#got switched to patches though! hopefully they work well for me :o
meowthiroth · 1 year
so the other day at my doctor’s appointment, I asked about switching to a less scary way of getting my testosterone in (I WAS on intramuscular shots which were working well, but I have a really bad aversion to needles so every shot was like a full-afternoon commitment 😅) and she was explaining to me about topical methods like patches and gel
and she was telling me about how the gel can potentially rub off onto others & affect them if they make skin-to skin contact with your application spot, and the thought that immediately popped into my dumbass brain after hearing that was “me about to trans your gender after coating my fist in T gel”
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shesawriter39049 · 5 years
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**For this first time, Jimin’s “lifestyle” clashes with yours...what happens when work makes him miss one of the most monumental moments in your career!? **
1.2 K sneak peek-
Jimin’s whipped and in his feels and so is the OC
Jimin’s still fucking perfect though...and a freak..but we all know this!
Things are starting to get just as much angsty as sexy…and the OC’s lowkey freaking out a little....
SLIGHT daddy kink, mentioned twice
Jimin couldn't hide the smile on his face if he wanted too, grinning from ear to ear as he watched you sway in his direction. Suddenly the nervousness he felt flooding through his body the entire drive over here disappeared, all that mattered in this moment was you. “Fuck..” Swept past his lips almost breathless as he pulled his blacked out aviators off hanging them in the neckline of his black V-neck.  The sun and the slight breeze was damn sure working in your favor, giving Jimin his own little runway show so it seemed. In his eyes you always looked good…”cute and fuckable” in his words, but due to your work schedules and obviously your previous arrangement which was essentially a booty call! It was rare he got to see you all dolled up like this, in your heels, hair and makeup done, skin tight midi dress that clung to every curve that Jimin’s committed to memory. Sitting on the hood of his challenger in the parking lot, distressed dark wash jeans that gave you no choice but to stare at those sinfully thick thighs of his! The minute you were in arms length he grabbed you, pulling your body into his which you fit like a glove, spreading his legs just enough to trap you in between them. Nuzzling your nose in the crook of his neck, a sigh of contentment leaving both of your lips at the contact. Giving yourself a moment to take in the scent of his cologne mixed with his natural aroma which you loved a little too much, even for your own liking! Hands slowly soothing up his back only to get tangled in his thick mane of hair, raking your nails down the nape.
“Hi baby…” Rolled off his tongue and into you hair, physically able to hear the smile in his voice, palms soothing up your ass, gently kenading his fingers into your skin through the fabric of your dress “God, I love how you feel…so soft and just...mine...mmm” A low moan fell from your lips at that, instantly feeling almost lightheaded. The things this man could do to you, hands coming up to find their home on your waist, not trusting himself where they currently sat!  Leaving a couple kisses up the side of his neck, pulling back to admire the faint outline from your lipgloss, the sun accentuating the gold reflexes from the glitter. Bringing your forhead up to rest against his, lashes touching in the procces, you look too damn tempting right now, espeically considring the two of you were outside of your work, but fuck. The idea of bending you over the hood of his car sounds painfully appealing, leaning down to let his lips capture yours nothing subtle about it Jimin kissed you with force. His tongue clashing clashing against yours, volleying it against his teasingly as if you’d really fight him for dominance, A growl leaving his lips once he realises too, pulling back to sink his teeth into your bottom lip, hand coming up to make firm contact with our ass until you knead out into his mouth. Soothing his palm over your cheek, which made you ultimately give in,Jimin moaned once given free reign of your mouth. Suddenly switching up the pace, his actions becoming more delicate as he tangled his fingers in your hair.
“Soooo...there's a reason I asked you to meet me for lunch…”
Smiling against his lips before pulling away, a slight hum leaving his lips as he cocked his head to the side, brow quirked in curiously. Rubbing slow soothing circles up your sides “ I found out it was confirmed almost 2 weeks ago….but things  between us were still so new, and up in the air,so I didnt wanna make things weird by brining it up right away...” Palming your hands up his shoulders nervously,unintentionally fluttering your eyes away from him until you felt his index finger flick your chin. Silently demanding your undivided attention, and clearly you weren’t one to deny Jimin of any of his desires!
God your face was so damn hot, why were you so nervous for this!? It’s a GOOD thing Y/N breathe ..”Babbyy…” Slipplied from his lips catiously “Are youuuu like...preg-” Jimin didint even let the word fully slip past his tonuge before you were almost ready to fight!
“NO! GOD NO! That’s the last thing I need right now” Just the thought of it alone had your blood presure rising, eyes almost bucking out of there sockets which only had Jimin cackling. At least he found this humerous....heart damn near thumping out of your chest!
“Well shit, if it’s not that it can’t be that deep, your a big girl...I know you prefer to swallow but spit it out…” Gazing back at you with the cheekiest grin on his lips, reaching up to playfully pinch his nipple, alright maybe it wasn’t so playful. And neather was the hiss that left his throat, so damn sinful! A second away from saying fuck lunch and just dropping to your knees! Since that wasn’t an option you despertly tried to pretend as if you didnt hear the whine that just rolled off his tonuge!
“Oh fuck you! Okay, Okay, well... I have my first official show ...as in it’s booked, sponsered, the full nine” Nose scrunching in tentatively, not quite sure how he’ll react or if he’ll even care but you should no better, this is Jimin were talking about here!
This man's face lit up immediately, those big puppy dog eyes of his gazing down at you with nothing but fondness “Oh my god baby!!!” Squeezing you into his arms, kissing you hard enough to knock the wind out of you before picking you up. Twirling you around in his arms ”I’m so damn proud of you…” Something about hearing Jimin say that you a second away from tears...you didn't have family around to say it so he was the closest thing you’d had in years. The first person in lords knows when to mean enough to you to make that phrase hold weight!
“Thank you..” Exhaled from your body shakingly, the grip you help around his waist tightened. As if he could read your mind Jimin switched gears,  wanting to pull you out of that headspace. Ducking down to kiss up the side of your neck in between words.
“Soo you know this means I’m coming over tonight , and were having realy ,really kinky sex right? All night...high,nasty,sex! I’m talking like, on top of your dining room table next to the carry out..spread wide open on your fucking stairs. However and wherever I want you , I’m having you, daddy’s in full control, I know how much my baby can reallyyy take” Jimin was litterally moaning in your ear, and ya what know, dick sounds more appealing than food right now! “Fuck,and your gonna take it, over and over again until you know how proud I am... god I’m gonna fuck you soo damn good!” Sinking his teeth into the patch of skin behind your ear since he knew your hair would cover the mark he was currently leaving behind “..bescause you deserve it...” 
“Mmm,that a promise?” Brow quirked slightly purposely challenging him, as you nibbled on the side of his ear, words coming out breathier than intended..
“Damn right it is, you already know how long I last when I’m high, I just can’t wait to see how long baby last before she's begging daddy to tap out...” A low whine leaving your throat, reclining your neck to give his tongue more access.
“But wait...”Pulling back suddenly, clearly perplexed, and considering the current conversation so where you “Whyyyy... were you nervous to tell me about that??Baby it’s what you’ve been waiting for” Mhhmm, It’s what you've been working towards since  you got your promotion 8 months ago!
“Umm..well…” There the nerves go again “I also wanted to invite you, as my date....I-I’m not trying to rush things and introduce you as my man but. I just, I don’t know, I really want you there, and not just hiding in the damn corner somewhere…I wanted you by my side...if your comfortable with that”  fidgeting with the rings on your fingers slightly, feeling like complete puddy in his grasp, suddenly questioning if you were 17 again!
Jimin’s damn near melted at that, eyes beaming, the smile that spread across his face instantly eliminated any uncertainty you had prior!  He’s been the one up with you as of late, at all hours of the night, just chillin on the couch. Smoking while your creating,editing, destroying, having mental breakdowns..the full nine!
Pulling your forward lightly by the chain around your neck, leaning in for one more lingering kiss before responding. “That’s why you were nervous?! Are you fucking serious Y/n of course, I’d go!” Tone indicating he was actually somewhat offended that you thought otherwise. “I’d be more pissed if I wasn’t at least invited...when is it?”
“Monnnn-day???” Tone hopefully, maybe too hopeful especially  once you took in the look on Jimin’s face looking like someone just stole his damn bike! “What-what's..wrong?” You are very tentative at this point...almost scared to know the answer.
A deep exhale left his body at that, recling his neck slightly, raking his fingers though his hair “I-fuck...I was going to tell you at lunch, that I gotta leave tomorrow morning...” Pausing to read your body language , your mouth forming an unintentional “O” not sure what else to say! “I’m, not set to be back until...  Tuesday….” Slowly dropping his gaze away from ours, Jimin literally felt naesous right now. Your body tensing under his hold and what made it even worse is he could feel it “Baby I’m so-”
“No, no it’s cool, it was supid anyway, were not even official yet so I can't be offended that you can’t go..you have a job too...I understand” Bullshit, nothing but bullshit, not even sounding remotely convincing as your voice wavered in your throat, like a leaf in the wind. “I-umm..I should probably get inside and prep-” Attempting to pull away but Jimin was always one step ahead of you.
“You still haven’t even eaten lu-”
“It’s fine, I’ll like grab grub hub or something..” Still trying to pull away, is it maybe because your eyes were bruning and even though you weren’t “Official” you felt like you’d just been knocked in the gut and wanted to cry?
“Okay...can I atleast pay for it?” Tone a second away from almost begging, of all the times for Jay to come around..it just fucking HAD to be now!!?
“No, no, Jimin it’s fine you don’t need to do that...I’ll ummm, call you when  I get off okay??” Pulling away without a hug or a kiss, and more importantly you didn't make eye contact with him and that hurt more than anything else.
“Y/n!?”- Silence
“Baby!!?” - You could hear the slight plea within his voice but if you turned around he’d see you cry and you weren’t doing that! You told him you could handle this..you told yourself you could handle this!
“Fuck!” Growled from his chest as he raked his fingers through his scalp almost painfully hard.
Jimin knew he warned you, warned you that this wouldn’t alway’s fun, and you’d have to take the good with the bad! But fuck, did he warn himself!!!? Because he literally felt as though he was a second away from throwing up right now! The look on your face once he told you he wouldn't be here was burning through his mind on instant replay, as you walked away from him.
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nancypullen · 4 years
Wash, Dry, Fold, Repeat
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That’s what I was thinking about as I finished that same task in my laundry room.  It’s been almost six months since we locked down and every day feels like wash, dry, fold, repeat.  What are you doing to shake things up?  Anyone starting new hobbies or trying anything crazy?  I’m interested. There’s got o be more to life than folding towels and tee shirts.
Speaking of tee shirts, that’s all I wear anymore.  Yoga pants and tees.  This fall I’ll probably switch to yoga pants and sweatshirts.  FYI, I don’t do yoga - I’m just a fan of stretchy pants.  During this pandemic I have given up...given up makeup, given up coloring my hair, given up wearing bras, given up any attempt at being fashionable by any definition.  I’m a sight to behold.  On the rare occasion that I venture out I just slap on a ball cap and a mask.  No one knows what’s under either.  I do conform to society’s rules and wear a bra when I’m out in public.  I mean, if you’ve ever seen the movie The Blob you’ll know why.  It’s a safety issue.  You’re welcome.   It’s been interesting how things I thought were so important have become afterthoughts.  I spent a lot of time, energy, and money keeping my white roots at bay.  Now I look like this.
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The first week of July was my last dance with the dye.  I’d tried a mahogany brown and it was not great.  I’m not 100% committed to the white, but I’m willing to wait and see what happens.  I’ve got nothing but time on my hands.  The mister swears he thinks I’m cute as a button even with my skunk style hair.  He’s half blind, but  he means well.  Silver lining (no pun intended), I’ve got an effortless costume for Halloween this year.  Remember Cruella De Vil?
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I’m not tall...or thin...I don’t wear fur coats or have a bunch of dalmatian puppies for props, but I’ve got the two-tone hair.  It’s a start. I’m not saying I’ll never color my hair or wear makeup again, but it sure is easy and comfy NOT to.  And what’s the point?  So strangers think we look nice?  My friends and family don’t care. Personally, I’d like to grow a long, white braid, wear big, funky earrings and overalls, and spend the rest of my days making art and scribbling poems.  So why do we (I) get caught up in what society expects of us - that we’re supposed to combat aging instead of embracing it?  Pretty is not the rent we owe to take up space in this world.  We pay that through kindness, generosity, sharing whatever talents or skills we have - and none of that has to be in a big,world-changing way.  Every little drop of kindness creates a ripple that changes the world.  Do good things in your little space. Okay, I went from hair color to preaching about kindness.  I may be a bit stir crazy from the whole wash, dry, fold, repeat cycle.  These long, somewhat empty days have given my brain free rein. Combine that with the current state of affairs and I’m on my mental soap box a lot.  Good thing only the cats have to listen to me. Phoebe agrees with everything I say. She’s so loyal. If I’m making the bed. There she is, pouncing on pillows and getting under blankets. Then she claims the finished product and wallows in sunbeams.
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If I’m at my desk she’s always peeking at me.  That’s fun because she gets warm from the sun on that window, starts to doze off, and her head eventually hits that little bell hanging from the peace sign behind her.  So that whole “every time a bell rings another angel gets its wings” is malarkey, when a bell rings a cat nap has been interrupted.
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Ignore that messy desk.  I was in a creative frenzy when I snapped that pic of my stalker.  Sure, that’s what we’ll call it - I’m not untidy, I’m creative. What a rambling, boring post.  I probably shouldn’t have posted at all, but it was a chance to sit down and break up the day.  I do have some exciting news, though.  We were supposed to be packing for a wonderful trip to Prince Edward Island.  Canada is smart and has let us know that we are still not welcome there since Americans can’t seem to get the hang of cooperation and sacrifice for the greater good.  We wouldn’t have gotten on a plane anyway. So that vacation was a bust but Mickey still has some time off.  We’ll be packing the grannymobile and heading back up to Annapolis to see the grandgirl.  Hopefully it also give her parents a break since they’re still trying to work from home with a busy toddler ( Zoom meetings are probably loads of fun with a two-year-old loudly announcing that she went potty).  We’ll spend a few days with them and then instead of driving diagonally through Virginia, we’ll come down the coast to spend a couple of days in the Outer Banks.  We’ll bring groceries, eat take out, and basically roam with masks and hand sanitizer while avoiding people.  Most of the historic spots will be closed, but we can still do some beach walking, maybe see the wild ponies, check out a couple of light houses, and that sort of thing. We won’t be there until after Labor Day, so if 2020 stays true to form a hurricane will hit about the same time.  I shouldn’t even say that out loud. I’ll end this post with happy thoughts of a change in scenery.  I love our little patch, but after six months the walls are starting to close in on me.  Our last trip up to Maryland was such fun and made with minimal stops.  We kept a cooler stocked with drinks and snacks and were choosy about where we stopped for gas.  Masks and hand sanitizer kept risk to a minimum and no one died.  That’s the plan this time too, all fun and no death. What are you doing to maintain your sanity?  Are we the last people still trying to flatten the curve?  I know there are loads of people out there still running around, playing and partying, and I suppose believing the Idiot in Chief that this virus will magically go away.  Newsflash, it won’t.  So if you’re still a shut-in like me, let me know what you’re doing for fun.  And if there’s anyone willing to give me a drive-by haircut I’d appreciate that too.  The days seem long but we’re inching our way to the other side of this. The  average journey of the Oregon Trail from the Missouri River to the Willamette Valley took 5 months.  ARE WE THERE YET?
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Hang in there, you’re not alone. XOXO, Nancy
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hella-free-space · 4 years
Life update nobody asked for :)
Hoooo weeee... we're like 3 weeks into 2020 and i know the world is lookin r o u g h rn... but i just wanted to take some time to shout into this wonderful dark blue void we call tumblr for a sec
I put all of it under a readmore, but tl;dr is that i got time off of work this week and next week to write some more fishy articles for yall! Also i filed for divorce last nov, which should be finalized by may, and i am so SO excited for this year :)
2019 was a rly wild year... i think its the most personal growth ive experienced and i dont regret any part of it (even though some parts were genuinely terrifying or rly hard to go through).
I lived somewhat independently for most of it (i rly loved having a place to myself :3 even tho taking care of it and myself and all the kiddos was sometimes hard, it was wonderful to have so much freedom and independence).
I made lots of new friends :D
I filed for divorce! (this ones a big'un and by far the best! Itll be final in may hopefully). I had to say goodbye to the cats and the dog (i couldnt keep them and my ex was the one who brought them home originally. He moved to a place with a backyard and more people to help take care of them. It was definitely in their best interest but I do still miss them♡).
I moved back in with my parents, but got to keep all of my other babies :3 the pumpkin patch sling im raising went thru their first molt (fingers crossed they continue to eat like a tank and grow up big n strong). My hamster is an old man now but the vet said hes lookin great for such an old man :) it makes my heart happy that he'll be around a while longer ♡
I got a raise at work! Ive had this job for over a year now and i like my coworkers. Bossman gives us days off when we ask and cooks everyone home made lunch when he comes in once a week :p
I decided to take time off of school to sort out my life and academic habits. Most of it has to do with anxiety (hence the counseling) and developing healthier coping mechanisms. Also figuring out what I really want to do... because i dont have to consider how my career will affect anyone but me now... so im switching to environmental science :) it doesnt pay as well as computer science, but im more passionate about it and even when i went thru a rly bad depressive episode last year and failed half my classes... i aced the heck out of my ES ones and enjoyed the material :)
I signed back up for counseling! Went to my first appointment last week and my therapist is super dope.
I wrote some freelance pieces. (Which i have been very very slow to finish recently... i hope to have some more turned in soon tho! I’m sending in my tiger barb care article today and I asked for some more days off at work to be able to work on freelance more! Ive only had 1 day off per week for the past few weeks @.@ but I had 3 days off this past week so no excuses!!)
I started new hobbies! I got a sewing machine for xmas (shout out to my mom, who is the dopest woman i know) and am excited to try some more challening projects :p i made some simple stuff, but i really wanna make plushies!
I finally found a dnd group and its SO MUCH FUN :3 ive only been to 2 sessions now but the dm is great and also patient about all my newbie questions :3 reddit has also been v helpful ^-^ I’ve also been having a ton of fun dndiying stuff for my character (like spell cards/stat cards) and making miniatures with sculpey (first time working with polymer clay, so thats been cool too) :3
Going into 2020 im really excited to travel this year. I’m going to denver next month!!! and possibly a cruise with friends at the end of the summer?? we’ll see :p I’m also excited to get more into my new hobbies (DND, sewing, miniature-making, etc) and getting back into to older hobbies (terrariums, scrapbooking, snail mail, etc). I’m trying to go back to school in the fall as well so fingers crossed my change-of-major gets approved >w<
all in all though, i’m hype for 2020 and i hope everyone has a good year too :)
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wangxiansoulmates · 5 years
lan xichen is found by a-yao
i completely forgot about this one but i’m going to continue it! i’m not sure on how long this one will be but i hope you enjoy it!
meng yao had been working at this inn for the last year or so. the pay was enough and the owner was a nice lady in her early thirties who insisted for him to have a small room to himself since he had nowhere to go
suck kind of kindness hasn’t been expressed to meng yao in what feels like his whole lifetime. and he had made sure to help miss shu with everything he could
“meng yao, could you do me a favor?” she approached him one day, smiling softly
“of course, miss shu, what is it?” he answered politely, holding his hand out for her to place a key into
“the carriage that delivers the fruits every week has been delayed because the rider caught a fever when coming our way, could you go and fetch it for me?” he nodded, having ridden carriages before, it was no problem
“thank you, sweetheart, i’ll give you a bonus for this month’s pay” he shook his head firmly at the offer
“miss shu, you already do enough, please do not take it to your heart” he smiled, his dimples peeking out
“aya, what would i do without you, xiao yao” she teased, draping a cloak over him as he was about to depart
“it’s cold in the mountains, be safe, i put some bandages and medicine into the sachet if you get hurt” she waved him off and he chuckled
the hike up the mountain was quite long but soon he noticed people and a carriage in the distance
“my name is meng yao. i’m here to retrieve a carriage for our inn?” he asked the man who looked like he was in charge
the young man nodded, welcoming expression on his face “you’re fast, here you go” he said and helped him up into the carriage seat
it only took meng yao four hours of walking to get to the carriage, the ride back should have been at least twice as short. the route he had come with has been rocky so he switched his path a bit and passed by the mountain
he was one-third of the way home when he sensed the metallic smell of blood and got dizzy. it didn’t smell like any animal or anything of the sort. it’s not like meng yao had time to waste but when he looked a bit down the path he saw someone with white robes, lying helplessly
“oh no!” he exclaimed to himself, getting off the carriage and patting the donkey to calm him down
“childe! childe! wake up!” he tried shaking the man but got no response. a-yao measured his pulse and found that somehow the man was still breathing. he saw a sword by his side and immediately thought “ah, a cultivator” he then said aloud
“just what happened to you?” he wondered aloud and fished out his first-aid kit. there wasn’t enough medication to patch up an angry gash on this man but there was enough to at least stop the bleeding for a time being
a-yao lifted the man’s robes and saw that his stomach had an angry gash impossibly low, it probably wouldn’t kill him but he should stop losing blood if he wants to live
meng yao worked fast, having patched up wounds before helped him a bit. it wasn’t a flawless work but the wound was wrapped and hopefully, it wouldn’t get infected
the bleeding did stop but he still needed few stitches and some alcohol disinfection
and now for the biggest problem. where was meng yao supposed to put this man that looked like he was at least six feet tall?
there was no place inside the carriage because it was full of fruit and it was impossible to make space there, however a-yao did come up with something
his seat was long enough for two people to sit and one person to lay, so he gently laid young childe on the seat and contemplated something
the wound on his stomach must have been inflicted by someone, meaning this person would be searched for, meng yao was no idiot so he took out a covering that was covering the fruit and draped it over young childe’s entire body
he reached his destination in two hours, parked the carriage in the back of the inn and hauled young childe on his feet. the man was extremely heavy and a-yao struggled a bit but he managed to carry young childe a short distance to his own room
he made sure to lay him on the bed before he went out and locked the door. he informed miss shu that he had delivered the carriage and she pinched his cheek, thanking him. workers getting busy unloading the carriage
a-yao took this opportunity to sneak back into his room and saw young master still sleeping
meng yao washed his hands in the basin thoroughly and pulled out his own kit from under the table. he got everything, gauze, alcohol disinfectant, and a set of needles to stick this man up
meng yao sat on the side of the bed and whispered an apology before he undid older man’s robes, exposing his stomach, the cloth now bloodied a little. a-yao made sure to thoroughly disinfect the man’s wound, looking up every time the other would grunt in his sleep
when he finished he started stitching the man up. it would be painful of course so meng yao put some anesthetic into the syringe and plunged it into the man’s vein
a-yao was very careful, making sure he was stitching in a manner that wouldn’t leave a huge ugly scar and he did well. after all, he did study medicine for some time and was good enough for sutures
he cleaned around the wound with a warm cloth and made sure to get rid of all the blood on the man’s fair skin. once that was done he carefully wrapped the gauze around the wound and wiped his forehead
he looked down at the man’s robes and noticed that they were all bloodied everywhere, he needed to do something about that so he gently undid the rest of the man’s robes and undressed him completely
a-yao decided to leave what dignity was remaining and tried to remove everything without removing the man’s underwear. he succeeded after some struggle and the man was finally laying there without any bloody clothes
meng yao didn't have any appropriate clothing for the man so he decided to wash the man’s clothes instead. he didn’t want to leave young master alone in case he awakens so he brought a small basin into the room and started scrubbing
to his surprise it didn’t take long for the bloodstains to come off, it was like the cloth was designated to not absorb anything. and then meng yao let out a gasp when clouds started appearing on the robes, making it clear which sect this man was from
gusu lan sect, most respected and righteous, led by kind people who had over 3000 rules. they were popular and they were liked, meng yao looked back at the young master and chuckled, just now noticing the forehead ribbon dangling from his neck, caught in between his ear and long hair
meng yao saw splatters of blood on it and took it off young master’s head, dipping it into the water few times to get the stains off and sure enough everything was great once again
a-yao wasn’t sure how to go around of sewing the robes though, because the sword has sliced through these thick robes and into young master lan’s stomach
deciding to not dwell on it much a-yao pulled up a single floorboard near the bed and took out his beloved mother’s sewing kit. he remembers when he was younger she’d show him how to sew clothes, surely he could handle robes
he was in the middle of doing it when he heard a groan and then a gust of wind like someone had sprung up, shortly after he heard a noise of discomfort
he quickly went to master lan and looked at him, trying to read his expression
“this- where am- who are you?” he spoke, voice scared and vulnerable, although it looked like childe lan wanted to uphold his power
“you’re at an inn in shu village. my name is meng yao” he introduced himself, sitting on the bed and helping the man sit up
“your wound is quite deep, please do not move so suddenly” he said as he poured him a glass of water
“t-thank you” the man choked out, drinking the water and clearing his throat
“ah, this” meng yao looked away from the man wrapped in blankets and towards his clothes
“you were all bloodied so i decided to wash it” the other man looked bewildered, eyes wide and hazy
“o-oh” childe lan must have now registered his position as he held the blankets tighter to his body and then his eyes filled with dread
“forehead ribbon. have you seen my forehead ribbon?!” he looked for the sacred item on his forehead but couldn’t find it, it looked like he’d cry any second
“what ribbon?” meng yao asked innocently and childe lan really looked like he will lose it
“it-it has a cloud design? it’s a simple ribbon. a forehead ribbon that has a symbol, oh no, oh no, did it fell off?” he started babbling nonsense
“i can’t show my face anymore- my- that ribbon was- oh, what a disgrace am i, what an absol-” he stopped mid-sentence when he noticed meng yao holding out his forehead ribbon to him, playfull smile playing on his lips
“meng yao!” the man scolded playfully while meng yao doubled over laughing
“i cleaned it!” he continued laughing and shortly after the man joined him
although childe lan had to stop laughing because his wound started hurting he still thanked meng yao profusely for returning the ribbon to him
a-yao assured him everything was fine and said he’d go and fetch some food for the young master. childe lan obliged gratefully
however when meng yao came back he noticed that the young master has fallen fast asleep, probably exhausted from all the blood he had lost
meng yao chuckled to himself and set the tray down, laying childe into a comfortable position before sitting down at the table and eating dinner by himself, making sure to keep a close eye at childe in case he awakens
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dabble-writes · 5 years
The Magician and I- (6)
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Suga is a wish-granting magician. He grants wishes—for the price of your most prized possession.
Your parents and brother died tragically in a plane crash and you visit Suga to grant your wish to bring them back to life...but instead you become his assistant.
Now you’re thrust into a world of magic and the mysterious being known as Suga.
Fantasy, romance, comedy, a bit of a slow burn, angst
Bullying, kidnapping
“That’s Y/N.”
“I heard her boyfriend is in the mafia.”
You tried to ignore the whispers around you, but they followed you everywhere you go.
“Yeah, I wouldn’t mess with her.”
“I heard her English teacher ended up having to take four weeks off!”
“They say her boyfriend will kill people just for talking to her.”
“Yeah, you shouldn’t go near, she’s like a mob boss’ wife.”
You clenched your fingers, damn that bastard. You wondered, not for the first time, how rotten your luck is. You noticed Hyelin and let out a sigh of relief as you went up to her.
“Hey Hyelin!  So about the homework in—”
She gave you such a cold look that you couldn’t help but pause.
“…is everything okay…?”
Hyelin gave you a glare as she held up her phone.
“You have one of these, right?”
You looked at her in confusion, “Yes…?”
“Then why did you never text or call? Are we not friends?” She demanded and you instantly felt a wave of guilt for not communicating to her the past few days.
“I am sorry, I just had…a lot on my mind. Things had been kind of hectic.”  
“Yeah, I bet. Also, thanks for telling me about your boyfriend.” Hyelin said sarcastically.
“Wait, he’s not—”
“Whatever. Why don’t you hang out with him now? Since we aren’t close friends or anything.”
“Listen, I’m sorry—” You begged.
“I don’t want to hear it, Y/N.” Hyelin said as she walked away without a single glance back.
You wanted to chase after her, but your class was about to start and you figured that she just needs space. She’ll come around. Hopefully.
The whispers continued as you entered the classroom and you saw that your usual seat was occupied. You tried to find an empty seat, but whenever you will approach, the people sitting around the chair would look at you in fear. You were about to give up when you heard a voice.
“Hey, there’s a seat next to me. Do you want to sit here?”
You walked over to the back of the classroom where a very pretty girl was sitting. She never really talked much to anyone else, so you were surprised that she spoke to you, much less offer you a seat next to you.
“Thanks.” You said as you took the seat next to her.
“Yeah, I understand your pain,” She said, her head resting on her hand, “Your life is ruined by a weird boyfriend, right? It’s the same with me…”
You scoffed, “He isn’t my boyfriend!”
“Yeah, same.” The girl said, “I rejected him over and over, but he’s like a leech. He just hangs around, wrecking my peaceful life like some evil beast…”
As she said this she grew even angrier and you wondered what this guy did to get her so worked up.
“What’s your name? I didn’t quite catch it.”
“Heeyeon.” She answered, “But that bastard keeps getting it wrong and calls me Hani. I honestly can’t take it anymore! All I want is a peaceful, comfortable life in a normal world with normal people…” Heeyeon looked at you expectantly, “You understand, right? What it feels like when normal people like us go out with weirdos? They destroy our normal, peaceful lives. The only way to achieve an ordinary life is to avoid them completely.”
You thought about Suga and how your life was never the same ever since you met him. You had to admit that Heeyeon had a point. She kept complaining about her boyfriend all throughout class though.
“Leaving them is the only way.” Heeyeon said again as you left the class.
“I have to leave him.”
You wondered why she was so adamant and if she was trying to convince you or herself.
“Hey Hani!”
You both turned to see a handsome blonde man walking up to you guys, smoking a cigarette.
Heeyeon looked at him in horror, “You, you…! Are you crazy? What are you doing, appearing at this hour? Do you want to die?”
“It’s fine.” The man replied, not affected by her upset tone, “It rained today so the sun went down earlier. Hey…were you worried about me?”
You figured that this was the guy Heeyeon was talking about.
“Me? Worrying about you? Yeah right! Also, stop smoking in here!”
“Why not?” He huffed, “Half the humans here seem to be hiding in the bathroom smoking. I’ve been starving for so long, you’ve got to at least give me this.”
“Just stop it!” She took the cigarette and quickly snuffed it out.
“Hey, I just started that one—”
“I don’t care!”
You studied his strange appearance. He had such pale, clear skin and blonde hair. He also had such a unique accent…you figured it out.
“Oh, so your boyfriend is a foreigner?”
Heeyeon looked at the guy nervously as the man studied you.
“Who’s she?”
“A classmate.”
“So…fresh!” He spoke in English and you were a bit confused. Maybe I misheard him.
“H-Hi…how are you?” You said in English, hoping you weren’t embarrassing yourself.
“Your English accent is good,” He switched back to Korean, “My name is Vernon, I’m from New York. By the way, what is your blood type?”
“What?” You thought that was such a random question, “Uh, I’m a blood type O…”
Vernon perked up, “Type O? Wow, that’s my fave—ow!”
Heeyeon pulled him by the ear, “Stop that right now, you weirdo!”
“I’m only being friendly!”
“Friendly, my ass.” She hissed as she started to drag him away.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry.” Vernon muttered and you watched her drag him out. You wondered if she thinks that Vernon is weird because he’s from New York.
Well Suga is much weirder, you thought. You then were reminded that Suga basically committed social suicide for you and fumed. But I can’t really say it’s Suga’s fault, you sighed, he wasn’t in his right mind thanks to that stupid potion…
You started to walk and heard the whispers again.
“It’s her, right?”
“Did you hear about her boyfriend? He’s a big mafia guy, really scary.”
You bit your lip to keep from snapping, yeah, go ahead and make fun of me. I’ll just ignore them. It’ll probably settle down in a few days...
“Maybe she went crazy after her family died in that plane accident.”
“It’s such a shame her brother died, he was so hot.”
“Yeah, she definitely went psycho.”
That comment made you snap and you just saw red.
I’ll show you psycho.
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You walked out of the school and were surprised to find Suga leaning against a wall, holding an umbrella under his arm.
Why is he here? His appearance will only make the rumors worst.
“Suga, what are you doing here at this time?”
Suga just stared at you, “What happened to your face?”
You internally winced as you realized that you probably didn’t look to good from your scuffle, “It doesn’t concern you. Answer my question: why did you come to my school?”
“It’s raining.” He offered and you looked up at the clear sky and lifted up your eyebrows, “It was raining, but it’s stopped now.”
There was an awkward pause and you thought about what Heeyeon said earlier. They destroy our normal, peaceful lives. You looked around at the whispering students around you.
“You know, Suga, I have something to say…”
“I do too.” Suga answered.
“Really? Well I guess I’ll go first.” You took a deep breath, “That idea about us being friends? Let’s…”
“…drop it.” You both said at the same time and you were shocked he had the same feelings as you.
Wait, why does he not want to be friends anymore? I had a valid reason, but what’s his excuse?
“Oh, well that works out then.” You said with a forceful smile, “It’s nice for us to be thinking the same thing for once, right?”
But why?, you were screaming in your head.
“…yes.” Suga simply said and you couldn’t read his face at all, much to your frustration.
What did I ever do to you? How can you do this to me?
“Now,” he continued, “our contract is still valid, so until I grant your wish I hope you will continue to be my assistant. But you don’t need to come every day, once a week is fine.”
“Oh really?” You smiled wider, “Uh, okay. How nice.”
What is this feeling? Why do I feel cheated? Wait, I shouldn’t feel cheated, we were thinking the same thing, but…why do I feel like I’ve been dumped?
You studied Suga and wondered how he could be totally calm and look so normal. You tried to mirror his expression, to show him you were totally okay with this.
“Don’t feel cheated, you were faster.”
“You spoke a second faster,” Suga said, “If anybody was dumped, you could say it was me. So you don’t have to feel cheated about anything.”
“You were reading my thoughts?” You exclaimed, feeling a bit violated.
“Those weren’t thoughts, they were more like screams. I didn’t listen to them on purpose.”
You still couldn’t help but think that it was unfair that he could listen to all your thoughts and you can’t even read his face.
“It might rain again, so take the umbrella.” Suga said, offering you an umbrella.
You took the umbrella and stared at it. Your emotions were in turmoil and you didn’t know what to do with it. What is up with him? One minute he doesn’t want to be friends and the next he’s offering me an umbrella? What does he want from me?
In a fit of anger, you threw the umbrella on the ground and stomped on it really hard; you glared at Suga’s shocked face.
I really, really hate you! Try reading my mind again, stupid!
And with a huff, you stalked away; you didn’t want to see his stupid face anymore.
With every step, your anger grew. You knew you have an impulsive personality, so you’d probably regret ending your friendship with Suga tomorrow and try to patch things up with him…but if Suga says it, he means it forever. You wondered how long he had been thinking about this.
This made your heart sank; all those memories…were they nothing for him? Was he looking for a way out this whole time?
You walked into a park and laid out on the grass. Fine, just leave me, you thought, now I don’t have family or friends. I’m alone in this world.
I’m not going to cry, you thought, I refuse to cry over him.
Instead, you decided to sing a jingle that popped into your head and hoped it would cheer you up. Yeah, I should live alone and be firm and strong, I don’t need Suga, you thought.
“Even if I’m anguished and sad I won’t cry! You should endure, endure, and endure again, so don’t cry. Let’s run through the green prairies smiling, let’s sing watching the blue skies. My name is—”
“Shut up!” You heard a voice snap and you felt someone throw a cigarette bud at you, “That song is dead wrong! If you are anguished, why shouldn’t you cry? Should you run around laughing like a crazy person?” You sat up and recognized that it was Vernon.
He went up to you, anger in his eyes, “Listen, if we’re sad, let’s not run laughing through any green prairies! Wouldn’t that make us more ridiculous? Humans are really stupid…” He sank to the ground next to you and started to sob against your shoulder; you didn’t know what to do.
“Um…Vernon…are you okay…?”
“Obviously not!” He sobbed, “Hani dumped me! Again! All because I’m a vampire!”
“Ah,” You finally understand what Heeyeon was talking about, “I guess that makes sense. I thought it was weird that she was so upset about her boyfriend being a foreigner.”
Vernon looked at you in shock, “What--? What’s with that response? Are you not afraid? Don’t you think I’m crazy and I should prove it to you? I just said I was a vampire! I feed on human blood—isn’t that surprising?”
You shrugged,” Well, not really. I’ve seen plenty of weirder things than a vampire.”
Honestly, not a lot of things can surprise you at this point. You’ve met a flower-princess-alien who healed people by being eaten, someone who died from literally being too happy, a magician who was stalked by the sun, a person from a parallel universe that loses their memory every day, a horde of people ready to kill because of their obsessive love, not to mention Suga…
Vernon frowned, “I wish Hani was more like you. She says she won’t date anyone but a normal human…which is very frustrating because in her former life she said she wanted someone special! Damn it, which one should I believe?” He said the last bit to himself as he lit another cigarette.
“Former life…?”
He didn’t seem to hear you, “Seriously, whose fault was it that I became like this? I became like this because of her.” Vernon then frowned, “Then again, it’s really that bastard magician’s fault.”
“Magician?” You couldn’t help but think of Suga.
“Yeah, a wicked wish-granting magician named Suga. I hear he’s living here in Korea. He’s the reason I’m like this.”
Ah, so Suga is behind this, you thought, why am I not surprised?
“What happened?”
Even for Suga, damning someone to become a vampire seemed a bit extreme.
Vernon scowled, “It all started 150 years ago in New York when I fell in love with Hani and proposed to her. She rejected me in the worst way and broke my heart. She said that I was very ordinary and it made me very boring and unattractive. She needed someone special and told me I could never be that. I heard about this mysterious magician called Suga who can grant your wishes so I went to him to ask him to make me special. He kept brushing me off, saying he wasn’t in the mood to grant wishes at that time. I persisted, begged him. He eventually got tired of my constant whining and told me to go to a specific street that night at midnight. Said I’ll find what I want there. I should have noticed when I saw his sinister smile. I went to the street at midnight, like he said, It was in the bad part of town, it was dark and very scary.”
Vernon frowned, obviously it was a painful memory for him.
“That’s when you were bitten?” You asked,” And then you became a vampire?”
“Yeah, that place was a vampire den. That bastard magician sent me there on purpose!”
“But you didn’t clearly define ‘special’!” You said, “That means it was your fault too..”
Wait, why am I defending that jerk? No, however you look at it, this was Suga’s fault.
“It was totally obvious what I meant!” Vernon cried, “Who wants to be an evil vampire? I was naïve, I used to faint at the sight of blood! Now I only crave blood. Hani then died young of an unknown disease. With this body I couldn’t even go to her funeral. I only was able to visit her grave at night and I even had trouble doing that. I then gave up and fell into evil ways. Unexpectedly, being evil suited me. After many years, I saw Hani’s reincarnation standing among a boatload of tourists and followed her to Korea. Still…in her former life, she hated me because I was too normal. But now, she hates me because I’m too unusual.”
Vernon ran his hand through his hair in frustration, “Just what does she want me to do? I can’t live like this anymore. So…I’m going to get revenge on the evil magician who made me this way. Just you wait—I’m going to make him pay for everything he did to me…”
You couldn’t stand Vernon bad-mouthing Suga anymore, “Stop it! Suga isn’t an evil magician. Even if it seems like he did something wrong, it was probably just a mistake. Suga has never done anything bad, not even once. Of course, he is a bit arrogant. He’s irritating and he’s always acts uncaring…but the things he takes from his clients are mostly useless things. He risked his life to grant a wish and he didn’t take things people truly need. He might seem mean, but he isn’t a bad person. I don’t know why he did that to you, but I’m sure he didn’t have evil intentions.”
As you started talking, you couldn’t bring yourself to stop. All the words kept gushing out and you knew it was a mistake to try to break your friendship with Suga. You were just upset in the moment, but you really did care for Suga.
“I’m sure he had a good reason.” You continued, “There must have been a reason…he’s my friend.”
Vernon stared at you, “I didn’t realize you knew this magician.”
“Yeah, I do.” You answered, “I’m sorry for what Suga did, but he really isn’t a bad person. I’m sure if you talk to him now he can find some way to fix this—"
“This is perfect.” Vernon said with a smile and you looked at him in surprise.
“What do you mean?”
“Suga’s girlfriend is right here. This must be destiny. I can get my revenge now.” He moved closer to you and you started to panic.
“Hold up, I’m not his girlfriend—” You stammered as you backed away.
You then felt something hit you in the back to the head and you blacked out.
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“Let me go!” You cried as you struggled to break free from your bounds.
When you woke up, you found that Vernon had took you to some abandoned parking garage and tied you up. You pleaded with him and tried to get into his head that you were not Suga’s girlfriend, but he didn’t listen to you. Instead, he called Suga and told him that he had you and would hurt you if he didn’t show up. So far, there’s been no sign of Suga.
“It’s no use. You’re just a weak little human, you won’t be able to get out of those bounds.” Vernon said lazily as he turned on and off a lighter, “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you. I just want to get back at your boyfriend.”
“He’s not my boyfriend!” You snapped for the millionth time, but he didn’t listen to you.
“One hour has already passed, why isn’t your boyfriend here?”
“I told you, he’s a friend not my boyfriend.” You fumed, “You stupid leech!”
“Why do you keep insisting he’s not your boyfriend? Suga obviously thinks he is. He seemed very demanding over the phone.”
“No he doesn’t, you’ve got it all wrong!” You insisted but you started to panic.
Does Suga even consider me a friend? We did decide to stop being friends so how can I be sure he will rescue me? But still…he won’t leave me here to die…right…?
You refused to let your negative thoughts persuade you, “He will come. Don’t be so jumpy just because he’s a little late.”
“He’s not a little late! It’s already been an hour. I even threatened to kill you, you would think he would be here by now.”
“Well there must have been a reason.” You insisted, “Like traffic or he got a stomachache.”
Wow, those excuses sound stupid even to me, “Maybe he got into an argument with someone on the street…oh! Or he froze to death because of the cold.” Okay, it got worst.
“Or maybe he just thinks you’re as worthless as a penny rolling around on the ground.” Vernon said and you frowned.
“I told you, that’s not it”!
But it might be, you thought, you did throw his umbrella to the ground and stomped it and called him stupid. Suga has a sensitive personality, he might have gotten seriously angry. And we ended our friendship, now we’re nothing to each other. He might actually leave me here to die.
You couldn’t help but feel tears start to well up in your eyes.
I really am alone in this world, no one to help me.
The door suddenly slammed open and, to your surprise, Suga walked through it. He was quite disheveled and out of breath. You stared at him, you’ve never seen him without a nice suit so seeing him in such casual clothes in shocking. He glared at Vernon.
“Damn it, when teacher sealed your powers ten thousand years ago, did he seal your brain as well, V? If you just say ‘come here’, how am I supposed to know where ‘here’ is?”
You looked at Vernon’s shocked face and could help but snicker, “Wow, that’s  such an amateur mistake. This must be your first time kidnapping someone.”
Vernon glared at you, “Shut up,” He turned to Suga, “Okay, that was my mistake. But ‘V’? I’m not V. My name is Vernon.”
Suga looked at Vernon in shock, “What? You’re not V? Then who are you?”
“I told you! My name is Vernon!”
“Vernon…?” Suga’s eyes widened, “…ah…”
Vernon stalked up to Suga, “Do you remember now? The Vernon whose life you destroyed?”
Suga’s face went back to being expressionless, “What do you want?”
“Turn me back to a normal human.”
“…that’s troublesome. I can’t.”
Vernon walked up to you and pulled out his lighter, “Shall I light your girlfriend’s head on fire?”
You rolled your eyes, “Stupid, who would fall for a lame threat like that? Try it, go ahead.”
“Stop it!” Suga snapped and you both turned to Suga in shock, “If I turn you back into a normal human now, you would change from a 150-year old vampire to a 150-year old man. That’s why I can’t grant it. But I’ll grant you another wish, just leave Y/N alone.”
“Wait,” you said, “I thought you can only grant one wish per person. If you grant two, isn’t something bad going to happen? I’m fine, I can just untie this rope and run away.” You continued to struggle with the rope, I swear I can feel it loosening.
“And I don’t want a different wish!” Vernon added his little two cents, “Turn me back!”
“I told you why I can’t do that. If you want to get angry at someone, be angry with me. Just leave Y/N alone. Please.”
You look at Suga in shock. If you didn’t know any better, you would think Suga is pleading with Vernon. But Suga will never beg…right…?
Vernon stared at Suga and slowly went up to him.
“Fine. I accept your offer.” He held out his hand.
Suga stared at the hand, and for a moment you thought he would do the same he did to you back then and ignore the hand, but then he took it and looked at Vernon in the eyes.
“The deal is set. Whenever you want, you can have your second wish.”
“You can bet I’ll come.” Vernon said as he let go, “Now excuse me, I have someone I have to talk to.”
And with a blink of an eye, he was gone.
You stared at Suga in concern, whose nose started to bleed, “Are you alright? You told the vampire you’d grant him another wish so…”
Suga waved his hand and your ropes disappeared. Why didn’t he do this in the first place? You didn’t say this because he literally looked like hell.
“No, I’m not alright.” He groaned as he sank to the ground, “It feels as if my blood is flowing backward. But it doesn’t matter. I always knew I would have to pay a price for what I did that day.”
You looked at Suga; him appearing so casual and weak is not something you were used to.
“Why did you do that?”
Suga smiled sadly, “The person you think of as a friend isn’t always good or all-knowing. He’s just a plain magician. That say 150 years ago…I’m not proud of. I was in a bad mood. I was about to explode from overwork, I was on my way to a friend’s funeral, and he just kept whining…but there’s no excuse for what I did. I vented my anger on an innocent person and ruined his life. There is no guarantee I won’t do such a thing again the next time I’m in a bad mood…and there’s no guarantee you won’t be endangered again because of my actions. It really is better if you don’t associate with me anymore.”
You stared at Suga, contemplating his heart-felt speech. You sighed as you shrugged off your coat and draped it over him, “No, my question was why did you come out in just a t-shirt and sandals on such a chilly night? Let’s talk more at home.”
Suga clutched your coat and looked at you in shock, not knowing how to respond.
You smiled and offered your hand, “This time I’ll take you home.”
He stared at your hand and hesitantly brought his hand to yours. It was cold as always, but you didn’t mind. You helped him up and started to walk back home.
“Hey, did you notice?”
“…notice what?”, Suga asked.
“This is the first time we’ve walked next to each other.” You chuckled, remembering your frustration.
“…is that so?”
“Yeah, you used to walk ahead of me when you took me home.”
“…did I?”
“Heh, somehow, I’m feeling great.”, You smiled softly.
Suga ran out to save you. Without a coat or shoes and with his hair a mess. Just like a normal person.
We are normal people.
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“Wait, so Suga is sick because he granted someone two wishes?”, Rose asked.
You sighed, “Yeah, that’s why I wanted to ask you for help…”
Rose nodded as she went to gather some ingredients, “Of course, let me make something then.”
“Thanks, Rose, I really appreciate it.”, You studied the room, “The furniture in your home is pretty old-fashioned. I wouldn’t have it pegged as your style.”
Rose sighed, “What can I do? It’s RM’s style. But I agree—it’s not really furniture fit for newlyweds.”
“Oh right, I heard you two got married.”
Rose beamed, “We did, it was a very private ceremony, just us and Suga. It was really romantic. Suga was grumpy, like always, but he seemed happy for us.”
RM and Rose just got back from their honeymoon, which is fortunate because Suga is sick now.
“Anyway,” Rose said, “about Suga. It must be so hard for him. There’s so many conditions to fulfill a wish, if he isn’t careful it might end really badly for him…”
“Conditions? You’re talking about him dying when he accepts a wish he cannot fulfill?”
“Yeah. And he’ll also die if he doesn’t take good care of whatever he gets for granting a wish.”
“Why did he even become a magician? It seems like a lot of trouble.” You wondered.
Rose shrugged as she started to mix some herbs, “Well…when our master brought Suga home for the first time…he demanded Suga to become a magician that grants wishes and said he’ll beat him if he didn’t become a magician.”
“Wow, what a psycho.” You said, “So that’s why Suga always pulls a face when someone is talking about his master.”
You couldn’t help but think that his master really reminded you of your brother. Jin used underhanded methods to get his way. And he always got his way. He can be quite the bully. Take for example, that fateful plane accident. It was originally your ticket. Your uncle unwittingly gave your family three tickets to Hawaii instead of four. Your brother had a cold so it was agreed that you would have the ticket. Jin was adamant that he got the ticket, saying he’ll be healthy by the time the trip comes around. You still refused, and he purposefully did things to pass the cold to you so you ended up being sick. So instead he went…and he died because of it.
“It was master’s hobby to bully the people he liked.” Rose shrugged, “Suga had to experience that the hard way too.”
Jin was like that too, you thought, ever since he was small. He will tease me all the time.
“Say Rose…you brought RM back to life with your magic, didn’t you?”
Rose looked at you strangely, “Yes, why…?”
“Then…would you be able to revive someone else as well?”
“That’s not possible.” Another voice answered and you turned to see RM leaning against the doorway. Rose’s face lit up.
“Ah! My dear husband is back!”
“But why not?” You asked him.
“In my case, I was revived before my soul left my body. It’s not simple if the person died a long time ago. Besides, your parents are in heaven. I can still foresee a bit, so I know. I think they wouldn’t enjoy being taken away from paradise to be brought back to life.”
“And what about my brother?” You asked, “Did he actually manage to get into heaven as well?”
Oh my god, what if he’s in hell, you bit your lip, not wanting to think about that possibility.
RM quickly looked at Rose and back at you, “Uh…I guess. So you should give up on reviving someone who’s already dead. You don’t actually plan to ask Suga for that? It would be useless to make such a wish to him.”
“I know,” you sighed, “I already asked for it when I met him for the first time. He obviously said no, that’s why I became his assistant and all.”
RM studied you, “…but certainly you will ask him to grant a wish sometime, won’t you? You can’t be his assistant forever. Any idea what you might wish for?”
“Huh?” Thinking of a wish was honestly the last thing on your mind, but you realized RM was right: you can’t be Suga’s assistant forever. It never really crossed your mind before, but now it felt strange. You’ve become accustomed to being with Suga, “No…not really at the moment.”
RM went up to you and pressed his two fingers against your forehead.
Your eyes widened as you tried to take a step back, “What are you doing?”
“I just told you that I kept some of my foreseeing powers. So I should be able to see your future wish…”
You perked up, “You can see what I’ll wish for? Please tell me! Then I’ll meet with Suga and ask for it.”
Why didn’t you think of this before? RM is so smart!
RM closed his eyes and his expression suddenly became serious.
“….no, I cannot see it. Oh well, looks like I’m getting old.” RM said, walking away, “But I do have a question for you, child.”
“What is it?” You asked, trying not to be too disappointed that he couldn’t see anything. 
“Do you have come to like Suga a little?”
You stared at RM, that’s such a strange question to ask at this time, “Sometimes when he’s all bitchy again I’d love to beat him up but…still…he’s actually quite nice and…well…yeah, I guess you could say that I’ve come to like him a bit.”
“Is that true? Then promise me one thing: when you ask Suga to grant your wish, don’t forget how much you’ve come to like him until that moment.”
You stared at RM, trying to figure him out. He is still a mystery to you, much like Suga.
“…I don’t really get what you mean, but okay. I’ll promise.”
RM gave you a warm smile, exposing his dimples, “Good…you’re a nice child.”
Rose then came up to you guys with a flask, “Here you go, Y/N, here’s Suga’s medicine. Suga should recover quickly after he drinks it.”
You took it from her and gave her a smile, “Thanks, Rose.”
“It’s no problem.” She said, grabbing RM’s hand, “It’s the least I can do after all the trouble I gave him.”
“Well, I’ll leave then.” You said and started to leave.
“Don’t forget your promise.” RM called out. He looked very serious again and you frowned.
“Yes, I will.”
Maybe he saw something, but then why didn’t he tell me?
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theclovercastle · 6 years
Any NSFW headcanons for William, Nozel and Julius? (I’m gonna add as much Julius as I can to my requests so hopefully it’ll be more enjoyable for you to write
You spoil me so much by including Julius, I AM BLESSED AND I OVERWROTE. I really loved NSFW Nozel though too :O Oh my. Who knew?
NSFW WARNING! I also swear a whole lot as usual so warning for that too?
So, I’m going to slightly contradict what I wrote last time for William’s NSFW headcanons. They’re still super applicable but I DO believe on the occasion he isn’t the love making type and will be a BRUTAL fucker.
This only comes around when he’s in a bad mood but doesn’t want to outwardly show it. So he channels it all into sex and honestly his s/o is gonna be fucked hard and fast and left sore as fuck.
When he’s like this he does not make any noise whatsoever. No talking, no grunting, no teasing; he just needs to get out all of his frustration.
Turns his s/o onto their front, pushes their faces into the pillows and just drills into them at such an unforgiving pace.
He’ll apologise to his s/o when he’s done for so uncharacteristically taking them and he’ll focus on pleasingly stimulating their body. He’ll eat them out, kiss all over their body, bite and lick their nipples, the full works.
When sex is back to being his norm, he likes to tease his s/o through it a lot. He’s the guy that will smirk and be like “My, my, Y/N. You’re so wet for me already.” Or like “Tut, tut. Naughty girl/boy. You have to wait for my cock a little bit longer.”
Gentle and then really hard bites and nips all over his s/o’s nipples, breasts/pecs and throat. He’ll lick over the spots he’s bitten when he’s done.
If his s/o isn’t a quivering mess when he’s done he’s not done his job properly and he’ll keep going whether it’s another round or some oral until they are how he wants them.
Likes to kiss his s/o when they moan out in pleasure. Like literally swallow their moans.
Touch him everywhere! He’ll love feelings his s/o’s fingers digging into his skin, or their hands grab his arse, or their legs wind around him to pin him into them. Just keep touching him and he’s in heaven.
I talked about his slender dick before, but it’s probably a good length as well. At least 7.5 inches but certainly a bit slimmer than other dudes. Damn it’s so pretty though.
This man may seem like he’s a standard in out sorta dude, but not at all.
Because it’s so unexpected of him and because it’s behind closed doors, he allows himself to give in to some pretty base desires and he likes some shit that would be considered taboo in his upper-class society.
Likes to lick and tongue his s/o’s arsehole cause it’s just such an unclean thing to do in so many people’s minds. He doesn’t think he should be doing it, but fuck he loves it.
In fact, he really likes anal full stop. It’s his go to and his s/o has no choice in the matter. He’d simply leave an s/o that didn’t want his dick in their arse.
Arse to mouth is such a big thing for him because it’s hot as fuck. He’ll be fucking his s/o’s arse, whip his cock out of them and demand that they take him in their mouth. He might actually finish from this and that’s even better for him. So his s/o has a mouth full of their own arse and his jizz.
Honestly, he likes to use some degrading words for his s/o because he likes to feel above them when he fucks them. Even if he considers his s/o his equal, they’re getting some choice words thrown at them when they have sex.
“Put me in your mouth and taste yourself, whore.”
He loves that bondage. He’s practically 50 Shades but he amps it up instead of settling for the softcore mam porn.
He will praise his s/o for doing what he wanted when he’s done. They will be rewarded later whether it is with physical goods or sexual pleasure.
Almost exclusively takes his s/o from behind doggy style. It’s so rare for him to fuck them any other way.
He has a really soft skinned and pale dick with a cute little patch of silver hair at the base. He’s got a pretty average sized dick but he just knows how to use it so fucking well that it doesn’t matter. His 6 inches are going to work wonders.
This man is experienced as fuck. He’s been there, done that so he knows a whole world of pleasure that he’s more than happy to give his s/o.
He’s all about experimenting. He wants to find everything possible that gets his s/o hot and bothered and won’t stop until he's exhausted all possible leads.
“Darling, I’ve found something new for us to try.”
He gets off when his s/o gets off. Watching his s/o cream themselves is literally when he’ll finally cum himself.
He likes fucking them raw. Bare dick is going inside his s/o because as stupid as it is, it’s EXCITING!
He knows he shouldn’t but he loves to cum inside his s/o. There’s something so complete about it that just makes him want to bury himself in instead of letting his load go all over their stomach.
He’s the fingering master. His technique is so fucking on point his s/o will be undone in no time at all. He’ll lick them clean afterwards too.
You never know how sex is going to be with Julius because he likes to switch it up. Never call him a one trick pony or boring because he’ll throw a surprise your way. He can go from the most sensual love making to fucking his s/o senseless and they’ll never see the change in him coming.
He does not like planned sex, he likes it spontaneous. If he has to plan it around his emperor duties or work then it just doesn’t feel as romantic to him. He’d rather surprise his s/o by appearing when he’s meant to be working, initiating a round of surprise sex and then return to work a happy man.
The only planned sex he will totally be weak for is if he’s been perhaps teased by his s/o in public but cannot do anything about it and HAS to wait until later in the day.
Sort of likes the idea of being caught because he knows it might surprise some of these young knights that he’s still sexually active at his age. And he’d be so amused if they avoid his eye for a while afterwards because they saw him full on arse naked.
Body worships the fuck out of his s/o. His hands are exploring all over their body, his mouths literally kissing EVERYWHERE and he’s literally so full of compliments to them it’s gonna make his s/o’s mind spin.
His favourite positions are any that he can see his s/o’s expressions. He feeds of their ecstasy so getting to see how hot they are for him is just fucking mind-blowing. He’s making them feel this way and that’s an amazing achievement.
He really likes being able to grab their neck, he might not even squeeze very hard, but he does like to have his hands on it while he’s power drilling into them.
His dick is impressive as fuck, but a different darker shade compared to the rest of his skin. He’s large in terms of length and width; a thick dick! But also a bit of a veiny dick so it’s a bit bumpier. Lick that big blue vein and he’s like fucking gonna wanna smash straight away.  
Has a surprising amount of stamina and tries to get his s/o to hold on with him as long as possible. “We’re not done yet, my love. Hold on a bit longer. Wait with me.” 
Buns 🍑
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gfdatingsim · 6 years
@robinthegreenbird submitted:
I’ve played both routes ((haven’t perfected any yet lol)) and I just wanted to say, That this is easily one of my favorite games. Also I have a question what parts did you make? Once again I love this game so much!
rosie: thank you so much!! making the game was a lot of fun so i’m glad you’ve enjoyed it :)  my parts of the game were ford’s last two dates – mabel’s dinner date of dreams and sunset confessions. writing those two was super fun!! 
i knew i wanted a special mabel-ified date (as she is my favorite character) so i incorporated her into the dinner date i planned for the player and ford– with her extra bits of pizazz on top, of course. when i wrote the meteor shower part at the end, i was in a rough patch and wanted some love and that good good validation, so i let ford give it to me, lmao. as the second-last date of ford’s route, i wanted it to be special and sweet, with ford’s affection toward the player really evident and confirmed, in a way, so it wasn’t just longing glances and blushing for the entire route lmao. it was originally the mabel-match date, but sovo swapped the schedules around and i think it works even better!
the pool date was more of a challenge. the last date of the route, the team and i agreed it had to be more of a serious one– one for ford to feel comfortable opening up to the player about everything that’s happened to him, not just what he told them on the dinner date, yanno? all about weirdmageddon and that business. writing angst isn’t really my forte – so thank you phoe for helping me write that nonsense– but we needed it to be important and kinda heavy on ford’s end, with the end of the game almost relying on how the player reacted to his story. all the seriousness got to me though so the option to jump in the pool was my executive decision eyyy 
i also wrote the two between-y bits with mabel and dipper – pancakes and interrogations and the fine summer’s wedding! i wrote those just before the game came out, but since i was still in the middle of my college semester, it took me a bit longer… which is why poor sovo had to do a large chunk of the editing themselves, which i do apologize for;; but even with all the mad stress and load on their shoulders, they did a phenomenal job with everything they had to take on, and this project wouldn’t be the same– well, it wouldn’t even exist– without them!
i hope this answered your question, if not a bit wordy. i am a writer after all. thank you for playing! <3 
sovo: I worked on all the programming, a bunch of background art, the GUI, Stan’s driving sprites, playtesting, writing, editing, managing, you name it. As you can imagine, at times this project really stressed me out! 
The worst of it was probably the editing/rearranging/rewriting, which was a way bigger task than I anticipated. When we were organizing in Discord at the beginning of the project, we had so many writers that we split the whole game’s story up into nine pieces, one for each writer, and each with the same deadlines. At that point it was just the Ford and Stan events themselves– no in-between events with the kids, no transitions, no introduction or end. Writers handed in first drafts, then second drafts, and then those drafts went straight into editing. 
The idea was that Isa, Rosie, and I could do all the editing to bring about a more unified voice, since we essentially had nine voices in there, but in hindsight it was… not the best plan I could’ve gone with. Not asking the writers to polish their dates further meant that way more had to be done in the editing stage– plus we still had to write a remaining third of the game from scratch (transitions/intro/ending). When I think back to it I can still feel my dread from those times lol, because there was so much work to do and as the school year loomed, there were three– and then two– and then one– people available to do it. Isa (below) is right, the discord went dead for a long time after the writers handed in the last of their drafts about a month into the project. 
Also, almost everyone in the group was into Dream Daddy, so many of our writers followed DD’s suit and wrote mini-games into their dates (mini-games that I still don’t know how to implement). So I had to cut all those out and patch it over with writing. Then in some drafts there was still placeholder text left, like “[insert wall of text here],” which I had to figure out or just patch over with new writing. Then sometimes there was still wonky dialogue, or odd behavior, and I’d try and nudge Ford or whoever into character again. Then the introduction and ending were still partially done or just plain missing, so I grafted Rosie’s intro draft onto another intro draft and led it into Ford’s cryptid hunt event, and drafted an ending for the sim, and then Isa really fleshed it out after.
And while this wasn’t strictly necessary, I ended up rearranging Ford’s route just a tad. Ford’s route originally went cryptid -> ddamd -> dinner date -> pool -> baking, so the dinner date was originally Mabel’s matchmaking scheme– which Rosie pulled off super well! In fact, she pulled it off so well that something felt off to me about Ford’s route progression, because while each date stood fine alone, it’s like things peaked a little too soon. After a lot of puzzling over what exactly felt off, I finally switched it up to go baking -> dinner date -> pool instead, rewriting the context of the baking date so that it would fit in.
Honestly, I don’t think the three of us really know the extent of the work we did during editing, even now? Like, to add to the above, Rosie also altered/added stuff & wrote much-needed transitions across the game including the two in-between events with the kids, which I think really tied the game together by giving it a bit of non-dating-centric story! And Isa did a bunch of editing/rewriting all across the game, especially on Stan’s route. While they worked I got to settle into my drawing/programming/playtesting role, which was a whole other batch of tedium, but everything turned out great!
isa: *cracks knuckles* alright sooooo. to start off I was really in the deep of it all really early on, starting from the brainstorming stage! Like Sovo said, the base we started from was the dates- the chat came up with possible date scenarios for both characters and we voted on which ones we’d want to see in the game! Coincidentally, all the final dates that made it in were mostly proposed by me! But all the others we tried to incorporate somehow even if they weren’t top 5; for instance, a drive in movie was proposed but didn’t make it so it turned into watching a movie at home after the main boxing part of the date. I also arranged the date order before we started writing based on premise, and what was most believable for the progression + time to get to know Stan and have things get more intimate and hopefully natural feeling! The concept and writing for Stan’s final date was all mine! Although I had originally had it stop after the kiss in the diner to leave it open-ended with “you wanna get out of here?” so the player could decide whether they…. took a ride on the Stan O’ War or not lmao, but then Sovo encouraged me to make it more steamy ending which I’m forever grateful for mwuahah. Everything else about the date was a piece of cake honestly, I found it easy to write since I knew where I wanted Stan + player to be in terms of their relationship/flirt level. The hardest part was…. finding a way to cut the makeout short that would be in character! Which is why I used poor, poor Robbie as my plot convenience. Sorry m'dude.
I edited and fluffed the intro form what Sovo had and edited…. the whole game actually I think. In terms of fixing typos, grammar, adding little lines here and there, etc. both in Stan and Ford’s routes. A huge role was also communicating from Sovo to the other writers on what still needed to be done, organization, due dates, etc. So I was kind of like a manager/coordinator too. I also wrote transitions from one date to the next, like the nap reader takes in order to fit Stan’s boxing date cg in the game and wrote them cuddling Waddles as well as the first half or so of the final version intro to Stan’s final date (Sovo then took up the rest!). I wrote a couple general intros too but they didn’t make it in since Rosie did such a good job lol.After talking with Sovo and deciding it’d be okay to change Ford’s date order to feel like a more natural progression, I made changes accordingly to the intros and things that were now out of order within his dates, mostly the baking date since that was the main one affected along with the swimming date. I had fun writing for Ford on that one, I really like the small things with him, like having the idea that he can crack two eggs in one hand super easy.
The biggest thing for me was making sure everything was cohesive and in-character while editing the rest of Stan’s route. Each date was wonderful but with so many writers there were quite a few inconsistencies from one date to another, which is understandable since everyone just started writing on their own and didn’t know what others wrote until after. (And also I made some executive decisions on what I thought was and wasn’t out of character or what I thought didn’t fit with what we’ve seen in the source material or what would happen after the finale.) There were a lot of things that had to be removed as a result, which led to big gaps I had to fill and choices/possibilities I had to streamline. For instance, I completely rearranged and had to rewrite a lot of the movie part and the end of the date. Sometimes in the dates there were a lot of choices but none of them really had much of an impact on your approval rating in the game, which became more important later on, so I had to make bad choices worse and good choices better! So like for the films, the date ends differently depending on which film you pick, but if you’re doing well enough already and you pick an option that isn’t the best, you get an okay ending and aren’t completely out of luck lol (picking a horror film is neither the worst nor the best but if you have a high score already it’s more of an inconvenience than anything). Also, consistency was key. I had a unique challenge with Stan’s accent and how to write it in, so I’d find myself reading over his dialogue many times and keeping what felt natural and not forced to it wouldn’t be understood in context with other words lol. And simple things like punctuation- all the writers wrote things differently, so like TV vs tv vs t.v. etc or Stan O'War vs Stan-O-War, etc. That part’s more tedious than anything. OH, and I grabbed the voice clips from Gravity Falls as well as the sound effects for that version. It felt weird without an actual car horn to interrupt; I also found alternative tracks for the disco date until phoe pulled through! 
And then finally, I rewrote the general farewell at the end from the base that we there already, and embellished and added a bit more floof to Stan’s possible endings. For his bad ending I think if you got a low enough score that your dates got cut short, he’d be pretty cold because wow you just made him fix your car and you were kinda rude to him bye stranger. And if you got far enough that he set up the disco date for you but your score was low overall, he’d be kinda heartbroken but definitely wouldn’t let it show, he’s just be gruff and defensive. And if you did well, he’ll let his fondness show a bit more in his own way. You’re still only someone he just met, and he’s spent so long hiding that he’s still getting used to being himself so he won’t bear his entire heart just yet, but there’s definitely promise and he’s excited. I headcanon that he sends you weird trinkets in the mail and texts/video calls you pretty regularly until the Stan O'War II docks somewhere close and you two can visit and catch up.
This project was a lot of work….. it was pretty dead in some spaces, mostly after the writers finished their dates and it got passed on for the monstrous editing job lol. Some times I couldn’t stop editing, others I was slammed for weeks with classes and personal life, and Sovo was so kind and understanding! I really learned a lot about writing and am sad it’s over, but also. Not lol. I’m so amazed with how it turned out and I can’t believe the reception it’s gotten!!! ;u;
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thisdaynews · 5 years
Jolyon Palmer column: Max Verstappen edges it over Lewis Hamilton
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/jolyon-palmer-column-max-verstappen-edges-it-over-lewis-hamilton/
Jolyon Palmer column: Max Verstappen edges it over Lewis Hamilton
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Former F1 driver Jolyon Palmer, who left Renault during the 2017 season, is part of the BBC team and offers insight and analysis from the point of view of the competitors.
The Formula 1 season ended in Abu Dhabi on Sunday with a podium that summed up the season perfectly – the three outstanding drivers of the year were all on it.
Mercedes’ Lewis Hamilton won the race, from Red Bull’s Max Verstappen and Ferrari’s Charles Leclerc. For me – and I suspect many others – they were the best three drivers in 2019. Just not quite in that order.
This is my assessment of the F1 grid in 2019.
The five best drivers of the year
1. Max Verstappen
Max Verstappen won three grands prix in 2019 and scored points in the first 12 races of the season
In terms of choosing the best driver of the season, Hamilton and Verstappen were practically inseparable. Hamilton won the championship, but if I had to pick just one of them, I’d say Verstappen just edged it.
His relentless pace and consistently high level caused team-mate Pierre Gasly to be demoted from Red Bull to Toro Rosso in the summer break. And now the pressure is mounting on Alex Albon, Gasly’s replacement, as Red Bull desperately search for someone who can operate somewhere near Verstappen’s level.
In the first part of the season, Verstappen’s victory in Austria, achieved while lapping his team-mate despite being behind him on the first lap, underlined his dominance over Gasly, who has excelled against both his other F1 team-mates, Brendon Hartley last year and Daniil Kvyat this.
Three race wins, extremely few mistakes and being a constant thorn in the sides of Ferrari and Mercedes shows how good Verstappen has been.
This was underlined by the fact that he finished the season comfortably third, ahead of both Ferraris, despite being in a slower car in terms of absolute pace and being wiped out by each of the Italian team’s drivers at some point.
The only big downside for Verstappen are that a first pole position in Hungary should have been followed up with another in Mexico as well as Brazil, were it not for some foolhardy driving to not back off past a yellow flag.
That cost Verstappen another win. Potentially he could have exercised more caution in Belgium Turn One as well, but aside from that Verstappen’s season was flawless.
2. Lewis Hamilton
Lewis Hamilton won 11 of the 21 races in 2019, equalling his totals in 2014 and 2018
Equally as impressive as Verstappen, this was an almost perfect season for Hamilton, in which he was strongly in contention for victory at nearly every single race.
When Hamilton leads out of Turn One, the race is boring. This was demonstrated once more in Abu Dhabi, although team-mate Valtteri Bottas couldn’t challenge him from the back of the grid. When he doesn’t, he’s always a factor in the fight for victory anyway.
Hamilton has had one of his finest seasons and it has gone under the radar, because the title has been effectively wrapped up since June.
But winning 11 from 21 races proves his dominance, particularly because of the threat he’s had since the summer break from Ferrari and Red Bull.
In the end, I have marked Hamilton down behind Verstappen only because he went off track while leading in Germany and hit Albon in the chaotic final couple of laps in Brazil.
In reality, there was nothing to choose between the two. Hopefully next year we can see them in a genuine title fight. That is a mouthwatering prospect.
3. Charles Leclerc
Charles Leclerc finished 24 points ahead of team-mate Sebastian Vettel in the drivers’ championship
Ferrari have had a lot of stick this year – and quite rightly. They have been disappointing in every area.
Abu Dhabi was a real microcosm of their season. As Hamilton and Mercedes waltzed to an easy win, Verstappen showed up both Ferraris.
Both drivers hit the wall on Friday. Leclerc missed a final qualifying lap because of a pointless strategic timing ‘gamble’. The team were investigated for a fuel irregularity before the race even began, and ultimately found guilty. And they had a seven-second pit stop with Sebastian Vettel as well for good measure.
Leclerc can sometimes get lumped into Ferrari’s woeful season; he has after all made a fair few mistakes, such as crashing in Baku qualifying, in the race in Germany or hitting Verstappen on the first lap in Japan.
But this is only his second season in F1, and in reality he has been a revelation. Taking the pole position trophy for his seven poles shows how fast he has been – and he added two excellent victories as well.
Leclerc has brought numerous question marks upon the future of Vettel, because of how much he’s ended up shading his team-mate as the season has gone on, combined with Vettel’s own mistakes.
In fact, Leclerc has beaten Vettel on every single measure – he outscored him in the championship, took more wins, more poles and comfortably won their qualifying head-to-head. And that was despite Ferrari starting the year favouring Vettel, and imposing team orders – generally in the German’s favour – a number of times.
Races such as Bahrain and Belgium show how good Leclerc can be. Hopefully, with another year’s experience and a second season with Ferrari, he can cut the mistakes and become a season-long threat. Whether Ferrari can hold up their part of the bargain is a different matter.
4. Carlos Sainz
Carlos Sainz came sixth in the drivers’ standings, a point ahead of Pierre Gasly
Sainz is another man who has had an exceptional year, and just managed to take sixth in the championship with a brilliant last-lap pass on Nico Hulkenberg in Abu Dhabi. With both Gasly and Albon, his rivals for that spot, spending half a year in the significantly quicker Red Bull, that is seriously impressive.
Sainz hasn’t been the fastest this season. He’s actually been out-qualified by rookie team-mate Lando Norris 11-10 in the head-to-head – although the Spaniard is actually ahead when taking into account only sessions in which a fair comparison can be made. But he’s been relentlessly strong in the races and ultimately that is what counts.
Sainz’s first laps have always been strong, and his race-craft has been superb as well. He has made several great overtakes in the year, and barely had contact with other drivers, in spite of often being in the thick of the midfield chaos.
A first podium in Brazil was thoroughly deserved. It’s just a shame he didn’t actually get to stand up there as the stewards dithered when handing Hamilton a penalty.
McLaren have had a brilliant season, with huge progression from last year. But they have a lot of work to do if they and Sainz can achieve any better next year.
Consolidating fourth in the constructors’ championship and getting closer to the big three will likely be the aim in 2020.
5. Sergio Perez
Sergio Perez won 52 points this year, more than double team-mate Lance Stroll’s total
This was a really tough call between Sergio Perez and Daniel Ricciardo, but in the end I’ve given Perez the nod because the Racing Point was not as good a car as the Renault and the Mexican all but matched the Australian’s points total.
It’s been an under-the-radar but extremely strong season once more for Perez. Five top-seven finishes in the past nine races leapt him up to 10th in the championship, ahead of Norris and almost catching Ricciardo, despite having a slower car across the season.
There have been a few mistakes along the way, particularly in a barren patch in the middle of the season such as at Germany and Silverstone, where Perez went a full eight races in a row without scoring.
But either side of that run he failed to score in only two other races and surely punched higher than his car, with four best-of-the-rest finishes, thanks to some super race performances.
The rest of the grid
This season has been a real fall from grace for Ricciardo, since winning races with Red Bull last year. The switch to Renault hasn’t been anywhere near a success. In fact, the team have dropped backwards by 31 points and a position in the constructors’ championship even though they splashed out on the big-money signing of the Australian.
But Ricciardo isn’t to blame for any of that. As a driver he has actually been very strong this year, outshining Nico Hulkenberg 14-7 in qualifying and 54-37 in the points.
Everyone who has raced alongside Hulkenberg rates him highly – including myself – so Ricciardo beating him in that manner, in his first season with the team, is an impressive start, personally at least.
The Pierre Gasly that drove the Toro Rosso in the second half of the season was very good. Both fast and consistent, he scored a stunning second place in Brazil in what was my favourite moment of the season.
Sadly, the Gasly that started the year in the Red Bull never got going. This was the ultimate Jekyll-and-Hyde season, with some of the best and some of the worst. Very mysterious.
George Russell, Albon and Norris have had strong rookie seasons. For Russell, he’s had no competition and a terrible car, which has made gauging his performance difficult. But for what it’s worth beating team-mate Robert Kubica 21-0 in qualifying was good. He had flashes of pace and barely put a foot wrong.
Albon’s Toro Rosso half-season was encouraging. His Red Bull second half started in an encouraging fashion, and fell a little flat towards the end of the season. He could do with kicking on a bit next year, but hopefully a full winter of team integration can help.
Norris’ season started very well. He was fairly consistently ahead of Sainz in qualifying in the first half of the year and was held back by misfortune in the races.
As the year went on, Sainz increasingly established himself over Norris as the lead McLaren driver, but points in six of the past eight races show that Norris still did a solid job. He is my rookie of the year.
At the other end of the spectrum, Kimi Raikkonen had a very good first half of the season in the Alfa Romeo, before slipping back, along with his team, in the second half.
A sequence of silly errors kicked off the second half of the season, but on the whole Raikkonen has still shown he has what it takes at 40, as he showed Antonio Giovinazzi the way, beating him in all but three races.
It was a tough year for Haas, and in particular Romain Grosjean, who was generally out-performed by team-mate Kevin Magnussen.
A number of incidents and a fair amount of radio whining didn’t help the Frenchman’s cause, but the team fell away from good midfielders to ninth in the constructors’ this year, and for the most part had no clue why that happened.
They desperately need to understand the tyres more, as this has been their Achilles’ heel since day one. One day they can be super quick, like in Barcelona when they were best of the rest. The next they are absolutely nowhere.
Finally, Kubica had the worst season of all. It was a remarkable achievement for the Pole to get back onto the grid after his rally accident in 2011, and the terrible injuries he suffered. But that’s where it ends, sadly.
I was a Kubica fan in his BMW days and when he was at Renault in 2010, and I hope people will remember him as that driver, rather than the tail-end Charlie who limped around in a very poor Williams car this year.
Either his right arm and hand – which have only partial movement, and which appear to be more or less a passenger in the car – were holding him back, or so much time away simply left him rusty. Or maybe both.
Either way, his performances this year were not a true representation of a driver who is supremely naturally talented.
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crayonurchin · 7 years
That tooth really should have come out by now.
The mental note to stop wiggling the loose molar was mostly irritating at this point. Every time he caught a reflection of himself in the act, it looked more and more like he was just sucking his thumb.
Which he wasn’t.
Because only babies do that.
Babies and possibly Shaggy Doo when he’s scared.
Did Shaggy have the last name Doo?
The barman had switched the grimy TV back to football before the episode had ended last night. The thought of just WHO the mothman had been kept him up the entire night.
That, and his loose tooth.
The taste of iron was pretty common by this point. It did hurt to keep wiggling the damn tooth but by God what else was there to do? No one walked by at this hour, save drunk couples and drunk singles.
A root snapped.
The tooth was looser.
He wondered what he’d do with the tooth. Probably just throw it away. The tooth fairy hadn’t come the last three times so it was safe to assume she wouldn’t come a fourth. Perhaps if he found a pillow she’d show up?
Sure would be nice if she did. He reached past the open sketchbook and checked his cup again. No change from the last check. Four quarters and a bottle cap.
Wiping the bloody saliva off his fingers, he counted just one last time to make sure he definitely didn’t have enough for a hot drink. It always did his head in converting the currency. How come England didn’t have quarter measurements in money? Something felt wrong about four coins making a dollar. It’s supposed to be five twenty pences for one pound. At least America had the fifty pe- fifty cent coin right. Just two of those.
“... Isn’t that a musician name?”
Oh it was definitely a slow day if he was thinking about celebrities. Closing up the book and shoving the coins and bottle cap into his pocket (the one WITHOUT the hole) he set about searching for something sheltered.
It really must be getting colder. His legs didn’t usually shake this much.
The town square had a huge clock against the main hall. Though the size did not make the letters swim any less than usual. Cameron usually made a point of just assigning landmarks the arrows pointed to to represent the numbers. It was quicker that way.
Right now, the little arrow was pointed at the crack in the ground that looked like a butt.
Dang, eight already? No wonder this place was a ghost town.
Why did he have to think of ghosts?
The street lamps were only just flickering on, but the light was low enough to make the shadows more… shadowy. Cameron quickened his pace the best he could in his boots. The blisters had finally turned into hard skin so they didn’t hurt NEARLY as much as they used to. That didn’t stop them from still being way too big and clunky.
After the last few turns had proven to have way too many shadows, he settled on one lined with windows leading to cozily lit buildings. No shadows tonight!
A quick checklist was cleared before he took a moment to breathe. No open doors leading to establishments, no one else sleeping here, no dead ends and no chains for dogs to be hooked to.
Had he had his fingers in his mouth this entire time?
Now completely annoyed with how babyish he must’ve looked, he yanked his hand free. A little too forcefully. Another root broke and the sharp edge dug into his gums.
The tooth was even looser.
Who cares?
Suddenly incredibly tired, Cameron found himself slumped against the nearest wall and quickly sliding down it. It was only butt-crack-o-clock, why was he so tired? All he’d done all day was sit by the bank with his sketchbook and cup.
There would always be more cups but that was a really good one. It had just been used by someone at Starbucks for a water so no nasty coffee drips left to slowly mold and reek. Hardly any disintegration and it’d been just the right size to fit perfectly under the water fountain so it could fill to the top without touching anything. He’d seen people spit in that fountain. There was no way he WOULDN’T use a cup.
If the place was still empty he could just go grab it, but it seemed unimportant right now. The ground was quite mercifully dry and while frigid, this place was bound to have a newspaper fluttering about. The comics were never funny but they sure were insulating. 
Honestly he wasn’t very cold right now. Things just felt very heavy.
An angry banging and barking startled Cameron awake. All the window lights were off, but luckily there were no shadows. Just an airless, icy darkness.
It must be ugly-window-plant pot in the morning, what on earth was making that noise?
Just as he noticed he was spooning his sketchbook, a bright light blinded him, and there was the sound of scraping and stomping. Propping himself onto his elbow to knuckle his eyes, something hot and foul smelling was suddenly on his face. He removed his fists to see a very white set of fangs embedded in very red gums.
Shrieking, he kicked away from the demon, and successfully slammed his head into the brickwall behind him.
“MAGGIE, SHUT UP YOU STUPID THING, YOU’LL WAKE THE WHOLE TOWN!!” Now there was a harsh smokey scent alongside the foul breathed monster and the voice that threatened to wake the whole town. ‘Maggie’ continued to bark incessantly.
“What’s got you all worked u- Oh for fucks sake Michael I told you to stop sleeping here-” There was now a white light blaring onto him. Cameron was still rubbing the back of his head before the voice suddenly got rather quiet.
“Oh my god..”
That was not a good tone.
Looking up too fast, he squinted in the light of the phone torch and the doorway. He didn’t need to see the features to know this woman was not happy to see him.
Or rather, she wasn’t angry, but she’d just realised that he wasn’t the kind of vagrant you don’t feel guilt in yelling at.
He was the kind you call CPS on.
The aforementioned Maggie took the lack of yelling to mean she had done no wrong and was free to openly ‘dog’. Knocking the wind out of his with a happy pounce, she set about licking a good deal of the dirt off his face, bumping his cheek with her snout.
“Maggie, for the love of- get off!” The woman grabbed the dogs collar and yanked her off. Maggie whined sadly. If his jaw wasn’t currently burning he’d had felt sorry for the daft thing.
“Where- are you parents here? What the hell are you playing at, do you know how cold it is out here? Do you want me to call the police?
Oh God.
Ohhhhh no she was already at 11.
He really hated doing this, it felt so manipulative, but there was no way he was letting her call anyone.
He yanked his cap lower over his face and hair. Hopefully she hadn’t had a proper look at him yet.
The tooth slid to the back of his throat and with a sharp cough that rattled more than he expected, it came flying out and onto the ground.
Well then.
That didn’t play well in the string of ‘i must’ve got drunk ha ha boys will be boys’ lie he had planned.
At least his face had stopped hurting at last.
“Jesus- here take my hand, let me get you inside kid”
He sprung to his feet and twisted to bolt.
Was it really that cold out?
Did legs just really hate cold weather?
He made about three steps before both knees buckled and he got a fresh coat of dirt on his forehead.
His head hurt.
Everything hurt.
It wasn’t supposed to be this hard.
A hand grabbed his wrist.
“You lot are all the same. Come on squirt, on your feet- Maggie behave or I swear to God I’m stewing you. There you go champ, see? You’re alright. Manage a few more steps? Ah- don’t worry, Ol’ Ella’s got you. We’ll get you patched up. S’okay, I won’t call anyone. I get it. But it’s gonna be hypothermic tonight, think you can be brave and come inside? You don’t gotta but we got a couch, and if Maggie decides she doesn’t want to go outside another eighty times it gets nice and warm in there. Sound good?” It did.
God it really did sound good.
This couldn’t be safe.
“The door isn’t locked.”
“You can leave if you want to.”
“Let’s call this selfish. I’ll feel like shit if I don’t at least attempt to play ‘aunt’ to another one of you kids.”
“Heck, I won’t even be mad if you rob us. All we have is my mother's denture cream and Maggie’s dog food so it’d mostly just be weird if you did.”
Even the doorway was warm. Just that fluorescent glow was cutting through the numb icy feel stuck in his bones. Every fiber was screaming at him to go inside. It was harder to kid yourself you were fine when relief was in front of you.
Last chance to make this feel alright.
He reached into his pocket, then remembered which one didn’t have the hole.
“I-I can pay?”
Ol’ Ella seemed well and truly shut up.
Had she still been talking?
Had he interrupted?
Was that rude?
Children should be seen, not heard.
Children like him shouldn’t been seen at all.
He knew his manners he knew how to respect adults he knew how to behave why couldn’t he just behave
An oversized hand took the four quarters and the bottle cap.
“That’ll get yaaaaa… Couch privileges, the shower after me and ma use it tomorrow, and a free cocoa before bed.”
He looked up.
His face.
She laughed as he hid it again.
“Ohhh yeah, you kids are exactly the same. Come on, couch is this way. We don’t got cream but we got sugar cubes, that’ll sweeten it up juuuust fine.”
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