#can explain further if asked but this has been bugging me so i wanted to try
inkbats-writing · 4 months
Bruce expected the request for a meeting. Counted on it even. If he wanted to figure out how Masters was convincing other ceos to sign over their companies without even due compensation Bruce would need to put himself in the line of fire. With protections in place of course, couldn't actually risk his employees by losing his company, but ones subtle enough whatever game Masters is playing would miss seeing them.
What Bruce wasn't expecting was almost as soon as the meeting was scheduled Masters would cancel it.
Masters' assistant was apologetic when he called back for a reason. Stammering and rambling about how she didn't mean to make the appointment with him it was some other ceo she was meant to call, but for whatever reason she mistakenly called his office instead. And could he please not mention this to Mr. Masters because she's still new and it might get her fired and-leading to him ending the calling promising it would be their little secret.
He wouldn't let it go obviously, still suspicious of the man who left his self imposed isolation to move to Gotham to repeat what Bruce's sources say was how he made money at the start. But he would find another method to figure out what was going on. Even if the meeting would have been perfect for it.
And then another meeting is requested a week later. Only to once again be canceled minutes later. Over and over again this repeats for a month with the assistant getting more upset with each return call swearing she doesn't know why she's called him when she knows Mr. Masters isn't trying to schedule a meeting with him.
Leading him to break into the man's office late at night to see if it could shed some light on what the other man is up to. Or at least that was the plan, up until Bruce's started hearing Masters voice come from the hallway and he has to hide on the edge of the balcony just outside the office. He makes it just in time if the sudden silence of Masters wheelchair rolling onto the office rug is anything to go by.
"Would you stop trying to get me a meeting with Bruce Wayne? If Rozina realizes she's made yet another meeting appointment without remembering why she's going to start crying and I don't want to deal with it." Masters voice is his usual annoyed arrogance as he speaks to whoever followed him into his office.
"My dear Vladimir....Wayne Enterprises would make such a fine addition to DalvCo...I'm merely thinking of your beneifit." The other's voice is smooth if slightly lisped but the condensation carries over regardless.
"And I told you no, pick someone else."
"The wealth you'd gain-"
"We had an agreement-"
"And I've following it as you wished-"
"You're not actually because if you were-"
"So just allow the meeting and I'll ensure he agrees to-"
"No! I told you I would only agree if-" a sudden coughing fit interrupts whatever Masters was trying to say as he clearly has an attack of some sort.
"My dear-" The other briefly starts only for the sound of an inhaler to interrupt him.
"Bad men...men as terrible if not worse than me...that's what we agreed....Bruce Wayne is a good man....I-I will not...I will be responsible for a g-good man...."
Masters trails off into another coughing fit interrupted only by the inhalers use and this time the other stays silent. Only when the fit has clearly passed and Masters troubled but steady breathing is back does the other speak again.
"As you wish my dear..."
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feyburner · 9 days
I ??? woke up at 3am with this scene fully written in my mind palace and quickly jotted it down in the Notes app
Clark’s shaking his head before he realizes he’s doing it, and feels a twinge of embarrassment at his own bad manners when Bruce stops mid-word to look at him, brows raised.
“No?” he says.
“No,” Clark says, again without thinking, and again with the reflexive urge to apologize. Somewhere his mother is tutting without knowing why. But he doesn’t apologize, because he’s already saying, “No, it can’t—it can’t be that.”
“Okay,” Bruce says slowly. “Can you elaborate?”
He is, honestly, having trouble taking his eyes off the screen. The mockup design of his new suit is there, dark and sleek, ridged like tactical gear. The blue is like the last shade of evening before you can’t call it evening anymore, the color of nine PM in Kansas in July, so exact there’s a strong chance Bruce color-picked it from a photo. The yellow accents are the cool fluorescent yellow-green of lightning bugs. The red is dark as arterial blood. Every aspect of the suit has been updated—the colors deeper, the angles sharper, the S extending to the corners of its frame—but Bruce has done it without changing the fundamentals. It’s immediately recognizable as the Superman suit, just… well, a little cooler, maybe. A little more of the times. Even the tailoring is modernized. The neckline. The shape of the boots. Where the belt hits at the waist. Clark can tell just by looking that Bruce has not only spent a lot of time on this in general, he’s spent a lot of time designing it specifically with Clark in mind, Clark’s needs and preferences and the small discomforts of his current suit, things he might have mentioned offhand after a mission but never with the assumption that Bruce was listening or filing it away. No doubt the next slides of this presentation will detail all the hidden features of the new suit, and they’ll all be incredibly thoughtful if not slightly overkill, and Bruce will pretend his sole motive here was practicality and risk reduction and respond to any thanks with a curt nod.
And Clark wants to thank him. He will. It’s just.
“It can’t be… cool,” he says, inane. Bruce is watching him with that steady look that used to feel clinical, piercing, and now mostly reads as attentive. “It can’t be—like yours. Tactical, military-grade.”
“Lightyears beyond, actually.”
“It has to—Ma said once, a kid should be able to draw it with crayons. You know? I can’t look like a weapon. I have to—I want to look like a friend.”
He can feel himself flushing. It’s rare that he speaks like this, and rarer still that he does so while being stared at intently. Bruce may think of himself as the darkness, but his gaze is a spotlight: unwavering and revealing and more a little sweat-inducing, for one reason or another.
“Sometimes, when I show up, people laugh,” Clark says. “If it’s somewhere out of the way, where they haven’t seen me before. I show up and I look like a festival performer. It’ll be the worst day of their lives, and they’ve got no reason to trust my face, but when they see what I’m wearing—it goes from ‘Who are you?’ to ‘Who is this guy?’ And that’s a good thing.”
“Hard to be afraid of a man dressed in primary colors,” Bruce says, almost to himself.
“I see. Thank you,” he says, “for explaining.”
Clark tries not to show how surprised he is to hear that. Judging by the crook of Bruce’s mouth, his success is negligible. “Of course. Sorry I didn’t—I mean, thank you, obviously, for going to such trouble. I didn’t mean to come in here and—I really do appreciate it, I can tell you put a lot of work in—”
Bruce’s eyes cut away. “No. No need. I didn’t ask, before I…. It was only a first draft. If you’re amenable, I’ll incorporate your feedback into the second one.”
“Oh! Yeah. Yes, of course, but you really don’t have to—”
“If you have any further notes, I would like to hear them.”
There’s something determined in the lines of his face. Clark has the sense that this moment is important, that it’s a turning point, even if he’s not sure why. It feels like striking out into a sea of ice, a blank white expanse under which something precious and vital is hidden, has been hidden all along, just waiting for him to find it. To want to.
“Sure,” he says. He looks back at the suit and swallows, and knows Bruce will see the flicker of his throat and take some meaning from it, and wishes he knew what the meaning was. Or maybe Bruce won’t notice or read into it at all. Maybe Clark needs to calm down, in fact. “Um. I don’t want to assume, but does it… do things?”
“It does things,” Bruce confirms, after the barest pause. “Let me show you the next slide.”
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l3viat8an · 1 year
nsfw content MDNI (repost)
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Anon have you been looking at my search history? Jkjk but moving on- CW: demon hentai mentioned obviously ,Levi jacks off over your laptop and you catch him at the end-
"Alright, I'll check it out and see if I can fix it." Levi agrees and you give him your laptop! "Thanks Levi, you're the best! I'Il come pick it up around 8!" "Wha?-" but you're already out his bedroom door and gone-
You only asked Levi to check your computer for bugs, it's been a bit glitchy the last few days and you didn't want to buy a new one yet.
He's methodical, backing up your hard drive and taking special care to back up your games, he turns it off and back on first and goes to the browser scrolling through to see if you'd accidentally clicked on a virus.
That would be an easy fix for him! He sees a few sites he uses for school work, a few cheat sites, mumbling to himself periodically, little "Huh"'s when he come across a google search "Do demons need to sleep?' and Would demons randomly eat a human?' "Really, MC.…."
He scrolls even further down, and comes across a porn site and gasps out loud……then he remembers "Well…MC is human………and humans have needs…..." Levi sits there just staring at your computer screen for a few minutes, before he clicks the link reasoning that "Porn sites always have bugs....I’m just checking....”
The sound that came out of Levi's mouth when he saw the "tentacle demon fucks cute little human full~ NOW IN HD!!!!' hentai he'd watched a thousand times pop up was definitely embarrassing- what's even more embarrassing is the way his cock are hard as soon as the video starts-
Levi's mind is going a thousand places at once-
Did you know what he liked????, no, not possible! Maybe……..just maybe……you're into it too……...just the thought make his cock twitch in his sweatpants, you~ the person he has the biggest crush on secretly being just as much of a fucking pervert as him?!?!?
"Fuck…” his hands move automatically, pulling his pants down and rubbing over his tip, working his pre-cum over his cock and thinking "I really am fucking disgusting.” I mean yea, getting off to the fact you like the same things he does- “S-shit, MC....you have no clue what you do to me." his minds move on from his self degrading thought and to thoughts of you…... would you let him fuck you like the human in the video? Sure it's animated so the real thing would be different..,but with you~
With you, he's sure it'll be even better~!!
But would you whine 'n moan really loud? Would you be quiet? would you beg him to cum inside you? Would you- his own hand disturbs his thoughts as he speeds up his movements and starts jerking even harder~ So lost in his fantasy he starts begging out loud, "Please~ please, MC, wanna cum..., cum with you!! In you!! Just please let me cum!!" and he does…..all over his hand, just as the demon on the screen cums inside the human…..
Levi sits there panting for a few minutes and trying to collect his thoughts…he just jacked off over your computer.…………and a glance at his clock tells him, you'd be coming back for it anytime now and “Shit, shit! This is bad!!" Levi starts panicking, cock still out and porn still playing. (Obviously one round isn’t enough for the animated demon-) and…and now his bedroom door is opening?????
You and Levi are both frozen; you just inside the door staring at your computer, and the porn still playing- and Levi cock still out as he tries to die or incinerate himself on the spot- your mind seems to catch up first and you speak "At least invite me next time if you're going to jack off over my laptop!” "Huh?! w-w-wait!!-I-I- can explain!!!!?”
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demonpiratehuntress · 10 months
the best gift is you
OPLA!Zoro x F!Reader
Summary - You're having an incredibly difficult time finding an appropriate birthday present for Zoro.
Warnings - none, i think? I just wrote this right after hosting a soccer festival for an orphanage at my club, so I'm pretty much dead but wanted to get something out for my favourite Straw Hat's birthday <3 please excuse any errors, and happy birthday Zoro <3 <3 <3
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"Usopp! Come with me."
You were just dragging the confused and slightly startled sharpshooter - because why did you want him to go shopping with you? - across the deck when you heard your boyfriend call out to you.
"Where are you going?"
You froze, having not expected him to be up from his nap so soon, "Um, grocery shopping?"
He frowned, "I can go with you."
"No!" You said quickly, then backtracked when you noticed how he became even more confused - and slightly hurt. "I mean, sorry babe but I really need Usopp's help with this specific trip."
This only confused the swordsman more, but before he could argue you were pulling the blabbering, protesting Usopp off the ship and into the small town. You could explain later, and make it up with the present, because you wanted this to be a surprise.
Zoro was left more puzzled than ever, wondering why you didn't even want him to go with for protection. He didn't want to jump to conclusions, so he guessed you must have your reasons. Then it hit him.
"You two fighting or something?" Sanji asked from above.
"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Was Zoro's snarky response, coupled with an annoyed eyeroll. Sanji scoffed, but even he knew better than to further antagonise the already upset swordsman.
A few hours later...
"Ugh! Why is this so hard?!"
Your frustrated protest alarmed your crewmate, who had been eyeing a pair of sniper goggles at a nearby stand. You were practically pulling your hair out, on the verge of hot, angry tears, and your bottom lip was trembling.
"I can't go back without one!"
"You still haven't told me exactly what we're looking for," Usopp reminded you.
"Something Zoro would like," you sighed, "Or need. But there's nothing here. And it's almost dark out."
"Can't you just find something at the next island?"
"No! It has to be today, it has to..." You trailed off, biting your lip and trying your hardest to hold back tears.
"I...Because it has to."
You'd spent the last few hours scouring every shop on this island, but you had no idea what to get your boyfriend. He already had everything he needed, and there was nothing he wanted to your knowledge, so he was pretty difficult to shop for. He wasn't a typical boyfriend, that much you knew, so matching chains or charms wouldn't be appropriate. It was bugging you so much that you wanted to cry.
"Let's get back to the ship."
You took off before Usopp could question you, so he just followed without a word. Your behaviour baffled him, and slightly worried him, but he wasn't going to press any more if you didn't want to tell him. When you both got back to the ship, the green-haired swordsman was anxiously pacing the deck - the first time Usopp had seen him this nervous. The first time any of them - minus you - had seen him this nervous. But when you boarded, he breathed a sigh of relief.
His relief quickly morphed into concern when he noticed your eyes glistening with tears, and within seconds he was in front of you, hands gripping your forearms gently.
"What's wrong?"
"I'm sorry," you choked out, the tears free-falling. "I couldn't find anything. I looked everywhere. I looked so hard. I don't know...I didn't...I'm sorry..." You tried to wipe your tears away, but he beat you to it.
Usopp was long gone, not sticking around to see yours and Zoro's inevitable affection - the rest of the crew seemed allergic to your displays. So Zoro pulled you close, wrapping his strong arms around your waist. He reached up with one hand to brush the tears falling away, his expression softening.
"Hey," he spoke softly, "Look at me." He continued only once you met his gaze, "I don't need anything. I don't want anything. You are enough, okay? More than enough, actually. You don't need to get me anything, because you've already given me the greatest gift in the world. You." He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, letting his lips linger there for a few seconds.
A soft blush crossed your cheeks, the disappointment in you slowly deflating until it was nothing more than an afterthought. You sniffled as you smiled up at him, your body filling with warmth at his words - and at the look of absolute love and adoration he was blessing you with right now.
"I love you. You are all that I want, and all that I need. Don't ever apologise for something as silly as a birthday gift."
Before you could protest, his lips were on yours and he was locking you in the most loving, passionate kiss he had ever given you. He was trying to convey his message through the kiss, proving that you were all he craved. Proving that you were his favourite gift of all.
"I love you too," you smiled even more when he pulled away to let you breathe - ironically you were breathless.
"Good, now can we please go and sleep?"
You laughed, allowing him to pick you up and carry you off to bed.
"Whatever the birthday boy wants."
"Whatever I want, huh?"
"I thought you wanted to sleep!"
"...Changed my mind."
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homelanderbutbig · 5 months
A Quaint House With a White-Picket Fence (G/T Homelander x Reader)
1139 words. Pure fluff. Homelander is 8 feet tall. Reader is non-descriptive. Established relationship.
You teach Homelander about Animal Crossing.
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With a rare day off, you decided to spend your afternoon doing something you haven't been able to for a while, play Animal Crossing. Homelander has never played a video game before, and he has made it perfectly clear to you that he has zero interest in doing so. He is also not shy at showing his jealousy at how engrossed you get playing your silly games instead of paying attention to him. As a result, you usually only play for short periods of time when you're alone.
Today was different. You have been doing nothing all day except play Animal Crossing, just like you used to do before moving into the Tower. You don't even hear him storming into the penthouse, in one of his signature grumpy moods. Grumbling irritatedly seeing you lounging on the couch, he can't believe you aren't acknowledging him and inviting him over for a cuddle like you always do. It's not like he's easy to miss.
Homelander walks over in front of the couch, attempting to make a point with his purposefully loud footsteps. And yet, you still don't even look up as he looms over you. Rolling his eyes, he places his hands on his hips as he taps his fingers on his belt. He can feel his anger bubbling to the surface, with the annoying little beeps and boops coming from the game only serving to aggravate him further.
Finally, he's had enough at watching you ignore him. With a motion so fast you barely even register what is happening, he picks you up so he can lie down on the couch, keeping you on top of him. His arms are wrapped immovably around your waist while his big head is snuggled firmly on your shoulder. He lets out a deep huff from his nose, making certain that you know how exasperated you've made him.
You stay there for a moment of tense silence, waiting for him to say something first. You feel bad for not even noticing him, but you want to see where he is mentally before you make a move.
"What is this?" he eventually asks you, contempt dripping from his voice. If you won't stop playing this dumb thing, he may as well learn what it is.
"Animal Crossing," you tell him, laughing as you practically feel him rolling his eyes. Ah, he's in one of these moods.
"It's a game where you get to play in this cute village and just do whatever," you try to clarify. "You can fish, catch bugs, decorate your house, and make friends with your neighbours. It's relaxing."
"…Why?" he retorts. He is baffled at how doing things in this game that you could do in real-life would have you so fixated.
"I dunno, it's hard to explain," you respond. "There's no stress in this world, no time-limits or deadlines. It's like… an escape."
Homelander is hushed as he contemplates your answer. The appeal still doesn't make a lot of sense to him.
"What… are you playing as?" he enquires, brow furrowing slightly. Your tiny avatar appears to be a boy with slicked-back blonde hair, wearing a blue shirt with an eagle design.
"I tried making you," you answer honestly, with a brief giggle. You click a mysterious button on your gaming device, and suddenly this character is smiling wide back at him.
"You… made me?" he ponders, rubbing his head into the crook of your neck.
"Yeah, I normally just make myself but… I wanted to see how you'd look too," you smile, returning his nuzzle. "You turned out cute, right?"
He sighs, not dignifying you with a response. This facsimile is nowhere near his level of perfection, but at least you tried.
"What's that noise?" he mumbles. "It sounds like a bug."
"What direction is it coming from?" you respond. "It might be a mole cricket, I haven't caught one of those yet."
"To the left," he guides you, using his super hearing to easily discern the origin of the bug's droning call. "Under that rock."
Homelander watches as you pull out your shovel and hit the rock, causing a cricket to pop out which you swiftly catch with your net.
"Look at that! We caught a mole cricket!" you exclaim.
"…Now what?" he queries. He doesn't understand why you seem to excited over this, it's just a disgusting, insignificant insect.
"Now we take it to the museum, so Blathers can put it on display," you reply.
"And what, we get a reward for it?" he asks.
"No, it's just for fun!" you attempt to explain. "We can get a golden net if we catch all the different kinds of bugs though!"
Once again, he feels flabbergasted by your reasonings. This is just one of those weird human things of yours that he figures he will never understand, no matter how many questions he asks.
Homelander decides to stay quiet for a while, simply observing as you go about your activities. Seeing you run around this confined space, pointlessly catching more bugs and fish. Listening to you tell him which animal villagers are your favourites, showing him your house and how you decorated every room.
Strangely, the longer he watches you play, the more relaxed he starts to feel. It's weird, seeing your miniature caricature of him running around this fake town. He's just spending his days trapped in this virtual world, living in a quaint house with a white-picket fence, surrounded by friendly neighbours… without anybody staring at him like he's a freak… without a care in the world.
He's living the life Homelander always wished he could.
"Do you think we could ever live in a place like this?" he contemplates in a somber voice. The genuineness of his thought takes you by surprise.
To be honest, you don't have an answer for him. Vought has such a tight grip on every aspect of his life, you aren't sure if he'll ever be able to be free of their influence. He's never known what it's like to be 'normal', his entire existence has been dictated for him, his every opinion pre-calculated for what's best for the company.
"Hey, why don't we spend the weekend at your cabin?" you suggest, trying to pivot the heavy conversation away to something more tangible. You put your game down to caress his cheek, feeling him angle his head into your touch. "Just the two of us, no schedules or worries."
You can feel a little smile spread across your shoulder at your proposal. Homelander tightens his hold on you ever so slightly, cherishing the feeling of your small stature in his arms. He's glad you aren't able to see his face right now, letting him hide the fact that he's blinking away forming tears.
"Yeah," he whispers. "I'd like that".
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vixensbrainrotts · 10 months
Tokyo revengers headcanons
Content: Tr headcanons
Content warnings: None I hope, please let me know if there are any!
Vixen's two cents: I’ve been wanting to dump all my headcanons somewhere for a while now so here! I don’t think that these are all, but I’m gonna make a second post about any further headcanons I have. Also, i apologize for not including everyone here, ill make sure to include them next time. I hope you enjoy, and if you do, please tell me about it! Don’t be afraid to send me requests either, I’d love to write most anything (I’m uncreative sometimes)! Oh also, what are some of your headcanons? Do you agree with any of mine? I’ll link the part two once i figure out how to do that lol
Kokonoi who is genuinely so bothered by bugs you won’t believe it. He has to leave the room as soon as he sees the „threat“, and fast.
Izana who curses loudly on Filipino whenever he accidentally hurts himself. You can hear him shout from across the whole house when he bumps himself on a corner.
Chifiyu who has a passion for graffiti. He loves tagging and wild styling and spraying elaborate throwup-styles on walls on Toman turf.
Inui who is colorblind, which is really unfortunate because he has an interest in fashion and styles. He relies on Koko for the greater part, but has recently discovered apps that identify color, which has vastly improved his personal style and allowed him to take on more challenging shades.
The Katawa twins who have an honestly really impressive Pokémon card collection and often play against each other to pass time. The amount they have spent on it is sorta concerning and more often than not stop by the little magazine store to buy another pack to "improve their decks" before gang meetings.
Hakkai who has a distinct dislike for the color orange but keeps finding himself surrounded it. He hates it but the walls in his room are orange. He could puke because his favorite faux-fur-coat is a darker orange. There’s no reasoner doesn’t like the color but something about it makes his skin crawl.
Hanma who is German/Russian and makes sure everyone knows it. He is proud of his heritage and will often use German and Russian idioms when conversating. It’s all fun and games till he starts swearing in his mother tongues during fights, bashing in his opponent’s skulls whilst cursing in a foreign, very aggressive manner.
Nahoya and Souya who work like devils in the kitchen. It’s a perfect tandem in between them, they somehow always know what the other wants and needs. If Nahoya needs a hand in opening the oven, Souya’s doing a 360 no look opening. If Souya’s hands are messy from kneading the dough, Nahoya automatically turns on the tap for hand washing. Twin telepathy is real and they’re the number one proof.
Mucho who can’t do shit in terms of math. You need him busy? Ask him for 7x9 and he’ll be unresponsive for the next 3-5 minutes. It’s really frustrating to him because he genuinely puts in so much effort to understand the formulas, but the numbers simply don’t click in his brain.
Smiley who got the smiley piercing the moment he found out about it. It’s really impressively healed and works so well on his face. Some even say that his smile has gotten wider ever since he got it. He also has a poorly healed nose stud on the left side that he only keeps in for sentimental value. He got it in the seventh grade during school and he got his ass whooped when he came back home with it.
Kisaki who unintentionally practices calligraphy because he writes exclusively in cursive. All of his notebooks look fake because all the letters look identical and everything is evenly spaced. The highlighter girlies in his classes wish death upon him on a daily.
Rindou who’s cracked at Chemistry for no reason. He doesn’t even have to try, it’s like the formulas unfold in front of him and the laws and rules just make sense. He can’t even explain it but ask him anything, and I mean anything he can give you the right answer. Just don’t ask him to be your lab partner. He has a nasty history of breaking test tubes.
Kakucho who knows how to dress. Like really know how to dress. Anywhere, anytime he’s looking like a Pinterest board. He doesn’t really try or occupy himself with things fashion, but he just looks so good and coordinated all the time. He thought it was natural to know what looks good or not, so he’s sometimes a bit perplexed by the things that his peers wear. He tries to be nice when he tells them it doesn’t work, but comes across a little brash because it frustrates him.
Kazutora who has unnaturally sharp canines. Like, it’s kinda scary sometimes because they poke out of his mouth even when it’s closed. He’ll commonly run his tongue over them when he’s bored, poking and prodding at them to check if they’re still sharp. It’s one of the features of his face he really does like.
Mitsuya who gossips like a Girl. He lives for drama and tea (silently) and due to his club being occupied by mostly girls, he’s surrounded by it constantly. The girls talk and talk and talk and he eats it up. The scary part is that he remembers nearly every part of it, so he knows so much. He’ll never share it with anyone but likes to know what’s happening. Sometimes he even correctly predicts scandals due to background knowledge.
Leading from the last one, Mitsuya who has a deep voice. One that rumbles softly when he speaks and sounds like the ocean when he laughs. It’s a killer during after-noon classes when he has to present or read something cause it has such a calming effect. He’s put multiple of his classmates asleep accidentally.
Draken who know just the tiniest bit about sowing from helping out in Mistuya’s workshop. He knows how to close a seam, he knows how to sew a button and he knows how to patch a hole and that’s it. He’s lowkey proud of it though.
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monikashinswife · 10 months
Laurrr it's me hi I'm the problem it's me jokee I trulyyy love your story please I'm obsess 🥹
This is my another request hihi uhm monika and the reader is in public relationship she's part of prowdmon like during the evaluation they're targeting the reader, and the whole group prowdmon specially monika is fuming while reader is like chill something like that btw the reader is like soft spoken person and like super light vibe person, very comforting looking person, so when she dance everyone was shocked because she's the opposite when chilling 🫶🏻
Show Them
(Monika Shin x Reader)
➺ thank you saur much Anon, here is your request. I apologize because this took way too long. Anygays I hope y'all are doing well.<3 You can skip to 2:00 mins to get the vibe of the battle ♡
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It's been a while since I made appearance in battles and made noise in the dancing scene. But my presence is always mentioned even though I don't appear. It's not gonna be easy for them to get rid of my name. Especially with how many I contributed to the community.
And for that people recognize and appreciated me. I appeared in battles globally and gave recognition and wins while representing my country. I made way for them to be recognized, and even though I took a hiatus. Because of an injury, it was not lethal but it required me to rest for a while.
People still wanna get involved in me. And my business and personal relationships. It's not a secret that I am in a long term relationship with who is known as the Professors of Dancers. They constantly wanna get updates about what's happening with our relationship.
While we're in the middle of our dinner date, in our favorite restaurant. Monika suddenly opened up about the new opportunity. "So I was offered to create a crew and participate in a new show." She said, not beating around the bush.
"That's great love!" I said enthusiastically, still enjoying the food. "Can I?" I asked softly, knowing from her expression that my question is bugging her. I observed her hesitant face.
"Sooni knows right?" She nod, almost hesitantly. She gave me the look. The look that's telling me that this is bothering her. But there is still something inside her that wants me to join."Please?" I reach for her hand to further convince her.
"You're injured" She finally let out, I let out a small sigh. "I wouldn't wanna risk your health." I just stared at her, Monika started to bite her lips as she observed my reaction. She waited nervously for any answer, her grip on my hands tightened as worry seeps inside her.
"Darling? Say something..." Her voice so small, she doesn't know why she's feeling nervous. Probably it was because she still didn't know if I would or could continue dancing.
"I'm already healed... Please Monika, I'll be very careful" the look of anticipation spread all over my face as she played with my fingers. A moment of silence passed between us before I asked.
"What's the show?" she almost relaxed and explained what show it is. And that confirmed my question. As the producer also contacted me about it but I still haven't responded. Because I know that they'll contact her and I wanna be with her in this competition.
It's heartwarming that they are finally recognizing dancers. "Alright, I'll do it with you." I squealed and kissed her in celebration. "You promise to be careful?" She asked, the doubtful thoughts made its way because of my situation.
Suddenly, the people in the restaurant is forgotten, Monika placed her chair next to you, she took both of your hands with hers.
"You deserve to be there Y/n. You could be the judge because of how big of a contribution you made. And I know this has always been your passion, but I wouldn't want you causing yourself harm because of doing something you love. So promise me, please?." She begged for my safety, she knows how carefree I can be when I'm in my element.
But for her, I'll be careful so I wouldn't worry her. I nodded sincerely at her. Promising her wholeheartedly.
"So what's next?" Just then the mood shifted into something lighter. We're already suggesting ideas with each other. Picking the crew member and the name of the crew.
The competition came sooner. Luckily, years of experience came in handy. You came back to practicing and even teaching classes at Monika's studio, trying to get used to it again so I wouldn't get overwhelmed. And it's honestly good to be back.
And into the dance battle you go. When you descend down the stairs. You look at each crews there. PROWDMON's presence is certainly overwhelming, you can see how nervous the other crew are. But PROWDMON greeted them with energy, especially Monika who's making jokes as we made our way to our seat.
"I like this." I blurted out to Monika. While smiling at the crews. Monika's arm is wrapped around my waist as we settled. I am honestly happy. I was about to point out the energy when our crew performance is flash on the screen.
"That's us." Monika pointed, and we immediately payed attention to the screen moving closer to see it better. YGX was the first to comment, and it was safe. The other crew pointed out MoLip's career and mine.
It was all jokes and laughters between other crews because of their comments about the age. But then it took a completely different turn.
When other crew mentioned my name, I remained focus. My eyes on the screen as I listened to what they are saying after complementing me and my contributions.
"But y/n saem, has been on hiatus." Other crew pointed out and the rest of the other crews followed, "so I'm really curious to see her."
"I wonder if her skill reduced"
"Would she still be the same after that injury and break? I doubt that she'll still be the same."
"She looks far too soft here."
I nodded calmly at their words. In my peripheral vision I can see that those who said their words were nervous. But I gave them an assuring and comforting smile. But Monika is certainly not happy with their words.
Disbelief noises left PROWDMON's members they all commented and defended me proudly, looking at crews who said those words as they stare at them in warning.
Monika and I remained silent, me because I was still focused on the screen while Monika because she did not like their comments. Not one bit. The look on her face changed, and she would voice it out.
"I hate that." Monika's authoritative voiced echoed around the room. Suddenly, the air was tense. When the energy of PROWDMON changed. They all remained silent, some not meeting our eyes. They have all the nerves to say those words when we are not in front of us.
But where did those nerves go?
Before Monika could say something else. It was my turn to wrap my arm around her waist. Finally, the torture has ended and we returned to our seat with the members heavy footsteps. Monika looked at the crews once again, warning them with her commanding eyes.
"It's fine" I took her hand and kiss it to calm her down. Her breath heaved as she tried to relax. "Calm down babe, it's chill." I calmly stated but Monika would not tolerate such behavior.
The other crews saw the interaction you both are having, they gulp as they saw you tame the beast which is Monika. Some of them whispering how you prove their point about you being "too soft" because of your attitude this time.
The show's MC was introduced and the program continues. And the no respect battle was introduced. Dancers are given some time to change into something comfortable that they can dance while wearing.
Prowdmon are in their hideout doing their own thing, you're fixing your sleeves when Monika made her way closer to you. She present her arm, and you chuckle before helping her fix her white sleeves.
"Don't mind them okay?" She tuck your hair behind your ears before she caress your cheeks affectionately. But your serious gaze made her say something, "I don't like their words towards you." You gave her a soft smile before Hyo Won came for your defense.
"They don't know what they're talking about." The other members chants follows "Show them! Show Them!" We all gather together for a group hug before the screen told us to go back.
Once the crews are settled. The battle began, and as much as this is a competition. It is also a show. And the crews enjoyed the performance of those in the battle ground.
"The dancer that I can beat is..." there was a long pause in Rihey's words as she scan the crews one by one. Until our crew name PROWDMON came out. I smiled, knowing who it is already. It was expected as she was one of the many that says a lot about me.
"PROWDMON Y/n." They let out collective gasps and wows. My team stayed silent with proud faces as they know what's bound to happen. I just smiled as I walk to the stage.
Just happy to be back. I nodded my head at Rihey not dropping my smile. The MC introduced us before the song started playing. I gave her a nod, acknowledging that she will go first.
Her body started following the rhythm as she started dancing. The look on my eyes and face changed. Suddenly the tension became heavier as they thought that this would be a light hearted moment.
I tilted my head, my face stoic as she tried to taunt me while dancing. I gave a small smirk while she bounced and dance desperately. She is good, I gave her that.
I approve but I'm not her to evaluate her. I'm her competition and Competition I am.
"Switch to PROWDMON Y/N!" Loud cheers erupted, I let myself soak in their cheers. Completely turning into the person that they all know.
"Make it bounce up, Make it bounce up" the crowd cheered as I lip synced the lyrics. I step up. Calm before the storm.
Then, me and the music became one. I managed to kneel in the first few seconds. Bouncing while on my knees as I popped.
As I move my whole body. The audience move with me. The unity and cohesiveness of my dance is undeniable and unmatched.
There was no denying that when you dance, you stole the whole room's attention. Your presence demanded and attracted them. And it doesn't help that your expression is perfect. The way you convey the mood through your face.
The way your body sways with the music. You flow like a wave, smooth and hard, your moves crystal like the water. And your dance range wide like the ocean. You orchestrate the room with your movements.
They all scream when they saw how impactful you are. You gesture to the now mesmerized Rihey. Making her dance like she's someone being sway by the wave. Your influence and presence is totally unmatched.
You look like a different person. You, but still different. Whoever underestimated you is now proven. You did not grow weaker. But you came back stronger despite having something that would make you weaker.
Your audience screamed and clap once you're done. You bowed in respect. You heard them talk and they were overwhelmed with the battle. Rihey and you put out a legendary fight.
You laugh when they threw their shoes and some threw their banner. Rihey makes her way closer to you and she bowed. You gave her a sweet smile before giving her a hug.
"That was WOW" the Daniel shake his head and let out an impressed noise. "Indeed it was, I can't believe I'm blessed to witness that" Boa added, your eyes twinkling as you wait for their vote.
Monika's voice is the loudest when she saw how you won with unanimous vote. You bowed to your opponent and hopped back to your teammates.
"I'm so proud! I'll definitely treat you later" she marveled with you in her arms. You melted into her arms for a moment before the rest of PROWDMON went in for a group hug.
You laugh altogether before you settle back to your seats, faces all proud. Victory is certainly a good look in your team. And not only were you marveling in victory but also you were all genuinely happy to be there.
Once the episode shoot is finished. You said goodbye to the rest of the crew with the next mission in mind. You all decided to have dinner together some other time.
Your smirk went back on your face as you look at Monika mischievously. You brought your face closer to her ear, making sure to caress her hand as you whisper, voice slow and low.
"I can't wait for that treat"
(not proofread)
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v-ternus · 1 year
His Creation Myth
Nice little MountainDew I wrote that got me out of a writing slump. For @forlorn-crows , because of your kind tags on my last Mountain fic.
tags: water Dew, virgin Dew, handjob, alot of praise, Mountain is absolutely whipped, nice mention of a little aftercare
Freshly summoned Dew has a quiet movie night with Mountain, and lets all pretend that he's never done anything before. A problem arrises, and good boy Mount has to help him.
Below for your consumption.
It was just supposed to be movie night, a welcoming night so to speak with some snacks and lighthearted conversation. Mountain wanted a relaxed moment with the new summon. But things went sideways halfway through watching Nemo of all things. 
Dew had started feeling a weird heat pooling in his stomach. Before long, the slight pressure from the throw pillow on his lap was becoming excruciating. He sat there, with a pit of worry blooming deep in his chest, before finding the courage to raise the pillow a little. He finds a tent in his sweatpants with a small, darkening wet spot. The hot ache occupying his midsection combined with whatever this was made him feel like he was dying. 
He was apparently staring for too long, because Mountain had to interrupt his non-attention. 
“Something wrong?” Mountain’s words may as well be cracks of thunder, they spooked him and he stupidly jammed the pillow into his lap to hide his problem. It visibly makes him wince, which doesnt help Mountain’s brewing suspicions. 
“Nothing!” He says, too quickly, that it was definitely unusual. Mountain looks at him with those obnoxiously kind, green eyes, a stare that wasn't going to let Dew avoid confessing his problem. Dew was very new to life topside, he was fresh, but Mountain had already taken a liking to him. He could read him pretty well and had learned most of his tells. 
“It's written all over your face Dew, come on. You’re new, you couldn't have run into too many problems yet, I can guarantee that I’ve dealt with whatever it is,” 
The pleading and genuine concern was making things more difficult for Dew. His dick was really aching and he didn't know why, or how to fix it, how to make himself feel better. For all he knew, he could be dying, he had never dealt with this in the pit. Maybe something went wrong during his summoning, maybe his vessel was defective. Regardless, something was very, very wrong. 
Mountain pauses the movie and moves to face Dew, again asking what's wrong. His undivided attention makes Dew’s face hold a bright shade of red, hot shame working down his spine. He tries to curl in on himself further but ends up pushing the pillow down again. The harsh friction makes tears pool in the corners of his eyes. 
Mountain can smell his distress, astringent and bitter. He uses a finger to raise his chin up to bring them face to face. He’s left staring at a pair of eyes screwed tight. 
“Bug?” Dew’s breath hitches. The endearing nickname was the final nail in the coffin. 
Dew finally lets the words out with a whine, “It really hurts,”
“What does?” As far as he’s noticed, nothing had happened to Dew in recent days, and definitely nothing happened in the two hours they’ve been hanging out. He couldn't drum up a moment where he could’ve gotten hurt. 
Dew doesn't even really know what’s hurting, he cant really explain it, so his only option is to show Mountain. Once he moves the pillow, Mountain knows exactly why Dew is hurting. 
“Oh…” He swears he tried to keep his voice neutral so as to not alarm Dew, but he failed miserably. If anything, the way he said it further convinced Dew that something about this was bad, that it would be hard to fix. 
“What do you mean oh?! You have to help me. I think I fucked up Mountain.” A new scent quickly invades Mountain’s senses, it reeks of burnt wood and venom— fear. His brain is quickly wiped clean of any joke, realizing that Dew really has no clue what’s happening. 
“Calm down Dew, you’re perfectly fine,”
“How am I possibly fine?” The tears have started to fall against his rosy cheeks, leaving trails down to his jaw then neck. 
“You’ve really never…?” Mountain desperately needs the full picture, needs Dew to confirm his suspicions. Dew shakes his head, messily wiping off tears that wont stop falling.
“I know how to fix this,” Its Mountains turn to blush. He’s worried that he’s taking advantage of Dew in such an unknowledgeable state, but he’d be lying to himself if he said that this didn't make him throb in his own pants. The chance to relieve him, to teach him for the first time. The notion turned him into a puddle. 
He cradles Dew’s face, dragging his thumb across the tear streaked cheek. The warmth makes Dew loosen his eyes a bit, it takes him off the edge just enough so he can breathe. 
“You need to tell me if anything feels worse ok? Really Dew.” Dew sighs, hopeful for relief. 
“Ok,” Its a quick whisper, he follows it up with a nod just to make sure. His eyes are still shut, he doesn’t know what the cure is and he definitely doesn't know what Mountain is about to do. So he waits patiently, waits for whatever is supposed to make him feel better. 
What he doesn't expect is his shirt being lifted off and a new pressure surrounding his cock. The sudden contact makes him hiss. His eyes shoot open to see Mountain’s eyes locked on his crotch with his large hand palming over it. 
Pain floats around in his mind, he’s sensitive. He didn't think the pain could get worse, but it did. And it was torture. But it was steadily being replaced by a comforting warmth the more Mountain kneaded at him, so he didnt say stop. 
“I’ll show you Dew, how to make yourself feel good,” He drags a thumb over the larger wet spot, slowly, right over the tip, making a point to press down on where he thinks the slit is. Dew jolts and reaches for the offending hand, clamping around his wrist. 
“—feels like you’re lighting me on fire. Hurts.”
“Sorry,” He doesn't mean to tease, not now, but he just can't help it. It's built into him like his magic. It's stronger than second nature. He studies Dew’s face when he goes back to gentle touches. Takes in how his jaw has gone slack, how his pale blue eyes watch on with awe while Mountain touches him.
He gives one last tender squeeze before gently wiggling his arm out of Dew’s grasp. He hooks a finger into Dew’s sweatpants and works it down to his mid thigh, just enough to get it out of the way. Just enough to catch a glimpse of the offending member. 
He didn't know what he was expecting, but it wasn't what he saw— a heavy cock that bounced against his stomach right under his belly button, leaking pre onto his little happy trail. Its nicely thick and long enough that the head would sit nicely in his throat if he got the chance to wrap his lips around Dew. 
“I’ll teach you everything Dew. You just have to let me.”  He wraps his hand around Dew’s cock and he feels it twitch, kicking against his hand. As well endowed as Dew is, he looks embarrassingly small in Mountain’s grasp. He wants to make a remark, make Dew blush even more by telling him just how small he is, but he tucks that fantasy away, for now. Dew’s cock is so red that it's almost purple, he understands then, why he shed tears. 
“It’s so much Mount,”
“Give it time Dew.”
He starts to stroke him, root to tip, lightly gliding over the head and Dew yelps each time. Soon, the drag of his hand fills the room with wet noises. The only other noise is a stream of ‘Ah, Ah, Ah’ falling from the little ghouls mouth.
“Your body already knows what to do, bug, look at how wet you are,” Dew moans, high and feminine. His eyes catch on his slicked thighs and hips, noticing how he they shine with the light dim light of the tv. Mountain's brain is enamored by how he looks like a star as he comes apart in his hands, by how pretty Dew sounds.
The previously overwhelming sensation has bled into indescribable pleasure, Mountain is towing Dew back from the thin line between pleasure and pain. With the relief, he starts to relax, his muscles go numb. 
The earth ghoul recites a silent prayer to whatever is out there. He prays that he’ll be the only one to ever hear his siren sing, that Dew will be his— that Dew would let himself be his.
The easiest support is against Mountain’s chest, so he uses it, leaning against the supple flesh while Mountain snakes his hand up onto the nape of his neck, dragging his nails over his scalp. He holds Dew close, relishes in his warm breath against him. 
Dew starts to roll his hips, jerky and uncoordinated, until he finds a rhythm. He thrusts up to meet the tight fist around him while Mountain uses his finger to pet at the sensitive spot under the head. 
“Good Dew, take what you want,” Mountain watches as even more slick drips out of Dew, it quickly reminds him of his soft spot for water ghouls.
Dew’s rhythm starts to falter and the muscles in his toned thighs start to twitch. Mountain can see it, hell he can damn near taste it, Dew was close.
A tightness forms deep in Dew's stomach, he’s about to have his first orgasm, ever. And the best part? He doesn't even know it. 
“Mountain, what is this? Its- Mount its…” He’s been reduced to a mumbling mess, devoid of any coherent thought thanks to Mountain’s ministrations. All he can do is cling to Mountain like he's his only chance at salvation, which in this moment, he really is.
“Just let it happen Dew, let go for me.”
Mountain tightens his hand and jerks him off faster, twisting when he gets to the tip and rubbing his palm into the head to polish it for good measure. He’s trying his hardest to snap the wound up band in Dew. 
Dew cums without a sound, save for the yelp of him choking on his own breath. He keeps nuzzling his face into the column of Mountain’s neck, grazing his fangs over the tender flesh. All he can smell is his earthy scent, laced with pine and lavender.
He has an unexplainable urge to bite, he wants to sink his teeth in, but he clamps down on his own lip instead. A tinge of copper hits his tongue as he breaks skin. His fingers stay wound up tight in the earth ghoul’s shirt, feeling like he would drift away without the tether. 
Mountain feels like luck is raining down on him as he gets to watch the birth of something he can only describe as celestial. He basks in the glory of Dew discovering pleasure, realizing desire, he watches as Dew fully becomes one with sin. He cant peel his eyes off of the cum spilled over his fingers, speckled along the small hairs of Dew’s happy trail.
Mountain keeps stroking him, working him through everything gently. Once Dew goes soft, he rests his dick gently against his thigh before wiping his mess off on his sheets. He pulls Dew into his lap, ignoring the stickiness that'll inevitably dry uncomfortably between them, and pulls him tight against his chest while leaning against the headboard. He feels Dew’s heavy breath, the deep rise and fall of his chest against his own. 
Dew shifts his leg and unknowingly nudges Mountain’s own throbbing cock, it makes him gasp. But his brain doesn’t recognize it beyond that, it doesnt care about his release. All his brain can think of is the twitching ghoul in his arms.
“Fuck, Mount. Fucking hell.”
“Was that ok? Are you ok?” Mountain expects a simple yes, but Dew’s answer is better than he could’ve imagined. 
“Teach me more sometime.” He feels him further sag into his chest, feeling hopeful for the future. He places a kiss against his hairline and catches his scent again. This time, Dew smells like petrichor and a breeze along a shoreline, sweet and light— happiness.
Dew resting on him makes him feel flayed open, like his raw nerves are being singed one by one. His brain is draped in the sensation— he can’t imagine a life without it.
They’ll eventually get up and when they do, he’ll run a bath for the both of them. He’ll lay Dew on top of him in the tub with his back to his solid chest. He’ll lean his chin on Dew’s bony shoulder and whisper about how good he was, how this is what he deserves each and every time he ever lays with someone. He’ll pepper the side of his face with soft kisses as he mumbles words of thanks, immensely grateful that Dew trusted him with something so special. They’ll stay till the water runs cold. 
He hopes Dew falls asleep tucked into his side. 
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abyssruler · 2 years
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summertime sadness
scaramouche x gn!reader
you meet a man with strangely familiar eyes and a voice that makes you long for something you never even knew you missed.
light angst, uhh spoilers for 3.3 archon quest? warning: i haven’t done the latest interlude quest so may not be accurate on some aspects but canon has and always will be just a blueprint for me to stomp on
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For as long as you can remember, there’s always been something missing in your life, a piece in your heart that’s lost and can never be recovered. Like an ache in your body that you can’t quite place, something lingering on the edge of your mind but always just out of reach.
It’s like stepping into a room, fully prepared to do what you’d been planning to do, only to stop and stare as your mind blanks and you forget what you were even there for.
Aether has always advised you to steer clear of Sumeru. He never elaborates more than an apologetic smile and half-baked excuses, says that the weather there is too humid, you wouldn’t like it, and there’s all sorts of bugs and insects, the kind that’d make your skin crawl at the sight. Liyue has good views and sceneries, why don’t you travel there instead?
So you’ve refrained from going there, even though you don’t quite understand why beyond not wanting to make your friend worry.
But then he came to you, all hesitant eyes and imploring words as he asked you to accompany him to Sumeru to see a friend—and you’re unsure whether you were imagining the way he grimaced at the word friend.
You think you know a little more now, sitting at a table in one of Sumeru’s many restaurants and having to endure Aether’s constant reassurances about how his friend is definitely gonna come, even though it’s been two hours since the designated meeting time and you’ve seen neither hide nor hair of his ‘friend’.
And the way Aether talks about said friend to you, an almost expectant look in his eyes that turns into barely concealed disappointment at your lack of a reaction beyond polite hums and nods of your head—you don’t know what to make of it. He seems so sure you’ll like this friend of his that something suspicious rears its head in you.
“Are you setting me up on some sort of blind date with this friend of yours?”
Aether splutters, quickly coming up with denials that make you even more convinced that this is some sort of date. He startles when you stand up from your seat, having had enough of waiting for this friend of his who didn’t even have the decency to arrive on time.
“I’m leaving,” you say, just as another voice pipes up—
“I half expected you to have run off by now. It’s rather pathetic to…” The voice trails off, sounding like the air has just been knocked from their breath.
You turn around.
The loveliest pair of eyes are the first thing you see, your gaze drifting up to dark indigo strands and further up to the large hat the man before you wears. His face looks carved from porcelain, all fragile angles and delicate features set in a face so angelic, yet so…
Something tugs at the back of your head. Fond and tender and something about the slant of his eyes and the set of his lips that makes your heart yearn, like returning to your old childhood bedroom and only just realizing how much you’ve missed it.
Missed him.
“Have…” You lick your lips, feeling uncharacteristically out of depth by the mere presence of a stranger. “Have we met before?”
There’s a moment’s pause, his eyes crinkling at the edges before he turns his head away, bringing a hand up to tug his hat down. And your heart leaps, mind grasping at something to put a place on where you’ve seen such a sight before—but there’s nothing. Nothing to explain the way your breath hitches and chest twist with a strange sort of emotion you can’t name.
“No,” he says after a short length.
You ignore the way your heart wilts in disappointment.
“I… I see,” you respond, not quite sure what to say but feeling something in you begging to fill the silence, urging you to engage him in conversation, smile, talk, laugh—anything.
Anything to hear his voice again.
“For a moment, it just felt like I knew you.” Something in you grimaces at how you delivered it, but it’s overshadowed by the warmth that spreads through your chest when he looks up and meets your expectant gaze with surprised eyes.
He looks hesitant, not outwardly, no, but something about the way he purses his lips and narrows his eyes makes you think he is—though you’re unsure why you’d even think so.
And perhaps it’s that urge in you that makes you say what you’re about to say, clawing in your chest and spreading through your veins to the tips of your fingers like an itch that won’t go away. But you can’t bring yourself to care, not when he’s watching you with unreadable eyes that speak of so much yet so little, your hands twitching with an inexplicable urge to grab his hand, hold his face, wrap your arms around him and never let go.
“Do you want to get to know each other?”
You smile—
And it’s like something in him shifts, looking at you with an emotion you could almost call longing. How strange, how lovely, how very dearly missed.
His lips part, voice sounding like everything you’ve been yearning for and more, “Yes.”
(“Why do you keep asking me questions?”
You grinned, an almost happy note in your voice—though he couldn’t hope to understand the reason for it. “Because I want to get to know you better, Scaramouche.”
“And you think being a pest would make me more amenable to indulging your laughable attempts at small talk?” He crossed his arms.
“If being a pest means I’ll get to hear you speak more, then I’ll be the most annoying insect in the world,” you laughed, letting out a buzzing sound not unlike that of a fly.
He looked at you with unimpressed eyes. “I would’ve had you electrocuted for your insolence.”
“Then why haven’t you?”
His eyes narrowed before he turned away from the sight of your stupidly annoying smile that made his chest feel uncomfortably tight. “I’ll let it slide, just this once.”)
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quandaryqueen · 1 year
How do you think the various Riddlers would react to their love interest slipping up and using a term of endearment when speaking to them? (i.e. "honey," "sweetheart," etc.) I can imagine one or two of them insisting they must be crazy for thinking of him as sweet! 😂
I don't know what you heard, but that's not what I said
Edward Nygma X Reader
Hiii omg I'm so sorry for being so late! Hopefully you enjoy still 🥹
💚 Gotham
You know how Edward always naturally assume he's the smartest in the room? Take his arrogant self in a meeting with the Penguin, where he meets you... He doesn't want to admit it, but you're essentially his equal. Not only does he need to vye to be heard oh no no no, he has to deal with you! You who poses as the rival who shoots his ideas down in favour of your own.
"Now, I suggest we take to land by the docks by the east—"
"No I don't think that would work," For the umpteenth time, Edward turns to narrow his gaze at you. You didn't shrink under his glare, just as the others did, they would back away if they were to be subjected under his stare. But you being you, dared to resume. "No offense, but we can't just underestimate this cartel. For all we know they have armed men at the settlement then all our efforts would be for nought."
"I don't see how you'd have those thoughts. Oswald had already--"
"Darling, I think you know by know that people like them tend to be like Oswald... Always coming back. I just don't want to take the risk when you have done so much for this operation, but we can't get cocky as we near the finish line."
His initial reaction with your "darling" remark made him note that you might have meant that sarcastically, condescendingly but the further you spoke, the more he softened... No, you don't mean that... You hate him and he hates you and--
"I'm sorry I keep interrupting you it's just that sometimes you can get overconfident. You're highly intelligent, I admire you so much and I just want nothing but to see you succeed."
You never hated him, nor have you hinted it. It's just that in his envy-tinted glasses, did he view your criticisms as insults, your remarks in planning as challenges, your pet names as patronising. With no Oswald to break you up (or rather, hold Edward down) before asking you to proceed with the planning, you never really got the chance to explain your intentions.
For the first time, he sees just you.
💚 Batman Unburied
"Well..." Edward tugs on his collar and clears his throat. He tries to shake off whatever metaphoical bugs fluttering in his brain and even when they continue to loom, he resumes. "North it is."
"Oh dear, you're so fucking stupid. Have you never learn? Ever? How many times do you have to do this, you never listen to me and then you crawl back with your candy ass shot......"
Edward can only sit under you care, his torso being at the process of being wrapped in layers of bandages as you continue to silently grimace and occasionally let out an 'ow'. If this had been the first time, he'd be crying... From your berating, not the wound— this is his first time being shot, actually. He understands how you tend to spew off like this and he has came to see it as endearing. Nothing like being berated while you tend to his injuries and being taken care of for the rest of his recovery. Oh he would know if you hate him, you'd have abandoned him to die... Or have a minor injury, in general.
"On my fucking god, who gave you the idea this is a good plan! Black Mask! Fucking... Black Mask! In what world is double-crossing him a good idea?! No offense, sweetheart, but sometimes I think you think you're way too smart and end up underestimating everyone—"
"Aaaaw, you called me sweetheart~"
"Oh my god, fuck you!"
"Once I recover, I might just—"
"Just shut up!" You sputtered, before returning to his wounds. Though your words hurtful, your hands were gentle on his wounds.
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captainremmington-13 · 5 months
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖚𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖋 𝖉𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖊𝖑𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓
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show!Luke Castellan x daughter of thanatos!reader
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own the image above or any of Rick Riordan’s characters/world-building.
⚠️Warnings⚠️: swearing, lots of kissing and making out, mentions of insecurities, violence, scars, arguments, petty revenge
A/N: the part that’s all-italics is a flashback. I’m SO SORRY i forgot to post this last night, i fell asleep 😭
“You’re fucking dead to me, Connor.”
Travis Stoll stifled a laugh, but his grin disappeared when you shot him a harrowing look. “You too, Travis. Don’t think you’re gonna get away with the bullshit you’ve pulled today.”
You were in the Hermes Cabin, pointing your weapon at the Stoll brothers. They were truly on your last nerve, and as a result, you were extremely tempted to turn Cabin 11 into a slaughterhouse. 
They had been purposefully pushing your buttons all day. Stealing your eyeliner, taking things off your lunch plate while you weren’t looking, and teasing you whenever you and Luke were together (which was almost constantly). 
The final straw had occurred mere moments ago, when they had decided to take your stuffed animal bat hostage. You’d been able to retrieve it quickly, prying it out of Travis’s hands and giving him a shove for good measure. His brother barely had time to catch him before he hit the ground. 
Now, the two Stolls were practically frozen in place, afraid of what you’d do to get even with them. 
Before you could open your mouth to chew them out further, the door of the cabin swung open. 
“Woah, what’s going on?” 
You suppressed a grin. You didn’t even need to turn around to know who had spoken.
Luke walked over to where you stood, a concerned look on his face. He could read you like a book, always noticing when you were upset or distressed. 
He leaned in to press a greeting kiss to your forehead, eliciting scoffs from both of the Stolls. He turned to look at his brothers, the annoyed glint in his eyes making them look slightly less sure of themselves.
“Explain yourselves,” he said curtly. 
Travis cleared his throat. “We were just…having fun.”
“Maybe you two were,” you muttered, instinctively curling a hand around Luke’s forearm.
Luke glared at the Stolls. “Stop messing with her. It’s clear that she doesn’t like it, and she has important shit to do. She doesn’t have time for you two brats.”
Connor shot Travis a look. The Stolls weren’t stupid, they knew that continuing to defy Luke would probably land them a chore that nobody ever volunteered for.
The two sons of Hermes slunk towards the cabin door, defeated. You assumed they’d decided to go bug someone else. 
Luke’s body relaxed, turning to you and promptly resting his forehead on your shoulder. You ran a hand through his curls soothingly, enjoying the feeling of his arms wrapped around your waist. 
“You alright?” you asked quietly.
“Mhm,” he murmured, his voice muffled by the cloth of your shirt. “Just tired. Don’t want to be around anyone else right now.”
You hummed understandingly. You knew how short Luke’s temper could get, and that he often felt like the other demigods at camp were wasting his time. You felt the same way quite often.
“Did something specific happen that frustrated you?”
Luke sighed. “Little kids wouldn’t stop asking about my scar.”
You held him closer, guiding him to his bed. It was essentially both of yours at this point, however. You rarely slept in your bunk, only using it to hold your prized stuffed animal, pillows and some blankets. 
He sat down, pulling you into his lap so you were facing him. 
“I’m sorry,” you said after a moment. “I hate when they do that to me. They always demand to hear the full story, as if it’s some fairytale instead of the most terrifying experience of my life.”
Luke nodded. “Even worse, it reminds me that my scar is…there, you know? I’m usually able to forget about it during the day, but when someone points it out or mentions the quest, I can almost feel the poison returning to it. Gods, I wish I could back in time to before I got scratched by that fucking dragon.”
You frowned, a small pit forming in your stomach. “Luke, be honest: do you think that your scar makes you less appealing somehow?”
Luke’s eyes bore into yours, his pupils filled with sorrow and frustration. He nodded ever-so slightly, and you felt like your heart was shattering into about a million pieces. 
“Let me ask you this,” you said slowly, reaching up to cup his face. When your fingertips brushed against his scar, he flinched instinctively but didn’t pull away. You were the only person who could touch it without getting their limbs snapped. “Do you think my scar makes me ugly?”
“No, of course not, angel.”
“Then that means yours doesn’t make you any less handsome.” Luke opened his mouth to protest, but you placed a finger over his lips. “You know I’m right, Castellan.”
“I completely understand why you’re insecure about it, believe me. Fuck, it took me weeks to get comfortable with looking at my reflection again. But then I realized that it didn’t really change me at all. It’s not pretty to look at, but the rest of me sure is.”
Luke blushed slightly, and you could tell that your confidence had caused it. You smirked, bringing your face closer to his.
“So trust me, Luke,” you said lowly, caressing the back of his neck gently. “You’re still fucking gorgeous. Personally, I think it makes you look even hotter.”
Luke didn’t respond. He just stared at you, unblinking.
Before you could ask what was wrong, Luke’s lips were pressed to yours. 
Your noise of surprise was muffled by the heated kiss he’d pulled you into. All of the anger and bitterness he had been feeling seemed to have morphed into intense romantic passion. Luke’s hold on you tightened possessively, digging his nails into your waist. It was a rough gesture, and you knew it would leave marks on your skin. 
But it only made you feel more euphoric. 
You groaned as Luke’s teeth bit down on your bottom lip slightly, instinctively tightening your hold on his hair.
“Sorry,” Luke murmured. “Didn’t mean to.”
“It’s fine,” you replied, giving him a cheeky grin. “It’s nothing compared to how rough you get while we train together.”
Luke rolled his eyes, but when he quickly pulled aside the neckline of your camp shirt to start kissing your collarbone, you knew he wasn’t annoyed in the slightest. 
You were just about to reach down to start tugging his shirt off when you heard a series of loud curses just outside of the cabin.
Luke huffed. “This always fucking happens. Just when things are about to get fun.”
You laughed, pecking him once more on the lips. “Let’s go see what’s happening. Then we can try to sneak away to an empty arena.”
Luke gave you a slight smirk, which you matched immediately. He gathered you in his arms to carry you bridal-style towards the door.
“That sounds lovely.” 
You let out a long sigh, your eyes half-closed as you reached blindly for the bottle of soda you’d been drinking from. The campfire sing-along’s were never your favorite, as most of the campers were horribly off-key. You preferred to watch from afar, waiting for Luke to finish helping the younger demigods make their s’mores. 
Besides, the cheery vibes really got on your nerves. You knew it was “mood-killing” to not participate, but you didn’t see what there was to be so happy about.
You rested your chin on your fist, watching Luke as he sat by the fire. The flames, which were a golden hue and at least five feet high, gave his skin a beautiful glow. He looked more divine than any immortal you’d ever seen. 
Finally, after two more annoyingly cheesy songs, Luke’s eyes met yours. He picked up a paper plate with a s’more on it and headed your way. Sitting down next to you, he placed the plate in your lap and wrapped his right arm around your waist. 
“Tired?” he asked, taking a sip of your soda.
“Yeah,” you muttered. “After being here for more than ten years, I’m really sick and tired of campfire sing-alongs. I’ve asked Chiron to let me skip them, but he always says no.” Your expression morphed into one of disdain.  “‘They’re good for morale,’ he said. As if they actually really do much to boost our spirits.” 
Luke let out a noise of irritation. “Well, you know that his judgement isn’t always as sound as everyone thinks.”
You nodded, closing your eyes and leaning against his shoulder. 
You knew exactly what moment Luke was thinking about.
“I am glad you have both recovered,” Chiron said, closing his office door behind you and Luke. “However, now that you are up and about, we need to have a serious conversation.”
He gestured for you to sit down, which you did. You took Luke’s hand, giving him a reassuring smile. 
Chiron stood behind his desk, his hooves tapping against the wooden floor. “Because your quest was not given to you by the Oracle, you did not have a third companion. This put the odds against you both, even more so than they were initially. Though you fought bravely, you failed to complete the task given to you by Lord Hermes.”
Luke’s face flushed, and he let go of your hand. “Thanks for the reminder.” 
Chiron sighed, avoiding both of your gazes. “Your lives are more important than achieving glory.” 
“Sure, but being constantly reminded of our defeat ever since we returned a week ago isn’t exactly pleasant,” you said bitterly. 
Chiron elected to ignore your comment, which only put your more on-edge. “The brush with death you both experienced rattled the entire camp. If things had gone just a bit differently, we would have lost you. There are already so few demigods here because so many who are guided by satyrs have been attacked and killed recently. Mr. D and I agree that we cannot have campers going on such dangerous journeys and losing their lives. Therefore, we have concluded that we will not permit anyone to go on a quest, unless it is absolutely necessary or the will of the Olympian Council.” 
Your jaw fell open. “Are you fucking serious?”
Chiron nodded gravely. “I’m afraid so.”
“That’s fucking ridiculous,” Luke spat. “You’re going to rob everyone of their chances to collect glory just because you think it’s too dangerous? Our lives are filled with danger, we’re constantly being hunted! What’s the point in training so hard if we don’t get to actually use our skills?”
“My mind is made up,” Chiron said firmly. “I am sorry that it upsets you, I understand how important glory is to young demigods-“
“No, you don’t understand,” you shouted, standing up. “For millennia, going on quests have been he only way to become a true hero. And now you’re telling us we have to just…stop?” 
Chiron opened his mouth to respond, but three sharp knocks on the door interrupted him.
“It’s me,” Mr. D’s voice declared. “What’s all the loud yelling for? You’re disrupting my peace and quiet!” 
“I am discussing our decision to ban quests until further notice.”
“Ah,” Mr. D said, clearly uninterested. “Tell whoever you’re talking to that we’re not changing our minds.”
And that was that.
When the other campers found out about the new rule, they were furious. The Ares cabin was especially bitter, threatening to hold you hostage until it was revoked. Fortunately, Mr. D (who had an odd soft spot for you) discouraged them from doing so by threatening to turn them into grapevines. 
Still, this didn’t prevent other demigods from giving you and Luke a hard time. They blamed you for ruining their shot to become renown heroes, and made sure you knew how upset they were. Some of them marched right up to you both to shout at you, which usually ended with them getting shoved to the ground by your boyfriend while you told them to fuck off. Others preferred to use slightly more subtle methods of revenge. After a two-hour archery session, you had decided to take a shower to cool off. Had you not been paying close enough attention, you would have rubbed a handful of shampoo that was dyed neon orange into your hair. 
You were utterly shocked someone could do something so immature and petty. But that didn’t stop you from finding out who did it it was Reylynne from the Aphrodite Cabin and getting even during the next Capture the Flag game. When you encountered her on the battlefield, you sliced half of her light brown hair off, giving her an awful, unflattering haircut.
Eventually, the ruckus died down. People stopped harassing you, and you were able to get back to your “normal” camp routine. 
However, the damage had already been done. You had crawled back into your shell.
At least you had Annabeth, who you saw as a little sister. She never judged you, or blamed you for what happened on the quest.
You also stayed close to Chris Rodriguez. After sharing a cabin with him for years, you’d developed a close platonic bond that you knew wouldn’t waver any time soon.  
And of course, you still spent every waking moment with Luke. 
“You know what I just realized?”
Luke raised an eyebrow, turning his face so that he was looking directly at you. You were laying on Luke’s bed, your limbs intertwined and your bodies pressed together. It had to be close to midnight, as it was pitch black outside.
“Turning eighteen tomorrow really isn’t that big of a deal.“
Luke brushed a lock of hair out of your face. “Why do you think that?”
“We’re not normal mortal teens. It’s not like being eighteen gives us any special privileges. In the eyes of the gods and Chiron, we’re still just average campers.”
“Yeah,” he said slowly. “But isn’t being able to say you’re officially an adult a little exciting?”
“I guess,” you said reluctantly. “I suppose I’ll see how I feel tomorrow morning.” 
Luke hummed in agreement. “Close your eyes, angel. You need the rest.”
You rolled your eyes. “You always say that.” 
Luke didn’t reply, but gave you a smug grin when you yawned. You just glared back.
“Don’t give me that look, Lukey. You don’t have to tell me ‘I told you so’, I’ll go to sleep, alright?”
He snorted quietly, burying his face in the crook of your neck and practically climbing on top of you. “Lukey? That’s a new one. Don’t tell me you’re going soft on me, angel.” 
You barely held back a groan as he placed a tender kiss on your jawline. “You know I’m only like this for you.”
Luke gave you a smile, his eyes sparkling despite the darkness that enveloped the cabin.  “I love when you’re like this. Your vulnerability is priceless to me, and I love seeing a side of you that you rarely show others. Besides, you’re so fucking adorable when you’re sweet to me, and only me.”
You shot him a fake glare. “You’re making it really hard to want to sleep.”
Luke sighed. “Fine, fine, I’ll stop. Sorry for keeping you up.”
You shook your head. “It’s alright, I really don’t mind.” You brought your stuffed animal to your chest, and wrapped an arm around your boyfriend’s torso. “Goodnight, Lukey.”
He leaned towards you, and gave you one last kiss. “Sweet dreams, angel.”
You fell asleep looking forward to your birthday for the first time in your entire life. 
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taglist: @orionspaperwork, @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy, @marvelescvpe, @lovingjasontoddmakemewanttocry, @louweasleymalfoy, @stars4birdie, @stargurl-battleship, @daughterofthemoons-stuff, @have-a-nice-day-k, @felinows, @i-am-me-and-you
Thank you for reading! Please let me know what you think in the comments!!!
I will be posting a poll tomorrow morning, please vote when it comes out, it’s VERY important!
Let me know in the comments if you want to be added to the taglist!
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xycuro-illuminati · 4 months
Fix(Save) TF2
(What's going on and what you can do)
For the past 5 years as of this point, Team Fortress 2 has been facing a bot crisis. There are groups of people who are hosting aimbot cheaters to join servers and swarm the player base by making the game unplayable (i.e., sniping players from impossible areas, using wallhacks to track others, spamming both in mic and chat loud music or vulgar, hate speech, votekicking innocent players for no reason, overall making a horrible experience to play on.) This has been happening in every server in casual mode.
While many community members have created community servers to combat the bots with their own anti-cheat, not everyone knows about them, nor are they always available for everyone to join.
And you might be thinking: well if community members can implement their own anti cheat, why doesn't Valve just do that then?
That's the thing! They haven't, and their negligence continues to this day as all they've done to update the game is fix minor bugs and add more micro-transactions despite fixing the MAJOR ISSUE AT HAND.
These bots aren't just aimbots, they go around spouting hatespeech as said earlier and the hosters will do everything they can to keep it that way. It's noted that these hosters have tried scamming the player base by stating if you fork over some cash, they'll stop the bot scripts. Along with some hosters going as far as DDOSing servers and DOXXING figure heads that go against them.
TheWhat Show's video on these bots perfectly explains the problem in full detail with great explanations and examples. He also has MegaScatterBomb as a guest, telling his story of how he was doxxed by these bot hosters and so much more, just because he was developing an anti-cheat to combat them.
Prominent tf2bers from Uncle Dane, FiskonaStick, Big Joey, Jontohil, Weezytf2, and so many others have made their statements on this topic, all agreeing that Valve needs to do something.
(Uncle Dane's video not only informs more about the situation but the clips he has just shows how frequent these bots are when hopping onto casual mode). Many FPS games have been inspired by tf2, this isn't us trying to stroke our egos, this is just the plain truth of it. So even if you're a fan of ow2 or valorant or any other game, this SHOULD matter to you and it SHOULD piss you off. CsGo, another Valve fps game, is starting to get the same bot problem as tf2, so who knows how long it'll take for this to spread even further. Remember that Valve owns Steam, and that these bots are on that platform, and they're allowing these bots to stay on their platform. If these bot hosters have gone as far as to leaking personal info of known tf2 figures, then what's stopping them from doing the same to random, innocent players of the game? So what are we doing? The tf2 community is spreading word about this bot crisis on multiple platforms. There is a website that you can find here that details what's going on and a petition going on right now. We plan on printing out every signature and mailing it to Valve themselves, to show that we love this game and refuse to let it be taken over by a bunch of bad actors that want nothing but to ruin the fun for everyone. We have nothing to lose, and we're only focusing on the major problem at hand, it being the bot crisis.
I ask all my followers and mutuals to please sign the petition and spread the word, even if you don't play tf2. This games means so much to be and as much as it pains me to watch it get flooded by these bots, it pains me even more to see Valve sit on their asses and do nothing about it.
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tickly-trashcan · 2 years
What Goes Around... {Zane, Cole, Kai, and Jay}
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A/N: okay my bad i totally ignored that poll bc i wanted to post this so bad LOL i literally wrote this in almost an entire sitting HELP ME i went absolutely bonkers after @/jettorii posted some art (go check them out right now!!) and i just. yeah. anyways!! i think this is so so funny and i think these guys are goofy as hell and i just. yeah. i am gonna stop talking now bc i literally spent so much brainpower writing this i cant think anymore LOL
Summary: Zane keeps walking in on his fellow ninja getting tickled. But you know what they say: what goes around, comes around!
Word Count: 2.3k (under the cut!)
“Nononohohoho!!! Jay, get ohohohoff!” Cole wheezed, kicking his legs weakly as he tried to shake Jay off of him. Jay only laughed, scribbling his fingers all over Cole’s sides as Cole hollered, pounding his fists into the ground.
Zane walked into the room after hearing the commotion, holding back a laugh as he witnessed Cole desperately trying to wiggle away from Jay. Cole was laying on his belly while Jay straddled his back, tickling him mercilessly. Cole wailed, looking up and seeing Zane.
“Zahahahane!! Hehehelp me, plehehehease!!”
Zane raised an eyebrow, noticing where Jay was tickling Cole. “Jay, why aren’t you tickling his ribs? Isn’t he more ticklish there?”
“You are so right!! Thanks, Zane!”
“Why!? Zahahahane, dohohon’t leheHEAVE!! JAhahay!!” Cole screeched when Jay found his ribs, digging in lightly as Cole tried to clamp his arms down, squirming around frantically.
“Ha! Now you’ll think twice before you try and mess with my stuff!”
“Thehehen don’t leave your – HAha! Don’t leheheave your juhunk all over the plahahace!”
“Junk!? What are you calling junk? You asked for it…!”
Zane walked away quickly before it escalated further, chuckling to himself as he heard Cole shriek again from down the hall, begging for Jay to stop. He didn’t particularly know exactly what had been happening, but Cole had probably done something he shouldn’t have.
Zane went to work on dinner, but he could still hear Cole laughing down the hallway. When he finally called for dinner he heard footsteps running down the hall. Jay peeked his head in and commented on how delicious it smelled.
“Where’s Cole?” Zane asked, dishing up some food for Jay as Kai walked in as well.
Jay chuckled. “He’s recovering.”
Kai looked at Jay with a worried face. “What do you mean… ‘recovering’?”
Jay shrugged and then explained to Kai how Cole had knocked over one of the things he’d been working on with some parts that his parents had sent him. Kai only rolled his eyes before taking a plate from Zane.
Cole eventually walked in, his face a resting scowl as he glared at Jay. He walked up to Zane, who dished him up some food as well. He narrowed his eyes at Zane as he took the plate. He quickly sat down next to Kai, staring down Jay. Jay stared back, raising an eyebrow.
“What are you glaring at me for?”
“What do you think!?”
Kai sighed. “Can we have a peaceful dinner, please? Nya’s already been bugging me to the point of a headache.”
Jay snorted. The dinner was quiet aside from the typical chatter, and Nya and Sensei Wu eventually came in as well, sitting down at the table to eat with the ninja. 
The next day, Zane was sitting in the bedroom meditating. They were docked for a little while as Jay and Nya did some repairs, so Zane was taking advantage of the quiet.
That quiet only lasted for so long, however. There was a sudden screech from the deck, making Zane jump up in alarm. He ran outside, but his worries washed away as he noticed Kai and Cole on the ground wrestling. The two of them were probably training. Zane sighed and was about to turn back in when the screeching turned to laughter.
“Dohohohon’t you dahahare! Cohohole, I swehehehear–!”
“You started it! I totally won that last round, but you’re too stubborn to admit it!”
“I’m nohohot stubborn!! You’re stubbohohorn!!”
Cole snorted, going back to squeezing Kai’s hips as he threw his head back and hollered.
Zane chuckled as he walked over to Kai and Cole, crossing his arms as he watched Kai flailing around like as if he were fighting for his life. Cole had him pinned with his leg, squeezing his hips as Kai rolled around as much as he could.
“Zahahahane! Sahahave me!!”
“Pfft, like he would. He totally stabbed me in the back yesterday!”
Zane furrowed his brows at Cole. Cole only shrugged. “What? You did!”
“It was because Jay wasn’t tickling you right. I mean, you’re not tickling Kai right, either. He’s much more ticklish on his feet.”
Cole’s eyes widened and he looked down at Kai, smirking evilly. Kai shook his head wildly, giggling nervously. “Cole– Cole, let’s talk about this!!”
“Thank you very much for the intel, Zane!”
“Zane, plehehease, you neeheed to heheHEHELP!! Cole, not thehehehehere!!!”
While Kai was trying to get Zane to help, Cole quickly put Kai’s ankles in a leglock. He scribbled his fingers all over the soles, making Kai throw his head back and practically yell. He tried to kick his legs around, wiggling and squirming as he cackled.
“Zahahahane!! Trahahaitor!!”
Zane rolled his eyes. “You’ll live.”
Zane quickly scuttled away as Cole scratched at Kai’s feet. Kai was bright red when Zane turned around for one last glance, and his laughter was echoing across the deck of the Bounty.
Zane returned to his meditation and managed to clear his head a little bit before Jay walked in. He was grumbling and he had grease all over his face as Zane chuckled. “You have a little something on your face, Jay.”
“Yeah, Zane, I know. I was fixing this little… Ugh, I don’t even remember what it’s called. My brain is fried.”
Zane hummed. “Take a rest. Want to meditate?”
Jay groaned. “Thanks, but no thanks. I think I’ll just avoid Nya for a little while. She’s better at the Bounty repairs than I am.”
Zane chuckled and Jay wiped his face of grease. Kai and Cole eventually walked in as well. Cole had a rather smug look on his face while Kai looked like he was still catching his breath, shooting glares at Cole and Zane.
“My feet are still tingling…” Kai grumbled, making Cole laugh.
“Does that mean you have… Tingle Toes?”
Zane, Kai, and Cole all turned to look at Jay with rather unamused faces. “Do… Do you guys get it? Like twinkle toes but with tingles. Tingle Toes! Hahaha… I’ll stop.”
The four of them eventually went off to do their own thing again, with Kai and Jay going to check on Nya while Cole and Zane started dinner.
“Cole, can I trust you to not burn this?” Zane asked, setting his apron down for a moment. Cole rolled his eyes.
“Of course, you can!! I’m not Kai!”
Zane hesitantly left the kitchen, going onto the deck in order to check on Kai, Jay, and Nya. “Dinner’s almost ready, you guys. Probably another five minutes–”
“Kai, plehehehease!! I was juhuhust kidding!!”
Nya walked by Zane on her way in, sighing dramatically. “Zane, can you de-escalate them? I’ll go make sure that Cole doesn’t burn dinner.”
Zane mouthed a quick “thank you” and went over to where Kai and Jay were. Kai had his arm wrapped around Jay’s waist while he dug under his arm, making Jay squeal and snort as he tried to wiggle out of Kai’s arm.
“Zahahahane! I didn’t dohoho ahahahanything wrong!! Dohohon’t listen to Kahahai!”
“He’s a total liar, Zane! He was flirting with Nya right in front of my face! Do you even understand how traumatizing that is, Jay?”
“I’m an ohohohonly child!!” Jay retorted. Kai scoffed.
“Zane, where should I tickle him?”
Jay shook his head, squirming. “Dohohon’t tell him!!”
Zane chuckled. “You don’t know it’s his stomach?”
“Zahahahane!!!” Jay squealed, shrieking when Kai immediately began to claw at his tummy. Jay’s knees buckled and he fell to the ground, Kai following as he used both hands to scribble across his tummy.
“Thank you, Zane! We’ll be in for dinner in… What did you say, five minutes?”
“I’m gohohohonna die!! Zahahahane, plehehehease!!”
Zane turned around. “Gotta make sure dinner doesn’t burn.”
Zane could hear Jay pleading for him to come back while Kai tickled him to bits. Even as Zane closed the door to the kitchen, Jay could still be heard. 
Nya and Cole were standing by the food, Nya stirring the pot while Cole watched. “Thank you for de-escalating, Zane.”
Cole chuckled. “He probably just made it worse.”
Nya rolled her eyes. “Jay had it coming.”
Cole and Zane nodded in agreement.
Jay and Kai eventually walked into the kitchen, Kai looking triumphant as ever while Jay was bright pink and teary, waving weakly to Nya. He sat down quickly before Kai noticed him waving, leaning against the table for support.
The group chatted during dinner, Jay joining in as soon as he had fully recovered from the tickle attack he had suffered earlier. Nya and Zane cleaned up while the rest of the group went to the bedroom, getting ready to finally go to bed.
“Urgh, I ate too much,” Jay complained, rubbing his tummy while he laid on his bed. Kai snickered, poking him there as Jay jumped. “I will literally kick you off the Bounty, Kai. No more tickles!”
Cole laughed, nudging Kai. “Lemme guess: Zane told you one of Jay’s spots?”
“Yeah, it’s only fun when you’re not on the receiving end,” Kai said, shooting a quick glare at Cole, who held his hands up in defense. Jay whined.
“He totally betrayed me! I wasn’t even doing anything wrong!”
Kai raised an eyebrow at Jay. “Are you serious?”
Before Jay could dig his own grave again, Cole interrupted. “Well, do you guys know who hasn’t been on the receiving end yet?”
Kai’s eyes widened as he realized what Cole was suggesting, a big grin growing on his face. Jay furrowed his brows until he caught on, sitting up with a grin. Just as the three of them unanimously decided on what to do, the door opened. They all turned to see Zane walking in, yawning as he closed it behind him. He stopped.
“...Why are you all staring at me?”
“We’re not staring at you,” Jay said, still staring at Zane. 
Zane nodded his head slowly, walking over to his bed. “Okay… Uhm… Goodnight?”
“Wait, Zane, I want a goodnight hug,” Cole said quickly, making Kai choke on a laugh. Jay fell back on his bed giggling as Zane chuckled.
Cole quickly gave Zane a big hug, lifting him off the ground as Zane groaned. He pat Cole’s back when he set him down, shifting after a few moments. “You can let me go now.”
“Nope, not yet,” Cole smirked. He quickly scooped Zane up by hooking his arms under Zane’s, lifting him off the ground as Zane gasped.
“Wait, Cole, put me down!” Zane kicked his legs a bit as Kai and Jay started to walk up to him, raising their hands. His eyes widened as he shook his head. “No wait, you guys!”
“Where should we tickle him, Cole?”
Cole hummed, Zane already giggling nervously as Jay hovered his hands over his torso. “Why don’t we try the spots he said for us? What were they, Zane?”
Zane clamped his mouth shut, his face twisted into a nervous smile as Kai laughed. “He’s suddenly very quiet! We could start with his belly. That’s where I got Jay.”
Kai ignored Jay’s offended tone and poked Zane’s tummy a few times, making him squirm in Cole’s arms as he giggled a few times. Jay followed, scribbling at his lower tummy as Zane squeaked, trying to wiggle away from Jay. Kai tickled the sides of his stomach and Zane gasped, breaking out into a fit of giggles as the two of them tickled him.
“Nohohoho! This isn’t fahahair!”
“It totally is! You were exposing us left and right earlier!!” Jay pointed out, giving Zane’s hips a quick squeeze. Zane jolted, kicking his legs out a bit as Kai and Jay avoided it. He whined, trying to pull his arms free as he pushed lightly at Kai and Jay’s faces.
“Where else, Cole?”
“Try his ribs!”
Jay stayed tickling Zane’s stomach while Kai began to dig into his ribs, making Zane shriek uncharacteristically before laughing, twisting from side to side to try and avoid Kai’s tickly fingers. It didn’t help that Cole was holding his arms up, completely exposing his ribs as Kai tickled him. Jay scribbling his fingers all over his stomach didn’t help either as Zane laughed.
“Stahahahap! I’m sohohohorry!! Plehehehease, no mohore!”
“You could always tell us your spot, Zane! Maybe then this would go quicker!” Cole snickered, but Zane shook his head.
“I’m gonna try his feet,” Jay said, reaching for Zane’s ankle. He pulled his leg away, kicking it out of Jay’s reach for a few moments before Jay finally managed to catch it. He laughed triumphantly and began to scribble his fingers all over his foot, making Zane yelp. He kicked his foot around, his other leg flailing uselessly as Jay chuckled.
Kai crept up towards Zane’s upper ribs, making him shriek and shake his head, squirming. “Nohoho! Kai, dohohon’t!!”
“Don’t what?” Kai smirked, slowly bringing his hands up higher. Zane whined, trying to tug his arms down as he laughed profusely. “I don’t think Zane even needs to tell us! His spot is right… here!”
Kai quickly dug his fingers under Zane’s arms, making him shriek and cackle, squirming around frantically as the rest of the group laughed with him. Zane tried to squirm away, laughing and wiggling as Kai scribbled under his arms.
“Nohohohot thehehehere!! Kahahai, please!! No mohohohore!!”
“Should we cut him some slack?” Cole finally asked. Kai and Jay exchanged a glance and ceased their tickling. Cole set Zane down on his bed as he continued to giggle, gently swatting Cole’s hands away as he curled up.
“I cahahan still feeheel it,” He whined. 
“We’re even now, right?”
Zane nodded quickly, making the group laugh as they all finally tucked into bed. They all said goodnight, but Zane’s residual giggles could still be heard for a little while, putting smiles on everyone’s faces.
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ninemelodies · 9 months
two worlds apart
written for doctordonna week 23 day one: fire/glow also on ao3
“Couldn’t you have picked a cooler time to visit?” Donna complains. “Even my eyelids are sweating, Doctor.” 
Behind her, the Doctor scoffs. “You’re the one who asked to see fireflies!” He steps out of the TARDIS, still clothed in his suit jacket and coat. He pulls the door closed behind him and turns to face Donna. With his hands on his hips, he begins a rather impressive imitation of Donna's voice. “Doctor, that last three planets you picked have been rubbish, it’s my turn to pick! I want to go see fireflies, a lot of fireflies, like that song.” He drops the accent and gestures to the landscape around them. “So here we are, in the middle of a field in the middle of summer because fireflies are most active during the summer. Which also reminds me - you really need to stop consuming media from your future.”
“Those planets were rubbish! We nearly got arrested! Three times!” Donna defends, and then, in a flash of childish annoyance, she sticks her tongue out at him. The Doctor returns the gesture. 
When she had first told the Doctor what she wanted to do, he had spent 30 minutes trying to convince Donna to go to some planet where there were literal fire flies. As in, flies that set themselves on fire when they died. Donna had found it a bit morbid and knew, with their luck, that a trip to that planet was likely to end with one or both of them missing their eyebrows. And now he wanted to try and warn her about spoilers? Traveling with him was one big spoiler! 
“Like I'm going to go home and copy down the entirety of a song to claim as my own before the original artist can make it.” Donna rolls her eyes. “I can promise you I'm not that talented. And besides, it’s not like I'd be getting rid of The Beatles or anything.” 
“That did happen once…” the Doctor mutters, but before Donna can ask him to explain, he’s already moving on. “Come on,” he says and begins trudging through the ankle high grass. “I know a good spot.”
“It better be worth it,” Donna threatens, but there’s no real heat behind her words. She follows behind him. Despite her complaints about the heat, the Doctor has taken her to a rather beautiful field. There are wildflowers blooming everywhere and the air is alive with the sounds of nature. Every step they take sends grasshoppers and other tiny green bugs scattering. If it wasn’t so bloody hot, Donna could imagine herself spending a lot of time here. 
They haven’t traveled far before the Doctor stops. There is a clearing in the field where the grass has been mostly flattened and nothing too prickly grows. The Doctor pauses and digs around in his coat pocket for a moment before he produces a blue and white checkered picnic blanket. He lays it out on the ground and then steps back. “Ladies first,” he says as he bows low and gestures to the blanket. 
“So you're finally recognizing my lady-like qualities, hm?” Donna asks. She settles cross-legged on the blanket and fans herself with her hand. 
“Oh,” the Doctor says, like he’s been reminded of something. He reaches a hand in his coat pocket and then continues reaching, until his arm up to his elbow is hidden from view. He digs around for a minute before he frowns and pulls back a bit. “Hang on.” Using his other hand, he reaches over and pulls the pocket open further. He digs for just a moment longer before he pulls his hand out with a triumphant noise. In his hand is a small bottle of sunscreen and a bottle of water. 
He tosses the sunscreen to Donna before settling onto the blanket. “The sun should be going down soon, but..” the Doctor trails off with a shrug that Donna takes to mean ‘better safe than sorry.’ He's not wrong, Donna burns very easily. 
She catches the sunscreen and begins smearing a thin layer over all her exposed skin. When she’s done, she hands the sunscreen back to the Doctor and takes the bottle of water. It feels like ice in her hand. “How is this still cold?” Donna hasn’t seen the Doctor near any kind of fridge or cooling station in several days. 
“What,” the Doctor says, “are your pockets not thermoregulated?” 
“Would you like them to be?” he asks, like it’s a casual thing to have pockets that are climate controlled. Donna gives him a look and he raises his hands in surrender. “It's just an option! I can update them on the TARDIS, if you want.” 
Donna is positive she doesn’t want the Doctor doing anything to her pockets. “I think I’ll keep them as they are, spaceman.” The Doctor’s experiments tended to always have some kind of unintended effect, like boiling an egg from several paces away. Knowing him, he’d accidentally make a black hole in her trousers or something equally ridiculous. 
The Doctor shrugs. “Suit yourself.” In the calm that follows, the Doctor goes digging through his pockets again and produces two sandwiches, one cucumber and cream cheese (Donna's favorite) and the other peanut butter and banana (the Doctor’s favorite), a whole banana, a variety pack of crisps, and another bottle of water. “Asked the TARDIS to make some snacks,” he explains as he arranges the food on the blanket. 
She snags a packet of spicy crisps and the cucumber sandwich. The sandwich, much like the water bottle, is still at the perfect temperature despite being in the Doctor’s pockets for who knows how long. Donna decides she’s probably better off not thinking too hard about it being a pocket sandwich and takes a bite. 
Across from her, the Doctor starts with the banana and quickly demolishes it before moving onto his sandwich. He's got a large mouthful of peanut butter and bread when Donna speaks.
“So where are we?” 
The Doctor smacks loudly and swallows the bite of sandwich in his mouth before speaking, “We’re in Re:America, sometime around the oh…” he sticks a finger in his mouth and then pulls it out to hold up like he’s testing the wind. “23rd century? Ooooh,” he sounds excited now. “It's Independence Day! We’re in for a treat!”
Donna frowns at him. “You brought me here and you didn’t even know what day it was?” 
“That's what you’re questioning?” the Doctor asks with a raised eyebrow. “You said you wanted to see fireflies, Re:America has the largest population of native fireflies in all of history,” he explains. “I set the time coordinates to bring us here in the summer, but I didn’t specify a day.” He takes another large bite of his sandwich.
In all honesty, Donna isn’t sure if the Doctor is just incredibly bad at navigating or if the TARDIS just decides to drop them off wherever she thinks they’re needed. Given the way the Doctor likes to smack the console with that rubber mallet, Donna has a feeling the TARDIS is a little more obstinate than she will ever know. 
The sun is just starting to set when Donna finishes her sandwich and crisps. She puts the trash in her normal, not dimensionally altered pockets, and lays on her back on the blanket. The sky above her is painted in shades of orange and purple. They still have a few minutes before dark, so Donna asks, “Re:America?” 
She hears the Doctor huff out a laugh before he shifts and lays down next to her. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees him settle with his arms crossed behind his head. 
“Re:America was created in response to rising capitalistic ideas in America that were oppressing the working class,” he explains. “The common people didn’t like the way they were being treated so they carved out a section of central America, around Kansas,” he wiggles his hand in a so-so gesture, “Nebraska area and created their own government and economic system.” 
“So…Re:America like re: in an email?” 
The Doctor turns his head to grin at her. “Donna Noble, you are amazing. That’s exactly it. Re:America was named because it was literally a response to the increasingly harsh atmosphere in America.” He turns back to look up at the sky. “Unfortunately, Re:America will only last for another 50 years or so before it gets dissolved back into the rest of the United States. The impact is astounding, though. New laws for protection of workers, a revised economic system that lifts millions out of poverty and the nations of the world begin to come together and space travel becomes a priority. This is where the First Great and Bountiful Human Empire starts before it spreads out amongst the stars. Isn’t it brilliant?” 
Donna hums in agreement, but quickly gets distracted by the first flicker of light above them. For a minute there is nothing, and then suddenly there are hundreds of fireflies all around them. They twinkle like stars and Donna can’t help but laugh. She turns to look over at the Doctor and finds him staring at her with a soft smile on his face. 
“Well?” he asks. “Worth it?” 
“It's beautiful,” Donna says. “I've seen them before, in the country when I was young, but it was never like this. This is amazing.” 
The Doctor shifts and pulls a hand out from behind his head. He sticks it up in the air and the fireflies dance around it. A few land, blink for a moment, and then take off again. Eventually, as the fireflies scatter off to places outside of their clearing, the Doctor begins to point out constellations and stars in the sky. There are a couple stars that Donna’s never heard of, and the Doctor explains that their light only began to reach the Earth long after the 21st century. 
Now that the sun has gone down, the night is beginning to cool off, and, with the soothing sound of the Doctor speaking lowly beside her, Donna begins to doze off. She’s comfortable and she’s safe and she’s almost asleep when a bright light and a loud boom shatters the night. 
Beside her, the Doctor jerks and his description of the far-off Treyas Galaxy cuts off. Before Donna can truly process what happened, the Doctor is hovering over her, ready to shield her from any other explosion or debris. 
Another bang sounds and the sky lights up again in a shower of blue sparks. It’s fireworks, Donna realizes. Someone is setting off fireworks, very close by, judging by how loud they are. She can hear the tell-tale whistle as another is launched. 
Above her, the Doctor is wide eyed and pale in the brief flashes of light. She can’t say for sure what the explosions are reminding him of, but she can take a guess. Gramps had that same look whenever fireworks went off. It was the look of a man haunted by war. 
Without hesitation, Donna rests her hands gently on the Doctor’s cheeks. She keeps her touch light, so he can pull away if he wants. “Hey,” she says, softly, in the silence between fireworks. “It's Independence Day. You said so earlier. They’re fireworks. We’re okay.” 
The Doctor blinks once, twice, and Donna watches as the panic fades from his eyes. He draws in a ragged breath, and Donna suddenly realizes that in his alarm, the Doctor had stopped breathing. She shifts her fingers down, just slightly, and can feel his pulse racing under her fingertips.
“You alright?” she asks.
Instead of answering her, he rolls away and settles back into his original position, like nothing had happened. Before he can tuck his hand back under his head, Donna grabs it and shifts closer to him so their sides are pressed together. She squeezes it gently. 
“Doctor?” she calls, and this time he turns to look at her. “Do you want to go back to the TARDIS?” 
He shakes his head. “No, it’s alright.” He squeezes her hand in return and turns back to the sky as another firework explodes into a shower of brightly colored purple sparks above them. 
She continues watching him for another few moments. With each deep breath he takes, more of the tension leaks from his shoulders and his face smoothes out. His pulse still seems high, but he’s calmer now, more aware of himself and the situation. He flinches slightly with each mortar that explodes above them. She suspects that he had known about the firework show, given his mention of a treat earlier, but had been startled when the first one lit up the sky unexpectedly. 
Satisfied that the Doctor isn’t going to vibrate out of his skin with anxiety, Donna turns back to the sky. “It's okay, you know.” She's not looking at the Doctor now, but she can tell he’s listening by the way he stills in his fidgeting. “It happens to Gramps too, when the council starts up a firework show he isn’t prepared for.” 
The Doctor doesn’t answer her, but he shifts impossibly closer and begins explaining the mechanics behind these fireworks and how, in the early 22nd century, scientists discovered they could engineer the gunpowder to burn in impossible colors and form extremely intricate patterns. 
She listens closely, oohing and aahing like a child when a particularly complex pattern or pretty color lights up the sky. She remembers the Doctor finishing his explanation and going quiet beside her. She remembers the Doctor’s hand in hers and then, the next thing she knows, she’s being carried, gently. 
Donna stirs, confused at the situation, but the Doctor shushes her. “You fell asleep,” he whispers. “We’re going back to the TARDIS now. Go back to sleep.” And his voice is so soft, Donna can’t help but do just that. 
The next morning, she wakes in her bed in the TARDIS. She’s still in her clothes from the night before and she’s sticky with sunscreen and sweat. Donna showers and then finds the Doctor in the console room, fiddling with a button that has been sticking on their last couple trips and is making landings rougher than usual. 
He looks up as she enters and grins at her. “So!” he says as he abandons the button to circle the console and stand in front of her. “Where to today?” 
“Surprise me,” Donna says.
The Doctor laughs with glee, flips a lever and with a familiar wheezing noise, they’re off. 
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twoidiotwriters1 · 1 year
Daughter of Olympus (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: Welcome to my last oc story! Ara is my youngest baby, I hope you grow to love her and her story -Danny Words: 2,839 Series' Masterlist Next Chapter Listen to: 'Boys Will Be Bugs' -by Cavetown
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I. Birth is a Curse and Existence is a Prison
Ara wants to scream into her pillow for the remainder of the year, but she's not allowed to show how desperate she feels, so instead, she grabs her compass and leaves the bedroom with an unperturbed step.
Things are starting to look up though, Annabeth had a creepy dream and if everything goes as planned, they'll find Percy today. Ara has to hold onto that hope, otherwise, she'll begin to fall in pieces.
She's never felt whole, to begin with.
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I've been looking for someone for as long as I can remember.
I used to think I was looking for my parents, back when I was an orphan, but then my satyr found me, and I thought all that time I'd been looking for other demigods. However, during my four years living at Camp Half-blood, I haven't been able to settle right.
Silena —my senior counselor— likes to say I'm Aphrodite's most chaotic form. I'm not good with swords, archery, or any weapon if I'm honest. I'm a danger to myself, but I keep trying to learn all of it because it's fun to see how far I can go each time.
Everyone has a thing here: Clarisse is a great warrior, Annabeth has wits beyond compare, Silena's a splendid pegasus rider, and I... I go big, never home.
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Annabeth's waiting for her outside the Big House, when the blonde spots her, she turns around and walks with a quick step. "You're driving the chariot."
"To where?" Ara puts on the aviator jacket, it doesn't fit her and it's too bulky to move around quickly, but she doesn't want to leave it behind, Nico might find it.
"Grand Canyon."
The girl frowns. "That's in the middle of nowhere important. Why are we going there?"
"We're about to find out," Annabeth replies.
"Can't wait for this to be over..." she mutters.
Annabeth hums and glances at her weirdly. Maybe she's starting to believe the rumor circulating around camp, the one about Ara being the camp's curse.
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I look over my shoulder for a brief second as I run away, I didn't mean to blow up the washing machine, but of course, that's not what matters. What matters is that it blew up. I crash against someone tall and bulky and suddenly I'm being lifted: Charles Beckendorf eyes me with a frown.
He's five years older than me and a son of Hephaestus, which means he's stronger than I could ever be, and he's caught me red-handed. "What did you do this time?
"Hi, Charlie, Silena asked me to say hi on her behalf if I saw you first today!" I say sweetly. He's got a crush on my sister, and I like to take advantage of it. "I was washing clothes," I explain vaguely.
One of my brothers storms out of my cabin yelling my name, soaked and covered in foam. Beckendorf places me back on the ground and crosses his arms. "While people was still wearing them?" 
As he takes me back to Silena, I see the new kid being carried to the Big House further uphill, but I'm dragged back into my cabin before I can take a proper look. My sister lectures me for a little while and then piles a bunch of clothes on my arms. "Be a good girl and wash them right."
I pout. "But it takes so long!"
Silena never snaps at me, though I would like her to. She doesn't scold me 'cause she thinks this is the best I can do, and doesn't seem to mind that I suck at everything. I mind. "Go."
I fumble with the doorknob until it opens, my foot slips on the last step outside my cabin and the pile of clothes flies out of my arms. I wince, hoping no one inside saw that. Chiron approaches me with a stern look, which it's the only way he ever looks at me. "Why are those clothes wet?"
"I blasted our washing machine," I mutter, looking down at the clothes.
"Why would you do that?"
I kneel to pick up the clothes. "It was so slow! Everything must be done a certain way or they send me to stable duty, I didn't want to wash their clothes all day, I've been washing them since I was six..." A pair of bruised hands reaches down to help and I look up. "You killed the Minotaur!"
The boy looks at Chiron as if waiting for an introduction. I take the lead like I always do. "I'm Ara," I hold out my palm. "Just Ara."
"Percy," he shakes my hand. "Jackson."
"Cool name! If I had a last name, I'd die if it were something bland like Smith or something. You know what I mean? You're pretty," I ramble.
"Ara, the clothes," Chiron reminds me.
I pick them up as I keep talking. "Silena says I should tell people what I like about them, it gives them confidence," I take the clothes from Percy's hands. "You look like you need that." 
He seems slightly offended. I don't want to upset him, he's gone through enough already. "Ara," Chiron speaks firmly. "Finish your chores." 
The boy helps me balance everything in my arms. "Thanks. It was nice meeting you!" 
I want him to like me, maybe he'll be my friend if I do it right. I go away and out of the corner of my eye, I spot Annabeth. I forget about the clothes a second time. "Did you see him?" I ask as soon as I approach her.
"Yeah," she makes a face. "He's important."
"Important how?"
"He's the prophecy guy."
"What prophecy?"
Annabeth sighs and I feel embarrassed. She's the coolest girl on earth, right after Silena. I would say the same about Clarisse, but she's a bully. She's nice to me sometimes though, when no one's looking. Gives me Reese's on my birthday every year. She looked after me when Hedge got us to camp, and sometimes treats me like a pup she found on the street... I'm not sure I like that.
What was I saying? Right! Annabeth sighs, and I feel embarrassed. "The big prophecy," she wrinkles her nose. "It's him..."
I don't care much for the prophecy. "Does that mean he's here to help you?"
Annabeth's expression darkens. "He better be." The blonde girl notices the clothes in my arms and grins. "Go on, if you finish your chores early you can come with me."
"To do what?"
"Finish up and I'll tell you," she ruffles my hair and leaves, I know better than to try and pry a secret out of Annabeth, so I go away too.
To be clear, I do know what a big prophecy is. Every once in a while one of those comes and we're meant to fulfill it, but I'll never be part of one, so I don't see why I should care. The new kid looks like he should, though, he has intriguing eyes like Annabeth's. 
I'm always bored, but maybe Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase can fix that. It's exciting to be friends with real heroes.
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"There!" Annabeth clutches Ara's shoulder. "I see them!"
"Them?" She raises a brow. "Do you see Percy?"
"Get closer!"
Annabeth jumps off the chariot as soon as they land and approaches the trio of teens. Ara sees her start a heated conversation with one of them, pointing her dagger at his throat.
"No Percy..." Ara says weakly, holding onto the chariot with pale shaky hands. The girl pulls out the compass from her pocket and stares at it with anger, it never stays still. 
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Percy's the son of Poseidon. No one wants to admit it 'cause is bad news. I don't care, though. "Hi!" I sit next to him at the campfire. "You remember me?"
"Er... Ara?" He frowns a little.
"Yeah! We should be friends—"
"You know little Ara?" Luke sits behind us. "If she hadn't been claimed, I would've believed she was one of my siblings! Tends to blow things up when she's not being watched, so you better keep your distance." I pout at his description, I don't want Percy to think I'm dangerous. "But she's a good girl at heart, I promise."
"I'm not good at most things," I sigh, "but that one, I am."
"You're a year-rounder?" Percy asks.
"Yup! Been an orphan all my life. Well, half an orphan, I guess," Percy looks away when I mention this, Annabeth told me to be careful, he's still sad about his mother. Unfortunately, I forgot. "So... What do you think?" The boy stares at me blankly. "About being friends," I remind him.
"Oh. Yeah, sure." He shrugs like it's no big deal. "Sounds good."
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"Strategus Jackson!" Annabeth calls after her.
Ara turns and studies the people her friend brought, something catches her eye: Messy curls and dark eyes. The boy is staring at her and she doesn't know why, but it feels like they've met before, it annoys her.
Ara's gaze moves away from him, but it's hard to ignore him. "Where's Hedge?"
"Ask him," Annabeth glares at the blond boy next to her. "This is Jason. What do you think?"
Ara eyes him carefully. "They're toying with us." The sky rumbles and the girl scowls at it, she goes back to the chariot. "Let's go back—And you three," she looks at the group of demigods over her shoulder. "You're coming with us."
"You got it!" The curly-haired boy hurries to stand next to her in the chariot, he's about six inches taller than she is, but much thinner.
The brown-haired girl behind Annabeth speaks to Ara. "What's her problem? What's going on?"
"It's a long story," Ara faces forward avoiding everyone's eyes, she feels like she'll burst into tears if she's forced to keep talking
"I'm not going anywhere with her," Jason argues. "She tried to kill me!"
"That's not my problem." Ara pauses. She has to stop acting this way, it's not these kids' fault. "She means no harm, my..." It's been three years since she was adopted, and she'd never felt self-conscious about it until now. "My brother went missing. Annabeth's boyfriend. Someone told her we would find an answer here, but it was a bunch of bull."
"Sorry?" The white boy raises a brow. 
"Not your fault," she can feel a migraine coming. "Let's leave before something else comes. I'm Ara. Ara Jackson."
"General Jackson to you," Annabeth sounds only the tiniest bit sarcastic. "She worked hard to get that position, so make sure to—"
"Annabeth," she scowls. "That's enough, thank you." She tries to remain calm, but as they rise up in the chariot, she turns to her friend with annoyance. "Why him, I'm supposed to be their go-to girl, they promised! Why wasn't I taken?"
"Hey, doll, if you want to be taken I will—"
"Get any closer and you'll lose both hands," she snaps at the dark-haired boy.
He clears his throat awkwardly. "Alright, not there yet..." he looks around. "Where are we going?"
"A safe place," Annabeth replies. "The only safe place for kids like us. Camp Half-Blood."
"Half-Blood?" The new girl frowns. "Is that some kind of bad joke?"
"She means we're demigods," Jason clarifies. "Half god, half mortal."
Annabeth and Ara look at him suspiciously. "You seem to know a lot, Jason. But, yes, demigods. My mom is Athena, goddess of wisdom. Ara's the daughter of Olympus."
Jason frowns as he studies her looks. "You're a minor goddess?"
"I can tell," the other boy nods approvingly.
Ara rolls her eyes, stopping herself from throwing the small guy off the chariot. "No. When the war ended, that title's what I got as a... reward." Annabeth scoffs, but she ignores her.
"War?" The blond boy sounds even more aghast. "You've gone to war?"
"It's what demigods do. We go to battle."
"Demigods," the new girl blinks. "You mean you think you're... you think we're—"
Lightning comes crashing down on their chariot and Jason gasps. "Left wheel's on fire!"
Ara forces the pegasi to fly faster until they reach the limits of camp, the damage on the wheel is terrible though, and they're losing speed and height, she can't control it.  "Emergency landing!" Annabeth holds tight, but the rest have no idea of what's coming. 
The crash lasts only a second, when she swims out of the lake, the campers salute her and she vaguely dismisses them. Ara glimpses at the broken chariot, really close to tears. Lily Saggio—Ara's best friend and right-hand girl—approaches them with a leaf blower and dries Ara in the blink of an eye. 
"What's going on?" She asks, though coming from her it always sounds demanding. "Where's Percy?"
"Still missing," Ara replies shortly, trying to swallow the lump in her throat.
"Girls!" Will Solace walks up to them in shock. "I said you could borrow the chariot, not destroy it!"
"Will, I'm sorry," Annabeth heaves a sigh. "We'll get it fixed, I promise."
"I'll fix it," Ara vows. "It's just the wheel, I can get it done in a day."
The son of Apollo frowns, but he doesn't argue. "These are the ones? Way older than thirteen. Why haven't they been claimed already?"
"Maybe because they weren't here at camp," Ara shrugs.
"So there's no sign of Percy?"
"No." People whisper around them, Ara's hand closes in a tight fist and she looks away from the crowd, she's ashamed. 
"You're really living up to your name, aren't you?" Drew Tanaka steps forward. "Is this what you meant by changing our cabin's reputation?"
Ara steps forward menacingly but Lily stops her, so she raises her voice. "What have you done for us, Drew? You're still wetting bedsheets with piss—oh sorry, perfume."
Drew pushes through to get to her but Will gets in the way. "I hope they're worth the trouble," she studies the kids behind Ara with a sneer.
"Gee, thanks. What are we, your new pets?" The flirty boy scoffs.
"No kidding," Jason scowls. "How about some answers before you start judging us—like, what is this place, why are we here, how long do we have to stay?"
All of Ara's niceness has been drained out for the time being, Percy's disappearance was a slap on the face, she's barely keeping it together. This, plus cabin nine's current issue, is testing her mastership as a leader. Everything is going wrong and she can't fix it.
"Jason," Annabeth starts. "I promise we'll answer your questions. And Drew, you better start respecting Ara, she's your General, not just your sister anymore. Besides, all demigods are worth saving. Although I'll admit, the trip didn't accomplish what I hoped."
"Hey, we didn't ask to be brought here."
"And nobody wants you, hon," Drew sneers at the new girl. "Does your hair always look like a dead badger?"
"Piper, stop." Annabeth stands in the way of the new camper before she can attack Drew. "We need to make our new arrivals feel welcome. We'll assign them each a guide, give them a tour of camp. Hopefully by the campfire tonight, they'll be claimed."
"I have to talk to Chiron," Ara tries to walk away, but Lily holds onto her wrist.
"You're their guide," she reminds her. "Make sure they get claimed."
"Like that's in my hands!" Ara scoffs.
"Would somebody tell me what claimed means?" Piper demands.
A hologram appears above them: Red, resembling a hammer and hovering over the brown-eyed boy. "That," Annabeth raises a brow, "is claiming."
"You gotta be kidding me," Ara groans internally. 
"What'd I do?" The boy yelps. "Is my hair on fire?" 
"This can't be good," a camper says. "The curse—"
"Butch, shut up," Annabeth interrupts him. "Leo, you've just been claimed—"
Ara didn't hear his name before, but she looks at him and thinks: "Yeah, that's him. Duh." Which is weird. Why does it sound familiar? Everything about him feels that way...
"By a god," Jason comments. "That's the symbol of Vulcan, isn't it?" 
Silence followed his comment.
"Jason... how did you know that?"
"I'm not sure."
"Vulcan? I don't even LIKE Star Trek. What are you talking about?"
"Vulcan is the Roman name for Hephaestus," Annabeth glances at Ara as she replies, but the girl keeps her eyes on Leo, trying to figure out from where she knows him. "The god of blacksmiths and fire."
"The god of what? Who?"
Annabeth addresses Ara directly this time. "You told Jake—" 
"I know," Ara states in annoyance before taking a deep breath. "Fine. Come with me, Leo."
"No need to be sad about it," he pouts. "And I'm not a Vulcan!"
He's confused and stressed and doesn't deserve to be tossed around, so Ara tries to be nicer. Percy would hate to see her mistreat a camper, so she attempts to sound a little more like her old self.
"I'll help you understand," she gestures at him to follow. "C'mon, I'm sure you've got lots of questions."
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universeofdreams · 1 year
Mission failed successfully
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Shuri Udaku x Fem!Reader
Genre: A bit of action, romance, fluff
Warnings: slightly mature language, a bit of kidnapping
Wordcount: 3011
Summary: You decide to visit Wakanda and end up getting kidnapped by someone who tried to hack Griot but the badass bitch you are, you fight them off and teach T'Challa how to play a game. Shuri and you get closer.
A/n: this took me long enough ngl and I'm kinda happy but also kinda not but I still wanted to give you guys some content. Hope you enjoy it.
„Don’t you think we need some help from one of the avengers?“ asked M‘Baku T‘Challa while they were looking over some plans. 
„They don’t prioritise issues around Wakanda, sadly.“ T‘Challa said, shrugging. 
But right in that moment, T‘Challas kimoyo beads started to vibrate. He picked up and saw the projection of your head. 
„Hey T’Challa my brother, I had the feeling you guys need help?“ smiled the girl at him and made the king laugh. 
„Indeed, sisi. Someone stole some of Shuri‘s plans for vibranium weapons from us and they’re trying to recreate them and hack Griot. So someone should be near to spy on us, you know?“ he answered your question and made Shuri and M‘Baku nod. 
„Okay, that sounds like quite a big issue. I’ll tell Tony about it and then come see you as soon as possible, okay?“ was the answer while you were already assigning jobs and tasks to people. 
„And by the way, how’s my favourite princess doing?“, you asked while handing an assistant some files and T‘Challa pulled Shuri into sight. She only laughed and waved at her friend. 
„Good to see that she’s okay. Okay, I’ll have a quick talk to Tony and then message you, yeah T’Challa?“ He nodded and hung up, only to tease Shuri about what just happened. 
„Sisi, you’re her favourite princess. I’d be tomato-red if I were yo- oh.“ 
He looked into her face and realised- 
She was tomato-red. 
„Does little Shuri miss her so much?“ teased M‘Baku and made her blush even more. 
She didn’t answer, was too scared that it would be obvious for her brother and his friend. 
After some time, you and your assistant arrived and were greeted by the king, the Dora Milaje, the eldest of the Jibari tribe and T'Challa's mother and queen Ramonda. When the heroine left the jet, she greeted the king with the typical wakandan greeting. 
You even learned that for your friends, living in America usually has its effect on people. 
Your assistant, Marc, did the same and then you two went to have a little talk to T‘Challa where he informed you about the fact that Shuri is in her lab, if you as an Avenger want to check up on Griot. 
When you were walking down the hallways, you even received a light smile from the general of the Dora Milaje, Okoye. 
„Good to see you, Y/n. Shuri is still down in her lab.“ 
„Thank you, Okoye, good to see you too. I hope we can have a talk later tonight.“
You smile at the Dora Milaje and go further your way until you reached the lab, connecting your phone to Griot. 
„Princess-“ started the AI to announce but you silenced it just to pull the princess by her waist in a warm and loving hug. 
Shuri was very surprised about that but swung her arms around you. 
You gave her a smile when you let her go to what she muttered a small ‚hi‘ back and got comfortable in your presence. 
„Are you okay, my friend?“ Asked the older one while eyeing everything she was working on right now.
„It just been a little tough, I’m all good.“ She answered and smiled. 
„I’m here for a reason. People want to hack Griot?“ you revealed your matter of concern to her.
„Yeah! Let me show you. I don’t know why I’m not able to fix it but it smells like a bug.“ She explained and showed you the codes on her phone. 
„That code looks faulty.“ You explained and started writing new components inside it, same as she scanned the other codes for security breaches and fixed them. 
„I think Griot should be safe from hackers from now on, but we still we should find out who tries to get to him from outside the palace.“ You offered.
The questioning look on Shuri’s face told you that the princess didn’t know about this. 
„Okay, look. Do you see this code here?“ 
„Yes! And I didn’t write it. Faulty codes don’t exist for me.“ 
The way the princess furrowed her brows told the avenger that she really has no idea where it came from. 
„I know, someone tries to connect to Griot with modified kimoyo beads. Did you gave some to someone else?“ You asked her while going through all the options possible how someone would hack into the AI but Shuri just shook her head. 
„Okay, I will have to talk to Okoye if she‘d be kind enough to send some of the Dora Milaje with me.” While you told her this you stuffed your iPhone back into your pocket and smiled at her. 
„You look stunning today, princess. As always.“ 
The black girl just smiled and some blush crept into her face as she went in for a hug. You took her acceptingly into your arms and caressed her back. 
After looking at her kimoyo beads she once again spoke up. “Are you staying for dinner? My brother asked if you want to eat with us.” And when she received a nod from you, she laughed and let you go.
On your way to Okoye you met Aneka and also had a short talk with her, mostly about Ayo and her, how she was doing and if she’s seen her general.
You and Aneka were getting along very well since you did a first visit in Wakanda and she definitely was some kind of best friend you had here.
She was amazing. Showed you around the country, introduced you to amazing people and you had a lot of fun with each other. She was also the one to introduce you to Shuri.
When she opened up to you about her relationship with Ayo she was extremely happy to meet your excited face when you hugged her with the words “I’m so proud of you!”
Little did she know that you also took a liking to women but never mentioned it, people should still be interested in you because of the good things you do and not because of the gender you like.
A bit further in time, you found Okoye in the throne room together with Ramonda and king T’Challa himself, explaining your suspicion to them.
“Then I will join you to make sure you’re not alone.” T’Challa agreed and looked at his mother as if he was waiting for approval which he, after all, got.
Together you once again went down into the lab and started to suit yourself. T’Challa was getting his last upgrades for the suit and you were just mentally preparing yourself with some meditation before you actually suited up. 
“Are you ready to go?” now asked the king and meant you to which you agreed.  “I’m totally ready” You laughed at him and took your weapon from one of Shuri’s desks and attached it to your leg.
T’Challa was waiting for you in the elevator while you said your goodbye to Shuri, who was now looking at you awaitingly. 
You forgot the hug.
After a long time of searching around the city they decided to split up and look in the countryside, which wasn’t the best idea after all. Didn’t they both learn from what we see in horror movies?
I mean okay, T’Challa was safe with the Dora Milaje but the fact that you were alone because you insisted on them staying with their king was just hella stupid. 
And you agreed to yourself.
“Stupid decision, Y/n, well done dumbass.” You said to yourself while kicking a rock into what it seemed to be bushes. You used your powers since no one was around to judge you except for the bush, that made a little pained noise.
“Eh- what the fuck, am I mental?”  The green scrub moved around and two red eyes focused you.
“Oh holy shit!” came a screech from you as you jumped away from hit. “What the fuck are you now?” It was more of an ironical question because the red eyes implied that the creature you accidentally awoke wasn’t really happy about exactly this. Grabbing a stick that lay next to you, you tried to “defend” yourself with this and waved it back and forth in front of its face.
But the bush’s reaction wasn’t what you thought would happen.  “And you call yourself an avenger? You don’t even recognise a villain when he’s standing right in front of you!”
The scales fell from your eyes. You and T’Challa were looking for someone who tried to hack Griot and was a little tech-genius but this creature looked nowhere like this.
All you could do was give the thing a questioning look and hold your stick up high but he slapped it away like nothing. 
“You’re not scared? Good, because you’re coming with me.” The person or thing chuckled and pulled you into them with arms that were covered in leaves. The laugh echoed through your head when you tried to get free from the bush with arms and feet, throwing punches here and there and wiggling around like a worm but their hold was firm and strong.
You bet your screaming was heard miles away, loud cries for help when your kidnapper muffled them with some duct tape with which he glued your mouth shut and - as fast as he could - tied your hands together so you wouldn’t be able to use your powers.
You could’ve facepalmed yourself when you remembered that you actually had those powers but couldn’t really use them now. Why were you this clumsy that you forgot about this? It was a misery.
T’Challa was wearing his panther suit just as if it was his daily outfit and that’s what made him hear your scream, his super sensitive panther ears.
He shot up from his crouching position where he was investigating some footprints and looked alarmed around, especially to Okoye and Aneka. They heard the scream too and Okoye was the one to confirm that it was you. As soon as the king saw her nod, he started running, followed close behind by his guards and made his way to your position.
But you were gone.
The only hint he got were the leaves on the ground which they started following.
Your opponent definitely wasn’t afraid of your wiggle in their arms when he pulled his hood off, revealing a man with a beard and the same red eyes that shocked you the first time.
Another man joined him and they laughed before covering your eyes, exchanging a few whispered words that sounded like “I hope the king and princess come get their little special guardian.”��
Good for you that your ears were still functioning perfectly but you whished that you could’ve warned Shuri and her brother before they’d fall into the trap just like you did.
And T’Challa wanted to help you but he simply couldn’t because there wasn’t anything expect for the trail of leaves that stopped right in front of him.
His hands brushed over his face and he signed. 
“How am I going to tell Shuri?”
“Brother, where is Y/n?” The female spoke as he entered the lab without the avenger by his side and immediately feel guilt spring up in the pit of his stomach.
“I lost her, Sisi.” His head hung low and he didn’t look her in the eye because he was totally aware of the feelings the princess cherished for the other female but his instinct told him that she instantly was worried.
“Listen, Sisi, I’m so sorry. We need to find her.” He exclaimed and took a halt next to her to see if she was furrowing her brows, which she did.
But Shuri was a genius in every way, of course she gave you kimoyo beads. It was easy for her to locate them. She flicked switches and swished her hands up and down on the holographic screen until she stopped.
“The beads are in Tokyo, Japan.” She announced while checking a few stats like your health data and if you were conscious or not, which disappointed her, because you were not. She was worried, hell was she worried about you. 
Ever since you came back to Wakanda you were all she could think of, every time she was working on something you came to her mind and she wasn’t able to focus anymore. It’s like a curse and she firstly didn’t know why she would feel this fuzzy and comfy inside every time she saw you but soon she realised, what it was. 
The feelings got worse but she never took the chance to confess them to you, which might end to her dismay. All along, when she told her brother he wanted to encourage her about giving it a go and telling you about it but she always refused to, thinking you might not reciprocate and break her heart.
Shuri was always very reserved when it came to her feelings. She buried them deep inside her and she was sure that she wasn’t going to let them out soon but to be honest, T’Challa had her thinking about a confession more than usual. And right in this moment, she regretted not telling you.
Who knows if she’ll ever see you again?
But the amazing brother he was and the fact that he basically had to help you out  made T’Challa light up and give out commands to the general. 
“Sisi, I’ll find her, I promise.” His smile was wide and true when he opened his arms for his sister to hug him, which she gladly did while muttering a small “thank you.”
But little did he know that you were stronger than what he thought of you since he never worked with you, only met you on a couple of meetings. He didn’t see you in action and he also didn’t know that you were kind of a hot-headed person that would break everything in pieces if someone would enrage you.
Yes, that’s what he indeed saw when he arrived in Tokyo, exactly at the location where Shuri last saw your Kimoyo beads. But the fun thing was that the house you seemingly stayed in was simply blown up. There were bits and pieces of concrete, corpses laying around but T’Challa still hadn’t the slightest idea of what happened and felt a bit guilty. 
But when you rounded the corner, wiping some dust off your shoulder, he laughed. 
“Something in my face?”, you asked amused.
“Now I know why you’re a part of the Avengers.” He gave you the same smile Shuri saw just some time ago and took you into his arms.
“Glad you’re alright.” 
“You shouldn’t worry about me, maybe worry about them.” A chuckle left your lips as you pointed to one of the (almost) dead guards and made him laugh even more.
“Let’s get back home, someone’s waiting for you in Wakanda.” He hinted and you basically assumed it to be Tony Stark, your “supervisor” or what he called himself. But he was just the guy that gave you one of his flats in exchange for you being an Avenger (but mostly because Fury requested it). 
The flight was pretty calm and you taught the king how to play UNO!, which was one of your favourite games on long road trips in your childhood. He was fairly amused even though the fact that he wasn’t able to win against you and asked for more and more rounds. He was the brother you never had but always wished for.
The moment where he played his last card and won the game, he told you that you both had to talk about something rather important.
“Are you single?” His sheepish smile was a little anxious, as if he feared the answer the same way his sister did. But your nod made him sigh happily.
“What about Nakia, my king? I thought you still had that liking for her?” You asked, relatively unbothered by his personal question. “Nakia? Oh! No! It’s not for me, it’s for-“
‘Don’t pass on more than she needs to know, T’Challa, don’t.’ He thought to himself.
“-A friend. Yeah, a friend. They were wondering if you’re still on the market.”
And another nod made him the almost happiest man on the planet right now. His sister had an actual chance of courting you.
“Tell them I’m not single but not free, expensive girls, you know?” You smiled to show him appreciation and that he wasn’t too bold with the question.
Shuri had an chance.
And what of a chance she had. 
The arrival was pretty common and usual for you, since coming back from missions mostly looked like the team greeting you and being happy about the succeed and even Ramonda took a liking to you so she had to hug you and show you how happy she was about your return.
Shuri was late again since she caught herself up into work as long as you weren’t around but when she got the message that you and her brother returned safely from the mission, she sped up and ran to the hangar, just to greet you.
You looked a little exhausted but still amazing and how she missed you, how she missed the feeling of your arms around her. She started to run into your arms just so that you could catch her and laugh. 
While you were having your arms around her waist, she breathed your scent in and let it sink into her core. Here arms were dangling around your neck and her body was warm on yours.
‘This your “friend”?’ you mouthed to T’Challa who just shot you a little smile and left the scenery.
Yes, that’s his “friend”. And how proud he was of himself the entire day after he heard that you spent the night with Shuri-
You could’ve read it off of his face. He was so happy for his sister and knew that you’d take care of her. 
Yes, you would. No matter what’d happen.
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