#goodbye gonna listen to pop music
syrips · 11 months
so i was embarrassed to post about this (or i forgot that i did) but about 5 months ago i was looking at bat sanctuaries/houses near where my future spouse lives and they have one of the largest bat houses in the states and i just literally broke down crying because of how adorable they are and how i can bat watch them with my partner and his family and oh my heaarrttt im gonna get emotional again
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i hate accidents except when we went from friends to this.
kiss me once ‘cause you know i had a long night, kiss me twice ‘cause it’s gonna be all right, three times ‘cause i’ve waited my whole life
Steve’s phone buzzes in his pocket. He’s technically not supposed to have it on the floor, but it’s 9:30 on a Wednesday night and the store’s dead anyway.
Eddie 🎸👎: date’s a dud engage emergency protocol immediately 🚨🚨🚨
Steve rolls his eyes and clicks the little phone icon near Eddie’s name.
“Hello?” Eddie manages to sound both confused and concerned.
“Help, help,” Steve deadpans, leaning his elbows on the counter. “I’m having an emergency that only you can help me with.” Steve’s done this enough times in the three years they’ve lived together to know that Eddie can think up his own lie to tell his date.
“Oh my god, I’ll be right there, Steve.”
Steve’s not sure how Eddie manages to make it sound so convincing every time, but it’s enough that even Steve might start to believe it if he wasn’t the one calling.
Eddie hangs up without saying goodbye, probably to tell his date some exaggerated story about how Steve’s fallen in the shower or fell off a ladder. Somehow, all Eddie’s emergency scenarios involve Steve hurting himself in increasingly embarrassing ways.
By the time Steve’s got the store tidied and closed and walked the four blocks to their apartment, Robin and Eddie are already on the couch in the living room. Steve can hear them bickering over what to watch from the front hallway as he slips off his shoes and shrugs out of his jacket. He follows the sound of their voices to find them practically wrestling over the remote.
“Jesus, can’t leave you two alone for more than five minutes. You’re worse than the kids,” Steve says as he makes his way across the room and into the kitchen for a bag of chips. It wasn’t the healthiest dinner, but he was too exhausted to cook.
“There’s leftovers from the diner in the fridge,” Eddie calls out to him, not even missing a beat as he pries the remote from Robin’s white-knuckled grip.
“You took leftovers on a first date?” Robin asks him, appalled, as if it’s the most unheard of thing Eddie’s ever said.
Steve’s popping the styrofoam container into their tiny microwave as Eddie tells her, “It was a second date for your information.” He puts on an episode of Ghost Adventures without asking anyone’s input.
“Wow, someone made it past your rigorous first date interview? Shocker.” Robin crosses her arms and huffs in annoyance, because she was also going to put on Ghost Adventures but it’s the principle of the thing. You just don’t take a woman’s remote from her, under any circumstance.
“Hey, it’s imperative for me to suss out a potential partner’s commitment to the music gods,” Eddie says.
“‘Potential partners’?” Robin scoffs. “I thought you said you were in your slut era?”
“Well,” Eddie seems to lose his footing here. “I am. But I can’t be fucking anyone who listens to Tame Impala.”
“Steve listens to Tame Impala.”
Steve has made it back into the living room in time to see the blush rise on Eddie’s cheeks.
“Good thing I’m not fucking Steve then, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, good thing.” Even Steve can hear the eye roll in Robin’s voice.
Because the thing was…
Okay, so the thing is…
The long and short of it is that they’re not fucking.
But they’re also, like. Not not fucking.
It’s just that sometimes, after a horrible date or a stressful day or even just when they’re feeling incredibly horny, the apartment can feel kind of lonely, even with two roommates. So. They… do stuff. Together. No penetration, but. Yeah. Enough for it to be called ‘fucking,’ probably. At least Steve thinks so.
But they haven’t told Robin. They’re both pretty sure she suspects. She’s not a fucking idiot and Steve thinks someone living under the same roof as Steve and Eddie would have to be in order to be that oblivious. Steve’s pretty sure she’s been trying to get one or the other of them to confess, but they’ve held strong so far. It’s not that they were hiding it, exactly. It was just that, whenever this thing inevitably came to an end or imploded on them both, they didn’t want to have to explain it to anyone. At least that was what Steve was thinking, because it’s not like they actually talk about it.
Neither of them say anything else, so Steve makes an attempt to change the subject.
“So what did you tell your date this time?” He asks Eddie before shoveling a forkful of reheated pasta into his own mouth.
Eddie smirks. “I told him you cut off the tip of your finger with your crafting scissors while you were scrapbooking and then passed out from the sight of the blood and hit your head on the corner of the coffee table.”
Steve pauses with his fork halfway between the takeout container and his mouth.
“I thought these emergencies were supposed to be believable.”
“I’ve literally walked in on you scrapbooking multiple times, Stevie,” Eddie says it like he’s stating the obvious.
“I could never cut through my fingers with my crafting scissors.”
“Oh, that’s what you take issue with about that lame-ass scenario?” Robin scoffs again.
“There’s nothing wrong with scrapbooking,” Steve says defensively.
“Didn’t say there was,” Robin mutters, turning her attention back to the TV. “Can you guys shut up now? I’m trying to watch my stories.”
Steve rolls his eyes and shares a look with Eddie before doing as Robin says and shutting the fuck up. He drops down into the lone armchair to finish his leftover diner food, attention fixed on the television. He thinks he can feel it every time Eddie’s eyes dart over to look at him.
Later, after Eddie’s snuck into his bed around one a.m. and they’re laying there next to each other in the afterglow, Steve asks, “So the date really sucked?”
Eddie sighs. “I mean, he was nice and all, but there just wasn’t any, like… chemistry or whatever. You know what I mean?”
“Yeah,” Steve responds, his voice low. Steve hadn’t been on a date in months, hadn’t felt the usual impulse to flirt with strangers incessantly. Robin kept saying he was in a lull or a slump or something, but Steve does start to feel lonely sometimes, especially when Robin is out with her girlfriend and Eddie has a date and he’s left to his own devices in their shared apartment. Even though, more often than not lately, Eddie’s dates almost always end in “emergency protocol” and the two of them wind up tangled in Steve’s sheets. Steve can’t help but think that it’s only a matter of time before all of this comes to an end, before Eddie finds someone who’s perfect for him.
Someone who isn’t Steve.
Three days later, Steve and Eddie wake up to the blaring honk of Steve’s alarm, wrapped around each other. Steve can’t help but notice the way Eddie looks when he’s just woken up, soft and rumpled, hair a tangled mess on top of his head.
“Ugh, make it stop,” Eddie groans, scrubbing a hand down his face, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
Steve slams his hand down on his alarm clock and flops back onto his pillows, even though he really should be getting up for work. He wraps a hand around the back of Eddie’s neck before dropping a kiss to his forehead and pulling him back to lie against his chest.
“Don’t wanna get up yet,” Steve mutters, eyes falling shut again. The blankets are warm and soft and the weight of Eddie on his chest is enough to have him drifting back into sleep.
Eddie doesn’t let him though. Instead, he plants his palm on Steve’s chest and pushes himself upright, making Steve groan in dissatisfaction.
“Gotta get up, dude,” Eddie tells him, yawning and climbing out from under the covers to pull on his discarded sleep pants. “Got, like, seven engines to fix today. Something about spring, man, everyone’s car starts to break down.” Eddie pulls his t-shirt over his head before opening Steve’s door and sticking his head out, making sure the coast is clear.
Eddie leaves the door slightly open and crosses back to Steve’s bed, planting a kiss on Steve’s cheek, like he just can’t help himself.
“Won’t get off until late and then I have a date, so keep your phone at the ready,” Eddie smiles when he says it and Steve wants to trace his dimples with his tongue.
“Coming home first?”
“Nah, just gonna shower at the gym next door,” Eddie stretches. “See ya later, Stevie.” And then he’s out the door and slipping quickly into his own room down the hall.
Steve doesn’t like the way Eddie’s bedroom door sounds as it clicks shut.
Steve has the early shift at the store, so when he gets home in the late afternoon with two bags of groceries, he’s got the apartment to himself. Robin’s spending her weekend off with Vickie and Eddie’s still at work before heading off to his date.
Steve puts his groceries away, makes himself an early dinner, and then positions himself in front of the TV. He puts his phone face up on the coffee table, so he’ll see it when Eddie texts him to get out of his date.
He gets lost in the Real Housewives of Wherever for hours before he remembers he’s supposed to be keeping an eye on his phone. He taps the screen and sees there are no notifications. That’s weird. It’s already well past nine; Eddie usually texts by now for a rescue.
Steve sits back on the couch, eyes on his phone where it sits on the coffee table in front of him. He watches it for a few long moments, willing it to ring.
It doesn’t.
Hours later, Steve wakes up to the front door slamming shut. His face feels plastered to the leather of their second-hand couch. He knows it’s Eddie coming through the door because he’s the only one of them that lets it slam when it closes.
Steve reaches for his phone, still on the coffee table where he’s left it. He taps the screen and sees that it’s already after two in the morning. Eddie comes into the living room and seems surprised to see him on the couch.
“You’re still up?” He asks, eyebrows pulling together.
“You didn’t call,” Steve tries to make it sound casual, but even he hears the accusation in his own voice.
“Uh yeah. No. He was, uh. Kinda cool, actually,” Eddie smiles to himself and it looks so soft and sweet in the dim light of TV. Steve feels his chest go hollow seeing it. He swallows.
“Well,” Steve clears his throat. “That’s great.”
“Wanna hang out?” Eddie asks. Steve’s not sure if he means hang out or hang out, but either way, Steve can’t bring himself to say yes.
“Nah.” He yawns. “Early shift tomorrow.” It’s a lie, but who can blame him?
Steve gets up off the couch and crosses the room before Eddie can say anything.
“Oh, sure,” Eddie mutters as Steve brushes past him on his way into the hallway. “Goodnight, Stevie.”
Steve feels his throat constrict, like he might cry if Eddie says anything else. He clears his throat again. “‘Night,” he returns, before he shuts his bedroom door behind him.
Steve stews in it for a couple of days. He’s annoyed and grumpy and even Robin starts avoiding him after he snaps at her one too many times for no reason. He’s avoiding Eddie, but he suspects that Eddie is also avoiding him.
Which is absurd. It’s not like Steve changed the rules. He’s not the one who changed their routine. Who went on a date with someone else and enjoyed it.
That thought gives Steve pause because that’s not what this is, is it? He’s aware that he’s not very good at keeping his emotions out of his sex life. He knows he gets too attached too soon. But Eddie is his friend. You’re supposed to have emotions for your friends. You’re supposed to hate everyone they date. You’re supposed to want to spend all your time with them. Right?
Fuck. Fuck. Steve is maybe out of his depth here.
By Tuesday night, he has no choice but to go to Robin.
“I fucked up,” he says without preamble, walking into her room without knocking and flopping face first onto her unmade bed. She just watches him from where she sits at her desk in front of her laptop. Eddie has a late night band practice after work, so they’ve got the place to themselves.
“Yeah, how?” She asks.
“I… am not sure. But I feel bad.” Steve is practically whining at this point.
“Can I tell you what I think without you getting mad at me?” Robin’s tone is cautious in a way that it hardly ever is with Steve.
“When do I ever get mad?” Steve scowls at her, the side of his face smooshed into her pillow so he can see her.
“Gee, I wonder.” Robin rolls her eyes. “You’ve been testy since Saturday, babe.”
Steve huffs but it’s not like he can deny it, exactly.
“Whatever, I’m in a bad mood,” he grumbles, picking at a thread on her comforter.
“Yeah, and why do you think that is?” Robin’s question sounds decidedly pointed.
“I dunno. Full moon or something. Something’s in retrograde, probably.”
Robin sighs. “Look, I’m going to say something to you and I want you to just listen and synthesize the information, okay? Just shut up.” Steve grunts and Robin clearly takes that for assent. “I think that you’re in love with Eddie.”
She says it so matter-of-factly that Steve sits straight up on her bed so he can look at her fully. His eyes dart to her open door. “What?” He practically spits out.
Robin rolls her eyes again. “Yeah, whatever. I know I’m not supposed to know about the… whatever you want to call it. But you guys aren’t exactly subtle. Or quiet.” Steve’s jaw falls open. “I know you’ve been fooling around for months. And you haven’t had to figure out your feelings for each other because you haven’t been dating at all and every date Eddie’s been on he’s sabotaged himself. And now he’s had a great date and you’re feeling threatened, obviously. You’re jealous, Steve.”
Steve just looks at her for a moment, before saying, “I actually hate you so much.” He looks back over toward her open door. “Did he say it was a great date?”
“Ugh, you’re pathetic.” Robin balls up a piece of paper and throws it at him, before turning serious. “Just tell him, Stevie. I’m pretty sure he’s into you just as much as you’re into him. You should see the way he stares at your ass when he thinks no one’s looking. It’s truly disgusting.”
Steve throws the ball of paper back at Robin, hitting her squarely in her forehead.
Steve locks himself in his room for the rest of the night, obsessing over what Robin has told him. He tosses and turns all night thinking about it. He’s vaguely aware of the door slamming as Eddie comes in from band practice around midnight and he thinks that maybe Eddie might linger just a little longer outside Steve’s door, but he doesn’t knock. Just pauses before he moves on to his own room.
Steve wakes up late the next morning. He has to rush through his morning routine and by the time he makes it to the kitchen for breakfast, both Robin and Eddie have left for the day. Luckily, Steve has a midday shift, so he has a bit of time before he has to leave for the store. He leans against the counter, spooning cereal into his mouth. As he places his dirty bowl and spoon in the sink to clean after work, his eyes get caught on the whiteboard they have hanging on the fridge.
Second date tonight, keep phone handy -E
Steve feels his heart start beating fast, almost erratically. His fingertips go numb. He licks his lips and leaves the kitchen, slipping on his shoes and jacket and leaving for work.
Steve comes home to an empty apartment. Robin has some study group and Eddie has his date. Steve can’t help but feel a little depressed as he walks through the door to nothing but quiet.
He makes himself dinner. He puts something on the television. He places his phone face-up on the coffee table, just in case.
It doesn’t light up with a notification until well after nine. It’s a phone call. From Eddie.
Steve fumbles his phone as he lunges to pick it up.
“Hey,” he says into his phone’s speaker. “Thought you had a date.”
“Yeah,” Steve can tell Eddie’s smiling, even though he can’t see him. “Was wondering if you had some kind of emergency to tell me about?”
“Um.” Steve is confused. This isn’t the normal script. He’s supposed to call Eddie. Not the other way around. “I don’t. Know? I mean. Yeah. I… need you?”
“On my way, Stevie.” And then he hangs up.
Steve’s paused the TV and is sitting on the living room couch in silence by the time he hears the door slam shut. He looks up as Eddie walks into the room.
“Hey,” Eddie greets him, voice low. “Haven’t seen you in a while.”
“Yeah, been… busy.” Steve inwardly cringes at how he sounds, knows it’s a lame excuse, because Eddie knows him. He knows why he hasn’t seen Steve.
“Right,” Eddie smirks. “So… can we talk?”
“Sure, whatever.” Steve tries to sound casual, thinks he misses it by about a mile.
Eddie sits in the armchair instead of next to Steve on the couch. Steve tries not to take it as an insult.
“I was on a really good date tonight, Stevie,” Eddie tells him, voice soft and slow, like he’s breaking bad news to Steve. Steve’s heart clenches in chest, hard and painful. He nods, eyes on everything but Eddie. “He was cool and funny and actually had good taste in music.” Steve’s not exactly sure he really needs to hear this. “But…”
Steve feels a small flutter of hope in the pit of his stomach. “But?” He prompts, still not looking at Eddie.
“But.” Steve can tell from his tone that Eddie’s smiling again, that same smile he’d heard on the phone. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you. About sitting here watching dumb reality shows with your arm around me. Waiting for your call even though I hadn’t texted you.”
Steve’s eyes snap to Eddie’s. He licks his lips. “What.” He doesn’t say it like a question.
“I wanted to be with you, Stevie. Always wanna be with you.” Eddie looks nervous now. He pulls at a rip in his jeans. “Do you… what do you think about that?”
“I, uh.” Steve’s mouth is suddenly dry, voice just a little hoarse. “I think it’s… good.”
“Good?” Eddie snorts. “You think it’s good? Gonna need a little more here, Steve.” Eddie still looks a little nervous, but his smile is starting to form again.
“Yeah, like. Really good.” Steve licks his lips again. “I always wanna be with you, too,” he adds softly.
“Yeah?” Eddie asks, and he sounds vulnerable in a way that Steve’s never really heard before. He’s fully smiling again, small and soft, like maybe he can’t believe his luck.
Steve smiles back at him. “Yeah.”
And then they don’t say anything at all. Eddie crosses the small space between them and tackles Steve back against the couch. Their lips meet, soft at first. Then Steve let’s out a moan, opens his mouth under Eddie’s and the kisses turn decidedly less soft and more horny.
The next morning, Steve’s phone dings on his bedside table. He reaches over to read the screen.
Queen Robbie✨💕: love that u guys have figured ur shit out, but can we work out a system or something? i heard u [redacted] and then [redacted] and also [redacted]
Steve smiles before dropping his phone back on his bedside table and turning over in his bed. He pulls a sleeping Eddie into his arms and drops a tiny kiss to the back of Eddie’s neck. Eddie lets out a sleepy little moan. Steve could get used to waking up like this every morning.
An anonymous benefactor gifted me with lyrics from “Paper Rings” and here is what I’ve done with them.
Just two things: 1. I have never seen Ghost Adventures, but I imagine it would be one of the only shows both Robin and Eddie could agree on and 2. I have never listened to Tame Impala, I know nothing abt the music (beyond the fact that it’s just one guy??? see, I am hip and cool, gen z), so this is not intentional slander, I promise!!! It’s just the first thing I thought of.
Oh ETA: I also know nothing abt cars or what mechanics do, I assume they sometimes fix engines.
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adoresia · 1 year
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Pairing : e42 Miles x FemHaitian!reader
Synopsis : You teach Miles how to kompa.
Sierra speaks : I was thinking of requesting this to another writer, but i was like nah, ima do my own thing ima right it myself 😋 I love Kompa so much (im not Haitian but im Congolese its close enough) it was so hard trying to explain how to kompa but alas.. enjoy pookiewookies !
Warnings ❕: Intimate dancing, kissing, slightly (? suggestive, cuss words, a sprinkle of spanish (im not spanish do correct me 🥲 using what i learnt last year), also not that proof read i skimmed through it. tell me if i missed out anything !
Listen too’s :
You sat in your swivel chair, decorated with pink faux fur and a curved lumbar support to rest your back on. The chair swung gently back and forth while you talked to Miles on the phone.
The face-time call had reached about 30 minutes, it was now 1:30pm in the afternoon and you did not really have any plans for the day so you stay stuck with the fact that you two would be conversing all day.
“What are your plans for today mami?”
“I don’t know baby, I was just gonna stay on the phone to you all day I honestly ain got nothing else to do soo.” you shrugged, almost choking on your words trying to get it all out in one breath.
“lentamente mami you boutta drown in your own words.”
“Ughhh im sooo bored.” you pushed your chair away from your chair gliding backwards and stood up stretching your arms.
“So im boring now?” he questioned sarcastically.
“Nooo Milo, you know what i meant.” You pouted jokingly while going to play some music on your tv.
Miles watched intently while you typed the name of the song into your tv, finally searching it up and clicking on the first video that popped up.
“Whatchu playin on yo tv?”
“Just a song, i feel like dancing.” you said swaying your hips as you walked backwards.
“i could watch you do this allll dayyy.” Miles said with a grin on his face, you laughed at him.
You began to whine to the song, turning around. Your waistline moving in circles like water. The stringed beads that laid on your hips followed the pattern of your movements as you slowly lowered down the the floor with your arms either side of you.
Your boyfriend’s glued onto your waist, you span around quickly catching him staring at you so intensely.
“Miles stop staring at me nd-“
“What am i not allowed to stare at you now too?” He smirked, cutting you off.
“I was gonna say come over so you dont have to stay staring through a screen, but now you can stay your ass at home.” You rolled your eyes with a smile.
“Nah im on my way baby, then I can watch you dance f’me.”
“really? what if I teach you to Kompa instead.”
“Say no more . I wanna see you do that dance again though, when i get there.”
Miles wasted no time slipping his shoes on and kissing his mom goodbye on the cheek before speed walking through 2 blocks to your house.
He texted your phone stating he was a few steps away from your front porch and you ran to your front door with a huge smile plastered on your face while you opened it.
“Miloooooo!!” You screamed, spreading your arms out so he could come and pick you up. You loved when he picked up, especially in his puffer jacket.
“Heyy baby.” He gave you a quick peck on the lips before picking you up. You swung your legs around his waist, bear-hugging him.
He closed the door behind the both of you and took off his shoes leading you to your bedroom and dropping you onto your bed.
“Where yo moms at?”
“Why cause you came here for her or for me?” you rolled your eyes flopping back into your bed.
“Don’t be like that ma, you aint tell me you were here on your own. I woulda been here earlier if I knew.”
“She just went grocery shopping Milo, she’ll be back.”
“Aight. You finna dance f’me then?” He laid back in your chair manspread. His elbows laid on your desk behind him.
“Oh right! watch the hips, you’ll needa learn this bit..” You restarted to music and threw the remote on your bed.
Miles licked his lips squinting at you with hooded eyes.
“Watch the hips…” You began whine again. This time you started off with a ‘tik tok’ motion, slowly moving into a slow circular motion with your hips. Your waist-beads moving along with you which made it all more intriguing for Miles.
You brought your hands to your hips caressing your shape up until you reached the sides of your stomach and came to a stop.
Miles was visibly in love with the way your hips moves so swiftly and like water. His eyes stayed stuck to your waist even after you stopped.
“Damn ma, youn tell me you could do all that.”
“Well now you know, and im finna teach you.. now get up i wanna show you how to kompa with me.”
You pulled Miles by his arm taking his puffer jacket off and throwing it onto your bed.
“Right first gimme your hands” You held your hands out to Miles as he placed both of his in yours. You lowered them down to sit on your waist.
“mmmm i like this already.”
“Shutup Miles.” You grinned at him
“Then.. i place my arms around your neck… like so.” You wrapped your arms around his neck and held your other arm with your hand since he basically towered over you.
“Now you look at me.”
“This is easy, I could look at you all day.”
“Miles stop, you can compliment me later.”
You brought his head down to lean against yours, he stared right into your eyes making your knees almost buckle. You tried to divert your gaze elsewhere so you could regain focus.
“Your meant to look at me back. Right? Eyes on me mami.” He lifted his hand up from your waist to tour chin, averting your gaze from the floor to his eyes. You felt as if you were going to collapse with the way he started so deeply into your soul.
“You lucky im holding onto you, you look like you abour to collapse.”
“Right, sorry baby.” he stiffled a laugh
For the next hour you continued to teach Miles as you guided his hands and hip movements with your waist.
“And thenn… turn.”
You slowly spun around both still holding onto eachother, swaying your hips to the music.
“Yeahhh.” You slid your arms down to his shoulders grinning at him, ecstatic that he was learning so fast.
“Now here comes the hard part.” You returned to the same position, this time swaying your hips into his instead of side to side.
“Oh shitt.” Miles lost all composure staring down at your hips grinding into his at a rhythmic pace. Your cheeks begin to heat up as you smile a little at what he said.
“You can do that right? same time.”
“Shit, of course I can.”
Miles spun you around, then closing the gap between the two of you. Your body pressing gently against his, fit like a jigsaw piece.
Your hips both meeting in the middle while you swayed them into eachother, both looking into each-others eyes as Miles held onto either side of your waist guiding it into his.
[ visual : https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJ4eeBRc/ ]
You were both absorbed im each-others gaze not even realising the music had finished, and you continued for the next half an hour. Dancing in each others embrace.
After a while had passed you pulled away from miles.
“Fuck, ian know you were so good at kompa Milo? I woulda taught you ages ago.”
“Not better than you baby, lost all composure when your hips collided with mine.”
He made it to your waist before pulling you in for a kiss, bringing you as close to him as he could while deepening the kiss as you giggled. While his breath mingled with yours, your tongues danced over one another. When he intentionally nipped your lower lip, you let out a gentle whine pulling away.
“Fuck I love you so much.”
Extra :
— reader calls miles ‘milo’ because it works well with her Haitian accent
— Miles is actually a really good dancer
— Your mom came back from the supermarket ages ago, she watched you both dance in your room with a smile on her face.
— you had Miles dancing kompa with his pillow when he got home
“Miles? the fuck are you doing…” Uncle Aaron walked in on Miles waist dancing with his pillow.
“Yoo wtf, youn never heard of knocking?” Miles threw the pillow as far away as he could, dusting himself off.
“Ian even gonna ask mane.” Uncle Aaron shook his head with a laugh, closing the door in reverse.
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© All rights reserved to @444morales on tumblr.
Please do not repost, translate or copy any of my work !
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Taylor has been lying on Joe since You’re Losing Me (Important Thread)
I’ve been confident in this theory since Midnights, but didn’t know how to spread it. Taylor is now blatantly lying about Joe and rewriting history. SHE was the one who didn’t want to get married, and Joe broke up with her over it. She chose fame over marriage, and the evidence is all over her music.
Ever since I heard “Mine” I instinctively knew Taylor was afraid of marriage. It’s the classic child-of-divorce case. “You say we’ll never make my parents’ mistakes.” / “Brace myself for the goodbye ‘cause it’s all I’ve ever known.”
Her fear of marriage continues throughout her discography. Don’t let “Lover” and “Paper Rings” fool you—those were false promises to Joe at the start of their relationship. Listen to “champagne problems,” a song she and Joe co-wrote. What couple writes a song about breaking up because the girl is terrified of marriage 4 years into their relationship? Why, one where that’s happening, of course. “Your Midas touch on the Chevy door,” aka how she always references Joe turning things to gold. And don’t forget “Renegade,” a song where in the music video SHE is the one anxiously staring out the window being told to “open the blinds.” (“Is it really your anxiety that stops you from giving me everything or do you just not want to?”, the lyric referring to Joe asking for marriage) This was a song written by Taylor from Joe’s perspective at the time. “I tapped on your window on your darkest night” (referring to Rep era) / “Starry eyes sparking up my darkest night.” … “And then you squeeze my hand as I’m about to leave.” (Joe’s POV) / “It’s on your face, don’t walk away, I need to say…” Taylor was the one always blowing up on him and then apologizing, as illustrated in Afterglow, The Great War, and most obviously her post-breakup behavior. Joe was NOT the volatile one of the two (also supported by articles released by her team, stating Joe’s personality was “great for Taylor” because “he is very calm”).
Then, just look at Midnights. The Bejeweled music video (which Taylor wrote and directed) is the clearest thing. A video all about choosing pop-stardom over a ring from a prince? While she and her boyfriend are having marriage disagreements? Hmmm. Interesting. Seriously, just go watch the intro to that video and tell me Taylor was the one fighting to get married behind the scenes.
Midnights lyrics: “He wanted a bride, I was making my own name. Chasing that fame.” (a person who WANTS to get married would NOT be writing this song!!!) “All they keep asking me is if I’m gonna be your bride. The only kind of girl they see is a one night or a wife.” “No deal the 1950s shit they want from me. I just wanna stay in that lavender haze” “I have this thing where I get older but just never wiser.” “I have this dream my daughter-in-law kills me for the money. She thinks I left them in the will.” (accompanied by elaborate scene displaying family-related anxieties in music video)
This is someone who is terrified of marriage and being an adult. I believe she launched herself into a fame-hug to avoid confronting her issues with Joe at this late stage in their relationship. After he broke up with her, she realized how deep of a mistake she made during the Eras Tour. Hence, the big lie in “You’re Losing Me” (which was written THEN, in 2023, conveniently dropped during the Matty Healy controversy) and her daring him to “say something” about the lie. (False God lyric: “I can’t talk to you when you’re like this, staring out the window like I’m not your favorite town.” When they fight, he was always the one ignoring her craziness.) And soon after, her peculiar surprise song choices on June 23: “Paper Rings” (“I’d marry you with paper rings”) and “If This Was A Movie” (“If this was a movie, you’d be here by now”).
The initial breakup article by People (Tree Paine’s mouthpiece) even outlines this story. “According to multiple sources, Swift and Alwyn had been ‘talking about marriage as recently as a few months ago.’ But at the end of the day, the couple wasn’t ready for a future together. ‘Taylor didn’t see them working out in the long run,’ says the insider.” This was before she wrote YLM, trying to provoke him, and now she will be driving it further with this new album I’m certain she wrote during 2023, NOT 2 years ago like she and Jack are trying to push. Her having Jack drop YLM’s “2021 date,” and then liking that tweet implying Sweet Nothing was not about Joe (when it was clearly about Joe)… she’s rewriting the narrative. You can’t trust a word she says.
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llamaisllama777 · 2 months
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Guess who's back! Back again! Guess who's back! Tell a frie... okay enough, Eminem references. Nebula is back! It's been a good while since we last saw her. Seriously, when was the last time we saw her? So, apparently, she's been watching Lunar these past few weeks, keeping taps on him for the Astrals. She did calm some of my fears of when Taurus arrives, he won't IMMEDIATELY try and kill Lunar, he needs a reason to. If Lunar doesn't give him one, he's good. So, Lunar did kinda win the trial. Hopefully, Taurus will listen to the Astrals rules and not try anything sneaky. Still very weary of Taurus, tho and my dislike of the Astrals only grows cause apparently they have BANNED Nebula from talking to Earth! What the butt!? I mean I kinda get it, Earth is too close to this and Nebula talking with her especially during this time complicates things so I get it but still, it just unfair Earth can't hang out with her friend hopefully we can fix that soon also, Earth is singing open arms from Epic the musical! I LOVE EPIC!
Nebula, it was great seeing you again. I hope you can help us if poop hits the fan.
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Moon answers YOUR questions! Ya! I love this thumbnail, and also, giving Moon a turtle neck was just a genius idea! Seriously, this design is perfect! So, a lot of fun questions were asked here like apparently Moon really likes sea animals, hasn't tried ramen yet, and he says if him and Monty worked together constantly their is a likely chance one of them would kill the other or they would destroy the world... so good to know. Moon also says he hopes to take a LONG vacation with Sun when all this Star power/Dark Sun/Nexus/Wither shard business is done and over with, and honestly, they deserve it! I hope they take a vacation they could use it. Moon is still hating on Nexus and his name, which I loved that I need Moon and Nexus to hurl insults at each other. I need that so, BADLY! Again, you know I love these types of episodes and hope we may get one for Solar if he comes back and hopefully one for Eclipse... speaking of Eclipse..
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R.I.P Monty and Foxy show, Hello Eclipse and Puppet show! It's official Puppet, and the family are moving to that new dimension and Eclipse and Puppet are taking over the channel. So,guess Monty borrowed the retirement idea from Foxy and is just gonna chill and pop in the LAES and TSAMS good for them. The ending with Monty and Foxy was cute. They started the show HATING the other and only becoming friends cause Monty bashed Foxy's head in, but now they really are true friends, I'm gonna miss having them interact 🤧 I'm sorry... I need a minute. Monty even gave Foxy a USB sticks one with Foxy's old memories, and Foxy trashed it cause he's happy with the new him... I love that so stinkin MUCH! That's character development right there 👏
I feel bad for Eclipse, tho. Signed a contract he can't get out of. I honestly wouldn't blame Eclipse if he turned evil again cause of this little stunt Puppet pulled, but hey, at least Puppet hated having to do that, so that's something. Also, Francis is gonna follow Puppet and the others to that other dimension. 😃 I feel bad for them.
Wow, a lot of things happened today.. wow.
I thank God that these shows exist!
I'm serious. I really do love these shows, Davis, Reed, Kat, Valentine THANK YOU for all you and the others do. I hope you guys know we all love these shows and you guys.
Goodbye MGAFS,and hello EAPS!
12/10 👏 🎊👏🎊👏
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thebabywriter · 1 year
Broken Down | Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
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Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your car won't start and the friendly neighbors help you out.
Tags: Fluff, switching POVs, Sarah as a little matchmaker, nothing risque, just an implication, no reader descriptions besides female, reader has a not-so-great family life
Word Count: 933
Broken Down
You rushed outside to your car as the sun rose behind you. Slamming your key in the ignition, you turn it over and...nothing. Your godforsaken car wouldn’t start. You tried again and again but after the fifth tine, you sighed in defeat. You were gonna be late to work. Putting your head down on the steering wheel, you didn’t notice your neighbor’s approach. 
“Hey, are you okay?” 
Perking up, you notice the young girl, Sarah?, you think her name is, looking at you in concern. “Oh! Yeah! Actually, um not really. My car won’t start and I need to get to work. Do you know anyone in the neighborhood who could look at it?”, you asked. 
“My dad could. Let me go grab him for you”, she answered with a smile. 
Rushing inside, Sarah grabbed Joel and started tugging him towards the front door. 
“God kiddo. We’re not gonna be late. I’m comin’.” 
“No! Not that. The neighbor’s car won’t start.” 
“And this is cause for you running in like a bat outta hell?”, Joel asked with an eyebrow raised. 
“It’s the cute neighbor. The one you’ve been eyein’ since she moved in.”, Sarah slyly remarked. 
“I haven’t been eyein’ her.” 
“So, you know who I’m talking about,”, Sarah smirked, “C’mon! She’s gonna be late and she needs help. You can help and bonus points, you get to talk to her. Unless you wanna keep starin’ out the window every time she’s outside?” 
Joel stared at his meddling daughter and sighed, “Fine. Stop making me sound like a creep. I don’t stare.” 
You sat in your car as you waited for the girl to come back. Staring at the door she disappeared into, a tall man walked out. And you choked on your breath. Fuck, he was hot. Quickly catching your breath, you step out of the car and pop the hood. 
“Hey, I’m Joel. Sarah said your car won’t start.” 
“Hi. Y/N. Uh yeah, I tried a few times but it won’t turn over.” 
Joel nodded and grabbed my keys and stuck them in the ignition. It refused to turn over once more and Joel stepped towards you. 
“I’m gonna check under the hood real quick but I’m hopin’ the battery’s just dead.” 
You nodded as he went to check it out and you proceeded to check him out. Dirty jeans and an old band tee clung to his body as his hair flopped over his forehead. He moved around a little before his head popped back up and his eyes met yours.  
“So, unfortunately it looks like the timing belt’s been destroyed. It’s gonna need to be replaced but it’ll take a while for the fix and to get the parts to do it.”, Joel explained. 
“I don’t have that kinda time. Or money, honestly. Thank you though, for looking.”, you admitted. 
“I get it. How ‘bout I give you a ride to work today and we can look at it tonight and figure out a plan to get your car up and runnin’ again?” 
“I couldn’t. I work in the city and that’s too much to ask of you. You’ve already helped more than you needed to.”, you mumbled. 
“Lucky for you, I got a job in the city I’m already headed to and I’m a gentleman. I can’t leave you high and dry like that, darlin’.” 
With a simple Southern persuasion and the unwillingness to be too late, you were now sitting in Joel’s truck with Sarah in the back. Music hummed through the truck as you listened to Sarah and Joel talk about the mundane. It was nice, you thought. Your life had been quiet so long that you almost forgot what comfort sounded like. 
Pulling into the school, Sarah hopped out and wished her goodbyes to the both of you and you were once again on your way. This time to work, and subsequently, into your head. It was quiet as Joel drove into Austin as you daydreamed. Of what it’d be like to be a part of a family like the Millers. To feel welcome in one at that. Not that your own family was awful. Not at all. They were good people. To everyone but you. You were the outcast, the one destined to ruin the family image. Sure, you could’ve stayed and kept the peace but you were tired of being the topic of conversation everywhere you went. Tired of always being on edge. So, Texas became your escape. Your peace. This morning showed you that peace was possible because here, no one held the power to hurt you.  
Reality swooped in as you directed Joel towards your building. Parking out front, you turn to him once more, “Thank you again. For everything. I’ll make it up to you.” 
“Darlin’, you don’t need to make anything up to me. I don’t need your money or nothin’. It was my pleasure.” 
“Oh, well I had something better than money on my mind.” you remarked. 
Joel sat stunned as he stuttered out a quick, “Oh?” 
“Well of course I could pay you but you already know that situation. I was thinking food. I can cook some stuff for you and Sarah. It’s obvious you work hard and from what Sarah was saying, that’s an area I can help in.”, you beamed. 
Joel swallowed thickly as he realized your gratitude was a little more innocent than he was starting to think. He just nodded as you left the truck and started up towards the front of the building. God, you were gonna be the death of him. 
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Hello hello!:D
Just read the nsfw headcanons with Michael Monroe from the anon, and they were cute!🥰
Now, could I request what ,,First time with Michael" would be like?:0 (nsfw)
'Cause I suppose there's also gonna be lots and lots of kisses!:>
See ya!♡
a/n: ofc ofcc lotsa kisses :(( also this is kinda slow burn sorryyyy… and also sorry this took f o r e v e r goddamn! i’m back :3
i was made for lovin’ you- michael monroe
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it was another evening spent at the bar of some venue that the band played earlier that day. it was usually a good time, you’d made pretty good friends with the band and you enjoyed showing up to as many of their shows as possible in support of your boyfriend, michael. you’d been dating for a few months now, and you adored him and all his confidence and passion, not to mention his style and good looks.
ever since you’d befriended the band and became a part of the whole music scene in general, life had felt pretty much like a party every day, acomanied by good friends and your wonderful boyfriend. it was just another one of those nights, laughing and getting drunk at the bar. michael was keeping you close to him all night, which was pretty typical, though you thought he was acting a little different, and a little more… touchy. it didn’t bother you, in fact it felt nice to be close with him and have a protective arm around your shoulder casually. but there was a different look in his eyes, something you had never seen in him before, that you didn’t know how to feel about.
you and razzle were talking on and on about whatever, new stuff happening on melrose street, what bands were starting to pop up in different cities. music stuff. michael was quiet, though engaged and listening.
“mike and i saw this poster thing, i think it was yesterda-” you started to tell razzle, but were cut off by a spontaneous kiss on the cheek from michael. he lingered close to your face, eyes hazy when you turned to look at him in confusion.
“mike, are you alright?” you asked, squinting your eyes and cocking your head to the side. he cupped your cheek with his hand, tucking hair behind your ear as he did so.
“i’ve never been better- it’s getting kind of late, don’t you think?” he responded naturally. razzle noticed he was acting out a bit, and he too was confused.
“i guess so… are you ready to leave?” you asked softly. mike smiled at you and took your hand to help you stand up from the bar stool you’d been sitting at.
“i think so.” his words were kind of slurred, and you assumed he was drunk despite you questioning how he hadn’t had very much to drink. you nodded an ‘alright’ and started to wave goodbye to sami, who was having a separate conversation with nasty and some other drunks. because he only lived a couple blocks away, you and michael decided to walk to his place, where he offered to let you stay the night.
mike unlocked the door of his apartment, letting you inside first before stepping into the mildly messy flat and discarding his red leather jacket along with his keys. you slumped onto his couch, as he followed after you and basically had you in his lap.
“michael, what’s with you tonight?” you giggled, holding his head and taking another look into his icy, half lidded blue eyes. he didn’t answer immediately, but wore a straight face aside from a subtle smile and those drunk, lovey-dovey eyes.
“nothing’s wrong, everything’s very right, actually.” he paused to continue admiring your facial features with such focus that made you blush. “there’s just something i’ve been thinking about.”
“and what is that?” you asked, raising your eyebrows and smirking playfully.
“have you ever had sex?” he dove straight to the point, but it was surprisingly comfortable for you. except for the part where you had to answer him honestly.
“well, no, i mean not really…” you trailed off, looking away from his eyes.
“not really?” he chuckled.
“no.” you answered finally, rolling your eyes and blushing once again. he nodded, eyes remaining set on your own. he reacted calmly and without judgement, to your gratefulness.
“well, do you maybe think you’d want to try it with me?” he suddenly changed from the lost in the clouds, goofy smile mike to a shy boy who was slightly more humble. you giggled softly at his proposal, but thought about it for a minute.
“i don’t know what it’s like.” you answered, still giggly about a new feeling that had been brought up in you. he continued to smile sweetly at you.
“i’ll show you- it’ll be beautiful, okay?” he reassured you, not wanting to make you feel pressured but still very much longing for you. you whispered an ‘okay’ after considering the concept further. his smile grew, and he picked you up so you stood from the couch. he held your hands delicately and led you into his bedroom, lying you down on the bed and placing a kiss on your forehead.
“okay, will you undress for me, darling?” he asked while taking out his earrings to place on the nightstand and kicking off his boots. you obliged, carefully removing your shirt and exposing yourself to the cold air, quickly covering yourself with your arms instinctively. michael smiled sweetly.
“you don’t have to be shy, love. i already know that you’re gorgeous, you can’t hide it from me now.” he half-joked, hoping to loosen your tension and encourage you. you smiled and looked away, blushing again. you moved your arms from your chest to unzip your skirt and slide it down one leg and then the other, still nervously. mike pulled his own shirt over his head before unzipping his pants and dropping them to the floor. you couldn’t help but marvel at him, his tattoos accenting his pale skin and figure. he moved closer to sit with you on the bed, his eyes tracing down and across your body eagerly.
“see? stunning.” he tracked his gaze back to your face, landing on your lips and leaning in slowly to kiss you softly. and it felt different than before, more exciting, though scary all at once. your mind raced, feeling michael’s hands travel to your waist, then softly massaging your hips and pulling you into him. the action caused you to gasp, the feeling of him so suddenly close against you heightened that rushing feeling of excitement. you realized that it wasn’t only internal excitement once michael traced his hand suavely down to feel the damp warmth that signified your arousal. you squirmed when he slowly circled over your clit with a single finger, and he chuckled.
“how does that feel?” he whispered softly.
“i want more.” you replied quietly, breathing starting to pick up. he planted a soft kiss on the side of your face and moved his fingers to your entrance, slowly sliding a single finger into the wetness, causing you to gasp.
“alright?” he looked up at you again for approval, which you granted. he started to move his finger in and out of your entrance, watching his finger become coated in your juices. you relaxed into the pillows, moaning at the sensation. he kept pumping one finger steadily for a little while until he pulled away from you, causing your eyes to open and you to look at him in slight confusion.
“i need you bad, angel. are you sure you want to do this?” your eyes scanned his body and face, carefully considering his every word. you nodded, mouth agape and eyes wide and focused. he sunk back down to you, peppering kisses down your neck to your collarbone and a trail down between your breasts. he took his dick out of his only lasting confines, his breathing pattern picking up in speed while he carefully spread your legs and lined himself up the best he could before slowly pushing in just the tip.
“deep breath, okay?” he reminded you in a calm and warm voice, placing another lasting kiss on your chest. you whimpered as he worked his way into you, so careful not to hurt you yet he was evidently burning with passion already. he groaned as he bottomed out, hitting your walls deep inside you and feeling you around him satisfied something he’d been longing for. he didn’t stop checking in with you the whole way through, as he wanted to make you to feel as good as you made him feel.
“oh god, angel, feels so good.” mike groaned softly, praising you as he set a steady pace of thrusting after allowing you to get used to the new feeling of him inside you. as you hummed and let out sighs and moans in an uncontrollable response to the overwhelming sensation, especially once michael found the most sensitive spot deep inside your cunt.
“michael, i think- ah-” you struggled to speak, and cut yourself off with moans as he quickly caught on and continued what he was doing, angling his thrusts slightly upwards, going faster and harder than before but still very carefully.
“are ya close, babe? ah- i feel ya getting tighter around me- ngh” he spoke into your ear, leaning as close to you as he could. you nodded, grabbing onto his hair and accidentally tugging at the roots harder than you intended, earning a loud moan from the man on top of you.
“fuck, honey” he kissed down your jaw, his focus centered on getting you to come. then, an unexpected warmth came to your core and the feeling of michael’s length inside you, pounding at your g spot became almost too much before it became a blissful sensation like you’d never felt before. your head fell back into the pillows, allowing michael access to your neck while you moaned and seized on his cock as you came. michael groaned with you as your orgasm subsided, burying his face in your neck and pulling out of you suddenly to come on your stomach. you ran your fingers through his hair, breathing heavily. he came down from his own high, kissing your collarbone and laying his head on your chest comfortably while you continued combing his hair with your soft fingers.
“sorry about this mess, doll.” he chuckled apologetically, referring to his cum on your stomach. you exhaled and smiled, finally coming back down to earth.
“here, i’ll get you cleaned up.” with another most soft and painstaking kiss to your lips, he got up from the bed to get a towel and make you tea.
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book-girl4evaaa · 2 months
Heathers thoughts none of you asked for :)
Ok y'all so I've been on a plane so obviously I downloaded heathers and I thought "you know what? Lemme write down my thoughts, because I'm pretty crazy about this musical." So I did. These are the aforementioned thoughts. Enjoy if you choose to :)
Content warning: spoilers lol
Trigger warnings: murder, sex, suicide, sexual assault/violence, depression, anxiety are all mentioned. Also there is a lot of cursing because a lot of the songs cuss lol (if you've already seen it then there's nothing else apart from what's already in there)
It's about 3000 words long, and probably quite funny to read even if you don't know what's going on
Um yeah that's it, let's go!
My thoughts on Heathers
- "September 1st 1989, dearrrrr diary"
- (ok imma nerd out on the first line because September 1st 1989 could be a reference to September 1st 1939, but that's it I promise)
- welcome to my school, this ain't no high school this is the *thunderdome*
- "if I'm not dead by Juneeee" yeah about that-
- "then I can blow this town," um Veronica that's jds job
- "fight the urge to strike a match and set this dump ablaze" girl if you knew what would happen next....
- Life really isn't looking beautiful Veronica
- "smartest guy on the football team :0"
- "did you really just talk to me?" "My buddy Kurt just asked you a question" *nod/grunt/chest pop thing*
- (they are soooooo not straight)
- "dear diary: whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?"
- Heathers' entrance giving vogue tbh
- "no discernable personality but her mom did pay for implants,"
- "id like them to be nicer," Martha ur so real for that
- so everyone is just going to ignore that line about kidnapping them? Ok...
- why does miss Fleming act so dismissive of one of her students having an eating disorder? Like ummmm safe guarding?
- chandler not even knowing Veronica existed till she saved her ass lmao
- "if I took a meat cleaver down the *centre* of your *skull* I'd have matching halves.... That's very important :]"
- "ask me how it feels, looking like hellll on wheelsss... My GOD it's beautiful"
- ok first song done :]
- "more like the heathers are my co-workers and our job is being popular and shit,"
- "but it's still the same me underneath!" "You sure? 🤨"
- "how very" !!!!!!!!!!!!!
- "heather. Bend over."
- "...are we gonna have a problem?"
- honestly playing dolls sounds more fun than smoking with some quarterback to me but like wtv
- "say goodbye to shamu"
- step into my candy storeeeëëëEEEEE
- honey what you waiting for... "SHUT UP HEATHER!"
- "don't just quote bodelare at me and walk away?"
- "I didn't catch your name..." "I didn't throw it 😎🔥" jd thought he ate
- "my buddy Kurt just asked you a question" "*huh*"
- "I'm not sure what your problem is, but I bet it's pretty hard for you to pronounce." Ok jd ACTUALLY ate this time
- holy shit (holy shit) holy SHIT (HOLY shit) HOLY SHIT **Holy Shit** HOLY shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
- "why, when you see Boys fight, does it look so horrible, yet feel so riìïíîīïìight,"
- girlypop is infatuated
- her posing with him while he's frozen is pretty iconic tbh
- "if your still alive," she knows the chances
- (also death reference (?!?!?!?))
- the ball popping scene 😭
- "come on admit it you like the new kid," says you heather? We alllll know that you like someone who's name starts with v
- duke looks so scared :'(
- "they will get me safely through highschool," ehhhhhh
- "I'm not gonna change, I promise," ehhhhh
- it's my candy store it's my candy
- it's my candy store it's my candy
- it's my candy store it's my candy storeeeeeEEEEEE
- (also the choreography is eating)
- "plain or bq?" "BBBBBBBBBQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅"
- "greetings and salutations" fhhfsjsfdj
- "did you say cherry or lemon?" "I said big gulp,"
- "example: I don't really like my friends." "That's ok, I don't like your friends either ☺️"
- ayyy liquorice is good for voices, I see you set team
- Veronica just watching him sing (she's still infatuated)
- "I pray at my alter of slush" that sounds like an unhealthy relationship with a drink bro
- "shfhjsgskdfsgsdg" - JD sucking up his slushie
- "freeze your brainnnnn"
- riffing so early in the song are we? Slay
- "does ur mommy know you drink all that crap?" "Not anymore. When mom was alive -"
- (Veronica's face kills me every time)
- "the sky's gonna hurt when it falls so you better start building some walls"
- JD casually traumadumping on some random girl at the seven eleven
- "I don't see what the big deal- SON OF A BITCH"
- chandler being jealous because of JD is peak
- freeze your brain is underrated though
- "sure thing.... DUDE"
- the middle fingers at their son's 😭
- everyone in this musical is so fine
- I'm learning this choreography as soon as I get time
- adding to the character profile that McNamara's mom is a slight alcoholic
- "a hot guy smiled at me without a trace of mockery!" Ronica is really doing well though, this is like goals, like bro I'm still waiting on this for me
- why's miss Fleming a teenager all of a sudden?
- she's got moves those
- "how did I get this popular?" Because the demon queen of highschool has a hugeeee crush on you
- "dreams are coming true when people laugh but not at you," Veronica is so me (I'm still waiting for this but oh well)
- ✊✊🙌✊✊🙌✊✊🙌✊✊🙌
- "I'm not alone I'm not afraid I FEEL LIKE BONO AT LIVE AIDDDDD"
- "I'm actually having big fun!"
- that poor pinata 😔
- dang dang diggity dangy dang
- even I know that sparkling ciders a "no thanks" at a party, Martha
- "there's no alcohol in this, are you TRYING to POISON me?" Yeah about poison...
- "our folks got no clue bout half the shit there children do!" Me when Tumblr-
- "pin-yah-tah!" (That's how I say it too)
- ok the bullying Martha at the party is pretty realistic
- "what's your damage heather?"
- "nobody at westerberg is going to let you play their reindeer games!"
- Lick. It. Up.
- no way to treat the love of your life, chandler
- but I don't own a motorbike -
- *wait...*
- here's an option that I like
- spend these last few hours getting ✨ freaky ✨
- "Veronica, what are you doing in my roo-" "shhhshshshhhhssshshshhh"
- him going to kiss her and she's just like 🖐️ onto his face
- he honestly looks a little scared
- "so worlds unfair, keep it locked out there" ummm you snapped off his window lock remember?
- "that works for me,"
- not her hitting notes after making out which I'd struggle to hit with a warmup ✋😭
- the confidence it takes to perform that song on stage-
- tbh if I had that nightmare I'd be terrified too
- "I gotta go kiss her arobasized ass"
- Veronica's so silly I love her
- I kinda want chandlers pjs
- "hope you brought kneepads, bitch"
- "that stuff would kill her!" "Thus ending her hangover,"
- not JD calling her chicken for not wanting to kill 💀
- ooooo bro didn't tell her
- heathers soooo jealous of JD
- "I'd actually prefer you did this [begged] on your knees," like um that's a bit... You know...
- "but your still dead to me" funny choice of words chandler
- "c-c-corn n-n-nuts XP"
- "my problems were a miriad..." "I was having my period. HAHAHAHAha.... OH MY GOD"
- (fun fact I drew that line)
- "I learned to...kiss boys with my tongue" "that's good"
- Veronicas face when heather starts singing
- "Ur making me sound like air supply 🙄"
- no but heather doing the little movements as she sings like it's a tiktok dance
- "my 🤘🤘 rockstar mystique they wouldn't dare look in 🫱😔🫲 my eyessss"
- "starving children eating sand"
- "no one thinks a pretty girl can touch youuuuu" "heather touching me 😏" WHAT THE HECK NOT THE TIME BOYS REALLY NOT THE TIME
- chandler doing the little boogie because people actually like her now she's dead
- duke getting her photo bomb moment
- "do you think heathers mom keeps her room the same, like she's alive?" "....well that rugs gonna need a good cleaning "
- "my mom's cooking dinner....spaghetti.... With *lots* of oregano" iconic
- "Jd's dad will not be speaking at our wedding,"
- "nobody *cares* about your feelings" DUKE TAKE THAT BACK RIGHT NOW
- "from her homies 😔✊✌️" I love you heather McNamara
- ummmm McNamara, I love you but that isn't ok
- i m a r a t i n a t r a p c o r r e c t i o n i m t h e c h e e s e
- bro this song makes me very uncomfortable but it's really catchy
- why are they licking her hand 😭
- "cow manure " serves you right bastards
- "is that a joke?" "It is most definitely a joke " it was not a joke
- the transformation is smooooooth
- chandler sticking her tongue out has me dying she's such a good character
- tf are they slutshaming her for something that didn't happen, bitches
- Also dukes voice is so pretty like girl sounds angelic
- if I was in that sort of situation I would be sobbing so hard
- "our love is god"
- "your not alone" "your not alone" SOBBING.
- they're so cute yet so messed up
- why are the boys so gullible though like don't they remember literally earlier that day?
- unrelated but I would kill for a voice like any of these people (pun intended)
- then singing "our love is god" at different times because it means different things to each of them
- JD just acting all smart as he lies
- the gay look im dead
- "so do we just whip it out?" Bruh
- "I liked the tie..." "get the tie, get the tie," "my mom bought it for me 😏🫦"
- the matching underwear lmao
- "ur just unconscious, right ram?" WRONG
- "what the FUCK have you done?!" "I worship you ☺️🥺"
- Veronica home girl you sound terrified why are you still letting him hug you
- "Im going steady, mostly he's awesome, if a bit too rock and roll" BESTIE HES A LITERAL MURDERER
- "lately he's bumped off 3 of my classmates" EXACTLY
- "god have mercy on my soulllll" feel kinda bad for her here tbh like she's struggling hard
- "they were just 17" foreshadowing one of my favs
- "but now we'll never know...."
- "ok ur mad I get it," 👁️👄👁️ dude... you KILLED THEM?!? YOU CAN'T TAKE THAT BACK?!?!?!? LIKE YOUR HOT AND ALL BUT WHAT?!?!??!?!?!
- "ich lugë bullets? You lied to me," ich lugë literally means I lied
- "can they make you cry now?" "No, but you can..." Imma cry for the both of you
- "my teenage angst bullshit has a bodycount."
- "I love my dead gay son 💅💃✨"
- "they just had ✨flare!✨"
- "IM TALKING YOU AND ME" *gAsP* "in the summer of 83" *gAsP* "........ THAT....... was one hell of a fishing trip,"
- THE GAY TIES <33333333333 I WANT ONE
- ok but let's be real Kurt and Ram were definitely at least bi you all saw the grunts
- "who's next?" Tf do you MEAN who's NEXT?!?!
- "I could underline some meaningful passages in moby dick iykwim..." "NoOoOoOOO!"
- "and then kaboom" oooh so he's got trauma
- 17 = the song that gets me sobbing
- "we're damaged, *really* damaged, but that DOES NOT make us wise"
- "we're not *special*, we're not *different*, we don't CHOOSE who LIVES or DIES" this song hits hard every time
- "lets be NORMAL! see bad movies, sneak a beer and watch TV..." She just wants to be a normal teenager let her have that please and thank you
- "that really blows," ummmmmmmm poor word choice
- "play some poker" the game that you lie in JD? Huh?
- ayyy we're getting some more chemistry now
- not the time for a makeout sesh
- "if I am what you choose," 😭😭😭😭😭
- "your the one I choose," but in the end neither can choose eachother so now imma cry myself to sleep
- "just stop talking " jdronica fans everywhere:
- AYYYYYYYY shine a light love it
- "did you have a brain tumour for breakfast? 🙄" "No I had oatmeal ☺️"
- "well fuck me gently with a chainsaw " THE QUOTE THE QUOTE THE QUOTE (no mother Teresa but but oh well)
- "I'm in love with this fat girl!"
- "Veronicas going to lady prison heheheh," shut up you prick
- Veronica no need to be a bitch about it, I know you want to protect her but bro
- "but I-" "bUt iiu-" heather chandler is dead funny
- ugh screw off miss Fleming you're making it worse
- "whether to kill yourself or not is one of the hardest decisions a teenager can make," no joke bro, is that not common knowledge?
- shine a light is the exact stuff my school would pull if kids started committing suicide
- "STEVE! I'm ending our affair" Steve took it like a champ though
- I'm using the phrase "fan-fricken-tastic" whenever I can from now on
- the mood drop when heather said she wanted to kill herself was like 📉
- "and I'm like 'jesus I'm on the fricking bus again because all my rides to school are dead!'" they don't deserve you heather McNamara
- lifeboat is so real tho
- like that metaphor is so real
- heather McNamara is like dream role stuff
- "with people I know " not friends, because she doesn't feel like she has any friends anymore
- "are you saying westerberg is not a nice place?" Well yeah it sucks
- Martha looks so sad in the background
- "I don't patronise bunny rabbits?!"
- "I killed them!" No ur bf did but close enough
- shine a light reprise is literally me after 9:30 pm 🤡
- I'm probably sure they use tic-tacs
- "if everyone jumped off a bridge would you?" "Probably." Real
- "if you were happy all the time you wouldn't be a human being. You'd be a gameshow host" saved
- awwwww the hug is so cuteeee they have the best friendship dynamic
- (also people need to stop painting Mac as dumb, she's just naïve)
- "STOP TALKING OVER ME!" you tell him girl
- saved my aggression for him <3
- ok look I know he's a murderer but no-one deserves a parent like that, JD's shaking and he's like 17 this is not ok
- blud just shot a TV to take out his anger
- "I love the rush when you would hold me close but you will not be satisfied till I overdose" gnsgxcfzfzzggmsfs
- "blame the life you neve had, but hurting people that's your choice my friend..." PREACH
- "but I love you!" Ur-ur pointing a gun at her. Dude.
- "just in time I say nooo," um not quite
- "who's ready for the big game :D" such a vibe change
- why's the cheer chant so aggressive 😭
- "send you straight to hell!" They're highschoolers geez
- "nobody cares about Martha Dumptruck," I-i care?
- ok kindergarten is pretty good but the fact it doesn't rhyme makes me a little weird
- like it feels like a poem
- "some girls are meant to be alone," nooooooo
- she looks so happy like she's going to be free I'm going to cry :'(
- "we've been avoiding you because you're a terrible person" heck yeah
- "hmmmmm the plot thicknesssss"
- Chandler has the best lines
- yo girl is like anxiety but with ghosts
- "Veronicas running on running on fumes now Veronicas totally fried " same tune as Veronica open the door hehe
- knock knock 😃
- "BUT 🙌 BUT 🙌 BUT 🙌" he's so silly and murderous
- "BAM BAM BAM" JD should start a sound effects company
- even the way he says the chorus is eery
- no way he put "no thanks" on a suicide note 💀
- bro really wants to blow up an entire student body for one girl who doesn't even want him to
- (she said make this whole town disappear so he started at the school but she didn't mean it literally)
- "Veronica open the, open the door please" *intense tiktok flashbacks*
- ok but the swaying of her being hung was so realistic like whatttt
- I feel really bad for Veronicas mom here
- "noone here deserves to die except for ME and the monster I createddddd yeahhhh YEAHHHHH" devoured that high note
- (the reprise is so much better fight me about it)
- (like sex 👎 homicide 👍)
- (could biased as an acespec but who gives a doughnut)
- ohhh the cheer chant makes sense now
- "I wish I had more tnt" bruh
- she really brought a croquet mallet to a gun fight and won
- "I still believe there's good in everyone," she's willing to die for them I'm crying
- "please stand back now. A little further,"
- "our love is god," "say hi to god" I'm a wreck now btw <3
- "you look like hell," "I just got back" SLAYYYYYY
- the parking of the mobility scooter got me ok. I have to be honest
- "my date for the pep rally kinda blew uuuuuuuuu - me off" that really blows Veronica
- "my friendddd" :') they're healing
- "if no-one loves me now, someday somebody will," awwwwww ok this is fixing me
- the overlap of beautiful and 17 works so well because there's so much hopeeeee
- even the bows are good
Ok that's it now if you made it to here I'm impressed because that's about 3000 words :)
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jmrothwell · 3 days
Fic writer asks:
4, 11, 16, 24, 44, 70
(there are too many great questions!)
Thank you thank you! They are really good questions!! (found here)
Long post is long so there's a read more cut. (Question 16. (How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?) gets especially long because I decided I want to discuss all my WIPs.)
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
This is a wonderful question, and honestly it depends. Some ideas definitely are me reading or watching something and forming an AU around that. Sometimes it's listening to music and a vibe strikes me that I am like I must write a story that fits this vibe. Other times, I'll be daydreaming and a single scene will pop into my mind and haunt me until I write it down which usually leads to creating the world and circumstances to allow that scene to happen. Sometimes I get an impulsive (in the cases of my darker angstier stuff intrusive thought) and my brain is like wouldn't that be messed up? (Like Crash Pad, Ch 11 solely happened because I built the backstory for the POV character and brain went, you know what't be really screwed up?)
11. Link your three favorite fics right now
Oh geez. But there are so many good fics!! At this moment the immediate top 3 that jumped in my head were:
-It's a supernatural delight by @invisibleraven (JatP fic) -Trip of My Life (Every Time You're Touching Me) by @daintyduck99 (JatP fic) -Prince Charming's Jacket by hitechlatte (Rise TMNT fic)
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
So most of my fic ideas are in some WIP phase. (I'm serious when I saw I need a focus schedule to help me out) We Run Together - This next chapter is all Reggie being all anxiety riddled because Cam and Bobby take him shopping . . .still not sure if we're gonna get to the plane ride this chapter or next. Bobby's first since turning and Reggie's first period. . .it's a miserable affair for the two of them. I have this mental image of them during a layover just sprawled in the waiting away noses shoved in some sort of fast food bag or peppermint bag fighting off the queasiness of being trapped in a metal tube with a bunch of people, including young kids. . Hello Baby June, Goodbye Heart - I keep going back an reading what we have for the next chapter and all our notes. I don't know how much Ash is ok with me gushing about details bu I'll just say the stuff we've got planned it's literally that meme of "give me fic. 'you have to write it.' no write only fic." A lot of of my JatP wips are on rotisserie skewers in my brain right now, rotating, coming into view, reminding me of their presence, enticing me to work on them. And they ALL have moments that I am like, you were the scene! The reason I started this fic in the first place and I still haven't gotten to you yet!! . Crash and Burn - Gotta get through this last chapter of Crash Pad, which is gonna be fun. But then Glowing Embers!! Aaaah, the Donnie POV side of Crash Pad!! Especially Ch 9-11 of Crash Pad like I am at that point of must write this that I have worked myself into a frenzied state where writing is no longer possible . Finally the Donnie Double AU - This AU has so much angst potential. Right now I have two planned fics for it. An unnamed one where Mikey goes after the Donnie Duplicate to try and coax him back to the lair. Only instead he sets him off. And like I said, it gets angsty. The Donnie Duplicate 1000% believes he is OG Donnie, it is hardwired into him, no amount of evidence is going to convince him otherwise. Also hardwired into him is the belief that the only way to get his life back is to kill the entity that stole it from him i.e. OG Donnie. Which leads me to the second planned fic Meant to Be(working title, it may change). This is the reader insert(possibly OC) led fic. Essentially the premise is Donnie Duplicate runs into MC, and initially begins clinging to them out of an 'I just lost my entire support system' desperation that turns into a really unhealthy obsessive possessiveness. When I say it is pulling a lot of vibes, especially the planned ending, from Meant to be Yours from Heathers the Musical I ain't lying. In fact most of the vibe songs I am pulling for this lean into dark and angsty feels. Straight up have been listening to a song called Stalker's Tango on a loop for planning parts of this fic
24. Worst writing advice anyone ever gave you?
Hmmmmmm, this ones tough, if it was bad advice I most likely purged it from my mind. The thing is sometimes what is great advice for one person and their way of writing may be terrible advice for some one else. Like even the write daily advice, I think this is great advice. But it needs to be tailored to some extent. When I got back into fic writing I worked myself to the point where I am now needing to reevaluate my expectations of me and my writing. Because I can no longer keep up with the way I wrote a few years ago. The same advice I would have thought was great then would kill me now.
44. What mistakes do you keep making no matter how many times your beta corrects you?
This question would be easier if I had a regular beta XD. Personal mistake of my own that I keep noticing, I don't let the story breath enough.
70. When asked, are you embarrassed or enthusiastic to tell people that you write?
I have no hesitations telling people I write. I might not always discuss what the stories themselves are. But the brilliant thing about fanfiction is I don't have to, I can just talk about the joy of exploring the characters outside of canon, exploring how they would behave in different circumstances. At my sister's wedding a couple years ago, most people didn't even care about the what I was writing, more on the how I found the time. Because this was when I was in peak production mode, where I was slowly burning myself out with the sheer amount of writing I was doing without pacing myself at all.
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strawbubbysugar · 8 months
Hero In Shining Flannel
Y/N x June Sullivan (and hopefully Hello and Goodbye later lol)
CW: Indications of toxic relationship, mentions of bullying/harassment, as well as self-deprecating/depressive/anxious thoughts
Marshmallow🧡: Why didn’t you invite me??
A small pit forms in your stomach as you see the text message pop up on your phone. Of course you made another mistake. But…couldn’t you go to the mall by yourself? Is there an unspoken rule that you have to bring your partner with you everywhere you go?
You have no clue. Social rules and relationship rules are confusing and hard to maneuver. Sigh. You adjust your body on the edge of the fountain to a more comfortable position and text them back.
You: Sorry about that, I was just gonna do a quick purchase and leave. I know you like longer trips to the mall but I’m not feeling up to that today
The 3 bubbles pop up on your screen, indicating that they are typing. Not soon after, another text appears.
Marshmallow🧡: Dude it only would’ve been like an extra 20 minutes or something. I’m really hurt that you didn’t bring me with you ☹️
The pit grows larger. You furrow your brows at the “20 minutes” part of the text. Last time they said “20 minutes”, the two of you were there for an hour, and you almost had a meltdown right there in the mall because you needed to leave and get out of that overstimulating environment and they just wanted to keep shopping. But you were their ride, you couldn’t just leave them there. It’s a good thing you had your earbuds with you so you could ground yourself in your music. If you hadn’t had them…well. Let’s just say the trip would’ve gone a lot differently, and not in a good way. That trip only reinforced your rule of “always have earbuds or headphones with you”.
With a resigned sigh, you do the only thing you can. Your fingers shakily type out your response.
You: I’m sorry that you’re feeling hurt. I’ll invite you next time I promise.
The 3 bubbles appear again, and your body tenses in anticipation. After about 30 seconds, the bubbles disappear. You wait for about 10 seconds. Maybe the message is just taking longer to send from a spotty connection or something.
You realize after another 20 seconds that you’re probably not getting a message back for awhile. That’s bad, right? That probably means they’re really mad at you. Your stomach feels like it’s going to implode in on itself.
You hate this. You’re not cut out for this. This is just like high school all over again. Why can’t you do anything right? You should’ve known that they would see your location and want to come along. Why didn’t you invite them in the first place? You know they have anxiety about being left behind! What is wrong with you?? You’re a terrible partner. You don’t deserve-
“Hey, you alright?”
Your eyes snap up to a young blond man standing above you, looking slightly concerned. No no no, you can’t burden a stranger with your issues! You put on your best smile, hoping it’s convincing.
“Oh yeah, I’m good! Thanks for asking.” Please go away, I can’t talk to anybody right now…
The young man’s eyebrows furrow, and he looks like he’s pondering something. After a moment, he gives you a kind smile.
“I dunno if most people who are doing okay cry in the middle of a mall.” He sits down on the edge of the fountain next to you, facing towards you.
Wait, you’re crying right now? When did that happen? Great. Now you’re crying in public and making a stranger worry for you. Goddammit.
Before you can say anything, he speaks again. “Look, you don’t need to talk about it if you don’t want to. But if you do, I’ll totally listen!” He taps his fingers absentmindedly. “Or maybe we could go get a smoothie or something and not think about it.”
You just look at this guy, dumbfounded. He would just…do that for you? You try to think and make a decision in the span of a few seconds. You’re now really stressed about the situation with your partner, and you were planning on leaving the mall as soon as possible to get to a safe and controlled environment. But on the flip side, this guy is offering a distraction because he saw you were upset. You get a very kind aura from him, if you’re reading him correctly. Well, it wouldn’t hurt to try, right? You know you’d just spiral in anxiety if you went back home right now, anyway. Maybe a good smoothie and talking to someone who isn’t Marshmallow will be good for you.
You can’t bring yourself to keep up the forced smile, so you let yourself just look as anxious as you feel. “I mean…I guess a smoothie sounds good. But…you’re sure? I don’t want to get in the way of your mall trip.”
The man waves his hand dismissively. “It’s no problem at all! I want to help if I can. I’d much rather make someone feel better than mindlessly wander around stores.” He stands up and offers his hand to you with a sympathetic smile.
You take his hand and he gently helps you up before letting go. He puts his hand to his forehead to shield his eyes from the light, squinting and looking around. “Alright, smoothie smoothie smoothie, show me…smoothies.” He mumbles in a slightly silly voice.
You can’t help but sniffle and chuckle a little bit. “Do you…not know where it is?”
He looks at you, not dropping his smile at all. “I’m gonna be so honest with you, I don’t even know if this mall even has a smoothie place. I just assumed there is one. ‘Cause there’s gotta be, right?”
You softly chuckle again and gesture for him to follow you. “Well, you’d be right. It’s this way.” The two of you start walking down the large corridor towards the food court.
“So,” The man begins. “It’s not lost on me that I’m a total stranger offering smoothies. In our generation, that’s like, unheard of I think.” He chuckles before continuing. “So I just wanted to say here and now that if you get uncomfortable or your social battery dies, you can totally tell me to leave. The last thing I want is to make your day worse. So just do what’s best for you, alright?” He gives you that kind smile again.
You return his smile. For real, this time. Not forced. “Thanks. I appreciate that. A lot.”
“Of course!” He chirps. He suddenly sticks his hand out to you. “By the way, I’m June.”
You shake his hand politely and tell him your name. “Nice to meet you, June.”
You two break the handshake and he just doesn’t stop smiling. His positivity is infectious. “Likewise.”
The two of you walk in semi-comfortable silence for a minute or so until you make it to the food court. You scan for a moment before pointing off to the left. “There’s the smoothie place. Well, it’s not only a smoothie place. But you know what I mean.”
You look over at June, and notice he’s still staring around at the food court, and he’s finally lost his smile. Your brow furrows in slight concern. “June? You okay?”
That breaks him out of whatever thoughts he was having. “Yeah,” He shakes his head a bit and smiles again, though this time it’s a bit…sadder than before. “Just kinda reminds me of my old food court.”
He starts walking towards the smoothie place, and you quickly catch up and keep pace with him. “Oh, so you’re not from around here then?”
He shakes his head. “Nope. New around here, kinda getting a lay of the land.”
“Oh! I’d be happy to show you around.” You offer, surprising yourself. You can’t believe you just offered to do that for a total stranger. He could be dangerous, for all you know! But looking at him in his little blue flannel jacket and those headphones around his neck, the way he fidgets and speaks, and just the overall positive vibes he emits, you can tell. He’s a trustworthy dude.
June’s eyes light up upon your offer. “Oh shit, really? That’d be awesome!”
“Sure!” You smile.
The two of you order your smoothies and find a quiet table to sit at and chat.
“So-“ The both of you start at the same time.
“Oh sorry, you can go!” You say first.
June shakes his head. “Nah nah that’s okay, what were you going to say?”
“As much as I want to say ‘no, you go’, I don’t want us to be going in a circle for who knows how long,” You giggle. “So, alright. I’ll go. I just wanted to say ‘Welcome’, I guess. I think that’s what one is supposed to say in situations like this?” You look away, feeling like maybe that’s not the right thing to say.
“But like I’m not saying that specifically because I feel like I’m supposed to, I genuinely am welcoming you here because you seem cool.” You awkwardly freeze, expecting June to laugh at you or make fun of you.
“Thanks! I appreciate the welcome. And for being called cool!” He smiles. “Always nice when people boost my already overinflated ego,” he obviously jokes.
You both laugh for a few moments. It feels…really nice. “So what were you gonna say?” You ask, taking a sip of your smoothie as June answers.
“Ah, I was just going to ask what you do around here. Job, school, that kind of thing! If you don’t mind me asking.”
You shake your head. “I don’t mind at all! I work part-time at a general store kinda near here. It has a dumb name. ‘Everything Ya Need’.” You roll your eyes with a smile just thinking about it.
June snickers a bit. “Ah yeah, I remember seeing that place and loving the name!”
The two of you smile wider at that. “That’s actually really close to where I work. That new repair and parts place, ya seen it?”
You nod your head. “Mhm! Yeah, I know that place. Haven’t been ‘cause I haven’t had a need to, but I think it’s good we’ll have a shop like that around here. Do you like working there so far?”
June puts his chin in his hands and takes a large gulp of smoothie. “Oh definitely!” He nods. “Couldn’t ask for a better job or coworkers.”
“Awe, that’s so good to hear!” You smile, genuinely happy for him.
“What about your job?” June asks. “Do you like your coworkers?”
You clench your teeth and look away for a couple moments. “Um…I guess it’s not as bad now that this one dude got fired. But the store was so desperate for people that at first, they didn’t fire him even when he was literally harassing and bullying me. And you might be thinking ‘well, why didn’t you quit?’ And it’s because I was too scared to. I know my tasks there, I know the people, it’s comfortable. I didn’t want to have to do more job searching and the terrifying interview and go into the unknown where I would have no clue what to expect. Sad, I know.” You sigh and take an ashamed sip of loser smoothie.
June’s eyebrows furrow in sympathy, and he gives you a reassuring smile. “Hey, come on now. That’s not sad, I totally get it. The comfort of routine and the fear of the unknown are super valid. Even if a routine may have something that hurts you, it’s easier…and feels safer to stay with that than to risk doing something new that could…go wrong.” His voice and his smile oddly faltered a bit by the end there. His blue eyes cloud for a moment, seeming distant, as if he’s remembering something.
“Right, yeah. You get it!” You try to break him out of whatever potential bad memories he might be reliving. “Thanks for validating me.”
June’s eyes flicker back to you, and his cute smile comes back.
Wait. What did you just call his smile??
“Of course!” He says, and you hope to heaven above that your face looks normal.
“So, um…” you try to think of something to talk about before you start accidentally making yourself blush more or something. “Is it alright if I ask you why you don’t tie your shoes? At least, I assume it’s on purpose, given that you’ve had a couple chances to tie them. If that is a rude question or too intrusive, I apologize!” You try not to wince at the anticipation of him getting upset with you for asking him that question.
After June swallows a sip of smoothie, he waves his hand dismissively. “Oh, no it’s not rude! You’re all good. I just don’t like them feeling uneven.”
Your eyes widen, and you subconsciously lean a little towards him over the table. “Wait, you hate uneven shoes too?? Oh my gosh, I’m so glad I’m not alone in that!”
June tilts his head to the side a bit with a reassuring smile. “Of course you’re not alone in that!”
You look down at your slip-on shoes, just wanting to peek at them due to them now being the topic of conversation. “Well, that makes me feel better. Nobody I know has ever talked about it. I’ve been late to class a couple times because I had to re-tie my shoes like, 4-6 times to try to make them feel even. It’s so annoying. I’m very thankful for slip-on shoes, that’s for sure.”
June takes another sip of smoothie, and you follow suit. “Geez, yeah that’s rough. I’m glad you got some slip-ons, though!”
“Thanks! I’m glad that I know a fellow even-feeling shoe enjoyer now. It’s validating as hell,” you chuckle, and June chuckles with you.
The nice moment between you two is interrupted by a loud buzz from your pocket. June looks at you curiously as you tense up.
“Oh boy.” You slowly start pulling your phone out of your pocket, cursing your hand for shaking.
You take a moment to gather the courage to look at it, and…you slump down in your chair with relief when you see it’s just a text from your mom asking how your day is going.
“Oh thank fuck,” you exhale.
June looks at you curiously, but obviously seems conflicted due to not wanting to intrude on your personal life. You give him a knowing look.
“It was my mom. I was worried it was going to be my partner,” you take an awkward sip of smoothie.
June’s eyes widen ever-so-slightly, but he quickly composes himself. “Oof.” He also takes an awkward sip of smoothie.
You’re not liking the tense silence now, so you decide to move on. “I don’t really want to spill all of my relationship issues onto you when we just met, even if you’re willing to listen. Which I appreciate, by the way. I’d like for you to associate my presence with…well, not trauma-dumping, that’s for sure!” You chuckle.
June looks a little concerned again for a moment, but lets it go. “I get it. I’d probably do the same thing in your shoes. So…do you want to not think about it for a while?”
You nod your head eagerly. “Definitely. How about that tour I offered?” You ask, slightly desperately.
June shoots you a solid thumbs up while sipping his drink. “Sounds good to me!”
After the finishing of smoothies, you and June throw your cups away and start walking around the mall. You show him your favorite shops, what kinds of other shops are available, and the quietest times of the week. Luckily, June has no problem having a fast tour of the mall so the both of you can leave and explore the quieter town.
As you walk around, you two pass both your workplace as well as the shop June works at, and you end up exchanging some work stories.
“Yeah, I have a knack for scaring the shit out of Matt,” June laughs. “I swear that I try to let him know I’m there before I tap his shoulder! He’s just so easy to spook.”
You giggle at that, imagining a gruff and rugged 40 year old man jumping 10 feet in the air from a little shoulder tap.
“Poor Matt!” You can’t help but smile.
June waves off your sympathy. “Ah, he’s fine. Don’t worry about him!”
“Okay,” you laugh. “I’ll take your word for it.”
You end up telling June a couple of work stories that don’t involve the guy that harassed you, or basically just any negative stories in general. I don’t want to be a Debbie downer. I gotta make sure I’m somewhat pleasant to be around so that I don’t ruin things right out of the gate with him.
The more you walk around town with June, the more you properly forget about your partner being mad at you, and the anxiety in your stomach subsides for a while. Talking with June feels really nice, he’s super understanding, and the conversations flow so easily. You have trouble remembering the last time you had such a pleasant time with someone other than Marshmallow. You furrow your brow as you think about the fact that you don’t really spend time with anyone other than them. Even if you’re with friends or acquaintances, they’re there.
Don’t ignore their anxiety. Their last partner really messed with their head, it’s okay if they want to come with you to places. How selfish can you be?
You’re pulled out of your spiral when June says your name.
“Huh? What?” You ask, hoping you didn’t space out for too long. Ugh, June must think you’re such a scatterbrain!!
“You good?” He asks, with that concerned look again. You hate making him look like that. You want him to smile, you don’t want him to worry about you.
“Yes, thank you.” You smile and shake your head in a futile attempt to clear it. “Um, so…ah.” You gesture to the park that the two of you are currently walking past. “This park is a nice place to chill and relax, at least when there’s not too many people. It’s nice to watch the birds.”
June looks around at the park’s trees with a soft smile. “Hmm. Good to know! Love me a good birb.”
You chuckle at that, focusing on his smile. “Well,” you clap your hands together gently. “I’ve taken up enough of your time, it’s been-“ you check your phone’s clock and your eyes widen. “Holy shit, 2 hours. Damn.” Time really flew by, it felt like 45 minutes…
June holds his hands up reassuringly. “Hey, it’s no problem at all! I really appreciate you taking me around town and showing me where stuff is.”
You nod at him with a small smile. “Absolutely!” You hold out your hand to him, offering a handshake. “Well, June, it was really nice to meet you! Thank you for being kind enough to check in on a distressed stranger. You’re a good dude.”
June returns the handshake, his face looking slightly bashful. Adorable, you can’t help thinking to yourself.
“Of course! Wasn’t just gonna pass you by. It was really nice to meet you as well!” He smiles politely, but it doesn’t look forced, to your relief.
You and June let go of the handshake, and you point your thumb in the general direction of your apartment. “I’m walking this way, which direction are you going in? ‘Cause I don’t wanna do that thing where we say goodbye and then we awkwardly end up walking in the same direction.”
June laughs, and it’s a wonderful laugh. Not one of judgement, not one of teasing, but one of understanding. He points his thumb in a different direction. “I totally getcha! I’m going that way, so we’re good on that front.”
“Okay, cool. Well June, it’s been a pleasure. Maybe I’ll see you around town again sometime.” You shrug casually, hoping you’re giving the correct signal that you don’t expect him to give you more of his time, but letting him know you’re open to spending more time with him.
“Yeah, for sure! That’d be cool.” He gives you a friendly wave and gently says your name. “Take care!”
You grin and wave back at him. “You too!” You watch him walk away, and let out a quiet, contented sigh. You watch June stick his hands in his pockets, just looking at stuff around him as he walks, as if everything he passes deserves to be acknowledged and observed.
You don’t want to be weird, so you turn towards the direction of your apartment and start walking home. Instead of having anxiety again about your partner as you make your way back, you instead think about June. The way he made you feel so validated and understood. How he didn’t judge you, how he was laughing with you, not at you, and how it felt so easy to talk to him. You can’t help but feel really happy at the possibility of seeing him again sometime.
Even if your relationship never makes it past acquaintance status, even if you never talk with him again, you’re thankful for the time you got to spend with him today. He made you feel a little less alone, and made you feel better about some things you were either ashamed of or worried about.
You look over your shoulder, spotting him one last time as he grows further in the distance. Your lips curl into a small smile, your heart feeling full.
Thank you, June.
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bcofl0ve · 2 years
Invisible String (Part 6)
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part 6/9
ship: austin butler x fem!reader
summary: a summer fling when you were working on the set of the shannara chronicles turned your life upside down with a positive pregnancy test after austin returned to the united states. a pregnancy test, and a daughter that you never told him about. until the elvis biopic found him back in your orbit and forced you to face the music.
chapter summary: austin comes back from the week long stint in the u.s., things are discussed and things are realized.
word count: 3780 (longest part yet!)
author’s note: V*MIT TW in the last day/chunk, but nothing too graphic! this is very dialogue heavy but our fav doofuses have quite a bit to talk about 😅 next chapter is an austin pov interlude thing and i am VERY excited for that so ty for sticking with me here!
i live for comments and love talking about my writing, feel free to pop me an anon anytime!
June 28th, 2020
You sent Austin a text after you listened to the voicemail saying you got it and did want to talk. But outside of quick hellos and goodbyes on the outskirts of him facetiming Cora you hadn’t said much else to each other. And you didn’t want to prod on his first day back after he spent an obscene amount of time traveling, so you settled on trying to catch him at the end of everyone’s first day back on set.
It was a late night- but you didn’t think you’d sleep if you put it off another day. 
Spotting him heading in the same direction you were as you got closer to his trailer, you walked a faster to catch up to him. Austin turned when he heard the footsteps, looking startled until he realized it was you.
“Didn’t mean to scare you,” You supplied and he waved you off. “‘is alright.”
It fell silent between the two of you again, and you crossed your arms over your body, suddenly feeling small in the dimly lit trailer lot. 
“Follow me home? Cora will be in bed, but if you still wanna talk,”
“I do.” He said quietly, adding that he just had to change and then you could head out. When he climbed the steps and opened the trailer door to go inside he didn’t close it right away, tilting his head back towards you.
So you followed him in, standing against the closed door as he pulled his costume off and changed into street clothes. 
“How was your trip back?” You tried after a minute and he chuckled under his breath as he tugged his sweatshirt over his head. “Really fuckin’ long.”
The quip broke some of the tension at least, the two of you making amicable small talk as you walked to the parking lot. The next ‘big thing’ being filmed was the Vegas residency, the way Austin practically buzzed as he talked about how excited he was almost making you forget you were upset with him. 
“Go say goodnight if you want, I’m gonna make tea.” You said as you opened your front door and he disappeared down the hallway while you relieved the babysitter. You were sitting cross legged on the couch when he came back out, standing in the mouth of the hallway looking almost nervous to approach. 
“Sorry for being such a bitch on the phone.” You said bluntly as he finally did walk over.
“Hey, don’t call my baby mama a bitch.”
A laugh escaped at that, but then Austin sat down next to you and you were nervous all over again.
“And you weren’t being a bitch anyways, you were hurt.” 
“Didn’t really have the right to be, you can't cheat on someone you're not dating.” You stated, Austin not letting that go without a rebuttal either.
“Sure, but I think I earned the tongue lashing.”
Biting the inside of your cheek, you took a short breath to gain a smidgen more composure before you started talking again.
“Said in your voicemail that you didn’t sleep with her.” 
You looked down and focused in on a loose thread hanging off your cardigan sleeve, seeing him sit up a little straighter out of the corner of your eye.
“I didn’t. She was kinda upset when we were talking about Cora. I didn’t wanna be a douche so I tried to comfort her and she had her head on my shoulder. Got done snifflin’ and kissed me.”
You didn’t disagree that the other woman was owed an explanation of the timeline. A clarification that you were only involved during their break and that Austin really didn’t have the faintest clue about Cora until April. But a pang of possessiveness coursed through you as Austin was relaying the chain of events. You tried unsuccessfully to push it down.
“We did uh, makeout. But when she went for my shirt we both snapped out of it. And then she started freaking out asking if she’d just made me a cheater and I said not exactly, because we weren’t exclusive- the rest just kinda tumbled out.”
His retelling of that part in the voicemail had left with more questions than answers, mainly surrounding the three word slip that had felt like an anvil dangling over your heads since it had happened.
You swallowed thickly, forcing yourself to look at him. “So when you said what you said, on Facetime,”
“I meant it.” He started, clearing his throat. “It was the heat of the moment, yeah, but it only slipped out cause it was all I’d been thinking about since leaving you two at the airport. How different it felt to know I was coming back- good different.”
“Cora missed you like crazy, drove me nuts when I was still mad.”
It was a redirect, but you were starting to get overwhelmed and it tumbled out before you could convince yourself to just swallow your anxiety and push on. Not a good enough redirect though, not when Austin only focused on the last part.
“So you aren’t anymore? Mad, I mean.”
“Upset, a little jealous. Not mad.” You said, suprised by your own honesty.
Austin seemed to be too, pulling his eyebrows together.
“Jealous of what?”
Returning to the loose thread on your cardigan, you plucked at it aimlessly. “That if you wanted to get back with her it’d be easier. Less strings attached, nothing tying you down- less to lose it it didn’t work out.”
You realized you were rambling and stopped abruptly, the room was silent when you did save for the low buzz of the radiator.
Austin broke the silence first, running a hand down his face.
“I get that you’re looking out for Cora by keepin’ me at arms length here Y/N, a hundred percent I do. But I guess my thing is that don’t plan on going anywhere. And I want to be with you if that’s what you want too.”
I want that more than anything, you thought, but what came out of your mouth was the thing that had made that feel off limits permanently since April.
“If you hadn’t come back for Elvis, if we never ran into each other,” You said tightly, fidgeting with your hands. “You probably wouldn’t have ever known Cora existed unless she tried to find you on her own as a teenager or an adult. And I don’t understand how you could ever forgive me for that.”
You were embarrassed by how much your voice was shaking, really not wanting to cry and feeling dangerously close.
Austin sucked his bottom lip in and took a short breath before he spoke, voice gentle.
“I forgave you the minute I saw Cora when she came out of the hallway that first night. So little, lookin’ just like me. I understood instantly why you did what you did to protect her.” He started.
"And I think what you need to do now, Y/N, is forgive yourself. I would’ve loved to be involved sooner, but you weren’t keeping me away to be cruel. You were protecting our baby the best way you knew how, that’s it.”
Swallowing thickly, you looked down in an attempt to hide the tears you felt pooling. What you wanted to say was that you didn’t even know how to begin to do that. That every time Cora told you how much she missed him when he was gone for one night- or you watched her run to the door to greet him, guilt surged through you like a lightning bolt.
Not just over what Austin had missed out on either, but what Cora had too. And you knew somewhere in the back of your mind that you needed to forgive yourself before it ate you alive.
Hearing it out loud, from him, that's what put a lump in your throat.
Austin scooted a little closer, asking you softly to look at him as you swiped at your eyes.
You felt his hand on your knee when you lifted your head, the way he was massaging your leg about to do you in because God- you loved him.
But scared that you’d start crying in earnest if you tried to articulate even half of what you were thinking, you kissed him. And Austin kissed you back as you maneuvered over into his lap, hands sliding up your neck to your cheeks as he pulled away just enough to talk.
“I love you so much honey,” He whispered, rubbing his thumb against your jaw. "You know that?"
Tilting your head to the side to kiss his fingers where they were resting against your face, you gave a small nod. “I do.”
It was a couple hours later when you worked up the nerve to say a certain three words back, laying in bed tracing infinity loops over his shoulder blade with your index finger. You thought he was too close to sleep to hear it until you felt him stir, eyes fluttering open as he pulled you in a little closer by the arm he’d had wrapped around your torso.
It felt good to be love and be loved in return. You could get used to that.
July 22nd, 2020
Not a lot changed after that night, mostly because of the fact that you’d been acting like a couple from the second you ended your “not in a relationship” conversation anyways. But the little adjustments that did crop up were welcome.
Austin practically lived at your flat, only going to his when he had an obscenely early set call. The two of you sat Cora down a week in and explained to her in four year old terms that mommy and daddy were in a relationship, something she made sense of via proclaiming that the the two of you were just like Flynn and Rapunzel. Not that you minded the comparison. 
And on top of all that Austin got a new manager that couldn’t have been a sweeter woman. To the extent that she brought a little present for Cora the first time she came over to meet with the two of you together.
All in all things were going better than you ever imagined they could.
Save for the lingering anxiety in the back of your mind about what was going to happen when Elvis wrapped. You felt secure in the knowledge that Austin wasn’t going to up and ghost, but it regardless wasn’t a topic you could avoid broaching for much longer.
“Hey Aus?” You said on the drive to set one day, rubbing your thumb against his hand where he was holding yours over the console. He glanced over at you with a quirked eyebrow, and you looked at the road as you spoke.
“What are we going to do when Elvis wraps? Cora and I are both Australian citizens. And I hate asking you to uproot your life- but the thought of losing you all over again,”
You didn’t realize how anxious you really felt about it until that last part slipped out, Austin squeezing your hand as he pulled to a stoplight. 
“Do you think you’d wanna move to the U.S.? If you don’t wanna uproot Cora we can look at me movin’ here.”
He said it so casually, like he wasn’t suggesting he leave his entire life behind to move across the globe, and it went right at your heart. 
“I can’t ask you to do that. She’s still little, and sure visa shit would take time but I think she’d adjust okay.”
“Alright then, so we’re gonna figure this out, and no one is gonna lose anybody.” He replied with a smile as he raised your interlocked hands to kiss them before driving through the green light. “I promise.”
The conversation lingered in your mind all day at work, and still was after work when you met up with Leah for Chinese food. Immediately, and unsurprisingly, she noticed.
“You’re quiet.” She stated, looking at you over her work with a skeptical expression.
“I finally asked Austin about what we’re gonna do after filming wraps.”
Twirling noodles around your fork, you glanced around to make sure you were mostly alone before you continued. “He offered to move here if I thought moving to the states would be too much for Cora. And I think she’ll be fine, I told him that.” 
“So are you lookin’ at getting a K1 visa?”
You almost spit your food out at that, Leah laughing at how wide your eyes got. It had come up in the research you’d starting during your break on set, but you made haste in scrolling past those results.
“We’ve haven’t even been together together for a full month, we’re not getting engaged Leah.”
She didn’t seem to take that for an answer, putting her fork down to prop her head up on her hands. “C’mon, do you really think there’s going to be anyone else?”
You knew what she was implying but you were quiet for too long and she rephrased the question anyways, tone a degree more serious.
“Do you think either of you are going to end up with someone else at this point? You’re planning on moving countries for him, moving Cora. I like to think I know you pretty well Y/N and you wouldn't be willing to sacrifice so much if you didn’t think Aus was your end game here.”
Picking her fork back up, she pointed it in your direction with the look she’d always given you when there was no point in arguing against whatever she was saying. Not that you had a particularly good argument, that in itself a realization that felt heavy.
“When you know you know, that’s all I’m saying.”
July 29th, 2020
Since the the dust settled between the paparazzi fallout and figuring your relationship out Cora had become a semi-regular visitor on the Elvis set whenever Baz gave the greenlight for it. She had Austin and just about everyone else wrapped around her finger, quickly becoming little miss popular among the cast and crew whenever she was around.
And it did your heart good to watch everyone take her under their wings, the fears you’d had about losing your job over the ‘scandal’ of it all feeling silly in hindsight.
On this particular day the two of you had opposing schedules, Austin leaving the day at two after an early morning call when you were just coming in to work lights for some casino scenes with Tom. You brought Cora with you to swap off, and give her some time to run around what had quickly become her favorite playground.
The last you saw after the switch she was fine and giggling on Austin’s shoulders as he showed her around the International Hotel set. So when you had a couple seconds to check your phone almost an hour after you parted ways, the text from twenty minutes prior that you were just seeing came with a bit of whiplash.
Hey, Cora threw up. Gonna take her back to yours once she seems okay enough for the car ride. DW about rushing home but call when you get a minute.
Well, you were worrying whether he wanted you to or not. And you were about to call when you heard footsteps coming towards you and looked up to a rather frantic production manager. She seemed to clock that you knew why she was there, running a hand through her hair.
“Been running around like a mad woman trying to find you, Austin’s on his way to parking lot B.”
You thanked her before taking off across the studio, spotting him getting into the drivers seat of his car as you reached the lot. Speeding up to a run so he didn’t drive off before you reached him, you managed to get there before he hit the gas.
“Hey, I’m so sorry- she was fine earlier, I wouldn’t have brought her to set if she was sick.” You rushed out as he rolled down the window, waving you off. “Kids puke baby, nothin’ to be sorry about.”
Your attention was pulled by sniffles before you cohort respond, Cora having spotted you from the backseat. Opening her door and crouching down, you were met with a four year old hiccuping through tears.
“Sick on daddy,” She whined, cheeks flushed.
“She threw up on you?
Turning towards the drivers seat you realized Austin didn’t have a shirt on under his hoodie. And you hoped that at least meant she hadn’t thrown up on the Elvis jumpsuit Austin had on when you first got to set.
“I was already outta costume,” He supplied with a little shrug, and you muttered a quiet “Thank you Jesus.”
Sighing as you stood back up, you reached into your back pocket for your phone as you spoke. “I can tell my supervisor what’s going on and he’ll let me go, he’s good about Cora.”
But Austin shook his head, reaching for your arm to stop you. “I got her, really.”
You met his eyes then, realizing suddenly why he was being so insistent about you staying at work. He’d been alone with Cora before. But the worst he’d had to do thus far was talk her down from the occasional tantrum. 
This was different, and you got the sense that he was treating it like some sort of parenting litmus test. And while you didn’t have any intentions of drilling his abilities as a father yourself, ever, you were touched by how adamant he was being about the whole thing.
So you put your phone back in your pocket with a soft “Okay”, giving Cora a goodbye with an assurance that you’d be home later before shutting her door.
When you popped back up to the driver's seat Austin leaned out of the car window for a kiss, promising he’d call if she got much worse.
Your phone buzzed only a couple minutes after you’d walked off, leaving them while he was still parked getting Cora calmed down because you had to get back to set.
Thank you for trusting me. Love you.
The message brought a smile to your face in spite of how shitty the situation was, and you shot back a Love you too. before put your phone on do not disturb. If Austin called it would come through anyhow, and you wanted to try your best not to helicopter text about Cora.
When you were leaving for the night and did check your phone you had a litany of notifications from Austin. And Cora being sick was far from ideal, but the live feed he’d been keeping you on via text was so sweet you found yourself laughing some under your breath.
No puking in the car, considering that a win.
Got her to keep a couple crackers down.
Nevermind. 😅
Outfit change #2 time (for me, not Cora bless her heart).
She threw up when she was laying in bed and missed the bowl. Put the dirty stuff in the washing machine but don’t know where you keep the spare bedding and don’t want to leave her alone to look too hard. Gonna set us up on the couch.
The next message came with a photo of the back of Cora’s head, blonde hair pulled into two braids that you didn’t think looked all that bad.
Asked me to do her hair after I gave her a bath, I did my best!
I hate knowing you’ve been doing this all by yourself all this time. You’re a super mom.
Cora hasn’t thrown up in a hot minute and says she’s feeling “less yucky” so we might be out of the woods. Think we’re both gonna be asleep by the time you get home though. I love you.
He’d assumed right by that, the sight that met you as walked into your flat the both of them asleep on the couch. Cora was curled up under Austin’s arm, her head resting against his neck with a hand on his face.
The sight was so sweet you snapped a photo before moving to wake them up. Which you felt a horrible about, but Austin couldn’t afford to screw up his back on your couch or get whatever Cora had come down with. Which it might’ve be too late to avoid given that she’d thrown up on him, and from what you’d assumed by his texts a second time at that. Better safe than sorry though.
He stirred when you scooped Cora up off of him, a flash of panic crossing his eyes before he realized it was you.
The husky “Oh, hi,” he gave you sounded absolutely exhausted, his eyes not even open all the way for a minute there.
“I’m gonna let her sleep in my bed,” You whispered over your daughter’s head as he sat up slowly. “And I hate to kick you out but I don’t want you to catch whatever she has.”
Austin stretched his back, waving you off as he turned back to face you. “‘s fine. I think it’s just food poisoning anyway, she didn’t have a fever or nothing.” 
“And if it’s the flu then Baz is gonna have my head for getting you sick.” You replied, knowing the argument was already lost.
He followed the two of you down the hallway, Cora waking up fully as you were laying her down in the middle of your bed. Opening her eyes, she gave a little tired smile when she saw you.
“Hi momma,” She said so quietly you almost didn’t hear her, and it was moments like this that you really understood what people said about your kids being your heart walking around outside of your body. Brushing a few hairs out of her eyes, you smiled softly.
“Hi Cor, you feelin’ a little better?”
She nodded at that, but pulled her gaze away from you to scan the dark room, sitting up some in your bed as you laid down next to her. Austin was across the room plugging his phone in, your bedroom too dark with the lights off for Cora to see where he went.
“Where’s daddy?” 
“Right here sweetie,” He said softly as he came back over, climbing into bed and pressing a kiss to her head as he laid down.
Cora ended up sandwiched between the two of you, her head knocked back on Austin’s chest with a foot nudged almost in your ribcage.
And Austin had a protective arm slung over the both of you, Leah’s words running through your head like a skipping CD as you tried to sleep.
“When you know you know, that’s all I’m saying.”
tag list (tags don’t always work, i do my best!): @chernayawidow @theinvisiblecapricorn @aalishifts @mavericksicybabe @cryingabtab @kittenlittle24 @invisiblee-smoke @mrs-munson-quinn @cevans-winchester @kikilovesdankmemes @oh-austin @chrissie-soula @starcatchxr @butlervol6 @thedeviltohisangel @redhoods-gf @gabrielajimenez @stlover288 @alqvarde @loudwombatmugkid @austinbrainrot @ab4eva @m0ndayagain @marlowmode @kingbouji3 @gardenavenue @yeonimii @eliseinmemphis @blurredcolour @tiddieshakeshownu @fallininlovewithurlove @briannaisanxious @amiets2 @karamelcoveredolicity @amnmichh @mrsniallhoran505 @strokesofstokes @starry-night-20
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base0h · 2 years
Feel free to ignore this If it isn't your cup of tea!!!! ^^
For your op au, You know how in some movies and/or shows fictional characters somehow come to life in the real world? Reader-san is somehow, some way in their world (either Reader popped out from fiction or the boys meet someone *just* like reader?) (Obvs pick whom you want for this ^^")
a/n - yes. Yes yes yes 😭 this idea is literally everything in the world rn 🥺 I’m gonna go with worstgen bec why not 🫡 tysm anon for the request!!
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, swapped!au, yet another reminder that I bully kid, masterlist here
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- He was peacefully (not that peacefully) chowing down on a huge piece of meat on a plate in front of him
- Hungrily chewing it as fast as he could and gobbling it all up even quicker
- One piece was on the tv in front of him, his eyes never seeming to be able to leave the screen
- He saw his favorite character, you, the Crimson Reaper, come closer and closer towards his screen
- You came to a point where it looked like you were about to fall through
- And suddenly? You did, you slipped through, falling onto the floor in front of the tv, hitting your butt
- Luffy’s chewing stopped, his jaw wide open just before he could take another bite
- If only someone could’ve taken a picture-
- “Hello- where am I?..” You asked him, confused as to why he was eating like that
- Luffy almost choked on the ginormous bite he had to swallow
- “You’re y/n! Y/N L/N!”
- He rushed forward and gave you a big hug, tackling you and yelling about how cool your attacks are and demonstrating them as he clung onto you like a little monkey barnacle
- You were overwhelmed by the sudden contact, and it was weird to have.. A fan
- “Thanks. but uh seriously- where am I?”
- “Oh! You’re on earth if you know what that is. You’re from one piece! From the tv over there.”
- He pointed at the tv with a grin, his legs still wrapped around you like a snake
- You couldn’t figure out a way to get out of this world and back into your own until later, but till then, you made best friends with Luffy :)
- He showed you where he usually got his meat
- He showed you where to watch movies, get food, play, all those fun things!
- He thought of it as a little adventure with his favorite character in the world :D
- When you finally had to go back to your world, don’t expect Luffy to act mature and say goodbye like a normal person
- He’ll be clinging to you, shaking you up and down, side to side, bonking your head, you name it
- You had to reassure him that you’d never forget him, and that calmed him down enough to let you go back to your own world
- Luffy really did hope that he’d get to see his new best friend again soon :)
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- he studies a lot, and listens to one piece in the background as a source of music (although sometimes he gets distracted when he hears your voice lmao)
- He heard a fight scene going on, so he decided to take a break and stare at his phone where he was watching from
- Sure enough, you were fighting someone yet again, as perfect as usual
- He leaned on his hand, elbow resting on his wooden desk as he intently watched the fight go down
- You were slammed against his screen, almost making him jump backwards from the sudden movement
- He suddenly saw fingers poking through the screen, “He- Help!”
- That sounded like you!
- He grabbed your fingers almost instantaneously, struggling to pull you through before the enemy could grab hold
- Finally, you managed to squeeze through, falling on top of the tired man
- “Phew.. Thanks- uh.. But where am I now?”
- Law looked stunned, how the fuck were you real right now-??
- He poked you sides, making you jolt away, looking at him with a confused expression
- “You’re.. Alive and real-?” -law
- “.. why wouldn’t I be?”
- Law spent about 20 minutes explaining to you where you were, and exactly how the hell you came to be in his world
- “Ohhh so I’m supposed to be back there.. Gotcha. And what’s your name? I’m Y/n l/n but you probably already know that.”
- “Trafalgar, Law.”
- “That’s such a cool name!”
- You left him flustered with those words, leaving him speechless as you tried pressing your fingertips through the screen again, slowly falling inside
- You left law no time to even say a word before almost half your body started to fade inside of the screen again
- “Thanks Law, I’ll never forget you!”
- And just like that, you were gone. Those few moments were the best few of Law’s life, he was practically begging that he’d get to see you again somehow
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- Today, Kid had to fix the frame of the Tv since it was peeling off (thanks to Luffy hugging it previously)
- the tv still worked, so he just had one piece running while he was fixing the back of it
- He didn’t even realize that hands were coming though the screen until an entire body came through
- He grabbed his hammer and was ready to strike, and he ended up hitting you straight in your arm
- “OW WHAT THE FU-?!” -you
- “FUCK WHAT-?!” -Kid
- Both of you were spooked
- Neither of you knew that another person was there
- you ended up hitting him back, and due to your abnormal strength, you sent him flying into his wall, the cracks spreading throughout the house
- “Whoops.” -you
- “The fuck?! How-?!” -Kid
- “Why’d you hit me?! That was uncalled for! And where am I?”
- “I didn’t mean to hit you, dumbass! You’re the one who was standing right in the way! You’re not in one piece that’s for sure.”
- “.. So then what’s this place?”
- “It’s this shithole called earth.”
- “Sounds lovely.”
- “Move.” Kid had to continue to fix the tv, but when it was finished, the tv stopped malfunctioning, meaning you could go back home
- “I never got your name, I’m y/n l/n.”
- “I already know your name, I watch the show idiot. I’m Kidd.”
- “Kid you better not hit anyone else with that goddamn hammer, it fucking hurts.”
- Kid clearly had red cheeks from this interaction, you were his biggest crush! How could be not be flustered around you?!
- Now you were gone.. Could he maybe see you again?
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a/n - I’ve been so dead lately because I’ve been in the hospital because of a couple conditions I have that have been getting a lot worse. I’ve been discharged, but I still need a bit of time to rest. So requests might be a bit slow, sorry in advance :’) 💜
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wvbaandtheboys · 1 year
Hey I’m currently editing this post rn so reblog when I’m done editing but just know since it’s funny and fun I’m gonna make fnaf mechanics for the Wii boxers based offa my fnaf post for funsies so gimme like 5 minutes (btw it’s gonna be kinda unfair but that’s the point. You wouldn’t survive HAJSJSN)
Little Mac: Well, Mac’s a bit of a trickster and he loves making your night even harder. Whenever you catch the rascal moving about off his stage, make sure you monitor him. Cause this little sucker’s gonna try and shut off your power. And if he does that, I think you know what happens to you. If he’s in the generator room, make sure you flicker your flashlight on the camera to let him know he’s been caught! That’ll send him back to his place.
“Aww…! Alright… But you won’t find me next time… >:]”
Glass Joe: Oh mon dieu, the robot of this beloved, charismatic Frenchman is out for blood! But don’t worry. Joe is very easy to deal with… and don’t feel bad for doing this to him, he’ll kill you if you hesitate. If Joe pops into your office for a quick visit through your left door, slam the door to strike him! Don’t take too long! He’s eager and ready to pounce!
Von Kaiser: Hoo boy. Kaiser’s usually calm as can be and has no interest of coming to harass you… that is, if you keep his stage mechanics wound up to keep him occupied. Don’t do it? Kiss your ass goodbye cause he’s gonna rush into your office and give you the beating of a lifetime… well, the beating that will end your life. So just keep him calm and all will be good, yeah? Yeah. The only hope you have to stop him is to listen out for what door he’s rushing at and shutting it.
“Teste meine Geduld nicht...”
(“Do not test my patience…”)
Disco Kid: Ah, he’s real silly. The robotic version of our disco loving friend is still as much of a music lover as the real one! And you’d better know your stuff when it comes to keeping the rhythm. Disco will enter your office and play a series of notes from his speaker with a series of poses. You have a panel with four different notes that have icons of the poses. Replay the same rhythm and Disco will happily leave you to your work. Keep him waiting or press the wrong button? It’s game over for you.
“Can ya feel the rhythm, Peter? C’mon and dance with me!”
King Hippo: This guy’s hungry! And well, Hippo’s not exactly opposed to taking a bite out of you… he’s pretty hungry. But he’ll relent as long as you keep him fed… but apparently, everyone’s out to make everyone riled up. Check his stage from time to time and make sure none of the boxers are trying to steal anything from him! If you see anyone trying to bother him, play an audio bit by pushing the button on his camera to scare them off. If he doesn’t have any food of his own? Well well… guess you’re on the menu… :p (let my man eat in peace)
“Hippo hungry… Keep your hands off Hippo’s food! >:[“
Piston Hondo: Now he may be as respectful as the actual Hondo during the day… but no one said he had to be after hours. (He’s a bastard.) So, here’s the deal. You have to be listening to keep Piston from coming over there and Hondo Rushing you until your intestines become outtestines. He’ll come through the vent above you. To stop him, you just gotta look up and focus the light on his face. If he’s lost the element of surprise, he’ll leave you alone. Keep an ear out though. He doesn’t make much noise.
Bear Hugger: Nope. Absolutely not. You are DEFENSELESS against this bear. The light and doors won’t save you. The only choice you have is to hide underneath your desk and wait for him to leave, he’ll walk past. But he’s not dumb, so you’ll have to time it. If you hide when he’s already seen you, well… you know.
“…Eh? Where’d ya go?…”
Great Tiger: Who knew robots could use magic? No, but seriously, don’t mess around with him. Tiger will make his presence known by his gem glowing in the vent on the opposite of you. When he gives you that signal, you’ve got less than a minute to find all 3 of his clones either on your cameras or around your office. Once ya do, he’ll leave you be. Run out of time? Say goodbye.
“Find them… and I’ll let you live. Don’t… and you won’t see the sun rise.”
Don Flamenco: Oh sweet! Robo Don’s out to kill you! Don’t sweat it, this guy’s easy. Don will show up at your right door. He even offers you a rose! Don’t take it though- shut the door in his face! >:] He’ll get the hint and buzz off.
“OYE! …Oww… Veo…”
(“OYE! Oww… I see…”)
Aran Ryan: Well you would think he’d be a hassle to deal with and he can be if your RNG is shit. But really, he’s pretty easy. If Aran pops up from any of your office entrances, make sure you don’t look at him. Depending on where he is, simply look straight or pull up your camera. He’ll get bored and leave.
“Ah… yer no fun…”
Soda Popinski: Russian powerhouse! He’s just an inconvenience though. If you hear Soda running up a hallway, leave the doors open and let him pass though. If you try and shut a door on him, he’ll break it. …And well, you know. That’s bad. He’s just making sure you’re okay.
“Aha! Here I come!”
Bald Bull: Angry. Wants blood. Your blood, specifically. Unlike the other bots, he won’t leave easily. Every once in a while, he’ll turn on and rush to your office. When you hear him, close and hold the door shut. He’ll bang on it a few times, but he’ll relent and leave if you keep it shut. Slamming the door on this bull will just make him even more angry.
Super Macho Man: Ah. He’s just as much of a jerk as the actual Macho Man. Just that he’ll kill you if you inconvenience him. Yet another specialized panel will appear if Macho Man’s in your office. Just press it and it’ll snap a “photo” of him. Sometimes he’ll pose twice or even three times, so make sure ya pay attention. Don’t ignore him.
“Photo op!”
Mr. Sandman: Yeah, he’s scary, but he’s okay to deal with. Sandman’s asleep on his camera, and will progressively wake up with the commotion of the other robots. Make sure to keep an eye on him to send him back to sleep. If he wakes up, he’s gonna come straight for you. Don’t try and fight him. You won’t win… time to go to Dreamland.
“…Brush your teeth… it’s bedtime, Peter baby.”
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imcutebutimdepressed · 5 months
Nancy’s Twin (Stranger Things Fanfic)
VOL 1 Chapter 1: The Start of It All
It took me 30 minutes to figure out a title for this chapter. This is gonna give me a headache to having to make sure everything is not an error or out of place.
ENJOY. Let me know if there's errors or punctuation errors.
November 6, 1983, Hawkins, Indiana.
Years past since the Jaws movie for Mickey, and not once has she past the opportunity to watch more horror movies. During those years, she would give her Dad a chance to watch horror movies as long as she takes her the times he goes during when he's done from work. Of course he said no that she's too young to watch them, but a little deal was made with a 8 year old girl and her 37 year old Dad.
"Daddy if you let me watch the horror movies that you go to with me having all the snacks I want, I won't tell mom you went to see Jaws." Mickey keeping the professional stance with her notebook hugged to her chest.
"How do I know she'll believe you honey?" Ted was just ready to leave the house.
"I can recite the entire movie to her step by step."
"Ok I can take you, but no snacks."
"Did I mention that I know you're the one that took Mom's 20$ that she was gonna use for our candy bags on Christmas to buy yourself a 10 pack of beer?"
That's how the deal started. Every certain days, Ted would use his breaks during his work to pick up Mickey from school and go see movies.
Movies like Deep Red, Race with the Devil, Rocky horror picture show, legend of the werewolf, terror of Frankenstein, Jaws 2, don't hang up, and assault! Jack the Ripper.
Her favorites started listing like crazy.
Carrie, King Kong, The clown Murders, Halloween (she's really into Micheal Myers), Alien, Tourist Trap (It did scare her a little), Dracula, Friday the 13th, The shining, Evil Dead, Poltergeist, and Creep-show.
Of course she still watched other movies like Rocky, Freak Friday, Star Wars, The rescuers, Pete's Dragon, Cinderella, Grease , Lord of the rings, Battle star Galactica, Star Trek, Muppet Movie, Lupin III, Indiana Jones, Annie, The dark crystal and Pop eye.
You can say she found ways to watch movies almost every day. She would save up her money from the amount of toy cars she sells to kids in her school including secretly selling money worth of candies from Halloween to buy herself movie tapes to rewatch.
Until the years gone by and she just stopped the deal with her Dad. Ted didn't know why, but she just acted quiet for almost a whole year. He didn't make it a big deal and decided to just let it be.
Mickey stopped having physical touches with her family after she was 10. No hugs, no shoulder pats, no surprises, no grabbing her face to kiss it. No touching.
On her 11th birthday, Ted gave her a cassette tape player that she can hear music in. Of course Nancy just wanted new dolls and dresses, but all Mickey wanted was the opposite. She would never want to wear a dress again.
Now 8 years of complete hell was coming and going for Mickey. In her room listening to The Poppy Family as she reads a spider man comic while laying on her bed wearing a graffiti t shirt.
"I can't help crying"
Honestly, Mickey can relate to that one sentence.
"You are my whole , babe"
"My heart and soul, babe"
Distracted from the song, she just tosses the comic to the floor and keeps listening to the song instead. Even at the age of 16, she's curious to how people find such a perfect partner. After watching The Goodbye Girl, Mickey never really sees herself falling in love with a man. Of course she got a huge crush on certain guys from movies, but in an actual relationship, hell no.
After everything that's happened in those 8 years, Mickey would never in her life settle with the boys in Hawkins.
A slight open of her door snaps her back to reality. She removes her headphones and lifts her self up to see it's Dustin, one of her brother's friends.
"You need something Dustin?"
"Actually I wanted to ask if you wanted this last slice of pizza? It's sausage and pepperoni." He says with his adorable childlike smile.
Mickey gets off her head and walks to him. Looking down at the pizza, it's pretty good to eat, so she takes it and thanks him.
"For this free pizza, I shall honor you one of the great trades of them all good sir."
Dustin is already excited.
"What would that trade shall be, oh Lady of the Village Halla?"
Mickey goes to a box under her bed, takes something out of it, and gives it to him.
"8 dollars in cash." She said with a smile.
"Holy shit!! You serious?!"
"It's also a thank you for buying me some big league gum and skittles. Spend wisely my freind."
He smiles and starts to leave, while she goes to eat the pizza, which is pretty good for a free slice.
"There's something wrong with your sister."
Mike looks at Dustin with confusion. When it comes to having two sisters, it's a little hard to know which one any person is talking about depending how you describe them. Mickey and Nancy always have something wrong with them, but simple things.
Like when Dustin asked what's wrong with Mickey of why she allows her brother and his friends hug her but not anyone else, or the time when he asked what's wrong with Nancy with why her and Mickey don't get along. 
"What are you taking about?" Mike asked.
"Nancy has a stick up her butt."
Now he knows which sister he's talking about.
Lucas adds, " Yeah. It's because she's been dating that douchebag, Steve Harrington." While preparing to ride his bike back home.
"She's turning into a real jerk Mike." Dustin getting on his bike.
"She's always been a real jerk." Mike clarifies.
Dustin disagrees. "She used to be cool. Remember when she dressed up as an elf for our Elder Tree campaign."
"That was four years ago!!"
"Just sayin!!" Before he could leave, he turns to Mike.
"If there was a chance I can date your sister, can I date her?"
Mike raises his brow with a "wtf" look.
"Which one?"
"Obviously the badass one. Mickey."
"Oh my god no Dustin, I mean she is a badass but I'm not allowing you to date her."
"She likes me!!"
"As a brother, and you're too young for her plus it's a Hell no!!"
"4 years Mike!! 4 years!!"
"You can't blame him Mike." Lucas says with a side smile.
"Nancy don't even lie about stealing my damn lip balm, either give it back or I'm taking one of your pants as my own."
Nancy holds Barbara on the phone again and looks at her with an impatient look on her face.
"Why do even have one? You hate makeup."
Mickey raises her brow.
"For your information, the lip balm keeps my hot blood lips from drying like a mummy while makeup is just an enhancement for certain girls to wear to impress their target."
"Their target?"
"Yeah. Boys, boys with bikes, boys with cool cars, boys with CuTe hair, boys that are nice, and boys who you just feel In LoVe."
Mickey mocking the words "cute" and "love".
"Is this about me dating Steve? He's nice and is really cute, and his hair is cute too. Sounds like someone is just jealous that I have a boyfriend."
Mickey just laughs.
"HAH!! First of all I was just telling you to give me back my lip balm, and second of all, I don't see any reason to be jealous over a guy that probably doesn't even use actual hairspray for his hair."
She looks around for the lip balm until she sees it on a table close to the door. As she grabs it, she looks back to Nancy.
"Does Mom and Dad even know you have a boyfriend?"
Nancy eyes widen a bit, which means to Mickey that it's a no. Why is she not surprised? Nancy tries to counter a comeback.
"Do they even know you have a monster truck without their knowledge?" She smiles.
"I'm making money out of that badass truck, thank you so much for reminding me." As she leaves, she hears Nancy mutter "druggie" before she continues on the phone with her freind. As Mickey closes the door, she mutters "Princess" before she opens her door and closes it to lay back down on her bed.
It is getting late so she'll have to sleep. That means she'll have to wish graduation comes quick. She changes into a simple oversize Christine movie shirt and heads to bed.
"Please just for once let tomorrow be okay." She whispers before closing her eyes. The entire room only lighten by a nightlight of a candle that makes the whole room smell like roses.
Let tomorrow be okay? If only Mickey Wheeler knew.
I gotta practice on Computer for putting Wattpad works of mine to Tumblr. The plan is to use Ao3 and Tumblr when I finish anything for Wattpad. Wish me luck!!!
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doms-fav · 2 years
Part 1
Shuri x fem reader
Riri x fem reader
Warnings:Cussing,cheating,jealousy, angst, and anything else I forgot to mention.
Sorry if there are any spelling grammars I missed
Word count: bestie I was just writing
Reminder: this takes place after Wakanda forever.
Summary: you caught your fiancé, shuri cheating on you. You leave and meet new people.. what happens when you and your new boo run into shuri…
No Pov:
The the sun rising, whats once was night was now day, you were awoken by the sun beaming in your face only to be met with your fiancé, Shuri.
She was already up, looking at you.
“Love, you think you could fill in for me today?
“That’s weird” you say and lift your eyebrow
“Okay, okay I’ll make breakfast and we can eat then I’ll take your place” you both smile and get out of bed going too do your morning routines.
You were technically a genius and smarter than all the lab assistant but always one step behind shuri, she was a genius in technology and you were a genius in STEM and programming put two and two together it’s like 10 times easier to get stuff done.
You both listened to the music that was played and cooked breakfast. You eventually got dressed and left for the morning.
Griot: Princess y/n, okoye is here would you like to see her
Let her in griot!
“Good morning, my sister”
“Good Morning!”
“Where’s the queen” she asked
“She asked me to fill in for her today which was weird but I don’t mind”
Now you too had the best sister duo even though you weren’t related you both got close,she had your back just as much as you had hers.
“Hmm” was all she said before nodding and walking out.
Your Pov:
The day was pretty much done it was 11:46 when Griot let you know what time it was.
“Thank you griot” you took off your lab coat and headed towards the palace. Once you got to the palace you headed towards the queens quarters. As you got closer you heard muffled moans and grunts, you immediately ran in.
You make your way in not caring how loud your being and run upstairs almost breaking down yall bedroom door.
“WTF SHURI YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW??” Is all you could yell before walking too your closet and start packing whatever
You hear shuri hop off the bed and telling meena who didn’t want to leave, leave.
Usana- before she could finish you cut her off by pushing her out the way to grab your essentials “don’t call me that, is this why you wanted me to fill in for you, huh?”
I- babe, but-, shuri couldn’t process any words cause she knew how bad she messed up. She finally mustered up something to say.
“But it wasn’t anything, she wasn’t anything I promise, please just talk to me, listen, please!”
“No I’m not doing this shit with you, I’m not gonna let you persuade me with sex nor am I gonna let you crazy talk me, once I leave you could have all the side bitches you want I’m not gonna sit here and become one or let you fuck strangers for fun, then fuck me.”
It was a long silence in the room as you finished packing your things shuri was silent as she knew how bad she messed up.
The silence was broken,“Goodbye Shuri.”
Shuri’s Pov:
It now 11 o’clock I know Y/n should be on her way soon so I decided to chill. I was headed towards the couch until I heard a knock on the door, I opened it too see my friend Meena.
“Hey, what are you doing here?”
“So I can’t come over now?!” She chuckled before inviting herself in.
“Well come on in.. what’s up anyways?”
“Well I wanted to talk… I gonna give it too your straight I know you have a wife and stuff but I like you..” she took the chance to take a few more steps towards me as I could see some of her cleavage popping out of her jumpsuit sweater.
“Bet” was all I said before I picked her up and carried her to my room.I wasn’t thinking about Y/n in the moment.
I wasnt paying attention the the time before I heard Y/n’s voice “WTF SHURI YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW??” I hopped off the bed and told meena to go and I saw Y/n packing.
Usana-. She pushed me before I could say anything else, “Y/n please I promise it wasn’t anything I swear- please just let me talk.”
She was packing her essentials as I sat in silence realizing how bad I messed up “no I’m not doing this shit with you, just for it too go down the drain again, I’m not gonna let you fuck strangers and then come home and fuck me, you got that.”
I couldn’t say anything else, the only thing I could think of was losing my Y/n.
“Goodbye Shuri” was the last words I heard from her
Your Pov:
It’s been 7 months since the breakup with shuri. You had moved back to Chicago. She contacted you for four months straight, yes you were sad but hurt so you got a new phone, a new number, and laid off of social media for a while.
You eventually got yourself a nice house it had 4 bedrooms, two bathrooms, a marble kitchen and a spacious living room. You started adjusting too your new life, and taking care of yourself mentally and physically obviously you bestfriend Ace was there to help. He was your wingman fr.
It was Friday afternoon about 4:30pm you and ace was out shopping until this fine specimen approached you, she had a grey jumpsuit with a jean jacket.
“Y/n right?”
You look at the women with confusion but then your remember she worked with shuri when namor attacked and some unfortunate events happened.
“The one and only” she chuckles and holds out her arms for a hug, you quickly embrace her. Riri was like your first friend in wakanda she was only 2 years younger than you at the time but you both had lots in common but due too her leaving you had very little contact with her.
“What are you doing here.. where’s shuri?” She ask looking around for the the wakandan warriors
“Y/n I am so sorry I-” she grabs your hands in the process.
“Riri it’s okay, you didn’t know, I can tell you about it if you wanna join me and ace” you ask and she happily agrees.
You explain to Riri what happened in full details as you went into a few stores and was now walking too the food court. “Damn I’m sorry about that I didn’t think she would do that” Riri says “yeah me either but I’m over it now it’s still hurts but I’m okay”
“Shoot, I’m down” Riri says
“Duhhh” ace blurts out
“Alright let’s get going then” Riri decided to be a gentleman and take your bags she smiled at you and your face felt hot. You were falling in love but it felt right this time…
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girlreviews · 7 months
Review #293: Last Splash, The Breeders
FUUUUUUUCK I love this record, but it permanently damaged the hearing in my right ear. I caught their show at Blackheath Hall in 2005. I put myself right at the front because I really loved them that much and I wanted — no, needed — to feel the heaving guitar in my chest, it felt like, to even continue on. I was seventeen so you know, everything felt a bit extra. I might as well have been hugging the PA system. Anyway, I didn’t anticipate what would happen during the part in Cannonball where Kim sings (yells) “WANT YOU, LITTLE CUCKOO” into the harmonic mic with all that distortion. Yeah, it’s loud. It’s so loud. My eardrum burst. I’ve had tinnitus ever since. My poor left eardrum suffered the same fate two weeks later at the Reading Fez (RIP), during a Mew show. Respectable, but so much less cool than its audio peeper partner in crime. Wear earplugs my friends. It’s not a joke.
Kim Deal founded The Breeders while The Pixies were on hiatus. Well that’s not true, she had been doing both but never able to focus on The Breeders, until 1993 when went Frank Black abruptly announced The Pixies hiatus live during an interview without informing the other band members first. The hiatus was kind of due burnout from recording three albums in two years and touring the hell out of them. Really though, Kim was not getting along with Frank. Here’s the thing — nobody really gets along with Frank. I love the Pixies. I do. But I will get into a fist fight with anyone who wants to insist that they’re better than The Breeders. They’re not. And the thing is, everyone has listened to The Pixies, while most of those same people haven’t given Kim and her band the same time of day. And you know why that is? Because they’re women who are playing heavy rock music. That’s all there is to it. I won’t hear anymore about it, I won’t say anymore about it and I’m not gonna fucking argue with you or anybody else about it. I’m right. Frank Black is a man, he fronts a band, so he gets paid more attention and listened to, and his shitfuck behavior gets dismissed as creative genius. The songs are great but that doesn’t mean you’re not an asshole, Frank! I’ll die on this hill but I’ll also throw hands before I do. Come at me.
I present to you, No Aloha, which actually, beautifully illustrates my point. It is also both beautiful and knockout punch effortlessly cool. It’s dreamy, and also like “we’re here to fuck shit up”. How can I express that it’s lovely and also ass kicking in its vague but biting commentary on being a woman in the music industry, and trying to make it in a band made up of all women (I think they’ve had a dude drummer in their line up from time to time to be fair, but still). It’s about how people that gave her the time of day during her Pixies tenure don’t give a shit about her now “No bye, no aloha, gone with a rock promoter” and how the perils of womanhood impact her creative output “motherhood means mental freeze, freezeheads, no aloha”. Think about what no aloha means. No hello. No goodbye. The disrespect. Ugh. Fuck yes to putting this out there unabashedly.
Obviously, Cannonball, the song that exploded my right ear, is iconic. If you don’t immediately recognize its bassline then I regret to inform you that you need to brush up on your general pop culture knowledge and you stand literally no chance of ever placing at any kind of trivia night. But most importantly, where have you been, and what have you been doing? And are you okay? Genuinely, you’re missing out. The whole thing about them is that musically they are just making some NOISE, and rocking so hard, but Kim’s voice is also so gentle and smooth. Like warm molten wax, or thick maple syrup and butter soaking into a perfect pancake. And she’s harmonizing with her own twin sister, who has the same voice? It’s too many textures but they’re polar opposites. It overwhelms and soothes at the same time. It’s quite an experience. So get it in your ears already.
There are some really lo-fi dulled down tracks, that are really tender and only a band of women could make them. Do You Love Me Now? Literally a low energy bass-led ballad earnestly asking someone if they want to get back together. It’s heart on sleeve girl bravery: I still love you and I don’t care if this doesn’t work out for me, I’m gonna say it. Such a poignant question, followed by a command:
“Does love ever end?
When two hearts are torn away?
Or does it go on?
And beat strong anyway?
You’ve loved me before
Do you love me now?
Come on come on come back to me
Right now”
It finishes with this cascade of harmonies. And I adore it.
My favorite track, and favorite story. Drivin’ on 9. A little ditty! Who doesn’t love a ditty? Again I need to talk about Kim’s voice. It’s like. It’s like. What is it like? When you toast a marshmallow and then squish it between a graham cracker and melted chocolate. It’s like, a smooth whiskey, probably (I don’t like whiskey). It’s like a tiny bird just landed on your hand for the briefest moment. It’s so delicate and precious and you don’t know how such a voice comes out of anyone’s mouth, but especially not hers, because she’s so tough and cool. The strings in the song make me want to die in the best way. Like when people say they died and went to heaven. They pluck it AND they use the bows. Why do I love it so much? Probably because it’s a song about driving and thinking. That’s my favorite thing to do.
“Drivin’ on 9
Lookin’ out my windowsill
Wonderin’ if I want you still
Wonderin’ what’s mine”
I last saw them play at Cannery Ballroom, and the most wonderful thing(s) happened. Firstly, they played this track, so I was happy to begin with. But there was some issue, like one of the violins was missing or broken or not able to be mic’d up correctly or something, I forget. So, Kelley Deal SANG the violin solo. And got it dead on. I cried. These women are just the coolest to ever do it.
I write these reviews because I fundamentally have a problem with the makeup of music critics being made up of men. And I notice looking back how these records and tracks are interconnected with trash men who have acted trash to me or others. I have things to say. I take issue with how they’re written as though their subjective opinions are gospel to be consumed as objective fact. This dynamic can make or break someone’s career when it’s their art and creative output that they’ve poured their heart and soul into. It’s no coincidence that music overall, but rock and alternative music in particular is made up of majority white men, too. Some with self-proclaimed “good taste” can just label it good or bad when it’s not necessarily made for someone that looks like them. These reviews are my experience and my opinion and it’s okay with me if you do or don’t agree, if you love a record that I hate, or if you hate a record I love. But more voices are important and remembering that they’re subjective opinions is pretty fucking important. Hearing someone’s passion (or lack of) about a record is more valuable than hearing their self-importance or gravitas. The Rolling Stone Top 500 is fundamentally flawed in how it’s compiled because of who it’s compiled by, and so I’m deconstructing it one review at a time, noting that as a white woman, the addition of my voice isn’t the full answer or even a big part of the answer. But like I said, I have things to say, and I hope if you have things to say, whoever you are, you’ll share too. But here we are: it’s just proving my point. I’ll be writing one review of The Breeders, but two for The Pixies.
I’m just doing what Kim did when she got sick of the bullshit with Frank Black and The Pixies and decided to do it her way. Nowhere near as loud, nowhere near as cool, and I expect your eardrums will survive my reviews in tact.
Signing off with these words from my favorite “girl” band:
“I see a boy I know
His hair's on fire
The whole world I discovered
If you're so special, why aren't you dead?
I just wanna get along
I just wanna get along
I just wanna get along
Wave bye bye
Cus it ain’t never coming down now”
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