#got ham posting
rainbowmewz · 13 days
average barkham asylum conversation
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hypnogogyc · 9 months
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Every song has a final note.
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tianhai03 · 1 year
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happy re4r launch day :)
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halfusek · 1 year
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Are we laughing? Are we crying? Are we drowning? Are we dead? Or is it all a dream?
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karamell-sweetz · 3 days
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fairy rui. *hands this to you and walks away ominously*
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coquelicoq · 23 hours
the writing for the princess and shen yurong was a little up and down (especially toward the end), but i hardly ever noticed because the actors were so good. like the role of the princess would have been so easy to fuck up and so hard to pull off, but li meng absolutely killed in that role. major props.
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royalarchivist · 5 months
Guys, I really hate to be a killjoy but Fit did not call Pac "babe" in today's live.
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pixelatedquarter · 5 months
Everything's chill with "bear (patrick) in mind" until you find out the Luke Chueh painting Pete started vagueing Folie A Deux with is called "Bear In Mind"
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grailknightmonty · 11 months
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sparkle bright like a diamond ✨
Amazing design for the mans by @ingapotejtoo :D!! im so normal about this guy (lying)
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autistichedgehogs · 1 year
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horizon-penblade · 2 months
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rainbowmewz · 10 months
thinking about 3x14 and how fucked up it gets
oswald trying to prove to edward that he rlly does love him. the "does that mean i pass?" in such a shaky voice... telling edward that murdering him will change him because this would be the murder of someone edward loves and edward retorts "i don't love you". oswald's hands, trying to grab edward and edward slapping them away...
oh my god this physically pains me
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Another day, another step into the HQ. The vending machine clunked and clicked out a drink of your choosing, to only see Spider punk and some lady? Literally who was she, she didn't look like a spider, but she click clacked over to the vending machine to shake it around to get drinks.
"You not gonna say evenin' to my gal?" Hobie commented to you, to only get a giggle from his 'gal'
[Hell yea open rp 🤓]
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bumblekastclips · 9 months
KYLE CROUSE: Alright, here's one from The NormalPerson! "What form of chaos would ensue if you leave Blaze, Tangle, and Sally in the kitchen unattended?" Okay, I was thinkin' like chaos, like Chaos, not, y'know, just normal chaos.
IAN FLYNN: [chuckling] Oh, they set out to make pudding and they made actual Chaos. Like, the brain starts to form and it just rises out, and they're like, "How did we do this?" KYLE: Oh no, oh no! [laughs] IAN: Um, Tangle, I imagine is passable in the kitchen. She's not doing any fine cuisine, but she knows how to put something together really quick, on the- y'know, and get outside again. She can make a decent sandwich, she knows how to... y'know, not set cereal on fire. She's a competent enough cook. She can make a pretty darn good salad. Y'know, that dressing's actually got a little bit of a- [smacks lips] -kick to it. That ain't bad. What did she put in it? She don't remember, but she does it every time consistently, and it's good. So, with her at the core, we would have this hilarious situation where the goofball is the straight man, and our usual straight foils are the goofballs! KYLE: [laughing] IAN: And you have Blaze setting things on fire, Sally wondering if, y'know, "Maybe salt really would be good for this cake!" And Tangle's going, "No, what are you doing? Why am I the one in control?!" KYLE: [laughing] Oh no! No, this cannot end well! This cannot end well. Meanwhile, Nicole walks in, sees what's going on, and walks out. IAN: Mhm! KYLE: The delicious steamed clams we're having! IAN: [cackling laughter] KYLE: Mmmm, oh boy! Mmm, steamed clams.
----- TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: Please remember that nothing that is said on BumbleKast is canon! It's just some guys and their opinions occasionally spitballing ideas. If you don't like an answer, you don't have to take it as Word of God or anything like that. It's all just for fun! ----- This question was requested by @normal0person! Do you want a specific question transcribed and posted? Send the question and the episode date to my ask box! Or if you just want questions about a certain character, send me their name and I will see what I can do!
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biznichwrites · 17 days
I want to fuck giyuu's fat ass
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Me seeing this notification as I get to work.
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gideonisms · 1 year
anyway today is the day jesus is supposed to be in that hole. let's celebrate jesus hole day
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