#so i appreciate your honesty ngl
nom-central · 2 months
say i was following you before you stated you were an 18+ blog and im a minor; should I unfollow??? i don't want to be breaking any boundaries :(
for your sake, you probably should. i can't personally clean my followers list since i have over a thousand of you guys around, but for your safety/my comfort you should stick w your peers!
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woodenanemone · 4 months
your eyes fluttered open, the sudden feeling of warmth above you waking you from your sleep.
you open your eyes to see choso above you, his arms framing your head, pulling back from his kiss on your forehead. your eyes squinted from the light streaming in the room, reflecting on his face that softly smiled down at you. he looked like the sweetest angel, but you could barely appreciate it through the fogginess of your post rested state.
“good morning. I’m sorry to wake you, but I really couldn’t wait to see you.” he apologized softly, his hand coming up brush your cheek. you sighed at the contact, feeling yourself growing more awake as the time passed. “good morning, choso. it’s alright, I should be up anyways.” you groggily responded while sitting up, causing him to shift, now sitting by your knees. “happy valentines day.” he smiled warmly. you smiled back, now remembering that this is his first valentines with a lover, and you started to understand his eagerness to spend the morning with you. you wished him the same, stretching and yawning. choso rested his hand on your cheek once more, and you blink in surprise at the sudden seriousness in his expression.
“in truth, today means nothing to me.”
you flinch at the bluntness of his words. “Um—?”
"please, don’t mistake my dismissal of this holiday for dismissal of our love. I mean it in the way that…,” he paused for a second, his eyes drifting down to your lap, thinking. “I’d be sickened with myself if my affection for you couldn’t even transcend the 14th of february. no teddy bear, no hallmark card, no rose in the world could ever even begin to show my adoration for you. The love I feel can't be boxed and tied up with a bow, and gifted to you on a single date of the year. Even 365 days is not virtually enough time to give you the feelings I have. my love for you is boundless, vaster than any sky, and deeper than any ocean.”
your mouth opened, then closed again. he just made that up on the spot? and really… how does he expect you to respond when he gets like this? “ocean’s can only go so deep, choso.” you teased, holding his chin. and with that, his face morphed into the sweetest smile you’ve had the pleasure of seeing, his tone sincere.
“I’d claw at the oceans floors until my fingers bled. and then I’d keep digging, into the very depths of hell, to expands its depths. but even then… the distance couldn’t hold an iota of what I feel for you.” and he meant that.
“I love you, and I wish I could tell you how much I love you. but there aren’t enough words in the world to say it, no language eloquent or evocative enough to ever even begin to convey just how I feel looking into your eyes. the eyes which… could make even the mute, inanimate moon tell all her secrets to. in all honesty, I’m so scared that if any man in passing meets this terrifying gaze, he too will fall into insanity, like I have.”
“how do you even come up with this stuff?” you say exasperatedly, shaking your head at your lack of a better response. he shrugged. “even an illiterate man could recite words of Shakespeare in grand verse, if he were only so lucky to have the privilege of seeing your smile.”
“...it’s 9 in the morning. please, at least give my heart the chance of getting through breakfast.”
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ngl i kinda hate this but i cant come up with anything better rn..
i wish you all a happy valentines day, i hope you find nothing but love and adoration !
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kairiscorner · 10 months
i just want what's best for you. — miles 1610 x reader
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summary: no matter how much miles may love you, you still have to get through his mom for you two to be together. first impressions didn't go so well, and now... now you're starting to think she's right about you. but somehow, you both come to an understanding, and... eventually, an understanding can be made between you two. pairing: miles 1610 x gn!reader genre: slight angst + comfort word count: 2,045 request: Could you do a miles (42 or 1610 or both) x reader where his mom isn’t to fond of her but, it’s only because she doesn’t want to see him get hurt. And reader considers breaking up with him and his mom overhears and feels bad. a/n: hello lovely anon !! omg this was really fun to do ngl, I WILL BE SO CRUSHED IF THIS GETS FLOPPED RGHHHHH i will cry bUT ANYWAY I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS, AND SORRY FOR THE CRAPPY SPANISH AND PROBABLY OOC RIO, I'M SORRY, I TRIED...........
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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meeting your partners' parents is never easy; it can be fun, if their parents take a liking to you and are amicable--maybe if they see you as family already for them, then you've hit the jackpot. though, in your case, you couldn't be any worse off than that. you did a few things that miles' parents didn't approve of, a few things that didn't settle right with them or made them slightly cautious about you. be it due to how you look, your lifestyle, your manner of speech and nonchalance around them, how you try a little too hard or not enough to get on their good sides--whatever it was, it didn't make them entirely fond of nor trust you, especially with the fact that you were dating their son and they have made it very clear to him: "no dating until you're 25".
they eventually gave in to miles' persuasion that he was 'old enough' to be dating, to be asking you out and going out with you, and being able to spend time with you without having to hide from his parents where he's been and what he's been doing. his father had to vouch for him, after he made miles swear he and you wouldn't be doing anything stupid nor hide anything from them, and though he trusts miles... he has little faith in you, seeing as how you two hardly speak and only exchange nods, glances, and greetings whenever you're around at miles' place. jeff isn't much of a problem for you, though, he's since accepted that his son loves you and that he wants to be with you--but miles' mom, rio, still hasn't come around to that fact.
in complete honesty... every time rio looks at you, you feel like she's glaring at you, staring you down, sometimes outright judging you in her head. miles swears she doesn't mean anything bad with how she looks at you nor how she speaks, even though she may sound dismissive around you. you try to believe miles, even though it does sometimes come off that rio wants nothing between you and her son. but that whole blind fantasy came crashing down around you during dinner one night when rio confronted miles passive-aggressively and a bit subtly on why his grades seemed to be going down and why some nights, he's out of his room when she comes in.
you were going to speak to miles in the kitchen, ask him if he'd like to watch a movie tonight in his room since you two hardly have time for each other these days, but you stopped in your tracks when you heard rio and miles' voices in the kitchen, sounding as if they were arguing over something. you crept close to the doorway, knowing that eavesdropping on their private conversation was wrong, but you wouldn't have stayed if you just didn't hear rio utter your name, followed by: "i don't even know why you picked them, but mijo, i... i have no reason to believe they're not the reason why you're so distracted these days. don't you think that, maybe... they're a bad influence on you?"
a cold stinging feeling shot up your body and spine as you heard rio talk about you like that, with your eyes widening as you realized what she just proposed to miles: she thinks you're a bad influence on her son. miles defended you, however, claiming that he hasn't even been able to see you for days at a time, that you're busy with personal stuff and school--that you aren't a bad influence on him, none of this is your fault. rio tried to hear miles out, but none of it was computing to her; in her eyes, her son was a good boy who couldn't do anything to disappoint her, maybe do a few wrongs here and there, but he'd never let something like a bad performance at school progress, and he would especially quit sneaking out at night after the first few times, right?
"mom, i'm telling you, they're not involved with anything bad, i'm not involved in anything bad! i just... look, i'm..." miles stuttered as he tried to explain to his mother all these anomalous occurrences and his behavior recently, and due to this hesitation, rio's resolve to pin the blame on you had only gotten worse. "mijo, look at me. please, just... tell your mom the truth. i don't want you to get hurt, to jeopardize yourself and your well-being all for some... person you like. what is it you're doing that's distracting you? is it them? it's gotta be them, otherwise you wouldn't–miles! aún no he terminado de hablar, jovencito, vuelve aquí!" rio called after her son as miles had enough and ran off out of the kitchen, feeling frustrated that his own mother couldn't even believe him that neither of you were up to anything bad. if he lied again, she'd be pissed; and if he told her the truth, she'd be even more pissed, it was a lose-lose scenario for him that had no good solution. at least... not one he'd like.
you crept up the stairs and knocked on miles' door, calling out to him in a soft voice. miles opened the door a crack, and once he verified it was indeed you, he opened the door wider and faced you properly. before you could get a word out, he immediately wrapped you in a big hug, burying his face in the crook of your neck. "man, babe, i'm... oh, am i glad to see you..." he whispered as you hugged him back, a little saddened at what you were about to tell him, about to do to him.
miles pulled away eventually and welcomed you into his room, closing the door behind you two as you he told you could sit down by his bed, as usual. you hesitantly sat down next to him, tensing up a little as you took your seat on his plush bed. he looked over at you with concern tinting his eyes; he reached out for you as you looked down to the floor, away from him. "hey, babe... what's wrong? did i do something, did something... happen?" he asked you as he brushed away the stray hairs on your forehead as you looked at him with sadness filling your frame. you breathed a sigh of reluctance as you fidgeted with your fingers, feeling that if you did this, you'd be doing him and his parents a favor--but on the other hand, you'd be crushing him to bits.
you took in a deep breath and finally exhaled after holding it in for a bit as you gazed back at him, with miles looking at you so anxiously and murmuring if you were alright, if he could do anything to help, but... this was all that could be done now. "miles... you can't be dating me anymore. i'm sorry, it's... my fault." you said in a quieted voice, though the way you said it sounded very vague, miles still felt incredibly crushed and confused by what you meant that 'it was your fault'.
a look of hurt dashed his face as he brought his hand upon yours and reassured you that, no, whatever you meant, it couldn't have been your fault. he tried to comfort you and help you realize that whatever was going on between you two, he'd make up for it. "is it... is it because we aren't able to, y'know, to... be together all the time? is that it...?" he asked you nervously as you shook your head, still looking away from him. miles heaved a little as he tried to calm himself down, rationalize first what could've been the reason why you wanted to suddenly break up with him after he just defended you in front of his mother without you knowing... or... or did you?
how could you explain to miles that a breakup isn't something you wanted, but felt was best for... well, not for you two, but for his parents to quit getting on his case? you didn't hate his parents, not one bit, you understood their concerns if you were in their shoes–but you didn't know what else to do, you couldn't stand seeing miles get chewed out by his own mother for your sake. you sighed as you tried to hold back your tears, as your throat flared up as you kept your sob in and shook your head. "it has nothing to do with you, miles. like i said, it's... it's my fault. i'm sorry, look, i don't... i don't think i'm good enough for you." you tried telling him without breaking down right then and there as miles kept getting his heart pierced in every which way with every word you uttered.
miles tried to understand, but most of all, he kept rambling to you how you both could make it work, he'll be there–it isn't... whatever happened between you two, it isn't your fault. miles teared up a little as he kept holding on to your hand, but his tears finally fell when you let go of his hand and got up to leave. "wait, love–!" he called out for you as you opened the door and, surprise-surprise, his mother was there by the door, listening in on you two with a sad expression.
you yelped when you saw her, with her yelping as well–miles yelped at the both of you yelping, and rio had to tell you both to calm down... no one need to break up with anybody. "i came to say that... that i'm sorry, mijo, and... i'm sorry i've been so cold to you." she said as she looked at you with guilt and remorse in her eyes and tone. she sighed as she leaned against the doorway and looked away from the two of you.
"i don't hate you, i'm just... scared, is all. i'm worried you won't love my boy as much as you say you can, because... i can't control either of you, i can't know what you both do at all times, especially you, miles." she said as she pointed at miles, with miles looking at her with a confused gaze. rio sighed again as she walked over to you and looked up at your eyes, placing her hand on your chin to get you to look at her square in the face.
"i'm sorry if i made it seem like... it was your fault my son hasn't been honest with me–" she said as she shot miles an angry look, "–but you have no fault in this. i'm sorry, just, mother instincts got out of hand." she apologized as you smiled and nodded. "it's okay, mrs. morales..." you said as she smiled. "you know, i kinda like you a little better now. 'mrs. morales', finally..." she said with a smile as you chuckled, with rio telling miles he can still be with you and go out with you if he promises never to sneak out anymore and to get those grades back up.
miles nodded as he told his mom he has to talk to you, alone. "okay, but no locked doors–" "yeah, yeah, got it mom!" miles called out from behind the door as he closed it on her. you rubbed the back of your neck as miles looked down at the ground, the both of you feeling really awkward but pretty relieved at the same time with how that 'breakup' between you two was very short lived.
miles cleared his throat as he began to speak, but you rushed up and hugged him, murmuring how glad you are that you didn't have to leave him. miles reciprocated your hug and whispered back to you he'd never let anybody–not even his own parents–get in the way of him loving you dearly. he was just glad his mom, though very slowly–started to realize you weren't a distraction to him, but someone he cared about.
he understands all she wants is the best for him, but... maybe now was the time he decided what was best for him on his own, and that'd be with you by his side, letting him love you wholeheartedly.
tags !! @ii01vq @luvstarrstruck @maxoloqy @k4tsu3 @solecitoszn @toneystank-3000 @fiannee @popeheywardssecretgf @lovefrominaya @onginlove @meowmoraless
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yawntu · 1 year
Golden Hour
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A/N: ngl i’ve been fiending to write more Tsu’tey but y’all can’t let me become a one trick pony fr. This one’s a little self indulgent my legs be kicking and shit. This isn’t proof read but will be eventually LMAO. I just wanted to get it out bc ppls were messaging me, I tried giving u actual plot this time. Sully reader, Neteyams twin &lt;333 why does tumblr always eat the end half of my posts what the FUCK
pairing(s): Ao’nung x (Sully)(f) Reader
word count: 10k
warnings: NSFW MDNI, weed oop, squirting, 2 little slaps but they’re not hard, consent king, mating, standing sex?, dacryphilla, semi public, a little bit of degrading / mean bits but not really, he just thinks you’re real pretty idk, size kink, brat taming if u squint readers got a bit of a catty attitude, you both have attitudes, idiots in love, PINING, idk i have a soft spot for idiots in love, Ao’nungs so in love with u, i’m about to start getting ppl to read these over and do the tags for me bc idk how to
na’vi glossary: skxawng: moron, Ole’eytkan: clan leader, kurkung: asshole, vrrtep’ite: demoness, Nga yawne lu oer: i love you, tanhì: star, kxener: I took park of the word that describes the act of smoking, idk I’m out here making up Na’vi slang.
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Perhaps you were in such a delightful mood today because of the rich scented soaps and the pretty shimmer body oils that left your skin hydrated and vibrant after your bath, or perhaps it was the fact that Tsireya had just done your hair with little pearls and shells the night previous.
You’ve grown to love so many things that Awa'atlu offered you. You think, however, that your favorite thing was the sheer amount of turquoise geothermal warmed springs scattered around the bustling seaside village. You had often found yourself alone now that you had grown up, appreciating the peace that solitude brought you. Soaking in the warm watered spring of the mangrove beaches not terribly far from the village only added to said peace. Besides being a good place for one to watch the sun rise in the morning, it was also a good place to be left alone. As it wasn't an increasingly popular place to bathe it meant you got to spend your morning with pretty scented soaps, oils and creams while eating fruit and enjoying a kxener all in your preferred solitude. It wasn’t that you didn’t love spending time with friends and family- in all honesty a war torn childhood made you appreciate them and the peace you now lived in even more.
A fact you attempt to remind yourself off when an obnoxious smack of feet against the rocky grounds of the warm springs past the mangals pull you from your fruit eating haze. Your head snapped over to the sound, ready to scold someone for disrupting your tranquil morning- yet your eyes fall upon Aonung’s advancing form. You can’t help but allow a quick smile before your act begins. Your faux scowl at his towering approaching form.
“I literally just got in, what could you possibly want of me this early in the day?”
It’s a lie you tell as you lean back on the rocky wall of the spring, pointing two accusatory fingers towards him. You had been in long enough to quickly wash your hair and body. Even enough time to oil the ends of your hair, and though you were quick with it if he ended your bath here you’d at least have enjoyed your little acts of self care. No doubt you’d have to get dressed and follow him somewhere to help with something you’d much rather not be doing on your supposed free day. If the Eyktanay was saunting over to you, then no doubt your perfect morning would be a fleeting moment crushed to dust at your feet.
He gives you an look of dumbfounded distress, brow muscle jutting up into an arch while his lip curls up into a contemptuous grin,
“And to think I thought we were dear friends who enjoyed each other's company, vrrtep’ite,”
He is silly looking, as he squats at the edge of the spring, large imposing arms dangling between his legs, his tail curved towards you, eyes unnaturally trained at the horizon despite the fact he’s apparently cross with you. You can’t help but grin up at him, enjoying the quips and banter he often offered you; yet showed you enough respect as to not oogle at you.
Part of you was surprised to have him stumble upon you, as of late he is usually too busy to share a moment with him before the eclipse. He grabs the kxener next to your bowl of fruit, and the flintstones, barely looking at you. It’s endearing, how he holds the smoke between his full lips, his too big hands managed to spark rocks together to light it. For his towering frame, Aonung moves rather gracefully. His jaw is sharp as it clenches when the herbs spark at his face, eyes fluttering. You watch the muscles of his neck and shoulders flex when he puts the tool down and moves to hold the kxener with his left hand. He grabs a berry motioning towards you,
His voice is haughty as he notices you staring. Even as he talks out of the corner of his mouth, lips holding the kxener smoke from fully creeping past his pointy white canine and incisor. The way his face contorts makes you giggle, resting your arm on the rock he was perched on,
“I don’t know. It’s silly seeing you act so civilized,” you say as you run one of your nails down his ankle to mess with him, “Decide you want to enjoy my brunch, huh? What, wrestling a tsurak too brutish today?”
He is instantly making a face, mimicking your voice in a faux girlish shrill as he finally grabbed hold of what he was smoking, seating himself fully, then plopping the fruit in his mouth giving you a displeased look.
It had been a long time since he was a truly troublesome, rough edged hooligan and though you would have still called him a hooligan to this day, Ao’nung was proud of how he had grown. Though he had his stubborn and even volatile moments he had won the close friendship of your twin brother, and even the younger siblings he once put in perilous danger. You had all long let that dead pa’li lie.
“You are the jungle savage,” he jokingly sneers, handing the kxener back down to you, then poking at your forehead for annunciation.
The mix of the thickly sweet and tangy fruit on top of the sour, peppery and earthy taste of the kxener is pleasant, but the fact that you can taste the balm that was on his lips is what makes your tail swish slowly in the water. 
“You’re mad your mother likes me better than you right now,”
You nod matter of factly to the freshly added tattoo creeping up his shoulder, an obsidian addition to his growing collection. Ronal was displeased with who had done it, not so much the design. Soon he'd be covered in them, rarely a part of his pretty face untouched by ink. Ronal knew this, yet it was in her nature to be argumentative. You didn’t stick around for the argument as by the time Ao’nung walked completely into their home, you and his sister had made a quick dash out as to not inherit the wrath of Ronal. The two had been bickering over everything since.
“Ha!” His laugh is boisterous and booming like the storms that would crack down over the ocean, “I am my mothers favorite! She’d drown you before-“
Drown was a funny idea. And now that he didn’t have your lit morning smoke in his hand, there was nothing defending him from your swift hand clutching the wrist closest to you, dragging him forward into the depth of the spring. It was a quick decision really, you had been a little shocked you did it considering if you didn’t pull him with such force he’d have surely hit the rock you were currently seated on- and this rather foolish quick decision meant that poor Ao’nung was as equally not prepared for the assault. The splash of his bulking body is huge, unceremonious and forces you to quickly turn half your body to avoid the brute of its wave.
The mischief is worth it as he rises from the water unharmed yet in disbelief. His sea-foam eyes wide open, curls sticking to his forehead as they fall from his silly little bun. Seeming to be dumbfounded that you dared to pull the practically aquatic man into such waters. As if he hadn’t stepped towards a rocky plateau as he stood up, and that the water barely reached his belly button.
“At least you did not drown-”
Perhaps if it wasn’t for the pesky second eyelid of the Metkayina then the water would have blinded him long enough for you to playfully escape from the splash he sent your way; far too powerful of a crime as the ends of your hair rewet and stick to your torso. It’s a foreign feeling as your hair had already begun to dry under the intense heat of the sun previously.
“You’re the worst out of the lot of you,” he interrupts himself with a sneeze from inhaling the water he wasn’t prepared to breath in, “i’m still clothed, skxawng,”
It makes you laugh, he seems genuinely annoyed but it still bemuses you. They were always wet and in and out of the water. How could it have possibly mattered to him, you were sure he’d have gone diving once he was content with ruining the peaceful start of your morning.
You knew him. You knew he came here to pick on you in his usual manner until something else caught his attention and he’d leave you alone and unfortunately missing him. So you’d enjoy your moment of terrorizing him back. You liked humbling him. Especially now that he’s growing closer and closer to being Ole’eytkan.
You obviously wouldn’t have ever grown to be as forward with your hazing had his sister not emboldened you; and though he stands ahead of you, almost posturing, you both knew there was an unspoken rule that Ao’nung lets you tease him. Though you danced across the exasperated too-far line, Ao’nung would take a great deal from you with a playful surrender. You huff the herb one more time before passing it to his dripping form, a peace treaty.
“You interrupted my bath, it is only fair,”
You’re far too occupied with how soft the almost too warm skin of his hand was when it was wet, and the tantalizing shivers it sends up your arm when your fingers make contact with him to notice that he sees you. Maybe he had inhaled too much water as you had caught him off guard, or maybe he had just inhaled smoke too deeply immediately after you had stolen the physical breath from the vacuum of his lungs, but Ao’nung is entirely too entranced with the moment that plays in front of him that it makes him dizzy.
The sun rising behind him was finally starting to lose its pinkish hues, casting warm golden rays onto your freshly washed glassy skin. The oils across your azure skin reflected the sparkly luminance that only the crushed up shells of Awa’atlu could provide. He can’t help but think the sun looks its best reflecting off the amber of your eyes. Though you are one of- if not the most beautiful girl- he had had the pleasure of knowing, the golden rays of the rising sun dancing across the apples of your supple cheek weren’t where his eyes have trailed to. In fact, your long hair moved slightly from where it had been covering your out of the water torso. Though you had never really worn much coverings, the fact that you were not only nude, but comfortable enough to be relaxed nude around him made his chest feel just as fuzzy as his head.
He’s glad you’re lost in thought so he can take a split second to stare at you breast without you noticing, despite the almost painful desire to stare at your gracile forest form he doesn’t want to be caught staring. He’s only been caught staring at you once- not by you of course. For someone so clever he was surprised you were so oblivious to the world around you sometimes. No- he had been caught staring by your twin brother who had rightfully punched him right in the back, making contact with a rather fresh, and rather painful tattoo. Though it turned into a light hearted, overly rowdy horseplay between friends, Ao’nung understood the undertone. If he touched you, Neteyam might just kill him.
“If you wanted me to take a bath with you, you could have just asked,”
Why in Eywas great paradise did he say that? He was just thinking about how your brother might knock his teeth out for the fact that he had been staring at your bare chest and he felt as though stupid mouth spoke on its own accord.
He was glad you turned so red at his words though- probably out of anger at the implication. It overshadowed how he had embarrassed himself- drew your attention away from the embarrassing mauve heat creeping up his own neck. He hated how visible the contrast of flushed skin was compared to yours. The splash of the water you sent towards him forces him to hold the half done kxener far above his own head.
“I’m surprised you even know how to bathe, kurkung,”
He thinks it’s cute how quickly one arm covers your chest as you go to sit up slightly- suddenly very aware that you’re more exposed then usual, despite the fact you didn’t seem to care before- reaching to grab at his arm and try and snatch the kxener from his hand. It’s his turn to laugh at you know, and plop himself down on the water smoothed stone you had lounged on.
“I’m very clean actually. It’s hard to have such magnificent hair,” He hands you the kxener and with his other hand motions to his bun.
You snort, rolling your eyes and taking the herb you had both been using as a peace treaty from him. Your body turns towards him, head propped up on one of your pretty delicate hands, and the other holding the kxener to your pretty plump lips. Had he not embarrassed himself once already he’d have just sat here and blatantly watched you smoke in the morning light.
“It is going to grow thin if you keep it up all the time,” You motion to him.
Though you knew it was probably a pile of talioang dung, and that his hair would be fine despite the past five years of his well known bun- you couldn’t help but love when his long curly terraces fell down the expanse of his prodigious back. You wouldn’t waste an opportunity to convince him to keep it down.
“I’ll tattoo my bald head,” he’s grinning when he tells you, mimicking the way you had propped your head up on your hand, and reaches to swirl one of your own wavy strands around his finger, “Probably shave yours in your sleep to get back at you for jinxing me,”
“Your mother would scalp you if you did such a cruel thing, very unbecoming of the Eyktanay,”
You mock his status over you. He supposed that was fitting for you. The eldest daughter of the Toruk Makto was sure to have an issue with authority, 
“Well this is rather unbecoming of me. I could be doing countless other things but sitting in a spring with you smoking a kxener and watching the world go by,”
His argument is valid. Though you know he’s joking there is a twinge in your stomach. An argumentative spark that tells you he isn’t joking- that he did not prioritize you the way you had grown to prioritize him. 
The snippy comment rolling off your tongue dies as Ao’nung’s shoulders hunch slightly, leaning his head further down into your space. At this point you were close enough that he could hit the rolled smoke from your own hand.
It was ridiculous. Evil even. How Eywa dangled what you wanted so cruelly in front of your face. The cruel waltz of tension that has suffocated the friendship as you aged. The fact that you can feel your stomach drop at the feeling of his lips so close to your fingers, could taste the shared air between the two of you. Here you sat almost stunned in the shadow of his form.
The Metekyana were large- huge even. An’oung was large amongst them. Well into ten feet you’d assume considering he was ever so taller then his father when he stood straight up. In comparison to his big, stubborn bull-head, your sylphlike hands holding the mostly finished intoxicant to his tantalizing lips looked delicate and small. He could break you. He could toss you around like a rag doll and you’d even thank him after.
You feel bad for the addled look on your face, it’s just been increasingly vexing growing into adulthood due to this bastard. You know you really want to be grinning at his close proximity and the fact that he trusts you so close to his face with something burning. You should be cooing over the fact that he flutters his pretty eyes closed and admires his long eyelashes. Yet you couldn’t stop the bubbling of an attitude under your skin. You knew you were attracted to him, most people had known you had fancied him. Especially when he had grown comfortable enough around you to privy you to the earnest, callowly charming and flustered side of him- but there was something about the way life turned out that kept you both in this tense ‘we aren’t together’, but we are very obviously much more than friends.
You were an older sister at your core. Bossy and with a desire to be the center of attention; Ao’nung thought it was a game to play, and would never fall at your feet the way you charmed others into. At least he’d put up a fight in the pathetically self imposed game you had both committed to.
“Others would gladly take your place, leave then, find somewhere else to be,” you find your resolve finally, after your embarrassing pause. 
With a roll of your eyes, you snatch your hand from his lips. In annunciation of your irritation you had stood up slightly, careful to not remove your body from the turquoise waters of the mangrove spring as you began to move towards the end furthest from him.
He doesn’t really like the years-long game you’ve been playing at this moment, and he really doesn’t like that you have moved away from him. He’s tired of competing in this ridiculous long winded courting ritual with you. He’s been at it since he had made you sob when he left Lo’ak outside of the reef all those years ago. It was the first time Ao’nung had been embarrassed by his own actions. He had been spoiled his whole life, taking whatever he could want- and for the first time he realized he had taken something from someone else. He had taken happiness from someone. He thanked Eywa for letting Lo’ak return relatively unharmed, and swore the wretched sobs that had fallen from your lips never again even ticked the back of your throat.
Year's. Years he has gone out of his way to emulate the humility you so easily radiate. You had forced him to grow; for year's he's learned how to be a man who deserved you. He wasn't a perfect man, in his eyes still not very deserving of you; he was still loud, impulsive and painfully cocky. It’s probably what had pushed him to wrap a large hand around your delicate wrist, unceremoniously pulling you back until the back of your thighs touched him, tail squishing between you and the muscle of his thigh.
Though Ao’nung would pride himself in the fact that you haven't sobed once or even cried often in years, he can't say you didn't hiss. As you are right now, a soprano squeal of a hiss right in his face. Now that the kxener was finishing you were pleasantly buzzing; and the quick drawback of your body had made you dizzy. It’s not his actions that have you embarrassed; you're embarrassed your stomach is fluttering at the feeling of coming into contact with his legs and torso, comfortably aware of the heat he added to the warmth of the water. You try to hide the embarrassment of being close to him like this with only half-real annoyance. Had you not been so civilized Ao’nung was sure you would snap that pretty little jaw at him bite a chunk out of his face,
“I am naked!” Your voice cracks as you yelp, hand landing on his thigh, using the waters aid to help elevate yourself off of his lap, mortified as you were far too close to the water's surface to enjoy the privacy the turquoise water had provided you with yet the idea of your bare skin on his was somehow scarier.
“I am not,” he remarks, taking the kxener from you, moving the hand that had grabbed you to land on your thigh.
You freeze in his lap. Now that the sun's completely up there's nothing to hide you. No beautiful colors to bounce off of your face that you can pass off the blushes accreditation.
“Sit and finish it, you wanted to enjoy a relaxing morning- you do not seem so relaxed,”
You blame the softly buzzing high for the softness you feel for him at this moment. Assuring yourself that his stupid oval head wasn’t terribly handsome and that his warm blue eyes didn’t make your chest tighten. You wouldn’t admit to any of the stupid love sick thoughts that have plagued your mind the entire time he’s been here with you.
More so, you certainly wouldn’t admit that despite his usually rowdy behavior and need to bicker with you, sitting against his imposing form made you feel safer than ever before. It was the work of a herbal paranoid if he dared poked fun at you for how it did not take much convincing for you to sit yourself down on his lap. Flinching at the feeling of the fiber of his tweng against the nude back of your thigh and glutes. You hope he doesn’t notice, even going as far as to lay your head on his chest before doing as he told you and lifting the dwindling end to your lips,
“Don’t you want to finish it?” you ask him, refusing to look up at him. Instead you stared intently at the sun over the sea. He runs his fingers across the expanse of your shoulder.
“It’s yours, I want you to enjoy your morning. Besides, unlike you I have real things to do this afternoon,”
You huff at his jab, knowing he respected the work you did around the village and the aid you offered his mother. A small part of you aches over the lingering idea that he didn't think you enjoyed the time spent with him.
“I've already enjoyed my morning. It’s not often the future Ole’eytkan spares time for me and graces me with his presence,”
You know he's busy, you'd never actually hold that over his head. And when you feel him move your hair off of your shoulder and lay his head on top of your own you almost feel bad for reminding him he’s so busy. Especially when he so sweetly caresses your decolletage as well. You didn’t understand how you always danced this edge with Ao’nung. Years of this pining and yet you’d both always end up here. Stuck in a strangely intimate moment that neither of you would dare go past. You are glad to finish though, finally tossing the item that had kept you both in this painfully frustrating stalemate, maybe you’d go sulk the rest of the day as he was busy doing Eywa knows what.
It’s your ego really, that makes you want to end the morning. Or embarrassment. How could you be sitting naked on top of him; how could you have let this go on all morning. Not just this morning actually, how could you have played this game so long with him when you were so unsure of his own feelings.
“I’m going to prune though so we should get out,”
Your voice is snippy when you speak to him. Hurt evident in your voice as you look up, and finally notice that he’s staring intently down at you. Committing the sight of your nude lissome Omatakyan form perched on his lap to memory. His wagging tail rippling the water and allowing him to watch the waters reflection dance across the bare sapphire of your skin. You were often close to Ao’nung. He didn’t make you uncomfortable in the slightest. You had sat in similar positions, been casually intimate- hell when you were younger the whole group of you would sleep in piles. Being pressed against him wasn’t new to you, yet this is very different. He had made the situation you were in very different in the span of minutes.
“Ao’ i’m serious-“ your voice cracks, “We’ve been here far too long, i’m sure someone will come looking for you-”
“Only me, you and Eywa here,”
It’s said with such a coy yearning you can’t help but flush purple. It wasn’t often that he had ever caught you off guard- at least not to this extent. Despite his usual impulsive nature he was usually relatively predictable when it came to you,
“Y-you’re never serious,” your ears flatten, when you try to turn your head, however his hand is quick to catch your cheek, and he uses his thumb to smush both together. 
It’s not as easy for your tail to wag submerged in the water, not as easy as his does. You’re fighting against the water but you can’t help the flick of your tail- there was too much going on. You felt too much. You’re not really sure why you keep up the charade. He knew you had a great deal of admiration for him surely he wouldn’t have drawn this out had he not been interested in you?
“How could I not be serious when the most enchanting woman in all of Pandora is looking up at me like that?” and his big hand is dwarfing your cheeks and you can swear that you’d choke if you spoke, “Huh? All shy now are you?”
You weren’t shy. How could he call you shy? Shy was hiding away from him or avoiding conversation. He couldn’t call you shy if he did things to embarrass you into dumbfounded silence.
“You drive me ins-”
Your scold dies at the feeling of his kiss on your lips. It’s soft and his breathing against your face makes you smile. It's embarrassing how instant the grin is. How can you be mad when he’s kissing you finally. Perhaps you’d just say you were throwing a nantang a bone when your greedy berry stained tongue eagerly glided across his lip, or when your hips dug down into his lap, curling your tail around his thigh. Ao’nung could justify that his hands gripping and groping frantically as your sun warmed torso pulling you back into him was him doing the same.
And when one of your hands falls to caress your nails against the skin of his lower abs he can’t stop his hips from jerking and thrusting upwards into you, sending your body jostling up. Prematurely ending the oral exploration of both of your tongues.
There’s a string of his saliva connecting you together and his hands brace your jolted form. He means to ask you if you’re alright much quicker then he does. He can’t help but get distracted by your pretty flushed cheeks and with your wide amorous amber eyes. It set him a thrill with a sense of his own stomach warming bliss. He can’t shake his worry though. Worried he had pushed too far too suddenly.
“C’mon, you’re not ready for all this yet,” he rubs his nose against yours, and lets you kiss him softly again. 
        He paws at your hip, and then motions back towards the village with his head breaking your lips apart. How could you have possibly wanted to go back to the village now? You give him a queried look at his cocky barb,
“Perhaps you’re the one not ready for me,”
The raillery in your voice is a comfort that would have made his knees buckle had he not been seated. He smiles, because he knows you’re both right; and his cheeks hurt from the grin as he watches your eyes flutter close as your noses touch once more. A magnetic force that kept bringing your faces close to one another. You couldn’t see him now that your eyes were closed and you were enjoying the comfort of being close to him. It made him shift in his seat. You couldn’t see him. Not now. Not when he wanted you to see him so terribly. See how hard he had worked for you- see how badly he wanted you to just tell him you wanted him so he could move past this terrible feeling of insecurity he had over you. Then again perhaps, he thought it meant more in this moment that you knew him. Knew him so well that you could see past his coyness. As if to coax him further you bite down gently at his lip.
How could he leave you wanton like this? He relishes in the the sweet wiggle of your body at the gentle press of the pads of his calloused fingers roaming the length of your spine and dancing across the valley of your breasts. Soft and slow—just for the sake of caressing you. He has wanted to touch you like this for as long as he could remember. None of his lingering touches or platonic embraces could pale to the invigorating pulse your skin against his gave him. And he’s barely touching you- ghosting over your pretty sapphire skin and you’re trembling. Trying to squirm away from his lithe hands as to prevent his gliding fingers in their  pursuit towards your peaked nipples. He’s sure the drag of his fingers as he groped at you was probably more tortuous than any direct overstimulation he could cause you but he wouldn’t grant you that clemency. Not until he feels satisfied that you’ve been disproven. That he was more than capable of taking care of you, more than ready to.
Ao’nung is competitive, and you know this. He knows you know this. How often have you both gotten into trouble over silly competition? He can’t help but huff at the thought that you knew how to press his buttons and roll his hips up once more. The sound of water squishing between where you meet makes your ears fall flat against your head and your nails dig into the soft skin below his abs.
“Ya, yer gonna see,” He moves with you easily, sliding from under you and propping your knees up on the smooth stone you had both sat on previously, standing behind you. 
Ao’nung casts an imposing shadow over yourself and the ground around you. The water only offers to cover you to the top of your thigh, rendering you the most exposed you’ve ever been for him. You can’t help but shift your weight and squirm at the feeling of Ao’nung wrapping his hands around the freshly cleaned halo of curls that were your last sense of modesty. Now that he’s pushed your hair over your shoulder there’s nothing stopping him from seeing all of you. You attempt to focus on how the ends of your hair dip into the water, or how tan your freckling hands and arm appear next to the light lime wash of the smooth stony structures of the springs.
You feel strange, knees on the smooth stone you had originally sat on, palms bracing yourself on the stoney ledge as his prodigious hands dance up and down the shape of your curves while he causes in the water to plop rhythmic against your skin as he gives into his desire to rut against your form quickly. He is even quicker to catch himself and return his focus to you. You should feel much more vulnerable than you do at this moment- quite literally stuck between a rock and a hard place. Yet the cooling overcast of his form protecting you from the sweltering rays of light made you feel far more secure then you had previously thought. 
It’s tantalizing- dizzying even when you feel his fingers run down the expanse of your back. It was easy for him to become distracted with the enchanting visage of your form arched prettily in front of him.
He knows you were right. He was nervous. For more reasons than one. Firstly the longer the sun made its ascension into the sky the more likely anyone could have the misfortune of stumbling upon you. More importantly he knows he should not mate with you right here. That you deserve much better than this. He aches knowing this is the closest he has ever gotten to it despite years of literally grasping at sand for the chance to be mounted over you like he was now.
Ao’nung did not have the resolve of a man you deserved though. He couldn’t swallow the anxiety he felt over the fact that perhaps if he didn’t come across you today someone else would have. And you would have been bent over for them. He wanted to do this much better for you- as cliche as it sounded. Yet, when he watched his hand dwarf the intricate and soft dips of the dimples that framed the sides of your softly twitching tail, his resolve snapped.
“Yer’ gonna be my Tsahìk?”
He watches you jolt under his sudden slurred words, the added stimulation of his left palm gripping the pliable sphere of meat that was only centimeters from his own longing groin adding to your need. Gripping just a bit too roughly. He didn’t mean to handle you so impolitely, he could not bring himself to have any resolve as his fingers curl against your skin to pull you apart for him. He’s embarrassed at how excited he is to receive the reward of your pretty moan at his chilling intrusion. He had been blessed with hearing your whiney groans and faux whimpery cries many times before, but he had never been privy to such an entrancing sound as your desperate moan.
He can’t stop his upper body from clambering down, hands quickly bracing his imposing form down on the same rock that held you up. His face instantly in the visible crook of your neck. All you can do is turn and gaze dumbfounded at his hand that twitches almost too closely to your own while you listen to him practically pant in your alert ear. His panting breath cracks in your ear when you raise your hips slightly, the feeling of the ridge of your tail, and curve of your ass against his ever throbbing manhood results in his own guttural moan followed by a sloppy open mouth kiss under your ear.
“Ao’nung, please,”
You don’t know what you’re pleading for him to do and he can’t believe you could be the one pleading right now considering how tightly you had wound him up already. He can’t bring himself to understand the complexities of your own emotions when he can now fully feel his body on top of yours.
“Please what, huh? Want me to mate you? G’onna be mine?” He enunciated his words with uncharacteristically gentle kisses to your neck. 
You hear the wet plap of him forcing the fabric of his tweng down enough for you to feel the weight of him on your back. You’re unsure if the tender caress from your sensitive belly up to the valley of your breast from his free hand is what makes you shiver, or the feeling of the heavy tip of his cock that still manages to hang down onto your body despite Ao'nungs desperate grip at his own base.
Instantly one of your hands reaches to clasp around his wrist that has moved electrifyingly close to your breast, dinging your nails into him ever so slightly, causing him to jerk slightly. You huff at the feeling of his tip smearing precum across the small of your back.
“I thought you wanted me to enjoy my morning- why must you torture me instead,”
There was that pretty desperate whine. That inexorable and perpetual babble that you put on to get the things you wanted from those around you. He wanted to say he had better resolve then them, but the sound of your frustration laced whine has the weight of his cock twitching against the pudge of your ass. The wrist you had grabbed onto continued its ascension up your body, fingers dancing up your neck until he could hold your mandible.
It’s endearing really, the view he’s greeted with. With the easy squish of the cute chub of your cheeks together between his big hand, he’s effortlessly forcing you to look up at him. The Metkayina were expressive, maybe because they signed to each other a great deal- you wouldn’t know. But you’d still thank Eywa for it, as you can’t deny the aura of pure desire that radiates off of his face like the heatwaves the morning sun had begun to cast across the horizon. Eyes blown out wide, and the ends of his kiss swollen lips curled into a soft smile.
A soft smile that doesn't match the feeling in your stomach when his big hand leaves your ass and wraps around the base of your kuru. You swear you see Eywa in his eyes, and he swears he hears her in your gasp. He’s quick to push his lips back onto yours despite the unnatural position. And though your spine and neck ache from the arch he has pulled you back into you can’t help but clank your teeth together as you kiss again. You’re not sure who’s spit is all over you both; all you know is the sloshing sound of your mouths and the embarrassing sound of water sloshing at the disturbance of his rocking hips that ground his twitching cock against your ass. He wanted to reach down and force your tail out of the way so he could relish in the feeling of you hammocking his throbbing cock- but he had something far more important to deal with.
The most beautiful girl in all of Pandora was sparkling in the sun below him, and you wanted him as terribly as he wanted you. He really did want you to enjoy your morning and promised himself you’d enjoy every morning after this one too.
“I need you,” You’re whining into his mouth.
The very woman he has painfully longed after- the love of his life- was moaning into his mouth as he kissed them. The huffy and croaked out, “Need all of you,” should have been all he needed to hear from you. All he had ever wanted to hear from you. Nonetheless, Ao’nungs egotistical charm was a facade. In actuality he was terribly insecure. In fact he couldn’t truly wrap his head around how he had even gotten this far with you. He grounds himself in the feeling of your heavy breaths against his lips before he speaks,
“Tell me how bad you want tsaheylu. Tell me how bad you want me to be your mate,”
He doesn’t mean the growling undertone of his voice, or the side to side grind of his hips against your ass, but he loves the feeling of your cute little tail rolling over his cock at the motion and he can’t control how good he feels. Your wide eyes would be enough consent, the adoration in your topaz iris unmistakable.
“Nga yawne lu oer,”
One of your hands reaches up to hook around his neck, letting your delicate hand wrap around the base of his own kuru. And in the same breath you just loved him in, you assure him-
“I see you, Ao’nung. I see the real you. I want you so bad,”
He would normally laugh at the weakened tug at his kuru, but all you want is for him to kiss you again. How could he laugh when his pretty girl is begging him so nicely? How can he not kiss you once more and run his big hand down your delicate kuru. Dance his fingers across the pretty, intricate and adorned goddess loc protecting it. Had he felt a bit meaner he would have twisted the little curls that escaped it’s end just to hear you squeal and whine.
He had more pressing matters. Something far more interesting for him to focus on. You had a bundle of nerves practically dying to be connected to him, flailing tendrils kissing the bottom of his abs. Desperately swiping across the water slicked skin of his stomach looking for his own nerves to curl and wrap into. You wanted to feel him. All of him and it drove him wild. By the time his fingers trail the nerves of your tswin you’re crying. Actual tears that clump your pretty long lashes together and redden the tip of your cute crinkled nose.
His throat hurts. Choking on his breath at your sparkling tears. He can’t help but use one strong arm to cradle you into his body, pulling your torso taught against his own and relishing in the feeling of your boobs squishing against his arm. He tries to sooth you, hushing you with a voice uncharacteristically gentle for the man you had spent the end of your childhood roughhousing and bantering with. 
“Shhh, tanhì,” his head is besides yours again, and you welcome the feeling of your cheeks rubbing together, and the gentle nuzzling of his face into the crook of your neck, “Nga yawne lu oer, why do you cry pretty baby?”
He feels you clench below your tail when he asks, and he feels bad for the bead of precum that squeezes on the dip of your spine again. Your soft quivering,
“‘s too much,” as you shake your head a bit, “feel’s too much,” your rounded red eyes peer up at him again. You’re blushing now, purple and pretty for him.
“Let me feel it with you then, ya?” Your noses are slotted against each other when he moves to speak against the crown of your head, ending his question with a kiss to your slightly furrowed forehead. He lets the arm bracing you against him slowly begin to tweak your ridged nipple between his fingers. Letting himself enjoy the feeling of it hardening between his thumb and pointer finger, “Please, Ao’- wanna feel you,”
There’s a chuckling undertone in his huff as you drop forward on your arms again, bracing your palms onto the watery ledge. Though he had wanted to pull you back up, the sight of you arching your back and grinding yourself back into him grants you reprieve from having to hold yourself up.
It was almost difficulty, shaking your hips against him as well as you could from your knelt position, yet the stones assault on your knees was barely an afterthought as you had finally arched yourself in such a way that Ao’nung’s balls had finally began to drag blissfully across your swollen clit.
He doesn’t think you’ve ever sounded so pretty. Practically purring under him and gasping as you grind yourself against him and he paws at your breast. He’s proven wrong when he watches you jolt at the feeling of the hair at the end of his kuru raise towards where he dropped yours against your back. You feel the teasing kisses of his own tendrils on the skin just before where your own danced wildly waiting for him, “One more time baby, tell me you want me. I need you t’be sure,”
Had you not been driven mad by the slow pace he had subjected you to you’d have felt bad for the obvious crack in his voice. You hated that he thought you didn’t love him, it’s what drove you to reach up and grab for the base of his own braid,
“Ao’nung if you don’t i’m going to lose my-“
You don’t finish your reprimand. You can’t. Not when you feel his tswin latch onto yours, pulling you tightly into him. Tsaheylu. You had ridden ikrans and ilus of course- but this was different. Like a rush below your skin that left you panting in his arms. You had never felt like this before. Never throbbed like this before. All you could do was squeal as a relentless wave of wetness practically leaked from your twitching cunt. In a desperate attempt to ground yourself from the sudden rush of fire across your body you raise you hand from the base of his own kuru to the mass of curls held up in a bun.
You didn’t mean to yank at the tie that kept them out of the way. In fact, you were shocked when his inky tresses fell forward, covering you in a curled veil of obsidian and forcing you to drown in the smell of salted ambergris of the sea and smoke that was permanently locked in the ringlets of Ao’nungs mane. It blocked you from perceiving anything that wasn’t him, not only could you feel him, you couldn’t see anything besides him. He had engulfed your senses the same way he had engulfed your mind.
“Oh f-uck,” Eywa save you, his throaty whine makes you drop your body weight against the arm that had originally only been ghosting across your breasts, rendering you into a blubbering pile of putty forced to listen to him practically moan into your ear that, “I had no idea you were feeling so good baby,”
You can hear the swish of his paddled tail as it escapes the confines of the spring that you’d blame the sweat accumulating on your body to. You can feel how absolutely delighted he was. Though you couldn’t physically see where your nerves became his you couldn’t shake the picture between your eyes. As though the pretty loop of your braids had been branded behind the eyelid of your third eye by your mate.
“Ma’ pretty mate wants me so badly,” his opposite hand meanly grips at the fat of your hip, pulling you up to him.
You felt like a rag doll, pulled up against him just so he could grind you up and down against his length. He can understand why you were crying now. You felt a lot of emotions for having such a small form, it’s probably why you had the attitude problems you did. The mixture of panic and uncontrolled longing that tickled the pit of your stomach was an addicting feeling to him however. He makes a cruel grab at the base of your tail caressing his thumb on the smooth, sensitive skin under your tail.
“You’re either gonna move your tail out of my way or I'm going to move it for you,”
He’s straightening his back a bit as he speaks, arm sliding to let you go slightly, though his grip on your tit stays firm. Almost too quickly your tail curls up to give him a view he’s been dying for since he’s stumbled upon you this morning.
You’re swollen and flushed and so wet. He wonders how long you’ve been this sticky. And you don’t even care that he’s practically drooling over the sight of your pretty tail curled up because that pretty useless head of yours is too busy swirling with silly little thoughts about how much you loved him. He was sure it was some evolutionary effect to get people to keep having kids to keep their species alive, but to Ao’nung nothing has ever felt real to him. Maybe love was a scam for everyone else, but for him? Eywa herself couldn’t offer him more than the moment in front of him.
“Prettiest thing I ever fucking seen,” His hand had to leave your azure tail to palm at himself. He had only just began to realize how badly he was throbbing for you, “Need you so bad too,”
You rub yourself against him, pushing one of your hands down on the rock to offer more pressure
“Ao’nung please, i’ll be okay you can-“
You’re cut off with your own shaken breath when you feel him rub the blunt end of himself against your sticky slit. 
“Nu-uh,” he’s hunched forward over you again, rubbing the head of his cock against your slit, “you can’t take it like this,”
It’s your turn to feel shared panic. Not that you focus on it, choosing to clutch to his arms as the speed of his steadily rubbing intrusions picks up. It feels good. Too good on your still stoned, too stimulated body. Too good considering you can feel how good he feels. Every time the tip of his cock slides over your swollen clit and catches another glob of slick that only makes it easier to speed his assault up you moan.
Your thighs clench against him, but it does little to deter him. Not at his size. Not when he’s obsessed with the fact that he’s so much bigger than you. There wasn’t a thing you could do to keep him from making you cum. It really was foolish for you to clench your thighs. It only served to create a new angle for him to rub against. The smile you can hear in his moans is almost as embarrassing as the sloshing sound of your cunt at the enjoyable pace he had set.
He really did want to finger you, he wanted to feel your pretty cunt clench down around his pointer and middle finger too terribly but he can’t avoid the painful throb of his cock any longer. He’d been ignoring the pulse of his lower stomach since he had first seen the heavenly image of you sitting nude in the water watching the pink and lilac sky kiss stars goodbye. He was glad you seemed to like the intrusion of him practically jerking himself into you. Coating his cock in the enticingly scented albumen of your slick. He could cum probably, if he wasn’t already buzzing with overstimulation.
The naive part of him is confused when he watches your hips roll away from him, thighs clenching. Maybe it means you want him away from you, but all he can feel is the part of you screaming in his brain to keep going. So his hips follow yours so he can continue the sloppy drag of his cock-head though your folds. He’s starstruck when he catches on your clit rather roughly and is gifted with the sight of your spazzaming leaking cunt.
He’s so occupied with the liquid leaving you’re pretty swollen hole that the hand holding your chest up drops down to your tail again, yanking your hips up. He drops his cock from his hands to continue his assault on you with his fingers to rub faster then he previously was. You scream and he’s never been happier. The sight of him holding you up by your tail (that now wraps up around his forearm) while you brace yourself up by your hands as he rubs an orgasm from you, extending it as far as he could.
He knows he made you feel good and it only adds to how good he feels. If he was a bit more shameless he’d have probably busted the second you started leaking onto his swollen tip. His patience was almost in vain as he watched you lay your head on your arms, sitting up on your knees more to arch your back for him.
“Ao’ wan’ you to feel good too,”
So considerate of him always. He can feel the throb of your pretty pussy from where he still holds your tail. He laughs a little, he can’t help it. It’s a little mean when he sends a softish spank to where your ass meets your thigh. It’s mostly just to see your pretty body jolt under him, and to hear your pretty whine but it’s also to give him a second to compose himself. He’s not trying to claim your pretty azure skin with his cum yet.
And you look at him with those pretty slitted eyes, plump lips curled into the softest snarl he’s ever seen on your bratty little face. He doesn’t mean to so unceremoniously hunch down to catch your face in his palm and kiss you. He’s just so excited that he finally has what he wants.
“I can put it in ya?” He mumbles against your lips, 
“Gonna let me make you feel good?” He questions again, and it’s his turn for a twitch to shoot up his cock to the soft patch of fat below his abs at your pretty moan.
“Ao’ you can! You y-you don’t have to ask,”
He ignores the amusement over how snappy your sentence started, yet ended in hiccupy adoration filled stumbles. Once again he’s lining himself up against your slit, and with the added force you can finally feel the girth of him. You’re thankful he hasn’t let you see him fully yet, worried the sight might have unsettled you more than the feeling.
He has to refrain himself from shooting forward, shoving you full in one snap of his hips. Has to stand up and slide his weighty dick between your cheeks to lay it on your back just to remind himself how deep he’d be in you. Sliding against you for a few lazy thrusts just to admire the view. He's dumbfounded at how intrusive his cock would be in comparison to whatever Omatikaya loser Eywa had intended for you to be mated with before he had set his eyes on you. One hand moves to spread your cheek one more time, the other returning to its place on his cock to help guide him between your folds. He starts groaning as he pushes the tip in.
Warm. Fuck you’re warmer then the suns rays on his back. Warmer than the heat his downed hair traps around him. And you match his moan. A hypnotizing harmonization that’s only paused when he feels a foreign stinging. A warm burn where he had never felt pain before, and though it was nothing more than an inconvenience he couldn’t stand the idea of his girl in any pain. You didn’t even get a chance to whine at the stretch before two if his large fingers are clamoring over your bud, trying his best to roll tight figure eights to lessen the sting for you.
Ao’nung can’t help but be confused. He can feel you slicking up his cock as he pushes in, the sheer wetness welcoming him in with almost ease. The only resistance the clenching muscle could offer against his intrusion was the sheer tightness of it.
Why is one hand reaching up to dig your pretty nails into his thigh, to scratch and push at him even though you’re feeling so good? Do you forget he can feel you? Can he blame it on you feeling too good? He’s not even half way into you and yet your hips keep stuttering away from him. He’s even paused his movement to appreciate your little huffs over being split open on him,
“You are alright,” you feel one his hands wrap around your waist, guiding you to sit up on your knees all the way out of the water, forcing his cock to slide out slightly. He makes sure to guide your face up towards you, forcing your eyes to lock on his. 
His big hand then sides under your thigh and pulls your one leg up. It’s an embarrassing display, Ao’nung holding one of your legs up against your chest so he could force the remnants of his aching cock into your hole.
“Ya yer pussy knows it’s mine. Good girl sucking me right in,”
Both of your round exultant eyes are locked onto each other as he bottoms out, his words making you clench down. You marvel at the flush of his face and the hiss that falls past his teeth after the wet plap of his balls hit your ass. You swear you can feel him against your fruit filled stomach. As though he had truly impaled you on something. There was no way he could have prepared you for such a stretch. It was nothing like any of the self imposed violations against your cunt by your own fingers- what Ao’nung was doing to you was entirely different. This was beyond any girlish fantasy that had ever crossed your mind about the man.
"I need a second please-wait,” you sound so desperate for someone who knows that he’d never think of pushing you past your limit- not this time, not like this. Not when you’ve been so kind as to let him mate with you. He doesn’t answer you, kissing up and down your neck and shoulders. Allowing himself to bite and suck as he rolls your clit between his fingers,
“Deep breath baby, I already taught you how to breathe. Don’t make me do it again,”
There’s a smile against your throat as you feel him suck particularly hard, it makes you smile too. You don’t know why you listen to him, taking in a deep breath and craning your neck to lay against his chest.
His ego has skyrocketed. Feeling how much you liked being crammed down on his dick while he played with your pretty clit, legs spread wide for him. He hasn't even really gotten started and you feel twitchy like before you came. He can admit you’re clouding his brain quicker then he intended. He hadn’t felt so brain dead since his very first rut (which he had spent the entirety of silently fixated on you). He doesn’t really mean to shift his hips, doesn’t mean to push his fat cock deeper into your sweet little hole-
"Ah fuck, too big- it's too big!"
The sight of your furrowed eyes looking up at him makes his chest tighten and his dick a little harder. You didn’t mean it- even if he could feel the aftershock of the burn that dances across your nervous system into his. He knows you don’t mean it cause you’re grinding your pretty cunt against him. Chasing the high his fingers against your clit are providing. 
“Stop ya whining,” he knows he’s been nice enough to you. Which is why he pinches down on your swollen clit ever so gently, twisting softly between the pads of his fingers ruining how close to a second release you were. It feels good when it makes you jump and impale yourself deeper against his cock, "Maybe you're just really fucking tiny,"
And with his words he begins the slow roll of his hips forward. After the few experimental rolls of his hips in conjunction with his comforting mumbles that you would be fine, Ao’nung feels that he can finally pull almost all the way out of you. You hate the feeling of being empty so suddenly, and are almost too loud when he begins to deliver shallow thrust into you. The water of the spring is splashing below you, and the sound of the spring mixed with the violent wet slapping of your skin together would alert anyone who got too close to the springs as to the torture Ao’nung was putting you though.
As if he is reading your mind (he probably is in one way or another) his mean hand grips the fat of your thigh tighter, and forces the leg higher in effort to open you more- so far even that you feel your lips part completely- as he uses the fat of your thigh as reigns to deliver deeper thrust.
“Ya yer right, anyone could walk out here with your legs wide fuckin open for me, huh?” he starts, and you wrap your tail around his torso to keep yourself stabilized against his thrusts into you, “Toruk Maktos daughter getting fucked stupid in public,”
He’s biting you again, just to hear that pretty little squeal and feel your pussy clamp down on him. He knows he should wait just a little longer before revving up the brutality of his pace- but the sight of you drove him to madness. And feeling your fingers reaching up to knot into his hair and yank only spurs him on more.
Feeling you cum felt better the second time then the first time. Is dizzying how quickly this one crashes over you. He’s a little disappointed that there’s a lack of liquid to splash against his muscular thighs this time, but promised himself your third would be messy after seeing the creamy ring you left around his cock. A welcome addition of more lubricate so he could comfortably drag against your spongy wall. It mind numbing how good it felt to fuck you though it- he was sure you were tearing up his thighs with your pretty up kept nails but he couldn’t be bothered with the white hot burn when he feels the lingering throb of your orgasm.
“Wrap your arms around my neck, baby,” he pleads with his lips against you, thrusting at an almost animalistic pace. 
The up kick in the power of his thrust distracts you. You don’t move quick enough for him as he growls, smacking at the bundle of nerves between your legs. It’s all it takes for you to jolt and snap your arms above you and wrap them around his neck.
It knocks the wind out of your smoke assaulted lungs when his other arm loops around your other thigh. Heaving you out of the water into his arms. You see the world from an uncomfortably high angle as he stands straighter. Gasping as you grasp the inky tendrils of his hair in a painful tug.
“Oh fuck,”
It’s sinful, the way he’s slamming you up and down on him. Bouncing you in the air like a toy. Small and weightless in his hands as he used you to cum. There was an ache in your hips at the position, the sea breeze against your exposed cunt only edged you on more though. You were shaking in his hands, and he’s never seen you so delicate and vulnerable for him- he’d be sure to make fun of how quickly his dick turned your sour bratty mood into nothing but a brain dead euphoric smile.
“All you fucking needed all these years, huh?” he asks you, “Woulda saved me so much grief if I had just mated with you then, huh?”
He isn’t expecting an answer, just mindlessly babbling to himself as he slides against the spongey spot of your cunt. It’s amazing to him how you jerk in his arms, stretching yourself backwards to clutch onto his neck better, straining your head sideways to pull at his hair and yank him into another sloppy kiss. Your wet lips are chilled by his breath as he pulls away,
“Touch your pussy for me baby, I wan’na cum so bad,”
As if he needs to feel your orgasm rip across his nervous system to make him cum. How could you deny the pretty aqua eyes pleading with you. It doesn’t feel as good when you do it considering you had grown so used to his much larger fingers padding against you but it still felt good. Too good to be so dirty. Too good to be mated in the early hours of the morning in a public space. His hips jerk up to match the painful drop of your ragdolled body against him and it makes you see stars. Stars that were successful in blinding him as well.
“Ya that’s it baby, don’t stop-“
It hurts to clench down on him. The painful snap behind your belly button could only be met with you dead weighing your body down deeper onto his cock and the fluttering push of your plush cunt.
He could have topped over with the speed he used to look down over your shoulder. He didn’t want to miss the sight of your pussy cumming for him. Not when you show him how much his pretty pussy can gush for him. He thought the small splash of liquid from your first orgasm was squirting- but at the sight of the liquid that sprays against the rocks ahead of you his thrusts grow sloppy. He doesn’t know how he was so lucky to have your juices splash up into him but he’s thankful for it- never wants the smell of you to leave his face.
How can he not want to cum at the feeling of your body completely giving into him. Laying limp in his big arms while he fucked up into you. There was no clenching resistance of your fluttering hole or pulling yourself up off of his body. Only his pretty girl in his arms getting filled the way no other man could ever fill her.
He hates how bad it hurts to slide out of you when he feels himself starting to cum. You offer no support in keeping his composure as your fingers slide down from where they rested on your cunt and gently caress the tips of your fingers against his tightening ballsack.
“You’re gonna make me cum,”
He knows he’ll never live down the breathy gasp of his words or moaning the way he does for you. He prays no one is within earshot of the wanton moans that leave his throat but he can’t help himself. You’re so wet and warm and tight. He swore there wasn’t a pussy in all of Pandora that would milk him half as well.
And Eywa, when he finally finds the strength to give in and pull out and your small palm wraps around the head of his cock, twisting and jerking him until an embarrassingly fat load shoots from him- he can't stop the loud growl that his moans turn into.
He would accredit the buckle of his knees to the fact that you were failing at aiming his cum towards your belly due to the erratic jerking of your hand against the tip of his cock, sending his cum not only over your pretty body, but shooting haphazardly onto the floor and most likely into the water. But the real reason for his weak legs was the sweet and huffed way you were babbling that you would love him forever.
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mistywaves98 · 1 year
✧・゚:* ->Yandere! Al Haitham x Fem! Reader
✧・゚:* ->Week (part) 2 of my 400 followers special! I forced myself to finish this with like 0 motivation so I apologize in advance for anything that seems a little odd
✧・゚:* ->¡Warnings!: Non con turned dub con, y'all are implied to be friends, implied belly bulge, gets kinda soft ngl, yandere themes, dark themes, NSFW thoughts, I think that's it!
✧・゚:* ->Minor writing smut! DNI if uncomfy!
✧・゚:* Reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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He saw you around the akademiya from time to time, from what he could make out, you were rather lonely, not really mingling with everyone else. He couldn't help but pity your attempts at socialising, often getting ignored when trying to interact with anyone, but he was sure you'd manage someday.
It was surprising when you came up to him one day and shyly asked if it was okay to sit with him, especially since there were other empty benches right next to him, but he still nodded in silent approval, wondering if perhaps you were hoping to try befriending someone again and in all honesty, he just wanted to read his book, but he assumed you would probably give up after a few minutes so he let it slide.
His suspicions were proven correct when you tried to start a conversation, however, it seemed you caught on to the fact that he wasn't really interested in talking so you quickly added that it wasn't necessary for him to speak if he didn't want to.
Al Haitham didn't really think of you to be a chatterbox but people can really shock you sometimes, don't they? You rambled on and on and he was surprised to find himself listening more than he thought he would. When you wrapped your little rant up and bid a him a sweet good bye, Al Haitham found a small part of him hoping you would come back again.
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As the days turned into nights and the nights turned into days eventually a few weeks had passed since that first 'meeting' and you had grown much closer to him since day one, you've also had a chance to come over to his residence and even met his roommate.
It had become a daily thing for you two to hang out now and Al Haitham had grown to look forward to your chattering, your voice was so lovely and soothing. Occasionally, he would steal glances at you from behind his book, taking in your happy expression, the way your hair seemed to frame your face perfectly whenever there was a breeze, sometimes trailing his eyes a little lower to admire the way your clothes hugged your figure perfectly...and those sweet tits, they look so soft...he wanted to squeeze them so bad....hm, can you repeat that? He also can't deny the fact he couldn't help but feel a bit jealous when you rambled or even just spoke to anyone else that wasn't him, guy or girl.
He hid those feelings well though, when it seemed he was just focused on reading his book, he was, in reality, seething silently at how well you were getting along with his room mate.
No matter how much he tried to deny it, he couldn't. You were on his mind 24/7. Not to mention how every time he saw you, he resisted the urge to pin you down and take what he really wanted. It was even starting to affect his work, everytime he picked up a piece of paper, he felt as if he was seeing your name written all over it, every face seemed to resemble yours and he swore he saw you walk by from the corner of his eye.
You also noticed he'd become more clingy than usual, insisting that he accompany you to things you'd have never thought he would be interested in. To be honest though, he really didn't care about where you were going, he just wanted to make sure no one tried anything on you.
It gradually became kind of suffocating, you needed some space and you were hesitant to bring it up at first but all you got was a simple nod of acknowledgement, much to your relief. However, whenever you did go out without him, Al Haitham made it clear that you were to come back to his abode before going to your own. Upon arriving, he'd be all over you, hand holding your face tightly as he checked for, what he claimed, 'bruises' (he was actually looking for signs of you hooking up with anyone).
Although it was better than having him follow you around, which he still did at times, you still felt as if you had no privacy. Like if something or someone was always watching and listening to you as you went about your daily life. It made you paranoid. You became anxious and jittery, jumping at the slightest things.
Everytime you were around him you felt uneasy, as if his eyes were always on you, even if he appeared to be busy with other things.
Al Haitham, on the other hand, was secretly smiling at the way you were slowly withdrawing yourself from others, whether you were aware or not, it was only a matter of time before he had you where he wanted you.
When a fellow classmate invited you to see a performance in the Grand Bazaar, he urged you to go (even if it meant you'd have to be with someone else), it would help you relax your nerves after all and relieve some tension. You decided to take his advice with a small smile that twitched slightly when he reminded you to make sure and pay him a visit first before heading home.
While you were gone he managed to get a very bewildered and confused Kaveh out of the house for a while. After tidying up a bit he decided to sit down and wait.
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Al Haitham's head snapped towards the door as soon as he heard it creak open, revealing your slightly disheveled form. He was all over you in an instant and his eyes narrowed as he inspected your neck, fingers lightly tracing purple and red marks that could only be described as lovebites.
"What were you doing there?" his voice was low and dangerous as you nervously responded with,"nothing," "Don't lie to me" he grabbed your jaw with one hand, tilting your head up to look him in the eyes. Possessiveness and anger swirled around in them as his glare never faltered. "I-it was just a simple hook up! We didn't even do more than a little making out... but besides, why would that be a problem?!"
"Because. You. Are. Mine."
With that, his lips met yours in a rough kiss. Your hands flew to his shoulders, trying to push him away, but you were too weak. Instead, he pinned you against the door with his body as his tongue pried your mouth open.
The hand holding your jaw travelled down to close itself around your throat as the other cupped your clothed breast, giving an experimental squeeze before brushing his hand over your nipple, feeling it harden through the thin fabric. "No bra? Are you sure you did 'nothing'? Dirty whore."
His hand quickly left your chest area to part your legs that were practically glued together at that point. Two fingers rubbed your pantie-covered pussy, making you whimper and try to close them, but the tightening grip around your throat made you stop. After collecting enough of your slick on his fingers, Al Haitham brought them up to your eye level.
"Look at how wet you are, just from a little make out session, I doubt you would've wanted to stop here, or do you?" Tears formed in your eyes from the embarrassment as you lightly shook your head. "I thought so." Those same fingers were shoved into your mouth as the skirt you were wearing was hiked up to your stomach, revealing a pair of pretty green panties with a leaf pattern covering it,"This was my favourite pair, a shame I'll have to do this." Your eyes went wide as the sound of fabric ripping met your ears.
"Do you think you need to be prepped? Or are you too eager to have a man's cock inside you?" Your mind was filled with fear as you heard him unbuckling his belt. "W-wait, please..." "Please what? I'm sure you can take it, right?"
Tears fell from your eyes as you felt him push it in once he was lined up with your hole. Even though he eased it in slowly, the burn was painful, your nails dug into his muscular biceps as you squeezed your eyes shut. Al Haitham's hand came up to wipe away the tears as he bottomed out inside of you.
Your moans were occasionally interrupted by uncontrollable hiccuping from crying as he began thrusting. His thrusts were as deep as they were gentle and you could see the tip of his cock kiss your cervix everytime. He was so big and you knew there would be a bulge in your stomach if you dared to look down, which you didn't.
You hated how you were getting closer and closer to orgasming, you hated how you felt yourself clench around him even tighter as he praised but at the same time degraded you,"Look at you, taking my cock so well like the slutty bitch you are—fuck, you're so tight, are you seriously getting off on being fucked like this by your friend?"
Eventually you came undone with a cry of ecstasy, your legs spasming and mouth ajar, vision gone white for a moment. Al Haitham didn't stop though. "Please stop, 'm still sensitive—n'more..." "You really thought we're done? You must be dumber than I imagined. I haven't had my pleasure yet and we aren't going to be finished until then."
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A couple of things, first of all Ngl I wasn’t a big fan of your Sabo design but then he grew on me to the point I almost forgot that it wasn’t his canon design and it’s only been like idk a month. Second of all, for your Wonderland au omf they’re all adorable omg so cute
First of all, Oh wow i appreciate your honesty lol, Im glad you’ve come around and enjoy my stuff :)!
I dont think i change too much, truthfully. In my eyes, im just drawing the characters in my own style, and if that means i need to add pointy teeth, dark upper lip, and snake bites, thats just what needs to happen 🤷‍♀️
Second of all, Thank youU!!! Im really digging this au, i didnt know i needed it until i was made aware by that one ask i got.
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Like i cannot imagine a life without baby bunmy Ace. I love him. So much. He is… at peas…..
Thanks for the ask!
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panboiiibish · 24 days
I too came from the shark mer post and I totally didn't follow just to see more later
ngl you touched a lot of ideas in that one that I appreciate a lot! I'd give the big sharky a hug tbh
very excited to
Your welcome!
Feeling like a giddy kid getting all this interaction after posting a few of my one shot ideas.
In honesty I'm more of a reader but I adore rp and making characters. Iv found my style is a bit out there for others so I started up the Thinking about monsters so I could get my ideas out.
Was actually in a lady mood but the song Fear and Delight was stuck to my brain and idk why but the lyrics give me shark vibes. Kinda just wanted a bit more of a scary character to dive into my darker ideas and now its blown up so much. >♡<
I will be taking the Shark mer x Diver a bit more serious so pls mind if I keep on posting little one shots. Dont worry though! Shark Boi def will be a recurring character now. X3
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socheckitout-mikey · 2 years
these weren't requested but i'm still in love with brett talbot, so here ya goooo! (': <333 - mae
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Dating Brett Talbot Hc's:
° Ngl Brett can be a mean boyfriend in the sense that he likes to tease (bully) you playfully a lot of the time, but he never actually means it or wants to hurt you because he's really so soft on you™. 
° If he gets too rowdy just tease him back ‘cause he secretly enjoys it! Banter is one of his only languages lmaoo.
° However, please speak up when and if he’s hurt your feelings: Brett prizes honesty over most things and he’d rather you be up front about something that’s bugging you. Otherwise he’ll figure it out for himself through other signals you give out - and trust me, he’s like a mother goose: He will find out!
° Always will apologise when he’s taken things too far. He’ll be extremely honest if something ever bugs him, but he’s got thick skin and not much can wound his ego: or so he thinks…
° Honestly, underneath all that hothead jock stuff is a real, genuine softie. He loves snuggles and affection! Practically demands it and becomes pouty when he doesn't get it. It's quite adorable!
° Just straight up flops his head on your tummy or lap for some head pats. He loooves it when you play with his hair, and can be a bit unfair when it comes to returning the favour because he’s a brat haha.
° You want hoodies and great big jackets much too big for you? Sweet, they're yours now! He loves you in his clothes and can't say no to you taking them, even if he's practically naked. 
° "I'm guessing that you actually want me to be naked around town right? That's the fourth hoodie this month."
° "I don't know what you're talking about!" 
° "You're such a loser. You have to just be a thief huh?" 
° Bonus points if you wear his spare Jersey! Though not so much when he needs it. 
° "Babe this is a problem-" 
° "But it's comfy!" 
° "I can't play without a Jersey! Cough it up you little thief." 
° "Awe man!"
° Lmaoo you act like you're dying or something.
° “It’s only gonna get smelly and dirty…”
° Brett's pretty blunt/opinionated so he may mince his words a lot, but he means well, I promise! Even if he is a total savage.
° He’s known for having a protective streak, but he’s not particularly overbearing such as Derek Hale or Stiles Stilinski. However he would move mountains for you if given the chance. He’s the type to make sacrifices for the ones he loves: Just look at his sister Lori.
° Perhaps expect a bit of unsolicited opinions on other people in your life - especially newcomers. His intuition is insanely on point. He chalks it up to him just being a werewolf, which is partly true, but he’s got good judgement. He’s also got good people skills, knowing how to trust himself on pretty much everything. His protectiveness naturally falls into place when it comes to his pack and you. He may (will) bite if someone fucks with his loved ones.
° Hands down is willing to fight anyone and anything for you if it’s warranted. Regardless if it’s a supernatural threat or not.
° Lmaoo you gotta be there to stop him from wolfing out on the kid who gave y’all the stink eye when you were in line at the movies. He says he just wants to “scare him”, but we all know better than that, don’t we?
° Is a sucker for when you attend his practices and games, especially when you cheer for him. He appreciates the support, a happy grin dawns across his face, which is wholesome indeed.
° Once he attempted to show off in front of you during a game and he quite literally fell from grace. That mouthful of grass sure did pack a punch! Luckily he had his mouth guard on, but yourself and Lori still go on about that one to this day. It’s unfortunate for Brett who gets rather salty about it.
° Spontaneous late night drives that just hit differently. Sometimes they’re quiet, Brett’s hand smoothing circles into your thigh that make you lull off to sleep. Other times he’s blasting music with you, belting out the best tunes.
° It’s always a ritual for you both to get huge slushies at 7-11. His treat always. He won’t let you even put a cent towards them. Slushies are his treat and he always gets a bad brain freeze because he decided to inhale that stuff essentially!
° Slushies are his treat to get for you because you typically do a lot of things for him that make his heart melt. He’s usually very busy because of practices, games and studying - often extremely tired when all is said and done. Sometimes he doesn’t see you as much as he really wants to, but you always find a way to see him or do little things for him that just makes life that much easier. He wants to repay you back somehow. So paying for things on dates and such is his way of ensuring you know that he loves you most. As if the insistent cuddles and kisses when you are together didn’t already put that across.
° Brett always picks up your calls, even at 4am. His sleepy, "Babe?" rumbles into the phone and warms you up.
° If you're upset then it makes you cry harder, which wakes him up immediately. He stays up with you until you both pass out if he can't come to you for whatever reason. He's a werewolf, but his motor functions when he's tired will cause him to crash his car pretty easily. However, he wants to be there for you whenever he can. He’d really feel rotten if you didn’t reach out to him when you needed comfort or he didn’t answer.
° But often the calls are humorous yet he still answers them just in case.
° "What do you want?" 
° "Did you know axolotls regenerate their limbs?" 
° "Seriously? You called me at 4am for this?" 
° "But it's important-" 
° "I'm hanging up now." 
° "No, I love you!" 
° Lmaoo he just laughed and hung up! He did send you a voice message that went, "I love you, you dork." with a laugh to it.
° He loves you really though, I promise!
° Brett tries his hardest to keep you as separate from the whole supernatural thing as possible. It can be really challenging as both worlds often blur together alarmingly in Beacon Hills. However, it isn’t long until you find out his werewolf secret - much to Satomi’s displeasure of course. She just wants to protect her pack at the end of the day, so it isn’t anything personal. She understands that once you’re aware of such a secret, it draws in darker things. So she also wishes to protect you.
° The way in which you discovered his secret was chaotic, harmless, hilarious and quite frankly innocent. All I can really say is; you’d come over to his house only to walk in on Brett starting to fang out, his features warped into a grotesque expression with razor sharp teeth, fury thick sideburns appearing and glowing gold eyes piercing in the blue like of his computer screen. Lori had come into his room for the hundredth time that night to mess with her brother whilst he’d been playing a game on his PC. It was one time too many by the looks of it, the pair yanking the mouse back and forth between them with Brett snarling and snapping at his sister momentarily. Even the cable had snapped like a brittle elastic band. Yet they fought over the crackling mouse ferociously.
° You stood there frozen like ice, unsure of what you were seeing. Honing in on Brett’s appearance. It was the erratic beating of your heart that let the pair know someone had intruded on their wolfish argument. Brett just about had an aneurism when he saw you - Lori squeaking out an, “Oops!” just as she let go of the mouse.
° This movement sent Brett flying backwards onto his bed, somersaulting onto the floor and splatting his back into the once pristine dark green wall. He sat there dumbfounded, drywall speckled in his hair, coughing with the wind knocked out of his lungs.
° You were like 👁️👄👁️ before pointing at him and saying with the utmost conviction, “I KNEW YOU WERE A FREAK!”
° Waaaaaay to break the ice dude! Lori almost peed her pants laughing whilst Satomi stormed up the stairs to see what the hell was going on. To say she was unhappy was an understatement.
° That was how you realised werewolves existed! It was definitely not what Brett had anticipated, but he wasn’t complaining. Your instant acceptance made it easier for you both to move forward. Honestly, he’d actually expected you to wuss out, running away and screaming. When he told you that, you may have put salt in his coffee as payback.
° Though moving forward became a thorn in his ass when a bunch of useless questions came firing out of your mouth all the time. We’ll never forget the, “If your butt gets itchy when you shift, do you slide along the carpet like a dog?” You honestly did deserve the pillow that got launched at your face lmaoo.
° Your relationship is definitely not all sunshine and rainbows. Where it is teasing and light loads of the time, it can get pretty heavy and serious. Arguments between the pair of you are pretty unbearable. The area is cleared by everyone else because words can get quite brutal. You both can also be quite stubborn, so reuniting, communicating and putting things behind you can be quite difficult at times: Especially on Brett’s behalf, because he always wants to be right and definitely thinks he is the majority of the time.
° But he does wave his white flag of surrender. You always know that an apology is on the tip of his tongue when he sits beside you quietly, fiddling with the tips of his own fingers. His apologies are sincere and he does his best not to repeat the same mistakes twice. He’s good enough to admit when he’s wrong, and he expects the same in return.
° Despite how he may appear to most people, Brett is incredibly loving, kind, sweet and considerate. He puts those that he loves first always, doing his best to protect them. You’ve got a ride or die kind of guy here, but he won’t let you or anyone walk all over him.
° It’s pivotal that you get on really well with his younger sister Lori. She means the world to him, meaning that she isn’t going anywhere. It is a great thing that you guys get on so well: Lori tells you all sorts of soft things Brett says about you. Also sometimes she tells you embarrassing things he did when he was younger which makes him go bright red with embarrassment! Don't worry, he chases after Lori, giving her the noogie of a lifetime as payback before she shoves him off a little embarrassed herself, because, “Great, now I stink of your smelly armpits!”.
° Brett is an amazing listener. He doesn’t seem like he would be, but he is. He’s always observing other people around him and it’s just natural. His silence may seem daunting, but he’s really just letting you vent out your frustrations, disappointments, hopes, dreams and so on. If you want his advice then he’s happy to give it to you, though be prepared for possibly encountering something you weren’t quite expecting. Brett tells the truth, but will try to say it as respectfully as possible. He’s also your biggest hype man, offering lots of praise and sweet nothings.
° Brett’s a good secret keeper. Lots of his friends and pack tell him their secrets. Once it’s been entrusted with him then he’s keeping it safe: Not another soul will be told unless for safety reasons I suppose.
° He loves it when you fall asleep on him. Sometimes he’s mischievous and pulls a small prank on you. Where there is Brett, there is usually a prank about to go down. They’re usually quite harmless when it comes to you. However he is known for playing dirty.
° Brett never forgets a date. Be prepared to be showered in gifts and to go on the cutest planned out things for special events, etc. He’s very thoughtful and gets the gist of what you like and don’t like. Sometimes they go wrong, but he always saves it in the end. He’s smooth after all.
° You always return the favour, doing things for him that makes him so damn happy! In fact, you’re always reminding him to pace himself, ensuring he eats properly and whatnot because he often forgets with his busy schedule.
° Surprisingly you’ve protected him more times than he can count when it comes to the supernatural side of things. Despite being human yourself, you pack quite the punch. We won’t forget the time when you decided not to run in Sinema after Brett got slashed in the stomach trying to protect Mason.
° “Just get outta here!” He’d snarled at you.
° “In your dreams, Talbot. You think you get to steal the show?”
° You were lucky that Liam and Scott had turned up when they had with Kira, because you weren’t faring well with a bloody bar stool in your hand!
° Boy did Brett give you hell for that one. He made you promise never to pull a stunt like that again, but when the time comes again, there’s not much left to debate. You just react. You’re just as protective of him and Lori as he is.
° What is left of his pack loves you very much. You even him out and he seems to make you feel more sure of yourself. Satomi is happy you humble him lmaoo.
° Cuddles galore! Y’all are so gentle with limbs intertwined. Usually one of you will fall asleep. The amount of photos both of you have of the other sleeping is cute! Obviously Brett catches you in the act more often.
° After every game, win or lose, he gets a kiss from you both before and after. Before is for luck and after is either for celebration or comfort. You get crushed in the biggest sweaty hug ever. You never get used to that one haha!
° If you go to Beacon Hills, he playfully calls you a “traitor” - and so do all of your friends. Coach Finstock has a personal vendetta against you for “dating the enemy” and constantly asks you for inside secrets. You’re the only one besides Scott McCall that he can stand. Being friends with Liam may result in both a disgruntled Brett and Liam. Both are disgusted: Liam being very vocal about it and Brett being just as vocal, but respectful-ish nonetheless. Who you’re friends with isn’t Brett’s business unless they hurt you. 
° If you attend Devonford, just know that you’re both the it couple. Man you guys are gorgeous! A lot of people are jealous of you ngl. Who wouldn’t be? You’re dating freaking Brett Talbot!
° You guys stick together through thick and thin. It’s very sweet. And as you age together, you grow up to be better people.
° Instead you saved the pair, stopping them from climbing the ladder out of the sewer system just in time. Luckily Brett pulled through after almost succumbing to his wounds that Deaton wasn’t sure he’d survive. You never gave up hope - even when other people told you to give up.
° With each dark period that settled over Beacon Hills, Brett became more protective over you. But he wasn’t scared to face those adversities, which made you decide that you weren’t either. You found more courage in being with him, finding where you belonged in this new world and pack available to you.
° After highschool is said and done, Brett is adamant to take you and Lori as far away from Beacon Hills. It’s challenging to fight the pull towards such a prominent place, but you manage it. A weight lifted off of your shoulders. It’s easy for you all to blend into the city or town that you choose to settle in. As they possess the gift to hide their scent, other creatures are kept at bay: The siblings are able to control their shifting - teaching you such arts that Satomi had once passed down to them.
° Brett has rugged scars that didn’t quite heal after his near death experience from Liam’s mixup. He’s a little self-conscious, he can’t deny it, but they don’t deter you at all. The jagged, scarred tissue where the arrow went straight through is mesmerising to you, something you subconsciously trace whilst you lay in his arms at night.
° Nowadays Brett has trouble healing from the amount of wolfsbane he’d been given. It doesn’t stop him from acting the same way - snarling and snapping at prominent threats. He’s your wall of guardianship, but you help him understand that it’s okay to take a step back once in a while.
° If mates were a true thing, that would be yourself and Brett. You’re made for each other, able to sooth each other yet grow excited together. You match each other’s energy at the drop of a pin! Silliness runs rampant - a kind of love that blossoms in all the experiences that you both endure together; both good and bad. It’s the kind of love that isn’t always easy, but it’s worth it. There’s an understanding between you both. You know what the other needs. You’re not clingy or dependent on one another. It all just flows perfectly. It feels like home. Home is where the heart is.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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ryansjane · 2 years
i LOVE your post about your favorite thai actresses, can you do one with your favorite actors?
I sure can! I also have a full video ranking every thai actor I know, though my mind has evolved a bit since then for sure :)
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off jumpol: I mean I'll try to stay brief bc everyone knows how much I adore off, but for me he's truly the one actor who has it all: he can act great, he's beautiful, has literally the best personality out of any actor, has a great fashion sense, can sing well, is hilarious af, an amazing leader & mc, a great friend & phi to literally everyone around him... like HOW can you not love him? I've been his fan for 3 years now and literally fall in love with him more every day <3
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mond tanutchai: speaking of love, here's another actor I'm literally in love with <3 so mond is objectively one of the most beautiful men on this earth, and on top of that he's an amazing actor, is very charismatic, and has the cutest personality! I just hate how underrated he is bc he deserves to be a leading man in every series, and I hope he can get to that very soon bc he only deserves the best of the best :)
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tay tawan: so "everybody loves tay" is a popular saying in the fandom for a reason. I usually think actors who are loved by everyone are overrated, but for tay it's 100000% warranted. even though he's not the greatest actor (he's a good actor don't get me wrong!), he has the best personality (infp's unite) and is just... happiness in a human being :) he's also an amazing presenter and extremely genuine & passionate about everything he ever talks about. he transpires honesty & I would trust him with my life <3
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drake laedeke: so on top of being very incredibly handsome, I feel like drake really has one of the best personalities out there in the fact that he's not afraid of being silly or "too much." a pattern you'll find in every actor I love is their genuine-ness, and drake definitely has that! he's extremely hyper & fun and while he still has some work to put in acting-wise, he's getting better every year and I'm very excited to see where he goes <3
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first kanaphan: so I always brag that I've liked first since his first role, but it's true! I've always felt like he had so much potential, especially when I saw him alongside off in wolf, or drake in blacklist. but ngl since his first role in wake up chanee that was great, I felt like he was delegated to mediocre & okay series where, even though he did shine, he didn't get to show his full potential either. then not me happened, and like everyone in that show, he fucking SLAYED and bodied yok in a way literally no one else could have, and now he's also killing it in the eclipse so I'm literally standing here like a proud mom like "FINALLY! my son gets some good material!" so yeah, I love first & his talent, as well as his silly & loving personality. he's just... pure good vibes <3
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earth pirapat: so even though I'm not a super fan of where earth's career is going, very much caged into his ship, I've loved him for a very long time. he's literally the only actor I've seen every role of (even his singaporean show), and he's had my attention since his first role in water boyy, but stole my heart as un in theory of love who's part of what was my main favorite ship, untwo, for years. that love truly culminated in 1000 stars, where he finally got a main role that made him shine like he deserves to! so yeah, I will always support earth, bc he's an amazing actor, genuinely one of the most beautiful men on earth & truly such a sweetie <3 all good vibes towards him!
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joss wayar: to complete the hottie trinity (with mond & earth), we of course have joss! so the dude is literally the most beautiful man on this earth & it's kinda rude... but I also really appreciate the fact that he's chosen a variety of roles including a bi poly icon like neo in 3 will be free. I also think he definitely has the potential to become THE male lead of thai series if he works a bit more on his acting, especially in emotional scenes, and while I don't really love the "hustle culture" part of his personality, I still love his response to someone asking him if he was gay back in 2019 that showed how open-minded he is. I'm very excited to see where his career goes :)
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gun atthaphan: so what is there to say about gun that hasn't already been said? an obvious INSANE talent for acting, an incredible fashion sense & the cutest personality... it's no coincidence why gun is so beloved. I have nothing but great things to say about him, and while his personality is very private so I wish I knew more about him, I will always support him in every endeavor & wish him the best <3
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fluke gawin: a recent addition to my faves’ list, gawin has always been on my radar since his first role as mork in dark blue kiss. while he hasn't had that many roles, he's stolen the show in pretty much all of them! mork was already my favorite part of dbk, I rooted for his character in girl next room over the male lead and he was adorable in enchanté... but of course it's his role in not me that truly sealed the deal for me, managing a super complex character with many emotional scenes & truly showing me that besides a beautiful man who can sing insanely well, there truly is an amazing actor. I'm extremely excited to see where fluke goes next, even though y'all know I'm not a fan of him starring in be my favorite, bc I truly know he has many great things ahead of him. very, very excited for what's to come <3
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non chanon: so it's funny bc non has been on my radar for a while, through his roles in bad genius the movie & project s: shoot! I love you, but I always found his roles incredibly bland & boring. then, this past year happened: he gave a twist to the boring male lead trope in 46 days, played one of the most interesting complex roles ever in one of my all-time favorite thai dramas the revenge, and once again a layered messed up rapper in wannabe... and now he's gonna be in the first historical thai bl too! so to say my opinion of him has changed would be an understatement bc he's not only a really, really, REALLY solid actor & absolutely gorgeous, but he also seems like a lovely person who loves pushing himself into new interesting roles. I'm very excited to see his future roles, especially as he seems to want to work with gmmtv more, and I'm really glad to have changed my mind about him <3
other actors I love: white nawat, jaylerr krisanapoom, arm weerayut, mek jirakit, khaotung thanawat, gunsmile chanagun, billkin putthipong & toni rakkaen <3
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s-misaki · 2 months
Floorboards by McCafferty is so Mr. Monk coded. I'm only on season six episodes 12 though.
Your hands are weak - I thought that they'd be strong,
Ambrose and Monk, how Ambrose looked up to Adrian for almost all of his life, seeing him as the stronger brother.
And the doctors say I'm fine - And I will be a mom in nine whole months - I'll never be a mom - I'll never be that strong - I'll always be this weak - At least I think I'll be
The episode when he adopts a child, but realizes he can 'never' raise a child because he's scared of putting or raising a child with OCD, because he knows that it's not "normal" by society's standards.
She said thank me when your older -
His mother constantly saying "You'll thank me later", leading to him saying this phrase later, but also her 'life lessons', which ended up messing him later in life.
You can bury me in pieces - Underneath the floorboards in your room - And the story just gets darker -
It just feels like something his family would do, and then "the story just gets darker" is how depressing his family is, like one walkie talkie because Monk had no friends.
Heey! Thank you so much for sharing this with me, I really appreciate it 🫶 I listened to the song, such strong lyrics and honesty.
Ambrose and Adrian’s brotherhood, their parents and home life & the way it impacted him (and both of them) later in life is something so painful and explains a lot.
Ngl a part of me died at the episode where he adopted the kid. felt relatable
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nobito203 · 1 year
A chapter is about to end
2021, I left a job to get back to the US for a Master Degree in Counseling psychology. I was excited because I feel like the US is still my home and our journey together hadn't ended yet, although feel bittersweet to leave the job I was really enjoying.
This time is Pittsburgh, has to be a city. I deferred my admission at the school I didn't know much about besides what my professor in undergrad was marketing to me. She thought it's a great fit for me, so I applied and give it the benefit of a doubt. And honestly, it's been a fun ride with ups and downs.
Grad school hits different. Very hard to make friends and find a community in an environment where everyone has a lot on their plate. But everyone I met are so empathetic. We share about our experiences and lessons vulnerably which I think it's a beautiful thing. It's where we vibe so well, without filters sometimes. I have had opportunities to chat with lot of them and see their point of view. Everyone has their unique stories, but do have some common similarities. I learn that although having a lot going on, people still can connect deeply when they spend time together to talk about how they see life. Empathy soars when I see different views with its pros and cons. Sometimes, all we need is being listened, no solution needed. I might not agree with how you see live because it's the opposite with what I believe, but I do respect your point of view because we're unique. We still can be friends even when we disagree with one another, but we agree to disagree and accept it's a part of us. It makes humans human. Agree??
I found a community at my internship site. I love all people I met there. They're super supportive. Their personality always amaze me. The empathy and sympathy they have are immense. We might unhappy with what others have done but always approach others with altruism. They challenge my perspectives and encourage me to see thing in different lenses. The kids at the site I met showed me how much emotional tolerance I have for others. They emotionally push me to the limit where sometimes I felt like I can burst off, but somehow I managed to calm myself down and treat them with kindness everytime. They're the future and good education is the only way to have a better future. I look at them in a holistic way to decipher how do they behave the way they do, which increases my sense of empathy. I'm extremely happy that I stay here long enough to see the impact I and my fellow interns have on them. Seeing the good impacts we make is pleasant. I'm gonna miss my fellow interns a lot. We made it so far, some left but some still stay till this moment I'm writing this. I appreciate them, I salute the work they're doing. I wish them the best!
I ended a 3-year relationship on a good term. I was passive on how it ended but I actively learned a lot about it. I learned how to not being harsh on myself. I appreciate my ex was being honest with her feeling and made a decision to break up for her own sake. It's definitely not beneficial for me but the honesty remains a highlight. I embrace it. It's totally fine to let thing go and l let myself to leave someone who didn't match the standard I pursue. It is and will always beneath my standard if I have a relationship with someone who doesn't want to be my teammate and has no capacity and emotional maturity to work and contribute to a relationship. It sucks that it's ended but I constantly remind myself everything happened for a reason. So, allowing myself go through the grieving is a huge learning lesson and I kinda enjoyed tbh. I embrace the process and feel like a new person out of it. No resentment and regret. No love is ever wasted, even when it leads to a heartbreak.
The last 2 years of grad school were an awesome journey ngl ☺️☺️. I have learnt so much more about the world and myself. I met new people whom I vibe with, yet still spent some time to revisit old friends who making effort to know what's going on in my life. Y'all are appreciated. Sometimes, I contemplate the life I have: bouncing between cities, starting a routine in a new city, finding a community at where I'm at, missing other things, goodbye people, etc...; and question myself is it all worth it? Every time, the answer is YES, including this time. Those cities, those people, and the experiences I had are making me who I am today. I have nothing but gratitude and empathy to give back. It's going to be a new fun chapter, thanks for tagging along if you get here hehe.
The End!
-No Name
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months
i hope this ask finds you chilling! it's too bad i missed the stream this week, but i figure i should give you my review of pure or else i'll never remember! that being said sorry in advance if this is annoying at all T.T
anyway overall i really liked it! that's my boring answer haha
my more in-depth answer is sets 100, the set design did not have to do all that but i love that they did. i have to say from the jump the dog made me so nervous but i really did think the dog thing would serve as a catalyst instead of the sawatari thing but they got me, double whammy.
i understand the ryo beef and i'm with you on it he really entered yuka into the competition, did all that, and then got mad about the consequences of his own actions...
i also can get why ppl would say it doesn't have a lot of rewatch value because it was fairly low-stakes and not too bombastic, but i also think there could be a lot to take in from future watch throughs anyway so...
it was really charming to me that sawatari was awkward in his own way, like, he was competent socially no doubt and pretty good at expressing himself but in a way that came off (to me at least) like a d&d kind of low charisma if that makes sense haha just like blunt and to the point but not unkind.
idk where i'm going with this, i just wanted to make sure i made good on my promise to report back 🫡.
THE PURE REVIEW OMG yay im glad you enjoyed it !!!
AND YAYA i LOVE sawatari. Like yeah he’s an asshole but because of The Conflict regarding yuka and how people shelter her too much, i enjoy his character a lot for being. A Cunt LMAO i can always appreciate honesty.. even if it wouldnt hurt to be a bit softer with it sometimes ☠️
The dog had me stressed cause i just know by now 90% of the time a dog’s involved it’s kicking the bucket at some point (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)
And yeah. Im a ryo hater 5ever like bros mad about a competition he was the only one participating in 😭 also thats your cousin who trusts and loves you you freak go away 😭😭
I agree with the general consensus that pure’s rewatchability is low, but ngl i love yuka and sawatari enough to rewatch some episodes sometimes ( ´ ▽ ` )
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timingmatters · 1 year
honestly, i was so angry about how they handled everything regarding taylor kelly my beloved.
the show is full of copaganda and loves to ignore everything bad re police and athena. but since the very first time they introduced taylor in s2, they acted as if reporters and journalists are evil for simply standing by the truth and giving citizens correct information? taylor wanted to report that the 118 firefighters were dumb enough to eat something that a stranger baked for them and thus were high while on the clock. as a citizen of LA, i would be very invested in knowing if the people who are supposed to save me are drugged?? the show framed it as if the reputation of the 118 is more important that the safety of the LA citizens. what is it was a surgeon who got high and then went to operate on a patient????? what then?
athena herself told them that the police always throws away baked goods which they receive from people. they know about potential risks, meaning that the 118 station was showcasing a big case of naivety by eating those pot brownies. and still, taylor was framed some sort of devil for actually doing her job as she was supposed to lmao. it irked me that it was only pure plot convenience/plot armor that protected the others from real repercussions, too. nothing Bad™ or Serious™ happened during their calls that day, just so the audience can (a) giggle and (b) wave off any realistic concerns about drugged firefighters and (c) blindly accept the weird ass "journalism is bad" rhetoric. however, imagine if they actually lost lives that day because they were all too high to do their work properly. what then, huh? what then @ 911 writers? bobby and the others would have had to answer to the police in such a case, potentially facing real consequences, losing their jobs, etc.
the fact that they continued to frame taylor and journalism as bad just… really put me off. is that the hill that 911 wants to die on lol? as taylor said, what she thinks is most valuable is the truth (she practiced that principle with buck as well when she appreciated his honesty about him cheating and "trapping her" in the apartment). even if the truth can hurt, it's better than living a lie or never fully knowing what is or isn't true – she of all people knows that painfully well. this is why i haaated it when buck ended up breaking up with her because he could not accept that she will never stop fighting for the truth… that's such a major L imo.
she said she wanted to help others and keep them safe, and to her personally, knowing all the hard facts is helpful. and she is right!! having all the necessary information allows people to make decisions and stay safe – Covid and other diseases? natural disasters? traffic reports? muderer with a gun on the loose? we have newspapers and radios and tv news for a damn reason! to make things worse, buck lived in the shadow of his dead brother, and he suffered all his life because he did not know the truth about daniel, and his parents, and why they are how they are!! their (buck's and taylor's) approach to help others may be different, yes, but i think that was so compelling about them ngl. we know that buck is curious and enjoys playing detective (with taylor and in general), we know that he's been lied to all his life and suffered for it, we know he felt very guilty that he did not know that doug abused maddie (another big secret), we know buck is about not-pretending and being honest. in many ways, no matter if romantic or platonic, i think they had a very interesting foundation based on their respective background stories. that is why making taylor look like the bad person because she chose her integrity as a journalist and decided to share facts with the public leaves such a bad taste in my mouth. the citizens of LA that heard the news from her were probably very glad to be informed about some dangerous guy who killed people?! killing journalism only ever benefits people in powerful positions who try to hide shit just to look better or to avoid reasonable discourse in the public eye...
idk. sorry this got so long lmao! feel free to ignore, i just felt like ranting and your post about taylor inspired me. i love taylor kelly, and i love journalists who oftentimes risk their lives when they reveal and speak up against wrongdoings of powerful people. if buck cannot appreciate taylor kelly, i will ♥
idk. sorry this got so long lmao! feel free to ignore, i just felt like ranting and your post about taylor inspired me. i love taylor kelly, and i love journalists who oftentimes risk their lives when they reveal and speak up against wrongdoings of powerful people. if buck cannot appreciate taylor kelly, i will
I agree with you a lot!!! Although i dont think the show depics taylor or journalism as bad. I think it just depicts that Buck dislikes it. While I agree with everything you said, i also think that there is inherently a conflict of interests. Bucks’s job to is make people are safe first, and then have people deal with the emergency before deciding how they would want it to be made public. That’s 100% fair and valid. Taylor’s job is the opposite. Which is also fair and valid. I dont think the show portrays them (journalists) as bad. Just inconvenient and kinda annoying when they get in the way of them working (which happens irl!! And is a valid sentiment!!). I also agree things could have been worst if the 118 had been called to something more dangerous when they were high, but i dont think taylor was the bad guy. It was just portrayed that it wasn’t something that buck was looking for in terms of relationships. Which is fair!!! He wanted privacy and she can’t afford to give him privacy on all his stories when his job involves the public. He is not a bad guy for wanting that to be handled internally, and she is not a bad guy for wanting to expose such error. (And hey, the department did deal with that, asked them questions, and eventually found the person in charge. And since the beginning of their trip they were recognized and even handcuffed so they couldn’t hurt anyone, they did not actually get involved with emergencies when they were drugged. They were stopped).
My issue was not how the writing overall did taylor or their relationship. I think it was the ending I didn’t like. If Taylor, like when the drugs story happened, had stood her ground and THEN buck had broken up, i would have been completely fine with it. They were never gonna work, she was sure on who she was in regards to what is public information, and Buck realized that didn’t work for what he was looking for in someone. I think thats fine. He needs someone to understand sometimes the stories in his life need to be digested before talked about, and dating a journalist was not it. Both had a point and both deserved to go, and like a previous anon said, he needed to be the one to let go first for his arc. All fair. What pissed me off was that she was WILLING to change (which she didn’t have to) and willing to set new boundaries to appease him. And he still walked away. Which makes it go from “we dont work together and buck made the first step to let go” to “she loves him and is willing to keep changing herself to make it work whereas he has had a foot out the door since the beginning”. Their last fight was my issue. Because making her stand down just to be let go regardless felt very shitty to me. Just overall a shitty ending to her, where the ending could have given her more grace by making her not back down.
Listen i do love 911. All shows like this are copaganda, however i think is arguably to say not so much here. 911 is about firefighters and emergency responders first and foremost. A firefighter is NOT the same as a cop. Actually, multiple characters (like Buck) dont really like cops lmao. And they have showed multiple dirty cops. The show has made sure to note how is not one bad cop, but how the system is failed (like athena knowing those who almost shot her family were barely gonna be punished). The only time i have thought the copaganda was a little too much was the storyline of finding Emmett’s killer (because the guy arguably did more for the people than a cop ever could, and he wasn’t a danger to society anymore. Athena knew that, putting that guy in jail was purely for revenge which is icky. And he helped kids in need). The rest i think is fair to say that most of the time we don’t deal with cops in the show lmao Athena is usually there to help in the emergencies too. Let me be clear when i say there is levels of copaganda, but is not what the show is overall. Firefighters surely do deserve the love. And hey! I think is nuanced and well that the one cop on the show is a black woman (the community most negatively affected by cops) who became one BECAUSE cops didn’t do right by her people (like ignoring a black girl who disappeared when she was a child). The answer maybe is not to join the corrupted system, but multiple people have the mindset of “join them to change the system from within”. So its interesting that the only cop pov we have comes from that, not a blindly romanticization of cops. And i also give kudos that they never “corrected” May disliking cops. They said “she has many valid points” and respected it. Let’s give a little more credit to the show here on that front!!!!
I have made so many posts now but i really dont hate the writers for what they did with taylor, just how they ended it. Most of my posts have been me annoyed by the audience response to her character too more than the show itself lmao. Overall i did agree taylor and buck had to break up. I just hated how it happened bc it was disrespectful to what her character had been until then.
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doberbutts · 2 years
I was the original person who mentioned the stunt stuff (hi me again, sorry), and I didn't boycott the original LOTR because I was in elementary school when they were coming out but ngl...
I've been thinking a lot about your posts and I think my answer is that I'm not really interested in LOTR?
Like I liked the original trilogy because my mom and I watched it together, but I don't go out of my way to recommend them either, and mostly watch them for comfort films. I don't consider them to be the "true Tolkien experience" either.
So you're right that I had other underlying issues for not wanting to watch ROP, but it turns out that it's more that I'm just not into Tolkein but it's so pervasive in fantasy fandom that I feel like a bad fantasy reader if I don't have a good reason to not want to see it?
Yeah so again you were right, I could have just said "I don't care about thing" without the extra steps but I guess I just thought that I needed to care about the thing and "eh" wasn't good enough.
You don't need to respond to this I'm just grateful that you helped me see clarity on my own feelings. Though ngl I might put it on anyway just because of the racist fans who will probably boycott it enough to make any small protest I could have made utterly meaningless.
I appreciate your honesty, anon.
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daemonhxckergrrl · 1 year
Bc you know your stuff when it comes to hardware and software. Your posts are funny or they're good art or just simply nice things that I would reblog. You also are very passionate about sound (from what I can gather from our few interactions) and I think that's something to admire.
Overall I think you're a very interesting person and if it was possible, I would love to take you on a date. But since this is The Internet ™, I'm happy with just getting to know you better c:
And I'm not making this anonymous bc I'm being honest about it. So... yeah... um... yeah.
aaaaaaaa thanks 😳 i really appreciate this ! sorry for taking agess to answer this - i tend to collect all my asks up (or forget i have them bc potential undiagnosed adha yayy 🙃 )
but yeee i'm very much passionate about sound ^w^ the way i perceive it is incredibly tactile and sometimes visceral, and a big part of what i do is making/playing music (ngl i wonder if part of why i wanted to do music so badly was as a way to stim - uh thanks autism ig)
but yeah, i'm glad you like that ! ^w^
i certainly wouldn't say no to that if it were possible 👀 but ye we do have the power of the interwebz and its long-reaching communication at our disposal !!
i appreciate the honesty tbh <3
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buzzcutmase · 1 year
I’m really glad you’ve said this Sarah and really appreciate your honesty cos it means so much ❤️ as POC who loves your blog I was really taken aback to see your comments initially. I completely understand that people have a right to their own views and Ngl it kinda upset me and made me take a bit of step back from your blog, like maybe people like me wouldn’t be understood or welcome on your blog, sorry 💕 🥹
no everyone’s always welcome on my blogs i promise! 🩷 again i’m sorry fit made you feel like that because i wasn’r educated enough, i hope you know that i’m aware now and know the problems with her doing what she does!
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