#promoted to grandpa gift
thomasdaniel91 · 2 years
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Promoted To Grandpa Est 2023 Grandfather Baby Announcement T-Shirt
Order yours: https://viralstyle.com/c/58XJyk
==> SHARE & Tag Your Friends Who Would Love & Wear This Shirt.
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johnnydany · 1 year
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Leveling Up To Grandpa EST 2024 Funny Gamer Lover T-Shirt
Get yours now: https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/47095869-leveling-up-to-grandpa-est-2024-funny-gamer-lover
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the-himawari · 1 year
A3! Promotion Event Translation - Haunted Western-style House (1/9)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog
Masumi: (My lectures are over… let’s go home.)
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*notification sound*
Masumi: …It’s from Tsumugi.
Tsumugi’s LIME: “Masumi-kun, are you still at school?”
Masumi’s LIME: “I’m here, but I’m about to go home.”
Tsumugi’s LIME: “Hold on. I’m by Fuyou uni’s main gate right now.”
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Masumi: …?
Masumi’s LIME: “Why?”
Tsumugi’s LIME: “My part-time job was close to the university.”
Masumi: (Right. Come to think of it, he was telling Director that he had his home tutoring job this afternoon…)
Tsumugi’s LIME: “Let’s head home together”
Masumi’s LIME: “Sure. I’ll be right there.”
Tsumugi: The train sure was packed.
Masumi: It was the evening rush hour, after all.
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Tsumugi: Ah.
Masumi: ?
Tsumugi: Can I stop by the convenience store over there for a moment? You can head back first, Masumi.
Masumi: I’m not in a rush or anything. I’ll go with you.
Tsumugi: Really? Alright, let’s go then.
Tsumugi: Thanks for coming along with me to the convenience store, Masumi-kun.
Masumi: Don’t mention it. You even bought me a drink…
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Tsumugi: I already said this earlier, but don’t worry about it. That was a thank you for accompanying me.
Masumi: Okay, thanks.
Tsumugi: By the way, have you been in touch with Hatsue-san these days?
Masumi: Only once in a while because of the time difference… And it’s more grandma who calls me.
Tsumugi: I see. That’s wonderful.
Masumi: Yeah… I guess so. Is your grandma doing well?
Tsumugi: She is. I visited home few days ago and she gave me a whole bunch of snacks to bring back as a gift.
Masumi: Right. Those tasted good.
Tsumugi: Fufu. I’ll let my grandma know the next time I go back.
Masumi: Go ahead.
Tsumugi: Is Hatsue-san planning to come back to Japan again this fall?
Masumi: That’s what she said. It looked like she wanted to come visit grandpa’s grave on their wedding anniversary. But she said she might arrive a little later this year.
Tsumugi: I see. So it will still be some time until you can see each other again.
Kazunari: Ah, if it isn’t Massu and Tsumutsumu!
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Masumi: …Kazunari.
Tsumugi: Are you also on your way home, Kazu-kun?
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Kazunari: Yep. I was doing an assignment at school and it ended up later than I expected.
Tsumugi: Ah, got it. Great work today.
Kazunari: Ooh yeah. Did you two know there’s a western-style house in Veludo City?
Masumi: No idea.
Tsumugi: Ah. I just happened to hear about that from the student I was tutoring today. It’s hardly been used, but they’ve been doing renovation work on it since half a year ago, right?
Kazunari: Yep, that’s right! And apparently, the renos are almost done.
Tsumugi: Wow. I wonder what they’re doing with it.
Kazunari: Nobody knows yet. But rumour has it that it’s gonna transform into Veludo City’s newest date spot!
Masumi: Tell me more about it in detail.
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Kazunari: Woah, woah. Chill dude, I said it’s still just a rumour! I’ll be sure to let you know once I get more news on the sitch!
Masumi: …Alright.
Tsumugi: I hope it’s a place you can go on a date just like the rumour says.
Masumi: Yeah.
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madammuffins · 3 months
I know I've been awol for a while.
I'm moving. More specifically I'm in the habitat for humanity program to finance/build a new house. So on top of work I've been, in my free time, building houses.
Since October of last year I've helped build 5 homes in my community, not including the 7 (mine included) I'm currently working on. Which has severely whittled away any creative free time I have. Hah, lets be real. It's taken away any free time I've had period.
On the plus side, we're expected to be done with a move in date of September. I'm hoping sooner cuz, y'all. I'm beat.
In other news, I've discovered the maxley ship of a goofy movie and I'm brainstorming.
I don't know how I'll feel once we move, but here's what I've got so far -
Max is a single dad. College drop out. Lost scholarships due to kid. Living in his hometown, raising the kid by himself (generational curses, here we fuckin GO!).
Goofy lives with him? Nearby? Retired. Watches grandchild while Max works at (toy factory?).
Mom had kid and left (Roxanne?). Tried to make things work but they were young, ppd, wanted to finish school, a kid wasn't in her plans - not this early. Max understood and doesn't resent her. She signed her rights over to grandpa. She still sends gifts and financial support occasionally. Max and Goofy send pictures and updates when they remember (Goofy is better about this).
ENTER BRAD. He buys out the toy factory just as Max finally gets his long-awaited promotion to a desk job (hello pay raise, good-bye back pain) in inventory. Unfortunately, tensions from college flare up between the two (fuelled by Max's own feelings of shame, inadequacy, and his competitiveness).
As the two settle into a routine (thanks to Goofy's oblivious interference and kindheartedness) and begin to open up to one another - Brad settling into small town life and Max realizing maybe the resentment he was feeling wasn't exactly resentment - mom comes back to town.
Playlist (in progress)
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redfurrycat · 2 years
Top Gun: Peacock 🤠+🐓= 🦚 [Part 1]
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Mitchell Nicholas Bradshaw-Seresin is the son of one Bradley Rooster Bradshaw (Current Top Gun AirBoss, after Beau Cyclone Simpson retires, finally done with Maverick’s bullshit) and one Jake Hangman Seresin (currently test piloting for the Navy when he’s not doing suicide missions and refusing promotions, successor of Pete Maverick Mitchell).
He’s named after two of his grandparents… It’s Icepops’ idea, and everyone quietly agrees, Ice has always the best of ideas after all. Also Mavdad’s all misty-eyed for weeks, and Little Mitchell has his namesake already wrapped around his finger: he’s regaled with stories involving the Original Bradshaws and the Wisest Squad, aka the 86’ promotion.
Soon enough, it becomes quite clear that Mitchell is the absolute carbon copy of his Hangdad (“My Baby looks good, very good, almost too good to be true”…”Yeah, yeah, Seresin, shut the hell up”…”It’s Seresin-Bradshaw to you.”…If no one stops them, those two keep going, and no one wants Dagger Baby to be scarred for life. Natasha Phoenix Trace and Javy Coyote Machado take it upon themselves to protect their favourite godson from his parents’ lovey-dovey bullshit).
However, Roospop teaches his son how to play and sing the Bradshaw song, “Great Balls of Fire”, as well as the Seresin song, “Slow Ride”. He also gifts him a fake Top Gun helmet engraved with his (future) call sign Peacock. One day, Little Mitchell Nicholas asked his pop why he’s sometimes called Rooster and why Grandpa is sometimes referred to as Goose. [When he becomes a navy fighter pilot much later, he wishes to follow the Bradshaw Callsign Tradition and succeeds in choosing his own pilot name, aka Peacock.]
From this point, Mitchell develops an obsession with everything bird-related. He begs his Icepop and Mavdad (“Forget the ‘grand’ part, kiddo, we’re not old”…”Sorry to disappoint you, dear husband of mine, but we are old ”…”Shut you damned good-looking lips, Ice Ice Baby”…Oh yeah, the lovey-dovey bullshit is coming from somewhere :P) to go to the zoo to see ALL the birds. There he’s making friends with real peacocks and is absolutely in awe with their feathers and even brings one home. He also wants to bring back a peacock, Mavdad volunteering for the “stealing” part -anything for his namesake-, but Ice says no and buys him a very big plushie instead…
This is part I of my very first prompt(ish)/fanfic(ish) post EVER on Tumblr…I even did a montage to go with it… Do wonder never cease X)
[But let’s give to Caesar what belongs to his laurelled head. This post first started because I stumbled across this, with the marvellous gifs of moustached Glen Powell from @unicornships​ Tumblr, then @scottishaccentsareawesome​‘s comment about how GP with a moustache is Hangster’s lovechild, then I did some brainstorming because of it, and now here we are!]
More to come….. :)
[part 1] - [part 2] - [part 3] - [part 4] - [part 5] - [part 6] - [part 7] - [part 8]
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detentiontrack · 3 months
hi as wholesome as it is seeing u so excited about inside out 2 , by buying this many tickets ... u are promoting disney , who's massively funding a genocide in palestine . i am not saying to not watch it but maybe ... try and pirate it from somewhere? if u want i can even tell u safe and good pirating sites .
im not good at this stuff so if this comes off as negative in any way pls don't take it that way , i don't mean it in like that . u have a huge blog that many people follow and i like u so just wanted to let u know what u are promoting
I appreciate you caring enough to let me know!!! Thank you /gen. I now realize that I’ve been normalizing and promoting something against my morals and beliefs. I actually haven’t “bought” any tickets. A little while back, my grandpa got a huge gift card for the local movie theatre from one of his customers at work, but movie theaters trigger his migraines so he gave me the card. None of my own money has gone to Disney, just the money already spent on the card. Once the money on the card runs out or the card expires, I won’t go to any more disney movies. But still, I DO have a fairly large following and I don’t want anyone to think that it’s okay to fund a genocide. I’m really sorry for accidentally promoting that. I genuinely wasn’t thinking, but that’s not an excuse at all. I will do better in the future. This blog, is, and always have been, very pro Palestine.
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tortoisebore · 1 year
i loved your post about sirius and remus’ jobs! i was wondering what do u think the girls would work as?
hmmmm okay okay i don’t feel like i know them as well as characters so i’m just spitballing here
my gut says marlene & sirius work together at the diner. like imagine the vibes. the early saturday shifts and taking all the overnight weekend shifts nobody else wants during summer break. she’s got her apron with all her pins and buttons and her pen with the pink pom pom on the end that she uses to take orders. and her hair is always different colors and she does all these fun ponytails and braids and scrunchies and butterfly clips that make the plain t-shirt + jeans + apron combo so so cute
and when she and sirius are on shift together they’re putting the old radio in the back on the pop girlie station and irritating the manager and bugging the line cooks for “leftover” fries. she’s really personable to the nice customers and carries lollipops in her apron for the kids that don’t scream their heads off. she gets promoted to shift lead during summer break which means she’s technically sirius’ boss and she takes full and complete advantage of that and orders he make her and dorcas milkshakes and sundaes when dorcas comes in to see her ((he acts really put out about it but where james and lily are like his second parents, dorcas and marlene are like his cool aunts that travel a lot and like to gossip with him so he’ll bumble around and keep the place in order while marlene takes a long lunch if it means they’re happy)) ((remus pokes fun at him for it but secretly thinks it’s sweet when sirius only seats new customers in the back section so that the girls can sit at the cute sparkly booth by the window in peace))
dorcas works at the local library maybe? but as the person that sorts the shelves and puts the returned books back bc being at the front desk dealing with the assholes that don’t want to pay their fines is not her speed. she does the saturday kids story times sometimes and on those days she wears her sparkliest dangly crystal earrings and ties a few more into her locs because one time a little boy told her she looked like a crystal fairy and she’s never forgotten it
mary’s running a plato’s closet like the navy. she’s arguing with the weirdos that come in with fifteen year old forever 21 tops that ‘no, this is absolutely not worth $20, you’re delusional. you’ll take $3 of store credit or you’ll get the hell out of here.’ she’s sorting the shoes by both color AND size and the knits and dresses wall in the back is pristine on the nights she closes. she’s texting marlene that someone just brought in a bright yellow leather jacket or telling sirius that these big combat boots with chains just got dropped off and she’ll set them aside so they can come grab them if they want. everyone’s getting clothes for birthdays—she’s picking the ugliest, thickest grandpa sweaters for remus and the plaid miniskirts for marlene and the patterned maxi skirts for dorcas and the tiny tank tops that say “babydoll” for sirius. james is getting sweatshirts because he genuinely loves them and loses his shit when he opens the gift bag and finds yet another random college hoodie for a university he does not attend. lily gets all the best tiny purses and the belts with cute butterfly buckles
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choccyhearts · 2 years
Eddie Munson Headcanons
Note: A stream of unconscious thoughts and ideas lol
CW: Swearing (cause i feel VERY pASSIONATELY), pretty much all fluffy and nice because I enjoy happy/nerdy/goofy Eddie, mentions of being high (ofc)
Most definitely has a special stuffed animal he's hidden away, most likely a tiger or polar bear that's been crushed and flattened to all hell. It's so hidden in fact, that Eddie actually forgets where it is. (But Wayne always knows)
Mans loves playing characters at the silliest of times
Like, if his partner wears curlers to bed, he's going to suddenly start acting like a 50's suburban husband (but not in a toxic way!!)
"Work today was brutal, darling! Thompson was kissing up to the boss and trying to butter him up for the new promotion! I'll show him where he can kiss it! And on my way home, I passed these-these teenagers! They were listenin' to some of that rock n' roll racket! Hollywood and it's James Whoevers and Pelvis Elvis, it's all noise!"
He'll rub his eyes and give a big yawn, turning off the lights and doing the dad stumble to bed
Not a lover of Christmas, but if his partner celebrates it and enjoys it, he'll try to find some Christmas spirit
Like, despite the younger ones being in literal high school and having fought horrifying hellish monsters together, he'll force them all to gather near him with their hot cocoas and candy canes as he reads The Night Before Christmas
Yes, of fucking course he's going to do the different voices. His Santa gets better each and every year
You can also guarantee that despite nearing 30 when it comes out, he will go and see The Nightmare Before Christmas when it comes out in the 90s and will enjoy it very much so
He gives me the vibe that even if it's not verbally, if he's feeling down and goes out for a walk, he is greeting every squirrel he sees. I do not give a fuck if you disagree, he's most certainly not a hater of animals. He's a "Hello, squirrel" motherfucker
Honestly, I could see him doing that more if his partner 1. Finds it adorable or 2. Does it themselves
When he's older, especially a dad, he's a silly hat enjoyer. Like, c'mon. Santa hats? Duh. Hats that say crap like "Foxy grandpa"? Yes. It's Thanksgiving dinner and he comes out sporting a turkey hat, type of silly
He says it's ironic, and it might start out that way, but he would definitely love it if he receives silly hats as gifts
Like when he gets to be Wayne's age, he's kicking back with a beer wearing a "Fish fear me, Women want me" hat
He has a special notebook that's filled with little special scraps of paper. It's brown and leather and has straps that wrap around it. He hides it inside of his mattress (cause he unhinged like that)
It has concert tickets, tickets for movies he really liked, notes he's been passed that he thinks are funny or are meaningful, doodles his friends have done, either for him or around him, candy or gum wrappers that he thinks look cool or might never eat again if they're from out of the state or country. There's also folded up posters for Corroded Coffin and zines him and the band made to promote their shows
It looks like a little trash booklet, but it's his trash booklet
When the first gets too full he gets a new one
This one has torn out scraps of catalogs, magazines or newspapers because they're what he used to teach his children different words. Baby formula labels, clothing tags, crayon scribbled napkins
It's just filled with mementos from his true grown adult life
The day he decides to let go of his glorious long hair his friends will all be in mourning. They love him with his new hairstyle, but God, does it sting -- it also signifies, yes, the 80's are dead
But don't worry, he did dress as Frankenfurter for a Halloween gig Corroded Coffin did much to chagrin of the other members before he did the big chop
He did not, however, wear heels or a corset (in public that is </3)
Rockstar!Eddie likes trying to take pictures with the guys in front of either iconic monuments or state/city signs while on tour
It's cute the first couple times, especially when they travel across the world, but it soon turns to:
"Eddie, we have stopped in front of this Idaho sign 5 times already, nobody gives a shiiit", Gareth whines, sleepily rubbing his eyes
"Aw, come on guys, it's tradition!!"
"Get the fuck back on the bus, it's 4 AM", Jeff yawns
Eddie gets them to come around by agreeing to skip seeing the world's biggest yarn ball
Went to the younger ones' graduation and held up the largest, most obnoxious video camera ever (Steve only begrudgingly let him film because Eddie made a point saying Steve should just sit and enjoy this one event)
He screamed at the top of his lungs for each of them resulting in Steve only half-enjoying the event
He has to spin in spiny chairs at least once or he will combust
Keeps ready-to-bake cookie dough in his fridge for smoke seshes
Once made and ate an inside-out peanut butter and jelly sandwhich when he got toooo high and didn't realize what was wrong until he was done and his hands were sticky
Lovingly calls Wayne, "Old man" -- "Whatchu talkin' bout old man?"
Used to carve creepy messages into trees to fuck with people but stopped when someone told him it hurts the tree's feelings
Would love to learn how to cook or bake but doesn't know who to ask/is afraid to ask
Picks up shiny things he sees without even thinking about it
Says, "It's not even that cold" when it's single digit degrees
However would gladly accept a pair homemade of mittens made for him and would wear them every winter
I'll cap it here for now, I might make some more though ^_^ Also, lmk if anyone wants specific headcanons because I have a bunch of ideas like:
◇ Dad!Eddie (Rockstar or mechanic)
◇ 90s!Eddie
◇ Holiday stuff
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simslegacy5083 · 9 months
NSB (Straud Legacy) Gen 8 Ep. 148: A Supernatural Idea
Peachy’s celebration of his parent’s lives had made him keenly aware that time was ticking away in his own life, too.
He’d been an adult for a while now and his work at the police station, inching towards the final promotion that would let him finally take down that evil mastermind Nancy, had taken almost all his attention. He had barely had any time to practice comedy recently between that and being a new father.
He loved his son dearly, but he missed getting out to the clubs to perform, or even just recording or livestreaming a full set from his home studio.
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The most distressing time ticking away was the time until Jack’s elder birthday. Peachy hadn’t heard of anyone dropping dead on their final birthday since Great Grandpa Thorne, and Jack kept saying that had probably just been an unfortunate mod setting, whatever that meant, but it still terrified him.
Even if Jack got a full normal lifespan, Peachy knew that once he was an elder their time together would be ending all too soon if he couldn’t convince his spouse to take a potion of youth. As for Jack, while he was clearly trying his best to make every moment with his husband and son count, Peachy could see that he too seemed to fear the days slipping by.
After Jack had seemed so hurt by his last request to magically extend his life Peachy hadn’t brought up the topic again. Everything was going so well between them, and he didn’t know how to broach the subject without starting a fight that might cost them more of their precious time together.
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Peachy’s single and childless brother had more free time than the rest of them and had agreed to oversee the trust team farm had setup.
One afternoon while the brothers chatted about diverting another at-risk young criminal to the foundation’s care, August was reminded of a story great uncle Dal’kuran had shared about Steven and Spencer’s own wild teen years. At the mention of the elder Merman, Peachy suddenly had a great idea.
He rushed August off the line and texted Jack to tell him he had to work late before picking up the phone to arrange a visit with his uncle that evening.
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Peachy didn’t like lying to Jack but he didn’t want to bother him until and unless he was sure he wanted to pitch his idea as a real solution.
Ending his workday on time Peachy met his great uncle at his seaside home. Settling on the deck he told him he had a friend who was interested in becoming a merperson and wanted to know everything Dal’kuran could tell him about his experience living as a merman by the sea.
According to Dal’kuran being a merperson wasn’t that much different than being a human sim. He needed regular access to water to fill his hydration need and of course had the tail of a fish when in the water. He had a few special powers related to the water and aquatic life, including some weather control and enhanced fishing abilities. Peachy made special note of those as key points to emphasize.
Peachy also learned that merpeople didn’t need to live near the ocean. A river or even a small pond or bathtub could keep them hydrated in a pinch!
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Peachy already knew he could acquire some of the special mermadic kelp that would enable Jack to successfully bond to the water and become a merperson himself with his satisfaction points. Besides the outdoorsy advantages, a “naturally” extra long elderhood would allow Jack to survive his much younger husband and raise little Luigi. Heck, he’d be able to help raise their grandkids too!
Peachy thanked his uncle for sharing his knowledge with a tasty homemade meal and headed back home all smiles. He now had the perfect birthday gift for his best bro, one that with his longstanding history of advocating for supernatural rights and love of fishing he was sure would be accepted.
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Want To See More? View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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khapaleaf · 2 years
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The Basics
Name: Sidney Spillane Birthdate: February 5, 1904 Birthplace: New Orleans, Louisiana, the United States Occupation: professor of archaeology, primarily Specialism: traveler Skills: charm, athleticism, guns Love interest(s): María García Pérez (formerly), Lady Esmerelda Hortensia Frideswide Hildegunde Fairfield
Sidney Spillane was born in 1904 in New Orleans, Louisiana, the only child of Olivia – a commercial artist specialising in making hand-painted cover illustrations for books at a small local publishing company, and Stephen Spillane, who was a journalist focusing primarily on book reviews and drama criticism, but later graduated to lead editor owing to his relentless but effective self-promotion.
As a child, Sidney was surrounded by books depicting travel and adventure, which played a big part in shaping his personality – making him fiery, outgoing and competitive, but also easily frustrated by losing a game, or by not being able to learn something fast enough. Still, the boy definitely excelled when it came to academic studies. He kept himself well-versed and well-read, which, while praised by teachers, had the unfortunate effect of causing him to be known as an  irksome smart alec among his peers, although still genuinely liked by many.
His mother Olivia felt strongly about reading and education, and subtly pushed him toward academic success, but she also tried to foster her child's other interest, talents and imagination. By contrast, his father was a strict, career-oriented by-the-book type, who expected his son to always be respectful and dutiful, but instead got a son that was energetic and inquisitive, although some might say excessively so. In 1916 Stephen was appointed to a committee which was responsible for raising American support for the war effort – he wrote articles, organised campaigns, and formal talks to motivate the American people. The public opinion was shifting, but not fast enough, and so he was sent to Europe to gather first-hand material that would indisputably inspire the populace. With him gone abroad, Olivia invited her widowed father to help around the house, but most importantly to spend time with Sidney, and keep him occupied and out of trouble.
His grandfather provided him with the rare gift of freedom of exploration, and exposed him to various activities that roused Sidney’s imaginative curiosity – the two would enjoy spending time together, take long walks, enjoy a closeness with nature, and develop an understanding of their family history. Sidney began to develop an interest in archaeology at the age of twelve when he first felt a surge of inspiration and elation after a chance discovery during his long walks with grandpa Jack of what appeared to be a damaged terracotta figurine. Of course, his discovery was not an ancient relic – merely a discarded decorative piece of a miniature vase, but it was enough to make him start asking questions. Imagining that the piece was indeed a treasure from days long past, Sidney wanted to know which tools were used to make it, who the person that made it was and what their daily life was like, how they interacted with others and what they valued and hoped for.
His adventures with grandpa Jack came to a halt when the latter passed away, however. Unable to confront this personal tragedy and besieged by loneliness, Sidney became irresponsible and reckless in his attempt to run away from it. Many people, including his supremely disappointed father, decided to distance themselves from him without offering any kind of support or consolation. The silver lining through it all was the fact that Sidney’s curiosity and thirst for knowledge were not fully diminished, and, with a newly discovered zeal, he threw himself back into studying, in no small part motivated by the memory of the discovery he had made at the age of twelve. Both his inspiration and the weight of his academic accomplishments remained misunderstood by many, although Sidney was more than happy to put his quick mind to good use once again. Soon enough he was able to leave the family nest after graduation in order to follow his passion and boldly traverse through the world yet unknown to him.
“If I’m so annoying, why not just kill me?”
Upon reaching adulthood, Sidney managed to hone the traits he was known for in his childhood into finer qualities – many now call him courageous, enthusiastic, outspoken, and often refer to him as someone who can enjoy a good challenge while being sporting about it. However, in his heart, he did not change much from the idealistic youth he once was, and never truly gave up on the heroic stories that had a hand in shaping his personality – filled to the brim with endless energy, Dr. Sidney Spillane is an optimist who approaches life with curiosity and a sense of adventure, and is able to look at the world with an anticipation of all the exciting things he can experience, despite not being a stranger to heartache. Those who admire Sidney laud him for being unafraid of facing danger and long odds. Meanwhile his critics would say that he is full of hot air, and is frivolous in his desire to disobey rules and conventional behaviour.
Indeed, Sidney is not afraid to openly question certain traditions and mock those in position of authority, encourage spontaneity and enthusiasm in his students and friends, and inspire other people to seek out new and unconventional experiences. He is naturally eloquent with words, empathetic, adept at both genuine flattery and sugarcoating, is able to lead people on without ever becoming obvious that he is, and possesses the cunning to twist his words for a purpose – making him a good actor when he chooses to. Still, while his charming and casual attitude easily wins people over in most everyday scenarios, it can easily come across as intensely annoying and frustrating when he is unable to tone it down in dangerous situations, oftentimes leading to unpleasant results.
Still, much to the surprise of his naysayers (most of whom are his stuffy colleagues that refuse to look past the outward expression of his personality), Sidney is an incredibly skilled and passionate teacher, and his academic achievements are worthy of praise. He excels at supporting his students with empathy and wit, although he can just as easily point out genuine mistakes, or when their behaviour crosses a line when needed. He applies his good sense of humor to most of his lectures and organised digs, believing that it is important to keep the interaction with one another lighthearted, laugh about past experiences in the field, swap stories and bounce ideas off one another. Many would describe him as having exceptional people and communication skills, and having a natural inclination for leadership; and while it is true that he would try his best to stand up for others, be a good listener, and keep them out of harms way, Sidney is not particularly introspective or adept at dealing with his own negative emotions such as frustration, loneliness, uncertainty, anxiety, and so on. He tends to become unfocused and somewhat irritable when having to deal with these feelings and, instead of trying to work through them, begins seeking out thrilling experiences in order to stave off all negativity. Yet he fails to see that this approach is not sustainable in the long run, and eventually leads him to feeling jaded and cynical, which in turn causes him to seek out even more distractions, often bordering on addictions – anything that would keep him from experiencing boredom or having to face the more negative aspects of himself.
A turning point in his life happened in the summer of 1938, when, after losing the competition organised by Lord Hugo de Beaulieu, and witnessing the passing of a good friend, Sidney had to make the conscious decision to slow down, face his own insecurities and try to become a person that is willing to be more introspective and willing to deal with the dark, painful and upsetting aspects of life. In truth, this change was motivated in no small part by his dawning understanding that he wants to be a steady presence in Esme’s life and provide her with love and security. Evidently, it was not an overnight change, but he  allowed himself to approach life at a slower pace, no longer completely afraid of having to deal with hardships, and emerged as a person that matured but still maintained his child-like wonder about even the smallest gifts of joy life has to offer – no longer viewing them as distractions, but truly taking the time to appreciate and enjoy them with the people that matter to him.
Likes: travel, spending time with his family, large and goofy dog breeds, cuisine from across different cultures, social events with dancing and music, the thrill of trying something new for the first time, receiving mail from fans Dislikes: petty gossip, Esme’s culinary preferences, lame nicknames, finding a raisin in a pastry that should not have raisins in it, military types, not being prepared for cold weather, humourless people
He suffers from arachnophobia.
After receiving his college degree and deciding to pursue his doctorate abroad, he took a gap year before finally applying to Oxford. During that year, he travelled across Europe, where he found charming corners to explore, took on different jobs, met new people and learned from them, tried the local cuisine, and more. In truth, he was afraid of sticking out like a sore thumb among the Brits, and wanted to take the time to work on his charm. 
He received a lot of scars during his adventures, but the one that invites the most exciting party talk is the one left from a massive shark bite that could have put an end to his adventuring days right then and there. The stories of how he got it become more and more  outrageous with every retelling.
Even though he is sufficiently athletic, he never really learned how to fight. However, if he is forced into a situation that cannot be resolved by laying on the charm, he would attempt to employ a chaotic fighting style that resembles a spinning windmill. Sometimes it works, most of the times he gets punched in the face.
Stevo gave him the nickname Bonesy.
Knows Cary Grant, apparently. Is it the truth, though?
He considers the tiny decorative vase he had found during one of his outings with grandpa Jack to be a precious family heirloom, and takes great care of it years after making the discovery with plans of passing it down to his daughter.
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heirbane · 1 year
grandpa's first sunday. you know what that means.
Gaius, having grown up in the military and being under the wing of many superiors, is no stranger to the status quo between man and boy - senior and junior. He went untouched until he was sixteen summers, curls creeping between his thighs and sprinkling his chest and underarms. His platoon was full of those going through puberty and the pains of becoming an adult by body, even if Garlemald had deemed them adults years ago, by virtue of their enlistment.
His first bedfellow was a man a handful of years his senior, still lanky and ill-proportioned, a Roegadyn in birthright but not wholly in statue yet. The man had been gifted a new title, no longer on par with Gaius but his superior in all ways that mattered, and he used his new name to bend the teen at the waist and find his own pleasure.
(Several weeks later, Gaius had tried his own hand - to use his status and title as male birds did their showy plumage. It was all the same, this show of dominance, of power: the most decorated bird was the one to find a partner, and the higher the title, the wider the pool he had to choose from. He went to bed with a girl a summer or two older than him but with a title beneath his, and was so uncertain of how to give instead of receive that he was unable to keep himself afloat, drowning in teenage uncertainty and embarrassment. She got herself off, got dressed, and left - and, to his benefit, he never saw her again, but he knew in his gut that she laughed at him amongst friends.)
By the age of twenty and two, on the cusp of another promotion, Gaius had spent time in plenty of bedrolls, in plenty of company: with another, with multiple others, with further Roe and conscripted Miqo'te, with other Garleans. As he grew into his confidence and became comfortable with what he wanted -and what he needed to find a release among others - the encounters that required him to be receptive became fewer.
By the time Gaius is a quarter of a century old, half his life already paid to the military, he has ceased being dug into bedrolls or led to his knees. Part of it is status: he had already been gifted his tol title, leaving only a handful of soldiers above his rank who could have him submit in such a way. Most of it was personal preference and his silver tongue.
Gaius had not been taught that sex could be for love, for intimacy, or for much else besides stress relief and procreation. (Unsurprisingly, such a mindset is being fed to recruits thirty years his junior - the last few classes of Garlemald's military academy before it's fall still struggle to relate the act to anything beyond that.) Knowing that, it isn't a surprise that he treats it just so: bedding peers and juniors to remove his mind from his duties and to prepare for the battlefield.
Thankfully, by the time he is twenty and five, the softness that came with inexperience was no more. He knew what he desired, and his recurring partners knew much the same: his bedfellows were to take command, to behave, and do as told, lest he discipline their insubordination. He is not a lover but a dictator; he does not appear kind, although their limits and expectations are fully understood and tapping out taken seriously.
For his partner to end up like he did at the beginning - face in the bedroll, his fist in their hair, a pace so ruthless it punched gasps from their lungs - was not uncommon. Gaius was not known to take his time.
His haphazard foreplay and brutal pace thereafter slowed with age, as did the amount of partners that graced his bedroll - or his mattress, once the man could afford an apartment and amenities. As he matured, so did his tastes.
Gaius, at twenty and five, was known to devour his meal as if a man starved - a youth still feeling out his appetite and how much he needed to feel sated. Gaius, at fifty and five, had learned how to play with his food.
(While he still quite enjoyed the view of his partner's arched back and the sounds they made when he bent them over, he enjoyed their anticipation even more, the languid chase that came before he devoured them. He was in no rush. Death had come for him more times than he could count, and sex was a luxury he scarcely afforded himself as a man: he would relish in it, even if it meant listening to his partner beg.)
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simplyshelli · 2 years
Townies of San Sequoia--Sim Dump, Part 1
San Sequoia seems a bit empty, so I'm undertaking an ambitious project: create 30 cc-free households from single Sims to roommates, to large, extended families. With skills, careers, relationships, and some personality (hopefully), they'll make this new world feel more alive. They'll be on The Gallery, but I'll have them available do download as well.
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Alma has grown up in a close, loving family. Her dad, Cruz, is an All-Star for The Other Sports Team who taught her and her younger brother, Ramiro, to never give up on their goals. Her mom, Christina, has always been there to take Alma and Ramiro to their practices, to make sure there were plenty of after-school snacks and that everyone felt welcomed in their home. Christina's parents, Grandpa Peppino and Abuelita Angelina, have always been doting grandparents. Grandpa and Grandma Vallejo are not as close to Alma or her brother, but they always have candy or special gifts whenever they visit. Grandpa Vallejo is a Senior Manager at Dewey, Cheatum, and Howe, and they do enjoy going to fancy restaurants with him in The City. Grandma Vallejo has just become a Writer's Assistant at Walrus Books and hopes to fulfill a lifelong dream of publishing a biography about Gilbert Gilberts. Life's been great for the Vallejo kids. Alma's now working at The Other Sports Team, where she was just promoted to Locker Room Attendent. Ramiro has just been accepted on the High School Computer Team, and both siblings like things just the way they are.
But when they overhear their parents discussing fertility issues, Alma and Ramiro are shocked. They thought Mom and Dad were happy with just the two of them--and now there's a pamphlet from Future Sims Labs describing the new "science baby" procedure. Will this turn of events cause problems among this close family?
Please let me know if you download and play this family!
Download from The Gallery (ID: SimmplyShelli) or use the link below.
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johnnydany · 1 year
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Daddy of Three - Cool Dad Of Three Fathers Day Gift T-Shirt
Get yours now: https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/41821931-daddy-of-three-cool-dad-of-three-fathers-day-gift-
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kaleidodreams · 2 years
Happy New Year! Now that creators have been revealed, I can finally promote my final fic of 2022, which I wrote for the Gifts on Ice event.
Summary: Lost and alone in the big city after being separated from his mama and siblings, a small kitten finds a new home when Grandpa and Yurochka rescue him off the streets after a storm. (FF.net)
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noisycowboyglitter · 2 months
Autism Grandpa Bear Sticker - Show Your Love for Autism Grandpas
Grandpa Bear: A Roaring Role Model for Autistic Grandkids
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Buy now:19.95$
Forget the grizzly kind – the real Autism Grandpa Bear is a gentle giant with a heart full of love and a spirit brimming with playful adventures. He's a symbol of the special bond between grandfathers and their autistic grandchildren, offering unwavering support and a lifetime of cherished memories.
Here's what makes Grandpa Bear so special:
A Safe and Understanding Haven: He creates a warm and accepting environment where his grandchild feels comfortable expressing themselves freely.
A Champion of Neurodiversity: He celebrates his grandchild's unique strengths and perspectives, recognizing the beauty of being different.
A Playful Partner in Crime: From building pillow forts to roaring dinosaur adventures, he transforms everyday moments into magical memories.
A Source of Unconditional Love: His love is a constant source of support, a safe haven during challenging times.
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Buy now
Grandpa Bear isn't just a nickname; it's a testament to the powerful connection between grandfathers and autistic children. It's a reminder that love, acceptance, and playful adventures can create a world where everyone thrives.
Unveiling the Perfect Gift for Adults on the Spectrum: Beyond Sensory Toys
Finding the ideal gift for autistic adults goes beyond standard fidget toys. Explore these thoughtful options:
Sensory Comfort: Noise-cancelling headphones, weighted blankets, or aromatherapy diffusers promote relaxation and focus.
Creative Expression: Fuel their artistic side with adult coloring books, subscriptions to creative boxes tailored to their interests, or art supplies.
Personalized Passions: Does your loved one love music, gaming, or a specific hobby? Find gifts that celebrate their unique interests.
Experiences Over Objects: Consider concert tickets, museum passes, or workshops related to their passions.
Subscription Boxes: Cater to their love of learning with science, history, or coffee subscriptions that deliver a surprise each month.
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Key Tip: Communication is key! Consider their interests and sensory preferences for a truly cherished gift.
Gifts for Grown-Up Brilliance: Beyond Sensory Toys for Autistic Adults
Shopping for autistic adults can be tricky. Ditch the standard fidget toys and explore gifts that nurture their unique needs:
Sensory Comfort: Noise-cancelling headphones, weighted blankets, or soothing aromatherapy diffusers promote relaxation and focus.
Creative Spark: Fuel their artistic spirit with adult coloring books, curated art supply sets, or subscriptions to creative boxes that match their interests.
Passion Projects: Does your loved one love gaming, cooking, or a specific hobby? Find gifts that celebrate their unique passion and spark further exploration.
Experiences Over Things: Consider concert tickets, museum passes related to their interests, or workshops that offer new skills.
Lifelong Learning: Cater to their curiosity with science, history, or coffee subscription boxes that deliver a delightful surprise each month.
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Buy now
Remember: Talk to them about their interests and sensory preferences for a truly cherished gift that celebrates the amazing adult they are.
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redfurrycat · 2 years
Top Gun: Peacock (AU)
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Mitchell Nicholas Bradshaw-Seresin is the son of one Bradley Rooster Bradshaw (Current Top Gun AirBoss, after Beau Cyclone Simpson retires, finally done with Maverick’s bullshit) and one Jake Hangman Seresin (currently test piloting for the Navy when he’s not doing suicide missions and refusing promotions, successor of Pete Maverick Mitchell).
He's named after two of his grandparents… It’s Icepops’ idea, and everyone quietly agrees, Ice has always the best of ideas after all. Also Mavdad’s all misty-eyed for weeks, and Little Mitchell has his namesake already wrapped around his finger: he’s regaled with stories involving the Original Bradshaws and the Wisest Squad, aka the 86’ promotion.
Soon enough, it becomes quite clear that Mitchell is the absolute carbon copy of his Hangdad (“My Baby looks good, very good, almost too good to be true”…”Yeah, yeah, Seresin, shut the hell up”…”It’s Seresin-Bradshaw to you.”…If no one stops them, those two keep going, and no one wants Dagger Baby to be scarred for life. Natasha Phoenix Trace and Javy Coyote Machado take it upon themselves to protect their favourite godson from his parents’ lovey-dovey bullshit).
However, Roospop teaches his son how to play and sing the Bradshaw song, “Great Balls of Fire”, as well as the Seresin song, “Slow Ride”. He also gifts him a fake Top Gun helmet engraved with his (future) call sign Peacock. One day, Little Mitchell Nicholas asked his pop why he’s sometimes called Rooster and why Grandpa is sometimes referred to as Goose. [When he becomes a navy fighter pilot much later, he wishes to follow the Bradshaw Callsign Tradition and succeeds in choosing his own pilot name, aka Peacock.]
From this point, Mitchell develops an obsession with everything bird-related. He begs his Icepop and Mavdad (“Forget the ‘grand’ part, kiddo, we’re not old”…”Sorry to disappoint you, dear husband of mine, but we are old ”…”Shut you damned good-looking lips, Ice Ice Baby”…Oh yeah, the lovey-dovey bullshit is coming from somewhere :P) to go to the zoo to see ALL the birds. There he’s making friends with real peacocks and is absolutely in awe with their feathers and even brings one home. He also wants to bring back a peacock, Mavdad volunteering for the “stealing” part -anything for his namesake-, but Ice says no and buys him a very big plushie instead…
 This is part I of my very first prompt(ish)/fanfic(ish) post EVER on Tumblr…I even did a montage to go with it… Do wonder never cease X)
  [But let’s give to Caesar what belongs to his laurelled head. This post first started because I stumbled across this, with the marvellous gifs of moustached Glen Powell from @unicornships​ Tumblr, then @scottishaccentsareawesome​‘s comment about how GP with a moustache is Hangster’s lovechild, then I did some brainstorming because of it, and now here we are!]
More to come..... :)
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