#great white shark fact
sharkie-malarkie · 2 months
I want to be ur friend so bad but I am AWKWARDDDDD.
Anyways, lesser known facts about great whites? If not, cookie cutter shark my beloved
although most sharks are cold-blooded, great whites are actually warm blooded! this means they can regulate their own body temperature!!
2. greats whites eyes are GLOW IN THE DARKKKK. they have a layer of reflective cells behind the retina which allows them to see better in the dark. COULD THEY GET ANY COOLER???
3. another biological feature of great whites is their highly toxic blood. research has shown that the levels of arsenic and mercury in their blood are so high that it would kill most animals. great whites however, seem to be adapted to this toxicity and are unharmed by it.
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feelingautistic · 3 months
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Exciting news for the cute shark lovers of the world! We finally have a recorded sighting of a baby great white shark, likely only a few hours old.
The question of where great white sharks give birth still remains a mystery to this day but this footage may suggest the coasts of California, where the footage was taken, are a site where these sharks give birth.
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themesopelagiczone · 7 months
earth fact time. this is NOT A DRILL! two great white sharks have become best friends!! their names are simon and jekyll and they've travelled together for over 4,000 miles. this is a huge discovery, because great white sharks are usually solitary creatures!
an important note is that these sharks aren't swimming side by side, and are usually a couple kilometres off from each other - but their trackers kept pinging in the same part of the ocean at the same time. scientists think they might be brothers, or following a previously unknown migratory path.
business insider | cbc
(edited 08/10/23 to fix spelling of jekyll's name)
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🦈 Daily Shark Fact: 🦈
The Porbeagle Shark is another species of shark that looks like a small great white shark. It has a stout body shape that is streamlined for fast movement. Their name is thought to originate from their porpoise shaped bodies and their beagle-like hunting abilities!
Porbeagle Sharks can live alone or in small schools, and are one of the only sharks proven to exhibit playful behaviour. This involves rolling around near the surface or playing with random objects. Porbeagle Sharks have even been caught chasing each other!
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Daily fish fact #478
Great white shark!
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They take part in behaviour known as spyhopping, in which a great white will peek its head above water to view its surroundings! Oh, and speaking of viewing, great white sharks have a blue iris, which is very cool indeed!
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techs-ass · 10 months
Happy Shark Awareness Day!!
In celebration of the best holiday to exist, I'm gonna share some of my favorite shark facts!! (I have a lot of favorite shark facts.)
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Sharks have no bones!! None! Nada! The only bones they have are their teeth. But Mal, what happened to their bones?? Idk buddy, we probably stole 'em or something.
Lemon sharks love getting pets and will even have favorite divers they seek out to get attention! If they see their diver giving attention to another shark, they can get jealous and try to chase the other shark away.
The largest Great White shark ever recorded is a female named Deep Blue! She is over 20ft long and weighs an estimated 2.5 tons!!
Sharks have been around for almost 455 million years!! That's why most of them are grumpy. They're just old :/
The smallest species of shark is smaller than the human hand. (Psst, it's the dwarf lantern shark.)
Sharks!! Can have!! Personalities!! Just like humans!! Some are confident and social, while others can be shy and cautious. There have been some sharks even found having anxiety!
Although sharks having AMAZING eye sight, scientists belive that sharks are mostly colorblind.
Sharks are continually shedding their teeth! Some sharks will shed over 20000 teeth in their lifetime!
Hammerhead sharks have binocular vision l, which means they can see 360 degrees!!
Humans don't taste good to sharks. I'm serious!! We really don't taste good to them. That's why most sharks just bite us and let go. We're nasty. (I wouldn't wanna eat us either)
Sharks are really, really cool creatures that don't deserve all the hate they get.
We depend on sharks to keep our oceans alive and healthy.
There are over 400 species of sharks. 75% of them are threatened with extinction.
But you can help!! Tell friends and family how awesome sharks are, and avoid buying products made with sharks.
You can advocate for the protection of sharks by signing petitions and calling your government officials and saying, "hey!! I'm a voter and I want sharks to be protected!"
Happy shark awareness day <3
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mikeru6 · 1 month
here’s the first ever photo of a baby great white shark:D
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this should be a historical event. petition to make April 13th international baby shark day. now.
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neurosharky · 3 months
Top ten shark facts? 🦈
I mean I don't rly rank shark facts, so heres just ten random ones:
1. Lemon sharks have a buddy system, where they will stick to another shark for higher chances of survival. They swim so closely to each other sometimes, that it looks as if they're holding hands...or rather fins.
2. Great white sharks can change the color of their upper body half to better match the surrounding water aka they're capable of camouflaging themselves!
3. Hammerheads are amazing at finding prey, due to the hammer having a bigger amount of ampullae of lorenzini (tiny organs that can detect electromagnetic fields). They swerve their hammer left and right to scan the area and can detect stuff like stingrays even when they are buried in the sand.
4. The waters around Australia have the biggest variety in shark species! If you want to encounter loads of different ones, thats the place to go! Theres said to be over 150 species there!
5. Sharks have the ability to remember and recognize humans. They respond positively cuddly to divers that have helped them before and Cristina Zenato (the women thats known for removing hooks from sharks) has described experiences where the shark will lie in her lap and let her remove the hook peacefully, because it knows she will help. This speaks a lot for their intelligence.
6. There are shark species that are capable of biofluorescence (absorbing & the reemitting light) and bioluminescense (producing the light themselves). An example for the first one would be shy swell sharks and an example for the latter are kitefin sharks.
7. Tiger sharks are known as the garbage cans of the ocean, because they are capable of eating absolutely everything. Not only do they have super strong jaws & teeth, but their stomachs are actually highly acidic and have barely any problems breaking down the weirdest things.
8. The dark shyshark gets the second half of its name due to its reaction when threatend. It actually curls up and puts its tail over its eyes!
9. The cookiecutter shark actually cuts cookie shaped holes into its prey and usually does that while the prey is still moving, kinda like a snack to go. They also are known for biting into submarines.
10. The hierarchy between different shark species in an area is not always just determined by size or strength. The amount of time the shark has spend there and how familiar it is with the environment, plays a role as well! Some researchers observed a big shark making place for the smaller ones, because it was still new to the area.
(All facts stem from documentaries, scientific papers or the pages of professional divers. I do however not guarantee that they are definitely correct, or haven't been disproven since)
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eepykibben · 9 months
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milk and cookie together :3 (blahaj is cookie and light up hammerhead is milk)
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luridlovessharks · 7 months
Great White Sharks
- known as one of the most dangerous shark species
- fairly common
- the average female grows 15-16 ft long, and the average male grows 11-13 ft long
(Extra fact: in most, if not all, shark species, the females will usually grow to be larger than their male counterparts. This is also true for most other animal species)
- live up to 200 m below the ocean, however they can reach around 900 m while migrating, as they slowly move downwards
- they are actually conflict avoidant
- they’re curious about humans, but not hungry for them. Most assaults from great whites are aggravated or accidents
- they make silly faces :>
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bitey-baby-shark · 1 year
Facts of the Day: 🦈 Great White Sharks 🦈
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Scientific Name: Carcharodon carcharias
Length: 11 to 16 feet in length, the largest on record being 20 feet long 
Weight: 1,500 lbs to 2,400 lbs, the largest on record being 4,400 lbs
Lifespan: Estimated between 30 to 70 years old
Reproduction: They give birth to live young with their litters being between 2 to 14 pups
Diet: Fish, invertebrates, and marine mammals with a liking towards seals and sea lions
Habitat: Temperate subtropical, and tropical waters worldwide
Status: Vulnerable
Summary: Great White Sharks are formidable apex predators for a reason. They were the Megalodons competition and won that battle of evolution to become one of the most striking and notable predators of the ocean. They’re strong, fast, and can even breach out of the water to strike their prey from below. Each shark has their own personality but Great White Sharks are notably intelligent and highly curious. These sharks are super predators, and they’ve earned that name for a reason. While you shouldn’t go diving with Great White Sharks, they tend to be indifferent towards divers, and while attacks have occurred, they tend to be nonfatal curiosity bites. Most of the danger this shark poses to humans is solely based on its size and how much damage these curiosity bites can do. 
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feelingautistic · 8 months
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Peekaboo! This behaviour is known as spyhopping and it's been observed in cetaceans such as orcas and whales as well as great white sharks and oceanic whitetip sharks. This behaviour is used to view the animal's surroundings above water.
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campbyler · 6 months
okayokayokay im guessing it was suni who answered the ask about sharks (btw take a little moment (find the right words) is one of my favorite fics ever and i reread it constantly) what is your favorite kind of shark? (i am also a marine biology guy i love love love sharks dude)
HIIII YES THAT WAS ME! first of all thank you so MUCH that fic was so fun to write bc it was just me projecting shamelessly onto mike wheeler for 30k+ words which is one of my favorite hobbies of all timeeee and SECOND! my fav shark is probably the nurse shark (which i have a sticker of on my laptop! see below!) but i also love tiger sharks (close behind) and have a very soft spot for blacktip reef sharks bc they are CUTIE PIES. also one time i was snorkeling and one swam up super close to me which was an absolutely transformative experience. i know you asked for one shark and i essentially gave you three but that’s the most i can narrow my choices down i fear 😔
(the sticker if anyone even cares)
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🦈 Daily Shark Fact: 🦈
Great White Sharks are warm-blooded. While most sharks are cold blooded (they can't control their body temperatures). This allows them to raise and lower their body temperature, allowing them to live in colder waters.
In addition to being warm-blooded, another incredible biological feature of great whites is their highly toxic blood. Research has shown that the levels of arsenic and mercury in their blood are so high that it would kill most animals. However, they seem to be adapted to this toxicity and are unharmed by it.
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 2 years
Daily fish fact #261
Great white shark!
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Great whites can swim at a top speed of at least 40 km/h or 25 mph!
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epic-arc · 1 year
Shark Jaune au Short Number 1:BABIES!
Weiss would be in the bedroom with jaune lying beside her and the two would be watching some programs on tv until they stopped and a channel that was showing a documentary about sharks.
Jaune: Oh let's see I love this type of documentary!
She would look at jaune's face and notice an expression of animation and blush with the boy's expression and would hug his arm and watch the documentary.
Narrator: Great white sharks gestate their pups for a year before giving birth – that's longer than humans. Between 2 to 12 babies are born at a time. Great whites can live up to 60 years, maybe more.
The two listen to this and jaune blushes and looks at weiss he would be red in the face because he imagined a future where she and jaune were married and had 3 sons and 3 daughters each with their own characteristics and jaune pokes weiss on her shoulder a waking up from her dream.
Jaune: Weiss are you okay? You seem a little distracted..
Weiss: Ah it's okay jaune don't worry silly let's go back to watching the documentary.
He would smile and go back to watch and weiss would hug jaune's arm but she would be blushing and smiling a lot while watching the documentary.
Weiss(Mind):We are going to have such beautiful and cutes babies!
(au made by @rwby-encrusted-blog)
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