#goodish vlad
inkbats-writing · 4 months
Bruce expected the request for a meeting. Counted on it even. If he wanted to figure out how Masters was convincing other ceos to sign over their companies without even due compensation Bruce would need to put himself in the line of fire. With protections in place of course, couldn't actually risk his employees by losing his company, but ones subtle enough whatever game Masters is playing would miss seeing them.
What Bruce wasn't expecting was almost as soon as the meeting was scheduled Masters would cancel it.
Masters' assistant was apologetic when he called back for a reason. Stammering and rambling about how she didn't mean to make the appointment with him it was some other ceo she was meant to call, but for whatever reason she mistakenly called his office instead. And could he please not mention this to Mr. Masters because she's still new and it might get her fired and-leading to him ending the calling promising it would be their little secret.
He wouldn't let it go obviously, still suspicious of the man who left his self imposed isolation to move to Gotham to repeat what Bruce's sources say was how he made money at the start. But he would find another method to figure out what was going on. Even if the meeting would have been perfect for it.
And then another meeting is requested a week later. Only to once again be canceled minutes later. Over and over again this repeats for a month with the assistant getting more upset with each return call swearing she doesn't know why she's called him when she knows Mr. Masters isn't trying to schedule a meeting with him.
Leading him to break into the man's office late at night to see if it could shed some light on what the other man is up to. Or at least that was the plan, up until Bruce's started hearing Masters voice come from the hallway and he has to hide on the edge of the balcony just outside the office. He makes it just in time if the sudden silence of Masters wheelchair rolling onto the office rug is anything to go by.
"Would you stop trying to get me a meeting with Bruce Wayne? If Rozina realizes she's made yet another meeting appointment without remembering why she's going to start crying and I don't want to deal with it." Masters voice is his usual annoyed arrogance as he speaks to whoever followed him into his office.
"My dear Vladimir....Wayne Enterprises would make such a fine addition to DalvCo...I'm merely thinking of your beneifit." The other's voice is smooth if slightly lisped but the condensation carries over regardless.
"And I told you no, pick someone else."
"The wealth you'd gain-"
"We had an agreement-"
"And I've following it as you wished-"
"You're not actually because if you were-"
"So just allow the meeting and I'll ensure he agrees to-"
"No! I told you I would only agree if-" a sudden coughing fit interrupts whatever Masters was trying to say as he clearly has an attack of some sort.
"My dear-" The other briefly starts only for the sound of an inhaler to interrupt him.
"Bad men...men as terrible if not worse than me...that's what we agreed....Bruce Wayne is a good man....I-I will not...I will be responsible for a g-good man...."
Masters trails off into another coughing fit interrupted only by the inhalers use and this time the other stays silent. Only when the fit has clearly passed and Masters troubled but steady breathing is back does the other speak again.
"As you wish my dear..."
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impyssadobsessions · 2 years
So you know the au where Dan is goodish and is Dani and Danny's big brother? Why if one day the batfam are trying to adopt Danny and they meet the big hunk of muscle that Dan id
LOL yes XD Dan would find it so amusing, like SURE TAKE MY TWO GODLIKE SIBLINGS, I'll watch. Adds no help to the situation =w= just watching things go down much to Danny's dismay. Can see Dan liking Dani more though so she just being chaotic gremlin for him. =w= Then Jazz has to come in to wrangle in all her siblings, apologizing to the bats. Danny insisting he didn't do anything!? Dan and Dani saying he started it, by being so adoptable. Got magnet on him for billionaires. Tease they should use that to get some cash. =w= just messing with Danny. Danny like FINE! I like these guys more anyways! Being backstabbed >:T Batfam along for the ride. Ends up they all hanging out for burgers once everything is cleared up. Danny not adopted though now he begging them too because his own siblings are mean to him.. (all jokingly) Jazz also teases him uou so not even free from her. Batfam enjoying other ppl's sibling dynamics. Nice to know they're others just as chaotic. Each sibling has their favorite bat or set of bats. Same with Batfam, each got their favorite phantom sibling. They often meet up now to hang out or do vigilante stuff.. well kind of.. neither really take on each other's rogue's just mostly cheer or prank each other's foes. =w=b Vlad getting the most dunk on.
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