video??? or a fun tv show??? i like cooking shows and stuff like how it's made :3
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eoieopda · 1 year
To the goddess of this cold, dark, barren void- I love my brown genes that have given me GAUR-GI-US eyebrows and lashes but that means I have to get my upper lips done frequently and rn I have this huge ass zit right below my nose😭 what have I done to be subjected to this😭
Idk what this has to do with you but please just bear with me😭
#tmi #thankyou for lending me an ear #pleasedontblockme
what is happening in here on this day? 😂☠️
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 4 months
I'm obsessed with your boog. Can I request more apple seed fluff and something funny??
Hi, Anon!
I'm sorry this has taken so long to get to. So many people have asked for Apple Seed blurbs, that I needed to take a break so I could focus on the "canon" story hahaha! I can definitely write you up a little funny Apple Seed piece.
Apple Seed (Bonus): Bun in the Inferno
Angel: (enters the kitchen in the middle of the night and pauses)
Vaggie: (tearing through the cabinets, scouring recipes, flipping and stirring various pots and pans) Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Angel: ........Hey, uh, whatcha doing, Vags?
Vaggie: Charlie. Midnight craving. (puts on a pair of goggles, opens a bottle of Infernal Ghost Pepper oil and blasts the skillet with a healthy dosage before dropping in black peppercorns, making them pop like popcorn kernels)
Angel: (coughs profusely as tears stream down his face) FUCKING HELL, VAGGIE!!!! WHAT IS SHE CRAVING?!?!?! I'M PRETTY SURE THAT RECIPE GOES AGAINST THE GENEVA CONVENTION!!! (closes his eyes and covers his nose and mouth with his robe)
Vaggie: (wipes the lenses of her goggles before she checks her list of Charlie's recent cravings) Brimstone Flavored Pickles, Spicy Jalapeño Ice Cream, Pepper Popcorn, Lava Cake with lava from Wrath, Scorched S'mores, and Blazing Burgers.
Angel: (stomach rolls as he gets secondhand heartburn) That crazy bitch tryin' ta get that baby killed or somethin???
Vaggie: No. She's just pregnant. (uses a pair of blacksmith tongs to plate up all the food on heavy duty, industrial grade, angelic steel tray) Very pregnant, and very much a demon princess.
Food: (pulsing in a red aura as spicy vapors rise from the midnight meal)
Angel: ......Vags?
Vaggie: ....Yes?
Angel: (pats Vaggie's shoulder) You're a good husband and father-to-be.
Vaggie: .....I'm a wife.... but thank you, Angel. That means a lot to me right now. (takes a deep breath and picks up the tray, carefully walking out of the kitchen) Wish me luck!
Angel: (salutes) Godspeed, Captain.
-A few minutes later-
Vaggie: (opens the door to her and Charlie's bedroom) Charlie, I have your food-
Charlie: (demon tail swipes out, steals the tray, and brings it into the deep, dark, recesses of the bedroom)
Vaggie: (slowly opens the door further once the sound of food being devoured stops)
Charlie: (sweet as a puppy, face and pajamas covered in food crumbs and sauces, and a broad smile on her face that makes her eyes sparkle) That was DELICIOUS, Vaggie! (tears up and sniffs back tears of joy) Y-You're too good to me!!!
Vaggie: (sighs and goes to the bathroom before coming back with a wet towel to help clean Charlie up) I'm doing the bare minimum, babe.
Charlie: (pouts) Then Kiss?
Vaggie: (chuckles and wipes off Charlie's face) Maybe after you brush your teeth. I'm afraid your mouth will melt my face off.
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custom-emojis · 1 year
You don't think the fact that neopronouns have been around since the 1800s but still aren't used commonly is a sign that they're not viable?
"arent commonly used" bestie bro/bros are used excessively in internet culture and they are by definition a neopronoun.
also this is really poorly constructed bait, and nobody cares what you think about neopronouns in the year of our lord 2023. At no point in time has them 'not being commonly used' ever stopped anybody from doing just about anything in history, them being around since the 1800s solidifies the fact that self-created pronouns / descriptors and gender divergence is a normal human experience, not that its "not viable", and your insinuation that something not being Common meaning it's Not Viable is actually hilarious and you are Actually Just Stupid. Like straight up, i'm not gonna try and pretend to be nice about it- you're just ACTUALLY an idiot and the funny thing is every person who see's this post is gonna also see that you're an idiot, and you're not even aware of how stupid you actually are. Good luck and godspeed to you brave soldier it must be hell living life like that. O7
I rate this anon hate a solid 2/10, Try harder next time.
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cognitohazardous · 21 days
as someone whos also opened up about my struggles binge drinking, there are always people that come out and use it as an opportunity to shame others they want to keep beneath themselves. I get a lot of these people will have a readied example of an abusive drunk in their lives, but its pretty clear when theyre using the situation as an excuse to shame and belittle others with things like "do weed instead" as if its an option of taste and elitism. Since youre someone who gets attention online, they probably were looking for an opportunity to feel better about themselves by putting someone cool like you down, typical! good luck with school stay strong, thank you for posting.
exactly there are so many ppl esp like teens who dont actually know nor care to know about alcohol addiction cause their friend's older brother gets them their delta 8 pens and they think theyre the top of the world when they take a big hit and watch youtube video essays. and with the ever-growing snap back to reactionary rightism it's only gotten worse as ppl tout their progressiveness while shaming those that don't fit their window of acceptability, including addicts. It's in the same vein as pop-psychology; reducing complex factors of one's person to traits that allow another to judge them as lesser. and yet, depending on a person's genetics and environment among other things, addiction risk can vary greatly. alcoholism runs in my family lmao.
but also like weed impacts your mental acuity and your overall mood in the longterm, it can cause you to make mistakes in life and it can hurt you more than you might think. it can be habit forming. I used to smoke weed a lot but got sick of it cause it just started feeling entirely unpleasant. I'll probably go back to it one of these days even though i don't really want to bc i bounce from substance to substance. the idea that weed is the ideal harmless substance is foolish and creates the sort of superiority complex that anon displayed. I game with my friends and they have a ritual where they announce when they hit their pens so they can synchronize, which is every 10-15 mins or less! and they cant go a day without it and have said as much. ive watched them become slower and duller over the years because of it.
there is no drug that can be done daily without harm. as is their purpose, drugs impact the brain, which is finely balanced and infinitely complex. this will always come with consequences with overuse. and many people struggle with compulsive behavior. so it goes.
anyway this rant is tangential. I have a lot of thoughts on drugs. I appreciate the kind words. and most certainly need luck and tenacity this semester (as one thing spearheading my new binge is the pressure of an overwhelming semester full of difficult classes). godspeed anon
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Propoganda for why i voted hate on glimmer:
I missed, i like her actually i just cant hit buttons good
But things are what they are i guess i hate her now because like
Teleporting sucks i hate teleporting now as a long time (1 minute) teleporting hater i think teleporting is terrible, want to get somewhere? Just meander on over there, now you may be asking "hey what about teleporting into the sky" and to prove my point that i have now agreed with for one minute and thirty seconds, i am going to walk upwards
Wish me luck
Good luck anon 🫡 godspeed
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tf2heritageposts · 3 months
Gotta say, ‘you’re clearly trying to manipulate people into donating money to you by buying a new pet’ is the kind of take that pretty much just screams ‘I’m banned from all of the local pet stores because I wouldn’t stop making jokes about killing animals’ to me
You get some real fucked up anons chief godspeed and good luck with the cat I hope a sealed palate of meow mix ends up on your porch
thank you so much! im sure cakester appreicates it
and yeah you're right honestly. fucking weirdo
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send-me-a-puffalope · 4 months
IM BACK ITS THE SAME ANON LMAOOOO FORGOT I HAD SENT THE OTHER ASK SOREY I WAS TOO EXCITED KWGSIEHSJSH... Back to back AP tests is crazy godspeed 😭😭 My last exam is bio on thursday :3 perhaps I'll make blog to celebrate
ALSO LITERALLY I WAS SCARED OF FNAF UNTIL MY BUDDY DRAGGED ME TO WATCH THE MOVIE AND I WAS LIKE. who is this blonde. I need her. And here I am months later knee deep in the lore. SO I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND
GENUINELY,, after 2 weeks of straight studying, I was not about to spend the rest of the day monday studying for Physics. Like i was at my Limit™️. I could not stomach studying for another minute 💀💀💀 (I flunked that shit fr. I hope whoever made that test never gets laid ever again.) GOOD LUCK ON BIO!!! I have so many friends who’ve condemned themselves to AP bio and I do not envy them eaugh.
I’ve been here,,, since the beginning,,, I got into this series 9 years ago? Yeah. Give or take. When SB came out, I immediately latched onto Vanessa as a character cause I was so hyped about having an actual on screen female character in FNAF DJAJDJS I was shattered emotional when 90% of her character was scrapped in the game but her Retro CD therapy tapes kept the obsession lightly fueled until the FNAF movie, where I saw Elizabeth Lail’s soggy little face on the big screen and I fell head over heels into the rabbit hole in which I currently find myself in. So you could say I’m doing alright 👍
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blonde-and-cat-suc · 5 months
if i were to make a glimmadora week, when would be a good time do you think? i'm thinking abt august maybe
I think August is perfect! It's that one month that doesn't have much going on except on going summer shenanigans. It would be fun!
/ / /
Godspeed!!! Wishing you good luck with this, Anon!
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 6 months
hi it;s me again, the anon with the frequent bleeding issues. i asked my doctor about it and she said it might be because of pcos. but then she says everything is because of pcos (including the time i got jaundice) so i will be seeking a second opinion asap. thank you so much for your advice (and the people in the notes too!)
I mean there's a significantly high incidence of fatty liver disease with PCOS and that can lead to jaundice if untreated so your doctor may be into something there. PCOS would also go a huge way towards explaining why you bleed after every instance of penetration. good luck and godspeed getting that second opinion.
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