#good luck pollux!
loveemagicpeace · 4 months
🏹Jupiter in Gemini🏹
Jupiter will move into gemini after 12 years.
Gemini is intellectual, expressive, questioning, dual, sociable, liberal. Gemini is a mutable sign and is adaptable. Gemini is the sign of communication and words. They always express themselves through words. They symbolize states of consciousness associated with intellectualization. Diseases associated with the sign of the baby are: asthma, bronchitis, inflammation of the chest and lungs. The bones associated with the sign of Gemini are the carpals and metacarpals, the humerus, the humerus, the scapula, the clavicle and the upper ribs.
Throughout history, the twin symbolizes Eros and Anteros. The two stars that exist in this sign are Castor and Pollux. There are supposed to be flames of fire around their heads and when this happens the storm on the sea dies down. The old Kop name for twins is supposed to be "Pri Mahi" - which means completely connected, united. Vows are associated with Gemini and Mercury.
The sign of Gemini is two-bodied and double. The twins do not hold hands, they are separate souls, they move from left to right. The sign of Gemini is difficult because of its dual nature. This is a multifaceted, changeable personality. Geminis are outspoken, arrogant, hyperactive. They are bright and good speakers. They like artificial gems. They can often be impatient with people because they are very quick-tempered and don't like things to go slowly. They are also very restless individuals and cannot stay in one room for long periods of time. They spend their whole lives searching for an ideal that they cannot see because it is right in front of them.
Best qualities: diversity, willingness to change. Cons: Lack of consistency across the board. They change quickly, as if they have two inner voices: one says do and the other says leave.
Jupiter represents optimism, wisdom, growth, learning, happiness, exploration, charity, compassion, inspiration, meaning, path and faith. It includes believers, rich people, employees, big banks, judges, fortune hunters. It is associated with the liver, bile. Jupiter rules blood, veins, arteries, thighs, hips.
Jupiter can bring the following things to the signs:
Aries Rising
You might become more involved in your community, or even take it upon yourself to learn something new for fun. It can bring more thinking, education in the mental field. You can travel short distances more. More interaction with siblings, relatives.If you are going to move somewhere, you can have better neighbors who are optimistic and friendly, even foreigners. You may accidentally meet some important people or people who will change your way of thinking. This house also represents the cause of the loss of property, the cause of moving away from home, long journeys of the spouse (the partner may travel somewhere).
Taurus rising
Many things can be related to finances, money (in general, property). Jupiter can give you great luck in money and comfort. You can live more luxuriously. You can find comfort in the smallest things. Much more enjoyment and great things. Maybe your inner feelings can start to change more.You can find yourself in areas that you weren't so familiar with before. Spend more time with family friends. Things can also be related to vocational education. Long journeys related to work. If you have a partner, there are also things related to the inheritance that you get from him. If you are going to travel long distances, it is good to take care of your health.
Gemini Rising
Jupiter will bring you a personality transformation. You may change your appearance and style - start looking at yourself and your body differently. You will be more open and direct and have strong opinions. It can also bring some insight about yourself (which you haven't figured out so far). Jupiter gives a deeper and more meaningful way of doing things. It can bring you certain types from your childhood and possibly dealing with it. Connects with the money of a friend and father (you can get money from them both). You can meet someone on a trip who you fall in love with and who awakens a different kind of love in you. You can also find a different love for yourself (in a deeper way).
Cancer Rising
During this time, you will delve more deeply into yourself and your subconscious, thinking more profound things. You will focus more on hidden things. You can meet someone who helped you through things (usually Jupiter brings mentors, teachers and people from whom we can learn). We can spend more time in institutions that are more isolating than hospitals, etc. If you are going through a difficult experience or illness, this is a sign that things will turn around for the better. Since this is also the house of the most difficult battles and tasks, you can fight with yourself a lot. Things that can also be related to secret enemies, residence in a foreign country, ways of release.You may have to let something go in order to move on.
Leo Rising
You will be more popular in society and among people. It is possible that you will meet more people and start socializing more with those who inspire you. You can start putting more on the dreams and goals you have, you can get a new interest in a new thing. You will be more dedicated to yourself and form your own opinion about society and maybe start participating more actively in it. You can buy more or give money more for personal interests. Your loved ones may be traveling for a long time. It can be the affective health of the uncle and aunt on the mother's side.
Virgo Rising
More luck based on your career. Lots of career opportunities and maybe a new path that will change your life. Also something bigger and new that you didn't expect to happen. More acquaintances, especially more interaction with older and authoritative people (more masculine energy). More connection with parents and father (father can help you more or give you money). You can meet more people who are destined to get to know them and get in touch with them. Jupiter can give you lucky coincidences with the people you need. Money can come from abroad and you can start earning abroad or get an opportunity there.
Libra Rising
You can decide to take a long plane trip or a spiritual journey that will give you a new perspective. You can decide on a higher education such as: philosophy, law, religion - or continue your studies / complete your studies. You can explore and investigate new things more than usual. You can think more about what you belong to and what belonging to someone means to you (what it means to you), you can also be more lucky in many things. You can gain a lot through spiritual experiences and psychic experiences. You can come to a greater awareness of yourself and what it means to you. You can take better care of your property and you can get back something you thought was lost a long time ago. There can also be connections with a parent of the opposite sex than yourself. You can do more sports or decide to be more dedicated to it and seek pleasure with one person.
Scorpio Rising
Jupiter will bring you an emotional transformation that will rebirth you and make you a better person. You can experience a deep connection with one person and have a deeper intimate relationship with them. Things can also be related to inheritance, you can get some property or something in you to your advantage. You can gain a lot from other people, especially money from other people is at stake here. Many opportunities and things can come through others. You can also get a lot of money from others and it is also good to invest money. You can gain a lot from a partnership or marriage. If you are involved in any lawsuits now, the outcome of them will be good.
Sagittarius Rising
Jupiter will bring you things related to others it mainly relates to the relationships you have with others (any). If you are already in a relationship, you can get married or get engaged (engagement usually happens under this aspect). You meet a lot of spiritual people who can help you and show you the way or someone who is more open, open-minded, you can get along better with friends. Jupiter represents marriage more, so this can be more in the foreground than the relationship itself (depending on the aspects). During this time, you can also attract someone who suits you more on a personal level. You can get to know your other side better and also notice what really suits you and what doesn’t. A friend with whom you are close can travel for a long time, or someone with whom you are closer.
Capricorn Rising
Jupiter can bring you more opportunities and new things related to your hobbies, entertainment and spending your free time. You can go into a more special relationship or fall in love with someone. You will want to express yourself in some way, and let the world see you. You can be more sociable and if single, meet new romantic partners. You could fall in love during this transit, but if there aren't any other grounding influences. it's most likely you'll just date a lot. You can also have someone who is not from your country or someone you meet on a trip. You can be more creative and do things related to creativity and you can also be more recognizable. A good time also for gambling or any related opportunities. Your passions for what you do will show more. Income can come from real estate and property. U can publish more things. This can also be a good period to have a child/get pregnant.
Aquarius Rising
Jupiter can bring you more joy. You can easily go more outside your comfort zone. You can focus on your routine or things related to you and your things. Artists of any kind are rewarded when they boldly fuel their creations with authenticity and freely express themselves. You will get prosperity and accomplishments with your ability to win over opponents. However, it can give expansion in loan and debt-related issues because of your ignorance. During this transit period, you will realize the value of the financial management.
Pisces Rising
you can go on a trip that will be longer and last longer. Your home can be somewhere else for a while and you might even find a place where you will feel the best. You can find a place that gives you a feeling of home and warmth. It can also mean finding a dream house or making wishes come true and also remodeling your home. You can feel better at home and have a better relationship with your parents (especially with mom). You can also better see things that ended and understand why they ended. Maybe you and your family can have some kind of family tradition about what you will do this time.
🎸For personal readings u can sign up here: https://snipfeed.co/bekylibra 🎸
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ena341polaris · 3 months
Why the Artw boys would suck as a roommate
Arcturus loves cooking and everything hes makes tastes great! But that also means he would make your apartment an ingredients household... want a bag of chips? None! Make it from scratch! Just wat a simple meal that doesnt require cooking? Too bad! All you have is a frozen slab of steak and bell peppers. Also dishes would pile up so quickly and ants would be a huge problem.
Arcturus would definitely bring in lots of stray animals (not that helping strays is a bad thing!) But every weekend, you would be on the couch doing whatever and suddenly arcturus comes barreling through the door with 100 squirrels that have rabies. And Arcturus would be like "No it's okay! I've only gotten bitten 40000 times!" And you'd be like "Arcturus we need to go to the ER now".
Also Arcturus is the type of guy to sleep next to you without you knowing (as proven in his card Spring curve) at first it would be adorable. Until it's the middle of the summer, it's hot and this fluffy ginger boy is sleeping on top of you like a weighted and heated blanket. Which basically means you will get cooked alive from being snuggled up to Arcky. (But tbh I would love to go out like that)
Spica is probably the boy equivalent of a beige mom. Everything is white, carpet, walls, tiles maybe a little tan or grey but mostly a sleek white. Which is aesthetic until you start feeling the effects of white room torture kick in.
Spica has suuuupppeeeerrrr long hair as we know and he would probably leave hair everywhere! Not that it would be intentional but also since his hair is so long it would get on everything he also probably has like 100 hair products taking up most of the shower. Also your house would smell like strong black coffee grounds 24/7 not matter what you did. Febreeze? Nope, didnt work. Opening the windows? Still smells like coffee.
Speaking of coffee, he doesnt sleep much. Which means when your getting you beauty rest Spica is up in the kitchen making his 725th coffee of today. Hes also very busy, hes always on a computer writing and there are files cabinets everywhere, Like absolutely everywhere. You find paperclips in the fridge and pens and pencils between the couch cushions. He would also probably be very bossy, forgot your homework? Spica lives in your household just waiting to scold you for it 😅.
Hes sleeping all of the time. Like all of the time. He probably doesn't do many chores himself but that probably wouldn't matter because he would hire a maid to do it all. He would also 100% fall asleep on top of you keeping you trapped for god only knows how long. He would also never cook, he would. A: Get fast food B: Beg you to do it or C: hire a chef.
But honestly I feel like Alpheratz would be a good roommate otherwise.
You see Pollux could be a good roommate. He seriously could be... if it wasnt for his luck. He could be cleaning dishes and the house would catch on fire. Speaking of houses catching on fire, Pollux doesn't know how to cook and he would probably light the house on fire. Multiple times. Pollux could be looking out the window and suddenly all the power goes out. Hes also a lil broke boy, so he definitely would not be paying a lot of bills. He would also probably blast anime music in his room for multiple hours at a time.
And Castor would probably break into your apartment every now in then to bother you or Pollux. I also feel like Pollux would start accidentally calling you mom and embarrassing you when people come over. He also would ask you for lots of money.
Honestly, I feel like Vega would be a very clean, quiet and calm roommate. He would cook, pay bills, do whatever you expect a good roomate to do. But I feel like Vega, if he moved in with you, would start being very affectionate. Not like a "hi... your pretty" I feel like he would become much more possessive and get mad whenever your brought Sirius over or another guy. He also literally states in his lines that he wants to monopolize you. So for him, you being his roomate essentially means he gets to hang out with you whenever, even when your busy doing something like dishes. He would walk up to you and start talking to you a lot.
We can all agree by default that Sirius is a very creepy and flirty roomate. He would break into your bedroom in the middle of the night to scare you or just bother you. He would steal your soaps in the bathroom, he would basically do all these little things to get you a little upset with him. Despite that, he would pay the bills after you begged him to enough. He would cook (not as good as Arcky but still, he would)
He would definitely turn into random animals or into the household pet if you had one just to get your attention. Also say goodbye to privacy because now that you live with him he wants to know everything about you, what your doing and where your going. All of that. Also he probably runs a mafia so theres probably going to be lots of random scary looking people appearing without warning. Hes also going to be very flirty, I'll let you decide if that's a pro or a con.
He would also try to get you to do some sort of rituals with him or something like that.
Note: I made this at 11 at night so if theres spelling mistakes tell me in the comments
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Other Parts: Part One, Part Two, Part Three (short version) and Part Three (long version). 
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You were awoken by Feather rushing down the stairs holding a glowing rectangle that you realised was a screen. "President Snow is inviting everyone to his palace! He's demanded it! Everyone will be on the street in minutes". Finnick nodded "it's a ploy to get us all out into the open, we can't go". "Well the rest of us have to" Feather said "but you two can stay here, maybe you can escape while everyone else is heading towards the mansion. Finnick didn't like those odds but nodded "yeah thanks Feather, we'll get ready and work out our next step". Feather nodded and tilted Finnick's face upwards as if inspecting him. You stiffened but it seemed to be an oddly sentimental act. "Good luck, I hope I never have to see you again" and he disappeared back up the stairs.
Finnick was right, there was no way you were moving on that leg today. Even swinging your leg hurt and your ankle couldn't have any weight on it. It was a good job you'd slept in warm trousers because there was no way you'd have been able to get any trouser leg over that ankle. "It's okay" Finnick told you "we'll work something out". He carried all your gear upstairs and then came back to carry you. He lifted you effortlessly and as always you were amazed how strong he was. "My ankle has its own heartbeat but you're really taking my mind off that" you said patting his chest and Finnick laughed "how?". "Duh with your beautiful body!" you said and Finnick put you down and then smiled at you "well it's all yours and if we survive today and get back home you can do whatever you want with it". You liked the sound of that but given whose home you were in that wording didn't feel quite right so you shook your head. "Whatever you want me to do with it, it's beautiful but it's yours Finnick and nobody ever gets to buy it again". Finnick blinked at your sudden seriousness and then smiled bashfully "thanks Y/n". You patted his cheek "no problem, now piggyback time!". Finnick turned so you could climb on when suddenly all the screens in the house lit up to tell you the rebels had won. President Snow had been de-throned.
You and Finnick wandered the streets like the other capitol residents in utter shock and not quite believing it was true...then you saw the rebel planes overhead and you grinned. "Finnick it's true! It's real! We won!". Finnick laughed and cheered loudly. You climbed off his back and settled onto one leg so you could hug him.
You carried on moving through the streets until eventually, you found an airship. Finnick knocked on the door and after your whole day of bad luck yesterday, you were due some good luck. "Finnick? Y/n?" a voice rang out and you saw Cressida appear from the side of the ship. "You're alive?" she asked and you grinned "hell yeah! You really thought you could abandon us and get away with it" and she rushed to hug you. Pollux appeared and gave you both a bright smile before joining in with the hugging. You were so happy you were saved you didn't even mind. Hugs for everyone!
Once they got on you the ship they began assessing your injuries. "Y/n's really damaged her knees, she's sprained her ankle or worse and her hip is really banged up too. Oh and she got electrocuted yesterday and her hands should probably be checked over too". "Finnick got electrocuted too! He has a dozen cuts all over his arms and body, his foot looks odd and he dislocated his shoulder and thought I didn't notice as he popped it back in" you said and Finnick looked at you. You stared back "what if you're going to tell on me I'll snitch back". Finnick just grinned shaking his head "we survived and we're going to live, that's all I care about" and he rested his head against yours. You didn't let go of your joint hands the whole way home...or you wouldn't have if you hadn't fainted minutes before you got into District 13.
When you woke up you noticed how heavy your head felt, you tried to move your hands to see if there was something attached to it weighing it down but your hands felt heavy too. Then your ears seemed to kick in and you realised people were shouting.
"I'm her sister! Blood matters more!". "No it doesn't! I'm her boyfriend, that's more than enough!".
You quickly realised it was Johanna and Finnick.
"Ow what so you matter more because romantic relationships are superior to everything else?" your sister yelled. "No of course not but I love her and we nearly died for each other!" Finnick responded. "Well I love her too and would've done the same for her!" Johanna said and you groaned. "God can the two of you fight over who loves me the most more quietly" and they both rushed over to you.
You quickly realised what they'd been arguing about as their shoulders knocked as they both tried to take the closest place next to you. "How are you feeling? Johanna asked and you frowned "strange, what happened?" and you looked to Finnick. He sighed "it was my fault, your injuries were worse than expected and there was a bite on your arm that needed stitches. The doctors think the blood loss mixed with everything you went through has thoroughly drained you so you might feel a little lifeless for a few days". "I'm sure I'll be fine after a good meal" you shrugged and tried to sit up before going pale at the effort. "Y/n hold on!" Finnick said and he helped you sit up, he moved you easily as if you were a doll and you felt as limp as one. It scared you a little and Finnick noticed. He took your hand and gave you a reassuring smile "hey don't worry, you're fine okay? Johanna and I are going to be here every day until you get better". Johanna took your other hand "we're not going anywhere, nurse Johanna is at the ready". That made you laugh and the two called a temporary truce seeing the sight they'd been hoping for.
"How are you?" you asked Finnick. You lifted your hand to his face with a frown as he had a lot of bruising there and around his neck. "Oh don't worry about me I'm fine" he smiled and you looked to Johanna for the truth. "He was in pretty bad shape too and has only been properly back on his feet since yesterday". Johanna went to say more but Finnick cut her off "I'll tell you it all later but for now...I just want to hear you speak" he smiled brushing some hair away from your face. You smiled "well all I want is to kiss you" and Finnick happily obliged (as Johanna rushed away, cursing you both). "We made it" you whispered happily and Finnick kissed your forehead "we sure did baby".
You spent all day with either Finnick or Johanna by your side and honestly, you couldn't be happier. They filled you in on what the world outside was doing but you didn't really care. Finnick talked about the plans he'd made to take you back to his district and to the beach house you'd discussed. "I know we didn't really properly sit down and think about it so I totally get if you don't actually want to live on the beach with me, we can work something else out" he said but you threw a tissue at him to get his attention. "I want the beach house with you Finnick. I want to come to your district with you" and his smile was like a warm sunrise on a summer's day.
It was lucky you had such nice memories because recovery was hard. Practically every part of your body ached and it was like you were having to learn how to do everything again for the first time. You couldn't sit up by yourself until the 3rd day and couldn't walk at all until a week later and even then you relied heavily on holding onto Finnick. The doctors steadily increased your food as they didn't want to suddenly rush your body with energy and fats so the progress was slow but steady. At times you felt so useless, like when you had to get Finnick to take you to the toilet or Johanna to help dress you. Neither of them minded of course but you struggled. When you were finally well enough to take a bath Finnick wanted to accompany you but that was just too much.
Finnick had gotten you into the tub but when you heard him coming to help you out, you practically threw yourself out and then couldn't get up again. When Finnick found you on the floor he was terrified. "Y/n are you okay? Why didn't you wait for me?". You pushed his kindness away just trying desperately to cover all of yourself with your towel. "Here let me help you" Finnick said but you pushed his hands away "no let me do it". "But I want to help you" Finnick said and you shook your head "I don't want you to". "Why?" he asked and you sighed tears forming "because I don't look good okay! My body is a wreck! I've lost so much weight, all my muscle is depleted and I look like a skeleton. There are ugly bruises all over me, scarring too and I look misshapen and swollen from being in a bed all the time. You can't see me naked until I've had a chance to work out and get back into shape". "Y/n you don't have to do anything to get your body ready for me to see it" Finnick said "I love you no matter how you look". "No you don't, you're just saying that to be nice" you said annoyed but Finnick didn't back down.
"I'm not being nice. I thought we were going to die so many times and then just when I thought we were safe you collapsed in my arms and I thought I'd lost you. The moment the doctor told me you were alive and breathing was the happiest moment of my life. It beat winning my own Hunger Games, the ending of the war, even falling in love with you so I don't care what you look like so long as you're here and healthy I will love every inch of you". "You're so soppy, you know that?" you asked him wiping away a tear and Finnick smiled. He picked you up and carried you back to your room in his arms. "I love you too" he told you and you chuckled, pleased he could translate angry moody Mason into plain English. He really was perfect for you.
After that, you didn't feel shy around Finnick anymore but you realised he was hiding things from you and that he wasn't as recovered as he said he was.
While you were sleeping one night he started shaking violently. You figured he was having a bad dream but he woke up with a yell and was panting as his hands shook and his fingers bent inwards at awkward angles, seemingly of their own volition. When it stopped, he collapsed against the bed, his forehead gleaming and you grabbed his arm "Finnick are you okay? I'm getting a doctor" and you rushed to do so but he grabbed you. "Y/n don't, they already know and I'm fine it's just one of the after-effects of the electric shock we got. My hands keep spasming and I struggle to grip things a little but Beetee thinks it should fade with time and if not I can do some physiotherapy to help". You frowned "is it painful?". From the grimace on his face you could tell the answer but he didn't want you to worry. "It's fine" he shrugged "just a little annoying at times, I just really hope it isn't permanent". You nodded feeling that deeply, if your hands were ruined you wouldn't be able to fight with an axe or defend yourself anymore. You'd feel so vulnerable and scared so you beckonned Finnick closer and hugged him. "Don't worry, your hands will get better and until then I'll cover for you. You can be my legs and I'll be your hands". Finnick chuckled "the perfect tag-team huh? Thanks Y/n" and wrapped in your arms, he didn't have any more spasms that night.
9 days after the end of the war you got a visitor and she wasted no time apologising for what she thought she'd done wrong. "I'm sorry we left you" Katniss said "down in the tunnels...you were just so far away I didn't think we could do anything for you" she told Finnick before turning to you "and I thought you went to go die with him" Katniss admitted. You nodded "well part of me did, we had a deal you see...but there's no hard feelings. Finnick and I did take off pretty quickly when those things first appeared". You shivered even just thinking about them and Finnick squeezed your hand. "We all just got to instinct at those moments and that's all you did" you said giving Katniss a small smile. She returned it but you could tell she wasn't feeling it. "I'm really sorry Katniss" you said and she didn't have to ask about what. "You don't have to say anything back" you told her "just know, we're here if you need anything" you said gesturing to Finnick and he nodded "any time".
You and Finnick were invited to President Snow's execution but neither of you wanted to go. You were now well enough to start making moves to District 4 so you and Finnick declined and planned your move. When President Coin heard your plans she called a meeting of all the victors in District 13 and told you her plans. You and Finncik were outraged at the idea of another Hungers Game and voted no immediately along with Peeta, Annie and Beetee. You managed to outnumber Johanna Katniss, Haymitch and Enobaria who voted yes. Coin relented there would be no hunger games but that Katniss could execute Snow. You and Finnick still had no interest in that and left 2 days later. You arrived in District 5 on the day of the execution and were preparing for the last part of your journey when you learned Katniss had killed Coin instead and everything was in chaos. The train was stopped and the captain asked what you wanted to do, go on to District 4 or head to the Capitol instead. Finnick did not take the news well.
"Why do I feel like we're never going to escape?" Finnick asked you, spiraling as his panic took over. "Every time we try to leave it's going to pull us back? There's no escape! Even now, even after it's all over they still find a way to drag us back. It never ends!". You shook your head and cupped his face "then screw it all! We don't play their game, we carry on as planned and let them work it out for themselves. We nearly sacrificed our lives for this and have done our time, we're finished and now it's our time". "We can do that?" Finnick asked and then he saw the look on your face. Finnick blinked and smiled. "Captain" he called "onto District 4 people, we're going home".
You took to the beach life surprisingly well for a forest girl from District 7 and thank god you didn't burn in the sun because that would've been awkward.
When you and Finnick first got to District 4 you only had a shack on the beach but you actually didn't mind. Finnick had bought a plot of land away from the town so it could be just the two of you as promised and it was heaven. You had no idea what was going on in the world and neither of you cared. You spent each day wrapped up in one another and felt like you got to fall in love with him all over again.
After 2 months of bliss, you decided to start making a proper home, so you built a house! You had some knowledge of this being from a lumber district but Finnick really was popular and it felt like the entire population of District 4 came to help.
A year later you had your house on the beach. It was nothing grand like your Victor houses but you loved it and you loved Finnick. You'd worried after the excitement of war, when you settled into normalcy things between you would fizzle out but they didn't. It was Finnick Odair to be fair, things were never boring with him around and he always kept you occupied.
When he learned you weren't a super strong swimmer he made it his mission to teach you. Then he moved on to surfing and sailing and basically anything water-related. He was literally in his element in the water and you loved how happy he looked. His hands still sometimes bothered him and your hip had never quite fully recovered. Not to mention both of you still woke up with nightmares but you'd escaped and most importantly, you'd escaped together, Your life was the closest thing to heaven that existed as far as you were concerned.
About 2 years into your new life President Paylour contacted you and Finnick. They were prosecuting the members of the capitol who had abused the victors when they left the games and of course, the main Vicor they wanted to speak to was Finnick. You told him he didn't have to do anything, if he didn't want to re-live those memories and just wanted to move on then that was okay but he chose to see them put to justice. The second Finnick said that, you were all in recalling your promise to get justice for him.
You went to the capitol first, alone, to see what was required of Finnick and what the process would be. First, they needed an interview, where Finnick described key people and what they had done to him. You were of course there for his interview, holding his hand the entire time and telling them it was over when it was clear Finnick was done. He couldn't remember all the names but Feather had submitted his "little black book" voluntarily when he was arrested. All Finnick had to do was confirm the names. There were over 100 names in that book and Finnick said yes to most of them. It made you feel sick all over again but you sat up straight and kept your focus on Finnick. You held him extra closely that night and comforted him as he cried himself to sleep.
Months later there was a trial and they wanted Finnick to testify live. You objected to that strongly and vetoed it immediately. You'd seen the effect just the interview had on Finnick and weren't going to give the Capitol one last show. Instead, Finnick recorded some responses in the comfort of your own home and they projected them live.
You attended the trial as a witness to what the experience had done to Finnick as did some of the other Victors. It wasn't too hard preparing for the trial as you thought it might be. Sure it was tiresome and taxing but all you had to do was look at the people who had hurt Finnick and your motivation sprang back up. You gave your testimony with a perfect balance of emotion and composure. You looked those criminals in the eye when you told the judge you thought the highest punishment possible would be the only justice and cheered the loudest when it was passed. You were there when the sentences were carried out and then returned home to confirm for Finnick it was done. "Are they...is it done?" he asked. You nodded "the people who hurt you are gone, they can't do anything to anyone anymore" and you saw the weight melt off his shoulders. It took a few weeks for it to sink in permanently but finally, it clicked and Finnick was finally freed. You bought a puppy the week after, figuring Finnick needed an adorable distraction.
3 years later you and Finnick were still finding new things to do and were still as attracted to one another as ever. You were currently on the beach in the middle of the night because of Finnick. It didn't rain here often but it had tonight that made Finnick really excited! He demanded you both go out for a swim in the rain and you were going to protest that you'd get wet but realised that was the point. It was actually really nice to swim in the rain and you loved how only Finnick could get you to do these stupid things.
As you laid on the sand afterwards, you admired Finnick in the moonlight. You still thought he was the most beautiful man in the whole world and had quickly realised Finnick also suited the wet look very well. You had a sneaking suspicion that's why Finnick enjoyed getting you in the water with him so much but you didn't care. Shirtless or with a wet top plastered against his chest, he looked amazing every time and most of your swimming trips ended with the two of you pressed up against the sand together.
Tonight was exactly the same. Finnick saw the way you were looking at him and needed no more encouragement. He smelled and tasted like sea salt and
it had become your favourite taste over the years because of Finnick. Once the two of you had thoroughly tired yourselves out, you lay against the golden sand and just babbled in a happy exhausted manner.
"You know I think water boy suits you better than pitchfork boy or maybe seaweed boy?" you asked thinking about that time he went diving and came with tons of seaweed when you'd been expecting pearls. Finnick smirked "seaweed boy? I think I hate that more than pitch-fork boy". You smiled "wow that's extreme but yeah it doesn't quite suit you. Plus I think it's already taken". You couldn't remember who by but could've sworn you'd ready an old myth about a seaweed boy or was it a seaweed brain?
"So are you excited for tomorrow?" Finnick asked leaning over to you and you blinked "tomorrow?". After what Finnick had been doing you couldn't even remember what day today was. Finnick laughed "yeah tomorrow or I guess it's later today now, when your sister and all the other tributes are coming to visit?" he asked "and Katniss and Peeta are bringing little Prim for the first time...remember?". You smiled "it's ringing a bell, it'll be nice to see them. We haven't all been together like this since..." and you trailed off remembering. "When Coin asked us to go another Hunger Games" Finnick nodded "well this time, let's hope the topic won't be so depressing".
A lot had happened to the victors in the 5 years since President Snow had fallen but the districts all appointed new leaders and things were relatively stable. Annie had become mayor of District 4 which was mainly an honorary position for being a victor rather than an acting role but she loved her district and the people loved her too. Weirdly she'd become a friend to you and Finnick, you now smiled when you saw her and called out greetings to her in town.
Your sister Johanna was still in District 7, she'd been offered the honorary position too but declined of course. She never wanted the show and dance and instead got an ordinary position, helping organise and process trade operations. She didn't leave District 7 tons but had been spending more and more time with District 2's Ebobaria. She said they didn't want to label anything but you knew she was happy.
Seeing as all the tributes were pairing up, Haymitch claimed there must be something to it and said he should try his luck with Beetee but even as a joke, Beetee gave the man a sharp electric shock as a detterance. Luckily he just confessed his feelings to Effie instead. They were due to be married in the next Autumn and everyone was invited, hideous outfits a must of course.
Beetee was instrumental in coordinating all the districts and was now president of technological communications, aka he ran everything. It was what he deserved and he seemed happy so you all were too.
Katniss and Peeta were of course loved up, they married 2 years ago and their daughter whom they named Prim followed a year later. All of the victors had pretty much stepped away from the capitol and the new Panem to live out their lives quietly and so far nobody had tried to reap you for another games. So far, the new Panem was peaceful...well not too peaceful because it still had your sister Johanna in it.
"Oh yeah she never visits me anymore!" Johanna said "Finnick stole her away and never gave her back". Finnick shrugged "hey I don't have any restraints on her, she didn't want to be given back because she loved me and District 4 so much more than you!". Which led Johanna to argue you'd always be District 7 and the two bickered while you all watched happily. Your two favourite people were also the stupidest people ever and you loved that.
The argument eventually got physical and when you were coming back with a drink Johanna decided to stake her claim. "Mine!" Johanna cried jumping on your back and Finnick immediately jumped up. "Joahnna be careful...the baby!" Finnick called and everyone froze. Johanna shot away from like you were on fire and all the victors stared waiting for more. In response, you and Finnick looked at one another and then just burst out laughing.
"That was good babe" you called to Finnick and sank beside him. "I know" he smiled wrapping an arm around you and when you'd both stopped laughing you explained. "I'm not pregnant but you should see all your faces!". The group all groaned and Johanna hit you for lying. "Are you considering it though?" Peeta asked "starting a family?". You and Finnick looked at each other and shrugged "I'm not sure, babies were never something that appealed to me but then again I never thought I'd see the Mockingjay being a doting mother" you said nodding to Katniss who had little Prim in her arms. Katniss smiled "yeah me either, anything can change". Finnick nodded "exactly which is why we're not saying no definitely not but it's not on the top of our to-do list". You nodded leaning into his arm "I'm happy as we are right now, the dog and the beach are all I need....ow and Finnick of course" you said and they all laughed at your slip-up. "Afterthought huh? The man you love?" Finnick asked and you smiled because it felt nice to say you loved Finnick and really mean it. "The man I love" you repeated and you said it so sweetly Finnick couldn't even pretend to be mad at you.
"Do you want to be a father?" you asked Finnick as you lay in bed that night and he blinked thinking. "I don't know, I do quite like kids but I think after all we've been through I'd be terrified they were going to be reaped. That the Capitol would come back and punish us again". You nodded patting his arm "I think you'd be an amazing dad". Finnick looked at you in surprise "really?". You nodded "of course! Everyone loves you, you're kind, funny, beautiful...". "Stop it!" Finnick said pushing you and pretending to gush. "I can actually imagine you with a baby" you continued and Finnick paused. "I can see you sat with a little bundle on our porch, teaching them how to take their first steps on the sand, holding them in your arms in the ocean, reading them stories at night..." you said "I can picture it all". Finnick smiled and leaned over to you so he was hovering on top of you "well you know I can very easily make that a reality for you and I can make you enjoy every second of it". That of course sent shivers down your spine and you looked up at those beautiful blue eyes and wanted to just melt but you were a Mason, you were mischeaveous. "I think I might need some proof of that first, a taster if you will" you said and Finnick nodded "that is totally understandable, let me get to work".
Everyone left the next morning, after complaining about some weird noises echoing around the house in the middle of the night. You and Finnick made no apologies and saw everyone off with big smiles. As you watched hem go, all smiling, rested and happy you realised this would've been unthinkable just 6 years ago. If you went back in time and even tried to explain to your younger self just how good her future was going to be she would've laughed in your face and you wouldn't blame her! Your life with Finnick almost made everything you'd been through worth it and every day you were thankful you'd fought so hard to stay alive, just so you could be here. And the best news?
Your future with Finnick was only just getting started.
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I only realised after I wrote this that Finnick and Y/n tried to ditch the group and then were the ones that got left behind lol.
Also, I'm a huge Percy Jackson fan and anytime Finnick used a trident or spear it made me imagine him as a son of Poseidon and I love that. Maybe I should headcanon the main characters as demigods or something...not long until the new TV show now and I AM SO EXCITED!
But back to Finnick. He's amazing and deserved so much better. So let's all just pretend he got to live on a beach with the love of his life yeah?
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sleepytwilight · 6 months
I got a prompt, I see @tophatmaker Make a bound Arlyn Konami, image the guide sorcerers but from Mid Eartheim, how they're like?
Funny how tophatmaker didn't actually tell who is she... ... Now who are you imposter! 💀 anyway-
Basic information
All the guide committee is a student council in a university called Contell University.
The sorcerers age
Arcturus = 21 (a country bumpkin)
Spica = 23 (and already workaholics 💀)
Pollux = 19 (the youngest in the club)
Alpheratz = 23 (he's chill)
Sirius = 24 (The handsome jerk)
Vega = 20 (he's cold as ice but fragile like snowdrop)
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The third top student in the University. Many look up to him even though Spica is the top student-
His personality didn't change much, always helpful and cheerful.
He have many admires and friends, literal the popular guy.
He carries guitar around as he's also part of the music club for some reason
Arcturus hair is a bit longer and he have freckles
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The strict president in student council club, oh yes he is more stricter than Bound Arlyn Spica.
Spica wear glasses and never put down his hair down.
He's the top student, the first in everything, straight hair, straight A's, Straightforward, straight man, little mister Perfect, that's him.
He didn't join any extra curricular like others.
He was mistaken for a teacher by freshmen.
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Pollux Castor got into a car accident and went into coma so Castor Pollux took his twin brother place.
He have scholarships.
Pollux still have bad luck but he doesn't really believe he's a bad omen.
He eats junk food because he can't afford to pay for more heavy food, when Arcturus found out about this, he provides Pollux some meals.
Pollux originally took defensive club until Schedar chose Pollux to be apart of the student council.
He was treated like a kid by everyone.
Pollux have a very feminine looks, especially his eyelashes so people often to mistake him for a girl.
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He used to be very energetic, he was the top student before Spica until one day he stopped showing up to classes for a year.
When he came back, he looks like shit. No his appearance didn't change, it's just his personality.
He's the one who mistaken Pollux for a girl-
There's a rumour going around he's an illegitimate son of the current principal of university (but the truth is, that's his grandpa 💀)
Spica asked wtf is wrong with him and he never say anything.
His grade dropping very bad but he's still in the University, weird isn't it?
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Handsome dork, he's the second top student. Yes he has scholarships.
Sirius have dark brown eyes like Asian, he's blasian technically.
He's very mysterious, too mysterious that his stalkers can't track him. Poor guy have stalkers-
Sirius is very chill and only want to finish his studies. He acted like a jerk sometimes they ignore him.
Sirius came from a very poor family which is why he avoid people so they don't make fun of him.
His clothes was gift from Vega. He also tailored clothes by himself, Sirius is good at making clothes.
People thought he's rich but it's just the extra fabric Spica gave to him.
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Bound Arlyn Vega, he was chilling until a rift opened and he stuck in mid eartheim.
He got adopted by a billionaire whose name is Giana. She's a good mom.
Bound Arlyn Vega have black hair and deep ocean eyes. He remembers nothing about Bound Arlyn and like the mid eartheim.
He got into the university thanks to his hardwork and joined the fencing club until Spica appointed him to be a part of the student council.
He gets along with Sirius and buys Sirius clothes because he can smell Sirius haven't showered in weeks.
He gets along with everyone expect for Alpheratz who is just being lazy, he honestly thinks Alpheratz need a serious help.
Nobody tried to do something so Vega sent Alpheratz to therapy instead-
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anotheroceanid · 2 months
Since Percy looks so much like Rhea, did it change anything in the WTHB universe during the first PJO books? What was Kronos thinking of Percy? And what about Luke? Since I don't think it's revelant in WTHB, if you have the time, could you explain a little bit the changes you think happened compared to the og books, please? :) I'd really like to read your take on it! :) Thank you, have a great day, and good luck with your studies! (Btw, your art is beautiful, I love Percy so much, and the triplets too!)
Some minor details that we will go through in the future. We actually have a chapter with Percy’s flashbacks coming up soon.
Kronos? Well, he’s a bit (very) crazy. So you can imagine… and we’ll have a glimpse of her relationship with Luke in the chapter I mentioned. She did had a one-summer-hero-worship-crush for him (before the whole trying to kill her thing), but their relationship was strictly platonic.
Some changes from the books are like…
Percabeth are just friends, they’re close as two can be but still just friends.
Percy is way closer to some gods (we’ll get to that soon, too), which eventually plays out for her to open her heart to Apollo.
She’s closer to some campers than Percy is in the books, like Silena, Clarisse, Pollux and Castor, etc…
The quest in Titan’s Curse played out a little differently, Zoe obviously wasn’t averted to Percy’s presence, but Chiron didn’t want Percy in that quest because he obviously saw the likeness she had to faded Queen Rhea. She went either way, just like in canon.
Her fight with Antaeus in the Battle of Labyrinth is a lot more traumatic (there’s a lot of hints of that in chapter 4).
Like, from the back of my head this is what I can remember right now. There’s some other changes, but you’ll see that in the story 💕
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pomegranateboba · 7 months
Making your summoners and the artw cast fight to the death (2)
Part 1 here (read this one first there's context)
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Made the image too small whoops
And there goes Pollux
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Evil Arcky is plotting guys
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It's between Arcturus and Elaine now
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Well congrats Arcky 🧡🧡🧡
Turns out the clementine won yall. Who knew
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Have some Pinterest cotton candy :)
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🪸 𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚ 𓇼 Percy Jackson headcanons starring Elora! (An island and summer girl at heart!) 🪸 𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚ 𓇼
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Thank you @sequinsnstars for reigniting my interest in this series. It's time I did a remake!
I know everyone is just thinking "why did you have yourself be a camper in camp Jupiter if you hate camp Jupiter so much?" Well. I exist in camp Jupiter because I want to spite everyone who gave Jason a hard time there 😤
Anyways, I had no claiming in Camp Jupiter, the moment I stepped foot onto the campus with the 7, a huge shiny blue trident appeared over my head, the storm clouds were huddling together to form a storm, and all that typical dramatic Poseidon shenanigans. I think that kinda cemented that I was officially a part of camp half blood now??The claiming actually made me feel good? Because Poseidon chose to be extra dramatic and made sure to do it when basically everyone at camp was inside the huge campus, so basically everyone stopped what they were doing to like, stare in curiosity.
Because in Camp Jupiter, I never received any positive kind of attention yk? Neptune was considered bad luck, so I was basically receiving the child of hades treatment, but the Roman version.
As a legacy of Athena and Hermes (thank you to my moots for helping me figure this out!) I naturally get along with them very well.
@gentlehue would SO teach me how to grow plants, and I'll help her water them 😤💅 Cynthia I'd definitely give you potted flowers every time I run into you 🩷
I swear the Aphrodite children are SO superficially judged by people in camp sometimes :/ I'd defend my pretty babies from harassment and gossip any day fr (@sequinsnstars @auroraofthesun)
Also dear Aphrodite children, I love makeup and would spend hours in your cabin with you drowning in lip gloss. Y'all would be the best teachers for my make-up lessons.
Percy and I have beds facing diagonal to each other, while Tyson sleeps in the bottom bunk. We have fun game nights all the time omgg.
I have pictures of my happy times in Rome stick on my board (‘happy times’ translate to pictures w my bb boy Jason Grace since we were kids and he has them stuck too awh 🥹)
Since I'm an Athena legacy, I always tease Annabeth and Percy that “I'm related to BOTH of them” and also, they make me pick sides when they're annoying e/o by saying “cmon family sticks together!”
I would be great buddies with Castor and Pollux (let's pretend they're both happy and alive) and would always reassure them that Dionysus kids don't deserve to be called “lazy and useless” bc THEY DON'T.
Speaking of which, Dionysus rolled his eyes at my dramatic claiming muttering “another useless sea urchin that provides nothing but high attitude to our camp” 😭 bro didn't even Hesitate
I feel like I wouldn't get along with Ares children that much. Neptune children are known for their high temper (with Neptune representing the ‘violent and turbulent’ side of the ocean, unlike Poseidon who represents the positive sides of it) and it would totally clash with Ares kids tbh. Frank Zhang, however, is the biggest exception!
I have these moments where Annabeth is just so used to calling Percy “seaweed brain” and teasing him about being oblivious that she forgets that I'm an Athena legacy aswell and just assumes I'm not that smart. (Not implying that she thinks Percy's dumb, but her teasing kinda gets to her head sometimes) and i have to snap back with some quick smart response to remind her that lol
am considerably close to Nico, because I already knew him at camp Jupiter, and we kinda had a small heart to heart about how terribly we were both treated because of our parentage. Of course, that closeness continued in camp half blood as well.
I'm the closest to Kayla and Will in the apollo cabin because they almost always are the ones who treat my injuries (and @auroraofthesun too because you're an Apollo legacy!)
I have a Pegasus that I took with me from Camp Jupiter, his name is ‘Alga’ (meaning, ‘seaweed’ in Latin) he's steel blue with a grayish tint. I didn't get a Pegasus of my own like Reyna did, but more rather, I came across one who followed me around, and i adopted it without telling anyone but Jason about it while I was at camp. He thought it was sweet and didn't snitch on me or even tell Reyna <3
And Yes, Alga and blackjack are buds. And yes they do roast us, and yes we do understand them.Also, just like how Demeter kids hate when flowers are being plucked from their roots, and how Percy hates aquariums because they confine sea creatures, I hate it when people take too many seashells from the beach. (irl I actually love seashells and used to collect them, but I've heard taking too many spoils the ecosystem in a way, and realistically if I am in the pjoverse, that would naturally make me dislike it)
But I do love making sand castles and attachingseashells on them, because I'm not taking them with me right? It's just gonna stay there. I can have fun in an eco friendly way lolzAnd I prefer keeping fake seashells made of ceramic and stuff as decor to maintain my aesthetic
Me and Percy can communicate underwater, but to other people, it would sound like we are speaking gibberish. He was ECSTATIC when he discovered this new made-up sea language ability lmao
Also, we are both in-charge of cleaning the ocean if it gets too dirty, so we have “chores days” where we dive in, and clean every ounce of harmful algae. And tending to sick sea animals.My nickname is ‘Kelp head’ because I have extremely wavy hair that's shaped like kelp. I've had that nickname ever since my time at camp Jupiter!I'm extremely competitive at capture the flag! Because of that Roman wild war blood in me, I just can't help but take it kinda seriously. I feel like Percy's way more chill when it comes to this lol
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minaakirarikou · 2 years
ArcanaTwilight Reaction to you having cat ears in a potion incident
•He thinks it looks good on you-
•He Sometimes pet you on the head.
•There are two types of him-
•The one laughing at you
•And the one with a blushing face.
• "Come on they look cute on ya'" (actually want to pet it)
•When you let him pet it and you purr. DEAR TWILIGHT HE'S OFF TO HEAVEN I-
•yeah, he thinks it's pretty cute on you U ´꓃ ` U
•Oh gosh...(Wheezes)
•He blushes at you with Cate ears like a he didn't expect that-
•Ba-be so curious to those ears on you-
• Oh he loves it-
•He thinks it suits you more lmao-
•He would grab a fake butterfly in a fishing Rod to tease you-
•Good luck with this dense Mother F-
•OH He would tease you, make fun of you and even flirt with you-
•"Here kitty kitty kitty~ Let me put something on you neck" (Pls Bonk him-)
•Mans Blushing-
•still needs to find you an antidote for the ears.
•He actually wants to pet but refuses to pet it-
•Bet when he those, He would enjoy a little.
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"So, where's my future husband, today?"
Regulus frowned. It was rather funny to hear a fifteen year old girl say that.
"Sirius is not your future husband" Regulus grunted "And don't touch that!" he exclaimed as he took some ornament away from her hands.
More than a fifteen year old, this girl acted like she had five.
Lovegood's niece turned out to be a nightmare. Another thing that Regulus had to take care of after Sirius left. Another responsibility that Regulus had to face. Babysitting practically while the "real adults" partied downstairs.
Of course Grandfather Pollux was looking a potential wife for Sirius. He just turned eighteen. And one of the duties of being the Heir was to marry well and have little heirs of his own.
As they were in the 19th century, for God's sake. That's when Regulus thanked to be invisible for everyone in this family. No one was looking for potential girlfriends to introduce him. Thank God!
If only Grandfather Pollux knew Sirius was probably shagging a boy right now. Lupin, nevertheless. And that he didn't want anything to do with this family anymore. That he said he would never return. That he would never be the Heir.
Orion and Walburga had done well covering for his absence so far. Planning ways to make him return. But Grandfather Pollux was going to be furious when he found out.
And guess who was the replacement in case something went wrong?
"You're just jealous because I am marrying Sirius and not you" the girl put her hands on her hips defiantly.
Regulus for a stupid unknowable reason went red.
He scoffed "As if! I rather die alone than ever getting the chance of marrying you"
Of marrying anyone really.
"Well, good luck I got the most handsome brother then..." she spat, Regulus took a deep breath "Although Uncle told me that if I don't marry Sirius, I have to marry you!"
Regulus blinked in shock. What??? No no no no no.... Not with her!!
The girl was amused to Regulus's reaction.
"What's on the third floor?" she asked and immediately ran up the stairs. "This house is enormous!"
This bloody girl had more energy than a kangaroo.
God, what if she broke something? Or worse... Got into Sirius’s room. Regulus was going to kill her.
"Hey!! Wait here!" he said as he ran upstairs after her.
"You better make your brother marry me if you don't want me as your wife. I am telling you we would get along horribly!"
She kept climbing and climbing the stairs, giggling like a little girl. Jesus fucking Christ.
"Pandoraaaa!" Regulus ran after her "Pandora Lovegood!!! Come hereeee!"
Regulus was going to murder her and send her back to America when he reached her.
Noo with this girl, Nooo!
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thefiery-phoenix · 1 year
Hello. How are you? I hope I'm not bothering you. I'm so sorry your old blog is gone. But I believe you can start over. I wish you the best of luck on your new blog. Can I make a request if requests are open? You shared it once. I wonder if you can do it like part 2? Can you share more for yandere husbands Pollux Black, Cygnus Black, Orion Black, Alphard Black and Severus Snape ? Please
Don't worry you're not bothering me dear, and thank you for the kind wishes for my new blog, I really appreciate the love and support I've received from all of you during those difficult times. I was pretty dejected when my blog got deleted for no reason but it's okay, I'll start over, a fresh start and sure, let's get into this
I'll have to write only for Pollux and Cygnus unfortunately, you've requested for too many characters 😭 Please request for not more than 2 or 3 characters at least for a scenario next time, it gets overwhelming to write for more. I sincerely apologize 😔
Pollux Black: Pollux might love you and be obsessed with you but if you dare to act up in front of him he's not going to appreciate it. As much as he cares for you he's really not above using the Cruciatus curse on you when you misbehave with him and demand for silly things like your freedom and wanting to see your friends and family. He's your family now, you're supposed to be content staying with him, he's already providing everything for you despite your constant tantrums and protests which he's willingly and patiently tolerating, and yet you say you don't want to be with him?
As soon as those words come out of your mouth, you'll be wishing you'd never said that in the first place judging by the dark look that's now plastered across his face. After he's done with torturing you for a while, he'll lock you in a room and ignore you till you apologize to him by literally begging him to pay attention to you, which is what he wants. You better hope and pray to whatever God you believe in because this deranged lunatic will hunt down every friend, family member and person you've come in contact with at least once in your lifetime and murder them right in front of you
If it's a random stranger who bumped into you on some random day, even better as he'll taunt you for having the blood of them on your hands and gaslight you by saying how all this is your fault because you refused to love him and reciprocate his feelings back. This is why I called him a deranged lunatic. When you finally do apologize, his personality will change drastically, like going from a zero to 360 in just a matter of seconds. He'll gently kiss your hands and tell you that you've been a good little darling for him as he patches you up, this bipolar MF 😒 All in all, just be good and you won't have a hard time dealing with this lunatic and try not to make him jealous by mentioning other people in front of him, things will get messy
Cygnus Black: Cygnus is quite fond of books and if you're a writer, lady luck just graced you with good fortune, however of course, as usual there will be consequences since well, is a Black after all. Cygnus will allow you to pursue whatever interests and hobbies you have after he's taken you because he knows you'll be lonely staying cooped up indoors all day long without magic. If you're fond of art, he'll get you the best art supplies galleons and knuts can buy from a reputed store. If you're fond of reading books he'll gladly join you when you're reading as he slowly wraps a protective arm around your waist and pulls you in closer to him while the two of you read. He won't really mind it if you decide to lay down on his lap, he'll be thrilled that you're finally trusting him after so long as he secretly basks in his moment of victory and gently runs his fingers through your hair
This man is territorial and possessive, you can't do anything without taking his permission first and unfortunately that rule applies to you wanting to get your books published for everyone else to read. You decided to ask him about this one day during dinner. He noticed there was something on your mind and you were unusually quiet, at first he thought of using Occlumency on you to find out what you were thinking about, however he decided to be generous and gave you the chance to explain yourself. He'll most definitely use his Occlumency skills on you later though, you know, just as a precautionary measure to make sure you aren't thinking about anything silly like trying to get away from him
"You're quiet today...quiet than usual, I can tell there's something on your mind" he said in a nonchalant voice as he sipped his Earl Grey tea and surveyed you with a calculating look in his eyes, silently trying to draw an answer from you. You slightly fidgeted with the hem of your robes and spoke "I was wondering if I could publish a few of my works to the public..." You were greeted with silence in return as you mentally winced at yourself for coming up with this idea in the first place. You could tell he didn't appreciate the question you've just asked him judging by the way he was starting at you with an unreadable expression on his face
He got up from his chair and strode towards you as he lifted your chin with his finger. "Dear, why would you want insignificant pathetic vermin to tell you how good your work is when you already have me? Is my presence for you not enough?" You were struggling to think of saying something that wouldn't anger him as he continued to speak. "Your writing is one of a kind my love, the others... they're like mere flies who have no experience when it comes to writing, they don't know how creative and beautiful your mind is when you imagine something and put those very thoughts on a parchment. And yet some of them dare criticize you, your work is reserved for me and ONLY me, they don't know you like I do.... the sooner you get rid of this silly notion of yours, the better" as you nodded your head silently and kept eating your dinner
Sure enough he kept a close eye on you whenever you wrote something to make sure your writing didn't go public. Part of him was worried that you'd include some secret message in your writing and then he'd lose you, no.... he couldn't lose you.... he won't lose you, you're his and he'll make sure people pay dearly if they dared to take you away from him
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a-french-coconut · 1 month
Camp is… well it’s a lot of things. 
It’s great, the safest place of earth, perhaps maybe Olympus but they’re not allowed there- once again a proof that gods don’t care about them and why should they take it, why let them use them as pawns in their cruel games- excepts for specials occasions, for demigods like him, Annabeth, Lee. It’s great to settle in one place after years of moving around in the country. It’s great to sleep without one eye open, without tensing at every noise in the darkness, hands rapidly reaching for a weapon. It’s great to fit in, to find people like him. 
Luke is truly happy when he sees Annabeth hanging out with the Stolls, when she rants about architecture and mathematics to her older sister, Helena, who listens to her with a wide smile, entertaining her more than Luke himself never could. He’s even happier to spend lazy afternoons in the strawberry fields with his wonderful boyfriend, Lee, or teaming up with him to destroy Castor and Pollux at volley ball. 
Those are nice aspects of Camp Half-Blood, the ones Luke wouldn’t trade for anything (“is that so ?” croons his voice, echoing in his mind. He doesn’t listen.) 
Then, well no place is without faults. Since Kylie left for college one month ago, Luke has officially taken up the mantle of head counsellor of Cabin 11. Which is a very good thing because bless his sister’s soul but she had nothing of a leader. Weak-willed, soft, easily swayed by whines, unwilling to stand her ground for hot water privileges and careless about cabin inspection. She might have been a good thief, an excellent one even, but it’s all she inherited from their father, Hermes. Not an ounce of manipulation in her, not a speck of stubbornness. The cabin was a mess when he arrived three years ago, and while it’s still is, there’s now a semblance of order in the anarchy. Thanks to him, of course. (“You could do so much better than rotting here, for ungrateful gods” he hums. “so much potential, wasted.”) 
It’s him that’s been making sure that scraped at least a two, bribing whoever was doing the inspection with smuggled goods, promises of alliances at Capture the Flag or simply a good old threat. 
It’s Luke that greeted the new campers, flashing them a smile and stealing some essentials from the camp shop as a welcome gift. Make sure everybody ate, showered and got back safe and sound at night ? Luke, frantically counting every head, every 25 campers living under Cabin 11’s roof. Place to sleep ? Him again, laying sleeping bags on the floor’s most clean patches, because all of them do not fit in the 14 beds of the cabin. 
Coordinating with Lee, to make sure none of his campers die from a food allergic reaction ? Still him, noting down with care Chris’ incapacity to eat raspberries or Joelle’s distaste towards chocolate. 
All in all, he is familiar with his new duties when Kylie pats him on the shoulder, wishing him good luck before dashing out of Camp, the Grey’s taxi waiting for her. He doesn’t expect things to change much, apart from attending counsellors’ meetings. And now that he’s part of the group, maybe he can convince Chiron to let him extend the cabin. He doesn’t understand why Kylie didn’t ask the old trainer, surely he would accept. (“So much misplaced faith.” The titan laughs, lurking in his thoughts. “How much time before you understand ? They don’t care about your kind, demigod.”) 
“No ?” He repeats, incredulity lacing his voice, as he watches Chiron sighs tiredly after he denied his request. “Chiron, with summer coming, there’s bound to be new demigods and the cabin is already so crowded we can hardly breath !”  
“My dear boy, I’m afraid there is nothing we can do about that, except wait for the gods to claim their children.” The centaur patiently says, with a monotone voice, as he spewed out for the hundredth time the same speech. “The other gods would not take kindly such a change, they might see it as demonstration of superiority from your father.” 
He’s gotta be kidding. Right ? Gods cannot be that shallow, they can’t be so vain as to be bothered by that. (“they don’t deserve to rule this world, let us fix that.” He whispers and Luke might think he’s right.) “Chiron, there’s 25 kids in the cabin right now. Five, including myself and Chris because it’s obvious he’s my brother, are Hermes’ kids. The other twenties are either unclaimed or children from minor gods, like Ethan and Alabaster. Some of the unclaimed have been here for months. Samantha can grow plants, Martin can shapeshitft, it’s clear who their parents are.” 
“What’s your point Luke ?” Theo, counsellor of Ares, speaks up. “Just deal with it, like Kylie used to.” 
“Kylie didn’t do shit.” He hisses at the boy who scowls. “And my point is that either the gods claim their kids or I’m doing something about it, whether they like it or not.” 
“You can’t go against the gods like that, Luke.” Brianna frowns, picking nervously her nails while looking at the roof. “They aren’t going to like it.” 
“Then what ?” He snaps at the daughter of Aphrodite who recoils and refuse to meet his gaze. “What do I do Brianna ? Nothing ? I let my siblings sleep on the floor ? I let the cabin goes to absolute shit ? Mhhh ? What do you suggest ? What do you all suggest ?” He scans his crowd, all six counselors and Chiron.  He can’t believe them, cannot believe the leniency , the lack of upsetting in front of their situation. 
Why don’t they care ? Why are they happy with being stuck here, afraid of saying the wrong things, afraid of getting cursed because they hurt the pride of those gods ? (“And don’t you want to fix that ? I can help you overthrown them. I can bring you justice.”) 
It’s Chiron that answers him. “Mr. Castellan, you must understand that the issues you are addressing cannot be solved. Not by the way you are proposing. I’m afraid you have to find another solution.” 
The underlying warning is clear. He can’t go against the gods (“Oh, you can.” The titan whispers.). Is this why Kylie didn’t do anything ? Did she try like him and got the same answer ? If so, he can understand why she quit. No that he’ll do the same, by the gods no.  He’s done letting them dictate his life, dictate Halcyon Green and Thalia’s life. 
(“Tell me your plan.”) 
He flashes Chiron a thin smile. “Will do, Chiron. Now if all of you don’t mind, I gotta go. Biggest cabin to run and all that stuff.” He dashes out of the room before they can stop him. 
A war between gods. 
A full blow-out conflict that will inevitably bring demigods into the fight. (“There are always casualties in grand changes like this.” ) He doesn’t want his friends to get hurt. (“I can make sure they will be safe.”) 
He needs to think about it. (“When you realize I am the best choice, call upon me. I will be there, waiting.”)
Luke’s not naive. If there is any chance those he cares about come out unscathed of the war looming on the horizon, if he accepts the titan’s offer, they must be on his side. And there’s the catch, he’s not sure they’ll follow him. 
Annabeth won’t, she’s too obsessed with the idea of pleasing her mother and sees Chiron as a paternal figure. 
In his cabin… He can convince the unclaimed, the minor gods’ children and some, if not all of his siblings. 
“Hey.” A voice, Lee’s, says behind him, and soon enough, his boyfriend’s head in on his lap. “Hannah told me about the meeting.”
Luke scoffs, looking down to meet Lee’s face. “I can’t wait for you to be counselor after summer. At least someone there is going to fucking care except me.” 
Lee frowns and Luke is once again hit by how little he looks like a son of Apollo. Brown curly hair instead of blond, green forest eyes instead of blue, Lee Fletcher takes everything after his mother. That’s until you see him with a bow, shooting five to six arrows at the same time. “Nobody even tried to help you ? Really ? That sucks.” His boyfriend grins at him. “Don’t worry, next fall I’ll back you up.” 
Luke laughs and leans down to give him a quick kiss. “Thanks Sunshine but I’m afraid the two of us aren’t going to change things around here. We need, I don’t know, something more radical.” 
“Radical ?” Lee raises his eyebrow, tilting his head with an amused smile. “It’s not like we can riot against the gods, Luke.” 
“Why not though ? How else can we make them understand ?” 
“Luke, my love.” Lee replies with worry. “It would get people hurt, our friends and siblings hurt. I’m all for making changes but I’m drawing a line at getting those I love hurt.” Lee cups his face, fingers dancing softly on his skin. “I’ll die before letting all of you close to danger.” He kisses him slightly, his lips have a sweet taste of strawberry, probably because Apollo had strawberry picking earlier in the morning. Not that Luke is complaining. “So drop the idea of rebellion or whatever, okay ?” Lee says when he pulls back. “It’s no good.” 
“Everything you want Sunshine, I’ll do it.” Luke relents, mindlessly playing with his boyfriend’s curls. “Anything for you.” 
Maybe with Lee on counselors meeting, it will be enough to do something. There’s no need to provoke a war. Summer is going to be tough but as soon as Hannah leaves in September, Lee will help him. 
As predicted, summer kicks his ass. Ten more kids came back, increasing the numbers to 35 campers, in a cabin meant to house 15 at best.  
When finally, the forest turns a lovely shade of orange and red, when the summer kids leave, with some of the year rounders going with them, testing their luck in the real world because this one doesn’t care about them, Luke is more than ready to harass the other counsellors until they agree to help him. 
And yet, despite Lee backing him up, despite it being clear that they are living in terrible conditions in Cabin 11, despite all the talk about how they are one big family that should be united, not one counsellor sway on his side. 
Victor from Demeter shrugs when he comes to him, Katie Gardner peeking curiously from behind the cabin’s door, and doesn’t have the will to change things. “We’re good with what we have Luke, maybe you should try that point of view.” He says, more interested in the flowers on his garden than in what Luke has to say. 
Theo from Ares stands his ground, stating that those are Luke’s problems and he should find a way to deal with alone. Behind him, Clarisse La Rue scowls and sharpens her spear, and Luke has a feeling that Theo won’t be counsellor very longer. Good, that guy can die for all he cares. 
Annabeth supports him of course, but she’s eleven and the others don’t take her seriously. Never mind that she’s been there four years, that’s she’s more skilled than any of them, she’s a child and that is all they see. 
Simon from Hephaestus and Brianna aren’t keen on doing something against the will of the gods, and both of them are leaving next year. “Sorry, Luke, but I ain’t going to be here next year so…” Simon shrugs unapologetically. 
And Chiron explains with the same patience and same infuriating tone that it’s not possible to do what Luke wants to do. 
Fine. Fine. 
He tried the nice way. 
“Hey Silena ?” He calls the daughter of Aphrodite. “You have a minute ? I want to talk to you about something. Meet me at the stables in ten minutes. I’m bringing some of my campers.” 
(“You were right, I’m ready to do your plan. There’s no other way.”)
The following summer, Percy Jackson stumbles across the borders of Camp Half-Blood and by the end of August, Luke poisons him and leaves Camp. 
When Silena tells him that Lee locked himself up for two weeks in his cabin after he learnt about his actions, his heart breaks and doubt seeps his way into his heart. (“He chose his side, Castellan. He’s the enemy now.”Kronos whispers in his mind. “There is no love to hold for a foe.”) 
A fog clouds his brain, blurring all but the fact that Lee chose to stand against him. 
“Just make sure you stay in his good books Silena.” He tells her, ignoring the shock on her face. “It’s all we need from him.” 
There’s nothing worse than hosting a titan. 
Nothing worse than seeing your body slay demigods, while you are locked away, a spectator to the actions of Kronos.
He’s in New York City, standing on a bridge.  He’s watching demigods fighting on the other side and by the gods, they are losing. 
A hellhound appears out of the shadows, dragging a corpse with him. It’s a boy, an archer with orange t-shirt.
Blond, blood-stained hair, blue eyes looking into the void as the monster eats his flesh. Oh gods, oh by Hermes, please don’t let it- He winces as a supersonic whistle echoes on the river. 
It’s the Apollo Cabin standing on the other side of the bridge, getting slaughtered by the titan army. 
Lee’s there. Lee must be there. 
“I’ll die before letting all of you close to danger.” 
There’s no way Lee left his siblings to fight without him. He has to stop Kronos, he cannot let him cross the bridge. 
(“Your efforts are useless Castellan.” Kronos taunts him. “You cannot stop me.”) 
Thanks the gods, Percy Jackson can, standing his ground against the titan lord, allowing the Apollo Cabin, Lee, to retreat to safety. 
“Percy ! The bridge !” A boy yells from the cables supporting the bridge. “Use your powers !” 
He knows him, Michael Yew. Why is doing that ? There’s no way he can get back on the ground if Percy breaks the bridge. There’s no way Lee would allow him… 
“I’ll die before letting all of you close to danger.”
When Percy breaks the bridge, it isn’t Kronos’ scream of frustration that echoes, but Luke’s scream of grief and pain when he realizes that Lee is dead, and he has now idea how and when. 
He’s granted Elysium.  While he isn’t sure to deserve it, he won’t question the judges’ choice. 
It’s beautiful but vast, how is he going to find Lee in this- 
“What the fuck are you doing here ?” Someone hisses and when he turns back to see who, he faces Michael Yew snarling at him. “You don’t deserve to be here.” 
“The judges deemed it otherwise, Yew.” He replies and the son of Apollo scowls, clearly not agreeing with that decision. “Look, Michael, I’m sorry about-“ 
“Save your breath because I won’t ever forgive you.” Michael cuts him off, still glaring at him. 
“Okay, fair enough.” He concedes. “Can you just tell me-“ 
“You wanna know about Lee, don’t you ?” Michael guesses, and rightfully so. “He would not have wanted to see you anyway.” 
“How did he die ? And when ?” He asks, not picking up on Michael’s formulation. “Please, I- I just need to know if it was quick.” 
Selfishly, he wishes Lee died in some mortal accidents, like a car crash. 
“Last summer, battle of the labyrinth, head caved in by a giant.” Michael says curtly. “Dead because of your stupid war, like a lot of us.” 
“I need to tell him sorry. Can you-“ 
“He’s not here anymore.” Michael interrupts him. “Castor ? Remember him ? He also died at the labyrinth by the way. Anyways, I searched for Lee too when I arrived down here and he told me he had chosen rebirth.” 
Luke’s heart falls like a stone. “He’s gone ?��� He chokes up, because if Lee is gone, then he died thinking Luke didn’t love him anymore. He died viewing as- what did Lee think of him after his betrayal ? A monster for hurting his family ? Lee was always big on family. Yeah, Lee thought he was a monster. 
“Whose fault is that ?” Michael grumbles, shooting him a glare. 
“Lethe ? Where is it ?” He asks the son of Apollo. 
“Leaving so soon ?” Michael tilts his head, just like Lee did, and Luke can’t take it. “Yeah, not like I’m welcome here.” 
“You’re right about that.” The other boy snorts, pointing a direction with his head. “Go that way, you’ll find the river.” 
Luke nods, smiling in spite of himself at Michael’s advice, “try not to fuck up that life !”, before heading towards where the other boy directed him. 
Who knows ? Maybe he can make it to the Isle of the Blessed, like he told Annabeth.  
Plus, there’s still a chance to meet Lee in another life. In a nice, mortal life where they can live old and happy. 
Granted, the odds aren’t in his favor but he’s sure he can make something out of it. He’s pretty good at getting things his way. 
He cups the white water from the river in his hands and brings it to his mouth. 
There are nicer ways to meet someone than bumping into them and spilling their beverage on their clothes. In the bright aspect, you can be sure you got their attention ! 
“Dude, really ?” The guy whines, looking mournfully at his stained sweatshirt. “Mondays really suck.” 
“Sorry.” Oliver winces. “Please, let me buy you coffee to make it up.” 
“Eh.” The guy checks his watch before shrugging and giving him an easy smile. It suits very well Oliver thinks. “I guess I can be late for once, the office won’t mind. Who do I got to thank for this ?” 
“I’m Oliver.”
“Nice to meet you Oliver, I’m Nathan.” Nathan smiles again, seemingly not that bothered by his ruined attire. 
“I’m calling you Sunshine.” He blurts out and why did he do that ? Call a complete stranger Sunshine ? No matter that the name just fits, that it rolled out of his mouth naturally, he can’t say that. “Because, hum, you’re way too happy for a Monday morning and for getting late to work.” 
“But I get to meet you, Oliver.” Nathan grins, his brown eyes- with specks of forest green in it if you look closely- sparkle. “It makes up for it, I think.” 
“Come on.” Nathan nudges him playfully, gesturing towards the coffee shop. “Tell me more about you while you so generously buy me coffee.” 
This was supposed to be a sad ending... but I hate sad endings so it evolved into a happy ending lol. Wanted to write Leeluke because I've seen a lot of it and I really like the pair <3
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Arcturus: If you're always positive, good luck will always find you! Pollux: I think good luck is on sick leave.
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coolgirl576 · 7 months
mini dream rant
hay 576 here i had a weird dream in this dream gemini had a different design where there hair was blue with no yellow there eyes were the same but they were wearing a scarf and there hood was also down in the dream there was also a different astral body they were short and around the height of lunar (same with me) they had blonde hair and at first i thought they were a self insert of @ayyy-imma-ninja the person who made castor and pollux's designs but they had a beetle symbol on there had and beetles symbolize, good luck, creation, teamwork, rebirth, and adaptability, so.... yeah i just wanted to share this
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Tsams Hunger Games pt 4
right from the Lunar and Earth show, comes… well, Lunar and Earth!
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Good luck to them! We’re almost halfway through the district announcing, and to mark that halfway point, we have star-born siblings, Castor and Pollux!
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lemme-just-oops · 1 year
Arcana Twilight as Dietary restrictions:
Alpheratz: Refuses to eat pizza. And anything crunchy in general. Not really an official restrictions, but shh.
Arcturus: Vegetarian. He probably was vegan for a while too, but never called himself one. Would kill for sheep-milk.
Pollux: Imagine god(s) hating you so much, they gave you the superpower of having bad luck. Dude has allergies like a chinchilla has fur. Only stops at the severe allergies, though. Despite lactose intolerance, he will raid the fridge at bedtome and drink that sweet milk. If you see him snacking on nuts, he will just say they are good for the brain. (Is oblivious to the fact that marzipane is made of almond).
Sirius: He went on a diet where he only ate meat. And only drank water. His diet came to a slow stop when Arcturus invited him to eat together every now and then. According to Sirius, Arcturus makes the best steaks.
Spica: Gluten intolerance. It is rare for him to crave bread or sandwiches, but when he does, he only buys a single product that he trusts. He can be in the aisle, stocked only with gluten free bread, but he only every buys that single varient. And if it isn't available in the times of his cravings, he acts like it is no big deal, while being disappointed at the entire universe.
Vega: Give him coffee or give him life. He does not do well with anything that is supposed to offer energy. Whether that is coffee or energy drinks or even just juice.
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pomegranateboba · 6 months
Hello! I'm another Arcana Twilight fan, just coming out of the dark. Along with sleepytwilight, you're active when it comes to ArTw content. I hope it's alright to send a request!
Anyway, uh, here's mine: ArTw men with a MC who is a great dancer in jive? (Our dance this year is social dance and we're gonna be doing Cha Cha and Jive 😭) I hope this is okay! Thank you, and have a good day!
Hiiiiii, thank you for the request this is my first actual one 😭🤩Okay so I had to google what that was but I think I got it (sorry if it's a little inaccurate I just learned this dance existed)
(For those who don't know, I copied and pasted the definition from google: Jive is a lively style of dance popular especially in the 1940s and 1950s, performed to swing music or rock and roll.)
A Summoner that is good at jive dancing:
He was pleasantly surprised at what a good dancer you were
Little baby was in awe you you performed it for him
Would definitely encourage you to perform it for others, if you're comfortable with it of course. He won't bug you if you don't want to
Curious to know the history of this type of dance, he hasn't heard it it before (get the powerpoint slides ready)
Your biggest supporter if you do actually decide to perform it for others
If there were some event or festival that involves dance performances, he would recommend it to you if you want to participate
Wouldn't go around telling everyone this piece of information if you aren't comfortable with it
Very understanding
Would try to learn from you to his best ability
He would probably actually manage the basic steps
He's a sweet little baby we all love Arcky
I'm pretty sure this man would do ballet or ballroom dancing, so this more lively dance is probably pretty new to him
It would also give him cultural shock, because he is not used to whatever you are performing to him
Still impressed nonetheless
You would have to make him learn, because he would very much refuse
Though he is interested to know the history and whatever information you can give him (time to pull out the trusty powerpoint slides)
Would also recommend any dancing/performing events if you want to participate
Can keep a secret, if that's what you want
And if you do want to perform, he would make sure everything runs smoothly
He would most definitely get the best seats to watch you perform (hot rich men things fr)
He is proud that you know such a unique skill
And all of a sudden he is wide awake
Is lowkey impressed
He honestly could not care less about the great history of jive
It's a little loud and feisty af, but it's the summoner, so all is good
Would be very awake whenever you perform
Won't talk you into performing or anything, but he would be pretty happy if you do
And if you do, he would actually get up to go watch, even if he has to put up with Spica
Won't say anything about this, he doesn't gossip or anything like that. It's too troublesome for him anyways, having to go talk to people
He doesn't say anything, but secretly he is so proud of you
He may request for you to dance for him, but no way in hell is he getting up and learning it
He loves you, but seriously no thanks.
He would rather just admire you from the crowd
Will offer to come nap with him if you are tired from dancing
The shock on his face.
How come no one told him his beloved summoner could dance?
And why are they actually so good at it??
When you open your phone to play Arcana Twilight, Pollux's affection levels are suddenly at the max level
I don't know how else to describe how he felt in that moment
Would immediately request that you teach him
You agreed, thinking that it would be fine
Spoiler: it was not fine.
Little Misfortune the Second is tripping all over his feet, and you don't think it's just because of his bad luck
Pollux would love to dance, he's just clumsy af and keeps breaking his legs (stars help him)
Even Arcturus came in and helped
Well...Poll tried, at least
He won't give up though, so if he pulls a Sirius at 3am and asks you to teach him, that's your problem not mine
If you perform at an event or festival, Pollux would be at the front of the crowd cheering for you
Is gonna run around and tell everyone how cool you are. You can't stop him.
Would openly flaunt you to the world, even the void monsters won't be spared from his reign (of terror)
This is just an excuse for him to like you more
The shock on his face (part 2)
Summoner?? You can do that??
I feel like Vega would be pretty poised and elegant and stuff, considering his personality and his house
So to see you so lively is gonna be a shock (in a good way)
Vega may or may not know what jive is, depends on his memory of Mid Earthium
So he may recognise it. May.
Vega wouldn't ask to learn it, but you would probably drag you into learning from you anyways
Besides, he can't say no to his beloved summoner
He would pick it up pretty quickly, though if he seems a little stiff it's normal
He isn't used to having and expressing positive emotions (I'm sorry)
He would still do it though, because it means more summoner quality time
It would remind him of your time together as kids back at Mid Earthium, and all the more he would want to see you happy again
Is secretly your biggest fanboy, if you may or may not be able to tell
If you choose to publicly perform, he won't see him openly cheering or screaming, but he is internally simping
If you have a partner when dancing, he will keep a close eye on that person, making sure they don't get too close to you
He is now your bodyguard (as if he isn't already)
You can't tell me he wouldn't tease you relentlessly
He is a menace to society, remember that
You could teach him, but just keep in mind that he will make these sessions somewhat questionable
I think you should do your best to bring along one extra person when this happens
I saw it on another blog once, and I fully agree that Sirius would probably only know how to dance like Michael Jackson
He's so goofy I want to punch him in the face
Would occasionally ask if you would want to actually perform to the public, would tease you a little but if you don't want to he won't bug you anymore
If you do, Sirius will pull strings to do it
You may not see him in the crowd, but just know that he is watching (because he is a red flag like that)
Will take you out (on a date not shoot you) after the performance, effectively stealing you away before other people (Vega) can get you
He may ask you to do a personally performance for him. My suggestion is to decline if you feel the emotion known as embarrassment, because this man is a menace.
Remember to stay hydrated kids :)
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