#gotta go to bed gn ❤️
deadghosy · 8 months
“Why did you kiss me?”
“Because, you’re the only one who stayed with me.”
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YOU WOKE UP in bed with Lucifer as you found the king of hell holding you close to his body as soft breathing was heard of the sleeping king. You stretched a little not wake up Lucifer as he mumbles in his sleep, “stay…with me…I need you…” the mumbles were cute as you smile at him softly.
You turn into a black vapor over to the side of the bed to stretch your wings and body. You are still pretty much tired but you have to go meet Charlie since you told her you would be there quick. You walk to the bathroom to get out of this cute cunty vibe robe without knowing that Lucifer woke up not feeling your body.
Lucifer touched the spot you were only to have tears in his eyes.
Did he dream of you being by him?
if so what was the dream so long. He misses you already like an abandoned puppy. He didn’t know if it was real or not as he lays on his stomach facing nothing, only the headboard of this bed you slept on with him. He wipes his eyes as he looked at his hand, his eyes widen to have seen the duck ring.
So it was real…
He was stock to say that you actually did stay with him that day as he blushes kissing the ring. He’s hate to admit it, but this could be the wedding ring of both of you and him if he decides to have balls and ask you. His thoughts stop as he hears the bathroom door open to see you exiting wearing his color scheme on an outfit that was quite formal.
“Good morning Luci.” You said with a smile as your voice was like honey to him and he was the bear. He loved your voice even if you didn’t think your voice was special. He smiled at you as he walks over and hugs you, nuzzling his apple like scent all over you as you just smile patting his back.
“Good morning my angel!” He said as he lifts you up with ease as you grip his shoulders. You were shocked to say that Lucifer never did this to you before. But he must be in a good mood to have done this. You just smile at him as he Carries you to the kitchen with a soft hum. As he hums you smile just getting use to his presence as it been so long you two masked in each other. He sits you down on one of the dining chairs as he goes to make pancakes.
You remember how he use to make pancakes with Charlie and you. It was such a lovable memory in your head as you check your phone to see Angel dust worried about you with 16 messages and 20 missed calls. Charlie called you 1 time and left 27 messages. Alastor left you 1 message as vaggie has send you 12 messages. Man your friends had missed you.
Lucifer broke your train of thought with his famous pancakes as he smiles that toothy charming smile everyone knows and love. He kisses your forehead showing you this new affection that was brought upon the two of you last night.
You both ate in comfortable peace as you two share a piece of bacon and just chatter about today and what will tomorrow bring. You could’ve sworn he kept staring at your neck as you just glanced away from him awkwardly as you look at you watch.
“Ah man..I gotta do Lu.” You said as you got up. Lucifer also got up in a hurry thinking of how to keep you here longer. But he knew he couldn’t as his daughter depends on you too…so it sucks as he nods with a frown. He goes over to you and smiles, “okay. Just be safe on the way out.”
You chuckled at that as you just nod and hold his arm, he looks at his arm as he kisses your hand up and then he kisses you on your lips. Making you surprised, your eyes widened but soon fell into the kiss as he puts his hands on your waist and you put your arms around his neck with a flustered face. He lifted you as you wrap your legs around his waist as he leaves your mouth and go down to your neck, nibbling and biting as he licks your neck up and down.
He couldn’t help himself but feel to claim you somehow as he places you on the dinning table of the kitchen. He kept biting as you wince gripping his shoulder. He bit you so hard you bleed without noticing, but he notice. He licked your neck, cleaning of the blood as he slightly whimpers looking up at you with his demonic red eyes.
“Did a kiss really get him that excited?” You thought as you lift his chin only for him to purr and move closer to kiss you more to the point you both won’t take it.
But you still had to help Charlie, so you push Lucifer’s head away with a smile. “Ah ah, can’t do that sir. I have to do tend to your daughter now. I’ll be back soon Lu-Lu.” With a final kiss to his eye with he whimpered rubbing his face on your neck. You got off the table dusting yourself and wiping the left over saliva from Lucifer on your neck. “Love you.” You said as you left the palace.
Lucifer stands there alone with his demon tail wagging with a derpy smile as he just excitedly.
TIME AS PASSED as you check your phone to see love messages with hearts on them from Lucifer. This man is certainly high off your kisses from earlier as he is literally kicking his feet on his bed thinking of you. But you wanted to say something about the kiss so you started to text him.
Lucifer saw your text bubble as he brought his phone close to his face with a wide smile to see your text. This boy is whipped badly as he smiles waiting.
“Why did you kiss me?” You had asked over text as Lucifer stops smiling thinking of the most realistic answer ever as he nods and texted you back with a smug face.
“Because, you’re the only one who stayed with me.” He texted back with a flushed expression.
After that, you two started to text everyday. Sending love messages and everything to check up one and another.
Lucifer was finally happy.
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azulock · 10 months
Shidou, oliver, nagi and sendo when they wake up ( in the middle of the night ) to find s/o quietly weeping?
I love hurt/comfort, sooooo- maybe s/o is crying cuz of insecurities?
Love ur works❤️💋
- 👻anon
Ask got lost cause I'm a mess but I had copied it to work on another file so it's fine. Anyway ghostie, made a slight change to this one cause I'm a hot girl with nightmare problems, like night terrors actually, and the realistic kind of nightmare, it legit has me waking crying and sitting up, very angst. Funny to say that tho cause the days I was writing this I was having nightmares, the universe has a sense of irony.
gn!reader. Oliver (488 words), Sendo (499 words), Shidou (435 words), Nagi (600 words). mentions of nightmares, but no warnings, only fluff
oliver aiku
It was still pitch black in the room when Oliver woke up to the feeling of something pushing against his body. he didn't need to try and focus his eyes to know it was you - he knew well enough that he kept you in a constrictor like embrace while he slept. though, he did squeeze his eyes in a urgent attempt to get used to the darkness the moment he heard your pained hiccups and choked breath.
Gently, he rubs a large hand over your back and shoulder, gruff voice asking you what's wrong. you hesitate to answer, but stop pushing against him and he takes it as a chance to bring you closer in, burying his face in your hair. when you don't respond, only continue crying against his bare chest Oliver already knows the answer - truth is he knew even before he asked.
He'd already seen you have nightmares, already been woken up by the trashing and incoherent, panicked sleep talking. he just never saw you wake up like this, crying, sweating and choking on your own breath. Oliver takes a moment to fully will his body to wake up, softly caressing your head and back while he does. when the gentle touch doesn't work to stop your crying he pulls you onto his lap, pushing away the covers before getting up with you in his arms.
Even in your confused state you are fast to ask him where he is going, arms weakly surrounding his broad shoulders. when he answers, you furrow your brows and stare at him. "a shower?" you mutter back. "yeah, you know I like showering with you," he answers with a yawn, you knew it was true, and not even in a sexual way, for Oliver it was like a bonding activity. "but it's the middle of the night," you protest and he shrugs. "doesn't matter, we gotta wash away those nightmares, love."
The minute the warm water hits his hand he is brought back to a time when he was a child and his mother used the same thing for him, running a shower to wash away whatever plagued his small mind. to this day, the water still felt grounding to him. it took a bit of coaxing but Oliver managed to get you under the shower with him, the warm stream luring you into it's soothing touch. you let him wash your skin and listen to him babble about nothing at all. soon enough you are talking too, and even laughing at his bad singing as he pulls you into dancing with him, head laying on his chest and listening to his steady heartbeat.
"ah, I think we should leave now before my hands turn fully into raisins," you yawn against his chest. "eh, I wouldn't mind that. did the shower help?" he asks, stiffling a yawn of his own. "yeah, you did too. thank you, Oli."
sendo shuto
Waking up in the middle of the night had never been uncommon for Sendo, he was a light sleeper, and he woke often enough that he'd learned to just will himself back to sleep. but this time he couldn't do it, not when he noticed the sound was coming from his own bed. when the quiet whimpering hit his ears again he almost panicked, sitting up and reaching out to you, only to find you quietly crying, face buried in your pillow.
The moment his hand touches your shoulder you startle, apologizing between small sobs for waking him up, tears pooling in your eyes. at the sight, Sendo almost tears up himself, throwing out his own apologies for not waking up before. he holds you close, face resting in your shoulder as he gently asks you what's wrong, hands caressing your skin as he does so. You pause, hiccuping a bit before whispering to him about your nightmare with only a vague description.
He feels his heart sink, hugging you tight as he tries to sush your cries and clean away your tears. though, when he notices it isn't working, he almost panics again, before calming himself down so he can help. you cry into his chest, tears staining his shirt, and he decides staying in bed just won't do you no good. with gentle words and soft touches, Sendo urges you to get up and out of bed with him, hand never leaving yours as he guides you out of the bedroom.
You protest, insisting that he needs the rest, but he responds that he could never rest knowing you were suffering. he leads you both to the kitchen, soft smile never faltering as he offers to make you tea. when you don't reject it, he feels a little better, putting the kettle on the fire as he tries to make a conversation to distract you. soon enough you hear the familiar whistle, and Sendo gets busy with making you both tea.
Giving you both mugs to hold, he moves to pick up whatever sweet snack you got in the fridge and a mantle he kept on the arm of the couch. with everything in hand, Sendo takes you to the balcony of your apartment, sitting down side by side with the mantle over your legs to keep you both warm. You talk and drink the tea, watching the stars scattered on dark sky above the city. it's peaceful, and although it takes a little, that peace starts to seep to you, your tears drying and the smile returning to your face.
It doesn't take long for your head to be dropping on his shoulder, heavy eyes unfocused as you cling to his arm. "thank you, Shuto, it feels safe with you," it's only a whisper, but it's the loudest thing for him at the moment. "you don't need to thank me, love, I'm always here for this," he replies, even though he doesn't think you can hear.
ryusei shidou
Shidou was always something of a deep sleeper, few are the things that can disturb his slumber before it's time for his alarm to ring - an they usually piss him off. not you, though. the minute he realizes what woke him was your crying form, trembling and gasping by his side in the bed, he is fully alert. few are the things that terrify him, but seeing you like that is one of them.
At first, it's confusing, but it's only half a moment before Shidou has his arms wrapped around you tight. it ceases your trembling, and after a couple seconds your breathing is even again, but tears still fall from your eyes. he asks what is the matter, question whispered in your ear as gently as he manages. you respond with a simple "nightmare" voice quiet and shaky. Shidou had heard you mention them before, he just never imagined it was like that.
Whatever, his surprise doesn't matter now, he needs a solution, something to chase whichever nightmare you had away. he thinks for a minute before his mind slips back to the thing you did the first time you came to his house. something you do together almost once a month. it can't be a bad idea - even if the idea is watch old B horror movies.
And when Shidou offers you don't disagree - though, you did spend a second in thought, one that had him surprisingly tense. so he carries you to the couch, covers and all, before throwing some popcorn in the microwave and setting off to pick up the most ridiculous movie he can thing of - Killer Klowns from Outer Space. it's weird, it's trashy, and it's the thing you two watched at a midnight screening on your first date.
With remote control and popcorn in hand he settles with you under the covers, his eyes spending more time on you than on the screen. where you start the movie still tense and misty eyed, you end it yawning between laughs. and it's like a weight was lifted from his shoulders - Shidou knows he is not the best at delicate situations, but at least this time his methods worked. so when you suggest going back to bed, he feels like he can sleep soundly again.
"ain't you afraid of dreaming with killer clowns, tho?" he remarks with a laugh, muffled by how his face rests against your neck. "nah, killer clowns are easy stuff," you chuckle and shake your head. "besides, even if I do, I know I got you there to protect me."
nagi seishiro
For Nagi, waking up in the middle of the night was rare - it was rarer yet for him to not just immediately close his eyes and fall straight into deep sleep again. though, it was a bit hard to do that when he felt something shaking and hiccuping beside him on the bed. he was about to call it a hassle and try to sleep again when his brain finally snapped and made the connection, noticing the absence of your body wrapped around his own. the shaking and hiccuping were you - fuck, you were crying.
Slowly and carefully he turned around, at a loss of what to do when he saw your trembling form under the covers - but he knew he had to do something. with light hands Nagi pulls the covers just enough so he can see your face, his eyes being met with your red and teary ones. you both freeze for a moment before you bury your face back in the pillow, muttering an apology for waking him up, words almost unintelligible between your hiccups - shit, now he feels terrible.
Still at a bit of a loss, Nagi shakes his head, refusing your apology and trying to ask you what happened as he pulls you to him, your back against his chest. your answer is a small whisper and he only barely understands it, but he is left to wonder how terrible a nightmare gotta be to leave you like this. when you keep crying even as he tries to sooth you, Nagi notices there is no way you can go back to sleep like this, so he sits up in bed and pulls you into his lap, kissing the top of your head.
There is not much he thinks he can do, he has never been the best at dealing with peoples emotions. so Nagi does what he'd do for himself and offers to find something to distract you. he snuggles you comfortably between his legs, head resting on your shoulder as you hug a pillow. at first he tries putting some show or cartoon for you to watch on his phone, but that doesn't prove to be enough to stifle your cries and he finds himself back to the drawing board, and having to think of something else.
It takes a minute of Nagi just silently caressing your head before he thinks of something. muttering against your ear, he asks if you'd rather play something with him. when you nod stretches one arm to reach for the nightstand, opening a drawer and pulling out your switch. he finds something cozy but still engaging enough to keep you entertained, and you settle on letting him hit the buttons while you just make the decisions. Nagi can't be sure how much time passes with you nestled between his arms and legs as he holds the console, but his plan works, and the game distracts you. the tears start drying on your cheeks and your breath evens out slowly, and sure as daybreak, a smile lights you face again.
"sei, thank you for doing this for me," you mutter, words cut by a long yawn. "huh? it's not like you got to thank me, tho, I don't mind it. so, what you want me to do no-" Nagi's answer is cut short just as he looks from the console back to you, finding your eyes closed as you'd fallen asleep in his arms. that night, he stays like that, being thankful he can sleep in any position, just so he can keep you safe.
today's tag sponsors: @wishiknewwhatiwasdoingwithmylife @loser-vxbez
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hotchs-big-hands · 1 year
dbf!hotch gifts reader a nannycam for their room. Fun ensues. Send tweet.
(basically reader being a camgirl but for hotchy’s eyes only) 😩
Okay okay I have to get this out FIRST like you don't understand this makes me fucking BARK ROME your mind is literally stunning babe OKAY LETS GO
Dbf!Aaron Hotchner x gn!reader
NSFW minors dni please!
Warning(s): consensual voyeurism, daddy kink, masturbation, just smut LMAO it's so filthy!! Also changes to Aaron's perspective after first break.
Should probably note idk exactly how nannycams work I just did some reading up and I'm sort of basing off that. Anyway, ENJOY!
There it sat on the pristine dining table of your father's friend. A small, black cube no bigger than a dice awaited your response to its presence. Your eyes flicked to the man who had just placed it in front of you with a smirk, and you bit your lip.
"This is..."
Aaron raised a brow, the smirk growing.
"A little camera for you to place in your bedroom. Do you like it, sweetheart?" He said gently. A shiver ran down your spine as your eyes returned to the tiny nannycam.
"Holy shit..." You felt heat rising in your face and burning in your abdomen. "I do, yes. Thank you, Aaron."
Aaron cupped the back of your head with his hand and leaned over to press a kiss to your forehead.
"This, pretty thing, is so I can check in on you when I'm away with work. You understand, right?"
He was close to your face, his eyes focusing on your bitten lip. You moved to straddle his hips and his hands were immediately on your thighs, squeezing them possessively. A little hum reverberated from you as you nodded at him and you placed your hands on his firm chest to help balance yourself as you shifted around on his lap.
"Mmh... come by mine later so you can help me set it up?" You asked sweetly, batting your eyelids innocently at him. He chuckled and the hands slid round to your ass and firmly gripped onto the flesh there.
"Of course, sweetheart. Gotta make sure it's working, after all."
Yes, much later in the day did you both finally make it to your home and set up the little camera on a shelf attached to the wall, cushioned between some ornaments. And the rest of the evening was spent "testing" the angle of the camera out with a feed linked to Aaron's phone. When you eventually collapsed against the pillows together, entangled and breathing heavily, your mind wandered to the possibilities you had to have a bit of fun whilst your lover was away. A tired, but excited smile pulled at your face as you snuggled into his bare chest and you drifted off to sleep.
Three days had passed by after Aaron gifted you the little camera, and in that time he had, of course, been pulled away on a case. He hadn't yet had a spare moment to check in with you to ask if you were okay with him watching (he had made it clear that he wouldn't look unless you specifically said it was okay to do so) and admittedly, he was a little frustrated as a result. But work called, he had to focus on the current case instead. However, all was about to change with a simple text from you.
Sweetheart❤: How's everything going? xx
Aaron raised a brow as he stared at the text. You didn't normally contact him whilst he was working. He stepped away from the rest of his team for a moment to respond.
Me: As well as the average case goes. Are you alright? X
Sweetheart❤️: I'm heading to bed now, but I'm not very sleepy...
He felt himself tense a little, swallowing as he felt himself twitch in his slacks. He eyed his surroundings before he began to type.
Me: Sweet thing, you've got to try and get some rest, yeah? X
Moments later a photo came through from you, Aaron's breath hitched at the compromising position you were in, biting your lip and looking at the camera seductively.
Sweetheart❤️: Guess you'd better check your footage later then 😇
He quickly moved to press his back against a wall and typed furiously, slacks tightening.
Me: You really think you can just tease daddy like this and not be punished when I return?
Sweetheart❤️: Gn, daddy 🥰 xx
Aaron groaned quietly and pocketed his phone, glancing down at his crotch and willing the slight bulge to disappear. You were in so much trouble when he finally returned home, but he had to admit he was eager to return to his hotel room that night to see what you'd been up to. With a sharp exhale out of his nose he slowly returned to the room to continue working on the case.
Driving at the speed limit couldn't have been harder for Aaron than right now, desperate to make it back to the hotel and lock himself in his room. He knew the others could tell he was extremely tense and chalking it up to the difficult case, which admittedly, he was stressed out about, but he hadn't been able to keep you or the implications of your earlier messages out of his mind for the rest of the day.
So when he finally pulled into the hotel parking lot with Spencer and Derek in the car with him, he couldn't slam his door fast enough nor rush off into the hotel. He even took the stairs, two steps at a time, so he could get there quicker than waiting for an elevator. Finally. With his door locked his jacket and tie were quickly removed and his shoes toed off at the door, he crossed the room to the bed and he settled down on the edge of it and pulled his phone out.
He was eager, almost embarrassingly so but he didn't care. His thumb hovered over the app that was linked to the nannycam; his slacks were uncomfortably tight already. With a quiet exhale, he unbuckled his belt to give himself a brief sense of relief, then he clicked the app icon.
He remembered the estimated time you'd messaged him, scrolling through the footage from within the 12 hours of the day in the timezone you were in. Most of it was blank, obviously you'd been out for the day, but he slowed down the progress when your figure appeared, entering and leaving the room as you went about your evening. He smiled slightly in complete adoration of you, there was something so serene about watching you going about your time, a part of him secretly wishing he could witness all of it someday.
His thoughts were brought to a halt when you entered your bedroom dressed in a fluffy towel, having just returned from a shower. He shifted on the bed, settling back further as his eyes stared at the screen. At first, your back was to the camera when you unwound the towel from your body. Aaron narrowed his eyes slightly, wishing you would turn around. Then you did. Casually, you began drying your body off, dragging the fabric down your arms and across your neck. You paused, a little smile spread across your face and you moved the towel slower down your body.
His eyes followed the movement of your hand on the fabric, drifting down your chest and lingering. A deliberate, light brush against your nipples, then slowly drifting lower down your body. Tauntingly, you covered your crotch and Aaron groaned, holding his phone in his right hand whilst his left slid down to squeeze the growing bulge in his dress pants. You knew how he felt about you teasing him given you'd been punished for it already recently, brought to a point of begging him through tears to let you cum, to feel his cock inside you. Just the memory of it only made him strain against the fabric of his trousers more, so he unbuttoned them and slowly pulled the zipper down, a quiet grunt escaping him at the release in tension. His hand slipped inside, palming his cock over his boxers.
In the footage, you'd turned from the camera again and bent over to dry your legs, giving him a full view of your ass to him.
"Nngh, fuck." Aaron hissed, squeezing himself tighter. You walked out of frame, seemingly to hang the towel up to dry, but when you returned to the frame you were still in all your naked glory and there was no indication of that changing anytime soon. His eyes widened when you pulled open your bedside drawer and from it you took out one of his button down shirts, but his brow raised when you also picked up a small bottle, one that he knew very well.
"Oh, you naughty thing..." He whispered as you spritzed his cologne he thought he had misplaced a few weeks ago over the shirt he must have left behind at some point. You placed the bottle back into the drawer and held the shirt to your nose, climbing onto the bed to kneel, eyes closed as you inhaled deeply. Aaron groaned again quietly. He didn't know you did this, he would have to ask you if you did it all the time. It made him feel good to be so desired as this, he never expected anyone to want him as much as you clearly did. His cock was painfully hard now, and he pulled it from the top of his underwear with a hiss. The rosy red tip was already glistening with precum, he smeared it with his thumb and dragged it down the impressive shaft with a deep exhale.
Holding onto the shirt, you slowly pulled it down your body, rolling your hips as you brushed across your nipples again. And then, to Aaron's utter surprise, you moved the shirt down to your crotch and began to grind into it. He shuddered, cock twitching in his hand at the scene. You moved to the end of the bed, shirt still rubbing against your crotch, and knelt down, head against the bed with your ass angled towards the camera's general direction. Aaron swore under his breath as he began to slide his hand up and down his cock, squeezing his tip and using the precum that continued to leak out to lube himself. You were laying on top of the shirt, hand between your spread thighs as you touched yourself. Oh, how he wished he could hear your sounds right now.
He could imagine himself touching you in this position, teasing you as he rubbed his cock against your entrance. He wanted you to always have your face shoved against one of his shirts from now on, picturing you biting into it with every caress of his fingers or cock.
Your hips swayed and shuddered forward, your hand moving faster as you masturbated. Aaron moved his hand faster on his cock, thrusting up into his hand eagerly in time with your movements. He could tell you were close in the video, body shaking and back arching, it brought him closer to cumming as well. His chest heaved as he moaned, hips bucking when he watched you finally cum hard, staining his shirt no doubt, and pushing yourself until you collapsed, boneless. Not a moment sooner, Aaron groaned deeply as his cock shot rope, after rope of cum onto his hand and clothed chest. Slightly shaky, he quickly snapped a photo from his torso downward, hand still gripping his sensitive cock, and sent it to you.
Me: Sweetheart, look what you've done to me. I'll be having a word with you about taking my cologne...
Once the text was sent, Aaron let the phone drop onto the mattress beside him and groaned. His cock twitched in his hand, still aroused. He grimaced, knowing he needed to take a shower and shove his soiled clothes in the bottom of his bag. And so sluggishly, he forced himself to stand and make his way to the shower room.
When the new morning would come round, you'd wake up to more than just a picture.
AWOOGA OKAY thank you so so so much for reading !! I hope this was kinda what you were thinking of babes, but I could defo expand on this in future tho should the demand be there 👀
Taglist: @cr1minalskies @modern-mermaid @aaronhotchnersgirlfriend @aaronhotchswife @crimeshowjunkie @igotanidea @gogococopuffs @prentissesredtanktop @howabouticallyou @lalalove-56 @constantwritingblock @boredelle @powerlvr25 @idkbubs @mrs-ssa-hotch @emptybagofchips77 @yourmomsmilfmistress @jesuisbenny @nplumb22 @supercriminalbean @elijahmikaelsonbitch @wowzabowza69 @frostingway @simpingfortoomanypeople @munsonsposts @spenciesprincess @creepysweetie @bruhhvv @regulus-black-223048 @brasspistol @0nex-is-dead0 @livingdeadmak @myescapefromthislife @sebastiansstanswhore @bumblebea-xo @hangmandruigandmav @sareim123122 @magical-spit
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pretty-blkgirl · 1 year
Channie Day
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//gn!reader x bangchan//
Synopsis: A sweet moment between you and Chan on his birthday
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None!
A/N: It’s our Channie’s birthday 🥹🥹 Sometimes I lay awake at night and think about how much I love this man LMAOO. He’s on vacation rn, so I’m glad he’s resting for his birthday. This is very short and sweet, so I hope you enjoy ❤️
You startle awake at the sound of your front door slamming shut. Immediately, you look around the bed to see if your fiancé was there, and of course, he wasn’t.
You relax when you realize he has finally come home from the studio. The clock read 1:43 AM.
It had been his birthday for a little over an hour and a half. He promised he’d be back home way before midnight even struck.
As much as you wanted to be upset, you couldn’t be. You knew how much of a hard worker he was, so you only sighed loudly and sat up in bed.
He walked into the room a few seconds later, eyes drooping. He smiled when he saw you were awake, his dimples only making your annoyance subside even more.
“Happy birthday” You whisper as he walks to the bed and takes a seat.
“Thank you baby” He answers, taking you into his arms. You two hug silently for a while, just taking each other in as the minutes tick by.
He lets you go eventually and pulls his hoodie off. He hands it to you and you put it on, already feeling more comfortable.
“Whatchu wanna do for your birthday?” You ask when he changes into some basketball shorts and gets under the covers.
“I just wanna be with you, baby. Whatever you wanna do, we can do”
“No, we gotta do what you wanna do. It’s your birthday”
He chuckles a little but thinks for a while before his phone starts to ring.
You smile, already knowing who was calling.
He answers and is immediately met with 7 loud voices screaming Happy Birthday to him. He cringes while you laugh out loud, hearing his members purposely sing off-key.
“Boooooo” Chan jokes, making you laugh once more
The boys all start to give their birthday wishes, and you watch Chan listen with a fond smile on his face.
Seungmin is the last to go, and he finishes his wish quickly
“It’s late, and I want you to sleep, so I love you and happy birthday. Have fun! And enjoy being half 52-”
Chan quickly hangs up and playfully scowls at you once you start to laugh hysterically.
“Really babe? It’s funny?”
He fakes a pout, making you coo at him.
“I’m sorry sweetheart.”
You lean in to kiss him on the cheek but he turns his head and steals a proper kiss.
After a few more sweet kisses, you two cuddle up in the bed, both drifting into a deep sleep.
You dream of Chan, and he dreams of you.
In the morning, he wakes to black and white balloons all over the floor and breakfast waiting on his dresser.
He smiles, silently wishing for a million more birthdays with you.
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hyperfizationss · 1 year
Hi! I love your works and I hope you’re doing well. I was wondering if you could write Pavrit fluff❤️ like the reader is a spider person too and they cuddle after long missions.
You don’t have to do it of course. Make sure to drink water
ᑕᕼᗩI ᗩᑎᗪ ᑕᑌᗪᗪᒪEᔕ ☕️🧡
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Pavitr 🪀x gn reader
Warnings: pre established relationship,slight swearing,cuddling,fluff
It was definitely a long day…to say the least Miguel sent me on a mission to catch an anomaly,and even though I needed it I refused to call for backup.I really gotta start asking for help more often
“Nothing to bad physically”
I say to myself after I take off my suit.I only had a few bruises and like 3 Scratches I can cover up with bandaids.I sit on the sink to my bathroom as I place some colorful bandaids on my scratches and see my phone start to ring
Incoming call from:mom
“Oh yeah” I say to myself sarcastically
I pick up on the call
“Yeah,hi honey,uhm I needed to take an extra shift at work Dana called out sick so I won’t be home tonight sorry hun” she says to me over the phone
“No mum your good,I get it” I say to her,I honestly didn’t mind it,easier for me that she doesn’t see my bruises rather than me to lie that I got them in gym class.
“Thanks hun,I left my credit card on the kitchen counter during my lunch break,feel free to get yourself takeout,love you bye!” She said before she hung up
“Pizza it is!,or should I get Chinese?” I asked myself walking out of my bathroom
“Ooh pizza definitely” I hear from my window
It was my boyfriend,Pavitr.
shit I forgot to call him after my mission
“You do know you could just portal into my room,right?” I said opening my window for him
“I like coming in through the window,adds to the experience” he said taking of his mask
“I’m sorry I forgot to call I was dealing with a few scratches,nothing much tho I’m fine” I said to him
Pavitr immediately held his arms out waiting for a hug.I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his neck as he placed his arms under mine and slightly lifts me up
“I missed you today” Pavitr said after setting me down and placing a small kiss on my forehead (I’m so sorry if y’all are taller than him)
“How did it go” he asked sitting down on my bed letting go of the hug
“Well i handled it no canon was disrupted,but the spidey in that dimension was nowhere to be found,I definitely could have used his help,but he was obviously unavailable”I said placing my hands on my hips
“Your not hurt right?do you need anything?” Pav said taking my hands and bring them closer to his chest
“I’m not hurt,but I do need something” I said sorta embarrassed
“What is it!” He said excited to help me
“….can we cuddle?…” I said embarrassed,I didn’t really like to ask to do these things,I liked to just do them.
He immediately gave me another hug and dropped back onto my bed with me still in his arms.I laid my head onto his chest as he kept his hands snug on my body
“You comfy or you want me to move” pav said lifting my head up a bit
“Whenever I’m with you I’m comfy” I said resting my head back down on pavs chest
(I loved writing this and thanks for reminding me to be hydrated😋)
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kozumesphone · 4 months
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📂 REQ. requests open !
📁 WORKS. 007
🧡──────TOO SWEET PT. 2 — AU | leo and reader’s race is finally immortalised in the books of street racing ! ft. jason and percy being best bros ! (also. ft. leo and reader attempting to dance (for end of chapter fluff feels yk) based on my old rb <3)
🧡──────GILDED LILY — ANGST, FLUFF, COMFORT | leo valdez x non binary!reader where reader comes out as non binary to him, but it's harder for them to come out because of a rough past with their family not accepting them
🩵──────I’M YOURS — MULTICHAPTER | percy jackson x roman!reader w messy synopsis link !)
💜──────THUNDERSTRUCK — SMAU | jason grace x barbiecore bimbo!reader
💜──────LOVERS ROCK — FLUFF | jason and reader being domestic fluffy as husband and wife in new rome; dancing in the kitchen to older music, working together on dinner, cuddling and watching tv in their bed
💛──────SURVIVOR — ANGST, NO COMFORT | daughter of aphrodite!reader x lule castellan who doesn’t wanna go through the rite of passage but in the end has the rite of passage go through her (aka luke betrayal breaking her heart instead of her breaking his)
💚──────EYES DON’T LIE — MULTICHAPTER | finnick odair x district 12 victor!reader w (messy synopsis link !)
💛──────BOOKSTORE GIRL — FLUFF | denki kaminari x gn!reader going to the bookstore on a date
❤️──────SWEET BUT PSYCHO — ANGST | ryomen sukuna x fem!reader where reader is in the battle of shibuya and gets hurt. sukuna was surprisingly upset and helps her
🩵──────? — FLUFF | toge inumaki x reader where reader doesn't get controlled by him and they gotta figure that out ft. forced proximity
🖤──────? — AU | toji fushiguro x reader office rivals forced to work together au
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midnight-vixn · 2 years
Hello lovely! I saw someone ask another writer answer a hc about how the brothers would react to MC if they were a virgin. And it got me thinking, what would the boys do if MC was very much NOT a virgin and told them not to hold back their first time together? How feral do they go? And do they still hold back even when MC is begging for more?
I’m so glad you asked ❤️
gn!reader x seven brothers
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Experienced? You may have experience with humans, but darling you’ve never made love to a demon like him. Don’t worry though, he’s more than willing to change that and help you gain the experience you so desperately crave. Lucifer starts off slow and gentle, just testing the waters to see what makes you moan, soft touches on your body and gentle kisses to your throat as his hands make their way down between your legs. Once he gets going though he makes sure to give you just what you want, thrusting into you at an even yet rapid pace, lifting your legs and moving you to a position so that his cock drags against every sweet spot you have. Panting against your neck and fingers digging into your flesh, he gets lost in the way you feel, but he still holds back just a little. After all, his pride would never recover if he injured you during such an intimate moment. He becomes a little rougher each time he lays you on his bed though, using each time as a chance to learn your limits. But your first time? Oh that man makes sure his brothers can hear you calling out his name over and over while you grab at the sheets, his shoulders, or anything to try and hold onto as he fucks you, he whispers praise against your ear and asks if you want more, he won’t give it to you until you’re shouting for more. Lucifer is normally a well behaved demon but he shows you a whole different side that night, one that has you back at his office/bedroom door begging for more only a few days later.
Pouts at first, upset that he isn’t your literal first even though he knows that’s a stupid thing to be upset about. Tell him he’ll be your first demon and suddenly he has you pinned against the wall, bed, table, honestly whatever surface is closest to you. Tell him not to hold back and you’re in for a long night. In Mammon’s mind he tries to be gentle at first, but when he slides into you and feels the way you clench around his cock he’s gone. A very low and raspy fuck leaves him right before he loses all self control, his hands are all over you, grabbing at any soft flesh it can find, his mouth leaving dark hickeys all over your body, he claims his territory. Mammon doesn’t hold back because he can’t hold back, it’s a part of his sin treasure, once he’s got a little taste of you he’s gotta have more! He wants to hear you moan his name all night, he needs to hear you tell him how good his cock feels inside you, he wants everyone to know tomorrow just how good he fucked you so he’s gotta make sure your legs go numb tonight. The more you beg and whine the more he’s willing to give you, but he’ll get lost chasing his own high and coat your thighs or insides (wherever you let him really) before you can reach your orgasm. The nights far from over though, because what Mammon lacks in self control he makes up for in stamina, you’ll get your orgasm and about 5 more before he considers letting you rest.
Intimidated at first, knowing you’ve been with several partners and you know what you’re doing yet here he is a 5,000 year old virgin. Then he thinks back to all the hentai he’s watched about situations just like this, an innocent little virgin getting fucked by someone with far more experience. He’s still nervous but far more excited now, he’ll worry about if he’s good enough, if he’s doing it right, if you’re actually enjoying this at all. Encourage him! Moan every time he does something you love, call his name, tug on his hair, the more vocal you are the more confident he becomes. Be careful though: Leviathan has a line, once he crosses that line he can’t rein it in. He gets too carried away in the moment, the way your body feels underneath him, the noises you make just for him, the fact that you let him have this moment at all still has his heart pounding. He can’t get over how your lips taste pressed against his, how unbelievably aroused you are for him, and fuck you’re taking his cock(s) so well. He starts chanting your name as he feels his climax steadily approaching along with little whimpers of “feels so good” “want more” and one very choked “I love you” that he can’t keep from spilling out. Once you both come down from your high he’ll ask if you actually enjoyed it, the fucked out look on your face should be enough of an answer but Levi still worries. Just give him more practice, it only gets better~
He’s not nearly as experienced as some of his brothers due to one reason or another so while he’s not intimidated like Leviathan he is incredibly curious (curiosity killed the cat though). He wants to show you what he does know and wants you to show him everything you know. You are his teacher now and he your loyal and obedient student, instruct him on where to touch, how hard to bite, how fast and deep to thrust, show him new positions, introduce him to toys. He may not like everything but he’ll try anything once just to learn how it makes him feel and more importantly how it makes you feel. Satan however quickly discovers a new kink of his and suddenly you hold all the power, he likes when you take charge and show a little dominance towards him. He tends to hold back in the beginning, always worried about his wrath somehow taking over and hurting you, but after a few months of you begging for more, asking him to be rougher with you, he lets his instincts take over. He’ll have you writhing underneath him, screaming from the overstimulation while he pumps his load into you, yet somehow it’s still the most romantic pounding you’ve ever received.
Ecstatic! Over the moon even! Why? Because this means you know what you like! You know what gets you going, what sends you over the edge, and more than likely you know how to get your partner off too~ Asmo is a fan of toys and new positions, some past partners have shot him down but hearing that you’ve used x number of the toys he owns before or “I’ve done that position multiple times but my favorite is-” has his heart racing and cock throbbing. He doesn’t have to be delicate with you, he doesn’t have to tread lightly or wonder how you’ll react if he requests something out of the norm for the less experienced, but he still teases you. He’ll strip you down and restrain you (if you let him) he’ll give you a little strip tease/lap dance, add a very heavy make out session to it, ghost his fingers over your aching sex and lead you on until you really are begging for his touch. He wants you tell him exactly what you want, he wants your permission to go wild, give it to him and you won’t regret it, he is Avatar of Lust after all. So long as he has your permission Asmo won’t hold back, he knows what to look for when things become to much, when your body really can’t handle it (you’re not his first human to fuck) and he knows when to give you breaks to let you catch your breath before going back for more. The night won’t end until both of you pass out from exhaustion with sore throats from the moans and screams of ecstasy.
He’s torn honestly. On one hand knowing this isn’t your very first time makes him feel better, knowing you like it rough and that you can handle it puts his mind at ease a little. On the other hand you’re still a human and so much smaller compared to him, he worries about losing control, that his hunger will take over and he’ll end up hurting or scaring you in the process. Overall he’s cautious about it, he trusts you but doesn’t trust himself, you make him feel things no one else has and it worries him. All that flies out the window the instant he watches his thick cock spread you open. He watches you spread around him, taking him so well, listening to you moan as he slides in all the way and a switch is flipped in his mind. You get one firm kiss on the lips and a very deep growl in his chest before he fucks into you like a wild animal. He’ll hold your wrists together in one hand above your head and use his other to grip your hip and keep you in place, leaning back to watch his cock thrust in and out of you, you can see his eyes glaze over and his own deep lustful moans drown yours out completely. He only stops once when you let out a sharp scream, terrified he hurt you but when he realizes it was a scream of enjoyment he folds your knees into your chest and pounds into you even faster than before. There’s no chance of holding back, you taste too good on his lips for him to stop himself from giving the most mind blowing head and you feel to good wrapped around his cock for him to restrain himself from blowing your back out. You need two or three full days of recovery but it’s absolutely worth it because the big baby will take care of you the entire time.
Good, show him what you’ve got if you think you’re so great. He’ll say this in a cocky tone with a stupid smirk on his face but he means it 100% he was locked up for so damn long and is so pent up, he needs a good hard fuck. It is still Belphie though so you’ll start out doing most of the work, you have his permission to use him as you please, sit on his face, fuck his face, use his cock as your personal dildo. Once he gets really worked up he has a habit of shifting to his demon form, use his horns to guide his mouth where you want it but you have a short window of time before he takes control. He’ll flip you over pretty quick, face pressed into the pillows and ass up in the air so he has a good angle, he’ll only ask you once if you’re sure you can handle it before using you like a fleshlight. Belphie doesn’t try to hold back, he could but he doesn’t want to, he wants to see just how much you can handle. You act so big and bad, he wants you to put money where your mouth is, or better yet his cock so he can fuck into your throat until you’re gagging with tears in your eyes. He may treat you like nothing more than a walking sex toy while he’s buried inside you but once you both climax he’s wrapped around you with his face against your neck asking if you’re okay before you both fall asleep.
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Ohshit request are open for a limited time I’m doin my favorite HC I aint missing this shit
may I request headcannons for Maki, Mikan, Mahiru, and Kaede
as older sisters (platonic of course stfu pedos) catching her little brother in the middle of a fight with a kid from his middle school he hates? And lil bro aint losing by any means He’s actually like, REALLY fucking the other kid up; swollen eye, missing teeth, bloody mouth and nose, you name it. They’re in the middle of a field and there’s multiple kids also from the school recording the fight. The lil bro is undamaged for the most part, with a couple of minor cuts, scrapes, and bruises. When he notices his big sis is present he literally goes “Aw shit….”. How do you think they’d intervene IF YOU THINK THEY WOULD?
Anyway hope your break is going well and I had a quick question if you don’t mind me asking; what happened to your poetry blog? If it’s personal or something like you don’t gotta answer. Okay have a great day
Hi! I can absolutely do this! And it's going alright! I had deleted my poetry blog tbh, I haven't really posted anything on it so I felt like it was a bit of a storage box just sitting there 💀 but maybe I'll make it again, it depends 😘
Thank you so much for requesting! ❤️
Characters: Maki, Kaedes, Mikan, Mahiru
(platonic, siblings)
Male reader but can be interpreted as gn or female if you so wish❤️
She shows up once she heard from Kaito and everything silences. If you saw the look on her face you'd be running (and people did-). She wasn't having it and told you to stop.
She then took you too see Mikan (she didn't trust the nurse at your school), she didn't give a shit about the other kid. Maki sat you down and told you,
"hey kid. Listen, as much as I'm proud of you for not losing the fight, you can't go around beating people up. Don't want you getting hurt. Okay? Be more careful"
After Mikan aided you she took you home (Mikan insisted it, she didn't want you getting more hurt than you are). Once you guys got home, y'all watched some TV till she had to go to work (assassin 🤭) and kaedes and kaito came over to hang out with you (Maki totally didn't tell them to check up on you while she was gone-🤫) she came home to you in bed asleep and kaito eating your chips 💀 he sure as hell learned a lesson from that
She ran as soon as she could to your school when she heard from one of your friends that you were in a fight.
She's disappointed but knows she can help you get better with her ultimate, so she takes you to her school because she's scared to leave you home alone while she's gone.
Once she patches you up, she asks her teacher is you can stay with her and ms.yukizome let's her. Once gotten home she lightly scolds you and tells you to eat and get some sleep.
"p-please get some sleep, I'm sorry for not coming sooner! I-ill try talking with your teacher about your classmate. Please don't try doing that again unless absolutely needed!"
She's a sweet sister, she just worries about you! ❤️🥺
She had got a call from the office after the fight and came to your school, she didn't really care if she missed class. shuichi would help her catch up with school work.
She scolded you once you guys got home. Your mom (if you have one, you can replace with your guardian) was home and She told her what happened. Let's just say you were in trouble 🥶
"little man 😡 you can't just go around fighting people. Don't do it again okay? Okay! Now go take a shower you stink"
She got a phone call from the nurse in your school as your father wasn't answering the phone (she has daddy issues so you do too) and was angry. She walked all the way to your school to pick you up and then scolded you on your way home.
Once home she told you to clean up GENTLY while she cleaned and made dinner. She contemplated on getting one of her classmates to ensure your okay but decided against it since she didn't wanna bother them. Honestly you got off lucky in terms of the fight. Shed probably have to have a talk with the kids parents.
"listen. Your supposed to be the bigger person. I don't want to get anymore phone calls that you've been in fights. Got it?"
I hope you liked this!! ❤️ It was fun writing and I'm sorry for the delay on it
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Early Morning Struggles
An early start with Captain Price and gn! reader.
Fluff ❤️
It was early in the morning. It was so early - in fact - it was still dark outside. The sun still sat under the horizon, not yet ready to shine through the cheap blinds the military had provided in your Captian's private quarters.
Speaking of your Captian.... you were currently in his bed, sleeping peacefully while you curled up into his side, letting your Captian (and boyfriend) hold you while you slept together. After a few minutes of peaceful silence (Something that doesn't come often in your field of work), Their alarm clock blares the dreaded warning tone, alerting the two of you that you must get ready for the long day ahead of you.
You were the first to rise from slumber, groaning quietly as you stretch in Price's arms and shift to turn off the blaring noise of their alarm. After rubbing your eyes and running your hands through your hair, you feel John start to stir beside you - you must have woke him with your shifting about while trying to turn off the obnoxious sounding of the alarm clock.
You slowly shift back into Price's grasp and curl up to him, your eyes droopy. You were not yet willing to leave Price's embrace, but you knew that you would have to leave his embrace soon enough.
"Time to rise, Lovely."
You whisper out quietly as you rub Price's side with your hand. Price lets out a little annoyed grumble as he slowly starts to come to his senses, still not ready to be pulled out of sleep.
"Don't wanna get up..."
He grumbles back, his British accent thickened with the side effects of sleep.
"You have a meeting, remember? You have to get on with your morning a bit earlier than usual." You state before hearing Price mumble something you couldn't decipher in your post-sleep haze, pulling you close to him as he nuzzles into the crook of your neck. You chuckle at Price's antics, knowing that they were a futile effort to push off their daily duties.
"C'mon, we gotta get ready. You need to go get your workout in so you aren't cranky later."
Your lover was quite dedicated to his workout schedule and was often displeased if he didn't get to the base gym before everyone else. Price liked working out by himself, giving him time to think about the day ahead.
"I'll go later - can we please just stay in bed a little longer? Just a bit?"
Price says in his thick accent with a sleepy expression - and you simply couldn't say no to your lovely's request, could you? You smile soft and curl back up against Price. "Five more minutes..." You whisper quietly to your lover.
Price quickly fell back to sleep, and Nico followed in pursuit. What was only supposed to be five more minutes of cuddling turned out to be another hour of sleep.
Even though Price didn't get to go to the gym that morning, he was happy - he got to lay in bed with his beloved just a little longer...
the gym could wait.
Just a little drabble I made during school! This is the first time I have written something like this, so I hope it isn't too bad. If you have any tips for how to improve my writing, please let me know!
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emetkoto · 2 years
GN EMETKOTO!!!!! i love them and hope they can meet up early tonight and have extra time to go out and have a wonderful date night doing whatever emet-selch has planned, or just winging it and wandering around until they find something to do all the while laughing and holding hands and chatting and enjoying each other's company SO much....until it gets too late ofc and they gotta head back to the inn to share dinner and a nice bath before retiring to bed to cuddle and kiss and make love and fall asleep in each others arms all comfy and warm 🥺💜❤️💜❤️💜❤️
and gn everyone else also ilu all!!!! send asks and all that you know the drill
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newathens · 2 years
anyway here’s how i would have written the finale and final chapters of tower of nero and by all accounts was going to write it in the toa fic i had started. no one steal this im so serious you will find me standing over your bed
apollo returns to new york and immediately recruits the help of annabeth and percy who are waiting for him after hearing the news about jason. they visit rachel. she shows apollo her blurry visions and one deeply resonates him but he doesn’t like it.
they get to camp. they prepare the camp for war. apollo meets rhea. she too gives him cryptic messages but for all intents and purposes looks settled and calm. he doesn’t like this.
annabeth gets them into the tower hashtag architecture queen. there is battle, there are mega fights. we’re only about halfway through the book. apollo is sent down to defeat python.
he gets his godly power back as he is fighting python and as he is defeating this snake all the unsettling feelings he’s been having come to a climax as his destiny actualizes itself in the realization he must kill his father zeus. there’s this image in my head if apollo fully a god in a golden torn chiton throwing python over a ledge, watching him descend into darkness and then falling to his knees in desperation and screaming into the darkness.
the descent. and now the rise. he comes up to the world changed. the main demigods immediately clock him but are confused. he explains his plan and his reasoning and goes on this whole tangent. they agree. he has a meeting with his siblings. only a few of them. not everyone can be trusted. i kind of have this idea that he bursts under pressure and starts crying in front of ares asking him to do it like paris does with hector in troy 2004 but im not sure if i want to do that.
there’s more but ok final chapters
apollo finally returns to olympus. in the throne room. half the olympian council are in on his plan the other half are clueless. zeus and him have a few lines of dialogue exchanged than there is an eerie silence. something feels very very off.
before anything can be done, zeus’ on throne comes apart. he is trapped in a golden net hashtag my net goddess queen from book 2 i can’t remember her name. he is trapped and he is livid and we love drama so yes poseidon gets really defensive because he was not included this time AND hades materializes in the throne room like listen they’ve been through a lot no one’s ready to get overthrown.
it is so tense like there’s shouting and yelling and weapons drawn there’s no possible way a fight isn’t going to break out but a huge shout makes everyone pauses. it’s rhea. yes u heard me right
she walks into the throne room full regalia eyes glowing. no one has seen her like this in centuries. she gives concerning news, she drags zeus across the coals tbh, she explains how he got to this point and how she is disappointed etc etc
but she has also come to offer a solution because—big shocker—apollo can’t do it. apollo cannot kill him.
rhea suggests that he take over as the director of camp half blood for the next 150 years. there are gasps there are protests dionysus literally is grinning like a madman. zeus protests, who will watch over olympus. before anyone can say anything, rhea appoints hera. pin drop silence
it is the only solution. zeus agrees, considering he is suspended and with literally no other options. his agreement is said with the most malicious intent you could ever imagine
epilogue at camp. it’s been a few months now. apollo visits. percy and annabeth have been helping out. lots of happy go lucky-ness. apollo and zeus have a conversation. zeus humbly admits his errors, but in a not subtle way threatens apollo and anyone that helped him.
apollo takes it as is.
this ending ending im not sure if it but here:
zeus gestures apollo to follow him. for the main demigods to follow him. they are led into the forest where thanatos waits with a shimmering but very real jason who is solid enough to hug. there are tears and hugs and a picnic and conversation.
apollo and zeus stand side by side, watching. things are different this time. things will heal. the cycle is finally broken.
rachel finishes her first painting since her oracle sight was restored and titles it a new age.
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dilf-whore · 2 years
Billy x Henderson!reader - dating in secret and one day they get caught(kissing, reader getting into his car, etc) and we see the whole group (Steve, Dustin, max, whomever you choose).
P.s. I’m sorry if this is bad, it’s my first request
caught in the act
pairing: billy hargrove x gn!Henderson!reader
genre: fluff (?) i’m not sure
A/N: thanks for requesting! please me know what you think ❤️
requested: yes
requests are OPEN
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“You gotta go Billy, my brother will be here any minute now” you say, trying to get out of your boyfriend’s tight hold on you as he peppers you with kisses. “Baby, I’m serious” you add. Billy finally pulls away and looks at you with a sheepish grin, “okay, okay. Just one last kiss”. You playfully roll your eyes and give him a quick peck on the lips. You pull him out of your room and to his car, practically pushing him inside his Camaro, “drive safely, I’ll see you tomorrow night”. You hurriedly bid him goodbye and your brother who’s being dropped off by Steve, arrives soon after.
You stand awkwardly stiff upon their arrival, the cold breeze causing you to shiver - making your stance more unusual to look at. “Why are you outside?” Dustin asks as he hops out of Steve’s car. “I-I uh was waiting for you, and is that how you greet me?” you put your hands on your hips, your brother looking at you with furrowed brows. You gulp as Dustin stares at you with suspicion, you drag him into your home and wave at Steve. “Thanks Steve!”
You turn back to your brother still staring daggers at you, “you’ve been acting weird for like a few months now. Are-“
“W-what are you talking about? S-shouldn’t you get r-ready for bed?” You cut him off and point to his room, motioning him to go in. You cover your face and sigh in relief once he shuts his door. You smack your forehead in annoyance, you didn’t handle that well - you were a stuttering mess. You knew you’ve been acting weird this past few months when you and Billy started dating, and sooner or later your brother would’ve noticed your lame excuses for coming home late, your bedroom window always open, you’re not that good at hiding things from Dustin. So you’ve concluded that he’ll grow suspicious sooner or later but you didn’t expect it to happen this soon.
You and Billy arrive at your home from your date. He hops out first and opens the door for you. As you step out, you immediately wrap your arms around his waist and kiss him. His hands went from your arms and up to your cheeks, noses slightly bumping into each other as he deepens the kiss.
Dustin and his friends were in his room when they heard a loud screeching sound of a car in front of your home. El immediately stands up, preparing herself to protect them from any possible danger - Lucas follows and grabs the nearest object he could use as a weapon. Max - followed by Will, go to Dustin’s window, the sound of the car was too familiar to her. “I knew it! It’s Billy. What the fuck is he doing here?” she says as she finds the shiny blue car with an obnoxious engine. Her eyes grow wide at the sight of you hopping out of her brother’s car, not to mention Billy’s being a gentleman. She gasps when she sees you start making out, “Hey uh you guys might want to see this” Will says. Dustin rushes to his window followed by the rest, so this is why they’re acting so weird he thought to himself. The group of friends stood still at the sight of you and Billy practically going into each other’s throat. “Oh my God” Mike speaks up.
Dustin doesn’t know what he feels exactly, but his protectiveness sure is taking over his body. You are at the age where you’ll be falling in love and fond over people but part of him just can’t seem to accept it, he doesn’t want you to get heartbroken, he just wants you to forever be the older sibling who takes care of him and play with him. He opens the window and put his head out, “what the hell, Y/N!” he shouts.
You jump, startled by the sudden loud voice. You turn back to your brother’s bedroom window, cheeks now warm in embarrassment because all of his friends just saw you and Billy. “Aren’t you supposed to be at Mike’s?!” you ask, trying to escape the situation. “Is this what you’ve been hiding from me?” He screams back, avoiding your question. “Come down here, let’s talk”.
They all hurriedly head out and you meet your brother’s eyes, his arms crossed. “Why him?!” Max and Dustin says in unison. “This is why I didn’t tell you! You’re freaking out like it’s the end of the world!” Dustin takes a deep breath and try to calm himself down.
“We’ve been together for about 5 months now. I really like him and I’m very happy with Billy, so I hope you and well, Max are happy for me too”
Dustin nods his head, Billy did seem to treat you really well but that doesn’t mean he’s already okay with him. “You better not hurt them” He threatens.
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mariondeux · 2 years
hi !! can i request jealous izumi x reader nsfw, along w knifeplay (you don't have to include it if ur not ok with it !)
(p.s. hope you're having a nice day ❤️)
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— SYNOPSIS ; The aftermath of Izumi pulling you away from some random man flirting with you.
CW ; NSFW, knifeplay, blood, possessiveness, degradation
PAIRING ; Jealous!Izumi Sena x GN!Reader
A/N ; A little knifeplay and blood doesn’t hurt, don’t worry about it anon! And thank you, I am infact having a nice day :)
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“You’re such a slut, all you want is attention from men, don’t you?” 
Izumi's hips continuously met yours while you sobbed and shook your head in an attempt to explain. But every time you managed to speak, Izumi made sure to silence you by giving you an especially strong thrust, forcing you to stop speaking with a loud moan.
“Can he ever fuck you like this?” Izumi asked as he continued to pound you from behind while holding onto your neck, pulling your head closer to him., “Can he? Answer me!”
You uttered a trembling "no," grasping at the blankets under you to lessen the pleasure he had been giving you. It wasn't your fault that a man approached you and started flirting with you; until Izumi arrived to push him away, he hadn't even gotten the hint til then. Did he believe you were just letting the man approach you in that way to flirt?
“Yeah.. That’s right, no one, not anybody can make you moan like a whore,” Izumi grabbed hold of your hips and continued to thrust deeply into you, making sure you were fully aware of who was fucking you. Not that you weren't already; for the previous few minutes, you had been reciting Izumi's name nonstop.
Your confusion increased as you glanced over your shoulder to stare at Izumi with hooded eyes since his thrusts had gradually come to a stop.
“What.. Why’d you stop?”
Izumi leaned over and patted your head, “Addicted to my cock already? Don’t worry, there’s just something I’ve gotta do before I make you fold.” 
He leaned over to the bedside table next to the bed, pulling open a drawer and pulled out a small switchblade with a red handle. When you realized what he was about to do, your breath hitched.
“Sluts like you should be marked up so unwanted people can learn to back off and learn that they’re already taken, right?” Izumi spoke as he brought out the blade and slid the flat portion of it across your ass, “I need to mark you up so everyone can know who you belong to.”
As the razor-sharp blade lightly but precisely cut into your flesh to split the skin open, you tightened around his cock. On one cheek, he carefully inscribed his name, while on the other, he wrote a degrading  name. Even though you cried throughout, you found that you enjoyed the way Izumi's switchblade felt against your flesh. 
After finishing, he set the knife down again and picked up his phone, taking a clear photo of his cock buried in you and the writing he had made on your ass.
“There you go, maybe then you’ll learn to not act up. If this ever happens again then I’ll just have to write this in a place you can’t cover.”
You didn’t learn until later that he wrote “Izumi’s property” and “Dumb baby” onto you.
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f1nalboys · 3 years
i’d die for you too, it makes me really happy to know that i make one of my fav authors smile with content . for the request thingy, maybe some head cannons for my guilty favs clear/carter x reader? OR if you’re down for it some good old rivalry alex x reader x carter? in my mind carter and clear hate each other but she always gets shotgun when he drives and they’re screaming at each other while everyone else is crammed in the backseat wondering if it would be inappropriate to ask them to change the radio station. BUT take your time, wait to work on these till your request open again and work on all your ‘tiber’ request and other projects you want to do, i’m patient and will gladly make incorrect quotes/ random stuff for whatever you decide to do. and don’t feel pressured to do any of these! have a great night/day, love you!! - alex browning anon ❤️❤️❤️
thank you sm for how paitent you've been omggggg you're literally the best mwah i hope you like this!!!
Dating Clear Rivers HC's (GN!Reader)
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WARNINGS: sfw, just rlly cute hc’s hehe
Perfect girlfriend ever i want to kiss her
Shes <33333
She would def ask you out first
‘Do you want to go get dinner together?’
‘Yeah, I’m asking you on a date…duh’
The date is a picnic
She’s also the type to plan out everything but act real nonchalant about it lol
But she will constantly make sure you’re having a good time
‘Haha yeah that movie was great right 0_0 you had a good time 0_0’
It takes her a bit to get super comfortable with you, she’s so used to being alone that it’s kind of weird to want to spend time with someone
She is really into spending time with you while not really talking
Like you know how you can sit with a friend scrolling on your phones and its a super comfortable silence
Thats what hanging with clear is like
She reminds me of mid-afternoon rain at home when it’s cold outside and warm inside and you’re laying in bed and still sleepy
Another thing about dating Clear is that she’s going to read to you
Mhm you date a literary girl you gotta deal with being read to sleep
And she has such a nice voice, like mother fucking honey
She really likes classic novels (bc she’s not like other girls fr) but she also loves reading middle grade paranormal shit idk i just get that vibe
She loves - and i mean LOVES - making handmade gifts
Expect lots of love letters
Her love languages are gifts and words of affirmation
You’ll catch her staring at you a lot, she just likes looking at you hehe
She loves singing to the songs in the car really loud and she does so off key
(she also does it to annoy Carter if he’s with you both hehe)
Anniversaries are super important to her so literally don’t forget them or shes going to be so hurt
Lots of passing kisses on the cheek
She’ll also keep her hand around your waist
She loves you so so so much and she really opens up to you during the relationship
Shes a queen and i will die for her fr
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oswaldsleftbicep · 3 years
Happy New Year!!❤️ Looking foward another year with your amazing writing
Also can I ask for headcanons with Lucas, Oswald and Lucia reacting to a reader that got clingy after drinking too much alcohol??
lucia, oswald, & lucas + drunk and clingy gn!so
you're so sweet 😭 it means so much that y'all enjoy my writing and look forward to it :,) but let me preface this by saying i've never been drunk, i've never even had a drop of alcohol and i honestly don't plan to ever drink. so, i'm basing the reader's behavior off of what i witnessed when i crashed my ex's boy's night a couple months ago lol
genre: crack, fluff
cw: alcohol and intoxication, one curse word, poorly described cuddle positions
❧ he was throwing a party at his mansion and you already know that when there's a party, there's alcohol
❧ the only reason why lucia was sober was because he was hosting the party, otherwise he would've been right with you getting absolutely hammered
❧ this wasn't a completely formal event so there was more than just the usual classy alcohols like champagne and wine
❧ and lucia knew that you had a hard week for whatever reason whether it was stress or emotions, so when the two of you entered the ballroom he told you to go have fun and off you went
❧ of course he was keeping a close eye on you because that's his partner out there getting drunk among strangers, but whenever lucia was caught up talking to a guest he would have kaim watch you
❧ so about an hour or two into the party kaim comes speed walking up to lucia and steals him away from the guest he was talking to
❧ kaim tells lucia that you seem to be a little too intoxicated, but lucia's like "nah they're fine, let them have this"
❧ but then kaim points you out in the crowd and you're surrounded by a group of people and you're talking to all of them at once quite enthusiastically and you're also starting to get kinda touchy with them, not that they really seem to mind because they recognize that you're harmless in this state and they all think it's amusing
❧ so lucia walks over to see what's up, and as he gets closer he hears that you're talking excitedly about this puppy you saw the other day, and whenever you touch one of the stranger's/your new best friend's shoulder or arm you immediately apologize and continue your story without missing a beat
❧ but then you spot lucia and it's like you were never even talking about a puppy, you're just like "oh hey!! it's lucia!! my wonderful partner and the love of my life!!"
❧ then you latch onto him, and he hugs you back of course, but you're not showing any sign of letting go any time soon, which normally he'd love but he's hosting a party right now and he can't have you just hanging off of him
❧ so he moves you so that you're holding onto his arm instead and you spend the remaining couple hours of the party walking around together with you hugging his arm
❧ once the party's over lucia tells kaim and the other staff to take care of the cleanup while he takes you back to his room to lie down
❧ the whole way there you're still latched onto his arm, only now you've started to rub your face against it too
❧ so he gets you into the room and decides to get you settled in. he sits you down onto the bed and takes your shoes off for you, but when he stands up to help you out of your evening outfit, you grab him and pull him down onto the bed so that you're holding him on top of you and you're nuzzling your face into the top of his head
❧ he was very caught off guard but loves the attention regardless
❧ but then he's like "ok seriously tho we need to get into our pjs" to which you protest so he's gotta do some negotiating. mans may be irresponsible at times but when it comes to you he's at the top of his game
❧ he tells you that if the two of you can get into your pjs in the next five minutes, you can cuddle him all night long
❧ you're like "heck yeah!!!" and you gently shoo him off of you, spring up, and start stripping. he gets kinda flustered at first but laughs it off and hands you your pjs and makes sure you're putting them on correctly
❧ you end up in bed way before him since he helped you get ready, and you're whining for him to hurry up and come cuddle you already >:(
❧ so because of the peer pressure he settles for just his underwear as his pjs for the night so he can keep his promise to you
❧ he's a little shit tho so he slowly gets into bed, like he's dragging this out so you get impatient and pull him in the rest of the way and toward you while he's laughing cuz you're so cute when you're clingy
❧ the cuddle position y'all go for is him on his back and you with your leg across his hip and an arm over his torso and your head on his chest
❧ you're forcing your face deeper into his chest and drawing little shapes into his skin and mumbling about how much you love him
❧ the whole time he's just caressing your back and your head with a lovesick smile, responding to some of your little comments with an amused tone, until you finally fall asleep
❧ you were having some drinks with him and lucia and some of the other staff at the mansion this happened in someone's route i don't remember whose tho
❧ oswald's a big guy which means he's got a pretty good tolerance, so even if he's drinking with you he never gets drunk at the same rate
❧ he would've gotten himself drunk if he didn't watch as you progressively got more and more wasted as the night went on
❧ and since one of you has to be able to take care of the other, he holds off on the getting drunk and turns his focus to watching you and lucia both act like fools
❧ he's never seen you drunk before so this is gonna be a fun learning experience for him, and what he learns is that the more you drink the touchier and clingier you become
❧ he also learns that it doesn't matter who you cling onto, like for a good while you were hanging off of lucia, but as soon as oswald returned into your distorted field of vision you immediately latched onto him
❧ he's a pretty shy guy when it comes to pda, less so when it's just his close friends around but his bosses are still in the room so he gets a little blushy and embarrassed at the sudden affection
❧ it's not even anything scandalous, you're just hugging him and drumming on his arm and thigh with your fingers and leaning up against him
❧ so it gets later into the evening and the more sober people decide to call it a night and get everyone into bed
❧ you and lucia are less than pleased to hear about this tho, and you insist on walking lucia back to his room so that he "gets home safe" to which kaim and oswald give and exasperated sigh but let you do anyway
❧ you reach his door and the two of you get extra pouty and have a borderline tearful and really drawn out goodbye, hugging and acting like it's gonna be forever until you see each other again
❧ oswald's off to the side watching with a mix of "are they really serious" and "aw that's kinda cute"
❧ but the goodbye is really starting to take way too long so kaim and oswald have to practically tear the two of you apart, and oswald has to distract you with a new little task: walk him back to his room now
❧ and you're like "absolutely, i gotta make sure the love of my life gets back home extra safe" but you also can't really walk without support so mans just sighs again, kneels down, and lets you onto his back for a piggy back ride which makes you even more excited
❧ so he carries you out the mansion and through the garden and finally back into his cabin
❧ once you're in he squats down a bit, expecting you to hop off now that you've reached your destination, but you just wrap your legs around him and hold on like a koala
❧ the poor man has to ask you multiple times to get down and eventually he's just like "if you don't get down, how will we get comfy and cuddle in bed?"
❧ that question gets you to let go immediately and you just kinda,, fall down onto the floor since oswald was standing upright and wasn't supporting you well, so he panics and helps you up off the floor
❧ but once you're standing you instantly start pulling off your clothes and worming your way into your pajamas with shocking speed for someone who is very intoxicated
❧ oswald just stands there watching you with bewilderment and wonder until he sees you make a wobbly beeline toward him and you start tugging at his clothes
❧ he gets the hint and changes into his pajamas as he tells you to get comfy in bed. you messily pull the covers back, mess the pillows up a bit, and then unceremoniously flop down onto the bed and wait for him to finish
❧ as he makes his way into the bed, you scramble a bit to make room and pat the spot next to you
❧ he lies down and holds his arms open, knowing that you're gonna flop down onto him, and flop you do. you land face first on him and he lets out a little grunt cuz wow that was a lot of force, and he stays still while you wiggle around to make yourself comfy
❧ you end up with most of your body on top of him with the exception of one leg that remains on the mattress, your arms are kinda curled up beneath you with your palms on his chest and your head is between your hands
❧ he's got his arms around you, holding your body to his tightly, and his cheek is pressed against the top of your head
❧ you're starting to get really sleepy so your talking shifts into slurred mumbles that are completely incoherent; the only things he can make out are his name and "i love you"
❧ he keeps holding you tight, occasionally pressing kisses to your head, until your mumbles are replaced with soft breathing and he follows you into sleep
❧ the two of you are spending a cozy little evening alone in his home; there's no special occasion but y'all decided to cook yourselves a fancy dinner and break out some nice liquors
❧ so the two of you curl up on a little love seat in front of the fire after dinner and you help yourselves to multiple glasses of alcohol
❧ i believe that lucas has an incredibly strong tolerance, like it takes him absolutely forever to get drunk and the most he gets is just kinda tipsy, so the whole time he's pretty much just watching you get more and more wasted with a loving smile on his face like "yep, this one's mine :)"
❧ he adores how clingy you get, and since it's only the two of you in the room you can give him all of the affection you want without worrying about others
❧ however, at one point he needed to go to the bathroom so he gets up to go,, but he can't go anywhere because there's a hand holding onto his wrist
❧ he turns around and looks at you like "is there something you need??" so you just ask where he's going, and he tells you and you're like "oh ok" and you stand up too
❧ now he's the confused one; he asks why you've stood up and you respond "cuz we're going to the bathroom??" and he just laughs cuz there's no way you're serious
❧ but when he takes a step, you take one too. so he takes a few more steps and would you look at that, you're literally planning on following him into the bathroom
❧ he walks with you to the door and tells you to wait outside and you're like "ok :)" but you still try to follow him in. he tries again, but the same thing happens
❧ so he turns back down the hall until y'all are a good distance away from the bathroom, and then mans just books it
❧ and it actually works!! he's in the bathroom and he doesn't have to worry about you watching him pee!!
❧ but then he hears your confused cries and knocks from the other side of the door, and now he's thinking this whole clingy drunk thing isn't as cute as he originally thought
❧ once he's finished his business, he opens the door but he can't spot you. he hears a sniffle and looks down and there you are sitting against the wall next to the door
❧ he kneels down in front of you, worried because you're crying, but the you see him and fling yourself onto him, blabbering out how much you missed him and how could he just leave you out in the hall all cold and alone >:,(
❧ he manages to keep his balance somehow and hugs you back, consoling you gently before he picks you up to carry you back to the couch
❧ you wrap your legs around him, intent on not letting go, and he sits you both down so that you're on his lap facing him with your legs still around his waist and he's holding you close
❧ he ends up having to apologize for leaving you out in the hall lmao, but you forgive him as long as he continues to hold you and give you attention
❧ you eventually get off of his lap in favor of being able to reach the cookies on the table, so now you're curled into his side and he's feeding you cookies and making sure you take sips of water
❧ you make him tell you stories, which you frequently interrupt with little side comments and exclamations, but he tolerates it more than he would if it were anyone else
❧ he even listens to you tell your own stories which make just enough sense for him to gather a basic premise of what you're talking about
❧ after a while of that, he can tell that you're getting sleepy so he makes you do your bedtime routine, he even helps you with your skincare routine and gets you into your pajamas
❧ once everything is taken care of, he quickly gets into his pajamas and you get into bed together; y'all do the honeymoon hug cuddle position where you face one another and hug with your legs all tangled up
❧ you hold him really close to you, and he caresses the back of your head in a soothing way so that you'll fall asleep faster
❧ he continues to listen to your mumbles and slurred love confessions until you eventually go quiet and fall asleep; he stays awake a bit longer to make sure you're really out before falling asleep as well
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emetkoto · 2 years
Alright progging p3s on pf has wiped me out for the night I gotta go to bed and think of my boys....and you should too, look at them they're perfect and amazing and so very very in love 🥹🥹🥹🥺🥺🥺🥰🥰🥰 I love them more than anything they bring me so much joy all the time and I hope they bring you some fraction of that joy too ❤️ now pls look at them and think of them while I sleep and maybe send asks if you want, I am always here basically ok gn emetkoto nation!!
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