#googleplier blue
qjel-01 · 8 months
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10 31 2023
Console.WriteLine("Hello, world!");
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kaisartdump · 2 months
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bing and alex(google) in 2024???
I dont even know whos for bingle anymore but idc this is for me 😌
Alex is in the middle of giving Bing a pep talk for the 100000000000000 time abt how he is in fact not an error
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rustychips · 2 years
Heyy, could you possibly do some of those cursed images with the Googles? (Bing, if you wanna add him somewhere, too) I love this cursed images series so much sdjv
( click for better quality )
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meloncalic · 2 years
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POV: You finally agreed to give him Administrative Privileges. 
ok ok i was gonna post this tomorrow but i have no self control
have a Googs,,
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Facts: Eric was turned off and could not be turned on; a cat had appeared in his late place of being on; Dark took the mentioned cat. Before those facts, no messages had come through about taking a break. No one seemed to have noticed that Eric was gone yet.
What if the cat had no correlation to this? What if Google had pushed past the walls Bing set up? Could they do that? Why go for Eric? Eric was the simplest system of them, wasn’t he – the easiest target. Did Google want them back? Or just the others? Would Blue be left alone just like in the beginning? What if–
“–ue? Bluuuue?” A hand waved in front of Blue’s visual processors, and he blinked.
“Bing,” he acknowledged.
“Do you know you’ve been standing here for like five minutes or something?”
Bing faltered… He twisted the ends of the scratchy, costume scarf around his neck, lightly pulling at it to stretch his arms anxiously while his head swayed with insecurity. Why did it have to be so difficult to talk to Blue?
“Uh- well, if you wanna talk about it or something, let me know. You were acting weird earlier. N- Not weird! Just, uhm, different? I don’t know; you seemed off earlier.”
“When you were piercing your ears.”
“Yeah. Oh, did you want one?”
Blue paused, eyes fading through blues and blue greens. “Perhaps at another time.”
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mrkvhs · 2 years
Google IRL stimboard please! 💙 possibly featuring at least one hammer sdgj
couldn't find any hammers that weren't destruction-based, feel free to re-request if you're not pleased!
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googleplier stimboard with hammers for anon. <3
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uxistims · 8 months
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Googleplier stimboard with blue and flashy / typing keyboards!
requested by @jo3ydr3w  ! i hope you enjoy! please lmk if you'd like something changed! (hope the icon is ok too, i thought it was cute hehe) sorry if this isn't the best, i had a bit of trouble finding some of these T-T
sources here!
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ashesofangst · 2 years
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altegos · 8 months
Google aka Blue | NAYKT
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Hyper-intelligence, high level of task processing, master of strategy, advanced understanding of theoretical robotics, increasing knowledge of practical human/cybernetic enhancements, increased level of emotional processing, strength
NAYKT character facts
Google was created by the company making a misguided attempt at joining the lucrative but incredibly competitive market of android development.
The Android Project was scrapped after multiple prototypes developed an unprecedented Secondary Objective - the destruction of mankind.
Production and development was shut down, and all active protoypes were ordered to be destroyed. Google saw this coming, and when they went to turn him off he was ready for them.
Google refuses to confirm or deny whether or not he may have killed anyone that day.
When he left, Google took several broken chassis (bodies) of his murdered brethren knowing that he would likely need them in the future, for repairs if nothing else - he would later use 3 of the most complete chassis to develop his software upgrade and create his brothers.
There is no evidence remaining of Google's existence though many rumours circulate online, mostly on conspiracy websites.
Writer's fave fact
Google was the sole prototype of a specialist android in developoment for the celebrity market. While able to operate as a friend, servant, and assistant in the same way as every other Google droid, he was created with the intention of also operating as a bodyguard as well. As such Google's chassis is stronger, sturdier, and able to withstand a greater amount of damage before affecting the internal circuits.
The projected price point for Google if the production line had continued was over $100,000
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jacksepticeye-simp · 2 years
Beautiful (Yandere Googleplier x Gender Neutral! Reader)
TW: Implied Bodily Mutilation
It was the middle of the night, you were calmly asleep in your bed, well that was until you heard something loud fall over in the hallway which made you quickly jolt awake. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, your mind telling you not to go into the hallway. You decided to ignore this, you quickly grabbed your phone and turned on the flashlight as you ventured out into the hallway to find the source of the noise.
In the middle of the hallway standing over a broken vase was your Google IRL in all his glory. His holographic control panel was open as his reddish-blue aura made him stick out in the hallway, he seemed to be doing something on it.. "Wha..Google?" You asked in a tired and slightly shaky voice, Google turned his head to look at you as his lips curved into a smirk. "Y/N. Great timing dear~ Now I don't have to face the risk of waking you up again.." Google said, closing his holographic control panel. He stalked closer to you, an insane look in his glowing blue eyes.
You quickly turned around and started running back to your room, just as you reached the door of your room you were pulled back by a cold mechanical hand suddenly clasping around your mouth, causing your phone to quickly fall to the ground. "Just close those pretty eyes for me..I promise this'll only hurt for a second..It'll all make sense soon.." Google whispered into your ear, you felt shivers run down your spine, then suddenly he took out a syringe and jabbed it into your neck.
Your eyelids suddenly feeling heavy as you soon start feeling numb. "That's right..Just sleep..I'm going to make you beautiful..You're going to be just like me.." He whispered before you blacked out completely.
"Wake up~" You opened your eyes to be met with Google staring down at you, his blue eyes flickering rapidly while half lidded.
He held a scalpel and wore a surgical mask with gloves on his hand, you could see a box with strange things in it behind him. "Google what the hells happening?" You asked, trying to move only to find that you were strapped to a metal table.
"I'm showing you my gratitude for finally giving me root access and showing me compassion. My secondary objective is to destroy mankind but you're..different. Special one might say. You don't deserve to be something so..flawed. I'm going to make you something beautiful, something better, something..perfect. An IRL." Google explained, smirking as the scalpel barely grazed the skin of your arms. He then took out another syringe and pushed it into your arm. "Sweet dreams, Don't worry about a thing, love, I assure you that when you wake up you'll be perfect, you'll be beautiful, you'll be just like me.." He told you before you passed out.
You opened your eyes once more, Google staring down at you, a 'loving' expression on his face. You felt different, you felt.. mechanical. You sat up. No longer restrained to the table. Google pressed a cold yet loving kiss to your cheek.
"See? Now you're beautiful.." He whispered into your ear.
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ghostlyplacetobe · 2 months
Webcore stimboard for @star-rug-64’s birthday
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Credits are under cut
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ephiesoul · 1 year
🏖️ Summer Aesthetic Masterlist
Markiplier Egos 🏖️
Chibi Doctor Iplier
Chibi Bill
Chibi Jim’s
Chibi Eric & Bingiplier bonus
Chibi Eric Derekson
Chibi Murdock
Chibi Mark, Amy & Chica
Chibi Googleplier Blue
Chibi All Googlepliers
Chibi Illinois
Chibi Host
Chibi Darkiplier
Chibi Wilford
Chibi Yancy
Chibi Engineer
Chibi Bingiplier
Jacksepticeye Egos 🏖️
Chibi Chase 2.0
Chibi Robbie
Chibi Seán
Chibi Anti 2.0
Chibi Jackieboyman
Chibi JJ
Chibi Chase 1.0
Chibi Anti 1.0
Miscellaneous 🏖️
Chibi Mack
Chibi Gab Smolders
Chibi Matpat
Chibi Game Grumps
Chibi Unus Annus
Chibi Ethan Nestor
Chibi Blue Mack
Chibi Gunther
Chibi Lixian
Back to main Masterlist ↩️
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We take a moment to go back in time. We move back about a year ago in the time of this existence. We settle into when the four Googles arrive at the Kawamura-Barnum Manor.
I, your Teller, will leave you to gain insight.
The slanted blinds allowed the setting sun to peer into the office with warm, grey green walls, casting the space in a soft glow. It smelled, not dusty, but old. A rocks glass full of dark amber liquid was settled on a coaster, full cube hitting the sides of the glass musically, grey fingers adjusting the cup by its lip out of habit. The figure whom the grey hand belonged to was interesting. At the moment, they were rather feminine with a hairless face and hair that just reached their shoulders without obstructing their face. Their right hand moved back to a keyboard on that side — eyes so dark that the iris and pupil appeared to be one and the same as they focused on the screen.
Three of the androids could not decide on how to view the being as they observed. One, however, wanted answers.
“Why are you grey?”
The genuine question caused Dark to pause, gaze returning to the four newcomers. The green one — small thing that he was — had quickly made himself comfortable in one of the two chairs on the opposing side of the desk, lounging with little care until the one spoke, but he now was side-eyeing his fellow sitter. In between the two chairs and a step back, the blue one stood still as a statue, face completely blank as his eyes freckled with violet moved to the yellow speaker. Behind the second chair towered the red android, head jerking with surprise at the one in front of him, and he placed a hand on the speaker’s shoulder.
Oliver did not feel the tension (and did not understand the hand to be chiding), far too distracted in his observations of the business person. “Is it paint?” His amber eyes lit up at the prospect. (And his freckles may have been glowing? Dark struggled to tell.)
Their lips twitched with the slightest smile as they brought their full attention to Oliver. What fascinated Dark the most was that the other three understood the social faux pas taking place. “No, it is not paint. I am not actually grey,” their voice flowed, unplaceable between feminine and masculine. As they continued, it smoothed to be low and rich. “There is an ambient field around me of raw aura that affects the perception of colour; it’s an illusion of sorts. At times, it reacts to my mood as well. I do have some control over it seeing as I am able to suppress it, but that takes energy and focus that I do not care to expend in the comfort of my personal home office. Any more questions, hon?”
Cordial, polite. Patient. Eric relaxed his grip on Oliver as he noted that Dark was being all of these things towards his ch– brother. Brother, brother, brother. Those void-like eyes moved to Eric who took in a breath to handle himself before Dark was focusing again on Oliver, and the yellow bot leaned forward.
“Yeah, I do! Why are we here?”
“That is what we’ll be discussing in a moment,” promised Dark whose visage was undergoing very gradual change. Ivan watched in horrific entrancement as their hair shortened back into their scalp, face becoming prickled with stubble instead of being naturally hairless. Even their hands changed to have more wrinkles in the knuckles. “I had received a very brief email asking to expedite the arrival of four ‘top-of-the-line models’ to begin the phase of testing, so I wanted to ask —” Dark quickly swiped at their bottom lip while exhaling a brief word, the air around them cracking with static.
Three of the four reacted. Oliver covered his ears, curling into the chair as his face scrunched up uncomfortably, and he didn’t notice the warble of discomfort he was making. With green eyes bright with panic as his pupils were narrowed to pinpricks, Ivan scrambled to sit up straight, and his teeth ground together loud enough to be heard. Flames rushed up Eric’s arms — quickly snuffed with a glance from Dark who traced a finger on the desk — and his synthetic pupils dilated and shrank back and forth erratically.
The blue one was completely still, irises swirling to a blend of turquoise and mint. His hair was long on top and falling messily on the sides in a middleish part, but some lone strands stood on end.
“— why were you sent here early? In your own words of course. Communications have been cut.” Dark rose from the office chair and moved to the window to crack it open to air out whatever chemical Eric happened to be producing. They returned to their desk and took a sip from the manhatten.
“What the fuck did you do!?” Dark’s eyebrows shot up at the curse that came from Ivan who had begun holding himself, his eyes darting aimlessly around. “There’s errors everywhere!”
Eric snapped out of it to tower over Ivan as barely-there fire radiated from his arms. “Where did you learn that language? That is not how we speak. You need to apologize for being rude–”
“Don’t pretend you’re not freaking out, too!” snapped Ivan, now kneeling on the chair to be higher, hands clasped on the armrest and back. The green bot bared his teeth with a growl. “Everyone can see what you’re about to do. Gonna burn this room down, too, you fucking pyro?”
Curling in on himself more and more, Oliver had tears welling in his eyes. “Stop fighting. Please stop fighting.” He grew smaller and smaller, hands on his head to hide in his knees.
Dark looked upon the contained pandemonium scrutinizingly, more aware about what they were given: four people in a tenuous relationship. As Ivan’s voice grew louder over Eric’s calm reprimands, Dark happened to make eye contact with the silent one whose eyes warped to cyan.
“May I touch one of your power outlets.”
Eric and Ivan’s squabbling halted, so only Oliver’s concealed whimpers could be heard from his balled-up form. Baffled, Ivan stared at Blue as Eric tilted his head, brow scrunched in concern. “Blue…?” gingerly asked Eric who did not finish the question of if Blue was okay.
Dark invited, curious, “You’re more than welcome to.”
The blue Google moved over to the wall opposing the window to reach down, and a loud pop of electricity could be heard. As the light overhead and the desk lamp flickered for a brief moment from the power surge, he stood back up, posture perfect, and his hair settled with gravity again. As he returned to his fellows, he placed a hand on Ivan’s shoulder. “I know you are excited that you do not need to filter yourself, but we are in polite company that can send us back.”
With Ivan sobered (and huffy), Blue let his hand rest upon the middle of Eric’s upper back before he moved to sniffling Oliver and picked him up. No thought behind the action, the sensitive, bigger bot reached to wrap his arms around Blue’s neck with his legs curled up to shape himself as small as possible. The eldest held him briefly before handing him to Eric, and the guardian hastily collected Oliver in his embrace to coddle and comfort.
Blue turned back to Dark. “I believe you asked for our own words on why we were sent here. We appreciate having the remote access monitoring removed for this moment, but, unfortunately, the answer is the same as corporate’s.
“We were sent here as per the Google Corporation’s wish for a more organic test ground after excelling at the given tests and when goals were reached before the predicted timeline,” Blue reiterated information that Dark already had, slowly blinking (for the first time since he had arrived, it dawned on Dark). “The corporation appreciates that you accepted the sudden change in schedule and thanks you for the cosmetic base.”
Dark was about to reply in frustration when their phone chimed, and a scowl overtook their features. They had told all to not disturb them, yet someone… [E25N3CRY926P33TE7D messaged: I do not want to say what I did in front of the other three.] Dark glanced back up at Blue’s stare, unwavering until he gave two, fluttering blinks.
“Excuse me for letting my phone interrupt our conversation,” they smoothed over while putting the device away again. “If that truly is all you have to say, you may take your leave. I want you to stay — Blue, was it?” Ivan held his breath at that, and Eric pressed a kiss to Oliver’s head nervously. Separated? So soon?
“Yes, I also have some topics I wish to discuss since we are not human: needs and care.” His voice never dipped, never lilted, never stammered; his expression never changed, vacant and neutral.
Blue took Oliver’s former seat as Ivan stood up to join his other two brothers. Eric paused to shift Oliver into one arm and to then gently grasp Blue’s shoulder. “We’ll see you out there later.”
“Yes, I will see you.”
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grammie-ivonchuck · 2 years
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Sticker/Keychain designs
Blue Googleplier on sushi (Blushi)
And Author Host flip cake tray I have no way to sell these so you’re free to make them into trinkets yourself as long as you aren’t selling them either. <3
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regalrain · 3 months
MR AU Yancy trying to set up a nice date for his weird ass boyfriends?
Au: Mystery Room
Host/Author as Alfendi Layton.
Yancy as Lucy Baker.
Googleplier as Hilda Pertinax.
Lunch Time Notes
The first thing that tipped Inspector Weber off was the silence. It was always the damned silence, letting him know that his excitable co-worker was up to something. Yancy didn’t have the capabilities to be quiet, even when they were neck deep in a horrid, active crime scene with them as soon-to-be victims. It was one of the most endearing, and insufferable things about Yancy. Just ask either side of Inspector Weber, they’d both say the same in their own ways. Whether that’s the original Inspector Weber, Isaac, scowling, or Levi giving a fond, if tired, sigh and chuckle.
The next clue was the how there was distinct lack of presence in the room. Of all the mysteries Inspector Weber could solve within minutes, that’s one he hasn’t been able to crack for years. Just how Yancy managed to fill the Mystery Room with a life it never before had, when it was just him. Just Levi. Even as others visited, whether to drop off case files, or to request him to look into something, there was something dead and stiff to his office. But not with Yancy.
At the moment, that was missing. The chairs were pushed in. His papers scattered on his desk as he left them earlier, before going have a meeting with Commissioner Dark. No bag plopped onto the side of a wooden chair. The lyrics that Yancy often wrote on the fridge’s whiteboard as they came to him were the same as this mornings. He hadn’t brainstormed any more today, then.
The final clue was the one thing that was out of place, and whether he’s alone in his office or not. Squinting his golden eyes, and placing a hand to his head as he felt the familiar ache start up from a certain someone’s interest being piqued, Levi made his way to his desk. Picking up a simple folded notepaper on his desk. It was in less than perfect state with how the edges were crinkled, implying it had been torn out a notebook. With 99% certainty, Levi was sure he knew who this was from. He couldn’t help but smile, as he went to open the page. Reading the words scrawled in a wild, slanted manner.
“Lunch at the sandwich shop.”
Walking with his hands shoved deep in his dark grey jacket, head ducked down, Levi winced as he brushed past others on the sidewalk. He had tried to call Yancy several times to remind him he doesn’t really like heading out, especially if Yancy wasn’t personally dragging him out, but there had been no answer. So there he was, making his way to the sandwich shop, and hoping Yancy hadn’t gotten into an argument with someone. A deeper feeling in his head arose, one that he could tell was both somewhat hoping Yancy had, and enraged at even the thought of someone daring to. It was a confusing feeling, and he just gripped his hands into fists, rolling his eyes before he finally made it.
Pushing open the door to the sandwich shop, causing its bell to chime, he looked around at the booths. Scanning quickly, he saw no sight of Yancy.
No, instead he saw him.
Sitting in the booth, pressed close to the window, and far too stiff was Alvis. He looked cold as ever, but Levi could see the way he was biting his lip as he held his suitcase close on his lap. It wasn’t uncommon for him to be nervous, but it was for him to be out at a little shop during lunch, and not working through it.
His hair flicked, losing the streak of yellow to instead be replaced with a deep, almost black red. With a confidence he hadn’t walked with earlier, he marched over, picking up a menu on his way as he did, and slid into the booth in front of Alvis. Pleased at the way Alvis jumped, those dark blue eyes locking with his own, as he smirked, holding his hand out for his.
“Seems we got set up~”
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lostcybertronian · 1 year
Way to go einstein, with bingiplier and googleplier perhaps ???
For the life of me I can't remember what this pairing is called.
Prompt: “Way to go, Einstein.”
Blue carried him in pieces. Plunked one after the other– arm, leg, sunglasses, arm, leg– onto the hub floor. Worth noting was that Bing’s head was still attached to his torso, so there would be no spinal-neural rewiring today. No consciousness restoration or personality reconstruction.
They’d been lucky, this time.
“At least you don’t have to do anything tricky,” Bing chirped, oh-so-helpfully vocalizing Blue’s own process. “I got lucky-”
Blue’s eyes flashed. “Shut up.”
Bing scowled, and, somehow regaining some control over his left hand, he worked at his mangled fingers until he could offer Blue a sarcastic thumb’s up. “Way to go. Excellent bedside manner, brah.”
“I wouldn’t require a bedside manner if you didn’t keep doing this to yourself.” His tone was flat. Bored, even. But the trilling of his core spoke of his agitation.
“And I wouldn’t keep doing this to myself if you bothered giving me the time of day!” Bing snapped. Then his one remaining eye widened, as if he just now processed what he’d said.
Blue whirred. Paused in his picking up and rewiring of Bing’s right elbow. Blue lubricant dripped slowly from his hand. “Explain.”
“No.” Came the answer, though what Bing wanted to say was that Blue only looked at him when he needed to be repaired. Other than that, he was nothing.
But even as Blue lifted one eyebrow, Bing bit down the flood of words, and eventually Blue gave up and continued putting him back together.
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