#good morning by the way. i hope that you slept well ☺️
mrsevans90 · 8 months
Puppy Love
Captain Syverson x OFC Emma Miller Part 11
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Y'all, this GIF is down right SPICY but it fit the smut in the story so well I had to ☺️
Summary: Austin Syverson has returned to Texas after retiring from the military and starts his own contracting business. Syverson is used to being alone and thinks he prefers it that way. While at work he stumbles upon an injured and abused puppy. When he meets the new veterinarian in town, Emma Miller, he is immediately smitten with her. It turns out Emma has some baggage of her own. Will they be able to make it work? Or is it just a case of fleeting puppy love?
Pairing: Henry Cavill as Captain Austin Syverson x OFC Emma Miller 
Warnings: SMUT, Emma getting an attitude, Sy yelling, detailed PTSD flashback, bodily function/embarrassment, self-deprecating talk, language
MINORS DNI! Must be 18+
I do not authorize any copying/pasting, stealing of my work, or using my words as your own. 
This story is not beta’d. All mistakes are my own.
A/N: I am an imperfect person who makes mistakes. All that I ask is to please be kind and if you enjoy it then please comment and REPOST! I appreciate any love, comments, and reposts more than you could know. Thank you for reading! 
Part 10
I wake up still in the same position that I fell asleep in, on Emma’s chest and notice that my body feels incredibly stiff. Her gentle breathing and steady heartbeat are comforting even though I’m incredibly embarrassed and just want to pretend last night never happened. I have a feeling this is going to be a very long day. I notice the amount of light cascading in from behind the curtains must make it late in the morning, but considering I had a very active night I’m not surprised that I slept in. I carefully lift my head to see if Emma is awake and am startled when I see her big beautiful eyes staring down at me. 
“Good morning.” She says quietly.
“Mornin’.” I reply.
“How are you feeling?”
“Stiff. What time is it?” I ask her somewhat brusquely.
“It’s 9:38.” She answers after looking at the time on her phone.
I sigh and sit up so that I’m faced away from her. 
“Let me make us some breakfast. I’m hungry.” She quickly gets up and goes to the restroom to take care of her morning routines before she exits and walks to the bedroom door.
“Come down to eat after you’re done in the bathroom please.” She says quietly while I’m still pondering my next move as I sit on the edge of the bed. The tension and embarrassment oozes from my body as I sit there attempting to contemplate how to handle this. I haven’t been in this situation before. Alex has seen me have a small flashback at work once, but we didn’t have to talk about it. My grandparents certainly don’t know the extent of my PTSD because I purposely keep it from them. They don’t need to know how mentally damaged their loving grandchild has become. Aika is really the only one who has ever witnessed the extent of my depravity and luckily, she can’t talk or judge me for it. She’s just a silent witness who snaps me out of it with a bark or licking my face. Emma is the only person to ever see how badly it really is and I just don’t even know what to say to her. I force myself up and relieve myself in the bathroom before brushing my teeth and getting myself ready for the day. I look at my reflection in the mirror and wonder just how I got this screwed up before heading to the kitchen. 
Emma is humming to herself as if nothing has transpired as she flips pancakes on the stove. She has coffee brewing in the pot and has sat out my favorite mug that has a picture of a donkey on it with the words, “Do I Look Like a Jackass?” written across it. It was a gift from one of my warhorse buddies, Harper. 
When she hears me approach, she turns and silently fills the cup with coffee before handing it to me with a shy smile. Seems the poor thing is also trying to figure out what to say and coming up blank.
“I hope pancakes sound good to you. I also made some bacon and saw there’s some fruit in your fridge but I’m not sure how old it is.”
“That’s more than enough. Thank you.” 
I drink my coffee while she turns back around to work on the breakfast. Once it’s made, I set the table and refill our coffee cups while remembering to add the coffee creamer that I now buy specifically for Emma since she likes hers sweet. Just like her.
We sit down and I’m aching to avoid the subject but I know I just need to get it over with.
I clear my throat. “Breakfast looks really good. Thank you.”
“Anytime, baby.” She replies and I want to smile.
“I um… I’m really sorry about what happened last night. You shouldn’t have to see me like that or put up with it and I just want to apologize.”
“There is nothing to apologize for. I’m grateful you opened up to me a little bit, honestly.”
Unwillingly, I think to myself. I take a deep breath.
“Maybe, this thing between us is moving too fast.” I blurt out.
“By this thing, you mean our relationship? Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought we were exclusive after our conversation the other day. Is this you trying to end things with me?” She says angrily.
“I’m just no good for you. You shouldn’t have to deal with a grown man who has nightmares.”
“I think that I should be the one to decide who or what is good for me. I’m a grown woman who has plenty of my own baggage and I’m not going to allow you to throw this away because you’re embarrassed or trying to protect me from the one person who doesn’t pose a threat to me.”
“I absolutely pose a threat to you!” I yell and slam my fist against the table. “Wasn’t last night enough to show you? I was wielding a rifle dreaming that I was back in active war. Damnit Emma! Don’t be naïve. I could have shot you, or hit you. I could have thought that you were the enemy and there’s no way you would have been able to fight me off! I should have ended things before it got to this point and I’m sorry that I didn’t. I was being selfish and wanted more time with you but I realize now how dangerous that is.”
“NO.” She crosses her arms and straitens her back defensively.
“No?” I repeat in quiet shock.
“No.” She stares at me with a look of fire like a mother chastising her child and even though she’s so tiny I feel myself cower back a little.
“You are ruining the best thing I’ve ever had because you are scared, Austin! And I understand how scary it was, believe me, I was there watching you fight a battle in your own mind. But I’m not afraid of you and I never will be. You need to understand that we both need each other and I am good for you whether you choose to believe it or not. You’re jumping to a conclusion either to punish yourself or me because you’re embarrassed that I know this about you now and I will not tolerate it. Last night, you protected me from what you thought was danger even in your flashback. You will not hurt me and I know it.”
I sit there for a minute stunned by what she said.
“What do you mean?”
“I’d be happy to tell you everything from my perspective if you could stop trying to dump me and actually have a vulnerable conversation with me like an adult.” She snarks.
Damn, she’s throwing some verbal punches this morning and it’s kinda sexy.
“Alright, I’m listening.” I announce and she takes a deep breath before speaking.
“I woke up to the sound of the bedroom door slamming shut and you running down the stairs. Aika jumped up and seemed concerned so I took her with me as I went downstairs, turning on lights as I went since you still had the house completely in the dark. I heard the backdoor slam open against the wall as you ran out and I held Aika back so I could shut the door until I could determine what was going on. When I turned on the patio lights I saw you run by with a rifle in your hands. I figured you might have heard an animal or intruder or something so I waited for a moment looking through the window before I heard you yelling. It was pouring rain so I struggled to hear you but you didn’t seem to notice the rain. You ran up against the backside of the house and were yelling different words, military lingo I guess, and aiming your rifle around the corner. Aika was going absolutely nuts barking and I almost let her out to get you but I wasn’t sure if your gun was loaded. Instead, I carefully made my way over to you and kept repeating, “It’s Emma, you are safe.” But when I got to you I could tell you were still actively dreaming, if that’s what we are going to call it. Your eyes were almost glassy but when I touched your shoulder, you immediately put your arm around me from behind to protect me and told me to get down and cover my head. You kept placing your body in front of me. I tried talking to you but you just kept asking me if ‘Lowell and Waites’ were still alive. I wasn’t sure what to say but I remembered the conversation that we had the first time I stayed here. I couldn’t get your attention since you were so absorbed in your mission, until I finally grabbed your face with my hands. That’s when you started to come back to me. You protected me from whatever threat you saw, not the opposite.”
I take a steadying breath and try to calm my heart rate. Hearing her talk about something I’ve done during a flashback is strange, because she’s the first to actually witness it and tell me what I did. I guess it’s like sleepwalking, or undergoing anesthesia where you remember specific events but they are different to what actually happened.
“I’m sorry you had to see that.”
“I’m not. I hate that you had to go through that in real life, and again in your flashbacks but I’m glad that I was there to see it. I think I understand you a bit more and I want to be there for you.” She says earnestly.
“If you want to apologize for something, you can apologize for trying to dump me.” She says moments later with an attitude.
I can’t help but crack a smile at her gumption. She is something else.
“I’m sorry for trying to dump you.” I whisper and she stands and comes over to sit in my lap. 
“I accept your apology.” She smirks.
“Thank you for refusing to be dumped.” I look intently into her eyes. She kisses me sweetly before tapping my forehead.
“Let me in here. I can handle it, I promise. I want to know everything about you, even the bad stuff.”
“I just… I’ve never let anyone in.”
“Okay, imagine this. What if I kept all of my trauma about Colin from you. I know it’s not the same, but just imagine I didn’t tell you about him stalking me, or why I am the way I am about things. You’d be pretty pissed, right?”
“Obviously.” I tell her. “But that’s because I want to protect you.” 
“Exactly. I feel the same way. Now imagine if I told you that I kept it from you because I just didn’t think you could handle my drama.”
I roll my eyes.
“I never said you couldn’t handle it.”
“But you’ve thought that. Haven’t you?” 
“Maybe” I mutter petulantly.
“You’d be livid with me.” She smirks at me knowing she’s made her point thoroughly.
“Alright. I get it.” I put my hands up in surrender.
“I can handle this and I want to know everything about you. Even the stuff you keep locked away for whatever reason.”
“It’s pretty dark, Sugar. I don’t like thinking about it and I don’t like the idea of you thinking about it.”
“Again, not your decision to make.” She says.
“I decide what’s best for me and what I can handle. I promise you, I can handle this and if you just get that through your thick skull and let me be there for you, we’ll be good as gravy.” She said while thumping my forehead.
“Ow, woman!” I say before I tickle her sides. 
“Fine. I’ll be better about opening up. I just might need your help and your patience because I’ve kept all of my shit buried away essentially my entire adult life.”
“They teach you to do that in the military?” She asks with an eyebrow arched.
“Pretty much.” 
“Well, I’m going to help you undo that.”
“I don’t know that I’m going to like that process.”
“You’ll be fine.” She says before kissing me gently. “I’ll use my sexual prowess if I have too.”
“Seduce me to learn my secrets? You little minx.” She giggles at my joke and I breathe a sigh of relief that we can joke about it at this point.
“Do these flashback episodes happen often?” She asks.
“Nah, this is the biggest one I’ve ever had. I’ve had a few small ones, but nothing this involved before. Maybe once or twice a year before this. It’s usually triggered by something when I’m really tired.”
“What do you think triggered you last night?”
“If I had to guess, I’d say the storm. Likely the thunder was similar to an explosion or something in my dream.” I say quietly and she just nods and strokes my cheek.
“Do you have Nana’s brunch today?”
“Nah, she’s got some clothing drive thing at the church that she’s doing. I’m glad because I don’t need her scrutiny today.”
“Does she know about the episodes?”
“Not really, just always told her it was nightmares. I think PawPaw likely has an idea having been a veteran himself, but he keeps it to himself which I appreciate. I don’t need Nana trying to convince me to join some VA group to talk about my problems.”
“What’s so bad about those groups? I only ask because I have no frame of reference.”
“Nothing, those things are really good for some people but it’s just not for me. I tried once or twice after I retired and felt worse after them. Just not the type to get up in front of strangers and talk about my issues.”
“Survivor’s guilt.” Emma mutters and I glance at her somewhat annoyed.
“Think you’ve got me all figured out then?” I ask haughtily.
“No. Not at all as a matter of fact. I know there’s a lot more that you haven’t shared with me. That’s fine, for now. Just don’t get mad at me for being here for you. I don’t deserve that.” 
My iciness cools immediately and I agree with her. She’s just wanting to be here for me in a way nobody else has ever been.
“I’ll do my best, Darlin’.” I admit while tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.
“That’s all I can ask for.” She kisses me sweetly.
“What do you want to do today, Sugar? That is if you want to spend the day with me.” I ask her.
“Shut up, of course I do.” She says as she rolls her eyes and I growl at her. 
“Mmm.. I need to go to the grocery store and do some meal prep, but other than that I’m open to whatever.”
“Want to go to the store together? Hell, it certainly wouldn’t hurt me to bring my lunch a few days rather than eatin’ fast food all the time.”
“Ohhh! I love that. I can prep lunches for both of us.” She says excitedly and I can’t help but smirk at her.
“You don’t have to do all that work.” I say, thinking that I can cook my own.
“I really don’t mind. I have to cook mine anyway.”
“Alright, how about this. I buy all the groceries for us, and you cook the meals.”
“No baby, I’m offerin’ to cook for you. I don’t need you to buy my food.”
“Nah, that’s the deal Sugar Pie. Take it or leave it.” She arches her eyebrow at me and I can’t help but chuckle and smack her round little ass.
“Fine, but I’m not happy about it.”
“Military negotiation training continues to pay off.” I chuckle at her reaction. She attempts to tickle me, but I gently grab each of her wrists effectively handcuffing her hands by her sides. 
“Geez, Sy, I knew you were strong, but damn.” She says as she attempts to wiggle out of my grasp. She doesn’t realize that she’s also wiggling her ass against me and in a matter of moments, she’s going to feel what it’s doing to me.
I let go of her wrists and she acts like she’s done playing before she turns around quickly and shoves her fingers against my ribs. I jolt from the chair sideways as she laughs freely at what she thinks is winning this game.
“Oh, ya wanting to play?” I say with a smirk and when I reach for her she jumps up and takes off running. Before I even realize it, we are giggling like school children as I chase her up the stairs. The dogs are barking wildly and poor Aika has Mills jumping all over her in an attempt to start wrestling. They slowed me down by getting between me and Emma so she got a little bit of a head start. Eventually Aika gives in and the start playfully wrestling in the hallway. I catch her at the top of the stairs, my long legs being no match for her short but fast stature. Emma squeals exuberantly when I pick her up from behind and haul her over my shoulder. She’s panting and I realize I might’ve played too rough so I gently slide her down my body, taking care to be intentional with where I placed my hands.
“Shit! I didn’t think about your period. I didn’t hurt ya did I?” 
She smiles before shaking her head, “it ended last night. You didn’t hurt me baby, but thank you for checking.”
“Well in that case,” I say as I haul her back up on my shoulder, “I’m going to finish what I started.” She squeals again before smacking me on my butt.
I slap her ass that’s now exposed since she was still only in my shirt and grope it gently before throwing her on the bed on her back. I lay beside her on my back as we catch our breaths from our little game of cat and mouse.
“That was fun.” She giggles.
“Sure was.” I turn to her and smile. 
“Now what?”
“Well, I don’t think I’d let you go to the grocery store without pants on, so as much as I hate to, I suggest you get dressed.” I respond as I gently rub my big mitt against the soft skin of her leg.
“Mmm, maybe later. I don’t think I’m done playing.” She admits seductively before gently placing her hand delicately against my clothed cock.
“That so?” I ask her and she nods. My heart starts beating quicker as she begins rubbing against me.
“Right now, I think I’d like to get you undressed.” She says seductively before her hand slides under the hem of my shirt. I lean up and quickly pull it over my shoulders tossing it somewhere in the room. I’m about to lean over on top of her when she pushes me back and her hands slide under the waistband of my shorts and boxers. She grasps my erection firmly before pulling at my shorts and boxers to remove them, so I lift my hips to assist her. Once those are off, Emma begins kissing across my abdomen while simultaneously jerking my throbbing erection. My hands are everywhere and nowhere at once, like an overwhelmed kid given free range in a candy store.
“Fuck, Sugar. What brought all this on?” I rasp as I grab a handful of her ass.
“You trying to dump me.” She says and I pause and look at her concernedly. 
“Gotta remind you what you’d be missing out on.” She smirks before pulling my t-shirt off of her body and exposing her flawless breasts. She immediately pushes them against me and my responding growl has her grinning. Her warm, soft skin rubbing against my torso has me aching to take control and flip her over. Emma’s tiny hand still pumping my cock has me frozen and her gorgeous body, now only clad in a little pink thong has me hypnotized. I can’t stop myself from humping further into her hand as I feel her warm breath slowly making her way up my torso before sucking on my neck.
“Sugar, you’re playing a real dangerous game here.” I warn as she bites and sucks a hickey right above my collarbone. At the same time, I’m so hard that it’s painful and beads of precum are continually leaking from my slit as she uses it for further lubrication towards her ministrations.
Emma sucks on my earlobe before lightly whispering in my ear, “Ah, I like playing games with you.” Goosebumps erupt all over my skin and that’s when my resolve breaks.
Without thinking, I flip Emma over and tear her tiny thong to shreds as I rip in from her body. She gasps with either surprise or overwhelming need but I don’t pay attention as I pull her in for a brutal kiss. She starts to try and take control back by grabbing at my forearms, but I quickly trap both of her arms above her head using one of my hands to secure them. 
“Now who’s in control?” I ask her smugly as I take in her beauty. Her breasts, peaked and heaving from the excitement are so sexy that I ache just from looking at them. Her little belly ring shimmering in the sunlight that streams in from the window somehow makes me even harder.
“Still me. I say stop and I know you’ll immediately discontinue what you’re doing.” She smiles triumphantly.
I smirk at her, because she’s exactly right. She holds all the power here, and I’m damn glad she knows it. Seems she wasn’t able to have that in her last relationship and I’ll do everything in my power to see that she knows she’s in control. 
“You’re exactly right, Darlin’.” I say with a smile and her returning grin stuns me.
“Lucky for you, I like it when you take control and toss me around.” She divulges as she squirms under me and I can’t help but rut against her legs.
“That so?” I ask and she nods dumbly.
“Well ask and you shall receive.” I say before capturing her lips in a messy kiss. I trail my other hand slowly down her body before inserting my middle finger into her core and keen as she moans in pleasure at the intrusion. I pump a few times before adding a second finger and her body arches pleasantly off the bed.
“Fuck, Sy!” Emma shouts as I curl them in search of her g-spot. I grin victoriously when I know I’ve found it based on the reaction of her body. I start worshipping her titties that are so conveniently pressed right in front of my mouth and that seems to spur her on. I’m leaking all over her thigh as I’m so turned on but I need to get her there first.
I’m still holding her arms above her body and that’s how I keep her still as she squirms and moans exuberantly once her first orgasm washes over her. I observe the pure bliss ease across her facial features as she reaches her climax and I can hear the audible squelch of her arousal each time I pump my fingers into her core. After I’m sure to help her through it, I slide my fingers out and wipe the juices along my shaft, squeezing it to release a little bit of pressure as I do. I look at a completely blissed-out Emma as I pump myself a few times before I hear her quietly request, “Fuck me, Captain Syverson. Fuck me hard.” 
I groan before capturing her lips in a filthy kiss before I flip her over. I lift her hips up off the bed and am appreciating the view of her perfect little peach and round delicious ass in the air before she shakes it at me. I smack her ass before sliding in and barely giving her time to recover as I slam into her. 
“Y’okay?” I ask after she gasped loudly and she nodded before pushing herself further back on me. 
I groan and she does it again so I stay there perfectly still for a few moments as I watch the erotic way Emma fucks herself on my cock in doggy style position. Her back is perfectly arched and she flips that mane of hair over her shoulder as she drives herself back on me again. Fuckin’ hell. I can't help myself when I wrap her hair around my fist as I fuck her harder.
My hands are in tight fists as I’m trying to keep from busting a nut so soon after we started but I know I’m not going to last long. I grab ahold of her hips and drive myself into her sopping wet core and focus on getting the angle right. I know I’ve gotten it when I feel her flutter around me. 
“Yeah? Ya like that? Takin’ Sy’s cock all the way up in your tummy? Mmm, mmm, mmm, you look so fucking good like this, Sugar. This perfect ass slamming against me as I fuck that sweet, juicy peach.” I tell her and her moans get louder.
“Tell me, Darlin’. Tell me how it feels.” I probe her.
“Ah! Fuckkk! You feel so good, baby. So big and… and full and deep. Fuckin’ me better than I’ve ever had.” 
“Yeah? This is easily the tightest, tastiest little peach I’ve ever had before. You were made for me. Made to take this cock.” I say and she moans. I slide my hands from her hips and grope her ass before putting my thumb around her tight little ring of muscle.
“You gonna let me in here one day, Sugar?” She clenches all around me and I almost blow my load.
“May…maybe.” She says as I continue to rut into her. I add a bit more pressure with my finger and feel her clamp down on me as her second orgasm ravishes throughout her body. 
“Fuck, Sugar, you’re squeezin’ me so tight. I’m gonna cum.” I tell her and she moans as I piston in and out of her at a quicker pace to reach my high. My balls are heavy and full and I grunt as they tighten to my body when my orgasm washes over me. I still as deeply as I can in her wet heat as I paint her insides with ropes of cum and gently drape myself across her back that is now limp on the bed. 
Emma whimpers as I remove myself from her and I quickly push the leaking cum back into her when it starts to leak out. 
“Y’alright, Sugar?” I ask as she doesn’t move.
“Mmm.” She replies and I don’t know if that’s a yes or a no.
“Fucked you speechless huh?” I chuckle as I stand up and turn on the shower. The sweat dripping down my chest makes me want a cold shower, but I know Emma won’t have that so I get the warm water running before I go back to get her. She’s still completely spread out on the bed on her belly like I left her. I roll her over gently before lifting her up bridal style and carrying her to the bathroom. I set her on the toilet and am shocked that she pees without making me leave the room, but I don’t comment on it. She shuffles over to wash her hands before pulling her hair up into a messy bun. I wash my hands and check the shower temperature before she wraps her arms around me. I’m sweaty but she doesn’t seem to care as she rests her cheek against my chest. I aim the water on us and soap us up cleaning the sweat and the remnants of our tryst from both of our bodies. I kiss her forehead gently and she just smiles and nuzzles further into my chest with her eyes closed. After our shower, I quickly dry her off as well as myself before I clean up the clothes thrown around the room. Her little panties are in shreds and I remind myself to offer to pay for them as I throw them in the wastebasket. 
“You’re awfully quiet.” I voice aloud and she smiles.
“I think I’ve been asleep while standing up that whole shower.” She replies and I chuckle.
“You must’ve been. Didn’t even make me leave the room when you went to pee.” I joke and her eyes snap open in realization. 
“Oh my god, I didn’t. You saw me pee.” She says as she places her face in her hands in embarrassment. 
I laugh loudly because she must’ve not even notice me pee after her while she was washing her hands.
“It’s alright, I won’t tell anyone. I peed while you were washing your hands if that makes you feel any better.”
“It doesn’t. I’m so embarrassed. I didn’t even think, your sexpertise made me almost comatose. I claim insanity.” 
“You know I don’t care about that. You could even fart in front of me and I bet it would be adorable.” Apparently, that was the wrong thing to say.
“ABSOLUTELY NOT. That would be mortifying. I would have to move out of the country.” She says dramatically and I laugh.
“You really think that we could live a whole life together, married with babies, grandbabies, and even great grandbabies and I wouldn’t see you pee or hear you fart?” I ask her seriously and am surprised when she shyly smiles.
“You think about us living a whole life together?” Truth time.
“Honestly, yeah. I’ve thought about it a few times. I know it’s early on, but it’s nice to think I’d be capable of having a future like that, and it’s even nicer to imagine it with you. Plus, it’s kind of hard not to when Nana is practically marrying us off in every phone call I have with her.”
Emma’s cheeks blush pink and I’m glad I was honest with her.
“I think that sounds amazing.” She wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me and I swear my heart beats for this woman.
Part 12
Taglist: @shellyshellshell, @henryownsme, @caramariehurst, @beck07990, @mollymal, @kingliam2019, @syversonswife, @identity2212, @starfirewildheart, @hannah9921, @wa-ni, @kneelforloki, @cutedoxie, @enchantedbytomandhenry, @foxyjwls007, @geralts-yenn, @courtlynwriter, @corrie1013, @squeezyvalkyrie, @summersong69, @livisss, @mayloma, @uunotheangel, @warriormirkwood
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hitomisuzuya · 2 years
Hi dear, I'm sorry for bothering you but if its not too much, could I ask for morning sex with scara?
a/n: You absolutely are not bothering me☺️ ask and you shall receive. I hope you enjoy. I wrote this with female reader terms. If it's not what you want, please tell me. I'm very scared of disappointing people tonight.
Scaramouche x reader. Morning sex. Soft Scara.
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Scaramouche couldn't deny that ever since he started waking up next to you, his days were always starting off the right way. The first time you'd fallen asleep in the same bed together was by accident. He'd slept so peacefully that night, asking you to always share the same bed with him from now on (well, it was more like he told you).
"Good morning," you greeted when you woke up. You leaned in, kissing him softly.
His fingers brushed down your cheek. He'd never admit this out loud to anyone, but your first kiss of the day was always one of his very favorites. They were so tender, full of love and affection. It made him feel wanted, and loved, offering him reassurance you would still be there beside him when he woke up.
He pulled you back down on the bed when you tried to get up, burying his face your neck. He kissed your neck, making you giggle, feeling his erection poking against your leg. "Last night wasn't enough for you," you teased, stroking his hair as he scooted himself to lay on top of you. "At least let me brush my hair first. It's still a mess."
"You look beautiful," he mumbled sleepily, kissing you, grinding his erection between your legs. Morning sex with him was always so soft, and gentle. It was a very intimate thing for him. It showed him that you felt comfortable letting him see you first thing in the morning, unkempt hair and all.
Scaramouche enjoyed morning sex. He always took his time roaming his hands over your body, his head still hazy from sleep.
Spreading your legs to accommodate him, you gasped softly, moaning when he gently thrust himself inside of you. You wrapped your legs around his waist, making him groan as his cock sank deeper inside of you.
This feeling was equivalent to heaven for Scaramouche, if it even existed. He would never know if it did or not. And he didn't care. This moment in the here and now was more important to him.
You were more important him. You both achieved orgasm together. Yes, he was positive this is what heaven had to feel like.
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Hiii Cal 💕💕💕💕
I’m going to ask for TWO of your fics ☺️
SATURN! I published the other fic, so I'll give you double the time loop.
Putting it under the cut.
90 for➰:
Buck wakes up at eight in the morning, right on the dot. There’s a digital clock on the nightstand beside the big, king-sized hotel room bed, and the time is staring him in the face when he opens his eyes. Bold, square red letters. 8:00.
Today is the day. The last time he is ever going to wake up like this. The last time he is ever going to wake up. If he pulls this off. If this is his last morning, he’s going to make it a good one. No questions, no accusations, no hard feelings. 
He rolls over in bed, away from the bright red digital clock face, to where Eddie is still sleeping, arm slung over Buck’s waist. Facing him, Buck presses a kiss to his forehead. Eddie’s eyes flutter open. Two pools of sun-melted gold.
“Good morning,” Buck whispers.
Eddie smiles. “Good morning, handsome.”
“How did you sleep?” Buck asks.
Buck watches the confusion flicker in Eddie’s eyes. He has to be wondering why Buck has turned back to the original script. The first go-around. Buck hopes that Eddie doesn’t get suspicious. He hopes he just thinks Buck has thought it through and decided to get with the program. That’s what he’ll be telling him anyway. If he asks. 
“Good,” Eddie answers after a moment. “I, uh… I always sleep well beside you. You know that.”
It’s a fucking sham. Neither of them has really slept in ages. They are stuck in a constant loop of being awake. Eddie, for even longer than Buck.
“Same here,” Buck whispers. “Uh, what’s the plan for today?”
“No,” Buck cuts him off. “No. None of that. What’s the plan for today?”
Eddie holds his gaze for a moment. Swallows nervously. Then he gives in.
“Uh, well… Uh… Whatever you want. I know you’ve got an itinerary.” 
Buck smiles warmly. “I’m thinking, estuary, let Chris see some sea otters, then head to the beach?” 
Eddie takes a deep breath. “Like… Like you don’t want to see the otters just as badly.”
Buck doesn’t care if he ever sees a fucking sea otter again in his life. He knows Eddie doesn’t either. 
“Well, they’re pretty cute, Eddie.”
“I know they’re cute,” Eddie replies. “I’m excited to see your reactions.”
“Well, then let’s get going,” Buck decides. “Let’s wake Chris.”
Eddie nods quickly. “Yeah, okay. Let’s go.”
He waits until Eddie is in the washroom. See, Eddie likes routine both in and outside of a time loop. He’s predictable. Takes no more time than he needs, ever. Buck’s not sure if that’s something from the military, or before. Regardless, Buck knows he has about a minute and forty seconds - at most - to get done what he needs to accomplish. 
So he doesn’t hesitate. He doesn’t wonder. He doesn’t overanalyze. 
He grabs the clock off the wall and gets to work. 
Buck takes the clock off the wall and flips it over. It’s battery operated. This will be simple. 
Buck removes the batteries. Hears the hands stop ticking. Feels his test tighten with anxiety. This will either solve everything or accomplish nothing. Either way, he’s dying today. The only question is, will he die tomorrow, too? Or will he stay dead?
He tosses the batteries in the wastebasket. Replaces the cover. Then, he reaches to mount the clock again. Before he does, he pauses. A label sticker on the back of the clock catches his eye. He didn’t have time to read it before, brain stuck on the batteries. But he does now. 
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This one is requested by @andromacheofscythiaa I hope you'll like what you read ☺️💜
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The morning in question, you woke up to the sound of the shower running and the smell of vanilla and cinnamon that you could only associate to your wife. Instinctively, you turned on your shared bed and stretch your arms, hoping to get the warmth of the blonde's body. Yet, when you did so, the only thing you were met with was cold sheets.
A groan escaped your lips at the emptiness, before you frown and opened your eyes reluctantly.
Yes well, for starter Larissa was definitely not there with you and you realised after a little bit of time to wake up properly that she was most likely showering since you could clearly hear the sound of water coming form the bathroom.
A small smile crept on your lips then, thinking about her and what the date signify for the both of you.
It was finally today. Your ten years anniversary.
It was hard to believe that it finally came. After all you have been waiting for this date for months now.
The searched for your wife's present has been quite something to be frank. Your hope to choose the best and most perfect for her didn't help either. Anyhow, somedays ago you found it and today the excitation of giving it to her was practically palpable.
Their was the prospect of spending the day with her that makes you ecstatic to. It was impossible to remember the last time it happened honestly. Larissa's job at nevermore and her duty as the principale was always taking all her time. So, no need to say that occasions like these were quite rare.
You wondered what she had planned for the day. Maybe a cute restaurant and a walk together in the shining sun afterward. Or maybe she booked a romantique cottage in the wood where you would be together and in peace to do whatever you want.
It had to be something special, ten years together wasn't a small occasional thing. It was a huge celebration of your love and the time you spent all those years together. It was just so important to you because Larissa Weems was your whole world and your love for her was just beyond words.
She was your everything and you just knew you were the same for her. That's why you couldn't wait for the day to start.
With that in mind, you left the bed you where still laying in and stood up, going straight to the bathroom afterwards. You brushed your teeth and did your hair the way you liked, before speaking up to your wife that still was in the shower.
Good morning baby!
Larissa that didn't realised you had woken up and joined her in the room jumped a little at the sound of someone else's voice, before smiling a little and answering you lovingly.
Good morning sweetheart, how did you sleep?
You giggle a little at the reaction she had before your lips came between your teeth and your cheeks redden at the sound of her voice.
I slept like a baby. I always do when I sleep with you.
Larissa hummed in satisfaction at your words before she shut the water off and took the towel she left to the side. Then, with her natural elegance the blonde got out of the shower, all tucked up on the said towel and a cute smile on her lips.
You felt your breath itch the second you saw her standing just in front of you. Her hair was down on her back, full length and curly like perfect waves. Her skin was glowing from the water still trickling down her body and she was makeup free. Your wife clearly was a sight and you felt breathless suddenly. That reaction from you, seemingly made the women you loved quite satisfied since she giggled a little and caught your lips for a sweet but none the less passionate kiss.
You kissed her back with as much passion you could. Your arms coming around her waist in a reflex manner and little moans leaving your lips. You could feel her smile through it all and it made your knees buckle a little bit.
Damn that women was intoxicating.
When the both of you part after that moment of pure love, you forced yourself to back up a little and look directly into Larissa's eyes.
She was smirking like you expected her to, and she had slide one of her finger under your chin to make sure your attention wouldn't wave from her.
Then with a voice you could only describe has velvety and sooooo sexy she whispered something in your ears.
I just like it so much when you look at me like this baby girl.
Your eyes darken at the flirty words and you whimper a little bit. Then, with the intention of being the closest you could to her, you circled your arms around her neck and kissed her cheek lovingly.
And I just love you, all of you. So how can you imagine for a second that I can actually look away from you when you're that perfect Larissa.
The blonde at your words just sent you one of her perfect and terribly attractive smirk, before crashing her lips into yours again. It was raw and possessive, making you moan again and curl your hands into her perfect hair in reflex.
Larissa was intoxicating and you couldn't get enough of her. You wanted the women to literally take you in her arms and trow you into the bed so you could kiss every inch of her skin and show her how happy you were to be her wife.
Yet, before you had the time to act and get further into the actions the both of you were into. The tall blonde you loved separated from you and layed a last kiss to your nose before saying with a sweet and slightly sad voice.
Sorry darling I really need to get ready if I don't want to be late. I promesse we will continue this later.
Your mind stopped right away at this instant...like if two circuit just touched and you totally froze in place.
Late to where, she was leaving you? The day of your anniversary.
She wasn't going to work was she...I mean she couldn't do that to you right it was way to important of a date for the both of you.
Yea right she was probably going to pick up your gift. YESS that's it it had to be that!
Suddenly, your mind snapped back to the present and you smiled at her brightly, just nodding in pure excitation before laying a last kiss to the woman's cheek and exiting the bathroom.
It was perfect! While she'll be gone you would be able to prepare yourself and be completely ready for her when she comes back! Everything would be absolutely amazing today, you were convince of it and you literally just couldn't find the strength in you to stop smiling while dressing yourself into your favorite cherry red dress.
Anyhow, after a little laps of time that you spent to prepare yourself even if Larissa wasn't gone yet, the women came to you and said she was ready to leave. So you kissed her goodbye like the good wife you were and told her to get back soon with a loving expression on.
Larissa smiled in response to your words before caressing your cheek with her fingers and kissing the tip of your nose.
Good, I'll go then my baby. I love you and be a good girl while I'm gone would you.
You lowered your head a little then, blushing like a literal tomato and just nod obediently before whispering a weak but non the less adorable.
Yes mommy.
Larissa bit her lips for an instant at your words, before sending you a wink and a "good girl" that quickly was followed with her exiting the house and leaving you alone like expected.
You couldn't tell how long it took you to move from the spot you stood on, but at some point you did and immediately hurried yourself to finish getting ready.
It really didn't take long and after half an hour, you could finally say that you were done.
The only thing missing now was Larissa and you were confident she'd be back home soon. After all, she left an hour ago so surely she would be back soon with whatever she found for you and you'd be able to start your day together.
How badly you wished you had been right at this instant because...
She didn't come back.
Larissa had been gone for almost five or six hours by now. You were done with hope, with the confidence you had hours ago. You came to term with the fact she had went to work.
Larissa Weems, the women you married and loved with everything you were had forgot your ten years anniversary...
It definitely was the worst day of your life a pure nightmare and you had cried so much at this point that your eyes were bright red and burning like if you had sprayed cayenne in them.
You couldn't find the words to describe how broken you were...it hurts so bad.
Did she even love you? I mean how could she forget something so important for you both. Your heart was broken and you felt so betrayed.
God, you looked like a pure mess, your makeup was all ruined by the amount of tears you were crying and you didn't knew what to do with yourself. To be honest you didn't even wished to see Larissa anymore. Your mind was full with the idea that your wife cared more about her work that she actually cared about the both of you and it was the worst pain you ever felt since you started dating her.
Hidden in the bathroom with the door locked and your eyes fixed on the wedding ring you still had on your finger, you felt completely numb. The desire to just take the damn thing off was really high at the moment to be quite fair. You knew it was something you'd never even consider if you took the time to calm down and explain yourself with Larissa but right now, you were just way to destroyed and hurt to think straight. So without thinking about it twice, you rip the ring off your finger and literally trew it to the other side of the room.
After that, you continued to cry and feel sorry for yourself until you faintly heard the distinctive sound of the front door unlocking.
You couldn't tell what time it was and how late it was either but through the bathroom window you could clearly see it was dark outside. Or course she'd come home late like every day not even caring about you. Really, it only make a sob leave your lips and you had to put your hand in front of your mouth to stop the sound to be to loud. The last thing you wanted was to alert Larissa of how much of a mess you were so you tried to just keep it down. Yet it just didn't really worked like this when you were sad.
In the back, you heard the gentle and loving voice of your wife calling for you, because of course she wasn't aware of your position yet.
Y/n love! I'm home.
The tenderness and care she was saying your name with just broke you even more and you struggled to stop sobbing desperately.
You didn't answered her though, the only idea of seeing her was making your heart feel like a blade went trough it.
However of course, since nothing seemed to go well for you today, the women you loved had heard you and moved directly to the sound leading her right in front of the bathroom door.
The knock she left on the door in hope to see what was the problem, startle you and made you jump a little where you were.
A little shudder left your lips at it before you heard Larissa's worried and suddenly a little panicked voice the other side of the door.
Darling? What happen why are you crying my little love, would you let me in so I can see you properly sweetheart?
Automatically, you shook your head in a no motion, forgetting that the women the other side of the door couldn't see you. Then, with a shaking voice and a harder one you intended you spoke up to your wife.
No! I don't want to see or talk to you Larissa leave me alone.
Your wife at this stayed frozen in shock for an instant, not knowing the reason of your words or the tone you used to say them.
It literally never happened before that one of you was mad at the other and the sudden tough scares the blonde women.
Larissa tried to think about what she would say next to you, in hope that maybe you'd tell her what is the matter and why you were mad at her.
I...baby what have I done to upset you please tell me I'll do anything you want to make it right I promise.
You could hear the distress and panic that was mixed with her normally calm and soft voice. It made your heart tighten a little in your chest but none of your anger was gone.
That's the fucking problem Riss! You don't know, you forgot! I thought I meant more for you but apparently your job is the love of your life not me!
Larissa took an intake of breath then, starstruck by the arch words and how deep they silently affected her. It hurts. Really much because she knew that a big amount of her time was given to her job and that she in some ways was spending less time with you. You were right, of course you were but she just never really was ready to hear it.
Anyhow, to try and lessen the pain and gult she felt at the moment, Larissa tried to think about what she could have forgotten that would put you in so much pain.
She thought about your birthday immediately but got reassure it wasn't that since yours wasn't today. Then she verified on her phone to see if their was anything planned for the day that she might have skipped and that's when she realised.
NO....NO please don't tell me I..., OH GOD I DIDN'T.
OH DARLING IM SO SORRY! God im the worst wife ever I just don't deserve you dammit.
Sweetheart I...Im so so sorry you can't imagine how much, I can't believe I forgot our ten years anniversary. I love you so much I don't even know how to tell you in word how I would live without you I just...I can't loose you please in so sorry baby.
While Larissa continued to ramble desperately, you could hear she was sobbing in her voice. She definitely was crying and she was so broken you had never heard her this destroyed before.
You felt bad, even if you shouldn't because it wasn't you that was in fault but still. You love her and she was genuinely in pain for what she did so you crawl to the door and delicately opened it to be great but the equally messy Larissa Weems that was sat on the floor in front of the door.
With your hand you tried to wipe a little bit of your teary face and sniffed a bit to get yourself in check before you tried to look at your wife. Yet, before realising what happened, you were tackle down on the floor by the blonde that literally jumped on you when she realised the separation between the both of you was gone.
Larissa was on top of you then, her hair down cascading around her neck and falling to the side of your face, still quite flushed by the crying session you had all day.
Her eyes were showing pure panic and sadness, tears not stopping their fall. She started attacking you with kisses, her lips caressing your neck your face, your lips and collarbone while telling you repeatedly how much sorry she was.
I love you, god I love you so much I'm sorry baby I'm so sorry. I left you alone all day waiting for me like that when you wanted to celebrate with me my poor love.
Please please please forgive me darling I'm so sorry I can't loose you, I promise it won't happen again. Never ever and we are going to spend the day tomorrow together and I'll do whatever you desire to make myself forgiven.
I...I just can't loose you...your everything to me y/n and I'll do anything that needs to be done to prove you I love you more that anything. I'll quit my job if it's what you need so we will spend more time together.
Please...just...just say something.
Larissa said then, breaking up literally in tears and sadness at the only idea that she'll loose you.
The women was a pure mess, she was so panicked and worried sick it was just so sad to see and you just couldn't endure it longer.
She loves you so much that she said she'd be ready to leave nevermore for you. Nevermore her second family can you imagine!
She apologized and was terribly sorry you could tell it was the truth by the look she was sending your way and she was trying to do whatever it took to make amends.
That's exactly what you needed to hear.
After all you couldn't imagine your life without her eighter because of how much you loved her so you just let go.
Your lips crashed on hers then, kissing her with all the love you felt right now. Your emotions immediately vanished in a cloud of smoke when you hear Larissa's content sigh and felt her arms wrap around your waist tightly. She reciprocated the kiss with so much affection and desperation that you whimper, tangling your hands in her hair delicately.
After a good moment of the both of you kissing you separated, breathing heavily and so tired of the day you had. Larissa's forehead landed on yours lazily then, her finger gently caressing your neck and cheek before she spoke up with a loving and soft voice that gives you tingles.
I love you y/n and I will never ever let things distract me from you again I promess my love.
You let a pretty smile spear in your lips then, followed by a last kiss on her lips. It was fast but forgiving before you sigh to.
I love you to Riss and I forgive you.
Now that it was said and that the tears had stopped for good. You both went to bed together and didn't waste time to show each other how much you indeed love each other.
Then when you layed in the arm of your love, sleep winning you over pretty quickly. You thought that anyway, theirs was the next year to celebrate after all and forgot about today.
Tomorrow would be perfect this time.
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vicsnook · 1 year
Come Back…Be Here | Bob Floyd x Reader
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word count: 1230
warnings: deployment, sad, fluff
song pairing: Come Back… Be Here - Taylor Swift
notes: Hey y’all!! Hope everyone is doing well! I know I’ve been away for a little while but no worries I am back ☺️ and ready to write. This one is a sad one so forgive me for that. Please if you don’t mind, like and reblog that way more people can read this too. Thank you for all the likes and reblogs on my other works. Hope everyone is having a great week!!!! 💗
The sound of thunder startled you awake. Looking at your bedside table the alarm clock read 3:00AM in bright red letters. Bob snored peacefully beside you, he could sleep through anything.
The morning came too soon and as you got ready for work you noticed Bob was unusually chatty. He only did that when he was keeping something. Not wanting to pry you went along with it but as everyone headed off the tarmac that afternoon him and Nat got called into Cyclone’s office.
“I wonder what that’s about.”Jake said, raising his eyebrows at you.
“Me too, he’s been really chatty lately so maybe it has to do with that.”
“Yeah, I noticed that. He ain’t real good at keeping secrets” He chuckled as you both headed to the vending machines.
Usually you’d get a snack with Bob after flying exercises were completed but today your appetite was absent. The weird feeling that you’d had in your stomach when you woke up last night only intensified more as you waited for Bob. Jake tried making you laugh by showing you pictures of his new pup but your mind was elsewhere.
“Hey Peach, can we talk?” whispered Bob from behind you, breaking you away from your thoughts. You followed him quietly to your car grateful that you’d all been dismissed earlier today since Maverick was sick.
He started the car and looked over at you smiling weakly. You felt the knot in your throat as he headed towards the beach. This wasn’t going to be a good talk.
He grabbed your hand as you both found a spot to sit in the sand. Both of you stared at the beautiful California ocean when he finally broke the silence. “Nat and I were called up for a mission in Europe. We’ll be gone for a few months.”
“How long?”
“9 months but it can extend to a year. We leave in 2 days”
“Oh” you replied, trying to hold back the tears. Both of you knew this could happen anytime but you were not prepared for it to happen so soon. You’d only been together 8 months and now he was being sent off to the other side of the world.
He pulled you into his chest as you let the tears fall. He smelled of pines and jet oil. A weird combination that you’d come to adore. His fingers lifted your chin to look at him and he kissed you softly.
“We’re going to be okay.” he whispered as you both started to head towards the car. You nodded in response.
That night you helped him pack his seabag between dancing in the kitchen and eating leftover pizza. Tomorrow night the squad wanted to meet up at the Hard Deck for a small goodbye party.
Work flew by and before you knew it you were at the Hard Deck. Bob was off playing pool with Fanboy when Nat pulled you aside.
“Hey, you call me if you need anything. You’ve got nothing to worry about. I’ll keep this one in check.” she said, taking a swig of her beer.
“I’ll try to keep Rooster in check but no promises.” You raised your hands as you both laughed and she pulled you into a hug. In a few hours your best friend and boyfriend would be gone and tonight only seemed to fly by.
Bob and you said goodbye to everyone around midnight. Him and Nat had to be at the airport by 4:00AM. You cuddled up to him that night but as the alarm went off at 3:00AM you felt you’d only slept 10 minutes.
You said it in a simple way
4:00 a.m. the second day
Everyone gathered at the airport saying their final goodbyes. Bob pulled you in for one last hug and whispered “I love you” as he pulled away and kissed your forehead. A few tears escaped your eyes as you both had yet to say those 3 words.
“I love you too, Robby.”
Stumbled through the long goodbye
One last kiss, then catch your flight
“Time to go.” said Nat as Bob kissed you one last time and headed to security.
You followed the squad out to the parking lot politely declining their invitation to get breakfast. All you wanted to do was go home.
Getting ready for work you scanned the room for your dog tags and that’s when you saw it. A red gift box on your bed. Opening it you pulled out a necklace with a heart locket and in it was a picture of you and Bob from your first date. The note in the box read “So you always have me with you. Love, Bob.”
And this is when the feeling sinks in
I don't wanna miss you like this
Come back, be here
You put it on and finished getting ready as quickly as you could so you wouldn’t be late for work. Holding back tears as you headed out the door missing Bob more than anything.
Bob had left Wednesday and it was now Friday. Calls were short as he and Nat were settling in and the time difference didn’t help. He mentioned you should go see your sister to help not feel so lonely. So here you were boarding a plane to NY for the weekend.
Taxi cabs and busy streets
That never bring you back to me
I can't help but wish you took me with you
The breeze was cold as you stepped out of the airport. Raising your arm you hailed a taxi and then you were off to your sister’s. That night after a long day of retail therapy you were able to facetime Bob.
His sweet smile filled the screen as you showed him your purchases. “I got you something so once you know your mailing address let me know.” you said, eying the box on the floor. He nodded, raising his eyebrows at you making you laugh.
You got him a watch he’d been wanting according to Mickey. On the back it had the word fearless engraved, a nod to when you both danced in the rain a couple months back.
He was getting ready for work while you were ready for bed. He said he was happy that you liked his gift and couldn’t wait to get his.
“I’ve got to go baby but just know I love you and I’m thinking of you. Sweet dreams.” he said quietly as Nat knocked on his door.
“I love you Robby.” you replied as he smiled and ended the call.
This is falling in love in the cruelest way
This is falling for you and you are worlds away
In New York, be here
But you're in London, and I break down
'Cause it's not fair that you're not around
You shed a few tears after the call ended. Missing him hurt so much. Your chest aching as you tossed and turned that night. Wishing time would fly by the next couple of months.
Central park felt lonely the next day since your sister was called into work. She loved being a doctor but being on call sucked. You watched the birds from the bench you were sitting at wishing that Bob was with you. That he could Come back, be here.
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thoughtsandbones · 1 year
An ex-citing surprise
Simon 'Ghost' Riley x F!MedicDoc OC (codename: Blue) 💀💙
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WARNINGS: Mention of profanity, self harm scars, scars, fluff, panic attack, anxiety, medical inaccuracies and just getting the POV of our friendly neighbourhood masked menace.
Plot: Doctor Ruhari Hari Kaur (OC is South Asian ☺️) joins the 141 again, but this time as their doctor. After the betrayal of Shepherd and Graves, Task Force 141 begins their hunt on his whereabouts and locating Makarov.
PLEASE reblog and like! Hope folks are enjoying the series, I am building up characters and plots, cos I have a lot ideas and just been enjoying writing :D
Song inspo: Bleed it Out - Linkin Park, Shadow of the Day - Linkin Park
Word count: 4.3k
A/N: Flashbacks are getting messed up when I am indenting them and I am getting lots of errors when publishing the work, please bare with some mistakes and spelling issues.
I grew up with the OG MW2 game, so there are some references to the old one, so kind of a mix of both the OG and the new timeline... (Also I'm ignoring the OG Shepherd betrayal and keeping in line the one with the new timeline..)
All rights reserved to the rightful owners of Call of Duty Modern Warfare.
spelling and some grammar mistakes as I am bad at times... :/
(FYI: bold sentences... that are like this... are supposed to describe redacted data/info to the plot... ;] .. )
Please do let me know how you all are finding this fanfic! :D
PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 11 and PART 12
Part 13
The birds had begun chirping, greeting the new day. The sun soon started to it's daily early ascent into glorious England in June.
Pollen is going to be high, hay fever season descends upon us all. You think to yourself, grabbing your phone and adding 'hay fever szn' to your adding list of things to be on the look out for whilst being the 141's doctor... and... team member?
Try not to push it, I gotta earn that spot You scold yourself, hitting your head against the pillow underneath; a soft beating.
You had been laying awake for about 20 minutes. Checking the time on your phone, 4:34am.
Might as well get started on the day
Rolling out of bed you then start with the first task, making the bed. A good soldier keeps things neat and tidy. The next task, shower. A cold shower to awaken your nerves.
Once you had showered, gotten ready, braided your long hair first into two french braids and then tying the two together with an hair band, you then had several swigs from your flask. hydrate hydrate hydrate
It was 5:39am, you leave your room and lock your door. You make your way down the stairs at a quick pace, you were nearly at the bottom, only to see the lieutenant descending down the last few steps.
Ghost turned around has heard the quickening steps approach from behind him. It was you, donning black fatigues, green top and black combat boots.
"Mornin' Doc" He said stepping aside to let you come down the final steps
"Morning Sir" You say "How are you?" He was donning his skull balaclava again today, his eyes covered with black paint.
"Good, slept well" He said, who started to walk out of the corridor of the building.
"The medicine worked, that's nice to hear" You respond "Any drowsiness currently?" You
Ghost looks down at you as you walk beside him. It knocked him out that he felt a little cautious
"Nothin' apart from the metallic taste" He replied
You nod "Squash will help"
Ghost nods back, he holds the door open for you and lets you walk ahead, his eyes linger over your back again, the tattoo of yours catching his eye again.
Get it together he snaps
"Trainin' this mornin', 10 minute sprint, basic strength assessment and maybe a bit of sniper trainin'" He says, hoping that'll perk you up a bit.
A smirk appears on your face. "Where do I sprint?" You ask
"On track, I'll time you" He brings out a stop watch that was wrapped around a small burgundy journal. Both of you head of the track, Ghost counts you down and you set off, Ghost keeps his eye on you, your form then glances to his stop watch. As you approach he watches your stern face focused on what is in front of you.
After ten minutes, he blows a whistle and you stop. He walks over to you and hands you your flask. You take a few sips, slowly catch your breathe.
Walking over to the gym, Ghost runs through the tests he wanted you to complete. The gym was partly empty, there were a few soldiers, mainly marines who were up and training, but most of them were commanders as they nodded and saluted Ghost. Ghost nodded back. You were struck with awe of the respect and reputation he garnered, along with Captain Price too.
First assessment was chin ups, how many can you do? Ghost had said to you.
You're gonna be so weak, taking in a deep inhale, you reach for the bar and using your core and arms you pull up, exhale, you felt your arms wobble. Eyes flickering over to Ghost who just held out his stopwatch and then glared at you hanging, feeling your face going red. You try again, and only managed 3 chin ups in total. Feeling so weak, you continue with the next set of commands given out by Ghost.
Ghost watched you struggle lifting the 5kg plate over your head, your legs shaking, knees locking every now and then and arms shaking.
In his notebook he scribbled lacking core strength amongst his other critiques. A small part of him felt he was being harsh, but he knew he had to treat you fairly, like everyone else. Especially since you were going to be coming along with missions so dangerous, he had to make sure you could handle yourself.
"Alrigh' that'll do" He says and watches you bring the weight plate down gently and placing it back where it came from. He sees you take a long swig of water, some of drips down your chin and splashes on your shirt on near your breast. Ghost scans your physique, you were fit, but clearly lackin' in strength.
His eyes go back to the dark patch made by the water droplet, just above your right breast... His eyes lingered too long, when he noticed your eyes narrowing at him, he flicked his eyes back to his notebook, feeling his cheeks become warm and blood rush to his ears. Focus
Is he actually staring at my boobs You think, glaring at him. But then you notice the wet patch on your shirt. That? Or the boobs?
"You were alrigh'" He said clearing his throat "Need work on strength trainin', what exercised you normally do?"
"Running, swimming and Taekwondo" You say. "But it's been a few months since I've done swimming and Taekwondo"
"Righ'" Ghost says, vaguely remembering you doing some sort of martial arts. His memories of you were so misplaced and broken.
"I'll work out a trainin' schedule for you" He adds "We got some martial arts classes, may want to join? After this mission we'll assess sparring" He continues
"Yes sir" You say taking in his assessment of you. Dammnit, you were weak, but there's always room to improve
"Sniper practise next" Ghost says and he walks in front of your to the practise shooting range. Ghost gets a sniper rifle and ammunition and hands it to you.
You head over to a spot and set yourself up. Out of all the guns you tried and used, sniper rifles were your favourite. After setting up, Ghost presses a remote with buttons on it, targets come up and you shoot them down. When reloading, you kept your eye in the scope as you reloaded your magazine.
Very well remembered Ghost thought
Soap had entered the shooting range, he saw Ghost who turned to look at him and nodded and turned back to someone who was shooting. Soap realised it was you. He walked to Ghost and stood by him as he also watched you.
"She's good" Soap says to Ghost
"Gettin' there" Ghost replies trying not to feed into Soap's eagerness
You've ran out of ammo, the targets were shot down. You get back up taking the sniper rile and empty magazines. Checking your watch, it was nearing 8am and you had to go to the infirmary soon, after another shower and changing. And breakfast of course.
"Morning Doc" Soap says
"Morning Soap" You say "You good?"
"Aye, all dandy here" He says smiling at you giving you that same grin when he caught you staring at his naked torso. You look away
Ghost felt stuck in between you and Soap. Soap was grinning like a fox at you and you were staring wide-eyed at the sniper rifle drumming you fingers against the barrel.
"I'm going to go clean this" You say lifting the rifle briefly and walking away.
Soap chuckles and looks at you as you walk away. Ghost figured out he was still teasing.
"What you doin' here Johnny?" Ghost grumbled
"Came to see how our new team member was doin'" Soap quirked, giving Ghost a grin.
Ghost scoffed at him. He looked over and saw you sat down on the benches, cleaning the rifle, like it was something you did everyday.
Soap came closer to him.
"You tell her yet Lt?" Soap whispered.
Ghost glared back down at Soap. Did Price rope him into this now?
"C'mon Lt, you can't leave it til it's too late" Soap said giving Ghost a pat on the arm.
"It's bit complicated Johnny" Ghost said, lowering his tone
"Maybe she needs some good news after Siberia eh?" Soap whispered quickly to Ghost
Looking at Johnny and taking in what he said, he became slightly agitated.
"Take my advice Lt" Soap said finally and patted him on the shoulder and went to the weapons locker to grab a gun for his own practise shooting.
Ghost walked over to you, focused on cleaning each part of the gun thoroughly, he watched your hands use the tools, cleaning each part of the rifle carefully.
"Good effort today Doc" He said finally, you look up and smile
"Just need to work on getting better sir" You say looking back down at the barrel in your hands, polishing it with your cloth.
"I'll email over a schedule before the mission tomorrow" He said
"Thank you sir" You focus remained on the gun.
Ghost felt his right hand twitch, his arm trying to move up to his head. He fought off the urge to try and reveal himself here...
The sudden click of you sliding the barrel back brought him back to reality. He was drawn to your gaze, you look back down at the reassembled sniper rifle.
"I'll be heading back if that's good sir?" You ask
"'Course Doc" He replied and watched you get back up, sliding the sniper rifle over your shoulder, it was a motion you did so casually, you've done it before. You've been here before.
"Come by between 10-12 for your blood pressure check lieutenant" You said, trying not to sound too commanding.
"Yes Doc" He says, he gets up and looks down at you stepping back as you walk to put the rifle away. He sees Soap grin at you again as you leave.
Ghost looks back down at his notebook in his hand and opens it up scanning the list of things he noticed you lacked and needed improvement on.
Soap comes over to him after shooting a few rounds.
"What's goin' on between those gears Lt?" Soap says sitting on the bench.
Ghost backed up a bit.
"Nothin' Johnny" he grunted to which Soap gave him a look that called his bluff and scoffed.
"Yer right" Soap responded "C'mon Lt, what's the worse that can happen?" he added extending his leg to attempting to tap Ghost, but he moved away and sat on the bench opposite Soap and looked around, no one was within earshot.
Soap watched has Ghost scanned with his painted blue eyes the area around him.
"What if she goes-" He trails off and then looks directly at Soap "-gets angry? he finishes
"I doubt it Lt" Soap begins, leaning closer to him "You have yer reasons Simon, she a nice lass, she'll understand" He added smiling towards him, Soap noticed Ghost narrow his eyes and scoffed slightly.
It was the first time in a long time that someone other than Price said his name. He hung his head down briefly and then looked up.
"One can hope eh Johnny?" Ghost responded "We got stuff to do before we leave tomorrow, need to see Doc about somethin' at 11, let's get movin' then" He added getting up, Soap follows him as they leave.
Mean while in the infirmary
It was 9:30am and you sat at your desk unsure of what next to do. Reports were done so far for the team, it's not like you could have a proper in-depth review with them the day before a crucial mission.
'Hey, mind if I draw some blood to further analyse if you have any health issues which seem super trivial to you?' You mutter to yourself in a high-pitched mocking tone. As you twirl yourself around in the chair.
The was a rapid knock on your door, you stopped the spinning motion with your left food and quickly got up and opened the door.
It was Price
"Mornin' Hari" He said smiling
"Morning Captain" You say, moving away from the doorway and letting him walk in, you close the door
"How was training with lieutenant Ghost?" Price said turning back to you, watching as you take your seat and Price sits on the other side of the desk.
"Good, well- don't think I did well in the fitness assessment bit" You sigh leaning back in your chair, but then straightened up a bit, not sure how casual you could be...
"Always room for improvement" Price said chuckling leaning forward.
You sense that Price had an ulterior motive, Siberia...
"Are you here to ask about Siberia sir?" You ask, getting straight to the point, tilting your head back
"Came to ask how would you feel about going back?" Price said, also cutting to the chase. "Laswell wants us to do a recovery mission" He adds
"Shouldn't we be more concerned with tomorrow's mission Cap?" You retort
Going back huh? You wonder
Price leans back, smiling slightly.
"Of course, but you up for it?" Price asks again
"Once you and lieutenant Ghost are happy with my training, then yes." You say bluntly. You weren't going back unless you were at a competent level of being able to look after yourself in that harsh environment again.
"That's the plan" Price chuffed, his objective completed with ease.
"What time are you leaving tomorrow?" You ask "Or is that classified?" you added smirking slightly
"4am" Price said looking out the window, blue skies over base, the distant fields feeling
"Come by my office this evening at 6, we're havin' a pre-mission gathering, tea and biscuits" Price chuffed looking back at you.
"Of course sir" You nod back at him smiling.
After a brief conversation of mission details and what your job was (standby during end of mission for injuries during when they are RTB) Price left the infirmary leaving you alone again. You checked the reports on your laptop again. You click onto Ghost's report.
Much of his personal information was redacted. But you knew his age was 34, which meant he was born in 1988. You hesitated putting this information into the report. Price had told you that Ghost's identity is a secret for a reason.
You went through the other reports for Gaz, Soap and Price. Adding in your notebook things you needed to do, blood tests was one thing.
Sitting back in your chair again, you spin around, enjoying the motion tilting your head back. You stop and then go back to your laptop, after placing an order through the RAMC pharmacy for more hay fever tablets, you lean back in the chair again.
Siberia. Siberia. Your mind wonders back the frozen place.
"Get the disk and get out Blue" echos in your head again, you shake your head and run your left hand through your hair. It was still braided, bringing your right hand up, unravelling both braids, you comb your hair roughly with your hands.
There was a knock at the door, you couldn't be bothered to get up so you simply shouted 'Come in' to the person on the other side. You looked up and saw Ghost opening the door, his entire stature taking up the doorway.
"Alrigh' Doc?" He lets out, breathing heavily, almost like he ran up here.
"I'm good, you okay?" You ask curiously looking at him as you observe his chest heaving.
"Yeah, just jogged here" He said leaning on the med bed whilst you remained seated.
"You can sit back on the bed if you need a breather sir" You suggest
Ghost looks up you, trying to catch his breathe. He doesn't move, continuing to lean slightly back on the bed behind him. It was the nerves and the damn talking Soap was doing whilst they checked their equipment that got him rattled, and you. He felt his chest get tighter, he breathed in but the air didn't help, he could feel his hands tremble against the cold railing. He turned around facing away from you.
You noticed the change in his body straight away, you got up and moved closer to him.
"Lieutenant what's wrong?" You ask, you grab your stethoscope, as you get closer Ghost moves further away, grabbing the railing of the bed for support, his legs tremble. You watch carefully has be bends over, his right hand moving, clutching his chest.
"Let me just che-" You move to him grabbing his shoulder with your left hand but his right hand quickly grabs it, pulling you away from him, his hold on your arm becomes tight, you feel like he was trying to crush the bones within. You didn't wince at the pain.
"Get away" He rasps head bent down trying to control his breathing, pins and needles running up his legs. He could feel the bone beneath as he gripped your flesh.
You narrow your eyes, you stay in the same place, planting your feet on ground, unsure if he was going to swing at you...
"Do you have pain in your left arm?" You ask, his grip on your arms loosens, you pull it back, the gripping sensation tingling lingers.
"No" Ghost let out. "Jus-t- pani-c att-ack" he stifles, struggling to get the actual words out, bending further over the med bed.
You move behind, a few paces back giving him room to move.
"Get up on the bed sir" You say
"Can't legs froz'n" He spat, just then he grabbed the curtain with his left hand and tried to pull it around him, but it only moved slightly. You wanted to laugh at the attempt, but taking it as a sign that he wanted a bit of privacy, you walk over and close the curtain surrounding the bed, Ghost watches, he tilts his head to the side, there's a small gap left and you turn, your back now facing him again.
"I'm going to walk you through what to do sir" You start, standing behind the curtain.
"Okay" He rasps again watching your back from the corner of his eyes.
"Breathe in through your nose for four and hold for four" You add, loudly breathing in from your own nose, hoping he'll follow.
Ghost yanks up his mask and follows, breathing in steadily through the nose, holding for four, and then back out slowly for four. He listens as you do the same.
"Close your eyes and focus on breathing in and out for four" You say calmly, demonstrating by loudly breathing in again.
Ghost closes his eyes, and breathes in for four. He could feel his heart slow down, the pain in his chest subdue. He looks back at you, still there with your back turned, but then you walk away.
No He thought Don't leave me like this
He hears you walk around the infirmary, then the bubbling of the water cooler, and your footsteps approach. He turns, mask half up still, he felt his heart stumble. Through the gap of the curtain comes your arm, your hand holding a cup of water. He felt a warm iciness shred through him.
"Here, take slow sips" You say.
Ghost reaches out and takes the cup, moving closer to the curtain, where you stood on the other side. He takes a small sip from the cup, letting the water pass down him, whilst moving his feet slightly.
You could hear him take small sips, struggling a bit between to take calm breathes. In these situations saying things like don't worry and think happy thoughts felt useless. What personally helped was taking back control of one thing that one thing that makes us
"Need more water?" You ask through the curtain
Through the gap, Ghost's arm appeared, his bare hand holding the empty cup. You take it from him and refilling it and then head back, you put your hand through the gap, this time peaking inside.
You see Ghost standing, leaning back against the med bed. With a quick glance to his face, his fingers were rubbing against bare nose, there was a bit of black paint on his pointed and sharp nose, glancing down at the stubble lining his jaw, you spot the mole on his jugular. His eyes dart to yours and quickly pulls his mask down walking towards your outstretched left arm.
Ghost takes the cup from your grasp with his left hand, with his right he gently takes ahold of your arm. You try to retract your arm, but Ghost lightly grips the same spot, you wince slightly this time.
"I need to check you lieutenant" You slyly say looking at him, he looks back and doesn't respond, just giving you daggers with his blue eyes.
Setting the cup on the empty spot of the tray he lifts the sleeve of your white coat. He sees his red handprint on the top of your forearm, his turns your arm over, on the other side he sees white horizontal scars faintly scattered on your arm, his also sees his fingers marked in red. It'll form into a bruise he thought
Guilt was riling up in him again. He looked up at you, remaining stoic.
"It just needs some ice, not even that" You pulling your hand back to you. Ghost watches as you pull away from him, no anger coming from you, you smile slightly at him.
"You feeling okay?" You ask, face now shifting to concern.
"Alrigh'" He grumbled. He couldn't get the words out to say his was sorry. He couldn't get the words out that said sorry for grabbing you. He was at a loss when he was with you.
You pull back the curtain and you watch as Ghost sits up on the bed, taking his black sweater off, revealing a think black t-shirt. You could see the outline of his shoulder muscles and the name tags underneath the thin black layer.
"Check you blood pressure then if it's okay to check your heart and breathing?" you say motioning with to your stethoscope around your neck.
"Yeah" Ghost says as you bring the blood pressure machine next to him. As you wrap the cuff around this left arm your cold hand brushes against his skin.
Taking the reading again, 132/80.
You frown and look up at him.
"Still high then?" He asks looking at you and then at the flashing numbers
"Given you had a panic attack, there would be a spike in blood pressure" You say "But it's lower than yesterday" You add smiling at him.
Ghost watches as you get up head to your desk, writing in on a post it and then sticking it in your journal.
"I'm sorry doc" Ghost said "Abou' your arm, didn' mean to hurt you" he added looking at you as you look up.
"Don't worry, it's not broken" You say smiling. You look at Ghost and he looks back down, his shoulders hunched over
Perhaps some tea will help? You wonder
"Would you fanc-" You start, Ghost looks up at you as you begin to ask him something, but there was loud knocking on the door both of you look at the door, you roll your eyes and get off the chair.
"Just a minute" You call out looking at the door and then back at Ghost.
"I should get goin'" He said, putting his sweater on and getting up from the med bed. He looks over at you, your mouth open, as if you wanted to say something, but the person behind the door was knocking again.
"Wait one sec" You say then scrunching your face towards the door, you open the door and there stood a tall blonde haired woman wearing the same blue scrubs and white coat. Looking at the face of the woman standing in front of you your jaw dropped.
"Hey girly girl!" The woman said, slight Texan accent, brightly smiling and shaking her blonde hair that reached the edge of her jaw.
Your ex.
"What the fuck" You exclaim loudly
Ghost was surprised by the harshness in which you swore. He took a step forward to see who was at the door. A woman with blonde hair wearing the same clothes as you. His eyes met hers. She looked at him and smiled.
"Sorry, I'll come back later Ru" She said smiling at you and then at Ghost
"Dr Marie, it's Dr Kaur" You snap
"Dr Marie?!" She snorts "Jeez I'm your ex not your oncologist" She laughs
Ghost took in the words your ex...
This is her... He thinks scanning her
"Not now Peyton, I'm working" You snap back shoving her away from the door with your hands. Peyton laughs and walks away as you close the door. You lean back against the door sighing, hitting your head against the door.
"That is.." Ghost starts looking at you, crossing his arms across his chest.
"The succubus that is my ex" You say meeting your eyes with his.
He tried to suppress a snort. But ended doing snort/scoff out of his nose. He walks closer to you.
"Guessin' you didn't know she works here?" He asks only a few steps away from you now
"Knew she worked with RAMC, but didn't know it was this base" You say bitterly scrunching your nose whilst looking at Ghost.
"Hmm" Ghost said, continuing to look down at you.
You move aside and open the door slightly, allowing the lieutenant to leave. But he doesn't move. You close the door again, savouring the moment between the two of you.
"Sure it ain't broken" he says motioning towards your arm. You look back him, bringing your left arm and give him a jazz hand.
"It'll just bruise" You say "Don't worry about it" You add smiling at him.
He looks down cautiously at you. He hurt you and you are trying to be brave about it.
"Ain't lyin' to me doc?" He asks, stepping closer to you, towering over you.
You straighten up, lifting your head up curtly and tilting it to the side.
"No, but you owe me cup of tea" You say smirking testing the ground, trying to be playful with him.
"Owe you a Yorkshire Tea" He says nodding at you, Ghost heads to the door and you open it for him, watching as you smile at him. Leaving the infirmary he watches as you close the door.
Down the corridor he sees the same blonde woman, leaning against the door of your quarters. She looks at him and gets up walking up to him.
"She free now?" She asks him pointing to the door of the infirmary
"Yeah" Ghost grunts, looking down at the woman in front, she had a grin like a cheshire cat on her face.
"Wonderful" She grins, her blue eyes boring into his, he watches as she opens the door and walks in
"Oh piss off-" You moan aloud from the inside and then the door closes, Ghost walks closer to the door trying to listen in. All he could hear was muffled bickering and then some laughing. He sighed and walked away.
He walked down to his room and let himself in. Looking down at his right hand, he gripped it tightly.
How fuckin' stupid was I to grab her he scolded to himself kicking the leg of his desk as he walked to the bathroom.
But what was more interesting was the return of your ex. Ghost takes off his mask and looks at himself in the bathroom mirror, then grabs his bar of soap.
Soap'll be happy to hear about this He thinks to himself as he washes off the black paint off his eyes. Simon then dried his face, and put a bit of moisturiser on and headed to his bed where he laid down.
Looks like I have a bit of competition Simon thought to himself and then sunk his head in the pillow.
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misshoneyimhomeagain · 4 months
To the anon, who's still reading my story 🤗
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Chapter 10 -
Summary: In December, the pace quickens with a flurry of hockey games, work commitments, a bit of Christmas shopping, more work, and lively snowball fights;
Tags; William NylanderxOfc; “We never go out of style”
Author's Note: So, these chapters are growing a tad, but I can't help it; my imagination is on a run, I think (Sorry, not sorry); and I had a dream about a snowball fight with Willy, so, naturally, I had to include it; I hope you’ll enjoy this chapter! 😉
Words: 6.1K
"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas."
As the Sunday morning light slowly crept in, Julia stirred from her slumber, disturbed by the gentle nudging of Pablo at her feet. It took her a few moments to orient herself, but as she blinked away the remnants of sleep, a warm smile spread across her face. Nestled in the comfort of William's guest room, she had slept like a baby, and it seemed the two furry companions, Pablo and Banksy, had kept her company through the night.
Before tending to her morning routine and slipping into her clothes from yesterday, Julia couldn't resist capturing a snapshot of the dogs snuggled up in the bed and sending it to William. And as she made her way to the bathroom, she mentally thanked herself for always being prepared having a small bag with basic essentials and an extra pair of knickers in her bag. Then with the dogs fed and exercised during their morning stroll, she returned to the condo and indulged in a well-deserved morning coffee while responding to William's message.
Wonka: God morgon, hjärtat 😉 how did you sleep?
JJ: God morgon 😊 I swear it's been ages since I last had such a peaceful night's rest - how about you?
Wonka: I slept alright but we had to get up early to hit the road… 🥱
JJ: Early mornings have never been your forte 😂
Wonka: Nope, and they never will be! 😂
JJ: Perhaps that's why you're always fashionably late to most things? 😂
Wonka: That might just be the trick, babe! 😂
JJ: Anyway, the fur babies are fed and have had their morning walk, so I'll be heading out soon enough 😊
Wonka: Awesome! You're a lifesaver JJ ☺️
JJ: I know 😊 but it's my pleasure
After finishing her coffee, Julia said goodbye to the doodles and made her way home. She had just enough time to shower and get dressed before she’d meet up with Charlie and Clara for a lunch date. Making sure she’d remembered everything, she closed the door behind her, though she knew she’d come back soon enough later in the evening.
Monday came around, and Julia just paid a brief visit to the dogs, ensuring they were well and in good spirits. However, the following Tuesday marked another away game, and she found herself back on the familiar sofa at William's place, accompanied by the cheerful company of the dogs. With a rather delicious meal cooked (if she had to say so herself), her work laptop, and a warm blanket she was all set for face off. And the match turned out to be a massive victory for the Leafs against the Dallas Stars, securing an impressive 4-0 result. It was a game to remember, with the team firing on all cylinders and delivering a dominating performance.
Julia couldn't contain her joy and leaped in exhilaration, the dogs following suit with their boundless energy, and following the match, she had a quick post-game chat with William.
And before they knew it, the boys were back in Toronto, riding high on the wave of their success. The win had undoubtedly boosted their confidence and left fans eagerly anticipating the next game. The atmosphere in the locker room must have been electric after such a convincing victory, and the Leafs were proving once again why they were a force to be reckoned with in the league.
Thursday 8th - TOR 5 - LAK 0
On this cold Thursday evening in December, Julia found herself at the home game in the company of Andrew and Tyler. Andrew had been swamped with work, and initially, he wasn't too keen on leaving the office for a hockey game. However, Julia recognised his need to take a break and unwind, and she convinced him to join her, which turned out to be just what he needed, and he appreciated Julia's care and thoughtfulness. As for Tyler, he was simply thrilled to be attending a hockey game.
Tyler had become a massive fan of William ever since their Halloween night adventure, and his enthusiasm had only grown after William had taken him for the special private training session. And as they settled into their seats at the game, the young boy's excitement was palpable. Even though he was just shy of eight years old, Tyler's passion for hockey knew no bounds. He eagerly rattled off hockey stats, player information, and game tactics as if he were a seasoned pro.
And as the game began, Tyler’s attention, as well as Julia’s and Andrew’s, was fully captured. The match was fast paced, the arena buzzing with excitement, and the Maple Leafs took control right from the start. The atmosphere was electric as the Leafs scored an impressive 5 goals, while the Kings remained at a frustrating zero.
And following the match, the usual group of partners and friends gathered outside the locker room, excitement filling the air.
While waiting for the players to finish their post-game showers and media obligations, Tyler's excitement was evident as he chattered away about the match.
"I swear this boy has to become a sports commentator," Julia joked, leaning slightly into Andrew, who responded with an agreeing laughter.
The hallway of the Scotiabank Arena was filled with high spirits after the convincing victory, with laughter and lively conversations permeating the air.
And as the rest of the players emerged from the locker room, exchanging smiles and energetic greetings with friends and families, William's laughter was unmistakable as he made his way toward Julia and her companions for the evening.
"Hey Willy!" Tyler exclaimed with unbridled excitement.
"Hey buddy," William warmly embraced the young boy in a hug, his handsome face sporting a wide grin as he fully embraced the role of Tyler's role model and favourite Leafs player. "How have you been? Have you been practicing real good?"
"Yes! I've also scored in almost every game," Tyler proudly shared, his eyes filled with pride and glory as he described the tricks that William had taught him. 
As the young boy's storytelling came to an almost breathless conclusion, Julia couldn't help but chuckle and smile. She found it incredibly endearing how good William was with his young fans and how much he loved and cared for them.
"Well, that sounds great, buddy," William applauded Tyler, before turning his attention to the blonde woman in front of him. "And how have you been?" His smirk added a playful touch to his question.
"Busy but good, thank you for asking," Julia replied with a warm smile.
"You've enjoyed my condo?" William's question was laced with a smug satisfaction, as he was well aware of the answer.
Julia, however, didn't want to give him the complete satisfaction. "Maybe..." she teasingly replied, earning a light chuckle from the Swede.
“I get it - it’s a nice place.”
They both shared a heartfelt moment of joy, basking in their connection, before William was called over to greet the numerous young fans who were eager to meet their idols, snap photos, and secure autographs. True to form, he welcomed them with his characteristic wide smile and boundless energy.
As the night progressed and the fans gradually left the area, the players, along with their partners and friends, gathered to chat about their Christmas plans. Everyone was super excited about the upcoming holiday however it seemed that the players’ schedule was rather packed. Nonetheless, it didn’t stop those around them to plan events and gatherings in between games and training sessions.
All the women had already made plans to go Christmas shopping while the guys were occupied, giving them the freedom to enjoy their time together.
As the night drew to a close, Tyler said his goodbyes to his hockey heroes, and Andrew took him home, knowing the young boy would drift off to sleep with dreams of an incredible evening. William, the true gentleman that he was, kindly offered Julia a ride home, an offer she gladly accepted. During the tranquil drive, soft Christmas tunes played through the car's speakers, creating a warm and festive atmosphere.
The two friends shared laughter about the evening's game and their heart-warming interactions with the young fans.
"You know, you're pretty amazing with the fans, Willy," Julia complimented as they neared her building, earning a playful smirk from William.
"Well, I'm just trying to impress you, JJ."
Julia chuckled, "I must say, you're doing a pretty good job." 
Saturday, 10th - TOR 5 - CGL 4 (OT)
The following Saturday evening, Julia found herself in the upscale ambiance of a high-end restaurant, her leg trembling subtly beneath the table as the attentive waitress served the delectable main course. Seated with Andrew, his boss, and one of the firm's most distinguished investors, Marcus Kirkland, the renowned Canadian investor known for both his financial acumen and bachelor status, the evening was meant to be all about business and fine dining. However, despite the mouth-watering dishes and the sophisticated atmosphere, Julia's mind was far from the elegant dinner in front of her.
The Toronto Maple Leafs were facing off against the Calgary Flames in a highly anticipated home game, and her heart raced with excitement at the thought of it. As the conversation drifted away from business and towards a more casual tone, Julia couldn't resist the temptation to eavesdrop on the animated discussion taking place at the neighbouring table. Two middle-aged men were immersed in a lively conversation about the game, sharing their expectations and predictions.
And her distraction did not go unnoticed by Andrew, who seemed to read her like an open book. Casually leaning in, a mischievous glint in his eye, he whispered, "Maybe if we speed through dessert, I can distract them, and you can hurry to the game," earning a light chuckle from Julia. She appreciated the jest, though secretly hoped he wasn't entirely kidding, considering the puck had just dropped.
As the seconds ticked away and Julia took occasional sips of the expressive and utterly delicious Bourgogne wine, her nerves threatened to become unbearable. The two men at the neighbouring table discussed the seesaw nature of the match: the Leafs had managed to score the first goal, only for the Flames to tie it up. Then came another goal for the Flames, taking the lead. But the Leafs were resilient, with William stepping up to score, bringing it back to a tie. The Flames once again pulled ahead, but just before the end of the second period, William came through to secure another tie. To put it mildly, it was nerve-wracking to listen to, with the game hanging in the balance.
Julia couldn’t help but chuckle under her breath as she found herself acknowledging her inner turmoil. Who would have thought she'd be sitting in a fancy restaurant, her leg trembling with anticipation, eager to attend a hockey game and mentally calculating the score instead of fully indulging in the sumptuous cuisine and fine wine?
So, when Marcus finally broke the casual conversation and expressed his gratitude to the trio of co-workers, Julia's heart quickened with the hope that she might actually catch the third period of the hockey match.
With a final round of handshakes and gracious expressions of thanks, Julia wasted no time. She hurried as best she could in her formal attire, braving the city's snow to hail a taxi. Fortunately, the restaurant wasn’t too far from the arena, and with a quick text to Charlie, she was on the move. As she reached the arena's doors, she quickly purchased whatever ticket was left to enter, and let out a relieved breath as she saw she was just in time to witness the final 13 minutes of the match. The score was once again a 4-4 tie, and as the final seconds ticked away, the arena was filled with anxiousness. However, all that distress was quickly dispelled when Mitch Marner scored in overtime after just 43 seconds, making the arena burst into cheers and shouts for the Leafs.
After the heart-pounding evening, Julia finally had a moment to calm down and let her heart return to its natural rhythm. She made her way to meet with Charlie and the rest of the girls, entering the hallway by the locker room, and she found herself amidst an electrifying atmosphere. Smiles stretched wide on everyone's faces, and the air was filled with laughter and the players' boisterous banter.
Navigating through the crowd, Julia made her way to William, who quickly noticed her, and he playfully jogged over to her and swept her up into a tight hug.
"I didn't think you'd make it," William cheerfully admitted with a wide grin. "Didn't you have a work thing?" He asked as he put her back down.
Julia's face mirrored his broad smile as she offered a light chuckle. "Well, yes, I did, but for some peculiar reason, hockey seems to have become more important to me," she laughed.
"Well, I get that," William replied, his voice softening a tad, their eyes locking in a moment.
"Just wouldn't miss it for the world," she chuckled. "And first star? Sounds like you actually made an effort tonight," she teased William, earning a light chuckle from the Swede.
They stood close, sharing a silent moment, their connection palpable among the other couples celebrating the victory. But their moment was soon interrupted by a boisterous voice.
"Damn, JJ!" Rasmus chimed in as he joined the two friends. "Aren't you a bit overdressed for a hockey game?" He playfully pointed out Julia's fitted pantsuit, heels, elegant hairdo, and striking makeup.
"What do you mean?" she retorted sarcastically. "I simply thought it was 'dressed to impress' night."
"Well, I'm sure you're impressing most people here, I know at least one," he cheekily winked, subtly referring to William. Though the comment passed with a chuckle, and William simply smiled before his friend moved along.
The chatting went on among the large groups of friends, and the girls quickly stroke up the conversation about their Christmas shopping spree they’d done during the day.
"I'm really sorry, sweetie, that you couldn't make it today," Charlie spoke in a gentle tone, offering Julia a friendly smile. She had been spending a lot of time with the other wives and girlfriends lately, and had been feeling a tad guilty about it. However, Julia quickly reassured her that she didn't mind at all and expressed her happiness at seeing Charlie bond so well with the team's partners.
So, she simply chuckled. “Oh, that’s ok - you know what they say; when your boss asks you to work on a weekend, you say yes because he pays you well and you kind of need the money,” she joked, earning a laugh from the girls.
"Maybe some other time, then?" Charlie responded with a smile.
"Absolutely," Julia agreed, and they shared a warm hug before resuming their conversation. 
However, William couldn't help but express a little sympathy for his dear friend, hearing she had missed out on the girls' shopping trip.
"You didn't get to go Christmas shopping?" he asked.
Julia gently shook her head, "No, I had to work all day yesterday… and today… and the same goes for tomorrow." She wore a small, resigned smile. "But I managed to take Monday off, so I'm hoping to make some time to visit a market."
William felt a touch of disappointment on her behalf. He knew how much Julia loved this time of year, and he wanted her to have as much fun as the others. Although he might not be the biggest enthusiast about Christmas, he appreciated the festive atmosphere and the joy it brought to his friends.
"How about we go together?" he then suggested, offering her a warm smile.
"Really? You’d do that?" Julia's eyes sparkled with excitement, and a broad grin lit up her face.
William couldn't help but laugh at her enthusiasm. "Sure, why not? I'm not the best at Christmas shopping, but maybe you can give me a hand. I’ll come and pick you up."
"Deal!" Julia exclaimed with delight.
And on Monday, as arranged, William showed up to pick up Julia for their trip to the town market. However, when she opened the front door, he couldn't help but notice the redness in her eyes, as if she had been crying a bit.
"Hey, what's going on?" he inquired, stepping into her home.
"Oh, it's nothing," she responded with a slight smile as she put on her shoes and coat. "Just give me a moment to finish up – I'll be ready in a second."
"It doesn't seem like nothing, JJ," William persisted, his concern evident. "Come on, you can talk to me."
But Julia just chuckled softly. "It's really not a big deal, Willy. I've just been up all night, Face Timing with my dad while we watched England play football at the World Cup." She paused to examine her friend, who still appeared worried. "I miss him a lot, Willy... that's all – and it's just a bit tougher this year because I'm all by myself – single, and far from my family," Julia explained with a gentle smile and a soft tone.
William wasn't entirely convinced but decided to let the matter drop with a nod and a sigh as Julia was almost ready to leave. He understood how challenging it must be for her, with the breakup with her fiancé this year and a whole new city with new friends and no family around for the holiday season. However, not wanting to delve deeper and stir up emotions, he chose to make a playful remark instead.
"I like your jersey, by the way," he said with a grin as he noticed her Harry Kane t-shirt hanging on one of the chairs. "But I prefer it when you wear my name on your back."
Julia couldn't help but chuckle as she grabbed her bag and keys and opened the front door. "Well, if you ever become a professional football player – I promise I'll get a shirt with your name on it."
And as they made their way to the market, Julia couldn't resist adding some festive cheer to the car ride by playing some classic Christmas bangers.
"So, you’ve got any favourite Christmas songs?" she inquired, to which William simply shook his head. "Come on, there must be one you like?" She grinned, infusing the car with her holiday spirit.
But William remained nonchalant. "Honestly, I've never been a big fan of Christmas music."
"Oh, my goodness," Julia playfully exaggerated her surprise. "You're a Grinch, aren't you?"
William chuckled, offering a defence. "I'm not a Grinch. I've just never been big on Christmas, you know."
Julia brushed it off with a laugh. "Well, fortunate for you, I've got enough Christmas spirit for both of us." Then she began singing along to the songs, and William, catching the mood, joined in when he knew the words.
Upon arriving at the market, they wandered through the snow-covered scene, savouring the delightful scents of candies and hot chocolate. Fortunately, there weren’t many people there due to it being a weekday, so it was nice and quiet, beside the carols all around. While enjoying their leisurely stroll, they chatted about their childhoods in Scandinavia, sharing Christmas memories and much more.
Their conversations covered a wide range of topics, occasionally pausing to peruse the various items, as Julia was on a mission to find some Christmas decorations for her new place since her recent move.
"You know," William began in a soft voice, "a lot of the players were actually really touched by your offer to join your Christmas evening," he said, flashing a warm smile.
"Well, I'm glad to hear that," Julia replied. "I just want everyone to have a wonderful Christmas – it's a holiday that means a lot to me, and I guess I just really want to spread some joy and happiness… especially with all the challenges going on in the world."
William couldn't help but admire Julia's spirit. Her heart was brimming with love and care, and he found himself unable to contain his smiles as they strolled through the market.
"Oh, this is adorable," she suddenly exclaimed with excitement, spotting a collection of small figurines.
Meanwhile, William maintained a constant smile as he observed Julia dart from booth to booth, selecting Christmas decorations in all sorts of shapes and colours. And he had to admit, she had quite a good eye for decorations.
"Alright, I don't think I need much more for today," Julia chuckled. "How about you? Do you need anything?"
She glanced at William, who simply shook his head.
"I've told you, I'm not the biggest Christmas fan."
Julia studied her friend for a moment before sighing. "I'm guessing you don't have any decorations at home at all, do you?"
Once again, he shook his head and chuckled.
"Well, come on, Grinch, we've got a few more booths to check out then before I let you off the hook," she teased, before they continued on their merry way.
A few steps away, Julia's attention was captured by another booth selling Christmas ornaments, particularly one that she found beautiful. "Oh, this is gorgeous,” she commented as she held the ornament in her hand, turning it to examine it closely. It depicted a serene white and blue harbour scene with delicate gold text that spelled 'Merry Christmas.' The tiny details in the ornament, from the miniature ships in the harbour to the glittering snow on the rooftops, made it look like a miniature winter wonderland. For some reason, it evoked memories of Copenhagen, her place of birth, where she had spent many memorable Christmases.
However, upon closer inspection, her enthusiasm faded. "Oh, it's not as charming as I thought.”
William couldn't help but chuckle, intrigued by her sudden change of heart. "Why's that?" he inquired, picking up the ornament and letting out an amused "oh" as he glanced at the price tag, realising she might find it a bit pricey for a piece of Christmas decoration.
However, in his playful and helpful way, he simply chuckled and handed it to the vendor across the table. "We'll take it," he said with a wide grin.
"Willy!" Julia exclaimed, her eyes widening in surprise.
"What?" he shrugged, grinning. “I’ve got it. Let's consider it my Christmas decoration splurge for the year." He offered her a friendly smile as he made the payment and handed the small bag to Julia to carry. "Although, it'd probably look a lot better at your place, alongside the rest of the decorations."
With a mischievous wink, he managed to elicit another laugh from Julia. "You're an idiot.”
"Yeah, but a lovable idiot,” he quipped.
Julia thanked the man at the booth just before he chimed in. "You've got a great boyfriend there," he said with a friendly smile.
"Oh no," Julia objected with a light chuckle, feeling a hint of awkwardness due to the man's remark. "He's not my boyfriend..." William joined in on the surprised chuckle, and Julia continued, "We're just friends."
The man simply smiled and then corrected himself. "Well, in that case, you've got a great friend."
"I know," she returned a friendly smile before the two friends continued to explore the final part of the market, filled with laughter and joy. And before they knew it, they had completed their delightful stroll, Julia’s hands full of small shopping bags.
"So, what's the plan now?" Julia pondered as she continued walking, unaware of the fact that William had paused just a few steps behind. "Fancy grabbing a hot drink or something?" she called out to the quiet surroundings.
But before she received a response, a swift, chilly surprise made contact with her back, and she let out a startled shriek. A snowball, expertly aimed by William, had found its mark. "Oh, no you didn’t!” she exclaimed, her voice a delightful blend of playfulness and mock outrage. She spun around, her cheeks flushed with the cold, her eyes a mixture of bewilderment and mock sternness. However, all she was met with was William's hearty laughter as he prepared to craft another snowball.
Amidst laughter and the sounds of their friendly snowball battle, Julia swiftly dropped her shopping bags. She scooped up a handful of pristine snow and was just about to launch her own snowball at William when his second shot smacked her shoulder.
In response, she retaliated with a well-aimed shot that hit him squarely in the face, leaving him momentarily stunned. Her eyes danced with triumph as she celebrated her successful assault, her laughter mingling with the pure, wintry ambiance.
But as William snapped out of his momentary surprise, he leaped forward with a laugh. The chase was on, and they were like carefree children in this winter wonderland. Julia made a dash for a large patch of untouched snow, leaving her bags behind as she giggled, her boots crunching the snow beneath them.
Naturally, William outpaced her, and soon caught up, pelting her with snow as she did her best to fight back. Their laughter was a harmonious symphony, and in the midst of their spirited battle, Julia ended up with her hands on her own face, wiping away the snow that had inadvertently ended up there. William seized this moment of distraction and playfully grabbed her by the waist and tossed her into the soft snow. As a defence, she pulled him down alongside her, and as they both landed in the fluffy snow, he ended up on top of her. Then the world seemed to pause for a moment as they lay there, the cold seeping through their clothes but their hearts warmed by the sheer joy of the moment. Their shared laughter faded into contented smiles as they caught their breath.
But as the seconds passed, a man behind William cleared his throat, breaking the spell of their playful entanglement.
"Are you alright, miss?" the man asked, and William quickly got to his feet, facing a stern security guard who had been alerted by the commotion and wanted to ensure it was all in good fun.
"Oh, yes, sir, I'm fine," Julia reassured, her rosy cheeks evidence of the fun she'd been having. William extended a helping hand to get her back on her feet beside him. "We were just messing about."
The guard, a hint of a smile playing on his lips, nodded and left the still-laughing friends.
��Shit,” William chuckled, brushing snow off his clothes.
Julia joined in his chuckle but then exclaimed, "Oh fuck… I'm absolutely drenched..."
"Yeah, me too..." William couldn't stop laughing, and as Julia gathered her bags, they leisurely strolled back towards his car. "So, how about dinner at my place?" William suggested, and Julia playfully turned to look up at him.
"You're always thinking about food, aren't you?” she casually teased. “But I think I really need to go home and take a shower after this," she added with a soft chuckle. 
"You can just shower at my place?" William casually suggested, a soft smirk on his face, which for some reason made Julia smile. How could he always act so nonchalant, she wondered.  
"Uhm, sure, if you don't mind," she timidly replied. 
"Why would I suggest it if I minded?" he chuckled as they reached the car, and Julia stashed the bags in the boot before settling into her usual spot in the passenger seat, quickly checking her makeup in the mirror.  
"Oh, shit..." she exclaimed. "I look like a fucking raccoon, Willy!” 
William took the driver's seat, adopting a playful tone. "Why are you blaming me for that?" he quipped as he turned to his friend, with a hearty laugh. 
"Because you started the bloody snow fight!"
William chuckled again. "Well, at least you're a pretty raccoon. Besides, you have to admit, it was a fun snowball fight."
Julia joined in his laughter. "It certainly was!" 
And with the car once again filled with more Christmas songs, they drove to William's place, both eager for a warm shower and the chance to snuggle up on the sofa. 
Upon arriving at William's place, Pablo and Banksy welcomed them by the front door, and while they both wanted nothing more than to pet the sweet little ones, Julia was desperate to change out of her soaked clothes. 
"How about I take them out for a quick walk while you hop in the shower?” William suggested with a soft smile, and Julia simply nodded with an ‘okay’, mirroring his smile. "You know where everything is?" he added with a chuckle. 
"Yes, Willy, I know where everything is.”  
And as William closed the front door behind him and took the dogs outside, Julia fetched a towel and made her way to the guest bathroom.
Allowing the warm water to cascade over her body, Julia closed her eyes and surrendered to the soothing embrace of the steam. Her body slowly thawed from the icy chill of the snow that William had playfully introduced her to. And as her mind began to wander, she reflected on the wonderful day they'd shared, the sweetness of him gifting her that ornament she adored, the laughter that had accompanied their leisurely stroll, and the fun of their snowball fight. She couldn't help but replay the memory of how he playfully wrapped his arms around her and sent them tumbling into the soft, fluffy snow, ending up incredibly close.
Lost in her thoughts, she smiled under the warm water, blissfully unaware of William's return to the condo. Hearing the sound of the running water he casually made his way into the steam-filled bathroom, where he couldn't help but chuckle as he observed Julia standing there with her eyes closed.
"Enjoying yourself?" he asked, playfully peeking his head inside the shower, his mischievous grin causing Julia to jump and hastily open her eyes.
"Willy! You've got to stop startling me," she exclaimed, but her reprimand was met with continued laughter from William. "Get out, you twat," she added, though she couldn't keep a straight face as they both shared a hearty laugh, and William made his exit from the bathroom.
As Julia stepped out of the shower, she couldn't help but notice that William, during her quick rinse, had thoughtfully placed a Maple Leafs t-shirt and a pair of joggers on the bathroom counter. A smile naturally crept across her face as she got dressed and then headed to the living room, where she found William shirtless, energetically exploring the contents of the fridge. His impressively fit physique was not lost on her, although she kept her thoughts to herself.
"I didn't know we wore the same size joggers?" she playfully inquired, joining him in the kitchen.
William chuckled at her comment. "To be fair, they belong to my sister," he confessed, his smile shining. "She left them here, and I've just had them in the closet." 
"Well, then please remind me to thank your sister for leaving them here for me to borrow," Julia said with a warm smile.
"Will do," William replied, a soft grin on his face. "Anyways, I'll take a quick shower as well, while you choose a movie and get some snacks ready?"
"Sure, but I thought we were having dinner?" she smiled.
"We'll grab some takeout later. Go ahead and find us a movie," William brushed off her practical suggestion with a casual wave.
"Oh no, don't give me that kind of power," Julia chuckled. "I'll just pick something like Harry Potter, even though I've watched it like a million times," she added. But when she saw the slightly perplexed expression on William's face, her laughter subsided. "What? You've never watched Harry Potter?" she asked in disbelief.
"It's not really my kind of genre..." William attempted to defend himself.
"Oh, dear... I really think I need to reconsider this whole friendship of ours, darling," Julia playfully feigned a disappointed look, causing William to burst into laughter.
"Well, I guess there's a first time for everything – why don’t you just go and put it on."
Julia paused for a moment, offering him a sweet smile.
"Willy, we don't have to watch it if you don't want to."
"JJ, why would I say yes to watching it if I didn't want to," he rhetorically asked.
"Alright," she simply replied, and William then made his way to the bathroom.
While he took his shower, Julia busied herself with gathering snacks and preparing the sofa. She draped a couple of blankets over it and found the movie on one of his numerous streaming services. And of course, following suit, the dogs came to join her.
A wide smile spread across William's face as he re-entered the living room and found all three of them cosily snuggled on the sofa. Taking his place right next to Julia, he wrapped himself in the blankets, drawing a slightly questioning look from her. 
"What? We have to sit close so we can share the snacks," he chuckled. "By the way, how many snacks do we even have here?" he asked, noticing the assortment of popcorn, Gifflar, and gummy bears.
"Well..." Julia admitted with a touch of nervousness, "I've sort of eaten most of your snacks while you were on the road, so I had to restock – and perhaps I went a little overboard."
“A little?” William chuckled, but then simply shook his head before he pulled her closer and pressed play on the film. "I'm just glad you're comfortable here," he almost whispered, his gaze soft as he looked at his friend beside him.
Julia met his gentle expression and returned the smile. "Me too."
As the movie played, William found himself surprisingly engrossed in it, though he couldn't quite pinpoint whether it was the enchanting film that filled him with warmth and comfort, the exhaustion from their adventurous day, the holiday spirit in the air, or simply the pleasant company of Julia.
However, about halfway through the movie, the growling in William's stomach became increasingly persistent, prompting them to order some proper takeout. So, they relished their meal for the remainder of the film, and by the end, they were both on the brink of falling asleep, their tummies content and warmed by the blankets.
"Mm..." Julia softly mumbled. "I really need to get going." She glanced at the clock. It wasn't particularly late, but the darkness had enveloped them, and the unmistakable sound of rain was tapping against the windows.
"Just stay here," William casually suggested, punctuating his words with a yawn.
"I can't, I've got work in the morning," she replied with a smile, her expression slightly pouting.
"Alright, then..." William reluctantly heaved himself up from the sofa. "I guess I'll have to drive you home," he sighed.
"Or you can just lend me your car," Julia playfully suggested, only to be met with an arched eyebrow from William.
"How about you take Pablo and Banksy with us and then go for a walk when you return, two birds, one stone," Julia cheekily proposed, secretly longing to snuggle up with Pablo in the passenger's seat.
"Oh, that's quite a clever idea, isn't it?" William chuckled. "But that actually doesn't sound like a bad plan."
Julia laughed lightly before heading to the bathroom to check on her clothes, which unfortunately weren't entirely dry yet.
"You can just wear what you're wearing right now," William suggested as he followed her into the bathroom. "Just give it back whenever," he shrugged.
Julia offered him a sweet, grateful smile before getting dressed to leave. Despite looking a bit comical in her cosy outfit and high boots, she was grateful for the gesture.
During the ride to her place, the speakers once again played soft Christmas songs, and the atmosphere between the two friends was comfortable and relaxed. And as they arrived at their destination, they both turned to face each other.
“Thank you for today, Willy,” Julia spoke softly. “It truly meant a lot to me.”
“Well, I had a lot of fun as well,” he replied with a soft smile. “I just want you to have a good Christmas here, JJ – I know it’s not easy being away from your family, so I guess I’m just trying to help.”
Julia couldn’t help but being moved by his words. William had a habit of acting all cool and tough when he was out on camera, but when he was with close friends, he’d always be extremely caring and sweet.
“You’re doing an amazing job, Willy… I really do love spending time with you, and it means more to me than you realise.”
The two of them shared another moment of soft intimacy, before Julia made her move to hug him goodnight, bid her farewell to the doodles, and exited the car to grab her bags and rush to the apartment building.
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cutedisneygirl · 1 year
Love Online Chapter 6
The next morning Merida slept in, she didn't feel like getting up and going to church. She was awoken by Dixie licking her face.
"Okay okay, girl. I'm awake."
She pulled out her Bible, which she kept next to her and read a few chapters in Psalms. It was one of her favorite books. After reading her Bible she was about to get up and get her coffee when she got a text.
Tiffany-Here is the pic I took last night.
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Merida-Aww thanks girl! I love it!
Tiffany-Your welcome girl! I have to go. It's going to be a long day. Talk to you later. Love ya
Merida-Have fun 😊Love ya too.
Merida hops out of bed grabs her glasses from her bedside table and walks into the kitchen. She fills Dixie's bowl then turns on her Kerig and gets her coffee. She grabs some yogurt from the fridge. She sits down at her table. She pulls out her phone and scrolls through Instagram. Sees a post from Chris.
Every Morning this is how it is! Especially on a lazy Sunday morning!
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Disneydoggrl83 ❤️liked
Awww, I know just how that is! I awoke this morning to Dixie licking my face.
Merida posts the picture that Tiffany sent her on Instagram.
Disneydoggrl83 ❤️ My friend took this last night while we were sitting on the couch watching movies. I love it. ❤️☺️
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It was only a few minutes later she sees she has two likes
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Merida was about to get up when she gets a message
Captaindork-Good morning beautiful.
Disneydoggrl83❤️- Good morning. Hope you slept well.
Captaindork - I did. I liked being able to sleep in. I loved that picture by the way. She is adorable. You have your work cut out for you. Training a puppy is never easy.
Disneydoggrl83 ❤️Yes I know lol. I need to get a fence built in my back yard so I can let her run free, but who knows when that will be. Building a fence isn't cheap.
Captaindork-Your right about that. I would offer to help, but of course I'm in LA and your in NC, so...
Disneydoggrl83 ❤️It's okay, but thanks for the offer. I will just start saving my money and see if I can get one at some point. Anyway. I was lazy today and slept in when I normally would get up and go to church, but I didn't want to get up. 🥺
Captaindork- its okay to have those days every once in a while. You probably needed the sleep.
Disneydoggrl83 ❤️I guess I did. I was tired. I did read my Bible though, so it wasn't totally bad that I missed church ☺️
Captaindork-☺️Have plans for the rest of the day?
Disneydoggrl83❤️Not really. Just being lazy. LOL
Captaindork-I love days like that. It would cool if we could be lazy together ☺️
Disneydoggrl83 ❤️Yes that would be fun. ☺️
Captaindork-What are you doing at the moment?
Disneydoggrl83 ❤️Nothing really. Just sitting at my table drinking my coffee
Captaindork-☺️video call?
Merida smiles and runs her fingers through her hair and removes her glasses and lays them next her on the table.
Disneydoggrl83 ❤️sure
Merida accepts the video call from Chris
"Well good morning beautiful!"
Merida smiles. "Good morning."
"So you're a coffee drinker huh?"
"How do you like it? Black?"
"No! Yuck! I have to have creamer in it. Sometimes sugar."
Chris laughs.
"Let me guess you drink yours plain?"
"Brave. I can't stand it like that. I've tried many times to drink it plain but I just can't do it."
"I guess it's an acquired taste."
Then Dixie is beside Merida and sits looking up at her and barks. Merida looks down at her.
"Did Dixie just bark?"
Merida leans down and picks her up and holds her in her lap. "Dixie meet Chris."
Dixie looks at the screen and barks.
"Hey Dixie! Aren't you a cutie!"
Dixie barks again. "I think she likes you." Merida laughs.
Just then there is another bark.
"Well I guess Dodger heard her bark and had to come check it out." Chris says moving the screen so Merida sees Dodger who is now on the couch next to him.
"Hey Dodger! Hey boy!"
Dodger barks and then Dixie barks.
Merida and Chris both laugh. "I think they might just like each other." Merida laughs again.
"Maybe. What do you think boy?"
Dodger looks at Chris then back at the screen and barks.
Chris laughs.
Dixie starts barking like crazy. "Dixie, woh girl. Calm down. It's okay."
"I better go so I can let Dodger out. I think he wants a walk."
"Yeah I need to take Dixie out too."
"I'll talk to you later."
"Alright later. Thanks for talking to me and hanging out with me." Merida smiles.
"Your welcome. It was fun meeting Dixie."
"Bye Chris."
"Bye Merida."
Chris ends the call and Merida takes Dixie outside and lets her run a little. She makes sure she keeps her eye on her. Dixie doesn't go far she always comes right back to Merida. Merida spends the rest of the day reading and just relaxing. She dreads having to go back to work the next day but she knows it won't be long and she will going to LA for Chris's movie premiere.
Over the next few weeks and months Merida stays busy with work. She talks to Chris most days during nap time. They text back and forth and in the evenings they video call each other. Merida knows she is starting to fall for Chris. She tries to be careful and not let him know. She knows she would never fit into his world or lifestyle. They live two different worlds and are miles apart. Then it's July the month of Chris's movie. One evening Merida has just gotten home and is greeted by Dixie at the door when her phone goes off.
She pulls it out and sees a message from Chris.
Captaindork-Your flight is July 26 at 8:00 am. You will go to the ticket counter and tell them your name Disneydoggrl83 and she will give you your ticket. Once you land in LA you will go to the hotel Sunset Marquis. Once you get there go to the counter and again tell them your name and they will give your key.  ☺️ Let me know when you get there and I will give you more information. The premire is the next day at 6:30 pm.
"Dixie! Oh my gosh! We are meeting Chris! Well, I am. You will have to stay here. But oh my gosh!"
Disneydoggrl83 ❤️Okay thanks. I look forward to it. You really didn't have to go to all this trouble.
Captaindork-It wasn't any trouble. I don't mind at all. Anything for a beautiful girl, fan and friend ☺️
Disneydoggrl83 ❤️☺️😯Oh my gosh!
Capataindork-What? What's wrong?
Disneydoggrl83 ❤️I just realized I have nothing to wear to the preimre!
Captaindork-Don't worry about that. I will take care of that too. You just be there ☺️
Disneydoggrl83❤️Chris. You don't have to do that.
Captaindork-Merida, I don't mind really. I want to. ☺️
Disneydoggrl83❤️Fine. Your too sweet ☺️
Captaindork-☺️I will talk to you later. I need to go walk Dodger, he has been cooped up all day. I just got home.
Disneydoggrl83❤️okay, later
After Merida fed and let Dixie out she called Tiffany and told her all that Chris had told her. Tiffany couldn't believe it.
"Are you serious? That is a really fancy hotel! Girl is this really happening? Is it for real? Are you sure this isn't a joke and he's playing us?"
"Tiff, I'm sure. It's really Chris and he is not playing us. This is real and it is happening! It won't be long and we will be leaving and heading to LA."
"Oh my gosh! Wow! I still don't believe it, but I trust you. I just hope this isn't a mistake and this turns out badly."
"It's won't I promise."
Merida was taking off Friday July 26 and Tiffany was spending the night with her. The girls were both excited. Merida was nervous and Tiffany was too but she was more nervous because she was still not believing that is really Chris Evans.
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masterwords · 2 years
It's cheesy but would you consider a sleep deprived Hotch trying to hold conversation with Derek but failing and falling asleep on him instead. Maybe they're already together at this point maybe the interaction melts Derek's heart to the stoic emotionless Boss. ☺️❤️
Look at me, answering asks from November! I swear I'll get to all of them eventually. But anyway, I love this one so much and it made me think of their late night in 5x05 - Cradle to Grave and "This is the job" and "Unless you have other plans" and "Not tonight" and...anyway! It's kind of platonic-ish but really not at all, you know how it goes with me and my rotting brain. (1.4k words)
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*** a perfect setting ***
“This is the job,” he says with a smirk, but as lighthearted as he's trying to play this off it's just not. There isn't any question that he's doing the right thing. He can't keep this job for many reasons. Foyet is watching him and there is a certain performance he knows he needs to give, but he's not sure that it's still a performance. It might be true. He might be falling apart.
He hasn't slept in two days. Between the pain that hits so hard in the middle of the night and the phantom sounds of locks clicking and floors creaking and walls groaning...he's had the worst couple of nights in recent history. As the fog clears on his attack and those memories start to settle into their proper places, he's finding it harder to adjust to any sort of healthy rhythm. He fell asleep at the table while he was drinking his morning coffee, just lay his head down on his arms and dozed off until an email buzzed the phone against his arm and startled him awake.
First instinct? The holster on his leg.
Reaching for his weapon because of his phone. So yeah, maybe he was coming apart just a little. And giving this job to Derek made sense.
But watching the ease with which Derek absorbs the information he's attempting to lay out in a concise way is really forcing him to see the situation with a clarity he hadn't before. The stark contrast between the way Derek focuses and his own inability is startling.
“I could use some coffee, you?” he asks, and Derek nods quickly.
“Yeah. Coffee. Good call.”
He's half asleep when he stands, a little wobbly, a little unsteady. Exhausted and battling medications that come with bold warnings about side-effects like dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue, he also knows there are even simpler facts here that he's got to contend with. Hardly two months prior, he lost a massive amount of blood and that alone is bound to be a problem for a while longer if his doctors are to be believed. “Stop drinking coffee,” they tell him with those sour faces. “Drink water. You lost a significant amount of blood. It doesn't just regenerate over night and everything is back to normal.” Well, water doesn't help him stay awake so he's desperate.
He has some pills to take, his phone buzzes in his pocket and reminds him. He's been snoozing that alarm for hours, and now he's dangerously close to not being able to take them at all and having to wait for the next day's dose. But they make him so damn tired. He washes them down with coffee and hopes for the best.
“You don't need to stick around,” Derek says when he notices the way Hotch's eyelids get heavy while he glances over what Derek has completed so far. “I got this.”
“I'm okay,” Hotch lies. His meds are making him foggy. No matter how much caffeine he dumps in there he's still exhausted and falling asleep sitting up only with the added pleasure of heartburn and the inability to actually stay asleep if he lets himself drift. There has to be a line he crosses into total body shut down, he's just not there yet. Derek shrugs and goes back to his file when he sees Hotch pull one from the pile on the little coffee table and begin looking through what he's done.
The next time he looks up, Hotch's chin is buried in his chest. Derek walks over and drops the file onto the pile and slowly slips the open folder out of Hotch's hand. This, of course, wakes him up.
“Have a seat,” he says, trying to save face. “I noticed something you missed.” His voice is groggy and slow. Derek rolls his eyes dramatically.
“Oh, now come on...you were asleep...”
“Be that as it may, I did see something you missed.”
Derek sits down and Hotch doesn't skip a beat, he's leaning close and pointing to a few things that Derek sees right away...he must be tired too. He blinks hard and tries to focus, he's not used to staying up this late. Sure, maybe on the weekends when he wants to party a little and let loose but he's pretty rigid about bed time and wake up time on work nights if their case load allows. He values his full night of sleep, his morning workout, his routine. Taking this job is going to burn all of that down if he's not careful, starting tonight. He can't remember the last time he downed a cup of coffee after midnight.
Hotch smells really good. Like he's fresh out of the shower, and he shampoos with money. It's more than a little distracting in a very pleasant way. It's been a while since they've been this close, since they've fallen asleep in a pile on a couch in the middle of case files. Haley used to throw blankets over the top of them when they were at Hotch's home, just heap them in all sorts of mismatched granny throws and let them stay where they were. He misses those days, so this is making him more than a little wistful.
As he fixes the mistakes he made, he notes that beside him rather quickly, Hotch loses his battle with sleep entirely. He's still sitting up but his head is lolling to the side, slowly drifting closer and closer until it's resting heavy against Derek's shoulder. He doesn't flinch when the connection is made, and he doesn't wake. Slowly, so as not to disturb him, Derek closes the file and slides it to the couch beside him before leaning back into the cushions and letting himself succumb.
It's way past his bed time, and besides, isn't he the boss now? It's quitting time.
JJ happens upon them during her morning rounds. She's no stranger to this sight, except it's been a long time and she almost can't believe it. Unfortunately, something that should feel a little nostalgic fills her with a little dread because she can't think of any good reason for them having slept in Hotch's office. Not since Foyet.
“...time is it?”
She drops the files off on his desk, grabs what he's got in his outbox, and whispers that they've got plenty of time before anyone else will be in. “You guys should go get some breakfast...maybe shower...”
“My place isn't far away.” Derek's eyes aren't even open yet, his arms are folded over his chest
“I didn't mean shower together...”
Penelope, who shouldn't be at work yet but has somehow found her way into the mix, chimes in with a grin. “If we're talking about doubling up on showers, dibs on Hot Chocolate...no offense, sir.”
Hotch flushes and stands up. His ribs ache and his head swims. He needs a few more hours of sleep, and some food. And water, his mouth is parched. “I think I'll head home. Call if you need me. I'll be back in time for the morning briefing.”
“Yeah...heading home sounds nice. I'll uh...” Derek pauses, finally opening his eyes and glancing at Hotch, really taking in how tired he looks. “You know what? Make it lunch time. I'll be back by lunch.”
They leave the office together without any fuss, just grab their jackets and leave. Hotch can't remember the last time he left without his briefcase and a go-bag in his hand, but he's just too tired to care. And he isn't the boss anymore. He's allowed to leave his work at work for a while.
Hotch is so exhausted that he just follows Derek to his car like a lost puppy. “You wanna just come to my place? It's closer. I've got a guest bed, you can get a few extra hours of shut eye in there. I'll even let Clooney pop in and I'll turn a blind eye if you want him on the bed if you ask nice.”
Hotch considers his apartment, how cold it is, how he sees Foyet in the shadows, and for once he gives in. Derek's home is warm and inviting, and Clooney always makes him feel safe.
“That would be nice.” He hasn't been to Derek's house in years, hasn't seen Clooney in forever.
Derek grins. “Just like old times, huh?”
A sleepy and content smile drifts over his features as he slides into the passenger seat of Derek's car. “Just like old times.”
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tiredinwinter · 1 year
hellö and good morning, hope you slept well!
i dont know if youre reading @fkinavocado‘s daddy issues but i just read the new chapter and ugh its an amazing story and update, as always! also, this is my way of wanting to tell you that ive actually come across your sketches (and therefore you and your page) through her blog and im so happy i did!
anyway, im wishing you a good day, ill talk to you in the evening!
<333 💗💗💗
Hiii!! (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
I know some of @fkinavocado 's works but I have not read Daddy Issues so far. I'm sometimes a bit hesitant when it comes to age gap so I usually just read wherever else is up there first! But I adore the way she talks about the story and how much love people have for it!! I'm always happy to see her answering asks about it even though I haven't read the story ☺️
I'm much more a fan of meet cute things and fluff!! I love the penpal story of her's and I've been wanting to read record store Harry for so long but there hasn't been any time lately to start reading a new series :(
I'm super thankful for Dreea sharing my artwork so often 💛I haven't really been posting my own stuff here for long and I joined the fandom around last year. So I'm still a newbie I'd say, which makes me appreciate every single reblog I get 💛
I'm so glad you found your way to my blog!! It's like Dreea's been sending this sweet angel over to me who always brightens up my day with sweet asks 💕
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sledge unfortunately needs to sleep, sorry for not replying to our funky storytime properly (lots of wrestling stuff happened tonight eee) but enjoy these:
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is kinda just a cute interview tbh, i hope youve not seen it already :)
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gnight my bab. i hope you sleep alright tonight, or at least feel a little better in the morn x
Sledge should most definitely get some sleep. I hope you’re able to get some good rest. And I’m glad you enjoyed the wrestling!!
Story time was nice. But you should tell your friend it isn’t nice to tease people.
I will. Definitely enjoy the pictures. Way more than anyone should. And the tea. 🫖 ☺️
The interview will have to wait a bit.
Hope you slept well x
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buccaneeering · 6 months
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When am I not doodling? Goodness.
I was listening to music and got inspired.
Writing under the cut!
The hallways are dimly lit and empty compared to the hustle and bustle they were filled with this morning.
Julien finds himself admiring the ornate walls of the Opera for a second time as he returns to his daft little room, a plain one with a number 4 plated on its door, he settles and hangs his coat on the chair.
Nothing rang as peculiar, rather, it felt all too the same; down to the way the lantern set the room dimly aglow.
He takes a calming pace around the room, flipping through his papers and eventually sitting down on the bed to think.
Julien's mind was plagued by the peculiar interaction this afternoon; he planned to write about the mysterious voice later, perhaps before he slept.
He turns his head to the side, A NOTE!
The note was small and slender, folded into a neat little square.
The note drew attention to the ache in his stomach that hadn't otherwise made itself known and mixed it with butterflies.
He slipped his coat back on, sneaking off into the Opera's halls at the dead of night...
😅It's been a hot minute since I've written something, I pray it was bearable.
(Edited as I proofread)
I hope you had a good day, whoever you are. ☺️💛
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mtnkat3 · 1 year
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10.34am. Good morning my loves.....my precious, handsome, sexy, hunky, yummy, spectacular, trees, Mavericks, Beasts..... Bears ..... Angels.....
Oh how I love each piece of you!!!!!
I hope & pray each piece of you slept well!!!!!
Feeling your minds & souls connections to mine..... makes me wake up like nothing else can..
Especially when I had to slam the window closed at zero dark thirty after dang noisey ass birds... too many disruptions. Blushin sheepish cheeky grin. I had pulled pillows over my head.. the adversary mind tricks were freaking me out in my sleep.. so when you...
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Shiver me timbers... I grumbly awake.
Because you love me.....
That's enough for me to wanna play & have tickle wars & play in the covers with you all day!
But first...
I gotta find the magical stones to stroke on my path to you.....
Open up the right ways to get to you.....
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So I avoid...
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& can do...
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& celebrate!
Because I am loved by You.....
Because I am Yours.....
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Giggling softly blushing shyly grin.
I love & adore each piece of you.....
I am
~Tijgeress kat Phoenix.🌺✝️☸⚓⛓🌂🔗🙏🤲👣🐾🦉🐯🐢🐐🐛🦋🌱🌳🌹🌻🌷🌳🧶🧵🌟⚡🌠🗝🔱⚜💝🐺🦌🐻🧩♠️♾🧭🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯👩‍🏫🕵️‍♀️👷‍♀️🏋️‍♀️🧗‍♀️🤺🧰⚒⚙👩‍🎓💫❄🌝🥰☺️😏😌🤷‍♀️🤭💋
Sa.4.29.2023 11.09am.est.
0 notes
star2fishmeg · 2 years
Hellooooo~i was wondering if you are doing any request if you are I really loved your high&low x reader story so much I was kinda hoping you would do something with rocky I simp for that fucker so much lol have a good one ☺️
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Pairing: Rocky x f!reader
Warnings: fluff, kinda short, mention of a bruise
Summary: a domestic morning with Rocky before the chaos begins
Authors note: thank you so much! I'm personally a heavy Murayama gal but I hope I did Rocky some justice here! Thank you for requesting! I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK AGES I WAS SO BUSY I REALLY APPRECIATE THE PATIENCE😭
Request: above
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Rocky was a quiet guy, only speaking when he deemed necessary, voice deep and never raised. It was surprising how he looked so youthful despite spending his days scowling and listening to S.W.O.R.D matters, which by the way, were slightly boring now and then. He had his bad days however, where he just lacked the energy to get up from the sofas of Club Heaven, and the lights deeming too blistering for his head to handle. These were the days he broke any remaining highway laws to get home to his beloved.
It was no secret that he did love women, not in an objectified manner, but as a whole, for their strength and what they stood for. He didn't believe that they should endure any more horror than they already had to, which is why he kept y/n away from the White Rascals completely. However this idea of being on the ball always backfired as he always found himself never wanting to leave the comfort of the bed.
July daybreak seeped through his blinds, warming the skin of his lover. Rocky had insisted she slept near the window, so that when the summer came around she could wake up pleasantly. Either way, she always would. Tired eyes fluttered open, his soft features clearing up into her vision. Seeing his muscles in such a relaxed state was a blessing: duvet ruffled down to his stomach, arm slung over her waist while his bleached locks fell over his eyes. He never looked so angelic, only in the mornings. That's possibly why, despite feeling groggy, she loved mornings. Think about it, what was more serene than waking up to somebody you have undying love for? There isn't anything else, and if there is, it's wrong. Slowly reaching her hand to his face, her fingers lightly brushed against his cheekbone. It was such a shame it had a healing bruise, the purple ruining his angelic glow. Continuing to caress his features, she cupped his cheek, gently so he wouldn't wake. She couldn't help but smile and how perfectly it moulded into his bone structure, no-one else could ever have hands soft enough to calm all his nerves, because he in fact, buried a lot of nerves within him. He was a leader, he had to remain strong, but her touch would relax every muscle in his body and he'd melt like putty in her hands.
Rocky stirred, rolling onto his back at the tickling sensation on his skin. Giggling, y/n shifted to prop herself up on her elbow, gazing lovingly at the man below her. Her fingertips grazed over his chest, drawing no particular patterns as his chest rose and sank under the rays of the sun. Such an endearing sight is one that could be taken as an art piece, conveying such a peaceful emotion that brings true tranquility to the eye. It was these little moments in life she treasured the most; Rocky, at his utmost peace of mind. Y/n layed her palm flat against his built chest, leaning down to place a feathery kiss on his cheek before trailing these down his neck and body, pulling her lips away just as she reached his naval.
"Morning, baby." His gruff voice spoke up. Y/n turned her head towards him, looking again him through her eyelashes before sliding her hand tenderly back to his cheek.
"Good morning, handsome. Sleep well?" She smiled, pressing her soft lips to his for a slow and lazy kiss, those types where they moves so in-sync it's intoxicating.
He smiled, pushing a loose strand of her hair behind her ear, "Always with you." He mumbled, pulling her back into a languid kiss, tasting the previous night's toothpaste on her tongue. Not that he minded, any kiss was gold to him. His coarse hands placed themselves on her hips, pulling her body on top of his and caressing the exposed skin as gently as he could. Y/n dipped her face into the crook of his neck, pecking butterfly kisses anywhere she could reach. Rocky, despite how scarred and chapped his palms were, always tried his best to leave delicate touches on her, airy enough to light little fires over her skin to return the sensations he always recieved. His hands slid up and down her back before securing themselves firmly on her arse.
"M'sorry, I have to get up for work." His voice vibrated through his chest, huskier than usual, in her ears.
"Do you have to go? Can't we stay like this a little longer?" Y/n arms tightly around his shoulders, pressing their chests and bodies together dangerously.
"Darling, you know I'd love to stay." His lips drew into a warm smile. Inhaling her natural flowery scent, he pecked her shoulder slowly, wasting no moment where his plump lips met the warmth of her skin. Rocky truly loved mornings, waking up to his most treasured love. If he weren't a leader of a feared gang, he'd want the best for his love: a comfortable home, secure careers, perhaps even a family of their own (if she wanted that). But in their current timeline, the White Rascals were the closest to a family he could acquire. As long as he had y/n, he had all the treasure in the world that he could ask for. If anyone were to breathe around her, well, then they'd have to deal with Rocky.
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hangmanapologist · 2 years
good morning my love!!☺️🫶🏻 (idk if it’s morning for you but for me it is but anyways…)
also i hope you’re okay with me using pet names for you. if not, just let me know :)
i just want to say that i hope you’re having a lovely day today and i hope you have an amazing weekend this weekend!! mwah!!💗💗
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GOOOOOD MORNING ANGEL (I’m 1000% okay with pet names) I hope you slept well!!!
It’s nearly 7pm here so I’m on my way home from work before I go for dinner with some of my family who I haven’t seen in awhile which I’m really excited about bc I miss my niece so much!
I hope you have a great day and and even better weekend whether you have plans or not! <3
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For Thirsty Thursday (I know it's a little late) but Reader and Levi had been casually seeing each other for like a few years and everyone assumed they were together. Reader has this want of her and Levi to getting down and dirty with her outside the walls(like at night with the stars shining or sumthing) cuz she's always wanted to live outside the walls. It would be amazing if it could be the first time Levi tells her that he loves her too❤️ just sweetness☺️ Ima sucker for soft Levi🥺
Hi anon! My apologies bc you sent this in last Thursday and I didn't have a chance to get to it!!! I hope you are still waiting for this :) Enjoy this kinda angst/comfort thirsty thursday fic! 
Thirsty Thursday #18 - public-ish sex 
“Fu-fuck Levi, I…I love- Imsoclose!”
Your voice, the way you called his name, the way he was brought to the end of his own rope every time he lay with you swirled in his chest as you convulsed around him before laying limp against the bed.
The two of you lay side by side, your fingers reaching out to him, but stopping short. The moment was over. Night after night of your little arrangement. The no strings attached type of relationship where carnal desires were satisfied between two pretend lovers. It didn’t matter that the entire base assumed you were dating. In truth, you two had started as a means of stress and bodily relief, and neither of you had approached the “what are we” topic, neither ready to call it quits or risk the heartbreak.
Many a time did you almost utter the words ‘I love you’, as you almost did again tonight. You always managed to hold it back before, turning it into a moan, or a comment about how good you felt. But lately, it was getting harder to hold it back. It became harder to avoid the feelings that blossomed in your heart.
You lay in the bed for a little longer, carding your hands through Levi’s hair as he blinked into your stare. He leaned in, and you turned your head; as you always do, his kiss falling onto your cheek.
You had one rule. No kisses on the lips. There was something so intimate and loving about the action. As much as you wanted to kiss the man next to you, the one that held your heart so firmly in his hand, you couldn’t let him. Not when the two of you were still what you were. Pretend lovers.
When morning came, Levi once again woke alone. He always slept surprisingly well after a night with you. He rolled over to look at the empty space next to him, the smell of your hair still lingering on the pillow.
Every morning after an evening with you, he would find you gone, all sign of your presence from the night before erased. Each time, he wished you would stay. Each time, he wished he could say that words that swirled in his head. Each time, he wished he could kiss you on your reddened lips when he could finally call you his.
Levi was fairly sure he wasn’t the only one who felt this way. He didn’t miss the way you would choke out those words in a moment of passion before catching yourself. He didn’t want to be fairly sure. He wanted to know.
A few nights later Levi finally figured out how he wanted to do it. You had long talked about your dreams to live outside of the walls, someday when the titans were no more. He saw the stars in your eyes whenever you would describe your ideal house, where you would plant your favourite vegetables in your little garden. He never thought about it much before, but he realized as the days passed, that he would like to be the one that lived with you in the little house, watching as the sun set through the kitchen window.
Additionally, he had always known about your…other desire. The one where you wanted to be taken outside of the comfort of the bedroom. Outside of the walls. It was the perfect opportunity.
As the sun set and the others were milling about the common room or mess hall, Levi caught your eye. He motioned for you to follow him, and ever dutiful, you obeyed.
The ride on your respective horses from base to the walls was a short one. Tying your horses by the gates, you and Levi engaged your gear, a spray of gas as your hooks shot out enabling you to scale the wall and drop down onto the other side. The woods were dark, and there came from the nearby forests the sounds of woodland creatures. The sun had long set, and there would be no danger of a titan attack.
You were nervous, unsure of why Levi chose tonight of all days to fulfill this desire of yours, but you weren’t going to complain. Another night of pretending he was yours was something you could not pass up.
As soon as both your gears were set down onto the ground, your breath was knocked out of you. Levi had pushed you against the wall, hand covering your mouth as he pressed soft kisses trailing down your neck. Your jacket was quickly dealt with, and with every button that was undone, Levi’s kisses chased the exposed skin. All you could do was lean against the wall, moans muffled against his hand as your body heated up.
Your bra was left untouched, Levi choosing to just pull aside the cups as his tongue swirled around a pink bud. Every time his tongue left you, the cold air would dry the spot almost instantly, making you twitch as the ever-present thought of potentially being caught caused your stomach to do little flip flops.
You shimmied your pants down, your hands deftly undoing yours and his straps as Levi focused on your breasts.
Soon, you were clad in only your shirt, the untucked ends of your button-up barely covering your core. The cold air hitting you confirmed what you already knew to be true. You were soaking wet, your arousal slowly dripping down your legs.
You grabbed at Levi, unbuttoning his pants and diving a hand in to free his arousal from the confines of his pants. You held him in your hand, pumping him as you tried to illicit some reaction akin to your wanton moans. He just grunted, pumping his hips to meet the movement of your hands. But evidently, his patience was wearing thin, as was yours.
Within a heartbeat, you found yourself bracing against the wall, hands splayed at your side, your nipples rubbing against the uneven surface as you felt the tip of Levi’s cock press against your desperate hole.
Instead of waiting for him, you pressed your hips to meet his, effectively taking him into you in one smooth motion.
“Hahh…Levi…feels…so good!” falling from your lips as he filled you to the brim, and then some. Your voice only got louder from there, the angle at which he took you and the slight curve that was natural of him brushed perfectly against your g-spot with each thrust. Your back was arched as you desperately met his thrusts halfway. You knew your back would be thrown out the next day, but in the moment, you couldn’t think about anything else. All you wanted to do was cum.
Your sensitive nipples brushing against the wall, your clothes half on and half off, the cold air hitting you as Levi pumped into you with his usual bruising pace was more than you could handle.
“Levilevilevilevi- Fuck!” With a cry of his name, your walls bore down against him, pulling him in tighter as you convulsed.
Instead of stopping to provide you a chance to recover, Levi kept going. He wasn’t one to enjoy sex in such a public area, but as soon as you enveloped him with your velvety walls, he lost all sense of discomfort. After all, tonight was for you.
Every thrust in had you keening, little gasps and grunts sounding less and less like his name as you got closer to your second orgasm of the night. Every retracting motion of his hips and he could see his glistening length coated with your earlier release. He loved watching himself disappear into you, and the obscene sounds your body would make mixing with your voice never failing to threaten his usually guarded self-control.
As much as he liked watching from behind, he wanted to make the night something special. Once again, you were spun around, but this time, he pulled you up, your legs wrapping around his waist as he entered you once more, the back of your head bouncing against the wall from the force with which you threw you head back. You back pressed to the wall for leverage, Levi held your hips, thrusting over and over again into your tight heat. Your hands gripped his shirt tightly, and with a particularly well aimed thrust, your nails dug deep as you screamed.
“Oh god Levi. Right there!”
Hiding a small smirk, he heeded your request, angling his hips the way you liked as your arousal started to pool onto the ground underneath your sweat covered bodies.
You couldn’t quite think anymore, all the sensations too much. When he let go with one hand, keeping you up securely against the wall to flick and pinch at your clit, your eyes rolled back into your head. Your words just spilled out. No way of holding them back anymore.
“Ha…Hah…Levi…Levi…-l-love…Love you!”
Your confession hung in the air, as you once against lost yourself, clinging tight onto the only real thing you could register. Levi rocked you through it, the way you pulled him in deeper and gripped him with each wave of your orgasm taking him over the edge as he emptied himself inside you, twitching time and time again.
The way you had said exactly what was in his heart made the man regret taking so long to come to his senses. Still buried inside you, he brushed your noses together before finally finally claiming your lips. You froze against him, shock running through your body as your elation quickly turned into a choked sob.
Pulling away to look into your tear-filled eyes, Levi brushed away a stray tear before slotting his lips with yours again. 
The stars were shining in the sky, thousands of them twinkling, millions of miles away, yet their light reached your little corner of a cruel yet beautiful world, acting as his witness as he murmured his reply against your lips.
“I love you too.”
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