#grandpa 2023 gift
thomasdaniel91 · 2 years
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Promoted To Grandpa Est 2023 Grandfather Baby Announcement T-Shirt
Order yours: https://viralstyle.com/c/58XJyk
==> SHARE & Tag Your Friends Who Would Love & Wear This Shirt.
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averaillisa · 2 years
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zhongli’s birthday wallet d(^w^)b
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whitewintertiger · 1 year
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Father's Day 2023 Father’s Day gift for my grandfather, it’s a roadrunner sketch
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johnnydany · 1 year
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Leveling Up To Grandpa EST 2024 Funny Gamer Lover T-Shirt
Get yours now: https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/47095869-leveling-up-to-grandpa-est-2024-funny-gamer-lover
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AITA for saying my family shows favoritism towards my baby cousin?
(This is copied from my Reddit drafts because my partner told me tumblr would be better for this and I trust them)
Okay this is a long one so I’m just gonna throw out fake names for everyone and everyone is white middle class Americans
I, Op, 20M, I’m a trans man not accepted by my family. This is relevant
Renee, 20F, my twin sister
Bea, 16F, my younger sister
Lee, 35F, my aunt on my father’s side
Lucas, 2M, my cousin, son of Lee
Suzie, 5F, my cousin, daughter of Lee
My father, 44M, the patriarch of our whole family
My mother, 45F
Grandpa, 76M, paternal grandpa, previous patriarch
Grandma, 74F, paternal grandma
So I’m sending this in on Christmas Day of 2023. For some context, I still live at home, but it’s more of a roommate situation now that I’m an adult. Renee lives on her out-of-state college campus but visits for holidays, and Bea is still a high schooler. Lee, her children, and her husband who isn’t relevant to this (I love my uncle, we just literally never talk) live across the country. My father is losing the battle with cancer and can’t travel, so we had two separate christmases this year, one with my immediate family and one with Lee. Grandma and Grandpa went to Lee’s, which was awesome for me because that meant I got to avoid them this year!
As the character list above states, I’m (one of) the oldest of the five grandkids with my cousins being born a lot later than me and my sisters. My family is a traditional WASP family and staunchly conservative with Aunt Lee actively being a cop right now while my parents and Grandpa served in the military. Growing up undeniably queer was hilarious, I know. But the family dynamic wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been, my family did a good job of trying to hide the fact that Renee was the favorite child lol, but that was more on the basis of her having the same traditional values that they do until Aunt Lee had Suzie, then she obviously became the favorite. Fine by me, she’s an adorable girl and I love spoiling her. Also, ACAB does apply for Aunt Lee for being complacent in this system, it’s not just the most relevant part of the story besides explaining how she fits into the family dynamic
But then Lee had Lucas a few years later and the focus in the family shifted to him. At first, it was baby fever making everyone dote over him (and I’m guilty of this too) but after a while, I realized that the fever hasn’t died down. If we had family reunions, everyone would flock to Lucas and I would be the one watching Suzie. For a toddler, she’s a great conversationalist, but it was still sad to see all her aunts and uncles and cousins showering her baby brother with attention and not her. And then the comments started. That my father would only refer to Lucas as “my nephew” even when talking directly to Lee (unhinged to witness in person). That Grandpa was so happy to finally have a grandson (felt great). The lady-killer comments and guessing what profession he’s gonna go into based on how chubby of a baby he is (the money’s on Linebacker, little dude is built like a truck). Stuff like that
None of these comments were ever made about Suzie when she was born, and I really don’t want to admit that it’s because Lucas is a boy, but thats the only answer I can think of when trying to understand the favoritism. Lucas is showered in gifts and love and while I know newborns need that, Suzie received nowhere near this much attention. Lee’s husband doesn’t go to family functions because he works full time, but I heard Suzie mumble at Thanksgiving last month that she wanted to go home to daddy. It broke my fucking heart, so I called him and she got to FaceTime with my uncle until my phone died
At this point, I’m not even upset that the family ignores my obvious trans-ness as I’m over a year on T (paid for by myself too) in favor of my boy cousin. I’m upset that Suzie is getting left out of the fawning while she’s still super young and she could grow up resenting Lucas because of it.
Anyways, so this morning we opened gifts as an immediate family and I got to FaceTime my significant other as they unboxed their gift from me and we were having a good time until my dad FaceTimes Grandpa. Grandpa answers and Dad immediately asks how his nephew is. Lucas is pushed in front of the phone and all I can hear is asking about how Lucas is, is Lucas talking yet, is Lucas reading yet. I manage to squeeze my head in and ask about Suzie and Lee’s voice off camera says that “oh she’s fine, just snobbish.” Snobbish? A five year old?
And here’s where I’m probably the Asshole. Honestly, I’m looking between ESH and JAH here, but would perfectly understandable if tumblr decides YTA. My response to Lee’s comment was: “well maybe she wouldn’t be if everyone didn’t pick Lucas as the family favorite.”
My dad smacked me upside the head, Renee and Bea got really pissed off, and the FaceTime went quiet until it was cut off and Grandpa called back to talk to Dad privately. Bea called me an asshole and while my Mom got onto her for her language, Mom agreed that I was.
My dad came back from the phone and did the silent point towards his bedroom, y’all with shitty parents know the one. Because I’m twenty fucking years old and pay RENT here, I shook my head, grabbed my keys, and went to go hang out with my significant partner and work friends. We had a great time and I’m currently in the car with my significant other while typing this. I’m gonna spend the night at their place and go back in the morning to see how bad the damage is. My significant other says I was justified in what I said, but two of my work friends (one who’s a Cishet guy who grew up in a similar household and another who’s a new dad with his own son) say that what I said was uncalled for and rude. They explained that I had no right to weaponize Lucas and Suzie like that and I understand that. I’m just tired of Suzie being neglected and, selfishly I know, I’m tired of how my identity is ignored as well
So, tumblr, AITA?
TL;DR, My two year old cousin is the “only” grandson in the family. The family ignores my male identity and my baby cousin’s five year old sister to fawn over the two year old. Am I The Asshole for pointing this out point blank in front of the whole family on Christmas morning?
What are these acronyms?
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pacthesis · 1 year
our vietnamese tea ceremony
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some may or may not know i just got engaged to a weird guy i met in college that (to put it lightly) i wasn’t too fond of but after like 2 years of snubbing him he somehow won my heart i guess
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i scribbled a comic about it cause whenever people ask how i met him they sometimes get invested haha
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some people also may have seen him on america’s got talent or cbs news or jimmy fallon or on tiktok doing his pizza man shenanigans lol
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people often ask if he pulled me with his dough skills and i have to clarify i didn’t even know about the dough spinning hobby until after we started dating and he didn’t do the tv/media appearances until like 6 years into our relationship 🤣
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my parents were both boat refugees from vietnam (they fled during the war when they were teenagers and met as adults) and i’m american- but we’re not really that “traditional” i guess
i think many viet people don’t get married or commit without having a tea ceremony haha
a hetero buddy asked who were my bridesmaids and when i told him i don’t have any he asked why and i just said “i like my friends” 🤣 (my childhood friends were there as guests though!)
i also didn’t want/ask pizza man’s family to bring the customary gifts cause i didn’t wanna cramp my style
basically the purpose of this event was for people to witness us getting engaged and be an opportunity for our families to meet one another!
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5/23/2015 is when we started dating
for our first anniversary i got our initials and anniversary date stamped onto a penny and pizza man still carries it around 🥺
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so 8 years later we got engaged on 8/5/2023
8 for august (8 years later)
5th of august (5 for the month we began dating)
year of 2023 (23 for the day we began dating)
i think people often go to a fortune teller or someone who knows what they’re doing to schedule important dates using the stars and other factors but my grandpa doesn’t believe in that and the rest of us aren’t really superstitious
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we wore áo dài- it’s a vietnamese ensemble consisting of a tunic with a long front and back panel that is worn over pants
áo means “shirt/clothes” and dài means "long"
a lot of the time the bride wears red and the groom wears blue i guess but i wanted my outfit to look bridal when i imagine an american bride or a vietnamese bride!
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i also wanted to wear a gold khăn đóng headpiece and to incorporate pearls to resemble what my mom wore when she got engaged to my dad
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sunflowers are also my fav
(after we started dating i thought pizza man was tall and sunny like a sunflower haha 😭)
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my makeshift shoebox altar- or as i like to call it: my “spirit pager” 😤
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the double happiness symbol is two copies of the chinese character 喜 (xǐ) which means joy/happiness and red symbolizes luck for the couple
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my mom asked if we should put up pictures of our deceased and i was like i don’t wanna make pizza man’s parents go out of their way to bring photos 😭
i think we were supposed to ask our ancestors for permission to get engaged or married or whatever but since my mom raised me to believe my life is mine to live i just announced it to em
as far as i know it’s not really a buddhist thing- ancestor worship is more of a vietnamese thing apparently
my mom said vietnam is a country with a lot of war and death in its history- so imo it makes sense how they incorporate the dead into their culture and traditions
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after introducing each of our family members and friends- we lit a couple of incense to (casually) announce the news to our deceased grandparents and relatives
apparently burning incense is an invitation to ancestral spirits and to deliver wishes to predecessors
smoke from the burning incense guides people to safety or safe passing when they die- it also guides em back home on days like these
the spirit(s) depart when all of the incense has burned
next month is my grandma’s "deathiversary” (giỗ) so we’ll be paging her again soon
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we used a tea set that was used to celebrate my 1st birthday to pour and serve (my pick) of vanilla caramel black tea to my grandpa and our parents
pizza man’s mom doesn’t like tea so i was happy i picked something she did enjoy!
but when my mom brought her family to america from vietnam- she asked them if they could bring a tea set specifically for me
my mom said it’s meant to be used to celebrate any of my special occasions
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then me and pizza man said some nice words to each other and exchanged rings
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my ring was pizza man’s grandma’s- his grandpa initially proposed with a smaller diamond but after he saved up enough he got her this bigger one
i don’t listen to any comments that suggest or imply this carbon rock is not humongous 🤣
pizza man paid to get it resized and to repair its prongs (it was well worn by grandma mercedes 🥺)
also found out my ring size is 3.25 (US) haha 😭
he also decided to get his grandpa’s ring resized and to wear it too!
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my mom put this necklace on me- she says it reads “happiness” (i can’t confirm lol) but she received it from her mother-in-law when she got engaged to my dad
my mom was too scared to wear it after their tea ceremony cause it’s 24 karat gold and she didn't wanna wreck it
she said 24 karat gold hasn't been combined with other metals so it’s soft
i guess couples at viet tea ceremonies often get 24 karat jewelry- the idea is they can quickly sell it/melt it down for hard times
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my mom also passed down her favorite jade bracelet and my grandma’s favorite diamond earrings to me 🥺
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and on my 1st birthday my mom got a special ring made to celebrate my birth- she put it on a chain so the person i marry can wear it close to their heart
my mom also got a special ring necklace made to celebrate my sibling’s birth and gave it to their fiancée during their tea ceremony
it’s just the two of us so no more shiny token trophies up for grabs! 😤
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i laughed when pizza man had to squat down so low so my mom could put the necklace on him 
after the ceremony i asked him if he wanted me to help him take it off (my sibling's fiancée keeps theirs in a safe cause she’s too scared to wear it daily) but pizza man was like "no i like it 😄" and wore it to sleep and showered with it and hasn’t taken it off since 😭🤣
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at the end of the ceremony we lit the candles on the altar to represent the union of our families!
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then we ate lots of food haha
my parents both cooked! egg rolls, fried rice, lo mein, bột chiên (fried taro rice cake)
my mom was excited because she knew many of our guests weren’t very familiar with vietnamese food and wanted to share that with them 🥺
and my dad was just so excited for me and pizza man and had so much fun getting the supplies and decorations 😭
my aunt and uncle and sister-in-law brought vịt quay (peking duck), heo quay (roast pork), gỏi tôm (shrimp salad), bánh hỏi (rice vermicelli), xôi gấc (sweet red sticky rice topped with coconut, peanuts and salt)
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and pizza man’s mom and family brought lots of desserts
we have always been so amazed with how good their sweets taste and look! 🥺
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we also got an ice cream cake
i wasn’t thinking and asked em to write “nicholas and amy lễ đính hôn” and they called me and were like wtf is this and i was like oh no it’s ok haha don’t worry about it! 😭🤣
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we had some photos displayed but my sibling took lots of nice pictures of the whole thing!
i was happy i actually got the chance to spend time with and talk to everyone who came!
it went so well and we had so much fun that we’re thinking of doing something similar for our wedding- probably a backyard wedding haha
i was telling pizza man apparently some tea ceremonies have the first half take place at the bride’s home and then the later half is at the groom’s home 🤔
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anyway reminder that leftover egg rolls can be reheated in the toaster
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ghostly-penumbra · 1 year
DannyMay 2023. Day Twenty-seven
Summary: Danny and Death talk, in a mostly official capacity.
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Danny swung his legs back and forth, restless as he sat on the railing o his balcony in Pariah’s- his castle, Danny’s, the King’s.
Clockwork had told him he would meet someone here, and that he better be dressed the part of the King. He had said it with a smile, though, and eased Danny’s worry.
But since he couldn’t just be mysterious and also had to be cryptic, he had then said it was someone Danny had already met, twice.
Prodding and asking got him nowhere after that so Danny dropped it and got ready, wearing his galaxy-print cape (with accurate, moving stars!), the Ring of Rage in hand and the Crown o Fire resting atop his head, its flames licking the air with a constant, soothing crackling.
“Hey, you waited for me!”
Danny turned around and had to blink to clear his eyes, because for a second he thought Sam was here but- no, this wasn’t Sam at all.
“Usually it’s the other way around.” Said the- girl? Woman? Said the goth, because that she was, wearing an all-black outfit from combat boots to top hat and umbrella (maybe it was raining where she had been?), along with what Danny was sure was an Egyptian symbol on her left eye and another that she wore in a collar hanging on her chest.
“Oh, uh, hi. You are- the person Clockwork told me about?” Danny said, and couldn’t help but make it a question at the end.
“Yes, Danny, that’s me.” She said simply, and didn’t elaborate only smiled at him some more.
Danny looked at her for a few more, awkward seconds, and then-
“Ah.” He gaped at her as recognition swept through him. A steady, unmoving presence, a soothing, kind voice that calmed him down even as he was torn apart, a hand taking his, ready to welcome him, except-
“Hey…” He greeted her anew.
“Hey.” Death answered.
“Uh, so… I don’t mean to be rude or anything,” Danny started after a bit of small talk. Death had joined him in the railing, picking a purple flower and adorning her hair with it, “but, well Clockwork told me to ‘dress the part’ as King, so I don’t think this is just a social visit, right?”
Death chuckled at him, “You’re right, dad didn’t just call us here to become friends, even if it’s nice to see you again.”
“Your dad called? But it was Clockw- gramps is a father?!” Danny exclaimed, shocked into using the nickname –the title, really– that he reserved for the privacy of his mind and Clockwork’s lair. “But that means-” His eyes widened like saucer and he felt his jaw drop in horror.
“I see you have connected the dots.” Death said, clearly amused.
“I didn’t connect shit!” Danny hurried to say, mortified and blushing a vibrant green. “In fact! I am autistic, which, in case you don’t know, is a learning disability which makes it entirely possible for me to not have figured anything out about my grandpa that could potentially change the way I see him- stop laughing!”
What had started as repressed giggles had turned into joyful cackles and Death’s smile split her face in half.
“We have business to attend! Royal duty! Formal stuff!”
“Sorry, sorry! It’s just-” Death put a hand on her mouth and calmed herself down with effort. “But you’re right, we should get back in track. Can you show me your ring?”
The change in topic, though appreciated, was so sudden that Danny could only obey bringing his left hand up and staring at the red, angry skull sitting on his finger.
“Do you know the history of this ring, Phantom?” She asked, taking his hand in both of hers.
“Not really, no.” The halfa admitted. “Grandpa- I mean, Clockwork has taught me some stuff, but there’s, like, a lot of stuff he says he still has to teach me.”
“Does he now?” Death said in a tone Danny couldn’t decipher, but when he turned to look at her, she had gotten her amicable expression back in place. “Your ring is a gift.” She finally started. “It used to be mine, one of my tools of office, actually, made to command straggling ghosts that wanted to find their way, and help them move on.
“I gave it to the first Ruler of the Ghost Zone, to officially turn that tear in between realities where souls sought refuge into a proper Afterlife, and end the war between pantheons that wanted it for themselves.”
Danny was paying rapt attention, leaning in closer to Death like a moth to a flame. He had never heard of this; Clockwork had not only been teaching Danny about history, but had sent him on adventures missions across time to gain experience he wouldn’t get in Amity Park, and grandpa was like, very old, so he knew a lot of history and had been there for all of it, so Danny wasn’t surprised he hadn’t been told about this yet; did Pandora know about this, though? Had her pantheon been one of those at war? How long ago had this been? If so, how or why was she here?
Unfortunately, Death didn’t seem about to enter into many details.
“With it, ghosts were allowed to rule over themselves as they saw fit, with no god to oversee them, and the war was over.”
Yeah, he would have to ask grandpa about this.
“That’s… cool. Um, thanks! Really…” Danny stuttered, placing a hand on his nape. “Ah, so…” He didn’t know what she was getting at. “Do you… want it back?” He asked, unsure.
“No, Danny, it’s a gift and it’s now yours.” Death smiled at him kindly. “I’m here to help you with it, actually. May I?”
Nervously, Danny nodded, and Death lifted his hand with hers, and touched the Ring of Rage; Danny saw the skull glow blood red the moment she did, enveloping their joined hands in its eerie light.
“Pariah Dark corrupted it, not long after he took the throne.” Death kept explaining. “Rather than motivate and lead the ghosts, he wanted to control them, bind them to his will.
“That wasn’t the ring’s purpose, I didn’t give it that purpose, so Pariah couldn’t completely overpower it, and instead he let it be a- transmitter for his rage, to make it be felt, to frighten other ghosts into obeying. You have felt it, haven’t you?”
Danny thought of the first time he had put on the Ring, of the furious growl that had reverberated through his head his bones, his core, pushing, demanding something it couldn’t word, its name just out of reach.
Although it wasn’t lie Danny had tried to help it reach out, either. And he now suspected where it had tried to reach.
 A sealed sarcophagus.
“It’s annoying.” He said bluntly. “It’s bothersome and insistent and I already said no, but it keeps on pushing and, honestly, I have been seconds away from chunking it into the sun.”
Death chuckled softly and, finally, covered his hand in both of hers. “That’s what I’m here for.” She clutched at his hands in a tither –yet painless– grip, and the light that filtered through their fingers slowly dimmed out and died.
When she opened her hands again, in Danny’s finger rested an obsidian-black gem with only one reflective face that showed Danny’s own.
Through its serene silence, Danny could feel all the denizens of the Zone, ready and waiting to be rallied around a common cause.
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lmao this is funny to me because the "Clocwork is Father Time (of the Endless)" is a thing I've talekd about in the dp server, but only recently did i board the headcanon "he is an awful father, but an amazing grandfather", which is the characterization i've given him here
he loves his adopted grandson so much that he'll deal with his annoying children for him! asdfghjjklñ that's so awful!
i'll be posting this separate once i finish the event
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byghostface · 6 months
Nika + family members headcanons
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↑Some notes and my HCs about Nika & Her family's appearance I drew/wrote back in 2022
Regret about his past.
Doted on both granddaughters and called them "sweetie /sweetheart".
With his wife, don't weird out and scared by Nika's obsession with death, and indulge her behavior (they think Nika is just curious and feisty).
Bedridden when Nika was around 7-8 years old, rarely interacted with her since then. Especially when he needs to be at the hospital to monitor his health often.
Over time Nika grew more distant from her grandfather, only having some vague memory of the moments they had spent together.
Use to patch up Nika's destroyed plushies and toys.
Having natural dark Hair.
Doted on granddaughters and called them "sweetie /sweetheart" the same as her husband, and called Nika "My little victory", Mila "My dearest" (sometimes their mom called them that too)
Passed away when Nika was 7 years old (Mila around age 9-10).
Nika has good memories of her but it's becoming vague as she grew up.
Loves to gifted candies and homemade sweets to granddaughters.
Both girls got the dark hair atavistic inheritance from their grandmother, and Nika had inherited some of the facial features as well.
-Elder sister: Mila (hc age- 2~3 years older than Nika)
Think Nika is annoying and attention-seeking most of the time.
Disgust by Nika's obsession with death since they were little. Blame her little sister's obsession with death for the reason that attracts/brings bad luck into the house (their grandparents dying).
Often verbally belittle/disapprove of Nika and her behaviors.
Exclude Nika when she is playing with her friends (her friends don't like Nika too).
Give up her toys to Nika to make her less pestering but failed.
Looks more like her father and mother.
Worried about things and gets anxious easily like her mother.
Emotionally affected by things, incidents, and surroundings more easily than Nika (cried when grandpa died, "She was always a bit more on the… soft side. Naive"-Nika's description of Mila in Batman & Robin 2023 #7).
Getting frustrated with how their mother would change the house rules to fit Nika's needs.
Prideful and hard work in her school studies, likes to gain approval from her parents and seniors elders.
Try to be a responsible big sister (oftentimes depending on her mood and situation).
Like to sing and go to the choir with Nika. Because they both get praised a lot for being earnest and good singers.
Really upset about losing her grandparents.
Terrified of the idea of not living/being not existing. Like to know her importance in living.
(She may have connected with death like Nika but is actually repressed/terrified by it, and seeing Nika so obsessed with it makes Mila feel really repulsive thus taking it out on Nika, making death associated with her little sister more instead of herself.)
Tried to share her interests with her sister but always got rejected (aside from music-related topics).
She is resilient about it (sharing her obsession with death to her sister) for a long period of her childhood.
Love to "kill" her plushies and toys, then learn to patch them up by herself after grandpa is not in the house to do it for her anymore.
Later on realized her sister's distaste towards her, and her parents' disagreements about her. She was becoming closed off and less responsive to her family, and taking more interest in drawing to distract herself.
Keeping herself busy with the things she likes (hobbies— death theme, drawing, singing) to avoid/suppress negative emotions in life.
Feeling the pressure the grandfather's hospital condition has put on the family, sometimes thinking he's better off dead (peacefully).
Despite her obsession with death, she doesn't like the idea of suicide. She may have some suicidal thoughts or fake imagined scenarios but never commits them, because that's not what she wants her life and death to be (passive suicidal ideation). These hidden passive thoughts change greatly after meeting Damian on Lazarus Island.
Looks more like her grandmother and her mother, and looks really similar to Mila when she was little.
Most of the day is at work, rarely at home.
Think Nika is nothing but a troubled kid, unlike his good-manner elder daughter.
Often at the hospital take care of his father, and let his wife take charge of the kids.
Impact by his mother's passing, and later his father's condition. His mood is not very stable.
The source of living income of the household. Manage all the finances in the house and inheritance of his parent's property (under a lot of financial stress).
Housewife, spends a lot of time with her children.
Love to nurture her garden and teach the plants and flowers knowledge to Nika who is interested in making her little playground graveyard in the yard pretty.
Worried about Nika's obsession with death and scared for Nika as the obsession progresses as she grows up.
Setting the house rules for the girls, so it would be fair and easy to discipline them. But it's really difficult with Nika, because she is more "adventurous" compared to the elder daughter.
Struggling to get Mila and Nika to make peace/behave toward each other, and it gets worse as the two sisters grow older(her husband is not helping by favoring Mila more).
Need to do some part-time jobs in later years to support the family and father-in-law's hospital bills.
Nika + family members hcs.Nika + family (dynamic) hcs
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shojoqueendom · 6 months
"Me and Kimono" | Interview with Atsufu
Translation of the interview with Moyoco Anno published in the June 2023 issue of "Neppū" on Note.
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Starting from the May 2021 issue, Moyoco Anno's cover illustrations mark the beginning of the third year with this June issue. When you think of Moyoco, you might recall the image of modern, real-life women wrapped in contemporary fashion, symbolized by works like "Hataraki Man" and "Happy Mania." So, why did Moyoco choose to depict "women in kimono, with a somewhat classical vibe" on the cover? We inquired about Moyoco's affection for kimono, which underlies this decision. Nowadays, Moyoco's passion for kimono has grown to the extent of establishing her own brand that creates kimono with her unique artistic style. This "kimono fever" seems to stem from a desire to see more people casually wearing and embracing Japan's beautiful nature, such as its plants and birds, through clothing.
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My grandfather's kimono and the kihachijo he wore at the age of 3
Interviewer: Thank you very much for illustrating the cover for the past two years since the May 2021 issue. It has been well received that 'women in kimono evoke various stories,' and we are grateful for that. As a result, we have decided to continue for another year. Producer Suzuki (Toshio) even joked, 'We would like to continue until Moyoco-san gets tired of it.'
Anno: Is that true? Isn't it just that you're getting too lazy to change (laughs)?
Interviewer: That's not true at all (laughs). I'm serious. So, I'd like to take this opportunity to ask you about your connection with kimonos, Moyoko-san, and hear a comprehensive discussion about it. When did you first become fascinated with kimonos?
Anno: My grandfather was a kimono wearer. He always wore kimonos in his daily life. Perhaps it was also because of the area, Shimokitazawa in Tokyo, but when I was a child, there were quite a few people like that in the neighborhood. If there were about ten elderly people in the neighborhood, for example, about two of them would be wearing kimonos. Among relatives, it was only my grandfather, though.
Interviewer: So it wasn't yukata, but kimonos.
Anno: They were ordinary men's kimonos. Made of sturdy fabric, they came with a haori, juban, and ensemble. He also wore a coat for kimonos in winter. When we lived together, my grandfather's way of casually taking off his kimono was impressive. Men's kimonos are designed to be worn at the same length, so the juban worn underneath can be removed together. He would hang it on a clothes rack, wearing only fundoshi and underwear, and then go to bed just like that.
Interviewer: It's like shedding a skin, isn't it?
Anno: Exactly. Then, when I woke up in the morning, I would put it back on just like that (laughs). Since kimonos aren't washed every day, men's kimonos are quite convenient, right?
Interviewer: Your grandfather was a tailor, if I recall correctly.
Anno: Yes, that's right. But he had already retired by then. However, since he loved sewing even after retirement, he was always making something, and when I was little, he made various things for me too.
Interviewer: When did you start experiencing kimonos yourself?
Anno: I was already wearing a yellow hakama ensemble when I was about three years old. I can't remember if it was a gift or someone's hand-me-down, but I wore it for New Year's and in the winter. I always used to fuss about not wanting to take it off once it was put on me.
Interviewer: Was it comfortable to wear?
Anno: I loved it. Maybe part of it was because I was happy to be with my grandpa. Also, one time when the maid who was at my grandfather's house said she was going back to her hometown, I followed along. I was delighted to be dressed in children's festival attire there. We brought back that festival attire and kept it at home.
Interviewer: So, it seems like you were quite enthusiastic about kimonos even at the age of three.
Anno: Indeed, I liked kimonos from that time. But you know, it's a hassle for parents to dress you up every time, right? When I was little and happened to have something that fit me, they would dress me up, but as I grew older, it wasn't so easy. Still, they always bought me yukatas every year. When I was in elementary school, whenever there was a Bon dance in the neighborhood, my school friends and I would all go out wearing yukatas. Once I was dressed in a yukata, I would wear it every day for about a week from then on. Like, going to the school pool in the morning during summer vacation, and then coming home and wearing a yukata around the house.
Interviewer: Didn't you ever walk around the neighborhood dressed like that?
Anno: If you walk around in a yukata when it's not a festival, you'll definitely get some strange looks (laughs).
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Encountering antique kimonos
Interviewer: What was the subsequent evolution of your interest in kimonos like?
Anno: When it comes to kimonos for girls, it's usually associated with the coming-of-age ceremony, right? Well, about a week before that, I injured my foot. What's more, at that time, my family was too poor to afford to borrow a formal furisode for the coming-of-age ceremony. So, I didn't wear a kimono for the ceremony. Then, because they felt sorry for me not being able to attend the ceremony, my friends suggested we all get together wearing kimonos. They all had kimonos bought for them, so they wanted to wear them again at least once. They were all dolled up in furisode with fluffy white shawls, but I was the only one in a plain casual kimono. Mine was a cute komon with a navy background adorned with little hammers and treasures, but compared to everyone else's formal attire, it did seem a bit plain (laughs).
Interviewer: Even though your friends didn't mean any harm, it must be a bitter memory.
Anno: At that time, I realized that you really need financial stability to afford kimonos, and I distanced myself from them a bit. Buying a kimono isn't the end of it; you also need a place to store it. You definitely need a certain amount of storage space. And because the rules for storing kimonos are different from regular clothes, you need a dedicated space for them.
Interviewer: Did your enthusiasm for kimonos reignite around the time you started serializing "Sakuran," which features Kiyoha, a courtesan in Yoshiwara, around 2001?
Anno: I think it was before that… It was around my mid-20s when I was living alone in Ebisu, Tokyo. There was a pop-up antique kimono shop at an event venue, and I encountered some really beautiful kimonos there. I wore one of those kimonos for the cover of "AERA" magazine (May 5, 2003 issue). It was the first time I encountered an antique kimono that fit me perfectly in terms of length, even with my height. It was a beautiful silk kimono with a reddish-purple hue and vertical stripes with a bluish tint.
Interviewer: Did you dress yourself for the "AERA" photo shoot?
Anno: Yes, I did. Looking back now, I realize it was a mess, and I wonder how I managed to go to the shoot (laughs).
Interviewer: Why did you decide to feature kimonos in the photos?
Anno: I really didn't have anything else to wear (laughs). I wasn't making enough money to indulge myself. Although I wasn't in debt anymore, I still didn't have time to go shopping for clothes or anything like that.
Interviewer: You didn't have the mental space for it either.
Anno: Exactly. When I was working at home, I usually just wore casual clothes, so I thought about what to wear for the "AERA" cover.
Interviewer: Ah, you remembered you had kimonos.
Anno: Ironically, I had nothing but kimonos (laughs). I tend to be like that quite often. People sometimes say I'm like a fashionable manga artist, but that's not the case at all.
I remember when I was invited to a home party by fellow female manga artists at the time. I thought it was just a casual gathering at home, so I went there thinking it was fine to wear casual clothes, but everyone else was dressed head-to-toe in Chanel, Prada, or Gucci.
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Visiting vintage clothing stores in Kamakura
Interviewer: You got married to director Hideaki Anno in 2002 and moved to Kamakura in 2004. I heard that during this time, you were already collecting kimonos by visiting nearby vintage clothing stores.
Anno: It all started when we had the chance to go to Kyoto shortly after we got married, and we met a friend of the director who was from Kyoto and was also an expert in kimono, as his wife was a Kyoto native who was also into Japanese traditional dance. So, when I casually mentioned that I was also interested in kimonos, she introduced me to a well-established kimono shop in Kyoto. Since the director was very enthusiastic about our marriage and told me to "buy whatever you want," it kind of turned into a situation like that (laughs).
Then the wife said, "You'll get the hang of it if you try wearing it once," and she dressed me up on the spot. The next day, when we were heading back to Tokyo, she selected a complete set of necessary kimono dressing tools for me. That experience gave me a sense of how to wear them properly. With that base knowledge, I later learned to wear them by watching tutorials online or reading books.
Interviewer: So, did your interest in kimonos reignite around the time of your marriage?
Anno: I was hesitant to wear the tailored kimonos sent from Kyoto to Kamakura because I was afraid of ruining them. So, I started buying cute patterned or sturdy Meisen kimonos from vintage clothing stores in Kamakura and just tried wearing them out. I felt like it was okay to wear them since they wouldn't be a big loss if they got dirty. That's how I started wearing kimonos frequently. However, the kimonos that the director bought for me in Kyoto haven't been worn at all (laughs).
Interviewer: Do you have any unique points to look out for when seeing kimonos at vintage clothing stores, as someone like you who frequently visits them?
Anno: It's definitely the patterns unique to antiques. There are hardly any kimonos left from the Meiji period. There are some from the Taisho period, but their condition isn't great. So naturally, there are a lot from the Showa period, maybe around right after the war. The charm of the patterns and the beauty of the fabric. Also, there's something cute about the "Hakkake," which is the fabric attached to the hem of the kimono. Usually, it's plain, but sometimes it's lined with pink in a white kimono with purple patterns, which is a color scheme unique to that era.
Initially, I'd wear kimonos and then turn them into a haori, then into a juban, and if the pattern is flashy, it could become an obi, and eventually, it could be used as the lining of a haori. I like that you can see the progression with antiques.
Interviewer: Do you learn this kind of knowledge from books or the internet?
Anno: Yes, and I also ask friends who share the same interest in kimonos, or I talk to people at vintage clothing stores. One of the assistants who happened to visit my place was working part-time at a famous vintage kimono store while also working as an assistant. She told me that near my house in Kamakura, there was a vintage store with a lot of piled-up clothes that were not organized at all. The store had many good items, but they were all chopped up and turned into dresses, and a certain famous actress used them as costumes. So, she asked me to hurry up and buy the old kimonos before they were chopped up and rescue them (laughs).
I couldn't draw 'Sakuran' without actually trying on kimonos
Interviewer: Does "Sakuran," set in Yoshiwara, have any connection to the resurgence of your love for kimonos?
Anno: Initially, I didn't pay much attention to kimonos when I started drawing "Sakuran," but I realized the difficulty of drawing kimonos once I actually started drawing them. With Western clothing, you see someone wearing it every day, so you can kind of draw it in any pose intuitively. But with kimonos, I had no idea, for example, how the sleeves should look when the character moves. So, when I was drawing "Sakuran," I often wore kimonos and moved around to draw them.
Interviewer: Did you draw manga while wearing kimonos?
Anno: Not during the inking stage, because it would be troublesome if ink splattered on them. But I always wore them during the stage where I confirmed how they looked. The way kimonos were worn back then and today is completely different, so I sometimes adjusted them to match the style of that time. For example, courtesans tie their obi at the front. Also, depending on the era, in the Edo period, they didn't fold the obi into two. So, it was very wide. And the patterns are clearly different between the Edo period and the Meiji, Taisho, and Showa eras. There's a difference between the Edo-style patterns that still exist today and the modern antique patterns of the Meiji, Taisho, and Showa eras. Of course, there were many elderly people who wore Edo-style kimonos even in the Meiji era, but the designs preferred by young people have more of a modern feel. Furthermore, there are differences between Edo (Tokyo) and Kyoto. Edo-style kimonos often have patterns that look like monotone from a distance, like screentones, while Kyoto kimonos often have distinct and independent patterns. They have a relatively elegant feel.
Interviewer: Your knowledge deepened while drawing manga, and the cycle of acquiring more things continued, right?
Anno: There was a time when I had an extraordinary amount of things, so I sold everything once. I even went through a phase of bidding on Yahoo Auctions. There were times when I couldn't do it myself because I was busy with work, so I asked my assistants to bid for me (laughs).
Interviewer: How many kimonos do you currently have?
Anno: Not that many. Probably less than 50. Once I started making them myself, I mostly wore the ones I made.
Drawing the desired pattern, scanning it, and then printing it onto fabric
Interviewer: So, you finally started making your own kimonos. That's the original kimono brand "Hyakuyoudo" that you launched about two and a half years ago, right? Please tell us about the process that led you to start making kimonos yourself.
Anno: Actually, after returning from Kamakura to Tokyo, there was a period when I didn't wear kimonos for a while.
Interviewer: Why is that?
Anno: It's like a habit, you know? When you wear something frequently, it becomes natural to wear it, but once you stop, it suddenly becomes a hassle, and there was a period when my heart drifted away from kimonos. Then, suddenly, when I felt like it was time to start wearing kimonos again, I realized that I had forgotten a lot of what I had learned before, so I decided to find a teacher and learn the basics again.
Interviewer: Forgive my amateur sense, but is kimono dressing really that difficult?
Anno: At first, it's more like as long as it doesn't fall off, it's fine, but as you get used to it, you start to notice things like why does this part always feel tight when I sit down, or why does this part always sag after a while. Or why does that person look so good in a kimono?
Interviewer: Is it really that different?
Anno: Yes, it is. So if you want to wear it beautifully, it's better to learn from a professional. So, one day, I took some old kimonos and obis that I had to a dressing lesson. I actually wanted to use this old obi, but the fabric was too worn out to use, so I said, "You can print this."
Interviewer: What do you mean by "print"?
Anno: It's a photographic process. For example, if you have a patterned fabric that's already worn out and you want to make a new one, you can scan the worn-out fabric to copy the pattern. Once you import that data into a computer, you can adjust the color tones and remove stains on the screen. Since kimonos are usually made by repeating patterns of about one meter, all you need is to scan that one stroke cleanly. Once it's in the computer, you can even change the background color.
Interviewer: So, it's a way to salvage patterns from worn-out antique kimonos?
Anno: Yes, at first, I was just copying them rather than redesigning them. I had some favorite obi patterns, so I scanned them and kept them for storage. For example, it's just a pattern of swirls drawn in pointillism, but they're all dyed from Ise katagami, so it's completely different from what you would get by digitally dotting it now. The intervals between each dot vary slightly, and each dot has a different expression, some are slightly longer or thinner. When you look at the whole thing, it creates a fluctuation. I think you can make things that look the same at first glance digitally, but the finish is completely different. So, I had the Ise katagami pattern scanned, inverted the colors, and made it into a komon pattern and then tailored it into a kimono. I tried two or three of those, and it was so much fun. Of course, I did it all for my personal kimonos.
Interviewer: So, did you start drawing patterns yourself from there?
Anno: Initially, when I told my teacher that I wanted to scan the patterns of summer clothes, which are often made of ro fabrics, she said they couldn't be scanned because the fabric itself is woven to be translucent to keep it cool. I was shocked, thinking, "Wait, isn't summer clothing more likely to get dirty and need to be scanned to preserve the pattern?" So, I decided to draw them myself.
Interviewer: I recall from an interview in a kimono magazine that you mentioned you couldn't scan them with a machine, so you memorized the patterns with your eyes and drew them by hand.
Anno: Right. Since the current patterns are copyrighted, I copy the antique patterns with my eyes. Instead of tracing them directly, I memorize the patterns I see in shops, bring them home, and draw them based on my impressions. In the process, I change the colors and rearrange them.
Interviewer: Even though you say it's just repeating patterns of one meter, isn't it still quite difficult if you can't visualize the entire bolt of fabric?
Anno: It's challenging. So, I made a lot of mistakes at first. It was like, "This wasn't supposed to happen" kind of feeling (laughs). I thought individual patterns were cute, but when I made them into kimonos, I realized, "Oh, this is how the pattern looks." But since the dressing instructor who taught me that you could print patterns was a professional, she would give me advice like, "If you want to bring out this pattern here, you should place it like this." So, I've been relying on her ever since, and in the end, she became the operator and designer for our digital work.
Interviewer: So, that dressing instructor ended up becoming the person behind "Hyakuyoudo"?
Anno: Yes, she's the one. Or rather, it's thanks to her that Hyakuyoudo came to be. If I had just been struggling alone to draw patterns and failed to make my own kimonos, Hyakuyoudo wouldn't have happened.
As I discussed with that dressing instructor and created various patterns, before I knew it, that's how it happened. Every time, she would say, "Do you want to try making this?" and it just naturally led to, "Should we sell this?" (laughs).
At first, I made patterns just for friends and staff who wanted them, sharing them as if I were giving away souvenirs. Eventually, people started asking for different colors, and each time, I made new colors for them. I made trial prints of one meter each, called "mass samples," by inkjet printing and changing the color patterns. It costs about 5000 yen to do one trial print. But I couldn't ask my friends to pay for the mass samples. Everyone would casually ask for slight changes, like wanting a bit more blue, so I went along with it. Before I knew it, people started saying, "Isn't this a kimono shop!?" and that's how I decided to start a kimono shop.
Interviewer: That's what led to the creation of Momoyado about two years ago.
Anno: Exactly. And then, even though I only had about two patterns on hand, the topic took off, and we received various media coverage. Eventually, we even got invited to a pop-up store at Isetan Shinjuku in Tokyo, and I thought I was going to die.
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The origin of the name "Hyakuyoudo"
Interviewer: How many staff members are there?
Anno: We've increased to about 7-8 people since this year. Packing and shipping kimonos requires professional skills. If you just fold them and send them off, they'll shift around and get wrinkled inside, so you need to wrap the kimono in wrapping paper and insert paper to prevent it from shifting. That kind of work requires training. Also, it's difficult for amateurs to check for needles left in the kimonos after sewing. You often find a paper that says "Checked for needles" included when you buy a kimono, but you need someone to do that.
Interviewer: So, you need professionals just for shipping and inspection.
Anno: Yes. And at sales events, you need people who can dress customers and take measurements. We've started holding fitting events twice a year, and even then, you need someone who can wrap fabric like a kimono.
Interviewer: Ah, it's the process of fitting the fabric to the customer's body.
Anno: That's right. Customers can imagine themselves wearing it. Including the people who participate in the fitting events every time and those who always participate in regional events, there are quite a few.
Interviewer: And you're controlling all of that as the president?
Anno: No way, I couldn't do that. The dressing instructor supports the operation, so I just draw the patterns. The instructor arranges them properly as kimonos and places orders with digital printing companies.
Interviewer: Is it like necessary people naturally gather?
Anno: That might be true. When we suddenly got a request for an event at Isetan, someone who had been a store manager at a certain kimono shop for many years suddenly came to us saying they wanted to work at Hyakuyoudo, even though we weren't recruiting. It was incredibly lucky.
Interviewer: They're very persistent.
Anno: I still tell everyone that if S-san hadn't joined us then, we would have been crying at Isetan, clueless about everything like the setup. We didn't even know the rules for setting up displays at pop-up stores, and we somehow managed to make it work thanks to her joining us at the last minute. She kept bringing in salespeople who could dress customers. So, without the dressing instructor who supports the printing operation and her who supports the sales operation, Hyakuyoudo wouldn't exist.
Interviewer: Is the name Hyakuyoudo derived from your name, Moyoco-san?
Anno: Yes. And I hope to have about 100 patterns eventually (laughs). Initially, we only had about two, so I thought it would be nice to have about 100 base patterns.
Interviewer: Are all those 100 patterns drawn by you, Momoko?
Anno: Yes.
Sketches to elevate to the patterns I desire
Interviewer: So, have you been using the patterns of those kimonos for the cover of "Netsufū" all along?
Anno: No, there are plenty of different things. The patterns that look good in illustrations and the patterns that make lovely designs on actual kimonos are quite different.
Interviewer: Does studying dressing and patterns deeply affect the way you draw kimonos?
Anno: Yes, it does. The way people wear kimonos varies depending on their age and other factors. In the February issue's cover, there's a girl kneeling down, but that's actually because her foot has fallen asleep. Her foot is asleep, and she's trying her best to stretch it out by squeezing her thumb tightly.
Interviewer: I thought it was a beautiful illustration, but I didn't realize her foot was asleep (laughs).
Anno: Her foot is asleep. This girl doesn't really unbutton her collar that much. Also, she's pulling her neck quite tightly. But for older people or in the summertime, it's more stylish to have the collar a bit unbuttoned, or it gives a more realistic feeling of wearing it.
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Interviewer: Drawing the ideas for each illustration, how do you usually come up with them? For example, the February issue features peaches.
Anno: Yes. I usually try to draw images of the upcoming season. So, for example, I thought about cherries for April, but it's better to capture a slightly earlier season.
Interviewer: I've heard that you struggled when you first started drawing patterns. What was difficult about it?
Anno: Making patterns is difficult. There are many people who can draw plants very well, but even if you draw plum blossoms realistically, they won't become a kimono pattern. Or even if you draw them in a manga-like style, at least I don't want such a kimono. It's very difficult to take it to the point where it becomes a pattern that I would want.
Interviewer: But Moyoco-san is essentially a professional artist. Is it still difficult for such a professional to imagine?
Anno: It doesn't work out. There are many things I started but then gave up on. I was really enthusiastic about making a kimono belt with cherry blossoms and night cherry blossoms this year, but I couldn't make it at all.
Interviewer: Could you explain a bit more about why it's so difficult?
Anno: It takes time, for one thing. There are already many different kinds of plant patterns, from abstract designs to patterns close to sketches, that have existed as antiques for a long time. But just copying those isn't enough. It's better to have existing patterns. At first, I thought that maybe if I copied existing patterns extensively and incorporated them into my imagination, reconstructing them, it might work. But no matter how much I did it, it didn't work. I wondered why it didn't work, but the fact is, if it's plum blossoms, you have to sketch them to death to make it work.
Interviewer: You have to confront the real thing until the plum or cherry blossoms are abstracted in your mind.
Anno: That's right. And then it takes quite a bit of horsepower to take it to the level of cuteness as a pattern. There's a pattern called "Mimosa" that I made this spring, and I got a lot of them from my friends.
Interviewer: It's your favorite flower, isn't it?
Anno: Yes. I received a lot of them last year and this year, and I was really moved, so I sketched them every day. As I drew a lot, I gradually understood the characteristics, and then I could draw the pattern without making it look exactly like the real thing. What I found cute about the mimosa was the cute overlapping leaves, and I started depicting them in the pattern. When you see the beauty of the maple leaves falling to the ground and the shadows of the maple leaves on the ground, you understand what people in the past thought about, and that helps with the pattern.
Interviewer: So you've transitioned from the step of copying to a more fundamental step.
Anno: That's right. But I still think I'm in the early stages of development. I've just realized that, and if you ask if I've succeeded, I haven't succeeded at all yet. It's just that I've finally realized that much.
Interviewer: You seem to really like plants.
Anno: Yes, but I also want to draw birds. The good thing about old Japan is that people loved nature so much, and there are kimono patterns with ears of rice that are only in season for about two weeks. Of course, I think only rich young ladies wear them, but I want people to wear them more casually. "Hyakuyoudo" also sells obi belts, and for example, with a reversible obi belt, you can use it for two different seasons, such as using tulip patterns for two weeks and then switching to chrysanthemum patterns.
Interviewer: Japanese people used to love nature so much. You want to incorporate that into your patterns.
Anno: Yes, I enjoy doing that kind of work. It's really nice nature… I also love daffodils, so I released a daffodil obi belt for this winter, but I thought it might be a little too much like a drawing of daffodils.
Interviewer: Oh, really (laughs).
Anno: While I was doing it, I thought it might be a little different, but it turned out cute, so I released it, thinking that someone might want it. Well, I still plan to draw various daffodils.
Interviewer: Do you observe landscapes and plants in your daily life?
Anno: I've always loved flowers, and the flowers I receive from the florist every week, I draw them every morning. I can't do it when I'm chasing manga deadlines, but I try to draw them every morning when I have time.
Interviewer: Is that for the kimono patterns?
Anno: Yes, it is. Once I draw them.
Interviewer: Do they make it into your drawings?
Anno: They do. They really do. So I try to draw them at least once during the season. I don't know if the leaves grow on the left and right together or alternately. But once I draw them properly…
Interviewer: You incorporate their presence into yourself.
Anno: That's right. You have to do it. Just looking at them doesn't cut it.
Interviewer: Do you ever look at botanical encyclopedias? Like the paintings by Tōtaro Makino from NHK's morning drama.
Anno: Yes, I do. Artists like Hisui Sugiura. His works were stored in a museum in Shibuya Ward, so I used to stop by and see them on my walks. There's an exhibition in Takasaki this spring, so I plan to go and see it. It's a good study to see where predecessors with excellent painting skills and artistic sense choose to focus. Like, which part of this flower, stem, or joint do they choose to depict? You start to understand what they like, such as liking stems. The kind of picture I want to turn into a pattern for the back of an obi belt isn't just a picture of the plant itself; it's like the base of a lily bud depicted as slightly plump. That's the kind of picture I want to carry on my back.
Interviewer: I see. So it's better when the fetish of the person who drew it is incorporated, isn't it?
Anno: That's right. It's definitely interesting when the feelings of the pattern designer are reflected.
Director Anno and Kimono
Interviewer: Do you ever go to the mountains to sketch plants?
Anno: Surprisingly, wildflowers that grow deep in the mountains aren't really suitable for kimono designs (laughs). They're unfamiliar, you know? If I were to use them as patterns, it might be better to focus on areas with lower elevations. Although the Kusamaki (Japanese shrub) is beautiful, the trees are too big and too far away to see clearly. So, I often use flowers sent from florists as my subjects. I've told them before that I always want something I can use as my motif. So, this year, I've been asking them to send me lots of plums. They've been sending them to me every week.
Interviewer: Do you have any flowers you always want to draw?
Anno: Yes, there are. It's quite a mysterious coincidence. The florist I mentioned is actually the daughter of a kimono shop owner. Although her family's shop has already closed down, since she grew up surrounded by kimonos, she knows what kind of plants would be suitable for kimono designs and sends them to me accordingly.
Interviewer: That's quite a fortunate coincidence.
Anno: Yes, it really is.
Interviewer: Now, in terms of the balance between your work on manga and creating kimono designs, how does that ratio look?
Anno: Well, one thing I've decided on is not to push myself too hard with kimono designs if they interfere with my manga work. Manga is my main job, so I don't want to struggle too much with patterns. The basic idea is always to create patterns that I and the people around me who love kimonos would want, so I always keep that in mind.
Interviewer: Among the cover illustrations you've done over the past two years, there are three instances where you depicted men wearing kimonos. Was there a particular reason for that?
Anno: It's because I feel men should wear kimonos more.
Interviewer: Including Director Hideaki Anno?
Anno: He doesn't wear them. I've tried to get him to wear one by buying things like Ultraman yukatas (light cotton kimono worn in summer) (laughs), but he never wears them.
Interviewer: It seems like it would suit him.
Anno: It doesn't. His legs are too long, so the position of the obi ends up being too high, making him look like a fool (laughs). He also tends to walk with his weight forward, walking all floaty like that. So, he ends up looking like Ganmo (a comic character drawn by Fujio Akatsuka).
Interviewer: Does Hyakuyoudo have men's kimono?
Anno: We've received several requests from men, but we still have few patterns specifically for men.
Interviewer: Nevertheless, designing kimono with polyester material is quite an innovative idea.
Anno: Yes, indeed. Considering the idea of making it easy for people to wear them regularly, it was important that they could be easily washed. When you send a regular kimono to the cleaners, it costs as much as buying a new one. Hemp juban (undergarment worn beneath a kimono) can be washed in a washing machine, which is great, but we're still in the prototype stage. The black ground with the Yukiwa pattern makes it suitable even for men.
Interviewer: Do you have any new ideas for the third year's cover starting soon?
Anno: I'm thinking of making it a bit more like ukiyo-e (Japanese woodblock prints) in style. Not just the design but also adding elements like the artist's signature, explanatory frames, and titles commonly seen in ukiyo-e. I'm considering making it a bit more decorative.
Interviewer: Speaking of ukiyo-e, you recently tweeted about visiting the Ota Memorial Museum of Art in Harajuku, Tokyo, and how deeply moved you were by the "Hiroshige Ojisan Zufu" (Illustrated Book of Mr. Hiroshige).
Anno: It was so much fun. In the landscape paintings by Utagawa Hiroshige, there are lots of tiny old men depicted, and when you look closely at their faces, each one has a different, expressive face, and they're all so cute. None of them have the same face. Some are walking alone, smiling, others look cold, some are happily eating lunch, and others are filled with relief upon finally reaching the inn.
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Interviewer: You paid a lot of attention to the details.
Anno: Yes, the expressions of those who arrived at the inn are great. Although they are just extras in the big picture, the personalities of each of those extras are meticulously depicted. Along the Kiso highway, there are three somewhat suspicious-looking characters, sticking out their bellies or warming their backsides by the fire. Those three definitely seem like they could be horse thieves or something. At first glance, because the landscapes are the main focus of the painting, you wouldn't notice them unless you looked closely.
Interviewer: Indeed, you really have to pay close attention to notice.
Anno: Exactly. But when you look closely, it's amazing, isn't it? Apparently, it was first noticed by the curators of a local art museum, and they proposed the exhibition. I admire how they found it. Hiroshige would probably be happy to know that his work was noticed.
Interviewer: That's wonderful. We're looking forward to your ukiyo-e style cover illustrations, Moyoco-san.
Anno: Yes, I'll do my best! (laughs)
(This interview was conducted on April 10th.)
◇ Composition by Taku Yamashita.
First published: "Neppū" June 2023 issue (published by Studio Ghibli)
The Instagram account for Moyoco Anno's kimono brand "Hyakuyoudo" is regularly updated with the latest information.
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lostdrarryfics · 11 months
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THE BIG FIND 2023: Day 5
The Big Find is a 10-day long Drarry fic-finding marathon to celebrate the blog’s anniversary. Below is the Day 5 compilation of lost fics, both old and new, that we’ve been unable to find. Our aim is to get as much attention to these lost fics as possible, to help people finally find their missing fics! Anyone can participate by reblogging, reading through each list, providing additional fic details, and informing us the title, author, or link of a fic, and their respective number in the comment section. Happy finding!
5.1 George throws a life celebration for Fred at the Burrow and Draco is there. At night Draco and Harry sleep together at the Burrow and Draco wakes up in the middle of the night to Harry missing, he goes downstairs and Harry is talking with Ginny in the kitchen and Draco gets jealous 5.2 It started with Harry’s birthday (royal family?). And Harry was sneaking to the kitchens and accidentally spied on Draco making bread with the family servants. Harry and Draco then bond and they talk about how them feel like a combo of the houses. (I believe Draco is a Sytherpuff.) Draco also reveals that he is being abused by Lucius and is planning to leave on his 17/18th birthday before it gets worse. Later, during the party, there was a fight and Harry transported Draco and him to the Potter family gardens for protection. Harry then showed Draco a special (rainbow) flower and even parted the lake to show Draco the view. It ended with Lily, Molly, and Narcissa setting a trap for Lucius and him being arrested. Harry’s birthday then ended happily.
5.3 It started on the last night of their 8th year of Hogwarts. Harry was in the black lake where he met some kind of forbidden forest creature maybe a fairy/nymph, they gave harry a gift for his help defeating Voldemort. After that Draco met Harry and they spent the night in a hut or barn around Black Lake. The next day Draco left Harry, so Harry felt down because he knew Draco had to marry Astoria. A few days later harry got sick and then met snape (yes severus was alive) and he was the one who told harry that she was pregnant (it turn out the “gift” is the ability to get pregnant) and then took care of him during the pregnancy. A few years later, harry accepted the position of professor of defense against the dark arts where he met draco who a potions professor there too. harry brought his son to Hogwarts, I think his name is something that starts with D. I remember their children have the ability to dream something or empathize. there is a scene where lucius and narcissa meet their grandson and surprisingly they open up to it. snape is also part of the family because he lives with harry and his son so he is called grandpa. i think the last plot is that their son got lost in the forest because of the nymph so draco went to see him thanks to his son’s ability.
5.4 I read a fic (probably 2-3 years ago now) based on/inspired by the song “Boy in the bubble” by Alec Benjamin. Harry gets beat up by Dudley’s gang in the park near private drive. He skulks back to the house and Petunia questions him in the living room like in the song. I think it may also tie in later to the train scene where Draco breaks Harry’s nose? Which leads to Draco realising just how deranged Harry’s mental state is? Please help, this fic was the entire reason I listened to the song in the first place so I know it exists.
5.5 voldemort turned the rooms at harry’s childhood home (the one at godric’s hollow) into like challenges/traps? and in one of them there was draco, and the entire room (walls, ceiling, floor) was describes as being live, pulsating bloody flesh? Fic is not Forgive Those Who Trespass by Lomonaaeren
5.6 Drarry were in secret affair but Harry gets Ginny pregnant and they break up with the promise of getting back together after all the kids are grown up. So Albus and Scorpius are sent to Hogwarts, Harry meets Draco after years, they discuss and decide it is time to get back together. Draco is divorced while Harry plans to divorce Ginny who wasn’t happy at all finding this. James was the only kid who had trouble, he tries to run away from school but fails.
FOUND! 5.7 I believe I read it in AO3. It was a war fic with older Drarry stablished relationship and it was part of a series in believe, in a different part I think Draco had died and then had been brought back to life and one of the consequences of the spell was that they needed to have sex everyday to keep Draco alive. They also had a son and I think Draco carried him. They were living in Grimmauld (I think) and I remember this scene in which their son had been kidnapped because Kreacher had access to the house and had taken him to Malfoy Manor where Voldemort was staying (I think Lucius gave him the order). Then they had broken into the Manor to rescue the baby and Draco had taken a potion that made him invisible. The potion didn’t include his clothes so he was naked and Harry had the invisibility cloak. I also think they were married but I’m not sure
5.8 It’s very VERY old and I remember I read it in ff.net. it’s pre battle au. The story starts with the Malfoys deciding to change sides and going into hiding but they are found and attacked. Narcissa dies protecting Draco. After that Lucius and Draco goes to Diagon Alley till Draco starts the new school year. In the alley Draco finds the golden trio, I think they have some kind of discussion and when Draco returns to where they are sleeping he speaks with Lucius and talks about all his feelings (all this in the beginning of the story is what I remember the most) Sirius and Remus are alive and together I think. I remember they ‘welcoming’ Lucius in their little family. I think the fic was mpreg with Draco getting pregnant. I cannot remember if the story was finished
5.9 fic on Wattpad it is a creature inheritance and I think it’s set in like the 8th year after the war but I might be wrong. So harry is a Neko and is like a sub and I can’t for the life of me remember what Draco is. They are living in the room of requirement for some reason I can’t remember why. The big plot point I remember is that harry gets raped but like he thought it was his fault and feel like he wronged Draco to the point that he trys to kill him self but Draco helps him get better and the end is happy
5.10 set during the war, at least during fifth year. I don’t remember a lot but i do remember that harry was dark, and i believe he cast sectumsempra on walburgas painting and it caused the walls to bleed. I think he and snape were close to or something. Thinking about it right now, it could be wtwog but im not sure.
5.11 Harry and Draco spend the summer together. Draco gets a camera from a store from a muggle woman and is intrigued by the pictures not moving. I think they were avoiding school or in hiding. They were nervous to stay together at first, but they got more comfortable as time went on living together over the summer. I think they were living in an abandoned house or something along those lines!
5.12 Draco had a child. Draco was a rare fae that was taken by death eaters who tortured and sexually assaulted him, resulting in him having a child. Harry comes upon him in a rescue centre for magical creatures and tries to help Draco (post-second wizarding war). Draco had wings that he would wrap his child in whenever he felt threatened. Draco and Harry are mates and Draco eventually trusts Harry with his child. Draco is traumatised and therefore doesn’t speak but can communicate with his child through a mind link
5.13 searching for a fic where Harry is at first in a relationship with ginny but they had a big fight over Harry wanted to be pegged but Ginny not wanting to do it because she was afraid Harry would leave her for a man, because she noted how harry looked at other guys in the street, Harry relizes he is gay and he and Ginny broke up. Harry goes to a gay bar and see Draco, then follows him and sees him fucking a guy, he gets really horny. Draco confronts Harry at the ministry the next day (in the elevator) about him being in the club watching him, he tease Harry a little bit and Harry thinks Draco is just being an asshole, but then after some days and with the encuraging of Ginny he and Draco make out a little at the ministry and then fuck at Harrys house. They ended doing that very often and Harry start catching feelings (Draco abously does too) and they became boyfriends. At the end they go on a date and they meet up with Ginny and her new boyfriend Neville, Harry tells Draco a little about how Ginny was very kinky (like, there’s a mention of golden rain) and tells him about a little scene she wanted where he was in his auror uniform and she was arrested, and Draco sugest doing it but Harry was the one being fucked, Harry then thinks he is going to enjoy that more and says he would like that.
5.14 Draco is raised by Regulus, Narcissa giving Draco to him as a newborn child, and he decides to raise him properly in America. Lily and James are alive also Sirius and Remus, I think they were a couple. Draco had some special abilities I think and around when he was a teenager, Greyback found them and the Potters, Sirius and Remus came to warn them, but not quickly enough and Draco was injured and Lily healed him. Lily has 3 kids including Harry and she is a healer. It wasn’t a finished fic , in fact i don’t think there was more than 4-5 chapters in it at the time.
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cuddlebugfelix · 2 years
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age - 21 / 22
occupation - supermodel
relationship status - single
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( 📓 ) . . . her background
she’s the one and only daughter of the family, she became a model when she graduated from high school being the top of her class. she currently lives in france but visits her family, bringing expensive gifts. fashion, luxury and her looks are the only things she cares about. you’ll always see her talking photos of her outfits and posing with her new luxury bags. her eye starts to twitch if you ask her why she’s banned from visiting sweden ever again.
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( 🎧 ) . . . her hobbies
showing off jewelry
sucking up to grandparents to be the #1 beneficiary
online shopping
bribing the government to clear her criminal records
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( 💿 ) . . . her relationship with the family
bangchan - ★☆☆☆☆ (likes to chew on her bag handles)
aunt lee know - ★★★★★ (gets to keep sora’s old outfits)
uncle seungmin - ★★★★★ (only because his wife does)
grandma i.n - ★★★★★ (bought her a beach house)
grandpa felix - ★★★★★ (thinks of her as his little angel)
hyunjin - ★★☆☆☆ (knows why she can’t enter sweden)
han - ★☆☆☆☆ (she doesn’t like his cooking)
changbin - ★★★★★ (thinks she’s the coolest sister ever)
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2023 © cuddlebugfelix
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Megop week 2023
June 13th, Day 3
Hashtag wants to film something sweet with Megatron and Optimus as her main actors. Specifically, a recreation of their wedding. A nice gesture, though it helps to learn a bit about how Megatron and Optimus really got married.
The Malto property never had a dull day anymore. Or rather, their time in Witwicky never once began with a boring day. Currently, the Malto children dashed around their open property. Dot and Alex were out of town for Alex’s work conference, and it just so happened, the two had the best possible babysitters at their disposal.
And so, here Optimus and Megatron were, out in the front yard keeping careful eyes on all eight of the Malto siblings. Some were easier to handle than others, others, well, it was nice to have something like a challenge.
“Im gonna get you!!!” Twitch yelled out, following Jawbreaker and Thrash in a high-stakes game of tag. Thrash yelled back while Jawbreaker laugh. “Catch up then!!” In the next moment, Thrash turned to his bike form, dodging an upcoming tree branch. Jawbreaker was not so lucky running straight into the branch and stalling. At the same time, Twitch found her own difficulty trying to slow down before she accidentally crashed right into her brother. Luckily, such a disaster did not happen, as Megatron pulled Twitch away carefully, while Prime placed a large metal hand over Jawbreaker's form. Megatron sighed, placing Twitch down gently. “Little bird, be careful. You almost hit your brother” while Prime tended to the other. “And Jawbreaker, please, be mindful of where you're going.” The two terrans were set away from the area of the incident, already off to play again. Twitch hugged Megatron to the best of her ability, “Thanks Megatron!” “Yeah! Thanks, Grandpa Prime!” Jawbreaker called out. Optimus looked incredulously at that comment. “Grandpa?” Not that he minded holding such a position of safety for the young terran, but still, he wasn't that old, was he? Megatron couldn't help but smirk, “I believe you heard the terran correctly.” oh he would certainly revel in this. “Grandpa Megatron! Grandpa Megatron!” Two feminine voices called to them. Megatron’s eyes widened, and it was Optimus’ turn to snicker as the helicopter was given a taste of his own medicine. Megatron sneered, before recovering and speaking to the girls. “Yes, Morgan? Hashtag?” Mo spoke up first, “Me and Hashtag wanna make a movie, and um, we were wondering–” Hashtag’s enthusiasm boiled over as she interrupted, hopping on her pedes. “Can you both be in it, please? Please? Pplleeaassee?” She held up her little gifted necklace from Jawbreaker, catching a single frame of the two sitting there, “You guys would be perfect for the lead roles!”
Optimus couldn't help but chuckle, “Of course Hashtag. I always thought I had a certain movie star charm.” He smiled, electing another eye-roll from Megatron, and a round of giggles from the girls. Megatron spoke soon enough, voicing his own agreement. “Sure thing, young ones. What exactly sort of movie are you making?” Hashtag excitedly answered, “A romance movie! Eee Im so excited!!!” She smiled, as both she and Mo ran off to start preparing their set.
Megatron and Optimus only stared in surprise they were chosen for such a project. Megatron soon enough smirked, bumping Optimus’ shoulder. “Well then, let's get going movie star.” Before he stood and followed after the girls. 
Optimus stayed seated for a moment, cheeks blushing over. A goofy smile crossed his face as he followed after them.
Hashtag came up near the backside of the barn, all covered in little decorations here and there. Nightshade sat quietly, having volunteered to draw up backgrounds and make the decorations. They were halfway through sprucing up a small bouquet when they called out, “Ah! There are the stars!”
Hashtag smiled back as Optimus and Megatron stopped infront of the set. “Yup! You guys know how weddings work, right?” Optimus answered, “Well yes, uh . . . is this already meant to be a wedding alter?” He tilted his head. Mo spoke up soon after, “We didn't wanna get bored waiting for the big wedding scene.”
Nightshade stood up, now holding the bouquet to hand to Optimus. Optimus smiled, taking it up gently. “Thank you.” Megatron spoke up soon enough, “This is a human wedding, isn't it?” suddenly he wasn't so cheery about the scene. Not that he didn't want to participate for the children's sake, but rather, it got him thinking about things of the past. Hashtag didn't seem to want to wait around. “Okay! Okay! C'mon, let's get to places!!” Despite her hope, it didn't really seem that she learned much about the finer notes of filmmaking, rushing everything. She moved Mo gently to position while waving for Optimus and Megatron to stand at the altar. Hashtag stepped back, raising her camera, one Alex bought for her after the first incident. She spoke up, “Okay! So Mo’s gonna say a few words, and then when she looks at either one of you, all you have to say is I do! Got it?” Optimus decided to make a little joke, “I do!” Hashtag only shook her head. “No no, not yet! Uh, anyway, Action!” She said out loud, clicking the camera on. Mo cleared her throat as she began to speak her lines: “Dear Optimus Prime, do you take Megatron to be your awfully–lawfully wedded husband?” 
Optimus glanced for a moment at Hashtag, who simply waved off the line goof. “We can fix that in post!” She gave a thumbs-up for the scene to continue. 
“I do.” He finished. 
Mo then turned her gaze to Megatron. “And do you Megatron, take Optimus Prime to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
Megatron was a bit late. “Oh uh, yes.” His eyes darted back and forth before Hashtag spoke. “CUT!” And soon the techy bot walked forward to her two actors. “Megatron, what was that!?” 
Megatron spoke lightly. “I apologize, Hashtag. I just seemed to be a bit in the clouds. We could go again, hm?” 
Hashtag answered, a bit down. “Do you . . . wanna do the scene?” Her little optics seemed so sad. 
Megatron nodded, “What? Yes yes, of course I do, for you. All of this is something I’m not used to.” He looked around at the decorations and altar set up.
Now, that had left a bit of a confused look on all the kids' faces. Mo tilted her head, walking over to stand next to Hashtag. “Not used to? But you and Grandpa Prime are married, aren’t you?” 
Megatron chuckled again, catching Optimus' own smile, now it was Optimus' turn to chime in. “We are, yes. But the way we did it was a bit different from how humans would get married.” 
Nightshade was next to stand next to their sisters. “How so?” 
Megatron and Optimus looked at each other, kneeling down to be a bit closer to the kids as they explained. 
“Well instead of it being called a wedding, we went through something called the Conjunx Ritus. It was a tradition we brought from Cybertron.”
Megatron added, “And instead of calling each other wives or husbands, we would call each other conjunx endura.”
Nightshade reacted with joy at the new knowledge. “Conjunx Endura? What a fun title!” 
Hashtag chimes in, “So-so what would you guys do?”
Optimus tapped his chin gently. “Well, there were four parts to it.”
And after a quick explanation, an idea began brewing in Hashtag's helm. 
**The Act of Intimacy**
Hashtag angled the camera just a bit too close to Megatron and Optimus's faces as she yelled from behind the camera. “Now kiss!”
Optimus spoke gently. “Hashtag, it doesn't necessarily need to be a kiss. It could just be a hug or hand holding–” his words quickly evaporated as Megatron leaned in and placed a quick kiss right on the cheek. The kids behind the camera giggled once it happened, and harder after Optimus; mask snapped closed from the sheer surprise. Megatron let out his own chuckle as he redirected the moment. ”Alright alright, onto the next rite.”
**The Act of Disclosure** Megatron spoke candidly to the camera, though a bit wishy-washy about the subject. “I once uh . . .” Hashtag spoke up from behind the camera, “Go on!” Megatron shifted trying again. “I once . . . sat on the Lincoln Memorial.” A brief silence overtook the group as Megatron reinforced his sentence. “I took off the Lincoln statue itself and I sat on the memorial.” Optimus soon poked his head into the frame waving around an old picture. “It's true! Here’s the proof!” Megatron reached out frantically, “Prime you give that back or so help me—!!!” —
**The Act of Proff–Preff- The Act of Gift Giving**
Optimus examined the toy axe in his hands carefully, finials lowering for a moment in confusion. “The one Megatron initially gave me was, uh, much bigger than this.” He squished it gently in his servos, producing an EEP EEP sound. He looked towards the camera. “And it uh, certainly didn't squeak like this either.”
Nightshade’s voice piped up, “It's kind of all we can work with right now.” Optimus nodded, “Oh well then.” he smiled again at the camera, squeaking the axe again. “I love it.” EEP EEP !
— **The Act of Selflessness**
Mo tilted her head a bit rotating the camera from her face to Optimus and Megatron. “Im, um, not really sure how to film this one.”
Hashtag’s voice called out, grabbing their attention. “I got this!!!” And soon enough, in her van form, Hashtag sped up, aiming to crash right into Optimus Prime’s leg, before Megatron moved him backward from the collision.
All joking in the moment as Optimus let out a soft laugh. Soon enough, the red and blue autobot looked up to see Nightshade swooping down near Megatron’s head. “Duck!” He spoke, pushing Megatron’s helm down so Nightshade wouldn't have their own crash landing. Down on the ground, Hashtag transformed back into her robot mode and cheered. “Woohoo!! See? You guys *selflessly* protected each other!” She took the camera gently from her sister and aimed it at their faces once more. “I now pronounce you Conjunx Endura!”  
The kids cheer behind the camera, Megatron moving to wrap an arm around Optimus, bumping each other's helms close. Hashtag spoke up again, a bit more meek. “Was that-was that good?” Optimus spoke sincerely, “That was perfect. Just like reliving our actual ritus.” “Really?!” “Hmm. More or less.”
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winemom-culture · 9 months
I don’t think my extended family vacation is bad per se, it’s just probably true it’s not worth the trouble for my family to do that trek every single year anymore. I don’t really think my grandparents care if my immediate family is there, they just can’t plan it with my aunt’s family (in the same area) and leave my dad out, obviously. My nanny used to plan a big to-do for these things but as she gets older she (understandably) can’t really do that anymore even though she wouldn’t admit it. There’s just too much for her now, too many people to keep up with as the younger crew grows their families and has more great grandkids- it’s mentally a lot to keep track of who gets what and physically chaotic as she’s simultaneously downsized her house, but needs to fit like 15 people (including children) and god forbid my cousin & wife leave their two large dogs at home for 5 hours, so they’re (unsuccessfully) corralling them and their curious human infant. We’ve kinda just gotten to a point of having all these separate units showing up for posterity but not really doing much besides sitting around looking at one another, which I think gets everyone frustrated in their own ways, even nanny and grandpa who ask for this. Then we finally get to the gift opening, finish that in 5 minutes, and everyone’s ready to run out the door. Every year it feels more… procedural? I think the only true way to mitigate this and still get everyone together once a year is to def move the gathering away from Christmas. We do have enough “separate” families now that everyone could begin their own Christmas traditions in their respective homes, I do think this part is true. I think we should start doing something like, summer lakehouse reunion as our “big” visit. Everyone goes in a little and we could have a large space, lots of potential for activities to get out of each other’s hair, no gifting aspect at all. One of us younger folk would have to take the planning portion out of nanny’s hands, and I think that would already be a bit of a production because I do think there’s a lot of young family members (myself included) who would potentially think they’d be the best at this, but you’d really have to pick just one designated person. I think it’d also be a logistical nightmare to get my aunt’s whole family on board as it’s already difficult for them to show up for Christmas 10 minutes down the road. I can’t imagine if we tried to make it at a legitimate halfway point so my family isn’t doing all the traveling. Idk. Overall I think if I had to give Christmas 2023 a word I’d say……. Anticlimactic
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johnnydany · 1 year
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I'm An Electrician And A Grandpa Nothing Shocks Me Funny Father's Day Gift T-Shirt
Get yours now: https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/47094203-im-an-electrician-and-a-grandpa-nothing-shocks-me-
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genevievemd · 2 years
A Special Gift
Book: Open Heart (Beyond) Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Genevieve McClure) Word Count: 785 Rating: G Category: fluff Trope(s): 
Summary: Gen and Ethan have a special gift for their parents on Christmas morning. 
Warnings: none
A/N: Shoutout to @coffeeheartaddict2​ for helping me figure out how far along G would be come Christmas 2023. You’re a real MVP
Also this little ficlet is another entry for @choicesficwriterscreations​ Holiday Event! 
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December 25, 2023 
She watches the snow fall outside the kitchen window, mentally cataloguing how beautiful her hometown is when covered in a fresh blanket of snow. And of course, how magical it is to have a white Christmas. 
They had decided last year to spend this Christmas in Maine with her family, for the first time in almost five years. Her mother had insisted that Alan join them as well, and if Natalie wasn’t back in Boston almost 9 months pregnant and unable to attend, it would be the first time Genevieve had her whole family together in one place in over a decade. 
She can hear Ethan in the living room of her childhood home, talking quite loudly and happily with their fathers. Their laughter bounces off the walls and it warms her heart. 
Gen had everything she’s ever wanted and more. 
On its own accord, her hand travels down to her stomach. She and Ethan had found out a week ago that she was pregnant with their first, after almost seven months of trying. Gen had almost given up hope that it would happen without medical intervention, but then after a fainting spell at work and quick blood test, she and Ethan got the news they’d been hoping for since May. 
“Hey Mom, before Henry, Clara and the kids get here, Ethan and I wanted to give you, Dad and Alan a special gift.” Gen turns to her mom, still washing and putting away their breakfast dishes. None the wiser to the secret her daughter was about to spill. 
“Oh? What is it?” Marie puts the dish towel down, her full attention on Genevieve. 
“Come in the living room.” 
Marie follows her into the living room, Ethan and Gen sharing a knowing look as they enter the room.
“Come sit here.” Ethan stands, gesturing to the couch. He quickly walks over to the tree to grab two small boxes. 
“What’s going on?” Alan looks at his in-laws and then at his son, curiosity on his aging face. “Are we in trouble?” 
“If anyone is, it’s probably me.” Robert joins Alan in laughter, the two getting an eyeroll from her mother. 
“Stop it.” Marie playfully hits her husband’s arm, before once again giving her daughter her full attention. “I’m ready for my present.”
“You and Robert are sharing one.” Ethan happily hands Marie a gift and the other to his father. He moves away to stand at Gen’s side, as if he could tell she was nervous.  Her arm coming around her waist and pulling her tightly against him.
“Open them.” Gen’s voice trembles, her eyes watering as she watches the soon to be grandparents rip at the wrapping paper.  
Within seconds Marie lifts up a handmade ornament and then screams, the plastic bauble falling to the floor. “Oh, honey! Really?” She runs over to Gen and gathers her in a tight hug. 
Now it was impossible for Gen to keep the tears at bay, looking over her mom’s shoulder to her husband. Who was all smiles himself, waiting anxiously for his dad to read his own ornament. 
“Ethan, this is...” Alan smiles widely, standing to embrace his only child. “I’m gonna be a grandpa!” 
“How far along are you?” Marie pulls away from Gen, full of tears of joy as well. 
“About 8 weeks, so, it’s still early.” Gen places a hand on her stomach and reaching for Ethan again. “We aren’t telling anyone else until after my first trimester, but we wanted to tell you three.” 
“We won’t say a word.” Alan pats Ethan on the shoulder, sniffling. “A family of your own?” 
“Yes. Never thought you’d see the day, did you?” Ethan can’t help but laugh, knowing it wasn’t long ago that his father was convinced Ethan would never settle down completely. 
“I did not.” Alan moves to pull Genevieve into a hug, the pair sharing a tear smile. “Congrats, to you both.”
“Thank you, Alan.” 
After a few more moments of more tearful hugs and excited cheers, the five of them settle on the couch and love seat. Gen and Ethan offering their parents all the details they know, the prospective due date of August 4th and the slightly dramatic ordeal of how they found out themselves. And all of them full of smiles. 
Though it all still felt like a dream to her, and that Gen would wake up any moment in her and Ethan’s Boston apartment with no baby in site. But it was real, and her husband’s hand in hers and pregnancy test on the counter back at their home was the proof. 
They were having a baby, and their Christmases would never be the same again. 
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A/N: I think this will be my last Christmas fic for the year, I might do a NYE one but we’ll see. 
Hope you’re all having a wonderful holiday!
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tsukikoayanosuke · 1 year
A Harvest Moon Tale  - Ruikasa Week 2023
Day 7: Free Day (Childhood Friends)
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"Raaaaaar! Flower Bud village belongs to me!"
"Stop you evil being! I, Pegasus the Shining, will protect the village! Cosmic beam!"
Rui fell down to his knees. "Aah! You got me!" He dropped, tongue out with a loud dramatic 'blegh'.
"Ahahaha! Flower Bud village is saved! Thanks to Pegasus the Shining!" His friend laughed before laying on the ground next to Rui. "That's so fun!"
Rui looked up at his friend, smiling at him. "It is." Then he remembered something. "Oh. I want to show you something." He opened his backpack and took out a handmade book.
"A book?" His friend leaned closer. Rui opened the first book and his friend's eyes widened when he saw Rui's drawing of their character. "Pegasus the Shining! You've been writing it?"
"Mhmm! I want to remember this story forever, so I write it down."
"That's so cool! You're so smart Rui!"
Rui picked up his colored pencils and started to write. His friends watched him through, adding more flare along the way. They doodled on the pages and added various stickers.
"There," Rui said proudly as he closed his book. He stared at his friend. An idea popped in his head. "Here," he offered the book to them.
"Keep it."
"But it's your book."
"I want you to keep it." Rui put the book on his friend's lap. "Next time I visit, we can write a new book. So, keep it safe, okay?"
His friend picked up the book, looking through the pages in astonishment. His friends grinned at him. "Alright!" They hugged the book close to his chest. "You can count on me!"
The library was the last place Rui visited during his first day back in Flower Bud Village. The door's bell chimed and the young man behind the table looked up from his book. "Hmm? I don't think I recognize you..."
"I just moved here," Rui said. "Just visiting to say 'hi' while I'm going around the village."
"Moved...Oh!" The young man's sunset eyes widened. "Are you the new guy at the old man's farm?"
"That's me. I'm Rui Kamishiro." Rui offered a hand and the young man took it for some excited shakes.
"Tsukasa Tenma! The librarian." Tsukasa brightly smiled and Rui had to admit that it was an infectious smile. "Ah, this is embarrassing! I forgot that Mama said there will be someone new moving in to restore the old man's farm. I should've prepared a welcoming gift."
"There's no need. But I'm assuming you're the mayor's son then?"
"That's right! I'll visit the farm soon. With a proper welcome this time!"
"Well, I'll be waiting for you then."
Tsukasa did fulfill his words, bringing a bouquet of Moondrop Flowers and staying to pull some weed.
Rui entered the library first thing in the morning after going to the Shinonome's shop for their work table.
"Hey there," Tsukasa greeted.
"Hi. Look what I found." Rui dug in his backpack and took out the thing that he just fixed. He put it on the table for Tsukasa to see.
"A music box?"
"I was doing some digging and found this. Had a treasure map as well."
Tsukasa hummed. "I've never thought that you're an adventurous type."
"I surprised myself too. Want to listen to it?"
Rui winded up the music box. The sound that came out was nostalgic. It reminded him of Grandpa and that one summer visit.
"What a beautiful melody..." Tsukasa muttered. Rui looked at him. Tsukasa was focusing on the music box, elbow on the table and cheek on his palm. His eyes were fluttering, almost as if he was about to fall asleep from the lullaby.
Rui made up his mind. "You can keep it," he said.
Tsukasa looked up in surprise. "Eh? Are you sure? But isn't this your buried treasure?"
"I want you to have it." Rui pushed the music box closer to Tsukasa with a gentle smile. "I can always try to build a new one. So, keep it safe, okay?"
Tsukasa looked at him and the music box back and forth. He grinned widely. "Alright! You can count on me!"
Huh. That sounded very familiar.
"I think it's kinda ironic that you're a farmer and you don't like vegetables."
"I'm giving it to the people who need them more."
"Then what you've been eating all this time?"
"Did you know the bakery's bread is so good?"
"Are you saying that you've been eating cinnamon rolls for breakfast all this time?"
Rui didn't answer. The judgmental stare from Tsukasa made him sweat. It was easy to put two-on-two together. "Rui!"
"I have eggs too..." Rui whined.
Tsukasa put his hands on his hips like a scolding mother. "Vegetables are important! It's for your nutrition!"
Rui pouted. "That's just a myth. Look at me. I'm doing fine until now."
"You're sure a picky eater." Tsukasa sighed. "If I'm living with you, I'll make sure to make you eat vegetables more."
Rui paused from putting the cake into his mouth. Did Tsukasa even realize what he just said?
"You know what?" He pointed his finger at Rui, a determined glint in his eyes. "Tomorrow, I'll make you a dish that'll make you love vegetables!"
Rui chuckled nervously. "I don't think that'll work."
"There's no harm in trying! So be prepared!"
"Oh, dear..." Rui finally ate the cake. But it was too hard for a cake. And metal-y. Rui spitted the thing onto his fork. "Oh." It was a coin.
"Rui! That's the coin!" Tsukasa gasped. "You're the king!"
Rui chuckled. "I guess I am~"
The mayor noticed this and announced, "The king next year will be Mister Rui Kamishiro!" She approached, shaking Rui's hand after he put down his plate of cake. "Congratulation, young man. You'll be playing an active part in next year's sowing festival and spirit festival."
"Ah, thank you very much." Rui smiled.
"Alright. Let's start the dance!" The mayor clapped. "Everyone, choose your partner!"
Rui looked around as everyone moved to find their partner. Rui turned to Tsukasa. "Tsukasa." He offered a hand at him. "Will you dance with me?"
Tsukasa's eyes widened slightly before smiling gently which made Rui's heart skip. "Of course."
The dance was fun despite none of them being good at it.
It was raining when Rui's knocked at the mayor's door. The door was opened, revealing Tsukasa's little sister. "Oh. Rui!"
"Hi, Saki." Rui smiled, lifting his cooked poached fish that he made this morning. "The library is closed today and I was wondering where Tsukasa is."
"Oh, he's feeling a bit under the weather," Saki said with a sad tone. "Would you like to visit him?"
"Of course." There was no way Rui would pass this. How can he refuse in visiting a sick friend? Saki led him to the loft where Tsukasa was staying.
Saki popped his head from the stairs. "Tsukasa! You have a visitor." She called. Then, she turned to Rui. "I'll leave you two alone, okay?"
Rui smiled at her as a thank you. It was the first time Rui ever came into Tsukasa's loft - or bedroom. It was simply decorated, which was something Rui wasn't expected from a loud and bright young man like him. The owner himself was on the bed, sitting up slowly. "Hi, Rui," he said, voice hoarse and red face.
Rui smiled and sat on the stool beside the bed. "How are you feeling?"
"Not great honestly." Tsukasa smiled sheepishly. "That's very kind of you to visit. Thank you."
"There's no need to thank me. Just focus on getting better soon."
"But you're here. I can't just fall asleep."
"I don't really mind."
Rui guided Tsukasa to lay back down and he didn't even fight back, too sick to even protest which tugged something in Rui's heart.
"You know, I had a silly dream," Tsukasa mumbled.
"Yeah. I was a superhero trying to protect the village from this evil magician." Tsukasa laughed but followed with a cough. "I called myself Pegasus the Shining."
Rui's eyes widened. There was it again. The feeling of recognition, like having to remember something.
"Well," Rui cleared his throat, "strange dreams can happen when you're sick."
"Kinda feeling nostalgic for some reason," Tsukasa laughed a little. "I've forgotten a lot of things about my childhood. Maybe Pegasus the Shining is one of them."
So, it wasn't just Rui. Perhaps they could bond even more between them. "Perhaps..."
"Hey, Rui!"
Rui had just come out from milking his cow when Tsukasa arrived at his farm.
"Ah, Tsukasa." Rui waved as he approached him. "What can you do for you?"
Tsukasa cleared his throat as if to prepare himself for a speech. Then he struck a post, hand on his chest and the other stretched toward Rui. "Rui Kamishiro," he said, voice booming, "I would like to invite you to the Star Festival tonight! I'll be performing at the church but I want to take you to the mountain as well." This bravado flattered a bit as his eyes shifted and a blush appeared on his face. "But if you don't want to that's fine."
Rui chuckled. He's so adorable. "I'll come."
Tsukasa perked up. "Really?"
"I want to see the stars with you too." Rui smiled at him.
Tsukasa grinned at him; a grin that Rui grew to love, and he could practically see him vibrating in excitement. "Well, I'll see you tonight." Rui nodded and Tsukasa skipped away.
Rui did come to the church, not even thinking of skipping Tsukasa's performance. Tsukasa played the flute with Saki (who played the piano) dan the vineyard son, Touya (who played the violin). It was a wonderful performance, but Rui's eyes were always on Tsukasa, admiring how he looked even brighter in the center.
After that, the two of them headed to the mountain, far from the village. The star was twinkling brightly, something that he couldn't do back in the city. Tsukasa traced many constellations, rambling about the myth behind them. And Rui listened to him. He knew that Tsukasa loves when people listen to him and Rui loves how animated Tsukasa is when talking. Everything about Tsukasa is so adorable and lovable for Rui. Through the days, Rui grew more and more in love with Tsukasa. Tsukasa someone made Rui's days brighter. Or maybe he was hopelessly in love with the blond since the first sight.
Rui noticed Tsukasa blow his palm, rubbing them together. "Are you cold?" he asked.
Tsukasa nodded. "It's a bit chilly tonight."
A cheeky idea popped in his head. Rui put an arm around Tsukasa and pulled him closer. Tsukasa let out a squeak. "Eek! Rui!"
"It won't be that cold if we share body heat~"
"Th-That's true...But still!"
"Are you shy?" "I can see you blushing."
"How can you? It's dark!"
"Aw, Tsukasa is so easy to tease~"
Before Rui even opened the door, a loud crash. "Whoa!"
Rui ran into the library, seeing Tsukasa on the ground surrounded by fallen books. "Tsukasa!" he shouted, kneeling next to him to look for injuries. "Are you alright? Does it hurt?"
"I'm fine." Tsukasa waved it with a laugh. "Wow, that's embarrassing."
Rui sighed in relief. "What are you even doing?"
"Rearranging some book." Tsukasa gestured around and Rui noticed some stacked books in some places and more empty space. "New year, new looks, after all. Mama also ordered some new collections, so I'm finding space for them."
"I see. I can help around."
"You're not busy with your farm?"
"I've done my chores for the day, so I'm free."
"Well, I don't mind some extra hand." Tsukasa shrugged with a smile. "Okay then. Let's work together."
They spent the entire afternoon rearranging and noting the books. It was less stressful than back when his farm was still a mess. But Tsukasa was there to help, so it was only natural for Rui to help back. Besides, he could spend more time with Tsukasa. So, it was a win for him as well.
It was then he found a very old book, almost like a scrapbook with its cover filled with stickers.
"Hey, Tsukasa," Rui called. Tsukasa answered with a hum.  Rui lifted the scrapbook. "What is this?"
Tsukasa looked at it and his eyes widened. "Oh!" He ran toward Rui and took the book gently. "Oh, wow. This is so old. I almost forgot that I have this." There was a gentle nostalgic smile on his face as he flipped the pages with the utmost care. "It has been a long time since I read this. Ah, this brings back so many memories."
The feeling returned. And it was as if blaring in his head. "Tell me more."
"Well, it is kinda blurry," Tsukasa smiled slipped a little. Rui knew that Tsukasa always felt down when he could remember anything. At that moment, Rui understood the feeling. "But I think I used to have this one friend. We played a lot, mostly about superheroes and fairy tales. This book is one of the stories from our play date. They gave it to me before they left."
"Keep it."
"But it's your book."
"I want you to keep it. Next time I visit, we can write a new book. So, keep it safe, okay?"
"Alright! You can count on me!"
"That book..." Rui started, testing the water. "Is it about... Pegasus the Shinning?"
Tsukasa frowned as he turned to him. "Yeah...How did you know?"
Rui took a deep breath before saying, "Because I think I wrote that book."
"You..." A gasp escaped his lips as his eyes widened in shock. "Wait... No way..." Rui stepped forward, taking Tsukasa's hand before the book could slip. "You... You're the..."
Rui sighed, eyes feeling teary. "I am."
Tsukasa's breath quickened. He leaped into Rui's arms, hugging him tight. Rui hugged back, feeling the young man trembling. "You're the kid...You're back."
Rui nodded. "I'm back."
"I can't believe I forgot! I'm sorry!"
"It's okay. To be honest, I can't remember the detail as well. I'm glad you still keep the book."
"There's no way I can throw it away. You wrote it for us." Tsukasa pulled back, eyes glistening with tears but his gentle smile never flattered. "Hey, can we read it? For old time's sake."
Rui nodded. "Of course."
They spent the rest of the hours reminiscing about the past.
Rui almost wanted to run away, but he knew he had to do it. He couldn't delay it any longer. So, he forced himself to walk into his library with his face so red and swallowing his nervousness.
Tsukasa looked up to Rui from his documentation. "Hi there, Rui."
"Hi." Rui winched when his voice pitched up too slightly high.
Tsukasa frowned as he stood up. "Is there something wrong? You look tense."
Don't run away. Don't run away. Come on, Rui. Where's your confidence? "Tsukasa, I..." he gulped. "I need to tell you something."
Rui huffed, steeling himself. "Tsukasa...I..." Tsukasa's eyes widened, but Rui was already going loose. "I love you more than anything else." "I love everything about you; your smile, your bright personality, the way your ramble about your interest, everything. I cherish everything and want to see more from you. For the rest of my life, I want to be with you and be there for you. So..."
Taking a few seconds of calm to breathe, Rui knelt down, taking a single glittering blue feather. "Tsukasa Tenma. Will you marry me?"
Tsukasa stood with his mouth fully agape. His cheeks flushed and the corner of his eyes welled up with tears. "Yes!" Tsukasa shouted, jumping into Rui, causing both of them to fall. "Yes! Yes! I will marry you!"
Rui hugged him back, happiness overflowing his heart. Tsukasa pulled back a little and Rui tucked the blue feather behind Tsukasa's ear. Rui cupped Tsukasa's cheek and they shared a gentle kiss.
On one gloomy summer day in Rui's childhood, he went home after spending time at his grandpa's farm, leaving a childhood friend behind.
On one bright summer day in Rui's adulthood, he returned to his grandpa's farm, reuniting with his childhood friend-turned-husband.
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