#green frogs on parade
marsti · 1 year
was at a pride parade today. saw a bunch of older guys waving a giant bear flag right next to a zoomer in a frog hat wearing the blue and green gay man pride flag as a cape. true generational solidarity. peace and love on planet earth.
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weird little beaſt pride parade
[ID: a medieval manuscript-style digital drawing of several medieval marginalia beasts carrying pride flags, surrounded by a thin pastel rainbow border. from left: an orange dog carrying the progress pride flag, a green frog carrying the trans flag, a pastel rainbow dragon carrying the lesbian flag, an orange catlike creature carrying a lute and the bi pride flag and wearing a bi pride flag cape, a little grey mole carrying the nonbinary flag, a pink and purple mammalian beast carrying the intersex flag, a blue mammalian beast in a rainbow snail shell carrying the asexual pride flag, a purple mammalian beast carrying the pansexual pride flag, and a grey bat with rainbow wings carrying the original gilbert baker pride flag]
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sleeplesssmoll · 8 months
Analysis: Another perspective into Sonetto and Vertin's complicated childhood relationship using new information from Green Lake.
We know Vertin and Sonetto were not on good terms after the frog event in the hallway but after playing through Green Lake, I think Vertin still tried to befriend Sonetto. She didn't give Sonetto things from the outside world, but instead she shared her toffees. Even if they didn't speak much (Vertin mentions this when Sonetto gave her notebook. It's rare for Sonetto to talk to her first), this says volumes about their relationship to me.
Vertin, who's love language is giving/providing, found a way to give Sonetto things without making her mad. Perhaps it was more than her being nice. She wanted to befriend Sonetto, but she didn't know how to bridge the gap since her interests are the main reason they don't get along. They had nothing to bond over, but Smoltin did her best to build something. Sonetto also didn't hate the brat, but she didn't like the rule-breaking. She accepted the toffees because they didn't break the rules.
During the Green Lake event, we see Sonetto decipher Jessica’s learning style and modify her lessons around it. Sonetto is very observant.
Back to Vertin and Sonetto's childhood, What if Sonetto knew Vertin was trying to bridge the gap because giving is how she shows affection? She didn't care about the flavor. In fact, she admits she can't remember what they tasted like. But they were a gift from Vertin and she accepted them instead of breaking her heart again.
Vertin was trying to mend things but she wasn't the charismatic Timekeeper then. She was a kid who really wanted the girl sitting next to her to talk to her. She's genuinely surprised when Sonetto comes to her first after the Parade Protest, which ngl breaks my heart.
She couldn't fathom Sonetto checking up on her because she assumes Sonetto doesn't like her. Placing that into context, she “knew” Sonetto didn't like her, but Sonetto “likes” the toffees she shares with so she continued to share. The pining is real.
Unlike everyone else at the Foundation, Sonetto isn't a victim of her cheeky comebacks. Vertin is unusually quiet and soft spoken when she talks to Sonetto by time the Parade comes around. There's no playfulness in her tone or dry humor.
But her efforts were not in vain. Sonetto was highly aware of her deskmate.
When Vertin was hurt, what did Sonetto do after they spoke again?
She gave Vertin her notebook.
Sonetto isn't like Vertin with a bunch of random crap in her pockets to share, but she shared something very dear to her and wrote little notes to her in the margins. While Vertin was in a coma, Sonetto annotated her notes with the intention of Vertin reading them (can be found in Ch3 Atlas). She even left a little get-well-soon message at the end. The highly focused, no nonsense Sonetto wrote annotations in a way someone like Vertin would understand by associating them with things she might be familiar with. She's trying to speak Vertin's language because she gets that one part of her deskmate.
She is trying to wrap her head around Vertin too, even if it's not obvious in her interactions.
Vertin still has the notebook Sonetto gave her.
Moving on, Vertin might learn in a similar fashion to Jessica. Afterall, Sonetto's notes were effective at keeping her out of the guardhouse.
Vertin is a tactile person. Sonetto teaches Jessica about tangible cognition in a way similar to the notes she gave to Vertin through associations.
It's frustrating to think how much these two understood each other yet kept missing the mark because of the Foundation! Also, we can see Sonetto was distracted in some of her notes when Vertin was no longer at her side. Vertin was always a distraction, especially when she's not around.
Sonetto wanted Vertin to succeed. She wanted her to stop getting punished and just listen to the Foundation. However, once Vertin's made up her mind to leave Sonetto fights by her side, because she in fact does care about Vertin. She doesn't understand her completely, but she gets that this is important for Vertin.
And maybe at the back of her mind, seeing Vertin shot down in front of her finally planted that seed of doubt.
Sonetto never tattled in game, but she threatened to. Why? Because Vertin was going to get punished and she wanted to prevent that. Unfortunately, she couldn't. I wonder if that frustrated her? Did she see the bruises when Vertin shared her toffees after seeing Tooth Fairy? Did she feel helpless? Angry? If she's observant, she must have seen them.
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enjoythesilentworld · 4 months
Wille's Month - Fashion/Style
wow day 15! @youngroyals-events tack! <3
AU. Crown Prince Wilhelm finally meets his favorite artist, Simon Eriksson, at the Met Gala.
read below or on ao3. (T, 1.4k)
Wille took a moment to steel himself, inhaling one long, deep breath, before he’d have to face the inevitable. He could already hear the shouts, the camera clicks, and none of those were even for him yet. It wasn’t often he found himself surrounded by this many other famous people, especially not of this caliber, so he was a bit nervous. 
It was his own fault, really, that he’d found himself sitting in a black town car, in a stuffy suit, waiting to enter the most notorious fashion event of the year. But, with all of his duties as Crown Prince of Sweden, all of the handshakes and baby-kissing and ribbon cutting, he’d needed to carve something out that was his own. While he adored helping people and finding those tiny moments of joy in an otherwise suffocating role, Wille craved something that was just his. Delving into fashion had been his own personal fuck-you to the Royal Court at the beginning. They hadn’t been too keen on a big ‘coming out’ – and honestly, neither had Wille, not wanting to deal with all the drama – but the clothes he had a little more leeway with. Meeting with designers and learning about fashion was one of the few ways he could bring a bit of Wille into his position. If he wore things that were a bit more feminine or not-fitting for a straight crown prince, so what? The headlines would be what they were. It all helped him breathe a little easier, too, knowing that this part of his life was still his to control.
The theme of this year’s Met Gala was ‘Grimm Couture: Origins of Fashion’ and the dress code followed closely as ‘A Fairytale Encounter’. The royal-ness of it all hence why the Crown Prince of Sweden would be in attendance. Wille was honored, he supposed, to have been invited in the first place. It did seem a little bit too much like all the other events he usually attended – a night of rich people flaunting their wealth and pretending there were zero problems in the world – but the Court had insisted. Once he found out that Simon Eriksson would be attending, Wille had stopped putting up any sort of fight. 
With a final gulp of air, he nodded to the driver. A moment later, the car door opened, and a million flashes and shouts hit him all at once. Blinking away the initial shock, Wilhelm stood and waved politely, the perfect-prince mask slipping into place. Not wanting to draw too much attention to himself but wanting to fit the dress code, Wilhelm had leaned into the fairy tale aspect. He chuckled slightly at the thought of Erik seeing him now, parading around in a light green and gold suit decorated with lily pads and willow branches. It felt nice to still have an inside joke with him, imagining Erik laughing at his little brother, The Frog Prince, attending such a prestigious event. 
Slowly, he was guided, buffeted by multiple security guards, toward the main event and the main red carpet. He tried not to look too obvious as he glanced around, only really looking for one person. The saturation of fame in such a small space was astounding. Wilhelm was a different kind of famous from these people. A few tweets would be sent out by random people questioning his identity or purpose for being there and (hopefully) complimenting his suit. The rest of this crowd, though, were real famous people, renowned around the world. Like, for example, Simon Eriksson. The man was three-quarters of the way to an EGOT, and he was only 24. He also happened to be Wilhelm’s favorite music artist and the main star in his dreams. They followed each other on socials but had never spoken in real life. Tonight, Wille hoped, that would change.
When he got to the bottom of the stairs, Wilhelm spotted him. An absolute vision of sin, Simon Eriksson wore a deep purple affair, dripping in silver jewelry and pants so long and layered they might have been a skirt. His jacket was cropped and open in the front, revealing a bare, toned chest and midriff.  
Voices shouting his official title shook Wilhelm out of his trance, and he let his eyes linger a second longer before turning to the photographers in front of him. Wilhelm made his way up the stairs distractedly, posing and half-heartedly answering interviewers questions. He simply could not look away from Simon, who was working his way up the other side of the stairs. 
A few times, Simon caught Wilhelm staring and smirked devilishly at him. Wilhelm would whip his head back around and attempt to smooth his features, having to ask the poor journalist to repeat their question. Halfway up the stairs, Wilhelm zeroed into an interview Simon was giving right behind him. 
“Simon, Simon! Tonight’s theme is all about fairy tale encounters. What fairy tales inspired your look tonight?” 
Wilhelm couldn’t help but glance over his shoulder as Simon let out a warm laugh. 
“Well, I’ve never been much of a believer in fairy tales. But looking around tonight,” Simon said thoughtfully, then turned and made direct eye contact with Wilhelm, “it seems I might find a prince of my own.” 
Wilhelm, aware of their surroundings, sent a kind smile back, then quickly turned away to hide his blush. 
The rest of their travel up the carpet continued as such, sending flirty glances at each other across the distance and adding piles of fuel to the media fire Wilhelm was sure to hear all about tomorrow. He couldn’t find it in himself to care. Still, he did his best to answer the interviewers questions, wanting to be respectful of their time and also to plug some of the charities he was proud to work with. 
As soon as he made it to the top of the carpet, Simon disappeared into the crowd. Wilhelm didn’t see him for hours. In fact, he thought he might’ve left. It wasn’t until the evening was beginning to draw to a close, and Wilhelm was beginning to accept the fact he’d never get more than a teasing look from a distance, that he ran into Simon in the men’s restroom.
“Kronprinsen,” Simon said in a mocking tone, dipping into a small curtsy. His pretty voice echoed slightly in the tiled room.
Wilhelm groaned. “Please, no. Just– Just Wilhelm is fine. Wille.” 
Simon’s eyes were playful, and, at this closer distance, Wilhelm could see the intricate black and silver eyeliner accentuating them. Thankfully, it seemed the bathroom was empty, so no one would see just how weak in the knees Wille was feeling.
“Okay, Wille,” he nodded, “I’m Simon.”
“I know,” Wille blurted. “I mean, how are you enjoying the evening?
“Ugh,” Simon rolled his eyes, “I hate these things. All the fuss kind of makes me sick, but I’ve got an album coming out soon, so the label insisted. Plus, who am I to turn down Anna Wintour?”  
“Well, you look absolutely incredible, regardless. I’m a little worried you’re in the background of all my photos and stealing my shine.” 
The immediate light in Simon’s eyes was worth the slight blush on Wille’s cheeks. Unknowingly, they had both stepped forward, bringing them closer in the already small space. 
“Oh, dear,” Simon drawled, raising a hand to grasp at Wille’s lapels, “Are you nervous that people are going to notice you’ve been staring at me all night?” 
At their sudden close proximity, Wille swallowed dryly. His eyes flickered down when Simon wet his lips, as if in invitation. 
“How could I have looked anywhere else?” he whispered into the space between them. 
Simon hummed. “Were you planning on staying much longer, Your Highness?” 
“Don’t call me that,” Wille groaned again and reached out to wrap an arm around Simon’s waist, then pulled him in. “But, no, In fact, I was just leaving.”
The last bit of space vanished between their bodies and Simon tilted his head up tauntingly, revealing even more of that beautiful neck of his. “I see. Me too.”
“Do you need a ride?” Wille asked, breathing the words into the sliver of air separating his lips from Simon’s. 
“I’d love one.” 
That was the last Met Gala either of them attended. Three years later, the notorious fashion event had a much smaller audience as the majority of the world turned its attention to the highly anticipated summer wedding of an Ex-Crown Prince Wilhelm and EGOT-winner Simon Eriksson. 
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fryingpan1234567 · 7 months
guys the 141 is flying to Disneyland
(hear me out)
Price, for someone’s birthday (probably Gaz’s if we’re honest with ourselves), takes the squad to Disney for a few days. Now these grown ass battle-hardened absolute units of men… are fucking ecstatic. Even Ghost. Especially Gaz and Soap, who literally Did Not Shut The Fuck Up about it all the way from the announcement up until they were there, and then they were speechless.
Anyways, a compilation of things that happened:
Ghost was mistaken for the Winter Soldier because of the mask and all-black tact fit and eyeliner by a group of middle schoolers who then demanded a picture
Soap got glitterbombed during a parade and had sparkles in his mohawk for the rest of the day
Price lost his hat to the Matterhorn somewhere in the cave system, meaning it was virtually unretrievable 
Gaz got jumpscared by the fake sharks on the Finding Nemo submarine ride
Soap ate a total of twelve bags of cotton candy over the course of a three day trip
They all spent more on merch than the fucking plane tickets💀
Ghost and Gaz had a pretty epic lightsaber fight, red vs green, in the dark in Galaxy’s Edge so all the lights in the background were on it was DOPE‼️
Price was forced to wear Mickey ears OVER his replacement hat so it folded over the top of his head like a weird reverse Captain taco
Soap got WAY into the Indiana Jones ride and almost got thrown out of the jeep like six times
Same with Gaz and the Pirates of the Caribbean one
Ghost going speechless in awe of the immersion of the Star Wars rides
They all vow to never speak of what happened on the Guardians/ Tower of Terror ride, because no one was actually sure who screamed the loudest.
Soap tried to fight Donald Duck and had to be dragged away by Price before he traumatized the crowd of watching children
Even though he still had a half-face black mask on, Ghost let Soap and Gaz drag him into getting matching face paint
Gaz had a Princess and the Frog themed outfit one of the days and PHEW
Ghost went back home with two pairs of ears: a Jack Skellington one and the sparkly purple one that has a unicorn horn and rainbow train behind it
Also the others convinced him to wear a Mickey Mouse shirt over his hoodie one of the days
I can’t express how much they all fucking lived for the Cars ride (it’s because it’s simply the best one ANYWAYS)
Soap being thoroughly distracted by Ghost and his see-through shirt after they did Splash Mountain and got soaked
The fucking contrast between Price getting some kind of whisky situation that’s just brown but in a cool cup from a bar in Galaxy’s Edge and then Gaz finding some god-awful multicolored milkshake that’s a foot and a half tall and 30% whipped cream
Anyways the serotonin is REAL please ask me to do other characters or continue this I just think the cod boys deserve to go to Disney every once in a while
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tjwritesfanfics · 2 months
Universe Fourteen *Rumple Buttercup*
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Pairing: None. Just everyone being friends with Rumple Buttercup
Summary: You were so excited for the annual Pajama-jam Cotton Candy Pancake parade and more importantly, to work up the courage to talk to the creature with green skin, five crooked teeth, and the banana peel on his head.
Rating: None. We will all just love Rumple!
Words: 708
AN I skipped to this one because I wanted to write Rumple. I kind of jump around when I write these universe stories.
Every Universe Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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Everyone was so excited for the Pajama-jam Cotton Candy Pancake parade tomorrow!
You and your family all tried to go to sleep early and while your parents could fall asleep, you couldn’t bring yourself to, lying awake in your bed.
You tried everything to get some sleep. Counting sheep. Getting a glass of warm milk. Running around to tire yourself out.
Nothing seemed to be working though.
As you lay there in bed you think about everyone you are going to see tomorrow. Everyone would be wearing their finest pajamas and then he would be there.
Maybe this year you would finally talk to him and maybe ask his name. The strange creature with green skin, five crooked teeth, and a banana peel on his head. He was so interesting, but you were always too nervous to talk to him.
What if he thought you were weird? What if he saw you just staring and thought there was something wrong with you?
You drift off to sleep not with thoughts of happiness, but with a cloud of insecurities.
When the sun came up the next morning, the thoughts of being weird and strange were in the back of your mind as you were excited for all of the festivities coming today.
You run around with your friends, the warm sun hitting your face, eyes subtly looking for a flash of green skin.
 But he was nowhere to be found. Was he not going to join this year?
Your friends could tell you were worried. They looked around and saw the one you were looking for wasn’t in his usual spot. They knew you wanted to try and finally talk to him this year and it was strange that he wasn’t there.
So they gently took your arm and took you to the rain drain where you all had heard his voice sometimes. Only you didn’t see him, but heard crying.
“Aren’t you going to watch the parade this year?” One of your friends asked.
The crying stopped, but there was no other sounds.
“C can you hear us down there mister? Sorry to bother you, but we were wondering if you were going to watch the parade this year?” You really hoped that he was going to come out and watch it. You wanted to get to know him.
After some silence you heard a sheepish voice coming from the rain drain, “What do you mean?”
Your friends smiled gently at you, nudging you to keep talking. “We couldn’t help but notice you weren’t in your usual spot so we wanted to check if you were okay.”
“Y you can see me?” The voice came again, a sliver of green coming closer to the opening of the rain drain.
“Of course we can see you!” You crouched down hoping to see more of him and smiled, “You’re kind of hard to miss.”
“But… aren’t you scared of me?” 
Your friend came to crouch beside you, a hand resting on your shoulder. “Why would we be scared of you?”
“Because I have five crooked teeth, three strands of hair, green scaly skin, and my left foot is slightly bigger than the other.” His voice got soft, almost as if he was going to cry. “I’m weird.”
You and your friends looked at each other before you started listing off things that were weird about yourself. Then the whole town started to join in, one of the ladies singing like a frog.
“Trust me,” You look back into the drain, reaching your arm down for the creature to grab before pulling him up to the street, “everyone is weird!”
“And that’s what makes us special.” You smiled wider at him before nodding.
“Now you’ve got it! I’m Y/n!” You extend your hand out, happy jitters when he takes it.
“Rumple Buttercup.”
You lead your new friend Rumple to the middle of town while everyone cheered. But there was one thing you wanted to ask him. “There is one thing I always did find a little weird.”
Rumple froze, terror in his eyes. “Oh no! What?!”
“Why do you always wear a banana peel on your head?”
You and your new friend laugh as he went on to explain everything.
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baileypie-writes · 2 months
Okay, I have an idea. How doki doki cures (minus Ace) would react to their precure partner!Reader got fed up with Aguri's attitude and scolds her for being such insufferable jerk?
A/N ~ Sure! Love the Ace slander lol. Hope you enjoy!
~How the DokiDoki Pretty Cure Would React to Their Teammate Scolding Cure Ace~
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Fandom: DokiDoki! Precure
Fanfic Type: Headcanons
Reader: Gender neutral, a Pretty Cure
Relationship: Platonic
Characters Included: Mana Aida/Cure Heart, Rikka Hishikawa/Cure Diamond, Alice Yotsuba/Cure Rosetta, Makoto Kenzaki/Cure Sword
Genre: Hurt/Comfort?
Rating: PG
Warnings: Cure Ace slander(Reader), arguments(Reader and Aguri)
~DokiDoki! Precure Masterlist~
Guide: Each character’s dialogue is their signature color, Reader’s dialogue is uncolored and Sebastian’s dialogue is green.
‼️Glitter Force stans DNI‼️
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~Mana Aida/Cure Heart~
~ Cure Ace was, once again, stressing the whole team out. You weren’t defeating a Jikochuu fast enough for her standards, so of course, she was rushing you. Eventually, her five minutes were up, so she reverted back to her normal self.
“Guys, hurry up!”
“We’re trying! This is a tough one!”
“Oh no. I’m out of time!”
“*phew* At least we won’t have to deal with her pushing anymore.”
~ When the battle concluded, you all went to find Aguri. Of course, when you did, she started scolding you for not being fast enough. That was it for you. You began yelling at her, angry at how she made everyone stressed out because of her own problem.
“You guys were too slow! Because of you, I ran out of time!”
“Oh, shut up Aguri! Have you ever considered that you’re the one showing us down?”
“Excuse me?!”
“You’re always rushing us, and making us stressed out because of your weakness! You may only have five minutes to be a Pretty Cure, but we have more! We can handle the rest ourselves! You don’t need to make your weakness everyone else’s problem!”
~ Mana, hating conflict, tried to put herself between the two of you. But that just made you start scolding her as well. You told her it wasn’t okay for Aguri to act like that, and that she shouldn’t let it slide.
“Hey (name), please calm down!”
“No Mana! You always let her behave like this, and it’s not okay! I know you don’t like conflict, but that doesn’t mean ignoring problems!”
~ Fortunately for you, Mana gave up. She knew you were right, so she stopped trying to defend her. She still doesn’t believe that fighting is the answer, but she knows that being gentle isn’t always either.
“How long do you think they’ll be?”
“Knowing Aguri, it might be a while.”
“But knowing (name), they might actually get Aguri to stop being so bossy.”
“I hope so…”
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~Rikka Hishikawa/Cure Diamond~
~ All you wanted to do was have fun with your friends at the mall. And while you did sort of consider Aguri to be your friend, she could be pretty unbearable sometimes. Especially since she felt the need to be overly critical of every little thing everyone did.
“Ugh, can you walk faster (name)? You’re slowing everyone down.”
“Who’s ‘everyone’? We’re all behind you.”
“Yeah, you’re walking too fast.”
~ You passed by a small toy store, and a cute plushie caught your eye. You expressed how you might want to buy it, and Aguri said that you’re too old for toys, and that you should grow up. She had completely rained on your parade, so you lashed out at her.
“Oh my gosh, who cares? I can like whatever I want!”
“I mean, I guess. I just think you need to like more grown up things.”
“You’re never too old for cute things! You’re just being judgy!”
~ Rikka was happy to join in. She defended you, saying that Aguri had no right to judge other people’s interests. She even admitted to liking cute things too, even owning many frog themed items in her bedroom.
“They’re right. People can like whatever they want, no matter their age. I collect cute things too.”
“Really? You? I thought you were the mature one.”
“Did you not hear a word I just said? Age doesn’t matter. Everyone can like cute things!”
~ Aguri eventually apologized, though obviously annoyed. Afterwards, Rikka took you into the store, and stayed with you while you bought the plush. She even picked out a little frog plush for herself, so you wouldn’t feel alone.
“Thanks Rikka.”
“It’s no problem. Aguri really pushes my buttons sometimes. Oh, this little frog is cute!”
“Aww, yeah! You should get it.”
“I think I will. It’ll look really nice under my frog lamp.”
“You have a frog lamp?”
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~Alice Yotsuba/Cure Rosetta~
~ Alice usually pays Aguri’s attitude no mind. You, on the other hand, couldn’t. Everyone was having tea at Alice’s mansion, and Sebastian, her butler, prepared not just the tea itself, but also the sweets. They were really good, despite them being a tad burnt. He tried insisting to make new ones, but everyone said they were fine.
“I’m perfectly alright with preparing new ones.”
“Oh no, it’s okay! They’re great! I wouldn’t even notice they were burnt if you didn’t tell me.”
“You’re too kind, Mx. (last name).”
~ Despite this, Aguri couldn’t help being overly critical, as usual. You thought that other than being a bit crispy, it was almost unnoticeable that the sweets were a bit burnt. But apparently, Aguri had super-tastebuds, because she kept making jabs about them tasting odd. While Sebastian’s face remained stoic, you knew it was getting to him, so you scolded her.
“Oh my gosh, calm down Aguri. It’s not a big deal. They still taste good, so stop complaining.”
“I’m just giving my criticism.”
“I know, but you already have many times in the last five minutes. We get it!”
~ You let her know that the sweets were wonderful, and that she was just being picky. You fully expected Alice to try and calm you down, like she usually does. But instead, she calmly added that Aguri should just be grateful for what she got.
“I agree with (name). You’ve already stated your opinion once. I believe that’s enough.”
“Right? Now leave poor Sebastian alone.”
~ After that, Aguri kept her mouth shut for the rest of the tea party, and ate the sweets without any fuss. As you were leaving, Alice pulled you aside to her kitchen, where Sebastian had prepared special sweets just for you as a way of thanking you. Alice thanked you as well for showing respect for him.
“Thank you, Mx. (last name), for being so kind. Please take these.”
“Oh no, I couldn’t.”
“Please, go ahead. Your respect for me has heightened my respect for you even further.”
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~Makoto Kenzaki/Cure Sword~
~ When you’re a teenager, voice cracks are pretty much unavoidable. Even when you’re an idol, which is the case for Makoto. Even though she warmed up her voice plenty before going on stage, a small crack was heard. Of course, she kept singing, ignoring her small mistake like the professional she is. However, Aguri couldn’t do the same.
“Oh wow. Did you hear that? Her voice cracked.”
“Okay? It’s not a big deal.”
“Do you think she warmed up enough?”
“I’m sure she did. Sometimes things like that are unavoidable.”
~ After the show, everyone went back stage to congratulate Makoto on her performance. But, of course, Aguri couldn’t resist pointing out the tiny flaw. Makoto brushed it off, saying it just happens, and she’ll try harder next time. But Aguri kept on teasing.
“I’m sure everyone will be talking about it on social media.”
“Yes, I’m sure they will. That’s just what comes with being an idol.”
“Yeah. If I were you, I’d spend more time warming up.”
~ You eventually told her to shut up, and that it wasn’t a big deal. You also said that Makoto already deals with enough criticism, and is aware of her mistakes, so she doesn’t need to hear any from her friends. Makoto became flustered, and tried telling you it was fine, but you continued.
“I’d like to see you try to go on stage and perform. Then maybe you’ll appreciate the time and effort Makoto puts into her job.”
“(name), it’s okay.”
~ Aguri eventually apologized, and left. Makoto thanked you, but said you didn’t need to do that for her. You let her know that Aguri was being unnecessarily mean about it, and that she doesn’t need hate from her own friends. Makoto just blushed, and thanked you again.
“You didn’t need to do that, (name).”
“I know. But I could tell you were already stressed and tired. So Aguri really needed to shut up and leave you alone.”
“*sigh* Thanks…”
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nickdewolfarchive · 1 year
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Boston, Massachusetts 1972
Bunker Hill Day Parade Charlestown
Photograph by Nick DeWolf https://www.flickr.com/photos/dboo/49588123122
#photography #film #35mm #color #boston #charlestown #parade #bunkerhillday #people #costume #costumes #green #giant #frog #jollygreengiant #kermit #man #child #tricorn #wig #makeup #bodypaint #1970s
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gragon-b0nez · 2 months
Uhhh intro ig
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾
• homophobes, xenophobes, you get the point.
• pedophiles, MAPS, necrophiles, zoophiles.
•anti-fur, therian, non-human, alterhuman.
• People who stir up shit to stir up shit.
• people who ask to see peoples ‘barcodes’, tells them to kys, or asks for wrist checks (been in that situation, not funny.)
• hating on me/others for there religious beliefs
• using trauma that you prob don’t have as an excuse to get out of situations.
• making fun of trauma or mental illness.
• racism, discrimination, sexism, and jokes of r@pe will never be tolerated here.
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾
About me
• I go by she/him/them/it/thing/fae/, but will go by my bug/rain/frog
• I am Apagender! You say I’m a girl? Ok I’m a girl. You say I’m a boy?- alright I’m a boy. You say they/it/thing?? I AM NO GENDER! (And yes, I still use fae/bug/rain/frog because they are a non-binary identity)
• my favorite colors are purple and sage green
• im a self taught artist
• ima furry^^
• I can doodle with both hands :3
• I am a polymorph therian, my theriotypes are Canadian marveled fox, Maine coon, bat, possum, great horned owl, otter, and questioning crow.
• i LOVVEEE spooky stuff, true crime, analog horror, Fnaf, poppy playtime- ext.
• I’m a night-owl, and typically stay up till 7:30 doing random shit
• I have a strong love of goblincore, cottagecore, fairycore, crowcore, and vultureculture. ⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
• Hansel - Sodikken
• Gretal - Sodikken
• literally anything by Tx2
• modify - Lemon demon
• rät - Penelope Scot
• black parade - My Chemical Romance
• I write sins not tragedies - panic at the disco
• more will be added.
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾
My Problems-
• i legitimately do not feel hunger or when i get full, when I say im hungry it’s because i know i haven’t ate anything that day
• I probably have autism (I did a crappy test that said I might but I might not and literally every doctor I’ve ever seen has asked if I had autism)
• I have ADHD, Dyslexia, dyscalculia, and visual snow
• I have pica (pie-kuh) and because I’ve been told I need to be more open I also will say I have Bulimia and anorexia (that’s way better then it was a year ago), literally all I can think about when I sit down at a friends house for dinner is about how guilty I feel knowing I’m probably going to throw it up later.
• I have anxiety, depression, and have a bad habit of scratching at my skin or burning myself with the stove fire
• I have problem breathing but my mom said that she had slight asthma when she was younger so it’s prob that.
• I get migraines and terrible tension headaches caused by my scoliosis
• I have nervous ticks and have been mistaken for Tourette syndrome
• I have pretty bad insomnia and have built up the hell of a tolerance for melatonin
• I faint way to often to be considered normal.
• I am slightly color blind with greens and I think it was reds or smthing (it’s not like dramaticly I just can’t see the shades between)
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More will be added
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾
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mortiium · 5 months
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     𝐰𝐡𝐨  𝐢𝐬  ..  𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒓 𝒏𝒆𝒘𝒎𝒂𝒏 ? 
tip  of  the  iceberg. 
full  name :   cameron greer newman
nicknames : greer
age / dob :   twenty - two  /  july twenty - first  ( cancer  ass  bitch ) 
gender / pronouns :   non binary  /  they + them
sexuality :   bisexual 
species :   witch
dwelling :   prospect hill
occupation :   farm - hand / market vendor
in  a  word. 
gentle. curious. scrappy. distracted. distant. intelligent. sensitive. trustworthy. loyal. respectful.
what does it mean to be a sheep? what does it mean to be a shepherd?
walking barefoot through the creek. scrapping your knees on a rock. frogs hopping desperately from the water. shaggy hair covering your eyes. pinning your shorts to keep them up. feral blonde children covered in mud. wool sweaters and socks and blankets. curling up next to a fire. catching bugs in jars.
let’s  talk  about  greer. 
greer was the second child born to destiny and jared newman - two sheep farmers living somewhat close to marina island proper - and third oldest newman sibling total. as far as jared knows, the newmans had been shepherds in the green hills for as long as magic had ruled there - his ancestors among the first witches. or that's how the story goes.
altogether there were six newman children, one half sibling and four full. they grew up very untamed, with few rules, living on their family's farmland. before the younger children were pulled out and homeschooled, teachers used to dread the seemingly endless parade of fluffy haired witches. they slept in piles around the farm, huddling together for warmth like puppies. they walked together to town to buy candy and snacks from the local vendors, usually stuffing their pockets with more than they'd paid for. each tended to a flock of wild animals - feeding squirrels, protecting bird nests, watching for foxes with the family collies.
the family has always been seen as strange and a bit feral, but well liked in town. several of the newmans have always been gifted healers (though greer tends to gravitate more towards death magic) and they run a free, holistic healing service for those they offer it to.
the eldest newman sibling was technically only jared's biological child - the product of jared and a demon before he'd even met destiny and was still quite young. the halfling inherited abilities inherent to both parents, but it never seemed like a problem. the line of witches had lived peacefully and outside the realm of conflict practically since their arrival on the island, and destiny had cared for the eldest newman like they were her own since she'd started dating jared.
things changed roughly a year ago. the eldest newman had been dappling in darker magic - drawn to it through their bloodline, some of greer's siblings had gossiped. no one was awake when it happened, but something had to have happened. one night in december the halfing had been there. the next morning, scorched earth trailed towards the barn and there was no halfling to be found.
a year later and the grass still hasn't grown back. greer's family hasn't been able to talk about it - everyone processing differently. sometimes, destiny won't even acknowledge it's happened, turning instead to wash dishes or scrub at a countertop.
go eaeeeeaeeaeaessyy on them baby .. adele vc.
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whotfisgiana · 6 months
to do list, before i am gone.
before i am gone i want the trees to be green
before i am gone i want the sky to be blue
before i am gone i want the birds to sing
before i am gone i want the kids to smile
before i am gone i want the stars to sparkle
before i am gone i want the grass to be cut
before i am gone i want the water to crash
before i am gone i want the lights to shine
before i am gone i want the floor to be solid
before i am gone i want my hoodie to be soft
before i am gone i want the dogs to be walked
before i am gone i want the tv to turn off
before i am gone i want the music to play
before i am gone i want my room to be clean
before i am gone i want the runners to breathe
before i am gone i want the laughs to fill rooms
before i am gone i want the couple to kiss
before i am gone i want the pastor to pray
before i am gone i want the butterflies to fly
before i am gone i want the laundry folded
before i am gone i want the flowers to bloom
before i am gone i want the air to blow
before i am gone i want the rain to fall
before i am gone i want the sun to shine
before i am gone i want the door to lock
before i am gone i want the food cooked
before i am gone i want the parades to march
before i am gone i want the lovers to love
before i am gone i want the guitar to sound
before i am gone i want the students to learn
before i am gone i want the artist to paint
before i am gone i want the friends to laugh
before i am gone i want the cut to bleed
before i am gone i want the pen to write
before i am gone i want the tv to play
before i am gone i want the message to send
before i am gone i want the scissor to cut
before i am gone i want the fish to swim
before i am gone i want the glue to stick
before i am gone i want the camera to picture
before i am gone i want the ballerina to dance
before i am gone i want the frog to jump
before i am gone i want the trains to transport
before i am gone i want the phones to call
before i am gone i want the cords to connect
before i am gone i want the moon to shine
before i am gone i want the inventors to create
before i am gone i want the letters to receive
before i am gone i want the guilt to pass
before i am gone i want the doctor to heal
before i am gone i want the radios to play
before i am gone i want the tounge to taste
before i am gone i want the voice heard
before i am gone i want the bell to ring
before i am gone i want the heart to beat
before i am gone i want the cars to move
but the thing is, this has all happened.. so i suppose i can go
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sohannabarberaesque · 6 months
Postcards from Snagglepuss
And you're asking how the Easter parade in Gatlinburg went
INSIDE CATTANOOGA KLATSCHE, GATLINBURG, TN: To answer such a question as many of you were probably asking ... With partly cloudy skies for the most part, the day turning out rather beautiful, many of the trees in the Smoky Mountains starting to go into bloom for the most part, and a few of the black bears starting to come forth from hibernation.
It may not have been the Pasadena Doo-Dah Parade, or even those on the likes of New York's Fifth Avenue or the Atlantic City Boardwalk (especially in earlier, more glamourous times), but the choice of route (as in the section of the Parkway between the split of US 411 and 441 and the entrance to Great Smoky Mountains National Park--more or less Beautiful Downtown Gatlinburg, to paraphrase Gary Owens from back on Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In back in the day) pretty much attracted considerable curiosity from the Easter weekend crowd in the Queen Mother of Tourist Traps.
In keeping with Easter Parade tradition, it was more or less walkabout all along the Parkway, waving to the somewhat confused crowd wondering what the whole was about to begin with (though you had plenty of meet-and-greet and selfie opportunities among the characters). Naturally, the Cattanooga Cats "themselves" led the parade, real informal like, no welcoming banner ... but even then, Kitty Jo couldn't resist the selfie opportunities. Or even Scoots, for that matter; it seems Scoots, considering his modest stature, must have something of a liking, even if his storytelling wasn't fascinating enow.
And you could imagine the reaction of the crowd to the presence of yours truly, Huckleberry Hound and Crazy Claws strolling the Parkway ... or even Augie Doggie on the shoulders of his doting Doggie Daddy ... Top Cat and clowder, with Choo-Choo and Fancy-Fancy getting their share of fan attraction ... Peter Potamus and his diving enterouge, with plenty of the crowd rather surprised that Peter was an amazing diver in his own right ... Penelope Pitstop, kissing plenty of spectators ... those Banana Splits, quite the cutups (even Drooper going into the "Super Drooper" routine near the Gatlinburg Space Needle, to the bemusement of fans) ... Scooby-Doo and crew ... perennial crowd favourites, the Hair Bear Bunch ... Lori, Gator, Braveheart and Inch High, Private Eye ... Hong Kong Phooey, with a silly little tweaking of tai ch'i ... Captain Caveman and his cousins, the Slag Brothers, "going ape" and liking it ... you couldn't help but resist the Skatebirds going the inline-skating act ... even Kwicky Koala taking things a bit on the Aussie side by throwing Cherry Ripe and Freddo Frog bars to the crowd, as well as packets of Throaties (a popular Australian brand of throat drops), not to mention The Bungle Brothers doing Abbott and Costello justice with their "Who's on First?" routine with George in Bud Abbott's role and Joey doing Lou Costello's.
(Seems that for some reason, some in the crowd were rather surprised to discover what said Cherry Ripe bars were like, basically mashed cherries, dessicated coconut and dark chocolate. And for a lucky few, Kwicky "himself" passed out boxes of classic Australian snack crackers Jatz and Vita-Weat.)
After the parade ended, or some resemblance thereof, Kwicky Koala got out a box of another iconic Australian staple--Sanitarium Weet-Bix cereal, not quite Shredded Wheat but rather interesting by itself. Even if they turned out a little like glue in the end.
And the Cattanooga Cats dishing up typically Southern smoked ham for dinner, along with cheesy hash browns, green bean hot dish--and Kitty Jo's storied chess pie for dessert. Washed down with lemonade blended with hibiscus flower extract--what could get more interesting, to begin with?
And you can imagine how the crowd felt at the sight of the parade, otherwise not promoted well beforehand.
@warnerbrosentertainment @zodiacfan32 @jellystone-enjoyer @artistic-octopus @iheartgod175 @funtasticworld @archive-archives @thebigdingle @thylordshipofbutts @gatlinburgvisitor-blog-blog @screamingtoosoftly @themineralyoucrave @warnerbros-blog1 @groovybribri @indigo-corvus @theweekenddigest @ultrakeencollectionbreadfan @warnerbrosent-blog
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annieandro · 6 months
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Gwendolyn The Miracle Hen
Look At Me
At Night
One, Two, Where's My Shoe
Swimmy Track Picture Book
My Little Brother
ABC Of Cars and Trucks
Peter's Chair
Maybe A Monster
Cluck The Captain's Chicken
Moving Day For Manuel
Who Will Wake Up Spring
Welcome Roberto, Bienvenido Roberto
I Am A Hunter
Mommies At Work
Tom In The Middle
Play With Me
What Do You Say, Dear
Where Are The Mothers
Will I Have A Friend
I Have A Tree
The Story Grandmother Told
5A and 7B
The Circus Baby
Clyde Of Africa If I Had
Tony and The Toll Collector
I'll Fix Anthony
Ask Mr.Bear
Go Away Dog
Chicken Little Count To Ten
The Snowy Day
Birthday Presents
Whistle For Willie
My Friend John
Katie Goes To Camp
What Is Your Favorite Thing To Touch
What Do I Do
City In The Summer
Dear Uncle Carlos The Cat Who Thought He Was A Tiger
Six Foolish Fishermen
A Kiss For Little Bear
Corduroy Some Of The Days Of Everett Anderson
Chicken Soup With Rice
Where The Wild Things Are
The Lorax
Clifford The Big Red Dog
Thomas Snowsuit
My Funny Animal Alphabet
Alexander and The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Insects and other small creatures
Clifford The Big Red Dog: Tummy Trouble
The Animal Alphabet Book
My Little Pony: Twilight Sparkle's Magical Journey
Horton Hears A Who
Oh The Places You'll Go
Old MacDonald Had A Farm
My Little People School Bus
Are You My Mother
Fluffy Bunnies
Chicka Chicka 123
I Can Read With My Eyes Shut
Barefoot Bear and The Ice Cream Factory
Green Eggs and Ham
The Berenstain Bears and The Attic Treasure
Goodnight Moon
In A People House
The Pigeon Finds A Hot Dog
It's Not Easy Being A Bunny
Parachuting Hamsters and Andy Russell
Mr.Brown Can Moo Can You
Care Bears: Meet The Care Bears
Little Monster At School
Rugrats: The Rugrats Versus The Monkeys
The Pigeon Loves Things That Go
My Little Pony: The Perfect Pumpkin
Pink Panther and Sons: Pinky Saves The Beach Bullies
Monchichi's ABC
Curious George and The Dump Truck
Bad Kitty
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Big Bird's New New Nest and Other Goodnight Stories
Little Critter: I'm Sorry
The Foot Book
The Cat In The Hat
Alphapets: Bradley and The Great Swamp Mystery
Curious George At The Parade
The Jacket I Wear In The Snow
The Gingerbread Bear
Blast Off Barefoot Bear
Can I Have A Stegosaurus Mom Can I Please
Sprout's Valley Adventure
Blue Skidoos To The Beach
One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish
Richard Scarry's Find Your ABC's
Ernie's Big Mess
Bad Kitty Does Not Like Dogs
Spongebob Squarepants: Spongebob Goes To The Doctor
The Backyardians: The Mystery Of The Jeweled Eggs
Shopkins: Lights Camera Shopkins
Llama Llama and The Bully Goat
Posie The Kitten In Pink
Goodnight Sweet Butterflies a Color Dreamland
A Boy, A Dog and A Frog
Disney's Aladdin ABC Animal Jamboree
Please Mr.Panda
Richard Scarry's Please and Thank You Book
Max and Ruby: Bunny Cakes
Skeleton Hiccups
W Is For Woof A Dog Alphabet
Barefoot Bear and The Dragon
Splat and The School Trip
Blue's Clues: Blue's Bedtime
Scooter Computer and Mr.Chips: The Computer In The Candy Store
How Do You Say It Today, Jesse Bear
A Big Ball Of String
The Cat In The Hat Comes Back
Blue's Cool Idea
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scoutandvioletfan · 9 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Gwendolyn The Miracle Hen
Stevie Look At Me
At Night
One, Two, Where's My Shoe
Track Picture Book
My Little Brother
ABC Of Cars and Trucks Peter's Chair
Maybe A Monster
Cluck The Captain's Chicken Moving Day For Manuel
Who Will Wake Up Spring
Welcome Roberto, Bienvenido Roberto
I Am A Hunter
Mommies At Work
Tom In The Middle
Play With Me
What Do You Say, Dear
Where Are The Mothers
Will I Have A Friend
I Have A Tree
The Story Grandmother Told
5A and 7B
The Circus Baby
Clyde Of Africa If I Had
Tony and The Toll Collector
I'll Fix Anthony
Ask Mr.Bear
Go Away Dog
Chicken Little Count To Ten
The Snowy Day
Birthday Presents
Whistle For Willie
My Friend John
Katie Goes To Camp
What Is Your Favorite Thing To Touch
What Do I Do
City In The Summer
Dear Uncle Carlos
The Cat Who Thought He Was A Tiger
Six Foolish Fishermen
A Kiss For Little Bear
Some Of The Days Of Everett Anderson
Chicken Soup With Rice
Where The Wild Things Are
The Lorax
Clifford The Big Red Dog
Thomas Snowsuit
My Funny Animal Alphabet
Alexander and The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Insects and other small creatures
Clifford The Big Red Dog: Tummy Trouble
The Animal Alphabet Book
My Little Pony: Twilight Sparkle's Magical Journey
Horton Hears A Who
Oh The Places You'll Go
Old MacDonald Had A Farm
My Little People School Bus
Are You My Mother
Fluffy Bunnies
Chicka Chicka 123
I Can Read With My Eyes Shut
Barefoot Bear and The Ice Cream Factory
Green Eggs and Ham
The Berenstain Bears and The Attic Treasure
Goodnight Moon
In A People House
The Pigeon Finds A Hot Dog
It's Not Easy Being A Bunny
Parachuting Hamsters and Andy Russell
Mr.Brown Can Moo Can You
Care Bears: Meet The Care Bears
Little Monster At School
Rugrats: The Rugrats Versus The Monkeys
The Pigeon Loves Things That Go
My Little Pony: The Perfect Pumpkin
Pink Panther and Sons: Pinky Saves The Beach Bullies
Monchichi's ABC
Curious George and The Dump Truck
Bad Kitty
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Big Bird's New New Nest and Other Goodnight Stories
Little Critter: I'm Sorry
The Foot Book
The Cat In The Hat
Alphapets: Bradley and The Great Swamp Mystery
Curious George At The Parade
The Jacket I Wear In The Snow
The Gingerbread Bear
Blast Off Barefoot Bear
Can I Have A Stegosaurus Mom Can I Please
Sprout's Valley Adventure
Blue Skidoos To The Beach
One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish
Richard Scarry's Find Your ABC's
Ernie's Big Mess
Bad Kitty Does Not Like Dogs
Spongebob Squarepants: Spongebob Goes To The Doctor
The Backyardians: The Mystery Of The Jeweled Eggs
Shopkins: Lights Camera Shopkins
Llama Llama and The Bully Goat
Posie The Kitten In Pink
Goodnight Sweet Butterflies a Color Dreamland
A Boy, A Dog and A Frog
Disney's Aladdin
ABC Animal Jamboree
Please Mr.Panda
Richard Scarry's Please and Thank You Book
Max and Ruby: Bunny Cakes
Skeleton Hiccups
W Is For Woof A Dog Alphabet
Barefoot Bear and The Dragon
Splat and The School Trip
Blue's Clues: Blue's Bedtime
Scooter Computer and Mr.Chips: The Computer In The Candy Store
How Do You Say It Today, Jesse Bear
A Big Ball Of String
The Cat In The Hat Comes Back
Blue's Cool Idea
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Little Bear
The Gruffalo
Q Is For Duck
Sesame Street: A My Name Is Alice An Alphabet Book
Pink Panther and Sons: Fun At The Picnic
Spongebob Squarepants: Ice Cream Time
Alpha Bugs
How Many Bugs In A Box
More Bugs In Boxes
The Day It Rained Hearts
Peppa Pig Class Trip
Socks For Stan
The Three Bears ABC An Alphabet Book
Harry The Dirty Dog
Gummi Bears: Zumi's Magic Spells
Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends: Sidekick Showdown
Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends: Go Goo Go
Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends: Eduardo Goes Extreme
Rainbow Brite: The Risky Rescue
The Care Bears Picnic
The Care Bears: The Mystery Of The Missing Dreams
Fox In Socks
Hop On Pop
Ronald McDonald Alphabet
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Wuzzles: Bumblelion's Funny Money
Wuzzles: Butterbear's Surprise Guest
Wuzzles: Hippopotamus Goes To Hollywuz
Wuzzles: Eleroo and The Brahma Bullfinch
Thomas and Friends: Thomas and The Treasure and Other Stories
Thomas and Friends: Track Stars 3 Thomas and Friends Stories
Thomas and Friends: Hooray For Thomas and Other Thomas and Friends Stories
The Bernstain Bears: Go Green
The Bernstain Bears: No Girls Allowed
The Bernstain Bears: Computer Trouble
The Bernstain Bears: and Baby Makes Five
Riddles Riddles From A To Z
3 Little Witches Trick Or Treat Halloween The Berenstain Bears and The Tooth Fairy
Spot's Halloween Spot's Halloween Party
Barbie: The Big Splash
Biscuit and Friends A Day At The Aquarium
Biscuit's Birthday
Schoolhouse Rock: 3 Ring Government Sesame Street: Oscar's Rotten Birthday
The Taxi That Hurried
The Wonderful School
You're A Good Sport Charlie Brown
Sesame Street: Grover Goes To School
Master Of The Universe: Castle Grayskull
Master Of The Universe: He Man and Battle Cat
Masters Of The Universe: The Revenge Of Skeletor
Rocky Versus Clubber Lang
Scooby Doo: Scooby Doo and The Mystery Of The Strange Paw Prints
Strawberry Shortcake and Her Friends
Pound Puppies: Fun From A To Z
Barbie: Camping Adventure Barbie: Barbie Goes To The City
Benji Goes Camping
My Little Pony: Lost In The Clouds
Halloween Cats
On The Night You Were Born
The Berenstain Bears: New Baby
Barbie: Soccer Coach
Barbie: The Missing Wedding Dress
Jim Henson Muppets: Trouble With Twins
Jim Henson Muppets: The Wonderful Wagon
Jim Henson Muppets: What A Mess
Spot Loves His Daddy
The Berenstain Bears and The Ghost Of The Forest
The Berenstain Bears and The Spooky Old Tree
Sesame Street: Big Bird Follows The Signs
Alphaoops The Day Z Went First
Sesame Street: How To Be A Grouch
Alphaoops H Is For Halloween
Sesame Street: Cookie Monster and The Cookie Tree
It's A Mystery Charlie Brown
The Berenstain Bears: Go On A Ghost Walk
Fraggle Rock: The Legends Of The Doozer Who Didn't
Muppet Babies: Gonzo Saves London
Pucasso The Cat Who Wanted To Be A Artist
Muppet Babies: Animal Go Bye-Bye
How The Alphabet Came To Be
Muppet Babies: Baby Gonzo's Treasure Hunt
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Heathcliff: Pigs Out
Little Critter: Being Thankful
Spot's Birthday Party
Robo Machine Challenge Of The Gobots: Collision Course Comet
Gobots: Battle For Gobotron
The Transformers: Battle For Cybertron
Gobots: Battle Target Earth
Fraggle Rock: What Do Doozers Do
Gerry The Giraffe
Alf: This Place Is A Zoo
Clifford The Big Red Dog: Thanksgiving Parade
Alf: A Day At The Fair
Corduroy's Thanksgiving Muppet Babies: Baby Piggy's Mermaid Tales
Little Critter: Just A Special Thanksgiving
Fraggle Rock: No One Know Where Gobo Goes
Muppet Babies: Gonzo and the Great Race
Fraggle Rock: What's A Fraggle
Muppet Babies: What Is A Gonzo
Spot Love His Mommy
Muppet Babies: Kermit The Hermit
Corduroy Goes To The Doctor
Winnie The Pooh: Pooh Can, Can You
Fantastic Four: The Island Of Dragon
Corduroy's Busy Street
Thomas and Friends: Christmas In Wellsworth
Corduroy's Day
Corduroy's Halloween Hooray For Halloween
Goldilocks and The 3 Bears
Curious George Sonny Says Sorry
The Little Sparrow
Why Anansi Has Eight Thin Legs
The Story Of Rama and Sita
Donald Duck's Christmas Tree
Biscuit's and Friends: A Day At The Aquarium
The Little Red Hen
The 12 Days Of Christmas
Little Owl: ABC and Counting
The 3 Billy Goats Gruff
The Princess and The Pea
Schaefer and The Raccoons: The Mystery Of The Disappearing Forest
The Berenstain Bears: Meet Santa Bear
Care Bears: Where Are You
Care Bears: Caring Contest
Care Bears: What Makes You Happy
Sleepy Kittens
Don't Put Mustard In The Custard
Richard Scarry's Christmas Mice
Corduroy's 4th Of July
Merry Christmas Uncle Scrooge McDuck
Spot's First Christmas The Christmas Helpers
The Poky Little Puppy's First Christmas
Thomas and Friends: Thomas and The Missing Christmas Tree
Once A Mouse
The Little Engine Could
Little Christmas Star
Winnie The Pooh: The Merry Christmas Mystery
The Little Engine That Could and The Snowy Blowy Christmas Merry
Christmas Curious George
Two Ducks and a Turtle
Shangool and Mangool
The Hare and The Hedgehog
Please Baby Please
Dinosaur Vs Bedtime
Blue's Starry Night
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heavencasteel420 · 1 year
WIP Wednesday!
From Drive All Night:
Soon the lights dimmed and music from a single trumpet, warm and low, snaked throughout the room. A girl, maybe a couple years older than Nancy, stepped through the multicolored curtains. She had brown skin, a sweetly rounded face, and serious dark eyes ringed with kohl. Her dress was a simple, modestly cut midnight blue velvet, with absolutely adorable shoes to match. Nancy wondered how hard it would be to find sky blue pumps.  Then a butterfly, pink and luminescent, appeared in the girl’s hand, and Nancy forgot all about shopping.  “How?” she whispered to Heather, but the other girl just giggled. “A magician never reveals her secrets,” she said, gazing raptly at Kali.  More wonders followed: a swarm of butterflies, a flock of birds, a parade of dancing flowers. In vain, Nancy looked around for a film projector. Then she gave up, ordered a sidecar, and enjoyed the rest of the show.  Kali finished with a shower of light that rained down on her until it covered her body in shining golden scales. Then the lights went out. A split second later, they came on and she was gone. 
From Tonight, Tonight, The Highway's Bright:
Billy wasn’t in English class the following Monday, so Nancy offered to bring him the homework assignment for 1984. Mr. Lassiter smiled at her hesitantly and said it was nice of her. All the teachers were careful with her now; her transformation from goody-two-shoes bookworm to King Steve’s latest consort to screaming crazy girl to popular ice queen in the space of a few months had made them nervous. Nancy wore soft, fluffy pastel sweaters over demure knee-length skirts and put ribbons in her hair to smooth over the past (and, truth be told, to get a rise out of Carol, who hated her outfits), but of course people remembered her punching the wall. Her hand still ached when it rained.
From Tomorrow's a Long Way Off:
“There you are,” said a tired-looking Mr. Green as he entered the lobby. “Go help Robin clean up Cinema 1, will you? These kids are animals.”  Sure enough, Robin was standing in the middle of the theater next to the bright yellow cleaning cart, looking despairingly down at the fold-out seat. When Jonathan got close, he saw a suspicious dark patch on the worn red fabric. When he got closer, the ammonia smell of urine hit his nostrils. “Okay,” he told Robin. “Don’t panic.” “I’m not panicking,” she said. Her eyes were wide, and she sounded like she was trying not to laugh, which wasn’t reassuring. “Jonathan…they’re just so gross.”  “Some kids just get way too excited over Star Wars,” he said, suppressing a grin. It was gross, and he would’ve been in a much more sour mood if he’d had to face it alone. “It’s not a big deal. Paper towel, water and vinegar, baking soda, vacuum. That’s all you need.” “They also drink their weight in Coke,” Robin grumbled, as he pulled a roll of paper towels from the cart and started blotting the seat. “Thanks a lot, by the way. Chrissy Cunningham said you cut up all the frogs and stuff for her in bio last semester, but I wasn’t expecting…” She trailed off and grabbed a trash bag from the cart, then started picking litter off the floor. “She took all the notes,” he said. “Her handwriting’s way better than mine.” 
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allianettemie5 · 1 year
did I see correctly that you listed at least one Star Wars wip in your post?? say more 👀👀
Your eyes do not deceive you.
You may or may not have seen a work by me named "Lonely Padawan" (which is also listed here).
"Lonely Padawan" is the core work of this AU, and all the world-building aspects of this AU were actually written out for the first time for this work.
The celebration of ‘peace and prosperity’ — that is what the public relations council said the Parade of Community was about. A day when the new King was elected on the throne of the Palace, when the High Queen blessed the planet with her visit, and when all disputes and debates were set aside in favour of the commonwealth. Fancy words to cover the events, Chilled always thought of it, recalling his own misadventures on that terrifying day. And Chilled understood, really: people of Siko needed that kind of reassurance after decades of conflicts.
“—And now the dark age of our war-tired planet is over!” The crowd was cheering and waving the bright colourful flags. “The time has come for the discords of the past to be forgotten and the new life of kindness and freedom to begin!”
After all, Jeremy was himself bitter when people elected him to lead the planet. “This all feels so kriffing wrong,” were the first words Chilled received from him after Jeremy’s speech on the coronation. In their rare holocalls the young king seemed exhausted more often than not, praising his wife for her being awesome or letting out all the frustration and stress.
Chilled didn’t really acknowledge the moment they became friends; maybe it was their close age, maybe the shared near death experience kicked in and bonded them. Or maybe it was their personalities being compatible with one another.
To the same AU belong these files:
SW!AU Cheesy, Chilled, Order 66
“Where are we going?” Cheesy’s voice was quieter than a whisper.
“You’ll see in a minute, my young padawan,”
“Ah, Chilled, what a pleasure,” “We thought your duties completely tore you apart from our little meetings.”
“Senator.” “Let me introduce to you my companion,” “this young man is my padawan, Cheesy.”
“Tay?..” “Who’s that?”
“It’s Chilled!” “Come on in,” “there’s everybody besides you and Apollo.”
“He was still at crèche when we were leaving,”
“How’s it going?” “How’s the green frog?”
“Still talks backwards.”
This is some sort of flashback
SW!AU Ep-1 (SupDog)
Two figures were present in the cell.
One was standing still, blocking the light coming from the exit. Its arm was raised and the fingers were pointing in the other figure direction.
The second figure was floating in the air with its hands on its neck.
“I may not be useful this much, Count,” Steve managed to say through the Force grab, “I’m a disappointment to my planet, I’m afraid.” He tried to reach the floor with his leg but miserably failed. “I can only offer some therapy, I got the diploma… If you need it of course…”
“I like your sense of humor, Senator,” Dooku grinned at him, loosening the grip, “But my interest is not focused on your planet in the first place right now.”
Steve smiled weakly, “Oh Count, I’m blushing. You could’ve just asked me out if you wante…” He felt the air tightening around his neck again.
“Oh… I s-see… You like p-power play…” Something said inside his head that it was a bad idea.
“Enough,” Dooku thundered and the second after that Steve felt himself lose consciousness.
A fun little scene about Senator Suptic being captured by Separatists. Guess who's the valiant knight that will save him?
Lost Papers (side-fic/sequel idea)
This one is actually more of an idea than a draft. Its main idea is to help Knight Chaos and Padawan BlueNips with bonding experience.
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