#got the whole hemospectrum
dawktrap · 2 years
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The funniest classpect imo
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clay-pidgeon · 11 months
every day i think about feferi peixes
#dove chirps#my stuff#i feel like shes just. shes an Interesting Character to me#despite being not really any sort of focus character#she was the heiress to alternia and disagreed with the condesce thats Inch Resting to me#idk i feel like having her just be some sort of filler character on par with nepeta or equius was a sort of waste of Something#like. worldbuilding i Guess#iirc ah actually like. Mentioned that meenah is so cool and pretty relevant to sort of make up for pisces who got “saddled” with feferi#it just always struck me as odd that even tho she was like the princess and one of the nicest trolls (which is considered odd in alternia)#she barely had any time in the spotlight#ITS JUST. i think the hemospectrum as a Whole is pretty underdeveloped#its a v interesting piece o’ worldbuilding but not super expanded on when you get into specific castes?#BUT ESPECIALLY FUSCHIAS#bc like. it was just a weird move to say hello heres the Princess of this Fucked Up Murder Society and she Doesnt Want To Murder and also#her mom is an eldritch beast#and then just murder the gal#AND THATS NOT EVEN GETTING INTO HER RELATIONSHIP WITH ERIDAN#or the fact that the fandom boils her down to the sweet irrelvant fishpun princess#(classic fandom misogyny moment. btw)#when in canon shes got a MEAN STREAK!#she is RUDE SOMETIMES#stop flattening her fudusudueusifoekfjej#feferi peixes#homestuck#maintagging them bc i put a shit ton of stuff into the notes#look at my words boy#i dont think its wasted potential for feferi specifically as much as it is the Idea of feferi#its not like she got a whole arc that was abandoned#its more like. she Could have had an arc#it just never started. idk. i like feferi shes cool
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swarmishstrangers · 7 months
i’ll give you my entire left tiddy for some more mspar alien difference fluff. written or drawn, with mallek or marvus or pretty much anyone else. warm blooded/cold blooded cuddles with marvus. mallek purring and being embarrassed abt it. mspar not realizing they’re being flirted with til someone spells it out to them. just any troll/human (??) difference shit or any of your hcs please i’m starving
Starve no more!! I'll feed you AND me cause I honestly fucking live for alien differences between trolls and humans like? Omg...I'll try to sneak some Mallek and Marvus for ya since you seem to mention both of them (and I'll throw in some other ones for more comparisons >:])
So for general troll temperature headcanons, let me tell you, you'd better enjoy being cold/not be too bothered by it cause the higher on the spectrum, the colder the blood you're touching and cuddling. The warmest a troll will ever be is if they're a mutantblood, the closest thing to getting to normal human body temperatures and the ones with any real warmth to them. Rust bloods being the lowest on the hemospectrum that aren't mutants don't have as much warmth but still tend to run warmer than other blood types on the hemospectrum. Not exactly lukewarm, little bit warmer than that. When we hit the goldbloods, that's when it starts getting lukewarm temperatures. Smack dab in the middle of the spectrum, the Jades, aren't very warm or anything, but it's a few hairs away from being able to consider them cold feeling. Anything above the jades is when things start getting cold.
Teals you could say are cold, maybe not unpleasantly so, you could feel such a difference that you would no longer feel any real warmth. Cerulean is when the temperatures could be so stark as opposed to human warmth that coming into direct skin to skin contact with it could definitely shock your skin and make you flinch initially. Purples are. Man. Remember how I said you'd better like being cold? This is where the cold could be the brink of being unpleasant for some who can't handle it very well, it really starts setting in the longer you choose stay in physical contact with them. Violets, I'd argue, would be downright unpleasantly cold to the touch, like, you know how if you go outside in the snow and your body feels numb and face would be stinging? Like that.
With that general stuff of how perceive the coldness of some trolls established. Um. Mallek and Marvus :} I'm going to apologize in advance, Marvus is a character I've always been intimidated by in terms of writing. I feel like I just don't get him enough, and I'd hate to mischaracterize him :(( but I'll do my best!! (Putting a break here cause I type a lot)
Marvus and Mallek I feel like have a tendency to be mischievous little shits sometimes, once becoming aware and acquainted with the warmth Mspar emits and how cold they are in comparison they like to have fun with it. Mallek likes to do that thing some people do, ya know, where people take something fucking cold like a thing of ice cream or an ice cold drink and fucking PRESS it against your skin and it makes you scream? That. But no ice cream, it's his hand touching their bare skin (which still makes them shriek and jolt in surprise). They turn around and playfully smack him on the shoulder in retaliation.
Marvus likes doing the same thing but for him GOD FUCK the cold feels so much worse than Mallek. Bitch IS the ice being pressed against your skin. He doesn't even need to use his whole hand, he could press a finger to them and get a reaction. Punching doesn't do much to Mallek anyways, trolls and their thicker skins, but Marvus doesn't have a lot of squish to begin with. It's weird punching someone who feels so..solid? Not to say he's got absolutely no squish, but he has very little of it.
Cuddling... ahehhehehe cracks knuckles.
Since I'm already talking about Marvus lemme get to him already. Since he is a freezer, it'll take a bit to get fully comfortable laying against him. Warmth can overpower or balance out a trolls temperature, this is something that's very hard to do with bloods higher than indigo. Something like either them or Marvus wearing a good amount of clothing to separate makes it to where they don't feel immediately uncomfortable with the chill of his skin. Marvus I feel like is kinda finicky when it comes to touch or laying for long periods of time?? It's kinda funny, you could hug him, and he'd allow it for just a few seconds before he'd wiggle his way out of it, a playful look to his eyes. Or allowing you to rub his skin for a bit before pulling away. Only when he's tired or is ready to be settled in completely is when you can really, for real, cuddle him without him squirming out of it.
Now Mallek? Umpfh. Touch starved. Mspar too actually, I headcanon that they are a touched starved person themselves. So how about two touched starved people help another out..by cuddling. And everything else that involves touch under the moon really.
For him, he kinda loses it when he's in physical contact with them. It's the warmth! It really gets to him, and it makes his brain go nuts. He used to fight the overwhelming urge to wrap them up really tight in his arms cause ya know. Snake brain, cold, friend/flushcrush is warm, curl around the warmth. He didn't fight it anymore when they actively sought out physical touch from him themselves and was actively encouraging him and letting him know it was okay to search for it back.
It was through being around him that they discovered the most surprising thing they never thought of a troll doing. Purring.
They have never heard of a sound as soft as purring coming from a troll.
Trolls only purr in the presence of those they feel the utmost comfort with. To feel the safest with, to trust them the most, and to be at your most vulnerable with. It's super intimate stuff in troll culture. Hearing that anywhere out in public could make trolls snap their head in that direction and make them flush in the face. Get a room!!
I imagine it was one of those many days where they stayed over at his hive. They had just decided that they were done playing video games and it from leaning against each other in silence while the game systems powered off, then it transitioned into Mspar coaxing Mallek to lay on then while they had their back laid down on his lounge plank. His weight against them was comforting to them.
They were just nuzzling his shoulder and rubbing their hands all up and down his back and sides, all with no patterns to it. He had his face pressed against their chest, his arms pushed underneath them to wrap around them. They could feel his smile against their skin, and they were all smiles and happy, too. Then they, well, they felt it before they heard it.
It was something they didn't even notice at first, the rumbling, the small vibrations emitting from his throat and chest. When it was growing stronger and the purring became audible, they still didn't question it at first. They were just so comfortable, and the cuddling was just so nice, his purring could put them to sleep and...wait. Purring?
When the realization of Mallek purring hit them, they temporarily halted their hand movements. Mallek stayed put for a bit before his purring stuttered a little, and he cracked an eyelid open to gaze at them, wondering why they stopped. He finds them kind of staring at him, their hands still under his tank top just stopped on his back.
"you okay;"
This snaps them out of it and they and they lean in to kiss his forehead, Mallek snorts in response and immediately relaxes against them again.
They kindaaa wanted to point it out at in the moment but ultimately decided against it so that he didn't get embarrassed or shy and stops. They think it's SUPER fucking cute.
As for general differences between troll and human romance? Cracks fingers. Obviously it depends on what quadrant a troll is interested in having you in. I'll go with red romance for now unless someone later wants the other quads too lol.
I talked about purring before and purring is a BIG one. Purring is how trolls communicate that they feel absolutely safe and comfortable in their partners presence along with purring being a form to heal when their partner is hurt or isn't feeling well. It leaves them very open and vulnerable and so it feels very intimate for most trolls. A troll purring in the presence of human they're interested in a human may not pick up the significance of it so they just see it at its simplest until explained. Some trolls may feel a little hurt when their human partners don't pick up on their purring and they don't purr back in response, again, until explained that humans aren't capable of making sounds such as purring. Make no mistake though! Troll purring does not sound like how a cat's would. It's sounds like how you would imagine an insect purring would sound like.
Sleeping in the presence of a person you're interested in or around your partner is another big thing trolls do. Sleeping near other trolls is again, a vulnerability thing. To sleep near someone? To be so open and let your guard down like that? To trust someone that much? Wipes sweat from brow. Humans being able to do this with trolls they're even a little comfortable with is absolutely flabbergasting to most trolls.
Okay there's sleeping when someone is nearby...then there's sleeping WITH someone. No not like that ya nasties. Sleeping with someone, in their recuperacoon, it's a vulnerability thing again woo boy. It's the HIGHEST form of trust a troll could show their partner! The significance of this can really go over a human's head, they truly don't understand the gravity of trust at play here.
Here's something not sleep related. Scent marking. This one is more subtle than just. A partner wearing their sign or typing the way their typing quirk is. This one is when a troll leaves something, take a shirt or their socks or something, at their partners hive. It leaves a bit of them, their scent, there and it's meant for their partners + any other trolls that are over know. Humans tend to also seek their partner's scent/how they smell (think stealing your partners clothes), it's another thing that means more deeply than they originally think about.
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enbye · 9 days
It's apparently 2014 again because I just made Dan and Phil as Homestuck Trolls. I don't know what possessed me to do this in the year of our lord 2024 but I don't think any of ya'll are in a position to judge me
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Muse of Heart, Derse, Sign: GEMO
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Lord of Time, Prospit, Sign: AQUIUS
I am in no way a classpect expert. I'm going based off what I've read and my Homestuck knowledge. I didn't get the classpect DLC when I got the homestuck autism- I got the Alternian Culture special interest instead. In any case, here's my best crack at it:
Derse dreamer- skeptical, rebellious, self-aware, “But as so much of their identity is built on control, they will do their utmost to hide any insecurities, often with false humility or self-deprecating humor.” 
Aspect: My first instinct was Time, but in order to be a Time player you have to have the ability to “go with the flow” just a bit. Not overthink things. They’re very action oriented, yes, but Time players should be able to rely on their instinct a bit. Even though the aspects are sometimes what the player would struggle the most with, I just can’t see Dan getting a good grip on Time at all. He’d have way too many existential crises, and he’d overthink things way too much. Also, Dan’s “ultimate self” is more about accepting himself, loving himself. Learning to appreciate where he is at the moment, rather than learning to take action without overthinking.
For that reason, I went with the HEART aspect. 
Class: I was tempted to go with Page for the whole “slowly start, but when they finally achieve it’s probably the most powerful class” but I don’t think the end result quite matches. I don’t think Dan’s ultimate self is about *using* his aspect. I think it’s about understanding and inspiring. For that reason I was tempted to go with either Mage or Muse. I know Muse is pretty much a “female only class” Or, at least, the paradox space tends to label it as such, but Sister Daniel does seem to be a big part of Dan’s journey to understanding and inspiring with his aspect so I went with Muse, cause fuck it.
For their blood colors I just went with what their zodiac sign was bc I didn’t feel like getting too wet and wild with the hemospectrum stuff so he’s a gold blood. 
Prospit: Optimistic, reactive, intuitive. “They solve problems with creativity rather than cold logic” “When making decisions Prospit Dreamers tend to rely on gut instinct and whatever emotions they are experiencing at the moment.” “They have trouble thinking things through, and their feelings toward specific situations and decisions can change from day to day.” Idk it just fits
Aspect was a bit tricky. For a second there I thought Hope, but I didn’t think the “black and white” thinking fit very well. I was very tempted to go with Blood, but ultimately decided to go with Breath instead. I think the “”flaws”” for Breath fit better than the “”flaws”” for blood. Phil is, surprising for nobody but him, a great leader and inspirational, charismatic. He leaves Huge impacts in people’s lives without even realizing it. Without even considering it a possibility, even. Not became he’s insecure, but because that’s not his intention. Phil’s ultimate self is about the bonds he makes, which is why I was so tempted to go with Blood, but it’s also about finding a place that he is happy in, and about doing what he loves. The ultimate goal for Phil’s ultimate self is about enjoying the journey and motivating himself to be looking ahead, straight forward, and taking the actions to get there. 
Class was really hard to choose, I ended up going with Lord. I think Phil’s power for inspiration and adaptability is best utilized when he’s dominating a space he’s in. When he’s using his talents on purpose to achieve his goals. I think *that’s* what his ultimate self is really about. Using his gift for charisma, inspiration, motivation, and adaptability to achieve his goals in a very intentional way. 
Again, went with their actual zodiac, so violet blood.
lmk what ya'll think. Hopefully my explanations made sense? I spent WAY too long on this so I'm gonna go eat now
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mcbeetlebeeb · 1 year
OOOOkaay time to dump homestuck garbage on here cause although only my friends look at my barely active page, I can't ever garble my stupid gobbles out to my friends in actual person so here I am
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anyways have some? domestic?? relationship? crap? headcannons 🤷
🫐John Eg fart bert☁️
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typw of mfker to be out in public and just rest his head on your shoulder, causally getting groceries? in supermarket? head on shoulder. making fuckin pancake? head on shoulder. literally standing doing nothing? head on shoulder
even if he's shorter, he will do it,
don't doubt him
I think he'd have god awful pick up lines but not, like, offensive or crude, just plain stupif bad- some garbage like
"I'd bring you too the movies but they don't let you bring your own snacks :("
like sneaky almost, some would genuinely be so thought out it'd just smear right over your smooth brain
fuckin- breath pick up lines, always-
"I hope you know CPR! you just took my breath away!"
whata fuckin dork
but he takes pride in that and if your interested in him you automatically become a dork yourself
you can't not get looped in with his garbage movie taste and stupid shenanigans
silly pranks with him
he'd pull pranks on you, matter fact if your his partner he'd probably pull pranks on you the most
genuinely sucha simp-
not clingy simp or overbearing simp just, yknow, can't help but go on and on about his significant other if ever brought up in a situation, probably brings them up just to do that
I think hed show physical affection in soft, gentle ways? nervous.™
like im talking hesitantly moving to hold your hand, or doing that stupid move of yawning and placing your arm around the other person and bringing then closer
holding you by the sides of your arms, gently trailing down to hold your hands
so soft for you, an even bigger dork when its just yall, absolute bafoon, a fool for you I'd even say
he 100000% babbles about you to his friends, and your friends, and you- lmao, his whole friend group will and can not escape his wrath of adoring you
absolutely talking Jade and Rose's ear off about you cause Dave can't take another moment of it-
will tell you how amazing and cute and this and that you are
no hesitation
I think hed be more than comfortable with pda, holding hands?
face smooches?
picking you up like a damn bag of flour over his shoulder?
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🪅Gamzee Makara🧫 (gamgee maraca)
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gonna be honest with you? probably a bit stinky
and not in like a swamp ass way like, he just distinctly smells like face paint and whatever who's guess at sopor slime smells like if it even has a smell-
mfker looms over you
he doesn't get like half of the words you say into his brain a lot of the time unless you specify its importance
he's trying his best
but regardless of not actually listening to your words, he loves listening to you talk, just speaking, he could stare at your face all day
like- in an unblinking manner but still lovingly
speaking of your face, that's what he'd mostly end up hugging, he's already hunched over a shit load so when he hugs you he just hugs your whole dome to his chest
probably garbles some silliness to you in a drunk/high like state, just holding you impossibly close to him and mumbling some junk like
"YoU..yOu GoT a NiCe..A nIcE fAcE..aNdD..sMeLl GoOd,,..WaRm"
I like to think the higher up on the hemospectrum(?) idk that trolls gradually get like more cold-blooded? if that makes sense?
okay like the higher it goes up the more the troll has a tough time gaining and keeping warm
he'd love warm stuff, like some big cat he'd just flop on it and purr away
you get clown makeup on your face each time he gives you a smooch, I don't make the rules
honestly would sniff you, and like, not subtly like straight "SNIIIFFFF"
can seamlessly re-create the actually honk squeek sound, but yknow, saying honk is much easier
and god forbid he finds you sitting or relaxing
all up in your biz, not like, verbally but he's already waddled over and rested his head on your lap or wrapping his arms around your waist and tugging you closer
I think hed be really mushy gushy over physical affection, not like embarrassed but he just enjoys it greatly and will do anything for you to play with his hair more
tbh a bit scary ngl, like, has that uh, union effect from Steven Universe, just sorta appears sometimes, there, observing,
he'd try and get you to eat sopor slime, he wouldnt force you but he'd definitely like, lean in with a tin of it and try and convince you, but he's not shoving it down ur gullet
probably great at taking snuggle naps, like he could most likely just drape all his limbs over you like some limp cat and just peacefully snooze away
also that whole shit of trolls having nightmares if not all snuggled up in sopor slime?
I love to believe it's canceled out by another person snuggling with them,
and that person is you of course,
you can't leave his presence without like a visable mark somewhere on you that you where around him
wether that be clown make up or sopor slime smeared somewhere on you
or you wearing his shirt, or his incredibly long pants
he's also a dork
I think hed enjoy how squishy humans are in general
he'd hold and love every part of you with a lopsided smile
hugging his arms around your hips as he leaves sloppy kisses against your tummy, smudging clown makeup on you
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aahugh sleepiness is kicking in but I don't care I must persist because I'm. GAY.
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Dave Strider (who names their child this)
breaking news! he's also a major dork
but in secret?
and an even bigger dork when its just yall
type of mfker to just pour his heart out to you in a way that makes you blank in the brain and then go "haha sorry that was weird" or "my bad that was probably cringe"
so unbelievably soft for you behind door, cannot do pda- for the life of him-
"hey, uh I made us a playli-" "YES."
listening to music with you at any given chance, likes sharing music genres and songs
if you dont make mention of him not smiling or laughing often around others he'll just let himself slip like that yknow?
like he'll giggle and laugh at more things, stupid, silly things,
comfortable with you to say the least
like mentioned above- if you got the chance to snuggle up close to him he'd drape his silly cape over yall both,
mostly you but 🤷
probably had a god damn coronary trying to figure his feelings out
talking with Rose or John like
"I dunno the fucks wrong with me, my heart hurts and my gut feels likes its in knots like im gonna barf?- "
"you like them dave‐ you like _____."
stammering and studdering round you like he has a speech impediment, has words in his head but just cannot execute them at all-
not with you around
it legit don't matter to him, he will call you bro, dawg, dude, homie, homeslice? home dawg?
probably would use these in an endearing way tho, just "dude?...bro?" in a loving way
"you have a smoochable face dude"
"fuck you-"
very hesitant on touching, not that he minds, he just will mentally perish if he ever made you feel weird
he'd definitely be the mfker to when cuddling with him to just to nestle and nuzzle the top of his head into the crook of your neck
mentioning cuddling- like whilst asleep, he'll still have a part of him touching you, wether it's his foot against your calf or his entire leg draped over you
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palestporn · 11 months
Gamzee: Why did he grubnap you anyway
Shit, you've been asking yourself that as long as you've been here.
What you remember of the night you got brought, the Sufferer Redeemed asked you not a whole motherfucking lot worth remembering. Some shit as easy as chatting on the street, about your lusus and your hive, your name and your hatchsign. Some shit more confusing, about dreams, and what a troll is and who they are, and what you thought about the hemospectrum, and about souls and spirits and ghosts.
You recall answering best you could, but you'd been eight sweeps and growing and hungry and more interested in the food he had out than in how he looked at you. Shit's been rough the colder your blood goes since the empress fell long the fuck ago, and you only remember one thing standing out at you--how you saw his fine food and his rings in gold and candy red and his crown that he stole and he took it from you, WHAT YOU SHOULD BE BY BLOOD AND HATCHRIGHT--
He'd been looking past you, when you pulled your stare away to look up at him, and for a second he'd been froze and still, showing teeth and wide, red eyes. Not at you, but somewhere past you in the dark. And then he'd taken name and sign and hive from you, and stowed you away like a wriggler sneaking a treat in their pocket.
You would've heard the door open if some motherfucker came in behind you while you talked, you know you would have. So it's been a real hell of a mystery all the sweeps you've been here, what he was looking at.
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Downright motherfucking mysterious.
You were just about chill with it, for a while there. You got chill about a lot of stuff. And then a couple perigees ago the head conciliatrix caught you in your sopor and cut you off cold, and a lot of shit you were cool with has started niggling and biting at you again.
It's enough to send a motherfucker out of his damn thinkpan, just sitting in the conciliatrium and thinking and THINKING on shit. So when you saw everybody move and hustle around one of the reading blocks, like they only do when the emperor's up late, you only needed the ghost of a push from one half-whispered thought to send you up on your feet and moving.
You weren't called for, and you know it--you'll figure that out once you get inside. But first, there's a big, mean-looking motherfucker at the door, shorter than you but a whole lot wider. So it seems like you gotta use whatever dim spark of thinkpan you've got and figure a way to get this motherfucker to let you in.
Gamzee: Intrude
==> Play soft and harmless. Time to try what you've learned. ==> Play proud and pushy. Nobody denies the emperor's palemates. ==> Tell the truth. There's no law you can't come talk to your emperor. ==> he's sle⁇py an※ slow tæΨ£ his t⸘roat out
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sunnetrolls · 3 months
Guys I Wanna Use More (w/ ways to plot with them!)
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She's one of my sea slug trolls, the Sagosa line!! As such her 'hair' is actually fleshy cerata like a sea slug. She's very peppy and upbeat and currently works at Vapore's smoothie bar as a waitress. It's an outdoor location by the beach and she's usually on rollerskates.
It's the best place to find her!! While you're there, if it's slow, you might be able to chat with her. It's polite not to flirt while she's working though--unless you're a hot butch lesbian, then she doesn't mind. Not at all
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Based loosely on the unkillable giant crocodile SCP as well as capybaras, Lesath has worked for the Fleet ever since they yoinked him as a kid and he's just resigned to it now. He's got an uncanny knack for not dying--he's not immortal or anything, just really hard to kill.
As such, he's usually assigned to dangerous tasks like guarding scary prisoners or anything with too much accident hazard for a normal guy to take the job. Right now he spends a lot of his time with Commander Mantle, working with Fleet employed psions, but it's always possible that he gets reassigned for a time to work with other officers/ships.
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This country dogboy is a shepherd and livestock guardian guy. He doesn't really have much going on besides living out in the country and caring for his flock, but he could always use some company that's not a sheep...
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Orci is a pretty straightforward guy. He's a heirkiller, he kills fuchsia heirs that don't align with his rebel group's radical rebellious ideology. He's in incredible need of someone who can get him to loosen up and enjoy life outside of his work every once in a while. Or we can write toxic yaoi. The possibilities are endless
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Oh Xylova... This guy needs a total rehaul after his previous plots fell through. He's based on Xylitol Nova Cookie from Cookie Run Ovenbreak. He's part of a population of trolls that crash landed on a strange alien planet millennia ago at the dawn of Alternian space expansion and were never rescued. Now, they have a whole civilization that has somehow managed to avoid direct colonial reconnection with their homeworld.
Unlike Alternians, trolls of all blood colors from this planet have gills to filter out toxic heavy metal fumes from the air and require a mineral-rich diet since their planet is almost entirely metal. Additionally, there's not much of a hemospectrum system, since really only red - pink - purple - blue colors exist and the way their civilization started wasn't exactly conducive to systematic hierarchy--if they didn't all work together they probably would have all died lol.
Plotting with him would require a large undertaking in me basically remaking his entire planet, but you could have a guy on it too if you want!
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Lastly, on the topic of aliens-- not exactly a troll, Erraizi is one of my OTHER aliens!! They live on the planet Adehiiri. It was invaded by Alternia a few decades ago, but there's very minimal colonial presence due to how challenging it is to actually build on the planet's surface. Adehiiri is characterized by very strong magnetic fields that generate giant, miles-deep cavern systems where in some places the surface is only a few feet deep. The arran'roa, the native sapient species, can manipulate these magnetic fields to float through the air in the caverns. Adehiiri does have a space port though and it IS possible to live there as a troll, provided you have a way to get around!
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birchbow · 10 months
I've been doing a reread of PoF (I felt the call of the Clown Church. Or Heard the Honks of it.) And I have a question I'm curious about (and tried to search for but ~the search function is broken~, so feel free to ignore this) which is: it's mentioned that Karkat gets chucklevoodoos thrown at him a couple times, but it seems to affect him less and less and even the first time he got hit with them he seemed to bounce back fast. Is he somewhat immune to them (whether naturally or through exposure) or does he just stubbornly brute force his way through them? (which he was accidentally doing with his pupation? Lmao. I caught that he was apparently having symptoms of that for months this reread and almost lost my mind. No wonder he just started turning to goo.)
Also I am curious if anyone will ever realize just how many things Gamzee has just, uh, wound up and set into motion; he was the first person to encourage the Schoolfeeder Vantas rumors/perception, he talked to Rishet about Uderak, he set Bastil on Halore. I think it's hilarious and hope he never stops to be honest. (Also Kurloz later encouraging the rumors too because he thinks it'll piss Karkat off. Brother his Ancestor was a preacher, what did you expect?)
Anyways I just wanted to let you know that I love the fic and also The Church and all the Clowns in it. Sorry if this was super rambley.
RE: Karkat, it's six of one and half a dozen of the other! I tend to write seadwellers with very high psionic resistance, and I like to headcanon Karkat as basically the mutant who closes the hemospectrum into a loop. He's hot-blooded and physical small as a lowblood--especially because he grows as slowly as a seadweller. He's got no psionics of his own, like a seadweller, but also is as resistant as they are. He's also just. An incredibly stubborn, determined, angry little dude, and he WILL push through things via brute force especially once he's gotten some experience with them and they can't take him by surprise anymore.
RE: puppetmaster Gamzee, it's a happy accident of him being my main POV character, but I do find it incredibly funny. :D In a world of court intrigue and schemes, the guy who makes friends with people and wanders around asking questions sets a whole lot of shit in motion largely by accident! Not that he thinks he has pretty much any influence or authority. How could he?? He's just a wacky li'l guy! UoU
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crustaceanchauffeur · 3 months
What is good my mutie crew!? it's your number one old planetary post ban from the Warren coming at you live!
This wipe we're talking BLOOD- The definin' trait of the offcaste, your blood's weird, wet, wacky, and WILD! Be it unrecognizable like our's truly Kankrizzle the Suffering Signless, blurring the hemospectrum like y'all sicknasty cuspies, or switching teams involun T-A-R-L to the Y style like yall funkilicious chromatic transition fellas out there.
So! Blood! You got it in your noodles! You paint it in your doodles! Get a lil freaky you can bake it in your strudels! We all know the 'leven on the spectrum but what about this off-caste biz? What funky hues in your shoes? Now lets get this flow started by covering them SICK base Sics.
The Leven ! You know em, you love em, statistically speakin you probably are one! Its no news to hues that burg through feu...rg.. fuchsieurg... Yeah. We got Burgundy, Bronze, Gold, Ollie, Jade, Teal, Cerulean, Cobalt, Purple, Violet, and the biggie Fuchsieurg. Nothin too inchwrestling in there, unless youve been livin deeper under a rock than even ol me. Naw- What gets you wakin' up are the Cuspies.
Is it hard to tell if you're green or blue? You look one caste in one light and another in another? You got traits of two neighboring castes? You migh' be a Cusp! Now bein' a cusp makes you just as illegal as any offcaste- you just have an easier time blending yourself right on in when y' bloods getten up all close n personal with two a the big eleven.
A good friend of mine- big goldie- real weird blood, real charmer- Now they has a theory goin' up n on that the hemospectrudle is straight up pseudoscience- a real artificial constraint keepin us down- an they think cusps are the numero uno proof. They gave me a counter argument though- real nitpicker, they- that maybe if the hemospectrum is the baseline natural order of thing an thangs and yall cuspies out there are how our spectacular spectrum bleeds together! Give that theory nuff time and hypothetically, the hemospectrum falls either way. Grub for thought I say, that that big oll order falls apart even when let live long and lone.
Some o' th weirder hemo schemos tcha girls beheldos come from what i've been told are called 'chimera,' or eggsplice for th rest o us. The eye to the dios mio es that when all yall of us are all up in big momma G, sometimes we eggy fellas get all mashed up into eachother, an some freaky stuff can hap to the gubabies. Most o the toast one o yalls prelarvas hot lava gets straight up consumed by the other. Not in a blood and food noodles way, but in a needlecritter way, slurpin' up all that good M the Grub Juise an remelting they egg pardner.
This ain' all th time though, sometimes them goopy lil gups get all globby and glue them gushers all gup and gover themgelves, getting gall gestalt and ghiit. This makes one grubtastic eggy with one itty bitty bippy in there with th amino springs o two. Two coexistin' sets jus all up in there harmonious and livin'. This makes some real strange blood and bod combos, on one prong yall can be real up there with the extra huskbits, Arms +1, +2, +3, eyes 100, thats what i call a netcritter-troll. On that otha prong yalls can be straight up indistinguishable from a typicolor grayguy. All depends how creative Momma G got mixing them gups. Supes easy be mistaken for cusphood, muddy blood hues, and blurs.
If your blood looks jus a tad diffrent depining on the limb it calls hive, might be that your crafting recipes a liiitle more diverse than you expect. Not even too many items got a good splanation for you there. And don't think you on-ies are free from splicehood, same caste chimera are a lit bit rarer an a lotta botta stealthier. Chimerahood don't just happen in duos either i hear from the big blue boy, this battle bus can be droppin' with player counts upwards of a whole clutch!
Somethin' thats right up there wit it, the nearhue of the caste mixing filial thicket is those hues that slide from one to two! Thats right yall, changing colors aint just for the ambitious goldies, mad scientists, and dyschromic! Sometimes that sweet slimey bod gets all gunkled up in the sack an apostrophe 'tivates too many acts and yall's amino springs get bouncin' out with a few too many hues! That big ol goldie i mentioned? Yeah his sizzlin sign assigned at pupation? Sagrist. When my man was pupa pan he had two horns straight like spears yet when he got just a lil past when he dodged that big ol fishies order to the borders, they crown was a straight four prong. Mothergrub's orb his prongs split and to this day like a goldie in gray my ashblood bud got a crown like an archecutioner pailed the helmsman. In all my ways an all my days for some U Enty K own reason, blue->au do be real common hue by comparizzle to the average drizzle- I seen three- Achievement get! Not countin' those with some lineated blood apostrophe lations that is.
Now tchagrillmaster turned that raw dogg right over and that underside real crispy flesh-carapace-o-tha-point fell right on down t' the smoulderin' smoulderclumps clumped down in the flames, an my pans slipped like y' ancient ancestor down a flight a terraced platform risers. In other words, topic do be switchmaxxing.
Now back round to big graygreen goldie, now I happen to know this tall dark and hornsome fella- real big troll- COVERED in horns all up like a grub got they candied maize picked pre pupate style cranked up a few times. Now when I met this bristly endertroll he wasn' pickin up cubes an zorpin, he was gettin' my good dehornin' friend to zaw right through one o' those big boney boys 'been blockin' his beautiful bulbs, an this cut was a deep cut- hornbeds byebye- blood 'n all an' yall never guess what color a paint this fellas had in his cellas.
Pitch at first second and third sight- cause that blood ain't changin'- color of hate so pure and true, straight up gravity-black oilstyle six ways from nubsday. Straight up color of the tyrant himself! Checked it out and 'was truly id to the cull. Splains the spikes now, dont it?
Now from the stealthy cuspie to the pitch black bloodbrother, Yall know some a the wonderful ways our hues do play.
The overdue yellow-green hue: Oftcas out.
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unidentifiedfroggy · 2 years
this is not a new subject but it's one am and i have no better place to put my scattered thoughts on the topic. this is definitely something ive seen mentioned before but i think it's something worth repeating and fairly crucial to understanding the beta trolls and alternia as a whole, which is that alternia, as a society, ostracised and punished all of the troll cast we encounter. working solely off the text of homestuck we can't reliably extrapolate to how the "average" troll might be treated (hiveswap is a different beast), but i think it's valuable to realise that none of the beta trolls were in a healthy environment and all of them were victimised to some extent and punished simply for existing, simply as a mechanism of how their society worked. even equius, gamzee, eridan and feferi, who are at the very top of the social hierarchy and are generally subjected to much better treatment especially than the lowbloods, are still victimised and treated badly by alternia as a system and as a society, if to a lesser extent.
equius is explicitly stated to be "a freak", and is repeatedly referred to as off-putting by the narrative and other characters, and though he clings to the hemospectrum as a really shitty coping mechanism, to me it's a fairly reasonable reading that a coping mechanism is all it is. part of his development, if he ever actually got it, would likely involve letting go of his privilege as a means to make up for his personhood, and coming to terms with the realities of alternia as a systematically harmful society to him and the people he cares about.
eridan, too, clings to the hemospectrum to make up for the fucked up stuff in his life. he's a shitty guy, but he's also growing up alone on murder planet, and is expected to murder other kids' parents so his best friend's mom doesn't exterminate society. his genocidal tendencies are pretty clearly stated, i feel, to be hollow, and i imagine he would have similar elements in a storyline to equius. eridan's position as orphaner inherently ostracizes him, and we see that although he is absolutely privileged compared to the other trolls which should not be forgotten, he is still in a position to be victimised and punished by alternia for his deficiencies.
gamzee is a bit of a joke character before murderstuck, but we get repeatedly informed that he is actively nonconforming to society's expectations of the aristocracy, with a negligent parent. he is the model of what the aristocracy is not, a definite other on alternia, as exposited by equius a bunch, which makes it kind of ironic that when he snaps we see him exert his violence primarily through exploiting the existing class structures that permeates the trolls' relationships with one another. but, once again, gamzee is an isolated kid, and i think his active displacement from the traditional hierarchy and suffering at the mechanisms of alternia is a reasonable angle to understand his character.
going to wrap this up soon bc i need to go the fuck to sleep and this is way longer than i expected it to be, but even the highest of the high, feferi, is a relative outcast from alternia. something about her arc here sorry im tired.
my point is not to ramble about highbloods bc frankly i am a lowblood enjoyer but i do think it's worth acknowledging and understanding how all of the beta trolls were othered by alternia, even those who conformed the most to its systems, and what it says about alternia as a society and the beta trolls as characters
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mossolantern · 1 year
lyrics under the cut
(typed without quirks for better readability)
  Red Text - The Signless
Green Text - The Disciple
Yellow Text - The Psiioniic
Mixed Color Text - Multiple People
  [Spoken Prelude] (can be skipped, added on to, or changed however you see fit. I’m not a writer, after all! So if you can make it make sense, power to you!!! Just have fun with the whole thing!)
  We need to make our way into the culltillion, every important highblood is going to be there!
All we have to do is get them to hear us out.
However… we can’t do that if we stick out like sore prongs so… we need to look like highbloods.
  *Gasp* We’re gonna need disguises? Oh, I just love wearing disguises~!
  You two can’t be serious right now, do you have a death wish? “Every important highblood” includes )(er.
 We’re as good as cullbait if we get in there, disguises or not.
  Look, Psii, I know it’s risky, but if we manage to pull this off, we could finally start to make a real change to society!
[The Actual Song Part]
We’re taught that lowbloods are the hemospectrum’s bottom-rung 
We’re told that highbloods are the brutes you’d hate to be among
They smell like fishes! (They’re vicious!) you bet they’d get me hung!
Meet any one of them, the thing to do is run away!
But although, I know we’re all a bunch of different castes,
Take away the fins and hues, and then you’d see we match!
So let’s put aside our differences, ‘cause what we need’s a win, oh-oh-oh!
Now we’re making brand-new pages in the history books,
Just because we're undercover doesn't mean we're crooks!
When we walk into the crowd and give our brand-new looks a spin,
We're gonna fit right in!
This is- Just, no. (We’re gonna fit right in!)
it’s never gonna work.
We know damn well The Empress is a ruthless maniac,
With horns like razors, and eyes with lasers, 
and fleets to bat (you have eye lasers too!)
She’ll cull us three and then display us on her trophy rack!
So what I'm saying is that this is a really bad plan.
  Look, I know we're risking everything to make our mark,
But just look at us, we’re brave and strong, and we’ve got Heart!
Plus, we’re closer to a real change than we’ve ever, ever been! woah-oh-oh!
So let’s take a leap of faith ‘cause I believe in us,
It’s still worth a try in spite of any repercuss 
‘Cause we’re running out of options and we’re desperate to begin,
We’re gonna fit right in!
 Fine, If you say so;
  We’re gonna fit right in!
  I know we will, now first things first;
  First we’re putting on our disguise, (Hide!)
Then here’s how we’re sneaking inside. (Right!)
At first we’re gonna act the part, (Part?)
Then we’re gonna open their hearts. (Oh, god-) (Shoosh!)
This is how we make social change, (Change!)
Woah, have their outlooks be rearranged! (Yay!)
Now we’re heading toward our goal, (Woah!)
We’ll give ‘em one hell of a show!
  Oh, A purple-hued sign could make any troll hide,
It’s a showcase of their high-place It’s the source of their pride!
Every troll who’s been born has worn a sign that’s unique,
So we’ll make them up as we speak, 
We’ll be looking très magnifique!
We’ll fake a cool-hued illusion to form a stealthy intrusion,
It’s not the perfect solution, but the world’s not big on inclusion.
If we get these guys on our side,
We’ll reap the reward, the empress gets floored,
We’ll strike a new chord, then peace is restored!
We know that Alternia can have a heart,
So if we can help to find it, we should play our part!
 If we fail, we’re getting murdered!
 But if not, we’ll start to grin, so let’s begin!
We’re Gonna fit right in!
We’re Gonna fit right in!
We’re Gonna fit right in!(We’re gonna fit right in!)
  This is where our change will jumpstart,
  Encourage ‘em all to play their part,
  We’ve been waiting for this so long!
  This is how we ‘highbloods’ will- end this song!
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davekat-sucks · 1 year
Slides in
You and Sylphistry forget that Eridan is also trying to escape the fate that his ancestor had, he gave away the crosshairs, (Which are probably a juju or operate on very similar rules!) and he even throws his cape off during his 'duel' with Sollux.
Given the whole ancestor worship theme in alternia, Eridan is either, not as into it as Vriska, which is weird given highbloods are implied to be REALLY into it. Or he is having what basically amounts to a crisis of faith. Eridan is said to canonically base his persona around historical figures and conquerors so dulascar might be one of those.
Probably should have actually sent that to them but I already typed this up in the askbox lmao and I only want to UM ACTUALLY once
Even though I am basically saying 'it's even worse.'
I do definitely believe it is Eridan going through a crisis of faith. Identity crisis as well if it had been further developed in since this is the same Eridan that has happy and content with being on top of the hemospectrum and still believed he and Feferi were this because of their blood. Even when they were gonna be killed by Jack Noir of all things. He still had this mindset he and sea dweller kind were above everyone else. It sucks they never explored with Eridan or other characters now that Alternia is gone, such systems like hemospectrum or old customs like quadrants or Perigee's Eve, should be tossed out. But they still hold onto it because that's all they ever known and were raised in. If they had claimed Earth as their reward like planned, would they repeat everything to make Earth Alternia 2? Or would it become something like Beforus, where even Feferi's coddling method had its own problems that lead to the Pre-Scratch Trolls to create a Scratch to make the trolls we known and love? Even now from things like Epilogues and Homestuck^2, you got things like only Jadebloods can help the Mother Grubs and the caverns. There is no other human or different blood color. Some rules of it are still implied to be there and no one can escape/change it. Some could take that Eridan trying to defy his fate and dying in the process, was Paradox Space's example that trying to be someone else is bad and you will be punished for it. Dream Bubbles would further introduce this, but Eridan Ampora is the prime example punishment from Paradox Space that if someone tries to be something else, it is wrong and will die because of it. Though it just happens that Eridan's actions would be one of the few events that NEEDED to happen to get others like Karkat, Kanaya, and Terezi to move forward in the timeline. Other Eridans that change to become a good person or reach Godtier, all die with the other trolls. Maybe their actions do not indirectly effect others like Eridan committing said wwand shooting and they still get punished for being better or something greater. It's all fucked up whichever way you look at it and I just feel so sorry for this stinky, stupid, pitiful fish.
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alterniatifu · 1 year
TIFU by misrepresenting myself online :C
so. SO.
i never really got the hemospectrum. like, i know how it works, and about lifespans and psychic shit and strength and whatever, but you show me some troll's hatchsign and i gotta just give it my best guess, yknow? i know mine's purple and i know whereabouts it goes and i used to figure that's all i needed.
well. WELL.
about a perigee back i tried signing up for one of those quadmatch sites and eventually i hit it off with this gal, pale-wise. she tells me she's bronze, real sweet, real small, and i start making those dumb jokes about "chocolate blood" and eating her cause she cracks up every time. she's kinda out in the sticks, but wants to come up to see me in person, and she picks out some restaurant i never heard of as a place to meet up.
i get there first and grab a table. whole building (whole neighborhood) is kinda torn-up looking and the entire place kinda cleared out after i showed, but whatever, i'm not here for ambiance, and i figure, hey, maybe it'll be nice to have the place to ourselves.
few minutes later, my gal shows up. she just kinda opens the door and stops. looks at me. then at my sign. then at the empty tables. then at me. then at my sign again.
i make the mistake of smiling at her with all my giant fucking teeth and, poor gal, she just fucking BOLTS.
i drag my sorry ass home and cry to my hatefriends, get the usual chorus of "awww, What? That's Such a Bummmer!" "OH, sUHk It UHp" ":o(h, damn. s:o(rry, sister." and then someone goes, "hey, this your profile? your caste is set to olive."
what. WHAT.
when i made my account they didn't list color names, i just got shown some blocks and told to pick one. i'm not a cultist anymore, i don't do facepaint. none of my pics have my hatchsign visible cause i got it on a patch on my sleeve.
so. SO.
this poor girl. THIS. POOR. GIRL.
she came all the way out to the city trying to meet some oliveblood who was sweet on her and found a highblood near thrice her size in an empty restaurant.
i joked about eating her. I. JOKED. ABOUT. EATING. HER.
i'm not blocked yet but i'm pretty sure the second she sees me talking at her that's gonna change. i don't even know how i could explain this whole mess to her anyway.
TL;DR: totally wrecked my chances with a cute bronze gal cause i make stupid jokes and i can't pick my own damn color out of a lineup :C
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death2gromflomites · 3 months
man... maybe i gotta try that on my hair sometime. i know of this species of aliens that bleed different colors, like a hemospectrum or whatever its called. they've got a whole hierarchy thing going on with it so i dont think theyll mind if i kill off a lowblooded one or two of their species. though for higher bloods... woof. that ones gonna be a challenge.
also, no dont even worry about it, i didnt even know that shot before you told me lmao
tho we gotta meet up sometime for sure, ill def help you sneak out so we can go n check out the place i was telling you about ynkow
sounds metal. we should team up to kill these 'higher bloods' or whatever. ive been meaning to try out other colors on my wings.
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rodentgoth · 1 year
.X| "Answer Phone" - Ch.4 |X.
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Once again thank you to my girlie @candy12110 for co-writing/editing with me for the rest of the story!
let's pretend the drones didn't blow up the train, M'kay?
Rating:: 13+ // Teen
Fandom:: Homestuck
Themes/Kinks:: None
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Chixie sat on the floor of the train car, her anxiety rattling her just a bit. She had already been worried because of Zebruh, but seeing a purpleblood on the platform made it skyrocket. Her thinkpan was throbbing just imagining dealing with more highbloods at Jeevik week. Though, she wouldn't let the daunting thoughts ruin this for her. A week-long train ride might be the only time she could actually relax, despite the noise of the crowded car.  The universe was clearly moving things around for her.
 She had even made two new friends on the platform, a bronze blood, Joey, and a burgundy blood, Xefros. They were both nice enough, but what amazed her was when Joey just walked up to Marvus. She quickly turned her head the minute she saw her walk up to him. She expected to hear screaming, the sound of bodyguards or drones rushing in to defend the clown. So it came as a surprise when she heard none of that, but instead heard him talking to them. He seemed to be actually enjoying their company. Even weirder he appeared to be helping them, he didn't even ask for anything in return. Part of her wanted to believe he was doing all this with good intentions, but she was still skeptical. She'd had one too many fake friends, most of whom were highbloods, take everything from her. From her music to her whole persona as an artist, the only reason it hadn’t happened a lot recently was cause of Zebruh, and he was the fakest, horniest, “friend” she’d ever had. It was purely by the grace of Troll Jesus that he was such a simp she could just flatter him and get out of anything physical. Though she knew that won’t work forever, and that only added to her nervousness. 
She needed this protest to go well, she wanted…no- needed people to recognize her for who she was and not just the indigo who promotes her. And if she dies, then fuck it, at least she went out speaking her truth. She’d honestly rather get culled than have to spend another second with Zebruh. She was broken out of her anxious thoughts by the sound of her palmhusk going off. She checked her notifications to see messages from her favorite burgundy blood friend…and Zebruh. She stalled for a few seconds to decide whose message to answer first before. She chose to check Zebruh’s first to keep him from ruining whatever good mood Red would put her in::
THECODAKKEFFECT:: Hey do you want me to bring you to the indigo car? I know the lowblood cars can be pretty crowded! You can sit on my lap and stay in my room if you want!❤️
Chixie grimaced at the thought of having to have any more physical contact with him.She swiftly texted back::
Chixie:: No thanks. I found a seat so I'm fine!
She tried to be as calm and direct as she could, it was already taking all her strength not to completely go off at him. She was so tired of talking to him, she really thought he was done for the week. She assumed that with all the purple bloods and other blue bloods around he wouldn't have the energy to bother her but of course, she was wrong. He's still just as horny as ever and behaving like an absolute oinkbeast.
She heard the device ping again, but she didn’t bother to read it. She already knew he would just whine and beg until she caved in. She finally turned her attention to the message of Red::
R3dSplatter:: I’m on the train now! I’m helping out my matesprit in the teal and jade blood car. 
She cocked her head at the device. A burgundy with a midblood matesprit? 
Now, Chixie didn’t care or pay much attention to the hemospectrum when it came to quadrants, but that sounded highly unlikely, bordering on unbelievable. Jades never left the caverns and Teals never got into any relationships that didn't benefit them. Unless this relationship with Red's matesprit was of the Zebruh variety where they're being completely taken advantage of, it felt impossible.
Chixie:: Oh you have a matesprit…Are they nice to you?  R3dSplatter:: Of course, they're nice to me! They're my matesprit. Chixie:: No, I know. I just wanted to be sure. I'm also in contact with someone of a higher blood caste and they're not that great.   R3dSplatt3r:: Are they your matesprit?  Chixie:: Absolutely not! R3dSplatter:: Then why do you talk to them? Chixie:: I only stay near cause, right now, he’s my ONLY means of making ends meet. He's the only thing keeping me from losing all my gigs at this point. And he's a critic so he could ruin my whole career, if he wanted. But besides that, he's a skeevy creep that hits on every lowblood troll he ever meets. R3dSplatter:: Sounds like a real pain in the ass. You must really hate him. Chixie:: I do, Highbloods aren't all that great to be around for trolls like us. Sorry if I was being insensitive about your matesprit but I've seen what happens when a lowblood is in a relationship with a highblood. It's not pretty. R3dSplatter:: Don’t worry, I’ve seen it too. I can promise you they’re the sweetest I’ve ever met. But if I had to deal with someone like that, I’d be cautious too. Chixie:: That’s why I need this performance to go well, if everything works out at Jeevik Week, maybe I can finally move on from him! R3dSplatter:: I wish you the best, You deserve only greatness.
The bronzeblood felt her face grow warm at that comment, but something still didn’t feel right about all this. A voice in her thinkpan kept telling her something was off about Red but she just couldn't figure out what it was. She didn't hate or distrust them, in fact, they were the nicest troll she'd ever met. It didn't feel like they were only being nice because they wanted something from her but she kept doubting what they told her. It just felt like someone that was either really naive or hadn't experienced the terror of Alternia yet. And knowing what she knew there was no way someone of an even lower blood caste than her could be protected from the horrors of this planet for long. Even newborn grubs didn't get that privilege, let alone someone around her age. 
Chixie tried to not think about it anymore. Red had been the most supportive friend she'd made and they weren't looking to hurt or pail her. Why ruin such a pure relationship with hypothetical and vague doubts? 
Chixie:: Thank you! How about we meet up later? I'd be happy to meet your matesprit as well!
She closed the messages and put her palm husk away. No more interruptions and no more stress. A week of no Zebruh and no stress. Just her, the fifty other trolls in the car, and her thoughts.
Chixie's body was going to ache for weeks. The train had sped up out of nowhere, forcing her to hold on to the chair leg for dear life as a pile of bodies lined the back of the car. Miraculously, she was alive despite the violent speed of the train. If she were any weaker she would've splattered like a wriggler on the cavern floors, luckily, she only got whiplash. Unfortunately, she had no lodgings for the now week-long stay until Jeevik week started. Even worse, Zebruh survived and asked if she would like to share a hivetel room with him. She whipped out her palmhusk faster than Troll Usain Bolt to ask Cridea about accommodations. Cridea answered her, there was potential free lodging for performers. She, of course, took it in a heartbeat, she would do anything to avoid sharing a room with Zebruh. That reminded her she needed to check on Red, maybe Xefros, and Joey too.
Chixie:: Red are you okay? I hope you didn't get hurt on the train.
Chixie texted but received no answer. She waited a few minutes before she actually got worried.
Chixie:: Red are you good? You're worrying me. Please answer me.
Chixie started to panic, frantically texting her missing friend. Someone bumped into her, breaking her out of it. She took a deep breath and stopped herself. It was entirely possible Red was just busy with their matesprit or even could've lost their palm husk in the struggle. She decided to just keep calm. She had to perform in a week and wasn’t about to stress herself even more. She would take a walk to get her mind off of things.
She wandered around the concert venue and the various dressing rooms. To her surprise, the lowblood dressing rooms were pretty nice, at least compared to other places she performed. Despite being fully furnished, they were very spacious, there was even a food storage unit! Chixie put up her costumes and backup gear before going to look at herself in the vanity mirror. She's been waiting for an opportunity like this for a long time, and it still felt unreal that it was coming to fruition. She looked at herself for a few seconds more before taking a breath and turning with a skip in her step, walking to the door. Because they arrived so early she had time to take in the sites and actually enjoy herself. She opened the door, excited to look around, only to see a cluster of different casted trolls screaming and crowding around something. She was curious as to what was going on, and that’s when she noticed the lopsided horns and clown makeup. It was that Marvus guy again.
The bronzeblood instinctively narrowed her eyes to the exit, doing her best not to glance at him for even a second. Over the many sweeps she'd been alive she'd perfected the art of avoiding being on any highblood's radar. Unfortunately, her only and biggest failure to date was her meeting with Zebruh, that bastard could smell a lowblood from 50 miles away. Hopefully, the purpleblood wasn't as chronically horny for lowbloods as he was, so she could get by without getting sucked into the crowd and moshed to death. She moved along the wall as fast as she could, pushing past anyone in her way, and apologizing profusely while doing so. She jerked back when a hand grabbed her arm, and she spun around to face an excited olive blood.
"Hey! Can you take a picture of me with Marvus real quick?" She asked excitedly. It was more of a demand, but Chixie was too panicked to even care. She froze immediately, desperately wanting to say no, but this fan seemed awfully young and excited, borderline pushy.
"S-s-sure?" Chixie squeaked out. The olive blood squealed and shoved her palmhusk into her hands. She scrambled to grasp it before it could fall and break, potentially bringing her more pain than she was already going through.
Chixie held onto the device as if her life depended on it which, knowing how fierce olives tend to be, it just might. They both made their way to the middle of the clump, where the clown stood. Chixie did her best to avoid looking at him directly but her nerves were already on fire from being so close to so many trolls of a higher caste than her. She couldn't help but notice Marvus's eyes constantly flickering towards her in between sending smiles and waving at his fans. Why did she have to catch the attention of so many damn highbloods, and the day wasn't even over yet. She should've known only bad things would happen the second she left her dressing room and saw the same purple pecs that Zebruh was so obsessed with.
The small olive gasped and gawked as she walked up to him. She started going on about how much she loved him, how she wanted to be as rich and famous as him one day, prolonging the bronze girl’s torture. Luckily, Marvus eventually cut her off and offered to take a picture with her. It was like he had already heard the entire exchange and was just trying to move things along so Chixie could leave faster. If she didn't already know no highblood would be kind enough to care about her comfort, she would cry in thanks to him.
He scooped the olive girl up into his arms, giving his widest smile. It took Chixie a second to fully calm her nerves and take the picture. But, after the flash went off no more than twice Marvus immediately let go of the olive and moved on to the next person, leaving the girl just enthralled enough to take her palmhusk from Chixie without complaint, or a “thank you” for that matter. She immediately dived out of the crowd the second the device left her hand and jetted out of the hall. She didn't stop running until she was outside and could no longer hear the clatter of all of Marvus's fans.
She found herself panting and wheezing for air. She felt like throwing up, just barely managing to keep it in, when she felt a hand pat her on the back.
“Are you okay?”, a familiar voice said to her. She turned her head to see Joey, with Xefros standing behind her, both equally concerned.
“Ye-yeah I’m fine,” She said as she slowly straightened her posture. 
How embarrassing. 
Running into her newest friends only to be caught dry heaving outside.
“Just a bit…nervous.” She fidgeted with her fingers a bit, her nerves still rattling.
"Are you sure? We can go get something to drink to settle your stomach," Joey offered, offering her arm to Chixie in assistance.She wrapped her arm around Joey’s to settle herself.
“No, no! I’m Okay really!” 
"Hmmm- oh! We have some cookies! Maybe eating that will help?" She happily offered. It was becoming clearer to Chixie that Joey wasn’t gonna give up till she was one hundred percent okay. Which she admired deeply, she just really wasn’t used to being treated like this, by…anyone really. She settled on eating a few cookies, she actually hadn’t eaten anything all day. She wasn't expecting to be offered food either so this was a welcome change. She can now say she doesn't completely regret coming outside. Joey looked at the slight smile on Chixie's as she ate the cookie and sent a quick look to Xefros that he exasperatedly nodded to. She put on a gentle grin before looking back at Chixie.
"Hey, do you want to join us? We're looking around cause we've never been here before. We would love for you to tag along,"  Joey said with a friendly smile.
Chixie became extremely flustered. She had been referring to them as her friends in her head but she didn't expect them to actually want to spend time with her. 
Stress-free time spent with people that actually liked her for who she was and not what she could do for them? This was very very new to her, and she loved it. She tripped over her tongue for a bit before shutting her mouth and nodding rapidly.
"I'd love to hang out with you two!" She could see it now. No judgment, no expectations, no getting ordered around or felt up. It would be glorious. 
"Great, let's go!”Joey immediately grabbed her hand and Xefros’s and with a skip in her step, they were off exploring the various vendors and pre-shows.
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hskinhome · 9 months
:33< Hello! Could I get a card reading on my life as Nepeta Leijon? I don't remember much except that I was meowrails with Feferi! Thank mew in advance :33
I’m on it! I’ll use this spread and my Homestuck Kickstarter deck!
First Card: Your past life as a whole
I got the reversed Strength card, which symbolizes abuse of power, domination of material things, discord, and a lack of moral force. In your timeline, someone was taking advantage of you, possibly a close friend or loved one. They may have torn you down and tarnished your reputation, leading to chaos. Your drop in reputation may also have been due to your actions, as you may have struggled to sustain good relationships.
Second Card: Theme of major challenges
I got the upright King of Pentacles, which symbolizes an industrious man, a banker, a landowner, a married man, temperate, reliable, and a scientist or mathematician. This card may point to the traits of the person who took advantage of you, as shown in the previous card, as while they seemed trustworthy and well-off, they did cause trouble for you. Pentacles are associated with wealth and material things, making me think this person may have been higher on the hemospectrum.
Third Card: How you handled them, and their effects on you
I got the reversed Nine of Pentacles, which symbolizes the risk of theft, canceled projects, loss of home and friendships, and the need for caution. Due to everything that happened in the past two cards, you learned the hard way to be careful with whom you connected. Everything you were working on fell through, and you ended up in a bad spot regarding your living situation and relationships.
Fourth Card: Lessons learned during this life
I got the upright Knight of Wands, which symbolizes a friendly young man, intelligent, energetic, hasty, a change of residence, emigration, and departure. You learned how to adapt quickly during your timeline due to the misfortune that befell you. You were constantly on the move, but you kept your wits about you and protected those you could trust.
Fifth Card: The impact or effect on your current life
I got the upright Eight of Wands, which symbolizes swiftness, activity, great hope, great haste, travel, movement in a situation, and love. In your current life, your past movement continues, though most likely in a more metaphorical sense of moving on from one project to another rather than moving houses (though, if that latter meaning is true, that doesn’t exclude it!). Your shipping tendencies also carry on to the present, and you may have more luck with love than the canon Leijons.
I know this reading is more negative, but I hope it helps you nonetheless!
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