dnofsunshine · 2 years
You Have (1) New Message || 02 Crew P1 (Digimon Chatfic)
fandom: Digimon Adventure/02 fic summary:
foureyed brat: @soccer IS his brain are you one of those ppl who has to write everything in lowercase foureyed brat: Or is your grammar just terrible Hikari: for me it’s ~ aesthetic ~ soccer IS his brain: shut up miyako >:( soccer IS his brain: my autocorrect is off cuz of what happened that 1 time soccer IS his brain: and im lazy ken: You mean when you called Taichi-san ‘baby’? Hikari: you huh soccer IS his brain: (*/_\) !!!! Takeru: Pffft foureyed brat: Excuse me Daisuke you what
Or: The Digimon chatfic everyone has been waiting for, finally posted as a Christmas gift to my Nee-san, Green Spaghetti.
Also available on ao3!
Hikari is online. Hikari added Takeru, Miyako, Iori-kun, Daisuke-kun, and Ichijouji-kun to the chat. Hikari named the chat help guys i need a chat name.
Hikari: hey guys Hikari: nii-san took our switch with him to koushiro-san’s and i’m bored
Daisuke is online. Miyako is online.
Daisuke-kun: HI HIKARI-CHANNNN Miyako: Oh girl how dare he  Miyako: How are you gonna play Animal crossing now??
Takeru is online.
Takeru: Hey Daisuke: !!!! Hikari: right?? :( oh well, i’ll survive lol Hikari: hi dai-kun :) Daisuke-kun: i want a switch so bad omg Takeru: Same honestly lol Hikari: don’t worry takeru  Hikari: you’ll always have a profile on mine!!!  Takeru: :)!!
Daisuke-kun changed their name to socceronthebrain. Miyako changed socceronthebrain’s name to soccer IS his brain.
soccer IS his brain: >:( Miyako: What? It’s true
soccer IS his brain changed Miyako’s name to foureyed brat.
foureyed brat: What the hell soccer IS his brain: wut soccer IS his brain: its true Takeru: Lol foureyed brat: Takeru I thought you were cool Takeru: Your first mistake soccer IS his brain: lmao soccer IS his brain: get wrecked miyako foureyed brat: Hikari they’re teaming up on me :( Hikari: hey guys that’s my jogress partner you’re picking on Hikari: and you are cool takeru <;3 Takeru: <3 soccer IS his brain: wb me ;_; Hikari: you’re cool too dai-kun!  soccer IS his brain: she called me dai-kun (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄) foureyed brat: Can’t you read foureyed brat: She said it earlier too (¬_¬ )
Ichijouji-kun is online.
foureyed brat: GASP  foureyed brat: Hi Ken!  Ichijouji-kun: One second. I’m catching up with the chat. Hikari: hi! Takeru: Hi Ichijouji-kun! soccer IS his brain: it my best fren soccer IS his brain: every1 move aside ichijouji ken has arrived Ichijouji-kun: Aw, Daisuke. Nobody has to move for me. It’s fine. Ichijouji-kun: Hi everyone. :) Thank you for inviting me into this chat. Hikari: ofc! Takeru: I can’t imagine Hikari would make a chat without including you :) foureyed brat: ^^^^  soccer IS his brain: yeah like r u kidding we couldnt forget u Ichijouji-kun: Awww. Thanks. :)
soccer IS his brain changed Ichijouji-kun’s name to ken.
ken: :)  foureyed brat: @soccer IS his brain are you one of those ppl who has to write everything in lowercase foureyed brat: Or is your grammar just terrible Hikari: for me it’s ~ aesthetic ~ soccer IS his brain: shut up miyako >:( soccer IS his brain: my autocorrect is off cuz of what happened that 1 time  soccer IS his brain: and im lazy ken: You mean when you called Taichi-san ‘baby’? Hikari: you huh soccer IS his brain: (*/_\) !!!!  Takeru: Pffft foureyed brat: Excuse me Daisuke you what soccer IS his brain: IT WAS OVER TEXT NOT IRL soccer IS his brain: AND IT WAS AN ACCIDENT soccer IS his brain: ken u betrayed me soccer IS his brain: u werent sposed to say what actually happened ken: Oh, I’m sorry! 
Iori-kun is online.
foureyed brat: No I gotta hear about it now Takeru: Same Hikari: yeah me too!  soccer IS his brain: nooooo its 2 embarrssing  soccer IS his brain: the shame is 2 great Iori-kun: Hello. foureyed brat: Ugh you know I think I’ll take all lowercase compared to correct punctuation in texts ken: ? Iori-kun: What? Takeru: Hey Iori!  Iori-kun: Good evening, Takeru-kun. foureyed brat: If I didn’t know you better I’d think you were a serial killer Hikari: don’t listen to her iori-kun, ichijouji-kun <3  Iori-kun: That’s not funny, Miyako-san. :/ foureyed brat: I’m a little offended you knew it was me with the username cos I’m not sure if you actually read thru the chat before greeting us foureyed brat: But then I remembered I’m the only one in the chat with glasses, so Hikari: awww true foureyed brat: Jk Iori you know I love you &lt;3  foureyed brat: Ken you too! ken: Okay. :)  Hikari: you can always change your name again!  foureyed brat: No it’s alredy grown on me foureyed brat: Also I’m getting back at Daisuke for picking an insulting name by liking it :P  soccer IS his brain: ( `ε´ ) Iori-kun: Why did you call Taichi-san baby? soccer IS his brain: shhhhh i was hopin u would forget Takeru: Joke’s on you Takeru: We’d never forget Daisuke Hikari: i gotta know dai-kun foureyed brat: You gotta tell us soccer IS his brain: noooo Takeru: Ichijouji-kun do you know why he called taichi-san baby  ken: Uh… soccer IS his brain: ken no pls dont soccer IS his brain: i thought we were pals Takeru: Cmon no you gotta >:) foureyed brat: Peer pressure! Iori-kun: I am curious. Hikari: >:) soccer IS his brain: no stop ur prbly makin him nervous soccer IS his brain: it was just autocorrect!!! soccer IS his brain: i accidentally put a b at the end of my sentenc and it corrected ti to baby  soccer IS his brain: n then i hit send before i could delete it („ಡωಡ„) Hikari: omg  foureyed brat: RIP daisuke and his relationship with his idol Takeru: Deadsuke foureyed brat: !!!!
foureyed brat changed soccer IS his brain’s name to deadsuke.
Iori: Ha...  deadsuke: guyssss deadsuke: its not funnyyyyy :(((((  deadsuke: i couldnt talk to taichi-senpai for like weeks i was so embarrassed ken: … Hikari: it’s a little funny… Takeru: It’s hilarious actually foureyed brat: No cos I’m actually imagining Taichi-san being so confused and Daisuke just dying of embarrassment foureyed brat: I’m ascending 
Hikari changed the chat name to rip daisuke.
deadsuke: and i thought we were frens Takeru: >:) Hikari: >:)
foureyed brat changed Takeru’s name to Chaos #1 foureyed brat changed Hikari’s name to Chaos #2 
Iori-kun: That seems accurate enough. foureyed brat: Children of Hope & Light foureyed brat: So deceptive deadsuke: trolls in disguise :( 
deadsuke changed ken’s name to the true cinnamon roll here.
the true cinnamon roll here: I don’t get it? Chaos #2: you know that feels so true <333 foureyed brat: Ichijouji Ken Protection Squad <3 foureyed brat: Wait that nickname is really long 
foureyed brat changed the true cinnamon roll here’s name to cinnamon roll.
foureyed brat: Our new bby Iori-kun: Isn’t he older than you, Miyako-san? foureyed brat: Shhhh no he’s our new bby foureyed brat: Too sweet, too pure for this world cinnamon roll: Are you guys forgetting I destroyed the digital world once? :(  Chaos #2: awwww ichijouji-kun cmere i feel the need to hug you foureyed brat: If we were there to protect you it wouldn’t have happened :(  deadsuke: alls in the past my guy <;3 Chaos #1: I accidentally almost shot Nii-san once… foureyed brat: O_O Iori-kun: You… huh? deadsuke: wut Chaos #2: pinnochimon?  Chaos #1: Pinnochimon deadsuke: bruh deadsuke: r u gonna elaborate or Chaos #1: . Chaos #1: Nah foureyed brat: Whoa, did you use all of your three brain cells to come up with that one big word Daisuke deadsuke: shut up miyako >:( foureyed brat: For real tho foureyed brat: You’re one hell of a mystery Takeru Iori-kun: Agreed. deadsuke: even his jogress partner agrees lmao Chaos #2: best friend privileges~ Chaos #1: Lol Chaos #1: My point is, we all make mistakes, Ichijouji-kun :)   cinnamon roll: …have I told you before that you can just call me by my first name? cinnamon roll: I seriously don’t mind. Chaos #1: Ken ( ´ ▽ ` )  Chaos #2: Ken! <3 foureyed brat: Takeru no stoppp foureyed brat: That emoji is too cute for someone as secretly chaotic as you Chaos #1: :(  Chaos #2: miyako look you hurt his feelings :(  deadsuke: no but shes right tho Chaos #1: :(( foureyed brat: No stop making me feel bad! Chaos #2: :(((  Chaos #1: :((((  cinnamon roll: Miyako-san :(  foureyed brat: …fine Iori-kun: You can use whatever emojis you want, Takeru-kun. Chaos #1: :D! Chaos #2: :D!! cinnamon roll: :)  foureyed brat: Oh no yall are killin me foureyed brat: Too cute deadsuke: yall Chaos #2: yall Chaos #1: Yall cinnamon roll: Huh? deadsuke: (whispers) thats the part where u join the chain ken foureyed brat: Okay cuteness ruined cinnamon roll: Oh. cinnamon roll: Yall. Iori-kun. Lol. foureyed brat: Betrayed by my own childhood friend foureyed brat: I’m hurt foureyed brat: I’m not coming to your house this weekend to work on your computer Iori >:( Iori-kun: Yes, you will. Iori-kun: Okaa-san is making brownies. foureyed brat: …I hate that you’re right Chaos #1: Gasp did you say Chaos #1: …brownies? 🥺 Iori-kun: You’re welcome to come if you’d like, Takeru-kun. It’ll be Saturday afternoon. Chaos #2: 🥺🥺🥺 Iori-kun: You can come too, Hikari-chan.  Chaos #1: :D  Chaos #2: :D  Chaos #2: i’ll bring the switch before nii-san calls dibs Chaos #1: Yes!! Chaos #1: We can play Super smash bros!  deadsuke: (╥﹏╥) Iori-kun: …if you’re quiet, you can come too, Daisuke-kun. Iori-kun: And that invitation extends to you, Ichijouji-san.  deadsuke: !!!! iori ily cinnamon roll: Just Ken is fine. :)  cinnamon roll: Thank you. :) I’ll have to ask my parents first. Iori-kun: Okay. Ken.  cinnamon roll: Oh wait. I don’t know your address? :(  deadsuke: i do!! deadsuke: i can come pick u up at the train station! cinnamon roll: Okay. Thank you, Daisuke. :)  deadsuke: anything for my best pal <3 deadsuke: im hella competitive in video games tho foureyed brat: Same foureyed brat: You’re going down foureyed brat: Gonna live up to your name in chat Chaos #2: i’m a little competitive too lol but only in smash bros Chaos #1: Dw I’m not that competitive deadsuke: says the dude who admitted to almost shooting his brother Chaos #1: … Chaos #2: . foureyed brat: At least he didn’t call Taichi-san baby deadsuke: WOULD U DROP THAT deadsuke: I HATE U MIYAKO Chaos #2: i wonder if nii-san was flustered deadsuke: nvm i hate u all
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cyo-x · 2 years
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punkecodavid · 4 years
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After a workout with my bike, time to waste everything away with grilled hot dogs, green spaghetti and Boddington's Pub Ale which I found at Mariano's... #boddingtonspubale #britishbeer #hotdogs #greenspaghetti #saturdaynight #averyseriousmatter #holysaturday #weekendvibes #boddingtons #quarantineandchill #mypandemicsurvivalplan https://www.instagram.com/p/B-2-oOFguD4/?igshid=saaxh9eu1ngy
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amiestiloperu · 7 years
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#TallarinesVerdes #GreenSpaghetti 🍜 #spaghetti #spageti #instagram #instaoftheday #albahaca #Espinaca #Basil #Spinach 🌿☘️ #Food #PeruvianFood #zo #RecetaPeruana #AmiestiloPeru ❤️➡️ (en New Jersey)
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bewitchingbooktours · 4 years
A Bewitching Friday In the Kitchen with Charlie Daye #GreenSpaghetti https://creativelygreen.blogspot.com/2020/06/in-kitchen-with-charlie-daye.html #inthekitchen #authorsinthekitchen #recipe Guest Blog- The Paradise Key Caper by Sandra Madden #cozymystery https://creativelygreen.blogspot.com/2020/06/guest-blog-paradise-key-caper-by-sandra.html #authorguestblog #guestauthor INTERVIEW - URBAN FANTASY - A GAME OF WINGS AND MARKS by Rebecca Crunden https://thebookjunkiereadspromos.blogspot.com/2020/06/spotlight-winterview-urban-fantasy-game.html #interview #authorinterview #urbanfantasy Book Spotlight & #Giveaway ~ Fast Beat by Wren Valentino @WrenValentino ~ Contemporary Romance https://saphsbooks.blogspot.com/2020/06/book-spotlight-giveaway-fast-beat-by.html A Game of Wings and Marks by Rebecca Crunden https://www.lisasworldofbooks.net/2020/a-game-of-wings-and-marks-by-rebecca-crunden The Paradise Key Caper by Sandra Madden #cozymystery https://fang-tasticbooks.blogspot.com/2020/06/the-paradise-key-caper-by-sandra-madden.html
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ao3feed-haikyuu · 6 years
the good side
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2MEFvcF
by greenspaghetti
It’s what Kageyama thinks about when he leaves Hinata’s house, after his ginger mess of a friend shows him the way home on their separate bikes, after he’d shucked his shirt and shorts and turned on the fan. The slope of his neck, through his back, the length of his arm, where it bunches when it curls. If those arms were around him.
₊⁺ ☾✩‧₊⁺ ˚
It's summer, Kageyama is in love, and he can't stop thinking about Hinata.
Words: 1962, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of 30 Day OTP Porn Challenge
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobio
Relationships: Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio
Additional Tags: Softness, aesthetic, 30 Day OTP Porn Challenge, Masturbation, Pining, Pining Kageyama Tobio, Boys In Love, Aged-Up Character(s), Fluff, maybe? - Freeform, Hinata can fashion, Gay Kageyama Tobio, Inspired by Music, Based On a Troye Sivan Song, sort of, The Good Side got me feeling shit man, finn's opinions of third year hinakage
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2MEFvcF
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missgourdet · 7 years
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Made by me 😋 #bonappétit #healthyfood #greenspaghetti
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reeeque · 8 years
Making homemade pesto with ninja.... HIYA! #pesto #greenspaghetti #pasta #yum #prep #ninjaprep
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amiestiloperu · 7 years
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MI RIKISISISIMO #TallarinVerde en mi canal #zoylaM veras mi #videovlogs #videovlogger de mi #AlmuerzoDominguero #Almuerzoenfamilia hoy !! #PeruvianFood #happyfamilytime🌹#zoylaM #AmiestiloPeru #RecetaPeruana #Foodlovers #FoodPorn #Food #instaoftheday #instagram #foodpost #foodpic #foodnetwork #greenspaghetti ❤️ #SnapChat (en New Jersey)
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amiestiloperu · 8 years
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PARA ESTA VEZ USE LOS FIDEOS AL HUEVO ! Como los que se hacen en casa !! #RecetaPeruana #AmiestiloPeru #zoylaM #TallarinesVerdes #GreenSpaghetti
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amiestiloperu · 8 years
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#TallarinesVerdes #GreenSpaghetti #RecetaPeruana #AmiestiloPeru en mi Canal de YouTube #zoylaM (en Passaic, New Jersey)
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