#good night :)
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tiddygame · 12 hours
This is a deleted scene from the next whatsitfuck of the ghoap god type au!
I might recycle it later or even scrap what I have now in favor of this, but for now, here. gays be upon ye:
How Ghost knew the librarian behind the counter was Soap in disguise was another one of those mysteries he would likely never have an answer to. It was the same town, they hadn’t moved; He genuinely just wanted to peruse their books to see if anything caught his eye.
Instead, he walked in and knew that the face of the man behind the counter was a farce. And just like their first meet, he froze, his instincts getting jumbled in the presence of the god.
The god smiled back at him with a stupid shit-eating grin, “Hello! How can I help you today?”
Ghost looked at him with something hedging on a glare, not quite malicious but so full of distrust it might as well have been.
His stare didn’t break even as the bell jingled behind him, signaling someone else entered. The person paused, likely expecting him to move, before they shuffled around him with a huff of annoyance. The inhuman thing behind the counter put on a good approximation of a customer service smile as they grabbed the book the other had been returning.
They exchanged pleasantries and the person looked to the bookshelves before glancing at Ghost, making some excuse as they hurried back out the door.
The other smile was back as Soap admonished, “Come now, you’re scaring the customers.”
Ghost was at a loss, not knowing if he should call him out or continue on as if nothing was wrong. It seemed the latter was what the god wanted, so obviously he decided to be an ass, “You’re a public library. You have patrons, not customers.”
“It’s my first day on the job. Can you blame me?”
“Yes. Yes, I can.”
The god did a weird mix of a scoff and a laugh, continuing the ruse, “Well, how can I help you?”
Ghost was already tired of his tomfoolery, “You can tell me why you’re here.”
“I’m a librarian!” He said, almost excited as he gestured to the rest of the building. “I work here!”
Ghost hesitantly walked forward, coming to terms with the fact that this was indeed how he was going to spend the rest of his day. Now closer, he noticed at least one small thing that was wrong with the god’s disguise. He sighed, rubbing his face with both hands in annoyance as he pointed out, “You couldn’t even get the fingers right.”
“What?” Soap looked down to his hands in confusion, trying to spot the problem.
“You’re missing a finger.” Ghost pointed to where his pinky should have been on his left hand.
“Wait, no, you don’t have that finger either!” The god sounded indignant and Ghost was trying not to laugh, realizing that Soap had tried to model them after his hands.
“Yes, mine was amputated. Which is why I have a scar. Yours is just missing.” Ghost didn’t bother pulling off his glove for proof, just holding up his hand. If he didn’t understand anatomy, Ghost really didn’t feel like explaining burn scars.
“Well…” The god was grasping at straws, squinting as he tried to think, “Some… Uh— Yeah! Some humans are born that way!” He said it like now Ghost had no option other than to believe he was human, tacking on very unsurely, “How dare you! Being rude— That’s not— It’s mean!”
Ghost would give him credit, it was an almost okay-ish defense, “But if you were born with it missing, your fifth metacarpal would be missing too and your palm would be smaller.”
Soap looked even more confused and utterly defeated as he muttered to himself, “What the fuck is a metacarpal?” He stared at his hands as if he could look close enough into his palms to find the answer.
That almost broke Ghost, his shoulders shaking as he let out a quiet chuckle. He doesn’t know why this meeting felt so much nicer, less risky than the last one. Before, he’d been shitting bricks over the god walking towards him. And now, he was in a library trying not to laugh at them.
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azzo0 · 3 months
"Katsuki!" You called from the bedroom, lying on your stomach as you read a romance novel. You'd just seen a line you read a handful of times in other romance novels. It was a line that managed to make you smile like an idiot, with butterflies dancing in your stomach.
"What?" He yelled from the living room, where he repaired one of his gauntlets.
"C'mere for a sec," you got up with the book, and Katsuki walked into the room shirtless with a little grease on his chest and arms. Even better for your request. 
"What the fuck? You just called me in, and now yer pushin' me away?" He knitted his eyebrows when you pushed him out of the room.
"Katsuki, can you do this?" You handed him the book, and he took it, looking down at the page in confusion. 
"A lot is goin' on here, sweets. I'm a hero, not an actor." He said, cherry eyes scanning the page. 
"Oh, come on! I'm sure you can do this one." You pointed at the line, and he brought it closer to his face, reading it out loud, his eyebrows raising amusedly. 
"I looked up from my work when I heard the door open to see William. He stood in the doorway, one of his hands on the header above him. "Hey," he greeted-" Katsuki stopped to look at you, "I don't see what you want me to do? Stand in the door and say hi?"
"No, no. You're supposed to do what William did," you explained, demonstrating what you meant by showing him, even though your hand wouldn't reach for the header, "Get it?" 
"Hah? What's so special about it in the first place?" He asked, flipping the book shut and giving it back to you. 
"It's just sexy, okay?" You huffed, "I've read similar lines in many other books, and I just wanna know what it would be like when you do it."
"Fine," he grumbles, "Stand inside."
You happily skipped inside while he stood outside. He took a step closer and stood in the doorway. He brought his hand up and held the doorframe, thick bicep flexing in the process, revealing a few blond hair in his pit. He leaned closer to you, snaking a calloused hand to your back, roughly pulling you closer.
"This what ya wanted, hm?" He whispered into your ear, sending tingles down your spine. He smirked at your flustered state and snuck a peck to your lips. 
He chuckled at your stupor and turned around to leave. He glanced back, a triumphant smirk on his lips, "Let me know if there's somethin' else that William dude does. I can do it better than him anyway~"
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tmmyhug · 2 years
despite all my dread i am still just a girl in a bed
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mishori-o · 5 months
I missed drawing them
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At this point I don’t even know how many times I changed their desings but it's so fun yo do it :3c
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wszczebrzyszynie · 6 months
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hmm trochę dużo tego
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hektor-world · 2 months
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This is better than any poem, GOOD NIGHT
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polarsirens · 1 year
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plight of the honeybee
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batty4steddie · 4 months
The first night Steve stayed over, Eddie gave him a Corroded Coffin t-shirt to sleep in. It was meant to be a temporary solution, just something to throw on to sleep, but it quickly became his shirt. It was the most comfortable piece of fabric to ever grace his skin. No matter how much he wore it, it still smelled like Eddie. After Steve cropped it during a brutally hot summer, he felt tawdry whenever he wore it in front of Wayne. It was worth the slight embarrassment whenever Eddie wrapped his arms around him from behind. Eddie’s hands would rest on Steve’s midriff and squeeze him so tenderly that every inch of him felt loved.
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ryllen · 3 months
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the book can wait, he just push himself too hard sometimes
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darkbluepassion01 · 10 months
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Follow your passions
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midiport · 4 months
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mecachrome · 6 months
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"[oscar]'s a little baby, isn't he?" — lando norris
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loovelymeow · 2 months
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besitos en mis lunares porfi 🥺
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