#gopro captures
visitguider · 4 months
Best FPV Shot Ever 🚀
📍Engadin, Switzerland
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kylos-starlight · 2 months
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Shocking footage exclusively published by Al-Jazeera shows Israeli occupation forces demolishing the ancient Greater Mosque in Khan Yunis. Another video from an Israeli soldier's GoPro captures the raiding of a mosque and the burning of all Quran copies inside.
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techtuv · 3 months
GoPro HERO12 Black - Now at a Discounted Price!
Capture every adventure with the GoPro HERO12 Black! Enjoy stunning 5.3K video quality, powerful stabilization, and a waterproof design that lets you record every moment perfectly. Grab yours now at this special discounted price!
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adventure-tim-media · 11 months
GOPRO HERO 12: Introducing the amazing Max Lens Mod 2.0
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mindbogglerofficial · 2 years
GoPro Captures What No one Supposed to See
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cassandraclare · 24 days
Hi Cassie!
Could you write a story of something that’s already happened? Like Jace and Clary being captured by the riders, for instance (I love it when Jace gets protective of Clary 😅). I mean… It can’t be considered a new story, because we already know that it happened and how it turned out… So could you (legally) do it? Would you? 👀
I could certainly legally do it! I have the legal right to write whatever I want about my characters (I do not have the legal right to make a movie about them, but I don't think that would be perhaps the best use of my GoPro anyway.)
A lot of the stories in Better in Black take place during events where we already know the outcome, and I'd say that's true of a lot of the stories in all the anthologies. Anthologies are a fun way to explore what was going on with offscreen characters during other events. There's a Jace and Clary story in BiB so we'll see what that's about!
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lewki · 2 years
“Seems like everywhere you go, it’s raining.”
“Recently, my heart is crying because you might go to different team next year.”
“Your heart is crying? You’re being too cute now, don’t make me emotional, not now. There are too many GoPros to capture such moments.”
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surfmad · 2 months
GoPro capture magic
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seat-safety-switch · 1 year
Not sure if you've been watching these streamers. There's all these shows where people just live, normally, except there's a camera pointed at them. Real authenticity. If you're tired of the fakeness of reality TV, the perfect antidote is someone dressed up in a motion-capture suit pretending to be a 53-foot-tall anime girl trying to learn how to drive a forklift.
Last week, though, I got watching this very interesting stream. Turns out it was about this dude who was all about living off the land. He'd gotten a property somewhere out in Washington State, like the real deep parts that nobody wants to visit and only dead people have ever seen. He was going to set up an entire household from scratch, refuse the comforts of modern life, and then take a bunch of donations from his wife's eternally-connected, satellite-linked 3D handheld camera array.
Thing was, he wasn't recording 24/7. And a keen viewer spotted him at a nearby coffee shop in someone else's stream. Remember what I said up above about authenticity? The viewership revolted. They'd been tricked, they'd been betrayed, by someone that some defective part of the human psyche had convinced them was virtually socially equivalent to their best childhood friend. It was time for revenge.
When I watched it, there were a bunch of other streamers there, all around him, in a kind of judgment circle. Every so often, one of them would look around in a sort of panic. It didn't take long for me to realize that all of them had been condemned by the internet community for their own crimes, and forced to come here under threat of non-payment. Their entire economic way of life was dependent on listening to this stream of moneyed whackos observing them from afar, and now those whackos were taking control of things.
For hours, I worked on my shit-box Plymouth and would occasionally glance up at the screen. Outdoorsy Mike, sweat pouring down his face, worked to dig his own grave using a shovel he had made himself on the previous week's stream. Everyone around him watched, stoically, through their own head-mounted GoPros, occasionally reciting the name of someone who had donated $20 to the stream in frightened monotone.
You can't get that on NBC.
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mariacallous · 12 days
I wonder if we will come to look back on that supposed great virtue of our age – controlling the narrative – and see it for the cornered form of submission it so often is? I felt nothing but immense pity for the cancer-stricken Princess of Wales before the release of her intimate family video yesterday, and the sheer weirdness of the resulting enterprise has only magnified the pathos of her situation. Watching the three-minute film, shot by some ad man, I wondered who could possibly feel it was anything but sad that a recovering post-chemo mother should feel that this is her best option for keeping “well-wishers” at bay a little longer.
A lot of people could, it seems from the feverish coverage since it dropped – meaning that convention demands I couch the notion that the existence of the video is in any way weird as “my unpopular opinion”. In which case, allow me to chuck in another unpopular opinion: this sort of thing appeals precisely to the grownups who when Diana died demanded that the then Queen leave off comforting her grieving 12- and 15-year-old grandsons in Scotland to come back to London – in effect to look after them instead. The selfishness and self-importance of a certain stripe of loyal subject is at best demandingly prurient and at worst grotesque. We hear a lot about the male gaze. The royalist’s gaze could do with more unpicking.
Hilary Mantel understood this voraciousness where royalty was concerned – recognised it even in herself. Royal Bodies, her epic 2013 essay for the London Review of Books, began with a passage on Kate – itself disingenuously and enthusiastically misconstrued by the tabloids. Later on in the piece, the Wolf Hall author described coming up close to the late Queen at a palace reception. Mantel confessed: “I am ashamed now to say it but I passed my eyes over her as a cannibal views his dinner, my gaze sharp enough to pick the meat off her bones.”
And so to Kate’s video, shot by a man who has also shot campaigns for Uber Eats, and who made Tesco’s Food Love Stories commercials. Something else is being served up here, which for some reason he has decided to make look like a Center Parcs ad. Despite artfully included clips of Prince George asking of a camera “Is this filming?”, the video was not captured by a GoPro on a picnic rug, but by a crew and a significant post-production operation, who made studied use of filters and slow motion, switching from sweeping shots to grainy scenes designed to ape cine film. Unlike the private home movies in the opening titles of Succession, the footage shows a happy family – but for my money, the sense of menace is still there. But whereas the Roys are menaced from within, the menace to the Waleses comes from the outside – and it is the endless and thankless task of appeasing it that dictates that this video must exist at all.
Various media have added to the threats that always beset the throne, and, with its scenes of picnics and secluded country days, this video explicitly echoes Queen Elizabeth II’s famous decision to allow the cameras into her private family life in 1969 for the famous/infamous Royal Family documentary. That was an attempt by the crown and its courtiers to meet the medium of television on its own terms. Decades later, opinion is still divided as to whether it was a PR masterstroke or the moment the rot set in. “It was difficult,” concluded the historian Ben Pimlott in his biography of the late Queen, “once the genie of this kind of publicity had been let out of the bottle, to put it back in again.”
Fifty-five years on, the Princess of Wales’s video feels like an attempt to meet social media on its own terms. Social media is, of course, the arena in which hunting Kate became a jolly global blood sport earlier this year, when – despite having been explicitly told that she would not appear in public before Easter owing to significant illness – the #BeKind brigade grew bored within weeks and whipped up a vicious feeding frenzy of conspiracy theories as to her absence and the reasons for it. Despite condemning the ghouls of social media, sections of the traditional media merely put quote marks round their vileness, running coded versions of precisely the same hounding. Kate tried silencing it with a Mother’s Day photo; minor editing glitches immediately became a “scandal”, for which she absurdly felt obliged to formally apologise. Next, multiple royal experts and headline writers explained that the true problem was that the palace had “lost control of the narrative”. Eventually, a video in which a poised yet fragile Kate revealed her cancer diagnosis was judged the only way to regain it.
Inevitably, meanwhile, the same critics who detest Harry and Meghan’s barefoot California content decline to look at the style of the Waleses’ video and consider that the Meghanisation of the royal family continues apace. Things that are bad when the Beckhams do them are axiomatically good when royals do them, selling the crown being an activity from which the news media arguably profit most of all. This accounts for much of their magnanimity towards Kate’s latest video.
But service is not the same as people feeling forced to serve themselves up. It was often said, back in the mid-90s, that Diana learned to control the narrative. Did she really, though? As David Beckham stagily remarked in infinitely lighter circumstances in a recent candid film of his own: “Be honest.”
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 5 months
by Dahlia Lithwick, Masua Sagiv
he casual verbal slippage between war photojournalism and crime scene photography is manifest in another simple trick: In announcing the AP’s win, the award organizers reposted the unblurred image of Louk on their Instagram page but neglected to include her name. Her name did, however, appear in the prize announcement on the award website, in which the chosen caption says it all:
Heavy Israeli airstrikes on the enclave has killed thousands of Palestinians. Palestinian militants drive back to the Gaza Strip with the body of Shani Louk, a German-Israeli dual citizen, during their cross-border attack on Israel, Saturday, Oct. 7, 2023.
That caption reorders the sequence of events, as if the subsequent bombing of Gaza were the cause of the cross-border attack. In this telling, these militants found themselves with a half-naked female “body” in the bed of their truck in some accident of war. It distorts the fact that Louk was murdered during a cease-fire and her corpse taken as bounty. Deliberately conflating Hamas’ sexual violence, kidnappings, and burning of women and children with acts of combat gives away the game from the start. However you opt to perceive it, an atmosphere that celebrates this image sets back decades of international legal advances recognizing the dignity and rights of women.
Perhaps the photo merits an award by sensitively capturing the plight of the victims of Oct. 7? That was the line the AP’s vice president of corporate communications, Lauren Easton, gave following international outrage about the prize. “Documenting breaking news events around the world—no matter how horrific—is our job,” she said. “Without AP and other news organizations, the world would not have known what was happening on Oct. 7.” But that is also untrue. In this case, the perpetrators filmed their own acts in viral videos captured on GoPros and livestreamed them to the world, screaming “Allahu Akbar!” (“God is great!”) and driving through the streets. In other instances such footage was shared with the victims’ families using the victims’ own phones. One could well ask whether we should consider a journalistic image of one of the most photographed violent pogroms in modern history to constitute essential newsgathering or whether we should instead regard it as prurient rubbernecking. Yet the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute saw fit to reward the impulse with a prize.
Images of war can be aimed at producing empathy for the victim or anger and disgust toward the perpetrators (or both). Indeed, most of the photos that garnered this prestigious prize do just that. This photograph does neither. The victim, Louk, is an object, almost illegible as a person, reduced by her captors to a trophy. The perpetrators delight in that fact. Most remarkable about the picture is the extent to which it manages to simultaneously deny the crime and celebrate it. On its face, the photo and the caption accompanying it evince no interest at all in how she came to be a “body,” instead observing the time-honored adage invoked whenever a female victim is involved: “She deserved it.”
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kylos-starlight · 2 months
.: Charmed & Guarded :.
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A Jamie and Kaden fic (listen he's like a crush or whatever-)
Words: 1,538 (I don't know how this happened. Help? lol)
Summary: A café meeting and a need to act "tough"
CW: Sickening banter.
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Per Josh's suggestion, Kaden agreed to meet Jamie at a cosy little café tucked away in the city. Kaden arrived first, their nerves a jumbled mess. They fidgeted with their snake bite piercings, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension. When Jamie walked in, Kaden couldn't help but notice his hipster vibe, complete with a fedora and tattoos peeking out from under his rolled-up sleeves.
Kaden had heard quite a bit about this Jamie guy, he seemed pretty nice and outgoing but some people have mentioned that Jamie sometimes has a tendency to be manipulative and make friends with others solely to benefit himself. He apparently has a very intimidating energy when he's very quiet, people usually see a spark of something maybe a little darker in his eyes, Kaden would keep their guard up as best as they could at least for the time being.
Jamie spotted Kaden and approached with a confident stride, his GoPro in hand. "Hey, you must be Kaden," he said, a friendly smile playing on his lips as he extended a hand.
Kaden shook his hand, trying to keep their cool despite the butterflies in their stomach, okay nobody mentioned that he was insanely attractive… "Yeah, that's me. And you're Jamie, the filmmaker wannabe right?" They gestured towards the camera.
Jamie chuckled softly, his laugh was distinctive and somewhat deep, matching his baritone speaking voice. It started with a breathy chuckle, The sound was warm and rich, carrying a sense of genuine amusement… "Guilty as charged. I like to capture moments, you know? Might use them for my future masterpiece." His eyes twinkled with enthusiasm, and he didn't miss the slight blush that crept onto Kaden's cheeks.
"So, you just record people without asking?" Kaden challenged, crossing their arms in a defensive posture, but their eyes betrayed a flicker of intrigue.
Jamie's smirk widened, finding Kaden's feisty demeanour endearing. "I always ask permission. Consider this my way of getting to know someone. It's like showing you my sketchbook." He held up the GoPro. "Besides, it's not every day I meet someone as interesting as yourself." Jamie clearly eyed Kaden up and down.
Kaden scoffed, but their lips curved into a small, involuntary smile. "Interesting, huh? Flattery won't get you anywhere with me, you know." They started heading towards the counter to order their drinks.
Jamie laughed heartily, the sound filling the café, His laugh felt unrestrained and natural, giving off a sense of authenticity and sincerity, it was endearing and infectious and it was taking everything for Kaden to not smile themselves… "Duly noted. So, tell me about yourself, Kaden. What gets your motor running?"
Kaden raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in their eyes. "Well, I'm not sure this is the place to discuss my… preferences, especially with a stranger." They took a sip of their coffee, deliberately avoiding Jamie's gaze.
Kaden was a little worried, they weren't very good at the whole casual conversation bit, they hated when a conversation led to nowhere and died before it even really began, it was always like that, especially whenever Josh introduced them to someone new, it never worked out. Kaden always wondered why Josh did that, maybe he felt sorry for them, they really didn't have many friends or maybe he thought Kaden needed a date or something. Either way, Kaden was surprised when the conversation flowed effortlessly, with Jamie's easygoing nature balancing their own guarded yet sometimes flirtatious or sarcastic responses, they easily matched each other's energy and could keep up with one another.
As they parted ways, Jamie smiled at Kaden. "This was fun. Let's do it again sometime, minus the camera if it makes you uncomfortable."
"I've yet to make a decision on that.." Kaden playfully rolled their eyes despite the smirk tugged to their lips.
"Which? The camera or seeing me again?" Jamie asked, his brow raising quizzically.
Kaden couldn't help but grin, "See you around Jamie."
Back at his apartment, Jamie sat surrounded by screens, reviewing the day's footage. He paused as Kaden's image filled the frame, their purple hair contrasting against the café's muted décor. A soft grin spread across Jamie's face as he replayed scenes of Kaden's reactions, their sassy retorts, and the subtle signs of interest they tried so hard to hide.
"You're cute when you're trying to act tough," Jamie murmured to himself, watching as Kaden fidgeted with their piercings. The way Kaden's eyes lit up when talking about their passions made Jamie's heart skip a beat. "And that blush…" Jamie paused the video, zooming in on Kaden's face. "It's like you're wearing your emotions on your sleeve, even when you're trying so hard not to."
He stopped on a frame where Kaden was laughing freely, their guard down for just a moment. "There you are," Jamie whispered out softly. "That's the real you, isn't it? The you that doesn't hide behind walls and barbs."
He let the footage roll, each interaction revealing more about Kaden—their passion for life, their intelligence, and yes, even their vulnerability. Jamie felt a pull towards Kaden that he hadn't experienced in a long time. It wasn't just physical attraction; it was an appreciation for the person they were.
"I think I might have just found my muse," Jamie mused aloud, his fingers dancing over the keyboard as he saved the clips featuring Kaden. He couldn't wait to see where this might lead, both on and off the camera.
Jamie turned off the screens and sat in the darkness of his apartment, the afterglow of their meeting still lingering. He knew then that he wanted to get to know Kaden better, to understand the stories behind those guarded eyes, and maybe, just maybe, capture their essence on film in a way that only true connection could allow.
With a newfound sense of purpose, Jamie picked up his phone and typed a message to Kaden, keeping it simple and to the point:
<- Had a great time today. Would love to hang out again, camera-free if you prefer. –Jamie
He hit send before he could second-guess himself, hoping that Kaden felt the same spark of potential that he did. Now, all he could do was wait for a response, the anticipation making his heart race with the possibilities that lay ahead.
Jamie's phone dinged and for a second, all he could do was stare at it. After what felt like minutes but were mere seconds, Jamie grabbed his phone and opened it.
-> Firstly, I'm going to ring Josh's neck for giving you my number. Secondly, next time we hang out I'm going to bring my own camera. see how you like it! >: D"
Jamie read Kaden's message with a growing smile. He could practically hear their playful tone and saw the smirk on their face as they typed. Picking up his phone, he quickly tapped out a reply, his thumbs flying over the screen with practised ease.
<- lol, I'll be sure to warn Josh about the impending neck-ringing. 😄 And I'm all for a role reversal! Just remember, turnabout is fair play. But hey, I'm glad you want to hang out again. How about we meet up at that bookstore downtown? It's got a great vibe, and I promise, no cameras unless you change your mind and want to document our adventure. Looking forward to it!
Jamie hit send, his anticipation building. He enjoyed the banter with Kaden and was genuinely excited about the prospect of spending more time together, exploring shared interests and discovering new ones. The bookstore seemed like the perfect setting for their next encounter—neutral ground where they could both feel comfortable and at ease. Now, he could only hope that Kaden would agree.
Jamie's phone buzzed a short while later, and he eagerly checked the notification. Kaden's response was waiting for him, and he opened it with bated breath.
-> A bookstore, huh? Sounds like a trap to learn more about me. But I like books, so I'll take my chances. No cameras got it. But if I catch you sneaking in a GoPro, I swear I'll… actually, I'll probably just tease you mercilessly about it~ Set a date and time, and I'll be there.
Jamie chuckled at Kaden's message, relieved and thrilled by their acceptance. He appreciated Kaden's sharp wit and the way they kept him on his toes. Typing out his reply, he made sure to maintain the playful energy between them.
<- No traps, I promise, just a mutual love for books. Maybe I should sneak my camera in— your teasing is becoming one of my favourite things about you. How about Friday at 7 PM? Does that work for you? Also, just so we're clear, the only thing I'll be sneaking in is my undivided attention. See you then, Kaden. -Jamie
-> What did I tell you? Flattery will get you nowhere with me ;3
<- How about food? would that get me somewhere? ;)
-> See ya on Friday at 7.
Jamie read Kaden's latest messages, a wide grin spreading across his face. Kaden's attempt at playing hard to get was adorable, and he loved how Kaden's texts ended with a definitive agreement to meet up. It was clear that beneath the surface, Kaden was warming up to him, and that thought sent a ripple of excitement through Jamie.
Friday couldn't come soon enough.
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Tagging people. Sorry!!!: @deathnot-e || @Kylilah || @heatobrienswife
@faerie-circle-ships || @dragonsmooch || @mauls-waifu || @mahitosoulmate
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jvstinderosa · 1 year
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Another photo of the storm from my previous upload. This time as it went off shore and set the stage for an amazing sunset. Shells were everywhere, I couldn't fit enough of them into my pockets and bag! I captured a lot of footage of the shells in the water with my GoPro, can't wait to share!
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lumine-no-hikari · 3 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #191
So I finally did it, just like I said I would. I finally got a slow-motion video of some tea swirls; check it out!
It's just done with my cell phone, so it's maybe not the fanciest, but still, I like how it turned out!
…I really miss taking underwater videos in my mermaid gear with my GoPro. I guess watching the milk billow in the tea reminded me a little of the great big huge algae clouds and seagrasses under the surface, for some reason.
…Here's a video I took of a swimming turtle, a long time ago…
I'm not exactly in bad spirits, but my brain is maybe feeling just a little bit weird. I miss the water more than I know how to say. And someone on the internet today said some terrible thing that applies not only to you, but to any human being who has been through trauma and who has made mistakes in the throes of that trauma. I think they must not have realized that they were talking about more than you when they said it.
But... Sephiroth. If you hear anyone who says that you should never have been born because your life was one of suffering, or because of the fact that you're not like most other people… if you hear anyone say that your life is not worth living because bad things have happened to you, or because you've made mistakes… please don't listen to them. If anyone says you're irreparably broken, if anyone says that there's no possibility for you to find happiness and meaning in your life, if anyone says that there's no possibility for you to turn around… please. I beg you. Don't listen.
Because… Sephiroth. If you should never have been born, then that also means that neither should I have been born. It also means that no one who has gone through horrific things should have been born. It also means that no one who has handled their trauma poorly should have been born.
One thing I really don't understand is how people can say stuff like "x type of person never should have been born" so casually and carelessly, especially if their voice has influence or power over any number of people. Are they not aware that actual human lives are at stake?
…Another thing I don't understand is why it's always, "this person with a terrible past should never have been born" instead of "the people around this person should be held accountable for making their past terrible enough to break them."
No one says Hojo should never have been born. No one says that the Shinra family never should have been born. No one says Scarlet or Heidegger should never have been born. No one says these things, despite the fact that they've killed, tortured, abducted, experimented on, and done far worse things to so many more people than you. And indeed, no one SHOULD say those things, because it's never true for any human being. But still… I wonder why they feel so comfortable to say it about you, but not about them?
…All it does is tell on them. All it does is betray what they really feel about struggling people. All it does is betray what they really feel about autistic people, traumatized people, and any person who does not present as "normal" and "successful" in the same way that Scarlet, Heidegger, and the Shinra family can.
…Why is the onus always on the survivor? Why is it always the survivor that is villainized? Why is it that "you should never have been born", instead of "Shinra never should have done those terrible things to you"?
…Why is it that my stepmother tells me "I never should have been born", instead of "she never should have made a regular habit of juicing my skull into the floor like an orange"? And do you know what? Even for all she has done, if anyone were to say that she should never have been born, I will oppose them. Even her existence is a good thing.
This isn't to say that any of your mistakes are excusable by any stretch of the imagination. This isn't to say that your choices are anyone's fault but yours. Just like what you did to Cloud does not excuse him to go on some kind of killing spree, just like Glenn's misunderstanding did not excuse him to kick your necklace into the void, just like my past does not excuse me to be emotionally unstable and verbally abusive, and just like my stepmother's past does not excuse what she did to my brother and I, your past does not excuse you to hurt people. Unfortunately, you did (if the current account of events is to be believed). There will be some people who will never be able to forgive you for that, and that is natural, and they don't have to forgive you, ever.
All the same, your worth as a person is not contingent upon others' capacity to forgive you for your mistakes. This is because every single human is more than their mistakes. Every single human can turn around and make a new choice. All it takes is a little hope. All it takes is a little support. All it takes is a little compassion. All it takes is a little courage. All it takes is a little determination.
I am somewhat upset at the reminder of what this world generally thinks of people like you, and by extension people like me, and like anyone who can relate to you. But that's all right; it's not new. It's good to have occasional reminders that I am not ever actually safe here in this world, nor will I ever be. It's good to be aware, it's good to be on guard, and it's good to surround myself with people who remind me that, no matter the horrors I've suffered before, no matter the scars I carry as a result, and no matter all the ways I'm different from the rest of the word:
Yes, I absolutely should have been born.
Yes, my life is meaningful and still worth living, despite the pain, despite the scars, and despite the mistakes.
Yes, I can build a life of happiness and peace from the wreckage of what came before.
Yes, I can make kind, good, loving, merciful, compassionate, gentle choices, even though my life did not equip me for that.
Yes, I can learn, change, grow, and improve, as long as there is breath in my defective, but still-somehow-kinda-functional body.
Yes, I can weave together beautiful things from all this pain and turn all of it into things that will awe and inspire others.
Yes, I can extend my hand in love and care to all those who are still lost in the dark.
Sephiroth… all of these things are also true of you.
No matter what anyone says, your life is worth living. No matter what anyone says, you can also do all these things. You can stand up straight with your head held high, knowing that despite everything, and against all odds, you refused to fade into nothing beneath all the pressure you're under. Sephiroth, that takes unimaginable amounts of strength and courage. Sephiroth… if you have that much strength and courage, you can also make good choices. You can turn around. You can walk a different path. And, no matter by whom you've been betrayed or abused, and no matter whom you've lost during the course of your living, you can still find people who will love you as-is, and not "despite" anything.
Don't succumb to how bleak and merciless things look, okay? I mean… things are bleak and merciless, that's true. But things are also gentle and compassionate if you know where and how to look. You gotta remember, Sephiroth: it's only hate that's loud. Love is quiet. Love is so very quiet. But there's so much more love in this world than hate.
Sephiroth, I'm gonna leave you with this today. Because the video in the link below is applicable not only to deaf/blind people, but also to anyone who lives with horrifying memories, anyone who is different from others, and anyone who lives their lives contending with overwhelming amounts of pain on an everyday basis, like you or I do:
Sephiroth, don't lose hope. Don't give up. Don't fall into thinking like you shouldn't exist, or like you never should have existed. Yes, your existence has been painful, and yes, you have made terrible mistakes. But the fact that you are alive is still a good thing.
The thing that was said is troubling, but that's all right. I'm not some fragile, easily-crumbling thing. After I get back home from the oral surgery consult, I am going to play some Dead Cells to take my mind off of it, though. I'll leave it here:
I love you. Please stay safe. Don't succumb to the darkness. Don't let the voices of those who wish ill and hatred upon you be louder than the voices of those who wish for goodness and love upon you. Please.
I'll write again tomorrow.
Your friend, Lumine
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al-kol-eleh · 10 months
I haven't watched this, but pay attention to the title. "Growing Evidence of Hamas' Sexual Crimes Against Women During the Attack, Israeli Investigators Say"
There has been evidence of sexual crimes during the October 7th attack from the very beginning provided by Hamas themselves. What else can you reasonably call the footage of Shani Louk's naked body being spit on in the streets? Naama Levy barefoot, and being dragged by her hair with her pants soaked in blood? Noa Argamani screaming in terror as she's being abducted on a motorcycle? As soon as bodies started to be recovered there were reports of women and girls whose pelvises were broken and whose genitals and internal organs were mutilated. There were videos of interrogations where captured terrorists admitted to raping women-I believe one man expressly said "dirty them". The IDF screened footage captured from the terrorists' GoPro cameras. There were survivor testimonies.
And what did you do?
When the euphoria of "resistance" wore off you alternated between denying every piece of evidence, claiming that if any rapes did occur they were justified, and most despicably accusing the victims of racism. Video evidence of dead women unclothed from the waist down meant nothing, you insisted on seeing them raped on camera or else claiming atrocity propaganda. (Too bad for you; our sisters' agony is not your porn.) UNWomen waited nearly 60 days before offering one of the most tepid responses in history that managed to add insult to injury by making it about all women Israeli and Palestinian. (Yes, men who gang rape women are probably likely to rape a little closer to home. We've been saying that.) So, no, you don't get to present this as though it is a new and developing story. You don't get to present this as finally coming to light. The evidence has been there from day one. We have been talking and then screaming about this for two months before you deigned to notice. You are not the heroes.
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