#goosebumps dummies
how do the dummies from gb sleep (u already KNOW who it issss)
How do the dummies sleep?
okay for slappy? that boy sleeps with his EYES OPEN. He’s a little weirdo regardless of what’s going on, especially if you were to sleep in the same bed as him! you’ll wake up with a little puppet on top of you like a weird, little cat as he stares into your soul like he knows when you’ll die.
Snappy however, sleeps flat on his back most of the time! which gives him the worst snoring but that’s just how he can fall asleep comfortably! just don’t agree to a sleepover with him, you’ll be kept up all night.
Mr Wood actually will sleep anywhere he doesn’t care, if he’s tired enough he will sleep standing up! just carefully pick up the poor little guy and put him somewhere more comfortable! when he wakes up he’ll whine about being coddled, but deep down you know he appreciates it.
Mary ellen has to sleep a certain way or she won’t be able to sleep at all, the room has to be the right temperature, the sheets and blankets have to be freshly cleaned, and she has a white noise machine going on as well HSJSJ
Dennis sleeps like a baby honestly, curled up in the fetal position with like three thick blankets on him- but you know those videos of cats being handed plushies and they just grab them and start cuddling with them? that’s dennis, he’ll do the exact same thing.
Rocky is the kind of guy that would fall asleep in those lazy boy chairs with the LOUDEST SNORING EVER and for good measure the tv will be on blaringly loud and once you change the channel/turn it off, he’ll instantly wake up with the grumpiest expression on his face. “Hey! I was watchin’ that!”
I don’t think goldie sleeps, I think she watches people sleep 🧍🏻‍♂️
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hiihiii i had the urge to try out the bee n puppycat style w the puppets so i tried it n people loved it on discord lol, also tried out abigail from slappy birthday to you
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slappy the dummy after terrorising two generations of an entire town:
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lmfao I'm watching the new goosebumps series and the main villain is trying to rebuild slappy the dummy but this show is trying to be hashtag serious so all the adults keep going "he's looking....for Him. he wants Him back. He will come after our kids." because not even an Oscar winning actor would be able to seriously deliver a line like "slappy the evil dummy is coming to kill us"
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rainbow-neko-artblog · 3 months
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my brains been infiltrated by the siblings from different medias but they wanted brothers like each other dynamic and now i am feeling VERY EMOTIONAL.
I gotta draw Comic Slappy and Book Wally interacting so much more.
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redisloser · 6 months
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...an doll
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whore-ibly-hot · 8 months
For anyone who has seen the new goosebumps...
I can fix him.
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(Guys seriously, I can do it, trust.)
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frikijimenezz · 10 days
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slappythe123 · 3 months
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This picture looks good at the mobile phone as a wallpaper
(Drawing style inspired by Gloomyteeth on Instagram and X )
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LIDYEN LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN hcs of the dummies n dolls snuggling u?? could be platonic or cute or romantic kinda i just wanna know like how they’d snuggle, what they like when they snuggle, big spoon little spoon or fluctuating ykykyk bonus points if the reader is chubby cus ykykykyk i can only imagine being a pillow to these tiny itsy bitsy thingies
IM JUST NOW SEEING THIS BUT YES YES- I did a similar one already but chubby bodies deserve more rep and love than they get <33
The dummies (& doll) snuggling w chubby s/o
for slappy once you’re in that relationship with him? oh baby private time = snuggle time! most of the time his favorite way to lay around with you is to lay on top of you with his head on your chest, he likes to tell people he’s the big spoon but frankly he’s always the little spoon Ahsjsh- poor guy almost always falls asleep instantly with how warm you are! you’ll hear him muttering to himself about soft you are, and him pondering outloud on if this is heaven <3 and it definitely is
Snappy is definitely a PDA kind of guy, and he’s just as affectionate in private! he likes to have everyone know what’s his, and you’re on the top of that list! but most importantly for snuggle time: he always insists on taking care of you first! having you lay down on your stomach while he gets those knots out of your back with those little hands and feet of his, and letting you rant about your day- before ultimately curling up in your arms, he really does enjoy feeling the slight pressure of being held! and if you rub his back? BOOM! he’s out like a light.
Mr Wood is complete putty in your hands during snuggle time, he can put on that tough guy act all he wants but the minute you have your hands on him? he’s climbing onto you like a koala, if anyone else were to coddle him the way you do he’d fuckin’ bite them! but with you? your his partner, his babe, his everything! and nothing gets him more in the cuddle mood then curling up against your side with his arms on your waist.
Mary ellen likes to switch it up a lot with sleeping positions! she’s a bit of a princess sometimes so she’d adore being held or being the little spoon, but sometimes she likes to wrap her arms around you to the best of her ability and snuggle into your soft body, though regardless of position she always likes to use that time to talk about each other’s day, what your favorite part of it was, what your least favorite part is, and the tasks you accomplished!
Dennis doesn’t like to stay up too late so he likes his snuggles early! he’ll also bring snacks with him so the two of you can curl up with each other and eat! and maybe watch a movie or two! he’s not super picky on positions as long as he’s making some sort of physical contact with you, he’s clingy lol
Rocky is a simple guy, he just wants some cuddles with his partner after a long day- the two of you will snuggle up on the sofa and watch either some trash tv or a silly movie, and I HAVE to mention that he loves when you play/mess with his hair, oh and if you scratch his head? he’s addicted.
I think goldie would bite.. and that she has rabies- but once you guys are deep into a relationship I think she’d be willing to cuddle for a while! she’s not a super touchy gal so it’ll probably last 30 minutes, but she clearly does enjoy spending that time with you hdjsjsj.
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letzgetsilly · 9 months
So Bjorn got a better pic of the new Slappy design and...
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I still wish they'd given him freckles but that's just a nitpick at this point since none of the other live action Slappy designs have them hfsdkjfhskjdfhs
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Slappy's dialogue (SPOILERS)
I just watched episode 6 today, and I just love how Slappy can speak in the sort of dialogue/language that people of that era can understand. For example, in the 1920s, whilst Ephraim was doing a show, someone in the audience called Ephraim "A bum", to which Slappy responded (and this was probably the most British thing I have heard him say so far): "I agree. This man is a true muttonhead! A simpleton, a ninny! An ignorant flum-diddly coot!" You wouldn't hear words like that being used much nowadays, but back then they were used often. Later on, in the 1990s, when Harold was doing a sort of talent show audition at school with Slappy, another student called out "You suck" to which Slappy responded:
"That's what your mum said!" Then when Harold exclaimed that his hand was stuck and that he couldn't pull it from Slappy's back, Slappy said: "Try having it up your arse!" His dialogue/language changed again to suit the era. I just love that he can do that, he can fit into ANY time frame, even though he's likely hundreds of years old.
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jaxieus · 2 months
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rainbow-neko-artblog · 3 months
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I'm going through my twitter, trying to figure out what i posted there and not here and vice versa- because as i'm sure you all know i am BAD at cross posting.
have da dummy boys but as humans.
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mysticcopfriendegg · 6 months
Remember them?
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These are them now. Feel old yet?
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Yandere! Slappy the Living Dummy Headcanons
Fandom: Goosebumps.
No Spoilers.
Character Version: Book!Slappy
Ambiguous yan - can be read as platonic or romantic.
Content Warning: Manipulation, isolation, possessive behaviour, kinda stalking?
(If there’s anything else I need to add please let me know).
Big apologies to anyone who is scrolling through the goosebumps tag and managed to come across this... I am cringe as hell, but I am free!
- Before we begin, let’s get a quick rundown on Slappy:
- He’s an evil, manipulative, and sadistic ventriloquist dummy, who’s near-impossible to defeat in the long term.
- So basically, an entity you’d never want to be obsessed with you.
- Let’s go with the typical Goosebumps narrative: you found him lying around, asleep, and (for some damn reason) you decided to bring him home!
- You pick the sheet of paper out of his pocket and read the words inscribed.
- “Karru Marri Odonna Loma Molonu Karrano”
- As the days pass by, strange things begin to happen around your home.
- It starts off small; things being out of place, items disappearing and reappearing, the sound of footsteps echoing through the house in the dead of night when you’re sure that nobody else is awake.
- And, even more strangely, that ventriloquist dummy you found keeps appearing on your bed: sitting beside your pillow and staring down at you. Creepy.
- At this stage, Slappy observes your daily life. He doesn’t make his sentience known just yet.
- He sees your routine, your hobbies, your family, and your friends…
- It’s those last two that really grind his gears.
- Slappy sees you and your loved ones. He sees you doing nice things for them: giving them gifts, doing favours, or offering to help them with tasks.
- His little wooden mind misinterprets this as you serving them. An odd leap to make, until you account his strange fixation on making people his ‘slaves’. In his head, that’s what you must be doing, that’s the only thing you could be doing, right?
- And so, Slappy starts getting antsy. Why are you serving those useless fleshbags when you should be serving him? He’s the only person (or dummy in this case) that you should be focusing on.
- Here is when his interruptions of your daily life start to become more extreme.
- He openly tries to get your attention. This is achieved by causing as many problems and messes as his 3-foot-something form allows. At this point he may reveal that he’s alive.
- Alongside this, he’ll start pushing away your friends and family.
- A few cruel pranks, a handful of exposed secrets, and a couple of damaged items is all it takes for him to leave you completely alone.
- Except for him of course.
- And, with no one else to turn to, you’ll finally give into his demands; willing to be his loyal servant for the rest of your life.
- At least, that’s what he hopes, what he imagines, as his glassy eyes stare unblinkingly.
- Staring down at your sleeping face, once again. Night after night.
- Until there's nothing left for you, but him.
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