#gosh i love them so much i wanna draw my fav ships with them
0yorixu · 5 months
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two blueberries and some dude
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patron-saints · 8 months
When looking at the fanon interpretation of your fav fma ladies, what makes you go like yesss she would say/do that!! And what makes you she wouldn't fucking say/do that?
(Happy birthday!!)
oh my gosh thank you so much!!! i did my best with these, i feel like i might be forgetting stuff but i tried!
i love it when people treat her as the elrics adopted mother! i think there's a reason why she lost a child specifically and why they lost their mother, and while the rituals they did to bring those people back didn't work, they still found their ways to each other. love it when people INCLUDE HER also!! so many times in fanon stuff she just gets left out completely and it makes me sad.
hate it when people call her abusive? like. the manga makes it really clear that she's doing all of their training with as much care and caution as you CAN do a martial art, and that her assistant was watching out for them while they were on the island (and kicking their ass but you know. he knew they were safe). she's a good mom and she's a good teacher and i won't hear it.
olivier as a character is like wildly deeply nuanced and layered and i really love fanon posts that engage with her on the level of that complexity! she IS that complicated.
one of my biggest olivier "she would not fucking do thats" is almost any non-izumi ship, and it's not like. it's not like.. BECAUSE of izumi. i polyship all the time. it's just. she would not fucking do that. roy mustang she hates, her assistants are also men, riza is her friend and very specifically in the same cateogry of friend to her as jean havoc... so...? so probably that yeah. i just can't get into any of them. i have tried.
probably the most in character thing i've seen in this:
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(edit by spidermanifested)
also i love everything by tumblr user courtmartialme. he's so good and he draws her with so much love.
i think my biggest and worst crime against traditional fma fandom is that i believe riza hawkeye is aromantic. so like. it makes me feel "she would not fucking do that" about so much royai content all of the time. and i still love queerplatonic royai so much so i reblog it a lot with my qp glasses on but the super romanticy stuff i- oh. OH. even worse than that is royai parent stuff. either as the elrics parent figures (they r coworkers at worst and weird uncle/aunt at best) or as having their own kids. augh
biggest fandom "she would fucking do that" of all time is THIS. which i hope everyone has seen. forever. she would. i am writing a whole fic about how much she would.
a lot of rizalust art has lust in a position of being the one to be sort of menacing and scary, terrifying riza as much as she turns her on, and like. while i do think she has the capacity for that VERY much, i think it's way more fun when she's pathetic. <3
also i wanna see more acknowledgement that her dad sucks too
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I love reading all your stories and always find myself coming back to them. I think my favs are prob the ones from the Space Outlaw AU, especially the Ex & Zed one, it always makes me smile. That kinda brings me to this request; I'd love to see a followup to that story where Zed is reunited with Tango & Impulse on the ship and what happens a bit afterwards. ^_^
aaa my gosh, thank you so much. it means a lot to hear that and honestly i wouldn't have had the courage to do it without @martuzzio creating this amazing au & encouraging me !!
as for the request, it's actually a scene ive avoided writing in the past, because everyone kinda has their own idea of how it goes? so i wanna say, just because i've written it, it doesn't mean other people can't write it their way!! even i have other ideas of how it could go!! additionally, if you want more of zit's early days after reuniting, it's a side focus in this fic! i realised it was missing from my masterpost so thought i'd mention it gjgfs
alright, on with the fic:
"And this is one of our secondary testing labs," Xisuma introduces, holding his hand out as they step inside. Seeing the current occupant, he turns that hand into a wave. "Afternoon, Impulse." Zedaph perks up at the name, bright eyes focused on the goggled man in front of him.
"Hey, X." Impulse doesn't look up from his current project, carefully soldering two pieces of wire together. "We got our new recruit?" Zedaph's jaw is falling open as Impulse speaks. Any further and it might unhinge.
"We have!" X glances at Zedaph, his smile becoming a soft look of concern. "This is Zedaph, he may not be joining us permanently but-" Impulse looked up the second Xisuma said 'Zedaph'.
"Zed?" Impulse breathes the name like it's sacred, with the same reverence of a god's. Zedaph stares at him with wide eyes, a noise escaping before he can attempt a word. He raises his hands, tears gathering.
"Impulse?" Zed's gasp is wet, grabbing the strap of his bag. "Is that- Am I dreaming? I must be- I-" Impulse barely remembers to turn off his solderer before he's running forward.
The two meet in the middle. Impulse grabs Zed's face, rubbing his fingers over his cheeks. All Zed can do is reach up and hold Impulse's hands tight. They're rough and dirty and Impulse's face is dirty and he's wearing goggles but that's Impulse. That's Impulse, who's wiping away the tears rolling down Zedaph's face.
"Hold on, hold on- Let me-" Impulse pulls away to snap his goggles onto his forehead. "It's you- I can't- It's really you." Zedaph sobs softly, falling forward and pressing the sides of their faces together. He reaches for Impulse's hair, burying his fingers into the strands. Together, they sway in place, legs shaking so much it's hard to stay up. "I don't- Zed-"
Zedaph laughs, high-pitched and hysterical, "I must be dreaming, I must be." Impulse joins his laughter, grip on Zedaph tightening enough to leave white marks on his skin. There's barely an inch of space left between them.
"If you're dreaming then so am I." Impulse sounds breathless. Zedaph squeezes him, tears dampening both of their cheeks.
"I don't want it to end," he whispers, a hint of fear in his voice at the thought. If he could, he'd cling to this moment forever. His heart singing in his chest, Impulse's solid weight in his hands. Neither of them want to wake up.
"You're not dreaming," Xisuma says. They jump apart as they remember he's there. Zedaph wipes the tears from his cheeks. His other hand stays in Impulse's. Their knuckles are pale in each other's grip. "I can finish this tour later, give you some time together." Zedaph feels like he should protest Xisuma's kindness, but the only sound he could make would be broken noise. Impulse continues looking at him like he's the most precious of gems, or a project he's spent months on and finally finished.
"I'll let you know when we're finished with him," Impulse replies. Zedaph stares at him, taking in how he's aged. They've lost so much time. "Do you mind if it's in a month or so? Maybe a year?" Xisuma chuckles, smiling fondly.
"As much time as you need." He tells them, with a polite nod. Impulse just manages to nod back before Xisuma leaves the pair in the empty lab. They stare at each other, barely breathing. Zedaph traces one of the wrinkles that he swears weren't there before. Laugh lines. Worry lines.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm an old man." Zedaph laughs, pulling Impulse's goggles off so he can press their foreheads together. The bright lights of the lab catch their eyes, leaving them sparkling with tears. They fall into a comfortable silence. Together, in their own world - blind to the bright lights and deaf to the quiet hum of electricity. Focused on the other alone. Zedaph finally pulls away when he processes an earlier sentence, face scrunched in confusion.
"We're finished with him?" He questions. There's a swell of hope in his chest that he doesn't want to believe. He wants to cling to it, doesn't want it to be crushed. Impulse nods, ever so slightly.
"Tango. He's here too. He's- Zed, he missed you so much." The swell spills over. Impulse clutches him tight as Zed sobs, entire body shaking with the force. He falls into Impulse's chest, firm hands keeping him upright. Eventually, the sobs quiet into shaking breaths and Impulse moves his hands to cup Zedaph's cheeks, looking into blue eyes. "Zed would- do you want to see him?" Zedaph nods, nails digging into the strap of his rucksack.
"Does- Would he want to see me?" Impulse smiles, nodding in return. He swipes his thumbs across Zed's cheeks, disrupting the tear tracks left there.
"Zed, he'd want nothing more. Both of us have wanted nothing more than to see you since- since-" Zedaph cries again at the thought. It's been so, so long.
"Yeah-" He agrees, "Yeah, me too."
It takes them several minutes until they can separate enough to walk. Impulse leads the way through the ship. Their pace is close to running, Impulse navigating the way to the lower decks on pure instinct. Between them, their hands stay clasped together, never loosening. Zedaph's other hand rests on his bag strap. The Hermits they pass don't interrupt. A few watch with knowing smiles.
"Tango!" Impulse calls as they grow closer to the engine bays. Zedaph's pace slows and Impulse smiles in encouragement, nudging their shoulders together. He tries to smile back, air caught in his throat, tears ready to spill again. His emotions are haywire: anxiety, excitement, fear, elation. He's feeling so much.
"Impulse!" Tango's voice echoes from deeper into the bays. Impulse leads Zed in, watching his wide eyes focus at the voice. Zedaph feels like his body is giving out beneath him. He's going to shake apart. "What brings you here?"
"I'm- Not here for me, actually." Tango pulls himself out from under one of the cables. He stretches, eyes closed and a wrench in his hand. He's wearing a simple dress, the heat in the bays comfortable enough for him without his suit. Then he opens his eyes and freezes with his arms still above his head. Zedaph steps a little further behind Impulse, both of his hands tensing. Impulse squeezes back.
"Impulse?" Tango asks, looking between them both. His red eyes are wide, arms lowering awkwardly. "Is that- Are you?" Impulse nods, turning to Zed.
"Yeah, yeah, it really is." Impulse squeezes Zedaph's hand again, gently encouraging him forward. Zedaph's already crying. He seems to be doing a lot of that.
"Tango," he whispers. Tango can't hold back any longer, running forward so he can hold Zedaph's face in his hands. The wrench clatters to the floor as Tango wipes across Zedaph's cheeks. He looks into those blue eyes and knows his are just as teary. Zedaph allows Impulse to take the rucksack from his back, lower it to the floor.
"Zed." Tango rubs along Zedaph's hairline. The way he leans into the touch is so familiar Tango can only cry. "Nether, it's- I can't believe-" Zed nods, holding him desperately.
"I can't either," he agrees with a wobbling voice. Impulse wraps his arms around Zedaph's chest, resting his head on Zed's warm shoulder. They all cling to each other with no intention of letting go.
"Did you know?" Tango asks, looking between Impulse and Zed. And he can look between them. They're both here, in front of him. All three of them in one place, safe and- He used to dream about this, he never thought it could be a reality.
"No," Impulse tells him, "I had no idea. None at all."
"I didn't-" Zed agrees, "I- I really didn't- I never even guessed." He reaches back for Impulse's hand, legs finally giving up. He makes a soft noise as he drops, the two quick to support him and lower them to the ground. The trio continue hugging each other on the hot floor of the bay. There's no way of telling where each of them start and end, limbs tangled into a pile.
Impulse buries his face against Zedaph's back, Tango weeping openly. The sound of their cries echo in the bay. None of them care. Why think about the world around them when they can focus on each other? How they feel in each other's arms, the heat of Tango's hair, Zedaph's fingers twitching in Impulse's hand and Tango's dress. Convincing themselves they're not dreaming. This is real.
"Wait, wait, wait-" Zed leans back from them both, reaching for his bag. He digs around his shawl until he pulls out a small band of twisted woollen threads, thinned and snapped. "I- I kept it. It's broken but I kept it-" Tango draws Zed back into their hold with a hand on his cheek. His other hand wipes away tears.
"Oh, Zed." Tango's voice is so soft. "You- How do you never fail to surprise us?" Impulse laughs, settling his chin on Zedaph's shoulder. Their heads automatically lean towards each other.
"I'm so glad you do," Impulse says, squeezing Zed's hand. "This is the best surprise I could ever ask for." Zedaph breathes out, words completely lost to him.
"Hey," Tango smiles at them, bottomless love in his eyes. "You can make us new ones now." Zedaph gasps through tears, nodding eagerly.
"Yeah," he agrees, rubbing his eyes on Tango's hand, "I can."
They end up in one of the sleeping dens. Zedaph is curled between them, feeling more relaxed than he has in years. Tango is in front of him, an arm around him whilst Impulse's hand rubs his cheek. Zed nudges comfortably into their holds, enjoying the longed for contact with his herd. Tango's hair is secured in a fireproof wrap. Zedaph knows from experience that it's hot but he has the urge to poke it anyway. For old times sake. Thankfully, Impulse notices, grabbing Zedaph's hand and pulling it down. Zed twists to see him, smiling cheekily as Impulse shakes his head.
"What are you two doing?" Tango questions, peering at them with gentle eyes. Impulse turns to Zedaph again, both of them breaking into smiles. Zed brings a hand up to stifle his giggles.
"He was going to touch your wrap," Impulse answers. Zedaph's laughter grows in volume as he curls into Tango, hiding his face.
"Zed!" Tango cries, "I know it's been awhile, man, but-"
"You shut your mouth!" Zed's voice is muffled, cheeks red and sore from smiling. Tango digs his fingers into Zedaph's woollen curls, laughing as a few fall loose. Oh, how he's missed that texture. Impulse sighs, pulling Zed closer to his chest unconsciously. Tango moves with him.
"It's been way too long," Impulse says, voice quiet as he speaks. "Gods, Zed, we just- we just didn't know. We thought you were-" Tango hums, cutting off Impulse's sentence. But Zedaph only nods, face poking up again. His head rolls to the side, expression turning sad, even if it's briefly.
"I- I thought so too. I-" He freezes. On unsteady hands, he tries to push himself up. "Skizz." The word is urgent in his mouth. "Is he okay? Was he safe?" Impulse lowers him back onto Tango by brushing his fingers across Zed's hairline.
"He's fine," he tells him. "We talk often, he's been doing great for himself. Oh, he's- he's going to be so happy we've found you. None of us could, we looked so hard." Zedaph nudges until he's comfortable again, letting the words sink in. Skizz is safe. They're all safe. It's a dream come true.
"I searched too," he says, "I really did." Tango rubs his fingers across Zed's cheek. His skin is warm against Zed's. It always is.
"We know," Tango replies. Impulse hums, nodding against his head. They're not going to talk about Tango and Impulse. Zed- He doesn't need to know the arguments between them. How Tango gave up on this moment. It's not something he needs to worry about. Right now, they're together. They're holding Zedaph in their arms and it doesn't even feel real.
"I don't want to lose you guys again." Zedaph's voice breaks, lost hands clutching at them. "I feel like I'm going to wake up and-"
"You're not," Impulse promises. "We're going to be right here."
"You're not getting rid of us." Tango wipes away the dampness on Zed's eyelashes before it can spill over once more. "Like, you're going to wish you could get rid of us kinda 'not getting rid of us'." That gets Zed to laugh again and they both smile at the sound. Zed closes his eyes with a gentle sigh.
"I'm so lucky," he decides. "I can't believe it."
"So are we!" Tango exclaims. "I mean- Look at you! Cuddled up between us!"
"Mm, lucky to have me." Zed finishes the sentence with a yawn. Impulse scratches along his hairline again with soft, tired eyes.
"Yeah, we are," he murmurs, sinking down into the cuddle. "Get some sleep, yeah?" Zed hums. He's out like a light. Tango watches him, taking in every change on Zedaph's face. The length of his hair, small scars on his skin. But, much to their delight, he still makes those quiet noises in his sleep. His fingers still twitch. He still seeks out their warmth.
It's only once Tango's certain Zed's sleeping that he looks up, finding Impulse's gaze. Impulse sleepily tilts his head in question. Tango has to think before he speaks, tracing circles into Zed's arm.
"I'm- I'm really sorry, Impulse." Impulse's face opens up in shock.
"Hey, no," he quickly rebuts. "You have nothing to apologise for, Tango." He falls silent for a few seconds and Tango can see him searching for words. He waits for Impulse to speak again. "You did what you had to do to move on. I get it. As much as I wanted to believe, I- I never really expected this day to come, either."
"I guess we were both fools." Impulse laughs, so quiet in their little den.
"Well-" He smiles, the expression natural to them both, "-Nothing's changed then, has it?"
"I guess not." Tango rubs Zedaph's cheek once more, finally able to relax into the hold. There will be time in the future.
They've got so much more time than they thought they did.
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franeridart · 5 years
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Anon said: Please wish me luck, I have an important art audition soon and I’m super scared.
Ahhhhhhhh I’m sure everything will be fine!!! Good luck, anon!!!!!!
Anon said: do you have instagram?
I don’t! and most probably never will
Anon said: you're my fav acc holy shit i love ur art sm! thank you for sharing them with us!! have a fantastic day!
GOSH thank you so much for thinking so!! I hope you’ll have all the fantastic days too, anon!!!
Anon said: What if I told you that you’re my favorite artist and I check your blog daily?
I’d cry!!! Definitely!!!!!!!! TTATT
Anon said: Your drawings are lovely, absolutely amazing, and your artistic skills are incredible. I admire you deeply and just wanted to let you know. Also, what is your favourite BnH couple? I'm curious! Sending lots of love towards you 🥰🥰
Holy heck thank you so so so so much!!! You’re so nice oh my god ;;;;;;;;;;;;; and kiribaku, definitely! I have a couple more I ship a lot and a whole damn lot I enjoy the aesthetic and/or dynamic of, but krbk is the real one and only, for me TT^TT
Anon said: Hii, i really REALLY love your drawings, and I'm so happy to see u continue to improve (tho I still find it as great as your first uploaded drawing, really, u are amazing) I'm kinda sad/mad/smad that I know u from a random page that reposted your art, but I'm glad I found u at last!! I was wondering tho, I love your kiribaku and I adore your tododeku art (big multishiper) but what about todobaku, mm? I would love to see in your style, so cute and wholesome, so thank u if u do it, stay lovely!
Ahhhh thank you!!! And I do enjoy todobaku too! I have at least one piece for them in my todobaku tag, and if you’re into that there’s a couple of things in my todokiribaku tag too! I love the tdbk dynamic, I might draw them again soon enough T^T
Anon said: I live for your Sero Artwork. Boy doesn't get enough love and you make him look sooooo good. 💛💛💛
Thank you!!! I’m glad you think so, it took a while to figure him out but now I have so so much fun drawing him! <3
Anon said: For your BNHA Fusion AU: I dunno why but I really wanna see a Dekusquad vs Bakusquad fusion cause I feel it would be a disaster in the making. Also maybe a teachers (Aizawa, Mic, All Might, midnight maybe?) fusion trying to stop them? Just some idea!
They’re all wonderful ideas anon, but I’m not really doing more art for that au anymore! I’m sorry ;;;
Anon said: Just a small actual question: how would be the best way to prepare a portfolio?
Damn anon, if you find an answer to that lemme know that I need to start making myself one too haha no, for real, the best I can tell you is to decide which kind of portfolio you want to make - which art field you mean to specialize in, is what I’m saying - and then look up examples of it on youtube. There’s a lot of videos that are just people scrolling and thumbing through their portfolios and explaining what they put where and how and why, and a lot of tutorials for how to put together a portfolio as well  - it’ll take a while to figure it out for both of us, but let’s both do our best!
Anon said: everytime i see you make an answers post i expect it to be tagged "franswers", not "fran answers".
I’ve had this pointed out to me so many times that by now I’m just being a dick and purposefully not going there ngl
Anon said: You like play some Videogame or VN? If you not I strongly recommend you to play "Your turn to die" which is free.
This was so weirdly omnious when I first read it LMAO but ah, I’m not a huge fan of games but sometimes I do get in the mood for those! So thank you so much for the rec, I’ll keep it in mind!!
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tomiyeee · 3 years
2, 5, 7, 13, 17, and 20 (you gave me so many lol)
under cut cuz it’s long(er than usual)
2) What do you like most about the series?
hm. if im honest, im not entirely sure! i think at least part of what got me hooked and why the series has remained so entertaining for me is just the sheer ridiculousness of it. the faces and animations, the whole concept of an ancient alien race whose society revolves around racing cars...it’s great! i don’t mean this in a bad way or that i dont take any fan content seriously, i just find it amusing looking at my content of it and thinking “man. this from a kids’ show about cars.” makes it much easier to enjoy what i make and not take it all too seriously. im just here to have fun!
5) Favorite & least favorite car(s)?
mm i answered already but i realize those were only acceleracers cars sooo…
fav: markie’s stingray..i always say this but it’s vanilla flavored..it’s so pretty
least fav: gosh all these cars are so ugly it’s hard to pick just one...i’ll just go by teams lol
wave rippers - alec’s truck is so bulky and ugly and boring *graffiti’s on it in vr chat*
street breed - side draft is such a stupid name
road beasts - moto-crossed. what the fuck?
dune ratz - kadeem i love you but...sir ur car…
scorchers - red baron. the fucking. driver has to bend over just to see out the vehicle, how is this a car
7) Favorite scene or line?
vert house scene in BP. i’ve probably watched/listened to BP at least twice as many times as any of the other movies. nolo isn’t in this scene but i like vert too and he looked cute and had nice voice acting so it’s in second place. what can i say, i cant stand action and eating lunch in the cafeteria and talking to ur dad at home is about as far from action as you can get :)
13) What ships do you like (if any)?
i have them all listed on my blog but i wanna talk about some of em that have been on my mind a lot anyway:
vertnolo - tbh i can’t see either of them being very romantic, esp with each other. they aren’t so much boyfriends as they are just friends who like to kiss lol. this ship is almost purely self-indulgence which im a little embarrassed about sometimes but hghhh. i love vert and i love nolo and instead of loving both of them individually, why not love two boys with one ship? :)
banjee/kadeem - they had very cute exchanges in world race and i would’ve loved to see more of them!
banjee/ez/skeet - damn banjee how come i let you have two boyfriends AND a girlfriend? they seem to be canonically very good friends, and i love the idea of the three of them getting into trouble together...or rather banj/ez getting into trouble and skeet being reluctantly dragged along. he seems the least willing to break rules but they are all ride or die for each other
tork/tone - this may not have worked out in canon and there’s not much to work off of there anyway in terms of dynamic so i don’t draw it much, but rival team leaders are always an interesting ship in my experience lol. plus they both desperately needed some character development so hey they have that in common!
dad wheeler/tezla/gelorum - the dilf/gilf/milf dynamic. they are all exes.
lani/vert and karma/nolo - platonically, they both feel like they have a sibling-like dynamic and their aesthetics fit together very nicely. vert and lani have some stuff in common and get along fairly well and karma seems to look after nolo quite a bit. i don’t have a lot of solid ideas for either of them, but seeing/thinking about them interacting makes me really happy :D
17) If you could design a realm of your own what sort of theme would it have?
well i’ve already answered for my flower/forest/fairy-themed aesthetic and fish and stars are already taken...what other aesthetics do i have..?
this is very vague but i really like seeing vibrant pink color palettes. im better at designing stuff thru drawing than text but i dont feel like drawing rn so ig just something that looks like either this warm pink sort of palette or this purple-ish one. like a sort of..sunset realm? not sure about the track or obstacles, i just want it to be pink and pretty. ooh or a crystalline realm!! maybe even combine the two!
20) What would you like to see/have seen in a continuation?
i want the drivers to beat the shit out of tezla. i really loved the parts of ult race where the two teams worked together and made amends, but it’s sad that we didn’t get to see much of that dynamic until the very end, especially since it’s kinda drowned out by all the action (i get it’s the finale, but also...i hate action). i would love to have seen more of those new relationships and how they would work out in different situations. like more of what we got to see of the characters’ interactions throughout the series, only this time its without them all being ~2 secs away from strangling each other.
the characters working together and building completely new dynamics between each other as the series progresses..maybe certain characters become unexpected but very good friends whose personalities complement each other in unexpected ways! maybe there are new conflicts that arise between the characters that stem from their personalities/backgrounds/etc. themselves rather than some arbitrary team rivalry! ooohh there’s just so much potential here!!
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happyeol · 6 years
Hi ~. Can I get a ship with BTS, please?? I’m an honest person and I keep my words. I care others’ feelings and always put them before myself. Seeing people around me smile can totally make my day 😌 I love my family very much. I’ll always support everyone who needs it and give them my 100%… just don’t betray my trust. I’m bad at lying. Sometimes, I can be clueless and friends love to tease me about it 😑 Others usually say that I’m polite, feminine, caring and reliable. I’m not confident. I always keep my problems to myself because I don’t want to be a burden to anyone. Really quite when getting angry. I’m introverted. Since I don’t talk much, some might think that I’m shy and reserved but I’m actually outgoing (kinda dork 😬) and can be lil bit sassy from time to time and very clumsy. Love eating and girly things. I love animals excluding worms and cockroaches. I can’t resist dogs. Actually I can’t resist most of animals. I just wanna pet them 😆. I like almost every flowers in the world not only because of their beauty but also because of their meanings. I’m adventurous, love being outdoor and traveling and enjoy theme parks, hiking, camping, star gazing, festivals etc. You can say, I’ve a sweet and girly appearance but a tomboyish inside 😂 I prefer walking because I can pay more attention on surroundings. I usually listen to music while taking a walk (my friend said I’m unconsciously humming song when I’m in a good mood) I listen various kind of music. I also like reading, drawing and take a photo as well. Horror movies are my fav!! Thank you so much ❤️ Please take your time ~.
Hello sweetie @chana-ninja ♡ Thank you for your message, I hope you will enjoy what you’re about to read.
As soon as I started to read your message, there was only a name that continued to pop into my head: Jin. You and Jin would be perfect together. Oh gosh, everyone would envy you. Jin is known to like feminine girls, so he would completely fall in love with this part of your personality. He would go crazy watching you: he would love the way you walk, the way you talk, the way you dress. You’re a polite and caring person, he would love it. He has always said that he wants a girl that satisfies these qualities, so I believe that he would go crazy everytime you spoil him with any sort of attention. He would love the fact that you’re able to take care of him because this means that you’re able to take care of your future children cough. But don’t worry, he would be able to take care of you, too. He would make himself sure that you’re not missing anything, he would do anything to make you happy. As you may know, Jin loves animals too so he would love the way you’re getting playful around Jjianggu. He would consider you a huge part of his life and the way you’re able to get along well with Jjianggu and the other members would make him think that you’re the girl for him. He’s an hard-worker and he’s pretty busy with practices, concerts, photoshoot and the list goes on, there might be days when he’s feeling stressful or he’s simply having an “ugh” day but as soon as he comes back home and sees you, he would feel completely relieved. You’re a positive girl and your happiness would make him instantly smiling. Jin would feeling good to know that he can easily talk to you about anything that happened to him and knowing that you’re there to support him, would make him feel stronger than anyone. Jin has busy schedules but he would make time for you and there’s nothing better than coming back home after a long day and eating tons of food while playfully cuddling on the sofa. Moreover, he would completely love every single detail about you: the way you unconsciously sing, the way you pay attention even to the little things and oh gosh, you’re a lucky girl: he would protect you and your love at any costs.
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najatheangel · 7 years
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Hi there~. How are you doing?? I hope you doing great. I saw that you doing a new ship and it look so nice 😆 Can I have a drabble ship with BTS and Seventeen please?? I’m an honest person and I keep my words. I care others’ feeling and always put them before myself. Seeing people around me smile.. that totally made my day 😌. I love my family very much. I’ll always support everyone who needs, give them my 100%… just don’t betray my trust. I’m bad at lying. Sometimes, I can be naive and friends love to tease me about it 😑. I’m not confident. I always keep my problems to myself because I don’t want to be a burden to anyone. Really quite when getting angry. Others usually say that I’m polite, feminine, caring and reliable. Since I don’t talk much, some might get an idea that I’m shy and reserved but I’m actually outgoing (kinda dork 😬) can be lil bit sassy time to time and clumsy… very much. 
Love eating and girly things. I love animals excluding worms and cockroaches. I can’t resist dogs. Actually I can’t resist most of animals. I just wanna pet them 😆. I like almost every flowers in the world not only because of their beauty but also because of their own meanings. I’m adventurous, love being outdoor and traveling, enjoy themeparks, hiking, camping, star gazing, festivals etc. You can say, I’ve sweet and girly appearance with a tomboy habit 😂. I prefer walking because I can pay more attention on surroundings. I usually listen to music while taking a walk (my friend said I’m unconscious humming song when in a good mood). I listen various kind of music. I also like a cover songs. I admire people who good with art, they’re so talented!!!. I like drawing and take a photo as well. Horror movies are my fav!! If someone asks me what I looking for in relationships, I want us to be best friends and lover. We can share, learn and support each other. Explore new things together (fill everyday with smile, good laugh and fun). But I’m really slow when it comes to love. There are times I don’t even know that they were flirting with me. So he has to be obviously, consistency and patient with me😅. I always find a man who is considerate, helps people in need without asking, or is good with kids and animals to be attractive. Hope it not too Long.
Thank you so much.
Please take your time❤️~.
Hey girly, And I’m doing great thanks for asking. I’m glad I got to learn more about ya and I know exactly who I’m going to ship you with.
From bts, I ship you with...don’t even act surprised, Jungkook~
(I just really think he would like you. Idk, I can visually, personality wise and long term wise see you two together and here’s how I image it.)
-Right after school, you decided to separate from your friends and take a walk around on your own little adventure in the park w/ the pretty flowers, adorable puppies and favorite spot to stargaze at night.
-Slowly walking around, u notice a shy kid w/ a cute bunny smile sketching something while singing a song w/ his beautiful “Paper Hearts”
-As you walked pasted him, you tried not to make it to obvious you were looking at him . but end up tripping over a rock and falling on butt.
Jungkook:*rips off his earphones and runs up to you* Oh my, Are you okay? I’m sorry, my foot was out and- *he froze when he saw your face slowly helping you up*
Chana: Ugh, my gosh. I’m sorry. I just saw you and I ended up falling.
-*he noticed you had a little scratch and started to panic, but wanted to keep it cool*
Jungkook:I-I think your bleeding a bit, we need to get you a band aid. Come w/ me. *he wanted to grab your hand, but froze again*
-*you ended up grabbing his hand for support and walked to his house*
-*he ran back with his first aid and started nervously doing treatment on ur scrapped knee*  *you looked up at him staring trying to contain yourself*
Chana: Hey, I appreciate you services...Doctor Kookie. *you teased him and before you starting walking off*
Jungkook: Wait chana~ Do I get to see you again? *he gulps and looks at you with hope in his eyes*
*you end up making a move and start making a promise with him* Of course, actually let’s go out together tomorrow at the same spot.
Jungkook: And I’ll bring more band aids just in case. *nudges you teasing* It’s a date...Bye~
Chana: Wait, what? How said it was- *he already left and you finally stood shook and frozen but end up smiling* A date it is then...
(Ahhh, like I’m squealing at how cute u both are.)
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From Seventeen...I ship u with, Joshua~
-You took another trip to the pets store to get your puppy some more dog food, but as usual you got distracted by the cute animals in your surroundings.
-A cute guy with bambi eyes noticed you talking to the animals gently petting them and found u way more attractive and gentle then the animals.
Joshua: Awhh, look at the adorable bunnies I want one!
Chana: Where?! *you run where Joshua was and the both of you fangirl/boy over the fluffy bunnies.
Chana: This one kinda reminds me of jungkook from bts. *you point out the one actively hopping around*
Johsua:*laughs* Who? *tries to be smooth again* Well, this one reminds me of you. *points the one staring back at you with big eyes*
Chana: How come, they all look the same.
Joshua: To me, that one stands out because the innocence and trying to find her place in he world. *points at the one that thinks is him* See how she’s running to him, they found love and they’re place in the world. Each others arms.
*both of you silently blushing and looking at the bunnies*
Chana: Well, Maybe your right. I can kinda see it that way.
Johsua: Want to come back tomorrow, and maybe after grab a coffee. My treat.*he smirks at you*
Chana:*nods and pats his shoulder* Are u sure it’s just not a date?
Joshua: Well, we should find out shall we? *winks with both eyes*  
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I hope you like ur ships @chana-ninja & thanks for support on this blog. Feel free to request more.
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poketrio · 7 years
Epic Mickey! (I wanna see what you think!)
Ok! Here we gooooooo
Favorite character:Oh dear… It’d most likely have to be Gremlin Prescott! He’s the character that truly brought me into the epic Mickey fandom, tbh! His edgy charm in EM2 is truly what makes him awesome to me! He wants to prove to everyone that he’s this amazing inventor, while he’s always getting kicked into the shadows of “Best Inventor” Jameface. I kinda relate to that, but I’ll talk about that later-
Second favorite character:Oswald! His character development was so heart(ha)warming, I’m glad he got his happy ending in EM1! I’m glad he got to befriend Mickey and forgive him for his mistakes, and I’m especially glad he got Ortensia back!!Also mentioning mad doctor because he’s a close to second fav, mostly because of his development in EM2! His musicals were awesome
Least favorite character:Hmm… Idk if I have a least favorite! All the characters have a nice charm to them, that I honestly can’t hate any of them! Though… I guess I’ll go with the Petes since they just seem like pricks without any reason, from what I remember.
The character I’m most like:This is where I get back to that feeling with Prescott-He wants attention, he wants people to like him, and he really wants people to praise him for his work! And I definitely can relate to all of that when it comes to my art-I just don’t believe I don’t get as much attention as I deserve with it, but I don’t truly get it. I’d go some lengths for people to notice me/give me attention(i.e. My spike in Steven universe fanart). I’ll still only do things I like, but I’ll do things especially if it guarantees attention. And that’s pretty much what prescott does, he joins sides with the mad Doctor because he knows he’ll get praise from him for doing it.
But I do appreciate all attention I get, and I know what I want will take time and effort.
Favorite pairing:Hmm… Oswald and Ortensia are niceeeeAlso Marscott is p cute too like the fanart for it is always sweet and nice and lOVESo… It’s a tie tbqh-
Least favorite pairing:I hope to goodness not a lot of people ship this but I had a run in with a shipper of it, and it made me feel worse about the ship than I originally did.
Mick and Oswald. Not only is it incest, but I had to do a request involving it for said person. I hated doing it!! I deleted it the moment after they saw the drawing because I did NOT want anyone else seeing it. I don’t approve of it, now have I ever.
BROTP is ABSOLUTELY fine. Just please leave it at that people.
Favorite moment:Gosh… There’s the scene where Mickey gives up his heart for Oswald and Gus which was so!! Sweet!!Then there’s the scene where Oswald’s like “Doc are you ok??” And the doctor just STARES at him like “… Excuse me?” And makes Oswald do the sing along which was funny to me-And there’s also the scene after you beat Prescott… That messed me up-
Rating out of 10:Epic Mickey 1 I’d give a solid 10 on. The visuals are nice, the throwbacks to older stuff was also nice, and the pacing and gameplay were pretty solid! Also going to mention the nice cartoons that you could unlock, those were pretty sweet and got me to buy that Oswald collectors edition DVD!Epic Mickey 2…. 8/10. The gameplay wasn’t as polished as the original, but the visuals were still nice! It was just unfortunately rushed because of Disney.
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metalpiratequeen · 8 years
Though I was still thinking "organic Cybertronian" for the AU like combining my world and yours, everyone organic. Lazarette's pirates threatened by Galvatron's expansion and empire, ships being attacked and hunted, the pirate Lord requests a special task of Lazarette and her crew--- the impossible, really. Get to Cybertron. Get to the highly guarded estate where Galvatron's little one is housed and kidnap the child out from under her very violent beastformer bodyguard (Dinobot) and, if Cyclonus is around, dodge the spawn of Unicron. Then get the child off-world. And they'll ransom her for whatever they want or try to kill her as payback for all the blows Galvatron and Nova have dealt them. For all I know Galvatron blew up some of the planets the pirates had used traditionally as safe havens, she'd have eliminating pirates in her territory on her top 5 list, where before her perhaps they were not targeted but (it's honest... prolly Cyclonus' idea he cannot stand any kind of chaos he wants order, pirates would irritate him, simply knowing they existed in Cybertronian ruled spaces)...
OMG that's pretty awesome. I was thinking something similar along the lines of combining the two, perhaps Lazarette is a native, going back to her military routes and working for the royal family's army and expanding their empire. She knows very little of Tetta outside the few public gatherings, and after the d-void incident there is talk that the ruler has gone mad and she gets roped into helping Scourge get Tetta old-world after he is imprisoned and Cyclonus and his men are on their tail (She even takes a heavy blow as they try to embark). They get branded as outcasts and without Scourge they have no idea where to go or who to trust with the princess. Both are good.
Oh man yours is fucking awesome too T__T oh god I wanna do that
Human Laza is obsessed with styling hair by the way. She never has the same style for too long, and even braids precious stones or tokens that mean something to her into her hair. I can totally see her running into Tetta in one of the crystal gardens after slipping away from a party. Marvelling at her lilac hair and if she would let her, tie a single braid with a sea green gem into her hair.
Tettares would be maximum level pathetic for awhile. I love writing Scourge too... maybe he escapes with Lazarette, especially if Galvatron has already killed his family thinking it would bring him to his knees and back in line, he could be killed later on too. They would be marked as traitors, god Galvatron and Cyclonus would be out for blood. I could see Scourge grabbing Lazarette by the elbow, "Walk with me." Getting her involved in this, very dangerous, inner-workings of the royal line. For awhile, she's trying to carry out her duty with a mountain of scary insider information that Galvatron is insane, infected by some kind of evil, and Cyclonus is falling to it, and Scourge himself says he feels it creeping along his skin. Asks her why she thinks Tettares has vanished from the public eye? Why he's lost his rank? Why his wife and child suddenly died in an accident. It was no accident. Dinobot is normally her bodyguard in this, I love writing him as an organic I have a picture...
god dammit he's my fav thing ever
He was created in a lab to be a warrior. "friend" of Cyclonus, who gave him his job even though he's seen as a secondclass citizen because of his creation. He could help them too, I have a few stories where he does, takes Tettares and runs. He may be in on it with Lazarette and Scourge. I'd love him to escape with Lazarette and Scourge, we can kill Scourge later (lmao god Scourge my poor boy). Dinobot is loyal to Tettares and has some sort of honor within him though is ... well he's Dinobot hahahahahaha but I love writing him. Might be kinda neat, if they become pirates, like re-writing Lazarette's past in a way. Dinobot would follow her. He wanted to be part of the military, go to the academy and become an officer, but they don't allow his lot to study, he was lucky to be given a job as Tetta's guard but he was infamous for his talent as a fighter, Cyclonus liked him. Thought he'd be wasted as a grunt (so instead has him stand outside a door 24/7 lmao).
Dinobot is lovely. Lazarette would be honoured to make him her master gunner :) Happy pirate family.
God they would have to do so many terrible things to protect themselves. I think it'd be safe to say the bonds were broken so, at least they couldn't track Tettares that way. But Cyclonus could track Scourge, they have a bond, so he'd have to either dagger his own spark in an attempt to severe his bond to Cyclonus or leave, to lure them, hoping they will assume he has the child... acting as the sacrificial lamb to buy Lazarette and Dinobot time to flee and disappear.
He is too good for this world.
And then Lazarette can get everyone involved with pirates, masking that they are running away from the Cybertronian Empire. Prolly have to dye Tetta's hair and make her wear a contact to change her eye color... I think the humanized verse sounds fun though, I'd love to see traditional military Lazarette being invited to the estate to a formal prestigious party that might advance her career, the royals around, could be before Galvatron starts to go mad, and she slips away like you said, to the beautiful gardens where she finds the next-in-line little warrior there among the crystalline roses with her frowning scale throated bodyguard standing nearby. That way she'd be able to compare what she saw then to a few years later when people have begun to fray at the edges with madness and the child vanishes
That would be awesome ;-; For them to already have a history. Lazarette not wanting to believe Scourge about Galvatron's descend into madness, vowing to serve the crown and him having to tell her that Tetta is in danger and her duty should be to the future queen. So much politics.
Yeah the fall from grace for Galvatron and Cyclonus is a big one indeed heh I mean Galvatron has always been dangerous but never crazy.
My poor girl just wants to rise through the ranks and colonise planets for the honour of Cybertron and now she gets pulled into conspiracies, rebellions and a bloody revolution. She did not sign up for this. Being a wanted outlaw/kidnapper
Would Lazarette be special somehow? Where she might live on the estate (it's a pretty big place) like a military protégé that might be a favorite of Galvatron or Cyclonus? Cyclonus frequently picks favorites and brings them into the upper folds? If we wanted to draw Lazarette closer, to make the betrayal or choice to side with the child over her Queen a bigger... decision. I know the estate has a building with apartments and housing for guards and some of the soldiers who are privileged. That way Lazarette would have been able to observe the royals (and catch sight of Tetta more)? Galvatron greatly favors women, too. I always wrote on organic Cybertron females were a lot rarer than males but we don't have to use that in this verse...
I image it would have to go something along those lines. Ironically the reason Lady Auxiliary took should a keen interest in Lazarette was because she's such a good leader and tactician. A Great swords woman and pretty good at thinking on her feet. She was literally programmed for this role. I imagine she would probably reach a higher rank had she not defected, so I bet either Cyclonus or Galvatron would notice her. I don't mind the woman Headcanon if that is how your world operates. I hope her natural black hair and brown eyes won't be a problem.
No, any hair/eyes goes. I always wrote the red eyes was a warrior-mark same with the purple hair, specific to people of Tetrahex. Galvatron's violet eyes that Tetta gets, the same, a mark of the bloodline. I think they are prolly "odd" among the population in that regard. we could do some scene building with time skips... Galvatron will kill those that fail her though, she's always done that, even sane. Cyclonus not really. Neither spend much time with Tettares, they're busy. GOD Cyclonus approaching Lazarette in the hall oned ay, her alone, holding his toddler and introduces the little one to the "upcoming Commander", and hands off this small toddler to a probably stiff Lazarette. I'd love Lazarette to be a favorite among the royals...
OMG lazarette knowing Tetta since she was an infant. That's precious. Lazarette holding the kid like a football. ::what do I do?! what do I do?!::
Cyclonus would do it just to see Lazarette be uncomfortable. Gosh we could start it when she first comes to live at the estate, Tetta a little baby, Dinobot also brand new to the estate as the baby's guard... I really don't know exactly what the estate looks like other than it's very big and has several buildings, a huge garden, and is shoved up against a nature preserve... god thinking about Lazarette holding baby Tettares is so sweet T_T
Sweet I love that Lazarette has such a different relationship with the people who tortured her and raped her in the main verse xD Young naive officer following Cyclonus around trying to make a good impression and vowing to protect Galvatron and her empure.
Yeah same here. Cyclonus is a vain spoiled pet known for his luxurious tastes and self-pampering but still a formidable warrior, he has the most influence with his mate. She's had him since he was... a child, really (she's older than he is). He's also intimate with Scourge but that's a bit hush-hush though most who live on the estate know, Scourge's wife is a darling too. Not a warrior, she weaves flower crowns, would always put one around Lazarette's neck or in her hair even if she didn't like it. Ahhhh *mind explodes all over thinking heh God though infant Tettares with her big violet eyes and daddy's lavender hair, warm and innocent in Lazarette's arms, smelling like powder and lavender oil, dressed by her father in overly stuffy expensive baby clothes, jewels attached across her forehead. Trying to take one of the buttons from Lazarette's uniform and put it in her mouth, watching light moving across the ceiling. "I have grown fond of diamond against her skin but our Queen complains, says I will make her weak with my pampering." The Temple born trailed in exhale. The infant had her mother's nose and soft mouth but the shape of her father's eyes, his skintone, and hair. She was beautiful but small. When she failed to steal a button she looked at Lazarette's face, making small content coos. I die. T_T Tetta is a runt for a royal baby heh poor thing
The officer stares in bewilderment at the nest of lavender hair, wide lilac eyes and brown hands resting over her jacket. Lazarette never claimed to be good with children and she was terrified one wrong move would end with her dropping the princess and being beheaded for assassinating the royal heir. "Pampering is good in moderation." She partially agrees. Coming from the lower levels Lazarette thought her upbringing made her strong, but she also believed child innocence deserved to be protected and pampered because of how fleeting it was. "She'll make a fine queen." Her eyes pull away from the hypnotic gaze of the princess and she carefully tries to pry her off. "I think she wants you to hold her again." please take her back before I break her!
Cyclonus smirked, betraying expression that was usually guarded in public. He took the infant who squealed happily to feel her father's fields again and brought her to his chest. "I have chosen a personal guard for her, a beast, but he is a phenomenal fighter and has talents beyond most of us. He is out of sorts among the finery, I hoped you might remind him of the existence of manners." Cyclonus made a deep sound, distracted by his baby. "I would consider it a personal favor." Crimson eyes glanced at the up-and-coming commander. // could be a good lead in for how she and Dinobot know one another... Lazarette taught him how to not get his head cut off being a rude ass to important people, Dinobot would have been out of his element upon first arrival at the estate lmao
a beast? How does one teach manners to a beast? "Understood my liege." She says, recognising the order.  (I'm gonna love watching her grow a backbone) And it will be fun watching them learn from each other. Lazarette can be just as wild (her pirate side didn't come out of nowhere, that was the result of millennia worth of repressed feelings and strict rules) So he may be the only one she can snap at and lose her temper with.
Dinobot has a chip off his shoulder but he'd be an idiot to not take the job as the little one's personal guard but he pretty much hates his betters, being treated the way he has been. He tends to take every opportunity he can to insult or fuck with them especially with Cyclonus willing to defend him (of course he doesn't mess with the big names but someone like Lazarette, oh my god he'd try too hard to razz her until he realized she's not a piece of shit). The blue throated beast scratched his thick scaled neck and glowered at her. He was sitting in the sunlight outside the east building, snorting and gurgling with his boots off. He was filing the black claws on his toes, ignoring baffled and disgusted looks from anyone coming and going. "Unless you want to buy me a drink, girl, you are blocking my sunlight." He said, voice fluxing tiers of rough.
The newly appointed commander stares down at the lounging reptilian with contempt. "You are the royal guard for the future of this kingdom. You wear the monarch's symbol." She explains courtly, purposely not stepping out of his light. "You represent the crown when you wear it and all eyes are on you wherever you go. Bad behaviour and poor etiquette is a reflection on the royal family. You should be at your best and not clipping your toenails in a public place!"(edited) ((OMG I forgot how much if a killjoy she was in her younger years. Still kinda is actually xD))
Dinobot slouched foreword, elbows on his knees. He eyed her level, thinking. His tan skin covered with reptilian patterns; brown, russet, bits of orange and gold flake. His palms, throat, and dashed in the corners of his eyes was a bright cerulean blue, vivid. Slit pupils narrowed, "Have you been sent to teach the animal his manners?" He growled low. "I have had enough of your kind, I will serve that child with my heart out before my every word and action. I doubt clipping my toenails soils her radiance, whoever you are, my daily annoyance, it seems." // she can be a killjoy, Dinobot is a crabby bara lizard his art did not do his muscles justice, I find it hard to find people who draw my characters as I see them, they end up smaller and more pretty but I see Dinobot with that big chest and upper body, big arms, solid muscle... oh shit I forgot to add all his teeth are sharp like they are as a bot he also likes to argue LOL
She does not like his attitude, not one bit, and loathes the idea of working with him just as much as he does her. At his statement, she clicks her heels together and brings herself to the position if shun. "I am Lazarette of the Mithral Sea. Commander of her majesty's fleet and your newly appointed instructor in the art of manners...what is your name exactly, beast?" //such a dork xD
Dinobot snored, a sound he couldn't control, nasal and froglike. He stood abruptly and tossed the chair he'd been sitting on aside, muscles tense, a line along his thick neck bulging but he wouldn't touch her. He knew better. He forced his overly long fingers to relax, and standing there shoeless in his earth colored tunic as if ready to shed and step into the showers he pressed his blue tongue against sharp teeth. Fine. He had to deal with this one. "Corporal Dinobot," He said roughly. "Exactly." He had little rank, though a respectable rank for what he was. It hadn't been easy for him to climb those few steps but he was aware how little it mattered, how little he mattered. He tilted his head, gurgling reptilian air. "Am I on duty? Am I under orders to learn manners? No I am not," He stooped and snatched his shoes. "I respect those I must to keep my head on my shoulders and beyond that I politely ask to be left alone, Commander."
He is considerably taller than her but she does not stand down from attention, keeping her gaze level even as she observes the movement of scales over tight muscles and the change in coloration under direct light. Her appearance is pretty normal in comparison, dark skin and toned muscles under her standard uniform. Thick black hair tied back so not to obscure her handsome face, wide nose and brown eyes with a subtle ring of golden flecks. "No one has ordered you to learn, but Consort Cyclonus wishes it regardless."
Dinobot stilled, Cyclonus was another thing entirely. He was loyal to the man. His body language lost some of its tension, "I see," He snorted, deciding. "You know I have only spoken to two females in my life, three if you count the babbling of my Lord's infant. I suppose I will heed your words, why not buy me a drink, woman?" He grinned, horrible predatory teeth showing along his blue gums. "Or bring something nice to my room, E207, drinking helps things sink in." He tapped the side of his head, short auburn hair healthy in the sunlight. // lmao Cyclonus gave Lazarette a truly shitty task
Her optics narrow in disgust but she quenches the fire crackling inside if her before it could combust. She takes no offence to the remark against her gender, she is a rarity and of higher rank than himself, in a position if power only few other females have achieved in a male dominated environment. "I'll remember the number. You may join me at the bar for the evening if it helps things sink in." Maybe the drink would do her some good, it was a more relaxed environment and they did get off the wrong foot. //be careful dinobot, Lazarette works hard and plays hard. A few rounds and all sensibility goes out the window with her xD
"The bartender will not serve me." Dinobot said without any sound of unease. It was the world he lived in, it no longer surprised him. He turned, holding his boots, and stalked back into the building leaving black nail clippings on the gray concrete. // that's alright hahaha
That didn't surprise her in the slightest. She had never met anyone of his species before and her people were a proud prejudice sort, sooner to invade a peaceful civilisation than offer a hand if friendship. "Meet me at the wolf and the door at eight if you want that drink." She calls after him, the door closing behind him. Business complete, Lazarette turns on her heels and marches across the square to return to her regular duties. Part of her knew this was a foolish task, you can't teach a wolf to act like a dog, but she would do as she was told.
And thus Lazarette begins a long and humiliating friendship with a gurgling snoring beastman who frequently loses his temper and flips tables, throws chairs, and slams people's heads into the bar, shouting nonsense about his ill-treatment and how he's going to skin everyone and hang their hides on the wall.She can prolly figure out when he's about to freak out and calm him down after a few months of hanging out with him...
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franeridart · 5 years
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Aw man, sort of, yeah!! I can’t say I’m actively into the fandom anymore, since I’ve lost track of the translations for the manga and I’m definitely behind at least a dozen chapters, but !!!!!!!!!! yeah man I love servamp it’s such a good manga TT^TT
Anon said: Ok since you like fire force *slides $20 bill* can you draw some Shinra x Arthur?
Whoops, sorry but I don’t ship it just yet! (might happen? might not?? we’ll have to wait and see what Okubo has planned for my poor heart this time around) but! hold that thought and the $20 cause I might actually open up commissions soon enough if my money situation doesn’t change, so!! >:3c
Anon said: do you think kirishima would be taller and bigger than bakugou in the future?
My ideal adult!KrBk are the ones I posted a few days ago, so!! Not really, I prefer them remaining more or less the same size as each other, just different body types - exactly as they are right now in the manga, just !!!! adult!!!!!!!!
Anon said: I Just want to say: I totaly love your content! Your Art is amazing and full of life 🥰 You are my fav. KiriBaku artist on hole Tumblr. My fav. part is your Fantasy AU art. I fucking love dragon Kiri and his king. But i really like your full content. Pls keep going!
Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!! (TT^TT)<3<3<3 I’m glad you like my stuff this much!!!!!!!!! 
Anon said: Just wondering, do you like any femslash ships in BHNA? If so, which ones!!
I do!!!!! MomoJirou and MinaJirou are def favs of mine, and I dunno the ship name but Kendou and Yui got my heart beating really fast, ngl <3<3 there’s something in the aesthetic of it, it just gets to me! Also Nejire and Yuyu, such a good ship (oTT^TT)9
Anon said: Heya, sorry for this stranger call. I just wanna ask if i could use your Kiribaku Comics for comic-dubbing. If i post it on social Websites i will give credits to you of course. I'll wait for a answer. I couldn't ask you that per dm so I need to doing it here
I’d prefer it if you didn’t, sorry!
Anon said: Reading your essay about bakugo finally things into place!! Thank you!!! I guess I just didn't fully grasp the whole "he expects you to just get it". He IS a character that requires more than a cursory glance to figure out and i love that about him! And i love the endearing things he does like you said, especially his unexpectedly great fashion sense. Personally another thing that gets overlooked about him is how smart he actually is. He doesn't just go BOOM BOOM all the time. He a smart boi.
I find like the whole “he says one thing and expects people to understand another” is made pretty clear in the arc right after the overhaul one, even if I think it was present enough before then too - but in that arc he says one thing, and then another character says a thing that has nearly nothing to do with what he said, and he goes “that’s what I said!” and when he explains what he meant with the first thing he said it makes it clear that he just, has a terrible, horrible way of expressing himself that’s way more aggressive than what he actually means? He’s been doing this since the start, going around yelling die and I’ll blow you up at things and people and then when he goes to act on it his actions turn out to be way milder than what he said ????
but yeah!!! it’s made more clear the further we go in the story and that’s one thing I really really love about him hahaha
Anon said: It's not that you put Baku's ring on the wrong hand, is that Baku is too much of a rebel to use the ring in the traditional hand! :D
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ll take it!!!! 
Anon said: I seriously just come back to your blog sometimes to go through your art and it's like straight up drinking happy positive energy I'm in LOVE with the way you portray both Bakugo and Kirishima and their relationship and the rest of the boys and it's such a blessing and a delight and I feel like I will never be able to be thankful enough. Thank you for sharing your beautiful art with us, thank you for sharing your throughts, thank you for sharing your love for these two boys. Thank you 💕
You are!!!! Too kind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (TTATT) thank you for being so genuinely wonderful to me!!! and thank you for liking my stuff this much, it means the world to me!!!! <3<3
Anon said: I just read your Bakugo answer to that anon and honestly, there's so much love in it to be fair it obviously shows throught your art as well but reading that made me tear up a little. What an amazing character. What an amazing BOY I love him too thank you for sharing your thoughts and your amazing art you are one of my favorite artists in the fandom and I'm so glad you love him as much as you do and I hope it makes you as happy as it makes me when I look at your art 💕💕
GOSH thank YOU for loving him as much as he deserves, honestly!!! He’s such a wonderful character and has been making me happy for so long now!!!!! (TT^TT)<3<3
Anon said: I legit don't understand why people are taking things out of proportions I can assure you nothing outside of the usual squabble is going on in bnha fandom.There are some assholes on both sides but I think that since most of us haven't actually 'seen' it and just 'heard' of it means it's not exactly as prominent as they're making it out to be, probably just the assholes being assholes to each other exclusively, so please don't worry about it,they're messing up their own enjoyment of fandom really
I don’t really know what brought this ask on, to be honest!! But as things stand I have withnessed people being very, very horrible to others lately inside the bnha fandom (and obviously, specifically between ships) so! there’s that! then again it’s also true that the bigger a fandom gets the more easily rude people will find their way in it, so I guess it’s just something you learn to live with if you want to stay in the fandom - personally, I’m just doing my best to stay in my corner and draw my sappy comics without bothering anyone hahaha
Anon said: Just here to say that your art is like, my life at this point because I would be like big depression if I hadn’t found your blog. Not to rant but my week has been an absolute hell and your art makes me feel so much better and just please keep drawing because this means the absolute world to me ok thanks bye.
THANK YOU!!!! SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so SO glad I can help your mood even just a bit, that’s really all I try to do with my doodles T^T fix my own mood, and maybe if I’m lucky help someone else along the way <3
Anon said: this may be all over the place, but I have the need to thank you? I was feeling very bad and down tonight, full on anxiety but I turned some music on and started going through your account and it calmed me down. I cant even count how many times I've gone through probably your whole account and just... thank you. your posts are so unique and funny and pretty and just sososo beautiful. I love how you built up bakugou and kirishima's characters and their relationship. just sososo beautiful.
Gods, you guys are going to make me cry for real (TTATT) you’re!!!! too nice!!!! again, I’m so happy to hear my doodles can help you feel better!!! I hope your days have been better <3<3<3
Anon said: So I keep rereading your latest kiribaku comic and its so fucking soft and I'm cry. It's so perfect and I just, it makes me so soft and happy every time I see it. It's honestly goals. I love ALL of your comics tbh, like, they're literally all perfect. Please continue to be your wonderful self!!!!
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!! thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! asks like this one are the reason why I keep sharing what I draw!!!!! <3<3<3<3
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franeridart · 6 years
Oh man, I'm just imagining that there's so many close brushes with kiribaku almost realizing or almost being in positions to find out that the other is a vigilante-- an injury and no way to get into contact with Jack or Mina-- a rainstorm washing Kiri's dye away on the job. I think it'd be especially funny if he thought for a minute that Kiri was bleeding but then Kiri is like "UH GOTTA GO ITS NOT BLOOD" and he realizes it's red hair dye
Oh Kirishima sort of already suspects it’s Bakugou - more or less? He’s in the process of starting to suspect it, at least lol for being someone who really doesn’t want to be found out Bakugou’s more carefree in his disguise than Kirishima is (his hair is a pretty obvious giveaway, for example, thought Bakugou relies a lot on the ‘attacking and running’ strategy, so in his mind all he gotta do is just not be seen by anyone at all lol) compared to Kiri he gets bruised and beaten up way more too (Kiri’s hardening makes it easy for him to avoid that in general) - Kiri’s noticing Bakugou’s bruises and his vigilante friend’s bruises match up a whole damn lot, so he’s starting to figure that one out
Bakugou’s a dumbass tho (read: he doesn’t really look at people he isn’t particularly interested in) so for him it’s gonna take a while haha
Anon said: If in vigilantes au Bakugou and jirou are just friends why do they live together and hug like a couple?
They’re best friends, and sometimes when your best friend is going through a real rough heartbreak and he’s in literal tears over it, you might be nice enough to offer your back for him to hide his face in and let him pretend he isn’t currently breaking down on you. Sometimes, you like a person in a platonic way enough to emotionally support them as best as you can when they’re at their lowest. It. Sort of happens between best friends, now and again. You don’t really need to want in someone’s pants to care about them.
They live together cause they started working together as vigilantes when they were in high school, and once they moved up to college they found it a good idea to have someone back home who knew about what they were doing to treat eventual wounds, since they can’t go to the hospital! Also the rent is cheaper this way
Anon said:Can you draw more comics of childhood kiribaku? You’re art is sooo cute 💓
It’s something I’ve regularly kept on going back on for years by now, so sure, it’ll probably happen! And thank you!
Anon said:OH MY GOD. Please tell me you will make an official webcomic of your Vigilante AU. It’s so beautiful, cute and I definitely need more of this. It’s like a drug that I did not know I needed until I read your concept(????). BTW, your art is soooo pretty. Thank you so much for drawing KiriBaku ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Ahhh I’m really happy to hear you like it! For personal reasons I’ve decided that making a cohesive, coherent succession of comics isn’t something I want to do, but I think I’ll draw more of that AU soon enough, snapshots and things like that! I hope that’s good enogh for you~
Anon said:May I request a pissed kiri??
Didn’t I draw that less than 10 posts ago
Anon said:Hey, I rlly admire you! I wish we were friends, you seem rlly nice!!
Thank you!!! The few close friends I have might tell you I’m actually not that great at the whole friends thing, but I appreciate the feeling a lot! :D
Anon said:Were Kirishima’s eyes red in the last panel of the last comic??
Yep :( he really does like Bakugou, after all
Anon said:I saw you answering the other anon and if I may ask, why posting the gem au was a big mistake? Were pol rude with you? If it’s so, I’m sorry abt it
Anon said:You said that posting your SU AU stuff was the biggest mistake you ever made… is it because of something that we, as viewers and worshippers of your KiriBaku (damn, I’ll never stop telling you it’s cute and adorable and it hurts but it’s also sweet), can help NOT doing? Or is there anything we can do?
It’s okay, it just got in the hands of people who don’t particularly like Bakugou, and these people started talking about the AU in less than nice terms, which was honestly pretty ridiculous and made me wonder how people can survive being alive on this earth when they consider Steven Universe sensitive material but either way it brought around in my activities a bunch of people I would have preferred not to interact with ever, and that sort of took the fun out of the AU? Now every time I think about drawing for it those people come back up in my head and I get annoyed all over again, it’s no fun
Anon said:are you still doing the fusion au? id love to see kaminari and shinsou
I’m not, sorry! Though someone did ask about baku and mineta and I’ve been thinking about drawing that horrible monster since then, and I’ve also been wanting to redesign the krbk fusion, so maybe I might get back to it ??? I’ll add shin*kami to the list haha
Anon said:I really like the relationship Jack and Bakugou have, and the angst is nice too! I really like the vigilatne AU! I hope we can see more of it, only if you feel like it of course!
Thank you so much ;;;
Anon said:Silly question. If Kirishima activated his quirk being in water. Would he float like wood, or he’d drown like a rock? >//w//
Oh, I’m pretty sure he’d go down since his quirk makes him into a rock haha
Anon said:I think this is around the eighth anonymous ask I send you, but being a porn-making Tumblr user, it’s better if I don’t go public. I just wanted to say, once again, that I love your KiriBaku, it makes me both ache and feel so warm and fuzzy inside; but right now, the focus is that Bakugou’s crying face against Jack’s back is just so good, expressive and painful. I often hate his guts, but yours I can never hate. And the sheer intensity of that expression, and the environment too… so many feels
Aw, thank you!!! I’m glad I can make you enjoy my fav character, anon :D !!
Anon said:I have a question about the vigilante AU. What’s the relationship between jirou and bakugou? Because they don’t look like just friends
Why don’t they look like just friends tho
Anon said:Hypothetically. How would Bakugou react (or what would he do) if Kirishima stopped showing interest in him?
Are we talking about a specific AU or is this meant for the canon universe? Well, either way I’d say he’d be pretty hurt, but it’s not like he can force Kirishima to like him can he. Ah, in the vigilantes AU he’d probably think it’s for the best even if he’d hurt a lot over it, but in canon and most other AUs I like to think he’d try to fix it somehow? Unless he has other reasons to not act on his feelings for Kirishima… gosh this is a vague question, there are so many possibilities really!
Anon said:🧡Hi Fran! I’m pretty sure you’re the one who introduced this concept to me so I wanted to say thanks! Touch starved Bakugou and super cuddly Bakugou are totally my fave, especially when you have him all curled up with Jirou! Having them be Mina and Kiri level besties makes so much sense and I love you for introducing that thought to me!!!🧡
I’m!!!!!!!!!!! so happy to hear that!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;O;
Anon said:in your vigilante au, Kiri has a scar, does Bakugo ever notice the scar?(curious if it reminds him of Red or nah, love yur art btw~~
When he’s not doing vigilantes work it’s actually hidden by the hair, so Bakugou never noticed! But if he were to notice he’d probably mark it down as a Kiri thing and leave it at that, as I said he’s not the most observant when he’s not particularly interested in someone so he hasn’t really registered it on Red’s face anyway haha
Anon said:I RLLY LOVE YOUR AU!! I haven’t found an AU in this fandom I’m rlly into but THIS IS SOCUTE??? will there be more?
Heck I sure hope so!! Thank you for liking it!!!
Anon said:hey for the anon you were looking for an outrageous ship to draw to test out their theory, try Tokoyami and Link (legend of Zelda link) cuz I just saw cosplayers of them hardcore dancing at dragoncon and I die every time I think about it. You can find a video of it on quirk-registration-office​  
…………………..I’m probably never gonna draw that ngl LMAO BUT this ask made me wanna draw Tokoyami as a Rito so I guess that’s ???? something that might happen instead heck that’s a good concept I should have thought about earlier
Anon said:I absolutely love your art its soon amazing and I really like the vigilantly au but take care of yourself okay
I dunno what I did to make you worry about me but thank you so much for it? I’ll try my best !!!! And thank you for liking my doodles too!!! ;^;
Anon said:Do you know about any fanfics based in your art?? (Idk if that’s grammatically correct sorry 😅)
Hmmmmmmmmmm there are a few but the only one that comes to mind right now is such a funny pair !!! boy ellen’s fics are always so damn amazing, I still can’t believe she wrote for me ;^;
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franeridart · 8 years
This might be...unnecessary...but who is Sero's sm?
You can kind of imagine whoever you wish tbh, it’s why I didn’t put his words anywhere visible! (but in my head it was Mina because I’m shameless and adore that ship)
Anon said:Is Jirou a platonic SM to denki or ..?
Platonic! As I said, she’s very much a lesbian
Anon said:It would be hilarious if kirishima was walking around with "who the fuck is kirishima" on his arm though ngl (same anon as before)
To be completely honest with you anon yes yes it would - but it would kind of defeat the part of the premise where I said that the words represent the relationship they’ll have with their sm (or it’d be a very very sad kind of relationship and we’re not going there)
Anon said: Oh my gosh?!?! Thanks to you I ship bakushimanari so hard because of you?! aaaaaAAAAAAAAAA!! They're all so cute together!
!!!!!!!!!!! I’m glad I could make you fall in the pit with me!!!!!!! They’re perfect aren’t they? What an OT3 honestly
Anon said: I just want to tell you I love your art style and everything you come up with!!!!!! You're one of my two favorite artists ever!!!!!!!
Anon said:Hey Fran (can I call you that?), do you have a Ko-fi page or any donation thing? Cause I absolutely love your art and I wanna support but without making you work on a commission :)
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don’t but???? thank you so much for the thought????? Honestly this made me so happy, knowing that you like my stuff enough to want to support me means A LOT thank you!!! (I was actually thinking about making something like that but I don’t... know if I should... ahhhh)
Anon said:Have you every considered drawing diamond no ace fanart? If you have who's your fav to draw (or just your fav in general)?
Ahhhhh sorry anon I don’t follow that anime/manga! I tried it out a couple of times but it really isn’t my thing ^^’’
Anon said:I absolutely LOVE the way you portray Bakugou, Kirishima and Kaminari on your comics!!! It's so ~them~ even though you put them in situations Horikoshi never actually showed us how they would act?? Their personalities are just so on point it's amazing! Seriously good job!! ALSO! Your dialogues are 10/10. Aways very natural :) so thank you for sharing your art with us!! Hope you're having a good day~
Anon let me tell you a thing this is the best ask I’ve ever gotten ever and I’ve read it so many times since I got it it’s kinda ridiculous oh my god thank you so much !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This means the world to me, I’m super happy you like how I portray them!!! Thank you!!!!!!!
Anon said:i get really bad anxiety and your art helps me relax because it's really soothing and i just wanted to thank you because it's an awful day so aaaa thank you a lot
Oh my god I’m glad I can help!!!! I hope you’re having the best day today, anon!!!!! And thank you so so much for liking my stuff!!!
Anon said:HOW DO YOU WRITE SO WELL?! MINE ALWAYS COMES OUT CROOKED! ╥﹏╥ Teach me your ways, Fran-sensei (love your art btw)
Thank you!!!!!!!!! Annndddd this is an ask I honestly have no clue how to answer because my handwriting is actually terrible anon omfg hahaha I just ctrl+z on every letter until it comes out readable and straight enough ctrl+z is my best friend ngl 
Anon said: I never knew I needed buff Komi in my live. Thank you for that. And looking forward to see you drawing him and bukoto being all buff and ripped OMG xD
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm glad I could open your eyes to a world of wonderous smol buff birbs anon !!!!!!!!!!! Buff Komi is my fave headcanon tbh I’m glad it turned at least a lil more canon 🙏
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