#greasy dream has one outfit he goes out in
sandpiperrr · 2 years
always extremely conflicted about dreams style bc on one hand he's put together he's fashion forward he's subtle he's classy... on the other hand he's greasy and he hasn't showered in weeks and he's been wearing the same ratty shirt for five days straight even tho he definitely has an entire closets worth of those grey graphic tees...
i think i need him to not be greasy so i can put him in outfits. but it's hard bc of the fact that he's wearing robes and shit half the time like what's the 2022 equivalent. do i put him in a cardigan or. a maxi dress? that doesn't feel right. maybe a slip dress. w one of those cropped jackets w the fur trim on the cuffs and the collar...im pushing the dream outfit agenda
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squadrah · 2 years
From My CuriousCat
"You're incredibly creative, that's why I think you might have some random headcanons about the boys… 👀 So… Maybe share them? Like random facts or something that you really like about them or something that fits them in your opinion."
Again, such a sweet Anon, and I kept the kind words because for these revisions I tried to keep the original phrasing of the questions/requests. Bless you, whoever you are!
Just to be safe, here are some shorter headcanons listed in my La Squadra drawing meme, and with that out of the way, here are some random headcanons that might not have been made "public" yet (meaning I might have only discussed them with friends in private):
Risotto is hot as a furnace and he lets others snuggle to him when it's cold. He still goes jogging in a shirt and shorts in winter and it's infuriating to Ghiaccio, who has to cover every inch of himself not to catch cold, ironically. Risotto has "fans" who get up as early as 4 am to watch him jog from their balconies.
Formaggio puts almost as much care into his appearance as Prosciutto, to the point where he uses products to mask some of his more unfortunate scars for a smoother look. He will let the "cooler" ones on his arms remain on display, though, for a bit of macho flair: gotta look dangerous, you know?
Prosciutto was born three weeks late; the doctors tried to induce labor and the baby just refused to budge, so they ended up removing him via C-section. He entered the world with a full head of curly blond hair, his eyes open, and a look of utter contempt on his face. He really didn't ask for any of this.
Pesci's observation skills are one part natural curiosity, one part survival instinct (watching for signs of change that indicate potential danger), and one part excellent analytical skills; he would have done really well in STEM if he had had confidence in himself and his life had been less messy.
Ghiaccio is so "loud" because he used to be very stifled at home (told to keep quiet, stop fidgeting, stop being a baby, etc.), and at school (sudden outbursts did not go down well at any stage of his education), and La Squadra was the first group to encourage him to just let it out and be done with it.
Melone goes on blind dates with two bracelets on: one of them is a medical alert bracelet listing his various allergies and conditions in case of an emergency, and the other is a tracker and alert bracelet that lets his friends (usually Prosciutto and Formaggio) know if they have to step in and intervene.
As a child, Illuso was fascinated with Alice In Wonderland and Alice Through The Looking-Glass. He secretly hoped to one day be able to enter exciting worlds like Alice did, especially ones that were deserted so he could have them all to himself and experience no harm or danger while inside...
Sorbet's dream wedding would have been held at an expensive seaside hotel with only his teammates invited. It would have lasted at least three days, and he would have worn elaborate drag queen outfits on each day. He managed to design two such outfits before he and Gelato were killed.
Gelato tolerates alcohol extremely well, for two reasons: one, he absolutely loves fatty and greasy foods, which help neutralize the alcohol, and two, he is naturally resilient on top of that. Never enter into a drinking contest with him, he will drink you under the table and make you pay his tab, too.
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Letting the Moon Boys Pick What you Wear for a Day at Home
He's a softy through and through so it barely even crosses his mind to dress you in anything other than your comfiest clothes.
Soft silky jammies if its warm out, warm fleece if its cold. Your day in will be comfortable and ready for all day cuddles. Which is another reason that you're dressed in something that feels nice to touch. Steven cannot keep his hands off of you.
He'll also be in his jammies too.
If you've brought him a pair or you have matching pairs he'll wear those.
He just wants to enjoy a day of soft couple time together.
His shirt
You'll wear his shirt and nothing else. Maybe he'll pick out some cute panties but certainly no bra. 
He likes seeing you in his clothes. The peaks of ass - covered in panties or not- is just a bonus
If you get cold he'll warm you up good.
He'll spend all day in the sweatpants that should go with his shirt. But he'll forgo the shirt. He claims it looks better on you anyway.
Has a hard time relaxing but he manages to lay on the couch cuddling with you as you both watch some random tv.
The two of you order takeout for lunch and dinner and that's your sign that Marc really is relaxing. Normally he'll insist on cooking at least one of the two meals cause takeout can be both expensive and greasy so twice in one day is too much for him.
Is nothing an option? No? Shame. He would have loved some casual nudity.
But god, getting to choose what you wear is a dream come true. He takes forever to decide what he wants you to wear. There are just so many options!
He'll eventually settle on you wearing your sexiest lingerie and outfit. All picked out by Jake. He even helps you put it all on.
Expect teasing touches all day. He wants to make you beg for him. Sorry princess, you said nude wasn't an option so the clothes stay on.
All he'll be wearing is some boxers. Making sure his hard on is clear as it comes and goes all day.
You finally agree that some casual nudity is an option for the next time you both laze about. He teases you about how that means next time you can admire his ass while he cooks in nothing but an apron.
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f1nalboys · 3 years
Redamancy - Chapter Two
a little bit of a fluff piece to get to the Juicy stuff in chapter three, so apologies in advance :-) hope you all enjoy all the same!
chapter one
chapter three
WARNINGS: michael being a sad boy, david is (as usual) a bit of an asshole, reader comes up with a Plan, cursing, really nothing else
Drifting off to sleep was easy, it was staying asleep that was hard. You were plagued by dreams of David. Some were nice, most weren’t. Each time you would wake up startled, your eyes popping open, your skin crawling, and each time Michaels snores would lull you back to sleep.
Sunlight slipped into the room in between the curtains, waking you up with a groan. You sit up slightly, looking around the room in confusion. A particularly loud snore from Michael brings back the events of last night and you groan, flopping back down in the bed. You were uncomfortable, still in your failed ‘make-David-jealous’ outfit. 
You get out of bed, stretching your back. Glancing at the clock, you let out a low whistle. It was nearly 2 pm. You were used to sleeping later in the day due to your friend's twisted circadian rhythm, but you didn’t think you’d sleep as long as you had since you turned in early. You sneak through Michael's room, not wanting to wake him up just yet, holding your breath until you get into the hallway and close his door.
“Ew, why are you sneaking out of his room,” Sam asks and you jump, spinning around to see him. He was still in his pajamas, clearly taking advantage of the fact he no longer had school, and his eyes were narrowed and his arms crossed against his cheek. He looks you up and down and his face contorts in disgust. “Oh god, you did not!”
“Shut up, Sam! I didn't, you freak, I stayed over because he got a little too drunk last night and I wanted to make sure he didn’t choke on his own vomit.” You elbow him in his side, heading downstairs and he follows behind you closely. Their grandpa was sitting in the kitchen, reading the paper, and he gives you two a wave as you walk in. “Do you guys have Advil? I was gonna bring a glass of water and some medicine up to Michael before I woke him up.”
Sam walks to a cabinet above the sink and opens it, pulling out a bottle and tossing it to you. “Why did he even drink? How’d he even drink? He still has a year before he can legally drink,” He questions and you snort. Oh, to be young again. “Don’t laugh!”
“The bar on the boardwalk doesn’t card and Michael looks old.” You reply as you fill up a glass with water from the sink and he shrugs, accepting it, and sits at the table with his grandpa. You make your way back upstairs and knock lightly on Michaels door. You don’t get a response. Stepping inside, you kick the door closed with your foot and place the water and the medicine on his side table. “Mike, get up.”
He mumbles, wrapping himself in his blanket more, completely ignoring you. You sigh and push at his arm which makes him groan. “Don’t wanna, m’head hurts.”
“That’s why I brought you medicine, sunshine. Take it and get dressed, I’ll take you to get some greasy food,” He opens one of his eyes and looks at you, clearly annoyed and you grin. “It’ll help, I swear. C’mon, it’s almost 3pm.”
He sighs, making a big show of sitting up and rubbing at his head. You roll your eyes and wait as he gulps down the water, leaving just enough in the cup for him to take two of the pills. He stands, motioning for you to get out of the way as he goes to his dresser. “Where are we gonna go? I really just want to throw on a t-shirt and my slides, not get all dolled up.”
Snorting, you sit down on his bed. “Just this diner I like. Greasy food that tastes like heaven. You could go in butt-naked and they’d still feed you.” He laughs, grabbing a tank top and throwing it. You stand, following him out the door, slipping your shoes on and making sure you have your keys and wallet. 
“Sam, we’re getting food, do you wanna come?” Michael asks, slipping on his sunglasses. You chuckle as Sam yells for you two to wait as he gets dressed. 
“You gonna be okay if we talk about… y’know?”
“About Star? Yeah, I guess.” He clears his throat, looking anywhere but you. You sigh. It was something you and he were going to have to talk about but that didn’t make it any easier. Sam flies down the steps, fully dressed up, and he runs out the door without waiting for the two of you to follow. 
When you and Michael reach the car, Sam is in the passenger seat and he looks at Michael and starts to beg. “Please let me sit up front! You can sit here on the way back, I’m already sitting!” Michael scoffs and gets in the back. Sam cheers, turning the radio on and changing the station as soon as you turn the car on. “Thank you Mikey! Hell yeah!”
“Watch it!” Michael says, kicking the back of the seat. Sam ignores him, rolling the window down and singing along as you make your way down the driveway. You look at Michael through the rearview mirror and grin; he was staring out the window with a smile growing on his face.
You pull into the diner, which was thankfully not too packed, and Sam jumps out. “I’m starving!”
“Go get us a seat.” You tell him, waiting for Michael to get out of the car. “You sure you’re alright if we talk about Star? I know you may not want to since Sam’s with us.” He shakes his head, closing the car door and walking beside you. 
“I’m sure. Gonna have to talk about it eventually and there are worse times than when I’m stuffing my face,” You snort, reaching the door and he holds it open for you. You wave at Amanda, the waitress you always have, and go to sit with Sam. He was in a corner booth staring out the window. 
You slide in opposite of him and Michael goes to sit next to Sam when he shoves him. “No! I’m sitting here alone, go sit next to your little girlfriend,” You feel your cheeks get hot and flip Sam off as Amanda comes over. “Hi there, Y/N! Who are these two handsome young men?” She asks, her eyes flicking between Sam and Michael. 
“I’m Sam. It’s so nice to meet you,” Sam grins, sticking his hand out to her. She laughs, taking it and giving him a shake. “That’s Michael, my older, less attractive, more annoying brother.” Michael kicks at him from under the table and both you and Amanda laugh as they start to bicker.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you two. What can I getcha started with?” The three of you order your drinks and you tell her to get you and Michael the greasiest breakfast sandwiches the chef could make while Sam ordered pancakes and bacon. Same watches as she leaves and turns back to you, grinning. “You think she likes me?”
You roll your eyes. “Sam, I hate to break it to ya, but she’s married. And she has a kid about your age.” His smile falls and he groans, upset at the loss of a potential relationship. You elbow Michael slightly, ripping him from his thoughts. “You doin’ alright?” He nods. Not very convincing.
Amanda brings the food over and, as he digs into his pancakes, Sam asks “How do David and Star feel about you two spending the night together.” Your eyes instantly snap to Michael and you notice that he’s stopped mid chew. Sam’s eyebrows furrow together as Michael stands, excusing himself, and walks off to the bathroom.
“Uhm, Star and David kind of broke up with us both… and are now together,”
“That’s so effed up.” Sam mutters, pushing his food around with his fork. You hum in agreement; that was the understatement of the century. He looks back towards the restroom, a frown on his face. “Do you think he’s mad at me?”
You shake your head, reaching your hand out to grab his. “No, ‘course not. You didn’t know. It’s still a sore subject for him, y’know?” Sam nods, giving you a thankful smile. You pull your hand back just as the bathroom door opens and you see Michael coming back towards you, his sunglasses on the top of his head. 
Michael slides in next to you and you can see how splotchy his cheeks were. He had been crying. Sam and you say nothing, waiting for Michael to start the conversation. “I’m not going to the boardwalk tonight.”
“What? You have to! They’re having that concert tonight and you were supposed to bring me!” Sam argues and you nod, placing a hand on Michaels underneath the table. He looks at you, eyebrows furrowed. “I think you should go. Not going so you don’t have to see them is just going to make it hurt more when you do.”
He sighs, head tilting back until it rests on the booth, and he nods. “Fine, whatever.” Sam cheers, scarfing down the rest of his food. Michael and you finish up and you pay, walking out behind Michael. “Hey, thanks for bringing me here. The greasy food did kind of help.”
You grin. “Told ya. You might wanna get to the car though; Sam looks like he’s gunning for the front seat again.” He laughs, jogging off towards your car, Sam and him arguing up until you reach it. Sam finally huffs and gets in the back, cursing at Michael under his breath.
On the way back to the house, Michael sings along to the radio with Sam, holding out his hand as a fake microphone for you to sing as well. You get to their house, parking just as Sam hops out and runs inside, poking his head out of the front door to yell a ‘thank you.’
“Alright. I gotta get back to the cave but I’ll stop by here at 8, alright?” He nods and you grab his hand again, stopping him from getting out of the car. “This is the best thing to do, Michael. It’s gonna suck, but it’s better to get it over sooner rather than later.”
“Thank you, Y/N. Really.” He squeezes your hand, hopping out of the car and waving at you before closing the door behind him. You wait until he gets inside the house before leaving, turning the radio off, sending you into silence. You had to go to the god damn cave.
You drive on autopilot, tuning back in when you pull in besides the boys bikes. Turning the car off, you take a deep breath, preparing yourself. 
The cave was silent. It was just about 4:30, only three hours before the boys could wake up and not get burned alive. You dodge the scattered clothing and beer bottles on the floor on your way to your bedroom, pausing outside Star’s room. Each of you, including the boys, had their own curtained off ‘room’ with a bed and their personal belongings, but Star and you were the only ones who really seemed to sleep there.
You’re not sure why you did it; maybe it was just morbid curiosity, or maybe you really thought you wouldn’t see him with her, but you peeked inside her curtains. Your eyes reach her bed and you take a sudden intake of breath; David was behind her, his head in her neck, his arms wrapped around her body. They were asleep just like you and he had done hundreds of times before. You swallow down the bile forcing its way up your throat and go inside your room, closing the curtain tightly behind you.
You have no idea what to do from here. Of course they would have slept together; you saw them on the boardwalk! It’s obvious they were going to be together, so why the fuck did it hurt so much to see? All you can think about is how glad you were that Michael hadn’t seen that. He was taking it harder than you were and now, with how heavy your heart was, you were starting to regret telling him he had to see them tonight. 
No. Fuck that. There was no way in hell you were going to spend your time moping around in your room, trying to avoid the two of them together all because it ‘hurt.’ David didn’t give you so much as a warning to what he was going to do and honestly, with how he is, he was probably counting on your sadness. 
Now you need to suck it up and move on, and show him that you’re moving on. Show him the relationship meant just as little, maybe even less, than he thought of it. You started brainstorming ideas on what you should do when it popped into your head. Yes it was petty, and maybe even wrong, but it was a damn good idea. 
You spend the next three and a half hours planning out the meticulous details (and the things you’d have to say to convince Michael to agree.)  Around 7:30 you begin to hear the sounds of the boys waking up. Marko was first, as usual, and you decide to go out and sit with him while he waits for everyone. This was officially ‘Phase 1’ of the plan.
“Hey babe! Where’ve you been?” He asks, holding his hand up for a high five as you pass by him. Honestly, you’re surprised he even noticed that you hadn’t been here - he tends to have his head in the clouds. 
Shrugging, you lay down on the couch you had forced them to buy, putting your hands behind your head. You could hear David and Star moving around as well as Dwayne yelling at Paul about something. “Hung out at Michaels and ended up falling asleep there. Got lunch with him and Sam and came back here.”
“Oooh, you slept with Michael?” He says, wiggling his eyebrows at you. You roll your eyes, laughing. 
“No, I slept at his house.” He pulls a ‘sure, whatever you say’ face, turning behind him as Dwayne and Paul come out. They were both dressed to the nines, per usual. “Hey guys.”
Before either of them can respond, David and Star emerge. Star gives you a small smile, obviously worried about your reaction, and you give her a wide smile and wave. “Hey Star! You going to the concert tonight? I can’t remember the dude's name but it’s the guy that plays the sax shirtless.”
“Oh, I love him! I had no idea he was performing here so soon. Thanks!” She says and the tension in the air immediately dissipates. You and David still weren’t talking but you weren’t actively shooting daggers at him which was a step up from last week. “You coming to the boardwalk tonight?”
You nod. “Yeah, I’m picking Michael up, actually.” 
“You spent the night with him and now you’re picking him up for the boardwalk? Are you trying to get in his pants?” Marko teases and you throw the pillow you had been resting your head on at him. He laughs, jumping up and running to stand behind Dwayne. “Y/N slept over at Michaels last night and didn’t get here until this afternoon.”
Paul and Laddie, who had finally gotten up, give you a childish round of ‘oooh’s which result in a middle finger from you. “You slept with Michael?” David asks and Paul immediately stops. David sounded… mad, which, considering what he’s done, is pretty ironic.
“No, I slept at his house. I feel like I’ve said that ten times now. He was drunk and I didn’t want him to, you know, vomit while he was asleep.” He gives you a curt nod, grabbing Star’s hand and pulling her into him. He kisses her hard and you could have sworn you saw him stare at you just as their lips connected. “Anyways, I gotta get going, I have to get there by 8. I’ll try and meet up with you guys later tonight.”
You give Laddie a hug before you leave, waving to the rest of them. The sun was almost completely gone now and you could see the lights of the boardwalk from here. The closer you got to Michaels house, the more nervous you got. What if he didn’t agree to your plan? Or, worse, decides to tell the others your plan? 
So many things could go wrong and you were banking on the very slim chance that he’ll agree. When you get to the end of his driveway you see him sitting on the porch, a cigarette in his mouth unlit. You beep, scaring him, and roll your window down. “Get that shit out of your mouth.”
“Jesus, you coulda told me that without the heart attack.” He says, putting the loose cigarette into his pocket. He was dressed in a tight black t-shirt, his jacket, jeans that fit him quite well and his normal damn boots. When he gets in the car you see he’s wearing an earring Star had given him, which reminds you that you’re still wearing the necklace David gave you. You two were still a mess.
“So, how’re you feeling?” You ask, turning around and driving down the driveway. He shrugs, rolling the window down to lay his arm across it. 
“Alright, I guess. You?” You tilt your head in a so-so motion and he nods. You take a deep breath, knowing you need to just ask him if he wants to do the plan before you get to the boardwalk. “So, I have something I wanted to ask you and it’s a little… unorthodox. I need you to promise you’ll listen and give it a chance before shooting it down.”
His eyebrows furrow together and he nods slowly. “Uhm, sure? You’re kind of freaking me out.”
“I just don’t want you making a big deal out of it.”
“You’re the one making a big deal of it! Just tell me before I get too scared to listen to you,” He teases and you give him one last look before asking.
“Do you want to fake date me to make David and Star jealous?”
“Uhm, what?” He asks, turning to face you, his eyebrows furrowed. Okay, not off to a great start. “What the hell do you mean ‘fake date you’? What’s that even mean?”
You sigh, running a hand through your hair. You were getting closer and closer to the boardwalk. You had to convince him quick. “Basically, we would just pretend to start dating. When I was at the cave, Marko told the guys that I had been over your house and slept there and David got mad. Like, genuinely mad. So, I figured if we kind of played that up, we could get them to… I don’t know, break up and come back to us? Or something.”
He says nothing and for a few agonizing seconds you really start to regret bringing it up. Of course he wouldn’t agree to it. This is Michael we’re talking about; Mr. Perfect, and there was no way in hell Mr. Perfect would do something as low and as scummy as that.
“We can try, I guess,” Your head snaps towards him, eyes wide. Huh. So, apparently there was a way in hell he’d do something as low and as scummy as that.
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ayo-cowbelly · 4 years
when the fire goes out, how do we stay warm? - part 1/?
next part ~ masterlist
welcome to my new series ~ an angst dump of “what if anakin and obi wan’s roles on zygerria were reversed?”
you can blame the New SW Canon discord for this. Their angst-loving asses fueled this fire, and what was supposed to be a snippet spiraled into this.
the yarra root i got from discord- we had a huge discussion about tatooine slave culture, and said yarra root is something tatooine parents will put in their child's tea/drinks, to kill them/"put them to sleep", so the masters won't hurt/kill them (it is seen as an alternative to a brutal, painful death). We also discussed the idea that people on tatooine will take their children (or just themselves) and go out to the sand dunes and "let the Desert decide their fates", so when Anakin mentions being "swallowed", that's what he means. Just to clarify.  
Hope you like it!
@youngcreativenerdgoddess @alabasterswriting @ilonga @rynae-reblogs @everything-or-anything @waterrose3 (i love y’all, thanks for the support!)
Obi-Wan looks down into the arena from his place beside the Zygerrian queen. He wants nothing more than to jump down there, to yell, to scream, to do something- but he knows he can't. To blow their cover now is to destroy any chance of saving the colonists. But he wishes he could save more than just them. He wishes he could liberate this whole damn planet. He wishes he could get rid of the threat the Zygerrians posed, somehow- even if he had to rip the crown out of the slaver queen's cold, dead hands.
Obi-Wan looks across the arena as the queen speaks, not looking at Ahsoka nearby (in that horrible outfit, that made people leer at his grandpadawan, like she was a mere object. They looked at her the way Obi-Wan had seen people looking at Anakin during his brief time on Tatooine all those years ago).
Oh. Anakin. Where was he?
Obi-Wan was furious that the Council had sent Anakin, of all people, to this slaver planet. The should have remembered Anakin's past, his time as a slave when he was just a child. They should have remembered that Anakin was once considered nothing more than property, an object to be passed around to different Masters. Obi-Wan should have remembered, he should have fought harder.
He hopes Anakin doesn't know of this auction, as Obi-Wan knows that Anakin would tear down this entire planet if he found out. He would scrape tooth and nail to destroy this disgusting empire. For Anakin mostly acted on his emotions, not that it was necessarily a bad thing- but he sometimes forgot to look at the big picture. There was a balance there, one Anakin struggled to find.
Balance always seemed to elude him.
Obi-Wan worried greatly. After this dreadful mission, they'd actually talk, for once. About everything.
He focuses back on the queen's words, as she announces the Togrutan governor. Obi-Wan tries and fails to look away from the man's beaten form.
And then the worst happens.
"My friends, behold! Anakin Skywalker, the Hero With No Fear- on his knees before us!"
Obi-Wan barely registers Ahsoka's horrified gasp, for he is equally as distraught. Below him, on the sandy platform, is Anakin. A shock collar is on his neck and dirt on his face. His clothes are ripped, and his hair is mussed and greasy. Obi-Wan wants so badly to run to his brother before Anakin does something rash and gets them all caught.
But when Obi-Wan looks over Anakin's frail form again, he sees something. Something so much worse.
The fire in Anakin's eyes is... gone. There is no defiance, no opposition, none of that trademark confidence- only the hollow gaze of someone who is dreaming of being anywhere else. All at once, Obi-Wan's previous fears vanish. Before, he had been worried that Anakin would say something sarcastic, signal for his 'saber, fight back; but now, Obi-Wan knows that isn't the problem.
Anakin had been a slave, once. Before he was a General, a hero, a Jedi, a Master, a brother, or a husband (yes, Obi-Wan knew. Anakin had never been subtle, and try as she might, neither was Padmé)- before any of that, he was simply Ani. A slave, a son, a child of a cruel Desert that took more than it gave.
This is who is before them now. It wasn't Anakin down there, it was Ani, and that was so much worse. Obi-Wan Kenobi's (previously unknown, for he had never imagined it to be possible) greatest fear had come true, before his very eyes.
For the first time in over ten years, Anakin Skywalker was not fighting back.
"This Jedi, this watchdog of a petty, corrupt senate, a preacher of freedom and peace though he brings only war and death- is nothing more than a puppet! And now, he will kneel before us," The queen boasts, proudly smiling at the cheering crowd.
At this moment, Obi-Wan wants her life to end. He wants it to be at his own hands. How dare she do this, how dare she make Anakin go through such a thing, how dare she-
Oh. She's speaking to him now. "Show him his true place," She commands. Obi-Wan nods numbly, a pathetic movement of a broken man. Obi-Wan feels broken, he does. He feels crushed, splintered, shattered into a million tiny pieces-
Anakin had broken, and as Obi-Wan is his brother, he will too. Two halves of the same whole, and if one goes down the other surely will as well. They are nothing without the other, and are only something when together.
Some may ask, "What is the galaxy without Obi-Wan Kenobi?"
The real question is, "What is the galaxy when Anakin Skywalker stops fighting?"
Obi-Wan doesn't know the answer to that. He doesn't know what it's like to witness your dearest friend, your son, your brother, your soul, fractured into pieces-
Or maybe he does, now. He doesn't want to think about it.
He remembers things Anakin once said, about his mother and Yarra Root and a saying.
"I would rather my child die than be a slave like me."
But Anakin, Ani (for as much as they are different, they are also the same) had once been a slave. And now, he is again. Or maybe he always had been, and only his title had changed with time.
Has Anakin ever truly been free?
How could Obi-Wan have let this happen?
He approaches his former apprentice (though everyone knows that statement is a half-truth; no Master-Padawan pair had ever stayed so close as they had after Knighthood) and he almost wants to claw his eyes out. Anakin is kneeling on the hard ground, his shoulders are hunched. Obi-Wan has never seen him look so... defeated.
As Obi-Wan nears him, Anakin turns. His eyes are glassy, his cheeks are gaunt, and above all he looks haunted. "Obi?" He says weakly.
Obi-Wan doesn't care about their cover anymore. "Yes, dear one, I'm here."
Anakin shudders, his voice cracking from disuse and the delusions of fear. "I- I wanted to help, I was going to- the Root, Obi, the Root- I'll find it, so they can rest- let them rest, let me rest, please-"
"It's going to be alright, I promise. Just hang on," Obi-Wan whispers, and his younger brother makes an aborted movement, one he guesses was meant to be a nod. Obi-Wan looks up at R2, not able to take anymore of this con.
His and Anakin's lightsabers soar gracefully through the air, and Obi-Wan catches them both. Ignoring the angered roar of the spectators, he pulls with the Force and removes the shock collar, trying not to look too closely at the angry red mark it left on Anakin's neck. When Obi-Wan goes to hand Anakin his lightsaber, his brother flinches, but makes no move to take it. "I don't- I don't want it- I want to rest- I want to rest, like Mom- let the Desert swallow me, Obi, please-"
"Anakin, please just hold on, for me. Sleep, and I will be here when you wake up." Obi-Wan blocks the Zygerrian guards' shots as Anakin closes his eyes, slowly crumpling into a fetal position on the ground. The Jedi Master glances up to the balcony, where Ahsoka is holding the queen, green blade pressed close to her neck.
Obi-Wan grips the two lightsabers (lighsabers that would forever be entwined, just as their souls were. Though Anakin loved Padmé more than anything, with his mother a close second, Obi-Wan was somehow more. He was his other half, and they would be brothers until the end). Blades ignited, he scowls up at the slaver queen. "Your Majesty, I feel it is time for your reign to end."
"Oh?" The queen has the gall to laugh, even with a blade to her throat. "Is this what the Jedi are now, wild beasts that fight wars and threaten royalty?" She's not sending her guards to detain him, not yet. She's waiting for him to move, to break, to fight (fight when Anakin cannot).
Obi-Wan doesn't reply. Instead, he jumps.
He goes for the nearby guards first. Their heads roll onto the ground, cleanly severed. One by one, they fall at the enraged hand of a Jedi- no, this is not the fighting of a Jedi, this is the fighting of a brother, an other half, someone who is seeing red because their sibling has been torn apart. Obi-Wan had felt anger before, but never like this. This is cold, and detached, but it is also hot and painful and so horribly real-
And Obi-Wan is drinking it up, letting it fuel him as he practically flies through the arena.
Rex is taking out the Zygerrian reinforcements, his aim always ringing true. Ahsoka, who now seems to be nearing the Dark path Obi-Wan has started down, has killed the prime minister and is slowly backing away with the queen. Obi-Wan jumps up to them, signing at Rex to meet them outside.
"Get Anakin" He signs to the Captain, who nods once and as gently as possible lifts his General (the clones are much stronger than they look, Obi-Wan has learned) and exits. The Jedi turns to the enslaving, despicable ruler. She smiles cruelly, blood from where she must've bit her tongue starting to coat her teeth. She looks almost primal, exuberant, her eyes flashing with excitement-
She knows Obi-Wan is in pain, and she is reveling in it.
"Kenobi, is it? I must say, I've never seen a Jedi so unhinged. You've surprised me."
"I do like to keep my opponents on their toes," He says roughly, trying to keep his voice steady.
"You and I are similar in that fact." She smirks, making Obi-Wan's blood boil. How dare she compare herself to him (him, who had let Anakin be taken, let him be dragged off to Force knows where, to then be thrown in chains-)
Who was he to act so above this slaver? Yes, she had been the one to do this Anakin, but Obi-Wan hadn't helped at all (never mind the fact that he hadn’t known); and doesn't that make him just as guilty? He had been too preoccupied in the mission, the part he had to play.
That always seemed to happen to them. Obi-Wan was always busy with duties, while Anakin spiraled. Obi-Wan never noticed, never helped. His eyes flutter closed, just for a second, and he is met with the image of his sleeping brother, cheeks sunken and face pale. The guilt eats at him, painfully carving out a place in his heart.
The world fades. Obi-Wan lunges. There is a scream.
However, the scream doesn't come from the queen. It comes from Ahsoka.
"Master, no! It's not- you can't-"
"Ahsoka," Obi-Wan whispers, one blade mere breaths from slicing through the queen. "Anakin-"
"-Wouldn't want you to do this," She interjects. They are both aware of the unspoken truth that hangs in the air; Anakin would do it himself, before either of them could even move. "Master, please, she'll be taken back to Coruscant, but we can't do this." She gestures to his ignited lightsabers.
Obi-Wan looks to his weapons, then to Ahsoka, and back again. The blinding anger slowly melts away, leaving an icy-cold feeling in his bones.
The queen glowers. "Master Kenobi, I grow tired of this. Perhaps we can work up an agreement?"
"I will not barter with slavers, you witch," he snaps. He tries to shrug off Ahsoka's wince, knowing she was surprised at his tone. She had never heard her grandmaster so... outraged. Impatient, tired, disappointed, sure- but not this.
This is almost Dark.
The Zygerrian queen chuckles. "How about this: If you agree to my terms, I will let your friends go, no questions asked."
As much as he doesn't want to listen, Obi-Wan is enthralled by the promise of Anakin's safety. "What do you require?"
"Master, you can't-" Obi-Wan shakes his head, and Ahsoka, upset as she is, quiets.
The conversation resumes. "It seems I'm in need of an attendant, if the girl behind me is a fake. Would you be willing to take up the role?" Her tone and word choice are misleading. There is no option, no room to decline- if he tries, she will have them all killed. She is in control of the situation (Obi-Wan certainly isn't, he lost control when Anakin came out in a shock collar- don't think of it- don't- stop- no- ANAKIN-)
"You will let them go?" Obi-Wan asks quietly.
"They will be free," The queen answers, the irony of her words likely not lost on her. How rare it must be for her to let a person go, let alone three and a droid.
The lightsabers hiss as they turn off. Ahsoka looks horrified, and Obi-Wan's stomach churns at his decision. 'But Anakin will be safe,' He thinks to himself.
The queen grins. She has won.
 if you want to be tagged in the next part, let me know! also i love comments vv much so please let me know what you thought!
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CatCF Dark Chocolate: Part 1, the Kids
About this version:
This retelling was mostly inspired by the original book, as well as Dahl's first drafts for it. I wanted a more old-fashioned feeling to it: in this setting television is still only present in rich and upper-class houses, the regular people using newspaper and radios to get information. Imagine a mix of 40s and 50s with some touches of 60s thrown in.
You have here 8 Golden Tickets.
  First winner: Augustus Pottle
(Based on Augustus Gloop )
Augustus Pottle is an enormously fat boy, with a head like a ball of dough and a body like a blimp. He bears an uncanny ressemblance to a pig: he has a pink and greasy skin, numerous folds of flesh and chins bulging out of his neck, small greedy eyes, and an upturned and always sniffing nose looking like a snout. All the outfits he wears are always much too tight for him or about to pop (and it doesn't help that he literaly gains weight the minute he eats something). He has two outfits during the story (inspired by the two outfits Quentin Blake drew for him): during his interview he wears a green jacket, brown pants and a turquoise shirt ; and during the tour he wears beige pants, a blue jacket and a white shirt with pink spots. Of course he can never wear his jackets and his shirts are always about to rip.
Eating is not just Augustus hobby and obsession - it is also his career. Augustus is considered a "champion" because he kept winning eating contests: the biggest eater, the fastest eater, the fattest eater... It all comes down to his mother, a thick lady wearing a lot of shiny but ugly jewelery. Mrs. Gloop always tried to find fame and attention, but when her attempts to find it at radio failed, she reported all her dreams on his son: he had inherited from his tall and bearded father a large and stout body. People were amazed at how big and gluttonous the boy was, and Mrs. Gloop thought it was an excellent way to get attention and fame. So she bred him to become the fattest and most gluttonous boy alive, so that everyone would look at him (and at her). It goes so far that Augustus is used to sleep in the dining room - being so full after meals he can't even pass the door to get up to his bedroom.
The excess of greasy and sugary food made his brain fat too, clogging it with blubber, and resulting in him being quite simple-minded. He only now has two thoughts in his brain. The first is "eat, eat, eat", he is a true glutton obsessed with eating and devouring. The second is "I'm a champion, I'm the best, I need to beat everyone else", he sees others as rivals and life as a contest, and his own fatness and gluttony is for him a sign of dominance over other people.
Second winner: Elvira Salt
(Based on Veruca Salt)
I wanted here to get away from the angry, screaming, demanding Veruca Salt, so I create this character.
Just like Veruca, Elvira is a spoiled and filfthy rich girl who thinks she can get everything she wants with money or by asking. But she is not an angry, screaming, bratty child. She rather believes it is natural and normal for her to have everything, or for money to solve every problem. She seems detached from the world. She doesn't think or believe one would say "No" to her, and basically considers the entire world to be a shop with people at her service, or a field from which she can pick flowers without a care.
She looks like a glamorous movie star of old, like Marilyn Monroe, always wearing elegant silk dresses and gloves and wearing fur coats (with furs of lovely and cute animals like guinea pigs, mink, chinchilla or rabbits). In fact, Elvira enjoys only things that are cute, pleasant or elegant. For example give her the biggest pearl in the world - if said pearl is actually ugly she will throw it out without a care. She is a girl that bathes in milk and honey, that has for a snack expensive truffes, foie gras, chocolate and champaign, that doesn't walk but get carried around, and that considers it normal for a young girl to receive as gifts emeralds, rubies, diamonds and other precious jewels. To put it shortly, she lives an extravagant and excentric life.  Always smiling, always happy, always content, she basically lives in a world of luxury where misery, poverty or lack of money does not exist, and as a result actually forgets that other people around hers have needs and desires too. She thinks she is the princess of some sort of fairytales, and the others are just background characters here to serve her story.
For the tour, she wears a candy-pink velvet dress and a "fur" made of clubbed baby seals. As her father... well fun fact, Elvira sepnds so much money her father actually looks like a beggar or a homeless man, because he has no money left for himself - but a beggar with plump and thick wallets in his pockets.
  Third winner: Violet Beauregard
(Based on Violet Beauregarde)
The Beauregard parents (who look so similar to each other it is difficult to say who is the father and who is the mother) are competition freaks. They are obsessed with their children being the best, breaking records, being a champion, earning trophies.
However, for their misery, they got Violet. Violet isn't good at sports, neither at school. She doesn't have any talent for anything. She doesn't have any interest or dreams. She is a plain, dull girl wearing plain and dull clothes, with dim eyes and a big mop of hair of an undetermined color. The only thing that stands out is her great, thick, muscular jaw - because her parents, desperate that they were, found a way for her to be a champion. Chewing gum. She spends her time chewing gum, so that would be her talent, isn't it? Her parents worked hard to make chewing a sportive and intellectual talent, making her break unexisting records of gum-chewing, organizing uninteresting chewing contests... They now think that their little girl deserves to be with Olympic champions just for chewing-gum, forgetting how useless and stupid this is.
They also extended her "abilities" to chewing other kind of foods and candies, including chewing chocolate bars: and here she found the Golden Ticket, which was a dream come true for the Beauregard parents, a perfect mediatic exposure! Fun fact: Violet chewed a bit of her Golden Ticket.
   Fourth winner(s): Wilbur Rice and Tommy Troutbeck
(Based on Wilbur Rice and Tommy Troutbeck)
I wanted to reuse the characters from the deleted "Fudge Mountain" chapter of the book. A lot of this characterization is my own invention: I based myself on the few personnality clues found in the chapter, and for their appearance I used Quentin Blake's illustrations.
Tommy and Wilbur are best friends in the world. They are neighbors, they go to school together, they always share everything (even though they may fight for it first) - this is why when they discovered the fourth Golden Ticket they shared it. However their friendship is filled with a strange sort of disdain, and they really bond over their main hobby: pranking people. They like to do pranks and jokes and to have a good laugh. Unfortunately for everyone else, they are devilish little brats and cruel children, whose definition of a good laugh involves making believe someone's house was robbed, putting someone's dress on fire or pretending their little brother is dead. The worst is hurts or distress people, the better it will be for them. Causing black outs, using dangerous chemical products, hurting their own parents, it is all just a good fun.
The Rice family are the definition of bourgeois and nouveau riche, small shop owners who became extremely wealthy thanks to their trade. As a result they are boasting their money and spending a lot of it: their small house became bloated with numerous architectural additions that don't fit with each other, and they collect cars, having so much they can't even drive them all. Mr. Rice is a tall and very thin man always dressed in expensive but ugly suits and with a thick mustache looking like a caterpillar, while Wilbur is a small dark-haired boy with a round face and a round belly, chubby and flabby. Wilbur is an arrogant, haughty, snobbish boy that is friend with Tommy only because he thinks of him as a sort of "pet" - he is so arrogant that he also disdains his own parents, but Mr. Rice merely thinks Wilbur is being a "good lad", an "energetic boy" or a "little man" and is quite proud of this unruliness.
The Troutbeck family is the opposite of the Rice. They used to be nobility, living in a great manor, but they fell on hard times. Their nobility title not worth anything, money flying by, their family fell into poverty. They still live in their manor, but it is now run-down, dirty and unkept. Mrs. Troutbeck is an obese woman always wearing faded pajamas or worn-out jumpsuits and a thick layer of makeup, and Tommy is a tall and thin boy, skinny, with an angular face covered in moles, beauty marks and freckles. He has spiky strawberry blond hair and always wears tattered ans stained clothes. The Rice parents are hoarding misers, skinflints who refuse to spend and disdain the "show-off" Rice (the same way the Rice disdain the poor and "low" Troutbeck), in fact they only had a kid so he could later work and make money for them, and they encourage him to steal rather than buy things. Tommy is also a rude, violent boy, known to punch and insult all those that displease him - something he inherited from his parents, that also raised him with insults and slaps on the head (no wonder he doesn't have any respect for them).
The two kids have another element cementing their friendship: their love for candies. Wilbur spends his time buying candies to stuff his belly, and Tommy keeps stealing candies from other children, messily devouring them. And it is during one of their sugary feasts that they found the Golden Ticket.
For the tour, Wilbur is wearing a light blue jacket with a red bow tie, and Tommy a navy-blue turtleneck.
   Fifth winner:Michael Themmen-Vry
(Based on Mike Teavee)
This name was a suggestion of ArtMakerProductions, who said I could invent a name whihc would have "T-V" initials. So I created Themmen-Vry, a name based on the names of the two actors who played Mike Teavee.
The Themmen-Vry family is exceedingly rich, grossly rich. But the Themmen-Vry parents are quite pleasant people: the father friendly and affable despite looking like a pigmy hippo, and the mother being an excellent hostess despite not being very bright and quite young. However their sson... it's a different story.
Michael is the oldest of the winners, being near the end of the his teenage years and almost a man. But he stayed stuck to the mental age of a child. Michael adores television, he has several elevision sets in every room of his manor to never miss his favorite shows. And Michael always liked to play, to disguise himself as his heroes. Couple that with very wealthy and very permissive parents, and you get this brat. Michael always plays at some game when he isn't watching television. He has an impressive array of costumes and toys to play with, and when he plays, he truly plays. He forces everyone to get into his roleplay and refer to him by his fictional identities. He forces other people into playing with him - he even kidnaps children from the nearby school to play with him. And he also wants realism to go so far... well let's say he won't be afraid to use a real gun to play a hunter. His parents are so permissive, seeing this as merely "harmless childish fun", that they allowed their manor to be burned down only because Michael wanted to play a firefighter.
No need to also mention you that Michael is a self-centered and disdainful brat that is always the hero of his stories and that uses "playing" as an excuse to bully and insult other people by having them be villains, monsters or preys. Basically he is the ultimate worst RPG player you can think of.
Tall and thin, Michael has long  and thick hair covering his ears and forehead like a helmet, and a face covered in acne. As for his outfits, they change all the time: one time he is dressed as a mad hunter, another time he is a monster-killing alien-king, another time he is a ninja-cowboy from the Far West, and that's when he is not a policeman-Robin Hood.
His outfit for the tour is a vividly colored cosmonaut outfit, and he is armed with a ray gun. Actually a laser gun using real, harmful lasers. He is also one of the few kids allowed to come to th tour without his parents, due to him being old enough.
     Sixth winner: Marvin Prune
(Based on Marvin Prune)
In the original drafts of Roald Dahl, Marvin Prune was a conceited school-obsessed boy that embodied the "all work and no play" mentality, disdaining all childish fun and freedom and rather dedicating himself to harsh studies and strict intellect. I decided to reuse this concept for a new interpretation:
Marvin Prune and his parents (his father, a man with a face like a boiled onio, and his mother, a woman who looks a lot like a donkey) are extremely arrogant and conceited so-called intellectuals. Marvin Prune thinks of himself as superior to everyone else and more intelligent than others because he read a lot of books, learned a lot of things and is an excellent school student. As a result, he thinks that he has all the rights to disdain others, insult them, treat them as complete idiots. But the thing is that Marvin actually has a very poor knowledge of the world and his "intellect" is up to discussion. He has numerous facts wrong - for exemple he thinks sugar comes naturally as a white powder and can't exist under any other forms, or he believes all the ancient Greek artworks were entirely white and that Greeks never used colors. If he gets so many of his facts wrong, it is because he believes simply learning about something is enough to be an expert - for exemple he claims to know all about foreign countries because he read about them in books, but he actually never visited them or met people from said countries.
This arrogance and this quest for "intellectuality" leads the Prunes to worship all that is "antique" "ancient" or "proper" - which results in them only collecting ancient furnitures, putting dust and cobwebs in their house to make it look more ancient, and Marvin wearing outdated outfits, like puff ties or jabots. He also likes to wear glasses, though he doesn't need them - he just thinks wearing glasses makes him look more intelligent. With narrow shoulders and chocolate-colored curls, the most defining trait of Marvin is his nose, which is really big, really long, really pointy and sharp, compared to a shark's fin. He always uses the royal plural "we" instead of "I" because he believes himself to be the most intelligent boy of the country or perhaps the world, and this bloated ego of him actually leads to a darker side of his personnality: he disdains all that is considered childish and worthless, up to the point of destruction. For exemple, he only reads encyclopedia, scientific books and teaching manuals. As for the rest - children book, novels, comic books... he deems them irrelevant and stupid and so wishes to burn all of them. Yep, we have a little book burner here.
Marvin only searched for a Golden Ticket because he wished to learn more about the Wonka Factory and know all of its secrets, as well as to be able to "correct" Wonka - because he is that kind of kid that considers everybody else is doing things wrong, and that he knows how to fix mistakes and improve everything. And he pretends that to find his Golden Ticket he used a lot of calculations, planning and studies, comparing the weather, selling patterns, geography, trafic levels... but in truth he actually got it by pure luck.
   Seventh winner: Bertie Upside
(Based on Bertie Upside)
Bertie Upside actually surprises everyone because he isn't a brat like the other kids. He is a wealthy and rich orphan, but he is kind, healthy, gentle, generous, cute, humble, decent giving money to charity and being very respectful and wise. He sees the best in people, and during the tour he prevents the other kids from breaking the rules or bullying Charlie, deeming him a true "bore". He is basically the perfect kid, that is repeatedly said to have a "heart of gold".
For his physical appearance I based him on Quentin Blake's illustration of Charlie: tall and thin, blond with blue eyes. He always has clothes that match his hair and eyes: light blue jacket and yellow tie for his interview, and golden jacket with light blue shirt for the tour.
   Eighth winner: Charlie Bucket
(Based on Charlie Bucket)
This Charlie I based on the original drafts of Roald Dahl, which depicted Charlie as black.
As usual Charlie is a small malnourished boy, all skins and bones, living with his poor family in a shabby and run-down house. His father is a newspaper deliveryman, which is how the Bucket family has a newspaper every morning, and his mother works at a toothpaste factory (like in the 2005 movie). Their job doesn't bring much money, but it is enough to survive. As for the Grandparents you have Grandpa Georges (got his leg cut off after the war, and is always criticizing, insulting and being revolted by the other Golden Ticket winners), Grandma Georgina (can't walk due to the family being too poor to have her hip and knee fixed, she quells and calms her husband's wrath and fury), Grandma Josephine (has a weak heart and can't do a lot of physical activities, but has a wild an insane past, resulting in her often telling stories not suited for kids) and Grandpa Joe (bad arthritis, usually tempers or censors his wife's stories).
Charlie tries to help his family: he makes a bit of money by collecting glass bottles and metallic scraps. As for the food the Bucket family survives with, I wanted to include elements of the "soul food": as a result the daily diet of the Buckets is black-eyed peas, turnips and sweet potatoes. When they have enough money they buy a pork feet or a chicken liver to add meat to their diet, but it is quite rare. Charlie is a little angel of a kid, ever complaining, working hard at school and always sharing what he has with his family.
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sweetside · 4 years
From the mind of the brilliant @gluttonygirls​ has sprung forth another fantastic.. group roleplay idea? Shared Au? Community driven concept? 
And This time I have the honor of being included. So below are the AU muses who take part in daily life at Kiji academy.
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Nurse Joy | Female |  5′4 (165 cm) | SW: 287 lbs
The School Nurse. Joy was over joyed to get this job, it seemingly having been a dream of hers to let go and enjoy herself. Though she still practices some restraint, to keep herself fit enough to fit under, and over the larger student bodies.
She is available most of the time to school is operational. Though you might have to wake her up with the door buzzer.
Black uniform ( < 500 lbs)
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Kyoko Kirigiri | Female | 5'6 feet  (167cm) | SW:  410 lbs
A student from a family of detectives. Proudly going without the offered transport in favour of her own motorbike. She doesn’t really know how to deal with this school, or her expanding waistline. She usually waits until her old outfit has burst before ordering a new one.
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Rise Kujikawa | Female | 5′2 (157 cm) | SW: 430 lbs
As trends move, those who depend on them must as well. 
An Idol who came to Kiji academy for two reasons. First: Being plush is becoming more popular. So her career would benefit from attending this strange school.  Second: She herself is obsesed with flab in any form. Being known around the school as ‘’The Handsy Idol’’. Sneaking up on unsuspecting fatties and squeezing their softness.
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Blue Uniform (< 1000lbs)
Chie Satonaka | Female |  5′3 ft (160 cm) | SW: 890 lbs
Chie never had much of a head for tests and numbers. So going to an academy where she only needs to eat meat? Sold! Besides that her newfound love of fighting games has made her a lot more sedentary. So she still misses classes occasionally, for a variety or reasons. Such as loosing sense of time, having trouble getting off her ass off her dorms couch or just forgetting to order new clothes.
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Yu Narukami | Male | 7ft (213cm) | SW: 932 lbs
Yu was sent to Kiji Academy. Thinking it was some kind of cooking school, since that seemed to be the only interest of his they knew about their son. As usual the silver headed man packed up his things, and what he knew behind.
His parents were kind of right though. Yu could practice cooking here. Though it seemed to mainly go toward feeding the black hole his stomach he had developed in the academy. Big and kind, Yu has made a few friends here but he’s currently focused on obtaining the coveted red uniform. and getting the most out of his education. Also finding a lover would be nice.
Kiji Red Uniform (>1000lbs)
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Pearl Pygmy | Female |  4'9 (145 cm) | SW: 1305 lbs
Pearl was always secretly jealous of Marina’s fame on the internet. So when she found out there were people who liked heavier girls, she was  (Ironically) hooked. Never having a good diet anyway, throwing out all caution was easy at Kiji! Now she’s a famous greasy idol who slowly waddles around the academy grounds, leaving het sweaty sausage prints wherever she goes.
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Maya Fey | Female | 6 feet (183 cm) | SW: 1160 lbs
A monstrous woman with a monstrous appetite for burgers. For a strange reason her height and strenght seems to grow along with her weight. She is also part of the fey clan, based in Kurain village.
She was sent to Kiji because it's the one academy she woukd willingly attend.
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garbagevanfleet · 5 years
Learn To Leave A Room (series)
Pairing: Jake & female!Reader Warnings: general sexiness, but nothing too risque yet Summary: Balancing relationships is hard work - God forbid someone throw a wrench into it. Notes:  oh my god, im sorry guys. sexual tension is my favorite thing in the whole world. 
“I am not ashamed, the story goes. I swear I will learn to leave a room without touching every part of your face.” — Marcelo Hernandez Castillo, “How to Grow the Brightest Geranium,” published in Breakwater Review
“Obviously you have to talk to him.” 
Despite being nearly noon, it’s still too early for this conversation. Lucy has dragged you back to the diner, hoping to nurse your collective hangovers with some coffee and a greasy breakfast, but all you had really wanted to do was crawl into your own bed.
“You can’t just leave things like they are. I mean, he is still your boyfriend until you actually break up with him, right?” she tries again. You know she’s right. She’s always so insightful about these kinds of things, and hung-over you is a little annoyed by her sound logic. 
You had told her a very selective recounting of what had happened last night, leaving out anything to do with Jake. You weren’t ever planning on telling her the rest.
You and Lucy had stayed over at the Kiszka residence, cuddled up together on the couch, but you - very luckily - did not have to see anyone else before you had left. 
“I know. I will eventually,” you assure, staring down at the half-eaten cheeseburger you ordered and wondering if you can take another bite. You opt instead to pick at it with your fork. “Mostly I want him to have to think about it all for a while. Get in his own head.”
She giggles at you. “Mind games,” she says in the way of agreement. She’s silent for a moment as you watch her stir her milkshake with her straw. “I’m sorry he did that to you. I could tell that you didn’t want to invite him; I shouldn’t have pushed you.”
You shake your head at her. “It’s so not your fault. I think it’s good that I figured out who he really is early on. You know, before I actually got to like him.”
“You didn’t really like him?” Her tone is sheepish. 
You shake your head. “It was fun at first, but no. I will miss the regular sex though,” you add, making her laugh. 
“Well, I guess you’ll have to just kick him to the curb and get back out there. You’re going to find someone that’s going to treat you right.”
You nod in agreement and give her a thankful smile, but somehow you feel that you won’t be joining the dating scene for a while. 
Mitch never does text you, so you decide you won’t either. It feels a little unresolved, but you’re honestly grateful to not have to deal with the confrontation. He had never left anything at your house, and you hadn’t taken more than one or two pictures together, so you forget about him pretty easily.
You do feel anxious off and on, but you don’t think it’s from the breakup. You can’t quite put your finger on it, but you pick up an extra-long shift at the cafe to fill your time. Fall is the start of the busy season for baristas, so you very infrequently have a moment to dwell on anything at work. 
After a long day of steaming and steeping, you cannot wait to get home and wash off. The most you ever feel like yourself is in the shower - it’s always a mental cleansing process just as much as a physical one. Soft music starts to play from the speaker on the bathroom counter as you connect your phone. 
You turn the water to the perfect temperature to warm you up from the walk home, and it feels borderline euphoric as you step under the spray. You let the water wash over you, but the second you close your eyes, you snap them back open with an anxious feeling. 
You try it again. You lean back, close your eyes... but to the same result. 
You stand and stare blankly at the shower wall. 
“Fuck,” you breathe. Every time you close your eyes, all you can see is Jake looking back at you from across the living room. 
The lights on his face, the contrast of his dark hair against the white door frame - you can even hear the music that was playing. All of it. It’s haunting you.
You rub the heels of your palms into your eyes, trying to will it away, but you can’t stop your brain from playing the image back to you. 
“Fuck,” you whisper again, a bit more desperately this time and slump against the cold shower wall. You stay there, staring at the tile in front of you until you realize that the issue isn’t going to go away. 
You give up and wash your hair, absent of the task. A slight annoyance slips over you because you can’t even enjoy the ritual with your mind so preoccupied. You take a deep breath and let your eyes slip closed as the warm water rinses the soap away. 
He’s waiting for you in the black, but this time you’re on the patio with him, watching him smoke his cigarette down to the filter. It’s only for a moment, but in that moment you can smell the smoke. Feel the leather of his jacket. Taste his skin. 
You remember the intensity in his eyes as you sucked his thumb into your mouth and you try to recall every little thing about how he looked at that moment. You groan at yourself, realizing just how stupid you are for ever letting yourself feel like this. 
When you step out of the shower, you promise yourself that you won’t think about it anymore, but you still do. You try to bargain with yourself. 
You won’t think about it again after tonight, you think, but you know it’s a lie.
You blow dry your hair in the mirror and stare at the spot on your neck that Mitch had left you with. It’s faded to the point that it’s nearly undetectable, but you can see it. You want to hate Mitch for it, but somewhere in the back of your mind, you’re acutely aware that if he hadn’t done that, you would have never had the time you did with Jake. The party would have just been normal and you would still have Mitch’s number saved in your phone. Jake was right, who knows how long you would have kept dating him, despite the lack of interest on your part. 
You lay down in bed with your warm pajamas on, your feet dangling off the side and your cell in your hands. Jake’s contact information is pulled up and you flip to the Messages tab. You’ve only ever messaged him a couple of times; once when he asked you about a song you had been playing that he wanted to know the name of, and once when Josh and him were coming to pick you and Lucy up and he was messaging that they were waiting outside. 
You lay the phone face down on your chest and stare up at your ceiling. Your heart is fluttering as you think about what would happen if you called him. Right now. 
It’s just a reckless idea - you’d never do it - but that doesn’t stop your eyes from flicking to the clock on your nightstand. 
It’s 11 pm. Would he even answer? What would you say if he did?
You roll your eyes at yourself, suddenly embarrassed at how stupid you’re being. The covers are chilly as you slip into them, but thankfully, they warm up quickly. You fall into a pleasant sleep, and even though you had sworn you wouldn’t dream about it, you still do. 
You wake up to your phone notifying you of a message, but you ignore it for a few minutes, trying to force yourself back to sleep. It’s five minutes later that you realize it’s not happening, so you reach a hand over for your phone. 
Lucy   10:23 am
What are you up to tonight?
A smile finds your lips. She’s always had an uncanny way of knowing when you needed her, and some girl time was exactly what the doctor ordered, you think.
Absolutely nothing. Wanna hang? you reply. You crawl out of bed and allow yourself some time to stretch your muscles before you head for the bathroom. You’re brushing your teeth when you hear a new message come in. 
Lucy   10:41 am 
For sure
Movie at Josh’s. Pick you up around 5.  
Your heart jumps.
“Fuck,” you rasp, but your mouth is still full of toothpaste, and now your mirror is dotted with white speckles. You finish brushing frantically before texting back.
Maybe just a girl night?
Because your life is currently such a mess, you’re not at all surprised that Lucy takes nearly half an hour to respond.
You lunge for the phone the second you hear the notification sound, nearly dropping the Poptart that you’ve just finished toasting. 
 Lucy  11:10 am
Don’t be silly, I already got the movie 
You have no idea how that prevents you from just watching it alone with her, but you don’t want to make her suspicious, so you don’t press any further. 
The rest of your day is spent acting like a middle schooler. You are not ready to see Jake Kiszka again. What if he says something to you in front of Lucy? Explaining it to her would be a nightmare. What if he was just drunk and doesn’t actually have any interest at all?
You’re not positive you’ll see him, so you try to convince yourself that you probably won’t. It decidedly does not work.  
You pointedly try not to think about what you’re going to wear, but despite yourself, you already have an outfit picked out by the time 4 pm rolls around. You try to reason with yourself as you eye your makeup bag.
“It’s a movie,” you remind yourself into the mirror. “We are just watching a movie in the dark and you are not putting on makeup.”
You try to be firm, but you’re weak and you end up glaring at your reflection as you apply mascara. 
Lucy is late when she arrives to get you, but it doesn’t matter, because you still feel like you haven’t had enough time to worry about everything thoroughly. Feeling unprepared, you climb into her car. 
You try to calm yourself by listening to everything Lucy is going on about as she tells you about her week. You know that she can tell that you’re nervous because she starts talking about her cat - a subject that always makes you feel better.
She’s so used to being at the Kiszka house that when you get there, she doesn’t bother knocking. She just lets herself in and hangs her coat and scarf on a hook by the door.
“Babe,” she calls out into the house, and Josh emerges from the kitchen and sweeps her into an embrace. You try not to listen to their loved up talk, you don’t feel like you have the stomach for it with the state you’re in.   
Josh greets you with a polite hug. You smile back genuinely until you realize that you have no idea if Jake told him anything, and suddenly you have a whole new nightmare to explore in your head. You try to talk yourself through it as you follow them through the hall to the living room.
He didn’t give you the shit-eating grin that you would expect to receive if he did know something. You’re also pretty sure that he would tell Lucy, and Lucy would absolutely ask you about it. You breathe a relieved sigh as you settle in on the couch.
Sam is sitting the wrong way in a reclining chair, his long legs hanging off one of the arms. He looks so gangly that you can’t help but laugh at him and he gives you a cheesy smile back. 
Since the recliner is taken, you get cozy with Lucy sandwiched between you and Josh, and a fuzzy blanket across all your laps. You want to ask if Jake is going to be joining you guys, but you chicken out. What if Josh does know about what happened at the party, and by some miracle, he just didn’t tell Lucy? You don’t want to seem like you’re thinking about Jake - even though you absolutely are - so you just stay silent. 
You try to get into the movie. You and Lucy both love anything in the horror genre, but you’d already seen this one in theaters with her, and you try not to be annoyed that she’d pick a movie you’ve both already seen, presumably just so Josh could see it as well.
It’s considerably less scary the second time around, so about halfway through, you find yourself bored. You excuse yourself to use the restroom, mostly just so you can stretch your legs, as the couch isn’t that big and fitting three people on it is a squeeze. Lucy asks if you want them to pause the movie, but you wave her off, telling her you’ll be right back.
You head up the stairs and down the hallway, and you’re just about to turn the corner to the bathroom when the breath gets knocked out of you with a thump. It doesn’t hurt, but a shocked noise escapes your lips before you can stop it. A pair of hands find your hips instantly to help steady you. It takes you a second to realize that you’ve just slammed into Jake - face first - but as soon as you do, you hold your breath. You must have a horrified look on your face because he breathes a laugh.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry,” you squeak. “What are you doing here?”
Deliberately slow - like he’s trying to make sure you’ve got your balance back - he pulls his hands away. Through a disbelieving grin, he says, “Well, I live here. It’s more like ‘what are you doing here?’.”
You can feel your face turning pink. “Right. Lucy and I are here for a movie,” you explain. You haven’t made an effort to step back away from him, and you can’t bring yourself to yet. His hair is wet and slicked back, and you’re annoyed it looks so good on him - you always look like a drowned cat when you get out of the shower. 
He hums in understanding but doesn’t say anything else. He just raises his eyebrows at you expectantly. 
Just above a whisper, you chance, “Are we going to talk about it?”
He feigns consideration. 
“We could,” he says with a nod, his lips stretching out into a mischievous smirk. “Or we could pick up where we left off.”
You subtly pull the sleeves on your sweater down to your wrists in an effort to hide the goosebumps that are rising on your skin. You open your mouth, but you’re truly at a loss for words. You had a full week to think about this, but you realize you never got around to allowing yourself to figure out what you’d say to him. He gives you an ample amount of time to think of a response, but the only thing you can do is stare at his lips.
“What’s the matter?” he asks, his voice is like silk. It’s quiet, but commanding. A tone you’d use if you had someone's wrists cuffed to your headboard. “Where did all that confidence go?”
He didn’t have as much control the last time you were this close to him, but he definitely does now, and you can tell that this is exactly how he’s comfortable.
“Pretty sure my liver cleared it all out Saturday morning,” you reply, swallowing hard. The words had come out softer than you’d intended. He’s smug as he seems to give you a once over, and your chest tightens under his gaze. 
“That’s a shame.” 
You can smell his shampoo as he brushes past you - something minty and pleasant. The sharpness of it helps ground you a little, but as soon as he disappears down the stairs, you slip into the bathroom and slump against the closed door. The whole exchange only lasted a couple of minutes, but you’re left feeling exhausted. You consider staying in the bathroom forever - maybe setting up a nice nest of towels so you never have to see anyone for the rest of your life, but then you remember that you have your favorite kind of yogurt in your fridge at home, so you’ll have to come out eventually. Instead, you just stand in front of the sink and splash cold water against your face as you try to collect your thoughts. 
You don’t see him the rest of the evening, and for that, you’re simultaneously grateful and annoyed. Multiple times you think about marching back up to his room, but that's as far as you get. You still have no idea what you’d say or do once you got up there. 
Lucy takes you home after the movie, and she offers to stay the night, but you tell her you’re wiped and that you’re headed right to bed. You go to get out of her car, but she places her hand on yours where it’s rested on the center console. 
“Hey, so Josh and I were talking,” she starts, and your stomach tightens. You’re suddenly positive that she’s about to tell you that she knows everything, so you hold your breath. 
“About birthday plans. So he was thinking that since I’m going to be leaving in a week, he’s going to throw me a party at his house next Saturday,” she finishes excitedly. You smile at her, trying not to look scared. 
Lucy’s birthday is in early November, and every single year since you met, you’ve spent it together. This year, however, her parents surprised her with a trip abroad. You had been planning on having a nice dinner together just before she left, but you suppose that it is more efficient to just have a party with everyone.
 “That’s great,” you agree, squeezing her hand. 
“I’m so excited, I’m just hoping you can help us plan it all?” She gives you her best puppy eyes. “Since I’m going to be so busy packing and making sure I have everything together.”
You take a deep breath and nod in agreement. “Of course. You can count on me, Lu.”
She beams at you and leans in to give you a cramped car hug.
When you’re back in your room, you shoot Josh a message asking what he’d like you to be in charge of. Your body feels tight, so you head to the bathroom and draw yourself a bath, setting the water as hot as it will go. 
Josh K    9:38 pm
thinking probably cake 
You frown at your phone and shoot back,  just cake?
Josh K    9:41 pm
You set your phone down on the tile by the bathtub and roll your eyes. “Idiot,” you say out loud through a smile. You undress and sink into the water slowly, and it’s so hot that it turns your skin pink, but the slight pain is grounding. A message notification sounds from beside you, so you extend a wet hand to grab it.
Josh K    9:48 pm 
Lucy wants to do decorations herself n sam threatened suicide if he cant dj
You huff a laugh. What are you getting her for a present?, you send back.
Josh K    9:51 pm
secret :)
Josh K    9:52 pm
maybe just birthday sex 
You leave it at that, grateful that Lucy has someone so loving in her life. You think she deserves it, even if it does gross you out now and again. 
You spend the rest of your time in the bath willing yourself to relax and trying to figure out why the last three words Jake said to you upset you more than the entirety of your last interaction with Mitch.
Taglist: @myownparadise96   (message me to add yourself if you want!)
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golchaworld · 4 years
Panacea | L.BG (Part II)
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➳ pairing: lee byounggon x fem!reader, ft. cix ensemble
➳ genre: organized crime!au, action, occasional fluff
➳ word count: ~2.9k
➳ warnings: cursing, mild violence, mentions of non-descriptive gore, mentions of death/killing, glorification of crime
➳ summary: The plan is always the hardest part.
A/N: This took me forever and a half to write! And the funny thing is this is mostly just filler!! It’s a lot of insight into the members’ and reader’s relationships and tendencies. Either way, I hope you enjoy!
Part One
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panacea (noun): a solution or remedy for all difficulties
All of Jinyoung’s plans start out with observations.  He becomes hellbent on knowing every single detail, every mechanism and inner working, before making his next move.  Jinyoung always likes to hit where it hurts, and he finds observation a crucial factor in that.
It starts with him dropping sticky notes on your desk.  Most of them are mundane observations, like the fact that Kim Jaeyong eats lunch at 12:43pm every single day, or the fact that he keeps the temperature warmer in his personal office than the rest of the office.
But eventually, they become more detailed, useful.  Jinyoung notes that Kim Jaeyong walks with a slight hitch in his step, leaning over to his right side, likely the result of a hip injury when he was a teenager.  Jinyoung also informs you that Kim Jaeyong only keeps one weapon in his office, a Beretta M9, with plenty of ammo in the bottom drawer of his file cabinets.
As the notes pile up day by day, your shredder becomes fuller and fuller.  It’s better for all of you to keep them as mental notes anyways.
The six of you don’t get a chance to discuss the notes until the following Friday, piling into Seunghun and Byounggon’s shared apartment as usual. This time, instead of hard liquor and the ever present taste of murder in your mouths, there’s only the bitter taste of determination. 
“I don’t know why I needed to know the exact minute that the boss eats lunch, Jinyoung. Why did you even send that to us?” Hyunsuk’s voice is whiny, worn out from using his customer service voice for the entire week. 
Jinyoung rolls his eyes, throwing a chicken bone that just barely misses Hyunsuk’s cheek. “It’s so we know when he’s not busy. People are almost always relaxed over a meal. I think that’s our best time to strike.”
Byounggon snorts, chest rumbling under your head. How the two of you ended up cuddled up on the couch while everyone else is sprawled across the floor is beyond you. You imagine it was under the pretense of you being “tired.” All you know is that you definitely don’t mind it. 
“What do you mean ‘strike?’” 
“Well I mean, we have to kill him. I think that’s pretty obvious.”
Even with the steady tone of Jinyoung’s voice, you know he’s still being cautious. Although Yonghee just looks over at him with big, inquisitive eyes, you imagine it must hurt. It would always hurt to see your best friends plotting to kill your father. It must hurt even more when you’re taking part in such plotting. 
“There isn’t another way?” Seunghun’s voice is calm and even, standing strong in the silence of the apartment. “Like can’t we just force him to leave and never come back or something?”
“It’s us or him.”
Yonghee’s voice causes a knot to wrangle its way into your stomach. His words are clear, even though they waver with a hint of fear. There’s something else there, maybe sadness, grief. It mixes in smoothly with the deep tone of Yonghee’s voice. 
“If we don’t kill him,” Yonghee explains further. “He will kill us. No hesitation. Killing him is really our only option.”
“And you’re okay with that?” Byounggon asks softly, as if not to frighten a cornered animal. 
Emotion swims in the dark irises of Yonghee’s eyes. Having been the “quiet nerdy kid” growing up, Yonghee has never been one to wear his heart on his sleeve. His father had taught him that emotion was weakness, and would always be used against him. It was only around his five best friends did he ever let his walls down. 
Yonghee sighs, running a hand through his already messy hair. Somehow, it falls flawlessly back into place. It’s amazing how even under the stress of plotting to kill his father, Yonghee manages to look like a supermodel. 
“Even if I’m not okay with it, it’s what we have to do. So let’s stop mulling it over and just do something about it.”
The corner of Jinyoung’s mouth twitches up in a smirk, accompanying the sadism flaring in his eyes. “Then let’s get started.”
.        .        .
The first thing you notice the next morning is that you’re not in your own bed. 
You sit up, quickly take account of your surroundings and rush through the possible places where you could have ended up. All of your clothes are on and intact, which is a good sign. You search the room, panicked, until your eyes land on a familiar picture in a navy blue frame. You sigh in relief; it’s only Byounggon’s room. 
The framed picture on the nightstand is quite cute, and you find yourself smiling at the six faces that stare back at you. It was taken at the boardwalk the summer before your senior year of high school. You’re all grinning from ear to ear, each holding various cliche items from cotton candy to plushies won at game stands. Byounggon’s arm is slung around your waist. 
You remember that you even loved him then. 
The picture has you continuing to smile, even as the room owner enters. Byounggon lacks a shirt, only clad in sweatpants slung low on his hips. Even though it’s his typical Saturday outfit, you find your mouth watering nonetheless. 
“Sleep well?” He asks, voice gruff from sleep. 
You nod slowly. “Yeah, but when did I fall asleep? Like I remember Jinyoung outlining the plan and then next thing I know, I’m waking up here. I wasn’t even drinking!” 
You punctuate your statement with a frown, which causes Byounggon to smile, dimples indenting his rounded cheeks. 
“You fell asleep while Jinyoung was talking, genius.” Byounggon takes a seat at the foot of the bed. “Seunghun and I just brought you back here so you could get proper sleep.”
A yawn takes over your features, prompting you to stretch your arms above your head. Byounggon giggles. 
“Did you guys finish coming up with a plan?”
Byounggon’s expression sours at the question. He looks down to the sheets of the bed before meeting your eyes. His eyes are hard set, determined, but are also laced with a lingering air of sadness.
“We’re still mulling over some details, but um, Y/N?” He places a hand on top of yours on the cover, curling his fingers around yours. “We’re going to have to kill a lot of people. It’s like we’re going to war. A war against our own.”
You turn your hand over so that you’re palm to palm with Byounggon. In his eyes, there’s still the brooding boy that refused to talk to you when you were introduced at age seven. There’s still the boy who was scared of the monkey bars until he was twelve. But there’s also the man who has killed. A man who has sinned. 
You squeeze his hand in comfort. “I know. But you have to remember that as long as the six of us are together, we’ll be alright. We’ll always have each others’ backs.”
Byounggon nods, squeezing your hand back just as tight. 
.        .        .
Jinyoung is the one who warns the group against diving into a plan head first.  Ever the planner, he works to create small increments in which the six of you can work to take down Kim Jaeyong.  The only downside to his planning is that he feels the need to remind you all of it every waking moment.
The sticky notes don’t stop landing on your desk, this time sporting small messages like ‘we have to make nice with the informants so they trust us,’ and ‘Seunghun agreed to spend more time with the boss to get closer to him.’  It all seems a tad bit extraneous, but nothing is too extra for Jinyoung.
He even goes as far as to call small meetings for the six of you in the middle of the day.  All too often you find yourself smushed into a cubicle, speaking in hushed whispers disguised as small talk.  The worst is when you all have to pile into the single stall restroom at the end of the main hallway, conspiring and dreaming up a hierarchy of people to take down.
It’s on a random afternoon, however, that your cover is almost blown.
Five of you stand around Hyunsuk at the front desk, casually sipping coffee while you dream up the most discreet ways to dispose of bodies.  You’re so caught up in the conversation that you all miss the chime of the elevator, completely ignoring the figures that step out of it until a booming voice rings out around the lobby.
“Who knew that kids these days talk about burning bodies during their coffee break?”
The six of you instantly straighten up your posture, greeting Kim Jaeyong with slight bows.  The man sports a greasy smirk at the obvious fear written all over your faces.  He has always been giddy at the thought of people respecting him, of people fearing him.
“Yeah, well you know burning bodies is all the rage these days,”  Hyunsuk responds with a smile, forever the charmer.
Seunghun nods.  “You know Gen Z, all about social media and burning bodies.”
Kim Jaeyong laughs loudly, once again commanding all the attention in the room.  “You kids are too funny.”  His face suddenly loses all hints of humor, putting up a serious, stoic front.  “But we don’t have time to take coffee breaks, whether you’re talking about burning bodies or anything else.”
The six of you nod, practically in unison, making small noises of agreement.  Kim Jaeyong seems pretty satisfied at the response, and you think he’s going to leave it at that, especially as he moves towards the office door.  However, as soon as he shifts his weight to open the door, he freezes, regarding the group with scrutiny.
“As a matter of fact, the six of you have been congregating a lot lately.  Is there something I should know about?”
All of the blood in your body freezes over.  You would think you died on the spot if not for the styrofoam cup warming the skin of your hand.  For a moment, there’s silence, until a confident voice speaks up.
“It’s the consequence of recruiting six best friends when they were fresh out of college.  All we want to do is see each other.”  Yonghee smiles as he speaks, proud at the implied dig at his father.  “Surely you can understand that right?”
Kim Jaeyong regards his son with a sneer.  “I don’t care what you all ‘want’ to do.  You’re congregating on my time.  Get back to work, now.”
Five of you scramble back to your desks, passing by the father-son duo that seem to be communicating with their eyes.  Their gazes are ammo, and none of you want to be caught in the crossfire.
By the time you’re settling back into your cubicle, Yonghee re-enters the office, a triumphant smirk on his face.
.        .        .
The plan is officially set in motion the following week.  It begins from the bottom with its goal being for the six of you to work your way up.  It seems easy at first, to take out the small scale informants and then move on to their bosses, and their bosses’ bosses.  But the task becomes harder and harder to manage.
You come across your first round of problems as you’re sawing an informant’s body into small pieces, making them easier to be burned when it’s all said and done.  You have just separated the man’s lower leg from his thigh when a crackle of static fills the small room you have converted into a morgue of sorts.
“Junhyuk?  Are you there?”  A staticky voice calls, making you instantly drop your bone saw to the floor.
It falls with a loud clatter, one that’s loud enough to gain the attention of Seunghun, who had been posted outside of the room.  He instantly bursts into the morgue, hand on the small pistol in the holster on his waist.
“What happened?”  The boy questions, looking around the room for signs of danger.
“You guys didn’t take his walkie?!”  You yell, startling Seunghun.
The static crackles again.  “Junhyuk?  Come in.”
Seunghun just rolls his eyes, finally taking his hand off of his gun.  In two short strides, he stands over the collection of body parts, not even flinching when the static fills the room once again.  He doesn’t hesitate to reach a hand into the corpse’s bloody back pocket, pulling out an equally bloody walkie talkie.
Seunghun throws the small appliance onto the ground, watching as small pieces splinter off.  To seal the deal, he stomps on it a few times, until it no longer spouts staticky commands.  You roll your eyes at the show of strength.
“Better?  Gosh, I didn’t expect something so miniscule to scare you.”  Seunghun jokes, nudging your shoulder with his.
Now it’s your turn to roll your eyes.  “When you’re alone in a room with bodies that are supposed to be dead, you don’t exactly expect shit to start talking.”
The smile Seunghun gives you in response is bright and sweet, the kind that’s not marred by any malintent.  You wonder if this is how he lures his prey in.  With just a flash of his smile, you can imagine that anyone would be putty in his hands.  But when you see his smile, however, it just reminds you of the chubby little boy who greeted you and your mother when you moved in across the street.
To this day, he always greets your mother like she’s his own, molding a space into your family.  And after years of friendship, he practically is a brother to you.  From playing on the swingsets when you were in third grade to studying for college entrance exams when you were in eleventh, Seunghun has always been a part of your life.
The last thing you expected, however, was for him to ever be flashing you his smile in front of a half dismembered body.  But you guess things change.
“Well before you lost it over a walkie talkie,” Seunghun chuckles.  “Jinyoung said he and Byounggon were going to take down another informant.  Somebody who does outreach to the suppliers?  I don’t know.”
“Clearly, I need some time before then.”  You motion to the body behind you.  “You guys can’t just be piling up bodies in my morgue.”
The tall boy shrugs before making a move towards the door.  “Bring it up with Jinyoung...or better yet, bring it up with Byounggon.”  
Seunghun shoots you an obnoxious wink over his shoulder.  You can only manage a few curses at his retreating form before he exits the room, taking his post at the door once again.  When you turn back to the body on the table, you meet its cold, dead eyes.
You scoff.  “Don’t look at me like that.”
.        .        .
It’s a little after noon on a Wednesday when Byounggon meets you inside of the morgue.  Your breath catches in your throat once you catch sight of him.  His blazer hugs his shoulders perfectly, cinching in just the right amount at the waist. Byounggon in a suit should be illegal.
“Why is it always so cold in here?”  The man whines, crossing his arms over his chest to preserve warmth.
“You know why it’s cold in here,” you roll your eyes.  “Don’t be so dramatic.”
Byounggon’s eyebrows raise before he chuckles. “What’s got you so upset?”
You sigh, finally putting down the pliers you had been using to remove fingers from a dead hand. The urge to run your hands through your hair overtakes you, but you fight to suppress it, hands smelling like formaldehyde and drained blood. 
Byounggon’s still looking at you expectantly as a moment of silence passes. He knows not to push, content with waiting for you to open up on your own. It’s something he learned the hard way. Pushing you too hard once in the 9th grade led to such a nasty black eye that he had to wear sunglasses for two weeks. 
“This is just a lot,” you finally murmur. “How are we going to take everyone out without Kim Jaeyong noticing? He already noticed we’ve been congregating a lot.”
A smile graces Byounggon’s face, deep dimples indenting his cheeks. He crosses the small room quickly, pulling you into a tight hug. You can’t help but sigh, feeling all of the tension leave your body at the feeling of your best friend’s arms wrapped around you. You sigh again once Byounggon begins to rock you both back and forth. 
“Worrying doesn’t look good on you, you know.”
The comment makes you chuckle, the sound nothing more than vibrations in your chest. 
“Leave the worrying to Jinyoung,” Byounggon continues. “His stupidly pretty face can handle it.”
Once again, you laugh, emitting a short huff that gets trapped in the space between your face and Byounggon’s chest. He’s warm, a sharp contrast from the chill of the room. 
“Yonghee’s got the system hacked so that it looks like the informants are still up and running. He’ll do the same as people go higher and higher up. He’s cancelled all large body meetings for the next month.”
“Oh shit.”
Now it’s Byounggon’s turn to chuckle. “Yeah, oh shit is right. We have this on lock, Y/N. There’s nothing you need to worry about.”
You nod in response, taking the opportunity to muzzle further into your friend’s hold. His heartbeat is strong and steady under your ear, felt through the quality fabric of his crisp white dress shirt. His hands trace circles into your back, slightly displacing the cloth of your white lab coat. 
The two of you continue to rock back and forth, paying the smell of formaldehyde no mind as you get lost in the warmth of each other. 
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lordxgrinnyxboy · 4 years
rewatching tgm for the umpteenth time: wifi's not working edition 1/?
ngl i've Never, In My LIFE, done any singing or acting outside of puppet shows when i was in like the 3rd grade but every time i watch TGM i'm more and more like "GOD i wanna be cast as Barkilphedro" and i don't even know why? like why would i want to be the greasy clown nasty? He has No Rights? I Don't Like Him Or Sympathize With Him At All? And Yet???? It must be a calling.
there's like. two barrels on the stage.
uggggggh i love Ensemble!Maskell and Ensemble!Obianyo they're both so pretty
ngl Barkilphedro has No Rights and he gets No Sympathy from me but i do feel sorry for him when he talks about his mother. also sucks for him that he wasted so much time hoping his loyalty to Clarence would pay off, only to get nothing but mockery in return. also also as 'comical' as the Erotic Breakfast Dance scene is played it's still...really gross and Not Okay. This dude's 100% culpable for his actions and he made his own choices and is absolutely slimy but it's like those bits in LotR when they talk about Bilbo pitying Gollum. idk i just kinda hate that ol' Barky let himself be twisted into such a wretched creature. He crossed the No Rights line the night he decided to carve up a kid's face tho and just kept right on going.
ensemble!maskell is so cute send help
it's the eye makeup and the lighting it's just. a really good look
ms. obianyo pls
just noticed Bark's little pose on "obsessed with the pursuit of beauty"
okay so i've seen some comments around about Clarence's "How do you keep your pecker up" remark and just thought i'd- dude's fingernails. wow they're so shiny. ahem -mention here that i've looked into this expression before and it's actually a term that i guess is mainly used in England or something and it's like nose = beak = 'pecker' as in birds which ‘peck’ things with their beaks. It's basically the same as "keep your chin up". Snufkin says it to Moomin. I mean with Clarence i wouldn't put it past him to mean it another way but also given where the show is set it makes sense he would use such a term.
ngl i want to Know about Angelica tho like. why is she Brutalized. why did Clarence send her awaey. i actually want to know about the whole family. I feel like it's a three separate moms situation but even if it's only two separate moms Where Are The Moms. did Clarence send Them awaey too? Did one or more of them Die? Were they Killed? oh god what if it's like in Light Princess and he actually Had (one of/)Them Executed. I think it's interesting that Clarence Lorded Dirry-Moir. we don't get to know about how he treated Josiana, but none of his kids even turn up to his funeral and the only one who talks about him at all only does so to denounce him.
also thinking about the differences yet similarities between the Green Box Family and the Royal Family but i can't articulate worth anything rn so i'll just *pins for later*
love Ensemble!Brisson
also ngl even if the whole Royal Introduction/Lords on Palace Hill bit isn't 100% literal it still paints a pretty clear picture of the kind of toxic and vapid society that's encouraged under Clarence's reign.
does 'bonnie prince' mean anything specific or
ugh i love Osric
wait i just noticed the stripies on dirry--moir's shirt. nice. i'd wear that.
not as much as i'd wear the heck out of Osric's coat though. actually his whole outfit. add Osric/Lord Trelaw to Roles I Wanna Be Cast For In The Timeline Where I Sing And Act
the face Dirry-Moir makes while Osric's getting started introducing the fair tho. he looks like a kid trying to fit in with a cool new friend group.
the way Mr Maskell sings "we have a huge collection of the crippled and the dabbed" tho it sounds like he's got a cold
i'm gonna need somebody to meet me irl just to do that lil dance that Dirry-Moir and Osric do after "If you've got the money/I've got the misery" it looks fun!
au where Mr. Maskell stays on stage through the end of Laughter is the Beast Medicine. i need to See him do the choreo for this part.
had a real cursed idea right here but no it's Too cursed
the look on Osric's face when Bark grabs his bad arm tho
this whole "imagine laughing without any cruelty at all" is such a weird bit tbh
have i already said that i love the whole look of the "the poor soul who stands before you" part like idk if it's the pose or what but Gwyn Looks Really Good In This Scene
okay but the way puppet!Gwyn holds out his hand toward his mom and then she goes to- hangon i can’t describe lemme see if separate post separate post
ngl im real curious as to whether this bit on the pirate ship (idk why i’ve always defaulted to ‘pirates’ for these cats) actually happened or if Ursus fully made it up like we really Don’t get to Know how much of this has any basis in what really happened that night do we u-u
kay but the fact that Dea’s mom’s lying there with her eyes open and the way they emphasize her frozen-ness by having her arm stay up like. wow.
wait a minute is that Born Broken playing for lil baby Dea? i think it is.
yeah sing it hazlit
interesting how Ursus has little!Gwyn sing “they put blood in my nightmares” but also vow to find the man who cut him. which i mean singular ‘they’ is obviously a thing but as i doubt the intention was for Gwyn to have decided that whoever cut him must be a they/them man i just think it’s interesting that even the wording in the puppet show points to the fact that there was Someone Else There, even if it does then swerve back to a single perpetrator. But also it’s still accurate because while it was only one man who cut Gwyn’s face, it was both Barkilphedro and Ursus who contributed to putting blood in his nightmares.
honest question why is Mr. Maskell’s voice Like That like who gave him the right
love how puppet!Gwyn and puppeteer!Gwyn and later real!Gwyn all do that same little motion with their head on the word “disgrace”
OH HEY we’re at the part where Lon Don picks up NICE
add Mojo Puppeteer to my list of dream roles
wait ohmygod there’s this thing kind of hanging off the cart and i was squinting at it like “what is that” and then the cart turned around and i realize that’s the body that goes to the head-on-a-shelf ursus what the hell
wait so Dirry-Moir genuinely thinks Dea went blind from looking at Gwyn’s face but he also wants to see it? although granted Ursus said she went blind from “gazing too long” so maybe Dirry-Moir assumes he’ll be safe if it’s only a quick look. still. Concept: Post-Show Dirry-Moir having this tendency to Not Look At Gwyn very much until eventually either he explains why and somebody has to Tell Him, or maybe at some point he’s like “wait a minute. that was made up wasn’t it” and everyone has a bit of a laff
ngl i love the inside of the cart and how there’s like four, maybe five puppets, counting Beauty and Beast, and also some of the shadow puppets...all kinds of vials and bottles and what looks like painting supplies...what looks suspiciously like crimson lethe on the stove...looks like some cabinets and extra storage up very top. im curious about the layout since we only get to see one part of the cart at a time.
wait why’s the song called stars in the sky when does he say th- why isn’t it called “New World” or “dreams” or something why stars in the sky he doesn’t even say- does he say it in the reprise???  *skips ahead* NO?
does the Disney Chorus Say It??
ugh i love ms obianyo
“to help them forget themselves” yeah that’s what you want him to do huh Ursus
“not now, Grinpayne”‘s a p curious line to include and only the fact that Gwyn’s still using his puppet!Gwyn voice while complaining is keeping me from being like “lol Gwyn’s lil rant was actually him breaking character and then Ursus just went with it like it was part of the show lol lol”
cutting here for length uwu Dea finishes the word ‘skies’ at exactly 30 minutes in which is nice bc i didn’t even have to interrupt her mid-word in order to pause for post-length.
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Hello!!! How are you?
So I had this idea have you ever written or read a double date fanfiction of pipabeth and jercy? I really wanted to read one
and what's your all time favorite jercy and pipabeth fanfic?
You are my favourite blogger and I love this blog so much!!!
Okay this has legit taken me like a week to get to because life has just been the most hectic but even if I do say so myself I am obsessed with this fic and I really really really hope you like it.
Also you legally own my soul now because you said so many nice things it automatically ascended from my body and it's on its way to you😩🥺thank you my angel!!!!!
I have never done an active pipabeth x jercy double date thing but I think pipabeth is sometimes mentioned and/or featured briefly in my jercy fics or vice versa. The only one i can think of is my Bakery AU. My favourite pipabeth x jercy fic is Stranded by @punkpipabeth because everything about it is just *chefs kiss* and I love it endlessly. I cannot tell you the amount of times I've read that fic.
Okay here's my one, please enjoy:
Find definitions to ballet terms here;  ma raison d’être means ‘my reason for being’
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"Alright everyone, let's start from the chassè."
"And," His teacher rolls, "Five, six, seven eight."
Percy Jackson pushes off from the bar and strolls to the middle of the room, amusement swimming in his eyes. Jason Grace winks before turning to the front and standing in position.
He pushes his foot forward bending over his leg and brushing the floor with his fingers.
"Good Piper," She calls, "And grand jetè and pas de chat and relevè, relevè. Pirouette."
The music fades as they all breathe heavily, a leg raised behind them and arms fanned over their heads in a V.
"Well done everyone, good class. I expect to see that perfected by Tuesday. But for now enjoy the weekend and rest easy."
The class breaks into chatter and excited bubbling as the weekend stretches out before them.
"Piper," Their teacher says, "Can I talk to you about the costume?"
Percy flops onto the floor, talking a large desperate sip from his bottle and tugging off his ballet shoes.
"Ugh," Jason groans, "I swear these elastics get tighter every time I wear these."
"Maybe if you stopped stretching them with your massive feet you wouldn't have these problems." He teases, green eyes dancing.
"Shut up. Not all of us can look like faerie princes."
"You think I'm a faerie prince?" Percy wiggles his eyebrows.
"Graceful and devious?" The blonde matches his expression, "Hell yes you're a faerie prince."
He blushes, brown skin heating under that electric gaze.
"Hey you two," Piper McLean crashes down next to them, pulling at the ribbons wrapped under her ankles.
"Sup Beauty Queen," He smiles, "You looked incredible out there."
"You really think so?" She shares a rare look of shyness.
"Definitely." Jason's gaze is full of pride.
"Well thank you. Who knew playing Cordelia would be so..."
"Inevitable." She sighs and there are possibilities flickering in her brown eyes.
They finish changing out of their sweaty ballet gear in content silence. Percy doesn't bother taking off his tights, just shoves a pair of grey sweats over them before threading his arms through a wind jacket and leaving it to fall open on his bare chest. The wind is cooling against his heated skin and he almost groans in relief.
"You guys want to grab burgers at the Banter Bar?" Jason looks between them.
"Yes!" He squeals, "Gods yes! Let's go." He grabs their hands and races out the studio doors and into the vibrant night air.
Piper laughs, "Let me at least tell Annabeth to meet us there before she thinks I ditched her with no warning."
"Good plan," He echoes her happiness, as he tugs them out the gates and down the road.
The neon lights from all the little diners and bars make their skin look effervescent and their eyes glow with the magic of youth. The wet ashpalt from the afternoon storm is neon with allure. Tonight it feels like the world is theirs to spin and whatever direction it goes they'd go flying with it. Tonight feels like the start of something wonderful. He breathes in the winter wind and his lungs gasp like it's the first time they've tasted life. Tonight feels limitless.
The three of them skip up to Banter Bar to see an amused Annabeth Chase already waiting outside, her skateboard tucked into her side.
"Hello babe," She crashes into her girlfriend and they squeeze each other.
"Hello ma raison d’être," Piper whispers, kissing her softly.
Soon enough they're all flopping into a booth, menus placed in front of them and smiles stretching their cheeks.
"How was class?" Annabeth wraps a hand over her girlfriend's shoulder and slouches into the leather.
"So good! Your darling is spectacular." Percy grins.
She squeezes her shoulder, "I can't wait to see the show."
"It's not only me that's wonderful," Piper looks to the boys across from her, "They're unbelievable. I think Madam Alima is still astounded that Jase can jump that high."
"Says she hasn't seen anyone do that in all her thirty years of teaching or her twenty years of dancing." Percy brags.
"Well everyone in class is in awe of this one’s grace. Cannot count the amount of times people have stopped to stare as he does his adage." Jason fires back, blue eyes sparking.
"Can't believe I'm friends with the most talented dancers in the school." Annabeth smiles at them, her pride shining bright on her face.
The waiter comes back then to take their drinks order and when they all get chocolate milkshakes laughter bubbles from them like brooks and breezes.
"Gods," Black curls bounce as he turns, "Doesn't it feel like you could do anything right now?"
The girls thread their fingers together and squeeze softly before looking at him.
"There's just something about tonight." Piper agrees.
"Everything is irrelevant but this: to embrace life. To feel it. To savor it. To love it. Marty Rubin." Jason whispers.
"Yes," Percy turns to the blonde. To that strong jaw, and scarred lip and cerulean gaze. "That's what it feels like."
His head falls to his friend's shoulder and he feels a little closer to home. Their milkshakes are set down before them, a glazed cherry gleaming on the mountain of cream. With a delicious smirk he licks off the sugary whipping and offers the cherry to Jason. A gleam enters the blonde’s expression as he leans forward, eye contact like concrete sin, and closes his lips around the bright red fruit.
Their boundaries had always been a little blurred. Had always been one trip away from more. But it was fun, exhilarating to tiptoe on this edge. See who fell in first. If they would catch each other. Drag one another down with wicked smiles and warm hands.
"Where are we going after this?" Piper pauses her slurping to ask.
"Wherever the cobblestones take us." He shrugs. It's the kind of night to dream about the future and pretend the present is nothing but an exciting mystery.
"Let's go to the Hovel?" Jason suggests, pushing away his empty cup.
"Oh gods," Annabeth groans, "I couldn't even walk the last time we went there."
"Whose fault is that?" Her girlfriend laughs, "You were the one that fed us more shots than we have fingers."
"I’m a sucker for two-for-one. Sue me." She grumbles, sticking her tongue out.
"I'm down. But first I have to get out of these clothes."
"Before all that you little gremlins," Grey eyes narrowed, "Eat. I know how you guys get. Once an idea is sitting in your brains nothing else matters."
"Alright mom," They laugh and wave the waiter over to order greasy, cheesy, stuffed with everything but the kitchen sink burgers.
Class always makes them hungrier than should be possible and they can devour just about anything in front of them. When the food arrives, they dig in immediately. Faces stuffed and giggles bursting between them.
Jason picks a fry from Percy's plate and he looks at him incredulously.
"You did not just steal a precious potato from me."
The blonde responds by reaching over and stealing more.
With a laugh from the girls and a gasp from him, the black-haired boy jumps at Jason and attempts to steal his fries. But his friend is quick and the fries are held up in his right hand, high in the air and faraway from him before he blinks.
He scrambles onto the blonde's lap, unaware of the sharp inhale it drags out.
"Give me your fries you thief." He bounces as he tries to reach them.
Jason's hand is warm on his hip, keeping him pinned down so he doesn't go toppling onto the floor, "Nope. You were too slow."
He whips his ocean eyes to look at his friend, shoving his face so close their noses brush, "I was too slow?"
The boy hums and Percy’s attention falls the vibration of that smooth throat.
"Maybe you should have used some of that grace everyone loves you for."
He huffs a laugh, "Maybe you shouldn't steal."
"Trust me you stole something first." Blue eyes flash.
"And what exactly is that?" He breathes, as their foreheads fall together.
Jason just smirks and pushes him off his lap.
Annabeth and Piper are wrapped up in each other, whispering softly into their skin. They all turn to one another and if you ever went back to ask the waiter what they saw that night they will swear the room changed colours for that brief moment.
Later when the group arrives at the club, donned in outfits made from glitter and sacrilege, they shove their way to the center of the dance floor and became one with the music. Hands and skin and magic weaves between them. Like the start of something dazzling. Like obsession.
Percy wraps a hand behind Jason's neck and pulls their bodies together, so nothing is between them but electricity and indulgence.
"If this night never ends I'll be happy." He screams over the music, hot breath and joy in his friend's ear.
"Wanna die here?"
He can feel Jason's smile on his cheek.
"In your arms?" His lips graze a golden neck, "Every time."
"Want to know what you stole from me?" They pull back slightly, so emeralds and aquamarines meet.
The blonde grabs his hand and puts it on his chest. He feels the rapid beating under his palm and his fingers curl into the shirt.
"If I fall into hell," He pushes into his face, "Catch me will you?"
"Let's fall together?" That grin is ungodly in its beauty.
"Lets fly."
And then Percy Jackson kisses his best friend and finds home between their souls.
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bobasheebaby · 5 years
Get to Know my MC & OC
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I was tagged by @jovialyouthmusic​ @texaskitten30​ and @dcbbw​, thank you ladies. So at first I was sure who to finish. I already had a few MC’s and OC’s started and then Athena popped in my head. I was half done with Athena’s when I decided to do Percy’s too. So two for one ladies! Under a cut since it’s long as fuck!
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Athena May Morgan
How tall are they?
How do they tend to dress?
She lives for comfort! She doesn’t mind getting dressed up but her go to looks are jeans (that may or may not be ripped), a cute top, and a pair of sneakers, light jacket or sweater if needed OR leggings and an oversized top, sweater or hoodie. If she’s trying to look cute in her leggings a nicer sweater and a pair of cute sweater boots.
Do they like how they look?
She doesn’t hate the way she looks but she also didn’t believe Percy when he told her how beautiful she was until he took candid photographs of her.
Are they an only child or do they have any siblings?
Only child, although her cousin Bailey is like her sister. Bailey’s parents died when Bailey was 12 and Athena was 5. Athena’s dad was Bailey’s mom’s brother so he took in Bailey. They grew up very close after that and Athena was super grateful for the support of Bailey when her parents died when she was a freshman in college.
Are they a morning person or night owl?
Girl likes to sleep in, especially if it means more cuddles with Percy.
Are they a cat person or a dog person?
Both!!! She grew up in a Brooklyn apartment and her parents didn’t think that was a good life for a dog, but she always wanted one. She did have two cats, Abbadon a pure black Persian and Zeus a tan Siamese. Both were failed showcats they rescued.
Got any favourite foods?
Chee-zee bread!!!! She loves it!!!
Peanut butter cups are always kept in the freezer.
Brownies!!!! The more chocolate the better!!!
How about favourite drinks?
Caramel milkshakes with extra caramel.
What are their favourite movies/tv shows?
Sappy Hallmark movies, she loves them. They can do the same plot every Christmas 10 different ways and she will still sit and watch every single one.
She also loves cop and hospital drama’s.
Do they have any hidden talents?
Do they believe in love at first sight?
Shit she didn’t use to but when she looked back she realized she had butterflies in her stomach from the moment she met Percy. She had thought at the time that her stomach was in knots because of her situation with Liam, but it was Percy.
Who is their love interest?
Duke Perceval Lennon Hunter of Winchester (my insanely awesome OC)
What are they afraid of?
She used to be afraid that she’d never fall in love or be a mom, now she’s afraid of losing them.
Spiders, creepy little fuckers!
Falling, she doesn’t mind heights, but she is very afraid of falling.
What are their guilty pleasures?
Candy, she has it stashed around the estate and she knows when it’s been touched by someone else.
What was their dream job as a kid? Is it still their dream?
She was kinda all over the place, teacher, scientist, astronaut, marine biologist. She never really had one thing she wanted to be. Oddly enough she never wanted to be a princess and yet she vied for the hand of a prince/king.
Have they ever broken a bone?
Have they ever been in trouble with the law?
+ three other random facts about them!
girl loves to bake!
she learned to knit when she was pregnant with their first, she knitted the outfits for their newborn photos.
She would never tell Bailey, but she still finds it really weird that Liam started dating her cousin. Percy just tells her it shows that it wasn’t love for him either since he could move on so quickly.
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Perceval Lennon Hunter
How tall are they?
How do they tend to dress?
He is known as the most down to earth duke, he prefers jeans and sweater or tee, sneakers or work boots. He dresses up when he has to and looks damn good but he likes to be comfortable.
Do they like how they look?
He can’t complain, the years have been good to him. He wouldn’t mind less grey, but Athena likes it so he leaves it be. He does tease her she fell in love with an old man and she just smiles and gives him a kiss.
Are they an only child or do they have any siblings?
Only child
Are they a morning person or night owl?
When he spent a lot of time with Leo or Alex he didn’t mind staying out all night. Now he’s thankful the only late nighters are at home when a baby wakes in the middle of the night. And yes he will let Athena sleep if he can. He used to be a fairly early riser, now he loves lazy mornings in.
Are they a cat person or a dog person?
Both, he actually loves all animals.
Got any favourite foods?
Greasy burgers, pasta, omelets
How about favourite drinks?
Scotch, strawberry milkshakes
What are their favourite movies/tv shows?
He loves period dramas and musicals. His mom loved watching the old musicals with him, his favorite is Carousel. He likes action or thrillers, but his favorite part of watching them is when Athena scooches closer cause she gets scared.
Do they have any hidden talents?
He can repair any Harley produced after 1935. Total overhaul of the engine? No sweat.
Do they believe in love at first sight?
He barely even believed in love. His father fucked up big time and cost Percy his mom, he knew he didn’t want to be like his father. He always looked for someone that he just clicked with and had stopped thinking it would happen long before he said hello to Athena on the royal train.
Who is their love interest?
Athena Morgan
What are they afraid of?
Failing those he loves. Watching the people that mean the most to him hurt, especially because of him.
What are their guilty pleasures?
He’s gonna sound sappy as fuck but he doesn’t give a shit, every cuddle or kiss from Athena or the kids. He loves staying in bed with her but if the baby wakes and she manages to sleep through it he will go sit in the nursery just talking to the child as he holds them cuddled to his chest. If the child falls back asleep he slips them back into their crib and goes back to cuddling Athena. If the baby is wide awake he will take them into the bed around the time Athena usually wakes. He doesn’t know that she’s heard him a few times on the monitor and falls back asleep with a goofy grin on her face.
What was their dream job as a kid? Is it still their dream?
He was the only child of a Duke, he knew there was only one job that would ever be his. But he’s not afraid to get his hands dirty and taught himself to fix his Harley and to cook.
Have they ever broken a bone?
Does it count if it wasn’t his? He once dared Alex to do a backflip off a tree branch when they were at boarding school. Alex almost stuck the landing. He lost his balance and broke his wrist trying to catch himself. Alex said it was epic and thought it was the funniest thing ever.
Have they ever been in trouble with the law?
Nothing that having diplomatic immunity couldn’t get him out of.
+ three other random facts about them!
He had a wild past and definitely partied, was not opposed to threesomes but he knew if he found the right person it would be only them.
Athena was the only person he ever said I love you to, and he hadn’t even meant to say it when he did. He was trying to calm her like he always did and it just slipped out. He was seriously scared that day but he would never tell her that. When she said she might be pregnant his biggest fear was that it was his and she wouldn’t choose him.
With the amount of trouble he and Alex caused at boarding school he was lucky he didn’t get expelled.
Tagging: @sirbeepsalot @stopforamoment @janezillow @bella-ca @itsalliepg @indiacater @innerpostmentality (sorry if you’ve already been tagged.)
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rosyerim · 5 years
pocket sized!nct dream
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basically nct dream but,,,they can fit in your hand,,, also mark isn’t here but I couldn't find a dream gif w/o mark 
usually sitting ontop of your right shoulder, judging every task you do
“why does your handwriting resemble chicken scratch?”
“your hair is greasy, you should wash it”
“that ramen isn't cooked properly, the water is too hot!”
“haechan I will throw you in the pot”
he shuts up realll quick
but then he's back to whining & will only shut up if you give him half a cookie since he can't finish it whole
he loves a good ole KUWTK marathon but you have to remind him he is not actually Kim kardashian and you’re not his assistant
once he was looking for his your headphones & started snapping his fingers at you to get them lol you weren't happy
he doesn't even have to try but haechan can make you laugh at literally anything he’s just naturally funny 
so whenever you’re in a bad mood, the boys send him out to you to sooth you & it usually works lmao
is like your own personal stylist, he makes sure to check out your outfit before you go out anywhere
when he doesn't like it he just gives you a certain look up and down
“you don’t like it? whats wrong w it?”
“that top with those heels? whats right with it?
steals your pencils that are basically stubs so he can do some drawing of his own :’((
makes you stay up late with him to watch conspiracy theories about the universe but then falls asleep on your phone screen 20 mins in
loves when you buy little stones for yourself, for like protection & well being, etc and renjun will spends hours wiping them down & researching everything he can on the stones
uses your phone just so he can learn how to do ballet from the comfort of your house but is still too shy to show you a dance routine for now
hates hates scary stuff but insists on watching the documentary about serial killers & afterwards he usually ends up sleeping on the pillow your head is on because he swears he's being watched lol
prefers sleeping in your hoodie pockets but has had one too many near death experiences with you not realising & catching him as he falls out so now you carefully pick up any article of clothing you own
likes the piano tiles app because he can basically play it using his lil feets 
he also beats your high score so you're lowkey salty but so long as he’s happy 
comes to you first about all his problems & likes to have a lil venting session with you & him cuddled in the armchair, sharing a cup of hot chocolate because he doesn't like bitter things
sometimes when you’re feeling kinda down he sits down on your shoulder & sings to you softly in chinese because he doesn't want you to,,,feel alone,,,my heart,,,,take it(●´□`)♡
the quietest boy out of the six and the sweetest little boy ever :’((
brings you flowers he picked out of your neighbours garden covered in dirt because he saw how stressed out you were abt studying & reminds you to drink your water <33
likes to sit on your lap watching morning cartoons, giggling away behind his tiny bowl of cereal 
is best friends with the next door neighbours cat yet is deathly allergic to them??
he nearly scared you one morning when you were woken up by jeno’s teeny screams from around your house but turns out he was just riding on the cats back
you ended up having to take care of him for two days since he got super sick
you tried to scold him but he was still on the high from being up so high so he's just like 
“okay I'm sorry I won't do it again (。◝‿◜。)”
goes on random junk food hunts around your kitchen, can be found eating half a dorito chip in your cupboard at 3am mood
has a newfound love for asmr’s & if you ever lose your phone, worry not because jeno has it & is watching; long nails tapping different objects for two hours, no talking, only sounds 
also looooves dancing so he likes free styling with jisung by the radio & gets all shy & blushy when you compliment him 
lives in your shirt pocket because its 1) close to your heart & 2) very warm in there & 3) doesn’t have to leave your side!!
loves you v much & expresses it by leaving little pecks on your fingertips :’)))
likes to sleep on your fluffy plushies because its super comfy to him
his favourite is obvi ryan
fave spot is standing on your counter doing the best he can to help you bake sweet treats
imagine him standing holding up a whisk attempting to mix the wet ingredients with the dry ones but ending up falling :(( 
bub gets sad because he's afraid he messed it up but gets happy again when you set him on decorating the cakes :)) he’s super concentrate & even goes as far as to write your name best he can with icing
if its long then he just writes ur nickname 
likes to spend some of his free time reading books
the first time you were really confused on why your english book standing on its spine, had pages opening randomly 
turns out it was just jaemin being an intellectual
 you end up helping him flick the pages tho after he gets a paper cut :(
he really milks it tho like
“oh no y/n my hand is in pieces, I think im dying ε-(≖д≖﹆)”
but once you give him a hello kitty bandaid & hugs he's okay
likes to sit in the palm of your hand & talk to you about how your day went & about how his day went & the birds he saw in the sky today & how he likes ice cream & basically it’s him babbling away to you
but you don't mind it, he's so endearing :’)
goofiest little man, tells you random jokes he heard on the radio & gets all smiley when you laugh at them, even if they're not funny
makes you play dominos with him but by the time he's gotten three standing up, you've got the whole thing set up
doesn't stop him from pushing the first one down and shrieking in delight when they all fall in sync aw cute baby
he also watches some KUWTK w/ haechan as he loves the drama & he picks up the lingo 
“hey lele have you seen my phone?im so annoyed I can't find it”
“omg there are literally people dying y/n ੧| ‾́ー ‾́ |੭”
you end up banning them from watch it 
even tho he’s small he eats a loooott
he will eat an entire bowl of ramen if you let him & you try to stop him but all he has to do it be like
“please let me eat it all y/n i wont get sick i love u uwuଘ(੭ˊ꒳ˋ)੭✧”
“oh of course you can you cutie here you go (n˘v˘•)¬”
he ends up with a tummy ache, again so you’re looking after him, again
not that you mind, he's the babiest of babies (˵¯͒⌄¯͒˵)
can be found sleeping on top of the fluffiest make up brush you own
sleeps everywhere, likes sleeping under your carpet??
when you try waking him up he just falls back asleep in your hand :,))
if he's not sleeping, he's free styling by your radio and you can't help but record it
swears he doesn't like your slime yet you've had to help him out of multiple sticky sticky situations because he got too excited playing with your strawberry scented slime
watched one episode of gordon ramsay & swears he's the masterchef 
“aii that’s not how you fry the rice! you need to wait until it sizzles dude do you even know what you’re doing?!”
you set him down in the timeout corner
but he’s just chilling like
“if I get food poisoning its your fault (。・・。)”
picks up the local whiteboy lingo after he listens to his “lit asf playlist”
will randomly say aye & start nae naeing to you like, tapping your pen on the desk when you're studying 
won't admit it but loves when you cup him in your hands & sway him from side to side & he trusts you enough not to drop him
also has a weird habit of surfboard in the sink with a barbie surfboard & tells you to blow on the water so he can “surf”
you do it tho because his little giggles fill your heart
bonus; imagine all of them in little onesies of their fave animals & little cute hoods ♡✧。 (⋈◍>◡<◍)。✧♡
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heroesmusings · 5 years
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FULL NAME: Clinton Francis Barton 
MEANING: Settlement on a hill
MEANING: It’s just a shorter version of his name 
AGE APPEARANCE: Appears 30, actually 33
BIRTHDAY: September 7th, 1987
GENDER: Cis male
THEME SONG(S): Wine Red by The Hush Sound, Raising Hell by Kesha, Church by Fall Out Boy, Angel in Blue Jeans by Train
HAIR COLOR:  Dirty Blonde to Brown
EYESIGHT: 20/20, he’s a BIRD BOY
HEIGHT: 6″3′
WEIGHT: 200 lbs
OUTFIT/CLOTHING STYLE: For missions he wears his uniform but on days off its just jeans and a shirt
DISTINGUISHING MARKS(SCARS,MOLES): He’s got scars on both ears from the hole to neck, 6 gunshot wounds, knife scars
SELF CARE(MAKE UP): Clint washes his face once in a blue moon and at times has a beard
FIRST IMPRESSION ON PEOPLE: He’s pretty friendly, a bit on the joking and sarcastic side 
BODY TYPE/BUILD: Broad shouldered, a big muscular build 
DEFAULT EXPRESSION: Always a bit of a cocky smirk on his face
POSTURE: He stands with a little bit of more weight on his left side
PIERCINGS: One hole in his left ear
DESCRIBE THEIR VOICE: Clint’s voice is a little on the higher end for a man of his stature, it’s a big rugged and can sometimes be a bit slow with a twang 
MOM: Edith Barton
HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: Clint was a momma’s boy, very close to his mother the two had a close bond
DAD: Harold Barton
HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: His father was abusive they did not get along at all, Clint was always the problem child
SIBLINGS: Barney Barton
HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: Before the circus, Barney and Clint were two peas in a pod, they stuck together through it all but after the circus Clint cannot stand his brother
PAST LOVER(S): Bobbi Morse (ex-wife), Laura (ex-girlfriend), Zelda DuBois [Princess Python] (ex-fling)
CURRENT LOVER: Natasha Romanoff 
REACTION TO MEETING SOMEONE NEW: Clint likes to find out what makes them tick, so he’s friendly, wants to get on their good side so he’ll know how to take them down if he has to 
ABILITY TO WORK WITH OTHERS: he’s…. Alright? He’ll work with people but complain about it in the process
HOW SOCIABLE(LONER,ETC): Clint likes his alone time but he’s pretty sociable 
FRIENDS: Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers, Wanda Maximoff, the rest of the avengers team
PETS: Lucky the yellow lab
LEAST FAVORITE TYPE OF PERSON: Anyone who mistakes her shyness for powerlessness 
PARENTAL TYPE(PROTECTIVE,ETC): Easy going and easily manipulated  
FAVORITE PEOPLE: Nat, Steve, Wanda
LEAST FAVORITE PEOPLE: Barney, anyone in the Circus of Crimes 
..WHEN YOU FIRST MEET THEM: ? Talkative, Jokester, Obnoxious 
..AS YOU KNOW THEM BETTER(AND THEY LIKE YOU): Joyful, Teasing, Easy going
FAVORITE FOOD: anything gross and greasy 
FAVORITE ANIMAL: shockingly not a hawk, he loves dogs
HOBBIES: watching daytime television, sleeping, knitting, salsa dancing 
USUAL MOOD: Pretty jovial most of the time 
DRINK/SMOKE/DRUGS: Drinks socially 
DARK VERSION OF SELF: Ruthless, unforgiving, blinded by anger
LIGHT VERSION OF SELF: Carefree, the past doesn’t chase him anymore
HOW SERIOUS ARE THEY: Not very serious at all, unless it's a dire situation 
BELIEVE IN GHOSTS: No he doesn’t
(IN)DEPENDANT: Pretty independent unless its nat 
SOFT SPOT/VULNERABILITY: Messing with Nat, Talking about his father/home life
OPINION ON SWEARING: He’s got a filthy mouth
MUSIC TYPE: Soft rock and anything acoustic 
MOVIE TYPE: Any sort of cheesy movie it doesn’t matter the genre 
BOOK TYPE: Clint doesn’t read all that much but maybe fantasy 
GAME TYPE: God ANY GAME, he’s a pro at them all
COMFORTABLE TEMPERATURE: Clint thrives in any temperature 
SLEEPING PATTERN: Clint sleeps where the fuck ever he can, anytime he can squeeze in a nap? He’s doing it
CLEANLINESS/NEATNESS: Clint gives no DAMNS about that stuff..
DESIRED PET: More puppies thanks 
HOW DO THEY PASS TIME: Sleeping or annoying Nat and Steve
BIGGEST SECRET: After SHIELD fell Clint doesn’t really have any secrets but he hasn’t told anyone his brother was there when the Swordsmen deafened him 
FEARS: Something happening to Nat 
COMFORTS: Anytime Natasha is around, greasy food, training 
SAD: Clint doesn’t like getting sad, so he often gets angry and frustrated when he’s sad. It’s from years of abuse because his father would mock him when he got sad so he doesn’t like getting sad… and at times he just disappears  
HAPPY: Clint is usually pretty happy, so that comes with smiles and jokes mostly. If he teases and jokes with you then he’s in a good mood
ANGRY: Angry clint is usually even more reckless, he doesn’t think he just attacks, he will take no prisoners at all 
AFRAID: Unless it’s Barney, Clint usually likes to face his fears head on -- tackle them right when he can so he can go into things unafraid.
LOVE SOMEONE: SOFT, clint is soft and doting, he loves to spoil and care for in any way he can. He’s protective and can be clingy 
HATE SOMEONE: Clint makes it clear, he doesn’t joke he doesn’t tease or anything. He’s barely even likes to talk to them much less
WANT SOMETHING: Clint goes for it, there has been so much in his life that he’s never been allowed to have -- so now he’s letting himself have what he wants 
CONFUSED: Clint is always confused okay 
SOMEONE THEY HATE WHO HAS A CRUSH ON THEM: Clint would think its a joke honestly and when it isn’t a joke he’d avoid them 
PROPOSAL TO MARRY: Clint would be upset that Nat beat him to it because he’s been working on awhile to propose BUT he’d of course say yes and think of the memory fondly 
DEATH OF LOVED ONE: Clint would lose it, he wouldn’t be able to function any longer. He’d become cold and a hermit  
DIFFICULT GAME/MATH/ETC: He’d let Tony deal with it. 
INJURY: Clint would fucking laugh it off and act fine. But if it was Nat then he’d be obsessive until she gets help 
SOMETHING IRRESISTABLY CUTE: He’d take a photo and send it to Nat 
LANGUAGES: English, ASL a bit of Russian
FAVORITE SUBJECT (S): Clint would rather dIE than tell anyone but he liked math 
EXPERTISE: master archer/marksmen, expert tactician, acrobat and hand-to-hand combatant
PUZZLES: clint is SO GOOD AT PUZZLES, he can figure them out quick  
CHEMISTRY: clint likes both human and science. He likes the science part to design more arrows and the human part because he’s very in tune with people and their emotions 
MATH: Clint is WILDLY good at math, he has to be because he doesn’t miss a single shot. Everytime he shoots an arrow he has to include every variable possible 
ENGLISH: clint wasn’t all that interested in it 
GEOGRAPHY: he’s pretty good at it. 
POLITICS/LAW: Clint really isn’t all that into or interested in politics 
ECONOMY/ACCOUNTING: Again not into any of that 
COOKING: Clint can cook cereal and that’s about it 
SEWING: He’s good at basic medical and clothing sewing   
MECHANICS: Yes! He’s pretty good with cars and motorcycles  
BOTANY (FLOWERS): Not at all 
MYTHOLOGY: Looked into it when Thor showed up because Fury asked him too 
DRAMATICS(ACTING,SINGING): He used to be a spy so he’s a good actor  
READING LEVEL: Proficient 
HOW GOOD ARE THEY AT PLANNING AHEAD: ……...sorry Clint doesn’t know what that means 
DO THEY TAKE INITIATIVE: Yes all the time, anytime he can get his hands on Nat he will 
HOW DO THEY ACT(SHY,ETC): He thinks he’s smooth but boy’s an idiot and Nat makes his heart race 
GENTLEMAN/LADYLIKE VS KLUTZY: Oh Clint has plenty of gentelmany skills
GO SLOW VS JUMP INTO: WIth Nat? He wants to take things slow, he doesn’t wanna mess this up 
WHAT KIND OF PRESENTS DO THEY BUY:ANYTHING THAT HE THINKS NAT WILL LIKE, he likes getting her pretty things to wear 
TYPE OF KISSER: Clint likes it soft and sweet or rough and biting there is not in between 
DO THEY WANT KIDS: not until recently  
MAKE GOOD OR BAD DECISIONS: He’s a fucking fool so both, but he tries REALLY hard to make good choices 
HOW ARE THEY IN BED: Clint really lives to please Nat so he’s fucking great thanks
GET JEALOUS EASY: Nope, he knows that he and Nat are in it for good
FAVORITE POSITION: Clint loves being choked by her thighs or under her.. He really isn’t it picky as long as he’s with Nat
WHAT WOULD HAPPEN ON THEIR DREAM DATE: just a day in with Nat and they eat nasty foods together 
OPINION ON SEX: Sex didn’t always mean much to Clint, he used to sleep around often but with Nat it means a lot because there’s an actual connection there with her and he aims to make her feel good and have it be enjoyable
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baekhyunbitz · 5 years
First Kiss
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A/N: it's this cuties birthday today and he is one of my biases for Pentagon, so I really wanted to do something for him. I hope you guys enjoy it! Let me know what you think❣
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Jo Jinho x Reader
Warning(s): online dating, please be careful if you ever are involved with online dating. It can be dangerous.
Word count: 2.2k+
As the shadow of the night spills through my window, I finally settle into the comfort of the disheveled satin sheets, waiting as midnight draws close to facetime the only person I would stay up this late for. 
*buzz* *buzz*
Speaking of the handsome devil.
"Hey babe, we finally landed. I've never been more tired than I am now." His ash gray hair was sticking out a bit from his beanie, small circles under his whiskey colored eyes. 
"At least you can head back to the dorm soon and get some rest." I lay my phone against the other pillow as I snuggle further into the blanket. 
"Would be much better if I could finally fall asleep with you in my arms. Are you sure you can't come by tomorrow?"
"You know I would if I could Jiji... I have a big day tomorrow though. One day really soon, we will meet before you know it. I promise."
"I'm gonna hold you to it. I should have you wear something goofy when I finally see you for having me wait so long." Even though his tiredness shows, it definitely doesn't stop the adorable giggle that passes his lips.
"Is that a threat or a promise?" My lips turn up into a slight smirk, he replies with a wink.
"Guess you'll just have to find out when the time comes." Commotion goes on in the background as they get in the vehicles to leave the airport, every now and then I'll hear greetings from the other members. 
"Looks like we have to part for now babe... I'll talk to you tomorrow though, even if I have to escape the guys for a few minutes."
"Okay, and Jiji?"
"Yes Y/N?" 
"Happy Birthday." I blew a kiss towards the camera, causing Jinho to turn a light pink even in the darkness. 
"What about me?!" Hongseok yells in the background, his face coming into view when Jinho turns the camera for Kino, Shinwon, Yanan, Hongseok, and Hui to see you.
"Well, now I can't forget about you either Hongseok, Happy Birthday." I blow another kiss and wave to the guys, wishing them a great night's sleep before Jinho turns the phone back to himself.
"Goodnight Y/N, sweet dreams my dear." 
"Sweet dreams to you too." When the screen goes back to the call screen, I lock my phone after setting my alarms to wake up early for the big plans I have in store tomorrow. 
I wonder what his face will look like when he finally sees me; I smile to myself as I rummage through my closet to find my outfit for the day—a pair of my black shorts with a basic white v-forget to with the addition of his yellow hoodie that he sent me a few months back. After a nice shower and changing, I grab my keys and head out to my car while messaging Hui that I'm on my way to the amusement park. After planning to meet up for a week for Jinho’s and Hongseok’s birthday, today is the day I finally get to meet Jinho and give him his gift, his gift being, well, me.
Jiji: Are you sure I can't just come see you instead? I much rather see you than be here with screaming kids after not getting a giant stuffed bear. 
Y/N: It can't be that bad, you have the guys with you. 
Jiji: Those are the kids I’m talking about. 🙄
Y/N: I'm sure it will be fun, it's your birthday. Maybe they have something planned, but I got to go Jiji, my mom needs my help. 
Jiji: okay… I'll talk to you later. Tell her I say hi. 
Y/N: I will. I love you😚❣
Jiji: I love you too babe xoxo
After letting Hui know I’ve made it, I lock my phone and finish grabbing some tickets for the rides and attempt to stay hidden from them until I get to the Ferris wheel. The biggest crowds are around the food stalls and the smell of the greasy festival food makes my stomach growl, I get in line to get an elephant ear when I hear his unmistakable laugh.
Oh no, not yet. It will ruin the plan!
Walking towards the same booth, nine familiar faces catch my eye, Jinho catching my eye the most as he was fashioned in a periwinkle turtleneck, paired with obsidian black jeans, and a navy blue windbreaker. His gray hair, not styled like usual, laid against his creamy skin, a slight pout forming on his lips, "Miss, can I get you anything?" The lady at the counter spoke, tearing my attention away from the guys back to reality in front of me.
"Umm... I changed my mind, sorry." I dart off away from them to find another booth to ease my grumbling stomach. 
An hour has passed, the sun has started to make its way to the horizon, the perfect time to ride the Ferris wheel, it always seemed to have the best view of the amusement park that you can enjoy with someone special. No better way to finally meet the man I've been waiting to meet now for eight months due to being on tour. My steps turn into light skips with butterflies fluttering about in my stomach, my nervousness starting to sink in.
Hui: Is it time?
Y/N: Definitely. I'm walking the direction towards the Ferris wheel now.
"Who's sitting with who?" Yanan asks the group. The guys start pairing themselves off to ride the Ferris wheel, leaving me to sit alone. This day has not been as fun as they said it would be, all I keep thinking about is how I wish I could just finally meet Y/N now that I'm back from tour. We waited in the short line as each seat is filled with couples or a pair of friends, the staff member checking each barrier as a precaution so nobody falls. The wheel turns once more to bring down the final seat for me to get on.
I don't even know why I'm going along with this. Who even rides the Ferris wheel by themselves.
Before the guy checks the barrier of the seat I'm in, a lady's voice rings in my ears, a voice I've heard many times before during our face times and phone calls. 
"I'm sorry I'm late, is this seat taken?" Jinho is speechless as he looks me over to make sure he isn't hallucinating, the staff member asks him if it's okay if I ride with him. Jinho nods as a huge smile spreads across his face, taking over the pout from before. I walk up the few steps to the ride, handing my ticket over then sitting down next to my boyfriend for the first time, “So, do you have something goofy for me to wear now that we have met?" His laugh is much cuter in person, little wrinkles by his eyes as he leans his head back with laughter. 
"It was a joke baby, I swear." He scoots closer to me as the ride begins to start, our seat slowly going backward as we raise up in the sky. 
"Happy birthday Jiji. I wanted you to have something extra special for your birthday this year."
"Special indeed. You're my favorite present ever." His arm wrapped around my shoulders, closing the space between us as if there was any left. I lace our fingers together and lean my head against his shoulder, the thrill of finally being able to relax in his hold fills me as the breeze at the top of the Ferris wheel blows around us for a short time. 
"You should thank the guys for helping me set this up, it took a week to figure out everything and make sure it was okay with the management."
"That explains why they have been so secretive lately. Especially last night, they were constantly snickering to themselves. Also explains why Hui has been on and off his phone all day today." 
"You guys almost caught me though, I had to run away from an elephant ear stand to keep the surprise going."
"That was you?! I knew I recognized the yellow hoodie, they told me I was just seeing things because I wished you were here. By the way, I'm happy to see you wearing my hoodie, it suits you well my dear." I lift my head as the Ferris wheel comes to a stop close to the top of the ride, the sun setting as darkness slowly starts to take over the pinks and purples of the sky. The wind picks up right at that moment causing my hair to blow around my face. I tried fixing it but with no luck, the wind kept blowing it around. 
"Hold still." Jinho removes his arm from around me to pull out his beanie from his pocket, stretching the material to place it upon my head, keeping my hair from getting into my face as much. I look into his whiskey irises that sparkle with the last bit of light from the sun, l the scent his cologne and cotton candy filling my lungs. He lowers his hand to rest against my cheek lightly, his thumb soothingly rubbing my cheekbone, his eyes looking at my lips then back up to my eyes asking for permission. 
"Kiss me."
"With pleasure babe." He closed the space between us as his lips finally meeting mine, the taste of root beer still lingering on his lips. My heart starts drumming in my chest from excitement as he pulls me a bit closer if that was even possible in these seats. My digits raked through his gray hair causing a slight sigh to escape his throat and a giggle to pass my lips, his tongue tasted my bottom lip before dancing with mine in a more heated session. 
"Oww owwww!!!" 
"Get it Jinho!!" Kino and Yuto hollered from the seat behind us, cheering and clapping for their friend. He pulls away to wave them off causing me to laugh and grab ahold of his hand again to lace my fingers back to their new home. The staff member continues to let the riders off, the Ferris wheel moving one seat at a time.
"I actually have another surprise for you. I talked with your manager into letting me see you for the whole weekend, so the guys packed some of your stuff so you can stay with me at my apartment in Daegu."
"Yes!" He throws his arms up in excitement, his cute boyish charms showing through. The Ferris wheel came to a stop to let us off the ride, the staff member unhooked the barrier as Jinho grabbed ahold of my hand, tugging me with him to the ground before picking me up and spinning me in a hug. 
"I'm guessing this is confirmation that you're coming with me back home." He sets me down to kiss me once again, taking my arms to wrap around his neck then snaking his around my waist.
"I'll follow you anywhere. Now that I've finally met you, I don't ever want to let you go." 
"Please take him, his grumpiness of you not being around was starting to get annoying, but it's lovely to finally meet you in person, Y/N." Wooseok chimes in. The guys standing there came into view as I released my hold on Jinho, each member coming up to hug me for the first time since I've talked to any of them. 
"I'm glad I can meet you all now, and thank you so much for helping me set this all up, I wouldn't have been able to do this without you." 
"Anything to make our hyung happy." Yeo One chirped as he ruffled Jinho's hair. Jinho smacked his hands away then grabbed ahold of me, hugging me from behind to rest his chin on my shoulder.
"I want to thank you guys as well for making this happen. It means a lot to me."
"Well, you two can get going if you want as much time together as possible before we have to go back to the studio Monday. Be sure to stay out of trouble." Hui winks at us as they all say their goodbyes before running off to ride a few more rides. Jinho took my hand in his as we walk back towards the exit of the park.
"Any other surprises I should know about?"
"You'll just have to wait and see once we get there." I winked at him while I pulled my keys out to unlock my car. Just when I get ready to open the door, I'm spun around and pushed up against the metal frame, his breath causing shivers to rush down my arms as he whispers in my ear. 
"If it requires taking this hoodie off of you, I can't wait." He placed a chaste kiss on my neck with a smirk before lazily walking over to the passenger side and getting in. Once inside the car, I start it up as Shine by them starts to play from my Spotify causing us to laugh on our way back to enjoy what the night has to offer back home.
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lady-divine-writes · 6 years
Kurtbastian one-shot “Spooktastic” (Rated PG13)
Summary: Sebastian fantasizes about Kurt showing up at the rink in the costume of his dreams.
And he does, but that depends on the type of dream ...
Notes: For those of you who will inevitably ask, yes, we had someone dressed in a giant lavender inflatable unicorn at our rink this Halloween xD
Part 49 of Outside Edge
Read on AO3.
“A bloody hockey mask?” Blaine snickers, sliding to a stop with enough force to spray Sebastian’s skates with snow. “As far as Halloween costumes go, isn’t that a little too on the nose for you?”
“What are you talking about?” Sebastian raises the red streaked and busted mask so Blaine can hear him clearly. “I’m not wearing a costume.”
“A-ha. Okay, Captain Edgy,” Blaine says rolling his eyes.
Sebastian doesn’t defend his costume choice. Easy is as easy does, and he’d rather be on the ice than wasting his time dressing up. He knows he copped out. So what that his costume is a little low maintenance? He doesn’t want to admit that he’s not into the gory side of Halloween. It’s a carefully guarded secret (so guarded, not even Kurt knows) that he hangs out at the rink and coaches on Halloween because blood and gut costumes freak him out – a residual fear from an episode years ago when Sebastian, alone at home while his folks were off on another of many ‘important’ business trips, decided to spend Halloween in his parent’s wine cellar watching every horror movie the satellite TV could pick up.
After the fifth movie, he’d wanted to call it quits, but he couldn’t bring himself to walk through the cold, dark cellar upstairs to the main house, so he hunkered down under the blankets he had brought with him and stayed there, eyes wide open, watching cartoons on repeat till his uncle came home in the morning.
Three straight nights of zero sleep followed, and he swore he’d never watch another horror flick again.
The rink goes all out on Halloween to give kids a safe place to Trick or Treat and enjoy themselves. The kids who attend more or less stick to store bought, cutesy costumes that are easy to skate in, so Sebastian’s hockey mask is pretty much the grossest thing out on the ice.
“What about you?” Sebastian gestures to Blaine’s gelled hair, his leather jacket, and his tighter than necessary (especially for skating) jeans. “You dressed like Elvis?”
“What?” Blaine looks down at his clothes, then back at Sebastian and grins. “I’m not wearing a costume.”
Sebastian scowls, but then bounces his head in agreement. “You’re right. I don’t think you are wearing a costume.”
“Hey! Have any of you guys seen Kurt? He’s supposed to check in by now,” Chandler asks, skating over with roster in hand, and wearing a giant, inflatable, lavender unicorn costume. Blaine, Sebastian, and the other coaches with them can’t help chuckling every time he waddles over. The consensus is it’s literally the most ridiculous thing anyone has ever seen.
But the kids love it so, in that respect, Chandler wins coach of the month.
Sebastian is grateful Chandler has the skating skills to keep him upright in that thing. It would suck to have to pick him up off the ice every five feet.
“I haven’t seen him yet,” Blaine answers, which annoys Sebastian thoroughly. In Kurt matters, Sebastian should always get the first say.
“He didn’t come to the rink with us,” Sebastian adds when Chandler looks at him with confusion. “He was still working on his costume when we left. He said he wanted it to be a surprise.”
“Ooo la la!” Chandler coos, grinning behind the clear panel in the unicorn’s chest that allows him to see. “I can’t wait to see what he comes up with this year! He has the best skating outfits on the ice. His Halloween costume must be epic!”
“Yeah,” Sebastian mutters dreamily, biting his lower lip and imagining the kind of costume his boyfriend might have come up with. Like Blaine, he favors tight shirts, even tighter pants, and dramatic makeup, which Sebastian never thought for the life of him would be a thing that would get his engine going. Makeup on boys seemed unnatural to him - a desperate cry for attention. But after seeing the looks Kurt comes up with, boy has Sebastian changed his mind! And not just about Kurt. About every boy who wears makeup. It never dawned on Sebastian how freeing makeup could be, how expressive, how unique.
And in Kurt’s case, how erotic.
Quite a one-eighty for a boy who never thought he’d date in high school, not to mention Ice Queen Kurt Hummel.
Sebastian can picture Kurt dressing up as a fox in a sleek velvet bodysuit with a fluffy tail. Or an elf, Lord of the Rings style - regal and strong in a tailored tunic and silver-blond wig. Or maybe something with Spanish flair, like a flamenco dancer or a Matador. (Kurt’s been really into Ricky Martin lately …. obnoxiously so …) Another coach on the ice is dressed as a peacock – teal blue spandex unitard covered in crystals and sequins, with a full tail of feathers attached to the rear that shimmies when she skates. Sebastian can see Kurt rocking that look, no question. That shade of blue would make his eyes pop.
And that fan of feathers would make his ass look fantastic!
Sebastian shifts from skate to skate, becoming antsy as images of his boyfriend in sexy Halloween costumes flood his brain, some of them as unoriginal as a box of bricks - sexy doctor, sexy lit professor, sexy crossing guard. But that wouldn’t matter, because on Kurt, a burlap potato sack would look hot as hell. Sebastian doesn’t think Kurt would opt for store bought though. Whatever he’s come up with has to be glamorous, elaborate, and bedazzled within an inch of his life. But if he shows up dressed as a sexy police officer, wearing aviator shades and carrying handcuffs, they may have to take off their skates and call it a night, because Sebastian wouldn’t be able to stop tripping over his tongue.
“Uh … Sebastian? Are you in there? Are you still with us?” Blaine says, waving his fingers in front of Sebastian’s eyes. Sebastian went catatonic the second Chandler mentioned Kurt’s costume, staring off into space and licking his lips as if he’s daydreaming about his favorite ice cream flavor. Blaine can’t help envying Sebastian’s relationship with Kurt. He does every single day.
Watching tough guy Sebastian Smythe drool over his boyfriend is too jealousy-inducing for words.
Sebastian shakes his head, snapping out of his stupor as a whiff of Blaine’s aftershave invades his nostrils with its overpowering scent of ‘tree’. “Ugh,” he groans, turning his head and scanning the rink, jumping from costume to costume, searching for his boyfriend. “Can you lay off the cologne a bit? I know it might be too late for you, but I want to keep my brain cells.”
“Fuck you, too, dude.”
Blaine spots him first. Of course he does. Sebastian knows Blaine sees him by the way his stupid eyes grow wider and wider until they take up three-quarters of his face, squeezing his mouth down to the vicinity of his chin.
“Oh … my … God …” Blaine chuckles, eyes darting from behind Sebastian’s back to his face. “Hi, Kurt.”
“Hello, boys.”
Sebastian hears his boyfriend’s voice and he smiles. His man is here. His moment has arrived. Sebastian glares at Blaine, who’s already backing away, a look on his face that Sebastian doesn’t know how to interpret.
“I think I’ll just … go this way.” Blaine laughs into his hand as he joins a small group of starter tots on center ice.
“See that you do,” Sebastian says, glad that, for once, Blaine can take a hint and skedaddle. He feels Kurt’s hands slide up his arms to his shoulders, caressing gently from behind. He can’t see Kurt’s hands, but that’s okay. He doesn’t want to see anything that will give Kurt’s costume away before he can turn around and get the full effect.
Sebastian tilts his head to talk over his shoulder. “Hello, handsome.”
Kurt drops a subtle kiss onto Sebastian’s ear. “Hello, yourself. So, what do you think of my costume?”
“I haven’t seen it yet,” Sebastian teases.
“Oh,” Kurt says, probably assuming Sebastian had caught a glimpse in the reflection of the windows as he approached. “Well, turn around and take a look.”
Sebastian doesn’t need to be told twice. He spins around with the enthusiasm of a kid hoping for a bike on his birthday but expecting a car. He’s prepared to see Kurt in skin tight spandex of some variety, with a wicked cat’s eye liner, and cheekbones contoured to cut glass. Kurt probably shimmers like a disco ball, a God in Swarovski crystals and mesh paneling.
It takes a few moments of staring, blinking, and gaping to comprehend the look that Kurt has put together.
When Sebastian does, he recoils.
“Oh my God, Kurt!” he squawks, stumbling backward over his heels and falling on his ass. “What the … what are you!?”
“I’m a zombie!” Kurt raises his arms and turns on his toe picks to give Sebastian a look at the final product.
“A zom---wha-what?” Sebastian’s eyes work overtime racing up and down Kurt’s body – the filthy rags hanging off his limbs, gaping holes torn through the fabric; his skin greying and ashen, the makeup done (brilliantly, Sebastian has to admit) to make his eyes and cheeks look sunken and rotting; his hair darkened and plastered to his skull. Considering how voluminous his hair normally is, it must have taken gobs of product to get it flat like this. Then there’s the blood - thick, black, greasy blood crusting at the corners of his mouth, leaking from his eyes, oozing out his ears and nose. He’d glued pieces of organs bulging from cracks in the exposed sections of his torso, a fractured bone splitting the skin of his forearm.
This look, so far removed from his usual makeup creations, definitely showcases the incredible talent of Kurt Hummel. It could have been done by a professional effects artist, it’s that detailed.
And it’s repulsive!
“Why would you wear that?” Sebastian cries, scooting backward to keep his boyfriend at arm’s length.
“Duh! It’s Halloween!” Kurt giggles. “It’s not like it’s Christmas or the fourth of July! We’re supposed to dress scary! You’re wearing a bloody hockey mask!”
A hundred remarks flash through Sebastian’s brain, but he can’t get a single one past his tongue, not with his boyfriend standing above him looking exactly like a putrid corpse! It’s not Kurt’s fault. Sebastian never told him how much ghouls and spooks and zombies terrify him. Still, he never pictured Kurt going full out gore for Halloween, not in a million years. Sebastian plans to tell him as soon as he can get Kurt alone, but that’s provided he takes that makeup off first. But Sebastian can’t ask Kurt to do that. It must have taken ages to do! He has to find a middle ground. He glances with his eyes from side to side until he finds what he’s looking for.
“Uh, I’ve got to … there’s somewhere … I’m going to the locker room,” Sebastian says, scrambling to his feet. “But, uh … I’m going to text you, so keep your phone on. Okay?”
Yeah. That’s it. He’ll text him an explanation. Through a locked door from fifty feet away! Not like that’s lame or anything.
“Come on, Sebastian.” Kurt puckers black, broken lips and obliviously gives chase. “Stop playing hard to get and give me a kiss!”
“Nope. No. No way, no how!” Sebastian says, crawling on his hands and knees when he finds he can’t stand, clawing at the ice to evade his boyfriend. “Kurt! Get away from me, Kurt, or I’m gonna cancel my ten o’clock!”
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