#gosh op your mind and art
somerandomdudelmao · 1 year
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I think this scene is so far my favorite part of the whole comic. Those three panels put my little writer's soul at ease. Major kudos from a storytelling point! It just accomplishes so freaking much. It highlights all of Leo's best character traits (love, strategic thinking, leadership skills), and fixes the problem of having an OP character in your story that otherwise would be able to solve the main conflict in a heartbeat. It does so much for Mikey. There is no one-person-per-portal limitation and I'll always end up wondering why they would not gather the resistance and simply take everyone and go. Sure Mikey might die or end up being left behind if he does so and of course, Leo/April/Casey would try to stop him but in the end, I feel like he would do it anyway cause as long as his family is saved Mikey does not mind. But with this clever twist, he can't do that, cause Leo would be stuck with him, alone and with no resources, and doomed. Not an option. Mikey loves his family above all. Don't get me wrong I think he'd sacrifice his own life to help everyone else (he does so already), but he would never sacrifice his brother. It's a greedy and beautiful love that always gets to me. The moral dilemma of one versus the many. Revealing the core of who you are and what you stand for. It makes him so much more real, more human. It elevates his character from good to great...
I don't know scenes like this - one willing to sacrifice himself and the other refusing - tend to come with a bitter aftertaste. But Leo is not brushing Mikey off. He says not 'no', therefore allowing Mikey's own agency to shine. And in adding his condition he still gives Mikey a choice ultimately helping to shoulder his brother's burden.
Don't get me started on Mikey's 'thank you' as a response cause I already have tears in my eyes! Here both of them bring the best out in each other and the thing I love the most is that it's never at the cost of the other.
All in all this scene is a great character moment, explains plot holes (from the movie), and did I forget something? Ah yes, sets up the upcoming conflict of Casey having to choose between them. And oh my gosh, I wouldn't want to be in his shoes. Leo's declaration to stay with Mikey makes it kinda unlikely for him to go with Casey and leave Mikey behind and though Mikey has some wiggle room in this regard, it is a decision that will not come lightly aka it hurts just to think about separating them...but then again they might even are not together in the first place. Wherever this may be. Who knows?
Thank you so much for creating and sharing this beautiful piece of art!!!
I..mhm..I mean...igdjndukvdjj sorry my brain don't want to do English words today. Thank you oh my god I don't know what to say it's just
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fazafras-pizza · 4 months
Semi Long (but not super serious) Update Post
((OP: Hi! Sorry for the sporadic posting. I know May was kind of light on content -- I think I've mentioned it before, but I have a comic outside of this that I work on and was trying to dedicate myself to it for the entirety of May and it's got a bit to it (I only got a page and a half done lol, but that's still some! So I'll take it.) Plus I've obviously got other life stuff, but that's my main art focus that would eat up my time.
I would've probably had another post today since I was feeling artsy (it's all I did this afternoon tbh), but I kind of ran out of asks again and couldn't think of anymore mini comics besides the one that's going to transition us to the next Night Shift that I haven't scripted out. (It's so annoying having so much motivation but no creativity 😅)
But the good news from that I guess is that, if you were ever worried about if your ask would get buried if you sent it in, don't be! I've answered nearly every single one that's come in since we came back last August (btw: oh my gosh it's nearly been a year since we've been back that's wild), so I will definitely get to it, like, immediately lol. Y'all send in such good and fun asks and I love making responses for them, you guys genuinely make this such a good time and I appreciate you so much, I can't express that enough. I wouldn't still be doing this if it wasn't for you guys and it makes me so excited to show you what else I've got planned for the blog because ohhhh buddy :))))))
(Like, there is no joke a completed story start to finish planned for this blog and all it's characters. That's how much I love it and everything for it.)
BUT! On another totally different topic -- I wanna talk about accessibility stuff! This pops up in my mind every once in a while and I wanted to posit it here:
Obviously this blog operates with a lot of images containing text and I know a lot of people find it helpful to have image descriptions as part of their experience here on Tumblr. I think the way I would do it is probably going back through and updating all the alt image description things where I can, but I know some posts are so old (since I started this blog in 2017) that that might not be possible. With how there's often continuing text dialogue under those images, do you think that written out image descriptions would interrupt that? And if so, should I post the image descriptions under the text dialogue?
This might be something I have to contemplate for a while, but I think moving forward I'll just start including it in the images because I don't think it'd be too difficult, it's just something I know I'm overlooking.
Likewise, should I make a tab on the blog that has a summary of the "plot" of the blog? That way new followers can catch up without it seeming daunting and old followers can get a refresher if they need to.
Let me know your thoughts and if there's anything else I could do to make it more accessible that I might have not considered! Again, thank you all for following this silly little blog and making it such a joy to run, it's been wonderful, and I'm looking forward to running it for so much longer! 🥰))
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spearxwind · 10 months
Hello op just wanted to say ur art is fantastic!! All your projects are very interesting, the way you draw creatures(of all kinds) is RAHRARASHR (that drawing of Talas attacking a ship lives rentfree in my mind btw holy shit)
Normally im not good with ocean stuff(especially deep ocean) but the way your art depicts it is SO COOL AND APPEALING?? makes me wanna explore more with drawing that kind of stuff myself, and learning more about sailing and the sea in general cuz the ocean IS scary but also incredibly neat
Anyway thanks for sharing your wonderful creations with the world! :) have a good evening
Aw gosh thank you SO much for your kind words!!!
This is genuinely the very thing I wish to do with all my ocean art,I just want to share my love for it with people. Especially people who might be afraid or apathetic to it, so that hopefully I can sway their view and let them see that the ocean is scary yes but also wonderful and very much worth learning about!!
Have a swag day as well this ask made my week <3
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live-at-fortune-city · 11 months
op im not sure if you undestand how much the ashfur as dogma art clicked the right parts in my brain. your mind. i love it. its geniuenly so smart and i am obsessed with it. its so good and i have so many words for this specific choice of characters.
i am going to be thinking about it now. this is fucking brilliant and one of the best things i ever saw.
ijust. aaaagjr.
HDSGFHS it's hard for me to type out how much i'm grateful you liked it, but oh my gosh Thank you so much anon !!
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superblysubpar · 2 years
15 questions, 15 people
Thank you for the tag @big-ope-vibes
Sorry I couldn't shut up 🫣
1. Are you named after anyone?
Yes! My middle name is for my Great Grandma
2. When was the last time you cried?
Oh, just like 10 minutes ago. I watched an Eddie Munson video and my little hive mind ladies are too nice to me.
3. Do you have kids?
No, but someday I hope! I'm a Steve "I want six lil nuggets" Harrington kind of lady.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I think so? Idk if it comes off as sarcasm though?
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Hmm. Looks wise...I really don't know? I'm a sucker for backs & lips for anyone, and a jawline/facial hair on my men, but I wouldn't say I beeline for those things? Maybe lips I guess? But I do notice when someone tries to include someone. You know like a little step back to make room in a circle, ask someone who's been quiet a question, etc.
6. What's your eye color?
Hazel! And I actually used to to hate them, and then I read the beautiful poetry people write about Mr. Keery's eyes and now I'm finding them to be my favorite feature about myself 🥹
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Oo. Um. I'm only just getting into liking scary movies (I like the gore, slasher, mind fuck ones but not a huge fan of ghosts). I like happy endings sometimes, and I love me a rom com, but I *love* when movies actually end realistically- they don't end up together, someone dies, no real ending other than growth from whatever situation they dealt with in the movie.
8. Any special talents?
I can put lipstick on with my boobs like Molly Ringwald in The Break - just kidding. No I don't think so? I make pretty good cinnamon rolls from scratch, is that a special skill?
9. Where were you born?
10. What are your hobbies?
Reading and writing, I love artsy things and crafting, movies, baking/cooking, drinking an unhealthy amount of coffee and red wine, and I love hiking.
11. Do you have any pets?
Sadly, no. Working on the man to get a dog though!
12. What sports do you play/have played?
I was in dance for 14 years and did pretty much all styles. I was on the basketball, volleyball, and softball team until early HS, tennis and golf team at the end of HS. Now I just do all of those for fun.
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
Oh gosh, I honestly loved all subjects except math. Environmental science/biology were my favorite science classes, sociology was a fun one, but I was a big art class/choir gal. In college my photography and creative writing class were my two favorites
15. Dream job?
As much as I love teaching, I'd love to do something with TV or movies. Writing, set/costume, art, whatever. I'll get people coffee at this point if I could.
15 no pressure tags plus anyone who cares to join! (sorry if you've been tagged already) - @boomhauer @loveshotzz @myobmaya @sweetsweetjellybean @sweetpeapod @palmtreesx3 @starlightsearches @stevebabey @steves-babysitter @newlips @fracturedarkness @eveatethefruit @reysorigins @fleurfairie @vecnuthy
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aresmarked · 2 years
op you are SO right about the freaking shizumafu event because i am rotating them they are just so,,!!! like even if its just a set up, mafuyu getting support outside from n25 is just a huge step!!! more people for more support for mafuyu and man she deserves it and im so glad you brought it up because im literally going to cry im sorry for bursting into your ask like this i just think you are so cool???
if you dont mind i do wonder what your favorite event is in prjsk and why!!!
so first don't apologise for coming to ramble about story with me, it's one of my fave activities XD as evinced by the rambling i threw out already. and YES this is a writer's hunch but i think shizuku and emu will likely be a big safety component as mafu-mom pokes more into mafuyu's 'friend' at school, which she hasn't. actually really had before, before this. so this is actually a highly critical event IMO, on that front.
and like. what parent wouldn't be somewhat reassured by their child having a friend as earnestly and openly caring as shizuku? even if she'll probably be a little critical of throwing away the 'stability' of being an agency idol for being independent (yes im writing a ficlet on this and am full of thoughts).
and god do i have to just pick one?? i'll give a selection lol.
kamikou festival because it was such a nice little sight into mizuki at school, and how an and rui are just, so important for them feeling connected, and how things have changed for them? an bothering to reach out to say 'hey no one's going to be staring at you so it should be all good to come' was just. so kind.
secret distance holds a special place in my heart for mizuan interactions in card, mizuena overall, and being my first proper psekai event, i started the game when it was first done in jp. the writing really is what reeled me in.
let me know your worries picnic shizuai/mizuena double date?? shizuai mizuena double date. also showing how ena just cares so much and mizuki does too. god.
summer festival i have a soft spot for cause we really get to see for all they are def the most nippy siblings, the shinonome sibs really get each other.
two moon rabbits. god, so, fun fact, sometimes to go to sleep i just put on this event to listen to while i drift off. seeing how shizuku has just always looked out for shiho and really does know her so well? just maximum consideration. i die.
Both anni events are just so good for the mingling and the show of how everyone's drawing closer? and gosh. the kanamafu piano duet.
Footprints. I don't think I need to double this post length, so let's just say I t500'd global and mizuki aching over just having even a little more time killed me.
the events with ena facing her art fully, and her growth with honaemu (paint what you like), and mafuyu (this wish will reach the dawn)? also have nudged me back into vis art. god i love the stories.
cherry blossom event hinting at an intergroup sekai has me chomping.
wishing you happiness: holy shit hinomoris can be so gender.
vivid old tale: combined w the marriage event, it's sweet to see how an admires mature ladies. and funny lol i HC mizuki def teases her
no seek no find: i have to shout out saki's VA for absolutely wrecking people with the sheer heartbroken frustration she conveyed, for when saki was just, at her lowest at not being able to do anything she really wanted.
tying the ribbon: mizuki is def one of my fave kids so seeing them have such a good relationship with their family, their sister, and how their sister convinced them to try music... man. i really hope she gets an l2d sometime.
wolf forest: hinomoris can be so gender. i also really enjoyed shiho marvelling at an's fitness, and the area talk with an just accepting shiho likes cute stuff.
beyond that day's dream: baby harukaaaaa!! also more context on why haruka wants so badly to talk to her idol in her fes card. delish.
lol basically i have a baseline appreciation for 99% of psekai's writing but these were some fave times
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elezenenjoyer · 3 months
Oh my gosh OP I just finished reading all of your Fury’s Rose collection on ao3, and I have to say I am enamoured with both the ship and S’carlett. Are you still writing stories in this universe? It’s amazing! Love your writing. Also, would you mind if I also had the same ship with my warrior of light? I’m considering it, undecided, but I don’t want to steal something special to you!
omg hello!!!!! thank you so much for the kind words, it means a lot <3. you've made my damn day ysdfgufydabuya
i do have some plans for them, and something in that universe currently in the works (i had a primal need to write Estinien getting pegged lmao), but life is a motherfucker atm and i've had very little motivation... but honest to god you may have just inspired me to keep going.
i am definitely NOT the arbiter of this ship (what is it even called?? wolstimericraha? wolrahastimeric? wolstimeraha?) so absolutely smash those dolls together however you please. i don't own it!! in fact, i would LOVE to see more art and writing of the four of them!! they are special to me, absolutely, but i reaallllyyy enjoy engaging with others who like the same ship :D if you ever make anything with them, i would love to see it!
i post a lot more of S'carlett and the boys over on the website formerly known as twitter -- (https://x.com/elezensenjoyer), so i'd recommend going there if you'd like to see more outside of my ao3. i also have a notion site (https://elezenenjoyer.notion.site/S-carlett-Raha-0ef21029f5c941608fab1383f5298392) where i post the art i've had made of them and ~lore~ (not currently up to date atm but i'll get stuff uploaded asap) so you don't have to scroll through months of stuff lol.
please feel free to dm me here or on twitter if you'd like to scream about them (i'm also in the bookclub discord server linked in some of my fics so feel free to contact me there as well)!!!!!
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srk8t · 6 months
Not a question but I just want you to know that every single time I open this app I always check your blog to see if you've posted any new mapledragon cause you are so CREATIVE!! And your ideas are sososososoos COOL?! Silly?! Mischievous!? Nefarious!? /pos,,,
I want to tell you something too about your art block; I suggest you try do it unconsciously, like doodling while your teacher is explaining a boring speech, and whenever your bored, just put yourself on autopilot and draw on paper, draw eyes, random poses, characters in fits or redesigns & etc. Don’t work for the image in your mind and just let the lines do it for you.
Lastly : I hope that you get better soon with your problems, don’t go to harsh on yourself as your the only person who’s you, everyone makes mistakes; I probably made one right now in this text,,, and Everytime I see your art I print it and eat it.
That’s all!! Sorry if I’m using the ask feature wrong I didn’t know where else to put this!!
DUDE... oh my gosh i haven't been on Tumblr for weeks but you don't know how much your words mean to me!! like, really! i was feeling so depressed and down a few weeks ago but ive been doing better since school has reopened once more! Thank you so much for your encouragement and support, and I really hope I can continue to make wonderful creations for everyone and I hope, it will bring joy, happiness, and inspiration to everyone. and hearing it from you... ahh... it makes me feel so happy! i admit there were a few times i felt unsatisfied with my work, but... you are one of the people that proved otherwise. Again, i have no idea who you are, but i wish you a successful and fulfilling life, and have a wonderful year throughout all of it! Thank you so much, really! and i didn't even know other people actually enjoy mapledragon because the nature of the ship too aidhsihdjdhf!!!! I'll try to do more of them after ramadan! I'm going to get busy with exams too, so please do expect an absence of the two for this whole year... But nevertheless, I will try as much as I'm able to!
Once again anon, THANK YOU so much, from the bottom of my heart. I will kiss you on the lips (if you are comfortable with it) and offer you a virtual hug :D And, take care of yourself as well! I wish you the best of luck in whatever you're trying to achieve and just know that im rooting for you!!!!!!!
+ and op, regarding your last sentence, i am ABSOLUTELY writing this down in my journal and read it whenever i feel down <333
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mementoasts · 1 year
Oohh, you watched kaguya sama? That show is great, probably the only romance anime I'm looking forward to. There's actually a movie that was released, also the op for it is great as usual.
I know you said that binging it sucked out your energy to do masadai stuff, but for me, ngl that revived my love and imagination for the ship idk why. My brain have found a connection and I can't comprehend it. It's basically saying it connected the dots even if there's nothing I can see that will be connected logically, like "brain where???".
The Kaguya sama openings have held me in chokehold. I love the songs itself but it was crazy how I was able to connect each opening of kaguya sama for some reason to Daigo ships. Whether it is because of the visuals, the lyrics or vibe of the openings that possessed me to have a vision in my mind . Basically, Op 1 (Love Dramatic) is for RyuDai, op 2 (Daddy Daddy Do!) Is for ShinaDai, op 3 (GIRI GIRI) is for MineDai, and lastly the op 4 (Love is Show) is for MasaDai.
Anyways, this is already too long. I can probably explain my thought process on how I came to this conclusion that each opening of kaguya sama can be connected to these Daigo ships, but as I said this is already too long so... uhm... have a good or atleast day or night, I'm now going to sleep. 💙💙💙
P.s. I love your art, it's always a joy seeing them.
i just watched the movie yesterday! :D i was so surprised to see it was released online like, RIGHT after i finished season 3. it melted my heart and made me SO excited for whatever happens next… (though i may end up reading the manga because GOSH i want more!!)
i can definitely see your vision about the OPs 👀👀 literally the other night when i first heard giri giri & looked up the lyrics, i was like "hmm… minedai......" but i hadn't even thought about the others! now that i am, love is show is kinda making me think of pre-breakup masadai lmao (but also now i'm suddenly picturing daigo and aoki wearing fancy suits and dancing together aaaaaa). love dramatic for ryudai is driving me the most insane right now though because WOW does it fit
honestly anon you can send me a whole essay if you'd like, i would LOVE to read your thoughts too :3 but for now, i hope you have a good sleep! 💙🖤💙🖤💙
(and awawawww thank you so much! ^^)
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lilypixels · 3 years
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Izzy’s Dag-Dag The Artist… Tag
By @morgynemberisagenderfluiddaddy
~ Rules ~
Show us a rendition of yourself in your own art! Can be anything! Sims render? Random stick figure? Picrew? Go nuts! (Just be sure to tag the artist if you use someone else’s picrew!!!!) Tag the blogs you want to know, and don’t be a dick that’s it! Also, feel free to answer as vague or in-depth as you want. And if you don’t want to answer a question for any reason just don’t vibe with it! Skip it if you wanna! Also make sure you tag me and use #dagdagtheartisttag so I can see it!!!!!!!!
This is a bit long so i’m just gonna...
1.) Do you prefer to be referred to by your name or blog name? Both are fine! I don’t care much about what people refer to me as in general and have had someone on here call me lily once
2.) Where are you from? I won’t say exact, but I live in the middle of USA (I can’t wait to move-)
3.) Do you have pets? 👀 Yes! 3 dogs and 2 cats, tho only one cat is truly “mine”
4.) Tell us about your “dream”. uhh like where I want to be in life? what I want to do? um I’m still working on the exact job title, but I wish to do research at a natural history/science museum (sorta like archives or collections manager, but neither of those are quite right i think). Otherwise, I just hope to adopt and even foster kids cause my life would not be complete without little ones :3 (spouse/partner optional lol) 
5.) Aside from art, what are your hobbies? Randomly researching things that grasp my attention, games...lots of games, reading, watching tv, coloring (wait does that count as art-), uhhh spacing out
6. )Does anyone irl know about your blog? yeah, but mostly just know about, not like see my posts i guess
7.)Do you know anyone from your blog irl? not outside of just chatting on discord
8.) What are some fun facts about you? I’ve had some poems published before (it was with entering a poetry contest), I have surprisingly good balance, my brain is not properly awake/functioning until 10am which has led to me almost using soap as toothpaste a few times too many, I have a birthmark on my finger (bonus: it sorta changes color/how noticeable it is depending on how hot or cold I am lol, i call it a mini thermometer cause of this), apparently Lion King was my Disney movie obsession as a kid...oh and I have a certificate in cryptozoology lolz
9.) What’s your day job? i work as a private nanny/glorified babysitter (i don’t live with them or drive but work regular hours through week and as needed; even join the occasional vacation with them)
10.) Do you have a celebrity look alike? i don’t think so; a girl in high school once said I look like Cameron Diaz tho-
11.) What’s your aesthetic? for my blog I think it’s becoming like dark academia meets cottage core?? idk for myself...who knows
12.) What kind of artist are you? the tired kind lol
13.) How did you get into your form of art? if we’re looking at sims, uhhh well I just happened to learn about cc one day, then happened upon simblr, saw edits, and thought I’d give a try cause I can’t draw but I need a creative outlet so this worked for me
14.) What do you watch/listen/read/anything else while you create? if I do anything, its listen to music; music is generally random based on what I feel like but more recently its been 2d anime groups (idolish7, hypnosis mic, etc)
15.) What is your favorite of your own creations so far?  lets see...this, this, and this edit wise I think
16.) How would you describe your art style? idk chaos
17.) What is more satisfying to you coloring or outlining? coloring, I like coloring 
18.) What meme would you use to describe yourself?
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19.) What character from any media form do you most identify with? oh gosh uhhhh there’s a few but I’ll say Iori and Sogo from Idolish7 since they come to mind first lol. Iori is a fellow aquarius who hides his interests and agonizes over past slipups even a year later, others have legit moved on but he’s still stuck on it (that was true moment I was like “omg you are aquarius” lol cause yeah meee). Sogo i heavily relate to as well cause he’s,,,very nice and hides his own feelings, putting others before himself (but when right buttons get pushed, he can be scary lol) so yeah, those two
20.) If you were on the run, what would you change your name to? I’ve never thought of this...no clue
21.) Have you ever or do you want to change blog names? I have changed names, yes; I used to be silverine-sims but after a time i didn’t ~vibe~ with it
22.) God forbid Tumblr decides to pull a MySpace and lets us have page songs, what song would you choose?  page songs like adding playlist to blog? i mean its possible already with bit of coding and I used to have one set up but uh one song huh? gosh um I guess Twisted Hearts by tasuku hatanaka; it was op for Moriarty the Patriot s2 and I’m pretty obsessed with it rn 
23.) Oh yeah, I’m still on the MySpace train and I’m starting discourse! Who’s your top 8? my brain refuses to think and rank; i have trouble with choices and that extends to favorites,,
24.) Did you understand those references or did you have to look them up? (I’m fully aware I’m ancient, but are you?) i know of myspace but otherwise i have no clue what all it entailed
25.) One last question; why are you like that? I grew up watching Secret Saturdays, He-Man, Teen Titans, Danny Phantom, and Spongebob idk what to tell ya ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Dag dag?
Now tag tag!!!
I know not all of you will do this or was tagged by izzy already but I’m tagging everyone I can think of anyway-
@cyansimblr @neriney @lunchsims @waysims @klayde @sinfulwunders @void-imp @ladykendalsims @lazysunjade @almost-spring @smolteabirb @lunaziie @clumsyghostie​ and uh uh anyone else cause its too early and my brain just quit
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theyarebothgunshot · 3 years
Re: using cockles photo ops for destiel drawings - yeah, I get that! It kind of breaks the 4th wall, especially if you have the photo op very clearly in front of your eyes. It can feel like it breaks character so to say, or breaks one out of the immersion.
And there is a messy intertwinement of Destiel and Cockles sometimes haha (not only in art). Especially when you want to keep those two seperate, eg. when getting it signed as an autograph or sth. You don't want to put it directly in front of Jensen's or Misha's face, even though it's Destiel art but it's still based on cockles, you know? :D Though they are guilty for giving so good material, but yeah, it's definitely a thing to be aware of when making something, as you don't show cockles to cockles.
Thought this was ok to use as reference though because it was just too good base material (I mean that face) and it's (at least for me) clearly Dean and Castiel/Destiel with their clothes, haircuts and the angry Dean :) Personally, I don't see cockles in there (but okay I have been staring at this for hours and I am the artist so my mind could be a little bit unfocussed and biased :'D). And it is a way to sort of give Dean and Cas their happy end.
But opinions differ, as well as taste! Please understand that I not dropped into your inbox to convince you if something or anything, I just wanted to elaborate a bit more. Because I also think a lot about using Cockles as reference for Destiel art and the pros and cons around that. It's tempting but there has to be a clear difference I think :D Which is hard to achieve if you already have the photo op in mind but not impossible. And I am very tempted to get this as a Misha autograph next week, and I think he would be okay with that, but do I know? I don't want to make him uncomfortable so yeah would love y'all's advice!
I hope it's just leave this wall of text in your inbox! And thank you! 💜 Also thank you for being such an awesome Jenmish blog. 💙💚
oh gosh, i feel super bad now cause i had no idea *you* were the artist!!! i thought someone just saw this super cute art and wanted me to see it too. just know that if i had realised that you were the artist, i would not just have said 'yeah i saw it! cute!' lmao cause that sounds so dismissive.
i completely agree, of course when you make sure there are differences it's totally fine! and it is always kind of a grey area, there is no right or wrong in my opinion. for example, i am loving the sets of cast photos that are used as canon family pictures, it is very wholesome. same goes here, it is super wholesome and SO well done so i definitely get it! and i honestly think misha would not realise that it was based on a photo op. that man has done so many ops, i doubt he has them all memorised, especially since this was very recently done so it hasn't been circulated as much as old pics.
thank you for your kindness and your amazing work <33 you truly are a sublime artist!!!! 💕💕💕
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crystu-cii · 4 years
XDD YESSS-- YEAH FOR FREE-- we weren't even gonna GET a pet in japan but they found a post about her and were like "...okay fine" and she is so sweet 💕💞❤️💖💞💕💞 oms XDD mood-- oh so what you're saying is you should get a dog with the same color hair as you so you can't tell the difference? XD you'd have no problem with a little extra shed fur-- w h e eze true some people hate loud animals-- I don't, but I do have sensitive ears, which I.. did not take into account when getting a pet ;w;; good luck with getting a pet in the future!!! Again.. I recommend doggos--
XDDD it is SO TASTY-- it's got sweet potato mashed and mixed with brown sugar, with more brown sugar and pecans over the top, then marshmallows on top of those :3c
WOWWW HOW-- THAT'S INSANEEEE-- DAMN THAT'S SOME ROTTEN LUCK-- yeah school budgets? What's that XD yeesh tho that's some awful luck crys-
It is SO AWESOME-- But cRYsSssSSs Portal 2 has a co-op mode!!! And the puzzles aren't too hard-- you even have an in-game polite guide!!! Also I saw a thing today saying "so we obviously can't please EVERYone with a game but I gotta tell you I ain't ever seen a mfer complain about Portal!" WHICH IS SO TRUE LIKE EVERYONE LOVES PORTAL--
Yesss!!!! YEAAAA GLADOS SAYS TRANS AND ENBY PEOPLE ROCK AND ARE VALID!!!!!! I'd like you to know, when I initially discovered it, I had been trying to fall asleep and Couldn't so my mind was wandering, and I was like "....is there a Glados says trans rights thing on the internet?" and I was gonna do it in the morning but I couldn't sleep anyways so I just. Looked it up. At like 2am. Because it was That Important that I couldn't sleep until I looked it up(and then I fell asleep pretty fast, so.. hm--) XDDD
Wellllll what are we supposed to do? Just move it to our dms? gestures vaguely to the length of theses posts You think discord can handle this?? It couldn't even handle me rambling about the cores with it's cowardly 2k character limit! /lh
aawhhh 😭💞💞💕💞💞
and PFTT that would be a lot more chaotic XDD literally right after i vaccum my floor in my room there many strands back on the floor anyway- gosh i have no clue whats up with my hair ;0;; and yeahh- my friend who used to be my neighbor had birds and they would ALWAYS make sound and im like "oh man-" xDD and the BIRDS WERENT EVEN FRIENDLY like- i was there when they first got the birds arrived to them and i was expecting the birbs to be nice but they legit repel from human contact- whenever i would stick my finger in the cage they would hang on the the opposite side of the cage xD so far i imagine they just let them live and dont interact with them at all- doesnt really sound fun to be honest ;w;;
and OOOO MAN that sounds so awesome :0 ooO i should also say how my dinner went yesterday, since it was kinda our belated thanksgiving- we got take out from a chinese restaurant! might sound a little sad that we didnt cook anything- but take out is a very common thing in our family xD and i FINALLY GOT MY CHEESECAKE I DESIRED YAAAAASSSS- and my bro also got cookies! (they were from a high quality place as well) and one of the flavors was pumpkin pie (the cookie even looked like a pie!) and i was happy cause that shall replace the actual pumpkin pie i also wanted xD and it was GOOD?? LIKE MOM- PUMPKIN PIE ISNT BAD xD so that was my night!
and LEGITTTT LIKE- oh my god i can LITERALLY go on and on about how horrible that year was from my previous year- and THEN THERES COVID TO TOP IT ALLLL OFF UGHHHHWUFOAJ
and WHHH IT DOES?? I thought that was a seperate game :OO and oHHH that sounds cool! and BAHHA- fACTSSS xDD and omggg i feel that- i would always search up random things of a fandom and see if they exist or not XDD IM SO GLAD A "TRANS RIGHTS" GLADOS EXISTS XDD i also actually do have a Portal instagram folder where i save portal related posts- OKAY AT THE MOMENT I AM WRITING THIS SENTENCE i looked back wt the folder (its the last one out of all my folders because i havent saved any posts in it for a LONG time) and there arent many posts as there are with my other franchise folders- BUT LITERALLY (ALMOST) ALL THE POSTS ARE WHEATLEY AND IM LIKE PFPFNTKAHFIANJD there were also some chell x human!wheatley there because the way people drew those two were in a very cute art style so i liked it- i hope me liking the ship doesnt sound too weird though- xD ;w;; bUt THATS my experience of being in the portal fandom(?) XDD
and oh yeaH YOURE RIGHT- i keep forgetting that discord has a character limit but at the same time it always gets me- whenever im trying to show my friends a fanfic i wrote discord is all like "IMMA STOP YOU RIGHT THERE" and its shitty- my friends dont even comment on my fanfics anyway- xDD
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yukipri · 4 years
I really enjoy your blog, even as it moves between fandoms. you managed to get me into BF and now, from both your art and a friend’s encouragement, I’m planning on taking the dive back into watching OP now that it’s on netflix!
Thank you so much!!!! i know when I change fandoms i CHANGE fandoms, gosh darn me being so single-minded and mono-fandom SIGH...Thank you so much for putting up with me, and for giving my fandoms a go <3
YESSSS get back into OP!!!! If you feel like sharing, I’d love to hear your thoughts as you watch, my askbox is open!! OP’s honestly such a blast regardless of whether it’s your first time, or first time re-watching in a while, or re-watching countless times. Both the manga and anime are at really fun points rn too if you do catch up! I hope you have fun~!!!
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aceopmari · 5 years
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The newest member of the Ace Ops: Marina Tortuga! 
Aesop Fable: The Tortoise and the Hare (shares this with Harriet Bree) Art done by @cadhla182 
Her name means “sea turtle” in Spanish. 
She is the tortoise of her fable 
She speaks with a Hispanic accent but uses surfer lingo such as “gnarly”, “radical”, “stoked”, “totally”, “s’yeah”, “groovy”, “dude/dudette”, or “psyched” 
Her full name given to her by her beloved stepmother: “Marina Fernanda Garcia Ramirez Del Vega Tortuga”
Has a very ditzy, “chillaxed” “I’m high as fuck” personality. 
Bit of a thirsty perv.
Was raised by a turtle Faunus woman and her 10 step-sisters on a beach in Menagerie after being abandoned by her Atlesian parents.
 She dislikes the White Fang and the Schnee Dust Company for the parts they play in dividing Faunus in society. Holds no ill-will towards Blake or Weiss for being affiliated with respective organizations. 
Has a slow wit, but her skills as a huntress will leave you surprised.
 Marina: “I’ve got some wicked tricks up my sleeves!” 
A/N: But you’re not wearing sleeves…
 Marina: “Then it’s up my skirt! It’s all good, yeah?”
 Her weapon is her razor-edged surfboard that can generate waves she can ride on through water or fire dust. Can also hover with gravity dust and surf on walls or high surfaces. Her board can turn into a large sword that shoots out beams with hard light dust. 
The magnets on her shoes and inside her gloves allow her to hold her down in place on her board.
Very flexible body and is pretty good with combat. Her sexy legs aren’t just for show. She doesn’t like punching though. Doesn’t want to break a nail.
Little Miss “Menagerie Barbie”
A/N:...They hazed you?
Marina: “’S’yeah! On my 3rd day of school at Atlas Academy, I was invited to a beach party on campus grounds and I ended up walking on stage at the auditorium in my teeny bikini in front of the ENTIRE school!”
A/N: Why would a beach be on campus? Or even in Atlas?!
Marina: “I don’t know, dude! I thought there was totally like, beaches in the sky or something since Atlas is floating and all.”
A/N: Marina! You live in Solitas! There are no beaches!
Marina: “Duhhh! I know that NOW! Gosh!”
A/N:..You’re an idiot...
She cannot drive. Will happily ride motorcycle, ship, or truck regardless.
She’s skillful on the job but is very airheaded.
Marina: “So like, wheres the beach?”
Clover: “Marina this is the tundra...”
Marina: “I still wanna catch some icy waves, bro! Ooh! Can I go boogie boarding down the mountain later?”
Her semblance is “Euphoria”. Very useful when interrogating someone. 
A very patient young lady, but doesn’t mind a little fast pace adrenaline if it means she can get some excitement. 
Marina: “So, like, back in school, I was made leader!”
A/N: ...You were a leader? You?!
Marina: “S’yeah bro! I think it was called team...MNNT (mint)? Or was it MRRS (mars)? Hmm... maybe MLNS (melons)?”
A/N: I wonder if your teammates even liked you...
Low key low self-esteem. 
After being abandoned by her parents, and being practically disowned by her step-sisters, Marina grew to dislike herself feeling as though she is a nuisance who is unwanted by others. She sometimes has 2nd thoughts about truly belonging in the Ace Ops...
Wishes for Faunus and Mantle citizens to have a good life. 
Will coat herself with her semblance to relax before an intense mission to relax or to cope with stress. 
Adores Clover and is grateful for him recommending her to join the Ace Ops. 
Marina: “Clover? Did I do a good job?”
She’s more than willing to preach about his greatness to the others.
 Marina: “Clover’s like totally righteous bro…like a GOD! I get totally psyched whenever I see him, brah!”
Will attempt to sweet talk him to get out of trouble.
Marina: “Dude, please don’t report me.”
Clover:: “...And why shouldn’t I?”
Marina: “Because...deep down you like totally have a thing for me!”
Clover: “Your semblance isn’t gonna work on me Marina. I’ll also have to report this to the General.”
Marina: “But Clover! We’re brossss! XD”
Clover: “First of all, you’re a woma-”
Marina: “We’re bros Clover! We’re brosss!”
 Gets along with Elm. Though Elm sometimes questions her intelligence... 
Marina: “So I was like whoa! And he was like WHOA! And she was like whoa...”
Elm: “...What are you talking about?”
Marina: “Hee hee...I don’t know!”
Vine dreads being paired up with Marina and wishes she did things by the book even though things work out for her in the end. 
Marina and Harriet are constantly at each other's throats…poor Marrow can’t catch a break if he’s the only other Ace-Op to witness the two of them at a bad time on an airship after a mission… 
Marina: “Bree is nothing but an angry, old. kook with pinkeye! She thinks cool because she’s fast. Bragging is not okay! She needs to learn how to take things slow. Dude, she was like totally spazzing out on me the other day telling me to cut my hair because the length is too much of a distraction in battle! How can she talk to me about haircuts when she looks like she cut her hair with a blender?!”
Marina: *Overdramatic gasp.* “You don’t think she wants to sell my hair to the monks in Mistral do you, dude?”
Nice girl with a snarky streak.
Marina: “Dude you like totally need a chill pill!”
Harriet: “Shut up! Stop calling me dude and take things more seriously! I can’t believe Clover chose an idiot like you to join the team!”
Ace Ops:...!!!
Marina: “Yeah? Well, maybe you should team up with someone on your level, Bree! Like maybe a trash can?”
Harriet: “What?!”
Marina: “Maybe if you were a little nicer, I might have shared some hair care tips with you!” *Flips hair and walks away*
Harriet: “EXCUSE ME?!”
Ace Ops:!!!!
Marina likes Marrow and doesn’t mind a little playful flirting. Sometimes a little too playful...
Marina: “Clover said I’m not allowed to hit that. Gotta like totally remain professional. Whatever that means... but dude! Marrow’s a total babe! The way he wags his tail is so freaking hypnotic! Totally puts me in a trance...bringing him coffee and treats in the morning at briefings make seeing his tail wag so worth it...”
A/N: What you are, is a freak with a tail fetish...I’m glad Clover enforced that no dating rule...
Marina: “Clover said we couldn’t date. He, like, totally never said we couldn’t show each other a little “affection” off the clock...”
A/N: With that semblance of yours, I’m afraid to ask what you guys do, so I’m gonna move on...
Marrow’s touched by Marina’s kindness towards the Faunus and her support for Faunus rights.
He affectionately nicknames her “Mari”
Marina can’t seem to stay out of trouble.
Marina: “You got banned too? That’s so hot!”
Marrow: “Wait. You got banned?!”
Marina: “Forget about that! Let’s go howl at the moon tonight like a wolfpack!”
Marrow: “Marina I’m not a-”
Marina: “Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuoooooooo!”
Marina: *Gets close to him* Doooooo itttt!
Marrow: *Blushes* “F-Fine...we can go...”
 Nicknamed “Beach Bunny” by Robyn and “Bimbo” by May.
Low key Hill supporter.
Robyn: “Hey! Beach Bunny! Shouldn’t you be on guard by the entrance?”
Marina: “Whoaaa! Robyn! It’s like totally killer to see you! I’m like totally voting for you for the election next year, brah!”
Robyn: “...I’m running this year...this is my election party...”
Marina: “‘S’yeah?! Right on dude! You are totally groovy!”
 Don’t discriminate Faunus in her presence and don’t call her a hippie. Seriously don’t do it… 
Will never stop fascinating over technology.
 Once saw a commercial involving a nacho cheese dispenser and developed a new addiction since. 
She’s determined to find the machine that makes nachos. Even in strange locations such as a Manta airship. She’s a nacho-holic and is not afraid to show it.
Nowadays Marrow’s the one who has to show her the ropes. Mainly because Harriet will literally tear out her mohawk if she has to sit through Marina’s BS during pilot training again.
Marrow has to keep composure and act professionally towards Marina which is easier said than done considering how attractive she is.
Marina: “Hey...”
Marrow: *blushes* “Oh h-hey...”
 Marina: “Dudeeee….So like…does this button make…nachoooos?”  *Points a button*
Marrow: “Nachos? I don’t think-”
Marina: “I really love nachos...the melted cheese is so ooey, gooey...moist...”
Marrow: “Y-y-yeah...moist...”
Marina: “Let's push the button together okay?” *Puts her hand on top of his over the button making him more nervous*
Marina: “One...two..”.
Marrow: “Th-three...”
A stoner off the clock.
 Weed plus semblance equals bliss. Likes to keep Faunus children company at a Mantle orphanage, eat a bowl of nachos, or go partying in her spare time.
She doesn’t have too many friends her own age but she enjoys the company of the young Faunus children in Mantle who she tells stories of her adventures to.
In her mind, the holiday “4/20″ is Christmas part 2! You’d totally want her around at a party.
Marina: “Dude, the secret 4/20 parties down in Mantle that I host are totally killer brah! The dudes of team FNKI are like the perfect party promoters!”
A/N: Marina, you could get fired if you get caught...
Marina: “Not if your a snitch like Bree...”
Loves music! A great dancer! Singing not so much since she can’t hit those notes...
 Low key considers team RWBY and her fellow teammates friends but doesn’t admit it as she fears teasing by her fellow co-workers.
She would really love to go out clubbing with them sometime. (Mostly Marrow and Clover)
Speaking of co-workers, she’s rather popular with lower-ranking military soldiers who often try their luck at asking her out on a date.
 Likes to input bright ideas at meetings. Even bad and crazy ones.
 Not above using her feminine wiles or her assets.
The type of gal to go “weee” or “sicckkk” in excitement if she’s on an airship that’s spiraling out of control. Of course, using her semblance helps with that. 
A good VA would be Maria-Canals Barrera (Paulina from Danny Phantom anyone? Or Fire from Justice League Unlimited?”)
Ship names for fun:
Marrow x Marina: Doggie Paddle
Clover x Marina: Sea Weed
Harriet x Marina: Beach Bunnies
Robyn x Marina: Bluebirds
Marina’s full profile and backstory is here: https://www.deviantart.com/pie11644/art/RWBY-OC-Ace-Operative-Marina-Tortuga-826124955
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despairforme · 4 years
fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
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My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless /
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO. ( Within the community my muse is? Fairly popular? But overall in the fandom a lot of people dislike him. )
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Are they underrated?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO. ( Apart from giving two surviving characters scars, he has no real impact on the story ).
Were they relevant for the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG.
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO.
How’s their reputation? GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL.
How strictly do you follow canon?  — I’d say pretty closely, in the sense that I don’t erase any parts of his canon, and I try to analyze and ‘ make sense ‘ of the different things he does in canon. There are some parts of his canon that have been re-written though. Like his relationship with Grimmjow, thanks to their chemistry. Oh, yeah, and Nnoitra is also alive in my canon. But other than that I try to keep him as canon as possible. 
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  Oh gosh where to start... Nnoitra is a very deep character. He is typically disliked by those who only see his exterior, but there is so much more to him. He is brave beyond compare. He is not the typical ‘ pretty-boy-sassy-villain ‘. He is harsh, rude, violent, sadistic and carries a heavy sadness inside him. He has strong believes and won’t back down from anything. Ever. He is someone who doesn’t hold back his true self and while he can be very challenging to interact with - isn’t that part of what’s fun with interactions? That they’re not all supposed to be easy. And, of course, one of my favorite parts about my Nnoitra is the big modern!au story that I have created for him, where he has a completely different life, while still maintaining what I hope is a legit translation of his canon personality into a human!au. Another thing that makes my Nnoitra interesting - in my opinion - is that I’m in it with him for the long run. I’m here to build long-lasting relationships of all types. I’m here to write stories for him with others. 
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  Nnoitra is very difficult to get along with for most muses. He’s rude and sexist and also a bigot. These things really put people off, but I’m not going to water down my muse for anyone or anything. In canon verse he is very set on killing more or less anyone who approaches him, which can mean that a lot of interactions turn into fight-threads which some people aren’t interested in writing. He is also rather anti-social so.. Yeah, not the easiest to interact with for sure. 
What inspired you to rp your muse?  — I originally found my inspiration for him when I started drawing him way back in the days. I randomly drew him and got hooked on how inspiring he was to draw. I never experienced an art-block ever again. After over a year, after I had gotten into rping ( I was rping different characters ), I eventually wanted to try my hand at writing Nnoitra, and it’s been the best decision ever. Now I’m stuck with him forever ahahaha.
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  Nnoitra IS my inspiration. He is my muse. Definition of ‘ muse ‘:  a person or personified force who is the source of inspiration for a creative artist. I can’t imagine not writing him. I never have a problem with inspiration when it comes to writing him, since writing him gives me inspiration. 
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice? YES / NO.
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO. ( The inner monologue that I always write is filled with headcanons, but I hardly ever post ‘ headcanon posts ‘, because I don’t like writing meta - and I don’t like speaking for Nnoitra. )
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO.
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day?  YES / NO.
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO.
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO.
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO.
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  —  Yes and no. If I ASK for criticism, then I’m happy to receive any kind of criticism. However, if I’m not prepared for it, and get random criticism out of the blue, then eh, I’m not really into that. 
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  —  Oh yes! I love headcanon questions! I always answer them IC, unless the question is specifically aimed at me, like: “toby what do you think about...”. I feel really flattered when people show interest in Nnoitra!
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  Not really. I don’t like discussing meta / headcanons about Nnoitra. If people disagree with my headcanons, they are free to make their own Nnoitra blog and do their thing. 
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  —  People have different opinions and that’s fine. I would prefer that if people who disagrees with my portrayal just unfollow me. I take my portrayal of Nnoitra very seriously and put a lot of effort into it. However, if I ASK for criticism, then I am completely open for it and would like to hear people’s disagreements on my portrayal. In general though, I don’t like discussing it. I don’t like discussing meta or anything like that, because I’m not open to changing my portrayal of him. 
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  —  If a mod hates Nnoitra, I don’t mind that at all. I don’t mind if they post hate-content about him either, as long as they tag it, so that I don’t have to see it. I don’t like seeing Nnoitra bashed in public. For example, I block blogs that post hate on him to the #nnoitra gilga tags on here. I just think it’s unnecessary and I don’t want to see it. My followers and mutuals are free to hate Nnoitra, and it can often be interesting to have your muse interact with someone who hates them / they hate, so I totally understand. Nnoitra is not a very likeable character after all, and people are free to hate him. 
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  —  Absolutely! I am not a native speaker, so I am sure I make a lot more grammatical errors than I’m aware of. If people want to point them out to me, I see that as a favor to me. 
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  Yes, I think so. I’m chill even if I am very slow at answering messages. I always try to be kind and understanding and I hope people don’t feel intimidated by me even if I play a very mean character. 
That’s about it, congrats for filling out!
Tagged by:  @elxfi​ , @meishutori​ and @xyuuken​ ( thank you guys for tagging me, and thank you Snu for making this awesome meme! )
Tagging: @spottedsoftpaws​ , @trafalgar-bleedingheart-law​ , @xdiez​ , @tenyxshx​ ( tagging some people in the op fandom to get the meme going over there as well! )
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passionthatmoves · 4 years
Quarantine: Return of the Tags?
I’ve been tagged by @kxowledge fill this quarantine questionnaire.
Firstly, I must say I very much share her thoughts in relation to feeling a great sense of warmth and companionship with mutuals. Whether I’ve met you or not, I wish you all the very best at this time, and always. 
~Where are you isolated? (Country or city too if you like)
At home base in London
~What are you currently reading or watching?
Well at the moment, reading Churchill’s early autobiography My Early Life. It’s an...interesting...perspective on the young man who would become pater familias of the nation. Of course some of the political views are quite dated and problematic - some of which are recognised as such by Churchill himself upon reflection. It nonetheless functions as a interesting perspective. 
I’ve rediscoverd some old favourites as far as music goes. Dvorak’s Cello Concerto in B minor, Op. 104, and R.V. Williams’ The Lark Ascending. 
I’m in between series at the moment. Although The English Game was a pleasant way to spend an afternoon. 
~If you can go outside, what do you like to do during this time?I 
I can do, to exercise. Although I do not like exercising outside, so I usually just talk around my flat building’s garden/yard to get some fresh air, etc. 
.~Any fascinating concept you’re studying
At the moment, not really. Intellectual pursuits are lacking at the moment. I did come across some feminist film critique discussing the male gaze in film, which was intriguing. I’m not sure it was fascinating though. 
~What kinds of acts of creativity/forms of art are you currently doing
I have a little keyboard on which I play a little music. That is it for the moment. 
~A song/s that resonates with your state of mind at the moment?
Gosh, not really. 
~Favourite impulsive/’bad’ coping techniques?
Hmm, probably staying in bed too long in the mornings?
I’m never sure whom to tag. Anyone who wants to is very welcome indeed. Although I’ve always happy to hear from @lauralizabeth @londonbibliophile and @fhawne
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