#got lazy on the last one his face took too long. plus i got other stuff to do
ziggysgender · 11 months
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episode study: Dagger of the Mind
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sleepingpillscosmos · 9 months
MISTLETOE — hajime iwaizumi
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pairing: hajime iwaizumi x fem!reader.
warnings/content: fake dating. mention of alcohol. hanamaki gets wasted. bullied oikawa. suggestive towards the end. suggestive comments.
wc: 2k.
a/n: so this is my present for my secret santa, @lou-struck, for the secret santa event held by @enchantedforest-network. I hope you'll enjoy your present, this fic helped me getting out of my writer's block <3
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"Are you ready?" Iwaizumi asked from the living room as he grabbed both your coats while waiting for you. You didn't answer but appeared in the room in all your beauty, all dressed up, with your hair and makeup done, you looked flawless.
Iwaizumi was left speechless. He already saw you like this multiple times, but this time it was different. You looked different. Your dark red dress was perfect for you, it wrapped your body just in the right way, highlighting all your curves. Your makeup was really simple, but he thought it suited you perfectly. And your hair looked perfect, soft and shiny. He thought you were perfect. Maybe it was just the Christmas air, but he had to take a deep breath to destabilise his heartbeat.
"What? Cat got your tongue?" your sarcastic comment made him come back to normal. He rolled his eyes and approached you to help you put on your coat so that you could finally leave the house.
Tonight you were celebrating Christmas eve with your high school friends, Matsukawa, Hanamaki and, last but not least, Oikawa. It was a long time since you last saw each other, everyone had their own life and unfortunately your schedules didn't line up, especially Oikawa's, who was always out of the continent. But now you were all in town for the holidays, so you took this opportunity to spend some time together, just like old times.
You all decided to have dinner together at Issei and Hanamaki's shared apartment then spend the night there.
You both entered Iwa's car, you put on your seatbelt as he started the engine to drive off, directed to your friend's apartment.
"You didn't forget anything, right?" he asked, never taking his eyes off the road. "Yeah, all I need for tonight is in my bag and all the presents are in the second one"
"Did you bring my present too?" he grinned after asking you. He knew that you couldn't contain your excitement when you bought a gift for someone, ending up saying what you bought after three days at most. But this year you made a promise not to tell anyone, especially Iwa.
"Yes, but I'm not telling you, so stop teasing me." he hummed in response, trying to hide the little smile that was starting to appear on his face.
"Oh, I forgot to tell you. We'll probably have to share a bed this night." he gave you a quick apologetic smile before turning his face back to the road, "I can always sleep on the floor if it makes you uncomfortable"
"Don't worry it's fine, I'm not letting you sleep on the floor with this cold. Plus we already shared a bed." yes, it's true, but not entirely. You shared a bed before, in your high school years, but you were also sharing it with your other friends when you did a sleepover, all cramped up in one bed.
Iwaizumi parked in front of your friend's house. You got out of the car and grabbed your bags as Iwa did the same before going to ring the bell.
You took the elevator to reach the right floor since you were too lazy to take the stairs.
"I'm really sorry" Iwaizumi sighed. You gave him a puzzled look.
"About this situation. I didn't expect this to last this long" he looked really sorry, but you gave him a sincere smile. "It's okay Haji'"
The said situation was your relationship, or better, your fake relationship. It all started when he was at training with his team. They were slacking off, continuing to talk about their love life instead of doing their exercises, and Iwaizumi was starting to get fed up. Every time he "interrupted" them, they would tease him, saying that he was mad only because he had no love life. After what was probably the tenth time, he admitted that he had, in fact, a love life and that he was happily dating a girl.
He expected that they would forget about his statement in a couple of days or so. But, somehow, this news reached Oikawa, who called him a couple of hours later. He was literally screaming because how dare Iwaizumi not tell him about this, he even started crying.
Iwa was pissed off, but he thought that the story would finish there. But the day after you stormed into his apartment, asking him why Oikawa talked your ear off about your nonexistent relationship and how he was deeply hurt by the fact that he discovered it from someone else. In that moment Iwaizumi had wished that the floor had swallowed him, but unfortunately it wasn't possible.
You talked about it and decided to fake it for about a week or so, to let everyone's excitement die down. But at the end of that period, Oikawa showed up in front of Iwaizumi's door. He was so excited and happy for you both that neither of you had the heart to tell him the truth.
And now you were here, after about six months, in an elevator, on your way to celebrate Christmas eve with your friends, as a couple.
The elevator's door opened and you found your friends' door already open.
"Guys!" Hanamaki exclaimed when you both approached the door, "You're late, we thought you weren't coming!" he said as he hugged both of you before helping you with your bags.
Once you entered the apartment you left your shoes at the entrance and Maki gave you a quick tour of his house then he led you to the kitchen, where your other friends were cooking dinner. Or, better, where Issei was cooking dinner while Oikawa was whining about no one knows what.
"Oh here it is! My favourite couple!" Tōru dramatically said as he opened his arms, waiting for your hug. You wasted no time and hugged him immediately, even if he was a total pain in the ass he was your best friend, and you really missed him. Iwa was a bit reluctant, but Tōru gave him no choice as he practically jumped in his arms.
When dinner was ready, you helped Issei take everything to the table, where your other three friends were sitting, waiting for the food while talking about their day.
The dinner went perfectly, everyone was happy to be there all together after so long. You talked about everything and anything. You recalled old times, when you and Issei would convince Hanamaki to drink more than he could take, ending up having to take care of him. Or when you and Iwa bullied Tōru at every training, just because you loved seeing his dramatic ass all pissed and offended. Or when you, Makki and Issei wanted to skip school and Iwa always found you and dragged you to school, somehow he always knew when you were about to do something stupid. Your high school years were wonderful, you five were inseparable.
Then after high school everything changed. Tōru was always out of the country, Hanamaki and Issei had their own life just as you and Hajime. You didn't spend much time together, the only one you saw nearly every day was Hajime since you worked for the same team, him as an athletic trainer and you as a physiotherapist. But when you hang out together like this, everything seemed to go back to when you were sixteen.
Time flew by, all the presents were opened and all the wine was finished. Makki was collapsed on the couch and Issei helped him stand up to take him to his room. The three of you remaining decided to follow them, you and Hajime in the guest room while Tōru on the couch.
"If you need to change I can wait outside" he said, already reaching for the door handle, but you stopped him. "Don't worry, I just have to put on my pyjama"
He looked at you, searching for any sign of discomfort, then he hesitantly nodded. You turned around and took off your shirt to change, once you were finished you turned back, just in time to see Hajime's back as he put on his shirt. You couldn't deny that he was attractive, really attractive. I mean he was gorgeous, his body looked like it was sculpted and he acted like a true gentleman. He was perfect, even if he didn't think so. Maybe it was the wine thinking for you, or your teenage self who had the biggest crush for him.
"You okay?" he asked, concerned when he saw you spacing out, it snapped you out of your trance. "Yeah, sure" you laughed nervously looking everywhere but at him, embarrassed because you got caught daydreaming.
Something caught your eye just above Iwa, you had to try really hard not to burst out laughing at your other friends' stupidity. You approached him, leaving little to no space between your bodies. He looked at you confused, then he looked above him when you pointed to the ceiling with your finger. He scoffed as realisation hit him.
There, above both your heads, there was a sprig of mistletoe, roughly attached to the ceiling with two pieces of tape by your stupid friends. You didn't know how it was still hanging there.
"They are so stupid" he sighed, shaking his head, and you nodded, smiling at the gesture of your friends. Yes, they were stupid, but it was kinda sweet.
"So?" you asked, "Don't you know about the tradition?" your smile grew even larger.
"Yes, I know, but we don't have to do it if you don't want to. After all nobody's watching, so we don't have to fake" he said looking directly at you, with a blush creeping on his face.
"Do you want to, Hajime?" you moved your gaze on his lips for a second, hoping that he would get the hint. Iwaizumi gulped before nodding, his face even redder than before.
"Then do it" he wasted no time and gently cupped your cheek, meeting you halfway to kiss you.
It wasn't the first time you two kissed. But it was the first time you did it alone, without other people watching. This was your real first kiss, and it was magical.
It started off slow, with one of his hands on your cheek and the other at the nape of your neck, to keep your head in place, one of your hands was grabbing his wrist while the other was on his waist. Iwa really wanted to deepen the kiss, he waited for this moment since the day he met you, but he didn't want to make you uncomfortable or scare you. You sensed his hesitation, so you took the lead. You deepened the kiss while moving his hands, just above your butt, before lacing your arms around his neck.
He took the hint, and after some seconds he lifted you by moving his hands behind your thighs. He gently placed you on the bed, with his body between your legs. He hovered over you, supporting his weight with his arms to not crush you.
Maybe this situation wasn't so bad after all...
"God guys, we put that mistletoe to make you kiss, not to make you procreate a whole bunch of children" Tōru said as you and Iwa entered the kitchen, Issei and Makki chuckled as they shared a knowing look.
"Oh shut up, you're just envious because you don't get bitches" Iwa said not even looking at him as he grabbed two mugs for the both of you to pour some coffee.
"What? That's not true! I get a whole lot of bitches! Even more than the three of you combined!" and with that, Oikawa started a never ending speech about how many girls he gets, why he's better than them and who knows what, you all learned to switch your ears off and nod every now and then when he started to whine like this, just to avoid a headache.
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network: @enchantedforest-network.
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pikablu410 · 1 year
Double Date
Haha...it’s been a bit. But I’m back, hopefully. And hopefully more consistently!
“You almost ready, dear?” Their partner’s voice called from downstairs.
“Yeah just let me wash up and I’ll be down in a second.” They replied before heading into the bathroom. Nick looked at himself in the mirror. The gray suit and dark blue tie complimented his brown skin well. The dark slacks showed off his recent hours at the gym, something he was most proud of. To top off his appearance, a freshly shaven face along with dark curls gave Nick quite the handsome appearance.
“Nick! Derek and Amir aren’t going to wait all night!” The voice called once more.
“I’m coming Tyler; hold on!” Nick shouted before briskly hurrying down the stairs. Once downstairs, he saw his partner in a black suit that brought out his blue eyes and accentuated his dark hair.
“You look great.” Was all he could think of.
Tyler blushed and said, “Thanks.” Their moment didn’t last long as Tyler quickly remembered they were running late. Rushing to the car, Tyler and Nick hopped in and buckled in.
“You sure you don’t want me to drive?” Nick asked, but Tyler just shrugged. “Too late now.” And with that, the two hurried off as the sun started to set. 
“I still think it’s weird that Derek suggested a buffet for a place to have a double date. That one fancy restaurant isn’t too far out of the way.” Nick stated as they waited at a red light. 
“Well, it’s a new place so I guess he just wants to check it out. Plus, Derek did suggest this whole thing and offered to pay for it all, so I’m not complaining.” Tyler rebutted, just as the light turned green.
A moment of silence struck the two before Nick finally asked, “Derek’s the one who’s apart of that…group?”
“A group? Like a band?” Tyler asked, teasing Nick.
“You know what I mean. It’s that…thing you’re into.” Nick elaborated, and Tyler’s smile slowly faded.
“...yeah, he’s a feeder.” Tyler nearly mumbled.
Nick’s partner had expressed his interest in bigger men early on in their relationship. Tyler was particular, in that they weren’t content with just dating a bigger guy. They had to grow the man themselves, letting their partner graze and feast like a lazy farm animal. Derek was one of Tyler’s friends that they had made online through a site that connected people with similar thoughts. While Nick had never met Derek, he saw pictures that Tyler took and let him read the messages the two sent back and forth to each other. Though, Nick was never really keen on reading them after seeing the kinds of things they talked about.
When Tyler had brought this up to Nick, with the prospect of Nick going along with Tyler’s “strange dream,” as he put it, Nick declined almost immediately. His goal in college was to work out more and lose what little excess weight he had lingering from high school, and so the two’s goals seemed to be direct opposites of each other. Luckily, Tyler seemed to take the rejection well and basically dropped the subject altogether around Nick. The only time it ever got brought up was when Tyler talked about…
“Derek wanted me to warn you before we go in.” Tyler said, parking the car. Nick had zoned out for so long he hadn’t realized they had already arrived.
Raising his eyebrow, Nick hesitantly asked, “What should I be worried about?”
“Amir is also into the whole…feeder thing. Except he likes to be the one growing.” Tyler said, as if confessing to a sin.
“Okay? Why would that be an issue?” Nick asked, to which Tyler sighed. 
“It’s just that. Derek knows you’re not into it, and he and his partner are. He just didn’t want you to be grossed out.” Tyler further explained.
Nick just shrugged and said, “It shouldn’t be a problem for me.”
“Alright then.” Tyler mumbled through a sigh as the two stepped out of the car and headed inside. 
The place looked more like a bar than a buffet. The lighting was very dim and all of the seats were covered with leather. The tables were a rustic oak, or some other kind of wood. Each table had antique salt and pepper shakers, adding to the classic look. Despite everything, Nick felt like the place had an eerie quality to it, one that Tyler didn’t seem to feel or notice. 
Another strange thing was that none of the customers seemed to be women. They also seemed to be all kinds of overweight. There were a few skinny men, which the couple could quickly identify as twinks, but the majority of the people eating with either chubby or downright fat. 
“C’mon, Derek and Amir text me that they’re already here.” Tyler said, going over to a waiter to find their seats. The stick thin man guided the couple over to a booth, where Nick was able to finally lay eyes on his partner’s friend in person, as well as their partner.
Derek’s appearance wasn’t a surprise, as Tyler had shown Nick a photo of him not just two days ago. He had straight, black hair that was neatly combed and was wearing a plaid button-up shirt. Cyan shorts and ankle socks completed the nerdy look, but if Nick had seen Derek walking around the city, or even in the gym, he wouldn’t have batted an eye.
The same couldn’t be said for Amir.
“You must be Nick! I’ve heard a bit about you from Derek already!” Amir introduced himself. 
Amir had glasses and short, brown hair. That was about where the typical traits ended. Amir had on a similar plaid button-up, like his partner, but the buttons were strained tightly against his bulbous belly. It must’ve stuck out at least a foot in front of him - maybe more. Nick could see a tank top underneath the shirt, as if Amir or Derek knew it was in danger of snapping off. Continuing to match Derek, Amir had on a pair of orange shorts that clung to his rear and thighs. When Amir had gotten up to greet Nick and Tyler, the man struggled to waddle over to the two without damaging the pants. Thunder thighs, a thick double chin and love handles poking out from under his shirt, Amir was an embodiment of the reason why he really wasn’t keen on going along with Tyler’s…thing. Whatever he may call it.
After introductions, the two sat their possessions down at the table. 
“Well, why don’t we grab something to eat?” Derek suggested. Nick and Tyler agreed and headed off to the buffet line, but Amir barely moved and said, “You know what I like to eat, right babe?” “What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t?” He teased, giving Amir a kiss on the cheek before walking with Nick and Tyler.
Tyler and Derek talked for a bit before Derek said, “Amir’s favorite dishes are over this way; I’ll meet you guys back at the table!” As Derek headed off to another section of the buffet, Nick pulled his partner over as they grabbed plates for the two of them. 
“Dude!” Nick whispered to Tyler, who looked confused. “What? Did I miss something?” They asked, looking around their surroundings.
“You didn’t tell me he’d be, y’know, huge!” Nick whispered again, to which Tyler turned around and rolled their eyes. 
“Can you just get through this one dinner, please? For me?” Tyler pleaded, handing Nick a ceramic plate. 
Looking into his partner’s eyes and sighing, Nick reluctantly took the plate and headed over to the buffet line, Tyler following quickly after. Nick quickly noticed that there weren’t a ton of healthy options to choose from. There was a salad bar, but it looked like it hadn’t been restocked recently. It made sense, since the lines were at the buffet trays with burgers, french fries and pizza. Even the options that seemed healthier, like steak and mashed potatoes, were dripping in either grease or butter. Nick hesitantly put a burger, some fries and a steak on his plate, trying to keep it light. However, he was still hungry and the food definitely smelled good, so he decided on eating something. Plus, he was sure Amir would eat whatever he didn’t. 
The thought reminded him that Derek had gone to a different part of the restaurant for Amir’s food. “If this isn’t the stuff Amir likes, I’m not sure I wanna see what he does like.” Nick thought to himself as he walked back to their table with Tyler.
Unfortunately for Nick, his question was answered as he saw Derek had already gotten back to the table and was feeding Amir some food. At least, that’s what Nick thought it was. Derek had brought back an entire pizza tray, and the pizza had hamburgers as toppings. It only got worse the more Nick saw; deep fried burgers, bacon wrapped ribs, cheese-stuffed wings and dessert lasagna were just a few of the items lined in front of Amir. The pig himself was being stuffed to the brim by Derek, moaning and groaning with each mouthful for greasy, disgusting slop.
Derek noticed the two sitting down and blushed a bit, “Oh! Did you guys enjoy yourselves?” 
“I could ask you two the same thing!” Tyler teased, setting their plate of salad and chicken fries down on the table.
Nick followed in his partner’s example and gave a disingenuous chuckle. Looking down at his plate, he realized he also went a little overboard. Whereas Tyler had only gotten a salad and some chicken, he had enough to feed a few people.
“Ty, I’m not sure I can-”
“Oh, I got you two sodas to drink. Sorry Nick, they were out of tea and water.” Derek mentioned before going back to feeding Amir. Sauces surrounded his mouth and spilled to his chest, which was barely hidden from public view.
Shaking his head, Nick just decided to eat something and get this double date over with. Grabbing his burger, Nick noted how grease dropped from the bottom bun. Taking a breath, Nick closed his eyes and took a light bite of the sandwich.. It tasted amazing! Somehow, the grease didn’t bother Nick at all, so he took another bite. Again, it was delicious! He barely noticed how quickly he finished his burger and moved onto his steak. It was at this point that he casually started grabbing some fries intermittently, not wanting to stop himself from eating. Nick hastily cut up his steak, finding it surprisingly easy to cut through the meat. He figured with all the grease, the steak would be cooked poorly, but his knife and fork went through like butter. It was almost as if the steak was butter itself with how greasy it was and how good it tasted! 
After a mere ten or so minutes, Nick found his fork hitting a bare plate. Smiling, Nick sat back and started to talk.
“Man, that was surprisingly-URRP!” Nick surprised himself with a belch.
“Sorry, he’s a bit of a pig.” Tyler apologized to Derek and Amir.
Raising his eyebrow, Nick turned to his partner and said, “What do you mean pig? I’m not the one who’s-” “Oh, don’t worry. I know a thing or two about guys who act like pigs.” Derek joked, smiling at Amir, who smiled back before opening his mouth for another piece of chocolate lasagna. It was as if Nick hadn’t even tried to say anything to them. 
“Yeah, I mean, babe, getting two plates full of greasy food isn’t exactly healthy.” Tyler commented, motioning to a plate filled with mashed potatoes, pizza and wings. 
Taking a bite of pizza as if it had always been there, Nick rolled his eyes at the hypocrisy. “Can a man not be hungry? It’s a buffet after all.” Nick thought to himself, devouring a few wings before going back to the pizza. He licked his lips and the surrounding areas of his mouth of grease, letting out another small belch after drinking some soda. As Nick started on the mashed potatoes, he felt something start to rub his stomach. Looking down to see Tyler’s hand going in a circular motion, Nick continued to eat without questioning what they were doing. Why should he? He knew they were just trying to help him eat more, since Tyler knew how much he loved to eat. 
“Babe, do you want my chicken wings? I’m kinda full already.” Tyler said, pushing his plate towards Nick as if they already knew the answer. 
The boy dipped the wings in his mashed potatoes, moaning at the combined taste of grease and butter. It was astounding! Once again finishing his plate within minutes, Nick leaned back as Tyler continued to massage his gut.
“We should go out for new clothes soon; I think you’re starting to enjoy eating a bit too much.” Tyler half-joked. 
Nick looked down to see his bloated gut. It was just bloated, right? With the way Tyler squeezed it and the feeling Nick got from it, he wasn’t sure.
“Tyler, can you stop rubbing-UURRRRP.” Nick let out a slightly larger belch.
“What’s wrong babe?” They asked, still continuing to massage their boyfriend’s stomach. They started to push and prod more, feeling their hands sink into the squishy chub.
“I’m serious, I don’t feel-” Just as Nick was mid-sentence, he let out a fart. It was only loud enough for the table to hear, but Nick felt just as embarrassed all the same. Well, embarrassed at first.
“Ooohhhh.” Nick moaned, as if he had just lifted a huge weight off of his shoulders.
“Nice one dude!” Amir complimented, letting out his own belch and fart before continuing to be fed.
At that moment, Nick remembered that this was a double date. He looked over at Amir and saw that the bottom button on his shirt had snapped off at some point, leaving just enough olive-colored belly exposed so you could see his bellybutton. Amir and Derek were obviously not perturbed by Nick’s display of gluttony. In fact, nobody seemed to think Nick’s behavior was strange at all, including the man himself. 
“I’m gonna go get more food.” Nick said, going to stand up and finding that he had to readjust his center of balance. Though it surprised him at first, a grumbling stomach and the scent of food distracted him long enough to not think much of it.
“I’ll come with. Just in case you grab more than you can carry.” Tyler teased, but no one seemed to take it as a joke.
Quickly heading back to the buffet line, Nick grabbed a few burgers this time, doing the same with multiple pizza slices. He barely noticed how they dripped with more cheese and grease than the ones he had eaten minutes ago. Nick quickly filled up his second plate with wings and fries. Noticing the dessert bar, which he had purposefully ignored his first time around, Nick decided to put a cupcake and donut onto his second plate. 
“Is there anything you want more of babe?” Tyler asked, poking his head over Nick’s shoulder to see what he was getting.
Realizing he had been in a sort of trance, Nick snapped back to reality and looked over at his partner. “Uh, whatever you think I’d like. Those wings and burgers were pretty good.” Nick responded, and Tyler smiled before heading over to the buffet line. 
Coming back to the table to see that Amir was nowhere near done with his first course, Nick and Tyler placed their plates down once again. This time, however, they had to be much more careful not to spill anything. 
Almost immediately, Nick got to eating. The burgers tasted even better than they had earlier, despite how he left even less time to savor their tastes. Cheese and sauce spilled onto Nick’s shirt and splattered around his mouth. It was like some urge had taken over his normally pragmatic attitude. This continued with the pizza, tomato sauce and bits of other toppings making a mess of Nick’s face and outfit.
“Mmpf, sho good.” He couldn’t help but moan out. He could hear Tyler and Derek talking about something, but didn’t pay it enough attention to actually listen. Instead, Nick continued to stuff himself, letting out moans and groans as he ate. Finishing his first plate, he let out a burp and thought “I could eat this stuff all day.” 
Nick reached for his second plate, but noticed a plate holding a rack of ribs in front of him. That wasn’t always there, was it? Maybe it was one of the plates Tyler had gotten him. Either way, the barbecue smell was tantalizing and Nick started to chow down on the ribs. The meat fell right off the bone, leaving his face covered with bits of ribs and barbecue sauce. More moans were elicited from the man, followed by a fart that went unnoticed by everyone at the table, including Nick. “Man, why am I so hungry?” Nick thought as he tore apart more of the ribs. 
Finishing the last of the ribs, Nick let out a belch just as Derek spoke up.
“So Nick,” He started, shoving a donut into Amir’s mouth, “Tyler told me that you were actually the one who proposed the idea of gaining.”
Nick’s eyes went wide. “Hu-URRRP” He barely got out before belching. Absentmindedly, he shoved some fries in his mouth as he tried to process the conversation.
“What’s wrong honey? Don’t you remember asking me to cook more for you?” Tyler asked.
“No, I explicitly remember saying-URRRRRRRP. God damn why am I so gassy?” Nick complained, losing his train of thought. 
“Here, you’re just bloated. Keep eating and let me help.” Tyler said, holding another pizza slice in front of Nick’s mouth. They then started to rub Nick’s stomach, causing him to realize a few things.
First, Nick let out a moan, discovering how good it felt when his partner massaged his stomach. It caressed some gas out, but it was worth it for more room and just the feeling in general.
Second, Nick felt Tyler’s hand right on his stomach. Not the button up shirt he was wearing, but his bare skin. Looking down, Nick realized the bottom button of the shirt had popped open, leaving a bit of his stomach on for show.
“Whoa, what the he-mmpf, mmmh.” Nick could barely get out before being fed more. 
“Shh, just relax baby.” Tyler cooed. Nick wasn’t used to Tyler being so dominant.
“Babe I’m…getting fat…fast…” Nick said between mouthfuls of food.
“I know right! It’s so sexy how your body’s basically just…giving up!” Tyler nearly panted out.
Nick felt like he should be disgusted by what Tyler said, but, against all instinct, he could feel blood rushing towards his dick. He opened his mouth to say something, but Tyler shoved a wing in instead. Nick habitually chewed the wing, opening his mouth once again to say something, but was just fed more by his partner. 
Tyler continued to feed Nick more and more, with Nick realizing that they should’ve run out of food awhile ago. He felt more air on his stomach, and, when he went to reach for it, felt that it wasn’t bloated at all. Instead, Nick could jiggle his stomach and grab at the rolls that made it up. His partner took advantage of this, squeezing the stomach to coax more belches and farts out as Nick ate. Nick could barely resist, the feeling of Tyler’s hands on his stomach still igniting an electric feeling in him.
“You’re becoming such a pig.” Tyler whispered as he held a cupcake in front of Nick’s mouth.
“I’m not a-URRRRRP-ooohhh.” Nick barely got out. The more he ate, the harder it was to believe what Tyler was saying was false. 
“Babe. I look-URRRP-a mess.” Nick breathed out before he was fed more. Sauces now dripped onto his belly, with red and yellow stains bleeding into his top. Though, it wasn’t like the top was hiding much, just acting as a cover for Nick’s inflated chest. Faint outlines of enlarged nipples could be seen through the fabric. His pants didn’t fare much better, as his rear had pushed them down so far just his boxers were keeping it from being exposed to the public. If he ate much more, his ass crack would probably be visible to the people at the table behind them.
“Aww, don’t worry Nick-y. Amir’s bursted his shirt open too.” Tyler said, as if being compared to that fat pig of a man offered any recompense. 
Though, it did remind Nick to actually check his surroundings and look across the table. Amir looked absolutely stuffed, but was still eating more. His ginormous stomach was out and exposed, his moobs the only hidden part of his upper body. Sweaty, dirty rolls were exposed, and if Nick could look under the table he would see that there were tears in Amir’s pants as well. Despite this, all he could hear from Amir was moans of “More,” or satisfied groans of pleasure.
“Man, Amir looks pretty filthy Derek.” Tyler commented as they fed Nick more. At this point, Nick could barely resist eating whatever was held up in front of his face, thanks to his paranormal hunger. 
“Yeah, he tends to get pretty worked up when we’re out eating.” Derek commented. He fed Amir another burger, mustard dripping from his double chin and onto what was left of his shirt. “Your pig seems to be pretty messy too.” Derek said, pointing at Nick.
“C’mon man, I’m not that dir-URRRRRP,” Nick belched out. It was getting harder and harder to fight back against the comments Derek and Tyler made about him. 
Nick farted before Tyler fed him and spoke up, “Yeah, I tried to keep cleaning him for the longest time, but he’s gotten so fat and lazy that getting him to fit into the shower is too much of a struggle.” Sweat dampened Nick’s underarms and in between his moobs. His exposed rolls of fat felt cool with the sweat dripping off of them in the air conditioned room. Even more food stains appeared on Nick’s shirt and skin. Gas flowed out of him even more easily now.
“URRRRP-urgh, fuck.” Nick panted before farting and being fed more.
“Y’know, he’s gotten so lazy he stopped bothering with shaving. I was a little concerned at first, since he was so obsessed with it before, but I think it’s super hot now.” Tyler went on, rubbing Nick’s stomach.
Hair started to sprout on Nick’s exposed skin, his belly going from shiny and clear to sweaty and hairy. The same could be said about his chest and arms. Peach fuzz appeared on his cheeks at first, but the hair on his chin and upper lip thickened to look like a darker shade of fur. Bits of food appeared in the fur on his face, which Nick instinctively tried to lick out. 
Finally, the third button burst on Nick’s top, leaving only one button to keep his shirt together. Not like it was holding anything back, as essentially all of Nick’s sweaty, bloated, hairy body was exposed. He looked more like a bear than the pig Tyler and Derek had teased him of being.
“Damn! I didn’t think Amir would be the last one to burst out of his shirt!” Derek admitted, sounding genuine for the first time that night.
“Urgh, babe, URRP, I want more.” Nick gasped out, lust on his breath. 
Smiling, Tyler gave him a peck on the cheek and said, “Of course baby! Wanna come with Derek?”
And with that, the two, bulbous men were left with the scraps of food they hadn’t been fed.
“Feels good, doesn��t it?” Amir asked after Derek and Tyler were out of earshot. 
“Huh? Oh, yeah, I guess.” Nick replied, shoveling bits of fries and nachos into his mouth.
“Why’d you wanna start gaining? From what I’ve heard you used to be super fit.” Amir spoke, picking at bits of fried food on the plates in front of him.
Thinking back, Nick got a headache. It was hard to think about his past. He didn’t really have a reason for doing this, or anything really. Tyler made all of his decisions. 
“I dunno. To make Tyler happy I guess.” Nick slurped down the leftover nacho cheese.
“Nah, I think it’s more than that.” Amir smirked, causing Nick to look up in curiosity. “From one fatty to another, I know it’s more than that. I love that I get to be a lazy pig and do nothing. Derek just takes care of me and feeds me whenever I ask. He gets to decide how big I am and if I’ll ever lose any of this.” Amir went on, motioning to his jiggling body
The words resonated with Nick, causing him to let out a quiet moan as he ate.
“And from the sound of it, you feel similarly.” Amir smiled before continuing to tease, “I bet you love how you’re losing control of your body. Not only is your body growing out of control, but you can’t help but spew gas and make a mess when you eat. It’s like your partner is making you a human pig.” Nick let out a more audible moan as he shoved a half-eaten piece of lasagna in his mouth. Cheese dripped onto his chest, getting entangled in the fur there. He slobbered over some leftover fries before shoving them down his throat.
“Fuck…” was all Nick could pant before devouring more leftovers. Sauces splattered around his mouth and what was left of his button up.
“So Nick, I’ll ask again,” Amir said, eating a whole slice of cake in seconds, “Why do you do it?”
Nick belched and shoved a handful of buttery mashed potatoes into his mouth, “I wanna get bigger. Being fat is so…URRRRRP…so sexy.” Nick moaned out, “I love being treated like a pig.”
Amir smirked, letting out his own belch. The conversation was starting to turn him on even more than he already was with Derek feeding him. Unfortunately, before Amir could take it any further Derek and Tyler arrived back at the table, each with a cart full of food.
“The line’s are getting shorter and shorter. We must’ve come at a good time!” Derek innocently said as he sat next to Amir.
“Everything alright babe?” Tyler asked, sitting next to Nick.
“Urp- more…want more…” Nick belched out. Tyler smiled as his partner and shoved a cupcake into his mouth, smearing the icing all around his lips. Nick just licked up the icing like a pig, not bothering to care how Tyler made a mess of him.
“We’ve got such good piggies, don’t we Tyler?” Derek asked aloud, feeding Amir several brownies.
“They’re so nice and fat, and love to eat so much.” Tyler cooed, relentlessly stuffing food into Nick’s mouth. The boy begged for more while his mouth was full of food, unable to resist wanting more.
About halfway through their carts of food, Amir and Nick just started to mindlessly eat whatever was held in front of their mouths. Grunts and moans of pleasure sounded from their table, though it wasn’t much different from the rest of the buffet. 
Nick moaned as the final button holding his shirt together burst, causing his moobs to flop out and the rest of his upper body to jiggle. The force caused him to belch, of which Tyler cheered him on for. 
“So big…need more…” Nick panted out, barely able to say something before he attacked more food Tyler handed him.
Amir’s shirt didn’t last much longer after that, though Derek did comment about how impressed he was Nick lost his shirt before Amir.
“Such a fat piggy.” Derek teased, grabbing one of Amir’s moobs and jiggling. Amir just moaned, unable to form a coherent thought through the pleasure of gluttony and his growing body.
Though their shirts were basically gone, their pants weren’t fairing much better. Tears could be seen on Nick and Amir’s thighs, with Nick’s ass forcing the back of his pants down so much his rear was really only covered because of his underwear. Plus, his ass had gotten so big and wide that his crack was showing through the gap in his chair. The two cheeks jiggled from the immense force of his farts, Nick enjoying the slight sensation.
As the two neared the end of their carts, Derek and Tyler stuffing them like build-a-bear plushes, the two piggish men could barely contain themselves. Their eyes were glazed over, rolls of fat spilling out due to their lack of clothing. Both were stuck in their underwear, fat bodies completely on display.
Faint creaking could be heard from each man’s chair, but they were so invested in consuming that they didn’t pay attention. 
“Last donut babe. Eat up.” Tyler ordered, Nick opening his mouth wide to devour the morsel. Chewing at a languid pace, Nick eventually ate the last of his meal, celebrating his accomplishment with a weak burp. Just then, his chair came crashing down the ground, Nick’s immense body jiggling from the impact. He let out more gas from the force of the crash, though his moans of joy were louder than his gas. 
“Nick! Are you alright?!” Tyler asked, with genuine concern.
“URRRP! So big…so fat…” Nick moaned out, slowly rubbing his expansive belly as he let out more gas.
Amir fell shortly after, making a similar comment about his size.
“Such a…fat pig…more…” Amir gasped. It wasn’t that he wanted more to eat, but he was so used to asking more more it became habitual.
“I think it’s time to head home. Our piggies need to get to their dessert feast at home!” Derek commented, which elicited pleasant, eager groans from both blobs.
Helping their partners up, Tyler and Derek led their fat pigs to a wide truck in the parking lot. Nick was about to say something about driving separately, but he remembered that no car would be able to hold him comfortably. Plus, this made it easier to get to his feast at Derek’s house.
Their arms under their pigs’, Tyler and Derek slowly helped the two fatties into the back seat of the truck. The seatbelts didn’t fit over their bodies, but their weights were so massive that the belts probably wouldn’t have done much anyways.
Starting on their way home, Nick let out a belch as he watched the buffet slowly travel out of sight.
“You’ve been a pretty good piggy tonight. I love how big you are.” Nick heard Amir say as he leaned over towards Nick. As his body grew closer to Nick’s, so did Amir’s face. It wasn’t long before their lips collided, the two pigs groping each other’s bodies as they made out.
“That was a pretty successful trip considering Nick was even skinnier than you when we got there.” Derek said, noticing the two in the back were preoccupied.
“Well, he had less body fat than me. The muscle was the difficult part. For me, at least.” Tyler said, “Is your shake really that strong? I gave it to Nick like an hour or two before we even left for the buffet.”
“When the food is as fattening as Patty’s it is! I swear, every feeder and their mother has been to that place at least once! I was surprised you’d never been.” Derek commented, causing Tyler to rub the back of his neck.
“I never had the chance to go.” He awkwardly stated, but Derek gave a beaming smile.
“Well now you do!” He said, pointing to the two fat men continue to make out in the back.
Amir and Nick were feeling every crevasse, every roll, every cell of cellulite on each other’s bodies.
“You know what good piggies get, right?” Amir asked with a devious smirk. Nick just moaned, too bothered thinking about fat and food to coherently respond. 
Amir lowered himself, lifting Nick’s heavy belly. Going under, Nick’s moans just got louder and more piggish. When Amir found his target, he nearly let out a squeal. He loved being a fat pig.
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yimai · 6 months
Protection x A Deal
inspired by touchstarved morel! a fic by hypnoswrites, if u wanna check it out its on their masterlist. im writing according to their morel kinda
word count 2.6k
warnings: violence, nsfw, yandere, reader gets hurt
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"He was. Asleep??"
You thought, staring at the lazy smile on his face.
You had only noticed after a bit- when he started snoring.
As much as you wanted to, you couldn’t take it as a compliment to your work. With the harshness of whiskey in his breath- you found yourself thinking that he’d probably be completely out of it by now, even without a massage.
Did you need to… Haul him out of the massage house by the end of your session?
You paused.
He seemed like he could handle his liquor. He didn’t even look drunk when he came in.
Maybe he’s not as affected by the booze as you think he is?
You continued with his massage.
Working his neck muscles, you found yourself leaning over him, putting your weight in your thumb. The only thing on your mind was how his breath tinged of whiskey, a strong, sharp musk that overtook even his generous lather of lavender body oil.
Soon you had to wake him up- he came to you regarding back pain, after all. After the customary neck and head massage, a few small taps on his shoulder woke him with a start. When asked turn over onto his back, he complied, eager with a sheepish grin.
You had ended up asking him more times than you’d like to admit, how he felt towards the amount of pressure you were working on him with- it was ridiculously hard to tell if you were doing too much or too little, especially with a drunk client. Though, you were moreso worried over potentially overestimating the sheer bulk of him. With your experience, you deemed it unlikely, but not impossible. You never got clients of such frame, after all.
It didn’t take you long to work down to the back of his legs. You replaced the steamed towels at his feet with new ones- it was easy to feel cold after a massage. Having skin coated with a thin layer of oil, a small breeze could easily bring a client to shiver. The steamed towels, one at his feet, the other at his neck, worked to feed the body heat and in turn relaxation.
Upon putting aside the used towel, you had asked him to turn back over.
A quiet, meek shock splayed itself across your face.
“Oh, I’m sorry,”
“I— I’ll get you another towel!”
Clients getting erections were a common occurence. Massages work to increase blood flow to the muscles, and nerves through the hips were known to be sensitive.
This, however, was not. You doubt it had ever happened in your entire life.
You picked up a towel from the connected walk-in bathroom in the massage studio, and laid it across his crotch.
He couldn’t help the chuckle that left him- you looked so flustered and confused.
His one towel hadn’t been enough. Two seemed to do the trick.
He came as often as he could before the trip was to end, even up until his last day on the cruise.
Here because of a job, he was working with a rich snob- the cruise trip, all expenses covered, was included. The only reason he took the job was that he felt his team deserved a nice break- plus, he’d be out at sea- drinking and having fun. Sure, he still had a job to do, but that was only after the cruise was to port.
You had soft, gentle hands. A tenderness shaped by years of working with body oil, alongside a certain patience that came from both your craft and yourself.
Touch delicate and eager- determined in aiding, in support.
You reminded him of himself.
Support was something he prided himself on, in battle. His role was to assist the strong. Though only because he had the capabilities, the means of handling enemy attention and defending himself. Known amongst his colleagues as a strong unit; a tank.
Where was your shield? He was his.
Wasn’t it… dangerous? For you to help others while still technically in need?
Who was to defend you? Reliable support relied on strong defense.
What if he was to…
What if he was someone else?
What if that day, it was some other drunk,
He had taken note of how only two staff manned the spa house. You and another masseuse, who seemed to always clock out early.
He made sure your slots were open for him. Sometimes you were booked, and that was okay. Wanting to come by every afternoon during the trip, he made quick work of kindly telling your clients to fuck off. It was relatively easy, your regular clients having been the manpower of the ship- they were ex-convicts, after all. Nothing to feel bad about.
With his last day on the cruise, he had you booked at your last shift for a neck massage.
Peeking at the clock, he took a mental note. 30 minutes left.
Should be enough.
“Hey, can you massage my hand?”
I’ll protect her. She just needs to do one thing,
After time, you two had actually grown quite familiar with each other. As he frequented your spa house, he’d start some small talk with you from time to time. On board, he's known to be quite the chatterbox- often striking conversation with the cruise staff, something you even heard about from friends in other departments.
Of course you agreed.
It was an innocent request, you never really worked on the hand much despite it actually being your favorite massage point. In the hotel spa packages it wasn’t included. You had told him this cheerfully, and a gentle smile pulled at his lips.
He couldn’t get it off his mind.
“Hey, just curious- your partner leaves 30 minutes early?” “Yeah,” “Y’know how there’s no cameras here for client privacy, since they change in this room?” “Yeah?” “If a client were to keep you here, or rather, if something happened to you, would anybody notice? Anybody at all?
Would anybody come to help?”
Your replies had been small and brisk, your attention and concentration occupied by the work at hand. His last question you didn’t know how to respond to.
After a good five minutes, he spoke again,
“Hey, will you go out with me?”
“Excuse me?”
“Go out with me. I’ll be your shield.”
He’s only amused by your loyalty, faith and commitment when you reject him.
“I have a. Boyfriend,”
“Break up with him,” The words tumbled from his lips, freely, as easy as water from a fountain.
You couldn’t even respond before you found yourself pinned against one of the studio walls.
“You can lend me your way,”
Your way. Your path to walk down won’t be yours for a bit, it will be his. He was to lead and guide you.
He was to govern you.
He wanted to dictate your life.
“Can you fight this?”
He said, breath at the crook of your neck. A hand propped at his, cupping at the back of his neck as he smeared some oil onto his palm.
“Sir, please-“ ‘you’re hurting me,’
The words couldn’t leave you. He seemed set on teaching you a lesson.
Teaching you of your own weakness, highlighting your vulnerability, lack of power and frailty through pitting your strength against his.
You pushed against his grip to no avail- crushing and firm on your wrist.
“Rumor has it that Diego’s got his eye on you.”
You had froze up. He continued,
“I work for him, got to know his history. Something tells me you know the same,”
You had flinched harder- his oiled fingers bore into the small of your back, he sighed, “Spoiled brat. Day after day inviting some bar hostess into his room and so far I haven’t seen a single one come out,”
“Knocks up his staff and fires them when they get pregnant. Not to scare you, but..”
Her gaze fell to the floor.
He wasn’t lying.
It wasn’t foreign knowledge, all the women working for him knew of his… certain habits. You had been working under him a good few years now, and have seen many come and go.
Most notably your sister.
Not many knew, but there used to be three masseuse at the massage house.
You had witnessed first-hand the greed and cruelty of that man as you held your sister in your arms, crying as if she was never to do anything else.
It hurt to know he wasn’t lying. That he was just telling you because he wanted you to know, because he was looking out for you. Because he was concerned for you.
“Y’know.. I can cook and clean and all that. You won’t have another worry for as long as you live,”
He was really trying to reason through this. He wanted understanding and had hope.
You were about to speak up, before his hand clamped down on your mouth- he pressed himself into you, fixing you firm against the wall.
A ringing could be heard from the entrance bell.
“Your coworker must’ve left something, huh?”
He jut his knee out, dug in between your legs- grinding you on it. Now standing with one hand on your mouth, the other planted on the wall- he braced himself against the wall with both his elbows.
“Things are only gonna get worse for you… I don’t wanna do this either, but can’t you see what people can do to you? You’re too easy of a target,
I’ll help you. I’ll protect you, on one condition.
So tell me, can you fight this?” His voice was low and breathy at her ear.
Because outside noise can be a distraction in a massage room, the studio was soundproofed.
You knew you should've been happy.
She meant a chance of escape. Maybe.
During off breaks you’d spend time in each other’s studio, it was established that whoever free first was to wait at the other’s door until their client has left.
If she had left something in here..
She could get help.
If she had left something in her own studio, you could bang on the wall- her studio was beside yours, after all. She was bound to hear it.
You stood with bated breath, and prayed she didn’t leave something at the front desk.
But even so, you weren’t sure what to think.
An overwhelming sense of shame had washed over you at the mere idea- of her seeing you like this.
Cheeks flushed, squirming and stifling breaths.
It was embarrassing, you just wanted to get out of this situation yourself. Without any help,
Without his help.
He’s made it clear it wasn’t possible.
Its clear there was no reasoning with him- not getting with him was as good as suicide. Apparently.
“Can you fight a broken finger? That’s the least they’ll do to you,” Crack.
“Will you really be fine all on your own? You’re no warrior,
Not even funny what they’ll do to you. Some ex-convicts on this ship, y’know.”
Small sobs fell on deaf ears. “I can be your shield.”
He actually hadn’t been drinking, today.
He knew he had to stay sober to be better aware of his strength. Things had to be controlled and careful when it came to you.
He had to show you. He had to let you know. The life you were choosing was suicide. You needed something, somewhere to run to, and he could ensure your success and safety.
“Don't make me do this,”
His actions, his willingness betrayed all remorse in his tone.
His thumb was brought to a neighbouring finger,
“Are you not scared?”
It was done with practiced ease. Force, applying force, hurt. Nothing he did proved to shake him much.
He then buried himself in the crook of your neck.
“Don’t worry. Hairline fractures don’t even show up on xrays,”
Fingers then intertwined with yours,
“Worst case scenario for this type of crack in your finger is just a slow recovery.”
His deep voice hoarse with need.
He wanted to litter you with kisses, head to toe. He knew it wasn’t the time- he couldn’t, he wouldn’t. He would only love you if you let him.
Right now, he was teaching you a lesson.
He tried repeating to himself-
But with your hands intertwined, your fearful shaking, he couldn’t help but hesitate. He faltered and paused midway, stopped himself for a moment and practically melted into you, your neck- breathing against your skin. Feeling your hands intertwined with his. His heartbeat was so loud, he wondered if you could hear it.
*I can’t do this,*
He wasn’t sure what he was even thinking. Was he hesitant about hurting you, or loving you? Did he falter at the idea of stopping, or was he thinking twice about continuing? He never did mind playing the bad cop. So why this, why now?
He then decided,
“Don’t stress about being out of a job. With money, you’ll have as much as you need.” He began,
“Im getting you out of here, whether you like it or not.” Voice low, breathy.
“I’ll go out with you,”
He wanted a deal. It suddenly hit you,
It was all a deal. Your love and support for his protection.
A deal. If reason would work, you’d take it.
Crazy. This man wanted to negotiate love. A total stranger. He wanted to protect you, and broke two of your fingers.
It was humiliating. Things were bad enough for you as they were, and apparently a life with him was what he found to be a good trade-in for what you had now.
Not getting with him was as good as suicide? Getting with him was as good as suicide,
Voice cutting through the tension like ice, you continued,
“You want me?” You breathed, tentatively.
He nodded yes, speechless and gagged- still and unmoving, he remained at the crook of your neck.
“Can you do one more thing, then?
I wont be happy. I’d be miserable. Here, we’re miserable but together. We’re all we have,
If you want my love, you need to win it. My protection won’t win you any favor or value to me. My love can only be bought if you can save my sisters, I will forever hate you if you use your power to save me but not my loved ones.”
“You’re asking for a lot,” he murmured. “What you offered doesn't even mean anything in the first place,” you muttered- “Either this, or-“ “Leave it. Consider it done.”
“God, I love a selfless woman,” He hugged you, pressing small kisses at your neck, “Hunters have a big wallet and deep pockets. Whatever you want and more, I’ll make sure of it.”
The sound of your partner opening the door to their studio was just loud enough for you to hear, pressed up against the wall. You brought your hand, previously pressed firm unto the wall in pain, to rest against his- it fell weak and melted into his grasp, limp and tired from the abuse of two broken bones.
“Not gonna knock on the wall?”
Ah, so he knew.
“This is fine,” You murmured- the pain in your fingers now a dull ache.
“C-“ The words barely left his mouth- voice soft and small, he pressed himself into you, needy, “Can you kiss me?”
He had nestled his nose in your neck, as if hiding his face from you.
His heartbeat drummed itself unto your chest, as he unconsciously squeezed at your hand- the sharp pain shooting down your arm.
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newcaptainofsquad9 · 2 years
Something Familiar~Plus Sized! Rhaenyra Targaryen x Black! plus sized! reader
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Pairing: Rhaenyra x reader
Genre: Modern AU, friends to lovers, College AU, Hurt and Comfort, Smut
Warnings: Smut, 18 + only.  Mentions of fatphobia, colorism and racism. 
Summary: After watching Rhaenyra go through a long string of lovers, you’re left with her on another winter weekend, a bi weekly girls night  that occurs throughout the semester. You find comfort and solace within her, confessions are made along with discovering things about each other.   
Word Count: 4, 124
Writer’s Note: I wished we got a more plus sized Rhaenyra from the books so here’s a bit of that here. I couldn’t get that damn SZA snl song out my head and thought what if Rhaenyra wanted a big girl herself and finding not just the perfect cuffing season partner, but an amazing partner in general. Hope you guys enjoy it!
“You sure you don’t want me to order in something for you?” Rhaenyra asked for the third time. 
You snuggled on the blue sofa with her large, golden stuffed dragon, Syrax and shook your head yet again. 
“I ate after class, like I said before, Rhae,” you said. “I’m fine.”
Rhaenyra frowned as she returned to her phone to type away at something, leaving you to her stuffed dragon and your thoughts. She looked quite cozy this evening: gray hoodie that pooled down to her knees, black sweat pants that brought out her curves and ass so well (a little too well but this was the first time in a long time you found yourself looking so hard). Her hair even looked effortless in a lazy updo of silver strands that always had you mesmerized. 
“Y/N, your last class ended at 3, it’s only 5 and we’ve got a long night of drinking and movie watching to get through,” she said. Her fingers still worked against her phone screen while she spoke. “And you need to eat again, so I’ve got a pizza ordered for us later. OK?”
You only shrugged, accepting your fate and held Syrax closer. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to eat, that asshole you went out on one date with still got to you. Rhaenyra must have caught on to your troubled demeanor, already stepping over to the couch and taking the spot next to you. 
“What’s wrong?” she said. Her purple eyes shined with concern, they were a bit light from this close, not that you were paying too much attention to them. “Did you want something else?”
“No, pizza is fine. It’s not about that,” you said. 
“Then what?” Rhaenyra whined. “Did finals go to shit? Did some asshole hit your bike again.” 
“No, but there was an asshole,” you said. You fidgeted with your fingers as you continued. “Remember that guy I met at the bar?”
Rhaenyra nodded and placed her hand on her temple. 
“Red Keep, yeah?” she said. “Was it that broody, handsome guy? Crispin?”
“Criston,” you said, correcting her. “Yeah, the first few dates went well. Charming as he was when I saw him but...”
You trailed off at the thought of him and his abhorred attitude. Rhaenyra laced her hands together with yours, a look of fierceness overtook her face. 
“What did that fucker do?” she said. “If he hurt or touched you--”
“He didn’t.” you said. “Well, not physically at least. He started pestering me about weight and losing it soon before he wanted to take me out to more fancy places and even accused me of giving it up too fast when I just wanted to kiss him. He mentioned how Black girls were easy and I just walked away from it. He looked unstable when I did so I blocked him on all socials”
Rhaenyra blinked. You thought she didn’t hear you, but her face told you all you needed to know: it was bunched up in fury. Her hands went to the pockets of her hoodie, yanking out her cell phone.
“Rhae, what are you doing?”
“Getting Harwin to beat his ass,” she said. “Maybe even Daemon, he still has a soft spot for you.”
You took her wrists, stopping her before she could finish a text to Harwin. Harwin Strong. Her ex-boyfriend and current on-again-off-again friend with extra benefits, benefits you heard of constantly through texts and phone calls. You didn’t’ hate Harwin (the opposite, he was cool), but you hated how much Rhaenyra harped on how good he was at the devils tango. Sure, it was nice to hear your friend so satisfied but you felt insecure about it. Not that you didn’t like Harwin like that (he was fine as hell, Rhaenyra had taste clearly) but you always craved her attention, well, more of it. 
“Don’t! I handled it,” you said. 
Rhaenyra nodded, fingers tapping he screen again to instead go to her contact list, thumb hovering over Daemon’s number. Your ex and an extremely hot headed man who might kill Criston.
“Daemon, then?” Rhaenyra asked, a little too calmly. “He might leave Criston with a broken leg, or worse.” 
“Rhaenyra! No,” you whined. “It’s OK.”
“It’s not, Y/N,” she said. “You’re too good for that. That bastard hurt my best friend, and I’d get him back for you. You know that, right?”
Rhaenyra’s purple eyes bore into yours, sucking you into their gorgeous pools. That was why you wanted more of her attention. She cared about you, more than Daemon did, more than anything Criston ever tried to do in the brief moments you both dated. You never been with women intimately before, yet you couldn’t help but fantasize of what it would be like with Rhaenyra; the one holding her, kissing her and the one she raves about to her friends. 
“I can get his ass if you don’t want Daemon to,”  she said. “Y/N? You all right? You’re sure he didn’t do anything else? You look distant.”
Damn, she caught you. Well at least she still thinks its about Criston, you didn’t know how to bring these feelings up to Rhaenyra. It wasn’t about her not being into women; Rhaenyra came out to you as bisexual a year of knowing you during freshman year, so you knew she was into women too. She also dated Black people too so that wasn’t an obstacle either. The main and only obstacle in the way was that of your friendship, you were never closed to to the friends you had growing up and Rhaenyra was different. She actually cared, like she did now by threatening a guy you dated for about a month--she understood it could have been much worse. 
“Y/N, talk to me,” Rhaenyra said. She took your hand and squeezed it. “I can hop in my car right now and key his car, give me the word.” 
You shook your head this time, yet you couldn’t help but giggle at the threat of it all. 
Rhaenyra smiled too. 
“I’m serious, that bastard fucked with the wrong bestie,” she said. “You sure he didn’t do anything else?”
“I am,” you said. “Y-You didn’t have to threaten him with Harwin and Daemon. You wanted him to disappear, didn’t you? ”
Rhaenyra shrugged, her smile widened as she rubbed down gently on your knuckles. 
“No,” she stated quickly. You gave her a good side eye, forcing her to continue. “Well, I just wanted Harwin rough him up a bit in case he’d try something like that again. Would a mild threat be OK?” 
You gave in, anything to stop discussing your almost-douchebag-of-an-ex. 
“Yes, but if Harwin goes too hard on him, I heard nothing,” you said as you retreated back against her stuffed dragon Syrax, cuddling against her golden belly. “What film are we starting with?”
You found yourself slotted on the sofa with Syrax between you and Rhaenyra, pizza boxes on the table before you, along with a package of cheap, Christmas-themed cookies from her refrigerator; the movie that played was a spicy, albeit, a little too spicy rom-com. 
Halfway through the movie and the characters are already heavy petting, making out and moaning like no one’s business, pushing it’s supposed PG-13 rating to it’s extreme. You felt the room get hot as the two female leads made out on the bed, one in the others lap, not giving the other a chance to breathe in the kiss. 
“Wow, they’re really going at it, aren’t they?” you said. You got up from the sofa, grabbing a few cookies. “These cookies are amazing.” 
Rhaenyra nodded. She pulled you by your wrist, then tugged you closer until you were nearly in her lap, sat on her thick, plush knee. The heat rose up in your chest, burning well enough for sweat to follow underneath your long sleeve. It wasn’t pulled down properly to cover the entirety of your bear back brushing her abdomen as she pulled you flush against her. 
“You’re tense,” she said. Her hands were warm against the skin of your back, foreign at how quick they flew there. It made you shiver. “Are you ok? Do you want to watch something else?”   
You shook your head and attempted to flee from the close contact, yet Rhaenyra pulled you further against her until your back hit her soft stomach; she had you trapped within her arms before your second attempt, chuckling near your ear. 
“Is there something wrong with cuddles?” she said. “We always cuddle. Are you still upset about Criston?” 
She wrapped her arms around your waist, laid her chin against your shoulder with those lilac eyes full of enough love and concern that always managed to make you feel safe. That was the issue though, it didn’t make you feel comfort, rather hot and bothered with how she touched your skin so easily. It could be familiar, like her and Harwin and the other string of exes and lovers she left in your wake during your friendship. With her so close now it was difficult not to notice how straight her white hair was, reflective of snow that fell and just as beautiful. Her lips full and rosy, perfect and kissable. Too perfect. 
Rhaenyra leaned closer, forehead on the edge of your jaw as she leaned her head up; you leaned your head down, lips meeting hers in a kiss. Her lips were soft, tasting sweet as the cookies you shared: like a sugar-filled concoction that emulated Christmas--something you craved throughout life, a nostalgia you couldn’t reach but always yearned. Her arms tightened around you, twisted you so that you were now straddling her. 
The feeling of her plush thighs under your ass broke you from your spell. You pulled back from her, breathless and embarrassed due to the heat that radiated so, you felt itchy. Suddenly Harwin and those lovers invaded your mind, what if she still had feelings for them? What if you fucked it up for yourself and your friendship?
Rhaenyra saw your internal panic and placed a hand on your cheek. 
“Y/N, breathe,” she instructed. 
You tried to do so, yet it grew ineffectual as words spilled from you fast.
“I’m so sorry! I-I know you’re probably getting back together with Harwin,” you blurted. “I-I shouldn’t have kissed you, I-I was in a moment!”
Rhaenyra tilted her head and raised an eyebrow. 
“What moment was it?” she said. “And last time I checked, I haven’t dated Harwin in a year, haven’t fucked him in six months.”
“Nyra, I’m being serious,” you groaned. “You don’t have anyone else? The kiss wasn’t weird, was it?”
She shook her head. 
“No one. And it wasn’t weird, different but a good different,” Rhaenyra said. She caressed your sides, then pushed at the plump middle. “But familiar at the same time. I always thought you were hot, Y/N, I just couldn’t find it  in me to act. But you did that for us. I should have done it before, I always wondered why you looked at me in certain ways.” 
As Rhaenyra spoke her eyes devoured you, traced every inch while her hand rested against your thigh. Her touch was warm now, inviting as you played with the strings of her hoodie. 
“What ways?” you said. 
She smiled again, bearing beautiful teeth while she snickered. 
“Like I was the ground you worshiped,” Rhaenyra said. “Not in the literal sense, that’s more of Harwin’s style but you would do anything for me. Which scared me, because I wanted to be that for you. I am that for you, that’s why I wanted to deal with Criston. I knew he wasn’t good for you.” 
Her lilac eyes flashed with anger at the mention of Criston. You watched her and contemplated getting off her lap, but  she kept you there as she took your hand.
“I’m willing to try whatever you want tonight,” Rhaenyra said. Her eyes softened again before she pressed a light kiss to your hand. “We can finish the frisky film, or get a little frisky ourselves. I like having you on my lap,pretty girl.”
Rhaenyra’s words made you warm. It was a good warm this time, no longer leading with an itch but something calmer, yet you were still weary with any sort of frisky fun she suggested. Sure, you made the first move, but she was still your best friend. 
“Y/N, are you still with me?” she said. Her hand traveled to your arm to trace it softly. “We don’t have to if you don’t want to--”
“But I do, Rhaenyra!” you blurted, cutting her off. “I-I love- l-like kissing you. It felt better than kissing Daemon, much better.”
Rhaenyra kneaded at your thighs to bring you closer till your chests pressed against one another, along with your foreheads, lips inches from one another. 
“Can I kiss you this time?”  she said. 
You nodded and leaned in to kiss her. 
“I need a yes, Y/N,” she whispered, her hands caressing your face. “Let me hear you.”
“Yes,” you said, “Kiss me.”
Rhaenyra’s lips met yours again with enough fire that you had to suppress a moan. Your lips moved together fervently as a dance that basked in the sweet tastes you both shared: of lust, cheap tasting cookies an enough passion. The both of you broke from each other after a few moments, eyes huge and never leaving each other to speak non-verbally. 
Her mouth went to your neck to lay soft kisses to the skin, all the while slight moving her hips, thighs slipping under you expertly, alleviating a nice, tight feeling at your core. 
“Nyra,” you groaned. Hands found themselves in her silver locks, you tugged slightly. “You’re moving too fast.”
Rhaenyra chuckled, sudden warm breath tickled you while her lips stopped just below your jaw at the base of your throat. 
“Oh? You want me to go slower?” she said. Her voice playful and low on your skin, kisses continued prolonged and deep to leave a few marks. “Does it feel good?”
She jerked her hips again, forcing you to tilt your head back and grasp at her arms for support. It felt wonderful. Her voice, the kisses, the movement of her hips: soft, big and strong for you. Careful for you. Was she ever this good for Harwin? 
“Y/N? Shit, am I really going to fast?” Rhaenyra said. 
She pulled back to give you space yet you chased; you kissed her and wrapped your arms around her neck to keep her close.
“N-No, it feels amazing,” you said against her lips. “I-I’m just overthinking is all. Can I be honest?”    
Rhaenyra nodded sharply, lilac eyes never left your face. It was safe. She solidified that feeling for you.
“You won’t compare me to Harwin? I-It’s not like I’m jealous of him or anything!” 
Of course she’d think you’re jealous of him. This is the third time you’e mentioned him while you’re on her lap during a make out session. 
“No, I won’t, Y/N,” she said. Her lilac danced with a bit of mischief as they waltzed the curves of your body. “But it’s ok if you are jealous. I know I was of Daemon.”
“Wait? You were?” you said.  
“Yeah, I see what you saw in him,” Rhaenyra said. “He’t hot, got an energy about me that makes people want to be with him but he’s not my type. He’s got too much fire, like someone you know?” 
“Yeah,” you giggled. “You both are very passionate. He was a decent boyfriend but didn’t pay attention to me as much as I want.”
Rhaenyra hummed against your neck and planted a few more kisses there. 
“You told me, I remember all of the complaints,” she said, engraving the words into the crook of your neck. “I wanted so much to tell you that you could do so much better, I could be so much better. But I was with Harwin and I thought you were completely happy. Did Daemon make you feel that way?”
You knew the answer as soon as she asked, even though the kisses she accumulated was a major distraction. 
“No, he was decent, sure and great on certain occasions but I wasn’t happy,” you explained. “But right now I feel content with you.”
Rhaenyra’s lips spread to a grin that tickled at your skin. You couldn’t help but smile too. 
“Was he good with his mouth?” she said. “Well, besides running it that is.”
The heat rose up in you again. The bad heat this time, yet it transformed into the good kind that struck your core as Rhaenyra’s hands traced down your belly to your inner thigh to pet the flesh there.
“Don’t get shy on me again, love,” she whispered. “Did Daemon eat you out like he should have? I don’t remember any stories of any mind-blowing orgasms about it. Matter of fact, maybe his dick was lacking in that department too.”
She giggled and kissed the corner of your lips. Her hand squeezed at your thigh, jolting you at the sensation. You cringed at the jiggly skin she felt. Criston popped back into your head and even Daemon who didn’t have a problem with your weight but did joke about at times you didn’t like. 
“Aw? I’ve eaten plenty of pussy and I think I’ll love yours the best, don’t you think?” Rhaenyra asked. She tilted her head, yet dropped some of the cockiness as she saw your panic again. “Was that too much? Want me to drop the dirty talk?”
You shook your head. You loved it. But will Rhaenyra love your body? Sure, she was plus sized too but you knew how people were. Some Black guys you liked and knew had issues with Black women, darker ones especially and the fat ones too. It was cruel and you couldn’t help but think Rhaenyra wouldn’t like what she saw underneath. Once the pants and panties came off and she saw how your legs looked. Would she still want you.
“Y/N? Talk to me?” Rhaenyra said. Her lilac eyes were still attentive as they were.
“Will the dirty talk stay once you see me?” you wondered. “Once you see me, I-I won’t be too big for you, will I? You’ll still want me?”
Rhaenyra’s eyes softened; her hands left your thighs, cupped your face before she leaned in to plant a deep kiss to your forehead then a few to your jaw and a tiny, but passionate one to your mouth. 
“Of course. I love all of you,” she cooed with more kisses to your face. “I’ll take care of you and go at your pace. I promise, what ever you want me to do, I’ll do it.” 
You laughed at the kisses,  a barrage of them that made you flush with enough love you could have combusted then and there. Rhaenyra was a safe space, safe enough that you wanted this, wanting fully to let her show you how much the love fueled her in whatever you both wanted to do. You didn’t know what this was. What you were both doing but it felt right. It felt amazing. 
“So, babygirl? Can I try my best to make you feel great?” Rhaenyra said, her voice deeper now and ready to put the skills she claimed Daemon lacked to good use. 
You nodded, whispered a yes and that’s all it took for the fire to drive Rhaenyra: her hands slid under your thighs as she picked you up and flipped you so that she straddled you now. Her lips worked more heat on you, attacking your neck and chest before she tugged at the end of your hoodie. 
“Can I take this off?”
A nod. She took it off, then attached her lips back to your own. Her tongue slipped in, eating a moan that drove from you while her hands cupped and played with your breasts. She hummed at the feeling as she pinched and played with the clothed nipple.
“No bra? What a naughty girl,” Rhaenyra purred. 
You spoke through pants as she moved down your neck and devolved a few more fresh hickies.
“I wore a big enough hood and it was--Nyra!”
Your hips bucked as she squeezed both breasts then twirled the nipples with delicate hands. 
“Mmmh, I could stay here all night but that won’t be much fun, would it?” she said. 
Rhaenyra lifted herself from her straddled position on your lap, lowered herself to the floor all while slotting a hand between your thighs and pulling against the elastic of your sweats. Your pussy throbbed at her new position: lilac eyes staring straight up at you with so much yearning you could have came then and there; her hair already seemed fucked out, strands wavy and sprawled all over her face.
She pulled your sweats down slow. The air that hit your bare legs and your core underneath your sweats made you squirm. Rhaenyra beamed. Her attention never left you as she kissed at your inner thighs, squeezing at the plush areas and ghosting fainting kisses near your core. You whined at how close she was. All she needed to do was pull the last piece of fabric away and there you would be. There she would be. 
“Fuck, you’re wet. There’s this little damp spot right, here,” she whispered. She leaned in to take a tiny kitten lick to the area, right at the spot you needed her most. 
“Rhaenyra, p-please just--fuck!”
She fingered you a bit through your pants with a smile deepening as her fingers worked. 
“If you want me to fuck you all you have to do is tell me,” Rhaenyra said. “Go on. I want my dessert, babygirl.” 
She growled. Her hands dug into your thighs as you tired to get your words together, your head grew misty. 
“Please, just eat me out already!”
Rhaenyra chuckled, pressed a kiss to your waist and gripped the waistband of your underwear with her index finger and thumb. 
“Yes, ma’am.” 
She peeled them off and groaned at the sight of you; your pussy was soaked thanks to the foreplay you both dabbled in. Rhaenyra felt a surge of pride rush through her, yet she restrained herself enough to gently push a finger against your center. She gauged your reactions: a few whimpers escaped you and your thighs couldn’t keep still as you added a second finger.
“Nyra, ah! Y-Your fingers feel so good!”
Rhaenyra smirked and placed a soft kiss to your clit. 
“Do they? I think you’re ready for my mouth, what about you?” 
You looked to answer but you were cut off with another moan as Rhaenyra curled both of her fingers. Your walls stretched around her, warm and tight to the touch. You didn’t know how long you would last. 
“Nyra, now. Please, I might come soon.” 
Rhaenyra’s eyes widened but she nodded and finally dove into your succulent sweetness. She started off slow. Licks slow and gradual with a few quirks of her fingers. You bucked a little, hips rose a bit but Rhaenyra held them down as the kitten licks turned ravenous. Her lips popped and sucked at your precious pearl, forcing you to slam your head against the sofa cushions and take a tight grip to her silver locks. 
“Rhaenyra, shit!” you groaned. “I-I feel it!”
By it, you meant the tightness of your lower belly. The heat, the good kind that moved and jerked right above where Rhaenyra worked: where she sucked, prodded and fingered you. 
“Mmmh, go ahead, love!” she moaned around your heat. “I-I’ll be right behind you!” 
She pulled one of her hands away from your quivering thighs, dug it down her own sweats. You couldn’t see, but by how wild her hands moved and the jerk of her own hips, it was easy to know. Her actions and the moans that vibrated up to your pussy built up and up until your orgasm stumbled through. Both you and Rhaenyra came at the same time--your names coming from your lips like a prayer. 
You slumped against the couch to catch your breath; Rhaenyra climbed back up the sofa and next to you. She kissed your cheek and forehead, gasped once you brought her lips to your own. You didn’t care, you loved her and you tasted divine. 
“So?” she said as she pulled back from the kiss. “Was I better than Daemon?” 
Of course she was still conceited after giving you one of the best orgasms you ever had. You playfully slapped her chest and straddled her. 
“If you give me another orgasm like that, maybe I’ll admit it,” you teased back. 
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hey-kae · 2 years
Home is Where the Heart is
Part 4 and final part of the “Home is…” series.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Warnings: Language, smut, drinking alcohol, probably needs more proofreading.
a/n: i apologize that this took so long but the last few days were something else. I hope u guys liked this series and that you leave your honest opinion freely for me to read!
It was one of the few mornings where you woke up before Charles.
You fluttered your eyes open and immediately faced the sight of him asleep right by your side on his stomach, one arm under his pillow and his face turned towards you as he slept peacefully, the white duvet covering his body from the waist down but leaving you with the sight of his bare back.
Last night, after driving around the streets of his hometown, the two of you headed home and stumbled in while preoccupied with heated kisses that were packed with pure love and all sorts of emotions that you held for each other. Charles made it a point to show you how much you meant to him with every little thing he did, first with the constant smile you felt against your lips, then when he had you pushed up against the door once the two of you were finally in the safety of your apartment, his lips moving against yours in perfect sync, his hands planted on both sides of your face and most importantly, when his eyes locked with yours as he moved inside of you while the two of exchange muffled whispers and mumblings about how much you loved each other.
In the light of the new day, you couldn't help but smile at the thought of the previous night, you eyes still admiring your boyfriend's sleeping figure intently, the soft morning glow complementing his features perfectly.
Eventually and quite inevitably, you lost track of time as you laid there in the peaceful stillness of the morning. About three times, you considered getting up to put on some clothes but got too lazy to do so. You were fully aware that Charles waking up and finding that the both of you were still undressed would most likely escalate quickly but why would you mind that?
The trance was quick and abruptly interrupted when Charles' phone on the nightstand on his side started blaring an annoying ringtone as someone called him. Charles jolted awake, absentmindedly answering the call while his eyes were still closed.
"C'est qui?" Who is it? His voice was hoarse as he groggily asked.
Your eyes were practically glued onto him as he supported his body on his elbows, his muscles flexing and one of his hands fisting the pillow because of the scare. It was practically impossible to look away. He looked too good with his hair messy and the white of the bedsheets complementing his tan skin from the excessive time he spent in the sun so you watched with a smile as he took the call, hearing incoherent french on the other side of the line.
"Non, j'pourrait pas venir." No, I won't be able to go. Charles replied to whatever question he was asked.
"Arthur, que veux-tu au moment?" Arthur, what do you want right now?
"Non... Oui, Arthur...je dormais encore." No... Yes, Arthur...I was still asleep.
"On s'etait endormi tard hier soir." We slept late last night.
"Boucle-la... Ciao, je te parlerai plus tard." Shut up. Bye, i'll talk to you later.
Then, he let the phone fall back onto the mattress and plopped down face first onto the pillows, groaning into them in a way that gave you endless strings of inappropriate thoughts before he turned to face you, a stupidly big grin on his face. How he always woke up so energetic and in a good mood was something you struggled to understand.
"Bonjour." You grinned back at him, watching his eyebrows lift at the french greeting.
"Bonjour." He said it back in a much better accent as he turned onto his side and pulled you closer to him, pecking your lips softly once you were close enough to him. Simultaneously, your arm wrapped around his waist as his hugged you around your neck, snuggling you into his chest.
With a smile, you pecked the bare skin of his shoulder before pulling away a few inches to look at him, instinctively reaching up and pushing his hair out of his forehead, brushing your fingers through the tousled locks while his eyes were fixated on you.
"Was that Arthur?"
He hummed in confirmation, his eyes closing again as he enjoyed the feeling of your fingers combing through his hair.
"What did he want?"
"Not important right now." His arms tightened around your waist, "You're still naked." Charles stated the obvious, lifting the covers and peaking under them with a cheeky, childish grin.
"Your point? 'Cause you're just as naked as me." You swatted his hand away from the duvet and covered yourself up again as he chuckled.
He got his point across quite clearly a few minutes later when he ended on top of you, pushing deep inside you, your arms tightly secured around his neck while he had his face buried into the crook of your neck, his moans against your skin sending vibrations down your spine as he moved slowly, trying to keep the pace mellow since he was aware that you were probably still tired from last night, key word: trying.
"Charles." You moaned and he lifted himself a bit to look at you when the sound met his ears.
He stilled his movements for a second and locked eyes with you, a smile brightening his face as he did so.
"Say it again." He pulled out but quickly snapped his hips forward, his resolve thinning as always when he hears you moaning his name.
Your hand clawed at his back and your eyes shut at how sharp the thrust was, its intensity doubling since he stilled deep inside you after it.
"Fuck, Charles." Your head dug back into the pillow, the feeling of him so deep inside of you without moving making you squirm, "Move. Please move."
Your eyes were still closed but you felt his hand sweetly grazing your cheek, his heavy breathing echoing in your ears.
"Can you keep looking at me, angel?" His question was softly delivered and quietly answered when you fluttered your eyes open and met the sight of his green ones lovingly gazing into yours with an intensity that was in itself euphoric.
He smiled at you, pressing a kiss onto your lips.
"That's my girl." He reinitiated the eye contact and grinned while he started moving again, the last word ending up straggled as the friction of the movement stole his breath.
He moved in and out rhythmically, neither of you breaking eye contact as the pleasure filled your bodies so much faster than usual under each other's electric looks. Keeping up the same steady pace, Charles moved one of his hands down your body, feeling the goosebumps rise on your skin as he traced his fingers lower and lower, down your chest and your stomach until he reached your clit and started rubbing circles on it, feeling your thighs trying to close around him as a result. You gasped and clenched around him at the added stimulation, your eyes now barely half opened and threatening to close like his were as he inhaled sharply when he felt you squeeze him, making the pleasure shoot through his body.
"Putain." He cursed and you recognized the word since he used it a lot, especially during sex.
You knew his body like he knew yours so you were completely aware of what he likes, what he hates, what turns him on and what helps push him off the edge. With that knowledge in mind, you repeated the action from a few seconds ago, this time creating a pulsating pattern around him that had him panting within seconds.
"Fuck, you're driving me crazy." He breathed the words and increased the pace in which he was moving his fingers, making you lose control over the muscle moves you were pulling against him, turning you into a moaning mess underneath him as you felt the pressure build up quickly now.
"Charles, faster. Please." You urged him, your nails digging into his bicep, your eyes still fixed onto his lust-filled ones.
He answered your needs without further question, thrusting faster and increasing the intensity of his movements against your clit, the change of pace leaving you arching your back under him and reaching up higher to tangle your fingers in his hair, subconsciously but very lightly pulling on it as the pleasure became a bit too overwhelming.
The thing that tipped you over the edge was Charles moaning your name while his eyes were still intensely boring into yours, now hooded and dazed from the pleasure that came with being buried so deep inside you so early in the morning.
It was only seconds after that when you caved in and screwed your eyes shut, your thighs shaking on either sides of Charles as you whimpered, repeatedly moaning his names breathlessly with a bunch of curse words and "i love you's" thrown into the mess of incoherent words as you came under his admiring gaze.
Your orgasm triggered his rather quickly. His thrusts became deeper but messy, lazy and out of rhythm as he felt himself lose control. His moans became breathy and short, his own eyes squeezing shut while you watched his face twist, and his lips part as he came inside of you before letting himself fall on top of you, his face pressed into your neck while the both of you caught your breaths.
"The only logical use for phrases like good morning and bonjour are mornings like these." Charles spoke against your skin while a few giggles escaped his lips.
"Well, good morning." You chuckled while he pulled out and moved to lay beside you but not without pulling you in so your head was laying on his shoulder.
"How are you home right now? Don't you go paddling in the morning?" You asked, genuinely curious.
"Already told Arthur and Lorenzo i’m not going when Arthur called earlier so i have some free time until i have to go train with Andrea."
"Charles! You cancelled on your brothers?" You sat up, clutching the sheets to your chest.
"Well, yeah? We didn't exactly sleep well last night." He smiled and his dimples showed.
Ready to dismiss the subject, he dragged the sheets away from you and out of your hands and pulled you to sit on top of him, straddling his hips while his eyes scanned up and down your naked body until his gaze settled on your face, a not-so-innocent smile on his face as he caressed the skin of your waist, moving his hands up slowly up your body until his thumbs started moving against your nipples, pushing the air of of your lungs and making you shudder. Your reaction alone was enough to give him a semi hard on.
"Show me how good for me you are, angel."
"Funny you decide to call me angel at the worst of - shit." The words got lost when he pushed himself off the bed, his lips wrapping around one nipple rather unexpectedly.
"Show me, angel." He repeated, emphasizing the nickname this time.
Needless to say, that ended with yet another round.
Somehow, the both of you ended up in front of the bathroom mirror after that, now all cleaned up and refreshed as Charles messed with the cleanser pump, squeezing a bit too much onto his palm then proceeding to wash his face with the excessive amount of product nonetheless while you watched him in the mirror, rubbing the foam on your own face. He ended up with a big amount of bubbles when he lathered up the cleanser in his palms.
You chuckled and washed your face while he repeatedly splashed water on his skin, struggling to get rid of the foam because of how much he had used.
Luckily, the amount of moisturizer he used following that was on the logical side.
After that night when you had to sweet talk him into trying some skin care, he took a quick liking of the feeling of his skin refreshed, cleansed and moisturized. Now, he's the one asking you for the products.
Following that, you got dressed comfortably since you were staying in and Charles put on his gym clothes because he'd have to get going in about an hour and a half.
While you brushed your hair and made the bed, Charles disappeared into the kitchen. Over the last few days, you had realized that that was never a good thing, especially when it came with suspicious silence.
"Charles..." you called for him as you picked up yet another pair of socks he had left laying on the floor, a habit of his that you were noticing.
Having gotten no reply, you repeated again.
"Charles, what are you doing?" But the question was also dismissed so you quickly made your way to the kitchen and found Charles with an apron around his torso, preoccupied with a mop, looking rather stressed as he attempted to clean something off the floor. Quickly, you noticed his phone propped up on the counter, meaning that he was attempting to cook something.
"Baby..." you made your way towards his hunched figure, gently touching his back to get his attention. However, the sudden touch startled him and made him turn quickly to face you, dropping the mop onto the floor.
"What happened?" You chuckled.
He moved aside, allowing you to see the mess of batter on the floor.
"I was trying to make crêpes but i was... you know, mixing with the thing with metal wires things?" He furrowed his brows as he tried to find the english word.
"Whisking." You helped.
"Yes, i was whisking and it went everywhere." He pointed his hand to a half empty bowl sitting on the counter by his phone then rested his hands on his hips in frustration.
"It's okay, don't be so upset about it." You reassured, "I'll help." Kissing his cheek, you helped him clean the batter off the floor and started wiping the counter while he worked over the stove to make the crêpes.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw his hand hesitate around the pan's handle, lifting it slightly off the stove like he was contemplating flipping it in the air.
"Charles, don't even think about it!"
Grinning when he realized he got caught, he raised his hands in innocence and watched you shake your head with a smile.
With no more accidents happening, the two of you sat and ate in peace then put away the dishes and utensils together before you found yourself sitting down in the living room with nothing to do.
Actually, there was something you wanted to do since yesterday morning but you’ve been pushing it off only due to your nerves.
You sat next to Charles, fiddling with your hands as you lead a self-conducted debate concerning your upcoming course of action while he was relaxed in his seat, his arm draped over your legs.
The truth was that, for the past few days, you weren't writing one song but two, one of them you started even before the agreement to move in together and, to put it into simpler words, it was about Charles and you kind of wanted him to hear it before anyone else but at the same time, you didn't want him to ever hear it.
Knowing the latter option would be impossible if the song gets released, you cleared your throat and prepared yourself for the excessive amounts of blushing you'd be doing in a few minutes.
It amazed you, he was your boyfriend for over a year now yet he still managed to effortlessly turn your cheeks red within seconds.
"Yes, baby?"
"Um, i need- I want to show you something. Are you busy right now? Do you have anything to do before leaving?"
Charles eyed your blushed cheeks suspiciously but with a smile, already considering what would you want to show him.
"No, i'm free now. What is it?"
You didn't reply. You just got up, clutched his hand and dragged him to the piano room.
You and Charles had used the room only once up until now but it was safe to say it was your favorite part of the apartment. His piano was sat in the middle of two walls full of shelves and picture frames.
One wall was full of Charles' helmets and trophies, by every trophy a hung picture of him on the podium receiving it. The opposite one had all your awards, also accompanied by pictures of you accepting them. Then, there was a third wall that was a shared space with way less shelves. It was reserved for you and Charles' favorite achievements. His trophy from the 2019 Monza Grand Prix sat proudly on a shelf with a big picture of Charles smiling widely while holding it. You insisted on him choosing that picture because it was most likely your favorite one of your boyfriend since he looked so happy.
On another shelf was your first Grammy you received and of course, by its side was a picture of you holding it and blowing a kiss.
Then, in the middle were a few pictures of you and Charles, your favorites. Some of them were at events or red carpets you attended together, others at races. You personal favorite was the one after he won the Austrian Grand Prix. The picture was taken from over your shoulder but it showed the way you had both your hands on his helmet as his eyes exploded with joy through the open visor, his arms very obviously very tight and firm around you. The position of your hands on the helmet felt like proving a point at the time since just the night before, you had sat with him on the hotel room floor as a dreaded question rolled past his lips.
"What if that is it for this season? What if i don't have it in me to win anymore races? What if i'm just not good enough to do that?" He had muttered, what had lead to long hours of reassurance and lecturing about how good of a driver he was, and how most of the bad results weren't even his fault.
Once the two of you reached the piano after you grabbed your trusty notebook, you gestured for Charles to take a seat on the bench and he frowned but sat.
You leaned over his shoulder and showed him what you needed him to play. Once that part was done, you took a seat by him so you would relax.
"So, one of the songs is complete and i kinda want your honest opinion on it. Like, completely honest, no matter what. Okay?"
His eyes narrowed in suspicion, "Angel, is the song about me?" He teased.
That got him a playful pinch on the arm, "Just play the fucking song." You blushed.
You listened carefully as the piano notes started playing, waiting for your cue to start singing while fidgeting with your hands over the pages of the notebook off where you were gonna read the lyrics.
The second you started singing, Charles turned towards you for an instant, a beautiful smile adorning his face as his fingers continued moving against the piano keys.
He loved hearing you sing, especially if it was just for him. It was something he didn't get to enjoy as often as he would've desired so he learned to cherish it every time it happened. In fact, in the past, he had told you that your songs were a saving grace for when he missed you while travelling, for when he just wanted to feel you close while you were halfway across the world from him. At times like these, he would find himself playing acoustic versions of your songs or would search through his phone for the little exclusive singing voice notes you would send him, asking him his opinion on song lyrics or melodies. He loved it when some of those songs don't make it into the final album track list since that made them feel like just his, yet another part of you only he could have and enjoy, much like this version of you that he got to see at the moment, sat beside him on the piano seat, shy as ever despite how confident you appeared to the public, fumbling with the edge of the papers as you hummed lyrics that were making Charles' heart race.
He was practically making an effort to keep playing the piano because, in reality, he just wanted to forget everything that wasn't you at the moment. He just wanted to face you and admire you silently, to take in all your features and live in every word that rolled off your lips.
It truly was at times like these that Charles realized that love doesn't have to be grand gestures, at least not for the two of you. This was enough, laying in bed together was enough, driving around like the previous night was enough, making such big efforts to include each other in every part of your jobs that was possible was enough.
Love was so simple between the two of you.
Every lyric resonated and echoed in Charles' mind to the point where his hands were shakily playing the keys and his breath was caught in his throat. He couldn't help but to think about how much this resembled a happy ending, a perfectly directed and narrated scene pulled straight out of a romantic movie where the characters get their "happily ever after" after long-endured suffering, except this one was fully authentic. It made him think back to just a few weeks ago when he was clutching his phone a bit too tight, staring at your scared face on the little screen as the two of you realized there was no escaping the conversation concerning the future of the relationship, the same facetime call that ended with the agreement of moving in together. He was so happy and relieved that the two of you worked it out, that neither of you gave up on this love because he was a firm believer that feelings as strong as the ones the two of you held for each other are worth fighting for, that it would've been so criminal to give up so easily on the precious relationship you had.
As he listened to your soft, calming voice so intently, his emotions were at an all-time high. It just felt so special to hear that he was that loved, a muse for someone, that there were things about him that his girlfriend loved so much that she thought were song-worthy. It felt surreal. But, as he took in the lyrics, one particular part stuck with him, simply because he felt it and related to it so much.
It was the one part perfectly detailing how it felt like when the relationship was at risk, when you both were fearing that it was all coming to an end.
It was undeniably painful to look back at those times when the only thing connecting you was love and a phone, painful to think back at those nights of loneliness and even more painful to imagine you suffering through the distance. It was also hurting him that even moving in together didn't mean he'd have you by his side all the time but over the last few days, he left like he had gotten the chance to know you way better than he had in the longer timespan of a whole year. Deep down, he was scared the move wouldn't make anything better but with every passing hour, you managed to erase his doubts without even knowing about them.
Charles wasn't naïve. He was fully aware that the two of you would be facing more hardships in the future, the first of them being the flights each of you had to catch just tomorrow but it was more than relieving to know that you had the fighting spirit as well, that you were just as willing to fight for him as he was for you.
Before he knew it, the flowing words you had ensorcelled him with came to a stop and you were staring at him expectantly with a nervous expression on your face. His hands stilled on top of the piano keys, his dazed eyes staring into nothing for a few seconds as he thought of the right words to say. He felt your hand cautiously resting on his leg so he clutched it without thinking, turned to face you, bringing up your hand to his mouth to kiss it, a very small, almost shy smile instinctively decorating his face as he did so.
"Um... So, what do you think?"
"It's so perfect." He moved his legs so he was straddling the bench so he could face you. He brought you closer and heard you exhale in relief as he hugged you to his chest.
"Is this... Oh my god, the song actually is about us." He took a deep breath.
"Yeah, it is. I mean, it isn't the first song about you but... i hope you don't mind it."
"Mind it? Baby, i feel so lucky right now!" He breathed in a sharp breath again, blinking repeatedly when he felt his eyes tear up. "Okay, maybe a little bit overwhelmed but so lucky. It's beautiful and you're so talented and..." his hands grabbed your face and got you to face him, "and i love you so much."
Your eyes darted between his features, from his sparkling, glossy eyes, over his cheeks and down to his smiling lips. It was no secret to anyone who could see how handsome, even beautiful Charles was. In fact, the international agreement about how attractive your boyfriend was made you jealous over him sometimes, especially when he'd be miles and miles away, surrounded by girl pining over him but at the end of the day, he'd chuckle about it and assure you that you were the only person he wanted, the only girl he had eyes for and that would make you blush and leave you smiling to yourself for the hours following it.
You didn't even realized but as the thoughts and memories replayed in your mind, your eyes remained glued to his mouth in a way that wasn't anywhere near subtle.
"Angel..." He chuckled when he noticed and you quickly met his eyes with your widened ones.
"I wanna kiss you so bad right now."
"And what’s stopping you? Do it, i'm yours." He smiled.
Your arms wrapped around the back of his neck, your chest flush against his as you brought him as close as humanly possible and pressed your mouth to his in a passionate kiss. You felt one of hands on your waist, the other moving up and down your back as he moved his lips against yours with soft and gently delicacy.
"Je t'aime beaucoup, Charles." I love you so much, Charles. You said against his lips.
You had been learning how to properly say the words since yesterday morning, practicing the accent at every chance you got.
Charles pulled away from the kiss with a wide grin and his eyebrows raised in surprise.
"What?" His chuckled with the same surprised expression.
"Je t'aime." I love you. You repeated with a smile, his face still mere centimeters from yours.
"Je t'aime aussi." I love you too. He smiled and reattached his lips to yours for a few seconds before he burst out in giggles.
"That's gonna get you way farther than those little 's'il te plaît' that you love to throw at me."
"Wait, i leaned something else." You laughed as well.
"Show me then."
"Okay, but i still don't know if I'm saying it right. Tu es ma vie entière?" You are my whole life? The words came out as a question but they still made Charles' day, leaving him staring at you with a grin.
"If it's wrong, that's on google, not me." You tugged on your shirt to show your innocence and Charles laughed.
"No, don't worry. They're right and they mean so much to me, angel."
Smiling, you relaxed against his body and rested your head on his chest.
"Bad idea to show me you learned new french words right before i have to leave though." He joked and wrapped his arms around you.
"Why?" You teased.
"Because..." he shrugged, "It makes me want to fu-" Your hand clasped over his mouth, not expecting such an honest answer.
Charles burst out laughing, moving from side to side while squishing you.
"Alright, now sing to me more, i have a few minutes left." He readjusted his seating position and refocused on the piano, the melody of one of your older songs filling the room.
"Wait, how do you know how to play this?"
"How could i not, angel? It is your song after all.
Following the piano session that ended with Charles correcting you when you sang the wrong lyrics to your own song, something that made him laugh for so long, he joined Andrea at the gym for a crucial session since there was a race that weekend. You too got your fair share of laughter when he called for you in a hurry before he left, asking you where the bottle of sunscreen was since he couldn't find it. You laughed so much when you saw the precision in which he made sure to apply two fingers worth of product onto his face before he was out the door.
Once he was gone, you took advantage of his absence and locked yourself in the piano room, refusing to leave it before you finish the second song you had to record soon.
About an hour later, you rejoiced as you finished most of the lyrics, a bridge being the only remaining missing part but it quickly dawned upon you how clueless you were about how you wanted the melody to sound. You tried a million different keys on Charles' piano and even pulled out your guitar for a few trials but nothing sounded right. It was frustrating to say the least but you had learned your lesson in the past. When things became this frustrating, that meant a break was due and needed.
You headed to the bedroom and grabbed your laptop, thinking about watching a few episodes of your favorite series when your phone rang and and unknown number showed up on the screen.
You picked up with hesitation.
"Bonjour! I really hope i'm not bothering you, dear." You instantly recognized Charles' mother's voice and instinctively straightened up even though you were well aware of the fact that she can't see you.
"Bonjour! Of course not! How are doing?" Your leg bounced as you replied.
"I'm okay. I got your number from Charles, i hope you don't mind."
"Of course not!"
"If you're not busy right now, maybe you could come over for a cup of coffee or tea? I would love to get to know you better and you could see where Charles grew up."
You instantly got up and headed for your closet, already planning an outfit because there was no way you were turning down the invite, no matter how nervous it made you.
"Oh, it would be my pleasure. I'll be over in half an hour, is that okay?"
With that, after brief goodbyes, you tossed your phone onto the bed and started getting ready at a record speed. You finished your hair and makeup and outfit all within less than 15 minutes and you were immediately out the door. You still didn't have your own car in Monaco and Charles' childhood home was quite close to the apartment so you decided on walking.
As you made your way there, you stopped by a bakery and bought some pastries to take with you. Out on the streets, you noticed a few phone cameras pointed at you. It wasn't something that you couldn't handle but it did however make you wonder how fast people would piece it together that you moved to Monaco.
Your time with Pascale went amazingly well. She showed you so many pictures of Charles' childhood and even more from his go-karting days. You snapped a quick picture of your favorite one and sent it to him, know he'd quickly wonder where you got it from since his mother told you she hadn't mentioned inviting you over to him. He replied with an emoji that had one eyebrow raised. When he didn't get any further clarification, he called you.
You transferred the call into a video one before answering, making sure that both you and Pascale were in the frame.
"Where did- Oh, i see." He smiled, "I should've known the two of you would sneak around behind my back."
After about two hours of nonstop chatter, you could say that you were actually comfortable around Charles' mother now.
When you got up to leave, she followed you to the door and gave you a hug.
"You know, at first it scared me that Charles was dating a singer because i knew it would be hard to manage but, now i'm happy that you're the girl he loves." She said and you felt yourself smile involuntarily. That definitely felt like the biggest compliment you'd ever received.
You got home ten minutes before Charles but when he walked in and saw you already in sweatpants and one of his shirts, on the floor of the bedroom with your guitar and notebook, he groaned out loud.
"Even i don't work as much as you do and i'm known as the extreme one! C'mon, get up." He pushed his hands out towards you and helped you onto your feet.
"We're both travelling tomorrow, i think we should spend some time together before that."
"Exactly, i'm flying out tomorrow to record two songs, one of which i still haven't finished." You emphasized and he groaned again.
"Give me two hours and i'll leave you to your songs."
"Just two hours?"
"Two hours, i promise."
You sighed in defeat and let him lead you out of the house after a quick change of clothes.
Charles' plans seemed to involve his yacht.
He parked his car and pulled out a few bags out of its tiny trunk. You waited for him to go put said bags on the boat before he came back to help you onto the rocking surface.
You sat by him as he drove the yacht out into the sea, sunglasses on his eyes while his hands expertly handled the controls. Every once in a while, he would turn towards you with a smile that you would happily return.
"We're in the middle of the sea in the middle of the day because..." You asked after several minutes of sailing.
"Because..." he dragged the word out, "I promised myself i would take you on more dates, so this is one."
You frowned and he laughed.
"Give me a minute." He drove a little more and anchored the boat.
Charles then grabbed your hand and led you out to sit on the yacht's deck. Thankfully, it wasn't a hot day so sitting out in the sun actually felt good.
"I'll be back." He said and moved away.
When he returned, the bags from earlier were in his hands.
He sat down next to you and started taking takeout containers of food out of the bags.
You watched him with a smile as he laid out all that he had bought.
"I got all your favorite food." He beamed as he collected the now empty bags and threw them away before sitting down and relaxing next to you, "Do you have the sunscreen, by the way?"
Everything was perfect, the reflection of the sun on the surface of the water, the sound of the small waves, the entirety of Monaco facing you, the warmth of the sunshine on your skin, the food, and Charles. Most importantly, Charles.
He was perfect, the feeling of his arm casually around your shoulders was perfect, his smile was perfect, so was his accent and the way he said "I love you", so were the looks he gave you and the way he laughed at your jokes, the way he insisted on drinking the wine out of the bottle since he forgot to bring cups and the way he persuaded you into joining him in that.
His ideas for dates were always so simple but so meaningful and you loved that because it showed that he really put thought into it, into actually making sure you'd like it.
After the food was finished and the giggles died down, you just sat with him and admired the sea. Somehow, admiring the sea turned into admiring him.
"I've been saying it a lot these few days but i love you." You smiled and took a swing of wine.
"You could say every minute and i would still want to hear it more. Now, say it in french." He grinned, making you laugh.
"Je t'aime." You smiled at him and he felt his heart beat faster.
"Fuck, it just does things to me." He chuckled, "I love you too, angel."
Two hours turned into way more and somehow, you didn't care. Charles said that sunset was pretty on the boat and for some reason you agreed on staying until then.
The two of you talked so much with him sprawled out across the deck with his head in your lap while waiting for the sun to set. Then, he told you he wanted to show you the space below deck and things escalated quickly down there when he showed you the master room.
The two of you made your way back out just a few minutes before sunset. Charles took a seat behind you, his legs on either sides of your body, his chest against your back as the two of you enjoyed the view.
It was indeed magical watching the sunset from the middle of the sea. You took your phone out and took a picture of the scenery, posting it onto your instagram story.
"Now, a selfie 'cause i'm the main event here." Charles spoke from behind you and you burst out laughing. He loved it beyond words when he made you laugh that hard so he enjoyed the few seconds he got to appreciate it before you flipped your camera.
He rested his head on your shoulder as you tilted yours to the side to give him more space. His smile was adorable, raising a genuine one on your face, what was rare in pictures. You captured the moment and lowered your phone to look at the screen more comfortably when it was snatched out of your hand.
"I'll handle this." He grinned mischievously.
"Handle what? Charles, give me the phone."
He didn't pay you any mind as he appeared to be typing for barely a few seconds. With a satisfied smile, he handed you your phone back and grabbed his.
You checked to see what he had done and found that he posted the picture on your story and tagged himself in it.
When you arrived home, you took a shower while Charles trained on the simulator then you sat down with him like you had yesterday. You managed to complete the lyrics within minutes so, much to your dismay, you had to leave him again to try and figure out a melody on the guitar or piano.
After that, it was his turn to shower while you continued struggling then the two of you ate a light dinner together and decided to go to bed a bit early so you'd get some rest before the hectic next few days. However, you were feeling like a kid going to school without your assignment so when Charles was in the bathroom before bed, you retrieved your guitar and gave the melody one last try. Charles walked back into the room at the exact moment you tossed the instrument onto the bed and fell back beside it angrily.
"Okay, what is happening?"
"The fucking melody is. Wait, actually it is refusing to happen. I fucking give up." Your hand were on your face as you spoke.
Charles put away the guitar and laid down beside you.
"It's not the end of the world if you don't record both songs this weekend. They're not gonna end your contract over it, angel."
"I know. I just hate it when i don't finish the things i promised i would."
"I know, baby but sometimes we just can't help it." He felt you move closer so he wrapped his arm around you.
Nodding, you pulled the covers over the two of you, figuring you might as well sleep since it didn't seem like you were gonna make any progress for the night. As you moved to put away your notebook on your nightstand, Charles interrupted.
"Can i read the lyrics?" He asked.
You hesitated before answering, "I guess but... it's also -you know- about us." You blushed and looked away.
"I'll love it even more then." He smiled and grabbed the notebook.
You laid down and listened to the sound of flipping pages, allowing it to relax you and before you knew it, you were fast asleep.
It was hours later when you woke up to an empty bed. You checked the time and frowned when you realized it was 1AM.
"What the fuck?" You muttered to yourself, wondering where Charles could possibly be.
That is when you heard it, the soft sound of the piano in the neighboring room.
Frowning even more, you got up and made your way to the source of the sound and peeked in through the ajar door.
Charles was sat in front of the piano with just shorts on, playing a tune you had never heard.
"Angel, what are you doing here this late?" You stepped into the room.
He immediately turned to face you with a big smile that contrasted the look on your face.
"I might have solved your problem."
You frowned, not awake enough to catch up. It made Charles wave your notebook at you.
"Oh..." you pretended to understand, "Oh! You did? How?" It finally clicked, making you rush to his side.
"Just listen, but hey -i'm not a singer, keep that in mind."
"Just play it, Charles."
And he did. And it made you cry.
Sure, he was mumbling the lyrics along the melody he had came up with but you'd prefer that over any award-winning love song you'd ever heard because you could see the smile of recognition on his face when he read over lyrics that described situations he remembered just as clearly as you did. You didn't know how he did it but even as his fingers moved on the piano, he was conveying his feelings for you in full clarity. Every note he had written expressed his love.
When the music stopped, he shifted his gaze towards you, the look on his face identical to the one on yours in the morning as he waited for your opinion.
"Looks like you're gonna have to make a stop in the studio, Mr. Leclerc, 'cause you're getting credit on the song." You giggled and hugged him.
"Wait, my name would be on the song? I would record the piano in a studio?" He beamed.
"Yes! Only if you want, obviously but yes."
"Any way you could move the recording session to tomorrow right after you land?" His smiled into the crook of your neck.
"Is that a yes?" You pulled back to see him.
"A hell yes." He laughed and you clapped your hands together.
You were in fact able to move one of the sessions to an hour after landing tomorrow so instead of taking a separate flight, Charles accompanied you.
When he called Pierre in the morning to cancel plans they had made for when he landed, he told his french friend that he had to record a song today.
"You're shitting me, right?" was the reply he received, leaving you cackling by his side.
But he did record a song that day, the piano part of it but a song nonetheless.
You insisted that no other instrument would be added and that the song would remain a ballad and for some reason, that made Charles blush.
Then, he spent the few more hours left watching you work your magic behind the soundproof glass and a microphone and, even if he didn't think that was possible, he fell more in love with you that day.
Later on, you drove him to the airport where he caught a flight to his race destination, the both of you dedicating the rest of your weekend for work.
Sunday afternoon, you landed in the country where he was, rented a car and drove to the track, arriving just one lap into the race after which Charles hugged you tighter than ever.
"I didn't know that living together would make me miss you more when i'm away but fuck, it does." He told you while holding you close.
A few hours later, you both were on yet another flight, this time straight home where the bed called your names the second you stepped into the apartment.
The two of you cuddled for the remainder of the day and while all wrapped up in each other, Charles asked you something.
"I wanted to ask you, do you feel at home in Monte Carlo? 'Cause i don't want you to force yourself to like it for me."
"This is gonna sound so fucking cliché but home is where the heart is, i guess."
Charles frowned, "And?"
"Well, you're here, aren't you? That's where my heart is so that is where i'll always feel at home."
The end.
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A Little Longer {TASM!Peter Parker}
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Plot: Sometimes all Peter Parker needs is a day in bed with you.
Character: Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) x Plus Size Gender Neutral Reader
Notes: Just fluff. Pure fluff.
His alarm blared from the beside cabinet beside the bed and immediately, he hated everything and everyone (besides you, never you). He groaned loudly, pulling the duvet over and above his head hiding you both under it.
"You know it won't stop even if you hide," you mumbled groggily as Peter's harrumphing woke you up, well that and the now slightly muffled alarm.
Peter groaned loudly, throwing the covers off of the two of you and pressed the 'STOP' button on his phone. The alarm went silent. He fell back into bed, rolling over and pulling you into his embrace, "Time?" You mumbled against his chest. You loved the feeling of pressing your face into his toned chest, cheek pressed against his warm, soft skin. Peter wrapped his muscular arms around you, covering you with his warmth as you intertwined your legs together, fully tangled in each other's limbs. You didn't mind anymore that his hands were resting on your side right where your fat rolls were. You'd long since gotten accustomed to Pete's touches. As a plus size person, you'd always shoved your partner's hands away from your stomach and sides but now? Now you liked having Pete's large hands all over your stomach and sides. Of course he never minded that you were plus size, he genuinely couldn't care less about your weight and your size but he loved your body. He loved how soft and warm you were, loved the way your tummy looked in your clothes. He just loved you. Mornings like this were your favourite. You loved waking up to him, loved the morning cuddles he gave you and the way his hair was tousled in the mornings. It was perfect.
"Doesn't matter," he muttered, yawning into your hair, "back to sleep."
You shook your head, "Got that thing with Aunt May at ten and then got lunch with-"
He pulled back so that you could look into his eyes and you noticed how tired he was. He had purple bags under his eyes and he just looked exhausted. The cuts and bruises on the side of his face were healing and he had gone through a lot in the last week, "Please," he said, eyes begging you. Quickly, you nodded as you realised that this wasn't a case of him just being lazy, he needed you; he needed bed, he needed comfort and nothing else. Peter always took on way too much and he would always need a few days of just nothing and today happened to be one of those days.
"Okay," you whispered, hand gently caressing his cheek. Peter moved into your touch, relishing in the way it made him feel. He reminded you of a lost puppy when he had days like this, he just needed cuddles, tenderness and lots and lots of love and of course you would so happily give it to him, "I'll cancel everything, no worries, okay? It's alright."
Peter nodded against your hand, giving it a small delicate kiss, "Thank you, sweetheart," he murmured as he pulled you back into his chest, "I just really need you today."
"I know, love," you said as you kissed his chest, "you've got me all day, I promise." Your heart ached for him on days like this; days where he was sad and lost and where the ghosts of his past haunted him. Peter was always taking on too much and sometimes it took its toll on him. He always made the effort to make you and everyone else around him feel good so today it was your turn to do that for him. You'd lie with him in bed all day if he wanted, only getting up to make food or to pee. You'd spend forever doing this for him if that's what he needed. He always did so much and now it was his turn to just take a break and recharge his batteries.
"I love you," he whispered through a yawn.
"I love you, too."
It wasn't long before he was snoring softly. You pulled back to look at him. He looked a lot younger when he was sleeping, the worry lines faded and his mind was clearer. You'd let him sleep for as long as he needed, he deserved it. Your hands traced his face gently, careful not to wake him, for a while before you settled back into his arms and followed him into the land of dreams.
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kyber-kisses · 2 years
Going Gets Tough
Reiner Braun x Reader
Warnings: mentions of nightmares, mentions of AoT level violence, slight angst
Summary: throughout cadet training your nightmares have been getting worse, and one certain blonde can see that you are not your usual self
A/N: this is my first time writing in over a year, also I wrote this on my phone and was too lazy to go through and edit it. Enjoy the garbage!
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You were late again.
Struggling to slip on your boots as you stumbled out of the girls barracks you took a deep breath through your nose, a hair tie clenched in your teeth.
If you ran you could still make it in time to grab breakfast before the days training started. Once your feet were firmly nestled in the cradles of your boots you took off in a sprint, hurrying to put up your hair as you did. It probably didn’t look right but at this point you really couldn’t care less. There were bigger things to worry about. . . Like making sure you got breakfast and that Commandant Shadis didn’t get on your case yet again for being late.
When you reached the front doors of the dining hall you skidded to halt before taking a breath a running your hands over your scalp in hopes of smoothing out any bumps in your hair. The last thing you wanted was to go busting through the doors and calling every set of eyes to you. You really weren’t in the mood for being judged this early in the morning.
Taking one more breath you casually pushed open one of the massive doors to the dining hall, practically getting slapped in the face by the sheer amount of noise. The massive open space cave off the energy of a buzzing beehive with the constant chatter of the other cadets along with the clattering of dishes and utensils. Luckily your entrance hadn’t brought even one set of eyes in your direction.
Slowly you made your way down the main walk way, eyes searching for any empty spot to sit. It didn’t take long before you spotted an opening besides a familiar blonde. Letting out a sigh of relief you slid in next to them, taking your first relaxed breath since you woke up.
“We’ll look who finally decided to show up.”
Ripping apart a piece of bread in front of you, you rolled your eyes, already knowing that the blonde liked to give you a hard time in the mornings since he knew you weren’t a morning person.
“You’re lucky Commandant Shadis hasn’t shown up yet, if he had your ass would be running laps again until sundown.”
“Reiner, I swear-“ you started, slightly skating your head as you reached for the hug of water in front of you and pouring yourself a glass. This boy never gave you a moments peace. It wasn’t like you were enemies or anything, in fact you were pretty good friends. . . Who just liked to annoy the hell out of each other.
“It’s the third time this week you’ve been late for morning meal time.” He added, folding his arms over the table top, clearly stating he had already finished breakfast.
“Really? I had no idea.” You mumbled sarcastically, chewing lightly on the piece of bread in your mouth, before taking another sip of water.
The rest of breakfast passed by with ease, which basically meant all you did was finish your singular piece of bread and down the rest of your water before brushing yourself off. Reiner had tried to get you to eat something else but you refused.
“I’m gonna head down to the training grounds early.” You explained, seining your leg over the wooden bench and standing up. “Like you said the last thing I need is commandant Shadis yelling at me this morning.”
“I’ll go with you.” The blonde started, already beginning to stand up- but you stopped him with a small wave of your hand.
“It’s fine Reiner, stay and relax for the few remaining minutes of breakfast we have. You know we won’t get a break until evening. Plus, I got to stop and grab my gear from the barracks.”
“You sure? I really don’t mind going with you.”
“I’m sure.” You let out a tired sigh before grabbing your cadet issued jacket and heading back out the dining room doors and into the heat of the day.
The seconds the massive oak door slammed close, a voice snapped Reiners head back to the other occupants of the table.
“Adorable. Reiner has crush.” Annie’s distinct monotone voice spoke up, her gaze still on her unfinished plate.
“Shut up Annie. I don’t have a crush. You’re insane.”
Unfortunately he could not have said that at the worst time, because at that same moment Connie and Sasha were passing by, Both Annie’s and Reiners words being heard by both. A moment later a set of hands slammed down on the table, making Reiner jump slightly in his seat when Sashas face was suddenly inches from his own.
“Aww you have a crush on Y/N?! That’s so cute!” She gushed. Next to her Connie let out a laugh.
“Big scary Reiner has a crush, never thought that would happen!”
There weren’t proper words to describe the annoyance on Reiners face, but all he had to do was throw a glare at the two and both teasing faces fell and Connie was moving quickly to drag Sasha away from the table.
“Just had to go and open your mouth, huh Annie?”
ODM gear training went by with ease, seeing as it was one of the things you were beat at in training, and it also helped that Shadis wasn’t as stern with you as usual since you were the first one there.
But as the day wore on the deep tiredness you had been feeling lately began to creep up on you yet again. The heat of the afternoon sun doing nothing to help at all. The kid of already being tired along with the heat made you feel like you had been drugged and the sparring grounds had little to no shade.
“Y/N, snap out of it. You’ve been standing there for like a minute doing absolutely nothing.” Reiners voice breaking you from your sun drunk haze.
“Huh?” You snapped back, looking at the wooden practice blade in your palm. “Oh right.”
Correcting your stance, you directed your gaze at the blonde a meters away. Reiner and you had always been good sparring parters. You were smaller than him and much quicker on your feet, but his strength and size equaled out the playing field making it a perfect match to hone each others skills.
But unfortunately you had a disadvantage on this particular day.
How completely and utterly exhausted you were. You managed to get a couple jabs in a duck a punch before he managed to sweep his leg and trip you up, resulting in you collapsing on the hard packed down earth beneath you, sending up a cloud of dust as your back made contact.
Letting out a groan, both your arms flopped to your sides, eyes squeezing shut to block the harsh sun above you. A moment later a shadow crossed over you eyelids, making you peek open one eye only to find a Reiner shaped figure blocking out the sun, his arms firmly crossed over his chest.
“You okay?”
“Yeah,” you threw him a tired thumbs up, “I love it down here.”
Usually he’s shoot you a grin but this time he only gave you an annoyed look, showing he was nowhere near amused.
“Cut the bullshit. What the hell is going on with you?”
“Nothings going on with me.” You lied, propping yourself up on an elbow to better look at him.
“Try again.”
Sitting up fully, you dusted the dirt off your hands before looking back up at him. “What the hell crawled up your ass Blondie?”
“Me? You’re the one somethings wrong with.” He huffed arms still crossed as he watched to rise back to your feet, ignoring the other cadets that had stopped to watch the two of you.
“Oh why thank you, I really appreciate that.” You snapped back, glaring up at him yet again.
“I’m serious. You keep running late to breakfast, you rarely eat and you look like you haven’t slept in weeks. You look like shit.” He watched as your mouth snapped close, your nostrils slightly flaring as you stepped back.
“Wow, you really know how to woo a girl, don’t you Reiner?” Shaking your head you shoved past him, heading back out of the sparring pit and directing yourself towards the girls bunks.
You’d had enough of today. Who cared if Shadis chewed you out at dinner. It wasn’t like you hadn’t gone though it before.
You were late to dinner as well, but this time it wasn’t as discreet, practically everyone inside the dining hall could hear commander Shadis yelling at you on the front steps for dismissing yourself early from practice.
Reiner had watched as the doors swung open, your form marching through the dining hall and earning several stares from the cadets you passed, brushing past him as you did until you found your way to the back and plopped down next to Sasha, your head falling into your folded arms. He watched Sasha give you a sad look as she lightly patted your head.
“You should probably apologize.” Bertoldt said quietly from his spot across the table.
“Really?!” Reiner gave him a shocked look, usually the tall brunette was on his side.
“You did kind of attack her out of nowhere-“ Annie started, speaking into her cup as she did. “You could have just told her you’re worried about her.”
“You’re one to talk. You never say anything to anyone.” He shot back, slightly slamming his fist down on the table as he did.
It wasn’t even ten minutes later that he caught sight of you walking back out of the dining hall. Concern taking over once more, he shoved back from his seat, this time making his way towards the back.
“Sasha! Connie!”
Letting out a muffled squeak, the brunette looked up, cheeks full of food as she made eye contact with Reiner, all but ignoring the fact that Connie had been choking oh his water right besides her.
“Breathe Connie, I didn’t mean to scare you guys.” Crossing his arms, Reiner looked down at the two still seated in their spots.
“Well you kinda did a shit job at that-“ Connie coughed, pounding a fist against his chest in hopes of helping clear his airways.
“Did Y/N eat?”
“Why would-“ Connie started, only to get smack in the face with Sashas elbow as she tore apart a piece a bread.
“Not really, she took a few bites but then offered the rest to me.” She shrugged, “she said she was heading off to bed early since she was tired.”
Reiner let out a groan, piercing the bridge of his as he did. Was he only person in this place who noticed how you hadn’t been eating much?
“Can you guys try and make sure she eats more? She hasn’t been eating much.” He explained, folding his arms yet again.
“I’ll sneak her some food, don’t worry.” This time it was Mikasas voice that spoke up from the end of the table, her hands already tying a cloth around a bundle of food.
She didn’t leave any room for Reiner to respond before she was slipping out the door, probably heading towards the girls bunkhouse.
Your head had barely hit the pillow when the door slammed open, making your head slightly lift off your pillow. You barely had time to put together what was happening before you were slapped in the face by a cloth bundle.
“You need to eat.”
“Mikasa?” Slowly sitting up in your bunk, you looked up at the dark haired girl standing besides you, face practically expressionless. Slowly unwrapping the bundle on your lap, you were somewhat taken back by the sight of a hunk a bread and some cheese along with an apple.
She stared down at you for a moment before speaking, “it’s the nightmares again, isn’t it?”
Several other girls were milling around your bunk room, some getting ready for bed, some playing a game of cars together. You looked down at your hands folded in your lap before slowly nodding.
“You really should talk about them instead of bottling them up. It’s not healthy.”
“I know.”
There was a pause-
“When I get back you better have eaten that all.” Mikasa ended, heading towards the bathrooms.
“Mikasa snuck food into the bunk house?!” Mina suddenly added, noticing the exchange between you two.
“It’s from Reiner.” She lied, brushing past the girl as she did, making your eyebrow raise at the same time as you slowly bit into the apple.
You were about to ask but Hanna beat you to your question. “Why would he send you back with food for Y/N?”
“Reiner has a crush on her.” Mikasa stated, her towel over her shoulder as she slipped through the bathroom door before it banged shut behind her.
That was all you needed to make you inhale sharply, making you choke on the bits of apple in your mouth. It took you second to cough before you were able to breath right again, only to be met with a room full of girls going: “aww that’s so cute!”
“Y/N why didn’t you tell us?” Mina squeaked, her hands planted firmly at the foot of your bed as she looked at you, Hanna and several other girls behind her.
“You think I knew?!” You sputtered.
There was a moment of silence as the girls shared a look before turning their gazes back towards you.
“Wellllllll, do you like him back?”
Your response was a blank stare, only because you had no clue how to respond to that. You blinked.
“Alright. Nope. Nope. It is too late in the evening for this.” You shook your head as you fell back, grabbing your pillow as you did and slamming it over your face.
You heard a couple muffled voices but eventually they faded and not long after you drifted off as well.
Unfortunately you didn’t stay asleep long. You weren’t surprised though. Your nightmares had been getting worse recently. More vivid.
And they were always the same. Watching as your friends, the people you cared about were swallowed whole. Blood splashing across your face, their screams filling your ears. . . And it always ended the same.
With you never being able to save them.
This time when you awoke with a violent start, your scream seemed to get caught in your throat and all you could do was gasp for air as you shot up in your bunk, drenched in sweat as your head whipped around. With all the lights off and the shutters shut it felt like you were trapped in a dark box.
It felt like you were suffocating.
. . . And you had to get out.
Continuing to gasp for air you partially fell out out of your bed, stumbling through the dark and towards the door. If the other girls hadn’t been so tired from the days training you knew you would have woken them up, but tonight they slept like rocks- and you were thankful.
You practically tripped out of the girls bunk house, before falling to packed dirt before you, knees touching down first as your fingers curled beneath you palms on the worm ground. Taking in hash gulps of fresh air, you paid no attention to the hot tears running down your face.
. . . Or how a few moments later the pair of feet running towards you.
Reiner fell to his knees besides you, dropping the half full canteens that had been in his arms moments before as one of his hands went to your back. . . But you paid no attention, light sobs racking your body as you rest your head on the dirt packed ground.
“Y/N!” He repeated this time going to grab your face, lifting up your chin. “Hey, look at me.” He softened his voice when you slowly opened your eyes to look at him, trying not to be as harsh as he had been earlier. As you continued to gasp, he let his eyes scan over you checking for any injuries. You didn’t look hurt—
“Hey, hey slow down, deep breaths.” He continued, hands still cradling your face as his thumbs quickly wiped away the tears racing down your cheeks. It took a moment but you were able to slowly steady yourself. “There we go.”
Sitting back on your heels, you blinked back the tears that were still gathered in your eyes looking at the blonde kneeling before you.
Before he could open his mouth to confirm you were practically falling into him, throwing your arms around him as you did and pulling the two of you into an awkward hug. The action froze him momentarily as he tried to comprehend what was happening, and then he was wrapping his arms around you as well, the random distribution of weight making him falling back on his butt, the two of you still firmy locked in a hug.
“You’re okay.”
“Of course I’m okay?” His eyebrows drawing together in confusion as to why you would say that. “Whats going on?”
You were silent for a moment, afraid of what he would say when you gave him the answer. You swallowed the lump in your throat before falling back onto your butt, bringing your eyes to the ground as you did. You didn’t want him to think you were weak.
Fiddling with your fingers you finally spoke.
“Nightmare,” you started, still not looking up, “or should I say nightmares. They’ve been getting worse recently. That’s why I’ve been so out of it.”
Suddenly a large warm hand gently latched onto one of your own, the action making you look up in surprise. Reiners facial expression could only be described as concerned as he looked at you, both a worried and soft look in his rich eyes, like sunlight through a glass of whiskey. You had never seen such a warmth in anyone’s eyes before.
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
You let out a light huff, your head falling back as you did. “Why? Because I’ve been one of the top cadets in our class and I didn’t want to seem weak,” you paused, once more looking down at his hand squeezing yours. “Guess I did a pretty shit job at that.”
“Your not weak.”
“You’re not.” He repeated, this time a little more firm. “You’re probably one of the strongest people here in fact.”
You felt your cheeks warm up at the compliment, thankful that the light from the lanterns wasn’t strong enough to make it too obvious. A blanket of silence fell over the two of you for a moment or two before the blonde spoke up once more.
“And I’m sorry for being such an asshole earlier. I was just worried,” he paused, taking a breath “I’m not very good at sharing my feelings.”
“Wow, I nev-“ you got halfway through the sentence before yawning, “never would of guessed.” You joked, a light smile on your lips as you did. “But I forgive you.”
There was another pause after Reiner nodded at your response.
“The nightmare. You wanna talk about it?”
“No. Not really. At least not tonight. I’m too tired.”
“That’s okay, just know I’m here.” He nodded. He didn’t need to know what the nightmares were about, he had a hunch. Nowadays everyone got similar nightmares.
And then Reiner did something you weren’t prepared for. The burly blonde suddenly scooped you up in his arms bridal style, walking back towards the steps of the girls barracks. Too tired to even question it, you let your head fall to his shoulder, letting out a deep sigh. He was like a walking heater, and he smelled so good. Like cheap soap and something so distinctly him.
“If anyone catches you, your gonna be in a shit ton of trouble.” You softly muttered to him as he carried you through the maze of bunks, all the girls still fast asleep.
“I’d like to try and see them tattle on me.” The dark of the room hiding his amused grin. The only response you gave him was a soft hum as you nestled deeper into his arms.
It wasn’t until he put you down on your empty bunk that you peeled your eyes open, from where your head lay on your pillow you could just make out Reiners silhouette.
Big, Beautiful, Blonde idiot Reiner.
Your Reiner.
Before he could properly stand up and quietly make his way back out of the barracks, you softly grabbed his wrist as your propped yourself up on an elbow. Reiner turned slightly to look at you and all you could to was lightly press a kiss to his warm cheek.
To Reiner it was so soft one could have thought it was a kiss from a breeze. It was so gentle and soft the blonde swore his knees went weak for a moment.
“You wanna know a secret?” You whispered, your head falling back to your pillow. “I like you too.”
You didn’t even give him proper time to react before your exhaustion caught back up to you and you were fast asleep.
“Goodnight Y/N.” With one last smile in your direction Reiner backed up, making sure not to stumble or run into anything.
That night you dream about Reiner. But there is no blood and there is no screams. Just you and him.
And it’s the best night sleep you have had in weeks.
And Reiner?
Reiner doesn’t sleep a wink.
He’s too busy trying to think of ways to ask you out.
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sirenascales · 3 years
-> touch up
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a simple tattoo touch up after hours.
tattoo artist!f!reader x piercer!draken
1,025 words
cw: suggestive as hell, some boob touching,
note: i would let my tongue piercing close just so draken can pierce it again for me :)
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"You know, you get to have boobs all up in your face all day. I have to say, I'm pretty jealous."
Draken snorted at your statement, closing and locking the door to the shop as soon as his last client walked out. He pushed some of his black hair out of his face, heaving a tired sigh before turning to face you with a lazy smirk on his face. "Jealous of me, or the girls?"
You rolled your eyes at his teasing, jumping down from the stool behind the main desk of the shop. "Both."
You both laughed, you not saying more as you gestured for Draken to follow you to the next room. You heard him follow behind you, going on about how the day went, complaining about some of the less than pleasant clients he's had. You knew exactly how he felt, seeing as you almost had to throw out one of your own clients that day.
You and Draken worked together at a pretty popular tattoo and piercing shop, you as a tattoo artist and Draken as a professional piercer. The days were usually long and busy, but having Draken and some of the other workers to shoot the shit with made the day bearable. You were especially close with Draken, as he was basically your work husband.
"Sit," you said, patting on the seat you just finished cleaning. Draken sat down and you felt his eyes on you as you began to set up your station. It wasn't uncommon for Draken to find himself sitting on your chair. Your artwork was some of the best he's ever seen, and he's even commissioned a good amount of the tattoos he had on his body from you. Though this time, he wasn't in for a new piece.
"You know," you started, taking the razor and shaving off whatever peach fuzz that grew on the side of his head, your finger dancing over the black of his infamous dragon tattoo. "I can't get over how you got this when you were like, five."
"I was ten, babe."
"Still! I bet it hurt like hell."
Draken laughed. "It hurt like a bitch."
"How come you're not getting the artist to do your touch up, though?" you wondered, grabbing your tattoo gun and picking up some black ink to start.
"Eh, he's busy tonight. Plus, you're way nicer to look at and you smell way better than him." Draken shot you a grin and you rolled your eyes, cheeks feeling a bit warm. A silly smile spread in your face as you forcefully turned his head so you could get started.
The gun came to life with a buzz, and you snickered when Draken cursed as you started to do the touch up on his tattoo. He took a lot of care of all of his ink and piercings, but that never stopped time from wearing down the ink on his skin. It wasn't too bad though; you only had to fill in the fading spots, gently wiping away any blood as you did so.
"Got any plans tonight?" Draken asked, grunting a bit when you start to go down the side of his neck.
"You mean the hot date I have with my bed?" you answered, wiping away some more blood, eyes focused at the task at hand. Draken sucked his teeth and you snickered. "Don't be a baby. My back hurts."
"Cause you're an old hag."
You made an offended noise and Draken just laughed, making you roll your eyes. This was usual; the playful fighting and jabs at each other. The large man was very easy to get along with, and you didn't mind spending time with him and his smart mouth.
His very skilled mouth, but that was a story for another day.
"There, all done," you spoke up some time later, gently taping the piece of saran wrap over Draken's tattoo. "You know the rules, leave that on for an hour, keep it clean, blah blah blah." You started to clean up while Draken looked at himself in the mirror, nodding in approval at your work.
"Thanks, baby," he said and you smiled to yourself, wiping down your area. "What do I owe ya?"
"Hmmm," you hummed out loud, turning to face him while tapping your chin. "I've always wanted a medusa piercing."
Draken chuckled softly, approaching you before grabbing your hips with his large hands. "I think I can do that for you," he said with a nod before he gestured towards your chest. "How are those healing?"
He meant the nipple piercings you had gotten months ago, courtesy of the man standing before you. You grinned. "They're perfectly fine. Look."
Without hesitation, you lifted up your shirt and bra, exposing your chest and the pieces of metal adorning each of your nipples. You wouldn't have trusted anyone but Draken to do them, and he was the one who encouraged you to get them when you almost changed your mind due to fear. You were so glad you listened to him. "I can touch them without dying."
Draken barked out a laugh at your dramatics, bringing his strong hands to cup your breasts. His thumbs brushed against your hardened nipples and a shiver went down your spine. "They look good..." he whispered, voice deep. You bit your lip. "You sure you can't postpone that date with your bed tonight? Let's go have one with mine."
"Hm," you hummed again, pulling down your bra and shirt. "I guess I can cancel for tonight."
Draken rolled his eyes, slinging his arm over your shoulders to escort you out of the shop. "Let's get dinner first. We can ride on my bike."
You shrugged, leaning against him as you walked outside. You were shaking with anticipation as you approached his motorcycle parked along the side of the building. Turning, you swiftly stole a kiss from Draken before skipping ahead. He watched you with a crooked smile on his face, shaking his head and chuckling as he dug in his pockets for his keys.
The bike wasn't the only thing you'll be riding tonight.
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cinnamama · 3 years
Ran’s Cinderella
Just a heads up I’m not a writing blog, I just post these for fun whenever an idea strikes me, which isn’t often. So don’t feel obligated to follow if you liked this. If the ending seems lazy its because it is, I wasn’t sure how to end it and this wasn’t even supposed to be as long as it is.
1.4K words
TW: Fem!reader and pet names (pretty little thing, pretty girl, mouse)
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You were at the club with your friends and after a couple hours of dancing you needed a break so you offered to be the one to get the next round of drinks. Unbeknownst to you while you were waiting for your drinks you caught the attention of quite the powerful man. Ran spotted you from the VIP section of the club and thought you were cute enough to approach so he did. He sauntered up to you and gave you his most charming smile and asked, “what’s a pretty little thing like you doing all alone?” You looked up and immediately gauged that this very handsome man couldn’t possibly be talking to you, your eyes got a little bigger and you look around before looking back at him and silently asking “me?” with a finger pointing towards yourself. Ran chuckled at your reaction, you were far too cute for your own good. He replied with “yes I’m talking to you pretty girl, how bout I get you a drink.” As he turned to wave down the bartender you quickly decided that this situation wasn’t something you wanted to find out if it was good or not and quickly hopped off the bar stool and scurried away towards your friends. All the while thinking how can someone so good looking be interested in me, he’s way out of my league he’s got to be like a serial killer or something. 
Ran didn’t anticipate you just getting up and running away from him like that, so he wasn’t fast enough to stop you. He looked on as you made your way through the club until he couldn’t see you through the throngs of people with a confused and stunned look on his face. The bartender interrupted his thoughts and so he turned and just ordered himself a whisky, when he looked down at the counter while he waited, he noticed a cellphone was left on the counter where you were just sitting. He grinned as he picked it up and pocketed the device already thinking of ways to meet you again. When his drink was ready, he took it with him into the VIP booth where some of the other Bonten executives were sitting and chatting. His brother Rindou noticed his grin and asked him “what’s up?” Ran looked at him and said, “I found the cutest little mouse at the bar, but apparently I spooked her and she ran off.” Sanzu was listening in on them and began to burst out laughing “your mere presence scared a girl away; man, your charm must be wearing off.” Ran replied with “it’s fine I don’t mind playing a little cat and mouse.” Rindou looked a bit perplexed by his brother’s statement and asked, “is some random girl you didn’t even get to talk to worth the time?” Ran grinned at his brother and sat next to him as he pulled out your phone waving it around “I guess I’ll find out.”
Since Ran didn’t want to go through the hassle of unlocking your phone, because that would look suspicious once he handed it back, he decided to wait until your phone got a call. He answered and it seemed to be one of your friends, after he explained the situation of how you left it at the club and he took it in the hopes of returning it to you, he gave your friend the info they needed to give to you so you could meet up with him to get your phone back. He picked a café to meet up at in the hopes that a more relaxed public place wouldn’t scare you off again, plus this would give him the opportunity to actually speak with you using the plan of asking to buy you a coffee.
He spotted you as you got closer to the café giving you a large grin and waving at you, so that you would know he was the one you were supposed to meet up with. You stopped suddenly when you noticed he was the guy you ran from last night, but you needed your phone, so you steeled yourself and approach him quickly saying “I’m sorry to have caused you trouble, thank you for getting my phone back to me.” You ended your statement with your hand reaching out to him so that he could give your phone back. Ran couldn’t keep the grin off his face, he was right last night you are too adorable, you were so nervous around him that you couldn’t even keep eye contact. He gave you the warmest smile he could muster and gestured to the chair across from him “it’s not a problem at all, why don’t you have a seat and I’ll buy you a coffee.” You slowly pulled your hand back to your body a little upset that he didn’t give your phone back immediately. You hesitated when you looked at the chair and then back to him, “o-okay, I guess I have time for a coffee.” You we’re too intimidated to ask for your phone back again so you sat with him in the hopes he’ll give it back after having coffee with him. After waving down a waiter for your orders he started the conversation with “so what’s the name of my Cinderella?” You were flustered by his flirting and with a warm blush on your cheeks you stuttered out “um, y-y/n, and you are?” He crossed one leg over the other and settled his chin on his knuckles “I’m Ran, it’s nice to be able to talk to you, I didn’t really get the opportunity last night.” You blushed even harder at that out of embarrassment, you wouldn’t have just ran from him last night if you knew you would be meeting up with him again. You quickly came up with some lame excuse for your sudden departure last night “uh yea sorry about that, I was in a rush.” Ran was about to speak but luckily the waiter came back with your drinks, effectively interrupting him. You grabbed your drink and took a sip looking at anything but Ran. Even though Ran was very tempted to continue flustering you he decided to stop for the moment if he wanted to get another date with you, and yes, he did consider this a date. “So what do you do y/n?” You finally set your cup down and looked at him and told him what you do for a living asking what it is that he does. Ran answers you with a vague answer “I work in business.”
The conversation continued on a little awkwardly the both of you essentially playing 20 questions. You eventually finished your coffee and proceeded to say, “sorry but I have a thing to do soon, thank you again for giving my phone back” and you ended your statement with your hand out to him again hoping he’d actually hand your phone over this time. Ran blankly looked at your hand then up to you face and gave a small smile as he grabbed your phone from his pocket. He started to hand your phone back to you but before it landed in your palm, he pulled it back up and said, “I really enjoyed our conversation and would love to take you out some time, let me get your number.” He pulled out his phone unlocked it and placed it in your open palm. You looked a little stunned at him and bit your bottom lip before slowly pulling the phone close to you to punch your number in quickly. You shoved his phone back at him and he smiled as he switched phones with you. “It was a pleasure to officially meet you y/n, I look forward to the next time” he ended the comment with a wink towards you. You fidgeted with your phone before quickly nodding a couple times and placed your phone in your purse as you got up. “O-of course, nice to meet you too, have a good day.” You gave a cute little wave as you scurried away from him without even giving him a second glance. Ran covered the bottom half of his face with his hand as he gave a sinister grin, oh he will love this game of cat and mouse with his adorable Cinderella.
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thetoadghoul · 3 years
Volunteering: (Ohtani x Reader) <333 (Part - 2)
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part 1!
plot: Wednesday’s game arrives which Ohtani invited you to, some bonding time before the first pitch <3 slowwwburn, long cause idk details are fun lol
Wednesday quickly arrived, made much faster by the crazy amount of work you were required to do for your ‘actual’ job. The last three days had been spent with you running around the LA area, as well as cyberspace, to serve your role as interpreter. It was hell, for more reasons than one. The biggest of all being that even though you were not in Japan at the moment, you were still required to wear a proper suit. That meant a tight navy skirt, stockings, and some blasted heels. Sexist men, long meetings, and endless paperwork aside, you enjoyed your job for the most part - but this aspect really wore on you. However, the pain in your feet wouldn't damper your excitement for tonight’s game. Today you were not actually volunteering at the Angels stadium.
The day before yesterday, when you were actually volunteering, a bashful Ohtani had tapped you on the back while you were picking up baseballs from the batting cages. When you turned around the giant man was holding out a lanyard with an attached document, marked ‘VIP Guest of Player’. It took all you had not to let your hands shake with nerves as you reached out and grabbed it gingerly.
“Uh, see you on Wednesday.” The man looked to the side awkwardly, running a hand through his hair.
“...Yeah.” You responded with a small smile, feeling stupid, but it was all you could think of.
“Well, uh, I better go...” He motioned behind his back with a lazy thumb, staring to jog backward.
You nodded quickly, rushing to go back to picking up balls before you said something super lame, or weird.
It wasn’t till you were on the way home did you take a look at the back of the stadium pass. It read ‘Guest of Shohei Ohtani’. So he had put in the request for you, that was just like him, so kind. It would be an understatement to say you weren’t excited for tomorrow.
Currently, your heart was still racing, but for another reason other than a certain super cute and insanely talented baseball player. It was because it was almost three-thirty in the afternoon and you were running around your company-provided apartment, trying to get ready as fast as you could. Ippei let you know you should get there around four-thirty, by then the team would have been done warming up and starting to enjoy a pregame meal while the away team got the field to themselves. From that point onwards, pretty much everyone was free to relax in the clubhouse till just before the first pitch.
With little time to consider, not even enough time to take a shower after having just got off work, you went with an oversized red T-shirt, baggy jeans, and some cool Jordan’s. This was your go-to, and it was comfortable. You don’t have many clothes anyway, living out of a suitcase.
Right as you were about to run out of the door you remembered to grab your standard Angels cap, it had been provided to you as part of your volunteer uniform a while back, slipping it on over your tight work bun. You would let your hair down later.
All right, everything was in order, Uber scheduled, lanyard secured.
It took about half an hour to arrive at the stadium, and once it came into view, you instructed the driver to let you out in front of the ballpark entrance. It had been a long time since you got to go through the gates as a member of the audience, it actually gave you a wave of nostalgia seeing everyone in their gear, so hyped up for the game, tailing gating outside for what was probably hours.
Once you were through, you started walking through the concession stands and various other stalls, dodging around the fans that were already inside watching the warm-ups, as well as hanging out drinking and eating. There were pictures of Ohtani everywhere, people taking turns snapping pictures of each other in front of the various cutouts of him. The air was buzzing with energy, and it seemed like all for that guy. Honestly, you had worked for a couple different teams over the years, but you had never seen hype like this. It was surreal, seeing a legend in the making.
You smiled, gripping the lanyard around your neck, making your way through the stadium. Shohei was super nice to do this for you, really, you should show him your support. Maybe a quick peek in the team store would do? Plus, you deserved to spend some money on yourself. After all, this was the first time you had really been ‘out’ in the almost three months you had been in California. Your free time was either working, volunteering, video games, or sleep.
You took a couple moments in the Angel's merch shop, quietly perusing the aisles, keeping an eye out for any Ohtani-themed items. Unfortunately, there weren’t really that many, probably sold out by the fans. What was there, was way too small for you.
“Y/n, you here to watch the game?” A young voice sounded.
When you turned to see who addressed you, a familiar girl was standing there grinning.
“Hey Jordan! I didn’t know you were working tonight.” You grinned back.
Jordan worked at the store as a stock manager, she was close in age to you so the two of you often hung out. You had invited her over a couple times, both bonding over your love for crappy reality TV, beer, and of course, baseball.
“Yeah it was last minute, a girl was feeling sick and there wasn’t anyone else cept’ me.” She sighed.
“Bummer, text me if you need help?” You offered, to which she waved you off.
“Nah, you enjoy being here and NOT working.” She chuckled, walking over to organize a messy shelf.
“So, you looking for something in particular?” The girl glanced over her shoulder.
“Uh yeah, you recommend any cool Ohtani stuff? Or is there any at all... seems wiped clean in here.” You said while looking around.
“Ohtani? You here to cheer him on too then. Wanna catch his eye.” She teased.
“Don’t say it like I’m just here for my like, prince charming.” You snapped back playfully, but, maybe a little too fast.
“Aren’t you?” She pressed with an eyebrow.
“Okay, I’m leaving.” You pouted, fake walking away.
“I’m just kidding, actually, stay here for a second I might have something you’ll like.” Jordan yelled as she jogged off to the back room behind the counters.
You did as you were told and when she came back there was a large white Angels jersey in her hands.
“Ta-da!” She grinned, twisting it around to show the player’s name on the back.
“Oh, it’s in Kanji? That’s cool, I didn’t know these existed?” You questioned, running your finger over the ‘tani’ character of Ohtani.
“It’s the last one on the floor, had to grab it off the mannequin. Hope it’s not too big? It’s XL?” She questioned, passing it to you to hold.
“Nah it’s perfect, can’t you tell.” You joked holding the jersey next to you, while you showed off your oversized clothes.
“Figured it'd be fine, wanna get rung up? I’ll give you that ‘good good’ employee discount. But, don’t tell anyone.” She smiled, heading to the register, to which you nodded and jogged after her.
After you finished your purchase and waved bye to Jordan, it was time to head to the clubhouse. It was around five, so you were later than you planned but Shohei usually practiced batting in the cages a little while longer while everyone headed in. Slipping the plastic shopping bag into your purse, and ripping the tags off your new jersey, you slipped it on over your T-shirt, smoothing out the material as best you could. It felt great to finally have some real merch from the team, and part of you sort of wondered what Ohtani would think when he saw you. Hopefully, it wasn’t too much to just show up in his gear after he pretty much randomly invited you, let alone in the stadium-specific one, as you just learned from your colleague.
After you got to an employee-only doorway, you pushed on it hoping it was actually open. Ippei had also let you know via text that it would be unlocked for you. Another kindness of Shohei, not just inviting you, but making sure you had access to all the catering and AC inside the resisted area of the building. You slipped in and locked the door behind you, not wanting to encourage some intoxicated fans to follow. The hallway was empty and cool as you started making your way to the clubhouse.
You were admittedly a bit nervous by the time you got to the doors, feeling a bit awkward about strutting in as anyone other than a volunteer for the first time. Carefully you pushed open the door, making sure not to hit anybody. The room was full of chatter, some players eating, some playing cards, others watching TV on the room's monitors. You looked around for Ohtani, but he wasn’t there yet apparently. No matter, you strolled in and went for the snack area. Truthfully you hadn’t eaten since that morning, and that was just a toasted bagel. Turning your back to the rest of the room, you began filling up your plate with cocktail shrimp and grapes.
“Nice jersey.” Ippei said, coming up next to you, grabbing small sandwiches for his plate.
“Is that sarcastic?” You questioned with a smile, finishing your plate.
“Nah, I’m sure he likes it.” Ippei jerked his head to the left.
He? You leaned back to see around the man, meeting Shohei’s surprised face almost immediately. Had he been standing there the whole time? He had obviously been staring at your back, at his name, bashfully looking up to your face when you moved, blinking a couple times to clear his eyes.
“I uh, got it ten minutes ago.” You grinned awkwardly, pointing your thumb proudly at the jersey, hoping he wouldn’t think you were a weirdo.
The large player didn’t say anything, blinking more slowly this time before opting to just nod gently, with a quick “thanks for your support”, hurriedly leaning forward to start filling his plate with all kinds of foods.
Once everyone had their food the three of you found a place to sit while you ate, it was at the back of the room away from the noise, and where the two usually sat before a game anyways. A small conversation started while the three of you ate calmly.
“Why... do you only have grapes, and shrimp?” Ohtani questioned suddenly, looking at your plate baffled. You looked down at it as well, pausing for a moment trying to find out what was so weird about that.
“Uh, well, it’s because... these things are... super expensive in Tokyo. It’s like a rich person food to me.” You smiled, eating a couple shrimps happily.
“Wow. That’s so sad.” Ippei chuckled before taking a bite of his sandwich.
Shohei on the other hand burst out laughing at your response, making you laugh a bit too at your pitiful confession.
“Seriously, I feel like a mega-rich, and very posh, Ginza lady right now - eating nothing but shrimp and fruit. So fancy right? ” You exclaimed, popping a grape in your mouth.
The Japanese player laughed even harder, tears building up as he wiped his eyes.
“Those people wouldn’t touch that stuff with a three-meter stick.” Ippei stated, letting out a small laugh.
“Just let me have my moment.” You pouted through a smile, shoving more shrimp in your mouth.
The other man calmed down finally and was now sitting there smiling while he ate.
“So, fancy y/n, are you okay to sit in the dugout tonight. Not too unrefined for you?” Ippei questioned with a smirk.
“That’s, allowed?” You asked, surprised.
“Yeah, if you want to. Can’t stay there the whole time, but.” The man responded nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders.
“It’s the best place to hear, ‘the surprise’.” Shohei added, food in the process of being shoved in his mouth.
“Well, doesn’t seem like there’s any other option.” You smiled at the player, who nodded in acknowledgment.
“He’s batting first tonight, you won’t have to wait long.” Ippei spoke, starting on the next sandwich.
“Hope me being in there won’t be bad luck.” You joked.
“You believe in that?” Ippei smirked.
“My family ingrained it into me, wasn’t allowed to watch a single super bowl game in the living room till I literally moved out.” You frowned, stabbing a grape.
“Harsh.” The man smirked with a small laugh under his breath.
“You will be good luck, for sure.” Shohei leaned forward in a hunch to take another bite of food, smiling sincerely at you as he looked up from his food.
“Then, I will see to it that will become a very good omen. Please believe in me.” You responded in the highest form of keigo you knew, bowing rigidly from your seat for comedic effect. Since you never studied that level of grammar, it was really freaking bad, causing the two men to laugh again.
“You’re funny.” Ippei chuckled.
“Yeah, and your Japanese is so good though?” Shohei exclaimed, eyebrows raised, eyes wide.
“Nah it’s pretty bad, I fell off the study wagon a long time ago.” You laughed awkwardly, waving a hand in front of your face.
“You’d be there forever if you stayed on.” Ippei chuckled again, while Shohei nodded in sullen agreement.
“Writing would be nice though, having to look up every other kanji at the doctor's office, or like city hall makes me literally sweat, like, a lot. Buckets. But when I look around, I'm the only one.” You giggled.
“You’re so honest.” Shohei chuckled, wiping his mouth with a napkin, still leaning forward in his chair, you grinned back at him. Your eyes locked for a while, you had never noticed, but his eyelashes were sort of long.
At that moment Ippei had to take a call, letting the two of you know he’d be back in a bit, walking off. The two of you looked away and finished eating in silence.
When you looked up from your empty plate, the large player was now staring at you with a soft expression. The warmth in his eyes made you blush, he didn’t even break his gaze once he was caught like he usually did. You responded back to him simply with a shy smile, before being the one to avert your own eyes to the floor again.
Thankfully at that moment, a group of Angels came over, slapping the Japanese man on the back, starting up a conversion. They were going over strategies for the game and overall just getting hyped up. You didn’t have much to input, so you just kind of sat there enjoying the excited chatter. Shohei smiled merrily the whole time, inserting little jokes, completely affected by their excitement. The way he carried himself really reminded you that the essence of baseball was really just about having fun with your teammates and giving it your all. He looked simply happy to be there, and it made you smile too, just watching him goof off. It was charming to see his duality of being a just big kid with endless laugher, versus the super-serious, and seasoned player he was on the mound.
You were really trying hard not to but, you were rapidly developing feelings for Shohei. The last three months of volunteering here, you of course thought he was really cute and kind, classic boyfriend material. A simple crush, like many of the girls working around him, surely had as well. However the possibility of you two actually dating had always been a foreign concept, one which stopped you from even considering it, at all, you just didn’t know if you even could. With you both traveling for work, how would there be time? Plus, what about the media? His family? Yours? All those things seemed unscalable walls, that is, until this moment, when you could feel his gentle eyes on you once again.
Maybe, there was something? Or maybe, he was just a super nice guy, and you were treated no different than anyone else.
When you snapped out of your thoughts, Shohei was starting to stand up, grabbing everyone’s empties plates. He reached his hand towards you, asking for the one in your hand with a tiny nod of his head, to which you thanked him, stood up, and handed it over.
Either way, you were so screwed.
Hope you enjoyed! <3
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macnevercries · 4 years
Hurt me? You could never (Kirishima x Plus F!reader)
Warnings- face riding, oral(receiving), plus sized reader, female pronouns/body, alcohol use, (slight dub con?)
Word Count- 2k
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The sway of the music was heavy as you moved with it, lost in a mob of people. Your hips circled drunkenly, dancing the night away in a pit of sweaty people enjoying themselves as much as you. As the room rolled and jolted you started feeling hot, the sudden flashes of temperature overwhelming you. You started to tug at your top, trying to get it off to relieve yourself of the burning sensation in your body. The fabric clung to your skin and you started getting angry. Just as the shirt started to give way it was tugged back down by a pair of large hands. You almost screamed in annoyance, turning around to see your boyfriend standing behind you, holding your drinks and trying to have you keep your dignity. Your annoyance turned to a soft smile, then a giddy laugh when you spotted the alcohol. Swiping towards the drink in his hand, you almost feel over with the motion. Kirishima dragged the cup away from you, steadying you on his muscular arm.
“I think that’s enough for tonight sweetheart” Kirishima consoled you, smiling at your cute pout.
“Kiri it’s sooooo hot in here, help me cool down” you mumbled, slumping into his chest. A deep chuckle erupted from him, your childish antics humourous.
“Were gonna go home now, okay babes? He asked, pulling you up into his arms, discarding the drinks in the nearest trash can. You mumbled an okay as he pulled you towards the exit, the blaring sounds of yelling and bass fading the further you got from the crowd. Kirishima nodded at the bouncer as you exited the club, pushing the heavy door open and out into the dark rainy parking lot. Clubbing was fun for you two but somehow it always ended in him taking care of you. Your weight had fluctuated over the years but you were always a little fuller than the other girls you knew. Despite your weight, you could not hold your alcohol. Kirishima had seen your drunken state many times and while it could be a hassle, he loved the way your soft body clung to him, you were a needy drunk.
 The rain soaked through your white top, exposing the pink Lacey bra you were wearing. Kirishima felt his pants tighten a little, looking at you in the rain, smiling brightly and lighting up his world. You had always shined so bright to him, even on your worst days. Kirishima ushered you into the car, leaning over your full breasts to buckle you in. He held in a breath at the touch, he could sense you sobering up and he was definitely in the mood. He got in the drivers seat and started the car, handing you some water to sip on for the drive home. For 15 minutes Kirishima was silent, only occasionally looking over at you to check and make sure you were fine. Every time he peeked at you and you had your lips wrapped around the straw of the water bottle he gulped, speeding up slightly, his anticipation building from within.
When you guys pull up to your shared home the red haired man practically runs around the car to open your door. He offers to help you walk but you’re almost sober now from all of the water you drink. Kirishima walks behind you up the driveway and steps to the door, watching the way your hips sway in your skin-tight clothes. Kirishima’s love had boosted your confidence a lot since you guys started dating and he was glad because tight clothes were definitely a blessing to his eyes. He had always had a thing for bigger girls, your soft figure brought him comfort when his own body and quirk wouldn’t allow it. Taking off your shoes at the entryway and locking the door, you headed to the bathroom to use it before slumping on the couch. The clock on the wall read 2am, it was too late to be awake. You leaned your head down on the pillows, resting your eyes momentarily. The catnap did not last long because after around two minutes you felt heavy gaze scanning your body. 
Sure enough when you opened your eyes, Kirishima was in front of you, gazing at you lovingly with half lidded eyes. Your top clung to your chest in all the right ways and the way you were laying accentuated your curves, to Kirishima you look delicious. Kirishima started towards you, crawling onto the couch beside you and snuggling himself between your thick legs, having his head rest on your plush chest. The slow up and down of your breathing both calmed him down and spurred him on more. You look at his flustered face, amused at how heated he was. Had you done something while you were drunk? Pushing that thought aside you accepted Kirishima, softly petting his head and running your fingers through his hair, making him sigh. His barely audible mumbles of praise and ‘I love you’ made you smile. He buried his face into your chest as you rubbed away his tension. 
Slowly he tugged at the neck of your shirt, pulling it down slightly so he could kiss up your collarbone. His kisses made you shiver, you could feel the lust and need oozing out of him. He rotated so that you were on top on him, pressed against him in the most tantalizing way. His lips traveled up your neck and your jaw until they reached your lips. He met you with a passionate kiss, hungry and desperate. He hiked your thighs around his waist, standing up and walking towards the bedroom, his lips never leaving yours. No matter how heavy you were, Kirishima was stronger. He never had an issue lifting you and the way he did it made it seem so easy. 
He set you down on the bed and then crawled around you so that he was laying down behind you. You glanced back at him questioningly but the look on his face frightened you. He had a lazy grin and a mischievous glint in his eye, something enjoyable on his mind. 
“What is it Kiri?” you asked hesitantly, afraid of what you were about to find out. At your question he grinned wider, his sharp teeth sparkling in the dimly lit room. He pulled you close to him and leaned into your ear
“I want you to ride my face” he purred, happy with his idea. At his words you turned beet red, shaking your head aggressively and backing up slightly. This was definitely not what you expected. He pouted at your discontent with his idea.
“Baby please, you would look so good on top of me and you taste so good. God I want you in my mouth” He assured you, tugging you closer to him again.
“What if I hurt you? Eiji you know I’m too big for this.” you sighed, disappointed too. Maybe in a different scenario but this could never happen.
“Hurt me?” he laughed. Your eyes popped open, shocked by his change in demeanor. 
“Do you know what I would give to suffocate in these thighs?” he asked, squeezing your leg with love, but his grip was a little hard. 
“Just get on top of my face, if it doesn't work then we’ll stop, I promise” he reassured, stroking your back and coaxing you on top on him. Your will broke at his words, after all his idea was appetizing to you too. You took your pants off, tossing them in a far corner before situating yourself on the red head’s shoulders. He grabbed the back of your thighs, drawing you closer to his face. You couldn't help but turn away, despite the number of times you guys have had sex, Kiri’s pure love and devotion to you made you squirm. 
He licked a wet stripe up your panties suddenly, causing you to gasp. On instinct, your hips rutted back into his face and he chuckled, you muttered apologies, embarrassed by your lack of composure, You went to climb off of him, ready to go hide away but not before Kirishima could grab your hips with a bruising grip. Your head snapped back in his direction.
“You're not going anywhere kitten, we haven't even started.” He pulled your panties to the side and the cold air against your exposed core made you shiver. At the sight of your glistening cunt he licked his lips and got to work.
His tongue pressed flat against your cunt, licking heated and hungry stripes up you. He’d go down to tease your entrance and then up to circle your clit, sucking lightly and grazing it with his teeth. The pattern he created left you on a rollercoaster of feelings, moaning, mewling and dragging yourself against his face. Every time your hips stuttered and you got close he’d pull away to focus somewhere else. You whined, aggravated by his teasing. Some time passed and he kept his rhythm, never letting you finish. By now you were fuming, boiling over with rage.
“Eiji what the fuck” you spat when he changed stopped again for the umpth time. He looked up at you with the most innocent eyes, trying to convey his confusion with his mouth still buried in you.
“Why won’t you let me finish? I want to cum, please Eiji, make me cum” You purred. If he was gonna be like this then you would play his game. At your words something sparked in his eyes. His hips rutted up from the bed, your affect washing over his entire body. He curled one of his hands away from your thigh and prodded your entrance with his thick fingers. Slipping two in easily he watched in awe as emotions flashed past your eyes and you ground yourself down onto them.
“Yeah, fuck yourself on my fingers, just like that baby” He murmured, causing you to go faster. He attached his lips to your clit, sucking with all of his might. His tongue flicked over your sensitive bud, teeth grazing it. His name flowed from your mouth as you humped down onto him, trying to snap the tightly wound coil that has been building up since you guys began. He pushed his fingers in a little deeper, twisting them and curling them right where you wanted him. This sent you flying over the edge, cussing and moaning as your orgasm hit you like a bus. He coaxed you through it, slowing his attack and letting you come down gently.
You slide off of his face, laying down in the bed beside him, still panting. Rolling over on your side, you nuzzle in his neck, placing your hand on his broad chest and basking in your post-orgasm glow. A nice familiar haze settled over you, happiness and lust blurring together.
“Thank you Eiji, that was amazing.” you breathed. He laughed lightly when he turned to you, a pleased expression on your face. 
“Of course, I don’t know who enjoyed it more, me or you.” He smiled, fond thoughts of you racing his mind. You kiss his neck, flitting around and placing butterfly pecks all over him. He giggles at your antics, rubbing your back encouragingly. 
“I love you, you know that right?” he asked, kissing your forehead and tilting your chin up so you would meet his eyes. You beamed up at him.
“I love you too”
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n0bamak1s · 3 years
lazy days - maki zenin x reader
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request: “Could you maybe do a maki x reader fluff? Like maybe just a lazy day playing video games or something like that.” - @mvddison99
summary: after you shut off her alarm clock so she can get some rest, maki reluctantly agrees to a lazy day with you, and ends up enjoying it much more than expected. (genre: domestic-ish fluff, slice of life)
warnings: some swearing but it’s mostly just pure fluff!
word count: 2.7k
a/n: i did NOT plan to make it this long lol i’m just a sucker for writing maki! i didn’t really explicitly state what the reader and maki’s relationship is so it can be read as an established relationship or not depending on what you like! i had a ton of fun writing this so hopefully y’all like it! :)
maki zenin doesn’t do ‘lazy days’. not willingly, at least.
when you’d told inumaki of your plan to shut off her alarm clock to get her to sleep in and take a day off, he couldn’t help thinking you must have some kind of death wish to do that. you’d argue that you were staging an intervention in the name of self care. he knew the reason you’d gone to him with your idea was because he couldn’t talk any sense into you.
he also knew that you actually just wanted maki to take a day off so you’d have an excuse to hang out with her in your pajamas all day.
despite the countless times gojo would use a day off as an incentive during your missions, when you finished you’d always be greeted by the same sheepish smile and excuse as to why your day off would be pushed back. for a grown man, he sure was childish when it came to planning stuff. in contrast to the groans of disappointment that came in response from you, inumaki and panda, maki never seemed phased by the extra days you’d spend sparring in the blistering sun. while gojo moved his hands wildly as he apologized, she’d simply shrug and swing her weapon of choice over her shoulder with a bored expression on her face. gojo always seemed relieved when she’d interrupt his plea for forgiveness to a group of teenagers to ask him when the next mission was.
over the past two weeks or so, you’d begun to notice the semblance of exhaustion around maki, one you weren’t even sure she was aware of. her glasses emphasized the purple tinted bags lining her eyes, and her nose was dusted with a sunburn that was oddly reminiscent of that momo girl from kyoto. they were subtle changes in the way she carried herself as well, in the way her shoulders slumped ever so slightly when she rested the wooden ends of her weapons on them. it was such a slight difference that it seemed only you could know so quickly.
so it’s not hard to imagine the joy that flashed across your face when you realized your plan in unplugging her school issued alarm clock had been successful. before then, you’d only woken up before maki once, due to an early morning mission with inumaki. that day, when surprise flashed across your face at the sight of maki awake at just 6 a.m on a saturday, now seemed a contrast to your current state. the clock read 10 a.m as you were interrupted from mulling over your breakfast with inumaki and paves with the sound of steps shuffling against the floor, followed not soon after by maki, clad in baggy plaid pants and a loose fitting tee shirt. you watched as she stretched her arms above her head, making her shirt ride up slightly from the waistband of her pants. a part of you felt as if you’d gotten lucky to see her in that moment, with her green hair cascading past her shoulders, and her yet to be brushed bangs messy as they slightly masqueraded her eyes like a sheepdog overdue for a trim. as she rubbed her eyes into focus, her gaze landed on you, clearly trying to stifle a smile for whatever reason.
“what’re you so happy about?” her voice was raspy as she straightened her posture.
oh, you were definitely lucky to see her like this.
“sleep well?” you raised an eyebrow with a teasing tone. she could practically hear the smug grin threatening to stretch across your face. had it not already been obvious who the culprit was, that would’ve been a dead giveaway of the way her stolen batteries from her alarm clock were collecting dust on your bedside table. she sent a lazy glare your way, but there was clearly no malice behind it.
“if i say i did, will you leave me alone?” her tone was almost playful as she stepped towards you, bending her knees to be at eye level with you while you sat. she probably didn’t notice that she wasn’t nearly as intimidating with her old pajamas and messy hair.
“no can do.” you no longer held shame in the catlike grin on your face. “gojo is finally letting us have that day off he always promises, and i’m not letting you use some excuse about being ‘too busy with training.’” those last few words were spoken with a monotone infliction in a weak attempt to poke fun at her almost robotic training schedule.
a roll of her eyes, but she made no point to move from her position. when she crouched down to your sitting form, her eyes remained focused on you despite the sleepiness still swimming in them. your noses were mere inches apart.
“and if i do?”
“i already told gojo to lock up the weapons, plus everyone else is occupied with relaxation.” you feigned sheepishness.
“oh noooo, i’m sure it’d be impossible to make it past his advanced security system.” her voice oozed of sarcasm and her head tilted slightly, a smirk daring to sneak past her lips.
the staring match you were unaware you’d been putting so much effort into was interrupted by a groan from inumaki. he made a face of disgust in your direction as you both turned to face him. if he could, you were sure he’d mutter something annoyedly about you two needing to get a room. your face contorted to send some sort of distorted glare his way as he got up to leave the room.
maki cleared her throat awkwardly, now acutely aware of the distance (or lack thereof) between your faces, courtesy of inumaki.
“by the way, if you don’t take a break, gojo says he’ll just make you take one during our next mission!” the grin on your face stretched almost cartoonishly at the dejected look in response to your declaration.
she was standing now. “i’ll do it, but only because you’ve already set my day back by a few hours, and so i don’t miss anything important later.” though you didn’t miss the corners of her mouth turning up as she averted her gaze.
to her surprise, you let out a soft sigh of relief in response. “thank god, my last resort would have been to make you go to training with the kyoto students instead.” she cringed wordlessly in response as she pulled a cup of yogurt from the fridge.
“what do you want to do so bad that’s got you so pushy anyways?” she sat with her legs spread apart as she ate her breakfast.
a mischievous gleam danced across your face. “well i was cleaning out my dorm the other day, and i may or may not have found my copy of mario kart.” your voice was triumphant, as if you’d just found the cure to a disease.
she looked thoroughly unimpressed in contrast to you holding down heaps of excitement. “never played it.”
your gasp of shock felt as if it could have woken up the whole school.
“maki…” your voice sounded accusatory, like a parent saying that they’re not mad, ‘just disappointed.’
“well it’s not like the zenin clan is exactly known for their expertise on video games, are they now?” she spoke matter-of-factly.
“and they’re clearly not known for having fun either, now you’d better eat up so i can beat your ass.” your competitive tone seemed to awaken a rivalry within maki, whose eyes suddenly became sharper with determination. you stifled a chuckle at the drive that came from your simple teasing.
“i wouldn’t get so confident just yet, no offense but i don’t think you’d be that hard to beat.” she teased, matching the mischievousness in your eyes, as she finished her cup of yogurt.
“oh it’s on maki!”
as you bounced down the hall to your dorm with maki in tow following breakfast, you took note of panda walking by, who seemed to do a double take of maki. she met his gaze, once again trying to look threatening despite her cozy attire. panda seemed unaffected by her glare, simply sending you a sneaky thumbs up, not going unnoticed by her.
“did everyone know about your little plan?”
“not everyone, per say. if i told megumi he’d have been a total buzzkill and told you.”
“oh how tragic that would have been.” without looking over your shoulder, you could tell she was rolling her eyes, but she did a bad job at concealing the smile that was evident in her voice.
“i know, where would you be without me?” you wiped fake tears from your eyes dramatically as you swung open the door to your dorm.
“not playing mario kart, that’s for sure.” she shrugged, feigning exasperation as she slumped on your bed. it was oddly domestic, this side of maki. it was the side of her with her hair undone, with her usual stiff uniform swapped for baggy pajamas, with her back flat against your rock solid dorm bed as she stared at the ceiling, eyes glazed over. it crossed your mind that you’d like to see her like this more.
but in case you didn’t get that chance, you were determined to make this moment last.
after a few moments of annoyance at how slow your wii loaded, and annoyance from maki at your complaining about it, considering that thing was clearly on its last legs, you were met with the flashing of the mario kart title screen. maki sat up to be met with your face brightening into a smile, making it hard for her to stop the matching one on her face. she found it hard not to get excited from the enthusiasm you had about this game, it gave her a sense of comfort that made her feel like she’d never have to worry about battling a curse again.
you handed her a controller, your fingertips brushing against her hand as you did so. her eyes flickered to yours with an impish delight to them.
“you’re going down.”
“oh?” you raised an eyebrow as you turned to click through character selections, shamelessly feeding into her competitive streak. after scrolling through the characters just long enough to annoy maki, you decided you’d play yoshi. she let out an over exaggerated sigh of relief when you’d finally decided, before turning her attention to do the exact same thing.
“rosalina, huh?”
maki glanced at you, before averting her eyes back to the screen. “what can i say? she’s hot.”
you put a hand to your heart dramatically. “oh maki, how you wound me. sorry i can't be her.” your little act was eerily similar to how the first years would act whenever there was even the possibility of megumi interacting with a girl.
“you’ve been spending too much time around gojo.” she scoffed at your antics while you waited for the crappy old wii to load the selection screen for tracks.
should i choose rainbow road just to fuck with her?
spoiler alert: you absolutely did choose rainbow road just to fuck with her.
you knew she’d never played before, so even if you did win, it’s mostly because you chose the most difficult track. but the competitive side of you didn’t seem to care. before starting the game, you moved so you sat next to maki on the bed, parallel to the tv screen. you guys sat shoulder to shoulder, yet maki still seemed totally relaxed.
“you’re going down.” she smirked, turning to face you, the second time that day her face was just inches from yours.
“i’d like to see you try and beat me, newbie.” you tilted your head towards her, a smug look painting your face as you leaned over to place your hands over hers, instructing her of the basics as you guided them over the buttons and joysticks of the controller. after all, it would be just cruel to make her go in completely clueless.
“thanks.” her eyes remained focused on her hands a few seconds after you’d removed yours from atop them, before her gaze travelled to meet yours. there was an uncharacteristically soft look on her face for just a moment, before she looked back to the screen. “but you’re gonna regret this when you eat my dust.”
“whatever you say, maki.” you muttered as the screen began to flash a countdown.
forget all that soft shit, you were gonna beat her ass.
your dorm room was filled with the sounds of the wii controller buttons being mashed, along with the background music of the game.
“SHIT!” you didn’t have to glance at her screen to know she’d swerved off the road and fallen, so you just smiled triumphantly in response.
when she was on the road again, you could feel her lean against your shoulder slightly as she turned. in your peripheral, you noticed how a few strands of green hair brushed against your shoulder as if it were yours. maki, on the other hand, seemed completely focused on winning the game, making her ignorant to how she practically leaned into you.
you were confident enough to know that you pretty much had this game in the bag as you kept your lead peacefully for quite a bit, that was until a certain smug looking girl next to you managed to score a blue shell.
“DAMN IT.” you watched as yoshi spun helplessly after being hit. “look at how sad he looks, you monster.” you glared ludicrously at her, to which she just snickered, but your feigned anger was quickly interrupted by the sound of the music speeding up.
“already?” you were exasperated to see how close maki had gotten to you. looking to her, she remained with a determined look on her face, funnily enough, it was similar to the one she’d have while sparring.
you didn’t want to have to play dirty but…
ah, who were you kidding, you totally wanted to play dirty!
“hey, maki.” your voice was husky from strain of your cries of distress when you fell behind. you leaned into maki the same way she had earlier, with your leg practically on top of hers, and your head leaning oh so casually on her shoulder. she seemed to stiffen for a moment.
“what the hell do you think you’re doing?”
swerving with your controller, you’d managed to knock her rosalina straight off the track, giving you a clear path to the finish line. you knew that making her all flustered just to get ahead had to be some kind of cheating, but you couldn’t deny it was so worth it to see the way her face flushed from a mix of embarrassment and anger at losing.
when you reached the finish line, it was hard to contain the laughter that came bubbling up out of you. before you could help it, the repressed giggles turned into a full on belly laugh as you leaned onto her shoulder for support.
“you should’ve seen your face maki!” you managed to get out between laughs. she simply pushed you off of her, though it was clearly as soft as possible. she held onto your shoulder so you were forced to be at eye level with her.
she opened her mouth to say something, but before she could, you lifted your head to make eye contact, your mouth in a tight line as you tried to hold back more laughs.
“you’re pretty good for a newbie though, you know.” you leaned into her touch, too focused on her to tease her over the animation of yoshi with his gold trophy playing on the screen.
“yeah and you’re pretty good for a cheater.” she scoffed, but it only elicited more laughter from you, gripping on the hands she had on your shoulder for support.
she wanted to keep up her front of mock seriousness, but the way you melted into her in this moment left her no room for her mock anger.
it was rare that you saw maki zenin laugh, but in this moment, it just felt so natural to you. it seemed to rise up out of her, like a soda can being shaken up before opening, it came out unrestrained as her shoulders shook ever so slightly.
you’d have to make a note to get maki to laugh more often.
“so…” you finally composed yourself, leaning your head on her shoulder, she looked at you without an ounce of the surprise she held earlier, as if you guys did this all the time. “do you wanna play again?”
she grinned wolfishly. “hell yeah.”
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buckybarnesdollface · 4 years
Summary:  Just some shameless Bucky on a motorbike smut. Probably one of my favourite things I've written. Posting it on my birthday because why not. 
Warnings: SHAMELESS SMUT, Bucky on a motorbike, female reader       
           “Tony has a ridiculous amount of cars, does he realize that?” I grumbled as Natasha parked the Range Rover. She chuckled.
           “Don’t tell him that – He’ll give you a lecture about why each and every one of them is special and important to him.”
           I snorted as we made our way through the underground garage at the compound. We had just returned from gathering intel in the city, and as we passed the rows of Aston Martins, Lamborghinis, Ferraris and other ridiculously pricey vehicles I shook my head. My eyes landed on a sleek, black Honda CBR600RR, though, and I stopped.
           “Now this,” I murmured, “I like.” I looked up at Natasha. “Whose bike is this?”
           “That’s Barnes’,” she replied, but before I could get a closer look, she grabbed my wrist and shook her head. “Oh, no, I wouldn’t do that if I were you. He won’t let anyone touch that bike – Sometimes I think he cares about it even more than he does Steve.”
           I arched a brow. “Is that so?”
           “Yes. Seriously, he’s really weird about that bike –”
           “We’ll see about that,” I said, and then I was heading to the elevator, Natasha following and spouting warnings at me that I ignored. We found Bucky in the kitchen, looking like he’d just come from the gym as he grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. He looked up as we came in.
           “That’s quite the bike you’ve got down there, Barnes,” I said casually. The corners of his lips quirked up, and his eyes sparkled.
           “You like that, huh?” he murmured, and I nodded, letting my eyes drop so I was looking up at him through my eyelashes.
           “I do,” I admitted, and then a slow smirk spread over my face. “I’ve always been a sucker for a sleek motorbike. There’s nothing better than the feel of all that power between your legs.”
           Behind me, I could hear Natasha cough to cover the fact that she’d just choked on the air she’d inhaled. Bucky’s blue eyes darkened, and his tongue darted out to wet his lips. He cocked his head to the side, grinning.
           “I’ll tell you what, doll,” he murmured, coming forward until his body had not-so-subtly caged me between him and the island. “How about sometime I show you the bike? If you’re lucky, I might even let you take it for a spin.”
           “I’d love that,” I purred. He smirked, winking before he slipped out of the kitchen. Once he was gone, I turned to Natasha with one eyebrow arched smugly. She rolled her eyes and shook her head.
           “You are shameless,” she grumbled, but my grin only grew wider.
           So that’s how, a few days later, I ended up in the parking garage with Bucky. He ran his flesh hand fondly over the body of the bike, a grin on his face.
           “She’s a beauty,” I admitted, admiring the shiny black frame. “Can I…?”
           “Go ahead, touch it,” Bucky urged, eyes glittering. I shot him a wry look before running my fingertips delicately over the sleek frame. I circled the bike, examining it, impressed with its pristine shape despite the situations I was sure Bucky’d had it in. I said this aloud, and he grinned. “I take real good care of it,” he admitted. “I’m always buffing out scratches and keeping the paint touched up and polishing it.” His grin was wolfish. “I like to take good care of anything that belongs to me. You treat them well, they treat you well.”
           I felt my lips quirk up as my hand slid across the smooth leather seat. Bucky and I had been playing this game for months now, flirting and feeding the sexual tension between us, but we’d never actually done anything about it. It was driving everyone on the team insane, and I knew for a fact some of them had a pool going on when Bucky and I would actually hook up. That alone was enough to have me holding out as long as I could.
           “How’s it handle?” I asked. Bucky smirked.
           “Extremely well.”
           “Even the curves?”
           “Especially the curves, doll,” he purred, and I felt my stomach do a flip. I looked up to meet his eyes.
           “How’s it sound?” I asked him, and he inclined his head.
           “Start it up and see for yourself.”
           Biting my lip, I flipped the kill switch and turned the key, and then held down the start button. The bike rumbled to life, and I grinned delightedly. I looked over at Bucky, and he gave me a quick nod, lips quirking. I threw my right leg over the bike to straddle it, impressed with how comfortable the seat was.
           “Go ahead and give the throttle a little twist, doll,” he encouraged, and my hands found the handlebars. My right hand twisted the grip towards me just the slightest bit and the engine roared, bike rumbling beneath me and sending vibrations through my body. I hummed appreciatively.
           “How’s that feel?” Bucky murmured.
           “Amazing,” I breathed. “How do I look?”
           Bucky’s eyes raked over me, muscle in his jaw twitching as his arms folded across his broad chest. “Better than should be legal,” he admitted, voice low. “Christ, doll, you look like a teenage boy’s wet dream right now.”
           I smirked. “Does that mean you’ll let me ride the bike?” I asked coyly, and Bucky chuckled.
           “I did promise you could take it for a spin, didn’t I?” he sighed, and I nodded.
           “You did. No take-backs.”
           With a grin, Bucky slid onto the seat behind me, hands on my waist as he leaned in so that his mouth was at my ear. His breath was hot as he spoke. “I’ll let you take it for a quick ride,” he breathed, “but when I say, we switch. There’s somewhere I wanna take you.”
           I wrinkled my nose. “Where?”
           “It’s a surprise.” His teeth nipped playfully at my earlobe, and I shivered. I nodded in agreement, and then kicked up the kickstand and put the bike in gear, slowly releasing the clutch and twisting the throttle. I couldn’t keep the grin from my face as we drove the bike out of the compound and out onto the open road.
           It was exhilarating, the feel of the warm summer New York air whipping around us as we sped down the two-lane road leading away from the compound. I could feel Bucky, warm and solid behind me, his hands firm on my waist. We drove for ten minutes, but then his flesh hand squeezed my side, signalling it was time to switch. Sighing, I reluctantly pulled onto the shoulder of the road and moved so Bucky could mount the bike.
           I stood back for a minute, biting my lip, and Bucky looked up at me with a dark eyebrow cocked.
           “What are you doing?” he asked.
           “Admiring the view,” I replied truthfully. The way his thick thighs hugged the frame of the bike was damn near sinful. Bucky chuckled and shook his head.
           “Get over here,” he said, and I grinned before climbing onto the bike behind him and winding my arms around his waist. “Hold on tight, doll,” he ordered. “I like to go fast.”
           He wasn’t kidding, either; we flew down the road until the trees we passed were just a green blur. He took the curves with a finesse I only wished I had, and I could feel the muscles of his abdomen tighten and contract every time he leaned his body with the bike.
           After about twenty minutes we pulled onto a smaller side road, and then another five minutes had us pulling up to a pristine little lake. Bucky stopped the bike, shutting it off and putting down the kickstand. I slid off the bike and looked around in awe.
           “This place is beautiful,” I breathed. “How did you know it was here?”
           Bucky shrugged. “I found it one day on a drive. I come here sometimes, to get away.”
           I nodded, taking it all in. It was breathtaking, like a little slice of paradise. I could understand why he would come here to get away.
           Things were silent for a few moments, both of us just enjoying the view and the late summer sunshine. I climbed back onto the bike, where the sun had warmed the leather and black frame. Bucky looked up and cocked an eyebrow.
           “You just can’t stay off that thing, can you?” he taunted, and I shrugged.
           “It’s warm from the sun. It’s nice.”
           “You’re like a damn cat,” Bucky chuckled, and I hummed in response. I closed my eyes, hands braced on the seat behind me as I leaned back, head tilted towards the warmth from the sun’s rays. Bucky was uncharacteristically quiet, and I peeked over at him out of the corner of my eye to see that he had his phone raised. My brow furrowed.
           “Did you just take a picture of me?” I asked.
           “Yes,” he answered shamelessly. “The opportunity was too perfect not to. I’d be crazy not to capture my two best girls in front of such a beautiful backdrop.”
           My heart did a flip in my chest, and I sat up straighter. “Best girls?” I asked, and Bucky shrugged. I shook my head. “Last time I checked, Barnes, I wasn’t your girl.”
           “Aren’t you, though?” he murmured, coming to stand next to the bike. “I mean, the rest of the team already pretty much assumes you are.” The fingertips of his flesh hand traced along the subframe of the bike, dangerously close to the inside of my thigh, and I held my breath. “Plus, I wouldn’t have let anyone else ride this thing, and you know it.” He leaned in close, lips grazing the shell of my ear. “Besides,” he whispered, “you know I’d break the jaw of any guy that even looked at you the wrong way, the same way I know you’d tear a strip off any girl that set her sights on me.”
           My breath hitched, and my tongue swept over my lips. “Bucky…” I whispered, and his grin was lazy as his flesh hand trailed down my leg over my jeans.
           “Tell me you’re my girl,” he murmured. “You know it’s true. I wanna hear you say it.”
           I bit my lip. Of course I knew it was true; I’d been his for months, whether the words had been spoken or not. But I was scared to say it, to put an end to this game and make it reality. The flirting and teasing were harmless, but to admit I was his girl felt like an admission that was too dangerous to commit to.
           I thought back to what he’d said earlier. “I like to take good care of anything that belongs to me.” It had been meant as an innuendo, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized I really had been his girl this whole time. All the late nights at the gym when we couldn’t sleep, the early breakfasts afterwards, the secret smiles, the way he always gravitated towards me during missions…
           I swallowed hard, lifting my eyes to his. “I’m your girl,” I said softly, and the grin that overtook Bucky’s face was like a kid at Christmas. He cupped my face gently, thumb tugging at my bottom lip.
           “That’s right,” he murmured. “Now, I want you to tell me what you want.”
           “For you to say you’re just as much mine as I am yours,” I said boldly, and Bucky’s eyes sparkled.
           “You know I’m yours, doll,” he chuckled. I smirked.
           “Does that mean the bike is mine, too, by default?”
           Something dark flashed through Bucky’s eyes as a wicked grin slowly lifted his lips. “Not how it works and you know it.” His metal hand reached out to start the bike, flesh hand tucking a loose curl behind my ear. The bike hummed beneath me. “But,” he continued, “I do like how damn good you look on it, and I know you said you liked the feel of all that power between your legs. So I think you’re really gonna like this.”
           Bucky’s vibranium hand twisted the throttle, and the bike roared. I don’t know if it was because Bucky already had me strung out, but the feel of the engine revving underneath me had waves of pleasure jolting through me. I fell forward, hands on the fuel tank to brace myself, as my eyes drifted shut. Bucky twisted the throttle again, this time a little harder, and a whimper fell from my lips as the bike vibrated beneath me.
           “Look at you,” Bucky marvelled, voice hoarse. “How’s it feel, having all that power between your legs, doll?”
           I forced my eyes open and over at him. “Feels pretty damn good,” I admitted, “but I can think of something that would feel a hell of a lot better between my legs.”
           Bucky’s jaw went slack, and then he was shutting off the bike and lifting my right leg to pull it across the seat so both legs hung off the left side of the bike and he could fit between them. Vibranium hand on my thigh, his flesh hand reached around the back of my neck to pull my lips to his.
           The kiss was hungry, all teeth and tongues and noses bumping against each other. My hands clutched at Bucky’s arms, and when his lips left mine to trail down my jaw and nip teasingly at the skin at my pulse point, I trembled.
           “Bucky…” I whined, and he pulled back to look at me with hooded eyes.
           “I got you,” he murmured, and then his hands were deftly unbuttoning and unzipping my jeans, tugging them and my lace underwear from my hips and peeling them off my legs. He hooked my right leg over the handlebar of the bike, and then his lips captured mine in another searing kiss, his flesh hand slipping between us to explore my folds. I groaned into the kiss, and I felt Bucky grin against my lips.
           “So wet already, sweetheart,” he breathed. “This what you had in mind when you said you could think of something better?”
           “Not exactly,” I huffed, biting my lip as Bucky’s fingertips pressed against my clit. He smirked, and then he was kneeling in front of me, hands on my thighs to hold me open to him.
           “How about now?” he murmured, before diving in and licking a stripe up my folds, from my entrance to my clit. I cried out, hands flying to his head to tangle in his hair. His lips wrapped around my clit and sucked as the tip of his tongue danced around the bundle of nerves, and already I was so close to falling off the edge, eyes screwed shut and chest heaving.
           “Buck…” I panted, nails scraping against his scalp. He grunted, and I tugged harder at his hair, losing patience. “Barnes.”
           His eyes flicked up, and I lost my breath; his pupils were blown, tongue still delved into my folds as he regarded me from between my thighs. It was the most sinful thing I’d ever seen, and it sent a fresh flood of heat straight to my core.
           “Come here,” I whispered, and in an instant he was up and kissing me. I could taste myself on his tongue as he swiped it across my own tongue, and when my hands started undoing his belt buckle, he growled.
           “Turn around,” he demanded, “and lean against the bike.”
           I did as he said without question, hopping off the leather seat and turning to bend my body over it, wiggling my ass playfully. Bucky delivered a sharp smack to the flesh and I shrieked, another wave of heat flooding my core. I could hear him unzipping his jeans, and then his knee was sliding between my thighs to spread them further. He slapped my ass again, immediately soothing the stinging flesh by massaging it. I could practically feel my arousal dripping down my thighs.
           “Is this what you wanted, doll?” he asked, sliding the tip of his cock through my soaked folds. I moaned, hands clutching the seat below me. “You said you liked powerful things between your legs. Let’s see how you handle this.”
           With one forceful thrust he was sheathed inside me. I gasped as he stretched and filled me in a way I never had been before, and he let out a quiet hiss between gritted teeth as my walls clenched around him. He only gave me a moment to adjust before he was pulling out just to force himself back in. It didn’t take long before he’d set an unforgiving pace, driving into me until the air was filled with the sound of flesh on flesh. The grip he had on my hips was bruising, sure to leave marks, but it only added to the pleasure I was feeling; I knew he’d mark me all over if I let him, claiming me as his for everyone to know. His possessiveness should have bothered me, but it only made me want him more.
           Bucky’s thrusts started getting sloppier and he fell forward, chest pressed to my back as his flesh hand slipped under my shirt to palm at my breasts over my bra. His lips nipped and kissed at the back of my neck, and I felt my release drawing near.
           “Shit…” I whined, and Bucky’s mouth left sloppy kisses over my heated flesh.
           “Let go, doll,” he panted. “I’ve got you, it’s alright.”
           I chased my release, and when it finally came, I cried out, body tensing before going boneless against the bike. Bucky’s hips stuttered and then I could feel him spilling into me with a low groan. He let his weight relax against me for a handful of seconds before he was lifting off me. With a tiny groan I pushed up off the bike, reaching for my clothes to pull them back on. Bucky grinned at me as he buckled his belt.
           “I think I finally found a sound I like better than my bike’s engine,” he teased, and my eyes sparkled.
           “And I think I’ve finally found something I’m gonna like riding more than your bike.”
           With glittering eyes, Bucky caught me around the waist and pulled me to him to kiss me softly. When we broke apart, his thumb traced lightly over my lips.
           “I know we joke around a lot,” he murmured, “but it really would mean a lot to me if you were my girl, (Y/N).”
           “I am your girl, Buck,” I assured him, pressing a tender kiss to his lips. “You know I always have been.”
           Bucky’s smile was warm, and he nudged me back towards the bike. “C’mon, let’s get back.”
           When we got back to the compound, Bucky parked the bike and then we headed to the elevator. I slipped my hand into his, and he looked down, eyes rounded in surprise, before squeezing my fingers gently and smiling.
           We walked into the common room, still hand-in-hand. Steve was the first to notice, and his eyes widened before a slow smirk spread across his face.
           “Alright, everyone, pay up,” he announced, and everyone’s eyes landed on Bucky and I. Nat and Sam shook their heads as they dug into their wallets, and Tony and Clint groaned. Wanda was grinning as she handed Steve a few bills.      
           Bucky’s brow furrowed. “What’s going on?” he demanded.
           “They all had a pool on when you and I would finally hook up,” I replied with a shrug. Bucky’s eyes narrowed.
           “What –”
           I set a hand against his chest to calm him. “Easy, big guy,” I chuckled. “Why don’t you just forget about this, and come upstairs with me? I didn’t get to return the favour from earlier.”
           Bucky’s eyes darkened, and the common room was filled with groans of annoyance.
           “Just because y’all are doing the dirty now, doesn’t mean you have to be public about it,” Sam grumbled. Bucky’s eyes flicked over to him for just a second before returning to me.
           “I apologize to everyone in advance,” he murmured to the room without breaking from my gaze. “Turns out my bike isn’t the only one that gets loud when you turn her on.”
           “Bucky!” I gasped, cheeks hot and eyes rounded in horror. Before anyone could say anything, Bucky was dragging me out of the room and to the elevator, lips grinning against my throat. I pushed him off me, fixing an unconvincing glare on him. “You’re incorrigible,” I huffed.
           “You know you wouldn’t want me any other way.”
           Hard as I tried, I couldn’t maintain the glare. “Oh, fuck it,” I muttered, crashing my lips to his. When I pulled away, I was smirking. “Take me upstairs; I wanna see if the biker holds up as well as his bike.”
           “Oh, sweetheart,” Bucky murmured, wicked smirk on his face. “I can go all night and into the morning.”
           I grinned. “Good. Let’s go then, soldier; your girl’s in the mood for a long ride.”
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keiarchived · 4 years
Can I request Hawks with a very shy darling that is always shying away from him because she’s nervous to talk to him because he’s a stranger, and maybe it’s about how he slowly gains her trust and coaxes her out to his loving arms 🥺
@yanbaere: I’m in love with you blog 🥺 yandere Hawks makes me really soft and I love him,,, can I request some yandere hawks with a shy and insecure s/o? 🥺 he would be so protective and sweet with them and would definitely harm anyone that tries to hurt them or makes them feel bad,,he just hits different when he’s a yandere 👉🏻👈🏻 I adore your blog and your writing! It’s amazing 💕💕
anon: how about a one shot of yandere! Hawks x virgin/! reader ? 👀 I imagine he would be so freaking happy he got to be his s/o’s first time but of course he probably already knew that; he’s a little rough and haz a breeding kink but nothing you can’t handle, right? >;)
Yan Hawks with a shy birdie 🥺 this low-key adorable but also flirty af so like prepare yourself ♥️ Also thank you for the support guys! ♥️
Sorry it took so long 🥺
Yandere!Hawks x Shy!F!Reader
warnings: Yandere, manipulation, possessive, obsessive, breeding kink
words: 1.4k
The moment Keigo laid his eyes on you, he knew you were different. This pure and glowing aura radiating off you is unreal, it’s not often the number two hero let other catch him by the wings. Even rarer for him to be so interested in someone but you... you’re a breath of fresh air.
It was during a Christmas party when he met you, trying to make yourself as small as possible behind your mother. Being the child of a single mother hero meant attention often find its way towards the two of you, with men and women alike wondering how she do it. Raise a kid as well as dedicate herself to being a hero, there honestly are no secrets. Your mother and you function like any other family, sure there will be times where she would come home late and you have to help out a lot more than usual. But you don’t mind, your mother have been working hard for the two of you after all.
Plus it’s not like you’re a child, you’re more than capable of taking care of yourself. Just a little shy and nervous around the edge, nothing Keigo couldn’t help you through. “Hey, glad you could make it.” The winged hero said in his usually layback tone as he greeted your mother, they had worked together on the same mission before and needless to say she is more than impressed by Hawks’ skills. The perfect son in law wouldn’t you say?
As per usual, you hide before your mother as the two heroes continued with their conversation. Catching up with each other whilst chuckles and laughs were heard but of course, Keigo’s eyes were set on you -- like how it had been in the last couple of minutes whilst talking to your mother whilst wondering how he could get you alone. It’s you he wants to talk to after all, as if lady luck is on Keigo’s side today, some other hero waved at your mother and has kindly asked her to come over, perfect. “Honey, why don’t you stay here with Hawks for a moment? I’ll be right back. You wouldn’t mind would you?” 
Oh if only she knew the danger that lurks behind his artificial smile, how this man have already laid his trap to lure you in. “Sure, of course. I don’t mind.” Keigo smiles with teeth rooting sweetness behind those word, before you could even protest, your safety shield has wander off.
There was a moment of awkward silence when you watched your mother’s figure blends into the crowd, greeting her fellow heroes but before you dig deeper into those mindless thoughts Keigo managed to snapped you out of it with a simple chuckle. Was it if ill will or kindness, you don’t know. The only thing you know is how handsome his face is upon a closer look, sandy blonde locks with a few strays among those well swoop back ones and a pair of dangerous looking golden hues to pair with. “What’s your name dove?”
“Y/N...” You were hesitant to give Keigo your name, felt as though you had just signed a contract with the devil himself and rest was history.
It took a while for you to truly open up to the winged hero but surprisingly or unsurprisingly, he was patient. Taking those small but necessary steps in order to make you comfortable, as much as he is obsessed with you, Keigo still put your comfort first above everything. Bring you small gifts that reminds you that he’s there whenever you need him, despite the hours of a day. If it’s for you, he will make it work. Date nights often resulted in spending inside and Keigo is fine with it, movie nights, game nights as long as he get to spend the time with you he is more than happy. Needless to say, your mother is supportive of the relationship with Keigo, how could she not when the perfect son in law present himself as your boyfriend?
He would never hurt you unlike all those other corrupted men, you know that right? As long as you are under his wings, nothing could harm you.
Keigo have been patient, he really have. Only doing whatever you’re comfortable with, soft kisses, caressing those cute flustered cheeks of yours, a hand tracing shapes on your thighs but it was all becoming too much. He wants you.
The thought of you crying out his name in pleasure, body quivering in needs as lewd wet sounds bounces off walls surrounding the two of you is enough to have his own cock grow hard. “Keigo...” Oh, if only you could see the expression you said his name with. So cute but yet alluring, “Princess... if you keep saying my name like that, you’re in trouble.” But you already know that don’t you? The way Keigo have been eyeing you ever since he have you cages beneath him on these soft sheets, golden shimmers with minimal lights, soft kisses soon became desperate and needy.
Your breath soon became unevening as Keigo trails those kisses further and further away from your lips, nibbling and biting hard enough to leave beautiful marks. “Wa-wait! Keigo please...” It wasn’t as if you didn’t want him to take you, in fact is the complete opposite. Everytime the winged hero left you breathless, a shameless patch of dampness gathers between your thighs. “Hm? What is it baby? I’m sorry I-“
“I’m a virgin.” Keigo’s eyes widen slightly, pretending as if he was completely clueless about the news. Sweetheart, Keigo knows every details about you and he is well informed. But the way you said it, cheeks red as his own wings and a slight pout on your lips — the less he could do is give you a reaction you wanted. “We’ll take it slow princess...”
Well at least the beginning he was.
When Keigo finally inches his cock into those throbbing tightnsss, it was surreal. The mere feeling had him tossing his head back in bliss whilst he tries to hold himself back, gritting his teeth until he was balls deep. Peppering you with kisses in order to help you ease up, adjust to the size of his cock stretching your untouched cunt open. “Fuck... you’re doing so good baby...” Keigo would coos, tugging those loose strands of hair behind your ears and away from your forehead before he finally started rutting into you. Those soft moans and whimpers only egged him on, feeling the way your nails dug at the sides and under his wings. God, it was like you wanted him to go wild, to go feral and eventually he did.
Hips snapping against your mound with long deep strokes, hard enough to leave them red even in the morning after as Keigo have you folded into a mating press. Hands gripping firmly on either sides of your ankles, drinking ever last bits of those delicious twists of pleasure from you. “Hm.. you like that?” A lazy grin stretched across his lips, “Like being breed like a bitch in heat even though I just took your virginity?” The mere thought of him being your first and last man, the one to corrupt you is enough to drive Keigo’s little edge further, drilling even deeper into your cunt to leave your body arching in bliss.
“Ke-Keigo no more-!” You have already lost count of the number of orgasm he managed to rip out of you in the last two hours, but you’re damn well sure if Keigo edges you to another, those pretty eyes of yours just might roll back and stay close. “Just one more baby, you can do it for me can’t you? You’ve been doing so well so far princess.” Keigo coos, with the same sweet smile as he pressed a soft kiss to your ankle. Just a little more until he soils you, nothing you can’t handle right?
“Gonna fill you nice and good~” The winged hero promised and he always keep his promises, at least with you. With the last deep thrust meeting your pelvis, Keigo grunts before ropes of cum painted your once virgin walls white. Panting as he collapsed atop of you slowly, letting out a blissful hum.
After a while, Keigo withdraw from you as he watched the way his own seed seeps out of you only to push those back where they belong. “Good girl, you did an amazing job baby.” He coos softly, peppering you with kisses all over.
As Keigo expected, you’re different and he’s glad to call you his own.
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Don’t decline too many times
Pairing: soft!dark!Steve Rogers x reader
Summary: The local gang leader is always nice to you. But is there an ulterior motive behind it all for his niceness?
Warnings: Alcohol consumption (voluntarily), asks about pregnancy, abduction
Word count: about 3000
A/N: This is my entry for @stargazingfangirl18​ Siri’s 5K Soft Dark Challenge. A big congrats on your milestone and thank you for hosting this challenge, I enjoyed writing for it! I chose general prompt number 5 (“The leader of the local gang doesn’t like it when you tell them no.”) for this. The dividers are made by the awesome @firefly-graphics​
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You sat at the bar, a small bowl with olives and peanuts in front of you. You had asked for a caipirinha and shortly after if the bartender, a female redhead, could get you some snacks. She said she could, but she also cautiously probed if you were pregnant. No, you weren’t.
“Well then, I can offer you olives and peanuts.”
You nodded, and now the quite unusual combination of a fruity and sweet drink and olives and peanuts found a home in you. You had your elbows propped up on the bar, back straight and eyes on the bar top. The bowls with the snacks were gone quicker than the drink and the bartender kept both coming. Eating way quicker than drinking helped with that, apparently.
You didn’t know what number drink you were on when you were approached the first time that evening. Although night would be a better term.
“Miss? I- uh- I’d wanted to ask-“ The guy who now sat on the stool next to you stumbled over his words, but not because of alcohol in his system. He didn’t slur, he talked normally.
You saw a tattooed hand clasp the guys’ shoulder. “I don’t think you’re in the right place, buddy. Leave the lady alone.”
“Why would I-“ The guy turned to look at whoever had his hand on his shoulder. “Oh! I’m so sorry, Mr.-“
“Yeah, yeah, I imagine you are. But you’ll be even more sorry if you don’t move now” The other growled and the guy got up so quickly, he almost face planted away from the bar.
“Uhm, thank you? You know, you didn’t have to, he wasn’t bothering me. I could’ve dealt with him” You said to the brown-haired man.
“I know. But this isn’t what this is about.”
“Then what is ‘this’ about?” You were a little irritated.
“You’ll see. Enjoy your night, miss” He gave a small salute and went back into the crowd. You tried looking where he went but quickly lost him, although the bar wasn’t as packed as it could be.
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Steve looked over the bar patrons from the mezzanine level of the bar, that housed his private booth that could be seen, and was supposed to be seen, from below but no one ever found the staircase until they were explicitly shown where it was.
His night was going nice, no big problems in the last days, the bar was filled and his new favorite person had just walked in. Alone. She made a beeline for the bar and after a short conversation, got what she wanted from Natasha. She didn’t move much throughout the night and he was happy to just watch her.
Steve sipped on his own drink. He wondered what she drank. He’d have to ask Natasha for that. He took another sip and swallowed harshly. Someone sat next to what would be his. Normally, he’d be lenient with that, especially if the bar was packed almost too full but for one thing, it wasn’t. Secondly, you didn’t seem to want any company tonight. Just to be left alone and drink.
“Buck?” Steve looked up.
“On it.”
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A few days later, you were out grocery shopping after work. It had been a long day, full of demands you couldn’t meet or weren’t even supposed to fulfill because they didn’t fall into your department. And right as you could finally leave for the day, your boyfriend Chad had called to let you know he came home to an empty fridge and if you couldn’t pick up some fresh vegetables. But only from that one organic store. And only the freshest produce of the freshest.
How were you supposed to get literal farm-to-table produce when the delivery truck for that particular store only came twice a week and only ever in the morning? You asked and just got an exasperated sigh from Chad. So here you were, paying for the groceries and leaving the store.
You stepped out of the store and almost collided with someone. The person just kept on walking, apparently not even noticing how you wobbled and the bags in your hands almost slipped out of your grasp. Just as you thought everything would tumble and you’d have wasted that money, you felt hands on your elbows, steadying you.
“I got you, don’t worry.”
You didn’t recognize the voice. You turned around and did a double take. You looked up at Steve Rogers, the leader of the city’s gang, just known as “The Commando”.
“Th- thank you. It wouldn’t have been good if I had spilled all this.”
“What would you have spilled?”
“Fresh vegetables for tonight’s dinner.”
“All that just for you?” Steve seemed genuinely curious and confused.
“Oh no. For me and my boyfriend, Chad.”
Steve took the bags from your hands without asking. “Mind if I walk you home? It’s late and these bags look really heavy and that’s not even touching your normal bag.”
“I couldn’t ask you to do that.”
“You’re not, I’m offering.”
“Thank you, but it’s not far, it really isn’t necessary” You declined.
“Alright, well have a nice evening, miss” Steve raised his fingertips to his non-existent hat.
“You too, thanks.”
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Several weeks later, you laid on the couch with Chad with some mindless trash tv show playing in the background. He had his arm around you. You looked at him. He didn’t look back at you, but maybe he was just captivated by watching something that didn’t require much thinking after a long work day. Well, you wanted to do something that also didn’t require much thinking. You started kissing up and down his neck until he turned his head.
“What are you doing Y/N?”
“What does it look like?” You grinned.
“I’m too tired right now. Tomorrow?” Chad groaned.
You removed yourself from him and sat up again. “You’ve said that for weeks now! I also have needs and I don’t want to use my vibrator all the time. I want you.”
“Well, I can’t change how tired I am!” He raised his voice, despite or because of his tiredness, you didn’t know.
Shortly after, you went to bed. Unsatisfied and feeling like you had been shunned.
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Just a few days later, you were frantically searching for a clean and decent shirt you could wear to work. You really couldn’t show up to work in a graphic tee shirt.
“Chad, where are my clean shirts?” You yelled through the appartement.
“In your wardrobe?! Like always?” He yelled back.
“No, they aren’t! Didn’t you do the laundry?”
“No, why would I?”
“Because it was your turn!”
“Well, I forgot. I’m sorry, okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, always sorry” You grumbled so he couldn’t hear and pulled a unicolor long sleeve shirt from the wardrobe. That would have to do.
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It was a Saturday and you were in the mall, trying on clothes, maybe you’d buy some shoes. You wanted to treat yourself. Chad was gone for the weekend and you’d had a stressful week at work. You had found so many things you were packed with two or three bags in each hand plus your handbag over your shoulder. This had been an extensive haul and you couldn’t be more happy about your new treasures.
You carried several bags to the entrance to then get on home when you saw the revolving door wasn’t working. You groaned. Awesome. When you entered the mall, they had still worked and of course, today had to be the time you also bought something voluminous that you couldn’t just transfer from one hand to the other to open the door that was still working. While you thought about setting half the bags down and just walking twice or holding the door open with your foot, someone from behind you reached around you and opened it for you.
“Oh. Thank you!” You turned around and saw a familiar face. Steve Rogers.
“You’re welcome.”
He tipped his imaginary hat when you and all your bags were through the door. You turned and could see him still hold open the door with an older lady thanking the “Young man” and walking off.
“Do you want me to walk you to your car?” He offered.
“No, thanks I got it from here.”
Steve tipped his “hat” again and said his goodbye when you went in the direction of the parking lot.
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You had reservations at a nice Mexican restaurant with Chad for this Friday evening. There was nothing to celebrate, you had just agreed to go out again, because you could. You were excited for it, an evening with good food, talking, no needing to take care of anything except getting home and a nice evening and then a lazy weekend until the work week started again. Now it was Thursday.
“Chad? Friday is still happening?” You sat at the breakfast table and Chad poured himself a coffee.
“Yeah. Work shouldn’t keep me longer than expected.”
“Alright, we’ll just meet at the restaurant, then.”
Friday came, work went down without any incident and you went straight to the restaurant. Granted, you were a little early, but you’d rather be early than late, which would have been the case if you had gone home beforehand.
“Excuse me? I have a reservation for Y/L/N, for two people. I know I’m a little early, but I thought maybe…” You trailed off.
“My colleague will show you to your table, you can already take a seat and wait for your company. I’ll send them over once they arrive” The receptionist said.
“Thank you” You smiled and followed her colleague.
At the table, you texted your boyfriend. Just a simple “I’m here a little early.” After the waiter brought a water, your phone still didn’t ping with a text. Twenty minutes later, you sent a second text. “Hey, you coming? Our reservation is for this time.” Now would’ve been the time your table was reserved for. No answer. 15 minutes and another text later, there still was no answer.
“Miss, do you want to order an appetizer or wait for your company?”
“I’ll wait for him, if that’s okay.”
“Yes, of course.”
Thirty minutes, another text and another visit from your waiter later, there still was no sign of Chad. Just as you felt tears of rage pricking your eyes, your waiter set a dish of panna cotta with fruits on the side in front of you.
“On the house.”
You smiled gratefully. At least panna cotta would soothe some of the rage you felt.
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At home, there was no sign of Chad. You went to bed alone, feeling a storm of different emotions ranging from anger to sadness.
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You woke to clanging in the hallway. It sounded like a person stumbling, trying to get back up and failing. That could only be Chad. Especially at this hour. You remembered once, pretty early on in your relationship how he had stumbled in just like this after a night out with his boys when you didn’t want to come with. You had helped him sober up and then you both had spent a nice day in with Chad nursing his hangover.
But this was different. This was your boyfriend, first blatantly ignoring or forgetting your date night (you didn’t know which would be worse), no matter if it went along with a special date or not, and now he didn’t even hide what he had been doing instead.
“Hey babe? Can you- can you help me?” He slurred.
And in that moment, you snapped. Still sitting in bed. You couldn’t do this anymore.
In the hallway, you saw Chad entangled in your and his winter coat. However he managed that.
“No. No, I will not do that” You crossed your arms and looked down at him. “I’m done. This is the last straw.”
“What happened babe?” The confusion was evident on Chad’s face but you couldn’t see if it was from the hangover or just general confusion. And either way, you didn’t care.
“Several things. Over quite some time. But this, this takes the cake. We had a date. We wanted to meet after work at this restaurant we’ve talked about. And you didn’t show up! You didn’t answer any of my texts! It got so bad, the staff there gave me a free dessert! It was humiliating! And don’t you dare tell me you lost your phone; you’re glued to it!” You shook from your anger.
“But you got free dessert!”
How could anyone miss the point so badly? You wondered.
“Go. Go and only come back to get your stuff. Otherwise, just leave me alone.”
You threw on clothes quickly, grabbed your keys, bag and purse and left. Down on the street, you just started to wander around aimlessly. You ducked into a bakery for a to-go breakfast and coffee, you went to the park, to a hole in the wall pizza joint for lunch, just meandering through the city.
Now it was evening. You looked up to actually see where you were and were surprised to see you had walked all the way from the park you had been in during the afternoon to the bar of the city’s main gang.
You remembered all kinds of rumors and stories about the gang, sometimes just about one or two members, even if the story didn’t tie directly in with the gang. But no matter the stories or rumors, they all boiled down to “They’re dangerous, stay away from them and their localities!”.
But the first time you had been in the bar, everything was nice, it had seemed cozy and like you were welcomed even if no one knew you. Hell, the bar lady had asked you if you were pregnant, like she wanted to protect you! And Steve, the actual leader of the gang, had been nothing but nice to you. Offering to help you and still not inserting himself forcefully into situations when you said no.
You entered and looked around. For a bar, it was pretty early and you only saw a few patrons. You went to take a seat at the bar again and greeted the red head with a smile. She smiled back and continued cleaning the glasses. A while later, she got to you.
“Caipirinha, olives and peanuts again? Still not pregnant?”
“Yes and no. And how do you remember what I ordered? That was weeks ago!”
“I’m a barkeeper. Simple as that” She smiled.
“Uh, could you keep them coming? At least for a while?”
“Something happened?”
“I broke up with my boyfriend today. Then wandered around and now I’m here” You shrugged.
“Alright. But I reserve the right to cut you off when I think you had enough.”
“Okay. But you won’t cut off the olives and peanuts?”
She laughed, throwing her head back. “Yes, I’ll keep giving you food.”
You smiled for the first time today. “Deal.”
The rest of the evening went by in a more or less haze of snacks, alcohol and the mix of hurt at your ended relationship but also the rage when you thought of what kind of behaviors of Chad made you end it all.
The barkeeper didn’t cut you off, which probably was related to you basically inhaling olives and peanuts. Hours later, you paid, slipped the redhead a big tip and a big smile and made to get home.
Almost right at the exit, you were stopped when you felt a hand on your elbow. You turned your head to tell whoever touched you off, but slight confusion furrowed your brows. Wasn’t that the guy from when you had been here weeks ago who kept that other guy from (probably) asking you out?
“Can I help you?” You asked.
“Actually, you can. Indirectly at least.”
“I’m here to ask you if you’d like to come with me to up there” He nodded his head to the mezzanine level. “to meet someone.” He emphasized the ‘someone’ in a way that made it clear that ‘someone’ was special. In one way or another.
“Why would I?”
“To experience something, you wouldn’t otherwise.”
“No, thank you” You weren’t in the mood for something new. You wanted to mourn and rage at what you left behind and burrow yourself under blankets with pints of ice cream at home.
“Alright. Have a good evening, miss” He tipped his head and went off into the direction of, supposedly, the stairs to the mezzanine level.
You went home. You were surprised to see Chad had actually gotten his stuff out of your appartement. At least one pleasant thing had come out of the morning, in a twisted way. In the living room, you did exactly what you wanted to do. Eating all the ice cream you had in the freezer and basically becoming a blanket burrito.
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When you woke, you felt blankets around you and a softly pulsing headache behind your forehead. You opened your eyes and blinked. And blinked. You turned your head. And blinked again. Slowly realization trickled in. Something wasn’t right. You weren’t where you were when you’d went to sleep.
Whatever you laid on was soft and big. You could turn your whole body and roll around. You could move and you could orientate yourself in your body. You looked down and saw you were still in the clothes you had worn to the bar. Right, you didn’t put on pajamas before going to sleep.
Just as you sat up on the bed, you heard a door open. You turned your head and couldn’t believe your eyes.
“Just the one.”
“I just want to take care of you. Is that so hard to understand?”
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