#granted I don't blame him for not knowing exploits
gothhabiba · 1 year
can i ask for you to elaborate on your issue(s) with those 'male positivity' posts? is it with the whole sentiment, or just with the "you're allowed to be angry" part? i agree w "you're allowed to be angry" being an oblivious at best statement. but i don't see any issue with the first two statements themselves (the "OP says..." and "commenter says...")
yeah so I already talked about some of this in the tags to those posts but sure, let's get into it.
OP says "if you’re a boy with a mental illness, a boy with a disability, a boy with a history of abuse, a boy who has an eating disorder, a boy with trauma, I need you to know that you are not a burden, that you don’t need to 'harden up', that you shouldn’t just have to 'get over it,' and that you are very brave" commenter says "once I transitioned I saw the change in people being like ‘Oh you poor thing I hope you’re coping alright’ to ‘Just get over it and man up’. Men, you’re allowed to suffer."
the implication of the original post is that men with these issues are told to 'toughen up' or 'get over it,' and conversely that women are not. the commenter then makes this subtext explicit by outright saying that people reacted more sympathetically to his trauma when they read him as a woman than when they read him as a man (at which point they switched to "just get over it"). the OP responds favourably to this addition, proving that the subtext "women don't experience this" was in fact subtext that they intended to be there.
I hope I don't have to explain how utterly absurd it is to claim that women have it easier in this regard, or that their emotions are granted more leeway or sympathy in any meaningfully systematic way. that is just MRA logic.
of course people's ideas about suffering, endurance, trauma, & emotion are gendered! people really do say things about how boys and men should just toughen up and not cry, &c. &c. MRAs, like a lot of other reactionary groups (like TERFs and SWERFs, or antisemites / white supremacists / conspiracy theorists who understand that something's not right with the economy but end up blaming 'minorities' instead of capitalists), take an idea with some truth in it somewhere, but twist it around into a conclusion that the idea in question does not entail on its own (here, "women are allowed to express emotion and garner sympathy by doing so") in a way that leads to resentment, disdain, & hatred for a marginalised group.
so, if it's true that (negative) emotion is thought of as a feminine weakness, why doesn't that translate to women being "allowed" to experience and express emotion, while men are not? for one thing, race has a lot to do with this—the myth of the Black "superwoman," for example, praises Black women for being (read: expects them to be) "tough," "strong," "brave," endless wellsprings of emotional / physical / financial support for others while requiring and receiving no support themselves. the assertion that women receive sympathy for their suffering thus reveals a serious ignorance of Black feminist thought on the part of the person making it.
for another thing, displays of emotion (mostly "negative" emotion, such as sadness) being thought of as primarily feminine means that women have to take especial care to avoid them in many circumstances, not that they're able to freely indulge in them! women's supposed heightened emotionality means that they're less likely to be thought of as capable of serious work, less likely to be promoted or hired, more likely to be financially and professionally penalised for any time they do display any negative emotion (or, rather, the other way around—the myth of women's heightened emotionality is used as an excuse to suppress women's earning potential & make them financially dependent on, and thus exploitable by, men).
on an interpersonal level, you're highly likely as a woman (and especially as a woman of colour) to have fairly mild displays of emotion be interpreted as hysteria, extreme anger, irrationality, volatility. you're highly likely to have your allegations of abuse disbelieved.
on an institutional level, you're highly likely to receive disdain and contempt if you engage in disordered eating habits or try to seek help for them, to have a request for help denied or neglected (disordered eating is just, sort of, what women do). you're also more likely to have a request for help turn into involuntary institutionalisation or psychiatric abuse (a lot of work has been done on the relationship between psychiatry and gender).
also on an institutional level, you are less likely to be believed about the pain you are in as a disabled, chronically ill, or otherwise sick woman (again, especially a woman of colour). you are less likely to receive medical care. you are less likely to have anyone give a shit about the pain you're in, since women are so emotional and melodramatic that you are probably exaggerating, and anyway, being in pain is just sort of women's natural state. you are certainly very unlikely to get any kind of medical care if you're a middle-class cisgender white (read: desirable) woman of 'childbearing age' & the extreme pain that you're in would require risk to your fertility to treat.
there's so much more I could go into here. the basic idea is that properly analysing the relationship between emotion, communication, trauma, abuse, race, class, gender, and the uses of rhetoric that references any of the above (e.g. "boys don't cry") is an enormous undertaking. any claim that implies that women (which women?) wholesale receive more sympathy than men (which men?) do for abuse or other pain that they experience, or that they are more free to express that pain, is both inconsistent with reality on a base level, and incredibly irresponsible. the fact (if it's even true) that "girls" are punished less for crying than "boys" does not a whole picture make.
and, like, think about it. we're living in a patriarchy wherein women are expected to care for and sympathise with men, to forgive men for varied wrongdoings in the family & in romantic relationships, to coddle them in order to avoid or appease their anger, to perform (depending on their class position) various kinds of domestic labour and social / planning work for men without recompense, acknowledgement, or thanks (because knowing how to do and plan housework is just, like, women's natural state of being)—a system where the family and the home faciliate and cover for mass amounts of traumatisation and abuse, including sexual abuse, of girls and women—a system wherein trans women are highly likely to be traumatised and yet disciplined out of expressions of anger or upset under threat of social exile—a system wherein cisgender women cannot be allowed to become too wary of or angry at men (read: too unwilling to continue marrying them and performing a significant role in the social reproduction of their class). how on earth could such a system also enable (rather than allowing for occasional escape valves for, but mostly seeking to supress or transform) women's free expression of upset, sadness, trauma, anger...?
this is the same kind of logic that leads people to believe and spread nonsense such as "people believe women who come forward about being abused and not men," which is just demonstrably inconsistent with everything that we can observe about reality.
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bigsoftmarshmallow · 24 days
Okay! I have something! I hope it won't be too terribly much!
Anyway, I know it's been a bit since I asked about how the Dorfs would react to being under the power of a half-fae Darling, but now I wish to know how he'd react to this interaction with her.
It's really just an extension of the scene where he woke up bound in chains to discover his new lot in life.
It confinues with her correcting his perception that she'd somehow "tricked him." Informing him that there'd been no trick. She was simply exploiting a well-known ability granted to her by her ancestry. One no different, if more extreme, than the Mind's Eye of the Sheikah.
The one to blame for his current situation was himself for only caring about the myths & legends that would benefit him in his goal of subjugating & exploiting the native tribes of the land. After all, she didn't even ask him his name. He just gave it out willingly.
"There's bein' tricked & then there's bein' ignorant o' the dangers o' an unfamiliar land."
It is his own fault if he didn't do more research. And, he should really be very thankful that she had been the one present when he went into his diatribe & not a different fae. The ones living in Hyrule proper may seem sweet & small, but most are fickle, capricious, & grudgmental things who are petty beyond measure with a mischievous &, at times, cruel streak to them. Not to mention, they don't perceive time the same way that we do. If you run afoul of one in even the slightest of way, they will never forget & will likely follow you even into other lives. Always be wary of them. Never will you meet beings quite so capable of effing over someone's life, relationships, & mind to the point of ruining their entire existence.
“Underestimate them at yer own peril, unless ye fancy a short life full o’ nothin’ but misery, sufferin’, & isolation. Any Ordonian native could tell ya that. The worst sort won't just torment you, either. They’ll also torment yer family & friends until they either stop associating with ye or die fer their loyalty."
"The kinds o’ grudges that the fae are able to so casually hold onto are the likes o’ which that even ye might admire. And they don't even have to die or be sealed away in order to get tha’ revenge either."
"To these sorts, mortals are much like insects an' they won't hesitate to crush them under their heel. Or, in other cases, they’ll simply elect to eat your name, causin’ ye to entirely forget it, to lose yer sense o' self-identity, forgetting who ye were. Yer entire life & all ye cared fer, gone in a blink. Worse yet, in some instances, only those who’d actively known ye even remember ye at all, all physical evidence o’ yer existence wiped away."
"Sometimes, not even the memory o' ye remains… An’ tha’s just from rejectin’ the advances o’ one if they start te fancy ye. Even them growin’ fond o’ ye in a non-romantic capacity or simply bein’ on their good side isn’t advisable. Let alone their favorite. Ye ever seen an entomologist? How they’ll pin down the wings o’ a bug tha’ they’re especially fascinated by? How they’ll study them, twisting them around & examining everythin’ about them until they had their fill before either tossing them out or sealing them in resin to be made into jewelry to be worn or behind glass like some sort o' macabre display? Tha’."
"An’ they’re much stronger than their appearances would have ye believe. After all, it's speculated tha' their magic has been around since even longer than the Triforce… An’ will likely be there long after as well… An’ much like it, the older fae can very easily twist yer memories, yer fate, yer body, yer very being, to suit their fancy. All without care. At least, if yer unfortunate enough to run into the more malevolent sorts…”
Her eyes were distant, gleaming with a melancholic pity (not at him, she wasn’t even looking at him in that moment), as though remembering something.
“Anyway, the long an’ short o’ it is tha’ life in this gloriously fertile land is far more harrowin’ than ye likely imagined, eh? So, seein’ as I plan to at least treat ye as a person with basic decency, I’d take a moment ta’ appreciate the arrow ye just dodged with it bein’ yers truly rather than… a member of the Unseelie Court…” *she visibly blanches, shivering uncomfortably at the very idea*
Luckily for him, she is only half-fae & mostly grew up among mortals, thus she isn't nearly as prone to such behavior. That isn't to say that she couldn't, but she won't unless he effs up even worse than he's already effed himself. Even then, the idea of going so far with it sends shivers down her spine.
Besides, she'd ask him if he really expected her to believe that, had he been born with such an ability, that he'd simply not utilize it even if his enemy had delivered the opportunity to do such directly into his lap? She may be a country bumpkin, but she's no fool.
Could I possibly get their overall thoughts, feelings, opinions, & reactions to all of this?
Including, but not limited to, this… honestly very twisted portrayal of these once believed harmless entities. To the idea that their magic is believed by some to predate even the Triforce itself. To the depths of these “Unseelie Court” members’ cruelty in dealing with those who’d slighted them. Provided that she was telling the truth, then… that could’ve been him… Not to mention to the admittance that, at the very least, she seems to intend to treat him with a degree of personhood & dignity.
My apologies, I just like this idea a lot.
I remember half-fae reader! :D It's been a hot minute. I really need to make a masterlist for all the work I've done, but mercy that sounds like a nightmare to do. T-T
Never apologize for good plots! You like it? You bring it up! I am happy to help bring a little life to the ideas you bring. Your ideas are very good anyway so it makes it easy :3
I broke my main ChatGPT topicline I usually use... I kinda overloaded it with nonsense. So I am using another topicline, which kinda refreshes the personalities/plots/everything about the Demon Kings. I SHOULD do it often to keep everything fresh buttttttt I don't lol.
This interaction between Ganondorf (and Demise) and the half-fae Darling is a fascinating exploration of the clash between pride, power, and the unsettling realization of vulnerability. The portrayal of the fae as dangerous, ancient beings with magic that predates even the Triforce itself adds a new layer of threat to the encounter. Each Ganondorf and Demise would react differently to this, based on their personalities and experiences:
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf:
Overall Thoughts and Feelings: This Ganondorf would be deeply unsettled by the revelation of the fae’s true nature and the power they wield. His pride would be stung by the idea that he fell victim to something so ancient and beyond his understanding. He’d be particularly troubled by the thought that his own arrogance and lack of thorough research led to his current predicament.
Reaction to the Fae’s Power: He would try to rationalize the situation, attempting to find a way to exploit this newfound knowledge. However, the mention of the Unseelie Court and their cruelty would give him pause, as he realizes that he could have been in a much worse situation. The fact that the half-fae intends to treat him with dignity might be both a relief and a source of irritation, as he is not used to being at the mercy of others.
Opinion on the Half-Fae: He would likely view her with a mix of grudging respect and resentment. He’d recognize her power and the danger she poses, but his pride would prevent him from openly admitting his fear or weakness.
Wind Waker Ganondorf:
Overall Thoughts and Feelings: Wind Waker Ganondorf, who is more introspective and melancholic, might take this revelation as a bitter lesson in humility. He’d be less shocked by the idea of ancient powers, having already experienced the whims of the gods, but the realization of how close he came to a far worse fate would weigh heavily on him.
Reaction to the Fae’s Power: He would be more contemplative about the fae’s magic and its implications. He might consider how such power could be used to achieve his goals but would be wary of the potential consequences. The idea of beings with such deep-seated grudges and the ability to ruin lives across lifetimes would disturb him greatly.
Opinion on the Half-Fae: He might develop a certain level of cautious respect for her, appreciating that she is not as cruel as her full-blooded kin. However, he would also be frustrated by his own vulnerability and the fact that he is now dependent on her mercy.
Twilight Princess Ganondorf:
Overall Thoughts and Feelings: This Ganondorf would be furious at himself for being outmaneuvered, especially by something he considers lesser or beneath him. The idea that he was caught off guard by a mythological loophole would be infuriating. However, the depth of the fae’s cruelty and power would also be something he’d begrudgingly respect, even as it infuriates him.
Reaction to the Fae’s Power: He would likely try to find a way to regain control, perhaps through manipulation or trying to turn the situation to his advantage. The idea of being at the mercy of someone else, especially in such a vulnerable position, would be intolerable to him. The mention of the Unseelie Court might make him reconsider any immediate plans for revenge.
Opinion on the Half-Fae: He would see her as a challenge, a puzzle to be solved. He might respect her power but would never forgive her for putting him in this position. He would likely plot ways to turn the tables on her, all while maintaining a facade of cooperation.
Ocarina of Time Ganondorf:
Overall Thoughts and Feelings: Ocarina of Time Ganondorf would likely be shocked and enraged by the revelation. His youthful arrogance and ambition would have blinded him to the dangers of the unknown, and he would be furious at himself for underestimating the situation.
Reaction to the Fae’s Power: He would likely respond with anger and defiance, refusing to accept his current situation without a fight. The idea that he had been so easily trapped by something he considered a mere myth would drive him to find a way to break free. The mention of the Unseelie Court’s cruelty would only fuel his desire to escape and exact revenge.
Opinion on the Half-Fae: He would view her as a formidable enemy, one who needs to be dealt with carefully. However, his pride would prevent him from admitting any fear or weakness. Instead, he would focus on finding a way to use the situation to his advantage, even if it means playing along for a time.
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf:
Overall Thoughts and Feelings: Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf, with his more warlike and aggressive nature, would likely see this as a personal affront. The idea that he, a warrior and conqueror, could be brought low by something as insidious as fae magic would be intolerable to him.
Reaction to the Fae’s Power: He would likely respond with brute force, trying to find a way to break free through sheer willpower and strength. The idea of being bound and controlled would be anathema to him, and he would rage against his captor. However, the mention of the Unseelie Court might give him pause, as he considers the wisdom of challenging something so ancient and powerful.
Opinion on the Half-Fae: He would see her as an enemy to be defeated, but also as a worthy opponent. He might admire her strength and cunning, even as he plots her downfall. He would be determined to break free and exact revenge, but he would also be careful not to underestimate her again.
Overall Thoughts and Feelings: Demise, as an embodiment of hatred and destruction, would be utterly enraged by the situation. The idea that he could be bound and controlled by something as ancient as fae magic would be an affront to his very being.
Reaction to the Fae’s Power: He would likely respond with raw, primal rage, attempting to break free through sheer force of will. The idea that he, a being of such immense power, could be trapped by something so seemingly insignificant would drive him to greater fury. However, the mention of the Unseelie Court might give him a moment of pause, as he considers the possibility of being trapped for eternity by such beings.
Opinion on the Half-Fae: He would see her as a threat to be eliminated, but also as a curiosity. He might be interested in her power and how it relates to his own, but his primary goal would be to destroy her and regain his freedom. He would be relentless in his pursuit of vengeance, but also cautious not to underestimate her or her kin.
In all these cases, the Ganondorfs and Demise would be deeply unsettled by the revelation of the fae’s true nature and the power they wield. They would each respond in their own way, based on their personalities and experiences, but the underlying theme would be one of pride, anger, and a desire to regain control.
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some-pers0n · 1 year
Something I don't see talked often enough when regarding Anemone as a character is her friendship with Darkstalker and how he manipulated her.
Yeah yeah, everyone likes to rag on how abusive Coral is and how Whirlpool is...Whirlpool, but Darkstalker also had a pretty big hand in messing her up.
Anemone herself is a pretty complicated character. Now whether this is because Tui did this on purpose or just wanted to shift a previously 'innocent and loveable' character into being an antagonist through suddenly changing their character is still up for debate, but let's say this is on purpose.
Yes, Anemone is supposed to be written as a traumatized child who went through more shit than anybody else should. Hatched into the role of being th sole heir to the throne and was literally attached to her mother for most of her life. She had no friends and no social life. When her animus magic was discovered, things got even worse. Now, she's being trained as a weapon for war by Whirlpool. 'Trained' would actually be a stretch since he was grooming her and trying to get her to go mad and become queen, making him the king in the process.
Pretty bad, eh? So after she kills Whirlpool (another traumatic thing that Tui makes clear Anenone is affected by), she is still attached to her mother's side. Again, she's got no friends. She doesn't have her brothers to play with since she's deemed 'too good' for their rowdy nature. She's just seen as a tool by the kingdom, one to exploit for her animus magic.
Finally, she gets a chance at freedom. She literally had to enchant Coral in order to do this, by the way. She enchanted Auklet's harness so that she would care more about Auklet than her. She's desperate to interact with other dragons. Yeah, of course it goes to her head since she's royalty and an animus, but can you blame her? She's finally free from the suffocating hold her mother had on her.
But, that's not enough. Nobody really...likes her. She's bratty and full of herself since she's a princess and all. She's still seen as an outcast, only cared about because of her status and magic.
Until Darkstalker comes along that is.
Anemone and Darkstalker have some parallels and I can definitely see Anemone seeing Darkstalker as a role model. Darkstalker once also came from a horrible family life, but he rose above it. He did what she doesn't have the guts to do, make her family pay for what they've done.
Not only that, but Darkstalker is literally the only other animus she knows. He knows exactly what it's like to be her. Any sort of struggles she has, he relates to. Of course she's going to try and be friends with him.
And, well, we know what Darkstalker does as soon as somebody seems to like him. He manipulates her and gives her special treatment, inflating her ego by granting her with protecting from losing her soul. He gets her trust, which is when he brings out the idea of her killing her mother and becoming queen.
Darkstalker clearly wants this since he'll have control over the SeaWings through manipulating Anemone. He exploits her desire for revenge and frames it as a good thing to kill her mother, since he did it to Arctic.
It's just...yeah... Darkstalker definitely had a hand in adding onto the trauma pile this poor kid has. With him backstabbing her and all that...yeah...
Poor Anemone.
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windor-truffle · 3 months
Wallbridge hhhhhhhh... for as much as the dungeon itself sucks it's probably one of my favorite parts of the main story, i have many feelings about it...
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i know it's the fucking point but god the juxtaposition of how Richard acts before and after Wallbridge just breaks my heart 😭 (though i love his gay ass poses lmao work it bitch). Richard is fun as an antagonist very angsty and all but I'm REALLY gonna miss having him in the party because I, like Asbel, actually like Richard as a person. He's perceptive and clever and caring, he's emotionally wounded but trying to make the best of a horrifying situation, and he is genuinely grateful and kind to his friends for supporting him here. The writers managed to make him a likeable character quite quickly considering he doesn't spend that long in the party.
If I were to change anything about the writing around this part, I might actually try to highlight Richard's resentment pre-Lambda too? I know I just said how much I love his kindness but part of the reason why he falls is because he and Lambda fed off of each other's negative feelings, which he admits to at the end of the game and seems still haunted by in L&L. As the story is, with the intentional whiplash between considerate and ruthless, Richard's post-game guilt can almost seem like he's blaming himself too much and that Lambda was the real problem (granted he is like 90 percent of the problem). It wouldn't hurt to have Richard's tone carry a little more anger and hurt when speaking about his uncle prior to Lambda's interference (as he speaks in canon it tends to be more somber than resentful) in order to explain why Richard was particularly susceptible to Lambda's influence. I think Richard can be altruistic on the wide scale while holding a spiteful grudge against those who have wronged him personally, that's actually quite human. But maybe I'm just saying this because I'm an angst magnet 😅 also this could be something that was lost in the localization, I haven't checked the japanese footage yet.
Moving on...
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RIP Pascal's EXP 😅 I just want to know why Malik was carrying a sea bream??? Also I love Asbel's blunt courtesy: "This resounding defeat was brought to you by your former student."
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also forgot to mention this extremely missable skit, you have to go back behind Duke Dalen's manor after the cutscene. Once again Pascal being the one to interfere with the shippy vibes, but this one is definitely more homophobic 😅 they weren't even talking about anything inherently romantic, Pascal just saw two guys having a close conversation and decided it was too icky -_-. (I'm blaming the writers though not her character). It seems like this was set up to be a "Pascal comedically misunderstands a thing because she's so quirky lol!!!" moment. Isn't she just so silly for thinking that intimacy between men is inappropriate, romantic or not? 😜
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sorry i arranged these pictures to be deliberately misleading, the skit happens long before this scene, but I feel the need to continuously dunk on sulky Asbel 😂 I enjoy exploiting his flaws, i feel like Asbel has a bit of a rep for being a one-note do-gooder who believes in the good in everyone no matter what but he actually loses faith in himself quite easily, I mean look at this:
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I literally don't have time to unpack all of that bc I've been at this for hours and I have to go to work soon but bro. BRO. you've got some issues here that read as potentially homoerotic and codependent my friend
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my-mt-heart · 2 years
"I do know a lot about what happened, yes, but it’s not fair to discuss how someone is feeling without being that person." How do *you* feel about the bts stuff? Is that what shifted your opinion on Norman? You seem less lenient with him now than you were before.
I feel the need to start this by reminding everyone that I don't have a personal relationship with those directly involved and can only go off of what I'm being told about the situation and what I'm observing from a distance. But...I am a woman who has to work in the same industry for hopefully many years to come and I've also been a big fan of TWD, particularly Carol's and Caryl's story, for many years, so it's hard not to take any of it personally. I keep wavering between being really angry and deeply saddened that a few individuals used their positions/privilege to get what they want or what's best for them to the detriment of really inspiring women who have earned respect and add so much value to the show, as well as to all the viewers who are now expected to pay for less than what they deserve. Maybe I shouldn't be surprised, but regardless, it's unacceptable.
Yes, I include Norman among the privileged. No, I am not claiming there was ever malicious intent from him and I am definitely not implying he said let there be France and there was France. I've said from the beginning that's not how it works and after learning some of the details, I stand by that. Unfortunately there's no straightforward explanation for what did happen except that Melissa and Angela were wronged and they deserve support, not blame and not lies being spread about them. I've actually tried to minimize the conversation around Norman because I think it's a huge distraction from the much larger issues that need to be tackled i.e. sexism/misogyny in the workplace and consumer exploitation. Also, as I pointed out before, it only ever leads to new headlines about how "toxic" Melissa's fans are which is no help to her.
That doesn't mean I've buried my head in the sand and to get to the second part of your ask, anon, my shift in tone is probably more from watching how everything has played out publicly over the past 10 months than anything else, though I'm not ignoring the initial problem either. Like I said before, I think I can come back around. I'm just looking to Melissa to lead the way because I trust her judgment whereas other key players have broken faith, and I'm looking for commitment to telling Daryl's/Caryl's story honorably, and lastly, I'm looking for acknowledgement that Caryl fans are among those who have been the most loyal to Daryl's character all these years. Granted, none of that is very straightforward either. AMC needs to do their part most of all.
Sorry if this gave anyone whiplash. I don't think I can elaborate any further xP
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maneaterwithtail · 1 year
Why Belos role and characterization and treatment in narrative or character parallel bothers me
I cannot help but feel it confuses a therapeutic uhm... end goal
"Your abuser despite his (and it is ALWAYS a he) affect, power, influence, or even your feelings to him, is wrong about you and told you lies that control and undermine you. Leave them behind. Don't engage. Separate yourself and reasoning from them. You will be free and see them as powerless a shadow and not even need the same thing from anyone else. Because you have a more substantive and whole thing from yourself"
"Abuser is inhuman blind liar and nothing like you so have no fear. Its all a conspiracy and you'll never be like him no matter what you do!"
This is a common thing. Over and over and over. What grants the greatest... win or catharsis or validation for the audience's hero/standin.  Moreso if queer representative.
Now, I do like the talk Luz has about this. And its meaningful, without prompting, she comes to this bad emotional place by her own reasoning and feelings. SHOWING how much she's grown and avoided being a Belos.
Its the "you were never alike along" that really bugs me. Not you changed and avoided that path thanks to acceptance of and by others so have become better. But He was conspiring and lying because that all he is which you never were doing (which is remarkably...untrue in my mind. Or says forgiveness is only for the innoecent uwu baby which no matter what the polycule aspirants are)
Moreover whenever its time to imply or make decisions its to absolve the likable or standins (or useful) or scapegoat Belos like some "The Devil Made Me Do It" figure which creeps me out.  I thought the entire point was to AVOID that
Its not that
there are guys so hateful so ambitious so DANGEROUS you had to use violence and people who willfully double down do these things. It sucks but.. this how it goes.  here what like and how we get from there to here and how deal with even the psychological aftereffects
Its that
said stubborn blindness in everyone is all sourced by this one conveniently hatable guy.. who also is just smart enough to cause and control all but you're just so smart and special and vigorous enough can't compel you, never did. Or he is stupid enough basic teenage stubbornness foils him time and again with little cost or effort but to the fee fees.. maybe  true defeat when don't feel bad anymore
Again it, to me, has always felt like at ODDS with where Owl House started.  A mature take on dealing with differences and expression and learning to get along and yes tolerate not just differences but 'enemies'
Not least because they don't ever have to
Hey? Girl who has career investment and resents you and etc etc etc secretly just repressed lesbian for you.
Hey? Guy who is true believer in cause and dismissive of everyone interrupting to it? Just woobie tormented by evil abuser. Not his fault and never going to hurt you because he's so nice and tortured. But also his beliefs have no validity or positivity and were never necessary.
Hey? Guy who avoids emotional conflicts and the difficult human investments, neglecting his relationships to focus on his hobbies and then turns people into components...for his self image is TOTALLY different than a stage mom because.. uhm... well she's socially ambitious and DIRECT as toneglectful exploitive in their abusive action.
Hey? Your teasing super popular bully is secretly just like you once they accept that they will have to get along (serve to) your goals while adding to your found family (staff and servants to ease your struggles with difference, labor, money, resources, or knowledge. Conveniently.. well save for occasional emotional maintenance whew no things and effort and time and work you value thought)
ETA Hey the family who blames you for your failure, resents your marginalization, and arrogantly wishes to fix you? Always outshine by you in clash knows less than you. And after come Crawling back to you benevolent forgiveness confess they cursed you! Once convert and undermine their worldview or prioritize you as to have serious issues with your criminal, self harm, and possible addiction behavior, then perhaps you can forgive them if will continue the obsequious or usefulness. (damn maheshwarens look at the clawthornes going there for the grace of God would go i)
Hey? Those horrible parallels you notice between yourself and people you hate is just an illusion put on by an evil white guy who embodies what you hate about society and authority or that asshole from that institution you have to put up with for your education. You're not at fault because you made a mistake and you feel bad about it and with perfect knowledge and power you'd never be like them so striving for same you won't do the same things.
And AGAIN i get where this comes from and why and even in some cases its necessary but tell me there isn't something just a little TOO damn close to
The Narcissist's Prayer (by Dayna Craig)
That didn't happen.
And if it did, it wasn't that bad.
And if it was, that's not a big deal.
And if it is, that's not my fault.
And if it was, I didn't mean it.
And if I did, you deserved it.
At the least we're at lines 6-4 for the lesson/character assessment/embodiment so with the NARRATIVE supplying lines 1-3.  Information always happens to clarify a situation so the initial hook gets put down.
​Moreso with the idea of the supervillain narcissist who all your own problems and bad actions can be attributed or sourced. (I avoid the Invisible man movie for a line implying this. sure sure I'm certain 'in context' its justified. that's the thing lines 1-3 is ALWAYS made 'in context with what feels a powerful idealized stand in' where things bend just enough for the character. Not really the dread female or minority character accusation word but close enough or evokes my same issues (have same or similar problems with Shinji, the world is or reflects or exists to further his depression so feels.. unreal)
Made worse because of the ... meeting in the middle  of the lines or the completion the problem isn't "narcissism" -which can be inborn in exceptions who are people or exceptional people- but also develop in you and me. No the problem is the "narcississt" this shibboleth (forgive my cultural appropriation and feel free to correct with better less sacred or more accurate term) Archetype Modern Folklore Myth ("but its real I used The Sciencetm not Re-lulz-gen") I Learned From Validating Empowering Source. The Narcissist is always a collection of traits in a person who is other and despicable who has made the real mistake of being both ambitious, respected, and un-ignorable/supportive down to the core. enviable AND stronger.
  Oh and Belos is always lying, to himself and others .. but doesn't believe or operate in a way to best support the lie. Say, recruiting a mob or authority or gang to go into the demon realm to enact a plan?
Why did he try that stupid lie? He's a MUCH better liar than that!
Heck he hasn't really had a hatred of Luz so much as witches and the demon realm mixed with an immature hero narrative that foregoes compassion or self reflection.
But even if it was ALL a lie. If he was at the desperate point he was willing to humble himself to the witches and Luz just to save his skin why be THAT preposterous?  
Because the only threat he's EVER allowed to make is emotional to trigger Luz/audience trauma in a way that them having been marginalized in a way very VERY likely shared but specific enough to neuroatypical queer younger people or folks who have been near such can very much relate to. 
Its like the bad guys in Dragon Prince becoming demonic untalking firezombies in contradiction to preaching following a religious appearing figure.
Too damn indulgent.
Have Raine, King Clawthorne, and Eda beat down Phillip or older Belos. not the Wicked Fals Wizard of the South East from The Bad Times of SUPER PATRIARCHY (and why its bad this season's finest ideological threads)
Have Luz hug her mom after resolute seeing his death, no "save"of her innoencence or responsibility. However vulgar, necessary, or more she killed a dude.
Just... stop it with The Devil Belos who is the Real True Evil because *insert things hate here* who if killed all his influence dissipates as to perpetuates because he's The Source Of All The Flaws, Even Yours Or They Were Mistakes After All He Doesn't Fit In The Found Family/Polycule Dynamics.
I guess end of the day I just disagree with
Dad Titan.
I mean in one way. The assume part. Hate can come from a genuine place. OR false place. Or an insecure place.  Or a narcissistic place.  I suppose not disagree with his point or even actions.
 Its GOOD he makes the distinction he does between Luz and Belos.  But Luz wanted guidance and she got validation, particularly the kind that without context doesn't guide to good.
Its why feel so adolescent.  Which is FINE as that the primary target of the show. But blows the conflict out of proportion with that target's ACTUAL challenges and needs and keeps the adult responsibility and restraint down to convenience if this is about her coming into her own as an adult woman or taking that adult step.
Compare Camilla's journey to Luz and its... off
Moreso for me the sense sending Luz to camp was 'forced on her' and was 'a bad thing' Lucedas should feel guilty for as to a critical step to better Luz and did end up for the best even in the equivalent of Luz's doppleganger/sister where it happened when she stood in as Camilla planned!
"You can do all the same things without self reflection or ethical consideration if you find the right ideology/cause or are actually a True Victim" feels easier to get than
"This is how you balance your dreams and goals and ambitions with the fact other people are just as rich with their own inner life as you. EVEN IF YOU, as entitled and rightly, HATE THEIR GUTS"
That's taught to the Collector, but surprisingly only when absolved or 'retooled much like EVERY OTHER antagonist before to be a new party member in disguise.. also weaker now with easier exploitable weakness so not have to tolerate the threat of his power and another convenient evil abusive older shadow adult is behind it ALL! I mean don't have to deal with the possible mind warping idea of a clinical socipath or someone inherently more powerful than you you have to WORK to habituate, rehab. Or he is too attached to his trauma and wrath and vengeance, or yoy have to develop and prepare means to substantially restrain/neuter/nerf/drug/etc
much same as not have to tolerate the threeat of Belos's influence or connection and effects. Or that he's one guy when need to dismiss him but Extant all powerful shadow when need to justify your actions that support your hero narrative.
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lavendertowerarchives · 4 months
Howdy, first of all, my bad. Never wanted to imply it was an easy choice not to fixate on someone or something (I know it's not), just got the wrong impression that you willingly indulge in these fantasies about JH. It's a good thing you don't, since she seems very distant. The ratio of posts about her to 'positive' posts about your partner painted a certain picture in my mind. You're right though, I don't know what you're going through cause my problem is a total opposite of yours (being emotionally cold and unable to fall in love). Still, the post about your partner finding someone you don't know, don't trust and are thoroughly uninterested in and wanting to introduce him into your relationship struck a chord, somehow. That's why I said what I said about polyamory hurting you. Wishing you all the best mate, even if you don't believe things can get better
Fair nough. I do only really come to post here when I have some shit to say and something awful to complain about. My partner is lovely. JH is lovely. A is lovely. E is lovely. Hell, something would have to be pretty damn wrong for me to not enjoy my friends.
I just don't see the nice shit sometimes. I forget that my friends actually do want to hang out with me and have made this irrefutably clear over the years. I forget that my partner is the one person who has stuck with me even though I fuck up every two weeks. I take too much for granted, and in doing so, just... forget.
I don't blame you for seeing me in a certain light. You could never know what I'm going through, not because I'm an edgy wannabe, but because *I* don't know what I'm going through most of the time. I have a lot of posts on here and I don't expect any onlooker to remember or even read them all. Hence everything in this post is just what I've said previously, repackaged and delivered to a single person. I write a lot of stuff.
Whether I'm really non-monogamous, poly, or just a proud and lonely slut remains to be seen. I hope you find someone to love, or, failing that, I hope someone finds you to love anyways. Good luck on that and other exploits.
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The whims of the apathetic
Exodus 29-30, Proverbs 5:15-23, Mark 6:6-29
I promise you anything, up to half my kingdom! That's been a recurring theme in a lot of childhood stories, the cliche sister of a genie in a bottle. Usually, the wisher makes some wish and then suffers consequences from it, either because the wisher is foolish or the wish granting entity is malicious.
In this story the wisher is malicious and isn't the one to be hurt. It's remarkable how well Herod is portrayed in this story, as someone who respects and fears God and John but also makes foolish decisions. This story could just be a normal historical account of blaming women for the mistakes of men, but I see here in this passage the worst kind of man. I see a powerful, insecure, cowardly man who understands the consequences his actions have for other people, but doesn't change because it might inconvenience him somewhat.
I have these habits too, mostly expressed in the way that I buy food and spend my time and money. My food is cheap because people were exploited in the production of it. My laptop cost as much as life saving care for a dozen people. And I could take aim at the billionaires and say that they're far more like Herod than I could ever be but I cannot possibly expect them to change. And besides, they're the ones who sold me my laptop and food.
It's a weird moral to take from this story, and I think I was sucked into this tangent by the urban farm podcast I've been listening to, but I think a good question when we think about these powerful hurtful people is not about how we protest them but how we stop supporting them in the first place.
So John died because Herod was afraid of looking silly in front of his guests. And thousands of people have died because Putin was afraid of losing his power. And thousands lost their jobs because Musk doubled down on a joke tweet. I don't know how to resist these people. But I think I should at least, insofar as it is possible, stop paying them.
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zenjestrr · 6 years
obviouslyending replied to your post “it drives me up a fucking wall that this guy doesn’t use ANY of his...”
How did this guy make it this far without powers?
by exclusively using his guns (and by playing on Normal) I think I only ever saw him use Adrenaline Rush once and it was by accident. I think he doesn’t like the slow-mo effect. the only time he uses powers is to swap his ammo type depending on what enemy he’s facing
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datastate · 3 years
Monomon for the character asks!
thank you for the ask bro!! i love her a lot
favorite thing about them:
i can't say her entire character ;v; honestly if i had to choose something though i really admire the grace she accepts hallownest's end with. despite being so obviously prideful in not only her own work, but the work of her scholars and hallownest's people, she is able to set it to rest. everything she's done with her work as a dreamer has ended with her just wanting hallownest to find that peace, too. despite lurien's belief, she doesn't enjoy seeing its suffering and doesn't intend to prolong it indefinitely, but she understands that if it is confronted haphazardly that hallownest will never be put to rest properly and that is why she constructed everything in the first place. she cares about hallownest's people (as is evident in her elegy) and, as difficult as it is, she wants to die with the certainty that they won't be continually desecrated just because of the king's denial to confront the old light directly.
least favorite thing about them:
my main qualm with monomon is, despite it creating SUCH an interesting relationship, her treatment of quirrel. regardless of how their dynamic was in private and however willing quirrel was at the moment, she still held the upper hand. the archive was built in her likeness, quirrel was a common pillbug; she held a position above him, regardless of how close in rank they were with what she granted him upon her own grounds. although she was willing to give her life for the dreamer plan, she similarly pressured quirrel into giving up his life for however long the seals stood. it was a great strategic move on her part of course, but i always wonder how... sudden it was for him. was he involved from the beginning? did he know she was asking his life? they both knew they had little choice outside of this. it's all situational and unavoidable because of the trust and love they have for each other, such that they couldn't fathom another taking such an important role. even if monomon was a perpetrator in this case, i can't blame her entirely and i'm sure current quirrel's feelings toward her are mixed.
favorite line:
"better, an end" just really breaks me. she never wanted to see this fate, she was just preparing for the worst outcome and... wants to ensure they're not desecrated beyond recognition.
the dreamers together are just :'] mon is the main link between herrah and quirrel and lurien ofc, but she values them a lot... no big thoughts on them en but they make my heart warm
i don't really pair her off w anyone aghsmsm but i am partial to herrah/mon!
typical weird shit aside, mon/lurien makes me uncomfortable though i couldn't articulate why
random headcanon:
herrah makes cloaks for monomon with messages of good-will and all that embedded on the designs... it's written in the weavers' language and an older dialect that isn't used as often these days. serves as both proof of their friendship and monomon cherishes them and enjoys learning more of the weavers even if some of it has been requested [or is done out of privacy] to not be archived
unpopular opinion:
i guess my Unpopular Opinion is just mainly wrt the canyon's purpose in aligning with hallownest in the first place. it serves as a barrier for the mosskin, placing additional pressure on hallownest to remain neutral/trading rather than exploitative. it wasn't because the uomas praised the king or anything, even if it was ultimately more beneficial than previously established, it was to protect the one who protected them: unn.
song i associate with them:
i have a whole playlist for that <3 but hm if i had to choose -> 'when i'm gone' by shawn james is really hitting me rn;;;
favorite picture of them:
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i can't find or make a gif of it right now, but... specifically where quirrel is returning her mask. ugh ♡ cinnamon tography
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 3 years
[1/?] Sorry for venting. I just saw some bad takes that gave me a lot of feelings. Personally, JC stresses me out every time he comes on screen, but I don't mind it when JC fans say fan-typical things like how they like JC because he wears purple, or is grumpy, or they think he's hot, or that they ship x*ch*ng because the cql actors have nice jawlines. They're harmless, fun takes, and while I don't agree with some of them, I see where they're coming from
Hello there anon, vent away as that is what my blog is open for as I love/hate on Jiang Cheng as he is in the plot, as well as all of my beef with what has been done to him for the EN side of the fanbase! I am more than fine listening and engaging with the unsavory "unpopular" discussions of his canon behavior and this goes for anyone of course that needs an open play area. I'll try to engage with what you have sent point by point as succinctly as I can.
[2/?] (some of these are obviously crack, and I am a fan of a few problematic faves). But then there are stans that just have to put other characters down to make JC look good. Like, I think some fans take their freedom of interpretation for granted because most of these takes aren't even labeled 'headcanon,' 'ooc,' or 'crack' anymore. Stans feel that their interpretations are valid, and while they are, valid =/= canon, and they're treating these takes as canon, which becomes popular fanon.
I enjoy Jiang Cheng for what he is, however as I had said it took me another reread to get to my stance of him being the negative mirror to Lan Wangji's positive and my comfort with that for the story once I realized what purpose he served. He is only insofar tragic in regards to his circumstances, but it does not absolve him for what he is at his core (no pun, but I can make a very nice metaphor that even with a piece of Wei Wuxian in him he is still forever unable and unwilling to stand by him equally all while stagnating where as Lan Wangji is able to flourish, grow and mature with nothing of import left from Wei Wuxian in a technical sense). As for ships, I am a little dirty Xicheng whore for fun and can say there is a sense of entertainment for me making it work with two people where one is wildly ignorant and the other wildly rabid. But that is outside of what is established as canon in the work and I always try to keep the two strictly separate due to the skew fanon perpetuates.
3/?] And now, it's not clear what part of the fanon references canon JC or the canon events of mdzs. JC is an asshole; I don't like him as a person, but I do think that he's a complex character motivated by many issues (sup, YeeZY), which makes him fascinating to explore. Unfortunately, erasing his culpability also removes his agency. JC should be allowed to be an asshole character who makes his own decisions even if they're the wrong ones. He has made his own tragedy by constantly casting Wei Wuxian as the villain of his life.
Now thanks to you I will be using YeeZY to forever and now to acknowledge Madam Yu (this is your fault for the new tag). From a standing from storytelling I agree that he is complex in the Jianghu for MDZS. Where in the usual political intrigue of Wuxia, he would be the mustache twirling villain that is outright unforgivable in narration, it is by favor of Wei Wuxian's narration that has an early steeping of empathy for him. And he is not meant to be seen as ultimately sympathetic, the work builds up his hate against Wei Wuxian who tries to rationalize it all several times until he is finally unable to. Jiang Cheng is the antithesis to Lan Wangji and the false bait to get attached to in Wei Wuxian's first life. I will make the note their meeting in Yiling is lukewarm between both as they exchange nothing really in terms of conversation and all pleasantries are left in terms of Jiang Yanli for Wei Wuxian. By this point Wei Wuxian has already switched his yearnings of platonically wanting a part of Jiang Cheng's life, to subconscious romantic inclinations about Lan Wangji and the perceived loss of being in the other's life.
The very point of Jiang Cheng as the deconstruction, is that he has no passion in life despite his apparent exploits because he put a shadow to hang over himself as an excuse to say others think he is not good enough. He has no deeper motivations than pure selfishness by the end of the work and is pure frivolity that he has built up losing the meaning of his sect as a tradition. He had his agency (more than anyone I might add in the work due to his social position) that he used to build his reputation as a passive rich sect leader that has little to do with civilian problems.
4/?] And I think a JC, somehow, that realizes that he did something wrong and is working hard to change for the better and gain self-actualization to become that UWU best jiujiu the stans want him to be, who is ready to talk (not yell at) with WWX, apologize to him, and create a better, healthier relationship with him is a much more powerful reconciliation and happy ending than 'everyone is wrong and mean and they all apologize to JC, which magically gets rid of all his issues'.
He is forced out of culpability in reconciliation because simply put, his audience do not like the reality that relationships fray and dissolve with no further resolution other than we as adults both need to move on for safety and good health. It is not acceptable in real life and fiction is allowed to place that also in it's thematic relationships. He has a small, small spark of recognition at the end of the main story, however he himself seems to choose to ignore it, as change is hard and he has never taken to that well as was foreshadowed with his dogs and the idea of sharing a space with Wei Wuxian. To write this is an awful lot of work into his psyche which is not a nice place, he is a terrible being and downplaying that to make a sugar sweet person does not work instantaneously. He is the one responsible for the entire fallout with Wei Wuxian and he hysterically realizes that even as he tries to continue to blame Wei Wuxian.
The issue that I have with his current stan culture, is that they already view him as something he is not. They play at bicycle with all of the other protagonists that have positive traits that they strip as they see fit; Good affirming loving to children adult Lan Wangji, Self-sacrificing ultimately did it all for love and care Wei Wuxian, Hard exterior but softened to who they consider an annoyance Wen Qing, Loyal as partners in their exploits on the field and always have each others back Wen Ning. They even take Jin Guangyao's persona of playing damsel and using that as a positive to soften up Jiang Cheng into something he has never been for anyone for ships.
[5/5] Also, making WWX/WN/LWJ apologize just makes them look better than JC. Like, stans supposedly love JC, so they ahouldn't be lazy and work hard to give him actual character development. Again, I'm sorry for spamming your ask. It just really baffles me about where they get these 'hot' takes (All I'm going to say is that JC was ungrateful, and WN had a reason verbally dismantle him).
They see this, but, they will spin it in any way to excuse Jiang Cheng due to the story itself showing that he was in the wrong to everyone he flung accusations at and his hate. No one but him is at fault for his spite as he had gotten his revenge on the ones that had ruined Lotus Pier and killed his parents. His own resentment pitted him against good and well meaning people that he refused to help as he mimicked his mother's words about raising their heads higher out of goodness instead of keeping low and staying self-centered. There is the underlying criticism of taking individual arrogance as self-care at the cost of others. Each point that Wen Ning makes is exactly what Jiang Cheng himself knows as he hated Wei Wuxian for being something he could not be or even wanted to be. Jiang Cheng wants kindness but does not understand that kindness to others needs to be selfless and accept the hurt that can come with that in life. He encompasses the fall from the path of buddhist lifestyle, "The Three Poisons" to Wangxian's "Without Envy" at the stories end.
[6/5] P.S. I'm not saying I want reconciliation fics, but I just feel that if stans want JC to have a happy ending, then I think that he should actively work for it. I think it would be interesting to see what force of nature would push him through a character development because throwing a therapist at him would result in a murder.
"I'm not saying I want reconciliation fics, but I just feel that if stans want JC to have a happy ending, then I think that he should actively work for it."
They do not think he has to work for it, they say his tragedy is enough, while heaping accusations against Wei Wuxian and saying his own are not enough to absolve him. Something Wei Wuxian has never denied and told all present they are allowed to forever hate him for what he had done in the past, but that they need to find a way to live in a life that is always moving on. He learned that grudges do nothing once they are absolved and it leaves you with hate with nothing else to do with it once that object is gone. In terms of reconciliation, I do not ever think that either want anything other than a distant peaceful out of each other's life set up. Jiang Cheng does not need Wei Wuxian in his life to be satisfied and never has since he used him as the handicap to hide behind to stay angry and miserable. Being without that fallback opens the world far more for him to change than him ever interacting like an old friend with Wei Wuxian ever again, if he ever had the guts to do that.
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anincorrectpetunia · 3 years
On Olivia's epiphanies, growth, friends...
Anyway, two things that I love for Liv: 1. her having a good time with friends & sharing (!) to them, 2. I don't know why but I am somehow glad when she shed tears when she received Fitz' gifts. I don't know but it feels like she's finally ready to stop lying to herself.--ugotpoped
Can I just say, I LOVED Kenny and Abby in this chapter. Honestly, someone as stubborn and proud as Olivia needs friends like these to not get so wrapped up in her own greatness and remind her that she's still a human being with human needs. Those two are so great, especially together.--@jilyandbambi
I felt the same way. I didn't know if she would cry, but I knew she would feel something. Her unloading that denial was necessary.
One of the reasons I wanted to do an AU is because I really think all that White House and government shit (much as I enjoyed it) took away so much of her personal life. A fantasy world as her mother called it. So, this story is my attempt at wondering how her personality and past scars would function in a less toxic, more 'normal' world. In this world she gets to have real friends and she can't hide behind bearing the weight of the Republic.
Just wanted to leave a note of thanks. I am enjoying this story. I was hoping Olivia would start OPA at this point.--@cakes9432
I really appreciate your note, Cakes. Thank you. And I'm glad you got the OPA reveal you wanted :).
She let go of everything and everyone she perceived to have done her wrong, including Fitzgerald Grant III. To some degree maybe he was to blame for her life spiraling out of control. But what does Fitz have to do with her obvious lack of romantic feelings for Edison?--@Olitzloverforever
There's a lot of disagreement (the poll I put up) about if Fitz is to blame for the spiraling that happened to Liv. I don't take that view. He absolutely did not drop off the jacket in the correct location, but in his mind it was more convenient for her if he left it there. Then a perfect storm ensued to produce what happened. Mellie exploited and Cyrus defended.
But the real tea? EYE think Olivia blaming Fitz as the ultimate cause allows her a place engage with him, think about him, in a way that doesn't make her feel guilty.
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I really felt for Liv, much more than I managed while watching the show, I think because you let us see inside her head. I LOVED reading about her fantasies and longings for Fitz. There were so many good lines in those paragraphs, my favourite being, "He looked as pretty as a heartache". UGH! Fucking punch me in the chest why don'tcha!--@aprillea
I'm so glad you could understand and empathize with my Olivia. One thing I must divulge--that particular line is from a song: Naked by Tracy Bonham, one of several songs that influenced the mood of Liv's episode. I really wanted to work that line in. It's so good!
I feel for Olivia, who seems bound by responsibility and duty, and taught to compartmentalize and suppress her emotions. Eli and Edison area pair, and in some twisted way, Olivia feels satisfaction at providing each the other. I do feel sorry for her because she is conflicted about allowing herself to feel anything, especially something for Fitz. I love how she showed up for Kenny on the night that hurts him the most.--@kelleekellkell
I love how you connect her character to her upbringing. Her preference for fantasy over reality is so intriguing to me, as is her tendency to compartmentalise. If everything is controlled and in a box then reality will be predictable and safe. I wish someone would tell her that love doesn't work that way. --@aprillea
Queen of compartmentalization, and even Edison makes ribs her for it. It is absolutely a coping mechanism to keep herself from being overwhelmed. What Fitz stirs in her life defies category. It feels good, but Olivia, over the years, has naturalized 'feel good' into something else. She's now fighting against nature. I sure hope she finds her way.
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One more thing, Yes, Eli and Edison are definitely a pair. They're doing the same thing to Liv, though one is softer in his approach. I remember reading about how children with an emotional deficit become adults tend to seek out pleasing behaviors, or identify themselves as people who solve problems. It really stayed with me. This is a coping mechanism that allows them not to depend on other people caring for them, and helps convince themselves and others that they have few emotional needs. This leads to loneliness. If this is what Olivia pushes, no wonder its hard for even Edison to see how deeply dissatisfied she is. She tries hard not to let people see it. But the discerning always do.
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inkbun · 5 years
If you arenct busy, could you maybe do a (romantic)Roadhog x Fem!Reader angst? Maybe Roadie finds poor reader in a severe depression/anxiety episode(you decide how far it goes, I don't want to make you uncomfortable), and he tries to calm her down? Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Back at it again @ Krispy Kreme. Took a career change and a major move, but I’m back babeyyy. Anyways, this was more serious than I intended, but I like how it turned out. Enjoy! 🐷
(FYI- I’m in a completely different timezone than before so uploads may be random for a while until I figure out what works.)
Words: 1886
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Your back slammed the rusted wall, pocked surface snagging your well-worn henley. Clawing your chest, you tried to regulate your breaths: In for seven, out for eight... only to hyperventilate on the second exhale. Though the panic was an old foe, its trigger this time was wholly unfamiliar.
Living in Junkertown brought its fair share of terrors: thieves and the cowards who stab them in the — two-faced swindlers, and the head of it all, the ruthless Junker Queen. You were by no means a native, having spent most of your adult life in cities like Brisbane. Which while wild in their own right, were far from the barren wasteland that daily threatened your mortality.
Even so, you’d rather a cage match in the Junkertown arena than deal with the situation at hand.
“It’ll be f-fine,” you stammered, pulling the flimsy stick from your pocket. It was decidedly unremarkable—tapered white plastic with a tiny LCD screen in the middle. Funny how something so simple could remain unchanged for over a century since its invention.
Wish it was as simple to get one. Depsite its proclivity for debauchery, Junkertown dealers didn’t often traffic in women’s wellness. Diesel, angel dust, mech parts? Name your price. But a pregnancy test? Everyone loses their minds.
“Rightly so,” you muttered, hands tremoring as you clutched the device.
Your own carelessness had landed you here. Junkertown had a finite supply of...protection dealers and you’d exhausted their existing supply—not that it stopped you.
To be fair, Mako had egged you on—dragging you to the edge of pleasure, dangling you over while his solid arms clutched you close. Granted, you tried to warn him of the line he was toeing, the very real danger the two of you were toying with. The words came in sputtery, pleasure-choked breaths: “Mako p-please, not inside...it can’t...you can’t—”
Mako answered, voice so deep it murmured in your chest. “Don’t care, you’re mine. I want them to know...” At the time the words thrilled you, a sharp departure from his usual level head.
Your tryst with the infamous Roadhog began rather simply. You were an apprentice for Bruce, Junkertown’s master engineer; Mako occasionally brought his motorcycle in after hours for hush-hush repairs. For months you’d tried to figure him out, drawn to the man who always kept his mask on and relegated all responses to appropriately-timed grunts.
Though frightening at first, you grew to enjoy—no, crave—his presence, especially delighted when he brought shop presents from his exploits. They usually consisted of food, like Bruce’s favorite cinnamon vines and your own, powdered sugar donuts. Occasionially he brought trinkets, though you didn’t dare ask where from. The most expensive of these, a solid gold set of brass knuckles, served as a welcome supplement to your growing treasure stash.
Bruce ribbed you about the blossoming...something between you two, smile poorly hidden in his scraggly white beard. “I haven’t seen ‘Hog get excited over anyone in a long while. Hardly looks my way if you’re in the room.”
You waved him off, calling him a silly old man caught up in daydreams. But he was right, even if you only admitted it in your quiet moments. So, when Mako came by late one evening for repairs on a blown gasket and Bruce wasn’t around, you stepped in to help.
Tension-laden, you worked on the bike, doing your best to keep your mind from straying to his large hands, or your eyes from the plethora of tattoos and scars across his skin. Somehow you could feel his gaze, even beneath the mask, felt the curious intensity even though he said little.
“Thanks,” he said, once you were done, drawing just close enough for you to examine him up close.
Strange, you thought, taking in the hulking man before you. Mako’s wiry demolitionist sidekick had tried flirting with you, but on nights when your hand snaked beneath the band of your cargos, you dreamt of thick arms and a shock of white hair accompanying deep, pleasured growls. And that’s when you knew you were in trouble.
You flashed a sultry smile, not bothering to adjust the fallen strap of your denim overalls. “No bother at all. I know I’m not Bruce, but my touch ain’t half bad.”
“That so?” he chuckled, timbre-rich sound warming your bones. You nodded vigorously, dislodging the other strap in the process. Reason told you to pull it back up, act like nothing happened — for god’s sakes don’t fuck the outlaw.
You promptly did the opposite, drawing nearer until you hit his stomach, fingers boldly exploring the skin there. Mako went very still, strangled groan escaping him as you kept on. At last he stopped you, taking your arm gently in his large hand.
“I’m a bad man, ____.”
You snorted, spirit too consumed to let a little self-deprecation stop you. Gently you reached up, bracing on his stomach for balance as you tugged the bottom of his mask up. Mako flinched, grip on your hand tightening before at last giving a single nod: a silent “Continue.”
With some difficulty you unfastened it, fascinated with every inch of the face it revealed. He was younger than the white ponytail suggested, honey brown eyes alight with quiet mischief; his snub nose was adorned by a septum ring, with sharp cheekbones punctuated by stubble and facial scars. He was oddly handsome, despite the apprehension and want warring on his face.
Breathless, you stilled your thundering heart and braced both palms against him, fingers spanning in search of more. “Show me.”
That was nearly a year ago, the months since filled with snuck rendezvous in Bruce’s shop, your apartment, and a host of “we’ll be killed if we’re caught” locations. Neither of you publicly claimed the other, both of you citing op sec as the reason. Mako was wanted in far too many towns, and you didn’t need any of Junkertown’s nastier characters—including the Queen herself—knocking on Bruce’s door with questions.
Still, the past few months had seen a palpable...something growing between you. Mako had started staying the night instead of returning to his hideout with Jamison, clutching you in slumber like one of his beloved pachimaris. You began keeping apricot jam, his favorite, in the fridge and doubled your grocery order just in case he stopped by.
You were serious. Maybe not in love—Was that even possible in the Wasteland?—but definitely serious.
“And I’m about to fuck it all up,” you whispered, tears welling your eyes as you pondered taking off the cap. It’d been at least an hour since it chirped, announcing the results were in. Three times you gathered up the courage to look—three times you failed, panic robbing you of breath and vision blurring whenever you even considered the possibility of a positive result.
Your brain whirred, spitting questions with no good answers: Would he still want me? Would he blame me? Would he leave?
Would he, would he...on and on it went until you were queasy.
The swirling dread robbed you of awareness, so much so that you failed to hear your the click of your a door as someone unlocked it, or the thumpy footsteps on the stairs accompanied by inquisitive “hmms” as Mako searched the workshop for you.
You’d gone totally numb, shivering against the wall; just then, a familiar hand tapped your shoulder.
“Roadie!” you jumped, test stick clattering to the floor. You tried to rein your voice in, aware it likely teetered on hysterics. “What are you doing here?”
He had forgone the mask as you liked, tattered t-shirt straining against his tummy and large arms. His was hair out of its usual ponytail, gathered around his neck in a shaggy white crop. Every bit of it screamed relaxed, as did the takeaway boxes tucked under his arm. Mako had come for a date, and you were about to ruin it all.
“I was around,” he offered, watching you for a moment. Then, nodding at the ground. “What’s that for?”
Realizing the test was out in the open, you scrambled to snatch it up. “N-nothing! Silly business really, don’t worry about it, I just—”
“Don’t lie to me, ____,” he said, snatching up the test with deceptive speed.
The words were gentle, softer than anything you’d ever heard from him. Of course I can’t hide from him. He might be an internationally-wanted criminal, but Mako was one of the most perceptive people you’d ever met. Not that it’d take a savant to derive the source of your current meltdown.
He held the damning evidence in front of you. “This yours?”
You nodded, biting your lip to quell your tears. Mako nodded, face drained of emotion. He watched you a moment, eyes resting on your middle.
“Would it be mine?”
You nodded again, momentary incredulity granting you courage to speak. “Whose else’s?”
That got a slight chuckle, quickly replaced by the first instance of worry you’d ever seen on his face.
“You look yet?”
You shook your head no.
“Scared?” he asked, face full of comprehension.
You nodded, trembling progressed to sobbing tremors. Without another word Mako pulled you toward him, willing you still with his solid warmth. By degrees you stopped, reduced to sniffles and quiet babbling.
“I’m so sorry, I ruined everything. You came to have a good time and you face so much out there and I-I—“
Mako kissed your head, lips lingering against your clammy skin. “Stop. We’ll look at it together.”
It wasn’t a question and you had no will left to fight. Still, the unspeakable question prowled your thoughts, compelling you to ask.
“And if it’s...” you said, trailing off as you stared at him with welling eyes.
“Then it is,” Mako said, training his quiet, determined gaze on your frightened one. “But I’m yours, ____. No matter what.”
You cried out in relief, so flooded with happiness you could only hug him tighter. Mako laughed, sound soothing like summer rain on desert sand. Standing on your tippy toes, you kissed him, leaching every ounce of gratitude and affection you could into your lips. He answered ferverently, flicking his tongue across yours before pulling away.
“Ready?” he asked, holding the test up. Taking a deep breath, you nodded. With him by your side, you could do anything. Using his thumb, Mako slid the shutter covering the screen, both of you holding your breath as you uncovered the result: Negative.
The sound you made barely qualified as human, but Mako just laughed, ruffling your hair with his free hand. Crisis averted, turned your attention to the fragrant takeaway boxes, sure you detected the tang of greasy noodles.
“Hungry?” Mako asked, scarred cheek quirking as he smiled.
You stood, temporarily stunned by the pure affection on his face. He wouldn’t say it yet, and neither would you until you got good and ready, but right then you knew that Mako Rutledge, criminal extraordinaire, loved you.
Stomach grumbling, you answered with a smile. “For you? Always.”
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sirro85-blog · 6 years
Humans are Space Orcs: Loyalty
"Humans will pack bond with anything" is not true.
I am Professor Gleax and studying the humans has been my life's work, I have spent time with them in war and in peace in simple and in interesting times. To borrow from one of earth's great thinkers; others have studied humans and given me guidance, while my 30'000 volumes are intended to be exhaustive, I am standing on the shoulders of giants.
Humans can pack bond with anything animate, sentient or otherwise but this doesn't mean they will. My time observing Major Kovac one time soldier in the United Nations Galactic Defence Force and part time mercenary taught me this.
I had followed Kovac to earth's 2nd joint species settlement, Terrans and Votoli the humans called them "wombats" due to their similar appearance to earth's species of that name although Kovac always maintained that they looked more like small camels to him. Votoli lived in colonies with a queen similar to earth's insects but lacked the hive mind instead using various musks to coordinate the colony's activities.
It had not been a happy start to the settlement with issues regarding resource sharing and unfortunate accidents resulting in some early deaths but after 2 orbits the settlement appeared to be running smoothly. Until the Rhul settlement established itself on a nearby continent.
From what Kovac was able to uncover later the Votoli took unilateral decision to sabotage the settlement and the humans unaware of Votoli actions were hostile when accused of subterfuge by irate Go-Rhul (low rank pack leaders).
There were several skirmishes and hostilities seemed to escalate at every parlé, until a human outpost was overrun and the occupants all killed.
Major Kovac was dispatched with his squadron at full compliment, 3 troops of combat specialists and a 3rd auxiliary troop of support troops. The UNGC gave him full licence to resolve the issue, the Rhul afterall were known to be hostile to humans at times. Rhul internal politics meant that the Dote-Sim-Rhul that commanded the settlement was unlikely to be able to expect support from the Rhul homeworld.
Initially I thought the Major would resolve the conflict peacefully without needing the power of the human military machine. Sadly another outpost was overrun and the Votoli lost troops aswell and things spiralled out of hand
"We need to close the western defences Major," chittered the Votoli commander, while the Votoli were nominally in command of their own troops and positions the human warrior tendencies and the Major's reputation meant the human leader was in overall command.
"No, Wolf will have hit that position hard and extricating his men will be a challenge, when they get back his men will be tired and nothing can slow down their achieving safety."
"I doubt your men are left alive Major, a single troop can't capture that position as you admitted yourself and humans cannot outrun a Rhul, those hunting your men will be led by a Go, if not a Stad or even a Finn. A fighting withdrawal over 10 of earth's kilometres will see the last of the survivors run down." The Votoli gave a squirt of annoyance, the odour assailed my scent receptors.
"No, the Captain will have inflicted maximum casualties and as the Stad tried to respond would have targeted the communications, this will lead to a Finn pack being deployed and the men of 1 Troop will have been pushed to hold position initially, now Wolf will be leading his men back at a run, a Chet may have been foolish enough to pursue headlong but a Finn will be wise enough not to push too hard after humans, especially after Wolf has left them a few...gifts."
"I don't see how 30 humans can hold back a Finn pack..." began the Votoli.
"I know you don't," Kovac cut across him, "No more than you can see how 120 humans are enough to win this war we are encumbered in. Have faith commander," I have to admit I agreed with the Votoli, 30 humans even as good as Kovac's would not withstand an onslaught by near 200 Rhul warriors, I believed my friend Wolf was dead.
The Votoli squirted in anger and declared, "your men are dead!"
"They aren't," came the laconic reply.
"You're so sure, what is this? Blind loyalty?" Sneered the Votoli, literally dripping with derision.
For the first time the Major turned to look at his ally, "it's not blind."
A few moments later a shout went up from a lookout, human soldiers sighted, within minutes they were visible to the commanders, the Finn must have realised his quarry had nearly escaped him because he drove his pack forward harder, the humans were 500m from safety when the Rhul were less than 25 from them, Captain Wolf had his men find cover and turn their rifles on their fast approaching enemy.
I thought the Major would order the defences raised as he raised his radio to his lips and said, "Captain Dorman, if you would, Gillie, light them up."
The Finn-Rhul seemed to realise his error as the jaws of the trap snapped shut, mortar and heavy support fire rained in from Captain Gillespie's auxiliary unit as Captain Dorman signalled his men to open fire, bullets tore into the Rhul from three sides as explosives rained in from above. Less than half a dozen Rhul were seen to limp from the killing zone and while the Votoli were eager to pursue them they lost their desire when the humans would not assist them.
"Well done Wolf, your men were superb," Kovac shook his Captain's hand. "Thank you sir, need to report three casualties...I'm sorry sir."
Kovac bowed his head for a moment and gave a heavy sigh, "Thank you Captain."
3 planetary rotations later the Major was in communication with the Rhul, "I've already destroyed at least 1/3 of your forces, I suspect more than that, please return to the negotiations, we can make decisions that benefit us all"
The response was less than positive but the Major seemed to lose his temper when the Votoli liaison cut across the broadcast, "surrender!" She chirruped, "surrender or my humans will destroy you." The Major ended the communications link.
Captains Dorman and Becca reported incidents to the Major when Votoli troops seemed to break rules of engagement to inflict non-military losses on the Rhul.
The Major lead a daring raid into enemy territory and successfully destroyed the Rhul communications array, they captured the final two Stad-Rhul pack leaders of similar rank to the Major himself. The Votoli at this point had refused to accompany the humans but were acting as the defence force manning positions. When Captain Becca confronted them on this the Votoli insisted that the humans were asking too much and went so far as to blame the humans for the conflict.
The only setback was when Captain Dorman's 3 troop were unsuccessful in their attempt to capture the Rhul logistics HQ, while casualties were low it left 1/3 of the Major's combat troops exposed for several planetary days.
In many cultures my own included failure to complete an order would result in loss of command and punishment, however as the Major explained to me, "It was a near impossible task, I don't love my men because they always succeed I love them because they always try."
As the seasons changed to colder & wetter relations with the humans and Votoli broke, the humans it seemed could do no right in the eyes of the "Wombats" every victory was expected and every set back was the fault of the human forces, the Rhul were now besieged and the Major had resolved to seek peace one more time before the war reached its violent and dreadful conclusion.
This time no Votoli were invited to the meeting, even I was asked to remain outside, whatever was agreed the next event was the human forces withdrawal to their own defensive perimeter and the release of Rhul prisoners.
"You're incompetent," railed the Votoli bureaucrat at the Major, "you've given up all our hard won land and sacrificed all the advantages we had achieved." The creature appeared to have greater control of it's scent valves than most and gave less away, "everytime we look to be achieving our goal your foolishness costs us, if it hadn't been for Votoli..."
The Major appeared to lose his temper and raised his hand, "If it hadn't been for the Votoli? Do not tell me what would be the situation if it were not for our allies."
The Major dismissed the Votoli with a gesture and the creature lost it's control letting out a stream of rage, the Major had already departed.
"About as subtle as a shotgun, as manipulative as my old dad," muttered Captain Becca falling in with her commander.
Within a week the Rhul had broken through the Votoli containment and were on the offensive. No human position was attacked and no form of aggression was seen by either side.
By the second week the Votoli had been routed and only their military command post remained intact, though heavily damaged.
"You're our allies, you're pack bonded, you're supposed to protect us from this, you have to help us," wailed the Votoli high commander through the communications link.
"We were allies, you took advantage of our nature, you took advantage of who we are and exploited the best of us, we who will help anyone regardless of race and will stand shoulder to shoulder with our friends in the face of obliteration, you used us as any bully uses people, you're cowards and thugs and I will not weep at your passing." Was the Major's cold reply.
Humans will pack bond with anything and they will show a trust in their friends beyond reason, they forgive and forget and they will give their last for their own but never assume they'll let that be taken for granted.
If you ever find one ask the Votoli what happens when human friendship is taken for granted, or human love is abused.
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princeofgod-2021 · 3 years
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John 1:4
Ecc 9:18 Wisdom is better than instruments of war, but one sinner is the destruction of much good. BBE
Good morning beloved, and may the Almighty God grant us all conquering wisdom over all of life’s many facets, in Jesus name, Amen.
We stopped last lesson with a question: what [really] was Satan’s success against Eve?
Considering that it didn’t end well for Satan; he definitely knew he would be punished, don’t you think?
Why be so foolhardy and end up under the Man you corrupted?
Gen 3:14-15 And the Lord God said to the snake, Because you have done this you are cursed more than all cattle and every beast of the field; you will go flat on the earth, and dust will be your food all the days of your life: And there will be war between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed: BY HIM WILL YOUR HEAD BE CRUSHED and by you his foot will be wounded. BBE
There we see Satan receiving the first and worst punishment, and he wasn’t even asked what happened; God knew him well.
So why do such stupid thing that ends one in extreme demotion.
Again, we must acknowledge that something happened as soon as Man ate the fruit: FLESH came alive and potent, and became the ally of the devil.
Now Satan has an “insider” in Man.
Rom 7:9 I once lived without a clear understanding of the law, but when I heard God’s commandments, sin sprang to life and brought with it a death sentence. TPT
It is like they say: “you lost the battle but won the war…”.
Satan didn’t mind being trampled, as long as he could “always” access Men through the FLESH, he was okay with that.
Mar 8:33 Jesus turned, looked at his disciples, and objected to what Peter said. Jesus said, "Get out of my way, Satan! You aren't thinking the way God thinks but the way humans think." GW
“The way humans think” implies the “driving force” behind general humanity’s pursuit.
1Jn 2:15-16 Don’t set the affections of your heart on this world or in loving the things of the world. The love of the Father and the love of the world are incompatible. For all that the world can offer us—the gratification of our flesh, the allurement of the things of the world, and the obsession with status and importance—none of these things come from the Father but from the world. TPT
Mr. Flesh is behind all lusts and Satan accesses men through him.
Every time the devil comes to men’s heart, Mr. Flesh opens the door for him; flesh is “edge breaker” and man gave him life.
Ecc 10:8 He who makes a hole for others will himself go into it, and for him who makes a hole through a wall the bite of a snake will be a punishment. BBE
Merely breaking an edge would have been simple to redress but the issue is that a perpetual door is in place, to be opened by Mr. Flesh whenever Satan wants to infiltrate.
Have you not realized that robbers find it easier to have an insider than to simply carry guns and shoot?
An insider becomes the weakness of the “body” and worse case is; they’re difficult to know.
How does all these “manipulations” really work for Satan? It is simple beloved. Let’s dig!
Jas 1:13-15 Don't blame God when you are tempted! God cannot be tempted by evil, and he doesn't use evil to tempt others. We are tempted by our own desires that drag us off and trap us. Our desires make us sin, and when sin is finished with us, it leaves us dead. CEV
Very common scripture but it is loaded with meanings. This is how it works:
If you have the “philosophy” that you don’t take nonsense from anyone; you’d give it to them one time; you can’t let your simplicity be exploited.
Fine, but you have the “Pride of Life” (I Jn 2:15).
You’ve mostly said it everywhere and probably boasted about it.
Now Satan knows your weakness.
Anytime he wants someone to say bitter things, keep malice, scatter the brotherhood, spoil someone’s day, utter curses, shout, fight and give the gospel a bad name, he comes to you.
Mr. FLESH lets him in easily and before you know it, you have done it again and can’t control it.
Not only will flesh let him in indiscriminately but flesh will keep your “Philosophy” of “no nonsense” alive, like keeping you “warm” and ready for use any other “chosen” day by the devil.
Rom 12:16 Live happily together in a spirit of harmony, and be as mindful of another’s worth as you are your own. Don’t live with a lofty mind-set, thinking you are too important to serve others, but be willing to do menial tasks and identify with those who are humble minded. Don’t be smug or even think for a moment that you know it all. TPT
The Philosophy is the “Tree” and the sins are the products. They will always produce in “season”.
So when I see Christians who fantasize about having people “apply” to see them, see cars and drool over such, and/or always crave material things, I know Satan can easily control/use them.
We will look at more examples next time, as I seriously pray that God will lift us all right out of the quagmire of depressing manipulations and make us rule them for good, in Jesus name, Amen.
Be back on Wednesday for another look into this subtopic.
Keep Shinning!
Brother Prince
Monday, February 07, 2022
08055125517; 08023904307
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September 2020
Contributor: Jana Daniel
Grassroots Guardians of Truth
UPROOT a DV Movement
The goal was to torture me through my own account that way no trace.. I did it to myself because I'm insane. Covert ops in a time where technology is impressive but vulnerable to data corruptions and lack of understanding especially in the legal arena where a firm understanding is needed the most. I was researching and running pilot programs to discover ways to truly keep women who make it out safe without cutting them off from society. This experience has proven that I'm a textbook case with tenure. Everything happens for a reason and my advocacy and philanthropy pursuits are far from over. The following is a percent of what occured and what I saw, technology throughputs allowed manipulative imagery and allowed changes to text photos before sent. The need is abundant whether we are ready or not.
Amazing what a year can do. I've learned an excessive amount of information now that I've acclimated to the happenings. By now, everyone has heard of predictive text and I'm sure it comes in handy. However, my experience was quite different. The global keyboard uploaded without my prompt, by a second individual who accessed my account on a seperate device and through the Google Play Store selected and downloaded the app. As my phone updated around 3 am the keyboard app uploaded and would change automatically while typing. I write a lot, so this became problematic and prevented me from continuing my endeavors until a solution is found. It would be another 7 months little did I know, before my life was my own again. A virtual kidnapping essentially the best way to describe this systematic, continual abuse and crime against a person. It's killing me faster than the physical abuse because I couldn't identify the perpetrators.
Deep-thinking and clear understanding of what is occuring and where protections and oversight will be needed. Automated decision making isn't a human function and nor what we're accustomed to. In less than a year due to the reality that someone or something is communicating data to me, i began to rely on the predictive guideline set before me just as an officer would be able to predictively policy enforce. But that in fact is exactly the point, there is a violation of human, civil, and individual rights to not be infringed upon. For my own pursuits in life I try to maintain a secure system and in doing so through my ordinary course of business I conduct certain procedures. One being, data mining, another being continued education, pilot programs when available, etc. I had experienced a different breach around December and I began seeking the identity of the criminal.
Initially, unsupervised or monitored only, (permission not given for either) coded script played out on my screen. After I reported, the game changed. Suddenly, an advasarial context is all that I'm receiving and I'm suddenly the victim of targeted surveillance that I'm very well aware of. Let's face it, you normally wouldn't know that you are being placed under surveillance. I now know that this in fact was, an example of Deep learning of general advasarial Neuro network a GAN with a generator and a discriminator being put against each other. Understanding that what your brain fires on it wires on as well. They fed the deepfake scenarios to me each with enough truth or probability that I had no choice but to seek the remaining info that they failed to disclose and that is described as (mask) words. It took a lot of time initially but I became more efficient as I continued to learn.
As protected individuals by order of a domestic violence protective order, to have the Thomas Co Sheriff Dept. And the Pelham PD testing my ability to decipher the information, realizing that I see what is happening and being further disrespected and even asked to park and contact an ambulance to let them know that I need help finding the right person, who at the time someone was insinuating that my deceased father was alive. The cops didn't even investigate.. couldn't get more obvious they violated my constitutional rights and mine and my children's rights as victims of DV. My children, by the way, utilize the phone as well, the constant changes to the screen and location of the apps was noticed first by my son. No matter what I did they had control of the content in the phone. Using face recognition to identify if I'm telling the truth and constantly surveilling me. My vehicle too, equiped to note my every move. Taunted by my home devices such as the ring light that would switch off when I needed the lights on. I haven't had moment's peace since the leave. I'm to blame according to the Sheriff Dept. Odd doesn't seem reasonable but okay, I have to use the healing process to investigate.
I wish I could say that is where it ended, far from it actually. Social engineered to stop trusting in everything, creating discord with people I'd just began to connect with after years of isolation. Then in state of grieving the loss only father, vulnerabilities exploited, cognitive dissonance attempted to create an unstable demeanor because who could possibly explain that cards- Google search pages- are leading to videos that contain AI image alterations so that what you see is familiar. Someone was available twenty four hours a day and when I wasn't seeking the information, someone was threatening me predictively and also implemented sounds that at first I didn't distinguish as just sounds. This would occur throughout the night sometimes. I honestly believed that we were in danger. I fell from the healthy state that I had just had a glimpse of into a sickened, deregulated state that would continue for months. Words uncommonly used by myself such as Tactically, vie, omniscient, etc. would flash and storyline would clearly be laid before me. Other tactics were used such as Fuzzing, quasi-imperceptible, emotional extortion at it's finest. It will be blamed on AI technology, but they failed to understand the identifying bits of info that I detected and categorized chronologically and per device or paper that they derived from.
I will be blamed for not seeing my children who were removed due to DV. I'll take the blame because it was a decision I was able to make due to the fact that I was being encouraged to have all four of the children together in order to get the money. Seemed like a ploy so I went alone to Rundown the people who had become increasingly more than I expected. Conspirators, bribe takers, and there's us… Collateral damage. It seemed to have turned into a game where death was the intent. I held on because I knew that someone has been made aware and I had reported to different agencies and to my trusted friends. Time lingered, and three months became six and suddenly they were threatening to arrest someone else. Realizing that they've violated our rights and worked diligently to destroy the security that I had worked so hard to establish after escaping DV with the belongings in my vehicle. They still were far from done. I had been forced to live without AC and the plumbing problematic after an attempted repair by the landlord left my room flooded. The Corona Pandemic began the same time, also the first and last time that my spouse had paid child support. After three months, they came to collect the rent. It now June, I demanded the air be fixed to no avail. I then had all repairs done myself. I spoke with him expecting a negotiation and then received an eviction notice. Upon filing a response and counterclaim, I was ordered an extra month rent above the amount petitioned for… I received no credit for the repairs that I had just had made, and I had seven days to vacate. I did not mention that the entire three months of No child support, no AC, no response from the landlord, that I had been receiving predictive context stating… “We built a prison just for you” forced to sleep with our windows open, remain outside during the day.. in a matter of no time, our happy home had become our misery. I offered the landlord the full judgement amount cash in hand, he denied to take it , he said he prefered that I move out. I didn't get my appeal in because I had confirmed that our family land has been sold under the premise of an invalid will and just as ten years before, heritage stolen from us all. Seven days came quickly and I didn't have but one who I still trusted at that point. I was granted a couple days and demeaned in the process. On that last day I left with my children who were unaware that we no longer has a home. We hadn't enjoyed any of the summer so I took my children on what they knew as a vacation. I was a nervous wreck managing them and their little hands, don't touch, don't breath, the virus! As I searched for options within my budget and tried to predict the next time that he networks and deprives. I decided that I will use the land that I own and homestead. No one can ever put us in that situation again. Now how can I make this work? I haven't built the house yet due to the lengthy divorce and the other intentionally created variables. Without revealing everything, I made it work and the house will be built soon.
After all of that, if it were a LAN network and the neighborhood and city were to blame then it's over… The worst has yet to come. My lawyer dropped the ball, so there was no contempt hearing, meaning no support from the abusive spouse. The final divorce scheduled for Monday August 24th. On Thursday prior, I advised my attorney that I wasn't a lamb being led to slaughter and neither are my children. I am not impressed with her demeanor seemingly in defense of the opposing side and reiterated that she needs to advise me of what the correspondence is rather than knowing everything they're saying and leaving me in the dark. She said that was mailing a check for $1500 of the $5k he owes. I explained how I intended on explaining everything to the judge with physical example of two clean devices in which he could type a sentence structure and I across the room could in fact with acceptable accuracy through mining relay his message… I was placed on hold, then she was going to return my call. I received an email the next day stating the hearing had been cancelled. I guess I was close enough to cause cleanup on DiVorce-20. I couldn't make up the incompetcy if I tried… it's been over a year and she let my protective order expire when she let the scheduling fail the kids and I. She's knowingly prolonged everything working an agenda.
Meanwhile, I'm mining data, and see threatening communications about my mother being the price that I will pay. For two days and there was even a signature of 4umud:\3 I had seen threatening messages all the while through, they wanted me to harm myself, so I didn't realize the gravity of the situation until the morning of August 27th, when they told me she had passed away. I am trying to hold it together, my heart is broken into pieces. In the last year and a half I lost my father, escaped DV so I thought, pandemic, bought a household full of furniture, got evicted after being tormented, burned most if the furniture that I had bought just a year ago, and then have to accept my mother's passing after being told of it prior to. How? I write sometimes into the night… Only to wake up and see everything has been deleted or modified to look like jibberish.
The plan was to make me appear alone and unstable. Then with a signature they could get the rest of what I have. The Underwoods made everyone think that I had a big check, that's so they would attack me and funny how I said to him.. your plan isn't going to work… He said they have a new one and the two days before my mom died he didn't call.. he has and did call every single day but those two days. So no, I don't believe that anyone has been here to help there is no reason that I could. The full story would take forever to explain a hundred different things … Deep learning of how sick these people are. That statement is inclusive of some judges, some lawyers, some landowner, some banker, some ex's, some banker, and some evils.
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Regarding the factual basis for my findings… an advasarial context targeted at DV Victim and At some point to gain a new level of trust an observer weighed in - ALL CAPS- it appeared to be but this is stalking and Harassment using the same protocol as a guideline. Being that I worked for the Baldwin's and the quantity of equipment, servers, and technology couples with security… I'd say that BYOD could have easily attached to any device that I've had especially if someone made the mistake of hacking the email that I had as a corporate address. Quasi-imperceptible as everything in convulsion is nearly impossible to figure out. Casual reasoning nearly out the window now that I've used the Ai tech inappropriately due to the advasarial context intended to disrupt and destabilize.
Disquis was an app that he or someone loaded to my account and I did go back and test most of the apps I saw because I needed to know what info was obtained and how to prevent in the future. Red team, that's me. ResGN to reinforce the learning and GPT-2 is quickly being replaced by GPT-3 a natural language system that whether forward or back will remember the context of the usage of the specific word. Cryptography circles implemented initially to create a trustless environment. Deepfake tech that I've lived for ten years without the fancy assigned label's. Ultimately the same as always… Doubt your reality and make sure everyone doubts your capabilities because how else can they suck the soul out if you. If you see me and don't recognize me… Know it's because he is wearing my reflection… If I take it back he is the one who looks like an empty shell. I am not empty.. I have a flicker.
I hope this helps you understand that I'm capable of handling the delivery of proof and facts that will assist others to understand that this is a very sophisticated form of technology and weaponry all the same when abused and causes one to harm another or one to harm themselves then I'd say the prosecution rate will increase significantly. Once recognized for the heinous malfunctioned personality that takes the time and devotion to harm another in such a way that is worth what I just endured teaching myself because the law and legal representation failed to do anything to help ... Oh except drop the contempt, postpone the final, and my protective order expired too.
"If you really have to do something ... Go alone!" generations of wisdom... William Kirby Daniel
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