#got wide feet w high arches
darth-sonny · 1 year
Did Kirby ever ask Leo about his scars?
And did Leo ever tell him about the events surrounding the Krangs?
He heard the pitter-patter of tiny feet on the floor before he felt a tiny hand tap, tap, taping at his side.
Leo turned his head, looking at the wide eyes of... well, the kid. He tried for a smile, but everything in his body felt sluggish. He hardly ate anything for breakfast today, and getting out of bed for anything was an uphill battle.
The kid (Kirby. He named them Kirby) waved a piece of paper in front of his face, eyes getting wider. Taking the paper, Leo squinted his eyes. It was a brown blob, with jagged black shapes next to it.
"What is it?" he asks, internally wincing at how rough his voice sounds. When's the last time he drank water?
Kirby crossed their arms over their plastron, curling their index fingers into little hooks.
Leo looks back at the drawing, humming. "It needs ears," he said. From the corner of his eye, he saw Kirby look back at the book they had been reading in the corner. He took a guess that it was about bats.
Kirby tried to climb on the bed. Leo let them.
It took a while, the bed being too high up for their little legs. He could help. He wanted to help, but touching the kid still made everything around him scream. It burned, sometimes, whenever the kid touched him, and Leo didn't know when it would end.
He watched them slowly crawl their way towards them, stopping before their legs touched him. They peeked over him, looking at their drawing.
"Bats have ears," he mumbled.
Kirby nodded, their little face srunched up into a serious expression. Normally, Leo would've found that funny, but he just felt too tired.
Two tiny hands were suddenly waved in front of his face, right above his eyes.
The kid traced a question mark in the air.
Slowly, very slowly, Kirby reached over and tapped the massive scar on the right side of his face. Leo never froze so quickly.
The kid curved their hands into arches, pressed their knuckles together, and rolled their hands forward until the arches were upside down.
It was a simple question. Just a small question. Obviously, the kid wanted to know. They weren't normal scars; they were ugly and unnatural, and they brought attention to his face. Something that, had he had been fourteen again, he would've loved it. Now he just hated it.
What does he even say? How does he answer that?
Does he tell them about that day?
About the key?
The almost end-of-the-world?
Does he tell them about Pr-?
He sat up, being careful not to accidently crumple the paper in his hand.
"There was a fight," he mumbles.
His eyes fell onto the kid, and there was something so cathartic about them being so... small. Smaller than him. Their head was the same size as his palm. They barely reached up to his knee. They were so... tiny.
And Leo doesn't know why that brings him so much relief.
The kid curls their hands into fists, crossing them repeatedly.
"A big one," he says.
Kirby crawls closer, and Leo lets them.
They touched their forhead, then brought their hand down to form a 'y'.
"The guys we were fighting were bad guys," he says. It's... getting easier. He looks at the drawing again.
It's so hilariously child-ish, with how messy it was, and the very obvious use of crayons. The kid even tried to write their name in the corner, but it came out as a loopy scribble.
So child-ish.
He watches as the kid tries to absorb that information.
Y-o-u w-o-n-?
Kirby extended both of their index fingers, bringing them together three times in a jabbing motion. Then, they pointed at him.
Hurt you?
"Yes, I got hurt."
They repeated the hurt motion again, only they followed it up by forming two 'y's with their hands in front of their plastrons and bring them down. As a finishing touch, they tapped the right side of their face and pointed at him again.
Leo got the message.
"No. They don't hurt anymore."
Kirby nodded.
Leo's eyes widened as they spelled out a word:
He opened his beak, closed it, and opened it again. He looked at the kid's hands, brow ridges furrowing at the color.
It was just a consequence.
They didn't choose that color.
They didn't choose anything.
Leo chose this for them, and he had the gall to act as if they were at fault.
"A bad guy," he says, finally. "A very, very, very bad guy. They're gone now. They won't hurt you."
Kirby nods again.
Their eyes zero in on their drawing, and soon enough, they made grabby-hands.
Leo gives the paper back. He watches as Kirby stands up, the top of their head still not reaching his knee.
"Ears." Leo holds up one finger and places it on the side of his head. He's not wearing his arm today, so he has to repeat the motion on the other side with one hand.
The kid turns around with a determined expression, and Leo lunges forwards to grab them before they jump off his bed.
Everything is quiet when he holds them.
There's no screaming.
"Don't do that," he chides. "You're too tiny."
This time, a natural smile forms on his face as the kid sticks their tongue out.
He places them on the floor, watching at they scramble back to their corner - it was littered with papers and crayons and an open book that Leo guessed was about bats.
He looks around his room.
It's empty; most of the posters and small toys he had were thrown out. The stack of comics he kept next to him were now in several boxes next to the kid. The glow-in-the-dark stickers were still up, as well as the fairy lights. His clothes were either in a hamper or folded neatly close to his bed.
It wasn't messy, but it was disorginized.
And Leo liked having his room neat and tidy.
He takes one last look at Kirby, who was now excitedly scribbling on some ears to their bat.
Very child-like.
He sighs and gets up from his bed.
Might as well get some cleaning in.
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moni-logues · 2 years
A Fine Line 4
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Pairing: Namjoon x f!reader (ft. Hoseok)
Genre: roommates/enemies-to-lovers, non-idol!au
Word count: 6k
Summary: It’s time to rebuild your life. You’ve got a new job, a new apartment, and a future that might be bright. The only problem? Your new roommate.
Content: alcohol consumption/drunkenness
Beta’d by M @here2bbtstrash
Chapter Three | Masterlist | Chapter Five
4 – A Warning 
It was as if that one argument you’d had with Namjoon had broken a seal. You both moved through the apartment with barely concealed contempt. Now that he was actually giving you a reaction, it spurred you on. You didn’t really know what had come over you. When you’d had your epiphany after meeting Hoseok, you had thought it would clear Namjoon from your head. You had thought you could basically forget about him; sure, you had to live together and that drove you mad but you had sort of expected that to be the end of the plague, the end of his intrusion into your daily thoughts. Not so. At least this was more fun. You could see him straining, desperately biting back whatever words he wanted to say; you could feel the waves of his frustration roll off him as he tried to maintain the high ground. You didn’t care about the high ground anymore; it was far too much fun slumming it. He was so fun to play with. Getting him to actually snap, though, that was another matter. He seemed to possess an inordinate amount of willpower and no matter how petty you were or rude, he wouldn’t give in and give you what you wanted. He wouldn’t react. He was like a man of steel. So, you had to be fire. 
Summer had arrived, suddenly and in full force. Even with the air-con on, you felt hot. Your bedroom window opened to the south and the constant sun made it almost unbearable to be in there. You were lying on the sofa in a crop top and pyjama shorts, reading. Namjoon was sitting across from you in the chair, writing. He was annoying you, actually: muttering to himself, sighing in frustration, scribbling in his notebook, music leaking out of his earbuds, tinny and intrusive. You tried to focus on your book, but it wasn’t really grabbing you and you found yourself constantly distracted by your irritation. You slammed the book down on the coffee table, admitting defeat, and stretched. Throwing your arms above your head, you arched your back and brought your feet up, groaning in satisfaction. As you were about to lower your arms, you caught Namjoon looking at you: the smooth expanse of your stomach exposed as your crop top was pulled high, your underwear clearly visible in the wide, loose legs of your short shorts. He didn’t notice you noticing him and you smirked to yourself, slowly relaxing with another satisfied moan. You carefully put your crop top back in place and slowly moved the legs of your shorts to cover your modesty. You heard him grunt and when you looked back, he was looking at his notebook. You picked up your phone, your mind whirring. Your first night with Hoseok came screaming back to you and doubt flooded you. 
You: Quick, what’s a tiny thing a woman can do that’s ~accidentally~ sexy? 
You prayed that his unbroken record of instant replies wouldn’t end here. A flurry of messages arrived. 
Hoseok: Depends. 
Hoseok: How sexy are you trying to be? 
Hoseok: You know this guy? 
Hoseok: You want to fuck him right this second? 
Hoseok: You want to fuck him or date him? 
Hoseok: Is your hair up? 
You groaned quietly; you didn’t need more questions! You needed a quick answer. You replied to all of them. 
You: As sexy as possible. Yes, I know him. I do NOT want to date him; I want him to want to fuck me more than he’s ever wanted to fuck anyone ever in his life but I am NOT going to fuck him. Yes, my hair is up, why? 
There was a pause in which Hoseok did not reply.  
Hoseok: See, this is what I didn’t want to get involved in 🤪🤪🤪 
Hoseok: I think I feel sorry for this guy. 
Hoseok: You’re a bad girl 😂 😂  
You: HOSEOK! Shut the fuck up and tell me what to do! 
Hoseok: Where are you and what are you wearing? 
You: Home, crop top and pyjama shorts. 
Hoseok: Stretch, hard, make sure your top comes up and pretend you don’t notice. 
You: I’ve done that! 
Hoseok: Then why do you need more? Don’t go overboard! 
You: Hoseok, for god’s sake, just tell me something! 
Hoseok: Alright, alright! 
Hoseok: Let your hair down and shake it out, sigh a little, eyes closed. When he looks at you, look at him, don’t look away. 
Hoseok: You won’t get him all the way to more than he’s ever wanted to fuck anyone but it’s a start. 
Hoseok: And for god’s sake don’t be obvious! It’s not a performance; keep it NATURAL. 
Reading his messages, you wondered if it could really be that easy. Were men that simple?  
You sat up fully and made a show of pulling your hair tie out, running your hand through your hair, tipping your head back and shaking, doing exactly as Hoseok had told you. As you brought your head back up, you looked over at Namjoon and his eyes were on you. You removed your hand from your hair and drew his eyes to yours. His eyes flicked down again to your body and then back to you. You weren’t sure what to do now and just as you were about to look away (would that ruin it? Were you supposed to just stare him out?), he broke the eye contact and turned back to his notebook, shifting his position in the chair, angling slightly away from you. 
Your phone buzzed. 
Hoseok: Well? 
Hoseok: Did you do it? 
Hoseok: Did it work? 
Hoseok: Who is this guy anyway? 
Hoseok: If you’re fucking him, you should really tell me. 
Hoseok: Who are you trying to seduce and why isn’t it meeee??! 😜 😜 
You shook your head and hit the call button, getting up to move to your bedroom. Despite the many (many) times you had thought about sleeping with Namjoon, it had not occurred to you that he might have had the same thoughts. It would certainly make things a lot more interesting.  
“Give me more,” you instructed Hoseok, once safely within the four walls of your bedroom.  
“More what?” 
“More tips, you idiot! I need to know how to be sexy.” 
He chuckled quietly. 
“I honestly don’t think you need much help on that score.” 
“Much, Hoseok. You just said ‘much’. This is why I need you.” 
“Ah, y/n, I don’t know… I did say I didn’t want to get involved and, honestly, I’m not sure I want to encourage you. You’re on an evil mission to not fuck a guy. I don’t know if I can support that.” 
You thought he was joking. He sounded like he had a smile on his face, but you couldn’t be completely sure.  
“Please, Hoseok. I need you. It’s not getting involved. You just have to help me- I don’t know, be… sexy. Just help me. Don’t focus on the other stuff. It’s just me, your ineffectually sexy friend.” 
“I wouldn’t call you ineffectual!” He laughed a loud bark of laughter. “You got me home at any rate.” 
“This is different from that.” 
“How so?” 
“This is a slow burn, Hoseok. I told you: I want him to want to fuck me but I don’t want to fuck him so I can’t very well do any of the things I did the night we met.”  
He hummed thoughtfully and you waited for him to respond.  
“I am going to tell you what is sexy about you,” he said eventually. “And you can do with that information what you will. But I’m not giving you any tips for torturing this man. Technically, anyway, I think. I think I can sleep at night with that.” 
“Thank you!” 
You spoke quietly in your bedroom, blushing and occasionally squirming with embarrassment as Hoseok ran through his list of your sexiest attributes and habits. You found it hard to believe some, if not all, of them, unable to accept that a man could see you as sexy in such an easy, casual kind of way. Sure, people have called you pretty before, occasionally cute, but sexy? You just had never felt like you had that in you. Hoseok was really working to change that, though. He had no reason to lie to you – and you’d already embarrassed yourself in front of him on that score anyway – so you had no choice but to believe him. Besides, if you didn’t believe him (believe in yourself), your devious plan would never work anyway. 
“Ok,” Hoseok said, starting to wrap the call up. “Now that you’ve had me on the phone for half an hour telling you every little thing about you that turns me on, are you going to come over and sort me out or what?” 
You sat on the insights you’d gained from Hoseok, biding your time. Plausible deniability had to be maintained at all times, because as soon as Namjoon knew what you were up to, if you made it too obvious, if – heaven forbid – he discovered you actually did want to fuck him, you knew the game would be up. Softly softly catchy monkey, as they say. You almost fell out with Lina again over this. She thought you were being cruel and unfair. She thought it had all gone on long enough and that someone had to do something honest before everyone got hurt. She had disapproved of you before and, whilst you valued her opinion and sort of secretly agreed with her (is it unfair to make someone want you when you’ve no intention of matching that desire? Probably, a little, maybe, yeah, but you felt like he basically had it coming so it didn’t keep you up), you also wished she wouldn’t be such a stick in the mud about it. Couldn’t she see how much fun you were having? 
“Yes, I can,” she had said. “And that’s why I’m worried. This isn’t like you, y/n. You’re not a mean person, but this is… This isn’t nice behaviour.” 
You thought she was going a little too far. After all, you weren’t really doing anything, right? This was all just accidental, incidental, little things; it’s not like you were doing a strip tease for him or anything. And you relied heavily on the fact that you did technically want to fuck him. You didn’t have any intention of actually doing it, but you were tempted. And that’s what made it so much fun; you saw him look at you just a little too long and you could imagine all the things he was imagining. You could think about all the things he might want to do to you, all the things he might tell you to do to him and it made you feel almost powerful. Sometimes you would look at yourself in the mirror after a shower and try to see what he saw – or what you hoped he was seeing. It made you feel like a woman again. And whenever you were too tempted, whenever you got too frustrated, there was Hoseok, who showed you again and again that you were a woman.  
For the first time since you moved in, you were so, so glad that you and Namjoon were roommates and you were so glad that he wasn’t out at work so much. It gave you ample opportunities to just maybe, ‘accidentally’ plant some ideas in his head. You found yourself becoming highly attuned to his moods, to the tiny variations in the sighs and grunts which were really your only methods of communication at the moment, if you could even call it communication. Your argument had set in motion a kind of stand-off and you were spending more time together than ever. Not talking, of course, this wasn’t quality time; this was getting in each other’s faces as much as possible and making your presence as unavoidably known as you could.  
You were thankful that the summer kept you in thin vests and short shorts; that you could come home from work and gratuitously, impatiently, strip yourself of your blouse and trousers, standing under the air con in your underwear to cool off.  
“Put some clothes on, would you? I live here too, y’know,” Namjoon had said one Tuesday as you let the air blast your sweat away.  
“It’s hot, Namjoon; I’m just cooling down.” 
“Yeah, well can you do it where I don’t have to look at it?” 
“You don’t have to look at it; go into one of the other rooms.”  
“I was here first.” 
“Oh, that’s mature. Besides I’m not doing anything; I’m literally just standing here.” 
“In your underwear.” 
“And? Does that bother you? Is there something wrong with my body?” 
You stood with your hands on your hips and he looked you up and down. Then he just looked at you with a pinched face as if to say ‘ah, not good enough’. You rolled your eyes. He could pretend what he liked because you saw the way he looked at you when he thought you weren’t looking. 
You had taken to doing your morning workout in the living room. Of course, the excuse you gave was that the air con in your bedroom didn’t work properly – and as the sublessee to Namjoon’s subletter, he was the one who had to fix that – but it also provided excellent ground for your campaign.  
Sweating and breathing hard, you lay on the floor, eyes closed, a hand pushing the hair back from your face, in tight leggings and a sports bra every single morning. And then you had to stretch. Namjoon wasn’t often an early riser, but he appeared just frequently enough for it to be worth it. It had the added benefit that you were getting fitter, too, the determination to flaunt yourself overriding any abiding laziness or lack of motivation with regards to exercise. You knew he was stronger than you – always would be, there wasn’t much you could do about that – but you liked the idea of getting stronger and putting up a better fight. You liked the idea of surprising him. After all, you still didn’t really know each other, even after all this time.  
You didn’t really have an end-game at this point. You hadn’t thought that far. You were sitting on the sofa, watching a favourite film when Namjoon approached. 
“Can I have the TV please?” he asked, perfectly civil. 
“I’m watching,” you replied, not moving your eyes from the screen. 
“There’s an announcement on soon I need to watch.” 
“About ten minutes.” 
“Mm, this has half an hour left.” 
“Ok, but I need to watch the announcement in ten minutes.” 
You finally dragged your eyes to his. 
“This has half an hour left. Why can’t you just watch it on your computer?” 
“Because it’s not being streamed online. It’s only on TV.” 
The one concession you had made to Lina was that you wouldn’t be unreasonable where it wasn’t warranted and you had seen this film enough times to recite the script by heart. Irritation rising, you looked at Namjoon. 
“Fine, come back in nine minutes. But I want the TV back afterwards.” 
He sighed, sounding aggrieved but he forced out a thank you nevertheless.  
When he did return, eight minutes later, you got off the sofa and moved to the kitchen. The weather was still hot and you had stacked the freezer full of ice lollies to help keep you cool. You took one out and were going to take it to your bedroom to wait for Namjoon to finish when inspiration struck.  
You settled on the sofa next to him and put the ice pop to your mouth. You hummed happily, just loud enough for Namjoon to hear, and turned your attention to the TV. Or at least, you pretended to. What you actually paid attention to was Namjoon, sitting uncomfortably on the sofa next to you. You let your tongue lick the ice pole from bottom to top before sucking hard on the tip. Was it crass?  Was it vulgar? Absolutely. More importantly, was it working? You felt him glance at you and then his look lingered just a little too long. You’d take it. It was all about the little interruptions, the tiny moments that left him buffering for just a second. Slowly disrupting his thought process and filling it with pictures of you that he could take to his bed.  
However, the tables turned when you saw his name pop up on the TV and you almost choked.  
“UN ambassador, what the fuck?” 
“How the fuck are you a UN ambassador?” 
“Why is that so surprising to you? Why shouldn’t I be?” 
“Because you’re…-” You did not know how to end that sentence politely. 
“I’m what?” He looked at you, challenging.  
You stayed silent, still trying to reconcile this new information with the idiot Namjoon that you knew. 
“You don’t know what I am,” Namjoon said. “You don’t know a thing about me.” His gaze was so level as you floundered. As if a film had been taken from your eyes, you suddenly looked at him differently. You genuinely hadn’t thought that much about what he did for a living. You assumed it was something in the music industry – hence his studio – but did that warrant an ambassadorship? Maybe there was some depth to him after all. You looked back at him, his hair, his eyes, his lips, his jaw, his arms, his hands, his thighs spread wide on the sofa. You could feel your body flushing and your mouth dry. It wasn’t possible you’d misread him that badly. He was an overgrown fratboy with a non-serious job (and a salary his parents probably subsidised), who had never had to grow up, wasn’t he? Time seemed to slow around you or your body was moving faster; either way, you felt somehow suspended in this moment, just the two of you. You wondered if he was feeling any of this. 
“Don’t make a mess on my sofa now,” he said and you jumped. Your face burned as you wondered how in the hell he could know, and then you jumped again as an ice-cold splash hit your chest and you realised your ice pop was melting all over you. You grabbed a tissue from the coffee table and wiped your hand, wrapping your mouth around the rapidly shrinking lolly. Namjoon turned back to the TV and flicked it back to the channel where the film you were watching was finishing. He stood and chucked the remote on the seat cushion next to you before wandering back to his room. You were too flustered at that moment to realise that Namjoon would have known about becoming a UN ambassador long before it was announced on TV, too distracted to see that he was simply making sure you knew.  
The film played in front of you and its credits rolled but you didn’t see any of it. Your mind was whirring, alive with a thousand questions. The Namjoon that you knew, that you lived with, and the Namjoon that apparently existed outside of this apartment seemed so at odds with one another. How could they really be the same person? It had shaken you. He was right when he said that you didn’t know a thing about him; you didn’t, not really. You had your phone in your hand, ready to google him but you caught yourself. This did not have to change anything. It didn’t, you told yourself.  
You told yourself that nothing had changed when you saw him go to the bathroom, a towel slung over his shoulder, and you heard the water run and you had to swallow hard imagining him there, so close, so far. You gave yourself a rough slap to the face; you were not about to end up back where you started. Not now. This genuinely did not have to change anything. The facts were still the same: you wanted to fuck him; he wanted to fuck you. You hated him; he hated you. It was as simple as that. 
Another week, another weekend rolling around. You knew that Namjoon was having friends over that evening; he had been polite enough to tell you well in advance. In fact, he actually invited you to dinner, too, and Lina, ‘if she was free’. You were instantly suspicious. What on earth could there be to gain from that? Why would he want that? Of course, you assumed that he, in fact, did not want that, and was trying to manipulate you into not going. Well, you were going to call his bluff on that one. You accepted his invitation gratefully and sent Lina a furious message which stated that, if she didn’t come, you would never speak to her again. She agreed. And you spent the rest of the week tense with trepidation. You initially thought you had foiled Namjoon’s plans but the doubt crept in and now you weren’t sure if you were playing right into his hands. For someone you had persistently thought of as simple, there was something mysterious about him; you always felt like he was holding back. You wondered what lay at his core. What made him tick, really tick? You didn’t know, even though that’s what you’d been trying to do this whole time. You knew he noticed you; you knew he was annoyed by you; but were you getting under his skin? Was he actually bothered? You suspected that he was but maybe you were just making things up, seeing what you wanted to see. He had such control over his temper that you had only very rarely seen it flare, so you didn’t have a wealth of knowledge to draw from. That was part of why this dinner made you anxious; you just didn’t know what to expect. You didn’t know how to behave. What was he expecting you to do? You didn’t know. What were you expecting you to do? You also didn’t know. You hadn’t felt this out of control of a situation for some time.  
Friday had arrived and so had three of Namjoon’s guests, who were busy in the kitchen – because of course Namjoon wouldn’t be cooking for his own dinner. That fact alone made you feel a little more confident. Lina arrived and you intended to drag her immediately into your bedroom but she stopped to introduce herself to the men whose names you hadn’t bothered to remember and was making polite conversation with them. You were finding it hard not to tar them all with the same brush but you also felt like anyone who was friends with Namjoon couldn’t be that great; you also didn’t really want to get to know them in case, actually, they were. You weren’t in a position to be turning down friends but you couldn’t have Namjoon’s, even you knew that.  
You were finally able to get Lina away from the kitchen and into your bedroom. 
“What are you going to wear then?” she asked, taking a seat on your bed. 
“What do you mean? I’m wearing this.” 
“y/n, you can’t wear that to dinner; you’re basically in pyjamas.” 
“Yeah, but it’s not a fancy dinner and we’re in my house. I don’t usually get dressed up for dinner, do I?” 
“What is wrong with your brain? Of course, you have to get dressed! This isn’t re-heated leftovers on the sofa; Namjoon has invited you to a dinner party. He’s making an effort. You should, too.” 
You were not convinced by this argument and were still convinced that Namjoon was up to something.  
“I’m not sure about that, but fine, ok, what should I wear?” 
Lina rifled through your wardrobe and lay a dress on your bed. 
“Right, no, I’m not wearing that,” you told her immediately. What she had picked out was your date dress. Or what used to be your date dress from many years ago when you actually went on dates.  
“What’s wrong with it? It’s a nice dress!” 
“That’s my date dress, Lina. This is not a date. I can’t wear that.” 
“Oh, would you stop being silly? It doesn’t have to be a date dress.” 
“It’s way too fancy for this. It has to be casual.” 
“Casual like your pyjamas you mean?” 
“Oh, shut up!” 
Eventually, you and Lina found a compromise and you changed, brushed your hair as instructed and refused to put on make-up (“I’m not even leaving the house, there is no way I’m putting make-up on and that’s that!”). 
It was slightly awkward around the table. You were decidedly outnumbered; more of Namjoon’s friends had appeared while you were in your bedroom and you couldn’t keep straight who was who. You and Lina were peripheral, really, not knowing them or their lives or work or in-jokes and unable to keep up. It was making you angry. You figured this was Namjoon’s plan all along: act as though he’s offering an olive branch by inviting you, then casually and accidentally leave you out and ignore you all evening to remind you of your insignificance… or something. Well, you weren’t about to let him get away with that.  
Unable to get a word in edgeways for most of the meal, you kept your wine glass topped up, drinking altogether more than you might ordinarily do. Lina kicked you under the table as you emptied another bottle into your glass and shook her head at you. You simply took her glass and, opening another bottle, filled it up for her.  
“Here’s a question,” you started, loudly, interrupting the conversation they were having. “So how many of you guys are also UN ambassadors?” 
They looked at each other, unsure, for just a second.  
“Uh, just me and Namjoon,” one of them answered. 
“And what exactly have you done to deserve that? I was pretty surprised when I found out, I have to say. ’Cause I mean, really, Namjoon? Am I right?” 
“What does that mean?” the one with the tattoos asked. “What about Namjoon?” 
“Well, he’s not really UN material, is he?”  
The atmosphere had dropped, but you were too drunk to notice. Lina kicked you again, hard, but you ignored her. No one said anything. Namjoon watched you carefully from the other end of the table and his friends simply looked at you. 
“Oh, come on! You know what I mean! You know him better than I do; this guy’s a p-” 
“Hey, y/n!” Lina interrupted you. “I think we need some more water for the table; come and help me get some.” She stood and pulled at your elbow. 
“No, no, hold on a sec-“ 
She frog-marched you in the wrong direction, away from the kitchen and into your bedroom where she sat you on the bed.  
“What are you doing?” 
“What? I’m not doing anything.” You sounded like a petulant child and even you could hear it. 
“You’re trying to slag off Namjoon to his friends while he is also there.” 
“What do you mean, ‘so’? You can’t do that! You have your whole little game that you’re playing and whatever, that’s fine- well, it’s not fine but I clearly can’t stop you, but you can’t get other people involved. They don’t know you; you don’t need to be washing dirty laundry in front of them!” 
You raised your hand to speak and then immediately forgot what you were about to say.  
“But they know him! They know he’s a prick!” 
“No, they don’t, y/n. They’re his friends. They specifically do not think that.” 
“Well, they should,” you mumble to yourself. 
“You’ve had too much to drink already; why don’t you just call it a night? I’ll tell them you don’t feel well.” 
You laughed. 
“Duh, they know that’s not true. And I don’t not feel well, actually. I feel great. I feel good. I’m the best probably, not that any of them would know that given that they’ve been ignoring us all night.” 
“They haven’t been ignoring us. They’ve been ignoring you because you have been on your absolute worst behaviour.” 
“I haven’t done anything!” 
Lina sighed and raised her eyes as if asking for guidance.  
“You’ve barely spoken to anyone; you’ve drunk all the wine; you’ve shouted over people and interrupted; you’ve insulted the host… If I were them, I’d think you were the bad roommate.” 
“You what?” 
“Don’t you think? Be real, y/n. I told you before that I didn’t think you were acting like yourself and I stand by it. This stupid game, your insistence on hating Namjoon, embarrassing yourself in f-” 
“Embarrassing myself? How dare you?” You could feel your temper flaring dangerously, fuelled by the wine swimming in your system. “I am not an embarrassment and I am not a bad roommate. He is. He is. Why are you even here if you think I’m so awful?” 
“I came because you asked me to. In fact, what you actually said was that if I didn’t come, you wouldn’t speak to me anymore.” 
“Well, look how that’s turned out; I’m not sure I’m going to speak to you again after this anyway.” 
Lina sighed again and shook her head. 
“Fine. Have it your way.” 
She left the room and you stood to look in the mirror to check yourself over. Before you had finished, you heard your bedroom door open and shut again. 
“I’m not Lina.” 
It was one of Namjoon’s friends, tall, broad, not bad to look at; you couldn’t remember his name. 
“What are you doing in my room?” You suddenly felt drunk, two versions of him swimming in front of you. You sat heavily back down on the bed.  
“I thought it might be a good time for us to have a little chat.” 
“A little chat? What are you, my dad?” 
“I’m not your dad; thankfully, I have absolutely nothing to do with you, but if I were your dad, I’d probably be quite ashamed of you right now.” 
“Why don’t you fuck off?” Who the hell was this guy? 
“We know what you are doing. We know the stupid little game you’re playing with Namjoon and I am here to tell you to cut it out.” 
“I’m not doing anythin-” 
“Don’t take the piss, of course you are and you know it. You might think he’s worthless but he’s not and he doesn’t deserve a little bitch like you messing around in his head and in his house.” 
“What are you, his dad?” 
“Namjoon spends all his time looking out for everyone else. I look out for Namjoon.” 
“If you spend so much time looking out for him, then you should know what is actually happening here. I’m not messing him around any more than he is me. It takes two, y’know. Are you going to give this little warning speech to him, too?” 
“I already have, actually. I told him to kick you out.” 
“He can’t do that.” 
“Yes, he can.” 
“We have a contract; he can’t just kick me out.” 
“Sounds like someone didn’t read the addenda; there’s a break clause and I’ve advised him to use it – we all have. You’re a nasty piece of work and he – as well as everyone else – would be better off without you. You’re having so much fun playing with fire and I’ll bet you’re too fucking stupid to stop before you burn your whole life down.” 
You were panicking, desperately trying to remember where you had put your copy of the tenancy agreement. He couldn’t kick you out. He just couldn’t. You had nowhere to go. He wouldn’t do that anyway, would he? … Would he? Your mouth was suddenly dry and you couldn’t swallow. Sweat collected in your palms as you stared straight ahead.  
“Lina seems like a nice woman and a good friend,” he said as he walked back towards your bedroom door. “I’ve no idea what she sees in you but she seems like the sort of person you should be keeping around. Careful you don’t lose her.”  
His words didn’t register until he was on the other side of the door and you remembered that Lina left not five minutes ago. Your head was spinning now and you were regretting that last glass (alright, bottle) of wine. You flopped back onto the bed and passed out.  
When you woke, your head was pounding. Your mouth was so dry, your tongue stuck to the roof; your limbs felt like lead. You were still at the bottom of your bed, in the dress you were wearing last night. With one roll, you landed with a thump on the floor and groaned quietly to yourself. You lay there, unmoving, whilst all the events of last night came back to you. The look on Namjoon’s face as you were trying to launch into a diatribe against him at the dinner table was first but you couldn’t interpret it. As you thought it over, it changed; it kept changing. Was he smirking at you? Was he embarrassed? Was he sheepish? You couldn’t keep hold of the image long enough to ascertain and then others flooded in beside it. Lina’s disappointment, that sigh just before she left, her imploring eyes. That guy’s insistence that Namjoon could kick you out; ‘Namjoon looks out for everyone else and I look out for Namjoon’; the fact that he was a UN ambassador and so was one of his friends (why does a UN ambassador even have a roommate? He surely doesn’t need one); your panic and fear over the possibility of Namjoon kicking you out.  
With further groans, you hauled yourself over to your desk and got out your Important Documents Box. You rifled through it, looking for anything related to housing and finally getting your hands on the tenancy agreement. You flicked immediately to the end and your heart sank. He was right. There was a break clause and, after six months, Namjoon did have every right to give you your notice and make you move out. Well, he couldn’t physically make you, you thought, but even if you stayed, he could take you to court and that’s not a spiral you wanted to slide down. You put your agreement back in the box and the box back in the drawer and you slowly brought yourself to your feet. Before you could think about any of that, you needed water and a lot of it.  
Lying on your bed later that day, head no longer pounding but still feeling somewhat delicate, you just kept running over last night, wondering what to do now. You knew that first on your list should have been to apologise to Lina but, honestly, you didn’t want to. You were tired of her looking down on you, disapproving; you were tired, truth be told, of how nice she was being to you. She always had your best interests at heart and you just wished she’d snap just once. Just get angry!  
‘Just be a real human and tell me fuck off for once!’ you silently cried. You were frustrated by her level-headedness. You were bitter. You didn’t want to apologise because you weren’t sorry. And you weren’t going to stop.  
You thought about the break clause and wondered if Namjoon would really give you the boot. You knew you couldn’t ask him because you didn’t want to make it real in that way. You thought that there was probably every chance that he would. His friends were advising him to; even your friend had given up on you; if you were him, you’d probably do the same. Panic started drumming through you but you pushed it down, down, way down. You could cross that bridge when- if you got to it. Your weeks might have been numbered but they were weeks, not days. And if he was going to kick you out soon, you might as well make the most of the time you had left, you reasoned. Go out with a bang. 
Chapter Three | Masterlist | Chapter Five
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whumperooni · 4 years
l-lamb girls??? ahh, thats so heckin cute! uhmm Can we maybe have some more thoughts of cute lil lamb girls being diddled??? im a sucker for soft cute things bein stuffed and corrupted by some big bad villain! i feel like lamb girls would be similiar to bunny girls, but maybe a bit more timid and chaste? and oh god, the adorable lil bleats while being bred- i hbnnnnhh
You absolutely can have some more thoughts!!!!
I’m so happy that you all have taken to sweet lil lambgirls!!!!! I’ve gotten some good requests already and I’m ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ over them
Let’s do this!!!!!
tags/warnings: dubcon/noncon, breeding kink
“Well, well, well- look at what we have here.”
A squeak leaves the girl and Dabi grins as the cowering thing curls in on herself, as she presses against the dirty wall of the alleyway.
You’re an awfully cute little thing to be skulking around an alleyway late at night. What the hell are you doing out here with your little sundress and cardigan, your fearful eyes and trembling hands, your flicking...ears?
Dabi’s brow raises as he watches the fluffy things twitch. His hands reach out before he even thinks of it and he grabs onto your ears, pinches them between his bony fingers and makes you squeal and squirm.
“What are these, huh? They’re awfully cute, doll. Hey- what the hell are you supposed to be, huh? Some kinda lil bear?”
Under your fear, confusion bubbles up and you whine softly as he shakes the ears, try to back away from him only to make him tug on them tighter.
“N-No, please. I-”
“So what the fuck are ya?” Dabi interrupts, pinching them again and crowding in closer to you, leering down with a grin that makes you quake. “C’mon, sweetheart, I just wanna know.”
He yanks on them and that’s when you let out a bleat- your whole body jerking and little tears wetting your lashes.
Ah, shit- now he knows what you are.
Well, ain’t that fucking cute.
“Aww, a little lamb,” he croons, thumbs rubbing in little circles along your ears. The whimper that you let out doesn’t escape him- nor does the way your eyes screw up and your cheeks flush, your teeth dig into your bottom lip. “Hey, what’re ya doin’ out here, lambchop? Didja get separated from your flock?”
“D- Don’t call me that,” you sniffle out, head trying to turn away from him. He pinches your ears to keep you in place and you whimper again, cower even more as he leans down until his face is right in front of yours, until he can perfectly see those cute tears beading along your lashes and threatening to slip down your cheeks. “Mister, please- I just- I just wanna go home.”
“Oh, I’m sure you do,” he agrees, voice dripping with faux-sympathy. He starts rubbing along your ears again- little circles with his thumbs that makes you squirm- and Dabi licks his lips when your thighs press together, when you squeeze your eyes shut and whimper. “Aw, babe, I’m just messin’ with ya- no need to be such a crybaby.”
Your pretty little lips tremble and Dabi grins at that little wobble, squeezes your ears gently and runs them through the slits of his fingers. A weak shiver runs through you and Dabi hums appreciatively at the tiny, stuttered bleat that chokes out from your throat, the way you try to shrink away from him when he grabs onto your waist with one hand and goes back to fondling one of your ears with the other.
“Hey, do ya got a tail too? Bet it’s real cute.”
A squeal leaves you as he easily turns you around- you barely try to fight him off, can’t really do anything with those weak squirms and pathetic little jerks of yours. Dabi forces you around and you whimper when he whistles- little hands scrabbling at the rough brick of the wall and a fluffy tail greeting him. He grabs at it immediately and you cry out when he grips it tight- back arching and your ass sticking out toward him, quivering little sobs starting to break from you.
“Hey- I was right; it’s pretty cute, lambchop.”
“Mis- Mister, please! Please let me-”
Dabi lands a smack to your ass and the words die under a whine, your little tail shakes along with your rump. Dabi stifles a groan at the sight and he grinds against your ass, reaches up to fondle your twitching ears. There’s another little bleat that sounds and then a whimper- ears jerking underneath his fingers and your ass rubbing all along his cock as you squirm and try to get away from him.
Oh, no- he’s not about to let a tender little morsel like you get away.
“Hey, calm down- I’m not gonna fuckin’ hurt ya or anything.”
You only give a cute, pathetic little sob in response. It goes straight to his cock and Dabi licks his lips whenever you turn your head back to look at him- eyes bright with tears and cheeks flushed, wet lashes threatening to stick to your cheeks.
“Aw, darlin’,” he croons- mouth stretching with a grin, thumb massaging the fluffy mass of your ear and sending a tremble through you. “C’mon- I’m just playin’ with ya a little. Let me have some fun and I’ll let ya go, okay?”
“F- fun?”
“Yeah,” he tells you- gripping your tail again to mirror the way he plays with your ear. The tiniest bleat slips from your lips when he does and he nearly groans at the noise, presses tighter against your ass when you shiver. “Just a little fun, doll. Just a little fun and I’ll let ya go.”
“P-Promise?” you sniffle- lips wobbling with an upset pout, even more tears glistening and dripping from your lashes.
Aw, ain’t that adorable. You’re just the cutest little dipshit, aren’t you?
“Yeah, babe,” Dabi lies through his teeth- grin stretching wide enough to take up his whole place. “I promise.”
Another sniffle and your head bobs in a nod, your shoulders slump in dejection. Dabi almost laughs at it, but he just smacks your ass instead- makes you jerk and bleat before he pulls away.
If you were smart, you would have tried to run away when he did. But, no, you just cower like the frightened thing you are and rub at your eyes with loose fists.
Dabi grabs onto your wrist before the thought of fleeing enters your dumb little brain and he jerks you toward him, makes you follow after him on wobbly feet as he drags you out of the alley.
“W- what? M- Mister- where are you- I thought-”
“What? You want me to fuck you in the alley? Well, aren’t you eager.”
You squeak and shake your head frantically- eyes so wide and still so bright with tears. Dabi snorts and tugs you toward the hideout, grins whenever you whimper but don’t try to get away with more than a weak little pull of your arm.
“M-Mister, you didn’t say anything about- about-”
“About fucking? Oh, come on, lambchop- what kind of fun did you think I meant?”
“N-no! Please!”
Dabi ignores your pleading and your whines- just like all the people that he drags you past.
You try to grip onto the doorframe when he gets to the hideout, try to stop yourself from being pulled inside. It’s no use, though- he rips you from it with ease and makes you stumble into the hideout and into him. A panicked whimper leaves you and Dabi huffs at it, grips you by the hips and squeezes them so tight it has you wheezing.
“You better be good, sweetheart, or I might not let ya go.”
Fear has your eyes widening, another whimper sounding. You sniffle, head dropping, and Dabi yanks on your tail until you squeal and look back up at him- tears dripping down your flushed cheeks and body curling in on itself.
“Tell me you’ll be good,” he demands- grinning while you cower. “Tell me, little lamb.”
“I- I’ll be good! Mister, pl- please! I’ll be good!”
Yeah, of course you will.
Dabi grabs you by the wrist again and drags you past the bar and up the stairs- ignores whenever Twice pokes his head out of a room and gives him a curious little look. It’s only luck that keeps him from running into Toga and thank god for that- there’s no way he’d be able to keep the little freak from tearing you from him.
Whenever he gets to his room, he just scoops you up and tosses you on the bed. One of those cute little bleats leaves you as you land on the mattress and Dabi snorts whenever you bounce on the bed, whenever you scramble toward the corner of it and curl up, cower and shake like a leaf. He only has to grab you by the ankle and yank you toward him to get the tears flowing again and that’s enough to get him grinning, his cock throbbing. You’re so fucking weak and pathetic. It’s hot, makes him feel powerful as fuck. He likes it. Maybe he won’t let you leave after all. Dabi grabs your other ankle and drags you all the way to the end of the bed, kneels down and hooks your shaking legs over his shoulders. Your feet jerk against his back, kick and stutter against him as he whimpers. The thudding against him is so light and he barks a laugh at your ineffectual squirming, grins as he digs his fingers into your thighs. They’re so soft and he can’t help biting into the tender flesh, can’t help groaning whenever you shudder and whine. Your panties are just a little wet when he buries his face into your crotch and Dabi grins at that, pushes his hands up until he can rip them off, push your dress up over your twitching hips. “Lambchop,” he sneers, “you’re wet. What- do you like this? Like being eaten up by a big bad wolf? Is that why you were sulkin’ around the alley? You little slut.” “N- no! I- I’m not! I don’t- I don’t-” A swipe of his tongue through your folds has your squeaky protest dying, a whimpering whine leaving you. Your hips buck against his face when he flicks his tongue over your clit and Dabi grunts as your tail twitches under his chin, beats against him. Your little cunt is tight when he works a finger inside and your cry is cute- shivering and upset and high pitched. Dabi digs his fingers into your thigh as he forces another finger into your little hole and you sob- cushy insides squeezing around his digits and trying to push him out as you whine and squirm. A bleat leaves you whenever he curls his fingers and, for a second, it seems like the bucking of your hips is less out of fear and trying to get away and more like you’re trying to get him even deeper. Dabi groans at the thought and he dips his head to swirl his tongue along your clit, pumps his fingers and gets your thighs shaking over his shoulders. Your cunt pulses around him again and he laps at the beads of juice that are starting to slip out around his fingers, scratches over your hip to make you whine and jerk from him. “M- Mister, please! That- that hurts!” Yeah, no shit. Dabi lifts his head so he can take in your flushed cheeks and teary eyes, the shallow panting that makes your chest move in stuttering little motions. A whimper leaves you when he leans over you and he grins when your cunt tightens as your legs are forced against your chest, when you squeeze your eyes shut and your fingers curl into the covers. “And does this hurt?” he sneers, thumbing across your clit and curling his fingers again. You whimper and your cheeks flush darker, your pussy throbs around him. “C’mon- does it hurt? Tell me it hurts.” “It- it hurts!” “Liar.” You sob and Dabi’s grin grows as shame washes over you, as you try to curl up and away from him. It’s useless, of course, and Dabi leans closer to you, makes you mewl and bleat whenever his fingers grab onto one of your fluffy ears, rubs tiny circles along it. You bleat, again, and he feels you get more wet, feels your cunt tighten down on his fingers. He knew that would get you going. How fucking cute and pathetic. “Aw, you like that, little lamb?” he taunts. “You’re such a little whore- what kinda slut gets off to this?” “I’m not- I’m not- oh!” Dabi snorts as you moan and he takes a moment to slip a third finger inside of your tight cunt, snarls a little when he feels your cunt start to clamp down on him and flutter. “Did you just fucking come?” He doesn’t get an answer from you- all you do is whine and hide your face in your hands, sob as your shoulders shake. Dabi wrenches his fingers from your drooling cunt and he sticks them in his mouth, sucks off your shameful juices and looks over you with a smirk. He could just eat you up. “Roll over.” You shake your head, whimpering, and Dabi rolls his eyes, grabs onto your sundress and tugs on it until the buttons pop off and he can get an eyeful of your teats. “Well, shit, these are cute.” He doesn’t mean to mumble it, but he doesn’t really care that he does. His tongue runs over his lips and he grabs onto your tits, gives them a squeeze that has you whining and squirming. It doesn’t escape his attention that your ears twitch and it doesn’t escape his attention either that your cheeks flush darker, that your back arches just a little into his touch. You really do like this, don’t you? What a dirty little lamb. Dabi pinches your nipples and gets you gasping, your hands fisting the covers again. You don’t fight him when he flips you over- don’t do much more than whimper and bury your face in the covers with a sniveling whine. Dabi pushes your dress back up and he eyes your ass for a moment- appreciating the soft, unmarked flesh. A hard smack to it has it reddening and he laughs as you cry out, scrabble up the bed as pain shoots through you. Your next cry is even louder and Dabi grins as he drags you back by the the tail, lays another smack on you and gets you shaking. Your tail twitches in his grasp and he squeezes it hard before letting it go, grabs onto your cheeks and spreads you apart so he can get a look at your glistening cunt, your puckered little hole. He thinks about wrecking your ass, but dismisses it- he can always do it later; right now he just wants to feel your snug little cunt swallow his cock. “Aw, babe, you’re so wet for me.” “N- no- I’m not!” Your teary little lie is so cute, pathetic- he fucking loves it. Dabi grins as he takes his cock out, bites into his lip as he strokes over himself. Your tail shakes along with your body and you whimper whenever he rocks against your wet cunt, choke out a whine when he reaches to grab onto your ears again, fondle them. A tiny bleat sounds as he grinds against you and Dabi sneers over how easy it is to make your hips buck against him, how wet his cock gets when it slides through your folds. You’re really just a weak little whore, aren’t you? A dumb little baby that can’t help but submit to the mean, mean man and your cowering prey instincts. His dick slides into you with ease and Dabi grunts as you bleat and squirm underneath him, as your cunt squeezes around him. You’re still so fucking tight, but you’re wet too- soaked and hot, snug and sweet with your bleats and your twitching tail. “Fuck- you like this, don’t ya?” Dabi groans, fucking his cock deeper into you, squeezing your ears and making you bleat even louder. “You like this big cock fillin’ up your little lambcunt, don’t ya?” “N- no! You’re- you’re too big! It’s too much! Mister, please-” “Fuck, yeah- keep callin’ me that. Keep squeezin’ my cock, whore.” A smack to your ass and you’re left whining, clamping down on him even as you stutter out little pleas and protests. Dabi groans as his cock sinks in to the hilt, groans as your gummy and pulsing pussy squeezes around him like its trying to milk him dry. It wants him to fill you up, he knows- it wants him to breed your little lambcunt even if you beg him to pull out, to stop and let you go. Yeah, there’s no way that’s happening. Dabi grunts and he fucks into you- your cunt squelching and his balls slapping against you, a weak whine leaving you whenever he hunches over you and curls his fingers into your hair and grinds your face into the covers. “Fuck, this cunt,” he growls out. “You’re so fucking tight. Goddamn cocksleeve, fuckin’ little slut.” “Mister! Mister, please!” It sounds like you’re mewling now- muffled little whines cut up with bleats and moans, punctuated with squeezes around his cock. He hisses as you start to spasm around his dick, growls whenever your hips arch back against him and he gets even deeper into your snug little cunt. You cry out when he bites into your neck- seize up and then go limp against the bed, tremble with tiny little bleats that only make him fuck into your creaming pussy even harder. “Oh! Oh! Mister!” “Fuck, yeah- keep begging, baby. Tell me how much you like it.” A whimper and a shake of your head, a loud bleat and whine whenever he rains a smack on your ass. “Tell me, you stupid slut. C’mon- I can feel ya gripping me. Already felt you come.” “N- no! No, please-” Dabi grabs onto your tail and yanks it hard, gets you gasping and crying out a reedy keen that has him groaning. He tugs on your tail harder and you sob, shake as your whole body tightens and your nails claw over his sheets. “Tell me.” “I- I like it! I like it! Please stop-” Dabi moans and he lets go of your tail to grab onto your twitching hips, grunts as he fucks into you harder and faster and makes you bleat over and over again. “Gonna breed this lil lambcunt. Gonna- fuck- gonna fill ya up.” “No! Don’t-” Too late. Dabi comes with a groan and he keeps your hips pulled tight against him, doesn’t let you escape as he shoots his seed deep inside of your cunt and humps it into your womb. He can’t hear your sobs as he pants and just grins as you shake underneath him, hooks his chin over your shoulder and presses a kiss to your cheek that makes you whimper and sniffle. The sight of his come dripping from your cunt whenever he slips out is the best damn thing that he’s seen in a long time and Dabi eyes your oozing pussy with a sense of satisfaction, gathers up his sticky white seed with his fingers and stuffs it back inside of you. One last tiny bleat and then you collapse on the bed fully- trembling and crying, flushed and whimpering. You don’t try to get away from him when he crawls over you and you don’t do more than snivel when he forces his lips against yours- your own moving with uncertain little presses that makes him snort whenever he pulls back. “C- Can I go now?” you whine out- voice thick with tears and exhaustion, shame. “M- Mister, please- you said...” “I don’t remember saying shit,” Dabi grunts, reaching over for his cigarettes and grinning whenever your eyes widen in fear. “N- no! You said- please-” Dabi ignores you as he lights up and takes a drag, huffs whenever your lips tremble and you weakly try to squirm out from underneath him. His hand grabbing your jaw has you stilling and a squeeze to it has you squealing- lashes dripping tears again and your body quaking in horror. “Nah, I don’t think you’re goin’ anywhere,” he tells you. “Think I like fuckin’ you too much, lambchop.” “But- but-” “But- but-,” Dabi mocks, leering as you whine and sob. You flinch when he squeezes your jaw again, whimper when he smacks your cheek. “C’mon, don’t be such a crybaby. I know you liked it.” “I didn’t-” “You did,” he huffs. “I felt you come on my cock. I know your little cunt liked being fucked and filled up by me.” Your head drops in shame and Dabi coos as you start to really cry, brushes your tears away with a mocking sweetness that only makes you sob harder. “Make me come again and I might let you go,” he tells you, fingers threading through your hair and gripping onto an ear again, rubbing them until you whimper and a strangled bleat sounds in your throat. “You can do that, can’t ya?” You bite your lip and Dabi knows you’ve resigned yourself to that with the way your shoulders slump, knows that he’s gonna have you creaming along his cock again. You’re so easy and simple and weak- he can string you along until you’re broken, until you’re made into a begging little slut for him. “P- promise?” Dabi’s lips stretch with a grin and he nods, watches as you sniffle and swipe away your tears. “Yeah, babe, I promise.” Another sniffle and then you nod- lips trembling with a pout and face so sulky and cute as you soak in the obvious lie. Fuckin’ idiot. Dabi moves to lean back against the pillows and he watches as you crawl between his legs, watches as your little ears twitch and your tongue peeks out to lick a tentative stripe along his cock. You shudder whenever he curls his fingers into your hair, but you part your lips when he forces you closer to his cock and Dabi grins as he smokes and looks down at you. Yeah, he’s not going to let you go. He’s not going to ever let you go. Dabi hums as you slowly swallow him down and he smirks when you shiver as his fingers rub along your ear, when a muffled bleat sounds along his cock.
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yunopouts · 3 years
touch - l. jeno
hi. i re-wrote it so it's not a virgin!reader anymore. now it's reader finding out jeno is secretly kinky... anyways, sorry about the original, it was dumb of me to even have virgin!reader and breeding kink in the same work :// okay anyways i hope everyone can enjoy this one :)
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I just want to preface that none of the gifs i use are mine unless i clearly state so!!
→ pairing: dom!jeno x girlfriend!reader
→ genre: smut
→ warnings: unprotected sex (wrap before you tap children!!), fingering, dirty talk, mirror sex (kinda), rough sex, creampie, breeding kink, corruption kink (kinda,,,)
→ word count: 2.6k
RUN THROUGH: I went through and checked everything from top to bottom. The first part was changed in the conversation, the middle was mostly kept the same, with the exception of some edits here and there. the end was also kept the same, again only a few changes were made.
You walked into your dining room, looking to ask your boyfriend a question. Poking your head out from behind the entry way, you smiled when you saw the blue haired boy sitting at the table staring at his computer. You watched him as he huffed a tired sigh, pushing up the round glasses that had slid down the bridge of his nose. Silently giggling, you straightened yourself out and made your way to the table, sitting in front of him.
“Hi baby.” He grinned at you, his eyes sparkling when they met yours. A shy smile crept on to your lips as you responded with a small 'hi'.
Minutes passed as you watched in silence while the boy switched in between typing on his computer and scribbling into his notebook. His feet tangled with yours when he stretched out his legs, the two of you starting a game of footsies, your giggling voices filling the air around you. Your feet stayed tangled, and your boyfriend started to work again, when your question from earlier popped in your head again. You looked up eagerly, watching him lift his mug to his mouth.
“Hey Jeno,”
“Yes baby?” he replied, not looking up from his work.
“You know we don’t have to be vanilla all the time, right?” you quirked a brow.
The boy choked on his coffee, frantically looking for something to wipe the dripping drink. You handed him a napkin, which he snatched out of your grip and patted his mouth dry, coughing into it. “W-what?” He took his time to slowly recover from the sudden attack. “What are you talking about? I love being v-vanilla.” The way he said it was not convincing at all, so you just blinked at him and bit back a laugh.
“Well, I the other day I was cleaning up the room and when I was organizing the desk the Swiffer hit the mouse and woke up the monitor.” You explained, looking him straight in the eye. “You left that tab open.” You emphasized the word ‘that’ and noticed how the boys body tensed at the word.
A nervous chuckle left his lips, shutting his laptop and dodged your eyes every time you tried to look at him. “Sorry.” He mumbled.
“It was just porn.” You shrugged.
“Y-yeah but it was…” Jeno trailed off, trying to make ends meet. “You know.” Silence settles around you, Jeno’s aura seeming to affect it and make the situation awkward.
“Well, I’m saying that we can do what you want, all you have to do is just ask.” You rolled your eyes playfully.
“Wait, really?” you thought the hope in his voice made him even cuter than his already nervous self.
“Yes, of course.” You nodded with a slight smile. The boys body noticeably released the tension in his muscles, but he still seemed anxious.
With a huff, Jeno looked back into your eyes, irises darker than usual. “Um, a-alright.” He started, placing his notebook on top of his computer, moving it to the side. “Well, go… do whatever it is you need to do to prepare. Meet me in the room in five minutes.” You nodded, getting out of your chair, and headed to the bathroom. Fixing yourself up, you reassured yourself that your shower from two hours ago still had its effect, and that you were still clean. After that you brushed your teeth, flashing yourself a bright smile in the mirror once you had finished.
In the bedroom, Jeno was sitting on his side of the bed, body as still as a rock. He didn’t notice your entrance, so you waved in front of his face, which got his attention. The boy patted his lap lightly, signaling for you to sit. Complying, you didn’t want to put all your weight when you went down, but his hands shoved you on to him.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” The boy glanced up at you with hesitant eyes. Sighing heavily and rolling your eyes, you took the hands that were resting lightly on your back and moved them to your ass. You scoot in closer, his eyes growing wide.
“Jeno, didn’t we just talk about this?” the question was rhetorical, but a blush creeped on to his cheeks, taking a break from your eyes. It took him a few seconds to respond, like he actually had to think about the answer.
“Understood.” His calm voice was different from what his expression said, but your upcoming commentary was forgotten when Jeno placed a hand on your neck, pulling you into a gentle kiss. His pillowy lips moved softly against your own, in a passionate manner, like they’ve done hundreds of times. Hands sliding from your neck to your jaw, his thumbs rubbing on the bone as he deepened the kiss by adding his tongue. Jeno’s touch becomes hot against your skin and your lower half starts to move back and forth on his lap, to which Jeno let out a loud groan. His actions soon become rougher, teeth now clashing together as the session grew longer and messier, and you pushed Jeno back so that he was flat against the mattress.
Your boyfriend flipped your current position, so that he was hovering atop of you, pinning your wrists above your head. With a smirk gracing your now swollen lips, you wrapped your legs around his hips, pulling him down to meet your core, just like he did you twenty minutes earlier. He ground himself into you while nipping at your earlobe. Moaning his name as he peppered kisses from your jaw all the way down to your exposed collar bones.
“Shirt…” you muttered. He loosened his grip on your wrists and your hands flew to the hem of his sweater, pulling up over his head and arms, throwing it somewhere in your bedroom. Jeno did the same to you, pulling off your t-shirt, exposing your guarded chest. Your hands travel up and down his chiseled stomach, muscles tightening under your touch while the boy was attacking your still covered chest, leaving markings everywhere.
Moving away from your body, he stared down at you with hard eyes. As he towered over you, thinking of how to go about this, you noticed how his expression changed from earlier; his nervous and innocent look had morphed into a dark almost threatening one. “Face the mirror for me, baby.” His voice was low.
“T-the mirror?” you stuttered, now feeling anxious. The boy nodded, jutting his head towards the full-length mirror that was your closet door. With hesitance, you shifted your body and faced your reflection. You watched Jeno through the mirror, his smirk growing as he fixated himself behind you, his bare chest pressed against your back. The boy brought his hands to the waistband of your shorts, tugging them down with the help of you lifting slightly. Just like you did with his sweater, he flung your clothes across the room.
“Would you look at that.” He chuckled as he took your hand in his. Jeno lead them south, hovering them above your core. He dragged your nimble fingers along your slit, making you feel the wetness your body created. “How fast do you get wet?” he questioned, followed by a scoff. The deepness of his tone sent shivers down your spine and the feel of his skin against yours created little tingles that flowed through your body. “Someone must be excited.”
With your head against his shoulder, Jeno first stuck two in, to which you moaned loudly, closing your eyes. “Watch my fingers.” Instantly, your eyes shot open and were back on your reflection. Jeno’s mouth was right at your ear, so you could hear and feel the hot and heavy breaths that left him. In your ear the boy whispered things that made you feel dirty, in a good way. This was far from what you and he have ever done. When it came to sex, you always thought the two of you were on the same page: simple sex, nothing like what you were doing now. But that didn’t mean you weren’t open to it, obviously you were because here you are, watching yourself get finger fucked through your reflection.
“God, look at how you’re squirming.” He chuckled darkly. “I haven’t even fucked you yet, but you still look like my cockslut.”
You liked this new side of Jeno; well, it probably wasn’t new, but since he always been soft with you, it was indeed "new" in a sense. You loved the way he spoke to you, the grittiness in his voice, the way he was roughly moving his fingers inside of you. “I can’t wait to fuck you raw.” He practically growled into your ear.
“Jeno…” your breath hitched at the familiar knot of tension that had start to loosen.
“That’s it,” he eased. “cum for me.” Squeezing your eyes shut as you came on your boyfriends’ fingers. He let you grind on his hand, riding out your orgasm. “Fuck yourself on my fingers.” He ordered, taking his other hand and bringing it to your clit to rub it. When you whined, Jeno let out a laugh and curled the fingers inside you up.
“Jeno, fuck, that feels so good.” Your back arches off his chest, but he just follows your movements. His fingers move harder against your g-spot, sending shocks through your body. “Oh my god.” You repeated and repeated, on the verge of cumming again, after it barely being five minutes later. “Fuck, Jen- shit.”
Suddenly, he pulled away from you and left from behind you.
Whining in annoyance, you brought your own hand and got off without him. It felt good, but not as good as when he did it. You had come down from your second high, but you were still trying to calm your breathing. You couldn’t see Jeno’s expression when he found you whining and writhing on the bed, but boy was it hot. “I can’t believe my eyes.” He laughed. “Never thought I’d see my innocent little Y/N fuck her own cunt.” Your eyes now wide open, you found the boy standing at the edge of the bed, still half clothed.
“What do you think I do when you’re at work and I’m horny.” You rolled your eyes as Jeno let out a loud laugh. “Jeno.” He brought his now dark eyes to your own, showing him on your needy expression. “Please…” you averted your gaze to the massive strain in his pants, which made Jeno scoff. He shook his head with a devilish smirk. You scrambled on your knees and undid his pants, yanking them down, along with his stained boxers.
“You wanna suck my dick?” he raised a brow when you grabbed his fully hard length. You don’t really like giving him head, since you’re not the best of it, but today was different, something sparked in you.
Cracking your mouth open, you stuck your tongue out and let his cock slide to the back of your throat. Jeno let out a low moan, slowly thrusting into your mouth, pushing your hair away from your face you wouldn’t eat it too. (DAISY INTERRUPTS: BYE WHY DID I WRITE THAT) “Fuck baby, look at you deepthroating me like the angel you are.” He jerked his hips slightly harder than before. “You look so good with your lips wrapped around my cock.”
You coughed and choked a few times, making Jeno pull out to make sure you were okay, since he knew you weren’t used to it. “That’s enough.” You looked up at him with pleading eyes, wanting him back in your mouth. “Don’t worry, there are other ways of filling you with my cum.” He winked before easily shoving you further back on the bed. Just that statement had your pussy overflowing with arousal.
Jeno split your legs apart he leaned down and pressed a kiss on your cheek. He drew his cock up and down you slit, mixing his arousal, your arousal and saliva. He teased you by bringing his cockhead to your entrance, pushing in slightly and pulling out right after. Each time Jeno did this you hummed in anticipation before you whined in annoyance, his smirk growing wider and wider by the second.
“Jesus Christ, Jeno, just fuck me already.” You glared up at him. To your request, Jeno did just that and plunged right into you. His pace wasn’t too fast but still not too slow, but he pounded into you hard. His heavy thrusts made you reach for his back, clawing at the bare skin. Jeno let out a gruff moan, reveling in the feeling of your tight walls and the stinging on his back. “Faster.” Jeno’s eyes widened, and his hips slowly gained speed, soon starting to drill into you. You moaned loudly, begging him for things that you could never say in public.
“Oh, look at my little angel, so fucking tight for me.” He clenched his teeth. “Look at what a slut you’ve turned into, begging me to fill you up with my cum. God, what have I done.” His voice grew louder as he slammed his hips against yours. He looked down at your chest, eyes landing on the jackpot, which was conveniently placed in the front. Reaching his free hand forward, he unclasped your bra, revealing your tits. Jeno’s dark eyes glowed as he watched them move with his thrusts. “You’re so fucking gorgeous. I love your pretty little pussy and how it clenches around me. God, I just want to fuck it until I get a baby in you.” You whimpered at the thought of his cum filling you.
“Do it.” You hissed. “Please Jeno, harder.” You begged for the umpteenth time that night. He pressed a kiss into your calf, plunging his cock into you at an impeccable pace.
“There’s not much more room left.” He warned. “But, fuck, you’re taking me so well.”
“Just use it all. Good god, Jeno, just please, please, please,fuck me.” You sobbed out of pleasure. Jeno growled at the request, pressing your hips down into the mattress. With his cock practically hitting the entrance of your cervix each time he moved, you felt your climax beging building up, the tension starting to feel like the type you get when going up a roller coaster, but more… pleasurable. “Soon… close… cumming.” You muttered.
“Me too, angel.” He slid his hand up your stomach, touching your soft skin. “Shit, I’m so ready to fill you up. Do you want it? Want me to fill you up nice so that you’ll be full for days? That your pussy is stuffed with my cum and can’t hold anything else?”
“Fuck yes.” Your voice was breathy. “I want it so bad. Breed me.” Jeno almost screamed at your words, his cock twitching with anticipation.
“You’re gonna look so fucking hot when you’re pregnant.” His fingers got a hold of your nipple and started to pinch it, still continuing to relentlessly ram his cock into your hole. “I’ll fuck you and fill you everyday if I have to.”
“Fuck! Jeno, Jeno, cumming.” You screamed, your back arching, that roller coaster feeling finally crashing down into your third orgasm of the night. Jeno’s hips jerked back and forth to reach his own high, not pulling a single inch of many out when he did.
Slowing his hips down, he hunched over into your nape, muttering how “fucking good” he feels and more sweet nothings into your glistening skin. Your boyfriend stayed this way, finally growing soft inside of you minutes later.
Lazily knocking your head against his, you kissed into his hair "Not so bad was it?"
A dry chuckle came from his mouth. "Let's do it again."
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honeybunpeter · 3 years
I saw this post from @starker-secrets and had to write something.
"I need more of Tony spying on Peter thru his suit"
Hope you enjoy :)
“Sir, Mr. Parker’s suit is transmitting audio that the Baby Monitor Protocol has flagged as potentially distressed. Would you like to hear it?”
“Yeah, give it to me FRI.”
Gasps sounded through the suit’s speakers as Tony flew from the partially built upstate facility back to Avengers tower. It sounded at first like Peter was in pain, and Tony’s heart dropped to his stomach as he sped up. But then a soft moan filtered through, and Tony’s heart dropped even further. Faintly, he could hear slick noises, softly squelching in the rhythm a fist would make over an approximately 5.4 inch long object. Peter wasn’t in distress. Quite the opposite in fact.
Tony’s dick got hard so fast it made him dizzy. He faltered slightly in his flight, overcorrecting when he tilted.
Peter was apparently done with his patrol for the day, if this audio was anything to go by.
A student at NYU, Peter had refused Tony’s offer of a fully paid tuition, and was instead paying for his schooling himself. Because of the whole Neighborhood Spider-Man deal, he couldn’t work enough jobs to pay for both an apartment and the tuition, and have enough time to be Spider-Man and a normal student, so he had accepted Tony’s offer of an apartment. He had initially refused that as well, but after Tony cited his endless supply of wealth, as well as Peter’s need for privacy due to his costumed alter-ego, Peter reluctantly accepted.
That privacy was now being used to its full advantage. The moans currently caressing Tony’s ears were increasing in both volume and frequency.
Feeling guilty and more and more like the creepy old man he pretended not to be, Tony was about to open his mouth to tell FRIDAY to cut the sound, when the slick noises suddenly sped up.
Peter, alone in his apartment that Tony bought for him, jerking off while wearing the suit Tony made for him, was about to come, and Tony was going to hear the whole thing. Fumbling, Tony put the suit in FRIDAY’s control, not trusting his unfocused eyes and racing heart to steer him home. Breathing hard, he turned his full attention to the delicious noises echoing in his helmet.
“Unh, fuck. Ah— ah— ah—“
Peter cut off with a gasp, before he stopped breathing entirely. After a silent, expectant moment, his voice broke on a loud moan as he presumably came, all over his multi-million dollar suit.
Tony’s dick was currently trying to poke a hole through the hard metal casing of his own suit. He was aching, literally aching, to get home and peel it off, and finally indulge in the thoughts he hadn’t let himself think for the past year.
Listening to Peter’s heavy breathing as he recovered, Tony thought back to when he first met Peter.
Freshly eighteen and a new freshman in college, Peter was understandably scared when Tony dropped into his dorm room to accuse him of vigilante-ing, and to ask him to help in Germany. Tony knew Peter had an aunt in Queens, and he was considering using her as leverage, when Peter agreed to fly to Leipzig and miss a week of classes. He had done well, had helped Tony try to keep the Avengers together (which actually did nothing but tear them further apart, but that was in no way Peter’s fault), and had gone back to his dorm room with Tony’s promise of a call.
Of course Tony had found Peter attractive. With big eyes framed by thick lashes, a strong and muscular body hidden under large hoodies and sweatpants, with a bright and easy smile, he was charming in his excitement and naïveté. He was almost too pure, his rosy cheeks and soft skin so obviously a metaphor for an angel it could hardly be called a metaphor anymore.
Peter was legally an adult, yes, but Tony was his mentor, and Peter was almost thirty years Tony’s junior. He didn’t have the weight of thousands of lives and a failed marriage and a broken team dragging down his shoulders like Tony had, either. That shit aged you.
So Tony had locked his impure thoughts away in a little box in his brain, only taking it out sometimes to look at it, but never to open it.
But now, the little box had been blown wide open, and all the thoughts Tony had smothered were back in full force. Thoughts like how Peter would look with tears of pleasure beading at the corners of his eyes, how he would look with cum splattered on his cheeks, how he would moan high and pretty when Tony licked him just so, how his lithe back would arch, how his mouth would drop open when Tony first pushed inside him, how he would look up at Tony in rapture, with love in his eyes— No. That was too far. Tony couldn’t afford to think like that.
When Peter’s breathing finally evened out, Tony cleared his throat and said, “Cut the sound, FRI.”
Taking control of his suit back once he reached Manhattan, Tony angled his way down to the landing pad of the tower. Once he landed the suit opened up, letting him stumble his way out on trembling legs. His slacks were uncomfortably tight. Finally making it back to his room and collapsing on his bed, he shoved his hand down his pants, closed his eyes, and let his hind brain take over. Trying to ignore the guilt settling like acid in his stomach.
Peter had known for weeks about the Baby Monitor Protocol. He didn’t know if it was just tracking his location, or sending information, or even recording, so he did a little hunting. Finding in the code and his suit only a tracker and an outgoing connection to the microphone in his mask, he figured that Karen was constantly transmitting audio and general location information to FRIDAY.
Swinging between buildings on his way home one afternoon after patrol, he thought about what that meant. It made him a little hot under the collar knowing that Mr. Stark could hear everything he was doing when he was wearing the suit, could be listening at all times. Listening to Peter helping old ladies across the street, saving a man from a mugging, panting with exertion— would he think his heavy breathing was from something else?
The thought made Peter miss his next web shot and he had to scramble to make sure he didn’t smash into a street lamp. Warmth bloomed into his cheeks and down his neck. His suit was starting to feel uncomfortably tight, and he swung faster.
Making it to his living room window, he dropped in on silent feet. He stumbled his way to his couch, slumping down until his head was resting on the back of it. Opening the secret seam at his waist Mr. Stark made when Peter complained about needing to pee when he was patrolling (and God what Mr. Stark would say if he knew what it was being used for now—) he slipped his hand in to palm at his aching cock. Groaning in relief, he closed his eyes and gave in to the pleasure.
What if Mr. Stark were listening? Would he be disgusted? Would he turn off the audio as soon as he knew what Peter was doing? Or would he be intrigued, aroused, at the thought of Peter defiling his multi-million dollar gift?
Peter did just that when the thought popped into his head, sending streaks up his chest almost to his masked chin. Body still jolting in the aftershocks, what he just did finally registered in his head.
Gasping in panic this time, rather than pleasure, he ripped his mask off and flung it across the room, peeling his suit off next. What was he thinking? There was no way Mr. Stark would he anything other than disgusted with what he heard, if he heard it at all. Not to mention, Peter had violated Mr. Stark. Guilt and panic started to clog his throat, and he resolved to never do it again.
A few weeks later, Peter relaxed back on his bed and pulled his mask off. He wiped his sweaty hair off of his forehead and grinned. Fuck. That was good.
He wasn’t sure if Mr. Stark was listening, but honestly it didn’t matter, because that was one of the best orgasms he’d ever had. He’d imagined that Mr. Stark was teasing him, was keeping him balanced on the edge, whispering how Peter’s pleasure was his, his to create and control.
After the last time he jerked off in the suit, he had resolved to never do it again. But that was only until Peter saw the way Mr. Stark watched him. Peter wasn’t sure if he was imagining it, imagining something he only wished was there, but he could almost feel the heated gaze Mr. Stark sent him tingling down his spine. When they worked in Mr. Stark’s workshop side by side, Peter modifying his web shooters and Mr. Stark tinkering on his cars, or making an entirely new Iron Man suit, or just generally flitting between projects, Peter felt that Mr. Stark was doing a lot more tripping over his feet and burning his fingers than actually paying attention to what he was doing. Peter liked to imagine that this distraction was because of him, and not because of something else.
So Peter decided to do what Peter does best; solve the shit out of this problem. After class he changed into the tightest shirt he owned, and some gym shorts with a 5-inch inseam, ones he only bought because MJ slipped it into his basket at Target when he wasn’t looking. He felt distinctly uncomfortable on the subway to Stark Tower, but the thought of Mr. Stark’s (hopefully) flustered face was enough to steel his resolve.
He wasn’t disappointed. Mr. Stark practically did a spit-take when Peter walked out of the elevator into the workshop, eyes tracing up and down his body.
“Hey Mr. Stark,” Peter said, dropping his backpack off at his work station and sitting down, projecting a casual air.
“H-hey, Peter.”
Peter grinned down at the desk top. Mr. Stark never stuttered. That was almost a written confirmation of his hypothesis in Peter’s eyes.
The next night before his patrol, Peter settled down onto his bed, wearing his mask but no suit, preparing to have a fantastic next hour.
Which he definitely did.
In the weeks that followed the first time, Tony felt unbearably dirty, but he couldn’t stop thinking about it. How Peter’s moans sounded. How he might look, wracked with pleasure, his face slack and pink mouth open, eyes rolled back. Peter’s moans and pretty gasps haunted his every waking moment, and most of his sleeping moments too. He’d often wake up with sticky boxers, something that hadn’t happened to him since he was a teenager. A teenager like Peter, oh god.
He’d taken to wearing an earpiece, not visible of course, that connected directly to FRIDAY in case he was out of the tower or away from his suit when Peter next indulged in, ahem. Some personal time.
But it hadn’t happened again since the first time. Unfortunately. Or maybe fortunately. Maybe if Tony didn’t hear it again he would stop thinking about it. Maybe then he could go back to pretending he wasn’t that creepy old man. Who was he kidding, he still was. Peter had walked into the workshop the previous day wearing very short shorts and a tight shirt, his tan legs and leanly muscled chest taunting Tony as they worked. But he could at least try to not creep on Peter electronically.
“Sir, Mr. Parker’s suit is transmi—“
There goes that.
Tony looked around the hallway he was in in the upstate facility, and snuck into an empty conference room. He quickly locked the doors and asked FRIDAY to black out the windows.
“Let me hear it.”
Moans filled his ear again, closer this time, more intimate. It sounded also as if the audio was clearer. Tony could hear more things now. Like how Peter’s breath would hitch on a moan right after the slick noises of his fist slowed down or stopped entirely— was he teasing himself? would he like to be teased for hours if Tony were there? Tony could bring him to the edge over and over, watch the flush move down Peter’s cheeks to his chest, watch his cock twitch every time Tony let go, watch tears of frustration start to fall down his pretty face—
—and how there was also the dry rasping sound of skin on skin, followed by a sharp gasp— was he caressing his chest, running his fingers over his nipples, pinching them? twisting them? did Peter like pain? would he like it if Tony sucked dark bruises all over his body, biting them deeper, leaving his mark—
(—it didn’t occur to Tony to wonder why Peter’s chest was bare but the suit was transmitting audio, meaning Peter was wearing the mask and only the mask—)
—and this time when Peter was about to come Tony heard that the sound of his fist moving over his cock stopped, and instead there was a softer sound, quick and frantic but still gentle and wet— like Peter was rubbing his first two fingers on the spot right under the head of his cock, the most sensitive part, like he was letting the heat build and build rather than letting it take over immediately, letting the warm ache spread out into his pelvis and thighs and lower back, building and building, until the pleasure became too hot and he had to wrap his fist back around the head and squeeze gently, gasping through the waves and waves of pleasure—
Tony gasped through his own orgasm, not realizing that he’d snuck his hand down his slacks while he was listening. He shivered as he came back down.
“Shit. Fuck. Shit fuck. Fuck.” Tony cursed quietly under his breath as he carefully pulled his hand from out of his boxers. “Cut the sound, FRI.”
He looked down at his dirty hand, wondering how he was going to get out of this room and hallway undetected.
“What the hell am I doing?”
Peter jerks off in the suit several more times over the next few weeks, each time so full of mind-melting pleasure it leaves him gasping for minutes after. His guard is starting to drop, the idea of Mr. Stark hearing him, and his fantasies of Mr. Stark being there, have made him reckless.
It all comes to a head one Thursday night. Peter had just received an A on one of his midterms, and wanted to reward himself (not that there was any chance he wouldn’t do well on the midterm, but it’s the thought that counts), so he settled in for a long, luxurious jerk-off session.
“Uh— uh— yeah—“
Fuck it felt good. If only Mr. Stark were here. He’d trace his fingers up and down Peter’s flanks, nip possessively at his neck, cover Peter’s fingers on his cock with his own. He’d wring the pleasure out of Peter so skillfully and thoroughly that Peter would be able to do nothing more than shiver and cry under his calloused hands.
Forgetting himself, and who could be listening, Peter gasped out “Mr. Stark—“
“Calling Mr. Stark now,” came Karen’s cool voice.
Eyes popping open Peter yelped, frantically shouting “No! Wait—“
With a gentle bing, the phone call connected. Fast and heavy breathing followed by Mr. Stark’s unusually rough and breathless voice filled Peter’s ears.
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
Girls' Night (My Hero Academia)
Primary Universe
Summary: During an innocent trip to the fridge for a drink, Todoroki inadvertently gets cornered by the girls of Class 1-A, who are more than a little curious to see for themselves how ticklish he really is.
A/N: I mean...come on, is this not the cutest idea ever? I loved writing this one! Ticklish Todoroki is one of my favorites. Enjoy! ^^
Word Count: 1,344
“Girls, wait, I…” Todoroki stammered, looking up at the five – well, six, though he technically couldn’t see Hagakure – faces looming above him. “W-Why are we doing this?”
“Because it’s adorable!” Hagakure replied in a high-pitched squeal of excitement. Around her, the others nodded their agreement.
“But I thought this was a girls’ night.” Todoroki blushed as his arms were pulled above his head, Momo straddling his waist. “I-I’m not…”
Uraraka giggled. “Relax, we’re not going to torture you. That’s not our style.”
“No,” Tsu agreed. “We saw you on the bus and thought it looked like fun.”
“So we decided we wanted to see how ticklish you are for ourselves.” Jirou nodded toward Momo. “Although this one already got to test it.”
Momo blushed and looked away, a small smile on her lips. Todoroki opened his mouth to protest more, but that’s when he felt fingers in his underarms and poking along his ribs, and he couldn’t help but giggle, clenching his fists.
How had he gotten into this situation? He’d been minding his own business, heading downstairs to grab a can of Coke from the fridge to help him power-study tonight. He wanted to get all of his work done early so he could enjoy spring break, which had officially started as of the end of today’s classes. But somewhere between his getting to the kitchen and his leaving it, the girls – who were all camped out in the living room for a slumber party, complete with pillow forts and a lot of snacks – called him over for a moment, and that had led to him being pinned to the floor at all of their mercy, knowing full well he wouldn’t be able to hide how sensitive he was from any of them.
All of it was embarrassing and flustering, and yet…he knew he would have a lot of fun, too.
“P-Plehehehehehease be cahahahareful,” he said, squirming instinctively. The girls pinning his arms down held him even firmer. “I’m r-reheheheheally ticklish.”
“We can’t wait to see it,” Jirou teased, scribbling her fingers along his ribs and sides, smiling when he couldn’t hold back his stream of giggles.
Momo moved next, trailing her long nails over his open belly and waistline, making him twitch and grin widely, trying to hold back but failing miserably. Jirou continued working on his upper torso, while Uraraka and Tsu managed his underarms. All of the tickling was light and bearable – for now.
“Come on, Todoroki,” Mina teased, grabbing his knees and squeezing. “Let it out. We won’t judge.”
“Yeah, we think it’s super cute!” Hagakure added from somewhere behind Yaoyorozu. “Right, Momo?”
“Um, yeah.” Momo blushed, but kept up her gentle, teasing tickles.
Todoroki replied merely by continuing to giggle, twitching and jerking at each new ticklish touch, his smile so wide it almost hurt.
“I’m not getting any reaction here,” Mina hummed. “Where were Deku and Bakugou tickling him that made him laugh so hard?”
“I think it was here, wasn’t it?” Tsu asked, digging a little harder into his underarm.
Todoroki let out a loud yelp, his smile widening. “P-Plehehehease be careful!”
“Oh~ So it’s your armpits, huh?” Jirou teased, nodding at Uraraka. “Get him, you two.”
“No, wait! Please, wait – NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!” Todoroki tossed his head back and laughed, trying his best to wiggle even a bit but going nowhere fast thanks to the weight on his arms and hips keeping him firmly where he was. “NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! PLEHEHEHEHEASE!!”
“Awww!” The girls cooed in unison, only making him blush and laugh harder. “Look at him! He’s so ticklish!”
“This is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen,” Jirou chuckled, using her earphone jacks to wiggle into his lower ribs while her fingers focused on his upper ribs. “Tickle, tickle~”
“STAHAHAHAHA – PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!!” Todoroki cut himself off from saying “stop” just in time, letting out a loud squeal when Uraraka and Tsu started kneading into his armpits. “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!”
Momo blushed furiously at the sight before her, though she was enjoying it immensely, if the huge smile on her face was any indication. She bravely reached under his white t-shirt to scribble along his bare skin directly.
“PLEHEHEHEHEASE, IT TIHIHIHIHIHICKLES!! GIRLS, PLEASE – NONOTTHERE!!” He suddenly screeched, arching his back as much as possible, nearly bucking Momo off of his hips. All of them stopped, surprised. “Nononono, please not there, not that! It tickles too much! Please!”
“Not where?” Uraraka asked, genuinely confused until she saw Mina’s grinning face behind Momo, pointing dramatically to the half-and-half hero’s feet. “Oh, I see. Are your feet really ticklish?”
“T-They’re…yes, they’re extremely ticklish,” Todoroki admitted, struggling beneath their firm hold but still going nowhere fast. “Please, d-don’t…not there!”
There was a long silence as the girls looked among themselves, seeming to debate what to do. Finally, Uraraka, Tsu, and Jirou left their places at his upper body and crawled over to join Mina and Hagakure. Momo stayed where she was, continuing to straddle him and pin him in place.
Todoroki brought his arms down gratefully, but five of the six girls being so close to the spot he’d just begged them not to tickle was making him nervous. “Girls?” He felt weight on his shins, keeping him from moving his legs whatsoever, and his heart began to race anew. “N-No, wait, please, not there, I beg you!”
“It’s okay, Todoroki,” Momo said, smiling sweetly at him. “It’s just for a minute.”
“I c-can’t handle – NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!!” Todoroki quickly lost his composure once again, throwing his head back with hysterical laughter as more fingers than he could count scribbled and scraped along his bare soles, sending him into fits of laughter he hadn’t even known were possible until now. He desperately tried to grab at anything he could – the couch, the coffee table, the girl straddling his hips – but all he could manage was to flop around like a fish out of water and laugh so hard he thought he might run out of breath.
“STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!” He pleaded, pounding the ground weakly as he rolled from side to side, the ticklish shockwaves sending more sensations through his body than he could handle at once. He was losing his mind. “PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!! I CAN’T – I CAHAHAHAHAHAHAN’T TAHAHAHAHAHAKE IT!! GIRLS!! MEHEHEHEHEHEHEHERCY!!”
Momo watched his face carefully, judging whether he could breathe, whether he was truly in distress, whether he was having fun or not. For a short while it looked like he was enjoying himself despite his hysterical pleading, but the instant his eyes went from happy to panicked, she put an end to his ticklish torture.
“All right, girls,” she called over her shoulder, “that’s enough.”
The others stopped instantly, willing to follow her lead, and they all climbed off of him and sat back, letting him curl up into a ball on his side as he let out some leftover giggles.
Uraraka put a hand on his shoulder gently. “You okay?”
“Y-Yeah, I’m fine,” Todoroki replied breathlessly, still chuckling even as he groaned into the carpeted floor. “You girls are ruthless.”
They all giggled at him.
“If it’ll make you feel better, you can hang out with us for a little while,” Momo offered. “We have snacks. It’s the least we can do.”
“I don’t want to impose on your girls’ night,” he replied, sitting up. “Plus, I have studying to do.”
“Studying?!” they all cried, aghast.
“But it’s spring break!” Mina exclaimed.
Todoroki couldn’t help but laugh all over again. “Relax, I’m not going to study the entire break. I just wanted to get a little bit done tonight so I can enjoy the rest of the week off.”
“Well, before you do that, why don’t you watch an episode of an anime with us?” Jirou suggested, handing him a bowl of pretzels. “It’ll help you feel better for what we just put you through. Then you can study. Sound fair?”
Todoroki hesitated, then accepted the bowl and popped a pretzel into his mouth. “Just one episode,” he agreed, and all of the girls squealed in excitement and queued up the show, settling in to watch.
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Levi as your first
Summary: what about an imagine where Levi and reader have been dating for around a year but the reader likes to practice abstinence and so Levi respects her choice and they never cross that line. until a few months later they get engaged, then married and on their wedding night, Levi is really excited to finally do ‘it’ as is the reader, but she’s also really nervous because she doesn’t wanna get hurt or mess up and so Levi calms her down and gently makes love to her.
Warning: fluff, language, smut ( oral [female receiving],penetration, virginity)
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“forget about the titans that paperwork is going to be the death of you” (Y/N) teased as Levi walked into the room groaning completely exhausted he flopped on the bed next to her.
“I’d rather be fighting titans than paperwork. No more words, my head hurts.” she laughed as he grumbled running her hands through his hair as he laid next to her.
“don’t say that you’ll jinx us” she whispered kissing his forehead. He rolled over on to his back looking up at her. Reaching up he cups the back of her neck and pulls her down to kiss her. He then rolls over pushing her on to her back she moans lightly as he nibbles on her bottom lip. “I thought you were tired.”
“Not anymore” he says moving kiss her jaw and neck. She moans as he finds her sensitive spot and focuses there. Once he was satisficed with the bruise he left on her neck he moved back on to her lips.
It was good they were making-out and she was happy but then she felt his hands tugging at her shirt at first she didn’t know what was happening but then he managed to take her shirt off. She was becoming scared. Things were going a little too fast for her liking. She didn’t know how this was going to happen but she knew whatever it was she didn’t want it to happen like this.
Levi noticed how (Y/n) stiffed up and he pulled away he saw how nervous she was.
“Hey, are you okay?” he asked pulling back.
“sorry” she whispered sitting up and putting on her shirt “Um…I just…that was really fast.”
“We can slow down if you want.”
“Levi… I’m-I don’t think I’m actually ready to do … this. I’m sorry I-”
“shut up, you’re fine. We don’t have to do anything.” Levi said as pulled back he kisses her forehead and climbs under the covers as if nothing happened. He didn’t push the topic, he didn’t question her, he didn’t shame her. She said she didn’t want to and he was fine with that. Their relationship wasn’t built on sex so it wasn’t needed. In the future they did have a short conversation about it where they both agreed they’d try again once they were married. And that’s where the conversation ended neither of them brought it up again.
“That was a beautiful ceremony” (Y/n) said as Levi put her down on the couch after carrying her over the threshold of their home as his new wife. She heard him hum behind her.  (Y/n) sighed lightly as Levi rubbed her shoulders “Hanji really out did herself. Who would have though she’d be such as good wedding planner”.
“She’s good with organizing things when she wants too.” Levi said as he leaned down and began to kiss her shoulder and neck she moaned lightly.
“feels nice.” she moaned leaning into his touch.
“Want more?” he whispered lightly in her ear as he nibbled on her neck.
(Y/n) looked up and down the hall to where the bedroom was. She knew what was in there, she knew what was supposed to happen in there. It was their wedding the day they agreed to do this. She couldn’t back out now.
“We don’t have to if you don’t want to. I don’t mind waiting a little longer” Levi said as he pulled away he could sense her discomfort.
“No, I agreed to tonight so we’ll do it tonight.” she said turning around to face him.
“I’m not going to force you (Y/n), if you don’t wan to, you don’t want to.”
“I’m just nerve… what if it hurts, what if I mess up, what if I’m no good?” she voiced her fears. Levi took her hand and kissed her knuckles
“Don’t worry I’ll teach you. I won’t let you get hurt”.
Taking a deep breath (y/n) stood up and took Levi’s hand leading him to their bedroom. Standing at the edge of their bed she takes another deep breath turning her back towards him “unzip me please” she held her breath as she felt him slowly unzip her. If you don’t count that one time, this was the first time they’d see each other without clothes. As her dress pooled at her feet (Y/n) slowly turned around showing herself to him. She was wearing a nice little white lace bra and panty set. White for innocence’s.
Levi groaned as he reached forward placing a hand on her hip giving it a light squeeze. His eyes roaming her body “still don’t have to”
“You’ll take care of me?”
“of course” Levi said as he leaned forward kissing her gently “ at any point if you don’t want to say something. No, Stop, Don’t and I’ll end it. no more, okay?”
Levi leaned taking her lips she hummed against his lips wrapping her arms around his neck. He pat her thigh signaling her to jump up wrapping her legs around him. He crawls up the bed holding her and laying her down on the pillows. “Beautiful he whispered against her lips as he kissed her deeply. (Y/n) moaned as he thrusted into her rolling his hips into her.
She tugged at his shirt. Leaning back he ripped off his shirt not caring about the buttons he’d fix them another time. He leaned down and kissed her again as he unbuckled his pants. Pulling away Levi trailed kiss down the valley of her breast and stomach. (Y/n) held her breath as he kissed the edge of her panties as he tugs her waist band he looks up at her silently asking for permission. She grants him such by lifting her hips.
Levi groaned as he sees how wet she is he grips her thighs and spreads them even wider. (y/n) looks down at him blushing embarrassed to have him seeing her intimate parts. Honestly she took a mirror down there once she didn’t know what so appealing or attractive about that part of her body and she really just had an urge to close her legs on him but she didn’t he was her husband and he had a right to look now.
“What’s wrong?” Levi he noticed how uncomfortable and tense she seemed. He assumed she was having second thoughts and was prepared to end it here.
“…you’re staring.”
“Yes, you look beautiful.”
“Beautiful? I’ve got my knees up to my chest with my vagina and ass out.”
“Yes, and you’re beautiful. Your vagina looks delicious.”
“ Delicious? Last time I looked it looked like a -….oh, oh”
Levi leaned forward licking a strive up her slit and flicking her clit with his tongue she tosses her head back. She moaned, whimpered, and whined as he worked his tongue worked on her spreading her folds and gently sucking her clit. (Y/n) had no other experience in the department of oral sex but she was pretty sure Levi was a pro. She pulled and claws at the sheet not knowing what else to grasp.
She starts moaning louder and arching her back as she found herself closer to the edge. But before she could fall over Levi pulled away letting her fall before reaching her high.
“w-what?” she asked as he pulled away wiping his chin. She looks at him as he unbuckles his pants she closed her legs becoming nervous again.
Levi leans down kissing her the kiss was slow and gentle passionate. “ We can stop right now, you know? We don’t have to keep going.”
“What about you?” She asks she could feel his harder on on her inner thigh.
“This isn’t about me.” he says kissing along her neck he hears her whimper as he kisses on a bruise he made earlier.
“I… I’d like to keep going” she said pulling at his pants “Please”.
Levi stands off the bed he is quick to pull off his pants while (Y/n) finally takes off her bra tossing it in the pile of clothes made at the end of the bed. Levi crawls back on the bed and over her. “just say stop and I will.” she nods hastily and wraps her arms around his shoulder and pulls him into a kiss.
“I’m ready”
With a kiss Levi takes a hold of his hard cock (Y/n) flinches as she feels it move along her slit she closes her eyes and tenses up as he begins to push forward he stops.
“tch, this won’t work if you’re so tense. This will hurt  if you don’t relax.”
“I’m sorry”
“we don’t have to do this.”
“no, no, I want to I’m just nervous.”
“what can I do to make you relax?” he ask sitting up and leaning on his knees she sits up as well.
“top?…can I be on …top?” she whispers shyly.
Without a word Levi lays down on his back and then pulls her on top of him. Her eyes go wide and she flinches as she feels herself sit on his cock“ This is what you want?” He holds her hips gently moving her hips grinding into him. She places her hands on his chest as she starts to move her hips on her own moving her slit up and down his cock.
(Y/n) sits up slightly she watches as Levi his cock and lines it up with her entrance. She slowly slides down his length. “Slow. Take your time.” he says as he noticed her look of discomfort he grips her hips to slow her down as she doesn’t listen moving to fast. She cries out when she finally takes all of him and falls on to his chest a few tears escaping her. Levi kisses her and and rubs gentle circles on her back to calm her pain and comfort her. He was never good with words.
(Y/n) couldn’t really describe the pain properly it wasn’t really a pain pain but a burning sensation all over and discomfort on the inside. When it all settled and she found her self adjusted the pain no longer unbearable she sits up.
Placing her hands on his shoulder and chest she slowly lifts herself up and then down in a slow and gentle rhythm. She bites her lips and closes her eyes moving her hips a quiet moan slipping past her lips. “That’s it, good girl.” he praised her as he groaned taking hold of her hips moving her so her clit was grinding into his pelvis. She moaned and cursed as her nail dug into his shoulder and chest moving her hips faster.
Suddenly Levi flipped them over and pinning (Y/N) by her knees. They both moaned out loud and her eyes rolled into the back of her head this new position letting him reach a new depth. “shit, fuck” Levi cursed as her walls fluttered around him. As he leaned down to kiss her she moaned into his lips as he began to thrust into her pushing her into the mattress.
“f-feel good” she stuttered against his lips he chuckled against hers not saying a word.
Reaching in between their bodies he found her clit she moaned and clawed at his shoulders as he rubbed her bud in tight and fast circles.
“AH, I think… I think-” she was on edge she could fell the tightness in her abdomen the knot growing stronger.
“Its’ alright. Go a head, cum”
And she did. Letting go the knot finally snapped and she was over the edge. She let out a silent scream and arched her back as she orgasmed.
As (Y/n) finished with her high Levi pulled up and with a few pumps groaned and came all over her stomach. (Y/N) gasped and whimpered as he painted her stomach and then collapse on his side.
“Sorry” Levi said after a few minutes pasted of them catching their breath. He  kissed her gently and up out of bed. She wondered what he was doing as he went to the bathroom trying to sit up she hissed feeling a slight pain between her thighs and on her hips. Looking down she found bruises on her hips and blood on the sheets between her legs. She gasped ignoring the dull ache between her legs she she got off the bed and began to gather the sheets.
“What are you doing?” Levi asked as he came into the room and saw her stripping the bed.
“It’s okay, I’m just- I’m changing the sheets. They’re dirty.”
“Don’t worry about that. I can-” Levi tried to take the sheets from her but she wouldn’t let him and insisted that she cleaned them instead.
“I got it I can do it”
“(Y/N)” He gave her a look that translated to ‘enough with this bullshit, they fuck is up’.
“… I bleed on the sheets” she said as she turned away from him.
he chuckled “I know. That happens when you first have sex.”
“But there was so much. I stained the sheets” Honestly she was embarrassed of the mess they made of in the sheets. She knew there was to be blood but she though it would only be a little bit. She didn’t think it would be so messy. Looked like her ‘Levi’ was coming out.
“I’ll clean them and if they truly are stained I’ll throw them out. You don’t need to worry about this. I’ve drawn you a bath. Go, I’ll handle this and join you in a bit”.
When Levi took the sheets from her she realized one she was still nude and two she had his dry cum on her stomach. With a yelp she covered herself and quickly rushed to the bathroom. Levi chuckled and eyed her butt as she skipped off.
“how are you?” Levi asked as he gently kissed her shoulder holding her tight to his chest as they both sat in the tub.
“I’m good. I feel really good. I didn’t expect it to be so messy afterwards but it was good , really good.” (Y/n) said running her fingers through his hair as she laid her head on his chest “ was it good for you too? I mean did you enjoy yourself?”
“It was amazing. You were fantastic. I enjoyed you. I’d like to enjoy more of you” Levi teased as he kissed her neck “ Maybe could enjoy you in the shower , then they’ll be less mess to worry about.”
Without words (y/n) pulled him into her lips for a kiss she would like that very much.
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watermelonlipstick · 3 years
School has been kicking my ass lately, but I found some time to write this little warm and fuzzy nothing. I’d love any advice or critiques!
Title: Back
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Reader
Word Count: 1915
Summary: Getting back to find the reader has been waiting for the Winchesters to get home from a hunt, Sam is a little nervous and more than a little happy.
Warnings: mutual pining fluff only!
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           Sam and Dean walked down bunker stairs slowly, their bones aching with the work of the last week. They had changed into clean clothes to drive through the night back to Kansas, but their hands and hair bore the telltale mud and blood of a hunt, and they badly needed to shower. Walking into the library, Sam took his duffel bag off his shoulder and dropped it unceremoniously but quietly.
           Curled up in a chair on the other end of the table, you slept wrapped in a blanket and draped over the old wood. Your hair ground into your folded arms and the huge book you had been reading, and the pressure of your head on your cheek pouched your lips out a touch. Sam brushed his palms on his jeans somewhat fruitlessly in an effort not to dirty your face as he brushed a chunk of hair back from your temple.
           “Hey,” he whispered in a low voice, his hand hovering over your shoulder. “We’re home.”
           You woke with a small jolt, peeking open one eye to look up at Sam. A sleepy smile spread across your eyes as you arched back to stretch. “Hey, handsome,” you answered in the croaky voice of a nap. “How’d it go?”
           “All good, no major injuries. You should be in bed,” he said, a smirk playing at the corner of his mouth.
           “Carry me?” you asked. The shy smile on your face betrayed you as only half joking.
           Sam chuckled as Dean came over to them. “He smells like sweat and swamp monster ass,” Dean offered.
           “Thanks Dean,” Sam said sarcastically, his voice still low. “He’s right though. Still want me to?”
           You nodded with closed eyes, your contented smile showing through even as you yawned. “Dean, there’s lasagna in the fridge if you want it.” As an aside to Sam you mouthed, “vegetarian.” Sam’s eyes crinkled at the edges as he offered his arms out to you. You got up and put your arms around Sam’s neck, letting him ease you up into his chest. Your calves and socked feet dangled over his forearm.
           “You’re the best,” Dean insisted, gripping an invisible fist of victory. He gathered up the blanket and stacked it on top of your stomach.
           “Don’t stay up too late,” you hummed to Dean while nuzzling your head into the crook of Sam’s neck.
           “I won’t, kid. I promise.” He leaned over and kissed you on the cheek. “Goodnight.”
           Sam nodded to Dean over you, jerking his head toward the kitchen to show he’d meet his brother in a minute. He carried you back to your room and lowered you down onto your bed before spreading the blanket out on top of you.
           “You didn’t need to wait up for us,” Sam said.
           “I know, but I wanted to see you.”
           “Well I won’t lie, it feels a lot more like home to come back to you than an empty bunker,” he smiled.
           “Oh yeah?” you asked with a sly grin.
           “Will you come sleep here?” Your eyebrow crooked up in question. It was loaded, definitely a pretty big step further down the tightrope you and Sam had been walking. But it had felt right to ask, and you fought back the impulse to take it back or turn it into a joke. Sam’s eyebrows lifted in soft, hopeful surprise, and it changed his whole face.
           “I can if you want me to,” he answered, running a hand through his hair. “Are you sure?”
           “Yeah, I think so.” The hesitation in your voice made his pulse race despite his fatigue.
           “Uh, ok, yeah. Just let me eat something and shower and I’ll be here, I promise. Don’t wait up though.”
           You nodded, trying to fight a smile by biting your lip, then pulled the blanket up under your chin and closed your eyes. Sam lingered in the doorframe for a moment, watching the light from the hallway fall on the swells and angles of your body before going to the kitchen with Dean.
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           Dean was already halfway into a plate of lasagna by the time Sam got there and took off his jacket.
           “Dude, she’s outdone herself. This is awesome,” Dean said through the last third of a mouthful before swallowing.
           “Yeah, she’s pretty great, isn’t she?” Sam asked as he walked to the fridge.
           Dean looked up smugly over his fork. “What’s going on with that anyway?”
           Sam closed the microwave door on a plate of lasagna and turned toward Dean. “Uh, I mean, I don’t know. She asked me to sleep with her.” Dean half-choked on a bite, coughing and grabbing at his beer bottle. His brother realized his mistake, making an exasperated face before correcting himself. “Not like that, Jesus. Like literally sleep in her room.” Dean pounded his chest with a closed fist and fought through a hoarse throat.
           “Are you going to?”
           “I mean, yeah. Why, should I not?” Sam’s eyes widened.
           “I don’t know what you should or shouldn’t do, man. Just seems awfully boyfriend-experience to me,” Dean said, his hands up in faux surrender.
           “Well, yeah,” Sam conceded, getting his plate out of the microwave.
           “So you’re her boyfriend?” Dean looked incredulous.
           “Dean, I don’t know,” Sam whined as he sat down across from his brother.
           “Fine, whatever, I’ll leave you alone about it. But know that I’m going to be pissed if things get weird between you two and she leaves. Aside from the extra backup, I can’t go back to Marie Calendar and beef jerky after this.”
           Sam nodded placatingly.  
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           You had dozed off, waking up when some lizard part of your brain realized the light had shifted in the room. Sam filled the doorway in an old t-shirt and flannel pajama pants slung low enough on his hips to expose a little sliver of skin when he walked. The smell of shampoo crossed the room as if being unfurled from his still-damp hair, the clean familiarity of it making your joints relax even further than they had in sleep. He saw the heavy lids of your eyes for the second time that night, and felt a pang of nervous affection.
           “Do you still want me to, ah..?” Sam whispered like a gravel road at dusk.
           You nodded, folding back the comforter next to you. He walked over, messing with the hem of his shirt like a shy teenager before crawling gently into bed. He didn’t know what to do. It felt like the first time he’d ever slow-danced with a girl at some stupid school formal—Mandy Jacobsen, freshman year of high school, wearing a shirt Dean had outgrown but was still too loose to be tucked in properly and his dad’s shoes—not knowing where to put his hands or whether it was better or worse to press against you. You waited a beat before rolling to your back to mirror him.
           “Is this too weird?” you asked.
           “No, no. Sorry, I just—I’m just a little keyed up from the hunt I guess.” Sam cursed himself in his head; you knew they’d driven over 7 hours to get back, it made no sense that he’d still be on an adrenaline rush. He was grateful when you didn’t say anything.
           “Was it gross? When you guys had me look up bunyips I was so glad I didn’t come with on the stomp-around-in-the-swamp job.”
           He chuckled quietly. “You would’ve hated it. We had to change before Dean would even unlock the car.”
           “How’d you get back to the motel to change if he wouldn’t unlock it?”
           “No, like out on the side of the road.”
           “So you and Dean were naked on the side of the road in—where was it?”
           “Stringtown, Oklahoma.”
           “In Stringtown, Oklahoma, and didn’t get arrested?”
           “It’s pretty rural.”
           “Well thank God for that,” you giggled, turning onto your side to face him. “I would’ve had to take that stupid little Volkswagen to come and get you. You’d have needed a double knee replacement by the time we crossed the state line.”
            “Then I’m even more glad.” Sam’s profile was fuzzy in the dark but you could hear his smile. When he turned to face you the tiny amount of ambient light glinted off his teeth. “I missed you,” he added, so quietly you almost couldn’t hear him from inches away.
           “I missed you too,” you breathed.
           Sam shifted to his side and tentatively reached out to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear. “I didn’t mean to wake you up, you should go back to sleep.”
           “Are you going to leave if I do?”
           “Not if you don’t want me to.” His thumb was gentle and callused against your cheek, brushing absentmindedly.
           “I don’t want you to.” You twisted away from him to curl back against his chest. Sam got those same heart-thumping sweaty palms he had with Mandy Jacobsen and hoped you couldn’t feel the thrum of his pulse against you, suddenly aware of how thin the fabric separating you two was. He felt gangly and awkward in his filled-out 32 year old body, and kind of stupid for it; less than an hour ago he’d held you in his arms and he couldn’t even estimate the amount of times his hands had roamed your skin, feeling for broken bones and shards of glass or stitching up a gash. He was trying to remember what the natural thing to do here was when you reached behind to his side and pulled his arm over you, laying his palm out below your sternum and lacing your fingers in his. His hand spanned a wide swath of your torso and made you feel delicate, like something precious. After a moment, Sam let the weight of his arm settle over top of you like a cloak, the pressure soothing and protective.
           You smelled like warm skin, fresh sheets, and the orange blossom soap you loved from the farmer’s market in the next town over. Sam inhaled deeply, nestling his face against your hair and feeling the heat from you and your body-warmed comforter seep into him, so opposite from the freezing bog water he’d been up to his thighs in earlier that day. He was having a hard time coming up with something that would be better than this and thought it might actually be ramping up his nerves, comfortable as it was. Instinctively he pressed his lips to your hair, feeling a jolt in his chest when it made you lean back into him.
           Seems awfully ‘boyfriend-experience’ to me ran through his head and he felt an overwhelming ache. If this was the boyfriend experience, he wanted nothing else in the world. He felt your breath deepen under his palm and the weight of your body began to sink a bit in that telltale way that told him you were falling back asleep. Sam listened for a long minute to the rhythm of it.
           “I love you,” he breathed, just to hear what it sounded like.
           “I love you too, Sam,” you murmured, barely opening your mouth.
           Sam had no time to feel embarrassed you’d heard him, hadn’t been fully asleep, as his chest swelled with helium. He shifted his calf to cover your cold feet and smiled, all to himself, into the darkness. It took him hours to drift off, but he didn’t care. There was no place he’d rather be.
Thanks again for reading! If you liked it, check out my Masterlist or send me a request!
Tags: @sams-sass @vxnderlindes @deanwinchesterswitch @akshi8278 @itsjensenanddean @flannellover67 @weepingwillowphoenix @tj-drinks-tea @whatareyousearchingfordean @winchest09 @winchestergirl2 @samwisethegr8 @nobxdy @nurse-sarahrn @lovers-in-japan-reign-of-love @deanwanddamons @stressedoutkitten @winchestershiresauce @tatted-trina6 @percico-heronstairs @downanddirtydean @queenoftheunderdark​ @lyarr24​ @wonder-cole​ @that-one-gay-girl​ @fairlyspnfanfic​ @treat-winchesterswith-kindness​ @mimaria420​ @huntheimpossible​  (s)
And as always, if you want to be on my taglist, were on the taglist and changed your handle, or I lost track of it, please let me know!
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divinerulerluvr · 4 years
Let Me Violate You
Summary - in 1985 after taking some funny coke at a recording studio, she finds herself at the Cortez and meets Mr. James Patrick March only to meet her fate, as well
Warnings - smut (duh), bondage, coercion, murder, bondage, drugs, power kink, james is a dom per ush, idk its very dark dare i say
Words - 2.7k
Inspired by the song Closer by Nine Inch Nails ;)
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The world was blurry as i stumbled into a random hotel in Downtown LA. I had been recording a new song at the studio just a few minutes away and the idiots i work with gave me some fucked up coke and now here i am, barely lucid and tripping out of my mind.
Leaning against the receptionist counter for support, i look up to the woman who reads a book. She peers at me over it, a certain look of disappointment in her eyes as she sets it down. “I-I would like a room,” i ask, blinking quickly.
“Fifteen dollars for the night,” she says flatly. I give her a twenty, too high to care about change. She smiles at me before standing up and grabbing a key from the wall and handing it to me. The key had a ‘64’ chain on it.
“Room sixty-four. Sixth floor,”
I nod before stumbling to the elevator, getting to the sixth floor, and walking through the halls until i got to room 64. Unlocking the door, i push it open and walk into the large suite. Going straight to the bed, i lay back on it with an exasperated sigh.
I am too high for this.
Staring at the ceiling that looks like it was twirling and twisting, i feel eyes on me. Sitting up, my eyes glance around the room. My eyes land on a man who stands at the end of the bed, a cigarette in his hand.
I jump, trying to confirm whether he was real or not with the state i was in. “W-Who are you?” i stutter nervously, my eyes wide with fear. The man smiles, drawing at his cigarette to build some sort of anticipation.
“I should be asking who are you? This is my suite,” he says in return, his voice coated with a thick 20’s accent. He was an attractive man. His dark hair was styled perfectly and in the dark of the room i could make out his sharp jawline and piercing eyes.
“I paid for this room,” i argue, confused to who this strange man is.
He grins a predatory and evil grin that made my stomach twist. “Would you like a drink?” he offers, ignoring the previous conflict. “I’d like you to get out of my room,” i bite back. He turns his back to me, pouring something into a glass.
Turning back to face me, he extends a glass of the drink to me. “No need to be so rude, darling,” he advises, his head tilted patronizingly. He takes a slow step towards me, his eyes dead on mine. Swallowing thickly, i accept the drink.
Suspiciously, i drink from the glass. The alcohol burned down my throat and the drugs already in me didn’t help. Finding it wasn’t poisoned, i chugged the rest of it down.
He sips from his own glass, his eyes never leaving mine. “Who are you?” i ask yet again. “James March,” he replies simply. I just nod, finding that i had this strange fuzzy feeling in my mouth.
I had already finished the drink he’d offered and it was too late to go back. I had jinxed the fact that it was drugged. Because i know what being drugged feels like.
Before i could do anything, i was out like a fucking light.
I woke up after god knows how long. I felt rope rubbing my wrists raw and rope that kept my feet tied to the bed. Panic fills me as i look around the room frantically. It was that James guy who fucking drugged me and fuck knows what he’s going to do to me.
I breathe out quietly, trying to calm myself as i pull at the ropes that keep my arms tied apart to either post of the bedframe. I was in a starfish position, rendering me completely helpless.
“You really should never take a drink from a stranger, my sweet Y/n,” i hear James’ voice say from beside me, startling me at his sudden appearance. “Fuck off. Let me go,” i complain, glaring up at him.
He chuckles, reaching his hand down and petting my hair. I recoil from his touch, my heart beating quicker than if i was on acid. He notices my reaction to his touch, a look of anger crossing his face right before he slaps me.
Not a playful smack, either. A real smack. It stung my cheek, a groan leaving my lips. He exhales sharply, his ominously black eyes glaring at me with disgust. “I think you forget who’s the one tied up and the one who did the tying,” he says, walking away from me.
I still fight against the ropes, my wrists burning like hell. I was lucky i was still clothed. But with this man, i wasn’t sure what he wanted from me.
“Why are you doing this?” i ask him, watching as he takes off his belt. My heart jumps, my thighs instinctually trying to push together but failing due to my position. He glances up at me as he starts unbuttoning his shirt.
“You were just so beautiful, dear. I had to have you for myself,” he says with a charismatic smile. His white button-down sits loosely on his shoulders, exposing his toned chest and abs to me. “That’s fucking creepy,” i scoff, watching his every move with precision.
He shrugs. “I think it’s romantic. When i’m done, you’ll never leave the confines of this hotel again,” he counters.
“Yeah right,” i mumble to myself, moving around on the bed still trying to free myself from the bonds keeping me at his mercy. He glares at me. “You have a horrible habit of talking back,” he points out, running his hand up my bare leg and playing with the hem of my skirt.
I swallow thickly, a dull heartbeat growing between my legs as his soft touch trails further up my leg and under my skirt. His hand cold but his touch was warm. Bunching up my skirt, his eyes fall onto my black panties.
“Maybe i should do something about it, hm?”
Keeping quiet, my cheeks burn in embarrassment as his eyes rake over my bare legs. He walks away from me, retrieving something from a drawer and coming back to me with it in hand. He presents a ball gag and i feel my breathing pick up.
Placing the pink plastic ball of the gag in my mouth, James buckles the strap around my head and i could feel myself lose every last ounce of power i had.
He reaches into his back pocket, pulling out a hand knife and placing it to the waistband of my skirt. In one fluid motion, he cuts it into two pieces and tears it off of me. He does the same to the top i wore, shredding it and discarding it carelessly.
His eyes fall on my now bare chest. I never wore bras. Softly, he runs his fingers over my breasts, enjoying how my skin breaks out into goosebumps at his feather-light touch. He runs his hand down my stomach, feeling how i pant with anticipation.
Cutting off my panties, i was completely exposed to him. He sees how wet i am, a proud smirk spreading on his lips. “I’ve barely even touched your pretty body yet, doll. And yet look at this,” he taunts, running his finger through my slick folds.
I whimper, my hips bucking back at the sensation of his touching me. He uses his free hand to hold down my hips, keeping me flat on the bed. “I thought you didn’t want this,” he teases, his eyes admiring my naked body.
Unable to speak, i just furrow my brows pathetically. He smiles, enjoying how mindless i look. He rubs slow and teasing circles over my clit, his touch gentle as he stimulates me.
Weak moans leave my lips but are ultimately silenced by the gag in my mouth. My legs tremble slightly as i occasionally jolt with pleasure. He was giving me the bare minimum but it felt so fucking good.
Spit falls from the corner of my mouth, my eyes watering with the pain of him only touching me lightly. I could see the bulge in his pants and i knew i was in for quite the night. Men like him didn’t like vanilla sex. I would know. I’m in a goddamn rock band and it’s the eighties.
His hand leaves between my legs and instead uses his already wet fingers to wipe the spit that had left my mouth. His dark eyes meet mine as he returns his hand to my pussy, this time pushing his middle finger into me.
I arch my back, my head pressed into the pillow i lay on as i feel his finger curl inside of me. Not caring, he pushes a second finger into me and starts an even rhythm of finger fucking me
My whimpers sound pathetic and tears fill my eyes. I beg internally for more pleasure. But i was unable to actually ask for it which i knew was his entire point. I was wetter than i’ve ever been before. His fingers were like heaven inside of me.
His palm every once in a while grazes my clit, making my body shudder from the brief stimulation. “Look at you. How pitiful you are,” he degrades, his eyes taking in the way my eyes water and how a squirm on the bed.
“Little girls like you need to be taught a lesson,” he clicks his tongue, his fingers slowing down from their rhythm before he pulls them out. I groan at the loss, my eyes locked on his. “They need to be put to good use, for once,”
I watch with doe eyes as he throws off his shirt and takes off his pants. He gets on top of me, staring at me like i was prey and he was a starving predator. “You look positively beautiful tied to my bed," he compliments, caressing my hot cheek.
“To be fair, it is also very beautiful to watch you squirm with pleasure, my pet,” he says with a grin, repositioning so he was kneeling between my legs. He runs his hand up my stomach, reaching my breasts and massaging them. Giving special attention to my sensitive nipples.
His clothed boner rubs against my sensitive pussy, making me want him even more. My hands pull against their restraints, causing the red marks on my wrist to hurt more. He sees this, noticing how raw my skin was. “You know better than that,” he tsks, trailing his hand down my body and running it along my leg.
I didn’t know how to convey to him that i wanted him to absolutely destroy me, so instead, i just push myself against him, grinding my hips against his clothed dick.
He smirks, pushing my hips flat against the bed to stop me. “Patience, my pet,” he warns, feeling every inch of my naked body with a tender and almost caring touch. My eyes fall shut in irritation, trying to just enjoy his teasing touches that continue to lead me on.
His hand runs up my thigh, following the curve of my body and stopping at my neck where he lightly wraps his hand around it. I whimper, knowing full well he could feel my pulse against his hand.
“Do you think you’ve earned the privilege of pleasure?” he questions, his eyes dark with lust. I nod rapidly, my pussy practically hurting due to the lack of stimulation. He smiles, tightening his grip on my neck so he’s squeezing the sides.
His hand leaves my neck and i watch as he pulls off his boxers. Getting excited, i let him pull me down to meet him, the ropes pulled tautly and rubbing on my ligature marks even more. The sting was damn near unbearable but the pain would soon be forgiven.
Without mercy, he pushes himself into me. I cry out, my pitiful cries muted by the gag. It hurt. Of course it did. I may have been wet, but his dick was too big to just pull that shit. My nails dig into my palms as he bottoms out in me, his tip pressed into my g-spot deliciously.
The tears in my eyes fall down my cheeks, causing black streaks to trace down my face in the trail of the tears. I pull my hips back a little, his dick hitting unmarked territory inside me. He places his hands on my hips, pulling them down even closer to him as a way to punish me.
The ropes were now extremely painful. He pulls his hips back and starts fucking me rough without warning and especially without care. The pain quickly blossomed into pleasure. His hands dig into the flesh of my hips as he holds me steady so he can use and abuse me.
His hair had fallen out of its pristine style. A curl falling in front of his face as his eyes took in my body as he destroyed it. Soft grunts and groans would leave his lips, his thrusting pace harsh and deep.
If there wasn’t a gag in my mouth, i’d be so fucking loud right now.
He uses one of his hands and slithers it up my body, dragging some of the spit on my face down my chin and neck. His eyes lock on mine, a sort of animalistic starvation in them. He felt so good that i thought i would cum right now.
I wanted to touch him. To run my hands down his back and pull his hair. But then again, i couldn’t. Because i was tied up. Powerless. I knew his game and i knew it well. But i also fucking love the game.
My walls contract around him and i can already predict his reaction. He clicks his tongue, slowing his hips just a bit as to pull me back from the edge of an orgasm. I groan, my eyes falling shut and my head laying back.
He reaches and grabs my neck, startling my eyes open. “I want you to watch me use you, darling,” he instructs. I have no choice but to obey. My eyes trail down his toned torso to where he fucks me roughly.
It was so hot. Watching him go in and out of me. My wetness coating my pussy and even his dick. How you could see how deep he was hitting inside me due to the way my stomach pushes out in sync with each snap of his hips.
My eyes water even more, making it hard to keep them open to watch the scene before me. “Be a good girl for me and listen to my instructions,” he comments, noticing how my blinks got longer with each close of my eyes.
I try my best, my eyes flicking up to meet his. His hand that was around my neck moves to my pussy, rubbing circles on my clit with his thumb. I shudder, my entire body writhing at the new sensation.
The pleasure got to the point where i couldn’t take it anymore.
I attempt to pull my hips back, my body overwhelmed with pleasure to the point where it is borderline painful. “Uh uh,” he hums, reaching his hand up and smacking my cheek hard enough to make the previous mark sting even more.
With a dull cry, i stop trying to resist and give up every last ounce of power i had left to him, letting my body go limp so he could have his way with me.
He uses this to his advantage, fucking me harder than before. My breasts bounce with each merciless thrust, my eyes rolled into the back of my head as the mix between his touch on my clit and how he fucks me brings me to an orgasm.
Surprisingly, he lets me have my orgasm. My ears ring and i can feel every single drop of blood that runs through my veins. All my senses were heightened as he fucks me through my orgasm. With my eyes closed, i feel a sharp pain in my chest.
I open my eyes to see he had stabbed me, a proud look on his face. I begin to bleed as he removes the knife from my chest. “Now you’ll be with me forever. Like i said,” he comments as i feel his cum fill me up.
He collapses on top of me, my blood coating his pale skin as i take my last breath.
And i was dead.
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fluffywings13 · 3 years
Testing The Waters
“Uh,” Keigo looks up from his computer at the sound of his ‘sixteen’ year old assistants voice (he uses that word very lightly, he knows, for a fact, that Midoriya Izuku is not sixteen, he’s many things, but one not to look into his employees backgrounds before hiring them is not one) and smiles at the soft spoken timid teenager. “You wanted to see me sir?”
“Yea, I did,” he turns away from his computer completely and leans forward against his desk. “What’ve I told you about calling me ‘sir’?”
“Uh…Ummm…..” Izuku rubs the back of his neck. “Not to….”
“Right,” the hero nods. “What did I tell you to call me?”
The teen shuffles uneasily. “K—Keigo….You told me to call you Keigo.”
“Very good,” he pushes his chair back and stands, tucking his hands in his hoodie pocket, it was a slow day, no patrol, so his costume wasn’t necessary, hoodie and joggers was just fine, he even kicked off his shoes, if he’s gonna be stuck sitting at his desk all do competing paperwork he’d been putting off for the last two and a half weeks, he was gonna do it comfy style. “I’ll let it go this one time, but if it happens again, there’ll be consequences.” He eyes the teen when he shuffles and nods meekly, looking down at his hightops, and sighs in concern. “Come on, we got something we need to check out.”
Izuku looks up in time to see the hero turn, gesturing for him to follow him, and he darts around the man’s desk to keep up with his strides. “Check what out, s—” Keigo glances over at him. “Keigo?”
“Well, I’ve never had a personal assistant before, you were a special case, everyone here is sixteen years or older—”
“I am sixteen!”
Keigo pauses and he jolts to a stop to avoid running into the man’s back, looking up with wide eyes when the hero turns to look down at him, a particular expression over his features. “I look into everyone who submits an application for employment at my agency, everyone, I know more about you then you think I do Midoriya Izuku, I know you’re not sixteen. I know you’re actually fourteen and still in Junior High School, I know your school record is undoubtedly doctored, the claims made in there don’t match up to what I’ve seen you do here, I know more then you think I do.”
He swallows. “W—Why’d you hire me, t—then?”
“Because you interest me, I was curious as to why a fourteen year old would lie about his age on a job application for a heroes agency, then I grew to like you, so I kept you around.” The hero eyes him carefully. “Why do you think I made your schedule they way it is, school’s more important then a job at this time, so I adjusted your schedule to accommodate your school schedule.” The man turns back around and gestures him forward. “Anyway, we’re here to see if you have what it takes to be my personal assistant, you and me, we’re gonna be spending a lot of time together, so you’re also gonna have to serve as my entertainment when I’m bored, and a bored me is a dangerous me, so you need to know what I’m capable of when bored.”
Izuku looks around when they step into a room behind the hero’s office, it’s nearly baron, there’s a large conversation pit in the middle of the floor filled with pillows and blankets, a large television hanging on the wall in front of it, and large ceiling to floor windows behind it, the entire wall is made up of windows. That’s it, a blanket and pillow filled conversation pit and a large flatscreen hanging on the wall is the only furniture in the room. “Uuhhh…..”
“I call this my oasis.” Keigo gestures around. “It’s where I go if I need time away but can’t leave the office, I call that,” he points at the conversation pit. “My nest away from the nest. I come in here and sleep after a long patrol, or to recover for a bit after a villain fight or do paperwork and watch tv. You’re welcome to use my oasis too.” A shiver runs down his spine at the kind of grin his boss sends him. “Now, we’re gonna test if you can handle being my entertainment when I need to be entertained.”
“Wha—HEY!” Izuku shrieks and yelps when he’s scooped up off his feet, cradled in the man’s arms, and carried across the room only to be dropped down into the nest. “What’re you—”
He yelps when Keigo jumps down with him and curls up slightly. “Best get comfortable, we’re gonna be here for a while, we gotta see if you can handle me when I’m bored out of my mind.” Izuku watches the man make himself comfortable at his feet and reach out for his left foot, resting his left leg over his right leg, and slowly unties his shoe strings. “Gotta get this out of our way.” The teen raises an eyebrow when the hero tosses his shoe over his shoulder and slowly pulls his sock off, throwing it over his shoulder like he had his hightop. “Okay, now I need,” he tugs on his foot when Keigo reaches over his shoulder for a feather, the fingers around his ankle tighten considerably as he tugs on his foot, and his eyes widen when the hero curls his legs around his calf, securing his foot in place, and maintaining his inability to pull it back.
“Hey wait! No!” He can’t help but giggle, his mind finally making the realization as to what’s going to happen, and tugs on his foot desperately. “Not the feet!”
Keigo ignores him, curling a finger around his big toe as he pulls it back, and threads his feather between the fourth and fifth toe. “Insert it like so.” The hero’s young assistant (plaything, let’s be honest, the teens really in for it as his little personal assistant) giggles harder, wiggling his foot again, shaking his head. “And, begin.”
Izuku squeals when the feather starts brushing between his toes, cackling brightly as he falls back and curls his arms around his belly, twisting his foot around desperately. “Eeieaiiaaiaaahahahahahahahahhahaahaa KEIGO! Nohohohohoho! Not the toes! Nohhohohot thehehehehee tohohohohoes! Aaahahahahahahahahahhahaaa get it out! Pleheheheheease! Get it out! Not thehehehe toes!” He inevitably goes ignored by the hero engrossed in his foot and the torture he intends to inflict on it, so he lays there, squealing with laughter and pleading for mercy.
He gulps for air when the feather’s pulled out from between his toes. “Thahahahahank yohohohohou! Thahahahahank youhohhohohou!” And squeals again when the feather is threaded between his next two toes. “Eeeiaiaeiaiaiaiaiahahaahhahahaa no! Aahahahahahhahahahahaaa aiaieiiaieeaiaahahahahahaahahaha not again! Not again! Eeieiaiaaiaaahhahahhahaahhaahhaaa! Keiiiigo! Keeeeiiiii! No! Eeieiiaiaiaiaiaaahahhaahahaha aahahahahahhahahahahahaha noooo! Not the toes! Plehehehehease not the toes!”
“Not the toes, huh?” The hero teases softly, pausing for a moment so they can talk, and smiles at the young teen’s frantic breathless giggling. “Why not the toes, you got a whole other foot of toes for me to play with.”
“Not the toes! Please!” Izuku pants softly. “It tickles! Not the toes!”
“It tickles, huh?” He starts brushing the feather back and forth again and the teen squeals with laughter once more. “This tickles? You got ticklish toes?”
Keigo smiles when the teen nods frantically, curling his arms around his belly tightly as he arches his back, and Izuku tugs desperately. “Yehehehehhees! Tihihihhickes! Tickles! Pleheheheheease nohohohot thehehehee tohohohohoes! Not the toes!”
“Aww.” He threads his feather between the next two toes and starts up again, smiling at the teen’s squealing laughter, looking down at his wiggling foot. “But I like the toes. They’re fun. You want me to have fun, don’t you?” The hero brushes the ends and pads of the teen’s toes with the tip of his feather, smiling at the way his laughter rises in pitch, and the teen rolls up onto his side. “I told you that you’d have to serve as my entertainment when I’m bored and this is immensely entertaining.”
Izuku squeals madly, twisting from side to side, twisting and tugging at his foot, screaming desperately when the man pulls his toes back and flicks his feather underneath them, arching his back again as he throws his head back.
“My, my, I didn’t expect your little piggies to be this ticklish.” Keigo pushes the teen’s toes down and flicks his feather over top of them. “This is just too good. I’ll have to store this useful knowledge for later use if you decide to stay. I’m for sure coming after these toes again if you do, I can’t not, it’s just too good an opportunity to pass up.”
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dreamingofaizawa · 4 years
This has been stuck in my head for days, okay? I know it's not MHA. But it's been plaguing my thoughts. My teratophilia is swirling like a hurricane with this man at the epicenter:
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Anime: Blood of Zeus on Netflix
Yandere(ish) Seraphim x Fem! Reader
***18+ Fic***
Please make your way out of the current window if you are not over the age of 18. Thank you.
Warnings: Dub-con, body horror (?) he’s a fucking demon okay?, cumflation, overstimulation, belly bulge, creampie, size kink, kidnapping, kinda yandere-ish behavior if you think about it for a minute
Word Count: 2k
Author’s Note: Alright, this man is a mass murderer and a complete psychopath with horrid trauma. But he’s hot, and my teratophilia and size kink are THRIVING. I couldn’t find his height anywhere but he’s probably like 7 feet tall or sum cause he TOWERS over the other people in the anime. Idk what possessed me to make this so weirdly soft. Anyway, days of horny thoughts of this man have accumulated to whatever this bullshit is.
*Polis = A Greek city-state
Enjoy the filth~
You'd managed to duck down behind a low stone wall gating off a farmhouse on the outskirts of the polis. The demons had appeared in the treeline when the full moon was high in the sky, flooding the land in cool blue light. There was no warning as people were either killed or gathered into the square, fear wreaking havoc on the minds of men and women alike.
You had to run, get to another polis and warn them of the oncoming bloodbath. But you needed to know what was going on. Quickly, quietly, you snuck past and through homes, sticking to the shadows and creeping up on the square. You were just close enough to hear the commotion among the townspeople. The beating of large wings and a loud ‘thud’ silenced the square, and a voice boomed out.
“I am Seraphim. Leader of the people of Melidoni, the people you call demons.” You listened as he offered strength and power to those who chose to convert to their creed, their species. Those who didn’t would be slaughtered. The choices were to convert, or die. You didn’t stick around to hear who chose which fate, instead beginning to move through the shadows again.
As you neared your previous hideaway, you figured you should try to pack supplies for your journey, especially considering you had no idea how long you’d be travelling. You slipped into one of the homes and searched quietly, gathering supplies as you loaded a burlap sack. You’d been so focused on your tasks, so convinced you’d been silent and sneaky and could slip away, that you were shaken out of your focus by a loud thud just outside the stone wall lining the yard.
You froze, heartbeat in your ears as you waited with baited breath. A loud crack rang in your ears, making you jump and cower backward away from the splintered door. The figure that stepped in struck fear into every fiber of your being. He was huge, having to bend down to fit through the entrance, his shoulders nearly too wide to fit in the frame. 
His skin was deep blue-gray, darker on his extremities and the horns protruding from his head and shoulders. Red marks littered his body like rivers of lava, and his eyes were pitch black with blood red irises. His left eye was different, a gold band in a strange shape surrounding the pool of red. Long white hair held with leather bands fell over his shoulder and down his bare chest, save for the leather strap holding his cloak on his back.
As he stood back to full height, your legs began to shake. If you weren’t paralyzed with fear, you’re sure your legs would have given out underneath you. The demon towered over you, all corded muscle and thick skin. Slowly, he lumbered closer to you, heavy footfalls vibrating the earth under your own feet. He stopped just in front of you, your chest nearly touching his abdomen as you looked up and he glared down at you.
A small smirk curved at the corner of his lips as he lifted a clawed hand, a thick finger hooking under your chin to keep your gaze up. “Hello, pretty.” His voice was deep, and you recognized it nearly instantly. This was Seraphim. The gods had forsaken you, and you’d been caught. You had a choice to make now. Convert, or die. A thumb swept across your cheek, swiping away a tear you didn’t realize had fallen. 
A sound rumbled in his chest, something between a hum and a chuckle. “Don’t cry, pretty. You won’t die.” His statement had your mind reeling. Was he going to force you to convert to a demon? He wasn’t giving you a choice like all the other townspeople? He bent down so his mouth was at your ear, his breath hot on your neck and shoulder. “You’ll live, pretty, as a human. So long as you give me what I want.” 
You were afraid to ask, but it was necessary. “W-what do you want?” Your voice was so quiet you almost thought he couldn’t hear you, but his pointed ear twitching next to your face told you he could hear even your smallest breath. A hot, wet tongue laved at your pulsepoint and travelled up to your jaw. Large hands grasped your waist, squeezing and gripping lightly as his voice sat heavy in your ear. “I want you.”
Tears fell down your cheeks at the realization of what was about to happen. You were going to give your womanhood to a demon. Though it was a small price to pay for your freedom and life. You were suddenly lifted off the ground, a gasp leaving your lips as you wrapped your legs around his waist and gripped his thick neck where there weren’t horns jutting from his body. His hands moved down to encompass your ass, squeezing the supple flesh as he moved and licked at your neck.
You were placed on the bed and he got to work undressing you, and soon your robes were a pile of fabric pooled on the ground as you lay naked before the demon. You grasped the pelts underneath you, shaking as his blood red eyes greedily raked over your form. You squeezed your eyes tight, trying to distance yourself from your current predicament, but a large hand wrapped around your throat and squeezed just lightly enough to be a threat.
Your eyes snapped open and Seraphim leaned close, his breath fanning over your face. “Don’t close your eyes, pretty. I want you to watch me take you.” With that, he released your neck and began to undress himself. Your eyes blew wide at the sight of him, a heat twisted with fear beginning to seep into your belly and between your legs. Was he even going to fit inside you?
He was as thick around as your wrist and nearly as long as your forearm, veins running up his length. Your body shook at the thought of taking him into you, afraid he’d split you in half. A deep chuckle bubbled up from his chest at the sight of your trembling. “Don’t worry, pretty. I don’t want to break you so soon. Especially since you are untainted, pure.” He lifted a hand and you watched as the claws shrank down and gray skin turned tan. His hand was now human, though no smaller than it was previously.
You didn’t know how he could know you were still a virgin, but at this point it didn’t matter. A thick finger teased up and down your folds, gathering the little slick there and moving to rub at your clit. The contact had you gasping and jerking, and his other hand gripped your hip, keeping you still as he rubbed that little nub. It didn’t take long to have you soaked, and he stopped his ministrations on the little bundle of nerves to dip a thick, long finger into your tight heat.
Even just one of his fingers was a stretch, and your walls clamped down around the intrusion. He pumped and curled his finger until you relaxed around him, then pushed a second passed the tight ring of muscle. Your fingers dug into the pelts beneath you and you clenched your jaw as you winced, the stretch burning for a few moments before you relaxed once again. His fingers curled up and hit a spongy spot inside you, making you let out a breathy moan. 
A third finger pushing into you had you squirming and whimpering, the burning stretch becoming uncomfortable, and the fourth was painful as he maneuvered his digits inside you, stretching your walls further than you thought possible. It took a bit for you to finally relax, chest heaving and sweat beading at your forehead, and he rubbed your clit harshly. It only took a few swipes for you to cum on his fingers, clenching down hard as your back arched off the pelts and your mouth fell open in a silent shout.
When you came down from the high he pulled his fingers from your core and licked his fingers clean, groaning as he sucked your juices off his digits. The feral look he shot you made your breath hitch. His hand turned back and he gripped the back of your knees, bending them so your thighs were pressed into your chest. “Hold your legs for me, pretty.” You obliged, and he lined himself up with your core before pushing into you slowly.
Even just the tip of his thick cock had you wincing, nails digging into your thighs as you tried to relax around him. He growled as he slowly pumped himself into you, bit by bit, until he hit your womb and you cried out. It hurt, but it felt so, so good. He stilled his hips, allowing your fluttering walls to adjust to his size. His large hands came around your thighs to cup your face, trailing down to your breasts and toying with the flesh.
The demon had far more patience than you thought he could possess, waiting until your cunt stopped clamping down on his length before replacing your hands with his to grip your thighs, pressing them into your chest as he pumped his hips into you. With every thrust his pace became heavier and quicker, pulling heavenly, sensual noises from your throat. Your voice rang out with every snap of his hips into yours, your body on fire as the pleasure washed over you in waves.
One of his hands pulled your leg and rested your ankle just beside his neck, then moved down and began rubbing at your swollen little clit. The knot in your belly tightened quickly, burning hot in your abdomen until it finally snapped and your legs shook with your orgasm. He slowed to a stop and pulled out of you, flipping you over and yanking your hips back, a hand pressing into your back so your face was in the pelts and your ass was high in the air.
He filled you in one thrust and began a bruising pace, bending over you and biting marks into your shoulders, claws digging into the flesh of your hips. Growls and grunts filled your ears, Seraphim’s deep voice harsh and heavy with lust. You were extremely sensitive from your orgasms, tears beginning to roll down your face at the pleasured pain wracking your body. His hand rubbed over your lower stomach, feeling his length pounding into you.
He grabbed your hand and held it to your stomach, his voice gravelly and heavy. “You feel that, pretty? I’m right here.” Feeling him through your skin had you falling over that edge once more, your eyes rolling to the back of your skull, mouth dropping open and drool falling to the furs below you as you came hard around him.
He thrust a few more times before halting completely, filling you up with a long, low growl into your shoulder. His cum filled you, your belly distending a little with the sheer volume. Slowly he pulled out and lay you on your back, smoothing a hand over your stomach and pushing down on the bulge. You moaned out and he watched his seed gush from your gaping hole, your body trembling with exhaustion.
Your breath was ragged as you tried to steady yourself, and Seraphim dressed you just as easily as he’d disrobed you. “Can I go now?” you asked, still in a bit of a daze. His laugh shook his chest and shoulders. “No, pretty. Of course not. Your fate lies with me now.” Your brows scrunched together in confusion. “But you said…” He lifted an eyebrow. “I said you’d live if you gave me what I want. And I said I wanted you. You’re mine now, pretty.” 
You resigned yourself to your fate, too exhausted to try and fight him. He lifted you in his arms and carried you out, mounting his manticore and lifting off into the sky. You rested your head against his solid chest, soaking up the warmth from his body as you drifted off. You vaguely registered Seraphim’s voice over the whipping wind. “That’s right, pretty. Rest up. You’re mine now, you’ll need all the energy you can get.” You didn’t let his words linger in your head before your mind faded to black.
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slightlycrunchy · 4 years
You Know What I'm Here For
For prompts?! Ngl this was low key threatening 😂
Platonic BkDk with some hero merch shenanigans! I got a little carried away.
“What are you...doing here, Kacchan?” Izuku says with wary eyes, narrowed as trails of bodies pass by on his left and right. 
Katsuki stands in front of him, matching his wide stance, hands clenched into fists as a sneer slowly works its way onto his childhood friend’s face. The mall is packed this weekend even at the early hour. They aren’t the only ones with these plans, after all. 
“You know what I’m here for, Deku.”
The words come low, ground out into a challenge between snarling teeth and heated palms. Izuku feels One for All pumping through his veins, a comforting heat begging to be called on. Izuku cocks his head to the side, feeling his own lips rise in response. His friends say his smile brings comfort—sunshine. 
But not now. 
Izuku takes a deep breath. “If you think you’ll beat me Kacchan...you have another thing coming. I’m always first.” Izuku takes a step forward. “Always.”
Katsuki follows suit, taking a step into Izuku’s space. They’re inches apart now, Katsuki looking down the bridge of his nose at Izuku. The air is charged, electric with their shared goal. Izuku looks down at his watch, a prickle at his nape from dropping Katsuki’s gaze. 
“One minute, Kacchan.”
“I know, nerd.”
The silence is palpable even with the sounds of bodies rustling around them from where they stand off to the side of the main thoroughfare. No one pays them any mind as the seconds tick by, their breathing huffed in tandem. The summer air is warm but neither boy pays it much mind even if a trickle of sweat appears on both brows; whether it be from the effort of intimidation or not, neither can say. 
“I don’t lose, Deku.”
“We both know that’s not true, Kacchan.”
Katsuki growls viciously.
Izuku’s watch sounds out loudly, two sets of eyes flinching with the alarm--and they’re off.
The legality of using his power and the selfish nature of doing so in a non-emergency setting is the only thing that has Izuku reining in his quirk as he shoves the blonde boy behind him as they sprint to the area both had mapped out in their heads months prior. Sneakers slap at marbled tile and bodies contort so as not to drag any innocent bystanders down in their furious movement through the crowd. 
All too quickly the store nears, it’s rectangular arch a beacon to the boys. The signs out front sear themselves into Izuku’s corneas as elbows fly and teeth ache from the effort and desperation pumping through his body. His legs pump faster, faster he must be faster, as the feet between him and his desires dwindles to almost nothing. 
“You won’t win, Deku!” Katsuki screams, the heads of the general public turning in surprise and disgust as the boys are nothing more than a blur in their periphery. 
Izuku feels his nails catch on skin as he flails for dominance in their glorified race. Adrenaline has him on such a high that the look of horror on the employee’s face that greets them as they near their destination hardly registers. Izuku wants this, he’s waited so long--
“W-welcome to our an-annual event!” 
Izuku can see it, can see the boxes in all their glory, shining white and gold and blue in their perfect pyramid stacks. He can feel tears in his eyes, his heart swelling with wonder and joy and the culmination of months of waiting ever since that magazine announced the Special Edition All Might figurine that now lies so close, just outside of his grasp--
He isn’t expecting the world to go dark as a hand, spread full palm clobbers his face, pushing him back so suddenly that his feet fly out in front of him. As if in slow motion, Izuku feels nothing beneath him, air his only buffer from cold, hard, tile. Then, time catches him with a vengeance. The air knocks out of him with a single whoosh and his ears ring as he tries to hold his head up from hitting the floor and yet he can’t miss the sound of triumph.
“HA! Yes! Loser! I won!”
Izuku slowly rises, rubbing at his already sore neck as he peers into the front of the store, Katsuki holding up their shared prize with such a look of supreme victory that it makes Izuku sick.
“Are...are you alright?”
Izuku looks up to see a hand outstretched, the wary but concerned face of the employee hovering over him. Izuku takes the help gratefully.
“Eh-heh, yea, fine thanks.”
Nothing hurt but my pride.
Suddenly Izuku realizes they aren’t alone, throngs of people seemingly coming from nowhere and piling into the store at a pace that surprises Izuku. Quickly he joins the masses, shoving his smaller stature between other bodies with as many polite ‘excuse me’s as he can manage 
Finally, with sweat plastered to his forehead, Izuku makes his way to the round table that holds his prize, eyes bright with elation as his fingers curl and stretch, just a bit further, reach, reach!
Only for his fingers to curl around empty air.
The table is empty.
Izuku stills, his body jostled side to side as others’ quests come to the same sorry conclusion. 
I...I missed them. They sold out before I could get one…
Izuku is mortified as he feels the tears come. Easily they roll down his cheeks yet he doesn’t blink them away, shock-widened eyes staring at a red table-cloth that wrinkles in mockery of what once covered its surface. Izuku sniffles.
Izuku doesn’t look up. He’s too lost in misery. “I know Kacchan...you won.” His voice matches his shoulders that slump in defeat. He clenches his hands.
This time Izuku does look, listlessness quickly being replaced by fury. What does Kacchan want? To gloat? To rub it in his face how yes he got there first, he got the thing they both wanted so badly--
Izuku must be dreaming.
Katsuki stands before him, blank expression carefully held on his face as he balances two All Might figurines in his palms.
“I saw you weren’t gonna make it so I grabbed an extra…” The tears roll even fatter down Izuku’s face. “Don’t make it weird!”
“Kacchan-” Izuku sniffles, “Kacchan did that for me?”
“Oh my god!”
Izuku barely reacts as the box is thrown at him, hands cradled to catch it as gently as possible. Izuku’s chest feels unbearably warm.
“Kacchan! These are collectable! Don’t throw!”
The wave of dismissal Izuku receives does nothing to dampen Izuku’s joy as he follows the blonde to the register. 
“Yea, whatever. Don’t ever mention this again and don’t you dare tell your dumb friends,” Katsuki grounds out. Izuku just smiles.
“Yea, alright Kacchan.”
He still tells his mom.
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
One Free "Tickle Toru" (Haikyuu!!)
Primary Universe
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Just Oikawa being a little dork and Iwaizumi teaching him a lesson. I love how flustered and childlike Oikawa becomes as the lee when he's such an evil, teasy ler. It's a very satisfying balance. Enjoy! ^^
16. "Make me."
24. "Don't move."
“You’re still here?” Iwa asked, surprised. He’d noticed the gym lights were still on and had come to investigate, as he thought he was the last one going home for the night. He was a little taken aback to see Oikawa practicing his serves.
His friend glanced at him, then refocused on the ball in his hand as he geared up for yet another killer spike serve. The ball flew over the net and into the back left corner of the opposite side at record speed, the sound of it echoing through the empty gym. Seeming unsatisfied, the team captain grabbed another ball and geared up for another one.
Iwa felt a spike of irritation. “Are you ignoring me?”
“Trying to focus.”
“Toru, it’s really late. You’ve got to go home.”
“You’re still here,” Oikawa grunted before tossing the ball into the air and serving yet again.
“I’m on my way out. I saw the lights and came to investigate, that’s all.” Iwa frowned. “Hey, seriously. What are you still doing here?”
“What does it look like?”
“It looks like you’re taking out some anger on these poor volleyballs.”
“I’m practicing my serves.”
“Well, you’re not doing very well at it.”
Oikawa shot him a glare. “Thanks.”
Iwa sighed. “Come on, man. Let’s walk home together, okay? I’ll help you clean up.”
“I’m not finished here.” Another serve.
“Make me leave, then, if you’re so determined.”
Iwa frowned, then remembered something and felt a surge of hope and mischief course through him. He strode with purpose toward his oldest friend, looking determined. Oikawa had barely turned around with yet another volleyball in hand before the vice-captain was in front of him, holding up a small, white “admit one” ticket.
“What-?” Oikawa didn’t even have a chance to finish before Iwa had knocked the ball from his hands, then grabbed onto his ribs and started tickling him to the ground. “Ah! Hehehehehey! Wait, wait – Hahahahahahajime!”
“Remember that little egg hunt you made me go on this late at night a little while back?” Iwa teased, having successfully forced Oikawa to the floor of the gym, his fingers digging into his sides and ribs and belly in rapid succession. “Well, I’m redeeming my prize now. Since you’re being a piece of crap again.”
“I-I am nohohohohohohot!” Oikawa protested around his giggles, so caught off-guard that he didn’t have a chance to hold back his mirth. He squirmed desperately, trying to curl up or kick his legs or something to help him physically process his rapid change in demeanor. “Hajime!”
“What’s the matter, Toru? I thought you liked this.” Iwa smirked, tickling even further up into the captain’s underarms. “Tickle, tickle, tickle!”
“Stahahahahahahap it!” Oikawa begged, his cheeks turning an adorable shade of pink. “Please, dohohohohohohon’t!”
“Can’t take what you dish out? Oh, that’s right. You hate being teased, don’t you? You never could handle being anything less than high and mighty.” Iwa chuckled as Oikawa arched his back to get away from the tickling fingers, only exposing his ribs to his friend’s other hand. He sputtered with hysterical giggles, batting weakly at the boy attacking him. “Or, actually…maybe you do like being teased when you’re so helpless like this, hmm?”
“Nohohohohohoho! Iwahahahahahahaha!”
Iwa laughed with him, then moved to straddle his thighs, pinning him in place even further and tickling even harder. Oikawa’s frantic giggles became surprised yet delighted laughter.
“Aw, don’t you like it when I tickle you, Toru? You did give me a free pass, after all. And with that attitude of yours, you were practically begging for it.”
Oikawa tried to thrash, but with his limited movement all he could manage was flailing his arms, which eventually moved up to cover his reddening face the more Iwa teased him. “Stohohohohohohohohop!”
“You’re such a cocky, arrogant son of a gun when you’re in control of yourself, but when I’ve reduced you to a puddle of helpless laughter like this, all you can do is squirm and beg, isn’t that right? Come on, Toru, let me hear it. Let me hear how ticklish you are.”
“Hahahahahajime!” Oikawa was so flustered he could barely speak at this point. “P-Plehehehehehehease, dohohohohohohohon’t tehehehehehehease me!”
“Aww, but don’t you like it? It should be someone’s job to knock you down a few pegs. Shouldn’t that someone be me?” Iwa grinned at the mess he’d made of his best friend, scribbling wildly all over his torso, watching Oikawa wiggle and giggle and cover up his face out of embarrassment. He decided to experiment with a new location and slid his hands down to grab at Oikawa’s waist, kneading his thumbs into his hip bones. “Besides, it’s good to see you laughing—”
“NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!” Oikawa suddenly exploded into hysterics, his hands flying down from his face to grab at Iwa’s writs, revealing his messy hair, wide smile, and dark red cheeks. “NOT THERE NOT THEHEHEHEHEHEHEHERE IWA!!”
“Oh?” Iwa hummed teasingly, ignoring his friend’s protests and focusing on his hips even more, enjoying the absolute scream of laughter he pulled from his team’s captain. “Oh~”
“Uh-oh, did I find a bad spot?~”
“Ooh, this looks like it’s driving you crazy!” Iwa chuckled, grabbing onto both of Oikawa’s flailing wrists with one hand and drilling deep into the hollow of his hip with the other. “Aw, look at that big smile! Tickle, tickle, tickle!”
“STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA—!!” Oikawa couldn’t even finish his plea, dissolving into silent laughter, digging his heels into the floor frantically, shaking his head.
Iwa laughed as well, kept it up for a few moments, then finally relented, still holding onto the captain’s wrists but not tickling anymore. “Well, I do believe I’ve found a way to shut you up, Toru.”
“P-Please,” Oikawa begged, still giggling as he gasped for breath. “D-Don’t…don’t tickle me there – please!”
“Aw, but why? It’s so much fun!”
“Do-OOOON’T!!” The captain screeched at the tiniest hint of pressure from Iwa, hysterics rising again. “Please, it tickles so much, Iwa, I can’t – I can’t handle it!”
“Hmm…” Iwa hummed contemplatively, taking one wrist in each hand and leaning forward so he was pinning them by Oikawa’s flushed face, looking directly into his eyes. He could tell that his friend was truly desperate, but there was also a hint of something else. Something excited. Maybe even something…daring? “Will you call it a night if I let you go?”
“Yes,” Oikawa complied instantly, nodding, still a little giggly. “Yes, I’ll pack up and go home, I swear. J-Just please…please not there.” Again, that little spark of something defiant.
Iwa saw it clearly, and immediately he thought up several different ways he could continue to mess with his friend, since he so obviously wanted to be messed with some more. “All right, then,” he said at last, shifting both of Oikawa’s wrists into one hand again, still pinning them down. “If you can hold still for ten seconds while I tickle you elsewhere, I’ll leave your hips alone. For now.”
Oikawa’s eyes widened. “W-What?”
“You heard me. Don’t move.” Iwa then went back to digging his fingers into the captain’s ribs again. He was expecting immediate squirming, but to his surprise, Oikawa did remarkably well holding as still as possible. He laughed even louder to make up for his inability to squirm, but for nine seconds he was able to stay put.
Then, on the tenth second, he couldn’t anymore and twisted away.
Iwa paused, watching Oikawa’s face. Had he done that on purpose, or was it truly that he just couldn’t take it any longer? For a few long, torturous seconds, he contemplated whether or not to go back to his hips as threatened. The setter watched him as well, eyes wide and nervous, but still shining with glee. Finally, Iwa made a decision, and he drilled into his friend’s ribs for another few seconds before relenting and climbing off of him. “All right. Close enough.”
Oikawa shakily got to his feet, blushing like crazy and a completely different person from the one Iwa walked in on. “T-Thanks, Iwa-chan.”
“You obviously needed it,” Iwa teased, poking his side on his way to the bin of volleyballs, chuckling when Oikawa let out a soft yelp. “Come on. I’ll help you clean up.”
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eagehaunting · 4 years
Mystery March 2021 day 12: Friend
This is actually a sequel to the day 10 prompt! I hope you all enjoy!
A heavy beat from the drums of one of the bands made Lewis’s heart race. With each beat setting off a new wave of impulses and urges. Tapping his fingers against his tequila, Lewis wets his lips and tries to keep his attention solely on Arthur.
Arthur, who sips his Irish cream eagerly and softly pants. Considering that Arthur had been jumping around and dancing around him within a crowd, as musicians blare and sweat drenched people collide, it wasn’t a huge surprise. But Lewis almost wished he was in the crowd again, distracted by the loud noise, head too full of euphoria to pay attention to the pesky thoughts that kept poking at him.
Kiss him, just do it. Look at his face, look at his lips. Do it. Do it-
The tequila rushes down his throat roughly. Lewis resists the urge to cough against the acidic liquid. Thankful that it stopped his stream of thoughts and turning to god this is horrible.
Arthur casts him a glance, sipping his drink and letting it hit the table a bit harder than usual.
“You like it? Your drink, I mean?” He asks, staring at Lewis with wide eyes. So unlike him and yet so... nice. The wall between them felt lower, and if Lewis wanted to, he could step right over and grasp those flushed cheeks and got a taste of Irish cream-
Another sip. Clenching his eyes shut as the bitterness has him shivering. Finally Lewis nods and squishes his near empty cup, hardly realizing that it was close to empty. “I do actually. Thank you for buying me a few, it’s been nice.”
“Your f-face says otherwise.” Arthur murmurs, hardly lifting his mouth from his straw.
Lewis bobs his head in agreement, “I think I drank a bit too much. I’m actually getting a headache now.”
“Shit,” Arthur swallows thickly and his hand shoots out, grabbing Lewis’s hand- his drink, pulling his drink from Lewis’s clumsy fingers with more grace than he imagined from the drunk man. “We-well then maybe we should head out? I t-told Ya’ I wouldn’t keep you out here long.”
Before Lewis could object to his drink being stolen, Arthur’s hands stutter, and the glass tips over.
“Fuck!” They both say at the same time. Lewis snags a few napkins and frantically tries to wipe, Arthur scrambles to grab the glass, failing to avoid spilling the drink. “D-dammit, Lew, I’m sorry- shit. W-want me to buy a drink to go?” Arthur asks, voice high with worry. Lewis flickers up, frown falling with a sigh.
“It’s.. it’s fine. Really, don’t worry. Pl-plus, one of us should be a bit more sober when we go to get a cab out of here.”
Deflating, Arthur nods and miserably tries to suck down the rest of his. He downs a quarter of the glass easily before sputtering.
Look at him. We never see him like this. He’s so cute, so nice, why don’t we just say it-
Lewis’s eyebrows furrowing as he eyes the wet napkins holding his distraction.
Shit. He narrowly glances at the kernels of popcorn left in their mini bucket to his left, and the small bag of leftovers besides his feet.
Arthur’s lightly bouncing his toes. Eyes drifting over the crowd of people on the hill surrounding a stage, where a familiar band plays tunes Lewis could faintly recall singing along to on the way there-
Arthur gasps. Reacting to a new chord. He whips back to Lewis, bowing across the table and smacking his fingers against the grated table. “Lewis-! Ca-can we stay for just this song? I really like it and as soon as it’s over we can leave-“
Reaching over the table and lightly touching Arthur’s hand, Lewis waves off His rambling.
“Sounds perfect. I can order a cab now and clean up, and after this song we can leave.”
Arthur’s eyes light up, he nods eagerly. “N-need some help?”
“No, I got it. Just sit back and enjoy the song, okay?”
The song is bouncy, reminding Lewis of a tropical beach. Palm trees and sparkling lights that zip across the night sky. As well as the interior of a night club. He faintly pays attention to the song as he unzips his backpack and pulls out his and Arthur’s jackets, when the chorus catches attention.
I wanna ruin our friendship,
we should be lovers instead.
I don’t know how to say this, ‘cus you’re really my dearest friend.
Lewis’s heart stills. This has to be a joke. A cruel joke set up by the universe. A chill takes across his shoulders as the heartbeat like drums tap into his own, making his fingers twitch in time. Dropping the jacket onto Arthur’s lap, Lewis mumbles a command to put them on before gathering his trash and quickly escaping to throw them away.
See? Everything is telling you to go for it. He’ll accept, he has to, just listen!
His heart races, pounds. Every thought turned into a reflection of Arthur, his best friend, his.. crush. And all he wants to do is grab Arthur and pull him into a tight hug and hope that Arthur will understand what it means.
No. He cant. He can’t do that, what if it ruins everything? Arthur might hate him, might detest him, want nothing to do with him, leave him stranded.
But he might not.
Lewis’s heart stills, his skin prickling as a breeze presses against his front. Pushing him back to Arthur.
Turning around, Lewis catches Arthur’s eye. His new black hoodie makes his bright hair stand out, and highlights the warmth on his face. Amazing, his perfect, handsome best friend, waiting for him to come back so they can leave together.
I wanna ruin our friendship,
I don’t know how to say this,
’cus you’re really my dearest friend.
Lewis clears his throat as his feet move without warning. “H-hey, Arthur, can I tell you something?”
What was he even thinking to say? Hey Arthur, I love you in a romantic way. Arthur I want to be yours forever. I want to ruin our friendship, we should be lovers instead-
Whatever sat on Lewis’s tongue vanished in an instant as he came within three feet of Arthur. His hands raised and grab at Arthur’s shoulders. Before Lewis realizes it, he’s leaning in.
Arthur’s eyes widen, Lewis’s eyebrows arch.
Their lips meet, and both of them freeze.
Lewis’s chest feels hollow as his heart fills it all with a racing beat, making his arms, legs, and stomach shaky as the moment replays again and again in his head. What may have been two seconds, felt like an hour before Lewis draws back. Panting, face and body tense, head throbbing with a new type of pain. His eyes searching desperately.
Arthur stares at Lewis blankly, mouth hanging open and eyes wide, face filled with shock or surprise or something that Lewis couldn’t really explain.
Arthur’s lip quirks up in what could have been a smile, but it’s apprehensive nature makes Lewis’s heart drop, “Wh-what was... Lewis? Why... what’s that about..?”
“I...” Lewis’s hands dangle there, lightly trembling. The song switches to something else with a roar from the crowd, becoming muffled as realization hits. “Arthur, I- I’m sorry. I didn’t think about what I was doing.” Tell him, tell him, TELL HIM! “I-I really like you, Arthur.” Lewis’s entire body shudders, weakness taking hold of every muscle as he tries to avert his eyes, only to land on Arthur. “I always have, ever since we were kids. I wanted- the entire trip I’ve been wanting to tell you, but I wasn’t sure how- or if it was even okay! I wanted to just s-say it. I’ve been wanting to kiss you this whole night, but I didn’t mean to force you-“
He’s lightly hit in the center of the chest, before Arthur grabs his shoulders. Lewis’s body and heart stills.
“Wait- seriously? You too? I- I mean we can keep kissing too if you want! I-I know I was kinda shit a minute ago, but I was just surprised.”
Wait huh? Lewis blinks as Arthur tries to close the gap between them again, but he pulls back, holding Arthur steady by his shoulder.
The incessant thoughts that were plaguing Lewis that whole day vanished, leaving him with his rational and his logic and a heavy cloud of what just happened looming over him. A storm cloud twisting in his racing chest and reminding him every way that this wasn’t okay.
But the tequila clouds his thoughts. All rational hidden in the cloud of smoke.
“W-wait. Maybe we can ... let’s wait until tomorrow? We’re a bit drunk right now, and I think that maybe we should talk about this when we wake up.”
He can only imagine Arthur’s thoughts spiraling by the confusion in his face, but Lewis pats his shoulder to snap him out of it. “N-not that I don’t think we should stop kissing, but I didn’t want our f-first to be like that. Right?”
Really, Lewis didn’t want Arthur to wake up filled with regret tomorrow. A measly kiss could be written off, but making out entirely? No. Lewis wasn’t going to allow it to go that far. His body already forced them enough.
They can wait.
And in fact, they did.
It wasn’t long waiting for their driver, not was it long to sit in the cab. Lightly brushing their fingers against the others and avoiding directly looking at each other. When they got back into their hotel, Lewis had to coax Arthur into the night ritual of brushing their teeth and undressing, as well as drinking some water before they crawled into their one, shared bed.
Lewis wasn’t sure how he managed to fall asleep so quickly, with his racing thoughts all surrounding his best friend beside him.
When he woke up, it all hit him all at once. The kiss most prominently lingering in his mind.
Being on his stomach let Lewis feel the cold sheets beside him, and lewis cracks open his eye to confirm that Arthur wasn’t still sleeping. In fact, Lewis caught a glimpse of the pale man leaning against the counter, with the familiar drip-drip of their portable coffee maker. The sun shining against his skin, making Arthur glow radiantly.
He might hate you. A thought points out, and Lewis closes his eyes to try and will away the churn in his stomach. The fear, the terror, the guilt...
His best friend, may hate him entirely...
Then as he shifts in his seat, a throb prickles through his head and Lewis groans unintentionally as the hangover blooms. He won’t be able to fall asleep now... maybe he should get it over with and get up.
Whimpering, Lewis pushes himself up and rolls onto his back, rubbing his palm against his forehead.
“Good morning, Lewis pepper.” Arthur’s croaky voice says, calm and gentle, Lewis could hear the smile on his face before he even opened his eyes. “Sleep well?”
“Mm,” Lewis groans and finally looks over at him, “I have a headache.”
“Hang over?”
There’s footsteps coming at him before a clink. Lewis opens his eyes, and a glass of water and two capsules are pressed into his face. Lewis takes it gratefully and swallows it back. Pushing himself off the bed, Lewis stretches and breaths in deeply, taking in the aroma of coffee and sweat from last night.
Arthur clears his throat, suddenly right behind Lewis, and becomes startlingly apparent when Arthur taps his shoulder and Lewis whirls around.
“So,” Arthur’s mouth is twisted up in his typical Kingsmen grin, it makes Lewis’s chest warm, “now that we aren’t totally blasted, let’s chat?”
It takes Lewis a moment to get over the surprise and embarrassment lodged in his throat before he nods. “Sure. I know I didn’t explain myself to to the best of my abilities. Perhaps over some coffee?”
“Sounds good. I have some brewing already, and I got your thermos ready for you.” Arthur thumbs to the kitchen and behind guiding Lewis there.
“Oh, how sweet.”
“Well of course, I am the sweetest!” Arthur says with a lazy flourish. Grabbing the coffee pot, Arthur begins to pour and Lewis takes his seat. Arthur then splashes in a sugar packet, a splash of milk, and a second larger splash of cinnamon creamer. His favorite, Lewis couldn’t resist smiling as he takes a sip.
“Thank you, Artie. It tastes really nice.”
“It does? Need any more sugar?”
“Hm,” another sip, “one more packet.”
Arthur tosses one to Lewis and takes a seat, folding his arms.
“So, I feel like I should ask one thing of you, Lew Lew.”
Pausing, Lewis hides his blush behind his thermos. Arthur continues.
“Give me a warning next time you’re going to steal my breath away?”
Lewis sputters and coughs into his hand, looking away. “I-I told you, I didn’t know what came over me. I’m not going to do it again.”
“And I didn’t think it would have happened at all. But one moment I was drinking Irish cream, jamming out, and the next minute all I could taste was tequila!” Lewis rolls his eyes and drinks his coffee as a distraction, and Arthur breathed out with amusement. “Not that I wouldn’t mind it happening again.”
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colossal-fallout · 4 years
All I gotta say is: bodyguard! Porco who's gotta take care of some rich man's (legal age of course) daughter and pounding into her at night because she's such a brat 😩
Yes. All of the yes. Its a little different but hopefully you'll still like it ❤️ if not feel free to request again. I got resident evil 4 Ashley Graham vibes from her so I named her after the president's daughter lol
Warnings: 18+ smut
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Galliard flinched at that all too familiar screeching; nails on a chalkboard peircing his ears as Ashley rounded the corner with her cheeks puffed out in annoyance.
"What?" He grumbled in response, his already short break ruined prematurely.
"I wanna go in now."
Porco lowered his sandwich with a sigh. "You can't go in without me. I'm not finis-"
"I said, now!"
Porco drops his small meal right there on the floor with an enraged snarl, not able to deny her request else he get his ass handed to him by her dad.
Ashley was 22 but by god did she act like a spoilt fucking brat. Guess he couldn't blame her really, when you're used to having anything and everything you wanted at the snap of a finger. He skulked behind her and her two friends as they walked towards the club, his hands in his pockets. He would almost feel sorry for her due to her lack of attention and love at home.
"Porco, you get our drinks."
Almost felt sorry for her.
An hour later, he was leaning against the barrier that was a few feet above the dancefloor where his client's precious angel was dancing with her pals. His cheek rested on his fist, eyes heavy and bored. He watched her sway to the music, the only elevation of the repentance of this job was Ashley was pretty easy on the eyes. But my god was she annoying.
His eyes flicker slightly when he notices two men who've appeared next to her, dancing along with her movements. Pretty harmless so far - they seemed to be keeping their distance.
"Bad client?" A low voice mutters as one of the bouncers stood next to him, draping his arms over the railing.
It was obvious, especially to anyone else in the business what Porco was - his white shirt and black tie hugging his large form tightly a dead give away.
A sigh leaves his lips but he doesn't remove his eyes from the dancing woman. "...You have no idea."
The bouncer chuckled. "Yeah I've had those jobs before. Just gotta keep thinking of the money."
"That's the only thing that keeps me going." Proco's tone was low and dragged out, practically whining with boredom. "She doesn't know but tonight's my last night watching her."
He tensed when he saw one of the men now placing his hand on Ashley's lower back, whispering in her ear. They began swaying together as he pressed against her his hands roaming.
"You're... Gorgeous." The man whispered in her ear, resulting in a pink flush across her cheeks.
His sneer quickly vanished when a large hand grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him back with ease.
"Come on, stud. That's close enough." Porco muttered.
"Porco! What are you doing?!" Ashley protested, grabbing the man's arm in an attempt to pull him back.
"You're not allowed to be -"
"I don't care! I'm not allowed to do anything! You always ruin my fun!" She screamed, stamping her foot before storming away.
Tossing the man to the side like an empty packet of chips, he pushed his way through the crowd in pursuit of her. If he lost sight of this lady, he's a goner.
God that screach! He thinks as he follows her outside. I'd love to shut her up by shoving my cock in that loud mouth.
He kept a safe distance from her fury as she made her way back to the hotel, storming into their shared room.
He was surprised to find her sitting on her bed, sobbing. Her tragic emeralds soaked wit tears as she dabs her cheeks adorably.
"Ashley?" He frowns.
He'd seen her lose her shit. He'd seen her boss people around. But he'd never witnessed her crying before.
"Oh, it's you. What a surprise." She whispers sarcastically, gazing down at the floor. "I know I'm difficult. But that's just... How I vent my frustrations I guess. I'm twenty two and can't do anything. I have no privacy. I want to have sex. And it's impossible. I'll always have some... Bodyguard casting a shadow over me."
Porco's mouth pulled into a frown. He didn't really know what to say. He was just doing his job. And he wasn't particularly fond of her so he was finding difficult to sympathise on a deep level. He felt some pity though, as she sniffled at the ground.
Her fingers curled into a fist as anger began to bubble up out from the sorrow. "I mean, I can't have anything I want! I want to be able to have boyfriends, I don't want that Mercedes, I asked my dad for a Porsche! But do I get that? No---! Is my dog a pedigree like I asked? Nope! And even then I -"
Her tear soaked eyes widened in surprise when Porco's fat cock shoved deep into her mouth, his large hands on her head, shoving it in deeper. She'd been so self absorbed in her shallow ranting she hadn't even noticed him pulling his hardening cock out from his trousers.
"Will you shut the fuck up?" He snarls, pushing himself further past her sweet lips and down her throat. "You're so fucking annoying." A deep groan passes his mouth at the feel of her tight throat. "If you want to ride a dick so bad, shut up and have mine."
Her eyes were still wide, but she wasn't pulling away. Her skin began to heat up as this large, well built and strong man began to thrust in and out of her mouth.
Porco let our a deep sigh and looked up at the ceiling, his Adams apple bobbing as he swallowed. "Ah... Just shut up. Fuck..."
"Porco..." She gasps as he pushes her thighs up to her chest and looking down at her bare slit.
His shaft vibrated deliciously as she moaned around him, her heart pounding the extra blood supply down to her already wet pussy. He pulls himself out with a pop, pushing her back harshly and pulling down her skirt and panties with one easy tug.
"Nice and pretty like I thought it'd be." He nods with an impressed frown.
"Are you really going to-"
"Do you want me to sort you out?" He glares.
She nods.
"Then the only words to leave that fuckin' mouth of yours is my name. Got it?"
She nods again, more eagerly.
Her back arches and she calls out loudly when he closes his mouth around her clit, sucking and tasting her, his warm tongue flicking over her frustrated nub.
"Ah~! Porco!" She cries out when he slides his two fingers into her coin slot, activating her loud whines.
"Porco! Oh my god!" She calls out, her grip clasping onto his hair as she rode the golden wave of ecstasy into the next world. Her juices flowed down his wrist as she spasmed and pulled, her cunt just as greedy as her personality. He wasn't going to let her calm down though. Was he fuck.
She fuckin tastes good too. He thinks as he works her, even her moans of pleasure were annoying. Overly loud and high pitched. He couldn't wait to ruin her, finish and never see her again. She begins to squirm around, her tight walls clenching around his fingers, her orgasm already threatening the boundaries of her reality.
Without letting her catch her breath he stood up and harshly pushed his fat head into her entrance, her overstimulated whimpered gasp satisfying him greatly.
Finally got her to shut up.
He kept her legs pressed to her chest rolling his hips deeply, his breathy pants quickly warming the air in the room. His balls slappes against her relentlessly as she stared up at the ceiling with her mouth wide open, totally silent, not able to move with the pleasures his large dick was pulsing into her.
His eyes flashed up at the clock on the bedstand.
He pounded faster, her wetness splashing around her and across his stomach and balls, her nails digging into his forearms as she came again, her silent scream not audible in their dimension.
"Fuck." He hisses as her insides clamp down onto him, trying to milk him for all his worth.
"Urgh... Take my cock, you fuckin bitch." He barks, slapping his hand across her ass, hard leaving a red mark. "This is what your daddy should have done years ago, you brat." He snarls before giving another open palmed slap.
He pulls out, once again not even letting her recover as he rolled her onto all fours with ease, her legs trembling as he pushed the side of her face into the bed, re entering her with a gruff groan. She can't see. Her body is overloaded with sesntivity. She begins to drool a little into the sheets, her eyes rolled into the back of her head as shes pounded into oblivion.
"P-por... Porco... Ah... Haa..." She whispers not able to use her basic functions, his cock basically prodding at her vocal chords.
The bed creaks and slams against the wall as he goes even harder, her cunt sucking and spurting, flexing in delight as he hurtles her into another climax, her tongue falling out of her mouth with a satisfied smile not even able to cry out anymore as she cums.
She wasn't worthy of his seed. So a few moments later, he pulls out of her soppy slit and rolls her onto her back, tugging himself as steaming ropes of his thick cum splatter across her dazed face, covering her from chin up to her hair.
"Look at the state of you..." He sighs, catching his breath as he picks up her skirt from the floor, using it to clean his cock.
She lay there, legs splayed, covered in cum, her own drool and sweat.
"That was just a quickie too." He shakes his head, throwing her skirt down to her to clean herself up. But she doesn't.
"Porco..." She finally breathes, coming back to life as he tucks himself back in his trousers. "That was... Oh my god. Can we do that again? All night?"
His eyes go back to the clock.
"Sorry, princess. My shift is over. You're under someone else's watch from 8am too. Was nice working with - what am I saying? It was a fucking nightmare."
She sits up, her eyes wide. "W-what?"
"You heard me." He grabs his coat and heads for the door. "Take care of yourself, now."
"Porco. You can't do this!" She barks, trying to get to her feet but her legs were still too mangled from being absolutely railed. "Wait until my father hears about this!"
"Whatever." He rolls his eyes. "You can't have everything you want. I'm not a possession. And you're not having me."
"POR----CO!" She screams as he leaves, the door slamming behind him.
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blackvelvetwriteson · 4 years
                                                      (  ~ Sero Hanta x Gender Neutral                                                              Reader Insert ~ )
FANDOM: Boku No Hero Academia (My Hero Academia)
TRIGGER WARNINGS: SMUT! Oral (Sero receiving; Reader-Chan giving), face fucking, mention of asphyxiation, dacryphilia, brief talks of bondage, humiliation, and slight voyeurism. 
SUMMARY: Sero Hanta is your CEO of Intelligence Distribution (pretty much) and Reader-Chan (you) are his secretary. He catches you lusting after him and decides he needs to punish you for it.
Author’s Note: HEY! I tried to implement the headcanon that Sero is hispanic because it’s a very common one and one of my FAVORITE HCs for our underrated baby Sero, so I added in some spanish as well. While I’m hispanic descent, I’m not fluent in spanish so I sort of went off of translations from friends and what I learned for myself from family. Also, my device is absolute shit at picking up accent marks so if there are some tildes on some n’s and not others, I REALLY apologize! Thank you!
(Headers are mine, but the art inside of them are not! Please don’t steal or repost without credit!)
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     He was fairly laid back as the CEO of Business and Intelligence. Since he didn’t necessarily have a quirk that anybody’d want in battle, he still took on hero work, but his main job was climbing the top of the food chain in Intel and informational trading and that’s exactly what he did. He was the biggest name of the company both for being fairly charismatic but also being a fair leader and his hero work on the field particularly in search and rescue missions. He had a bit of a twang when he got mad, but he rarely got mad so nobody ever really heard it. There was really no doubt about it that he was attractive; he was hella attractive at that. Especially in his trademark black suit with sleek shoes that was all brought together by the golden trimmings found throughout his outfit. He had a smile that could kill, very keen dark brown eyes, his soft hair often slicked back against his head— and word around the building was that he was considering an undercut style. He also had piercings, however he only wore his outer lobe bands when he wasn’t on duty, and he was complete with a tattoo of roses that rose up his neck just a little and was a sort of bicep sleeve. There was really no doubt that he was the best, and he knew it too even if he chose to stay humble.
And him being humble- paired with his amazing good looks- is exactly what you loved about him. He was literally perfect to you. There was only one issue; he hadn’t really noticed you until recent years.
Let’s take it back for a little, shall we? 
The two of you had been in the same class for awhile; since elementary school at least. You were always in his class and he watched him grow up right before your eyes. There wasn’t a time in your life that you hadn’t loved him in all honesty. The way that he was always so selfless, the way that he was intelligent, and quiet, and oh so handsome at all times. You’d been friends for a year and then you both fell off to acquaintances and then eventually your contact had diminished. You’d even went to UA together and that was the first time you’d been separated. While he got into Class 1A, you were stuck in General Studies and befriended by both Kaminari and Kirishima who often made their special appearances in the complex. It was through them that Sero rediscovered you and even when he asked for your name and it broke your heart, he bought a small bracelet the next day to sort of apologize. You often have lunch with him and the group, linger back after meetings, and even exchange short texts. You both worked on projects with each other all of the time and whenever business leave was scheduled, it was you who went with him.
That’s exactly how you worked your way into being Sero’s secretary. And you’d started to regret it.
Now, it wasn’t that he was bad to you or anything, actually it was quite the opposite. He was way too good to you, and sometimes you felt as if this was a joke or some sort of dream. You had to see that magnetic smile every single day directed at other people instead of you, you had to listen to him flirt sometimes to get his way, embracing others in those strong arms of his, sit in on presentations in which he makes eye contact with the others just a little longer than yours. You were jealous, and there’s really no denying it, and anybody that didn’t have smoke in their eyes could see it too. Even when he was just sitting there doing work you couldn’t help but to waste away your minutes, hours, days- any amount of time before you were caught- to just stare at him and muse over him. 
Of course today was no different, your thighs pressed together as you nibble on your lip, your face and the tips of your ears practically on fire as you let your mind wander. You wondered how it’d feel if you were his, his meaty fingers shoved in your mouth as he pulled you closer and made you his, or if you heard him say “I love you” in that smoky tone of his, or if you were allowed so close to him that the sweet scent of his cologne overwhelmed you. You thought about what’d it’d be like to tangle your fingers with his hair and straddle his lap, grinding on top of him in his office chair, or if you unbuttoned his shirt and got to marvel at that tattoo of his. You hadn’t caught yourself whimpering as you grinded into your seat, trying to squeeze your thighs together more to get more friction, your eyes glistening as you drooled and bit at the end of your pen. He was watching, and so was Kirishima and Kaminari. The two visitors looked at each other with wide eyes and Kaminari had tried to get your attention by snapping and whistling a little, waiting until Sero was looking away to toss a pen in your direction but it was no luck. Sero’s face carried a bit of a blush to it, Kirishima and Kaminari actually worried about you and how Sero would react. 
“Please touch me there,” you whisper out to your fantasy as you gripped the desk and rutted into your chair a little more, a soft squeak leaving you as you slap a hand over your mouth. Your whole body trembled as you practically came in your seat, one hand trailing over your sex from over the clothes, pressing and pulling, your eyes tearing up practically as your fantasy was about to come to a close. You whine softly and it happens finally. You cum and your back arches as you let out a soft moan into your hand, moaning out your boss’s name, setting your head down trying to bring yourself down from your high afterwards without noticing how much attraction you’d drawn to yourself as you quivered in your seat.
“Escucha, por favor,” Sero said quietly dismissing both Kirishima and Kaminari and they quickly left the area while Sero walked over to your desk and gently tapped it with his fingers. “Y/N. A word please,” he said in the most respectful of tones, his eyes though fiery were calm even despite you relieving yourself in front of guests. You look up and him and your mind’s haze instantly clear and within seconds you were on your feet, your cum running down your leg as you whine softly. His strong hand takes your wrist and he practically drags you into his office, closing the blinds and closing his door, pushing you flush into the door after it was closed. You heard his heart beating in his chest as his cool breath hit your ear, his hands on the door beside your waist as he reprimanded you, and of course you forgot entirely to tell him about Kaminari and Kirishima’s presentation that was supposed to happen in 10 odd minutes. You were too dazed to even think too hard about it as you felt Sero’s warmth against you. You looked down and then up again to meet his gaze, his stern gaze meeting your eyes, his eyebrows knit, his breath even and shallow. 
“You know you’re the top worker in this… Esteemed company, right, Y/N?” He spoke softly with a sharp edge to it as his eyes narrowed out a little. “The way that I’m berating you,” he said as he looked down at your legs pressing together trying to stand upright. “This isn’t a punishment for you, is it,” he said softly as he tilted your head up, biting his lip as he shook his head a little. “Since you like to be… Humiliated.. Talked down to like this… I’ll give you a treat then, hm?” He let go of your hand and he walked over to his chair, sitting in it with a soft groan, his eyes closing as he leaned back completely. He remained like this for a few minutes before he looked over at you.
“Is my schedule cleared for the day, carino,” he asked with a sweet smile, his voice husky and low as he looked you over. As you observed, you noticed his bulge growing against his tight slacks, but he still kept that sweet innocent smile as he looked you over with a pretty glint in those dark eyes of his.
“U-Um… W-Well Ei and K-Kaminari have a p-presentation for you in about… T-Ten or so minutes,” you stutter out as you play with the fabric of your pants. He raised his eyebrow and let out a soft groan before closing his eyes again, his hands folded neatly over his stomach as he shook his head slowly. 
“So you’ve known about this presentation… And you wait until 10 odd minutes beforehand to tell me about it? How unprofessional of my little secretary,” he said, a hint of mock disappointment in his voice. You looked at him wide-eyed and before you could even speak, he held his hand up and he smirked a little with a soft breathy condescending laugh. “Since you were so lusty for me at your desk just a few… Short moments ago, I reckon you won’t have an issue with praising me until your friends come in to give me their presentation,” he drawled out in that voice of his with a shudder running down his spine. As If you were in a trance, you walked over to him and were on your knees in less than a minute, his eyes opening halfway to lazily look down at you, a soft smirk carrying his lips as he gazed at you unbuckling his belt, just the sound of the metal clinking against each other making him harder. Then, your skilled fingers worked at his button and the zipper until you were gazing at your clothed prize. You watched his bulge twitch in his pants before you reached for his cock and he swiftly took your chin in his hands and looked up at you, zipping his pants up with his free hand.
“Ay corazón,” he said softly as he stroked your jawline with his thumb. “There’s no need to move so fast,” he whispered softly. “Don’t make me use my tape on you,” he said with another condescending chuckle melting in your ears. You whine quietly and nod as you gently kiss against his bulge with your hands behind your back, your teeth gently nipping at the cloth over the prize you wanted so badly. He leaned his head back and a soft moan left his lips as he spread his legs even more for you, his eyes rolling back lazily in his head. “Joder que se sienta tan bien (fuck, that feels so good),” he moaned out in a quiet whisper under his breath as he felt precum leaking from his tip as he whined quietly. “With your teeth,” he breathed out softly as his chest started to heave and fall, his eyes pressed closed. “U-Unzip my pants with your teeth,” he moaned out softly with a soft shuddery groan, one of his hands moving to your head, pressing your face against his bulge, his hips trembling as he fought back the urge not to buck his hips into your face. You continue to kiss and nibble against his bulge, practically drooling over his pants with a soft groan. 
You gently make it to the zipper of his pants and the sound of your teeth hitting the metal making him shudder in his seat. You try to pull the zipper down and it slides out of your mouth and then you try again, your face pressing into his bulge making him jolt and tilt his head back, you whining quietly as the zipper slipped out of your mouth again. 
“Está bien, mi amor. Lo estás haciendo muy bien (It's okay my love. You're doing just fine),” he breathed out shakily as he pet the back of your head and pulled you into him more. “Just try again,” he whispered softly. “You’re okay, there’s no rush,” he said quietly as you took the zipper in your mouth again and you wait for a moment with glassy eyes. “Wait,” he said softly. “Go slow,” he said softly as you slowly pulled the zipper down with your teeth. “That’s right, carino,” he whispered quietly as he felt his cock’s restraints loosening, one of his legs trembling a little as he ached his back some. “F-Fuck,” he whined softly as he closed his eyes and gently massaged the back of your head. “Baby,” he whined softly as you finally unzipped his pants all the way, his legs fighting being put together as he let out a low sharp breath. “No hands… Don’t use your hands,” he said softly as he moved his hand down in front of your face to pull his cock out of his slacks with a soft groan. “I gave you a little help,” he murmured quietly. “Now worship it,” he said softly as his tone grew more needy. 
You did as instructed, your eyes looking up at him as he tilted his head back, your tongue taking small laps at the base of his cock. He trembled as he gently ran his hand behind your head, his hips gyrating slowly as you whine and kissed his balls. He whined and he trembled as he ran one of his hands over his collarbone and he shook his head slowly. “T-This is a m-much better I-investment of c-company t-time, carino,” he said softly as a louder moan left him, his eyes peering down at you as you took his balls in his mouth and massaged them with your tongue, his eyes fluttering and fighting to stay open as he whimpered softly. He tried not to get too loud because of the other work and activity going on in the complex. 
“Oh, Dios mío (Oh my God),” he moaned out quietly as you licked and kissed your way to his tip glistening with precum, his eyes widening as you sucked his tip in your mouth, his legs trembling, his moan getting trapped in his throat as he pushed your head down on his cock. You started to gag a little and he felt your throat constricting around his cock again, his hand gripping at your hair as he forced his whole cock in your mouth, your eyes tearing up as you gagged, choked, and continued to moan around his cock, tears brimming your waterline though you tried to stop them from streaming down your cheeks. 
“¡Oh Dios mío, oh Dios mío, oh Dios mío, joder, joder, joder! Chúpalo así... Dios, se siente tan bien (Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, fuck, fuck, fuck! Suck it just like that- God it feels so good),” he moaned out loudly as he bucked his hips into your face trying to edge himself, but since it’d been so long since he was able to cum, he was already close, his body practically convulsing in his office chair as he moaned out and he lost control of his body and his volume, thrusting hard into your mouth as you whine out and rest your hands on his knees, your eyes rolling into the back of your head as you whine out, not too choked to where you had to tap out, but choked enough to have you wheezing and sucking down his cock nicely, your fingers coming up to massage his balls as he tried not to cum, his hand still keeping you choked on his cock as the other scratched at his arm chair his moans and choked gasps filling the room louder. 
“C-Cum-“ he choked out as he shook his head. “C-Cumming! I-I’m c-cumming,” he whined out, his abs clenching as he dealt hard thrusts into your mouth, his eyes wide as tears brimmed his eyes, his cock practically balls deep in your mouth as the door swung open, Kirishima and Kaminari standing in the doorway as Sero filled your mouth with his sticky seed, his eyes finally letting those sweet tears escape as you whined around the base of his cock, gagging and choking, wheezing as he trembled in his seat, Spanish praises and curses mixing what the moans that spilled from his mouth.
“C-Chúpalo así. ¡Me estoy corriendo! ¡Me estás haciendo correrte tan jodidamente duro! ¡Oh, D-Dios mío, lo e-estás haciendo tan j-jodidamente b-bien! ¡Estoy sacudiendo el carino, c-cógeme, cógeme! E-Eres mío, toda mío… ¡Propiedad de la c-compañío! (Suck it down just like that. I'm cumming! You're making me cum so fucking hard! Oh my god you're doing so fucking good! I-I'm shaking baby fuck me, fuck me! You're mine, all mine... C-Company property!)” He whined out as your mouth was filled with his cum, his body tensing up before he let your head go and he leaned against the office chair trying to come down from his intense high, his cheeks reddened and dampened with his tears of satisfaction, some of his hair that was slicked back now in his face as it should be, his toes curled, his fingers buried into the arm of the chair, his legs trembling as he bit his lip. You slowly take his cock from your mouth and into your hands, your eyes glazed over as you stared up at your boss with absolute love and adoration in your eyes, how rough but caring he was with you, how beautiful he looked in this moment, that sexy voice of his, how pretty he looked with his cheeks tear stained just like yours. He looked down at you, his breaths hollow and shaky as he gently took your chin in his strong slender hand, his thumb stroking your cheek and jawline as he sniffed and flashed that pretty smile at you.
“Open wide,” he whispered softly as he tilted his head a little. “Let papi see how much he filled that sweet mouth of yours,” he said softly in that deep voice of his. You did as told and opened your mouth, his cum mixed with your saliva painted your mouth white, the thick serum spilling out of your mouth and down your chin. He gently stuck his fingers in your mouth, scooped out a little cum, and sucked his fingers clean with a soft hum. Your eyes widened as you watched him, Kirishima and Kaminari’s faces red, jaws dropped, and eyes bugged as they stared at the scene before them. Sero knew they were there but he didn’t care, and you tried your hardest not to look at the two to spare yourself a little bit of the humiliation that you were already feeling. 
“Good job,” Sero said with a sly smirk, not caring that cum was dripping down your face and into your lap, not caring that his cock was out for them to see, his eyes glistening with mischievous thoughts, his thumb gently smearing the cum and saliva over your lips. You whine softly and grab his wrist, then he lets out a small laugh as he blushes a little and licks his lip. “A promising future in the company you hold indeed,” he said before looking at your best friends and nodding at them. “Buenas tardes (good afternoon),” he said as he let your chin go as a devious smirk played at his lips. “I heard there was a presentation for me? Why don’t we get started, hm,” He said as he looked down at you and he furrowed his eyebrows a little. “As for you, cariño…. We aren’t done yet.”
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