#gravity's ascension
brokenangelwings22 · 7 months
Gravity's Ascension Chapter 13 is now up!
Yep. It's been MONTHS. I finally got the inspiration to finish the chapter! Please enjoy! As always, thank you to @gina-chan1979 and @lowrider-dreams for being there for me. Enjoy, m'loves!
Gravity's Ascension Chapter 13: One Last Plea
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nemfrog · 11 months
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Ascension. An illustrated vocabulary for the use of the deaf. 1857.
Internet Archive
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kojoty · 1 month
Honestly I think Stanley pines is transmasc
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daydream-the-demon · 11 months
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klonoafan5 · 1 month
continuing from the post i've made yesterday, here's some more explanation on the ascension au!
it focuses on dipper and mabel as they readjust to normal life in piedmont and grow up - that is until he starts experiencing some strange stuff.
somehow getting all the answers right on a test that he struggled with, gaining a burst of energy whenever someone makes a deal with him, not to mention the weird place he finds himself in whenever he sleeps.
dipper being dipper, he tries to hide it from his twin because she's already been through a lot in his mind and doesn't want to add more to the pile. but when you're not only experiencing internal changes, but external? it's kinda hard not to get noticed. especially in a place like school.
fortunately, thanks to his character development over the summer, dipper could care less about what other kids think about him. but when they choose to go after mabel? that changes things.
from then on, dipper is always close to her and never lets her out of his sight, only backing down when she asks or when he has to.
otherwise? he's not going anywhere or doing anything until he makes sure that she's completely safe and that no one harms her.
the scariest thing about it is that he's not fully aware of what he's doing. not until he ends up fighting someone until there's blood on his hands. luckily mabel was there to stop him only to end up in detention.
and while he's recoiling at the thought of hurting someone, that's not what he's afraid of. no. what he's afraid of is that a part of him didn't think what he was doing was wrong. was that his duty as a sibling, as a brother? to protect his twin? to make sure that she's safe and unharmed? he was only doing what he was raised to do. what he was born to do.
why should he also be punished? he was doing them a favor.
he doesn't deserve this unjust treatment. no. he deserves better. more. they should be GRATEFUL that SHE was there to stop him from doing what had to be done!
something is wrong with him. and he needs to figure out what.
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hermitcraftheadcanons · 5 months
Every hermit is a god, and Hermitcraft is their plane they work to create together to do. God stuff.
It’s how they create life (snails), massive builds that would be physically impossible to create by mortals (and ofc the builds are immune to gravity thanks to the properties of their plane.)
It’s just… not all the Hermits know what they’re the god of, and it’s a mix of higher gods (Pearl of the Moon, Grain of the Sun) and minor deities that don’t know what they rule but are having a grand old time regardless
Hermitcraft being a godly plane doesn't actually restrict new members to those who are already gods. Anyone who joins Hermitcraft officially is elevated to godhood, with the same powers over their plane as anyone else. This is the cause of most hermits who don't yet know what their domain is. When Joel joined, he was already the God of Lore, but Skizz is still figuring out his ascension to a god of friendship and laughter.
-Mod Mleem
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cityof2morrow · 1 month
3t2: DIY Elevator Kit
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Published: 8-15-2024 | Updated: 8-16-2024 SUMMARY “The Teleportation Pad reduces your transportation costs by 100%... within a reasonable margin of error” “Elevators are terribly crude if you think about it. Moving a whole room from one floor to another? Barbaric! It's much more efficient to move single Sims with anti-gravity tech.” This DIY elevator set is a combination of the Teleportation Pad from Sims 3 (EA/Maxis, 2009) and the Tube Elevator from Sims 3: Into the Future (EA/Maxis, 2013). Use them to create your own retro-futuristic elevator. The DIY elevator is much faster than the default elevator, making it especially convenient on busy lots or very tall buildings. There are multiple recolors for the teleportation pad. There are TWO versions of the elevator repo’d to the Plain (V1) and Graphic Glass (V2) TXTR Repository meshes respectively. Get them from my Repo Pack (Simmons, 2022) for the glass recolors to show properly. You can have both in-game at the same time.
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DETAILS Requires all EPs/SPs. §200 | Build > Stairs/Columns
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Turn on “moveobjects on/off” and place one teleportation pad to create a travel point between two floors. You do NOT need to place a pad on the top-most floor. Like the “Ascensions Elevator Stairs (Targa, 2005), sims can enter/exit the teleportation pad from all four sides, and will be instantly transported without breaking stride. Fence off/block the sides you don’t want to be accessible but leave at least one side open. The glass tube elevators function like columns. ITEMS Teleportation Pad (1005 poly) Tube Elevator by Corebital Designs (1161 poly) Tube Elevator Top by Corebital Designs (783 poly) DOWNLOAD (choose one) from SFS | from MEGA CREDITS Thanks: Sims2/Simming communities. Sources: Ascensions Elevator Stairs (Targa, 2005), Any Color You Like (CuriousB, 2010), Beyno (Korn via BBFonts), EA/Maxis, Offuturistic Infographic (Freepik).
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illuminatedferret · 6 months
With the new edits to Xie Lian's request to be banished again rather than fight Lang Qianqiu, I'm really struck by the gravity of Hua Cheng rejecting his ascension again. We conflate being a Heavenly Official with being a god, being a god with being beneath Jun Wu's dominion, but that's really not the case. Ascension and godhood are natural consequences of diligence and cultivation, not something handed out because you impressed the right person. And yet as more people ascend, they fight, they bump elbows, they learn to live among one another, regulating each other and developing a 'status quo' for godhood.
This is the Heavenly Court- not a natural location, but a system constructed to exercise control over gods and godhood. A place just as coveted as it is full of rules and expectations, just as unforgiving as it is illustrious. Yet the violence inherent in the heavens, in Jun Wu's rule, is never truly addressed. And that violence can be boiled down into one simple question:
Do people have the right to say no to godhood?
For all intents and purposes, it seems that few people view ascensions as a bad thing. The only case we have of someone outright rejecting the heavens and doing so on their own terms is Hua Cheng. And as far as we can tell, no one ever follows up with him over this, but we can't forget his unique circumstances: his ghosthood, his place in Mount Tonglu, his soon-to-come power as one of the strongest men in the world, all allow him to pull off this escape and land himself a position where the heavens cannot afford to punish him, even if they want to. But for a more average person, what would happen if they said no?
And if Jun Wu accepts that "no" (if he accepts any no), does it come with no strings attached? What are the odds he allows this mold-breaker to walk out the doors without some sort of condition in place? Let me remind you, godhood is not contingent on his approval- rejecting the heavens doesn't make you stop being a god. Really, isn't rejecting the heavens rejecting him and his rule, more than anything else? He cannot make someone a god, and he cannot truly make them stop being a god, either. It is a privilege of his position (and power) that he can pretend otherwise, and he has to go to extreme lengths (the cursed shackles) to do so.
What ruler wouldn't see it as an act of disrespect that someone wants to leave their court? What ruler would willfully allow someone to leave the heavens and become what is fundamentally a rogue agent? It flies in the face of the purpose of the Heavenly Court. Surely this hypothetical person allowed to leave ends up like Xie Lian: shackled, deprived of at least the ability to hear prayers. At worst, Jun Wu may decide someone who rejects the heavens rejects the cultivation that brought them there as well, and seal their spiritual power too. But with those sorts of caveats, who would choose to leave? And to deprive people of choice is inherently violence.
In one act, Hua Cheng not only rejects the heavens but bucks their yoke, escaping the system of power and control that demands obedience from everyone unto the man on top. This is a far, far more significant and noteworthy act than is addressed. While he clearly cares little for it, Hua Cheng is a god, making him the only god in the world truly removed from Jun Wu's control and influence. He exists outside of the heavens' system, and thus paves the way for a space similarly divorced from the control of the heavens, where people can live without fear of censure or persecution from the people the world insists are their betters.
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don-quixotine · 7 months
Here are my thoughts so far:
The parts where I still had my reservations for the first half were definitely addressed in the second. There were more Kataang beats, especially in the last three episodes.
Please that whole part before the zutara showdown where Aang goes like "go easy, enough ppl have suffered" and zuko is more or less like "lol it's cute u think i'd hold back" and then aang has this proud little smirk like "oh i wasn’t talking to you"😏 Also his proud little smirk when Katara is fighting Pakku PLEASE HE IS GOING TO BE THE PROUDEST BF
They covered the most important points and had a decent few scenes of fan service, loved that.
However, the adaptation is not perfect and there are definitely parts that were lacking, at least to me. Primarily, I think they did our girl Katara a little dirty not emphasizing as much on her arc as opposed to Sokka's, for example, and also the way her ascension to master was pretty telly instead of showy
There was definitely something to love in every episode, but I think the weakest ones have to be Omashu and Spirited Away.
My ABSOULUTE FAVORITE episodes were Into the Dark and Masks. Dallas, Paul, and Gordon did SUCH a great job in them. I cannot WAIT for the proper leaves from the vine scene and also to have more of zuko interacting with aang.
My favorite was Zuko by far, yes. I think the performance and the was he was written struck the best balance of that goofiness and tragedy atla is originally known for. That’s not to say the other kids didn't do a good job, but Dallas' Zuko was by far the best imo
I understand now what the showrunners meant by making the show more mature and serious. I cannot say I didn't like it, but I can see it being an acquired taste especially for the part of the fandom that is more purist/demanding. I like that the focus emphasized more on the consequences of war and that it reflected on the cycles of violence and hurt, what they do to a person and how the wounds pass down generationally. I think this emphasis on war, compassion, kindness, all those things are definitely an important message in this time and day. However, it is a little too serious for my taste, PRECISELY because of the times we are living in. Back when the OG came about the world was in a time of relative peace. But now we get pictures of carnage and genocide mixed in with videos of cute puppies, so it's definitely a different place. It was much easier to understand the gravity of the genocidal/bombing scenes imo, almost to a point that they seemed watered down/kid friendly compared to the real thing that we see on our phones everyday. Because of that, I think erring more on the comedy, the balance between what it ACTUALLY means to be hopeful and not just talking about it, is the one thing the show could improve upon for next seasons.
All in all I am VERY pleased with the adaptation. There were moments where I definitely bawled my eyes out, shouted, and laughed the same way I did the first time I watched the show. All I can say is, for those still on the fence about watching it, so long as you go in with an open mind and with the explicit objective of enjoying yourself, it will be a fun watch.
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bethanythebogwitch · 7 months
My favorite magic system from a game I haven't actually played is from Mage: the Ascension. It kind of fits as both a hard magic system and a soft magic system at the same time because there are some hard rules, but its mostly very open. To become a mage you have to realize that reality is not what it seems. In MtA, reality is whatever the majority of people believe it is, known as the consensus. The consensus in modern days is pretty uniform everywhere, with small variations based on where you are, but it used to be wildly different based on the cultural beliefs of the local people. A mage is a person who realizes that the consensus isn't true reality and gains to power to act outside of its rules. Any given mage's abilities come from their own personal view of reality, known as their paradigm. A mage's magic can do basically anything, as long as it is accounted for in their paradigm. So a mage who's paradigm includes the classic Aristotelian elements can perform magic based on that, but if their paradigm doesn't include animistic spirits then they can't commune with those spirits even though other mages could based on their own paradigm. The problem with this is that the consensus doesn't like it when you go around breaking its rules and will punish mages by slapping them with an effect called paradox. Paradox can be anything from a spell failing to getting shunted into your own personal pocket universe. Nothing generates paradox like being seen doing magic by sleepers (people who are not mages and still live fully within the consensus). Most mages either only use magic around other mages or, if they need to cast around sleepers, will disguise their magic as a mundane effect. Someone throwing a fireball from their hands will generate major paradox because the consensus is that people can't do that. However if a mage holds a lighter up to a spraycan before casting their fireball, the sleepers can rationalize it as something that exists within the consensus and not as much paradox will be generated.
In the dark ages, magic was part of the consensus and mages could openly rule over the sleepers because everyone believed in magic and therefore magic was part of the consensus. In response to the tyranny of the mages, a group was formed called the League of Reason, who wanted to introduce a new form of magic to the consensus that everyone could use. This form of magic was based on logic and reason and was called science. This led to the ascension war, where the League of reason sought to remove magic and superstition from the consensus and a very loose coalition of mages called the Council of Nine Mystic Traditions want to keep magic in the consensus. And the League of Reason won. A mostly rationalistic, scientific worldview has become the consensus worldwide, forcing the Council into operating underground. The League of Reason has become the Technocracy, a worldwide secret organization ruling the world from the shadows and trying to stamp out magic and any other form of "reality deviants" to keep humanity safe, even if they have to suppress basic human imagination to do so. Notably, the earliest books for the game very much said "Traditions good, Technocracy bad", but later books went for a much more grey approach to the conflict between them, making it clear that both sides really are doing what they think is in humanity's best interest even if their ideas for how to do so are fundamentally incompatible.
What's really interesting is that science and technology really are a form of magic and technocrats are mages, even if the Technocracy would vehemently deny this. Technology is a form of magic that everyone can use because its part of the consensus and science doesn't discover new facts about the world, It creates those facts and applies them to the world. The Technocracy's super-advanced technology creates paradox just as much as magic does because personal anti-gravity suits and mass-produced clones violate the consensus just like throwing around fireballs and conjuring demons does.
Mage: the Ascension is a super fun setting because just about any fantasy or sci-fi trope can exist here. Classic pointy hat and wand wizards can battle cyborgs armed with self-replicating nanotechnology. Anti-authoritarian punks can hack your wallpaper to spy on you because they believe all reality is part of a unified mathematical whole that the internet gives us access to. A group of spacefarers can ride the luminiferous aether to mars only to encounter Aztec shamans who asked the spirits to carry them there thousands of years ago. A powerful mage can create a time loop by convincing their younger self to obtain enlightenment through the power of sex, drugs, and rock and roll. Two people can have an argument over whether the guy they just met was an alien from Alpha Centauri or an elf from the Norse nine realms and both of them can be right. Animistic spirit-callers can upload themselves to the internet to combat spirits of malware. And an angry mage might just teleport you into the sun because they believe distance is just an illusion and therefore have the power to make anything go anywhere with a thought. It's a wild ride.
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brokenangelwings22 · 10 months
Gravity's Ascension Chapter 13 preview
I should have this done as soon as possible for you. This is a long and heavy chapter. Just to let you know, the finished product might require Kleenex and chocolate. or whatever makes you feel better.
The teenager sat across from her brother, her smile radiating as he dug into his meal.
“You could be a chef!” Sora praised. “How was your day?”
“Oh, you know,” Orihime shrugged. “Work, tutoring, talking with Tatsuki.”
“Ah,” he said quietly. “How is she? You haven’t had her over lately.”
The auburn-haired teenager bit her bottom lip, looking oddly uncomfortable.
“What is it?” He pressed gently.
“Her parents aren’t allowing her out much,” she explained with a subtle tinge of sadness. Her fingers tapped on the table anxiously. “Where they live across the river… things are getting worse. There’s more vandalism and mob mentality. Mrs. Arisawa’s dojo was trashed last night. The vandals tore up the tatami floors, broke the windows, and tagged the walls with a symbol.”
“What was the symbol?” Sora felt his gut clench, cramping up with concern and a feeling of dread.
Orihime’s fingers stopped fidgeting but her knee began bouncing with nervous energy.
“A turquoise jaguar.”
Sora held back a curse and tried to calm himself. Orihime didn’t need to know the significance and danger that symbol brought.
“Are the Arisawas alright? Do they need anything?” He chose a path of using a soothing tone instead of anger.
“Yes and no,” she replied quietly. “We’re becoming more isolated. I planned everything for The Festival of Lights, but now it’s hopeless. There’s no way we’d be safe celebrating together. I miss Tats so very much. This has been lonely and difficult.”
Orihime turned her head, but Sora could tell she was trying to hide the tears dripping down her cheeks. The solace he had felt in coming home had evaporated and the heartache of being unable to stop his sister’s sadness and loneliness broke something inside him every day.
When she turned back to look at him, quickly wiping away stray tears, her eyes held a depth of pain that felt wrong and out of place. She had been such a joyful child. The world had become a cruel and unpredictable place, wrenching away innocence and safety from everyone.
“I can't allow this to continue,” his sister said quietly. There was a slight quiver in her voice, revealing both her anger and internal struggle.
Sitting back in his chair, Sora examined her closely. Orihime had always been eerily quick-witted and deeply empathetic. It was not in her nature to seek out justice violently. But, he supposed, everyone had their limits.
“Orihime,” Sora said with a hint of a fatherly warning. “Do not let your emotions rule your decisions. You can’t allow darkness into your heart. It isn’t who you are.”
The teenager winced at the reprimand. She nodded with a sobered look.
“You’re right,” she whispered. “I am sorry.”
Sora let out a soft sigh, shaking his head fondly at his sister.
“I understand that this is very hard for you. You are alone for a considerable amount of time. You see more than most should. If I could wave a wand and make the world whole again, I would do it in a heartbeat. For you and everyone.”
Orihime fidgeted with a lock of auburn hair. Her gray eyes still shimmered with unshed tears and fire within them. She was someone who wore her heart on her sleeve. She was honest even when she tried to hide the bottomless wealth of thoughts and emotions.
“Orihime,” Sora spoke quietly, folding his hands on the table. “It might be a good idea to get you out of the province.”
The teenager whipped her head and looked at him like he’d lost his mind. Sora held up his hand, signaling that he wasn’t done.
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essektheylyss · 11 months
It's very interesting that both Allura in this episode and Essek in 2.124 frame the Luxon as a pre-Founding entity that has been in Exandria since before the Primordials or the pantheon, because it really does complicate the idea of gods as a single unified classification. Discussions around, say, the Raven Queen's ascension and Artagan's godhood are interesting of course, but lend themselves to a hierarchy of being and power—mortals and archfey must be elevated to a higher position to reach a place among the gods—but the Luxon throws a wrench into the hierarchy itself.
Fandom discussions around the Luxon referring to it as an entity tend to feed into this hierarchy as well, even when framing the Luxon in a positive light, by placing the classification of god or deity as a literal higher power in a contemporary and very sociopolitical conceptualization of "power," positioning anything in that role as inherently oppressive, and I think this also does the conversation a disservice. A better metaphor, in my opinion, is to compare deities to the fundamental forces of physics.
The way that dunamis has been said to intertwine with reality on a minute level and the Luxon's extension of divine power without direct communication suggests to me that its power in relation to other deities is somewhat akin to gravity itself—gravity is the weakest of the fundamental forces, but much farther reaching, and therefore it exerts a massive influence on the cosmos in spite of that lesser strength.* This echoes the complexities of trying to rely upon a hierarchy of being in this discussion, because such hierarchies are always constructed and imposed, not inherent. Sometimes they are constructed by those positioned at the top, and other times not, but from any angle, regardless of field, they tend to be used to justify some moral stance and standing.
This is utterly negated by the Luxon's existence. Whatever can be said about it as an entity, it seems to be an inherently amoral being—it does not seem to concern itself with moral questions, and very possibly has no capacity to do so. At the same time, dunamis seems to be enmeshed within the reality of the Material Plane and the Weave itself, perhaps even the Skein of Fate—as described, dunamis may well be the very particulate matter comprising the choices of everything in the cosmos and how those choices intertwine.
The Raven Queen, as an ascended mortal, can look upon the individual heroes of the story and acknowledge them, validate them, but the Luxon has no inherent position from which to look, and as such evades any positionality within the constructed hierarchy upon which the questions of this campaign hinge.
*Complicating this metaphor is the fact that gravity's weakness means it doesn't exert significant influence on a micro scale, but I do not ever purport to suggest that dunamancy is a one-to-one mirror of the realities of quantum mechanics, not least because Matt is definitely no more a physicist than I am.
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thisisnotawendys · 3 months
Vegeta pounded his fist against the panel of the training pod, effectively switching off the gravity simulator with more force than was required. Another day of solitary training. Another day gone without his ascension. Sure, he was most certainly improving. How could he not be? It was biologically impossible for a Saiyan to push themselves thus, and not increase their power level.
He stripped off his black shirt and wiped it across his glistening forehead and chest before tossing it onto the steel panelled floor of the ship. This pod had become his unsuspecting home over the past few years. First, upon his (second) arrival on Earth following the cursed chess game that had been Namek. Then through a year of waiting for Kakarot to arrive from space and now in preparation for the androids.
Vegeta sighed huskily. His exhaustion washed over him leaving a chill on his bronzed skin. Dinner would have to wait, as would a shower. He climbed down the steel ladder into the cabin which housed a small mattress with plain grey sheets. He fell back onto the bed and covered his eyes with his forearm. It was mere moments before the fatigue took over his mind, and he was fast asleep.
He dreamt of Namek, but he had his tail again. He saw a deep ravine where he knew a dragon ball was hidden. He swooped down through the air and landed in the grass. Between himself and the ball stood a female figure with her back turned. It was her. Of course it was. It was always her. Bulma.
Her hair was back to its straight style, cut sharply at her jaw... just as he remembered her.
She turned slowly to look at him over her shoulder. Her bright blue eyes wide but dreamy, half-hooded under sky blue fringe. "Please," she pleaded. Her voice rang like a whisper through his mind yet her pink lips did not move.
"You know why I'm here, woman." he growled, but he didn't look at the dragon ball. Neither did she.
She turned to face him fully then, and slowly approached until her body was flush to his front. Her eyes never moved from his as she snaked her hand up his chest and around the back of his neck, the other she lifted to ghost over his bicep.
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desmonddemesne · 3 days
Gravity Falls Tarot - Part 3 of 3
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Assignment of every Major Arcana to someone/something in the Gravity Falls Universe! Broken into parts for coherence.
In this section we cover the final seven cards from The Devil to The World.
Part 1 | Part 2
15.) The Devil - Bill Cipher
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Keywords: Obsession, addiction, dependence, excess, and selfish
Through The Devil we find Baphomet ruling over his dominion, the greedy and unfulfilled. Bill Cipher is an ancient evil, a demon from another dimension who has long attempted to conscript humanity into fulfilling his ambitions. From a young age Bill had yearned for more, for the stars themselves. Eventually, he liberated himself at the cost of his world and his family.
Despite his immense power Bill was lonely and collected others willing to trade it all for a chance at the stars. In comes one Stanford Pines, the human who will, after eons of failures, succeed at constructing the device Bill has sought.
Even after Weirdmaggedon, after usurping control of time itself, Bill was stifled, and turned on by the humans he'd attempted to enslave. Bill sat atop a throne of lies, bringing chaos to the world, but even he could not control the fire he started.
16.) The Tower - The Portal
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Keywords: Upheaval, destruction, trauma, chaos, and punishment
The Tower crumbles under the weight of natural forces...or is the lighting divine retribution? The Portal in Gravity Falls contributes to much of the mystery and misery of the narrative. In reverse we learn; Stan gathers the journals to start the portal, Ford constructs the portal alongside McGucket with the latter deeming it too dangerous, and Bill Cipher yearns for the portals completion.
For Stan the portal is atonement, amends made for pushing his brother into it thirty years ago. For Ford the portal is ascension, a manifestation of his genius and dedication towards discovering the truth. For Bill the portal is escape, release from his 2D confines and the power to exert his will across the cosmos.
Whether its through its construction, activation, or destruction the Portal embodies facing the truth that truth changes, and not all thats revealed is glamorous.
17.) The Star - Mabel Pines
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Keywords: Hope, inspiration, rejuvanation, renewal, and blessing
The Star stands in the wake of The Towers collapse both fragile and faithful. Mabel, the shooting star herself, is the second half of our dynamic duo with Dipper - his equal and opposite. Mabel is a force of passion, comedy, and optimism embodying all the frivolities of childhood we grow to miss.
When Weirdmaggedon strikes Mabel is at her lowest, reckoning with the end of summer and the threat of abandonment by her other half. Consumed by these fears she falls to Bills temptations and withdraws into a world of bliss constructed to guard her heart. Only Dipper, earnest and resolute, could provide his sister the push needed to face reality head on.
Mabel is inspiring to many and the love she carries is integral to restoring Stan's memories after his great sacrifice. When her cup runs dry Dipper will be there to fill it for her, and that bond will carry both twins into the future.
18.) The Moon - Robbie Valentino
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Keywords: Confusion, illusion, clarity, darkness, and phases
The Moon fortells a parting of the clouds, an opportunity to see through the shroud of night. Robbie is Gravity Falls' resident angsty teen, wrapped in black clothing and sour expressions. As a teenager he is naturally in transition with childhood behind him and adulthood on the horizon.
After breaking up with Wendy, brought about by his own insecurities leading him to rely on hypnotism, Robbie is seen listless and forlorn. It's not until Robbie himself is exposed to magical forces that he begins a relationship with Tambry. Through the Love God's potion his eyes are opened to a chance at happiness he'd otherwise overlooked.
"But you were right, just needed to move on. I'm...happy. Weird, huh?"
19.) The Sun - The Stan Twins
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Keywords: Happiness, vitality, success, radiance, and energy
The Sun is the rediscovery of ones fervor, looking through the world with fresh eyes and zeal. The Stan twins did not have a perfect childhood, but in one another they found comradery able to weather the toughest storm.
As the boys grew their relationship strained, burdened by insecurities thrust upon them by their surroundings. At a critical moment everything collapsed and for decades the pieces lay untouched. By the end of Gravity Falls the brothers have taken the pieces of their relationship and reconstructed the boat from their childhood, the Stan O' War II.
Things won't be the same, but that doesn't mean they'll be worse - The Sun will rise again.
20.) Judgement - Time Baby
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Keywords: Awakening, purpose, reckoning, finality, and responsibility
Judgement signals the curtain call. The last of his kind Time Baby rules over the dominion of time, leading officers who maintain the stability of our universe. When a criminal or rogue agent enters our world Time Baby provides them warning if possible and destruction if required.
At multiple points Time Baby confronts Bill Cipher, the most pressing threat to time and space. In their final encounter Time Baby is overpowered, granting Bill control over Time.
There is always a judge and we can only hope they are merciful.
21.) The World - The Axolotl
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Keywords: Completion, achievement, belonging, unity, and closure
The World. To swim amongst the waters of creation and know that you are both byproduct and origin - that with every breath you take the world breathes with you. The Axolotl is a divine entity, benevolent and wise in its ministrations.
The World has come full circle, dancing with the same whimsy of The Fool. It carries the lessons of all Arcana before it, allowing it to impart those lessons on all who will encounter it going forward.
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klonoafan5 · 4 days
i talked with my moot (you know who you are /lh) about the ascension au, they asked me a question so mind-blowing that it took my simple au idea and turned it upside down
so here i am, making a soft reboot XD
nothing too big though, just taking the concept of bill leaving behind a piece of himself in dipper when he possessed him to its logical conclusion
that being bill leaving pieces of himself in every person he has ever possessed in the show which can lead to them becoming dream demons along with dipper.
and who’s the person he possesses the most? a certain six-fingered scientist. :) 
yep! ford is the first pines to experience the process. like dipper, his transformation was slow-going. 
he didn’t really notice until the signs started becoming more obvious. and when the ascension started to become more physical, well, that’s another reason why he holed himself up in the cabin and distanced himself from fiddleford and his family.
he couldn’t bring himself to tell anyone what was happening. except for one. 
it didn’t end well.
once he got trapped on the other side of the portal, the energy and magic of the other dimension not only caused the process to accelerate further, but gave his powers a boost too. luckily he had time to adjust and learn how to master his abilities, even made a few friends along the way. 
by the time he came back to the falls, he was a high-level demon in the guise of a mortal man. 
and like everything else, he kept that secret close to his chest. over time though, he learned to open up more and started to regret that decision. he wanted to tell his family, but he couldn’t find the right time to do so. 
until he sensed the same energy in his great-nephew.
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minneywoon · 5 months
𝗗𝗮𝘆 𝗼𝗻𝗲: 𝗖𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮 𝗝𝗝𝗞 𝗯𝗮𝗱𝗮𝘀𝘀 𝗳𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗹𝗲! 𝗟𝗲𝘁'𝘀 𝗴𝗼!!
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𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐳𝐮...
Asteria is a 24-year-old jujutsu sorceress, tall and atletic.
Features: sharp and angular features like high cheeks and slender jawline to give her a fierce and determined look. Grey stormy eyes, fox shaped.
Fashion-forward: She's the type to wear a leather motorcycle jacket with jeans. And to feel coming, she wears a tracksuits.
Messy hair: Since she's a professional fighter, having messy and wild honey-orange hair that gives her a fierce and unhinged look. This could also highlight her unpredictable nature and the fact that she's always ready for a fight.
Confident stance: Asteria have a confident and powerful stance that emphasizes her strength and fighting abilities. She could have a wide and determined stance that helps her look imposing and intimidating.
Accessories: she could have unique accessories like stars and gold with silver-themed jewelry or clothing that reflects her Celestial Cursed technique.
Heavenly Ascension: A Celestial Cursed Technique that allows her to manipulate the energy of the heavens to create barriers, reflect damage, change their own mass and that of others, and much more. It can also be used to reinforce weapons and manipulate them in battle.
Arsenal of Heaven: She can create and manipulate a variety of weapons, including spears, swords, bows, and chakrams. They can also generate special abilities for the weapons, like cutting through anything or exploding on impact.
Heavenly Speed: She can manipulate her own gravity to move at incredible speeds, potentially reaching the speed of light (or beyond if she'll go all in). However, she would need to wear a special suit to protect herself from the harmful effects of moving at such high speeds.
Fighting Styles:
Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do: This fighting style emphasizes speed, precision, and fluidity, and she can incorporate elements of this style into her combat.
Intelligence is a fundamental attribute for every sorcerer or curse user, and this character would need a certain level of intelligence to effectively use her abilities. Specifically, she would need to have a deep understanding of her own cursed energy and its properties in order to manipulate it effectively. Being a scientist could definitely help with this, as she's trained to think critically and use the scientific method to solve problems. However, it's also possible for non-scientists to develop these skills through experience and practice. In any case, the character will need to have a strong mind and the ability to adapt to new situations quickly.
Domain Expansion; Asteria's domain expansion could be a massive celestial temple surrounded by stars and constellations, symbolizing her connection to the celestial energy and her ability to manipulate the heavens. The inside of the domain could be a massive open sky dotted with stars and constellations, giving the illusion of being in space. The stars and constellations could move and shift in response to her commands, creating stunning visual effects and providing her with additional curse energy to augment her abilities. Additionally, the domain could contain various celestial-themed objects and structures that she can manipulate, such as floating planets, comets, and meteoroids, giving her additional options for attack and defense. Overall, her domain expansion could be a visually stunning and powerful display of her abilities and her control over the celestial CE.
Based on her Celestial Cursed Technique, a fitting name for her domain expansion could be "Starry Temple". The name suggests a grand and elegant temple filled with stars and constellations, symbolizing her connection to the cursed energy and her ability to manipulate the heavens. The name could also be shortened to "Celestial Temple" or "Temple of the Stars".
The Japanese translation of "Starry Temple of the Celestial" would be "Ryōiki Tenkai; no Hoshi no Teruma", which combines the Japanese words for "star" ("hoshi"), "heaven" ("tenkai"), and "temple" ("teruma").
Within her Starry Temple she possesses a range of powerful abilities that are heightened by her connection to celestial energy.
1. Celestial Manipulation: As the master of her domain, Asteria can manipulate the objects within her Starry Temple. She can control the movements of stars, constellations, planets, comets, and meteoroids, bending them to her will. This manipulation grants her versatile offensive and defensive options, allowing her to launch celestial projectiles, create barriers, or reshape the environment to her advantage.
2. Stellar Projection: Asteria can summon and project energy in the form of stars, utilizing them as projectiles or concentrated beams. These stellar projectiles can possess various properties, such as explosive bursts upon impact or the ability to pierce through defenses.
3. Astral Constructs: Within her domain, Asteria can shape the cursed tech energy into solid constructs. She can create weapons, armor, or even celestial creatures to aid her in battle. These constructs are infused with the power of the heavens and possess enhanced durability and strength.
4. Celestial Healing: Asteria can tap into the rejuvenating energy of the celestial realm to heal herself and others. By channeling the celestial energy, she can mend wounds, restore vitality, and cleanse ailments, granting her a potent means of recovery during combat.
5. Celestial Augmentation: Within her domain, Asteria can draw upon the CE to enhance her physical and magical attributes. This augmentation grants her increased speed, strength, agility, and heightened magical abilities, allowing her attacks to pack an even greater punch.
6. Celestial Divination: Asteria's connection to the celestial realm grants her glimpses into the future and the ability to read the cosmic energies. She can gain insights into her opponent's movements and intentions, enabling her to strategize and react accordingly.
These abilities, combined with her own skills and combat prowess, make her a formidable force within her Starry Temple. As the battle rages on, the celestial CE at her command amplifies her strength, making her a potent adversary for Ryomen Sukuna to contend with.
Since her Cursed Technique is Celestial themed, she could potentially use it to create a "Kamehame" like blast. The blast could be made of condensed cursed light energy that she is able to manipulate and control in various ways. She could also potentially imbue the blast with other celestial energy-based attacks, giving her a powerful and versatile tool in her arsenal with a unique celestial flair.
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Her personality:
Driven and Ambitious: Asteria has a strong sense of purpose and is driven to become one of the most powerful sorcerers in Japan or outside from it. She is ambitious and constantly strives to push her abilities to the limit.
Curious and Intellectual: As mentioned, Asteria has a deep fascination with celestial and scientific topics. She is always eager to learn and expand her knowledge, and she approaches problems with an analytical, rational mindset.
Fiercely Independent: Asteria values her freedom and independence above all else. She can be stubborn and resistant to authority, preferring to forge her own path. She doesn't like being told what to do.
Unpredictable and Impulsive: Asteria's wild, messy long hairstyle and confident, aggressive fighting style reflect her unpredictable nature. She can be reckless and impulsive, often rushing into situations without much forethought.
Compassionate and Protective: Beneath her fierce exterior, she has a strong sense of compassion. She is driven to protect the those she cares about, and she isn't afraid to break the rules to do so.
Surpass Her Limits: Asteria is constantly driven to push the boundaries of her cursed technique and fighting abilities. She wants to become the most powerful sorcerer she can be.
Uncover the Mysteries of the Heavens: Asteria's fascination with celestial phenomena extends beyond just intellectual curiosity. She is determined to unlock the deeper secrets and mysteries of the heavens and the nature of cursed energy.
Find a Sense of Purpose: Asteria grew up without a strong sense of direction or belonging. Becoming a sorcerer and honing her celestial abilities has given her a sense of purpose, and she is driven to prove her worth.
Protect Those She Cares About: While Asteria values her independence, she has developed close bonds with a few trusted allies and sorcerers. Keeping them safe is a key motivation for her.
Reveal the Truth: She's driven by a sense of existence and a desire to uncover the truth, even if it means challenging authority or convention. She won't hesitate to go against the grain if she believes it's the right thing to do.
Overall, Tatiyana Shimizu is a complex, multifaceted character driven by a mix of ambition, curiosity, independence, and compassion.
Her personality and motivations should make for some compelling character dynamics and narrative arcs in Jujutsu Kaisen fanfiction.
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Asteria's and Yuki Tsukumo's Relationship:
Initial Encounter: Asteria and Yuki first cross paths during a high-stakes Jujutsu Sorcerer operation. Perhaps they are both assigned to the same mission, or their paths collide as they independently investigate a powerful cursed object or entity. The two women initially size each other up, their fierce and confident demeanors clashing as they gauge the other's strength and capabilities.
Mutual Respect: Despite their initial wariness, Asteria and Yuki come to quickly respect each other's skills and determination. They may even find themselves working together seamlessly, their complementary abilities and fighting styles allowing them to overcome a formidable foe. This shared triumph solidifies a grudging mutual respect between the two sorcerers.
Developing Friendship: As they continue to cross paths and collaborate on missions, a tentative friendship begins to form between Asteria and Yuki. They discover a shared passion for pushing the boundaries of their cursed techniques and a desire to uncover the deeper mysteries of the Jujutsu world. Asteria's intellectual curiosity and Yuki's analytical mind lead to engaging discussions, and they find themselves drawn to each other's unique perspectives.
Supportive Allies: Over time, Asteria and Yuki become close allies, each providing the other with support, advice, and a sense of belonging. Asteria fierce independence and impulsiveness is tempered by Yuki's calm rationality, while Yuki's reserved nature is brought out of its shell by Asteria's boundless energy. They serve as sounding boards for each other, challenging one another to grow and improve.
Unbreakable Bond: Through the trials and tribulations they face as Jujutsu sorcerers, Asteria and Yuki's bond deepens into an unbreakable friendship. They have each other's backs, no matter the circumstances, and their mutual trust and respect for one another becomes a source of strength and knowledge.
Shared Vision: Their friendship is further cemented by their shared vision for the future of the Modern Jujutsu World. They both believe in the power of compassion and self-reflection, and they are determined to reshape the system and challenge the status quo. Together, they work towards uncovering the truth and creating a world where sorcerers can thrive without sacrificing their humanity.
The dynamic between Asteria and Yuki would be one of fierce protectiveness, intellectual stimulation, and unwavering loyalty. Their friendship would serve as a vital anchor for both characters, providing them with the support and encouragement they need to continue their relentless pursuit of power and respect.
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I'll for sure be writhing fics about her, be ready. Let me know in tags what ya think!💜
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