#got a bit busy so I finished it a lot later then I expected to
theecholegend · 4 months
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Goodnight bunny boy <3
Legend is being held captive bc he won’t stay still and let his injuries heal
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boydepartment · 8 months
quiet nights- hwang hyunjin x reader
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a/n: i am sorry this was completely self indulgent :( ik i have requests rn but like… i finished all my work and im just laying down next to my mom watching hyunjins vlogs on the tv so this is FOR ME :(( your girl has been a little tired lately and mentally stressed i usually don’t even write or take requests for skz anymore but……………. omg what’s that behind you???!!!?
warnings- none, fluff, they just talk in the hotel room. not proof read.
wc- 400-500
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curling up beside your cool hotel pillows was the standard while traveling. you didn’t expect your boyfriend to get back to the hotel room until later tonight. hyunjin was a busy man and his errands for this trip were later than your errands. your errands finished when his started, so needless to say you really missed him.
you fumbled around trying to get comfortable in the dim hotel room, you had all the lights off and you could see the city lights from the open curtains.
since the room was so high up you felt comfortable leaving them open, there was no balcony or any openings so you could enjoy truly enjoy the view of the bustling city.
you sat up and took a seat by the window, taking the throw blanket you and hyunjin bought from your last trip with you.
it was amazing to you that there was so many people living so many different lives, so many lights to signify different things. before you knew it you had grabbed the sketchbook and charcoal out of your bag. hyunjin had bought you and him art supplies while you were out earlier.
you started to sketch out the city in front of you, so focused on the scene. you wanted to challenge yourself to not try and erase or clean up your lines unless it was with the medium.
your brows furrowed and you started to get in your head, not even realizing your boyfriend was back in the hotel room. hyunjin thought you were asleep so he set down the bags of surprises quietly. when he walked further into the hotel room he saw you sitting by the window with the sketchpad in front of you. smiling to himself he watched you for a bit, changing from his outdoor clothes to indoor.
once he was done he went up to you and put his hand on your shoulder, the thin piece of charcoal snapped and you looked up at him.
“you scared me.” you felt yourself laugh a little before smiling up at him. hyunjin looked down at you, his smile never leaving his face.
“i’m sorry, my intended…” he mumbled and leaned down to kiss you.
you smiled into the kiss and set the art stuff down on the small table.
“let’s get your hands cleaned up and then we can head to bed alright? it’s late…” hyunjin caressed your face and kissed your forehead. you nodded and you both walked to the bathroom.
he helped you wash the charcoal off your hands as he told you about his day, “then this lady complimented my jewelry and i found out she was some like high political power that i didn’t even know!” hyunjin whispered through giggles.
“when did you find out?” you asked, giggling aswell, your boyfriend always found himself in weird positions like this.
hyunjin started laughing again, “literally four people came up to me and were like, ‘do you know who that is?’ and obviously i was like ‘nooooo what?’”
that sounded like something he would do and you could so clearly imagine it, “how does this keep happening to you?”
he dried off your hands and kissed your palms, “i don’t know my love! people just talk to me i guess. i don’t even know what they’re saying half the time.”
you started to giggle again and you guys walked over to the bed and got in. it was finally comfortable to you with your boyfriend next to you.
“so tell me about your day?” he laid on his side facing you, tracing your hands with his fingertips, “i had to leave when you got back so i didn’t get to ask…”
“it was busy, i had to talk to a lot of people too, not political powers though.” you teased him, he threw his head back and laughed.
“but it was good, i walked around a bit when you left, picked up a couple things for us too. there’s leftovers in the small fridge.” you spoke softly. hyunjin nodded and scooted closer to you, you could tell he was getting tired. sleep finally knocking on his door.
“i found… i found a nice cafe…” he yawned and pulled you closer to him, “healthy food… nice breakfast…” hyunjin started to shut his eyes.
you relaxed in his arms and started to place with the ends of his hair, “want to go there for breakfast tomorrow?”
he nodded, “then a museum…”
“then a museum…” you repeated and smiled to yourself, sleep starting to come for you too, “we better get rest then…”
hyunjin nodded into your neck, “mhm….” humming.
“i love you..” you whispered, your hand moving back and forth on his back.
“i love you most..”
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alotofpockets · 11 months
Overworked | Alessia Russo
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Pairing: Alessia Russo x Reader
Summary: Alessia realizes that you're overworking yourself and decides to take action into her own hands when you keep pushing yourself.
Masterlist | Woso masterlist | words: 1.2k
Work was asking a lot of you during this time of the year, it was a busy period in general with Black Friday, and the holidays coming up. These months were known to everyone in your department to be the busiest of the whole year. Usually you were barely able to handle the pressure during this time, but now the pressure was even bigger. 
Throughout the past months your department had been expanding. Business was going well, which meant that the workload was increasing. The company hired a total of four new people over the course of three weeks. You were grateful for this as the work would be able to be divided amongst more people but before the new hires would be able to work in full capacity, they had to finish training, which each member of your team gave them in smaller parts. It took quite some extra time to train the newest additions to your team but of course their education and being well rounded in their new functions was very important.
While training the new hires, two of your team members were expecting a baby at the end of the year, meaning they are out on maternity leave. On top of that, a coworker just quit, and if that wasn’t enough, people were getting sick one after another.
All in all, you were stressed about getting everything done in time. You would come home from work, eat dinner with your girlfriend, and then excuse yourself to finish up some work. Most times finishing up something turned into hours overtime. Your girlfriend subtly tried to take you to take breaks but those hints were mostly ignored as you kept typing away. 
“Darling, please come to bed.” You heard Alessia say from behind you. You paused your work for a second and turned around. She leaned against the doorframe of your home office, she was wearing a pair of soccer shorts and an oversized t-shirt, her comfy look accompanied by a messy bun. Normally you would drop everything to join her in the coziness and spend the evening cuddling up with her in bed, but you knew that if you stopped now you would be even more stressed tomorrow. “You go ahead, I’ll join you in a bit.” Alessia knew better than to push, so she walked over to place a kiss on your forehead. You had to fight the urge to melt into her touch. “Don’t make it too late, please.” 
The next morning when Alessia woke up, you weren’t in the bed with her. She got up and walked to the home office right away, thinking you might have worked all night. When she saw you working in your pajamas, one of her old jerseys and a pair of sweatshorts, she knew you had been to bed at some point. She walked downstairs to make the both of you some coffee. “Hey, I figured you could use one of these.” The girl pulled you out of your focus. “Oh, thank you, darling. I hope I didn’t wake you.” Alessia shook her head, “No, don’t worry. I have to leave to go to training in half an hour.” 
Alessia sipped her coffee from the lounge chair in the corner of the room. Knowing she would not be able to pull you away from the work you needed to do, she chose to sit with you, to be able to spend some time with you. She was worried about you, never before had she seen you this stressed, or overworked. It was hard for her to let you keep going, while she could see you weren’t doing alright. She made a mental note to ask her teammates for advice later today. 
You managed to get a lot of work done, so you allowed yourself to have a proper meal with your girlfriend. Alessia plated the food, fully believing you would take yours upstairs to continue working but when she saw you sit down at the dining table, she quickly sat down across from you. “Hey Less, I’m sorry for not being very present at the moment. I promise I will be better when work slows down a bit.” You say between bites. “It’s okay, you don’t have to worry about me, I know it’s a busy time.”  
That night was the first time in a week where Alessia felt you get into the bed at night. She gave it a moment before rolling over and cuddling into your side. Your exhaustion accompanied by the warmth of your girlfriend made you doze off quickly.
Alessia was surprised to find you still sound asleep next to her in the bed when she woke up. She looked at the time and realized it would only be a couple of minutes before your alarm would go off. Knowing you had slept so little in the past couple of weeks, and seeing you still sleep so deeply now, she made the decision to get out of bed and turn off your alarm. She quietly made her way downstairs, careful to not wake you. Once she was out of hearing distance, she grabbed her phone and called your boss. 
It wasn’t until hours later that Alessia heard noises coming from your shared bedroom. She found you stumbling around, trying to get your clothes on as quickly as possible. “Why didn’t you wake me?” You ask as soon as you see Alessia walk in. “Hey, hey, calm down.” She says while moving your way to help you stay balanced. “What do you mean calm down, Less? It’s 1pm. I am so late, my boss is going to kill me.” Alessia hadn’t really thought this part of her plan through but by the amount of sleep you got, she knew that she made the right decision. "Because your boss thinks you’re sick.” Your eyes shoot up at hers. “Alessia Mia Teresa Russo, why does my boss think I am sick?” 
Alessia’s eyes widen at your use of her full name. “Please don’t be mad.” She started avoiding your eyes at first, then she remembered why she did it. “You haven’t slept properly in weeks, and I can see that it is taking a toll on you. I woke up a little before your alarm and realized that you were still asleep. I knew you needed this sleep, so I called in sick for you. I apologize for doing it behind your back but darling, you needed this.” You sat down beside her on the bed. “You’re probably right. Only one day though!” Alessia nodded, already happy that you were agreeing to take it easy for the rest of the day. “Plus you are ordering food from my favorite place because I am starving.” Your girlfriend smiled up at you, “Deal, now get comfortable because we’re gonna watch that movie you’ve been wanting to watch.” 
After some delicious food, you start the movie. Spending the rest of the day cuddled up with your girlfriend. You realized just how much you missed her these past weeks, and were grateful that she went to these lengths to take care of you. “Thank you, Less.” You whisper in her ear before placing a kiss on her cheek. “Thank you for always taking care of me. This was exactly what I needed, you know me so well. You are the best girlfriend in the whole wide world.”
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flowery-mess · 6 months
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Attending small concert with Noah
Let's say this is before BO blew up
You and Noah have been dating for a couple of months and you always talked about how you have to go to a concert together one day
So when Noah got tickets for this smaller gig he asked you to come with him
Neither of you knew the two bands that were playing that night, but you loved exploring new musicians
Noah took you out for a dinner before the concert started
You noticed he had similiar outfit as you as you were eating dinner
You came to his place before you went out, already dressed up, did he saw your outfit and chose his to match you?
You were still in the shy dating stage, so you thought you'd ask him later that night after some drinks
When you arrived at the small venue, more like a club, you bought two drinks
You had to do that when Noah went for the bathroom, because that boy never lets you pay for anything
So you weren't surprised with his little angry face when he saw you already purchased both od yours drinks
"I asked you out, I pay for you, it's that simple Y/N"
You just laughed and put one of the drinks in his hand with little "Cheers"
You talked a bit before the first band came on the stage and decided you're gonna stay in the back at the bar for now
You didn't look up the bands that are playing tonight, because you knew Noah wouldn't choose bad music
So you weren't surprised that you were moving in your seat and nodding your head along the music as Noah did the same
After the first set you decided to go stand in crowd
You chose to stand on the side to avoid mosh pit and also Noah didn't want to stand in the centre so people wouldn't see because of him
He stood behind you, his tall frame putting you in safe space
He had to bend down to talk to you, which was kind of hot
And after few drinks you decided to ask if he matched his outfit to yours
"Maybe I did, maybe I just grabed random clothes from my closet" he said with a little smirk on his face
You got caught up in his eyes, exploring his face with the lights dancing on his face
The band started playing and you both started moving to their catchy songs
Through the concert you felt Noah's hands around your waist or your shoulders as he danced with you
He bend down to kiss your head few times
You knew you two had similiar taste in music so you were not surprised you both liked the set
You exchanged "I'm adding this to my playlist" every other song
Now and then you turned around to watch Noah, if he's having fun
Every time he looked down at you and asked if you're okay
When they finished their last song you agreed to have drinks in the bar next to the venue
You talked about the concert with the first drink, sharing your opinions
You agreed that it was not the last time you went out like this
After few drinks the conversation became more personal as you were still getting to know each other
You talked about family, previous relationships, what do you want and expect from life
You had lot in common so the conversation was natural
You didn't even realise what time it was until the waitress came to take last orders
Noah insisted on paying for you, so you let him
But you took that as a chance to invite him to your place, since you didn't finish your conversation and you told him you owe him a drink anyways
On the way to your place Noah held your hand, wasn't the first time, but the butterflies in your stomach felt like it was
You gave him quick tour of your small apartment
Then you sat in your living room, drinking some old white wine you found in your kitchen and talked some more
When Noah said he should leave, you didn't know if he expected you to ask him to stay or not
But you wanted him to stay for the night for more than one reason
So when he was saying something you didn't listen to, because you were too busy thinking if he's gonna say yes or no, you just said it
"Would you like to stay for the night?"
He looked surprised so you panicked
"You don't have to, it's just late and I thought maybe you could sleep over, but I understand if you want to go home if you have plans for tomorrow morning I get it, sorry it was jus-" and he went for the cliche and shut you up with a kiss
"I would love to have a sleepover" he laughed at the word sleepover like you were two teenage girls having sleepover, but instead he was just a boy who you were falling for
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bro-atz · 3 months
dahlia [flower garden — san]
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in which: san is your perfect man, but he's also the perfect man for others.
pair: non-idol!san/fem!reader
word count: 1.3k
content: suggestive, kissing, slightly romance, angst, technically reader is gn but implied fem, violence (not towards each other), screaming, fighting, may or may not be based off a true story
rating: PG-13 | safe for work!
flower garden masterlist
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It had been two years. You really weren’t expecting to run into him, but you did, and you instantly felt your heart drop.
He looked the exact same. God, you hated that he looked the same, because even after things ended so horribly between the two of you, you still loved him, and you knew for a fact that you still loved him with the two of you locked eyes.
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“Hey, there’s a cute guy checking you out,” your friend told you.
The two of you were dancing on the floor without a care in the world— except for the fact that your friend was busy checking out the people around the two of you.
“Yeah, he’s at the booth. Maybe you should talk to him.”
“Maybe… We’ll see.”
You went another couple of songs before deciding that you wanted another drink. You made your way to the bar, and as you waited for the bartender to get you your drink, someone entered the space next to you.
“Hey there,” he said.
You were about to tell him you weren’t interested, but then you realized that the person who was talking to you was the guy who was checking you out earlier.
“Hi,” you responded.
“I’m San.”
You introduced yourself, and you immediately got sucked into a conversation with him. The longer you talked to him, the more you realized that you had the potential to fall hard for him. That realization only hit harder when you felt him subtly move his hand to the small of your back and stand the tiniest bit closer to you. You finished about half of your drink when you realized you left your friend alone on the dance floor for too long.
“Hey, do you want to dance?” you asked as you nodded your head towards the floor.
“Oh, I don’t dance,” San shook his head.
“Alright… I gotta go back to my friend, so I guess I’ll see you later then.”
You waved to him and got back to your friend. You knew you didn’t get his number, but you also knew that he would definitely not let you leave without it. You resumed dancing with your friend for half a song when they nodded their head and widened their eyes.
You turned around, and there San was making his way onto the dance floor. He closed the distance between you, the space charged with an energy that ran from your head to your toes. He pulled you close, the movement leaps and bounds more bold from earlier, and he was definitely a little more possessive of you as his arms slid around your waist.
“Thought you didn’t dance,” you teased him, your warm breath a ghost against his lips.
A cocky smile graced his lips as he gazed at you, his eyes narrowing and darkening. “Changed my mind.”
"You did, did you?"
"Couldn't help myself... You smell so good..."
Your hand slid around his neck, your fingers playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. Your eyes flickered to his lips and back up, and he didn’t hesitate for a second. He kissed you passionately and urgently, a lot less gentle than you expected your first kiss with him to be and far more desperate. Your fingers tightened in his hair, and your body tingled with excitement when he pulled you harder against him, your body yielding under his hands.
You definitely fell hard for San.
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San was so literally perfect for you. You thought that he would have some sort of sleazy personality since you met him at a club of all places, but no. He was the perfect gentleman. On your very first date, he brought you a bouquet of white dahlias. Somehow, he guessed that those were your favorite flowers, and it just made you fall even more in love with him.
It felt like he was in your head. He guessed everything single thing that you wanted when you wanted it— dare you say it, he was your soulmate. You were hopelessly in love with him, and you'd like to think he was hopelessly in love with you, too.
The problems only started when you introduced him to all of your friends. Most of them were really supportive of your relationship with him, but one in particular decided that he shouldn’t be yours— he should be hers.
Over the remaining months of your relationship, you noticed that San was talking to her a little more whenever your friend group and his friend group would hang out, and you would see her whispering things to him.
Then, you would see him on his phone more often. He would interact with her posts on social media more frequently, and he was definitely, definitely, texting her. You never checked San’s phone— you weren’t one to do that— but whenever you would ask him who he was talking to, he would brush it off and say it was no one or that it was nothing.
One day, though, San snapped.
“Why don’t you like it when I hold your hand in public? Why don’t you like it when I give you a hug, or even a kiss on the forehead?! It’s not PDA, or at least not that bad, so what the hell?!”
San grabbed the vase of now dead, black dahlias and smashed it on the ground making you flinch and start crying— he was livid, and it was hurting you deeply.
When you first met him, he always respected your personal boundaries, and if you got too overstimulated or overwhelmed in public, he would lay off. Now, he was completely different.
“What do you mean? I don’t mind when you do those things, San! I just… Sometimes, it’s a little too much—”
“How? It’s literally me holding your fucking hand!” San rarely ever cursed, and he never cursed at you. “How the fuck is that too much?!”
“San, wh—”
“Is it because you think I’m too much? That you’re embarrassed to be with me in public? You don’t want people knowing we’re in a relationship?!”
“What are you talking about?!” you were in tears. “Why would you ever think something like that?!”
“That’s what all your friends seem to think when I talk to them about it! Just admit it— you’re embarrassed that you’re dating someone like me. You don’t love me, and you never did.”
You completely broke at that point. He was baselessly accusing you of things, and you had no idea why.
San didn’t hear you out. He broke up with you, blocked you on everything, and left you brokenhearted and confused as hell. It wasn’t until months later did you and your friends piece everything together— San ended up dating the girl who had her eyes set on him from the moment you introduced him to everyone, and the only way that happened was because she kept telling him lie after lie just to be the one to comfort him and ultimately be the one to date him.
You managed to move on after months of reassurance from your friends and even San’s friends, and just when you finally recovered, you had to run into him.
You had to run into San and the bitch who stole him from you.
Fine, it’s years later, right? You both could be mature adults and just go about your day acting as if you have no prior affiliation with each other; and you chose to be the adult while San looked at you with disdain. Your heart sunk to your feet, and you immediately turned around and left the store before he could undo months worth of healing.
But that one look was enough to unravel you.
If only things hadn’t turned out that way. If only he was still yours. If only he didn’t hate you.
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flower garden masterlist
flower garden taglist: @eyeryis @sinnarols @k-hotchoisan @khjoongie98
networks: @atzhouse @cromernet @cultofdionysusnet
@san-network @newworldnet @wonderlandnet
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glorismorningstar · 2 months
Pairings: Lute x f!reader, Carmilla Carmine x f! situationship!reader, fatherfigure!Alastor x f!reader
Summary: Now that Alastor's back, Y/N joins him at the Overlord meeting, where more information about the recent extermination is revealed. Later, her relationship with Carmilla has an interesting development.
Warnings: WLW, casual relationship, unrequited love, pain, heartbreak, lesbian smut (cw - fingering, oral, mommy kink, strap on, tail pulling), angst, violence, death, homophobia
A/N: I apologise in advance for everything, this part was so deep and interesting to write, contains a lot of character development and each part will contain more drama than the last *cough* episode 6 *cough cough*
| PART 2 // PART 3 // PART 4 |
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"How much higher do you want it?" I ask as my tail wraps around the side of the ladder for balance, hands holding up the banner we made together.
"A little bit more... there,” Charlie says and got up from the other side of the ladder to hammer it down as Vaggie holds the ladder still. "That looks perfect! Aah! I'm so excited that Sir Pentious is staying at the hotel!"
"Um, Pentious was just trying to take over the city with his weird steampunk bullshit a few days ago." Vaggie points out.
"Well, I haven't seen him try any of that in here." Just as Charlie finishes the sentence, Pentious comes in with his Egg Bois, wheeling in something that looks like a cannon, but... fancier. Huh.
"What the Hell is that?”
"Oh, hello, purple female. It's my new invention, the SkinFlayer 11.000!" He hisses proudly, tipping his hat as the eggs chase each other around the room. One of them begins climbing up my tail and I yelp, then chuckled quietly and let him play with the fluffy tuft, swishing it from side to side. “I'm really looking forward to shooting the other residents."
"What? Why?"
"Everyone is being too nice. Obviously it must be a lie. I can sense they are planning to kill me, but when? How? I must be prepared!" Ah, yeah, trust issues. That's a bitch. Been there, currently doing it. “Ooh, the new parts of my machine are here."
I turn to look at the doorway and beam, it was Clara and Odette, Carmilla's daughters. But as expected, they're delivering weapons to Pentious.
Damn it.
"Hello, girls." I smile and trot over to give each of them a hug. I look at the weapons and at Pentious before directing my gaze back to them with a nervous chuckle, “What's going on here?"
"We got a delivery at the Hazbin Hotel. We assumed you'd know something about it." Clara speaks as she unloads the boxes, while Odette asks for the signature. I run a hand over my face and sigh, this is exactly what I was supposed to stop from happening.
"Yeah, so did I." I sigh, burying a hand in my mane and looking at Vaggie with an apologetic grimace.
"Thank you for your business. Enjoy your Carmine purchase."
"Carmine? As in Carmilla Carmine? You're buying parts from an Overlord?"
"So, Y/N, are you coming to the meeting today?" Clara asks me. Since Alastor is back, I don't know how much he'd need my help, but then again, I wouldn't mind. It's not like I have a lot to do right now anyway.
"Uh, yeah, yeah, I am. Tell your mother I said hi."
As soon as they leave, I redirect my attention to the Egg Bois playing with my tail. Apparently some others joined in while I was talking to Carmilla's daughters and began following me everywhere. I giggle and wag my tail for them to chase, leaping around the room and being extra careful not to squish them. One of them catches my tail and I smile, swishing it to curl around my hip so that I can look at the Egg properly. "Hello, little one. Do you have a name?”
"It's Frank, ma'am." The little creature says in a silly, goofy voice, which makes me giggle and shake his hand with my finger.
"My name is Y/N.” I introduce myself with a smile, eyes sparkling with cuteness overload when he grabs my finger.
"Hello, Y/N!"
"You absolutely cannot build weapons in this Hotel. No one wants to kill you. People are being nice to you because they want you to feel welcome!" Vaggie lectures with a raised finger. She gives off mom energy, I bet she and Charlie would make great parents one day.
Both Sir Pentious and I turn to look at the other members of the group: Husk is chugging on a bottle of booze in the bar and peeks at the serpent, then extends his middle finger; Angel Dust does the same, and Nifty stops her dusting to look in our direction with a creepy look that terrifies me to my very soul. And don't get me started on Alastor.
"Mhm, I have my doubts." Pentious hisses.
"Well, it's true. You have to trust us." Trust is a tricky thing. It's not easy to do so again after misplacing it so many times. Surprisingly, the one that taught me that was Sera. She first betrayed my trust when she agreed to punish Lucifer; she's the one in charge, the one that's supposed to preach forgiveness and generosity, yet she destroyed the life of a man that grew up with me - with us. The second time was when she approved the extermination. She'd be willing to murder human souls, men, women, children, all in an attempt to protect us? From what? And worse, she's the reason Lute puts herself in such danger by coming down here every year.
I don't know why I hide from her every extermination day. To be fair, I'm hiding
from them, not her. Adam, that frat boy of a commander, Celeste, that coward that resorted to homophobia when her tiny peanut brain couldn't come up with a comeback, and of course, all of her posse that tore my wings off and threw me down here... ugh, stop. I don't even have the courage to face my girlfriend now. She's an exorcist angel, she murders the damned for a living. What would she think of me if the sweet, (somewhat) well behaved girl she fell in love with became... this? A sinner.
I think that's why I never contacted Lucifer or Vaggie when I first got here. Lucifer is my childhood best friend, my partner-in-crime, and when he fell, I was far beyond devastated. I didn't know what I'd do without him, he's almost like my brother. We'd sneak out of the palace past curfew and get in trouble all the time. I tried everything to keep him from falling and I failed. I just don't think I'd have the courage to face him. And it's the same with Vaggie. We used to be friends when she first joined the army and got pretty close, and then I lost her, too. I ended up coming in contact with her when Alastor dragged me here, but I was still scared to death.
"Hey, Y/N, are you joining us for trust exercises today?" Charlie asks with a grin and slings an arm around my shoulder, which brings a smile to my face. She's Lucifer's daughter. My dearest friend's daughter. I'm so proud of her.
"As much as I'd like to solve my trust issues, I have a meeting to attend, dear.” I reply and ruffle her hair affectionately, chuckling softly and fixing my black and purple bow tie before walking upstairs to go get Alastor and leave.
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Rosie and the other Overlords are already there when Alastor, Zestial and I get to the meeting room. The first thing I do is lock eyes with Carmilla: there she stands, at the head of the table and with her daughters on either side of her. She flashes me a small smile from across the room, which I reciprocate and also give her a small wave. She chuckles quietly and returns the gesture, the affectionate glint in her eyes making my cheeks go pink as my ears pin back against my head in shyness. I smile at her once more before looking for a seat. I was hoping to sit next to Alastor, as usual, but he and Rosie must have lots of catching up to do, so I leave them be and opt for the other side of the table. The first chairs next to the head of the table are her daughters’, so I leave Clara her seat and begin to pull out the chair beside her. That's when I feel a big hand on my shoulder and immediately recognize it as Carmilla, her touches always feel like a wider than usual span of warmth. My ears perk up at the contact and at the sound of her angelic steel ballet slippers clicking on the floor and I smile at her once again. The Overlord rests her other hand on a fancier chair to the right of her own spot and offers, “You can sit here if you want.”
There are only two chairs like these in the room, one on either side of her. The left one is normally occupied by Zestial, with whom she's really close, and she's offering me the other seat. Me. She wants me to sit with her and her family. My heart swells and my pupils soften even further, now looking like the sweetest kitten ever. “Really?”
“Mhm. Come, corazón, we're about to begin.” She replies quietly and gently pulls me along, letting me sit on the chair beside her as she prepares to start the meeting. While our situationship isn't some big secret, she doesn't like public displays of affection very much. She says she's afraid of making me a target and wants to protect me - the irony of my secret draws out bitterness from me. Regardless, her habit of calling me by my term of endearment in her native language fails to falter, which is why she kept her voice down while talking to me.
“Welcome, Hell sovereign Overlords.” Carmilla begins as I take my seat, silencing the quiet chatter of the other Overlords. The soft and familiar metal clicking of her ballet slippers soothes me, my ears twitching towards the sound each time she takes a step. “I've invited you all here because you represent the controlling powers of our city. Together, you own millions of souls.”
I watch her with a relatively neutral expression from beside her, curious eyes veiling the silent admiration underneath. I don't know what's wrong with me sometimes, she's wonderful. I've struggled to connect with her in the past outside of sexual encounters, and I have no idea why. It's not even her issue, it's mine. I'd never want a relationship that's just physical, it's outside of my comfort zone… but then again, so is being with someone like this. Physical, yes, but the emotional side of our relationship is just hard for me. I guess I was so convinced I'd spend eternity with Lute for more than thirty years that I struggle with the fact that it won't come true. I know that the other day she was about to ask me to be her girlfriend before we got interrupted, but subconsciously, a part of me was almost… relieved she didn't? Ugh, what is wrong with me?
“Alastor?” The call of his name snaps me out of my train of thought, attention shifting to my father figure as my ears perk up once again. I don't have parents. My father is technically God because he created me, but I've never met him, and while Sera raised me and was sort of a maternal figure to me, she's my older sister - with whom I have numerous issues - I was never able to make that strong of a bond with her as I did with Emily. So I guess that's why I'm so attached to Alastor and Rosie.
“Yes, I know, I've been absent some time. I'm sure you've all been wondering.” He replies and I roll my eyes with fondness. I know for sure he was trying to look mysterious by planting Carmilla the opportunity to ask questions only to give her a vague answer. The poor dear.
“Not really. But welcome back in any case.” The small angry radio noises almost draw a snicker from me. He looks so annoyed right now. Poor guy, she could have humored him, at least. 
With a snap of her fingers, Odette hands her a clipboard and she turns on the presentation as Carmilla keeps speaking. “This year's extermination was brutal, far more even than years past. We have assessed that about 16% of the population was lost. With the angelic legions now returning twice as quickly, I think it prudent we-”
I jump in my seat for a split second when the door slams open and I roll my eyes at the obnoxious, thickly accented voice chattering on the phone, suppressing an annoyed growl. 
Oh, fuck me.
It's Velvette. She appears to be on the phone with one of her dear, dear colleagues - who are technically supposed to be here, for the record. “I've got it handled, Vox. Are you doubting me? Really? Me? That's what I thought.”
I hate to say it, but out of the three Vees, she's the most responsible. No, less worse would be a better suited definition. Between a porn director, the host of a video podcast that brainwashes people into doing his bidding and a fun-sized influencer, I guess I'd have to go with the latter. But that doesn't make her any less annoying. “Yes, I know. They're all a joke.”
The annoyance and contempt on the three Carmines’ faces is mirrored in my own as well as Zestial's. My ears pin back against my head at the insult, not for myself, but for the others. She's like a fussy child. And Carmilla less than deserves this bullshit at her own meeting. “Thank you, V. See you soon. Kisses, darling.”
I smell lesbian.
“Nice of you to join us, Velvette. Will your… colleagues be joining?” The sincerity in her tone is completely lost and with reason. I can sense it in the way she emphasizes the word colleagues and how the deprecation she feels is written all over her face, regardless of how much she tries to appear professional.
Oh, say no, say no, say no…
“No. They have better shit to do than to listen to an old windbag who thinks she's tough shit. I'm here to represent.” And so it begins. While Carmilla only narrows her eyes at the jab, I'm not that graceful when my loved ones are offended. My ears draw back and my tail sways behind me as I bare my teeth, pupils slitting while a soft growl rumbles from my throat. It's barely noticeable, but not to someone right beside me. 
“Charming.” She mutters as she turns around, taking advantage of the fact that the table is tall enough to conceal her hands and brushing the back of her fingers along my arm in a gentle, soothing caress, which brings a flutter to my stomach as my posture relaxes. My ears and tail return to their usual position and my pupils soften once again, but the protective pout on my lips remains. No one fucks with my loved ones.
“So, as I was saying, we need to discuss-” Carmilla begins once again, but is interrupted by Velvette waving her hand once again. Ugh. “Yes?”
“On the subject of discussion…” she begins, then pulls something from out of nowhere and throws it on the table, golden splashes splattering on the surface.
It's an exorcist's head.
While a collective gasp rises from the group, a shuddering exhale falls from my parted lips as my eyes land on the severed head of the angel, ears drooping and eyes wide with terror. Exorcists… they can die? Oh, no, no, no, no… what about Lute? Is she safe? Who did this? How did they do this? 
Wait, I know that mask. 
She was a member of Celeste's posse.
One of Celeste's buddies was murdered? 
I remember them. Celeste is a sergeant in the exorcist army, above the other soldiers but below Lute. The rest of her posse is only made of soldiers and they're all kinds of trouble, but one of their worst faults is homophobia. 
“Do you take medicine for homosexuality?” 
“What kind of a Seraph are you, tempted by something so unholy?”
“You and Lute have been getting really close lately.”
“It's just some trend, it's not real. You're just pretending.”
“I wonder what you call the lieutenant when you're alone…” 
The very thought makes my skin crawl. One time, Lute started a fight with them because they wouldn't stop insulting me. Luckily, Adam was smart enough to break it up, which I only think he did because Lute was involved, otherwise he would have been thrilled. Lute ended up with a broken wing while Celeste had multiple bruises and a broken nose. No one had ever defended me that fiercely before.
“Where did you get this?” Carmilla isn't nearly as appalled as I thought she would be. She looks somewhere between surprised and frustrated, yet at the same time neither. I can't tell what she's thinking right now, what she's doing. Her posture looks more tense than before, her eyes narrowed and her white irises smaller, more slitted. Her daughters appear far more surprised, but not as much as I expected two young adults to be either. Did I miss something?
“We found it during extermination day. If these holy rollers can be killed, the game has changed. We can take the fight to them.” Absolutely not. Declaring war on the Heavens is about the dumbest idea I can possibly think of, not only because I want to protect my family and loved ones, but because this happened once before, and it's the reason the extermination even exists. Well, that and that man child Adam and Sera with her power and her lack of moral compass. “The boys and I have come up with a full assault plan-”
Her suggestions are interrupted by Zestial and his aggressive slurping on that cup of tea. The sound, annoying but not as much as Velvette's voice, drags on for a few seconds as the room falls silent. The Overlord then puts the cup down on the saucer and interweaves his hands together, then speaks, “If it be true thee and thy colleagues desire to war with such meager proof, thou art far more foolish than I be thought.”
“Meager proof? It's a dead fucking exorcist. I'd say that's pretty fucking definitive.” She scoffs. It's good to see that Zestial and I are on the same page, all I need to do is get the others on our side, too. “You going blind, old man?”
“We know not how this perished, mayhaps t'was not by a demon's hand at all. If we rush to war without knowing, mightn't they purge all of Hell for daring an uprising?” 
“I agree with Zestial. If I recall correctly, the very reason the Heavens approved the yearly exorcism is to punish the population of Hell for attempting a coup d'etat. This can only make things worse.” 
The soft muttering of agreement that rises from the room is my greatest victory of the day. I think of Sera and what loads she bears on her own, regardless of how angry I am at her, I think of young, naive little Emily and how she still thinks that Heaven is perfect, I think of Lute and her safety and her happiness, despite believing that she's probably already moved on. I wouldn't blame her if she has, it's been twenty seven years, but her wellbeing will always be my priority.
My eyes flicker to Carmilla and now I'm sure something's up. She hasn't pitched in with any opinion on this, she didn't look shaken in the slightest when the other Overlord revealed the severed head, and now she looks like she's hiding something. Her eyes are squinted and she's looking to the side with a small pout on her lips, likely lost in her thoughts. Is there a secret afoot? When she meets my gaze, I look at her with soft, gentle eyes and make a soft quizzical noise just loud enough for her to hear, something between a grunt and a purr. What surprises me most, however, is how a flash of guilt appears in her eyes before she schools her expression once again and adverts her eyes from me. It was her, wasn't she? I'm not angry at her for killing the angel, because I'm sure she has a reasonable explanation for that. She's not the type to act on impulse or violence unless it's a last resort. But it just bothers me a bit that she didn't talk to me about this - not that I'm in a position to judge, anyway - but I was hoping she'd trust me with something like this.
My eyes flit back to Velvette just in time to notice the look on her face when she sees Carmilla acting odd, and that's exactly what makes me tense up with protectivity again. “Oh, I get it. So grandpa and the scaredy cat are too pussy to fight, so I guess there's no point, right?”
Then she gets up in Zestial's face to attack him, which annoys me even further. And why does she have to step on the table? She might be small, but that's so rude. “What's the matter, fossil? Too senile to make a real power grab for-”
♪ You better show some respect 
Check your behavior 
No one speaks to Zestial that way ♪
Carmilla has never snapped once in the entire time I've known her. I'd say it's not a good look on her but I'd be completely lying if I did, because she looks so unbelievably attractive. Oh, my God, how did I ever pull a woman like her? She's just so… ugh. She's strong and dominant and gorgeous. I want to fling myself into the sun right now and I'm pretty sure I'm blushing. I'm having a lesbian panic in the middle of the most serious meeting of my life and the small familiar tingle between my legs isn't helping much either. Okay, this is not good. Alright, do something normal. I cross my legs to shift my position while trying to soothe some of the heat between my thighs by subtly squeezing them together, then rub my jaw with my hand to cover up the soft pink color rushing to my cheeks.
♪ Did you expect us
To sit back and take your 
Insolent, brazen display? ♪
I don't even pretend I'm paying attention to what Velvette is saying, because why would I listen to some British chippy when I can daydream about my girlfriend? The way she defends me and Zestial makes her look so hot. She has that determined pout and that protective glare in her scarlet eyes… I swear that sometimes it's like she doesn't even know how gorgeous she is. Somehow, our first kiss comes to mind.
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This meeting was longer than expected. I've been sitting in this chair for almost two hours and my ass is square. I get up and lean back against the back support of the chair, my vertebrae cracking with a satisfying pop. I hear her soft chuckle and my ears perk up at the sound, so gentle and brief yet meaningful to my ears. The other Overlords already left, it's just the two of us and I have to put my paperwork in order because it was a little disorganized today. “Do you need help with that?”
“Oh, no, that's okay. Don't trouble yourself.” I say with a casual wave of the hand and a small smile, endeared by her kindness. She's sweet, I like that. 
“Ah, it's no trouble.” Carmilla replies, moving to stand beside me as she joins me in fumbling with the messy paper sheets. She's pretty close to me, and she's actually like eight feet tall which is so hot and only serves to thicken the tension simmering between us. My ears go flat against my head every time my tiny hands brush against her bigger ones and sparks shoot up my body and heart. I haven't felt like this in a long, long while. It's almost been thirty years, yet I'm still grieving a life I'm never going to have with a woman I'm never going to see again. I've dated Lute for so long, long enough to still own the engagement ring I bought her before I fell. It's damn time I move on, I bet she already has years ago.
“Here.” My thoughts are interrupted when she hands me half the handful of papers. Oh, thank god. 
“Oh- thank you.” I reply and smile softly at her, tail wagging behind me as I take the papers and rest them atop the other half of the pile. The silence is almost deafening, begging to be broken as our eyes meet once again. The glow of her ruby sclerae has me entranced for a few moment, my own pupils dilating with awe and attraction as my ears pin back against my head once again. She looks so pretty right now.
I swallow thickly and clear my throat, wussing out as I scratch the back of my neck and point to the doorway and take a few nervous steps forward, “I should- um-” For fuck's sake, why don't I want to be with her? What's wrong with me? I know I'm sexually attracted to her, but it can't be just that, can it? I'm incapable of having purely physical relationships. I do feel affection for her, I genuinely do, but it's not as… strong as I would have hoped. Even so, this is the most attracted I've been to someone in the last twenty-seven years. I hear the metal clinking of her shoes and her hand around my wrist stops me. “Y/N, hang on.” 
“Would it…” she begins, pausing for a moment to collect her thoughts. The fact that she might have doubts, too, comforts me greatly. It doesn't have to be a serious thing so fast, right? “Would it be okay if I kissed you?”
She's asking me for consent. That makes my stomach flutter with butterflies. I look up at her with puppy eyes and nod, ears drawing back in fluster. “Yeah. Yeah, it would.”
In account of our height difference, I get on my tip toes and she tilts her head down, hand cupping my face before she gently locks lips with me. The kiss is soft, tentative, and I can sense she hasn't done this in a while either. Since she has two daughters and a company, she probably doesn't have much time for a relationship, which is cool because to be honest, casual is the best I can do right now. My tail swishes up to rest on her waist and I feel the shiver that runs up her spine when the fluffy brown tuft brushes against her lower back. When we pull back, our cheeks are flushed and her eyes are still closed for a second longer than mine. “That was nice.”
“Yeah… it was.” 
There's a moment of pause where we're just looking in each other's eyes, and then in a split second, like magnets attracting each other with unbelievable force, we lunge at each other until our lips collide, this time more aggressively as our tongues slide against each other and a few soft noises escape both of us. 
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♪ You and the Vees are inane and uninformed 
Smug wannabes who don't need when you've been warned ♪
Her voice pulls me from my thoughts once again and my focus zeroes back in on the meeting, ears once again pulling back at how beautiful she looks. I love how the black and white strands of hair flop and curl over her forehead like that. It looks so cute.
♪ Oops, did I strike a nerve? 
‘Cause when I brought out the angel's head
Couldn't help but observe
That your wrinkled face was turning red ♪
The way Velvette keeps attacking Carmilla like that makes my blood boil. Does she have any idea what kind of allegation this is - regardless of whether or not it's true? It's really grave to accuse someone of murdering an angel, and an Overlord no less. I hate the way she's getting under her skin. I see how her teeth are gritted and her nails dig into the table, the way her glare is piercing and frustrated, how her body almost twitches. It makes my ears droop with sadness, yet they pull back immediately when Velvette starts getting closer. My posture tenses and my tail stiffens with each step forward she takes, teeth baring as well as my pupils slit once again.
♪ And why are you avoiding war? 
That's what the guns you sell are for
Thanks to my being respectless 
One thing I'm starting to suspect is
You know why this angel's headless
Do you have a disclosure? ♪
♪ This meeting's over! ♪
While the two are standing nose to nose, the rest of the Overlords and I are just giving dead stares and grimaces, the pause giving way to an awkward silence as my eyes seem unable to break off from Carmilla, who has genuinely never looked so hot before. Okay, stop it. Not the time. “Hmm, fine. Safe travel back to the nursing home, fuckers. Kiss my ass.”
“What the hell? We literally just got here.”
“Mother?” Odette utters softly, and Carmilla gestures for us to follow her in response. 
The three of us follow her to her office and the girls sit on the two chairs in front of her desk while I lean against the wall beside the windows and the coffee table, watching with a small frown as Carmilla mutters something in Spanish and pours herself a drink, but then ends up drinking from the bottle. I rest a hand on her arm and look at her with big puppy eyes, noticing how she seems to relax a bit under my touch, and a weak smile appears on her face. “You okay?”
“Fine.” She replies softly and caresses my cheek with her hand for a second before letting it drop to her side, but we both know that she's not fine. As a rattling sound that we recognize as Zestial makes us turn our heads to the door, watching him come into the room. 
“Carmilla, what troubles thou? Losing thy composure is unlike thee.” 
“It's nothing, Zestial, really.” 
“The felled angel… t'was by thy hand, was it not?”
“Let's not talk about it.” I'm looking at her intently enough to see the same flicker of guilt that passed through her eyes when it was brought up in the meeting and I wordlessly questioned her about it. Whether it's guilt for murdering a soul or keeping this from Zestial and I, I'm not sure, but I don't get why she'd keep this to herself. She could have told me, I would have helped her.
“Mom… maybe they should know.” Clara says gently, which makes my ears twitch in her direction. The three of them know what happened, but we don't.
“Nobody should know!” Carmilla says, slamming her palms on the desk and taking her seat. Whatever happened, it sounds like it's something that's taking quite a toll on her. My ears droop at the thought. She doesn't have to go through it all on her own, she's got us. “I did what I had to do. I'm not discussing this.”
I want to go over there and comfort her, I really do, but maybe I should let them have a moment. They're a family, after all, and had she not invited me in, I would have either stayed outside or gone back to the hotel. 
♪ What weighs on your soul, old friend? 
I implore you to share the load
If it was thou who slew the angel
Why not let your strength be known? ♪
I'm not sure why I'm frustrated with her keeping this from me. I have no right to be, anyway, and for a series of reasons. First off, I'm keeping a gigantic secret from her myself, most definitely bigger than hers. And second, we have a more casual relationship, we're not even girlfriends yet, I can't really expect her to be comfortable sharing this with me. But I guess I'm upset I didn't know sooner because this is about my home, my loved ones. This is a risk to them, and I'd give anything for them to be safe.
♪ I always thought 
That I would keep blood off my face
But when that thing attacked
I had to act
To cross that line and keep them safe ♪
She killed in self defense. That's completely reasonable. She killed to protect her daughters. But they were out on extermination day alone? Why didn't they call me for help? I would have gone down there in the chaos if it meant protecting them. I would have risked being found out if it meant protecting them. But one thing I dislike is how angels are dehumanized here. It's like we're animals to them, which from their point of view is fair, but not all angels are like that. The exorcists might be, but not all of them. Not all of us.
♪ But if anyone knew
Then all of hell would rise to war
And who's to say who'd survive the fray? 
I might lose the ones I was killing for ♪
♪ So I
I'll be your keeper
Do whatever it takes
I'll make the mistakes
I'll keep you safe and keep this secret ♪
The way she hugs her daughters, the way they look up at her with affection and gratitude, it makes my heart warm as a smile comes to my lips. And the fact that she lifts her head to look at me for a moment during that last sentence makes me feel so cared for, even just for a second.
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It doesn't take long for us to find refuge in her room, all alone and under the cozy lighting of the evening. Because the girls are out for the night, Carmilla seems to feel much more loose and free with her movements and actions, testified by how she pulls me in for a kiss milliseconds after I close the door behind us. My hands fly to her cheeks and I get on my tiptoes to reciprocate the kiss better, squeaking in surprise when she picks me up and carries me to the bed. She breaks the kiss and sets me down on the mattress, then sits beside me and kicks off her ballet slippers. I do the same with my own shoes and crawl to sit behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist and giving her a gentle squeeze as I litter kisses on her bare shoulders. I can feel the tension leaving her body when I hug her, then nuzzle my nose into the crook of her neck and give it a gentle bite before trailing kisses up the side of her neck and under her ear, using my tail to tease her by looping it around her side and tickling her chin with the tuft. “You need some help distracting yourself, cielo?”
“Mhm, is that okay?” She replies softly, hands undoing the neatly tied up hair to let it down. The sweet scent of her perfume and shampoo almost makes me dizzy as the black and white waterfall cascades beside me, nose nuzzling into the soft fluffy hair as I inhale its smell with a sigh. 
“Of course it's okay. Just lie down for me, yeah? I'll take care of you, hermosa.” I purr as she obeys and lies back on the bed for me. My terms of endearment for her used to be in English before I asked her to teach me some in Spanish. I knew a few already, but I wanted her to tell me which ones she likes, and after I gained more confidence with the words, I started calling her those - and a few of my own as well.
I crawl on top of her and pull her in for another kiss, hands roaming up and down her sides before beginning to fiddle with the buttons on her shirt. My lips trail down her jaw, neck and collarbone as I undo the last button without looking, relying only on familiarity and basking in the soft sighs of pleasure that she lets out at my soft kissing and nipping. I lift her shirt over her head and smile down at her, connecting our lips once more as my hands gently cup her breasts. She gasps softly into my mouth at the contact and I feel her chest rising and falling under my touch, her breaths soft and slowly increasing in speed. I break the kiss to attach my lips to her nipple and swirl my tongue around it before lapping at it, relishing in the soft moans that escape her mouth. Her hands rest at the base of my neck as her head leans back against the pillow, the warmth of her touch giving me the urge to pleasure her right. The touch of her hands on either side of my neck feels familiar, it reminds me of-
No, don't you fucking dare.
I open my eyes to meet her ruby ones and focus on her face, contorting with pleasure when I switch my mouth to her other breast. “Mhm- ahh, Y/N…” 
Sliding between her spread legs, I make a trail of kisses down her stomach until I reach the waistband of her spiked skirt, then pull it down her legs along with her black pantyhose. The sight of the glistening precum between her legs makes me shiver, pupils dilating with hunger before I delve my tongue into her folds, tail stiffening at the taste. My ears twitch at the wonderful sound of the sharper moan that falls from her lips at the pleasure and her fingers tangle into my mane, tugging and ruffling at the golden tuft as she grinds her pussy on my face to look for further stimulation. Her back arches off the mattress when I wrap my lips around her sensitive clit and gently suck on it, her louder mewls sending waves of arousal to my pulsating core. “Oh, fuck… oh, that's good, amor, don't stop…”
I'm not even planning to. 
To make the sensations even more intense, I tease a finger to her entrance before sliding it inside, stomach flipping as her tight walls clench around my digit. She moans my name with a gasp, squirming on the bed as her hand reaches for mine and clasps it tightly. I remember how Lute started doing that once she got more comfortable, letting the roughness and passion give say to more tender moments once in a while. 
No, wait, what am I doing? 
Stop. Now. 
Don't do that. It can never end well. 
I stick another digit inside her and push both of them deeper, the pads of my fingers hitting the spongy spot that makes her body arch as she lets out a loud cry of blissful pleasure and her fingers tighten in my mane. “I'm almost there, almost- ah, fuck…!”
To help her get there, I piston my fingers inside her with more force and let go of her hand to rub circles on her clit, giving it a gentle smack and watching as she comes undone. The way her hand claws at the bed sheets, the arch of her back, her face contorted with white-hot pleasure as her moaning turns slightly higher in pitch. 
As soon as she relaxes on the bed, I crawl up to her and kiss her on the lips, then leave gentle kisses on her temple and cheek, soft purrs escaping me as my hand brushes away the hair sticking to her forehead. “Better, mi ninfa?”
She smiles at me and chuckles softly, nodding as she wraps her arms around me and brushes my mane back into place with her fingers, “Much better. But now it's your turn, come here.”
“Hey, come on, you don't have to. You had a long day, just have some rest.” I coo, kissing her forehead and caressing her cheek. She must be tired out from the meeting and the stress and all. Or maybe we should stop before I do or say something stupid and fuck this up.
“I'm not tired, I can take another round.” She replies and sits up on her elbows, looking at me with a little smirk. I know that face, she's up to something. She's not at all shy when it comes to trying new things in bed, but as it turns out, it's something I've tried before. Her hand reaches into her drawer for something that I assume is a toy but when I see it, my ears and tail perk up in recognition. Is that a strap? “Do you wanna try this?”
The first time I tried this was with Lute, and pretty early on in our relationship. She'd fuck me with it as often as she could, she'd always put aside a bit of time every day just to rail me, and man, did we get noise complaints from her neighbors. “Yeah, why not?”
She smiles and gives me a quick peck on the lips, then we switch places and she starts putting on the strap while I undo my bow tie and take off the rest of my clothes. Once I'm laid out on the bed and bare before her, she lies on top of me and bends down to capture my lips in a passionate kiss while she teases the tip to my entrance. The familiar sensation draws a small gasp from me, letting out a softer moan as she starts to push it further inside. More moans and babbles fall from my lips at the familiarity of being half-filled like this, panting and whimpering out, “M- More… please, more- ahh…”
Carmilla chuckles and rests a hand on my lower stomach for leverage as she bottoms out, pausing to wait for my go ahead. Shit, I forgot how good this feels. I give her a weak nod and let my head lull back against the pillow, eyes fluttering shut as I wrap my legs around her and lock my ankles on her lower back. My head becomes a bit fuzzy with the intense sensations that are only enhanced when she snaps her hips forward and back before bottoming out again, setting a slow and gentle pace. A string of moans, whines and curses spills from my lips as my hands grip the bed sheets tightly, a bead of sweat trickling down my temple, “Please… please, harder… mommy, please…”
The word makes her stop for a moment, my confused eyes meeting her lust-blown ones before I realize what I just called her.
Damn it.
“What did you just call me?”
“Mommy- mmph!”
Before I can even finish speaking, she pulls out and manhandles me onto my stomach, this time intruding my pussy with much more haste and aggressively pounding me from behind. I've never seen her like this, so animalistic, so rough. Her hands gripping my hips, the sound of our skin slapping together, the tip of the plastic dick hitting just the right spot each time with flawless precision, it all makes them blur together. The mental image of her porcelain skin and her snowy white hair bouncing above her shoulders, her golden eyes flashing with desire and adoration, the warmth of her body, muscular and delicate at the same time intrudes my mind at the best yet worst of times and it's too clear to get it out. It's her flawless hips and her calloused hands gripping me when she fucks me, it's her wings unfurling and flapping with the effort, it's her lips leaving hickeys on my shoulder when I cry tears of overstimulation. And with an unexpected rough pull of my tail, a high-pitched moan is ripped from my throat as the orgasm washes over me like a tidal wave and I cry out,
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God, what the hell did I just do?!
I said Lute.
I cried out another woman's name during sex.
“Carmilla, wait-” I begin as I button up my shirt with haste, following her out into the hall of the mansion and reaching out to touch her arm. I knew there was nothing I could say to make her feel better, but I had to try.
"Don't." She warns, hurt etched across her face, which made me retract my hand, ears drooping with resignation. It breaks my heart to see her like this. Damn it, I screwed this up forever. How could I have been so dumb? “I've always known you had issues, but if you were in love with someone else, why didn't you end things with me?"
"I- I didn't even know, I-” I sigh mid-sentence, tears stinging my eyes. How would I even explain this to her? “Look, it's... complicated. I used to date this person 30 years ago, and now she thinks I'm dead. I just- I saw her by accident last week, and it just came crashing back."
"She thinks you're what? I don't understand...” she squints her eyes, hands on her hips as she gazes at me with bewilderment. I can't tell this to her, it's too risky.
"It's really complicated, just drop it." I say and turn away for a moment, taking a few steps down the hallway. I can't tell her, what's the point anyway? You can't change the past. It's not going to change anything, and most definitely not for the better. It's going to kill our relationship. No, no, I can't lose another person. She's the only one that affirms me and is there for me at any moment of need. And I just hurt her feelings.
Carmilla grabs my wrist to stop me, crimson eyes flashing with heartbreak, bafflement and something akin to anger. I don't blame her, I never could, to be honest. I'd hate me, too. "Y/ N, you just called me another woman's name while we were having sex. I deserve to know about her."
"It's better for the both of us if you don't know."
"Y/N, just talk to me!"
"No!" I swiftly turn around and snap at her, ripping my hand from her grip. A soft slicing noise and a pang of pain drags across the back of my hand and I cry out, covering the wound with my other hand while my entire face pales.
Oh, shit.
My blood.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, fuck, no, this cannot be happening to me!
It's over, the relationship is definitely over now.
Carmilla gasps and looks at the angelic blades on the wall, the distress in her eyes mellowing into concern. That sends a stab of guilt in my heart. She's angry with me but she still cares about me enough to worry when I'm in pain. God, she's going to loathe me if she sees. She reaches her big, soft hand out and murmurs a gentle, "Let me see.”
"No, it's fine. I'm fine." I flinch back like a startled cub and hold my hand close to my chest, terrified of her seeing the golden blood. I hate this. I hate this so, so, so, so much.
"Y/N, that's a dangerous weapon. Let me see the wound." She presses, gently gripping my forearm and trying to pry it away from my chest, to which I apply resistance and take a few wobbly steps back as my tail tucks between my legs. She can't know, she just can't. She'll turn away from me forever. She wouldn't be wrong in doing so, but I would be shattered if she did.
"No, please don't."
She pulls my hand from my chest and her scarlet eyes land on the golden liquid cascading down my hand, beautiful face morphing into an expression I hate with every fiber of my being. Pain, confusion, betrayal, fear. The way her eyes drop, the way her eyebrows crease, the way her lips part with shock. The color drains from my skin and my eyes fill with tears, choosing to stay silent for now. Her mouth opens and closes repeatedly, she has no idea what to say. And what can she say? What do you say when the person you're dating lies about where they come from?
I stifle a sob and wait for her to say something, anything. What is there to say? I might not be able to take this much longer. 
God, I just want to vanish right now. My legs, arms and body tremble violently as I struggle to make eye contact with her, shifting the muscles in my back to wrap my wings around myself... except I don't have wings anymore. "You... you're an angel...?"
"I used to be." I reply, sniffing softly and roughly wiping the tears from my eyes, angry at myself for letting them fall, for not watching myself with the weapon, for letting Lute's name slip.
"You're no exorcist. You can't even touch a weapon." She thinks aloud, slightly shaky from the shock. I don't want to tell her more about my past, but am I really in the position to ask her for favors? I lied to her, I broke her heart, I didn't treat her right, I never did. This is less than fair to her. "What are you, then? Archangel?"
"Seraph." I sigh, ears drooping as I look up at her like a cub that's been kicked, but not to try to sway her or get my way. I don't even know what my way would be. To be honest, I'm just hoping she won't leave, but at this point, even that seems like too much to ask for.
When did things get so complicated?
A breath of disbelief puffs from her lips and she runs a hand through her hair, trying to make sense of the situation. I can't even begin to imagine the thoughts running through her head right now, the questions she must have, the pain she must be in. "That glow you have, how you're never around after extermination day... those six... bumps on your back...”
I sniff and look to the side in shame, shrinking myself into my shoulders as if to hide myself from her. I tried to protect my family, I tried to protect the love of my life, my philtatē, and failed so horribly. I got my wings torn off my back, I got ruined for it. A Seraph whose family didn't even know where she was. But she thinks I'm a bad angel. An evil one that just cares about herself.
“And Lute... as in Adam's second-in-command Lute?" She asks, tears beading up in the corners of her eyes as she came to so many realizations. My ears go flat against my head as I force myself to look her in the eyes. It's the least she deserves. "You dated the lieutenant of the exorcist army?"
"Yeah... yeah, that's her.” I breathe, brushing the tears off my face and forcing myself to come to terms with it. The connection I had with Lute is unlike anything I've had in more than four billion years. The things I'd do to make her happy, to keep her safe and well. I'd give anything to be able to spend the rest of my life with her and give her anything that would make her happy... but it's not the life we're meant to have. And because of some stupid dream I built up in my head that's destined to go unfulfilled, I hurt a person that actually wants me and cares about me. I took her for granted and hurt her feelings.
"Were you ever going to tell me about all this?" She asks as tears bead up in the corners of her eyes. Why did I have to go and make her face look like that?
"Yes! Of course I was..."
"Ugh! I can't believe you!" She groans and whips around to walk down the hallway and I dash to follow after her, reflexively reaching out for her wrist, but then I stop and let my hand drop to my side. She doesn't want me to touch her.
“You want to talk about keeping secrets? What about the exorcist you killed?” I reply, my own frustrations bleeding through the argument as my ears draw back. I'm completely in the wrong and I know it, but the stubborn part of me can't help but want to argue with her. Good going, dipshit.
“Oh, please, don't even pretend you care about us. I saw the look on your face when you saw the angel's head. I know you recognized her, and I know you only care because you're selfish!” She yells back, pointing a finger to my chest, and glaring down at me with a venom that makes my stomach churn, but the accusation makes me so much angrier. 
Selfish? I severed my bond with my older sister in an attempt to protect Lucifer and then lost it altogether when I tried to clean up her mess. I tried to do the right thing and protect my baby sister, to protect the woman I love from this crackpot idea that all sinners should die, and instead I lose everything I ever cared about. She doesn't truly know what selfish means if she's got the gall to call me that. “Selfish?! Is that what you think?!”
“Yes, that's precisely what I think!”
I take a few steps closer to her to stand almost a breath away, close enough to speak right in her face, and grit out, “If I were truly as selfish and petty as you think, I would have been grateful to see that bitch's head on your table, because her and her buddies are the reason I couldn't show my face anywhere near the army for being queer. That woman held me down while the other ones ripped out my wings. They're homophobic assholes who deserve to die, but I wasn't thinking of them, I was thinking about my family. I have people I'd die for, too - because I did - so don't lecture me about selfishness and secrecy when you don't know anything about me and especially when you did the exact same thing.”
I don't like talking about these things, in fact I hate to do so, and I can't believe that the first time I'm opening up to her is to win an argument. While I was defending myself, I didn't even realize when tears started streaming down my face, but I can feel my cheeks wetting now. I hate this so much. How did I even get in this situation in the first place? It could be so much simpler if I'd just done so many things differently. But you can't change the past.
“You're right. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that.” She seems to have deflated a lot, despite her posture still being tense. She genuinely regrets calling me selfish, I can see it in her eyes, but she's still really angry with me, and I honestly don't blame her. “But that still doesn't justify the fact that you called me another woman's name. If I'm not your person, that's fine, but you shouldn't have led me on like that!”
"Carmilla, listen, no one hates me more than I do right now-"
"Are you so sure about that?"
I grimace and my ears go flat against my head. That stings, but I had it coming. The way she turns around with crossed arms and looks down at me with that sneer of resentment, that quirked eyebrow and that expression of disgust, I never thought it would be directed at me. On second thought, she probably didn't either.
"You're right. I'm completely in the wrong, and I'm not trying to justify myself. No one hates me more than I do except for you. I wanted to tell you, I honestly did, but I was scared of this. I was scared you'd hate me and push me away. I was hung up on my dumb feelings and didn't take you seriously when you were the only one to care about me - and I know I have no right to say this, but I care about you, too - and I'm so, so, so sorry for doing this to you." I want to comfort her so much, to wipe her tears and reassure her that everything would be alright, but even if she'd ever let me touch her again, it wouldn't be true. It's far from alright. So instead I settle for asking the question I'm petrified of knowing the answer to. "Is there anything I can do to salvage this?"
Carmilla pauses for a few seconds - the longest eternity I've ever experienced in my pre-creational existence - and sighs, running a hand down her face to wipe her tears as her expression mellows back into the more raw, real one she had before. The sight makes my heart crumble to pieces: the way her eyes are so full of pain, how her cheeks glisten with her tears. And I'm the cause of it. I'm the reason.
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lilacgaby · 21 days
day five
chapter select!
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he feels her rest in his chest as he picks her up and walks towards the medics.
the sight of her wound makes him cringe, it wasn't that horrific of a wound, but it'd definitely done some damage.
as he walked by, he was congratulated and praised by the small crowd that had gathered outside the alleyway.
he was thanked profusely by genie, as were mirko and jeanist, because they had assumed they'd just saved their life, and not that they were bait the entire time.
the victory didn't feel as glory filled as it would have normally, not when she was injured on her arm, and not because they could've got another hero seriously injured in the process.
not when it wasn't him who finished the fight. not when he just out of reach. again.
he set her down gently in the ambulance, and followed mirko and jeanist as they went back to the agency to file their reports.  he was normally pretty quiet, but anyone could tell he was preoccupied with [name]'s absence.
"cheer up loser, she'll be okay by the time you two lovers get back to the dorms later tomorrow." mirko comforted.
"you fought as best as you could, so don't worry about things that were out of your control. she fought, she won, she got hurt, but she saved people. that's what it means to be a hero."
"you can't save them all, dynamight."
jeanist finally said.
katsuki pondered the words in his head. he knew it was impossible for him to save everyone but..
it's what he expected of himself.
he grunted in acknowledgment of the two's words,
the words that were stuck in his head as he went to sleep that night.
a lot of stuff that had happened recently was still being processed in his head.
mostly the fact that he heard on the phone when mirko let her crush on him slip, that she herself had accidentally confirmed it,
and that she promised to talk about it after the quirk wore off on sunday.
he hated staying up and thinking, he loved to sleep, but he honestly couldn't fall asleep.
he was busy thinking of her.
he finally got enough comfort to close his eyes with the promise that he'd go and see her as soon as he woke up.
he'd ask her to ride the train back to musutafu together.
and on sunday,
he'd be the one to confess.
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
she woke up to the sight of uncomfortable, white lights.
she was in a hospital.
she sat up and eyed the place around her.
it offered her no comfort, but since it looked to be like a hospital meant for kids and teens, there were cute butterfly decals that scattered the walls.
there was a bunny stuffed animal on the side of her bed, with a bouquet of [name]'s favorite flowers accompanying it.
she figured that all her stuff from the hotel was in the suitcase that laid against the wall, with a sticky note attached to the front.
[name] groaned a bit as she sat up, her arm wasn't as bad as she thought, the wound was actually quite small, but it was sore.
it was bandaged well, but blood was already seeping through. she'd need to get it wrapped again before leaving.
as she slowly got up and walked over to pick up the note, she looked up at the time.
it was noon, if she wanted to make it back to the dorms early she'd have to set out soon.
she looked down and read the note:
'see you soon partner! i had to run so i couldn't stay and watch over you :(
i left you a train card with funds in the left pocket,
so text me when you get to the dorms!
- rumi <3'
she smiled at the note, and mentally noted that she had a working card.
as she slowly stretched out her legs, being mindful of her arm, a nurse knocked before coming in.
"good morning ms. [name], how are you feeling this afternoon?"
"sore, but surprisingly not that bad."
"that's good to hear! the doctor asked me to relay a message on your arms condition for you.
while your arm itself will heal just fine, you'll need to get check-ups every month to make sure no nerve damage has been done. you see, that quirk worked by canceling any signal recieved by your receptors in your arm, but since you can move it slightly, i'd be hopeful for a full recovery.
on another note, you have a visitor. would you like me to ask them to wait until you've changed?"
"yes, i hate this gown."
"oh, well alright! i'll call them up in thirty minutes. also, i'll arrange someone to come and wrap your arm again."
"thank you."
her mind wandered as the implications of what she'd just been told set in.
there was a real possibility she could've been left without an arm.
oh well. can't worry about things that didn't happen.
but, the thing she was most happy about was that the oversharing nature of the quirk was something she'd be happy to lose, and all left was one full day.
she changed into civilian wear she found in her bag, and chose something that'd cover the wound on her arm. the hospital lights weren't doing her any favors, but she'd be gone soon anyways.
a knock at the door and an entry took her attention.
it was a nurse, who came to change her arm's casting.
"you can look away if you don't want so see this." the nurse advised, as she slowly took off the cast.
"no, i'm okay."
the wound wasn't pretty. it was stitched closed but it was pretty obvious that they had to use a graft from some other part of the body, because a bit of her internals were showing through.
as fast as she saw it, it left, expertly wrapped once again.
"take a visit to recovery girl once you get back on campus, it'll speed up your recovery and get your arm back to normal."
"okay, thank you."
the nurse bowed as she walked out. just as she was going to shut the door behind her, she eyed someone and held the door open for them.
inside came bakugo, who walked in with a single rose in his hand, and his bag of belongings slung around his back.
"oh, hey katsuki. thought you'd already be at the dorms by now."
he held out the rose as he said, "couldn't leave, i was thinking about you."
she flushed, grabbing the rose appreciately. "aw, you didn't have to."
"you were, really cool yesterday. you were the reason we won so, i had to."
"thanks katsuki, but you did great too! i couldnt really focus.. but i saw you handling those other guys like they were nothing."
she praised as she decided to put the rose in with the bouquet mirko had gifted her, it was placed smack in the middle, contrasting with the others.
he was glad she turned away, as she missed the pink tint of his face.
"yeah, obviously i was gonna do great. it was just surprising to see someone rise on my level, that's all."
"aww katsuki!"
"be quiet."
she smiled as she finished putting everything away. katsuki scratched the back of his head as he finally just came out and said it.
"so, uh.. let's go on the train together."
"hm? okay, sounds cool."
"just take the damn bunny and shit, i got your bag."
"huh? i got it--"
"you're injured. let me do this for you."
he didn't hear another word before he walked out, waiting for her in the hallway.
she shrugged and turned back, finishing gathering her things, grabbing the bunny and bouquet, before putting on her shoes, and stepping out.
"let's go."
she nodded, and they walked to the train station together.
before katsuki could tell her not to, she paid for both their tickets using the funds from mirko.
he angrily muttered that she beat him to the punch.
the train to musutafu was empty again, besides the two of them.
they sat next to eachother, eyeing the scenery of the city.
"thanks katsuki."
"for what?"
"i was so scared. so nervous, i really needed you back there. and you came through."
"it's okay to be scared, but you don't have to be.
especially when im around. i'm number one, so i'll protect you. and don't forget that you're strong enough to protect yourself too."
she laid her head on his shoulder, after a few moments he laid his on hers.
the bunny was sat in a seat next to them, holding the flowers she was gifted.
he took the initiative to hold her hand on his lap.
she let out a soft smile, and tightened her hold on his hand.
she let out a yawn as she fell asleep on his shoulder.
"wake me up when we get there."
after he was safely sure she was fast asleep, he sighed heavily, trying to calm the rapid beating of his heart.
❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。
hey [name], wake up."
she stirred awake, the sun was setting outside the window, and she was still laying on his shoulder and her hand was still in his.
"oh, g'morning katsuki." she said, still half asleep.
"it's six, dumbass."
"oh, good afternoon then." she gently let go of his hand, stood up, and stretched,
"you ready to be back with our gang of idiots katsuki?"
"yeah, i just wanna go to my dorm."
"oh yeah, you didn't get to borrow my manga last time! i'll sneak to your room later and give it to you."
"what if you get caught idiot?"
"well, i almost died yesterday so, i think ill get sympathy points or something."
"you're insane."
the intercom overhead announced their arrival, bakugo grabbed her suitcase and his own bag, as she grabbed her bunny and flowers.
she stuck out her hand and intertwined it with his.
they walked hand-in-hand back to the dorms where suprisingly,
no one else was.
"guess we're early huh?"
"why are none of those other idiots here?!"
"i think that maybe their missions were extended or they're just coming late. if you're really so interested, just text them!"
"i'd rather die."
"oh.. uh- anyway, this is better! i'll give your manga and then you can head to bed.
he thought it over, before the ghost of a smile came onto his face,
"yeah, that sounds good [name]."
katsuki carried her luggage up to her dorms, she set the bouquet and bunny onto her bed, and grabbed the bag of manga that he'd left behind that one day.
she grabbed his hand and dragged him over to his room.
"okay, since you're taking so many of mine, i'll treat myself to your library, k?"
"uh- fine i guess."
she handed him the bag full of manga, and he laid down, starting to read the next volume of maid-sama.
meanwhile, she pulled the cubby of his shoujo manga he hoarded under his bed. she grabbed the first volume of 'nana' and held it up.
"is this any good?"
"is this any good- it's peak. you better like it."
she laid next to him, starting to read.
the two read for literal hours, [name] groaning when she had to go back to his cubby and grab the next volume.
in all. katsuki blazed through the manga she brought, finishing all but two volumes of maid sama before he'd need to go back to her collection.
[name] read four volumes of nana, the exhaustion from her mission and being on a train setting in.
katsuki noticed her slowing down. she was flipping through pages slower, her head fighting to stay up on the uninjured arm holding it up.
eventually, she fell asleep again.
katsuki, who didn't have the heart, or will, to kick his crush out his bed, laid a respectable distance away from her.
what he didn't expect though, was for her to cling to the closest thing to her, which was him.
with her at his side, her arms slung around his body with surprising strength, he accepted his fate and wrapped his arm around her as he used the other one to cover them with a blanket.
he was about to go to sleep, when he felt his phone start blowing up.
he was suddenly added to a group called..
he clicked on the notification.
flowered[name] was kicked out the group
no way bakubro actually responds dude
that's what i'm sayin
he won't respond but he can read
read 9:39
shit, he left read receipts on.
bro confess to [name] on sunday
she likes u so just do it
hes too chicken
he rlly wont
                                                                        fuck you
                                                                        yes i will
he turned off his phone and muted the conversation.
he looked at [name] in his arms and felt his heart explode.
he closed his eyes and fell asleep, their soft, sleepy breaths a lullaby that lulled him into a calm, deep sleep.
he'd confess,
he'd make sure of it.
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taglist (comment to be added!): @cc1306 @reads-stuff-quietly @dazqa @teenagetrash00 @jennapancake @sakurarr1122
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chrzzboo · 8 months
One of lando Norris and he is dating pedri sister
I wouldn’t want it any other way
Summary: After going to the Grand Prix in Barcelona with your brothers, a lot of things happen. Meeting your future boyfriend is one of them.
Pedri sister reader x Lando Norris
Note: thank you for your request anon! I tried my best, and accidentally wrote more than I intended to 🤪 I hope you guys enjoy this one and don’t be a silent reader! Love chrzzboo 🫶
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It was a very beautiful day in Barcelona I was visiting my older brothers Pedri and Fernando. I normally live with my parents in Tenerife but because I had a break from uni I decided to visit my dear brothers. I always had a special bond with both my brothers especially with Pedri since he’s only a year older than me. I was sat in front of the tv watching some Netflix when Pedri came to me and started talking. “Yo hermana I’ve got three tickets for the Barcelona’s Grand Prix this weekend, do you want to come with me and Fer?”. I looked at him confused, I did know about F1 and even knew a few drivers but didn’t really bother to watch every race so I was confused to why he asked me if he knew that I wasn’t really interested in it. “An F1 race? Since when do you like formula one?”. He looked at me annoyed. "Since they’ve invited me and they were kind enough to send me two extra tickets so you better come. Also mom and dad wouldn’t appreciate me leaving you all alone at home”. I started laughing imagining my parents beating up Pedri and Fer. “Alright I will come with you guys because I know you can’t live without me.” Pedri scoffed. “Now don’t get too confident hermana.” “With you as my brother I could never” I said laughing and pushing him over, running away from him. “Is that how you treat your older brother niñita?” He shouted running after me.
It was the day of the Grand Prix, although I didn’t know what to expect I was still very excited. We were currently in the car on the way to the Grand Prix, Pedri was driving and Fer sat next to him and I was sitting in the back. I was jamming to the music in the car when Fer turned to me and started talking.”Listen hermana, Grand Prix’s are often very busy so it’s important that we stick together because that place is way too big and easy to get lost in.” I rolled my eyes at my brother. “Fer are you serious? How old do you think I am? I can perfectly keep up with you guys. And besides that what if I get lost? It’s not like we don’t have phones?” Now it was Fernando’s turn to roll his eyes at me. “It might not be a big deal to you but to us it is. If mama heard that we’ve lost you she would go livid.” “Alright alright I promise I will stay close”. Both my brothers nodded at my words and we continued jamming to the music in the car until we’ve reached our destination.
We arrived a bit later than we were supposed to since it was so busy, Fer wasn’t lying when he said that this place can be very crowded. I was looking around and walking close to my brothers. I didn’t expect this place to be so cool honestly. I might visit these races more often. There are many pros to have an older brother who’s famous but there are also a lot of cons. Like right now, my brother was taking many pictures with people and also doing interviews. I was waiting for him to finish, already getting bored. Fer went to the toilet so I was alone waiting for Pedri. I was just scrolling on my phone when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turn around and frowned at the girl standing in front of me, I’ve never seen her before. “Hey you’re y/n right? Pedri’s little sister?” Ooh now I understood what she wanted. Well you see being the little sister of a pro athlete means that their fans will also know their family. “Hey yeah that’s me!” I replied enthusiastically. I didn’t realise but 10 minutes past, I had a lovely conversation with this girl but she had to leave. Looking around I started panicking since I couldn’t find my brothers anymore. They suddenly disappeared, I grabbed my phone planning on calling them but I cursed under my breath since my phone died. “Shit man, I should’ve brought my power bank.” I took matters in my own hands and started walking around the paddock looking for my brothers.
Like I mentioned before, this place is huge it feels like it’s never ending. Still looking around for my brothers, I wasn’t really paying attention to my surroundings in front of me since I was looking to the left side. That probably wasn’t a good idea because all of a sudden I bumped into a hard chest sending me straight to the ground eating shit. “I’m so sorry miss, are you alright?” Asked a manly voice, I looked at the person and I could see a pretty handsome brunette staring down at me reaching his hand out for me to hold. I grabbed his hand embarrassed by the fall I just made. “I’m alright, I’m so sorry I wasn’t really paying attention.” I told him. He chuckled looking in my eyes, just then I realised that he had very beautiful coloured eyes. “Don’t worry! It was my fault as well I was kinda distracted it wasn’t my intention to send you to the ground.” I laughed at him already liking his attitude. “Well yeah that was kinda embarrassing. But thanks for helping me, I’m looking for my brothers but ended up eating dirt instead.” He laughed at me still looking at me with those beautiful eyes. “Really are you lost?” “Yeah I kinda am, I’ve never been here before. I was waiting for my brothers and in the meantime a girl came up to me and started talking but when we finished our conversation I couldn’t find them anymore.” He looked at me with a confused expression. “You’ve never been here before? In the way of never visited the Barcelona GP or just to a F1 race in general?” I looked at him weird, what has that got to do with me losing my brothers? “Euhm I’ve never been to a F1 race at all, so I’m not really familiar with this.” He looked at me with a relieved expression? “So you don’t know who I’m?” I looked at him confused before answering.”Should I know who you are?” He chuckled at my response. “No don’t worry about it but you said that you’ve lost your brothers right? Have you tried calling them?” “No because my phone died that’s the main reason why I’m looking around here like a kid who’ve lost their parents.” I said with a laugh. He laughed as well. “Well miss if you give me your name I would gladly give you my phone so you can call them.” I forwarded my hand to him introducing myself to the handsome stranger. “I’m y/n, nice to meet you mister?” He took my hand and shook it, introducing himself as well. “Beautiful name for a beautiful girl, it’s nice to meet you my name is Lando.” Ngl that actually made me blush, so I quickly looked away from him but I could hear him slightly chuckle. He handed me his phone so I could call my probably worried brothers.
After giving this beautiful girl my phone I started thinking. How come she doesn’t know me when there are literally pictures of me displayed all over the paddock. But honestly I was kinda relieved since I thought that I had bumped in a crazy fan earlier. Her not knowing who I am gave me the opportunity to kinda mess with her and also to feel like a normal person for once. Those thoughts were quickly interrupted by her giving me my phone back. “Here you go Lando, thank you so much for letting me use your phone I would’ve been doomed if it wasn’t for you! My brothers are at the restaurant at the entrance so I’m going over there.” I smiled at her happy face. “That’s no problem y/n, but do you know we’re the restaurant is because I don’t want you to get lost again.” She laughed at me not taking my words serious. “Don’t worry I remembered where it was located since I could smell the amazing pastries they had there earlier” she adds with an adorable laugh. “Alright pretty girl, hope to see you around.” After bidding her goodbye I couldn’t help but curse at myself for not asking her number or something, but before I could even look for her she was gone.
I couldn’t help but be a bit disappointed because I actually liked talking to Lando he seemed nice. Shaking those thoughts off I had better things to do and that was to find my brothers and hoping that they wouldn’t be mad at me. Finally reaching the restaurant, I could see my brothers standing near the entrance waiting for me. I called their names and soon both of them came running to me. “Y/n dios mío, we thought we lost you forever for a second.” Was heard from Fer. “Yeah we already started digging our own graves because non of us would’ve had the balls to tell mama.” Pedri says earning a laugh from all of us. “Alright you guys are so dramatic and this time it wasn’t even my fault that I got lost, you guys just disappeared.” Both of them looked at each other with guilty eyes and turned to me with a small smile. “Yeah alright this one was on us, but if you won’t tell mama we will buy you your favourite pastries.” “All of them?” I add with a smirk. Both my brothers rolled their eyes but agreed.
After we watched the race we were headed to the garages of some drivers since Pedri wanted to talk to them. I had to admit I did like watching the race, there was so much happening. The adrenaline, the speed, the loud engines it was just simply addicting. Arriving at the garages both my brothers headed to talk to some drivers but not without warning me to stay close to them and not wander off. I looked around me and noticed that each garage had their own colours. For example Ferrari had red, Mercedes had black and McLaren had orange more like a papaya colour. But wait a second, looking back at the McLaren garage I could see a familiar face. It was that Lando guy from earlier. Shocked I took a few steps closer to look at the poster better. 'Lando Norris driver for McLaren' it stated. So you're meant to tell me that I've talked to one of the drivers earlier? That's actually insane. I quickly returned to my brothers and let those thoughts sink in.
It’s been 10 minutes since my brothers were talking to the drivers with the names Verstappen and Pérez what I’ve learned after standing there for such a long time. I was starting to get thirsty because we’ve walked all day long plus it was so hot in Barcelona today. I looked around me and spotted a vending machine. I tapped Fer on his shoulder to gain his attention, soon he turned to me with a confused face. “I’m thirsty can I walk over there and get a drink from the machine.” Fer looked over to the vending machine seeing that it wasn’t too far and could still see me. “Alright, but only get your drink and come back we wouldn’t want the same events from earlier to happen again.” He added with a stern voice. “Okey sir, don’t worry I will be back in no time.” After getting his permission I started walking to the vending machine, I needed some money so as I was walking I started searching for some change in my purse. Unaware of my surroundings I again bumped into someone. But that’s when I heard the same voice again. “Second time we bumped into each other it’s really destiny at this point.” It was Lando, this time he was dressed in his racing attire still a bit sweaty from the race earlier. “Well it’s nice seeing you again Lando.” He smiled at me before talking again. “You haven’t lost your brothers again have you?” He laughed at me. I groaned at his response. “Listen that only happened once and that wasn’t even my fault. Also my brothers are over there talking to some drivers." I pointed at them so Lando could see them. Lando turned to me a bit shocked. “Wait your brother is Pedri, the football player?” I looked at him amused. “Yeah that’s him.” “Why didn’t you mention that earlier?” He asked still looking at Pedri. “Well mister Norris, you didn’t mention that you were a driver either.” I said with a smirk. He laughed. “You’ve got me there, I guess we both had our secrets.” I smiled agreeing to his words. “Hey y/n listen it was very nice talking to you, I really enjoyed our conversation. But I have to go, do you mind doing me the honour of giving me your phone number?”. I couldn’t believe my ears at first, did he really ask me for my number? Wait let’s get this straight a F1 driver wants my number? Yeah mental. I quickly composed myself so I wouldn’t make a fool out of myself. “Yeah sure give me your phone so I can type it in!” After exchanging our numbers we both separated our ways.
That was 6 months ago, me and Lando have been dating for 2 months now. Ever since we’ve exchanged numbers back then, we had been talking non stop. We would secretly meet up but it ended up with him visiting me most of the time since I still had uni. Our relationship was pretty much a secret, the only people that knew about it were some of his friends on the paddock, his best friend Max and his parents. For me the only people who knew were my parents and best friend. My brothers don’t know, I don’t what to tell them because I know how they would freak out since they’re very protective over me especially Pedri. Pedri can be very dramatic about this, so that’s why I decided to keep it from them but just for now.
I was currently visiting Lando in Monaco since I had a break from uni. I came with him to the paddock to keep him company since he’s been whining all morning long for me to come with him. I have been here for two weeks now I have to leave in two days to return home. I didn’t want to leave actually, I had a great time here in Monaco spending time with my boyfriend. My thoughts were quickly interrupted by a hand on my thigh. “Baby are you alright? You’ve been quiet ever since we woke up today.” I looked at him and could see the concern in his eyes. “Yeah I’m alright amor don’t worry about it.” I tried convincing him but if there was one thing Lando was good at it would be that he could read me like an open book. He scooted closer to me lifting me up slightly and seating me on his lap. He had both his arms secured around my waist and he kissed my shoulder lightly. “Babe you know damn well that I know when you’re lying. Now tell me what’s really going on, I’m your boyfriend I would do anything to make those worries of yours disappear.” He added with a chaste kiss on my cheek. I smiled at him slightly feeling better. “I’m just worried you know. I don’t want to return home tomorrow without you. The long distance has been killing me lately and now that we’ve spent two weeks together really made realise that I don’t want to be apart from you.” He looked at me with sad eyes. “I know love, I had an amazing time with you and I’m also not ready to let it go. But we’ve talked about this remember? You’re almost done with uni and then we can finally live together.” His words made me happier but there was still one thing that was bothering me. “You’re right but we still haven’t told my brothers, it just feels like I have a huge weight on my shoulders. I love them but I’m scared that they wouldn’t approve of our relationship.” Lando was quiet for a few seconds before speaking again. “Babe listen what if I came with you back home. You told me that your brothers will be there as well. We can’t keep postponing this. Think about it, it’s not fair towards your brothers as well you know.” He was right, I couldn’t keep this secret from them any longer. I want to be able to go out with Lando freely without having to worry about anything. I looked at him. “You’re right babe, we should do it.” Lando was so happy to hear that, he jumped up nearly dropping me to the ground but he quickly caught me. “Babe that’s amazing, I will sort out a private jet immediately. You just have to call your parents and let them know." He grabbed my face with his large hands and kissed me passionately. I couldn’t help but smile into the kiss excited but also nervous about telling the news to my brothers.
Me and Lando were currently seated in his private jet. I was so nervous, probably more nervous than Lando. I kept bouncing my leg up and down from the stress but Lando noticed it and held my thigh in place. “Babe calm down, you’re more nervous than me.” He said laughing and pecking my nose. “I’m sorry amor I can’t help it, I just hope my brothers won’t make a drama out of it especially Pedri.” I said looking down sadly imagining the worst scenario to happen. Lando tilted my chin with his fingers so I could look at him. “Hey hey baby don’t talk like that. Everything will go well alright? I know it’s a tough situation but your brothers only want to protect you but regardless of what happens today we both know that our love is stronger than anything else right?” His words made me feel lighter and so much better but I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Why are you laughing babe?” Lando looked at me confused especially after his little speech. I pecked his nose before answering. “Your words were beautiful babe but I would’ve never expected the Lando Norris to become such a sap for me.” I said laughing. Lando started whining. “C’mon babe way to ruin my perfect speech, now I’m cringing from myself.” He said hiding his face in my neck. “Alright I’m sorry my big baby I appreciate everything you do for me.” I said kissing him meaning everything I just said. “Look at who’s the sap now.” “Lando shut up before I wipe that smirk of your face.” Lando didn’t stop there. “And what if I don’t.” He said with a smirk. “Alright then you can pleasure yourself alone then tonight.” I said closing my eyes ready to take a nap leaving a whining Lando next to me.
We just landed not too long ago, me and Lando were currently sitting in the uber on the way to my parents house. The entire car journey I couldn’t help but overthink but Lando was quick to reassure me. We arrived and took our luggage out of the car and thanked the driver. This was it, this was the moment that could determine the rest of my relationship. Lando sensed my uneasiness and took my hand in his hand and gave it a light squeeze as a sign of reassurance. I rung the bell and soon my parents opened the door. “Hola hija mía, te extrañé mucho.” (Hello my daughter, I’ve missed you so much.)Was heard from my mother before she pulled me into a hug. “Mama I was only gone for two weeks.” I laughed at her dramatic antics. Soon both my parents greeted Lando. They had met him before and they were fond of him, treating him like their own son. That’s what I loved about it. Soon we made our way to my room, placing our luggage down. We both got refreshed and headed downstairs for dinner. Me and Lando sat down next to each other when I couldn’t help but ask my mother about my brothers. “Mama, where are Fer and Pedri? Weren’t they supposed to be here?” My mother turned to me and answered me. “I sent them out to get some stuff so they will be here soon." Not even 20 seconds later we could hear the bell. This was it, this was the moment I was dreading for so long. Lando sensed that I was nervous so he rubbed my thigh softly as reassurance. Soon I could hear the loud voices of my brothers coming closer. I stood up from my seat and so did Lando. “Hola Fer y Pedri, how are you guys?” I asked hugging them both. “Hola hermana we’re doing good.” Was heard from Pedri but before they could talk further I started talking. “I would like you guys to meet my boyfriend Lando.” They both fell silent for a bit before pushing me aside and going over to my boyfriend. The next thing really caught me off guard and so did it to my parents. “Dios mío, you’re Lando Norris!” “Fer our sister is dating a F1 driver!” Wait a second both my brothers were fangirling over my boyfriend? Is this what I was scared for all this time?. “Y/n why haven’t you told us that you were dating Lando Norris.” Before I could reply Fer interrupted me again. “Never mind I don’t even care anymore, Lando do you have any paddock passes for your next race for us?” “Can we have a test drive in your car once?” My boyfriend stood there not knowing what was going on. “Dios mío, leave the poor guy alone. He’s here as your sister’s boyfriend and not as the race driver. Now both of you sit down." They immediately listened to my mother’s words. It was safe to say that my brothers wouldn’t stop bothering my boyfriend with their silly questions but I couldn’t help but be happier since they’ve approved of our relationship.
Later in the evening, me and Lando were sitting together cuddled up on the coach enjoying each other’s presence. “You know I was actually surprised by your brothers’s reactions.” Lando said laughing. “Yeah you’re not alone I’ve never seen them react like that.” I said laughing. “But regardless of that I couldn’t be happier about it.” Lando smiles pecking my temple. “I told you everything will fall into place.” I smiled at him, both leaning in for a kiss but before our lips could even touch a pillow hit our faces. “You might be Lando Norris but I still don’t want any PDA in front of me.” “PEDRO ARE YOU SERIOUS?!” Before I could even hit that idiot back he was already gone leaving my boyfriend laughing his butt off at what just happened. Looking around me I realised one thing: I wouldn’t want it any other way.
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The end.
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flyingcakeee · 4 months
Rah, Strollonso fic with Nikola as their son (Fernando does not retire because do we really expect him to honestly?)
It's also fluff (with a little angst mixed in but you can easily ignore it)
“No, Dad, it's all good here,” Lance sighed into the phone, watching as his son had moved around the driveway on his small kart Fernando gifted the mere five year old, little cones set up in the form of a track. “I promise, Dad, it’ll be fine. Nikola takes after Nando, I’ll make sure they're both safe.”
Sure enough, their son took a lot after his husband. He had his competitiveness, his drive to race, and already was taking after his humor. At least he had Lance’s looks, Lance could at least claim something of their son.
“Nikola, slow down at that corner, you're going to hurt yourself,” Lance called out, covering the speaker of the phone with his hand. In return, he got a thumbs up from the kid who then immediately missed his turn and took out a cone, forcing a huff out of Lance. “He’s going to need a bit of training,” Lance commented to his dad on the phone. “No, I don't know when Nando is getting home — Turn 5 needs to be a tighter line! — Maybe next week if you have time you can come visit your grandson. He loves you, you're his grandfather and he misses you too.”
The conversation on the phone went sour quickly after, Lance hanging up with a curt “bye” less than five minutes later. He doesn't know why he offered, Nikola isn't meant to be loved by everyone, not when he took Lance out of motorsports and caused his grandfather money for that. At least Fernando was still racing, getting podiums and chasing that 40th win in the British racing green car.
Fernando just finished Monaco, a P2 finish. So close, yet so far. Now he needs to return to Spain as soon as possible due to the next race week practically already started. Lance was tired, maybe Fernando wouldn't mind bringing their son to the karting track for a bit while Lance recovered from the exhausting weeks he had while Fernando had been busy with Aston.
Due to his soured relationship with his dad, Lance didn't attend races and Nikola rarely attended them as Fernando wanted him to keep Lance company since he knew how lonely Lance could feel. The last time Nikola traveled with Fernando, Lance was breaking down every night over fear of both Nikola and Fernando somehow finding themselves hurt. It was not pretty. However, for the first time in around six years, Lance would be back in the paddocks for the entire weekend for the Spanish Grand Prix, cheering on Fernando as Nikola sat with him, their son.
Maybe this time Lawrence can look at his grandson with love rather than disgust when he sees how much of Lance’s features he inherited, including the small love for hockey and the willingness to wear whatever he was dressed in. Just maybe, Lance could only pray.
“He is fast, no?”
“Just like you,” Lance murmured as he leaned his head on Fernando’s shoulder, trying to escape the rain rather unsuccessfully. “He's like me though now, fast in the wet. You saw that overtake? He gets that from me, you can't claim everything,” Lance added.
“Ah, no, he gets it all from you. He can be a world champion, I am sure of it.”
“Yeah, maybe. Maybe he'll go endurance.”
“He will win no matter what,” Fernando affirmed, pressing a chaste kiss to the top of Lance’s head.
Nikola was a lion on the track. He knew when to attack, when to defend, and he did them both well. He was fast and nimble like Fernando, a cunning fox who knew when to strike when it was unexpected. He was sharp and composed, calm as often as possible like Lance. The best of both worlds Esteban had said when he was visiting Lance last week while Fernando and Nikola went karting. Eight year old Nikola was championship material they all said. Lance wanted to deny it, his son could be hurt.
Nikola wasn't meant to be here. He wasn't planned, he wasn't known about until he was born. Lance knew cryptic pregnancy was a thing, he never expected it to happen to him. Yet here he was, holding his twelve year old son tightly as he had won his karting championship and got to advance to more competitive karting leagues. The lion had been let out of it's cage and Lance couldn't put the cat back, he could only watch and hope nobody was hurt.
“I did it, Dad!” Nikola had screamed when he got home, Lance unable to attend due to a mild flu that would be worsened by the damp weather. “I won! I won the entire thing!”
Lance laid on the couch with his growing son on top of him, his husband to the side of him brushing both of their hair.
Fernando and Lance rushed a marriage, their son couldn't be raised with dating parents according to Lance’s parents. Lance took Fernando’s last name to add to his, making Nikola’s surname seem more fitting to match Lance’s. His name too had been taken from Lance’s origin.
Nikola Dimitrov Strulovich-Díaz, the lion born of a champion, but Lance was not the champion. Nikola was loved in the paddock by the fans, the cameras, the drivers. However, he had Lance’s need to hide from cameras, finding himself pushing his face into Fernando’s shoulder or shirt when possible. He had Fernando’s determination and Lance’s shyness around cameras, all until he had his helmet and suit on, then he was himself.
Lance stood with the ART team, watching his son lift the trophy on the podium above. He was leading the F2 championship, Fernando standing right beside him. Both got to witness their son winning in Spain, his home race. Fernando may have been crying a bit and definitely should be preparing for his own race, but if the cameras saw he didn't care.
Nikola Stroll-Díaz, the European Lion as he was called (completely erasing Lance’s Canada since Nikola was born in Montréal), the son of Fernando Alonso and Lance Stroll. The eighteen year old who was leading the F2 championship by quite the margin so far, being eyed up by teams such as Red Bull and Ferrari. Fernando wanted to race against his son once, and tried to get Lance back, but Lance declined.
Lance was no longer suited for motorsports because if something happened to him, Nikola and Fernando would be left alone and he couldn't manage that. Nikola hadn't still the best relationship with Lawrence, but at least he had a pretty good once with Lance’s mom.
“That's our son,” Fernando whispered into Lance’s ear, happiness radiating off of him as they prepared to play the Spanish anthem. Nikola chose to race under Fernando’s flag, in F2, it gave him more sponsorships, so Lance couldn't blame him. “He's us all put into one.”
“Yeah,” Lance agreed, leaning slightly into Fernando’s smaller frame, “he's our son, he'll always be.”
Once the anthem concluded, Lance felt himself tearing up. That was his son up there, winning his home race and in front of both his parents. That was his son, an almost spitting image of him with some of Fernando morphed into him. He learned to be wary of the cameras but not to hide, he learned how to laugh with the other drivers and make friends. That was Lance’s son, and Lance raised him as well as he could.
Lance stood underneath the podium’s platform again, muddled in the crowd of British racing green and the occasional red. There, both his men stood. His husband, eyes gleaming with the 50th win of his career. His son, a second place right next to his father in the same colors. A father-son 1-2 podium, a sight to behold and Lance got to witness it himself here in Monaco.
There may have been a few tears but could you blame him? Lance was looking at both his husband and his son take the top steps of the most prestigious race in the calendar.
Nikola looked down at the team and immediately spotted Lance, the biggest smile appearing on his face as he looked at his dad. His dad was there, both of them. One right next to him, the other watching from below. He was Lance’s son but he was also Fernando’s. He was their son, he will always be. Lance got to watch him grow from a fussy but clingy baby to a F1 race winner and a favorite name within the sport. However, to Lance, he was not only always his son, but also his small baby boy who Lance will always love and care for, no matter what. He was his baby lion.
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mechaknight-98 · 1 month
Abysswalker (NSFW) FT Han Chowon
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Author’s note: due to scheduling constraints and production issues today’s release has been changed. Enjoy my piece mail fic.
Part I
Donny walks in front of the quiet cafe looking at it with a skeptical look. "Devilish Love Cafe," he says to himself. he turns to his phone before calling Nayoung, "So Chowon will be at this Cafe?"
"Yep, she meets her mom here every weekend so you should find her pretty easily," Nayoung answers. Dino sighs and enters. the dim lights and Hazy aura of the place give him a headache.
the lady at the counter smiles and says, "Welcome to Devilish Love Cafe, My name is Maya how may I help you,"
Donny smiled, and said, "Oh good you speak English I am looking for Chowon." The lady looks surprised and says,
"You aren't her usual appointment,"
as she spoke Donny began to have a sinking suspicion as to what "Cafe" was "Oh I'll go then," Maya smiled then said "No she probably could squeeze you in after her usual. Have a seat and she'll be right with you."
Donny against his better judgment stayed. As he sat his flight fatigue caught up with him and he dozed off.
he had been fighting sleeping as he had been having the same dream. visions of a sunken city a broken loom and a sword that could undo fate and fact." he woke up when he heard Chowon's voice.
"Remember Mark I won't be here next weekend as my boyfriend comes in today," Mark nodded and Donny looked up to see Chowon in a shawl with nothing but her bra and panties underneath. Granted she looked fantastic in them but Donny's brain finally made the connection and he felt such a depth of rage that his aura shifted the temperature of the room by 5 degrees lower. Chowon turned to Donny, and her eyes widened as she smiled. Donny's heart softened but he was still pissed.
" Oh hi babe it's good to see you," Chowon said. Donny smiled but she knew it was forced. he was wearing a mask hiding how he felt.
"Hi Chowon," he said, another red flag went off in Chowon's mind as he liked using Cho-oh, or Cho Cho, as his preferred nickname, "I didn't know you worked here," he said Chowon was worried as she noticed the third red flag his voice was maniacally happy in its tone.
Chowon approached and said, "What's wrong babe." as she went to touch his face he stepped back and at that time Semiramis popped out of her appointment. She smiled having satisfied herself for another week. She saw her daughter was talking to some random black boy and she noticed the affection in her gaze and tilted her head.
"Uh Daughter who is that, and why are you so close to him I thought you were going to keep this strictly as food and business," Semiramis said
hearing that Donny heard everything he needed to hear and began to walk out. He could feel his rage rising and needed some space to cool off.
Chowon smiled and said, "Oh Mom this is Donny." Semiramis's eyes widened. She expected more from the one who stole her daughter's heart, not some random American.
"Wait him really, but he's so..." Semiramis chose her words carefully, "Ordinary" At this point Donny was so done with everything that he just moved a bit faster. Chowon noticed and said
"Wait Donny, where are you going." Donny turned back trying not to yell or scream and another red flag went off for Chowon. his eyes did that frustrated squint he does when he's not trying to get emotionally caught up.
"Oh, you've got a lot of stuff going on here. I'll see you later" Donny said
Chowon grabbed him with a tight grip before saying, "But babe since you're here we could have a little fun," Chowon noticed Donny wince at her touch before walking out of the building and she tried to follow him out the building She realized his disappeared. into the crowd, somehow despite him being so tall and standing out. at this point, Sana walks out bubbly having finished her meal.
"Ah, Chowon-ah did you feel that aura that was just in here? it smelled so good," Sana said. Chowon nodded befuddled trying to figure out what she did wrong.
Donny goes to a batting cage trying to cool off as he tries to process his feelings.
"I thought we agreed that she would only feed from me," Donny said to himself as he hit a ball. It flew far from his range.
his rage only flared more as he unconsciously began speaking in Irish Gaelic and some other esoteric language,
"I love her and this is how she repays me. I.. I... Fuck. How would she feel if I was cavorting around with other idols? I bet she wouldn't like it," Dino asserts to himself as he talks to himself he feels a calming presence approach him.
"I take it you weren't expecting that," Nezzar says to Donny as he continues to keep nailing these balls.
Donny breathes heavily and feels a little better, "No not at all." he says.
Nezzar nods as he watches then says, "You know maybe you should talk to her about your discomfort instead of beating up these balls." Donny sighs and says,
"Fine" Donny finishes up his round of cages before heading to his phone and returning Chowon’s call.
“Hey Donny what's up?” she asks. She's surprised to hear the clink of baseball bats hitting balls in the background.
“Can we talk?” Donny asks
Chowon replies with an emphatic “Yes!” before jumping excitedly
Chowon cooed when Donny finally returned her call. They agreed to meet at a regular cafe this time to talk. She arrived in his favorite outfit of hers hoping to have a good time with him. When she saw him she smiled and tapped her feet happily before running towards him. Donny opens his arm for an embrace and Chowon smiles as she gets close for a hug. When she has him in her clutches she smiles, before looking up at him.
His arms felt like home, and for a moment everything else washed away. Donny’s heart melted seeing Chowon so happy. She was practically glowing.
“I don't want you to work at the Devilish Love Cafe anymore.” Donny blurted out. Chowon looked up at him and with her big curious eyes she said
“Why? I don't want to starve and it's a good way for me to feed when you're not around.” Donny looks into her eyes and sees a need in them, and he breaks
“I’ll move out here. I don't want anyone else touching you like that. You're mine and mine alone.” he says. Chowon’s heart races as she stares into his eyes. She sees hurt but also such deep affection and care for her that she can't help but kiss him. This kiss is chaste but Chowon’s fingers aren't. Her hands run wild over Donny’s body Donny moans a little into their kiss which causes Chowon’s heart to race. She needs him not for food but because he's hers. She breaks the kiss and whispers in his ear. “Meet me in the bathroom,” Donny smiles at her but something tells him now is a good time to tell her why he’s upset.
“You're insatiable but I love you so much,” he says
Chowon smiles feeling the love and warmth radiate off of him.
“Oh no, I'm not feeding off of you I need you inside me. You're mine after all.” Donny’s heart races but he keeps a cool head.
“Maybe I should punish you. Since you're mine as well but you have been wandering.” his tone was firm but smooth. It made Chowon so wet. Her head was dizzy and her eyes focused on his lips
“What if I found another succubus to feed,” Donny asks
Chowon’s eyes went red and she growled, “No you are mine”
Donny gives her a perplexed look and it finally dawns on Chowon why Donny is so upset.
“Oh Babe I'm so sorry,” she says her tone full of remorse and desire. "Let me make it up to you?"
"Right now?" Donny asked surprised
"Right now! Come on follow me." Chowon said as she led Donny to the restroom.
As they enter the bathroom Chowon shows her appreciation of Donny with an extremely sloppy kiss. Chowon made sure to swap as much spit with Donny as possible because she recently learned that Succubus sweat, saliva, and slick are all aphrodisiacs. Her tongue would wrestle with Donny's as he tried to establish some kind of baseline but she was so overpowering in terms of presence, and Donny was okay with it. When Chowon felt him straining through his pants under her she knew it was time. She began to lower herself down and undid his pants while she put her hair in a ponytail. Donny's head was hazy as she did so, but he was so ready and horny for his sexy and powerful girlfriend.
she smiled when she saw his rod almost poke her eye out as she pulled it out of his jeans.
"oh, you're so hard for me." She cooed before taking him into her mouth. Chowon moaned as she covered his shaft in her spit. Donny groaned as his head swam filled with nothing but thoughts about Chowon. She bobbed along his shaft as she took him in and out of her warm wet mouth. She moaned watching Donny lose his mind. She luridly wrapped her tongue around his cock knowing he was close.
“Gonna cum for me?” Chowon asks with a seductive smile. Donny nods quietly before exploding inside her mouth Chowon smiles and Coes, “Good boy” Donny smiles and gives her a big hug
“God I've missed you silly sexy thing,” Donny said, and Chowon smiled.
After their little incursion, Donny and Chowon head back to Devil Love Cafe so Chowon can resign. Chowon followed Maya into the back to sign some paperwork to make it official. while he waited he was surprised when Sana came out from behind the back. When Sana smelled the aura from earlier she raced out not to miss it. when she spotted Donny her eyes went wide.
"Hey there cutie. What brings you here?" she asks seductively. Donny shorts circuit because while he is a fan of Twice and knew Sana was stunning in person it was a whole entirely new level.
"Um I am here with my girlfriend whom I love very much" he stuttered.
Sana smiled. She loved younger boys who flustered easily it was so easy to rile them up and have them wrapped around her finger. She approached Donny tilted her head and said,
"Oh so does that mean you and her are adventurous?" she asked with extra emphasis on the "Adventurous" and as Sana moved closer she let her hand graze the forearm of Donny getting a small taste of his aura, and she was hooked. he was so filling and tasty. He tasted like a home-cooked meal her mom or dad would make when she was a child. Donny on his part set aside his being starstruck and slipped away from Sana saying,
"No my girlfriend worked here," he said.
Sana's eyes widened, "She worked here...when she had you. Why... is she neglecting you? Because if she is I'll take care of you." at this point, Chowon walked back out and watched the girl pester Donny. she chuckles watching Donny squirm for a bit as she knows he loves Twice.
"No, she's not neglecting me...I think I have been neglecting her." Donny wonders
"Ooh how," Sana asked as she snuck another touch and taste of his aura. it was so comforting, but also so filling like she barely had two tastes and she was almost stuffed, which was a new and intoxicating feeling for Sana's nearly insatiable appetite.
“I am in the States and she's out here, but I'm going to try to be with her more.”
Sana smiles and says, “Then I believe a trade can be made. If you let me feed on your aura a tiny bit. I'll teach you a spell that will transport you to her.”
“I don't know I'm very adamant and choose about who I intimate with.”
“Oh, we don't have to be intimate I can feed off hugs and PDA like so.” Sana gave Donny a big hug and began to feed. She was surprised at how her charm powers almost bounced off of Donny but when he relaxed and fed her her eyes rolled into the back of her head. His taste was so calming so peaceful so reminiscent of her home that she was over but his aura was overwhelming like she couldn't faze him. When she finished feeding her mind grew hazy and she said,
“Oh you're dangerous,” she says unstable
“I fed from and got no feedback that you felt it. It wasn't until I was stuffed that I knew I was taking from you.”
Donny for his part isn't affected by her magic but by Sana’s sweat he looks around for Chowon and when he finds her he approaches her with an intense lust in his eyes. She sees it and feels his aura burning bright too brightly as she can see it causing discomfort in him “Chowon I need you,”
Donny says and Chowon nods. She takes him behind into an open room where she strips. She gently pushes the moaning Donny onto the bed. He writhed as she felt and watched his aura increase. She watched terrified as it burned away his humanity for a second and his body started transforming and transcending, but she quickly stopped that by hopping on his cock.
“Babe if you can hear me. Feed me the excess,” Chowon says and Donny nods before thrusting into her pussy and feeding her this excessive aura energy. It's so filling for Chowon but it's too much for her she can't take it all but she can't let Donny just burn away his humanity. So she lets him ravage her pussy. As he does his aura wavers as he mounts her. Chowon’s wet folds drip as he thrusts into her. Chowon moans In ecstasy as she feels the aura subside but the pleasure remains. Donny takes charge for a bit as he pulls out before switching positions. Chowon smiles as he rams his hips into her.
Chowon’s ass ripple deliciously to Donny as he fucks her. The clap of their flesh hypnotized him leaving him why he would ever leave her. Chowon moaned as Donny went deeper into her, her pussy tightening around his rod as she felt him throbbing. As he thrust she began to rut into him as well before whispering Cum in me. The combination of her body and voice sent Donny over the edge. His rod expelled his seed inside her as Chowon moaned reaching her peak.
After that, they got dressed and Sana was waiting with a pout. Did you do all that just to tease me?” she asked
“Um, no Donny,” said flatly. “My powers and Aura can go wild sometimes and I have to dump it,” he explained. Chowon turned to him. She didn't know this was happening multiple times
“Wait Donny what do you do all the other times it flares?”
“Meditation mostly,”
Chowon looks at Donny concerned. “Babe if this has happened a lot why didn't you tell me?”
“I figured it would resolve itself on its own or I could feed you,” Donny says happily. Chowon beams but then concern takes hold again. As they walk out of the lobby
“No, we should learn why this is happening so you can better control it.”
Maya speaks up after hearing this, “Um old magic runs through his veins along with outsider magic. You can't control that it typically is just a part of a person,” Chowon and Donny look at her as Donny does he feels another wave of desire for Chowon that he stuffs down deep. Chowon feels this desire radiate off of Donny and smiles happily.
Sana pouts watching their lovey-dovey act.
So she grabs Donny and says
“Okay here is how you perform the spell. You think about someone you have a deep Bond with and this movement (she does a small gesture) and Sana pops away. Donny and Chown watch dumbfounded. Then he does the move thinking about Chowon and pops right next to her. Chowon looks at Donny and smiles.
“Oh this changes things,” she says Donny laughs as they walk out of the cafe.
The two arrive back at Donny’s hotel and when he closes the door they are all over each other.
“Bend over,” Donny demanded Chowon who was soaked as she found herself awakening a new side to herself
“Yes Daddy” she moaned “Does Daddy want my pussy or my ass?”
“I need to reclaim your pussy as mine by filling you with cum and fucking your brains out so all you remember is my cock.”Chowon moaned at Donny taking charge and said
“Oh yes please Daddy!” Chown said to Donny looking at him with big eyes entrenched in Desire.
It was at that point Donny realized she was saying Daddy instead of Donny and hesitated for a moment. He wasn't much of a fan of it but he'd address it later. He had a succubus to tame and claim.
He stroked his rod to full mast before smacking her heavenly rear. He leaned over into Chowon’s ear and whispered, “Are you gonna be a good girl for me, Cho Cho.” Chowon moaned as Donny used her favorite of his nicknames before arching into his body. Her deadly curves coiled around Donny. Donny wrapped his big hands around her breasts as he slowly pushed into her pussy. Chowon growled possessively feeling Donny’s rod enter her as a different but no less familiar feeling of filling her abdomen. She moaned as Donny’s cock filled her even halfway.
“Ah fuck Daddy, I've missed your cock too much,” she said in between ragged breaths and deep moans. To punish her however Donny rapidly pulls out of her sodden cunt, Chowon calls into Donny as her succubus nature rises.
“Don-Don please don't tease me. I need you inside me. Explode in me, please.” Chowon begs. Now that she was ready Donny happily plunged back into her. He was unprepared for how tight she was despite how soft and plush the rest of Chowon was. Her pussy hungrily engulfed him and it took all his willpower not to cum in her there but Chowon was not having it. She did a sexy move with her ass that caused her pussy to massage Donny in just the right way that made him cum like a faucet,
“Oh fuck Chowon wait fuck,” Donny growled as his body gave Chowon exactly what she wants and he couldn't stop it was like she flipped a switch in him that compelled him to pump as much cum into her as possible. Instead of his orgasm decreasing she temporarily made it so he would stack using her succubus powers.
This pure lust-filled carnal fuck fest made Chowon’s succubus traits come out of her hips ass and breasts swelled as if ovulating. Her tail and ram horns appeared. The former immediately rammed down Donny’s throat as a more concentrated form of her aphrodisiac found in the rest of her body fluids filled his mouth. It tasted like vanilla ice cream as she wantonly forced it in him. Both of their minds go blank from arousal.
Donny’s hands latch on to Chowon’s hips as he repeatedly digs into her cavern with his cock
“Oh fuck!” is all Chowon can say with how deep he goes in and out of her. As her tail uncoils from around Donny’s neck he pulls Chowon up by her hair and watches her breasts heave and bounce with every thrust. Chowon is overwhelmed but euphoric. Her pussy begins to mold itself to Donny’s cock as it would be the only cock for her from then on.
“How could I ever give this up?” she moaned.
“Why would I ever risk this thick, meaty, cock not being mine and mine alone?” She growled as she grinded into Donny as neared her peak. She moaned and spun around before locking eyes and lips with him. She pushed Donny back as she rolled her hips into his. When she felt him twitch she knew he was there. She let go of the knot in her stomach and began screaming as her orgasm took her over. Donny watched his beautiful girlfriend spasm and quiver for a few minutes even after he finished in her. His orgasm was less expressive but not less powerful as they both lay down on the king-size bed together. They cuddled and fell asleep for a bit in each other’s arms.
When they woke up again the night was calm, with only the faint hum of the city outside their window. Inside the dimly lit room, Donny and Chowon lay curled up together on the couch, wrapped in a soft blanket. The warmth of her body pressed against him, and he found himself absentmindedly tracing circles on her horns. Chowon giggled at the sensation his touch was pleasant, careful but firm, and gave her a feeling she didn't know she could have an itch only he could scratch. It brought her closer to him, it made her wonder about him more so she asked a simple question.
Chowon nestled her head into his chest, sighing contentedly. "Donny," she murmured, her voice soft and curious, "you’ve told me a lot about your powers, but you never really said how you met Nezzar. How did it happen?"
Donny smiled, a mixture of nostalgia and fondness in his eyes. He tightened his arm around her and stared up at the ceiling as he began to recall the memory.
“It was a few years ago,” he started, his voice low and thoughtful. “I was going through a rough patch, feeling lost, like I didn’t know my place in the world. One day, I found myself wandering into this old, quiet park. A man was sitting at a weathered stone table, playing chess by himself. Something about him drew me in, so I walked over, and he invited me to play.”
Chowon lifted her head slightly, looking up at him with interest. “And that was Nezzar?”
“Yeah,” Donny nodded. “At the time, I didn’t know who he was. He looked just like an ordinary old man—gray hair, gentle smile, nothing special. But when I sat down across from him, there was this... aura, I guess, like he had seen and done things I couldn’t even begin to imagine.” Chowon smiled she assumed it was the same peaceful aura Donny held but avoided mentioning that for now and let him continue his story.
Donny paused, lost in the memory, and then continued. “We started playing, and I quickly realized he was incredibly good—like, no matter what move I made, he had an answer, a counter. It was like he was three steps ahead of me the whole time.”
Chowon smiled, imagining the scene. “Sounds intimidating.”
“It was,” Donny chuckled softly. “But it was also kind of... reassuring? Like he was teaching me something without saying a word. We played in silence for a while, until finally, he spoke up. He asked me what I thought was more important: winning or losing.”
Chowon shifted a little, settling more comfortably into his embrace. “What did you say?”
“I told him that winning is what matters,” Donny admitted. “I mean, that’s what I thought back then. But he just shook his head and said, ‘No, it’s not about winning or losing. It’s about maintaining balance. Every move you make should be in harmony with the game, not just an attempt to overpower your opponent.’”
Chowon’s eyes softened as she listened. “So, he was trying to teach you something deeper.”
Donny nodded. “Yeah. He explained that life is at times like a chess game—not just about dominating others or striving for victory, but about understanding the balance in every situation. He said that true strength comes from knowing when to push forward when to pull back when to act and when to wait. Everything in life, he said, should be about maintaining that balance.”
“Wise words,” Chowon whispered, her fingers tracing the outline of his jaw.
“They were,” Donny agreed, his tone reflective. “At the time, I didn’t fully understand it. But as the game went on, I started to see what he meant. Every piece on the board, every move I made, had consequences that rippled out. By the end of the game, I had lost, but I felt like I’d gained something much more important.”
Chowon looked up at him, her gaze filled with admiration. “That’s when you realized who he was?”
“Nope,” Donny said, his voice barely above a whisper. “As we packed up the board, he stood up, placed a hand on my shoulder, and said, ‘Remember, Donny, in all things, seek balance. Your path won’t be easy, but if you keep this in mind, you’ll find your way.’ Then he smiled, and as he walked away, I felt this overwhelming sense of calm and purpose, like everything was going to be okay.”
Chowon cuddled closer, resting her head against his chest. “That’s beautiful, Donny. It’s like he gave you a compass to navigate your life.”
“Kinda, it's been more of me as a grounding point. It's a perspective to help me see just beyond my situation and venture deeper into the world” Donny murmured, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “He did. And every time things get tough, I think back to that day in the park, to that game of chess, and I remember his words. They’ve guided me ever since.”
They lay in comfortable silence for a moment, the weight of Donny’s story lingering in the air. Chowon smiled to herself, feeling grateful for the wisdom that had shaped the man she loved.
“Thank you for sharing that with me,” she whispered.
“Anytime, Cho Cho,” Donny replied softly. “Anytime.” the two spend the rest of the night cuddling, ordering takeout, and enjoying each other’s company until it eventually becomes time to sleep they first start out spooning but move through several positions until both are radically splayed the bed one per side but still connected b various touch points.
Later in the night as the two lovers are entangled Donny wakes up with a furious erection. He's so hard it's painful. It's then that he notices that Chowon has been dousing him with her aphrodisiac. He would come to find out this is how succubus scent marks their partners and preferred prey, but it also makes said partner or prey dangerously horny especially if it's been for a consistent period of longer than 4 hours. No matter what Donny did his erection wouldn't go down though. Thinking about his grandma, thinking about his oaths thinking about how to beat his friend in the fighting game he just bought. He looked over to Chowon and sighed. Silently he began stroking himself hoping not to bother her while he looked over her body, but It didn't help his body seethed against his mind.
“Take her!” “Take her now!” “She did this to you!” his body seemed to scream at him with its refusal to take off the edge.
Donny’s body pushed him to lift her hips and resting thighs on top of his before he lines his cock with her pussy. As he was about to make the plunge he hesitated.
“I shouldn't be doing this,” he thought. Chowon moaned and her eyes snapped open. She looked at Donny with wide but lustful eyes. She could see the conflict in his eyes but also could feel his overwhelming lust for her. She noticed that her tail had instinctively wrapped around his chest and was blasting him with her mating liquid. She smiled and then said,
“Oh did I give you too much I thought you could handle it.” Chowon teased knowing he needed the extra push Donny buried his cock in her cunt. His thrusts were erratic and frenzied as he was less concerned about their mutual pleasure. Chowon understood and spouted encouraging words “Come on big boy give it to me.” she moaned. Donny groaned as he came in here again. His dick finally calmed down enough to sleep again
After they relieved the tension they both went back to sleep, but for Donny it was anything but restful.
The night sky over Seoul was suffocating, with clouds thick like ink, smothering the moon and stars. Donny, a man in his late twenties with unkempt hair and hollow eyes, wandered through the dimly lit streets, lost in a daze. Ever since he was a child, he'd been plagued by dreams—visions of impossible cities under blackened seas, creatures with too many eyes, and a darkness that seemed to breathe.
But tonight was different. Tonight, the dreams had bled into reality.
He could feel it, like a pressure building in his skull, a voice not his whispering in a language that should not be spoken. The air around him hummed with malevolent energy, and as he passed by a storefront window, he saw his reflection twist, warping into something grotesque—tentacles writhing where his mouth should be.
Panicked, Donny stumbled into a narrow alleyway, clutching his head as the whispers grew louder, now a cacophony of voices. He fell to his knees, gasping for breath, his vision blurring until all he could see was darkness.
Then, the darkness moved.
A shape emerged from the void, colossal and incomprehensible. It was as if the universe itself had torn open, revealing a churning mass of writhing tendrils, each one pulsating with an ancient, terrible power. And at the center of it all, a pair of eyes—green as the deepest ocean trench—focused on him.
The drowned one who sleeps: Donjiro...
The voice boomed inside his mind, resonating with the force of a thousand thunderstorms. It was not merely heard; it was felt, vibrating through every cell in his body.
The drowned one who sleeps: You bear the mark of the one called Donny. Through him, the blood of the ancient ones flows within you. But you are weak, hiding from the truth that festers within your soul.
Donjiro trembled, his heart pounding so hard it felt as though it would burst from his chest. He tried to speak, but his voice failed him, choked by the overwhelming presence of the Old One.
The drowned one who sleeps: You cannot escape the destiny that binds you to the abyss. Your time of slumber is over. Rise, and become what you were always meant to be.
Images flashed before Donjiro's eyes—visions of destruction, of worlds crumbling into dust, of seas boiling and skies torn asunder. And at the center of it all stood a figure—a figure that was both him and not him, bathed in darkness, wielding the power of the Old Ones like a god.
The drowned one who sleeps: Your rise is inevitable. Through him, the Old Ones shall awaken. Do not resist, Donjiro. Embrace the darkness. Embrace your true self.
As the voice faded, the world around Donjiro began to shift, the walls of the alleyway melting away, revealing a vast, otherworldly landscape—an endless ocean beneath a sky filled with alien stars.
And in that moment, Donjiro knew he was no longer in Korea, but in a place far beyond the reach of time and space. A place where the Old Ones waited for their return.
With trembling hands, Donjiro reached out to the darkness, feeling its power surge through him, filling the void within his soul. He could feel Donny's presence, distant yet intertwined with his own. The connection was undeniable, and so was the call.
The drowned one who sleeps: Rise…
Donny’s eyes snapped open, glowing with an eerie ghostly teal light. He rose to his feet, no longer weak, but very much afraid he could feel the power of the Old Ones coursing through his veins, awakening the ancient blood within him.
He was no longer just Donny. He was something more—something greater.
And as he stood there, bathed in the light of alien stars, he knew that he would not resist. He would rise, as the voice had commanded. And through him, he would fulfill his destiny, whether he wished to or not.
The time of awakening had come. As he falls asleep again he has no dreams this time. Compared to Chowon who had pleasant dreams about going on cute little dates with Donny.
The next morning Donny wakes up to the sound of Chowon showering. A naughty thought runs through his mind that he throttles instantly he's already done enough to her plus she has a variety show that she needs to get ready for. She finishes up and gets ready to leave. On her way out she embraces Donny. She puts her hand on his chest and feels the thing inside him nestled comfortably. She smiles.
“Good, you have been taking care of yourself. I'm glad you're at peace with all of you,” she said as Donny nodded. They smiled and kissed as she left. A few minutes later Donny decides to get ready. As he does there's a knock on his door.
Donny opens the door to see a blade pointed at him he closes it then puts shorts on and Donny follows Susano outside the room.
“Dude, what the fuck is your problem?” Donny yells.
The storm god looks at Donny with furious confusion,
“What do you mean? My daughter who I just learned about is out cavorting with some random horny paladin…I thought Paladins were supposed to be pious, and chaste. Especially ones of Nezzar.”
Donny pinched the brow of his nose.
“Are you fucking serious? Please like, be for real right now.
“You dare boy. I find out I have a daughter and I go to find her only to learn that she is entangled with the world’s worst paladin who can't keep it in his pants,”
“Okay A.) I didn't take an oath of chastity my path is one of moderation and balance. I can still love and marry in my path the latter of which I'm fully planning on doing with Chowon. B.) she is half succubus.” Donny shifts his tone from yelling to a more relaxed explaining tone, “Minus yesterday everything we have done has almost all been initiated by her and letting her run the show.”
Susanoo scowls at Donny before saying, “And why should I trust you?”
Donny sighs and casts a zone of truth on himself.
“I am deeply in love with your daughter and I would like to marry her someday. She is smart, silly, and has one of the most sexy bodies I have ever seen in my life. I only want more than the best for her and hope I can deliver her the world and more,” Donny says to Susanoo.
Susanoo stares at Donny with a scorned look trying to get a read on him but can't so he does the next best thing. He peeks at his aura.
“You're a monster?” Susanoo says terrified at the horrid amalgamation of God, Fomorian, and old one present in the young Paladin’s aura.
“Well now you're just being mean,” Donny said.
Susanoo unsheathes his sword. Donny sighs and summons the bone spear he made from killing a sea monster some time ago.
The first thing Donny does is enhance the magic and blocks the first three swipes of Susanoo then parries the lunge before clocking him with the butt of the spear.
Susanoo shoots a lightning bolt at him that arches and bounces off of Donny who sighs as he's just over it all.
“Wait,” Donny yells. Susanoo stops
“Can we talk this out like gentlemen?” Susanoo looks at Donny surprised.
“You a Fomorian, dhi, outsider hybrid want to talk out our differences?”
Donny nodded which astounded Susanoo“But why?”
“Because you are (I assume) my girlfriend’s dad and I don't want to hurt you. I have a weapon that' beaten primordials, titans, gods, and time itself.
Susanoo looked at Donny suspiciously, “and how do you know she's my daughter?” he asked.
Donny rolls his eyes as he groans annoyed.
“Dude come on! She has your hair, your eyes, and your face. Although hers is a bit rounder and softer.” Donny answers. He resists barely the urge to say “She has her mom’s sexy body god damn!” but only barely.
Susanoo nods then pauses “Okay let's talk.” he says as he sheaths his sword. Donny gives a thumbs up and then Susanoo asks him the following.
“Did my daughter ever mention me?” Donny nods as he recalls the story.
“The moon hung high in the sky, casting a soft, silvery glow through the curtains of Donny’s apartment. We were lying in bed, the warmth of our bodies entwined under the covers. The room was quiet except for the distant hum of the city and the steady rhythm of their breathing. My arm was draped around Chowon, my fingers gently tracing patterns on her back, as we lay in a comfortable silence.
Chowon stared up at the ceiling, her thoughts drifting. After a moment, she sighed, breaking the quiet. "Can I tell you something, Donny?"
"Of course," I replied, my voice soft and reassuring at least I hope so. "You can tell me anything."
Chowon hesitated, searching for the right words. She had never spoken about this before, but with Donny, she felt safe—like she could finally let down the walls she had built around her heart.
"My mother... she was an elder succubus," Chowon began, her voice tinged with a mix of sadness and bitterness. "She was powerful, beautiful, and knew exactly how to use her nature to get what she wanted. She always told me that love was just a tool—a means to an end. To her, relationships were transactions. She believed that our nature, as succubi, gave us the upper hand and that we should never let our guard down, never get too attached."
Confused I asked Chowon before she could continue he asked, “Um Cho Cho what is an elder succubus?”
“An elder Succubus is the equivalent of a goddess of lust they have risen from the smallest demon rank to the highest demon rank and can go toe with toe minor gods, and some major ones,”
With that explanation, I gave her the space to continue. I listened intently, my hands gently rubbing her back in silent support.
"She used to say that love makes you weak," Chowon continued, her voice growing quieter. "She'd tell me stories about how she could have any man she wanted, make them fall at her feet, and then discard them like they were nothing. But she also told me that letting someone in—really letting them in—was dangerous, because it meant giving them the power to hurt you."
Chowon paused, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I used to admire her strength, the way she could just walk away from anyone, never look back. But as I got older, I started to see the cracks in her armor. She was cold, distant... and she was lonely, even though she'd never admit it."
My heart ached for her. "What happened with your father?" I asked gently, sensing that this was a wound that still hadn't fully healed.
Chowon swallowed hard, her voice trembling as she spoke. "He loved her, I think, in his own way. But my mother... she pushed him away. She used her nature as a shield, an excuse to keep him at arm's length. Whenever things got too real, too close, she'd retreat behind that wall of hers. She'd tell him that she wasn't capable of love, that it wasn't in her nature. And eventually, he just... left."
The tears that Chowon had been holding back finally spilled over, and she turned her face into my chest, seeking comfort in my embrace. "He left, and she acted like it didn't matter. Like it was just another transaction that had run its course. But I could see it, Donny. I could see how much it hurt her. And that hurt her more because she had spent so long convincing herself that she didn't care."
I tightened my hold on her, pressing a tender kiss to the top of her head. "I'm so sorry, Cho Cho," I whispered. "No one should have to go through that, especially not as a child."
Chowon sniffled, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. "I grew up thinking that was how love worked—that it was something to be controlled, manipulated, and discarded when it no longer served you. But when I met you... everything changed. You showed me that love doesn't have to be like that. It doesn't have to be a weapon or a weakness."
I gently tilted her chin up so she was looking into my eyes. "Love is about trust, about letting yourself be vulnerable, even when it’s scary. It's about being there for each other, no matter what."
Chowon nodded, her eyes searching mine. "I want to be that for you, Donny. I don’t want to be like my mother—cold, distant, always running away. I want to love you the way you deserve to be loved. But... I’m scared. What if I end up like her? What if I push you away, too?"
I shook my head, my expression firm but full of love. "You’re not your mother, Chowon. You have the power to choose your own path, to break the cycle. And I’m not going anywhere. We’ll figure this out together, okay? No matter what, I’m here for you."
Chowon let out a shaky breath, feeling a weight lift from her chest. "Thank you, Donny. I don't know what I’d do without you."
"You don’t have to find out. You won't have to find out," I replied softly, pulling her close. "We’re in this together, Cho Cho. Always."
As Donny finished his story Susanoo noticed that he held a certain guardedness to him, around the point when Chowon said “I don't want to be like my mom.”
“She's slipped off the handle hasn't she,” Susanoo asks.
Donny nods but counters, “She was always going to. As soon as I wasn't with her consistently there was always the chance that she would veer, but I can't hate her for it because she's dealing with so much.”
Susanoo laughs, “You're a better man than me then.”
Donny chucked and responded, “I am not a better man than you. You had it right I am a monster, but not because of the thing swirling inside me. That can be removed and excised. What makes me trouble, what makes me the monster wholly and truly is how far I'll go for victory.”
The words spoken held an uncomfortable weight to them. Susanoo noticed this and said, “Well then you're perfect to take care of my daughter.” and with that, he disappeared. (he was going to watch Chowon’s variety show)
Donny nodded and finished getting ready before getting breakfast. As he was going to sit down a man with pale sunken eyes stared at him and took the seat across from him
“Donjiro Montaigne Bernard right?” the gaunt man says. Donny turns to the guy and stares into his gaunt eyes.
“Perfect well I believe our transaction is simple. You have something that belongs to me and I want it back.”
Donny had some idea and said, “Look boss I'm not giving up a part of my soul or Chowon up without a fight. Metaphorically for the latter literally for the former.”
The pale man’s eyes narrowed, “I want none of those things. I just want Excelsior.” Donny’s eyes widened
“Oh okay here you go,” Donny said as he handed over the charm. The pale man looked at Donny confused
“Really no fight?” he asked and Donny nodded. Before getting up to grab his food. He left to go meet Chowon who was finishing up her show.
Donny strides through the dimly lit streets, his thoughts focused on seeing Chowon. The city hums around him, but the anticipation of her performance is all that occupies his mind. Suddenly, he senses a shift in the air—an otherworldly presence that stops him dead in his tracks. Before he can react, Semiramis materializes before him, her beauty both ethereal and menacing.
“Donny,” she says, her voice like velvet, dripping with contempt. “We need to talk.”
He narrows his eyes, trying to gauge her intentions. “I’m on my way to see Chowon. Whatever you want to say can wait.”
“I insist,” Semiramis counters, her tone brooking no argument. She gestures to a nearby bench, the command in her voice leaving no room for refusal. “Sit.”
Reluctantly, Donny complies, though every fiber of his being itches to keep moving. He feels the weight of her gaze, cold and penetrating as if she’s dissecting his very soul.
“You're protective of her. That's good,” Semiramis begins, circling him like a predator. “But protection isn't enough. Tell me, what are your intentions with my daughter?”
Donny meets her eyes, steeling himself. “I love her. I want to be with her, to build a life together.”
Semiramis lets out a low, mocking laugh. “Love. Such a fragile, fleeting thing. Do you think love is enough to keep her safe? To keep you safe?”
He doesn’t flinch. “It’s a start.”
Her expression hardens, and she steps closer, her presence overwhelming. “You really believe you're the man for her? Let’s review, shall we? Let’s talk about your so-called ‘noble’ intentions.”
Donny’s fists clench, but he remains silent.
Semiramis begins to circle him again, her voice laced with venom. “First, there was the skirmish with the rogue god, wasn't there? You had the chance to de-escalate, to talk him down. Instead, you chose violence—brutal, unnecessary violence—because you craved the thrill of battle, the rush of victory. You didn’t care about the lives at stake, just the glory. In the end, hundreds died for your battle lust to be satiated”
Donny's jaw tightens, barely able to contain the itch rising in the back of his skull. Semiramis smiles she can see the “Apex of Destruction” rising from his psyche. She just needed to push a little more
“Then there was that incident in the Underworld,” she continues, her eyes narrowing. “A delicate situation that required tact, diplomacy. But no, you couldn’t resist the temptation to flex your power, to show everyone just how strong you were. And what happened? A dozen souls lost because you couldn’t control your impulses.”
He grips the edge of the bench, his knuckles white. His hands start to tear and rip the metal as he tries to conjure some level of peace in his mind
“And let’s not forget the battle with the warlock, what was his name again? Oh right Damian,” Semiramis says, her voice dropping to a dangerous whisper. “You had him cornered, defeated. All he wanted was mercy. But no, that wasn't enough for you. You had to destroy him completely, to ensure no one would ever doubt your superiority. Ruthlessness at its finest.”
Donny loses it at this insinuation.
“How dare you bring him into this. He was killing people for fun how dare you say I wasn't justified in putting him down He was a rabid dog that needed to be put down!” Dony yelled and Semiramis smiled. There was the anger the righteous fury she had been told of. It all lies beneath the facade of kindness and goofiness.
Semiramis leans in, her face inches from his. Her voice is oddly seductive as if trying to push him into violence, “Personally I love a man who does what needs to be done but you. You take perverse glee in winning. You see this as some sort of contest that you must win, and you'll do anything to win won't you? So you play the role of conflicted paladin but I see what you really are. You think the problem is the monster inside you, don’t you? That’s what you tell yourself. But I see the truth. The monster isn't the problem. It’s your human heart, your insatiable thirst for praise, for glory, for conquest. You’ll do anything to win, no matter the cost, no matter who you hurt.”
He meets her gaze, defiance burning in his eyes. “You don’t know me.”
“Oh, but I do,” she retorts, her smile cruel. “You’re ruthless, Donny. Driven by your need to be the best, to stand above everyone else. You have as much disdain for others as I do and you're not even a god or elder succubus. That's why people hate you. That's why you are “compelled to violence” because the little boy is sad he's all alone with no one to care for him. it will destroy you. I won't let it destroy Chowon.”
He swallows, fighting the anger rising within him. She’s trying to provoke him, to push him to the edge. But he won’t give her the satisfaction.
“You think I don’t know my flaws?” he says, his voice low but steady. “You think I haven’t struggled with them every day of my life? I won’t let my desire for power hurt Chowon.”
Semiramis’s eyes flash with a mix of surprise and disdain. “You really believe that? You really believe you can change?”
“No, but I can be better I can tune my worst traits to be positive ones,” Donny replies, his resolve unshaken. “And I won’t stop until I’m the man she deserves.”
Semiramis straightens, her expression unreadable. For a moment, there’s silence between them, the tension thick in the air. Then, she speaks, her voice softer but still laced with warning.
“Perhaps,” she admits, almost grudgingly. “But if you ever hurt her, if you ever let that darkness inside you take over… I will make you regret it. And that’s not a threat, Donny. That’s a promise. Plus you won't just be dealing with me you'll be dealing with all of my forces and Chowon, and may I inform you that she is stronger than me right now.”
With that, she turns and disappears into the shadows, leaving Donny alone on the bench, his heart pounding but his resolve stronger than ever. He knows the road ahead won’t be easy, but for Chowon, he’ll walk it, no matter the cost.
Donny sits alone on the bench, the echo of Semiramis’s words still ringing in his ears. The alley is silent, save for the distant hum of the city. But inside his head, the storm is brewing. Her accusations, her taunts, they’ve stirred something deep within him—a conflict he’s fought to suppress for years.
He closes his eyes, trying to push them down, to focus on seeing Chowon. Instead, he’s dragged back into a memory he’d rather forget—a memory from his early days as a paladin of Nezzar.
The scene shifts to an ancient, crumbling temple, bathed in the dim light of a setting sun. Blood stains the ground, and the stench of death hangs heavy in the air. Donny stands over the lifeless body of the warlock, his chest heaving from exertion. His greatsword is still dripping with blood.
Nezzar, the god of justice, looms over him, his presence stern and disapproving. The divine being’s gaze is piercing, his voice like thunder.
“Why, Donny?” Nezzar’s voice is filled with disappointment. “He was defeated, beaten. You didn’t need to kill him.”
Donny’s face is emotionless, his eyes cold. He stares down at the warlock’s body with a detached indifference. “He’d just come back again to hurt us later. It was a matter of time. Better to end it here, now, and ensure he can never harm anyone again.”
Nezzar’s expression hardens. “That’s not for you to decide. You are a paladin of justice, not an executioner. Your role is to protect, to uphold the law—not to revel in bloodshed.”
But Donny feels nothing but a chilling and comforting sense of satisfaction. He had won, had eliminated a threat. That was all that mattered. “He was a danger. I stopped him. That’s justice.”
Nezzar shakes his head, his disappointment deepening. “This isn’t justice, Donjiro. It’s ruthlessness. It’s a path that will only lead to darkness. Remember why you became a paladin. Remember the ideals you swore to uphold.”
Donny doesn’t respond. He knows he should feel guilt, or at least regret, but all he feels is the comforting sense of this victory and vindication. All he could think was that he did what was Necessary.
The memory slams into Donny with the force of a tidal wave, knocking the breath from his lungs. He gasps, his hands trembling as he grips the bench. The itch, the violent urge that he’s fought to control, begins to crawl up his spine, whispering promises of power, of control, of victory. His aura changes from the warm and kind Magenta to the cold and abyssal eldritch teal.
His heart pounds in his chest, the blood roaring in his ears. Inside his head, a song begins to play—a relentless, pounding rhythm that only amplifies the desire for violence.
“Rent-free living in your head! rip they commented”
“I felt it when they said. They'll only ever love you if you're seeing red…”
His breath quickens, his vision blurring as the world around him starts to distort. The itch in his brain intensifies, and before he realizes what’s happening, his hand moves instinctively, reaching out.
Reality warps around him, and in his hand, a great sword of ostentatious cruelly beautiful design begins to materialize, its dark, twisted form reflecting his inner turmoil. The air around it ripples, reality-bending to the manifestation of his violent desires. The blade hums with a malevolent energy, feeding off his need for control, for dominance, for blood.
The urge to swing it, to let loose the pent-up rage and frustration, is almost overwhelming. But somewhere, deep inside, a voice—soft and gentle—calls out to him.
“It's okay,” Chowon reassured him
The thought of her pierces through the haze, cutting through the violent urges that threaten to consume him. He pictures her smile, her warmth, her unwavering belief in him. The weight of the sword in his hand grows heavier, more burdensome, as the memory of her grounds him, and pulls him back from the edge.
“She needs me.” he thinks
He forces himself to breathe, to focus on her, on the reason he’s here. Slowly, the song in his head begins to fade, replaced by the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. The sword, once a terrifying manifestation of his darker impulses, starts to dissolve, its energy dissipating as his will overcomes his desire for violence.
Donny exhales, the tension in his body easing. The reality around him stabilizes, the alley returning to its normal, mundane state. He stands, shaky but determined, and begins to walk again, this time with a clear mind and a focused heart.
He arrives at the variety show mostly back to normal. Chowon smiles when she sees him in the crowd. She notices this swirling intensity at the edge of his aura but to her, it's oddly comforting despite its violent intensity.
Her group is about to perform and (she won't admit this but it's true) having him there filled her confidence.
After the show, Chowon felt immense pressure and heat in her womb. She wasn't hungry yet as she was still full from feeding off of Donny earlier no this was a different feeling.
Chowon slips away from the bustling backstage area, her body trembling with an unfamiliar, intense heat. The sensation is unlike anything she’s experienced before, more overwhelming than the typical hunger she felt on occasion. She hurries into a secluded restroom, locking the door behind her. The heat is growing, not subsiding, and she can feel something powerful building within her.
She grips the sink, her breath coming in shallow gasps as the pressure in her womb intensifies, spreading through her body like wildfire. Her thoughts drift to Donny, the one person who grounds her, who makes her feel safe even amid this overwhelming transformation. She closes her eyes, focusing on him, on the calm he brings her.
As she concentrates on Donny, her magic, driven by her intense need, reaches out for him. In an instant, Donny is pulled from where he was sitting in the audience and teleported into the restroom with her. He blinks in surprise, taking in the sight of Chowon, her face flushed, her body trembling with the force of the change she’s undergoing.
“Chowon?” he asks, concern etched on his features as he steps closer.
“I… I didn’t mean to—” she begins, but her words are cut off as a sharp, intense sensation shoots through her lower back. She gasps, clutching at her sides as she feels something begins to emerge from just above her waistline.
Donny watches in awe as a pair of sleek, dark wings slowly unfurl from just above her hips, their appearance a physical manifestation of her full succubus maturity. The wings stretch out, curling slightly as they adjust to their new form. Despite the intensity of the transformation, her clothes remain intact, the wings sprouting from a place that avoids tearing through fabric.
Chowon’s breath comes in ragged gasps as she adjusts to the new weight and sensation of her wings. She glances at Donny, who’s kneeling beside her now, his hand gently resting on her arm in a comforting gesture. That’s when she notices something on his left shoulder—a tattoo she hadn’t seen before, shaped like the Sultai rune.
She touches the tattoo lightly, curiosity mingling with the residual heat of her transformation. “What does this mean to you?” she asks, her voice soft but filled with genuine interest.
Donny looks down at the tattoo, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. “It’s from a game I like to play, Magic: The Gathering. The Sultai brood—there is a clan of people guided by power, ambition, and ambition. It’s a reminder that even my worst traits can be funneled and focused to help others, to protect the people I care about.”
Chowon nods, the warmth of his words soothing the lingering discomfort of her transformation. She feels a deep connection to him in this moment, not just because of the magic that brought him to her, but because he understands the struggle to reconcile power with purpose.
Donny’s hand squeezes hers gently, grounding her further. “We’ll figure this out together,” he assures her, his voice steady. “You’re not alone in this.”
With his presence calming her, Chowon takes a deep breath, her new wings settling against her back. The transformation is complete. She looks at him as the feeling in her womb curdled into lust. She needed Donny now. She needed to claim him as hers now once and forever. She lowered her pants and her panties as they clung to her wide hips she lifted her top so she could release her breasts enough to breathe.
Donny can't control himself as he fishes his cock out to fuck Chowon again. His cock penetrates her and something changes between them. Their souls connect. They link and they see each other for the first time. Their hearts also connect beating as one.
Chowon moans as Donny bottoms out inside of her completing the pair bonding ritual.
Donny feels his desire for her rise up as he slowly pulls out halfway before slamming his hips back in.
“God you're body is so sinful Cho Cho. I just want to take you away and make you my breeding sow. I just wanna spend all day keeping you safe and full of my kids. I wanna see your belly swell with the life we created and will guide.” Chowon moans as Donny’s cock and words hit her straight in her core.
“Oh fuck do you mean it?” she questions and Donny roughly palms her hips and ass before pounding her pussy.
“Please make me your breeding cow. I'll be good I swear. All this idol stuff I hate it. The people making assumptions about me cause of how I look. The comments about my weight. The lack of support from my company. Please just take me away and take care of me,” Chowon says as unspoken desires rise to the surface. Donny stops for a moment. He stares into her eyes and sees tears.
“Wait Cho, Cho what's going on?” Donny says as he retreats from her. Chowon begins sobbing in his arms.
“It's so hard being an idol. I work so hard. Everyone is so mean and I just can’t take it anymore. The diets, the comments, it’s all too much.” She says. Donny nods and then asks.
“How much longer till you can leave?”
“Six years.”
“Well, then what’s six years to the rest of our lives?” Chowon smiles at Donny’s words as she leans into his shoulder.
“Okay let’s get you back to your friends,” Donny said as he helped her up. Chowon smiled as she walked in front of him he slapped her ass and she looked back shocked.
“Now don’t start something you can’t finish,” Chowon said.
“Oh don’t worry,” Donny said with a malicious smile. “We will be finishing this later,” he adds
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esmerulia-chantelle · 12 days
Aster - "Take care of yourself for me."
— Azul Ashengrotto x GN!Reader.
Notes: Established relationship.
Part of my Autumnal Flower Shower series. Check out my blog for more! ^^
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Life can be busy sometimes, especially for someone like Azul. He always has things to do and his mind works non-stop, always thinking and calculating and planning ahead. Yet it was a part of him you admired so much. The way he can multitask and juggle his plentiful responsibilities and at the same time, still being a doting lover to you.
But this nature of his worries you sometimes. You noticed how Azul would overwork himself especially when you weren't around. With no one by his side to remind him of his breaks, Azul works continuously like a machine.
"Zul. Did you have your break yet?" You ask through the phone.
"I'm fine, darling. Don't worry about me," he responds.
He sounds fine but you know he needed to take a breather. You can imagine him slumped in his desk full of paperwork, writing on a piece of paper with a tired expression while holding onto his cellphone with the other hand.
"Just for fifteen minutes. Please? I understand you need to finish it but you can't function properly and can't work better without proper rest."
Azul remains silent on the other side of the line and you know he was contemplating it.
"I'll give you lots of hugs when I come back if you take a break~" You say, trying to coax him more.
There was a pause before you hear him sigh and speak softly.
"...kisses. I.. need your kisses too."
Your heart bumps loudly in your chest hearing him say that. You let out a giggle and smiled at his answer.
"Hehe~ Okay then. I'll give you lots of hugs and kisses when I come back."
Unaware to you, Azul was blushing brightly on the other side. He wasn't always used to such displays of affection and didn't show his vulnerable side much but with you, Azul can completely let down his walls and be more open with his inner thoughts and feelings.
Azul likes having physical affection with you. The way you hold and cling onto him and shower him with your love without recoiling in disgust on who he is and what he looked like.. it truly makes him happy.
He was feeling a bit flustered when he asked for kisses but his lips couldn't help but curve into a smile when you so easily agreed. Now he was even more excited to have you back.
"Zul? Are you still there?"
"Yes. Sorry. I was just finishing something. I'll be taking my break now."
"Hehe~ I'm happy to hear that! I'm sorry I'm not there yet. I didn't expect I would take a long time here."
"It's okay, sweetheart. Just do what you got to do. I'll be here."
"And taking a break?"
Azul chuckles. "Yes. And taking my break."
"..oh! I think they're calling me now. I have to go, Zul. But I'll see you later, okay? I'll give you lots of hugs and kisses when I get back. So until then... Take care of yourself for me. Okay? I love you!"
"I love you too, sweetheart. I'll see you soon."
You end the call and try to hurry and speed up your task. You feel even more motivated and hope to finish up sooner, wanting to get back to Azul as soon as possible and give him lots of affection.
On his side, Azul leans back against his armchair while thinking of you. He imagines you coming back and rushing into his arms for a hug. Your lips pressing against his in a chaste kiss before they travel across his face, peppering him with more kisses.
Azul smiles at the thought and sighs again.
"I think I'll have some tea for my break. And maybe some light snacks. Can't have my darling not giving me my well-deserved hugs and kisses, after all."
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A/N: Hi! Sorry it took a while to post another one from this series. Things have been keeping me busy so.. yeah. 🥺 BUT! I do plan to finish this series so stay tuned!
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jessybarnes · 2 years
Title: Patience
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Rating: 18+ Only! Minors DNI!
Word Count: 2,934
Tags: SMUT, angst, fluff, cockwarming, submissive Bucky, handcuffs, drinking, flirting, pet names, maybe slight degradation if you squint, slight dom/sub, masturbation, fingering (female receiving), clit play, permission to cum, edging, orgasm denial, unprotected sex, begging, crying, explicit sexual content, explicit language, and I think that's it.
Written For: @buckybarnesbingo, @sebastianstanbingo, and @anyfandomangstbingo
Square(s) Filled: Y1 - Kink: Cockwarming for Bucky Barnes Bingo // G5 - Submissive!Bucky Barnes for Sebastian Stan Bingo // G2 - Handcuffs for Any Fandom Angst Bingo
Dedicated To: @buckyalpine - I love you, bby ❤️ I really hope you like this 🥺 It's a thank you for all of the amazing content you've put out for us.
Beta(s): Just Grammarly
A/N: I'm so sorry this is bad... I've been so busy these last couple of weeks with Thanksgiving and yesterday was my stepdaughter's birthday and today is my daughter's so I've had basically no time to write. I really hope this isn't terrible, but I'm so sorry if it is. Also, have I already used the below GIF before for one of my fics? Yes. Am I using it again? Yes. Will I probably use it for a future fic? Also, yes. 🤷🏽‍♀️
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You sip your drink as you watch Bucky from the bar. Currently, he's smiling at something Steve said, his flesh hand patting the blonde super soldier on the back while his metal one holds his glass of Asgardian mead.
You're not one for parties, but you know it means a lot to Bucky that you're here with him. He's finally rid of the Winter Soldier, the assassin side of him that he's battled to overcome for years, and in true Stark fashion, he threw your boyfriend a party.
It feels like everyone Tony has ever talked to is here, and crowds make you anxious, so the bar is where you'll be until Bucky's ready to go.
Natasha refills your glass and smiles at you warmly, "he's come a long way."
You swirl the amber liquid around a bit before taking a healthy drink.
"He has. I'm so grateful to Wakanda and the Dora Milaje for helping him. It took a while, but we're finally here."
She nods and pours herself a shot, "it's been a long time coming."
"Speaking of coming, I feel like everyone and their mother came to this thing. I don't even know half the people here..."
Nat snorts, "it's Tony, what did you expect?"
A comfortable silence settles between the two of you and you feel yourself starting to unwind.
You finish your second drink and motion for Natasha to refill it again. She sets the bottle down and glances over your shoulder shaking her head.
"Looks like one of the secretaries has taken a liking to Barnes."
Well, so much for being able to relax.
You turn in your seat and watch as a pretty blonde touches his arm softly, batting her eyes at him like a giddy schoolgirl.
Bucky doesn't reciprocate, but he doesn't shoo her away either. He looks up at you momentarily and bites his lip before smiling at the girl in front of him. You know he's not really interested in her. He'd never cheat on you. It still doesn't change the fact that he's deliberately flirting with her in front of you though.
Your fingernail taps on the side of your glass as you grow more and more irritated. She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and trails her index finger down the front of his shirt.
You grip the glass so hard that your knuckles turn white.
"I'll pay you later, Natasha," you down the rest of your whiskey and slam the glass down on the bar top. "Right now I've got something to take care of."
You push through the crowd and tap the blonde on her shoulder. She whips around and gives you a pointed look, "can I help you?"
"Yeah," you raise an eyebrow, "you can help me by stopping yourself from eye fucking my boyfriend."
Her eyes go wide as she looks from you to Bucky. He shrugs and she huffs before walking away.
You glare up at him and he takes your hand, "oh, come on doll. I was just teasing you."
"Don't doll me, James. You know I don't like seeing you giving someone else that kind of attention."
His free hand wraps around your waist and pulls you into him, "come on, baby. Don't be like that."
Steve chuckles, "I don't know, man. That girl was looking at you like you put the stars in the sky, and it's not like you pushed her away when she touched your chest."
"Who's side are you on, pal?" Bucky narrows his eyes at his best friend.
You've had enough. This party, that girl, Bucky's attitude, all of it, and it stirs a possessiveness inside of you that you haven't felt in a long time.
"It's time to go."
Bucky's eyes go wide, "go? But the party just star-"
"I said it's time to go."
Steve whistles as you drag Bucky toward the elevators, "good luck!"
Once you get him back to your shared bedroom, you shut and flick the lock.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y., please tell anyone who comes to our door that we aren't taking visitors."
"Yes, Miss Y/L/N."
Bucky leans against the wall and looks down at you softly, "I swear I didn't mean to upset-"
"Well, you did. Take your clothes off and lay on the bed."
"Y/N, please just let me properly apologize to you."
Your hands move to your hips and you give him a stern look. To anyone who isn't familiar with your relationship, it would be quite comical seeing your tall, muscular, super-soldier boyfriend being so submissive to you. You know he needs this though, to be able to let go and give himself completely to someone he knows won't hurt him. And who are you to deny him that? Especially since you love the rush of taking control sometimes.
"Don't make me ask you again, James."
Bucky bites his lip as he stands up straight. He pulls the red henley he's wearing over his head, and you watch the movement of his well-defined muscles with hooded eyes. He undoes the button on his jeans and slides them and his boxers down to his ankles before stepping out of them.
"I really am sorry, baby"
"I know you are." You gesture behind him, "I've changed my mind. Sit with your back against the headboard."
He turns to walk over to the bed and you groan at the unimpeded view of his ass. Fucking hell, he's perfect.
He settles on the comforter and looks at you with curious, blue eyes. You don't say anything to him as you walk into the closet. Moments later you return with two pairs of silver handcuffs dangling from your fingertips and you watch his cock twitch in interest.
"Y/N, I don't see how this is a punishment," he drawls.
You smirk and cuff each of his hands to the small metal hoops that jut out from the side of the headboard. These were no ordinary handcuffs either, they were made with raw vibrainium which means he can't get out of them easily.
"Trust me," you step back and reach behind you to pull the zipper on the back of your dress, "you'll see."
Bucky watches as the little black dress falls to the floor and pools around your feet, his eyes darkening with want.
"God, you're so damn gorgeous, baby."
You smirk, "and it's too bad you won't get to touch me." You smooth your hands over your soft skin, your fingertips barely catching your nipples making you gasp. "I was really looking forward to those big, strong hands all over me, Buck."
He groans and watches you take off your bra and panties, "come on, pretty girl. Please let me touch you...please?"
You climb on the bed and straddle his chest, his cock beginning to leak in anticipation of your touch. You ignore the urge to and slide two of your fingers between your soaked folds instead.
"Mmm, you should have thought of that before ... fuck ... before you flirted with that secretary.
He watches you circle your clit slowly, his eyes nearly black now as he tugs harder at the cuffs.
"Baby... fuck, baby please!"
"Shit, I'm so wet for you, Bucky...feels so good..."
You bring your glistening fingers to your lips and close your mouth around them, licking them clean of your arousal. Bucky whines and raises his hips in frustration.
"Let me have a taste, please baby? Please! I'm so sorry for even looking at her... God, please...need you so bad..."
You tilt your head to the side and look down at him. His eyes are desperate and you almost give in and undo the handcuffs.
"Aww, do you need a taste? Do you want me to sit on your face, baby boy?"
Your tone is teetering the line of sincere and condescending, and it makes another bead of precum spill from the head of his cock. Your words alone are making him fall apart. You've never been this dominant with him and he'd be lying if he said he didn't like it.
It's merely a whisper, but you hear him nonetheless and decide to take a little mercy on him.
"Lay on your back for me, baby."
Bucky scoots down, his arms suspended slightly upward and out to the side as he lays flat. You move so your legs are on either side of his head and hover your dripping pussy over his lips.
"Since you love using that pretty mouth to tease and flirt so much, why don't you put it to good use and make me cum. Maybe if you do a good job I'll let you fuck me."
Bucky licks his lips, "I'll make you feel real good, doll. Please... just please let me taste you..."
You lower yourself down to his mouth and he immediately begins ravishing you. His tongue skillfully slides between your folds, alternating from your hole to your clit making you moan.
He's always been so good at this. Taking you apart over and over again until you're a shaking, quivering mess. But this? The way he's delving his tongue into your dripping cunt, devouring you as if he needs you to survive, it's another side of him you've never seen before and it's one of the hottest things you've ever experienced with him.
"Fuck... yeah, baby just like that."
Bucky groans and moves back to your clit, sucking it and flicking it with the tip of his tongue. His untouched cock is leaking profusely now. He's determined, desperate to feel you cum, desperate to make you fall over the edge and taste you.
It isn't long until the familiar coil begins to ignite and your legs start to shake from the amount of pleasure your boyfriend is bringing you. Your hands tangle in his hair, pulling it as your hips rock against his mouth.
"Oh, Bucky! Don't stop, baby! Don't you fucking stop... oh, my god...fuck, you're gonna make me cum!"
He moves his tongue faster, tugging at the cuffs and wishing he could grip your luscious thighs.
Your eyes flutter closed and you throw your head back as your orgasm shoots through you like a bolt of lightning. Bucky doesn't stop, and you let him work you through your high until it becomes too much. Finally, you climb off of him and lay on the bed at his side, moving your fingertips up and down his thigh slowly while he breathes heavily.
"Did such a good job for me, baby. You made me cum so hard."
Bucky turns to look at you, "does that mean I can fuck you now?"
You bite your lip and just barely graze his thick shaft.
"Oh, sweetheart, you didn't think it would be this easy, did you? You thought giving me one orgasm would warrant forgiveness for deliberately flirting with someone else in front of me?"
Bucky gasps and whines from your touch, his cock twitching in need.
"Doll, p-please...," his eyes shine with tears and his fists clench and unclench, "I'll never do it again, I promise! Please I...I need you so bad...so bad, baby..."
You kiss his lips and shush him, before carefully straddling his hips. His eyes are wide and needy as he looks up at you, and your heart thuds hard against your ribcage. He's so fucking beautiful like this. All spread out for you. Needy and begging for your touch.
Bucky is so good at being in control when you need him to, but at times like this, he's the prettiest submissive you've ever seen.
"Sit back up for me, honey. I'm going to give you a reward, okay?"
He nods and scoots back up so his back is against the headboard again. He watches as you rise on your knees and reach behind you. His eyes roll back into his head as you wrap your fingers around his cock, and you immediately pull them away.
"Ah, ah, ah...keep those eyes on me, baby."
Bucky nods and you curl your fingers around him again before lining him up with your entrance. You're so wet that you don't even need him to prep you.
Ever so slowly, you sink down on his thick, hard cock. Bucky's so worked up that you can feel him throbbing as you take him to the hilt.
"You're so fucking big, baby. Mmm, you fill me up so well. Does this feel good, sweetheart?"
He shudders and resists the urge to raise his hips so he'll go deeper, "so good...feels so good."
"Is this what you wanted, honey?"
Bucky swallows thickly and lets out a shaky breath.
"Wanna...wanna feel you ride me. Please...please just wanna cum for you."
You cradle his face in your hand and brush the pad of your thumb over his stubble, "only good boys get what they ask for, baby. Besides, I love feeling you just like this. So deep inside me, the head of your pretty cock kissing my cervix, you make me feel so full."
Bucky whimpers and you lean forward to kiss him again, your mouth moving against his slow and sweet.
He kisses you fiercely and you reciprocate with just as much fervor. Bucky could stay like this forever, just drowning in the way you feel around him, in your touch, and your taste.
You pull away and smooth your thumb over his bottom lip, "if I uncuff one of your hands, are you going to be good for me?"
The thought of being able to touch you makes his eyes fill with tears as he nods enthusiastically.
"If you can be a good boy for me I'll ride you, baby."
You reach for the handcuff keys on the bedside table and uncuff his metal hand.
"Rub my clit, baby boy. Make me cum around your cock."
Bucky reaches down to where the two of you are joined and touches the cool metal of his thumb to your bundle of nerves. You gasp at the contrast of temperatures as he begins making tight circles.
"Fuck, Bucky..."
You rock your hips slightly back and forth, cupping your breasts as hot sparks of arousal shoot through you. A low rumble sounds in Bucky’s chest when he feels you clench around his cock, and he has to force himself not to cum.
"God, baby...can feel you squeezing me. Wanna watch you come undone with my cock buried inside of you. Please, princess? Please come for me..."
The way he's begging for you, the feeling of the smooth metal of his gold and black thumb moving over your clit, and how fucking good it feels to have his thick cock stretch you open sends you falling over the edge for a second time. His name tumbles past your lips over and over and spots dance in your vision as you cum hard for him.
You're both panting when you finally open your eyes again. Bucky's shaking, his eyes are still wide and shining as he silently begs for release and you finally, finally give in to him and plant your palms on his chest.
"You've been such a good boy for me, honey. I'm gonna ride this beautiful cock and I want you to tell me how good it feels, but you can't close your eyes. I want you to look at me when you cum."
You know he's not going to last long. Not when you've worked him up this much, so you don't bother starting slow. You move up and down at a steady pace, listening to his needy, desperate moans.
His metal hand grips your hip and helps to guide you as you start to go faster, and you can feel how close he is, his cock throbbing inside of you as his lips part in a silent scream.
"Oh, my god, babydoll... feels so good... m'so close! Gonna cum so hard for you, pretty girl. Please! Please am I allowed to cum? Can't hold it anymore...s'too much...feels too good... please ... please!"
You brush away his tears and lean down to capture his lips in a passionate kiss.
"Fill me up, baby boy. Come on, let go for me. Show me, sweetheart."
Bucky slams you down on his cock and holds you in place as he groans loudly into your neck. His orgasm crashing into him like a tsunami as he nearly sobs in ecstasy.
You pepper kisses all over his face and shush him as he shakes in your arms, sweet nothings falling from your lips as he comes down from his high. Eventually, you move to get up, but he whines and pulls you closer to him.
"I need to uncuff your other hand, honey."
"But I wanna stay inside you...please? Just wanna feel close to you."
Your eyes soften and you free his flesh hand, rubbing his wrist gently.
"We can stay like this as long as you need to, Buck. I'm not going anywhere."
He moves so you're both on your sides and slides his softening cock back inside of you gently. He sighs happily and buries his face in your neck.
"Love you, princess... love you so much," he whispers sleepily.
You kiss his forehead and rub his back tenderly, "I love you too, baby. Close those pretty eyes and sleep for me, okay? I'll be here when you wake up."
It isn't long until you feel his breathing even out, and you continue to hold him close as sleep begins to take you too.
You're happy and safe inside the embrace of the love of your life.
You're home.
Tagging: @buckyalpine @madashatters18 @sarahrogersevans @chrisevansdaughter @nerdygingermoose88 @brandyywar
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fanon-canon-idfk · 1 year
Idk if ur reqs r open but can i request a scenario where dazai cheats on male!reader with chuuya after 3-4 months of dating?
Yes I need the angst practice let’s go
Dazai Osamu x Male Reader
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It had been 4 months exactly since you and Dazai had began dating. Along with this anniversary, it was also your boyfriend’s birthday.
You had planned to surprise him for his birthday, you had bought a gift, planned out a movie to watch, bought all of his favorite foods to eat as you watched it. You had the perfect plan.
Now, how did you begin to date the young man?
It was after a particularly tasking mission, you two had been known to have a romantic tension between you so most predicted it would happen eventually.
Dazai had gotten hurt which led to you protecting him and finishing off the enemy yourself.
Once they were taken care of, you went straight to the side of your colleague.
“Are you ok? How is the wound?” You asked, panicking inside as you saw the bloodied gash in his side.
He didn’t answer as he was too busy inhaling through his teeth to handle the pain.
You had to think fast, taking off your button down shirt as you began to lift up his own.
Tightly tying your shirt around his torso, you whispered small apologies as he groaned in pain.
He gripped tightly on you, grabbing your own hand in his as he squeezed it tightly, steadying his breathing.
You talked to him softly, guiding him through the pain as you made sure he wouldn’t bleed out.
You had already called back to the agency for medical help, now just sitting with Dazai trying to keep him comfortable and conscious.
He was pulled so tightly against you, he tried not to dig his nails into your bare shoulders.
You saw he was sweating at his forehead, so you brushed his hair to the side and held up his bangs.
He looked at you so softly, clearly still in pain but it’s almost like you could tell from his eyes that he appreciated your actions.
Then you two were looking for a little too long, both of your eyes subtly darting to one another’s lips.
Dazai weakly lifts his shaking hand to gently cup your face and bring it closer to his own.
He brought you merely centimeters apart from his lips, looking into your eyes one last time to be sure you were comfortable before closing the distance.
A lot of it is a blur but you both began dating after that.
He let you in to his life, and into a few parts of his past.
Of course you didn’t know everything, but you knew a bit.
You knew of his mafia background and a few of the people he met in that time.
You certainly knew of Nakahara Chuuya, who took a role in many many of his stories.
By no means were you jealous, Dazai was yours and you were secure in that.
However, you’d be a fool to say you didn’t notice how Dazai talked about his old friend, the light in his eyes, the small smile.
But nonetheless, you didn’t question it, who wouldn’t smile of fondness remembering the days with a cherished friend?
But back to the present-
In order to make your surprise work, you told your boyfriend you’d be busy but would join him later in the night.
So, when you unlocked his front door-
Opening it excitedly, a smile on your face-
Yelling out “Happy Birthday!”-
You were expecting to surprise your boyfriend.
Him alone.
But instead, you were met with the sight of Nakahara kissing your boyfriend on his couch.
Dazai pushing him off to save face for himself as he heard your voice, looking at you wide eyed and caught.
Silence fell on the room, the only thing to be heard was the sound of bags of food and his gift falling to the floor.
“What.. what are you doing..?” You ask absentmindedly, your eyes wide and your face frozen in shock.
“Y/N.. please I can explain this.” Dazai got up from the couch quickly, approaching you carefully.
Chuuya got up and stood in front of the brunette, “Y/N, it was all me-“
“Nakahara. Out. I’m going to talk to my boyfriend myself.” You seethed, Chuuya didn’t fight you on it, leaving as you asked.
“Y/N.. please-“ you cut him off, “What is going on..?”
“It meant nothing! He means nothing, ok? Let’s just talk this out.” He walked to you, reaching a hand out to your face.
That same hand.
The one he gripped yours in.
The one he cupped your face in.
The one he cupped Nakahara’s face in.
You gripped his wrist tightly, right before his fingers graced your face.
Before he could pull you in again.
Before he could make you forget it all with a kiss, which you were sure he could.
You shakily brought that hand away from your cheek.
Instead, you brought it to your lips-
And kissed that loving, caring, gentle, cheating, betraying hand-
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kristlewrites · 1 year
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“Baby I’m ready for take off”
CW: Cock Warming ,Chest Riding, Fluff(?), Poorly written smut, comfort(?) nicknames ( ma, mamas, papa, and baby)
PAIRING: Connie x Black!FemReader
WC: 0.9k
🫧🗯️: Test run post! Don’t judge🤒 ALSO! first time writing smut so if it’s bad i’m sorry, it’ll probably remain like that for a minute…(title is from a wayv song.. doesn’t have to do anything with the fic🪦🪦)
(take off!)
It's been a long day, long week even. School has been beating your ass with essays and finals..this was your only chance to relax. You enter connie's apartment around 6 pm, he wasn't there because he's also been busy but not with school. The team made it to regionals and the coach has been working the team the bone with drills everyday.
     You use your key that he lent to you and make yourself at home, he lived off campus. You make your way into the shower and clean yourself up real quick and change into his pajamas, although a lot of your clothes is in his room, hell ! you even have your own drawer! But you love the way his clothes feels on you and his scent makes you feel safe. You were absolutely starving by the time you got dressed and decided to go order some food, wing-stop you finally decide you got yourself a 12 pc hot and lemon pepper with a side of fries and A sprite. When the food came around it was almost eight and Connie should be on his way home.
   After you finished eating you cleaned up super quick and went to bed, connie showed up about an hour later. He knew you were here but seeing you in his sheets and pjs made his heart falter. He went in the shower quickly and joined you in bed. He tried his best not to make any noise but regardless you still woke up 
    "Sorry ma, didn't mean to wake you up"
    he said so gentle, 
      "how are you? I'm sorry I came home late.. i didn't expect coach to keep us so long"
   he caressed your cheeks trying to get you back to sleep. You looked up at his beautiful freckled face, you missed him so much you guys havent been able to see each other at all this week with being so occupied with your own personal activities and affairs. Small tears stream from your eyes, he wipes them away with such care and delicacy.
   "I know, I know ive missed you too, baby"
    You turn towards to him and indulge into his chest , he's not wearing a shirt which is normal since he gets really sweaty at night (😭😭🪦🪦🪦) you start talking about the events that happened that week, how your essay went, how you absolutely failed your stats test, new books you bought, girl drama, and how stressful it's been for you. He nods occasionally and throws in a couple of "mhms" to let yk that he's still listening. This goes on for about an hour and at this point you're just rambling, but connie understands how much you love to talk and let's you continue without complaint, that is until you ask him about his week and what he's done. 
   At this point he's practically knocked out. 
   "Hah, What was that baby what did you say??" he said a little bit groggy
   You repeat your question, but while you do you see that he's HARD??? No way this man was hard from just hearing you talk.But then he must've been backed up from this whole week because of how rarely he saw you or had anytime for himself. When you think about it has been a while since y'all had sex, because of how seldom it's been to even talk to him on the phone 
   "Hey con.. You're hard, how long has it been?" you ask while playing with his nipples. (🪦🪦🪦)
   "Baby you don't even understand how much i've missed you..c'mere" He pulls you closer to his penis.
  Slowly he removes his pants and boxers, revealing his hard leaking cock.. good lord it was so much prettier than you remember. You slowly enter his dick into your hole, surprised by how wet you were.
   "Be careful mamas I could jizz into you at any point" you laughed at his choice of words, it was clear that he hasn't been relived in awhile..and while you were also tired doesn't mean you could at least help him out!!?? and you were on the pill so that should count for something..right??? Continuing you grab ahold of his tip and insert it, until fully seethed into your pussy. It felt so good, you grabbed his hand and placed it on your stomach showing him where his dick is. That really pushed him over and sprayed your pussy through and through. your poor baby he was so sensitive. You guys stayed like that until morning.
   Waking up, you find yourself looking at connie sleeping so soundly and peacefully. You reach for your phone but feel restricted once you've realized the man got a whole ass dick in you. omggg
  "Baby wake up" you whisper yell, tapping his chest. you roam your fingers on along his abs, a few seconds later connie shifts a little bit to remove his cock from you and lifts you up and places you down on his chest. This all happens so quick that u immediately shiver, with your wet slicky pussy on top of his chest he begins move you up and down while his dick teases at your ass crack. Your nails dig into his abdomen while you grind your silky pussy over his abs. Connie's hands take pleasure in your tits while they bounce up and down, twisting and turning you nipples putting you into over drive. Your cum glazes over his abs, you panting hard. First thing in the morning... You rest your head on his chest finding his heart beat while he rubs your head calming you down. 
   "I love you ma" he whispers, he feels your smile into his chest and laughs a bit. He raises your head, "did you hear what I said?" He leans in for a kiss and you return it. "I love you too papa"
(Think of this as a soft launch ijbol)🫧🗯️
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Hi!!!! could you please do some headcanons on what fake dating mickey altieri would be like?
hi sorry for disappearing for like two months, I got super busy but I’m back!!
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warnings: just swearing i think
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹
- you’re prepared to give mickey a whole speech about all the reasons he should take this seriously and fake date you, and you’re half expecting him to shut you down in the first thirty seconds
- what you don’t anticipate is him barely letting you finish your question before responding with a simple “sure thing” with absolutely no questions asked before he fully launches back into whatever it was he was saying before
- you ask him about this later one and he eventually says “you asked ‘cause you wanted my help, right? none of my damn business why.”
- none of his friend group even batted an eyelid when you announced you were “dating” - which may or may not have made you question things
- most of them just wondering what took the pair of you so damn long
- mickey’s such a flirt anyway that not much changes between the two of you - apart from more physical touch
- and trust me, there’s a lot of that
- even though mickey’s already someone who’s comfortable with physical contact, it’s like he dials it up to 11: if his arm isn’t constantly fixed to your waist or shoulders, then it’s in your pocket, resting on your back or your thigh, ect.
- speaking of flirting, he’ll tone down the flirting with other people and just crank it up with you instead
- he delivers the worst lines you’ve heard but does it with that boyish grin and all around charm that somehow makes them work in a way they have no right to
- goes absolutely crazy with the pet names, 50% just to be a little shit and be purposely obnoxious, and 50% to see what sticks and what you actually like
- you walk on him watching corny romcom movies in what you assume is preparation and although mickey futilely tries to play it off, you’re not fooled
- eventually you just have to promise to never mention in front of anyone - it would apparently totally destroy his credibility when it comes to “real cinema”
- semi-related, but he’d be the kind for a big “grand” gesture - think showcasing a film all about you to grab people’s attention and really sell everything - its a quintessential college movie trope
- drags you to parties that he wants to go to, and convinces you to dance with him - purely for the sake of realism, of course
- enjoys scaring off other guys that try and hit on you at said parties - he doesn’t even say any anything overtly threatening, he’ll either just make passive aggressive comments or just stare until they get the hint
- you honestly just think he’s having way too much fun with it but you’re willing to let it slide - his intentions are mostly good
- if you go out to an actual bar, mickey absolutely doesn’t let you spend a dime (which you think is strange, since it doesn’t make a difference to your fake relationship. still, you appreciate the gesture).
- a few of your friends think he’s at least a little bit of a dick but he treats you so well that they can’t complain
- which again, mickey loves - he is nothing if not a petty little bitch
- when your hanging out with somebody who genuinely thinks the two of you are dating, mickey will often call you to “check up” on you and make sure you’re okay
- has no problem with saying that he loves you, and makes sure to say it before he says goodbye (but he says it so easily and it sounds so genuine and it makes you wonder…)
- will casually be talking to you in the hallway before class, but when he sees one of your friends coming he’ll slowly and deliberately pull you into a kiss
- you can’t help but be disappointed when he pulls back with a wink and a grin
- brings you lunch after class, which everybody finds sickeningly sweet and makes mickey look like the perfect boyfriend - which is pretty accurate, without, you know, it being a “real” relationship and all
- derek, randy and hallie tease him for how you’ve “softened” him - and if you see swear you see mickey blush, well, that’s either here nor there
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Bubba’s S/O starting a vegetable garden
Unless you somehow also came from a family of cannibalistic butchers, you were probably used to a more varied diet than the one the Sawyers adhered to. While you obviously loved that crazy bunch, and your darling Bubba especially, you soon missed the taste of veggies, and salad, basically anything that isn't meat. But the truth is that after the Sawyers' job at the slaughterhouse was made obsolete, they simply couldn't afford anything like that. Hell, they couldn't even afford normal meat and had to resort to cannibalism! But for the sake of the whole family's health, you decided to do something about it. Furthermore, there wasn't a lot to do out here in the sticks, so in the time between you being done with your daily chores and Bubba being done with his, you often found yourself bored out of your mind. So during supper one night, you carefully brought up the idea of creating a small vegetable patch in the back yard of the house, and maybe planting some fruit trees, too. "What for?", Drayton asked. "My cookin' not good enough for ya?" You knew that you had to choose your next words with extreme care. "Not at all. I just... want to give you some more stuff to work and experiment with." And make sure this family doesn't die of scurvy, though you didn't say that out loud. "Besides, it gives me something productive to spend my free time on once the chores are done." The eldest brother chewed on his fork for a few moments, obviously in deep thought. Then he shrugged. "Aw hell. Why not. But!" He waved his index finger in front of your face. "No slacking off on chores just so you can play in the dirt! And you gotta buy the seeds yourself. You can come to the city with me tomorrow to get them." "Understood. Thanks, Drayton."
So the next day, you returned from your little trip to town with small packets of seeds for carrots, lettuce and tomatoes. Those seemed to be good choices for a start. A trial run of sorts; plus they were currently in-season. So once you finished your chores, you rummaged through the nearby shed, finding garden tools that probably hadn't seen any use in a generation or three, and got to work.
You completely forgot the time while you worked. You were busy prepping the soil, planting the seeds, and watering them, when a huge shadow fell over you. You turned and saw Bubba stand behind you. He was watching what you were doing with great interest. You stepped back and looked at your work. "What do you think? It doesn't look like much yet, but soon it will be all nice, big veggies for the whole family to enjoy!" You got downright giddy at the thought. Bubba put his arm around your shoulders and nuzzled your cheek affectionately. He didn’t quite get why you made such a fuss about plants (....yet) but if they made you happy then he loved them.
A few months later, it was finally time for your first harvest! The tomatoes would still need a bit, but you had your first meatloaf with self-grown carrots and a simple salad as a side dish. You had expected some complaints about "rabbit food", and Chop Top and Nubbins indeed made some teasing remarks about it, but all four of the brothers gobbled up the fruits of your labor like they were starving nonetheless. Even Drayton, who hardly ever had anything nice to say to anyone, muttered a begrudging "Ya did good." in your general direction, which you put down as a victory.
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